Request for Advisory Opinion

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> The Director-General Her Excellency
Msloan E.Donoghue
International Court ofJustice
Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2
13 November 2023
Dear Madam President,
I have the honour to inform you that, in accordance with Article 37, paragraph 1, of the
Constitution of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Article 96, paragraph 2, of the
Charter of the United Nations, Article IX, paragraph 2, of the Agreement between the United
Nations and the ILO, and the Resolution concerning the Procedure for Requests to the
International Court of Justice for Advisory Opinions adopted by the International Labour
Conference on 27 June 1949, the ILO Governing Body, at its 349th bis (Special) Session held on
10 November 2023, adopted a resolution (33 votes in favour, 21 against, 2 abstentions), by which
it decided to request the International Court of Justice to render urgently an advisory opinion on
the following question:
Is the right to strike of workers and their organizations protected under the Freedom of
Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87)?
Certified true copies of the resolution, in English and French, are enclosed.
As instructed by the Governing Body, I respectfully request that the Court allow for the
participation in the advisory proceedings of the employers' and workers' organizations that enjoy
general consultative status with the ILO and also that the Court consider possible steps to
accelerate the procedure, in accordance with Article 103 of the Rules of Court.
At present, the following six organizations have been granted general consultative status by the
Governing Body: International Organisation of Employers (IOE); International Trade Union
Confederation (ITUC); World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU); International Cooperative
Alliance (ICA); Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU); Business Africa.
The International Labour Office is preparing pursuant to Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, a
dossier containing all relevant documents on the question, which will be transmitted to the Court
as soon as possible.
> International Labour Organization
Office of the Dlrector-General
Route des Morillons 4
CH-1211 Geneva 22
> T: +41 22 799 60 26
E: [email protected]
I have appointed Mr George Politakis, ILO Legal Adviser and Director of the Office of Legal
Services, as my representative for the further proceedings.
Please accept, Madam President, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Gilbert F. Houngbo
cc: Mr Philippe Gautier, Registrar
The Governing Body,
Conscious that there is serious and persistent disagreement within the tripartite constituency of
the International Labour Organization (ILO) on the interpretation of the Freedom of Association
and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), with respect to the right to
Recalling that at the origin of the dispute is a disagreement among the Organization's tripartite
constituents concerning whether the right to strike is protected under Convention No. 87,
Noting that ILO supervisory bodies have consistently observed that the right to strike is a
corollary to the fundamental right to freedom of association,
Seriously concerned about the implications that this dispute has on the functioning of the ILO
and the credibility of its system of standards,
Affirming the necessity of resolving the dispute consistent with the Constitution of the ILO,
Recalling that under article 37, paragraph 1, of the ILO Constitution, "[a]ny question or dispute
relating to the interpretation of this Constitution or of any subsequent Convention concluded by
the Members in pursuance of the provisions of this Constitution shall be referred for decision to
the International Court of Justice",
Recalling the consensual decision of the 320th Governing Body in March 2014, welcoming "the
clear statement by the Committee of Experts of its mandate as expressed in the Committee's
2014 report":
"The Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations is an
independent body established by the International Labour Conference and its members are
appointed by the ILO Governing Body. It is composed of legal experts charged with
examining the application of ILO Conventions and Recommendations by ILO member States.
The Committee of Experts undertakes an impartial and technical analysis of how the
Conventions are applied in law and practice by member States, while cognizant of different
national realities and legal systems. In doing so, it must determine the legal scope, content
and meaning of the provisions of the Conventions. Its opinions and recommendations are
non-binding, being intended to guide the actions of national authorities. They derive their
persuasive value from the legitimacy and rationality of the Committee's work based on its
impartiality, experience and expertise. The Committee's technical role and moral authority is
well recognized, particularly as it has been engaged in its supervisory task For over 85 years,
by virtue of its composition, independence and its working methods built on continuing
dialogue with governments taking into account information provided by employers' and
workers' organizations. This has been reflected in the incorporation oT the Committee's
opinions and recommendations in national legislation, international instruments and court
Noting that, despite protracted attempts, no consensus has been reached through tripartite
EmphasisingthatArticle37.l oftheConstitutionestablishesthatanyreferraltotheInternational
Court of Justice is for decision on the question or dispute referred,
Expressing the hope that, in view of the ILO's unique tripartite structure, not only the
governments of ILO Member States but also the international employers' and workers'
organizations enjoying general consultative status in the ILO would be invited to participate
directly and on an equal footing in the written proceedings and any oral proceedings before the
Decides, in accordance with article 37, paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organization,
1. To request the International Court of Justice to render urgently an advisory
opinion under Article 65, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court, and under
Article 103 of the Rules of Court, on the following question:
Is the right to strike of workers and their organizations protected under the Freedom
of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 7948 (No. 87)?
2. Instructs the Director-General to:
(a) transmit this resolution to the International Court of Justice, accompanied by
all documents likely to throw light upon the question, in accordance with article
65, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court;
(b) respectfully request that the International Court of Justice allow for the
participation in the advisory proceedings of the employers' and workers'
organizations that enjoy general consultative status with the ILO;
(c) respectfully request that the International Court of Justice consider possible
steps to accelerate the procedure, in accordance with Article I 03 of the Rules of
Court, so as to render an urgent answer to this request;
(d) inform the United Nations Economic and Social Council of this request, as
required under article IX, paragraph 4, of the Agreement between the United
Nations and the International Labour Organization, 1946.
Geneva, 13 November 2023

Bilingual Content

transmitted to the Court pursuant
to the resolution of the Governing Body
of the International Labour Organization
of 10 November 2023
transmise à la Cour en vertu
de la résolution du Conseil d’administration
de l’Organisation internationale du Travail
du 10 novembre 2023
General List
No. 191
13 November 2023.
I have the honour to inform you that, in accordance with Article 37, paragraph 1, of
the Constitution of the International Labour Organi[z]ation (ILO), Article 96,
paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations, Article IX, paragraph 2, of the
Agreement between the United Nations and the ILO, and the Resolution concerning
the Procedure for Requests to the International Court of Justice for Advisory
Opinions adopted by the International Labour Conference on 27 June 1949, the ILO
Governing Body, at its 349th bis (Special) Session held on 10 November 2023, adopted
a resolution (33 votes in favour, 21 against, 2 abstentions), by which it decided to
request the International Court of Justice to render urgently an advisory opinion on
the following question:
“Is the right to strike of workers and their organizations protected under the
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention,
1948 (No. 87)?”
Certified true copies of the resolution, in English and French, are enclosed.
As instructed by the Governing Body, I respectfully request that the Court allow for
the participation in the advisory proceedings of the employers’ and workers’ organizations
that enjoy general consultative status with the ILO and also that the Court
consider possible steps to accelerate the procedure, in accordance with Article 103 of
the Rules of Court.
At present, the following six organizations have been granted general consultative
status by the Governing Body: International Organisation of Employers (IOE);
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC); World Federation of Trade Unions
(WFTU); International Cooperative Alliance (ICA); Organization of African Trade
Union Unity (OATUU); Business Africa.
The International Labour Office is preparing pursuant to Article 65 of the Statute of
the Court, a dossier containing all relevant documents on the question, which will be
transmitted to the Court as soon as possible.
I have appointed Mr George Politakis, ILO Legal Adviser and Director of the
Office of Legal Services, as my representative for the further proceedings.
(Signed) Gilbert F. Houngbo,
of the International Labour Organization.
Rôle général
no 191
Le 13 novembre 2023.
J’ai l’honneur de vous informer que, conformément au paragraphe 1 de l’article 37
de la Constitution de l’Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT), au paragraphe 2
de l’article 96 de la Charte des Nations Unies, au paragraphe 2 de l’article IX de
l’accord entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies et l’OIT et à la résolution concernant
les demandes d’avis consultatifs à la Cour internationale de Justice adoptée par la
Conférence internationale du Travail le 27 juin 1949, le Conseil d’administration de
l’OIT, à la 349ebis session (spéciale) qu’il a tenue le 10 novembre 2023, a adopté (par
33 voix contre 21, avec 2 abstentions) une résolution par laquelle il a décidé de demander
à la Cour internationale de Justice de rendre d’urgence un avis consultatif sur la
question suivante :
« Le droit de grève des travailleurs et de leurs organisations est-il protégé par
la convention (no 87) sur la liberté syndicale et la protection du droit syndical,
1948 ? »
Des copies certifiées conformes de la résolution, en français et en anglais, sont jointes
à la présente.
Comme le Conseil d’administration m’a chargé de le faire, je prie respectueusement
la Cour de permettre que les organisations d’employeurs et de travailleurs ayant un
statut consultatif général auprès de l’OIT participent à la procédure consultative
et d’examiner les mesures possibles pour accélérer la procédure, conformément à
l’article 103 de son Règlement.
Actuellement, les organisations qui ont obtenu du Conseil d’administration le statut
consultatif général sont au nombre de six : l’Organisation internationale des employeurs
(OIE), la Confédération syndicale internationale (CSI), la Fédération syndicale
mondiale (FSM), l’Alliance coopérative internationale (ACI), l’Organisation de l’unité
syndicale africaine (OUSA) et Business Africa.
Conformément à l’article 65 du Statut de la Cour, l’Organisation internationale
du Travail prépare un dossier contenant l’ensemble des documents qui présentent un
intérêt pour la question, lequel sera transmis à la Cour dès que possible.
J’ai désigné M. George Politakis, conseiller juridique et directeur du bureau du
conseiller juridique de l’OIT, comme mon représentant aux fins de la procédure.
Le directeur général
de l’Organisation internationale du Travail,
(Signé) Gilbert F. Houngbo.
The Governing Body,
Conscious that there is serious and persistent disagreement within the tripartite
constituency of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on the interpretation
of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention,
1948 (No. 87), with respect to the right to strike,
Recalling that at the origin of the dispute is a disagreement among the Organization’s
tripartite constituents concerning whether the right to strike is protected under
Convention No. 87,
Noting that ILO supervisory bodies have consistently observed that the right to
strike is a corollary to the fundamental right to freedom of association,
Seriously concerned about the implications that this dispute has on the functioning
of the ILO and the credibility of its system of standards,
Affirming the necessity of resolving the dispute consistent with the Constitution of
the ILO,
Recalling that under article 37, paragraph 1, of the ILO Constitution, “[a]ny question
or dispute relating to the interpretation of this Constitution or of any subsequent
Convention concluded by the Members in pursuance of the provisions of this
Constitution shall be referred for decision to the International Court of Justice”,
Recalling the consensual decision of the 320th Governing Body in March 2014,
welcoming “the clear statement by the Committee of Experts of its mandate as
expressed in the Committee’s 2014 report”:
“The Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and
Recommendations is an independent body established by the International
Labour Conference and its members are appointed by the ILO Governing Body.
It is composed of legal experts charged with examining the application of ILO
Conventions and Recommendations by ILO member States. The Committee of
Experts undertakes an impartial and technical analysis of how the Conventions
are applied in law and practice by member States, while cognizant of different
national realities and legal systems. In doing so, it must determine the legal scope,
content and meaning of the provisions of the Conventions. Its opinions and
recommendations are non-binding, being intended to guide the actions of
national authorities. They derive their persuasive value from the legitimacy and
rationality of the Committee’s work based on its impartiality, experience and
expertise. The Committee’s technical role and moral authority is well recognized,
particularly as it has been engaged in its supervisory task for over 85 years,
by virtue of its composition, independence and its working methods built on
continuing dialogue with governments taking into account information provided
by employers’ and workers’ organizations. This has been reflected in the incorporation
of the Committee’s opinions and recommendations in national legislation,
international instruments and court decisions.”
Le Conseil d’administration,
Conscient qu’il existe entre les mandants tripartites de l’Organisation internationale
du Travail (OIT) un désaccord profond et persistant au sujet de l’interprétation de la
convention (no 87) sur la liberté syndicale et la protection du droit syndical, 1948, pour
ce qui est du droit de grève,
Rappelant que cette difficulté d’interprétation découle d’une divergence de vues
entre les mandants tripartites de l’Organisation quant au point de savoir si le droit de
grève est protégé par la convention no 87,
Notant que les organes de contrôle de l’OIT ont systématiquement observé que le droit
de grève est un corollaire de la liberté syndicale, qui constitue un droit fondamental,
Gravement préoccupé par les incidences que cette difficulté d’interprétation a sur le
fonctionnement de l’OIT et la crédibilité de son système normatif,
Affirmant la nécessité que cette difficulté soit résolue conformément à la Constitution
de l’OIT,
Rappelant que, aux termes de l’article 37, paragraphe 1, de la Constitution de l’OIT,
« [t]outes questions ou difficultés relatives à l’interprétation de la [...] Constitution et
des conventions ultérieurement conclues par les Membres, en vertu de ladite
Constitution, seront soumises à l’appréciation de la Cour internationale de Justice »,
Rappelant la décision consensuelle prise par le Conseil d’administration à sa
320e session (mars 2014), dans laquelle celui-ci se félicitait de « l’exposé clair de son
mandat par la commission d’experts, tel qu’il figure dans le rapport de la commission
pour 2014 » :
« La Commission d’experts pour l’application des conventions et recommandations
est un organe indépendant établi par la Conférence internationale du
Travail ; ses membres sont nommés par le Conseil d’administration. Elle est
constituée de juristes ayant pour mission d’examiner l’application des conventions
et recommandations de l’OIT dans les États Membres de cette Organisation.
La commission d’experts procède à une analyse impartiale et technique de la
façon dont les conventions ratifiées sont appliquées dans la législation et la pratique
par les États Membres, en gardant à l’esprit les diverses réalités nationales
et les différents systèmes juridiques. Ce faisant, elle examine la portée juridique,
le contenu et la signification des dispositions des conventions. Ses avis et recommandations
ont un caractère non contraignant, leur objet étant de guider l’action
des autorités nationales. Ils tirent leur valeur persuasive de la légitimité et de la
rationalité du travail de la commission qui est basé sur son impartialité, son expérience
et son expertise. Le rôle technique de la commission et son autorité morale
sont largement reconnus, en particulier du fait qu’elle poursuit sa tâche de contrôle
depuis plus de quatre-vingt-cinq ans et en raison de sa composition, de son indépendance
et de ses méthodes de travail qui se fondent sur un dialogue continu
avec les gouvernements et prennent en compte les informations fournies par les
organisations d’employeurs et de travailleurs. Cela se reflète dans l’intégration
des avis et recommandations de la commission dans les législations nationales,
dans des instruments internationaux et dans les décisions des tribunaux. »
Noting that, despite protracted attempts, no consensus has been reached through
tripartite dialogue,
Emphasising that Article 37.1 of the Constitution establishes that any referral to the
International Court of Justice is for decision on the question or dispute referred,
Expressing the hope that, in view of the ILO’s unique tripartite structure, not only
the governments of ILO Member States but also the international employers’ and
workers’ organizations enjoying general consultative status in the ILO would be
invited to participate directly and on an equal footing in the written proceedings and
any oral proceedings before the Court,
Decides, in accordance with article 37, paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organization,
1. To request the International Court of Justice to render urgently an advisory
opinion under Article 65, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court, and under
Article 103 of the Rules of Court, on the following question:
Is the right to strike of workers and their organizations protected under the
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention,
1948 (No. 87)?
2. Instructs the Director-General to:
(a) transmit this resolution to the International Court of Justice, accompanied by
all documents likely to throw light upon the question, in accordance with
article 65, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court;
(b) respectfully request that the International Court of Justice allow for the
participation in the advisory proceedings of the employers’ and workers’
organizations that enjoy general consultative status with the ILO;
(c) respectfully request that the International Court of Justice consider possible
steps to accelerate the procedure, in accordance with Article 103 of the Rules
of Court, so as to render an urgent answer to this request;
(d) inform the United Nations Economic and Social Council of this request, as
required under article IX, paragraph 4, of the Agreement between the
United Nations and the International Labour Organization, 1946.
Geneva, 13 November 2023.
(Signed) Georges Politakis,
Legal Adviser
of the International Labour Office.
Notant que, malgré les tentatives menées de longue date, aucun consensus n’a été
atteint par le dialogue tripartite,
Soulignant que l’article 37, paragraphe 1, de la Constitution établit que tout renvoi
devant la Cour internationale de Justice vise à obtenir l’appréciation de la Cour sur la
question ou difficulté d’interprétation objet du renvoi,
Exprimant le voeu que, compte tenu de la structure tripartite unique de l’OIT, non
seulement les gouvernements des États Membres de l’Organisation, mais aussi les organisations
internationales d’employeurs et de travailleurs ayant un statut consultatif
général auprès de l’OIT seront invités à participer directement et sur un pied d’égalité à
la procédure écrite et à toute procédure orale devant la Cour,
Décide, conformément à l’article 37, paragraphe 1, de la Constitution de l’OIT :
1. de demander à la Cour internationale de Justice de rendre d’urgence, en vertu de
l’article 65, paragraphe 1, de son Statut et de l’article 103 de son Règlement, un
avis consultatif sur la question suivante :
Le droit de grève des travailleurs et de leurs organisations est-il protégé par
la convention (no 87) sur la liberté syndicale et la protection du droit syndical,
1948 ?
2. Charge le Directeur général :
a) de transmettre la présente résolution à la Cour internationale de Justice,
accompagnée de tout document pouvant servir à élucider la question, conformément
à l’article 65, paragraphe 2, du Statut de la Cour ;
b) de demander respectueusement à la Cour internationale de Justice de permettre
que les organisations d’employeurs et de travailleurs ayant un statut
consultatif général auprès de l’OIT participent à la procédure consultative ;
c) de demander respectueusement à la Cour internationale de Justice d’examiner
les mesures possibles pour accélérer la procédure, conformément à
l’article 103 du Règlement de la Cour, de manière à répondre d’urgence à
cette demande ;
d) d’informer le Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies de cette
demande, conformément à l’article IX, paragraphe 4, de l’Accord entre les
Nations Unies et l’Organisation internationale du Travail, 1946.
Genève, le 13 novembre 2023.
Le conseiller juridique
du Bureau international du Travail,
(Signé) Georges Politakis.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Request for Advisory Opinion
