Volume III - Annexes 25-118

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Date of the Document
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(Ukraine v. Russian Federation)
Submitted by the Russian Federation
Volume III
(Annexes 25 - 118)
9 August 2021

The Annexes contained in this Volume are either true copies of the original documents referred to in
the Counter-Memorial, or translations (marked accordingly) from their original language into
English, an official language of the Court, pursuant to Article 51 of the Rules of Court.
Pursuant to Article 51(3) of the Rules of Court, some translations are confined to parts of the annexes,
as indicated at the beginning of the respective annexes. In further compliance with this Rule, the
Russian Federation has provided two certified copies of the full documents in their original language
with its submission. The Russian Federation stands ready to provide more extensive partial
translations or a complete translation of submitted documents should the Court so require.

Annex 25 Law of the Russian Federation No. 1807-1 “On the languages of the peoples of
the Russian Federation”, 25 October 1991 (excerpts)
Annex 26 Law of the Russian Federation No. 2124-1 “On mass media”, 27 December 1991
Annex 27 Federal Law No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”,
17 January 1992 (excerpt)
Annex 28 Constitution of the Russian Federation, 12 December 1993 (excerpts)
Annex 29 Federal Law No. 68-FZ “On protection of population and territories from natural
and man-made emergency situations”, 21 December 1994 (excerpt)
Annex 30 Federal Law No. 82-FZ “On public associations”, 19 May 1995 (excerpt)
Annex 31 Federal Law No. 7-FZ “On non-profit organizations”, 12 January 1996 (excerpt)
Annex 32 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, No. 63-FZ, 13 June 1996 (excerpts)
Annex 33 Federal Law No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for exit from the Russian Federation
and entry into the Russian Federation”, 15 August 1996 (excerpt)
Annex 34 Penal Enforcement Code of the Russian Federation, No. 1-FZ, 8 January 1997
Annex 35 Federal Law No 53-FZ “On military duty and military service”, 28 March 1998
Annex 36 Federal Law No. 165-FZ “On the fundamentals of compulsory social insurance”,
19 July 1999 (excerpts)
Annex 37 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, No. 117-FZ, 5 August 2000 (excerpts)
Annex 38 Federal Law No. 166-FZ “On state pensions in the Russian Federation”, 15
December 2001 (excerpt)
Annex 39 Federal Law No. 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian
Federation”, 15 December 2001 (excerpt)
Annex 40 Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, No. 174-FZ, 18 December
2001 (excerpts)
Annex 41 Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation, No. 195-FZ, 30
December 2001 (excerpts)
Annex 42 Labour Code of the Russian Federation, No. 197-FZ, 30 December 2001
Annex 43 Federal Law No. 62-FZ “On citizenship of the Russian Federation”, 31 May 2002
Annex 44 Federal Law No. 67-FZ “On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right of
citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum”, 12 June 2002
Annex 45 Federal Law No. 73-FZ “On cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural
monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation”, 25 June 2002 (excerpts)
Annex 46 Federal Law No. 112-FZ “On amendments and additions to the legislative acts of
the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law ‘On
countering extremist activities’”, 25 July 2002 (excerpts)
Annex 47 Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian
Federation”, 25 July 2002 (excerpts)
Annex 48 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1325 “On approval of the
Regulation on the procedure for addressing the issues of citizenship of the Russian
Federation”, 14 November 2002 (excerpts)
Annex 49 Federal Law No. 79-FZ “On state civil service in the Russian Federation”, 27 July
2004 (excerpts)
Annex 50 Federal Law No. 25-FZ “On municipal service in the Russian Federation”, 2
March 2007 (excerpts)
Annex 51 Statute of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information
Technology and Mass Media, approved by the Resolution of the Government of
the Russian Federation No. 228, of 16 March 2009 (excerpts)
Annex 52 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373
“On approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of
primary general education”, 6 October 2009 (excerpts)
Annex 53 Joint Order of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation (No. 70)
and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (No. 122) “On the
adoption of the Instruction on the procedure for considering applications, reports
of crimes and other information on incidents related to disappearances of
citizens”, 27 February 2010 (excerpts)
Annex 54 Federal Law No. 326-FZ “On compulsory health insurance in the Russian
Federation”, 29 November 2010 (excerpts)
Annex 55 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No.
1897 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general
education”, 17 December 2010 (excerpts)
Annex 56 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1752-r approving the list
of documents to be attached by the applicant to the application for registration (reregistration)
of a mass media, 6 October 2011
Annex 57 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 776 “On the Council for
Inter-ethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation”, 5 June 2012
Annex 58 Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”, 29 December
2012 (excerpts)
Annex 59 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 186 “On approval of
the rules for provision of medical assistance to foreign citizens in the territory of
the Russian Federation”, 6 March 2013 (excerpts)
Annex 60 Federal Law No. 433-FZ “On amending the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation”, 28 December 2013
Annex 61 Federal Constitutional Law No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic of
Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities
within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol”, 21 March 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 62 Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, 11 April 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 63 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 268 “On measures aimed at
rehabilitation of Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German
peoples and state support of their revival and development”, 21 April 2014
Annex 64 Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 332-r “On events
dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of victims of the deportation from
Crimea”, 22 April 2014
Annex 65 Federal Law No. 91-FZ “On the application of the provisions of the Criminal
Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian
Federation in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol”, 5 May 2014
Annex 66 Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea No. 2152-6/14 “On
measures aimed at the preservation of cultural heritage sites in the Republic of
Crimea in the transitional period”, 21 May 2014
Annex 67 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 103 “On
events aimed at the development of social and cultural spheres of life of the
deported citizens and ensuring inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea for
2014”, 27 May 2014
Annex 68 Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 436-r “On
approval of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Decree of the President
of the Russian Federation of 21 April 2014 No. 268”, 27 May 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 69 Federal Law No. 142-FZ “On introducing amendments into Articles 6 and 30 of
the Federal Law ‘On citizenship of the Russian Federation’ and certain legislative
acts of the Russian Federation”, 4 June 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 70 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 159 “On
approval of the regulations on the State Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and
Formerly Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea”, 27 June 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 71 Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 38-ZRK “On the specifics of the regulation of
property and land relations in the territory of the Republic of Crimea”, 30 July
2014 (excerpts)
Annex 72 Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 790 adopting
Federal Target Program “Social and economic development of the Republic of
Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2020”, 11 August 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 73 Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 68-ZRK “On cultural heritage sites in the
Republic of Crimea”, 11 September 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 74 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 452 “On
approval of the list of places specially assigned for public events in the territory of
the Republic of Crimea”, 12 November 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 75 Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 35-ZRK/2014 “On measures of social support
for certain categories of citizens and persons living in the territory of the Republic
of Crimea”, 17 December 2014
Annex 76 Federal Law No. 421-FZ “On specifics of the legal regulation of relations
pertaining to the provision of social protection (support) measures, as well as
compulsory social insurance payments to certain categories of citizens living in
the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol”, 22
December 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 77 Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea No. 379-1/14 “On
formation of the Commission of the Republic of Crimea on the restoration of the
rights of rehabilitated victims of political repressions”, 24 December 2014
Annex 78 Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 55-ZRK “On public holidays and memorable
dates in the Republic of Crimea”, 29 December 2014
Annex 79 Order of the Government of Sevastopol No. 578 “On approval of the Set of
Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual
revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples,
who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds,
for 2014-2016 in Sevastopol”, 31 December 2014
Annex 80 Joint Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (No. 38),
the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation (No. 14), the
Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (No. 5) “On approval of the
Instruction on the procedure for considering applications, crime reports and other
information on incidents related to disappearance of persons”, 16 January 2015
Annex 81 Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea No. 26-U “On approval of the
Comprehensive Plan countering the ideology of terrorism in the Republic of
Crimea, for 2015 – 2018”, 30 January 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 82 Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 43-r “On
preparation and holding events dedicated to celebrating the anniversary of the
“Crimean Spring” in the Republic of Crimea”, 2 February 2015
Annex 83 Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea No. 445-1/15 “On the
organization of the International Festival Great Russian Word in the Republic of
Crimea”, 11 February 2015
Annex 84 Federal Law No. 9-FZ “On specifics of legal regulation of relations in the field of
culture and tourism in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea
into the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities within
the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol”, 12 February 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 85 Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 227-r “On
approval of the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of
the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and
spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German
peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other
grounds, for 2015-2016 years”, 23 March 2015
Annex 86 Federal Law No 58-FZ “On specifics of the legal regulation of relations pertaining
to the performance of military duty by certain categories of citizens of the Russian
Federation in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the
Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities – the Republic of
Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, within the Russian Federation, and
amending the Federal Law ‘On military duty and military service’”, 30 March
2015 (excerpts)
Annex 87 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 195 “On the
organization of the International Festival Great Russian Word”, 10 April 2015
Annex 88 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 418-r “On
issues of administration of property”, 12 May 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 89 Decree of the Head of the Republic Crimea No. 136-U “On holding events
dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of victims of deportation from Crimea”, 13
May 2015
Annex 90 Regulation of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 363 “On
aspects of implementation of the Federal Target Program ‘Social and economic
development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020’”,
29 June 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 91 Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 131-ZRK/2015 “On education in the Republic
of Crimea”, 6 July 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 92 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2073-r approving the List
of cultural heritage sites of federal significance located in the territory of the
Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, 17 October 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 93 Order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea No. 454-rg “Оn imposing the manmade
emergency situation regime”, 22 November 2015
Annex 94 Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1347 “On restriction of
mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events in the territory of the
municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”, 22
November 2015
Annex 95 Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1348 “On imposing
emergency situation regime for the forces of the municipal unit of the territorial
subsystem of the unified state system of prevention and elimination of emergency
situations (RSChS) in the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea”, 22 November 2015
Annex 96 Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1368 “On taking
measures to eliminate the emergency situation in the territory of the municipality -
the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”, 24 November 2015
Annex 97 Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1377 “On the regulation
of certain issues in connection with the emergency situation”, 25 November 2015
Annex 98 Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 1311-r “On
amending the Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 29
June 2015 No. 590-r”, 29 December 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 99 Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1 “On the regulation of
certain issues in connection with the emergency situation”, 5 January 2016
Annex 100 Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 221-ZRK/2016 “On introducing amendments
into the Law of the Republic of Crimea ‘On specifics of regulation of property
and land relations in the territory of the Republic of Crimea’”, 17 February 2016
Annex 101 Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 218-ZRK “On measures of social support for
rehabilitated persons and persons who have suffered from political repression”, 18
February 2016 (excerpts)
Annex 102 Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 372 “On introducing
amendments into Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea of 22 November 2015 No. 1347 ‘On restriction of mass,
public, cultural, entertainment and other events in the territory of the municipality
- the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea’”, 7 March 2016
Annex 103 Decision of the Voinka Village Administration No. 361 “On the works to improve
the park territory”, 28 April 2016
Annex 104 Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 451-r “On
approval of the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of
the set of measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and
religious revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and
German peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic
and other grounds, for 2016”, 5 May 2016
Annex 105 Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 452-r “On
holding events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of the
Deportation from Crimea”, 5 May 2016
Annex 106 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 627 with
extracts from the List of regional cultural heritage sites of regional significance
located in the Republic of Crimea and the information from the website of the
Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Sites (Historical and Cultural
Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation attached thereto, 20
December 2016
Annex 107 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 627 “On the
classification of cultural heritage sites as cultural heritage sites of regional
significance and identified cultural heritage sites”, 20 December 2016 (excerpts)
Annex 108 Federal Law No. 77-FZ “On introducing amendments into Articles 8 and 9 of the
Federal Law ‘On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation’”,
17 April 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 109 Federal Law No. 239-FZ “On introducing amendments into the Law of the
Russian Federation ‘On mass media’”, 29 July 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 110 Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 968-r “On the
Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of
Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and religious
revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German
Peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other
grounds, for 2017-2019”, 29 August 2017
Annex 111 Order of Roskomnadzor (the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications,
Information Technology and Mass Media) No. 255 “On approval of the procedure
for filing an application for registration of a mass media outlet whose products are
intended for distribution mainly in the territories of two or more constituent
entities of the Russian Federation”, 18 December 2017
Annex 112 Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea No. 93-U “On establishing the
Council of Crimean Tatars under the Head of the Republic of Crimea”, 29 March
Annex 113 Federal Law No. 317-FZ “On introducing amendments into Articles 11 and 14 of
the Federal Law ‘On education in the Russian Federation’”, 3 August 2018
Annex 114 Federal Constitutional Law No. 3-FKZ “On introducing amendments into Article
12-1 of the Federal Constitutional Law ‘On the admission of the Republic of
Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities
within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol’”, 25 December 2018
Annex 115 Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 46 “On
introducing amendments into the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea of 24 June 2015 No. 350”, 25 January 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 116 Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 573-ZRK “On introducing amendments into
Article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea ‘On the specifics of regulation of
property and land relations in the territory of the Republic of Crimea’”, 5 March
2019 (excerpts)
Annex 117 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 187 “On certain categories
of foreign citizens and stateless persons entitled to apply for citizenship of the
Russian Federation under the simplified procedure”, 29 April 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 118 Order of the State Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the Republic of
Crimea No. 197 “On introducing amendments into the Order of the State
Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the Republic of Crimea of 13 July
2017 No. 116 “On approval of the scope of protection of the cultural heritage site
of federal significance ‘Khan's Palace’, 16th – 19th centuries: Khan Mosque,
1740–1743”, 21 August 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 25
Law of the Russian Federation No. 1807-1 “On the languages of the
peoples of the Russian Federation”, 25 October 1991

25 October 1991 No. 1807-1
(as amended on 31 July 2020)
Languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation are the national heritage of the Russian state.
Languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation are under protection of the state.
The State promotes development of national languages, bilingualism and multilingualism in all
territory of the Russian Federation.
This Law is aimed at creating conditions for preserving and equal and authentic development of
languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation and is meant to be the basis for forming of the legal system
to regulate activities of legal entities and individuals, development of legislative acts for the purpose of
implementation of provisions of this Law.
In the Russian Federation, propaganda of hostility and neglect of any language, creation of obstacles
contradicting to the constitutionally established and national policy principles, restrictions and privileges in
the use of languages, and other violations of the laws of the Russian Federation on the languages of the peoples
of the Russian Federation are unacceptable.
(preamble as amended by Federal Law No. 126-FZ of 24 July 1998)
Article 3. Legal status of languages
1. The Russian language is the national language of the Russian Federation throughout its entire
(cl. 1 as amended by the Federal Law No. 126-FZ of 24 July 1998)
2. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation the republics are empowered to establish
their own state languages.
(cl. 2 as amended by the Federal Law No. 126-FZ of 24 July 24 1998)
5. The state recognizes equal rights of all languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation with
respect to their preservation and development. All languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation are
supported by the state.
(as amended by the Federal Law No. 126-FZ of 24 July 1998)
Annex 25
Article 9. Right to choose the language of education
1. The citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to freely choose the language of education in
accordance with the legislation on education.
2. The citizens of the Russian Federation living outside of their national and territorial entities, and the
citizens without such entities, representatives of small-numbered peoples and ethnic groups are supported by
the state in organizing various forms of receiving education in their native language from among the languages
of the peoples of the Russian Federation in accordance with their needs and interests.
Annex 25
Annex 26
Law of the Russian Federation No. 2124-1 “On mass media”, 27
December 1991

27 December 1991 No. 2124-1
(as amended on 24 November 2014)
Article 1. Freedom of press
In the Russian Federation,
search, acquisition, production and distribution of mass information,
establishment of the mass media, the ownership, use and administration thereof,
production, acquisition, storage and operation of technical devices and equipment, raw materials and
materials intended for the production and distribution of mass media products,
shall not be subject to any restrictions except as provided for by the Russian legislation on mass media.
Article 4. No abuse of the freedom of press
It shall be prohibited to use the mass media for committing criminally indictable deeds, divulging
information making up a state or any other law protective secret, distributing materials with public calls for
terrorism or public justification of terrorism, other extremist materials, materials promoting pornography, the
cult of violence and cruelty, and materials containing profane language.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 19 July 1995 No. 114-FZ, of 25 July 2002 No. 112-FZ, of 27 July 2006 No.
153-FZ, of 05 April 2013 No. 34-FZ)
It shall be prohibited to use subliminal messages and other technical devices and means for distributing
information that influences the subconscious of people and (or) affects their health in radio, television or movie
programmes, documentary and feature films, as well as information and computer files and information text
processing software related to the specialised mass media, and to disseminate information concerning any
public association or any other entity included in a published list of public and religious associations and other
organisations with respect to which there is an effective court decision for winding up or prohibiting their
activity as provided for by Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activity”
(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On countering extremist activity”) without referring to the fact
that the relevant public association or organisation is wound up or prohibited.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 19 July 1995 No. 114-FZ, of 16 October 2006 No. 160-FZ, of 24 July 2007
No. 211-FZ)
Annex 26
Article 7. Founder
An individual, association of individuals, organisation or state body may be a founder (co-founder) of a mass
media outlet. According to Federal Law of 6 October 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of the
organisation of local governance in the Russian Federation”, a local authority may be a founder (co-founder)
of a print media outlet.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 22 August 2004 No. 122-FZ, of 25 December 2008, No. 281-FZ)
The following persons may not act as founders:
An individual who is under 18 years of age, or serves a sentence in prison as sentenced by the court,
or is mentally ill and acknowledged to be legally incapable by the court;
An association of individuals, enterprise, institution, organisation whose activity is prohibited by law;
A foreign national or stateless person who does not permanently reside in the Russian Federation.
Co-founders shall act jointly as a sole founder.
Article 8. Registration of a mass media outlet
(as amended by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
The editorial office of a mass media outlet shall carry out its activity following its registration unless
it is exempt from registration under this Law.
A website on the Internet may be registered as an online media outlet under this Law. A website on
the Internet that is not registered as a mass media outlet shall not be deemed to be a mass media outlet.
An application for the registration of a mass media outlet, products of which are intended mainly for
1) throughout the Russian Federation, abroad, in the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian
Federation, shall be filed by its founder with a federal executive body authorised by the Government
of the Russian Federation;
2) in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the territory of a municipal entity,
shall be filed by its founder with a territorial body of the federal executive body authorised by the
Government of the Russian Federation.
The founder or person acting under the former’s authority shall be sent or provided with a notice of
acceptance of such application and required documents with the date of their receipt. The registration authority
shall review an application for the registration of a mass media outlet and make relevant decisions within one
month since the above-mentioned date.
A mass media outlet shall be deemed to be registered since the date when the registration authority
made a decision to register the mass media outlet.
Based on the decision to register a mass media outlet, the applicant shall be provided with a certificate
of registration of the mass media outlet. The certificate of registration of the mass media outlet shall be issued
on a pre-printed form which is a strictly accountable document and a counterfeit-proof printed product, in the
form established by the federal executive body authorised by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The registration authority shall maintain a register of registered mass media outlets in accordance with
the procedure established by the federal executive body authorised by the Government of the Russian
Annex 26
Information contained in the register of registered mass media outlets is open and available to any
individual or legal entity unless access to such information is restricted by federal laws.
Information concerning a specific mass media outlet shall be provided by the registration authority
free of charge within five business days from the date of receipt of a request for such information.
Information concerning a specific mass media outlet shall be sent in written form or as an
electronically signed electronic document under Federal Law of 6 April 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic
Signatures” as an excerpt from the register of registered mass media outlets or a certificate of the absence of
requested information which is issued if there is no information concerning a specific mass media outlet in the
above-mentioned register.
The founder shall reserve the right to start producing mass media products within one year since the
issuance of the certificate of registration. If this deadline is missed, the certificate of registration of a mass
media outlet shall be deemed to be invalid.
Article 9. Inadmissibility of re-registration
A registered mass media is not allowed to be re-registered with the same or a different registration
If the court establishes the fact of re-registration, the first registration shall be recognized as legal.
Article 10. Application for registration
An application for the registration of a mass media outlet shall contain the following:
1) Information concerning the founder (co-founders) as required by this Law;
2) Name(s) of the mass media outlet;
(as amended by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
3) Language(s)
4) Address of the editorial office;
5) Form of the regular distribution of mass information;
6) Intended distribution territory for products;
7) Approximate subject area and (or) specialisation;
8) Intended publication frequency, the maximum run of the mass media outlet;
9) Funding sources;
10) Information concerning other mass media outlets in which the applicant is the founder, owner, editorin-
chief (editorial office), publisher or distributor;
11) Domain name of the website on the Internet for the online media outlet.
(para. 11 is introduced by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
The application shall be accompanied by a document confirming the payment of a stamp duty and
documents confirming that the applicant met the requirements established by this Law upon the establishment
of the mass media outlet. The list of such documents shall be approved by the Government of the Russian
(Part two as amended by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
It shall be prohibited to raise any other requirements upon registration of a mass media outlet.
Article 12. Exemption from registration
No registration shall be required for the following:
Annex 26
Mass media outlets established by the state authorities and local authorities exclusively for the
publication of official statements, materials, regulations and other instruments;
(as amended by Federal Law of 22 August 2004 No. 122-FZ)
Periodical print publications with a run of fewer than one thousand copies;
Radio and television programmes broadcast via cable networks restricted to the premises and territory
of a single state institution, a single educational institution or a single industrial enterprise or those having no
more than ten subscribers;
(as amended by Federal Law of 02 July 2013 No. 185-FZ)
Recorded audio and video programmes with a run not exceeding 10 copies.
Article 13. Refusal of registration
Refusal to register a mass media outlet is possible only on the following grounds:
1) If the application is filed on behalf of an individual, association of individuals, enterprise, institution,
organisation that has no right to establish a mass media outlet under this Law;
2) If information indicated in the application does not correspond to the reality;
3) If the name(s), approximate subject area and (or) specialisation of the mass media outlet constitute an
abuse of the freedom of press within the meaning of Part One of Article 4 of this Law;
(as amended by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
4) If the registration authority previously registered a mass media outlet with the same name(s) and the
form of distribution of mass information.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 29 June 2004 No. 58-FZ and of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
A notification about the refusal of registration shall be sent to the applicant in written form and contain
the grounds for the refusal as provided by this Law.
The application for the registration of a mass media outlet shall be returned to the applicant without
consideration, but with indication of the ground for returning it.
1) If the application was filed in breach of the requirements of part two of Article 8 or part one of
Article 10 of this Law;
2) If the application on behalf of the founder was filed by a person having no authorities for this;
3) If no stamp duty was paid.
(para. 3 as amended by Federal Law of 02 November 2004 No. 127-FZ)
The application shall be accepted for consideration after the afore-mentioned breaches have been
Article 15. Invalidation of the registration certificate
A mass media registration certificate may be invalidated exclusively by a court in civil proceedings
at the request of the registration authority only in the following cases:
(as amended by Federal Law dated 29 June 2004 No. 58-FZ)
1) If the registration certificate was obtained by fraud;
2) If the mass media has not been published (broadcast) for more than one year;
3) If the charter of the editorial office or the agreement replacing it has not been adopted and (or)
not approved within three months from the date of the first publication (broadcast) of the given mass
Annex 26
4) If there was a repeated registration of the given mass media.
Part two is no longer valid. - Federal Law dated 2 November 2004 No. 127-FZ.
Article 16. Termination and suspension of activities
The activities of a mass media may be terminated or suspended only by decision of the founder or by
a court in civil proceedings at the claim of the registration authority.
(as amended by Federal Law dated 29 June 2004 No. 58-FZ)
The founder shall have the right to terminate or suspend the functioning of the mass media only in
cases and in the manner provided for by the charter of the editorial office or the agreement between the
founder and the editorial office (editor-in-chief).
The grounds for the termination of the activities of mass media by a court are repeated violations by
the editorial staff of the requirements of Article 4 of this Law within twelve months, on which the
registration authority issued written warnings to the founder and (or) the editorial office (editor-in-chief), and
likewise the failure to comply with a court order on suspension of the activities of the mass media.
(as amended by Federal Law dated 29 June 2004 No. 58-FZ)
The activities of a mass media may also be terminated in the manner and on the grounds provided for
by the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities”.
(part four was introduced by Federal Law dated 25 July 2002 No. 112-FZ)
The grounds for the suspension by the court (judge) of the activities of a mass media can only be the
need to secure the claim provided for in the first part of this article.
The termination of the activity of a mass media shall entail the invalidity of the certificate of its
registration and the charter of the editorial office.
Article 19. Editorial office status
The editorial office shall carry out its activities on the basis of professional independence.
The editorial office can be a legal entity, an independent economic entity organized in any form
permitted by law. If the editorial office of a registered mass media is organized as an enterprise, then it is
also subject to registration in accordance with the federal law on state registration of legal entities and, in
addition to the production and release of mass media, has the right to carry out other activities not prohibited
by law in the prescribed manner.
(as amended by Federal Laws dated 21 March 2002 No. 31-FZ, dated 08 December 2003 No. 169-
Part three is no longer valid. - Federal Law dated 2 November 2004 No. 127-FZ.
The editorial office can act as a founder of a mass media, publisher, distributor, owner of the
property of the editorial office.
The editorial office is headed by the editor-in-chief who exercises his/her powers on the basis of this
Law, the charter of the editorial office, the agreement between the founder and the editorial office (editor-inchief).
The editor-in-chief represents the editorial office in relations with the founder, publisher, distributor,
citizens, associations of citizens, enterprises, institutions, organizations, state authorities, as well as in court.
He/she shall be responsible for meeting the requirements for the activities of the mass media under this Law
and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
Article 19.1. Limitations related to the establishment of television channels, radio channels,
television, radio and video programmes and broadcasting organisations (legal entities)
(as amended by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
Annex 26
(introduced by Federal Law of 04 August 2001 No. 107-FZ)
A foreign legal entity or a Russian legal entity with foreign capital, a foreign interest (share) in the
authorised (share) capital of which is at least 50 percent or more, or a Russian national with dual citizenship,
may not act as a founder of television or radio channels, television, radio or video programmes.
(as amended by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
A foreign national, a stateless person or a Russian national with dual citizenship, a foreign legal entity,
as well as a Russian legal entity with foreign capital, a foreign interest (share) in the authorised (share) capital
of which is at least 50 percent or more, may not establish broadcasting organisations (legal entities), the
primary broadcasting area of which comprises one half of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or
more, or the territory in which one half or more of the population of the Russian Federation resides.
(as amended by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
No alienation of shares (interest) shall be made by the founder of a television channel, radio channel,
television, radio or video programme, including following their registration, or by a broadcasting organisation
(legal entity), the primary broadcasting area of which comprises one half of constituent entities of the Russian
Federation or more, or the territory in which at least one half of the population of the Russian Federation
resides, leading to a foreign interest (share) in their authorised (share) capital becoming at least 50 percent or
(as amended by Federal Law of 14 June 2011 No. 142-FZ)
Article 61. Order of appeal
In accordance with the civil and civil procedural legislation of the Russian Federation, the following can
be subject to appeal in court:
1) refusal to register a mass media, violation of the registration procedure and terms by the registering
body, other illegal actions of the registering body;
2) decision of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to
revoke the broadcasting license:
(as amended by Federal law of 22 August 2004 No. 122-FZ)
3) refusal and postponement in providing the requested information or violation by officials and/or
employees of press services of governmental bodies, organizations, institutions, enterprises, public
associations bodies of the requirements of Article 40 of this Law;
4) refusal of accreditation, revocation of accreditation, as well as violation of the rights of an accredited
Should the court recognize the appealed decision or action (inaction) unlawful, the court shall than make
a decision on the validity of the complaint, obligation to eliminate the violation and compensate for losses,
including lost income, incurred by the founder, editorial office, license holder.
Annex 26
Annex 27
Federal Law No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian
Federation”, 17 January 1992

17 January 1992 No. 2202-1
(as amended on 30.12.2020)
Article 27. Prosecutor’s powers
1. In carrying out the functions entrusted to him, the prosecutor shall:
consider and verify applications, complaints and other reports of violations of human and civil rights
and freedoms;
explain to victims the procedure for protecting their rights and freedoms;
take measures to prevent and suppress violations of human and civil rights and freedoms, prosecute
persons who have violated the law and make reparation for damage caused
exercise the powers provided for in Article 22 of this Federal Law.
2. Where there is reason to believe that a violation of human and civil rights and freedoms has the
nature of a crime, the prosecutor shall take measures to ensure that the persons who committed it are criminally
prosecuted in accordance with the law.
3. Where the violation of human and civil rights has the nature of an administrative offense, the
prosecutor shall initiate administrative proceedings or immediately send notification of the offence and the
investigation records to the body or official who are authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses.
Annex 27

Annex 28
Constitution of the Russian Federation, 12 December 1993

Adopted by popular vote on 12 December 1993
with amendments approved in the course of nationwide vote
on 1 July 2020
Article 13
1. In the Russian Federation ideological diversity shall be recognized.
2. No ideology may be established as state ideology or obligatory one.
3. In the Russian Federation political diversity and multi-party system shall be recognized.
4. Public associations shall be equal before the law.
5. The establishment and activities of public associations whose goals and activities are aimed at the forcible
change of the basis of the constitutional order and at violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, at
undermining its security, at setting up armed units, and at instigating social, racial, national and religious strife
shall be prohibited.
Article 19
1. All people shall be equal before the law and court.
2. The State shall guarantee the equality of human and civil rights and freedoms regardless of sex, race,
nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, convictions,
membership of public associations, and of other circumstances. All forms of limitations of human rights on
social, racial, national, linguistic or religious grounds shall be banned.
3. Men and women shall enjoy equal rights and freedoms and have equal opportunities to exercise them.
Article 20
1. Everyone shall have the right to life.
2. Capital punishment until its complete elimination may be established by federal law as an exclusive form
of punishment for particularly grave crimes against life, and the accused shall be granted the right to have his
case examined by jury trial.
Article 21
1. Human dignity shall be protected by the State. Nothing may serve as a basis for its derogation.
2. Nobody should be subjected to torture, violence or other severe or humiliating treatment or punishment. No
one may be subjected to medical, scientific and other experiments without voluntary consent.
Article 22
1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom and personal inviolability.
2. Arrest, detention and keeping in custody shall be allowed only by court decision. Before the court's decision
a person may not be detained for more than 48 hours.
Annex 28
Article 26
1. Everyone shall have the right to determine and indicate his or her nationality. No one shall be forced to
determine and indicate his or her nationality.
2. Everyone shall have the right to use his or her native language, to a free choice of the language of
communication, upbringing, education and creative work.
Article 29
1. Everyone shall be guaranteed the freedom of thought and speech.
2. The propaganda or agitation instigating social, racial, national or religious hatred and strife shall not be
allowed. The propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic supremacy shall be prohibited.
3. No one may be forced to express his views and convictions or to reject them.
4. Everyone shall have the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by
any legal means. The list of types of information constituting state secrets shall be determined by federal law.
5. The freedom of the mass media shall be guaranteed. Censorship shall be prohibited.
Article 30
1. Everyone shall have the right of association, including the right to create trade unions for the protection of
his or her interests. The freedom of activity of public association shall be guaranteed.
2. No one may be compelled to join any association and remain in it.
Article 34
1. Everyone shall have the right to a use freely his or her abilities and property for entrepreneurial and other
economic activities not prohibited by law.
2. The economic activity aimed at monopolization and unfair competition shall not be allowed.
Article 41
1. Everyone shall have the right to health protection and medical care. Medical care in state and municipal
healthcare institutions shall be provided to the citizens free of charge at the expense of the relevant budget,
insurance premiums and other proceeds.
Article 43
1. Everyone shall have the right to education.
2. General accessibility and free pre-school, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or
municipal educational institutions and enterprises shall be guaranteed.
3. Everyone shall have the right to receive on a competitive basis free higher education in a state or municipal
educational establishment and at enterprises.
4. Basic general education shall be compulsory. Parents or persons acting in their stead shall ensure that
children receive basic general education.
5. The Russian Federation shall establish federal state educational standards and support various forms of
education and self-education.
Annex 28
Article 45
1. State protection of human and civil rights and freedoms shall be guaranteed in the Russian Federation.
2. Everyone shall have the right to protect his or her rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law.
Article 46
1. Everyone is guaranteed judicial protection of his or her rights and freedoms.
2. Decisions and actions (or inaction) of public authorities, local self-government bodies, public associations
and officials may be appealed in court.
3. Everyone shall have the right in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation to appeal
to interstate bodies for the protection of human rights and freedoms if all available internal means of legal
protection have been exhausted.
Article 52
The rights of victims of crimes and abuses of power shall be protected by law. The state shall provide the
victims with access to justice and compensation for damage sustained.
Article 53
Everyone shall have the right to compensation by the State for damage caused by unlawful actions (or inaction)
of public authorities and their officials.
Article 55
1. The enumeration of fundamental rights and freedoms in the Constitution of the Russian Federation must not
be interpreted as a denial or diminution of other universally recognized human and civil rights and freedoms.
2. In the Russian Federation no laws must be adopted which abolish or diminish human and civil rights and
3. Human and civil rights and freedoms may be limited by federal law only to the extent necessary for the
protection of the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, the rights and lawful interests of
other people, the defense of the country and the security of the state.
Article 59
3. A citizen of the Russian Federation whose convictions or religious beliefs conflict with military service, or
in such other cases as are provided for by federal law, shall have the right to replace military service with
alternative civilian service.
Article 62
1. A citizen of the Russian Federation may have citizenship of a foreign state (dual citizenship) in accordance
with federal law or an international treaty of the Russian Federation.
2. When a citizen of the Russian Federation has citizenship of a foreign state, this shall not diminish his or her
rights and freedoms and shall not release him or her from the obligations arising out of Russian citizenship
unless otherwise provided for by federal law or an international treaty of the Russian Federation.
Annex 28
3. Foreign citizens and stateless persons shall enjoy rights and bear obligations in the Russian Federation on
an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation except as provided for by federal law or an international
treaty of the Russian Federation.
Article 68 <*>
1. The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian as the language of the Stateforming
nation, which is part of a multinational union of equal peoples of the Russian Federation.
2. Republics shall have the right to establish their own state languages. In state government bodies, local selfgovernment,
state institutions of the Republics they shall be used together with the state language of the
Russian Federation.
3. The Russian Federation shall guarantee to all of its peoples the right to preserve their native language and
to create conditions for its study and development.
4. Culture in the Russian Federation is the unique heritage of its multinational people. Culture is supported and
protected by the state.
<*> Text of the articles, parts and clauses marked <*>, is reproduced in accordance with the Law of the
Russian Federation on Amendment of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 14 March 2020 N 1-FKZ
“On improving the regulation of certain issues of the organization and functioning of public authorities”.
Amendments made by the said Law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian
Federation shall enter into force from the day of official publication of the results of the national voting on the
issue of approval of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Annex 28
Annex 29
Federal Law No. 68-FZ “On protection of population and territories from
natural and man-made emergency situations”, 21 December 1994

21 December 1994 No. 68-FZ
by the State Duma
on 11 November 1994
Article 1. Basic definitions
“Emergency situation” means a situation occurring on a certain territory as a result of an accident,
dangerous natural phenomenon, catastrophe, natural or another disaster that entail, or has potential to entail,
human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of
the living conditions of people.
Annex 29

Annex 30
Federal Law No. 82-FZ “On public associations”, 19 May 1995

19 May 1995 No. 82-FZ
(as amended on 30 December 2020)
Article 44. Liquidation of a public association and prohibition of its activities in cases of violation
of the legislation of the Russian Federation
The grounds for the liquidation of a public association or the prohibition of its activities are:
violation of human and civil rights and freedoms by a public association;
repeated or gross violations by a public association of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal
constitutional laws, federal laws or other regulatory legal acts, or the systematic implementation by a public
association of activities contrary to its statutory objectives;
failure to remedy, within the time-limit prescribed by the federal state registration authority or its
territorial body, the violations which have served as the basis for the suspension of a public association’s
(Paragraph introduced by Federal Law No. 18-FZ of 10 January 2006)
(Part one as amended by Federal Law No. 112-FZ of 25 July 2002)
Structural subdivisions — organizations and branches of a public association shall be liquidated in the
event of the liquidation of the corresponding public association.
(Part two as amended by Federal Law No. 18-FZ of 10 January 2006)
An application to the court on liquidation of an international or all-Russian public association shall be
submitted by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation or by the federal state registration authority.
An application to the court on liquidation of an interregional, regional or local public association shall be
submitted by the prosecutor of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance
with the procedure stipulated by the Federal Law “On the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian
Federation” (as amended by Federal Law No. 168-FZ of 17 November 1995), or by a respective territorial
body of the federal state registration body.
(Part three as amended by Federal Law No. 18-FZ of 10 January 2006)
Liquidation of a public association by a court decision shall imply prohibition of its activities regardless
of the fact of its state registration.
The procedure and grounds for liquidation of a public association, which is a legal entity, by a court
decision shall also apply to the prohibition of activities of a public association which is not a legal entity.
(Part five introduced by Federal Law No. 112-FZ of 25 July 2002)
A public association may be liquidated, and the activities of a public association which is not a legal
entity may also be prohibited according to the procedure and on the grounds stipulated by the Federal Law
“On countering extremist activities”.
(Part six introduced by Federal Law No. 112-FZ of 25 July 2002)
Annex 30

Annex 31
Federal Law No. 7-FZ “On non-profit organizations”, 12 January 1996

12 January 1996 No. 7-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 8 December 1995
Article 15. Founders of a non-profit organization
1. Depending on the institutional-legal form of a non-profit organization, its founders may include fully
legally capable natural persons and legal entities.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 10 January 2006 No. 18-FZ )
1.1. Foreign citizens and stateless persons legally staying in the Russian Federation may be founders
(participants, members) of non-profit organizations, except for the cases provided for by international treaties
of the Russian Federation or by federal laws.
(Clause 1.1 introduced by the Federal Law of 10 January 2006 No. 18-FZ)
1.2. The following persons/organizations may not be founders (participants, members) of a non-profit
1) a foreign citizen or stateless person in respect of whom it has been decided, following the procedure
established by the laws of the Russian Federation, that their stay (residence) within the Russian Federation is
2) a person included in the list in accordance with Clause 2, Article 6 of the Federal Law of 7 August
2001 No. 115-FZ “On countering the legalisation (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of
terrorism” (hereinafter, the “Federal Law ‘On countering the legalisation (laundering) of proceeds from crime
and the financing of terrorism’”;
(Subclause 2 as amended by the Federal Law of 2 February 2019 No. 407-FZ)
3) a public association or religious organization whose activities have been suspended in accordance
with Article 10 of the Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities”
(hereinafter, the “Federal Law “On countering extremist activities’”);
(as amended by the Federal Law of 31 December 2014 No. 505-FZ )
4) a person in respect of whom a court decision that entered into legal force established that the actions
of such person contain elements of extremist activities;
5) a person who does not meet the criteria for the founders (participants, members) of non-profit
organizations contained in federal laws establishing the legal status, procedure for the foundation, restructuring
and winding-up/liquidation of specific types of non-profit organizations;
(Subclause 6 introduced by the Federal Law of 17 July 2009 No. 170-FZ )
6) an organization or natural person, in respect of which an interdepartmental coordinating agency
responsible for countering the financing of terrorism has decided to freeze (block) such person's/organization's
Annex 31
funds or assets in accordance with Article 7.4 of the Federal Law “On countering the legalisation (laundering)
of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”, until the revocation of such decision.
(Subclause 6 introduced by the Federal Law of 2 December 2019 No. 407-FZ )
(Clause 1.2 introduced by the Federal Law of 10 January 2006 No. 18-FZ )
1.2-1. A person who has previously headed a public or religious association or other organization in
respect of which, on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law “On countering extremist activities” or the
Federal Law of 6 March 2006 No. 35-FZ “On countering terrorism”, a court passed a decision on liquidation
or banning its activities, which has come into legal force, may not be a founder of a non-profit organization
for ten years from the date of entry into force of the relevant court decision.
(Clause 1.2-1 introduced by the Federal Law of 31 December 2014 No. 505-FZ )
1.3. Unless otherwise provided by federal law, the number of founders of a non-profit organization shall
be unlimited.
A non-profit organization can be established by a single person, except for the case when a non-profit
partnership, association (union) is established or for other cases provided for by the Federal Law.
(Clause 1.3 introduced by the Federal Law of 8 May 2010 No. 83-FZ)
2. A budget-funded or public institution may be founded by:
1) the Russian Federation — with respect to a federal budget-funded or public institution;
2) a constituent entity of the Russian Federation — with respect a budget-funded or public institution of
the respective constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
3) a municipality — with respect to a municipal budget-funded or public institution.
(Clause 2 as amended by the Federal Law of 8 May 2010 No. 83-FZ )
3. Unless otherwise provided by federal law, the founders (participants) of non-profit organizations,
founders of foundations and autonomous non-profit organizations may withdraw from the founders and/or
participants of the said legal entities at any time without the consent of the remaining founders and/or
participants, by submitting to the respective registration authority information regarding their withdrawal in
accordance with the Federal Law “On the state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”. In
case the last or sole founder and/or participant withdraws from the founders and/or participants of a non-profit
organization, prior to the submission of information regarding their withdrawal, such person shall transfer their
founder's and/or participant's rights to another person in accordance with the respective federal law and the
Articles of Association of the legal entity.
If a founder (participant) of a non-profit organization, foundation or an autonomous non-profit
organization withdraws from the founder's (participants) of such non-profit organization, foundation or an
autonomous non-profit organization, then their respective rights and obligations shall be terminated from the
date of introducing changes to the information on the respective legal entity contained in the Unified State
Register of Legal Entities. A founder (participant) withdrawing from the founders (participants) shall submit
the withdrawal notice to the respective legal entity on the day of submitting to the registration authority
information on their withdrawal from the founders (participants).
(Clause 3 introduced by the Federal Law of 31 January 2016 No. 7-FZ )
4. Unless otherwise provided by federal law and the Articles of Association of a legal entity, a natural
person and/or legal entity may become a founder (participant) of a non-profit organization or a founder of a
foundation and an autonomous non-profit organization — upon the consent of other founders and/or
participants thereof.
(Clause 4 introduced by the Federal Law of 31 January 2016 No. 7-FZ )
Annex 31
Annex 32
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, No. 63-FZ, 13 June 1996

13 June 1996 No. 63-FZ
(as amended on 05 April 2021)
Adopted by
The State Duma
24 May 1996
Approved by
The Federation Council
5 June 1996
Article 12. Application of the criminal law to individuals that committed a crime outside the
Russian Federation
1. Citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian
Federation that committed outside the Russian Federation a crime violating the interests protected by this Code
are subject to criminal liability in accordance with this Code, unless a foreign state court has issued a ruling
against such individuals in relation to that crime.
(Part 1 as amended by Federal Law of 27 July 2006 No. 153-FZ)
2. For crimes committed on the territory of a foreign state, military personnel of the military units of
the Russian Federation deployed outside the Russian Federation are subject to criminal liability under this
Code, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.
3. Foreign citizens and stateless persons not having a permanent residence in the Russian Federation
who committed a crime outside the Russian Federation are subject to criminal liability under this Code in cases
where the crime is directed against the interests of the Russian Federation or a citizen of the Russian Federation
or a stateless individual permanently residing in the Russian Federation, and also in cases established in an
international treaty of the Russian Federation or another international document containing the obligations
recognized by the Russian Federation in the field of relations governed by this Code, if the foreign citizens
and stateless individuals not having a permanent residence in the Russian Federation are not convicted in a
foreign state and are subject to criminal prosecution on the territory of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 27 July 2006 No. 153-FZ, of 6 July 2016 No. 375-FZ)
Article 115. Intentional infliction of mild harm to health
1. Intentional infliction of mild harm to health that caused a short-term health disorder or a minor lasting
loss of general working capacity,
(as amended by Federal law of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ)
shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to forty thousand rubles, or in the amount of salary or
another income of the convict for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to
four hundred and eighty hours, or corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or arrest for a term of up to
four months.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ, of 7 March 2011 No. 26-FZ, of 7 December
2011 No. 420-FZ)
Annex 32
2. The same act committed:
a) on the basis of hooligan motives;
b) on the basis of motives of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or due
to hatred or enmity against any social group;
(as amended by Federal Law of 21 July 2014 No. 227-FZ)
c) using weapons or items used as weapons;
(Clause “c” was introduced by Federal Law of 21 July 2014 No. 227-FZ; as amended by Federal Law of 26
July 2019 No. 206-FZ)
d) against an individual or those close to them in connection with the performance of official activities
or the performance of a public duty by that individual,
(Clause “d” was introduced by Federal Law of 26 July 2019 No. 206-FZ)
shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional
labor for a term of up to one year, or custodial restraint for a term of up to two years, or forced labor for a term
of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term up to two years.
(as amended by Federal Law of 7 December 2011 No. 420-FZ)
(Part two as amended by Federal Law of 24 July 2007 No. 211-FZ)
Article 126. Kidnapping
1. Kidnapping
shall be punished by compulsory labor for a term of up to five years, or by imprisonment for the same
(as amended by Federal Law of 7 December 2011 No. 420-FZ)
2. The same act committed:
a) by a group of persons by prior agreement;
b) abolished. — Federal Law of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ;
c) with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or under a threat of such violence;
(as amended by Federal Law of 9 February 1999 No. 24-FZ)
d) with the use of weapons or items used as weapons;
e) in relation to a knowingly minor;
f) in relation to a woman, who is in a state of pregnancy as known to the perpetrator;
g) in relation to two or more persons;
h) motivated by money, —
shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of five to twelve years, with or without supervised release
for a term of up to two years.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 9 February 1999 No. 24-FZ, of 27 December 2009 No. 377-FZ, of 7
December 2011 No. 420-FZ)
3. The acts stipulated by the first or second parts of this Article, if they:
a) have been committed by an organized group;
b) abolished. — Federal Law of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ;
c) have entailed death of the victim or other grave consequences by negligence, —
shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years, with or without supervised release
for a term of up to two years.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 27 December 2009 No. 377-FZ, of 7 December 2011 No. 420-FZ )
(Part Three as amended by Federal Law of 9 February 1999 No. 24-FZ)
Note. A person who has voluntarily released the kidnapped person shall be released from criminal
liability, unless his/her actions contain another corpus delicti.
Annex 32
Article 127. Unlawful deprivation of liberty
1. Unlawful deprivation of liberty of a person, not related to his/her kidnapping, —
shall be punished by custodial restraint for a term of up to two years, or compulsory labor for a term of
up to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 27 December 2009 No. 377-FZ, of 7 December 2011 No. 420-FZ )
2. The same act committed:
a) by a group of persons by prior agreement;
b) abolished. — Federal Law of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ;
c) with the use of violence dangerous to life or health;
d) with the use of weapons or items used as weapons;
e) in relation to a knowingly minor;
f) in relation to a woman, who is in a state of pregnancy as known to the perpetrator;
g) in relation to two or more persons, —
shall be punished by compulsory labor for a term of up to five years, or imprisonment for a term of three
to five years.
(as amended by Federal Law of 7 December 2011 No. 420-FZ)
3. The acts provided for in the first or second parts of this Article, if committed by an organized group
or if they have entailed death of the victim or other grave consequences by negligence, —
shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of four to eight years.
Article 222. Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of weapons,
main parts thereof, ammunition
(as amended by Federal Laws of 25 June 1998 No. 92-FZ, of 24 November 2014 No. 370-FZ)
1. Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms, main parts thereof,
ammunition (other than civilian smooth-bore long-barreled firearms, main parts thereof and cartridges thereto,
limited destruction firearms, main parts thereof and cartridges thereto)
(as amended by Federal Laws of 21 July 2004 No. 73-FZ, of 28 December 2010 No. 398-FZ, of 24 November
2014 No. 370-FZ)
shall be punishable by custodial restraint for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up
to four years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years with or
without a fine in an amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in an amount of salary or another income earned
by the convict for a period of up to three months.
(as amended by Federal Law of 7 December 2011 No. 420-FZ)
(Part 1 as amended by Federal law of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ)
2. The same acts committed by a group of individuals by conspiring in advance,
(as amended by Federal law of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ)
shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term from two to six years with or without a fine in an amount
of up to one hundred thousand rubles or in an amount of salary or another income of the convict for a period
of up to six months.
(as amended by Federal Law of 24 November 2014 No. 370-FZ)
3. The acts specified in Part 1 or 2 of this Article committed by an organized group,
shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term from five to eight years with or without a fine in an
amount from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles or in an amount of salary or another
income of the convict for a period from one year to eighteen months.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 25 June 1998 No. 92-FZ, of 24 November 2014 No. 370-FZ)
4. Illegal sale of civilian smooth-bore long-barreled firearms, limited destruction firearms, gas weapons,
edged weapons including throwing weapons,
Annex 32
(as amended by Federal Laws of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ, of 28 December 2010 No. 398-FZ)
shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or correctional
labor for a term from one to two years, or custodial restraint for a term of up to two years, or forced labor for
a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term from three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to
two years with or without a fine in an amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in an amount of salary or
another income of the convict for a period of up to six months.
(as amended by Federal Law of 7 December 2011 No. 420-FZ)
Note. An individual that voluntarily surrenders the items specified in this article is exempt from criminal
liability under this article. If the items specified in this article, and also in Articles 222.1, 223 and 223.1 of this
Code are seized when arresting the individual and also during investigative actions aimed at detection and
seizure thereof, such actions shall not be recognized as a voluntary surrender thereof.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 8 December 2003 No. 162-FZ, of 30 December 2012 No. 306-FZ, of 24
November 2014 No. 370-FZ, of 29 June 2015 No. 192-FZ)
Article 280. Public calls for extremist activities
(as amended by the Federal Law of 25.07.2002 No. 112-FZ)
1. Public calls for extremist activities
(as amended by Federal Law of 25.07.2002 No. 112-FZ)
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount from one hundred to three hundred thousand rubles or in the
amount of the salary or other income of the convict for the period from one year to two years, or by compulsory
labor for a period of up to three years, or by arrest for a period of four to six months, or by imprisonment of
up to four years with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or carry out certain activities for the
same period of time.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 08.12.2003 No. 162-FZ, of 20.07.2011 No. 250-FZ, of 07.12.2011 No. 420-
FZ, of 03.02.2014 No. 5-FZ)
2. The same acts committed through the mass media or information communication networks, including
the Internet –
(as amended by Federal Law of 28.06.2014 No. 179-FZ)
shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a period of up to five years with or without deprivation of
the right to hold certain positions or carry out certain activities for a period of up to three years, or by
imprisonment of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or carry out certain
activities for a period of up to three years.
(as amended by Federal Law of 07.12.2011 No. 420-FZ)
Annex 32
Annex 33
Federal Law No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for exit from the Russian
Federation and entry into the Russian Federation”, 15 August 1996

15 August 1996 No. 114-FZ
by the State Duma
on 18 July 1996
Article 27. A foreign citizen or a stateless person shall be refused entry into the Russian
Federation if:
1) it is necessary for the purpose of ensuring the defense capability or security of the state or
public order or protecting the health of the population, except for the situations provided for by the
second paragraph of item 3, Article 11 of Federal Law of 30 March 1995 No. 38-FZ “On the
prevention of the spread in the Russian Federation of the disease caused by the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV-Infection)”;
Annex 33

Annex 34
Penal Enforcement Code of the Russian Federation, No. 1-FZ, 8 January

8 January 1997 No. 1-FZ
(as amended on 13 July 2015)1
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 18 December 1996
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 25 December 1996
Article 73. Places to serve imprisonment sentences
1. Individuals sentenced to imprisonment, excluding those set out in part four of this Article, shall serve their
sentences in penal institutions within the boundaries of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which
they resided or were convicted. Convicted persons may be transferred to serve their sentences to a relevant
penitentiary facility in the territory of a different constituent entity of the Russian Federation in exceptional
circumstances, for medical or personal security reasons, or with the consent of convicted persons.
(as amended by Federal Law of 9 May 2005 No. 47-FZ)
2. If there is no relevant penitentiary facility at the place of residence or conviction in a constituent entity of the
Russian Federation, or if it is impossible to accommodate convicted persons in available penitentiary facilities,
convicted persons are transferred to penitentiary facilities in the territory of a different constituent entity of the
Russian Federation in which such accommodation is available, with the consent of the relevant superior penal
(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law of 19 July 2007 No. 142-FZ)
3. Convicted women and minors shall be sent to serve their sentences at the location of the relevant penal
(as amended by Federal Laws of 9 May 2005 No. 47-FZ, of 19 July 2007 No. 142-FZ)
4. Individuals convicted of offences envisaged by Articles 126, 127.1(2),(3), 205-206, 208-211, 275, 277-279,
281, 282.1, 282.2, 317, 321(3), 360(2) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and who repeat especially
1 Version of the reproduced provisions effective from 24 July 2015 until further amended in 2018.
Annex 34
Annex 34
dangerous crimes, convicts sentenced to life imprisonment, sentenced to imprisonment in jail, convicts whose
capital punishment was replaced with imprisonment by pardon, shall be sent to serve their sentences to the relevant
penal institutions located in places determined by the federal penal authority.
(Part 4 is introduced by Federal Law of 9 May 2005 No. 47-FZ, as amended by Federal Law of 27 June 2011 No.
Article 81. Service of the entire term of punishment by individuals sentenced to imprisonment in a single
penal facility
1. Individuals sentenced to imprisonment, as a general rule, shall serve the entire term of punishment in the same
penal institution or detention facility, including in cases when a new penalty imposed on them during the term of
their imprisonment unless the court changes the type of penal facility.
(as amended by Federal Law of 5 May 2014 No. 104-FZ)
2. The transfer of a convict from one penal facility to another of the same type for further service of the sentence
shall be allowed if the convict falls ills or for the purposes of ensuring his/her safety, if the penal facility is
restructured or liquidated, and in other exceptional cases impeding any further stay of the convict in the said penal
institution. The transfer of individuals convicted of the commission of crimes listed in part four of Article 73 of
this Code from one penal facility to another of the same type for further service of the sentence shall be allowed
as decided by the federal penal authority. The procedure for transferring convicts shall be established by the federal
executive authority responsible for the elaboration and implementation of state policy and statutory regulation in
the area of the enforcement of criminal sentences.
(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law of 27 June 2011 No. 159-FZ)
Annex 34
Annex 34
Annex 35
Federal Law No 53-FZ “On military duty and military service”, 28 March

28 March 1998 No. 53-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 6 March 1998
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 12 March 1998
Article 22. Citizens subject to conscription for military service
1. Those subject to conscription for military service are:
a) male citizens between the ages of 18 and 27, military registered or not, but obliged to have a military
registration and not being in the reserve (hereinafter – citizens not being in the military reserve);
(as amended by Federal Law of 03.12.2008 No. 248-FZ)
b) paragraph ceased to be effective as of 1 January 2008. – Federal Law of 06.07.2006 No. 104-FZ.
2. Citizens who are, in accordance with the present Federal Law, exempted from the performance of
military duty, from conscription for military service, citizens who were granted a deferment from conscription for
military service as well as citizens who are not subject to the conscription for military service shall not be
conscripted for military service.
2.1. Citizens specified in paragraph 2 of Article 23 and paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the present Federal
Law and having refused to exercise their right to an exemption from the conscription for military service or their
right to a deferment from the conscription for military service shall be conscripted for military service.
The refusal to exercise the right to an exemption from the conscription for military service or the right to
a deferment from the conscription for military service is carried out through the citizen’s submission of an
application for such a refusal to the conscription commission. The said application is to be attached to the protocol
of the conscription commission meeting.
(paragraph 2.1 was introduced by Federal Law of 01.05.2019 No. 98-FZ)
3. The conscription of citizens for military service is carried out on the basis of the decrees of the President
of the Russian Federation.
4. A decision on the conscription of citizens for military service can be made only after they reach the age
of 18 years.
5. Paragraph ceased to be effective as of 1 January 2010. – Federal Law of 06.07.2006 No. 104-FZ.
Annex 35
Article 23. Exemption from conscription for military service. Citizens not subject to conscription
for military service. Exemption from the performance of military duty
(as amended by Federal Law of 02.07.2013 No. 170-FZ)
1. The following citizens shall be exempted from conscription for military service:
a) [those] found limited fit for military service for health reasons;
(as amended by Federal Law of 02.07.2013 No. 170-FZ)
b) [those] performing or having completed military service in the Russian Federation;
c) [those] performing or having completed alternative civilian service;
d) [those] having completed military service in another state in cases provided by the international treaties
of the Russian Federation;
(subparagraph ‘d’ as amended by Federal Law of 07.06.2013 No. 111-FZ)
e) - f) are excluded. – Federal Law of 19.07.2001 No. 102-FZ.
2. The following citizens have the right to an exemption from conscription for military service:
a) [those] in possession of an academic degree provided for by the state system for academic certification;
(as amended by Federal Laws of 04.05.2006 No. 61-FZ, of 02.07.2013 No. 185-FZ)
b) [those] being sons (blood brothers) of:
military servicemen who were performing military service by conscription and were killed (died) in
connection with their performance of military service duties, and citizens who were undergoing military training
and were killed (died) in connection with their performance of military service duties during the period of military
(as amended by Federal Law of 06.07.2006 No. 104-FZ)
citizens who died as a result of injury (wound, trauma, concussion) or disease received in connection with
their performance of military service duties during the period of military service by conscription, after the release
from military service or after the dropout from or the end of military training.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 04.12.2006 No. 203-FZ, of 06.07.2006 No. 104-FZ)
(paragraph 2 was introduced by Federal Law of 19.07.2001 No. 102-FZ)
3. The following citizens are not subject to conscription for military service:
a) [those] serving a sentence in the form of compulsory labour, correctional labour, restriction of freedom,
arrest or imprisonment;
b) [those] having an unexpunged or unspent conviction for committing a crime;
c) [those] in respect of whom an inquiry or a preliminary investigation are carried out or a criminal case
was submitted to the court.
4. The citizens found unfit for military service for health reasons are exempted from the performance of
military duty.
(paragraph 4 was introduced by Federal Law of 02.07.2013 No. 170-FZ)
Annex 35
Annex 36
Federal Law No. 165-FZ “On the fundamentals of compulsory social
insurance”, 19 July 1999

16 July 1999 No. 165-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 9 June 1999
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 2 July 1999
Article 1. The subject of regulation and the purposes of this Federal Law
Compulsory social insurance is a part of the state welfare system, the specific nature of which consists in
insurance of working individuals from potential changes in financial and (or) social status, including for the
reasons beyond their control that is carried out in accordance with the federal law.
Compulsory social insurance is a system of legal, economic and organizational measures created by the state
that are aimed at compensation or mitigation of the consequences of the change in the financial and (or) social
status of working individuals and other categories of people in cases envisaged by the laws of the Russian
Federation as a result of reaching the retirement age, disability, loss of breadwinner, illness, injury, industrial
accident or occupational disease, pregnancy and childbirth, care for a child under 1.5 years of age and other
events envisaged by the laws of the Russian Federation on compulsory social insurance.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 24 July 2009 No. 213-FZ)
This Federal Law also applies to self-employed individuals and other categories of people if the payment of
compulsory social insurance premiums (hereinafter also referred to as the insurance premiums) by or for them
is envisaged by the laws of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by the Federal Laws of 5 March 2004 No. 10-FZ, of 24 July 2009 No. 213-FZ)
Article 8. Types of insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance
2. The coverage in relation to certain types of compulsory social insurance includes:
1) payment of costs associated with provision of necessary medical aid to the insured to a healthcare
(as amended by the Federal Law of 25 November 2013 No. 317-FZ)
2) old age pension;
3) disability pension;
Annex 36
4) loss of breadwinner pension;
5) temporary incapacity for work pension;
6) insurance benefits in connection with an industrial accident or occupational disease, payment of costs of
additional medical rehabilitation, health resort treatment, social and professional rehabilitation;
(as amended by Federal Law of 24 July 2009 No. 213-FZ, of 25 November 2013 No. 317-FZ)
7) maternity allowance;
8) monthly childcare allowance;
(as amended by the Federal Law of 24 July 2009 No. 213-FZ)
9) other types of insurance coverage established by the federal laws on specific types of compulsory social
(sub-paragraph 9 as amended by the Federal Law of 24 July 2009 No. 213-FZ)
10) lump-sum allowance for women registered with healthcare organizations at early stages of pregnancy;
(as amended by the Federal Law of 25 November 2013 No. 317-FZ)
11) lump-sum benefit at childbirth;
13) funeral social allowance;
Annex 36
Annex 37
Tax Code of the Russian Federation, No. 117-FZ, 5 August 2000

5 August 2000 No. 117-FZ
(as amended on 29 November 2014)
Article 333.35. Benefits for certain categories of individuals and organizations
3. The state fee is not paid in the following instances:
26) for state registration of mass media, the products of which are intended for distribution in the territories of
the constituent entities of the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol
in accordance with the Federal Law “On the special aspects of legal regulation of relations in the field of mass
media in connection with admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the formation of
new constituent entities within the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
(part 26 was introduced by Federal Law of 29 November 2014 No. 381-FZ)
(as amended on 29 December 2015)
Article 333.35. Reliefs for certain categories of individuals and organizations
3. State duty shall not be paid in the following instances:
29) issuance of passport certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of
the Russian Federation, including the passport with an electronic data storage device (new generation passport)
to the individuals recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation under Article 4(1) of the Federal
Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of
Crimea and formation of new constituent entities within the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and
the federal city of Sevastopol” who at the time of submission of such application held a valid passport of a
citizen of Ukraine for foreign travel and are seeking a passport certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian
Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, including the passport with an electronic data storage
device (new generation passport), for the first time on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the Federal
City of Sevastopol;
(part 29 was introduced by Federal Law of 29 June 2015 No. 157-FZ)
Annex 37

Annex 38
Federal Law No. 166-FZ “On state pensions in the Russian Federation”,
15 December 2000

15 December 2001 No. 166-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 30 November 2001
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 5 December 2001
Article 3. Pension entitlement under this Federal Law
1. The following individuals shall be entitled to a pension under this Federal Law:
citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to the conditions envisaged by this Federal Law for various types
of state-provided pensions;
foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation – on the
same grounds as the citizens of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided for by this Federal Law or
international treaties of the Russian Federation.
Annex 38

Annex 39
Federal Law No. 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in the
Russian Federation”, 15 December 2001

15 December 2001 No. 167-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 30 November 2001
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 5 December 2001
Article 7. Insured persons
1. The insured persons are the persons subject to mandatory pension insurance under this Federal Law. The
insured are the citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign nationals or stateless persons permanently or
temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation as well as the foreign nationals or stateless
persons (save for highly-qualified specialists under the Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal
status of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation”) temporarily staying in the Russian Federation:
(as amended by the Federal Laws of 20.07.2004 No. 70-FZ, of 03.12.2011 No. 379-FZ, of 03.12.2012 No.
243-FZ, of 28.06.2014 No. 188-FZ)
employed under a labour contract, including the heads of organizations who are the sole participants
(founders), members of organizations, owners of their property, or under a civil-law contract the scope of
which includes the performance of works or provision of services (save for the persons studying full-time at
secondary vocational or higher educational institutions and receiving payments for the activity performed in a
students’ team under labour or civil-law contracts the scope of which includes the performance of works and
(or) rendering of services, the persons subject to a special tax treatment “Earned Income Tax”, the persons
receiving payments for the activity performed under civil-law contracts and not employed under a labour
contract, as well as the persons receiving insurance pensions in accordance with the laws of the Russian
Federation, the persons who are guardians or custodians and perform their duties for a compensation under a
guardianship or tutorship contract, including a foster care agreement), under an authorship agreement, as well
as authors of the works who receive payments and other remuneration under the contracts for alienation of
exclusive rights to the works of science, literature, art, publishing agreements, licensing agreements on the
provision of the right to use the works of science, literature, art (save for the persons subject to a special tax
treatment “Earned Income Tax”);
Annex 39
(as amended by Federal Laws of 27.11.2018 No. 425-FZ, of 01.04.2020 No. 86-FZ)
the self-employed (individual entrepreneurs, attorneys-at-law, arbitration managers, privately practicing
notaries and other people engaged in private practice without the status of an individual entrepreneur), save
for the persons subject to a special tax treatment “Earned Income Tax”;
(as amended by Federal Laws of 28.06.2014 No. 188-FZ, of 27.11.2018 No. 425-FZ)
the members of farmer enterprises;
the individuals working abroad in case of payment of insurance premiums under Article 29 of this Federal
Law, unless otherwise provided for by a treaty of the Russian Federation;
the individuals subject to the special tax treatment “Earned Income Tax” in case of payment of insurance
premiums under Article 29 of this Federal Law;
(sub-paragarph introduced by the Federal Law of 27.11.2018 No. 425-FZ)
members of indigenous communities of the peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian
Federation who carry out the traditional economic activity;
(as amended by the Federal Law of 27.06.2018 No. 164-FZ)
(sub-paragarph introduced by the Federal Law of 24.07.2009 No. 213-FZ)
other categories of individuals who are subject to compulsory pension insurance under this Federal Law.
Annex 39
Annex 40
Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, No. 174-FZ, 18
December 2001

18 December 2001 No. 174-FZ
(as amended on 3 February 2014)1
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 22 November 2001
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 5 December 2001
Article 19. Right to appeal against procedural actions and decisions
1. Actions (omissions) and decisions of the court, the prosecutor, the head of the investigative body, the
investigator, the body of inquiry and the inquiry officer may be appealed in accordance with the procedure
established by this Code.
2. Every convicted person shall have the right to a review of their sentence by a higher court in
accordance with the procedure established by Chapters 45.1, 47.1, 48.1 and 49 of this Code.
Article 24. Grounds for refusal to initiate a criminal case and for termination of a criminal case
1. A criminal case cannot be initiated, and initiated criminal case shall be subject to termination on the
following grounds:
1) absence of the event of a crime;
2) absence of corpus delicti in the act;
3) lapse of the deadlines for criminal prosecution;
4) death of the suspect or of the accused, with the exception of cases when the proceedings on the
criminal case are necessary for the rehabilitation of the deceased;
5) absence of the victim's application, if the criminal case may be initiated only upon his application,
with the exception of cases envisaged by the fourth part of Article 20 of the present Code;
6) lack of a court statement as to the existence of elements of crime in the actions of one of the persons
mentioned in Items 2 and 2.1 of Part 1 of Article 448 of the present Code or lack of the approval of the
Federation Council, the State Duma, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the qualification
college of judges respectively to initiate a criminal case or bring accusations against one of the persons
mentioned in Items 1 and 3-5 of Part 1 of Article 448 of the present Code.
(as amended by Federal Law of 18 July 2009 No. 176-FZ)
2. The criminal case shall be subject to termination on the ground, envisaged by Item 2 of the first part
of this Article, if the criminality and punishability of the action in case have been eliminated by the new
criminal law before the sentence came into legal force.
3. The termination of a criminal case shall entail simultaneous termination of the criminal prosecution.
1 For the versions as amended on 31 December 2014 and 30 April 2021 see, accordingly, pp. 12 and 14 below.
Annex 40
4. A criminal case shall be subject to termination in the event of termination of a criminal prosecution
in respect of all suspects or accused persons, save for the cases provided for by Item 1 of Part One of Article
27 of the present Code.
(Part Four included by Federal Law of 4 July 2003 No. 92-FZ)
Article 25. Termination of a criminal case in connection with the parties’ reconciliation
(as amended by Federal Law No. 87-FZ of 5 June 2007)
The court, as well as the investigator, with the consent of the head of the investigative authority, or the
inquiry officer with the consent of the prosecutor, has the right, on the basis of an application by the victim or
his legal representative, to terminate a criminal case against a person suspected of or charged with committing
a crime of minor or average gravity, in the cases provided for in Article 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation, if this person has reconciled with the victim and has recompensed the damage he has inflicted upon
the latter.
Article 26. Abolished. — Federal Law of 8 December 2003 No. 161-FZ.
Article 27. Grounds for terminating criminal prosecution
1. Criminal prosecution against a suspect or accused shall be terminated on the following grounds:
1) non-involvement of the suspect or the accused in the commission of the crime;
2) termination of a criminal case on the grounds provided for by Paragraphs 1 to 6 of Part One of
Article 24 of this Code;
3) as a result of an act of grace;
4) existence of a valid decision against the suspect or the accused on the same charge, or a court ruling
of the judge to terminate the criminal case on the same charge;
5) existence with respect to the suspect or accused of an unreversed resolution of the inquiry body,
investigator or prosecutor to terminate the criminal case on the same charge or to refuse initiation of a criminal
6) expelled. — Federal Law No. 98-FZ of 24 July 2002;
7) expelled. — Federal Law No. 58-FZ of 29 May 2002;
6) refusal of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to give consent to the
deprivation of immunity of the President of the Russian Federation, who has ceased the performance of his
powers, and/or refusal of the Federation Council to deprive the given person of the immunity.
2. Termination of criminal prosecution on the grounds specified in Clauses 3 and 6 of the first part of
Article 24, Articles 25, 28 and 28.1 of this Code, as well as Clauses 3 and 6 of the first part of this Article, is
not allowed if the suspect or the accused objects to this. In this case, the criminal proceedings shall continue
in the usual procedures.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 98-FZ of July 24, 2002, No. 161-FZ of 8 December 2003, No. 420-FZ of 7
December 2011)
3. Criminal prosecution against a person who has not reached, by the time of committing the act provided
for by the criminal law, the age, from which criminal responsibility occurs, shall be terminated on the grounds
specified in Clause 2 of the first part of Article 24 of this Code. On the same grounds, criminal prosecution is
to be terminated with respect to a minor who, even though he has reached the age, from which criminal
responsibility occurs, but due to mental retardation not associated with a mental disorder, could not fully
understand the actual nature and social danger of his actions (of his lack of action) and control them at the time
of committing the act provided for by the criminal law.
4. In the cases provided for by this Article, it is allowed to terminate the criminal prosecution against the
suspect or the accused without terminating the criminal case.
Annex 40
Article 28. Termination of criminal prosecution in connection with active repentance
1. The court, as well as the investigator, with the consent of the head of the investigative authority, or
the inquiry officer, with the consent of the prosecutor, shall have the right to terminate criminal prosecution
against a person suspected of or charged with committing a crime of minor or average gravity, in the cases
specified in Part One of Article 75 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
(Part One as amended by Federal Law of 5 June 2007 No. 87-FZ)
2. Termination of the criminal prosecution of a person in a criminal case on a crime of another category
with the active repentance of the person for the crime committed shall be carried out by the court, as well as
by the investigator with the consent of the head of the investigative authority or by the inquiry officer, with
the consent of the prosecutor only in the cases specially stipulated by the relevant articles of the Special Part
of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
(Part Two as amended by Federal Law of 5 June 2007 No. 87-FZ)
3. Before termination of the criminal prosecution, to the person shall be explained the grounds for its
termination in accordance with the first and second parts of this Article, as well as his right to object to the
termination of the criminal prosecution.
4. Termination of criminal prosecution on the grounds specified in the first part of this Article shall not
be allowed if the person with respect to whom the criminal prosecution is terminated objects to this. In this
case, the criminal proceedings continue in the usual procedures.
Article 28.1. Termination of criminal prosecution in case of crimes in the sphere of economic
(as amended by Federal Law No. 420-FZ of 7 December 2011)
1. The court, as well as the investigator, with the consent of the head of the investigative authority or the
inquiry officer, with the consent of the prosecutor, shall terminate criminal prosecution against a person
suspected of or charged with committing a crime under Articles 198–199.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation if there are grounds specified in Articles 24 and 27 of this Code or Part One of Article 76.1 of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if, prior to the appointment of a court session, the damage caused to
the budgetary system of the Russian Federation as a result of a crime has been reimbursed in full.
2. For the purposes of this Article, reimbursement of damage caused to the budgetary system of the
Russian Federation means payment in full of:
1) arrears in the amount established by the tax authority in the decision on bringing to responsibility,
which entered into force;
2) corresponding penalties;
3) fines in the amount determined in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
3. The court, as well as the investigator, with the consent of the head of the investigative authority or the
inquiry officer with the consent of the prosecutor, shall terminate criminal prosecution against a person
suspected of or charged with committing a crime under Articles 171, Part One, 171.1 Part One, 172 Part One,
176 Part Two, 177, 180 Parts One and Two, 184 Parts Three and Four, 185 Part One, 185.1, 185.2 Part One,
185.3, 185.4 Part One, 193, 194 Part One, 195– 197 and 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,
if there are grounds specified in Articles 24 and 27 of this Code, and in the cases specified in Part Two of
Article 76.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
4. Before termination of the criminal prosecution, to the person shall be explained the grounds for its
termination in accordance with Parts One and Three of this Article, as well as his right to object to the
termination of the criminal prosecution.
5. Termination of criminal prosecution on the grounds specified in Parts One and Three of this Article
shall not be allowed if the person with respect to whom the criminal prosecution is terminated objects to this.
In this case, the criminal proceedings continue in the usual procedures.
Annex 40
Article 60. Attesting witness
1. An attesting witness is a person not interested in the outcome of a criminal case involved by the
inquirer or the investigator to certify the fact of an investigative action, and the content, progress and results
of the investigative action.
2. Attesting witnesses cannot be:
1) minors;
2) participants in criminal proceedings, their close relatives and other relatives;
3) employees of executive authorities vested in accordance with federal law with the authority to carry
out investigative activities and (or) preliminary criminal investigation.
3. The attesting witness shall have the right to:
1) participate in the investigative action and make statements and remarks about the investigative action
to be entered into the report of investigative actions;
2) become familiar with the report of investigative actions, in which he participated;
3) lodge complaints about actions (omissions) and decisions of the inquirer, the investigator and the
prosecutor limiting their rights.
4. The attesting witness shall not have the right to evade appearing when summoned by the inquirer, the
investigator or to the court, and to disclose data of the preliminary investigation, provided he was warned about
this in advance in accordance with the procedure established by Article 161 of this Code. The attesting witness
shall be held responsible for disclosure of data of the preliminary investigation in accordance with Article 310
of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 4 July 2003 No. 92-FZ, of 5 June 2007 No. 87-FZ)
Article 96. Notification of detention of the suspect
1. The inquirer or the investigator shall notify one of the close relatives, and in their absence, other
relatives, or provide an opportunity of such notification to the suspect themselves no later than 12 hours from
the moment of detention of the suspect.
4. If it is necessary to keep the fact of detention secret in the interests of the preliminary investigation,
the notification may not be made with the consent of the prosecutor, except when the suspect is a minor.
Article 123. Right to appeal
(as amended by Federal Law of 4 April 2010 No. 69-FZ)
1. Actions (omissions) and resolutions of the body of inquiry, the inquirer, the head of the inquiry unit,
the investigator, the head of the investigative body, the prosecutor and the court may be appealed in accordance
with the procedure established by this Code by participants in criminal proceedings, and by other persons to
the extent of the procedural actions and procedural resolution affecting their interests.
2. In case of violation of reasonable terms of criminal proceedings in the course of pre-trial criminal
proceedings, participants in criminal proceedings, as well as other persons whose interests are affected, may
appeal to the prosecutor or the head of the investigative body with a complaint, which must be considered in
accordance with the procedure and within the time limits established by Article 124 of this Code.
Annex 40
Article 124. Procedure for considering complaints by the prosecutor, the head of the investigative
(as amended by Federal Law of 5 June 2007 No. 87-FZ)
1. The prosecutor, the head of the investigative body shall consider complaints within 3 days from the
date of receipt. In exceptional cases, when it is necessary to request additional materials or take other measures
to verify the complaint, complaints may be considered within up to 10 days, and the applicant shall be notified
about this.
2. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the prosecutor, the head of the investigative
body shall issue a resolution on the full or partial satisfaction of the complaint or on the refusal to satisfy it.
2.1. In case the complaint filed in accordance with Part two of Article 123 of this Code is satisfied, the
resolution shall indicate the procedural actions carried out to speed up the consideration of the case, and the
time limits for their implementation.
3. The applicant shall be immediately notified of the resolution taken on the complaint and the further
procedure for its appeal.
4. In the cases provided for by this Code, the inquirer, the investigator shall have the right to appeal
against the actions (omission) and resolutions of the prosecutor or the head of the investigative body,
respectively, to the superior prosecutor or the head of the superior investigative body.
Article 125. Judicial procedure for considering complaints
1. Resolutions of the inquirer, the investigator, the head of the investigative body on refusal to initiate
the criminal case, on termination of the criminal case, and other resolution and actions (omissions) of the
inquirer, the investigator, the head of the investigative body and the prosecutor, which can harm the
constitutional rights and freedoms of the participants in criminal proceedings or impede citizens' access to
justice, may be appealed to the district court at the place of the act bearing elements of crime. If the place of
the preliminary investigation is determined in accordance with parts 2-6 of Article 152 of this Code, complaints
against resolution and actions (omissions) of these persons shall be considered by the district court at the
location of the body in charge of the criminal case.
(Part 1 as amended by Federal Law of 23 July 2013 No. 220-FZ)
2. The complaint may be filed with the court by the applicant, the applicant's defense lawyer, legal
representative or representative directly or through the inquirer, the investigator, the head of the investigative
body or the prosecutor.
(as amended by Federal Law of 24 July 2007 No. 214-FZ)
3. The judge shall verify the legality and validity of the actions (omissions) and resolution of the inquirer,
the investigator, the head of the investigative body, the prosecutor no later than 5 days from the date of receipt
of the complaint in the court session with the participation of the applicant and the applicant's defense lawyer,
legal representative or representative, if they participate in a criminal case, other persons with interests directly
affected by the contested action (omission) or decision, and with the participation of the prosecutor, the
investigator, the head of the investigative body. Failure to appear in court of persons who were promptly
notified of the time of consideration of the complaint and did not insist on its consideration with their
participation shall not be an obstacle to the consideration of the complaint by the court. Complaints subject to
consideration by the court shall be considered in an open court session, with the exception of the cases provided
for by part two of Article 241 of this Code.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 8 December 2003 No. 161-FZ, of 24 July 2007 No. 214-FZ, of 2
December 2008 No. 226-FZ)
4. At the beginning of the court session, the judge shall announce the complaint to be considered,
introduce himself to the persons present to participate in the court session, explain their rights and obligations.
Then the applicant, if he participates in the court session, shall substantiate the complaint, and then the other
Annex 40
persons present to participate in the court session shall be heard. The applicant shall be provided an opportunity
to make a remark.
5. Based on the results of the consideration of the complaint, the judge shall make one of the following
1) to recognize the action (omission) or resolution of the relevant official as unlawful or unjustified and
to obligate such official to eliminate the violation;
2) to leave the complaint without satisfaction.
6. Copies of the judge's decision shall be sent to the applicant, the prosecutor and the head of the
investigating body.
(as amended by Federal Law of 24 July 2007 No. 214-FZ)
7. Filing of the complaint shall not suspend the performance of the contested action and the execution
of the contested resolution, unless the body of inquiry, the inquirer, the investigator, the head of the
investigative body, the prosecutor or the judge find it necessary to do so.
(as amended by Federal Law of 24 July 2007 No. 214-FZ)
Article 126. Procedure for submitting a complaint from the suspect or the accused in detention
The administration of the place of detention shall immediately send complaints of the suspect or the
accused in detention addressed to the prosecutor or to the court to the relevant prosecutor or the court.
Article 127. Complaint and appeal against sentence, ruling, court decision
1. Complaints and appeals against sentences, rulings, decisions of the court of original jurisdiction and
the court of appeal, and complaints and appeals against court decisions made in the course of pre-trial criminal
proceedings, shall be filed in accordance with the procedure established by Chapters 45.1 and 47.1 of this
(as amended by Federal Laws of 29 May 2002 No. 58-FZ, of 29 December 2010 No. 433-FZ)
2. Complaints and appeals against court decisions that have entered into legal force shall be filed in
accordance with the procedure established by Chapters 48.1 and 49 of this Code.
(as amended by Federal Law of 29 December 2010 No. 433-FZ)
Article 140. Grounds and basis for initiating a criminal case
1. There are the following grounds for initiating a criminal case:
1) a crime report;
2) voluntary surrender;
3) a message about a committed or impending crime received from other sources;
4) a decision of the prosecutor to send the relevant materials to the preliminary investigation body to
resolve the issue of criminal prosecution.
(Clause 4 was introduced by Federal Law of 28 December 2010 No. 404-FZ)
1.1. The grounds for initiating a criminal case on the crimes provided for in Articles 198–199.2 of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may only consist in materials provided by tax authorities in
accordance with the laws on taxes and levies for the purpose of resolving the issue of initiating a criminal case.
(Part 1.1 as introduced by Federal Law of 6 December 2011 No. 407-FZ)
2. The basis for initiating a criminal case shall consist in sufficient data demonstrating the signs of a
Annex 40
Article 143. Report on the discovery of signs of a crime
A message about a committed or impending crime, received from sources other than those specified in
Articles 141 and 142 of the Code, shall be accepted by the person who received this message, whereof a report
shall be drawn up on detection of signs of a crime.
(as amended by Federal Law of 29 May 2002 No. 58-FZ)
Article 151. Investigative jurisdiction
1. The preliminary investigation shall be carried out by investigators and inquiry officers.
2. The preliminary investigation shall be carried out:
1) by investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation — in criminal cases:
(as amended by Federal Laws of 5 June 2007 No. 87-FZ, of 8 December 2010 No. 404-FZ)
а) related to the crimes provided for by Articles 105–110, 111 part four, 120, 126, 127 parts two and
three, 127.1 parts two and three, 127.2 parts two and three, 128, 131–149, 170.1, 171.2, 185–185.6, 194 parts
three and four, 198–199.2, 201, 204, 205–205.2, 205.3, 205.4, 205.5, 208–212, 215, 215.1, 216–217.2, 227,
237–239, 240.1, 242.2, 246 - 249, 250 parts two and three, 251 parts two and three, 252 parts two and three,
254 parts two and three, 255, 258.1 parts two and three, 263, 263.1, 269, 270, 271, 271.1, 279, 282–282.2, 285
- 293, 294 parts two and three, 295, 296, 298.1–305, 317, 318, 320, 321, 328, 330.1, 332–354 и 356–360 of
the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
(as amended by Federal Laws of 1 July 2011 No. 257-FZ, of 7 November 2011No. 304-FZ, of 7
December 2011No. 420-FZ, of 29 February 2012No. 14-FZ, of 20 July 2012No. 21-FZ, of 28 July
2012No. 141-FZ, of 28 June 2013 No. 134-FZ, of 2 July 2013No. 150-FZ, of 2 of July 2013 No. 186-FZ, of 2
November 2013 No. 302-FZ, of 28 December 2013 No. 380-FZ)
Article 166. Report of investigative action
4. The report shall describe the procedural actions in the order in which they were carried out, the
circumstances significant for the given criminal case revealed during such actions, and set out the statements
of the participants in the investigative action.
6. The report shall be provided for perusal to all participants in the investigative action. At the same
time, the specified persons shall be explained their right to make comments on addition and clarification of the
report to be included in the report. All the comments made on the addition and clarification of the report shall
be agreed upon and certified by the signatures of these persons.
7. The report shall be signed by the investigator and the participants in the investigative action.
10. The record shall also contain a note on the explanation to the participants in the investigative actions
of their rights, duties, responsibilities and the procedure for carrying out the investigative action in accordance
with this Code, which shall be certified by the signatures of the participants in the investigative actions.
Article 182. Grounds and procedure for the search
1. Availability of sufficient evidences to assume that at a certain place or with a certain person there may
be instruments of crime, or items, documents and valuables which may be significant for a criminal case shall
form the grounds for the search.
2. The search shall be carried out on the basis of the resolution of the investigator.
Annex 40
3. The search in a dwelling shall be carried out on the basis of a court ruling made in accordance with
the procedure established by Article 165 of this Code.
4. Prior to the start of the search, the investigator shall present the resolution on the search, and in cases
provided for in part three of this Article, a court ruling authorizing the search.
5. Prior to the start of the search, the investigator shall propose to voluntarily present the items,
documents and valuables subject to seizure that may be significant for a criminal case. If they were presented
voluntarily and there is no reason to fear their concealment, then the investigator shall have the right not to
carry out the search.
6. During the search, any premises may be broken open if the owner refuses to open them voluntarily.
In this case, unnecessary damage to property shall not be allowed.
7. The investigator shall take measures to ensure non-disclosure of circumstances of the private life of
the person whose premises were searched, his personal and (or) family secrets, and circumstances of the private
life of other persons revealed during the search.
8. The investigator shall have the right to prohibit the persons present at the place where the search is
carried out to leave such place and to communicate with each other or other persons until the end of the search.
9. In any case, objects and documents prohibited from circulation shall be seized during the search.
9.1. Electronic information carriers shall be seized during the search with the participation of a relevant
specialist. At the request of the legal owner of the seized electronic information carriers or the owner of the
information recorded on them, the specialist participating in the search shall copy the information from the
seized electronic information carriers in the presence of attesting witnesses. Information shall be copied onto
other electronic information carriers provided by the legal owner of the seized electronic information carriers
or the owner of the information recorded on them. During the search, copying of information shall not be
allowed if it may hinder the criminal investigation or if the specialist claims it may result in loss or change of
information. Electronic information carriers containing copied information shall be transferred to the legal
owner of the seized electronic information carriers or to the owner of the information recorded on them. A
note shall be made in the record on the copying of information and on the transfer of electronic information
carriers containing the copied information to the legal owner of the seized electronic information carriers or to
the owner of the information recorded on them.
10. The seized items, documents and valuables shall be presented to the attesting witnesses and other
persons present during the search, and, if necessary, shall be packed and sealed at the place of the search, which
shall be certified by the signatures of the specified persons.
11. The person whose premises are searched, or adult members of his family, shall participate in the
search. During the search, the defense counsel or attorney of the person whose premises are searched is entitled
be present.
12. During the search, a record is drawn up in accordance with Articles 166 and 167 of this Code.
13. The record shall indicate where and under what circumstances items, documents or valuables were
found, whether they were presented voluntarily or seized forcibly. All seized items, documents and valuables
shall be listed with an exact indication of their quantity, measure, weight, individual characteristics and, if
possible, value.
14. If during the search any attempts to destroy or hide the items, documents or valuables to be seized
were made, a note on such attempts and the measures taken shall be made in the record.
15. A copy of the record shall be handed over to the person whose premises were searched or to the adult
member of his family. If the search was carried out in the premises of the organization, a copy of the record
shall be handed over against receipt to the representative of the administration of such organization.
16. The search may also be carried out in order to find wanted persons and corpses.
Annex 40
Article 187. Place and time of interrogation
1. The interrogation shall be carried out at the place of the preliminary investigation. The investigator
shall have the right, if he deems it necessary, to conduct the interrogation at the location of the interrogated
2. The interrogation may not last uninterruptedly for more than 4 hours.
3. The interrogation may be continued after a break of at least one hour for rest and meal, and the total
duration of interrogation shall not exceed 8 hours in one day.
If there are any medical conditions, the duration of the interrogation shall be established on the basis of
the doctor's opinion.
Article 196. Mandatory appointment of forensic examination
Appointment and production of the forensic examination shall be mandatory if it is necessary to
1) causes of death;
2) nature and degree of harm to health;
3) mental or physical condition of the suspect or the accused, if his sanity or ability to independently
defend his rights and legitimate interests in criminal proceedings is in doubt;
3.1) mental state of the suspect over the age of eighteen accused of committing a sexual crime against a
minor under the age of fourteen, in order to decide whether or not he has a sexual preference disorder
4) mental or physical state of the victim, if his ability to correctly perceive the circumstances important
for the criminal case and give evidence is in doubt;
5) age of the suspect, the accused, the victim, if it is pertinent to the criminal case, and the documents
confirming the age are absent or in doubt.
Article 208. Grounds, procedure and deadlines for the suspension of the preliminary investigation
1. The preliminary investigation shall be suspended, if there exists one of the following grounds:
1) the person, subject to an involvement in the capacity of the accused, has not been identified;
2) suspect or accused has fled from the investigation, or his whereabouts have not been established for
other reasons;
(as amended by the Federal Law of 29 May 2002 No. 58-FZ)
3) whereabouts of the suspect or accused is established, but there is no real opportunity for his
participation in the criminal case;
(as amended by the Federal Law of 29 May 2002 No. 58-FZ)
4) a temporary serious illness of the suspect or accused, certified with a medical conclusion, interferes
with his participation in the investigative or other procedural actions.
2. The investigator shall adopt a resolution on the suspension of the preliminary investigation, a copy of
which he shall direct to the public prosecutor.
3. If two or more accused are involved in the criminal case, while the grounds for the suspension do not
concern all of them, the investigator shall have the right to set apart into a separate procedure and to suspend
the criminal case with respect to some of the accused persons.
4. The preliminary investigation shall be suspended on the grounds, stipulated by Items 1 and 2 of the
first part of the present Article, only after its time term elapses. The preliminary investigation may also be
suspended, on the grounds envisaged by Items 3 and 4 of the first part of the present Article, before an elapse
of its term.
Annex 40
5. Until the preliminary investigation is suspended, the investigator shall perform all investigative
actions, the performance of which is possible in the absence of the suspect or of the accused, and shall take
measures for his search or for an identification of the person who has committed the crime.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 4 July 2003 No. 92-FZ)
Article 235. Motion to exclude evidence
1. The parties shall have the right to file a motion to exclude any evidence from the list of evidence
presented in the court proceedings. If the motion is filed, its copy shall be provided to the other party on the
day the motion is submitted to the court.
2. The motion to exclude evidence shall contain references to:
1) evidence to be excluded by the request of the party;
2) grounds for excluding evidence provided for by this Code, and the circumstances justifying the
3. The judge shall have the right to interrogate the witness and attach the document specified in the
motion to the criminal case. If one of the parties objects to the exclusion of evidence, the judge shall have the
right to read out the reports of investigative actions and other documents available in the criminal case and (or)
submitted by the parties.
4. When considering a motion to exclude evidence submitted by the defense party on the grounds that
the evidence was obtained in violation of the requirements of this Code, the burden of refuting the arguments
presented by the defense party shall lie with the prosecutor. In other cases, the burden of proof shall lie with
the party filing the motion.
5. If the court has made a decision to exclude evidence, such evidence shall lose its legal force and may
not be used as basis for the sentence or other court decision and be investigated and used in the court
6. If the criminal case is considered by the court with participation of jury, the parties or other participants
in the court session shall not have the right to inform the jurors about the existence of evidence excluded by
decision of the court.
7. When examining the criminal case on its merits, at the request of one of the parties, the court shall
have the right to re-consider the issue of recognizing the excluded evidence as admissible.
Article 238. Suspension of criminal proceedings
1. The judge shall issue an order to suspend the criminal proceedings:
1) if the accused has disappeared and his whereabouts have not been established;
2) in case of a serious illness of the accused, as confirmed by a medical report;
3) if the court files a request with the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, or if the
Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation accepts a complaint for consideration regarding compliance of
the law applied or to be applied in the relevant criminal case with the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
4) if the whereabouts of the accused are known, but there is no real opportunity for his participation in
the proceedings.
2. In the case provided for in Clause 1 of Part One of this Article, the judge shall suspend the criminal
proceedings and, if the accused in custody has escaped, shall return the criminal case to the prosecutor and
instruct him/her to ensure search for the accused or, if the accused being not in custody has disappeared, shall
select detention as a restrictive measure for him/her and instruct the prosecutor to ensure his/her search.
3. Clauses 1 and 4 of Part One of this Article shall not apply if there is a petition from one of the parties
to conduct proceedings in the manner prescribed by Part Five of Article 247 of the Code.
(Part Three introduced by Federal Law of 27 July 2006 No. 153-FZ)
Annex 40
Article 239. Termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution
1. In the cases specified in Clauses 3 to 6 of Part One, Part Two of Article 24 and Clauses 3 to 6 of Part
One of Article 27 of this Code, as well as in case of refusal of the prosecutor from charges in accordance with
the procedure established by Part Seven of Article 246 of this Code, the judge shall issue a ruling terminating
the criminal case.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 24 July 2002 No. 98-FZ)
2. The judge may also terminate a criminal case if there are grounds provided for in Articles 25 and 28
of this Code, at the motion of one of the parties.
(as amended by Federal Law of 8 December 2003 No. 161-FZ)
3. In a ruling terminating a criminal case or criminal prosecution:
1) the grounds for termination of the criminal case and/or criminal prosecution shall be indicated;
2) issues shall be resolved on the cancellation of a preventive measure, as well as the seizure of property,
correspondence, temporary suspension from office, control and recording of negotiations;
3) the issue of material evidence shall be resolved.
4. A copy of the ruling terminating the criminal case shall be submitted to the prosecutor, and also handed
over to the person with respect to whom the criminal prosecution has been terminated, and to the victim within
5 days from the date of its issuance.
Annex 40
18 December 2001 No. 174-FZ
(as amended on 31 December 2014)
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 22 November 2001
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 5 December 2001
Article 182. Grounds and procedure for the search
1. Availability of sufficient evidences to assume that at a certain place or with a certain person there may
be instruments, equipment or any other means of crime, items, documents and valuables which may be
significant for a criminal case shall form the grounds for the search.
2. The search shall be carried out on the basis of the resolution of the investigator.
3. The search in a dwelling shall be carried out on the basis of a court ruling made in accordance with
the procedure established by Article 165 of this Code.
4. Prior to the start of the search, the investigator shall present the resolution on the search, and in cases
provided for in part three of this Article, a court ruling authorizing the search.
5. Prior to the start of the search, the investigator shall propose to voluntarily present the items,
documents and valuables subject to seizure that may be significant for a criminal case. If they were presented
voluntarily and there is no reason to fear their concealment, then the investigator shall have the right not to
carry out the search.
6. During the search, any premises may be broken open if the owner refuses to open them voluntarily.
In this case, unnecessary damage to property shall not be allowed.
7. The investigator shall take measures to ensure non-disclosure of circumstances of the private life of
the person whose premises were searched, his personal and (or) family secrets, and circumstances of the private
life of other persons revealed during the search.
8. The investigator shall have the right to prohibit the persons present at the place where the search is
carried out to leave such place and to communicate with each other or other persons until the end of the search.
9. In any case, objects and documents prohibited from circulation shall be seized during the search.
9.1. Electronic information carriers shall be seized during the search with the participation of a relevant
specialist. At the request of the legal owner of the seized electronic information carriers or the owner of the
information recorded on them, the specialist participating in the search shall copy the information from the
seized electronic information carriers in the presence of attesting witnesses. Information shall be copied onto
other electronic information carriers provided by the legal owner of the seized electronic information carriers
or the owner of the information recorded on them. During the search, copying of information shall not be
allowed if it may hinder the criminal investigation or if the specialist claims it may result in loss or change of
information. Electronic information carriers containing copied information shall be transferred to the legal
owner of the seized electronic information carriers or to the owner of the information recorded on them. A
note shall be made in the record on the copying of information and on the transfer of electronic information
carriers containing the copied information to the legal owner of the seized electronic information carriers or to
the owner of the information recorded on them.
Annex 40
10. The seized items, documents and valuables shall be presented to the attesting witnesses and other
persons present during the search, and, if necessary, shall be packed and sealed at the place of the search, which
shall be certified by the signatures of the specified persons.
11. The person whose premises are searched, or adult members of his family, shall participate in the
search. During the search, the defense counsel or attorney of the person whose premises are searched is entitled
be present.
12. During the search, a record is drawn up in accordance with Articles 166 and 167 of this Code.
13. The record shall indicate where and under what circumstances items, documents or valuables were
found, whether they were presented voluntarily or seized forcibly. All seized items, documents and valuables
shall be listed with an exact indication of their quantity, measure, weight, individual characteristics and, if
possible, value.
14. If during the search any attempts to destroy or hide the items, documents or valuables to be seized
were made, a note on such attempts and the measures taken shall be made in the record.
15. A copy of the record shall be handed over to the person whose premises were searched or to the adult
member of his family. If the search was carried out in the premises of the organization, a copy of the record
shall be handed over against receipt to the representative of the administration of such organization.
16. The search may also be carried out in order to find wanted persons and corpses.
Annex 40
18 December 2001 No. 174-FZ
(as amended of 30 April 2021)
Adopted by
The State Duma
22 November 2001
Approved by
The Federation Council
on 5 December 2001
Article 42. Victim
1. A victim shall be a natural person, upon whom a physical, property or moral damage was inflicted by
the crime, as well as a legal entity, if his/its property and business reputation was damaged by the crime. The
decision to recognize a person as a victim shall be taken immediately from the time of initiation of the criminal
case and shall be formalized by the resolution of the inquiry officer, investigator or the court order. If at the
time of initiation of the criminal case there are no data of the person damaged by the crime, the resolution to
recognize a person as a victim shall be taken immediately after receipt of the data of such person.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 5 June 2007 No. 87-FZ, of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ)
2. The victim shall have the right to:
1) know about the charge brought against the accused;
2) furnish evidence;
3) refuse to testify against himself, his/her spouse and the other close relatives, whose circle is defined
in clause 4 Article 5 of this Code. If the victim consents to bear evidence, he shall be warned that his testimony
may be used as the proof in the criminal case, including even if he subsequently renounces this testimony;
4) submit evidence;
5) file motions and recusations;
6) give evidence in his native tongue or in the language of which he has a good command;
7) make use of an interpreter's services free of charge;
8) have a representative;
9) with the permission of the investigator or of the inquiry officer take part in the investigative actions
performed at his own motion or at the motion of his representative;
10) get acquainted with the records on the investigative actions carried out with his participation, and to
submit comments on them;
11) get acquainted with the ruling on appointment of the forensic inquiry and the expert’s report;
(as amended by Federal Law of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ)
12) after the preliminary criminal investigation is completed, to get acquainted with all materials of the
criminal case, to write out any information and in any volume of the criminal case, and to make copies of the
criminal case materials, including with the use of technical devices. If several victims are involved in the
criminal case, each of them shall have the right to get acquainted with those materials of the criminal case that
relate to the harm done to the given victim;
Annex 40
(as amended by Federal Law of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ)
13) receive the copies of the resolutions on initiation of a criminal case, about recognizing him as a
victim, about rejection to place the accused in detention, about termination of the criminal case, about
suspension of the proceedings on the criminal case, about forwarding of a criminal case at locus standi, about
appointment of preliminary hearing, court session, to receive copies of the first instance court sentences, court
orders of appeal and cassation. The victim shall have a right, upon his motion, to receive copies of other
procedural documents affecting his interest;
(clause 13 as amended by Federal Law of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ)
14) participate in the legal proceedings on the criminal case in the courts of the first, the second, the
cassation and the supervisory instances, to object to the judgment made without any legal proceeding in the
general manner and also in cases envisaged by this Code to participate in any court hearing where the court
reviews the issues related to execution of sentence;
(as amended by Federal Laws of 29 December 2010 No. 433-FZ, of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ, of 30
March 2015 No. 62-FZ)
15) take part in the judicial debates;
16) support the prosecution;
17) get acquainted with the protocol of the court session and to submit comments on it;
(clause 17 as amended by Federal Law of 29 July 2018 No. 228-FZ)
18) lodge complaints against the actions (the lack of action) and decisions of the inquiry officer, head of
the interrogating subdivision, head of the interrogating agency, interrogating agency, investigator, prosecutor
and the court;
(as amended by Federal Law of 30 December 2015 No. 440-FZ)
19) file appeals against the court sentence, order, decree;
20) know about the complaints and presentations submitted on the criminal case, and to submit
objections to them;
21) file motions to apply security measures in accordance with the part three Article 11 of this Code;
21.1) on the basis of the court ruling made upon the request of the victim submitted prior to completion
of the parties’ debates, of his attorney, representative, to receive information about arrival of the convicted
person to the place of serving the sentence, including when moving from one penitentiary institution to another,
about the convicted person's trips outside the penitentiary institution, about the time of release of the convicted
person from the penitentiary institution, and also be notified of the court review of any issues of release of the
convicted person from punishment, of postponement of the sentence execution or change of the unserved part
of the sentence by a milder type of punishment;
(clause 21.1 as amended by Federal Law of 30 March 2015 No. 62-FZ)
22) exercise any other powers stipulated by the present Code.
3. The victim shall be guaranteed the indemnification of the property damage inflicted by the crime, as
well as compensation of expenditures incurred due to his involvement in the course of preliminary proceeding
and court proceedings, including his attorney fees as per Article 131 of this Code.
4. The court when considering the criminal case or in the procedure of civil litigation shall order the size
of the monetary compensation of the moral harm inflicted on the victim upon the victim’s claim of
5. The victim shall have no right to:
1) default the summons of the inquiry officer, investigator and the summons to the court;
(as amended by Federal Law of 05 June 2007 No. 87-FZ)
2) furnish deliberately false evidence or to refuse to give evidence;
3) disclose any information of the preliminary criminal investigation if the victim had been warned about
the same beforehand in the manner said in Article 161 of this Code;
Annex 40
4) evade examination, being subject of the forensic inquiry in his relation in cases when his consent is
not required, or to refuse to provide samples of handwriting and other samples for comparative investigation.
(clause 4 enacted by Federal Law of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ)
5.1. Any motion for receipt of information said in clause 21.1 part two of this article shall be filed in
writing by the victim, his attorney, representative prior to completion of the parties’ debates. Such motion shall
contain the list of data desirable for receipt by the victim or his attorney, place of residence, e-mail address,
phone numbers, and other information that may ensure timely receipt of the data by the victim or his attorney.
(part 5.1 enacted by Federal Law of 30 March 2015 No. 62-FZ)
6. In case of no show of the victim, without having any good excuse, when summoned, he may be
brought under coercion.
7. The victim shall be held liable as per Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for
furnishing any deliberate false evidence, the victim shall be held liable as per Article 308 of the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation for refusal to provide evidence and also for evading being examined, for evading
being the subject of a forensic inquiry in his relation in cases when his consent is not required, or for refusal
to provide samples of handwriting and other samples for comparative investigation. The victim shall be held
liable as per Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for disclosure any information of the
preliminary criminal investigation.
(as amended by Federal Law of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ)
8. In terms of criminal cases where crimes have entailed the death of a person, the rights of the victim
stipulated by the present Article, shall pass on to one of his close relatives and (or) connected persons, in case
of their absence or incapability to participate in criminal litigation to one of the relatives.
(part 8 as amended by Federal Law of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ)
9. If any legal entity is recognized as a victim, its rights shall be exercised by its representative.
10. Participation of an attorney or representative of the victim in the criminal case shall not deprive such
victim of his rights envisaged by this article.
Article 141. Crime report
1. A crime report may be made orally or in writing.
2. A written crime report shall be signed by the applicant.
3. An oral crime report shall be entered into a record, which shall be signed by the applicant and the
person accepting the statement. The record shall contain information about the applicant, as well as the identity
documents of the applicant.
4. If an oral crime report is made during investigative actions or during proceedings, it shall be entered
into the record of the relevant investigative actions or into the record of the proceedings, respectively.
5. If the applicant cannot be personally present when drawing up the record, the crime report shall be
drawn up in the manner prescribed by Article 143 of this Code.
6. The applicant shall be warned about criminal liability for providing knowingly false information in
accordance with Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, whereof a note shall be made in
the record signed by the applicant.
7. An anonymous crime report may not serve as a ground for initiating a criminal case.
Article 144. Procedure for considering crime reports
1. The inquiry officer, the inquiry body, the investigator, the head of the investigative authority shall
accept, check the message about any committed or impending crime and, within the competence established
by this Code, make a decision thereon no later than 3 days from the date of receipt of such a message. When
verifying a crime report, the inquiry officer, the inquiry body, the investigator, the head of the investigative
Annex 40
authority shall have the right to receive explanations, samples for comparative research, to demand documents
and items, to seize them in the manner prescribed hereby, to schedule a forensic examination, to take part
therein and to receive expert opinions within a reasonable time, to inspect the scene of the incident, documents,
items, corpses, to make a survey, to require documentary checks, audits, studies of documents, items, corpses,
to involve specialists in such activities, to give the inquiry body a written order to perform investigative
(Part 1 as amended by Federal Law of 4 March 2013 No. 23-FZ)
Article 176. Reasons for an examination
1. Examination of the place of accident, locality, living quarters, other premise, of the objects and the
documents shall be aimed at revealing the traces of the crime and at elucidating other circumstances of
importance for the criminal case.
(as amended by Federal Law of 29 May 2002 No. 58-FZ)
2. The place of accident, any documents and objects may be examined before the initiation of the
criminal case.
(part 2 as amended by Federal Law of 4 March 2013 No. 23-FZ)
Article 177. Procedure for an examination
1. Repealed. - Federal Law of 4 March 2013 No. 23-FZ.
2. An examination of the traces of crimes and of the other exposed objects shall be performed at the
place of performance of the investigative action, with the exception of the cases specified in part three of this
3. If performance of the examination requires long time or is complicated on the scene, the objects shall
be seized, packed, sealed and certified with the signature of the investigator at the place of examination. Only
the objects that may relate to the criminal case shall be the subject to seizure. In the record of the examination
shall be supplied, if possible, the individual characteristics and the specific features of the seized objects. (as
amended by Federal Law of 4 March 2013 No. 23- FZ)
4. All the objects exposed and seized during an examination shall be presented to the participants of the
examination. (as amended by Federal Law of 4 March 2013 No. 23-FZ)
5. An examination of the dwelling shall be carried out only with the consent of the persons residing there
or based on the court decision. If the persons residing there object to the examination, the investigator shall
file a petition for the performance of an examination with the court in conformity with Article 165 of the
present Code.
6. An examination of any organization shall be made in the presence of a representative of the
administration of such organization. If his participation in the examination may not be ensured, an entry to this
effect shall be made in the record.
Article 178. External examination of a corpse. Exhumation
1. The investigator shall carry out an external examination of a corpse with the participation of the
forensic medical expert, and if his presence is impossible of a doctor. If necessary other specialists may also
be engaged for an examination of the corpse.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 4 July 2003 No. 92-FZ, of 4 March 2013 No. 23-FZ)
2. Unidentified corpses shall be subject to obligatory photography and dactylography. Unidentified
corpses shall be also subject to obligatory state genome record in compliance with the legislature of the Russian
Annex 40
Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. No cremation of
unidentified corpses shall be allowed.
(part 2 as amended by Federal Laws of 25 June 2012 No. 87-FZ)
3. If it is necessary to take a corpse out of the place of burial, the investigator shall pass a resolution on
the exhumation and shall notify to this effect the close relatives or relatives of the deceased. The resolution
shall be obligatory for the administration of the corresponding place of burial. If the close relatives or relatives
of the deceased object to the exhumation, a permit for carrying it out shall be issued by the court.
4. Exhumation and external examination of the corpse shall be performed with the participation of the
persons mentioned in part one of the present Article. External examination of the corpse may be performed
before initiation of criminal case.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 2 December 2008 No. 226-FZ, of 4 March 2013 No. 23-FZ)
5. Expenditures related to exhumation and subsequent burial of the corpse shall be recompensed to the
relatives of the deceased in the manner established in Article 131 of this Code.
Article 179. Inspection
1. For exposure of the specific features and traces of a crime on the person's body, as well as the bodily
injuries, and also for an exposure of the state of drunkenness or of the other properties and characteristics of
importance for the criminal case, if no forensic medical expertise is required for this, an inspection of the
suspect, of the accused and of the victim may be effected, as well as of the witness with his consent, with the
exception of the cases when such inspection is necessary for assessing the authenticity of his evidence. In
urgent cases an inspection may be carried out before initiation of a criminal case. (as amended by Federal Law
of 02 December 2008 No. 226-FZ)
2. The investigator shall pass a resolution on carrying out an inspection which is obligatory for the
inspected person.
3. The inspection shall be performed by the investigator. If necessary, the investigator may engage a
doctor or any other specialist to performance of the inspection.
4. The investigator shall not take part in the inspection of a person of the opposite sex if such inspection
is accompanied with the latter's stripping to nakedness. In this case, the inspection shall be performed by a
5. Taking photographs, video recording and cinema shooting in the cases stipulated by part four of this
Article shall be performed only with the consent of the inspected person.
Article 180. Records of examination and inspection
1. Records of examination and inspection shall be compiled in accordance with this Article, Articles 166
and 167 of this Code.
2. The records shall contain description of all the actions of the investigator, as well as everything that
was exposed during the examination and/or the inspection in the same sequence in which the examination and
the inspection were carried out, and in that form in which it was found at the moment of the examination and
of the inspection. All the objects seized during the examination and (or) the inspection shall be cited and
described in the records.
3. The records shall also contain the indication at what time, in what weather and in what lighting the
examination or the inspection was performed, what technical devices were applied and what results were
obtained, what objects were seized and sealed, and with what kind of seal, and also where the corpse or the
objects of importance for the criminal case were forwarded after the examination.
Annex 40
Article 181. Investigative experiment
To check up and specify the data having importance for the criminal case, the investigator shall have the
right to stage an investigative experiment by reproducing the actions, as well as the situation or the other
circumstances of a certain event. In this way shall be verified the possibility of the comprehension of certain
facts or of the performance of definite actions or of the occurrence of a certain event; the sequence of the event
that has taken part and the mechanism of leaving the traces shall also be elucidated. Staging of an investigative
experiment shall be admissible only if this does not create a threat to the health of the persons involved in it.
(as amended by Federal Law of 1 July 2010 No. 143-FZ)
Article 182. Grounds and procedure for the search
1. Availability of sufficient evidences to assume that at a certain place or with a certain person there may
be instruments, equipment or any other means of crime, items, documents and valuables which may be
significant for a criminal case shall form the grounds for the search.
2. The search shall be carried out on the basis of the resolution of the investigator.
3. The search in a dwelling shall be carried out on the basis of a court ruling made in accordance with
the procedure established by Article 165 of this Code.
4. Prior to the start of the search, the investigator shall present the resolution on the search, and in cases
provided for in part three of this Article, a court ruling authorizing the search.
5. Prior to the start of the search, the investigator shall propose to voluntarily present the items,
documents and valuables subject to seizure that may be significant for a criminal case. If they were presented
voluntarily and there is no reason to fear their concealment, then the investigator shall have the right not to
carry out the search.
6. During the search, any premises may be broken open if the owner refuses to open them voluntarily.
In this case, unnecessary damage to property shall not be allowed.
7. The investigator shall take measures to ensure non-disclosure of circumstances of the private life of
the person whose premises were searched, his personal and (or) family secrets, and circumstances of the private
life of other persons revealed during the search.
8. The investigator shall have the right to prohibit the persons present at the place where the search is
carried out to leave such place and to communicate with each other or other persons until the end of the search.
9. In any case, objects and documents prohibited from circulation shall be seized during the search.
9.1. Invalid – Federal Law of 27 December 2018 No. 533-FZ
10. The seized items, documents and valuables shall be presented to the attesting witnesses and other
persons present during the search, and, if necessary, shall be packed and sealed at the place of the search, which
shall be certified by the signatures of the specified persons.
11. The person whose premises are searched, or adult members of his family, shall participate in the
search. During the search, the defense counsel or attorney of the person whose premises are searched is entitled
be present.
12. During the search, a record is drawn up in accordance with Articles 166 and 167 of this Code.
13. The record shall indicate where and under what circumstances items, documents or valuables were
found, whether they were presented voluntarily or seized forcibly. All seized items, documents and valuables
shall be listed with an exact indication of their quantity, measure, weight, individual characteristics and, if
possible, value.
Annex 40
14. If during the search any attempts to destroy or hide the items, documents or valuables to be seized
were made, a note on such attempts and the measures taken shall be made in the record.
15. A copy of the record shall be handed over to the person whose premises were searched or to the adult
member of his family. If the search was carried out in the premises of the organization, a copy of the record
shall be handed over against receipt to the representative of the administration of such organization.
16. A search may also be carried out in order to find wanted persons and corpses.
Article 183. Reasons and procedure for making a seizure
1. If it is necessary to seize certain objects and documents of importance for the criminal case, and if it
is known exactly where they are and who is keeping them, their seizure shall be performed.
2. Seizure shall be carried out in the manner established by Article 182 of the present Code, with the
seizures stipulated by the present Article.
3. Seizure objects and documents which contain state or other secret protected by federal law, objects
and documents containing information about deposits and accounts of individuals in banks and other credit
institutions, and also things pawned or deposited in a pawnshop, shall be effected on the basis of a court ruling
rendered in the procedure established by Article 165 of this Code.
(as amended by Federal Law of 5 June 2007 No. 87-FZ, of 3 December 2007 No. 322-FZ)
3.1. Invalid. - Federal Law of 27 December 2018 No. 533-FZ
4. Invalid. - Federal Law of 5 June 2007 No. 87-FZ.
5. Before starting the seizure, the investigator shall suggest that the objects and the documents being
subject to the seizure be given out voluntarily, and if the refusal follows, he shall perform the seizure under
6. In the event of the seizure of the pawned or deposited thing in the pawnshop it is necessary to notify
the borrower or bailor within three days thereof.
(part six enacted by Federal Law of 3 December 2007 No. 322-FZ)
Article 187. Place and time of an interrogation
1. An interrogation shall be performed at the place of conducting the preliminary investigation. The
investigator shall have the right, if he deems it necessary, to carry out an interrogation at the place of stay of
the person to be interrogated.
2. An interrogation shall not be conducted for more than four hours running.
3. An interrogation shall be resumed after an interval of no less than one hour for a break and a meal;
the total length of an interrogation in the course of one day shall not exceed eight hours..
4. If there exist some medical indications, the length of an interrogation shall be fixed based on the
doctor's conclusion.
Article 195. Procedure for the forensic inquiry commission
1. Having recognized the need for the Forensic Inquiry Commission, the investigator shall pass a
resolution to this effect, and in the cases envisaged by clause 3 part two Article 29 of this Code, he shall file a
petition with the court, in which he shall point out:
1) the reasons for a Forensic Inquiry Commission;
2) the surname, name and patronymic of the expert or the name of the expert institution in which the
forensic inquiry is to be carried out;
3) the questions raised before the expert;
4) the materials placed at the expert’s disposal.
2. Forensic inquiry shall be carried out by the state legal expert from among the persons who possess
any special knowledge.
Annex 40
3. The investigator shall acquaint the suspect, the accused and his defense counsel for the defense with
the resolution to commission a forensic inquiry and shall explain to them their rights stipulated by Article 198
of this Code. The record containing the above shall be compiled, signed by the investigator and the persons
who have got acquainted with the resolution.
(as amended by Federal Law of 28 December 2013 No. 432-FZ)
4. A forensic inquiry with respect to the victim, with the exception of the cases provided for by clauses
2, 4 and 5 of Article 196 of this Code, as well as with respect to the witness shall be carried out with their
consent or with the consent of their legal representatives which shall be given by the said persons in writing.
A forensic inquiry may be commissioned and performed prior to initiation of the criminal case.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 29 May 2002 No. 58-FZ, of 4 March 2013 No. 23-FZ)
Annex 40

Annex 41
Code on Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation, No. 195-FZ,
30 December 2001

30 December 2001 No. 195-FZ
(as amended on 8 June 2012)
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 20 December 2001
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 26 December 2001
Article 20.2. Violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding an assembly,
meeting, demonstration, march or picketing
(as amended by Federal Law of 8 June 2012 No. 65-FZ)
1. Violation by the organizer of a public event of the established procedure for organizing or holding an
assembly, meeting, demonstration, march or picketing, except for the cases specified in Parts 2–4 of this
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount from ten to twenty thousand
rubles or community service for up to forty hours; for officials, the fine shall be from fifteen thousand to thirty
thousand rubles; for legal entities, the fine shall be from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.
2. Organization or holding of a public event without submitting a notification of holding a public event
in accordance with the established procedure, except for the cases provided for in Part 7 of this Article,
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount from twenty to thirty
thousand rubles or community service for up to fifty hours; for officials, the fine shall be from twenty thousand
to forty thousand rubles; for legal entities, the fine shall be from seventy thousand to two hundred thousand
5. Violation by a participant of a public event of the established procedure for holding an assembly,
meeting, demonstration, march or picketing, except for the cases specified in Part 6 of this Article,
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount from ten thousand to twenty thousand
rubles, or community service for up to forty hours.
Annex 41
30 December 2001 No. 195-FZ
(as amended on 21 July 2014)
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 20 December 2001
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 26 December 2001
19.3. Disobedience to legitimate orders of police officers, members of the armed forces, employees of the
bodies controlling the turnover of drugs and psychotropic substances, employees of the bodies of the
federal security service, employees of the public security bodies, employees of the bodies executing the
federal public control (supervision) in the field of migration, or employees of the body or institution of
the penal system
4. Disobedience to legitimate orders or demands of employees of the bodies of the federal security service
connected with their performance of their official duties, and also obstructing the performance of their official
duties –
entails imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand
rubles, or an administrative arrest for up to fifteen days; on officials in the amount of one thousand to three
thousand rubles; on legal entities in the amount of ten thousand to fifty thousand rubles.
(Part 4 was introduced by Federal Law of 27 July 2010 No.238-FZ)
Article 20.2.2. Arranging citizens’ mass simultaneous gathering and (or) movement in public
places leading to public nuisance
(introduced by Federal Law of 8 June 2012 No. 65-FZ)
1. Arranging citizens’ mass simultaneous gathering and (or) movement in public places that is not a
public event, public calls to citizens’ mass simultaneous gathering and (or) movement in public places, or to
participation in citizens’ mass simultaneous gathering and (or) movement in public places, if citizens’ mass
simultaneous gathering and (or) movement in public places has entailed public order disturbance or violation
of sanitary norms and rules, violation of the functioning and safety of critical infrastructure or communication
facilities, or has caused damage to greenery, or hindrance to the movement of pedestrians or vehicles, or
prevented citizens’ access to residential premises or transportation infrastructure facilities, or to social
infrastructure facilities, except for the situations provided for in Parts 2 and 3 of this Article, -
(as amended by Federal Law of 21 July 2014 No. 258-FZ)
Annex 41
entail imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of ten thousand to twenty thousand
rubles, or compulsory community service for up to one hundred hours, or administrative arrest for up to fifteen
days; on officials - from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles; on legal entities - from two hundred
and fifty thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.
(as amended by Federal Law of 21 July 2014 No. 258-FZ)
2. Actions provided for in Part 1 of this Article that have caused harm to human health or property, if
these actions do not contain a criminal offence, -
entail imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand
to three hundred thousand rubles, or compulsory community service or up to two hundred hours, or
administrative arrest for up to twenty days; on officials - from three hundred thousand to six hundred thousand
rubles; on legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles.
(as amended by Federal Law of 21 July 2014 No. 258-FZ)
3. Actions (inaction) provided for in Part 1 of this Article committed in the territories directly adjacent
to hazardous industrial facilities or other facilities which operation requires compliance with special safety
regulations, on overhead crossings, railway highways, railway rights-of-way, oil-, gas- and product pipelines,
high-voltage power transmission lines, in the border area, if there is no special permission from the authorized
border authorities, or in the territories directly adjacent to the residences of the President of the Russian
Federation, buildings occupied by courts, or the territories and buildings of institutions that execute
punishments in the form of deprivation of liberty, -
entail imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand
to three hundred thousand rubles, or compulsory community service for up to two hundred hours, or
administrative arrest for up to twenty days; on officials - from three hundred thousand to six hundred thousand
rubles; on legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles.
(Part 3 is introduced by Federal Law of 21 July 2014 No. 258-FZ)
4. Repeated commission of an administrative offence provided for by Part 1 or 2 of this Article, -
entails imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand
to three hundred thousand rubles, or compulsory community service for up to two hundred hours, or
administrative arrest for up to thirty days; on officials - from three hundred thousand to six hundred thousand
rubles; on legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles.
(Part 4 is introduced by Federal Law of 21 July 2014 No. 258-FZ)
Note. For the purposes of this Article, the Organizer of citizens’ mass simultaneous gathering and (or)
movement in public places that is not a public event is a person who has actually performed organizational and
administrative functions on organizing or conducting citizens’ mass simultaneous gathering and (or)
movement in public places that is not a public event.
Annex 41

Annex 42
Labour Code of the Russian Federation, No. 197-FZ, 30 December 2001

30 December 2001 No. 197-FZ
by the State Duma
on 21 December 2001
By the Federation Council
on 26 December 2001
(as amended by Federal Law of 30 June 2006 No. 90-FZ)
(as amended by Federal Law of 30 June 2006 No. 90-FZ)
Article 381. Definition of an individual labor dispute
Individual labor dispute means unresolved disagreements between employers and employees on the
issues of application of labor legislation and other regulatory statutory acts containing the provisions of labor
law, collective contract, agreement, local regulations, labor contract (particularly those that define or change
individual working conditions), which are reported to the body for consideration of individual labor disputes.
(as amended by Federal Law of 30 June 2006 No. 90-FZ)
An individual labor dispute means a dispute between an employer and an individual previously involved
in employment relationships with that employer, and also an individual expressing a desire to enter into an
employment contract with an employer, where the employer refuses to enter into such contract.
Article 382. Bodies for consideration of individual labor disputes
Individual labor disputes are considered by labor dispute commissions and courts, unless otherwise
specified in this Code.
(as amended Federal Law of 31 July 2020 No. 246-FZ)
Article 394. Issuing Resolution on Labor Disputes Related to Dismissal and Transfer to Another
(as amended by Federal Law of 30 June 2006 No. 90-FZ)
Should a dismissal or transfer to another job be recognized as illegal, the employee must be reinstated
in their previous job by the body considering an individual labor dispute.
The body considering an individual labor dispute resolves whether the employee should be paid average
earnings for the entire period of forced absence or a difference in earnings for the entire period of performance
of lower-paid work.
Annex 42
At the request of the employee, the body considering an individual labor dispute may restrict itself to
resolving on collection of the compensations in favor of the employee specified in part two of this article.
Should a dismissal be recognized as illegal, the body considering the individual labor dispute may, at
the request of the employee, resolve to reword the grounds for dismissal to dismissal due to their own free will.
Should the wording of the ground and/or the reason for dismissal be recognized as incorrect or failing
to comply with the law, the court considering an individual labor dispute must change it and provide in its
ruling the ground and reason for dismissal that complies with the wording specified in this Code or another
federal law to the full extent and provide a reference to the relevant article, part of an article, paragraph of an
article in this Code or another federal law.
Where the dismissal was recognized as illegal, and the employment contract has expired at the time of
judicial consideration of the dispute, the court considering the individual labor dispute must reword the ground
for dismissal to dismissal due to expiration of the employment contract.
In cases specified in this article, where the court rules not to reinstate the employee after the dismissal
is declared illegal, but rather to reword the ground for dismissal, the date of dismissal must be changed to the
date of the court ruling. Where the employee has entered into the employment relationship with another
employer after the disputed dismissal by the time the said ruling is issued, the date of dismissal must be changed
to the date preceding the day of commencement of work with that employer.
Where the incorrect wording of the ground and/or the reason for dismissal entered into in the work book
or the labor activity details (Article 66.1 of this Code) prevented the employee from starting another job, the
court resolves whether average earnings must be paid to them for the entire time of the forced absence.
(Part eight as amended by Federal Law of 16 December 2019 No. 439-FZ)
In cases of dismissal without a lawful basis or in violation of the established procedure for dismissal, or
in cases of illegal transfer to another job, the court may, at the request of the employee, resolve whether a cash
compensation for moral damage they suffered due to these actions must be recovered in favor of the employee.
The amount of that compensation shall be determined by the court.
Annex 42
Annex 43
Federal Law 62-FZ “On citizenship of the Russian Federation”,
31 May 2002

31 May 2002 No. 62-FZ
(as amended on 2 November 2013)1
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 19 April 2002
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 15 May 2002
Article 6. Dual citizenship
1. A Russian citizen who also holds a foreign citizenship is regarded by the Russian Federation only as a
Russian citizen except as provided for by a treaty to which the Russian Federation is a party or by federal law.
Article 13. Conferment of citizenship of the Russian Federation according to the standard procedure
1. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who have attained the age of eighteen and are legally capable may
apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation according to the standard procedure provided that the abovementioned
citizens and persons:
а) resided in the territory of the Russian Federation from the date they received a residence permit until the
date they filed their applications for citizenship of the Russian Federation for five continuous years, except as
otherwise provided for by part two of this Article. The period of residence shall be deemed continuous if the person
does not leave the territory of the Russian Federation for more than three months within one year. The period of
residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for persons who arrived in the Russian Federation before 1 July
2002 without a residence permit shall begin to run since the date of their registration at the place of residence;
(as amended by Federal Law of 11 November 2003 No. 151-FZ)
b) assume an obligation to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the
Russian Federation;
c) have a legitimate source of income;
1 For the version as amended on 13 July 2020, see p. 3 below.
Annex 43
Annex 43
d) file an application with a competent authority of a foreign state to renounce their citizenship of another
state. No renunciation of citizenship of another state shall be required when it is provided for by a treaty of the
Russian Federation or this Federal Law or when persons cannot renounce their citizenship for reasons beyond their
e) have a command of the Russian language; the level of the Russian language proficiency shall be
determined in accordance with the regulation on the issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation.
2. The period of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation established in para. “a” of part one of
this Article shall be reduced to one year if at least one of the following conditions is met:
a) – c) are deleted. – Federal Law of 11 November 2003 No. 151-FZ;
a) A person has high achievements in science, engineering, and culture; a person has an occupation or
qualification in which the Russian Federation is interested;
b) A person is granted political asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation;
c) A person is recognised as a refugee as provided for by federal law.
3. A person who has been of special merit to the Russian Federation may be granted citizenship of the
Russian Federation in disregard of part one of this Article.
4. Citizens of the states that were part of the USSR, who have been doing military service under contract in
the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other forces or military formations for at least three years, may file
an application for citizenship of the Russian Federation in disregard of para. “a” of part one of this Article and
without presenting their residence permit.
(part four is introduced by Federal Law of 11 November 2003 No. 151-FZ as amended by Federal Law of
4 December 2007 No. 328-FZ)
Article 17. Choice of citizenship when the State border of the Russian Federation is changed
When the state border of the Russian Federation is changed, under a treaty of the Russian Federation,
persons residing in the territory whose state affiliation is changed have a choice (option) of citizenship in the
manner and within the time limit established by the relevant treaty of the Russian Federation.
Article 19. Renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation
1. A person residing in the territory of the Russian Federation may renounce his/her citizenship of the
Russian Federation of his/her own free will according to the standard procedure except as otherwise provided for
by Article 20 of this Federal Law.
2. A person residing in the territory of a foreign state may renounce his/her citizenship of the Russian
Federation of his/her own free will according to a simplified procedure except as otherwise provided for by Article
20 of this Federal Law.
3. If one of the parents of a child has citizenship of the Russian Federation, and the other parent is a citizen
of a foreign state, or if a single parent of a child is a foreign citizen, the child’s citizenship of the Russian Federation
may be renounced according to a simplified procedure upon the application filed by both parents or upon the
application filed by the single parent.
Annex 43
Annex 43
Article 20. Grounds for denying the renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation
No renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation shall be allowed if a Russian citizen:
a) has an outstanding obligation to the Russian Federation under federal law;
b) is a defendant in criminal proceedings instituted by the Russian competent authorities, or if there is an
effective and enforceable guilty verdict delivered by the court against him/her;
c) has no citizenship of another state and no guarantees that he/she shall acquire it.
Annex 43
Annex 43
31 May 2002 No. 62-FZ
(as amended on 13 July 2020)
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 19 April 2002
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 15 May 2002
Article 6. Dual citizenship
3. Unless otherwise provided for by a treaty to which the Russian Federation is a party or by federal law, a
Russian citizen (save for Russian citizens permanently residing outside the Russian Federation) holding a foreign
citizenship or a residence permit or any other valid document confirming his/her right to permanently reside in a
foreign state (hereinafter also referred to as a foreign permanent residence permit) shall submit a written
notification of such foreign citizenship or foreign permanent residence permit with a territorial body of a federal
executive authority in the area of internal affairs at the place of residence of such a citizen in the Russian Federation
(if there is no such place – at the place of stay in the Russian Federation, and if there are no places of residence or
stay in the Russian Federation – at the place of his/her actual stay in the Russian Federation) within sixty days
since the date of acquisition of a foreign citizenship or the date of receipt of a foreign permanent residence permit
by such an individual.
(as amended by Federal Law of 27 December 2018 No. 528-FZ)
Annex 43
Annex 43
Annex 44
Federal Law No. 67-FZ “On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the
right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in a referendum”,
12 June 2002

12 June 2002 No. 67-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 22 May 2002
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 29 May 2002
Article 4. Universal suffrage and the right to participate in a referendum
3.1. The citizens of the Russian Federation who hold citizenship of a foreign state, a residence permit or any
other document confirming the right of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the
territory of a foreign state are not eligible for election. The said individuals have the right to be elected to the
local self-government authorities if it is provided by a treaty of the Russian Federation.
10. Under the treaties of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the procedure established by the law,
foreign nationals who permanently reside on the territory of the relevant municipal entity have the right to
elect and be elected to the local self-government authorities, participate in other electoral activities at the said
elections as well as to participate in the local referendum on the same terms as the citizens of the Russian
Annex 44

Annex 45
Federal Law No. 73-FZ “On cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural
monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation”, 25 June 2002

25 June 2002 No. 73-FZ
by the State Duma
on 24 May 2002
by the Federation Council
on 14 June 2002
Article 45. The procedure for carrying out work on the preservation of a cultural heritage site
included in the register, or an identified cultural heritage site
(as amended by the Federal Law of 22 October 2014 No. 315-FZ)
1. Works for the preservation of cultural heritage site included in the register or an identified cultural
heritage site shall be carried out on the basis of an assignment for carrying out the specified works, a permit
for carrying out the specified works issued by the body for the preservation of cultural heritage sites
specified in Part 2 of this Article, design documentation for carrying out works for the preservation of
cultural heritage site included in the register or an identified cultural heritage site, agreed upon by the
relevant body for the preservation of cultural heritage sites specified in Part 2 of this article, as well as
subject to technical, author's supervision and state supervision in the field of the preservation of cultural
heritage sites.
If the structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of the site are affected during the
work on the preservation of cultural heritage site included in the register or the identified cultural heritage
site, these works are also carried out subject to receipt of a positive conclusion of the state expert
examination of the design documentation provided in accordance with the requirements of the Urban
Planning Code of the Russian Federation, and subject to the implementation of state construction supervision
over these works and state supervision in the field of preservation of cultural heritage sites.
Acceptance of documents required for obtaining an assignment and permission to carry out work on
the preservation of a cultural heritage site included in the register, or an identified cultural heritage site, and
the issuance of an assignment and permission to carry out work on the preservation of a cultural heritage site
included in the register, or an identified cultural heritage site can be carried out through a multifunctional
center for providing state and municipal services.
The restoration work of the identified cultural heritage site is carried out on the initiative of the owner
or other legal owner of the identified cultural heritage site in accordance with the procedure established by
this article.
2. Issuance of an assignment for carrying out works on the preservation of cultural heritage site
included in the register, or an identified cultural heritage site, a permit for carrying out works on the
Annex 45
preservation of cultural heritage site included in the register, or an identified cultural heritage site, approval
of design documentation for carrying out works on the preservation of cultural heritage site shall be carried
1) by the federal body for cultural heritage sites preservation in relation to certain cultural heritage
sites of federal significance, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
2) by the regional body for cultural heritage sites preservation in relation to cultural heritage sites of
federal significance (with the exception of certain cultural heritage sites of federal significance, the list of
which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), cultural heritage sites of regional
significance, identified cultural heritage sites;
3) by the municipal body for cultural heritage sites preservation in relation to cultural heritage sites of
local (municipal) significance.
3. The assignment for carrying out works on preservation of the cultural heritage site included in the
register, or the revealed cultural heritage site is made taking into account the opinion of the owner or other
legal owner of cultural heritage site included in the register, the revealed cultural heritage site.
4. The form of issuing an assignment, a permit for carrying out work on the preservation of a cultural
heritage site included in the register, or an identified cultural heritage site, the procedure for issuing these
documents, preparing and approving design documentation necessary for carrying out work on the
preservation of this site, shall be established by the federal body for the preservation of cultural heritage
The order of preparation and approval of design documentation for works on preservation of the
cultural heritage site included in the register, or the identified cultural heritage site, in which the structural
and other characteristics of reliability and safety of the cultural heritage site are affected, the order of
approval of the permit form and the issuance of a permit for work, in which the structural and other
characteristics of reliability and safety of the cultural heritage site are affected, are determined by the Urban
Planning Code of the Russian Federation.
5. The person who develops a design documentation necessary for carrying out works on the
preservation of cultural heritage site included in the register, or an identified cultural heritage site, carries out
scientific management of these works and author's supervision over their implementation.
6. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have a license to carry out activities for the
preservation of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian
Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on licensing certain types of
activities are allowed to carry out works for the preservation of cultural heritage site included in the register
or an identified cultural heritage site.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 29 December 2015 No. 408-FZ)
Carrying out works on the preservation of cultural heritage site, which affect the structural and other
characteristics of the reliability and safety of the site, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of
the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation.
Works on the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites included in the register or
identified cultural heritage sites are carried out by individuals certified by the federal body for the
preservation of cultural heritage sites in accordance with the procedure established by it, who are in labor
relations with legal entities or individual entrepreneurs licensed to carry out activities for the preservation of
cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well
as individuals certified by the federal body for the preservation of cultural heritage sites in accordance with
the procedure established by it, who are individual entrepreneurs licensed to carry out activities for the
preservation of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian
In carrying out certain types of work on the preservation of cultural heritage site included in the
register, or an identified cultural heritage site, volunteers can participate. The Government of the Russian
Federation determines the specifics of the participation of volunteers in the work on the preservation of
Annex 45
cultural heritage sites included in the register or identified cultural heritage sites, as well as the types of work
on the preservation of cultural heritage sites in which these persons may participate.
(the paragraph was introduced by the Federal Law of 18 December 2018 No. 469-FZ)
7. After performing works on the preservation of cultural heritage site included in the register, or an
identified cultural heritage site, the person who carried out the scientific management of these works and the
author's supervision of their implementation, within ninety business days from the date of performing these
works, submits to the appropriate body for the preservation of cultural heritage sites that issued a permit for
carrying out these works, reporting documentation, including a scientific report on the work performed. The
specified body approves the reporting documentation submitted to it within thirty business days from the
date of its submission if the work on the preservation of cultural heritage site is carried out in accordance
with the requirements established by this article. The composition and procedure for approving the reporting
documentation on the performance of works on the preservation of the cultural heritage site are established
by the federal body for the preservation of cultural heritage sites.
Work on the preservation of cultural heritage site is carried out in accordance with the rules of work on
the preservation of cultural heritage sites, including the rules of work, which affect the design and other
characteristics of the reliability and safety of the site, approved in accordance with the procedure established
by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
8. The acceptance of works for the preservation of cultural heritage site included in the register or an
identified cultural heritage site is carried out by the owner or other legal owner of the specified cultural
heritage site or by a person acting as a customer of works for the preservation of this cultural heritage site,
with the participation of the relevant body for the preservation of cultural heritage sites that issued a permit
for carrying out these works.
The mandatory conditions for the acceptance of works are the approval by the relevant body for the
preservation of cultural heritage sites of the reporting documentation provided for in Part 7 of this article,
and the issuance of a certificate of acceptance of the work performed for the preservation of cultural heritage
9.The certificate of acceptance of the performed works on preservation of cultural heritage site is
issued to the persons specified in Part 8 of this article by the relevant body of cultural heritage sites
preservation, which issued the permission for carrying out the specified works, within fifteen business days
after the day of the approval of the reporting documentation in the order established by this article.
10. When carrying out works on preservation of cultural heritage site included in the register, or the
identified cultural heritage site, as a result of which the area and (or) the number of premises of cultural
heritage site included in the register, or the identified cultural heritage site, its parts and quality of
engineering and technical support have changed, the act of acceptance of the performed works on
preservation of cultural heritage site is one of the documents required for making a decision on granting
permission to put such site into operation in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian
11. The order of preparation of the certificate of acceptance of the performed works on preservation of
the cultural heritage site and its form are approved by the federal body of preservation of cultural heritage
12. The procedure for carrying out works on the preservation of archaeological heritage sites, issuing
permits for carrying out these works is established by Article 45.1 of this Federal Law.
Annex 45

Annex 46
Federal Law No. 112-FZ “On amendments and additions to the legislative
acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the
Federal Law ‘On countering extremist activities’”, 25 July 2002

25 July 2002 No. 112-FZ
by the State Duma
on 27 June 2002
the Council of the Federation
on 10 July 2002
List of amending documents
(as amended by Federal Laws of 29 April 2006 No. 57-FZ, of 02 March 2007 No. 25-FZ, of 07 February
2011 No. 3-FZ, of 29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ)
Article 1. Introduce amendments and additions to the following legislative acts:
3. In the Law of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On mass media” (Bulletin
of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian
Federation, 1992, No. 7, Art. 300; Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 30, Art. 2870;
2000, No. 26, Art. 2737):
in Part 1 of Article 4, the words “calls for the seizure of power, forcible change of the constitutional
order and the integrity of the state, incitement of national, class, social, religious intolerance or hatred, for the
propaganda of war” shall be replaced by the words “carrying out extremist activities”;
of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Kremlin
25 July 2002
No. 112-FZ
Annex 46

Annex 47
Federal Law No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the
Russian Federation”, 25 July 2002

25 July 2002 No. 115-FZ
(as amended on 28 December 2013)1
Article 6. Temporary residence of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation
1. A temporary residence permit can be issued to a foreign citizen within the scope of the quota approved
by the Government of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided for by this Federal Law. The validity of
the temporary residence permit is three years.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 18.07.2006 No. 110-FZ)
2. The quota for issuance of temporary residence permits to foreign citizen is approved annually by the
Government of the Russian Federation on proposals from the executive authorities of constituent entities of the
Russian Federation subject to the demographic situation in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation
and capacity of such constituent entity to accommodate foreign citizens.
4. The territorial body of the federal executive migration affairs authority, upon the application submitted
with such authority by a foreign citizen temporarily staying in the Russian Federation or upon the application
submitted by a foreign citizen with a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation in the country
of residence of such individual, shall issue a temporary residence permit to such foreign individual within six
months or refuse issuance thereof.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 18.07.2006 No. 110-FZ)
The application can be submitted electronically with the territorial body of the federal executive migration
affairs authority using the public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, and the
Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation.
(sub-paragraph introduced by the Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 227-FZ)
Article 6.1. Temporary residence of foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation in accordance
with a visa-free procedure
(introduced by the Federal Law of 18.07.2006 No. 110-FZ (as amended on 06.01.2007))
1. A foreign citizen who arrived in the Russian Federation in accordance with a visa-free procedure, save
for foreign citizens set out in Article 6(3) of this Federal Law, shall be issued a temporary residence permit subject
1 For the version as amended on 24 April 2020, see p. 4 below.
Annex 47
to a quota approved by the Government of the Russian Federation under Article 6(2) of this Federal Law.
2. To obtain a temporary residence permit, the foreign citizen who arrived in the Russian Federation in
accordance with a visa-free procedure, shall submit the following documents with the territorial body of the federal
executive migration affairs authority:
1) application for issuance of a temporary residence permit;
2) an identity document of this foreign citizen recognized as such by the Russian Federation;
3) an immigration card with the remark by the border control authority concerning the entry of such foreign
citizen in the Russian Federation or the remark of the territorial body of the federal executive migration affairs
authority concerning the provision of such immigration card to the said foreign citizen. In case of failure to submit
the immigration card the territorial body of the federal executive migration affairs authority shall verify the
information concerning the foreign citizen contained in the immigration card based on the data available to it;
(sub-paragraph 3 as amended by the Federal Law of 28.07.2012 No. 133-FZ)
4) a receipt confirming payment of the state duty for issuance of the temporary residence permit. The foreign
citizen may submit the said receipt with the federal executive migration affairs authority or a territorial body
thereof on his/her own initiative. In case of failure to submit the said receipt the federal executive migration affairs
authority or a territorial body thereof shall verify the payment of the state duty for issuance of a temporary
residence permit to such foreign citizen using the information concerning the payment of the state duty contained
in the State Information System of State and Municipal Payments.
(sub-paragraph 4 as amended by the Federal Law of 28.07.2012 No. 133-FZ)
2.1. The application for issuance of a temporary residence permit can be submitted electronically using the
public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, and the Public Services Portal of the
Russian Federation. In such event the documents set out in sub-paragraph 2 of paragraph 2 of this Article shall be
submitted by the foreign citizen with the territorial body of the federal executive migration affairs authority upon
obtainment of the temporary residence permit.
(sub-paragraph 2.1 introduced by the Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 227-FZ, as amended by the Federal Law of
28.07.2012 No. 133-FZ)
8. Within 60 days from the date of receipt of the application for issuance of a temporary residence permit
from the foreign citizen who arrived in the Russian Federation in accordance with a visa-free procedure, subject
to provision by the latter of the documents set out in sub-paragraph 1 of paragraph 5 of this Article, the territorial
body of the federal executive migration affairs authority shall issue a temporary residence permit to such foreign
citizen executed in accordance with the form established by the competent federal executive authority or a notice
of refusal of issue of a temporary residence permit envisaged by Article 7(2) of this Federal Law.
Article 8. Permanent residence of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation
1. Throughout the validity of the temporary residence permit, a residence permit can be issued to a foreign
citizen on application of the latter subject to existence of the relevant legal grounds. The application for a residence
permit shall be submitted by the foreign citizen with the territorial body of the federal executive migration affairs
authority at least six months prior to expiry of the temporary residence permit. The application for a residence
permit can be submitted electronically using the public information and telecommunication networks, including
the Internet, and the Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 18.07.2006 No. 110-FZ, of 27.07.2010 No. 227-FZ)
Annex 47
2. A foreign citizen shall have lived in the Russian Federation at least one year under a temporary residence
permit before obtaining a residence permit.
3. A residence permit is issued to a foreign citizen for five years. Upon expiry of the validity of the residence
permit, the said time limit can be extended for five years on the application from the foreign citizen submitted with
the territorial body of the federal executive migration affairs authority at least two months prior to the expiry of
the existing residence permit. The number of extensions of the residence permit is unlimited.
(as amended by Federal Law of 30.12.2012 No. 320-FZ)
3.1. The provisions of paragraphs 1-3 of this Article shall not apply to issuance of residence permits to highly
qualified specialists and their family members in accordance with Article 13.2 of this Federal Law.
(sub-paragraph 3.1 introduced by the Federal Law of 19.05.2010 No. 86-FZ)
Article 12. Voting status of foreign citizens
1. The foreign citizens in the Russian Federation have no right to elect or be elected to the federal state
authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, nor to participate in the
referendum of the Russian Federation or the referenda of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Article 14. Status of foreign citizens in relation to state or municipal service and certain types of
1. A foreign citizen has no right to:
1) be in the municipal service.
(as amended by Federal Law of 11 November 2003 No. 141-FZ)
Annex 47
25 July 2002 No. 115-FZ
(as amended on 24 April 2020)
Article 5. Temporary stay of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation
1. The period of temporary stay of a foreign national in the Russian Federation is determined by the validity
of the visa issued to him, save for the cases envisaged by this Federal Law.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 19 May 2010 No. 86-FZ)
The period of temporary stay in the Russian Federation of a foreign national who arrived in accordance
with the procedure that does not require a visa shall not exceed a total of ninety days within each period of one
hundred and eighty days, save for the cases envisaged by the present Federal Law and unless such time limit was
extended in accordance with this Federal Law. However, the continuous period of stay in the Russian Federation
of the said foreign national may not exceed ninety days.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 28 December 2013 No. 389-FZ, of 30 December 2015 No. 466-FZ)
Article 8. Permanent residence of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation
(as amended by the Federal Law of 2 August 2019 No. 257-FZ)
1. A residence permit can be issued to a foreign national who has resided in the Russian Federation for
at least one year under a temporary residence permit.
2. A residence permit shall be issued without a temporary residence permit:
8) to a foreign national who or whose lineal ancestor, adoptive parent or spouse was illegally deported
from the territory of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and to the lineal descendants, adopted
children and spouse of such foreign national who submit a certificate of rehabilitation issued by an internal
affairs authority, authority of a Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation or the court;
3. A residence permit is issued without any limitation as to the validity thereof, save for the residence
permit issued to a highly qualified specialist and his family members set out in sub-paragraph 9 of paragraph
2 of this Article for the period of validity of the work permit issued to such highly qualified specialist.
4. The application for the issuance of a residence permit shall be submitted by the foreign national with
the territorial body of the federal executive internal affairs authority, including electronically using the public
information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, and the Public Services Portal of the
Russian Federation.
Annex 47
Annex 48
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1325 “On approval
of the Regulation on the procedure for addressing the issues of citizenship
of the Russian Federation”, 14 November 2002

14 November 2002 No. 1325
In pursuance of the Federal Law of 31 May 2002 No. 62-FZ “On the Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, I
hereby order:
1. To approve the annexed Regulation on the procedure of consideration of issues related to the citizenship of the
Russian Federation.
Approved by the
Decree of the President of the
Russian Federation
of 14 November 2002 No. 1325
Determination of holding of the citizenship of the Russian Federation.
Verification of facts evidencing holding or absence of the
citizenship of the Russian Federation
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 3 November 2006 No. 1226)
51. If a person has no document certifying the citizenship of the Russian Federation (loss, theft, damage, etc.), or
if there are doubts regarding authenticity or validity of issuance of such document as well as in circumstances that
allow assuming that such person holds or does not hold the citizenship of the Russian Federation, the competent
authority shall verify the lawfulness of issuance of the said document to that person and (or) existence of the
relevant circumstances.
(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31 December 2003 No. 1545)
Verification shall be carried out pursuant to an application of the individual drawn up in free form on the initiative
of the competent authority or any other state authority, subject to Article 4(7) and Article 42 of the Federal Law.
In the course of verification, if necessary, requests can be sent to the relevant authorities at the place of issuance
to the person of the document certifying the citizenship of the Russian Federation, or at the place of residence of
such person as well as to executive authorities or the court. Such request shall contain:
Annex 48
the information concerning the person, including his/her place of residence as on 6 February 1992 and later
(country, town or any other settlement);
the information concerning the identity document submitted by the person (if any);
the grounds for making the request and contents thereof.
The documents (or copies thereof) and materials relevant to the case shall be annexed to the request.
If necessary, the fact that a person used to hold citizenship of the USSR and (or) RSFSR shall be established on
the basis of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, USSR, RSFSR and other republics within the USSR,
international agreements of the Russian Federation, USSR and (or) RSFSR effective as at the date of occurrence
of the events linked to the existence of the relevant citizenship of that person.
(sub-paragraph introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03.11.2006 No. 1226)
52. Upon receipt of the necessary information, the competent authority shall draw up a reasoned opinion on the
results of the verification wherein the facts showing that a person holds or does not hold the citizenship of the
Russian Federation shall be set out. The results of the verification shall be communicated to the applicant or the
authority that made the relevant request.
The person whose citizenship of the Russian Federation is confirmed shall be issued the relevant document.
Annex 48
Annex 49
Federal Law No. 79-FZ “On state civil service in the Russian Federation”,
27 July 2004

27 July 2004 No. 79-FZ
(as amended on 28 December 2013)
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 7 July 2004
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 15 July 2004
Article 3. State civil service in the Russian Federation
1. State civil service in the Russian Federation (hereinafter also referred to as the civil service) is a type
of state service that consists in the professional official activity of citizens of the Russian Federation
(hereinafter referred to as individuals) in positions of state civil service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter
also referred to as the civil service positions) to ensure execution of powers by the federal state authorities,
state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, persons holding state positions and the
persons holding state positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 07.06.2013 No. 116-FZ)
Article 16. Restrictions in relation to civil service
1. A citizen may not enter civil service, and a civil servant may be in civil service when he/she:
6) […] acquires citizenship of another state;
7) Has citizenship of another state (states) unless otherwise provided for by a treaty of the Russian
Article 21. The right to enter state service
1. The citizens of the Russian Federation aged over 18 who speak the state language of the Russian
Federation and meet the qualifying requirements established by this Federal Law may enter state service.
Annex 49

Annex 50
Federal Law No. 25-FZ “On municipal service in the Russian
Federation”, 2 March 2007

2 March 2007 No. 25-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 7 February 2007
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 21 February 2007
Article 13. Restrictions related to municipal service
1. A citizen may not enter municipal service, and a municipal servant may not be in municipal service when
6) […] acquires citizenship of a foreign state or receives a resident permit or another document confirming the
Russian citizen’s right to reside permanently in the territory of a foreign state which is not a party to a treaty
of the Russian Federation under which a Russian citizen having citizenship of a foreign state may be in
municipal service;
7) Has citizenship of a foreign state (foreign states) except when a municipal servant is a citizen of a foreign
state that is a party to a treaty of the Russian Federation under which a foreign citizen may be in municipal
Annex 50

Annex 51
Statute of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications,
Information Technology, and Mass Media, approved by the Resolution of
the Government of the Russian Federation No. 228, 16 March 2009

Statute of the Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media
(approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation
of 16 March 2009 No. 228 (as amended on 28 December 2020)
1. The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media
(Roskomnadzor) is a federal executive authority performing the following functions: control and supervision
of mass media (including electronic mass media), mass communications, information technology, and
telecommunications; supervision and statutory compliance control of personal data processing; managing the
Radio Frequency Service activities.
The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media is a
competent federal executive authority for protecting the rights of personal data subjects.
4. The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media
operates directly and through its regional offices in collaboration with other federal executive authorities,
executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government authorities, public
associations and other organizations.
5. The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media
exercises the following powers:
5.1. Performing:
5.1.1. state control and supervision: over the compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation related to mass media and mass
communications, television and radio broadcasting;
5.4. Registering:
5.4.1. mass media;
Annex 51

Annex 52
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
No. 373 “On approval and implementation of the Federal State
Educational Standard of primary general education”, 6 October 2009

of 6 October 2009 No. 373
I hereby order:
(preamble as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 29
December 2014 No. 1643)
1. To approve the attached federal state educational standard for primary general education.
Approved by
Order of the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation
of 6 October 2009 No. 373
12.2. Native language and literary reading in the native language
Native language:
1) fostering a value attitude towards the native language as a custodian of culture, inclusion in the cultural
and linguistic field of one's people, the formation of initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the linguistic
and cultural space of Russia, about language as the basis of national identity;
2) enrichment of active and potential vocabulary, development of a culture of native language
proficiency among students in accordance with the norms of oral and written speech, the rules of speech
3) formation of initial scientific knowledge about the native language as a system and as a developing
phenomenon, about its levels and units, about the patterns of its functioning, mastering the basic units and
grammatical categories of the native language, formation of a positive attitude towards correct oral and written
native speech as indicators of general culture and civic position of a person;
4) mastering the initial skills to navigate in the goals, tasks, means and conditions of communication,
generation of basic skills in choosing adequate language means for the successful solution of communication
Annex 52
5) mastering educational actions with language units and the ability to use knowledge to solve cognitive,
practical and communicative tasks.
Literary reading in the native language:
1) understanding of native literature as one of the main national and cultural values of the people, as a
special way of knowing life, as a phenomenon of national and world culture, as a means of preserving and
transmitting moral values and traditions;
2) awareness of the importance of reading in the native language for personal development; generation
of ideas about the world, national history and culture, initial ethical ideas, concepts of good and evil, morality;
formation of the need for systematic reading in the native language as a means of knowing oneself and the
world; ensuring cultural self-identification;
3) use of different types of reading (introductory, studying, selective, search); the ability to consciously
perceive and evaluate the content and specificity of various texts, participate in their discussion, give and
substantiate a moral assessment of the heroes' actions;
4) achieving the level of reading competence, general speech development necessary for continuing
education, that is, mastering the technique of reading aloud and silently, elementary methods of interpretation,
analysis and transformation of literary, popular science and educational texts using elementary literary
5) awareness of the communicative and aesthetic capabilities of the native language based on the study
of outstanding works of the culture of one's people, the ability to independently choose the literature of interest;
use reference sources for understanding and additional information.
(Clause 12.2 was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
dated 31 December 2015 No. 1576)
19.3. The curriculum of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Curriculum) determines
the list, labor intensity, sequence and distribution of academic subjects by study periods, forms of interim
assessment of students.
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 29 December
2014 No. 1643)
Compulsory subject areas and the main objectives of subject matter implementation are shown in the
Subject areas Main objectives of subject matter implementation
1. […] […]
2. Native language and
literary reading in the
Native language
Formation of initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the linguistic
and cultural space of Russia, about language as the basis of national
identity. Development of dialogic and monologue oral and written
speech in the native language, communication skills, moral and aesthetic
feelings, the ability to creative activity on the native language.
3. […] […]
Annex 52
Annex 53
Joint Order of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
(No. 70) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
(No. 122) “On the adoption of the Instruction on the procedure for
considering applications, reports of crimes and other information on
incidents related to disappearances of citizens”, 27 February 2010

No. 70
No. 122
of 27 February 2010
With the purpose of ensuring the unified approach when considering applications, reports of crimes, as
well as other information on incidents related to disappearance of citizens, to strengthen departmental control
and prosecutor's supervision over this activity, we order:
1. To approve and put into effect the Instruction on the procedure for considering applications, reports
of crimes and other information on incidents related to the disappearance of citizens <*>.
<*> Hereinafter, the "Instruction".
Annex 53
1. General Provisions
1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for receipt, registration and settlement of applications,
reports and other information on incidents related to the disappearance of citizens in the internal affairs
authorities of the Russian Federation and in the investigative authorities of the Investigative Committee under
the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation <*>.
<*> Hereinafter, the "Investigative Committee".
3. Report on the disappeared person must be accepted and registered regardless of the time and place of
his disappearance, the presence or absence of information on the place of permanent or temporary residence
or location, full personal data and photographs of the disappeared person, information about previous cases of
the person's disappearance.
5. For example, the following circumstances may be evidence of the signs of the commission of a crime
against the wanted person:
lack of objective data indicating a person's intention to leave for a long time in an unknown direction or
change dwelling;
absence of a disease that can cause sudden death, loss of memory, orientation in time and space;
presence of personal documents, things (clothes) and money, without which he cannot do in the event
of a long absence, at the place of residence, stay or location of the disappeared person;
availability of significant funds or other valuables at disappeared person that could attract the attention
of criminals;
disappearance of a person with a vehicle;
absence of data on the whereabouts of the disappeared person for a long time (including the disappeared
person having means of mobile communications);
disappearance of a person associated with the alienation of his property;
availability of signs and traces indicating a possible crime in the place of the last stay (location) of the
disappeared person (including in vehicle), the work premises or other place;
absence of a report on the disappearance of a person (or its late or untimely submission) in the law
enforcement agency made by a person who should have submitted it due to family or other relations;
conflict situations at home, at work of disappeared person, in connection with social activities, debt or
loan commitments.
threats to the disappeared person;
explanations provided by the persons on a possible crime committed against the disappeared person;
disappearance of minors (under 14 years old) or underage persons (under 18 years old);
Annex 53
sudden (urgent) repairs of the apartment where the disappeared person lived (stayed temporarily), or the
premises from which the person disappeared;
long-term non-receipt by a citizen of an accrued pension and other social payments (benefits) in the
absence of legitimate reasons;
hasty decision by family members of the disappeared person and/or other persons on various issues that
can be resolved only if they are confident that the disappeared person will not return (re-registration or sale of
his property, recourse to his savings, entry of a spouse in cohabitation with another person);
disappearance of employees of state authorities and public administration (including employees of law
enforcement agencies);
availability of information on the criminal activity and criminal connections of the disappeared person;
disappearance of women engaged in prostitution or rendering other types of sexual services.
This list above is not exhaustive; it may be supplemented by other circumstances in the course of practice
or taking into account local specificities. When putting forward reasonable scenarios of the disappearance of
a person and for concluding on the availability of signs of a crime, the entire circumstances and their logical
relationship need to be taken into account.
8. When carrying out operational search activities under a report on the disappearance of a person
without data on the commission of a crime, the circumstances relating to the event of the person's
disappearance (time, place, method and others), information characterizing his personality and psycho and
emotional state, the circle of connections of the wanted person shall be clarified in detail.
9. Based on the results of consideration of the application or report on the disappearance of a citizen, the
inquiry body shall make one of the decisions provided for in Article 145 of the Criminal Procedure Code of
the Russian Federation.
10. If the disappeared person is not found and no data has been received evidencing that a crime has
been committed against the person, an employee of the operational unit of the internal affairs body shall start
a missing person case within the time limits established by departmental regulations, and shall notify the
prosecutor thereof.
12. When the investigator of the Investigative Committee initiates a criminal case, the missing person
case is terminated, and all operational search activities, including the putting of the disappeared person on the
federal wanted list, shall be carried out within the framework of the operational search case.
13. If the person is not found, and the initiated criminal case, within the framework of which the search
for the person was carried out, is subject to termination, the investigator shall instruct the inquiry body to take
measures to search for the disappeared person. In this case, the operational search case is terminated and, on
the basis of the order of the investigator, the internal affairs body shall start a missing person case.
Annex 53

Annex 54
Federal Law No. 326-FZ “On compulsory health insurance in the Russian
Federation”, 29 November 2010

29 November 2010
No. 326-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 19 November 2010
Approved by
the Federal Council
on 24 November 2010
Article 10. The Insured persons
1. The insured persons include the citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign nationals and stateless persons
permanently or temporarily residing in the Russian Federation (save for highly-qualified specialists and their
family members as well as foreign nationals employed in the Russian Federation in accordance with Article
13.5 of the Federal Law of 25 July 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Nationals in the Russian
Federation”) as well as the persons entitled to receive medical aid in accordance with the Federal Law “On
(as amended by Federal Laws of 28 December 2013 No. 390-FZ, of 29 July 2018 No. 268-FZ)
1) employed under a labor contract, including the heads of organizations who are the sole participants
(founders), members of organizations, owners of their property, or under a civil-law contract the scope of
which includes the performance of works or provision of services, under an authorship agreement, as well as
authors of the works who receive payments and other remuneration under the contracts for alienation of
exclusive rights to the works of science, literature, art, publishing agreements, licensing agreements on the
provision of the right to use the works of science, literature, art;
(as amended by the Federal Law of 3 December 2011 No. 379-FZ)
2) the self-employed: individual entrepreneurs, attorneys-at-law, mediators, privately practicing notaries,
arbitration managers, valuators, patent agents, individuals subject to the special tax treatment “Earned Income
Tax”, individuals registered with tax authorities under sub-paragraph 7.3 of Article 83 of the Tax Code of the
Russian Federation and other persons engaged in private practice in accordance with the laws of the Russian
(sub-paragraph 2 as amended by the Federal Law of 6 February 2019 No. 6-FZ)
3) members of farmer enterprises;
4) members of indigenous communities of the peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian
Federation living in the areas of their traditional residence and traditional economic activity who carry out the
traditional economic activity;
(sub-paragraph as amended by the Federal Law of 27 June 2018 No. 164-FZ)
Annex 54
5) unemployed individuals:
a) children from the day they are born and until they reach 18 years of age;
b) unemployed pensioners regardless of the grounds for assignment of the pension;
c) individuals studying full-time at vocational educational institutions and educational institutions of higher
(sub-paragraph “c” as amended by the Federal Law of 2 July 2013 No. 185-FZ)
d) unemployed individuals registered in accordance with the employment laws;
e) one of the parents or a guardian caring for a child under 3 years of age;
f) individuals able to work caring for disabled children, disabled persons of group I, persons aged 80 and older;
g) other individuals not employed under a labour contract and not listed in sub-paragraphs “a” – “f” of this
paragraph, save for servicemen and persons equated to them in the organization of provision of medical aid.
2. The procedure and methods of counting of the insured, including those unemployed, for the purposes of
formation of the budget of the Federal Fund, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the
budgets of territorial funds shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
(part 2 introduced by the Federal Law of 29 July 2018 No. 268-FZ)
Annex 54
Annex 55
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
No. 1897 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic
general education”, 17 December 2010

of 17 December 2010 No. 1897
I hereby order:
To approve the attached federal state educational standard of basic general education and put it into
effect from the date of entry into force of this Order.
Approved by
Order of the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation
of 17 December 2010 No. 1897
11. Subject results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, taking into
account the general requirements of the Standard and the specifics of the studied subjects that are part of the
subject areas, should ensure successful learning at the next level of general education.
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation dated 29 December
2014 No. 1644)
11.2. Native Language and Native Literature
The study of the Native Language and Native Literature subject area should provide:
fostering a value attitude towards the native language and native literature as a custodian of culture,
inclusion in the cultural and linguistic field of one's people;
Annex 55
familiarization with the literary heritage of one's people;
formation of involvement in the achievements and traditions of one's people, awareness of the historical
continuity of generations, one's responsibility for preserving the culture of the people;
enrichment of the active and potential vocabulary, development of a culture of the native language
proficiency among students in all the fullness of its functional capabilities in accordance with the norms of
oral and written speech, the rules of speech etiquette;
obtaining knowledge about the native language as a system and as a developing phenomenon, about its
levels and units, about the patterns of its functioning, mastering the basic concepts of linguistics, the formation
of analytical skills in relation to linguistic units and texts of different functional-semantic types and genres.
Subject results of studying the Native Language and Native Literature subject area should reflect:
Native Language:
Native Literature:
18.3. Organizational Section of the Basic Educational Program:
The curriculum includes the following compulsory subject areas and academic subjects:
Native Language and Native Literature (native language, native literature);
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 31 December
2015 No. 1577)
Annex 55
Annex 56
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1752-r approving
the list of documents to be attached by the applicant to the application for
registration (re-registration) of a mass media, 6 October 2011

of 6 October 2011 No. 1752-r
In accordance with part two of Article 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On mass media”:
1. To approve the list of documents to be attached by the applicant to the application for registration (reregistration)
of a mass media in accordance with the annex.
2. This order comes into force on 10 November 2011.
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
Annex 56
to Order of the Government of the Russian Federation
of 6 October 2011 No. 1752-r
1. Documents confirming identity and place of registration of an individual (for an applicant who is a
citizen of the Russian Federation).
2. Documents confirming identity and the right to permanent residence in the Russian Federation (for an
applicant who is a foreign citizen or stateless person).
3. Copies of constituent documents certified in accordance with the procedure established by the law of
the Russian Federation (for an applicant that is a legal entity).
4. The list of participants or an extract from the register of shareholders (for an applicant that is a legal
entity) when establishing a TV channel, radio channel, television, radio, video programs.
5. Copies of documents confirming the right to use the domain name of the site in the information and
telecommunication network Internet when establishing an online media certified in accordance with the
procedure established by the law of the Russian Federation.
6. Copies of the charter of the editorial office of the mass media or the contract replacing it between the
founder and the editorial office (editor-in-chief) valid at the time of filing the application certified in
accordance with the procedure established by the law of the Russian Federation (upon re-registration).
7. A copy of the document on the transfer of the rights and obligations of the founder of the mass media
to a third party, agreed with the editorial office (editor-in-chief) and co-founders, certified in accordance with
the procedure established by the law of the Russian Federation (when re-registering the mass media in
connection with the change in the composition of the co-founders).
Note. At the initiative of the applicant, the following documents may be submitted to the federal executive
body that registers the mass media: a document confirming that an individual is not serving a sentence in
detention facilities by a court verdict (for an applicant who is an individual), extract from the unified state
register of legal entities (for an applicant that is a legal entity).
Annex 56
Annex 57
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 776 “On the
Council for Inter-ethnic Relations under the President of the Russian
Federation”, 5 June 2012

5 June 2012 No. 776
“On the Council for Inter-ethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation”
In order to improve the state policy in the field of inter-ethnic relations, I hereby
1. To establish the Council for Inter-ethnic Relations under the President of the Russian
2. To approve the attached:
a) Regulation on the Council for Inter-ethnic Relations under the President of the Russian
b) Composition of the Council for Inter-ethnic Relations under the President of the
Russian Federation.
3. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.
of the Russian Federation V. Putin
President of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Kremlin
5 June 2012
No. 776
Annex 57
Annex 57
By the Decree of the
President of the Russian
Federation of 5 June 2012
No. 776
On the Council for Inter-ethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation
1. The Council for Inter-ethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation
(hereinafter referred to as the Council) is an advisory and consultative body under the President
of the Russian Federation, formed in order to ensure interaction between federal government
bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government
bodies, public associations, scientific and other organizations when considering issues related to
the implementation of the state nationality policy of the Russian Federation.
4. The main tasks of the Council are:
a) Consideration of the conceptual foundations, goals and objectives of the state
nationality policy of the Russian Federation, determination of methods, forms and stages of its
b) Discussion of the practice of implementing the state ethnic policy of the Russian
c) Preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation to determine the
priority directions of the state nationality policy of the Russian Federation;
d) Ensuring interaction between federal government bodies, government bodies of
constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations,
scientific and other organizations on issues of inter-ethnic relations.
Annex 57
Annex 57
Annex 58
Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”, 29
December 2012

29 December 2012 No. 273-FZ
(as amended on 20 April 2021)
Article 5. Right to education. State guarantees for the realization of the right to education in the
Russian Federation
1. The right of every person to education shall be guaranteed in the Russian Federation.
2. The right to education in the Russian Federation shall be guaranteed regardless of gender, race,
nationality, language, origin, property, social and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs,
membership of public associations, and other circumstances.
3. In the Russian Federation, accessibility and free-of-charge basis of education shall be guaranteed in
accordance with the federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general and
secondary general education, secondary vocational education; availability of free higher education shall be
guaranteed on a competitive basis if a citizen receives higher education for the first time.
4. In the Russian Federation, the realization of the right of every person to education shall be ensured by
the creation of the appropriate socio-economic conditions for obtaining it, expanding the opportunities to meet
the needs of the person in obtaining education of various levels and in various fields throughout the person's
life by the federal state bodies, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local
government bodies.
Article 10. Structure of the education system
1. The education system includes:
1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational
programmes of various types, levels and (or) fields;
2) educational institutions, teaching staff, students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students;
3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising
state administration in the field of education and local government bodies exercising control in the field of
education, and consultative, advisory and other bodies established by the above-specified bodies;
4) organisations that provide for educational activities and assess the quality of education;
Annex 58
5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, and non-governmental organisations
engaged in educational activities.
2. Education is subdivided into general education, vocational education, additional education and
vocational training, which provides a possibility to realize the right to education throughout the person's life
(lifelong education).
3. General education and vocational education are divided into levels of education.
4. The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:
1) preschool education;
2) primary general education;
3) basic general education;
4) secondary general education.
Article 11. Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements. Educational
1. Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements shall ensure:
1) unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
2) continuity of basic educational programmes;
3) variability of the content of educational programmes of the corresponding level of education,
possibility of forming educational programmes of various levels of complexity and in various fields taking
into account educational needs and abilities of students;
4) state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements
for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programmes and the results of their
5.1. The federal state educational standards of pre-school, primary and basic general education shall
ensure possibility of getting education in native languages from among the languages of the peoples of the
Russian Federation, of learning national languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, native languages
from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as a native
Annex 58
Article 14. Language of education
1. In the Russian Federation, there shall be guaranteed education in the state language of the Russian
Federation, as well as the choice of the language of education and upbringing within the opportunities provided
by the educational system.
2. In educational institutions, educational activities shall be carried out in the state language of the
Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by this Article. Teaching and learning the state language of
the Russian Federation under state-accredited educational programmes shall be carried out in accordance with
the federal state educational standards, other educational standards.
3. In state and municipal educational institutions located in the republics of the Russian Federation,
teaching and learning the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation may be introduced in
accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. Teaching and learning the state
languages of the republics of the Russian Federation under state-accredited educational programmes shall be
carried out in accordance with the federal state educational standards, other educational standards. Teaching
and learning the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation shall not be exercised to the
detriment of teaching and learning the state language of the Russian Federation.
4. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive preschool, primary general and basic
general education in their native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation
as well as the right to study their native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian
Federation, including the Russian language as a native language, within the limits of the opportunities provided
by the educational system and in the manner prescribed by the legislation on education. These rights shall be
exercised through the establishment of a required number of relevant educational institutions, classes, groups,
and conditions for their functioning. Teaching and learning of the native language from among the languages
of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as a native language, under stateaccredited
educational programmes shall be carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards
and other educational standards.
5. Education may be received in a foreign language in accordance with the educational programme and
pursuant to the procedure established by the law on education and local regulations of educational institutions.
6. The language, languages of education shall be determined by local regulations of educational
institutions under the educational programmes such institutions implement, in accordance with the laws of the
Russian Federation. The free choice of the language of education, the studied native language from among the
languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as the native language, the
state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation shall be exercised by applications of the parents
(legal representatives) of minor students upon the admission (transfer) to study under the educational
programmes of preschool education and the state accredited educational programmes of primary general and
basic general education.
Annex 58
Article 99. Specifics of financial support for the provision of state and municipal services in the
field of education
4. For small educational institutions and educational institutions located in rural settlements and
implementing basic general education programmes, the standard costs for the provision of state or municipal
services in the field of education shall include, among other things, the costs of educational activities that do
not depend on the number of students. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
shall classify educational institutions that implement basic general education programmes as small educational
institutions based on the remoteness of these educational institutions from other educational institutions,
transport accessibility and (or) the number of students.
Annex 58
Annex 59
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 186 “On
approval of the rules for provision of medical assistance to foreign
citizens in the territory of the Russian Federation”, 6 March 2013

6 March 2013 No. 186
[…] Approved by
Resolution of the Government
of the Russian Federation
of 6 March 2013 No. 186
2. Medical assistance to foreign citizens temporarily staying (temporarily residing) or permanently
residing in the Russian Federation is provided by medical and other organisations carrying out medical
activities regardless of their form of business organization, as well as by individual entrepreneurs engaged in
medical activities (hereinafter referred to as medical organisations).
3. Emergency medical care for sudden acute illnesses, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases that
pose a threat to the patient’s life is provided to foreign citizens by medical organisations free of charge.
4. Foreign citizens who are insured persons in accordance with the Federal Law "On Compulsory Health
Insurance in the Russian Federation" are entitled to free medical care under compulsory medical insurance.
5. Emergency medical assistance, including specialized emergency medical assistance is provided to
foreign citizens in case of diseases, accidents, injuries, intoxication and other conditions requiring urgent
medical intervention.
Medical organizations of the state and municipal health systems provide this medical assistance to
foreign citizens free of charge.
6. Emergency medical care (except emergency medical assistance as well as specialized emergency
medical assistance) and planned medical care are provided to foreign citizens in accordance with agreements
on the provision of paid medical services or voluntary medical insurance agreements and (or) concluded in
favor of foreign citizens indicated in article 4 of the present Rules, contracts in the field of compulsory medical
7. Planned medical care is provided subject to the provision by a foreign citizen of written guarantees
of the obligation to pay the actual cost of medical services or prepayment of medical services based on the
estimated volume of the provision of these services (except the cases of provision of medical care in accordance
with article 4 of the present Rules), as well as the necessary medical documentation (extract from the medical
history, data of clinical, radiological, laboratory and other studies) if available.
Annex 59

Annex 60
Federal Law No. 433-FZ “On amending the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation”, 28 December 2013

28 December 2013 No. 433-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 20 December 2013
Approved by
the Council of Federation
on 25 December 2013
Article 1
Amend the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Legislation Bulletin of the Russian Federation,
1996, No. 25, Article 2954; 1998, No. 26, Article 3012; 1999, No. 28, Article 3489; 2002, No. 30, Article
3029; 2003, No. 50, Article 4848; 2004, No. 30, Article 3091; 2006, No. 31, Article 3452; 2007, No. 31,
Article 4008; 2009, No. 1, Article 29; No. 52, Article 6453; 2010, No. 31, Article 4164; 2011, No. 30, Article
4598; No. 50, Article 7362; 2012, No. 47, Article 6401; 2013, No. 44, Article 5641) by supplementing it with
Article 280.1 as follows:
“Article 280.1. Public calls for actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian
1. Public calls for actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of
the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or by
compulsory works for a term of up to three hundred hours, or by imprisonment for a term of up to three years.
2. The same deeds committed with the use of mass media, including information and telecommunication
networks (including the Internet), -
shall be punishable by compulsory community service for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours,
or by imprisonment for a term of up to five years”.
Article 2
This Federal Law shall come into force on 9 May 2014.
of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Kremlin
28 December 2013
No. 433-FZ
Annex 60

Annex 61
Federal Constitutional Law No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic
of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new
constituent entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of
Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol”, 21 March 2014

21 March 2014 N 6-FKZ
by the State Duma on
on 20 March 2014
by the Federation Council on
on 21 March 2014
Article 4. Recognition of citizenship of the Russian Federation held by Ukrainian nationals
permanently residing in the Republic of Crimea or the federal city of Sevastopol
1. Since the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent
entities within the Russian Federation, Ukrainian nationals and stateless persons permanently residing in the
Republic of Crimea or the federal city of Sevastopol shall be recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation,
with the exception of individuals who within one month from that date declare their intention to preserve their
other citizenship and (or) that of their minor children or to remain stateless.
2. Identity documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation shall be issued within three months since the date of
admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities of
the Russian Federation.
3. Restrictions on public and municipal offices, positions in the state and municipal government bodies provided
for by the laws of the Russian Federation for citizens of the Russian Federation holding a foreign citizenship or a
residence permit or another document confirming the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to permanently
reside in the territory of a foreign state, shall be applicable in the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol upon the expiry of one month since the date of admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian
Federation and the formation of new constituent entities within the Russian Federation.
4. A person who is recognized as a citizen of the Russian Federation under part 1 of this Article and received an
identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation shall be recognized in the territory of the Russian
Federation as an individual without any foreign citizenship if he/she submits an application stating his/her
unwillingness to retain a foreign citizenship. The application stating his/her unwillingness to retain a foreign
citizenship shall be submitted with the federal executive authority responsible for the elaboration and
Annex 61
Annex 61
implementation of state policy and statutory regulation in the area of migration. A document confirming a
foreign citizenship shall be enclosed to the application stating his/her unwillingness to retain a foreign
(part 4 is introduced by Federal Constitutional Law of 29 December 2014 No. 19-FKZ)
Article 5. Military duty and military service
1. Military authorities and military units of the Republic of Crimea shall operate in accordance with the laws of
the Russian Federation until these authorities and units have been incorporated into the Armed Forces of the
Russian Federation, other troops, military units and bodies or have been restructured (disbanded).
2. The establishment of military authorities, formations, large units, military units and organizations of the
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and authorities, military recruitment
offices as well as the establishment of their structure, composition and staff size, shall be made in accordance
with the laws of the Russian Federation subject to the administrative and territorial division of the Republic of
Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.
3. Conscripted and contract servicemen of military authorities and military units of the Republic of Crimea shall
continue performing their military duties in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation until these
authorities and units have been incorporated into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops,
military units and bodies or have been restructured (disbanded).
4. Servicemen of military authorities and military units of the Republic of Crimea shall enjoy the pre-emptive
right to enter military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops,
military units and authorities provided that they are citizens of the Russian Federation and meet other
requirements envisaged by the laws of the Russian Federation for individuals that enter military service under
5. Conscripted servicemen of military authorities and military units of the Republic of Crimea shall continue
performing their military duties in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military units and
authorities until the expiry of the established term of military service provided that they are citizens of the
Russian Federation.
6. Citizens of the Russian Federation conscripted for military service in the Republic of Crimea and the federal
city of Sevastopol shall do their military service in military authorities, formations, large units and military units
of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and authorities deployed in the
territory of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol until 2016, inclusively.
Article 6. Transition period
From the date of admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and forming of the new
constituent entities within the Russian Federation and until 1 January 2015, the transition period shall be in
effect, throughout which the issues related to integration of the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation
into the economic, financial, credit and legal systems of the Russian Federation and the system of state
authorities of the Russian Federation shall be settled.
Annex 61
Annex 61
Article 11. Guarantees of social and health protection
1. Ukrainian nationals and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Crimea or the federal city of
Sevastopol as at the date of admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of
new constituent entities of the Russian Federation who are recognised as Russian nationals under this Federal
Constitutional Law or who acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation under the citizenship laws of the
Russian Federation, are entitled to pensions, allowances, and other forms of social assistance, and health
protection under the laws of the Russian Federation.
3. The amounts of pensions, allowances (including one-time ones), compensations, and other forms of social
payments, and guarantees established in monetary form for certain categories of citizens and persons set out in
Part 1 of this Article, may not be lower than those of pensions, allowances (including one-time ones),
compensations, and other forms of social payments, and guarantees established in monetary form and paid to the
same categories of citizens and persons as at 21 February 2014.
6. The legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory social insurance, including the compulsory pension
insurance and compulsory health insurance shall apply on the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the
federal city of Sevastopol as of 1 January 2015, save for the cases envisaged by Article 6.1 of this Article.
(as amended by the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 July 2014 No. 12-FKZ)
6.1. The laws of the Russian Federation on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian
Federation with respect to compulsory pension insurance, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
with respect to compulsory social insurance in the event of temporary disability and maternity, the Federal
Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund with respect to compulsory medical insurance, and the laws of the Russian
Federation on compulsory social insurance for accidents at work and occupational diseases in terms of the
calculation and payment of insurance contributions with respect to compulsory social insurance for accidents at
work and occupational diseases, shall be applied in the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol
with effect from 1 August 2014 in relation to:
1) Organisations located in the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol and individual
entrepreneurs residing in the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, with information concerning
the above-mentioned organisations and individual entrepreneurs recorded in the Uniform State Register of Legal
Entities and the Uniform State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs respectively;
2) Branches and (or) representative offices of Russian organisations established in the Republic of Crimea and
the federal city of Sevastopol, with information concerning the above-mentioned branches and (or)
representative offices recorded in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities;
3) Separate divisions of Russian organisations and separate divisions of international organisations established in
the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol after 18 March 2014.
Annex 61
Annex 61
Article 12.2. Application in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol of
the legislation of the Russian Federation on licensing of certain types of activities, the legislation of the
Russian Federation on the notification procedure for the start of business activities and the legislation of
the Russian Federation on the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the
exercise of state control (supervision), municipal control
(introduced by the Federal Constitutional Law of 29 December 2014 No.20-FKZ)
1. In the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, the types of activities specified
in Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of 4 May 2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities”
may be carried out from 1 June 2015 exclusively by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have
licenses for such types of activities issued in accordance with the procedure established by the specified Federal
Law, except for the case provided for in Part 2 of this article.
2. The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to determine the types of activities from among those
specified in Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of 4 May 2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of
activities”, the implementation of which in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol is allowed from 1 June 2015 without obtaining a license in accordance with the provisions of the said
Federal Law, provided that a competent authority is notified by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs about
the performance of the respective activities and that the mandatory requirements established by the federal
executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation are complied with. This rule does not
apply to newly created medical organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in medical activities.
(as amended by the Federal Constitutional Law of 16 December 2019 No.5-FKZ)
3. The Government of the Russian Federation shall determine:
1) the period (no later than 1 July 2023) during which it is allowed to carry out the relevant type of activity
without obtaining a license in accordance with Federal Law of 4 May 2011 No.99-FZ “On licensing of certain
types of activities”;
(as amended by the Federal Constitutional Laws of 29 July 2017 No.3-FKZ, of 16 December 2019 No.5-FKZ, of
29 December 2020 No.8-FKZ)
2) the procedure for submitting the relevant notification, the composition of the information contained in it, the
list of documents attached to it and the procedure for changing the specified information;
3) the federal executive body authorized to establish temporary mandatory requirements, as well as a list of gross
violations of temporary mandatory requirements;
4) state body authorized to exercise state control (supervision) over compliance with temporary mandatory
5) features of the application of the provisions of Federal Law of 26 December 2008 No.294-FZ “On the
protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision)
and municipal control” when organizing and conducting inspections of compliance with temporary mandatory
4. Persons who carry out the types of activities specified in Part 2 of this Article after 1 June 2015 without
submitting notifications or with the submission of notifications containing false information, shall be liable
under the legislation of the Russian Federation for carrying out entrepreneurial activities without a special permit
Annex 61
Annex 61
5. Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who have violated the temporary mandatory requirements in the
course of carrying out the types of activities specified in Part 2 of this Article shall bear the responsibility
provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for carrying out business activities in violation of the
conditions provided for by the special permit (license), and in the case of gross violations of the temporary
mandatory requirements – for gross violation of the conditions provided for by the special permit (license).
6. The provisions of Parts 2 to 5, Part 14 of this Article do not restrict the right of a legal entity or individual
entrepreneur to apply for a license to carry out the relevant type of activity in the general procedure provided for
by Federal Law of 4 May 2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activity”.
7. The provisions of Federal Law of 26 December 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal
Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (supervision) and Municipal Control”,
which provide for the obligation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to notify the authorized body(s) in
the relevant field of activity of the state control (supervision) body(s), shall apply to business activities carried
out in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, from 1 June 2015.
8. Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who have started in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the
federal city of Sevastopol performing works or providing services as part of the activities specified in Part 2 of
Article 8 of the Federal Law of 26 December 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities
and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” before 1 June
2015, are obliged to submit to the authorized body (bodies) of state control (supervision) in the relevant field of
activity until 1 June 2015 notifications on the implementation of the relevant activities in accordance with the
procedure provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for submitting notifications on the beginning
of the implementation of certain types of business activity. The Government of the Russian Federation may
establish the specifics of filing, accounting, and the form of these notifications.
9. Legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, in the event of failure to submit the notifications specified in Part 8 of
this Article or to submit such notifications containing false information, shall be liable, as established by the
legislation of the Russian Federation, respectively, for failure to submit a notification of the beginning of
entrepreneurial activity or for submitting a notification of the beginning of entrepreneurial activity containing
false information.
10. Scheduled inspections in the implementation of state control (supervision), municipal control over the
compliance of legal entities (their branches, representative offices, separate structural divisions), individual
entrepreneurs in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol with mandatory
requirements, if the frequency of their conduct in accordance with the Federal Law of 26 December 2008 No.
294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of
state control (supervision) and municipal control” is limited to once every three years, until 1 March 2019.
(as amended by the Federal Constitutional Law of 28.12.2017 No.5-FKZ)
11. The formation and approval of annual plans for conducting scheduled inspections of legal entities (their
branches, representative offices, separate structural divisions), individual entrepreneurs for 2015, providing for
verification of compliance in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol by legal
entities (their branches, representative offices, separate structural divisions), individual entrepreneurs with
mandatory requirements in the implementation of activities specified in Part 9 of Article 9 of Federal Law No.
294-FZ of 26 December 2008 “On protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the
implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control”, are carried out by state control
(supervision) bodies, by the municipal control bodies until 15 June 2015, without the approval of the
prosecutor's office.
Annex 61
Annex 61
Article 23. Validity of laws and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation in the territories of the
Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol
1. Legislative and other legal acts of the Russian Federation shall be valid in the territories of the Republic of
Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol from the day of admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian
Federation and formation of new constituent entities of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided for by
this Federal Constitutional Law.
2. Legal acts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, the Republic of Crimea and the city
with the special status Sevastopol shall be valid in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city
of Sevastopol until the end of the transition period, or until the adoption of relevant normative legal act of the
Russian Federation and/or the normative legal act of the Republic of Crimea or normative legal act of the
Russian Federation and/or the federal city of Sevastopol.
3. Legal acts of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the Republic of Crimea and the
city with the special status Sevastopol that are inconsistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall
not apply.
Annex 61
Annex 61
Annex 62
Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, 11 April 2014

Constitution of the Republic of Crimea
Adopted by the State Council of the Republic of Crimea on 11 April 2014
Article 10
1. The state languages of the Republic of Crimea are Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar
2. The status of the state languages of the Republic of Crimea is established by the legislation of
the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Republic of Crimea.
3. The Republic of Crimea recognizes the principle of diversity of cultures, ensures its equitable
development and mutual enrichment.
Article 19
1. Everyone shall have the right to determine and indicate his or her nationality. No one shall be
forced to determine and indicate his or her nationality.
2. Everyone shall have the right to use his or her native language, to a free choice of the language
of communication, upbringing, education and creative work.
Article 83
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea shall:
4) take measures within its authority to ensure state guarantees of equality of rights, freedoms and
legitimate interests regardless of race, nationality, language, religion and other circumstances; to prevent
limitation of rights and discrimination on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious
affiliation; to preserve and develop ethnic and cultural diversity of the peoples of the Russian Federation,
residing in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, their languages and cultures; to protect the rights of
national minorities; to provide social and cultural adaptation of migrants; to prevent inter-ethnic conflicts
and to ensure inter-ethnic and inter-religious consent;
Annex 62

Annex 63
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 268 “On measures
aimed at rehabilitation of Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean
Tatar and German peoples and state support of their revival and
development”, 21 April 2014

21 April 2014 No. 268
To restore historical justice, eliminate the consequences of the illegal deportation from the territory of
the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and
German Peoples and the committed violations of their rights I hereby instruct:
1. The Government of the Russian Federation
a) together with the State authorities of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol:
to adopt measures on restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who suffered illegal deportation and
political repressions on ethnic and other grounds;
to determine the peculiarities of application of the Federal Law No. 93-FZ of 30 June 2006 “On
introduction of changes to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation on registration in a simplified
procedure of the rights of citizens on certain real estate units” on the territories of the Republic of Crimea and
the city of Sevastopol in the transitional period with regard to the necessity to provide protection of human
rights and legitimate interests of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar, German and other peoples;
b) in the course of development of the Federal Target Program for the social and economic
development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020 to provide measures, aimed at national,
cultural and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples and at
the social development of the territories of the said constituent entities of the Russian Federation by
determining sources of financing of the program;
c) to contribute to the establishment and development of national and cultural autonomies and
other public associations and organizations of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German
Peoples, to providing access of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the Republic of Crimea and the city
of Sevastopol to basic general education in the languages of the above-mentioned peoples, development of
traditional industries and business patterns, and also solution of other issues concerning the social and
economic development of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples;
1 For the version as amended on 12 September 2015, see p. 3 below.
Annex 63
d) to assist the State authorities of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in carrying
out events on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek,
Crimean Tatar and German Peoples.
2. This executive order enters into force from the date of its official publication.
Moscow, Kremlin
21 April 2014
No. 268
The President of
the Russian Federation
V. Putin
/SEAL: the Chancery, the President of the Russian Federation/
Annex 63
21 April 2014 No. 268
(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
of 12 September 2015 No. 458)
To restore historical justice, eliminate the consequences of the illegal deportation from the territory of
the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean
Tatar and German Peoples and the committed violations of their rights I hereby instruct:
1. The Government of the Russian Federation
a) together with the state authorities of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
to adopt measures on restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who suffered illegal deportation and
political repressions on ethnic and other grounds;
b) to determine the peculiarities of application of the Federal Law of 30 June 2006 No. 93-FZ
«On introduction of changes to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation on registration in a simplified
procedure of the rights of citizens on certain real estate units» on the territories of the Republic of Crimea and
the city of Sevastopol with regard to the necessity to provide protection of human rights and legitimate interests
of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar, German and other peoples;
c) within the Federal Target Program for the social and economic development of the Republic
of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020 to provide measures, aimed at national, cultural and spiritual revival of
the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples and at the social development of
the said constituent entities of the Russian Federation by determining sources of financing of the program;
d) to contribute to the establishment and development of national and cultural autonomies and
other public associations and organizations of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and
German Peoples, to providing access of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the Republic of Crimea
and the city of Sevastopol to basic general education in the languages of the above-mentioned peoples,
development of traditional industries and business patterns, and also solution of other issues concerning the
social and economic development of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German
Annex 63
e) to assist the state authorities of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in carrying
out events on the occasion of the anniversary of the deportation of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian,
Crimean Tatar and German Peoples.
Moscow, Kremlin
21 April 2014
No. 268
The President of
the Russian Federation
V. Putin
Annex 63
Annex 64
Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 332-r
“On events dedicated to Day of Remembrance of victims of the
deportation from Crimea”, 22 April 2014

of 22 April 2014 No. 332-r
On events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of
victims of the deportation from Crimea
In accordance with the Resolution of the Supreme Council of Crimea of 26 March 1993 No. 285 “On
Day of Remembrance of victims of the deportation”, in order to prepare and hold events dedicated to the Day
of Remembrance of victims of the deportation from Crimea:
1. To create an organizing committee for the preparation and holding events dedicated to the Day
of Remembrance of victims of the deportation from Crimea, composed of the members indicated in
Appendix 1.
2. To approve events for the preparation and holding in the Republic of Crimea of the Day of
Remembrance of victims of the deportation from Crimea (hereinafter - the Events) (Appendix 2).
3. To the performers of the Events:
3.1. To ensure timely performance of the Events.
3.2. To submit the information on the progress of the Events to the Republican Committee for
Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea by 15 December 2014.
4. The Republican Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic
of Crimea shall submit summarized information on the progress of this Order to the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea by 25 December 2014.
5. The control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to Islyamov L.E., the
acting Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
- Chief of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Annex 64
Appendix 1
to order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 22 April 2014 No. 332-r
of the organizing committee for the preparation and holding events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of
victims of the deportation from Crimea
Sergei Valerievich
- Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the organizing committee;
Lenur Edemovich
- Acting Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea, Deputy Chairman of the organizing committee;
Zaur Ruslanovich
- Chairman of the Republican Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea, Deputy Chairman of the
organizing committee;
Dliaver Kazimovich
- Deputy Head of the Department for Inter-ethnic Relations, Work with
National and Cultural Associations and Information and Analytical Support of
the Republican Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea, Secretary of the organizing committee.
Members of the organizing committee:
Ivan Ivanovich
- Chairman of the Crimean Republican Association of Bulgarians named after
P. Hilendarski (upon the consent);
Victor Nikolaevich
- Mayor of Simferopol (upon the consent);
Lentun Romanovich
- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea (upon the consent);
Edip Saidovich
- Chairman of the Permanent Commission of the State Council of the Republic
of Crimea for Inter-ethnic Relations and Problems of the Deported Citizens
(upon the consent);
Yuri Konstantinovich
- Chairman of the Republican Association of Germans of Crimea
Wiedergeburt (‘Revival’) (upon the consent);
Natalia Georgievna
- Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea;
Remzi Ilyasovich
- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea (upon the consent);
Vladimir Petrovich
- Minister of Finance of the Republic of Crimea;
Vagarshak Misakovich
- Chairman of the Crimean Armenian Association (upon the consent);
Peter Semyonovich
- Minister of Health of the Republic of Crimea;
Annex 64
Vera Vadimovna
- Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea;
Dmitriy Anatolievich
- Minister of Information and Mass Communications of the Republic of
Sergei Valerievich
- Deputy Minister - Head of the Public Security Police of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea;
Nikolai Georgievich
- Chairman of the Federation of Greeks of Crimea (upon the consent);
Akhtem Zeitullaevich
- Deputy of the Bakhchisaray District Council of the Republic of Crimea
(upon the consent);
Refat Abdurakhmanovich
- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea (upon the consent);
Yuri Vitalievich
- Minister of Transport of the Republic of Crimea.
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Chief of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 64
Appendix 2
to order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 22 April 2014 No. 332-r
on the preparation and holding in the Republic of Crimea of the Day of Remembrance of victims of the
deportation from Crimea
Name of the event Responsible performers
Period of
1. Providing broad coverage of the
activities of the executive government
bodies of the Republic of Crimea on
solving the problems of deported citizens
Ministry of Information and Mass
Communications of the Republic of
Crimea, Republican Committee for
Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
by 25 August 2014
2. Assistance in the creation of programs
dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of
victims of the deportation from Crimea
Ministry of Information and Mass
Communications of the Republic of
Crimea, State-owned Television and
Radio Company Krym, Republican
Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea
April-August 2014
3. Organization of thematic exhibitions and
other events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance of victims of the
deportation from Crimea
Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Crimea, Ministry of Education,
Science and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, executive committees of city
councils, district state
administrations of the Republic of
May-August 2014
Organization of the laying of flowers and
floral baskets to the memorial
monuments in the public garden on the
alley near the railway station, near the
Botanical Garden of the Taurida
National University named after
V.I.Vernadsky, the memorial
Vozrozhdenie (‘Revival’) of the
Republican educational institution of
higher education Crimean Engineering
and Pedagogical University
Republican Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea,
Executive Committee of the
Simferopol City Council
16 May 2014
5. Ensuring of holding a requiem meeting
dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of
victims of the deportation from Crimea
Republican Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Crimea
16 May 2014
6. Ensuring the holding in Simferopol the
youth event “Light a Fire in Your Heart”,
dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of
victims of the deportation from Crimea
Republican Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Education, Science and
Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Executive Committee of the
Simferopol City Council
17 May 2014
7. Ensuring the holding of rallies dedicated
to the Day of Remembrance of victims of
Executive committees of city
councils, district state
18 May 2014
Annex 64
the deportation from Crimea in cities and
district centers of the Republic of Crimea
administrations of the Republic of
8. Ensuring the observance of safety along
the route of the participants in rallies
dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of
victims of the deportation from Crimea,
in cities and district centers of the
Republic of Crimea
Executive committees of city
councils, district state
administrations in the Republic of
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Republic of Crimea
18 May 2014
9. Ensuring the observance of public order
and the duty shifts of ambulance units in
places of mass events
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Health of the Republic of Crimea
16-18 May,
24 June,
18 August 2014
10. Organization of the laying of flowers and
floral baskets on the Day of
Remembrance of victims of the
deportation from Crimea from among
Armenians, Bulgarians and Greeks to the
memorial monument near the Botanical
Garden of the Taurida National
University named after V.I. Vernadsky
Republican Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea,
Executive Committee of the
Simferopol City Council
24 June 2014
11. Organization of the laying of flowers and
floral baskets on the Day of
Remembrance of victims of the
deportation from Crimea from among
Germans to the memorial monument near
the Botanical Garden of the Taurida
National University named after V.I.
Republican Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea,
Executive Committee of the
Simferopol City Council,
Krasnogvardeisk District State
Administration of the Republic of
18 August 2014
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Chief of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 64

Annex 65
Federal Law No. 91-FZ “On the application of the provisions of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Procedural
Code of the Russian Federation in the territories of the Republic of
Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol”, 5 May 2014

5 May 2014 No. 91-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 18 April 2014
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 29 April 2014
Article 1
Within the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, criminal proceedings shall be held in
accordance with the rules established by the criminal procedure laws of the Russian Federation, taking into
account the provisions of the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2016 No. 6-FKZ On the Admission of
the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Formation of New Constituent Entities in the
Russian Federation — the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol and this Federal Law.
Article 2
The criminality and punishability of acts committed within the Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol prior to 18 March 2014 shall be determined on the basis of the criminal laws of the Russian
Federation. In this respect, change for the worse is prohibited.
Article 3
1. Materials on the basis of which, as of 18 March 2014, the pre-trial investigation of acts containing
elements of crimes was not finished (regardless of the citizenship of the persons suspected of committing
such crimes) shall be submitted to the prosecutor for determining the type of criminal prosecution and
jurisdiction in accordance with the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
2. Based on the results of the consideration of the materials specified in Part 1 of this article, as per
Clause 12, Part Two, Article 37 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor
shall issue a substantiated decision that, alongside the materials received, shall be submitted to the respective
pre-trial investigation authority or inquiry authority for making a decision provided for by the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Pursuant to Part Four, Article 20 of the Criminal Procedural
Code of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor shall submit private prosecution materials regarding a
criminal act to the head of the investigative body, investigator or inquiry officer, for making a decision in
accordance with the criminal procedural laws of the Russian Federation.
3. In case a criminal case is initiated following the procedure provided for in Article 20 of the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, previously obtained evidence shall have the same legal force as
Annex 65
if it was obtained in accordance with the criminal procedural laws of the Russian Federation. Such evidence
shall be assessed and verified in accordance with the requirements of Articles 87 and 88 of the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
4. In case an act with regard to which a pre-trial investigation has been carried out is not a crime
pursuant to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in case there are no grounds for initiating
a criminal case, a decision shall be made in accordance with Article 48 of the Criminal Procedural Code of
the Russian Federation.
Article 4
A decision to terminate proceedings due to the lack of a criminal act event, the lack of criminal offence
elements in the act or the death of the suspect (accused), made prior to 18 March 2014 shall have the effect
of a decision on the refusal to initiate a criminal case. Such decision may be appealed against following the
procedure established by the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the
provisions of Part 19, Article 9 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the
Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Formation of New Constituent
Entities in the Russian Federation — the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol”.
Article 5
In case a criminal case is initiated on the basis of pre-trial investigation materials, the pre-trial
investigation period shall be calculated from the date of initiating a criminal case following the procedure
established by Articles 162, 223 and 226.6 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. The
period for which, a person was detained, kept in custody or under house arrest during the pre-trial
investigation of a criminal offence prior to 18 March 2014, shall be counted towards the period of detention
or towards the house arrest period during pre-trial investigation in accordance with Articles 107 and 109 of
the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
Article 6
1. The court shall return criminal case materials on the basis of which no court proceedings had been
initiated prior to 18 March 2014 to the prosecutor.
2. In case court proceedings under a criminal case had been initiated prior to 18 March 2014, then such
proceedings shall be continued following the procedure established by the Criminal Procedural Code of the
Russian Federation, provided that there exist no grounds for returning the case to the prosecutor in
accordance with Article 237 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. As per the
prosecutor's motion, the acts committed by the accused shall be subject to requalification by the court in
accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, without worsening the position of the accused.
In such cases, sentences shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Article 10 of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Proceedings held at a court of first instance and a court of appeal
under a criminal case within the jurisdiction of a court specified in Part Three, Article 31 of the Criminal
Procedural Code of the Russian Federation shall be continued by the court considering such case.
3. As requested by a party to criminal proceedings, the court may provide such party with an
opportunity to familiarise itself with criminal case materials with which such party has not been familiarized
previously and establish the term for such familiarisation.
Article 7
The provisions of Clauses 2 and 2.1, Part Two, Article 30 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the
Russian Federation shall apply within the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol from
1 January 2018.
(as amended by the Federal Law of 23 June 2016 No. 189-FZ )
Annex 65
Article 8
1. The currently effective decisions, passed within the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
prior to 18 March 2014, shall have the same legal force (including for the purpose of enforcing criminal
penalties) as the decisions passed within the Russian Federation.
2. The appeals with regard to decisions, submitted within the Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol prior to 18 March 2014 shall be considered following the procedure and within the term
established by the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions of
Part 19, Article 9 of the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the Admission of the
Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Formation of New Constituent Entities in the Russian
Federation — the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol”.
3. Effective decisions, passed under criminal proceedings within the Republic of Crimea and the city
of Sevastopol prior to 18 March 2014, shall be recognised, as far as their enforcement within the Russian
Federation is concerned, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
4. In case the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for a lesser sentence or can otherwise
improve the position of a convicted person, at such person's request or upon the recommendation of the
prosecutor, institution or body enforcing the penalty, the respective judgment shall be brought into
compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation following the procedure established by Articles 397 and
399 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
Article 9
The harm caused to citizens as a result of criminal prosecution within the Republic of Crimea and the
city of Sevastopol prior to 18 March 2014 shall not be subject to compensation in a manner provided for in
Chapter 18 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation.
Article 10
This Federal Law applies to legal relations pertaining to acts committed within the Republic of Crimea
and the city of Sevastopol prior to 18 March 2014.
Article 11
This Federal Law shall enter into force from the date of its official publication.
The President
of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Kremlin
5 May 2014
No. 91-FZ
Annex 65

Annex 66
Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea No. 2152-6/14
“On measures aimed at the preservation of cultural heritage sites in the
Republic of Crimea in the transitional period”, 21 May 2014

of 21 May 2014 No. 2152-6/14
According to the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014, No. 6-FKZ “On admission of the
Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and formation of new constituent entities in the Russian
Federation: the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol”, paragraph 3 of Article 75 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, for the purpose to preserve cultural heritage sites in the Republic of
Crimea during the transitional period, the State Council of the Republic of Crimea resolves:
1. The sites that in accordance with the laws of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and Ukraine
were included in the lists of historical and cultural monuments (of cultural heritage), the State
Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine together with their protected areas located in the
Republic of Crimea, are taken under state protection in accordance with the requirements of
Russian law.
Annex 66

Annex 67
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Resolution No. 103 “On
measures aimed at the development of social and cultural spheres of life
of the deported citizens and ensuring inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic
of Crimea for 2014”, 27 May 2014

of 27 May 2014 No. 103
On measures aimed at the development of
social and cultural spheres of life of the deported
citizens and ensuring inter-ethnic
harmony in the Republic of Crimea for 2014
In accordance with the Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of 22 January 2014
No. 1576-6/14 “On the budget of the Republic of Crimea for 2014” and in order to solve the priority problems
of the social and cultural development of the deported citizens and ensure interethnic harmony in the Republic
of Crimea
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea resolves:
1. To approve the Plan of Measures aimed at the development of social and cultural spheres of life of the
deported citizens and ensuring inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea for 2014 (hereinafter - the Plan
of Measures) (Appendix 1).
2. To approve the Procedure for using funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea for measures
aimed at the development of social and cultural spheres of life of the deported citizens and ensuring interethnic
harmony in the Republic of Crimea for 2014 (Appendix 2).
3. To the Republican Committee for Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
3.1. To ensure the implementation of the Plan of Measures and control over the intended use of budget
3.2. Information on the implementation of this resolution shall be submitted to the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea by 31 January 2015.
4. The control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to Islyamov L.E., the acting
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea - Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea Staff L. OPANASYUK
Annex 67
Appendix 1
to resolution of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 27 May 2014 No. 103
aimed at the development of social and cultural spheres of life of the deported citizens and
ensuring inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea for 2014
No Objectives Measures Funding allocation
(in thousand rubles) Expected Result
1 2 3 4 5
1 Development of
social and
spheres of life
of the deported
1.1. Provision of drinking water to places of compact residence of the
deported citizens
5,757.0 Water supply to 2 massifs of
compact residence of the deported
citizens in order to provide 2,655
people with drinking water
1.2. Publication of literature in the native languages of the repatriates,
including debt repayment for 2013
896.9 Publication of 6 literature titles
with a total circulation of 3,000
1.3. Cultural events of the repatriates, including debt repayment for
3,357.58 Holding 10 cultural events
(festivals, cultural meetings, etc.)
and 3 events dedicated to Day of
Remembrance of Victims of the
Annex 67
1 2 3 4 5
1.4. Reimbursement of expenses for living in shared households and
renting housing accommodations
608.0 Payment for living in shared
households and renting housing
accommodations for 145 deported
citizens entitled to benefits
1.5. Provision of nonrecurrent financial assistance 570.0 Provision of financial assistance
to 115 financially disadvantaged
TOTAL Development of social and cultural spheres of life of the deported
2 Ensuring inter-ethnic
harmony in the
Republic of Crimea
2.1. Measures aimed at increasing the level of tolerance in society and
countering xenophobic statements, including debt repayment for 2013
1,169.44 Holding 3 seminars, a festival, an
event dedicated to Day of
Remembrance of Krymchaks and
Jewish people of Crimea - victims
of Nazism, production of social
2.2. Measures aimed at the development of Russian, Ukrainian, Crimean
Tatar and other languages
152.0 Holding a competition, a scientific
2.3. Cultural events aimed at the development of national cultures and
traditions, including debt repayment for 2013
1,440.4 Holding 12 events by nationalcultural
societies and public
2.4. Promoting the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of
the Crimean Karaites and Krymchaks
380.0 Holding 3 cultural events,
publishing a national calendar of
Crimean Karaites and a national
calendar of Krymchaks
2.5. Support for print media published in native languages 1,855.16 Financial support for 8 print media
published in native languages
TOTAL Ensuring inter-ethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea 4,997.00
TOTAL 16,186.48
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Chief of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea Staff L. OPANASYUK
Annex 67
Appendix 2
to resolution of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 27 May 2014 No. 103
Procedure for using funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea for measures aimed at the
development of social and cultural spheres of life of the deported citizens and ensuring
interethnic harmony in the Republic of Crimea for 2014
1. General Provisions
1.1 The procedure for using funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea for measures to
develop the social and cultural spheres of life of the deported citizens and ensure interethnic harmony
in the Republic of Crimea for 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) was developed in
accordance with resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of 22 January 2014 No. 1576-
6/14 “On the budget of the Republic of Crimea for 2014” and it determines the mechanism for using
funds from the budget of the Republic of Crimea for measures aimed at the development of social and
cultural spheres of life of the deported citizens and ensuring interethnic harmony in the Republic of
Crimea for 2014 (hereinafter - Budgetary Funds).
1.2 The main unit responsible for spending the Budgetary Funds is the Republican Committee for
Inter-ethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter - the Republican
1.3 The Budgetary Funds are allocated for the performance of the Plan of Measures aimed at the
development of social and cultural spheres of life of the deported citizens and ensuring interethnic
harmony in the Republic of Crimea for 2014 (hereinafter - the Plan of Measures).
1.4 Funding for the implementation of the Plan of Measures is carried out within the funds provided
in the budget of the Republic of Crimea for 2014.
1.5 Transactions related to the use of the Budgetary Funds are carried out in the bodies of the
Treasury Service of the Republic of Crimea.
1.6 The purchase of goods, works, services at the expense of the Budgetary Funds is carried out in
the manner prescribed by the current legislation.
1.7 The received Budgetary Funds are reflected in the accounting records in accordance with the
current legislation.
1.8 The Republican Committee monthly, by the 10th day of the month following the reporting
month, submits information on the use of the Budgetary Funds to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic
of Crimea.
1.9 Control over the intended and efficient use of the Budgetary Funds is carried out by the
Republican Committee in accordance with the current legislation.
2 Provision of drinking water to places of compact residence of the deported citizens
2.1 Provision of drinking water to places of compact residence of the deported citizens is carried
out in accordance with an act signed by the commission established in accordance with resolution of the
Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea of 19 September 2013 No. 885-r “On
measures to determine the need for supplying drinking water to places of compact residence of deported
Crimean Tatars and persons of other nationalities”.
2.2 The volume of drinking water is determined on the basis of the population in places of compact
residence of the deported citizens included in the act, and the water consumption rates determined for
the areas of construction of buildings with water use from water intake columns.
2.3 Drinking water delivered to places of compact residence of the deported citizens shall comply
with sanitary and hygienic standards.
3 Publication of literature in the native languages of the repatriates
3.1 The list of educational, curricular, scientific, methodological, fiction, journalistic, musical and
other literature for publication in 2014 is determined on the basis of the proposals of the Advisory
Council for the publication of literature in the languages of the repatriates under the Republican
Annex 67
3.2 The list of educational, curricular, scientific, methodological, fiction, journalistic, musical and
other literature recommended for publication is approved by the Republican Committee.
3.3 The Republican Committee in accordance with the approved list of educational, curricular,
scientific, methodological, fiction, journalistic, musical and other literature, recommended for
publication, concludes an agreement with the publishing house for the publication of educational,
curricular, scientific, methodological, fiction, journalistic, musical and other literature.
3.4 Distribution and transfer of published literature to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth
of the Republic of Crimea, cultural institutions, public organizations is carried out by the Republican
4 Cultural events of the repatriates, measures aimed at increasing the level of tolerance in
society and countering xenophobic statements, and measures aimed at developing Russian,
Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar and other languages, national cultures and traditions, promoting
the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Crimean Karaites and
4.1 Based on the proposals of city councils and district state administrations in the Republic of
Crimea, public organizations and institutions, the Republican Committee approves an annual plan of
cultural events for the repatriates, measures aimed at increasing the level of tolerance in society and
countering xenophobic statements, and measures aimed at developing Russian, Ukrainian, Crimean
Tatar and other languages, national cultures and traditions, promoting the preservation of the historical
and cultural heritage of the Crimean Karaites and Krymchaks.
4.2 To the proposals are attached:
- program of measures and cost estimates;
- copies of statutory documents certified in accordance with the established procedure
(for institutions, public organizations, business entities).
4.3 In accordance with the approved Plan of Measures, the Republican Committee concludes
agreements with public organizations, institutions, and business entities for holding events.
4.4 The transfer of funds is carried out by the Republican Committee on the basis of the invoice and
the act of the services provided.
5 Reimbursement of expenses for living in shared households and renting housing
5.1 Reimbursement of expenses for living in shared households and renting housing
accommodations is made to the following categories of the deported citizens and members of their
families who do not have their own housing accommodations:
- the Great Patriotic War participants;
- war participants;
- disabled persons of groups 1 and 2;
- lifelong disabled persons;
- multi-child families;
- single mothers (fathers) raising two or more children;
- persons affected by fire, natural disasters.
5.2 The decision to reimburse expenses for living in shared households and renting housing
accommodations is made by the relevant commissions of the executive committees of city councils and
district state administrations of the Republic of Crimea on the basis of the submitted documents.
5.3 The commissions of the executive committees of city councils and district state administrations
of the Republic of Crimea consider applications from citizens for reimbursement of expenses for living
in shared households and renting housing accommodations in the corresponding administrative territory
within 30 days. The application shall be accompanied by the following documents:
- copy of the passport and the passport itself (after checking the data, it is returned to the
applicant), or other personal identification document;
- copy of the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (for individual
persons who, due to their religious beliefs, refuse to receive the registration number of the
Annex 67
taxpayer's registration card and reported this to the relevant state tax service and have a mark
on that in the passport - the series and number of the passport);
- duly certified copy of the document confirming that the citizen belongs to the category
specified in Subclause 5.1. of Clause 5 of this Procedure;
- documents confirming belonging to the persons deported on ethnic grounds;
- certificate confirming the composition of the family, issued in accordance with the
established procedure;
- rental agreement (to reimburse housing accommodation rental costs).
5.4 The commissions of the executive committees of city councils and district state administrations
of the Republic of Crimea take measures to establish the fact of applicants’ residence in shared
households or in rented housing accommodations.
5.5 The executive committees of city councils and district state administrations of the Republic of
Crimea submit to the Republican Committee lists of citizens approved by the corresponding
commissions, in respect of whom an affirmative decision has been made.
5.6 Reimbursement of costs for renting household accommodation is made in accordance with the
rental agreement. The amount of reimbursement of expenses for renting household accommodation for
a family is determined by the relevant commission in each specific case, based on the available amenities
and housing area, and cannot exceed the minimum wage established by the current legislation.
5.7 Reimbursement of expenses for living in a shared household is made in accordance with the
calculations provided by the owners of shared households, for accommodation and invoices for
payment. Such costs cannot exceed the maximum amount of payment for living in shared households
established by the Order of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea of 18
December 2008 No. 677. The owners of shared households are responsible for the accuracy of the
submitted documents.
5.8 The costs of living in shared households and renting housing accommodations are not
reimbursed to citizens who artificially worsened their living conditions.
6 Provision of nonrecurrent financial assistance
6.1 Nonrecurrent financial assistance is provided to the following categories of deported citizens
and their family members:
- the Great Patriotic War disabled veterans, the Great Patriotic War veterans, the Great
Patriotic War participants, war veterans in the amount of not more than 1 minimum wage;
- disabled persons of groups 1 and 2 in the amount of not more than 1 minimum wage;
- lifelong disabled persons in the amount of not more than 1 minimum wage;
- parents with lifelong disabled children and children, who are invalids of groups 1 and
- single mothers (fathers) raising two or more children, in the amount of not more than 1
minimum wage;
- persons whose housing accommodation and property was affected by fire, natural
disasters in the amount of not more than 5 minimum wages.
6.2 The decision to provide a nonrecurrent financial assistance is made by the relevant commissions
of the executive committees of city councils and district state administrations of the Republic of Crimea
on the basis of the submitted documents.
6.3 Commissions of executive committees of city councils and district state administrations in the
Republic of Crimea consider applications from citizens for the provision of nonrecurrent financial
assistance in the corresponding administrative territory within 30 days. The application shall be
accompanied by the following documents:
- copy of the passport and the passport itself (after checking the data, it is returned to the
- copy of the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (for individual
persons who, due to their religious beliefs, refuse to receive the registration number of the
taxpayer's registration card and reported this to the relevant state tax service and have a mark
on that in the passport - the series and number of the passport);
Annex 67
- duly certified copy of the document confirming that the citizen belongs to the category
specified in Subclause 6.1. of Clause 6 of this Procedure;
- certificate confirming the composition of the family, issued in accordance with the
established procedure;
- act of inspection and assessment of the damage caused to the affected family conducted
by the territorial body of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies
and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (in case of fire, natural disaster);
- documents confirming belonging to the persons deported on ethnic grounds;
- certificate from a banking institution indicating the number of the applicant's customer
account, full name and details of a banking institution.
6.4 The executive committees of city councils and district state administrations of the Republic of
Crimea submit to the Republican Committee lists of citizens approved by the corresponding
commissions, in respect of whom an affirmative decision has been made, with the attachment of a
package of documents provided for in Subclause 6.3. of Clause 6 of this Procedure, and extracts from
the minutes of the meetings of the relevant commissions.
6.5 Nonrecurrent financial assistance is provided on the basis of the order of the Republican
6.6 Financial assets for the provision of nonrecurrent financial assistance are transferred to the
customer accounts of citizens opened in banking institutions.
7 Support for print media published in native languages
7.1 Budget Funds are used to finance the cost of the editorial offices of the print media, which are
published in native languages, for the prepress of the publication, payment for printing services, and the
purchase of paper.
7.2 To obtain financial support, the editorial office of the print media submits the following
documents to the Republican Committee:
- statement in which the editorial office indicates the purpose of using the financial support;
- cost estimates for the current year;
- copy of the document on state registration of the print media, certified in accordance with the
established procedure.
7.3 Financial support for mass media published in native languages is carried out by the Republican
Committee if the printed publication meets one or more of the following criteria:
- founders of a mass media are public organizations of the Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Bulgarians,
Greeks and Germans;
- at least 50% of materials are made in native language;
- media for children, which is aimed at developing language skills;
- media that is used as a teaching aid in regular schools.
7.4 The amount of financial support for the print media is determined by the Republican Committee
within the funds provided in the budget of the Republic of Crimea.
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Staff L. OPANASYUK
Annex 67

Annex 68
Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 436-r
“On approval of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Decree of
the President of the Russian Federation of 21 April 2014 No. 268”, 27
May 2014

of 27 May 2014 No. 436-r
On approval of the Action Plan
for the implementation of the Decree of the
President of the Russian Federation
of 21 April 2014 No. 268
“On measures aimed at rehabilitation of Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and
state support of their revival and development”
In accordance with Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, in order to implement the
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 21 April 2014 No. 268 “On measures aimed at
rehabilitation of Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support of their
revival and development”:
1. Approve the attached Action Plan for the implementation of the Decree of the President of the
Russian Federation dated 21 April 2014 No. 268 “On measures aimed at rehabilitation of Armenian, Bulgarian,
Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support of their revival and development” (hereinafter -
the Action Plan).
2. Executors of the Action Plan:
2.1. Ensure the timely implementation of the Action Plan.
Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea,
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Head
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Chairman Chief of Staff
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 68
to the Order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 27 May 2014 No. 436-r
Action Plan for the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 21
April 2014 No. 268 “On measures aimed at rehabilitation of Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean
Tatar and German peoples and state support of their revival and development”
Name of events Responsible executors Deadlines
[…] […] […] […]
6. Development of normative legal acts
regulating the issues of education in the
state languages of the Republic of Crimea
and the study of Armenian, Bulgarian,
Modern Greek, Crimean Tatar and
German languages
Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
June-July 2014
[…] […] […] […]
8. Carrying out activities aimed at the
development of the Armenian, Bulgarian,
Modern Greek, Crimean Tatar and
German languages
Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, Republican Committee
for Inter-ethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea
On an ongoing
[…] […] […] […]
10. Creation, translation and publication of
educational, educational and
methodological, scientific, scientific and
methodological reference, fiction and
children's literature in Armenian,
Bulgarian, Modern Greek, Crimean Tatar
and German languages
Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, Republican Committee
for Inter-ethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea
On an ongoing
[…] […] […] […]
13. Strengthening the material and technical
base of Crimean Republican Institution
“Medical Center for Serving Deported
Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Crimea
14. Assistance in the functioning of the
Crimean Republican Organization
“Crimean Tatar Academic Music and
Drama Theater”,
Crimean Republican Organization
“Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble
Crimean Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble
"Khaitarma" of the Republican
Organization “Crimean Philharmonic”,
Crimean Republican Institution “Crimean
Tatar Museum of Art”
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
On an ongoing
[…] […] […] […]
21. Assistance in the activities of mass media
publishing or broadcasting in Armenian,
Republican Committee for Interethnic
On an ongoing
Annex 68
Bulgarian, Modern Greek, Crimean Tatar
and German languages
and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Information and Mass
Communications of the Republic
of Crimea
22. Facilitating archaeological research on
the monuments of the Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and
German peoples
Republican Committee for the
Protection of Cultural Heritage of
the Republic of Crimea
On an ongoing
23. Development of a plan of priority
measures for carrying out emergency
response and repair and restoration work
on monuments of the Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and
German peoples
Republican Committee for the
Protection of Cultural Heritage of
the Republic of Crimea
June 2014
Deputy Head
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Chairman Chief of Staff
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 68

Annex 69
Federal Law No. 142-FZ “On introducing amendments into Articles 6 and
30 of the Federal Law ‘On citizenship of the Russian Federation’ and
certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, 4 June 2014

4 June 2014 No. 142-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 23 May 2014
Approved by
the Federation Council
on 28 May 2014
Article 1.
The following amendments shall be introduced into the Federal Law No. 62-FZ of 31 May 2002 “On
the Citizenship of the Russian Federation” (Collection of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002,
No. 22, Art. 2031; 2003, No. 46, Art. 4447; 2006, No. 31, Art. 3420; 2012, No. 47, Art. 6393; 2014, No. 16,
Art. 1828):
1) Article 6:
a) shall be supplemented with paragraph three of the following content:
“3. Unless otherwise provided by an international agreement of the Russian Federation or a federal
law, the citizen of the Russian Federation (with the exception of the citizens of the Russian Federation
permanently residing outside the Russian Federation) who is also in possession of other citizenship or a
residence permit or another valid document, confirming his right to permanent residence in a foreign state
(hereinafter also referred to as the document granting the right to permanent residence in a foreign state), is
obliged to submit a written notification of the possession of other citizenship or the document granting the
right to permanent residence in a foreign state to the territorial agency of the federal executive body authorized
to exercise the functions of control and supervision in the field of migration at the place of the citizen’s
residence within the Russian Federation (in case of the absence of such – at the place of his stay within the
Russian Federation, and should he have neither the place of residence nor the place of stay within the Russian
Federation – at the place of his actual location in the Russian Federation) within sixty days from the date of
the acquisition by the said citizen of other citizenship or the issuance to him of the document granting the right
to permanent residence in a foreign state.”;
b) shall be supplemented with paragraph four of the following content:
“4. Unless otherwise provided by an international agreement of the Russian Federation or a federal
law, the legal representative of the citizen of the Russian Federation who has not reached the age of eighteen
years or who has been limited in legal capacity (with the exception of the citizens of the Russian Federation
permanently residing outside the Russian Federation) is obliged to submit a written notification of the
Annex 69
possession by the said citizen of other citizenship or the document granting the right to permanent residence
in a foreign state to the territorial agency of the federal executive body authorized to exercise the functions of
control and supervision in the field of migration at the place of the citizen’s residence within the Russian
Federation (in case of the absence of such – at the place of his stay within the Russian Federation, and should
he have neither the place of residence nor the place of stay within the Russian Federation – at the place of his
actual location in the Russian Federation) within sixty days from the date of the acquisition by the said citizen
of other citizenship or the issuance to him of the document granting the right to permanent residence in a
foreign state”;
c) shall be supplemented with paragraph five of the following content:
“5. The notification of the possession of other citizenship or the document granting the right to
permanent residence in a foreign state shall be submitted by the citizen of the Russian Federation specified in
paragraph three of the present Article or by the legal representative of the citizen of the Russian Federation
specified in paragraph four of the present Article, in person or in accordance with the established procedure
by postal mail upon presentation by the person, submitting the said notification, of the passport of a citizen of
the Russian Federation or another document proving his identity in the territory of the Russian Federation
(including the document proving the identity of a foreign citizen in the territory of the Russian Federation and
recognized by the Russian Federation as such, in case the said notification is submitted by the foreign citizen
who is the legal representative of the citizen of the Russian Federation, specified in paragraph four of the
present Article).”;
d) shall be supplemented with paragraph six of the following content:
“6. The notification, specified in paragraph five of the present Article, shall include the following
information about the citizen of the Russian Federation, in respect of whom it is being submitted:
a) surname, name, patronymic name;
b) date and place of birth;
c) place of residence (in the absence of such – the place of stay, and in the absence of both the place
of residence and the place of stay – the place of actual location);
d) series and number of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or of another document
proving the identity of the said citizen in the territory of the Russian Federation;
e) name of the other citizenship possessed, series, number and date of issue of the passport of a foreign
state or of another document confirming the possession by the said citizen of the other citizenship and (or)
name, series, number and date of issue to the said citizen of the document granting the right to permanent
residence in a foreign state;
f) date of and ground for the acquisition of the other citizenship or the issuance of the document
granting the right to permanent residence in a foreign state;
g) information on the extension of the validity period of the document granting the right to permanent
residence in a foreign state or the issuance of a new corresponding document;
h) information on the application of the said citizen to the competent authority of a foreign state for
the renunciation of the citizenship of the said state or for the renunciation of the document granting the right
to permanent residence in a foreign state (in case such an application has been submitted).”;
e) shall be supplemented with paragraph seven of the following content:
“7. The notification, specified in paragraph five of the present Article, shall be accompanied by a copy
of the passport of a foreign citizen or of another document, confirming the possession of other citizenship, and
(or) of the document granting the right to permanent residence in a foreign state that the citizen of the Russian
Annex 69
Federation, in respect of whom the said notification is being submitted, possesses as well as a copy of the
passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or of another document proving the identity of the said citizen
in the territory of the Russian Federation (including the document proving the identity of a foreign citizen in
the territory of the Russian Federation and recognized by the Russian Federation as such, in case the said
notification is submitted by the foreign citizen who is the legal representative of the citizen of the Russian
Federation, specified in paragraph four of the present Article).”;
f) shall be supplemented with paragraph eight of the following content:
“8. The form and procedure for submitting notifications, specified in paragraphs three and four of the
present Article, shall be established by the federal executive body authorized to exercise the functions of
control and supervision in the field of migration.”;
g) shall be supplemented with paragraph nine of the following content:
“9. The citizens of the Russian Federation shall be exempted from the obligation to submit a
notification, specified in paragraph three of the present Article, in cases stipulated by international agreements
of the Russian Federation or federal laws.”;
h) shall be supplemented with paragraph ten of the following content:
“10. The legal representatives of the respective citizens of the Russian Federation shall be exempted
from the obligation to submit a notification, specified in paragraph four of the present Article, in cases
stipulated by international agreements of the Russian Federation or federal laws.”;
i) shall be supplemented with paragraph eleven of the following content:
“11. The rules, specified in paragraphs three to ten of the present Article, shall apply in relation to the
citizens of the Russian Federation who possess (have acquired) the citizenship of one or more foreign states or
who have been issued one or more documents granting the right to permanent residence in a foreign state. In
case of the acquisition by the citizen of the Russian Federation of each new citizenship or the issuance to him
of each new document granting the right to permanent residence in a foreign state, the said citizen or his legal
representative shall be obliged to submit a new notification of this according to the rules established by the
present Article.”;
2) Article 30 shall be supplemented with paragraph “g.1” of the following content:
“g.1) maintain a record of the received from the citizens of the Russian Federation notifications that
the said citizens are in possession of the citizenship of another state. The rules for maintaining such a record
are established by the Government of the Russian Federation;”.
Article 6.
1. The citizen of the Russian Federation (with the exception of the citizen of the Russian Federation
permanently residing outside the Russian Federation) who, on the date of entry into force of the present Federal
Law, is in possession of the citizenship (allegiance) of a foreign state or a residence permit or another valid
document, confirming his right to permanent residence in a foreign state, is obliged, within sixty days from
the date of entry into force of the present Federal Law, to submit to the territorial agency of the federal
executive body authorized to exercise the functions of control and supervision in the field of migration at the
place of the citizen’s residence within the Russian Federation (in case of the absence of such – at the place of
his stay within the Russian Federation, and should he have neither the place of residence nor the place of stay
within the Russian Federation – at the place of his actual location in the Russian Federation) a written
notification that he is in possession of other citizenship (allegiance) or a residence permit or another valid
document confirming his right to permanent residence in a foreign state.
Annex 69
5. In relation to citizens of the Russian Federation who acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation
in accordance with the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on the
Admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and Formation of New Constituent Entities of
the Russian Federation of 18 March 2014 and the Federal Constitutional Law of 21 March 2014 No. 6-FKZ
“On the Admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the Formation of New Constituent
Entities of the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol”, the rules
envisaged by Articles 6 and 30 of Federal Law of 31 May 2002 No. 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian
Federation” (as amended by this Federal Law), shall be applicable since 1 January 2016.
Annex 69
Annex 70
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 159
“On approval of the regulations on the State Committee for Inter-ethnic
Relations and Formerly Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea”, 27
June 2014

of 27 June 2014 No. 159
On approval of the Regulation on the State
Committee for inter-ethnic relations and formerly
deported peoples of the Republic of Crimea
In accordance with Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, Article 45 of the Law of
the Republic of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK “On the system of executive state authorities of the
Republic of Crimea”, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea resolves:
To approve the attached Regulation on the State Committee for inter-ethnic Relations and formerly
deported peoples of the Republic of Crimea.
Acting Head of the Republic of Crimea,
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Vice Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea –
Chief of the Executive Office of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 70
to the Resolution of the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
of 27 June 2014 No. 159
on the State Committee for inter-ethnic relations and
formerly deported citizens of the Republic of Crimea
1. General Provisions
1.1 The State Committee for inter-ethnic relations and formerly deported citizens of the Republic of
Crimea (hereinafter – the State Committee) is the executive state authority of the Republic of Crimea
implementing the state policy and performing the functions in the field of interethnic and inter-confessional
relations as well as the rehabilitation of the repressed citizens of the Republic of Crimea.
1.2. The State Committee shall be guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation,
resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of
Crimea, laws of the Republic of Crimea, resolutions of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, decrees
and orders of the Head of the Republic of Crimea, resolutions and orders of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea, other normative legal acts regulating the relations in the field of interethnic and interconfessional
relations, the rehabilitation of the repressed citizens of the Republic of Crimea as well as by the
present Regulation.
1.3. The State Committee shall carry out its activities in the interaction with federal executive
authorities, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Republic of Crimea, executive state
authorities of the Republic of Crimea, local self-government authorities of municipal settlements, enterprises,
institutions, organisations, regardless of their organisational and legal forms, established in the prescribed
manner, public associations and citizens.
1.4. The State Committee in its activities shall be subordinated and accountable to the Head of the
Republic of Crimea and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
1.5. The State Committee shall be endowed in the prescribed manner with the necessary assets
(premises, means of communication, technical equipment, transport and other material and technical means),
which shall be assigned to it on the basis of the right of operational management and shall be the property of
the Republic of Crimea.
The State Committee shall use and dispose of the assets belonging to it in accordance with the
legislation in force.
1.6. The State Committee shall enjoy the rights of a legal entity, have a seal with the image of the
official coat of arms of the Republic of Crimea and its name as well as relevant budgetary and other accounts,
opened in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law, stamps and letterheads of the established standard
1.7. The employees of the State Committee holding the positions of state civil service of the Republic
of Crimea shall be state civil servants of the Republic of Crimea. The rights, duties and responsibilities of state
civil servants of the Republic of Crimea shall be established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and
the Republic of Crimea on state civil service.
1.8. Financing of the activities of the State Committee shall be carried out at the expense of the budget
of the Republic of Crimea, provided for in a separate line, as well as at the expense of the subventions from
the federal budget allocated for the implementation of the powers of the Russian Federation transferred to the
Republic of Crimea.
1.9. The abbreviated name of the State Committee shall be the Goskomnats of Crimea.
Annex 70
1.10. The location (legal address) of the State Committee shall be: 23-a Trubachenko Street, the city
of Simferopol, 295048, Republic of Crimea.
2. Objectives of the State Committee
The main objectives of the State Committee shall be:
preservation and development of the historically established state unity of the multinational people of
the Republic of Crimea;
prevention of and counteraction to manifestations of xenophobia, extremism and discrimination on
ethnic and religious grounds, increasing the level of tolerance in the society;
comprehensive settlement of the issues of restoring historical justice, political, social and spiritual
revival of the repressed peoples;
development of spiritual and moral foundations, traditional way of life, traditional forms of economic
management and the original culture of the Russian Cossacks;
creation of favourable conditions for the preservation and development of the national, cultural and
linguistic identity of the peoples living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea;
ensuring the social and cultural development of indigenous minority peoples;
coordination of the activities of the executive state authorities of the Republic of Crimea, local selfgovernment
authorities of municipalities in the field of interethnic relations;
3. Functions of the State Committee
The main functions of the State Committee shall be:
participation in shaping the legal, organisational, social and economic foundations of the state policy
in the field of interethnic, inter-confessional relations and the rehabilitation of repressed peoples;
promotion of the social and cultural dialogue between representatives of the different peoples living
in the Republic of Crimea;
implementation of the ongoing monitoring of interethnic and inter-confessional relations in the
Republic of Crimea;
establishment of an effective system to educate and inform the population about the culture, customs
and confessional characteristics of the different peoples living in the Republic of Crimea;
assistance to religious and public organisations in holding charity events aimed at fostering tolerance
in the society;
ensuring the legal protection of social, economic and ethnocultural rights of the repressed peoples
living in the Republic of Crimea;
implementation of a set of measures to improve the places of compact residence of the repressed
peoples of the Republic of Crimea, to solve their social, economic, cultural and educational problems;
organisation of the reception, settlement and social and cultural adaptation of the representatives of
repressed peoples returning to the Republic of Crimea;
creation of conditions for the development of spiritual and moral foundations, traditional way of life,
traditional forms of economic management and the original culture of the Russian Cossacks;
promotion of the interaction of the Russian Cossacks with national and cultural autonomies and other
public associations that contribute to the preservation and development of the culture of the peoples living in
the Republic of Crimea;
assistance in the establishment and development of national and cultural autonomies, other public
associations and organisations of the peoples living in the Republic of Crimea;
assistance to national and cultural autonomies, other public associations and organisations of the
peoples living in the Republic of Crimea in holding events aimed at the preservation and development of the
national, cultural and linguistic identity of representatives of the different peoples living in the Republic of
participation in shaping an effective system of education in the state languages as well as in the
languages of national minorities;
Annex 70
assistance in the ethnocultural development of the indigenous minority peoples living in the Republic
of Crimea and the preservation of their original habitat and traditional way of life;
holding of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, meetings and “round tables” on the issues of
interethnic, inter-confessional relations and the rehabilitation of repressed peoples;
interaction within the limits of the competence with the state authorities of the Russian Federation, the
Republic of Crimea and international organisations on the issues of the development of interethnic, interconfessional
relations and the rehabilitation of repressed peoples;
coordination of the activities of the executive state authorities of the Republic of Crimea on the issues
of the creation of equal conditions to meet the spiritual and humanitarian needs of citizens of all nationalities,
the revival, preservation and development of national cultures, languages and traditions in the Republic of
identification of the main areas of scientific research in the field of interethnic, inter-confessional
relations and the rehabilitation of repressed peoples and its coordination;
interaction with scientific institutions and organisations with the aim to develop business, scientific
and cultural ties and exchange of experience in the field of interethnic, inter-confessional relations and the
rehabilitation of repressed peoples;
participation in international cooperation on the issues of the rehabilitation of repressed peoples,
protection of the rights of national minorities and implementation of interstate agreements in the field of
interethnic, inter-confessional relations and the rehabilitation of repressed peoples within the limits of its
elaboration and submission to the Head of the Republic of Crimea and the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea of the proposals on prospects for the development of the state policy in the field of
interethnic, inter-confessional relations and the rehabilitation of the repressed peoples living in the Republic
of Crimea;
collection of operational information on the state and dynamics of the development of interethnic and
inter-confessional relations in the Republic of Crimea;
analysis and elaboration of the relevant projections and proposals on the state and prospects of the
development of interethnic and inter-confessional relations in the Republic of Crimea;
preparing information and analytical materials on the issues of interethnic and inter-confessional
relations, providing the Head of the Republic of Crimea and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
with operational information;
ensuring the interaction with public and religious organisations of the Republic of Crimea and the
Russian Federation as well as international organisations on the issues falling within the competence of the
State Committee;
submission, in the prescribed manner, for the consideration of the Council of Ministers of the Republic
of Crimea of the proposals on the establishment, dissolution and reorganisation of the subordinate enterprises,
institutions and organisations of the Republic of Crimea as well as on the formation (increase) of the charter
funds of the state enterprises of the Republic of Crimea at the expense of the budget of the Republic of Crimea
and on the allocation of the funds of the budget of the Republic of Crimea for the payment of the contributions
of the Republic of Crimea to the charter capitals of business entities;
implementation of the economic analysis of the activities of the enterprises, institutions and
organisations of the Republic of Crimea subordinate to the State Committee and approval of the economic
indicators of their activities;
exercise of control over the use of the assets belonging to the subordinate enterprises, institutions and
organisations of the Republic of Crimea as well as analysis of the efficiency of the activities of the enterprises,
institutions and organisations of the Republic of Crimea with the involvement of specialised organisations, if
organisation of the fulfilment of the activities for mobilisation training and mobilisation provided for
by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea;
organisation, in accordance with its established competence, and implementation of civil defence
activities in the State Committee in accordance with the Federal Law of 12.02.1998 No. 28-FZ “On Civil
Defence” and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea;
Annex 70
organisation, in accordance with its established competence, of the fulfilment and implementation of
fire safety measures in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.12.1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety” and other
normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea;
implementation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of
Crimea, of the monitoring of the enforcement of the normative legal acts adopted by the State Committee;
exercise of control over the execution of normative legal acts of the Head of the Republic of Crimea
and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and its own legal acts within the established scope of
taking part in the elaboration of draft laws for their submission to the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea in the prescribed manner, republican programmes, proposals for the participation of the Republic of
Crimea in federal programmes; after approval – participation in their implementation;
exercise of direction over the activities of the subordinate enterprises, institutions and organisations;
exercise of other functions arising from its status and peculiarities of the established field of activity.
4. Rights of the State Committee
To carry out the functions assigned to it, the State Committee, within the limits of its competence, shall
be entitled:
4.1. To pursue legal actions to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Republic of Crimea on
the issues falling within the competence of the State Committee, in particular, to apply, in the interests of the
Republic of Crimea, to courts of general jurisdiction, arbitrazh (commercial) courts and justices of the peace.
4.2. To involve, in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law, scientific and other organisations,
scholars and specialists in the study of the issues falling within the scope of the activities of the State
4.3. To conclude contracts and agreements.
4.4. To request and receive, in the prescribed manner, information necessary to resolve the issues
falling within the competence of the State Committee from the federal executive state authorities, territorial
bodies of federal executive state authorities, executive state authorities of the Republic of Crimea, local selfgovernment
authorities of municipal settlements, legal entities and individuals and other subjects.
4.5. To develop and adopt normative legal acts, methodological documents and other documents on
the issues falling within its competence.
4.6. To provide legal entities and individuals with explanations on the issues falling within its
4.7. To manage the assets assigned to it on the basis of the right of operational management.
4.8. To hold sessions, symposia, conferences, meetings and other events to fulfil the objectives
assigned to it.
4.9. To establish coordinating, advisory and expert bodies (councils, commissions, groups, collegia),
including interdepartmental bodies, within the established scope of activities.
4.10. To pursue a personnel policy within the established scope of activities, to organise training,
retraining and advanced training of the personnel.
4.11. To submit for the consideration of the Head of the Republic of Crimea and the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea the proposals on the development of the established scope of activities.
4.12. To exercise financial control over the subordinate managers (recipients) of budget funds in terms
of ensuring the lawful, targeted and effective use of budget funds.
4.13. To exercise control over the use of subsidies and subventions by their recipients in accordance
with the conditions and goals set out upon the provision of the specified funds from the budget.
4.14. To take, if necessary, joint decisions with the other executive state authorities of the Republic of
4.15. To exercise control over the execution of the laws of the Republic of Crimea, normative legal
acts of the Head of the Republic of Crimea and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and its own
legal acts within the established scope of activities.
Annex 70
4.16. To issue normative legal acts, develop methodological materials and recommendations on the
issues falling within its competence.
5. Organisation of the activities of the State Committee
5.1. The State Committee shall be headed by the Chair of the State Committee (hereinafter – the Chair),
appointed to the office and dismissed from the office by the Head of the Republic of Crimea in accordance
with the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea.
5.2. The Chair shall have deputies, including the first deputy, appointed to and dismissed from the
office by the Head of the Republic of Crimea and, in cases where the Head of the Republic of Crimea does not
concurrently hold the position of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, by the
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea upon the proposal of the Chair.
5.3. The Chair:
takes part in the meetings of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea in the prescribed
takes part in the elaboration of the decisions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and
ensures their execution;
exercises the powers of the head of the executive state authority of the Republic of Crimea envisaged
in the legislation, the present Regulation and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Crimea;
bears responsibility in the prescribed manner for the non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of the
functions assigned to the State Committee;
exercises overall direction over the activities of the State Committee;
distributes the responsibilities among his deputies;
acts on behalf of the State Committee and represents, without a power of attorney, its interests in the
relations with the state authorities, local self-government authorities of municipal settlements, organisations
and citizens;
is entitled to grant the right to sign the documents on behalf of the State Committee to his deputies in
accordance with the distribution of responsibilities and on the basis of the local legal act of the State
submits for consideration, in the prescribed manner, to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea the proposals on the maximum number and the wage fund of the staff of the State Committee;
appoints to and dismisses from the office the members of the staff (except for deputies) of the State
submits for the approval of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, within
the limits of the wage fund, the structure and the staffing table of the State Committee;
disposes of the funds, within the limits of the approved cost estimates, for the maintenance of the State
approves, within the limits of the wage fund, the staffing tables of the subordinate enterprises,
institutions and organisations and the cost estimates for their maintenance;
approves regulations on the structural units of the State Committee and job regulations for the
employees of the State Committee;
submits to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, in the prescribed manner, the proposals
on conferring honourary titles upon the particularly distinguished employees and on awarding them with state
applies material and moral incentives, establishes committee awards in the prescribed manner,
approves regulations on the awards concerned and their description, awards employees with the sector-specific
badges of honour and certificates of merit;
issues orders of a normative nature and, on operational and other current matters concerning the
organisation of the activities of the State Committee, orders of a non-normative nature;
holds the reception of citizens on the issues falling within the competence of the State Committee;
Annex 70
bears personal responsibility for the creation of such conditions under which an office holder gets
acquainted only with such information constituting a state secret, and in such volumes, as is necessary for him
to perform his official duties;
approves the charters of the subordinate enterprises, institutions and organisations of the Republic of
in the prescribed manner, appoints to and dismisses from the office the heads of the subordinate
enterprises, institutions and organisations of the Republic of Crimea; concludes, modifies and terminates
employment contracts with the heads concerned in agreement with the Head of the Republic of Crimea and,
in cases where the Head of the Republic of Crimea does not concurrently hold the position of the Chairman of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea;
provides agreement on the appointment of the deputy heads of the subordinate enterprises, institutions
and organisations of the Republic of Crimea.
5.4. In order to take coordinated management decisions within the scope of the activities falling within
its ambit, the State Committee may form a collegium consisting of the Chair (Chair of the collegium), his
deputies, who are members of the collegium ex officio, as well as other persons, including heads of the
structural units of the State Committee.
The composition and the number of the members of the collegium of the State Committee shall be
approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
The decision of the collegium shall be drawn up in the form of the relevant normative act of the State
5.5. The expert, public and other councils, temporary working commissions and groups shall be
established at the State Committee.
The composition of the councils concerned and the regulations on them shall be approved by the Chair.
The organisational and technical support of the activities of the councils concerned shall be provided
by the staff of the State Committee.
6. Reorganisation and dissolution of the State Committee
The reorganisation and dissolution of the State Committee shall be carried out in accordance with the
procedure prescribed by law.
Vice Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea –
Chief of the Executive Office of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 70

Annex 71
Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 38-ZRK “On the specifics of the
regulation of property and land relations in the territory of the Republic of
Crimea”, 30 July 2014

On the specifics of regulation of property and land relations in the territory of the Republic of
by the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea 30 July 2014
This Law establishes the specifics of land regulation and property relations, as well as
relations in the field of state cadastral registration of real estate and state registration of rights to
real estate and transactions with it in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
Article 2
1. The rights to real estate that arose before the entry into force of the Federal
Constitutional Law in the territory of the Republic of Crimea in accordance with the normative
legal acts in force until the specified moment (hereinafter referred to as the previously valid acts)
shall be recognized by the following rights established by the legislation of the Russian
1) the right to private property and the right to common property shall be recognized as
the right to private property and the right to common property, respectively;
2) the right to communal ownership of territorial communities shall be recognized as the
property of the respective municipalities;
3) all land, except for private and municipal property, shall be recognized as the property
of the Republic of Crimea
2. The right of ownership to land plots and other real estate that arose before the entry
into force of the Federal Constitutional Law in the territory of the Republic of Crimea for
individuals and legal entities, including foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal
entities, shall remain.
At the same time, foreign citizens and foreign legal entities are not entitled to alienate in
any way land plots to another foreign citizen, stateless person or legal entity, whose share in the
authorized (pooled) capital belongs to foreign entities, or a foreign legal entity, as well as to
contribute to the authorized (pooled) capital or into the mutual fund of a foreign legal entity, if
the listed persons, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are not entitled to
acquire the said land plots as their property.
Annex 71
Annex 71
3. The right of citizens to land shares, which arose before the entry into force of the
Federal Constitutional Law, corresponds to the right to common shared ownership (shares in the
right) of land shares.
Acting Head
of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSENOV
The City of Simferopol,
31 July 2014
No. 38-ZRK
Annex 71
Annex 71
Annex 72
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 790
adopting Federal Target Program “Social and economic development of
the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2020”, 11 August

(Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation)
of 11 August 2014 No. 790
On approval of the Federal Target Program “Social and economic development
of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2020”
The Government of the Russian Federation resolves:
1. To approve the attached Federal Target Program “Social and economic development of the
Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol until 2020”.
2. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance
of the Russian Federation, when forming the draft federal budget for the corresponding financial year and
planning period, should include the Program, approved by this resolution in the list of federal target
programs to be financed from the federal budget.
Chairman of the Government
of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev
Annex 72
Annex 72
Total 2015 - 2020
10321.74 10321.74 -
2015 1454.57 1454.57 -
2016 1574.78 1574.78 -
2017 1579.11 1579.11 -
2018 - 2020 5713.28 5713.28 -
Measures aimed at 2015 - 2020 10321.74 10321.74 -
national, cultural and spiritual
revival of the Armenian, including:
Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar 2015 1454.57 1454.57 -
and German peoples and on
the social development 2016
1574.78 1574.78 -
of the territories of the Republic of Crimea and 2017 1579.11 1579.11 -
the City of Sevastopol 2018 - 2020 5713.28 5713.28 -
Name of the event
Funding limits
at the expense
of the federal
tary funds
Direction 8. Ensuring inter-ethnic unity
Ministry of the Russian Federation for Crimea
* The capacities of the activities will be specified based on the results of the development of design and construction documents, as well as during the
implementation of the Program.
** Measures for the construction of generating capacities for a thermal power plant running on gas in the Crimean Federal District, the construction of waste
processing plants, the construction of air terminal complexes at the “Belbek” and “Simferopol” airports will be implemented at the expense of private investors.
Annex 72

Annex 73
Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 68-ZRK “On cultural heritage sites in
the Republic of Crimea”, 11 September 2014

11 September 2014 No. 68-ZRK
by the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea
on 8 August 2014
List of changing documents
(as amended by Laws of the Republic of Crimea from 6 November 2014 No. 4-ZRK/2014, from 25 June
2015 No. 122-ZRK/2015, from 27 April 2016 No. 239-ZRK/2016, from 23 October 2017 No. 421-
ZRK/2017, from 4 May 2018 No. 492-ZRK/2018, from 15 August 2019 No. 643-ZRK/2019, from 27
December 2019 No. 46-ZRK/2019)
Cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
(hereinafter referred to as cultural heritage sites) are real estate objects (including archaeological heritage sites)
with associated paintings, sculptures, decorative and applied arts, objects of science and technology and other
objects of material culture that have arisen as a result of historical events, that are valuable in terms of history,
archeology, architecture, urban planning, art, science and technology, aesthetics, ethnology or anthropology,
social culture and are evidence of eras and civilizations, true sources of information about the origin and the
development of culture.
Cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) in the Republic of Crimea are an integral
part of the national wealth and heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, a part of the world cultural
heritage and are protected by the state in the interests of the present and future generations of peoples living in
the Republic of Crimea.
State protection of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) in the Republic of Crimea
is one of the priority tasks of the state authorities of the Republic of Crimea and local authorities.
Article 1. The subject matter of this Law
The subject matter of this Law is relations arising in the field of preservation, use, popularization and
state protection of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of regional significance, cultural
heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of local (municipal) significance and identified cultural
heritage sites in the Republic of Crimea.
Relations arising in the sphere of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural
heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of federal significance in the Republic of Crimea are
regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Annex 73

Annex 74
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 452
“On approval of the list of places specially assigned for public events in
the territory of the Republic of Crimea”, 12 November 2014

of 12 November 2014 No. 452
Subject to Federal Law No. 54-FZ “On Meetings, Rallies, Demonstrations, Processions and Picketing”
of 19 June 2004, Law No. 56-ZRK of the Republic of Crimea “On the Ensuring the Conditions for the Citizens
of the Russian Federation to Exercise the Right to Hold Meetings, Rallies, Demonstrations and Picketing in
the Republic of Crimea” of 21 August 2014, and Article 41 of Law No. 5-ZRK of the Republic of Crimea “On
the System of Executive Authorities in the Republic of Crimea” of 29 May 2014, the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea decrees:
1. Approve the attached list of places specially assigned for public events in the territory of the Republic
of Crimea.
2. The local self-government bodies of the municipalities in the Republic of Crimea to ensure the holding
of public events in accordance with the list, which is approved in Clause 1 hereof, of places specially assigned
for public events.
Head of the Republic of Crimea,
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea,
Head of the Affairs of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 74
to Decree No. 452
of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 12 November 2014
1. Territory in front of the Crimean Republican Palace of Culture;
2. Territory in front of the “Consol” culture and business center;
3. Park named after Yu.A. Gagarin (from the Three Graces sculptural composition in the pedestrian zone
along the ponds)
4. From the territory of the Crimean Republican Trade Unions’ Palace of Culture in the pedestrian zone
along the Kievskaya Street to the Salgir river.
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea,
Head of the Affairs of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 74
Annex 75
Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 35-ZRK/2014 “On measures of social
support for certain categories of citizens and persons living in the territory
of the Republic of Crimea, 17 December 2014

Law of the Republic of Crimea
Dated 17 December 2014 N 35-3RK/2014
On measures of social support to certain categories of citizens and
residing in the Republic of Crimea
Adopted by the State Council of the Republic of Crimea 10 December 2014.
Article 2. Categories of persons provided with measures of social support.
The following categories of persons are provided with measures of social support:
4) Citizens, who suffered from unjustified politically motivated repressions, who were later
rehabilitated, as well as citizens, held to have suffered from politically motivated repressions
according to the Law of the Russian Federation of 18 October 1991 No.1761-1 "On the
rehabilitation of victims of political repressions";
Article 5. Measures of social support of victims of political repressions
1. Pensioner citizens, listed in art.2 part 1 par.4 of this Law are provided with the following
measures of social support:
1) monthly payment of 500 rubles;
2) payment of 50 percent of payments for the whole space of living accommodation (space of
living in communal apartment), including their family members residing with them. Measures of
social support relating to the accommodation expense are provided regardless of the type of
3) payment of 50 percent of public utility charges (water supply, water removal, removal of food
and other waste, gas-supply, electricity and heat - within the standards, as set in the legislation of
the Russian Federation); payment of 50 percent of firewood costs within the standards of selling
it to those citizens who do not have central heating. Measures of social support concerning the
mentioned services are provided regardless of the type of housing;
4) priority right to enter the horticultural and housing construction co-operatives;
5) priority installation of a house telephone;
Annex 75
Annex 75
6) travel privileges in buses, trolley buses, trams, driving on regular routes in the cities of the
Republic of Crimea;
7) travel privileges in buses and trolley buses, driving on regular suburban routes in the Republic
of Crimea.
Annex 75
Annex 75
Annex 76
Federal Law No. 421-FZ “On specifics of the legal regulation of relations
pertaining to the provision of social protection (support) measures, as well
as compulsory social insurance payments to certain categories of citizens
living in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol”, 22 December 2014

On specifics of the legal regulation of relations pertaining to the provision of social
protection (support) measures, as well as compulsory social insurance payments to certain
categories of citizens living in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the Federal
City of Sevastopol
Article 1. The scope of this Federal Law
This Federal Law defines the specifics of the legal regulation of relations pertaining to
the provision of social protection (support) measures, as well as compulsory social insurance
payments to certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless
persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Crimea or the territory of the
Federal City of Sevastopol (hereinafter referred to as Citizens) as of 18 March 2014.
Article 2. The right to receive social protection measures (support), as well as
compulsory social insurance payments
1. The exercise of the rights to receive social protection measures (support) in kind or in
cash, as well as receiving compulsory social insurance payments, is carried out by citizens from
1 January 2005 in the manner, amount, volume and on the conditions provided for by the
legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics established by this Federal
Law, on the basis of documents confirming the corresponding status of a citizen, which was
established by the legislation in force in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the Federal
City of Sevastopol until 21 February 2014.
Article 3. Monthly cash payment and a set of social services
Article 4. Social protection measures provided to Heroes of the Soviet Union, Full
Cavaliers of the Order of Glory and members of their families, Heroes of Socialist Labor,
Full Cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory, as well as other categories of citizens with
special merit
Article 5. Social support measures for veterans and their families
Annex 76
Article 6. Social support measures provided to citizens from among the repressed
persons, persons subjected to political repression, and persons who have suffered from
political repression, who are subsequently rehabilitated
Article 7. Social support measures provided to citizens from among the military
personnel and persons equated to them
Article 8. Social protection measures provided to citizens exposed to radiation due
to radiation accidents
Article 9. Social protection measures provided to donors of blood and its
components, as well as citizens in the event of post-vaccination complications
Article 10. Specifics of the legal regulation of relations on compulsory social
insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood
Article 11. Specifics of the legal regulation of relations on compulsory social
insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases
Article 12. Legal regulation of relations related to medical and social examination
of the Russian Federation V. Putin
Moscow, Kremlin
22 December 2014
No. 421-FZ
Annex 76
Annex 77
Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea No. 379-1/14
“On formation of the Commission of the Republic of Crimea on the
restoration of the rights of rehabilitated victims of political repressions”,
24 December 2014

On formation of the Commission of the Republic of
Crimea on the restoration of the rights of rehabilitated
victims of political repressions
In accordance with Clause 3 of Article 75 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea,
Law of the Russian Federation of 18 October 1991 No. 1761-1 “On rehabilitation of victims of
political repressions”, Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian
Federation of 30 March 1992 No. 2610-1 “On the approval of the Regulation on commissions for
the restoration of the rights of rehabilitated victims of political repressions”
The State Council
of the Republic of Crimea d e c i d e s:
1. To form the Commission of the Republic of Crimea on the restoration of the rights of
rehabilitated victims of political repressions composed according to the Annex.
2. To approve the Regulation on the Commission of the Republic of Crimea on the
restoration of the rights of rehabilitated victims of political repressions (attached).
3. To recommend to the local self-government bodies of the municipalities of the
Republic of Crimea to form appropriate commissions for the restoration of the rights of
rehabilitated victims of political repressions, to approve their composition and regulations on
4. This Resolution comes into force from the date of its adoption.
of the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea V. KONSTANTINOV
24 December 2014
No. 379-1/14
Annex 77

Annex 78
Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 55-ZRK “On public holidays and
memorable dates in the Republic of Crimea”, 29 December 2014

On holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Crimea
Adopted by
the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea 24 December 2014
(as amended in accordance with
Law of the Republic of Crimea
of 3 March 2015 No. 80-
of 5 May 2015 No. 94-
of 28 February 2018 No. 468-
of 25 September 2018 No. 527-
of 7 April 2020 No. 62-
This Law establishes official holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Crimea,
and also regulates the issues of announcing and organizing religious and national holidays in
the Republic of Crimea.
(preamble as amended by Law of the
Republic of Crimea of 3 March 2015 No.
Article 1. Official holidays
1. The following official holidays are established in the Republic of Crimea:
20 January - Day of the Republic of Crimea;
18 March - Day of the reunification of Crimea with Russia;
11 April - Constitution Day of the Republic of Crimea;
24 September - Day of the State Emblem and State Flag of the Republic of Crimea.
(Part 1 of Article 1 as amended by Law of
the Republic of Crimea of 3 March 2015
No. 80-ZRK/2015)
2. The day of the reunification of Crimea with Russia is a non-working holiday on the
Annex 78
Annex 78
territory of the Republic of Crimea.
3. If it coincides with the day off of the holiday specified in Part 2 hereof, the day off
is transferred to the next working day after the holiday.
For the purpose of rational use of weekends and non-working holidays by employees,
the Head of the Republic of Crimea has the right to carry out the transfer of the day off
indicated in the first Paragraph of this Part to another working day.
(Part 3 of Article 1 was supplemented
with a Paragraph in accordance with Law
of the Republic of Crimea of 28 February
2018 No. 468-ZRK/2018)
Article 2. Religious holidays
1. In the Republic of Crimea, citizens have the right to celebrate religious holidays.
2. At the request of religious organizations, the Head of the Republic of Crimea may
declare a religious holiday a non-working holiday on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
3. If the weekend and holidays specified in Part 2 hereof coincide, the day off is not
Article 3. National holidays
1. In the Republic of Crimea, citizens of all nationalities have the right to celebrate
national holidays. The dates of their holding in places of compact settlement of ethnic groups
on the territory of a settlement are set by the head of the settlement, or by the head of the
corresponding municipal district on the initiative of national-cultural associations in case of
their holding on the territory of several settlements.
2. In the event that such holidays are held on the territory of more than one region, as
well as on the territory of an urban district, the corresponding decision is made by the Council
of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
Article 4. Memorable dates
The following memorable dates are established in the Republic of Crimea:
16 March - Day of the Crimean Referendum in 2014;
8 April - Day of the beginning of the Crimean offensive operation in 1944 to liberate
Crimea from the fascist invaders;
18 May - Remembrance Day for the Victims of the Deportation
10 July - Liberation Day of the Crimean Peninsula from Ottoman rule during the
Crimean campaign of the Russian army under the command of V. M. Dolgorukov in 1771;
9 September - Memorial Day for the soldiers who died in the Crimean War of 1853-
11 December - Remembrance Day for Krymchaks and Jews of Crimea - victims of
(Article 4 as amended by Law of the
Republic of Crimea of 7 April 2020 No.
Annex 78
Annex 78
Article 5. Organization of celebrations and other events
1. The executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Crimea, in accordance with
the procedure established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, should
organize events on the territory of the Republic of Crimea related to the holidays and
memorable dates provided for by this Law.
2. Activities related to the holidays and memorable dates provided for by this Law
should be financed from the budget of the Republic of Crimea in the manner prescribed by
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, and the budgets of municipalities in the
manner prescribed by the local administration.
Article 6. Final provisions
This Law shall enter into force ten days after its official publication, with the exception
of Paragraph five of Part 1 of Article 1, which shall enter into force on 1 January 2016.
(Article 6 as amended by Law of the Republic of
Crimea of 3 March 2015 No. 80-ZRK/2015, as
amended in accordance with Law of the
Republic of Crimea of 5 May 2015 No. 94-
Head of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSENOV
29 December 2014
No. 55-ZRK/2014
Annex 78
Annex 78

Annex 79
Order of the Government of Sevastopol No. 578 “On approval of the Set
of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and
spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and
German peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on
ethnic and other grounds, for 2014-2016 in Sevastopol”, 31 December

(Coat of Arms)
31 December 2014 No. 578
On approval of the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and
spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were
illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2014-2016 in
Pursuant to сlause 1 of the assignment of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the
Russian Federation D. Kozak of 6 October 2014 No. DK-P44-7520 in order to ensure the
implementation of the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and
spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were
illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2014-2016:
1. To approve the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social
and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples,
who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2014-
2016 in Sevastopol (hereinafter - Set of Measures) (see attached).
2. To the persons responsible for the implementation of the Set of Measures:
2.1. To ensure its timely performance.
2.2. To send information on performance to the Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public Associations of the Department of Internal Policy and
Work with the Population by 5 July and 5 January of each year.
3. To the Department of Nationalities and Religious Affairs of the Directorate for
Relations with Political Parties, National, Religious and Public Associations of the Department
of Internal Policy and Work with the Population (Riabykh V.N.) to summarize the information
on the results of implementation of the Set of Measures for submission to the Ministry of
Culture of the Russian Federation by 25 July and 25 January of each year.
4. To the Department of Information Policy and Interaction with the Media to publish the
Order on the official website of the Government of Sevastopol.
5. Control over the performance of this Order shall be entrusted to Dubovik E.G., the
Director of the Department of Internal Policy and Work with the Population.
Governor of Sevastopol –
Chairman of the Government of Sevastopol (signed) S.I. Menyaylo
Annex 79
of the Government of Sevastopol
of 31 December 2014 No. 578
for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German
peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2014-2016 in Sevastopol
Seq. No.
in the Set
of 06
Event Type of the
document on
Responsible performers Period of
1 1 Developing and ensuring the adoption of legal acts of
Sevastopol aimed at implementing the Law of the Russian
Federation of 26 April 1991 No. 1107-01 “On rehabilitation
of repressed peoples” and the Law of the Russian Federation
of 18 October 1991 No. 1761-1 “On rehabilitation of victims
of political repressions”
Legal acts of
Main Directorate of Social Protection,
Department of Architecture and
Construction, Department of Legal Affairs,
Land and Property Relations, Directorate for
Relations with Political Parties, National,
Religious and Public Associations,
Sevastopol Branch of the Pension Fund of
the Russian Federation
IV quarter of
2 2 Development and ensuring the adoption of legal acts of
Sevastopol, providing for the consideration of language
needs in communication, education, learning and creativity
of the peoples of Crimea
Legal acts of
Main Directorate of Education and Science,
Main Directorate of Culture and Tourism,
Department of Legal Affairs, Land and
Property Relations
IV quarter of
Annex 79
Seq. No.
in the Set
of 06
Name of the event Type of the
document on
Responsible performers Period of
3 3 Training, retraining and advanced professional training of
state civil and municipal employees of Sevastopol,
interacting with national associations and religious
Report to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
Associations, Directorate of Personnel
Policy, State and Municipal Service
IV quarter of
4 4 Information support for the implementation of the Set of
Measures for the demographic, social, economic and cultural
development of the peoples of Crimea based on the results of
the federal statistical observation Population Census in the
Crimean Federal District
Letter to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Territorial body of the Federal State
Statistics Service for Sevastopol,
Directorate of Information Policy and Media
By 1 May 2015
5 5 Monitoring the state of interethnic and ethno-confessional
relations, sociological monitoring of key indicators of the
state of interethnic relations in Sevastopol
Report to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
Associations, Main Directorate of Education
and Science,
Main Directorate of Social Protection
starting from IV
quarter of 2014
6 7 Development of a regional program aimed at strengthening
the unity of the Russian nation and ethnocultural
development of the peoples inhabiting Sevastopol
Report to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
IV quarter of
Annex 79
Seq. No.
in the Set
of 06
Name of the event Type of the
document on
Responsible performers Period of
II. Meeting the linguistic, ethnocultural and educational needs of the peoples of Crimea (within the funds provided in the federal budget to the federal
executive bodies)
7 9
Development of guidelines for ensuring the rights of citizens
living in the territory of Sevastopol, basic general education in
their native languages and studying native languages within the
framework of basic general education
Letter to the
Ministry of
Education and
Science of
Main Directorate of Education and Science II quarter of
8 10 Organizational and, regarding the applications submitted for
participation in the federal targeted program Culture of Russia
(2012-2018), financial support for events dedicated to dates
memorable for the peoples of Crimea, including: Day of
Remembrance of Victims of the Armenian People’s Tragedy
(24 April), Crimean Tatar national holiday Hydyrlez (first third
of May), Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Deportation
from Crimea (18 May), Greek national holiday Panair (3 June),
international festival Great Russian Word (6-12 June),
Armenian national holiday Vardavar (July), Crimean Tatar
national holiday Derviza (21 September), republican festival
Inflorescence of Crimean ethnicities (September-October),
Karaite harvest festival on Chufut-Kale (October), Day of
Remembrance of the Krymchaks and Jewish people of Crimea -
victims of Nazism (11 December)
Report to the
Ministry of
Culture of
Main Directorate of Culture and Tourism,
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
starting from
2015 (I quarter)
Annex 79
Seq. No.
in the Set
of 06
Name of the event Type of the
document on
Responsible performers Period of
9 11
Organization of preparation and publication of scientific
literature, methodological and teaching aids on the history
and culture of the peoples of Crimea
Letter to the
Ministry of
Education and
Science of Russia
Main Directorate of Education and Science,
Main Directorate of Culture and Tourism
starting from
2014 (I quarter)
10 12 Providing assistance to the creation and activities of national
and cultural autonomies and other public associations and
organizations of the peoples of Crimea
Report to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
Associations, Main Directorate of Culture
and Tourism
starting from
2014 (I quarter)
11 13 Organization and holding of the annual exhibition fair of
crafts and trades of the peoples of Crimea
Report to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
Associations, Main Directorate of Culture
and Tourism
starting from
12 14 Organization of the publication of educational and
methodical literature in the languages of the peoples of
Crimea, taking into account the results of peer review
Letter to the
Ministry of
Main Directorate of Education and Science,
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
starting from
2015 (II
13 15 Organization of events to eternalize in the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol the memory of Heroes of the Soviet
Union, as well as cavaliers of Russian and Soviet orders
representing the peoples of Crimea
Report to the
Ministry of
Defense of Russia
Directorate of Archival Affairs,
Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban
Planning, Main Directorate of Social
Protection, Directorate for Relations with
starting from
2014 (IV
Annex 79
Seq. No.
in the Set
of 06
Name of the event Type of the
document on
Responsible performers Period of
Political Parties, National, Religious and
Public Associations
14 16 Holding a historical and documentary exhibition The Peoples
of Crimea in the History of Russia in Sevastopol
Report to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate of Archival Affairs, Main
Directorate of Culture and Tourism, Main
Directorate of Education and Science
15 17 Identification of documents about the problem of illegal
deportation and political repression of the peoples of Crimea
in the federal archives and archives of the constituent entities
of the Russian Federation and provision of their copies to
government bodies
Report to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate of Archival Affairs, Directorate
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for
Sevastopol (upon agreement), Service in
Sevastopol of the Directorate of the Federal
Security Service for the Republic of Crimea
and the city of Sevastopol (upon agreement)
starting from
2014 (IV
16 18 Conducting research, including on the basis of materials
from foreign archives, on the history of Crimea during the
occupation of 1941-1944
Letter to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate of Archival Affairs, Directorate
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for
Sevastopol (upon agreement), Service in
Sevastopol of the Directorate of the Federal
Security Service for the Republic of Crimea
and the city of Sevastopol (upon agreement)
starting from
2015 (I quarter)
17 20 Financial and organizational support for the activities of the
budgetary institution Sevastopol City National and Cultural
Letter to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Main Directorate of Culture and Tourism,
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
starting from
2014 (IV
Annex 79
Seq. No.
in the Set
of 06
Name of the event Type of the
document on
Responsible performers Period of
18 21
Providing assistance in the coverage by the state media of
events dedicated to the restoration of historical justice,
political, social and spiritual revival of the deported and
politically repressed peoples of Crimea
Letter to the
Ministry of Culture
of Russia
Directorate of Information Policy and Media
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
starting from
2014 (IV
III. Measures for the improvement of places of compact residence of the peoples of Crimea and the provision of other support to citizens from among the
peoples of Crimea
19 22 Events for the social and infrastructural improvement of
places of compact residence of the repressed peoples in
accordance with the federal target program Social and
Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and
Sevastopol until 2020, approved by Resolution of the
Government of the Russian Federation of 11 August 2014
No. 790
Legal acts of
Directorate of Capital Construction
Directorate for Relations with Political
Parties, National, Religious and Public
Main Directorate of Social Protection
Head of the Department for Relations with Political Parties,
National, Religious and Public Associations (signed) O.A. Kotlyarov
E.V. Bernadskaya 54 23 63
Annex 79

Annex 80
Joint Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
(No. 38), the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation (No.
14), the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (No. 5) “On
approval of the Instruction on the procedure for considering applications,
crime reports and other information on incidents related to disappearance
of persons”, 16 January 2015

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 20 March 2015 No. 36499
No. 38
No. 14
No. 5
of 16 January 2015
With the purpose of ensuring the legality of consideration of applications, crime reports, as well as other
information on incidents related to disappearance of persons, to strengthen departmental control and
prosecutor's supervision over this activity, we order:
1. To approve and put into effect the Instruction on the procedure for considering applications, crime
reports and other information on incidents related to the disappearance of persons.
I. General Provisions
1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for consideration of applications, crime reports, as well as
other information on incidents related to the disappearance of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign
citizens, stateless persons <1> in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation
and the investigative authorities as part of the system of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
<1> Hereinafter, the "Disappeared Persons".
II. Procedure for Consideration of Reports on
Disappearance of Persons
3. Report on disappearance of a person shall be accepted, registered and settled in the prescribed manner,
regardless of the age and place of a disappeared person, the presence or otherwise of data on place of residence
or stay of the disappeared, full personal data and photographs of the disappeared person, information on
previous cases of the person's disappearance.
Annex 80
7. If the report provided for in Subclause 4.2 or Clause 5 of this Instruction does not discern the
circumstances provided for in Clause 10 of this Instruction, taking into account the requirements of Clause 11
of this Instruction, the investigator of the Investigative Committee shall agree with the head of the investigative
authority of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation the decision not to visit the place of
incident, of which it immediately informs the operational duty officer of the duty unit of the territorial body of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The operational duty officer of the duty unit of the territorial body
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, having received this information, shall report it
to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
8. An employee of the operational subdivision of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is
entrusted with checking the report on disappearance of a person, which does not contain the circumstances
specified in Clause 10 of this Instruction.
10. The following circumstances may be evidence of the signs of a crime committed against a
disappeared person, inter alia:
10.1. Lack of objective data evidencing the intention of the disappeared person to leave for a long time
without reason to an unknown destination or change the place of residence or stay.
10.2. Absence of a disease in a disappeared person, which can cause sudden death, loss of memory,
orientation in time and space.
10.3. Presence of personal documents, things (clothes) and money, without which he cannot do in the
event of a long absence, at the place of residence, stay or location of the disappeared person.
10.4. Important events in which the disappeared person planned to participate (for example, passing an
exam, presenting a dissertation, medical examination, business trip).
10.5. Availability of significant funds or other valuables with a disappeared person that could attract the
attention of criminals.
10.6. Disappearance of a person with a vehicle.
10.7. Absence for at least three days of information on the fate and whereabouts of the disappeared
person (including the disappeared person having means of mobile communications).
10.8. Disappearance of a person associated with the alienation of his property.
10.9. The presence of signs and traces indicating a possible crime at the last place of residence, stay or
location, in the vehicle, in work premises of the disappeared person or at any other place.
10.10. Absence of an application related to disappearance of a person in law enforcement agencies or
untimely submission of such application by another person, who should have submitted it due to family or
other relations.
10.11. Conflict situations at home, at work of the disappeared person, in connection with social activities,
debt or loan commitments.
10.12. Threats to the disappeared person.
10.13. Explanations provided by the persons on a possible crime committed against the disappeared
10.14. Sudden (urgent) repairs at the place of residence or stay of the disappeared person.
10.15. Long-term non-receipt of wages, pensions, allowances and other social benefits by the
disappeared person in the absence of objective grounds (for example, illness, long business trip or trip).
Annex 80
10.16. A hasty decision by family members of the disappeared person and/or other persons on various
issues that can be resolved only if they are confident that the disappeared person will not return (re-registration
or sale of his property, recourse to his savings, entry of a spouse in cohabitation with another person).
10.17. Availability of information on the criminal activity and criminal connections of the disappeared
10.18. Disappearance of an underage (minor) person.
10.19. Disappearance of government officials (including law enforcement officials).
10.20. Disappearance of persons engaged in prostitution.
11. The list provided in Clause 10 of this Instruction is not exhaustive. Other circumstances, taking into
account local peculiarities (for example, operational environment, traditions, customs) may be evidence of the
signs of a crime committed against a disappeared person. When putting forward reasonable scenarios of the
disappearance of a person and for concluding on the availability of signs of a crime, the entire circumstances
and their logical relationship need to be taken into account.
15. If, during the check of the report on the disappearance of a person, circumstances are established,
including those specified in Clause 10 of this Instruction, indicating the commission of a crime, an employee
of the operational unit of the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation shall decide on transferring the
report according to investigative jurisdiction in compliance with Clause 3 of Part One of Article 145 of the
Criminal Procedure Code and notify the prosecutor thereof.
16. If the disappeared person is not found and no data has been received indicating that a crime has been
committed against him, the operational subdivision of the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation shall
make an appropriate decision on the report of disappearance of a person being in hand and start a missing
person case.
17. If in the course of operational and search activities carried out within the framework of a missing
person case started in accordance with Clause 16 of this Instruction, the circumstances specified in Clause 10
of this Instruction are established, an employee of the operational subdivision of the internal affairs body of
the Russian Federation carrying out the search shall:
17.1. Draw up a report on the detection of signs of a crime and submit it for registration in accordance
with the established procedure.
17.2. Submit a report on the disappearance of a person, together with the materials of the investigation
according to investigative jurisdiction in compliance with Clause 3 of Part One of Article 145 of the Criminal
Procedure Code, of which the prosecutor is notified.
18. When the investigator of the Investigative Committee initiates a criminal case, the missing person
case is terminated, and all operational search activities, the putting of the disappeared person on the wanted
list are carried out within the framework of an operational search case.
19. If the disappeared person is not found, and the criminal case initiated in connection with the
disappearance of the person is subject to termination, the investigator of the Investigative Committee shall
instruct the inquiry body to take measures to search for the disappeared person. In this case, the operational
search case is terminated and the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation shall start a missing person
Annex 80

Annex 81
Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea No. 26-U “On approval of
the Comprehensive Plan countering the ideology of terrorism in the
Republic of Crimea, for 2015 – 2018”, 30 January 2015

/Coat of Arms of the Republic of Crimea/
of the Head of the Republic of Crimea
On approval of the Comprehensive Plan countering the ideology of terrorism in the Republic of Crimea,
for 2015-2018
In accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for Countering the Ideology of Terrorism in the Russian
Federation for 2013-2018 approved by the President of the Russian Federation on 26 April 2013 No. Pr-1069,
with Articles 64, 65 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, in order to prevent radicalization of various
groups of the population of the Republic of Crimea, primarily youth, and to prevent their involvement in the
extremist and terrorist activities, I order:
1. Approve the attached Comprehensive Plan countering the Ideology of Terrorism in the Republic of
Crimea for 2015-2018 (hereinafter referred to as the Plan).
2. The executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Crimea, local self-government bodies of
municipalities in the Republic of Crimea shall:
2.1. Identify the officials responsible for the implementation of the Plan.
2.2. Ensure timely implementation of the Plan.
2.3.Submit information on the Plan implementation to the office of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in
the Republic of Crimea on a monthly basis by the 1st day of the month following the reporting month.
3. Control over implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to Opanasyuk L.N., Deputy Chairman
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Head of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea.
Head of the Republic of Crimea S. Aksenov
30 January 2015
No. 26-U
to Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea
of 30 January 2015 No. 26-U
General Provisions
The ideology of terrorism (terrorist ideology) (hereinafter referred to as IT) is understood as a set of
ideas, concepts, beliefs, dogmas, goals, slogans justifying the need for the terrorist activities as well as other
destructive ideas that have led or may lead to such ideology.
International and domestic experience in countering terrorism shows that a heavy-handed approach is
capable of preventing and clamping down on a specific terrorist act. To effectively reduce the threat of
terrorism, it is required to destroy its reproduction system, which basis is the ideology of terrorism, its
adherents, and channels of dissemination. This problem can be solved based on the problem-and-goal-oriented
planning with the Comprehensive Plan countering the Ideology of Terrorism in the Republic of Crimea for
2015-2018 (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) drawn up for this purpose.
This Plan was developed in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan countering the Ideology of
Terrorism in the Russian Federation for 2013 – 2018 which was adopted by the President of the Russian
Federation on 26 April 2013 No. Pr-1069. The legal framework thereof is built on the Constitution of the
Russian Federation, federal laws in the areas related to ensuring individual, societal and state security, the
Concept of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation approved by the President of the Russian Federation
on 5 October 2009, the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 approved by the Decree
of the President of the Russian Federation No. 537 dated 12 May 2009, the Nationalities Policy National
Annex 81
Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 approved by Decree of the President of the Russian
Federation of 19 December 2012 No. 1666, and other documents which contain provisions aimed at countering
terrorism and other violent manifestations of extremism, harmonization of interethnic and interreligious
relations, and patriotic education of youth.
The goal of the Plan’s implementation is to prevent radicalization of various groups of the population,
first of all, young people, as well as to prevent their involvement in the extremist and terrorist activities.
This goal can be achieved by addressing the following objectives:
 explaining the very pinch of terrorism and extreme social danger thereof, taking measures to
form a persistent rejection by the society of the ideology of terrorism in its various manifestations, including
the religious and political extremism;
 formulation of legal mechanisms contributing to the effective implementation of measures to
counter the ideology of terrorism;
 creation and engagement of arrangements for protecting the media landscape of the Republic
of Crimea against penetration into it of any ideas that justify the terrorist activities.
The local offices of the federal authorities, executive bodies of state authorities of the Republic of
Crimea, local self-government bodies in the municipalities in the Republic of Crimea, coordinating bodies
(including the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the
municipalities), educational organizations, science, culture institutions, civil society organizations, media,
organizations providing services for the use of information and telecommunication systems, including the
Internet, as well as other legal entities, regardless of their form of ownership are mobilized within their
competencies for solving the tasks listed above.
Measures to clarify the essence and social danger of terrorism, form persistent rejection of the
ideology of terrorism in its various manifestations by the society, first of all, by young people
1. In order to counter the involvement of citizens in the terrorist activities and to clamp down on the
dissemination of extremist and other destructive ideas, arrange for the following:
1.1 Efforts to identify and urge those falling into the category of:
 participants in the armed conflicts in the territory of the North Caucasian Federal District and
foreign states (Ukraine, Syria, etc.), and their accomplices;
 disseminators of terrorist, extremist ideology and information discrediting of the Russian
 active members and ideologists of non-traditional religious organizations and sects carrying
out their activities in the Republic of Crimea - to renounce their illegal and destructive activities, to repent and
to take part in the preventive activities.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities, Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of
Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea and their territorial
1.2 Make questionnaires for work with the citizens falling into the categories in subclause 1.1 and
submit the same to the Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities.
Schedule time - until 1 February 2015.
Duty-holder is the staff of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea;
1.3 Prepare and file requests to the territorial subdivisions of Directorate of the Directorate of the
Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and Ministry of Internal
Affairs in the Republic of Crimea to submit the lists of the persons falling into the categories in subclause 1.1
of this clause.
Schedule time - the 1st quarter 2015.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities.
1.4 Upon receipt of the information concerning residence in the territory of a municipality of the
persons falling into the categories in subclause 1.1 of this clause, draw up and approve at the meetings of the
Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea and Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities
the planning schedules containing the preventive measures with responsible persons appointed and forms and
methods of work designated.
Annex 81
Schedule time - no later than 15 days upon receipt.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities.
1.5 Ensure appropriate accounting of the completed questionnaires for individual work and other
materials related to the preventive measures results and their storage in the offices of the Anti-Terrorist
Commission in the municipalities.
Schedule time - on an ongoing basis.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities.
1.6 Select qualified specialists (teams) including those who are constantly working on the Internet,
for the targeted preventive impact on the persons mostly susceptible to or already under the influence of the
ideology of terrorism. Define the scope of tasks and reporting forms.
Schedule time - until 1 April 2015.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities, Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of
Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea.
1.7 Monitor the terrorist and anti-Russian activities on the Internet.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holder is the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea.
1.8 Develop and implement measures for protection of the Internet landscape of the Republic of
Crimea from penetration of terrorist and extremist materials, destructive information, instructions for
manufacture of explosive devices, and calls for committing terrorist acts.
Schedule time - 2015-2018 according to a separate work plan.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, Directorate of the Federal
Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) for
the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the
Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea.
1.9 Identify and to block websites containing terrorist and extremist materials, and to develop
recommended practices concerning rules and procedures for the state authorities of the Republic of Crimea,
individuals and legal entities with regard to recording the facts of dissemination of destructive ideas and
ideology of terrorism on the Internet and to communication thereof to the law enforcement agencies.
Schedule time - 1 April 2015.
Duty-holders are Directorate of Roskomnadzor for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol,
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist Commission for the Republic of Crimea, the
Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities, Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the
Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea; Ministry
of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Crimea;
1.10 Prepare special programs on the national TV channels and radio stations for prevention of
terrorism, promotion of socially significant values and peaceful interethnic and interreligious (inter-faith)
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities.
1.11 Provide for preparing and posting of anti-terrorist information, including videos, on social
networks and blogs, on the Internet information resources.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities, Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of
Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Internal
Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea.
1.12 Ensure development on the basis of organizations of higher education of the specialized
information resources related to the patriotic education of youth, countering the ideology of terrorism and
extremism for education specialists, psychologists, community workers, youth centers and non-governmental
Schedule time - 1 October 2015.
Duty-holders are Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-
Annex 81
Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea;
1.13 Develop a training program (advanced training) for civil servants and municipal employees
for their work associated with patriotic education of youth, and countering the ideology of terrorism and
Schedule time - 1 January 2016.
Duty-holders are Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-
Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea;
1.14 Develop an additional training program and to provide trainings for the young people from
among students of higher education to participate in the counter terrorism activities in social networks, blogs,
and on forums.
Schedule time - 1 January 2016.
Duty-holders are Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-
Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea.
2. Hold cultural and educational events in general and higher educational institutions with the
participation of the representatives of public and religious organizations, culture and art workers with the aim
to instill the ideas of interethnic and interreligious tolerance in young people.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities, Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea.
3. Implement additional measures aimed at preventing dissemination of the ideology of terrorism
in the penitentiary system institutions. To develop joint plans for educational activities; to create data stores
(libraries, collections of video films, audio programs) and ensure their delivery to the "educatees"; to carry out
work to identify persons disseminating the ideology of terrorism and to thwart their illegal activities.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea,
the Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities, Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in
the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea.
4. Organize interdepartmental interaction for the timely identification and control over
displacement of the persons arriving in the territory of the Republic of Crimea who have served their sentences
in the penitentiary institutions of Ukraine.
Schedule time - 1st quarter of 2015.
Duty-holders are Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commission in the Republic of Crimea, Directorate of the Federal Migration Service for the Republic of
Crimea, Directorate of the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic
of Crimea, Directorate of the Federal Customs Service in the Republic of Crimea;
4.1 Carry out measures for the control and social rehabilitation of the citizens who have served
sentences for the crimes of terrorism and extremism and who live in the territory of the Republic of Crimea,
including those who have served their sentences in the penitentiary institutions of Ukraine.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities, Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Republic
of Crimea, Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol, Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea.
5. Hold on a regular basis (within the framework of youth (including student) forums, festivals,
touring programs, and performances) events aimed at preventing dissemination of ideas of terrorism and
extremism among young people and their education for interethnic and interreligious tolerance in order to form
a persistent rejection of the ideology of terrorism among young people.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-
Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities.
6. Include the antiterrorist nominations for the film festivals held on the territory of the Republic
of Crimea.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Culture of
the Republic of Crimea.
Annex 81
7. Use the film distribution system in the distribution of anti-terrorist and anti-extremist
documentaries and feature films (including video films).
Schedule time - 2015-2018
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea.
8. For support the national and religious traditions of the population of the Republic of Crimea,
the spiritual and patriotic guidance of young people, organize:
a) publication of fiction promulgating respect for culture of the people who live in the territory
of the Republic of Crimea;
b) creation of television, feature and documentary films;
c) holding competitions for the best television, radio program, television film and journalistic
work on anti-terrorism issues.
d) development and submission to the Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities of
yearbooks with the national and religious holidays of the indigenous peoples living in the territory of the
Republic of Crimea.
Duty holder is the staff of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea;
Schedule time - until 15 February 2015, then annually.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Culture of
the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of
Crimea, Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea.
9. Ensure the use of outdoor advertising and the existing equipment of the Russian National
Integrated Population Notification and Warning System (OXION) to be installed in the crowded places for the
public awareness to prevent the dissemination of the ideology of terrorism.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are the Main Directorate of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic
of Crimea, Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the
Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist Commissions in the municipalities.
10. Develop a catalog of books on anti-terrorism for public libraries for carrying out propaganda
events on their basis with the participation of the authors of the books and representatives of the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities.
Schedule time - 1 July 2014.
Duty-holders are Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Education, Science and
Youth of the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities.
11. Organize social and political events dedicated to the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against
Schedule time - annually (on 3 September)
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission, the commissions in the municipalities, Ministry of
Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea,
Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol,
Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea.
Form and improve legislative, regulatory, organizational and other mechanisms contributing to
the implementation of measures to counter the dissemination of the ideology of terrorism and
elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to its perception
1. Make analysis of the antiterrorist legislation of the Republic of Crimea for shortcomings in the
legislative regulation of the activities of the state bodies for the prevention of terrorism. If necessary, to develop
and submit proposals for its improvement. To organize monitoring of the practice in application of the federal
and regional anti-terrorist legislation in the Republic of Crimea.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty holder is Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Crimea.
2. Organize social research for the study of public opinion in the field of countering terrorism.
Based on its results, to develop and submit to the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea
Annex 81
proposals for better effectiveness of the actions of the territorial branches of the federal executive bodies, state
authorities of the Republic of Crimea and local self-governments in preventing the threats of terrorism.
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities, Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications
of the Republic of Crimea, Department of Special Communications and Information of the Federal Protective
Service of Russia in the Crimean Federal District.
3. For the improvement of the system of religious education:
3.1 Bring the religious organizations in conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation
(licensing, registration, adjustment (if necessary) of educational programs).
Schedule time - until 1 January 2016;
3.2 Develop and put into effect a system of measures for harmonization of departure of the citizens
of the Russian Federation abroad to study in the Islamic educational institutions.
Schedule time - until 1 June 2016;
3.3 Develop and implement a system of adaptation to the modern religious situation in the
Republic of Crimea for the persons who studied in foreign theological educational institutions.
Schedule time - 1 January 2016.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea in cooperation with the
governing bodies of the most widespread confessions in the Republic of Crimea, as well as with interested
territorial bodies of the federal executive bodies.
4. For the arrangement of linguistic, social-psychological and psychological-linguistic
examinations in the territory of the Republic of Crimea for the assessment of extremist and terrorist materials,
analyze the available chances to establish an appropriate center in the Republic of Crimea. To consider the
analysis results and proposals at the meeting of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea.
Schedule time - 1 October 2015.
Duty-holder is the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea.
5. For the upgrade qualifications of the media representatives and the press office employees of
the interested government authorities of the Republic of Crimea on information support of the activities of law
enforcement agencies during the anti-terrorist operations, organize their training based on the training course
Schedule time - annually, according to a separate plan.
Duty-holders are Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of
6. Consider the Russian experience and to determine whether it makes sense to establish a
commission in the Republic of Crimea for assistance for the individuals who have decided to stop terrorist and
extremist activities in their integration to a peaceful life. To consider the analysis results and proposals at the
meeting of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea in the II quarter of 2015.
Duty-holder is the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea.
7. Develop additional measures aimed at control of migration flows and organization of
preventive work among migrants. To study whether it is possible to establish a special detention center and a
filtration point in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.
Schedule time - 1 January 2016.
Duty-holder is Department of the Federal Migration Service in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-
Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, Department of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the
Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
8. Arrange for the information support and regular media coverage of the activities of the
government bodies of the Republic of Crimea on the matters of prevention of terrorism, with the participation
of representatives of the clergy.
Schedule time - annually, according to a separate plan.
Duty-holders are the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, the Anti-Terrorist
Commissions in the municipalities, Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the
Republic of Crimea, press services of the territorial branches of the federal executive bodies, the executive
bodies of the Republic of Crimea.
Annex 81
Mechanism of implementation, procedure for financing and control
1. The overall coordination of work and control over the implementation of the activities in this
Plan shall be carried out by the Head of the Republic of Crimea, the chairman of the Anti-Terrorist Commission
in the Republic of Crimea.
2. The office of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea shall consider issues
on the progress in the implementation of this Plan at meetings of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic
of Crimea on a quarterly basis.
3. For forming the mechanism for implementation of this Plan at the government and
municipality levels, conduct qualification certification of the officials who will be directly entrusted to manage
the implementation of this Plan activities, and other persons on a submission from the office of the Anti-
Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea;
Schedule time - 2015-2018.
Duty holders are the heads of the executive authorities of the Republic of Crimea, heads of the
4. Ensure preparation and submission (once every six months) to the office of the Anti-Terrorist
Commission in the Republic of Crimea of the reports on the progress on implementation of the plan activities
to address:
 general description of the situation on countering the ideology of terrorism;
 organizational measures for the reporting period;
 information on implementation of the plan activities and the results achieved (according to
the Plan items)
 problems identified during implementation of the activities and the measures taken to
overcome the same (according to the Plan items);
 proposals for improving the measures effectiveness (according to the Plan items);
 statistical information table (annex to this Plan);
 comments and description for the statistical information; and
 additional material essential for assessment of the activities in the reporting period.
At the end of the report, indicate the last name, first name, patronymic and contact phone number of
the person who prepared the document.
Schedule time: I half of the year - by 1 July of the reporting year;
II half of the year - by 1 January of the year following the reporting year.
Duty-holders are the executive authorities of the Republic of Crimea, local authorities of the
municipalities of the Republic of Crimea
5. Office of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea shall organize
comprehensive inspections of the implementation of the provisions of this Plan by the executive bodies of state
authorities of the Republic of Crimea and local self-government bodies of the municipalities in the Republic
of Crimea.
Schedule time: annually, according to a separate plan.
Duty-holders are Office of the Anti-Terrorist Commission in the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Justice of the Republic of Crimea, Department of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of
Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
Annex 81

Annex 82
Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 43-r “On
preparation and holding events dedicated to celebrating the anniversary of
the “Crimean Spring” in the Republic of Crimea”, 2 February 2015

of 2 February 2015 No. 43-r
On preparation and holding events
dedicated to celebrating the anniversary of the “Crimean Spring”
in the Republic of Crimea
In accordance with Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, Article 41 of the Law of the
Republic of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK “On the system of executive government bodies of the
Republic of Crimea”, in order to organize the holding of festive events dedicated to the anniversary of the
“Crimean Spring” in the Republic of Crimea:
1. To create an Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of festive events dedicated to the
anniversary of the “Crimean Spring” in the Republic of Crimea, composed according to Appendix 1.
2. To approve the Event Plan for the preparation and holding festive events dedicated to the anniversary
of the “Crimean Spring” in the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter - the Event Plan) (Appendix 2).
3. To the performers of the Event Plan:
3.1. To ensure timely performance of the Event Plan.
3.2. To submit information on the implementation of the Event Plan to the Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea by 25 March 2015.
4. The Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea shall
submit summarized information on the implementation of this Order to the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea by 25 April 2015.
5. Control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to Polonskiy D.A, the Deputy
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Minister of Internal Policy, Information
and Communications of the Republic of Crimea, and Opanasiuk L.N., Deputy Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Staff,
according to the distribution of functional responsibilities.
Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea – Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea Staff L. OPANASIUK
Annex 82
Appendix 1
to Order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 2 February 2015 No. 43-r
Composition of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding festive events dedicated to
the anniversary of the “Crimean Spring” in the Republic of Crimea
Sergei Valerievich
- Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Co-Chairman of the
Organizing Committee;
Vladimir Andreevich
- Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, Co-
Chairman of the Organizing Committee (upon the consent);
Ervin Kyazimovich
- Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Internal
Policy Department of the Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and Communications of the Republic of Crimea,
Secretary of the Organizing Committee.
Members of the Organizing Committee:
Sergei Vadimovich
- Minister of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea (upon the
Ruslan Ismailovich
- Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Konstantin Mikhailovich
- First Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea (upon the consent);
Gennadiy Sergeevich
- Head of the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of
Crimea (upon the consent);
Alla Nikolaevna
- Head of the Department of Internal Policy of the Ministry of
Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Republic of
Natalia Georgievna
- Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of
Grigoriy Adolfovich
- Chairman of the Civic Chamber of the Republic of Crimea
(upon the consent);
Andrei Dmitrievich
- Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea
(upon the consent);
Annex 82
Vladimir Petrovich
- Minister of Finance of the Republic of Crimea;
Yulia Viktorovna
- Deputy Minister of Internal Policy, Information and
Communications of the Republic of Crimea;
Aleksandr Alekseevich
- Minister of Health of the Republic of Crimea;
Vadim Vadimovich
- Deputy Head of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea Staff - Head of the Main Department for Organizational
Affairs of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
Vera Vadimovna
- Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea;
Larisa Nikolaevna
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea - Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea Staff
Dmitriy Anatolievich
- Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea - Minister of Internal Policy, Information and
Communications of the Republic of Crimea;
Ekaterina Viktorovna
- Head of the Information Department and Press Service of the
Head of the Republic of Crimea and the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea Staff;
Svetlana Borisovna
- Chairwoman of the Committee of the State Council of the
Republic of Crimea on Culture and Protection of Cultural
Heritage (upon the consent);
Olga Nikolaevna
- Head of the Department of Material and Technical Support of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Staff;
Ilya Yefimovich
- Head of the Department for Public Projects of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Staff;
Georgiy Yakovlevich
- Minister of Sports of the Republic of Crimea.
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea – Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea Staff L. OPANASIUK
Annex 82
Appendix 2
to Order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 2 February 2015 No. 43-r
of events for the preparation and holding festive events dedicated to the anniversary of the “Crimean
spring” in the Republic of Crimea
Event Period of
1. Organization of broadcasting a series of stories
about the participants in the events of the
“Crimean spring” on the air of the autonomous
non-commercial organization Television and
Radio Company Krym
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
2. Organization of broadcasting thematic stories
dedicated to the events of the “Crimean
spring” and the results achieved in the
Republic of Crimea during the year of its
being a constituent entity of the Russian
Federation on the air of the autonomous noncommercial
organization Television and Radio
Company Krym
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
3. Production and broadcasting of videos
announcing events dedicated to celebrating the
anniversary of the “Crimean spring” on the air
of the television and radio companies of the
Republic of Crimea
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
4. Organization of wide coverage in the media of
materials on the preparation and holding
festive events, dedicated to the anniversary of
the “Crimean spring”
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
5. Production and placement of information
dedicated to the anniversary of the “Crimean
spring” on outdoor advertising structures
(billboards, city lights)
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
Annex 82
6. Development of the logo – “the Year of the
‘Crimean spring’”
February 2015 Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
7. Production and organization of distribution of
products within the framework of the All-
Russian action Vossoedinenie
dedicated to the anniversary of the “Crimean
February -
March 2015
Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea Staff
8. Creation and presentation of the image edition
of the photo album “Crimean spring”
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
9. Creation of photo columns dedicated to the
events of the “Crimean spring” in the print
media of the Republic of Crimea
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
10. Development of the script of the Patriotic
lesson dedicated to the anniversary of the
“Crimean spring”
first third of
February 2015
Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, Ministry of Internal
Policy, Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
11. Holding in educational organizations of the
Republic of Crimea a unified lesson and other
festive and creative events dedicated to the
anniversary of the “Crimean spring”
10-13 March
Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, local government
bodies of municipal formations
of the Republic of Crimea
12. Organization and holding of the Republican
Photo Contest and Open Photo Exhibition
Your “Crimean spring”
February 2015 Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
13. Carrying out the procedure for cancellation of
a postage stamp issued for the anniversary of
the “Crimean spring”
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
Annex 82
14. Provision of improvement and festive
decoration of cities, towns and villages of the
Republic of Crimea using state symbols
February 2015 Ministry of Housing and
Utilities of the Republic of
Crimea, local government
bodies of municipal formations
of the Republic of Crimea
15. Organization and holding of laying flowers,
gathering and reviewing the personnel of the
state public institution of the Republic of
Crimea Crimean Republican Headquarters of
the People's Militia - the Citizen Patrol of the
Republic of Crimea and laying the first stone
at the site of the erection of the Monument to
the Militia of All Times
23 February
State public institution of the
Republic of Crimea
Crimean Republican
Headquarters of the People's
Militia - the Citizen Patrol of the
Republic of Crimea,
State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea, the City
Administration of Simferopol of
the Republic of Crimea
16. Holding a meeting
of the Civic Chamber of the Republic of
Crimea dedicated to the anniversary of the
“Crimean spring”
10 March 2015 Civic Chamber
of the Republic of Crimea
17. Holding a meeting
of the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, statement of the State Council of the
Republic of Crimea on the occasion of the
anniversary of the “Crimean spring” and the
adoption of the declaration on
11 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
18. Holding an extended meeting of the public
organization Crimean Expert Club with the
participation of leading political experts
12 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, public organization
Crimean Expert Club
Annex 82
19. Holding festive events dedicated to the
anniversary of Crimea's becoming a
constituent entity of the Russian Federation in
the neighborhoods of educational institutions,
with the participation of the parental
community (festive assemblies, pavement
drawing competitions, sports competitions,
14 March 2015 Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, local government
bodies of municipal formations
of the Republic of Crimea
20. Organization of the event Pavement Drawings
on the Lenin Square (Simferopol)
14 March 2015 Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
21. Demonstration of the best slide presentations
“Crimean spring”
14 March 2015 Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
22. Organization and holding the concert, We
Dedicate It To You, Russia!
14 March 2015 Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, Ministry of Culture of
the Republic of Crimea, the City
Administration of Simferopol of
the Republic of Crimea
23. Organization of a costumed procession from
the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity
along Kirov Avenue to Lenin Square,
accompanied by a brass band (Simferopol)
14 March 2015 Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
24. Organization of a theatrical performance with
elements of an art flash mob on the Lenin
Square We Dedicate It To You, Russia!
14 March 2015 Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
25. Organization of the All-Russian event
Vossoedinenie (Reunification) (raising the flag
of the Republic of Crimea on state buildings of
the constituent entities of the Russian
16 March 2015 Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
Annex 82
26. Conducting a youth flash mob on the square
near the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea (Simferopol)
16 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, Crimean Republican
Branch of the Young Guard of
United Russia
27. Organization and holding
a cultural event dedicated to the
anniversary of the “Crimean spring”, on the
square near the State Council of the Republic
of Crimea (Simferopol)
16 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea,
the City Administration of
Simferopol of the Republic of
28. Holding a photo exhibition
dedicated to the anniversary of the “Crimean
spring”, in the lobby of the building of
the State Council of the Republic of Crimea
16 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
29. Organization and holding
a festive meeting in the session hall of the
State Council of the Republic of Crimea
dedicated to the anniversary of the “Crimean
16 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
30. Holding in the Crimean Academic Russian
Drama Theater a theatrical performance and a
concert dedicated to the anniversary of the
“Crimean spring”
16 March 2015 Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of Crimea
31. Organization and holding a festive meeting
and festive concert on the Lenin Square
(Simferopol) dedicated to the anniversary of
the “Crimean spring”
16 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea Staff,
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea, the City
Administration of Simferopol of
the Republic of Crimea
32. Holding a cultural and mass event in the style
of an art flash mob
16 March 2015 Ministry of Internal Policy,
Annex 82
Vossoedinenie (Reunification) dedicated
to the anniversary of the “Crimean spring”
Information and
communications of the Republic
of Crimea, Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of
Crimea,Ministry of Education,
Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea
33. Organization of a live video broadcast of the
festive concert on the Lenin Square
(Simferopol) dedicated to the anniversary of
the “Crimean spring”.
16 March 2015 Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
34. Solemn reception at the Ice Palace of the
shopping center Gagarinskiy
dedicated to the anniversary
of the “Crimean spring”
16 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, Ministry of Culture of
the Republic of Crimea
35. Organization of a television and radio
marathon dedicated to the anniversary of the
“Crimean spring” on the air of the autonomous
non-commercial organization Television and
Radio Company Krym
16 March 2015 Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
36. Holding a round table Vossoedinenie
dedicated to ratification of the treaty on the
admission of the Republic of Crimea to the
Russian Federation, with the participation of
leading political experts
21 March 2015 State Council of the Republic of
public organization Crimean
Expert Club
37. Holding festive events dedicated to the
anniversary of the “Crimean spring” in
municipal formations of the Republic of
Organization of concerts, exhibitions,
competitions, etc., dedicated to the “Crimean
spring” on 14-16 2015, with the involvement
of youth
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Education, Science
and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea Ministry of Sports of the
Republic of Crimea, local
government bodies of municipal
formations of the Republic of
38. Organization of a press conference of the Head
of the Republic of Crimea Year of the
“Crimean spring” with the leading mass media
of the Russian Federation and
the Republic of Crimea
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
Annex 82
39. Holding promotional activities on the
Constitution Day of the Republic of Crimea
(free distribution of a printed version of the
Constitution of the Republic of Crimea in
three official languages to Crimeans)
11 April 2015 Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and
Communications of the
Republic of Crimea
40. Implementation of measures to ensure public
order, protection of personal and property
rights of citizens, observance of traffic rules in
places of events dedicated to the anniversary of
the “Crimean spring”
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Internal Affairs for
the Republic of Crimea,
local government bodies of
municipal formations of the
Republic of Crimea
41. Providing medical attendance at events
dedicated to the anniversary of the “Crimean
February -
March 2015
Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Crimea
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Chief
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Staff L. OPANASIUK
Annex 82
Annex 83
Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea No. 445-1/15
“On the organization of the International Festival Great Russian Word in
the Republic of Crimea”, 11 February 2015

of the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea
On the organization of the International festival
GREAT RUSSIAN WORD in the Republic of Crimea
(as amended in accordance with the Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of
25 December 2015 No. 935-1/15, of 16 November 2016 No. 1309-1/16, of 26 April 2019 No. 2343-1/19)
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 24 December 2014 No.
808 “On the approval of the fundamentals of state cultural policy”, Clause 3 of Article 75 of the Constitution
of the Republic of Crimea, in order to promote the development of Russian culture, strengthen the positions
of the Russian world and the Russian language, and develop international cooperation in humanitarian sphere
the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea resolves:
1. To hold annually in the Republic of Crimea under the patronage of the Head of the Republic of
Crimea and the State Council of the Republic of Crimea the International festival GREAT RUSSIAN
WORD, including from 4 June to 12 June - main events of the festival.
(Clause 1 as amended in accordance with Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of
26 April 2019 No. 2343-1/19)
2. To the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea:
1) to form the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding the International festival GREAT
RUSSIAN WORD in the Republic of Crimea, providing for the inclusion of the following persons in
its composition:
Konstantinov - Chairman of the State Council
Vladimir Andreevich of the Republic of Crimea, Co-Chairman
of the Organizing Committee;
Annex 83
Yefim Zisievich
- First Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea, Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the
Republic of Crimea on State-Building and Local Self-Government,
Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee;
Nina Petrovna
- Chairwoman of the Committee of the State Council of the
Republic of Crimea on Culture and Protection of Cultural Heritage,
Deputy Chair of the Organizing Committee;
Artem Vitalievich
- Acting Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Russian Federation in Simferopol (upon the consent);
Vladimir Vitalievich
- Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea,
Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea on Education, Science, Youth Policy and Sports;
Galina Yurievna
- Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Slavic
Philology and Journalism, Head of the Department of Interlanguage
Communications and Journalism of the Taurida Academy
(structural unit) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational
Institution of Higher Education Vernadsky Crimean Federal
University (upon the consent);
Natalia Valerievna
- Head of the Office of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea;
Natalia Andreevna
- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea;
Andrei Rostislavovich
- Chairman of the Committee for the State Award of the Republic of
Crimea, Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the
Department of Political Sciences and International Relations of the
Taurida Academy of the Federal State Autonomous Educational
Institution of Higher Education Vernadsky Crimean Federal
University (upon the consent);
Annex 83
Aleksandr Yakushechkin
- Secretary of the Simferopol and Crimean Eparchy (upon the
Sergei Pavlovich
- Member of the Committee on International Affairs of the
Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian
Federation, Representative of the legislative (representative)
state body of the Republic of Crimea (upon the consent);
Marina Alexandrovna
- Executive Secretary of the State Council of the Republic of
Alexei Yurievich
- Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the
Republic of Crimea on Health and Resort Complexes and
Larisa Vladimirovna - Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea;
(Subclause 1 of Clause 2 as revised by Resolution of the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea of 25 December 2015 No.
935-1/15 as amended in accordance with Resolution of the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea of 16 November 2016 No.
1309-1/16, of 26 April 2019 No. 2343-1/19)
2) to develop and approve the Regulations on the International Festival GREAT RUSSIAN
3) to provide funds for the organization and holding the International Festival GREAT
RUSSIAN WORD annually, when drawing up the draft budget of the Republic of Crimea.
3. To recommend to the local self-government bodies of municipal formations of the Republic of
Crimea annually, when drawing up draft local budgets, to provide funds for organizing and holding
events of the International Festival GREAT RUSSIAN WORD.
4. The control over the implementation of this Resolution shall be entrusted to the Committee of
the State Council of the Republic of Crimea on Culture and Protection of Cultural Heritage and the
Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea on Education, Science, Youth Policy and
5. This Resolution comes into force from the date of publication.
of the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea
11 February 2015
No. 445-1/15
Annex 83

Annex 84
Federal Law No. 9-FZ “On specifics of legal regulation of relations in the
field of culture and tourism in connection with the admission of the
Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new
constituent entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of
Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol”, 12 February 2015

12 February 2015 No. 9-FZ
Adopted by
the State Duma
on 27 January 2015
Approved by
the Federation Council
4 February 2015
Article 1
This Federal Law determines specifics of legal regulation of relations in the field of culture and tourism
in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and formation of new
constituent entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.
Article 2
1. Cultural heritage sites located in the Republic of Crimea and in the federal city of Sevastopol are
subject to state protection in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation on cultural heritage sites from
the date of formation of the specified constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the Russian
2. The cultural heritage sites located in the Republic of Crimea and in the federal city of Sevastopol
included in the lists (inventories, registers) of cultural heritage sites as of the date of admission of the Republic
of Crimea into the Russian Federation (including the identified cultural heritage sites), until their classification
as cultural heritage sites of federal significance in accordance with Parts 3 and 4 of this Article, cultural heritage
sites of regional significance or cultural heritage sites of local (municipal) significance, or identified cultural
heritage sites, are subject to state protection in accordance with Federal Law No. 73-FZ dated 25 June 2002
"On cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" for
cultural heritage sites included in the register of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of
the people of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, the "Register").
3. Within one year from the entry into force of this Federal Law, with an act of the Government of the
Russian Federation proposed by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian
Federation in the field of preservation, use, promotion and state protection of cultural heritage sites
(hereinafter, the "Federal Body for Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites"), the cultural heritage sites specified
in Part 2 of this Article may be classified as cultural heritage sites of federal significance included in the
Register, with their subsequent registration in the Register in accordance with Federal Law No. 73-FZ dated
25 June 2002 "On cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian
Federation". For the preparation of the notice by the Federal Body for Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites
and the adoption by the Government of the Russian Federation of a decision on the classification of cultural
Annex 84
heritage sites as cultural heritage sites of federal significance, state historical and cultural examination under
Article 18 of Federal Law No. 73-FZ dated 25 June 2002 "On cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural
monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" is not required.
4. Cultural heritage sites specified in Part 2 of this Article which, within one year from the entry into
force of this Federal Law, have not been classified by the Government of the Russian Federation as cultural
heritage sites of federal significance included in the Register, shall be classified, within one year from the end
of this term, as cultural heritage sites of regional significance or cultural heritage sites of local (municipal)
significance included in the Register, with subsequent registration of these sites in the Register in accordance
with Federal Law No. 73-FZ dated 25 June 2002 "On cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural
Monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", or as identified cultural heritage sites, with a decision
of the relevant state body of the Republic of Crimea and of the federal city of Sevastopol in accordance with
the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Crimea and of the federal city of Sevastopol (in respect
of cultural heritage sites of local (municipal) significance – with the approval of the local authorities). For the
adoption of decisions on the classification of sites as identified cultural heritage sites, cultural heritage sites of
regional significance or cultural heritage sites of local (municipal) significance included in the Register, and
on registration of cultural heritage sites of regional significance or cultural heritage sites of local (municipal)
significance in the Register, state historical and cultural examination under Article 18 of Federal Law No. 73-
FZ dated 25 June 2002 "On cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the Peoples of the
Russian Federation" is not required.
5. The boundaries and special use of territories established for the purpose of state protection of cultural
heritage sites located in the Republic of Crimea and in the federal city of Sevastopol prior to the admission of
the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation shall be valid until they are brought into compliance with
the laws of the Russian Federation.
of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Kremlin
12 February 2015
No. 9-FZ
Annex 84
Annex 85
Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 227-r
“On approval of the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of
Crimea of the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice,
political, social and spiritual revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek,
Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were illegally deported and
politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2015-2016 years”,
23 March 2015

of 23 March 2015 No. 227-r
On approval of the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of
Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were illegally deported and
politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2015-2016
In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21 April 2014 No. 268
“On measures for rehabilitation of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German
Peoples and provision of the state support for their revival and development”, Article 84 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, Article 41 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 May
2014 No. 5-ZRK “On the system of executive government bodies of the Republic of Crimea”:
1. To approve the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the
Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were illegally deported and
politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2015-2016 (hereinafter - the Event Plan).
2. To the implementers of the Event Plan:
2.1. To ensure timely performance of the Event Plan.
2.2. To submit the information on the progress of the Event Plan to the State Committee for
Interethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea on a quarterly basis by
the 5th day of the month following the reporting period.
3. The State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic
of Crimea shall submit summarized information on the implementation of this Order to the Council
of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea on a quarterly basis by the 15th day of the month following
the reporting period.
4. The control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to Balbek R.I.,
the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea – Head of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea L. OPANASIUK
Annex 85
to Order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of “23” March 2015 No. 227-r
Event Plan
for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual
revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on
ethnic and other grounds, for 2015-2016
Name of the event Responsible implementers Period of performance
I. Organizational and legal events
1 To submit proposals for adopting legal acts of the Republic
of Crimea aimed at implementing the Law of the Russian
Federation of 26 April 1991 No. 1107-1 “On rehabilitation
of repressed peoples” and the Law of the Russian Federation
of 18 October 1991 No. 1761-1 “On rehabilitation of victims
of political repressions”
State Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
II quarter of 2015
2 Development and submission in accordance with the
established procedure to the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea of draft laws of the Republic of Crimea “On
education in the Republic of Crimea” and “On functioning of
official languages and other languages in the Republic of
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth
of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea, State
Committee for Interethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens of the Republic of
II quarter of 2015
Annex 85
3 Training, retraining and advanced professional training of
state civil and municipal employees in the Republic of
Crimea, interacting with national associations and religious
Local self-government bodies of municipal
formations in the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of
the Republic of Crimea
4 Information support for the implementation of the Set of
Measures for the demographic, social, economic and cultural
development of the peoples of Crimea based on the results of
the federal statistical observation “Population Census in the
Crimean Federal District”
Territorial body of the Federal State
Statistics Service for the Republic of
Crimea (Krymstat)
I, II quarter of 2015
5 Monitoring the state of interethnic and ethnoconfessional
relations, sociological monitoring of key indicators of the
state of interethnic relations in the Republic of Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
II. Meeting the linguistic, ethnocultural and educational needs of the peoples of Crimea
6 Development of guidelines for ensuring the rights of citizens
living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, basic
general education in their native languages and studying
native languages within the framework of basic general
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth
of the Republic of Crimea
I, II quarter of 2015
7 Holding events dedicated to dates memorable for the peoples
of Crimea, including: Day of Remembrance of Victims of
the Armenian People's Tragedy (24 April), Crimean
State Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens
Annex 85
Tatar national holiday Hydyrlez (first third of May), Day of
Remembrance of Victims of the Deportation from Crimea
(18 May), Greek national holiday Panair (3 June),
International festival Great Russian Word (6-12 June),
Armenian national holiday Vardavar (July), Crimean Tatar
national holiday Derviza (21 September), republican festival
Inflorescence of Crimean cultures (September-October),
Karaite harvest festival on Chufut-Kale (October), Day of
Remembrance of the Krymchaks and Jewish people of
Crimea - victims of Nazism (11 December)
of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Internal Policy, Information
and Communications of the Republic of
8 Submitting proposals to the Ministry of Education of the
Russian Federation for the publication of scientific literature,
methodological and teaching guides on the history and
culture of the peoples of Crimea
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth
of the Republic of Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
9 Providing assistance to the creation and activities of national
and cultural autonomies and other public associations and
organizations of the peoples of Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
10 Organization and holding of the annual exhibition fair of
crafts and trades of the peoples of Crimea
Ministry of Industrial Policy of the
Republic of Crimea, State Committee for
Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Annually (starting from
Annex 85
11 Submission of proposals to the Ministry of Education and
Science of the Russian Federation on the publication of
educational and methodological literature in the languages of
the peoples of Crimea, taking into account the results of peer
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth
of the Republic of Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
12 Organization of events to eternalize in the Republic of
Crimea the memory of Heroes of the Soviet Union, as well
as cavaliers of Russian and Soviet orders representing the
peoples of Crimea
Office of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea, Organization of
Veterans of the Republic of Crimea
I, II quarter of 2015
13 Holding a historical and documentary exhibition The Peoples
of Crimea in the History of Russia in Simferopol
State Archive of the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea, State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea
14 Taking measures aimed at identifying documents about the
problem of illegal deportation and political repression of the
peoples of Crimea in the federal archives and archives of the
constituent entities of the Russian Federation and provision
of their copies to government bodies
State Archive of the Republic of Crimea Permanently
15 Conducting research, including on the basis of State Archive of the Republic Permanently
Annex 85
of materials from foreign archives, on the history of Crimea
during the occupation of 1941-1944
of Crimea
16 Providing assistance in the coverage by the state media of
events dedicated to the restoration of historical justice,
political, social and spiritual revival of the illegally deported
and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds peoples
of Crimea
Ministry of Internal Policy, Information
and Communications of the Republic of
Crimea, State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea
III. Measures for the improvement of places of compact residence of the peoples of Crimea and the provision of other support to citizens
from among the peoples of Crimea
17 Conducting events for the social and infrastructural
improvement of places of compact residence of the repressed
peoples in accordance with the federal target program
“Social and Economic Development of the Republic of
Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”, approved by
the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation
of 11 August 2014 No. 790
State Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
Deputy Chair
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Head of the Office
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASIUK
Annex 85
Annex 86
Federal Law No 58-FZ “On specifics of the legal regulation of relations
pertaining to the performance of military duty by certain categories of
citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the admission of the
Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new
constituent entities – the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of
Sevastopol, within the Russian Federation, and amending the Federal Law
‘On military duty and military service’”, 30 March 2015

30 March 2015 No. 58-FZ
Adopted by the State Duma on 20 March 2015
Approved by the Federation Council on 25 March 2015
Article 1. Scope of the present Federal Law
The present Federal Law determines specifics of the legal regulation of the relations in the area of the
performance of military duty by the citizens of the Russian Federation, who are subject to conscription for
military service in accordance with Federal Law No. 53-FZ of 28 March 1998 “On Military Duty and Military
Service”, from among the persons:
1) permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Crimea or in the territory of the city of
federal significance of Sevastopol on the date of entry into force of the present Federal Law as well as the
persons, not belonging to the category of permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Crimea or in
the territory of the city of federal significance of Sevastopol, but on the date of entry into force of the present
Federal Law studying in the said territories at the organizations carrying out educational activity;
2) in the period from the date of entry into force of the present Federal Law until 1 October 2016
admitted or transferred to study at organizations, carrying out educational activity and located in the territory
of the Republic of Crimea or in the territory of the city of federal significance of Sevastopol, or reinstated to
the said organizations and studying in the said organizations;
3) holding an academic degree recognized in the Russian Federation in accordance with Federal Law
No. 84-FZ of 5 May 2014 “On Specifics of the Legal Regulation of Relations in the area of Education
following the Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Formation of New
Constituent Entities in the Russian Federation − the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol and
on Introducing Amendments to the Federal Law ‘On Education in the Russian Federation’”.
Article 2. Exemption from the performance of military duty
The military commissariats recognize the persons specified in paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the present
Federal Law, who were found unfit for military service for health reasons and excluded from military
registration in accordance with the legislation in force in the territory of the country of their previous
citizenship, as exempted from the performance of military duty.
Annex 86

Annex 87
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 195
“On the organization of the International Festival Great Russian Word”,
10 April 2015

of 10 April 2015 No. 195
On the organization of the International festival
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 24 December 2014 No. 808 “On
the approval of the fundamentals of state cultural policy”, Articles 13, 28, 34, 41 of the Law of the Republic
of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK “On the system of executive government bodies of the Republic of
Crimea”, resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea of 11 February 2015 No. 445-1/15 “On
the organization of the International festival GREAT RUSSIAN WORD in the Republic of Crimea”
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea resolves:
1. To hold in the Republic of Crimea from 6 June 2015 to 12 June 2015 the International festival
2. To form the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding the International festival GREAT
RUSSIAN WORD in the composition according to Appendix 1.
3. To approve the Regulations on the International festival GREAT RUSSIAN WORD (Appendix 2).
4. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea shall submit information on the implementation of this Resolution to the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea by 30 June 2015.
5. The control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to L.N. Opanasiuk, the Deputy
Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Head of the Office of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea.
Head of the Republic of Crimea,
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea – Head of the Office
of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 87
Appendix 1
to Order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 10 April 2015 No. 195
of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding
the International festival GREAT RUSSIAN WORD
Sergei Valerievich
- Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Co-Chairman of the Organizing
Vladimir Andreevich
- Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea,
Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee (upon the consent);
Andrei Dmitrievich
- Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea,
Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee (upon the consent);
Larisa Nikolaevna
- Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Head of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea, Deputy Chair of the Organizing Committee;
Svetlana Borisovna
- Chairwoman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic
of Crimea on Culture and Protection of Cultural Heritage, Deputy
Chair of the Organizing Committee (upon the consent);
Larisa Vladimirovna
- Deputy Chair of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic
of Crimea on Culture and Protection of Cultural Heritage, Executive
Secretary of the Organizing Committee (upon the consent)
Members of the Organizing Committee:
Vladimir Vitalievich
- Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea on Education, Youth Policy and Sports (upon the consent);
Oleg Arshavirovich
- Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Academy of Political
Sciences of Russia (upon the consent);
Valeriy Anatolievich
- Candidate of political sciences, Rector of the State Budgetary
Educational Institution of Higher Education of the
Republic of Crimea “Crimean University of Culture, Arts and
Tourism” (upon the consent);
Natalia Georgievna
- Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of
Sergei Nikolaevich
- Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of
Economic and Social Geography and Territorial Administration of
the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher
Education “Vernadsky Crimean Federal University”
(upon the consent);
Valeriy Vladimirovich
- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, General
Director of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea
Sanatorium-Resort Complex “Russiya” (upon the consent);
Annex 87
Sergei Borisovich
- Minister of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of
Natalia Andreevna
- Deputy Chair of the Committee of the State Council of the
Republic of Crimea on Education, Science, Youth Policy and
Sports (upon the consent);
Vladimir Petrovich
- Minister of Finance of the Republic of Crimea;
Aleksandr Alekseevich - Minister of Health of the Republic of Crimea;
Andrei Rostislavovich
- Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the
Department of Political Sciences and International Relations of the
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher
Education “Vernadsky Crimean Federal University”
(upon the consent);
Vera Vadimovna
- Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea;
Nina Petrovna
- Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea (upon the
Dmitriy Anatolievich
- Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea - Minister of Internal Policy, Information and
Communications of the Republic of Crimea;
Gennadiy Pavlovich
- Deputy Minister of Transport of the Republic of Crimea;
Vyacheslav Leonidovich
- Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian
Federation in Simferopol (upon the consent);
Sergei Pavlovich
- Member of the Committee on International Affairs of the
Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian
Federation, Representative of the legislative (representative) state
body of the Republic of Crimea (upon the consent);
Marina Alexandrovna
- Executive Secretary of the State Council of the Republic of
Crimea (upon the consent);
Alexei Yurievich
- Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic
of Crimea on Health and Resort Complexes and Tourism (upon the
Sergei Nikolaevich
- Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency
Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea (upon the consent);
Georgiy Yakovlevich
- Minister of Sports of the Republic of Crimea;
Sergei Ivanovich
- Chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic
of Crimea on Information Policy, Communications and Mass
Communications (upon the consent);
Annex 87
Sergei Vasilievich
-Doctor of political sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for
International Affairs and Information Policy of the Federal State
Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education
“Vernadsky Crimean Federal University” (upon the consent);
Archpriest Aleksander
- Secretary of the Simferopol and Crimean Eparchy (upon the
Deputy Chair
of the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea -
Head of the Office of the
Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea
Annex 87
Appendix 2
to Order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 10 April 2015 No. 195
on the International festival GREAT RUSSIAN WORD
1. General Provisions
1. The International festival GREAT RUSSIAN WORD (hereinafter referred to as the
Festival) is a permanent humanitarian project of the Republic of Crimea, held in the Republic of
Crimea annually in accordance with the program of the Festival.
The program of the Festival is approved by the Organizing Committee of the Festival
(hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee).
2. The organizers of the Festival are the State Council of the Republic of Crimea and
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
3. The preparation and direct holding of the Festival events is carried out by the
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of
the Republic of Crimea.
4. The goals and objectives of the Festival are aimed at developing Russian culture,
strengthening the positions of the Russian world and the Russian language, and developing
international cooperation in the humanitarian sphere.
5. Within the framework of the Festival, concerts, art and educational programs, public
and political forums, scientific conferences, creative meetings, literature and church-pedagogical
readings are held, in these events take part figures of culture, science, education, representatives of
social and political organizations, state authorities, the Orthodox clergy.
6. The Festival has an international status and is open to those who share the goals and
objectives of the Festival regardless of the legal status of representatives of different countries.
2. Location and Timing of the Festival
1. The main events of the Festival are held annually from 6 June to 12 June:
1.1. The grand opening ceremony of the Festival is traditionally held on 6 June in Yalta at
the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea “Cinema and Concert Complex
‘Yubileiniy’” on the International Day of the Russian Language, celebrated on the birthday of A.S.
1.2. The permanent Livadia Forum on the Problems and Prospects of the Development of
the Russian World (hereinafter referred to as the Livadia Forum) is held in several sessions.
The summer session of the Livadia Forum is traditionally held on 7 June in the White Hall of
the Livadia Palace.
The winter session of the Livadia Forum is held on the birthday of N.Ya. Danilevsky (10
December) - the great Russian philosopher, one of the creators of the Russian world, whose name is
closely associated with Crimea.
The Organizing Committee may decide to hold other sessions of the Livadia Forum.
1.3. Cyril and Methodius Church and Pedagogical Readings devoted to the study of
Orthodox culture as an important factor in preserving the traditions of the Eastern Slavs, during
which the prospects for the development of spiritual Orthodox values, the traditions of the Eastern
Slavs, the possibilities of Orthodox culture as a mean of spiritual and moral revival of the people, as
well as the most effective forms and methods of studying Orthodox culture for the education of
schoolchildren, the development of their patriotic qualities inherent in the Slavic people are
Annex 87
1.4. International scientific and practical conference “Russian Language in the
Multicultural World”, during which topical problems of Russian studies, the importance of the
Russian language as one of the factors in the formation of a cultural and linguistic union in the post-
Soviet space, sociolinguistic aspects of its functioning are discussed.
1.5. Scientific and methodological seminar for teachers of the Russian language and
literature “Russian Language and Literature: Theory and School Practice”, where the participants
exchange teaching experience, new methods and forms of teaching the Russian language and
Russian literature.
1.6. Competitions among students of school and special educational institutions for the
best literary and art works “My Motherland - Russian Language”, “My Family in the History of the
Motherland”, “Russians in the History of Taurida”, as well as a competition for children's creative
works “The World of Russian Fairy Tale”.
The time-limits for submitting applications for participation in competitions, the selection
criteria for competitive programs, as well as the preparation of proposals for the composition of the
jury of competitions are carried out by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea with the assistance
(participation) of public organizations.
1.7. The grand closing ceremony of the Festival is traditionally held on 12 June, the
Russia Day, in the capital of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, and the Festival ends with a large
concert festive program.
2. During the year, in accordance with the program of the Festival, other events of the
Festival are held in the Republic of Crimea, aimed at developing Russian culture, strengthening the
positions of the Russian world and the Russian language, and developing international cooperation
in the humanitarian sphere.
3. Festival Organizers
1. The Co-Chairmen of the Organizing Committee are the Chairman of the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
2. The Organizing Committee is formed by the Co-Chairmen of the Organizing
Committee, their deputies, the Executive Secretary and members of the Organizing Committee.
3. The Organizing Committee may include members of the Presidium of the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, deputies
of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, representatives of local self-government bodies of
municipal formations of the Republic of Crimea, public and religious organizations (associations),
charitable and other foundations, associations of legal entities, whose activities are aimed at
developing Russian culture and international cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, strengthening
the positions of the Russian world and the Russian language.
4. The Organizing Committee:
1) approves the program of the Festival;
2) develops a plan of preparation for individual Festival events;
3) carries out coordination and general control over the preparation and conduct of the
Festival events;
4) approves the panel of judges of the competition of the Festival events;
5) establishes awards and diplomas of the Festival.
5. The Organizing Committee holds meetings as needed. Meetings of the Organizing
Committee are valid provided that a majority of the members of the Organizing Committee are
6. Based on the results of the meetings of the Organizing Committee, decisions are
made and drawn up in minutes. Decisions of the Organizing Committee are made by a majority of
Annex 87
the members present at its meetings. The minutes of the meetings of the Organizing Committee are
approved by the Chairman of the meeting of the Organizing Committee.
7. The Organizing Committee may hold extended meetings, which may be attended by
representatives of interested organizations and mass media.
8. Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
1) carries out general administration of the work of the Organizing Committee;
2) convenes meetings of the Organizing Committee;
3) opens and closes the Festival;
4) bestows the main prizes and awards of the Festival.
9. Applications for participation in the Festival events are addressed to the Organizing
10. In the absence of the Co-Chairmen of the Organizing Committee and on their behalf,
the deputies of the Chairmen of the Organizing Committee perform the duties assigned to the Co-
Chairmen of the Organizing Committee.
11. The Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee:
1) prepares and conducts meetings of the Organizing Committee;
2) prepares draft decisions and relevant materials for the meeting of the Organizing
3) keeps minutes of the meetings of the Organizing Committee;
4) monitors the implementation of decisions of the Organizing Committee;
5) performs other assignments.
12. Members of the Organizing Committee:
1) participate in the activities of the Organizing Committee, including in its meetings;
2) perform the decisions of the Organizing Committee;
3) inform the Organizing Committee about the results of the implementation of the
decisions made by the Organizing Committee;
4) inform the Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee in advance about the
impossibility of participating in the meeting of the Organizing Committee, indicating the reason.
4. Financing of the Festival Events
Financial support for the costs of holding the Festival events is carried out within the
budgetary allocations approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea and the
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea for these purposes in the law
of the Republic of Crimea on the budget for the current financial year, as well as other sources not
prohibited by legislation of the Russian Federation in force.
Deputy Chair
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Head
of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASIUK
Annex 87

Annex 88
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No.
418-r “On property management issues”, 12 May 2015

of 12 May 2015 No. 418-r
On issues of administration of property
In accordance with Articles 83, 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, Articles 28,
41 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK “On the system of state
executive bodies of the Republic of Crimea”, Articles 2, 7 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of
8 August 2014 No. 46-ZRK “On the administration and disposal of state property of the Republic of
Crimea”, the Procedure for handing over the state property of the Republic of Crimea for free use,
approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 21 October 2014
No. 389:
2. Hand over for free use to the Centralized Organization of the Spiritual Directorate of the
Muslims of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol:
the building of the Muslim theological school located at the address: 57 Basenko Street (bld.
L), Bakhchisaray;
the building of the mosque, located at the address: 15-a Russkaya Street, Amurskoe Village,
Krasnogvardeisky District, Republic of Crimea.
Head of the Republic of Crimea,
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea S. Aksyonov
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea –
Head of the Office of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea L. Opanasiuk
Annex 88

Annex 89
Decree of the Head of the Republic Crimea No. 136-U “On holding
events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of victims of deportation
from Crimea”, 13 May 2015

On holding events dedicated to
Day of Remembrance of victims
of the deportation from Crimea
In accordance with Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, I order:
1. To approve the attached Plan of events for the preparation and holding Day of
Remembrance of victims of the deportation from Crimea (hereinafter - the Event Plan).
2. To the implementers of the Event Plan:
2.1. To ensure timely performance of the Event Plan.
2.2. To submit the information on the performance of the Event Plan to the State Committee
for Interethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea by 1 September 2015.
3. The State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
Crimea shall submit summarized information on the performance of the Event Plan to the Council
of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea by 15 September 2015.
4. To determine that funding of costs for the performance of the Event Plan is carried out
within the funds provided in the budget of the Republic of Crimea for 2015 for the relevant
5. The control over the implementation of this Decree shall be entrusted to Balbek R.I., the
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
Head of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
13 May 2015
No. 136-U
Annex 89
to Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea
of “13” May 2015 No. 136-U
Plan of events
for the preparation and holding in the Republic of Crimea
Day of Remembrance of victims of the deportation from Crimea
Name of the event Responsible
Period of
1. Providing broad coverage of the
activities of the executive state
bodies of the Republic of Crimea
on solving the problems of
deported citizens
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and Communications of
the Republic of Crimea, State
Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the Republic
of Crimea
May-August 2015
2. Creation of programs dedicated
to Day of Remembrance of
victims of the deportation from
Autonomous non-profit organization
Television and Radio Company Krym,
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and Communications of
the Republic of Crimea
May-August 2015
3. Organization of thematic
exhibitions and other events
dedicated to Day of
Remembrance of victims of the
deportation from Crimea
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea, Ministry of Education,
Science and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, local self-government bodies
of municipal formations in the
Republic of Crimea
May-August 2015
4. Assistance in organizing the
action “Light a Fire in Your
Heart” on Lenin Square in
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea, City
Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea
17 May 2015
5. Organization of laying flowers
and floral baskets to the
memorial monuments in the
public garden in the alley near
the railway station, near the
Botanical Garden of the Taurida
Academy of the Federal State
Autonomous Educational
Institution of Higher Education
“Vernadsky Crimean Federal
University”, the memorial
Vozrozhdenie (‘Revival’) of the
state budgetary educational
institution of higher education of
the Republic of Crimea “Crimean
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea, City
Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea
18 May 2015
Annex 89
Engineering and Pedagogical
6. Organization near the “Siren”
railway station, in the
Bakhchisaray District, of laying a
capsule at the construction site of
a memorial complex dedicated to
the memory of victims of the
deportation from Crimea
Administration of Bakhchisaray
District of the Republic of Crimea,
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea
18 May 2015
7. Ensuring of holding a requiem
meeting dedicated to Day of
Remembrance of victims of the
deportation from Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Culture of the Republic of Crimea
18 May 2015
8. Ensuring the laying of flowers to
memorial signs and holding of
prayer services and meetings
dedicated to Day of
Remembrance of victims of the
deportation from Crimea in cities
and district centers of the
Republic of Crimea
Local self-government bodies of
municipal formations in the Republic
of Crimea
18 May 2015
9. Ensuring the observance of
public order and the duty shifts of
ambulance units in places of
mass events
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Health of the Republic of Crimea
17-18 May, 24
June, 18 August
10. Organization on Day of
Remembrance of victims of the
deportation of Armenians,
Bulgarians and Greeks from
Crimea of laying flowers and
floral baskets to the memorial
monuments near the Botanical
Garden of the Taurida Academy
of the Federal State Autonomous
Educational Institution of Higher
Education “Vernadsky Crimean
Federal University”
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea, City
Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea
24 June 2015
11. Organization on Day of
Remembrance of victims of the
deportation of Germans from
Crimea of laying flowers and
floral baskets to the memorial
monuments near the Botanical
Garden of the Taurida Academy
of the Federal State Autonomous
Educational Institution of Higher
Education “Vernadsky Crimean
Federal University”
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea, City
Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea, Administration of
Krasnogvardeysk District of the
Republic of Crimea
18 August 2015
Annex 89

Annex 90
Regulation of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 363
“On aspects of implementation of the Federal Target Program ‘Social and
economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol until 2020’”, 29 June 2015

of 29 June 2015 No. 363
[…] the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea decrees as follows: (in the edition of Regulations of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 4 July 2016 No. 317, of 10 August 2016 No. 391, of 6
July 2018 No. 326)
2. To distribute the federal budget grant to the budget of the Republic of Crimea to co-finance
expenditure commitments concerning the implementation of measures of the Federal Target Program
“Social and economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020”
in accordance with Annex 2.
Annex 90
Annex 2
to Regulation
of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 29 June 2015 No. 363
Names of the main budget holders, articles of expenditure, municipal
formations and facilities
Sum, Russian Rubles
Section III. OTHER EXPENSES 1237000000,00
Emergency, repair and restoration works on the cultural heritage site: "Khan's
Palace" (XVI - XIX centuries) at the address: 133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray,
the Republic of Crimea
Annex 90
Annex 91
Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 131-ZRK/2015 “On education in the
Republic of Crimea”, 6 July 2015

6 July 2015 No. 131-ZRK/2015
Article 3. Principles of state education policy in the Republic of Crimea
The state policy of the Republic of Crimea in the field of education shall be based on the following
4. protection and development of ethno-cultural characteristics and traditions of the peoples living in the
territory of the Republic of Crimea, provision for linguistic needs;
Article 11. Language of education
1. In state educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea and municipal educational organizations
located in the Republic of Crimea, educational activities are carried out in the state language of the Russian
Federation. Teaching and studying of the state language of the Russian Federation under state-accredited
educational programmes shall be carried out in accordance with the federal state educational standards, other
educational standards.
2. Citizens of the Russian Federation residing in the territory of the Republic of Crimea have the right
to receive preschool, primary general, basic general education in their native language, including Russian,
Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar, as well as the right to study their native language within the limitations of the
educational system pursuant to the procedure stipulated by the laws on education. These rights shall be
exercised through the establishment of a necessary number of relevant educational organisations, classes,
groups, and conditions for their operation. Teaching and studying of the native language under state-accredited
educational programmes are carried out in accordance with the federal state educational standards.
3. Teaching and studying of the Ukrainian and the Crimean Tatar languages as state languages of the
Republic of Crimea are carried out in state educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea and municipal
educational organizations located in the Republic of Crimea within the framework of state-accredited
educational programmes in accordance with the state educational standards.
4. Education may be received in a foreign language in accordance with the educational programme and
pursuant to the procedure established by the laws on education and local regulations of the organization
engaged in educational activities.
5. The executive body of the state authority of the Republic of Crimea implementing government control
Annex 91
in the sphere of education shall provide support in training of specialists for the educational process carried
out in state languages of the Republic of Crimea.
6. The language (languages) used for teaching and upbringing in an educational organization shall be
determined by the local regulations of the organization engaged in educational activities under the educational
programmes implemented by them in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of
Crimea, considering language needs in communication, upbringing, teaching and creative life of Crimean
Annex 91
Annex 92
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2073-r approving
the List of cultural heritage sites of federal significance located in the
territory of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, 17 October

(Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation)
of 17 October 2015 No. 2073-r
1. Classify the cultural heritage sites of the Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol as cultural heritage sites of federal significance included in the unified state
register of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the
Russian Federation, in accordance with the Annex.
2. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation shall duly register the cultural
heritage sites of federal significance, referred to in paragraph 1 of this Order, in a unified
state register of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of
the Russian Federation.
The Chairman of the Government
of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev
Annex 92
to the Order of the Government
of the Russian Federation
of 17 October 2015, No. 2073-r
of cultural heritage sites of federal significance located on the territory of the Republic of
Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
Cultural heritage site name Date of cultural heritage
Address of cultural heritage site
Zincirli Madrasa School 1500 57 “A” Basenko St., Bakhchisaray,
Republic of Crimea
Haci Geray Dürbesi Tomb 1501 57 “O” Basenko St., Bakhchisaray,
Republic of Crimea
Tahtali-Jami Mosque 1707 7 Gasprinsky St., Bakhchisaray,
Republic of Crimea
The Khan’s Palace: XVI - XIX
133 Rechnaya str., Bakhchisaray,
the Republic of Crimea
Main Building early
Bldgs. D”, “E”, “Z”, “Zh”, “I”, 133
Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic
of Crimea
Harem XVIII century Bldg. “K”, 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Earl’s (Secular) Building early
Bldgs. “A”, “B”, 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Khan’s Kitchen XVIII century Bldgs. "V", "G", 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Annex 92
Stable Building XVI - XVIII
Bldgs. "О", "P", "R", "S", 133
Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, the
Republic of Crimea
Library Building the 1st half of
the XIX
Bldg. "N", 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Falcon Tower XVIII century Bldg. "L", 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Khan’s Mosque 1740 - 1743 Bldg. "Sh", 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Dilara Bikec Dürbe
1764 Bldg. "М", 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Sary Guzel Bath 1533 Bldg. "F", 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Northern Dürbe Tomb XVI century Bldg. "U", 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Southern Dürbe Tomb XVII century Bldg. "Т", 133 Rechnaya St.,
Bakhchisaray, the Republic of
Grave Rotunda XVIII century 133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray,
the Republic of Crimea
XVI century 133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray,
the Republic of Crimea
Gardens and Park
133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray,
the Republic of Crimea
Catherine’s Mile 1787 133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray,
the Republic of Crimea
Dervish lodge XIV - XV centuries
“A”, “B”, “b”, “V” 18 Karayev St.,
Evpatoriya, Republic of Crimea
Annex 92
Juma-Jami Mosque 1552 36/1/3 “B” Revolyutsii St.,
Evpatoriya, Republic of Crimea
Mosque and Madrasa 1314 5 Chapayev Lane, Staryi Krym,
Republic of Crimea
Mosque (ruins) XIV - XV centuries
2 “A” Eski-Jami St., Dobrovskoye
Village Settlement, Pionerskoye
Village, Simferopol District,
Republic of Crimea
Annex 92
Annex 93
Order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea No. 454-rg “Оn imposing
the man-made emergency situation regime”, 22 November 2015

of 22 November 2015 No. 454-rg
In accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law of 21 December 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the protection
of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergency situations”, Clause 25 of the regulation
on the unified state system for the prevention and management of emergencies, approved by resolution of the
Government of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2003 No. 794, resolution of the Government of the
Russian Federation of 21 May 2007 No. 304 “On the classification of natural and man-made emergency
situations”, clause 1 of Article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 26 December 2014 No. 25-ZRK/2014
“On protection of the population and territories from emergency situations”, by the decision of the Committee
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea on the prevention and elimination of emergency
situations and ensuring fire safety of 20 November 2015, in connection with a special systemic accident in the
power system of the Republic of Crimea, associated with the restriction of the supply of electricity from the
Joint Energy System of Ukraine:
1. To impose from 1 h 42 min AM on 22 November 2015 in the Republic of Crimea, a man-made
emergency situation regime at the regional level of response.
2. To create an operational interdepartmental crisis center coordinating the actions of forces and means
for the management of the emergency situation related to the restriction of the supply of electricity to the
Republic of Crimea in the manner stipulated in the Appendix.
3. The crisis center for the management of the emergency situation related to the restriction of the supply
of electricity to the Republic of Crimea shall ensure the implementation of measures aimed at managing the
consequences of the emergency situation.
4. To entrust:
4.1. general management of the emergency situation response to Sergei Nikolaevich Shakhov, the
Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea;
(subclause 4.1 as amended by order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 25 November 2015 No. 459-rg)
4.2. material and technical, transport, economic and financial support of the interdepartmental crisis
center for the management of the emergency situation related to the restriction of the supply of electricity to
the Republic of Crimea - to the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.
(clause 4 as amended by order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 23 November 2015 No. 458-rg)
Head of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 93

Annex 94
Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1347 “On
restriction of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events in the
territory of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea”, 22 November 2015

Republic of Crimea
City Administration of Simferopol
22 November 2015 No. 1347
On restriction of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other
events in the territory of the municipality - the urban district of
Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea
Guided by the Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of 30 May 2001 No. FKZ-3 “On
the state of emergency”, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 06 October 2003 No. 131-FZ “On
general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation”, on the basis of the
minutes of the meeting of the operative crisis center for management of emergency situations of the City
Administration of Simferopol of 22 November 2015 No. 4, in connection with the imposition of an emergency
situation regime in the territory of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea,
the City Administration of Simferopol
1. Temporarily suspend activities on holding mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events in
the territory of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea from 22 November
2015 till further notice.
2. The Department of Internal Policy and Organizational Support of the City Administration of
Simferopol (Chernova M.N.), the Department of Culture and Cultural Heritage of the City Administration of
Simferopol (Litvinenko E.G.), the Department for Interaction with the Population of the City Administration
of Simferopol (Illarionov A.V.), the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City
Administration of Simferopol (Gudilko T.S.), the Department of Education of the City Administration of
Simferopol (Sukhina T.I.), the Department of youth, sports and tourism of the City Administration of
Simferopol (Ignatiev G.N.), the Department for Interethnic Relations of the City Administration of Simferopol
(Muzhdabaev E.S.) shall ensure that the organizers of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events
are informed on the restriction of activities on holding the abovementioned events in the territory of the
municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea.
3. The Department of Information Policy of the City Administration of Simferopol (Shilko A.A.) shall
publish this Resolution in the prescribed manner.
4. I will supervise the implementation of this resolution.
Head of the City
Administration of Simferopol
Bakharev G.S.
Annex 94

Annex 95
Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1348 “On
imposing emergency situation regime for the forces of the municipal unit
of the territorial subsystem of the unified state system of prevention and
elimination of emergency situations (RSChS) in the municipality - the
urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”, 22 November

Republic of Crimea
City Administration of Simferopol
22 November 2015 No. 1348
On imposing emergency situation regime for the forces of the
municipal unit of the territorial subsystem of the unified state
system of prevention and elimination of emergency situations
(RSChS) in the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol
of the Republic of Crimea
On the basis of the Federal Law of 21 December 1994 No. 68-FZ “On protection of the population and
territories from natural and man-made emergency situations”, resolution of the Government of the Russian
Federation of 30 December 2003 No. 794 “On the unified state system of prevention and elimination of
emergency situations”, Law of the Republic of Crimea of 26 December 2014 No. 25-ZRK/2014 “On protection
of the population and territories from emergency situations”, order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of
22 November 2015 No. 454-rg “On imposing the man-made emergency situation regime”, resolution of the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 10 February 2015 No. 37 “On maintaining public order in
case of emergency situations on the territory of the Republic of Crimea”, guided by the Methodological
Recommendations for organizing the actions of government bodies and local government bodies when
managing emergency situations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and
Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, approved by Minutes of the Government Commission for
the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of 17 April 2015 No. 4, by
resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea of 03 February 2015 No. 37
“On the municipal commission for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations and ensuring fire
safety of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”, in order to manage
the emergency situation on the territory of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic
of Crimea, the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea
1. To impose from 22 November 2015 01.42 am on the territory of the municipality - the urban district
of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea for the government bodies and forces of the municipal unit of the
territorial subsystem of RSChS the emergency situation regime of the regional response level (hereinafter -
2. To introduce a round-the-clock duty of the heads and officials of the government bodies and forces
of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea.
3. The First Deputy Head of the City Administration, Chairman of the Municipal Commission for the
Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and Ensuring Fire Safety of the municipality - the urban
district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter - MKChS), Krutsyuk S.P., shall organize the
work of government bodies and forces of the municipal unit of the territorial subsystem of the RSChS to
manage the ES and minimize its consequences.
4. By the resolution of the MKChS of the City Administration of Simferopol:
4.1. To determine a list of measures to ensure the protection of the population from the ES, to
organize work on its management, to appoint officials responsible for the implementation of measures to
Annex 95
manage the ES in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities and to coordinate the activities of
emergency rescue services and emergency rescue teams on the territory of the municipality - the urban district
of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea. To carry out measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of the
ES, to attract the forces and funds of the municipal unit of the territorial subsystem of the RSChS, the forces
and funds of enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental
affiliation in accordance with the law.
4.2. To organize work to maintain public order during the emergency situation on the territory of
the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea.
4.3. To ensure the collection of information regarding the protection of the population and
territories for management of the ES and the exchange of such information;
4.4. To ensure the strengthening of the operational duty shift of operations control centers;
4.5. To ensure increased observation and control of the hydrometeorological
situation in the area of the municipal formation Simferopol municipality of the Republic of Crimea;
4.6. To provide a timely report to the higher government bodies on the ES response measures;
4.7. To organize interaction with the bodies and persons of the units of the territorial subsystem of
the RSChS on the territory of the Republic of Crimea in the prescribed manner.
4.8. To consider the need to take additional measures to protect the population and territories from
the emergency situation, and to prepare proposals for taking additional measures in the prescribed manner.
5. The Directorate of the Administrative Bodies of the City Administration (Domanitsky A.V.):
5.1. Shall ensure the readiness of the reserve of material resources for use in the ES response.
5.2. To provide timely notification of the population about the ES.
6. The Department of Information Policy of the City Administration (Shilko A.A.) shall publish this
resolution in the prescribed manner.
7. I will supervise the implementation of this resolution.
Head of the City
Administration of Simferopol G.S. Bakharev
Annex 95
Annex 96
Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1368 “On taking
measures to eliminate the emergency situation in the territory of the
municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of
Crimea”, 24 November 2015

Republic of Crimea
City Administration of Simferopol
“24” November 2015
On taking measures to eliminate the emergency
situation in the territory of the municipality - the urban
district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea
According to Article 93 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, guided by Federal Law
No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergency
situations” dated 21 December 1994, Federal Law No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organization of
local self-government in the Russian Federation” dated 16 October 2003, resolution of the Government of
the Russian Federation No. 794 “On the unified state system for the prevention and management of
emergencies” dated 30 December 2003, Law No. 25-ZRK/2014 “On protection of the population and
territories from emergency situations” dated 26 December 2014, implementing order of the Head of the
Republic of Crimea No. 454-rg “On imposing the man-made emergency situation regime” dated 22
November 2015, resolution No. 1348 of the City Administration of Simferopol “On imposing emergency
situation regime for the forces of the municipal level of the territorial subsystem of the unified state system
of prevention and elimination of emergency situations (RSChS) in the municipality - the urban district of
Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea” dated 22 November 2015,
in order to ensure safe life activities of the public and to implement measures to eliminate the emergency
situation, save electrical energy, the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea,
1. To impose a limitation of energy consumption to minimal possible values until the
cancellation of the state of emergency.
2. Krymenergo State Unitary Enterprise to supply electricity (power) by introducing an
appropriate operating mode.
3. Kievsky Zhilservis Municipal Unitary Enterprise (O.L. Kuzmin), Tsentralny Zhilservis
Municipal Unitary Enterprise (E.D. Pirogov), Zheleznodorozhny Zhilservis Municipal Unitary Enterprise
(A.M. Kalinchuk), Avangrad Municipal Unitary Enterprise (R.K. Shambazov), and also organizations that
directly manage multi-apartment residential buildings, to turn off elevators in multi-apartment buildings they
service until 25 November 2015.
4. The heads of gas station networks located in the territory of the municipality - the urban
district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea, to ensure uninterrupted operation of gas station complexes
and extraordinary refueling of public transport performing passenger transportation.
5. Enterprises, institutions, organizations (regardless of their form of ownership) that have diesel
generators ensuring their needs are prohibited the connection to energy supply grids.
No. 1368
Annex 96
6. The heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations (regardless of their form of ownership)
operating in the territory of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea, are
recommended to establish a part-time working time for employees that have children under fourteen, to pay
the salaries in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7. The Information Policy Department at the City Administration of Simferopol (A.A. Shilko) to
publish this resolution in the prescribed manner.
8. I will supervise the implementation of this resolution.
Head of the City Administration of Simferopol G.S. Bakharev
Annex 96
Annex 97
Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1377 “On the
regulation of certain issues in connection with the emergency situation”,
25 November 2015

Republic of Crimea
City Administration of Simferopol
of 25 November 2015 No. 1377
On the regulation of certain issues in connection with
the emergency situation
According to Article 11 of Federal Law of 21 December 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the
population and territories from natural and man-made emergency situations”, Article 11 of Law of the
Republic of Crimea of 9 December 2014 No. 25-ЗРК/2014 “On protection of the population and territories
from emergency situations”, order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 22 November 2015 No. 454-rg
“On the imposition of the regime of man-made emergency situations”, resolution of the City Administration
of Simferopol of 22 November 2015 No. 1348 “On imposing emergency situation regime for the forces of
the municipal level of the territorial subsystem of the unified state system of prevention and elimination of
emergency situations (RSChS) in the municipality of the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of
Crimea”, in order to ensure safe life activities of the population and to implement measures to eliminate the
emergency situation, the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea
1. Operating hours of restaurant enterprises in the municipality of the urban district of Simferopol of
the Republic of Crimea, be restricted until 8 pm.
2. Sale of alcoholic and low-alcohol goods in the territory of the municipality of the urban district of
Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea be prohibited from 5 pm to 10 am, local time.
3. The municipal contracts, being in force, where a municipal state or budgetary institution is a party,
be prolonged for the period of the emergency situation regime, and therefore the heads of sectoral
(functional) bodies of the City Administration of Simferopol shall prepare additional agreements for the
extension of the said contracts and ensure their signing by 30 November 2015.
4. The municipal control department of the city administration (N.V. Turchenko) and the department of
trade and public consumer services at the city administration (A.V. Novikov) to organize joint inspections in
cooperation with the prosecutor’s office of Simferopol and the veterinary medicine administration of
Simferopol (N.G. Boyko) covering all (regardless of their form of ownership) enterprises, institutions,
organizations that carry out the activities related to the production, storage and sale of perishable goods of
animal origin and other goods dependent on the terms and temperature regimes of storage in the municipality
of the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea.
5. The department of accounting, reporting and material support at the city administration (L.G.
Sergeeva), the heads of municipal budgetary and public institutions to ensure timely payment of salaries to
the employees of municipal public and budgetary institutions.
6. The heads of municipal institutions are personally responsible for the implementation of Clauses 2
and 6 of this decree.
7. The information policy department at the city administration (A.A. Shilko) to publish this decree in
the prescribed manner.
8. I will supervise the implementation of this resolution.
Head of the City Administration of Simferopol G.S. Bakharev
Annex 97

Annex 98
Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 1311-r
“On amending the Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea of 29 June 2015 No. 590-r”, 29 December 2015

of 29 December 2015 No. 1311-r
OF 29 JUNE 2015 No. 590-R
According to Article 41 of the Republic of Crimea law of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK ““On the System
of Governmental Executive Bodies of the Republic of Crimea”:
To make in Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 29 June 2015 No. 590-r “On
determining the executors (contractors) of design and construction and installation works, implementation of
measures for the sites of the federal target program “Social and economic development of the Republic of
Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020” the following changes:
to add to paragraph 1 subparagraphs 1.175 – 1.193 to read as follows:
1.183. Regarding the site “Khan’s Palace” (XIV – XIX centuries) located at the address: 133
Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of Crimea: to identify Corporation ATTA Group LLC (Main State
Registration Number 1107746869042) as the executor of research and design and priority emergency works
on preservation of the cultural heritage site under the contract with the contractual amount of 148,280,000
(one hundred forty eight million two hundred eighty thousand) Russian Rubles; the contract deadline shall be
31 March 2016. The сontract security requirement is not established.
Annex 98

Annex 99
Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 1 “On the
regulation of certain issues in connection with the emergency situation”,
5 January 2016

Republic of Crimea
City Administration of Simferopol
05 January 2016 No. 1
On the regulation of certain issues in connection with
the emergency situation
According to Article 11 of Federal Law of 21 December 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the protection of
the population and territories from natural and man-made emergency situations”, Article 11 of Law of the
Republic of Crimea of 9 December 2014 No. 25-ЗРК/2014 “On protection of the population and territories
from emergency situations”, Order of the Head of the Republic of Crimea of 22 November 2015 No. 454-rg
“On the imposition of the regime of man-made emergency situations”, resolution of the City Administration
of Simferopol of 22 November 2015 No. 1348 “On imposing emergency situation regime for the forces of
the municipal level of the territorial subsystem of the unified state system of prevention and elimination of
emergency situations (RSChS) in the municipality of the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of
Crimea”, guided by Minutes of 04 January 2016 No. 42 and of 05 January 2016 No. 43 of the operational
headquarters of the City Administration of Simferopol in order to ensure safe living activities of the
population and proper operation of enterprises, institutions, organizations during the emergency situation
regime within the established electricity supply limits in the territory of the municipality of the urban district
of Simferopol, and also the implementation of the measures to eliminate the emergency situation, the City
Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea
1. Restaurant enterprises (including enterprises that provide catering services) located in the
territory of the municipality of the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea, to operate until 9
pm in the period of 5 January 2016 to 7 January 2016, until 8 pm starting from 8 January 2016, until further
2. Restaurant enterprises (including enterprises that provide catering services) located on the
Annex 99
territory of the municipality of the urban district of Simferopol, to switch to electricity consumption from
their own autonomous power sources starting from 8 January 2016 due to the limited electricity supply, until
further notice.
3. The special mode of operation in terms of capacity and operating time be established starting
from 11 January 2016 for industrial enterprises located in the territory of the municipality of the urban
district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea, until further notice, subject to the approval of the
Simferopol hydro-recirculating power plant of the Krymenergo State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of
Crimea (9 Gasprinskogo Str., Simferopol).
4. Individuals and legal entities carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of facilities in the
territory of the municipality of the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea to take measures
starting from 5 January 2015 until further notice in connection with limited electricity supply by stopping
(suspending) repair-construction, construction works (other than works to recover after accidents).
5. Individuals and legal entities carrying out business activities in the territory of the the
municipality of the urban district of Simferopol to stop (suspend) electricity consumption for lighting shop
windows, advertising structures, signboards and signs starting from 5 January 2015 until further notice.
6. The Information Policy Department (A.A. Shilko) to publish this resolution in the prescribed
7. I will supervise the implementation of this resolution.
Head of the City Administration of Simferopol G.S. Bakharev
Annex 99
Annex 100
Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 221-ZRK/2016 “On introducing
amendments into the Law of the Republic of Crimea ‘On specifics of
regulation of property and land relations in the territory of the Republic of
Crimea’”, 17 February 2016

On Introducing Amendments into the Law of the Republic of Crimea
“On specifics of regulation of property and land relations in the territory of the Republic of
by the State
Council of the Republic of Crimea 17 February 2016
Article 1.
Introduce the following amendments to Law of the Republic of Crimea of 31 July 2014
No. 38-ZRK “On specifics of regulation of property and land relations in the territory of the
Republic of Crimea” (Bulletin of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, 2014, No. 2, Article
95, No. 3, Article 7215, No. 5, Article 446, No. 6, Article 697, Article 698; 2015, No. 11, Article
620, No. 12, Article 710):
1) supplement Articles 8-1 as follows:
“Article 8-1
It is not allowed to demand additional documents from applicants not provided for hereby
for state registration of the property rights of individuals to real estate objects specified in Part 2
The absence of documents not provided for hereby cannot be the basis for the suspension
of state registration of an individual's ownership right to real estate specified in Part 2 hereof.”;
Head of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSENOV
The City of Simferopol,
19 February 2016
No. 221-ZRK/2016
Annex 100

Annex 101
Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 218-ZRK “On measures of social
support for rehabilitated persons and persons who have suffered from
political repression”, 18 February 2016

18 February 2016 No. 218-ZRK/2016
by the State Council
of the Republic of Crimea
17 February 2016
List of changing documents
(as amended by the Laws of the Republic of Crimea of 29 December 2016 No. 335-ZRK/2016,
Of 28 September 2017 No. 416-ZRK/2017)
Article 1. The scope of this Law
This Law establishes legal guarantees of social support for persons living in the Republic of Crimea and
belonging to the category of rehabilitated, and persons recognized as victims of political repression, in
accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of 18 October 1991 No. 1761-1 “On the rehabilitation of
victims of political repression”.
Article 2. Legislation of the Republic of Crimea on social support for rehabilitated persons and
persons recognized as victims of political repression
1. The legislation of the Republic of Crimea on social support for rehabilitated persons and persons
recognized as victims of political repression is based on the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the
Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, the Law of the Russian Federation of 18
October 1991 No 1761-1 “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression” and consists from this Law,
other laws of the Republic of Crimea, regulatory legal acts of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
2. If a citizen has the right to a measure of social support under this Law and at the same time to the
same measure of social support under another regulatory legal act, regardless of the basis on which it is
established, he is provided with a measure of social support under this Law or under another regulatory legal
act of his choice unless otherwise provided by federal legislation and the legislation of the Republic of Crimea.
Annex 101
Article 3. Measures of social support for rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims
of political repressions
1. Rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repression are provided with the
following measures of social support:
1) monthly cash payment in the amount of RUB 500;
2) compensation of expenses for payment of residential premises and utilities in the amount of 50
a) rental fees and (or) payments for the maintenance of residential premises based on the total area of
residential premises occupied, respectively, by tenants or owners (in communal apartments - occupied
residential area);
b) a contribution for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building, but not more than 50
percent of the specified contribution, calculated on the basis of the minimum contribution for overhaul per one
square meter of the total area of the residential premises per month and the occupied total area of the residential
premises (in communal apartments - occupied living space), including family members living with them;
c) payments for cold water, hot water, electrical energy, thermal energy consumed when maintaining
common property in an apartment building, as well as for wastewater disposal in order to maintain common
property in an apartment building;
d) payment for utilities, calculated on the basis of the volume of consumed utilities, determined
according to the readings of metering devices, but not more than the consumption standards approved in the
manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the absence of these metering devices, the
payment for utilities is calculated based on the norms for the consumption of utilities, approved in accordance
with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
e) payment of the cost of fuel purchased within the norms established for sale to the public - when living
in houses that do not have central heating.
Social support measures for paying for residential premises and utilities are provided to persons living
in residential premises, regardless of the type of housing stock at the place of permanent residence, within the
limits established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to family members
living with them, and do not apply to the cases of application of increasing coefficients to the standards for the
consumption of utilities established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
(Clause 2 as amended by the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 December 2016 No. 335-ZRK/2016)
3) - 4) are no longer valid. - the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 December 2016 No. 335-ZRK/
5) payment of 50 percent for connection to sewerage, gas supply and electricity supply;
6) free installation of a landline telephone;
7) discounts on buses, trolleybuses, trams, following the routes of regular transportation in city traffic
within the Republic of Crimea;
Annex 101
8) discounts on buses, trolleybuses following the routes of regular transportation in suburban traffic; by
public railway transport in suburban traffic within the Republic of Crimea.
1-1. The documents confirming the rights of rehabilitated persons and persons who suffered from
political repression to the measures of social support specified in Part 1 of this Article are, respectively, a
certificate of rehabilitation and a certificate of recognition of a person as a victim of political repression.
The measures of social support specified in Clauses 7 and 8 of Part 1 of this Article are also provided
on the basis of a certificate issued by the executive body of state power of the Republic of Crimea in the field
of interethnic relations and deported citizens on the basis of the above certificates.
The procedure for issuing certificates is determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
(Part 1-1 was introduced by the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 28 September 2017 No. 416-ZRK/2017)
2. Rehabilitated persons and persons recognized as victims of political repressions have the right to other
measures of social support on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian
Federation and the legislation of the Republic of Crimea.
3. The procedure for providing social support measures to rehabilitated persons and persons recognized
as victims of political repressions on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, shall be established by the Council
of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea within a month from the date of entry into force of this Law.
Article 4. Financing and implementation of social support measures
Financial support of social support measures established by this Law is carried out at the expense of the
budget of the Republic of Crimea.
Head of the Republic of Crimea
18 February 2016
N 218-ZRK/2016
Annex 101

Annex 102
Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol No. 372 “On
introducing amendments into Resolution of the City Administration of
Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea of 22 November 2015 No. 1347
‘On restriction of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events in
the territory of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea’”, 7 March 2016

(Coat of arms)
Republic of Crimea
City Administration of Simferopol
7 March 2016 No. 372
On introducing amendments into the Resolution
of the City Administration of Simferopol
of the Republic of Crimea of 22 November 2015 No. 1347
“On restriction of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and
other events in the territory of the municipality - the urban
district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea” (as
In accordance with the Federal Law of 06 October 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles of the
organization of local government in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of 21 December 1994 No. 68-FZ
“On protection of the population and territories against emergency situations of natural and man-made
disasters”, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2003 No. 794 “On unified
state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations”, Law of the Republic of Crimea of
26 December 2014 No. 25-ЗРК/2014 “On protection of the population and territories against emergency
situations”, Resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea of 22 November
2015 No. 1348 “On imposing emergency situation regime for the forces of the municipal level of the territorial
subsystem of the unified state system of prevention and elimination of emergency situations (RSChS) in the
municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”, the City Administration of
Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea
1. To amend resolution of the City Administration of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea of 22
November 2015 No. 1347 “On restriction of mass, public, cultural, entertainment and other events in the
territory of the municipality - the urban district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea”:
1.1. In the title of the resolution, to replace the words “On the restriction” with the words “On the
1.2. In Clause 1 of the resolution, the words “Temporarily suspend activities on holding” shall be replaced
by the words “To prohibit”.
2. The effect of this Resolution does not apply to events held by government bodies and local government
3. To the Department of Information Policy of the City Administration Staff of Simferopol (Shilko A.A.)
to publish this Resolution in the prescribed manner.
4. I will supervise the implementation of this resolution.
Head of the City Administration of Simferopol
Bakharev G.S.
Annex 102

Annex 103
Decision of the Voinka Village Administration No. 361 “On the works to
improve the park territory”, 29 April 2016

29th session of the 1st convocation of deputees
On the works to improve the park territory
According to Federal Law No. 131-FZ dated 6 October 2003 “On the General Principles of
Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, Law No. 54-ЗРК dated 21
August 2014 of the Republic of Crimea “On the Basics of Local Self-Government in the Republic of
Crimea”, the Articles of Association of the municipality Voinsky rural settlement of the
Krasnoperekopsky district of the Republic, Decision No. 58 dated 17 February 2015 of the Voinsky
Rural Council “On the Approval of the Rules for the Improvement of the Territory of the Municipality
Voinsky Rural Settlement of the Krasnoperekopsky District of the Republic of Crimea”, the Voinsky
Rural Council
1. To perform from 15 May 2016 to 31 May 2016 on the territory of the Voinka village park on the
Lenina street (the Mass Grave to Soviet soldiers and civilians 1941-1944, who died during the
years of the Great Patriotic War) the works to improve the park territory: current repair of the
monument to fallen soldiers, grass mowing, pruning of shrubs and trees, garbage cleaning,
whitewashing and installation of a fence.
2. The Administration of the Voinsky rural settlement to ensure safety during the works.
3. To publish this Decision by posting it on the information board in the building of the
administration of the Voinsky rural settlement.
4. This Resolution shall enter into force on the day of announcement thereof.
5. The commission for the housing and utility services, construction, improvement and land relations
to control the implementation of the decision.
Chairwoman of the Voinsky Rural Council - Head of the Administration of the Voinsky Rural
Primary State Registration Number (PSRN)
(Signed) E.V. Maximova
28 April 2016 Voinka village No. 361
Annex 103

Annex 104
Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 451-r
“On approval of the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of
Crimea of the set of measures for the restoration of historical justice,
political, social and religious revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek,
Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples, who were illegally deported
and politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2016”, 5 May

of 5 May 2016 No. 451-r
On Approval of the Event Plan for the Implementation in
the Republic of Crimea of the Set of Measures for the
Restoration of Historical Justice, Political, Social and
Religious Revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek,
Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were
Illegally Deported and Politically Repressed on Ethnic and
Other Grounds, for 2016
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 268 of 21 April 2014 “On
measures aimed at rehabilitation of Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples
and state support of their revival and development”, Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea,
Article 41 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 5-ZRK of 29 May 2014 “On the system of executive
government bodies of the Republic of Crimea”:
1. To approve the Event Plan for the Implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of Measures
for the Restoration of Historical Justice, Political, Social and Religious Revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian,
Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were Illegally Deported and Politically Repressed on
Ethnic and Other Grounds, for 2016 (hereinafter - the Event Plan).
2. To the performers of the Event Plan:
2.1. To ensure timely performance of the Event Plan.
2.2. To submit the information on the progress of the Event Plan to the State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea once every six months by the 5th day of the month
following the reporting period.
3. The State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea shall
submit summarized information on the implementation of this Decree to the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea on a quarterly basis by the 15th day of the month following the reporting period.
4. To announce as no longer valid the Decrees of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea:
of 23 March 2015 No. 227-r “On Approval of the Event Plan for the Implementation in the Republic of
Crimea of the Set of Measures for the Restoration of Historical Justice, Political, Social and Religious Revival
of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were Illegally Deported and
Politically Repressed on Ethnic and Other Grounds for 2015-2016”;
of 27 May 2014 No. 436-r “On Approval of the Event Plan for the Implementation of the Decree of the
President of the Russian Federation of 21 April 2014 No. 268 “On measures aimed at rehabilitation of
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support of their revival and
5. The control over the implementation of this Decree shall be entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea R.I. Balbek.
Head of the Republic of Crimea,
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
Deputy Chairman
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Head of the Staff of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 104
to the Decree of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of May 2016 No. 451-r
Event Plan
for the Implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of Measures for the Restoration of Historical Justice, Political, Social and Religious
Revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were Illegally Deported and Politically Repressed on
Ethnic and Other Grounds, for 2016
No. Event Responsible performers Period for performance
I. Organizational and legal events
Training, retraining and advanced professional training of state civil and municipal
employees of the Republic of Crimea, interacting with national associations and
religious organisations
Local government bodies of municipal formations of
the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Labor and Social
Protection of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
Monitoring the state of interethnic and ethnoconfessional relations, sociological
monitoring of key indicators of the state of interethnic relations in the Republic of
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
II. Ensuring the linguistic, ethnocultural and educational needs of the peoples of Crimea
3 Holding events dedicated to dates memorable for the peoples of Crimea, including:
Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian,
Crimean Tatar and German Peoples’ Tragedy; Crimean Tatar national holiday
Hidirellez (first third of May), Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Deportation
from Crimea (18 May), Greek national holiday Panair (3 June), Armenian national
holiday Vardavar (July), Crimean Tatar national holiday Derviza (21 September),
republican festival Inflorescence of Crimean ethnicities (September-October),
Karaite harvest festival on Chufut-Kale (October), Day of Remembrance of the
Krymchaks and Jewish people of Crimea - victims of Nazism (11 December)
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and Communications of the Republic of
I and II half of 2016
Providing assistance to the creation and activities of national and cultural
autonomies and other public associations and organisations of the peoples of
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
Holding events aimed at the development of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Modern
Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German languages
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea, State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
I and II half of 2016
Annex 104
Preparation and implementation of educational programs aimed at the development
of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Modern Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
Creation, translation and publication of educational, methodological, scientific and
research reference, children literature and fiction in the Armenian, Bulgarian,
Modern Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German languages
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea; State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
I and II half of 2016
Promoting the development of out-of-school forms of educational activities in the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Modern Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German language
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea, State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
I and II half of 2016
Conducting health examination in the centers of compact residence of the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples by mobile
teams of medical professionals using mobile diagnostic equipment
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea I and II half of 2016
Strengthening the material and technical base of the State Budgetary Institution of
Health of the Republic of Crimea “Consultative and Diagnostic Center on Servicing
Deported Peoples”
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea 1 December 2016
Assistance to the functioning of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic
of Crimea “Crimean Tatar State Academic Music and Drama Theater,” the Crimean
Tatar Folklore Ensemble “Krym” and the Crimean Tatar Song and Dance Ensemble
“Khaitarma,” the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean
State Philharmonic,” the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea
“Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage”
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea I and II half of 2016
Strengthening the material and technical base of the State Autonomous Institution
of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar State Academic Music and Drama
Theater,” the Crimean Tatar Folklore Ensemble “Krym” and the Crimean Tatar
Song and Dance Ensemble “Khaitarma,” the State Budgetary Institution of the
Republic of Crimea “Crimean State Philharmonic”, the State Budgetary Institution
of the Republic of Crimea “Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, State
Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
1 December 2016
Assistance in the implementation of creative projects and strengthening the material
and technical base of national amateur groups operating in club-type cultural
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea I and II half of 2016
Assistance in the implementation of creative projects and strengthening the material
and technical base of national amateur groups operating in national and cultural
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
Assistance in the creation and development of national and cultural autonomies,
other public associations and organizations of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek,
Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
Annex 104
Assistance in the functioning and strengthening of the material and technical base
of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea “National Cultural
Center House of Friendship”
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
17 Assistance in the activities of mass media publishing or broadcasting in the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German languages
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
18 Promotion of archaeological research of cultural monuments of the Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples
State Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage
of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
Organization of events to eternalize in the Republic of Crimea the memory of
Heroes of the Soviet Union, as well as cavaliers of Russian and Soviet orders
representing the peoples of Crimea
Office of Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea, Organization of Veterans of the Republic of
1 December 2016
Holding a historical and documentary exhibition “The Peoples of Crimea in the
History of Russia” in Simferopol
State Archival Service of the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, State
Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
1 December 2016
Implementation of events aimed at identifying documents about the problem of
illegal deportation and political repression of the peoples of Crimea in the federal
archives and archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and
provision of their copies to government bodies
State Archival Service of the Republic of Crimea I and II half of 2016
22 Conducting research, including on the basis of materials from foreign archives, on
the history of Crimea during the occupation of 1941-1944
State Archival Service of the Republic of Crimea I and II half of 2016
Providing assistance in the coverage by the state media of events dedicated to the
restoration of historical justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the illegally
deported and politically repressed peoples of Crimea on ethnic and other grounds
Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and
Communications of the Republic of Crimea, State
Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
1 December 2016
III. Measures for the improvement of places of compact residence of the peoples of Crimea and the provision of other support to citizens from among the peoples of
Implementation of the State Program of the Republic of Crimea on Strengthening
the Unity of the Russian Nation and Ethnocultural Development of the Peoples of
Russia “The Republic of Crimea - the Territory of Interethnic Harmony for 2015-
2017,” approved by the Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea No. 185 dated 09 April 2015
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
I and II half of 2016
Deputy Chairman
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Head of the Staff of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 104
Annex 105
Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 452-r
“On holding events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of
the Deportation from Crimea”, 5 May 2016

of 05 May 2016 No. 452-r
On Holding Events Dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Deportation from Crimea
In accordance with Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, Article 4 of the Law of
the Republic of Crimea of 29 December 2014 No. 55-ZRK/2014 “On Holidays and Memorable Dates in the
Republic of Crimea”:
1. To approve the attached Plan of events for the Day of Remembrance of Victims of the
Deportation from Crimea preparation and holding (hereinafter - the Event Plan).
2. To the performers of the Event Plan:
2.1. To ensure timely performance of the Event Plan.
2.2. To submit the information on the performance of the Event Plan to the State Committee for
Interethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea by 01 September 2016.
3. The State Committee for Interethnic Relations and Deported Citizens of the Republic of
Crimea shall submit summarised information on the performance of the Event Plan to the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea by 23 September 2016.
4. To determine that funding for the performance of the Event Plan is carried out within the funds
provided in the budget of the Republic of Crimea for 2016 for the relevant sectors.
5. The control over the implementation of this Decree shall be entrusted to the Deputy Chairman
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Balbek R.I.
Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea –
Head of Staff of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASIUK
Annex 105
to the Decree of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of “05” May 2016 No. 452-r
Event Plan
on the preparation and holding the Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Deportation from Crimea
Name of the event Responsible performers Period of
1. Providing broad coverage of the
activities of the executive government
bodies of the Republic of Crimea on
solving the problems of deported
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and Communications of
the Republic of Crimea, State
Committee for Interethnic Relations
and Deported Citizens of the
Republic of Crimea
2. Creation of programs dedicated to the
Day of Remembrance of Victims of the
Deportation from Crimea
Ministry of Internal Policy,
Information and Communications of
the Republic of Crimea, Autonomous
non-profit organisation Television
and Radio Company Krym
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea, Autonomous
non-profit organization Public
Crimean Tatar Television and Radio
3. Organisation of thematic exhibitions
and other events dedicated to the Day of
Remembrance of Victims of the
Deportation from Crimea
Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Crimea, Ministry of Education,
Science and Youth of the Republic of
Crimea, administrations of municipal
formations of the Republic of Crimea
4. Assistance in organising the event Light
a Fire in Your Heart on Lenin Square in
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea, Municipal
Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea
18 May 2016
5. Organisation of flowers laying
ceremony to the memorial monuments:
- in the public garden on the alley near
the railway station;
- near the Botanical Garden of the
Taurida Academy of the Federal State
Autonomous Educational Institution of
Higher Education Crimean Federal
University named after V.I. Vernadsky;
- the memorial Vozrozhdenie
(‘Revival’) of the state budgetary
educational institution of higher
education of the Republic of Crimea
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea, Municipal
Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea
18 May 2016
6. Event at the railway station Siren in the
Bakhchisaray District of the Republic of
Administration of the Bakhchisaray
District of the Republic of Crimea,
State Committee for Interethnic
18 May 2016
Annex 105
Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea
7. Arrangment the of flowers laying
ceremony to memorial monuments and
holding of prayer services and meetings
dedicated to the Day of Remembrance
of Victims of the Deportation from
Crimea in cities and district centers of
the Republic of Crimea
Administrations of municipal
formations of the Republic of Crimea
18 May 2016
8. Ensuring the observance of public order
and the duty shifts of ambulance units in
places of mass events
Ministry of Internal Affairs for the
Republic of Crimea, Ministry of
Health of the Republic of Crimea
18 May
24 June,
18 August 2016
9. Organisation of laying flowers and
floral baskets ceremony to the memorial
monuments near the Botanical Garden
of the Taurida Academy of the Federal
State Autonomous Educational
Institution of Higher Education Crimean
Federal University named after V.I.
Vernadsky on the occasion of the Day
of Remembrance of victims of the
deportation of Armenians, Bulgarians
and Greeks from Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea, Municipal
Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea
24 June 2016
10. Organisation on the occasion of the Day
of Remembrance of Victims of the
Deportation of Germans from Crimea of
laying flowers and floral baskets to the
memorial monuments near the
Botanical Garden of the Taurida
Academy of the Federal State
Autonomous Educational Institution of
Higher Education Crimean Federal
University named after V.I. Vernadsky
State Committee for Interethnic
Relations and Deported Citizens of
the Republic of Crimea, Municipal
Administration of Simferopol of the
Republic of Crimea
Administration of the
Krasnogvardeisk District of the
Republic of Crimea
18 August 2016
Deputy Chair
of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Head of Staff of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea L. OPANASIUK
Annex 105

Annex 106
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 627
with extracts from the List of regional cultural heritage sites located in the
Republic of Crimea and the information from the website of the Uniform
State Register of Cultural Heritage Sites (Historical and Cultural
Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation attached thereto, 20
December 2016

of 20 December 2016 No. 627
On the classification of cultural heritage sites as
cultural heritage sites of regional significance and
identified cultural heritage sites
In accordance with Article 9.2 of Federal Law of 25 June 2002 No. 73-FZ "On cultural heritage sites
(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", Article 2 of Federal Law
of 12 February 2015 No. 9-FZ "On special aspects of legal regulation of relations in the field of
culture and tourism in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea into the
Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent entities within the Russian
Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol", Articles 83, 84 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, t h e Law of the Republic of Crimea of
11 September 2014 No. 68-ZRK "On cultural heritage sites in the Republic of Crimea", Articles
2, 28, 41 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK "On the system
of executive bodies of the Republic of Crimea",
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea decrees as follows:
1. To classify the cultural heritage sites located in the Republic of Crimea as cultural heritage sites
of regional significance included in the unified state register of cultural heritage sites (historical and
cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Appendix 1.
2. To classify the cultural heritage sites located in the Republic of Crimea as identified cultural
heritage sites in accordance with Appendix 2.
3. The State Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Crimea shall:
3.1. In accordance with the established procedure, register the cultural heritage sites of regional
significance specified in Clause 1 hereof in the unified state register of cultural heritage sites (historical and
cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
3.2. Provide information on the performance of this Resolution to the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Crimea by 1 February 2018.
4. L.N. Opanasyuk, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and
Head of the Administrative Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, shall control the
performance of this Resolution.
Head of the Republic of Crimea
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Chairman
of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea
Head of the Administrative Office
of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea L. OPANASYUK
Annex 106
Appendix 1
to Resolution of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
of 20 December 2016 No. 627
List of Cultural Heritage Sites of Regional Significance Located in the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of the cultural heritage
Time of the
event, date of
construction of
the cultural
heritage site
of the cultural heritage site
(hereinafter - "CHS")
1 2 3 4
Municipal formation Yalta urban district
710 House where Lesya Ukrainka
lived in 1897
(architect: P. K. Terebenyev)
late 19th
20th century
8-A Yekaterininskaya street, Letter
A, Yalta, the Republic of Crimea
Annex 106
􀀰􀁇􀁇icia􀁍 􀁘e􀁃site 􀁐􀁇 the 􀀮i􀁏istr􀁚 􀁐􀁇 􀀤􀁖􀁍t􀁖re 􀁐􀁇 􀀳􀁖ssia 􀀐 􀀰􀁑e􀁏 􀁅ata 􀀐􀀥ata
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􀀩erita􀁈e Sites 􀀉􀀩ist􀁐rica􀁍 a􀁏􀁅 􀀤􀁖􀁍t􀁖ra􀁍 􀀮􀁐􀁏􀁖􀁎e􀁏ts􀀊 􀁐􀁇
the 􀀱e􀁐􀁑􀁍es 􀁐􀁇 the 􀀳􀁖ssia􀁏 􀀧e􀁅erati􀁐􀁏
􀀷􀀪􀀦􀀸􀀴: 1473478 􀀥􀀰􀀸􀀯􀀭􀀰􀀢􀀥􀀴: 3848138
© 2004–2021, 􀀮inistr􀁚 of 􀀤ulture of the 􀀳ussian
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􀀭ast update: 10:58 am 7 􀀢pril 2021
􀀭egal re􀁒uirements for the official 􀁘e􀁃sites of federal
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􀀰􀁏 the 􀁎a􀁑
􀀯e􀁘s 􀀢􀁃out the portal
􀀱􀀢SS􀀱􀀰􀀳􀀵 􀀵􀀢􀀣􀀭􀀦 􀀮􀀢􀀱
􀀰pen data portal of the
􀀮􀀪􀀯􀀪􀀴T􀀳Y 􀀰􀀧 􀀤􀀶􀀭T􀀶􀀳􀀦 􀀰􀀧 T􀀩􀀦 􀀳􀀶􀀴􀀴􀀪􀀢􀀯
􀀥􀀢T􀀢 􀀴T􀀢T􀀪􀀴T􀀪􀀤􀀴 􀀯􀀦􀀸􀀴 􀀧􀀰􀀳 􀀥􀀦􀀷􀀦􀀭􀀰􀀱􀀦􀀳􀀴 􀀢􀀱􀀱􀀭􀀪􀀤􀀢T􀀪􀀰􀀯􀀴 􀀢􀀣􀀰􀀶T T􀀩􀀦 􀀱􀀰􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳T􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀭􀀭
7 April􀀃2021
􀀴cheme: 6 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃6 􀀤􀁓􀁕􀁌􀁏 2021 􀀥􀀢T􀀢: 49 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃6 􀀤􀁓􀁕􀁌􀁏 2021
https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn/49/275075 (search result received via https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn)
Annex 106
Appendix 1
to Resolution of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
No. 627 dated 20 December 2016
List of Cultural Heritage Sites of Regional Significance Located in the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of the cultural heritage
Time of the
event, date of
construction of
the cultural
heritage site
of the cultural heritage site
(hereinafter, "CHS")
1 2 3 4
Municipal formation Yalta urban district
806 House in which poetess Lesya
Ukrainka lived from October
1907 to May 1908
late 19th
6 Lesya Ukrainka street, Yalta,
the Republic of Crimea
Annex 106
Official website of the Ministry of 􀀤􀁖lt􀁖re of 􀀳􀁖ssia 􀀐 Open data 􀀐􀀥ata
􀀪nformation from the Unified State 􀀳e􀁈ister of 􀀤􀁖lt􀁖ral
􀀩erita􀁈e Sites 􀀉􀀩istorical and 􀀤􀁖lt􀁖ral Mon􀁖ments􀀊 of
the 􀀱eoples of the 􀀳􀁖ssian 􀀧ederation
􀀷􀀪􀀦􀀸􀀴: 1325115 􀀥􀀰􀀸􀀯L􀀰􀀢􀀥􀀴: 2682286
© 2004–2021, 􀀮inistry of 􀀤ulture of the 􀀳ussian
􀀧ederation (􀀮inistry of 􀀤ulture of 􀀳ussia)
Last update: 11:36 am 28 January 2021
Legal re􀁒uirements for the official 􀁘e􀁃sites of federal
e􀁙ecutive 􀁃odies
􀀧or 􀀥evelopers
􀀮inistry of 􀀤ulture of 􀀳ussia in social net􀁘orks:
125993 􀀰􀀮􀀱-3􀀍 􀀮osco􀁘􀀍 7/6 􀀮aliy
􀀨ne􀁛dnikovsky Lane􀀍 􀁃ldg. 1􀀍 2
􀀮osco􀁘􀀍 7 Leontievskiy Line􀀍 􀁃ldg. 1􀀣􀀍 tel.: +7
(495) 629-10-10
[email protected]
􀀳􀀢T􀀦 􀀢􀀯􀀥 􀀴􀀩􀀢􀀳􀀦 􀀥O􀀸􀀯LO􀀢􀀥
􀀧ilter 911711029920005 􀀩􀀢􀀷􀀦 􀀯O􀀵 􀀧􀀪􀀯􀀥 􀀢􀀯 􀀦􀀯􀀵􀀳􀀺􀀠 􀀴ho􀁘 􀁃y: 10
􀀧rom 1 to 1 of 1 posts is sho􀁘n
􀀵he ho􀁖se in which
poetess Lesya Ukrainka
lived from October
1907 to May 1908
911711029920005 􀀳epu􀁃lic of
The 􀀳epu􀁃lic of 􀀤rimea􀀍
Yalta 6 Lesi Ukrainki
significance 􀀮onument 􀀯o 􀀯o
Ob􀁋ect 􀀳e􀁈ister n􀁖mber 􀀳e􀁈ion 􀀧􀁖ll address
􀀤ate􀁈ory of
historical and
Ob􀁋ect type 􀀢ffiliation with
On the map
􀀯e􀁘s 􀀢􀁃out the portal
􀀱􀀢SS􀀱O􀀳􀀵 􀀵􀀢􀀣L􀀦 M􀀢􀀱
􀀰pen data portal of the
􀀮􀀪􀀯􀀪􀀴T􀀳Y 􀀰􀀧 􀀤ULTU􀀳􀀦 􀀰􀀧 T􀀩􀀦 􀀳U􀀴􀀴􀀪􀀢􀀯
􀀥􀀢T􀀢 􀀴T􀀢T􀀪􀀴T􀀪􀀤􀀴 􀀯􀀦􀀸􀀴 􀀧􀀰􀀳 􀀥􀀦􀀷􀀦L􀀰􀀱􀀦􀀳􀀴 􀀢􀀱􀀱L􀀪􀀤􀀢T􀀪􀀰􀀯􀀴 􀀢􀀣􀀰UT T􀀩􀀦 􀀱􀀰􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳􀀳T􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢L
28 January􀀃2021
􀀴cheme: 6 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021 􀀥􀀢T􀀢: 49 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021
https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn/49/278978 (search result received via https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn)
Annex 106
Appendix 1
to Resolution of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
No. 627 dated 20 December 2016
List of Cultural Heritage Sites of Regional Significance Located in the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of the cultural heritage
Time of the
event, date of
construction of
the cultural
heritage site
of the cultural heritage site
(hereinafter, "CHS")
1 2 3 4
Municipal formation Yalta urban district
766 P.P. Rozanov’s House late 19th
3 Letter A, Pavlenko street, Yalta,
the Republic of Crimea
Annex 106
􀀰􀁇􀁇i􀁄ia􀁍 􀁘e􀁃site o􀁇 t􀁉e 􀀮inistr􀁚 o􀁇 􀀤u􀁍ture o􀁇 Russia 􀀐 􀀰􀁑en 􀁅ata 􀀐􀀥ata
􀀪n􀁇or􀁎ation 􀁇ro􀁎 t􀁉e 􀀶ni􀁇ie􀁅 State Re􀁈ister o􀁇 􀀤u􀁍tura􀁍
Herita􀁈e Sites 􀀉Histori􀁄a􀁍 an􀁅 􀀤u􀁍tura􀁍 􀀮onu􀁎ents􀀊 o􀁇
t􀁉e Peo􀁑􀁍es o􀁇 t􀁉e Russian 􀀧e􀁅eration
􀀷􀀪􀀦􀀸􀀴: 1325115 􀀥􀀰􀀸􀀯L􀀰A􀀥􀀴: 3682286
© 2004–2021, 􀀮inistry of Culture of the Russian
􀀧ederation (􀀮inistry of Culture of Russia)
Last update: 11:36 am 28 January 2021
Legal re􀁒uirements for the official 􀁘ebsites of federal
e􀁙ecutive bodies
􀀧or 􀀥evelopers
􀀮inistry of Culture of Russia in social net􀁘orks:
125993 􀀰􀀮P-3, 􀀮osco􀁘, 7/6 􀀮aliy
􀀨ne􀁛dnikovsky Lane, bldg. 1, 2
􀀮osco􀁘, 7 Leontievskiy Line, bldg. 1􀀣, tel.: +7
(495) 629-10-10
[email protected]
RAT􀀦 A􀀯􀀥 􀀴􀀩AR􀀦 􀀥􀀰􀀸􀀯􀀭􀀰􀀢􀀥
􀀧ilter 911711051490005 H􀀢􀀷􀀦 􀀯􀀰􀀵 􀀧􀀪􀀯􀀥 􀀢􀀯 􀀦􀀯􀀵R􀀺􀀠 􀀴ho􀁘 by: 10
􀀧rom 1 to 1 of 1 posts is sho􀁘n
P.P. Rozanov's House
911711051490005 Republic of
The Republic of Crimea,
3 Letter A, Pavlenko
street, Yalta,
Republic of Crimea
significance 􀀮onument 􀀯o 􀀯o
􀀰􀁃􀁋e􀁄t Re􀁈ister nu􀁎􀁃er Re􀁈ion 􀀧u􀁍􀁍 a􀁅􀁅ress
􀀤ate􀁈or􀁚 o􀁇
􀁉istori􀁄a􀁍 an􀁅
􀀰􀁃􀁋e􀁄t t􀁚􀁑e 􀀢􀁇􀁇i􀁍iation 􀁘it􀁉
􀀰n t􀁉e 􀁎a􀁑
􀀯e􀁘s About the portal
P􀀢SSP􀀰R􀀵 􀀵􀀢􀀣􀀭􀀦 􀀮􀀢P
􀀰pen data portal of the
􀀮􀀪􀀯􀀪􀀴TRY 􀀰􀀧 C􀀶LT􀀶R􀀦 􀀰􀀧 T􀀩􀀦 R􀀶􀀴􀀴􀀪A􀀯
􀀥ATA 􀀴TAT􀀪􀀴T􀀪C􀀴 􀀯􀀦􀀸􀀴 􀀧􀀰R 􀀥􀀦􀀷􀀦L􀀰P􀀦R􀀴 APPL􀀪CAT􀀪􀀰􀀯􀀴 A􀀣􀀰􀀶T T􀀩􀀦 P􀀰RTAL
28 January􀀃2021
􀀴cheme: 6 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021 􀀥ATA: 49 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021
https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn/49/283650 (search results received via https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn)
Annex 106
Appendix 1
to Resolution of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
No. 627 dated 20 December 2016
List of Regionally Significant Cultural Heritage Sites
Located in the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of the Cultural Heritage Site Time of the
construction date
of the cultural
heritage site
Address of the cultural heritage site
(hereinafter, the "CHS")
1 2 3 4
Saki Municipality
281 Monument to Lesya Ukrainka 1987 Saki Health Resort Park, Kurortnaya street
Saki, the Republic of Crimea
Annex 106
Annex 106
􀀰􀁇􀁇i􀁄ia􀁍 􀁘e􀁃site o􀁇 t􀁉e Ministry o􀁇 􀀤u􀁍ture o􀁇 􀀳ussia 􀀐 􀀰􀁑en 􀁅ata 􀀐􀀥ata
􀀪n􀁇ormation 􀁇rom t􀁉e Uni􀁇ie􀁅 State 􀀳e􀁈ister o􀁇 􀀤u􀁍tura􀁍
􀀩erita􀁈e Sites 􀀉􀀩istori􀁄a􀁍 an􀁅 􀀤u􀁍tura􀁍 Monuments􀀊 o􀁇
t􀁉e 􀀱eo􀁑􀁍es o􀁇 t􀁉e 􀀳ussian 􀀧e􀁅eration
􀀷􀀪􀀦􀀸S: 1325115 􀀥􀀰􀀸􀀯􀀭􀀰􀀢􀀥S: 3682286
© 2004–2021, 􀀮inistry of Culture of the Russian
􀀧ederation (􀀮inistry of Culture of Russia)
􀀭ast update: 11:36 am 28 January 2021
􀀭egal re􀁒uirements for the official 􀁘ebsites of federal
e􀁙ecutive bodies
􀀧or 􀀥evelopers
􀀮inistry of Culture of Russia in social net􀁘orks:
125993 􀀰􀀮P-3, 􀀮osco􀁘, 7/6 􀀮aliy
􀀨ne􀁛dnikovsky 􀀭ane, bldg. 1, 2
􀀮osco􀁘, 7 􀀭eontievskiy 􀀭ine, bldg. 1􀀣, tel.: +7
(495) 629-10-10
[email protected]
R􀀢􀀵􀀦 􀀢􀀯􀀥 SH􀀢R􀀦 􀀥􀀰􀀸􀀯L􀀰􀀢􀀥
􀀧ilter 911710855640005 􀀩􀀢􀀷􀀦 􀀯􀀰􀀵 􀀧􀀪􀀯􀀥 􀀢􀀯 􀀦􀀯􀀵􀀳􀀺􀀠 Sho􀁘 by: 10
􀀧rom 1 to 1 of 1 posts is sho􀁘n
Monument to Lesya Ukrainka
911710855640005 Republic of
significance 􀀮onument 􀀯o 􀀯o
􀀰􀁃􀁋e􀁄t 􀀳e􀁈ister num􀁃er 􀀳e􀁈ion 􀀧u􀁍􀁍 a􀁅􀁅ress
􀀤ate􀁈ory o􀁇
􀁉istori􀁄a􀁍 an􀁅
􀀰􀁃􀁋e􀁄t ty􀁑e 􀀢􀁇􀁇i􀁍iation 􀁘it􀁉
􀀰n t􀁉e ma􀁑
􀀯e􀁘s 􀀢bout the portal
􀀱􀀢SS􀀱􀀰􀀳􀀵 􀀵􀀢􀀣L􀀦 M􀀢􀀱
􀀰pen data portal of the
􀀮􀀪􀀯􀀪S􀀵R􀀺 􀀰􀀧 C􀀶􀀭􀀵􀀶R􀀦 􀀰􀀧 􀀵H􀀦 R􀀶SS􀀪􀀢􀀯
􀀥􀀢􀀵􀀢 S􀀵􀀢􀀵􀀪S􀀵􀀪CS 􀀯􀀦􀀸S 􀀧􀀰R 􀀥􀀦􀀷􀀦􀀭􀀰P􀀦RS 􀀢PP􀀭􀀪C􀀢􀀵􀀪􀀰􀀯S 􀀢􀀣􀀰􀀶􀀵 􀀵H􀀦 P􀀰R􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀵􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀭􀀭
28 January􀀃2021
Scheme: 6 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021 􀀥􀀢􀀵􀀢: 49 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021
Saki Health Resort
Saki, Kurortnaya street,
the Republic of Crimea
https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn/49/260036 (search results received via https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn)
Annex 106
Appendix 1
to Resolution of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
No. 627 dated 20 December 2016
List of Cultural Heritage Sites of Regional Significance Located in the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of the cultural heritage
Time of the
event, date of
construction of
the cultural
heritage site
of the cultural heritage site
(hereinafter, "CHS")
1 2 3 4
Municipal formation Yalta urban district
826 Monument to Lesya Ukrainka
(sculptor – G.B. Kalchenko,
architect – A.F. Ignashchenko)
1971 Yekaterininskaya street/Narodniy
Lane, Yalta, the Republic of Crimea
Annex 106
􀀰􀁇􀁇icial 􀁘e􀁃site o􀁇 the Ministry o􀁇 􀀤ulture o􀁇 􀀳ussia 􀀐 􀀰pen 􀁅ata 􀀐􀀥ata
In􀁇ormation 􀁇rom the Uni􀁇ie􀁅 State 􀀳egister o􀁇 􀀤ultural
􀀩eritage Sites (􀀩istorical an􀁅 􀀤ultural Monuments) o􀁇
the 􀀱eoples o􀁇 the 􀀳ussian Fe􀁅eration
􀀷􀀪􀀦􀀸􀀴: 1325115 􀀥􀀰􀀸NL􀀰􀀢􀀥􀀴: 3682286
© 2004–2021, 􀀮inistry of Culture of the Russian
􀀧ederation (􀀮inistry of Culture of Russia)
Last update: 11:36 am 28 January 2021
Legal re􀁒uirements for the official 􀁘ebsites of federal
e􀁙ecutive bodies
􀀧or 􀀥evelopers
􀀮inistry of Culture of Russia in social net􀁘orks:
125993 􀀰􀀮􀀱-3, 􀀮osco􀁘, 7/6 􀀮aliy
􀀨ne􀁛dnikovsky Lane, bldg. 1, 2
􀀮osco􀁘, 7 Leontievskiy Line, bldg. 1􀀣, tel.: +7
(495) 629-10-10
[email protected]
R􀀢T􀀦 􀀢N􀀥 􀀴􀀩􀀢R􀀦 􀀥􀀰􀀸􀀯L􀀰A􀀥
􀀧ilter 911710906400005 􀀩A􀀷􀀦 􀀯􀀰􀀵 FI􀀯􀀥 A􀀯 􀀦􀀯􀀵􀀳􀀺􀀠 􀀴ho􀁘 by: 10
􀀧rom 1 to 1 of 1 posts is sho􀁘n
Monument to Lesya Ukrainka
(sculptor - G.B. Kalchenko,
architect - A.F. Ignashchenko)
911710906400005 Republic of
significance 􀀮onument No No
􀀰􀁃􀁋ect 􀀳egister num􀁃er 􀀳egion Full a􀁅􀁅ress
􀀤ategory o􀁇
historical an􀁅
􀀰􀁃􀁋ect type A􀁇􀁇iliation 􀁘ith
􀀰n the map
Ne􀁘s 􀀢bout the portal
􀀱ASS􀀱􀀰􀀳􀀵 􀀵ABL􀀦 MA􀀱
􀀰pen data portal of the
􀀮􀀪N􀀪􀀴TRY 􀀰􀀧 C􀀶LT􀀶R􀀦 􀀰􀀧 T􀀩􀀦 R􀀶􀀴􀀴􀀪􀀢N
􀀥􀀢T􀀢 􀀴T􀀢T􀀪􀀴T􀀪C􀀴 N􀀦􀀸􀀴 􀀧􀀰R 􀀥􀀦􀀷􀀦L􀀰􀀱􀀦R􀀴 􀀢􀀱􀀱L􀀪C􀀢T􀀪􀀰N􀀴 􀀢􀀣􀀰􀀶T T􀀩􀀦 􀀱􀀰RT􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢L
28 January􀀃2021
􀀴cheme: 6 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021 􀀥􀀢T􀀢: 49 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021
Yekaterininskaya street/
Narodniy Lane, Yalta,
The Republic of Crimea
https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn/49/264990 (search results received via https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn)
Annex 106
Appendix 1
to Resolution of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
No. 627 dated 20 December 2016
List of Cultural Heritage Sites of Regional Significance Located in the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of the cultural heritage
Time of the
event, date of
construction of
the cultural
heritage site
of the cultural heritage site
(hereinafter, "CHS")
1 2 3 4
Municipal formation Yalta urban district
835 Memorial sign in Tribute to
Lesya Ukrainka (painters –
S.A. Kirichenko, N.G. Klein,
E.S. Kirichenko)
1971 4th km of the bypass road, Yalta,
the Republic of Crimea
Annex 106
􀀰􀁇􀁇icial 􀁘ebsite o􀁇 the Ministry o􀁇 􀀤ulture o􀁇 􀀳ussia 􀀐 􀀰pen 􀁅ata 􀀐􀀥ata
􀀪n􀁇ormation 􀁇rom the Uni􀁇ie􀁅 State 􀀳egister o􀁇 􀀤ultural
􀀩eritage Sites (􀀩istorical an􀁅 􀀤ultural Monuments) o􀁇
the 􀀱eoples o􀁇 the 􀀳ussian 􀀧e􀁅eration
􀀷􀀪􀀦􀀸􀀴: 1325115 􀀥􀀰􀀸􀀯􀀭􀀰􀀢􀀥􀀴: 3682286
© 2004–2021, 􀀮inistry of Culture of the Russian
􀀧ederation (􀀮inistry of Culture of Russia)
􀀭ast update: 11:36 am 28 January 2021
􀀭egal re􀁒uirements for the official 􀁘ebsites of federal
e􀁙ecutive bodies
􀀧or 􀀥evelopers
􀀮inistry of Culture of Russia in social net􀁘orks:
125993 􀀰􀀮􀀱-3, 􀀮osco􀁘, 7/6 􀀮aliy
􀀨ne􀁛dnikovsky 􀀭ane, bldg. 1, 2
􀀮osco􀁘, 7 􀀭eontievskiy 􀀭ine, bldg. 1􀀣, tel.: +7
(495) 629-10-10
[email protected]
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Memorial sign in tribute to
Lesya Ukrainka (painters -
S.A. Kirichenko, N.G. Klein,
E.S. Kirichenko)
911710906480005 Republic of
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28 January􀀃2021
􀀴cheme: 6 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021 􀀥􀀢􀀵􀀢: 49 􀁇􀁄􀁗􀁈􀁇􀀃28 Jan 2021
4th km of the bypass road,
Yalta, Republic of Crimea
https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn/49/264999 (search results received via https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-egrkn)
Annex 106

Annex 107
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 627
“On the сlassification of сultural heritage sites as cultural heritage sites of
regional significance and identified cultural heritage sites”, 20 December

/Coat of Arms of the Republic of Crimea/
of 20 December 2016 No. 627
On the classification of cultural heritage sites as
cultural heritage sites of regional significance and
identified cultural heritage sites
In accordance with Article 9.2 of Federal Law of 25 June 2002 No.73-FZ “On cultural heritage sites
(historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation”, Article 2 of Federal Law of
12 February 2015 No. 9-FZ “On special aspects of legal regulation of relations in the field of culture and
tourism in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the
formation of new constituent entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal
city of Sevastopol”, Articles 83, 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, the Law of the Republic
of Crimea of 11 September 2014 No. 68-ZRK “On cultural heritage sites in the Republic of Crimea”,
Articles 2, 28, 41 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK “On the system of
executive bodies of the Republic of Crimea”
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea decrees as follows:
1. To classify the cultural heritage sites located in the Republic of Crimea as cultural heritage sites of
regional significance included in the unified state register of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural
monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix 1.
Annex 107
Appendix 1
to Resolution of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
20 December 2016 No. 627
List of Cultural Heritage Sites of Regional Significance Located in the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of cultural heritage site Time of the
event, date of
construction of
cultural heritage
of the cultural heritage site
(hereinafter – “CHS”)
1 2 3 4
Bakhchisaray District Municipality (CHS 96)
1074 Court Cemetery XVI - XVIII
133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, the Republic
of Crimea
Annex 107
Appendix 1
to Resolution of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 20 December 2016 No. 627
List of Cultural Heritage Sites of Regional Significance Located in the Republic of Crimea
No. Name of cultural heritage site Time of the
event, date of
construction of
cultural heritage
of the cultural heritage site
(hereinafter – “CHS”)
1 2 3 4
Bakhchisaray District Municipality (CHS 96)
1074 Court Cemetery XVI - XVIII
133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, the Republic
of Crimea
Annex 107
Annex 108
Federal Law No. 77-FZ “On introducing amendments into Articles 8 and
9 of the Federal Law ‘On the legal status of foreign citizens in the
Russian Federation’”, 17 April 2017

17 April 2017 No. 77-FZ
Adopted by the
State Duma
on 5 April 2017
Approved by the
Federation Council
on 12 April 2017
To amend the Federal Law of 25 June 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the
Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 30, Art. 3032; 2006,
No. 30, Art. 3286; 2008, No. 19, Art. 2094; No. 30, Art. 3616; 2010, No. 21, Art. 2524; No. 31, Art. 4196; No.
52, Art. 7000; 2011, No. 1, Art. 29; 2012, No. 47, Art. 6397; No. 53, Art. 7645; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3461; No.
30, Art. 4057; 2014, No. 16, Art. 1828; 2016, No. 1, Art. 58; No. 18, Art. 2505) as follows:
1) Article 8:
а) the following sub-paragraph 3.5 shall be added:
“3.5. The provisions of sub-paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not apply to the issuance of residence
1) to a foreign national who, or whose lineal ancestor, adoptive person or spouse was subject to illegal
deportation from the territory of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;
2) to a lineal descendant, adopted child or spouse of the foreign national set out in sub-clause 1 of this
Annex 108

Annex 109
Federal Law No. 239-FZ “On introducing amendments into the Law of
the Russian Federation ‘On mass media’”, 29 July 2017

29 July 2017 No. 239-FZ
Adopted by
The State Duma
21 July 2017
Approved by
Federation Council
25 July 2017
Article 1
The Law of the Russian Federation of 27 December 1991 No.2124-1 “On Mass Media" (Gazette of the
Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation,
1992, No.7, Article 300; Legislative Corpus of the Russian Federation, 2002, No.12, Article 1093; No.30,
Article 3029; 2003, No. 27, Article 2708; No.50, Article 4855; 2004, No.27, Article 2711; No.35, Article 3607;
No.45, Article 4377; 2008, No.52, Article 6236; 2011, No.25, Article 3535; No.30, Article 4600; 2012, No.31,
Article 4322; 2014,No.42, Article 5613; 2015, No.10, Article 1393; No.29, Article 4383; 2016, No.1, Article
84; No.27, Article 4214) shall be amended as follows:
1) Article 2 shall be complemented with the following paragraph:
“a registering body shall mean a federal executive body or its regional office authorized to register mass
media by the Government of the Russian Federation”
2) Paragraph 2 of Part 2 of Article 7 shall be amended to read as follows:
“a citizen serving a sentence in custody or having a previous conviction for committing crimes using the
media or information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, or for committing crimes
related to the extremist activities, as well as a citizen who has not reached eighteen years of age or declared
legally incapable by the court”
3) Article 8 shall be amended to read as follows:
“Article 8. Registration of mass media
The editorial board of a mass media outlet performs its activities after mass media registration, except
for the cases of relief from registration established by this Law.
A website in the information and telecommunication network “Internet” may be registered as an online
media in accordance with this Law. A website in the information and telecommunication network “Internet,”
which is not registered as a mass media, is not a mass media.
Application for registration of a mass media outlet whose products are intended for distribution mainly:
1) throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond its borders, shall be submitted by the
founder to the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation;
Annex 109
2) within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the territory of a municipal
district, shall be submitted by the founder to the regional office of the federal executive body authorized by
the Government of the Russian Federation;
3) on the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, shall be submitted by
the founder to the regional office of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian
Federation, in the manner established by the specified federal executive body.
An application for registration of a mass media outlet and the documents attached thereto shall be
submitted to the registering authority directly or sent by registered mail with recorded delivery. The applicant
has the right to send the above application and documents to the registering authority as electronic documents
signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, which includes using a Public Services Portal of the
Russian Federation.
Consideration of an application for a mass media registration shall be performed by the registering
authority within thirty business days as of the date of its receipt.
A mass media outlet shall be deemed registered as of the date of the registering body’s decision to
register a mass media outlet and to make a corresponding entry in the register of registered mass media. The
registering authority shall ensure that an entry is made in the register of registered mass media on the day of
the relevant decision.
Based on the decision to register a mass media outlet, an extract from the register of registered media
shall be issued or sent to the applicant within five business days.
The registering body shall maintain a register of registered mass media in the manner prescribed by the
federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The information contained in the register of registered mass media is open and available for
familiarization for any individuals and legal entities, except for cases where access to such information is
limited in accordance with federal laws.
Information on a specific mass media outlet shall be provided by the registering authority free of charge
within five business days as of receiving an application to provide such information.
Information on a specific mass media outlet shall be sent in a paper copy or as an electronic document
signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, as an extract from the register of registered mass media.
The form of an extract from the register of registered mass media is established by the federal executive body
authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The founder reserves the right to start the production of mass media products within one year as of the
date of its registration. In case this term is missed, the registration of a mass media outlet shall be deemed
invalid according to the procedure established by this Law”
4) in Article 10:
а) Part 1 shall be complemented with Paragraph 12 as follows:
“12) information on payment of the state duty”
b) Part 2 shall be amended to read as follows:
“The application shall be accompanied by documents confirming that the applicant observed the
requirements established by this Law when establishing a mass media outlet. Lists of such documents shall be
approved by the Government of the Russian Federation”
c) Part 3 shall be considered as no longer valid;
5) Article 11 shall be amended to read as follows:
Annex 109
“Article 11. Making changes to the mass media registration record and notifying the registration
Change of the founder, change of the co-founders, name (designation), language(s), approximate subject
matter and (or) specialization of a mass media, the territory of mass media products distribution, domain name
of the website in the information and telecommunication network “Internet” (for online media), as well as the
form and (or) type of mass information periodic distribution, are allowed only if the corresponding changes
are made in the mass media registration record. Changes to the registration record of a mass media outlet shall
be made in the same manner as the registration of a mass media outlet.
Within a month from the day of changing the location of the founder and (or) the editorial office, the
frequency of publication and the maximum volume of the mass media, the decision to terminate, suspend or
resume the activities of the mass media, the founder must notify the registering authority thereof. The
notification shall be submitted to the registering authority in writing directly or sent by registered mail with
notification of receipt. The notice may be submitted to the registration authority in the form of an electronic
document signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature, including via the single portal of state and
municipal services. The information contained in the notice shall be entered into the register of registered mass
media in accordance with the procedure for maintaining it. If the notice is submitted by an unauthorized person
or the information contained therein does not correspond to reality, such notice shall be returned.”
6) Article 13 shall be amended to read as follows:
“Article 13. Refusal to register a mass media outlet or to amend the registration record of a mass media
Refusal to register a mass media outlet or to amend the registration record of a mass media outlet is only
possible on the following grounds:
1) the application was submitted on behalf of a person who is not entitled to establish a mass media
outlet under this Law;
2) the information provided in the application does not correspond to reality;
3) name (title), language(s), approximate subject matter and (or) specialization of the mass media violate
the provisions of Part 1 of Article 4 of this Law;
4) the registering authority has previously registered a mass media with the same name (title) and form
of distributing mass information.
Making changes to the record on the mass media registration is not possible if there was previously
entered information on the suspension or termination of the mass media activity.
Notification on refusal to register a mass media outlet or to make changes to the record of registration
of a mass media outlet shall be sent to the applicant in writing, indicating the grounds for refusal as provided
for in this Law, within thirty business days from the date of receipt of the respective application.
In the case of filing an application for registering a mass media outlet or for amendment of the record
on registering a mass media outlet in the form of an electronic document, which includes using the Public
Services Portal of the Russian Federation, a notification on refusal to register a mass media outlet or amend
the mass media registration record shall be sent to the applicant as an electronic document signed with an
enhanced qualified electronic signature.
An application for registration of a mass media outlet or for amending the registration record of a mass
media outlet shall be returned to the applicant without consideration within thirty business days from the date
of receipt of the respective application, indicating the grounds for return:
1) if the application was submitted in violation of the requirements of Part 3 of Article 8 or Part 1 of
Article 10 of this Law;
Annex 109
2) if the application on behalf of the founder was submitted by a person who was not authorized for such
3) if the state duty was not paid.
After the violations are eliminated, the application is accepted for consideration”
7) Article 14 shall be amended to read as follows:
“Article 14. State duty
For state registration of a mass media outlet, amending the record of registration of a mass media outlet,
issuing a permit for distribution of products of a foreign periodical printed publication on the territory of the
Russian Federation, a state duty shall be paid in the amount and manner prescribed by the legislation of the
Russian Federation on taxes and fees.”
8) Article 15 shall be amended to read as follows:
“Article 15. Invalidation of mass media registration
Registration of a mass media outlet may be invalidated exclusively by a court through administrative
proceedings at the request of the registering authority in the event of:
1) if the information submitted by the applicant to the registration authority in accordance with Article
10 of this Law does not correspond to reality;
2) if a mass media outlet has not been published (or wasn’t on air) for more than one year;
3) if the charter of the editorial office or a replacing contract has not been submitted to the registering
authority within three months from the date of the first publication (broadcast) of the mass media;
4) if there was a repeated registration of the mass media.
The registration authority applies to the court with an administrative claim for recognition of the
registration of the mass media as invalid.
Within five business days as of receiving a final and binding court decision on invalidating the mass
media registration, the registering authority shall make a corresponding entry in the register of registered mass
In the event of the death of a natural person, the reorganization or liquidation of an association of citizens
or the termination of a legal person who is the founder of a mass media outlet and whose rights and obligations
have not passed to the editorial office in accordance with Part 4 of Article 18 of this Law, the registration of
the mass media outlet shall become invalid. The registering authority shall make a corresponding entry in the
register of registered mass media upon the expiry of one year from the moment of establishing the fact of the
death of a natural person, the decision to reorganize or liquidate an association of citizens or the entry of
information about the termination of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.”
9) in Article 16:
а) Part 3 shall be complemented with a sentence as follows: A warning is a non-normative act of the
registering authority issued with the aim of preventing violations of the legislation on the media and indicating
their impermissibility
b) Part 5 shall be amended to read as follows:
“The activities of a mass media outlet may also be suspended by court through administrative
proceedings at the request of the registering authority due to violation of the prohibitions and restrictions
Annex 109
established by Articles 7, 19, 19.1 of the Media Law”
c) Part 7 shall be amended to read as follows:
“The termination of the activities of a mass media outlet entails the invalidity of its editorial board’s
charter. The corresponding information on the termination of the activities of a mass media outlet shall be
entered into the mass media registration record.”
10) Article 19 shall be complemented with Part 6 as follows:
“A citizen serving a sentence in custody or having a previous conviction for committing crimes using
the media or information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, or for committing crimes
related to the extremist activities, as well as a citizen who has not reached eighteen years of age or declared
legally incapable by the court is not eligible for being an editor-in-chief.”
Article 2
This Federal Law shall come into force on 1 January 2018.
Moscow, Kremlin
29 July 2017
No. 239-FZ
of the Russian Federation
Annex 109

Annex 110
Order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 968-r
“On the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of
the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political,
social and religious revival of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian,
Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were illegally deported and
politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2017-2019”, 29
August 2017

of 29 August 2017 No. 968-r
On the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic
of Crimea of the Set of Measures for the restoration of
historical justice, political, social and religious revival of
the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar
and German Peoples, who were illegally deported and
politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21 April 2014 No. 268
“On measures to rehabilitate the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples and
to provide state support to their revival and development”, Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of
Crimea, Articles 2, 28, 41 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK “On system of
executive government bodies of the Republic of Crimea”:
1. To approve the Event Plan for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of
Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and religious revival of the Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were illegally deported and politically
repressed on ethnic and other grounds, for 2017-2019 (hereinafter - the Event Plan).
2. To the performers of the Event Plan:
2.1. To ensure timely performance of the Event Plan.
2.2. Submit information on the progress of the Event Plan to the State Committee on Interethnic
Relations and Deported Peoples of the Republic of Crimea on a quarterly basis by the 5th day of the
month following the reporting period.
3. The State Committee on Interethnic Relations and Deported Peoples of the Republic of Crimea
shall submit summarized information on the implementation of this Order to the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Crimea on a quarterly basis by the 15th day of the month following the reporting period.
4. To revoke the Orders of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea:
of 05 May 2016 No. 451-r “On approval of the Event Plan for the Implementation in the Republic of
Crimea of the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and religious revival of
the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were illegally deported and
politically repressed on ethnic and other grounds for 2016”;
of 06 September 2016 No. 1036-r “On amending the order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic
of Crimea of 05 May 2016 No. 451-r”.
5. Control over the implementation of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea - Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea Staff Opanasiuk L.N., Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea -
Minister of Internal Policy, Information and Communications Polonskiy D.A., Deputy Chairman of the
Council of Ministers Republic of Crimea Pashkunov A.N. in accordance with the distribution of functional
Head of the Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea - Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
to the Order of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 29 August 2017 No. 968-r
Event Plan
for the implementation in the Republic of Crimea of the Set of Measures for the restoration of historical justice, political, social and religious revival
of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German Peoples, who were illegally deported and politically repressed on ethnic and
other grounds, for 2017-2019
Name of the event Responsible performers Period of performance
I. Organizational and legal events
1 Monitoring the state of interethnic and ethnoconfessional relations,
sociological monitoring of key indicators of the state of interethnic
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
Annually, starting from 2017
II. Meeting the linguistic, ethnocultural and educational needs of the peoples of Crimea
2 Financial and organizational support in holding events dedicated to
dates memorable for the peoples of Crimea, including: Day of
Remembrance of Victims
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens
of the Deportation of the Italian People (29 January), Day of the
Revival of the Rehabilitated Peoples of Crimea (21 April), Day of
Remembrance of Victims of the Armenian People’s Tragedy (24
April), Crimean Tatar national holiday Hydyrlez (first third of
May), Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Deportation from
Crimea (18 May), Greek national holiday Panair (3 June),
international festival Great Russian Word (6-12 June), Armenian
national holiday Vardavar (July), Crimean Tatar national holiday
Derviza (21 September), republican festival Inflorescence of
Crimean ethnicities (September-October), Karaite harvest festival
on Chufut-Kale (October), Day of Remembrance of the Krymchaks
and Jewish people of Crimea - victims of Nazism (11 December)
of the Republic of Crimea, Ministry of Culture
of the Republic of Crimea
3 Organization of preparation and publication of educational and
methodological literature in the languages of the peoples of Crimea
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the
Republic of Crimea
Annex 110
4 Organization of preparation and publication of scientific,
methodological literature and fiction on the history and culture of
the peoples of Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens
5 Providing assistance to the creation and activities of national and
cultural autonomies and other public associations and organizations
of the peoples of Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
6 Identification of documents about the problem of deportation and
political repression of the peoples of Crimea in the archives of the
Republic of Crimea and provision of their copies to government
State Archival Service of the Republic of
Annually, starting from 2017
7 Providing assistance in the coverage by the state media of events
dedicated to the restoration of historical justice, political, social and
spiritual revival of the illegally deported and politically repressed
on ethnic and other grounds peoples of Crimea
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea,
Ministry of Internal Policy, Information and
Communications of the Republic of Crimea
Annually, starting from 2017
8 Organizational and financial support for the activities of the State
Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Crimea House of Peoples’
Friendship, the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of
Crimea Media Center named after Ismail Gasprinski
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
Annually, starting from 2017
III. Measures for the improvement of places of compact residence of the peoples of Crimea and the provision of other support to citizens from among
the peoples of Crimea
9 Conducting events for the social and infrastructural improvement of
places of compact residence of the repressed peoples in accordance
with the federal targeted program Social and Economic
Development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol
until 2020, approved by the Order of the Government of the
Russian Federation of 11 August 2014 No. 790
State Committee for Interethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
- Chief of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Staff
AnnexA 1n1n0ex110

Annex 111
Order of Roskomnadzor (the Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) No. 255 “On
approval of the procedure for filing an application for registration of a
mass media outlet whose products are intended for distribution mainly in
the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian
Federation”, 18 December 2017

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 27 April 2018 No. 50938
of 18 December 2017 No. 255
In accordance with Paragraph 3 of Part 3 of Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 27
December 1991 No. 2124-1 “On Mass Media” (Gazette of the Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian
Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 7, Article 300; Collected Legislation
of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 3, Article 169; No. 24, Article 2256; No. 30, Article 2870; 1996, No. 1,
Article 4; 1998, No. 10, Article 1143; 2000, No. 26 , Article 2737; No. 32, Article 3333; 2001, No.32, Article
3315; 2002, No.12, Article 1093; No. 30, Article 3029, Article 3033; 2003, N 27, Article 2708; No.50, Article
4855; 2004, No.27, Article 2711; No.35, Article 3607; No.45, Article 4377; 2005, No.30, Article 3104; 2006,
No.31, Article 3452; No.43 , Article 4412; 2007, No.31, Article 4008; 2008, No.52, Article 6236; 2009, No.7,
Article 778; 2011, No.25, Article 3535; No.29, Article 4291; No.30 , Article 4600; 2012, No.31, Article 4322;
2013, No.14, Article 1642, Article 1658; No.27, Article 3450, Article 3477; 2014, No.42, Article 5613; No.48,
Article 6651; 2015, No.10, Article 1393; No.29, Article 4383; 2016, No.1, Article 84; No.15, Article 2056;
No.27, Article 4213, Article 4214; 2017, No.24, Article 3479; No.31, Article 4827, Article 4788), I order to:
1. Approve the attached procedure for filing an application for registration of a mass media outlet whose
products are intended for distribution mainly in the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian
2. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Approved by
the order of the
Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology,
and Mass Media
of 18 December 2017 No. 255
Annex 111
1. This Procedure establishes the procedure for filing an application for mass media registration.
2. An application for mass media registration shall be submitted by the founder (co-founders) or a person
authorised to represent the interests of the founder (co-founders) (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant).
3. A power of attorney or its copy, certified in accordance with the procedure established by the
legislation of the Russian Federation, shall be signed by a person authorised to represent the interests of the
founder (co-founder) and attached to the application for mass media registration.
4. An application for registration of a mass media outlet whose products are intended for distribution
mainly in the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of one federal
district, shall be submitted by the founder to the regional office of the Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media in the corresponding federal district.
5. An application for registration of a mass media outlet whose products are intended for distribution
mainly in the territories of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of different
federal districts, shall be submitted by the founder to the office of the Federal Service for Supervision of
Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media in the Central federal district.
6. An application for mass media registration and documents attached thereto shall be submitted to the
regional office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass
Media directly or sent by registered mail with recorded delivery.
The Applicant has the right to send an application for mass media registration, signed with an enhanced
qualified electronic signature using the Federal State Information System “Public Services Portal of the
Russian Federation”.
7. When sending an application for mass media registration by mail or directly applying to the regional
office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media,
the documents are not checked for completeness.
8. When applying for mass media registration directly, a notice is issued to the Applicant, indicating the
date of receipt.
9. The application is considered filed as of the moment of its registration in the electronic document
management system of the regional office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications,
Information Technology, and Mass Media.
10. Registration of the application for mass media registration in the electronic document management
system shall be performed within one business day since the day of its receipt by the regional office of the
Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media. Following
the registration, the application is assigned a reference number.
11. An application for mass media registration shall contain a method of confirming the registration of
a mass media outlet.
12. Before the regional office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information
Technology, and Mass Media makes a decision to register a mass media outlet, the Applicant is entitled to
withdraw the application for mass media registration.
13. Amendments to the registration entry of a mass media outlet shall be made in the same manner as
the registration of the mass media outlet.
Annex 111
Annex 112
Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea No. 93-U “On establishing
the Council of Crimean Tatars under the Head of the Republic of
Crimea”, 29 March 2018

[Coat of arms]
On establishing t he Council of the
Crimean Tatars under the
Head of the Republic of Crimea
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No.
268 of 21 April 2014 "On the measures for rehabilitation of the Armenian,
Bulgarian, Greek, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support for their
revival and development", Articles 64, 65 of the Constitution of the Republic
of Crimea, in order to restore historical justice, political, social and spiritual
revival of the Crimean Tatars, subjected to illegal deportation and political
repression on an ethnic basis, I hereby issue a decree to:
1. To establish the Council of Crimean Tatars under the Head of the Republic
of Crimea whose composition is set out in Appendix 1.
2. To approve the Regulations on the Council of the Crimean Tatars under
the Head of the Republic of Crimea (Appendix 2).
Head of the Republic of Crimea
The city of Simferopol,
29 March 2018
NQ 93-U
Annex 112
2 Appendix 1
to the Decree
of the Head of the Republic of Crimea
N2 93-U of29 March 2018
of the Council of the Crimean Tatars under the Head
of the Republic of Crimea
Sergey Valerievich
Emirali Ablaev
Chingiz Fevzievich
Lemara Sergeevna
Lenur Azizovich
- Head of the Republic of Crimea,
Head of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea, Head of the Council;
- Mufti of Crimea, Deputy Head
of the Council;
- Principal of the State Budgetary
Educational Institution of Higher
Education of the Republic of Crimea
"Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical
University", Candidate of Technical
Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy
Head of the Council;
- Doctor of Philological Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Crimean
Tatar Philology and Oriental Philology
of the Taurida Academy of the Federal
State Autonomous Higher Education
Institution "Vernadsky Crimean Federal
University", Secretary of the Council.
Members of the Council:
- Chairman of the State Committee for
Inter-Ethnic Relations and Deported
Citizens of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 112
Aider Ametovich
Ruslan Talyatovich
Gayde Sinaverovna
Mekhti Mustafaevich
Aider Suleymanovich
Rustem Abdullaevich
Elmira Edemovna
Safie Lyumanovna
Enver Abliamovich
- Executive Secretary of the Mufti of
- Deputy of the Mufti of Crimea;
- Chief Doctor of the State Budgetary
Health Institution of Sevastopol
City Hospital No. 6";
- Vice-President of the Chamber of
Handicrafts of the Republic of
- Deputy Mufti of Crimea;
- Vice-President of the Crimean
Federation of the National Wrestling
- Artistic Director of the Crimean Tatar
Song and Dance Company
"Khaitanna" of the State Autonomous
Institution of Culture of the Republic of
Crimea "Crimean State Philharmonic";
- Director of the State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic of Crimea
"Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural
and Historic Heritage";
- Director of Limited Liability Company
"Industriya Razvitiya", Construction
Contractor of the Cathedral Mosque in
the city of Simferopol, Republic of
Annex 112
Aider Reshatovich
Fevzi Yakubovich
- Research Associate of the Research
Institute of Crimean Tatar Philology,
History and Culture of Ethnicities of
Crimea of the State Budgetary
Educational Institution of Higher
Education of the Republic of Crimea
"Crimean Engineering and
Pedagogical University";
- President of the State Budgetary
Educational Institution of Higher
Education of the Republic of Crimea
"Crimean Engineering and
Pedagogical University", Doctor of
Technical Sciences, Professor.
Annex 112
Appendix 2
to the Decree
of the Head of the Republic of
Crimea N􀁉 93-U of29 March 2018
On the Council of the Crimean Tatars under
the Head of the Republic of Crimea
1. General provisions
1.1. The Council of the Crimean Tatars under the Head of the Republic of
Crimea (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is a collegial, consultative
and advisory body of the Crimean Tatars under the Head of the Republic of
Crimea, created to define a set of measures for the effective
implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 268
of 21 April 2014 "On the measures for rehabilitation of the Armenian, Bulgarian,
Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state support of their revival and
development" in terms of restoring historical justice, political, social and spiritual
revival of the Crimean Tatars subjected to illegal deportation and political
repressions on an ethnic basis.
1.2. In its activities, the Council is guided by the Constitution of the
Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees of the
President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian
Federation, and the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, laws of the Republic
of Crimea, decrees and orders of the Head of the Republic of Crimea, resolutions
and orders of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, and this
1.3. The personal composition of the Council and the Regulation on the
Council are approved by the Head of the Republic of Crimea.
1.4. The Council operates on a permanent basis. As regards obtaining
information necessary for the fulfillment of the Council's tasks, it interacts with
public authorities of the Republic of Crimea, local governments of municipalities
in the Republic of Crimea, public associations, public organisations, as well as
enterprises and organisations of all forms of ownership operating in the Republic
of Crimea.
2. Tasks of the Council
2.1. The Council has the following Tasks:
2.1.1 formation and implementation of a set of measures to restore historical
justice, political, social and spiritual revival of the Crimean Tatars in
Annex 112
accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the
measures for rehabilitation of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean
Tatar and German peoples and state support for their revival and development" No.
268 of April 21, 2014, laws of the RSFSR No. 1107-1 of April 26 1991 "On the
rehabilitation of repressed peoples" and No. 1761-1 of October 18, 1991 "On the
rehabilitation of victims of political repressions", Article 10 of the Constitution of
the Republic of Crimea, as well as to create conditions for the full integration of
the Crimean Tatars into a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional Russian
2.1.2 identification and analysis of problems of the Crimean Tatars on the
territory of the Republic of Crimea, requiring solutions in accordance with the
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the measures for
rehabilitation of the Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and
German peoples and state support for their revival and development" No. 268 of
April 21, 2014, laws of the RSFSR of No. 1107-1 of April 26 1991 "On the
rehabilitation of repressed peoples" and No. 1761-1 of October 18, 1991 "On the
rehabilitation of victims of political repression";
2.1.3 analysis of the effectiveness and completeness of the implementation
in the Republic of Crimea of measures to restore historical justice, political, social
and spiritual revival of the Crimean Tatars in accordance with the Decree of the
President of the Russian Federation "On the measures for rehabilitation of the
Armenian, Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Crimean Tatar and German peoples and state
support for their revival and development" No. 268 of April 21, 2014, laws of the
RSFSR No. 1107-1 of April 26 1991 "On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples"
and No. 1761-1 of October 18, 1991 "On the rehabilitation of victims of political
3. Rights of the Council
When performing tasks assigned to it, the Council is entitled to:
3.1. request in the prescribed manner necessary information for the
implementation of its activities from the executive state bodies of the Republic of
Crimea, local governments of municipalties in the Republic of Crimea, public
and other organisations;
3.2. to invite to meetings of the Council representatives of public
authorities of the Republic of Crimea and local governments of municipalities in
the Republic of Crimea, citizens, experts and consultants, representatives of
scientific, research, design, analytical organisations and technological platforms,
public associations, representatives of trade unions and societies, business
communities, as well as the media to discuss issues relating to the objectives of the
Annex 112
4. Organisation and activities of the Council
4.1. The Chairman of the Council is the Head of the Republic of Crimea.
The Chairman of the Council manages the activities of the Council, presides over
meetings, organises the work of the Council, exercises general control over the
implementation of decisions made by the Council.
4.2. On the instructions of the Chairman of the Council or in the absence of
the Chairman of the Council, one of the Deputy Chainnen of the Council performs
his functions.
4.3. Organisational and technical work on the preparation, holding of
meetings and preparation of documents on the results of the work of the Council is
carried out by the Secretary of the Council.
4.4. Council meetings are the main form of work of the Council. Council
meetings are held as necessary, but at least once a quaiter.
4.5. The number of members of the Council is 15 people.
4.6. The agenda, date and order of the meeting of the Council are determined
by the Chainnan, and no later than two working days before the date of the
meeting, this information is sent to the members of the Council.
4. 7. The meeting of the Council is valid if at least 2/3 of its members are
4.8. Decisions of the Council are considered adopted if the majority of the
members of the Council present at the meeting voted for it. If the vote is a tie, the
presiding person at the meeting of the Council casts the deciding vote.
4.9. Council decisions are issued in the form of minutes. The minutes are
signed by the Chairman ( presiding person) and the Secretary of the Council and
sent to the members of the Council within a period not exceeding five working
days from the date of the meeting of the Council.
4.10. The materials of the meetings of the Council are open and within a
period not exceeding five working days from the date of the meeting of the Council
are posted on the portal of the Government of the Republic of Crimea.
4.11. Secretary of the Council:
4.11.1 ensures the f01mation of the agenda for Council meetings;
4.11.2 informs members of the Council about the date, place, time of the
meeting and about the issues included in the agenda, sends them materials for the
next meeting;
4.11.3 ensures the registration of members of the Council before the
beginning of the meeting.
4.12. Council members make proposals on the Council's work plan, the
agenda of its meetings and the order of discussion of issues, participate in the
preparation of materials for Council meetings.
4.13. Members of the Council are required to: personally take part in
meetings of the Council; vote on the issues discussed; implement the decisions of
the Council.
Annex 112
A member of the Council is excluded from the Council if he avoids
taking part in the work of the Council, commits actions that impede the
implementation of adopted decisions or discredit the decisions of the Council;
a written statement by a member of the Council.
5. Organisational, technical and informational support of the Council's
activities is provided by the State Committee for Inter-Ethnic Relations and
Deported Citizens of the Republic of Crimea.
Annex 112
Annex 113
Federal Law No. 317-FZ “On introducing amendments into Articles 11
and 14 of the Federal Law ‘On education in the Russian Federation’”,
3 August 2018

On Introducing Amendments into Articles 11 and 14 of the Federal Law
“On Education in the Russian Federation”
Adopted by the State Duma on 25 July 2018
Approved by the Federation Council on 28 July 2018
To amend the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” of 29 December 2012
No. 273-FZ (Collected Acts of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Article 7598; 2015, No. 18, Article
2625) as follows:
1) To supplement Article 11 with part 51 which reads as follows:
“51. The federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general and basic general
education shall provide an opportunity to obtain education in native languages from among the languages of
the peoples of the Russian Federation, to study the official languages of the republics of the Russian
Federation, native languages from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including
the Russian language as a native language.”;
2) in Article 14:
a) to supplement Part 4 after the words “study of a native language from among the languages of the
peoples of the Russian Federation” with the words “, including the Russian language as a native language,”;
b) to supplement Part 6 with the following sentence: “The free choice of the language of education, the
studied native language from among the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the
Russian language as a native language, the official languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, shall
be based on the applications of parents (legal representatives) of minor students when the latter are admitted
(transferred) into studying the educational programmes of preschool education and the state accredited
educational programmes of primary general and basic general education”.
OFFICE * President of
the Russian Federation *
President of the Russian
Federation V. Putin
Moscow, Kremlin
3 August 2018
No. 317-FZ
Annex 113

Annex 114
Federal Constitutional Law No. 3-FKZ “On introducing amendments into
Article 12-1 of the Federal Constitutional Law ‘On the admission of the
Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new
constituent entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of
Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol’”, 25 December 2018

On Introducing Amendments into Article 121 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the
Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the Formation of New
Constituent Entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the
Federal City of Sevastopol”
Approved by the State Duma 18 December 2018
Approved by the Federation Council 21 December 2018
Article 1
Introduce the following amendments to Article 121 of Federal Constitutional Law of 21
March 2014 No. 6-FZK “On the Admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation
and the Formation of New Constituent Entities in the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea
and the Federal City of Sevastopol” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014,
No. 12, Article 1201; No. 30, Article 4203; No. 45, Article 6129; 2016, No. 26, Article 3848;
2017, No. 1, Article 1; 2018, No. 1, Article 1):
1) in Part 1, the words “property, urban planning, land and” and the words “, as well as
relations in the field of cadastral registration of real estate and state registration of title to real
estate and transactions therewith” shall be deleted;
2) shall be supplemented with Parts 11 and 12 as follows:
“11. Until 1 January 2023, in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city
of Sevastopol, the specifics of regulation of property and land relations, as well as relations in the
field of cadastral registration of real estate and state registration of title to real estate and
transactions therewith, may be established by regulations of the Republic of Crimea and
regulations of the federal city of Sevastopol in agreement with the federal executive body
authorised to carry out legal regulation in the relevant area.
12. Until 31 December 2020, in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal
city of Sevastopol, the specifics of regulation of urban planning relations may be established by
regulations of the Republic of Crimea and regulations of the federal city of Sevastopol in
agreement with the federal executive body authorised to implement legal regulation in relevant
Annex 114
Article 2
This Federal Constitutional Law shall enter into force on 1 January 2019.
Moscow, Kremlin
25 December 2018
No. 3-FKZ
President of the Russian Federation V. Putin
President of the Russian Federation
Annex 114
Annex 115
Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea No. 46
“On introducing amendments into the Resolution of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Crimea of 24 June 2015 No. 350”, 25
January 2019

of 25 January 2019 No. 46
According to Article 84 of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, Article 41 of the Law of the
Republic of Crimea of 29 May 2014 No. 5-ZRK “On the System of Governmental Executive Bodies of the
Republic of Crimea”, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea hereby decrees:
to introduce the following amendments into Regulation of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Crimea of 24 June 2015 No. 350 “On Ensuring the Implementation of the Federal Target Program “Social and
Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020”
to replace figures “2020” by figures “2022” in the Regulation Title;
to replace figures “2020” by figures “2022” in the introductory part of the Regulation;
in the operative part of the Resolution:
paragraph 1 should read as follows:
“1. To identify sectoral governmental executive bodies of the Republic of Crimea, chief budget officers
and customers (developers) as regards measures financed within the framework of the federal target program
“Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2022” (hereinafter – FTP)
(Annex 1)”;
in paragraph 2 the words “customers (developers) to ensure FTP implementation” should be replaced
by the words “chief budget officers and customers (developers) to ensure FTP implementation”;
Annex 115
Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea –
Head of Staff of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea
Annex 1
to Resolution
of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 24 June 2015 No. 350
(as amended by Resolution
of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Crimea
of 25 January 2019 No. 46)
Annex 115
No. Area, Action Sectoral Government
Executive Bodies
Chief Budget Officer Customer (Developer) by
Measure (Action)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
379 Works on the preservation of the cultural heritage site: the
Khan’s Palace (XVI – XIX centuries) located at the address:
133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of Crimea
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
State Autonomous
Institution of the Republic
of Crimea “Directorate
for the Centralised
Service and Development
of Cultural Institutions”
380 As part of “Works on the preservation of the cultural heritage
site: the Khan’s Palace (XVI – XIX centuries) located at the
address: 133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of
Crimea - development of research and design documents for
the cultural heritage site: the Khan’s Palace: (133 Rechnaya
St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of Crimea) (Earl’s (Secular)
Building, the Khan’s Kitchen, Stable Building, Library
Building, Falcon Tower, Catherine’s Mile)
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
State Committee for Cultural
Heritage Preservation of the
Republic of Crimea
State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic
of Crimea
As part of “Works on the preservation of the cultural heritage
site: the Khan’s Palace (XVI – XIX centuries) located at the
address: 133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of
Crimea – development of research and design documents for
the cultural heritage site: the Khan’s Palace, XVI – XIX
centuries, (133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of
Crimea) (Main Building (repair and restoration works),
Three-Bridge Embankment, Harem)
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic
of Crimea
Annex 115
382 As part of “Works on the preservation of the cultural heritage
site: the Khan’s Palace (XVI – XIX centuries) located at the
address: 133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of
Crimea – development of research and design documents for
the cultural heritage site: the Khan’s Palace, XVI – XIX
centuries, (133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray, Republic of
Crimea) (Khan’s Mosque (stage II), Dilara Bikec Dürbe
Tomb, North Dürbe Tomb, South Dürbe Tomb)
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Crimea
State Budgetary
Institution of the Republic
of Crimea
387 “Bakhchisaray Palace and Park Complex (Khan’s Palace),
XVI – XIX centuries, (133 Rechnaya St., Bakhchisaray,
Republic of Crimea
State Committee for
Cultural Heritage
Preservation of the
Republic of Crimea
State Committee for Cultural
Heritage Preservation of the
Republic of Crimea
State Committee for
Cultural Heritage
Preservation of the
Republic of Crimea
Annex 115
Annex 116
Law of the Republic of Crimea No. 573-ZRK “On introducing
amendments into Article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea ‘On the
specifics of regulation of property and land relations in the territory of the
Republic of Crimea’”, 5 March 2019

On Introducing Amendments into Article 13 of the Law of the Republic of Crimea “On
Specifics of Regulation of Property and Land Relations in the Territory of the Republic of
Adopted by
the State Council of the Republic of Crimea 26 February 2019
Article 1
To introduce the following amendments to Article 13 of Law of the Republic of Crimea
of 31 July 2014 No. 38-ZRK “On Specifics of Regulation of Property and Land Relations in the
Territory of the Republic of Crimea”:
9. The state registration of title of the Republic of Crimea or a municipality of the
Republic of Crimea to land plots specified in Part One of this article is carried out on the basis of
a decision permitting the development of documentation, while the absence of information about
the category of land to which the land plot in question belongs, as well as about the type of its
permitted use, is not a reason for suspending the implementation of the state registration of title
of the Republic of Crimea or a municipality of the Republic of Crimea and the implementation of
its cadastral registration.
Article 2
This law shall enter into force in ten days after its official publication.
Head of the Republic of Crimea S. AKSYONOV
5 March 2019
No. 573-ZRK/2019
Annex 116

Annex 117
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 187 “On certain
categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons entitled to apply for
citizenship of the Russian Federation under the simplified procedure”, 29
April 2019

29 April 2019 No. 187
1. The following categories shall be allowed to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation under the
simplified procedure in accordance with Article 14(8) of the Federal Law of 31 May 2002 No. 62-FZ “On the
Citizenship of the Russian Federation”:
а) Ukrainian citizens having no citizenship (allegiance) of any other state who were born and
permanently resided in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, who left the above-mentioned
territories before 18 March 2014, and their children, including adopted ones, spouses and parents;
b) Stateless persons who were born and permanently resided in the territory of the Republic of Crimea
and Sevastopol, who left the above-mentioned territories before 18 March 2014, and their children, including
adopted ones, spouses and parents;
d) Foreign citizens and stateless persons who are lineal ancestors, the adoptive parents or spouses of
whom were illegally deported from the territory of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and
their lineal descendants, adopted children and spouses.
Annex 117

Annex 118
Order of the State Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the
Republic of Crimea No. 197 “On introducing amendments into the Order
of the State Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the Republic of
Crimea of 13 July 2017 No. 116 “On approval of the scope of protection
of the cultural heritage site of federal significance ‘Khan's Palace’, 16th –
19th centuries: Khan Mosque, 1740–1743”, 21 August 2019

21 August 2019 No. 197
On introducing amendments into the Order of the State Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the
Republic of Crimea of 13 July 2017 No. 116 “On approval of the scope of protection of the cultural heritage
site of federal significance “Khan's Palace”, 16th – 19th centuries: Khan Mosque, 1740–1743
In accordance with Federal Law of 25 June 2002 No. 73-FZ “On cultural heritage sites (historical
and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation” and minutes of the meeting of the
Scientific and Methodological Board on Cultural Heritage of the State Committee for Cultural Heritage
Protection of the Republic of Crimea No. 12-19 dated 9 August 2019,
I hereby order:
in accordance with data obtained as a result of research, to introduce changes into Order of the State
Committee for Cultural Heritage Protection of the Republic of Crimea of 13 July 2017 No. 116 “On
approval of the scope of protection of the cultural heritage site of federal significance “Khan's Palace”,
16th – 19th centuries” Khan Mosque, 1740–1743” located at the address: 133 Rechnaya St., Bldg. “Sh”,
Bakhchisaray, Republic of Crimea, and to attach a new version of the Appendix (attached).
Chairman (Signed) S.А. Efimov
Annex 118

Document Long Title

Volume III - Annexes 25-118
