Volume VII - Annexes 429-502

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Date of the Document
Document File

(Ukraine v. Russian Federation)
Submitted by the Russian Federation
Volume VII
(Annexes 429 - 502)
9 August 2021

The Annexes contained in this Volume are either true copies of the original documents referred to in
the Counter-Memorial, or translations (marked accordingly) from their original language into
English, an official language of the Court, pursuant to Article 51 of the Rules of Court.
Pursuant to Article 51(3) of the Rules of Court, some translations are confined to parts of the annexes,
as indicated at the beginning of the respective annexes. In further compliance with this Rule, the
Russian Federation has provided two certified copies of the full documents in their original language
with its submission. The Russian Federation stands ready to provide more extensive partial
translations or a complete translation of submitted documents should the Court so require.

Annex 429 Head of the Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the
Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Information note on the arguments of
Ukraine about alleged violations of the International Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) in the territory of the Russian
Federation concerning conditions of Mr Chiygoz’s pre-trial detention, 8 December
Annex 430 Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea, Case No. 1-11/2020, Decision, 10
December 2020 (excerpts)
Annex 431 First Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction, Case No. 77-375/2021 (77-3313/2020),
Decision, 3 February 2021 (excerpts)
Annex 432 Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction, Case No. 55-116/2021, Appellate
Decision, 8 April 2021 (excerpts)
Annex 433 Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction official website, “The Third Court of
Appeal of General Jurisdiction examined the legality of the decision in respect of
L.E. Islyamov”, 8 April 2021 (excerpts)
Annex 434 Third Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction, Case No. 77-671/2021, Decision, 13
April 2021 (excerpts)
Annex 435 Gagarinsky District Court of Sevastopol, case No. 5-373/2014, Explanations of
Alexey Eskov
Annex 436 Central Statistical Administration of the USSR, “All-Union Census of 17 December
1926. Summary. Issue IV. Nationality and Native Language of the Population of the
USSR”, Moscow, 1928 (excerpts)
Annex 437 Results of the All-Soviet Census of 1989, vol. 7, part 2, Table 6. Distribution of the
population of the USSR by the most numerous nationalities and language (excerpts)
Annex 438 Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation official website,
“National composition of the population”, as part of the results of the All-Russian
Population Census, vol. 4, Table 1, 2010 (excerpts)
Annex 439 Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, License No. MKRF 01019 issued to
the “Corporation ATTA Group” LLC to carry out activity on preservation of cultural
heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of peoples of the Russian
Federation, 12 August 2013
Annex 440 Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation, Results of the
Population Census of 2014 in the Crimean Federal District, 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 441 Russian Federal Migration Service, Internal instruction No. AK-1/2/2-5770 “On the
issuance of residence permits and temporary residence permits”, 22 April 2014
Annex 442 Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea, Decree No. 40-U “On L.E. Islyamov”, 30
May 2014
Annex 443 State Council of the Republic of Crimea official website, “Edip Gafarov: the
Crimean authorities are ready to cooperate with Crimean Tatars and to address
problems of the entire people rather than some of its representatives trying to speak
on its behalf”, 30 May 2014
Annex 444 Russian Federal Migration Service, Internal instruction No. AK-1/2/2-8358 “On the
organization of work with foreign citizens permanently residing in the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol”, 9 June 2014
Annex 445 Explanatory note to the revised draft No. 588277-6 of the Federal Constitutional Law
“On amending the Federal Constitutional Law ‘On the admission of the Republic of
Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities
within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol’”, 14 August 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 446 Comment by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs regarding the statement by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of
the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, regarding the situation around the Avdet newspaper,
No. 2186-22-09-2014, 22 September 2014
Annex 447 Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
official website, “On filling in the details of payment order for payers – individuals
and legal entities”, 1 October 2014
Annex 448 Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea official website, “Sergey Aksyonov
met Muslims of Crimea who have performed Hajj”, 13 October 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 449 Acting Head of the City Administration of Simferopol, Order No. 217-r “On
celebration of the New Year 2015 and Christmas”, 25 November 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 450 Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. 01-
15/1294, 24 June 2021
Annex 451 Intentionally omitted
Annex 452 Directorate of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol, Report “Social and Economic Situation of the Republic of Crimea in
January 2015”, Simferopol, 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 453 Federal Migration Service of Russian Federation, Instruction No. NS-1/6-197 “On
the persons recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with the
Federal Constitutional Law No. 6-FKZ of 21 March 2014” (with exemplary forms
of application and confirmation attached thereto), 15 January 2015
Annex 454 Crimean Prosecutor’s Office official website, “Natalia Poklonskaya: any destructive
activities will be suppressed”, 29 January 2015
Annex 455 Roskomnadzor official website, “Details for paying the state duty for registration of
mass media outlets”, 6 February 2015
Annex 456 State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea official
website, “The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea held a meeting, which
addressed the problems of citizens from among repressed nations who returned to
Crimea”, 4 March 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 457 Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation official website, “The internal
troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs began the operational-strategic
exercise ‘Zaslon-2015’ the day before”, 3 April 2015
Annex 458 Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to UNESCO, Information on the
situation in the Republic of Crimea (the Russian Federation) within the scope of
UNESCO competence, as of 8 April 2015, 14 April 2015
Annex 459 State Council of the Republic Crimea official website, “A requiem meeting dedicated
to the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the deportation from Crimea was held
in Simferopol”, 18 May 2015
Annex 460 President of the Russian Federation official website, “Meeting with representatives
from Crimean ethnic groups’ public associations”, Yalta, 17 August 2015
Annex 461 President of the Russian Federation official website, “Meeting of the Commission for
rehabilitation of victims of political repressions”, 28 October 2015
Annex 462 Operational headquarters of the City Administration of Simferopol for the
elimination of emergency situations, Minutes No. 4, 22 November 2015
Annex 463 Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and Fire Safety of
the Bakhchisaray District, Minutes of the meeting No. 23, 27 November 2015
Annex 464 Federal Service of State Statistics, Report on the main results of the federal statistical
observation “Social demographic survey (Microcensus of the population) of 2015”,
2016 (excerpts)
Annex 465 Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea official website, Information
on criminal environment in Crimea for the period from January to March 2016
Annex 466 Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Order No. 595-r “On the inclusion of a
public association into the List of public associations and religious organisations
whose operation is suspended in view of their extremist activities”, 18 April 2016
Annex 467 Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No.
0114/2911 on the use of textbooks on the Crimean Tatar language and literature and
the Ukrainian language and literature published in Ukraine, 18 August 2016
Annex 468 State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
Crimea official website, “Solemn opening of the Seit-Settar Mosque to be held in
Crimea”, 8 September 2016 (excerpts)
Annex 469 Intentionally omitted
Annex 470 State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea official
website, “Report on the activities of the State Committee for 2016” (excerpts)
Annex 471 Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, License No. MKRF 04081 to carry
out activity on preservation of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural
monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, 1 March 2017
Annex 472 Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official
website, “The Ministry of Education of Crimea pays great attention to creating
conditions for the study of native languages”, 2 March 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 473 Order of the State Сommittee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the Republic of
Crimea No. 79, 21 April 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 474 Program of Events of the XI International Festival “Great Russian Word”, approved
by the Head of the Republic of Crimea - Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea and the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, 16 May 2017
Annex 475 Positive Opinion of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Main Department of State
Expertise” No. 563-17/GGE-11184/05, 25 May 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 476 Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Letter No. 11-8/3077 “On compulsory
health insurance of certain categories of citizens temporarily staying in the territory
of the Russian Federation”, 20 July 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 477 Information on the implementation by the courts of the Russian Federation of the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
prepared in connection with the examination of the 23rd and 24th reports of the
Russian Federation by CERD Committee, August 2017
Annex 478 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Letter No. TS-945/08
“On the exercise of the rights of citizens to receive education in their native
language”, 9 October 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 479 Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. 01-
14/4442 “On the Roadmap for choosing the education (studying) language in the
educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea”, 28 December 2017
Annex 480 Information materials on the study of the subject area “Native Language and
Literature”, as attached to the Letter of the First Deputy Minister of Education and
Science of the Russian Federation to the Head of the Republic of Crimea No. VP-
409/08, 16 February 2018
Annex 481 Statement by Mr Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent Representative of the Russian
Federation, at the 1186th meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, “On the
anniversary of the deportation of Crimean Tatars”, Doc. PC.DEL/630/18, 17 May
Annex 482 Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, Briefing note
“On the study of native languages and education in native languages in the general
educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea” as attached to the Decision of the
Collegium of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea No. 4/2, 23 May 2018 (excerpts)
Annex 483 Letters of the Agents of the Russian Federation to the Registrar of the International
Court of Justice, 7 June 2018, 21 June 2018 and 18 January 2019
Annex 484 Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Recommendation on the application of legislative provisions with regard to ensuring
the possibility to receive education in the native languages as attached to the Letter
of the Deputy Head of the Department for State Policies in the Field of General
Education No. 03-510, 20 December 2018 (excerpts)
Annex 485 State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea, Report on
implementation of the State Program of the Republic of Crimea on strengthening the
unity of the Russian Nation and ethno-cultural development of the peoples of the
Russian Federation “The Republic of Crimea - the territory of inter-ethnic harmony”
for 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 486 Information from the official website of the State Committee for Inter-ethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea on activities of the
Committee in 2018 (excerpts)
Annex 487 Directorate of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol, Sevastopol population statistics, 2014-2018
Annex 488 Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 584-r “On the
handover of property for free use”, 17 May 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 489 State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea official
website, “Own housing was bought for citizens from among the rehabilitated nations
of Crimea in 9 districts of the Republic of Crimea”, 20 September 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 490 Statement of the Delegation of the Russian Federation at the Working Meeting of
OSCE to Review the Implementation of Human Dimension Commitments (Warsaw,
16-27 September 2019), Doc. HDIM.DEL/0576/19/EN, 27 September 2019
Annex 491 Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, Letter No. 01-
14/3417 to the heads of city, district education authorities, state budgetary
educational institutions, 18 November 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 492 State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
Crimea, Minutes of the meeting on the preparation and holding of events in the
Republic of Crimea dedicated to the 100th anniversary since the birthday of twice the
Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan, 26 November 2019
Annex 493 Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Statistics on
consideration of criminal cases under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the
Russian Federation (from 2010 to the first half of 2020)
Annex 494 Directorate of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol, Report “Social and Economic Situation of the Republic of Crimea in
January 2020”, Simferopol, 2020 (excerpts)
Annex 495 Municipality - the urban district of Evpatoria of the Republic of Crimea official
website, “The memory of Noman Ḉelebicihan was honored in Evpatoria”, 26
February 2020
Annex 496 Letter of the Agents of the Russian Federation to the Registrar of the International
Court of Justice, 16 March 2020
Annex 497 Extract from the Uniform state register of legal entities in relation to JSC
“Krymsoyuzpechat”, 7 April 2020
Annex 498 Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Information note on measures taken
to implement the Decree No. 268 of the President of the Russian Federation and
other activities aimed at promoting cultures of the Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar
peoples, as attached to Letter No. 1/01-46/8775/3/1, 5 June 2020 (excerpts)
Annex 499 Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Unified federal list of
organizations, including foreign and international organizations, recognized terrorist
according to the laws of the Russian Federation, 31 August 2020
Annex 500 Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official
website, Section “State and other languages of the Republic of Crimea”
Annex 501 Table of some cultural events held in the Republic of Crimea as part of the work to
promote, develop and preserve the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian cultures for 2014-
Annex 502 Resolution of the City Administration of Yalta No. 343-p regarding the preparation
and holding of events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birthday of Lesya
Ukrainka, 17 February 2021
Annex 429
Head of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
in the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, Information note
on the arguments of Ukraine about alleged violations of the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination (1965) in the territory of the Russian Federation
concerning conditions of Mr Chiygoz’s pre-trial detention,
8 December 2020

Information note on the arguments of Ukraine about alleged violations
of the International Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 21 December 1965
in the territory of the Russian Federation
Chiygoz Akh[t]em Zeytullaevich, born in 1964, according to the court decision a citizen of
Ukraine, prior to his arrest residing in the Republic of Crimea, was convicted on 11 September 2017
by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea under Article 212, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of
the Russian Federation to eight years of imprisonment, with the sentence to be served in a general
regime penal colony. The court decision entered into force on 22 September 2017.
From 6 February 2015 to 25 October 2017 he was held in the Federal Public Institution Pre-
Trial Detention Center No. 1 of the Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the
Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (hereinafter – SIZO-1). The conditions of detention of
A. Z. Chiygoz complied with the requirements set out in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Placement of A. Z. Chiygoz in the cells of SIZO-1 was carried out in accordance with the
requirements set out in Articles 32 and 33 of Federal Law of 15 July 1995 No. 103-FZ “On Custody
of Persons Suspected or Accused of Committing a Crime” (hereinafter Federal Law No. 103-FZ).
A. Z. Chiygoz was not held in solitary confinement except for one day he spent in a
disciplinary cell.
During his detention in SIZO-1, A.Z. Chiygoz was held in the following cells:
6 February 2015 – 27 April 2015: cell No. 58;
27 April 2015 – 6 May 2015: cell No. 50;
6 May 2015 – 7 May 2015: No. 1 (disciplinary cell);
7 May 2015 – 29 March 2016: cell No. 110;
29 March 2016 – 25 October 2016: cell No. 153.
Cell No. 58: total area – 10.45 sq. m., living area of the cell – 9.48 sq. m., area of the lavatory
– 0.97 sq. m. The cell has one window measuring 1.1 x 0.75 m, lavatory which is separated from the
rest of the cell, natural ventilation, hot water heating system (cast-iron radiator).
Cell No. 50: total area – 6.49 sq. m., living area of the cell – 5.61 sq. m., area of the lavatory
– 0.88 sq. m. The cell has one window measuring 1.1 x 0.75 m, lavatory which is separated from the
rest of the cell, natural ventilation, hot water heating system (cast-iron radiator).
Disciplinary cell No. 1: total area – 8.16 sq. m., living area of the cell – 7.19 sq. m., area of
the lavatory – 0.97 sq. m. The cell has one window measuring 1.1 x 0.75 m, lavatory which is
separated from the rest of the cell, natural ventilation, hot water heating system (cast-iron radiator).
Cell No. 110: total area – 7.57 sq. m., living area of the cell – 6.55 sq. m., area of the lavatory
– 1.02 sq. m. The cell has one window measuring 1.1 x 0.75 m, lavatory which is separated from the
rest of the cell, natural ventilation, hot water heating system (cast-iron radiator).
Cell No. 153: total area – 12.69 sq. m., living area of the cell – 11.53 sq. m., area of the lavatory
– 1.16 sq. m. The cell has one window measuring 1.1 x 0.75 m, lavatory which is separated from the
rest of the cell, natural ventilation, hot water heating system (cast-iron radiator).
All the above-listed cells were also equipped with the necessary furniture in accordance with
the Internal Regulations for Pre-Trial Detention Facilities of the Penal and Correctional System
approved by Order of 14 October 2005 No. 189 of the Ministry of Justice of Russia (hereinafter –
Annex 429
SIZO Internal Regulations). Sanitary condition of the cells at the time of custody of A. Z. Chiygoz
was satisfactory. Access to drinking water was available 24 hours a day.
All cells in SIZO-1 are equipped with 24-hour artificial lighting. During the daytime from
6 a.m. till 10 p.m. according to the timetable there is artificial daytime lighting, and during the
nighttime from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. according to the timetable there is artificial nighttime lighting.
In accordance with paragraph 45 of the SIZO Internal Regulations at least once a week
suspected and accused persons, including A. Z. Chiygoz, underwent sanitary treatment, they were
given an opportunity to have a shower for at least 15 minutes. Bed linen was changed once a week
after the shower.
There were no insects, parasites, cockroaches, bedbugs or rats in the cells of SIZO-1.
Deratization and disinfection are carried out every month (SIZO-1 has a contract with Desprofi-Krym
During his detention in SIZO-1 A. Z. Chiygoz was three times brought to disciplinary
responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 103-FZ:
By order No. 818 of the Head of SIZO-1 dated 30 April 2015, A. Z. Chiygoz was given a
‘reprimand’ for the possession of prohibited items;
By order of the Head of SIZO-1 dated 6 May 2015, A. Z. Chiygoz was placed in a disciplinary
cell for one day for the possession of prohibited items;
By order No. 737 of the Head of SIZO-1 dated 30 June 2016, A. Z. Chiygoz was given a
‘reprimand’ for violating the detention regime.
A. Z. Chiygoz’s bodily search and his removal from cells were carried out in accordance with
the requirements set out in the legislation of the Russian Federation and departmental regulations,
with respect paid to the daily routine of the suspected and accused persons held in SIZO-1. During
A. Z. Chiygoz’s detention in SIZO-1 the detainees were not searched or inspected in their cells at
The preventive measure of taking into custody was ordered by court, and the legislation in
force governing its implementation does not provide for the possibility of relocating suspects or
accused persons except on the basis of a relevant court decision.
Meals in penal and correctional institutions (hereinafter – UIS) are organized in accordance
with the nutritional standards approved by Resolution of 11 April 2005 No. 205 of the Government
of the Russian Federation "On minimum standards for nutrition and living conditions for persons
sentenced to deprivation of liberty and on standards for nutrition and living conditions for persons
suspected and accused of committing crimes who are held in pre-trial detention facilities of the
Federal Penitentiary Service, in temporary detention facilities for suspects and accused persons of
internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and border agencies of the Federal Security Service,
persons subjected to administrative arrest, and detainees in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Russia during peacetime" and up to 20 March 2016 – in accordance with the
requirements set out in Order of 2 August 2005 No. 125 of the Russian Ministry of Justice "On the
approval of standards for nutrition and living conditions for persons sentenced to deprivation of
liberty and those suspected or accused of committing a crime and held in pre-trial detention centers
of the Federal Penitentiary Service during peacetime", and starting from 20 March 2016 – in
accordance with Order of 26 February 2016 No. 48 of the Russian Ministry of Justice "On the
establishment of increased nutritional standards, food ration and norms of substitution of some food
items for other items, used in the organization of nutrition of persons sentenced to deprivation of
Annex 429
liberty, as well as those suspected and accused of committing crimes, held in the institutions of the
Federal Penitentiary Service, during peacetime" until 30 September 2018.
A wide range of dishes are available for persons kept in custody in pre-trial detention centers
of the Federal Penitentiary Service. In addition to pork dishes, the menu includes dishes from chicken
and fish, cereals and vegetables.
The above-mentioned nutritional standards have been developed by the Federal State
Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Centre of Nutrition and Biotechnology” (formerly
known as State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) taking
into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization. These nutritional standards take
full account of the requirements for a balanced diet in terms of energy content, ratio of proteins, fats
and carbohydrates, and are differentiated by sex and age.
Control over the organization of meals and the quality of food is carried out in accordance
with the requirements set out in Order of 2 September 2016 No. 696 of the Russian Federal
Penitentiary Service "On the approval of Regulations for organization of food service for convicts,
suspects and accused persons held in penitentiary (UIS) institutions".
Moreover, persons kept in custody have the right to order for purchase through the SIZO-1
shop the foodstuffs and goods they need in the assortment provided for in Annex No. 2 to the SIZO
Internal Regulations.
Thus, A. Z. Chiygoz had the opportunity to eat in accordance with his Muslim faith.
It is also reported that the provision of clothing items to convicts and persons held in pre-trial
detention centers is carried out in accordance with the norms set out in Order of 3 December 2013
No. 216 of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the norms of clothing
for persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty and those held in pre-trial detention facilities".
Persons detained in pre-trial detention centers and premises operating as pre-trial detention
centers are provided with soft materials and supplies (pillows, mattresses and blankets (in the cold
season)) and clean and proper bedding sets.
Over the entire period custody of A. Z. Chiygoz, the administration of the institution did not
receive from him any requests for information about the geographic cardinal directions. If such a
request had been received, the information on the geographic cardinal directions would have been
immediately provided to the requestor.
On the basis of Section XII of the SIZO Internal Regulations, the SIZO-1 administration
satisfied A. Z. Chiygoz's request to certify his signature on the application for marriage with the
citizen of the Russian Federation E. Ablyalimova. Information about the date of the actual registration
of the marriage is not available.
Meetings with defense counsel in SIZO-1 are allowed in accordance with the requirements set
out in Article 18 of Federal Law No. 103-FZ (in private and confidentially, with no limitation on their
number or duration). During A. Chiygoz’s detention in SIZO-1, defense counsel visited him more
than 450 times.
The procedure for conducting a court session is determined by court. On average, over 200
court hearings take place in the premises of SIZO-1 via videoconferencing per year, and there has
been not a single complaint as to the quality of videoconferencing from the participants of the court
sessions. The presence of defense counsel and attorneys of the defendants is allowed at
videoconference court sessions held in the premises of SIZO-1. A. Z. Chiygoz's defense at the trial
was ensured by five attorneys (A. V. Lesovoy, E. M. Kurbedinov, D. M. Temishev, A. V. Zubarev
and N. N. Polozov) and one defense counsel (E. N. Ablyalimova – A. Z. Chiygoz’s spouse). The
Annex 429
administration of SIZO-1 ensured that A. Z. Chiygoz’s defense counsel were able to participate
directly in the court sessions held through videoconferencing in the premises of the pre-trial detention
facility and that they were given the opportunity to be close to the defendant and communicate with
him directly.
During A. Z. Chiygoz’s custody in SIZO-1 no physical force or special means were used
against him, he was not exposed to psychological or other forms of pressure from the staff of the
institution. No complaints from A. Z. Chiygoz or his defense counsel regarding the imposition of
sanctions, treatment, food or other conditions of custody have been received.
On 28 January 2016, A. Z. Chiygoz met with the representative of the Secretary General of
the Council of Europe G. Stoudmann. The meeting took place in one of the investigation rooms in
the presence of the members of the Prosecutor's Office. A. Chiygoz did not complain about the
detention conditions or custody regime in SIZO-1, nor did he make any complaints about the staff of
On 25 October 2017, A. Z. Chiygoz was released from SIZO-1 and left for his place of
residence: [address].
Head of the Directorate
of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
Major General of Internal Service V. V. Bulgakov
8 December 2020
Annex 429
1. Annex 430
Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea, Case No. 1-11/2020,
Decision, 10 December 2020

Case No. 1–11/2020
in the Name of the Russian Federation
10 December 2020 Simferopol
The Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea
[Page 2]
having reviewed in open court hearing a criminal case against
Lenur Edemovich Islyamov
born on 1 January 1966 in Bekabad of the Tashkent
Region of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, a
Russian citizen, has a higher education, married, has
a minor child born in 2005; eligible for military
service, no criminal background,
unemployed, registered at the address:
who is accused of committing crimes under paras. a, b of Part 2 of Article 281, Part 1 of Article 208,
Part 2 of Article 280.1, Part 2 of Article 280.1, Part 2 of Article 280.1, Part 2 of Article 280.1, Part 2 of Article
280.1, Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,
established that
L.E. Islyamov organised and directed a crime – an act of sabotage, i.e. explosions aimed at destroying
facilities in order to undermine the economic security and defensive capacity of the Russian Federation,
committed by an organised group, which entailed considerable property damage; and created an armed
formation contrary to federal law; and publicly called one to take action in order to violate the territorial
integrity of the Russian Federation, using the mass media on 8 September 2015, 17 October 2015, 21
November 2015, no later than 20 December 2015 (Crimean News agency and 112 Ukraina TV channel) and
no later than 28 December 2015.
The crimes were committed in the following circumstances.
L.E. Islyamov, no later than November 2015, while in the territory of Ukraine, acting intentionally,
out of political enmity toward the Russian Federation driven by the fact that the Republic of Crimea became a
new constituent entity of the Russian Federation, to undermine the economic security and defensive capacity
of the Russian Federation, devised a plan to blow up overhead power lines in the territory of the Kherson
Region of Ukraine that transmitted electricity to the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol
under contract No. 28 of 29 December 2014.
To this end, in November 2015, while in the territory of Ukraine, realizing that the implementation of
the criminal plan aimed at undermining the economic security and defensive capacity of the Russian Federation
Annex 430
would require considerable manpower resources, he organised and headed a criminal group, and apart from
him as the organiser, the criminal group was also composed of persons (the investigation could not establish
their identities) who voluntarily joined it, including those who were members of an illegal armed formation
called “Noman Çelebicihan Crimean Tatar Volunteer Battalion” and who found explosive devices and
On 22 November 2015, no later than 00:21, L.E. Islyamov, in pursuance of the criminal plan he
devised, and heading the organised group comprised of unidentified persons, including those who were
members of the illegal armed formation, acting intentionally, out of political enmity toward the Russian
Federation driven by the fact that the Republic of Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, and to
undermine the economic security and defensive capacity of the Russian Federation represented by its
constituent entities – the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol – arranged that overhead power
line VL-330 kW “Kakhovka–Ostrovskoe” No. 140 be blown up by explosive devices and explosives with the
use of an explosive charge (between 7.9 kg and 31.6 kg of TNT equivalent), and that overhead power line VL-
330 kW “Kakhovka–Dzhankoy” No. 161 be blown up with the use of an explosive charge (less than 1.4 kg of
TNT equivalent), situated in the area of the urban-type settlement of Chaplynka of the Kherson Region of
Ukraine, which led to a power outage affecting all critical infrastructure of the Republic of Crimea and the
federal city of Sevastopol in 876 residential settlements, disrupting the normal operations of enterprises,
institutions, and organisations, thereby causing considerable damage, amounting to at least RUB
52,137,368.77 (of which RUB 40,671,826.00 – the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation
for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM) of Russia
for the Republic of Crimea; RUB 5,885,590.00 – the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea; RUB
217,810.98 – the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation; RUB 297,689.93 – the Federal State Unitary
Enterprise “Sevastopol Aviation Plant”; RUB 57,150.12 – the State Unitary Enterprise of Sevastopol
“Managing Company ‘Streletskaya Bukhta’; RUB 7,299.54 – the State Budget Enterprise “Gorsvet”, RUB
5,000,002.20 – “Beg” LLC), and a power outage of facilities of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian
Federation situated in the territory of the Crimean Federal District that were disconnected from the
uninterruptible power source.
While continuing his criminal activity, between 22 November 2015 and 4 December 2015, L.E.
Islyamov, acting personally and leading unidentified persons – members of the organised group he created –
intentionally and with a view to undermining the economic security and defensive capacity of the Russian
Federation represented by its constituent entities – the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol
– arranged that representatives of the State Enterprise “National Power Company Ukrenergo” (Ukraine) be
prevented from repairing overhead power line VL-330 kW “Kakhovka–Ostrovskoe” No. 140 and overhead
power line VL-330 kW “Kakhovka–Dzhankoy” No. 161, situated in the area of the urban-type settlement of
Chaplynka of the Kherson Region of Ukraine, so that this prevention would lead to the total destruction of the
above facilities.
Again L.E. Islyamov, no later than November 2015, while in the residential settlement of Chongar
of the Genichesky District of the Kherson Region of Ukraine, acting intentionally, out of political enmity
toward the Russian Federation driven by the fact that the Republic of Crimea became a new constituent entity
of the Russian Federation, acting against the interests of the Russian Federation, with a view to undermining
its territorial integrity, created and headed – contrary to Russian federal law and Ukrainian legislation – an
illegal armed formation (“IAF”) called “Noman Çelebicihan Crimean Tatar Volunteer Battalion” (comprised
of at least 150 members) that was stationed in the territory of the Kherson Region of Ukraine, whose members
included: E.Ya. Ablyazimov, R.M. Osmanov, A.N. Osmanov, S-I.E. Zaytullaev, S.E. Abduvaliev, F.M.
Sagandzhi, E.O. Kadyrov, A.R. Mamutov, and other members whose identities were or were not established.
When creating the above IAF, L.E. Islyamov developed its structure, chain of command, management,
and material support; L.E. Islyamov as head of the above IAF – personally and through unidentified persons
Annex 430
from among his entourage – actively recruited new members into the IAF, including amongst Russian citizens
and residents of the Republic of Crimea.
When creating the above IAF, L.E. Islyamov proclaimed the main goals of this IAF – to impose a
blockade on the Crimean Peninsula from the side of the Ukrainian border and to forcibly change the
foundations of the constitutional system and to violate the integrity of the Russian Federation, including by
engaging in an armed struggle aimed at separating the Republic of Crimea from the Russian Federation.
Since its creation and to date, the above IAF – stationed in the territory of the Kherson Region of
Ukraine – has not been part of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,
and the National Guard of Ukraine, i.e. it has no legal grounds to operate in the territory of Ukraine. Besides,
the IAF has a stable chain of command, management, and material support and a clear division of duties united
by a common goal.
The following weapons are in service with the IAF: 5.45-mm Kalashnikov assault rifles (AK-74), 7.62-
mm modernised Kalashnikov assault rifles (AKM), 9-mm Makarov pistols (PM), a 30-mm mounted automatic
grenade launcher (AGS-17), a portable anti-tank grenade launcher (RPG-7), rocket-propelled anti-tank
grenades (RPG-26), F-1 hand grenades, other explosive devices and explosives, as well as various small arms
of foreign manufacture.
On 22 November 2015, to exert influence over the economic and political interests of the Russian
Federation and to endanger its national security, unidentified members of the IAF led by L.E. Islyamov, using
such weapons as explosive devices and explosives, damaged overhead power line VL-330 kW “Kakhovka–
Ostrovskoe” No. 140 and overhead power line VL-330 kW “Kakhovka–Dzhankoy” No. 161, situated in the
area of the urban-type settlement of Chaplynka of the Kherson Region of Ukraine, by blowing them up and,
between 22 November 2015 and 4 December 2015, prevented the repair of the above overhead power lines
that served as critical infrastructure facilities of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.
After creating and heading the above illegal armed formation, between 26 December 2015 and January
2016 inclusive, using the mass media and the Internet, L.E. Islyamov repeatedly and publicly called an
unlimited number of people to join the illegal armed formation called “Noman Çelebicihan Crimean Tatar
Volunteer Battalion” created by him (L.E. Islyamov), in order to forcibly change the foundations of the
constitution system and to violate the integrity of the Russian Federation by means of forced (military)
separation of the Republic of Crimea from the Russian Federation.
[Page 94]
to adjudge Lenur Edemovich Islyamov guilty of the crimes under paras. a, b of Part 2 of Article 281,
Part 1 of Article 208 (as amended by Federal Law No. 130-FZ of 5 May 2014), Part 2 of Article 280.1 (the
episode of 8 September 2015), Part 2 of Article 280.1 (the episode of 17 October 2015), Part 2 of Article 280.1
(the episode of 21 November 2015), Part 2 of Article 280.1 (the episode of no later than 20 December 2015,
112 Ukraina TV channel), Part 2 of Article 280.1 (the episode of no later than 20 December 2015, Crimean
News agency (QHA), Part 2 of Article 280.1 (the episode of no later than 28 December 2015) of the Criminal
Code of the Russian Federation, and to impose upon him the following penalty:
- under paras. a, b of Part 2 of Article 281 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – fourteen
(14) years of imprisonment;
- under Part 1 of Article 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by Federal
Law No. 130-FZ of 5 May 2014) – twelve (12) years of imprisonment with one year of restriction of freedom;
Annex 430
- under Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the episode of 8
September 2015) – one year of imprisonment and one year of deprivation of the right to engage in any activity
related to making speeches in the mass media;
- under Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the episode of 17
October 2015) – one year of imprisonment and one year of deprivation of the right to engage in any activity
related to making speeches in the mass media;
- under Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the episode of 21
November 2015) – one year of imprisonment and one year of deprivation of the right to engage in any activity
related to making speeches in the mass media;
- under Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the episode of no later
than 20 December 2015, 112 Ukraina TV channel) – one year of imprisonment and one year of deprivation of
the right to engage in any activity related to making speeches in the mass media.
- under Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the episode of no later
than 20 December 2015, Crimean News agency (QHA) – one year of imprisonment and one year of deprivation
of the right to engage in any activity related to making speeches in the mass media.
- under Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (the episode of no later
than 28 December 2015) – one year of imprisonment and one year of deprivation of the right to engage in any
activity related to making speeches in the mass media.
[Page 96]
A.N. Khinevich V.V. Evdokimova S.N. Pogrebnyak
/Signature/ /Signature/ /Signature/
[Page 97]
The sentence is amended by the appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the
Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction of 8 April 2021.
The sentence came into force on 8 April 2021 based on the appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber
on Criminal Cases of the Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction of 8 April 2021.
Chair of the Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea
/Signature/ V.V. Evdokimova
Leading specialist /Signature/ E.I. Kotik
/Seal: Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea, Main State Registration Number 1149102095306, Taxpayer
Identification Number 9102046956/
Annex 430
The original sentence is filed with and kept in criminal case No. 1-11/2020 handled by the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Crimea.
Chair of the Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea
/Signature/ V.V. Evdokimova
Leading specialist /Signature/ E.I. Kotik
/Seal: Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea, Main State Registration Number 1149102095306, Taxpayer
Identification Number 9102046956/
Annex 430

Annex 431
First Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction, Case No. 77-375/2021
(77-3313/2020), Decision, 3 February 2021

dated 3 February 2021 No. 77-375/2021(77-3313/2020)
The Chamber on Criminal Cases of the First Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction […]
has considered in an open court session a criminal case on the cassation petition of the defense
counsel of convicted P., attorney <Full name>, against the first instance decision <data exempted>
of the district court <address> dated DD.MM.YYYY and the appellate decision <data exempted > of
the regional court dated DD.MM.YYYY.
According to the first instance decision <data exempted> of the district court <address> dated
P., <data exempted >, with no criminal record,
was sentenced under para. "c", Part 2, Art. 238 of the CC RF (Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation) to 3 years 6 months of imprisonment with serving the punishment in a general penal
Page 2
established that:
According to the first instance decision, P. was found guilty of providing services incompliant
with the requirements for the safety of life or health of consumers which entailed death of a person
through negligence.
The crime was committed on DD.MM.YYYY at <address> under the circumstances set out in
detail in the first instance decision.
Page 4
In view of the above, guided by Article 401.14 of the CCP RF (Criminal Procedural Code of
the Russian Federation), the Judicial Chamber
To uphold the first instance decision <data exempted> of the district court <address> dated
DD.MM.YYYY and the appellate decision <data withdrawn> of the regional court dated
DD.MM.YYYY in respect of P.; to dismiss the cassation petition of the defense counsel.
Annex 431

Annex 432
Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction, Case No. 55-116/2021,
Appellate Decision, 8 April 2021

Case No. 55-116/2021
Sochi 8 April 2021
The Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction
comprised of:
Presiding judge K.I. Sutyagin,
Judges Zh.G. Tottskaya, A.A. Noskova,
With judge assistant N.N. Koroleva,
With participation of prosecutors Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, S.N. Gordeeva,
Defence counsel N.N. Polozov,
having reviewed in open court session a criminal case under an appellate petition of the prosecutor
R.V. Lobov and appeals of defence counsel of the convict L.E. Islyamov – defense counsel
N.N. Polozov and T.N. Poluyanova – against the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Crimea of 10 December 2020, according to which
Lenur Edemovich Islyamov, born on 1 January 1966 in Bekabad of the Tashkent Region of
the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, a Russian citizen, without criminal record, convicted under
paras. a, b of Part 2 of Article 281 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to 14 (fourteen)
years of imprisonment; under Part 1 of Article 208 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation –
to 12 (twelve) years of imprisonment with 1 (one) year of restriction of freedom, for each of the six
crimes under Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – to 1 (one) year
of imprisonment and 1 (one) year of deprivation of the right to engage in any activity related to
making speeches in the mass media; after the penalties were partially added up based on Part 3 of
Article 69 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – he was sentenced to 19 (nineteen) years
of imprisonment in a high-security penal colony, with 2 (two) years of deprivation of the right to
engage in any activity related to making speeches in the mass media, and 1 (one) year of restriction
of freedom with imposition of restrictions and obligations.
Page 1
Having heard the report delivered by the judge A.A. Noskova, speeches of the prosecutors
supporting the appellate petitions’s arguments, the convict’s defence counsel supporting the appeal’s
arguments, the Judicial Chamber
Annex 432
according to the court decision, L.E. Islyamov is adjudged guilty of organising and directing
an act of sabotage, i.e. explosions aimed at destroying facilities in order to undermine the economic
security and defensive capacity of the Russian Federation, committed by an organised group, which
entailed considerable property damage; and creating an extra-legal armed unit contrary to federal law;
and performing public calls to take action in order to violate the territorial integrity of the Russian
Federation, using the mass media on 8 September 2015, 17 October 2015, 21 November 2015, no
later than 20 December 2015 (Crimean News agency and 112 Ukraina TV channel) and no later than
28 December 2015
Page 20
In view of the above and being guided by Articles 389.20, 389.21, 389.26 and 389.28 of the
Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Chamber
to set aside the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea of 10 December
2020 in relation to Lenur Edemovich Islyamov partially - in terms of his conviction under Part 2 of
Article 280.1, Part 2 of Article 280.1, Part 2 of Article 280.1, Part 2 of Article 280.1, Part 2 of Article
280.1, Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and, in accordance
with Part 2 of Article 24 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, to dismiss
proceedings in this respect based on para. 2 of Part 1 of Article 24 of the Criminal Procedural Code
of the Russian Federation for the absence of corpus delicti.
Page 21
Presiding judge /Signature/
Judges /Signature/ /Signature/
Judge /Signature/
Secretary (assistant) /Signature/
1 June 2021/
/Seal: Supreme Court of the Republic of
Crimea, Main State Registration Number
1149102095306, Taxpayer Identification
Number 9102046956/
8 April 2021
Judge /Signature/
/Seal: Supreme Court of the Republic of
Crimea, Main State Registration Number
1149102095306, Taxpayer Identification
Number 9102046956/
Annex 432
The original appellate decision is filed with and kept in criminal case No. 1-11/2020 handled by
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea.
Chair of the Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases
of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea
/Signature/ V.V. Evdokimova
Leading specialist /Signature/ E.I. Kotik
/Seal: Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea, Main State Registration Number 1149102095306,
Taxpayer Identification Number 9102046956/
Annex 432

Annex 433
Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction official website,
“The Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction examined the
legality of the decision in respect of L.E. Islyamov”,
8 April 2021 (excerpts)

The Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction examined the legality of the decision in respect
of L.E. Islyamov
Page 1
Following the results of the appeal review by the Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction, the
decision was reversed in part of the conviction under Part 2 of Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation (public calls for actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the
Russian Federation with the use of mass media), in connection with its decriminalization.
L.E. Islyamov is sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 18 years with serving in a maximumsecurity
penal colony, with restriction of freedom for 1 year.
Third Court of Appeal of General Jurisdiction
Annex 433

Annex 434
Third Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction,
Case No. 77-671/2021, Decision, 13 April 2021

dated 13 April 2021 No. 77-671/2021
The Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the Third Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction <…>
Has considered in an open court hearing a criminal case on the cassation petition of attorney
A.M. Dyshin in defense of Sh. against the first instance decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city
of Murmansk dated 23.06.2020 and the appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the
Murmansk Regional Court dated 23.09.2020. […]
Page 1
established that:
According to the first instance decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court <address> dated 23.06.2020,
Sh., born on DD.MM.YYYY, native of <address>, citizen of the Russian Federation, with no criminal
record, was convicted under paragraph "c", Part 2, Article 238 of the CC RF (Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation) to 2 years of imprisonment with serving the punishment in a general penal colony. […]
Page 1 (Cont.)
By the appellate decision of the Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the Murmansk Regional Court
dated 23.09.2020, the first instance decision was changed: the punishment inflicted on the convicted person
was ruled to be considered conditional with a probationary period of 2 years, subject to charging him with the
duty not to change the permanent place of residence without notifying the state service specially designated to
monitor the behavior of the conditionally sentenced; the rest part of the first instance decision was left
According to the first instance decision, Sh. was found guilty of committing [a crime] on 16.12.2016 in
Murmansk, i.e. the provision of services incompliant with the requirements for the safety of life and health of
consumers which entailed the infliction of serious harm to human health through negligence under the
circumstances set out in the first instance decision. […]
Page 8
In view of the above, guided by paragraph 1, Part 1, Article 401.14 of the CCP RF (Criminal Procedural
Code of the Russian Federation), the judicial chamber
To dismiss the cassation petition of attorney A.M. Dyshin in defense of Sh. against the first instance
decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Murmansk dated 23.06.2020 and the appellate decision of the
Judicial Chamber on Criminal Cases of the Murmansk Regional Court dated 23.09.2020.
Presiding judge
Annex 434

Annex 435
Gagarinsky District Court of Sevastopol, case No. 5-373/2014,
Explanations of Alexey Eskov

Annex 435
Head of the Office of the Ministry of the
Interior of Russia for
Gagarinsky District of Sevastopol
V.I. Rozhivets
From Alexey Sergeyevich Yeskov .
born on 1 April 1986 .
(Surname. Name. Patronymic)
residing at: [address] .
(place of permanent and temporary residence)
Place of employment [...] .
Contact tel.no. [phone No.] .
I have been familiarized with Article 51 of the Constitution of the RF At about 12:40 p.m. on 24
August 2014, I was passing by the building 3 on Antichny Avenue in Sevastopol near the Hetman
Sahaydachniy monument when I saw a group of about 6-8 people (I cannot tell the exact number)
who were standing by the monument with Ukrainian flags unfurled [illegible crossed out word]
(about 4 (four) flags). As I approached the said group of people I saw that one person who was
holding the flag sprayed gas at a man who was nearby and made a critical remark to them about
gathering a rally by the monument, and then I heard that someone who was standing there with the
flags began threatening everyone with the crackle of the electric shocker device. By “everyone” I
mean the ordinary people who made critical remarks to the group of people with the flags in
connection with the rally. It was them who the group of people with the flag was scaring off with gas
spray and electric shocker device. Then the group of people holding the flags got into two vehicles,
one of which was a grey S2000 Honda (cabriolet) with the license plate number SN5206 (I do not
remember the last letters on the plate) and the other was a blue Fiat with the license plate number
SN3614 (if I am not mistaken). I took a photo of that rally from a distance with my mobile phone. If
needed, I can provide the photograph. .
I have read the above and it is an accurate account of my statement.
A.S. Eskov <Signed>
Received by <Signed> V.I. [surname illegible]

Annex 436
Central Statistical Administration of the USSR, “All-Union
Census of 17 December 1926. Summary. Issue IV. Nationality and
Native Language of the Population of the USSR”, Moscow, 1928

17 December 1926
Publication of the Central Statistics Directorate of the USSR
Moscow — 1928
Annex 436
p. 71
Table III. Population distribution by ethnicity and language
Territory, nationality and
In urban settlements In rural localities Total population
Per 1,000 people.
Men Women Men Women Men Women Both
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
XI. Crimea district,
Crimean ASSR 159,541 170,723 190,303 193,256 349,844 363,979 713,823 1,000
By nationality
Russians 84,145 96,177 59,111 61,965| 143,256 158,142 301,398 422,2
Tatars 19,522 19,216 69,696 70,660 89,218 89,876 179,094 250,9
Ukrainians 16,196 12,349 24,743 24,117 40,939 36,466 77,405 108,5
By language
Russian 109,680 122,652 74,570 77,098 184,250 199,750 384,000 538,0
Tatar 22,289 22,661 70,103 70,971 92,392 93,632 186,024 260,6
Ukrainian 6,647 3,088 12,343 11,682 18,990 14,770 33,760 47,3
Annex 436
Annex 437
Results of the All-Soviet Census of 1989, vol. 7, part 2, Table 6.
Distribution of the population of the USSR by the most numerous
nationalities and language

Results of the 1989 All-Union Census
Distribution of the population of the Union republics by
regions, autonomous republics and autonomous regions
by the most numerous nationalities and by languages
(except for the RSFSR).
VOLUME 7, Part 2.
Table 6. Distribution of the population of the USSR by
the most numerous nationalities and by languages
Continuation of Table 6
Of which considering the following as
their native language Of the total number of persons of this nationality
number of
persons of
a given
Language of another
Fluent in a language of the peoples of the USSR as
the second language
Do not
speak the
of the
peoples of
the USSR
of their
Ukrainian Russian Other
of their
Language of another nationality
Ukrainian Russian Other
Crimean Region*
Urban and rural*
Men and women 2,430,495 2,041,126 3,155 381,778 4,436 128,969 168,844 347,531 9,888 1,775,263
Ukrainians 625,919 328,897 296,491 531 114,659 270,498 1,054 239,708
Russians 1,629,542 1,626,821 1,220 1,501 902 160,056 6,142 1,462,442
38,365 35,806 43 1,071 1,445 253 133 32,471 834 4,674
Annex 437

Annex 438
Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation official
website, “National composition of the population”, as part of the results
of the All-Russian Population Census, vol. 4, Table 1, 2010

Source: Official website of the Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation
2010 All-Russian Population Census
Vol. 4. Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship
The All-Russian Population Census of 2010 was carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of
25 January 2002 No. 8-FZ “On the All-Russian Population Census”, by the Executive Order of the Government
of the Russian Federation of 11 January 2006 No. 7-r, and by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian
Federation of 23 December 2009 No. 1074 “On the organisation of the All-Russian Population Census in 2010”
within the period from 14 to 25 October as of 0:00 on 14 October 2010.
The results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census were published in 2012-2013 in 11 volumes.
Volume 4 – “National composition and language skills, citizenship”.
The collection contains data on the size of the urban and rural population, men and women by nationality,
native language, proficiency in Russian and other languages; provides data on the distribution of the population
of the most numerous nationalities by age groups, marital status, level of education, sources of livelihood;
provides data on the distribution of the population by citizenship and age groups.
The data on the number, composition and main characteristics of the indigenous small-numbered
peoples of the Russian Federation are presented: their distribution in the territories of predominant residence,
age-sex structure, mother tongue, language proficiency, marital status, level of education, sources of livelihood,
economic activity of the population of private households, the employed population of private households by
status, as well as the number of children born to women living in private households.
The tables with the results of the census presented in the volume contain information on the population
of Russia as a whole and of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Annex 438
[pp. 9-21]
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
population 142856536 66046579 76809957 105313773 48117546 57196227 37542763 17929033 19613730
nationality 137227107 63339266 73887841 100126460 45644547 54481913 37100647 17694719 19405928
Abaza (Abaza,
Shkaraua) 43341 20903 22438 17565 8243 9322 25776 12660 13116
(Apsua) 11249 5992 5257 9599 5093 4506 1650 899 751
Avars (Avaral,
Maarulal) 912090 449889 462201 351433 175387 176046 560657 274502 286155
(Andal, Andes) 11789 5802 5987 1066 564 502 10723 5238 5485
(Arshishtib) 12 8 4 7 6 1 5 2 3
Akhvakh 7930 3822 4108 52 33 19 7878 3789 4089
(Baghvalians) 5 2 3 5 2 3 - - -
Khvanal) 5958 2895 3063 34 16 18 5924 2879 3045
residents 3508 1707 1801 2 2 - 3506 1705 1801
Ginukhtsy 443 221 222 10 6 4 433 215 218
(Ibdidi) 427 210 217 4 2 2 423 208 215
Gunzibians 918 443 475 - - - 918 443 475
Tsuntins) 11683 5774 5909 365 185 180 11318 5589 5729
Karaty (Kirdi,
Tukitin) 4787 2284 2503 189 98 91 4598 2186 2412
Tindals (Idari,
Tindians) 635 318 317 1 - 1 634 318 316
Khvarshins 527 269 258 1 1 526 268 258
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Chamalins) 24 14 10 18 9 9 6 5 1
Aguls 34160 16997 17163 16083 8000 8083 18077 8997 9080
Bzhedugs) 124835 60770 64065 56980 27084 29896 67855 33686 34169
Azeris (Azeris,
Turkic with
the Azeri
language) 603070 358777 244293 444892 269601 175291 158178 89176 69002
(unangan) 482 245 237 155 78 77 327 167 160
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Altaians (Almaty, Altai,
Altai-Kizhi, Dzhungars,
Irkit, Kazakh Kypchak,
Kyobek, Kuzen,
Maiman, Meret, Merkit,
Modor, Mundus,
Naiman, Oirat, Oirots,
Sagal, Soyon, Tandy,
Teelos, Togus, Todosh,
Tumat, Chapts) 74238 34799 39439 16915 7438 9477 57323 27361 29962
Telengits (Altai-
Telengit, Altai-Telengits,
Telenit, Teles) 3712 1779 1933 300 122 178 3412 1657 1755
Tubalars (Altai-tuba,
Altai-Tubalars, Tuba) 1965 942 1023 357 147 210 1608 795 813
Chelkans (Ak Pash,
Aksak, Altaians-
Chalkans, Altai-
Chelkans, Alyyan,
Bardyak, Kara Tuven,
Kerten, Kyoryukeiler,
Kolchach, Korgunak,
Kyzyl Kes, Kuzen with
Chelkan language,
Nyonduka, Tyetkyr,
Chalkandu, Chelkans) 1181 507 674 231 103 128 950 404 546
Americans (African
American, Nootka) 1572 1021 551 1457 942 515 115 79 36
Arabs (Algerians,
Arabians, Baharna,
Bahraini, Egyptians,
Jordanians, Iraqis,
Yemenis, Qataris,
Kuwaitis, Lebanese,
Libyans, Mauritians,
Moroccans, Omanis,
Palestinians, Saudis,
Syrians, Tunisians) 9583 8039 1544 9039 7620 1419 544 419 125
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Armenians (Hamshen
Armenians, Armenian
Tats, Frank, Hai,
Hamshen) 1182388 638479 543909 816375 441798 374577 366013 196681 169332
Circassogai 6 4 2 6 4 2 - - -
Assyrians (Aysors,
Arameans, Asori,
Chaldeans) 11084 5534 5550 8437 4098 4339 2647 1436 1211
Afghans (Kabulis,
Nuristanis, Pashtu,
Pashtuns, Hazaras) 5350 3930 1420 5059 3692 1367 291 238 53
Balkars 112924 54235 58689 52077 24704 27373 60847 29531 31316
Bashkirs (Bashkir-
Tatars, Bashkirs,
Bashkort, Bashkurt,
Bushman, Gaina,
Gainins, Tatar-
Bashkirs with a Bashkir
language, Teptyars with
a Bashkir language) 1584554 744952 839602 732528 335030 397498 852026 409922 442104
(Belarusians, Iburyags,
Litvins, Lithuanians,
Pinchuk, Poleshuk,
Poleshuk, Polotsk,
Poles with the
Belarusian language) 521443 235068 286375 404051 183056 220995 117392 52012 65380
Besermians (beserman,
beshermyane) 2201 1039 1162 651 305 346 1550 734 816
Bulgarians 24038 12807 11231 19021 10263 8758 5017 2544 2473
Bosniacs (Bosans,
Bosnian Muslims,
Bosniaks, Boshniacs,
Herzegovinians) 256 227 29 241 212 29 15 15 -
British (British,
Cymric, Welsh, Scots) 950 633 317 914 609 305 36 24 12
Buryats (Agins, Alars,
Barguzins, Buryads,
Gurans with the Buryat
language, Sartuls,
Tanguts, Khamnigans,
Khongodors, Khorintsy) 461389 218783 242606 217134 100160 116974 244255 118623 125632
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Hungarians (Austro-
Hungarians, Magyars) 2781 1508 1273 1811 996 815 970 512 458
Vepsians (Vepsya,
Chud, Chukhari) 5936 2423 3513 3348 1335 2013 2588 1088 1500
Vod (Vozhane) 64 35 29 50 27 23 14 8 6
Vietnamese (Viet
n’goy, kin’) 13954 8630 5324 13009 8101 4908 945 529 416
Gagauz 13690 7843 5847 9732 5525 4207 3958 2318 1640
Mountain Jews
(Mountain, Mountain
Tats, Dag-Chufut,
Dagestan Jews,
Dzhalganians, Juur,
Dzhukhut, Tat Jews,
Dagestan Tats, Judaist
Tats) 762 446 316 694 403 291 68 43 25
Greeks (Romei,
Romeos, Rum,
Hellenes) 85640 43862 41778 48627 24708 23919 37013 19154 17859
Greek-Urum (Urum) 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Georgian Jews 78 53 25 75 50 25 3 3 -
Georgians (Gurians,
Kakhetians, Rachintsy,
Khevsurs) 157803 95380 62423 127798 76415 51383 30005 18965 11040
Adjarians (Adjareli) 211 130 81 145 103 42 66 27 39
Ingiloy 98 57 41 96 55 41 2 2
Lazy (Chany) 160 93 67 76 45 31 84 48 36
(Mengrels, Mingrels) 600 411 189 520 359 161 80 52 28
Svans 45 37 8 31 24 7 14 13 1
Dargins (Gubdens,
Dargan, Darganti,
Urakhins) 589386 290957 298429 226447 111851 114596 362939 179106 183833
Kaitags 7 4 3 6 3 3 1 1 -
Kubachins (Ugbug) 120 59 61 118 59 59 2 - 2
Dolgans (Dolgan,
Dulgan, Sakha with the
Dolgan language) 7885 3513 4372 1840 684 1156 6045 2829 3216
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Dungan (Lao Huihui,
Hui) 1651 877 774 425 241 184 1226 636 590
Jews (Ashkenaz,
Yehudi) 156801 81379 75422 152575 78928 73647 4226 2451 1775
Yezidis (Yezds, Yezidis,
Yezidi Kurds) 40586 21602 18984 22452 11994 10458 18134 9608 8526
Izhora (Izhora, Izuri,
Ingry, Inkeri) 266 102 164 130 58 72 136 44 92
Ingush (Galgai,
Karabulak, Melkh with
the Ingush language,
Orstkhoev, Ortskho) 444833 204246 240587 179176 82460 96716 265657 121786 143871
Indians (Assamese,
Indians, Kashmiris,
Sikhs, Tamils, Hindi,
Hindus) 4058 3101 957 4004 3057 947 54 44 10
Spaniards (Galician,
Catalans) 1162 636 526 1088 597 491 74 39 35
Italians (Sicilians) 1370 916 454 1316 878 438 54 38 16
Itelmens (Itelmen,
Kamchadals with the
Itelmen language) 3193 1480 1713 1245 534 711 1948 946 1002
Kabardians (Adygs
with the Kabardian
language, Adyge
with the Kabardian
language) 516826 249569 267257 238101 113014 125087 278725 136555 142170
Kazakhs (Zhappas,
Kerey, Kypchak with
the Kazakh language,
Naiman with the
Kazakh language,
Nogai with the Kazakh
language, Tama, Uak) 647732 321135 326597 238905 118978 119927 408827 202157 206670
Kalmyks (Boldyrs,
Buzavs, Derbets,
Cossacks with the
Kalmyk language,
Oirats, Olets, Torgouts,
Torguts, Halmgs,
Hoyts, Elets) 183372 89106 94266 91821 43020 48801 91551 46086 45465
Kamchadals 1927 919 1008 566 267 299 1361 652 709
Karaites 205 118 87 198 112 86 7 6 1
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Karakalpaks (Kalpak) 1466 839 627 1013 582 431 453 257 196
Karachais (Karachai) 218403 105037 113366 85892 41357 44535 132511 63680 68831
Karelians (Karyala,
Lyudiki) 60815 24994 35821 35211 13886 21325 25604 11108 14496
Kereki 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - -
Kets (Keto, Ostyaks) 1219 574 645 317 120 197 902 454 448
Yugi (Yugen) 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
Kirghiz (Katagan,
Kyrgyz) 103422 57001 46421 91349 50272 41077 12073 6729 5344
Chinese (Miao,
Taiwanese, Tibetans,
Han) 28943 19335 9608 26866 17842 9024 2077 1493 584
Komi (Zyryane, Komimort,
Komi-zyryane) 228235 96862 131373 109705 42252 67453 118530 54610 63920
(Izhemtsy, Izvatas) 6420 3048 3372 682 261 421 5738 2787 2951
(Zyuzdins, Komi with
the Komi-Permian
language, Komi
mort with the Komi-
Permian language,
Komi-Zyuzdins, Komi-
Yazvins, Permians) 94456 41190 53266 34759 13609 21150 59697 27581 32116
Koreans (Koryo
saram) 153156 79183 73973 114954 58905 56049 38202 20278 17924
Koryaks (Kamianets,
Karagins, Nymylans) 7953 3707 4246 2917 1268 1649 5036 2439 2597
Crimean Tatars
(Crimeans, Nugai
Tatars) 2449 1252 1197 1477 755 722 972 497 475
Krymchaks (Crimean
Jews) 90 51 39 88 49 39 2 2 -
Cubans 676 555 121 633 520 113 43 35 8
Kumandins (Altaians-
Kumandins, Harridan,
Kumands, Tadar,
Shabbat) 2892 1284 1608 1400 592 808 1492 692 800
Kumyks (Kumuk) 503060 244021 259039 254276 122534 131742 248784 121487 127297
Kurds (Kurd) 23232 12339 10893 4095 2487 1608 19137 9852 9285
Kurmanch (Kurmanj) 42 19 23 29 12 17 13 7 6
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Laktsy (Lak, Laki,
Yahulvi) 178630 85990 92640 128472 61546 66926 50158 24444 25714
Latvians (Latvietis,
Latvians) 18979 8957 10022 13827 6522 7305 5152 2435 2717
Latgalians (Latgalietis,
Latgalians) 1089 453 636 592 251 341 497 202 295
Lezgins (Akhtins, Lezgi) 473722 238230 235492 241986 122142 119844 231736 116088 115648
Lithuanians (Lietuvis,
Litvaks, Lithuanians with
Lithuanian language) 31377 16114 15263 21550 11047 10503 9827 5067 4760
Macedonians 325 249 76 271 213 58 54 36 18
Mansi (Voguls) 12269 5590 6679 7028 3115 3913 5241 2475 2766
Mari (Mari, Marius,
Cheremis) 547605 250383 297222 233179 100718 132461 314426 149665 164761
Mountain Mari 23559 10917 12642 2314 992 1322 21245 9925 11320
Mari (Vetluzhsky Mari,
eastern Mari, forest
Mari, meadow Mari,
Olyk Mari, Ural Mari) 218 79 139 117 47 70 101 32 69
Bessarabs, Volokh,
Moldova) 156400 87425 68975 111783 62810 48973 44617 24615 20002
Mongols (Khalkha,
Khalkha Mongols,
Khalkhans) 2986 1604 1382 2792 1490 1302 194 114 80
Mordovians (Karatai,
Mordvins, Mordovians) 744237 338638 405599 379327 170571 208756 364910 168067 196843
(Moksha) 4767 2138 2629 3620 1655 1965 1147 483 664
Shoksha, Erzya) 57008 25851 31157 14353 6476 7877 42655 19375 23280
Nagaybaki 8148 3726 4422 1761 783 978 6387 2943 3444
Nanai (Goldy, Nanai,
Nani) 12003 5432 6571 3518 1515 2003 8485 3917 4568
Nganasans (Avam,
Nya) 862 385 477 315 135 180 547 250 297
Negidal (Elkan
Deinin) 513 216 297 155 54 101 358 162 196
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Germans (Golendry,
Russian Germans,
Saxons, Swabians) 394138 190978 203160 223984 107625 116359 170154 83353 86801
Germans) 4 3 1 3 3 - 1 - 1
Nenets (Ne, Nenach) 44640 20781 23859 9543 3848 5695 35097 16933 18164
Nivkhi (Gilyaks,
Nivakh) 4652 2067 2585 2374 1026 1348 2278 1041 1237
Nogays (Kuban
Nogays, Nogai) 103660 50228 53432 29680 14353 15327 73980 35875 38105
Karagashi (Nogai-
Karagashi) 16 9 7 8 3 5 8 6 2
Orochi (Oroch,
Orochen with the
Oroch language) 596 278 318 287 134 153 309 144 165
Ossetians (Alans) 528515 254250 274265 340035 161716 178319 188480 92534 95946
(Digor, Digors) 223 111 112 214 105 109 9 6 3
Iron Ossetians
(Iron, Kudar) 48 29 19 44 26 18 4 3 1
Pakistanis (Baluch,
Baluchi, Beluch,
Punjabis, Sindhi,
Urdu) 507 427 80 440 377 63 67 50 17
Bartangs, Wakhans,
Rushans, Shugnans,
Yazgulemians) 363 248 115 294 201 93 69
Persians (Iranians,
Farce) 3696 2278 1418 2856 1758 1098 840 520 320
Poles (Polish) 47125 19937 27188 36042 15094 20948 11083 4843 6240
Romanians 3201 1625 1576 1967 1060 907 1234 565 669
Rusyns (Boiks,
Hutsuls, Lemkos,
Rusyns, Ruthenians) 225 162 63 171 126 45 54 36 18
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Russians (Burtases,
Vedrusses, Great
Russians, Goryuny,
Goryne, Gurans,
Tundy peasants,
Karyms, Kerzhaks,
Kulugurs, Lipovans,
Molokans, Nuucha,
Ob Siberian
scrapers, Resins,
Old Believers,
Cheldons, Yakuts) 111016896 50607892 60409004 85306487 38459177 46847310 25710409 12148715 13561694
Cossacks (Russian
Cossacks) 67573 38479 29094 30044 17741 12303 37529 20738 16791
Pomors (Russian
Pomors, Ust-
Tsilyama) 3113 1844 1269 1960 1175 785 1153 669 484
Katrukhs, Rutul,
Khnovtsy) 35240 17884 17356 14890 7488 7402 20350 10396 9954
Sami (Lapp, Sami) 1771 770 1001 787 322 465 984 448 536
Selkups (Selkup,
Sousse Kum) 3649 1735 1914 773 372 401 2876 1363 1513
Serbs 3510 2835 675 3149 2574 575 361 261 100
Slovaks 324 193 131 286 173 113 38 20 18
Slovenes 1008 672 336 935 618 317 73 54 19
Soyots (Soyot,
Soyit) 3608 1770 1838 255 112 143 3353 1658 1695
Central Asian
Jews (Bukharian
Jews, Ibri,
Yahudi, Yahudi
Yahudoi Mahali) 32 19 13 31 18 13 1 1 -
(Tabasarans) 146360 73676 72684 67608 34382 33226 78752 39294 39458
(Yagnobians) 200303 148178 52125 163258 121678 41580 37045 26500 10545
Tazy (Ta-dzy,
Ude) 274 121 153 114 50 64 160 71 89
Talysh (Tolish) 2529 1628 901 2344 1504 840 185 124 61
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Tatars (Bashkir-
Tatars with Tatar
language, Bashkir
Tatars, Biger, Kazanly,
Kazan Tatars, Karain
Tatars, Karin Tatars,
Kasimov Tatars,
Tatars, Tatarlar, Tatar-
Bashkirs, Teptyar,
Tiptyar) 5310649 2473990 2836659 3596405 1650251 1946154 1714244 823739 890505
Astrakhan Tatars
(Alabugat Tatars) 7 3 4 6 3 3 1 - 1
Baptized Tatars,
Kryashens-Tatars) 34822 16467 18355 16422 7573 8849 18400 8894 9506
Mishars, Mishar) 786 423 363 716 378 338 70 45 25
Tatars (Baraba,
Bukharians, Swamp
Tatars, Kalmaks,
Siberia, Siberia,
Tarlik, Tara Tatars,
Turalians, Tyumen-
Turin Tatars, Chats,
Eushta) 6779 3307 3472 1133 524 609 5646 2783 2863
Tats (Tat, Tati, Tats-
Azerbaijanis, Tats-
Muslims) 1585 823 762 1509 782 727 76 41 35
Teleuts (Bayattar,
Telenet) 2643 1199 1444 1198 544 654 1445 655 790
Tofalars (Karagasy,
Tofa) 762 345 417 98 43 55 664 302 362
Tuvans (Tuva, Tyva) 263934 125714 138220 129035 60711 68324 134899 65003 69896
Todzhans 1858 880 978 4 2 2 1854 878 976
Annex 438
Urban and rural population Urban population Rural population
men and
women men women men and
women men women men and
women men women
Turks (Ottomans,
Ottoman Turks,
Turk with Turkish
language) 105058 56579 48479 23195 15058 8137 81863 41521 40342
Turks (Ahiska,
Meskhetians, Meskhi,
Ahiska Turks) 4825 2666 2159 527 368 159 4298 2298 2000
Turkmens (Turkic
with the language of
Turkmen) 36885 20948 15937 17836 10982 6854 19049 9966 9083
Udi 4267 2189 2078 2485 1295 1190 1782 894 888
Udmurts (Votyaks,
Odmurt, Udmort,
Ukmort) 552299 244177 308122 246290 103484 142806 306009 140693 165316
Udege 1496 728 768 375 146 229 1121 582 539
Uzbeks (Kipchak,
Kongrat, Kypchak,
Ozbek, Sart,
Turk with Uzbek
language) 289862 199040 90822 236203 161652 74551 53659 37388 16271
Taranches) 3696 2211 1485 2907 1732 1175 789 479 310
Uilta (Orok, Oroch
with Uilta language,
Orochen, Ulta) 295 140 155 177 86 91 118 54 64
(Cossacks with
Ukrainian language,
Little Russians) 1927988 887737 1040251 1475951 682850 793101 452037 204887 247150
Ulchi (Manguns,
Ulcha) 2765 1235 1530 589 247 342 2176 988 1188
Finns (Suomalayset,
Suomi) 20267 8633 11634 14198 6018 8180 6069 2615 3454
Finns - Ingrian
Eurymeiset) 441 220 221 389 200 189 52 20 32
French (Corsicans) 1475 978 497 1376 916 460 99 62 37
Khakases (Arintsy,
Kachintsy, Koibals,
Kyzyls, Tadar
with the Khakass
language) 72959 34212 38747 31572 14396 17176 41387 19816 21571
Khanty (Khanti,
Khante) 30943 14134 16809 11879 5119 6760 19064 9015 10049
Hemshils (Hemshils,
Hemshins) 2047 1098 949 184 109 75 1863 989 874
Croats 304 227 77 290 216 74 14 11 3
Annex 438

Annex 439
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, License No. MKRF
01019 issued to the “Corporation ATTA Group” LLC to carry out
activity on preservation of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural
monuments) of peoples of the Russian Federation, 12 August 2013

The Ministry of Culture of
the Russian Federation
of 12 August 2013 No. MKRF 01019
For carrying out activities on preservation of cultural heritage sites (historical and
cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
(specify the type of licensed activity)
Types of work performed among the licensed type of activity, in accordance with Part 2 of
Article 12 of the Federal Law “On licensing of certain types of activities”:
according to Annex No. 1 to the License
(specified in accordance with the list of works established by regulations regarding licensing of the relevant type of
This License is provided to:
Corporation ATTA Group Limited Liability Company
Corporation ATTA Group LLC
(specify the full and (if available) abbreviated name (including the company name), type of the legal entity
(surname, first name and (if available) patronymic of the individual entrepreneur, the data of the identity document)
The main state registration number of a
legal entity (individual entrepreneur) (OGRN) 1107746869042
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 7743797029
(Seal) (Seal)
Executive General Director of
Corporation ATTA Group LLC
N.V. Kryakvina
Annex 439
Location address and place of implementation of the licensed type of activity:
1 Lesnaya Str., Floor 3, Room 1, Area 1, Vlasovo vlg., Marushkinsk Settlement, Moscow,
(specify the location address (place of residence for an individual entrepreneur), and the addresses of
the places of work (services) implemented (performed) as part of the licensed type of activity)
This License is valid indefinitely
This license is granted on the basis of a decision
of the licensing authority – Order No. 1131 of 12 August 2013
This License is reissued on the basis of the
decision of the licensing authority -- Order No. 2632 of 1 December 2016
No. 2269 of 20 December 2018
This License has one Annex, which is an integral part of it on one page.
Deputy Minister (Signed) S.G. Obryvalin
(position of authorized person) (signature of the authorized person) (full name of the authorized person)
(Seal) (Seal) (Seal)
The Ministry of Culture
of the Russian Federation
OGRN 1087746878295
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Executive General Director of
Corporation ATTA Group LLC
N.V. Kryakvina
Annex 439
The Ministry of Culture of
the Russian Federation
to License of 12 August 2013 No. MKRF 01019
types of work performed:
development of design documentation for conservation, restoration and reconstruction of
cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian
development of design documentation for repair and adjustment of cultural heritage sites
(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
restoration, conservation and reconstruction of bases, foundations, masonry, enclosure
structures and thrust systems;
restoration, conservation and reconstruction of metal structures and parts;
restoration, conservation and reconstruction of wooden structures and parts;
restoration, conservation and reconstruction of decorative-art painting, rendered finish,
stucco decorations;
restoration, conservation and reconstruction of structures and parts made of natural and
artificial stone;
repair and adaptation of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of peoples
of the Russian Federation.
Deputy Minister (Signed) S.G. Obryvalin
(position of authorized person) (signature of the authorized person) (full name of the authorized person)
(Seal) (Seal) (Seal)
The Ministry of Culture
of the Russian Federation
OGRN 1087746878295
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Executive General Director of
Corporation ATTA Group LLC
N.V. Kryakvina (Signed)
Annex 439

Annex 440
Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation, Results of
the Population Census of 2014 in the Crimean Federal District, 2015

Annex 440
page 108
of the population
Change in the population of the most numerous and other ethnic origins of Crimea is characterised by the
following data:
People 2014 as
of 2001
Per 10,000 individuals,
who indicated
ethnic origin
1989 20011 2014 1989 2001 2014
All population 2,430,495 2,401,209 2,284,769 95.2
Individuals, who indicated ethnic
origin 2
2,430,495 2,390,319 2,197,564 91.9 10,000 10,000 10,000
Russians 1,629,542 1,450,394 1,492,078 102.9 6,705 6,068 6,790
Ukrainians 625,919 576,647 344,515 59.7 2,575 2,412 1,568
Crimean Tatars 38,365 245,291 232,340 94.7 158 1,026 1,057
Tatars 10,762 13,602 44,996 in 3.3
44 57 205
Belarusians 50,054 35,157 21,694 61.7 206 147 99
Armenians 2,794 10,088 11,030 109.3 12 42 50
Azerbaijani 2,415 4,377 4,432 101.3 10 18 20
Uzbeks 876 3,087 3,466 112.3 4 13 16
Moldavans 6,609 4,562 3,147 69.0 27 19 14
Jews 17,731 5,531 3,144 56.8 73 23 14
Koreans 2,423 3,027 2,983 98.5 10 13 14
Greeks 2,684 3,036 2,877 94.8 11 13 13
Poles 6,157 4,459 2,843 63.8 25 19 13
Gypsies 1,698 1,905 2,388 125.4 7 8 11
Chuvash 4,621 2,679 1,990 74.3 19 11 9
Bulgarians 2,186 2,282 1,868 81.9 9 10 9
Germans 2,356 2,790 1,844 66.1 10 12 8
Mordvins 4,582 2,574 1,601 62.2 19 11 7
Georgians 1,780 2,137 1,571 73.5 7 9 7
Tajiks 353 808 874 108.2 1 3 4
Mari 1,906 1,192 801 67.2 8 5 4
Karaites 882 715 535 74.8 4 3 2
Krymchaks 604 280 228 81.4 2 1 1
Other answers about ethnic
origin not listed above
13,196 13,699 14,319 104.5 54 57 65
1 Methodological differences in population registration on this issue during the 2001 population census are
provided in the “Methodological Notes” to this edition.
2 Nationalities are listed in descending order of population in 2014.
page 109
In 2014, compared to 2001, the number of people who called themselves "Tatars” (without the word
"Crimean") is 3.3 times higher (in the Republic of Crimea by 3.8 times, in Sevastopol by 9.2%). Among them,
there are 21.5 thousand people whose place of birth is Uzbekistan. At the same time, the number of persons
who indicated "Crimean Tatar (male) /Crimean Tatar (female)" in the census schedule is lower in 2014
compared to 2001 by almost 13 thousand people, or 5.3% (in the Republic of Crimea – a decrease of 5.7%, in
the city of Sevastopol – an increase of 1.5 times). At the same time, the proportion of Crimean Tatars in the
Annex 440
total population of Crimea increased by 0.3 percentage points. The total number of Crimean Tatars and Tatars
in 2014 was 277.3 thousand people, or 1,262 per 10,000 people who indicated their national identity. In 2001,
their total number was 7% lower and amounted to 258.9 thousand people (1,083 per 10,000 people who
indicated their nationality).
page 118
Table, continued
Employed population by status in employment, as a percentage of those employed
of the corresponding ethnic origin, who indicated their status in employment
employed selfemployed
of which 8
with the
involvement of
without the
involvement of
Republic of Crimea
All population 89.8 10.2 2.1 7.7
Russians 90.8 9.2 2.1 6.7
Ukrainians 90.6 9.4 2.1 7.0
Crimean Tatars 85.1 14.9 1.8 12.6
Tatars 85.7 14.3 1.7 12.0
Armenians 71.6 28.4 8.4 19.1
Greeks 77.6 22.4 5.4 16.6
Bulgarians 87.5 12.5 3.5 8.7
Germans 86.5 13.5 2.8 9.7
Karaites 88.1 11.9 3.1 8.8
Krymchaks 82.4 17.6 5.9 11.7
All population 90.9 9.1 2.1 6.6
Russians 91.1 8.9 2.0 6.5
Ukrainians 90.9 9.1 2,2 6.6
Crimean Tatars 91.6 8.4 1.4 6.3
Tatars 90.3 9.7 2.3 7.1
Armenians 76.5 23.5 8.2 14.0
Greeks 77.0 23.0 10.3 11.5
Bulgarians 84.9 15.1 4.1 10.5
Germans 83.3 16.7 3.3 12.2
Karaites 86.7 13.3 6.7 6.6
Among the employed population, 869 thousand people answered the census question about their status in
employment, of which 782 thousand people, or 90%, were employees and 87 thousand people, or 10%, were
employers or self-employed.
Languages and native language
Breakdown of the Crimean population by native language is characterised by the following data:
Per every 1,000 people of the corresponding ethnic origin who answered the
question about their native language, who indicated as their native language
language corresponding
to nationality
Russian language other language
Annex 440
Russians 998 x 2
Ukrainians 203 797 0
Crimean Tatars 740 56 204
Tatars 745 248 7
Armenians 528 468 4
Greeks 154 833 13
Bulgarians 185 806 9
Germans 59 922 19
Karaites 56 936 8
Krymchaks 31 952 17
page 119
The share of people who indicated the language corresponding to their ethnic origin as their native language
varies from 3.1% among the Krymchaks to 74.0% among the Crimean Tatars and 74.5% among the Tatars.
A fifth of the population, who answered the question about the ethnic origin of the "Crimean Tatars", called
the Tatar language their native language.
Population censuses since 1926 record the predominance of Russian as a native language among the
population of Crimea. Changes in the prevalence of languages most often referred to as their native language
by the population of Crimea are characterised by the following data from 2001 and 2014 censuses:
People Percentage of the total
population that indicated
their native language
2001 2014 2001 2014
Those who indicated the following language, as native language:
Russian 1,890,960 1,867,680 78.8 84.1
Crimean Tatar 227,283 173,076 9.5 7.8
Tatar 8,880 81,858 0.4 3.7
Ukrainian 228,250 72,891 9.5 3.3
In addition to the native language, command of languages was studied during the census. The most common
language spoken by the population of Crimea is Russian; in 2014 it was spoken by 99.8% of the population
of Crimea, who indicated the command of languages. Breakdown of population by command of language
is as follows:
command of
Indicated languages
corresponding to the ethnic
people percentage people percentage
Russians 1,487,514 1,485,919 99.9 1,485,919 99.9
Ukrainians 343,575 153,191 44.6 342,811 99.8
Crimean Tatars 229,794 88,871 38.7 228,756 99.5
Tatars 44,592 17,807 39.9 44,458 99.7
Armenians 10,964 4,999 45.6 10,921 99.6
Greeks 2,871 733 25.5 2,862 99.7
Bulgarians 1,865 737 39.5 1,860 99.7
Germans 1,839 420 22.8 1,829 99.5
Karaites 531 26 4.9 530 99.8
Krymchaks 228 6 2.6 228 100,0
A comparatively low level of proficiency in the language appropriate to the ethnic origin is among the
Annex 440
Krymchaks (2.6%), Karaites (4.9%), Greeks (25.5%) and Germans (22.8%). Relatively high rates of
command of languages corresponding to ethnic origin are among Russians (99.9%), Armenians (45.6%),
Ukrainians (44.6%), Tatars (39.9%) and Bulgarians (39.5%) Among Crimean Tatars, 38.7% of the
population indicated proficiency in Crimean Tatar language and 13.5% in Tatar.
Among 2,220.1 thousand people who indicated citizenship, the number of citizens of the Russian Federation
amounted to 2,164.9 thousand people, or almost 98% (on average in Russia in 2010 — 99%), 51.8 thousand
people, or 2%, have citizenship of other states and 3.4 thousand people are stateless persons (0.2%). 5.7
thousand people (0.3%) of the total number of citizens of the Russian Federation in the Crimean Federal
District have two citizenships.
The overwhelming majority of foreign citizens permanently residing in the Crimean Federal District are
citizens of Ukraine (46.4 thousand people), or 90% of all foreigners, and 2% of the entire population of
Crimea who indicated citizenship.
1 Data on the Crimean Tatar and Tatar languages are given only for the Crimean Tatars and Tatars,
respectively, due to the lack of data on these languages for other ethnic origins for which these languages
are not the language of their ethnic origin.
page 121
5.1. Distribution of the population by nationality and knowledge of Russian language
Urban and rural
Urban population Rural population
of the
y, people
Those of them
who speak
r of
of the
Those of them
who speak
r of
of the
Those of
them who
people perc
people perc
people per
Federal District
Those who
indicated their
national identity 2,197,564
99.4 943,120 937,45
page 122
Tatars 232,340 228,756 98.5 60,822 59,723 98.2 171,518 169,03
page 124
Annex 440
Ukrainians 344,515 342,811 99.5 173,222 172,386 99.5 171,293 170,42
page 215
In the course of the year before the census, 61.1 thousand people changed their place of residence.
Among them, 18.1 thousand people, or 32%, lived in the territory of the Crimean Federal District the
year before the census, 11.3 thousand people (20%) – in the territory of other subjects of the Russian
Federation. 27.1 thousand people arrived from foreign countries, and the vast majority are migrants
from Ukraine (24.8 thousand people, or 92% of those who lived abroad).
page 216
Thousand people Per 1000 people
Sevastopol Republic
Number of people who
indicated their place of
1835,8 377,9 1000 1000
Born in the Russian
1300,6 286,7 708 759
Born in other countries 535,2 91,2 292 241
Ukraine 287,6 68,4 157 181
The main countries of birth of migrants are Ukraine (356.0 thousand people, or 57% of all migrants) and Uzbekistan (162.6
thousand people, or 26%). In other CIS countries, 88.1 thousand people, or 14% of the population, were born.
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Crimean Federal District
Urban and rural population 2284769 137754 123546 98174 100511 135425 187636 182118 163111 290782 342952 269432 248801 4527 377773 1285187 617282
Citizenship indicated 2220113 134295 120337 95716 98339 132323 182627 177017 158246 281619 333169 262569 243214 642 368222 1249093 602156
Russian citizens 2164890 131260 117423 93609 95020 127013 176270 170853 153259 274192 326826 258788 239791 586 359780 1211036 593488
among them, dual citizens 5738 229 193 127 248 435 637 599 501 778 896 565 528 2 563 3831 1342
foreign citizens 51823 2862 2755 1949 3161 5088 6017 5857 4736 6881 5821 3473 3178 45 7921 35850 8007
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 49849 2815 2706 1916 2830 4489 5863 5728 4620 6690 5656 3382 3127 27 7782 34209 7831
Azerbaijan 386 17 14 12 28 42 39 42 43 91 41 13 4 — 47 316 23
Armenia 653 14 21 20 14 40 66 63 94 113 109 60 39 — 56 470 127
Belarus 655 16 27 25 21 24 58 76 72 97 92 69 78 — 74 412 169
Kazakhstan 274 9 12 12 18 16 11 11 26 42 27 47 43 — 34 142 98
Kyrgyzstan 80 1 6 6 4 5 11 7 11 12 3 9 5 — 15 51 14
Republic of Moldova 290 9 9 19 12 6 28 44 40 63 28 14 18 — 40 211 39
Tajikistan 44 3 5 2 5 5 5 4 1 7 3 3 1 — 10 30 4
Turkmenistan 27 — — — 6 10 3 — 2 4 — 1 1 — — 25 2
Uzbekistan 1035 19 31 29 130 170 58 84 82 121 125 100 80 6 87 722 220
Ukraine 46405 2727 2581 1791 2592 4171 5584 5397 4249 6140 5228 3066 2858 21 7419 31830 7135
European countries 552 20 27 20 13 27 32 46 48 101 117 60 41 — 72 355 125
Bulgaria 29 1 1 — 1 — 1 2 4 2 8 8 1 — 2 18 9
Hungary 1 — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — 1 —
Germany 62 4 9 5 1 1 — 6 5 11 11 6 3 — 18 34 10
Greece 31 3 4 2 2 2 1 3 2 5 5 1 1 — 10 18 3
Georgia 177 2 1 4 3 8 19 19 23 45 34 11 8 — 7 143 27
other European countries 252 10 12 9 6 16 11 16 14 38 58 34 28 — 35 141 76
Asian countries 1043 14 17 11 279 427 53 43 56 68 42 16 5 12 46 954 31
Israel 61 2 2 3 2 — 2 2 10 11 17 8 2 — 8 36 17
China 19 — — — — 11 5 1 1 1 — — — — — 19 —
Turkey 155 4 10 6 11 15 14 22 26 29 10 6 2 — 21 126 8
other Asian countries 808 8 5 2 266 401 32 18 19 27 15 2 1 12 17 773 6
American countries 45 6 3 1 1 — 1 2 7 9 5 7 3 — 10 25 10
USA 28 5 3 — — — 1 — 4 5 2 5 3 — 8 12 8
Including age, years of the total number —
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 1
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
countries 17 1 — 1 1 — — 2 3 4 3 2 — — 2 13 2
African countries 293 1 — — 37 140 65 35 5 5 — 1 — 4 2 286 1
other countries of the world 41 6 2 1 1 5 3 3 — 8 1 7 2 2 9 21 9
Without citizenship 3400 173 159 158 158 222 340 307 251 546 522 308 245 11 521 2207 661
Citizenship not indicated 64656 3459 3209 2458 2172 3102 5009 5101 4865 9163 9783 6863 5587 3885 9551 36094 15126
2 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
Urban population 1323050 72789 66749 53121 57736 77756 109904 108537 97577 169291 192623 162988 150180 3799 202634 745914 370703
Citizenship indicated 1272470 70542 64573 51383 56059 75402 106024 104550 93643 161994 184883 157257 145622 538 196150 717539 358243
Russian citizens 1236993 68611 62746 50070 53557 71625 101916 100594 90516 157418 181236 154924 143294 486 190834 692955 352718
among them, dual citizens 4797 201 159 103 204 360 529 494 429 648 741 480 447 2 473 3185 1137
foreign citizens 33794 1833 1739 1227 2413 3665 3938 3813 3007 4332 3409 2183 2193 42 5031 23528 5193
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 32069 1804 1702 1203 2087 3070 3797 3712 2912 4181 3301 2122 2154 24 4932 22042 5071
Azerbaijan 293 15 10 11 23 33 26 36 32 72 26 8 1 — 39 239 15
Armenia 434 7 14 14 6 26 44 36 64 73 77 44 29 — 35 305 94
Belarus 467 11 16 21 16 19 42 54 46 71 59 56 56 — 51 289 127
Kazakhstan 188 8 7 5 13 15 7 7 20 29 21 29 27 — 20 105 63
Kyrgyzstan 51 1 3 2 3 4 7 2 6 12 3 6 2 — 8 35 8
Republic of Moldova 192 9 9 12 9 6 19 27 22 43 17 8 11 — 32 135 25
Tajikistan 13 1 1 — 2 1 4 2 — 1 1 — — — 2 11 —
Turkmenistan 22 — — — 6 10 1 — 1 2 — 1 1 — — 20 2
Uzbekistan 599 10 14 14 111 151 25 46 37 51 53 42 39 6 40 454 99
Ukraine 29810 1742 1628 1124 1898 2805 3622 3502 2684 3827 3044 1928 1988 18 4705 20449 4638
European countries 394 13 21 14 11 24 25 30 37 80 72 38 29 — 53 259 82
Bulgaria 19 1 1 — 1 — 1 2 3 1 3 5 1 — 2 11 6
Hungary 1 — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — 1 —
Germany 39 1 7 3 1 — — 5 5 7 5 3 2 — 11 22 6
Greece 20 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 — 6 12 2
Georgia 129 1 1 3 2 6 16 11 15 41 22 4 7 — 5 109 15
other European countries 186 8 10 7 5 16 7 10 13 28 39 25 18 — 29 104 53
Asian countries 975 9 14 8 276 426 48 33 49 54 30 11 5 12 34 906 23
Israel 50 2 2 1 1 — 1 2 8 10 14 7 2 — 6 30 14
China 19 — — — — 11 5 1 1 1 — — — — — 19 —
Turkey 127 2 8 6 11 15 11 16 22 23 8 3 2 — 17 105 5
other Asian countries 779 5 4 1 264 400 31 14 18 20 8 1 1 12 11 752 4
American countries 32 3 1 1 1 — 1 1 5 6 5 5 3 — 5 19 8
USA 17 2 1 — — — 1 — 2 2 2 4 3 — 3 7 7
countries 15 1 — 1 1 — — 1 3 4 3 1 — — 2 12 1
African countries 290 — — — 37 140 65 35 4 4 — 1 — 4 1 284 1
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 3
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
other countries of the world 34 4 1 1 1 5 2 2 — 7 1 6 2 2 6 18 8
Without citizenship 1683 98 88 86 89 112 170 143 120 244 238 150 135 10 285 1056 332
Citizenship not indicated 50580 2247 2176 1738 1677 2354 3880 3987 3934 7297 7740 5731 4558 3261 6484 28375 12460
4 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
Rural population 961719 64965 56797 45053 42775 57669 77732 73581 65534 121491 150329 106444 98621 728 175139 539273 246579
Citizenship indicated 947643 63753 55764 44333 42280 56921 76603 72467 64603 119625 148286 105312 97592 104 172072 531554 243913
Russian citizens 927897 62649 54677 43539 41463 55388 74354 70259 62743 116774 145590 103864 96497 100 168946 518081 240770
among them, dual citizens 941 28 34 24 44 75 108 105 72 130 155 85 81 — 90 646 205
foreign citizens 18029 1029 1016 722 748 1423 2079 2044 1729 2549 2412 1290 985 3 2890 12322 2814
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 17780 1011 1004 713 743 1419 2066 2016 1708 2509 2355 1260 973 3 2850 12167 2760
Azerbaijan 93 2 4 1 5 9 13 6 11 19 15 5 3 — 8 77 8
Armenia 219 7 7 6 8 14 22 27 30 40 32 16 10 — 21 165 33
Belarus 188 5 11 4 5 5 16 22 26 26 33 13 22 — 23 123 42
Kazakhstan 86 1 5 7 5 1 4 4 6 13 6 18 16 — 14 37 35
Kyrgyzstan 29 — 3 4 1 1 4 5 5 — — 3 3 — 7 16 6
Republic of Moldova 98 — — 7 3 — 9 17 18 20 11 6 7 — 8 76 14
Tajikistan 31 2 4 2 3 4 1 2 1 6 2 3 1 — 8 19 4
Turkmenistan 5 — — — — — 2 — 1 2 — — — — — 5 —
Uzbekistan 436 9 17 15 19 19 33 38 45 70 72 58 41 — 47 268 121
Ukraine 16595 985 953 667 694 1366 1962 1895 1565 2313 2184 1138 870 3 2714 11381 2497
European countries 158 7 6 6 2 3 7 16 11 21 45 22 12 — 19 96 43
Bulgaria 10 — — — — — — — 1 1 5 3 — — — 7 3
Hungary — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Germany 23 3 2 2 — 1 — 1 — 4 6 3 1 — 7 12 4
Greece 11 1 2 1 — — — 1 1 2 3 — — — 4 6 1
Georgia 48 1 — 1 1 2 3 8 8 4 12 7 1 — 2 34 12
other European countries 66 2 2 2 1 — 4 6 1 10 19 9 10 — 6 37 23
Asian countries 68 5 3 3 3 1 5 10 7 14 12 5 — — 12 48 8
Israel 11 — — 2 1 — 1 — 2 1 3 1 — — 2 6 3
China — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Turkey 28 2 2 — — — 3 6 4 6 2 3 — — 4 21 3
other Asian countries 29 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 7 7 1 — — 6 21 2
American countries 13 3 2 — — — — 1 2 3 — 2 — — 5 6 2
USA 11 3 2 — — — — — 2 3 — 1 — — 5 5 1
countries 2 — — — — — — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 1
African countries 3 1 — — — — — — 1 1 — — — — 1 2 —
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 5
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
other countries of the world 7 2 1 — — — 1 1 — 1 — 1 — — 3 3 1
Without citizenship 1717 75 71 72 69 110 170 164 131 302 284 158 110 1 236 1151 329
Citizenship not indicated 14076 1212 1033 720 495 748 1129 1114 931 1866 2043 1132 1029 624 3067 7719 2666
6 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
The Republic of Crimea
Urban and rural population 1891465 116185 103703 82379 82920 110942 153949 148833 133704 240982 287085 221114 205540 4129 317863 1060549 508924
Citizenship indicated 1840535 113400 101127 80468 81215 108489 149993 144894 129952 233848 279485 215899 201204 561 310253 1032392 497329
Russian citizens 1797274 111030 98875 78855 78679 104187 145126 140150 126131 227965 274316 212889 198558 513 303726 1002551 490484
among them, dual citizens 3512 116 104 74 160 288 384 379 321 490 580 322 292 2 303 2446 761
foreign citizens 40327 2226 2117 1473 2408 4114 4571 4476 3616 5410 4709 2740 2430 37 6083 27942 6265
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 38608 2188 2082 1447 2082 3535 4460 4387 3523 5257 4572 2662 2394 19 5977 26489 6123
Azerbaijan 312 16 11 11 20 35 26 37 36 79 28 10 3 — 42 254 16
Armenia 593 14 18 19 14 39 59 59 80 102 99 54 36 — 52 425 116
Belarus 465 12 19 14 14 13 46 54 49 72 66 50 56 — 49 296 120
Kazakhstan 180 4 8 10 15 5 8 6 16 28 18 35 27 — 23 89 68
Kyrgyzstan 31 — 2 — 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 8 5 — 3 15 13
Republic of Moldova 212 5 5 16 6 1 22 37 30 48 20 11 11 — 27 159 26
Tajikistan 41 3 5 2 5 5 4 3 1 6 3 3 1 — 10 27 4
Turkmenistan 27 — — — 6 10 3 — 2 4 — 1 1 — — 25 2
Uzbekistan 972 18 29 26 127 168 52 75 75 112 118 94 72 6 81 685 200
Ukraine 35775 2116 1985 1349 1873 3257 4237 4113 3232 4803 4219 2396 2182 13 5690 24514 5558
European countries 412 15 17 15 8 19 21 31 35 76 97 49 29 — 49 266 97
Bulgaria 19 — — — — — — — 2 2 8 6 1 — — 12 7
Hungary 1 — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — 1 —
Germany 55 3 8 5 1 1 — 5 4 10 11 4 3 — 16 31 8
Greece 24 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 5 4 — 1 — 8 14 2
Georgia 135 2 1 3 3 5 11 13 17 34 30 11 5 — 6 106 23
other European countries 178 7 6 5 3 12 9 11 10 25 43 28 19 — 19 102 57
Asian countries 1002 12 14 10 279 423 48 39 47 62 36 16 4 12 40 921 29
Israel 53 2 2 3 2 — 1 1 10 8 14 8 2 — 8 29 16
China 19 — — — — 11 5 1 1 1 — — — — — 19 —
Turkey 136 3 8 5 11 14 11 20 20 27 10 6 1 — 17 112 7
other Asian countries 794 7 4 2 266 398 31 17 16 26 12 2 1 12 15 761 6
American countries 34 5 3 1 1 — — 2 7 5 3 6 1 — 9 18 7
USA 20 5 3 — — — — — 4 2 1 4 1 — 8 7 5
countries 14 — — 1 1 — — 2 3 3 2 2 — — 1 11 2
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 7
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
African countries 234 1 — — 37 132 39 14 4 3 — — — 4 2 228 —
other countries of the world 37 5 1 — 1 5 3 3 — 7 1 7 2 2 6 20 9
Without citizenship 2934 144 135 140 128 188 296 268 205 473 460 270 216 11 444 1899 580
Citizenship not indicated 50930 2785 2576 1911 1705 2453 3956 3939 3752 7134 7600 5215 4336 3568 7610 28157 11595
8 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
Urban population 959916 53194 48709 38786 41419 55022 78662 77693 70377 123439 141221 118044 109940 3410 148200 538323 269983
Citizenship indicated 922908 51589 47143 37578 40201 53310 75827 74861 67551 118164 135648 113951 106621 464 143581 517833 261030
Russian citizens 898537 50288 45930 36729 38450 50481 73095 72228 65495 115025 133056 112319 105021 420 140059 500872 257186
among them, dual citizens 2619 88 74 51 117 217 281 277 251 367 433 245 216 2 218 1826 573
foreign citizens 23110 1230 1146 779 1688 2748 2604 2526 1978 2960 2410 1517 1490 34 3305 16187 3584
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 21628 1210 1123 762 1367 2173 2505 2463 1905 2844 2326 1468 1466 16 3239 14880 3493
Azerbaijan 221 14 7 10 15 26 14 31 25 60 13 5 1 — 34 178 9
Armenia 375 7 11 13 6 25 37 32 50 62 67 38 27 — 31 260 84
Belarus 297 7 11 10 10 9 31 36 27 48 36 38 34 — 30 187 80
Kazakhstan 103 3 4 3 12 4 4 2 10 18 12 20 11 — 10 57 36
Kyrgyzstan 17 — — — 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 5 2 — 1 9 7
Republic of Moldova 116 5 5 9 3 1 13 20 12 28 9 6 5 — 19 83 14
Tajikistan 11 1 1 — 2 1 3 1 — 1 1 — — — 2 9 —
Turkmenistan 22 — — — 6 10 1 — 1 2 — 1 1 — — 20 2
Uzbekistan 552 9 12 13 109 150 20 38 33 45 49 37 31 6 36 427 83
Ukraine 19914 1164 1072 704 1203 1945 2381 2302 1746 2577 2138 1318 1354 10 3076 13650 3178
European countries 263 8 11 9 6 16 15 17 25 56 55 28 17 — 30 177 56
Bulgaria 9 — — — — — — — 1 1 3 3 1 — — 5 4
Hungary 1 — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — 1 —
Germany 32 — 6 3 1 — — 4 4 6 5 1 2 — 9 19 4
Greece 13 2 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 — 1 — 4 8 1
Georgia 92 1 1 2 2 3 9 5 10 31 20 4 4 — 4 76 12
other European countries 116 5 4 3 2 12 5 7 9 15 25 20 9 — 13 68 35
Asian countries 935 7 11 7 276 422 43 29 40 48 25 11 4 12 28 873 22
Israel 43 2 2 1 1 — — 1 8 7 12 7 2 — 6 23 14
China 19 — — — — 11 5 1 1 1 — — — — — 19 —
Turkey 108 1 6 5 11 14 8 14 16 21 8 3 1 — 13 91 4
other Asian countries 765 4 3 1 264 397 30 13 15 19 5 1 1 12 9 740 4
American countries 22 2 1 1 1 — — 1 5 3 3 4 1 — 4 13 5
USA 10 2 1 — — — — — 2 — 1 3 1 — 3 3 4
countries 12 — — 1 1 — — 1 3 3 2 1 — — 1 10 1
African countries 232 — — — 37 132 39 14 3 3 — — — 4 1 227 —
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 9
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
other countries of the world 30 3 — — 1 5 2 2 — 6 1 6 2 2 3 17 8
Without citizenship 1261 71 67 70 63 81 128 107 78 179 182 115 110 10 217 774 260
Citizenship not indicated 37008 1605 1566 1208 1218 1712 2835 2832 2826 5275 5573 4093 3319 2946 4619 20490 8953
10 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
Rural population 931549 62991 54994 43593 41501 55920 75287 71140 63327 117543 145864 103070 95600 719 169663 522226 238941
Citizenship indicated 917627 61811 53984 42890 41014 55179 74166 70033 62401 115684 143837 101948 94583 97 166672 514559 236299
Russian citizens 898737 60742 52945 42126 40229 53706 72031 67922 60636 112940 141260 100570 93537 93 163667 501679 233298
among them, dual citizens 893 28 30 23 43 71 103 102 70 123 147 77 76 — 85 620 188
foreign citizens 17217 996 971 694 720 1366 1967 1950 1638 2450 2299 1223 940 3 2778 11755 2681
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 16980 978 959 685 715 1362 1955 1924 1618 2413 2246 1194 928 3 2738 11609 2630
Azerbaijan 91 2 4 1 5 9 12 6 11 19 15 5 2 — 8 76 7
Armenia 218 7 7 6 8 14 22 27 30 40 32 16 9 — 21 165 32
Belarus 168 5 8 4 4 4 15 18 22 24 30 12 22 — 19 109 40
Kazakhstan 77 1 4 7 3 1 4 4 6 10 6 15 16 — 13 32 32
Kyrgyzstan 14 — 2 — 1 — 2 2 1 — — 3 3 — 2 6 6
Republic of Moldova 96 — — 7 3 — 9 17 18 20 11 5 6 — 8 76 12
Tajikistan 30 2 4 2 3 4 1 2 1 5 2 3 1 — 8 18 4
Turkmenistan 5 — — — — — 2 — 1 2 — — — — — 5 —
Uzbekistan 420 9 17 13 18 18 32 37 42 67 69 57 41 — 45 258 117
Ukraine 15861 952 913 645 670 1312 1856 1811 1486 2226 2081 1078 828 3 2614 10864 2380
European countries 149 7 6 6 2 3 6 14 10 20 42 21 12 — 19 89 41
Bulgaria 10 — — — — — — — 1 1 5 3 — — — 7 3
Hungary — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Germany 23 3 2 2 — 1 — 1 — 4 6 3 1 — 7 12 4
Greece 11 1 2 1 — — — 1 1 2 3 — — — 4 6 1
Georgia 43 1 — 1 1 2 2 8 7 3 10 7 1 — 2 30 11
other European countries 62 2 2 2 1 — 4 4 1 10 18 8 10 — 6 34 22
Asian countries 67 5 3 3 3 1 5 10 7 14 11 5 — — 12 48 7
Israel 10 — — 2 1 — 1 — 2 1 2 1 — — 2 6 2
China — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Turkey 28 2 2 — — — 3 6 4 6 2 3 — — 4 21 3
other Asian countries 29 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 7 7 1 — — 6 21 2
American countries 12 3 2 — — — — 1 2 2 — 2 — — 5 5 2
USA 10 3 2 — — — — — 2 2 — 1 — — 5 4 1
countries 2 — — — — — — 1 — — — 1 — — — 1 1
African countries 2 1 — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 1 —
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 11
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
other countries of the world 7 2 1 — — — 1 1 — 1 — 1 — — 3 3 1
Without citizenship 1673 73 68 70 65 107 168 161 127 294 278 155 106 1 227 1125 320
Citizenship not indicated 13922 1180 1010 703 487 741 1121 1107 926 1859 2027 1122 1017 622 2991 7667 2642
12 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
The City of Sevastopol
Urban and rural population 393304 21569 19843 15795 17591 24483 33687 33285 29407 49800 55867 48318 43261 398 59910 224638 108358
Citizenship indicated 379578 20895 19210 15248 17124 23834 32634 32123 28294 47771 53684 46670 42010 81 57969 216701 104827
Russian citizens 367616 20230 18548 14754 16341 22826 31144 30703 27128 46227 52510 45899 41233 73 56054 208485 103004
among them, dual citizens 2226 113 89 53 88 147 253 220 180 288 316 243 236 — 260 1385 581
foreign citizens 11496 636 638 476 753 974 1446 1381 1120 1471 1112 733 748 8 1838 7908 1742
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 11241 627 624 469 748 954 1403 1341 1097 1433 1084 720 733 8 1805 7720 1708
Azerbaijan 74 1 3 1 8 7 13 5 7 12 13 3 1 — 5 62 7
Armenia 60 — 3 1 — 1 7 4 14 11 10 6 3 — 4 45 11
Belarus 190 4 8 11 7 11 12 22 23 25 26 19 22 — 25 116 49
Kazakhstan 94 5 4 2 3 11 3 5 10 14 9 12 16 — 11 53 30
Kyrgyzstan 49 1 4 6 2 3 8 4 9 9 2 1 — — 12 36 1
Republic of Moldova 78 4 4 3 6 5 6 7 10 15 8 3 7 — 13 52 13
Tajikistan 3 — — — — — 1 1 — 1 — — — — — 3 —
Turkmenistan — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Uzbekistan 63 1 2 3 3 2 6 9 7 9 7 6 8 — 6 37 20
Ukraine 10630 611 596 442 719 914 1347 1284 1017 1337 1009 670 676 8 1729 7316 1577
European countries 140 5 10 5 5 8 11 15 13 25 20 11 12 — 23 89 28
Bulgaria 10 1 1 — 1 — 1 2 2 — — 2 — — 2 6 2
Hungary — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Germany 7 1 1 — — — — 1 1 1 — 2 — — 2 3 2
Greece 7 — 2 — 1 1 — 1 — — 1 1 — — 2 4 1
Georgia 42 — — 1 — 3 8 6 6 11 4 — 3 — 1 37 4
other European countries 74 3 6 4 3 4 2 5 4 13 15 6 9 — 16 39 19
Asian countries 41 2 3 1 — 4 5 4 9 6 6 — 1 — 6 33 2
Israel 8 — — — — — 1 1 — 3 3 — — — — 7 1
China — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Turkey 19 1 2 1 — 1 3 2 6 2 — — 1 — 4 14 1
other Asian countries 14 1 1 — — 3 1 1 3 1 3 — — — 2 12 —
American countries 11 1 — — — — 1 — — 4 2 1 2 — 1 7 3
USA 8 — — — — — 1 — — 3 1 1 2 — — 5 3
countries 3 1 — — — — — — — 1 1 — — — 1 2 —
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 13
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
African countries 59 — — — — 8 26 21 1 2 — 1 — — — 58 1
other countries of the world 4 1 1 1 — — — — — 1 — — — — 3 1 —
Without citizenship 466 29 24 18 30 34 44 39 46 73 62 38 29 — 77 308 81
Citizenship not indicated 13726 674 633 547 467 649 1053 1162 1113 2029 2183 1648 1251 317 1941 7937 3531
14 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
Urban population 363134 19595 18040 14335 16317 22734 31242 30844 27200 45852 51402 44944 40240 389 54434 207591 100720
Citizenship indicated 349562 18953 17430 13805 15858 22092 30197 29689 26092 43830 49235 43306 39001 74 52569 199706 97213
Russian citizens 338456 18323 16816 13341 15107 21144 28821 28366 25021 42393 48180 42605 38273 66 50775 192083 95532
among them, dual citizens 2178 113 85 52 87 143 248 217 178 281 308 235 231 — 255 1359 564
foreign citizens 10684 603 593 448 725 917 1334 1287 1029 1372 999 666 703 8 1726 7341 1609
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 10441 594 579 441 720 897 1292 1249 1007 1337 975 654 688 8 1693 7162 1578
Azerbaijan 72 1 3 1 8 7 12 5 7 12 13 3 — — 5 61 6
Armenia 59 — 3 1 — 1 7 4 14 11 10 6 2 — 4 45 10
Belarus 170 4 5 11 6 10 11 18 19 23 23 18 22 — 21 102 47
Kazakhstan 85 5 3 2 1 11 3 5 10 11 9 9 16 — 10 48 27
Kyrgyzstan 34 1 3 2 2 2 6 1 5 9 2 1 — — 7 26 1
Republic of Moldova 76 4 4 3 6 5 6 7 10 15 8 2 6 — 13 52 11
Tajikistan 2 — — — — — 1 1 — — — — — — — 2 —
Turkmenistan — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Uzbekistan 47 1 2 1 2 1 5 8 4 6 4 5 8 — 4 27 16
Ukraine 9896 578 556 420 695 860 1241 1200 938 1250 906 610 634 8 1629 6799 1460
European countries 131 5 10 5 5 8 10 13 12 24 17 10 12 — 23 82 26
Bulgaria 10 1 1 — 1 — 1 2 2 — — 2 — — 2 6 2
Hungary — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Germany 7 1 1 — — — — 1 1 1 — 2 — — 2 3 2
Greece 7 — 2 — 1 1 — 1 — — 1 1 — — 2 4 1
Georgia 37 — — 1 — 3 7 6 5 10 2 — 3 — 1 33 3
other European countries 70 3 6 4 3 4 2 3 4 13 14 5 9 — 16 36 18
Asian countries 40 2 3 1 — 4 5 4 9 6 5 — 1 — 6 33 1
Israel 7 — — — — — 1 1 — 3 2 — — — — 7 —
China — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Turkey 19 1 2 1 — 1 3 2 6 2 — — 1 — 4 14 1
other Asian countries 14 1 1 — — 3 1 1 3 1 3 — — — 2 12 —
American countries 10 1 — — — — 1 — — 3 2 1 2 — 1 6 3
USA 7 — — — — — 1 — — 2 1 1 2 — — 4 3
countries 3 1 — — — — — — — 1 1 — — — 1 2 —
African countries 58 — — — — 8 26 21 1 1 — 1 — — — 57 1
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 15
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
other countries of the world 4 1 1 1 — — — — — 1 — — — — 3 1 —
Without citizenship 422 27 21 16 26 31 42 36 42 65 56 35 25 — 68 282 72
Citizenship not indicated 13572 642 610 530 459 642 1045 1155 1108 2022 2167 1638 1239 315 1865 7885 3507
16 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
Rural population 30170 1974 1803 1460 1274 1749 2445 2441 2207 3948 4465 3374 3021 9 5476 17047 7638
Citizenship indicated 30016 1942 1780 1443 1266 1742 2437 2434 2202 3941 4449 3364 3009 7 5400 16995 7614
Russian citizens 29160 1907 1732 1413 1234 1682 2323 2337 2107 3834 4330 3294 2960 7 5279 16402 7472
among them, dual citizens 48 — 4 1 1 4 5 3 2 7 8 8 5 — 5 26 17
foreign citizens 812 33 45 28 28 57 112 94 91 99 113 67 45 — 112 567 133
among them, having
citizenship of:
CIS countries 800 33 45 28 28 57 111 92 90 96 109 66 45 — 112 558 130
Azerbaijan 2 — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 — — 1 1
Armenia 1 — — — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — 1
Belarus 20 — 3 — 1 1 1 4 4 2 3 1 — — 4 14 2
Kazakhstan 9 — 1 — 2 — — — — 3 — 3 — — 1 5 3
Kyrgyzstan 15 — 1 4 — 1 2 3 4 — — — — — 5 10 —
Republic of Moldova 2 — — — — — — — — — — 1 1 — — — 2
Tajikistan 1 — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 —
Turkmenistan — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Uzbekistan 16 — — 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 — — 2 10 4
Ukraine 734 33 40 22 24 54 106 84 79 87 103 60 42 — 100 517 117
European countries 9 — — — — — 1 2 1 1 3 1 — — — 7 2
Bulgaria — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Hungary — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Germany — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Greece — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Georgia 5 — — — — — 1 — 1 1 2 — — — — 4 1
other European countries 4 — — — — — — 2 — — 1 1 — — — 3 1
Asian countries 1 — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1
Israel 1 — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1
China — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Turkey — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
other Asian countries — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
American countries 1 — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 —
USA 1 — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 —
countries — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
African countries 1 — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — 1 —
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 17
Annex 440
Table 4.13 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
0 – 4 5 – 9 10 – 14 15 – 19 20 – 24 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 and
Age not
Including age, years of the total number —
other countries of the world — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Without citizenship 44 2 3 2 4 3 2 3 4 8 6 3 4 — 9 26 9
Citizenship not indicated 154 32 23 17 8 7 8 7 5 7 16 10 12 2 76 52 24
18 —————————————————— Results of the Census in the Crimean Federal District
Annex 440
Russians Ukrainians Crimean
Tatars Belarusians Tatars Armenians Jews Poles Moldavians Azerbaijani Greeks Germans Gypsies Bulgarians Krymchaks Crimeans other
Crimean Federal District
Urban and rural
Married couples, total 471043 298829 88771 50528 5628 9191 2035 553 737 761 752 521 431 364 505 68 31 5592 5746
among them married
couples by nationality
Ruosfs itahnes husband: 294386 237837 43641 1902 3204 1615 351 274 423 410 96 231 243 53 298 37 13 2093 1665
Ukrainians 85027 41593 39098 553 1331 374 107 68 220 184 24 59 100 15 109 10 5 726 451
Married couples:
monoethnic marriage 334186 237837 39098 46434 796 5877 1431 167 30 99 512 176 18 270 48 13 7 1373 —
interethnic marriage 127148 58045 48934 3982 4792 3271 591 381 704 656 237 344 409 92 453 55 23 4179 —
the nationality of the
spouse is not 9709 2947 739 112 40 43 13 5 3 6 3 1 4 2 4 — 1 40 5746
of the wife is
not specified
among them married couples by nationality of the wife
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship —————————————————————— 1
Annex 440
Table 4.15 continued
and men wome
and men wome
and men women
Crimean Federal
Kazan Tatars 1063 427 636 445 178 267 618 249 369
4.15. Ethnicities and their endonyms by self-identification of the population
Urban and rural
population Urban population Rural population
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm
Ethnic composition and language proficiency, citizenship ———————————————————— 1
Annex 440
Table 6.4 continued
Source: http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/population/demo/perepis_krim/tab-krim.htm.
number of
number of
Crimean Federal District
Urban and rural settlements
All households 635710 2053255 239606 178390 123494 54744 39476 271177 3,2
Households with all
household members
belonging to the same
nationality 432005 1355722 173241 121030,00 81070 33916 22748 152290 3,1
Households where all
household members are:
Ukrainians 44547 124431 23359 11758 6329 2063 1038 6808 2,8
6.4. Private households composed of two and more people, by ethnic homogeneity and household size
Of the total number of households, the number of households consisting of
Number of
Number of
members of
6 persons and more
2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons
ge size
of the
Number and composition of households ———————————————————————————————— 1
Annex 440

Annex 441
Russian Federal Migration Service, Internal instruction No. AK-1/2/2-
5770 “On the issuance of residence permits and temporary residence
permits”, 22 April 2014

(FMS of Russia)
22 April 2014 No. AK-1/2/2-5770
On the issuance of residence permits and
temporary residence permits
[Stamp: COPY]
to the acting heads of the territorial bodies
of the Federal Migration Service of Russia located
in the territory of the Crimean Federal District
When organising the work as regards to the issuance of residence permits and temporary residence
permits to foreign citizens and stateless persons residing (staying) in the territory of the Republic of Crimea
and Sevastopol, please be guided by the following.
1. Citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol as at 18 March 2014 who stated, within one month after the said date, their intention
to retain the other citizenship that they and their minor children possessed or to remain stateless persons, are
to be provided with residence permits in a similar way to the provisions of the section “Issuance of residence
permits to certain categories of foreign citizens” of the administrative regulation for the provision by the
Federal Migration Service of a state service relating to the issuance of the residence permit in the Russian
Federation to foreign citizens, approved by Order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia of 22 April 2013
No. 215 (“Administrative Regulation”).
In order for the residence permit to be issued, a citizen of Ukraine or stateless person submits to the
territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of Russia at the place of his permanent residence in the
Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol:
1) an application for the issuance of a residence permit drawn up in arbitrary form;
2) two personal photographs of 35x45 mm in colour or black and white with a clear full-face image
without a headdress;
3) an identity document and a copy thereof;
4) a birth certificate (for minor children) and a copy thereof;
5) confirmation of permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol as
at 18 March 2014 (a stamp in a Ukrainian passport; a certificate of registration at the place of residence for
minor children; a court decision establishing the fact of permanent residence; other document issued in the
prescribed manner) and a copy thereof.
On the basis of Article 20 of Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the
admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities
within the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol” (“Federal
Constitutional Law”), until notary chambers are created in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, notarial
actions in their territories are performed by persons authorised to do so under Ukrainian law. In view of this,
documents executed in a foreign language, if the text is not duplicated in Russian, are to be translated into
Russian. The accuracy of translation and the authenticity of the translator’s signature are to be notarised.
The application is registered as provided for by the Administrative Regulation. One checks the
applicant’s application, including insofar as minor children are concerned, with the intention to retain the other
citizenship that the applicant (minor children) possesses or to remain stateless. The outcome of this check is
recorded in a statement of issuance of the residence permit. The decision relating to the issuance of the
residence permit is adopted in the form of resolution made in the statement of issuance of the residence permit
of the head of the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or its structural division in
accordance with the division of responsibilities.
The residence permit is prepared and issued within seven business days since the application was
accepted for consideration.
Annex 441
The residence permit is issued for five years as provided for by the Administrative Regulation: for
citizens of Ukraine – on letterheads with series 82 and 83 and for stateless persons – on letterheads with series
80 and 81 (until it is technically feasible to issue residence permits to stateless persons that have digital storage
media capacities).
Given the provisions of Article 15 of the Federal Constitutional Law, the stamp duty for the issuance
of the residence permit is not paid until 1 January 2015, unless such stamp duty is introduced by the constituent
entities themselves for the transition period in accordance with the powers they are prescribed to have (Part 2
of Article 15 of the Federal Constitutional Law).
Information about issued residence permits is to be recorded in the Foreign Citizen Registration
Central Database of the Federal Migration Service of Russia (applied software “Territory”, module “Residence
Until changes are made to statistical reporting of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, it is
necessary to keep separate registration of citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons who obtained residence
permits in accordance with the procedure above.
2. Foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily and legally staying in the territory of the Republic
of Crimea and Sevastopol are to be provided with temporary residence permits as provided for by Federal Law
of 25 July 2002 No .115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” (“Federal Law”)
and the Administrative regulation for the provision of a state service relating to the issuance of the temporary
residence permit in the Russian Federation to foreign citizens and stateless persons, approved by Order of the
Federal Migration Service of Russia of 22 April 2013 No. 214.
Until the Government of the Russian Federation establishes a quota for the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol on the issuance of temporary residence permits to foreign citizens and stateless persons in the
Russian Federation, applications for the issuance of the temporary residence permit is to be accepted from
foreign citizens and stateless persons who have the right to obtain the temporary residence permit in accordance
with paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Federal Law.
As concerns the payment of the stamp duty for the issuance of the temporary residence permit, please
be guided by paragraph 1 of this instruction.
3. According to Article 12 of the Federal Constitutional Law, documents issued by the state and other
official authorities of Ukraine are valid in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol without
limitation of their validity period and without any confirmation by the state authorities of the Russian
Federation, the state authorities of the Republic of Crimea or Sevastopol, unless otherwise ensues from the
documents themselves or from the essence of relations.
In this regard, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have certificates of permanent residence or
temporary residence in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol that are valid as at 18 March 2014,
have the right to reside in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol on the basis of the said
documents until the procedure for the issuance of the Russian-type residence permits and temporary residence
permits to them is elaborated.
The regulation procedure in relation to the said category of persons is to be circulated separately.
At the same time, the said foreign citizens have the right to obtain a residence permit in the Russian
Federation if they wish so and apply to the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia as
provided for by the Federal Law.
4. The implementation of the above is to be taken under personal control.
Deputy Head [Signed] A.E. Kuznetsov
Annex 441
Annex 442
Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea, Decree No. 40-U
“On L.E. Islyamov”, 30 May 2014

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
On [L.] E. Islyamov
In accordance with clause 13 of Part 1 of Article 64 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea,
Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of 28 May 2014 No. 2170-6/14 “On cancellation
of Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of 4 April 2014 No. 1933-6/14 “On Islyamov
L.E.” as amended by the Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea
I hereby decree:
1. TO RELEASE ISLYAMOV LENUR Edemovich from his duties as Deputy Chairman of the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea on 30 May 2014.
2. The Finance and Accounting Directorate of the Administrative Department of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea to make the final settlement with L.E. Islyamov, to pay compensation
for the unused 4.5 calendar days of the main annual leave for the period of work from 4 April 2014 to 30
May 2014.
Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
30 May 2014
No. 40-U
Annex 442

Annex 443
State Council of the Republic of Crimea official website, “Edip
Gafarov: the Crimean authorities are ready to cooperate with Crimean
Tatars and to address problems of the entire people rather than some of
its representatives trying to speak on its behalf”, 30 May 2014

Edip Gafarov: the Crimean authorities are ready to cooperate with Crimean
Tatars and to address problems of the entire people rather than some of its
representatives who are trying to speak on its behalf
The Crimean authorities are ready to cooperate with Crimean Tatars rather than with one of its
organisations, and to address problems of the entire people rather than some of its representatives
who are trying to speak on its behalf. This is what Edip Gafarov, Chairman of the Permanent
Committee of the State Council for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
Crimea, said on air at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Crimea”.
Besides, he said that everyone wishing to act in the interests of the Republic and the people would
be given such a chance. But if someone wishes to act in his or her own interests or some political
group, the republican authorities have nothing to do with it.
“It seems that Islyamov didn’t quite understand where he was and what his purpose was when he
was appointed to the position of Vice Prime Minister. It’s not about his business qualities, but that a
Russian public official can’t remain a businessman. And the attempt of Islyamov to play a double
game: to participate in the anti-Russian campaigns of Dzhemilev and to be in the Russian state
service at the same time couldn’t be successful. [He] should’ve focused on resolving socioeconomic
issues: water supply, improvement of the places of compact residence of the repatriates,
providing them with housing, but there was no particular desire to give priority to them” the
Crimean parliamentarian thinks.
E. Gafarov also noted that the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, the federal authorities
showed that they were not going to leave the matter of Crimean Tatars at the mercy of some group
as it had often been the case under Ukrainian rule. “Members of the Mejlis were appointed at the
time, and after that – nobody cared, it was none of anyone’s business. Things are different now. The
authorities pay close attention to how the Presidential Decree on deported peoples is implemented
and how efficient the public officials responsible for this are. If someone underperforms, personnel
decisions are promptly made as the situation warrants it”, he concluded.
Moreover, according to E. Gafarov, when representatives of the Crimean Tatar community,
repatriates of other ethnicities are delegated into the republican authorities, two criteria necessarily
play a critical role: professionalism and desire to work in a team in an active and constructive
Press Service of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea
30 May 2014
Annex 443

Annex 444
Russian Federal Migration Service, Internal instruction No. AK-1/2/2-
8358 “On the organization of work with foreign citizens permanently
residing in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol”, 9 June 2014

[Stamp: COPY]
To the Heads of the Directorates of the
Federal Migration Service (FMS) of Russia
for the Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol
and Rostov Region
9 June 2014
On the organisation of work with foreign citizens
permanently residing in the Republic of Crimea
and Sevastopol
The FMS of Russia along with the State-Legal Directorate of the President of the Russian
Federation have addressed the issue of determining the legal status of foreign citizens in the Republic
of Crimea and Sevastopol with permanent residence certificates issued by the official authorities of
Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.
The legal status of foreign citizens, insofar as it relates to their right to permanently reside in
the territory of the Russian Federation, is regulated by Articles 2, 8 and 9 of the Federal Law of 25
July 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” and is
confirmed by a residence permit issued for five years.
The migration legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for such a document as
a permanent residence certificate without a validity period.
A change in the state affiliation of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol accordingly entails
a change in the essence of legal relations as regards the determination of the legal status of foreign
citizens in the territories of the newly formed constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
In this regard, it is necessary to organise information and counselling work with the said
category of foreign citizens on clarification of their right to obtain a “Russian” residence permit
instead of a “Ukrainian” permanent residence certificate during the transition period set out in Article
6 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic
of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities within the
Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol” (hereinafter – the
Please note that for the the work with the said category of foreign citizens, the Administrative
Regulation for the provision of a state service by the Federal Migration Service relating to the issuance
of residence permits to foreign citizens approved by Order of the FMS of Russia of 22 April 2013
No. 215 (hereinafter – the Administrative Regulation) shall apply subject to the FMS of Russia
instruction of 22 April 2014 No. AK-1/2/2-5770 and the present instruction.
To confirm the applicant's registration at the place of residence in the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol on 18 March 2014 verification shall be carried out against the records of the Central
Database of Registration of Foreign Citizens (CDB RFC) of the FMS of Russia.
Annex 444
The decision to issue a residence permit shall be made in the form of an endorsement on the
application for the issuance of a residence permit by the head of the territorial body of the FMS of
Russia or its structural unit in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.
A residence permit shall be drawn up and issued to the applicant within 20 business days from
the date of the acceptance of the application for consideration.
When issuing a residence permit, the permanent residence certificate is to be attached to the
The applicant shall be informed of the provisions of the Russian migration legislation, the
rights and obligations of a foreign citizen with a residence permit in the Russian Federation; to this
end an acknowledgement form provided for by Appendix No. 13 to the Administrative Regulation is
to be filled out.
Information on the issued residence permits shall be entered into the CDB RFC of the FMS
of Russia (application software “Territory”, module “Residence Permit”).
Until the changes are introduced to the statistical reports of the FMS of Russia, a separate
record of foreign citizens who have obtained a residence permit in accordance with the above
procedure shall be maintained.
When issuing a residence permit, a note indicating the registration of a foreign citizen at the
place of residence in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol is to be transferred to the newly issued
residence permit from the date of the issuance of the residence permit. When changing the place of
residence in the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens who have obtained a residence
permit are subject to the registration at the place of residence in accordance with the Federal Law of
18 July 2006 No. 109 “On migration registration of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”.
I request you to take the implementation of the referred activities under personal control.
Deputy Head (Signed) A.E. Kuz…
Annex 444
Annex 445
Explanatory note to the revised draft No. 588277-6 of the Federal
Constitutional Law “On amending the Federal Constitutional Law ‘On
the admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation
and the formation of new constituent entities within the Russian
Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol’”, 14 August 2014

to the revised draft Federal Constitutional Law “On amending the Federal Constitutional
Law ‘On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and formation of
new constituent entities within the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the
Federal City of Sevastopol’” (draft No. 588277-6)
The draft Federal Constitutional Law “On Amending the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March
2014 No. 6-FKZ ‘On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and
formation of new constituent entities within the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the
Federal City of Sevastopol’” (hereinafter referred to as the draft law) proposes to regulate the issues
associated with the restrictions in relation to the persons holding public posts of the Russian
Federation, federal public service posts in the Republic of Crimea and the state civil service posts in
the Republic of Crimea as well as the issues associated with the validity of documents issued by the
state and other official bodies of Ukraine, state and other official bodies of the Autonomous Republic
of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol.
As the matter of the renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship (which need to be renounced so that the
right to state and municipal service can be exercised) is not resolved for reasons beyond the control
of residents of the Republic of Crimea (Russian nationals), which serves as an obstacle to civil and
municipal service, the draft law is intended to regulate the renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship by
civil and municipal servants of the Republic of Crimea.
If adopted, this draft law will help regulate legal mechanisms related to the restrictions imposed when
one is admitted to, and does, state and municipal service in the Republic of Crimea, and issues
associated with the registration of goods imported into the Republic of Crimea.
Source: State Duma official website, http://sozd.duma.gov.ru/download/32D93D37-959D-46E6-
Annex 445

Annex 446
Comment by the Information and Press Department of the Russian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the statement by the OSCE
Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, regarding
the situation around the Avdet newspaper, No. 2186-22-09-2014,
22 September 2014

№ 2186-22-09-2014
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Russian Federation
22.09.14 18:51
Comment by the Information and Press Department of the Russian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the statement by the OSCE
Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatoviж, regarding the
situation around the Avdet newspaper
We noted another groundless and explicitly politically motivated press
release by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Press, Dunja Mijatoviж,
containing invented concerns about the fate of the Avdet newspaper, issued by
Majlis of Crimean Tatars.
The OSCE having fewer countries as member states than Russia has
nationalities, should know that our country, is rich in traditions of peaceful coexistence
with different people and faiths and is especially sensitive to any
manifestations of extremism, hate speech and the incitement of international
conflicts. Together with our constant respect for and support of activities of
ethnic organisations, we support the strict observation of national law by them.
While Dunja Mijatoviж appeals to the observation of the order of law in
Crimea, she knows well that Majlis and the Avdet newspaper which it controls
and which has been warned several times of the inadmissibility of public appeals
for extremist activities refuse to work within the required legal framework. The
requirements of the law in the Russian Federation are the same for everybody.
Rebukes by Dunja Mijatoviж are strange against the backdrop of the silence
kept surrounding the facts which are vital for the freedom of speech in Crimea:
the Crimean-Tatar language received an official status for the first time in the
modern history and Crimean Tatars were fully restored.
We regret that the excessively attentive, almost prejudiced, attitude to
mass media in the Russian Federation and Crimea as its part, negatively affects
the quality of monitoring in the area of freedom of the press in other OSCE
member states, where outrageous violations are still outside the range of
attention of Dunja Mijatoviж.
22 September 2014
Annex 446

Annex 447
Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol official website, “On filling in the details of payment order
for payers – individuals and legal entities”, 1 October 2014

Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
On filling in the details of the payment order for payers - individuals and legal entities.
1 October 2014
Roskomnadzor Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol hereby informs the payers
of the state duty about the details required for the payment by individuals and legal entities for public
services, as well as other payments to the revenue of the budget system administered by the regional offices
of Roskomnadzor in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 160.1 of the Budget Code of the Russian
Federation and Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation of 12 November 2013 No. 107n
“Concerning approval of the rules for indicating information in the details of the orders for transferring funds
in payments to the budgetary system of the Russian Federation”.
Use the insurance number of individual personal account of the insured person in the personalized
accounting system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS) as an identifier for individual
When filling in the element 108 of the payment order, the symbols "№" and "-" shall not be indicated. Before
the individual’s identifier (SNILS number) in the field 108 of the payment order, a two-digit value of the
individual details identifier type shall be indicated. SNILS has the value “14”. In order to separate the twodigit
value of the individual details identifier type and the identifier itself, the “;” sign shall be used.
For example: «14;12345678900».
In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation of 20 November 2012 No. 03-
05-04-03/93, payment documents for the state duty payment shall be submitted by the person applying to
Roskomnadzor to get a public service (from the applicant). The state duty shall be paid with the applicant’s
own funds. It is important that the submitted payment documents provided a clear understanding that the
amount of the state duty was paid by the applicant with own funds.
At the same time, the state duty may be paid by the representative on behalf of the person represented. When
the state duty is paid by the representative, the payment document shall indicate that the payer is acting on
behalf of the person represented (in the “Purpose of payment” field)
When the state duty is paid in cash by an individual on behalf of the represented organization, it is necessary
to attach a proof of the paid money belonging to the organization that applied to Roskomnadzor for the
public service to the payment document (check-order), i.e. it should be indicated that an individual, i.e. a
representative acts on the basis of a power of attorney or constituent documents by attaching an expense cash
order or other document confirming that the funds were issued to such individual to pay the state duty.
SAMPLE of filling out a payment order
for the payment of the state duty for media registration
SAMPLE of filling out a payment order for payment of the state duty for issuance
a permit for ship radio station
https://82.rkn.gov.ru/news/news68980.htm 1
Annex 447

Annex 448
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea official website,
“Sergey Aksyonov met Muslims of Crimea who have performed Hajj”,
13 October 2014

Sergey Aksyonov met Muslims of Crimea who have performed Hajj
13 October 2014
On 13 October, Sergey Aksyonov, the head of the Republic of Crimea and Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea met with Muslims of Crimea, who had performed Hajj. The meeting
was also attended by Ruslan Balbek, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea, Zaur Smirnov, Chairman of the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea, and Hajji Emirali Ablaev, the Mufti of Muslims of Crimea.
Sergey Aksyonov stressed that the Crimean government treated Crimean Muslims with respect. “We must
preserve inter-ethnic peace, harmony, understanding on all issues, respect for the spiritual values of each
other, and I guarantee that this policy will continue in Crimea”, - the head of Crimea said.
Sergey Aksyonov also noted that the Crimean Muslims could go to Mecca and perform Hajj, principally
thanks to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who pays constant attention to the Muslims
of Russia.
In return, the pilgrims thanked Sergey Aksyonov for the support provided and noted that the most
comfortable conditions had been created for them to perform Hajj.
As a reminder, this year a group of 150 Crimean Tatars was formed, who performed Hajj with the support of
the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Prices for pilgrim tours were reduced by
almost half.
Annex 448

Annex 449
Acting Head of the City Administration of Simferopol, Order No. 217-r
“On celebration of the New Year 2015 and Christmas”,
25 November 2014

Head of the Archive Administration (Municipal Archive)
of the City Administration
(Signed) L.Yu. Berkova
“09” June 2020
(Coat of Arms of the Republic of Crimea)
Republic of Crimea
Acting Head of the City Administration of Simferopol
25 November 2014 Simferopol No. 217-r
On the celebration
of the New Year 2015
and Christmas
In order to organise and hold the events dedicated to the celebration of the New Year 2015 and
1. Approve the action plan for the celebration of the New Year 2015 and Christmas
(Appendix 1).
2. Approve the cost estimate for holding the events dedicated to the celebration of the New
Year 2015 and Christmas (Appendix 2).
3. The liquidation commission of the Department of Budgeting, Finance and Economy
(N.A. Guzeeva) to finance the City Administration of Simferopol in the amount of RUB 593,670.00
(five hundred ninety-three thousand six hundred seventy rubles. 00 kopecks) out of the funds
specified in resolution of 24 January 2014 No. 894 of the extraordinary 78th session of the VI
convocation Simferopol City Council “On the 2014 city budget” (with amendments and additions)
under Financial Classification Code 110502 “Other cultural and educational institutions and
4. The executive authorities of the council, the liquidation commissions of the executive
authorities to ensure, within their competence, the execution of the activities within the prescribed
time limits (Appendix 1)
5. Information Policy Administration to publish this resolution on the official website
of the Simferopol City Council.
6. I will supervise the implementation of this order.
Acting Head of the City Administration of Simferopol (Signed) G.S. Bakharev
Annex 449
Executive commission administrator
Deputy city head for the activities of the
council executive authorities
Chairman of the Liquidation Commission
of the Department of Budgeting, Finance
and Economy
Head of the Records and Statements
of the organization administration
of the legal department
Deputy Head of the Department of Culture (Signed) V.V. Fedorova
V.V. Stokovsky
I.S. Glazkov
N.A. Guzeeva
T.V. Nazar
A.G. Ulianov
T.O. Sviridenko
Draft order of the acting Head of Administration produced by the Department of Culture
of the Department of Culture (Signed) A.V. Dribnaya
Annex 449
Appendix 1
to Order
of the acting Head of
City Administration of
of “25” November 2014
No. 217-r
to celebrate the New Year 2015 and Christmas
Event Responsible
Period for
Provide festive decoration of streets, squares, shop
windows of trade enterprises, facades of administrative
buildings, industrial enterprises of the city,
organizations, institutions and territories in front of them.
The liquidation
commission of the
Administration of the
Housing and Utilities
Service (the
“Administration of
the Housing and
Utilities Service”),
the liquidation
commission of the
department (the
department”), the
administration of
trade and services
Up to
16 December
2. Mount New Year trees in traditional places of the city
districts (Children’s Park, Lenin Boulevard, Gorkiy
Street) and additionally in such local areas as Zagorodny,
Pnevmatika, Marshal Zhukov, the city district power
plant, village of Agrarny.
Administration of the
Housing and Utilities
01 December
3. Mount and decorate the Main New Year tree of
Simferopol on Lenin Square.
Administration of the
Housing and Utilities
01 December
4. Organize and hold a city-wide Christmas party for
orphans, disabled children and children from low-income
families in the Simferopol State Circus.
Social policy
From 27 to 29
5. Organize and hold Pre-New Year fairs, entertainment
programs on Lenin Square, Gorkiy Str., in front of
Administration of
trade and services,
01 December
2014 to
Head of the Archive
Administration (Municipal
of the City Administration
(Signed) L.Yu. Berkova
“09” June 2020
Annex 449
the building of the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, the city council, the Trade Union Culture Palace,
Crimean Republican extracurricular educational
institution “Center for Children and Youth Creativity”,
Sovetskaya Square and other squares of the city.
commission of the
department of culture
(the “Department of
Culture”), the
commission of the
department of
education (the
“Department of
Education”), the
commission of the
department for
family, youth, tourism
and sports (the
“Department for
Family, Youth,
Tourism and Sports”)
07 January
6. Hold New Year morning parties, balls, evening parties,
and other festive events in schools and preschool
institutions, teenage clubs, cultural institutions, familytype
Department of
Department for
Family, Youth,
Tourism and Sports,
Department of
06 December
7. Organize, together with the Crimean Diocese, the
installation of the Nativity scene on Lenin Square.
Administration of the
Housing and Utilities
Service, Department
of Culture,
Administration for the
issues of cooperation
with the law
enforcement bodies,
defense mobilization
work and emergency
Annex 449
8. Ensure the protection of public order, the safety of
citizens in the areas of festivities and public events, the
protection of the New Year trees mounted in the city.
Administration for the
issues of cooperation
with the law
enforcement bodies,
defense mobilization
work and emergency
01 December
9. Ensure the operation of medical institutions during the
New Year and Christmas holidays, ambulances in the
areas of festive events.
commission of the
health protection
administration (the
“Health Protection
01 December
10. Ensure the stable operation of public transport, trade
enterprises, utilities during the New Year and Christmas
Administration of
transport and
Administration of the
Housing and Utilities
Administration of
trade and services
01 December
11. Provide timely media coverage of the New Year and
Christmas activities.
Information policy
02 December
2014 to 20
January 2015
12. Prepare and publish in the media the holiday greetings of
the Head of the municipal district administration.
Information policy
Up to
19 December
Head of the Archive Administration (Municipal Archive)
of the City Administration
(Signed) L.Yu. Berkova
“09” June 2020
Annex 449
13. Provide registration and distribution of the New Year
greetings (according to a specific list).
Information policy
Up to
24 December
14. Execute the activities to ensure fire safety and public
order in crowded places during the New Year and
Christmas celebrations.
Administration for
the issues of
cooperation with the
law enforcement
bodies, defense
mobilization work
and emergency
19 December
15. Organize the design and installation of social advertising
that displays the text of the New Year greetings from the
Head of the municipal district administration to the city
01 December
16. Execute the work to ensure sanitary order during the
preparation and celebration of the New Year and
Administration of the
Housing and Utilities
01 December
17. Organize the installation and hold the opening of the t 20 J
Nativity scene on Lenin Square.
Administration of the
Housing and Utilities
Service, Department
of Culture
From 06 to 07
January 2015
Head of the Department of Culture (Signed) A.V. Dribnaya
Annex 449
Annex 450
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Letter No. 01-15/1294, 24 June 2021

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
[Title in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar]
3 Sovnarkomovsky Lane, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000,
Reception Desk (3652) 27-52-32, Administrative Office (3652) 27-61-33
e-mail: [email protected] http://monm.rk.gov.ru/
of 24 June 2021 No. 01-15/1294
to Ref. No. 1685/dp of 5 February 2021
To the Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
D.A. Lobach
32/34 Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square, G-200,
Moscow, 119200
[email protected]
On materials in the case “Ukraine v. Russian
Federation” in the International Court of Justice
Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich,
In addition to letter of 25 February 2021 No. 01-15/1294 in response to request of 5 February 2021
No. 1685/dp, the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter referred
to as the “Ministry”) hereby informs you as follows.
The Ministry’s official website has had a section titled “State and other languages of the Republic
of Crimea” since 2017.
This section features updated information about instruction in the state languages of the Republic
of Crimea (Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar) and the study of native languages of the peoples of the Russian
Federation living in the Republic of Crimea, and statistical data is annually updated.
Besides, there are lists of educational and methodical literature in native languages published
between 2015 and 2018 (117 titles). There are exemplary educational programmes on the Crimean Tatar
language and literature, the Ukrainian language and literature for preschool and general educational
institutions of the Republic of Crimea. These programmes were approved by the Federal Educational and
Methodical Association for General Education (Minutes of 20 May 2015 No. 2/15) and included in the
registry of programmes of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
We hereby send you some publications from this website.
Annex: on 23 pages.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Minister /Signature/ T.R. Asanov
Z.S. Suleymanova
+7(3652) 25 04 15
Annex 450
On the situation with education in the state (Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian) languages and the study of
native languages in educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea in the 2017/2018 academic year*
In the 2017/2018 academic year, 196.5 thousand children study in 527 municipal educational
institutions of the Republic of Crimea. 5.6 thousand of them (3%) receive education in Crimean Tatar, and
318 students (0.2%) receive education in Ukrainian.
In the Republic of Crimea, there are 15 educational organizations with the Crimean Tatar language
of instruction (202 class groups, 3753 students):
1. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 18 with the Crimean
Tatar language of instruction” of Evpatoria;
2. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 3 with the
Crimean Tatar language of instruction” of Sudak;
3. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution Bakhchisaray General Secondary School No.
5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction, of Bakhchisaray;
4. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution Vilinskaya General Secondary School No. 2
with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction, of the Bakhchisaray District;
5. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Viktorovskaya Elementary General
Education School with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction”, of the Bakhchisaray District;
6. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Belogorsk Secondary School No. 4” of
7. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zuyskaya Secondary School No. 2 named
after Seitnafe Seitveliev” of the Belogorsky District;
8. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zarechnenskaya School-kindergarten with
the Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Dzhankoy District;
9. Municipal Educational Institution “Maiskaya School with the Crimean Tatar language of
instruction”, of the Dzhankoy District;
10.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Starokrymskaya General Secondary School
No. 2” of the Kirov District;
11.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Oktyabrskaya School No. 3 named after
Ismail Gasprinsky” of the Krasnogvardeisky District;
12.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Sarybash School with the Crimean Tatar
language of instruction named after A.M. Tippa of the Pervomaisky District of the Republic of Crimea”;
13.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Kolchuginskaya School No. 2 with the
Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Simferopol District;
14.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Sovetskaya Secondary School No. 3 with
the Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Sovetsky District;
15.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Eshref Shemy-zade General Secondary
School No. 42” of Simferopol;
In the Republic of Crimea in the current academic year, there is 1 general educational institution
with the Ukrainian language of instruction (9 class groups, 146 students): Municipal Budgetary General
Educational Institution “School No. 20” of Feodosia.
Annex 450
In addition, on the basis of general educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction,
class groups with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction have been opened (in 31 schools there are
133 class groups, 1879 students):
1. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Privetnenskaya School” of Alushta;
2. Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3” of Dzhankoy of the Republic of
3. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 28” of
4. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 29” of
5. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 37” of
6. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 44” of
7. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Veselovskaya General Secondary School”
of Sudak;
8. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Grushevskaya General Secondary School”
of Sudak;
9. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Morskaya General Secondary School” of
10.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “School No. 15” of the city of Feodosia;
11.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Belogorskaya Secondary School No. 3” of
12.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zelenogorskaya Secondary School” of the
Belogorsky District;
13.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Litvinenkovskaya Secondary School” of the
Belogorsky District;
14.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Tsvetochnenskaya Secondary School” of
the Belogorsky District;
15.Municipal Educational Institution “Mirnovskaya School” of the Dzhankoy District;
16.Municipal Educational Institution “Pobednenskaya School” of the Dzhankoy District;
17.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zhuravskaya General School” of the
Kirovsky District;
18.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Krasnoznamenskaya School” of the
Krasnogvardeisky District;
19.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Novopavlovsk Educational Complex” of the
Krasnoperekopskiy District;
20.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Berezovskaya General Secondary School”
of the Razdolnensky District;
21.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zhuravlinskaya Secondary School” of the
Saki District;
22.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Trudovskaya Secondary School” of the Saki
23.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Denisovskaya School” of the Simferopol
24.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Slonimskiy Dobrovskaya Gymnasium
School” of the Simferopol District;
25.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Malenskaya School” of the Simferopol
Annex 450
26.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Rodnikovskaya Gymnasium School” of the
Simferopol District;
27.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Ukromnovskaya School” of the Simferopol
28.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Urozhainovskaya School” of the Simferopol
29.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Teplovskaya School” of the Simferopol
30.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Illichivskaya Secondary School” of the
Sovetsky District;
31.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Pushkinskaya Secondary School” of the
Sovetsky District.
On the basis of general educational institutions with Russian as language of instruction, class groups
with the Ukrainian language of instruction have been opened (in 7 schools there are 13 class groups, 172
1. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Trenev Gymnasium No. 11” of Simferopol;
2. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Simferopol Academic Gymnasium” of
3. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 29” of Simferopol;
4. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Yalta Educational Complex No. 15” of
5. Municipal Educational Institution “Zavet-Leninskaya School” of the Dzhankoy District;
6. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Novopavlovskiy Educational Complex” of
the Krasnoperekopskiy District;
7. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Shtormovskaya Gymnasium School” of the
Saki District.
In the general educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea, the study of the following native
languages is organized in various forms (as a subject, in depth, optional, in extracurricular activities):
- Crimean Tatar - 21.6 thousand students,
- Ukrainian - 10.6 thousand students,
- Armenian - 97 students,
- Bulgarian - 73 students,
- Greek - 343 students (of whom 94 children study Greek as their native language, and 249 as a second
foreign language),
- German - 58 students.
* Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official website,
https://monm.rk.gov.ru/file/Обучение на родных языках(1)(1).docx
Annex 450
On the situation with education in the state (Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian) languages and the study of
native languages in educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea in the 2018/2019 academic year*
In accordance with Federal Law of 3 August 2018 No. 317-FZ “On amendments to Articles 11, 14 of
the Federal Law ‘On Education in the Russian Federation’”, the free choice of the language of education,
the studied native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation,
including the Russian language as a native language, the state languages of the republics of the Russian
Federation shall be based on the applications of parents (legal representatives) of minor students when the
latter are admitted (transferred) into studying the educational programmes of preschool education and the state
accredited educational programmes of primary general and basic general education.
Parents (legal representatives) of students can choose on a voluntary, free and informed basis the
language of instruction and study for their children. At the same time, voluntariness does not mean the refusal
to study a native language, but the possibility to choose one (for example, the choice of Russian, Crimean
Tatar, Ukrainian, or other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation living in the Republic of Crimea).
In the 2018/2019 academic year, 200.7 thousand students study in 544 educational institutions of the
Republic of Crimea of all forms of ownership. Of these, 194.4 thousand students receive education in Russian
(96.7% of the total), 6.1 thousand students (3.1%) - in Crimean Tatar, and 249 students (0,2%) - in Ukrainian.
In the Republic of Crimea, there are 15 general educational institutions with the Crimean Tatar
language of instruction (224 class groups, 4258 students):
1. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 18 with the Crimean
Tatar language of instruction” of Evpatoria;
2. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 3 with the
Crimean Tatar language of instruction” of Sudak;
3. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution Bakhchisaray General Secondary School No.
5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction, of Bakhchisaray;
4. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution Vilinskaya General Secondary School No. 2
with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction, of the Bakhchisaray District;
5. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Viktorovskaya Elementary General
Education School with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction”, of the Bakhchisaray District;
6. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Belogorsk Secondary School No. 4” of
7. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zuyskaya Secondary School No. 2 named
after Seitnafe Seitveliev” of the Belogorsky District;
8. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zarechnenskaya School-kindergarten with
the Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Dzhankoy District;
9. Municipal Educational Institution “Maiskaya School with the Crimean Tatar language of
instruction”, of the Dzhankoy District;
10.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Starokrymskaya General Secondary School
No. 2” of the Kirov District;
11.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Oktyabrskaya School No. 3 named after
Ismail Gasprinsky” of the Krasnogvardeisky District;
12.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Sarybash School with the Crimean Tatar
language of instruction named after A.M. Tippa of the Pervomaisky District of the Republic of Crimea”;
13.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Kolchuginskaya School No. 2 with the
Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Simferopol District;
14.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Sovetskaya Secondary School No. 3 with
the Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Sovetsky District;
Annex 450
15.Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Eshref Shemy-zade General Secondary
School No. 42” of Simferopol;
In the Republic of Crimea in the current academic year, there is 1 general educational institution
with the Ukrainian language of instruction (9 class groups, 144 students): Municipal Budgetary General
Educational Institution School No. 20 of the city of Feodosia.
In addition, on the basis of general educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction,
class groups with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction have been opened (in 27 schools there are
126 class groups, 1834 students):
1. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Privetnenskaya School” of Alushta;
2. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 28” of
3. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zhukov General Secondary School No.
29” of Simferopol;
4. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 37” of
5. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 44” of
6. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Grushevskaya General Secondary
School” of Sudak;
7. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Morskaya General Secondary School”
of Sudak;
8. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “School No. 15” of Feodosia;
9. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Belogorskaya Secondary School No. 3” of
10. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zelenogorskaya Secondary School” of the
Belogorsky District;
11. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Litvinenkovskaya Secondary School” of
the Belogorsky District;
12. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Tsvetochnenskaya Secondary School” of
the Belogorsky District;
13. Municipal Educational Institution “Mirnovskaya School” of the Dzhankoy District;
14. Municipal Educational Institution “Pobednenskaya School” of the Dzhankoy District;
15. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zhuravskaya General School” of the Kirov
16. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Krasnoznamenskaya School” of the
Krasnogvardeisky District;
17. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Novopavlovsk Educational Complex” of
the Krasnoperekopskiy District;
18. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Berezovskaya General Secondary School”
of the Razdolnensky District;
19. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zhuravlinskaya Secondary School” of the
Saki District;
20. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Trudovskaya Secondary School” of the
Saki District;
21. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Denisovskaya School” of the Simferopol
22. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Slonimskiy Dobrovskaya Gymnasium
School” of the Simferopol District;
Annex 450
23. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Malenskaya School” of the Simferopol
24. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Urozhainovskaya School” of the
Simferopol District;
25. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Teplovskaya School” of the Simferopol
26. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Illichivskaya Secondary School” of the
Sovetsky District;
27. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Pushkinskaya Secondary School” of the
Sovetsky District.
On the basis of general educational institutions with Russian as language of instruction, class groups
with the Ukrainian language of instruction have been opened (in 5 schools there are 8 class groups, 105
1. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Trenev Gymnasium No. 11” of Simferopol;
2. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Simferopol Academic Gymnasium” of
3. Municipal Educational Institution “Zavet-Lenin School” of the Dzhankoy District;
4. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Novopavlovskiy Educational Complex” of
the Krasnoperekopskiy District;
5. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Shtormovskaya Gymnasium School” of the
Saki District.
In the general educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea, the study of the following native
languages is organized in various forms (as a subject, in depth, optional, in extracurricular activities):
- Crimean Tatar - 27.7 thousand students,
- Ukrainian - 10.6 thousand students,
- Armenian - 97 students,
- Bulgarian - 73 students,
- Greek - 343 students (94 - as a native, 249 - as a second foreign language),
- German - 58 students.
In 544 educational institutions implementing preschool education programmes (of which 424 are
preschool educational institutions, 120 are structural units of general educational institutions), 74.3 thousand
children are enrolled, of whom 383 children receive education and upbringing in the Crimean Tatar language,
and 883 children study in bilingual (Crimean Tatar, Russian) groups.
Thus, a total of 1.3 thousand children (2%) study in the Crimean Tatar language in preschool
educational institutions, and 73.1 thousand children (98%) study in Russian.
* Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official website,
Annex 450
On the instruction in and studying of languages of the Republic of Crimea, 1st half of the 2019/2020
academic year*
The Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, together with local
government bodies, is working to implement the constitutional right of children to education in their native
In the 2019/2020 academic year in the Republic of Crimea, there are 544 educational institutions (522
municipal schools, 16 state boarding schools, 6 private schools), in which 213,591 students study.
I. Education is organized in the state languages of the Republic of Crimea
Russian Crimean Tatar Ukrainian
207.2 thousand (96.9%) 6.4 thousand (3%) 206 (0.1%)
Students who study in general educational institutions with the Crimean Tatar or Ukrainian language of
in Crimean Tatar in Ukrainian
schools class groups students school class groups students
16 237 4704 1 9 152
Students who study in schools with the Russian as the language of instruction
(classes with Crimean Tatar or Ukrainian language of instruction)
in Crimean Tatar in Ukrainian
schools class groups students school class groups students
22 117 1702 1 3 54
II. Conditions have been created for students to study their native languages
in various forms (as a subject, in-depth, optional, in extracurricular activities)
schools/ students
3 112 1 44 5 371 333 31190 1 61 144 5621
III. Education is organized in preschool educational organizations in the state languages of the
Republic of Crimea
In the 2019/2020 academic year, 404 preschool educational organizations (401 - municipal, 3 - private)
operate in the Republic of Crimea, in which 76622 children study, including in 1 preschool educational
organization with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction covering 40 students.
Annex 450
Students who study in groups with the Crimean Tatar
or Ukrainian language of instruction
on the basis of preschool educational organizations with
Russian as the language of instruction
in Crimean Tatar In Ukrainian
groups students Preschool
groups students
12 19 491 2 2 65
in two languages
(Crimean Tatar and Russian)
19 41 758
Students who covered by preschool education in the state languages of the Republic of Crimea
Russian Crimean Tatar Ukrainian
75298 children (98%). 1289 children (2%) 65 (0.1%)
IV. The number of students in the Crimean Tatar language in educational institutions of the Republic
of Crimea in 2019 increased by 855 (13%) people compared to 2013, and the number of students studying
the Crimean Tatar language increased by 5986 people (19%).
The number of children in preschool educational organizations receiving education in the Crimean
Tatar language in 2019 increased by 469 people (36%) compared to 2013.
In the educational process, 117 titles of educational and methodological publications in the Crimean
Tatar and Ukrainian languages with a total circulation of 168248 copies are used, prepared and published in
accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
The decline in students receiving education in the Ukrainian language may be due to subjective
reasons: lack of need among citizens for their children to receive education in the Ukrainian language.
The decrease in the number of students studying the Ukrainian language is explained by the fact that
until the academic year 2014/2015, the study of the Ukrainian language as the state language (Ukraine) was
compulsory for all students and in all educational institutions.
Education in the Crimean Tatar language is organized in 15 out of 25 municipalities of the Republic
of Crimea, and instruction in Ukrainian is conducted in two municipalities. The study of the Crimean Tatar
language is organized in 24 municipalities of the Republic of Crimea.
From two to four hours, depending on the class, are allocated for the study of native languages as an
academic subject, and from one to two hours are allocated for the study of native languages as optional and
extracurricular activities.
* Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official website,
Annex 450
On the situation with education in the state (Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian) languages and the study of
native languages in educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea in the 2020/2021 academic year*
In accordance with Federal Law of 3 August 2018 No. 317-FZ “On amendments to Articles 11, 14 of
the Federal Law ‘On Education in the Russian Federation’”, the free choice of the language of education,
the studied native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation,
including the Russian language as a native language, the state languages of the republics of the Russian
Federation shall be based on the applications of parents (legal representatives) of minor students when the
latter are admitted (transferred) into studying the educational programmes of preschool education and the state
accredited educational programmes of primary general and basic general education.
Parents (legal representatives) of students can choose on a voluntary, free and informed basis the
language of instruction and study for their children. At the same time, voluntariness does not mean the refusal
to study a native language, but the possibility to choose one (for example, the choice of Russian, Crimean
Tatar, Ukrainian, or other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation living in the Republic of Crimea).
In the 2020/2021 academic year, 218974 thousand students study in 547 educational institutions of
the Republic of Crimea of all forms of ownership. Of these, 212090 thousand students receive education in
Russian (96.9% of the total), 6.7 thousand students (3%) study in Crimean Tatar, which is 14 class groups (344
students) more than in the past 2019/2020academic year, and 214 students (0.1%) study in Ukrainian.
In the Republic of Crimea, there are 16 general educational institutions with the Crimean Tatar
language of instruction (247 class groups, 4861 students):
1. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 18 with the
Crimean Tatar language of instruction” of Evpatoria;
2. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 3 with the
Crimean Tatar language of instruction” of Sudak;
3. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution Bakhchisaray General Secondary School
No. 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction, of Bakhchisaray;
4. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution Vilinskaya General Secondary School No.
2 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction, of the Bakhchisaray District;
5. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Viktorovskaya Elementary General
Education School with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages of instruction”, of the Bakhchisaray District;
6. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Bekir Choban-zade Belogorsk Secondary
School No. 4” of Belogorsk;
7. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zuyskaya Secondary School No. 2 named
after Seitnafe Seitveliev” of the Belogorsky District;
8. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zarechnenskaya School-kindergarten
with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Dzhankoy District;
9. Municipal Educational Institution “Maiskaya School with the Crimean Tatar language of
instruction”, of the Dzhankoy District;
10. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Starokrymskaya General Secondary
School No. 2 named after Amet-Khan Sultan” of the Kirov District;
11. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Oktyabrskaya School No. 3 named after
Ismail Gasprinsky” of the Krasnogvardeisky District;
Annex 450
12. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Sarybash School with the Crimean Tatar
language of instruction named after A.M. Tippa of the Pervomaisky District of the Republic of Crimea”;
13. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Kolchuginskaya School No. 2 with the
Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Simferopol District;
14. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Sovetskaya Secondary School No. 3
with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction”, of the Sovetsky District;
15. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Eshref Shemy-zade General Secondary
School No. 42” of Simferopol;
16. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Alime Abdennanova General Secondary
School No. 44” of Simferopol.
In addition, on the basis of general educational institutions with Russian as the language of instruction,
class groups with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction have been opened (in 22 schools there are
119 class groups, 1809 students):
1. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Privetnenskaya School” of Alushta;
2. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “General Secondary School No. 37” of
3. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Grushevskaya General Secondary
School” of Sudak;
4. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Morskaya General Secondary School” of
5. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “School No. 15” of Feodosia;
6. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Belogorskaya Secondary School No. 3”
of Belogorsk;
7. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zelenogorskaya Secondary School” of
the Belogorsky District;
8. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Litvinenkovskaya Secondary School” of
the Belogorsky District;
9. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Tsvetochnenskaya Secondary School” of
the Belogorsky District;
10. Municipal Educational Institution “Mirnovskaya School” of the Dzhankoy District;
11. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zhuravskaya General School” of the
Kirov District;
12. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Krasnoznamenskaya School” of the
Krasnogvardeisky District;
13. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Berezovskaya General Secondary
School” of the Razdolnensky District;
14. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Zhuravlinskaya Secondary School” of
the Saki District;
15. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Trudovskaya Secondary School” of the
Saki District;
Annex 450
16. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Denisovskaya School” of the
Simferopol District;
17. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Dobrovskaya Gymnasium School
named after Slonimskiy” of the Simferopol District;
18. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Malenskaya School” of the Simferopol
19. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Urozhainovskaya School” of the
Simferopol District;
20. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Teplovskaya School” of the Simferopol
21. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Ilyichevskaya Secondary School” of the
Sovetsky District;
22. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Pushkinskaya Secondary School” of the
Sovetsky District.
23. Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “School No. 15 of Feodosia, the Republic
of Crimea”.
In the Republic of Crimea in the current academic year, there is 1 general educational institution
with the Ukrainian language of instruction (9 class groups, 162 students): Municipal Budgetary General
Educational Institution “School No. 20 of Feodosia of the Republic of Crimea”.
In addition, class groups with the Ukrainian language of instruction (3 class groups, 52 students)
have been opened in the Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution “Simferopol Academic
Gymnasium” of Simferopol.
In the general educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea, the study of the following native
languages is organized in various forms (as a subject, in depth, optional, in extracurricular activities):
- Crimean Tatar for 30475 thousand students,
- Ukrainian - 4155 thousand students,
- Armenian - 114 students,
- Bulgarian - 52 students,
- Greek - 230 students,
- German - 45 students.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, in 554 educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea,
implementing preschool education programmes, 73.9 thousand children are enrolled, of whom 72.6 thousand
children (98.3%) are taught in Russian, 1.2 thousand children (1.6 %) are taught in Crimean Tatar, and 93
students are taught in Ukrainian (0.1%).
* Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official website,
phpuhSs1y_На сайт (2).docx
Annex 450
[Original in Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian and Russian]
List of educational literature prepared and published by Prosveshchenie Publishing House, JSC at the
request of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea in 2015-2016*
No. Textbooks
1. Mathematics. 1st Grade. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. M.I. Moro, S.I. Volkova, S.V. Stepanova
2. Mathematics. 1st Grade. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. M.I. Moro, S.I. Volkova, S.V. Stepanova
3. Environment. 1st Grade. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Pleshakov
4. Environment. 1st Grade. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Pleshakov
5. Fine Art. 1st Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. L.A. Nemenskaya / edited by B.M. Nemensky
6. Music. 1st Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. E.D. Kritskaya, G.P. Sergeeva, T.S. Shmagina
7. Handicraft. 1st Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. E.A. Lutseva, T.P. Zuyeva
8. Mathematics. 2nd Grade. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova
9. Mathematics. 2nd Grade. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova
10. Environment. 2nd Grade. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Pleshakov
11. Environments. 2nd Grade. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Pleshakov
12. Fine Art. 2nd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. E.I. Koroteyeva/ edited by B.M. Nemensky
13. Music. 2nd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Kritskaya, T.S. Shmagina
14. Handicraft. 2nd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. E.A. Lutseva, T.P. Zuyeva
15. Mathematics. 3rd Grade. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, et
16. Mathematics. 3rd Grade. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, et
17. Fine Art. 3rd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. N.A. Goryayeva, L.A. Nemenskaya, P.S. Piterskikh, et al. / edited
by B.M. Nemensky
18. Environment. 3rd Grade. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Pleshakov
19. Environment. 3rd Grade. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Pleshakov
20. Music. 3rd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Kritskaya, T.S. Shmagina
21. Handicraft. 3rd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. E.A. Lutseva, T.P. Zuyeva
22. Mathematics. 4th Grade. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, et
23. Mathematics. 4th Grade. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Annex 450
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. M.I. Moro, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, et
24. Environment. 4th Grade. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Pleshakov. E.A. Kryuchkova
25. Environment. 4th Grade. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Pleshakov, E.A. Kryuchkova
26. Fine Art. 4th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. L.A. Nemenskaya/ edited by B.M. Nemensky
27. Music. 4th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Kritskaya, T.S. Shmagina
28. Handicraft. 4th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. E.A. Lutseva, T.P. Zuyeva
29. Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics. Fundamentals of Islamic Culture.
4th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean
Tatar Language. D.I. Latyshina, M.F. Murtazin
30. Physical Education. 1st-4th Grades. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. V.I. Lyakh
31. World History. Ancient History. 5th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions
with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S.
Sventsitskaya/ Edited by A.A. Iskenderov
32. Life Safety. 5th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov/ edited by A.T. Smirnov
33. Fine Art. 5th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. N.A. Goryayeva, O.V. Ostrovskaya/ edited by B.M. Nemensky
34. Music. 5th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Kritskaya
35. Biology. 5th-6th Grades. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction
in the Crimean Tatar Language. L.N. Sukhorukova, V.S. Kumchenko, I.Ya. Koesnikova
36. Social Studies. 6th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction
in the Crimean Tatar Language. N.F. Vinogradova, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova, et al./
Edited by L.N. Bogolyubov, L.F. Ivanova
37. History of Russia. From the Earliest Times to Late XVI Century. 6th Grade. Textbook for
General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A.
Danilov, L.G. Kosulina
38. Fine Art. 6th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. L.A. Nemenskaya/ Edited by B.M. Nemensky
39. Life Safety. 6th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov/ Edited by A.T. Smirnov
40. World History. History of the Middle Ages. 6th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. E.V. Agibalova, G.M.
Donskoy/ Edited by A.A. Svanidze
41. Music. 6th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Kritskaya
42. Geography. 5th-6th Grades. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.I. Alexeev, V.V. Nikolina, E.K. Lipkina/
Edited by A.I. Alexeev
43. World History. Modern History. 1500-1800. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.Ya. Yudovskaya, P.A.
Baranov, L.M. Vanyushkina/ Edited by A.A. Iskenderov
44. Geography. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. / Edited by A.I. Alexeev
45. Biology. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. L.N. Sukhorukova, V.S. Kuchmenko, I.Ya. Kolesnikova
46. History of Russia. Late XVI–XVIII Century. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Danilov, L.G.
47. Social Studies. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction
Annex 450
in the Crimean Tatar Language. L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova, et al./
Edited by L.N. Bogolyubov, L.F. Ivanova
48. Music. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Kritskaya
49. Fine Art. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. A.S. Piterskikh, G.E. Gurov/ Edited by B.M. Nemensky
50. Life Safety. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov/ Edited by A.T. Smirnov
51. Biology. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. L.N. Sukhorukova, V.S. Kuchmenko, T.A. Tsekhmistrenko
52. Social Studies. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction
in the Crimean Tatar Language. L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova, et al./
Edited by L.N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova
53. Life Safety. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov/ Edited by A.T. Smirnov
54. Geography. Russia. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.I. Alexeev
55. History of Russia. XIX Century. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions
with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina
56. World History. Modern History. 1800-1900. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.Ya. Yudovskaya, P.A.
Baranov, L.M. Vanyushkina/ Edited by A.A. Iskenderov
57. Fine Art in Theatre, Cinema and on Television. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.S. Piterskikh/ Edited by
B.M. Nemensky
58. Social Studies. 9th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction
in the Crimean Tatar Language. L.N. Bogolyubov, A.I. Matveev, E.I. Zhiltsova et al./ Edited
by L.N. Bogolyubov, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, A.I. Matveev
59. Geography. 9th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. A.I. Alexeev, V.V. Nikolina, E.K. Lipkina, et al.
60. Biology. 9th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the
Crimean Tatar Language. L.N. Sukhorukova, V.S. Kumchenko
61. World History. Contemporary History. 9th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. O.S. Soroko-Tsyupa, O.A.
Soroko-Tsyupa/ Edited by A.A. Iskenderov
62. History. Russia in the XX – Early XXI Century. 9th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar Language. A.A. Danilov
63. Life Safety. 9th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction in
the Crimean Tatar Language. A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov/ Edited by A.T. Smirnov
Study Guides
64. Curriculum Guidelines for the Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue) for General
Educational Institutions. Edited by A.S. Ablyatipov
65. Curriculum Guidelines for the Crimean Tatar Language (Non-Mother Tongue) for General
Educational Institutions. Edited by A.S. Ablyatipov
66. Crimean Tatar – Russian School Glossary. A. Veliyev, S.M. Useinov, E.A. Bekirov, Edited
by V.A. Mireev
* Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official website,
Annex 450
List of educational publications on the Crimean Tatar language and literature approved for use
(supplied to the educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea in January 2018)*
No. Name, grade, author
1. ABC Book. In Two Parts. Part 1. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. M. Sh. Gafarova
2. ABC Book. In Two Parts. Part 2. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. M. Sh. Gafarova
3. ABC Book. Study Guide for Teachers of General Educational Institutions. M. Sh. Gafarova
4. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 1st Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. M.S.
Sattarova, S.S. Sattarova
5. The Crimean Tatar Language. 1st Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of General Educational
Institutions. M.S. Sattarova, L.S. Yagyaeva, S.S. Bilyalova
6. The Crimean Tatar Language (Non-Mother Tongue). 1st Grade. Textbook for General
Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the Russian and Crimean Tatar Languages.
M.R. Mamutova
7. The Crimean Tatar Language (Non-Mother Tongue). 1st Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of
General Educational Institutions. M.R. Mamutova
8. Literature Reading. 1st Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. S.S. Sattarova, M.S. Sattarova
9. Literature Reading. 1st Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of General Educational Institutions.
M.S. Sattarova, L.S. Yagyaeva, S.S. Bilyalova
10. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 2nd Grade. Textbook for General
Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages.
M.S. Sattarova, S.S. Sattarova
11. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 2nd Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of
General Educational Institutions. M.S. Sattarova, L.S. Yagyaeva, S.S. Bilyalova
12. The Crimean Tatar Language (Non-Mother Tongue). 2nd Grade. Textbook for General
Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the Russian and Crimean Tatar Languages.
M.R. Mamutova
13. The Crimean Tatar Language (Non-Mother Tongue). 2nd Grade. Study Guide for Teachers
of General Educational Institutions. M.R. Mamutova
14. Literature Reading. 2nd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Russian and Crimean Tatar Languages. M.S. Sattarova, S.S. Sattarova
15. Literature Reading. 2nd Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of General Educational Institutions.
M.S. Sattarova, L.S. Yagyaeva, S.S. Bilyalova
16. The Crimean Tatar Language (Non-Mother Tongue). 3rd Grade. Textbook for General
Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the Russian and Crimean Tatar Languages.
M.R. Mamutova
17. The Crimean Tatar Language (Non-Mother Tongue). 3rd Grade. Study Guide for Teachers
of General Educational Institutions. M.R. Mamutova
18. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 5th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. A. Memetov,
L.A. Alieva, I.A. Memetov
19. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 5th Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of
General Educational Institutions. L.A. Alieva
20. The Crimean Tatar Literature. 5th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with
the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. D.U. Selyametova, G.R.
Agigeldieva and others
21. The Crimean Tatar Literature. 5th Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of General Educational
Institutions. D.U. Selyametova, G.R. Agigeldieva and others
22. Chrestomathy. 5th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction
in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. D.U. Selyametova, G.R. Agigeldieva and
23. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 6th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Annex 450
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. A. Memetov,
L.A. Alieva, I.A. Memetov
24. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 6th Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of
General Educational Institutions. L.A. Alieva
25. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. A. Memetov,
L.A. Alieva
26. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 7th Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of
General Educational Institutions. L.A. Alieva
27. The Crimean Tatar Literature. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with
the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. F.M. Asanova, E.E. Osmanova
28. The Crimean Tatar Literature. 7th Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of General Educational
Institutions. F.M. Asanova, E.E. Osmanova
29. Chrestomathy. 7th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction
in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. F.M. Asanova, E.E. Osmanova
30. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. A. Memetov,
L.A. Alieva, E. Akmallaev
31. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 8th Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of
General Educational Institutions. L.A. Alieva
32. The Crimean Tatar Literature. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with
the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. A. Kokieva
33. Chrestomathy. 8th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the Instruction
in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. A. Kokieva
34. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 9th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. A. Memetov,
L.A. Alieva, E. Akmallaev
35. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 9th Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of
General Educational Institutions. L.A. Alieva
36. Crimean Tatar-Russian School Vocabulary. Edition 2. Educational Guide for General
Educational Institutions. A. Veliev, V.A. Mireev, K.U. Salyadinov and others
* Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official website,
Annex 450
List of educational publications on the Crimean Tatar language and literature, the Ukrainian
language and literature approved for use in institutions of general education in the Republic of
(Supplied to the educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea in January 2019)*
No. Name, grade, author
1. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 3rd Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. M.S.
Sattarova, S.S. Sattarova
2. Literature Reading. 3rd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. S.S. Sattarova, M.S. Sattarova
3. Crimean Tatar Literature. 6th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. L.R. Belyalova, T.F. Mystafaeva,
L.N. Trosh, M.R. Tinchirova, M.M. Suleymanova
4. Chrestomathy on the Crimean Tatar Literature. 6th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. L.R.
Belyalova, T.F. Mystafaeva, L.N. Trosh, M.R. Tinchirova, M.M. Suleymanova
5. Crimean Tatar Literature. 8th Grade. Study Guide for Teachers of General Educational
Institutions. A. Kokieva
6. Crimean Tatar Literature 9th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages. A. Kokieva
7. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 10th Grade. Textbook for General
Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages.
A. Memetov, L.A. Alieva
8. The Crimean Tatar Language (Mother Tongue). 11th Grade. Textbook for General
Educational Institutions with the Instruction in the Crimean Tatar and Russian Languages.
A. Memetov, L.A. Alieva
9. The Ukrainian Language (Mother Tongue). 1st Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Ukrainian and Russian Languages. A.E. Guminskiy,
N.I. Rashpil
10. The Ukrainian Language (Mother Tongue). 2nd Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Ukrainian and Russian Languages. T.N. Chudova
11. Literature Reading. 2nd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Ukrainian and Russian Languages. L.P. Oskoma
12. The Ukrainian Language (Mother Tongue). 3rd Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Ukrainian and Russian Languages. E.A. But, L.A.
13. Literature Reading. 3rd Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Ukrainian and Russian Languages. I.S. Gladkaya, N.I. Pelypas
14. The Ukrainian Language (Mother Tongue). 4th Grade. Textbook for General Educational
Institutions with the Instruction in the Ukrainian and Russian Languages. N.N. Borisyuk
15. Literature Reading. 4th Grade. Textbook for General Educational Institutions with the
Instruction in the Ukrainian and Russian Languages. A.N. Kostikova, M.S. Lysenko
* Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea official website,
Annex 450
Annex 451
Intentionally omitted

Annex 452
Directorate of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol, Report “Social and Economic Situation of the
Republic of Crimea in January 2015”, Simferopol, 2015

Social and Economic Situation of the Republic of
Crimea in January 2015
Annex 452
Responsible for the issue - O. I. Baldina
Social and Economic Situation of the Republic of Crimea in January 2015: report / Territorial department of
the Federal State Statistics Service of Crimea - Simferopol : Krymstat, 2015. – 38 pages.
Table 5
General results of population migration
2014 1) 2013
arrived departed
arrived departed
Migration - total
including intra-regional
external to the republic
from it:
the federal city of
other countries
24161 7772 +16389 30129 25073 +5056
593 335 +258 1220 2157 -937
8591 1489 +7102 8218 6501 +1717
8350 51 +8299 1746 429 +1317
877 147 +730 3565 606 +2959
1) Registration/de-registration of the place of residence in the Republic of Crimea in April and May
2014 was not carried out by the migration service, the last decade of June 2014 - the beginning of
registration of citizens at the new place of residence. The number of migrants who have left since July
2014 is recorded without taking into account those who departed to the constituent enities of the Russian
Head O.I. Baldina
Annex 452
Annex 453
Federal Migration Service of Russian Federation, Instruction No. NS-
1/6-197 “On the persons recognized as citizens of the Russian
Federation in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law No. 6-
FKZ of 21 March 2014” (with exemplary forms of application and
confirmation attached thereto), 15 January 2015

To the heads (directors) of the
territorial bodies of the
FMS of Russia
(FMS of Russia)
4 Boyarskiy Pereulok, Moscow, 107078
15 January 2015 No. NS-1/6-197
On the persons recognized as citizens
of the Russian Federation in accordance with the
Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014
No. 6-FKZ
[Bar code of the document:
FMS of Russia, 09000065812737ab]
In accordance with part 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ
“On the Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent
entities in the Russian Federation − the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol” (as amended
by the Federal Constitutional Law of 29 December 2014 No. 19-FKZ) the persons recognized as citizens of
the Russian Federation in accordance with part 1 of the said Article and having received an identity document
of a citizen of the Russian Federation shall be recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation as citizens
not having citizenship of a foreign state in case they submit an application on no intention to be a citizen of a
foreign state.
Such an application is to be submitted to the federal executive authority responsible for the
development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of migration with the
provision of a document proving the possession of other citizenship.
In this regard, we recommend to be guided by the following.
1. The application of no intention to be a citizen of a foreign state (Ukraine) is to be submitted by
persons of the said category to the territorial body of the FMS of Russia in person at the place of residence or
stay (Appendix No. 1).
2. The application of no intention to be a citizen of a foreign state (Ukraine) shall be accompanied with
copies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the passport of a citizen of Ukraine or other
document of the relevant authority of Ukraine proving that the person possesses the citizenship of Ukraine.
3. The acceptance of the statement of no intention to be a citizen of a foreign state (Ukraine) shall be
confirmed by a certificate issued to the person of the said category (Appendix No. 2).
4. The accepted applications shall be scanned for the entry of information into application software
“Territory” after revision of the corresponding software.
5. A paper record of the application of no intention to be a citizen of a foreign state (Ukraine) is
maintained by the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service in the logbook for the registration of the
applications (Appendix No. 2).
6. The applications of no intention to be a citizen of a foreign state (Ukraine), the copies of the
documents attached thereto and the logbook for the registration of the applications are retained for 85 years.
Enclosure: on 3 pages.
Deputy Head (Signed) N.M. Smorodin
Annex 453
Appendix No. 1
Registration number ______________ __________________________________
(name of the territorial body of the FMS of
From citizen ________________________
Residing at the address ________________
Passport ____________________________
I, _______________________________________________________________________,
(surname, name, patronymic name, date and place of birth)
recognized as a citizen of the Russian Federation in accordance with part 1 of Article 4 of the Federal
Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian
Federation and the formation of new constituent entities in the Russian Federation − the Republic of Crimea
and the federal city of Sevastopol” declare no intention to be a citizen of Ukraine.
Attached: (copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, copy of the document proving the
possession of the citizenship of Ukraine).
__________ ____________________
(date) (signature)
Annex 453
Appendix No. 2
Name of the territorial body of the FMS of Russia
Registration number _______________________
This is to certify that, in accordance with part 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of
21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the
formation of new constituent entities in the Russian Federation − the Republic of Crimea and the federal city
of Sevastopol”, the application of no intention to be a citizen of Ukraine of
(surname, name, patronymic name, date and place of birth)
recognized as a citizen of the Russian Federation in accordance with part 1 of Article 4 of the Federal
Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian
Federation and the formation of new constituent entities in the Russian Federation − the Republic of Crimea
and the federal city of Sevastopol”, was accepted on “___” ________ 20___ (registration number _________).
Head of the territorial body of the FMS of Russia
__________________________________ _____
(special rank, last name, initials) (signature)
“___” ________ 20___ L.S.1
1 The seal of the territorial authority shall be affixed
Annex 453

Annex 454
Crimean Prosecutor’s Office official website, “Natalia Poklonskaya:
any destructive activities will be suppressed”, 29 January 2015

News Search – Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea
[photographs of the meeting]
Prosecutor’s Office
of the Republic of Crimea
Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea
Date of publication:
29 January 2015, 11:58
N. Poklonskaya: Any Destructive Activities Will Be Suppressed
The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Crimea held a meeting of the interdepartmental working group on
countering extremist activities, chaired by the republic's prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya.
The organisation was assembled to summarise the results of work conducted in that area over the past year and
to determine priority measures for the coming period.
The republic's prosecutor mentioned that law enforcement authorities have overall been rather successful in
countering extremist activities, which helped prevent any serious conflicts. 'I think that the forces involved in
destructive activities have had enough reasons to see that intentions of security officials are absolutely serious
and that they are able to ensure the inevitability of punishment for any offences', Poklonskaya said and added
that any destructive activities will be suppressed regardless of the names of organisations or their
N. Poklonskaya assured that decisions will be proceeded on each and every offence with signs of extremist
activities. The republic's prosecutor forwarded six files to investigative bodies for organizing criminal
prosecution, including materials against specific persons related to crimes provided for in part 2 of Article
280.1 (public calls for action aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation), part 2 of
Article 239 (creation of a non-profit organisation that entrenches upon personalities and rights of citizens), part
2 of Article 282 (incitement to hatred or enmity), Article 282.3 (funding extremist activities), part 1 of Article
212 (organisation of civil disorders) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The republic's prosecutor mentioned that those files include materials related to unlawful activities by three
coordinators of an unofficial organisation, as well as materials on people who were in charge of last year's civil
disorders in Crimea that caused two deaths and moderate bodily injuries of six people.
Annex 454
Since there are facts related to manifestation of extremism, additional measures aimed at their effective
suppression were developed during the meeting.
That includes scheduled educational events for the purpose of preventing manipulation of public opinion and
engaging the population in destructive activities.
Background information. In 2014, while overseeing the implementation of laws on federal security,
cross-national relations and countering extremism, authorities identified over 1,700 violations and made 356
submissions which led to 298 persons being brought to justice. Four criminal cases were opened based on
materials of prosecutor's inspections. As part of preventive activities, 81 individuals were cautioned on
impermissibility of violation of law, and 3 warnings were issued.
Annex 454
Annex 455
Roskomnadzor official website, “Details for paying the state duty for
registration of mass media outlets”, 6 February 2015

This is an archival copy of the page To certify with a notary
from 06.02.2015 [08:02:13] MSK
The system of access to archival copies of “Web-arhive.ru” websites is registered with Rospatent reg. No.
Web-arhive.ru is not associated with authors and the content of the page
Home page > About Roskomnadzor
Roskomnadzor requisites (PDF, 144.22 Kb)
Requisites for making a payment for the use of the radio spectrum from 01.01.2015 for all federal districts
(PDF, 369.93 Kb)
Requisites for paying the state duty for licensing activities, for making a payment for the radio spectrum, etc.
(PDF, 236.11 Kb)
Requisites for paying the state duty for registration of media outlets (PDF, 207.13 Kb)
Requisites for making a payment of monetary penalties (fines) (PDF, 143.11 Kb)
Sample application for the return of the state duty (DOC, 51.00 Kb)
Publication time: 20.08.2009 14:03
Last modified: 14.01.2015 09:48
Annex 455
for paying the state duty for registration of media outlets
Recipient Office of the Federal Treasury for Moscow (for Roskomnadzor)
Personal account 04731000960
Settlement account 40101810800000010041
Receiving bank BRANCH 1 MOSCOW, MOSCOW 705
Correspondent account No
BIK 044583001
TIN 7705846236
Tax registration reason code 770501001
GAC [OKTMO] code 45381000
Budgetary classification code 096 1 08 07130 01 1000 110 “State duty for state registration of media
outlets, products of which are intended for distribution mainly on the territory of a constituent entity
of the Russian Federation, as well as for the issuance of a duplicate certificate of such registration”
According to this budgetary classification code, a state duty is paid for registration of the
media outlets, the products of which are intended for distribution mainly throughout the entire
territory of the Russian Federation, beyond its limits and in the territories of several constituent
entities of the Russian Federation:
- for state registration of a media outlet (periodicals; news agencies; radio, television, video
programs, newsreel programs; other media outlets);
- for re-registration of a media outlet (periodicals; news agencies; radio, television, video
programs, newsreel programs; other media outlets);
- for issuing a duplicate certificate of a media outlet state registration (periodicals; news
agencies; radio, television, video programs, newsreel programs; other media outlets);
- for making changes to the certificate of a media outlet state registration (periodicals; news
agencies; radio, television, video programs, newsreel programs; other media outlets).
Annex 455
When paying the state duty, it is necessary to indicate the action (paid procedure) in the field
“purpose of payment” of the payment document, for which the state duty is paid (the form of
distribution and the name of the registered media outlet).
The state duty for registration of media outlets, the products of which are intended for
distribution on the territory of constituent entities, municipalities and federal cities of Moscow and
St. Petersburg is paid at the place of distribution to the Territorial Departments of Roskomnadzor
(using requisites of the Territorial Departments).
Telephones for consultation
Financial Department of Roskomnadzor
(495) 987-68-99 ext. 31-61, ext. 31-56
(495) 987-67-77 ext. 31-36
Annex 455

Annex 456
State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea
official website, “The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
held a meeting, which addressed the problems of citizens from among
repressed nations who returned to Crimea”, 4 March 2015

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea held a meeting, which addressed the
problems of citizens from among repressed peoples who returned to Crimea.
4 March 2015
On 3 March, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea hold a meeting headed by
Ruslan Balbek with the participation of the Chairman of the State Committee for Inter-Ethnic
Relations of the Republic of Crimea, Zaur Smirnov, adviser to the autorized representative of
the President of the Russian Federation in the Crimean Federal District, Eskender Bilyalov, as
well as the representatives of the Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Migration Service, and the
Ministries of Health and Education of the Republic of Crimea.
Based on the results of the meeting, it was decided to form an electronic database of persons
from among repressed peoples who do not have Russian citizenship with the purpose to
subsequently keep under control all matters related to the legal status of this category of people.
The application form for registration in the register will soon be published on the website of the
State Committee for Inter-Ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea. Documents from citizens
for inclusion in the database will be collected by the departments of inter-ethnic relations within
city and regional administrations on a daily basis from 15 March 2015 to 17 March 2015.
Annex 456

Annex 457
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation official website,
“The internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs began
the operational-strategic exercise ‘Zaslon-2015’ the day before”,
3 April 2015

Official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
© 2020, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
The internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs [MIA] began the
operational-strategic exercise “Zaslon-2015” the day before
3 April 2015 8:30 a.m.
In accordance with the plan of training of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the
“Zaslon-2015” operational-strategic exercises for the Russian MIA Internal Troops are conducted from 2 until
10 April, led by the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian MIA
Internal Troops, General Viktor Zolotov.
The subject of the exercises is “The use of troops (forces) in the event of aggravation of operational situation
in Russian regions”. This topic has been chosen due to new threats to the country’s national security and is
directly associated with the Federal Law “On Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian
Federation”. According to that law, internal troops are entrusted with a number of tasks, such as: working with
internal affairs bodies to protect public order and ensure public safety, taking part in the fight against terrorism,
protecting important national facilities and special cargo, participating in defending the borders of the Russian
The operational-strategic exercises are conducted in the Northwestern, Central, Privolzhskiy, North Caucasian,
Southern and Crimean federal districts. Public servants from the offices of plenipotentiary representatives of
the Russian President take part in the exercises.
The exercises involve the High Command of Internal Troops, government agencies and troops of the North
Caucasian, Central, Northwestern and Privolzhskiy regional commands, as well as Novosibirsk, Saratov and
Perm Military Institutes of the Internal Troops and members of related security agencies—a total of around 40
thousand people and approximately 1.5 thousand units of military and special equipment.
Press Service of the Russian Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Source: https://мвд.рф/news/ite/3279374
Annex 457

Annex 458
Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to UNESCO,
Information on the situation in the Republic of Crimea (the Russian
Federation) within the scope of UNESCO competence,
as of 8 April 2015, 14 April 2015

Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458
Annex 458

Annex 459
State Council of the Republic Crimea official website, “A requiem
meeting dedicated to Day of Remembrance of the victims of the
deportation from Crimea was held in Simferopol”, 18 May 2015

A Requiem meeting dedicated to Day of Remembrance of victims of the deportation from Crimea was held
in Simferopol
On 18 May, the State Academic Musical Theater of the Republic of Crimea hosted a requiem meeting
dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatar, Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek and
German peoples from the peninsula.
The memorial event was attended by Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov, Chairman of the
State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov, Vice Speaker of the Crimean Parliament
Remzi Ilyasov, members of the Presidium of the State Council of Crimea, Deputy Chairman of the Council
of Ministers of Crimea Ruslan Balbek, members of the Government of the Republic, Mufti of Muslims of
Crimea Emirali haji Ablaev, rector of the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University Fevzi Yakubov,
representatives of city authorities, national cultural communities and public organizations, students of
Crimean universities.
As part of the requiem of memory in the foyer of the theater, an exhibition of works of Crimean Tatar art
was presented, tragic songs and poems dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the forced eviction of the peoples
of Crimea and works of the unique Crimean Tatar culture were performed on the stage.
Annex 459
Participants observed a moment of silence for victims of the deportation.
Press Service of the State Council of the
Republic of Crimea
18 May 2015
Annex 459
Annex 460
President of the Russian Federation official website, “Meeting with
representatives from Crimean ethnic groups’ public associations”,
Yalta, 17 August 2015

02.06.2021 Meeting with representatives of Crimean ethnic groups’ public associations • President of Russia
en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/50140 1/17
August 17, 2015 16:30 Yalta
Meeting with representatives of Crimean ethnic groups’ public
While on a working trip to Crimea, Vladimir Putin had an informal meeting with
representatives of Crimean ethnic groups’ public associations.
Excerpts from transcript of meeting with representatives from Crimean ethnic groups’ public associations
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, friends.
Let me start by saying a few words, and then we will have a free discussion on the subject that has brought us
One can’t help but experience special feelings and emotions here in Crimea, not just because this is such
a beautiful place with unique nature, but also because you feel so fully and closely here the link with all
of Russia’s history and with the unique cultural and spiritual heritage that different peoples shaped over
the centuries here in this land.
As you know, a census was conducted in Crimea last October, and more than 96 percent of the people indicated
their ethnic identity. This is objective data, reliable and obtained through professional work. There are people
from 175 different ethnic groups living in Crimea today. Russians make up the biggest ethnic group (68
percent), followed by Ukrainians (16 percent), and Crimean Tatars (more than 10 percent). The census also gave
us information on people’s native languages. Eighty-four percent of Crimean residents said they consider
Russian their native language, nearly 8 percent said Crimean Tatar is their native language, 3.7 percent Tatar,
and 3.3 percent Ukrainian. Russian is the most widely spoken language in the region, with 99.8 percent
of Crimea’s population knowing the language.
Crimea is essentially a mirror of multi-ethnic Russia. Here, like everywhere in Russia, we need to pay
the utmost, constant attention to building greater peace and harmony, combining the efforts of the state
authorities and civil society. I therefore consider this meeting with you, the representatives of Crimean Federal
District’s ethnic public associations, very important indeed.
Let me remind you that one of our first steps after Crimea was reunited with Russia was to enshrine in law
the equality of the region’s three official languages: Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar. This was a matter
of principle for us, because over the preceding period of more than 20 years, a biased approach was taken
to this issue in the region. Restoring historical justice and the balance of interests between the region’s peoples
was one of our greatest tasks, as was full rehabilitation of all repressed peoples in Crimea.
Annex 460
Annex 460
02.06.2021 Meeting with representatives of Crimean ethnic groups’ public associations • President of Russia
en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/50140 2/17
It was for this purpose that I issued the Presidential Executive Order that you know of, and the Russian
Government and the regional authorities of Crimea and Sevastopol approved a comprehensive package
of measures for its implementation. They concern the social and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian,
Greek, Crimean Tatar and German minorities, who were subjected to unlawful deportation and political
I stress the point that creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding between the different ethnic
groups is a key issue for the region’s successful development. We can resolve the problems that have built up,
including social support for the rehabilitated peoples, only if we ensure political stability and interethnic
Over this recent period, 75 ethnic and cultural autonomous organisations and 15 ethnic and cultural
associations have been established. Organisations of this kind have long since become a tradition in Russia.
Their members work effectively together with the authorities at all levels and sit on consultative and advisory
It is good to see that this approach is producing positive results in Crimea too. I think that the region’s ethnic
and cultural associations should take a more active part in public life here in Crimea, and not only here, but
in all of Russia, participating in national and interregional events too.
Colleagues, I have said before that interethnic relations is a very sensitive and delicate area, and ethnic
community representatives and the authorities all need to take a careful approach here and keep up constant
dialogue, including at the municipal level, where people are actually living side by side together.
In this context, any speculation on the notion that people belonging to this or that ethnic group have some
particular rights is very dangerous, in my view. We need to defend the interests of all people in Crimea
and Sevastopol, regardless of whether they are Russian, Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar, or any of the other peoples
I mentioned. We need to make use of the wealth of experience we have built up in Russia, where people
of a huge variety of ethnic groups all live together. We need to promote the idea of a common cause, get people
involved in tackling the problems of their town or village, and help them to organise local government.
Each region, including in the Crimean Federal District, should have regional programmes to support nongovernmental
organisations that contribute to interethnic peace and harmony. Today, August 17, marks
the start of the latest tender for bids to receive state grants for carrying out projects of social importance
and projects to protect human rights and freedoms. We are allocating more than 4 billion rubles for this work
this year. I hope that NGOs from Crimea and Sevastopol will also take an active part in this tender.
This is all I wanted to say for now. I hope we will have an active discussion today on all the very important
matters I have just outlined, and if you have any other issues you wish to raise, feel free – I am here at your
disposal. Please, go ahead.
Head of the Qirim Interregional Crimean Tatar Public Movement Remzi Ilyasov: Good afternoon, Mr
I want to note right away that the Crimean Republic’s accession to the Russian Federation was a momentous
event for all ethnic groups in the Republic of Crimea, including the Crimean Tatars.
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We all passed through the most dangerous period together in February and March 2014, when we did not allow
interethnic conflicts to ensue. Regardless of what happened and what provocations occurred, we maintained
peace. Today, we have peace, calm, and we are working to resolve problems.
I represent and head the Qirim public movement of the Crimean Tatar people. From the outset, we established
a constructive dialogue with the authorities and are systematically holding meetings with the public; among
other things, we have assumed a certain level of responsibility for the overall situation in Crimea, sharing it with
the authorities. We are participating in all Crimea-wide events held in the Republic of Crimea and are organising
and holding Crimean Tatar celebrations.
Thanks to the initiative and active work by members of the Qirim public movement of Crimean Tatar people,
during the elections to the State Council and local offices, we were able to reduce a certain amount of political
conflict and ethnic tensions.
At the same time, while this productive, creative work and constructive dialogue with the authorities was
underway, we saw another attempt in August to destabilise the situation in the Republic of Crimea, to strain
interethnic relations. I am referring to the so-called Global Congress of Crimean Tatars, which was held
on August 1–2 in Ankara. Although it could be called a club of the like-minded, its main goal was to pit
the people of Crimea against each other and destabilise the situation.
I must note that we anticipated this situation and the work of this congress, its resolution and the declaration
that was to be adopted there. On July 25 (one week before this congress), we held a second conference
for the Qirim interregional movement. It was attended by all public associations, regardless of whether their
positions or points of view coincide with ours.
There were 520 participants in the work of the conference, over 20 public organisations of Crimean Tatars. Even
the spiritual leader of Crimean Muslims, hajji Emirali Ablayev (who is sitting next to me), participated in the work
of the conference, as well as representatives from regional divisions of the spiritual administration of Crimean
Moreover, the conference was also attended by 152 individuals representing Crimean Tatar creative
professionals, small and midsize businesses, economic entities, 52 officials from state institutions, state
representatives, one third of the delegates of the Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people (this is an ethnic
conference of Crimean Tatars) and about 70 individuals who represented local and regional self-organised
Crimean Tatar groups. As a result, the conference took on the format of a national gathering of Crimean Tatars
in the Republic of Crimea.
The assessment of what was happening in Ankara was very civil, and also very precise. There was a unanimous
expression of opposition to the destructive activities of the group of politicians that found shelter in Kiev
and support confrontation, including the violation of international relations.
Thank you for your attention.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you, Mr Ilyasov.
First of all, I would like to thank the Crimean Tatar people for their active participation in the referendum that
was held a little over a year ago. Objective data shows that the turnout among Crimean Tatars was slightly lower
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than the overall Crimean average, but the percentage of those who voted for reunification with Russia turned
out to be even higher than in Crimea overall. This is easy to explain, since those who were against it simply did
not go to vote, apparently. So the turnout was a little lower. But ultimately, it was also quite high, over 60
percent, if I remember correctly, somewhere around 66 percent. This is a very high turnout according to all
international standards. And the fact that people came and voted says a great deal. But it also speaks
to the fact that the government must fulfil certain significant objectives, because the people voted to change
their lives for the better. The executive order I spoke about, and the decisions that were then made
at the Governmental level, are aimed at ensuring that people’s expectations are met.
You spoke about those who try to somehow destabilise the situation, particularly through Crimean Tatar issues,
but we know well who you are talking about. There are many people who consider themselves to be
professional fighters for human rights. For these people, it does not matter what rights these are, and it doesn’t
matter whose rights they are. What’s important is that they are fighters, and they want to receive foreign grants
to realise their ambitions, including their political ambitions. If they want to realise their ambitions in another
state, that’s great, they should go ahead and do it. But I fully agree with you that it doesn’t mean we will allow
them to realise their ambitions here, especially since these ambitions have nothing in common with
the interests of the Crimean Tatar people and the interests of the actual people living here.
Nevertheless, we have the question of whether these rights should be fought for. I will respond
in the affirmative: yes, they should be fought for. What should our joint work on this entail? It’s one thing
to issue an executive order, a law, or a Government resolution, and another to achieve implementation. I am not
sure everything would go smoothly and within the timeline that we would like to implement these objectives.
The truth is, life is always more complex and multifaceted than any decision that looks good on paper, but exists
only on paper. Whereas we need to ensure that these things are implemented in real life.
Therefore, this connection with people, particularly people on the ground, with public associations like the ones
you all represent, including your organisation, is very important for me and is very much needed. I very much
count on working with you closely and constructively.
As for the attempts to destabilise, I think that ordinary people can tell on their own that it is impossible
to promote anybody’s ambitions if those ambitions have nothing to do with the interests of real people,
and the Crimean Tatar problems are used only as an instrument for achieving these personal ambitions. We
simply have to keep this in mind. But overall, we will work with anybody who has a constructive outlook, even if
it is critical, but nevertheless constructive, and wants to achieve practical results – and that includes me,
Remzi Ilyasov: Thank you.
Chairman of the Crimean Republican Association of Germans of the Crimea Yury Gempel: Mr President,
thank you for giving me the floor.
The ethnic and cultural public associations in the Republic of Crimea have always positioned themselves
as an integral part of the Russian world. Thus, we participated actively in the referendum, and the leaders of our
ethnic groups were members of the Supreme Council commission for holding the referendum, the commission
for writing the Constitution, and many others. We have tried to integrate into the legal field of the Russian
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Federation fairly quickly and at the end of last year, we registered our regional ethnic and cultural associations –
actually, the Presidential executive order addressed this.
In holding cultural events, events pertaining to the cultures of our peoples, last year – and this year too, we are
still working on it – we paid special attention to the People’s Diplomacy project. Last year, we invited two groups
of German citizens to come here, including many journalists, and showed them Crimea. You know, when we met
them at the airport, they asked, “Where are the tanks and armed soldiers?” We have everything here, but
at deployment sites. We organised for them to meet with the republic’s executive authorities, including
the leaders of the Crimean State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported Citizens (this was a meeting
in the Q&A format), with representatives of the public and with local ethnic Germans. When they were leaving,
they said, “You know, this is our subjective opinion but 80% of Germans support Crimea’s choice
and the Russian Federation’s policy overall.” I thought they were probably joking, but then they sent us
a magazine featuring five publications along the same lines. That’s why my colleagues, ethnic Bulgarians
and Greeks, are also taking part in this kind of People’s Diplomacy project.
At the same time, there is are a fairly good understanding within the Republic of Crimea’s leadership about
the framework project to create an ethnographic village. We studied these projects implemented in other
Russian regions and abroad. There are positive experiences, we do not have to reinvent the wheel, but
nevertheless, Mr President, in this respect, we would like to speed up the implementation of this project.
Moreover, we ourselves are ready to participate in this project financially.
At the same time, we are currently giving particular attention to projects and grantswork, where my colleagues
and I are giving particular attention to the integration of Crimean citizens into Russia’s legal field. And naturally,
these are the projects related to preserving the identity of ethnic groups living in the Republic of Crimea. If
possible, we ask that you pay attention to this and provide assistance.
Vladimir Putin: What will this ethnographic village be like? How will it look? Is this a place for people to live
or a kind of open-air museum?
Yury Gempel: Mr President, let’s say this also involves tourist activity. In general, speaking frankly, this will be
an ethnographic commercial project. In other words, our project will give us an opportunity to use our ethnic
cultures to make Crimea more appealing in terms of tourism, while at the same we will be able to preserve our
ethnic culture. It includes our ethnic cuisine, ethnic souvenirs, and houses of certain architectural styles; so,
that is what an ethnographic village would look like.
Vladimir Putin: I see. This will be a tourism centre.
Yury Gempel: An ethno-tourism centre.
Vladimir Putin: How long have Germans been in Crimea? Since the 18th century?
Yury Gempel: The first colony was registered in 1810.
Vladimir Putin: The 19th century.
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Yury Gempel: Germans came here following the Manifesto of Alexander I. In 2004, we celebrated its 200th
anniversary. Until 1944, we had a fairly large number of German settlements here with German names.
Vladimir Putin: Ok, thank you. I think we will need to help, of course.
Yury Gempel: Thank you.
Chairman of the Russian Community of Crimea Sergei Tsekov: We are going through a period when we
constantly compare things. We compare what is happening in Ukraine with what is happening in Crimea
and Russia. But I want to make a different comparison. If we look at the life of ethnic communities over these
23 years as part of Ukraine, I want to note that over the course of those 23 years, there was not a single
meeting with the President of Ukraine – any President of Ukraine – nor a Ukrainian Prime Minister, or deputy
prime ministers, or ministers. There was not a single meeting that brought together representatives from all
of Ukraine’s ethnic communities, including Crimea’s Russian community. This, of course, is the evidence
of the true attitude to interethnic unity issues we are facing today.
I am certain that for many years, Ukraine mainly sowed discord between us, nominally supporting
representatives from the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (that was the policy) and absolutely did not see
the problems faced by ethnic Russians and, by and large, the Slavic part of the population – we have always felt
that there was little difference between the Russians and Ukrainians in Crimea.
I think these meetings should become regular. Of course, regular does not mean every year. It could be once
every five years. But we should think about this topic, and perhaps, these do not need to be meetings with you,
personally, although we would naturally like to meet with you first and foremost, but also other Russian
Federation officials.
I also have another suggestion. Over the course of many years, we tried to create an interethnic council
in Crimea and raised this issue many times. We even developed regulations on interethnic council. But it didn’t
work out, particularly due to position of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.
I generally feel that we should return to the subject of an interethnic council and start a serious dialogue with
the Crimean Tatar community over this matter.
Of course, we will have peace and interethnic harmony when we meet one another halfway, but we should not
try to lie. You know, people say, “Let’s live in peace and harmony.” But these words should be backed by real
actions. If there are real actions to prove the desire to meet other ethnic groups halfway, then we will build trust.
Mr President, there is another issue that’s a little off-topic. We just had a discussion on developing tourism; we
discussed it at the State Council. I think Christian Orthodox tourism is a very interesting topic for Crimea.
Christian Orthodox tourism should be oriented not only toward Jerusalem, not just Mount Athos, but also
Crimea and Chersonesus.
The next point is that we talk a great deal about World War I. Things are clear with World War II, we treat it with
respect and honour. And we are back now to the question of World War I, but we are not active enough with
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regard to the Crimean War while this was actually Word War I on Crimea’s territory. We need to fully restore
the memory of the Crimean War. In particular, I want to say that we have restored many monuments
and memorials.
I think September 9 is Remembrance Day for soldiers that fell in the Crimean War, which we in Crimea have
been observing since 1996 (this was our initiative, Crimea’s Supreme Council adopted a resolution and this day
was marked in Crimea). I feel that this date should be a commemorative one in Russia’s history, particularly
in the law that defines holidays and commemorative dates.
Thank you, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you, Mr Tsekov.
I will begin with the historical memory of the Crimean War. It is a very important page in our national history. You
are certainly right, but I cannot say that absolutely everything has been forgotten, the way it was with World War
I, where people tried to forget it entirely. Here, this is not the case, but you are right that we have given it little
Next, we certainly need to develop archaeological tourism and everything related to establishing the basis
of the Russian nation as it began to form after Vladimir’s baptism and the Baptism of Rus. This is certainly very
important. We must also make the appropriate decisions at the federal level, so they are implemented the way
you suggest. We will certainly do this.
Now, with regard to interethnic council. You need to decide that for yourselves, you should come
to an agreement with everyone sitting here. Furthermore, I think it is very important that this should not be done
to argue with someone over there. No, it should simply be a matter of resolving your own issues and problems,
and not as a confrontation: they said this, but we are of a different opinion. Instead, you should meet like this
from time to time to consider everything, just as you did to make a decision on building an Orthodox church
and a mosque.
And building upon this positive – I want to stress it – positive joint work, you should address other issues. And if
there are any matters under dispute, I think you should not politicise them but instead start with historical
and cultural analysis. Because many issues that have become charged at a political or mundane level always
have a link to the past.
For example, there was just a discussion about the native peoples of this area. What if it really were the Greeks?
Or what if it were the Hazaras? Who knows what were the boundaries of a particular state or kaganate back
then. Do you understand how far you can dive into it? This will involve endless digging into history without any
practical use. What will be practical is when people sit down over a cup of tea and start discussing current
affairs, how to move on, how to create favourable conditions for our children to be happy living together.
I think you are right that such a council wouldn’t hurt. But that should be your decision. We will certainly support
it if you make that decision.
As for the regularity of meetings, I also agree with you. We should certainly make these meetings regular, give
them some sort of systemic foundation. But once every five years is not really regular, we could do it more often,
and some sort of regularity in direct communication could be organised and would be quite useful.
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Chairman of the Crimean Republican Association of Bulgarian Community Ivan Abazher: Mr President,
I want to support what Mr Tsekov said just now. Crimea’s Bulgarian community has established an ethnic
and cultural association, and we are aware of the new opportunities now open to us at a new level. There are
opportunities now at the national level for us to study the past and its links with the Bulgarians here in Crimea.
I returned from a recent trip to Moscow, during which I learned that in Moscow there is a monument
to the heroes of Plevna [a monument to the Russian grenadiers who gave their lives in battle near the Bulgarian
town of Plevna during the 1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War]. Seriously, I did not know of this monument before.
Previously, we organised several expeditions together with the federal university here and studied the archives
in Crimea to find out which regiments and when were sent to liberate Bulgaria, which were sent to Shipka,
and so forth. And then we had the idea that the Bulgarians living in the Russian Federation could take
responsibility for looking after this monument and take care of its upkeep, so as to give it a dual purpose.
We have more than 20 years of experience as a public organisation here and we put this to use in organising
the events we hold. We can make use of people’s diplomacy, cultural diplomacy and business diplomacy
to bring ideas together in the Black Sea basin and have an influence on the processes taking place, including
an information influence.
We were the first here in Crimea to organise a visit by a group of parliamentarians from Bulgaria. We were
the first to begin broadcasting video information in regular, systematic fashion via the channel that this party
has at its disposal. We broadcast full information on what is happening here, and we can see to what extent
the Bulgarians, not just in Bulgaria itself, but throughout the Black Sea region, understand the isolation that our
opponents in the West have put us in today. Judging by the information we now see coming from Bulgaria, we
are on the right road.
We think it is precisely this kind of people’s and cultural diplomacy that can help us live better throughout
the Black Sea region and can prevent actions that might arise today in connection with Bulgaria being a NATO
member. Working through public organisations and information platforms, we can show that here in Crimea, we
have peace and quiet, and that organisations such as ours can meet with the Russian President and we can
have a real influence on perceptions that people in Bulgaria and other countries are forming today.
Vladimir Putin: Mr Abazher, as far as Bulgaria’s membership in NATO goes, this is something that has already
happened and is a fact we must live with. I cannot say that this worries us in any way. I am not sure that
Bulgarians themselves are overjoyed about it, but the decision has been taken. This was the Bulgarian people’s
sovereign decision and we respect it and will work together with Bulgaria, regardless of the difficulties we have
had in carrying out some of our projects, including energy sector projects such as South Stream. We believed
that this project was in the interests of Bulgaria, its economy and people, but Bulgaria’s government has
decided otherwise and has essentially abandoned this project. But this does not mean that we will break off our
relations with Bulgaria. On the contrary, we consider this country very close spiritually and historically, and we
will do everything we can to continue developing our relations in all areas.
As for the Bulgarians who have long since settled here in these lands, they form one of the ethnic diaspora
communities and have full rights as citizens of the Russian Federation. This is how we see them. I hope very
much that, as you said just now, the Bulgarian community’s links to Bulgaria, the historic motherland, will help
to develop relations in general between Russia and Bulgaria.
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Thank you very much.
Chairman of Crimean Republican Association of Crimean Karaites Dmitry Polkanov: Mr President,
I will speak on behalf of the Crimean Karaite community. The Crimean Karaites are one of the smallest peoples
in the world. There are now only around 1,300 of us in Russia and slightly less than 2,000 in the world
as a whole. Crimea is our historical homeland. Our temples and holy places are here. We never were
a numerous people. There were 16,000 Karaites in tsarist Russia.
Vladimir Putin: Yet another of the indigenous ethnic groups here.
Dmitry Polkanov: There were only 16,000 of us, but 400 people fought as career officers alone during World
War I. Hundreds of soldiers and officers fought during the Great Patriotic War, including such famous Karaites
as Marshal Malinovsky and the famous intelligence officer [Iosif] Grigulevich. Forced emigration and losses
in war considerably reduced our numbers, but we have hopes for revival.
Thanks to last year’s events and the action taken by Head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov and Presidential Envoy
Oleg Belaventsev, we, the biggest community here in Crimea, were given the Simferopol temple, which we had
fought for without result for more than two decades. Worship has been taking place there for a year now. We
hope that a Sunday school for studying our language and culture will start in September, and we have gathered
a unique collection of material for a future ethnic museum. We have decided to use the temple as not just
a spiritual but also an ethnic community centre. We are grateful for the good treatment we have received
and hope very much for a federal programme to help us revive and preserve our culture.
Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, we will do this.
Incidentally, I did not reply on the matter of languages. Our colleague spoke about studying ethnic communities’
languages in school. This is a very important matter. Let me note that in Russia’s various ethnic republics, this
issue has been resolved overall and quite effectively too. In the ethnic republics, the local languages are studied
and children know their people’s language. This is going ahead very actively in Russia today and has
the Education Ministry’s support. Mr Minnikhanov could probably tell us how they go about it in Tatarstan.
Acting President of the Republic of Tatarstan : Yes, I can confirm that we study our
language. We have two official languages – Russian and Tatar, and they are taught in all schools. But we take
into account specific circumstances too and we have schools where everything is in Tatar, and schools with
more intensive study of the language. Overall though, there is one programme for native Tatar speakers,
and a simplified programme for Russians or members of other ethnic groups, teaching them the basics
for communication today. This system works. We could share our experience.
Vladimir Putin: Many of the Volga region republics have a slightly different system. The approaches differ
in the details, but overall, the problem is settled and the solution has proved effective.
Rustam Minnikhanov: Mr President, Chuvash make up three percent of our population, and we have 95
Chuvash schools, where study is going ahead without problem. We also have Udmurt schools.
Rustam Minnikhanov
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Vladimir Putin: Yes, there are no problems in general. The main thing is to organise the whole system. No one
will get in the way here. On the contrary, we will do what we can to help. You simply need to organise this
at the regional level, that’s all.
Chairperson of the Krymchakhlar Society of Krymchaks Dora Pirkova: I represent Crimea’s indigenous
people, the Krymchaks.
Vladimir Putin: TheKrymchaks?
Dora Pirkova: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: Another indigenous people.
Dora Pirkova: The Krymchaks have long lived in Crimea, in the 13th to 15th centuries. They were mainly based
in Belogorsk. But after the revolution, they settled in other areas, including in Simferopol and Sevastopol. After
the revolution, there were schools in Crimea, and for example, my father competed four grades in a Krymchak
school. Then, during the war, the schools disappeared. I want to say that my entire family consists of indigenous
residents of Crimea; all my predecessors are Crimean Krymchaks and we have no other homeland, only Crimea.
Unfortunately, during the years of war, our people were exterminated. Before the war, there were 10,000–
12,000 of us, but after the war, 80% of us had been killed, since we follow the Jewish faith. There was also
the repatriation to Israel in the 1990s.
Vladimir Putin: I imagine the Khazars are your ancestors.
Dora Pirkova: Yes.
After the repatriation of the 1990s, even fewer Krymchaks remained; according to the 2001 census, there were
about 400 remaining, and according to the 2014 results, there were a little over 200; in other words, this
people is disappearing. Unfortunately, we have lost our language. In 2014, we created the Krymchaks ethnic
and cultural association and the Crimean community of Krymchaks. We created the world’s only Krymchak
museum where, bit by bit, we have gathered materials and archives on the history and traditions
of the Krymchaks. This was an indigenous people with its own culture, traditions and religion. Unfortunately,
the prayer houses were also destroyed during the war. There is a house of worship in Simferopol that is now
a residential building. This is a very sensitive issue, because we have been long asking to give this building
the status of an architectural landmark, vacate it, bring it to order, so that we are able to hold some religious
ceremonies there. But the issue remains unresolved.
And another question. We would like for our people to be given the status of an indigenous people of Russia –
and we have submitted our suggestions to be included in the Russian and Crimean constitutions. But so far,
this issue remains unresolved. We would ultimately like to be given the status of an indigenous people
of Russia, since we have no other homeland than Crimea, and we would like to gain more attention and for our
people to have certain benefits. There are very few of us, and we would like a little bit more attention to be given
to our people.
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Vladimir Putin: Let’s look into all of this, because honestly, we know little about it, so in any case, we need
to at least update the information available, look at what can be done with all this, including, first and foremost,
with the house of worship that you mentioned. I don’t think it involves that much money. Of course, we need
to think of the people living there and make corresponding decisions that will satisfy them. We need to look into
it, but overall, we certainly need to support this idea. We will think about what can be done, okay?
Dora Pirkova: Thank you.
Chairperson of the Simferopol City District Association of Tatars Idel Svetlana Aliyeva: Mr President, may
I say a few words?
Vladimir Putin: Please, go ahead.
Svetlana Aliyeva: I want to defuse the situation somewhat. Thanks to you, Mr President, thanks to President
[of Tatarstan Rustam] Minnikhanov, our Kazan community is flourishing. Do you know how much help he has
provided over this period? I want to bow thanks to him on behalf of our federation and Bakhchisarai residents.
The residents of Bakhchisarai have asked for help in restoring the mosque in the 6th residential neighbourhood
densely populated by Crimean Tatars. You know, the response was instant. I thought it would take six months
or so. Instead, it took a week! They came with a project, did everything, and people are already praying at that
mosque and thank us every time for that.
And I also want to say thank you on behalf of the children: this year, 1,200 children spent their holidays
at a summer camp in Kazan, while here, in Peschany, we hosted orphans, the underprivileged, those in need,
and so on. The food was excellent, youth leaders and instructors from Kazan were wonderful. It was just
amazing. Thank you very much!
Vladimir Putin: I hope that other Russian regions will get just as actively involved in this – I asked the governors
to establish direct contacts with individual regions in Crimea and Sevastopol. I know that many regions are
working in that direction.
President of the Inkishaf Society of Crimean Tatars regional public organisation, member of the Russian
Federation Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations Eskender Bilyalov: I want to assure you, Mr
President, that we no longer have this problem in Crimea. We had it a little bit during the transition period, but
I can assure you that the representatives of all the diasporas and the Crimean Tatars are engaged in very
serious dialogue, and we understand one another very well.
Even those times when the Crimean Tatars and other deported peoples started moving to Crimea, mainly
in 1987, even then, we did not have a single interfaith, interethnic conflict. There wasn’t even a hint of it.
Someone tried to create it from the outside: they burned mosques and destroyed our cemeteries, but we always
worked with our own people, saying that we cannot fight evil with evil. I think we really won on that front.
Regardless of how much anyone (in Ukraine or other nations) wanted to see Crimea blazing in some kind of fire,
see it as a place of injustice, I assure you it did not work. All this is useless. I am always ready to sit down with
Mr Chubarov or anyone in any studio and discuss this subject.
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As regards the Crimean Tatars and deported peoples in general, I want to thank you, as the President
of the Russian Federation. After all, 70 years is a very long time. We did not see an executive order in the Soviet
Union or in Ukraine. You issued an Executive Order on Rehabilitation. I was among the first to issue certificates
of rehabilitation – this was in the Saky City Municipality – to the elderly, and you could read absolutely
everything in their eyes, their entire lives; there was joy, there were tears. I thank you for that, on behalf of all
deported peoples, including the Crimean Tatars.
I would like to touch a little bit on another matter: the issue of the Crimean Tatars’ return. You know, a study was
conducted, and no more than 35,000 Crimean Tatars want to move. If we take into account the fact that
for the past 6–7 years, the number of people moving is 1,500 to 2,000 people a year, it would take 15 years.
I do not think there will be any major influx from other countries; it would mainly be from Uzbekistan. There are
few Crimean Tatars residing in other Central Asian states like Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Now as regards the congress: everything concerning Crimean Tatars’ problems should be resolved in Crimea.
We returned to the Russian Federation and our hopes are on the Russian Federation. We were told many things:
that there was no money, there was no time – all this was in the Soviet Union and in Ukraine. But we hope that
your executive order and the Executive Order on Rehabilitation of the Repressed Peoples signed by President
of Russia Boris Yeltsin, will work fully.
I want to state with full responsibility that the people are waiting and they believe in you. I also very much
believe in you.
I want to express my gratitude to Mr Tsekov for supporting the idea that the Crimean Tatar language should be
studied, especially since Crimean Tatars did not have their own schools or preschools for 70 years. We grew up
studying Russian literature and speaking Russian language. 100% of Crimean Tatars speak Russian just
as good as ethnic Russians do.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, I know that.
Eskender Bilyalov: I would like to ask you to give this attention and support Sergei Tsekov and Remzi Ilyasov
in this respect. This would be the second law on rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatars.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
You have heard my position; it needs to be decided at the regional level. All of this is within the competence
of the regions in Russia. Tatarstan has one set of policies, Mordovia has another, but the essence is the same.
We have a positive attitude toward the study of ethnic languages. It simply needs to be organised. If you need
some sort of methodical assistance, we are ready to help.
Eskender Bilyalov: Thank you.
I visited the President of Tatarstan, and the organisation of our visit was very serious, we spent a week there.
We visited everything, including schools, and I also had a personal meeting with the President of Tatarstan. I am
very grateful for that trip. We came to many substantive conclusions, very serious ones.
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Chairman of the Crimean Republican Jewish Association Anatoly Gendin: It is a great honour for me to speak
here today on behalf of the Jewish community of the Crimean Republic. A little more than a year has passed
since the referendum and we can see the results of the positive changes that took place in our republic in terms
of ethnic and cultural organisations.
First, the authorities have become more accessible, we meet more often.
Second, the issues of the return of religious buildings are being resolved. For many years there was no
resolution on the return of the Talmud Torah school in Simferopol – this was a religious school for boys. Just
recently, the matter has been resolved, and the road-map for the building’s return has been signed. We are also
working on the return of the merchants’ synagogue in Yevpatoria. This is a positive development that we could
not get from Ukraine for 20 years. Now it is being resolved.
Our tragedy and our pain is the 10th kilometre of the Feodosia highway, where over 18,000 of Krymchaks,
prisoners of war and Gypsies were shot in one month in 1941. Over the past two decades, the place has been
plundered by black gravediggers, who broke through the 30-cm thick concrete sarcophagus layer and dug
around in the bones at a 5-metre depth looking for treasures. Now the authorities have it under their control
and together with Jewish organisations they have worked out a set of measures to develop and preserve this
site that is sacred for us all – the Jews and the Krymchaks.
In April, the Crimean Jewish organisations supported by the Crimean Council of Ministers and State Council
signed a joint appeal to the Jewish organisations across the world asking them to turn to their governments
and leaders of the European Union nations to lift the sanctions imposed on Russia and Crimea. This appeal was
handed over to the President of the Federal Jewish Ethnic Cultural Autonomy Vladimir Sternfeld, who collected
signatures from the leaders of Russia’s Jewish organisations, and then, in May, at a meeting with the delegation
from the Conference of European Rabbis in the Vatican, the Chief Rabbi of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt
handed the appeal over to Pope Francis. The appeal was also sent to Jewish organisations in the United States,
Germany and many other European countries.
Our Jewish organisations constantly feel the support of the state, Russia’s Jewish organisations and the federal
autonomy, of the Russian Jewish Congress, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia,
and the Association of Progressive Jewish Congregations in Russia.
Vladimir Putin: I was just going to ask you about your relations with Russian Jewish organisations.
Anatoly Gendin: We have very good relations with Russia’s Jewish organisations. They began contacting us
right after the referendum to offer help, and they do help. There was a time when the Jewish organisations
of Ukraine could not help us and the Jewish organisations of Russia started helping. We received help from
the Federal Jewish Ethnic Cultural Autonomy, the Russian Jewish Congress and the Federation of Jewish
Communities of Russia [FEOR]. One of our latest actions was to set up a memorial plaque to honour General
Kreiser, and FEOR funded it. General Kreiser was a liberator of Crimea and we had to set up this plaque
to honour him.
Vladimir Putin: Have you been to the Tolerance Museum [the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre]
in Moscow?
Anatoly Gendin: I have. It is a wonderful museum, I was overwhelmed.
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Now we are looking forward to having the bridge built so we can have direct contact. I hope that after it is built
we will have good connections with the mainland, in terms of tourism and other things.
I would like to thank you for the help you and the Russian Federation are providing. The main thing is that we
have peace and quiet, any other problems will pass.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: We will soon be opening – not we, but the Jewish organisations – a major religious educational
centre near Moscow. A new modern centre. It may also be interesting for you to see how it is done, at what level,
so you could learn or maybe even have a similar project. You could modernise it and implement it in Crimea
as well.
Anatoly Gendin: Thank you.
Head of the Ukrainian Ethnic and Cultural Community in Simferopol City District Oleg Kravchenko: Good
afternoon, Mr President.
I am the chairman of the local Ukrainian ethnic and cultural community. On behalf of all ethnic Ukrainians,
I want to thank you for returning Crimea to Russia and establishing Ukrainian as an official language
in the Republic of Crimea.
Despite the many attempts to distort the facts about the Ukrainian population’s life in the Republic of Crimea,
I want to tell you that Crimea is a land of calm, of constructive creativity and communication between all ethnic
groups. We maintain relations with everyone.
We are a relatively young organisation within the framework of Russian legislation, but now we are building
momentum and creating a regional organisation; we are forming chapters in all the cities and representation
in all municipalities. We maintain relations with the Ukrainian population through our community in Ukraine
and we are trying to convey to them that ethnic Ukrainians’ choice for Crimea, which we declared
at the referendum on Crimea’s accession to the Russian Federation, was a conscious decision by ethnic
Ukrainians and there is no need for speculation, there is no need to make some sort of interpretation, which
has been happening very often lately.
In particular, this is done by politicians who, you might say, organised a coup in Ukraine. You know very well
for yourself what is happening now. When speaking with relatives and loved ones, we express hope that this war
will end and Ukrainians, Russians and other ethnicities will begin to communicate more closely and there will
be complete rapport between ethnic groups.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
I’m sure you have heard what I have said about this many times publicly. I feel that Russians and Ukrainians are
a single people, and we do not distinguish between them. I was very happy to find out a year and a half ago that
people here feel the same way.
Oleg Kravchenko: We never felt ourselves to be separate.
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Vladimir Putin: As your current leaders stated to me, when they did not hold that role yet, in response
to my question, they said, “We do not even ask about anyone’s ethnicity; we do not care.”
I am certain that in spite of all the difficulties faced today, the situation in Ukraine will also be resolved
and Ukraine will develop positively, leaving behind the shameful practices we observe today, namely, putting
an entire enormous European nation under external governance and putting foreign citizens in key positions
of regional governance.
I think all this is humiliating to the Ukrainian people. This will certainly be assessed by the Ukrainian people
and Ukraine will get on its feet and develop positively, building its future together with Russia.
Oleg Kravchenko: You know, this has proven to be true even during this tourist season, because many
Ukrainian residents came to Crimea and saw the calm and peaceful sky above their heads – no tanks, no
planes, nothing like that.
Vladimir Putin: It’s a tragedy. I am not going to make any comments on this now, but I want to express my hope
that it will be as you stated. I am confident of it.
As for Ukrainians in Russia, you know, if we speak officially, in the language of statistics, it is the third largest
ethnic group in Russia after ethnic Russians and Tatars. We have five million Tatars residing in Russia and three
million ethnic Ukrainians, without counting those who are here temporarily and are Ukrainian citizens – we
have another 3 million people who fit that description, and the majority of them are men of conscription age,
for reasons that are obvious. Many are working, finding jobs in Russia, in order to support their families
in Ukraine. Not only do we not interfere, but I am sure you know that we also make decisions that liberalise
stays by Ukrainian citizens on Russian territory.
Chairman of the Taurida Regional Ethnic and Cultural Community of Greeks in the Republic of Crimea Ivan
Shonus: Mr President, colleagues,
Greeks have historically inhabited the Crimean Peninsula; this is an undeniable fact. Our historical monuments
speak to this, as do places of worship and history itself. Greeks actively participated in many historical events,
preserving the culture of ancient Taurida and present-day Crimea.
Greeks’ modern history is inextricably linked to the life of Crimea, alongside other peoples. This was
demonstrated in the referendum held last year. Greeks understand that they are an inherent part of the Russian
world and express gratitude to the nation’s leadership for preserving peace in the Republic of Crimea. We are
also grateful to all the citizens of the Russian Federation for supporting Crimea’s reunification with Russia.
Thanks to your Executive Order on measures to rehabilitate the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar
and German minorities and state support for their revival and development, after many years, we have finally
gained the opportunity to identify the problems faced by Greeks and other deported peoples, and to begin
finding concrete solutions. On April 21 of this year, the Head of the Republic of Crimea declared this day to be
the Day of Justice and Unity for the People of Crimea, and the new Artemis Greek dance ensemble
demonstrated its mastery during this celebration.
I want to say that a great deal of work is underway by the Greek ethnic and cultural community, which was
officially registered in 2014 in accordance with Russian legislation, although even before that, we had not
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stopped our work on addressing our compatriots’ problems in Crimea for a single moment.
We have given a great deal of attention to the patriotic education of young people. Greeks participated in many
events that were held at the Crimean and Russian national level. In that time, we became members
of the federal Greek ethnic and cultural community, headed by Ivan Savvidi, and we are receiving maximum
financial and moral support from him. This includes, for example, the restoration of a church in the village
of Laki, which was burned in 1942 by the Nazis. It is almost completely restored today and we have
the opportunity to go pray there.
I want to say that we feel sympathy from the Republic of Crimea’s leadership, since we are working for the good
of the republic and our people. We are doing a great deal of work to lower the level of tension from the political
sanctions that have been declared with respect to Crimea and Russia. We are saying from different platforms
that the sanctions being applied are illegal. Why? Because today, we have peace in Crimea.
Here in the Republic of Crimea we manifest ourselves and share our history, culture and traditions with
the media. The main TV channel in Crimea has a Greek programme, similar to programmes for Armenians,
Bulgarians, Greeks and Germans. But today, this is not enough. We know that the immigrants who come here
should receive legal assistance in dealing with their resettlement, they should receive social guarantees.
And I think that each ethnic and cultural autonomous group can really help in this.
Just as Sergei Tsekov said, Crimea should become a destination for Orthodox tourism. Greeks treat their
monuments with great care and respect, for example Mount Mangup and the Principality of Theodoro. This is
a principality from the late Byzantine period and is part of ancient Pontus. And since we are Pontian Greeks, we
also want to see the temples there restored. Today, this is a place of pilgrimage and tourism, like Panticapaeum
in Kerch.
Thank you very much for including the Chersonesus Archeological Museum in the federal register. We have also
read that all our cultural monuments will be included in this register, including Mangup,
Panticapaeumand others. Why? Because the Greeks in our group constantly asked me to appeal to you with
this request. But today, this has already become a reality.
Mr President, friends,
The Greeks have always lived in peace and harmony with all the peoples of Crimea, always next to them in joy
and in sorrow. One example is our yearly participation in mourning events marking the deportation of Crimean
peoples and the joint celebration of religious holidays, Christian Easter, Muslim Eid ul-Fitr, Armenian Vardavar
and many others. I want to say that we are ready to engage in active work and want to use all the instruments
and resources we have as much as possible, both our own and those that are provided to ethnic and cultural
communities by Russian and Crimean legislation.
Vladimir Putin: Mr Shonus, I think there is no doubt about the indigenous status of Greeks in Crimea, this is
obvious. It is patently clear, and not just in Crimea, incidentally, but throughout the entire northern shore
of the Black Sea.
As for your suggestions, we will also document all this and try to respond. This concerns various areas
of tourism as well. What you suggested is certainly very interesting, just like the Muslim monuments, including
architectural monuments, which are of great interest, and many people come here to look at all this with their
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Publication status
own eyes. So by taking advantage of Crimea’s cultural diversity, I am sure we can develop this territory the way
that people living here want, and the way the entire Russian nation wants.
Unfortunately, I now need to go to my next event.
Yury Gempel: Mr President, I’ve been instructed by everyone to saya couple of words.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, go ahead.
Yury Gempel: Mr President, my colleagues asked, first, that you find the time to take a photo with us…
Vladimir Putin: Let’s do that right now.
Yury Gempel: And second, Mr President, you know, every region of the Russian Federation, as well as the entire
world, has its own legends. In Crimea, we also have a very ancient legend. I will not spend a long time
recounting it; it’s about love, friendship and betrayal. The legend speaks of a golden cradle that is hidden here
in Crimea. The person possessing this cradle will possess Crimea, with peace and mutual understanding
throughout the peninsula. You know, many have tried to find the cradle but in vain. Today, this symbolic cradle is
here, and we ask you to accept is as a symbol of our appreciation of everything you have done for us
as Crimeans.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
Published in sections: News, Transcripts
Publication date: August 17, 2015, 16:30
Direct link: en.kremlin.ru/d/50140
Annex 460
Annex 460

Annex 461
President of the Russian Federation official website, “Meeting of the
Commission for rehabilitation of victims of political repressions”,
28 October 2015

Meeting of the Commission for the rehabilitation of victims of political repressions
A regular meeting of the Presidential Commission for the rehabilitation of victims of political repressions
took place. The Chairman of the Commission - Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Mityukov made a report on the main provisions of the draft report “On the implementation of the
Law of the Russian Federation ‘On rehabilitation of victims of political repressions” in 2013–2014”.
28 October 2015 18:00 Moscow
It was noted that the report presents the activities for the implementation of the Law on Rehabilitation during
the specified period carried out by state bodies, commissions for the restoration of the rights of those
rehabilitated in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as public organizations.
Particular attention is paid to the consideration of a set of issues related to the process of rehabilitation of
citizens living in the territory of new subjects - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.
The report also indicates that since the entry into force of the Law (since 1992), a total of more than 3.7
million people have been rehabilitated by way of its implementation.
Based on the results of the discussion, during which some comments and suggestions were made, a decision
was made to approve the report, taking into account the proposals received.
During the meeting, upon the initiative of a member of the Commission - Deputy Chairman of the
Government of the Republic of Crimea Ruslan Balbek, the issues of the need to resolve some problems
arising in the process of rehabilitation of citizens living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea were
considered, in particular, those related to satisfying requests from citizens from among the deported peoples
to confirm the facts and the timing of the registration of the special settlement on the territory of the former
Soviet republics (Uzbek, Tajik, Kazakh Soviet republics).
It was decided to further study the issues raised and, in order to develop practical proposals, hold a working
meeting of the Commission members on the issues raised with the invitation of representatives of interested
Those present at the meeting got acquainted with the materials of the traveling thematic book exhibition
“Political repressions in the territory of the Russian Federation (1917-1991) and problems of rehabilitation of
victims of political repressions”, prepared by the staff of the Presidential administration library.
Status of the material Published in the sections: Presidential Administration,
Commissions and Councils, Commission for the
rehabilitation of victims of political repressions
Date of publication: 28 October 2015, 18:00
Link to the material: kremlin.ru/d/50615
Annex 461

Annex 462
Operational headquarters of the City Administration of Simferopol for
the elimination of emergency situations, Minutes No. 4,
22 November 2015

(Coat of Arms of the Republic of Crimea)
15 Gorkiy Str., Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, 295000, tel.: (0652) 27-32-36, fax: (0652) 25-80-32
Operational headquarters of the City Administration of Simferopol
for the elimination of emergency situations
Minutes No. 4
of the operational headquarters meeting
22 November 2015 Simferopol
The meeting is presided by: Head of the City Administration of Simferopol
G.S. Bakharev
Agenda: Measures to ensure continuous operation of organizations and facilities of vital activity of
the population with electricity in case of partial or complete power outage
Attended by: The listed members of the operational headquarters
The Head of the City Administration of Simferopol reported about the organization of vital activity
of Simferopol population and the functioning of economic facilities in the event of partial and complete
power outage.
Having heard the information provided by the Head of the City Administration of Simferopol and
the members of the operational headquarters,
1. To introduce the emergency operation regime on the territory of Simferopol from 12:25 am on 22
November 2015 until further notice;
2. The heads of enterprises, organizations and institutions responsible for backup energy supply sources to:
- provide power supply to subordinate facilities;
- replenish fuel and lubricant stocks to ensure 24-hour continuous operation of power supply sources;
3. The City Administration of Simferopol for Gas Service Operation of State Unitary Enterprise of the
Republic of Crimea “Krymgazseti” to organize cooperation with State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of
Crimea “Chernomorneftegaz” in order to ensure safe and continuous supply of gas to Simferopol population
in case of power outage.
4. The Sudak Branch of State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea “Voda Kryma” to ensure
continuous water supply to Simferopol population, to perform the delivery in case of impossibility to ensure
water supply, to publish the schedules and provide immediate information to the city population if the
schedules change.
5. The head of the administration of administrative bodies (A.V. Domanitsky) to prepare information
sheets, leaflets on energy saving and implementation of fire safety measures when using lighting devices.
6. Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Kievskiy Zhilservis”, Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Central Zhilservis”,
Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Zheleznodorozhny Zhilservice” Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Avangrad” to:
Annex 462
- ensure uninterrupted operation of emergency services in an enhanced mode;
- spread information materials and provide explanations for the public on saving energy and limited use of
7. The head of the Department for Interaction with the Public (A.B. Illarionov) to:
- provide explanations to the public on economical power consumption, energy saving; and also information
on power outage schedules.
8. The head of the City Police Administration (S.V. Nikolaev) to:
- organize the enhanced protection of socially significant facilities and life support facilities;
- increase the number of squads for the protection of public order on the territory of the city;
9. The deputy heads of Administration (T.R. Gafarov, E.F. Mavlyutov) to:
- oblige the city trading establishments to introduce a ban on illuminated advertising, to remove valuable
products from the windows of shopping facilities, to ensure that the security of the shopping facilities is
enhanced for the duration of the emergency regime;
10. The head of the Department of Administrative and Technical Control (Yu.L. Bravnikov) to:
- supervise the implementation of the illuminated advertising ban by city institutions
11. The deputy head of City Administration (T.R. Gafarov) to:
- take measures to ensure the operation of the entertainment institutions of the city until 10 pm in
connection with the current emergency;
12. The deputy head of the City Administration of Simferopol, the head of the City Administration of
Simferopol Staff (G.V. Alexandrova) to prepare a decree on the cancellation of public, mass, cultural,
entertainment and other events starting from 22 November 2015 until special instructions;
13. The head of Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Gorsvet” (N.M. Konovalov) to disable street lighting in
14. The head of the information policy department (A.A. Shilko), the head of the administration of
administrative bodies (A.V. Domanitsky) to post schedules of temporary power outages on the website of the
Simferopol administration with a frequency of every two hours;
15. The heads of the Simferopol life support enterprises, the structural divisions of the city administration
and the members of the operating headquarters on the prevention and elimination of emergencies shall be
ready to respond to possible emergencies. Upon receipt of information from the Duty and Control Service -
1563 about the calling of the operational headquarters on the elimination of emergencies, to arrive within 30
minutes at the meeting of the operating headquarters on the prevention and elimination of emergencies,
address: 15 Gorkiy Str., 2nd floor, Simferopol, the small conference room;
16. The heads of the City Administration of Simferopol for Gas Service Operation of State Unitary
Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea “Krymgazseti”, the Simferopol branch of State Unitary Enterprise of
the Republic of Crimea “Voda Kryma”, the Simferopol City District Power Grid of State Unitary Enterprise
of the Republic of Crimea “Krymenergo” and State Unitary Enterprise “Krymteplokomunenergo” to inform
the operational headquarters on the elimination of emergencies at the City Administration of Simferopol,
every 2 hours, through the Duty and Control Service 1563 about the power supply to the life support
facilities and the housing stock of the city;
Annex 462
17. The operational headquarters to recommend the city industrial enterprises to limit the consumption of
18. Organize a round-the-clock hotline at the Duty and Control Service 1563 (contact telephone 25-82-01;
1563) and at the City Administration of Simferopol, 15 Gorkiy Str., (contact telephone 27-62-00);
19. The heads of industrial enterprises, organizations and institutions of the city to transit to a limited
power consumption regime;
20. In the event of possible emergencies, the heads of organizations and enterprises of the city shall be
ready for elimination thereof;
21. I will supervise the implementation of this decision.
Head of the City Administration of Simferopol G.S. Bakharev
Annex 462

Annex 463
Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and
Fire Safety of the Bakhchisaray District, Minutes of the meeting
No. 23, 27 November 2015

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
of the meeting of the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and
Fire Safety of the Bakhchisaray District
27 November 2015 Bakhchisaray
The meeting is chaired by: the Chairman of Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of
Emergencies and Fire Safety of the Bakhchisaray District - E.A. Ablayev.
Attended by: Committee members as per the List of Members.
With the participation of: Head of Administration of Bakhchisaray District of the Republic of
Crimea I.I. Knyr, Deputy General Director for Business and Maintenance of State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-
Reserve”- A.F. Abdulayev, Director of “OKS” Municipal Unitary Enterprise - A.N. Mamutov.
1. About the threat of roof fall of the Khan Mosque of State Budgetary Institution of the
Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve”
Rapporteur: A.F. Abdulayev
Introductory statement by: Vice-Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination
of Emergencies and Fire Safety of the Bakhchisaray District - A.N. Mokrenko.
Information on the first issue was provided by: Deputy General Director for Business and
Maintenance of State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical,
Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve” - A.F. Abdulayev.
The meeting was addressed by: Head of Administration of Bakhchisaray District of the Republic of
Crimea - I.I. Knyr, Director of “OKS” Municipal Unitary Enterprise - A.N. Mamutov.
After hearing the information, the Commission decided:
1. To take note of the information provided by the rapporteur.
2. To consider a situation as a threat of a man-made site-level emergency according to paragraph
1.6 of “Criteria of Emergency Information” of Annex to the Order of the Russian Ministry of
Emergency Situations of 8 July 2004 No. 329.
3. Taking into consideration the fact that State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve”, as well as organizations
issuing permits for execution of repair and restoration works, are subordinate to the Republican
authorities, to request the Commission of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea on the
Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and Fire Safety of the Republic of Crimea to consider
the matter at its next meeting.
4. To recommend to the Director of “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and
Archaeological Museum-Reserve” - V.L. Martynyuk, together with the Spiritual Directorate of
Muslims of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and the Chief Mufti of the
Republic of Crimea - Ablayev Haji Emirali:
Annex 463
4.1. To restrict access to the Khan Mosque Building of the Khan’s Palace.
5. To recommend the Director of “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological
Museum-Reserve” - V.L. Martynyuk:
5.1. To prohibit and restrict access to the pedestrian sidewalk near the northern part of the Khan
Mosque Building of the Khan’s Palace on the section from Istoricheskiy lane to the Khan’s Palace
Main Gates.
5.2. To power off the Khan Mosque Building of the Khan’s Palace.
5.3. To take immediate measures to carry out repair and restorative works in compliance with
the current laws.
Chairman of the Commission (Signed) E.A. Ablayev
Secretary of the Commission (Signed) A.A. Babak
Annex 463
Report (practice report) on emergency threat (prognosis)
as at 10.00 a. m, 27 November 2015
(time, date)
Code Indices Contents of the report
1. Anticipated emergency description a threat of a local man-made
disaster as per para. 1.6 of “Criteria of
Emergency Information” of Annex to the order
of the Russian Ministry of Emergency
Situations of 8 July 2004 No. 329 (threat of the
Khan Mosque roof collapse)
2. Anticipated emergency area (site): the Khan Mosque roof
2.1. Federal district (regional center) Crimean Federal District
2.2. Constituent entity of the Russian Federation The Republic of Crimea
2.3 Municipality Bakhchisaray district
2.4. Inhabited locality Bakhchisaray city
2.5. Site (description) State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of
Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and
Archaeological Museum-Reserve”
2.6. Form of ownership state-owned
2.7. Belonging to*
3. Projected time of anticipated emergency
3.1. Date
3.2. Moscow time (hour, minutes) hours hours
3.3. Local time (hour, minutes) minutes minutes
4. Projected scale of anticipated emergency
4.1. Number of the population who can be affected
4.2. Number of inhabited localities
4.3. Number of residential buildings
4.4. Number of office- and welfare
service buildings
4.5. Number of vital infrastructure facilities**
4.6. Area of the territory which is likely to be
affected (sq. km)
4.7. Other data
5. Organization that made the forecast
State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of
Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and
Archaeological Museum-Reserve”
6. Measures taken to prevent the emergency
situation from developing (aimed at reducing
possible consequences and damage)
urgent repair of the Khan Mosque roof
7. Need for additional assistance (from the
regional authorities, federal executive body,
Government of the Russian Federation, specify,
which exactly)
Need for assistance by the Government of the
Republic of Crimea
Annex 463
8. Meteorological conditions
8.1. Temperature (of air, ground, water in degrees) + 7 °С
8.2. Atmospheric pressure (mm of mercury) 745
8.3. Average wind direction and speed (degrees,
Eastern, 10 m/s
8.4. Humidity (%) 91
8.5. Precipitation: type, quantity (mm, cm, m) none
8.6. Condition of the lower stratum of the
8.7. Visibility (m)
8.8. Ice situation
8.9. Thickness of snow cover
9. Additional textual information
Chairman of the Commission (Signed) E.А. Ablayev
Annex 463
Annex 464
Federal Service of State Statistics, Report on the main results of the
federal statistical observation “Social demographic survey
(Microcensus of the population) of 2015”, 2016 (excerpts)

Moscow 2016
Annex 464
Continuation of Table 10.7. (abs.)
Republic of Crimea
Total surveyed Russians Ukrainians Crimean
Tatars Belorussians Persons of other
Persons whose
nationality is not
indicated on the
Total respondents who indicated the language(s)
used in everyday life 13,852 10,428 1,825 1,042 106 384 67
Languages indicated by the population
Russian 13772 10419 1798 1004 105 379 67
Ukrainian 365 60 290 6 1 2 6
Crimean Tatar 702 1 - 696 - 5 -
Tatar 216 - - 161 - 55 -
Other responses about languages 87 39 5 11 3 29 -
Persons whose census schedules do not contain the
languages used 18 8 1 7 - 2 -
Persons indicating daily use of:
one language 12577 10,340 1,558 217 103 298 61
two languages 1262 85 266 816 3 86 6
three languages 11 3 1 7 - - -
four languages 2 - - 2 - - -
Annex 464
Annex 465
Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea official website,
Information on criminal environment in Crimea for the period from
January to March 2016

Home page > Activities > Results of the activities (information and analytical notes) > 2016 > January-
March 2016
January – March 2016
In 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea undertook and implemented a full range
of measures for maintaining public order and security on the peninsula.
In January–March 2016, the operational situation in the Republic of Crimea was characterized by growth, as
compared to the respective period of the previous year, of the number of registered crimes (+6.7%; 6,760)
and decrease of the number of serious and especially serious crimes (-1.8%; 1,340).
The total volume of crimes committed during the said period in the Republic of Crimea showed a decline in
the number of assault related to robbery (-23.3%; 33), mugging (-19.6%; 225) and theft (-11.8%; 3,422)
cases, including burglary cases (-31.0%; 398), registered.
The number of vehicle theft cases remained unchanged as compared to the previous year (39).
114 people were killed in criminal assaults (+40.7%), the health of 85 people was seriously harmed (-1.2%).
Law enforcement officers detected a number of economic crimes, including serious and especially serious
corruption crimes, of large and especially large scale.
Services and divisions of the Internal Affairs bodies revealed 80 criminal offences related to illegal arms
Law enforcement officers registered 277 cases of illegal drug trafficking, including 136 serious or especially
serious and 52 — large-scale and especially large-scale crimes. 173 crimes involving the illegal production,
acquisition and storage of drugs, as well as 96 cases of drug dealing, were detected. Under the criminal cases
initiated, 24.5 kg of narcotic substances were removed from illegal circulation.
Over January – March 2016, the number of crimes investigated (+8.9%; 3,516), including serious and
especially serious ones (+10.2%; 691), increased.
Within the period described, 404 crimes of past years were investigated (2015 — 371; +8.9%), including 88
serious and especially serious ones (73; +20.5%).
A total of 2,751 (+3,3%) persons were established to have committed completed crimes, among them 375
women (+0.8%) and 126 — minors (-7.4%). At the time of committing the crimes, 78.3% (2,154; 2015 —
80.2%) of the crime subjects did not have a permanent source of income and 0.6% (12; 2015 — 9.3%) of
them were unemployed. Within the period described, 518 (-15.2%) persons committed serious and especially
serious crimes.
Of the total number of crimes committed in the current year, 41.7% were committed by persons who had
previously committed such crimes, 3.6% — by minors, 22.1% — under the influence of alcohol, 1.3% —
under the influence of drugs (toxic substances) and 10.9% — by groups.
Annex 465
In January – March 2016, foreign citizens committed 365 (+8%) crimes (completed), of which 350 (+6.1%)
crimes were committed by citizens of former CIS and Baltic countries. Among the crimes registered, 87 (-
48.5%) affected foreign citizens and stateless persons.
Of the total number of crimes registered within the reporting period, 5,052 (74.7%; 2015 — 4,706; +7.4%)
were committed in towns and urban-type settlements, 1,708 (25.3%; 2015 — 1,630; +4.8%) — in rural
2,536 (37.5%; 2015 — 1,414; +79.3%) crimes were committed in public places, including 1,478 (21.9%;
2015 — 829; +78.3%) on the streets. The majority of crimes committed on the streets involved thefts (711;
630 mass events were held in the Republic of Crimea in which more than 168.3 thousand people took.
In January – March 2016, 443 (+58.2%) road accidents occurred, in which 76 people (+26.7%) died and 539
(+40.7%) were injured. 92 (+58.6%) accidents occurred due to pedestrians’ fault — 20 (+11.1%) people died
and 76 (+76.7%) people were injured in these accidents. 38 (+22.6%) road accidents were caused by drivers
under the influence of alcohol or drugs — 6 (-33.3%) people died in these accidents and 58 (+11.5%) were
As a part of ensuring road safety, 36,355 violations of the Road Regulations, including 1,711 cases of
driving under the influence of intoxication, were suppressed.
Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea
Official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
© 2020, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Published at: https://82.мвд.рф/Dejatelnost/Rezultati_dejatelnosti/2016/janvar_mart_2016_god
Annex 465
Annex 466
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Order No. 595-r “On the
inclusion of a public association into the List of public associations and
religious organisations whose operation is suspended in view of their
extremist activities”, 18 April 2016

18 April 2016 No. 595-r
On the inclusion of a public association into the List of public associations and religious
organisations whose operation is suspended in view of their extremist activities
According to Article 10 of Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On combating extremist
activities” and the decision of 12 April 2016 of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea on the suspension of
activities of a public association:
1. The Department for Non-Profit Organisations (V.A. Titov) shall include the public association “The
Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People”, into the List of public associations and religious organisations whose
operation is suspended in view of their extremist activities.
2. The Department for Organisation and Control (S.V. Belousov) shall:
add the following clause to the List of public associations and religious organisations whose operation
is suspended in view of their extremist activities published on the official website of the Ministry of Justice of
the Russian Federation on the Internet:
“public association “The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People” (the decision on the suspension of
activities of a public association of 12 April 2016 of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea);”;
provide the relevant information for publication to the Federal State Budgetary Institution, Editor’s
Office of “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”.
First Deputy Minister /Signature/ S.A. Gerasimov
/Stamp: Ministry of Justice of the Russian
Department for Non-Profit Organisations.
For Documents
/Seal: Ministry of Justice of the Russian
Federation, Department for Non-Profit
Organisations. For Documents/
A.A. Svyatchenko
(495) 276-18-36
(illegible) /Signature/
Annex 466

Annex 467
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Letter No. 0114/2911 on the use of textbooks on the Crimean Tatar
language and literature and the Ukrainian language and literature
published in Ukraine, 18 August 2016

(Coat of Arms of the Republic of Crimea)
[Original title in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar]
To the Heads of education
authorities of municipal and urban
districts of the Republic of
Crimea, republican educational
In addition to the letter of 4 July 2016 No. 01-14/2405, the Ministry of Education, Science and
Youth of the Republic of Crimea informs you as follows.
Textbooks on the Crimean Tatar language and literature, Ukrainian language and literature, published
in Ukraine for the 1-11 grade students are not subject to writing off and sending to recycling centers.
For the purpose of studying the state (Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian) languages in educational
institutions of the Republic of Crimea, we recommend using these textbooks as teaching aids until the
original textbooks are published in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian
Minister /Signed/ N.G. Goncharova
Zarema Seyarovna Suleymanova
E-mail: [email protected] 3 Sovnarkomovskiy lane, Tel. (0652) 27-52-32
www.minobrcrym.rf Simferopol, 295000 Fax (0652) 27-61-33
of 18 August 2016 No. 0114/2911
to Ref. No. _________
Annex 467

Annex 468
State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea official website, “Solemn opening of the
Seit-Settar Mosque to be held in Crimea”, 8 September 2016

Solemn opening of the Seit-Settar Mosque to be held in Crimea
8 September 2016
On 11 September at 12:00 the solemn opening of the “Seit-Settar Jami” mosque will take place in
Simferopol in the Clara Zetkin street. The event is organized by the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims in
Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and supported by the Government of the Republic of Crimea.
Note: The Seit-Settar Mosque in Simferopol was built in the middle of the 19th century. In the late 1930s,
the mosque was closed, the building was used for economic needs. In the early 1990s, the mosque was
returned to Muslims and renovated. In 2010, the mosque was attempted to be set on fire.
Annex 468

Annex 469
Intentionally omitted

Annex 470
State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea
official website, “Report on the activities
of the State Committee for 2016”

Reports on the activities of the State Committee for 2016
State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea
Reports on the activities of the State Committee for 2016
Report of the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
for 2016.
Regulatory framework.
Regulatory and legal acts in the field of ensuring inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea
In order to preserve and harmonize inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations between peoples historically
living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, to ensure inter-ethnic peace and harmony, to counter ethnic
and religious extremism, the State Committee has prepared a number of legal acts this year. In particular:
- Law of the Republic of Crimea of 18 February 2016 No. 218-ZRK/2016 “On measures of social support for
rehabilitated persons and persons who have suffered from political repressions”;
- Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 December 2016 No. 335-ZRK/2016 “On amendments to Article 3 of
Law of the Republic of Crimea ‘On measures of social support for rehabilitated persons and persons who
have suffered from political repressions’”;
- Law of the Republic of Crimea of 30 December 2016 No. 347-ZRK/2016 “On amendments to Article 35 of
Law of the Republic of Crimea ‘On regulation of certain issues in the sphere of housing relations in the
Republic of Crimea”;
- Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 23 June 2016 No. 232-U “On a non-working holiday” (5
July 2016 Eid al-Fitr)
- Order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 15 April 2016 No. 168-rg “On the preparation and holding
of events dedicated to the Crimean Tatar “Hydyrlez” national holiday in the Republic of Crimea in 2016”;
- Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 5 May 2016 No. 451-r “On the approval of
the event plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the set of measures for the restoration of
historical justice, political, social and religious revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean
Tatar and German peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other
grounds”, for 2016;
- Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 5 May 2016 No. 452-r “On holding events
dedicated to the Day of remembrance of the victims of the deportation from Crimea”;
- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 18 April 2016 No. 157 “On approval of
the Procedure for the provision and spending of subsidies from the budget of the Republic of Crimea to the
budgets of municipal entities in the Republic of Crimea for co-financing of capital investments and capital
repairs in municipal property and acquisition of real estate in municipal ownership in 2016 and invalidation
of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 23 March 2015 No. 130”;
Annex 470
- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 31 May 2016 No. 230 “On the
Procedure for provision for rehabilitated persons and victims of political repression in the territory of the
Republic of Crimea of social support on payment for connecting to water disposal, gas supply and electricity
- Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 7 July 2016 No. 324 “On approval of
the Procedure for providing and spending other inter-budgetary transfers to the budgets of municipal entities
for measures to ensure the rights of rehabilitated citizens”;
Inter-ethnic relations.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 9 April 2015 No. 185 approved the State
Program of the Republic of Crimea on strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and ethno-cultural
development of the peoples of Russia “The Republic of Crimea - the territory of inter-ethnic harmony” for
2015 - 2017” (hereinafter - the State Program) (taking into account amendments introduced by the
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 29 December 2016 No. 654).
For the implementation of the State Program in 2016, it was provided - RUB 1,182,861.56 thousand,
including from the federal budget - RUB 807,574.00 thousand, from the budget of the Republic of Crimea -
RUB 375,287.56 thousand, actually financed - RUB 1,138,553.00 thousand, including from the federal
budget - RUB 763,940.0 thousand, from the budget of the Republic of Crimea - RUB 374,613.00 thousand.
For the main event 1 of the State Program “Measures for the settlement of citizens from among the
rehabilitated peoples of Crimea” in 2016, RUB 986,035.36 thousand were provided, including from the
federal budget - RUB 778,774.0 thousand, from the budget of the Republic of Crimea - RUB 207,261.36
thousand, actually financed - RUB 942,401.36 thousand, including from the federal budget - RUB
735,140.00 thousand, from the budget of the Republic of Crimea - RUB 207,261.36 thousand.
As part of the implementation of measures for the settlement of citizens from among the rehabilitated
peoples of Crimea in accordance with the plan of the federal target program “Social and economic
development of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2020”, design and survey work was
carried out on 38 investment projects (12 apartment buildings, 7 kindergartens, 2 general education schools,
1 poly-ethnic culture center, 5 gas supply facilities, 5 power supply facilities, 2 water supply facilities, 2
sewage facilities and 2 paved roads), of these, construction and installation work began on 10 objects in
December 2016 (7 kindergartens for 1575 children, 2 general education schools for 1080 pupils and 1 center
of poly-ethnic culture (student dormitory for 720 places).
In addition, within the framework of the event “Acquisition of housing for citizens from among the
rehabilitated peoples of Crimea” in the territory of 17 municipal and urban districts of the Republic of
Crimea, in order to provide housing for this category of citizens, 118 real estate objects (residential
buildings, apartments) were acquired, including: in Armyansk - 8, Krasnoperekopsk - 7, Sudak - 2,
Bakhchisarayskiy District - 5, Belogorskiy District - 4, Dzhankoy District - 5, Kirovskiy District - 10,
Krasnogvardeiskiy District - 7, Krasnoperekopskiy District - 7, Leninsky District - 6, Nizhnegorskiy District
- 9, Pervomaiskiy District - 6, Razdolnenskiy District - 12, Sakskiy district - 9, Simferopolskiy District - 10,
Sovetskiy District - 10, Chernomorsiky District - 1.
For the main event 2 of the State program “Measures of social support for rehabilitated persons and victims
of political repressions” at the expense of the budget of the Republic of Crimea, RUB 24,000.0 thousand
were provided, in fact, RUB 24,000.00 thousand were financed.
As part of the implementation of measures of social support for rehabilitated persons and victims of political
repression, 136 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea were provided with one-time
financial assistance to complete the construction of individual housing.
Annex 470
For the main event 3 of the State Program “Measures to ensure inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of
Crimea” at the expense of the budget of the Republic of Crimea, RUB 15,943.6 thousand were provided, in
fact, RUB 15,294.04 thousand were financed.
In addition, RUB 26,410.3 thousand were actually financed for the implementation of the measures of the
State Program at the expense of subventions from the federal budget based on the results of competitive
As part of the implementation of measures to ensure inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea,
activities were carried out aimed at the development of national cultures and traditions, spiritual and
educational activities in the field of religions, increasing the level of tolerance in society and countering
manifestations of xenophobia, equipping amateur creative teams, national and cultural autonomies and
public organizations, assistance in preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the Crimean Karaites and
Krymchaks, equipping the State budgetary institution of the Republic of Crimea “House of Friendship of
Peoples” and the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Media Center named after I.
Gasprinsky”, referred to the jurisdiction of the State Committee for Inter-ethnic relations and deported
citizens of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter - State Committee).
For the main event 4 of the State Program “Development of a network of mass media in native languages”,
RUB 128,082.6 thousand were provided at the expense of the budget of the Republic of Crimea; in fact,
RUB 128,082.6 thousand were financed; RUB 2,389.7 thousand were actually financed by means of
subventions from the federal budget.
Within the framework of this direction, the activities of the Autonomous non-profit organisation “Public
Crimean Tatar TV and Radio Company”, state autonomous institutions of the Republic of Crimea, referred
to the jurisdiction of the State Committee, were supported, the print media and the publication of literature
published in native languages were supported.
The total number of events aimed at harmonizing inter-ethnic relations is 100, the number of their
participants is 67.000, including 12.000 representatives of youth (aged 14 to 30).
The number of events by type: cultural (ethno-cultural festivals, holidays) - 82, scientific and practical
(conferences, seminars) - 18. The events were mainly of a festival, exhibition, competitive, scientific nature,
the format of national holidays and days of cultures of the peoples of Crimea, many of them were organized
with the active participation of public associations of the Republic of Crimea; the State Committee, in turn,
provided methodological and financial assistance for their implementation.
p. 5:
In 2016, the State Committee paid special attention to the organization of effective interaction with public
associations, the expert community in the field of inter-ethnic relations.
A Public Council was created under the State Committee, which includes representatives of national-cultural
public associations and the expert community.
In 2016, 2 meetings of the Public Council of the State Committee were held, at which topical areas of
activity in the field of ensuring inter-ethnic harmony were considered and expert opinions were made on
regulatory legal acts submitted by the State Committee for consideration.
At present, national and cultural autonomies are actively involved in the social and political life of the
Republic of Crimea. The heads of regional national and cultural autonomies, through their representation in
public councils, collegiums of executive authorities, take an active part in the development and coordination
of managerial decisions on topical issues of the internal policy of the Republic of Crimea.
Annex 470
Settlement of the repressed peoples of the Republic of Crimea.
p. 6:
In order to resolve issues on the arrangement of places of compact residence of the rehabilitated peoples of
Crimea, the Federal Target Program was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian
Federation of 11 August 2014 No. 790 “Social and economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the
City of Sevastopol until 2020”.
Under Direction 8 “Ensuring inter-ethnic unity” on “Measures aimed at the national, cultural and spiritual
revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar, Italian and German peoples, as well as on the
social development of the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol”, RUB 9,913.0
million are provided in the Federal Target Program (FTP) 2015-2020 for the implementation of 71
investment projects in the Republic of Crimea.
The implementation of the above projects will allow to:
Provide 1.798 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of the Crimea with their own housing (about
7.000 people);
Commission 7 kindergartens for 1.575 children;
Commission 2 general education schools for 1.080 children;
Provide 5.000 families with power supply networks;
Provide 4.100 families with water supply networks;
Provide 3.300 families with gas supply networks;
Provide 2.000 families with sewerage networks;
Provide 2.100 families with road surface;
And 1 centre of poly-ethnic culture (student dormitory for 720 persons).
p. 7:
In 2016, RUB 24,0 million were allocated for the implementation of the event “One-time financial assistance
for the completion of the construction of individual housing”, which made it possible to provide financial
support to 136 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea.
In 2016, 18 municipalities of the Republic of Crimea took part in the implementation of measures to
purchase housing for citizens from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea.
As a result of the work carried out at the expense of the budgetary funds of the Republic of Crimea, 118 real
estate objects (residential buildings, apartments) were acquired for a total amount of RUB 207.3 million.
In order to provide measures of social protection of citizens from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea,
Law of the Republic of Crimea of 18 February 2016 No. 218-ZRK/2016 “On measures of social support for
rehabilitated persons and persons who have suffered from political repression” was adopted, which provides
for the following measures of social support:
Annex 470
1. Monthly monetary payment;
2. Payment of 50 percent of the payment for the occupied total area of living space;
3. Payment of 50 percent of utilities;
4. Payment of 50 percent of housing services - removal of household waste;
5. Payment of 50 percent for connection to sewerage, gas supply and electricity supply;
6. Free establishment of a landline phone;
7. Reduced travel fare on buses, trolleybuses, trams following regular transportation routes in city traffic
within the Republic of Crimea;
8. Reduced travel fare on buses, trolleybuses on the routes of regular transportation in suburban traffic; by
public railway transport in suburban traffic within the Republic of Crimea.
By Order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea S.V. Aksyonov of 18 June 2014 No. 31-rg, a Commission
was created to address issues of protection and implementation of the rights of citizens to provide land plots
for housing in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
p. 12:
Interaction of the State Committee with the public
According to the approved schedule of personal reception of citizens, the leadership of the State Committee
for Nationalities of Crimea held 18 personal receptions of citizens in 2016. The number of citizens received
by the Chairman of the State Committee Z.R. Smirnov - 223 people.
The mass media publishes monthly schedules for the reception of citizens by the leadership of the State
Committee for Nationalities of the Crimea.
The public council of the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic
of Crimea includes 12 heads of national and cultural autonomies of the Republic of Crimea and 13 heads of
public organizations.
At present, special attention is paid to comprehensive support for the activities of national-cultural and
religious associations of the Republic of Crimea, aimed at implementing socially significant programs of
national-cultural development, preserving traditions, culture, language, national identity of the peoples of the
Republic of Crimea and strengthening the civic identity of the Russian nation.
In 2015, the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea, in
order to facilitate the creation and development of national-cultural autonomies, other public associations
and organizations, held more than 20 meetings with representatives of national-cultural societies of the
Republic of Crimea, at which the provisions of federal laws of the Russian Federation “On national and
cultural autonomy”, “On public associations”, etc., were explained.
p. 13:
Interaction of the State Committee with the media.
As part of promoting the implementation of the rights of citizens and organization on access to information,
224 news materials (interviews, comments, announcements, reports on the events held) on the activities of
Annex 470
public authorities of the Republic of Crimea in 2016 were posted on the official portal of the Government of
the Republic of Crimea on the website of the State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea (https://gkmn.rk.gov.ru/rus/index.htm). Work is systematically carried
out to fill the sections of the site: regulatory legal acts, citizens' appeal, interethnic relations, coverage of the
activities of the commissions operating under the State Committee. The State Committee also provides
information and supervises the information policy of the websites and media of subordinate institutions:
1. Gasprinsky Media Center (http://chatyrdag.info/ru/novosti, “Meraba” and “Yany Dunya” newspapers,
“Yildiz magazine”);
2. House of Friendship of the Peoples of the Republic of Crimea (http://ddn-crimea.ru/;
3. “Millet” TV channel.
The information policy of the subordinate media is aimed at timely and objective informing the public about
the Crimean realities, the development and support of the national cultures of the peoples living in Crimea.
p. 13:
In 20[1]6 State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Gasprinsky Media Centre” financed and
1. Newspapers in the native languages of the peoples of Crimea:
1 – “Meraba” newspaper (in Russian) – weekly;
2. – “Yany Dunya” newspaper (in the Crimean Tatar language) – weekly;
3. – “Hofnung” newspaper (in German) - quarterly (2 issues were published);
4. – “Krymskij Kazachij Vestnik” [Crimean Cossack Herald] newspaper (in Russian) - quarterly (4);
5. – “Tavrika” newspaper (in Greek) - for events (1);
6. – “Bolgarskij Vestnik” [Bulgarian Herald] newspaper (in Bulgarian) - for events (1);
2. Also magazines were published:
1. – “Yildiz” magazine (in the Crimean Tatar language) - once every two months (6 issues were published);
2. – “Golub' Masisa” [Dove of Masis] magazine (in Armenian) - once a year;
3. – “Nash Krym” [Our Crimea] magazine - the first issue was published in December.
Annex 470
Annex 471
Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, License No. MKRF
04081 to carry out activity on preservation of cultural heritage sites
(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the
Russian Federation, 1 March 2017

(Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation)
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
No. MKRF 04081 dated 1 March 2017
For carrying out activities on preservation of cultural heritage
sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
(specify the type of licensed activity)
Types of work performed among the licensed type of activity, in accordance with
Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law “On licensing of certain types of
according to Annex No 1 to the license
(specified in accordance with the list of works established by regulations regarding licensing of the
relevant type of activity)
This license is provided to:
KIRAMET Limited Liability Company
(specify the full and (if available) abbreviated name (including the company name), type of the legal entity
(surname, first name and (if available) patronymic of the individual entrepreneur, the data of the identity document)
The main state registration number of a legal entity
(individual entrepreneur) (OGRN) 1149102053957
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 9102031269
Annex 471
Location address and place of implementation of the licensed type of activity:
Suvorovsky Spusk str., 4\11, Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, 295000
(specify the location address (place of residence for an individual entrepreneur), and the addresses of the
places of work (services) implemented (performed) as part of the licensed type of activity)
The License is valid indefinitely
This license is granted on the basis of a decision of the licensing authority --
order: No. 236 dated 1 March 2017
This license is reissued on the basis of the decision of the licensing authority –
order: No. 1509 dated 22 August 2018
This license has one Annex, which is an integral part of it on 1 page
Deputy Minister (Signed) S.G. Obryvalin
(position of authorized person) (signature of authorized person) (name of authorized person)
(Seal) The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation * OGRN
1087746878295 *
Annex 471
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
To the License No. MKRF 04081 dated 1 March 2017
types of work performed:
development of project documentation for conservation, restoration and
reconstruction of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the
peoples of the Russian Federation;
development of project documentation for repair and adjustment of cultural
heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian
Deputy Minister (Signed) S.G. Obryvalin
(position of authorized person) (signature of authorized person) (name of authorized person)
(Seal) Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation * OGRN 1087746878295 *
Annex 471

Annex 472
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea
official website, “The Ministry of Education of Crimea pays great
attention to creating conditions for the study of native languages”,
2 March 2017

The Ministry of Education of Crimea pays great attention to creating conditions for the study
of native languages
2 March 2017
Source: https://monm.rk.gov.ru/article/show/681
In 2015–2016, the Ministry organised, translated, edited, published, and delivered 66 educational
editions (textbooks, programmes, vocabularies) in Crimean Tatar with a total circulation of 61
thousand books (in 2015 – 45 editions, in 2016 – 21 editions). These include translated textbooks on
school subjects for grades 1–9: geography and history, biology and music, and others. Moreover,
exemplary programmes “Crimean Tatar (Native)”, “Crimean Tatar Literature”, and “Crimean Tatar
(Non-Native)”, and a Crimean Tatar–Russian school vocabulary were published.
Annex 472

Annex 473
Order of the State Сommittee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the
Republic of Crimea No. 79, 21 April 2017

21 April 2017 No. 79
On the approval of the object of protection and the
boundaries of the territory of cultural heritage site of
regional significance “House where Lesya Ukrainka lived in
1897 (architect P. K. Terebenev), Late 19th Century-Early
20th Century”
In accordance with Federal Law of 25 June 2002 No. 73-FZ “On cultural heritage sites (historical and
cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation” and Minutes of the Meetings of the Scientific
and Methodological Board on Cultural Heritage of the State Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the
Republic of Crimea of 21 March 2017 No. 02-17 and of 10 April 2017 No. 04-17
1. To approve the object of protection and the boundaries of the territory of cultural heritage site of
regional significance “House where Lesya Ukrainka lived in 1897 (architect P. K. Terebenev), Late
19th Century-Early 20th Century”, located at the address: 8a Yekaterininskaya str., Letter A, Yalta, in
accordance with Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.
2. To publish this Order on the official website of the State Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection
of the Republic of Crimea.
Chairman /Signature/ S. A. Efimov
CRIMEA * CORRECT * O. Fedorovskaya/
Annex 473

Annex 474
Program of Events of the XI International Festival “Great Russian
Word”, approved by the Head of the Republic of Crimea - Chairman of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and the Chairman
of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, 16 May 2017

Head of the Republic of Crimea -
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea,
Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Chairman of the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea, Co-Chairman of the
Organizing Committee
(Signed) S. Aksyonov (Signed) V. Konstantinov
16 May 2017 16 May 2017
No. Event Location Timing Responsible
1 2 3 4 5
2 June
1. Organization of a photo exhibition dedicated to the XI
International Festival GREAT RUSSIAN WORD
The building of the State
Council of the Republic of
Crimea, Simferopol
9:00 AM Executive office of the State Council of the
Republic of Crimea
5 June
Festive meeting of representatives of the public of
Simferopol and guests of the XI International Festival
Intersection of Pushkina St./
Gorkogo St. 10:00 AM
City Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Culture of
the Republic of Crimea
3. Exhibition fair of craftwork by decorative and applied
art masters
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
City Administration of Simferopol, City
Administration of Yalta, Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of
Annex 474
1 2 3 4 5
4. III Livadia Forum “The Russian world and the Russian
language: historical roots, directions of development”.
Work in sections:
“The concept of the Russian world: turning points in
“Russian language: educational and legal aspects”;
“Literature is a cultural symbol of Russia.
Crimean Muse”
State Budgetary Institution of
the Republic of Crimea Alupka
Palace and Park Museum and
Reserve (Vorontsov Palace)
Alupka, State Budgetary
Institution of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea Crimean
Literary and Art Memorial
Museum and Reserve
(Memorial House of A.P.
Chekhov in Yalta)
10:00 AM-01:00
Federation Council of the Federal Assembly
of the Russian Federation, State Council of
the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of Crimea
5. Beginning of the Book Festival “Book Alleys” Embankment, Yalta 11:00 AM Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and
Communications of the Republic of Crimea,
City Administration of Yalta
6. Children’s festival “Russian Souvenir” Embankment, Yalta 03:00 PM-04:30
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
7. Concert program “Crimea Gathers Friends” Embankment, Yalta 04:30 PM-06:30
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
8. Opening ceremony of the XI International Festival
Cinema and concert hall
Yubileiniy, Yalta
06:00 PM-09:00
Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea, State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Crimea
9. Continuation of the concert program “Crimea Gathers
Embankment, Yalta 08:30 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
6 June
10. III Livadia Forum “The Russian world and the Russian
language: historical roots, directions of development”.
Plenary meeting
State Budgetary Institution of
Culture of the Republic of
Crimea Livadia Palace and
Museum, Yalta
11:00 AM-01:30
Federation Council of the Federal Assembly
of the Russian Federation, State Council of
the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 474
1 2 3 4 5
11. International scientific and methodological seminar for
teachers of the Russian language and literature “Russian
literature in school education: traditions and
State Unitary Enterprise of the
Republic of Crimea Health and
Resort Complex Russiya,
branch of the Health Center
Gorniy, Yalta
10:00 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
12. Republican Poetry Reciting Competition named after
A.S. Pushkin
State Budgetary Educational
Institution of Additional
Education of the Republic of
Crimea International Center of
Theater Arts “Golden Key”,
10:00 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
13. Scientific and practical conference “Crimea in the all-
Russian cultural space: realities, problems, prospects”
State Budgetary Educational
Institution of Higher Education
of the Republic of Crimea
Crimean University of Culture,
Arts and Tourism, Simferopol
10:00 AM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
14. Opening of the children’s art and educational program
“Week of the Russian fairy tale”
State Budgetary Institution of
the Republic of Crimea
Crimean Academic Puppet
Theater, Simferopol
10:00 AM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
15. Exhibition fair of craftwork by decorative and applied
art masters
Embankment, Yalta 11:00 AM City Administration of Yalta, Ministry of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry
of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of
16. “Day of poetry and music in Gurzuf” State Budgetary Institution of
Culture of the Republic of
Crimea “Crimean Literary and
Art Memorial Museum and
Reserve", township of Gurzuf
11:00 AM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea, writers’ organizations of the
Republic of Crimea
17. Opening of the series of events “A.S. Pushkin and
State Budgetary Institution of
the Republic of Crimea
Crimean Cinema Media Center,
12:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Annex 474
1 2 3 4 5
18. Opening of the exhibition “Don Cossacks - defenders of
the Motherland” from the funds of the Rostov Regional
Local Lore Museum
State Budgetary Institution of
the Republic of Crimea
Crimean Ethnographic
Museum, Simferopol
04:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
19. Opening of the “Week of Russian Play” Theater institutions of the
Republic of Crimea
06:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
20. Concert program “A.S. Pushkin works in the opera” Cinema and concert hall
Yubileiniy, Yalta
08:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
21. Forum of leaders of youth organizations and movements
“Russian word: from origins to revival”
Simferopol 02:00 PM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
7 June
22. International scientific and methodological seminar for
teachers of the Russian language and literature “Russian
literature in school education: traditions and
State Unitary Enterprise of the
Republic of Crimea Health and
Resort Complex Russiya,
branch of the Health Center
Gorniy, Yalta
9:30 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
23. Forum of leaders of youth organizations and movements
“Russian word: from origins to revival”
Simferopol, State Budgetary
Institution of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea Crimean
Republican Universal Scientific
Library named after I.Ya
11:00 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
8 June
24. Cyril and Methodius Church and Pedagogical Readings State Unitary Enterprise of the
Republic of Crimea Health and
Resort Complex Russiya, Yalta
11:00 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
25. International scientific and methodological seminar for
teachers of the Russian language and literature “Russian
literature in school education: traditions and
State Unitary Enterprise of the
Republic of Crimea Health and
Resort Complex Russiya,
branch of the Health Center
9:30 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
Annex 474
1 2 3 4 5
26. Holiday of the Russian book “Harmony of the poetic
State Budgetary Institution of
Culture of the Republic of
Crimea Crimean Republican
Universal Scientific Library
named after I. Ya. Franko,
02:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea, writers' organizations of the
Republic of Crimea
9 June
27. International symposium “Russian language in the
multicultural world”
State Unitary Enterprise of the
Republic of Crimea Health and
Resort Complex Russiya, Yalta
10:00 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
28. International festival of folk musicians “Balalaika Day” State Budget Professional
Educational Institution of the
Republic of Crimea Simferopol
Musical College named after P.
I. Tchaikovsky, Simferopol
05:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
10 June
29. International symposium “Russian language in the
multicultural world”
State Unitary Enterprise of the
Republic of Crimea Health and
Resort Complex Russiya, Yalta
10:00 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
30. VII Republican festival “Russian chanson in Crimea” State Budgetary Institution of
Culture of the Republic of
Crimea Center of Folk Art of
the Republic of Crimea,
township of Gurzuf
02:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
31. International festival of folk musicians “Balalaika Day” Urban district of Sudak, village
of Solnechnaya Dolina
02:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
32. Opening of the plein-air exhibition of works by Crimean
Federal State Educational
Institution of Culture State
Historical, Art and Literary
Museum and Reserve
02:00 PM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Annex 474
1 2 3 4 5
11 June
33. International symposium “Russian language in the
multicultural world”
State Unitary Enterprise of the
Republic of Crimea Health and
Resort Complex Russiya, Yalta
10:00 AM Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
34. Closing of the children's art and educational program
“Week of the Russian fairy tale”
State Budgetary Institution of
the Republic of Crimea
Crimean Academic Puppet
Theater, Simferopol
10:00 AM Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
12 June
35. Closing ceremony
of the XI International Festival GREAT RUSSIAN
WORD, a festive concert program dedicated to the
Russia Day
Lenin Square, Simferopol 05:00 PM Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea Staff, Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
36. Preparation and holding the winter session of the III
Livadia Forum The Russian World and the Russian
Language: Historical Roots, Directions of Development,
timed to coincide with the birthday of the great Russian
philosopher Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky
State Budgetary Institution of
Culture of the Republic of
Crimea Livadia Palace and
Museum, Yalta
November -
December 2017
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea, State Council of the Republic of
Events of municipal formations of the Republic of Crimea
5 June
37. Opening of the exhibition of children's drawings “The
world of a Russian fairy tale”
Municipal Budget Institution of
Culture Museum of the History
of the City of Simferopol,
11:00 AM City Administration of Simferopol
38. Regional vocal review competition for children and
youth “Sprout of the steppe region”
Regional House of Culture
Horizon, township of Lenino
10:30 AM Leninskiy District Administration
39. Regional holiday of Slavic culture “Name Day of
Yarkoe Pole Rural House of
Culture of Kirovskiy District
10:00 AM Kirovskiy District Administration
Annex 474
1 2 3 4 5
6 June
40. Literary festival “Lukomorie” Sovetskaya Central Regional
Library named after M. I.
Chuba, township of Sovetskiy
10:00 AM Sovetskiy District Administration
41. Pushkin Poetry Festival A.S. Pushkin Square, Feodosia 10:00 AM City Administration of Feodosia
42. Literary and creative meeting “Let Pushkin echo in
every heart...”
Armiansk 10:00 AM City Administration of Armiansk
43. Pushkin holiday “How eternal is Pushkin’s word” Central City Library named
after A. S. Pushkin, Evpatoria
11:00 AM City Administration of Evpatoria
44. III Municipal festival “Russia is in the Heart, in the
Song, and in the Word!”
Lenin Square, Belogorsk 11:00 AM Belogorsk District Administration
45. Festive event “Everything here breathes and lives with
A.S. Pushkin Square, Saki 11:00 AM City Administration of Saki
46. Quest game “At Lukomorie” Bratsk Rural House of Culture
of Krasnoperekopsk District
11:00 AM Krasnoperekopsk District Administration
47. Pushkin readings “To visit Pushkin I hie” Central embankment, Alushta 12:00 PM City Administration of Alushta
48. Children’s competition for the best performance of
Pushkin’s fairy tale “Pushkin fairy tales”
Sudak City House of Culture 12:00 PM City administration of Sudak
49. Literary holiday “A monument I've raised not built by
District House of Culture,
01:00 PM Bakhchisaray District Administration
50. Concert-ball of the brass band “Yalta” of the Yalta
Theater of Brass Music “Music to the Works of A.S.
Yalta 03:00 PM City Administration of Yalta
51. Literary and musical festival “Pushkin was here...” City House of Culture, Kerch 03:00 PM City Administration of Kerch
52. Regional festival “Great Russian Word” Nizhnegorsk District 03:00 PM Nizhnegorsk District Administration
Annex 474
1 2 3 4 5
House of Culture
7 June
53. Literary and musical evening “And we will keep you
safe, Russian word!
District House of Culture,
10:00 AM Dzhankoy District Administration
54. Conference “Two centuries with Pushkin”, presentation
of the literary Pushkin Prize
Simferopol 10:00 AM City Administration of Simferopol
55. Concert program “What could be better than Russia” Dzhankoy City Center of
Culture and Leisure
03:00 PM City Administration of Dzhankoy
9 June
56. Concert “Sacred Rus” District House of Culture,
township of Chernomorskoe
05:00 PM Chernomorskiy District Administration
57. Poetic karaoke “The noble promptings of the spirit” District
Centralized Library System of
the Simferopol District, village
of Krasnolesie
11:00 AM Simferopol District Administration
10 June
58. VI Regional poetry festival “At the far reaches of the
Crimean land”
Intersettlement Center for
Culture, Leisure and Library
Services, of the Razdolnenskiy
District, settlement of
12:00 PM Razdolnenskiy District Administration
59. Puppet show “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” Krasnoperekopsk City Palace
of Culture
03:00 PM City Administration of Krasnoperekopsk
12 June
60. Festive events dedicated to the Russia Day and the
closing of the XI International Festival GREAT
Municipal formations of the
Republic of Crimea (according
to separate event plans)
10:00 AM-02:00
Administrations of municipal formations of
the Republic of Crimea
Annex 474
Annex 475
Positive Opinion of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Main
Department of State Expertise” No. 563-17/GGE-11184/05,
25 May 2017

To the General Director of KIRAMET LLC
Yu. A. Ivanishkina
Suvorovsky Spusk str., 4/11, Simferopol, the
Republic of Crimea, 295000
Furkasovsky per., 6, Moscow, 101000
Tel. (495) 625-75-46. Fax: (495) 624-67-49
e-mail: [email protected]; www.gge.ru
31 May 2017 No 3067-17/GGE-011184/05
To No 1731/01-05 on 17 March 2017
The federal autonomous institution “Main Department of State Expertise” reviewed the materials
regarding justification of the investment to the “Performance of works on the preservation of the cultural
heritage site “Khan's Palace” (XVI-XIX centuries) at the address: 133 Rechnaya str., Bakhchisaray, the
Republic of Crimea” and sends an opinion No 563 -17/GGE-11184/05 dated 25 May 2017.
Annex: 1. Opinion No 563 -17/GGE-11184/05 dated 25 May 2017 on 75 pages in 1 copy.
2. Delivery and acceptance certificate of the completed works.
3. Invoice – 1 page in 1 copy.
4. A set of documentation.
Deputy Head (signed) S.P. Balashova
Perkova (495)625-95-95, ext. 1954
(Stamp): State Committee on the
Preservation of Cultural Heritage in the
Republic of Crimea
Certified true (Signed) E. Andreeva
Annex 475
[p. 4 of the original document]
Deputy Head (Signed) S.P. Balashova
(Seal) The Federal Autonomous Institution “Main Department of State Expertise”
25 May 2017
OPINION No. 563-17/GGE-11184/05
based on the results of the expert examination of the investment justification of “Measures regarding
investigation of technical condition, performance of engineering survey and estimate (limit) cost
evaluation at: “Performance of works on the preservation of the cultural heritage site “Khan’s Palace”
(XVI-XIX centuries) at the address: 133 Rechnaya str., Bakhchisaray, the Republic of Crimea”
(133 Rechnaya str., Bakhchisaray, the Republic of Crimea, 298405, Russian Federation)
(Stamp): State Committee on the Preservation
of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Crimea
Certified true (Signed) E. Andreeva […]
Annex 475
[p. 22] Information regarding the results of investigation of the technical condition of buildings and
Investigation of the technical condition of the supporting structures was performed by Kiramet LLC in
[p. 25]
Khan Mosque (1740-1743)
The structure is rectangular in plan, two-stores with two extensions of minarets.
The walls are made of stone. Floorings and coverings are on wooden beams. The roof-supporting
structures are wooden. Band foundations made of quarry stone on clay.
Defects: inconsistency between design solutions of the structure and construction requirements for
seismic regions, damaged or detached protective coatings, destroyed construction material, wooden elements
are damaged by rot and biological pests, tilt of the eastern minaret.
Recommendations: to perform continuous reinforced concrete belt on the top of the capital walls of the
building, perform repair and restoration work of the load-bearing elements of the galleries, inter-story floors
and balconies, attic floorings, roofs; restore the verticality of the eastern minaret; perform a reinforced concrete
cage on the outside of the foundations along the perimeter; establish constant monitoring of the state of the
[p. 72]
5. General conclusions
The submitted investment justification of the construction project “Measures regarding investigation
of technical condition, performance of engineering survey and estimate (limit) cost evaluation at: Performance
of works on the preservation of the cultural heritage site “Khan’s Palace” (XVI-XIX centuries) at the address:
133 Rechnaya str., Bakhchisaray, the Republic of Crimea” is recommended for development of the design
documents and is sufficient for construction cost evaluation.
(Stamp): State Committee on the Preservation
of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Crimea
Certified true (Signed) E. Andreeva […]
Annex 475

Annex 476
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Letter No. 11-8/3077
“On compulsory health insurance of certain categories of citizens
temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation”,
20 July 2017

Letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 29 July 2017 No. 11-8/3077 “On compulsory
health insurance of certain categories of citizens temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian
OF 20 JULY 2017 No 11-8/3077
The Financial and Economic Department considered a letter concerning the application of the rules of
the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 27 October 2016 No. 803n “On amendments
to Compulsory health insurance rules approved by Order of the Ministry of health care and social development
of the Russian Federation of 28 February 2011 No. 158n, with the purpose of implementation of the provisions
of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, signed in Astana on 29 May 2014” (hereinafter - the Order of
the Ministry of Health of Russia N 803n), received by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and
informs as follows.
In accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of 29 November 2010 No. 326-FZ “On compulsory
health insurance in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 326-FZ) insured persons for
compulsory health insurance are citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens permanently or
temporarily residing in the Russian Federation, stateless persons (with the exception of highly qualified
specialists and their family members, as well as foreign citizens carrying out labor activities in the Russian
Federation in accordance with article 13.5 of the Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status
of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”), as well as persons entitled to medical assistance in accordance
with Federal Law of 19 February 1993 No. 4528-1 “On refugees”.
Therefore, foreign citizens and stateless persons holding a permanent residence permit of the Russian
Federation or temporary residence permit, or refugees (the persons who were issued a certificate confirming
the consideration of the application on the merits and the persons granted temporary shelter) are subject to
compulsory health insurance, the compulsory health insurance policies are issued to them under the Federal
Law No. 326-FZ and shall be provided with medical aid covered by compulsory health insurance on equal
terms as the citizens of the Russian Federation.
Annex 476

Annex 477
Information on the implementation by the courts of the Russian
Federation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination prepared in connection with the
examination of the 23rd and 24th reports of the Russian Federation by
CERD Committee, August 2017

Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477
Annex 477

Annex 478
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Letter
No. TS-945/08 “On the exercise of the rights of citizens to receive
education in their native language”, 9 October 2017

<Letter> of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 9 October 2017 No. TS-945/08 “On the
implementation of the rights of citizens to receive education in their native language”
of 9 October 2017 No. TS-945/08
[p. 1] In order to ensure the full implementation of educational programs, taking into account the interests and
needs of students, including in terms of the choice of language, languages of education, a local normative act
determining the language, languages of education, is coordinated with the collegial governing body of the
educational institution.
[p. 2] In accordance with the Federal state educational standards of primary general and basic general education
(Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 6 October 2009 No. 373 and 17
December 2010 No. 1897), “Native Language and Literary Reading in the Native Language” and “Native
Language and Literature” subject areas are compulsory. […]
In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exemplary work programs in native languages are
developed, which, in accordance with the Procedure, undergo an evaluation and, also at the initiative of the
state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education, can be considered
by the Federal Educational and methodological association with a view to including them in the register of
exemplary basic educational programs.
[p. 3] The study of the state language of the republic, which is part of the Russian Federation, and the native
language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation is possible within the framework
of the regional (national-regional) component and the component of the educational institution. Learning the
native language is also possible within the framework of the federal component in accordance with the federal
basic curriculum and exemplary curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing
general education programs approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of 9 March 2004 No.
Annex 478

Annex 479
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Letter No. 01-14/4442 “On the Roadmap for choosing the education
(studying) language in the educational organizations of the Republic
of Crimea”, 28 December 2017

(Coat of Arms of the Republic of Crimea)
[Original title in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar]
E-mail: [email protected] 3 Sovnarkomovskiy lane, Tel. (3652) 27-52-32
www.minobrkrym.rf Simferopol, 295000 Fax (3652) 27-61-33
of: 28 December 2017 No. 01-14/4442
to Ref. No. _____
To the heads of educational bodies of the municipal
and urban districts, republican educational
institutions, subordinate to the Ministry
On the Roadmap for choosing the education
(studying) language in the educational
organizations of the Republic of Crimea
The Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, in accordance with
the current legislation and based on the recommendation of the Civic Chamber of the Republic of
Crimea (decision following the results of the meeting of the Civic Chamber Council of the Republic
of Crimea of 12 October 2017) developed a Roadmap to help organize the activities of preschool
educational and general educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea regarding the choice of
instruction and studying language.
Hereby, we send you this Roadmap for use in state, municipal and private educational
organizations of the Republic of Crimea in creating conditions for exercise of the right to a free,
voluntary, informed choice by students’ parents (legal representatives) of the language of instruction
for their children from among the state languages of the Republic of Crimea, as well as the choice of
the language of studying from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation
residing in the Republic of Crimea.
Organize work with the heads of educational organizations on the implementation of the
Annex: 7 sheets
Minister /Signed/ N.G. Goncharova
Z.S. Suleimanova
[email protected]
(0652) 25 04 15
Annex 479
Annex No. 1 to the letter of the
Ministry of Education, Science and
Youth of the Republic of Crimea
of 28 December 2017 No.01-14/4442
The Roadmap for choosing the language of education (studying) in the educational organization of
the Republic of Crimea
The goal of the Roadmap is as follows:
- Ensure the availability of studying, development and preservation of the state languages of the
Republic of Crimea and the native languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation residing in the
Republic of Crimea;
- Exercise the constitutional right for the generally available and free-of-charge preschool, primary, and
basic general education in native languages, as well as the study of the native languages of the peoples of the
Russian Federation residing in the Republic of Crimea;
- Ensure interethnic concord.
I. Laws and regulations:
Constitution of the Russian Federation
Article 26.
1. Everyone shall have the right to determine and indicate his or her nationality. No one
shall be forced to determine and indicate his or her nationality.
2. Everyone shall have the right to use his or her native language, to a free choice of the
language of communication, upbringing, education and creative work.
Federal Law of 29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”
Article 5. Right for education. The state sales warranties of right to education in the Russian
1. The right of every person to education shall be guaranteed in the Russian Federation.
2. The right to education in the Russian Federation shall be guaranteed regardless of
gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property, social and official status, place of residence,
attitude to religion, beliefs, membership of public associations, and other circumstances.
Article 14. Language of education.
1. In the Russian Federation, there shall be guaranteed education in the state language of the
Russian Federation, as well as the choice of the language of education and upbringing within the
opportunities provided by the educational system.
2. In state and municipal educational institutions located in the republics of the Russian
Federation, teaching and learning the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation
may be introduced in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation.
Teaching and learning the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation under stateaccredited
educational programmes shall be carried out in accordance with the federal state
educational standards, other educational standards.
3. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive preschool, primary general
and basic general education in their native language from among the languages of the peoples of the
Annex 479
Russian Federation as well as the right to study their native language from among the languages of
the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as a native language, within
the limits of the opportunities provided by the educational system and in the manner prescribed by
the legislation on education. These rights shall be exercised through the establishment of a required
number of relevant educational institutions, classes, groups, and conditions for their functioning.”
4. The language, languages of education shall be determined by local regulations of
educational institutions under the educational programmes such institutions implement, in
accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
Law of 25 October 1991 No. 1807-1 “On the languages of the peoples of the Russian
Federation” (as amended on 12 March 2014)
Article 2. State quarantees of the equality of the languages of the peoples in the Russian
1. Equality of the languages of the peoples in the Russian Federation is the body of rights of
peoples and individuals to preserve and comprehensively develop their native language, to freedom
of choice and use of the language of communication.
2. All peoples in the Russian Federation, regardless of their number, are guaranteed the
right to preserve and comprehensively develop their native language, freedom of choice and use of
the language of communication.
3. Each person in the Russian Federation is entitled to use their native language, freely
choose the language of communication, upbringing, education and creative work, regardless of
their origin, social and property status, race and nationality, gender, education, attitude to religion
and place of residence.
4. The equality of the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation is protected by
law. No one is entitled to establish restrictions or privileges for the use of a particular language.
Article 6. Scope of competence of the Russian Federation with respect to protection, study
and use of the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
The competence of the Russian Federation, represented by the supreme bodies of state
authority of the Republic with respect to protection and use of the languages of the peoples of the
Russian Federation, cover the following:
- Assistance in the development of republics’ state languages.
Article 9. The right to choose the education language.
1. Citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to freely choose the language of education
in accordance with the legislation on education.
Article 10. Teaching and studying languages of the peoples in the Russian Federation.
1. The state shall ensure for the Russian citizens the conditions for teaching and studying the
languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation on education.
The Constitution of the Republic of Crimea
Article 10. The state languages of the Republic of Crimea are the Russian, Ukrainian and
Crimean Tatar languages.
Article 19. Part. 2. Everyone shall have the right to use his or her native language, to a free
choice of the language of communication, upbringing, education and creative work.
Annex 479
Law of the Republic of Crimea of 9 July 2015 No. 131-ZRK/2015 “On education in the
Republic of Crimea”
Article 11. Language of education.
1. In state educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea and municipal educational
organizations located in the Republic of Crimea, educational activities are carried out in the state
language of the Russian Federation. Teaching and studying of the state language of the Russian
Federation under state-accredited educational programmes shall be carried out in accordance with
the federal state educational standards, other educational standards.
2. Citizens of the Russian Federation, residing in the territory of the Republic of Crimea
have the right to receive preschool, primary general, basic general education in their native
language, including Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar, as well as the right to study their native
language within the possibilities provided by the education system pursuant to the procedure
stipulated by the laws on education. These rights shall be exercised through the establishment of a
necessary number of relevant educational organisations, classes, groups, and conditions for their
List of instructions by the President of the Russian Federation of 28 August 2017
No. Pr-1710 following the meeting of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation
for Interethnic Relations on 20 July 2017
Studying by students of their native language from among the languages of the peoples of
the Russian Federation and the state languages of the Russian Federation republics on a voluntary
basis at the choice of their parents (legal representatives) in the framework of the basic general
educational programs.
II. The procedure for the choice of language
1. Education (studying) language shall be determined for each level of education:
1.1. Preschool education.
1.2. Primary general education.
1.3. Basic general education.
1.4. Secondary general education.
2. Procedure.
2.1. Information on exercise of the constitutional right of citizens to choose the education
(studying) language in an educational institution (preschool education, general education) shall be
timely communicated to the parents (legal representatives).
2.2. When a child is admitted to an educational organization (preschool, general
education), their parents (legal representatives) shall indicate the education (studying)/ upbringing
language in the application (see the sample application attached).
In February-March of the current year, there shall be held class parent meetings with the
parents of future first-graders, students of the 4th, 9th grades, where it is necessary to consider the
issues of determining the education (studying) language at the relevant level of education.
2.3. Educational organizations heads shall appoint a coordinator, from among the
educational institution administration, responsible for organizing this work.
2.4. Students’ parents (legal representatives), coordinators, class teachers, native language
Annex 479
teachers shall attend the school-wide and class parent meetings. In the course of class and schoolwide
parent meeting, students’ parents (legal representatives) shall be informed about the right to
choose the education (studying) language on the basis of the above law and regulations, and this
issue shall be recorded in the minutes of the parent meeting. The data in the minutes of parent
meeting shall correspond to the number and content of the personal applications of parents.
It is recommended to hold the parent meeting in accordance with the following plan:
1) Introductory speech of the head of educational institution;
2) Introduction of teachers who will teach native languages or instruct in native language;
3) Writing of applications by parents.
The coordinator of this process, within 3 business days after the parent meeting, shall send a
written notification to the students’ parents (legal representatives) who did not attend the parent
meeting about submitting an application addressed to the school principal with indication of the
education (studying) language. Confirmation of sending a notification to the mailing address of
students’ parents (legal representatives) shall be attached to the minutes of meetings.
Summarize the results of the meetings, send information about their results indicating the
number of students by education (studying) language to the education authorities within 10
business days after holding such meetings. In addition, it is necessary to provide information about
future first-graders until 10 July and 31 August of the current year. Information about newly
formed groups in preschool educational organizations indicating the education and upbringing
language shall be sent by 10 October.
Based on the results of parent meetings, educational institutions shall collect the parents’ (legal
representatives’) applications, minutes of parent meetings, copies of written notifications, original
summary information signed by class teachers and the school principal, which then shall be stored
in the educational institution until the end of the student’s course duration.
The parents (legal representatives) have an option to change the education (studying) language
after finalization of the parent meeting results and sending information to the educational authority.
In this case, parents (legal representatives) can address the head of the educational institution with a
written application.
The decision on changing the education (studying) language is also documented by the
students’ parents’ (legal representatives’) application addressed to the principal of the educational
2.5. Information on measures to exercise the constitutional right of citizens to choose the
education (studying) language in an educational institution shall be communicated to the parents
(legal representatives) by means of annually posting and updating information on the school
information stand and the website of the educational institution.
3. The efforts invested will ensure the exercise of the citizens’ rights to a free, voluntary,
informed choice of the education (studying) language.
4. Responsibility for ensuring the availability of studying, development and preservation
of the state languages of the Republic of Crimea and the native languages of the peoples of the
Russian Federation residing in the Republic of Crimea rests with the head of the educational
Annex 479
Annex No. 2 to the letter of the Ministry of
Education, Science and Youth of the Republic
of Crimea
of 28 December 2017 No. 01-14/4442
In accordance with Part 2 of Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 6 July
2015 No. 131-ZRK/2015 “On education in the Republic of Crimea” I hereby ask you to
organize instruction for my son (daughter), a “__” grade student,
(child’s full name)
in __________________________________________________________________ language.
Please arrange studying of a native language _______________________________________.
To the Principal
(name of the educational institution)
(full name of the principal)
(full name of the applicant)
residing at:
Date Signature
Annex 479
Annex No. 3 to the letter of the Ministry of
Education, Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea of
28 December 2017 No. 01-14/4442
Template of the written notification to the parents that did not attend
the parent meeting
On “…” 201... there was held a parent meeting of the “__” class of municipal budgetary
general education institution “___________”. Hereby we inform you that during this meeting we
have considered the issues of choosing the education (studying) language for the next level of
Since you did not attend this meeting, we ask you, within 10 days after receiving this
letter, to find an opportunity to contact the principal (deputy principal, tutor) and write an
application addressed to the director (template attached) about choosing the education (studying)
language for your son (daughter) ..., student of “...” class, for the next level of education - 1-4 (5-
9, 10-11-please, specify) grades.
Best regards,
(full name)
Annex 479

Annex 480
Information materials on the study of the subject area “Native
Language and Literature”, as attached to the Letter of the First Deputy
Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to the
Head of the Republic of Crimea No. VP-409/08, 16 February 2018

To Ref. No.________________
(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
[Title in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar]
3 Sovnarkomovskiy Per., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000, reception desk (3652) 27-52-32,
administrative office (3652) 27-61-33 E-mail: [email protected] http://monm.rk.gov.ru/
To the Heads of education authorities of
municipal and urban districts of the Republic
of Crimea, institutions subordinate to the
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
Hereby we send you for guidance the letter of the First Deputy of the Education and Science Minister
of the Russian Federation, V.V. Pereverzeva of 16 February 2018 No. VP-409/09 “On native language
learning” to the Head of the Republic of Crimea, S.V. Aksyonov.
Please get the heads of educational institutions in municipal districts and city districts acquainted with
this document.
Attachment: 3 sheets
Minister /Signed/ N.G. Goncharova
Z.S. Suleimanova
(3652) 25 04 15
of 2 March 2018 No. 0114/695
Annex 480
(Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation)
16 February 2018 No. VP-409.08
On native language learning
To letter Ref. No. 101-46/329 of 18 January 2018
Dear Sergey Valerievich,
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has considered your request
regarding the study of the subject “Native language and literature” and sends herewith the relevant
information materials.
Attachment: 2 sheets, 1 copy.
Best regards, /Signed/ V.V. Pereverzeva
E.A. Belkina
(499) 681-03-87, ext. 4188
Ref. No. 01-12/1559 Date: 26 February 2018]
Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
13 Kirova Pr., Simferopol, 295005
Ref. No. 1/01-46/329/1 Date: 20 February 2018]
11 Tverskaya St., Moscow, 125993,
Tel. (495) 539-55-19 Fax (495) 629-08-
91 E-mail: [email protected]
To the Head of the Republic of
Annex 480
Information materials on studying the subject “Native language and literature”
In accordance with Article 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the state language of the
Russian Federation throughout its territory is the Russian language. At the same time, the republics are
entitled to establish their own state languages. These languages are used in government bodies, local
government bodies, state institutions of the republics along with the state language of the Russian
The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the compulsory study of the state
languages of the republics in the Russian Federation by all students of educational institutions located on the
territory of such republics.
Teaching and learning the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation in accordance
with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation can be introduced as part of the curriculum
formed by the participants of the educational relations.
According to Part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law, the education language(s) are determined by
the internal policies and procedures of the organization performing the educational activities based on the
educational programs it implements, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The norms of Articles 12 and 28 of the Federal Law of 29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ “On
education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter – the Federal Law) establish that the educational
organization is authorized to develop and approve educational programs, which, in turn, shall be developed
in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards (hereinafter referred to as FSES) and taking into
account the model principal educational programs.
Teaching and learning the native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian
Federation, including the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, is provided on a
voluntary basis at the parents’ (legal representatives) request and shall be without prejudice to teaching and
learning the state language of the Russian Federation.
FSES and model programs of Elementary and Basic General Education, including several versions
of model curricula, provide for an opportunity to study and teach the state language of the Russian
Federation, state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, as well as the native languages from
among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the FSES for elementary, basic, and secondary general education (orders of the
Russian Ministry of Education and Science No. 373 dated 6 October 2009 (as amended by order of the
Russian Ministry of Education and Science No. 1576 dated 31 December 2015 ), No. 1897 dated 17
December 2010 (as amended by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science No. 1577 dated 31
December 2015) and No. 413 dated 17 May 2012 (as amended by order of the Russian Ministry of
Education and Science No. 1578 dated 31 December 2015)) the subject “Native language and literature” is
obligatory for studying. Here the voluntary participation means the ability to choose the native language for
study (e.g. Russian, Bashkir, Tatar, Chuvash and other languages of the Russian Federation), rather than a
possibility to refuse from learning a native language.
According to the instruction of the Russian President on the systematic renewal of general
education, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science has arranged the introduction of changes to the
FSES in terms of refining the educational achievements. Currently, the updated version of the FSES for
elementary general and basic general education is still under discussion in the professional community. Your
proposals will be considered and taken into account (to the extent possible).
Director of the Department
of State Policy for General Education /Signed/ A.E. Petrov
On native languages - 08
Annex 480

Annex 481
Statement by Mr Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent Representative of
the Russian Federation, at the 1186th meeting of the OSCE Permanent
Council, “On the anniversary of the deportation of Crimean Tatars”,
Doc. PC.DEL/630/18, 17 May 2018

PCOEW7572 Translation by OSCE Language Services
18 May 2018
Original: RUSSIAN
Delegation of the Russian Federation
17 May 2018
On the anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars
Mr Chairperson,
The Crimean Tatars did indeed suffer a great deal during the period of repression,
having endured deportation from their native territory. Together with them, we remember this
tragic fact.
And it was only Crimea’s reunification with Russia that made the rehabilitation,
revival and development of the Crimean Tatar ethnic group, their language and culture,
which had previously been ignored or disregarded by the Ukrainian authorities, a reality.
On 21 April 2014, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, signed
Decree No. 268 on measures to rehabilitate the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar
and German peoples and to provide State support for their revival and development. Later the
Italian people were added to this list. A set of measures was developed to restore historical
justice through the political, social and spiritual revival of peoples subjected to illegal
political repression on ethnic and other grounds, including administrative expulsions.
In addition, the scope of Law No. 1107-1 of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist
Republic of 26 April 1991 on the rehabilitation of repressed peoples and Law No. 1761-1 of
the Russian Federation of 18 October 1991 on the rehabilitation of the victims of political
repression was fully extended to include the Crimean Tatars. As a result, more than
20,000 certificates of rehabilitation and certificates of the right to social support measures
from the Russian State have already been issued to citizens.
Decree No. 268 paved the way for comprehensive measures related to the complete
rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatar people – political and social, economic and cultural. This
is being achieved, in particular, on the basis of the federal special-purpose programme for the
socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until
2020, which was adopted on 11 August 2014.
Annex 481
- 2 - PC.DEL/630/18
18 May 2018
In 2015, with the aim of supporting the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea, the State
programme of the Republic of Crimea for the period 2015–2017 to strengthen the unity of the
Russian nation and the ethnic and cultural development of the peoples of Russia was
developed and approved. Large communities are now being set up in Crimea to accommodate
formerly repressed peoples, primarily Crimean Tatars. More funds are spent each year on this
in Russian Crimea than in the past, and amounts are also increasing with each year. The
Crimean Tatars are now beginning to be allocated long-awaited social housing.
Large-scale cultural events using public funds are regularly organized for returnees at
the republic and municipal level. The Crimean Tatar academic theatre continues to operate
successfully. Literature is published in the Crimean Tatar language and the media, including
Yani Dunya (New World), Qirim, Yildiz (Star) and others, receive support. For the first time
in the history of Crimea, the Crimean Tatar television channel Millet (Nation) and radio
station Vetan (Motherland) have started operation, and the public Crimean Tatar television
and radio corporation is operating. Their network and airtime are being expanded, new
programmes are appearing, and material is being prepared using modern equipment. Around
200 people are employed by just these two media outlets. The Ismail Gasprinsky media
centre has been established and is currently preparing around 30 publications in the Crimean
Tatar language or about the Crimean Tatar people for release this year.
Commemorative events marking the anniversary of the deportation of the Crimean
Tatars are being held. The first stage of a memorial complex to the deportation victims has
been opened in the village of Siren in the district of Bakhchysarai.
The participation of Crimean Tatars in the representative bodies of the Republic of
Crimea and also in the government and local administrations is ensured. In 2016, a member
of the Crimean Tatar ethnic group was elected to the Russian State Duma for the first time in
100 years. The overwhelming majority of Crimean Tatars – more than 90 per cent – have
applied for and received a Russian Federation passport. Crimean Tatars are also receiving
Russian title deeds, including deeds to property in Crimea and beyond.
The Crimean Tatar language is recognized in the 2014 Constitution as a State
language of the Republic of Crimea alongside Russian and Ukrainian. The number of
students receiving their education in the Crimean Tatar language is growing. A new Crimean
Tatar school for 900 pupils opened for the 2017–2018 academic year. The Crimean
Engineering and Pedagogical University concentrates on training for personnel among the
Crimean Tatars. Kindergartens are being built in areas with a large Crimean Tatar population
– an urgent question that had not been resolved when Crimea was part of Ukraine. A
complete set of textbooks for secondary education in the Crimean Tatar language has been
produced, with a total of 66 titles.
The Crimean authorities make arrangements each year to organize the hajj of Crimean
Muslims. Since 2014, the number of pilgrims to Mecca from Crimea has more than
quadrupled. In 2016, construction started on a new cathedral mosque and muftiate
administration in a prominent location in Simferopol and is scheduled for completion in
2019. Documents are being processed for dozens of mosques previously built without the
necessary paperwork and with an uncertain future because of the intransigent position
adopted by the Ukrainian authorities.
Annex 481
- 3 - PC.DEL/630/18
18 May 2018
In 2016, the General Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol registered 70 local and 14 regional
autonomous ethnic and cultural organizations active on the territory of the peninsula. These
include several Crimean Tatar organizations.
Many other measures are being taken to protect the rights and interests of the Crimean
Tatar people as well as other citizens or ethnic communities.
During the “defence” of the combined 23rd and 24th periodic reports of the Russian
Federation to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Geneva, 31 July to
25 August 2017), a number of Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian and other organizations from
Crimea (Qirim Birligi, the Civic Chamber of the Republic of Crimea, the Ukrainian
Community of Crimea regional non-governmental organization, the Paisiy Hilendarski
Crimean Republic Society of Bulgarians and the Regional German National and Cultural
Autonomy of the Republic of Crimea) presented “alternative” reports on the situation
regarding the rights of national minorities in this constituent entity of the Russian Federation,
confirming the absence of any discrimination.
Statements by foreign public and political figures who have visited this region of
Russia in recent years also testify to the absence of ethnic discrimination. For example,
Bulgarian, Serbian, Greek, French, German, Israeli and Czech parliamentarians have visited
Crimea, as have the former Prime Minister of Japan, journalists from Poland, representatives
of the Center for Citizen Initiatives, an American non-governmental organization, and others.
Just a few days ago, on 14 May, an official delegation from France including delegates from
the municipality of Marignane visited Crimea. Thus, the accusations that Russia is not
allowing foreign representatives access to this constituent entity of the Russian Federation are
Similarly, the claims about the allegedly deteriorating situation of this ethnic group
are completely unfounded. They serve only the political ambitions of those who cannot
accept the lawful return of Crimea to Russia.
Thank you for your attention.
Annex 481

Annex 482
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Briefing note “On the study of native languages and education in native
languages in the general educational institutions of the Republic of
Crimea” as attached to Decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of
Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea No. 4/2,
23 May 2018

Briefing note
“On the study of native languages and education in native languages
in the general educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea”
as attached to Decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea No. 4/2 of 23 May 2018 (reproduced below at p. 5)
p. 1
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of primary general, basic general
and secondary general education (orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
of 06 October 2009 No. 373 (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federation of 31 December 2015 No. 1576), of 17 December 2010 No. 1897 (as amended by the order of the
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 31 December 2015 No. 1577) and of 17 May
2012 No. 413 (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of
31 December 2015 No. 1578), the subject area “Native Language and Native Literature” is compulsory for
Subparagraph “b” of paragraph 4 of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation
of 28 August 2017 No. Pr-1710 notes that the study of the native language from among the languages of the
peoples of the Russian Federation and the state languages of the republics that are part of the Russian
Federation by those studying in basic general educational programmes is carried out on a voluntary basis
according to the choice of their parents (legal representatives).
p. 2
In this regard, the voluntariness consists not in the refusal to study the native language, but in the
possibility to choose it.
In order to organise the study and teaching of native languages, the Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of Crimea on the initiative of the Chairman of the Civic Chamber G.A. Ioffe, also
with the approval of the Civic Chamber of the Republic of Crimea, has developed and forwarded to the
education management authorities a Roadmap for the organisation of the selection of the native language in
the educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea (letter of 28 December 2017 No. 01-14/4442 “On the
Roadmap for the choice of language of instruction (studying) in the educational institutions of the Republic of
II. Statistics
The education in the general educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea is carried out in three
state languages of the Republic of Crimea: Russian, Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian. At request of the students,
on the basis of the applications of their parents (legal representatives), the study of Armenian, Bulgarian,
Greek, Crimean Tatar, German and Ukrainian languages is organised.
The dynamics in the number of general educational institutions with the Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian
languages of education as well as in the number of those studying in them has undergone some changes over
the past 4 years.
For instance, the number of general educational institutions with the Crimean Tatar language of
education has increased by one since 2014. In the 2017/2018 academic year, there are 16 educational
institutions (202 classes, 3753 students) operating.
The number of schools with the Ukrainian language of education has decreased by six: out of 7
educational institutions that operated in the 2014/2015 academic year, one school (9 classes, 146 students)
continues its work in the current academic year.
Annex 482
The number of students in classes with the Crimean Tatar language of education in the Republic of
Crimea on the whole has increased by 17%, in classes with the Ukrainian language of education - decreased
by 84%. The dynamics of the number of students by language of education is presented in the table.
number of
Of which, the number of children studying in the languages:
Russian Crimean Tatar Ukrainian
2014/2015 184,869 177,984 (96,2 %) 4,895 (2,7 %) 1,990 (1,1 %)
2015/2016 182,912 177,183 (96,9 %) 4,835 (2,6 %) 894 (0,5 %)
2016/2017 188,500 182,747 (96,8 %) 5,382 (3 %) 371 (0,2 %)
2017/2018 208,174 201,982 (96,9 %) 5,835 (3 %) 318 (0,1 %)
p. 3
The number of students studying the Crimean Tatar language and literature, in comparison with the
2014/2015 academic year, remained practically unchanged, and those studying the Ukrainian language and
literature decreased by 73%. The dynamics of students studying their native languages is presented in the table.
Total number
of students
Of which, the number of children studying their native languages:
Crimean Tatar
2014/2015 184,869 80 87 196 21,400 68 39,100
2015/2016 182,912 76 86 135 22,100 68 22,700
2016/2017 188,500 54 62 136 19,300 56 12,900
2017/2018 208,174 97 73 343 21,600 58 10,600
III. Educational and methodical support
The Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea resolves the issues of
providing educational and methodical materials. In 2015, the Exemplary programmes for the following
subjects of study were drawn up, approved at the meeting of the federal educational and methodical association
for general education (protocol of 20.05.2015 No. 2/15) and included in the register of Exemplary basic general
educational programmes of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: “The Crimean
Tatar language (native)”, “The Crimean Tatar language (not native)” and “Crimean Tatar literature”, “The
Ukrainian language (native)”, “The Ukrainian language (not native)”, “Ukrainian literature” for preschool and
general educational institutions. Based on the said programmes, teachers of the educational institutions of the
Republic of Crimea draw up the work programmes for the subjects of study “The Crimean Tatar language”,
“Crimean Tatar literature, “The Ukrainian language”, “Ukrainian literature”.
p. 4
In the course of 2015-2016, the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea
organised and conducted the work on the translation, editing, publication and delivery of 66 titles of
Annex 482
educational materials (textbooks, programmes, dictionary) in the Crimean Tatar language with a total
circulation of 61 thousand copies (in 2015 – 45 titles, in 2016 – 21 titles).
The educational materials concerned were distributed, in accordance with the number of students,
among schools and classes with the Crimean Tatar language of education. 46,686.3 thousand rubles were
allocated from the budget of the Republic of Crimea for the provision of the above services.
As at the beginning of the 2017/2018 academic year, the students of general educational institutions
with the Crimean Tatar language of education are provided with translated educational materials.
In 2017, 36 titles of educational materials on the Crimean Tatar language and literature for students
studying in grades 1-9 on the basis of the Exemplary basic general educational programmes “Crimean Tatar
language (native)”, “Crimean Tatar language (not native)” and “Crimean Tatar literature” were published
(many of them were published for the first time) with a total circulation of 81,328 copies for the amount of
49,747,209.60 thousand rubles. In January 2018, the educational literature concerned was distributed among
the educational institutions of municipal settlements of the Republic of Crimea.
The translated textbooks and educational materials on the Crimean Tatar language and Crimean Tatar
literature were published by the JSC “Publishing House ‘Prosveshchenie’”. In accordance with the order of
the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea of 09.06.2016 No. 699 “On approval
of the list of institutions carrying out publication of educational guides that are allowed for the use in the course
of the implementation of the state accredited educational programmes of primary general, basic general and
secondary general education”, the JSC “Publishing House ‘Prosveshchenie’” is included in the list of
publishing houses carrying out publication of textbooks for the educational institutions of the Russian
p. 5
IV. Events
The Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea annually holds the regional
(republican) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Crimean Tatar language and
literature, the Ukrainian language and literature.
Within the framework of the State Programme for the Development of Education in the Republic of
Crimea for 2016-2018, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of
16.05.2016 No. 204, funds are provided annually to hold the republican events timed to International Mother
Tongue Day (21 February).
The most popular [events], which have already become traditional, are:
- The All-Crimean creative competition “Language is the soul of the people”. In 2018 (already the
13th event), about 500 students took part in the I and II stages of the competition. The students' works were
presented in the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation living in the Republic of Crimea. The
purpose of the Competition is to foster the respect for Russian, Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian, Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, German, Belarusian and other languages of the peoples of Crimea, the active and purposeful
study of them and the support of talented youth from among the students of different nationalities;
- The Republican festival of student creativity in the Crimean Tatar language “The native language is
priceless and the spiritual wealth of the people is inexhaustible” (in 2018 this was the 15th competition). About
600 students participated in the I and II stages of the competition. The purpose of the Festival is to increase
the prestige of the Crimean Tatar language, to foster the interest of student youth in the culture and traditions
of the people, to support the development and promotion of children's and youth's theatrical and literary
V. Advanced training courses, receiving of additional professional education
In the Republic of Crimea, advanced training courses for teachers-philologists are held on the annual
basis. With the direct participation of Rector of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional
Professional Education of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Republican Institute of Post-Diploma Pedagogical
Education” A.N. Rudyakov, the training of 25 teachers according to the programme of additional professional
education in the specialty “Theory and methodology for teaching native languages” was organised in 2016.
Annex 482
p. 6
In order to provide the teachers of the Ukrainian language with pedagogical workload, on the basis of
the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Republic of Crimea
“Crimean Republican Institute of Post-Diploma Pedagogical Education”, additional professional education
courses were organised in various pedagogical specialties, including “Philology. The Russian language and
literature”. Over the past 4 years, more than 500 teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature have received
additional professional education under the said programme. At present, the said category of teachers teaches
both the Ukrainian and Russian languages in schools.
The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vernadsky Crimean
Federal University” and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republic of
Crimea “Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University” carry out the training of specialists in the
“Ukrainian language” and the “Crimean Tatar language” fields of studies.
The Research Institute of Crimean Tatar Philology, History, and Culture of Ethnic Groups of Crimea
is operating at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republic of Crimea
“Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University”.
VI. Conclusion
We note that the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, the education
management authorities of municipal settlements of the Republic of Crimea, the educational institutions of the
Republic of Crimea are systematically working to implement the constitutional right of citizens to receive
education in the state languages of the Republic of Crimea and to study the native languages of the peoples of
the Russian Federation living in the Republic of Crimea.
Deputy Minister of Education,
Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea /Signed/ A.S. Ablyatipov
Annex 482
23 May 2018 Simferopol No. 4/2
On the study of native languages and education in
native languages in the general educational
institutions of the Republic of Crimea
Having listened to a report of A.S. Ablyatipov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, titled “On the study of native languages and education in native
languages in the general educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea””, the Collegium
1. To take the report “On the study of native languages and education in native languages in the general
educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea” into consideration.
2. Heads of the education authorities of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of
Crimea, republican residential educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education, Science and
Youth of the Republic of Crimea, are
2.1. To continue ensuring that the constitutional right of citizens to obtain education in their native
languages and to study their native languages is exercised.
2.2. To annually plan and hold events relating to the organisation of work in educational institutions
of the Republic of Crimea in accordance with the existing regulations and the Road Map (Letter of the Ministry
of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea of 28 December 2017 No. 01-14/4442).
3. The Directorate of General Education of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea (A.V. Makhanova) in cooperation with the State Budgetary Educational Institution of
Supplementary Vocational Education “Crimean Institute of Post-Diploma Pedagogical Education” (A.N.
Rudyakov) and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republic of Crimea
“Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University” (Ch.F. Yakubov), are:
3.1. To continue preparing and publishing teaching and learning literature, programmes on the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar, German, and Ukrainian languages.
3.2. To annually plan and monitor the activity of the education authorities, educational institutions of
the Republic of Crimea in relation to education in the state languages of the Republic of Crimea and the study
of native languages.
4. To publish the report “On the study of native languages and education in native languages in the
general educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea” and the Collegium’s decision on the Ministry’s
5. A.S. Ablyatipov, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic
of Crimea, is to oversee the implementation of this decision.
Chairman of the Collegium /Signature/ N. Goncharenko
Secretary of the Collegium /Signature/ O. Donenko
/Signature/ 14 May 2018 A. Ablyatipov
Annex 482

Annex 483
Letters of the Agents of the Russian Federation to the Registrar of
the International Court of Justice, 7 June 2018, 21 June 2018 and
18 January 2019

No. Title Page
1. Letter of the Agents of the Russian Federation to the Registrar of
the International Court of Justice of 7 June 2018
2. Letter of the Agents of the Russian Federation to the Registrar of
the International Court of Justice of 21 June 2018
3. Letter of the Agents of the Russian Federation to the Registrar of
the International Court of Justice of 18 January 2019
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Мо зс о х у , 21 Липе 2018
М Л ге&гепсе 1о ЙЬе 1ейег оГ 1Ье А^еп! о Г 1Лсгате 1о 1Ье Сош1, сЫеё 7 Липе 2018, апс1
ригзиап! Ю уоиг 1ейег оГ 17 Мау 2018 ^е^ие5^^п§ соттеп1з оГ 1Ье Яизз1ап РейегаИоп
ге§аг<1т§ Ле Ыогтайоп рг<мс1е<! Ьу ХЛсгате т 1Ье аЪоуе-тепйопес! 1еПег, >л/е Ъауе 1Ье
Ьопоиг ю сопуеу Лс ГоЦо^т^.
Аз а ргеПттагу тайег, Ше Кизз1ап РедегаНоп и/оиЫ Ике Ю геНега1е 11з розПюп Ша*
гЬе ргезеп! 1е«ег 15 лл/Шют рг^и&се ю апу о^есйоп 1о Зипз&сйоп ог а<Згтз51ЫШу Ла1 1Ье
Киз51ап ГейегаНоп тау Гогтикге т 1Ье ргезеп* сазе т ге1а!юп го Шегате’з АррНсайоп, т
раП1си1аг ипдег Агйс1е 79 оГ Ше К.и1ез оГ *Ье СоиЛ. II: йн1Ьег гекегагез Ша1 сошрНапсе
рктзюпа1 теазигез оГ 1Ье Соий 13 а тайег № Ье с!ес1<1ес1 а{ *Ье теп1з рЬазе 1? 1Ъе Соип
\уеге §отеЬо\у ш Гт<1 1Ьа1 11 Ьаз ^ёз&сиюп 1о Йеа1 \У1& 1Ье тегйз ап<1 1Ьа1 Ш тате’з
АррНсайоп 13 а<1ш1551Ые, чуЫсЪ, ассогсНп§ Ю 1Ье Яизз1ап Редегагюп, 15 по! Ае сазе.
ТЬе К.и$51ап Рескгайоп по1е$ 1Ьа1 1Ьс аЬоуе-тепйопей соттишса^оп й о т ТЛкшпе
аййгеззез ехс1из1уе1у 1Ье Ьап оп 1Ье Ме]Н$. О&ег гКап 1Ьа1, 11 <Зое$ по! айскезз апу азрес!$
оГ 1Ье 1тр1етепШйоп Ьу 1Ье Яизз1ап Рес1ега1юп оГ 1Ъе Соиг1’з Огйег 1о “гейгат Йгот
та т* а тт§ ог ^трозтё, ЦпйШюпз оп Ше аЫ1ку оГ 1Ье Сптеап ТаГаг сотпишНу ю
сопзегуе Йз гергезепШгуе тзйййюпз”.1
1п ге^агс! 1о Ше а$зет11опз ша<1е Ьу Ше ОоуеттеШ: оС (Легате, 1Ье Го11о\отп§ пее<3з *о Ье
ТЬс реййоп оГ Мг. Вагпеу 1ог гссопзгёегайоп оГ 1Ье йеазюп оГ гЬе Зиргеше Сош! о{
1Ье КериЬПс Сгипеа оГ 26 АргП 20162 <1сс1аг1пе Ле Ме])1$ ап ехггепйз! ог^ашгаПоп апс!
Ьапп1пё 1*5 асЦуШез ^аз геГигпеё 1о Ле с1а1шапг оп риге1у ргосес1иха1 дгоипйз. Аз к 13 с1еаг
&от Ше Сптеап Соигг’з гер1у3 зеуега! ргосейига! ге^и^^етеп^з Ьад по1 Ьееп ше(. ТЬс
1 РошС 1(а) о{ орега»]уе рага^гарЬ 106, Огйег тс11са1тв рг0У1510па1 тсазигез, 19 Арп! 2017.
2 Аппех 7 ю 1Не Ье«ег оГ 1Ьс А ^ е т оГ 1(кгате, с1а1ес! 7 Зипе 2018.
5 Аппех Е Ю Ше Ьеиег оГ гЬе А^еп! оГ (Легате, йа1ей 7 Дипе 2018.
Н.Е. Мг. РЬ1Нрре Соиугеиг
Я е ^ з й а г
1п{етайопа1 Соий оГ Лизисе
Реасе Ра1асе
ТЬе На§ие
Annex 483
С птеап Соиг! сопйгтед х Ы гЬе геяие$1 т а у Ье Шед а § а т , опсе 4Ье дей й еп аез аге
соггес1ес1. Мг. Вагпеу сЬозе Ю 1§поге гЬе ро5з1ЫЦ1у 1о гезиЬпйг Ыз геяиезг апс! аЪап<Зопес1
гЬе ргосеесИп§з. 1Лсгате с Ы т з гЬаг Ье арреакё го гЬе Зиргеше Соигг оГ 1Ье Кизз1ап
Редегапоп, у е! а $ оГ 21 .Типе 2 018 { Ье Зиргеше С оигг оГ гЬе К изз1ап РейегаПоп Ьаз по!
тесе\чей апу 5исЬ арреа1.
ТЬе регШоп оГ Мз. Уикзе! Гог гесоп51с!егайоп оГ Же йес^зюп оГ Ше Зиргеше СоиП оГ
гЬе КериЬПс оГ С п т е а оГ 2 0 164 ^аз, И ке^зе, геШ теё Ю гЬе сЫ тап ! оп ргоседига1
^гоипёз Ша1 Ьа<1 погЫп§ (о <1о уЛгЬ. гЬе 1апбиабе оГ гЬе 1ех1 оГ 1Ыз Соий’з Ог<1ег. Мз.
Уик$е1 \уаз асКазейгЬаг зЬе сап гезиЬтк гЬе регтоп \уЫ1е а т п § гЬе тсИсагей ргоседига!
с1еГ[с1елс1ез.5 Ыке Мг. Вагпеу, Мз. Уикзе1 сЬозе го аЬапёоп гЬе ргосеесИп^з аНо^егЬег.
1п гезропзе Ю Мг. СЬиЪагоу’з геяиезг Ю 1Ье РгозесиЮг Оепега1 оГ 1Ье Ки$$1ап
Редегайоп да!е(114 М у 2017, Мг. СЬиЬагоу \уаз аёухзеа (Ьу 1Ье РгозесиЮг’з ОШсе оГ Ше
КериЬНс оГ С п теа) оГЫз п§Ыз 1о регтоп гЬе Зиргеше Соиг1 о? 1Ье КериЬНс оГ Сг1теа го
геу!е\у гЬе кггег’з йесгзюп о*- 26 Арп1 2016 ип<1ег пе\у ог георепе<1 сйхитзгапсез. 6 ТЬе
ргеуюиз 51тПаг геяие$г$ ге!итес1 Ьу гЬе С птеап Зиргеше СоиП го регШопегз \уеге погей Ю
<1га\у Мг. СЬиЪагоу’з аПепИоп го гЬе ргосес1ига1 гецшгетеп!з оГ Клкз^а’з Сойе оС
А<1гтш5{гайуе Ргоседиге.
Цкгате а1зо по1аЫу гшзгергезепгз гЬе сопгепгз оГ гЬе Яизз1ап М)тз1ту оГ Роге1®п
А Ш гз’ гер1у го Мг. СЬиЬагоу, аз 15 с1еаг й о т гЬе ргоуайед *гапз1айоп гЬегеоГ.7
ТЬе К.изз1ап Реёега1юп погсз гЬаг 11 Ьа$ Ьееп вепите1у асЫгеззте гЬе зНиаНоп оГ гЬе
Ме]Нз \У1{Ьои1 а! 1Ье за т е й т е Ьашреппд, Ше рппс1р1е оГ 1Ье ги1е оГ 1а^ апс! ипёеггштщ»
1Ье ргогесПоп оГ пайопа1 зесилгу. А ссогёт^ у, 1Ье тодаИ йез оГ 1Ье 1шр1ететаИоп оГ 1Ье
СоиП’з Ог<1ег Ьас! 1о епзиге 1Ьа1 гЬе 31Ша11оп луЛЬ 1Ье М^Нз соп^оппз го гЬе 1ипс1ашеп1а1
ги1ез ап<1 рппйркз о^гЬе Кизз^ап 1а\у ап<1 гЬаг гЬе §оа1з о!- гЬе Соигг’з Огёег аге асЫеуес! т
гЬе тозг арргорпаге \уау.
1г зЬои1<1 Ье етрЬаз^гсс! гЬаг 1тшес11аге1у айсг гЬе геипгГтсаИоп о? С п т е а \«гЬ гЬе
К.изз1ап Редегагюп, С п теап 51а1е аигЬогШез зои^Ьг го тгедгаге гЬе Ме]Нз апй ргоУ1<1е И
орроггишг1ез го еп§а§е 1П роНгюа1 апд зос1а1 ИГс оГ гЬе ретп$и1а. ТЬиз, Мг. Ьепиг
Ы уатоу, у/Ьозе л^гпезз вгагешеп! 15 аппсхес! го гЬе М етопа1 оП Л сгате,8 о т й з го тепг^оп
гЬе Гасг гЬаг Ье луаз оп^паПу “де1е§аге<1” Ьу (Ье Ме]Нз го зегуе )п гЬе пе\у Ооуегптепг о!"
гЬе КериЬНс оГ С п т е а (аз Угсе СЬа1гшап оГ гЬе СоипсИ оГМЫзгегз) . 9
ТЬе Ме^Из, Ьо^еуег, <±1с1 пог детопзггаге апу §еп и те у/Шт^пезз го асг т сотрНапсе
м/1(Ь Кизз1ап 1а\у ог г е й а т 1тот ипй егтш те риЬНс огйег. И сопИпиес! го аззегг 113 зе1Г-
ргос1а1тес1 зга1а$ о5 Ье1п§ гЬе зо1е зиргете гергезепгаг^уе Ьос1у оГ а11 Спшеап Тагаг реор1е,
у/Ьозе 1оп§-з1апдш§ оЬ]есг1уе Ьа5 Ьееп го асЫеуе гЬе езгаЬИзЬтепг оГ а паггопа! Згаге оГ
4 Аппех 10 ю 1Ье Ьегтег оГ Ше А е е т оГ1Лсга1пс, с1а1е<17 )ипе 2018,
5 Аппех 11 Ю Йте ЬеПег оГШе А ^ с т о!' и к г а т с , <3а1е<17 .1ипс 2018.
6 Аппех 12 № 1Ье Ьеиег о{ Ше Авеп1 о{"11кга1пе, (1а1ес17 Ь п е 2018.
7 Аппех 6 ю 1Ье ЬеПег о^гЬе А&см оГ К кгате, Йа1е<17 Зиле 2018.
* Аппех 18 1о 1Ье Мешопа1 $иЬш1пес1 Ьу Ц к гате оп 12 ^ипе 2018.
9 “Спшеап Тагаг М еД^ ю Мее1 Р и4т”, Ыат.ги, 30 А рп12014 (ауаНаЫе аг:
Ь«р://1$1аш.ги/еп/сотеп1/пе^5/спшсап-1а1аг-те^Н5-тее1-ри1:1п); “ Ьепиг Ы у а т о у арроттей уюе ргепйсг оГ
С птеа',’Сг1теап И е«5 А^спсу С^НА, 3 АргН 2014 (ауаЛаЫе а1; 11Йр;//яЬа.сот.иаУеп/роНис5/1ет1г-151уатоу-
арро!п1е«!-У1се -р ге т 1ег-оГ-сг1т е а / 1 31081/)
Annex 483
С п теап Та1агз оп Л е С птеап Р етпзиЬ .10 ТЫз воа1 Гогтз Ле согпегзЮпе о? 1Ье Иео1о§у
оГ 1Ье 1П541ШЙОП, Ягз! Ьеаёеё Ьу Мг. ОгЬешЛеу апё сигтепИу Ьу Мг. СЬиЬагоу, апс!
<!е1еггтпез &е зресШс т е Л о ё з е т р 1оуес! Ьу кз 1еас1егз, зисЬ аз тсШ п§ апй-Ки5з1ап Ьайгей,
ог§ап121п§ Ыоскаде оГ 1Ье рори1айоп оГ С п теа апс! геГизтд 1о с о т р 1у \лд1:Ъ 1Ье 1а\у.
Айег 1Ье геитйсайоп оГ С п теа у/кН Яи5$1а, Мг. СЬиЬагоу ёес1агес1, Гог е х а т р 1е, ЛаС
гНе ^аг \уои1<! епс! Гог Л е МеЩз оп1у луЬеп С п т е а 15 геШтес! ю 1Ье 11кга1шап 3 (а1е .И
ТЬе$е с1аш18 \уеге Ьаскей ир т ртасйсе Ьу тЬе $о-са11её “смН ап” Ыоскаде оГ С п т е а
огвашгес! Ьу 1Ье М е^ з 1еа<1егз йвеШег млЛ 11кгайиап па1юпаНз*5 \уШ1 1Ье У1е™ оГ
ргеуепйпб апу зиррИсз Ъ ет§ йеНуегес! Ггот Ц кгате 1о С п теа. 1п рагНси1аг, т е т Ь е г з оГ
Ше М е^Нз р 1ауес1 а к еу г о1е т Ыоулп^ ир ру1опз оп Ше 1еггкогу оГ Чкгате оп *Ье Нпе
зирр1у т § е1ес1л сй у 1о С п теа. 1п Ыз тй п л еи / оГ 16 ОсЮЬег 2015, Мг. СЬиЬагоу зШ1е<3
1Ьа1 Л с ЫоскаДе зЪоиЫ Ье сотргеЬепз1 уе ап<3 1Ьа1 11 зЬоиЫ т с 1и<!е сиШпе оГГ е1ес1пску
§ирр1у. Ассогс1т § № Ыз о\уп 51а1ет еп 1з, {Ье ог§ап12ег оГ Л е епег^у Ыоскайе о!" 1Ье
ретп$и1а Мг. Ьепиг Ы уатоу ас1е<! ипйег тзггисйопз оГМг. СЬиЬагоу аос1 Л е Ме]Н5.12
И зЬоиМ Ъе а1зо етрЬаз^гей Лаг рпог Ю 1Ье геишйсайоп оГ С п т е а \упЬ Киззха 1Лсгате
11зе1Г <Нй по! гесо^ тге 1Ье Ме^Нз аз 1Ье гергезеп!:а11Уе Ьоёу оГ 1Ье С п теап Та(аг Реор1е.
ТЬе с!ес131оп 1о гесо§тге зисЬ $(а1и$ Гог 1Ье Мез Из ' л/а2 1акеп Ьу Л е УегкЬоупауа Кас1а
(РагНатеп!) оГ Ц кгате оп1у оп 20 МагсЬ 2014, аЛег С п т еа Ьас1 Ь есоте рагИ оГ Киззха,
\уНЬ 1Ье оЬуюиз ригрозе оГ и з т е Л е ог^атгаиоп 1о и пдеппте згаЫН1у оп Пне р етпзи1а.
Оп 19 О есетЬег 2015, Ше рал1с1рап15 оГ Ше А ззетЫ у оГ Ше С п теап Таии’з’ Ггото 1Ье
огдашгайоп “К утуут” йепоипсеё Ше п§Ь1: оГ 1Ье Ме^Нз № топороНге Ше п§Ы 1о зреак оп
ЬеЬа1Г оГ 1Ье С п теап Та*аг реор1е.13 Оп 2 РеЬгиагу 2016, Л е Ргозеси!ог’з ОГГюе оГ 1Ье
КериЬЦс оГ С п т е а гесе1Уеё а 1е«ег й о т зеуега1 С п теап Та1аг огеап1гаИопз, т с 1и(Ип§
“О^пт В 1гИ§1”7 1Ье “С о т т Л е е оГ С птеап Тагаг УоиШ” апс! “ТЬе СоипсЛ оГ ЕМегз оГ
С п теап Та1агз”, ^е^ие$^^п§ а Ьап оГ Л е Ме3118 ап<! ассизш§ Н 1еа<!егз оГ рагйс1ра1т {5 1п 1Ье
Ыоскаде оГ С п теа.
Епсоига^ей Ьу 1Лсга1пе, Ше Ме^Нз 1аипсЬе(1 а сатр а1дп 1о и п й егтте Ше 1п1е§п1у оГ 1Ье
Яизз1ап Реёегайоп апс! Л е 1е§а1 огйег 1п С п теа. 1п кпр1е т е п 1т § 1Ьезе роНс1ез, Ше Мез Из
\уеп! 50 Гаг аз 1о Лгеа1еп С птеап Та1агз \уЬо <1ес1(1е ю арреаг а! 1Ье е1есйопз оГ 1Ье
Ргез1(1еп1 оГ 1Ье Яиззгап Редегайоп,14 1о ргоЬЛ!! Л е т Ггот ассерйпд р031110п$ т 1Ье ЗЫ е
|С Я е^икйоп оп 1Ье Ме^Ка оС 1Ьс С п т е а п Тгйаг реор1е йаюй 29 ^ипе 1991, рагаз.1.1, 2.1; Осс1агааоп оп
пайопа1 зоуега^пТу о Г Л е Сгйпеап Та^аг Реор1с, 2 8 ,1ипе 1991.
” “Оп АргП 1, 2015, К..А. СЬиЬагоу, «/Ы1е Ь е т ^ т К 1еу, и к та1пе, ап<1 § 1У1П§ ап ш йш еуу Ю Л е Но5К оГ
СЬаппе1 5 оп Цкга1т а п 1е1сУ1810п $а1с1: “ ... Гог и5, Ше 'уаг 1$ оусг оп1у %уНеп 1Ье Сгйпеа 15 111 »Ьс 1Лаа1п1ап
8та1е. ТЬе У1с1ео оГ 1Ье 1п1сгУ1е « \уаз риЬИзЬес! оп 1Ье 1п1сте1. Оп 1Ы5 &с1, а сг1тта1 са$е ^ а з ореп, \уЫсЬ 15
сиггепЙу ип<1ег туехп ^аноп” (^иоIе & о т Л е О е с :510п оГсЬе Зи р гете Сош1 о Т 1Ье ЯериЬНс оГСг1т е а оГ26
Арп1 2 0 1 6 ,1Ье у ^ е о оГ 1Ье соггечропЛпц т с е т е и г \У1ГЬ Мг. СЬиЬагоу 18 ауа11аЫе ач
12 “С г)теап Та1агБ • Ыоск ас1тт18(га1)уе Ьогйст \уйЬ Сгйпеа оп 8ер1ешЬсг 20-21”, 1шегГах-Цкга1пе, 14
8ер1ешЬег 2015 (ауаЛаЬ1е а1: ЬПр5://сплтегГах.сот.иа/пе\ух/^спсга1/289993,111тп1).
15 “Сг1шеап Та1ах5 ГогЬа<1е 1ке Ме]Н5 *о хрсак оп ЪеЬа1Г оГ Л е реор1с’\ 19 Э есетЬ ег 2015 (ауа11аЫс т
Ки551ап ап Ьпр&://1еп^а.ги/пе\ук/2015/12/19Усгутеа/. 1Ье гезо1иПоп айор1ес! Ьу 1Ье А5$стЫу зш е з Йта1
“М г.О гЬстЛеу, Мг. СЬиЬагоу апй Мг. Ы у а т о у 51оорс<1 50 1о\у ах ю соорега1е \У!ГЬ ехтгеш151 цгоир*
рго5еси1е<1 ш 4Ье рго§ге$81Уе «ог1<1 \уЫсЬ ®1г|р5 Л е т оГ сЬей- п§Ь11о гергевеп! Сг1теап Та1аг реор1е. Ах оГ
по \у а111Ьс1‘г с1ес1агаиоп5 а1 апу риЬИс Гога зЬоиМ Ье у^ем/ей а$ гЬс1Г рг!уате орш оп^”)
141п ]апиагу 2018, Мг. СЬиЬагоу са11ес1 Гог ЬоусоИ Ьу (Ье Сг1теап Та1аг$ алй 1)кгаМап$ оСгЬе рге$1Йеп1!а1
експопх 1п Яи5$1а, г а г а т е 1Ьа1 “сусгу опе оГ 1Ьо5е сотра1г1о151Ьш - Ь а у т е 5Ьо\уп \усакпез5 ог
Annex 483
Ьо<Иез,15 зе! ир а Ыоскаёе оГ Ле Сптеап Ретпзи1а м!Н уегу пе^аНуе ЬишашШпап
соп$е^иепсе5,1б апй еуеп - аг Ле й тез оГ Лей- ргезепсе т Сптеа - ог§ат2тц ую1еп!
СиггепИу, Мг. СЬиЬагоу, у/Ьо Ьесате а тетЬег оГ Ле УегкЬоУпауа К.ас1а, еБШЬНзЬед
1П Клеу а зо-са1Ы “СоипсП оГ 1Ье М е^з”, соп515Пп§ оГ 9 тетЬегз гез^ тё т 1Лсгате’$
сарка1. 1п 2016, Ййз огеатгайоп гесе]уес1 60 шПНоп Шсгайпап §пуепз (ецшуа1ет1о тоге
Лап 2 тШюп 1)80) й о т Ле 31а!е Ьий§е1 о Г 11кгате.18 Мг. СНиЪагоУ с1а1тз Ла! йнз
огёап12агюп ас1з т Ле паше о? Ле Ме^з. Из кайегз рагИараГе т тееНп^з о!1 уалоиз
т1ета!юпа1 огдатгайопз апд оЛег Гога аз гергезепгайуез оГ Цкгате. ТЫз ог§агп2айоп 13
Лиз е{ГесПУе1у ас!т§ 1оёау аз ап тз!гитеп1аН1у оГ Ле Ооуегптеп! оШ кгате апй по! аз а
гергезеп1айуе тзйиШоп оГ Ле Сптеап Та!агз Нуте оп Ле решпзи1а.
ТЬе СоигГз ОпЗег оГ 19 Арп1 2017 у/аз т1егрге!е<1 Ьу Ле 1еас1егзЫр оГ 1Ье Ме]Нз аз а
сопйппайоп о? Ле к ей та су оГ Леи- еоа1з ап<1 роНмез, апд Ле ог§атга1юп сопйпиес! 1о
оррозе кзе1Г 1о Ле Кизз^ап 51а1е аиЛогШез ап<1 с!е1у Ле ех1$1:те 1ееа1 гееппе19 Ьу а11 теапз
ауаНаЫе, тс1ис!тб гесоигзе ю ую!епсе.
со\уаг<Ясе - \^1'И а р р е а г аг ап е1есгога1 зНе уп1| Ьс Гогеуег оиГсаз! Л о т а т о п § Л ей- сотра«гкз1з апё ГеНоад
ЬеНеуегз” {Ьпр5://когге5роп<деп1.пс1/ц|ца1пе/3933951-сьцьагоу-огу2ууаег-кгутсьап-ьо1когугоуаг-у\ьогу'к
“С п т е а п ТаГагз по41о раг11С1р а г е ш К.изз1ап ргез1с1спиа1 е1есГюпз оп МагсЬ 18 - СЬиЬагоу”, ЬюгГах -
1Лсгате, 12 МагсЬ 2018 (ауаНаЫе а!: ЪНрз://еп.т[ег{ах/сот/иа/пе\уз/2епега1/491187/Ь*т1).
15 Ассогдйщ Го (Ьс М е ^ з Ч зрокезрегзол N. ОгЬе1уа1оу, Иггее регзопз ^ е ге з1пррес1 о!Т 1Ьс1г т етЬ егзЫ р Гог
Лей- \уШт§пе$$ ю гаке оШсез ш С п т е а п Згаге аиЛопйез: М г.Лепш Пуазоу Гог Ь е т § У1се-СЬа1г оГ Ле
$Га1е СоипсП (РагНатегЛ) оГ Л е ЯсриЬНс оГ Спш еа, Мг. Тейик Са&гоу ^ог Ь е т § Оери1у Мауог о<“
5]тГегоро1 апс! Мг. 2аиг 5гп1гпоу Го г Ьеш^ 1Ье Неа<1 оГ Л е 31а1е Сошгп1йсе оп 1п1еге1Ьтс Ке)а11опз ап<1 оп
РогтеН у ОероПей Рсор1е5 оГЛ е КериЪЬ'с оГ-Сптеа (“ТЬгее ш етЬсгз ехреНей {гот Л е М ^П з Гог]отш й Л е
аиЛогШез т Сг1теа”, гЬс.ги, 25 АициЛ 2014 (ауаЛаЫе т Киз81ап аг:
Нйрз://уу\ууу.гЬс.ги/по11<1с:;/25/08/2014/5704212Ь9а7947б0<Ш40еЙУ 1п Ыз т 1сгУ1еш оГ 31 Дапиагу 2018 (о
КгутЯеаШ Мг. СЬиЬагоу сопйплей сЬа( Ьепиг 151уатоу циЛ 1Ьс СоипсЛ оГМ1П15(еге оГ С ггтеа оп 1Ье
<1еа&10П оГ гЬс Ме]Н5 (Мг. СЬиЬагоу’з Ы е т е у у оГ31 Запиагу 2018; ауаЛаЫе т Яизз^ап аС
14 “Сопзециепсез оГ 1Ье В1оскайе оГСпш еа: Н и тап У1о1айопз апй Ншпапйапап 155исз”, 1 О есетЬег
2015 (ауаНаЫе а! гЬе \уеЬ-31{е оГШе С п т е а п Н и тап К:"Ы5 Огоир: Ьпрз://сг1теаЬг1.оте/еп/розЫ5ГУ1уа-
17 Оп 23 МагсЬ 2018 Ьепиг 1з1уатоу, опе оГЛ е Ме]Нз’з 1еайегз, аппоилсес! Л с Ме^Нз’з т 1епгюп ю <Изгир1
Л е (гаШс оует Л е Сг1т е а п Вп<3§е Ьу гесот^п^ а11 иапзроЛ сго5$ш§ Л е 31гак У|а Л е В пй^е ап«11троз1п§
запс«10п$ ол гсзресиуе регзопз. Не Ьа$ лог схс1и<1ес1 арр1ушз рЬу«1са1 теазигез го Ыоск Л е т о у е т е п г оГ
усЫс1ез (ЬIТр5:/ЛV^у^у.оЬоггеVа^е^.сот/икг/с^^те^Ыса^а-кптзкоео-то5й^-^51VагпоV-02VцсЬ^V-р1ап-(1^'^.Ьп•п -
1П Окгаййап; ЬИпз://коггеароп(1еп{.пе1/икга1пе/3954531-у-те(12Ыу5е-оЬезсЬац11:-тезЬат-гаЬо1е-кегсЬепзкоЬо-
то5{а - т Яиз$1ап). 1п А рп12016, ш а УЙео розгей оп1те Ьу Л е “Ореп Ки531а” Я.СЬиЬагоу апд Ь.1з1уатоу
Йес1аге Л е 1г гезо1шепезз Го гезогГ го Гогсе 1Г Л 15 13 гечийгей Гог Л е геГит оГ С п т е а
ГЬНр5://уоиГи.Ье/к1НтСВЫВУ«;ЯУ Рог а <1с1аНей ассоипГ оГ У1о1еп1 асйопз ог§ап12есЗ Ьу Л е Ме31Ь оп Л е
репшзи1а гее Л е О емзю п оГЛ е Зи ргете СоигГ оГЛ е ЯериЬНс оГСгйпеа, 26 А рп12016.
* “Рг1те-М1П131ег оГ 1)кгаше Агзеп1у УаГзепуик (1ес1агес1 Лаг Л е О о у е т т е п г 13 Гог Л е Ягзг Г1т е р1апп1пё Ю
аИосаге 60 ийШоп епуелв ю Гтапсе Л е пее<3з оГ Л е М с ^ з оГ Л е Сгйпеал ТаГаг реор1с. Ассогйше 1о Ле
БИЗНБС.иа \усЬзке, Мг УаГзепуик агпоилсей зисЬ а теази ге Л 15 5ипйау, оп 27 О есетЬ ег, аг а “ 10 т т и т е з
\у]Л гЬс Рг1те-М1п15^ег” р г о д г а т т е " (“Уагзепуик: 60 т111!оп 1Лсгат1ап §пуелз Ю Ье а11оса(е<1 Го Л е
Ггот Л е Згаге Ьи<1§ег”, В и зтезз М еЛ а, 27 О есетЬег 2015, ауаНаЫе )л Киззгап а!:
Ьпрз://Ьгп5.те(11а/цкга1пе/уаГ5епуик у »п&ЬупН7Не1е уус!е1епо 60 т 1п^>т_па_йпап$1гоуал 1е_тес12Ы15а-
191п ЗсрГетЬег 2017, Л е Ме]Н5 133исс1 а згагетепг гепоипс!п§ Л е ЕГаГе аиЛ опйез оГЯизз'ю ш С п т е а алй
<1ес1агт§, ш рагПси1ах, <1сс1з!опз оГЛ е С п т е а п ]и<Ис>агу пи11 ап<1 уоИ (“Згагстепс оГ Л е Ме^1^x оГЛ е
Сг1т е а л Тагаг реор1е оп гЬе оссаз!оп оГ йеН уегте Ьу Л е К и ^ а п оссирагюпа1 соий оГ ип1а\уГи1 ап<1111е§а1
зе тел с е и А кЬгет СЫуёог", 13 $ер1стпЬсг 2017, ауаНаЫе т Яизз^ал аг Л е М е ^ з ’з \усЬ-зНс;
Annex 483
ТЬе Рейега! Зесигку З е т с е оГ 1Ье Киз51ап Ре<!ега(10п (Изсоуегес! Шаг оп 19 1апиагу
2018 а Спшеап Та(аг ас11У15( Его1 УеНуеу, а$$13(ап( (о а шетЬег оГ (Ье Цкга1гаап
РагНатеп( апй Сптеап Та(аг асПУ15( Ми$1а& ОтЬепШеу, тз(гисЫ Мг. А. ЗСезЬепко апс!
Мг. А. Тге:уакоу (о зе( оп Бге (Ье Ьоизе оГ Мг. Над ЕткаН АЫаеу, (Ье Неас1 оГ СЬе
Зрт(иа1 СоипсП оГ (Ье МизИтз оГ Сптеа апс! Зеуаз(оро1, Мийс оГ (Ье МизИтз оГ Сптеа
апс! (Ье Ргез1с1ет оГ ЗЬига.20 ТЬе ©гоир Ьеадей Ьу Мг. УеНуеу \*аз аПееесИу ас(т§ ипёег
соттапс! оГ(Ье Мг. СЬиЬагоу ул(Ь (Ье аш оГ тШпШайпё рго-Кизз1ап Спшеап Та(аге ап<1
з(1ггт§ оГ па(юпа1(епзюп ашопд (Ье рори1а(юп оГ Сптеа.
ЕагПег оп 12 8ер1етЬег 2017, Ше зате егоиР 5е1; 011 йге * е Ьоизе оГ Мг.
V. АЪёиштоу, 1еас1ег оГ (Ье Сптеап Та(аг огЕатгайоп “МсШу Рй^а”. Аз а гезик оГ (Ыз
сптта1 ас(, (Ье НГе оГ а сЫМ, егапеМаидЬсег оГ (Ье 1еас1ег о Г ‘М)Шу Ркяа”, у/аз т йапеег.
ЗЬе \уаз гезсиес! йгот Ъет§ Ьит( (о с!еа(Ь Ьу Ьег рагеп(з.
Мг. СЬиЬагоу гереа(есИу з(а(е<3 (Ьа( а11 Киз51ап па(юпа1з сиггеп(1у Нуш§ т Сптеа (апс!
(Ьозе \уЬо 1п1еп<1 (о тоуе (о Сптеа) луои1ё Ье ехре11ес1 йгот (Ье решпзи1а.211п Из арреа1 оГ
12 МагсЬ 2018 (о (Ье Сптеап Та(агз апс! (Ье Сптеап рорикйоп т §епега1 (Ье М^Нз
(Зес1агес1 (Ьа( к у/оиЫ “ге$ог( (о апу теазигез (о епзиге (Ье Цкгаййап зоуеге1§п(у оуег (Ье
Решпзи1а, апс! гез(ога(юп оГ (Ье з(а(из оГ Сптеа оп (Ье Ьаз15 оГ 1Ье Г1^Ь( оГ Сптеап Та(агз
1о зе1Г-ёе(егттаПоп аз ап т<И§епоиз реор1е оПЛсгате.”22
Оп 3 1ипе 2018 Мг. ЭгЬет^еу, Гогтег 1еа(1ег оГ (Ье Ме_]И5, Ь г ^ е д (Ьа( “(Ьеу” си( оГГ
(Ье зирр1у оГ ЯгезЬ \уа(ег &от (Ье Бтерег пуег саизт§ зепоиз <1гои§Ъ1 оп (Ье Сптеап
Решпзи1а, апс! аззигес! (Ьа( 1Ье Сптеап Та(агз у/оиЫ <1о И а§ат 1Г зотеЬоу/ (Ье зирр1у у/еге
рпссийским-оккупационным-судом-незаконного-и-пеправомерного-пригопора-ахтему-чийгозуТ Рог 1Ье
§епега1 зсапдше оГ СЬе М с ^ з (геаГйгтед а» Ше Сипе оГШе сосвгёегасюп Ьу 1Ы5 СоигС оГ(Ье ге^иезс Гог
рго'/12юпа1 теазигез) зее Арреа1 о? {Ье Ме_]Нз со сКе Реор1еЧ Оерийез оПЛсгаше, (ЗаСес! 29 МагсЬ 2017, (ЬаС
с1акпес1 сгесМ Гог (Ье “сопСтией орропепсу (о (Ье оссирайоп”, йсс1агей хЬе Ьап оп (Ье аз ап
“аскпо«1е<1§шеп( оГЛ е 51вп|Ясапсс ап<1 еЯесПУепе$$ оПгв 5Сгиеё1е а§ат8((Ь е оссира110П апй аппехаСюп”,
апй 1ПУ11ес1 сЬе йерийе$ со п о т 1па1е «Ье Ме]Н5 Гог сЬе NоЬе1 Р еасе Р п ге ш 2 018 аз сЫз »ои1<1 Ье а “1оо1 т сЬе
сопстией Й§Ь( *ог (Ьс ИЬегас1оп оГ Сг1теа” (ауаПаЫе т К.и$51ап а( Л е Ме]Нз’5 »еЬ-5Йе:
20 “ Ре<1ега1 Весигйу Зегутсс го^есЬег т ( Ь (Ье М т ^ Ь у оГ 1шепог ипсоуегей асйук^ез оГап ех1гет151 ег0иР 5е1
ир Ьу Его1 УеЬуеу - азз'юсат то (Ье ОериСу оГУегкЬоупауа Ка<1а оГикга1пс М. О гЬетП еу ироп сЬс
т5Сгис110п5 оГЯ. СЬиЬагоу, 1еас)ег оГсЬе Ме^Нз оп (Ье \уап1ей Нас, апй Л е Зесигйу 8егу)се оГикгаш е”, 21
М ау 2018 (ауаПаЫе ш Яи$5\ап ас сЬе Р8В \уеЬ-51(е:
Ьсср://\у\ууу.ГзЬ.ги/Г5Ь/рге55/те55аее/51пе.1е.Ь(ш%21 Ш%3Р10438280%40Г5ЪМе5$акс.Ьст1'). “ТЬеу (оШ и$ Ю
Ьиу с^о Ьоп1ез о Г ^ ш е Гог Мо1оЮу соск!аП5 (Р5В риЬНаЬсй а уШео оСзизресС т1егУ1е«е(1)”, §а2е(а.ги, 21
Мау 2018 (ауаЛаЫе ш Ки55>ап ас: Ьпр5://\у\у\у.!?а7е[атц/&ос1а1/2018/05/21/11759809.&Ьст1?ир(ЗаСед#; т СЬе
1псегу1еуу сЬе аИевей т с т Ь е г оГ гЬе ехСгет^кс вгоир §1Уе$ ап ассоипС о^ сЬе ргерагапоп оГ ап аССаск оп СЬе
Ьои$с о Г М г . АЫаеу).
21 “СЬиЬагоу Со1<1 Ьо \у с о ‘скапхе’ С п т е а аЙсг йе-оссирас1оп”, Спшеап Кечуз Адепсу ОНА, 16 Зипе 2017,
{ауаЛаЫе ас: ЬС№://аЬа.сош.ца/еп/роПс1С5/сЬиЬат-оу-со1(1-Ьо\у-со-аиоС-с1еал5е-ацо1-сг1теа-айег-
<1еоссираС1оп/14 1046Л. Не аеа1п гесаНес! сЬас Яиз51апз \^ои1с! Ьаус со 1еауе Сгйпеа 1п Ык т с с т е у / оп “5"’
СЬаппсГ7 (и к г а т е ) оп 10 МагсЬ 2018 (уй ео ауаЛаЫе ас: Ьпрз://\у\у^.5.С1а/гее1йпу/сЬиЬагоу-зкагау-5ЬсЬо-
22 Арреа1 оГсЬе Ме]И$ оГсЬе С птегш Тасаг реор1с, 12 МагсЬ 2018 (ауаЛаЫе т Яиз51ап ас СЬе Ме]Пз’5 ууеЪ-
31Се: Ьпр://дСт№ .оги/новости/5869-обрашение-меджлиса-крымскотатарского-народа).
23 “Бтпегдепсу 1П Сгйпеа: ОяЬетИеу со!<1 аЬоис СЬе Ьи§е ргоЫст Гог сЬе оссирапСз”, оЬогг<п/а1е1.сот, 4 Диле
2018 (ауаПаЫе 1п Яизз^ап ас: Ьпр5://\у\уш.оЬоггеуасс1,сот/зос1еСу/газиЬа-у-кгу1ти-(12ЬетЛеу-!!ооЬзсЫ1-
ко1>(За-па-ро1иозсгоу-ри«;ГуаС-уос1и.Ь1т: “РгоЫетз до ех15С СЬеге опсе сЬе ^аСег зирр1у &от сЬе Оп1ерег пусг
Annex 483
Т Ь и з , 1Ье М ф И з р о з е д а п ё с о п й п и е з 1 о р о з е а геаЛ Л г е а г ю Л е п аИ о п а ! з е с и л г у оГ Л е
И и з з 1а п Р е ё е г а п о п ап(1 Л е за& 1у оГ С п т е а п Т а1агз у/Ь о Н ус т С п т е а .
Й з Ь о и Ы Ь е а!зо по1ес! гЪа* з т с с Л е а<1ор1юп о*‘Л е С о и П ’з Огс1ег о п 19 А р п 1 2 0 1 7 п о п е
о Г Л е т е т Ь е г з оГ Л е М е)Н з Ь а з Ь е е п р го зес Ш е й Гог П5 о г § а т 2 а 1ю п ог р а гй с м р а й о п т П.
Т Ь е К.изз1ап Р е д е г а й о п с о п й п и е з № *акс а11 п е с е зз а г у т е а з и г е з е п з и п п е 1т р 1е т е п 1а*ю п
оГ Л е О гД ег оГ й и з С о и Л , Ь а у т е р а г п с и !а г ге^агс! 1о Л е зр е сШ с а г с и т з г а п с е з й е з с п Ь е й
а Ъ о у е ап < 1 Л е пее<11о р г е зе г у е Л е ги!е оГ 1аи/ а п д т ! е е п 1 у ап<1 с о п 5151е п с у оГ Из 1е§а1 о гсЗег
Л г о и ^ Ь о т 113 { е т Ю г у .
А з е х р 1 атес1 т о и г р г е у ю и з 1ейег 1о Л е С о и Л , Л е С п т е а п Т а1агз Ггее1у е п |о у Л е к
п е Ь 1 г о 1 т е е ё о т оГ а з з о а а й о п 24 о п Л е з а т е Ъ а515 а з р г о х о с Ы 1 о е у е г у Ъ о ё у Л го и § Ъ о и 1 Л е
А § еп » о Г Л е К .из51ап Р е д е г а П о п
А $еп 1 оГ Л е К.и$$1ап Р е д е г а й о п
Ьаз Ьссп сш о ГГ, по опс <1ое$ Л е Гагт>п§ ап утоге ... еуеп <Г а йесЫ оп 15 та<3е 1о гсыоге Л е 5ирр1у, Л е
с о т т и т 1 у - Л е Сг1теап Та(аг$ а» 1сазг - \у П1 ди1ск1у, т т у орш оп, си! >1 оГГа$>аш”).
24 Л т о п § Л е сиггепИу ге^м сгей ог§атга*юп$ оп (Не репш$и1а Л е т о м ас^уе аге:
“5 р1псаа1 СоипсП оГ Л е Ми$1цп5 оГ С п т е а ап<1 Зеуа^оро!” (сх181е<3 рпог 1о Л с
“К у гу у т”, шгеггев'опа1 80С1й1 т о у е т е п ! оГ Л с С п т е а п Та1аг Реор1с;
“<3ш т В 1гПб>", ге^юпа! п о п -§ о у е тт с п 1а1 ог§аш2а1юп р г о то 1т § геУ1Уа] о Г Л е С п т е а п
Та(аг Реор1с;
‘ЧпИвЬаГ’, ге§юпа1 поп-§оуегшпепи1 0г2ал12аГ10п оГ С п т еа п Та1ага;
“ЕМег$ оГ Л с С п т е а п Та*аг Рсор1е “К ати з", гееюпа1 п о п -^ о у е т т е п ы ог§ап12аиоп
(сх151ес1 рпог 1о Л е геипгЯсаНоп);
“РиЬИс СоипсЛ оГ Л е С п т е а п Та1аг Рсор1е”, р1аЙош Гог соорега1юп оГ п о п -й о у с тт е та 1
0Г § а п ]га4)0 п з;
“С о т ш 1«ес оГ С п т е а п Та1аг У оиЛ ”, ге^юпа! поп-ёО У сттем а10геап1га(10п,
“Ыа<10па1 М оуетепг оГ С п т е а п Та1аг5”, С п т е а п 1п1еггеёюпа1 поп-§оуегптеп1а1
огвашга^оп Гог ге$(огайоп оГ па110па1 и т (у апё еяиа! г1^Н(8 оГ Л е С п т е а п Та(аг Реор1е
(ех1$1е<1 ргюг № Л е геипШсаНоп);
“Сг1т е а п Тасагз - Л е ЬаскЬопе оГ С п т е а ", ге§10па1 поп-ВОУеттеп!а1 0г^ап1га1юп;
‘ЧЗоипсЛ оГ ЕУега оГ Л е С п т е а п Та1аг Реор1е” ге^10па1 поп-§оуепптеп1а1 огвап12айоп
(ех!51ей рпог го Л е геип1Г1са11оп);
“ЯериЬНсап поп-§оуеттепса1 0геап!га110п оГ Сгйпеап Тасаг уетегапа, туаИ йз оГ м/аг,
уе1егапз оГ 1аЬоиг апй тИЛагу $егУ1Се" (ех1з1е<3 рпог (о Л е геитйсайоп);
“МЛНу П гда”, С п т е а п териЬНсап поп-§оусттеп1а1 огеатгаН оп оГ 50С1а1 ап<1 си11ига1
<1еуе1ортепх (ех151еб рг!ог ю Л е геитйсайоп);
“С п т е а п Т а1аг5 ЫаНопа! М о у етеп Г , Сг^теап 1п1егге5 !опа1 поп-§оуегшпета1 ог^апагаНоп
оГН итап Г1ёЬ1$ йсГеп<1ег8 (ех)51е <1 рг1ог го Л е геишЯсайоп);
“8ос1е{у оГ С п т е а п Таиг$-Еп1гергепеиг5” ;
“С о т т г а е е оГ С п т е а п Т а ш - М оЛсгз”, поп-20Уегптпста1 ог§ап1гапоп.
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 483
Annex 484
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Recommendation on the application of legislative provisions with
regard to ensuring the possibility to receive education in the native
languages as attached to the Letter of the Deputy Head of the
Department for State Policies in the Field of General Education No. 03-
510, 20 December 2018

[Title in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar]
3 Sovnarkomovskiy Pereulok, Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, 295000,
reception (3652) 27-52-32, office (3652) 27-61-33
e-mail: [email protected] http://monm.rk.gov.ru/
31.01.2019 No. 01-14/229
On No._______________
To the heads of the education management
authorities of the administrations of
municipal districts and urban districts of the
Republic of Crimea and the institutions
subordinate to the Ministry of Education,
Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea
For guidance in your work, we are hereby forwarding the recommendation of the Department of State
Policy in the sphere of general education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on the
application of legislative provisions in terms of ensuring the possibility to receive education in the native
languages from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation and to study the state languages
of the republics of the Russian Federation, the native languages from among the languages of the peoples of
the Russian Federation, including Russian as the native language.
We request you to familiarise the heads of educational organisations of municipal districts and urban
districts with the document concerned.
Enclosure: on 7 pages.
Minister (Signed) N.G. Goncharova
Zarema Seyarovna
(3652) 25-04-15
Annex 484
Department of State Policy in the
Sphere of General Education
2 Karetny Ryad street, Moscow, 127006
Tel. (495) 530-67-42
Fax (495) 629-60-49
E-mail: [email protected]
20.12.2018 No. 03-510
On forwarding of information
To the heads of the executive state authorities of the
constituent entities of the Russian Federation carrying out
the state administration in the field of education
In connection with the entry into force on 14 August 2018 of the Federal Law of 3 August 2018
No. 317-FZ “On amendments to Articles 11 and 14 of the Federal Law ‘On education in the Russian
Federation’” and numerous applications coming in to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from
citizens and organisations on the issue of ensuring the possibility to receive education in the native languages
from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation and to study the state languages of the
republics of the Russian Federation, the native languages from among the languages of the peoples of the
Russian Federation, including Russian as the native [language], the Department of State Policy in the Sphere
of General Education is hereby forwarding the recommendation on the application of legislative provisions
with regard to ensuring the possibility to receive education in the native languages from among the languages
of the peoples of the Russian Federation and to study the state languages of the republics of the Russian
Federation, the native languages from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including
Russian as the native language to be used in the work.
Enclosure: on 6 pages in one copy.
Deputy Head of the Department (Signed) S.A. Pilipenko
V.V. Belyakov
(499) 681-03-87, additional 4417
On forwarding of information – 03
[Stamp: Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Incoming No. 7847/ONZ 20.12.18]
Annex 484
page 1
on the application of legislative provisions with regard to ensuring the possibility to receive education in the
native languages from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation and to study the state
languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, the native languages from among the languages of the
peoples of Russian Federation, including Russian as the native language
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 25 October 1991
No. 1807-1 “On the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation” citizens of the Russian Federation
have the right to freely choose the language of education in accordance with the legislation on education.
In the organisations, implementing preschool, primary general and basic general educational
programmes and located on the territory of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, the teaching
and study of the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation may be introduced in accordance
with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. The teaching and study of the state languages
of the republics of the Russian Federation within the framework of the state accredited educational programmes
is carried out in accordance with the federal state educational standards of general education (hereinafter –
FSES). The teaching and study of the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation shall not be
carried out to the detriment of the teaching and study of the state language of the Russian Federation.
Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive preschool, primary general and basic
general education in their native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation
as well as the right to study their native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian
Federation within the opportunities provided by the educational system and in the manner prescribed by the
legislation on education. The implementation of these rights is ensured through the establishment of the
necessary number of relevant educational organisations, classes and groups as well as the conditions for their
operation. The teaching and study of the native language from among the languages of the peoples of the
Russian Federation within the framework of the state accredited educational programmes is carried out in
accordance with the FSES.
According to the provisions of Articles 12 and 28 of the Federal Law, an educational organisation is
also empowered to develop and approve the educational programmes that are being developed in accordance
with the FSES and with account of the exemplary basic educational programmes.
The orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 31 December 2015
No. 1576 “On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education approved
by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 6 October 2009 No. 373”
(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 2 February 2016, registration No. 40936),
No. 1577 “On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education approved
by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 17 December 2010
No. 1897” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 2 February 2016, registration
No. 40937), No. 1578 “On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General
Education approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 17
May 2012 No. 413” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 9 February 2016,
registration No. 41020) introduced the relevant amendments to the federal state educational standard,
providing for the formation of the subject areas “Native Language and Literary Reading in the Native
Language” and “Native Language and Literature” as independent and compulsory for studying.
page 5
Within the framework of the compulsory part of the curriculum, in the course of the implementation
of the subject areas “Native Language and Literary Reading in the Native Language” (level of primary general
Annex 484
education) and “Native Language and Literature” (level of basic general education), it shall be taken into
account that the subject of study provides for the study of the native languages from among the languages of
the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language.
Annex 484
Annex 485
State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea,
Report on implementation of the State Program of the Republic of
Crimea on strengthening the unity of the Russian Nation and
ethno-cultural development of the peoples of the Russian Federation
“The Republic of Crimea - the territory of inter-ethnic harmony” for

State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea, Report on implementation of the State
Program of the Republic of Crimea on strengthening the unity of the Russian Nation and ethno-cultural
development of the peoples of Russia “The Republic of Crimea - the territory of inter-ethnic harmony” for
Source: State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea official website,
On implementation of the State Program of the Republic of Crimea on strengthening the unity of the
Russian Nation and ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia “The Republic of Crimea -
the territory of inter-ethnic harmony” for 2019
In 2019, within the framework of the State Program of the Republic of Crimea on strengthening the unity of
the Russian Nation and ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia “The Republic of Crimea - the
territory of inter-ethnic harmony” (hereinafter - the State Program), approved by Resolution of the Council
of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 30 dated 29 January 2018, a number of major events were held,
aimed at settling, social and cultural development of the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea and ensuring interethnic
harmony in the Republic of Crimea, including:
Main activity 1. Measures aimed at the national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian,
Bulgarian, Italian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, as well as at the social development of
the territories of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, including measures implemented in the
territory of the Republic of Crimea.
The main administrators of budgetary funds for activities of direction No. 8 “Ensuring inter-ethnic unity” of
the Federal Target Program “Social and economic development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
until 2022” (hereinafter - FTP) are the Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Crimea
and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Crimea.
Construction managers for activities of direction No. 8 “Ensuring inter-ethnic unity” of FTP, authorised to
conclude government contracts with contractors, prepare and conduct procurement procedures, control the
spending of budget funds and control the progress of construction of facilities are the State Institution of the
Republic of Crimea "Investment and construction administration of the Republic of Crimea" and the State
Institution of the Republic of Crimea "Service of highways of the Republic of Crimea", attributed to the
Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Transport of the
Republic of Crimea, respectively.
The State Committee is the responsible executor (coordinator) for the implementation of activities of
direction No. 8 FTP “Ensuring inter-ethnic unity” of the FTP.
The State Committee in pursuance of the instructions of the Head of the Republic of Crimea S.V. Aksyonov,
carries out systematic monitoring of the implementation of the activities of direction No. 8 “Ensuring interethnic
unity” of the FTP.
The activities initiated by the State Committee are aimed at solving current issues that hinder the effective
implementation of the FTP activities.
Annex 485
page 3
In order to ensure the effective implementation of the above event of direction No. 8 “Ensuring inter-ethnic
unity” of the FTP, completed and put into operation:
- 72 apartments with a total area of 3,832.05 sq.m .;
- 1040 places in preschool educational institutions (at the stage of commissioning);
- 37.3 km of gas supply networks;
- 38.3 km of power supply networks;
- 7.2 km of water supply networks;
- 3.4 km of sewerage networks.
With regard to the implementation of measures not in time, we inform that the main reasons for the admitted
delays are - low-quality design and estimate documentation developed by contractors within the framework
of government contracts implemented by the initial Construction manager, Capital Construction Service of
the Republic of Crimea, low rates of construction and installation work by contractors organisations,
termination of state contracts for the performance of construction and installation work, due to the
contractors admitted by the delays in construction and the low quality of work.
In order to ensure the effective implementation of measures in direction No. 8 “Ensuring inter-ethnic unity”
of the FTP, the authorized departments are currently taking the following measures - activities are being
taken to conduct competitive procedures to determine new contractors to carry out design and survey and
construction and installation works, - adjustment of estimate documentation, constant monitoring of quality
and timing is carried out, regular working meetings are held with employees of contractors, issues arising in
the design and construction process are resolved.
page 4
Main activity 2. Measures of social assistance for rehabilitated persons and persons who have suffered
from political repression.
The implementation of the activities made it possible to acquire 47 real estate objects (residential buildings,
apartments) to provide housing for citizens from among the rehabilitated people of the Crimea, 161 citizens
to provide one-time financial assistance to complete the construction of individual housing, 50 citizens from
among the rehabilitated people of the Crimea to compensate for the costs of connecting to the gas supply,
power supply and sewerage, 769 citizens to issue certificates of the right to measures of social assistance to
rehabilitated persons and persons who have suffered from political repression.
page 6
Under the organisational and financial support of the State Committee, 59 mass cultural events focused on
promoting ethnic cultures and traditions were held in 2019:
- Day of Remembrance of T.G. Shevchenko as part of Ukrainian culture days;
- Crimean Tatar national holiday “Hidirlez”
Annex 485
page 7
- Day of the Crimean Tatar Flag as part of Crimean Tatar culture days;
- Republican festival of Ukrainian culture “Obzhynki-2019” as part of Ukrainian culture days in Crimea.
Annex 485

Annex 486
Information from the official website of the State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea on
activities of the Committee in 2018

Information on the activities of the
State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and on
Formerly Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
for 2018
The State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and on Formerly Deported Peoples of the Republic of
Crimea (hereinafter – the State Committee) is the executive state authority of the Republic of Crimea
implementing the state policy and performing the functions in the field of Inter-ethnic and inter-confessional
relations as well as the rehabilitation of the repressed peoples of the Republic of Crimea.
The main objectives of the State Committee are:
- preservation and development of the historically established state unity of the multinational people of
the Republic of Crimea;
- prevention of and counteraction to manifestations of xenophobia, extremism and discrimination on
ethnic and religious grounds, increasing the level of tolerance in the society;
- comprehensive settlement of the issues of restoring historical justice, political, social and spiritual
revival of the repressed peoples;
- creation of favourable conditions for the preservation and development of the national, cultural and
linguistic identity of the peoples living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea;
- ensuring the social and cultural development of indigenous minority peoples;
- coordination of the activities of the executive state authorities of the Republic of Crimea, local selfgovernment
authorities of municipal settlements in the field of Inter-ethnic relations;
- organisation of the interaction of the State Committee with the state authorities of the Republic of Crimea
and local self-government authorities in the Republic of Crimea as well as individuals and legal entities on the
issues related to the prevention of cross-national (Inter-ethnic) conflicts on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
In 2018, the State Committee carried out the work on the preparation, adoption and implementation of 24
normative legal acts of the Republic of Crimea in order to effectively exercise its powers in the field of the
implementation of the state nationality policy.
The settlement of the repressed peoples of the Republic of Crimea
In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin of 21.04.2014 No. 268
“On Measures for Rehabilitation of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Crimean Tatar, German, Greek and Italian peoples
and State Support for their Revival and Development”, the following work is being carried out to implement the
activities for the settlement of citizens from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea.
According to the information of the administrations of urban districts and municipal districts of the
Republic of Crimea, 238 blocks of compact residence of citizens from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea
have been formed on the territory of the Republic of Crimea at present time.
The average levels of the availability of utility infrastructure are the following: water supply networks –
83%, power supply networks – 94%, gas supply networks – 62%, sewer networks – 18%, roads with solid coating
– 33% (mainly crushed stone and dirt roads), of which:
- there are no water supply networks in 24 blocks;
Annex 486
- there are no power supply networks in 14 blocks;
- there are no gas supply networks in 84 blocks;
- there are no sewer networks in 192 blocks;
- there are no roads with solid coating in 116 blocks.
In order to resolve the issues of arranging the places of compact residence of the rehabilitated peoples of
Crimea, the Federal Target Programme “Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and the
City of Sevastopol until 2022” (hereinafter – “FTP”) was approved by the Decree of the Government of the
Russian Federation of 11.08.2014 No. 790.
The framework of the FTP implementation envisages for direction No. 8 “Ensuring Inter-ethnic unity”,
the main goal of which is the national, cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Crimean Tatar,
German, Greek and Italian peoples as well as the social development of the territories of the Republic of Crimea
and the city of Sevastopol in the period from 2015 to 2022.
The total amount of funding for the activities (capital construction projects) under direction No. 8
“Ensuring Inter-ethnic unity” of the FTP for the period 2015-2022 amounts to 10,123.36 million rubles. (as
amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.09.2018 No. 1059), also by year:
for 2014 – not provided;
for 2015 – not provided;
for 2016 – 775.28 million rubles;
for 2017 – 1902.72 million rubles;
for 2018 – 2925.59 million rubles;
for 2019 – 2,480.81 million rubles;
for 2020 – 1,831.79 million rubles;
for 2021 – 207.17 million rubles;
for 2022 – not provided.
The State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and on Formerly Deported Peoples of the Republic of
Crimea acts as the responsible executor (coordinator) for the implementation of the activities under direction No.
8 “Ensuring Inter-ethnic unity” of the FTP.
The State Committee, in pursuance of the instruction of the Head of the Republic of Crimea S.V.
Aksyonov, carries out the system monitoring of the progress of the implementation of the activities under direction
No. 8 “Ensuring Inter-ethnic unity” of the FTP.
At the initiative of the State Committee, 105 interdepartmental working meetings aimed at solving the
pending issues that hinder the effective implementation of the FTP activities, including on-site meetings, were
held in 2018 with the participation of representatives of the Administration for Coordination and Control over the
Implementation of Federal, Regional and Municipal Programmes of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea, Autonomous Non-Commercial Organisation “Directorate for the Management of the Federal
Target Programme “Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol
until 2020”, Capital Construction Service of the Republic of Crimea, the state-owned institution of the Republic
of Crimea “Road Service of the Republic of Crimea”, the State Construction Expertise, local self-government
authorities of municipal settlements of the Republic of Crimea, general contracting organisations and design
Based on the results of the meetings held by the State Committee, more than 50 protocols have been
drawn up with relevant instructions and decisions on each problematic issue related to the implementation of the
activities under direction No. 8 “Ensuring Inter-ethnic unity” of the FTP, more than 40 official memoranda with
Annex 486
suggestions have been sent to the attention of the higher leadership of the Government of the Republic of Crimea
– the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
In order to bring the information to the local population, in whose territory of residence construction
works are being carried out, the State Committee constantly informs citizens about the progress of the
implementation of activities under direction No. 8 “Ensuring Inter-ethnic unity” of the FTP, in particular, during
the off-site personal receptions held by the leadership, the meetings with the local communities and public opinion
leaders as well as through the media and the official portal of the State Committee in the “Internet” information
and telecommunication network.
The property owners and developers under direction 8 “Ensuring Inter-ethnic unity” of the FTP and the
chief managers of budgetary funds authorised to conclude state contracts with contracting organisations, to
prepare and implement procurement procedures, to control the spending of budgetary funds and to control the
progress of the construction of objects are:
- Capital Construction Service of the Republic of Crimea;
- State-owned institution of the Republic of Crimea “Road Service of the Republic of Crimea”
In the period from 2014 to 2015, on the basis of the proposals of the administrations of urban districts and
municipal districts of the Republic of Crimea, a list of 75 capital construction objects was formed and approved,
the implementation of which in the period until 2022 will allow:
- to provide about 2,000 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of the Crimea with their own
housing (19 housing projects);
- to put into operation 7 kindergartens for 1575 places;
- to put into operation 2 schools of general education for 1080 places;
- to provide 5,000 families with power supply networks (11 objects);
- to provide 4,100 families with water supply networks (11 objects);
- provide 3,300 families with gas supply networks (9 objects);
- to provide 2,000 families with sewer networks (5 objects);
- to provide 2,100 families with [roads with] solid coating (9 objects);
- 1 centre for polyethnic culture (student dormitory for 725 places).
Over the period from 2015 to 2018, 4,126.7 million rubles were allocated for the implementation of the
Programme activities (2016 – 735.1 million rubles, 2017 – 1,314.3 million rubles, 2018 – 2077.3 million rubles).
In 2018, in accordance with the Addendum to the Agreement on Granting a Subsidy to the Budget of the
Constituent Entity of the Russian Federation from the Federal Budget of 09.02.2018 No. 139-07-2018-015
between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Economic Development of the
Russian Federation as well as in accordance with the adjustment of the Programme of 09.05.2018, it is planned
to allocate 2,700.2 million rubles for the implementation of the activities under direction 8 “Ensuring Inter-ethnic
unity” of the Programme on design and engineering preparation works and construction and installation works on
40 investment projects.
As at 01.01.2019, the property owners and developers and chief managers of budgetary funds financed
and disbursed 2,077.3 million rubles for design and engineering preparation works and construction and
installation works.
In the period from December 2017 to December 2018, the construction and installation works were
completed at the following objects:
1) “Construction of the sewer networks of the “Novonikolaevka” microdistrict (Ak-Mechet’) of the city
of Simferopol” (declaration of the object readiness for operation No. RK 14318017740 of 19.03.2018 has been
received, the object is being transferred to the asset holder);
Annex 486
2) “Construction of a low-pressure gas pipeline in the settlement of Molodezhnoye of Simferopolsky
district” (declaration of the object readiness for operation No. RK 14318016988 of 17.01.18, the object is at the
stage of transfer to the asset holder);
3) “Construction of water supply networks for development of the village of Stroganovka of
Simferopolsky district” (declaration of the object readiness for operation No. RK 14318016989 of 17.01.18, the
object is at the stage of transfer to the asset holder);
4) “Construction of gas supply networks in Beloye-4, the city of Simferopol" (declaration of the object
readiness for operation No. 14318019779 of 14.08.2018; the object is at the stage of transfer to the asset holder);
5) “Construction of gas supply networks in the settlement of Aikavan of Simferopolsky district (stage 1)”
(construction works have been completed in full, declaration of the object readiness for operation is expected to
be received);
6) “Construction of a preschool educational organisation for 260 places in the Fontany microdistrict of
the city of Simferopol” (declaration of the object readiness for operation No. 14318017863 of 27.03.18, the object
is at the stage of transfer to the asset holder);
7) “Construction of the gas supply networks of the microdistrict Beloe-6 (the village of Ana-Yurt) in
Simferopolsky district” (declaration of the object readiness for operation of 29.12.2018 No. 14318021447 has
been received);
8) “Construction of the power supply networks of the microdistrict 4 of the Beloye-6 microdistrict (the
village of Ana-Yurt) in Simferopolsky district” (construction and installation works have been completed);
9) “Construction of power supply networks for the residential area of Orekhovaya and Gurzufskaya
Streets in the village of N. Oreshniki of Belogorsky district” (construction and installation works, including land
improvement, have been completed);
10) “Construction of external power supply networks for residential buildings of the microdistrict for
deported citizens at Bespalova Street, the city of Simferopol” (construction and installation works have been
completed, improvement has been completed);
11) “Construction of 72-apartment residential building in the city of Kerch” (declaration of the object
readiness for operation of 29.12.2018 No. 14318021440 has been received; at present, the documentation is being
prepared to receive an amended declaration in connection with the cost updates of fixed assets being accepted for
12) “Construction of gas supply networks in the Suuk-Su microdistrict of the city of Sudak” (construction
and installation works have been completed).
This way, within the framework of the implementation of the above activities under direction 8 “Ensuring
Inter-ethnic unity” of the Programme, completed and commissioned, the following results have been achieved:
- 260 places in a preschool educational institution (1 kindergarten);
- 37.3 km of gas supply networks (will provide 1,100 families);
- 18.3 km of power supply networks (will provide 750 families);
- 7.2 km of water supply networks (will provide 400 families);
- 3.4 km of sewer networks (will provide 300 families).
- 72 apartments (the distribution of housing will take place in the first quarter of 2019).
Also, under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation, the construction of the Cathedral
Mosque in the city of Simferopol has been underway since 2015. The object is 85% complete. The completion of
construction is scheduled for 2019.
In addition, in 2019 it is planned to complete the construction of the “Vozrozhdenie” Memorial Complex
in the village of Siren’ of Bakhchisaray district.
Annex 486
Within the framework of the implementation of the State Programme of the Republic of Crimea on
strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia “The
Republic of Crimea is the territory of Inter-ethnic harmony” for the years 2018-2020 (hereinafter – the State
Programme), it is planned to allocate 307.7 million rubles on the development of the social and cultural sphere of
the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea and ensuring Inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea in 2018, as at
01.01.2019 306.8 million rubles. (99.7% of the annual plan) have been financed and disbursed.
In accordance with the State Programme, 72.9 million rubles have been provided for the activity
“Purchase of housing for citizens from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea” in 2018, which made it possible
to provide housing for 44 families (following the results of completed competitive procedures, 44 real estate
objects (residential houses, apartments) were acquired for the total amount 72.9 million rubles) from among the
rehabilitated peoples of Crimea.
In accordance with the plan for the implementation of the State Programme, 19.0 million rubles have been
provided for the activity “Provision of one-time financial assistance to complete the construction of individual
housing” in 2018, which made it possible to provide one-time financial assistance to complete the construction of
individual housing to 95 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea.
Also, within the framework of the State Programme in 2018, 14 families from among the rehabilitated
peoples of Crimea were compensated for the costs of connecting to gas supply, power supply and sewer in the
total amount of 198.9 thousand rubles.
Inter-ethnic, inter-confessional relations,
prevention of Inter-ethnic conflicts and the ideology of extremism
The state of Inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations in the Republic of Crimea is generally
characterised by stability, benevolence, constructive interaction and cooperation of representatives of various
nationalities and religions.
No conflict situations capable of escalating into an Inter-ethnic conflict have been recorded.
The State Committee ensures the system coordination of the activities of the state authorities of the
Republic of Crimea and local self-government authorities with ethnocultural associations and media, the active
involvement of civil society institutions in the field of the implementation of the state nationality policy of the
Russian Federation as well as educational, promotional measures putting emphasis on ensuring the equality of
citizens in the implementation of their constitutional rights regardless of race, nationality, religion and on the
inadmissibility of discrimination on any grounds.
Page 6
In 2018, the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
provided financial and organisational assistance to national and cultural associations in holding 60 events,
including those dedicated to the days of culture and memorable dates of peoples of Crimea. These were mostly
festival, exhibition, competition, and research events and had the format of national holidays and days of culture
of peoples of Crimea, with many of them organised with the active involvement of public associations of the
Republic of Crimea, and the State Committee in its turn provided methodical and financial support in the
implementation of most of them.
Annex 486
In 2018, according to Decrees of the Head of the Republic of Crimea, the Orthodox holidays (Easter and
Trinity) and the Muslim ones (Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha) were declared non-working holidays in the Republic
of Crimea.
In 2018, the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens assisted in holding four
religious events of traditional religious denominations of the Republic of Crimea.
To support inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea, more than 300 ethno-cultural events,
including in municipalities of different levels, were generally held across the Republic of Crimea in 2018.
Source: State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea on activities of the Committee in
Annex 486
Annex 487
Directorate of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol, Sevastopol population statistics, 2014-2018

Directorate of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, Sevastopol
population statistics, 2014-2018
Migration increase, decrease ( - ) of the city's population (people)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Migration - Total 13565 17883 13020 8733 7739
within Russia 11105 9950 7688 5942 5220
intraregional 0 0 0 0 0
interregional 11105 9950 7688 5942 5220
international migration 2460 7933 5332 2791 2519
with CIS countries 2423 7845 5260 2728 2461
including by country:
Azerbaijan 5 23 13 11 16
Armenia 5 15 -2 15 21
Belarus 20 57 46 19 35
Kazakhstan 20 47 50 64 46
Kyrgyzstan 1 15 8 14 7
Republic of Moldova 30 61 58 52 57
Tajikistan 2 4 2 7 2
Turkmenistan 2 0 4 4 8
Uzbekistan 9 15 15 23 25
Ukraine 2329 7608 5066 2519 2244
with other foreign countries 37 88 72 63 58
External migration of the region 13565 17883 13020 8733 7739
Annex 487
Those who departed from the city (people)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Migration- Total 1) 837 6982 9613 11472 13387
within Russia 452 6939 9512 10529 12241
intraregional 177 2917 3783 4032 4634
interregional 275 4022 5729 6497 7604
international migration 385 43 101 943 1146
to CIS countries 2) 379 32 82 924 1125
including by country:
Azerbaijan 0 0 0 1 0
Armenia 0 0 16 0 1
Belarus 3 1 7 7 2
Kazakhstan 0 0 0 4 16
Kyrgyzstan 0 0 0 0 2
Republic of Moldova 1 0 0 9 7
Tajikistan 0 0 0 0 0
Turkmenistan 0 0 0 0 1
Uzbekistan 0 0 0 0 5
Ukraine 375 31 59 903 1091
to other foreign countries 6 11 19 19 21
External migration of the region 660 4065 5830 7440 8753
"Hereinafter, the statistical accounting of
long-term migration of the population
also includes persons registered at the
place of residence for a period of 9
months or more.
2) Hereinafter, the data from 2010 is
given without taking into account
Georgia, which has
left the CIS in August 2009.
Annex 487
Those who arrived to Sevastopol (people)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Migration - Total 14402 24865 22633 20205 21126
within Russia 11557 16889 17200 16471 17461
intraregional 177 2917 3783 4032 4634
interregional 11380 13972 13417 12439 12827
international migration 2845 7976 5433 3734 3665
from CIS countries 2802 7877 5342 3652 3586
including by country:
Azerbaijan 5 23 13 12 16
Armenia 5 15 14 15 22
Belarus 23 58 53 26 37
Kazakhstan 20 47 50 68 62
Kyrgyzstan 1 15 8 14 9
Republic of Moldova 31 61 58 61 64
Tajikistan 2 4 2 7 2
Turkmenistan 2 0 4 4 9
Uzbekistan 9 15 15 23 30
Ukraine 2704 7639 5125 3422 3335
from other foreign countries 43 99 91 82 79
External migration of the region 14225 21948 18850 16173 16492
Hereinafter, the statistical accounting of long-term
migration of the population also includes persons
registered at the place of residence for a period of 9
months or more.
Hereinafter, the data from 2010 are given without taking into
account Georgia, which has left the CIS in August 2009.
Annex 487

Annex 488
Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 584-r
“On the handover of property for free use”, 17 May 2019

of 17 May 2019 No. 584-r
On the hand over
of property for free use
In accordance with Articles 83, 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, Articles 28, 41 of the
Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK “On the system of executive bodies of the
Republic of Crimea” Articles 2, 7 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 8 August 2014 No. 46-ZRK “On
the management and disposal of state property of the Republic of Crimea”, Procedure for handing over the
state property of the Republic of Crimea for free use approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea No. 389 of 21 October 2014:
1. To hand over a real estate assigned on the basis of the operational management right to the State
Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological
Museum-Preserve” to the Centralized Religious Organization of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the
Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol for free use in accordance with the Appendix to this Order.
Head of the Republic of Crimea,
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea – head of
the Office of the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 488
to Order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
dated 17 May 2019 No. 584-r
of real estate handed over for free use to the Centralised Religious Organisation of Spiritual
Directorate of Muslims in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
Name of the real
Address Building Area, sq. m Cadastral No.
1 Facility No. 1 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
B 721.1 90:01:010105:349
2 Facility No. 11 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
А1 854.1 90:01:010105:353
3 Office 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
D 112.8 90:01:010105:307
4 Facility No. 2 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
G 90.4 90:01:010105:352
5 Canteen-club 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
P 563.7 90:01:010105:346
6 Drying chamber 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
Kh 72.2 90:01:010105:345
Annex 488
7 Dryer warehouse 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
Zh 176.6 90:01:010105:347
8 Boiler room 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
U 102.1 90:01:010105:350
9 Washhouse 57 Basenko Street,
Bakhchisaray District, the
Republic of Crimea
B1 313.8 90:01:010105:354
Deputy Chairman
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea,
Head of the Office
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 488

Annex 489
State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea
official website, “Own housing was bought for citizens from among the
rehabilitated nations of Crimea in 9 districts of the Republic of
Crimea”, 20 September 2019

State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea
Own housing was bought for citizens from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea in 9 districts of
the Republic of Crimea
20 September 2019
Housing was purchased from the budget funds of the Republic of Crimea.
Within the scope of the State Program of the Republic of Crimea for Strengthening the Unity of the Russian
Nation and the Ethno-cultural Development of the Peoples of Russia “The Republic of Crimea – the Territory
of Inter-ethnic Harmony” for 2018–2021, own housing was purchased for citizens from among the
rehabilitated peoples in 9 regions of the Republic. This became known during a working meeting on the issue
related to the implementation of measures aimed at supporting the rehabilitated persons.
The meeting, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Crimea, the
Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea, the Financial Supervision Service of the
Republic of Crimea, and 13 municipalities of the Republic of Crimea, was chaired by the Deputy Chairman of
the State Committee for Inter-ethnic relations, Elmar Mambetov.
According to Elmar Mambetov, 80 million rubles have been allocated for the purchase of housing for citizens
from among the rehabilitated peoples of the Republic of Crimea this year.
“The 13 municipalities of the Republic of Crimea, where the housing was purchased, are actively pursuing the
disbursement procedure. As of today, apartments have already been purchased in Bakhchisaraisky,
Belogorsky, Dzhankoysky, Krasnogvardeisky, Nizhnegorsky, Leninsky, Pervomaisky, Razdolnensky and
Sovetsky districts for citizens in need who were on the housing waiting list at the place of registration,” - said
the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations.
Source: State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea official website,
Annex 489

Annex 490
Statement of the Delegation of the Russian Federation at the Working
Meeting of OSCE to Review the Implementation of Human Dimension
Commitments (Warsaw, 16-27 September 2019), Doc.
HDIM.DEL/0576/19/EN, 27 September 2019

27 September 2019
(Warsaw, 16–27 September 2019)
Working Session 18.
Discussion of Human Dimension Activities
(with Emphasis on Projects)
(27 September 2019)
Dear Mr. Chairman,
Dear colleagues,
Discussions held during the Meeting confirmed that there are problems with the observance of human
rights and freedoms in the area of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in all
Member States. Their solution requires a thoughtful approach and equal attention to the entire range of issues
on the part of the Organization and its institutions.
We have repeatedly stressed that serious imbalances remain in the work carried out by the OSCE
executive structures. They focus on the countries east of Vienna. This part of the OSCE region is targeted by
project activities of the Secretariat and institutions – the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
(ODIHR), the High Commissioner for National Minorities (HCNM) and the Representative on Freedom of the
Media. Disregard on the part of the Organization of problems in other Member States – the United States,
Canada and the European Union – only exacerbates the situation.
In this respect, activities of the ODIHR on election observation serve as an example. Large missions
of 400–500 people are always sent to countries east of Vienna, while observers are either not sent to western
countries at all or are limited to small groups of several experts. There is no doubt that if full-scale observation
missions operated in western countries, they would detect no fewer violations. The ODIHR should observe
elections everywhere equally based on clear, transparent criteria and rules approved by all Member States. The
fact that the Election Observation Mission’s methodology appeals to Washington or Brussels does not make it
the “gold standard” that we are tired of hearing about.
We cannot accept allegations about the lack of funding as an argument – for some reason, other areas,
which are prioritised only by a certain group of countries, receive sufficient funds every year. If the problem
is actually about funding, it is necessary to put things right in terms of the prioritisation of the ODIHR’s
activities to ensure full thematic coverage. We have already voiced our proposals in this regard more than
once. However, a number of Member States stubbornly resist this prioritisation of activities of the institution
that is so important for the Organization.
Thematic imbalances also remain in the work of the OSCE institutes and missions. Some topics receive
Annex 490
exaggerated attention, while non-compliance in other areas is ignored. We urge the executive structures to take
a more responsible and balanced approach to the thematic content of projects. Then there will be no problems
with insufficient resources.
We observe a significant lack of attention on the part of the OSCE institutions in such areas as
combating aggressive nationalism and neo-Nazism, intolerance and discrimination against Christians and
Muslims, and the problem of statelessness.
Violations of linguistic, religious and educational rights are an acute problem in Ukraine, Latvia,
Lithuania and Estonia. In these countries, the Russian language, which is a native language to a significant part
of the population, is artificially squeezed out of the educational system, and the Russian-speaking population
is discriminated against. The ODIHR, the HCNM and the Representative on Freedom of the Media should not
stand on the sidelines in the face of these egregious violations. Obviously, “quiet diplomacy” is not enough
The situation with freedom of expression and freedom of information in the OSCE region cannot be
considered satisfactory. The policy of double standards in a number of the OSCE countries is aimed at
harassing unwanted media and hindering their legitimate activities.
We observe blatant facts of pressure on the press, expulsions and arrests of journalists, formation of
“white” and “black” lists into which they are included. A number of EU countries – under the pretext of
combating so-called Russian propaganda – take measures leading to the censorship of information content.
We call on the Representative on Freedom of the Media to pay increased attention to these issues.
We welcome the decision taken last year at the Milan Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on the
safety of journalists. We hope that it will serve as an impetus to improve the position of media workers in the
OSCE region.
Russia consistently supports the transparency and accountability of project activities carried out by the
OSCE, including extra-budgetary ones. Projects of the executive structures of the Organization should meet
the interests of host countries and be implemented at their request, and not be imposed by donor countries that
have an obvious political interest.
We welcome the practice of submitting reports to the Member States on extra-budgetary projects of
the executive structures of the Organization introduced by the OSCE Secretariat in 2017. We expect that it will
be implemented on a permanent basis.
Thank you for your attention.
Annex 490
Annex 491
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Letter No. 01-14/3417 to the heads of city, district education
authorities, state budgetary educational institutions, 18 November 2019

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
[Title in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar]
3 Sovnarkomovsky Lane, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295000,
Reception Desk (3652) 27-52-32, Administrative Office (3652) 27-61-33
e-mail: [email protected] http://monm.rk.gov.ru/
of 18 November 2019 No. 01-14/3417
to Ref. No.____
To the heads of city, district education
authorities, state budgetary general
educational institutions
We hereby send you for practical use information on the implementation of Federal Law of 3
August 2018 No. 317-FZ “On amendments to Articles 11 and 14 of the Federal Law “On education in
the Russian Federation” regarding the issue of enabling education in native languages from among the
languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as a native language.
Please bring this document to the attention of the educational institutions’ management.
Attachment: 6 pages.
First Deputy Minister (Signed) N.V. Zhurba
Sh.A. Temesh
(03652) 25 04 15
[email protected]
Annex 491
on the implementation of the Federal Law of 3 August 2018 No. 317-FZ “On amendments to Articles 11 and
14 of the Federal Law “On education in the Russian Federation” regarding the issue of enabling education in
native languages from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, studying the official
languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, natives languages of the peoples of the Russian
Federation, including the Russian language as a native language
In addition to Letter of the Department of State Policy in General Education of the Ministry of
Education of the Russian Federation of 20 December 2018 No. 03-510, we are sending you the following
In accordance with Federal Law of 3 August 2018 No. 317-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 11 and
14 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law
No. 317-FZ) in Articles 11 and 14 of Federal Law of 29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the
Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), the following amendments were
Article 11 was supplemented with Part 5.1, stipulating that the Federal State Educational Standards
for preschool, primary general and basic general education shall provide the opportunity to receive education
in native languages from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, to study the official
languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, native languages from among the languages of the
peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as a native language;
Part 4 of Article 14, after words “studying of native language…” was supplemented with “including
Russian as native language”;
Part 6 of Article 14 was supplemented with a provision that the free choice of the language of
education, the studied native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation,
including the Russian language as the native language, the official languages of the republics of the Russian
Federation, shall be made based on the applications of the parents (legal representatives) of minor students
upon their admission (transfer) for studying under educational programmes of preschool education, stateaccredited
educational programmes of primary general and basic general education.
Considering the amendments introduced in Articles 11 and 14 of the Federal Law, the following
regulations were developed and adopted:
1. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 17 December 2018 No. 315
“On amendments to the procedure for filling, recording and issuing certificates of basic general and
secondary general education and their duplicates, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and
Science of the Russian Federation of 14 February 2014 No. 115 […]
The names of the academic subjects “Native Language”, “Native Literature” shall specified by an
entry (in brackets) indicating which native language was studied by the graduate.
For students with the native language belonging to the languages of the peoples of the Russian
Federation, the certificate shall indicate –“Native Language (name)” and “Native Literature (name)”. For
example, “Native Language (Udmurt)” and “Native Literature (Udmurt)”.
[pages 2-3] 2. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 17 January 2019 No.
19 “On amendments to the procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programmes of primary
general, basic general and secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and
Science of the Russian Federation of 22 January 2014 No. 32 (hereinafter referred to as the Admission
Procedure) was supplemented by a provision establishing that the parents (legal representatives) of minor
students – until the child completes basic general education, taking into account the child's opinion, and
considering the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (if any) – have
the right to choose the form of education and forms of study, organisations performing educational activities,
language, languages of education, optional and elective subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) from the list
offered by the organisation performing educational activities.
The Admission Procedure also stipulates that the choice of the language of education, the studied
native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian
language as a native language, the official languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, is made
based on the applications of the parents (legal representatives) of the children at the latter’s admission for
Annex 491
studying under state-accredited educational programmes of primary general and basic general education.
2. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of 17 January 2019 No. 20 “On amendments to
the procedure and conditions for the transfer of students from one organisation performing educational
activities under educational programmes of primary general, basic general and secondary general education,
to other organisations performing educational activities under educational programmes of the corresponding
level and specialisation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federation of 12 March 2014 No. 177” providing for amendments to be made with respect to the right of
choice of the language of education, the studied native language from among the languages of the peoples of
the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as a native language, the official languages of the
republics of the Russian Federation at the student’s admission (transfer) for studying under state-accredited
educational programmes of primary general and basic general education based on the applications of the
parents (legal representatives) of students.
[page 4] 5. Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia of 21 January 2019 No. 32 “On
amendments to the procedure for organising and implementing educational activities under basic general
education programmes – educational programmes of preschool education, approved by order No. 1014 of the
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 30 August 2013” which, in particular,
supplemented Clause 11 to include a provision that it is possible to perform educational activities in the
native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian
language as a native language, in accordance with the educational programme of preschool education and
based on the application filed by the parents (legal representatives ) of children.
[page 5] 7. […]
Please note that, subject to the availability of necessary conditions (staffing, financial, material and
technical and other conditions), classes may be divided into groups when conducting educational classes,
courses, disciplines (modules). Should there be a necessity to study several native languages from among the
languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the class may be divided into two or more groups. When
conducting educational classes, it is allowed to combine students from several classes into groups.
[page 6] The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has prepared draft amendments into
the Federal State Educational Standards for primary general and basic general education (approved,
respectively, by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 of 6
October 2009 and No. 1897 of 17 December 2010) in terms of specifying the requirements for subject
results, the structure and conditions for the monitoring of progress under basic educational programmes of
the corresponding levels.
The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation established a committee to finalise the drafts of
the Federal State Educational Standards for primary general and basic general education (hereinafter referred
to as the Committee), taking into account all comments and proposals received as a result of their public
discussion. The Committee includes representatives of stakeholders from the executive authorities, research
and educational organisations, experts.
Deputy Director
Department of State Policy in General Education (Signed) S.A. Pilipenko
On sending information – 03
Annex 491

Annex 492
State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea, Minutes of the meeting on the preparation and
holding of events in the Republic of Crimea dedicated to the 100th
anniversary since the birthday of twice the Hero of the Soviet Union
Amet-Khan Sultan, 26 November 2019

23-a Trubachenko St.,
Simferopol, Republic of Crimea,
295048, phone 598-825, fax 598-836
Email: [email protected]
29 November 2019 Ref. No. 01-05/1077
Council of Crimean Tatars
under the Head of the
Republic of Crimea
The State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea sends
the minutes of the meeting of 26 November 2019 on the preparation and holding of the events dedicated to
the 100th anniversary of the birth of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan to be considered and
implemented to the extent required.
Appendix: on 3 pages.
Chairman of the State Committee /Signed/ A. Kangiev
T.Yu. Seytablaev (3652) 598-724
Annex 492
Chairman of the State Committee for Inter-Ethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
/Signed/ A. KANGIEV
of the meeting on the preparation and holding of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the
birth of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan
23-a Trubachenko St.,
State Committee for Inter-Ethnic Relations of Crimea
26 November 2019
CHAIRMAN: Chairman of the State Committee for Inter-Ethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
A.O. Kangiev
ATTENDEES: A.S. Ablyatipov, L.E. Memetova, S.L. Eminova, V.Yu.
Shatfeev, V.V. Kulebakin, O.V. Dudko, A.R. Emirov
1. On the reconstruction of the Amet-Khan Sultan Square in Simferopol:
- Installation of a monument to Amet-Khan Sultan on the Amet-Khan Sultan Square.
2. On considering the issue of naming an educational institution after Amet-Khan Sultan.
3. On holding in educational organisations of the Republic of Crimea topic-specific lessons,
extracurricular activities, contests, exhibitions dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of
twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan.
4. On holding “lessons of courage” timed to coincide with the birthday of twice Hero of the Soviet
Union Amet-Khan Sultan.
5. On the progress of publication of the bibliography guide “Amet-Khan Sultan — Twice Hero of the
Soviet Union”.
6. On making proposals for making a feature film about Amet-Khan Sultan in the Republic of Crimea.
7. On the progress of publication of a memorial album dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth
of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan.
SPEAKERS: A.S. Ablyatipov, S.L. Eminova, V.Yu. Shalfeev , V.V.
To the Administration of Simferopol, Republic of
1. To prepare and send to the State Committee for Inter-Ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea (hereinafter referred to as the “State Committee”) information on the resolution
Annex 492
made concerning the location, draft design and roadmap for implementing the project for the
reconstruction of the square and the installation of the monument to Amet-Khan Sultan in
Deadline: by 5 December 2019
To the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea
2. To prepare and send to the State Committee information on educational institutions that applied to be
named after Amet-Khan Sultan.
3. To develop a plan for holding topic-specific lessons, extracurricular activities, contests, exhibitions
dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan.
4. To develop a summary plan for general education institutions of the Republic of Crimea according to
which they will visit the museum of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan, State
Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical
Deadline: by 5 December 2019
To the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea
5. To prepare and submit to the State Committee information on the deadlines for preparing the
bibliography guide “Amet-Khan Sultan – Twice Hero of the Soviet Union”.
6. To send the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation a letter requesting assistance in making a
feature film about Amet-Khan Sultan.
7. To send recommendations to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea concerning the schedule and time periods for general education institutions to visit the
museum of twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan, State Budgetary Institution of the
Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage” in order to
develop the relevant summary plan.
Deadline: by 5 December 2019
To the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of
Crimea “Gasprinsky Media Centre”
8. To take comprehensive measures to organise the publication of a memorial album dedicated to the
100th anniversary of Amet-Khan Sultan's birth.
Deadline: by 5 December 2019
The minutes were taken by:
Advisor of the Directorate of Inter-Ethnic Relations and
Analytical Work of the State Committee for Inter-Ethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
/Signed/ T. Seytablaev
Annex 492

Annex 493
Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation,
Statistics on consideration of criminal cases under Article 238 of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (from 2010 to the first half of

Appendix No. 4.6
Form No. 6. Statistics on consideration of criminal cases under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Production, storage,
transportation or sale of goods and products, execution of work or rendering of services that do not meet safety requirements” (under all parts, by number
of individuals)
Number of individuals convicted under effective sentences
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020, 1st
Across the Russian Federation 6,386 5,086 4,529 4,202 4,221 3,998 4,374 4,516 3,773 2,168 392
In the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol
18 48 28 28 32 48 27
Head of the Department for Organisational and Methodological Support of Court Statistics
at the Main Administration of Organisational and Legal Support of Activity of the Courts
of the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Signed) I.N. Andryushechkina
Annex 493

Annex 494
Directorate of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol, Report “Social and Economic Situation of the
Republic of Crimea in January 2020”, Simferopol, 2020

Social and Economic Situation
of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 494
Page 68
Table 3
General Migration Results
For reference purposes
Per 10,000
Per 10,000
Migration - total
arrived 49,294 257.7 44,872 234.5
departed 40,841 213.6 40,091 209.6
migration increase (+),
decrease (-)
within Russia
arrived 38,162 199.6 35,362 184.9
departed 34,993 183.0 33,732 176.3
migration increase (+),
decrease (-)
international migration
arrived 11,132 58.1 9,510 49.6
departed 5,848 30.6 6,359 33.3
migration increase (+),
decrease (-)
with CIS member states
arrived 9,644 50.4 8,145 42.5
departed 4,557 23.8 5,277 27.6
migration increase (+),
decrease (-)
with non-CIS countries
arrived 1,488 7.7 1,365 7.1
departed 1,291 6.8 1,082 5.7
migration increase (+),
decrease (-)
In January-December 2019, there was a migration increase of 8,453 people in population
exchange. There was a positive migration balance both with the regions of the Russian Federation –
3,169 people and with CIS states and other foreign countries – 5,284 people. The largest population
increase is observed in international migration as part of migration exchange with Ukraine (3,794),
Uzbekistan (569), Armenia (241), Belarus and Kazakhstan (143 and 125).
Annex 494
Annex 495
Municipality - the urban district of Evpatoria of the Republic of Crimea
official website, “The memory of Noman Ḉelebicihan was honored in
Evpatoria”, 26 February 2020

Official website of the Municipality of the Urban District of Evpatoria of the Republic of Crimea
The memory of Noman Ḉelebicihan was honored in Evpatoria
Last updated: Wednesday, 26 February 2020, 17:13
23 February marked the 102nd anniversary of the death of Mufti of Crimea, Poland, Lithuania and Belarus,
poet Noman Ḉelebicihan. On this day, tributes and respects are traditionally paid to the memory of this Crimean
Tatar leader in Evpatoria.
Every year, on 23 February, members of the public of Evpatoria gather near the residential building, on the
facade of which a memorial plaque to Noman Ḉelebicihan (1885-1918) is installed, to honor the memory of
this prominent figure in the history of the Crimean Tatar people. Noman Ḉelebicihan lived in this house with
his wife, the daughter of a local merchant Kapari.
The commemorative event was attended by a City Council Deputy, Eldar Ibragimov, Head of the Department
of Culture and Inter-Ethnic Relations, Veronika Nadeeva, representatives of religious and public organisations,
teachers and students of secondary school No. 18, and people of the city.
Poems of Noman Ḉelebicihan were recited by Sevilya Dzhemileva and Urye Petislyamova, the Crimean Tatar
poetess, Lenyufer Mambetova, read her poems dedicated to Crimea.
“As Noman Ḉelebicihan said: “We are flowers and we must create a flower garden of all peoples
peacefully living in Crimea.” We should not forget such figures”. Midat Ablyalimov said in his speech.
The residents of Evpatoria laid flowers to the memorial plaque dedicated to Noman Ḉelebicihan, honoring his
memory with a moment of silence.
REFERENCE: Noman Ḉelebicihan – a Crimean Tatar politician and public figure, the first Chairman of the
government of the Crimean People's Republic, the organiser of the first Qurultay of the Crimean Tatar People,
the first Mufti of Muslims of Crimea, Lithuania, Poland and Belarus. He is also known as the author of the
poem “Ant etkenmen” (“I have pledged”), which became the national anthem of the Crimean Tatar people.
Annex 495
Annex 495
Annex 496
Letter of the Agents of the Russian Federation to the Registrar of the
International Court of Justice, 16 March 2020

Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 496
Annex 497
Extract from the Uniform state register of legal entities in relation to
JSC “Krymsoyuzpechat”, 7 April 2020

from the Unified state register of legal entities
07 April 2020 No. YuE9965-20-
date of extract
This Extract contains information on the legal entity
full name of the legal entity
Main State Registration number
1 1 4 9 1 0 2 0 7 6 9 8 0
included in the Unified state register of legal entities (USRLE) as of
“07” April 2020
day month in words year
Item Description
1 2 3
2 Abbreviated name JSC KRYMSOYUZPECHAT
3 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
Address (location)
4 Postal code 295000
5 Constituent entity of the Russian Federation REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
6 City (volost, etc.) CITY OF SIMFEROPOL
7 Street (avenue, lane, etc.) GORKOGO STREET
8 House (estate, etc.) HOUSE NO. 5
9 Building (block etc.) LETTER V
10 Office (apartment etc.) ROOM 15
11 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
Information on registration
12 OGRN 1149102076980
13 OGRN assigned 10 November 2014
Information on registration on the territory of the Republic of Crimea or on the territory of the
federal city of Sevastopol on the day of the admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian
Federation and the formation of new constituent entities within the Russian Federation - the
Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol
14 Registration number 03347388
15 Date of registration 31 January 1997
16 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
Annex 497
Information on the registering body at the location of the registered office of the legal entity
17 Name of the registering body Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax
Service No. 9 for the Republic of Crimea
18 Address of the registering authority 1/9 Mate Zalki street, Simferopol, Republic of
Crimea, 295053
19 State registration number (GRN) and date of
making an entry containing the specified
information in the USRLE
09 June 2018
Information on registration with the tax authority
20 Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 9102040249
21 Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) 910201001
22 Registration date 10 November 2014
23 Name of the tax authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
24 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
Information on registration as an insured person with the territorial body of the Pension Fund
of the Russian Federation
25 Registration number 091001006782
26 Date of registration 11 November 2014
27 Name of the territorial body of the Pension
State Institution — Administration of the
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in
Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea
28 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
13 November 2014
Information on registration as an insured person with the executive body of the Social Insurance
Fund of the Russian Federation
29 Registration number 910100235791011
30 Date of registration 12 November 2014
31 Name of the executive body of the Social
Insurance Fund
Branch No. 1 of the State Institution - Regional
Department of the Social Insurance Fund of the
Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea
32 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
12 May 2016
Information on the authorized capital (joint-stock capital, authorized fund, share contributions)
34 Amount (in Rubles) 1,628,158.4
35 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
05 May 2015
Information on the individual person entitled to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power
of attorney
36 GRN and date of entering the information on
this person into the USRLE
21 June 2016
37 Last Name IVANOV
38 First Name VITALIY
39 Patronymic Name PETROVICH
40 INN 910214348269
Annex 497
41 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
21 June 2016
43 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
21 June 2016
Information on the holder of the register of shareholders of the joint-stock company
44 OGRN 1024201467510
45 INN 4217027573
47 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
15 November 2017
Information on types of economic activities under the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic
(OKVED OK 029-2014 NACE. Version 2)
Information on the core activities
48 Code and name of the economic activity 47.61 Retail sale of books in specialised stores
49 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
Information on the non-core activities
50 Code and name of the economic activity 46.90 Non-specialised wholesale trade
51 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
52 Code and name of the economic activity 47.11 Retail sale predominantly of food,
beverages and tobacco in non-specialised
53 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
54 Code and name of the economic activity 47.19.1 Retail sale of large assortment of
products with a predominance of non-food
products in non-specialised stores
55 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
56 Code and name of the economic activity 47.26 Retail sale of tobacco products in
specialised stores
57 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
58 Code and name of the economic activity 47.62.1 Retail sale of newspapers and
magazines in specialised stores
Annex 497
59 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
60 Code and name of the economic activity 47.62.2 Retail sale of paper and stationery
products in specialised stores
61 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
62 Code and name of the economic activity 47.65 Retail sale of games and toys in
specialised stores
63 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
64 Code and name of the economic activity 47.7 Retail sale of other products in specialised
65 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
66 Code and name of the economic activity 47.75 Retail sale of cosmetics and personal
care products in specialised stores
67 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
68 Code and name of the economic activity 47.78.3 Retail sale of souvenirs, products of
folk art crafts
69 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
70 Code and name of the economic activity 47.78.9 Retail sale of non-food products, not
included in other categories, in specialised
71 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
15 November 2017
72 Code and name of the economic activity 47.89 Retail sale of other products in nonstationary
trade facilities and markets
73 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
74 Code and name of the economic activity 47.99 Other retail sale outside stores, tents,
75 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
76 Code and name of the economic activity 47.99.2 Vending machine activities
Annex 497
77 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
78 Code and name of the economic activity 49.4 Activities of road freight transport and
transportation services
79 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
80 Code and name of the economic activity 56.30 Beverage serving
81 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
09 January 2018
82 Code and name of the economic activity 68.20 Lease and management of own or leased
immovable property
83 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
Information on branches and representative offices
84 GRN and date of entering the information on
this person into the USRLE
10 November 2014
86 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
87 Postal code 298400
88 Constituent entity of the Russian Federation REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
89 District (ulus etc.) BAKHCHISARAY DISTRICT
90 City (volost, etc.) CITY OF BAKHCHISARAY
91 Street (avenue, lane, etc.) ULITSA SOVETSKAYA
92 House (estate, etc.) HOUSE NO. 7
93 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
94 GRN and date of entering the information on
this person into the USRLE
10 November 2014
96 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
97 Postal code 296100
98 Constituent entity of the Russian Federation REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
99 City (volost, etc.) CITY OF DZHANKOY
100 Street (avenue, lane, etc.) ULITSA LENINA
101 House (estate, etc.) HOUSE NO. 7
Annex 497
102 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
103 GRN and date of entering the information on
this person into the USRLE
10 November 2014
105 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
106 Postal code 298300
107 Constituent entity of the Russian Federation REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
108 City (volost, etc.) CITY OF KERCH
109 Street (avenue, lane, etc.) ULITSA KARLA MARKSA
110 House (estate, etc.) HOUSE NO. 1
111 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
112 GRN and date of entering the information on
this person into the USRLE
10 November 2014
114 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
115 Postal code 296000
116 Constituent entity of the Russian Federation REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
117 City (volost, etc.) CITY OF KRASNOPEREKOPSK
118 Street (avenue, lane, etc.) ULITSA CHAPAEVA
119 House (estate, etc.) HOUSE NO. 12
120 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
121 GRN and date of entering the information on
this person into the USRLE
10 November 2014
123 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
124 Postal code 298612
125 Constituent entity of the Russian Federation REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
126 City (volost, etc.) CITY OF YALTA
127 Street (avenue, lane, etc.) BALKA TEPLAYA
128 House (estate, etc.) HOUSE NO. 5
129 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
10 November 2014
Annex 497
130 GRN and date of entering the information on
this person into the USRLE
10 November 2014
132 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
11 April 2019
133 Postal code 298112
134 Constituent entity of the Russian Federation REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
135 City (volost, etc.) CITY OF FEODOSIA
136 Street (avenue, lane, etc.) ULITSA KRYMSKAYA
137 House (estate, etc.) HOUSE NO. 82G
138 Office (apartment etc.) ROOM 1
139 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
11 April 2019
Information on registration with the tax
authority at the location of the registered office
of the branch
140 KPP 910843002
141 Registration date 10 November 2014
142 Name of the tax authority Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax
Service No. 4 for the Republic of Crimea
143 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
12 April 2019
144 GRN and date of entering the information on
this person into the USRLE
10 November 2014
146 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
08 October 2019
147 Postal code 297408
148 Constituent entity of the Russian Federation REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
149 City (volost, etc.) CITY OF YEVPATORIA
150 Street (avenue, lane, etc.) ULITSA INTERNATSIONALNAYA
151 House (estate, etc.) HOUSE NO. 139A
152 Building (block etc.) FLOOR 1
153 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
08 October 2019
Information on registration with the tax
authority at the location of the registered office
of the branch
154 KPP 911043001
155 Registration date 10 November 2014
Annex 497
156 Name of the tax authority Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax
Service No. 6 for the Republic of Crimea
157 GRN and date of making an entry containing
the specified information in the USRLE
31 March 2019
Information on the entries made in the USRLE
158 GRN and date of making the entry in the
10 November 2014
159 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Entering into the USRLE information on the
legal entity registered on the territory of the
Republic of Crimea or on the territory of the
federal city of Sevastopol on the day of the
admission of the Republic of Crimea into the
Russian Federation and the formation of new
constituent entities within the Russian
Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the
federal city of Sevastopol
160 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
161 Name of the document
162 Document date 16 October 2014
163 Name of the document MINUTES ON THE APPOINTMENT OF
164 Document number 2
165 Document date 17 October 2014
166 Name of the document ADDITIONAL AGREEMENT TO THE
167 Document date 23 March 2012
168 Name of the document REGISTER OF SHAREHOLDERS
169 Document date 08 September 2014
170 Name of the document Р18001 APPLICATION FOR ENTERING IN
171 Document date 30 October 2014
172 Name of the document
173 Document number 4
174 Document date 16 October 2014
175 Name of the document POWER OF ATTORNEY
176 Document number 82 А А 0206633
Annex 497
177 Document date 30 October 2014
Information on the certificate confirming the
fact of making an entry in the
178 Series, number and date of issue of the
23 008846160
10 November 2014
Entry status information
179 Entry status The entry was corrected due to a technical error
made by the registering body
180 GRN and date of the entry, which was
corrected due to a technical error
21 January 2015
181 GRN and date of making the entry in the
10 November 2014
182 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Submission of information on the registration
of the legal entity with the tax authority
183 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
184 GRN and date of making the entry in the
13 November 2014
185 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Submission of information on the registration
of the legal entity as an insurant with the
territorial body of the Pension Fund of the
Russian Federation
186 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
187 GRN and date of making the entry in the
21 January 2015
188 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Amending the information on the legal entity
contained in the USRLE, due to errors made by
the applicant in the previously submitted
189 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
190 Name of the document Р14001 APPLICATION FOR CORRECTION
191 Document date 03 January 2015
192 Name of the document APPLICATION FORM NO. R13001
Annex 497
193 Name of the document ORDER OF 17 OCTOBER 2014 NO. 122
194 Document number 122
195 Document date 17 October 2014
196 Name of the document PAYMENT ORDER OF 16 DECEMBER
2014 NO. 1239
197 Document number 1239
198 Document date 16 December 2014
199 Name of the document
200 Name of the document
201 Name of the document EXTRACT FROM THE USRLE
202 Document date 01 December 2014
203 Name of the document LETTER OF 16 DECEMBER 2014 NO. 1492
204 Document number 1492
205 Document date 16 December 2014
206 Name of the document
207 Document number 2
208 Document date 10 November 2014
209 Name of the document COPY OF THE PASSPORT
210 Name of the document POWER OF ATTORNEY
211 Document date 11 December 2014
212 Name of the document MINUTES OF 17 OCTOBER 2014 NO. 2
213 Document number 2
214 Document date 17 October 2014
215 Name of the document MINUTES OF 11 DECEMBER 2014 NO. 6
216 Document number 6
217 Document date 11 December 2014
218 Name of the document Acknowledgement of receipt of documents
submitted by the applicant
219 Name of the document Р80001 Decision on state registration
220 GRN and date of the entry, which was
10 November 2014
Annex 497
221 GRN and date of making the entry in the
31 May 2015
222 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Notification of the registering body on
amending the constituent documents of the
legal entity
223 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
224 Name of the document Р13002 NOTIFICATION ON AMENDING
225 Document date 31 December 2014
226 Name of the document MINUTES NO. 5
227 Document number 5
228 Document date 11 December 2014
229 Name of the document MINUTES NO. 2
230 Document number 2
231 Document date 17 October 2014
232 Name of the document ORDER NO. 122
233 Document number 122
234 Document date 17 October 2014
235 Name of the document COPY OF THE PASSPORT
236 Name of the document AMENDMENTS NO. 1 TO THE ARTICLES
237 Document number 1
238 Document date 10 November 2014
239 Name of the document COPY OF THE STATE REGISTRATION
240 Document date 10 November 2014
241 Name of the document COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF TAX
242 Document date 10 November 2014
243 Name of the document
244 Document number 6967V/2014
245 Document date 01 December 2014
246 Name of the document PAYMENT ORDER NO. 1228
247 Document number 1228
Annex 497
248 Document date 12 December 2014
249 Name of the document COVER LETTER
250 Document date 12 December 2014
251 Name of the document ENVELOPE
252 GRN and date of making the entry in the
05 May 2015
253 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE State registration of the amendments made to
the constituent documents of the legal entity
related to amending the information on the
legal entity contained in the USRLE, based on
the application
254 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
255 Name of the document Р13001 APPLICATION ON AMENDING
257 Document date 16 December 2014
258 Name of the document MINUTES
259 Document number 2
260 Name of the document ANOTHER DOCUMENT IN
261 Document number 6
262 Name of the document POWER OF ATTORNEY
263 GRN and date of making the entry in the
12 May 2016
264 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Entering the information into the USRLE on
registration of the legal entity as an insured
person with the executive body of the Social
Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
265 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
266 GRN and date of making the entry in the
21 June 2016
Annex 497
267 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Amending the information on the legal entity
contained in the USRLE
268 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
269 Name of the document Р14001 APPLICATION ON AMENDING
270 Name of the document ORDER NO. 59
271 Document date 14 June 2016
272 Name of the document MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING
273 Document date 14 June 2016
274 GRN and date of making the entry in the
09 August 2016
275 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Amending the information on the legal entity
contained in the USRLE
276 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
277 Name of the document Р14001 APPLICATION ON AMENDING
278 GRN and date of making the entry in the
15 November 2017
279 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Amending the information on the legal entity
contained in the USRLE
280 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
281 Name of the document Р14001 APPLICATION ON AMENDING
282 GRN and date of making the entry in the
09 January 2018
283 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Amending the information on the legal entity
contained in the USRLE
Annex 497
284 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
285 Name of the document Р14001 APPLICATION ON AMENDING
286 GRN and date of making the entry in the
31 March 2019
287 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Submission of information on the registration
of the legal entity with the tax authority at the
location of the registered office of the
branch/representative office
288 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax
Service No. 9 for the Republic of Crimea
289 GRN and date of making the entry in the
11 April 2019
290 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Amending the information on the legal entity
contained in the USRLE
291 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax
Service No. 9 for the Republic of Crimea
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
292 Name of the document Р14001 APPLICATION ON AMENDING
293 Name of the document ORDER
294 Document number 23
295 Document date 04 April 2019
296 GRN and date of making the entry in the
12 April 2019
297 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Submission of information on the registration
of the legal entity with the tax authority at the
location of the registered office of the
branch/representative office
298 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax
Service No. 9 for the Republic of Crimea
299 GRN and date of making the entry in the
08 October 2019
Annex 497
300 Reason for making an entry in the USRLE Amending the information on the legal entity
contained in the USRLE
301 Name of the registering authority that made the
entry in the USRLE
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax
Service No. 9 for the Republic of Crimea
Information on the documents submitted to
make the entry in the USRLE
302 Name of the document Р14001 APPLICATION ON AMENDING
303 Name of the document ORDER
304 Document number 58
305 Document date 30 September 2019
The extract is generated using “Provision of information from the USRLE/USRIE” service available on the
official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at: https://egrul.nalog.ru
Owner: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax
Service of Russia in charge of centralised data
Valid from: 29 January 2020 to 29 January 2021
An electronic extract from the USRLE, signed with an enhanced qualified digital signature is equivalent to
an extract in hard copy signed personally by an officer of the tax authority and sealed with the seal of the tax
authority (clauses 1 and 3 of Article 6 of Federal Law of 06 April 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic
Annex 497

Annex 498
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Information note on
measures taken to implement the Decree No. 268 of the President of
the Russian Federation and other activities aimed at promoting cultures
of the Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar peoples, as attached to Letter No.
1/01-46/8775/3/1, 5 June 2020

(Coat of Arms of Crimea)
[Title in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar]
13 Kirova Avenue
Simferopol, 295005
of 5 June 2020 No. 1/01-46/8775/3/1
To No.
fax: 24-80-20
e-mail: [email protected]
To the Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
D.A. Lobach
Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich,
In reply to letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation of 14 May
2020 No. 7788/dp, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea hereby provides information
prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, the Ministry of
Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea, the Ministry of
Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, the State Committee for Inter-ethnic
Relations of the Republic of Crimea, in the form of separate information notes enclosing relevant
Annex: on 145 pages.
Deputy Chairman of the
Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea
Yours faithfully
Svetlana Olegovna Ostapenko […]
Annex 498
Appendix to the Letter of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
(prepared by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea;
E.A. Ablaeva […]
S.O. Ostapenko […])
Information note to paragraph 2, subparagraph 1 of Appendix No. 3 “Literary, art and musical
contests, as well as festivals, concerts and conferences dedicated to the development of culture
and art of the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian peoples”
Cultural institutions of the Republic of Crimea held literary, art and musical contests, as well
as festivals, concerts and conferences dedicated to the development of culture and art of the Crimean
Tatar and Ukrainian peoples during the period under review.
For instance, from March to November 2018, the Folk Art Center of the Republic of Crimea
implemented a creative project – the 1st Republican Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Music, Song and
Dance for the first time. The creative project aims to preserve and develop the performing arts and
traditions of the Crimean Tatar people, to promote ideas of peace, friendship, mutual understanding and
to strengthen the cultural and spiritual revival of national art by identifying and providing
comprehensive support to gifted soloists and ensembles that perform ethnic pop songs and dances. The
pceative roject has been awarded a diploma in the All-Russian Contest of National and Cultural Projects
“Russia: Ethnic Comfort”. In 2019, the Republic of Crimea successfully held the 2nd Regional Festival
and Contest of the Crimean Tatar art “Derviza”.
The Gasprinsky Republican Crimean Tatar Library (hereinafter referred to as “the Library”)
subordinate to the Ministry, carries out great work to promote and develop Crimean Tatar culture and
engage the younger generation in its preservation and development.
Thus, the Library annually holds the Day of Crimean Tatar Writing and Culture, which allows
residents of the Peninsula to get acquainted with Crimean Tatar writing and literature, works of Crimean
Tatar arts and crafts, as well as to meet Crimean Tatar writers and explore national amateur literary
Literary soirées “The World of Ismail Gasprinsky” and “The World of Bekir Çoban-zade”
aimed at preserving the historical memory of Crimean Tatar figures are also held annually.
In 2018, the following republic-wide competitions were held: for centralized library systems of
Crimea – competition for the best event to promote the national book titled “National Book:
Informally”; for young readers – “The Ten Words That Changed My World”, dedicated to the 125th
anniversary classics of Crimean Tatar literature Bekir Çoban-zade.
In 2019, historical and local history readings “Crimean Tatar Theatre: Past, Present and Future”
were held.
A republican contest of creative works for young readers “The Guiding Star of Amet-Khan
Sultan”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the twice Hero of the Soviet Union, has been
announced this year.
Annex 498
Furthermore, a combined choral concert dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture is
held annually in Simferopol in the square named after Vladimir Lenin with the participation of cultural
institutions subordinate to the Ministry.
According to information provided by the municipalities of the Republic of Crimea, cultural
institutions administered by them also carried out:
11 events in Alushta:
− 2015: the 2nd republican festival of Crimean Tatar culture “Korbekkul- gulleri”;
− 2017: Concert program of Crimean Tatar groups dedicated to holiday Eid al-Adha (Central
embankment of Alushta);
− 2018: Event for Izobilnenskaya school being given the name of Emir Usain Chalbash;
Memorial Day for the Victims of the Deportation of Peoples of Crimea; “Hidirlez” concert
− 2019: Concert program dedicated to the Crimean Tatar holiday Navrez-Bayram; the 3rd
republican festival of Crimean Tatar culture “Korbekkul- gulleri”.
11 events in Dzhankoy:
− 2014: Concert “Creativity of the Crimean Tatar People” performed by Crimean Tatar folk
amateur vocal and instrumental ensemble “Dzhankoy”; the “Wreath of Ukrainian Art” concert
program, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Grigoryevich
− 2016: Navrez-Bayram, the Crimean Tatar holiday of the vernal equinox; Hidirlez, the Crimean
Tatar holiday; concert “Kuz Nagmeleri” (Autumn Melodies);
− 2018: “Eid al-Fitr” concert program dedicated to the end of the holy month of Ramadan; festival
and contest of Crimean Tatar culture “Kyrym Nagmeleri”;
− 2019: Recital concert of the “Rhythm” dance school, dance group “Fidanlary”; concert of the
Crimean Tatar ensemble “Khaytarma”; the 2nd Regional Festival and Contest of Crimean Tatar
Art “Derviza”.
− from 2015 to 2020: events dedicated to the holiday of Navrez; events dedicated to Eid al-Fitr
religious holiday; events dedicated to the anniversary of the birth of the Crimean Tatar poet
Eşref Shemyi-zade; the 12th Republican Open Festival of the Crimean Tatar and Turkic Culture
“Gezlev Kapusy”.
28 events in Kerch:
− 2014: Memorial Day of the Crimean Tatar public figure Noman Çelebicihan; concert “Meraba
Navrez!” dedicated to the celebration of the Crimean Tatar holiday Navrez-Bayram; campaign
“Light a Candle in Your Heart” as part of the Memorial Day for the Victims of the Deportation;
concert “Milliy Bayrak!” dedicated to Crimean Tatar Flag Day; concert dedicated to the
celebration of Eid al-Fitr Muslim holiday; Concert dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Adha.
− 2015: Memorial Day of the Crimean Tatar public figure Noman Çelebicihan; concert “Meraba
Navrez!” dedicated to the celebration of the Crimean Tatar holiday Navrez-Bayram; campaign
“Light a Candle in Your Heart” as part of Memorial Day for the Victims of the Deportation;
concert “Milliy Bayrak!” dedicated to Crimean Tatar Flag Day; concert dedicated to the
Annex 498
celebration of Eid al-Fitr Muslim holiday; concert dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Adha
Muslim holiday.
− 2016: concert “Meraba Navrez!” dedicated to the celebration of the Crimean Tatar holiday
Navrez-Bayram; concert dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Fitr Muslim holiday; concert
“Kurban Mayram Mubarek Olsun!” dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Adha Muslim
− 2017 and 2019: concert “Selyam aleykum Navrez” within the Crimean Tatar holiday Navrez-
Bayram; concert dedicated to Eid al-Fitr Muslim holiday and Crimean Tatar Flag Day; concert
“Meraba Kurban Bayram!” dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Adha Muslim holiday; New
Year's Eve concert “Yany Yil Bizge Kele!”;
− 2018: concert “Navrez kele!” to celebrate the Crimean Tatar holiday Navrez-Bayram; concert
dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Fitr Muslim holiday; gala concert dedicated to Crimean
Tatar Flag Day; concert “Meraba Kurban Bayram!” dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Adha
Muslim holiday.
3 events in Krasnoperekopsk:
− 2014: concert dedicated to Crimean Tatar National Flag Day;
− 2015: concert to celebrate the Crimean Tatar national holiday Hidirlez;
− 2019: festival “Ethnic Beauty”.
− from 2014 to 2020: events such as concerts dedicated to Crimean Tatar holidays Eid al-Fitr,
Eid al-Adha, Derviza and Hidirlez.
29 events in Sudak:
− from 2014 to 2019: festive and concert programs dedicated to the celebration of Hidirlez;
concert programs dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Fitr; concert programs dedicated to the
celebration of Navrez-Bayram; concert programs dedicated to the celebration of Eid al-Adha;
− 2014, 2015, 2019: recital сoncert by Ukrainian folk song ensemble “Semerichka”.
2 events in Yalta:
− 2014: series of events to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Kotsyubinskiy;
− 2017: celebration of Eid al-Adha.
14 events in the Bakhchisaray District:
− 2015: spring festival “Navrez-Bayram” held in the square of the Khan’s Palace; concert
program “Navrez”; Hidirlez Crimean Tatar national holiday;
− in 2016: traditional Crimean Tatar national holiday of Hidirlez; festival “Craftsman’s Gifted
Hands” timed to coincide with “Derviza” harvest festival; district festival “The Great
− 2017: concert by the Orchestra of Crimean Tatar Folk Instruments of the State Budgetary
Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republic of Crimea “Fevzi Yakubov
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University”; traditional Crimean Tatar national holiday
Hidirlez; the 8th open district festival “The Great Maslenitsa”;
Annex 498
− 2018: concert by Crimean Tatar folk dance ensemble “Avdet - Baar Keldi” within Navrez-
Bayram Crimean Tatar holiday; festive events dedicated to Eid al-Adha Muslim religious
holiday; contest “My Multinational Bakhchisaray District”;
− 2019: traditional Crimean Tatar national holiday Hidirlez; the 10th open district festival “The
Great Maslenitsa”;
− 2020: the 11th district festival “The Great Maslenitsa”.
24 events in the Belogorsk District:
− 2015 to 2019: concerts within Eid al-Fitr, Hidirlez, Navrez, Eid al-Adha holidays;
− 2018-2019: concert “Derviza”;
− 2020: concert by “Yesil-ada” Crimean Tatar dance ensemble; concert by the Zinadinovs’ folk
Crimean Tatar family ensemble “Katyrsha-Saray”.
12 events in the Kirovskoe District:
− 2015: district festival “Islyam Terek Istidatlary” dedicated to Hidirlez Crimean Tatar holiday;
− 2016: district festival of Crimean Tatar culture “Islyam Terek Istidatlary”; gala concert
“Derviza-Bayram”, concert “Eid al-Fitr” and “Ivan Kupala”;
− 2017: district festival of Crimean Tatar culture “Islyam Terek Istidatlary”; concert “Navruz”
and concert “Eid al-Adha”;
− 2018: concert programs “Navrez Bayram” and “Eid al-Adha”; the 1st festival of Slavic culture
“Slavic Wreath”;
− 2019: the 2nd festival of Slavic culture “Slavic Wreath”;
8 events in the Krasnogvardeyskoe District:
− 2015: concert program “Hidirlez”; regional festival of ethnic cultures “Inflorescence of
− 2016: regional festival of ethnic cultures “Inflorescence of Cultures”;
− 2017: concert “Mubarek Kurban Bayram”; concert “The Wreath of Friendship” dedicated to
the celebration of Eid al-Adha;
− 2018: the 2nd regional festival of ethnic cultures “Inflorescence of Cultures”;
− 2019: the 3rd regional festival of ethnic cultures “Inflorescence of Cultures”; concert “The Holy
Holiday of Eid al-Adha”;
− 2020: video concert “Eid al-Fitr”;
14 events in the Krasoperekopsk District:
− 2015: concert dedicated to Hidirlez Crimean Tatar holiday; concert dedicated to Eid al-Fitr;
concert dedicated to Eid al-Adha;
− 2016: Slavic-Ukrainian holiday “Generous Evening”; Slavic-Ukrainian holiday of Ivan Kupala;
concert dedicated to Hidirlez; concert dedicated to Eid al-Adha;
− 2017: Slavic-Ukrainian holiday of Ivan Kupala; concert “Navrez”; concert “Eid al-Adha”;
− 2018: Slavic-Ukrainian holiday of Ivan Kupala; concert “Hidirlez”;
− 2019: Slavic-Ukrainian holiday of Ivan Kupala; concert “Eid al-Adha”.
6 events in the Leninsky district:
− 2015: holiday concert “Eid al-Adha”;
Annex 498
− 2017: Ukrainian Song Festival “Songs of Mother’s Heart”; Crimean Tatar Art Festival;
− 2018: Ukrainian Song Festival “Songs of Mother’s Heart”; Crimean Tatar Art Festival;
− 2019: Crimean Tatar national holiday Derviza-Bayram.
8 events in the Nizhnegorsky District:
− from 2014 to 2019: district festival dedicated to the celebration of Hidirlez Crimean Tatar
national holiday;
− 2020: district video contest “Never Again…”; district festival of folklore groups “Chimes of
Slavic Folklore”.
7 events in the Pervomayskoe District:
− 2014: district festival of Crimean Tatar culture “Guzel Kyrym”;
− 2015: district festivals of Crimean Tatar culture “Guzel Kyrym” and “Hidirlez”;
− from 2016 to 2019: Guzel Kyrym district festival;
6 events in the Saki District:
− from 2014 to 2019: district festival of Crimean Tatar art “New Sprout”.
7 events in the Simferopol District:
− from 2014 to 2018: district festival of Crimean Tatar art “Derviza”;
− from 2016 to 2017: district holiday “Eid al-Adha”.
6 events in the Sovietskiy District:
− from 2014 to 2019: district festival of Crimean Tatar culture “Ichki Nagmeleri’, district
Crimean Tatar holiday “Hidirlez”.
7 events in the Chernomorskoe District:
− 2016: concerts “Navrez Bayram” and “Hidirlez”;
− 2017: holiday concert “Eid al-Adha”; concert “Eid al-Fitr”;
− 2018: contest “Miss Muslim Beauty!” within the celebration of Eid al-Fitr;
− 2019: concerts “Eid al-Adha” and “Hidirlez”.
Information to paragraph 2, subparagraph 2 of Appendix No. 3
“Screening of films, cartoons and programs in the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian languages or
films, cartoons and programs with subtitles in these languages in cinema theatres and on
Prepared by O.V. Dudko […]
On 17 June 2018, the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea “State Academic
Musical Theatre of the Republic of Crimea” held a presentation of the first Crimean Tatar fairy-tale
film “Hidir Dede”.
Annex 498
The fairy-tale film “Hidir Dede” (directed by Dlyaver Dvadzhiev) is based on a famous
Crimean Tatar legend. It introduces viewers to the culture and traditions of the Crimean Tatars living
in the Peninsula in the 18th century. The main character is a wiseman and protector of people who lives
high in the Hidir Dede mountains. The project has been initiated and designed by QaraDeniz Production.
From 21 June to 4 July 2018, the film “Hidir Dede” was showcased in cinemas of Alushta,
Belogorsk, Krasnoperekopsk, Simferopol, Sudak, the Krasnogvardeyskoe and Chernomorskoe
Districts, Razdolnoe and Simeiz urban settlements.
Information to paragraph 2, subparagraph 3 of Appendix No. 3 “Museums and exhibitions
devoted to the history, culture and art of the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian peoples,
opportunities for tours in the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian languages”
Prepared by S.A. Patrushev […]
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter referred to as the “Ministry”) in
accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation of 9 October
1992 No. 3612-1 “Fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation on culture”, Decree of the
President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin “On the state national policy strategy of the Russian
Federation for the period until 2025” and the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea carries out
systematic work to preserve, study and exhibit museum objects and cultural heritage sites related to
different peoples and historical periods of our state.
Since 18 March 2014, the need for a comprehensive, objective and scientifically sound
approach to the study of the cultural and historical heritage of the Republic of Crimea, as well as for
the use of new approaches to the study of the history and culture of all nationalities inhabiting the
peninsula, has become acute. These changes have arisen in connection with the new social and political
environment and the new needs of society. In this process, special attention is paid to the fulfillment of
current legislation requirements on accounting, preservation and security of the Museum Fund of the
Russian Federation.
By Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 22 October 2014 No. 1095-
r “On liquidation of organizations and creation of state budgetary institutions”, a network of new
national museum institutions was established on the basis of former state museums, which includes the
Crimean Ethnographic Museum, Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage,
Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve, Taurida Central Museum.
These institutions are currently the leading museums in the study and preservation of the cultural and
historical heritage of the Crimean Tatars and Turkic-Islamic presence in the Crimean Peninsula in
different historical periods. The institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry offer permanent
exhibitions devoted to the everyday life and traditions of Ukrainians: exposition “V.S. Roik Museum
of Ukrainian Embroidery” at the Crimean Ethnographic Museum; exposition complex “The
Ukrainians” within the main exhibition “Mosaic of Crimean Cultures” at the Crimean Ethnographic
Museum; ethnographic exhibition dedicated to the life and culture of the Ukrainian people at the
Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve “Kalos Limen”.
Also, the Republic of Crimea has 19 municipally-owned museums and more than 250 museumtype
entities that are not museums in accordance with current legislation (school and institutional
museums, museum rooms, rooms of labor and military glory, etc.).
Municipal and institutional museums have ethnographic exhibition sections devoted to the
culture of the East Slavic peoples – Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians:
Annex 498
– halls “Sentsa”, “Okolitsa sela” and “Khata” in the Museum of Military and Labor Glory,
Shirokoe village, Simferopol District, Republic of Crimea;
– ethnographic hall of the History Museum of the village of Novoandreyevka, Simferopol
District, Republic of Crimea;
– thematic exhibitions devoted to the Ukrainian folk arts and crafts in the municipal budgetary
institution “Museum of Local History” of Armyansk;
– small section devoted to Ukrainian culture in the Municipal State Institution of Culture
“Belogorsk Historical and Regional Local History Museum”;
– exhibition “Mud Resorts of Crimea and Ukraine” in the Municipal Budgetary Institution
“Museum of Regional Local History and History of Mud Treatment” in Saki, Republic of Crimea;
– exhibition “Saki Spa Patients”, including Lesya Ukrainka, E. Pchilka and N. Gogol, in the
Municipal Budgetary Institution “Museum of Regional Local History and the History of Mud
Treatment” in Saki, Republic of Crimea. The museum also plans to open an exhibition entitled “Life
and culture of the Eastern Slavs”.
The Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture “Museum of the History of Simferopol of the
municipality of the city district of Simferopol” has plans to open an exhibition of works by masters of
Ukrainian embroidery V.S. Roik and her students, as part of the city festival of arts called “Golden
– ethnographic museum “Istoki” dedicated to Ukrainian culture, on the basis of the municipal
general education institution “Secondary School No. 8” of the municipality of the city district of
– exhibition “Slavic Izba”, which includes items of culture and everyday life of the Ukrainian
people (Dzhankoy District Museum of Local History under the Municipal Budgetary Institution of
Culture “District Centralized Club System” of the Department of Culture, Inter-ethnic Relations and
Religions of Dzhankoy district administration);
– exposition “Ukrainian Izba” in the ethnographic museum of the Maryino village hall,
Dzhankoy District;
– exhibition “Ukrainian Embroidery” in the ethnographic section of the House of Culture in
Ermakovo village, Dzhankoy District;
– exhibition “Ukrainian Costume” in the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture “Evpatoria
Museum of Local History”;
– exhibition “Embroidery craftsmanship”, dedicated to the honored master of folk art of
Ukraine, talented teacher, artist and institutor V.S. Roik in the museum branch “Museum of the History
of the Order of Lenin of “Russia” collective farm” of the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture
“District Museum of Local History”, Krasnogvardeyskoe District, Republic of Crimea;
– exhibition of Ukrainian rushniks “Magic Patterns” in the Municipal Budgetary Institution of
Culture of the Leninskoe District of the Republic of Crimea “Y.A. Klimenko Ethnographic Museum”.
The Republic of Crimea holds on an ongoing basis a contest “Pattern on the Canvas”, a
republican biennial of East Slavic folk embroidery named in honor of V.S. Roik, which takes place in
the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Ethnographic Museum”.
The funds of the Historical, Cultural, Memorial Museum-Reserve “Cimmeria named after M
A. Voloshin” and the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Central Museum of
Taurida”, store items that represent the Ukrainian culture. The fund of scientific library in the State
Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-
Reserve” has collections of scientific works in Ukrainian, reflecting the characteristics of Ukrainian
Annex 498
culture in its various aspects, containing information about the history of Ukrainian material culture of
different periods, as well as catalogs of museums and exhibitions.
The Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve is the most
important institution in terms of preserving the Turkic-Islamic cultural and historical heritage of the
Republic of Crimea. Its collection includes ethnographic sites of the Crimean Tatar people, works of
folk art, graphics, decorative and applied art, objects and documents depicting social and political
history, history of religion, literature, musical and theatrical art. The museum fund, which is preserved,
replenished, studied and exhibited, allows to protect the national and ethno-cultural identity, restore the
unity and integrity of the nation, as well as to shape values in the society and in every human being.
The exhibition includes exhibit items from the former Khan’s Palace, items donated by the city
residents, artifacts obtained during archaeological and ethnographic expeditions in the 20-30s of the
20th century, Eastern weapon, crockery, jewelry.
The institution’s entire collection consists of 143,490 items in the main collection, of which
122,832 items are archaeological. The historical section of the museum-reserve’s collection consists of
about 20 thousand museum objects of everyday life, decorative and applied arts, folk art, visual, written
and memorial monuments. The most numerous is the Crimean Tatar ethnographic collection. The
collection of works of art was compiled in the 1940-1950 and consists of portraits and examples of
decorative and applied art of the 18th – 19th centuries.
From 2 to 4 November 2017, the Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological
Museum-Reserve held a series of ceremonial and commemorative events with the participation of the
Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
S.V. Aksyonov, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Head of
the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L.N. Opanasyuk, Deputy of the
State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation R.I. Balbek,
Deputy Chairpersons of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea N.F. Malenko and R.I. Ilyasov,
members of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Metropolitan Lazarus of Simferopol
and Crimea, Mufti of of Muslims of Crimea E. Ablaev, as well as members of the public, academia,
and the media. A round-table discussion on “Practical aspects of the development of the
Bakhchisaray Museum. Authorities and Museum” and the unveiling of the memorial plaque dedicated
to the initiator of the first Crimean Tatar museum, artist, historian and ethnographer Usein Abdurefioglu
Bodaninsky were held. A ceremonial scientific meeting timed to celebrate the 100th anniversary
of the Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars the “Khan’s Palace” was held in Yalta,
with the participation of more than 80 leading scientists and experts in science, museum business and
cultural heritage protection, as well as representatives of public authorities of the Republic of Crimea.
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean
Tatars the “Khan’s Palace”, the 4th and 5th Scientific and Practical Conferences “Scientific readings in
memory of E. Veymarn” were held. On 1 December 2017, the 7th Scientific and Practical Conference
“Scientific Readings in Memory of U. Bodaninsky” took place.
In 2016-2017, the following exhibition halls of the State Budgetray Institution of the Republic
of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve” were re-exposed
and supplied with equipment that meets standard storage conditions: Small Palace Mosque, Dwelling
of the Crimean Tatars, Summer Gazebo, Harem House Gazebo, Divan Hall. Equipment and supplies
for restoration work, as well as specialized exhibition equipment with temperature and humidity control
system were purchased for the halls of the Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars the
“Khan’s Palace”. A room for working with aggressive reagents, restoration, conservation, and
management of restoration records, as well as a room for storing acids, reagents, and restoration
materials, were arranged and equipped with forced ventilation and lighting.
Annex 498
A series of holiday concerts for the 100th anniversary of the Bakhchisaray Museum with the
participation of leading groups of the Republic of Crimea has taken place.
One of the leading museum institutions in the study and preservation of the history and culture
of the Crimean Tatars is the State Budgetray Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar
Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage”. Museum funds have about 10 thousand archival units,
including valuable collections of decorative and applied art of the 18th –20th centuries, the fine art of the
20th – 21st centuries, numismatics, rare postcards, religious books, archaeological and ethnographic
collections, photographs and documents reflecting the activities of prewar and modern national theatre
and folk groups, records about the participation of the Crimean Tatars in the Great Patriotic War and
history of the Crimean Tatar national movement.
The museum holds various thematic events: exhibitions, seminars, presentations of new books
and magazines, meetings of schoolchildren and students with famous masters of fine, decorative and
applied arts, workshops on embroidery and drawing on water (“ebru” – paper marbling), organized
visiting exhibitions and lectures in educational institutions of Crimea.
The institution carries out an active exposition work. Exhibitions devoted to the preservation
and revival of traditional crafts, namely to embroidery, ceramics and jewelry, are regularly held, and
artists’ works depicting cultural, architectural and ethnographic monuments are exhibited.
Within the program titled “Development of culture and preservation of cultural heritage sites
of the Republic of Crimea” the following works have been published: catalog “Embroidery from the
Collection of the Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage”, guide-catalog “Museum
of the Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan”. In 2014-2015, international scientific and
practical conferences “Topical Issues of Study and Preservation of the Islamic Heritage of Crimea”,
“Islamic Education in the Crimea: Historical Milestones and Ways of Revival” were organized and held
with the subsequent publication of collection of conference materials. In 2015, within the State program
“Development of culture and preservation of cultural heritage sites of the Republic of Crimea” for
2015–2017, the museum received about RUB 600 thousand for the purchase of items to replenish the
museum collection.
In accordance with the decrees of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, solemn
and commemorative events devoted to the 95th anniversary of Amet-Khan Sultan, twice Hero of the
Soviet Union, and events devoted to the memory of Alime Abdennanova, Soviet scout and Hero of
Russia, were held at the republican level. On 25 December 2015, a memorial evening was held in honor
of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Abdul Teyfuk, Hero of the Soviet Union, and on 25 March 2016
– in honor of the 100th anniversary of Üzeir Abduramanov, Hero of the Soviet Union. In 2016, a series
of events aimed at promoting the historical and cultural heritage of the great educator was held to mark
the 165th anniversary of the birth of Ismail Gasprinsky. Commemorative events dedicated to the 75th
anniversary of the outstanding socio-political figure Yuri Osmanov were held.
Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 7 October 2015 No. 913-r,
established a Working Group for the preparation and construction of the Memorial Complex in memory
of the victims of the deportation of the peoples of Crimea at the Siren railway station in
the Bakhchisaray District.
In 2016, a number of inter-museum projects were implemented: the exhibition “Crimean Tatar
Costume: traditions and modern times” and “History and culture of Crimea in the Horde Era”.
Events dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the People’s Artist of the Crimean ASSR Hayri
Emir-zade (exhibition “The world of Crimean Tatar traditional culture of the late 19th–20th centuries"
(Household. Costume. Dwelling) were held. Exhibition “Wings Grow Strong in the Sky”, dedicated to
the 100th anniversary of Emir-Usein Chalbash, military test pilot and colonel, and exhibition dedicated
Annex 498
to the 100th anniversary of Akim Dzhemilev, choreographer and soloist of the “Khaytarma” ensemble
were presented to the public.
In 2019-2020, in accordance with Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
of 17 April 2019 No. 491-r, a set of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Amet-
Khan Sultan, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, took place in the Republic of Crimea, including the reexposition
of the Museum of the Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan in Alupka, a
structural subdivision of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar
Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage”, the opening of a new exhibition “They Fought for their
Country” in the above institution in Simferopol and the opening of a permanent exhibition in the State
Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Central Museum of Taurida” devoted to the life and
military career of Amet-Khan Sultan, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
In 2019, the Old Crimean Museum of Medieval History and Archaeology was established as a
branch of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural
and Historical Heritage” and is already engaged in active research activities to study the archaeological
and cultural heritage of medieval Crimea, much of which is associated with the Ulus Jochi, the Golden
Horde, and the Crimean Khanate.
The State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Ethnographic Museum”
is actively working on compiling a collection of material and spiritual culture objects of Crimean Tatars
of the 19th – 20th centuries. Ethnographic items stored in the museu’'s collections include embroidery,
works by coppersmiths and jewelry. Until 2014, the collection had been formed by donations and nonbudgetary
sources of funding. Since 2015, the institution has been replenishing museum collections at
the expense of the budget of the Republic of Crimea.
The Crimean Ethnographic Museum has two exhibition sites, which show and promote the
material and spiritual culture, arts and crafts of the Crimean Tatars through their exhibits. A part of the
exhibition “Mosaic of Crimean Cultures” which tells about national diversity and ethnic groups of
Crimea, is represented by the “Crimean Tatars” exhibition complex; the “Crimean Precious Box”
exhibition is a collection of jewelry – women’s belts, fez pieces, pectorals and decorative embroidery.
Items used in 2015-2018 in inter-museum projects and temporarily exhibited in cultural institutions of
other constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been returned to their place of permanent
The staff of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum, in parallel with the formation and presentation
of the collection, is studying it. As part of the State Program “Development of culture and preservation
of cultural heritage sites of the Republic of Crimea” for 2015-2017, a catalog “Jewelry Collection of
the Crimean Ethnographic Museum” was published. The publication introduces authentic works of arts
and crafts of the late 18th – early 20th century, products of modern master jewellers, as well as the
techniques and methods of handcrafting precious metals, the history of stamps on silver.
In 2021, at the initiative of the Regional Non-Government Organization “Ukrainian Community
of Crimea” with the support of the Ministry and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, a
series of ceremonial and commemorative events devoted to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the
Honored Master of Folk Art of Ukraine, winner of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Award and
founder of the school of Ukrainian folk embroidery in Crimea, embroiderer V.S. Roik. Currently, a
draft decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea “On the preparation and holding of
events in the Republic of Crimea dedicated to the 110th Anniversary of V.S. Roik” is being prepared,
which will establish the composition of the organizing committee and the plan of events. The draft
decree is currently undergoing the procedure of coordination with the executive bodies of state power
of the Republic of Crimea, as stipulated by existing legislation. The action plan includes carrying out
Annex 498
activities (thematic exhibitions, thematic lessons, lectures, presentations, memorial evenings, etc.) in
cities and regions of the Republic of Crimea, preparation and publication of books and commemorative
album-catalog devoted to the 110th anniversary of V.S. Roik, an exhibition tour “The needle draws a
stitch to stitch”, organized by the Ministry and the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Crimean Ethnographic Museum”.
Thematic events dedicated to the national holidays of the peoples of Crimea (Hidirlez, Navrez
and others) and cultural figures are held in all museum institutions subordinate to the Ministry. The
department “Museum of A.S. Pushkin in Gurzuf” of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of
Crimea “Literary and Art Museum-Reserve of Crimea” also includes museum items related to the
history of the Crimean Tatar people.
Tours in the Crimean Tatar language are available by prior request in all museums administered
by the Ministry; the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of
Cultural and Historical Heritage” and the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve” provide services in the
Crimean Tatar language without a prior request; guided tours in the Ukrainian language in museums
administered by the Ministry are available in the standard operating mode without a prior request.
The above facts disprove the information on discriminatory acts by the Russian Federation in
the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
From 2014 to 2020, employees of State museum institutions of the Republic of Crimea prepared
and published the following scientific publications:
– Jewelry Collection of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum. Catalog, 2015. (State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Ethnographic Museum”);
– Peoples of Crimea. Photo album, 2016. (State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Crimean Ethnographic Museum”);
– Embroidery from the Collection of the Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical
Heritage, Catalog, 2015 (State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar
Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage”);
– guide-catalog of the Museum of the Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan Sultan, 2015
(State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and
Historical Heritage”);
– Crimean Tatar Costume. Catalog, 2016 (State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage”);
– Crimea in the Golden Horde Era. Indexed Album, 2016 (State Budgetary Institution of the
Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage”);
– Weaving of Crimean Tatars. Catalog, 2017 (State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of
Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage”);
– Participation of the Crimean Tatars in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 – 1945. Photo album,
2017 (State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and
Historical Heritage”);
– Series of catalogs of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray
Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve”, 2015 – 2020: Crimean Tatar Female
Headscarf in the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve; Crimean Tatar Jewelry in the
collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve; Periodicals from the Private Library of Ismail
Annex 498
Gasprinsky in the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve; “Kybryz” Clasped Weaving in the
collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve; Coffee in the traditional culture of Crimea; Household
Effects of the Khan’s Palace in the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve; The Yusupov
Collection in the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve; Awards and Gifts to Ismail
Gasprinsky in the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve; Carpet Collection of the State
Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological
Museum-Reserve”. Employees of the institution have published a number of scientific articles devoted
to the Crimean Tatar culture in scientific and popular science publications:
16 publications in 2015
1. Aliev R.D. The consequences of Crimean Tatar emigration in the 60s of the 19th century:
Statement of the problem//Studies of the Vernadsky Taurida National University. Series “History
Scinces”. – Vol. 27 (66). – No. 2. – pp. 10-16.
2. Chubukchieva L.Z. Crimean Tatar folklore//Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine. Vol.15 –
Kiev, 2015. – p. 471.
3. Abduramanova S.N. Crimean Tatar ethnography//Encyclopedia of modern Ukraine. Vol. 15.
– Kiev, 2015. – pp. 457-459.
4. Chubukchieva L.Z. Women’s movement in the social and cultural life of Crimea in the late
19th - early 20th centuries//Book of reports of the 3rd Crimean international Turkic conference “The
world of Bekir Çoban-zade”.
5. Aliev R.D. Museum donors: The History of the numismatic collection of the Bakhchisaray
Museum-Reserve//International Scientific Conference “The 6th scientific readings in memory of Usein
Bodaninsky, 25 September 2015. Scientific conference abstracts. – Bakhchisaray, 2015. – p. 7.
6. Chubukchieva L.Z. Secrets of the Khan’s Harem//International Scientific Conference “The
6th scientific readings in memory of Usein Bodaninsky, Bakhchisaray, 25 September 2015. Scientific
conference abstracts. – Bakhchisaray, 2015. – pp. 47-48.
7. Abduramanova S.N. Challenges of attribution of objects in the collections of the
Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve (Study of Fortune-Telling
Bowls)//Book of reports of the international conference “The 6th scientific readings in memory of Usein
Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray, 25 September 2015. Scientific conference abstracts. – Bakhchisaray, 2015.
– p. 5.
8. Ametov E.N. Description and Translation of Donative Inscriptions Found in Quran Books
from the Collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve//International Scientific Conference “The
6th Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”, 25 September 2015. Scientific conference
abstracts. – Bakhchisaray, 2015. – p. 9.
9. Ramazanova U.N. Crimean Tatar pilgrimage and Hajj-related items from the collection of
the Bakhchisaray Reserve//International scientific conference “The 6th scientific readings in memory of
Usein Bodaninsky”, 25 September 2015. Scientific conference abstracts. – Bakhchisaray, 2015. – p. 35.
10. Mustafaeva E.N. Coffee culture in Crimea. Case study of materials from the funds of the
Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve//International scientific conference “The 6th scientific readings in
memory of Usein Bodaninsky”, 25 September 2015. Scientific conference abstracts. – Bakhchisaray,
2015. – pp. 26-27.
11. Mustafaeva E.N. Ornamental stone in the culture of the Crimean Karaites and Crimean
Tatars//International scientific conference “The 6th scientific readings in memory of Usein
Bodaninsky”. 25 September 2015. Scientific conference abstracts. – Bakhchisaray, 2015. – pp. 32-33.
12. Velieva S.S. Crimean Tatar footwear from the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-
Annex 498
Reserve//International scientific conference “The 6th scientific readings in memory of Usein
Bodaninsky, 25 September 2015. Scientific conference abstracts. Edited by Aliev R.D – Bakhchisaray,
2015. – pp. 11-12.
13. Abduramanova S.N. Crimean Tatar house furnishing in the 19th and early 20th centuries//
Informational and analytical periodical “Furniture world”. – No.3. – Moscow, 2015, – pp. 22-25.
14. Aliev R.D. Sudak letters by H.H. Steven about Crimean Tatar migration in 1860//
Proceedings of the 8th international scientific conference “Topical issues of history, culture,
ethnography of South-Eastern Crimea”. – Sudak-Simferopol, 2015. – pp. 3-6.
15. Chubukchieva L.Z. Personal collection of Sh. Gasprinskaya as a source for the study of the
Turkic-muslim women’s issue in the Russian Empire in the early 20th century//Issues of Crimean Tatar
philology, history, and culture. - 2015. – Edition No.1, – pp. 107-111.
16. Abduramanova S.N. Social life of Crimea in Terdzhiman Newspaper//Echo of centuries. –
No. 3-4. – Kazan. 2015 - pp. 219-227.
64 publications in 2016:
1. Aliev R.D. Migration issues of Crimean Tatars in the publicism of I. Gasprinsky//The World
of Ismail Gasprinsky (to the 165th anniversary of birth of the great educator). – Simferopol, 2016. –
pp. 86-92.
2. Abduramanova S.N., Akchurina-Muftieva N.M. Crimean Tatar female headscarf in the
collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve. Catalog/edited by Akchurina-Muftiyeva N.M –
Simferopol, Dolya Publ, 2015. – p. 96, ill.122.
3. Osmanow EE. Palace of the Crimean khans in Bakhchisaray. [Original in Polish] – Wroclaw,
2016. – p. 88.
4. Osmanov E.E. Residential development of Bakhchisaray in the late 18th and early 20th
centuries//Compilation of scientific articles of the international scientific conference “Instruments and
mechanisms of modern innovative development”. – Tomsk. NITS AETERNA Publ. 2016. – pp. 35-42.
5. Mustafaeva E.N. Printed and archival sources of A.I. Polkanov on the history and culture of
the Crimean Tatars//Crimean achive. - 2015. – No.1 (16). – pp. 75-85.
6. Seytumerova M.A. Museum of the history and culture of the crimean tatars over time.
Analysis and prospects of development//Challenges of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of
the Crimean Tatars. Scientific conference abstracts, Bakhchisaray, 28 April 2016. – Bakhchisaray,
2016. – pp. 44-46.
7. Aliev R.D. Monuments of Bakhchisaray in the photos by S.S. Nekrasov, 1912-
1915//Challenges of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the Crimean Tatars. Scientific
conference abstracts, Bakhchisaray, 28 April 2016 – Bakhchisaray, 2016. – pp. 6-7.
8. Aliev R.D. To the History of re-emigration of the Crimean Tatars in the 1880s//Challenges
of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the Crimean Tatars. Scientific conference abstracts,
Bakhchisaray, 28 April 2016 – Bakhchisaray, 2016 – pp. 7-8.
9. Abduramanova S.N. New information about the “fortune-telling bowls” from the funds of
the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve//Issues of Crimean Tatar philology, history and culture. Edition No.
2 - Simferopol: Editorial and Publishing Department of Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical
University Publ. 2016. – pp. 121- 125.
10. Abduramanova S.N. Cataloguing of items from the funds of the Bakhchisaray Historical,
Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve//Challenges of preserving the cultural and historical
Annex 498
heritage of the Crimean Tatars. ScientifIC CONFERENCE ABStracts, Bakhchisaray, 28 April 2016 –
Bakhchisaray, 2016. – pp. 5-6.
11. Osmanov E.E. Repair and restoration work on the Hansaray structures in the Palace
complex in 2002-2010//Challenges of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the Crimean
Tatars. Scientific conference abstracts, Bakhchisaray, 28 April 2016 – Bakhchisaray, 2016. – pp. 33-
12. Velieva S.S. Musical instruments from the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-
Reserve//Challenges of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the Crimean Tatars. Scientific
conference abstracts, Bakhchisaray, 28 April 2016 – Bakhchisaray, 2016. – pp. 10-11.
13. Ramazanova U.N. Manuscripts of the Quran from the funds of the Bakhchisaray Museum-
Reserve//Challenges of preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the Crimean Tatars. Scientific
conference abstracts, Bakhchisaray, 28 April 2016 – Bakhchisaray, 2016. – p. 42.
14. Osmanov E.E. Monuments of the Eski Yurt and Aziz Cult Burial Rites//Proceedings of the
Scientific and Practical Conference “Ismail Gasprinsky and the Muslim World of Russia”. Edition No.
1. – pp. 90-96.
15. Osmanov E.E. The Khan’s Palace in Bakhchisaray: Main Construction Periods//Crimean
Historical Review – 2015. – No. 3. – pp. 149-164.
16. Osmanov E.E. Bakhchisaray headquarters of “Tercimana”//Tatar Review. A quarterly
devoted to Tatars in Poland. [Original in Polish]. – Wroclaw, 2016. – No.2 (30). – pp. 26-27.
17. Aliev R.D. Documents from the Russian state historical archive as a source of information
on the history of migrations of the Crimean Tatars in the 19th and early 20th centuries//East. African-
Asian Societies: history and contemporaneity – 2016. – No. 5. – pp. 105-111.
18. Osmanov E.E. Makhalle Salachik //Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the
Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 16-17.
19. Osmanov E.E. Salachik Asma-Kuyu Mosque// Monuments of history, architecture and
culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 19-20.
20. Osmanov E.E. Mengli Giray Khan Mosque (Zincirli Madrasah mosque)//Monuments of
history, architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. –
pp. 22-23.
21. Osmanov E.E. Remains of the Medieval Bathhouse Complex//Monuments of history,
architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 24.
22. Osmanov E.E. Zincirli Madrasah//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the
Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 25- 29.
23. Osmanov E.E. Dyurbe Khadzhi Geraya [Original in Crimean Tatar]//Monuments of
history, architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. –
pp. 31-34.
24. Osmanov E.E. Orta-Medrese Complex//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of
the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 43-45.
25. Osmanov E.E. Tahtali-Jami Mosque//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the
Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 47-49.
26. Osmanov E.E. Eski-Durbe [Original in Crimean Tatar]//Monuments of history,
architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 60-
27. Osmanov E.E. Demir-Kapu. Alevis Doorway, 1503//Monuments of history, architecture
Annex 498
and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 78-79.
28. Osmanov E.E. Divan Hall (Council and Court Chamber)//Monuments of history,
architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 79-
29. Osmanov E.E. Small Palace Mosque (16th century)//Monuments of history, architecture and
culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 81.
30. Osmanov E.E. Second-floor ceremonial chambers//Monuments of history, architecture and
culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol. 2016. – pp. 82-83.
31. Osmanov E.E. Harem (18th century)//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the
Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 84.
32. Osmanov E.E. Falcon Tower (18th century)//Monuments of history, architecture and culture
of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 85.
33. Osmanov E.E. Biyuk Khan-Jami (Big Khan mosque) 16th century//Monuments of history,
architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 86-
34. Osmanov E.E. North and South Durbe//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of
the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 90.
35. Osmanov E.E. Mausoleum-Rotunda of Mengli II Giray (1678-1740)//Monuments of
history, architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. –
36. Osmanov E.E. Sary-Guzel Bathing Complex - Hammam (1532)//Monuments of history,
architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 92-
37. Osmanov E.E. Arslan Geray Khan Madrassah// Monuments of history, architecture and
culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 94.
38. Osmanov E.E. Dilara Bikech Mausoleum (1764)//Monuments of history, architecture and
culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 95-97.
39. Osmanov E.E. Yesil Jami Mosque//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the
Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 102-106.
40. Osmanov E.E. Orta Jami Mosque//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the
Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 115- 117.
41. Osmanov E.E. Ismi Khan Mosque//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the
Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 142-143.
42. Osmanov E.E. Molla-Mustafa Mosque//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of
the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 143-144.
43. Osmanov E.E. Fountain at the Kemer Kapu Gate//Monuments of history, architecture and
culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 147.
44. Osmanov E.E. Cult Monuments of Eski Yurt and Aziz//Monuments of history, architecture
and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 148-149.
45. Osmanov E.E. Dürbe Bey-Yude-Sultan (Bivide Sultan, daughter of Ajagan
Beya)//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray
– Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 149-151.
46. Osmanov E.E. Durbe Muhammed II Geraya “The Great Octahedron”//Monuments of
history, architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. –
Annex 498
pp. 151-153.
47. Osmanov E.E. Dyurbe Mukhammed-Beya “The Small Octahedron”//Monuments of
history, architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. –
p. 154.
48. Osmanov E.E. Dyurbe Akhmed-Beya (cube-shaped)//Monuments of history, architecture
and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 155-156.
49. Osmanov E.E. Stone Minaret (16th century)//Monuments of history, architecture and culture
of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 157.
50. Osmanov E.E. Mosque (tekkei) in Aziz//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of
the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p.158.
51.Mustafaeva E.N. Two Arasta coffee houses//Monuments of history, architecture and culture
of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – p. 52.
52. Mustafaeva E.N. Blue coffee house//Monuments of history, architecture and culture of the
Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 128-129.
53. Mustafaeva E.N. Kakhve-khane “Iskudar”//Monuments of history, architecture and culture
of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 73-75.
54. Velieva S.S., Abibullaeva E.E. Mamut Refatov family house//Monuments of history,
architecture and culture of the Crimean Tatars. Volume 1. Bakhchisaray – Simferopol, 2016. – pp. 127-
55. Aliev R.D. “Bulletin of the Taurida Zemstvo” on the Migration of the Crimean
Tatars//Source study and historiography of the history of Crimea of the 15th – 20th centuries: problems
and prospects: collection of scientific articles – Simferopol. 2016. – pp. 10-18.
56. Osmanov E.E. Mosques of Bakhchisaray in the 19th and early 20th centuries (on the basis of
materials from the State archive of the Republic of Crimea)//Modern Scientific Thought Publ. – 2016.
– No. 2. – pp. 79-89.
57. Osmanow E.E. Mosques of Medieval Bakhchisaray//Tatar overview. A quarterly devoted
to Tatars in Poland. [Original in Polish]. – Wroclaw, 2016. – No. 3 (31). – pp. 20-22.
58. Aliev R.D. Dedicated to Osman Akchokrakli//Printed matter from the Terjuman Translator
Newspaper in Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve collection: catalog. – Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ.,
2016. – pp. 3-4.
59. Polkanova A.Y., Mustafayeva E.N. Pearl and nacre in the culture of the indigenous peoples
of Crimea// Pearl and nacre items in the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve. Catalog. - Belgorod:
KONSTANTA Publ., 2016. – pp. 17-32.
60. Ramazanova U.N. Textual studies of the Quran//Handwritten and old printed Qurans in
Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve collection: catalog. – Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ., 2016. – pp. 8-
61. Ramazanova U.N. Mushafs from the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve//
Handwritten and old printed Qurans in Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve collection: catalog. – Belgorod:
KONSTANTA Publ., 2016. – pp. 11-19.
62. Ramazanova U.N. Handwritten and old printed Qurans in Bakhchisaray Museum collection:
catalog. – Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ., 2016. – pp. 20-21.
63. Hand-written and black-lettered Qurans in the collection of Bakhchisaray Museum-
Reserve: catalog/compiled by Ramazanova U.N. – Belgorod: KONSTANTA, 2016. – p. 84.
64. Pearl and nacre items in the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve. Catalog/ compiled by
Annex 498
Polkanova A.Yu., Mustafaeva E.N. – Belgorod: KONSTANTA, 2016. – p. 148.
63. Handwritten and Old Printed Qurans in the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve Collection:
catalog/by Ramazanova U.N. – Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2016. – 84 p.
64. Pearl and Nacre Items in the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve. Catalog/by Polkanova A. Y.,
Mustafayeva E.N. – Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2016. –148 p.
23 publications in 2017
1. Ramazanova U.N. Quran Manuscripts by Masoud Qirimi in the Collection of the
Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve//Topical issues of studying and
preserving the historical and cultural heritage of Crimea. – Simferopol. 2016. – pp. 25-26.
2. Abduramanova S.N. The Role of Decorative Material and Interior Objects in the Furnishing
System of the Crimean Tatar House of the 19th Century// Miscellany: Traditional Culture of Turkic
Peoples in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference (April 12-15,
2017). – Kazan: Ak Bure Publ. 2017. – 554 p. - pp. 9-12.
3. Abduramanova S.N. Tezisy Abstracts “Crimean Tatar towel Kybryz. New Studies” to
participate in the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ethnography of Crimea in the
19th-21st Centuries and Modern Ethnocultural Processes”, 28-30 September 2017, Simferopol.
4. Abduramanova S.N. Semantic Content of Graffiti Depicting Vessels on medieval facilities
of civil and sacred Architecture in Southwestern Crimea// International Scientific Conference
“Historical, cultural, inter-ethnic and Religious Relations between Crimea and Syria and the States of
the Middle East. International Scientific Conference Abstracts, Sevastopol, 6-8 June 2017; by. A. D.
Vasiliev, N. V. Ginkut. V. V. Lebedinsky – Moscow: IV RAN Publ. 2017. – 188 ill., pp. 11-12.
5. Aliyev R.D. Dedicated to Memet Vehbi Sheikh-Zade//Coffee in the Traditional Culture of
Crimea. Items in the Collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve: Catalog. - Belgorod:
KONSTANTA Publ. 2017. – pp. 4-9.
6. Aliyev R.D., Mustafayeva E.N., Coffee in the Traditional Culture of the Crimean
Tatars//Coffee in the Traditional Culture of Crimea. Items in the Collection of the Bakhchisaray
Museum-Reserve: Catalog - Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2017. - pp. 12-22.
7. Mustafayeva E.N. Bakhchisaray Coffee Houses as an Important Part of the Urban Society
(Late 18th Century – First Half of the 20th century) //Coffee in the Traditional Culture of Crimea. Items
in the Collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve: Catalog – Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2017.
– pp. 34-39.
8. Abduramanova S.N. About the Catalog//Kybryz. Clasped Weaving of the Crimean Tatars in
the Collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve: Catalog / S. N. Abduramanova. – Belgorod:
KONSTANTA Publ. 2017. – pp. 14-15.
9. Abduramanova S.N. Weaving of the Crimean Tatars //Kybryz. Clasped Weaving of the
Crimean Tatars in the Collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve: Catalog/S. N. Abduramanova
– Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2017. – pp. 16-34.
10. Abduramanova S.N. New Information about the “Fortune-Telling Bowls” from the Funds
of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve// Voice of Crimea. – No. 34 (126). – 1 September 2017.
11. Abduramanova S.N. Development Dynamics of the Bakhchisaray Stock Collection of
Weaving Instruments of the Crimean Tatars (dedicated to the centennial of the Museum-Reserve, 1917-
2017)// Crimean Dialogues: Culture, Art, Education. Vol 3 (11) – Simferopol: Editorial and Publishing
Annex 498
Department of Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University Publ. 2017. – pp. 3-7.
12. Aliyev R. D., Veliyeva S.S. Muzeyge bakhshysh yapkanlar [Museum Donors] // Yany
dyunia. [Original in Crimean Tatar]. - 2017. – No. 43 (1425). – 3 November. - p. 7.
13. Seytumerova M.A. Muzeynin shanly kechmishi ve keledzhegi // Yany dyunia. [Original in
Crimean Tatar]. - 2017. – No. 43 (1425). – 3 November 3 - p. 4.
14. Abduramanova S.N. Usein Bodaninskiy Khansaray muzeynin tesischisi ve birindzhi mudiri
// Yany dyunia. [Original in Crimean Tatar]. - 2017. –No. 43 (1425). – 3 November. - p. 3.
15. Abduramanova S.N. About the Stitches “Stambul Myklama”, “Seraser Myklama” and
“Seraser Bukme” in Crimean Tatar Gold Embroidery//Issues of Crimean Tatar Philology, History, and
Culture]. – Edition No. 1 (4). - Simferopol. 2017. – pp. 135-143.
16. Veliyeva S.S. Khansarayda sakly chalgy aletleri // Yany dyunia. [Original in Crimean
Tatar]. – 2017. – No. 43 (1425) – 3 November.-p. 6.
17. Abduramanova S. N. Bir kollektsiyanin tahiri // Nenkecan. No. 9. [Original in Crimean
Tatar]. – 2017. pp. 43-45.
18. Abduramanova S. N Üsein Bodaninsky Hamsaray müzeiynin tesisc̦isi ve birinci müdiri //
Nenkecan. [Original in Crimean Tatar]. – No. 9. – 2017. pp. 18-21.
19. Abduramanova S.N. Collection of Decorative Towels “Kybryz” in the collection of the
Bakhchisaray Palace Museum// Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference "The 6th Scientific
Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky", Bakhchisaray, 1 December 2017 – Bakhchisaray. 2017. –
pp. 4-5
20. Aliyev R.D. The Russian Pre-Revolutionary Press on the Emigration of the Crimean Tatars
in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries (on the basis of materials from the Russian National Library).//
Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference “The 6th Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein
Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray, 1 December 2017 – Bakhchisaray. 2017. – pp. 6-7.
21. Aliyev R.D., Veliyeva S.S. Müzeyge bahșiș yapqanlar // Nenkecan. [Original in Crimean
Tatar]. – 2017. – No. 19. – pp. 36-37.
22. Chubukchiyeva L.Z. Crimean Tatar Jewelry in the Collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-
Reserve// Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference “The 6th Scientific Readings in Memory
of Usein Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray, 1 December 2017 – Bakhchisaray. 2017. – p. 46.
23. Veliyeva S.S. Items and Their History. Donations and Acquisitions of Items to the Funds
of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve in the 1920s and 1930s. // Abstracts of the International Scientific
Conference “The 6th Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray, 1 December
2017 – Bakhchisaray, 2017. – pp. 12-13.
7 publications in 2018
1. Chubukchiyeva L.Z. Charitable and Cultural Life of the Muslim Women of Crimea at the
End of the 19th Century and the 1920s. //Issues of Crimean Tatar Philology, History and Culture. –
Edition 1 (5). – 2018. – pp. 202-206.
2. Abduramanova S.N. “Women's Question” in the Essays “Kadynlar” and “Dawning of the
Tatar Cultural Movement” by Ismail Gasprinsky//Issues of Crimean Tatar Philology, History and
Culture. – Edition 1 (5). – 2018. – pp. 207-211.
3. Aliyev R.D. The Russian Pre-Revolutionary Press on the Emigration of the Crimean Tatars
in the 19th and Early 20th CenturyProceedings of the international scientific conference “The 7th
Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the
Bakhchisaray Museum and the 140th Anniversary of the Birth of Usein Bodaninsky, Bakhchisaray, 1
Annex 498
December 2017 / [edited by R.D. Aliev]. - Bakhchisaray; Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2018. – pp.
4. Chubukchiyeva L.Z. Crimean Tatar Jewelry: Belt Jewelry in the Collection of the
Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve//Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “The 7th
Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the
Bakhchisaray Museum and the 140th Anniversary of the Birth of Usein Bodaninsky, Bakhchisaray, 1
December 2017 / [edited by R.D. Aliev]. - Bakhchisaray; Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2018. – pp.
5. Abduramanova S.N. Review of the Collection of Kybryz Decorative Towels in the
Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve//Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “The 7th
Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”. Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the
Bakhchisaray Museum and the 140th Anniversary of the birth of Usein Bodaninsky, Bakhchisaray, 1
December 2017 / [edited by R.D. Aliev]. – Bakhchisaray; Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2018. – pp.
6. Veliyeva S.S. Synopsis of the History of the Bakhchisaray Museum's Fund Collection in the
1920s-1930s.//Proceedings of the International Scientific conference "The 7th Scientific Readings in
Memory of Usein Bodaninsky". Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Bakhchisaray Museum and
the 140th Anniversary of the Birth of Usein Bodaninsky, Bakhchisaray, 1 December 2017 / [edited by
R.D. Aliev]. – Bakhchisaray; Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2018. –pp. 81-88.
7. Publikatsiya Publication “Drawings by Valentina Kontrolskaya” in the Collection of the
Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve: Catalog/Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, State
Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological
Museum-Reserve”; [author S. N. Abduramanova; scientific editor E. Gul; photographs by R. D. Aliev].
— Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2018. — 144 color illustrations.
10 publications in 2019
1. Abduramanova S. N. Embroidering is Something I Can't Live Without. // Songs Embroidered
with Threads: Embroidery and Patterns Album by Vera Roik. Content by Vadim Roik. - Simferopol:
State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea "Media Center named after Ismail Gasprinsky",
2018, – pp. 103-105.
2. Abduramanova S.N. Image of a Rooster in the Decorative Art of Crimean Tatars//Issues of
Crimean Tatar Philology, History and Culture: Collection of Studies. Edition 7 – Simferopol: IP
“Khoteyeva L.V.”, 2019. – pp. 116-120.
3. Seytumerova M. Historical and Archaeological Complex “Salachik”. Prospects for
Development in a Single Museum Space//Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference “The 8th
Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray, 4 October 2019 — Bakhchisaray,
2019. – pp. 32-34.
4. Aliyev R.D. The Bakhchisaray Khan's Palace in the Documents of the Russian State
Historical Archive//Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference "The 8th Scientific Readings in
Memory of Usein Bodaninsky", Bakhchisaray, 4 October 2019 — Bakhchisaray, 2019. – pp. 4-6.
5. Abduramanova S.N. Gold Embroidery in the Collection of the Bakhchisaray Historical,
Cultural and Archeological Museum-Reserve//Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference
“The 8th Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray, 4 October 2019.
Bakhchisaray, 2019. – p. 3.
6. Veliyeva S.SPhotographic negatives from the collection of the Bakhchisaray Museum-
Annex 498
Reserve: exhibitions in the 1920s and 1930s.//Abstracts of the international scientific conference “The
8th Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray, 4 October 2019 –
Bakhchisaray. 2019. – pp. 13-14.
7. Khatybova U.N. Crimea in the Early 20th Century in the Memoirs of French Traveler Baron
Joseph de Baye//Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference “The 8th Scientific Readings in
Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray. 4 October 2019. – Bakhchisaray. 2019. - pp. 42-44.
8. Kachka D. E. Religious Buildings of Crimea Represented in the Fine Arts from the
Collections of the Bakhchisaray Museum//Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference “The 8th
Scientific Readings in Memory of Usein Bodaninsky”, Bakhchisaray, 4 October 2019 – Bakhchisaray.
2019. – pp. 13-14.
9. Aliyev R.D. Crimean Tatars in the Pages of the Muslim Newspaper: Education, Charity, and
Culture// Crimean Historical Review. 2019. No. 2. pp. 180-192.
10. Khatybova U.N. Chronicle of the Khan's Palace. Living Pages: based on Materials from the
Scientific Library of the Bakhchisaray Museum-Reserve//Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea, State Budgetary Institution "Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-
Reserve"; [text editing, selection of illustration: U. N. Khatybova, U. N. Ramazanova, I. N. Bakkal;
photographs by Р. D. Aliev]. - Belgorod: KONSTANTA Publ. 2019. – 268 p. iil.
Information to Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 4 of Appendix No. 3 “Theatres, Theatrical, Artistic,
Musical and Other Creative Studios, Schools and Clubs Staging Plays, Concerts and
Performances in the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian Languages”
Prepared by S.O. Ostapenko […]
There are five professional theatres in the Republic of Crimea: State Academic Musical Theatre
of the Republic, Crimean Academic Russian Drama Theatre named after Maxim Gorky, Crimean Tatar
State Academic Musical and Drama Theatre, Crimean Academic Puppet Theatre, Crimean State
Theatre for Young Spectators.
The repertoire of the Crimean Academic Puppet Theatre includes a play in Ukrainian based on
folk texts "Ukrainian Vertep". The play ran twice in February 2020 (premiered on 28 December 1996).
The Crimean Tatar State Academic Musical and Drama Theatre is the center of Crimean Tatar
culture that awakens interest not only among Crimean Tatars but also among viewers of different
The history of theatre is inextricably linked to the tragic fate of the people. During the
deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944, the theatre ceased to exist. In 1989, the national theatre was
reborn in Crimea, on its native soil. Since then, a large number of works of both national and classical
drama have been played on the theatre’s stage.
Performances and concert programs are accompanied by a symphony light music orchestra and
are emblazoned with choreography of very different styles. The theatre is full of amazing and unique
energy, so almost every event is followed by a burst of applause, cheers of bravo and sincere admiration
of the audience.
From 18 March 2014, to the present, the Crimean Tatar State Academic Musical and Drama
Theatre has staged 49 new plays:
In 2014:
- Vatanym Kyrym [Original in Crimean Tatar] musical play – requiem;
Annex 498
- We Will Remember concert program;
- Crimean Rainbow concert program;
- Oh, sultan olsa edim [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by R. Bektashev;
- Tilim kurusyn [Original in Crimean Tatar];
- Lermontov's Poetry by S. Barabasheva, Y. Ennanov;
- New Year's Tree;
- About Love
In 2015:
- Ana yuregi [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by U. Azim;
- Kadynlarny korchalan [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by D. Settarov;
- O olmasa, bu olsun [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by U. Gadzhibekov;
- Crimean Constellation, conductor Y. Ennanov;
In 2016:
- Mal tapylyr, dzhan tapylmaz [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by R. Bektashev;
- Marriage by N. Gogol;
- Birthday of Leopold the Cat - fairy tale for children;
- Dzhankoylyu Don Juan [Original in Crimean Tatar];
- Guzel Kyrym [Original in Crimean Tatar] concert program;
- Hits of the '70s and '80s Rosk&Pop concert program;
In 2017:
- Khayat based on the play by Tundzher Dzhyudzhenoglu, directed by V. Umarov;
- Masterpieces of World Music based on works by W. A. Mozart, J. Strauss, E. Kalman, and F. Lehár;
- Yasha Vatan, yasha Millet [Original in Crimean Tatar] concert program;
- First Love based on the play by D. Asarino;
- The Beauty and the Beast, fairy tale based on the play by A. Krasnoschekova;
- Vatan duygusy [Original in Crimean Tatar] concert program;
- Kudalar [Original in Crimean Tatar] musical comedy based on the play by Z. Zeinetdinova;
- Altyn kelin [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by M. Shamkhalov;
- The Golden Bride based on the play by M. Shamkhalov;
In 2018:
- Petya and the Wolf musical-symphonic tale, conductor Y.Ennanov;
- Besh dakka nefes [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by B. Bilyalov and F. Asanova;
- Baar nagmeleri [Original in Crimean Tatar] concert program;
- Legends of Love musical play;
- Oynayyk kuleyik burada sefa syureyik [Original in Crimean Tatar];
- Evlenyuv [Original in Crimean Tatar];
- Khosh sefa [Original in Crimean Tatar];
- Bash yazysyny koz korer [Original in Crimean Tatar;
- Around the New Year's Tree;
In 2019:
Annex 498
- Kafesteki uriyet [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by E. Ablayev;
- Kalif Stork based on the play by N. Dolmatova;
- Sevgi ve bakht [Original in Crimean Tatar] concert program;
- A Road to the Good concert program;
- #Akmesdzhit yigitleri. Perezagruzka [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by M.Gilyazov;
- Sevgi ikyayesi [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by A. Veliyev and E. Ablayev;
- Saipsiz bir adam [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by F. Mustafa;
- Biz 30 yashyndamyz [Original in Crimean Tatar];
- Eki dyulber suvga keter... [Original in Crimean Tatar] based on the play by Yu. Bolat;
In 2020:
- Karamanlarymyzga bagyshlana (Dedicated to the Heroes) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian];
- Takdir izi-kalb yaryasy (A Scar on the Heart and in Destiny) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian];
- Russia Day concert program;
- Tartuffe based on the play J.Molière;
Performances and concert programs in cities and rural areas of the Republic of Crimea for the
audience living in areas densely populated by Crimean Tatars:
2014 Number of performances and concerts – 240
Number of viewers (thousand people) – 43,525
2015 Number of performances and concerts – 250
Number of viewers (thousand people) – 46,894
2016 Number of performances and concerts – 257
Number of viewers (thousand people) – 45,354
2017 Number of performances and concerts – 240
Number of viewers (thousand people) – 42,371
2018 Number of performances and concerts – 240
Number of viewers (thousand people) – 57,001
2019 Number of performances and concerts – 240
Number of viewers (thousand people) – 43,061
2020 Number of performances and concerts – 47
Number of viewers (thousand people) – 8,046
In the above period, the Crimean Tatar State Academic Musical and Drama Theatre
successfully participated in festivals and competitions and toured outside the Republic.
In 2015:
– Navruz, the 8th International Theatre Festival of Turkic Theatres, Kazan;
– Kyrym gedzheleri, Festival of National Art of the Crimean Tatars, Toshkent.
In 2016:
– Gostinyy dvor, the 8th International Theatre Festival, Orenburg.
In 2018:
Annex 498
– Derviza, the 7th District Festival of Crimean Tatar Folk Art, Republic of Crimea;
– Republican Contest of Crimean Tatar Music, Song and Dance, Republic of Crimea;
– Grand Tour. Interregional program of the Federal Federal Support Center for Touring Activities,
In 2019:
– Golden Griffon – 2019, Crimean Drama Award. (Medal “For Faithful Service to the Theatre,”
Certificate of Appreciation);
– Tuganlyk, the 7th International Festival of Turkic-Speaking Theatres, Ufa (Bashkortostan) (diploma
of the festival, special prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan “For a Special
Contribution to the Development of Turkic Culture and Art”).
- All-Russian Theatre Marathon and Passing of a Special Symbol of the Year of Theatre;
- Grand Tour. Interregional program of the Federal Federal Support Center for Touring Activities,
Grozny, Chechen Republic;
- Derviza, the 2nd Regional Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Art.
In the Republic of Crimea, two creative teams work on the basis of the State Autonomous
Cultural Institution of the Republic of Crimea "Crimean State Philharmonic", whose activities
are aimed at developing and promoting the unique culture of the Crimean Tatar people: Crimean
Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble "Khaytarma" and Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble “Krym” (Crimea).
Today the Crimean Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble “Khaytarma” bears its name with
pride not only in the Republic of Crimea but also beyond its borders.
Over the years of existence, “Khaytarma” ensemble has had the following artistic directors:
Honored Artist of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic and Honored Artist of Ukraine Fevzi Bilyalov,
Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea Dilyaver Bekirov, People's Artist of Tajikistan Remziye
Bakkal. In 2016, the Song and Dance Ensemble “Khaytarma” was headed by Elmira Nalbantova,
Honored Artist of Ukraine, People's Artist of the Republic of Crimea, Winner of the Prize of the
Republic of Crimea.
Concert programs of the team allows the audience to enjoy the unique colors, southern
temperament, original musical, vocal and choreographic art of sunny Crimea, thereby promoting
Crimean Tatar culture and blending its unique colors in the rich palette of art of the peoples of Russia.
From 18 March 2014 to the present, the Crimean Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble
“Khaytarma” has designed the following concert programs: “Khansaray chechekleri} [Original in
Crimean Tatar] (based on the works of the Crimean khans of the 14th century), “Altyn beshik” (the
Golden Cradle) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian], “Khalk nagyshlary” (Folk Designs) [Original in
Crimean Tatar/Russian], the Bridge of Friendship, “Gonyul lyalezary” (My Soul's Flower Garden)
[Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian], “Daglaryn ellary” (Mountain Roads) [Original in Crimean
Tatar/Russian], Melodies of Our Hearts, “Vatan sedasy” (Voice of the Motherland) [Original in
Crimean Tatar/Russian], “Yany arzular” (New Dreams) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian], Black
Sea Legend, The Little Prince (based on the works of M. Tariverdiyev).
Also, the following musical fairy tales have been staged: The Enchanted Castle, The New Tale
of the Princess Frog, The Tale of the Crystal Slipper, and The Snow Queen.
In the above period the Crimean Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble “Khaytarma” has performed
527 concerts attended by 238 thousand people in the territory of the Republic of Crimea (Simferopol,
Alushta, Yalta, Kerch, Feodosia, Armiansk, Saki, Chernomorskoe, Sudak, Bakhchisaray, Sevastopol,
Annex 498
Krasnoperekopsk, urban-type settlements of Lenino, Semeiz and Razdolnoe).
In addition to the scheduled concerts, the Crimean Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble Khaytarma
took part in:
1. "Gezlev kapusy" Republican Open Fesitval of the Crimean Tatar and Turkic culture, 2014 –
2. “Hidirlez” Iternational Festival organised by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea, the State Committee of the Republic of Crimea, Millet TV Channel, 2014 - 2019.
3. “Hidirlez” International Festival Organised by the Center of Culture and Leisure, Evpatoria,
4. Crimean Tatar National Flag Day, 2015 – 2019.
5. Festive events dedicated to Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, organized by the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea, the State Committee of National Security, Millet TV channel, 2014-2019.
6. Premiere of the concert and theatrical program "Altyn beshik" (the Golden Cradle) [Original
in Crimean Tatar/Russian].
7. “Yaylya boyu” [Original in Crimean Tatar] music program organised by the Autonomous
Non-Profit Organisation "Public Crimean Tatar TV and Radio Company" – Millet.
Annex 498
8. Participation in the event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Crimean Tatar public
figure Noman Çelebicihan.
9. Concert program within public policy forum of the Crimean Tatar people, 2019.
10. Commemorative events for the Day of Deportation of the Crimean Tatars.
11. Commemorative events for the Day of Deportation of the Crimean Tatars, organised by the
Evpatoria Center for Culture and Leisure.
12. Boris Levin's talk show "Inside and Out" Sputnik in Crimea –
http://www.youtube.be/ybbD9giG-Uo (2019)
http://www.youtube.be/RZ0T-O9oPig (29 March 2020)
13. "Bakhchisaray Khansaray" сoncert and theatrical performance.
14. On 12 August 2017, a concert within the series of holiday concerts dedicated to the 100th
anniversary of the Bakhchisaray Museum took place in the territory of the palace and park complex
“The Khan's Palace” with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea.
15. On 29 June 2019, “The Night Secrets of the Khan's Palace” theatrical performance as part
of the program “Late-Night Bakhchisaray” was held on the territory of the cultural heritage object of
federal importance – Architectural ensemble “The Khan’s Palace of the 16th – 19th centuries” (29 June
16. “Derviza” Grand Prix of the National Competition of Crimean Tatar Music, Song and Dance
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9z0CXEj7Iw female classical dance “Tym Tym”
17. At the 2019 National Competition of Crimean Tatar Music, Song and Dance “Derviza”
artists of the Crimean Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble “Khaytarma” became the winners of the first,
second and third prizes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgIQO-Gt85M – Ballet, 3rd place;
Annex 498
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGi3McN8-rs – Edem Yuldashov, 1st place;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQAblp19djo – Mavile Abkerimova, 2nd place.
18. The 2nd All-Crimean National Wrestling Championship “Kuresh” named after Olympic
champion Rustem Kazakov
go (min 56.01);
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oq8tz7GRz4 (min 47.24);
19. Ancient theatre in Chersonesus
20. Participation in the concert program dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Crimean Tatar
ballet master Honored Artist of Ukraine Akim Dzhemilev
21. Participation in the concert dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the newspaper “Yany
dunia” [Original in Crimean Tatar]
https://youtube.be/Dgu8ghBLXLo (2019)
22. Videoclip “Mashalla”, 2017.
23. Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage
24. Premiere of the concert “Halk nagyshlary” Folk Designs [Original in Crimean
25. Public Recognition Award "Millet Menligi - 2019", organized by ANO "Public Crimean
Annex 498
Tatar TV and Radio Company Millet"
video/012736-millet-menligi-2019 (min 33.09; 1.07.56; 1.16.56; 1.33.17)
26. ANO "Public Crimean Tatar TV and Radio Company" – Millet "Saba" (Morning) [Original
in Crimean Tatar/Russian] information and entertainment program
27. Participation in TV concerts organized by ANO "Public Crimean Tatar TV and Radio
Company" – Millet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DjDt6Qg4h8 "Omyur beshigi" (The Cradle of Life)
[Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVKEH1RBJxo "Millet ve zaman" [Original in Crimean
https://krim-gf.ru/15512-2 electronic newspaper
https://mediacentr.org.ru/wp-content/uploads/2018/03?Nash-Krym-17-3.pdf (20 pages)
The creative team successfully carried out its touring activity (2017-2019 – in the Krasnodar
Annex 498
Territory (Novorossiysk, Krymsk, Anapa, Taman), 2017 – in Moscow (Culture Days of the Republic
of Crimea), 2017-2018 – Grozny, Gudermes, stanitsa Naurskaya, Khankala, Mozdok; 2018 –
Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Rostov, Pyatigorsk, Kazan, as well as in Turkey, Ankara (Crimean Tatar Culture
Days); 2019 – in Moscow (The Crimean Spring Festival, Embassy of Nicaragua, 75 years of the
Nicaraguan Revolution), the Republic of Adygeya (Peace to the Caucasus Festival), Turkey, Istanbul
(Festival of Crimean Tatar Culture).
In 2019, the Crimean Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble “Khaytharma” celebrated its 80th
anniversary. Throughout the years it has preserved its ethnic diversity, with not only Crimean Tatars,
but also Russians, Ukrainians, Buryats, and Abkhazians celebrating the beauty of Crimean Tatar
The Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble "Krym" was founded in 1990 in Simferopol. The
artistic director of the ensemble Server Kakura, Honored Artist of Ukraine and the Republic of
The creative team consists of 12 musicians, 10 ballet dancers and 7 vocalists.
From 18 March 2014 to the present day, the Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble "Krym" has
performed 415 concerts attended by 132 thousand people.
The ensemble makes four new concert programs a year. Traditionally, by 8 March it gives a
children's concert by the "Tebessyum" vocal studio and the "Iyldyzlar" choreographic studio.
Ebediy sevgi (Undying Love) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Navrez [Original in Crimean Tatar]
Yurek ezgileri (Melodies of the Heart) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Sanatym - eki kanatym! (Art Inspires Me) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Iyrlar khazinesi (Song Treasury) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Milliy sanatym - menim takatym (My Power Lies in Folk Art) [Original in Crimean
Eminim (I Am Confident) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Toyga davet etemiz (Wedding Invitation) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
En Guzel bizim kyzlar… (Our Women are the Most Beautiful…) [Original in Crimean
Seni sevem tek seni sevem (I Love You, Only You) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Iyrlarym (My Songs) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Meraba Yany yyl (Happy New Year) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Sevgi kunyu (Day of Love) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Kyrym bizim khayatymyz - bizim khayatymyz Kyrym (Crimea is Our Life and Our Life is
Crimea) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Kyrymym (My Crimea) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Crimean Shore
Crimea is My Heart
Khalk sanaty - ilkham chokragy (The Music of the People is a Source of Inspiration) [Original
in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Gonlyum yyrlay (My Heart Sings with Joy) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Annex 498
Sevgili Kyrym (Beloved Crimea) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Khalk sevse - dyunia sever! (If the People Love It, Then the Whole World Will Love It)
[Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Vatan ezgileri (Songs of the Motherland) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Yyldyzlar parylday - sevgisini bagyshlay (Shining Stars Give Their Love) [Original in Crimean
Ah, I wish I could fly around Crimea like a bird
Night of Art
Sevgili Kyrym (Beloved Crimea) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Illyakhiyler (Religious Chants) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Kyrym yyldyzlary (Crimean Young Stars) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Tebessyum (Smile) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Khalknyn bitmez chokragy (Inexhaustible People' s Wellspring) [Original in Crimean
Ana sevgis (Mother's Love) [Original in Crimean Tatar/Russian]
Crimea is in my Heart
In 2015, the Crimean Tatar folk ensemble “Krym” celebrated its 25th anniversary, in the same
year Nazire Emir and Dilyaver Osmanov, Honored Artists of the Republic of Crimea, celebrated their
anniversaries, and a new program “Oynamasam, yirlamasam, yanar meni yuregim!” [Original in
Crimean Tatar] was presented and warmly welcomed by the audience and gave a vivid reflection of
the work of the anniversary celebrants.
In order to strengthen cultural relations, in 2015 the group toured the cities of the Republic of
Tatarstan (Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny), in 2016 and 2017 – the cities of Kuban (Novorossiysk,
Krymsk, Anapa, Taman and stanitsa Vyshebliyevskaya).
In 2016, Maye Anafieva, Honored Artist of Crimea, introduced the audience to her art in the
program "Kyrym yyldyzlary" [Original in Crimean Tatar] (the artist's children's studio has more than
200 participants).
In 2016, a new concert program "My Heart is Crimea" was designed for tourists arriving during
the holiday season; it introduces the audience to the songs and dances of the peoples inhabiting Crimea,
as well as acquaints them with the songs of Crimean authors, composer Server Kakur and poetess Olga
In 2017, Afize Kassara, Honored Artist of Crimea, presented her jubilee program "Khalkynyn
bitmez chokragy" [Original in Crimean Tatar].
In September 2017, the group participated in events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the
Bakhchisaray Museum (The Khan's Palace) (http://handvorec.ru/novosti/krymskotatarskij-folklornyjansambl-
In November 2017, the group took part in the Festival of National Cultures "Bridges of
Friendship", which was held in Svetlanovsky Hall of the House of Music in Moscow
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9tqckZipJc), and in March 2018, it performed at the concert
"Masters of Arts of Crimea in Moscow" as part of the Republic of Crimea Days in Moscow on the stage
of the Central Academic Theatre of the Russian Army, presented by the Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea. (https://krim-gf.ru/krymskotatarskij-folklornyj-ansambl-krym-mastera-iskusstvkryma-
Annex 498
In 2019, the Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble "Krym" successfully performed at the 20th
International Festival of Craftsmen and Arts "World of the Caucasus", Maikop (Adygea).
As part of the planned activities of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, the
Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble "Krym" is working closely with cultural institutions such as the
Republican Crimean Tatar Library named after Ismail Gasprinsky and the Crimean Museum of Cultural
and Historical Heritage.
Every year the group performs its concert programs in all regions of the Republic: Simferopol
and Simferopol District, Belogorsk and Belogorsk District, Razdolnoe settlement, Nizhnegorsky
settlement, Dzhankoy and Dzhankoy District, Krasnogvardeyskoe settlement and Krasnogvardeyskoe
District, Oktyabrskoye settlement, Sovetsky settlement, Lenino settlement and Lenino District, Kerch,
Pervomayskoye settlement and Pervomayskoye District, Kirovskoye settlement and Kirovskoye
District, Alushta, Yalta, Koreiz settlement, Simeiz settlement, Bakhchisaray and Bakhchisaray District,
Orlovka village and other locations.
There are 103 Crimean Tatar and 28 Ukrainian ethnic groups working in cultural institutions of
club type in the Republic of Crimea within the following types of activities: vocal, choreography, and
These creative groups actively participate in national, federal and international events, contests
and festivals in cities of Russia (Sochi, Moscow, Volgograd, Kazan, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg,
Samara, Krasnodar) and represent our republic with dignity. The leaders of the groups are constantly
improving their professional level, focusing on the work to familiarise participants with the culture and
customs, as well as to create new, impressive and high-quality performances.
Ukrainian National Groups of Cultural and Leisure
Institutions of the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of
amateur group
Legal affiliation (base institution) Full name of
1. Rodina
Ukrainian Folk
choral group
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
Krasnoperekopsk City Palace of Culture
Municipality of the City District of Krasnoperekopsk
Republic of Crimea
2. Smerichka
Folk group of
Ukrainian song
Sudak City Palace of Culture Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
"Centralized Club System"
Sudak Сity District
Mysiv Sofiya
3. Krymskiye
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution "Yalta
Centralized Club System "
Municipality of the City District Yalta
Boyarko Elena
Annex 498
4. Veselka
Folk Song
Vasilyevka Village Hall Municipal State Institution
of Culture Centralized Club System
Belogorsk District
Republic of Crimea
5. Krinichenka
Folk Vocal
Ovoshchnoye Village Hall District Centralized Club
Department of Culture, Inter-ethnic Relations and
Religions of the Dzhankoi district administration
Republic of Crimea
6. Veselka
Folk Music
Vladislavovka Village Hall Municipal State
Institution of Culture
Department of Culture, Library Services and Tourism
Kirovskoye District
Republic of Crimea
Kotov Anatoliy
7. Verbichenka
People' Folk
Leninskoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary Cultural
Institution Centralized Club System
Krasnogvardeyskoe District
Republic of Crimea
Nina Petrovna
8. Svitanok
Folk Song
Voskhod Village Hall Municipal State Institution of
Culture Centralised Club System
Krasnogvardeyskoe District
Republic of Crimea
9. Lyubistok
Vocal group
Kotelnikovo Village Hall Municipal State Institution
of Culture Centralized Club System
Krasnogvardeyskoe District
Republic of Crimea
10. Zhuravushka
Folk Vocal
Maryanovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution Centralized Club System
Krasnogvardeyskoe District
Republic of Crimea
11. Charivnitsi
Ukrainian Folk
Song Group
Yantarnoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary Cultural
Institution Centralized Club System
Krasnogvardeyskoe District
Republic of Crimea
12. Marichka
Ukrainian Song
PyatikhatkaVillage Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
"Krasnoperekopsk District Folk Art Center"
Filipchuk Ivan
13. Smereka
Vocal Group
Kalinovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary Cultural
Leninskoe District, Republic of Crimea
"Gorizont" District House of Culture
Komok Mikhail
Annex 498
14. Mikoyanochka
Oktyabrskoye Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Leninskoe District
Republic of Crimea
"Gorizont" District House of Culture
15. Zoryanitsya
Folk Group
Kalinovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary Cultural
Institution Centralized Club System
Pervomaiskoye District
Balabey Irina
16. Gospodinya
Botanicheskoye Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Leisure and
Library Services
Razdolnoe District
Republic of Crimea
17. Solnechnyye
Slavnovskoye Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Leisure and
Library Services
Saki District
Republic of Crimea
Shatravka Galina
18. Yunost
Folk Dance
SlavnovskoyeVillage Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Leisure and
Library Services
Razdolnoe District
Republic of Crimea
Shatravka Galina
19. Slavyanochka
Slavyanskoye Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Leisure and
Library Services
Razdolnoe District
20. Vechornitsy
Ukrainian Song
Geroyskoye Сulture Center Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and Folk Art
Saki District
Republic of Crimea
Vorobyeva Alla
21. Chervona
Vorobyevo Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and Folk Art
Saki District
Republic of Crimea
Mazur Mikhail
Annex 498
22. Raduga
Lekarstvensky Village Hall-2 Municipal State
Institution of Culture Centralized Club System
Simferopol District
Rudakova T.I.
23. Kalamita
Kolchugino Village Hall Municipal State Institution
of Culture Centralized Club System
Simferopol District
Ibragimova E.Sh.
24. Zolotaya niva
Skvortsovo Village Hall Municipal State Institution
of Culture Centralized Club System
Simferopol District
25. Skvorushka
Shirokoye Village Hall Municipal State Institution of
Culture Centralized Club System
Simferopol District
Poletneva A.V.
26. Svitanok
Ukrainian Song
Shirokovo Village Hall Municipal State Institution of
Culture Centralized Club System
Simferopol District
Zobova S.M.
27. Amateur choir Perovo Village Hall Municipal State Institution of
Culture Centralized Club System
Simferopol District
Gaivoron A.N.
28. Zori
Folk Chorus
Chernomorskoe District House of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution Centralized Club
Chernomorskoe District
Bakhur Vitaliy
Crimean Tatar National Groups of Cultural and Leisure
Institutions of the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of amateur
Legal affiliation (base institution) Full name of
1. “Krymskotatarsky
narodnyy tanets”
(“Crimean Tatar
Folk Dance”)
[Original in
Russian: ]
Solnechnogorskiy Village Club Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution of Alushta City
“Cultural and Leisure Center ‘Podmoskovye
Art Center’”
2. Ensemble of
Crimean Tatar
dance “Ebabil”
Izobilnnenskiy Village Club Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution of Alushta City
“Cultural and Leisure Center ‘Podmoskovye
Art Center’”
Annex 498
3. Crimean Tatar vocal
and instrumental
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
Mamutov Sabriy
4. Crimean Tatar
dance group
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
Yusupova Nuriye
5. Dance Studio
“Rhythm” folk
choreography class -
Crimean Tatar
group “Gunesh”
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
6. Classical Crimean
Tatar dance
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
7. Crimean Tatar
Dance Club
“Varirach yyldyzy”
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
8. Vocal Group
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
Eskender Remzi
9. Vocal and
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
Dilyaver Remzi
10. Crimean Tatar
Theatre Studio
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
Asanova Dilyara
11. Crimean Tatar
theatre studio
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Dzhankoyskiy City Center of Culture and
Alime Ikmetovna
12. Dance Group
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Cultural and Leisure Center” of Municipality
of the City District of
Khalilova Sevile
13. Vocal Group
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Cultural and Leisure Center” of Municipality
of the City District of
Aliyev Alim
Annex 498
14. Dance Group
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Cultural and Leisure Center” of Municipality
of the City District of
15. Group “Ebabil” Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Cultural and Leisure Center” of Municipality
of the City District of
16. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Sudak City Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
Centralized Club System Municipality of the
City District of Sudak
Ibramova Lilya
17. Crimean Tatar
Folklore Collective
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Feodosia City House of Culture Municipality
of the City District of Feodosia, Republic of
18. Crimean Tatar
Cultural Revival
Center “Yashlyk”
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Feodosia City House of Culture Municipality
of the City District ofFeodosia, Republic of
19. Dance Group
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Shchebetovka Culture Center, Municipality of
the City District of Feodosia, Republic of
Dinara Ismetovna
20. Crimean Tatar
Culture Club
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution “Briz”
Culture Center, Primorsky urban-type
settlement, Municipality of the City District of
Feodosia, Republic of Crimea
21. Tatar Song
Municipal State Institution of Culture “Yalta
Centralized Club System” of
Municipality of the City District of Yalta
Miriam Taibovna
22. Folk Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Bakhchisaray District House of Culture
Municipal State Institution of Culture
“Backhchisarai District Centralized Club
23. Classical Dance
Ensemble “Ilkham”
Bakhchisaray District House of Culture
Municipal State Institution of Culture
“Backhchisarai District Centralized Club
24. Folk Dance
Ensemble “Ilkham”
Bakhchisaray District House of Culture
Municipal State Institution of Culture
Honored Worker
of Culture of the
Annex 498
District House of
“Backhchisaray District Centralized Club
Republic of
Aliye Serverovna
25. Folk Vocal and
Bakhchisaray District House of Culture
Municipal State Institution of Culture
“Backhchisarai District Centralized Club
Edem Nebiyev
26. Folk Vocal and
Ensemble “Khansaray”
Bakhchisaray District House of Culture
Municipal State Institution of Culture
"Backhchisarai District Centralized Club
Bari Khalilov
27. Folk Vocal
Bakhchisaray District House of Culture
Municipal State Institution of Culture
"Backhchisarai District Centralized Club
28. Vocal and
Ensemble “Azek”
Plodovoe Village Hall Municipal State
Institution of Culture “Centralized Club System
Simferopol District”
Fered Edemov
29. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Belogorsk District House of Culture Municipal
State Institution of Culture
“Belogorsk District Centralized Club System”
Ametova Liliya
30. Crimean Tatar
Vocal and
Zelenogorsk Village Hall Municipal State
Institution of Culture Centralized Club System
“Belogorsk District Centralized Club System”
Arap Ruslan
31. Crimean Tatar
Variety Ensemble
Tsvetochnoe Village Hall Municipal State
Institution of Culture Centralized Club System
“Belogorsk District Centralized Club System”
Tolstoy Server
32. Zinadinovs' folk
Crimean Tatar
Michurinskoe Village Hall Municipal State
Institution of Culture Centralized Club System
Belogorsk District Centralized Club System
33. Folk Ensemble
Zarechnenskoe Village Hall Municipal State
Institution of Culture
“District Centralized Club System” of
Dzhankoy district administration
Ibraimov Server
Annex 498
34. Folk Dance
Ensemble “Raduga
- Kok kushagy”
Stary Krym City Palace of Culture Municipal
State Institution of Culture
“Kirovskoe District Centralized Club System”
Ulanova Elzara
35. Instrumental
Ensemble “Chalchal”
Stary Krym City Palace of Culture Municipal
State Institution of Culture
“Kirovskoe District Centralized Club System”
Khalilov Rustem
36. Classical Crimean
Tatar Dance
Ensemble “Elmaz”
Krasnogvardeyskoe District House of Culture
Municipal State Institution of Culture
“Centralized Club System” of
Krasnogvardeyskoe District
Republic of Crimea
Worker of
Culture of the
Republic of
37. Dance Ensemble
Voinskoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Krasnoporekopsk District Folk Culture Center”
38. Vocal and
Voinskoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Krasnoporekopsk District Folk Culture Center”
39. Vocal Ensemble
Ishun Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Krasnoporekopsk District Folk Culture Center”
Ablitarov Renat
40. Vocal and
Ishun Village Hall Ablitarov Riza
41. Choreographic
Kalinovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Leninskoe District
“’Gorizont’ District House of Culture”
42. Choreographic
Group “Kunesh”
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
Leninskoe District
“’Gorizont’ District House of Culture”
Komkova Zinira
43. Choreographic
Group “Kunesh
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
Leninskoe District
“’Gorizont’ District House of Culture”
Komkova Zinira
Annex 498
44. Crimean Tatar
Dance Group
Listvennoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Nizhnegorsk Centralized Club System”
45. Dance Group
Stepnovskoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomaiskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
46. Dance Group
Stepnovskoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
47. Dance Group
SarybashskoeVillage Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
48. Dance
SarybashskoeVillage Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
Ustichenko Anna
49. Dance Group
(senior level)
Chernovskoye Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
50. Dance Group
(middle level)
Chernovskoye Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
51. Dance Group
Krestianovskoe Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
Annex 498
52. Vocal Group
Krestianovskoe Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
53. Vocal Trio
Pervomayskoe Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System of
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
54. Trio “Vetan” Pervomayskoe Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
Medzhitova I.N.
55. Dance Group
Oktyabrskoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Pervomayskoe Centralized Club System
Pervomayskoe District
Republic of Crimea”
Pronina R.S.
56. Crimean Tatar
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Leisure
and Library Services” of
Novoselovsky Village Hall
Ablayev Ferat
57. Classical Crimean
Tatar Children's
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution “Intersettlement
Center for Culture, Leisure and
Library Services” of
Novoselovskoe Village Hall
58. Crimean Tatar
Children's Vocal
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution “Intersettlement
Center for Culture, Leisure and
Library Services”
Kovylnovskoe Village Hall
Vasiliy Petrovich
59. Accordionist Duett
Enver Mamutov
Nariman Osmanov
Geroyskoe Сulture Center Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
60. Vocal Ensemble
Geroyskoe Сulture Center Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Mamutov Enver
Annex 498
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
61. Vocal and
Lesnovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Khayredinov R.
62. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Lesnovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Bekirova Elina
63. Crimean Tatar
Variety Duett
Lesnovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art
Saki District
64. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Zernovoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Babenko Marina
65. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
(Stars) [Original in
Crimean Tatar]
Zernovoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art
Saki District
Babenko Marina
66. Crimean Tatar
Dance Group
Vorobyevo Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art”
of Saki District
Izetla Lenura
67. Vocal Ensemble
Vorobyevo Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Izetla Lenura
68. Dance Group
Natashino Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Annex 498
Saki District
69. Crimean Tatar
Dance Group
Nizinnoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Asanova Niyara
70. Dance Ensemble
Yarkoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
71. Vocal Group
Yarkoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
72. Theatre
Ensemble “Elifbe”
Yarkoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
73. Dance Ensemble
Veselovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Yunusova Ayshe
74. Dance Ensemble
Veselovka Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Yunusova Ayshe
75. Dance Ensemble
Suvorovsky Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
76. Choreographic
Impressions Studio
Suvorovskoe Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Annex 498
77. Dance Ensemble
“Esfane” (Legend)
[Original in
Suvorovskoe Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
78. Choreographic
Suvorovskoe Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art”
of Saki District
79. Vocal Trio
Suvorovskoe Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Alimova Mumine
80. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Bekirova Elina
81. Choreographic
“Kuvanch” (Joy)
[Original in
Orekhovo Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art”
of Saki District
82. Choreographic
Ensemble “Gurur
Vetan” (Powerful
[Original in
Orekhovo Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
83. Choreographic
Ensemble “Kara-
Deniz” (Black Sea)
[Original in
Molochnoe Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Izmaylova Leyla
84. Folk Instruments
Ensemble “Terekli
– Konrat” (The
Grouse's Nest)
Molochnenoe Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
Ablyatifov Amet
Annex 498
[Original in
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
85. Vocal Trio
“Bulbuller” (the
[Original in
Kamenolomnensky Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Emine Saidovna
86. The Sattarov's
Crimean Tatar
Family Duet
Runnovsky Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
87. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Runnovsky Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
Asanova Liliya
88. Choreographic
Ensemble “Altyn
(The Golden
Cradle) [Original in
Orekhovo Palace of Culture Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Inter-settlement Center for Culture, Arts and
Folk Art” of
Saki District
89. Instrumental
Ensemble “Teselli”
Kolchugino Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“District Centralized Club System” of
Simferopol District
Kurtametov N.A.
90. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Lekarstvensky Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
Simferopol District Centralized Club System
91. Crimean Tatar
Ensemble “Nefaset”
Kolchugino Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“District Centralized Club System” of
Simferopol District
Isayeva E.A.
92. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Sofiyevsky Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“District Centralized Club System” of
Simferopol District
Abdulayeva E.L.
93. Vocal and
Mirnoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
Useinov A.K.
Annex 498
“District Centralized Club System” of
Simferopol District
94. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Dobroe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“District Centralized Club System” of
Simferopol District
Useinova E.M.
95. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Teplovka Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“District Centralized Club System” of
Simferopol District
96. Crimean Tatar
Dance Ensemble
Urozhaynovsky Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“District Centralized Club System” of
Simferopol District
97. Crimean Tatar
Vocal Ensemble
Urozhaynoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“District Centralized Club System” of
Simferopol District
Medzhitov R.S.
98. Vocal and
Sovetsky Settlement District House of Culture
Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Sovetsky District Centralized Club System
Republic of Crimea”
Abdullayev Fevzi
99. Dance Ensemble
Rovenky Settlement Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Sovetsky District Centralized Club System
Republic of Crimea”
Larina Mariam
100. Crimean Tatar Song
and Dance
Dmitrovka Settlement Village Hall Municipal
Budgetary Cultural Institution
“Sovetsky District Centralized Club System
Republic of Crimea”
101. Choreographic
Vnukovo Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Chernomorskoe District Centralized Club
102. Crimean Tatar
Vocal and
Dalekoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution “Chernomorskoe District
Centralized Club System”
Arsen Asimovich
103. Crimean Tatar Song
Mezhvodnoe Village Hall Municipal Budgetary
Cultural Institution
“Chernomorskoe District Centralized Club
Annex 498
Information to Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 5 of Appendix No. 3
“Publication and distribution of literature in the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian languages in the
territory of the Republic of Crimea, and supplying this literature to Crimean libraries”
Person responsible for the preparation: E.A. Ablaeva […]
From 1 January 2014 to 1 June 2020, the funds of public libraries in the Republic of Crimea
were replenished with books in:
– Ukrainian – 35.2 thousand copies;
– Crimean Tatar – 22.4 thousand copies.
It should also be noted that the competence of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea
does not include the publication of literature.
Annex 498
Appendix to the Letter of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
(prepared by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea;
E.A. Ablaeva […],
S.O. Ostapenko […])
Additional photo content and reference links to events
(Information Note to Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 1 of Appendix No. 3 “Literary, art and
musical contests, as well as festivals, concerts and conferences dedicated to the development of
culture and art of the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian peoples”)
Annex 498
Annex 498
Annex 498
Annex 498
Events held by cultural institutions in the
municipalities of the Republic of Crimea
https://inlens24.ru/ii-regionalnyj-festival-konkurs-derviza-v dzhankoe.html
Annex 498
Annex 498
Annex 498
Annex 498
Bakhcisarayskiy district
Annex 498
Belogorskiy district
Krasnogvardeyskiy district
Annex 498
Krasnoperekopsiy District
Leninskiy District
Annex 498
Nizhnegorskiy District
Pervomayskiy District
Sakskiy District
Annex 498
Simferopolskiy District
Annex 498
Sovetskiy District
Annex 498
Chernomorskiy District
Annex 498
Appendix to the Letter of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
(prepared by the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea;
D.K. Osmanov […]
Information Note
on Measures to Implement Presidential Decree No. 268 “On measures to rehabilitate
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support of
their revival and development” of 21 April 2014
(Appendix 3 of the Request)
The implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 458 “On measures
to rehabilitate Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state
support of their revival and development” is a priority for the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter referred
to as “the Decree”).
The practical implementation of the planned activities in furtherenace of this Decree has
significantly advanced the solution of urgent problems of the settlement and socio-cultural development
of repatriates.
The most significant developments have been the construction of places of worship,
opportunities to practice national traditions, the satisfaction of linguistic needs and the declaration of
religious holidays as non-working days, etc.
The state and municipal authorities of the Republic of Crimea pay exceptional attention to the
implementation of the Decree aimed at a comprehensive solution of the issues of restoration of historical
justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the repressed peoples, as well as the creation of
favourable conditions to preserve and promote their national, cultural and linguistic identity.
The decree has become the cornerstone for a full-fledged revival and development, and further
strengthened trust and mutual understanding among Crimean residents.
As part of the State Programme of the Republic of Crimea to strengthen the unity of the Russian
nation and the ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia “The Republic of Crimea as the
territory of inter-ethnic harmony”, approved by Decree No. 30 of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea of 29 January 2018 (hereinafter referred to as “the State Programme”), the
following measures are implemented annually:
– ensuring inter-ethnic harmony, including mass cultural events aimed at the development of
national cultures and traditions;
– spiritual and awareness-raising activities in the field of religions;
– providing equipment for amateur creative groups, national cultural autonomies and public
organisations (improving the facilities);
– grant support for the activities of national and cultural autonomies and public organisations;
– support for the print media published in native languages.
In order to successfully implement state national policy in the Republic of Crimea and to meet
ethnic and religious needs of the Crimeans, a system of institutions of the State Committee of the
Republic of Crimea has been developed: the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“House of Friendship Between Peoples”, the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 498
“Gasprinsky Media Centre”, the Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation “Public Crimean Tatar TV and
Radio Company”.
The main focus of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “House of
Friendship Between Peoples” is to create conditions for inter-ethnic dialogue and to develop and
strengthen a sense of all-Russian unity.
The State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Gasprinsky Media Centre” is the
main platform to support the ethnic print media (six newspapers, four magazines) and to publish
literature in native languages.
Under measure 4.4. “Support for the publication of socially significant literature in native
languages” of the State Programme, a subordinate institution of the State Committee for Inter-ethnic
Relations of the Republic of Crimea, the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Gasprinsky Media Centre”, in accordance with the State Targets for 2015-2019, published 136 books
with a total circulation of 54,600 copies (300-500 copies each) in the national languages of the peoples
of the Crimea.
The Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation “Public Crimean Tatar TV and Radio Company”
broadcasts the “Millet” TV channel and the “Vatan Sedasi” radio channel.
Since 2014, the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea, in
accordance with the action plan to assist in the organisation and conduct of the Hajj of Crimean
Muslims, has been annually coordinating the interaction of public authorities of the Republic of Crimea
with the Centralised Religious Organisation “Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol” in preparing and sending pilgrims to take part in a Hajj. In just six years, 1,812
pilgrims have made a Hajj.
Since 2017, the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea has been
providing grant support for the activities of national and cultural autonomies and public organisations
of the Republic of Crimea using budget funds of the Republic of Crimea. From 2017 to 2018, subsidies
totaling 4,000.00 thousand Rubles were provided to 19 national and cultural public associations to
implement projects aimed at strengthening inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea.
Today, there are 238 areas of compact settlement of citizens from among the rehabilitated
peoples of Crimea on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
The Federal Target Program “Social and economic development of the Republic of Crimea and
the city of Sevastopol until 2022” (hereinafter referred to as the “FTP”) was approved by Russian
Government Decree No. 790 of 11 August 2014, as part of the implementation of the Decree in order
to resolve issues related to the development of places of compact settlement of the rehabilitated peoples
of Crimea.
From 2016 to 2019, the main budget managers spent 4,723.5 million Rubles to implement the
measures of Focus Area No. 8 “Ensuring inter-ethnic unity” of the FTP (2016 – 735.1 million Rubles,
2017 – 1,314.3 million Rubles, 2018 – 2,077.3 million Rubles, 2019 – 596.8 million Rubles).
As of 1 January 2020, construction and assembly works were completed on the following 17
1. “Construction of a 72-apartment building in Kerch”;
2. “Construction of a preschool educational organisation for 260 openings, "Fontany"
Microdistrict, Simferopol”;
3. “Construction of a preschool educational organisation for 260 openings, "Lugovoye"
Microdistrict, Simferopol”;
4. “Construction of a preschool educational organisation for 260 openings, "Khoshkeldy"
Annex 498
Microdistrict (N. Veliyeva Street and A. Ametova Street), Simferopol”;
5) “Construction of a preschool educational organisation for 260 openings, microdistrict in the
Molodezhnoye settlement, Simferopol District”;
Thus, as part of the implementation of the above measures of Focus Area No. 8 “Ensuring interethnic
unity” of the FTP, with construction and commissioning completed, the following results were
– 72 apartments with a total area of 3,832.05 square meters;
– 1,040 openings in pre-school educational institutions;
– 37.3 km of gas supply networks (supplying gas to 2,100 families);
– 25.1 km of power supply networks (supplying power to 1,750 families);
– 7.2 km of water supply networks (supplying water to 400 families);
– 3.4 km of sewage networks (provided for 300 families).
In addition, the following indicators were achieved during the reporting period as part of the
State Programme:
– 623 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea were provided with their own
– in 2016, the construction of general education school No. 44 named after the Hero of Russia
Alime Abdenanova in Simferopol for 800 pupils was completed;
– 1,000 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea were provided with gas
– 350 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea;
– in 2015, more than 5 km of paved roads was built in the “Fontany” and “Ak-Mechet”
microdistricts of Simferopol;
– in 2015-2019, 600 citizens from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea received one-time
financial assistance to complete the construction of individual housing;
– in 2017-2019, compensation was provided to 90 citizens as part of the measure “Payment for
gas, electricity and water supply connection” in 2017-2019;
– as part of public services, the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of
Crimea issued 4,625 certificates сonfirming the right to social support for the rehabilitated persons and
persons affected by political repressions.
Besides, since 2015, the Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol has been under construction under
the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation. The facility is 85 per cent ready. The
construction is scheduled to be completed in 2021.
In addition, in 2021, it is planned to complete the construction of the “Vozrozhdeniye”
(Renaissance) Memorial Complex in the village of Siren, Bakhchisaray District.
In pursuance of the Decree, Order of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry
Kozak No. P44-64199 “On the implementation of a set of measures aimed at restoring historical justice,
the social and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar, and German peoples
subjected to illegal deportation and political repressions on ethnic and other grounds for 2014-2016” of
24 December 2015, as well as Order No. DK-P44-1775 of 27 March 2017 for 2017-2019” approved by
No. 2028p-P44 of 27 March 2017, are implemented.
Annex 498
Item 1. Measures to elaborate regulations:
- Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 130-ZRK “On the regulation of certain matters in housing
relations of the Republic of Crimea” of 6 July 2015;
- Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 66-ZRK/2015 “On the provision of state-owned of
municipal land plots and on certain land-related matters” of 15 January 2015;
- Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 218-ZRK/2016 “On social support measures for the
rehabilitated persons and persons affected by political repressions” of 18 February 2016;
- Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea No. 379-1/14 “On the formation of
the commission of the Republic of Crimea to restore the rights of rehabilitated victims of political
repressions” of 24 December 2014;
- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 30 “On the approval of the
state programme of the Republic of Crimea on strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and ethnocultural
development of the peoples of Russia “Republic of Crimea as the territory of inter-ethnic
harmony” for 2015 -2017, and on procedures for using budget funds of the Republic of Crimea” of 09
April 2015;
- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 30 “On the approval of the
state programme of the Republic of Crimea on strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and ethnocultural
development of the peoples of Russia “Republic of Crimea as the territory of inter-ethnic
harmony” of 29 January 2018;
- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 233 “On the approval of
procedures for granting funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea to implement measures of the
state programme of the Republic of Crimea to strengthen the unity of the Russian nation and
ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia “Republic of Crimea as the territory of inter-ethnic
harmony” of 22 May 2018;
- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 1440-r “On certain issues
of the republican targeted investment program and the major renovation plan of the Republic of Crimea”
of 19 November 2019;
- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 611 “On the approval of
the procedure for providing housing to citizens from the formerly deported population” of 13 October
- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 350 “On ensuring the
implementation of the federal target program “Social and economic development of the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol until 2022” of 24 June 2015.
Annex 498
Item 4. Information on budget funds allocated and spent from 2014 to date (by year and
purpose) on implementing the set of measures
The allocated amount is financed through Focus Area No. 8 “Ensuring inter-ethnic unity” of
the Federal Target Program “Social and economic development of the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol until 2022” and the state programme of the Republic of Crimea on strengthening the unity
of the Russian nation and ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia “Republic of Crimea as
the territory of inter-ethnic harmony”.
The key participants and the main managers of budget funds allocated to implement these
programmes are the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea, the Ministry
of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Transport of the
Republic of Crimea.
Information Note on Ensuring the Rights of the Crimean Tatar People in the Territory of the
Republic of Crimea
In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all peoples living on the territory
of the Republic of Crimea are guaranteed equal rights and freedoms in terms of meeting ethnic and
religious needs, preserving and developing their national identity, traditions and languages.
The Constitution of the Republic of Crimea provides for three state languages (Russian,
Ukrainian, and Crimean Tatar).
The traditional Christian and Muslim holidays of Easter, Holy Trinity Day, Eid al-Adha and
Eid al-Fitr are officially and annually declared as holidays for all residents of the Republic.
The construction of the Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
is underway under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.
Eleven mosques were built and two were reconstructed in the Republic of Crimea in 2014-
2019. Currently, thirteen mosques are under construction.
In 2015, the construction of the Cathedral Mosque in Simferopol began under the patronage of
the President of the Russian Federation. The facility is 85 per cent ready.
According to the current legislation, the Crimean Tatars, as well as other peoples of the Russian
Federation, are guaranteed equal rights to use their native language and to freely choose their language
of communication, upbringing, education, and creativity. All peoples of the Russian Federation are
guaranteed the right to preserve their native language and to create conditions for its study and
Implementation period Amount of allocated funds
(mln. Rubles)
Amount of funds spent
(mln. Rubles)
2014 333.0 333.0
2015 328.9 275.7
2016 1,200.5 1,159.7
2017 2,131.6 1,498.5
2018 3,019.9 2,239.7
2019 1,704.2 971.3
2020 2,600.5 161.6 (as of 1 May 2020)
Annex 498
According to the executive bodies of the state authorities of the Republic of Crimea, as of 1
March 2020, 1,420 people (100 per cent) fills posts, of whom 1,068 are Russians (76 per cent), 178 are
Ukrainians (12.5 per cent), and 107 are Crimean Tatars (7.5 percent).
Since 2014 to date, the Crimean Tatar community has seen a significant increase in the activities
of public associations of the Crimean Tatar people, registered in accordance with the legislation of the
Russian Federation, with the main goal of which is to protect the rights and represent the interests of
the Crimean Tatar people based on a constructive approach in cooperation with the public authorities.
There are more than 30 public associations of the Crimean Tatar people in the Republic of
Crimea, with the number of members exceeding 30,000 people.
The existing public associations of Crimean Tatars carry out their activities in all areas of public
life: political, economic, social and cultural.
At present, the Crimean Tatar community takes an active part in the social and political life of
the Republic and makes a considerable constribution to the consolidation and strengthening of interethnic
unity on the Peninsula.
Since the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation, Crimean Muslims have had an
unprecedented opportunity to satisfy their religious needs by performing a Hajj to Mecca, one of the
Five Pillars of Islam.
In total, 2,787 pilgrims from the Republic of Crimea went on a Hajj from 2014 to 2019,
− 150 pilgrims in 2014;
− 322 pilgrims in 2015;
− 365 pilgrims in 2016;
− 375 pilgrims in 2017;
− 600 pilgrims in 2018;
− 975 pilgrims in 2019.
The Hajj of Crimean Muslims contributes to meeting the denominational needs of Crimeans,
preserving the traditions of good neighborly relations, as well as further successfully integrates Muslims
of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation’s ummah.
The Republic of Crimea has one faith school – the spiritiual professional educational
organisation "Azov Madrasa of Islamic Sciences named after Haji Ihsan", which is part of the
Centralised Religious Organisation “Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of Crimea and Sevastopol”.
In 2017, for the first time, the Republic of Crimea, as part of the state programme of the
Republic of Crimea to strengthen the unity of the Russian nation and ethnocultural development of the
peoples of Russia “Republic of Crimea as the territory of inter-ethnic harmony” for 2015–2017”,
allocated 2 million Rubles for grant support of activities of national and cultural autonomies and public
organisations aimed at strengthening inter-ethnic unity and harmony, preserving and reviving the ethnocultural
identity of the peoples of Crimea.
According to the results of competitive procedures, grant support was provided to seven public
associations, including the Crimean Tatar organisation – the Social Support Fund “Yalyboyu – South
Shore”, to be used in the implementation of the project entitled “Colours of the Peoples of the South
By Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 507-r of 9 June 2015,
pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Measures to rehabilitate
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and to provide state support
Annex 498
for their revival and development”, the Crimean Tatar Public TV and Radio Company, Autonomous
Non-Commercial Organisation (hereinafter referred to as “CTPTRC ANO”) was established. The
company includes two media resources: the Millet TV channel and the Vatan Sedasy radio.
CTPTRC ANO covers the socio-political, economic and cultural life of the Republic of Crimea,
promptly informing one about events on the Peninsula and beyond in two official languages: Russian
and Crimean Tatar.
CTPTRC ANO contributes to inter-ethnic, inter-denominational harmony and stability on the
Peninsula and seeks to ensure a successful integration of Crimea in all spheres of life.
A list of cinematographic materials translated and broadcasted on the Millet TV channel in the
Crimean Tatar language from 2014 to 2020 is attached (Appendix 3).
As part of the implementation of the Russian Presidential Decree “On measures to rehabilitate
the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support for their
revival and development”, in accordance with Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea No. 291-r of 2 April 2015, the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Gasprinsky Media Centre”, was established.
The main purpose of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Gasprinsky
Media Centre” (hereinafter referred to as the “Gasprinsky Media Centre”) is to inform the population
about the activities of the Crimean executive state authorities with respect to the implementation of state
national policy, as well as events aimed at restoring historical justice, the political, social and spiritual
revival of the Crimean Tatar, Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek and German peoples affected by the illegal
deportation and political repressions on ethnic and other grounds.
The main objective of the Gasprinsky Media Centre is to produce, release and distribute the
mass media and other printed products in various electronic formats in the native languages of Crimean
In order to meet ethnic, cultural and informational needs of the peoples of the Republic of
Crimea, the Gasprinsky Media Centre annually publishes nine periodicals (four magazines and six
newspapers), including those in the Crimean Tatar language:
− Meraba social and political newspaper (in Crimean Tatar and in Russian) published
weekly (52 issues per year), 1,000 copies;
− Yany Dyunya newspaper (in Crimean Tatar) published weekly, 1,083 copies;
− Yildyz magazine (in Crimean Tatar) published every 2 months, 765 copies;
− Ana Tili Odzhalaryna magazine (in Crimean Tatar) published every six months, 200
The Gasprinsky Media Centre has published 136 books in the native languages of the peoples
of Crimea over the entire period of its activity, namely:
• 11 books in 2015;
• 23 books in 2016;
• 33 books in 2017;
• 33 books in 2018;
• 36 books in 2019;

Published books include:
In 2015, five (50 per cent) of the 10 books were published in the Crimean Tatar language and
five (50 per cent) in Russian.
In 2016, 14 of the 23 published books were in the Crimean Tatar language (60.87 per cent) and
Annex 498
nine were in Russian (39.13 per cent).
In 2017, 18 of the 33 published books by the Media Centre (54.5 per cent) were in the Crimean
Tatar language and 14 were in the Russian language (45.5 per cent).
In 2018, 15 of the 33 published books were in the Crimean Tatar language (45.45 per cent) and
18 books in the languages of the peoples of Crimea (54.55 per cent).
In 2019, 23 of the 36 published books (63.89 per cent) were in the Crimean Tatar language and
13 books in the languages of the peoples of Crimea (36.11 per cent).
That is, currently two-thirds of all publications are in Crimean Tatar and one-third in Russian
and other languages (Armenian, Greek, Ukrainian, Bulgarian).
Books published about the peoples of Crimea:
1. “The Peoples of Crimea”, Laptev Yu.N., Prokopenkov V.N.;
2. “The Crimean Bulgarians: Historical and Ethnographic Overview”, I. Noskova;
3. “Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Crimean Karaites”;
4. “The Germans of Crimea. The Spirit of Life”, Yu.N. Laptev, Yu.K. Gempel;
5. “Estonian Settlement Konchi Shavva”, Salman L.;
6. “The Greeks of Crimea”, P.Kesmedzhi;
7. “The Belarusians”, B.S. Balayan;
8. “The Bulgarians of the Crimea. Return to the Origins”, L. Radeva;
9. “The White Book of the Crimean Tatar National Movement,” Osmanov Yu.B.;
10. “The Krymchaks. Historical and Ethnographic Essay,” Achkinazi I.V.;
11. “The Russian Community of Crimea: the Way to Russia. Part 1. Reminiscences of Veterans
of the Community”, I.V.Evtyushkin;
12. “The Germans of Crimea”, I.A. Zadereychuk;
13. “The French of Crimea”, Zh.S. Amfiteatrova etc.
Culture and history books:
1. “Russia, the West, and the Muslim World”, I.Gasprinsky;
2. “The Origin of the Crimean Tatars”, A.Memetov;
3. “The Crimean Bulgarians: Historical and Ethnographic Overview”, I. Noskova;
4. “The Book of Travel. Crimea and Neighboring Areas”, E. Chelebi;
5. “The Peoples of Crimea”, Laptev Yu.N., Prokopenkov V.N.;
6. “Ismail bey Gasprinsky.Ayaty ve faaliyeti” [Original in Crimean Tatar], S.Gafarov,
translation by R. Fazyl;
7. “Surb Khach Monastery in Crimea”;
8. “Combat Officers. Crimean Tatars in the Great Patriotic War”, A. Veliyev;
9. “The Crimean Tatars in the Crimean Underground Guerrilla Movement during the Great
Patriotic War (1941-1944)”, R. Muzafarov;
10. “Adalet kureshi saflarynda” [Original in Crimean Tatar], Z. Bekirova;
11. “The White Book of the Crimean Tatar National Movement”, Yu.B. Osmanov;
12. “The Russian Community of Crimea: the Way to Russia. Part 1. Reminiscences of Veterans
Annex 498
of the Community”, I.V. Evtyushkin;
13. “Karaite Cemetery in Feodosia. History Engraved on Stone”, Eliashevich V.A.;
14. “In the Museum of History, Culture and Religion of the Crimean Turkic-Speaking Karaites
named after Tamara Ormeli”, Polkanova A.Yu.;
15. “The Krymchaks. Historical and Ethnographic Essay”, Achkinazi I.V;
16. “Architecture of the Crimean Armenians”, O.Kh. Khalpakhchian;
17. “Crimean Tatar Art” (Volume 1). Paintings, Graphics, Sculpture, Izetov, Zaatov, etc.
Facsimile editions:1
1. “Masallar balalar ichyun”, A.Useinov;
2. “Alim akynda yyr. legenda ve khatyrlav dzhyyyntygy”;
3. “Ayvanlar akynda masallar”, L.N.Tolstoy;
4. “Kyrymtatar masallar ve legendalar”;
5. “Balychyk ve balykchi akynda masal”, A.S.Pushkin;
6. “Masallar”, H.Ch.Andersen.;
7. “Chynlar ve maneler”, K.Dzhamanakly;
8. “Aynedzhi tilkichik”, Dermendzhi;
9. “Yakhshy ne ve yaramay”, V. Mayakovsky;
10. “Kyrym eskizleri”, M. Gorky;
11. “Adzhi Murat”, L.N. Tolstoy;
12. “Zamanymyznyn karamany”. M.Y.Lermontov;
13. “Khalk shairi Eshmyrza”;
14. “Ikyayeler”, M.Gorky;
15. “Ornamental Embroidery of Crimea”, P.Ya. Chepurina.
16. “Kyskachlar kayda kyshlaylar”and “Tav evchikleri”, V. Bianki;
17. “Aglavuk kyzchyk and Ormanda yyldyzchyklar”, A. Barto, etc.
Pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Measures to rehabilitate
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and to provide state support
for their revival and development”, Resolution No. 790 of the Government of the Russian Federation
of 11 August 2014 approved the Federal Target Program “Social and economic development of the
Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020”, which provides for Focus Area No. 8 “Ensuring interethnic
unity” in order to resolve issues related to the development of places of compact settlement of
the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea.
In the period from 2016 to 2019, within the measures of Focus Area No. 8 “Ensuring interethnic
unity” of the FTP, with construction and commissioning completed, the following results were
- 72 apartments with a total area of 3,832.05 square meters;
- 1,040 openings in pre-school educational institutions;
- 37.3 km of gas supply networks (supplying gas to 2,100 families);
- 25.1 km of power supply networks (supplying power to 1,750 families);
- 7.2 km of water supply networks (supplying water to 400 families);
1 Translator’s note: The following editions are translations of Russian editions into Crimean Tatar.
Annex 498
- 3.4 km of sewage networks (provided for 300 families).
During the implementation of the state programme “Republic of Crimea as the territory of interethnic
harmony”, the following results were achieved:
- 623 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea were provided with their own
- the construction of general education school No. 44 named after the Hero of Russia Alime
Abdenonova in Simferopol for 800 openings was completed in 2016;
- 1,000 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea were provided with gas supply;
- 350 families from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea;
- in 2015, more than 5 km of paved roads was built in the Fontany and Ak-Mechet microdistricts
of Simferopol;
- in 2015-2019, 600 citizens from among the rehabilitated peoples of Crimea received one-time
financial assistance to complete the construction of individual housing;
- in 2017-2019, compensation was provided to 90 citizens as part of the measure “Payment for
gas, electricity and water supply connection”;
- as part of public services, the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of
Crimea issued 4,625 certificates сonfirming the right to social support for the rehabilitated persons and
persons affected by political repressions.
As part of providing land plots following the work that was done to address the squatted land
plots (“protest glades”) and to resolve the land issue, in 2016-2017, 4,355 land plots were allocated to
citizens included in the register of citizens who had chosen a land plot for individual housing
construction by actually occupying it prior to the adoption of Federal Constitutional Law No. 6-FKZ
“On the admission of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol into the Russian
Federation” of 21 March 2014.
In accordance with Law of the Russian Federation No. 1761-1 “On the rehabilitation of victims
of political repressions” of 19 October 1991, Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 218-ZRK/2016 “On
social support measures for the rehabilitated persons and persons affected by political repressions” of
18 February 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “Law No. 218-ZRK/2016”) stipulates the legal guarantees
of social support for persons residing in the Republic of Crimea and belonging to the category of
rehabilitated persons and persons recognised as victims of political repressions.
Law No. 218-ZRK/2016 provides for social support for citizens who have the right to receive
it in accordance with federal legislation, which include:
1) monthly cash payment of 500 Rubles;
2) reimbursement of expenses for paying for residential premises and utilities in the amount of
50 per cent;
3) payment in the amount of 50 per cent for connection to sewage, gas and power supply
4) free installation of a landline phone;
5) reduced fare on buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular intracity routes within the Republic of
6) reduced fare on buses and trolleybuses on regular commuter routes; on general-use commuter
railway transport within the Republic of Crimea.
In accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the Republic of Crimea, measures
of targeted social support for certain categories of citizens in the form of benefits, compensation and
Annex 498
payments, as well as social services for citizens, rehabilitation services for disabled persons, including
children with disabilities, public employment services – are provided to citizens regardless of their
ethnicity, gender, age, social status, political opinions and attitude toward religion in the exercise of the
right to voluntary work and free choice of employment. Social support measures for these categories of
citizens are provided on time and in full.
Every year, about 10 Crimean Tatar mass cultural events are held in the Republic of Crimea,
and about 75 are organised annually at the municipal level as part of state national policy.
The Republic of Crimea has established a legal framework regulating the use of the state
languages of the Republic of Crimea – Russian, Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian, as well as the native
languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation living in the Republic of Crimea.
In accordance with Article 10, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea of 11
April 2015, the state languages in the Republic of Crimea are Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar.
According to Article 19 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, everyone has the right to use
their native language, to a free choice of language of communication, education, training and creativity.
Pursuant to Article 11, part 2 of Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 131-ZRK/2015 “On
education in the Republic of Crimea” of 6 July 2015, citizens of the Russian Federation living in the
Republic of Crimea have the right to receive preschool, primary general, basic general education in
their native language, including in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar, as well as the right to study
their native language within the opportunities provided by the education system, in accordance with the
procedure established by education legislation. The exercise of these rights is ensured by creating an
adequate number of relevant educational organisations, classes, groups, as well as by providing
conditions for their operation. The native language is taught and studied under state-accredited
educational programs in accordance with the federal state educational standards.
In 2015, the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea developed
model basic general education programs for the subjects “Crimean Tatar language (native). Crimean
Tatar Literature” and “Crimean Tatar language (non-native)” in order to organise the teaching and
educational process in the Crimean Tatar language, as well as its study to ensure the constitutional right
of citizens to receive education in their native language and to study their native language. These
programmes were approved by the decision of the Federal Educational and Methodical Association for
General Education (Minutes No. 2/15 of 20 May 2015) and included in the register of programmes of
the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
In the period from 2015 to 2018, 110 original and translated titles (textbooks, study guides,
teacher editions, reading books, programmes, glossary) were prepared, translated, edited, published and
delivered in the Crimean Tatar language for students from grades 1 to 11 with a total print-run of
159,648 copies.
The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vernadsky
Crimean Federal University” and the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University train specialists
in the field of study “Crimean Tatar”.
The Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Crimean Engineering and
Pedagogical University” has the Research Institute of Crimean Tatar Philology, History and Culture of
Ethnic Groups of Crimea.
From 2014 to 2018, 428 specialists graduated from the two above-mentioned universities in the
field of study “Crimean Tatar Language and Literature” (including dual specialties “Crimean Tatar
language, English language”, “Crimean Tatar language, Russian language”, etc.), of whom 147 persons
received a Master’s degree (34.4 per cent of the total number of graduates). High-qualified specialists,
including those studying under postgraduate programs for academic and pedagogical staff, are trained.
Annex 498
List of cinematographic content translated and broadcast in the Crimean Tatar language on the
Millet TV channel in 2014-2020
List of full-length motion pictures in Crimean Tatar:
1. Home Alone, Part 1 and 2
2. Mrs. Doubtfire
3. The Wedding Planner
4. A Royal Night Out
5. Barely Lethal
6. Letters to Juliet
7. Night at the Museum
8. The Blind Side
9. The Pursuit of Happyness
10. RED
11. San wa
12. Mirror Mirror
13. Jusqu'à toi
14. Admission
15. Kon-Tiki
16. Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story
17. Largo Winch
18. Largo Winch II
19. Furry Vengeance
20. Foster
21. Olympus Has Fallen
22. London Has Fallen
23. Pelé: Birth of a Legend
24. Wish I Was Here
25. Dan in Real Life
26. Out of Time
27. New in Town
28. The Physician
29. The Joneses
30. Chocolat
31. Upside Down
32. Love Happens
33. State of Play
34. Who Gets the Dog?
35. The Foreigner
Annex 498
36. Love the Coopers
37. The Fighter
38. Hours
39. The Spy Next Door
List of animated films and animated series in Crimean Tatar:
1. Shrek (animated film)
2. SeeFood (animated film)
3. Justin and the Knights of Valour (animated film)
4. Gladiatori di Roma (animated film)
5. Khumba (animated film)
6. Planet 51 (animated film)
7. Escape from Planet Earth (animated film)
8. Pets United (animated film)
9. Astro Boy (animated film)
10. Zarafa (animated film)
11. The Legend of Sarila (animated film)
12. Niko 2 – lentäjäveljekset (animated film)
13. Free Birds (animated film)
14. Alisa Knows What to Do! (animated series)
15. Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers (animated series, 66 episodes)
16. DuckTales (animated series, 75 episodes)
17. Kitten named Gav (animated series, 5 series)
18. Alice in Wonderland (animated series, 3 episodes)
19. Fixiki (animated series, 86 episodes)
20. Paddle Pop Adventures (animated series, 88 episodes)
21. Wickie und die starken Männer (animated series, 77 episodes)
22. Leonardo (animated series, 65 episodes)
23. Pet Pals (animated series, 156 episodes)
24. Krtek a panda (animated series, 49 episodes)
25. Duda and Dada (animated series, 9 episodes)
List of documentaries in Crimean Tatar:
1. Orchard & Garden (3 episodes)
2. Our Dagestan
3. People on the Edge of the Earth (episodes 1, 2 and 3)
4. Petra – the Red Capital of the Desert
5. The Theory of Immortality (episodes 1 and 2)
6. Wildlife Baby Animals (10 hours) – 10 episodes
7. Animals from around the world (10 hours) – 10 episodes
Annex 498
TV programs in the Crimean Tatar language
Millet ve zaman – 26 minutes
(31 episodes; on the air from 12 April 2019 to 25 December 2019)
Saba – 120 minutes
(1,589 episodes; on the air from 1 December 2015 to date)
Vatan ile Saba – 120 minutes
(36 episodes; on the air from 9 November 2017 to 21 March 2020) to be continued...
Tek arzum vatan – 90 minutes
(18 episodes; on the air from 8 November 2019 to 27 March 2020) to be continued...
Yaylya boyu - 55 minutes
(35 episodes; on the air from 1 September 2018 to 8 March 2020) to be continued...
Diniy subet – 26 minutes
(22 episodes; on the air from 11 November 2019 to date)
Tarikh izleri – 26 minutes
(59 episodes; on the air from 31 May 2019 to date)
Achyk laf – 26 minutes
(212 episodes; on the air from 31 August 2016 to date)
Mamateke - 26 minutes
(90 episodes; on the air from January 2017 to 30 June 2019)
BalaLAND – 26 minutes
(17 episodes; on the air from 24 November 2019 to date)
Kheshteg ishte – 26 minutes
(50 episodes; on the air from 11 February 2018 to 20 December 2019)
Chalgydzhy life – 26 minutes
(26 episodes; on the air from 16 February 2018 to 19 January 2020)
Biz bilemiz – 26 minutes
(22 episodes; on the air from 5 March 2017 to 30 December 2017)
Kadynlar alemi – 26 minutes
(69 episodes; on the air from 23 June 2017 to 9 August 2019)
Milliy kaygylar – 20 minutes
(25 episodes; on the air from 10 August 2016 to 24 May 2017)
Information Note on Support for Ukrainian Culture
in the Republic of Crimea
In accordance with Article 10, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea of 11
April 2014, the state languages in the Republic of Crimea are Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar.
According to Article 19 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, everyone has the right to use
Annex 498
their native language, to a free choice of language of communication, education, training and creativity.
Pursuant to Article 11, part 2 of Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 131-ZRK/2015 “On
education in the Republic of Crimea” of 6 July 2015, citizens of the Russian Federation living in the
Republic of Crimea have the right to receive preschool, primary general, basic general education in
their native language, including in Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar, as well as the right to study
their native language within the opportunities provided by the education system, in accordance with the
procedure established by education legislation. The exercise of these rights is ensured by creating an
adequate number of relevant educational organisations, classes, groups, as well as by providing
conditions for their operation. The native language is taught and studied under state-accredited
educational programs in accordance with the federal state educational standards.
In the 2019/2020 academic year, in the Republic of Crimea, there are 544 educational
institutions with 213,600 students. Among them, 207.2 thousand pupils receive education in Russian
(96.9% of the total number), 6.4 thousand pupils in Crimean Tatar (3%) and 206 pupils in Ukrainian
The Republic of Crimea has one general educational organisation with the Ukrainian language
as a language of instruction (nine classes with 152 pupils).
In addition, Ukrainian-language classes are available at Russian-language general education
institutions (three classes in one school with 54 pupils).
General educational organisations of the Republic of Crimea teach native languages in various
forms (as a subject, advanced course, elective course, extracurricular activities), including Ukrainian –
5.6 thousand students.
The State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea annually holds events
to support the development of Ukrainian national culture, language and traditions.
In 2019, as part of the state programme of the Republic of Crimea to strengthen the unity of the
Russian nation and the ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia “Republic of Crimea as the
territory of inter-ethnic harmony” organised the following events:
On 9 March 2019, a festive rally was held in Simferopol to mark the 205th anniversary of the
birth of the great Ukrainian poet, artist and writer Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko.
The participants of the event laid flowers at the monument of Kobzar, representatives of
national and cultural autonomies recited poems of the world-famous poet in the languages of the peoples
living in Crimea.
On 23 June 2019, a thematic concert dedicated to the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs
was held in Yuri Gagarin Park in Simferopol, which included an exhibition of masters of arts and crafts,
a concert by creative teams, a youth quest, a children’s game programme, Cossack festivities called
“Soul of the Cossack” (tasting field kitchen, horseback riding, fancy riding), as well as presentations of
traditional Slavic cuisine.
On 31 August 2019, the Republican Festival of Ukrainian Culture called “Obzhynki – 2019”
took place in Yuri Gagarin Park in Simferopol during Ukrainian culture days in Crimea. An exhibition
by masters of arts and crafts, workshops, performances by more than 30 creative groups and soloists of
the Republic of Crimea were organised as part of the event.
In 2018, as part of the implementation of measures to equip amateur creative groups, national
and cultural autonomies and public organisations (improving the facilities) of the state programme of
the Republic of Crimea to strengthen the unity of the Russian nation and ethno-cultural development of
the peoples of Russia “Republic of Crimea as a Territory of Inter-ethnic Harmony”, the regional public
organisation “Ukrainian Community of Crimea” was granted a subsidy from the budget of the Republic
Annex 498
of Crimea in the amount of 2,508,490.00 Rubles.
The subsidy funds were used to create a Ukrainian-language network resource “Pereyaslavska
Rada” in the Republic of Crimea, including improving the facilities of the regional public organisation
“Ukrainian Community of Crimea”, maintaining staff work, developing a website and other activities.
In August 2020, it is planned to hold a thematic event devoted to the Memorial Day of T.G.
Shevchenko, as well as the Festival of Ukrainian Culture “Obzhynki” as part of Ukrainian culture days.
In June 2020, it is planned to hold a traditional event – the Day of Unity of the Slavs.
With the support of the State Budget Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Gasprinsky Media
Centre” in cooperation with the leadership of the organisation, books by Ukrainian authors are
published. For instance, in 2018, the Album “Songs Embroidered with Threads” by Vera Roik was
published. Among other things, the regional public organisation “Ukrainian Community of Crimea”
supports talented writers and poets who write in the Ukrainian language.
The regional public organisation “Ukrainian Community of Crimea” also implements a project,
which is an information online portal called “Pereyaslavska Rada 2.0” – a unique resource among other
outlets in Crimea that has no peers in Russia.
The presentation of the first Ukrainian-language cultural and educational magazine “Krym
segodnya” (Crimea today) is planned for 2 June 2020.
Information on cultural, leisure and other events, fully or partially dedicated to the Crimean
Tatar culture, held on the territory of the Republic of Crimea
12 April 2015 - event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Crimean Tatar Choreographic
Ensemble “Uchan-Su”. Location: Simferopol. Type of event: concert. The creative team was
congratulated by officials of the Republic of Crimea, cultural figures of Crimea. The ensemble
“Uchan-Su” performed a concert program.
Annex 498
Every year since 2015, the “Kefe Gulleri” National Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Culture
is held. Location: Feodosia. Competitive program in five categories, gala concert of the winners of the
festival-competition. The objective of the event is to popularize folk art; foster a caring attitude to the
cultural and historical heritage; promote patriotism, tolerance, shape a culture of communication based
on the understanding of the traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia; to support the interest and
creative activity of the Republic's population in mastering various forms of traditional folk culture; to
introduce folklore groups to each other and strengthen creative contacts between them; to support,
promote and develop arts and crafts.
Annex 498
Every year since 2015, in May, the Crimean Tatar national holiday “Hidirlez” is held in
Bakhchisaray. The program of the event includes greetings from officials of the Republic of Crimea;
exhibitions of works by masters of arts and crafts, concert by professional and amateur teams, sporting
events, exhibitions and fairs of national cuisine, workshops, children's playgrounds, mass festivities.
The objective of the celebration is to preserve the identity of traditions and customs of the Crimean
Tatars; to spark the interest of the younger generation in the culture and traditions of their people, as
well as representatives of other nationalities; to support, develop and promote national folk art; to create
an environment for cultural exchange and international cooperation between peoples living in Crimea.
On 24 October 2015, a commemorative meeting was held in Simferopol to celebrate the 95th
anniversary of the birth of Amet-Khan Sultan, honored test pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. The
event included the following: a flower-laying ceremony at the memorial plaque; speeches in memory
of the hero by representatives of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea, members of Crimean national and cultural autonomies, veterans of the Great
Patriotic War, residents and guests of Crimea; and creative performances. The event, dedicated to the
memory of Amet-Khan Sultan, is held annually.
Annex 498
Annex 498
On 5 March 2016 – “Cherish the Heart of the Mother” concert, within the forum of the Crimean
Tatar mothers. Location: Simferopol. The event included greetings from officials and public figures on
International Women's Day, performances by creative teams and solo performers of the Republic of
Annex 498
On 1 April 2016, an evening in memory of the Crimean Tatar public and political figure Yuri
Osmanov was held. The event took place in Simferopol. The evening featured a book exhibition and an
exposition dedicated to the life and work of Y. Osmanov; reports on the legal and social activities of
Y. Osmanov were read out.
Annex 498
Since 2016, events dedicated to the celebration of Crimean Tatar Flag Day have been held annually.
The main part of the events is a concert with the participation of professional and amateur creative
teams, and solo performers. The objective of the event is to promote patriotic education of young people,
consolidate the nation, increase interest in learning the history of the State, encourage social activism
and build tolerance among citizens.
Annex 498
Since 2016, the annual Religious Festival to celebrate Eid al-Adha has been held. The program
includes the following: greetings from officials of the Republic of Crimea, representatives of the
clergy; a concert; workshops; exhibitions of masters of arts and crafts; children's playgrounds, the
“kuresh” wrestling competitions.
Annex 498
On 25 February 2017, the “Kara-Dagh” Crimean Tatar Folklore Group celebrated its 25th
Annex 498
On 22-23 April 2017, the Feodosia House of Culture hosted “Kefe Gulleri”, the 3rd Republican
Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Culture.
The objective of the event was to:
- promote and develop Crimean Tatar culture and art;
- strengthen ties of friendship and share experiences between creative teams from the regions
of Crimea;
- increase performance skills of amateur performers, professional teams and solo performers
On 6 May 2017, the Crimean Tatar national holiday “Hidirlez” took place in the Republic
of Crimea. The event was held under the patronage of the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey
The purpose of the celebration was to preserve the identity of traditions and customs of
the Crimean Tatars, encourage, develop and promote folk art, create an environment for cultural
exchange and international interaction between peoples living in Crimea.
Annex 498
On 17 May 2017, the international conference “Cooperation of Crimean Tatar Public
Associations of the Republic of Crimea with Compatriots Abroad” was held in Simferopol.
On 3 September 2017, Crimean residents celebrated Eid al-Adha, also known as the “Sacred
Day of the Sacrifice”, the most important holiday of the year for all Muslims, in the Trenev Park. It
marks the end of the most important event in the life of every Muslim - the Hajj (pilgrimage) to
Mecca. The holiday is always accompanied by a ritual animal sacrifice to absolve believers from their
Annex 498
On 7 October 2017, the District House of Culture in Sovetsky urban-type settlement hosted
“Ichki Nagmeleri”, the 7th Regional Festival of Crimean Tatar Culture. The main objective of the
festival is to preserve and develop Crimean Tatar culture, find talented performers and teams, strengthen
friendly ties and share experiences between creative groups from different regions of Crimea.
Anniversary concert of the Honored Artist of Uzbekistan, Honored Man of Arts of Ukraine,
poet Riza Yusuf.
Annex 498
On 23 November 2019, an anniversary evening of Riza Yusuf, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan,
Honored Man of Arts of Ukraine, took place in Simferopol. The event was held as part of Crimean
Tatar Culture Days.
Friends, relatives, old acquaintances, like-minders and admirers of his talent gathered to
congratulate the hero of the celebration. The anniversary celebrant was greeted with flowers, gifts, and
kind words of appreciation and admiration. Professional Crimean Tatar ensembles and soloists
expressed congratulations to the anniversary celebrant through their brilliant art: touching melodies,
soulful songs, and rhythmic dances. Riza Yusuf shared his warm-heartedness and wisdom,
inexhaustible optimism and energy with the numerous guests through his poetry. The evening was
organized by the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations of the Republic of Crimea and the House
of Friendship between Peoples, State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea, with the support
of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea.
Day of the Crimean Tatar Writing and Culture within
Crimean Tatar Culture Days
On 12 November 2019, events dedicated to the Day of Crimean Tatar Writing and Culture were
held in Simferopol.
The Crimean Tatar State Academic Musical Drama Theatre offered an opportunity to learn
about the culture, literature, and art of the Crimean Tatar people, and to experience the depth and beauty
of their rich spiritual heritage.
Annex 498
Days of Crimean Tatar Writing and Culture covered by the ITV TV channel
Days of Crimean Tatar Writing and Culture
“Kefe Gulleri”
Republican Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Culture
On 21-22 September 2019, the 5th Jubilee Republican Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar
Culture “Kefe Gulleri” took place in Feodosia.
The event was attended by children and adults, folklore, amateur, folk groups, solo performers
of music and oral folk art of the Crimean Tatar people, masters of fine, decorative and applied arts from
all over the Crimean Peninsula. More than 400 Crimeans from young to old, both amateurs and
professionals, demonstrated their talents.
For many years, the festival-competition contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage,
historical, spiritual, family traditions and values of the Crimean Tatars, and the revival of folklife
culture. Thanks to the event all those wishing got acquiainted with folklore as the origin and basis of
any true art.
Annex 498
Crimean Tatar Culture Days
On 26 June 2019, ceremonial events were held as part of Crimean Tatar Culture Days, timed to
coincide with Crimean Tatar Flag Day.
Crimean Tatar Flag Day united Crimeans of different nationalities and gave joy to everyone
who came to pay tribute to the history and culture of the Crimean Tatars.
Annex 498
75th Anniversary of the Deportation of Peoples from Crimea
On 18 May 2019, the Republic of Crimea held commemorative events to mark the
75th Anniversary of the Deportation of Peoples from Crimea and the Day of Remembrance of the
Victims of the Deportation of the Crimean Tatar People from Crimea.
This day united Crimeans of different nationalities and religions, and reminded them of how
important it is to keep peace in their native land and build a common bright future on a solid foundation
of mutual understanding and friendship.
Annex 498
Crimean Tatar National Holiday
On 4 May 2019, the Crimean Tatar national holiday “Hidirlez” took place.
“Hidirlez” once again became a celebration of all-Crimean scale that united thousands of people
all over our beloved Peninsula. Representatives of all the nations living on the Peninsula immersed
themselves into the atmosphere of fun and hospitality and discovered the treasury of the rich spiritual
heritage of the Crimean Tatars at the festive event.
Annex 498
“Kefe Gulleri”
Republican Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Culture
On 27-28 October 2018, Feodosia hosted the ”Kefe Gulleri” Republican Festival-Contest of
Crimean Tatar Culture. 114 creative teams and soloists from different parts of Crimea (700 participants)
took part in the competition program.
The festival was held for the fourth time. In 4 years, it has become extremely interesting and
popular and has gained great fame as a large-scale folklore event. The scale and nature of the festival
show the rapid development of Crimean Tatar culture and its enrichment with new ideas and bright
creative stars of Crimea. “Ichki Nagmeleri” Regional Competition Tour within “Kefe Gulleri”
Republican Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Culture:
Annex 498
More than 50 performances, about 100 participants – this is how the “Ichki Nagmeleri”
Regional Competition Tour took place on 6 October in the framework of the ”Kefe Gulleri” Republican
Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Culture.
The Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar Culture is held in Sovetsky urban-type settlement for
the 8th year in a row and has already become a traditional event for Crimea. Every year it gathers dozens
of soloists and creative teams from all over the Peninsula, who wish to show their talents in
choreography, singing, arts and crafts.
Regional Competition Tour “Kyrym Nagmeleri” within Festival-Contest of Crimean Tatar
Culture “Kefe Gulleri”
Annex 498
On 29 September 2018, residents and guests of Lenino urban-type settlement immersed
themselves into the stunning world of Crimean Tatar culture, an inviting atmosphere of inspiration and
creativity. The settlement hosted the “Kyrym Nagmeleri” Regional Competition Tour as part of the
“Kefe Gulleri” Crimean Tatar Culture Festival-Contest.
The results of the festival-competition showed that the leaders of the creative teams and soloists
make every effort to preserve the identity of the Crimean Tatar people, to convey the cultural heritage
to the younger generation and cultivate a caring attitude toward it among the youth. Such events
contribute to professional growth, give inspiration and a burst of energy, and motivate contestants to
improve their skills year after year.
Regional Competition Tour “Kyrym Nagmeleri” within
Crimean Tatar Culture Festival-Contest “Kefe Gulleri”
The Regional Competition Tour “Kyrym Nagmeleri” was held in Dzhankoy as part of the
national festival-contest of Crimean Tatar culture “Kefe Gulleri”.
Festival-competition is designed to preserve, enhance and promote the cultural heritage of the
Crimean Tatars, support folk art, moral and spiritual education of the younger generation on the best
examples of folk art.
Annex 498
Crimean Tatar Religious Holiday of Eid al-Adha - Feast of the Sacrifice
On 21 August 2018, the Crimean Tatar religious holiday of Eid al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice,
was celebrated in Simferopol.
Eid al-Adha is one of the main Muslim holidays, marking the end of the Hajj. On this day,
believers gather in mosques to pray and perform the ritual of sacrifice.
As part of the holiday, a concert of Crimean Tatar creative groups and an exhibition and fair of
arts and crafts were held in the Park named after K. Trenyov. Among the works exhibited there, many
items were reflecting the artistic traditions and worldview of the Crimean Tatar people. The youngest
participants of Eid al-Adha had fun with entertainers in the “Field of Miracles” children's room. The
participants could enjoy traditional Crimean Tatar dishes.
Crimean Tatar men took part in the traditional national wrestling “Kuresh”. The winner was
awarded a special prize – a live sheep.
Regional Competition Tour “Kyrym Nagmeleri” took place as part of Crimean Tatar Culture
Festival-Contest “Kefe Gulleri” in Simferopol
Annex 498
On 11 August 2018, the “Kyrym Nagmeleri” Regional Competition Tour was held in
Simferopol as part of the “Kefe Gulleri” Crimean Tatar Culture Festival-Contest.
“Kyrym Nagmeleri”, which means “Crimean motifs”, is one of the important events for the
revival, preservation and development of the traditions of the Crimean Tatars. At the festivalcompetition
one could enjoy all the colors and richness of the Crimean Tatar culture.
Crimeans honored the memory of the victims of deportation
of the peoples of Crimea
Annex 498
On 18 May 2018, the Republic of Crimea held mourning events dedicated to the
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Deportation of the peoples of Crimea.
One of the most painful chapters in the history of Crimea is the illegal deportation of hundreds
of thousands of residents of the Crimean Peninsula on ethnic grounds.
The main event of the day was the laying of flowers by Crimeans to the teplushka (an exact
copy of teplushkas (heated freight cars), which were used to transport people from Crimea in 1944) and
a moment of silence to honour the deceased at the Siren railway station in the Bakhchisaray District.
The event was followed by a requiem-concert featuring performers of the Crimean Tatar Song and
Dance Ensemble “Khaytarma” and the Crimean Tatar Folk Ensemble of the Crimean State
Philharmonic “Krym”.
A youth event “Light a Fire in Your Heart” took place in the evening in Simferopol.
Crimean Tatar National Holiday
On 5 May 2018, the Crimean Tatar national holiday “Hidirlez” took place in Bakhchisaray.
“Hidirlez” is a Crimean Tatar national holiday that symbolizes fertility, prosperity, and
well-being. It reflects the complex ethnic history, the origins of the beliefs, social life and economic
activities of the people. “Hidirlez” is an all-Crimean celebration, which brought together about 55
thousand residents from different parts of our beloved Peninsula this year.
Annex 498
The Start of Regional Qualifying Rounds “Kyrym Nagmeleri” within Crimean Tatar Culture
Festival-Contest “Kefe Gulleri”
On 14 April 2018, the first regional round of the contest tour “Kyrym Nagmeleri” was held at
the Razdolnoe District House of Culture as part of the Crimean Tatar Culture Festival-Contest “Kefe
Festival-competition “Kyrym Nagmeleri” aims to preserve, enhance, promote the cultural
heritage of the Crimean Tatars, to support folk art, moral and spiritual education of the younger
generation through the best examples of folk art.
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Emir Usein Chalbash
Annex 498
On 11 April 2018, an event was held to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of fighter pilot
Emir Usein Chalbash (1918-2005) in Simferopol in the hall of the Crimean Engineering and
Pedagogical University.
18 May 2020 - Annual Event “Light a Fire in Your Heart”
18 May 2020 - video conference “Memory of the Peoples of Crimea”, dedicated to the Day
of Remembrance of the Victims of the Deportation of the Crimean Tatars of the Peoples of Crimea.
Annex 498
18 May 2020 – Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Deportation of the Peoples of
Information on Cultural, Leisure and Other Events, Fully or Partially Dedicated to Ukrainian
Culture, Held on the Territory of
the Republic of Crimea
9 March 2016 – 202nd anniversary of the birth of Ukrainian poet and writer T.
The purpose of the event was to honor the memory of T. Shevchenko and to promote Ukrainian
folk art in Crimea.
Annex 498
28 September 2016 - cultural evening “I. Franko's Legacy and Modern Times (160th
Anniversary of the Birth)”
The purpose of the event was to honor the memory of I. Franko and to promote Ukrainian folk
art in Crimea.
9 March 2017 - commemorative meeting dedicated to the 203rd anniversary of the birth of T.
The purpose of the event was to honor the memory of T. Shevchenko and to promote Ukrainian
folk art in Crimea.
Annex 498
18 August 2018 - Ukrainian Culture Days (“Obzhinki”)
The purpose of the event is to preserve and develop Ukrainian culture, folklore and folk art.
2 October 2018 - Roundtable “Developing Ties Between Ukrainians of Crimea and Compatriots
Abroad”, as part of Ukrainian Culture Days.
The purpose of the event was to develop cooperation between Ukrainians and compatriots
living abroad, promoting the preservation of Ukrainian culture and traditions not only in Crimea, but
also in other regions and countries.
Annex 498
9 November 2018 – a flower laying ceremony at the Eternal Fire memorial complex,
timed to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Kiev from the Nazi invaders, as part of Ukrainian
Culture Days.
The purpose of the event was to pay tribute to the fallen Ukrainians in the Great Patriotic
9 March 2019 – commemorative meeting dedicated to the 205rd anniversary of the birth of T.
The purpose of the event was to honor the memory of T. Shevchenko and to promote
Ukrainian folk art in Crimea.
Annex 498
31 August 2019 - Republican festival of Ukrainian culture “Obzhinki – 2019”, as part of
Ukrainian Culture Days
The purpose of the event is to preserve and develop Ukrainian culture, folklore and folk art.
Annex 498
14 October 2019 - Roundtable “Developing Ties Between Ukrainians of Crimea and
Compatriots Abroad”, as part of the Days of Ukrainian Culture.
The purpose of the event is to develop cooperation between Ukrainians and compatriots living
abroad, promoting the preservation of Ukrainian culture and traditions not only in Crimea, but also in
other regions and countries.
9 March 2020 - Thematic event dedicated to the memorial day of T. Shevchenko
The purpose of the event was to honor the memory of T. Shevchenko and to promote
Ukrainian folk art in Crimea.
Annex 498
Form No. 2. Events Held in the Republic of Crimea in Pursuance of Decree of the Head of
Crimea No. 136-U "On Holding Events Dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims
of the Deportation of the Peoples of Crimea" of 13 May 2015.
No. Name of
Event Contents Date
Location Number of
1 Flower -
Collective laying of
flower baskets with the
participation of the
Head of the Republic
of Crimea Sergey
Memorial monument at
the station alley
(Vernadsky Avenue,
30 people
2 Flower -
Flower-laying by
representatives of the
State Committee for
Inter-ethnic Relations
of the Republic of
Crimea at the
memorial sign;
By the Botanical Garden
of the Federal State
Autonomous Institution
of Higher Professional
Education "V.I.
Vernadsky Crimean
Federal University";
30 people
3 Flower -
Flower-laying by
representatives of the
government of the
Republic of Crimea
and the Head of the
Republic of Crimea
Sergey Aksyonov;
(Renaissance) Memorial,
State Educational
Institution of Higher
Education of the
Republic of Crimea
"Crimean Engineering
and Pedagogical
200 people
4 Commemora
tive event
Requiem concert,
laying a capsule at the
construction site of the
memorial complex in
memory of the victims
of the deportation from
"Siren" railway station,
Bakhchisaray District
1000 people
Annex 498
Appendix to the Letter of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
(prepared by the Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea;
M.P. Khalilova […]
Information Note to Section 4 of Appendix No. 2
“Other Public and Print Media in the Ukrainian Language”
The Ministry was established in accordance with Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 16
June 2014 No. 51-U (amended on 5 March 2020) "On Structure of the Executive Bodies of State Authority of
the Republic of Crimea" and operates under Regulation on the Ministry of 27 June 2014 No. 154, approved by
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea. Given the above, the provision of the requested information
on Ukrainian periodicals operating in the territory of the Republic of Crimea before 2014 is not possible due
to its lack at the disposal of the Ministry. Also, in accordance with the Regulation on the Ministry, the
registration of media outlets and the maintenance of media registers are not within the Ministry's competence.
We would also like to mention that, in accordance with the Regulation on the Federal Service for
Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, approved by Decree
of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16 March 2009 No. 228, registration and maintenance of a
register of licensed media fall under the authority of the said agency.
To meet the information needs of citizens of different nationalities living in the territory of the
Republic of Crimea, the following media outlets are operating: Millet public Crimean Tatar TV channel, Vetan
Sedasy (Voice of the Motherland) Crimean Tatar radio station; periodicals: Our Crimea magazine, Meraba
newspaper for Crimean Tatars in the Russian language; newspapers in the Crimean Tatar language: Yany
dyunia, Kyrym newspapers; Yyldyz, Arzy, Armanchyk magazines, the Greek newspaper Tavrika, the German
newspaper Hoffnung, the Jewish newspaper Shalom, the Armenian magazine Golub Masisa, the Bulgarian
newspapers Izvor and Bolgarsky Vestnik (Bulgarian Herald), and Krymsky Kazachiy Vestnik (Crimean
Cossack Herald) newspaper.
Furthermore, the following programs are broadcast on TV by the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization
TRC Krym: "Krymsky ornament" (Crimean Ornament), "Elpida +", and on the radio – "Mnogoliky
poluostrov" (Diverse Peninsula), "Dialog kultur" (Dialogue of Cultures).
Diverse Peninsula program is broadcast weekly on Mondays on the Krym radio (timing: 25 min.).
Format: informational and analytical program, discussions with interesting representatives of Crimean
nationalities, announcements of events, promotion of the traditions of Crimean peoples.
The program aims to cover the most interesting events in the life of national and cultural autonomies
of Crimea, promote the traditional values of the Crimean people, and maintain a conducive environment in the
area of inter-ethnic relations on the Peninsula.
Crimean Ornament project is aired on the Pervy Krymsky (First Crimean) TV channel. The program
brings up the topics of ethnic diversity of Crimea, inter-ethnic and interfaith harmony in the Republic. The
project tells about the peoples inhabiting the Republic, their culture and language. The channel also broadcasts
the program "Elpida +", which narrates the life of Greeks in Russia. It covers topical issues of the activities of
the Federal National and Сultural Autonomy of Greeks of Russia. The programs are broadcast once every two
Krym Tochka (Crimea Point) radio station broadcasts a weekly program called "Dialog kultur"
(Dialogue of Cultures) (duration: 18 minutes), which covers the history and culture of peoples, events held by
national and cultural autonomies of Crimea, Days of Culture of Peoples, meetings with representatives of
national communities, poets, musicians, scientists, public and political figures, etc.
Annex 498
Appendix to the Letter of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
(prepared by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea;
S.A. Patrushev, S.O. Ostapenko […]
Information Note to Paragraph 3, Subparagraphs
'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd' of Appendix No. 3
Cultural and Leisure Institutions and Libraries
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events fully and partially dedicated
to Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar cultures held in the territory of the Republic of Crimea from 18 March 2014
to date:
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Exhibitions 97 74 80 85 79 111
Workshops 30 41 39 58 71 60
Discussions and Information Sessions 66 69 90 89 100 132
Thematic events 125 117 99 103 126 148
Campaigns 50 50 48 48 53 57
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events, fully and partially dedicated
to Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar cultures, planned for the current 2020 and subsequent years in the territory
of the Republic of Crimea:
2020 2021
Exhibitions 130 150
Workshops 124 120
Discussions and Information Sessions 299 320
Thematic events 99 90
Campaigns 50 61
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events not specifically dedicated to
Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar cultures, but indirectly related to the promotion and preservation of Crimean
Tatar and Ukrainian cultures, held in the Republic of Crimea from 18 March 2014 to date:
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Holiday Concert Programs 69 70 70 89 94 103
Festivals 25 24 28 28 31 39
Cities and Towns Days of the
Republic of Crimea
28 28 26 28 30 36
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events not specifically dedicated to
Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar cultures, but indirectly related to the promotion and preservation of Crimean
Tatar and Ukrainian cultures, planned for the current 2020 and subsequent years in the territory of the
Annex 498
Republic of Crimea:
2020 2021
Holiday Concert Programs 60 60
Festivals of the Peoples of Crimea 19 24
Cities and Towns Days of the Republic of Crimea 45 45
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events dedicated to Ukrainian
culture held in museum institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea
from 18 March 2014 to date:
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Exhibitions 8 2 3 7 2 6
Workshops - 20 19 22 19 22
Lectures 7 5 5 8 7 2
Mass Cultural Events 9 4 3 4 6 3
Cultural and Educational Events 11 - - 3 1 3
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events indirectly related to the
promotion of Ukrainian culture held in museum institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of Crimea from 18 March 2014 to date:
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Exhibitions 9 21 13 9 11 13
Workshops - 12 3 2 3 4
Lectures - 7 12 6 9 9
Mass Cultural Events 29 10 9 12 6 14
Cultural and Educational Events 5 9 5 17 8 2
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events dedicated to Ukrainian
culture to be held in museum institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea in 2020-2022:
2020 2021 2022
Exhibitions 6 9 7
Workshops 27 2 1
Lectures 10 32 29
Mass Cultural Events 19 13 12
Cultural and Educational Events 5 2 1
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events indirectly related to the
promotion of Ukrainian culture to be held in museum institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea in 2020-2022:
Annex 498
2020 2021 2022
Exhibitions 12 3 4
Workshops 4 2 2
Lectures 3 5 3
Mass Cultural Events 8 4 4
Cultural and Educational Events 3 2 1
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events dedicated to Crimean Tatar
culture, held in museum institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea
from 18 March 2014 to date:
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Exhibitions 19 26 29 31 29 15
Workshops 25 38 41 39 32 48
Lectures 23 34 27 24 20 21
Mass Cultural Events 3 14 8 12 15 16
Cultural and Educational Events 20 28 46 47 34 30
Thematic Excursions 11,231 12,029 11,254 13,516 13,993 13,921
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events indirectly related to the
promotion of Crimean Tatar culture held in museum institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea from 18 March 2014 to date:
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Exhibitions 1 4 2 3 3 4
Workshops - 1 1 - 1 1
Lectures - - 6 3 3 -
Mass Cultural Events 20 11 1 4 - 5
Cultural and Educational Events 2 5 13 9 3 -
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events dedicated to Crimean Tatar
culture to be held in museum institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea in 2020-2022:
2020 2021 2022
Exhibitions 23 20 21
Workshops 50 48 50
Lectures 25 16 21
Mass Cultural Events 5 3 4
Cultural and Educational Events 34 24 25
Annex 498
Information on the number and types of cultural, leisure and other events indirectly related to the
promotion of Crimean Tatar culture to be held in museum institutions under the supervision of the Ministry
of Culture of the Republic of Crimea in 2020-2022:
2020 2021 2022
Exhibitions 1 3 3
Workshops 3 2 2
Lectures 2 1 3
Mass Cultural Events 2 2 2
Cultural and Educational Events 1 2 3
Annex 498

Annex 499
Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Unified federal list
of organizations, including foreign and international organizations,
recognized terrorist according to the laws of the Russian Federation,
31 August 2020

Unified federal list of organisations, including foreign and international organisations, recognised terrorist according to
the Law of the Russian Federation
(as of 31 August 2020)
No. Name of organization
The court that made the decision (passed the
sentence), the date of the decision (sentence)
and case number (if applicable), effective
1 The Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United
Mujahideen Forces of Caucasus
The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
2 Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Dagestan The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
3 Al-Qaeda (The Base) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
4 Asbat al-Ansar The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
5 Holy War (Al-Jihad or the Egyptian Islamic Jihad) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
6 The Islamic Group (Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
7 The Muslim Brothers (Al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
8 Islamic Liberation Party (Hizb ut-Tahrir) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
9 Lashkar-e-Taiba The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
10 The Islamic Group (Jamaat-e-Islami) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
11 The Taliban Movement The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
12 The Islamic Party of Turkestan (former – the Islamic
Movement of Uzbekistan)
The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
13 The Social Reform Society (Jami’yyat al-Islah al-Ijtima’i) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
14 The Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (Jamiat Ihya
at-Turaz al Islami)
The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
Annex 499
15 Two Holy Mosques (Al-Haramain) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 03-116 of
14.02.03, effective date: 04.03.03
16 Jund al-Sham (The Force of Great Syria) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 06-531 of
02.06.06, effective date: 16.06.06
17 Islamic Jihad – Jamaat of Mujahideen The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 06-531 of
02.06.06, effective date: 16.06.06
18 Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 08-1956 of
13.11.08, effective date: 27.11.08
19 Imarat Kavkaz (The Caucasus Emirate) The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. GKPI 09-1715 of
08.02.10, effective date: 24.02.10
20 Syndicate “Autonomous Combat Terrorist Organisation”
The Moscow City Court, decision No.
3-67/2013 of 28.06.13, effective date:
21 The Terrorist Society – a structural subdivision of the
“Right Sector” organisation in the Republic of Crimea
The Moscow City Court, decision of 17.12.14
(unnumbered), effective date: 30.12.14
22 The Islamic State (also known as The Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria, The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham)
The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. AKPI 14-1424S of
29.12.14, effective date: 13.02.15
23 Jabhat al-Nusra (The Front of Victory)( also known as
Jabhat an-Nuṣrah li-Ahl (The Support Front for the
People of the Great Syria)
The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. AKPI 14-1424S of
29.12.14, effective date: 13.02.15
24 All-Russian public movement “Minin and Pozharsky
The Moscow City Court, decision No.
3-15/2015 of 18.02.15, effective date:
25 Ajr Allah Subhanu wa Ta'ala SHAM (Blessing from
Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, SYRIA)
The Moscow District Military Court, decision
No. 2-69/2015 of 28.12.15, effective date:
26 International religious association Aum Shinrikyo
(AumShinrikyo, AUM, Aleph)
The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. AKPI 16-915S of
20.09.16, effective date: 25.10.16
27 Mujahideen of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad The Moscow Region Court, decision No.
3a-453/17 of 28.04.17, effective date:
28 Chistopol Jamaat The Privolzhsky District Military Court,
decision No. 1‑2/2017 of 23.03.17, effective
date: 31.08.17
29 Rohnamo ba Sui Davlati Islomi (Guide to the Islamic
The Moscow District Military Court, decision
No. 2-1/2018 of 22.02.18, effective date:
30 Terrorist community “Net” The Moscow District Military Court, decision
No. 2-132/2018 of 17.01.19, effective date:
31 Katiba Tawhid wal-Jihad The Moscow District Military Court, decision
No. 2-63/2019 of 05.06.19, effective date:
32 “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” (“Organization for the
Liberation of the Levant”, “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham”,
“Heyat Tahrir al-Sham”, “Hayat Tahri al-Sham”,
“Tahrir al-Sham”)
The Supreme Court of the Russian
Federation, decision No. AKPI 20-275S of
04.06.20, effective date: 20.07.20
33 Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a (Krasnoyarsk Jamaat) The Far-Eastern District Military Court,
decision No. 1-21/2019 of 30.09.19, effective
date: 05.07.20
Annex 499
Annex 500
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea
official website, Section “State and other languages of the Republic of

Official website of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Section “State and other languages of the Republic of Crimea” at: https://monm.rk.gov.ru/ru/structure/210
Government of the Republic of Crimea
Government of the Russian Federation
Head of the Republic of Crimea
Official resources
Thursday, 20 May
Government of the Republic of Crimea >
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea > Activities >
State and other languages of the Republic of Crimea
State and other languages of the Republic of Crimea
On the situation with education in the state (Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian) languages and the study of native
languages in educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea in the 2020/2021 academic year, available
Concept of teaching native languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, available at
D0%B8%D1%8F%20%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85%20%D1%8F%D0 %
BE%D0%B2%20%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B8.pdf :
General educational organizations with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction, are provided with the
necessary educational editions, available at:
Legal regulation of instruction on native languages and studying native languages, available at:
D 0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5.docx
List of educational materials prepared and published by JSC “Publishing House “Prosveshchenie” under the
Annex 500
order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea in 2015-2016, available at:
2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85%20%D1%83%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B D
BD%D0%B0%20%D0%BA%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%BC%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%82 %D0%
B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D1%8F%D0%B 7%D1%
Sample programs for the Ukrainian language, available at:
Sample programs for the Crimean Tatar language, available at:
Sample program for studying the Ukrainian language (native) in preschool educational institutions, available
Sample program for studying the Ukrainian language (non-native) in preschool educational institutions,
available at:
On Roadmap for selecting the language of instruction in the educational institutions of the Republic of
Crimea, available at:
List of educational materials for the Crimean Tatar language and literature, approved for use (delivered to
educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea in January 2018), available at:
D0%B 0%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%83%20%D1%8F%D0%B7%D1%8B%
On native language studying, available at:
Decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea dated 23
May 2018 No 4/2 “On native languages learning and instructing in native languages in educational
institutions of the Republic of Crimea”, available at:
List of educational materials for the Crimean Tatar language and literature, the Ukrainian language and
literature, admitted for use in educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea (delivered to educational
institution of the Republic of Crimea in January 2019), available at:
Annex 500
Open search
Updated: 1 February 2021
Annex 500
Recommendations on applying Russian legislative norms, particularly in enabling education in native languages
and learning languages, available at:
Letter of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea with regard to enabling
education in native languages, available at:

Annex 501
Table of some cultural events held in the Republic of Crimea as part of
the work to promote, develop and preserve the Crimean Tatar and
Ukrainian cultures for 2014-2021

Table of some cultural events held in the Republic of Crimea as part of the work to promote, develop and preserve the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian
No. Name of event Date Place Information from public sources, confirming that
the event has been held Notes
The Republican Festival-
Contest of the Crimean
Tatar music, song and
2018 Crimea
Feodosia: https://crimea.kz/329423-Zavershilsyaotborochnyiy-
The contest was arranged to
coincide with the
125th anniversary of the birth of
the Crimean Tatar stage and
cinema actor, choreographer
Hayri Emir-Zade.
2. Crimean Tatar Art Festival-
Contest “Derviza” 2019-2021 Crimea
Dzhankoy: https://crimeanews.
2020: https://www.culture.ru/events/650316/iiiregionalnyi-
2021: https://crimeanews.
The contest is aimed at promoting
the Crimean Tatar art among the
population of the Crimean
peninsula by mastering the
national repertoire by creative
groups and soloists.
Crimean Tatar Culture
“Korbekkul Gulleri”
30.11.2019 Crimea
2015: https://alushta.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/639
2019: https://goo.su/4OM4 Goals and objectives of the
festival are to support talented
children and young people, to
preserve and develop national
Crimean Tatar culture and create
new traditions and forms of
Annex 501
Crimean Tatar Culture
“Qirim nagmeleri”
2018 Crimea
Dzhankoy: http://ddncrimea.ru/regionalnyjotborochnyj-
Leninsky Region:
The festival-contest is aimed at
the preservation, multiplication,
popularization of the cultural
heritage of the Crimean Tatars,
support of folk art, moral and
spiritual education of the younger
generation on the basis of the best
examples of folk art.
Crimean Tatar and Turkic
Сultures Festival “Gezlev
2015-2020 Crimea,
2015: http://ezdravnitsa.
2019: http://my-evp.ru/xvi-respublikanskij-otkrytyjfestival-
2017: https://russia.travel/events/324202/
2020: https://crimeanews.
The festival is held annually to
promote and develop the Crimean
Tatar and Turkic cultures, the
revival of folklore and national
6. Festival of the Ukrainian
Culture “Obzhynky” 2017-2020 Crimea
2020: https://crimeanews.
The Ukrainian harvest festival
“Obzhynky” has been held in
Crimea since 2017, the
celebration of “Obzhynky” unites
not only Slavs, but also other
peoples living in Crimea.
Festival of the Ukrainian
Song “Songs of Mother’s
An annual festival where musical
pieces by the Ukrainian
composers and folk Ukrainian
songs are performed.
Annex 501
8. Folk Art Festival “Chimes
of the Slavic Folklore” 2014-2020
2015: https://nijno.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/486
2018: https://www.culture.ru/events/316402/festivalperezvony-
2020: https://youtu.be/vEn96V9AAn4
Folk Festival “Chimes of the
Slavic Folklore” is one of the
most popular in Nizhnegorsky
Region, it introduces the audience
to the original culture of peoples
living in Crimea.
Regional festival of the
Crimean Tatar Culture
“Guzel Qirim”
2015: http://www.kulturapervom.
2016: http://www.kulturapervom.
2019: http://www.kulturapervom.
2020: https://pervmo.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/4117
The festival is dedicated to the
development and promotion of the
Crimean Tatar culture,
performances are presented in the
categories: folk, author and
contemporary Crimean Tatar
song, folk dance, instrumental
folk and contemporary music,
artistic reading of folk poetry or
authorship (tales, legends, fables,
sayings, poems, small theater
productions), arts and crafts, fine
art, national dishes.
Regional festival of the
Crimean Tatar Art “New
2015-2020 Crimea, Saki
2015: https://mkult.rk.gov.ru/ru/structure/1344
2019: https://sakimo.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/4388
2020: https://ok.ru/video/2295022422738
The festival has been held since
2015, its goal and objective are to
promote and popularize Crimean
Tatar culture, preserve and
develop traditions of the Crimean
multinational culture on the basis
of cultural exchange and
international creative cooperation.
Annex 501
Regional festival of the
Crimean Tatar Culture
“Ichki nagmeleri”
October 2020
2014: https://mkult.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/498
2016: https://sovmo.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/1082
2017: https://sovmo.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/1632
2018: https://sovmo.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/2130
2019: https://sovmo.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/2613
2020: http://ddncrimea.ru/h-regionalnyj-festivalkonkurs-
Annual festival of the Crimean
Tatar culture “Ichki Nagmeleri” is
held in order to preserve and
develop the Crimean Tatar
culture, find talented performers
and groups, strengthen friendly
ties and exchange experience
between the creative groups from
different regions of Crimea.
12. Festival “Ethnic Beauty” September
Krasnoperekopsk https://krp.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/1921
Festival of the Crimean
Tatar Culture “Islyam –
Terek Istidatlary”
Festival of creative groups
presenting the Crimean Tatar
14. Slavic Culture Festival
“Slavic Wreath” 2018-2019
2018: https://www.culture.ru/events/341919/festivalslavyanskoi-
2019: https://www.culture.ru/events/498880/iifestival-
The festival has been held in
Crimea since 2018 and is intended
to remind that the history of the
Slavic peoples is closely linked,
and that today it is especially
important to maintain good
relations with brotherly peoples.
Festival of National
Cultures “Inflorescence of
Crimea’s Cultures”
2015-2020 Crimea
2015: https://crimeanews.
2016: http://vkurmane.ru/news/2016-11-04-1238
2017: http://ddncrimea.ru/respublikanskij-festivalsotsvetie-
2018: http://kgr.er-crimea.com/sotsvetie-kultur/
2019: http://ddncrimea.ru/otborochnyj-turrespublikanskogo-
2020: https://crimea-
“Inflorescence of Crimea’s
Cultures” is held in order to
revive and preserve national
traditions, rituals and customs of
peoples living in Crimea, to
promote national creativity,
contribute to the harmonization of
interethnic relations.
Annex 501
Performances of the
Ukrainian folk song
ensemble “Smerichka”
2014-2020 Crimea
2014: https://xn--80ahtnegiq.xn--p1ai/sudakotprazdnoval-
Performances of the Ukrainian
folk song ensemble “Smerichka”.
17. Crimean Tatar Writing and
Culture Day
2016: Simferopol:
2017: Evpatoria: http://biblioevpatoria.ru/1094-denkrymskotatarskoj-
Evpatoria: http://my-evp.ru/den-krymskotatarskojpismennosti-
2018:Simferopol: http://gasprinskylibrary.ru/denkryimskotatarskoy-
2019: Simferopol:
2020 Simferopol (online):
On the initiative of the Crimean
Tatar Library named after Ismail
Gasprinsky Crimean Tatar
Writing and Culture Day has been
celebrated since 2009.
In Yevpatoria, Crimean Tatar
Writing and Culture Day is
celebrated in the Central City
Library named after Alexander
18. Crimean Tatar National
Flag Day 2014-2020 Crimea
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2014/06/26/v-kerchiotmechayut-
Krasnoperekopsk: http://krp-rk.ru/index.php/mmnews/
Festive concerts, sports
tournaments and car rallies are
held to celebrate the Day of the
Crimean Tatar national flag in
Annex 501
2016: http://ddncrimea.ru/den-krymskotatarskogoflaga/
2017: https://crimeanews.
2018: Kerch:
2020: https://crimeanews.
Day of Remembrance of
the Victims of the
Deportation of the Peoples
of Crimea
2014-2020 Crimea
Every year on May 18 the
Republic of Crimea celebrates
the Day of Remembrance of the
Victims of the Deportation of the
Peoples of Crimea. On this day
mourning events, commemorative
events with laying flowers,
meetings, gatherings, musical
evenings, exhibitions and
presentations of books take place
all over Crimea. As part of the
“Ignite a Fire in Your Heart”
event, Crimeans honor the
memory of the victims of the
deportation with a minute of
silence and light candles in the
shape of the national Crimean
Tatar symbol “Tamga”. This
event was conceived as a symbol
of unity of the Crimeans to
remember that such tragedies
should never happen again.
20. Literary readings “The
World of Ismail
Annual literary readings “The
World of Ismail Gasprinsky”
Annex 501
Gasprinsky” 22.03.2016;
2015: https://mkult.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/1233
2017: https://vk.com/album-58479986_243742877
2018: https://ok.ru/video/68223374415157-0
2019: http://gasprinskylibrary.ru/literaturnyechteniya-
2020: https://mkult.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/6211
dedicated to the life and creative
legacy of Ismail Gasprinsky, an
outstanding enlightener, classic of
national literature, social and
political figure of the late 18th -
early 19th centuries, are held with
the support of the Ministry of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea
in the Republican Crimean Tatar
Library named after Ismail
Literary readings “The
World of Bekir Chobanzade”
May or June
May 2016;
May 2017;
2014: https://vk.com/wall-40195078_486
2015: https://mkult.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/1516
2016: https://mkult.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/2198
2017: https://mkult.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/3227
2018: http://gasprinskylibrary.ru/literaturnyiechteniya-
2019: http://gasprinskylibrary.ru/qt/literaturnyj-chasmir-
2020: http://gasprinskylibrary.ru/press-obzor-bekirchoban-
Annual literary readings “The
World of Bekir Choban-zade” are
dedicated to the famous Crimean
Tatar scholar-Turkologist,
teacher, writer, and public figure
Bekir Sydkiy Choban-zade.
22. A republican contest
“National Book: Informal”
State budgetary institution of
culture of the Republic of Crimea
“The Republican Crimean Tatar
Library named after Ismail
Gasprinsky” supported by the
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea held a
republican contest for the
Centralized Library Systems of
Crimea for the best event to
promote the national book.
Annex 501
A republican contest for
young readers “10 Words
that Changed my World”
The event is held in honor of the
anniversary of the classic of the
Crimean Tatar literature, poet,
scholar-Turkologist Bekir
Regional history readings
“Crimean Tatar Theater:
Past, Present, Future”
16.10.2019 Crimea,
The Republican Crimean Tatar
Library named after Ismail
Gasprinsky supported by the
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea held regional
history readings “Crimean Tatar
Theater: Past, Present, Future”
(«Къырымтатар театри:
кечмиши, бугуни, келеджеги»),
timed to coincide with the Year of
A republican contest of
creative works for young
readers “The guiding star of
Amet-Khan Sultan”
26.10.2020 Crimea
The contest was dedicated to the
Year of Memory and Glory and to
the 100th anniversary of the birth
of the Crimean Tatar, twice Hero
of the Soviet Union Amet-Khan
26. The Day of Slavic Writing
and Culture 2014-2020 Crimea
2014: https://crimeanews.
2015: https://crimeanews.
2016: https://crimeanews.
2017: https://crimeanews.
2018: http://franco.crimealib.ru/novosti/denslavyanskikh-
2020: http://www.ruscrimea.ru/2020/05/24/v-krymu-
The Day of Slavic Writing and
Culture is celebrated in memory
of two enlighteners, Cyril and
Methodius, who made a great
contribution to the development
of the Slavic society and its
culture. The Day of Slavic
Writing and Culture is celebrated
by all Slavic peoples, including
Ukrainians, Belarusians and
Annex 501
27. Events dedicated to the
Ukrainian writer, poet, and
artist Taras G. Shevchenko
2015: https://crimeanews.
2016: https://crimeanews.
2021: https://crimeanews.
Every year on Taras G.
Shevchenko’s birthday, admirers
and connoisseurs of his works lay
flowers to the monument of Taras
G. Shevchenko, hold conferences,
literary readings and memorial
Events dedicated to the
Ukrainian writer and
poetess Lesya Ukrainka
2015-2021 Crimea, Yalta
2015: https://www.3654.ru/news/755236/v-muzeelesi-
2016: https://cfuv.ru/news/pamyat-lesi-ukrainkipochtili-
2017: https://yalta.bezformata.com/listnews/yalteproshel-
41839240_9792019: http://www.yalta-24.ru/vsyayalta/
ukrainki http://www.ruscrimea.ru/2019/02/25/vyalte-
2020: http://yaltatv.
2021: https://mkult.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/7574
The Yalta Historical and Literary
Museum annually holds the event
“Seven Strings” in memory of the
Ukrainian writer Lesya Ukrainka.
On memorable dates,
representatives of the public,
students of schools and teachers
gather at the monument to Lesya
Ukrainka in Yalta to lay flowers
and read her poetry in the
Ukrainian language.
Annex 501
Events dedicated to the
Ukrainian writer Mikhail
2014-2019 Crimea
2014: http://lib-yalta.ru/news/400/58/k-150-letiya-sodnya-
2016: http://gasprinskylibrary.ru/events/event/150-
2017: https://simeiza.net/novosti/143-denrozhdenija-
2018: https://pisatelicrimea.ru/wpcontent/
2019: https://vk.com/yilm_museum?w=wall-
Events dedicated to the
Ukrainian poet, doctor, and
public figure Stepan
2014-2019 Crimea
2014: https://vk.com/yilm_museum?w=wall-
2018: https://vk.com/yilm_museum?w=wall-
2019: https://vk.com/@yilm_museum-v-yalteotmetili-
Anniversary of the birth of
the Crimean Tatar poet
Eshref Shemyi-zade
21.06.2018 Crimea
2018: http://my-evp.ru/evpatorijcy-otmetili-110-
Arrangement of the events timed
to the 110th anniversary of the
birth of the famous Crimean Tatar
poet and public figure Eshref
Shemyi-zade whose works have
made an invaluable contribution
to the development of the
Crimean Tatar culture.
Memorial Day of the
Crimean Tatar public figure
Noman Çelebicihan
2014-2021 Crimea
Crimea annually holds
commemorative events in honor
of the outstanding personality of
the Crimean Tatar people, public
figure, the first Mufti of Crimea,
who stood for the unity and
equality of all peoples living in
Crimea, poet, author of the
national anthem of Crimean
Annex 501
2018: Simferopol and Evpatoria:
Evpatoria: https://crimeanews.
Alupka: https://krtmuseum.ru/chas-istorii-denpamyati-
Tatars - Noman Çelebicihan.
Vernal Equinox Day
“Navrez Bayram” 2014-2021 Crimea
2014: https://crimeanews.
Alushta: https://alushta.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/341
Bakhchisarai: https://cntrk.
Kerch: https://crimeanews.
Nizhnegorsk: http://nignegor.ru/blogs/zheljabovskievesti/
Kerch: http://www.культура-керчь.рф/наврез-
Chernomorskiy Region: http://chernomorskoerk.
Navrez is a holiday celebrated by
Turkic-speaking peoples to mark
the onset of spring, symbolizing
the awakening of nature and the
beginning of a new life.
Annex 501
Sudak: https://ok.ru/video/253558917692
Belogorsk: https://clck.ru/Tq6wj
Sudak: https://vk.com/wall-67844122_189
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2019/03/23/v-kerchiprazdnujut-
2021: https://crimeapress.info/v-krymu-21-martaprazdnik-
Nizhnegorskiy Region:
Annex 501
34. Eid al-Adha
(Kurban-Bayram) 2014-2020 Crimea
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2014/09/30/kerchanpriglashayut-
Kirovskiy Region:
Yalta: https://yalta.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/65
Simferopol: https://goo.su/4Ou0
2015: Belogorsky Region:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2015/09/24/v-kerchiotmetili-
Krasnogvardeysky Region:
http://vkurmane.ru/news/2015-09-28-335 Leninskiy
Simferopol: https://goo.su/4Ou1
2016: Bakhchisaray:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2016/09/12/v-kerchiotmechayut-
Sudak: https://sudakgs.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/438
Traditionally, Eid al-Adha, being
one of the main Muslim holidays,
is celebrated by the Crimean
Muslims with great festivities,
cultural events which include
sports competitions, national
songs and dances.
Annex 501
Krasnogvardeysky Region:
Leninskiy Region:
Simferopol Region:
2017: Bakhchisarai:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2017/09/02/kerchanamrazdali-
Krasnogvardeyskiy Region:
Leninskiy Region:
Simferopol Region: https://goo.su/4oTN
Sudak: https://goo.su/4OtF
Belogorskiy Region:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2018/08/21/v-kerchiprazdnujut-
Annex 501
Krasnogvardeysky Region: http://kgr.ercrimea.
Leninskiy Region: https://vk.com/album-
Simferopol Region:
Chernomorskiy Region:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2019/08/11/na-naberezhnojv-
Krasnogvardeysky Region:
Leninskiy Region:
Chernomorskiy Region:
Simferopol: https://goo.su/4Ou4
2020: https://vesti-k.ru/musulmane-krymaprazdnuyut-
35. Derviza Bayram 26.09.2015;
Simferopol Region:
Bakhchisaray Region:
Derviza Bayram is a holiday of
land fertility celebrated by the
Crimean Tatars and many other
Turkic peoples. It is celebrated on
22 September which is the day of
the autumnal equinox.
Annex 501
2017: https://crimea.kz/288951-V-Simferopol-skomraiyone-
Belogorskiy Region:
Leninskiy Region: https://reportercrimea.
36. Hidirlez Bayram 2014-2020 Crimea
Alushta: https://alushta.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/511
Nizhnegorskiy Region:
Chernomorskiy Region:
Hidirellez Bayram is a national
holiday of the Crimean Tatars,
celebration of land fertility and
the end of land works, prosperity
and well-being.
Annex 501
Sudak: https://sudakgs.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/389
Sovetskiy Region: https://ok.ru/video/273138454802
Nizhnegorskiy Region:
Chernomorskiy Region: http://chernomorskoerk.
Sudak: https://u.to/wWAqGw
Sovetsky Region:
Annex 501
Chernomorskiy Region:
Leninsky Region:
Nizhnegorskiy Region:
Kerch: https://vk.com/album-118979088_253776011
Krasnoperekopsk: http://krp-rk.ru/index.php/mmnews/
Sovetsky Region:
Chernomorskiy Region: http://chernomorskoerk.
Leninsky Region:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2019/05/04/kerchane-
Annex 501
Sudak: https://u.to/SmEqGw
Sovetsky Region:
2020 (online):
37. Eid al-Fitr (Uraza-Bairam) 2014-2020 Crimea
2014: https://ria.ru/20140728/1017771477.html
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2014/07/31/v-kerchiotmetili-
Krasnoperekopsk Region:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2015/07/19/kerchenskievlasti-
Sudak: https://sudakgs.rk.gov.ru/ru/article/show/211
2016: https://goo.su/4oSl
Dzhankoy: https://goo.su/4OSg
Kerch: https://youtu.be/UPIgwTIfJZ0
2017: https://goo.su/4OSl
Belogorskiy Region:
Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the
holy month of Ramadan,
celebrations are traditionally held
throughout Crimea.
Annex 501
Sudak: https://clck.ru/Tq7Uf
Kirovskiy Region:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2017/06/26/v-kerchiotmetili-
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2019/06/04/v-kerchiotmetili-
Sudak: http://sudak.rk.gov.ru:8880/anons/item/3312-
Chernomorskiy Region: http://chernomorskoerk.
Krasnogvardeysky Region:
Kerch: https://kerch.fm/2020/05/25/krymchaneprazdnujut-
38. Slavic-Ukrainian holiday
“Generous Eve” 2016-2020 Crimea 2020: https://crimeanews.
A Slavic holiday “Generous Eve”
is traditionally celebrated with
carols, folk festivities, songs and
39. Slavic feast of Ivan Kupala 2016-2019 Crimea 2016:
Folk festival of the Eastern Slavs,
dedicated to the summer solstice
Annex 501
2017: https://www.culture.ru/events/209872/kvestchudesa-
2019: https://vk.com/wall-90273294_7017
and the highest bloom of nature
celebrated on July 7.
Concert “Kuz nagmeleri”
(«Кузъ нагъмелери»,
“Autumn melodies”)
October 2016 Crimea,
Concert programme of Crimean
Tatar folk ensembles.
40. Holiday New Year Concert
“Yani yil bizge kele” 2017-2019 Crimea, Kerch
2017: https://goo.su/4otY
2019: https://www.culture.ru/events/583599/yanyiyl-
The festive concert and
entertainment programme is held
annually for children of the
Crimean Tatar nationality.
41. Contest “My Multicultural
Bakhchisaray Region” 2018
Concert of the Crimean
Tatar Dance Ensemble
June 2020
Concert of the folk Crimean
Tatar Zinadinovs’ family
ensemble “Katyrsha-Saraj”
Annex 501

Annex 502
Resolution of the City Administration of Yalta No. 343-p regarding the
preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of
the birthday of Lesya Ukrainka, 17 February 2021

(Coat of Arms)
Republic of Crimea
17 February 2021 Yalta No. 343-p
On the preparation and holding events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth in the
municipality of the urban district of the Republic of Crimea from 17 February to 27 February 2021.
In accordance with Federal Law dated 10 October 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organization
of local self-government in the Russian Federation”, Law of the Republic of Crimea dated 21 August 2014
No. 54-ZRK “On the basics of local self-government in the Republic of Crimea”, Articles of Association of
the municipality of the urban district of Yalta of the Republic of Crimea, resolution of the City Administration
of Yalta of the Republic of Crimea dated 19 January 2021 No. 36-p “On approval of the Event Plan of the
main cultural, entertainment and sports events in the municipality of the urban district of Yalta of the Republic
of Crimea for 2021”
1. To approve the Event Plan dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth (Appendix No. 1).
2. To approve the Organizing Committee composition for the preparation and holding events dedicated to the
150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth in municipality of the urban district of Yalta of the Republic of
Crimea from 17 February to 27 February 2021 (Appendix No. 2).
3. To approve the Plan for the preparation and holding events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesya
Ukrainka's birth in municipality of the urban district of Yalta of the Republic of Crimea from 17 February to
27 February 2021 (Appendix No. 3).
4. The responsible performers specified in Appendix No. 3 to this resolution to ensure the timely
implementation of the Plan for the preparation and holding events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesya
Ukrainka's birth in the municipality of the urban district of Yalta of the Republic of Crimea from 17 February
to 27 February 2021.
5. The responsible performers specified in Appendix No. 3 to this resolution to ensure compliance with decree
of the President of the Russian Federation of 2 April 2020 No. 239 “On measures to ensure the sanitary and
epidemiological well-being of the population in the territory of the Russian Federation in connection with the
spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)”, decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 17
March 2020 No. 63-U “On the introduction of a high alert regime on the territory of the Republic of
Crimea” (with amendments and additions), order of the City Administration of Yalta of the Republic of
Crimea of 14 July 2020 No. 171-r “On additional measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus
6. The Directorate for ensuring the activities of the Chief Executive of the City Administration of Yalta to post
this resolution on the official page of the municipality of the urban district of Yalta of the Republic of Crimea
on the portal of the Government of the Republic of Crimea.
7. This resolution comes into force on the date of its signing.
8. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Head of the City
Administration of Yalta, S.V. Novodatskaya.
Head of the City Administration of Yalta (Signed) Ya.P. Pavlenko
I. V. Grishko (Signed)
E. V. Kisyuk (Signed)
Annex 502
Appendix No. 1
to resolution of the City Administration
of Yalta
of 17 February 2017 No. 343-p
Event Plan
dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka's birth
No. Date, time Event name Venue of the event
1. 17 February
2021- 25
February 2021
Conversation “Lesya Ukrainka’s
Poetry in Music”
Yalta, 13 Sadovaya St., Municipal
Budgetary Institution for Supplementary
Education Yalta Children's Music
School named after A.A. Spendiarova
2. 22 February
2021- 27
February 2021
Exhibition of students' creative
works based on the works of
Lesya Ukrainka
Yalta, 1 Bogdanovic St., Municipal
Budgetary Institution for Supplementary
Education Yalta Children's Art School
named after F.A. Vasilyev
3. 24 February
Competition for reciters of works
by Lesya Ukrainka (students of
grades 5-9)
Yalta, 19 Moskovskaya St., Municipal
Budgetary Educational Institution Yalta
Secondary School-Lyceum No. 9
(together with Municipal Budget
Institution of Culture Yalta Centralized
Library System)
4. 25 February
12:00 pm -12:20
Laying flowers in front of the
monument to Lesya Ukrainka
Yalta, 8A Yekaterininskaya St.,
Municipal Budget-Funded Institution of
Culture Yalta Historic and Literarute
5. 25 February
12:25 pm
Opening of the exposition “The
Forest Song of Lesya Ukrainka”,
dedicated to the
110th anniversary of the first
publication of the fairy play “The
Forest Song”
Yalta, 8A Yekaterininskaya St.,
Municipal Budget-Funded Institution of
Culture Yalta Historic and Literarute
6. 25 February
1:00 pm
Round table “Lesya Ukrainka's
life motives”
Yalta, 8A Yekaterininskaya St.,
Municipal Budget Institution of Culture
Yalta Historic and Literarute Museum
7. 20 February
12:00 pm
24 February
3:30 pm
Thematic lesson “Lesya Ukrainka
“Crimean echoes” and music”
Yalta, Gaspra, 23 Shkolnaya St.;
Alupka, 17 Kalinina St., Municipal
Budgetary Institution for Supplementary
Education Alupka Children's Art School
8. 25 February
Thematic conversation about
Lesya Ukrainka's writing
Yalta, 1 Bogdanovich St., Municipal
Budgetary Institution for Supplementary
Education Yalta Children's Art School
named after F. Vasilyev
9. 25 February
Literary and musical composition
dedicated to the 150th anniversary
of Lesya Ukrainka's birth
Yalta, 13 Sadovaya St., Municipal
Budgetary Institution for Supplementary
Education Yalta Children's Music
School named after A.A. Spendiarov
10. 25 February
Book exhibition “Bright Flower”:
a chronicle of Lesya Ukrainka's
life and writing
Yalta, 8/2 Morskaya St., Municipal
Budget Institution of Culture Yalta
Centralized Library System, a branch of
the Central City Library named after
A.P. Chekhov
Annex 502
11. 25 February
Virtual review of literature “Lesya
Ukrainka: through the centuries”
Yalta, 8 Naydenov St., Municipal
Budget Institution of Culture Yalta
Centralized Library System, a branch
library No. 6 named after A.M. Gorky,
http ://1ib-y alta.ru/
12. 25 February
Virtual book exhibition
“Scientific research of Lesya
Ukrainka's writing: monographs,
collections of articles”
Yalta, 8/2 Morskaya St., Yalta
Municipal Budget Institution of Culture
Centralized Library System, a branch of
the Central City Library named after
A.P. Chekhov
13. 25 February
10:00 am
Online literary and musical
publication "Sea Silence",
dedicated to the 150th anniversary
of Lesya Ukrainka's birth
Yalta, 8 Rudanskiy St., Yalta Municipal
Budget Institution of Culture
Centralized Club System, a branch of
the Yalta Center of Culture,
14. 25 February
11:00 am
Information hour “Thoughts and
dreams of Lesya Ukrainka”
Yalta, Koreiz, 4 Sevastopolskoe Shosse
St., branch No. 4 of Municipal Budget
Institution of Culture Yalta Centralized
Club System, Koreiz Village Club
15. 25 February
11:00 am
Online publication dedicated to
the 150th anniversary of Lesia
Ukrainka's birth
Yalta, 8 Rudanskiy St., Municipal
Budget Institution of Culture Yalta
Centralized Club System, branch of the
Yalta Center of Culture,
https ://vk.com/yaltacentrculture
16. 25 February
12:00 pm
Video presentation “No, I won't
stop singing even in tears...”
Yalta, Gurzuf, 12 Artekovskaya St.,
Municipal Budget Institution of Culture
Yalta Centralized Club System, branch
No. 5 of the Krasnokamensk Village
8 and https://www.facebook.com/
17. 25 February
3:00 pm
Literary lounge Yalta, Gurzuf, 12 Artekovskaya St.,
Municipal Budget Institution of Culture
Yalta Centralized Club System, branch
No. 1 of Gurzuf House of Culture
18. 25 February
4:00 pm
Class hour “Lyrics by Lesya
Yalta, 2A Yuzhnoberezhnoe shosse St.,
Municipal Budgetary Institution for
Supplementary Education Massandrovsk
Children's Art School
19. 26 February
Quiz “L. Ukrainka's life and
writing in Yalta”
Yalta, 19 Moskovskaya St., Municipal
Budgetary Educational Institution Yalta
Secondary School-Lyceum No. 9
20. During the
Event "Windows of Lesya
Ukrainka" (students of Yalta
Secondary School-Lyceum No. 9)
Yalta, 19 Moskovskaya St., Municipal
Budgetary Educational Institution Yalta
Secondary School-Lyceum No. 9
of the Department of Culture
of the Yalta City Administration (Signed) I.V. Grishko
E.V. Kisyuk 20 57 80 (Signed)
Annex 502
Appendix No. 2
To resolution of the City Administration
of Yalta
of 17 February 2017 No. 343-p
The Organizing Committee composition for the preparation and holding events dedicated to the 150th
anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth in the municipality of the urban district of Yalta of the Republic of
Crimea from 17 February to 27 February 2021
K.V. Shimanovsky - Head of the municipality of the urban district of
Yalta of the Republic of Crimea - the Chairman of
the Yalta City Council, the Chairman of the
Organizing Committee (as agreed);
S.V. Novodatskaya - Deputy Head of the City Administration of
Yalta, Deputy Chairman of the Organizing
Organizing Committee members:
V.A. Buryak - First Deputy of the Head of the City
Administration of Yalta;
E.A. Omesova - Chief of the City Administration Staff of Yalta
of the Republic of Crimea;
V.A. Schwartz - Head of the Russian Administration of Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Yalta;
S.R. Memetov - Head of the Department for Housing and
Communal Services of the City Administration of
L.G. Svanidze - Acting Director of Municipal Budgetary
Institution “Zelenstroy”;
I.V. Grishko - Head of the Department of Culture of the City
Administration of Yalta;
M.V. Kesaonova-Nechiporuk - Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the
Information Management Policy Department for
Supporting the Activities of the Head of the City
A.S. Konontsev - Head of Municipal Budgetary Institution
“Dorozhno-explyatatsionny uchastok”.
of the Department of Culture
of the City Administration of Yalta (Signed) I.V. Grishko
E.V. Kisyuk 20 57 80 (Signed)
Annex 502
Appendix No. 3
To resolution of the City Administration of
Yalta of the Republic of Crimea
of 17 February 2017 No. 343-p
Plan for the preparation and holding events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth in
the municipality of the urban district of Yalta of the Republic of Crimea
from 17 February to 27 February 2021
No. Event Timing Responsible
1. To organize the announcement and
widespread media coverage of events
dedicated to the celebration of the 150th
anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka's birth
From 15
M.V. Kesaonova-Nechiporuk
- the Deputy Head of the
Department - the Head of the
Information Management
Policy Department for
Supporting the Activities of
the Head of the City
2. Carry out activities for:
- Improvement of the site at the monument to
Lesya Ukrainka and the territory adjacent to
the building of the Museum of Lesya
Ukrainka, (Yalta, 8 Yekaterininskaya St.);
- Delivery of sound amplifying equipment and
props for events dedicated to the celebration
of the 150th anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka's
- Cleaning and disinfecting treatment of the
territory adjacent to the building of the
Museum of Lesya Ukrainka was carried out,
before and after the events (Yalta, 8
Yekaterininskaya St.);
- Repair of Lesya Ukrainka's monument's
adjoining line to the said monument's
pedestal, located at the address: Yalta, 8
Yekaterininskaya St.;
- Planting of ornamental plants on the curtain
around the monument to Lesya Ukrainka,
located at the address: Yalta, 8
Yekaterininskaya St.;
- Cleaning and washing of the monument to
Lesya Ukrainka, located at the address: Yalta,
8 Yekaterininskaya St.
Till 24
B. A. Buryak - First Deputy
Head of the City
Administration of Yalta;
C. R. Memetov - Head of the
Department for Housing and
Communal Services of the
City Administration of Yalta;
L.G. Svanidze - Acting
Director of Municipal
Budgetary Institution
A.S. Konontsev - Head of
Municipal Budgetary
Institution “Dorozhnoexplyatatsionny
3. To organize the preparation and holding of
events dedicated to the celebration of the
150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth in
cultural and supplementary education
institutions within the scope of the
Department of Culture from 17 February to 25
From 17
I.V. Grishko - Head of the
of Culture of the City
Administration of Yalta;
Yu.V. Rudnik - Director of
the Yalta Historic and
Literature Museum;
L.Yu. Kan - Director of
Municipal Budget Institution
of Culture Yalta Centralized
Club System;
S.A. Steblevsky - Director of
Municipal Budget Institution
Annex 502
of Culture Yalta Theater of
Wind Music.
4. To assist in the allocation of personnel to
ensure safety and social distance during the
events dedicated to the celebration of the
150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka's birth
(Yalta, 8 Yekaterininskaya St.).
25 February
12:00 pm -
2:00 pm
V.A. Buryak - First Deputy
Head of the City
Administration of Yalta;
V.A. Schwartz - Head of the
Russian Administration of
Ministry of Internal Affairs of
5. Assist in
- Restricting the parking of vehicles that
prevent access to the site at the monument to
Lesya Ukrainka (Yalta, 8 Yekaterininskaya
- Allocation of personnel to restrict the
movement of vehicles during events dedicated
to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of
Lesya Ukrainka's birth (Yalta, 8
Yekaterininskaya St.).
25 February
11:00 am -
12:20 pm
12:00 pm -
12:20 pm
V.A. Buryak - First Deputy
Head of the City
Administration of Yalta; V.A.
Schwartz - Head of the
Russian Administration of
Ministry of Internal Affairs of
of the Department of Culture
of the City Administration of Yalta (Signed) I.V. Grishko
E.V. Kisyuk 20 57 80 (Signed)
Annex 502

Document Long Title

Volume VII - Annexes 429-502
