Annexes Volume III

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Date of the Document
Document File

(Ukraine v. Russian Federation)
Submitted by the Russian Federation
Volume III
(Annexes 39 - 155)
9 August 2021

The Annexes contained in this Volume are either true copies of the original documents referred to in
the Counter-Memorial, or translations (marked accordingly) from their original language into
English, an official language of the Court, pursuant to Article 51 of the Rules of Court.
Pursuant to Article 51(3) of the Rules of Court, some translations are confined to parts of the annexes,
as indicated at the beginning of the respective annexes. In further compliance with this Rule, the
Russian Federation has provided two certified copies of the full documents in their original language
with its submission. The Russian Federation stands ready to provide more extensive partial
translations or a complete translation of submitted documents should the Court so require.

Annex 39 Record of Witness Interrogation of Eduard Ivanovich Dobrodeev, 9 October 2020
Annex 40 Record of Witness Interrogation of Irina Alekseevna Dobrodeeva, 16 February 2021
Annex 41 Letter of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation No. 82/1-6425-15,
13 September 2016
Annex 42 Letter from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine No. 14/1/1-25106-18,
20 November 2018
Annex 43 Letter from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine No. 14/1/1-24350-19,
16 September 2019
Annex 44 Letter from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine No. 14/1/1-25562-19,
26 December 2019
Annex 45 Letter of Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation
to the OSCE, to the Secretary General of the OSCE of 13 May 2020 No. 261 and Letter
of the Secretary General of the OSCE to Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent
Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE, of 6 July 2020
Annex 46 Intentionally omitted
Annex 47 Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 177 “On the organisation of
activity of stationary posts of the Road Patrol Service of the State Traffic Inspectorate
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”, 4 May 2011 (excerpts)
Annex 48 Donetsk Regional State Administration, Order No. 590 “On the organisation of work
of the Donetsk Regional State Administration and its structural divisions in the context
of the Anti-Terrorist Operation”, 29 July 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 49 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the approval of the list of localities
on the territory of which the state authorities temporarily do not exercise or do not
fully exercise their authority”, No. 1085-r, 7 November 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 50 Instruction on the procedure for implementing the norms of international humanitarian
law in the Armed Forces of Ukraine approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence
of Ukraine No. 164, 23 March 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 51 Criminal Code of Ukraine, 5 April 2001, Articles 258-4 and 258-5 (excerpts)
Annex 52 Official website of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. “RK TR 9K79 “Tochka”
(9K79-1 “Tochka-U”)”, 18 September 2013 (excerpts)
Annex 53 Latest information from the Information and Analysis Center of the National Security
and Defence Council of Ukraine, 17 July 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 54 Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence Council of
Ukraine, “The situation in the eastern regions of Ukraine – 11.01.15”, 11 January 2015
Annex 55 Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence Council of
Ukraine, “The Situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine – 13.01.15”, 13 January
Annex 56 Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence Council of
Ukraine, “The Situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine – 14.01.15”, 14 January
Annex 57 Ukraine, Oktyabrsky District Court of Mariupol, Case No. 263/574/15-k, Ruling,
15 January 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 58 Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence Council of
Ukraine, “The situation in the Eastern regions of Ukraine 24.01.2015”, 24 January
Annex 59 Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence Council of
Ukraine, “The situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine – 10.02.15”, 10 February
Annex 60 Ukraine, Volnovakha District Court of the Donetsk Region, Case No. 221/1370/15-k,
Judgment, 20 May 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 61 Ukraine, Novozavodsky District Court of Chernihiv, Case No. 729/743/15-k,
Judgment, 28 July 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 62 Ukraine, Volnovakha District Court of the Donetsk Region, Case No. 221/1556/15-k,
Judgment, 23 September 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 63 Ukraine, Kramatorsk City Court, Case No. 234/11709/15-k, Judgment, 12 October
2015 (excerpts)
Annex 64 Ukraine, Kramatorsk City Court, Case No. 234/16920/15-k, Ruling, 12 October 2015
Annex 65 Official website of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, “Operation ‘Industrial Area’”,
22 April 2016 (excerpts)
Annex 66 Official website of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, “O.
Turchynov on the Svitlodarsk Bulge: The Ukrainian Armed Forces will adequately
respond to all provocations of the Russian hybrid troops”, 21 December 2016
Annex 67 Ukraine, Dobropilsky City Court, Case No. 227/431/16-k, Judgment, 24 January 2017
Annex 68 Official website of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, “‘Now the situation in the
ATO is difficult, but controlled’ - Minister of Defence of Ukraine”, 29 January 2017
Annex 69 Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence Council of
Ukraine, “The situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine – 03.02.2017”, 3 February
Annex 70 Ukraine, Shevchenkivsky District Court of Chernivtsi, Case No. 727/3421/17, Ruling,
8 April 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 71 Ukraine, Court of Appeal of the Donetsk Region, Case No. 234/16050/15-k, Decision,
26 July 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 72 Ukraine, Dobropilsky City Court, Case No. 227/431/16-k, Judgment, 14 December
2017 (excerpts)
Annex 73 Ukraine, Selydovsky City Court, Case No. 242/3786/18, Ruling, 6 August 2018
Annex 74 Ukraine, Selydovsky City Court, Case No. 242/3538/18, Judgment, 17 October 2018
Annex 75 Ukraine, Svyatoshinsky District Court of Kyiv, Case No. 759/13012/18, Decision,
26 December 2018 (excerpts)
Annex 76 Security Service of Ukraine, Notices of suspicion to L. Kharchenko, I. Girkin, S.
Dubinskiy and O. Pulatov, 18 June 2019
Annex 77 Ukraine, Primorsky District Court of Mariupol, Case No. 265/4773/15-k, Judgment,
18 June 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 78 Ukraine, Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Mariupol, Case No. 265/6438/19,
Ruling, 6 November 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 79 Ukraine, Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Mariupol, Case No. 265/2434/20,
Judgment, 13 May 2020 (excerpts)
Annex 80 Official website of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, “Field artillery” (excerpts)
Annex 81 IPHR, “Rockets hit residential area in Kramatorsk, Ukraine”, February 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 82 Centre for Civil Liberties, “In search of justice: Investigation of crimes related to
violation of the right to life, the right to liberty and security of person, freedom from
torture committed in the anti-terrorist operation zone: shortcomings of the work of
investigative bodies and recommendations of human rights activists”, 2016 (excerpts)
Annex 83 Human Rights Watch, “Studying Under Fire, Attacks on Schools, Military Use of
Schools During the Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine”, 11 February 2016 (excerpts)
Annex 84 Human Rights Watch, “Ukraine: Dangers, Unnecessary Delays at Crossing Points”,
17 February 2017
Annex 85 Shelter Cluster Ukraine, Ukraine-Donbass Region, Shelter repairs in Avdiivka as
reported to the Cluster as of December 2016, 18 February 2017
Annex 86 Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, Overview of events in February 2017 at
certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 1 March 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 87 Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, Overview of events in March 2017 at certain
areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 1 April 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 88 International Partnership for Human Rights, Civic Solidarity Platform, Truth Hounds,
“Scorching Winter 2016-2017. Analysis of the shellings of residential areas in Eastern
Ukraine”, 2017
Annex 89 International Partnership for Human Rights, Civic Solidarity Platform, Truth Hounds,
“Scorching Winter 2016-2017. Analysis of the shellings of residential areas in Eastern
Ukraine” (Russian language version), 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 90 Kharkiv Human Rights Publisher, “Armed conflict in the East of Ukraine: the damage
caused to the housing of the civilian population”, 2019 (excerpts)
Annex 91 Ministry of Defence of the USSR, Textbook on Field Artillery Gunnery (For Artillery
Schools), Book One, Voenizdat Publishing House, Moscow, 1961 (excerpts)
Annex 92 Ministry of Defence of the USSR, Textbook on Field Artillery Gunnery (For Artillery
Schools), Book Three, Voenizdat Publishing House, Moscow, 1962 (excerpts)
Annex 93 Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Directorate of Rocket Forces and
Artillery of the Ground Forces, Manual for the Study of the Rules of Shooting and
Artillery Fire Control (PSiUO-2011), Moscow, 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 94 Commentary on Article 205, in Article-by-Article Commentary on the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation: in Two Volumes, Volume 2, 2nd Edition, Edited by A.V.
Brilliantov, Prospekt, 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 95 Commentary on Article 205, in Article-by-Article Commentary on the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation: in Four Volumes, Special Part, Section IX, Volume 3,
Editor-in-Chief V.M. Lebedev, Urait, 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 96 Slovo I Dilo, “The Situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine as of 20 May”, 20 May
2014 (excerpts)
Annex 97, “Kyiv-2 has been relocated to Donetsk Region and is at a checkpoint in
Volnovakha as ordered by Ministry of Internal Affairs, battalion commander says”,
10 October 2014
Annex 98 Interfax, “Head of the DPR Promised to Capture Kramatorsk, Slovyansk, and
Mariupol”, 23 October 2014
Annex 99 Donetsk News Agency, “DPR Ministry of Defence denounces DPR militia
involvement in shelling attack on a route taxi van near Volnovakha as disinformation”,
13 January 2015
Annex 100 Donetsk News Agency, “One Person Killed, Seven Wounded after a Ukrainian
Projectile Hit a Bus in Dokuchayevsk”, 16 January 2015
Annex 101 BBC News Russia, “Fighting breaks out again in eastern Ukraine”, 20 January 2015
Annex 102 Radio Svoboda, “Hostilities continue in the area of the Donetsk Airport - ATO
headquarters”, 21 January 2015
Annex 103 UNIAN, “ATO Headquarters: the militants are not attacking Mariupol, but they are
intensively shelling its outskirts”, 23 January 2015
Annex 104 Newsweek, “Civilians Caught in Crossfire as Ukraine Separatists Make Gains”,
23 January 2015
Annex 105, “Microdistrict 'Vostochny' in Mariupol is under shelling again”, 24 January
2015 (excerpts)
Annex 106 Ria News, “Zakharchenko: the militia are not going to assault Mariupol”, 24 January
Annex 107 Associated Press, “Police: 10 Killed in Mariupol Shelling in Ukraine”, 24 January
Annex 108 Slovo I Dilo, “Shelling of a Residential Area in Mariupol (Infographic)”, 24 January
2015 (excerpts)
Annex 109 BBC News Ukraine, “Shelling of Kramatorsk: at least seven people killed”,
10 February 2015
Annex 110 Los Angeles Times, “Missiles Strike eastern Ukrainian town, killing at least 15”,
10 February 2015
Annex 111 Ukraine Crisis Media Center, “Pro-Russian militants attacked Kramatorsk airport”,
10 February 2015
Annex 112 Ukraine Crisis Media Center, “Andriy Lysenko: OSCE identifies the direction from
which Kramatorsk was shelled”, 11 February 2015
Annex 113, “Grad shells exploded In Mariupol on Vostochny near the checkpoint. There
are battles for Sakhanka (UPDATE + PHOTO + VIDEO)”, 12 February 2015
Annex 114 Port News, “Cargo turnover at Mariupol (Ukraine) in the first 5 months of 2015
decreased by 35,5% and reached 3,812 mln tonnes”, 9 June 2015
Annex 115 Ukrainskaya Pravda, “Avdiivka. From disco to disco”, 23 June 2015 (excerpts)
Annex 116 (Kramatorsk city website), “Consequences of the shelling in Kramatorsk
(PHOTOS)”, 10 February 2016 (excerpts)
Annex 117 Glavnoe, “If there were no war: Arsen Karapetyan, Kherson (photo)”, 11 April 2016
Annex 118 BBC News Russia, “Why Avdiivka became the hottest spot in Donbass”, 15 April 2016
Annex 119 BBC News Ukraine, “What happened at the Svitlodarsk Bulge?”, 24 December 2016
Annex 120 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, “Anxious Ukraine Risks Escalation In ‘Creeping
Offensive’”, 30 January 2017
Annex 121 Dsnews, “Spontaneous counter-attack. The UAF take control over Avdiivka road
junction (MAP)”, 30 January 2017
Annex 122 Novaya Gazeta, “Fighting draw”, 31 January 2017
Annex 123 BBC News Ukraine, “Avdiivka: why is there an ongoing fighting for frozen trenches?”,
31 January 2017
Annex 124 Interfax, “Due to the shelling, 203 miners were trapped in the Donetsk mine”,
31 January 2017
Annex 125 (Donetsk city website), “In Donetsk, the Northern Water Supply Facility was deenergized
- part of the Kyivski District was left without electricity and heating”,
31 January 2017
Annex 126 Krym.Realii, “From Avdiivka: ‘The main thing is that the “Grads” stop “hammering”
from Donetsk’”, 31 January 2017 (excerpts)
Annex 127 AP Images, “Ukrainian servicemen load ammunition into a tank in Avdiivka”,
2 February 2017, 09:56:34
Annex 128 AP Images, “A Ukrainian serviceman walking past Ukrainian tanks in Avdiivka”,
2 February 2017, 09:51:44
Annex 129 AP Images, “Ukrainian servicemen loading ammunition into a tank in Avdiivka”,
2 February 2017, 09:54:46
Annex 130 Reuters, “Tanks are seen in the government-held industrial town of Avdiyivka”,
2 February 2017
Annex 131 Reuters, “Tanks are seen in the government-held industrial town of Avdiyivka”,
2 February 2017
Annex 132 Reuters, “Tanks are seen in the government-held industrial town of Avdiyivka”,
2 February 2017
Annex 133 AP Images, “Ukrainian servicemen load ammunition into a tank in Avdiivka”,
2 February 2017, 09:56:20
Annex 134 Ukrainskaya Pravda, “It became known how the aggravation began in Avdiivka”,
3 February 2017
Annex 135 European Pressphoto Agency, “Crisis in Ukraine”, 6 February 2017
Annex 136 Al Jazeera, “Avdiivka, evacuating again as fighting escalates”, 8 February 2017
Annex 137 Eurasia Daily Monitor, “Crawling Advance’: A New Tactic of Ukrainian Troops in
Donbas”, Vladimir Socor, Volume 14, Issue 16, 9 February 2017
Annex 138 The Guardian, “Violence flares in war-weary Ukraine as US dithers and Russia
pounces”, 14 February 2017
Annex 139 Glavcom, “Dmytro Tymchuk: Transfer of regular Russian troops is observed in several
directions at once”, 17 February 2017
Annex 140, “Damaged Mi-24P helicopters as a result of the shelling of
Kramatorsk on 10 February 2015”, 11 February 2019
Annex 141 Capital, “Will Ukrainian coking coal really become Ukrainian?”, 27 February 2020
Annex 142 Liga.Dossier, “Gerashchenko Anton, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”,
9 February 2021 (excerpts)
Annex 143 Nieuwsuur, “Thousands of secret MH17 tapes provide insight into the situation before,
during and after the disaster”, 11 April 2021 (excerpts)
Annex 144 NOS op 3, “MH17-Tapes”, “Responsibility”, 15 April 2021
Annex 145 Liga.Dossier, “Vyacheslav Abroskin, Rector of the Odessa University of Internal
Affairs, former First Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine”, 19 April 2021
Annex 146 VKontakte page “Reports from the Novorossiya’s militia”, post “16.07.14 19:42
Message from Igor Ivanovich Strelkov”, 16 July 2014
Annex 147 VKontakte page “Reports from the Novorossiya’s militia”, post “16.07.14. A big
review of the combat situation in the most important fighting locations over the past
day”, 16 July 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 148 VKontakte page “Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich”, post of 17 July 2014, 17:41
(Moscow time) containing a message from 17:37 (Moscow time)
Annex 149 VKontakte page “Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich”, post of 17 July 2014, 18:16
containing a message from 17:50 (Moscow time)
Annex 150 VKontakte page “Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich”, post of 17 July 2014, 22:00
Annex 151 Facebook page of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion, 2 October 2014
Annex 152 Facebook page of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion, 10 October 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 153 Facebook page ‘Kyiv’, 17 November 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 154 Facebook page of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion, 18 November 2014 (excerpts)
Annex 155 VKontakte page “It’s Dokuch, baby!” [Typical Dokuchayevsk], 30 November 2014

Annex 39
Record of Witness Interrogation of Eduard Ivanovich Dobrodeev,
9 October 2020

of Witness Interrogation
(place of issue)
The interrogation started at 9:30
The interrogation ended at 12:11
9 October 2020
Major of Justice D.M. Orlov, Deputy Head of the High-priority cases Investigation Department of the
Investigation D irectorate of the Investigative Committee of t he Russian F ederation f or t he Orlov
(position of the investigator (inquirer), class rank or title, last name, initials)
in office No. 404 of the Investigation Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for
the Orlov Region________________________________________________________________________
in accordance with Articles 189 and 190 (191) of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation,
interrogated the following individual as a witness under criminal case No. 201/837072-14:
1. Last name, first name, patronymic: Eduard Ivanovich Dobrodeev
2. Date of birth: 30 May 1967 in the village of Monogarovo of the
Livenskiy District of the Orlov Region
4. Place of residence and (or) registration: Orlov Region, the city of Livny, 3 Tsvetochny Lane,
Apt. 1, telephone 89534766004
5. Citizenship: Russian Federation
6. Education: vocational secondary
7. Marital status, family members: married
8. Place of work or study: Branch of “Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Orel” JSC in
Livny of the Orlov Region, driver
9. Military status: non-eligible for military service due to his age
10. Criminal background according to him, in 1988, the Livenskiy District
Court convicted him to eight years of imprisonment in a general penal colony under Article 117 of the Criminal
Code of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic; he was released on parole in 1992.
Witness /Signed/
11. Passport or other identity document of the witness: Passport series 54 11 No. 247651 issued on 6
July 2012 by the Inter-District Department of the Administration of the Federal Migration Service of Russia
for the Orlov Region in Livniy
12. Other personal information: none_____________________________________________
involving: no one___________________________________________________________________
(procedural status, last name, first name, patronymic of each person involved in the investigative activity and, if necessary, his or her address and other identity
Pages 2-3
I am warned about criminal liability for refusing to testify under Article 308 of the Criminal
Code of the Russian Federation and for intentionally making a false statement under Article 307 of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Witness /Signed/
As regards the merits of the criminal case, I can add the following to the previous testimony:
Annex 39
I have lived at the above address with my wife Larisa Anatolyevna Dobrodeeva, born on 2 February
1970, for the last 10–12 years. My daughter Kristina Eduardovna Dobrodeeva lives in Moscow since she
studies there – she is a fourth-year student at the Higher School of Economics at the President of the Russian
Federation. My father passed away a long time ago, while my mother lives in the village of Monogarovo of
the Livenskiy District of the Orlov Region. I also have a brother, Sergey Ivanovich Dobrodeev, born in 1968,
he lives in the village of Zdorovetskie Vyselki of the Livenskiy District of the Orlov Region, and he is an
individual entrepreneur in the area of cargo transportation in the territory of the Orlov and Moscow Regions.
He has not entered and does not enter the territory of Ukraine.
I studied at a secondary general school in the village of Zavodskoy of Livny, after which I graduated
from the Orlov Construction Secondary School in 1986. Then I served in the Soviet Army in the territory of
the Republic of Poland after which I left military service. I was senior sergeant and specialised in driving multiaxle
diesel vehicles. After I left military service, I returned to Livny where I was prosecuted for an attempted
rape, after which I was convicted and served my sentence at the Naryshkinskaya Penal Colony in the Uritskiy
District of the Orlov Region (Federal Public Institution, Penal Colony No. 5, Deputy Head of Department’s
note) until 1992. After I was released, I had various jobs, in particular, I worked as a turner at the Livenskiy
Counting and Computer Graphics Plant, an individual entrepreneur, and Head of the Raw Material Site of the
Livenskiy Concrete Product Plant, after which I was a master at the Self-Financing Road Construction Site.
Over the last 14 years, I have worked as a driver at the Branch of “Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Orel” JSC in
Livny of the Orlov Region. I do not work anywhere else.
I have no relatives in the territory of Ukraine and other countries. I have never been involved in
hostilities in the southeast of Ukraine and I have never been there. I have never been abroad and in
neighbouring states, including Ukraine and Belarus. I know about the developments in the southeast of Ukraine
and hostilities in the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics only from the
mass media, news releases on television, and various political talk shows. I personally do not support hostilities
and think that people both in Ukraine and other countries should live in peace and reach an agreement by
peaceful means. I have no relatives or acquaintances who are involved in hostilities in the territory of the selfproclaimed
Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.
I am not acquainted with Dmitry Dmitrievich Yakob, Svyatoslav Valeryevich Zhirenko, Alexey
Nikolaevich Andrienko, and Andrey Valeryevich Tikhonov, this is the first time that I have heard their names,
and I do not know who these people are.
I know nothing about any preparations to murder Anton Yuryevich Gerashchenko, a people’s deputy
of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and about persons engaged in these preparations; to be honest, I do not
even how who the above person is.
Witness /Signed/
The following statements were made prior to, during or upon completion of the witness interrogation
by the following participants:
the witness E.I. Dobrodeev _____________________________________________
(their procedural status, last name, initials)
Statements: not received Content of the statements: none
I have personally read the record.
(personally or aloud by the investigator (inquirer)
I have no comments on the record.
(content of statements or indication that there are none)
Witness: /Signed/
Other persons involved: _____________________
Deputy Head of Department: /Signed/
Annex 39
Annex 40
Record of Witness Interrogation of Irina Alekseevna Dobrodeeva,
16 February 2021

of witness interrogation
Volgograd 16 February 2021
(place of drawing up of the record)
The interrogation commenced at 20:00
The interrogation ended at 21:00
Senior Investigator of the First Division for Investigation of Especially Important Crimes of
(position of the investigator (inquirer),
the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for
rank, surname, initials)
the Volgograd Region, Senior Lieutenant of Justice I.Yu. Cheglov
at the premises: office No. 8 of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia
for the Volgograd Region
(which premises)
in accordance with Articles 189 and 190 (191) of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian
Federation, pursuant to an order interrogated the following individual as witness in criminal
proceedings No. 201/837072-14:
1. Full name Irina Alekseevna Dobrodeeva
2. Date of birth […]
3. Place of birth […]
4. Place of residence and (or) registration […]
Page 2
I would like to say the following in relation to the substance of the criminal case: the
above address is my address of registration, but I reside at a different address that I do not wish to
disclose. I am not registered with a narcologist or a psychiatrist, I have no head injuries and am able
to answer the investigator’s questions. I have been married to Eduard Viktorovich Dobrodeev [date
of birth …] since 11.05.2013 but we have not lived together nor kept in touch since September 2017,
I cannot give the exact date as I do not remember it. /Signed/
Question by the investigator: how would you describe Eduard Viktorovich Dobrodeev [date
of birth …], what do you know of his places of study or work in the past 10 years? Also, what do you
know of him doing service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, being held liable in
criminal or administrative proceedings or of E.V. Dobrodeev’s registration with specialist doctors?
Answer by the witness: I would describe E.V. Dobrodeev as a mediocre person, since he
does not take care of the children nor participates in their education or provides any help. In or about
January 2017, E.V. Dobrodeev began drinking alcohol to excess. /Signed/
I cannot comment where E.V. Dobrodeev studied since I neither know nor care to know about
that. Since 2013 E.V. Dobrodeev has been working at [place of work: …], as a driver if I am not
Annex 40
mistaken. I cannot say where E.V. Dobrodeev used to work prior to that because I do not know and
have never asked about that. I also do not know if E.V. Dobrodeev served in the Armed Forces of the
RF and have never asked him about it. As far as I am aware, E.V. Dobrodeev has not been registered
with a narcologist or psychiatrist, since he worked as a driver. As for him being held liable in criminal
proceedings, I do not know anything, perhaps, he was held liable in administrative proceedings for a
breach of traffic rules but I do not know for sure, it is only a suggestion. /Signed/
Question by the investigator: Has E.V. Dobrodeev been in the government service in the
Russian Federation (type of government service, whether he participated in military operations, etc.)
Answer by the witness: I cannot say whether E.V. Dobrodeev used to work for the
government since I do not know that, he has never told me about it and I have not asked. As far as I
am aware, E.V. Dobrodeev has not participated in any military operations, he has never mentioned
it. /Signed/
Question by the investigator: Do you or E.V. Dobrodeev have any relatives, friends or
acquaintances living in Ukraine? If yes, where exactly do they live, what is their occupation and in
what circumstances did E.V. Dobrodeev last see them?
Answer by the witness: I have no relatives, friends or acquaintances living in Ukraine.
Whether E.V. Dobrodeev has any relatives, friends or acquaintances in Ukraine I do not know. I
cannot say if E.V. Dobrodeev has met anyone from Ukraine in the past 10 years, but when we lived
together, I did not notice anything of the kind, we did not raise this topic and, as far as I am aware,
he did not travel to Ukraine when we lived together or communicated. /Signed/
Question by the investigator: What is your attitude to the ongoing military operation in
south-eastern Ukraine? What was E.V. Dobrodeev’s attitude to it?
Answer by the witness: I do not have any relation to the military operation in the southeastern
Ukraine and I have not read about this topic, not even in the news, since I am not interested.
I haven’t raised this issue with E.V. Dobrodeev either and I cannot say anything about his attitude to
the said military operations because I am unaware of his attitude or position in this regard. /Signed/
Question by the investigator: Has E.V. Dobrodeev travelled to south-eastern Ukraine since
2013? If yes, when and with what aim?
Answer by the witness: I lived with E.V. Dobrodeev from 2013 to September 2017 and I
was unaware that he made any visits to Ukraine in the said period /Signed/
since he has never told me about it. I cannot say anything with regard to E.V. Dobrodeev’s life,
interests and travel outside the Russian Federation since September 2017 because we do not keep in
touch and we are unconcerned with each other’s lives. I know from E.V. Dobrodeev’s relatives that
he is currently unemployed because in February 2019 he was diagnosed with [disease: …] and
suffered from memory loss as a result of that illness, as far as I know from E.V. Dobrodeev’s relatives,
but I cannot say how it has affected his conduct or interests. /Signed/
Witness /Signed/
The following statements were made prior to, during or upon completion of the interrogation of
the witness by the following participants: witness I.A. Dobrodeeva:
(their procedural status, surname, initials)
none. Details of the statements: n/a
Annex 40
Witness ./Signed/
The record was read by me personally
(personally, or read out loud by the investigator (inquirer))
Comments to the record: none
(contents of comments or indication of absence thereof)
Witness /Signed/
Senior Investigator: /Signed/
Annex 40

Annex 41
Letter of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
No. 82/1-6425-15, 13 September 2016

Prosecutor General’s Office of the
Russian Federation
15a B. Dmitrovka St.
GSP-3, 125993 Moscow, Russia
13.09.2016 No. 82/1-6425-15
Your ref. No. 14/3-31150-15
Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
Directorate for International Legal
Cooperation and European Integration
The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation presents its compliments to the Prosecutor
General’s Office of Ukraine and in accordance with the requirements of the Convention on Legal Aid and
Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Cases of 22 January 1993 and the European Convention on
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 20 April 1959 informs as follows in connection with the request
from the competent authorities of Ukraine for provision of legal aid in criminal proceedings No.
42014000000000457 against V.A. Starkov sent on 13 October 2015.
The initiator is seeking provision of documents in relation to the identity of V.A. Starkov.
It follows from the information No. 14/5-31150-15 provided by the Prosecutor General’s Office of
Ukraine on 22 August 2016 that following the court proceedings the Dzerzhinskiy District Court of the
Donetsk Region issued a sentence whereby V. Starkov was found guilty of criminal offences under Part 2 of
Article 28, Part 1 of Article 258-3, Part 2 of Article 28, Part 1 of Article 263, Part 2 of Article 322-1, Part 2 of
Article 28, Part 2 of Article 437 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and punishment was imposed on him. The
said sentence has entered into force.
Under the Russian criminal procedural law, any procedural steps can be taken only at the stage of pretrial
Therefore, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation is unable to fulfill this request
for legal assistance.
Head of the Legal Assistance Directorate of the
Main Directorate of
International Legal Cooperation /Signed/ I.D. Kamynin
Prepared by E.B. Stepanova
Tel. (495) 982-41-55
AS No. 426891
Annex 41

Annex 42
Letter from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
No. 14/1/1-25106-18, 20 November 2018

[Bar code: 202904040215]
[Handwritten: To be added to case file No. 82-19-2019 (Signed)]
[Coat of Arms]
Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine
13/15 Riznitska St., 01011 Kiev fax: 280-26-03
20.11.2018 No. 14/1/1 – 25106-18
Your ref. No.82/2-3444-2018 of 15.08.2018
Bulgakova of 14.12
Prosecutor General’s Office of the
Russian Federation
Main Directorate of
International Legal Cooperation
15a Bolshaya Dmitrovka St.,
GSP-3, 125993 Moscow, Russia
In response to the request for legal assistance in the criminal case No. 11802007703000100 against
[name: …] the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine hereby informs as follows.
The requested assistance cannot be provided on the grounds envisaged by Article 19 of the 1993
Convention on Legal Aid and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Cases and Article 2 of the 1959
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.
Head of the Department for
International Legal Cooperation /Signed/ E. Pikalov
[Stamp: Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine]
[Legal Aid Department of the
Main Directorate of International Legal Cooperation
19 DEC 2018
Prosecutor General’s Office of the
Russian Federation]
+38 044 596 73 92 [Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
Date: 18 December 2018 Time 10:39
No. VORG-97902-18]
Annex 42

Annex 43
Letter from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
No. 14/1/1-24350-19, 16 September 2019

[Bar code: 418302918210]
[Handwritten: To be added to case file No. 82-19-2019 (Signed)]
[Coat of Arms]
Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine
13/15 Riznitska St., 01011 Kiev fax: 280-26-03
16.09.2019 No. 14/1/1 – 24350-19
Your ref. No. 82/2-5112-2018 of 03.12.2018,
/Signed/. 22.08
Prosecutor General’s Office of the
Russian Federation
Main Directorate of
International Legal Cooperation
15a Bolshaya Dmitrovka St.,
GSP-3, 125993 Moscow, Russia
The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine hereby informs that the request for legal assistance in
the criminal case No. 11802007703000272 has been considered.
The assistance requested cannot be provided on the grounds envisaged by Article 2 of the 1959
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Article 19 of the 1993 Convention on
Legal Aid and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Cases.
Deputy Head of the Department for
International Legal Cooperation /Signed/ D. Petrov
[Stamp: Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine]
[Legal Aid Department (35/82) of the
Main Directorate of International
Legal Cooperation
03 OCT 2019 I
Prosecutor General’s Office of the
Russian Federation]
[Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
Date: 2 October 2019 Time 19:28
No. VORG-78857-19]
Annex 43

Annex 44
Letter from the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
No. 14/1/1-25562-19, 26 December 2019

[Bar code: 443941447210]
[Coat of Arms]
Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine
13/15 Riznitska St., 01011 Kiev fax: 280-26-03
26.12.2019 No. 14/1/1 – 25562-19
82/2-5179-2019 13.11.2019
Your ref. No. _______ of ________
Prosecutor General’s Office of the
Russian Federation
Main Directorate of
International Legal Cooperation
15a Bolshaya Dmitrovka St.,
GSP-3, 125993, Moscow, Russia
In response to the request of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Russian Federation for international legal assistance in the criminal case No. 11901007754000214
the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine hereby informs as follows.
Under Article 19 of the 1993 Convention on Legal Aid and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and
Criminal Cases the request for legal assistance is rejected because fulfillment of the above request contradicts
the laws of Ukraine.
Deputy Head of the Department for
International Legal Cooperation and
Repatriation of Assets /Signed/ A. Kovalenko
[Stamp: Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine]
[Handwritten: To be included in case file No.
82-19-2020 /Signed/]
[Legal Aid Department (35/82)
Main Directorate of International
Legal Cooperation
16 JAN 2020 I
Prosecutor General’s Office of the
Russian Federation]
[Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
Date: 15 January 2020 Time 16:34
No. VORG-3291-20]
Annex 44

Annex 45
Letter of Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent Representative of the
Russian Federation to the OSCE, to the Secretary General of the
OSCE of 13 May 2020 No. 261 and Letter of the Secretary General
of the OSCE to Alexander Lukashevich, Permanent Representative
of the Russian Federation to the OSCE, of 6 July 2020

Annex 45
Wallnerstrasse 6 Tel: Fax [email protected]
A-1010 Vienna, Austria +43-1-514 36-0 +43-1-514 36-6996
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The Secretary General Vienna, 6 July 2020
Dear Ambassador,
Thank you for your letter of 13 May 2020, requesting all “initial (ground level) patrol reports”
by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), concerning a number of incidents
from 2015 to 2017, which you have asked for in preparation of your response in proceedings
between Ukraine and the Russian Federation at the International Court of Justice.
I note that the SMM’s daily and weekly reports provide consolidated and corroborated
information, obtained by the Mission through its monitoring work. Any initial reports or notes
would constitute uncorroborated data, the disclosure of which could compromise the SMM’s
mandate, including by potentially undermining the SMM’s impartiality. Such disclosure might
also pose safety and security risks for SMM mission members.
Therefore, having carefully considered your request and consulted with the SMM Chief
Monitor, as well as the Albanian Chairmanship, I regret to inform you that the OSCE is not in
a position to provide the information requested.
H.E. Alexander Lukashevich
Permanent Representative
Permanent Representation of the Russian Federation to the OSCE, Vienna
Ambassador Igli Hasani
Chairperson of the OSCE Permanent Council
Permanent Representative of Albania to the OSCE
Ambassador Halit Çevik
Chief Monitor, SMM
Annex 45
Wallnerstrasse 6 Tel: Fax [email protected]
A-1010 Vienna, Austria +43-1-514 36-0 +43-1-514 36-6996
With regard to your request for the results of technical expertise or other analyses, please note
that the SMM is not mandated to prepare such reports or analyses.
I am copying this letter to the Chief Monitor and to Ambassador Hasani for their information.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Greminger
Annex 45

Annex 46
Intentionally omitted

Annex 47
Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 177 “On the
organisation of activity of stationary sosts of the Road Patrol Service of
the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”,
4 May 2011 (excerpts)

04.05.2011 No. 177
Registered with the Ministry of
Justice of Ukraine
on 24 May 2011
under No. 626/19364
On the organisation of activity of stationary posts of the Road Patrol Service of the
State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
{as amended by Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
No. 398 dated 06.07.2011
No. 619 dated 22.08.2011
No. 246 dated 27.03.2012
No. 845 dated 02.10.2012}
According to the Laws of Ukraine “On the Police”, “On road traffic”, Resolution of the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine of 10 October 2001 No. 1306 “On road traffic rules”, and to improve the
organisation of service by the road patrol detachments of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs, to intensify the fight against crimes connected with the use of motor
transport, and to assist road users, I HEREBY ORDER:
1. to approve:
1.1. the Regulations on Stationary Posts of the Road Patrol Service of the State Traffic Inspectorate
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (the “Regulations”), which are attached.
1.2. the Dislocation of Stationary Posts of the Road Patrol Service of the State Traffic Inspectorate of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, which is attached.
Annex 47
Page 6
Order of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs of Ukraine
04.05.2011 No. 177
(as amended by order of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Ukraine
02.10.2012 No. 845)
Stationary Posts of the Road Patrol Service of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
No. Stationary posts included in the Unified Dislocation
Post name Location
Donetsk Region
20 Volnovakha 178 km of Road N-20 Slovyansk-Donetsk-Mariupol
Annex 47
Annex 48
Donetsk Regional State Administration, Order No. 590 “On the
organisation of work of the Donetsk Regional State Administration and
its structural divisions in the context of the Anti-Terrorist Operation”,
29 July 2014

of 29 July 2014 No. 590
On the organisation of work of the Donetsk Regional State Administration and its structural
divisions in the context of the Anti-Terrorist Operation
as amended and supplemented by Orders of the Donetsk Regional State Administration
of 20 October 2014 No. 644,
of 18 November 2014 No. 692
As the Anti-Terrorist Operation is conducted in the territory of Donetsk and as it is impossible to
exercise powers vested with the Donetsk Regional State Administration, based on Articles 6, 25 of
the Law of Ukraine “On local state administrations”, Articles 32, 33 of the Code of Labour Laws of
1. To relocate temporarily the Donetsk Regional State Administration to Kramatorsk to the address:
2 Lenina Square.
Annex 48

Annex 49
Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the approval of the
list of localities on the territory of which the state authorities
temporarily do not exercise or do not fully exercise their authority”,
No. 1085-r, 7 November 2014

No. 1085-r of 7 November 2014
On the approval of the list of localities on the territory of which the state authorities
temporarily do not exercise or do not fully exercise their authority
1. To approve, in accordance with the Annex, the list of localities on the territory of which state
authorities temporarily do not exercise or do not fully exercise their authority.
Page 2
to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
No. 1085-r of 7 November 2014
of localities on the territory of which the state authorities temporarily do not exercise or do
not fully exercise their authority
Donetsk region
In the Novoazovsk Region:
Pionerske Village
Prymorske Village
Kominternove Village
Vodiane Village
Annex 49
Zaichenko Village
Shyrokyne Village
Berdianske Village
Pavlopil Village
Pyshchevyk Village
Chernenko Village
Lebedynske Village
Sopyne Village
Annex 49
Annex 50
Instruction on the procedure for implementing the norms of
international humanitarian law in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine No. 164,
23 March 2017

23.03.2017 No. 164
Registered in the Ministry of Justice
of Ukraine on
9 June 2017 at
No. 704/30572
On Approval of the Instruction on the procedure for implementing the norms of international
humanitarian law in the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Page 2
Order of the Ministry
defence of Ukraine
23.03.2017 No. 164
Registered with the Ministry
Justice of Ukraine
9 June 2017
No. 704/30572
on the procedure for implementing the norms of international humanitarian law in the
Armed Forces of Ukraine
Page 4
11. Military objective is any objective that by its nature, location, purpose or use can be used in
military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances
ruling at the time, offers a certain military advantage.
Military objectives include:
Annex 50
units of armed forces and organised armed formations (personnel, weapons and military equipment),
except for medical units, medical transports, religious personnel and their property.
objects (buildings, houses, positions, barracks, warehouses, and others) used or ready to be used for
military purposes;
other objectives which by their nature, location, purpose or use can be used in military action and
whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time,
offers a definite military advantage.
Military objectives are legitimate targets for attack.
A military objective remains such even if it accommodates civilians.
Annex 50
Annex 51
Criminal Code of Ukraine, 5 April 2001,
Articles 258-4 and 258-5 (excerpts)

[Stamp: Entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Acts]
With changes and amendments introduced by Laws of Ukraine […]
Dated 21 September 2006 No. 170-V, OVU, 2006, No. 41, Article 2725 […]
Dated 18 May 2010 No. 2258-VI, OVU, 2010, No. 39, Article 1293 […]
Article 2584. Contributing to commission of a terrorist act
1. Recruitment, arming and training of a person for the purpose of committing a terrorist act, as well as the
use of a person for this purpose
- shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.
2. The same acts committed against several persons either repeatedly, or by prior conspiracy by a group of
persons, or by an official using his official position,
- shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to ten years.
(Supplemented by Article 2584 in accordance with
Law of Ukraine dated 21 September 2006 No. 170-V;
As amended in accordance with
Law of Ukraine dated 18 May 2010 No. 2258-VI)
Article 2585. Terrorism financing
1. Terrorism financing, i.e. actions committed for the purpose of financial or material support of an
individual terrorist or terrorist group (organisation), organisation, preparation or commission of a terrorist
act, involvement in the commission of a terrorist act, public calls to commit a terrorist act, contributing to
commission of a terrorist act, creation of a terrorist group (organisation), -
shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to eight years with deprivation of the right to hold
certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to two years and confiscation of property.
2. The same acts committed repeatedly or for selfish motives, or by prior conspiracy by a group of persons,
or on a large scale, or if they have caused significant property damage, -
shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of eight to ten years with deprivation of the right to hold
certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years and with confiscation of
3. Actions provided for in Parts one or two of this Article, committed by an organised group or on a
particularly large scale, or if they have led to other serious consequences, -
shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to twelve years with deprivation of the right to hold
certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years and confiscation of property.
Annex 51
4. A person, other than the organiser or leader of a terrorist group (organisation), shall be released from
criminal liability for the actions provided for in this Article if he voluntarily reported criminal activity or
otherwise contributed to the cessation or prevention of a crime he financed or which he contributed to, prior
to being prosecuted, provided that his actions did not constitute another crime.
Note: 1. Terrorism financing is considered committed on a large scale if the amount of financial or material
support exceeds six thousand non-taxable minimum incomes.
2. Terrorism financing is considered to be committed in a particularly large scale if the amount of financial
or material support exceeds eighteen thousand non-taxable minimum incomes.
(Supplemented by Article 2585 in accordance with
Law of Ukraine dated 18 May 2010 No. 2258-VI)
Annex 51
Annex 52
Official website of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, “RK TR 9K79
“Tochka” (9K79-1 “Tochka-U”)”, 18 September 2013

Missile systems
The 9K79 Tochka tactical missile system (9K79-1 Tochka-U)
The 9K79 Tochka tactical missile system is designed to engage ground-based reconnaissance and
strike systems, command posts, aprons for aircraft and helicopters, reserve forces, depots for
ammunition and fuel, and other facilities.
Page 2
Launch range (for Tochka/Tochka-U), km:
• Maximum – 70/120;
Minimum – 15/15;
[18 September 2013, 20:04]
Annex 52

Annex 53
Latest information from the Information and Analysis Center of the
National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, 17 July 2014

Latest information of the Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine dated 17 July
Page 2
Information as of 12:00
Page 3
The situation in the area of ATO
After a forced break, yesterday the aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine resumed combat missions
in the area of the anti-terrorist operation. Fighter planes of the UAF struck several precision strikes at
“Grad” multiple launch rocket systems, checkpoints, strong points, accumulations of manpower and
equipment of mercenaries. The military transport aircraft continue to transport relief consignments.
Each such flight is a complex operation that requires high professionalism and courage of Ukrainian
pilots. Despite the heavy shelling and resistance of the militants, our troops heroically hold the
defence on the border. This is the most important task, since the loss of control over the border can
lead to the massive penetration of additional equipment and saboteurs into the territory of Ukraine.
During the day, 12 flights of Air Force aircraft and 17 flights of helicopters of the Army Aviation of
the Ground Forces were made in order to strike at the positions of militants, deliver humanitarian
supplies and search and rescue support.
Yesterday at about 13:00, using a portable anti-aircraft missile system the terrorists damaged a Su-25
aircraft that was performing a combat mission. The pilot flew the plane to a safe area and
successfully made an emergency landing. The pilot was not injured. The aircraft
was slightly damaged and can be repaired.
Fighting near Marynivka has not stopped since yesterday. Ukrainian servicemen beat off 4 powerful
enemy attacks. The militants attacked under the cover of 5 tanks and several armoured personnel
carriers. Our military destroyed 3 tanks, 2 APCs [armoured personnel carriers], and 3 terrorist
vehicles, which were delivering militants to the battlefield.
Annex 53

Annex 54
Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine, “The situation in the eastern regions of Ukraine –
11.01.15”, 11 January 2015

POSTED BY: IACADMIN 12:02 11/01/2015
Annex 54

Annex 55
Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine, “The Situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine –
13.01.15”, 13 January 2015

POSTED BY: IACADMIN 12:09 13/01/2015
16:54 10/04/2021
Annex 55
Annex 55

Annex 56
Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine, “The Situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine –
14.01.15”, 14 January 2015

POSTED BY: IACADMIN 12:15 14/01/2015
Annex 56

Annex 57
Ukraine, Oktyabrsky District Court of Mariupol, Case No.
263/574/15-k, Ruling, 15 January 2015 (excerpts)

Category of case No. 263/574/15-k: Administrative offence cases (since 01.01.2019); In
accordance with procedural law; In accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine;
Motion of the investigator, prosecutor, party to the criminal proceedings.
Sent by the court: 23.06.2015. Registered: 24.06.2015. Made public: 20.07.2015.
Effective date: 21.01.2015
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
Case No. 263/574/15-k
Proceedings No. 1-ks/263/245/2015
15 January 2015 Mariupol
Investigating judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Mariupol P.I. Papatsenko, with the secretary
I.Yu. Bezverbna, with the participation of the prosecutor D.M. Nates, defender PERSON_1,
investigator Y.O. Chelakh, suspect PERSON_2, having considered the materials of the petition of the
investigator of the Investigative Division of the Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine in the
Donetsk region PERSON_3 for application of a preventive measure in the form of detention regarding
Page 1
Namely, [on 5 December 2014], by prior arrangement with [a member of the terrorist organisation],
using mobile communications (mobile number NUMBER_1), PERSON_2 provided information
concerning the actual damage caused to the UAF positions (1st Self-Propelled Howitzer Artillery
Battery in the location area of the 1st Motorised Brigade near the village of Blizhne of the Volnovakha
District) by militants involving BM-21 MLRS fire from a temporarily occupied territory.
Annex 57

Annex 58
Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine, “The situation in the Eastern regions of Ukraine
24.01.2015”, 24 January 2015

POSTED BY: IACADMIN 12:03 24/01/2015
Annex 58

Annex 59
Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine, “The situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine –
10.02.15”, 10 February 2015

POSTED BY: IACADMIN 13:06 10/02/2015
Annex 59

Annex 60
Ukraine, Volnovakha District Court of the Donetsk Region, Case No.
221/1370/15-k, Judgment, 20 May 2015

Category of case No. 221/1370/15-k: Criminal cases (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Assistance to members of criminal organisations and concealment of their criminal
Sent by the court: 21.05.2015. Registered: 21.05.2015. Made public: 25.05.2015.
Effective date: 19.06.2015
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
Case No. 221/1370/15-k
Proceedings No. 1-kp/221/242/2015
20 May 2015, Volnovakha District Court of Donetsk region
Page 2
So, on 26 December 2014, PERSON_1, while in Volnovakha of the Donetsk Region, by making calls
from his mobile NUMBER_1 to mobile NUMBER 2, with knowledge that the latter was used by a
member of the criminal organisation DPR unknown to the pre-trial investigation (there are separate
proceedings in respect of this person), provided the latter with information that he had witnessed
regarding the movement, types, and number of military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
involved in the anti-terrorist operation and moving in the territory of Volnovakha of the Donetsk
Region and the village of Buhas of the Volnovakha District of the Donetsk Region, meaning that
PERSON_1 assisted members of the criminal organisation DPR in carrying out criminal activities
against state authorities and military units of Ukraine.
Annex 60

Annex 61
Ukraine, Novozavodsky District Court of Chernihiv, Case No.
729/743/15-k, Judgment, 28 July 2015

Category of case No. 729/743/15-k: Criminal cases (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Creation of a terrorist group or terrorist organisation.
Sent by the court: 28.07.2015. Registered: 29.07.2015. Made public: 31.07.2015.
Effective date: 30.05.2016
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
Case No. 729/743/15-k
Proceedings No. 1-kp/751/231/15
28 July 2015 Chernihiv
The Novozavodsky District Court of Chernihiv composed of
Page 2
Namely, on 31 January 2015 and 1 February 2015, PERSON_2, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk
Region, knowing that his actions were illegal, using a mobile telephone with call number
NUMBER_2, informed a member of the terrorist organisation “DPR” named PERSON_3 (call sign
PERSON_3) that units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were launching missiles in the direction of
DPR-controlled territory from the airfield near Kramatorsk.
On 2 February 2015, PERSON_2, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region, continuing his
criminal activity, using a mobile telephone with call number NUMBER_2, informed the member of
the terrorist organisation “DPR” named PERSON_3 (call sign PERSON_3) that units of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine were moving military equipment in the direction of the airfield near Kramatorsk.
Afterwards, throughout February 2015, PERSON_2, while in the territory of the Chernihiv Region,
continued his illegal activity by collecting information about units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
involved in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and located in the territory of Kramatorsk of the Donetsk
Region and neighbouring residential settlements.
Annex 61
Page 3
On 23 February 2015, PERSON_2, while in the territory of the Kozelets District of the Chernihiv
Region, having received from unidentified persons information about military equipment of units of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine moving across Izyum of the Kharkiv Region in the direction of Luhansk
and Artemivsk of the Donetsk Region, and information about units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
located in the territory of a former psychiatric hospital of Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region at 5
Moris Torez Street, continued his illegal activities and, using a mobile telephone with call number
NUMBER_2, conveyed the above information to the member of the terrorist organisation “DPR”
named PERSON_3 (call sign PERSON_3).
On 24 February 2015, PERSON_2, while in the territory of the Bobrovytsia District of the Chernihiv
Region, having received from an unidentified person information about military equipment of the
Ukrainian Armed Forces units moving from Kramatorsk in the direction of Druzhkivka of the
Donetsk Region, knowing that his actions were illegal, using a mobile telephone with call number
NUMBER_2, conveyed the above information to the member of the terrorist organisation “DPR”
named PERSON_3 (call sign PERSON_3).
PERSON_2, by taking deliberate action that consisted in the collection and transfer of information
about units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine involved in the Anti-Terrorist Operation, between August
2014 and February 2015, assisted the activities of the terrorist organisation that carried out terrorist
attacks in the territory of the Donetsk Region, and thereby committed a criminal offence under Part
1 of Article 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
In the court hearing, the accused PERSON_2 fully admitted his guilt in the criminal offences he
When he was arrested, he fully admitted his guilt, sincerely repented and assisted the investigator.
His telephone number is NUMBER_11. When he was in Kramatorsk, he conveyed information about
the launch of missiles from the airfield that half of the city heard and about military equipment moving
in the direction of Kostiantynivka or Druzhkivka. While in the territory of the Chernihiv Region, he
conveyed information about military equipment moving in the area of Izyum of the Kharkiv Region
Page 4
Thus, according to the report No. 100 of 8 May 2015 following counterintelligence and investigative
actions (“search”), namely searching for information in backhaul telecommunications networks in
accordance with the Ruling of the Head of the Court of Appeal of Kyiv No. 01-197 TSt of 14 January
2015, a mobile telephone with call number NUMBER_9 was used to make calls to mobile telephones
with call numbers NUMBER_3, NUMBER_4, while the communicant was in Makiivka of the
Donetsk Region, at 4 Uspenskoho Street or 1 Kiprenskoho Street, and at other addresses. The
conversation was between men named PERSON_2 and PERSON_3, in particular: on 31 January
2015 and 1 February 2015, PERSON_2 informed PERSON_3 about the launch of a missile from the
Annex 61
direction of the airfield, on 2 February 2015 – that a Tochka-U accompanied by four vehicles was
apparently moving in the direction of the airfield; on 12 February 2015 – that a Grad was moving in
the direction of Barvinkove, that Grads were at that time firing from the direction of Izyum in the
direction of Donetsk. On 16 February 2015, he reported that, according to Slovyansk residents, there
were two Tochka-U on the Karachun mountain, one of them allegedly sent to Kramatorsk, the other
– to Slovyansk, and they also discussed the distance to Slovyansk and other residential settlements;
on 23 February 2015, he provided information about rocket launchers moving in the direction of
Kramatorsk and, on 24 February 2015, he clarified that four units were moving from Kramatorsk to
According to a report following covert investigative activion of audio and video control exercised
over the person under criminal case No. 22015270000000017 of 3 March 2015, PERSON_2 recorded
PERSON_3 in his mobile telephone as “PERSON_6-sister”; PERSON_3 was interested in the
movement of military equipment across Kramatorsk, the location of soldiers in the territory of
Kramatorsk, how often telephone calls were to be made, if it was necessary or not to observe safety
measures, and so on.
Annex 61

Annex 62
Ukraine, Volnovakha District Court of the Donetsk Region, Case No.
221/1556/15-k, Judgment, 23 September 2015

Category of case No. 221/1556/15-k: Criminal cases (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Creation of a terrorist group or terrorist organization.
Sent by the court: 23.09.2015. Registered: 25.09.2015. Made public: 28.09.2015.
Effective date: 30.11.2016 (partial)
Result of the appeal: 30.11.2016 Court of Appeal of Donetsk region: the judgment was changed
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
Case No. 221/1556/15-k
Proceedings No. 1-ks/221/262/2015
Volnovakha 23 September 2015
Board of Judges of Volnovakha District Court of the Donetsk Region
Page 4
Thus, at 12:18 on 22 January 2015, PERSON_1, while in the territory of the village of Blizhne of the
Volnovakha District of the Donetsk Region (the pre-trial investigation authorities were not able to
establish the exact location), acting intentionally, using his own call number NUMBER_1, with the
aim of assisting members of the terrorist organisation Donetsk People’s Republic in the pursuit of
their criminal intentions to commit crimes in respect of servicemen of Ukrainian Armed Forces’ units
and other armed formations of Ukraine involved in the anti-terrorist operation, and to create
conditions facilitating that criminal activity, provided the above-mentioned members of the terrorist
organisation Donetsk People’s Republic with information regarding the location of positions of the
Ukrainian Armed Forces’ equipment near the villages of Rybinske and Blizhne of the Volnovakha
District of the Donetsk Region, using mobile call number NUMBER_2 with the knowledge that this
number was used by them.
Annex 62

Annex 63
Ukraine, Kramatorsk City Court, Case No. 234/11709/15-k,
Judgment, 12 October 2015

Category of case No. 234/11709/15-k: Criminal cases (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Creation of a terrorist group or terrorist organisation.
Sent by the court: 15.10.2015. Registered: 15.10.2015. Made public: 19.10.2015.
Effective date: 12.11.2015
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
Case No. 234/11709/15-k
Proceedings No. 1-kp/234/467/15
On 12 October 2015, panel of judges of the Kramatorsk City Court of the Donetsk Region […]
Pages 3-4
Namely, one day in early February 2015, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region, PERSON_1
spotted a military convoy of the Ukrainian Armed Forces composed of three Ural military trucks
moving along Ordzhonikidze Street in Kramatorsk in the direction of Slovyansk of the Donetsk
Region. On the same day, PERSON_1, while at ADDRESS_1, using his own mobile telephone with
call number NUMBER_1, intentionally informed a member of the terrorist organisation “DPR”, the
person in command of an armed surveillance unit of the “DPR”, who was at the address: 8A Ilyich
Street in Donetsk, using the latter’s call number NUMBER_2, about the movement of the above
military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces so that the armed formations of the terrorist
organisation “DPR” could plan and carry out terrorist acts in the future.
Then, throughout February 2015, PERSON_1, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region,
systematically observed military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces consisting of at least 40
Ural trucks at Ordzhonikidze Street in Kramatorsk moving in the direction of Slovyansk of the
Donetsk Region. After that, PERSON_1, at some time throughout February 2015 that the
investigation could not identify, continuing to realise his criminal intention, while at ADDRESS_1,
using his own mobile telephone with call number NUMBER_1, intentionally informed the member
Annex 63
of the terrorist organisation “DPR”, the person in command of an armed surveillance unit of the
“DPR”, who was at the address: 8A Ilyich Street in Donetsk, using the latter’s call number
NUMBER_2, about the movement of the above military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
so that this information could be illegally used by the armed formations of the terrorist organisation
“DPR” for planning and carrying out terrorist acts in the future.
Then, one day in April 2015, PERSON_1, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region, spotted
officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine guarding motor bridges at the intersection of
Saltykova Shchedrina, Zaliznychna, and Gorkoho Streets in Kramatorsk. On the same day,
PERSON_1, acting intentionally and with a single criminal intention, while at ADDRESS_1, using
his own mobile telephone with call number NUMBER_1, reported the above information that the
motor bridges were guarded to the member of the terrorist organisation “DPR”, the person in
command of an armed surveillance unit of the “DPR”, who was at the address: 8A Ilyich Street in
Donetsk, using the latter’s call number NUMBER_2, so that this information could be illegally used
by the armed formations of the terrorist organisation “DPR” for planning and carrying out terrorist
acts in the future.
Additionally, between 20 and 29 June 2015, PERSON_1 received from persons unidentified by the
investigation information about the movement on 21 June of a military convoy of the Ukrainian
Armed Forces at Shkilna Street in Kramatorsk in the direction of Krasnoarmiisk of the Donetsk
Region and about certain units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations that were
accommodated in the Kramatorsk Hotel (45 Sotsialistychna Street) and Kramatrosk City Hospital
No. 3 (31 Sotsialistychna Street).
Then, on 24 June 2015 at 21:49, PERSON_1, continuing to realise his criminal intention, while at
ADDRESS_1, using his own mobile telephone with call number NUMBER_1, intentionally reported
the above information about the movement on 21 June of a military convoy of the Ukrainian Armed
Forces and the accommodation of personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military
formations, to the member of the terrorist organisation “DPR”, the person in command of an armed
surveillance unit of the “DPR”, who was at the address: 8A Ilyich Street in Donetsk, using the latter’s
call number NUMBER_2, so that this information could be used for planning and carrying out
terrorist acts in the future.
As reported by Anti-Terrorist Operation headquarters in the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions, the
information that PERSON_1 conveyed to the member of the terrorist organisation “DPR”
PERSON_1, the person in command of an armed surveillance unit of the “DPR”, was reliable and
sufficient to cause damage to Ukraine’s defensive capacity.
On 20 July 2015, PERSON_1 was detained by law enforcement officers, thus ending his criminal
activities aimed at assisting the terrorist organisation “DPR”.
In the court session, PERSON_1 fully admitted his guilt and explained to the court that, in early
February 2015, while he was at the junction of Ordzhonikidze and Parkova Streets, he spotted three
Ural military vehicles moving in the direction of Slovyansk, and in February–March 2015, he saw at
the same place around 40 military trucks moving in the direction of Slovyansk, and conveyed that
information, using his mobile telephone, to PERSON_3 who was a member of the terrorist
organisation “DPR”. Besides, he also notified the latter about the bridge that was guarded.
Additionally, he learnt from people that officers of the Security Service of Ukraine lived in the
Annex 63
Kramatorsk Hotel and conveyed that information to PERSON_3 as well. In February 2015, when
talking with PERSON_3, he was furious about the shelling of Kramatorsk. He conveyed that
information because he was afraid they would return and do away with him and his family. He took
care of PERSON_3’s dogs, and received 2,000 hryvnias for that from the latter. He told things he
personally saw, learnt from people, newspapers, and the Internet. He does not sympathise with the
“DPR”. He is neutral. He shows repentance for his crime.
In the court hearing, the accused PERSON_1 explained that he fully admits his guilt in the crime
committed under Part 1 of Article 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He petitions the court to
have his case reviewed under procedure established by Part 3 of Article 349 of the Criminal
Procedural Code of Ukraine.
Page 6
to find PERSON_1 guilty of the crime under Part 1 of Article 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
and to establish a sentence under Article 69 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in the form of five years
of imprisonment with isolation of the convicted person in a secure penal facility, with no confiscation
of property.
Annex 63

Annex 64
Ukraine, Kramatorsk City Court, Case No. 234/16920/15-k, Ruling,
12 October 2015

Category of case No. 234/16920/15-k: Administrative offence cases (since 01.01.2019); In
accordance with procedural law; In accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine;
Motion of the investigator, prosecutor, party to the criminal proceedings.
Sent by the court: 15.10.2015. Registered: 16.10.2015. Made public: 20.10.2015.
Effective date: 12.10.2015
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
Case No. 234/16920/15-k
Proceedings No. 1-ks/234/4113/15
Pages 1-2
On examining the motion’s materials which include an excerpt from the Unified Register of Pre-Trial
Investigations No. 12015050390001382 of 8 July 2015 into a criminal offence under Part 4 of Article
296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the court
The reason behind the motion is that, on 2 March 2015, the Kominternovsky Joint District Military
Enlistment Office of Kharkiv conscripted Sergeant PERSON_3 for military service and, on the same
day, according to Order No. 53 of the Head of the Kharkiv Zonal Department of Military Police, he
was appointed as a head of a security, patrol and inspection group of a security, patrol and inspection
platoon of the military police of the above department.
Thus, according to Order No. 123 of the Head of the Kharkiv Zonal Department of Military Police of
25 May 2015, Sergeant PERSON_3, with effect from 26 May 2015, was dispatched to the
headquarters of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (Kramatorsk, Donetsk Region) where he served at the
Donetsk Zonal Department of the Military Police situated at the address: 10 Mayakovskovo Street,
Kramatorsk, Donetsk Region.
Annex 64
On 8 July 2015 at around 4:30 a.m., Sergeant PERSON_3, while in a state of alcoholic intoxication,
being illegally outside the location area of his unit, entered the sleeping quarters of the Donetsk Zonal
Department of Military Police (Donetsk Region, Kramatorsk, 10 Mayakovskovo Street), where
servicemen were resting, and - in flagrant violation of public order, acting intentionally and
unreasonably, showing a clear disregard for society, audaciously ignoring the rules of the quarters,
mutual respect and ethical principles in society, violating the right of others to take a rest at night in
accordance with their daily routine - started loudly shouting and cursing, preventing the other
servicemen from taking a rest.
Annex 64
Annex 65
Official website of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, “Operation
‘Industrial Area’”, 22 April 2016

Operation “Industrial Area”
22 April 2016, 14:46
The area of the so-called Avdiivka’s ‘Industrial Area’ and of the Yasynuvata junction remains One
of the hottest points on the АТО map
This small patch of land, confined from two sides by large parklands - that stretches along the
Yasinovskiy lane in the Old Avdiivka and houses several dilapidated industrial and logistical
buildings - has for a month represented an almost contiguous ‘anvil’, which the enemy strikes daily,
as if by a hammer, with varied armaments, in an attempt to force Ukrainian troops to retreat deep into
the city. In spite of heavy losses, the militants have repetitively advanced to close in on the Ukrainian
troops to the effective range of small arms, acting in small infantry groups, under high-calibre mortar
fire support and occasionally with the use of tanks and other armoured vehicles. And each time, upon
receiving some good kicks from our fighters, they return to their lines.
Pages 1-2
- The most interesting part began when they realized that now we could use our new positions to lay
effective fire on their checkpoint at the Yasynuvata junction and on the reinforced position under the
dilapidated bridge, from where they constantly fired with mortars, RPGs and SPGs. Now we also
control the shortest path they had to Horlivka, - tell scout fighters of the 58th Separate Mechanized
Infantry Brigade with the call signs “Grek” and “Starshina”.
When they understood that our troops can’t be forced from their positions by such actions, they began
to step up their efforts in the area. Shellings and fire assaults on this and neighbouring positions of
the Ukrainian army gained permanent character, wherein each time calibre of the “arguments” used
rises. In spite of all provisions of the Minsk agreements, 122mm and 152mm tube artillery has
appeared, as well as several tanks and armoured fighting vehicles. Subsequently, the militants hid
them in the adjacent woodlands. Moreover, the enemy moved from engagement with the use of
relatively small subversive-reconnaissance groups to infantry platoon operations.
Covering from constant heavy artillery barrages and repealing perfidious strikes, our scouts managed
to hold their positions in the ‘Industrial Area’ until the rotation. Our units on this front had to be
significantly reinforced, which contributed to the situation’s partial stabilisation.
The situation there remains turbulent. The militants continue mass shellings. Despite the mines,
bullets, and occasionally shells that ‘pour’ onto their heads, our boys hold their lines in the industrial
area of Avdiivka. [...]
Annex 65

Annex 66
Official website of the National Security and Defence Council of
Ukraine, “O. Turchynov on the Svitlodarsk Bulge: The Ukrainian
Armed Forces will adequately respond to all provocations of the
Russian hybrid troops”, 21 December 2016

O. Turchinov on the Svitlodarsk Bulge: the Armed Forces of Ukraine will adequately
respond to all provocations of the Russian hybrid troops
21 December 2016
O. Turchinov on the Svitlodarsk Bulge: the Armed Forces of Ukraine will
adequately respond to all provocations of the Russian hybrid troops,
Taking into account the aggravation of the situation in
the area of the Svitlodarsk Bulge, systemic
provocations by the Russian and terrorist groups and
the intensification of hostilities, Oleksandr Turchinov,
Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council
of Ukraine, arrived at the site where the situation was
aggravating and held there a meeting with the military
leadership of the Anti-Terrorist Operation.
When he was on the frontlines of the 54th Brigade,
which “heroically withstood the enemy’s offensive”, O.
Turchinov on examining the defensive positions of our
troops, discussed with the Ukrainian defenders the situation that had developed in recent days in
this section of the frontline. According to the Secretary of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine, for the fourth day in a row, our positions had been continuously shelled using
large-calibre artillery and mortars prohibited by the Minsk Agreements. “In terms of the number of
shells and mines used against our positions in the area of the Svitlodarsk Bulge, a kind of “record”
has been set – more than 800 per day,” he said.
“Despite continuous shellings and attempts to break through our defences, the Ukrainian military
did their duty with courage and professionalism, stopping the enemy and inflicting heavy losses,”
O. Turchinov said. He added that our military counterattacked, advanced, and took up new
positions, “which gave them an additional advantage over the enemy in this defence sector.”
“The Armed Forces of Ukraine will continue to respond adequately to any provocations of Russian
hybrid troops in all directions,” stressed the Secretary of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine.
Rights to all materials on this website belong to the Executive Office of the National Security and
Defence Council of Ukraine.
Annex 66

Annex 67
Ukraine, Dobropilsky City Court, Case No. 227/431/16-k, Judgment,
24 January 2017

Category of case No. 227/431/16-k: Criminal cases (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Creation of a terrorist group or terrorist organisation.
Sent by the court: 24.01.2017. Registered: 25.01.2017. Made public: 30.01.2017.
Result of the appeal: 16.06.2017 Court of Appeal of the Donetsk region: the sentence was
revoked in full with the return of the case for a new trial in the court of first instance.
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
24.01.2017 227/431/16-k
24 January 2017 Dobropillia
Dobropilsky City Court of the Donetsk Region […]
Page 5
Notwithstanding the plea of not guilty made by the accused PERSON_1, his guilt in
committing of the crime is confirmed by the following written and physical evidence examined at the
court hearing:
Page 6
- letter of 02.10.2015 No. 5405 in reply to letter No. 50/2576 of 02.10.2015, according to
which the Headquarters of the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the Donetsk and Luhansk Region reports
and confirms that, between 21 and 26 July 2015, military equipment and personnel of the UAF
involved in the ATO were located in Avdiivka of the Donetsk Region in the area of facilities where
a geological exploration was taking place and where coal yards are located near 122 Zavodska Street,
Yasinovatsky Lane, and that certain Ukrainian facilities in those positions came under fire in the
relevant period.
Annex 67

Annex 68
Official website of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, “‘Now the
situation in the ATO is difficult, but controlled’ - Minister of Defence
of Ukraine”, 29 January 2017

“Now the situation in the ATO is difficult, but controlled” — Minister of Defense of Ukraine
29 January 2017, 16:51 | ID: 26921
This was stated today, on January 29, by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, General of the army of
Ukraine, Stepan Poltorak during a conversation with wounded servicemen in the Lviv military
— “Today there is a serious exacerbation in the area of Avdiivka: in the morning [the DPR] began
shelling, and then, two enemy groups of 25-30 men each began storming our positions. At one of
the positions, this advance was stopped by military personnel of the Armed Forces, and at the other,
our troops went on the offensive and took up a crucial post of strategic importance. Unfortunately,
there are losses among our servicemen,” the Minister of Defense said. – “The situation in the area
of the ATO is difficult, but controlled.”
Annex 68

Annex 69
Information and Analysis Center of the National Security and Defence
Council of Ukraine, “The situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine –
03.02.2017”, 3 February 2017

POSTED BY: IACADMIN 13:23 03/02/2017
Previous post Next post
 
Annex 69

Annex 70
Ukraine, Shevchenkivsky District Court of Chernivtsi, Case No.
727/3421/17, Ruling, 8 April 2017

Category of case No. 727/3421/17: Administrative offence cases (since 01.01.2019); In
accordance with procedural law; In accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine;
Motion of the investigator, prosecutor, party to the criminal proceedings.
Sent by the court: 08.04.2017. Registered: 09.04.2017. Made public: 13.04.2017.
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
Case No. 727/3421/17
Proceedings No 1-ks/727/1104/17
8 April 2017 Shevchenkivsky District Court of Chernivtsy […]
Pages 2-3
On 1 February 2017, at 2:54 p.m., while in Mirnograd (Dimitrov), (the pre-trial investigation
failed to establish the exact location), PERSON_2, being aware of the fact that her son PERSON_4
serves in the so-called terrorist organisation “Donetsk People’s Republic” […], using her own cell
phone number NUMBER_1, reported to PERSON_4 the location of military equipment of the
Ukrainian Armed Forces at the address: 12 Turgenev Street in Avdiivka […]
On 5 February 2017, at 7:15 a.m., continuing her criminal activity, PERSON_2, while in
Mirnograd (Dimitrov), using her own cell phone number NUMBER_1, reported to PERSON_4, a
member of the terrorist organisation “Donetsk People’s Republic” (on the phone number
NUMBER_2 used by the latter) the location of military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at
the address: 12 Turgenev Street in Avdiivka,. […].
On 10 February 2017, at 12:23 p.m., continuing her criminal activity, PERSON_2, being in
the city of Myrnograd (Dimitrov), [...] using her own cell phone number NUMBER_1 transferred to
the cell phone number NUMBER_2 - used by PERSON_4, a member of the terrorist organisation
“Donetsk People's Republic” - information on the location of the positions of the Ukrainian Armed
Forces’ military equipment in Avdiivka, as well as on the deployment of a large number of equipment
and military personnel in the area of “Khimik” [...].
Annex 70

Annex 71
Ukraine, Court of Appeal of the Donetsk Region, Case No.
234/16050/15-k, Decision, 26 July 2017

Category of case No. 234/16050/15-k: Criminal cases (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Creation of a terrorist group or terrorist organisation.
Sent by the court: 01.08.2017. Registered: 01.08.2017. Made public: 03.08.2017.
Effective date: 26.07.2017
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
Case No. 234/16050/15-k
Proceedings No. 11-kp /775/47/2017
On 26 July 2017, a panel of judges of the Judicial Chamber for Criminal Cases and Cases of
Administrative Offenses of the Court of Appeal of the Donetsk Region in Bakhmut
composed of:
Page 1
Pages 2-4
Thus, in February 2015 (the court could not establish the exact date), PERSON_2, while in
Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region (the court could not establish the exact place of location),
identified the location of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the
Michurin Gardeners’ Partnership at the address: Donetsk Region, Kramatorsk, Parkovaya Street.
Moreover, in around February 2015, PERSON_2, while in the Konstantinovsky District of the
Donetsk Region (the court could not establish the exact place of location) identified the location of
military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the Road H-20 “Slovyansk-Mariupol” near
the residential settlement of Berestok of the Konstantinovsky District of the Donetsk Region. After
that, on 13 February 2015, while at his residence address, ADDRESS_2, using his personal computer
Annex 71
with a hard disk drive “Western Digital”, serial number WCAVU0039028, processed previously
obtained information – by plotting the location of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
on a map – and indicated the exact coordinates of their location and identified the names of military
vehicles (Smerch MLRS, Tochka-U tactical missile system, and tank positions), and saved the above
information on the hard disk drive in the files named “T.jpg”, “Konst.jpg” respectively, and, acting
intentionally, using his own email [email protected] - with a view to assisting members
of the criminal organisation “DPR” in their criminal intentions aimed at committing crimes against
servicemen of units of the UAF and other military formations of Ukraine involved in the Anti-
Terrorist Operation and creating conditions conducive to that criminal activity - conveyed the above
information about the location of the military equipment to a member of that criminal organisation
under the call sign of “Yamal” (who was in the temporarily uncontrolled by the Ukrainian government
authorities territory of the Donetsk Region) to the email of the latter – [email protected].
Besides, in around March 2015, PERSON_2, while in the area of the urban-type settlement of Yasna
Polyana of the Kramatorsk City Council of the Donetsk Region (the court could not establish the
exact location), identified the location of military equipment and units of the UAF in the area of the
urban-type settlement of Yasna Polyana, namely near Polyclinic No. 1 situated at the address:
11 M. Toreza Street, urban-type settlement of Yasna Polyana of the Kramatorsk City Council of the
Donetsk Region, and Kramatorsk Professional Economy and Machine Building Lyceum No. 65
situated at the address: 8 M. Toreza Street, urban-type settlement of Yasna Polyana of the Kramatorsk
City Council of the Donetsk Region. After that, on 11 March 2015, while at the address of his
residence, ADDRESS_2, using his personal computer with a hard disk drive “Western Digital”, serial
number WCAVU0039028, processed previously obtained information - by plotting the location of
military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a map - and indicated the exact coordinates
of their location and identified the names of military vehicles (armoured personnel carriers, armoured
reconnaissance vehicles), and saved the above information on the hard disk drive in the file named
“5.jpg”, and, acting intentionally, using his own email “[email protected]” - with a view
to assisting members of the criminal organisation “DPR” in their criminal intentions aimed at
committing crimes against servicemen of units of the UAF and other military formations of Ukraine
involved in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and creating conditions conducive to that criminal activity -
conveyed the above information about the location of the military equipment to the member of that
criminal organisation under the call sign of “Yamal” (who was in the temporarily uncontrolled by the
Ukrainian government authorities territory of the Donetsk Region), to the email of the latter –
[email protected].
Furthermore, in around March 2015, PERSON_2, while in Slovyansk of the Donetsk Region,
identified the location of units of the UAF in the area of Karachun mountain and, approximately in
the same time period, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region, PERSON_2 identified the location
of units of the UAF that were on duty guarding a road bridge across the Kazenny Torets River that
connects the areas of the Old Town with the Social Town of Kramatorsk. Besides, in around March
2015, PERSON_2, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region, identified the location of units of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine that were on duty guarding a road bridge across the Bilenka River that runs
from the motorway from Kramatorsk in the direction of Slovyansk of the Donetsk Region. After that,
on 17 March 2015, while at the residence of his address, ADDRESS_2, using his personal computer
with a hard disk drive “Western Digital”, serial number WCAVU0039028, processed previously
obtained information - by plotting the location of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
on a map - and indicated the exact coordinates of their location and identified the names of military
Annex 71
units (engineer troops), and saved the above information on the hard disk drive in the files named
“7_.jpg”, “8_.jpg”, “9_.jpg” and, acting intentionally, using his own email
[email protected]” - with a view to assisting members of the criminal organisation
“DPR” in their criminal intentions aimed at committing crimes against servicemen of units of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations of Ukraine involved in the Anti-Terrorist
Operation and creating conditions conducive to that criminal activity - conveyed the above
information about the location of the military equipment to the member of that criminal organisation
under the call sign of “Yamal” (who was in the temporarily uncontrolled by the Ukrainian government
authorities territory of the Donetsk Region), to the email of the latter – [email protected].
In March 2015, PERSON_2, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region, identified the movement
of military equipment of the UAF across Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region and in the direction of
Konstantinovka of the Donetsk Region and, on 17 March 2017, at 21:31:52, acting intentionally,
using his own phone number +380932349884 - with a view to assisting members of the criminal
organisation “DPR” in their criminal intentions aimed at committing crimes against servicemen of
units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations of Ukraine involved in the Anti-
Terrorist Operation and creating conditions conducive to that criminal activity - called the member
of that criminal organisation under the call sign of “Yamal” using the latter’s phone number
+380634970736 and, after he was thanked for the previously transferred maps, he conveyed
information about the movement of military equipment and units of the UAF to the latter.
On 19 March 2015, PERSON_2, while in Kramatorsk of the Donetsk Region, at 16:45:42, acting
intentionally, using his own phone number +380932349884 - with a view to assisting members of the
criminal organisation “DPR” in their criminal intentions aimed at committing crimes against
servicemen of units of the UAF and other military formations of Ukraine involved in the Anti-
Terrorist Operation and creating conditions conducive to that criminal activity - called the member
of that criminal organisation under the call sign of “Yamal” using the latter’s phone number
+380634970736 and received a task from the latter to collect and summarise intelligence information
about the location and movement of units of the UAF that were directly involved in the Anti-Terrorist
Operation in the Donetsk Region, in particular in the territory of Kramatorsk and Konstantinovka,
and promised to convey necessary information in several days.
Page 14
In view of the above, based on Articles 404, 405, 407, 419 of the Criminal Procedural Code of
Ukraine, the panel of judges
Page 15
to uphold the decision of the Kramatorsk City Court of the Donetsk Region of 10 June 2016 in relation
to PERSON_2.
Annex 71

Annex 72
Ukraine, Dobropilsky City Court, Case No. 227/431/16-k,
Judgment, 14 December 2017

Category of case No. 227/431/16-k: Criminal cases (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Creation of a terrorist group or terrorist organisation.
Sent by the court: 18.12.2017. Registered: 19.12.2017. Made public: 21.12.2017.
Effective date: 16.01.2018
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
14.12.2017 No. 227/431/16-k
14 December 2017 City Dopropillia
The Dobropilsky City Court of the Donetsk region […]
Page 7
On 3 August 2015 at 14:11:38, PERSON_7, while in Avdiivka of the Donetsk Region (the
pre-trial investigation failed to establish the exact location), using his own cell phone number
NUMBER_5, called PERSON_8, a member of the terrorist organisation DPR, on the phone number
NUMBER_6 that PERSON_7 knew that the latter used, and to assist members of the terrorist
organisation DPR in pursuance of their criminal intention to commit crimes against servicemen of
the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations of Ukraine involved in the Anti-Terrorist
Operation, and to create an environment conducive to the above crimes, reported to the latter the
location of military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Avdiivka of the Donetsk Region
(namely, at a brick factory).
Annex 72

Annex 73
Ukraine, Selydovsky City Court, Case No. 242/3786/18, Ruling,
6 August 2018

Category of case No. 242/3786/18: Administrative offence cases (since 01.01.2019); In
accordance with procedural law; In accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine;
Motion of the investigator, prosecutor, party to the criminal proceedings.
Sent by the court: 06.08.2018. Registered: 07.08.2018. Made public: 09.08.2018.
Effective date: 06.08.2018
Number of court proceedings: not identified
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations: not identified
(on temporary access to items and documents)
On 6 August 2018, Selydovsky City Court of the Donetsk Region […]
Page 1
In support of the arguments, the pre-trial investigation authorities indicated that it is necessary
to request from the mobile operator PJSC “Kyivstar” information on the connection of mobile
communication subscribers with the indication of the IMEI numbers of mobile terminals in the
coverage area of the installed base stations: 1) Donetsk region, Avdiivka, 15 Molodizhna Street (the
location of the volunteer battalion "Right Sector") […]
Annex 73

Annex 74
Ukraine, Selydovsky City Court, Case No. 242/3538/18, Judgment,
17 October 2018

Category of case No. 242/3538/18: Criminal cases (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Assistance to members of criminal organizations and concealment of their criminal
Sent by the court: 17.10.2018. Registered: 18.10.2018. Made public: 19.10.2018.
Effective date: 16.11.2018
Number of court proceedings: 1-kp/242/589/18
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations:
Case No. 242/3538/18
Proceedings No. 1-kp/242/589/18
17 October 2018
Selydovsky City Court of the Donetsk region […]
Page 2
On 30 May 2016, at 15:29:26 hours, PERSON_2, using a mobile phone, transmitted to a
Ukrainian citizen PERSON_3, a representative of the illegal armed group “DPR”, information that a
120mm mortar belonging to the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at the units of the illegal armed group
“DPR” for the entirety of the night in Avdiivka, Donetsk region, from the area of the so-called
“Ceramics factory”.
Annex 74

Annex 75
Ukraine, Svyatoshinsky District Court of Kyiv, Case No.
759/13012/18, Decision, 26 December 2018

Category of case No. 759/13012/18: Civil cases (before 01.01.2019); Separate proceedings; Cases
on establishing facts of legal significance.
Sent by the court: 24.01.2019. Registered: 25.01.2019. Made public: 28.01.2019.
Effective date: 25.01.2019
Number of court proceedings: 2-о/759/486/18
Case No. 759/13012/18
Proceedings No. 2-о/759/486/18
On 26 December 2018, the Svyatoshinsky District Court of Kyiv […]
Pages 1-2
In August 2018, PERSON_1 petitioned the court to establish a fact of legal significance, namely the
person asked the court to establish the fact that that he had been directly involved in combat activities
associated with the protection of independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine
during the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the area where it was conducted in the Donetsk and Lugansk
Regions as part of the Kyiv-2 special-purpose police battalion (the Kyiv-2 Battalion) of the Main
Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv from 1 October 2014 to 1 November
2014, from 3 January 2015 to 2 February 2015, and from 15 April 2015 to 15 May 2015.
In justification of his claims, PERSON_1 stated that he, PERSON_1, call sign PERSON_1, in 2014–
2015, voluntarily participated in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and combat activities in the east of
Ukraine as part of the Kyiv-2 Battalion of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of
Ukraine in Kyiv, in particular:
- from 8 August 2014 to 5 September 2014, as part of the Kyiv-2 Battalion, he was directly involved
in combat activities and combat missions in the area of the village of Chornukhyne of the Lugansk
Region situated near the so-called “Cross” in Debaltseve. When performing combat missions in the
Annex 75
Debaltseve and Chornukhyne Districts, he repeatedly came under artillery fire of illegal armed
groups, took part in missions aimed at detaining persons involved in the illegal referendum and related
to illegal armed groups. When taking part in a gunfight during one of the missions, when one member
of the Kyiv-2 Battalion was killed (his call sign was "17"), he administered first aid. He was part of
groups that guarded the area where the unit was stationed. He was directly involved in combat
activities when fighting against illegal armed groups in joint missions conducted by the Kyiv-2
Battalion with the 25th Territorial Defence Battalion “Kievan Rus’” on the outskirts of Debaltseve
and Chornukhyne. He repeatedly participated in combat missions aimed at identifying and searching
for the enemy’s firing positions as part of a reconnaissance group.
- from 1 October 2014 to 1 November 2014 and from 3 January 2015 to 22 January 2015, he was part
of the Kyiv-2 Battalion in Volnovakha of the Donetsk Region. He was on duty at a checkpoint,
patrolled the city as part of groups and also guarded critical facilities (government institutions,
bridges, communications facilities); as part of a joint group he went to demine and deactivate
explosive ammunition found by the locals and shells that had not exploded after artillery strikes; he
took part in a combat mission in the village of Hranitne of the Donetsk Region to collect and transfer
damaged weaponry to the rear and to inspect the population. When in Hranitne, he came under
machine-gun and mortar fire; on 17 January 2015, behind the village of Mykolaivka of the Donetsk
Region, he, as part of a detachment, was destroying firing positions. During that combat mission, he
came under Grad MLRS fire. On 20 January 2015, as part of an emergency task force, he was
evacuating wounded UAF servicemen and locals after shellings of the area of the village of
Novotroitske of the Volnovakha District of the Donetsk Region. As part of a task force, he was
involved in a combat mission aimed at liberating and destroying a sabotage group in cooperation with
detachments of the National Guard of Ukraine in the village of Trudove of the Volnovakha District
of the Donetsk Region.
- from 15 April 2015 to 15 May 2015, as a volunteer of the Kyiv-2 Battalion, he was in the village of
Krymske of the Novoaidarsky District of the Lugansk Region where he was on duty at the front line
and patrolled a certain perimeter of territory as part of an emergency task force. He repeatedly
deterred the activities of sabotage groups that attempted to take in the rear via the so-called “grey
zone” from temporarily non-controlled territory.
Pages 5-6
to establish the fact of legal significance that PERSON_1 was directly involved in combat activities
associated with the protection of independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine
during the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the area where it was conducted in the Donetsk and Lugansk
Regions as part of the Kyiv-2 special-purpose police battalion of the Main Directorate of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv from 1 October 2014 to 1 November 2014, from 3 January
2015 to 2 February 2015, and from 15 April 2015 to 15 May 2015.
Annex 75
Annex 76
Security Service of Ukraine, Notices of suspicion to L. Kharchenko, I.
Girkin, S. Dubinskiy and O. Pulatov, 18 June 2019

Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 76
Annex 77
Ukraine, Primorsky District Court of Mariupol, Case No.
265/4773/15-k, Judgment, 18 June 2019

Category of case No. 265/4773/15-k: Criminal case (before 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Creation of a terrorist group or terrorist organisation.
Sent by the court: 18.06.2019. Registered: 19.06.2019. Made public: 20.06.2019.
Effective date: 12.08.2019
Result of the appeal: on 12.08.2019, the Donetsk Court of Appeal: closure of the appeal review as
the appellant waived his/her claims
Number of court proceedings: 1-kp/266/81/19
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations:
Case No. 265/4773/15-k
Proceedings No. 1-kp/266/81/19
18 June 2019 Mariupol
A panel of judges of the Primorsky District Court of Mariupol of the Donetsk Region composed of:
Page 1
considered in open court, in the courtroom, criminal case No. 220150500000299 of 30.06.2015 in
relation to
PERSON_1, INFORMATION_1, a citizen of Ukraine, born in Mariupol of the Donetsk Region, married,
with no previous convictions, unemployed, who has a secondary vocational education, registered at
ADDRESS_1, and lives at ADDRESS_2,
who is accused of committing crimes under Articles 258-3, Part 1, 263, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of
Annex 77
Pages 3-7
Thus, in order to assist the members of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" in the
implementation of their malicious intentions to commit crimes against the military units of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine and other military formations of Ukraine involved in the anti-terrorist operation, and
to create conditions that contribute to this criminal activity:
On 12 January 2015 at 1:53 p.m. PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, using his own phone number NUMBER_1, by calling the member on the member’s
cell phone number NUMBER_2, reported information about the potential location of the positions of
military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Sartana and in Zaozerna Street in the Ilyichevsk
District of Mariupol of the Donetsk Region, to the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist
organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON _23. On 12 January 2015 at 2:31 p.m.,
the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call
sign PERSON _23 confirmed to PERSON_1 on the phone that he had taken note of that information.
On 12 January 2015 at 2:06 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, received an instruction from PERSON_2 (call sign
PERSON_2), a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation “Donetsk People’s
Republic”. The instruction was to collect information about the locations of military equipment of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine and its georeferenced coordinates.
On 12 January 2015, at 3:16 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by answering a call
from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, reported the results of the artillery shellings on the
locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out by members of illegal armed
groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic", to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2),
a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic".
On 12 January 2015, at 4:43 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, provided information about the
results of the artillery shellings on the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
carried out by members of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic",
to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation
"Donetsk People's Republic".
On 13 January 2015 at 8:52 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_1, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, confirmed to the member of illegal
Annex 77
armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23 that
he would go to the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled by the member and check the results
of the shelling.
On 13 January 2015 at 8:59 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_1, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, confirmed the results of the member’s artillery
shelling of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the member of illegal armed groups of the
terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 13 January 2015, at 9:01 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, reported the locations of military
equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the village of Mirne of the Telmanivsky District of the
Donetsk Region to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist
organisation “Donetsk People’s Republic”.
On 13 January 2015 at 10:08 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_1, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, confirmed to the member of illegal
armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23 that
he would go to the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled by the member and report the results
of the shelling to the member.
On 13 January 2015 at 10:52 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_1, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, informed a member of illegal armed groups of the
terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23, about the results of the
member’s artillery shelling of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
On 14 January 2015 at 10:51 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, received an instruction from
PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation
“Donetsk People’s Republic”. The instruction was to collect information about the coordinates of the
locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the village of Talakivka of Mariupol.
As instructed by PERSON_2, PERSON_1 was to report the above coordinates to the member of illegal
armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 14 January 2015 at 10:55 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_1, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, received an instruction from the
Annex 77
member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation “Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign
PERSON_23. The instruction was to inform him (PERSON_23) about the locations of units of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine.
On 14 January 2015 at 11:03 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_1, by sending an SMS to
the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, reported the coordinates of the locations of military
equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist
organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 14 January 2015 at 11:07 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_1, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, reported the locations of military
equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist
organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 14 January 2015 at 11:22 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by sending an SMS to
the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported the coordinates of the locations of military
equipment and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the member of illegal armed groups of the
terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 14 January 2015 at 11:25 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_7, reported the locations of units of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine near the village of Sartana of the Ilyichevsk District of Mariupol to the member of illegal
armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 14 January 2015 at 11:27 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_7, reported the locations of military equipment of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine near the village of Sartana of the Ilyichevsk District of Mariupol to the member
of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign
On 17 January 2015 at 11:59 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, reported to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a
member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic", that he
(PERSON_1) had sent the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the member
of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign
Annex 77
On 17 January 2015 at 12:41 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, reported the locations of military equipment of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine in the village of Sartana of Mariupol to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a
member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic".
On 17 January 2015 at 5:48 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_7, reported the results of the member’s
artillery shelling of the checkpoint of the Armed Forces of Ukraine located in the village of Vinogradne
of the Volnovakha District of the Donetsk Region and the locations of military equipment of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine near the village of Sartana of the Ilyichevsk District of Mariupol, to the member of
illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign
PERSON_23. PERSON_1 reported that he had had a telephone call with the member of illegal armed
groups of the terrorist organisation «Donetsk People’s Republic» with call sign PERSON_23, to
PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation
"Donetsk People's Republic", during a telephone call on 17 January 2015 at 5:53 p.m.
On 17 January 2015 at 6:37 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by sending an SMS to
the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported the coordinates of the locations of military
equipment and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the member of illegal armed groups of the
terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 19 January 2015 at 12:52 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, reported the coordinates of the locations of military
equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a member of illegal
armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic".
On 19 January 2015 at 12:57 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, reported additional
information about the coordinates of the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation
"Donetsk People's Republic", by calling the member on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4,
following their telephone conversation on 19 January 2015 at 12:52 a.m.
On 19 January 2015 at 7:37 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, reported the results of the artillery shelling of the
locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out by members of illegal armed
Annex 77
groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic", to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2),
a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic".
On 20 January 2015 at 11:28 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported the results of the member’s
artillery shelling of the urban-type village of Zoria of the Volodarskiy District of the Donetsk Region to
the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call
sign PERSON_23.
On 20 January 2015 at 5:46 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported the results of the member’s
artillery shelling to the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's
Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 20 January 2015 at 6:10 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported the results of the member’s
artillery shelling to the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's
Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 23 January 2015 at 3:46 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, received an instruction from the
member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign
PERSON_23. The instruction was to report the coordinates of the locations of military equipment of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Mariupol airport to the member.
On 23 January 2015 at 4:04 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by sending an SMS to
the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported the coordinates of the locations of military
equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist
organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 23 January 2015 at 4:18 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by sending two SMS
to the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported the coordinated of the locations of military
equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Mariupol airport to the member of illegal armed groups
of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
Annex 77
On 23 January 2015 at 4:22 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported updated information about the locations of
military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Mariupol airport and near the village of
Vinogradne of the Volnovakha District of the Donetsk Region to the member of illegal armed groups of
the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23. PERSON_1 reported
that he had had a telephone call with the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation
“Donetsk People’s Republic” with call sign PERSON_23, to PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a
member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic", during their
telephone calls on 23 January 2015 at 4:59 p.m. and at 5:02 p.m.
On 23 January 2015 at 5:56 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, informed PERSON_2 (call sign
PERSON_2), a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's
Republic", that he had reported the coordinates of the locations of military equipment of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine in the Mariupol airport to the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist
organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 24 January 2015 at 10:03 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, received an instruction from the member of illegal
armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23. The
instruction was to collect information about the movement of military equipment and units of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine near the village of Talakivka of Mariupol of the Donetsk Region and the village of
Orlovske of the Volnovakha District of the Donetsk Region.
On 24 January 2015 at 10:36 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by calling the member
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_6, reported the results of the member’s artillery shelling
of the Vostochny Micro-District of the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol to the member of illegal
armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic” with call sign PERSON_23.
On 24 January 2015 at 11:49 a.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, received an instruction from the
member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign
PERSON_23. The instruction was to collect information about the results of the member’s artillery
shelling of the locations of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the village of Gnutove.
On 24 January 2015 at 1:31 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_5, by calling the member
Annex 77
on the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_2, reported the results of the member’s artillery shelling
of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine located near the checkpoint in the village of Vinogradne
of the Volnovakha District of the Donetsk Region, to the member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist
organisation "Donetsk People's Republic" with call sign PERSON_23.
On 24 January 2015 at 3:02 p.m., PERSON_1, while in the Ordzhonikidze District of Mariupol of the
Donetsk Region, acting intentionally, using his own phone number NUMBER_3, by answering an
incoming call from the member’s cell phone number NUMBER_4, reported the coordinates of the
location of the checkpoint of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which the member below intended to use as
a target for next artillery shellings of the positions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to
PERSON_2 (call sign PERSON_2), a member of illegal armed groups of the terrorist organisation
"Donetsk People's Republic".
Officers of the Security Service of Ukraine put an end to the abovementioned criminal actions of
PERSON_1 by arresting him on 24 January 2015.
Page 8
When interrogated in court, the defendant PERSON_1 explained that he did not plead guilty to the charge
brought against him and said that, at the request of PERSON_2, he passed on to him general information
about the coordinates of the locations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and information that he found on
the Internet. When talking to PERSON_3, he also made acquaintance with PERSON_4 whose name he
did not know. He did not know that PERSON_5 and PERSON_6 belonged to the organisation "DPR"
and in general rejected the prosecutor’s evidence that the DPR was a terrorist organisation and that
PERSON_5 and PERSON_6 belonged to any illegal formations.
Despite the fact that the defendant PERSON_1 did not plead guilty to the charge brought against him,
the panel of judges believes that his guilt in the commission of criminal offenses is fully confirmed by
the evidence examined by the court and negates the position of the defendant which the court treats as a
way of defence that he chose in order to avoid criminal responsibility for the crimes he committed.
Page 11
According to the inspection protocol of 30 June 2015 - having conducted a comparative review of the
protocol based on the results of covert operative search activities carried out on 5 February 2015 on the
basis of intelligence and technical search in telecommunications systems and channels for signs or facts
Annex 77
of terrorist and other illegal activities of PERSON_1 under Nos. NUMBER_14, NUMBER_13,
NUMBER_22, NUMBER_19, PERSON_2 under No. NUMBER_23, as well as inspection protocols of
optical disks seized after receiving temporary access to mobile operators’ information about incoming
and outgoing connections of the above mobile numbers - the following mobile conversations were found:
12.01.2015 at 1:53:09 p.m. (0:02:08) PERSON_8 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the potential locations of the positions of military
equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Sartana and Zaozerna Street in Mariupol, Donetsk
13.01.2015 8:52:38 a.m. (0:00:55) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s visit to the site of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that came under artillery fire
conducted by PERSON_23 in order to check the results;
13.01.2015 8:59:58 a.m. (0:00:41) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s confirmation of the results of the artillery shelling of the positions of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine conducted by PERSON_23;
13.01.2015, 10:08:56 a.m. (0:00:32) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s confirmation of his departure to the site of the artillery shelling of the positions of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted by PERSON_23 and provision of information about the results
to the latter;
13.01.2015 10:52:12 a.m. (0:02:00) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the results of the artillery shelling of the positions of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted by PERSON_23;
14.01.2015 10:55:59 a.m. (0:00:55) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1's receiving an instruction from PERSON_23 to inform the latter about the positions
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
An SMS-message to PERSON_24 of 14.01.2015 at 11:03:06 a.m. with information about latitude and
longitude of the location of tanks and armoured fighting vehicles;
14.01.2015 11:07:26 a.m. (0:02:59) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine;
24.01.2015 1:31:58 p.m. (0:00:58) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the results of the artillery shelling of the positions of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted by PERSON_23 near the checkpoint in Vinogradne;
Annex 77
An SMS-message of PERSON_1 of 14.01.2015 at 11:22:01 a.m. with information about the locations of
military equipment and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for shellings;
14.01.2015 11:25:55 a.m. (0:01:28) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the location of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
near Sartana in Mariupol;
14.01.2015 11:27:43 a.m. (0:00:37) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine near Sartana in Mariupol;
17.01.2015 5:48:27 p.m. (0:01:47) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the results of the artillery shelling of the checkpoint
of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Vinogradne conducted by PERSON_23 and about the location of the
military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Sartana in Mariupol;
An SMS-message of PERSON_1 of 17.01.2015 at 6:37:10 a.m. with information about the location of
checkpoints of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
20.01.2015 11:28:52 a.m. (0:01:51) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the results of the artillery shelling of Zoria of the
Volodarskiy District of the Donetsk Region conducted by PERSON_23;
20.01.2015 5:46:37 p.m. (0:01:39) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the results of the artillery shelling conducted by
20.01.2015 6:10:52 p.m. (0:00:57) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the results of the artillery shelling conducted by
23.01.2015 3:46:19 p.m. (0:01:29) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine in the Mariupol airport;
An SMS-message of PERSON_1 of 23.01.2015 at 4:04:27 p.m. with information about the location of
tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
An SMS-message of PERSON_1 of 23.01.2015 at 4:18:01 p.m. with information about the location of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Mariupol airport;
Annex 77
23.01.2015 4:22:23 p.m. (0:01:40) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23 in
order to clarify information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in
the Mariupol airport and near Vinogradne;
24.01.2015 10:03:42 a.m. (0:01:06) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s receiving an instruction to collect information about the movements of military
equipment and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Talakivka, Mariupol and Orlovske of the
Volnovakha District;
24.01.2015 10:36:42 a.m. (0:01:04) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s provision of information about the results of the artillery shelling of the Vostochny
micro-district conducted by PERSON_23;
24.01.2015 11:49:23 a.m. (0:00:52) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_6 with call sign PERSON_23
about PERSON_1’s receiving an instruction to collect information about the results of the artillery
shelling of positions of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Gnutove conducted by PERSON_23,;
12.01.2015 2:06:26 p.m. (0:02:06) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about PERSON_1’s receiving
an instruction to collect information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine with georeferencing data;
12.01.2015 3:16:21 p.m. (0:08:03) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about the results of the artillery
shelling of the positions of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
12.01.2015 4:43:25 p.m. (0:08:28) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about the results of the artillery
shelling of the positions of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
13.01.2015 09:01:16 a.m. (0:02:57) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_25 about PERSON_1’s provision
of information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Mirne of
the Telmanskyi District of the Donetsk Region;
14.01.2015 10:51:01 a.m. (0:01:07) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about PERSON_1’s receiving
an instruction to collect information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine near Talakivka, Mariupol in order to convey that information to PERSON_11 with call sign
17.01.2015 11:59:29 a.m. (0:07:21) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about PERSON_1’s provision
of information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
17.01.2015 12:41:38 a.m. (0:01:35) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about PERSON_1’s provision
of information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Sartana,
Annex 77
17.01.2015 5:53:31 p.m. (0:01:33) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about PERSON_1’s provision
of information to PERSON_2 about the results of the artillery shelling of the positions of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine;
19.01.2015 12:52:45 a.m. (0:04:24) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about PERSON_1’s provision
of information about the coordinates of the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of
19.01.2015 12:57:20 a.m. (0:00:50) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about PERSON_1’s provision
of additional information about the locations of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
19.01.2015 7:37:54 p.m. (0:02:09) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON_2 about PERSON_1’s provision
of information about the results of the artillery shelling of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
23.01.2015 5:56:56 p.m. (0:02:08) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON _2 about PERSON_1’s provision
of information to PERSON_23 about the coordinates of the locations of military equipment of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine in the Mariupol airport;
24.01.2015 15:02:08 (0:00:52) PERSON_1 talked with PERSON 2 about PERSON_1’s provision of
information about the coordinates of the location of checkpoint of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (vol. 2,
case sheets 27–60).
Pages 15-16
According to restricted information taken from encrypted telegram No. 2712 of 12 March 2015 of the
headquarters of the Antiterrorist Operation in the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions concerning the locations
of military units and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as checkpoints of the
corresponding defence areas, and casualties suffered between 14.01.2015 to 24.01.2015 by units of the
Armed Forces of Ukraine, it follows that there were places where military units and equipment
temporarily stayed and checkpoints of the corresponding defence areas at the above coordinates in the
sector. Between 14.01.2015 and 24.01.2015, the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered the
following casualties after the shelling conducted by illegal armed groups:
14.01.15 total 5 military servicemen, one of them is dead (128th separate mountain assault brigade), four
of them are hospitalized (3 - company tactical team, 69 training facility, 1-17 separate tank brigade);
16.01.15 total 5 military servicemen, one of them is dead (73rd naval special warfare centre), three of
them are hospitalized (two from the 17th separate tank brigade, one from the 23rd separate infantry
Annex 77
18.01.15 total 2 military servicemen, both of them are hospitalized (23rd separate infantry battalion);
19.01.15 total 4 military servicemen, all of them are hospitalized (18th separate infantry battalion);
23.01.15 total 1 military serviceman, he is hospitalized (18th separate infantry battalion);
24.01.15 total 4 military servicemen, one of them is dead (17th separate tank brigade), three of them are
hospitalized (one from the 406th separate mountain assault brigade, 2 from the 17th separate tank brigade)
(vol. 1, case sheet 231).
According to restricted information taken from encrypted telegram No. 3679DSK of 20 June 2015 of the
headquarters of the Antiterrorist Operation in the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions about the location of
the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations involved in the Antiterrorist
Operation at the relevant coordinates and about the shellings they were subjected to, a fragment of the
map of Mariupol and the adjacent territories was attached to the encrypted telegram on which the relevant
eight points with coordinates are specified:
Point No.1 (В=47 °40 '14,88", L=47 °40 '32,77"), 14.01.15, 1 rocket artillery battery of the 17th separate
tank brigade, no shellings from 14.01.15 until 17.01.15.
Point No.2 (В=47°06'02,63", L=37 °43 '44,95 "), 14.01.15, company strongpoint No. 4015 of the 18th
Operational Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine, 1 rocket artillery battery of the 17th separate
tank brigade, no shellings from 14.01.15 until 17.01.15.
Point No.3 (В=47 °11 '40,72", L=37 °39'59,1b'), 17.01.15, 2nd battalion task force of the 17th separate
tank brigade, a mortar shelling was recorded on 17.01.15 , no casualties;
Point No.4 (В=47°11'24,90", L =37 °40'21,40"), 19.01.15, 2nd battalion task force of the 17th separate
tank brigade, a mortar shelling was recorded on 17.01.15 , no casualties;
Point No.5 (В=47°12'27,97", L=37°37'13,49"), 14.01.15 – a mine field;
Point No.6 (В=47 °07 '09,34", L=37 °42 '08,30"), 23.01.15, company strongpoint No. 4014 of the 18th
Operational Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine, a BM-21 shelling was recorded on 23.01.15, no
Point No.7 (В=47°04'41,98", L=37 °27'27,28") 23.01.15, a command post of Sector M, no shelling from
23.01.15 until 26.01.15.
Point No.8 (В=47°06'02,00", L=37°28'36,77"), 23.01.15, checkpoint 4003 of the National Guard of
Ukraine, no shelling from 23.01.15 until 26.01.15. (vol. 1, case sheets 230,232,233).
Page 21
Annex 77
The panel of judges does not take into account the position of the defendant that the prosecution has not
proved that he conveyed information to the persons who served in the DPR units and that he passed only
publicly available information.
Page 25
In view of the above, the court concludes that the guilt of the defendant is fully proven and his actions
are qualified under Art. 258-3, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine because he otherwise assisted the
terrorist organisation, and under Article 263, Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine because he
purchased, carried, and kept firearms, ammunition and explosives without any legal permit.
Page 28
According to Articles 373, 374 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, the panel of judges
to find PERSON_1 guilty of committing crimes under Article 258-3, Part 1, Article 263, Part 1 of the
Criminal Code of Ukraine and to impose a sentence on him:
Annex 77
Annex 78
Ukraine, Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Mariupol, Case No.
265/6438/19, Ruling, 6 November 2019

Category of case No. 265/6438/19: Criminal cases (since 01.01.2019); Proceedings at the motion
of law enforcement organs, at the request of the investigator, prosecutor and other persons for
temporary access to items and documents.
Sent by the court: 08.11.2019. Registered: 12.11.2019. Made public: 13.11.2019.
Effective date: 06.11.2019
Number of court proceedings: 1-ks/265/4196/19
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations:
Case No. 265/6438/19
Proceedings No. 1-ks/265/4196/19
on temporary access to items and documents
6 November 2019 Mariupol city
Investigating judge of Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Mariupol, Donetsk Region […]
Page 1
According to the investigator, at present there is a need for temporary access to information on
communication of terminal devices of telecommunication services consumers, base stations of
cellular communication of the Ukrainian operators serving the area, namely: […] 3. The location of
the DUK PS (Ukrainian Volunteer Corps “Right Sector”), 15 Molodizhna Street, Avdiivka,
(48.133554, 37.746755); 4. Location of the DUK PS (Ukrainian Volunteer Corps “Right Sector”)
249 Soborna Street, Avdiivka, in order to identify persons involved in the commission of a criminal
Annex 78

Annex 79
Ukraine, Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Mariupol, Case No.
265/2434/20, Judgment, 13 May 2020

Category of case No. 265/2434/20: Criminal cases (since 01.01.2019); Crimes against public
security; Illegal possession of arms, ammunition, or explosives.
Sent by the court: 14.05.2020. Registered: 15.05.2020. Made public: 18.05.2020.
Effective date: 12.06.2020
Number of court proceedings: 1-kp/265/710/20
Number of criminal proceedings in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations:
Case No. 265/2434/20
Proceedings No. 1-kp/265/710/20
13 May 2020 Mariupol city
The Ordzhonikidzevsky District Court of Mariupol of the Donetsk Region composed of
Pages 1-2
PERSON_1, a serviceman doing military service under contract, acting as a crew member of the
3rd gun crew of the 2nd howitzer artillery platoon of the 2nd howitzer artillery battery of the howitzer
artillery battalion of the AZOV special-purpose detachment of military unit 3057 of the National
Guard of Ukraine (i.e. being a law enforcement officer) was aware of applicable legislation that
regulated the procedure for wearing, keeping, purchasing, and selling ammunitions, acting
intentionally, in late 2016–early 2017 (the pre-trial investigation could not establish the exact time),
while in the village of Yuryevka of the Mangushsky District of the Donetsk Region, in the territory
of the base of the 8th separate battalion of the Right Sector Ukrainian Volunteer Corps, for personal
gain, in furtherance of his criminal intention aimed at illegally purchasing ammunitions in order to
sell them, illegally purchased from a person (the investigation could not establish his identity) two
(2) ammunitions, namely a body of the F-1 grenade markings “107 62-77 Т” and a body of the F-1
grenade with markings “386 294-75 Т” with two UZRGM igniter sets for hand grenades with
markings “143-73 УЗРГМ 583”, which he initially illegally kept at his place of residence at the
apartment ADDRESS_2, and then at the place of his service at the address: Donetsk, Region,
Mangushsky District, village of Yuryevka, permanent base No. 5, 64 Naberezhnaya Street.
Annex 79
Page 3
Taken in totality, the above circumstances give grounds for applying the provisions of Article 69 of
the Criminal Code of Ukraine in relation to the accused and resorting to a more lenient punishment
rather than imprisonment, which in this case implies that the accused will be arrested and serve his
sentence in a military detention facility of the Donetsk Zonal Department of the Military Police
situated at the address: Donetsk Region, Kramatorsk, 10 Mayakovskovo Street, which will be
sufficient for PERSON_1 to rehabilitate and necessary to deter the accused or other servicemen from
committing any new crimes.
Annex 79
Annex 80
Official website of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, “Field

Field artillery /ministry/ozbroennya-ta-texnika/suxoputnix-vijsk/nazemna-artileriya.html
Page 3
Self-propelled howitzer 2S19 “Msta-S”
The 2S19 “Msta-S” self-propelled howitzer is designed to destroy tactical missile systems and longrange
artillery of the enemy, destroy the personnel, fire weapons and military equipment on the
march, in places of concentration and in strong points, as well as the enemy's command organs and
the rear.
Range of fire, meters:
• HEF [High Explosive Fragmentation round) - 24700
• RAP (rocket-assisted projectile) - 28900
Annex 80

Annex 81
IPHR, “Rockets hit residential area in Kramatorsk, Ukraine”, February
2015 (excerpts)

Rockets hit residential area in Kramatorsk,
Civic Solidarity Platform field mission for documentation of war crimes
February 2015
Annex 81
Report prepared by International Partnership for Human Rights in the framework of the Civic
Solidarity Platform. Supported by a grant from Open Society Foundation
Cover photo by Christopher Miller for Mashable: Woman in her thirties lies dead in one of
Kramatorsk residential districts that came under shell fire on February 10, 2015, Kramatorsk,
Mission coordination, report drafting and editing:
Roman Avramenko, Svitlana Valko, Victoria Cooper
For further inquiries regarding this report, to provide feedback or request paper copies, please write
to: [email protected]
IPHR- International Partnership for Human Rights
Square de l’Aviation 7a
1070 Brussels, Belgium
[email protected]
Any opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the official position of International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR),
Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP) or Open Society Foundation (OSF).
Reproduction and translation, except for commercial purposes, are authorized, provided the source is
acknowledged and provided the publisher is given prior notice and supplied with a copy of the
Annex 81
On 10 February 2015, at least nine civilians were killed and another 35 injured in a rocket attack on
the city of Kramatorsk, in eastern Ukraine. Eight Ukrainian soldiers were also killed and 29 injured
as a result of the shelling of the military headquarters at the airbase near Kramatorsk. Residential
buildings, the city hospital and the children’s hospital also came under fire.
The International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) field mission in Ukraine dispatched a special
field mission team to investigate the circumstances of the attack and its aftermath. Team members
interviewed witnesses and victims, gathered evidence and examined the crime scene. The findings of
the mission are outlined in this report.
The city of Kramatorsk in the northern part of Donetsk Region has been the provisional capital of the
Donetsk region following the events surrounding the war in Donbas. The city is situated 44 km from
the agreed borderline between Ukrainian authorities and the self-proclaimed Donetsk Peoples
Republic (DPR) occupying the territories in eastern Ukraine. Since the Ukrainian army took control
of the city in July 2014, Kramatorsk became the administrative center of the Donetsk region and
military headquarters of the frontline. The Ukrainian Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) command
center and compound) are situated at an airbase 4.5 km from the city. Several battalions of National
Guard and Ukrainian Army are stationed in the Kramatorsk military base. Ukrainian troops conduct
regular launches of tactical missiles («Tochka-U») and multiple missile launch systems («Smerch»)
from the airbase in the direction of the pro-Russian rebel occupied territories of Donetsk and
Horlivka. The Ukrainian anti-missile defense system is also located at the airbase and around the
The field mission team arrived at the scene of the shelling two hours after the attack took place and
were able to inspect the exact sites where the missiles and cluster munitions exploded and hit the
ground and the buildings in the area. The team documented the death of a civilian man in one of area
hit by the missiles, and collected fragments of cluster submunitions, gunpowder and remnants of
missiles from the area. In order to establish the direction and the distance from which the attack took
place, the team studied the craters and measured the angles at which the rockets made impact and
made the necessary calculations to assess the trajectories of the projectiles using a compass.
Members of the team gathered testimony from six civilian victims who were receiving treatment for
their shrapnel wounds and skin burns in the city hospital, examined the victims’ injuries studied
medical reports and spoke with doctors and medical staff.
Furthermore, team members took photographs and shot videos of the sites where the explosions took
Annex 81
Based on cross referencing of witness testimony, the physical location of the event and analysis of
the evidence, the following sequence of events has been established.
On Tuesday, 10 February, 2015 at around 12.30 local time the headquarters of the Anti-Terrorist
Operation at the airbase on the outskirts of the city and residential areas in the north-east came under
shell fire with cluster munitions from the multiple missile launch systems «Smerch». A total of 32
rockets hit an area of approximately 15 km from the airbase across central parts of the city towards
the city’s northern residential neighborhoods.
As the result of the shelling nine civilians and eight Ukrainian soldiers were killed. Another 35
residents, five of whom are children, received injuries of various severity. All the deaths and injuries
of the civilian population were caused by fragments of exploded cluster munitions, which was
evident from the many fragments and casing found around the places where the victims’ bodies were
found and the traces of damage around the areas which were hit. Military objects sustained damage
as well as residential buildings and medical institutions within the city.
Cluster sub munitions collected from a wall in the garage complex Venera.
Numerous munitions of this type were found in all locations visited.
Annex 81
According to information from the ATO headquarters the shelling consisted of 32 projectiles fired
from four multiple missile launch systems «Smerch» in one shoot.
The evidence collected by the mission team on the ground confirms the official position of the
Ukrainian military. The team established that rockets from the multiple missile launch system
«Smerch» were equipped with cluster munitions. The team found and collected numerous fragments
and casings of cluster munitions from the ground where the munitions landed. Cluster munitions are
packed inside rocket containers that open up after being fired and disperse the sub munitions, which
are designed to explode when they hit the ground.
The following table lists the addresses visited by the mission team, the damage recorded and the
distance from the Ukrainian military headquarters:
Location Casualties and damages Distance
Garage cooperative Venera One civilian killed. Extensive damage from cluster munitions
explosions 1.8 km
Parkova St. 99 Two women killed, one child injured (torn limb). Damage to
the area adjacent to kindergarten 2.6 km
Dvortsova St. 50 Woman injured 3.0 km
Dvortsova str 57 Damage to school territory (children were in school at the
moment of the blast) 3.4 km
Marata str, 14 Man killed. Extensive damage to residential buildings 4.8 km
Lenina St. Several civilians injured. Extensive damage to residential
buildings 5.0 km
Newkramatorsk machine
building factory
Damage to factory building and grounds (workers were present
in the factory) 6.5 km
The places where cluster munitions exploded and where the “SMERCH” missiles hit are marked on
the map:
Annex 81
The mission team examined nine points of impact where the «SMERCH» missiles hit. Mine clearing
specialists from the Ukrainian armed forces had extracted missile fragments from three of the craters,
therefore it was not possible to measure the angle at which the rocket hit the ground in those
particular locations. However, at the rest of the locations the group collected fragments of the rockets
as evidence, measured the angle at which the missile hit the ground and confirmed the direction from
which the missiles were shot through the examination of surrounding damage such as broken tree
branches, destroyed balconies, traces on the walls, etc.
The investigation establishes firmly that the shelling came from the South-East direction, azimuth
115-160 degrees. Given the fact that long-range Tornado rockets have a range of over 80 km, they
could very well have been fired from the Horlivka area controlled by the pro-Russian combatants.
(i) Indiscriminate attacks
An indiscriminate attack is defined as “an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of
civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be
excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.” According to
international jurisprudence, this rule requires those who plan or launch an attack to take all feasible
precautions to verify that the objectives attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects, so as to
spare civilians as much as possible. The indiscriminate nature of the attack relates to both the means
and/or to the methods of combat. A weapon which is incapable of distinguishing between civilian
and military targets, is by its’ nature indiscriminate. In the specific case of cluster bombs, the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has held that their use is limited
by the prohibition on indiscriminate attacks. In regard to their use in urban areas the ICTY concluded
that “a direct attack against civilians can be inferred from the indiscriminate weapon used.” The
indiscriminate character of such munitions is supported by the fact that 116 States have joined the
Cluster Munitions Convention.
In this case, long range missiles along with unguided cluster submunition were used to attack the
airbase and the city where 162 thousand1 people reside, killing nine civilians and injuring many
more. The evidence clearly suggests that the attack on Kramatorsk City by DPR forces on 10
February 2015 was indiscriminate, on the basis of both the nature of the weapon used and the way in
which it was deployed. Such an attack is a ‘grave breach’ of the Geneva Conventions, engaging
individual criminal responsibility for its perpetrators.
In the context of non-international armed conflicts, the prohibition on indiscriminate attacks is
considered to be part of customary international law. Such attacks are also prohibited by Article 3(8)
of Amended Protocol II to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons applicable to noninternational
armed conflicts, ratified by Ukraine and the Russian Federation. In addition,
indiscriminate attacks are prohibited by the military manuals of both Ukraine and the Russian
The presence of isolated non-civilian persons amongst the civilian population does not change the
civilian character of the population. There is no evidence to indicate that the civilian areas bombed in
the attack on 10 February 2015 had lost their civilian status and legal protection from such an attack.
State Statistics Service of Ukraine, Demographic Yearbook Population of Ukraine, 2013
Annex 81
(ii) Direct attack on civilians
Moreover, according to international jurisprudence, an indiscriminate attack of the type which
occurred in Kramatorsk on 10 February 2015 may be qualified as a ‘direct attack on civilians, and as
such is strictly prohibited and incurs individual criminal responsibility.
(iii) Area bombardment
In response to the argument that the city contained several military objectives – not only the
Ukrainian Army ATO at the airport – the bombardment can be qualified as an ‘Area Bombardment’.
According to Article 51(5)(a) of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, an attack by
bombardment by any method or means which treats as a single military objective a number of clearly
separated and distinct military objectives located in a city, town, village or other area containing a
similar concentration of civilians or civilian objects, are indiscriminate and, as such, prohibited.
In the context of a non-international armed conflict, ‘Area Bombardment’ is prohibited by
international customary law. This is supported by the fact that both Ukraine and Russia are State
Parties to the Amended Protocol II to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Article 3(9)
of which prohibits the use of ‘area bombardment’. This practice is also prohibited by the applicable
military manuals of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
(iv) Proportionality of the weapons used
The multiple missile launch systems «Smerch» are intended to defeat personnel, armored and soft
skinned targets in concentrated areas, artillery batteries, command posts and ammunition depots with
a maximum radius of impact. The rockets have a stabilization system, but not a guidance package as
their design is intended to cover areas of up to 67 hectares and not to target specific points.
Therefore, the technical characteristics indicate that MRLS is not precision ammunition and that the
principle of proportionality in choosing a military weapon was also violated in the case of
Kramatorsk shelling.
The IPHR field mission investigated the February 10, 2015 shelling of the residential areas in the
city of Kramatorsk, as the result of which nine civilians died, and more than 30 injured.
By analyzing witness testimony, examining evidence including video and photo material, as well as
surveying the site of the attack, the field mission team members concluded that the shelling
originated from the south-east direction from the territory controlled by the pro-Russian combatants
of the DPR. The evidence obtained suggests that the rebel militants used the multiple rocket launch
system “SMERCH”, packed with cluster submunition. The line of fire extended from the military
airbase through the city center and covered about 15 km of residential city area.
A legal assessment of the attack revealed several grave violations of international customary law: the
indiscriminate nature of the attack, the direct attack on civilians and the violation of proportionality.
The attack can thus be qualified as a war crime and should be investigated by the relevant authorities
in the framework of international law on armed conflicts.
The war in eastern Ukraine has taken more than 6,000 lives and driven nearly a million people from
their homes. The documented incident outlined in this report is one of dozens of recent attacks
resulting in innocent civilian casualties. Not one of these incidents has resulted in the identification
and punishment of the perpetrators.
Annex 81

Annex 82
Centre for Civil Liberties, “In search of justice: Investigation of crimes
related to violation of the right to life, the right to liberty and security
of person, freedom from torture committed in the anti-terrorist
operation zone: shortcomings of the work of investigative bodies and
recommendations of human rights activists”, 2016

SOURCE: Centre for Civil Liberties, “In search of justice: Investigation of crimes related to violation
of the right to life, the right to liberty and security of person, freedom from torture committed in the
anti-terrorist operation zone: shortcomings of the work of investigative bodies and recommendations
of human rights activists”, 2016,
4. Kostakov case:
S.Yu. Kostakov became famous even before his disappearance because he published posts on social
media that could be indicative of an impending conflict with his senior officers (this refers to the
Kyiv-2 Battalion that became part of the 72nd Brigade). In particular, this concerned allegations of
pillaging. On the night from 22 to 23 November 2014, Sergey was last seen alive in the building of a
checkpoint at the 177th km of the Slovyansk-Donetsk motorway (Volnovakha) which at that time
housed fighters of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion. Sergey was seen beaten up and handcuffed
to a radiator. Witnesses, who have already testified in the Kostakov murder case, are reported by
observers to be constantly threatened and intimidated. Other witnesses refused to testify when the
case was investigated by the police of the Donetsk Region because they faced moral pressure from
the parties concerned. According to Evgenia Zakrevskaya, a lawyer in this case, the purpose of
witness interrogations was not to establish the circumstances of the crime but to identify the list of
other potential witnesses of this crime. Besides, senior officials of Kyiv-2 – Bogdan Alexandrovich
Wojciechowski (call sign “Soty”), Yaroslav Nikolaevich Kovalenko (call sign “Utes”), Vyacheslav
Kryazh (call sign “Makhno”) – were not removed from their posts for a long time. Not a single person
was served with the notification of suspicion for the six months of the pre-trial investigation into the
murder of S.Yu. Kostakov.
Annex 82

Annex 83
Human Rights Watch, “Studying Under Fire, Attacks on Schools,
Military Use of Schools During the Armed Conflict in Eastern
Ukraine”, 11 February 2016

Attacks on Schools, Military Use of Schools during
the Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine
Annex 83
Studying Under Fire
Attacks on Schools, Military Use of Schools
During the Armed Conflict in Eastern Ukraine
Annex 83
Copyright © 2016 Human Rights Watch
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978-1-6231-33252
Cover design by Rafael Jimenez
Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the
world. We stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political
freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to
justice. We investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable.
We challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and
respect international human rights law. We enlist the public and the international
community to support the cause of human rights for all.
Human Rights Watch is an international organization with staff in more than 40 countries,
and offices in Amsterdam, Beirut, Berlin, Brussels, Chicago, Geneva, Goma, Johannesburg,
London, Los Angeles, Moscow, Nairobi, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Tokyo, Toronto,
Tunis, Washington DC, and Zurich.
For more information, please visit our website:
Annex 83
of Debaltseve. Between February 14 to 18, 2015, Debaltseve’s School Number 6 was struck
several times. The school’s walls, windows, and roof were damaged. According to the
school principal, it was one of the most damaged schools in the area.43
When Human Rights Watch visited the school in early September 2015, it was only partially
operational since it had reopened in April: 272 students continued to attend classes in one
part of the school at the same time as workers were renovating other damaged parts. The
school was still missing most of its windows and a large part of the roof when Human
Rights Watch visited.
It is not possible for Human Rights Watch to determine which side was responsible for the
attack that damaged the school. When asked to describe how the school was struck, the
principal recounted intense fighting in the city center in February: “DPR, LPR, Ukrainian
forces were all shooting at each other from every direction. Fighting was everywhere. It was
a complete chaos.”44
The principal also said that rebel forces entered the school in June 2014, when the area
was under rebel control for a short period, and used the school’s premises to store
School Number 2 and School Number 5, Avdiivka
School Number 2 and School Number 5 in government-controlled Avdiivka are located next
to one another, separated by a courtyard. Both sustained direct hits and could not reopen
in September 2015 for the new school year.
School Number 2 sustained several direct hits in January, February, and March 2015, which
caused significant damage to the roof, all three floors, the main entrance doors, and all
windows.45 School Number 5 received three direct hits, damaging the walls and roof.46
Another shell fell in the courtyard between the schools, sending shrapnel through the front
43. Human Rights Watch interview with Sergey Vladimirovich, principal, School Number 6, Debaltseve, September 2, 2015.
44. Ibid.
45. Human Rights Watch interview with Lubov Mikhailovna, deputy director, School Number 2, Avdiivka, November 5, 2015.
46. Human Rights Watch interview with Ludmila Nikolaevna deputy director, School Number 5, Avdiivka, November 5, 2015.
Annex 83
door of School Number 5. “We were hiding under the staircase and pieces flew over us,”
School Number 5’s deputy director told Human Rights Watch.47
At the time of the attack a number of military objectives, including a checkpoint and a
former orphanage occupied by Ukrainian military, were located within a few blocks of the
At the time of Human Rights Watch’s visit in November 2015, both school buildings
remained closed. Although some of the major structural damage had been repaired, both
schools still required new windows and needed to have their heating restored before they
would be ready for students. “We hope [to reopen] before the next school year,” School
Number 2’s deputy director told Human Rights Watch.48
School Number 1, Marinka
School Number 1 in Marinka, currently under government control, was hit twice on
separate occasions, between June and September 2014. According to the school principal
and the deputy mayor, the school was never used for military purposes.
The damage to the walls sustained from hits had been repaired by the time of Human
Rights Watch’s visit, thanks to enthusiastic support from students’ families.49 About a
hundred windows that had been shattered were also replaced. When Human Rights Watch
visited, sandbags were still stacked at numerous windows, and red tape on the walls of
the school’s hallways marked the line below which students should shelter in case of
attack in order to avoid injury from shattering windows. According to the town’s deputy
mayor, roughly 600,000 hryvnas (US$23,000) had been spent on repairs to the school.50
School Number 1, Popasna
School Number 1 in Popasna, in government-controlled territory, received direct hits in
December 2014 and January 2015, damaging a wall and all the windows. A rocket, which a
Human Rights Watch weapons expert identified as an 80mm air-to-ground rocket, which
47. Ibid.
48. Human Rights Watch interview with Lubov Mikhailovna, deputy director, School Number 2, Avdiivka, November 5, 2015.
49. Human Rights Watch interview with Olga Vladimirovna, principal, School Number 1, Marinka, November 7, 2015.
50. Human Rights Watch interview with local education official, November 7, 2015.
Annex 83
Teachers at the school provided a long list of property looted during the occupation of their
school by Ukrainian forces.85 This included ten of the school’s computers; musical
equipment, including microphones and speakers; metal work stations; two stoves from
the cafeteria; and sports equipment, including basketballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, and
exercise equipment.86 But perhaps most striking when Human Rights Watch visited was
that the only school desks visible were to be found in the two classrooms where they were
bolted to the floor.87
According to a high-level education official with responsibility for the town,
Krasnohorivka’s School Number 1 was also used by government forces.88 The school was
evidently damaged and appeared to have suffered at least one direct hit, although Human
Rights Watch researchers were unable to enter the school or locate an official from the
school to discuss its situation.
Avdiivka Orphanage
When Human Rights Watch visited Avdiivka on November 8, 2015, stacked sandbag
protections were visible at main gate and entrance to the orphanage, and camouflaged
netting was draped between trees and over a section of the wall.89 The local military
administrator did not allow Human Rights Watch to enter the orphanage. He said that
soldiers were still based inside, and that all of 50 children who were living there before the
war were eventually relocated.90 A local resident said that during fighting the occupied
orphanage had been “hit a lot,” although Human Rights Watch could not see any largescale
structural damage from the road.91
Orphanage-School, Marinka
The orphanage in Marinka also served as the school for the children in its care. The deputy
mayor of Marinka said that at some point, Ukrainian government forces began using the
85. The teachers said that they had been able to access the school after rebel forces abandoned it and before Ukrainian
government forces deployed in it, and did not mention that property had gone missing at that time.
86. Human Rights Watch interviews with four teachers, School Number Four, Krasnohorivka, November 6, 2015.
87. Human Rights Watch visit to School Number 4, Krasnohorivka, November 6, 2015.
88. Human Rights Watch interview with education official Elena, November 6, 2015.
89. Human Rights Watch visit, November 8, 2015.
90. Human Rights Watch telephone call with Malyihin Pavel Vladimirovich, head of the civil-military administration of Avdiivka,
November 8, 2015.
91. Human Rights Watch interview with a local resident, name withheld at the interviewee’s request, November 8, 2015.
Annex 83
Annex 84
Human Rights Watch, “Ukraine: Dangers, Unnecessary Delays at
Crossing Points”, 17 February 2017

17 февраля 2017 г.
Ukraine: Dangers, Unnecessary Delays at Crossing
(Kyiv) – Ukrainian civilians are exposed to risks to their health and safety – even grave
danger – as they face endless waits when they need to go back and forth across the contact
line between government-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine and the separatist-held
Luhansk and Donetsk regions, Human Rights Watch said today.
Lack of adequate sanitary and other infrastructure at crossing points, and exposure to
landmines can make an already grueling crossing – often involving long waits in freezing
or hot temperatures – dangerous for civilians, Human Rights Watch found. Fighting,
which has recently flared up in the vicinity of the contact line, means civilians waiting at
crossing points, including overnight, are exposed to shooting and shelling. All parties to
the conflict should uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law to take
necessary measures to protect civilians. Authorities on both sides of the contact line
should ensure that civilians are not exposed to undue hardship or unnecessary suffering.
“Civilians living in eastern Ukraine have many ties on both sides of the line of contact,
such as family, friends, or property or may need to access government-provided services,”
said Tanya Cooper, Ukraine researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The parties to the
conflict recognize that civilians need to cross from one side to the other, and so they
should facilitate that and avoid measures which make crossing a threat to their health or
even lives.”
Human Rights Watch interviewed more than 80 civilians on both sides of the contact line
in November and December 2016, and visited all four functioning crossing points in the
government-controlled part of the Donetsk region and the so-called grey or neutral zone.
That area stretches along the 500-kilometer line of contact between the crossing points –
controlled on one side by the Ukrainian government and on the other by the de facto
authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People’s
Republic (LNR) – and is only a few hundred meters wide in most places. Human Rights
Watch also interviewed people who use the only crossing point in the Luhansk region
open solely to pedestrians, and spoke with staff of several groups that help people affected
by the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Every person interviewed who had tried to cross said that they experienced significant
hardships, especially long waits, made more difficult by freezing winter weather, rain, or
summer heat. Long waiting times are the result of an insufficient number of crossing
points and personnel operating them. More than half of the people interviewed said they
had experienced long delays more than once, including having to spend the night at a
crossing point. Crossing points often lack basic facilities such as toilets and waiting areas.
People interviewed also said that military personnel on both sides behaved improperly,
Annex 84
Civilians waiting at the Novotroitske crossing point around 11 a.m. in the government-controlled
Donetsk region, December 21, 2016. © 2016 Tanya Cooper for Human Rights Watch
such as arbitrarily refusing to allow crossing, using rude and abusive language, and taking
Civilians travel across the line of contact for many reasons. People who live in
government-controlled territory said they need to see family members, to ensure their
property was safe, or to return to their homes after spending the week working on the
other side of the line. People in areas controlled by separatists said they regularly needed
to cross to collect their pensions and other social payments, to visit family members, to
seek medical care, and to take care of such essential administrative issues as registering
with the pension fund or registering the birth of a child. Civilians also cross to buy
groceries, household items, and medicines that are too expensive or unavailable in areas
where they live, and to visit cemeteries where loved ones are buried.
In a January 10 letter to Ukrainian officials, Human Rights Watch expressed concern over
restrictions on movement in and out of areas not under Ukrainian government control
and urged Ukrainian authorities to take urgent measures to ease hardships for thousands
of people crossing the line of contact in eastern Ukraine.
Official statistics, which Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service provided to Human Rights
Watch, show that between 3,000 and 7,000 people crossed each point every day both
ways in December 2016 and January 2017. The State Border Guard Service said at a
Annex 84
February 8 meeting, that the number of crossings peaks between the 15th and 25th of
every month, when people from the non-government-controlled territory cross to collect
pensions and other social benefits.
Recent heavy fighting between Ukrainian forces and Russia-backed separatists in the area
of Avdiyivka, a government-controlled town of about 22,000 in the Donetsk region close
to the line of contact, has underlined the vulnerability of people living next to and
crossing the line of contact, Human Rights Watch said. Nearly two dozen people were
killed on the government’s side, including at least three civilians, between January 29 and
February 3 alone. According to the town’s authorities, 114 houses and eight apartment
buildings were damaged in Avdiyivka. Other surrounding towns near the line of contact
also suffereddamage. On February 2, a crossing point near the government-held town of
Mariinka was attacked. No one was waiting overnight that night, but some facilities were
damaged and the checkpoint lost electricity.
On the DNR side, the city of Donetsk and the neighboring Makiivka were shelled by
Ukrainian forces between January 31 and February 3. The Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine confirmed nine civilian
deaths on both sides of the line of contact in the Donetsk region between January 29 and
February 9.
The Ukrainian government has the right to control movement in and out of separatistcontrolled
areas, but all parties to the conflict should allow and facilitate civilians’ access
to areas on both sides of the contact line without arbitrary and unreasonable delays,
Human Rights Watch said. While the Ukrainian government has no obligation to provide
financial assistance to government structures operating under the control of separatists,
its human rights obligations to the civilian population do not cease on account of the
ongoing conflict.
“The protection and well-being of civilians should be a priority of both Ukrainian
authorities and Russia-backed separatists in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions,” Cooper
said. “Civilians should not continue to bear the brunt of the armed conflict in eastern
For detailed findings, please see below.
The Eastern Ukraine Crossing Points
Human Rights Watch conducted research missions along the line of contact in November
and December.
In November, two Human Rights Watch researchers who are native Russian speakers
interviewed more than 50 people who live on both sides of the line of contact, including in
Donetsk, Makiivka, Starobesheve, Severodonetsk, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Mariinka, and
Krasnogorivka. One researcher interviewed people in the government-controlled territory
at the crossing point near the town of Mariinka, the second researcher entered the
Mariinka crossing point from the separatist-controlled area, the self-proclaimed Donetsk
Annex 84
People’s Republic, and interviewed civilians on that side and in the zone between the two
sides’ checkpoints – the no man’s land commonly referred to as the “grey” or “neutral”
zone. While this zone is officially controlled by the Ukrainian government, very few
functioning governmental institutions are left there due to the armed conflict.
A Human Rights Watch researcher interviewed 32 people on December 20-22 at all four
open crossing points on the government-controlled side of the line of contact, in Mayorsk,
Mariinka, Novotroitske, and Gnutovo (Pishchevik). The researcher visited the Mayorsk
and Mariinka crossing points at night, while they were closed, and Mariinka,
Novotroitske, and Gnutovo (Pishchevik) during the day.
Human Rights Watch also spoke with staff members of seven Ukrainian nongovernmental
groups and international organizations that provide assistance to internally
displaced people and civilians living next to the line of contact.
In its meeting with Human Rights Watch on February 8, Ukraine’s State Border Guard
Service, said that the agency is taking steps to improve the situation for the civilians living
on both sides of the line of contact, including increasing the number of border guards at
each crossing point, prosecuting officials who take bribes (59 were charged in 2016), and
installing cameras providing live feeds from all the crossing points to the anti-terrorist
center in Kramatorsk and the State Border Guard Service headquarters in Kyiv.
The State Border Guard Service acknowledged that some serious shortcomings persist
and noted that the cooperation of all parties to the conflict, not just the Ukrainian
authorities, is required for the situation to improve meaningfully for civilians crossing the
line of contact.
Insufficient Number of Crossing Points
There are five functioning crossing points along the 500-kilometer line of contact, which
separates the territories under the control of the Ukrainian government and the separatist
forces in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Mayorsk, Mariinka, Novotroitske, and
Gnutovo (Pischevik) are in the Donetsk region; and the pedestrian only Stanitsa Luhanska
crossing is in the Luhansk region. The crossing points are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
during the summer and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the winter.
When either side shuts down a crossing point temporarily for security or other reasons,
people travel to those that remain open, increasing congestion and reducing people’s
chances of making it to the other side by the time a crossing point closes. Many of those
who do not manage to cross stay overnight, either on the road close to crossing points –
including in the neutral zone – or in a nearby town, and try their luck the next day.
The statistics the State Border Guard Service provided to Human Rights Watch said that
between 15,000 and 27,500 people crossed the line of contact each day in December. On
February 13, almost 18,000 people crossed.
Annex 84
Most civilians living on both sides of the line of conflict whom Human Rights Watch
interviewed said the insufficient number of crossing points was a serious problem. In
particular, they said that since there is only one crossing point in the Luhansk region,
people often have to wait a full day or sometimes longer, and that winter weather caused
additional suffering as people are forced to wait several hours outside with only one or
two small shelters on the Ukrainian-controlled side.
While some people pass through crossing points in private vehicles and take shelter in
their cars, those on foot face the cold, rain, or heat. In a June 2015 decree, Ukrainian
authorities banned direct public transit services to the separatist-held territories, so
passengers disembark at the Ukrainian government crossing points and line up on foot
with their luggage. Then they board other means of transportation on the other side.
Some pay so-called ferrymen who transport passengers in large vans from side to side.
Several local and international aid workers said that having only five functioning crossing
points along the 500-kilometer line of contact is not enough to allow massive numbers of
displaced civilians and others affected by the armed conflict to move across without
needless restrictions.
Some people said that instead of waiting long hours to cross the lone crossing point at
Stanitsa Luhanska on foot, they had tried other crossing points in the Donetsk region,
which significantly increased their travel time and costs. People, including aid workers,
who regularly cross in the Donetsk region also said that the four crossing points open to
vehicles are insufficient to allow crossing without significant delays and hardship.
The State Border Guard Service officials told Human Right Watch that in March 2016
they opened a second checkpoint in the Luhansk region, near the town of Zolote, but it
remains closed to civilians because Russia-backed separatists in the Luhansk region are
unwilling to operate it from the other side.
Long Waits
Human Rights Watch interviewed several people and aid workers who regularly cross at
Stanitsa Luhanska in the Luhansk region. All said that they frequently spent between two
and five hours on each side. An aid worker in the government-controlled Severodonetsk
said that his mother and 80-year old grandmother waited six hours in October when they
tried to cross there.
Of eight people interviewed near government-controlled Mariinka in November, five said
that they had to spend a night near a crossing point on either side due to long lines and
because the crossing point’s operating hours are insufficient. One man travelling from
Kramatorsk to Donetsk through the crossing point near Mariinka said that at least on one
occasion it took him two full days to cross. “Ask anyone here, they will also say that it
happened to them,” he said. Of the 25 people Human Rights Watch interview in the DNR,
19 said they got stuck overnight at the crossing point at least once.
Annex 84
A worker with an international aid group said that the Mayorsk crossing point was the
most problematic from both sides. The crossing point usually has long waiting lines, the
aid worker said, and people often sleep at the crossing point while waiting for it to open.
When a Human Rights Watch researcher visited the Mayorsk crossing point on the
Ukrainian side around 6 p.m. on December 20, she found six elderly women in one of two
tents set up by Ukraine’s Ministry of Emergencies. The women said they did not make it
through the crossing point before it closed that day and would have to spend the night in
the tent so they could try crossing the next day. Most of the women were over sixty years
old, two had disabilities. One of them, a 76-year-old woman who came from Horlivka in
the DNR but did not manage to cross back in time, cried when talking to a Human Rights
Watch researcher, saying “How did I deserve this? All I did my entire life was work and
hope for a peaceful retirement. Now they [Ukrainian officials at the Mayorsk crossing
point] call me a terrorist. How did I deserve this?”
Several local residents and international aid staff working in the government-controlled
area of the Donetsk region said that at least three elderly civilians had died while waiting
in line to cross in recent months. According to a recent media report, on January 22, a
man travelling from Donetsk to Dnipro died in the grey zone next to a separatist crossing
point near Mariinka, where no ambulance would go. About 300 vehicles waited to pass
through the government-controlled crossing point from both sides that day, according to
information on the website of the State Border Guard Service. Human Rights Watch did
not independently verify these reports.
Since the start of the armed conflict in 2014, there have been hundreds of casualties as a
result of mines, cluster munition remnants, and other explosive remnants of war (ERW).
According to the UN, landmines and other ERWs contaminate at least 74,000 acres of
eastern Ukraine’s territory. Last year, the HALO Trust, a UK mine clearance organization,
identified 97 mine-hazardous areas in the region, and these are only initial estimates.
Some of the people crossing from the separatist-held territory of the Donetsk region said
that they start their journey via “ferrymen” at between 2:30 and 4 a.m., despite a 5 a.m.
curfew in the region, to get a spot in line closer to the Ukrainian checkpoint, which only
opens at 8 a.m. (9 a.m. DNR winter time).
In November 2016, a Human Rights Watch researcher crossed the line of contact from
separatist-controlled Donetsk to government-controlled Mariinka, in a large van operated
by a “ferryman” as a shuttle taxi.
The driver scheduled pick-up time at 3 a.m., explaining that he starts collecting
passengers, who had all booked a place in his van by phone, just after 2 a.m. from various
parts of Donetsk and its close suburbs to be able to make it through the DNR crossing
point and get a spot in the line for Ukraine’s crossing point near Mariinka. He explained
that if he arrived there by 3:30 a.m., while he would not be at the very beginning of the
line because of the people who had not gotten through the day before and had stayed
overnight, he would be close enough to get through sometime between 9 and 10 a.m. “if
all goes well.”
Annex 84
Several of the passengers confirmed to Human Rights Watch that this was how other
shuttle taxi drivers operated every day as well – collecting passengers in the middle of the
night, parking in the line by 3:30 a.m., and spending the rest of the night in the neutral
zone. Driving during curfew is forbidden by DNR authorities, but, according to the driver
and several passengers interviewed, “paying off the right people” ensures unhindered
passage for shuttle taxis.
By 6 a.m., an hour after the end of the curfew, the neutral zone was already crowded with
vehicles and pedestrians, including the elderly and small children. The van made it to the
government check-point in five-and-a-half hours, by about 9 a.m. Ukrainian time (10 a.m.
DNR time). The route, therefore, took over six hours. Before there were restrictions, the
drive from Donetsk to Mariinka took approximately 30 minutes.
Everyone interviewed underscored that crossing the line of contact created
disproportionate hardships for elderly people, young children, pregnant women, and
people with disabilities, who may require additional assistance or who experience
difficulties during long waits in cold and crowded conditions with no bathroom facilities
in the neutral zone.
While Ukrainian authorities allow priority crossing to women in advanced stages of
pregnancy, nursing women with infants, and people with disabilities, many people who
might claim priority do not know they can because the information is not posted. Border
guards and civilians also said that when people with priority try to cross, it often provokes
others in line to become aggressive or even violent and to refuse to let them through.
Lack of basic facilities
Due to the excessively long lines at crossing points, there is an urgent need to install and
maintain basic facilities to alleviate civilians’ hardships, especially during the winter and
summer months. On the separatist-held side of the crossing points, basic facilities such as
potable water and shelters were often absent altogether. In the neutral zone, where people
spend the most time waiting to cross, there are no basic facilities.
While facilities are better developed on the government-controlled side, with significant
support from several international humanitarian aid groups, there still are not enough
well-maintained toilets at all crossing points, shelters that provide protection from rain
and sun in the summer, and snow and cold weather in the winter, and potable water
stations. On the Ukrainian side, the responsibility to maintain these facilities lies with the
local administrations of the government-controlled Luhansk and Donetsk regions. The
lack or unsanitary state of these basic facilities causes serious difficulties for civilians with
health conditions and limited mobility and those with young children.
In the Luhansk region, aid workers and residents said that while the Ukrainian side had a
shelter and a tent, where civilians can warm up and get a hot drink, the crossing point on
the other side did not have such facilities.
Annex 84
Civilians interviewed at the Mariinka crossing point complained about the state of toilets,
which were provided by international aid groups but are not maintained or cleaned by the
local authorities. All civilians interviewed flagged that the problems were particularly
aggravating in the neutral zone. Due to the lack of adequate toilet facilities there, some
civilians resort to relieving themselves in open fields, which is not only humiliating, but
can be life-threatening due to the landmines.
While waiting in the neutral zone for the Ukrainian crossing point to open, Human Rights
Watch observed how, in the absence of toilets, numerous men turned to face the roadside
and urinated with their back to the crowd. Women, including some elderly ones, who had
trouble walking, had to descend from the road into the field, walk a distance and squat in
the field, still in full view of the crowd as there are no bushes or trees to hide behind.
Some women described this experience as “degrading.” They also said they were afraid of
stepping on a landmine, but the long waiting time and lack of sanitary facilities left them
little choice.
In January 2015, the Ukrainian government began enforcing travel regulations that
require civilians to obtain a special pass to move between separatist-controlled and
government-controlled territories. Civilians can apply online, and the electronic permit is
valid for one year. Civilians can also apply for the e-pass in person in several governmentcontrolled
towns – Kramatorsk, Velyka Novosilka, Mariupol, Bahmut, and Starobilsk –
and by phone.
If there is even a minor discrepancy between the information on one’s e-pass and the
passport information – such as one letter in the person’s name, one digit in the person’s
passport number, or the pass has expired, Ukrainian border guards do not let those
people through in either direction.
Those who are stopped have to make corrections either online or in person and can travel
again only when the corrected e-pass is issued. If they have any suspicions about a
person’s information, appearance, or luggage, the guards send the person to officials of
Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) who are stationed at the crossing points.
The online application takes only a few minutes to fill out, but processing takes up to 10
working days. The process is quite straightforward if one has a computer, knows how to
use it, and has electricity and internet connection. Otherwise, the process can be
burdensome. There is also no procedure in place to allow people to apply for an
emergency e-pass if it is needed for medical emergency or other extraordinary situations.
Recommendations to all sides of the conflict – Ukrainian government, de
facto authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s
Increase the number of entry/exit crossing points along the line of contact,
particularly in the Luhansk region where only one functioning crossing point exists
at the moment that civilians can only cross on foot;
Annex 84
Increase staffing and boost technological and other infrastructure at entry/exit
crossing points to facilitate transit, especially during winter months;
Ensure that all crossing points are equipped with adequate toilet facilities, shelters
from inclement weather, warming stations, and potable water stations;
Investigate and address allegations of corruption and extortion among border
guards and other officials present at crossing points; formalize and widely publicize
crossing procedures as a means to combat corruption; and
Ensure priority crossing to vulnerable groups of people on both sides, such as
elderly people, people with disabilities, young children, pregnant women, and
others. Make information about priority crossing publicly available and visible at
crossing points.
To Ukraine’s Security Service:
Improve the e-pass system to avoid delays; ensure people without access to
electricity, computers or the internet, elderly people, and people with disabilities are
able to obtain e-passes without undue difficulties, including by increasing the
locations where e-passes can be obtained in person; ensure those crossing the line of
contact for humanitarian or medical reasons are not prevented from crossing only
because they do not have a valid e-pass.
The February 17, 2017 report incorrectly stated that there was no procedure in place to
allow people to apply for an emergency e-pass if it is needed for family emergency or
other extraordinary situations, however this only pertains to medical emergency or
other extraordinary situations. Additionally, the crossing points are open from 6 a.m.
to8 p.m. during the summer, instead of closing at 10 p.m.
Annex 84

Annex 85
Shelter Cluster Ukraine, Ukraine-Donbass Region, Shelter repairs in
Avdiivka as reported to the Cluster as of December 2016, 18 February

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Івана Франка вулиця
Першотравнева вулиця
Новоросійська вулиця
Каштанова вулиця
Чапаєва вулиця
Аеродромна вулиця
Стадіонний провулок
Менжинського вулиця
Лісна Поляна вулиця
Воробйова вулиця
Єлагіна вулиця
8-го Березня вулиця
Першотравнева вулиця
Петровського вулиця
Леніна вулиця
Лісна вулиця
Садовавулиця Садова вулиця
Леніна вулиця
Піонерська вулиця
Поштова вулиця
Сонячна вулиця
Набережна вулиця
Дружби вулиця
Жовтнева вулиця
Крупської вулиця
Степова вулиця
Чехова вулиця
Миру вулиця
Руданського вулиця
Світлий провулок
Новосельська вулиця
Чкалова вулиця
Чистякова вулиця
Пушкіна вулиця
Зарічна вулиця
Лісова вулиця
Центральна вулиця
Жовтнева вулиця
Дзержинського вулиця
Садова вулиця
Курортна вулиця
Чапаєва вулиця
Корольова вулицяШкільний провулок
Рудзутака вулиця
Степова вулиця
Фурманова вулиця
Депутатська вулиця
Свердлова вулиця
Аптекарський провулок
Індустріальний проспект
Молодіжна вулиця
Молодіжна вулиця
Радянська вулиця
Суворова вулиця
Гагаріна вулиця
Дружби вулиця
Перемоги вулиця
60 років Жовтня вулиця
Нечаєва вулиця
Степова вулиця
Авдіївське шосе
Театральний провулок
Обський провулок
Дружби вулиця
9 квартал
Учительська вулиця
Фрунзе провулок
Зелена вулиця
Миру вулиця
Жовтнева вулиця
Лермонтова вулиця
Київська вулиця
Молодіжна вулиця
Свободи вулиця
Червона вулиця
Путилівська Роща вулиця
Шестакова вулиця
Толстого провулок
Комсомольський провулок
Пушкіна вулиця
Перемоги вулиця
Спортивна вулиця
Донецька вулиця
Леваневського вулиця
Червона вулиця
Широка вулиця
Ясинуватське шосе
Пархоменка вулиця
Калініна вулиця
Ясинуватське шосе
Степова вулиця
Радянська вулиця
Центральна вулиця
Піонерська вулиця
Ясинуватський провулок
Першотравнева вулиця
Маяковського вулиця
Нахімова вулиця
Менделєєва вулиця
Домобудівна вулиця
Весняна вулиця
Червоноармійська вулиця
Фестивальна вулиця
Ломоносова вулиця
Шевченка вулиця
Наукова вулиця
Чернишевського вулиця
Маяковського вулиця
Некрасова вулиця
Кірова вулиця
Польська вулиця
Міцкевича вулиця
Перемоги вулиця



Крута Балка
9-й микрорайон, 11
ААеэррооппоорртт " "ДДооннееццькк""
Note: Data, designations and boundaries contained on this map are not warranted to be errorfree
and do not imply acceptance by the REACH partners, associated, donors mentioned on
this map.
Data Source:
Administrative boundaries, OCHA
Water bodies, vegetation, roads and railroad, OSM
Buildings and points of interest, OSM, Yandex and Wikimapia
Base map, ESRI Imagery
Damaged facilities data, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Shelter repairment: Shelter Cluster / Ukraine
Coordinate System: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 37N
Contact: [email protected]
     
Damage density
Low High
Type of repairs
Acute/quick repairs
Light repairs
Medium repairs
No repairs reported
Electrical network
Train station
Funded by
Ukraine - Donbas Region
Shelter repairs in Avdiivka as reported to the Cluster as of December 2016
For Humanitarian Use Only
Production Date: 18 February 2017
0 300 600 1200 1800Meters
Annex 85

Annex 86
Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, Overview of events in
February 2017 at certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 1
March 2017

Overview of events in February 2017 in in the territory of the Separate Districts of Donetsk and
Luhansk Regions
KhHRPG monitoring group
The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group continues to collect and process information related
to human rights violations in the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions.
In February 2017, on the territory of the so-called "LPR" and "DPR" we identified the following
events, which contain signs of violations of human rights in accordance with international
Donetsk Region
1 February
As a result of the shelling of Donetsk, two women were killed: G., a resident of the Kiev district,
and N., a resident of the Kirov district of Makiivka. One more person was injured.
More than 40 houses and a kindergarten were damaged. These include: in the Kiev district of
Donetsk — more than 15 houses, in Kuibyshev district — 5, in Makiivka 12 houses and
kindergarten No. 29. Gas pipelines were damaged along Michurina, Borisa Gorbatogo, Rubinsa
streets in the Kiev district. Residents of Donetsk and partially Makiivka were left without water
supply as a result of the shelling of the Verkhnekalmiussk purification plant near Donetsk.
An ambulance came under fire — three people were injured, including a paramedic and a driver.
The territory of the botanical garden — sections of the rose garden and arboretum — was under
fire. As a result, unique spruces were damaged.
Annex 86
As a result of the shelling, damage and destruction were recorded at the following addresses:
- 1 Kolkhozny Prospect
- 45 Kurchatova Street, Oktyabrsky settlement, automatic telephone office ATS-52
- 26a, 28 Stepanenko Street, Severny settlement
- Oktyabrsky settlement
- 116 Engelsa Street
2 February
Two men, born in 1957 and born in 1973, came under fire and were wounded in the Kiev district,
both victims were hospitalized.
Five houses and a boiler faility were damaged as a result of the shelling in Yasynuvata and in the
Kiev district of Donetsk. A direct hit damaged house on 7 Chapaeva Street, and a house on
Bubnova Street. The building of the 287th boiler facility was also damaged.
In the Kiev district, there was a hit on 15-a Svetlova Street. A man was injured.
Four houses were damaged in the Kiev district of Donetsk from the shelling — 36 Rudzutaka
Street, 22 Obsky Lane, 17 and 37 Tsentralnaya Street.
At 8 Tokmakskaya Street, a house was completely destroyed by shelling, two residents were
At midnight, the Kiev district of Donetsk was shelled with multiple launch rocket systems "Grad".
The house at 6 Kievsky Avenue was destroyed.
It is reported that 183 people were evacuated from the dangerous areas of Donetsk, including
44 children. People were settled in dormitories in the Kalininskyi and Budyonnivskyi districts of
Donetsk and in a dormitory in Yasynuvata.
Annex 86
At 38b Gornaya Street in the Kiev district, a shell hit a trade stall, a man was injured.
Large-scale shelling fell in the area of the Motel bus station at the eastern exit from Donetsk. Motel
BS is located in the area of the transport ring at the exit from Donetsk towards Makiivka. As a
result, two people were killed in the Kalininskyi district of Donetsk, 13 more were injured,
including two children under the age of 10.
Eight houses and two schools were damaged in the Kiev district of Donetsk as a result of the
shelling. The list of buildings damaged in the Kiev district includes: houses at 198v Artema Street,
38 Gornaya Street, 36, 31, 8, 5, 6 Kievsky Avenue, 1 Mironova Street and schools No. 19 and 65.
Annex 86
Annex 86
Annex 86
Annex 86
31 Kievsky prospect
Annex 86
2 February
Shells hit Chapaeva, Bubnova, Listoprokatchikov Streets.
There are reports three local residents being injured. As a result of the shelling of the interchange on
the Makeyevsky highway, one person was killed and two were injured.
About 5 houses on Kievsky Avenue were damaged. The shells hit houses 5, 7, 16, as well as house
150 on Artyoma Street. The house at 8 Tokmakskaya Street was badly damaged.
3 February
A direct shell hit was recorded on the roof of a residential building at 132 Sobinova Street.
The results of the shelling at 10 Politboytsov Street.
Annex 86
On 3 February, in Donetsk, as a result of the night’s shelling, houses were destroyed at:
- 2 Kievsky Prospect - the ‘Hardy-Gardy’ store
- 5 Kievsky Prospect
- 5/7 Kievsky Prospect - the yard was hit, 3 cars were damaged
- 6/8 Kievsky Prospect - a fire erupted
- 7 Kievsky Prospect - direct hit
- 12 Kievsky Prospect
- 18 Kievsky Prospect, cars in the yard were damaged
- 26 Kievsky Prospect, apartment 7 - the shell did not explode
- 32 Kievsky Prospect
- 36 Kievsky Prospect
- 38g Kievsky Prospect (the ‘Ryabinushka’ kindergarden)
- 13 Sobinova Street
- 11 Sobinova Street
- 19 Sobinova Street - the school in the yard
- 150 a Artyoma Street - a shell hit the 2nd floor
Annex 86
- 15 Mironova Street - a shell hit the yard
- 15 a Mironova Street - two shells landed
- 3 Politboitsov Street
- 6 Politboitsov Street - the side wall was hit
- 10 Street Politboitsov
In addition, destruction of varying degrees was recorded at:
- 7 Chapaeva Street - 4th floor was hit. 2 people were injured
- 10 Chapaeva Street
- Chapaeva Street - gas pipeline was damaged by shrapnel
- 2, 4, 7 Bubnova Street
- 19 Listoprokatchikov Street
- 15-a Svetlova Street - A man was injured
- Krupskoy Street
- Trudovskie settlement - three hits near the ‘Trudovskaya’ transport station and the former ATB
- 90 Zoologicheskaya Street
- 61 Frunze Street
- Asafieva Street
- Manuilskogo Street
Annex 86
- Zhukovskogo Street
- Oktyabrskaya Street
- Sadovy Lane, an automobile service station
- 16 Nechaeva Street (auto shop)
- 15 Franco Street - a garage caught fire as a result of the shell’s explosion
- 17 Franco Street – shell hit the roof
- 8 Parkovaya Street (formerly Furmanova)
- 223 Kirova Street
- 17 Chernyshevskogo Street
- 13 Abrikosovaya Street
- 18 and 20 Chepizhnogo Street
- 89 or 86 Pushkina Street
- Yasinovatsky Lane
On 3 February, the greenhouses of the Donetsk State Botanical Garden were significantly damaged
as a result of the night’s shelling of the Kalininskyi District — the blast wave broke the windows.
The most affected area was the tropical zone under the dome
Donetsk Botanical Garden was founded in 1964. It occupies 203 hectares of area and is considered
one of the largest in Europe. Over the years, it has collected 8 thousand species, forms and varieties
of plants, it has one of the largest collection of plant seeds in Europe, numbering 40 thousand
storage units, as well as a herbarium of 120 thousand samples.
Annex 86
The shelling damaged several houses in the area of Shakhterskaya Square.
Annex 86
Page 14
14 February
As a result of the shelling, a detonation occurred, which led to a powerful explosion at the Donetsk
state-owned chemical products plant. One resident died.
Hospital No. 21 and 11 residential buildings were damaged in the Kuibyshev district of Donetsk
along the Tumanyana, Lenkoranskaya, Zuevskaya, Shakhtyorskoy Slavy, Narvskaya, as well as
Sofiyskaya Streets.
15 February
Shellings resulting in destructions were recorded at:
- Tumanyana Street (2 houses);
- Lenkoranskaya Street (2 houses);
- Zuevskaya Street (4 houses);
- Shakhtyorskoy Slavy Street (1 house);
- Narvskaya Street (1 house); Sofiyskaya Street (1 house).
Page 15
Annex 86
23 February
The Donetsk Filtration Station came under fire, the filter building within the territory of the plant
was damaged. The station continues its operation.
Pages 16-17
1 February
The hospital was shelled, the patients were evacuated to a shelter. Damage was also recorded at the
following addresses:
- Glinki Street, school No. 21
- Kirova Street
- 40 Kokkinaki Street, a direct shell hit the house, an elderly woman was killed
- Papanina Street, dentistry No. 4
- Ferganskaya Street, a female resident was injured
- Chudskaya Street, kindergarten No. 29
At 1 Elevatornaya street, an ambulance car came under fire. The shell fell next to a passing
ambulance. Occupants of the car – a local resident, the driver and a paramedic – received shrapnel
Annex 86
2 February
At 40 Kokkinaki Street a female civilian, Valentina Ivanovna Serkova, born in 1939, dided.
Pages 19-20
Kruta Balka village
Destruction was recorded as a result of a direct hit into a house on 22 Oktyabrskaya Street
Annex 86
1 February
A section of the Donetsk — Horlivka highway in the Yasynuvata area was blocked due to shelling;
it was only possible to leave Yasynuvata in the Horlivka direction through Makiivka or
17 February
As a result of the shelling, a residential building was damaged at 50 Pavla Tychyny Street.
Annex 86
*The head of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine, Ambassador Ertugrul
Apakan, does not exclude the possibility of an environmental disaster in Yasynuvata due to the
filtration station being damaged by shellings.
The Ambassador demands that the parties to the conflict in Donbass pay priority attention to the
needs of the civilian population in the region.
“Given that hundreds of thousands of people on both sides of the contact line are dependent on the
drinking water treatment plant, the impact of such a strike extends beyond an immediate threat to
the workers serving basic community needs. An environmental disaster cannot be ruled out, as the
release of toxic gases from the chlorine tanks at the plant could potentially cover a wide area," –
the mission’s message provides.
Pages 21-22
The village of Spartak
2 February
The village of Spartak came under fire from Grad multiple launch rocket systems.
Pages 23-24
1 February
Two miners of the Shcheglovskaya-Glubokaya mine in the Chervonogvardeisky district of
Makiivka were injured when they came under fire. One of them, an electrical fitter born in 1949,
was seriously injured, his arm was torn off. It is reported that as a result of the shelling, one shell hit
the headframe of the mine cage shaft. At the time of the shelling, 131 miners were underground.
Annex 86
2 February
As a result of shelling in Makiivka, the gas pipeline along Asafieva Street in the Kirov district was
damaged. Three private houses on the streets of Kozhemyakina, Gastello and Karyernaya were
3 February
Shelling in Makiivka damaged about 10 private houses in the Pervomaisky, Lesnoy, Sverdlovo and
Octyabrya settlements, Karyernaya Street, two houses in the Krupskoy settlement of
Chervonogvardeisky district.
Annex 86
Annex 87
Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group, Overview of events in March
2017 at certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 1 April 2017

Overview of March 2017 events in the territory of the Separate Districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions
1 April 2017
KhHRPG monitoring group
The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group continues to collect and process information related to human
rights violations in the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions. In March 2017, in
the territory of the so-called "LPR" and "DPR", we identified the following events, which contain signs of
violations of human rights in accordance with international standards.
Donetsk Region
Pages 2- 5
*On 5 March, around 18.00, Zheleznodorozhnaya and Yesenina streets were shelled. Damage was also
registered at:
- Yesenina street — power lines were damaged;
- Chekhova street — a building was hit, with severe destruction;
- Zheleznodorozhnaya street — a gas pipeline was damaged;
- 35 Zheleznodorozhnaya street — a building was hit and caught fire;
- 3rd Microdistrict, 10 – first floor was hit, the facade was damaged, a gas pipeline was damaged.
*On 14 March, damage was registered at 13-Kvartal, building 103 due to a shell hit.
Annex 87
Kruta Balka settlement
* On 7 March, a 57-year-old local resident was wounded as a result of shelling. A shell exploded near the
victim's house.
* On 12 March, shells hit the buildings at 9 and 11 Pobeda Str. As a result, two houses burned down.
Donetsk-Severny settlement
*On 10 March housings in apartment 9 at 14 Privokzalnaya street and apartment 11 at 12 Privokzalnaya
Street, were destroyed by shellfire. A man born in 1952 and a young woman born in 1998 were wounded.
*On 21 March the fact that two local residents were wounded because of shelling was registered along with
damage to buildings at:
- 10 Privokzalnaya street — a fragmentation wound of a building’s resident.
- 14 Privokzalnaya street — a multi-storey building was hit.
*On 17 March, “Avtodor” construction and repair company came under fire at 215 Ordzhonikidze street. As
a result, a local resident was wounded.
*On 13 March, due to a shell hit at 1a Kolkhozny avenue, 2 workers were wounded while repairing the roof
of an apartment block damaged by shelling. Also, as a result of the shelling, a residential building at 210
Artemovskaya street was damaged, and a local male resident was wounded.
One more shell hit was registered in the area of school No. 21 along the Marshala Zhukova prospect.
Annex 87
In addition, hits were recorded at the following addresses:
Oktyabrsky settlement:
- 103 Krasnoznamennaya street;
- 74 Krasnoznamennaya street;
- 32 Amvrosieva street.
*On 8 March, in the territory of the so-called "DPR", the Donetsk Beer Factory (former Sarmat) was
launched. The work of the enterprise was suspended as a result of active hostilities in 2014.
The launch of the factory will provide jobs to about 240 people.
*On the night of March 22-23, 7 residential buildings and a hospital building were damaged as a result of
shell fire. On Ananchenko Street, a primary health care center was damaged.
*On 22 March, in Donetsk, on Zhelyabova street, a yard was hit with a shell. A woman was wounded.
Annex 87

Annex 88
International Partnership for Human Rights, Civic Solidarity Platform,
Truth Hounds, “Scorching Winter 2016-2017. Analysis of the shellings
of residential areas in Eastern Ukraine”, 2017

Scorching Winter
An analysis of the shelling of
settlements in eastern Ukraine
© Truth Hounds
Annex 88
This report was prepared jointly by International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) and the field team
of NGO Truth Hounds, in cooperation with the Norwegian Delegation to the OSCE and the Civil Solidarity
Platform (CSP).
Authors: International Partnership for Human Rights, monitoring team of analysts and international lawyers
of NGO Truth Hounds.
Our contacts:
IPHR - International Partnership for Human Rights
Square de l'Aviation 7A 1070 Brussels, Belgium
E [email protected]
CSP - Civic Solidarity Platform
Truth Hounds
w [email protected] /
Annex 88
Overview 4
Sources of information and methodology of
documentation 5
History of the conflict 6
Donetsk Oblast 7
• Avdiivka 7
• Kurdiumivka 15
• Sartana 16
• Krasnohorivka 17
• Mariinka 18
• Novoselivka-3 19
Luhansk Oblast 21
• Zolote-4 21
• Vrubivka 21
• Тroitske 22
• Triokhizbenka 23
Legal assessment 25
Annex 88
4 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
This report analyses the attacks on settlements in the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine
during the winter of 2016-2017. It presents data about violations of international humanitarian and criminal
law which took place or which might have taken place in this period. The authors demonstrate that, despite
assurances from parties to the conflict that the active phase of the fighting in Donbas is over, civilians
continue to suffer from ongoing attacks. The report also gives a detailed description of events that occurred
in Avdiivka city, which has been the target of the bloodiest attacks during the conflict.
The report examines the shelling and attacks on civilians that occurred from 1 December 2016 to 28 February
2017 in 10 settlements. Because of the closed nature of those territories that are not under Ukrainian
government control, data was only collected in towns controlled by the Ukrainian forces. However, the
monitoring organizations recorded violations of international law carried out by both parties to the conflict.
International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) and Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission are
both independent, non-governmental organizations. The organizations worked together to gather evidence
through field research and from public sources. The evidence was analyzed using applicable international
law and, taking into account the context and history of the conflict. The field monitoring was conducted
jointly by IPHR and Truth Hounds together with the Norwegian delegation of the OSCE and the Civil Solidarity
Platform (CSP).
Based on the evidence collected by the monitoring teams, we can conclude that:
• During the attacks originating from so called Luhansk and Donetsk Peoples Republics (LDPR) on
the settlement of Kurdiumyvka civilian objects were targeted. These objects cannot be classified as military
targets, as there were no military objects located there;
• The attacks from so-called LDPR on the settlements of Vrubivka, Krasnogorivka, Mariinka and Sartana
resulted in the death of civilians and damage to civilian objects;
• Most attacks on Avdiivka by so-called LDPR cannot be qualified as war crimes under Article 8 (2) (b)
(ii) and 8 (2) (b) (iv). However, a comprehensive review of the shelling of the city for the whole documented
period from 26 January to 24 February 2017 makes it possible to establish the mental element of a war
crime under Article 8 (2) (b) (iv);
• The numerous attacks on civilian targets that occurred during the winter of 2016-2017 were caused
by Ukrainian army military equipment being located near to civilian populations. Under the Rome Statute,
from the information gathered, many attacks cannot be qualified as war crimes under articles of the Charter
because of the proximity of civilian infrastructure to facilities of the armed forces. Modern international
humanitarian law (IHL) requires all parties to a conflict to avoid stationing military objectives near civilians.
The evidence presented in this report was analyzed according to international agreements and common
law relating to conflict and mass atrocities, namely, international humanitarian law and international criminal
During the investigation into the attacks on the towns, information from public sources and reports published
by the special monitoring mission of the OSCE was also used. The authors of this report believe that based
on a common desire for peace, security and justice, it is essential to conduct a full and thorough investigation
into these events and bring those responsible for international crimes to trial under independent and
impartial proceedings to ensure full respect for basic rights fair trial.
Annex 88
scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 5
Sources of information and methodology of
Evidence of the violations presented in this report were collected by IPHR and Truth Hounds (together with
other partner organizations and independent human rights activists) during field missions in eastern Ukraine
which took place in the period of December 2016 - March 2017. During these field missions witnesses and
victims were interviewed and information was gathered from independent reliable sources. To ensure a
methodologically consistent documentation process, IPHR developed a guide to documenting crimes. The
manual contains a detailed description of the elements of crimes (war crimes and crimes against humanity),
classification of evidence, instructions for obtaining and the secure storage of evidence of different types,
recommendations for field surveys and obtaining appropriate information from victims and witnesses and
security rules during field work.
For this report, eighty testimonies from victims and witnesses from 10 settlements in Donetsk and Lugansk
regions were analyzed. For the protection of witnesses, all the testimonies were encoded and a coded
number in the data base was attributed to each witness. This data forms the evidence of the report. In
addition, 113 shell craters created in the region during winter 2016-2017 were mapped and analyzed
(Annex 1). We also used data obtained from military sources, international monitors and human rights
organizations, and other reliable and checked sources of documentation.
In order to further check data and to improve the quality of mapping, we used the programme EyeWitness
to Atrocities, developed by the International Bar Association. This programme is designed to assist human
rights defenders to obtain reliable data using photo and video recording. The application records the time,
date and place of use, geolocation data and data points of the nearest Wi-Fi and phone masts. All data
collected by using this programme can be used in court as evidence of crime.*
Using the above methodology for gathering information not the other ones, the documenters used the “nine
step” model of data collection to cross check evidence and reduce the probability of data manipulation.
In the “nine step” model we used:
1. Evidence of signed orders for the use of materials in courts;
2. Photographs of the scene;
3. Video recording of the scene, which depicts the entire process of the monitoring work and shows a panoramic
view of the location, allowing the viewer to identify the crime scene;
4. The EyeWitness to Atrocities programme allowing accurate determination and confirmation of the location of
the crime scene, in addition to standard photo-video records;
5. Hand drawn maps of the scenes made by witnesses and certified documenters;
6. Google Earth Maps;
7. Information from the OSCE, gathered in the field and verified and information from public sources;
8. Information from the Observation Mission Ukraine-Russia collected in the field and tested;
9. The video service Youtube, complementing the existing information and confirming the findings from the field,
and media reports and messages on social networks verified by documenters;
* While EyeWitness can verify the image metadata, EyeWitness does not itself investigate, and therefore does not verify, the
contents of the images. Any analysis or conclusions drawn regarding the content of the images captured with the EyeWitness app
are those of the report authors and do not belong to the EyeWitness organisation.
Annex 88
6 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
History of the conflict
After the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, pro-Russian separatists attempted to gain
control of the industrial areas of eastern Ukraine, seizing government buildings in Donetsk, Lugansk,
Kharkiv, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Gorlovka in April 2014 and calling for a referendum on independence.
In response to the increasing number of Russian troops on the border, the Ukrainian government in Kyiv
ordered an «anti-terrorist operation» (ATO) and regained control of the city of Kharkiv. On 11 May 2014, pro-
Russian separatists in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions held an unrecognized referendum and declared the
independence of the so-called «Donetsk People’s Republic» (DPR) and «Luhansk People’s Republic» (LPR),
drafting new constitutions. Fighting quickly broke out on the territory of Donbass and losses, particularly
amongst the civilian population, began to mount.
On 17 July 2014 the civilian passenger jet Malasia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down in rebel-held territory
en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, claiming 298 lives.
Intense fighting took place in and around Donetsk in late July 2014, and the Ukrainian armed forces retook
the cities of Severodonetsk, Lysichansk, Shakhtyarsk Popasna thus isolating the pro-Russian separatists
in Donetsk and cutting off supply routes between the so-called LPR and the DPR. By 28 July 2014 the
strategic high ground of Savur-Mohyla was under Ukrainian control, together with the town of Debaltseve,
an important railway junction linking the self-proclaimed republics.
The Ukrainian forces encircled Donetsk and Luhansk on 3 August 2014, prompting Igor Girkin, commander
of the so-called DPR, to call openly for Russian military intervention. Heavy fighting between insurgents
and government forces continued around Donetsk in the first weeks of August, including cross-fire, heavy
shelling and artillery which caused dozens of civilian deaths and injuries as well as the destruction of civilian
buildings and hospitals, where most residents were hiding in basements.
On 14 August, a convoy of some 20 armored vehicles and other vehicles with official Russian military
number plates reportedly entered Ukraine near the Izvaryne border crossing point which was controlled by
insurgents. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen called the incident a “Russian incursion” into
Ukraine, although the Russian Defense Ministry denied the existence of any such convoy.
By 25 August, an insurgent counter-offensive had stalled the Ukrainian military offensive on Donetsk and
Luhansk. The prospect of defeat of the insurgents led to Russian artillery fire on the advancing Ukrainian
troops. The artillery was fired from within the territory of the Russian Federation and direct intervention by
Russian troops to the territory of Ukraine became a regular feature of the conflict.
After peace talks in Minsk which were held under the auspices of the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Ukraine, Russia and the so-called DPR and LPR, agreed on a ceasefire on 5
September 2014. However, despite the ceasefire, intense fighting in Donbas continued throughout October,
leading to military and civilian casualties. On 24 January 2015 multiple launch rocket system Grad (MLRS
Grad) rockets fired from rebel-controlled territory onto the residential district of Mariupol left more than 30
civilians dead and nearly 100 wounded.
Minsk II, the new package of peacemaking measures, was signed on 11 February 2015. However, in spite of
the ceasefire the rebels continued their assault, attacking Mariupol. They also attacked the headquarters
of the government’s Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO), located far outside the conflict zone, hitting residential
districts and killing civilians in the process. Minor violations of the ceasefire continued throughout March
and April, although the ceasefire was largely observed throughout the conflict zone. Both sides withdrew
heavy weaponry from the frontline, but fighting continued to break out from time to time.
In early winter 2016, intense fighting resumed on the territory under Ukrainian control, resulting in death of
many civilians and combatants.
Annex 88
scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 7
Donetsk oblast
A visit by the Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission with a representative of the organization Blue
Bird and expert in the field of human rights in Belarus, 14-17 February, 28 February, 30 March, 2017.
The city of Avdiivka (under control of the Ukrainian Government) is located to the north of Donetsk and west of
Yasinuvata, controlled by the so-called DPR. The distance from the southernmost buildings of Avdiivka to Spartak
village in Donetsk city is only three and a half kilometers. The south-eastern part of the city is close to the front
line between combatants. The “Koksohim” factory constitutes the main enterprise in the city.1
Avdiivka became a hotspot in the military conflict in eastern Ukraine after government troops took control of
the industrial zone in the southeast of the city (Point 17 on the map). At the end of January 2017 intense fighting
resumed and both the old town, located to the east of the railroad, and the newer part of town (including the
Khimik residential area) were hit hard.
Ukrainian government forces in Avdiivka were located in a building situated between the city and the “Koksokhim”
factory. A checkpoint was set up on Vorobyov streetand military personnel were stationed in a civilian building
nearby. Another unit was based on the premises of the orphanage. Two further military posts were set up among
nearby buildings. Firing positions were situated on the edge of the south-southeast part of the city at the end
of Lermontov and Kolosov streets. Ammunition warehouses2 by armored combat vehicles3 and army personnel
are situated in the midst of residential buildings, and Ukrainian government forces use cannon fire from this
position,4 which puts the residents living in the area at increased risk of injury in retaliation fire.
On 26 January 2017 at 11:00 pm5, firing from heavy high caliber artillery ammunition began in the old town on
Lermontov and Kolosov streets.6 Craters left in the ground measured up to 6.2 m in length and 180cm in depth.7
Explosions damaged houses number 23 and 27 on Kolosov Street8 and house number 23 was left without a
roof and its porch and outbuildings were completely destroyed (points 67 and 68).9 As a result of the shelling,
electricity and gas supplies were disconnected. The water in the heating system froze in several buildings, and
central heating boilers were destroyed.10
One shell exploded in the backyard of house number 71 on Lermontov Street, smashing windows and destroying
outbuildings (point 18).11
Although the 26 January shelling was carried out with the use of heavy projectiles, it did not cause severe damage.
However, it was a prelude to more dramatic events that caused deaths and much more damage to the city of
On 30 January at 4:30 pm, two artillery shells were fired at intervals of 3-4 seconds and landed in the old town.12
The first shell hit the gable of number 35 on Turgenev Street but did not explode (point 69).13 The second shell
1 Information about Avdiivka factory
2 Photo evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1494.jpg; Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds
3 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1496.MOV
4 Witness statement: 0237К877
5 Witness statement: 0237К877
6 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70216-122041.mp4
7 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170216_12_59_17_Pro.mp4 , IMG_1500.MOV
8 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70216-110124.mp4
9 Witness statement: 0221K878
10 Witness statement: 0237К877
11 Witness statement: 0221K879
12 Witness statement: 0118K880
13 Photo evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1478.MOV
Annex 88
8 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
© Truth Hounds
Annex 88
scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 9
exploded under the roof of the summer kitchen on 42 Zelena Street. The place that was hit indicates that the
projectile was launched from the direction of Yasinovataya (point 70).14
The shelling on that day also hit the “Koksokhim” factory, and the whole city suffered a power outage and the
heating supply to apartment buildings was cut off15 In temperatures of -20С the city began to experience a
humanitarian crisis16 and a state of emergency was declared.17
On 31 January, at about 7:00 am18, the district of “Khimik“ came under fire from MLRS Grad rockets. One shell hit
the south-eastern facade of a roof of a multi-story building at 31 Komunalna Street (point 111).19 Apartments 74
and 75 were badly damaged.20 Apartments 71 and 72 were also affected. Turgenev Street came under fire on the
same day (point 71).21 In addition, the police reported22 damage to four houses on Zelena and Kolosov streets,
and that one civilian was wounded as the result of a mortar attack. The authorities set up centres to provide
emergency food and heating and began evacuating those citizens who wanted to leave Avdiivka.
On 1 February, from 7:00 am onwards MLRS “Grad” rockets again fell on Avdiivka.23 Four witnesses interviewed by
the documenters indicated that they had been fired from the east.24 Other witnesses were unable to identify the
location from where the projectiles had been launched. Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission recorded
dozens of shell craters which all indicated that the fire came from the east-south-east or the south-east.
As a result, a massive shelling destroyed and damaged houses and buildings in the old town. In particular, we
recorded a direct hit to house number 45 on Zelena Street, which completely destroyed the roof and led to the
ceiling partially collapsing (point 72).25
An explosion occurred just four meters away from 83 Zavodska Street.26 (point 73) The house sustained damage
to its facade and broken windows, as did neighboring buildings. The direction of the fire was east-southeast,
azimuth of 108 degrees.27
There was a direct hit to a house on 96 Zavodska Street (point 74). The shell struck the roof and exploded as its
remains struck the floor, forming a crater.28
An explosion happened in the yard of number 100 Zavodska Street, damaging walls and windows of the house
(point 75). Another crater29 was documented in front of this building, which showed signs that the shooting had
come from the southeast. The front of the house was struck and all the windows were smashed.
Several craters were also found on Kolosov Street in the heart of the old town.30 One shell hit house number
21431, destroying and damaging outbuildings. Another exploded in the summer house, leaving a narrow crater in
14 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: 20170215_122441.mp4
15 SMM OSCE report, access:
17 Media information, access:
18 Witness statement: 0221K881
19 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70214-112040.mp4
20 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70214-171237.mp4
21 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70215-110254.mp4
22 Ukrainian police report, access:
23 Witness statement: 0221K882
24 Witness statement: 0221K882, 0221K883, 0221K884, 0221K885
25 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170215_13_22_00_Pro.mp4
26 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170215_17_29_06_Pro.mp4
27 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1481.MOV
28 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1481.MOV
29 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170215_17_23_12_Pro.mp4
30 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170216_14_37_23_Pro.mp4
31 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: MG_1513.MOV
Annex 88
10 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
© Truth Hounds
the ground pointing east.32 Documenters found part of a detonator and the body of a MLRS BM-21 Grad (point
On 84 Turgenev Street the team documented a direct hit to the east side of a barn (point 76).34
The next shelling which occurred on 1 February on Zavodska Street killed local resident Ekaterina Volkova.35
According to the regional police Chief Vyacheslav Abroskin, 52 buildings in the area were destroyed or damaged
that day.36
The 2 February proved the bloodiest of the war: a center providing humanitarian aid, a hospital, and a school
were shelled. Civilians were killed and injured.
At 3:30 am a mortar attack began near the city railway crossing between the old and new part of Avdiivka (point
77).37 A car parts store was partly destroyed, a garage was set on fire and a tire shop was destroyed. According to
our estimates based on the analysis of craters and evidence mortars of 120mm caliber were used in the shelling
and were fired from the east.38 On 19 Sadova Street, a crater 280 cm and 260 cm length and 80 cm depth was
found near to the petrol station.39 Eight craters were found in this area.40
32 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70216-135835.mp4
33 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1514.MOV
34 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: 20170215_111838.mp4
35 Witness statement: 0221K886; News media, access:
36 Chief of police in Donetsk area Vycheslav Abroskin, access:
37 Witness statement: 0221K887
38 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1466.MOV
39 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1465.MOV
40 Witness statement: 0221K888; Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70214-161226.mp4, V70214-160240.
Annex 88
scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 11
Later in the morning school number 7 and the hospital of Avdiivka came under tank fire. One shell exploded
between the school and the hospital41 (point 106), one hit the school stadium42 (point 108), and another one
exploded among trees 100 meters away from the hospital (point 107).43 Truth Hounds documenters found a
stabilizer from a tank missile near these craters.
From 9:30 pm to 10:00 pm a mortar attack began on the city.44 Shells exploded near house number 8 on
Mendeleev Street (point 78). One of the explosions killed local resident, Elena Volkova (37 years old), who was
taken to hospital but declared dead on arrival.45 A foreign photographer sustained a serious eye injury.46 Several
apartments in the building number 8 were also damaged.47 Shells exploded near the south-eastern wall of the
building and judging by fragmentation traces on the house, the fire also came from the southeast.48
At 9:30 pm there were two direct hits on house number 17 on Molodizhna treet (point 115).49 The first shell hit
the bedroom of apartment number 116, which was south-east facing. The second shell broke the southeast
corner of the building of the same apartment.50 The explosions broke a gas pipe causing a gas leak. In one of
the apartments in 9 Vorobyov Street, a local resident suffered a head injury.51 A witness from the same building
pointed out that during this attack he saw the shell from his window, which glowed amber and flew east (azimuth
41 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70214-123916.mp4
42 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70214-122018.mp4, V70214-121404.mp4
43 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1464.MOV
44 Witness statement: 0221K889
45 Witness statement: 0221K890, 0221K891
46 Witness statement: 0221K889
47 Witness statement: 0221K892
48 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70214-092831.mp4
49 Witness statement: 0221K893, 0221K894
50 Witness statement: 0221K931, Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70214-104915.mp4
51 Witness statement: 0221K894
Annex 88
12 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
53).52 The shell exploded near the house53, and the blast caused a window to open and hit the witness in the face.
Many windows of the house were broken and debris struck the façade (point 79).
There is a crater in the asphalted road near house number 19 on Molodizhna Street (point 80).54 During the
shelling, a resident of an apartment on the second floor sustained a head wound from shell fragments.55
Several shells fell in the yard of school number 2 (point 81) as a convoy of humanitarian aid was being unloaded.
An ambulance driver was killed, and the head of the emergency services was wounded56 died a few weeks later
in hospital in Dnipro city.57
The eastern facade of building number 13 on Molodizhna Street took a direct hit to the fifth floor (point 82).58 The
shelling occurred at 11:00 pm. Five shells exploded near the building.59
On 3 February at 10:00 pm a shell hit the eastern facade of house number 73 on Soborna Street in the old part
of Avdiivka (point 83).60 The shell landed between the second and third floor, knocking a 150x150 cm size hole in
the masonry and partially destroying two apartments. 61
On 9 February, the old district of the city was once again shelled at 2:00 pm. One shell exploded near number 14
Turgenev Street, knocking out windows and damaging walls (point 84).62 A resident on Soborna Street sustained
an injury to the arm from fragments of a projectile.63 The shell, probably a 82 mm mortar shell, exploded directly
in front of the building.64 The injured man was admitted to hospital in Dnipro.
15 February at 8:40 pm the Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission, who were at that time in the district
of «Khimik», heard a series of loud and frequent explosions coming from the old part of the district, an area
adjacent to the industrial zone.65 They described the sounds of the explosions as being similar to explosions from
120-mm mortar.
Next morning, the documenters went to the site of the shelling. On that same morning, houses on Kolosov
and Lermontov Street were heavily shelled. The houses are situated some 500 meters from the industrial zone
where Ukrainian military personnel, personnel, equipment and firing positions were situated. At the crime scene
the documenters found lots of newly made craters of the same type (points 85-90). All were about one meter in
diameter and two feet deep.66 Next to some craters in the fresh snow scree ground ejected from the crater of
the explosion was clearly visible.67 Documenters concluded that 120 mm caliber mortar shells had been used
and that the direction of fire was south-east or south-southeast.
Witnesses stated that the shelling in their district started at 9:30 pm.68
One of the mines fell on a house at 42 Kolosov Street, destroying it and setting it on fire (point 66). An elderly
52 Witness statement: 0221K886
53 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1462.MOV
54 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: 20170213_164435.mp4
55 Witness statement: 0221K894
56 Witness statement: 0221K891
57 News media, access:
58 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: 20170214_095633.mp4
59 Witness statement: 0221K895
60 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: 20170214_163147.mp4
61 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: 20170214_163557.mp4
62 Witness statement: 0221K885
63 Witness statement: 0221K896
64 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70215-102910.mp4
65 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170215_22_34_49_Pro.mp4
66 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170216_13_08_10_Pro.mp4
67 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170216_11_46_28_Pro.mp4
68 Witness statement: 0237К877
Annex 88
scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 13
couple were in the house at the time and were evacuated by the emergency services.69 The building was still
burning by the time we arrived at the scene.70
Another mortar shell exploded under the wall of number 31 Kolosov Street.71 The explosion damaged the loadbearing
wall, knocked out eight windows and pulled the locks out of the door.
15 February at 9:30 pm heavy fire partially destroyed houses and outbuildings at numbers 9, 12, 14, 19 Kolosov
Street.72 This area came under heavy fire from mortars and grenade machine guns.73 House number 21 was also
damaged.74 House number 36 on Kolosov Street was hit from fire coming from the direction of Yasinovata.
At 9:25 pm a shell struck the side of 71 Lermontov Street which faces the industrial zone and Yasinovataya. The
shell broke the roof and the ceiling in two rooms.75 In the garden of number 75 Lermontov Street three funnels
were found at a distance of about 20 m apart. The explosions destroyed fences, porches and broke a power
line.76 The shelling also affected houses number 69, 7477, 76 and 85.78
At 6:03 pm on 16 February the district of Khimik came under tank fire. Over a period of fifty seconds three
consecutive explosions took place.79 Truth Hounds documenters were only 100 meters away from the site hit
(point 114).
One shell hit the building at number 12 Gagarin Street, destroying the shop «Barvinok» which was located on the
first floor of a five-story building (point 91).80 The projectile hit a window on the south side and struck the brick
wall opposite, leaving a hole of 116x89 cm in size. All the windows in the entrance were knocked out by the blast
Another rocket hit the southern facade of the building at number 1 Gagarin Street at the level of the fourth floor.
The explosion destroyed the ceilings from the fourth to the first floor (point 123).81
The third and last rocket hit the apartment number 10 of building number 1 of 9th Kvartal Street which was east
facing. (point 92).82 As a result, a man living on the floor above sustained a leg injury. Two men walking their
children to school were hit as they walked along the path outside the house. They tried to protect their children
when the shelling began – one man was fatally shot in the head and other was wounded in the leg.83
The shelling continued that day. At 6:47 pm the documenters recorded frequent explosions in the old part of
Avdiivka. Judging by the sound, a full MLRS Grad system was used to shel the area. At 7:34 pm there were three
successive explosions at intervals of a few seconds. They were similar to the one that occurred at 6:03 pm.84
17 February, the district of “Khimik” was shelled again,85 by a total of eight shells.86 Two tank shells fired successively
69 Witness statement: 0237К877
70 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170216_11_18_43_Pro.mp4, IMG_1485.MOV
71 Witness statement: 0237К877
72 Witness statement: 0221K878, IMG_1496.MOV
73 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70216-111115.mp4
74 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70216-110844.mp4
75 Witness statement: 0221K879
76 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1500.MOV
77 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: V70216-115919.mp4
78 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170216_13_42_04_Pro.mp4, IMG_1502.MOV
79 Documentor statement: DU-00372
80 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1529.MOV, IMG_1525.MOV, IMG_1526.MOV, V70217-083018.mp4
81 Truth Hounds Facebook page video, access:; Video evidence
documented by Truth Hounds: V70217-082122.mp4
82 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1521.MOV
83 Witness statement: 0221K897
84 Documentor statement: DU-00372
85 Witness statement: 0221K898
86 Witness statement: 0221K899
Annex 88
14 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
hit the south-east corner of building 81 on Grushevskoho Street on the 14th floor87, and also the south-east
façade of building number 8 on Uvileynyy Kvartal (point 21). The second explosion occurred in an apartment
on the second floor and destroyed the ceilings on three floors.88 Two teenagers teenagers who were in one
of apartments were wounded.89 Four apartments were severely damaged in this building, numbers 39, 43, 44
and 4790.
24 February at 7:45 pm91 Chernyshevsky Street came under intense mortar fire. Mortar shells directly hit
outbuildings on 68 Chernyvsky Street (point 93). The walls and roof of the same building were damaged. An
elderly couple was just able to escape the house, including the owner of the house who is disabled after losing a
leg in the shelling of 1 January 2014.92 Another shell hit house number 6893 and one exploded next to building 59
on the street (point 94). The roof of a building on neighboring Sportivna Street blown off (point 95).
The shelling of Avdiivka did not come to an end in spring. On 2 March, from 4:00 pm to 5:10 pm tank shelling
occurred in the district of Khimik.94 Three rockets fired from the east hit high-rise buildings numbers 3 and 5
Mendeleev Street as well as on Molodijna Street95 (points 96, 97, 98), although that one did not explode. It was
identified as a 125-mm tank high-explosive projectile.96
Meanwhile, school number 7 was shelled (10 Communal Street)97: a shell exploded at the school fence 20 meters
from the south-eastern wall of the building, damaging the facade, the glass doors98 (point 99).
At 5:10 pm a shell hit a building located at 8a Gagarin Street (point 100).99 Another hit the roof of number 1
Gagarin Street (point 101).100 Several shells exploded near the Malyatko kindergarten (point 102). One hit a tree
in the grounds while others but the others did not explode luckily as children and teachers were in the grounds
at the time of the explosion. The debris struck the door to the nursery room, two balconies were riddled by
debris and the shock wave knocked out 24 windows.101
We continue to receive information about ongoing attacks on civilians in this city.102
87 Photo evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1631.JPG
88 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1604.MOV
89 Witness statement: 0221K932
90 Witness statement: 0221K898
91 Witness statement: 0221K900
92 Witness statement: 0221K901
93 Witness statement: 0221K900
94 Witness statement: 0221K902
95 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_0187.MOV; Witness statement: 0221K902
96 Witness statement: 0221K903
97 Witness statement: 0221K904, 0221K905
98 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_0189.MOV, Witness statement: 0221K905
99 Witness statement: 0221K906
100 Witness statement: 0221K907
101 Witness statement: 0221K908
102 News media, access:
Annex 88
scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 15
The Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission visited this town with Blue Bird NGO on 27 February and
14 March 2017.
The town of Kyrdiumyvka is located on Ukrainian controlled territory in the province of Donetsk. The settlement
of Horlovka, situated seven kilometers to the south-south-east of the town, is under the control of the DPR.
Bakhmut city is situated some 12 km to the northeast. There are no Ukrainian military objects on the territory
of the town, only a pumping station that supplies water to Vuglegirsk power station, a railway station and a
Despite the absence of military objects in the town, Kurdiumyvka was repeatedly subjected to shelling: in June
2015103, and twice in January 2015104 local residents were forced to take refuge from the shells by hiding in
basements. The year 2016 was one of the only peaceful ones in recent times for the inhabitants of Kyrdiumyvka.
However, during winter 2017, Kurdyumivka was again subjected to severe shelling which began on the night
of 6 February105, at approximately 9:00pm.106 Buildings on Vatutin, Zavodska and Sevastopolska streets were
damaged. According to local residents, about 30 shells were fired on the settlement, in two volleys of shooting.107
According to witness testimonies, the sound of the salvos differed. The time between shot and explosion was
about 30 seconds and and the shelling was quite intense, with some 30 shells fired in a few minutes. Victims
reported that the shelling was accompanied by the sound of «rustling paper”. The blast wave from the explosions
had been shaking the walls. The blast knocked out windows, damaged walls, and tore up fences.108
Our team was able to document 16 craters after the attack (points 22-37). The others had been filled in by
inhabitants, mostly because they were located in garden soil. Those craters that had not been filled in were
round shaped, slightly elongated from east to west. They were around 2.6, 2.8 meters in diameter, with the
diameters of the entry holes of of 9 сm, 12 сm, 27 сm.109 They indicated an approximate direction of fire from
south-south-east, azimuth 160 degrees. The settlement of Zaitseve is located in this direction.
Six people in Kurdiumyvka died as a result of the shelling, including one child - a boy who was killed as the last
shell struck (point 104) 110
103 Location: Kurdiumovka, Vkzalna 18 str, June 2015
104 Location: Kurdiumovka, Vkzalna 6 str, 31 January 2015, Kurdiumivka, Zelenopillia, Molodizhna 3 st, 31 January 2015
105 Witness statement: 0259K912, 0259K913, 0259K909, 0259K910, 0259K911
106 Witness statement: 0259K912, 0259K913, 0259K909, 0259K910, 0259K911
107 Witness statement: 0259K909, 0259K913
108 Witness statement: 0259K913, 0259K909, 0259K910, 0259K911
109 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: 0314-101446, 20170314_121335.mp4, 20170314_104239.mp4,
20170314_111938.mp4, 20170314_120022.mp4, 20170216_102738.mp4
110 Witness statement: 0259K910
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16 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
© Truth Hounds
Visited by the Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission on
1 March, 2017
Sartana is a village located to the north-east of Mariupol city on
Ukrainian controlled territory. Six kilometers from the village the
Vostochniy residential district of Mariupol is situated, which was
subjected to massive shelling by MLRS Grad rockets on 24 January
2015.111 The conflict line between the warring parties is situated 8.5
km east of the village. The population of Sartana is largely comprised
of ethnic Greeks. During the war this settlement came under artillery
fire seven times:112 the most dramatic shelling occurred when a Grad
rocket launcher targeted a funeral procession on 14 October 2014
killing seven civilians and injuring 14.113. The rockets were launched
from the east.114
There are no military objects in the village, but Ukrainian artillery
temporary positions115are located 1,5-2 km away, and artillery
periodically fires from those positions and then retreats to positions
further away from Sartana.
On 3 February 2017 Sartana was twice shelled by MLRS Grad rockets.
The first wave of rockets hit the village at 5:00 am local time. The
shelling was carried out in a series of six to seven rounds with
subsequent correction.116 The first explosions occurred in a field to
the north of the village and on the territory of the cemetery (points 2,
3). The last hit areas around houses and farm buildings on Severnaya
Street and set fire to an agricultural grain container.117 In other
words, the artillery systems’ fire was corrected to target the area
where the residential area is situated. Members of the Truth Hounds
Documentation Field Mission investigated the funnel118 (point 1)119
and established that it had been created by the explosion of a MLRS
Grad projectile, launched from the north-east (azimuth 340). The
other funnel examined at the cemetery (point 2) shows the azimuth
to an artillery gun which originated from — 730.120
Residential houses, farm buildings and agricultural machinery were
damaged in the shelling.121
The second bout of shelling occurred at 11:05 pm.122 Attackers used
111 IPHR report on shelling of Mariupol, access:
112 Witness statement: 0256K914
113 SMM OSCE report, access:
114 SMM OSCE report, access:
115 Witness statement: 0256K915
116 Witness statement: 0256K914
117 Police of Donetsk area report, access:
118 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1672.MOV
119 Map, access:
120 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1675.MOV
121 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1673.MOV
122 Police of Donetsk area report, access:
Annex 88
scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 17
MRLS Grad rockets similar to those used in the attack, and this attack was
also three rounds of fire with interruptions about a minute between them.123
The evening shelling caused more damage than the morning one.124 The
Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission examined the funnel created by
the explosion of the projectile (point 4 on the map). The form of the funnel
was similar to craters created by Grad projectiles and showed azimuth 1070
to an artillery gun.125 Members of the group extracted the remains of a Grad
projectile’s shank part from the funnel.126 Buildings on Pivnichna Street
(points 5, 6) sustained damage.127
The shelling of Sartana occurred against a background of escalating warfare
in this region, and attempts by government forces to occupy the village of
Pikuzy (Kominternovo) which is located 9 kilometers to the east of Sartana.128
Visited by the Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission on 26
February, 2017
The city of Krasnohorivka in Marjika district in the Donetsk region has
suffered from artillery fire throughout the armed conflict. Six schools
including an agricultural technical school, and a vocational school as well as
many households were damaged by shelling.129 There are no government
troop firing positions in the city, and the only Ukrainian armed forces base
is located in the center of the city on a business premises. At the entrance
to the city a checkpoint was set up and several soldiers perform police
On 10 February 2017 at about 2:30 pm a projectile exploded on the road
between Marjinka and Krasnohorivka (point 15), presumably launched by
a MLRS Grad BM-21 or Grad-P.130 The explosion temporarily deafened two
locals, who were walking on the road. Another shell exploded on Shkilna
Street (point 14).
On 18 February 2017 at 7:30 pm the city was shelled again. A video of the
shelling was shared on the Twitter account of Marjinka city.131 The sounds
of the flying projectiles and explosions can be heard on the video. One
witness saw 10 projectiles explode in 63 seconds. As a result of artillery
123 Witness statement: 0256K914
124 SMM OSCE report, access:
125 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1670.MOV
126 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1671.MOV
127 Witness statement: 0256K933, 0256K934
128 News media, access:
129 Evidence collected by Truth Hounds on Krasnogorivka, marked as a number 138
130 Witness statement: 0138К916
131 Video from the non-official Twitter chanel of Marinka, access:
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18 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
© Truth Hounds
fire residential houses on Shkilna Street (formerly Paryzkoi Kommuny) were damaged.132 Members of the field
mission recorded a hit under the foundation of house number 53 (point 16 on the map).133 When the field
mission visited the funnel had already been filled in, but shrapnel marks on the house and the degree of damage,
along with analysis of video footage lead us to conclude that the attack was carried out using several units of 122
mm caliber artillery fired from the east.
On 24 February 2017 Krasnohorivka city was shelled by mortar fire during which a coal shed on Shkilna Street
was destroyed.134
The Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission visited the city of Marjinka on 16 and 17 December 2016
and again on 26 February 2017
The city of Marjinka in Donetsk region is under Ukrainian government control. A checkpoint for cars and
pedestrians is situated there for communication with the territory of the self-proclaimed DPR.135 To the eastsoutheast
Marjinka adjoins the village of Oleksandrivka, controlled by the so-called DPR. To the east of the city
lies the Trudovskie residential district of Donetsk city. The distance between the separatists’ base on the territory
of the enterprise Donbas-Ekvitsentr and the nearest households in Marjinka is 400 meters.
Houses of local civilians in the eastern part of Marjinka constantly suffer from hits from light and heavy infantry
132 Witness statement: 0138К917
133 Witness statement: 0138К917, 0138К918; Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1592.MOV, IMG_1595.
MOV; Photo evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1593.JPG, IMG_1594.JPG, IMG_1599.JPG, IMG_1600.JPG
134 Witness statement: 0138К918, 0138К919
135 Map, access:
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scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 19
weapons. The streets which most frequently come under fire are Telmana, Matrosova, and the houses at the end
of the streets of Oktyabrska, Lenina, and Shevchenko.136 In regards to these incidents of shelling it is impossible
to put forward the thesis of war crimes, because civilian objects are located actually on the contact line between
However, the shelling on 2 February 2017 at 19:30-20:30 nevertheless has elements of a war crime.137 As a result
of small-caliber artillery ammunition explosions houses and outbuildings on Pervomayska Street138 and Horkoho
street (points 7-11) were damaged. Members of the field mission examined the shelled locations, interviewed
witnesses and recorded the damage. The cap of a small-caliber projectile from the door of an outbuilding was
extracted.139 The door of this building is east-facing.
Analysis of other hits also gives grounds to conclude that the shilling originated from the east side, presumably
using a 20-mm automatic gun mounted on the BMP-2.
The funnels situated not less than 1,400 meters to the north-west of the position of the Ukrainian armed forces.
In addition, members of the field mission witnessed one shelling incident. On 17 December 2016 at 4:45 pm, our
group was moving down Pervomayska Street in Marjinka to the crossroads (points #12 on the map).140 The group
saw glowing red projectiles flying from the east to Pervomayska Street (point 12) and then stuck in the road some
200 meters ahead of the mission team’s car. A local citizen was killed on the same street in 2015 when standing
in his own yard.
Visited by the Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission on 23 February, 2017
Novoselivka is controlled by the Ukrainian government and is located 15 km north of Yasynovata and 11 km
south-west of Horlivka (both settlements are controlled by the so-called DPR). During the war units and fire
positions of the Ukrainian army were located around the village, and the Ukraine armed forces base is situated
350 meters north-west of the last building of the village.141 Ukrainian army combatants lived in Novoselivka. The
shelling of the village lasted throughout the conflict.142
On 13 January 2017 at 7:10 pm artillery shelling began from the direction of Panteleymonivka and Ozeryanivka
(controlled by DPR).143 The projectiles destroyed an electricity pole on Svobody Street and hit the east side of
residential house at number 42 Myra Street (point 103).144 As a result of explosion the buildings were uninhabitable
and a 2x2 meters hole was made in the wall.145
136 Witness statement: 0134К920; Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1569.MOV, IMG_1570.MOV,
IMG_1571.MOV, IMG_1573.MOV, IMG_1575.MOV, IMG_1574.MOV, IMG_1581.MOV; Photo evidence documented by Truth
Hounds: IMG_1572.JPG, IMG_1576.JPG, IMG_1577.JPG, IMG_1578.JPG, IMG_1579.JPG, IMG_1580.JPG
137 Witness statement: 0134К921
138 Witness statement: 0134К922; Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170226_11_38_28_Pro.mp4,
WP_20170226_11_43_19_Pro.mp4, IMG_1584.MOV, IMG_1585.MOV, IMG_1586.MOV, IMG_1589.MOV; Photo evidence documented
by Truth Hounds: WP_20170226_11_37_25_Pro.jpg, WP_20170226_11_37_29_Pro.jpg
139 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170226_11_43_19_Pro.mp4
140 Map, access:
141 Map access:
142 Witness statement: 0258К923
143 Witness statement: 0258К923
144 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_1621.MOV, IMG_1620.MOV
145 Photo evidence documented by Truth Hounds: WP_20170227_15_06_52_Pro.jpg
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20 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
© Truth Hounds
Ukrainian military were quartered 100 meters away from the damaged house, as were six or seven wheeled
vehicles for military use. The attack destroyed the military equipment.146
146 Witness statement: 0258К923
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scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 21
Luhansk oblast
The Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission visited Zolote-4 with a representative of the organization
Blue Bird on 28 March, 2017
The borderline between the warring parties runs through the city of Zolote in Luhansk region. The residential
district Zolote-4 is located in the ‘grey zone’ on the south-east, and the eastern areas are controlled by the socalled
There is a car and pedestrian checkpoint ‘Zolote’ (approximate coordinates48°40’38.2”N 38°30’46.1”E) for
communication with the territory of the self-proclaimed LPR. According to the Special Monitoring Mission of the
OSCE147 and the testimonies of local civilians148, Ukrainian armed forces set up checkpoints in the courtyards of
residential households.
From the beginning of the war the residential district Zolote-4 has constantly suffered from fire from light infantry
and heavy weapons. The situation has not improved significantly after the troop withdrawal and deaths and
injuries among the civilian population still occur, mainly from shrapnel and bullet wounds.
On 1 March 2017 at about 7:30 pm local time shelling began from the direction of Mykhailivka (controlled by socalled
LPR). The first explosions were heard near the stadium and further south.149
As a result a 24-year-old man was injured in his own yard at 9/2 Nakhimova Street.150 The Truth Hounds team
recorded the trace of a shank in the floor of the building (point 110). According to the victim another two projectiles
from a grenade launcher (AGL) fell into the yard during the same shelling, one was firedfrom the south (direction
of Pervomaysk, controlled by LPR), and the other from the opposite direction.
Residential households were also affected: 10/2 and 14/2 on Nakhimova Street; 11/3 Klenova Street (ex.
Komsomolska); houses 77 - 94 on 2nd Svobodna Street and 5 and 8 on Polyova Street.151
The Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission visited Zolote-4 with thea representative of the
organization Blue Bird on 27 March, 2017
Vrubivka152 is located 10 km north of Popasna and about 11 km south-east from the contact line between the
warring parties.
Ukrainian troops are housed in the premises of the former health camp, in the forest, 220 meters south-east of
the nearest residential house. There are no fire positions around.
147 SMM OSCE report, access:
148 Witness statement: 0227К924
149 Witness statement: 0227К925
150 Witness statement: 0227К926
151 Facebook photo-report on shelling:
152 Map, access:
Annex 88
22 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
Vrubivka was shelled during the winter 2016/2017. On 1 February 2017 at 5:00 am local time153 Michurina Street,
Zarichna Street and Tsentralna Street came under artillery shelling (points 105, 116-118).154 The explosions cut
off electricity wires and damaged fences, outbuildings and windows.155 Given the density of fragment traces and
the shape of funnels, the fire originated in the east-southeast.156 Zolote (controlled by Ukrainian government) is
located 10km in this direction, and and beyond it lie territories controlled by the separatists.
Visited by the Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission on 27 March, 2017.
The village Troitske in Popasna district, Luhansk area is located in the valley between two hills, held by opposing
combatants. The border line between the opposing parties is situated in the north-east part of the village
which adjoins the village of Kalynove, controlled by the so-called LPR. To the north of Troitske lies Novozvanivka
settlement, where Ukrainian armed forces are located; the ratio of combatants to civilians is 5:1.
The Ukrainian Forces are stationed in the village, but there are no military facilities. One checkpoint is located in
the direction of Kalinove on the way out of the village on Kvitkova street (ex.Krasna), the other is at the entrance
to Troitske, about 300 m before the damaged bridge over the Luhanka River.
Troitske has repeatedly come under shell fire since the start of the war and singles deaths and injuries of civilians
have been documented.
On 29 January 2017 157 at 11.00 pm shell fire caused the residential house at 21 Pushkina Street to be damaged.
Members of the Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission visited the shelled areas, interviewed witnesses,
recorded damage and craters caused by the explosions.158 The remains of an artillery shell case were found in
one funnel of 50cm depth and 180cm diameter. (points 119, 120).159
Witness explained160 that the nearest checkpoint had been located 2 km from the affected household that it had
been removed before the end of 2016.
On 2 February 2017 the local medical clinic was affected and sustained broken windows and damage to the roof
of an outbuilding (point 113).
Members of the field mission Truth Hounds recorded two filled funnels near the buildings and two more situated
40-50 meters away from the clinic. The different forms, depth and diameter of the funnels and the extracted
fragments161 give reason to assume that it was mortar and heavy artillery fire. There are no military facilities
Two other houses, numbers 25 and 27 on Kvitkova Street (ex.Krasna) were affected on the same day, the roof
and a wall of the one house were damaged by shrapnel, windows were broken and a corner on the building the
153 Witness statement: 0227К927
154 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_0139.MOV
155 Witness statement: 0227К928
156 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_0150.MOV
157 SMM OSCE report, access:
158 Witness statement: 0260К929
159 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_0097.MOV
160 Witness statement: 0260К929
161 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_0083.MOV, IMG_0084.MOV, IMG_0085.MOV, IMG_0088.MOV,
IMG_0089.MOV, IMG_0090.MOV; Photo evidence documented by Truth Hounds: IMG_0086.JPG, IMG_0087.JPG
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© Truth Hounds
south-west side was completely destroyed.162
The team also recorded damage caused by another shelling on 4 February 2017 on Kvitkova Street (ex.Krasna):
the roof of house number 21 was damaged and two new funnels were found about 10-15 meters from the
house. According to witness statements, both funnels were formed by explosions of 82 mm mortar shell.163
Damage on Kvitkova street was located in a 500 meter stretch from the the checkpoint of Ukrainian Armed
Forces in the direction of Kalynove (point 121).
Visited by the Truth Hounds Documentation Field Mission on 29 March, 2017.
The village stretches along the left bank of the Siversky Donets River from west to south-east. The bridge located
to the east of the settlement was used in September 2014 (approximate coordinates 48°44’13.3”N 38°57’35.2”E)
and the road T1315 passes under it. The borderline on this area passes almost along the river bed.
Shelling in January - February 2015 caused a great deal of damage and local residents report that 473 houses
were affected. After the troops withdrew, the situation improved but but destruction of property and buildings
and civilian casualties still occur.
162 SMM OSCE report, access:
163 SMM OSCE report, access:
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24 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
© Truth Hounds
Members of the field mission recorded the damage caused by the mortar shelling of 31 January 2017. The
shelling started at 6:40 pm. As a result of the shelling one woman was concussed.164 Residential houses and
outbuildings at 14165 and 29166 Smolyanka Street - (formerly Parkhomenko) (point 122) and the local school167
at 2 Tsentralna Street (ex. Shchorsa) were damaged (point 112). According to local residents, military trenches
are situated about 500 meters from the school (approximate coordinates 48°45’57.6”N 38°58’06.0”E) and the
position of 93 Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is also nearby.
164 Witness statement: Т1К930
165 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: Видео IMG_0175.MOV
166 Video evidence documented by Truth Hounds: Видео IMG_0171.MOV
167 Witness statement: Т1К931
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scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 25
Legal assessment
One of the most important principles of international humanitarian law is the distinction between civilian and
military facilities and the conducting of military operations solely against military facilities.168 This principle means
that attacks against civilian objects are a violation of international humanitarian law and may constitute war
crimes. At the same time, certain damage to civilian objects can be inflicted without violating international
humanitarian law, provided that : a) these objects are used for military purposes; b) objects have a dual (military
and civil) appointment; c) the goals of attack are military objectives, and proportional collateral harm is caused
to civilian objects.
Violations of international humanitarian law in in relation to harming civilians can be excluded only under the
following conditions:
А) To carry out an attack on civilian objects, which are used for military purposes only if this attack makes an
effective contribution to hostilities.169 The attack is possible only at that time, when a civilian object is being used
for military purposes and is inadmissible after the cessation of such use.
B) Mixed objects (bridges, television infrastructure, etc.) can be attacked only if the military advantage
resulting from their destruction or damage outweighs the harm caused to civilians.170
C) The necessary conditions for the legitimacy of the attack against military objects, which can cause
proportional collateral harm to civilian objects follows the principle of proportionality. The attack cannot be
considered proportional if damage to civilian objects is excessive compared to the concrete and direct military
The Statute of the International Criminal Court criminalized the following acts related to attacks on civilian objects:
• Intentional attacks on civilian objects, that is, objects that are not military targets (Article 8 (2)(b)(ii) )
• Deliberate attack, when it is known that this attack causes accidental death or injury to civilians or harm to
civilian objects, or extensive, long-term and serious damage to the environment, which would be clearly
incommensurable with the concrete and direct anticipated overall military superiority (Article 8(2)(b)(iv) )
• Deliberate strikes against the civilian population as such and deliberate attacks on individual civilians, who do
not take part in hostilities directly. (Article 8(2)(e)(i) )
Articles 8 (2)(b)(ii) and 8(2)(b)(iv) are directly aimed at criminalizing attacks against civilian objects in the conditions
of an international armed conflict. Article 8(2)(e)(i) is a general article, which criminalizes encroachment on
civilians in the case of armed conflict of non-international character. At the same time, based on the practice of
International Criminal Court, this article should be understood as prohibiting the targeting not only of civilians,
but also of protected civil objects.172
The qualification of the actions described in the report under Article 8 part b or e of the Rome Statute depends
on the overall qualification of the armed conflict in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The issue
of the qualification of this armed conflict was covered in previous reports by Truth Hounds.
The information about shelling of specific settlements in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, collected by IPHR and
Truth Hounds, allows us to conclude that the shelling of civilian objects recorded can be qualified as war crimes.
168 Article 52 (2) of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions (1977)
169 Article 52 of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions (1977)
170 Rule 10 of Code of customary international humanitarian law -
171 Article 51(5)(b) of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions (1977); Rule 14 of Code of customary international
humanitarian law -
172 Decision Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute on the Charges of the Prosecutor Against Bosco Ntaganda.
- 2014. - ICC-01/04-02/06. - para. 46
Annex 88
26 IPHR · scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine
a. The material elements of crime. In the documented shelling of Kurdumivka (at night 6.02.2017) there
is evidence beyond reasonable doubt of an attack (an act of violence against enemy in the framework of defense
or offense.)173 In addition, the attacks were carried out against civilian objects, which, by their nature, location,
and purpose are not significant for securing military advantage. There were no military objects such as housed
units of the armed forces near Kurdumivka when the shelling took place.
b. The mental elements of crime. There are reasonable grounds to consider that the attacks were
intentional and civilian objects were specially chosen. This is confirmed, inter alia, by the fact that there were no
military objects or forces located near the damaged civilian objects. There are reasonable grounds to consider,
that the civilian nature of the objects was known by those responsible for the shelling. In particular, this can be
assumed that after several repeated bouts of shelling those responsible for organizing and carrying out the
shelling could have known that civilians were being affected and not combatants.
a. The material elements of crime. As above, as regards the shelling of Vrubivka (1 February 2017),
Krasnohorivka (18 and 24 February 2017), Marjinka (2 February 2017), Troitske (29 January, 2 and 4 February
2017) and Sartana (3 February 2017) these appear to be attacks on civilian targets and civilians. These attacks
caused the death of civilians and damage of civilian objects. The damage to civilian persons and objects is not
proportional to the military advantage which could be obtained by the attacking party. In the case of Sartana the
artillery guns, which apparently were the target of the attack, were not constantly located at 1.5-2 km from the
houses on the edge of the village. They were moved to a more distant position. Thus, at the moment of shelling
of civilian objects, the probability of obtaining any military advantage through the destruction of enemy artillery
was extremely small. Besides the adjustment of fire as established by the monitoring mission, was made to target
civilians, not military.
b. The mental elements of crime. There are not reasonable grounds to believe that the perpetrators were
unaware that attacks would cause accidental deaths or mutilation of civilians or damage to civilian objects. They
also could not have been unaware that this death, injury and damage by their character are clearly incompatible
with the expected concrete and direct common military superiority. It is possible to conclude that, based on the
type of weapon chosen for the attack, it was not intended to target specific objects, but to indiscriminately cover
a huge area. Besides, the adjustment of fire (as in the case of Sartana) demonstrates that during the attack no
measures were taken to minimize the damage of non-military targets. The same applies to the repeated shelling
of the other settlements.
In terms of the Rome Statut, despite the damage caused to many civilian objects, information collected by the
documentation team indicates that this damage does not qualify as evidence under the above-mentioned
articles, as there is a high probability that these bouts of shelling were aimed at military targets. The collateral
damage can be considered as proportional because of the proximity of military objects and the potential military
advantage. The shelling at Tryokhizbenka on 31 January 2017 and that of Zolote on 17 January and 25 February
2017 cannot be qualified as war crimes for the same reasons.
Although these attacks cannot be qualified as war crimes, the information available indicates that violations
of international law did take place. International humanitarian law requires parties to conflicts to use a series
of precautions in attacks to maximize the safety of civilian population and objects.174 The attacking side must:
carefully choose the means and methods of attack; refrain from measures, which can cause the deaths of civilians;
to repeal the attack if it becomes evident that the target is not military; give advance warning of attacks which
173 Situation in the Democratic Republic of The Congo in the Case of The Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu
Ngudjolo Chui. Decision on the confirmation of charges. - 2008. - ICC-01/04-01/07. - para. 266.
174 Article 58, 59 of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions (1977); Rules 19, 20 of Code of customary international
humanitarian law -
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scorching winter 2016-2017: an analysis of the shelling of settlements in eastern ukraine · IPHR 27
could affect the civilian population, etc. Every case of shelling recorded which cannot be qualified as a war crime
nevertheless shows violations of international humanitarian law and of the requirements to use precautionary
Most of the shelling of Avdiivka, due to the numerous military objects of Ukrainian Armed Forces located in the
city, cannot be qualified uniquely as war crimes under Articles 8 (2)(b)(ii) and 8 (2)(b)(iv). At the same time the
complex monitoring of the shelling throughout the documented period from 26 January to 24 February allows
us to establish the mental element of war crime under the Article 8(2)(b)(iv). The material element regarding
damage of civilian objects and deaths of civilians has been established beyond doubt by members of the field
mission Truth Hounds (the details of the destruction caused by the shelling are contained in the report). There
are also reasonable grounds to consider that there is an element of explicit disparity between the damage
caused and the military necessity. The shelling of military targets situated near to civilian households continued
in spite of the systematic destruction of civilian objects; precautions were not taken and the choice of means
and methods of attack did not become more cautious (as evidenced by the use ofsystems of salvo fire for the
February shelling after the destruction caused by the shelling in January 2017). Moreover, many of the attacks
were not aimed at the direction of military facilities or had low chances of causing significant damage to such
objects. For example, the shelling of Turgeneva and Zelena streets on 30 January, Turgeneva Street on 31 January
and the shelling of Zavodska Street on 1 February with the use of Grad rockets. In these cases there were no
military objects in the vicinity and in addition the shelling of Zavodska Street was carried out using a Grad rocket
launcher which is not intended to selectively attack military targets. Considering the above facts, it is possible to
conclude that the attacks on objects in the city Avdiivka were disproportionate. Probably, the clearest evidence
of disproportionate attacks was the shelling of 2 February 2017, which damaged the humanitarian assistance
centre, the hospital and the school. Judging by the area where the projectiles landed one can presume that the
targets were the checkpoint, and the barracks housing 30-50 solders, (who had lived there for over two years).
The military advantage achievable by the destruction of these two military targets is clearly incommensurable
with the damage and risks which were predictable when the 2 February shelling was being planned.
Additionally, the presence of the mental elements of war crimes under Article 8(2)(b)(iv) can also be established
beyond reasonable doubt, because even the first shelling of military targets in Avdiivka led to damage of civilian
objects and civilian deaths. Therefore, the perpetrators of the shelling could not have been unaware that their
actions would lead to civilian deaths, casualties and damage.
It should be noted that numerous incidents of shelling of civilian objects were possible amongst other things
because of the military objects located near to civilian populations and residential areas. Modern international
humanitarian law requires parties to conflicts to avoid the deployment and stationing of military facilities near
civilian one.175 Conflicting parties should move civilian population and objects under their control from areas near
the military objects. Proceeding from the cited provisions of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions
(1977) and the customary international law, an absolute prohibition on placing military facilities near civilians
in international humanitarian law does not exist. Conflicted parties are only obliged to take action to distance
military objects and forces where it is consistent with military necessity.
The Rome Statute designates “Using the presence of civilians or other protected person to protect certain
points, areas or armed forces from military actions” as a war crime in the case of international armed conflicts
(Article 8 (2)(b)(xxiii) ). Due to the lack of practice under this article of the International Tribunals ad hoc and
International Criminal Court, it is difficult to predict how exactly civil objects should be used in order that it would
constitute a war crime. The lack of clear and precise formulations of conventional and customary international
humanitarian law on this issue allow us to assume that not every deployment of military objectives near civilians
can be considered as a war crime.
175 Article 58 of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions (1977); Rule 23 of Code of customary international
humanitarian law -
Annex 88
Annex 88
Annex 89
International Partnership for Human Rights, Civic Solidarity Platform,
Truth Hounds, “Scorching Winter 2016-2017. Analysis of the shellings
of residential areas in Eastern Ukraine” (Russian language version)

Page 14
On 3 February at 10:00 pm a shell hit the north-eastern facade of house number 73 on Soborna
Street in the old part of Avdiivka (point 83).
Page 15
At 6:03 pm on 16 February the district of Khimik came under tank fire. Over a period of fifty
seconds three consecutive explosions took place. Truth Hounds documenters were near the site hit,
just in 150 metres from the last impact site (point 114).
One shell hit the building at number 12 Gagarin Street, destroying the shop «Barvinok» which
was located on the first floor of a five-story building (point 91). The shell hit a window on the south
side and struck the brick wall opposite, leaving a hole of 116x89 cm in size. All the windows in the
entrance were knocked out by the blast wave. Another shell hit the southern facade of the building at
number 1 Gagarin Street at the level of the fourth floor. The explosion destroyed the ceilings from
the fourth to the first floor (point 123).
The third and last shell hit the apartment number 10 of building number 1 of 9th Kvartal Street
which was east facing (point 92).
Page 16
The shelling of Avdiivka did not come to an end in spring. On 2 March, from 4:00 pm to 5:10
pm tank shelling occurred in the district of Khimik. Three shells hit high-rise buildings numbers 3
and 5 Mendeleev Street as well as number 16 Molodizhna Street from the eastern side (points 96, 97,
98). One of them hit the apartment in the latter building but did not explode. It was a 125mm tank
high-explosive shell.
Annex 89

Annex 90
Kharkiv Human Rights Publisher, “Armed conflict in the East of
Ukraine: the damage caused to the housing of the civilian population”,

Human RigHts PublisHeR
Armed conflict
in the eAst of UkrAine:
the dAmAge cAUsed
to the hoUsing
of the civiliAn popUlAtion
Annex 90
2 УДК 355.01-058.65(477.61/.62-07)(047.1)’’2014/2018’’=111
nataliia melnyk, alina Pavlyuk, maksim Petrov, Oksana glushko
Armed conflict in the East of Ukraine: the damage caused to the housing of the civilian population
/ compiler nataliia melnyk. — Kharkiv: llb “Human Rights Publisher”, 2019. — 82 p.
isbn 978-617-7391-64-6
the report analyzes the scale of destruction of houses as a result of hostilities in the Donetsk and luhansk oblasts,
possible violations of international humanitarian law that could lead to a damage or destruction of homes of civilians, the
impact of mass shelling on the population of the region, especially the protection of property rights of civilians during the
armed conflict. Recommendations are provided to improve the situation.
the publication is prepared within the initiative “Overcoming impunity for massive human rights violations and other international
crimes committed in an armed conflict” is being implemented within unDP ukraine’s “Civil society for enhanced
Democracy and Human Rights in ukraine” project with financial support from the ministry of Foreign affairs of Denmark and
the “Human Rights and Justice” programme of the international Renaissance Foundation (iRF).
© n o part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in search engines, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written consent. Opinions, conclusions
or recommendations belong to the authors and editors of the publication, and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the international Renaissance Foundation, the ministry of Foreign affairs of Denmark, the united nations Development
Programme or other un agencies.
УДК 355.01-058.65(477.61/.62-07)(047.1)’’2014/2018’’=111
isbn 978-617-7391-64-6
© n ataliia melnyk, alina Pavlyuk,
maksim Petrov, Oksana glushko, 2019
© n ataliia melnyk, compiled, 2019
© Oleg miroshnychenko, design, 2019
Annex 90
aRC — autonomous Republic of Crimea
АТО — anti-terrorist operation
eRW — explosive remnants of war
iDP — internally displaced person
mCa — military-civil administration
ngO — public organization
gCa — government controlled area
ngCa — non-government controlled area
Pgou — Prosecutor general’s Office of ukraine
ses — state emergency service of ukraine
HCs — housing and communal services
mm — mass media
aFu — armed forces of ukraine
the Convention — Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom
eCHR — european Court of Human Rights
Checkpoint — entry-exit checkpoint
miau — the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine
iag — illegal armed groups
uXO — unexploded ordnance
OsCe — Organization for security and Co-operation in europe
Osa — Oblast state administration
un — united nations organization
JFO — Joint Forces Operation
PaCe — Parliamentary assembly of the Council of europe
Dsa — District state administration
nsDC — the national security and Defense Council of ukraine
mRl — multiple rocket launcher
RF — Russian Federation
ssu — security service of ukraine
ieD — improvised explosive device
lPR — so-called “luhansk People’s Republic”
DnR — so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic”
ТОТ — temporarily occupied territory
OHCHR — Office of the united nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
amiau — authority of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine
list of AbbreviAtions
Annex 90
mass sHelling in tHe east OF uKRaine 20 sides of the contact line resulted from battles for
control of the city or a specific object, such as the
airport, industrial zone, etc.
Carrying out attacks from the territory of settlements
where the damaged immovable property
is located, was also mentioned by respondents as
one of the possible causes of destruction or damage
to their houses. therefore, it is necessary to notice
that individuals whose houses were damaged
on the ngCa additionally pointed out that the attacks
on the settlement could be carried out by illegal
armed groups. this situation is more typical
for large settlements, such as Donetsk, luhansk,
gorlivka, etc.
below an analysis of the situation with civilian
houses in individual settlements of Donetsk and luhansk
oblasts is provided.
Avdiivka city
avdiivka is the city of regional significance in
ukraine in Donetsk oblast. it is located 13 km north
of Donetsk.
avdiivka is a part of Donetsk-makiyivka agglomeration
and positions around it give the ability to
control the northern outskirts of Donetsk and Yasinovata,
the southern suburbs of gorlivka, and also
m04 highway “Donetsk — gorlivka”. in addition to
the tactical importance of the city, it also operates
one of the largest coke plants in europe, which is
called avdiivka coke plant. as of January 1, 2013, the
city had a population of 35,128 people1.
avdiivka has historic zoning:
• the old town (formerly avdiivka i) consists of
private buildings;
• Khimik village (formerly avdiivka ii) — multistory
since the end of april 2014, avdiivka was under
the control of iag of the so-called “DPR”. On July 29,
1 Population in ukraine as of January 1, 2013. Data from
the state statistics service of ukraine
2 Population in ukraine as of January 1, 2013. Data from
the state statistics service of ukraine
2014, the city was liberated and completely taken
under the control of the aFu3.
shelling of the city, during which residential
facilities were damaged, began in the summer of
2014. the most fierce battles for avdiivka occurred
in January-February 2015.
another escalation occurred at the end of January
2017, when iag has made several attempts to
capture avdiivka industrial zone with the previous
use of heavy artillery. then, during three days only,
the city had received more than 7 500 ammunition
from heavy weapons4. the destruction of civilian
houses as a result of tank attacks was also recorded5.
according to the police of Donetsk oblast on
may 15, 2017, more than 560 buildings have been
damaged in avdiivka since the beginning of 20176.
according to the mCa of avdiivka city, currently,
3 240 citizens applied to the working group on the
investigation of facilities damaged in the fighting.
members of the working group examined and compiled
3,172 reports of damaged objects. the working
group conducts an investigation of immovable
property solely on the request of citizens. the investigation
is not carried out in places of combat
3 s ecurity forces liberated avdiivka
4 m ore than 7500 ammunition from heavy weapons was
released on avdiivka
5 Houses of avdiivka came under tank shelling
6 m ore than 560 buildings were damaged in avdiivka
since the beginning of the year (photo)
Annex 90
DestRuCtiOn OF CiVilian HOusing in tHe COmbat ZOne 21
operations, through a direct threat to the life and
health of members of the working group1.
according to residents, the most affected locations
are Khimik village, area of the Old avdiivka,
and the outskirts of the city near the industrial zone.
“Our street is short, 20 houses only. All of these
houses are damaged. Whether the window panes
are broken, or there was a direct hit. Nine and tenstory
buildings near block posts are also severely
damaged. This is such a spectacle”2.
attacks were carried out both in a day and at
night. some of the houses were hit by shell two
or three times. Destroyed multi-story house, 20,
molo dizhna str. mural is dedicated to the ukrainian
teacher 3.
“I was just talking to a friend on the phone and at
that moment she hears this explosion in the phone.
I got buried, and could not see the window... Where
are those windows, where to climb. People have called
rescuers. The shell hit the kitchen, it was “Grad”4.
since the end of 2017, the number of attacks, as
a result of which houses of civilians were subjected
to destruction, has decreased significantly. but on
the streets, which are located in close proximity to
the industrial zone of avdiivka, people still do not
feel safe. bullets are flying, in some places, mortar
and shrapnel from shells land on the territory of
1 m Ca of avdiivka response to the request.
2 i nterview М.
3 Photo novynarnya
4 i nterview g.
households. the destruction of civilian homes was
recorded in 2018 and 2019.
“They shoot at Ukrainian positions, but they fly
“Bullets fly like bees. 24/7. Even though they say
that there is a truce... well, yesterday... There were
clothes hanging on a rope. I tried to get my clothes
5 times. Who shoots and where, it is impossible to
in addition to residential buildings, many outbuildings
were damaged or destroyed in private
households: garages, summer kitchens, sheds, toilet,
etc. also some damage was caused to household
plots, land, orchards, greenhouses etc. Part of
the population was unable or is still unable to use
the land.
During 2014–2018 within the town of avdiivka,
99 communal property houses were restored,
2 houses of a housing cooperative, 1003 private
houses. the restoration was carried out at the expense
of the avdiivka coke plant, charitable organizations,
subventions from the state budget and
other sources not prohibited by the current legislation.
Restoration work was carried out with the involvement
of ses units7.
there were reports on robberies of houses
whose owners were out of town for the period of
heavy shelling. the perpetrators were not found
and/or punished.
During the survey which was carried out by
ngO “Donbass sOs” among persons whose property
was damaged or destroyed in avdiivka, the
following reasons for the destruction of property
were named:
• shelling of the city during the liberation of
avdi ivka in July 2014;
• the proximity of residential houses to block
posts, military equipment, premises where
the military was based. there were cases
when block posts were placed at a distance
of 50–100 m from houses. some of them were
later removed;
• launching of attacks from the territory of the city;
5 i nterview K.
6 i nterview Y.
7 m Ca of avdiivka response to the request.
Annex 90
Annex 90
mass sHelling in tHe east OF uKRaine 22 • the proximity of houses to military positions in
the industrial zone, where fighting took place;
• part of respondents reported that there was
nothing that could cause or provoke attacks in
that part of the city.
karlivka village
Karlivka is a village in ukraine in maryinskyi
district of Donetsk oblast. located near the dam of
Karlivskyi reservoir. the village is bordered by the
lands of netailove village of Yasinovatskiy district
and Kalinove village of Pokrovsky district, Donetsk
oblast. the village of Karlivka is part of Halytsynivska
village Council. before the conflict in eastern
ukraine, about 400 residents lived there1.
this small town was the real epicenter of the
confrontation in the early stages of the armed
conflict in eastern ukraine. information about the
seizure of the Karlivskyi reservoir by armed groups
appeared on June 7, 20142. the fighting near the
village of Karlivka began on may 23, 2014. then the
volunteer battalion “Donbas” was ambushed near
the petrol station3.
1 Karlivka (mariinskyi district)
2 i n Donetsk oblast, armed men seized Karlivskyi reservoir
3 b attalion “Donbas” broke out of an ambush near Karlivka,
half of the soldiers are wounded
in June 2014, block posts of the so-called “DPR”
and military equipment were already in the village.
sometimes they were placed in close proximity to
residential buildings. in some houses owners of
which left for the time of heavy shelling, iag were
eyewitnesses say that heavy fighting and shelling
in the village began on June 29 2014, and lasted
for several weeks. locals who remained in the village
witnessed street fights between the ukrainian
military and members of the iag, artillery and tank
“Shellings stopped, my husband went out. Right
next to our gate a soldier was sitting. He says: it will
start again, Ukraine asked for help. And we got in
the car and drove away”4.
“Probably shelling was coming right from my
house. When we came, we saw mortars in front of our
house. And it turns out that my house is destroyed,
and the one in front of it has been burned down”5.
the atO forces liberated Karlivka village on
July 23, 2015.6 later there was only a periodic fire.
During the shelling in Karlivka, 61 private house
were damaged, 14 of them were completely destroyed.
now 55 houses have been restored at the
expense of charitable organizations7.except for
houses, outbuildings located on the territory of private
households, and land plots were damaged in
the village.
During the survey which was carried out by
ngO “Donbass sOs” among persons whose property
was damaged or destroyed in Karlivka, the following
reasons for the destruction of property were named:
• fight for the control over the settlement. there
were cases when fights occurred on the territory
of private households;
• the proximity to houses of armed men, military
• shelling of the village by both sides of the
armed conflict.
4 i nterview О.
5 i nterview К.
6 t he atO forces freed Karlivka, netaylove and Pervomaysk
near Donetsk
7 g alytsynivska village Council response to the request.
Annex 91
Ministry of Defence of the USSR, Textbook on Field Artillery Gunnery
(For Artillery Schools), Book One, Voenizdat Publishing House,
Moscow, 1961

MOSCOW – 1961
Page 68
If we take the distance between two equidistant objects as l, the angle between bearings to them (in
mils) as n, and the distance to these objects from the gun or observer as D, then the relationship between l, n,
and D can be expressed through the following simple formula:
Annex 91

Annex 92
Ministry of Defence of the USSR, Textbook on Field Artillery Gunnery
(For Artillery Schools), Book Three, Voenizdat Publishing House,
Moscow, 1962

MOSCOW – 1962
Pages 97–98
Graphically, the law of errors in determining the distance to the target (and similarly the bearing to the
target) can be expressed as a curve (Figure 32)
[PEf = probable error of firing]
Figure 32. Graphical representation of the law of errors in determining the distance to the target (a similar
curve graphically represents the law of errors in determining the bearing to the target)
-4PEf -3PEf -2PEf -1PEf 0 +1PEf +2PEf +3PEf +4PEf
Annex 92

Annex 93
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Directorate of Rocket
Forces and Artillery of the Ground Forces, Manual for the Study of the
Rules of Shooting and Artillery Fire Control (PSiUO-2011), Moscow,
2014 (excerpts)

For internal use
Copy No. ___
Introduced by the Head of Rocket Forces and Artillery of the Ground Forces in 2011
Page 97
Reduced preparation
Regarding Articles 71 and 72
Accuracy and completeness of accounting for firing conditions are the only things that make reduced
preparation different from complete preparation. The same formulae are used to assess the accuracy of both
reduced preparation and complete preparation.
Reduced preparation is a type of determining firing data when firing conditions are incompletely or
approximately accounted for (there is at least one deviation from the requirements of Article 62 of the Rules
of Shooting). Firing data is also deemed to be determined by means of reduced preparation in situations
Annex 93
when firing conditions are completely, incompletely or approximately accounted for, and the coordinates of
the target and the firing position and the orientation of guns (or both) are determined (performed) with less
accuracy than in the course of complete preparation. There are therefore various types of reduced
If deviations from the requirements of Article 62 of the Rules of Shooting apply at the same time to
no more than two conditions, and these deviations do not go beyond the scope in Article 72 of the Rules of
Shooting, then errors of reduced preparation will not exceed errors of complete preparation by a factor of
more than 1.2–1.5. Besides, a battalion (two batteries) is allowed to provide suppressive fire without ranging
at large group targets, with the expenditure of rounds increased by a factor of 1.5.
If ballistic and meteorological firing conditions are accounted for approximately, probable errors of
reduced preparation may be up to 4% of the map range to the target for range and 0–10 for direction.
Pages 105–106
Probable error of firing (PEf), m.
The probable error of firing (PEf) can be calculated using the following formula:
PEf = 􀶥PEp2 + PEd2
where the probable error of fire preparation (PEp) is a probable error that characterises the method of
determining firing data for the first round.
Page 121
Table 24
Probable errors of fire preparation (PEp) for range depending on the type of determining firing data
Type of determining firing data PEp (% of range) PEp (in metres at a
range of fire of 10 km)
Complete preparation
Reduced preparation if there are no more than
two deviations from complete preparation conditions
Reduced preparation if firing conditions are
accounted for approximately and the fire is shifted by
visual estimation
Average value around 200
Annex 93
Annex 94
Commentary on Article 205, in Article-by-Article Commentary on the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: in Two Volumes, Volume
2, 2nd Edition, Edited by A.V. Brilliantov, Prospekt, 2015

Commentary on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:
in Two Volumes (Article-by-Article), Volume 2, 2nd Edition
(Edited by A.V. Brilliantov), Prospekt, 2015 […]
Article 205. Terrorist Act
Commentary on Article 205 […]
To determine the elements of a terrorist act, it is critical to establish features that characterise
actions that form the actus reus of a crime. First and foremost, such characteristics provide that the
said actions intimidate the population. This implies that a terrorist act causes the population to feel
anxiety about their health and life, the lives of people close to them, the safekeeping of property, the
ability to lead a normal, entrenched and well-established lifestyle. It is an objective characteristic of
a terrorist act to intimidate the population since this constitutes an infringement upon the main objects
that constitute the state of security. […]
The mens rea of a crime is characterised by direct intent and a special purpose. The guilty
person is aware of the fact that he or she is carrying out an explosives attack or arson or other actions
and is willing to do so. The purpose of a terrorist act is to influence the decision-making of
government authorities or international organisations, i.e. the guilty person intends to compel them
to commit illegal or disadvantageous actions or to make a decision advantageous to the terrorist. […]
In the absence of a special purpose, there is no element of a crime under Article 205 of the
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. For instance, an act of setting fire to a car out of revenge
shall fall under Part 2 of Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If the intended
purpose of the act is to cause damage to the economic system of the Russian Federation, the crime
shall be classified not as a terrorist act (Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
but as sabotage (Article 281 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). […]
Annex 94

Annex 95
Commentary on Article 205, in Article-by-Article Commentary on
the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: in Four Volumes,
Special Part, Section IX, Volume 3, Editor-in-Chief V.M. Lebedev,
Urait, 2017 (excerpts)

Commentary on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:
in Four Volumes. Special Part. Section IX (Article-by-Article) (Volume 3)
(Editor-in-Chief V.M. Lebedev), Urait, 2017 […]
Article 205. Terrorist Act
Commentary on Article 205 […]
4. The mens rea of a terrorist act is characterised by an intentional form of guilt represented by
direct intent. The person is aware of the fact that he or she is carrying out an explosives attack or arson
or other actions that intimidate the population and pose risks to the loss of life and risks of considerable
property damage or any other grave consequences, or is aware of the threat of committing these actions
and is willing to do so.
A mandatory element of a terrorist act consists in a special purpose – to undermine the activity
of government authorities or international organisations or influencing the decision-making of
government authorities, local authorities or international organisations. Encouraging relevant subjects to
commit certain actions or deterring them from committing such actions, or the content of demands raised
by criminal participants, may be indicative of this purpose of influencing the decision-making of
government authorities or international organisations. To achieve this, terrorists may demand, for
instance, payment of large amounts of money, transfer of large batches of weapons, cessation of an
ongoing anti-terrorist operation in any territory launched by the government, withdrawal of military
formations involved in such an operation, release of terrorists’ accomplices captured during the operation,
and so on. If the actions set forth in the law (explosives attacks, arsons, and so on) are committed by guilty
persons for any other purpose, e.g., to impair the economic security and defensive potential of the country,
then this act falls under Article 281 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Sabotage); if there
are any other motives, e.g. the destruction of property out of revenge, then this act falls under Article 167
of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A terrorist act in respect of a specific state or public
figure entails responsibility under Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
In determining whether the guilty person intends to undermine the activity of government
authorities or international organisations, it is necessary to account for a totality of all circumstances,
including the time, place, means, situation, weapons and instruments of crime, the official status and the
number of victims, the nature and extent of existing or expected consequences (e.g. an explosives attack
or a threatened explosives attack in an office where senior government officials are holding a meeting),
as well as the preceding and subsequent behaviour of the guilty person (e.g., the guilty person’s statements
published in the mass media or information and telecommunications networks before, during, or after the
commission of the act that are indicative of his or her desire to disrupt the activity of government
authorities or international organisations). […]
Annex 95

Annex 96
Slovo I Dilo, “The Situation in the Eastern Regions of Ukraine as of 20
May”, 20 May 2014

Annex 96

Annex 97, “Kyiv-2 has been relocated to Donetsk Region and is at a
checkpoint in Volnovakha as ordered by Ministry of Internal Affairs,
battalion commander says”, 10 October 2014

Kyiv-2 has been relocated to Donetsk Region and is at a checkpoint in Volnovakha as ordered
by Ministry of Internal Affairs, battalion commander says
10 October 2014
The battalion commander of Kyiv-2 assures that his battalion did not leave the ATO zone and invites
Moskal to tea.
Bogdan Wojciechowski, the battalion commander of Kyiv-2, assured on the air at 112 Ukraine TV
channel that Kyiv-2 is at a checkpoint in Volnovakha and invites Gennady Moskal, Head of the
Luhansk Regional State Administration, to tea.
“We were and still are in the ATO zone. We’re in the Donetsk Region right now and can invite Mr.
Moskal to our checkpoint at Volnovakha that we control and treat him to hot tea”, Wojciechowski
“Everything’s as planned. Yes, back in the day we abandoned the village of Chornukhyne - where
we had been for exactly three weeks - because of the situation out there. But we didn’t leave the ATO
zone. We went to our base, regrouped, received additional heavy weaponry, which the Ministry of
Defence had finally deigned to provide us, got some more people, and then were ordered by the
Ministry of Internal Affairs to relocate to the Donetsk Region, where we are operating at present.
We’ve been in the ATO zone for more than two months”, Wojciechowski said.
We remind that Gennady Moskal, Head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration, asked the
Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to prosecute detachments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
that had abandoned their positions near Chornukhyne. He says that they include joint detachments of
the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the Poltava and Sumy Regions, and the Kyiv-
2 battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Annex 97

Annex 98
Interfax, “Head of the DPR Promised to Capture Kramatorsk,
Slovyansk, and Mariupol”, 23 October 2014

Head of the DPR promises to capture Kramatorsk, Slovyansk and Mariupol
23 October 2014
Alexander Zakharchenko accused the Ukrainian military of violating the ceasefire and promised
that new fighting would be heavy.
Prime Minister of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko (right).
Photo by: Reuters
Moscow, 23 October. INTERFAX.RU – The "Prime Minister" of the self-proclaimed Donetsk
People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko announced the plans of the DPR armed formations to
regain control over a number of cities in Donbas that they had lost in the summer and warned in this
regard that heavy fighting could resume.
“Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Slovyansk will be ours. We intend to take them back and to reclaim them.
So, heavy fighting is not excluded yet,” Zakharchenko told reporters on Thursday.
He also accused the Ukrainian military of failing to observe the ceasefire. “The ceasefire is respected
only by us. But we also started responding the day before yesterday. Yesterday and today, it became
quieter,” he said.
Earlier on Thursday, the representatives of the DPR armed formations said that the situation on the
line of contact of the warring parties remained tense. According to them, at night, the Ukrainian
Annex 98
security forces were active in the area of Gorlovka and the eastern part of Donetsk, but, their attacks
were repelled. At the same time, the military reported that the intensity of attacks on the positions of
DPR had decreased.
In turn, the press center of the Ukrainian military operation reported that, last night, the militia tried
to storm the control tower at the Donetsk airport and engaged in clashes in the area of Novolaspa
Since the beginning of the ceasefire (5 September), the Kyiv authorities and supporters of the selfproclaimed
people's republics have repeatedly accused each other of violating the peace agreements.
Nevertheless, international observers noted that the overall situation in Donbas had stabilised. At the
same time, according to the UN, more than 300 people were killed in the region during the month of
the truce.
In the cities that the DPR prime minister promised to capture, the Donetsk Regional State
Administration wanted to host its structural units. In summer, after the capture of Donetsk by the
DPR units, it was forced to relocate to Mariupol, and its final location has not yet been determined.
In early July, Ukrainian security forces regained Slovyansk and Kramatorsk to place them under the
control of Kyiv. The militia, which had controlled these cities since April, retreated to Donetsk,
explaining this step by the need to protect the civilian population.
Mariupol, which in April also came under the control of those supporting the self-proclaimed DPR,
was captured by the Ukrainian military in June. The representatives of the "People's Republic" have
talked about the imminent capture of the city since the end of August, but despite fighting they have
failed to regain the advantage.
It was reported that shelling in the area of Mariupol continued after the signing of the ceasefire
protocol on 5 September. At the same time, the sources in Europe said, that the European Union was
ready to impose additional sanctions against Russia if the militia took control over this city or the
Donetsk international airport.
Annex 98
Annex 99
Donetsk News Agency, “DPR Ministry of Defence denounces DPR
militia involvement in shelling attack on a route taxi van near
Volnovakha as disinformation”, 13 January 2015

DPR Ministry of Defence denounces DPR militia involvement in shelling attack on a route taxi
van near Volnovakha as disinformation
po- marshrutke-pod-volnovaxoj.html
13 January 2015
Donetsk, 13 January – Donetsk News Agency [DAN]. The DPR militia was not involved in the
shelling near Volnovakha, the DPR Ministry of Defence press service announced to DAN
“It is a provocation on the part of Ukraine. Volnovakha and its suburbs are beyond the reach of our
artillery and are controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the press service said.
The Ministry of Defence also added that the nearest artillery squad of the DPR militia is located near
Telmanove. “It is more than 50km from Volnovakha. None of our artillery shells could possibly make
it there,” the military department said in its statement.
Earlier, Vyacheslav Ambroskin, Head of the Main Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal
Affairs wrote on Facebook that a bus had come under shelling near Volnovakha. According to his
information, 10 people were killed and 13 injured. He immediately held DPR responsible for the attack.
Annex 99
Annex 99

Annex 100
Donetsk News Agency, “One Person Killed, Seven Wounded after a
Ukrainian Projectile Hit a Bus in Dokuchayevsk”, 16 January 2015

One Person Killed, Seven Wounded after a Ukrainian Projectile Hit a Bus in Dokuchayevsk
16 January 2015
Donetsk, 16 January — Donetsk News Agency. One person was killed and seven were seriously
injured as a result of a Ukrainian shell hitting a bus with workers in the city of Dokuchayevsk in the
Donetsk People’s Republic, Chairman of the People’s Council of the DPR Andrey Purgin told reporters
“Yesterday, a shell hit a bus with 23 workers of the Dolomite plant in Dokuchayevsk, which resulted in
a death of a woman and seven people being in hospital in serious condition,” the speaker said.
Purgin also recalled that last night four more civilians were killed as a result of shelling by Ukrainian
forces of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk. According to the Chairman of the People’s Council,
tensions are observed along almost the entire line of contact between the Ukrainian Armed Forces and
the DPR militia.
Annex 100
Annex 100

Annex 101
BBC News Russia, “Fighting breaks out again in Eastern Ukraine”, 20
January 2015

Fighting breaks out again in Eastern Ukraine
20 January 2015
Page 6
The separatists are making every effort to debunk the myth that the Ukrainian “cyborgs” are
invincible. They consider the airport a potential starting point for a Ukrainian counter-offensive.
Despite the fact that the airport is almost completely destroyed, some military experts believe that its
runway could be used to deliver weapons and ammunition.
On Monday, the fighting for the new airport terminal was particularly fierce. The separatists blew up
part of the ceiling on the second floor, where the Ukrainian military were holding their positions. This
was announced on the Facebook page of Yuri Biryukov, an adviser to the Ukrainian President Petro
He said that many Ukrainian soldiers had been wounded there.
At the same time, there were reports that the situation in other areas of eastern Ukraine was
In the area of Mariupol, Ukrainian troops observed 11 artillery attacks with mortars, grenade
launchers and anti-tank missile systems.
The positions of the Ukrainian army were most heavily shelled in the area of Mykolaivka, Hnutovo
and Chermalyk, but the information about a full-scale offensive on Mariupol was not confirmed.
Annex 101

Annex 102
Radio Svoboda, “Hostilities continue in the area of the Donetsk Airport
- ATO headquarters”, 21 January 2015

Hostilities continue in the area of the Donetsk airport - ATO headquarters
27 November 2020, Kyiv 7:36 am
Hostilities continue in the area of the Donetsk airport - ATO headquarters
21 January 2015 7:10 pm
Hostilities continue in the area of the Donetsk airport. This was reported by the press center of the
ATO headquarters.
“The enemy is trying to resist, but our defenders are fulfilling their assigned tasks. Illegal armed
formations do not stop shelling the positions of Ukrainian troops around the airport — near the
settlements of Tonenke, Pisky, Avdiivka. Today, artillery and MLRS systems at Tonenke opened fire
10 times. Artillery of the Ukrainian Armed Forces fires back. At 03.00 pm, a clash with militants took
place in the Marinka area,” the report says.
According to the headquarters, in the Luhansk Region, in the area of checkpoints 29 and 31, the
situation has not changed significantly. Militants fire at the Ukrainian military near checkpoints with
mortars, artillery and Grad multiple launch rocket systems.
Today, active shelling of our positions in the Mariupol area by militants has resumed. The Ukrainian
strongholds near Hnutove came under fire eight times from mortars, artillery, tanks and Grad multiple
launch rocket systems.
Near the settlements of Chermalyk and Talakivka, militants attacked the Ukrainian military with
small arms fire, and with mortar fire near Pavlopil and Pervomaisk.
Throughout the day, the militants carried out 72 attacks on the positions of the ATO forces.
Last week, active shelling of the positions of the Ukrainian military at the Donetsk airport began. The
militants announced taking of the airport on their websites, but this information was repeatedly denied
at the ATO headquarters.
© Radio Svoboda, 2020 | All rights reserved.
Annex 102

Annex 103
UNIAN, “ATO Headquarters: the militants are not attacking Mariupol,
but they are intensively shelling its outskirts”, 23 January 2015

ATO Headquarters: the militants are not attacking Mariupol, but they are intensively shelling
its outskirts
17:08, 23 January 2015
Andrey Lysenko, the press officer of the anti-terrorist operation, refuted the information on the
beginning of a tank offensive by the militants in the outskirts of Mariupol.
He stated this in his comment to UNIAN.
“The militants are intensively shelling the positions of the forces in the outskirts of Mariupol; in
particular, they are firing from artillery and tanks”, – he said.
However, Lysenko stated that this shelling could not be considered the beginning of the militants’
advance, and he added that the militants were “currently unable” to attack.
Read also: Militants launched a tank offensive against Mariupol – a deputy
According to UNIAN, Evgeny Deidei, a People's Deputy of Ukraine, coordinator of the Kyiv-1
battalion of the special police patrol service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
of Ukraine in Kyiv, wrote on his Facebook page that the terrorists launched a tank offensive against
“After Zakharchenko’s statement about his intention to capture Mariupol, the terrorists began a tank
advance in the regions adjacent to the city. I do not rule out that the active attacks of the separatists
in the other sectors of the ATO are a diversionary tactic. Talakivka is under heavy fire now. We're
holding on!!! Mariupol is Ukraine! There are no alternatives!”, — he wrote.
Read the latest news from Ukraine and worldwide on the UNIAN Telegram channel
Annex 103

Annex 104
Newsweek, “Civilians Caught in Crossfire as Ukraine Separatists Make
Gains”, 23 January 2015

January 23, 2015
Civilians Caught in Crossfire as Ukraine Separatists
Make Gains
By Damien Sharkov On 1/23/15 at 11:06 AM EST
Members of the armed forces of the separatist self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic drive a tank
on the outskirts of Donetsk January 22, 2015. Alexander Ermochenko/REUTERS
The ceasefire between the government of Ukraine and pro-Russian separatist fighters in
the country's eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions has collapsed as fighting between the
two sides intensified today, with the rebels mounting an offensive on territories currently
held by Ukraine.
Kiev-loyal forces are preparing to repel advancing pro-Russian rebels across the Donetsk
region as rebel leader Alexander Zaharchenko, head of the pro-Russian militant group
which calls itself the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR), officially ruled out any more
ceasefire talks with Ukraine's Kiev government. He told Russian news agency RIA
Novosti: "There will not be any ceasefire anymore."
"Kiev does not seem to understand that we can fight them on three fronts," Zaharchenko
said, ruling out forming a new a truce with Kiev after the last one, which was agreed in
December, collapsed when fighting erupted around Donetsk airport a fortnight ago.
Annex 104
"We will fight until we reach the Donetsk region border," Zaharchenko added, indicating
the rebels plan to seize the region's western and southern territories which include the
Ukrainian-held port city of Mariupol.
A few hours later Yevgeny Deydey, a Ukrainian MP and commander of the pro-Kiev
battalion Kyiv-1 reported separatist fighters were advancing towards Mariupol, south from
Donetsk city, and there were reports of attacks by the separatists to the city's west as
"The terrorists have begun a tank offensive. I do not rule out that separatist attacks in
other territories held by Ukraine are a diversion tactic," Deydey said. Deydey indicated he
was not stationed near Donetsk but was relaying a message from battalions who were.
According to Deydey the town of Talakovka, between Donetsk and Mariupol is currently
"being shelled hard" by separatists, however pro-Kiev troops there are "holding on."
Dmitry Tymchuk, a Ukrainian blogger and military specialist also reported on Facebook
today that he had spotted seven DNR tanks and eight more armoured fighting vehicles
advancing from separatist areas in the Donetsk region to the west as well as to the south
- towards Mariupol.
Andriy Lysenko, the official spokesperson for the Ukrainian armed forces has confirmed
rebel tanks are advancing towards Mariupol, shelling army checkpoints in the city's
However he insisted the rebels were "still incapable" of shelling the city itself, as pro-Kiev
forces had not let them get close enough.
Ukrainian news agency Unian reported earlier today that the Ukrainian military has
completed a 400km enforced trench along its border with the separatist held territories in
Donetsk, anticipating such an advance. Work began on the trench in August and it's
equipped with artillery.
Over the last nine days fighting between DNR rebels and pro-Kiev forces has intensified
and the UN have reported that approximately 262 people have been killed in the country.
Last night Ukrainian daily newspaper Segodnya reported that DNR separatist were
making preparations for an advance, uploading video footage of what appeared to be a
Russian Smerch multiple rocket launcher making its way westward from the rebel-held
town of Makiivka towards the line of battle near Donetsk airport.
The newspaper has started live blogging the "flashpoints" of the budding conflict today,
indicating they anticipate intensifying skirmishes between separatists and Kiev forces.
Annex 104
Watch Video At:
Meanwhile pro-Kiev forces have reported some success in advances into separatist-held
territory to the northeast of Donetsk, into the Luhansk region.
The leader of a pro-Kiev volunteer battalion, Semen Semenchenko wrote on Facebook
today that his soldiers, working alongside Ukraine's national guard, had broken through
the defences of a pro-Russian rebel checkpoint between Sloviansk and Luhansk, north of
According to Kiev's government representative in Luhansk Gennady Moskal, most of
Ukrainian-held Luhansk was without power today after separatists had attacked a central
power station, while engaging with pro-Kiev troops.
Annex 104

Annex 105, “Microdistrict ‘Vostochny’ in Mariupol is under shelling
again”, 24 January 2015

Microdistrict “Vostochny” in Mariupol is under shelling again
[…] 24 January 2015, 02:59 pm
The militants fired another Grad volley at the checkpoint on the left bank
As the press service of the Azov
regiment reports on its VKontakte
social network page, at about 01:00
pm, another Grad volley was fired
at the positions of the Azov
regiment located on the eastern
outskirts of Mariupol,
This data was also confirmed by
local residents. According to
eyewitnesses, a checkpoint at the
Vostochny came under fire.
Shelling in Mariupol
According to the latest information, there were no casualties as a result of the shelling.
We remind that Yatsenyuk convened the operational headquarters due to the situation in Mariupol.
Annex 105

Annex 106
Ria News, “Zakharchenko: the militia are not going to assault
Mariupol”, 24 January 2015

Zakharchenko: the militia are not going to assault Mariupol
08:05 PM 24 January 2015 81631
© AP Photo / Manu Brabo
Alexander Zakharchenko, the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, stated
that, until Saturday, the militia did not carry out any active operations near Mariupol, Donetsk
Region. However, after the shelling of a residential area in Mariupol, he ordered to suppress
the Ukrainian troops east of the city.
DONETSK, 24 January — RIA Novosti. According to Alexander Zakharchenko, the head of the
self-proclaimed republic, until Saturday, the DPR militia did not carry out any active operations near
Mariupol, Donetsk Region, and did not plan to storm the city.
“Until today we took no active steps near Mariupol. We are saving strength. However, now that Kyiv
has decided to blame on us their mistaken GRAD fire from Berdyanskoye at the residential quarter,
I have ordered to supress the positions of Ukrainian forces located to the east of Mariupol”, –
Zakharchenko stated.
“No one is going to storm the city”, — stressed the DPR leader.
According to him, over the past few days, the Ukrainian side concentrated a powerful group of its
troops near Mariupol; the militia's positions near Novoazovsk are subject to round-the-clock massive
attacks by GRAD systems and heavy artillery.
“Today, armored vehicles of the 28th Ukrainian brigade appeared as well. They are doing this to
make us move our units defending the Donetsk airport in the direction of Mariupol, to weaken us and
drive us away,” – added Zakharchenko.
Annex 106
He noted that the residents of Mariupol did not have any reason to be afraid: “there are our people
there, the same Donetsk people.”
Ukrainian crisis: chronicle of the conflict in January 2015
In April, the Kyiv government began the military operation in Eastern Ukraine against the residents
of the region dissatisfied with the February coup. According to the latest data, the conflict caused
4,800 casualties among civilians, and more than 10,000 people were wounded. On 9 December,
another ceasefire began in Donbass, agreed by the militia and the Ukrainian forces with the mediation
of the OSCE. Since 9 January, the intensity of the shellings in the region has increased, and residential
areas in Donetsk are under fire as well. Read more in RIA Novosti's notes >>
Annex 106
Annex 107
Associated Press, “Police: 10 Killed in Mariupol Shelling in Ukraine”,
24 January 2015

Police: 10 Killed in Mariupol Shelling in Ukraine
Home> International
KIEV, Ukraine  Jan 24, 2015, 5:41 AM ET
By PETER LEONARD Associated Press
A crowded open-air market in Ukraine's strategically important coastal city of Mariupol
came under rocket fire Saturday morning, killing at least 10 people, regional police said.
Mariupol lies on the Azov Sea and is the major city between mainland Russia and the
Russia-annexed Crimean Peninsula. Heavy fighting in the region in the autumn raised
fears that Russian-backed separatist forces would try to establish a land link between
Russia and Crimea.
Rebel forces have positions within 10 kilometers (six miles) from Mariupol's eastern
The Interior Ministry said rockets struck homes, setting them alight, as well as the market
and shops. A Ukrainian military checkpoint on a road leading out of the city toward rebelheld
areas was also hit, police said.
Rocket strikes on Mariupol come as separatists have declared their intention to mount a
multi-pronged offensive aimed at vastly increasing the territory under their control. That
would definitively upend recent European attempts to mediate an end to the fighting.
Mariupol city council urged residents not to panic and to ignore rumors that Ukrainian
armed forces were planning to withdraw.
"On the contrary, all units are on fully battle-ready. Security measures in the city have
been strengthened," the council said in a statement.
No armed separatist units have been noted moving toward the city, the statement added.
Clashes are taking place across the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, where
separatist insurgencies emerged in April following Russia's annexation of Ukraine's
Crimean Peninsula.
Fighting has also been intensifying recently for the government-held town of Debaltseve.
Main roads to the town lie in separatist control and speculation is mounting that Ukrainian
forces stationed there could soon be fully encircled.
Russia insists that it does not support the rebels, but Western military officials say the
sheer number of heavy weapons under rebel control belies that claim.
Annex 107
A peace deal signed in September in the Belarusian capital of Minsk envisaged a ceasefire
and a pullout of heavy weapons from a division line in eastern Ukraine. It has been
repeatedly violated by both sides, and heavy artillery and rocket barrages have increased
the civilian death toll in the last few weeks.
Foreign ministers from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany agreed Wednesday to
revive that division line, but fighting has continued unabated. The U.N. human rights
agency on Friday raised its estimate of the conflict's overall death toll to nearly 5,100
since April.
Annex 107
Annex 108
Slovo I Dilo, “Shelling of a Residential Area in Mariupol
(Infographic)”, 24 January 2015

Shelling of a residential area in Mariupol (infographic)
24 January 2015, 15:40
Annex 108

Annex 109
BBC News Ukraine, “Shelling of Kramatorsk: at least seven people
killed”, 10 February 2015

Shelling of Kramatorsk: at least seven people killed
10 February 2015
At least seven people were killed and 58 others were injured in the shelling in Kramatorsk.
This was reported by the Donetsk Regional State Administration on Tuesday afternoon.
Among the wounded are 32 servicemen and 26 civilians, including five children, according to the
Regional State Administration.
Iryna Herashchenko, the Presidential Commissioner for the Peaceful Settlement of the Situation in
Donetsk and Luhansk Regions, said that four servicemen were killed in the shelling in Kramatorsk.
"As of today, 7 people have been killed among the civilian population and more than 20 were
seriously injured, of which 9 are in critical condition, and 4 among the wounded are children," the
Presidential Commissioner said in the Verkhovna Rada.
Chief Military Prosecutor's Office described the shelling of Kramatorsk as a terrorist act, according
to the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office.
Kramatorsk was shelled on Tuesday with the use of Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, President
Petro Poroshenko said from the rostrum of the Parliament.
"The attack was aimed at the headquarters, but the second volley hit residential areas of
Kramatorsk,” Mr. Poroshenko said.
A spokesman for the “Ministry of Defense” of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People's Republic”
called the incident a provocation by the Ukrainian authorities, stressing that separatists do not shoot
Annex 109
at civilian cities.
According to the comment given to BBC Ukraine by Olena Malyutyna, Head of the Information
Policy and Press Department of the Donetsk Regional State Administration, the shelling has
stopped, but the situation in the city remains tense.
According to her, shells hit the residential sector, as well as the area near the City’s Executive
Press centre of the Anti-Terrorist Operation headquarters reports that "according to experts, during
the shelling of the Kramatorsk airport and the outskirts of Kramatorsk at 12:32 pm on 10 February,
terrorists used cluster shells with Tornado long-range submunitions.
Eyewitnesses also told BBC Ukraine that shells hit the Palace of Culture in the city centre.
Photos and videos appear on social networks showing smoke and shell bursts in the residential
“Tornado” from Horlivka
Press centre of the Anti-Terrorist Operation headquarters reported earlier that the Kramatorsk
airport was shelled by BM-21 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems.
According to the statement, this happened at about 12:30 pm. Horlivka is controlled by pro-Russian
The press centre said that shells hit the airfield, as well as the private sector on the city’s outskirts.
“It should be noted that Tornado shells are in service with the Armed Forces of the Russian
Federation,” the statement said.
Russia denies allegations of involvement in the conflict in Donbas.
Annex 109
Annex 110
Los Angeles Times, “Missiles strike eastern Ukrainian town, killing
at least 15”, 10 February 2015

February 10, 2015
Missiles strike eastern Ukrainian town, killing at least
An unexploded missile is embedded in a street in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk on Feb.
(Volodymyr Shuvayev / AFP/Getty Images)
By Victoria Butenko, Sergei L. Loiko
Feb. 10, 2015 11:54 AM PT
Reporting from Kiev, Ukraine —
A large-scale missile attack on the eastern Ukrainian town of Kramatorsk killed at least 15
people Tuesday, most of them civilians, and wounded many more, officials said.
“Several dozen missiles hit the airport and residential houses on the outskirts of
Kramatorsk,” Alexander Motuzyanyk, spokesman for the government’s Anti-Terrorist
Operation said by phone from Kramatorsk, where the unit has its headquarters.
He said it was the first attack on the town since Ukrainian troops reclaimed it from Russiabacked
separatists in May.
Annex 110
Each side accused the other of launching an attack in an effort to influence talks that are
scheduled to begin Wednesday in Minsk, Belarus, aimed at reaching a cease-fire
Motuzyanyk said the missiles were Russian, and appeared to have been fired by the
separatists. “These are definitely missiles not used before in the conflict and something
Ukraine never had in its arsenals,” he said.
The separatists accused Ukrainian troops of firing them.
“We don’t have missiles in stock that can fly that far,” Eduard Basurin, chief political officer
of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic armed forces, said in a phone interview.
“I am sure it is a provocation the Ukraine military organized on the eve of the Minsk talks
to demonstrate how bad and unpredictable we are.”
The dead included eight civilians and four servicemen, Ukrainian government authorities
said. The status of three of the dead was not clear. Sixty-three people, roughly half of
them civilians, were reported wounded.
“They must have been targeting the headquarters of the operation against them,”
presidential aide Yuri Biryukov said in an interview. He speculated that it was a show of
force by the pro-Russia separatists before the Minsk talks.
Presidents Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine and Vladimir Putin of Russia, as well as German
Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande, are expected to meet
in Minsk in what some regard as a last-ditch attempt to stop the war.
According to Motuzaynyk, Ukrainian military intelligence reported that the missiles were
fired from the town of Horlivka, held by the separatists, about 48 miles south of
Kramatorsk. The first salvo of about 20 missiles hit the military airport, he added, while a
second salvo of about the same number of missiles hit a residential area nearby.
“We are still examining the remains of the missiles but it is already clear that they are
either Smerch or Tornado, both large-caliber, sophisticated Russian weapons, powerful
enough to reach targets up to 90 miles,” he said.
Marina Yurko, a 36-year-old housewife, was running through the deserted streets to pick
up her 10-year-old daughter from school as ambulance sirens were wailing in the
neighborhood, she recalled.
“The kids were safe but not at school,” she said by phone. “The teachers hid them in the
basement of a grocery store nearby. You should have seen their eyes. They were scared
witless and in shock.”
Annex 110
Donetsk regional governor Alexander Kikhtenko advised people in the surrounding area
to try to stay indoors for the next few days
Russia’s involvement in the conflict “was much too obvious,” said Yuri Butusov, a top
Ukrainian defense expert.
“It is an all-out war Russia is waging against Ukraine,” Butusov said in an interview. “This
is something the negotiating parties in Minsk should bear in mind full well.”
Miles away from Kramatorsk, near the seaport of Mariupol, there were conflicting reports
about who was in control of several towns in the surrounding Donetsk region.
The towns -- Pavlopol, Kominternovo, Berdyanskoye and Shirokino -- were seized by
separatists in August. The Ukrainian military claimed to have taken them back on
“Very serious combat losses were inflicted on the enemy,” said Alexander Turchinov, head
of the National Security and Defense Council. Turchinov, who was in charge of the
operation, was quoted in a statement posted on his agency’s website.
The separatists denied the losses and said they had repelled the attack. Basurin said the
Ukrainian military only entered the town of Shirokino “and put up their flag over one of the
houses before they were kicked out by our troops.”
Basurin also said the separatists had entrapped about 5,000 Ukrainian troops around the
town of Debaltsevo.
Ukraine’s Defense Ministry denied that claim, issuing a statement that said the situation
around Debaltesevo, a strategic railway junction, was “complicated” but “under control.”
Special correspondent Butenko reported from Kiev and staff writer Loiko from Moscow.
Sergei L. Loiko
Sergei L. Loiko has covered wars, crises and daily life in Russia and the former Soviet
states for the Los Angeles Times since 1991.
Annex 110

Annex 111
Ukraine Crisis Media Center, “Pro-Russian militants attacked
Kramatorsk airport”, 10 February 2015

February 10, 2015
Pro-Russian militants attacked Kramatorsk airport
ATO press center reports that pro-Russian insurgents fired from multiple rocket
launchers on the Kramatorsk airport at around 12:30 pm. According to the preliminary
information, missiles were fired from the area of Horlivka controlled by the pro-Russian
militants, falling on the airfield and private sector on the outskirts of Kramatorsk.
Annex 111

Annex 112
Ukraine Crisis Media Center, “Andriy Lysenko: OSCE identifies the
direction from which Kramatorsk was shelled”, 11 February 2015

February 11, 2015
Andriy Lysenko: OSCE identifies the direction from
which Kramatorsk was shelled
Kyiv, February 11, 2015. Pro-Russian militants conducted another atrocity yesterday.
They shelled Kramatosk with “Smerch” multiple rocket launchers. Militants targeted
airfield in the vicinity of the city, as well as the industrial and residential areas nearby.
“According to intelligence report, the shelling was conducted from Horlivka area
controlled by illegal armed groups. As a result, 16 people were killed and 64 suffered from
the attack,” said Colonel Andriy Lysenko, ATO spokesman, at a briefing at Ukraine Crisis
Media Center. Monitors of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission swiftly arrived on the
site of tragedy. The Mission’s report states: “Based on the live observation, the pictures
and maps analysis, the SMM assessed that the shelling was coming from the south-southeast
direction”. “As one can see from the map these are the areas occupied by militants,”
added the ATO spokesman.
Last night President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko visited Kramatorsk. The President
emphasized that he shall insist on a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Donbas and will
push for this resolution during the upcoming talks in Minsk today. French writer,
philosopher, film director and public figure Bernard-Henri Lévy accompanied President
Poroshenko during his visit to Kramatorsk. “Bernard-Henri Lévy was shocked by what he
saw in Kramatorsk. He urged the international community to open its eyes on the horrible
crimes of Russian-backed militants in eastern Ukraine,” noted Colonel Lysenko during
the briefing.
Insurgents intensify the attacks on the Ukrainian positions at the Debaltseve and
Severodonetsk directions, as well as in the area of Shchastia and Stanytsia Luhanska.
Militants shelled positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Debaltseve over 10 times
with Grad multiple rocket launchers, artillery, mortars and tanks; they attempted to
storm Ukrainian positions twice afterwards. The militants have also attacked positions
near Novohryhorivka and Kamjanka of Donetsk region and Mius of Luhansk region.
Ukrainian soldiers repelled every attack.
Annex 112
87 militants were eliminated and 42 units of military equipment, including 12 tanks, 14
multiple rocket launchers and 16 armoured combat vehicles, destroyed in the last 24
hours. 19 Ukrainian servicemen were killed in action and 78 got wounded over the last
Ukrainian troops have liberated 6 towns, namely including Shyrokyne, Pavlopil,
Kominternove, Berdyanske, Lebedynske and Pyshevyk. “Ukrainian artillery successfully
struck militants’ blockposts located in the vicinity of Sakhanka and Oktyabr,” noted
Andriy Lysenko.
Annex 112
Annex 113, “Grad shells exploded In Mariupol near the checkpoint on
Vostochny. There are battles for Sakhanka (UPDATE + PHOTO +
VIDEO)”, 12 February 2015

Grad shells exploded In Mariupol near the checkpoint on Vostochny. There are battles for
12 February 2015
Loud explosions of “Grad” [shells] have been heard in Mariupol since the night. The cannonade is
heard in almost all districts of the city. It is especially loud in the Vostochny – the walls and
windows of houses are trembling.
After a short respite, by 5 am, the sounds of fire resumed with renewed vigour.
According to eyewitnesses, at 6:15 am, Grad MLRS shells exploded in the area of the checkpoint in
the Vostochny.
As of 6:58 am, the press officer of the “M” sector [Dmitry Chaly] said to 0629 that there was no
shelling of residential areas of the city.
At 8:00 Dmitry Chaly clarified that Grad MLRS and artillery shells fell in the area of the
checkpoint in the Vostochny at 6:12-6:20 am. The
The situation is under control. Residents are asked to remain calm and not to panic.
8:45 am Press service of the Azov Regiment informs that as of 8:00 there is heavy fighting in [the
area of] Shyrokyne-Sakhanka. The situation is tense. Armed formations [AF] of the “DPR” tried to
counterattack with the support of artillery and tanks. They used tanks, self-propelled artillery,
mortars, rocket artillery.
The DPR infantry was eliminated on the outskirts of Shyrokyne. The attack was repelled. Currently,
the enemy's artillery fires at Shyrokyne. The attempt by the DPR artillery to strike at the outskirts of
Mariupol did not achieve its goal, due to the fact that Azov was able to push back the front line and
the shells did not reach the city.
8:30 The “DPR” armed formations opened the second wave of attack against the Azov Regiment.
After a “DPR” company that was driven out of the village, “several companies and tanks are
attacking. Artillery lays dense fire,” the Azov press service said.
9:10 The second wave of the attack was repelled. From the side of the “DPR” AF, there are bodies
which cannot be removed from the battlefield due to intense shelling. The “DPR” AF lay dense and
powerful artillery fire. Units of the Azov Regiment are waiting for the third wave of attack, press
service of the regiment reports.
13:20 Azov managed to repel the attacks of the “DPR” AF on Shyrokyne.
The [Azov] regiment's press service reports that a significant number of residential buildings were
destroyed in the [Shyrokyne] village. At the moment, the soldiers of the Azov Regiment are
Annex 113
evacuating the civilian population. Local residents claim that the shelling of residential buildings
was conducted from the direction of “DPR”-controlled Sakhanka.
Smoke from shells in the area of the checkpoint in the Vostochny. Photo from social networks.
Annex 113
Annex 114
Port News, “Cargo turnover at Mariupol (Ukraine) in the first 5 months
of 2015 decreased by 35.5% and reached 3 812 mln tonnes”, 9 June

Cargo turnover at the port of Mariupol (Ukraine) in the first 5 months of 2015 decreased by
9 June 2015 12:25 PM
Cargo turnover at the sea port of Mariupol (Donetsk Region, Ukraine) in January-May 2015
amounted to 3.812 mln tonnes, which is 35.5% less compared to numbers of the previous year, reports
the Transport Strategy Center (TSC), quoting the data of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA).
The decrease in January-April amounted to 28.2%.
The transshipment of liquid cargo (oil) fell by 41.4%, to 34,000 tonnes.
The flow of dry cargo decreased by 22%, to 1.71 mln tonnes. In particular, the volume of
transshipment was as follows: coal – 605 000 tonnes (38.5% less), ore – 888,000 tonnes (the total for
the previous year was only 32,000 tonnes), construction cargo – 44,000 tonnes (previous year:
818,000 tonnes), grains – 102,000 tonnes (58.2% less), including cereals – 67,000 tonnes (43.5%
In January-May, 2.067 mln tonnes of packaged goods were handled, which is 43.5% less compared
to January-May 2014. The port handled 438 thousand tonnes of cast iron (55,8% less), 912 thousand
tonnes of rolled metal products (35.1% less), and 713 thousand tonnes of other ferrous metals (41.5%
Mariupol Commercial Sea Port State Enterprise is one of the four largest ports in Ukraine, and is
located at the intersection of all types of transportation routes. The capacity of the port allows
handling over 17 mln tonnes of cargo per year. The port is open year-round for vessels with length
up to 240 m and draft up to 8 m. The area of the port is 73.2 ha, and the length of the quayage is 4.2
km. The port has modern terminals and structures.
Annex 114

Annex 115
Ukrainskaya Pravda, “Avdiivka. From disco to disco”, 23 June 2015

Avdiivka. From Disco to Disco*
Page 9
War and peace are in the same territory here
In late May, the President appointed seven heads of civil and military administrations. In early June,
a new “man at the helm” arrived in Avdiivka – Colonel Pavel Malykhin.
For seven years before the appointment, the Lieutenant Colonel, who was born in Drogobych, was
Deputy Commander of the 22nd independent brigade for the protection of diplomatic
representatives and consular offices.
“My task is to restore peaceful life, to repair schools, state institutions, houses” – he raps out. He
mentions a graduation celebration at a local school as one of the highlights of the past three weeks.
– As soon as three graduates were awarded medals, an artillery shelling began half an hour later.
War and peace are in the same territory here, – he says.
Yuri Cherkasov is still the mayor of the town. Just a year ago, he urged the locals to participate in
the “DPR referendum”. Although in a conversation with Ukrainskaya Pravda, he denies this.
When Ukrainian troops entered the town in July last year, he was rumoured to have been kidnapped
and even convoyed to Kyiv. But he completely refuses to comment on this incident.
He says that the best proof of his position is that he did not run away, his wife and eldest son,
according to him, live in Avdiivka.
“Statistics in the town are such: 42 people have been killed, more than three hundred have been
injured. Of the two hundred houses in the village of Khimik, 60 apartment buildings have sustained
serious structural damage; three hundred houses have been destroyed in Old Avdiivka”, – the mayor
The town’s primary need is to streamline bureaucratic procedures so that, according to Cherkasov,
it would be possible to buy building materials faster – shingles, batteries, roofing material, glass.
The mayor speaks about this as if the town was not under daily artillery strikes.
He has his own war. A war on public utilities.
Page 15
* “Disco” is military slang for artillery battles
Annex 115

Annex 116 (Kramatorsk city website), “Consequences of the shelling
in Kramatorsk (PHOTOS)”, 10 February 2016

Consequences of the shelling in Kramatorsk (PHOTOS)
10 February 2016
Pages 52-53
C&TP of the NKMZ [the Culture and Technology Palace of the Novokramatorsky Machine
Factory (NKMZ)]
Source: Newspaper "Kramatorskaya Pravda"
Pavement was hit by a cassette projectile near the C&TP of the NKMZ
Annex 116
Crater left by "SMERCH"
Annex 116
Annex 117
Glavnoe, “If there were no war: Arsen Karapetyan, Kherson (photo)”,
11 April 2016

If there were no war: Arsen Karapetyan, Kherson (photo)
11 April 2016 16:02
Volunteer of the K-2 Battalion
He is a dentist in time of peace.
Page 2
We underwent training and were redeployed to Volnovakha. That is how my service started. We
conducted operations with the 72nd and 28th Brigades in neighbouring residential settlements. Then
we were redeployed to Gorske, then to Krimske. We stayed there for nine months.
We had two CSP (company strong points – Editor’s note), the first CSP, we called it “disco” for fun
because there was high ground there…and a cemetery. We constructed an all-round defence, dug
trenches, dugouts, and loop holes. Entirely for all-round fights, as a last resort. A breakthrough was
possible. It was the spring of 2015.
Then we had a position with the 28th Brigade, a turn-off to Dokuchayevsk, this is the outermost CSP
and the next CSP belonged to the separatists. [The enemy] crawled up and fired from a Shmel [rocketpropelled
infantry flamethrower], the guys who were on duty quickly reached us on their own, and I
also treated them.
“Now all volunteer battalions are combined, and we are now a regiment. As before, I am a volunteer
and can resign at any time and return to peaceful life …”
Annex 117

Annex 118
BBC News Russia, “Why Avdiivka became the hottest spot in
Donbass”, 15 April 2016

Why Avdiivka has become the hottest spot in Donbas
Svetlana Dorosh
BBC, Ukrainian Service
15 April 2016
Author of the photo: UNIAN
Photo caption: The Ukrainian army took control over Avdiivka as far back as July 2014
For the past few months, the small town of Avdiivka in Donetsk region has remained the
hottest spot of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Ceasefire violations are recorded, first of all, around this settlement. Reports about deaths of
Ukrainian soldiers come mainly from there.
Why has the town near Donetsk become the epicenter of hostilities?
On the Edge
Avdiivka, located less than 10 kilometers away from Donetsk, was taken over by the Ukrainian
army as far back as in July 2014.
The town is located at the edge of the so-called "gray zone". Therefore, it has never been quiet out
there, and the press center of the ATO [Anti-Terrorist Operation - as the Ukrainian authorities call
the military operation in the east of the country] has constantly reported shelling of Ukrainian
positions in this area.
Annex 118
The escalation of the situation began after the Ukrainian Armed Forces occupied the industrial part
of Avdiivka in late February to protect residents from shelling.
After that, the leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic accused Kiev of starting an
offensive and of violating the Minsk agreements.
The ATO headquarters claims that it is the armed supporters of the DPR who violate the Minsk
agreements, in particular, the moratorium on the use of certain types of weapons.
Ukrainian military and volunteers speak less diplomatically: "they harass us day and night."
As a result, just in March, seven Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 41 were injured.
The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine claims significantly
heavier losses from the opposite side.
"Every Night is Rough"
“The situation there has not changed for several months: at night artillery works to push us deep,
then comes their infantry, which tries to knock us out, and after these militants are fought back, they
retreat. Every night it gets rough in there”, - tells the head of the Army Relief Fund ‘Come Back
Alive’ Vitaly Deynega to BBC Ukrainian Service.
Author of the photo: RIA Novosti
Photo caption: The situation in the area of the Yasynuvata regional centre is of concern to OSCE
He has repeatedly visited Avdiivka after the escalation of hostilities there.
Military expert, editor of the website Information Resistance Yuri Karin believes that the main goal
of the armed formations of the DPR is to establish control over the road to the regional center of
"They are ready to throw there as many people and equipment as they can spare, just to recapture
this zone. They will suffer significant losses, just to establish fire control over the Yasynuvata
junction" he tells to BBC Ukrainian Service.
Yasynuvata is a powerful railway junction, through which, according to the intelligence of the
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the militants receive their support from Russia.
“The line of contact passes not far from Donetsk, where the DPR militants are based. They consider
this direction as promising one for the transportation of weapons, ammunition, fuel,” says the
representative of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Alexander Motuzyanik.
Annex 118
Besides, Yasynuvata is the intersection of five strategically important highways.
"Thanks to the fact that the Ukrainian military occupied the industrial area of Avdiivka, we have an
armed control over the Donetsk-Luhansk and Debaltseve-Horlivka highways," says Vitaliy
At the same time, the volunteer notes that this place can be bypassed through other roads, though
not as convenient and fast.
Among other reasons for the escalation of the military confrontation in this area is also the desire of
the separatists to establish control over Avdiivka itself, since it is the location of the largest coke
plant in Europe.
The Ukrainian authorities and Western countries have repeatedly accused Russia of providing
military assistance to supporters of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR and of direct military
participation in the conflict in Donbas. Moscow denies these allegations.
Author of the photo: UNIAN
Photo caption: Due to the escalation of the situation around Avdiivka, NSDC Secretary Alexander
Turchynov visited it on 7 April [2016].
Russia's representative to the OSCE, Alexander Lukashevich, meanwhile, accused Ukrainian forces
of escalating tensions and a lack of political progress.
“Instead, the Ukrainian military prefer to escalate the situation on the line of contact, and the most
dangerous thing that OSCE observers note is that there the sides’ positions actively draw closer –
meaning the positions of DPR forces and the positions of UAF [Ukrainian Armed Forces]. The
latest reports are very disturbing in terms of the provocative actions on the part of the UAF. Such
came from Avdiivka and Yasynuvata, and today, at night, from Gorlovka,” - Alexander
Lukashevich said in an interview to the TV channel “Russia 24” in early April.
Mortar attacks on Yasynuvata and on checkpoints performed by Ukrainian army units constantly
appear in the daily reports of the so-called DPR Ministry of Defence.
The shelling of Avdiivka continues since last year.
"Information warfare"
Alexander Motuzyanik emphasizes that the Ukrainian military opens fire only in response to the
attacks by the opposing side, and only when the enemy’s fire is targeted and can lead to casualties.
“The militants do not intend to cease fire and are going to escalate the situation. The goal is to
provoke the Ukrainian Armed Forces to open fire, and then to blame the Ukrainian side of not
respecting the ceasefire and violating the Minsk agreements,” Alexander Motuzyanik said in an
interview to the BBC Ukrainian Service.
Annex 118
“This is also an information warfare: first they strike against the positions of the UAF, and, on their
side, there are Russian journalists, who already wait to film how our troops shoot in response, so
that they can then show it on Russian TV channels,” he adds.
Experts interviewed by the BBC Ukrainian Service say that the situation around Avdiivka is
unlikely to change in the near future, since in compliance with assumed international obligations,
the Ukrainian Armed Forces will not use heavy weapons in order to push the armed supporters of
the DPR further away from the “gray zone”.
Author of the photo: RIA Novosti
Photo caption: The village of Zaitseve near Horlivka is also subject to shelling.
Most likely, they say, the situation will remain the same as in recent months. The Ukrainian military
will try to hold positions in the industrial area of Avdiivka, but if the opposing side strengthens its
actions, it will be more difficult to do so. In addition, there will be more losses.
“The War for the Streets”
Last week, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Alexander
Turchynov held a meeting with the military command in Avdiivka.
“We must be ready to repel any aggressive actions by the enemy, providing our armed forces with
modern weapons and equipment,” the NSDC Secretary said.
He called on the Parliament to adopt as soon as possible a law on filling the special budget fund,
from which a significant part of the state defense order is financed.
According to Turchynov, the spring warming caused “the intensification of the activities of
reconnaissance and sabotage groups and attempts of local armed provocations on the part of the
“We cannot rule out large-scale offensive operations of Russian-terrorist troops,” the NSDC
website quotes Alexander Turchinov.
President of the Army Relief Fund "Come Back Alive” Vitaliy Deynega believes that as a result of
fierce fighting, if it continues, the industrial area of Avdiivka will turn to scorched earth, and sooner
or later the Ukrainian leadership will need to review its decisions and the Minsk agreements.
“We are at war for the streets, for Zaitseve, for the Industrial Area of Avdiivka, for the Yasynuvata
junction, and so on. This war has no end in sight, and the number of victims will grow. And no one
is sure that events like those in Avdiivka will not be repeated in another part of Donbas tomorrow,”
Deynega said in an interview to BBC Ukrainian Service.
Annex 118
Annex 119
BBC News Ukraine, “What happened at the Svitlodarsk Bulge?”, 24
December 2016

What happened at the Svitlodarsk Bulge?
Vyacheslav Shramovich
Air Force of Ukraine
24 December 2016
Author of the photo, Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
Caption to the photo,
Artillery attacks continue on the Svitlodarsk Bulge
Over the past six days, several military clashes have occurred in the area of the contact line
near Debaltseve, which were accompanied by the massive use of artillery and mortars, as well
as infantry attacks.
This entailed casualties on both sides and a certain change in the tactical situation in the section of
the frontline called “Svitlodarsk Bulge”.
The Svitlodarsk Bulge is a line of defence to which the ATO forces withdrew from Debaltseve in
Annex 119
the winter of 2015.
Since then, there have been periodic escalations and mutual shellings – the area is of strategic
importance for both sides. The Vuhlehirsk Thermal Power Plant is located in the territory controlled
by Ukraine – in Svitlodarsk. Debaltseve is on the other side of the contact line. It is no more than 10
km in a straight line to the city.
Author of the photo, Google Maps,
Caption to the photo,
The arrow indicates the forest, for the capture of positions in which there are battles
On 18 December, the situation in this area dramatically escalated. The Ukrainian Defence Ministry
first reported that the separatist forces tried to capture two positions of the ATO forces after a
powerful artillery attack.
However, later, Oleksandr Turchinov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of
Ukraine, who personally visited the Svitlodarsk Bulge, said that the Ukrainian military actually
counterattacked and took new positions, “which gave them an additional advantage over the enemy
in this defence sector.”
At the same time, separatist media reported that the Ukrainian army tried to break through the LPR
defence line and reach Debaltseve.
Author of the photo, Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Caption to the photo,
The parties to the conflict agreed in Minsk to a truce for the New Year holidays
It is possible to infer from reports provided by both sides of the conflict and those published on
social media that, on Sunday, Ukrainian fighters conducted an offensive operation and captured
several separatist strongpoints located in a forest near the villages of Kalynivka and Lohvynove
("LPR"-controlled territory). Representatives of illegal formations called these positions
“Kikimora”, “Krest”, “Zvezda”.
Ukrainian servicemen tried to gain a foothold in new positions, and “LNR” members tried to
dislodge them from there. Ukraine engaged soldiers of the 54th brigade, including the 25th battalion
– this is the former “Kyivska Rus” Territorial Defence Battalion formed from residents of the Kyiv
According to the Ministry of Defence, the ATO forces managed to repel several attacks, after which
massive shellings began and have been conducted intermittently for six days. Ukrainian gunners are
firing back.
At the same time, the fighters claim to have retaken “Kikimora”.
The commander of a mortar crew of the 54th Brigade, Lera Burlakova, wrote on Facebook from the
ground on 21 December, “It’s been four days of fun on the Svitlodarsk Bulge. It’s not just that you
want to sleep or rest but to take a breather. To know for sure that, for example, you have exactly an
Annex 119
hour during which you will not need to run somewhere. That one hour would be worth ten hours of
the same calm in a state of constant expectation of what’s next.”
Author of the photo, Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
Caption to the photo,
There are reports of significant casualties on both sides.
As a result of the offensive operation led, the Ukrainian army has suffered the largest casualties
over the last five months. On 18 December alone, Colonel Andrey Lysenko reported five dead
soldiers, six wounded and ten shell-shocked.
However, in the following days, casualties continued to grow - in total, eight Ukrainian servicemen
had been killed and several dozen had been injured during the fighting on the Svitlodarsk Bulge
since January 18.
At the same time, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reported dozens of dead and wounded from
the “LPR”. On Friday, Andrey Lysenko, citing intelligence data, said that “on 20-21 December,
more than ten cars drove the bodies of the dead occupants from the Debaltseve hospital to the
Yenakiieve mortuary.”
The self-proclaimed “DPR” and “LPR” deny these figures, claiming that, as a result of “attempts to
break through”, the ATO forces had lost “up to a hundred people who were killed and wounded,
with several armoured vehicles damaged”, over the previous day alone.
Prisoners of war
Author of the photo, ERA
Caption to the photo,
Militants of the “LPR” near their positions on the Svitlodarsk Bulge
On Thursday evening, the separatist media reported that their forces on the Svitlodarsk Bulge
managed to capture three Ukrainian soldiers.
Later, several Ukrainian volunteers and bloggers said that the separatists began to send out videos
and photos depicting tortured captive fighters of the ATO. The same materials were allegedly sent
to a number of Ukrainian media.
The authenticity of these materials is not confirmed.
Colonel Lysenko said in response that the ATO leadership is aware of only one prisoner.
“On 18 December, during the active phase at the Svitlodarsk Bulge, one serviceman was wounded
and captured. We don’t have any more servicemen who were captured. At least, according to
Annex 119
information coming from the commanders of the units holding the fort on the line of contact,”
Andrey Lysenko, an ATO representative of the Ministry of Defence, said on Friday.
According to him, there is no data on whether the Ukrainian prisoner is still alive. “There is no such
data yet, we must find out what’s happened to him,” Lysenko said.
New Year's Truce
Author of the photo, Ministry of Defence of Ukraine,
Caption to the photo,
The parties to the conflict agreed in Minsk to a truce for the New Year holidays
An indefinite truce is planned to be introduced in the east of Ukraine since 24 December, the press
centre of the Anti-Terrorist Operation reported on Friday, citing Ukrainian representatives at the
Joint Centre for Control and Coordination on ceasefire issues in the territory of Donbas (JCCC).
“On 21 December, the Trilateral Contact Group for the peaceful settlement of the situation in
eastern Ukraine, at a meeting in Minsk, decided to introduce a comprehensive, sustainable,
indefinite ceasefire on the eve of the New Year holidays starting from 00.00 on 24 December
2016,” the statement said.
This information is also confirmed by the separatist media, citing Denis Pushilin, “head of the DPR
delegation to the Minsk negotiations.”
“The contact group agreed to a ceasefire for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Let’s see what
happens,” said Denis Pushilin.
The JCCC maintains close cooperation with the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to monitor and
check the ceasefire.
“Special operational communications is established with all the heads of monitoring groups and the
mission’s leadership. Joint trilateral briefings are held daily, where all critical issues are discussed
and ways to solve them are determined" the press centre of the ATO headquarters said.
During the truce, the damaged infrastructure is planned to be repaired.
Annex 119
Annex 120
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, “Anxious Ukraine Risks Escalation
In ‘Creeping Offensive’”, 30 January 2017

Anxious Ukraine Risks Escalation In 'Creeping O􀄢ensive'
January 30, 2017 16:01 GMT
By Christopher Miller
NOVOLUHANSKE, Ukraine -- The way Ukrainian commander Vyacheslav "Eagle-Owl"
Vlasenko described it, his troops snuck into this rustic town of 4,000 people in broad
daylight and took it -- and a valuable pig farm -- without firing a shot.
Concealed in trucks that looked like those used by the pig farm, the troops' advance
into Nuvoluhanske -- which had been part of the gray zone, a ravaged no-man's land
between the warring sides -- took their Russia-backed separatist foes by surprise.
"We used civilian trucks and a sort of maskirovka," Vlasenko, clad in fatigues, told
RFE/RL at the command-and-control center of the Ukrainian Army's 46th battalion in
nearby Zaitseve on January 23. It was a reference to a deception tactic widely credited
to Russian military planners and employed by the Kremlin when it seized Ukraine's
Crimean Peninsula in 2014.
"It was 1 p.m." Vlasenko said. "They figured out what had happened at 8:45 p.m. and
began firing artillery, striking near our defensive positions on the east side of the pig
Mounting Discontent
Frustrated by the stalemate in this 33-month war of attrition, concerned that Western
support is waning, and sensing that U.S. President Donald Trump could cut Kyiv out of
any peace negotiations as he tries to improve fraught relations with Moscow, Ukrainian
forces anxious to show their newfound strength have gone on what many here are calling
a "creeping o􀄢ensive."
Annex 120
Observers say the Ukrainians appear to be trying to create new facts on the ground,
while o􀄣cials and commanders insist they are fighting to stop the flow of contraband
into separatist-controlled territories and fending o􀄢 attempts by separatist groups that
call themselves the Donetsk and Luhansk "people's republics" to seize more territory.
Whatever the case, since mid-December Ukraine's armed forces have edged farther
into parts of the gray zone in or near the war-worn cities of Avdiivka, Debaltseve,
Dokuchaievsk, Horlivka, and Mariupol, shrinking the space between them and the
separatist fighters.
In doing so, the pro-Kyiv troops have sparked bloody clashes with their enemy, which
has reportedly made advances of its own -- or tried to -- in recent weeks.
The Ukrainian military reported that 17 of its soldiers were killed in the December
battles. At least 16 more have been killed in fighting this month, including seven on
January 29-30. There are no reliable figures for the separatist side.
In all, Europe's only active war has claimed the lives of more than 9,750 people and
displaced some 1.7 million more since it began in April 2014, according to the United
And all signs point to the conflict getting worse before it gets better.
Fears Of Escalation
Stalker, the nom de guerre of a commanding o􀄣cer who declined to give his full name,
showed RFE/RL through the 46th battalion's labyrinth of freshly dug trenches that
keep the soldiers safe from artillery shells and sheltered from the biting winter.
Within the stu􀄢y confines of a bunker housing weapons, ammunition, rations, and half
a dozen men and at least one woman, soldiers warmed themselves by a field stove,
checked social media on their smartphones, and prepared borsch during a rare lull in
They were the lucky ones. Three of their fellow troops had been wounded and
evacuated since taking up the position, Stalker said.
All that divides the two sides here is 350 meters and a cemetery smack in the middle of
a snow-covered field -- a dark symbol that is not lost on the fighters.
Annex 120
Soon, from a road over the hill came a convoy of European monitors who had been
critical of the advances. They were there to inspect the new Novoluhanske positions.
"The direct result of forward moves is escalation in tension, which often turns to
violence," Alexander Hug, the principal deputy chief monitor of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe's Special Monitoring Mission (OSCE SMM) to
Ukraine, had told RFE/RL prior to his visit.
Hug said the soldiers had recently become more brazen. For much of the conflict, they
have played a game of hide-and-seek with the OSCE, concealing their weapons from
the international monitors' scrutinizing eyes.
But, Hug said, they now position large-caliber artillery, including towed howitzers,
main battle tanks, and multiple-launch rocket systems banned under the Minsk deal
"in the open with impunity."
Caught In The Cross Fire
As the two sides push closer to each other, they risk not only their own lives but those
of civilians.
On January 27, Hug reported five civilians had been killed this month alone as a result
of the clashes. He said 19 were killed in all of 2016, a year in which the OSCE recorded
more than 300,000 cease-fire violations.
At an elementary school in Novoluhanske a few hundred meters from the 46th
battalion's new trenches, teacher Lyudmila Alekseyevna told RFE/RL while watching
her fourth-graders slide down an icy mound that townspeople feel like "death is
knocking on our doors."
"We are ready for peace to return to us," she said, adding that she did not know why
the military had come to Novoluhanske.
Combating Lawlessness
Pavlo Zhebrivskyy, the governor of the Donetsk region, told RFE/RL at his o􀄣ce in
Kramatorsk that the Novoluhanske move to where there had been no police presence
was necessary to stop smuggling.
Annex 120
With supplies limited in the conflict zone, a lucrative black market has flourished. Kyiv
estimates tra􀄣ckers make millions sneaking coal, fuel, food, and more across the front
In the past week, nationalist activists have blocked "indefinitely" a railway line they
claim is used to trade illegal contraband with the separatists.
"There was no law enforcement to stop criminal activity, [including] the illegal
smuggling of Ukrainian goods...of pig meat," said commander Vlasenko.
Novoluhanske's pig farm houses some 93,000 swine and produces up to 20 tons of
meat per day, much of which soldiers claimed and journalists reported had been
tra􀄣cked into separatist-controlled territory.
Zhebrivskyy said that "98 percent of smuggling" around Novoluhanske ceased after the
46th battalion's arrival.
Bumpy Road To Peace
Hug said battlefield advances by both sides make implementing the 2015 peace deal,
known as the Minsk agreement, "more di􀄣cult."
Ukrainian authorities insist their moves do not endanger the peace process and are not
in violation of the Minsk deal because they did not cross in separatist-controlled
"According to the Minsk agreement, there is a clear delineation of the contact line, and
there were absolutely no violations by Ukraine in terms of the contact line, but there
have been significant violations on the other side's part," Ukrainian Defense Minister
Stepan Poltorak told RFE/RL in Kyiv on January 21.
Put more simply, Stalker said, "It's our Ukrainian land. How can it ever be a violation?"
Russians In Waiting
There is also a haunting prospect of Ukraine's creeping o􀄢ensive: the risk of provoking
a military response from Russia, as Kyiv and Western o􀄣cials say previous advances
Annex 120
Ukraine su􀄢ered two devastating defeats -- in Ilovaisk in August 2014 and in
Debaltseve in February 2015 -- that left hundreds of troops dead after Russia-backed
forces encircled them and pounded their positions with heavy artillery. The battle
changed the Ukrainians' calculus and gave the separatist side the clear upper hand.
Poltorak noted that Russia has since constructed several military bases and camps close
to Ukraine's border, which allows Russia to deploy thousands of its troops "within a
matter of hours."
Moreover, he claimed, 5,000 regular soldiers of the Russian armed forces are already
on separatist-held territory, along with 40,000 Russian nationals fighting in separatist
In addition to personnel, Poltorak said, Russia has deployed to eastern Ukraine "more
than 600 main battle tanks, more than 1,300 armored vehicles, more than 700 pieces of
artillery, and more than 450 multiple-launch rocket systems."
Russia denies sponsoring the separatists or deploying its forces to Ukrainian territory,
despite overwhelming evidence of both.
New Strength?
Ukraine's army appears to feel emboldened almost three years after the start of the
fighting, having undergone a crash course in warfare and modernized its military --
bold enough for some to say the occupied areas of eastern Ukraine could be "liberated"
by the end of 2017.
After increasing its defense budget to about $6 billion, Ukraine created a standing army
of 250,000 soldiers -- up from only 5,000 to 6,000 combat-ready troops in April 2014,
Poltorak said. That makes it among the largest armies in Europe.
Meanwhile, its state arms maker has pumped out new military materiel, including an
unmanned fighting vehicle, and it hopes to manufacture a new main battle tank to rival
one made by Russia.
Last month, Ukraine tested a new "high-precision" missile for Smerch multiplelaunch
rocket systems that has a range of 60 kilometers.
Peace Through Power
While leaders in Kyiv and Moscow say publicly the only way to solve the current
conflict is through political means, neither has shown a willingness to do so, Hug said.
Annex 120
Asked about the Ukrainian military's recent advances and weapons testing, Poltorak
said a political solution is "only possible if Ukraine will have a powerful army."
Otherwise, he said, its adversaries won't take it seriously.
Back in Novoluhanske, the 46th battalion's Vlasenko boasted that if politicians couldn't
bring an end to the war, his soldiers could recapture the occupied territories by force
"and be at the border with Russia in around six months."
But he added a caveat: "It would cost many civilian lives."
Annex 120
Annex 121
Dsnews, “Spontaneous counter-attack. The UAF take control over
Avdiivka road junction (MAP)”, 30 January 2017

Spontaneous counter-attack. The UAF take control over Avdiivka road junction (MAP)
As a result of Sunday fighting in Avdiivka’s “promka” [industrial area] the UAF came close to the
strategically important Donetsk-Horlivka motorway.
Mikhail Zhirokhov
Military Expert
Monday, 30 January 2017, 12:25
Reading time
After yesterday's non-stop news about the aggravation at the front, the picture of what happened and
is happening becomes clearer now with the data accumulation. First of all, the situation around the
“stumbling block” in Avdiivka - the Avdiivka industrial area and at the Donetsk Filtration Station
Annex 121
[DFS], - is clearing up.
The militants, by all accounts, decided to fulfill their promises to “push the ukrops” [Translator’s
note: “ukrop” is a derogative term used to describe Ukrainian nationalists] - and attacked locally in
the area of the so-called First and Second Ponds on Sunday morning after they had proposed a
veiled ultimatum concerning withdrawal of our troops from the DFS (implementation of which is
quite impossible as 1.5 km seems outrageous when the closest contact is 200-300 meters).
Apparently, the operation was planned at the battalion level and headed personally by the battalion
commander (otherwise it is difficult to explain the death of one of the field commanders whose call
sign was “Grek”) with a surprising and rush attack being the plan. But something went wrong and
the militants were forced to retreat after encountering fierce resistance. The fighters from the 72nd
Brigade, after recent rotation and full of strength and desire to fight, moved forward on the heels of
the retreating enemy.
Their fighting enthusiasm was also supported by their neighbors on the right and on the left, who
began to “make noise” in the area of the Avdiivka industrial area and to the west of the Yasynuvata-
2 railway station. As a result, a local operation in one direction turned into a serious fight using the
entire spectrum of weapons. Moreover, the enemy, trying to bring down the attacking pressure,
struck at the close rear of our group. Avdiivka came under serious fire there, where two civilians
were wounded, and the power supply in the city was cut off (which is still not restored as of 10:00
Towards evening, with its strength gathered (up to 80 people supported by two tanks and 4 infantry
fighting vehicles), the enemy tried to mount a counter attack. In response, all the available artillery
of the “Donetsk” task force was deployed, resulting in heavy casualties among the attackers. On the
part of the militants, the use of at least one 122-mm D-30 howitzer battery and two self-propelled
guns 2S3 Akatsiya batteries was registered.
Short-term artillery shellings from both sides continued throughout the night of 30 January, and are
still ongoing.
Apparently, our spontaneous counter attack somehow confused the plans of both our command and
the enemy. There is a high probability that a plan is now developed and implemented to give
stability to a new line of confrontation, which main point will be to hold positions behind the DFS
and an attempt to hit enemy positions at the nearest dominant height - a spoil heap 150 meters west
of the First pond.
The fact is that our commanders have recently used battlefield techniques which can be described as
“small steps”: when our soldiers occupy 50-100 meters of the “gray zone”, entrenching themselves
under the enemy fire, with the procedure repeated after a while. Using this method, it is possible, on
the one hand, to minimize own casualties, which are always heavy in a frontal assault and even in a
counter-offensive, and on the other hand, to keep forward units “in shape”, which have every
chance of rapidly losing their combat readiness during trench warfare (which, alas, is happening on
some sectors of the front, where all too often the non-battle casualties goes off-scale).
Now the UAF have come close to meeting the main tactical goal in the Avdiivka’s Industrial area –
Annex 121
taking control of the DFS which provides Donetsk with water, and complete cutting off of the E50
Donetsk-Horlivka motorway, which stretches along the demarcation line and was previously
effectively used as a belt road by the militants. From the moment the UAF gained a foothold
directly in the industrial area, the road has come under their fire control; in order to completely
block the motorway, it is necessary now to take control over the spoil heap behind the First pond.
Annex 121

Annex 122
Novaya Gazeta, “Fighting draw”, 31 January 2017

Fighting draw
Fighting has not ceased in the area of Avdiivka (outskirts of Donetsk) over the last 24 hours. There
are casualties on both sides. There are wounded and killed civilians. How it all began – and why is
the conflict in Donbass escalating again?
There is a so-called “grey zone” between the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the
positions of LPR/DPR units. The positions themselves are in the “grey zone” as well. There is a
demarcation line between them, which was drawn by OSCE personnel following the Minsk-2
Agreements. Exchanges of fire between the opposing positions are not unusual, they occur each
day; one has to move from his position through fire-swept territory.
Another aggravation of the conflict began on 19 December 2016 at the so-called Svitlodarsk Bulge.
It was then that the 54th Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched an offensive and took up
new positions inside the “grey zone”. There were battles, casualties and prisoners; both sides used
heavy weapons: Rapira anti-tank guns, self-propelled artillery pieces, and tanks. People’s Militia of
the LPR reported back then that the high ground was lost; for several days after the fight, nobody
could enter the neutral zone to collect the bodies of those killed in battle.
Later, in an interview with a Ukrainian publication, servicemen of the 54th Brigade will say, “It’s
always hard here, but we’re holding all positions – both old and new ones.”
On 21 December, Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council
(NSDC) of Ukraine, visited the positions of the 54th Brigade at the ATO zone. In his interview with
reporters, he confirmed that the new positions were taken up “despite continuous shellings and
attempts to break through our defences, the Ukrainian military did their duty with courage and
professionalism, stopping the enemy and inflicting heavy losses. Our military counterattacked,
Annex 122
advanced, and took up new positions, which gave them an additional advantage over the enemy in
this defence sector.”
Why is there fighting near Debaltseve again?
Pavel Kanygin explains
On 23 December 2016, Vyacheslav Vlasenko, a unit commanding officer of the Donbass-Ukraine
Battalion, wrote on Facebook that the village of Novoluhanske is now under their full control.
“Well, hello, Svitlodarsk Bulge. Today, the Donbas-Ukraine battalion has successfully carried out a
daring operation to liberate the village of Novoluhanske. At one fling. No casualties. Hello,
separatists”, his message says.
Novoluhanske was in the “grey zone” and there was no guarantee that the village would not come
under the DPR control. Now the village is controlled by the Ukrainian military. In addition,
according to the military, nobody violated anything; the line of contact was simply straightened. But
as a result, the “grey zone” shrank, and this trend continued next year.
On 27 December 2016, Oleksandr Turchynov, summing up the results of the year, told the
reporters that, in 2016, for the first time Ukraine had not lost any territory in the war in the east of
the country; the Ukrainian Armed Forces improved their positions; the Ukrainian army was
liberating occupied territories meter by meter, and 2017 would become a turning point.
On 22 January 2017, the Ukrainian army advanced 500 meters towards the city of Kadiivka
(Stakhanov) and took up the positions of the LPR People's Militia. This special operation was
named “Sukhumi”. It was necessary to take control of the high ground for the Ukrainian Armed
Forces to move forward. The Ukrainian military believes that this high ground had to be under their
control according to the Minsk Agreements. While the high ground was taken, civilians were
wounded in the LPR-controlled city of Kirovsk. On 27 January, Ukrainian President Petr
Poroshenko awarded Jaba Lelashvili, an officer of the Georgian Legion, for the successful military
operation. The special operation really was brilliant, since the LPR militia lost control over a fivekilometre
area as a result.
On 29 January, first reports emerge that there were hostilities in the area of Avdiivka. The
hostilities took place in the area of Avdiivka, Opytne, Kamianka; according to the Ukrainian Armed
Forces, and it was the DPR who launched an offensive, but later, after repelling the attack, the
Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a counteroffensive and recaptured two additional positions.
In fact, the hostilities for a highway between Donetsk and Horlivka had long been in the making. If
the Ukrainian military manage to take control of the highway, Horlivka (a city in the urban
agglomeration of Donetsk) will be almost isolated. The counteroffensive continued almost to
Donetsk. At the same time, heavy artillery was involved and both sides used tanks, self-propelled
artillery pieces, and Grads.
In Avdiivka, a coke plant suffered a direct hit, leaving the city without water, electricity and heat. In
view of this, President Petr Poroshenko interrupted his official visit to Berlin and went to the scene,
while Ukraine appealed to the UN Security Council.
Annex 122
At the time of this publication, the coke plant resumed its operations in Avdiivka, the heat supply
was restored, but there is no electricity still. In Donetsk, over the last night, shells were fired at the
Petrovsky, Kuibyshevskyi and Kyivsky Districts, with Makiivka impacted too. The Kyivsky district
in Donetsk was without electricity for some time. The Zasyadko Mine, which is located in the same
area, was completely de-energised, leaving 207 miners underground, whom are now being urgently
The DPR-controlled village of Yakovlivka was also cut off from electricity.
Evacuation of the miners from the Zasyadko Mine after a power outage caused by artillery
shellings. Photo: Reuters
Alongside with what is going on in the area of Avdiivka, there has been crossfire in the Luhansk
Region for several days already. Popasna, Zolote (controlled by Ukraine), Pervomaisk and Irmino
(controlled by the LPR) are under fire.
Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian President, said that “independent detachments
crossed the line of contact supported by artillery fire, and the Donbas militia had to fight back in the
area of Avdiivka and recapture the occupied territory.”
“This invasion was stopped,” Peskov concluded (quoted by TASS).
It is quite obvious that full-scale hostilities are contrary both to the spirit and letter of the Minsk
Agreements. The next meeting of the contact group will take place in Minsk on 3 February.
Annex 122

Annex 123
BBC News Ukraine, “Avdiivka: why is there an ongoing fighting for
frozen trenches?”, 31 January 2017

Avdiivka: why is there an ongoing fighting for frozen trenches?
• Vyacheslav Shramovich
• BBC Ukraine
31 January 2017
Photo by Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
Photo caption,
The aggravation near Avdiivka is the second serious escalation this winter - after the fighting in the
area of the Svitlodarsk Bulge
Since the end of February last year, Avdiivka, Donetsk region, has been one of the hottest
zones in Donbass.
Shellings and shoot-outs of varying intensity rage on there, without stopping even for several days.
Moreover, the main fighting is not for the town itself or the giant coke plant in Avdiivka, but for the
Industrial Area, which opens out upon the road leading from Donetsk to Horlivka.
On Sunday morning, 29 January, a new escalation of hostilities began there, which, in terms of
intensity and losses on both sides, reminded the December fighting at the Svitlodarsk Bulge.
Annex 123
Photo by Getty Images
Photo caption,
Avdiivka industrial zone has been one of the hottest zones in the ATO area since February 2016
According to the official position of the Ministry of Defence, at 4 am on Sunday, the separatists
started a powerful shelling of the ATO positions in the Avdiivka industrial area, after which two
assault groups of the militants of 25-30 people attacked two strong points of the Ukrainian Armed
The Ukrainian servicemen repulsed the storm, launched a counterattack and, according to the
Minister of Defence Stepan Poltorak, "took up a strategically important position".
In response, the separatists opened heavy artillery fire to recapture the lost strong point, the ATO
headquarters said.
The immediate cause of the escalation is said to be the enemy's attempts on both sides to disrupt the
Minsk agreements on the eve of the meeting of the trilateral contact group on the settlement of the
conflict in Donbass, scheduled for 1 February.
The Road to Horlivka
"Just like the Svitlodarsk Bulge, this is some kind of a response to our actions. We occupied the
dominating height there and had a tough response for three days with all types of arms available to
the Russian occupation forces (Russia has consistently denied the participation of its regular
military personnel in the fighting in Donbass - Editor). It is the same thing for this case – the
Ukrainian servicemen fired at the positions where, according to the reconnaissance data, the
enemy’s snipers and artillery spotters were constantly working,"- the UAF Retired Colonel, military
expert Oleg Zhdanov told the BBC Ukraine.
He adds that the position that the Ukrainian fighters have taken up now allows the UAF to place in
the line of fire an additional part of the Donetsk-Horlivka motorway near the so-called Yasynuvata
Annex 123
The ATO forces have already controlled (i.e., placed the motorway in the line of fire) a part of this
motorway since last year. Now this area has grown larger.
“It is because of this road that the fighting persists. We are raking with fire the entire Yasynuvata
junction using assault rifles. That is why they do not use it for transporting military gear,
equipment, personnel or munitions. All other roads from Donetsk to Horlivka are either country
roads or in worse condition”, Oleg Zhdanov explains.
The Donetsk-Horlivka motorway, in military terms, is a belt road, that is, a road that runs parallel to
the front line and is of importance for the transfer of troops.
"The ATO forces gave up the Donetsk airport, but they withdrew to the north - where the Avdiivka
industrial area and the Yasynuvata junction are located - and blocked the main artery for Horlivka",
the military expert notes.
And in Horlivka, according to the Ukrainian intelligence service, there is one of the largest
garrisons of the DPR armed formations, that is why the communication between this city and
Donetsk is of key importance for the separatists.
In addition, according to Oleg Zhdanov, establishing of “the operational command” of the DPR
forces is under way in Horlivka; it is an improved military structure as compared to the currently
operating "DPR Army Corps".
Photo by Getty Images
Photo caption,
The positions of both sides near Avdiivka are mainly trenches which allow cover from shellings,
but they do not always protect from an artillery or mortar fire.
According to reports from both sides, the "strategic position" taken up by the Ukrainian fighters is a
trench in a frozen ground a few hundred meters from the road.
Oleg Zhdanov claims that this strong point is at a dominant height, which allows to defend it more
effectively and control the terrain on the left flank of the ATO forces' defence in the industrial area.
Annex 123
However, Alexander Khodakovsky, the founder of the separatist battalion Vostok, who was
contacted by the BBC Russian Service the day before, has a divergent opinion.
According to him, this trench, on the contrary, is in the lowlands, in the area under fire.
He also said that the DPR forces, who protected the flanks of this trench, took decision to leave two
positions several months ago due to the casualties occurred during rotations and ammunition
Photo by Getty Images
Photo caption
Alexander Khodakovsky
The separatists’ main line of defence, according to Alexander Khodakovsky, runs 600-700 meters
further along the Donetsk-Horlivka motorway.
He believes that the Ukrainian soldiers are hardly able to entrench themselves deeper into the frozen
ground now.
However, it is Oleg Zhdanov’s forecast that the ATO forces will be able to maintain new positions
as they did it at the Svitlodarsk Bulge.
Nevertheless, both sides sustained significant casualties.
Since Sunday, the Ukrainian army has lost seven people killed under fire (including the deputy
commander of one of the battalions of the 72nd Brigade) with 35 wounded.
According to Oleg Zhdanov, such casualties are due to the fact that the ATO fighters acted with no
cover of the artillery fire: "Normally, it was necessary to plan the artillery shelling [of the enemy’s
firing points] if aviation is not used anymore. Any movement of a soldier across the battlefield
should take place under the cover of artillery."
At the same time, the intelligence service of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reports 25 militants
killed and more than 40 wounded in two days.
Annex 123
Among those killed was one of the separatist battalion commanders Ivan Balakay (call sign
"Greek"). Alexander Khodakovsky also confirmed his death.
The “DPR” denies such casualties and, in turn, assert about dozens of killed and wounded ATO
"Local" clashes
Photo by Getty Images
Photo caption
A Ukrainian serviceman inspects the vicinity of Avdiivka
Military expert Oleg Zhdanov says that there are no conditions conducive to conversion of the
escalation near Avdiivka into a full-scale offensive by one of the sides, yet.
"This will not go further than tactical episodes ... Whose soldier is the first to cross the demarcation
line, that party will be held responsible for disrupting the Minsk agreements. Therefore, it is hardly
possible to say that someone tomorrow will launch major offensive or large-scale actions", he notes.
Oleg Zhdanov adds that, at the moment, there is no evidence that an attacking group of separatists is
formed now (bringing up human resources, fuel, and medicines), as it was during the fighting for
Debaltsevo during winter 2015.
Alexander Khodakovsky, in his interview to the BBC Russian Service, ruled out a possible attack
by the UAF, and called the situation "an aggravated form of our localised clashes."
Annex 123
Photo by Vyacheslav Abroskin
Photo caption
Consequences of Avdiivka shelling
Nevertheless, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reports on the aggravation of the situation almost
along the entire line of contact in the Donetsk region.
A video surfaced the social networks, where, according to the authors, one can see that the rocket
launcher Grad, located in one of the Donetsk neighbourhoods, fires towards Avdiivka. BBC
Ukraine cannot verify the authenticity of this video.
Pavel Zhebrivsky, the head of the civil- military administration in the Donetsk region, announced a
possible partial evacuation of the residents of Avdiivka due to the constant shellings and lack of
electricity and heat supply in the town.
Representatives of the DPR accused the Ukrainian army of shelling the outskirts of Donetsk and
On Tuesday, Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the Russian President, said that the separatists
recaptured a previously lost position.
Later, Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine,
said that "the Ukrainian army keeps securely its positions, so all attempts by the militants to break
through our defenсe are doomed to failure."
Annex 123
Annex 124
Interfax, “Due to the shelling, 203 miners were trapped in the Donetsk
mine”, 31 January 2017

Due to the shelling, 203 miners were trapped in the Donetsk mine.
31 January 2017
In the world 09:38, 31 January 2017
There is an update from 10:58 →
The evacuation of trapped miners from the Donetsk mine has begun
Moscow. 31 January. INTERFAX.RU - In Donetsk, due to shelling, the Zasyadko mine was deenergized
and 203 miners were trapped underground, a representative of the Ministry of Defence
of the self-proclaimed DPR told reporters.
According to him, measures are being taken to evacuate the miners.
"At the moment, the DPR Ministry of Emergency Situations is engaged in reconnecting the
generator in order to bring the miners to the surface," a representative of the Press Centre for the
DPR Ministry of Emergency Situations told ‘Interfax’.
The night before, media began to write about the escalation of the situation in the Industrial Area
of Avdiivka near Donetsk.
In turn, the Ukrainian side reported that the pro-Russian armed groups have been carrying out
intensive artillery shellings in this area since Sunday, 29 January. On Sunday, five Ukrainian
servicemen died in the zone of armed conflict, while most of the losses occurred during the
fighting in Avdiivka. On 30 January, three Ukrainian servicemen died.
The DPR, in turn, reported on the fighting and the massive shelling of the outskirts of the town.
Avdiivka, where 25 thousand people live, was left without water, electricity and heat supply in
conditions of minus 20-degree Celsius frosts. In addition, the Avdiivka Coke Plant (ACP) was deenergized
and began "hot" preservation of equipment.
Prior to that, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko interrupted his working visit to Germany due
to the situation in Avdiivka. On Tuesday, it became known that the Ukrainian authorities are
preparing to evacuate residents of the town.
Ukraine DPR
Annex 124

Annex 125 (Donetsk city website), “In Donetsk, the Northern Water Supply
Facility was de-energized - part of the Kyivski District was left without
electricity and heating”, 31 January 2017

In Donetsk, the Northern Water Supply Facility was de-energized - part of the
Kyivski District was left without electricity and heating
31 January 2017
10:25 a.m., 31 January 2017
Roman Lazorenko
As a result of the shelling, the Northern Water Supply Facility was left without electricity. It is not
possible to begin repairs due to the unending shelling.
This was reported by the “Donetsk City Administration”.
It is also reported that the work of the Central Water Supply Facility has been restored.
Donetsk residents living in the Kyivski District report that they have no electricity or heating.
Annex 125

Annex 126
Krym.Realii, “From Avdiivka: ‘The main thing is that the “Grads” stop
“hammering” from Donetsk’”, 31 January 2017

Krym.Realii, “From Avdiivka: ‘The main thing is that the "Grads" stop "hammering" from
Police in Avdiivka, 31 January 2017
Annex 126

Annex 127
AP Images, “Ukrainian servicemen load ammunition into a tank in
Avdiivka”, 2 February 2017, 09:56:34

Annex 127
Annex 127
Annex 127
Annex 128
AP Images, “A Ukrainian serviceman walking past Ukrainian tanks in
Avdiivka”, 2 February 2017, 09:51:44

Annex 128
Annex 128
Annex 128
Annex 129
AP Images, “Ukrainian servicemen loading ammunition into a tank in
Avdiivka”, 2 February 2017, 09:54:46

ю I apimag ndex/Ukraine;b3692532e 7854461 a3f50f75af9c1е84/104/0
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Overview 􀀂 + ± Oownload now
Ukrainian serviceшen load ammunition into а tank in Avdiivka, eastern
Ukraine, Тhursday, Feb. 2, 2017. 'I\vo Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in
the cottntry's industrial east as both government fo1·ces and rebels reported
shelling 011 their positions overnight, Ukraine's government said early
Thttrsday. (АР PhotojE,,geniy Maloletka)
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Creation Date:
Submission Date:
Febгuary 02, 2017 09:54:46 АМ
Febгuary 02, 2017 05:30:34 РМ
Evgeniy Maloletka
Resolution: 2463 х 1790 4.25 МВ
Subject: Govemment and politics
location: Avdiivka, UKRAINE
Transmission Reference: MOSB122
Byline Title: SТR
Са ption Writer:
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This content is intended for editorial use only. For other
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Advanced Search
Annex 129
Annex 129
Annex 129
Annex 130
Reuters, “Tanks are seen in the government-held industrial town of
Avdiyivka”, 2 February 2017

Annex 130
Annex 130
Annex 131
Reuters, “Tanks are seen in the government-held industrial town of
Avdiyivka”, 2 February 2017

Annex 131
Annex 131
Annex 132
Reuters, “Tanks are seen in the government-held industrial town of
Avdiyivka”, 2 February 2017

Annex 132
Annex 132
Annex 133
AP Images, “Ukrainian servicemen load ammunition into a tank in
Avdiivka”, 2 February 2017, 09:56:20

Annex 133
Annex 133
Annex 134
Ukrainskaya Pravda, “It became known how the aggravation began in
Avdiivka”, 3 February 2017

It became known how the aggravation began in Avdiivka
Friday, 3 February 2017, 00:51 pm
The aggravation in Avdiivka on Sunday, January 29, began after the ATO forces clashed with a
sabotage and reconnaissance group of the militants.
This was reported to “Ukrainskaya Pravda” [UP] by a source in the intelligence agencies familiar
with the situation.
He said that the fighters, while on a picket-placing mission in their area, came across a sabotage and
reconnaissance group of the enemy.
“The battle begun. The militants requested artillery support. Therefore, in order to save the fighters,
the commander (23-year-old captain, deputy commander of the mechanized battalion of the 72nd
Separate Mechanized Brigade Andrey Kizilo – Ed.) was forced to lead his men forward and take the
position of the militants,” the source explains.
According to the UP’s source, now the militants are trying to regain the strategic position captured
by the ATO forces (the militants called the position “Almaz-2” – Ed.), since the Donetsk-Luhansk
and Donetsk - Horlivka roads are fully controlled from it.
Among the reasons for the escalation, he named the militants' attempts to move the ATO forces
away from the borders of Donetsk. In addition, the militants do not give up their attempts to take
control of the Donetsk filtration station.
“In addition, the militants are trying to strike at the Coke plant, since not only the infrastructure of
Avdiivka depends on it, but also the work of important enterprises in Mariupol and Zaporizhia,” the
source said.
He also drew attention to the fact that the militants are controlled directly from the Russian
Federation, and the escalation began after the inauguration of the US President Donald Trump.
Later on Friday, the General Staff made public the chronology of exacerbation in the anti-terrorist
operation zone in the period from January 29 to February 3.
As is known, the situation in Avdiivka sharply escalated on 29 January. On 1 February, the
militants did partially cease their fire in accordance with the ceasefire arrangement.
On the afternoon of 1 February, the militants broke the “silence” and fired at a brigade of
electricians, who in result reached 300 meters short of the place of possible rupture of the
transmission line.
Annex 134
On the morning of 2 February, the militants upheld the ceasefire in a separate area for no more than
a few hours, when repair work was to take place. However, as of 11:40 a.m. Zhebrivsky said that
because of the shelling the brigade of electricians couldn't reach the area where power lines were
damaged to restore electricity supply to Avdiivka.
News about the development of events in Avdiivka can also be found here.
Andrey Kyzyl was posthumously awarded the title of a Hero of Ukraine.
Ukrainskaya Pravda
Annex 134
Annex 135
European Pressphoto Agency, “Crisis in Ukraine”, 6 February 2017

Annex 135
Annex 135
Annex 135
Annex 136
Al Jazeera, “Avdiivka, evacuating again as fighting escalates”, 8
February 2017

Avdiivka, evacuating again as fighting escalates
Civilians in Avdiivka wonder if they will survive the cold nights and random, incessant
Svetlana Zadorozhnyuk talks to her daughter through the window of the bus evacuating her from the
town on Avdiivka [John Wendle/Al Jazeera]
Avdiivka, Ukraine – Svetlana Zadorozhnyuk crunches through the new snow towards
the evacuation bus, holding the hand of her 10-year-old daughter. This is the second time
she has sent her little girl away from the fighting in eastern Ukraine, but that has not
made it any easier.
“I’m just so tired of all this,” she says through a tear-choked voice.
The girl has spent her days sitting next to her mother as she tended shop, terrorised by
the sound of the incoming and outgoing artillery that has killed around two dozen and
wounded many more on both sides of the frontline around the town of Avdiivka since
hostilities spiked in the area on January 29.
The fighting, which seems to have eased a bit in the past days, is among the worst
escalations since the Minsk II ceasefire agreement was signed in February 2015. Some
here speculate that the surge in violence is connected to the inauguration of Donald
Annex 136
Trump as US president – as a way for Russian President Vladimir Putin to test Trump’s
intentions over the war in Ukraine.
Regardless of the causes, Svetlana has had enough. She gives the girl’s name to the
organisers of the evacuation, who check it against their list of children. Then, her
daughter is motioned on board.
The girl waves to her mother through the glass, breathes on the window and writes, “I
love you” in the fog. “The situation now is just terrible, terrible. Right now no one knows
what will happen in the next five minutes,” says Svetlana.
As the driver idles the engine in the -10 degrees Celcius temperatures, 76-year-old
pensioner Valentina Fyodorovna stands on the other side of the bus and tearfully looks up
at her baby grandson. The blue-eyed boy bounces on his mother’s lap as they wait to drive
to Sviatohirsk, a pilgrimage town that is now serving as a temporary home to thousands of
internally displaced people.
“I would give my pension. I would give anything for this to stop,” says Valentina, wiping
away her tears. The randomness of the shelling means she and everyone else in Avdiivka
fear that they will not live through the night.
A Ukrainian tank drives through the streets of the embattled town of Avdiivka, on the frontline of the
war in Ukraine [John Wendle/Al Jazeera]
Saving the children
For the past week, Avdiivka, an embattled industrial town on the frontline in the war in
Ukraine, has struggled with freezing temperatures, intermittent heating, and no power or
Annex 136
Now that the shelling is subsiding and the power is coming back on, the people of the
town are taking stock of their ordeal and speculating on the causes of last Sunday’s
sudden shift from a frequently broken ceasefire to outright shelling and fighting.
The gathered mothers wave to their children as the bus pulls out. Artillery continues to
rumble and thump intermittently in the background. An organiser says 23 were leaving
that morning and that slightly fewer than 200 children had left by the service since last
More had fled with their families, though schools in the town continued to hold classes.
This crisis is only the most recent since the war broke out in 2014, after pro-Western
protesters deposed the pro-Russian president. Soon after, Russia annexed Ukraine’s
Crimean Peninsula, the site of a large Russian naval base. Kiev and the West say the
Kremlin then fomented and backed a rebellion in the east of the country, while Russia
says it was not involved.
READ MORE: Dam leaves Crimea population in chronic water shortage
A member of the International Committee of the Red Cross examines a crater made by a mortar the
night before in front of School Number 2 in central Avdiivka [John Wendle/Al Jazeera]
The Donald Trump factor
Just across the street from where the bus was parked, Mikhail Kolodych, sweeps glass and
splintered wood from his sister-in-law’s kitchen floor.
A shell had hit the building the night before, destroying the apartment on the floor above
and shattering all the windows in this one. Everyone was already sheltering in the
basement of the building – as they have been since 2014 – so no one was hurt.
Annex 136
In the kitchen, a shell fragment is lodged in the wall. Surveying the destruction, Mikhail
echoes the sentiments of Valentina, the pensioner at the bus stop, visible through the
shattered window.
“Russia is unpredictable. They have awoken and wherever they turn tomorrow, they can
go. Even to the Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia, it is possible,” he says.
“I think the situation is connected with President Trump,” he says, warning that if Trump
and other world leaders do not strengthen sanctions, “[the conflict] will grow – just look
at Syria”.
So far, he has seen little from the international community to make him think they will do
more to help halt the fighting. But a big problem is that Trump is “also unpredictable”, he
says, but adds, “I think he can’t just wake up and go do whatever he likes. It’s not like in
On Saturday, Trump called Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, the first direct contact
between the two leaders since Trump was sworn in on January 20. Trump’s stated aim of
improving relations with the Kremlin has sparked fears in Kiev that the US may lift
sanctions against Russia, levied against the country for its annexation of Crimea and
support of rebels in the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.
“We will work with Ukraine, Russia, and all other parties involved to help them restore
peace along the border,” Trump said in a White House statement, after talking to the
Ukrainian president. Poroshenko’s office said the call with Trump particularly focused on
the “settlement of the situation in the Donbass and achieving peace via political and
diplomatic means” and that the two sides “discussed strengthening the strategic
partnership” between the two countries.
Trump told Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on Saturday that, “I respect a lot of people, but
that doesn’t mean I’m going to get along with [Putin]. He’s a leader of his country. I say
it’s better to get along with Russia than not.”
On Sunday, Vice President Mike Pence responded to the upsurge in fighting on ABC’s
This Week news programme, saying, “We’re watching and [are] very troubled by the
increased hostilities.” But, when questioned on sanctions continuing against Russia, he
said, “That’s a question that will be answered in the months ahead.” That response that
will do little to allay fears in Kiev.
Indeed, many in Avdiivka believe that last week’s upsurge in violence was a direct result of
Putin wanting to test Trump’s mettle.
“Maybe it is that before they meet, they needed to feel each other out,” says Dmytro Linko,
a member of the Ukrainian parliament who was in Avdiivka observing the army.
OPINION: Ukraine as testing ground for Kremlin-Trump ‘dialogue’
Annex 136
A volunteer hands out bread to people gathered at the central aid point in Avdiivka [John Wendle/Al
Stocking up on emergency supplies
Down the street from Mikhail’s sister-in-law’s wrecked apartment, volunteers and
Ukrainian emergency crews swarm around School Number 2.
Outside the front door, a mortar had blasted frozen earth across the front yard, leaving a
dark pit and a broken tree. The volunteers unload truck after truck packed with bottled
water, candles, blankets, food, diapers and other humanitarian aid donated by
international and Ukrainian organisations.
Even with the sound of shelling a near constant in the background, hundreds of people
gather to collect what they can.
One young mother is intent on picking up candles, since her two young sons are as
terrified of the dark as they are of the shelling.
“There was shelling today and my youngest slept through it,” she says, rocking her stroller
back and forth in the crowd outside the school. But the older one, she says, “understands
and feels everything. When the shells started to fall he got frightened. His heart, I don’t
know, must have been beating 300 times a second.”
Now, she is standing in line to pick up some candles, “so that he is not afraid during the
attacks and not scared of the dark”.
Annex 136
People from Avdiivka seeking humanitarian aid fight for a place at the front of the line while Ukrainian
soldiers work to control the crowds [John Wendle/Al Jazeera]
An auto supply store stands ruined after two mortars detonated on its roof near Old Avdiivka, a
residential area of the town nearest the frontline [John Wendle/Al Jazeera]
Annex 136
Leonid Tarasov, a pensioner in Old Avdiivka, on the edge of town closest to the frontline, receives
blankets and candles from the International Committee of the Red Cross [John Wendle/Al Jazeera]
Pensioners gather at Nadezhda’s house in Old Avdiivka to pick up donated supplies, such as biscuits,
macaroni and cooking oil [John Wendle/Al Jazeera]
Annex 136
People wait for assistance in School Number 2 in Avdiivka [John Wendle/Al Jazeera]
Bottled water is handed through a window and passed down a line of volunteers to be stacked and
readied for distribution to people in Avdiivka. Water, electricity and heating were off or intermittent all
last week. Though heat and power have returned in some places, water is still off [John Wendle/Al
Annex 136
Pavel Ivanets, left, the chief volunteer organiser, walks rapidly through piles and stacks of aid delivered
by donors and local and international organisations in School Number 2 in Avdiivka [John Wendle/Al
People stand in a chaotic line to register for humanitarian assistance in Avdiivka [John Wendle/Al
Annex 136
Ukraine: Who controls what
Source: Al Jazeera
Annex 136
Annex 137
Eurasia Daily Monitor, “Crawling Advance’: A New Tactic of
Ukrainian Troops in Donbas”, Vladimir Socor, Volume 14, Issue
16, 9 February 2017

(Source: Die Zeit)
‘Crawling Advance’: A New Tactic of Ukrainian Troops in
Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 14 Issue: 16
By: Vladimir Socor (
The assault on the eastern Ukrainian city of Avdiivka (January 28–February 4) was a combinedarms
operation by Russia’s proxy forces, aiming to reverse the recent Ukrainian gains on the
ground in a sector of key significance (see below) and, more broadly, to seize the initiative in the
ongoing positional warfare. This proceeds in several sectors along and between demarcation lines.
Search .. 􀁢
Annex 137
Ukrainian forces have held the initiative for the last few months, using small-unit operations to
push into “gray zones” that separate Ukrainian positions from those of the “Donetsk people’s
republic’s” (DPR) forces. Since last autumn, Ukrainian forces have regained small but valuable
portions of territory which the Minsk armistice had left under Ukrainian control, but which were
subsequently seized by Russian-DPR forces with impunity.
Ukrainian commentators describe the pushback to recover the lost ground as “creeping [crawling]
advances.” The term denotes the crawling tempo of these Ukrainian operations—it can take weeks
to advance a few hundred meters in a given sector—and the tactic of enveloping enemy positions
with small Ukrainian units in a noose-tightening process (“anaconda tactic”). These operations’
inconspicuous character has kept them out of the media’s limelight (until the Avdiivka battle).
Specialized commentators in Kyiv (such as Dmytro Tymchuk, Yurii Butusov, Kostyantin Mashovets
and Oleksandr Motuzyanik), however, regard the “crawling advances” as a new chapter in this
conflict and a reflection on the Ukrainian forces’ capacity to plan and execute challenging
operations (,, Info.napalm, January 28–February 8; RFE/RL, January 30).
Those are purely tactical operations within the paradigm of positional warfare on a sector-bysector
basis. Whether the local crawling advances are subsumed into a strategic design is unclear.
But they do seem to correspond to a common denominator. Ukrainian units in each case seek to
improve their defensive positions against possible attack by massed hostile forces. By the same
token, the Ukrainians seek to occupy favorable jumping-off locations for possible offensive action.
They aim to seize—or position themselves for possibly seizing—key sections of highways,
railroads or junctions thereof, electricity and heating plants, water reservoirs, or dominant hills,
preferably on the outskirts of DPR-controlled towns.
These moves are certainly not intended to reopen all-out hostilities against superior adversary
forces. The more likely intent is, first, to improve Ukraine’s defensive resilience against a possible
hostile invasion/incursion across the demarcation line, as Ukraine has repeatedly experienced.
Equally, they appear designed to improve Ukraine’s bargaining position in the event—which many
in Kyiv fear, rightly or wrongly—that Western powers might pressure Kyiv into a political-territorial
accommodation with the Moscow-controlled Donetsk and Luhansk.
The first known (but hardly publicized) “crawling advance” seems to have occurred in October
2016, when Ukrainian troops gained control of the Svitlodar strip, north of Debaltseve. In
December 2016, the Ukrainians moved further into the town of Novoluhanske, six kilometers from
the railway and highway junction of Debaltseve (the main Donetsk-Luhansk connecting link),
which Russian regular forces captured from the Ukrainians in 2015 (see below). By the end of 2016
and in early January 2017, Ukrainian troops gained one or two more kilometers in several sectors,
edging closer to the outskirts of the DPR-controlled towns Horlivka and Yasynuvata (parts of the
wider Donetsk agglomeration) as well as half-encircling Dokuchaeve (farther south). And from
their long-held Avdiivka stronghold, Ukrainian troops edged southward to the village Spartak,
three kilometers from the Donetsk city line. They also edged eastward from Avdiivka, poised to
interdict the Donetsk-Horlivka highway and even the Yasynuvata highway and railroad junctions
(,, Info.napalm, January 28–February 8).
Annex 137
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Ukrainian troops carefully avoid any move that might be interpreted as intending to cross the
Minsk One armistice line (September 19, 2014). Kyiv recognizes this line, not the subsequent
changes. Russian and proxy forces breached that line massively in two stages, seizing territories
that the Minsk One armistice had left under Ukrainian control. The first stage of land-grabs
unfolded in the winter of 2014–2015, as Russia supplied overwhelming firepower, compelling
Ukraine to request another armistice. Minsk Two (February 12, 2015), officially purporting to
implement Minsk One, did the opposite: Russian and proxy land-grabs in breach of Minsk One
were ratified by Minsk Two. And within days of the Minsk Two armistice, Russian forces seized a
large Ukrainian-held salient, including Debaltseve (see above), which Minsk Two had left under
Ukrainian control. Germany and France, purported guarantors of the armistice, kept silent (see
EDM, February 14 (
mortgages-ukraines-future-part-one/), 19 (
armistice-rewards-russias-aggression-mortgages-ukraines-future-part-two/), 20
future-part-three/), 2015).
Ukraine takes the position that the Minsk One armistice line is the only valid line, and therefore the
only acceptable reference in terms of disengaging military forces on either side. If the Minsk Two
demarcation line—indeed the Russian-breached Minsk Two line—is taken as the basis for a
disengagement of forces, then Russian-supplied heavy firepower would threaten to reach more
deeply into Ukrainian-held territory, adding to Russia’s capacity for coercion. On these and other
grounds, Kyiv aims to reinstate the Minsk One demarcation line. Ukraine has reasserted this
position in the Minsk Contact Group’s meetings, including the latest (Ukrinform, February 1).
The Minsk One line has validity as a military arrangement in the field: one that was negotiated,
officially recognized, never abrogated, and guaranteed (if only on paper) by the top leaders of the
“Normandy” powers (see above). This does not imply that the demarcation line has legal validity.
The Minsk One and Two documents have no legal force (it is Russia that seeks to turn their political
provisions into legal obligations of Ukraine). For its part, Ukraine is determined to have the Minsk
One demarcation line reinstated. This means that Ukrainian forces have no intention of crossing
that line. It also means that Ukraine is fully justified to recover ground in the gray zone, between
the Minsk One and Minsk Two lines, as it has done recently through “crawling advance” tactics.
Annex 137
© 2021 The Jamestown Foundation All rights reserved.
Annex 137

Annex 138
The Guardian, “Violence flares in war-weary Ukraine as US dithers
and Russia pounces”, 14 February 2017

Shaun Walker February 14, 2017
Violence flares in war-weary Ukraine as US dithers and
Russia pounces
Not much is audible over the noise of the hulking, powerful machinery at Avdiivka’s
sprawling factory – except for the artillery barrages.
Since the war started in 2014 more than 300 shells have fallen on the grounds of the
factory, the largest coking plant in Europe, which sits on Ukrainian-controlled territory just
a few miles from the frontline with Russia-backed separatists. The big guns have been
mercifully quiet for months, but the past fortnight has seen a new flurry of violence, linked
in Kiev to a Russia apparently newly emboldened by the election of Donald Trump in the
More than 30 people are believed to have died in the latest wave of violence, including
civilians on both sides of the lines, as heavy artillery banned by a two-year-old ceasefire
has been wheeled back into place. Avdiivka was without electricity for several days during
the latest fighting, the most intense for more than a year, according to the Organisation
for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which monitors the conflict.
The coking plant was spared direct hits, but Elena Volkova, 36, who had worked at the
factory for a decade, died when her apartment block was shelled. She was the 10th
factory employee to die since the war started.
A Ukrainian rescuer stands inside a damaged flat after Russia-backed separatists shelled Avdiivka.
Photograph: Sergey Vaganov/EPA
Annex 138
“It would be nice if we could just come to work and not have to worry about the war, not
have to always be ready to fling ourselves to the ground if there are particularly loud
bangs,” said Mikhail, a shift manager who has worked at the plant for more than two
decades. Outgoing artillery fire could be heard as he spoke.
As always, there have been a flurry of competing claims over who started this round of
In Kiev, officials said Russia-backed separatists had been preparing for an offensive for
some time. “In recent weeks we’ve had intelligence of at least 170 vehicles with munitions
and at least 60 with fuel crossing from Russia. It was definitely prepared,” the foreign
minister, Pavlo Klimkin, said during an interview in Kiev last week.
The violence that began in the hours after Trump and the Russian president, Vladimir
Putin, spoke by telephone was, according to Kostiatyn Yeliseieiv, deputy head of the
Ukrainian presidential administration, “a test from the Russian side of the reaction of the
new American administration and unity inside the European Union”.
On the ground, however, things look more complicated. In recent weeks, Ukrainian forces
have made creeping advances. In this latest flare-up, it appears the Russia-backed rebels
were the first to fire heavy artillery. But one Ukrainian soldier based in the “industrial zone”
– a stretch of front where the opposing lines are just half a mile apart – claimed the
Ukrainians had provoked the rebel side into an aggressive response by seizing a small
stretch of road. “We knew exactly what to do, and it worked perfectly,” he said. “It’s all our
territory, after all.”
During the Obama years, Kiev could count on steady support from Washington over the
conflict in the east of the country, which Russia fuelled by funnelling fighters and weapons
across the border. But with Trump’s repeated focus on improving relations with Russia,
there is a worry in Ukraine that the country could get thrown under the bus in the service
of a grand deal with Putin.
“We do hope that the Ukrainian issue will not be settled behind the back of Ukraine,” said
Yelisieiev. “We hope that sooner or later there will be a more proactive position expressed
by the new American administration.”
Trump has brushed off all criticism of his warm words for Putin, and dismissed the effects
of an apparent Russian campaign to help him get elected. Trump wrote on Twitter last
month: “Both countries will, perhaps, work together to solve some of the many great and
pressing problems and issues of the WORLD!”
Annex 138
The mother of Elena Volkova, a victim of recent shelling, cries at her daughter’s grave during her
funeral in Avdiivka. Photograph: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP
With inconsistency in the new administration’s messaging on Russia and Ukraine, even
US diplomats are unsure of what position Trump will eventually take on the issue.
Ukrainian authorities have been left rummaging in the tea leaves trying to discern just
how much trouble they are in.
Meanwhile, Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has resigned after a torrent
of intelligence leaks suggested he had secretly discussed sanctions with the Russian
ambassador to Washington and then tried to cover up the conversations.
Trump himself, during an interview on Fox News, was asked about the uptick in violence
coming just after his phone call with Putin, and gave a characteristically ambiguous, semicoherent
answer: “We don’t really know exactly what that is. They’re pro forces. We don’t
know if they’re uncontrollable. Are they uncontrollable? That happens also.” It was
unclear whether he meant the forces were “pro-Russian” or “professional”.
Diplomats and analysts in Kiev say they believe Russia’s current goal is not to take more
territory from Ukraine but to push the territories already seized back into Ukraine on terms
advantageous to Moscow, giving them a long-term foothold in the country.
Annex 138
Ukrainian soldiers unload ammunition in Avdiivka, where shelling between government forces and
rebels has intensified. Photograph: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP
“We need to get Russia out of Donbass: directly in terms of Russian troops, but also
Russian mercenaries, weaponry and all kind of tricks and indirect influence,” said Klimkin.
He will travel to the US this week, and the hope is that Ukraine’s president, Petro
Poroshenko, may be able to secure a meeting with Trump later in the month. The two
presidents spoke by telephone last week, though both sides have been cagey about
releasing details of the call.
Poroshenko and Trump found “kind of a human touch” during their phone conversation,
according to Yelisieiev, noting that both men were successful businessmen. Poroshenko
is a billionaire who built a confectionary empire before he entered politics.
But adding to the Ukrainian president’s woes is former prime minister and now opposition
leader, Yulia Tymoshenko, who managed to secure a personal meeting with Trump after
the US national prayer breakfast earlier this month.
Annex 138
Valentina, a 73-years-old resident of Avdiivka, stands outside her home damaged during the recent
shelling. Photograph: Alexey Pavlovsky/AFP/Getty Images
Ukrainian government advisers spun that Tymoshenko had cornered Trump on the way to
the toilets. In fact, the meeting took place in a private room and had been set up the day
before. “The Ukrainian delegation were completely ashen faced when they found out that
the meeting would happen,” said a source who was present at the breakfast. Yelisieiev
complained it was “not too correct to allow just any kind of politician to shake hands” with
the US president.
Tymoshenko, a savvy political operator, has many admirers in the west but has also not
been shy to cut deals with Moscow in the past. She has a burning ambition to become
president, and officials in Kiev feel her interventions could further complicate what is
already a daunting task of winning support from the Trump administration.
In Avdiivka, geopolitical concerns seem far away, but the return of the war that has turned
people’s lives upside down for the past three years has been deeply unwelcome. Musa
Magomedov, director of the coking plant, said it was time to find a political solution to the
Although he was born and grew up in Dagestan, a part of Russia, there is no doubt where
his sympathies lie in the current conflict: “I was offered good money to move to a Russian
factory when the war started, but I turned it down. I’m a citizen of Ukraine and I love
However, he had tough words for “idiots in expensive suits sitting in Kiev” who called for
renewed military offensives in the region, believing instead that a political solution was
required to halt the loss of life.
“People like that should try sitting in a trench for themselves a bit. The people here want to
work, they want to live normally, and they are tired of this endless stress and misery.”
Annex 138

Annex 139
Glavcom, “Dmytro Tymchuk: Transfer of regular Russian troops is
observed in several directions at once”, 17 February 2017

Dmitry Tymchuk: Transfer of regular Russian troops is observed in several directions at once
odrazu-na-kilkoh- napryamkah-398955.html
Natalia Sokirchuk
17 February 2017, 17: 05
Dmitry Tymchuk
“I don't see a direct link between the escalation and the blockade of the railway in Donbas”
The situation in Avdiivka escaladed again: on the evening of 16 February militants launched an
artillery attack on the city. Terrorists defiantly fired heavy artillery at residential buildings. As a
result, a local resident was killed. As a consequence of the fighting in Donbas, three Ukrainian
servicemen were killed in the past 24 hours, and 10 others were wounded.
What is the reason for the latest increase in shellings, how the actions of the militants are affected
by the blockade of the railway by activists in the Donbas, as well as in which directions shelling of
Ukrainian positions can be expected to increase – People’s Deputy of the “Narodny Front",
Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on national security and defense, coordinator of
"Information Resistance" group Dmitry Tymchuk tells to ‘Glavcom’.
Annex 139
What do you associate with the new aggravation in Avdiivka?
The militants have stuck to the same strategy lately – to push Ukrainian troops as far as possible.
Today, Ukrainian military can control a significant part of the DPR with its artillery. Clearly, the
militants are not fond of this. From the end of January to the present day, the political escalation
continues. Putin, who, as we can see, is now making every effort to paint Ukraine as a war criminal
which disrupts the Minsk agreements, continues to worsen the situation, realizing that Trump and
political circles in Europe have not yet finalized their agenda on Donbas. The political landscape in
Europe is changing. Putin is trying to formulate his roadmap of Donbas for new players: allegedly
there is a civil war in Ukraine, and the state itself is presented as a war criminal firing at its citizens.
The ceasefire that has been discussed a lot – it’s just declarations, no real steps are being taken to
fulfill them. This is confirmed by the new escalation in Avdiivka. The militants now have problems
with material and technical supplies. They have been creating reserves in the territory of Donbas for
a long time – be it the “DPR” or the “LPR”: since 2016, they have stopped working “from the
wheels” [immediately on the delivery of supplies]. Previously, there was a very clear dependence
on the supply of foodstuffs, fuel and lubricants, weapons and equipment from Russia. They receive
[supplies] – they fire, ammunition runs out – the number of attacks decreases, they wait for
deliveries again. However, as the events of the last three weeks have shown, the accumulated
reserves cannot meet the needs of Russian troops, in two weeks they shot everything they had. In
the last week, these attacks were again carried out virtually “from the wheels”, as before. Now it
seems that again there is a mass delivery of supplies at the expense of the imperishable reserve
warehouses of the Southern Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Meaning, there is a decision of the Russian military headquarters to take some of the ammunition
and fuel and send it to Donbas. I wouldn’t rule out that these deliveries are already on their way,
and this provoked the escalation.
The first escalation in Avdiivka was unexpected. Is our army ready for such escalation now?
There was information today that the militants pulled in a lot of weapons near Donetsk and
Horlivka. Doesn't it seem that the latest escalation in Avdiivka could be a distraction to strike
I wouldn't say that. If it had been a diversion, they would have left two or three artillery groups
there, and that would have been it. The rest of the forces that were previously there would have
been transferred in a different direction. We don't see such a picture now, enough forces and
resources are concentrated there.
I don't believe that they can move into offence on Bakhmutka through somewhere in the vicinity of
Horlivka. At least so far, they don't have enough resources to do this. At the same time, I observe
the transfer of units of the regular military forces of the Russian Federation in the direction of
Makiivka – Donetsk – Yasynuvata, where ammunition has also been transferred for the last two
weeks. At the same time, forces are being transferred through Yenakiieve to Horlivka.
Approximately the same amount of ammunition and weapons was sent to Potiivka – formerly
Stakhanov, Bryanka, Luhansk. In other words, they are consolidating in several directions.
Annex 139
At the same time, we observed the transfer of Russian troops: we recorded two battalion tactical
groups. One of them is located in the Makiivka area. The second one, to be honest, was lost. But
they do not transfer an entire group at once. They were transferred to Makiivka for almost three
days, that is, in small batches of two or three cars, so it's quite difficult to track where they are
moving. However, this is not the right force to conduct any major offensive actions.
It's more difficult for us to monitor the situation in the seaside direction: the territory controlled by
militants there is so thin – from Mariupol to the state border with the Russian Federation – that in
fact tactical movements of the enemy are transposed to the territory of Russia. Accordingly,
transfers can be carried out in a short time, within a few hours.
Do you think an end to the blockade of Donbas would contribute to de-escalation?
I do not see a direct link between the escalation and the blockade of the railway in Donbas. Even if
we assume that the militants are trying to lift the blockade with their shelling. In what way? If they
destroy Avdiivka, will Ukraine put pressure on activists to unblock the railway? If they fired at the
participants of the blockade or performed sabotage actions against them, that would have been
logical. And to bombard Avdiivka in response to the blockade – I don't see a direct connection, to
be honest. Activists don't follow the orders of the armed forces, there is no communication.
Now there is a theory that the blockade of Donbas may be a Kremlin scenario in order to
provoke another split among Ukrainians. After all the government, and the President in
particular, strongly opposed it, and civil activists, on the contrary, actively support the
I don’t believe in that. I think that here, most likely, we can look for some connection with the
conflict between the leadership of “Samopomich” [a Ukrainian political party] and our executive
power. I think that’s more likely the reason. And I don't believe that the initiator of this blockade
has any other way out of this situation. For some reason, they need a scandalous and radical path. In
addition, please note that the initiators of the blockade are people’s deputies. But for some reason, I
don’t hear from them on how it must be done legally, no calls to develop and adopt a bill, and I
don’t hear from them campaigning for such bills. Even though this is their direct responsibility. If
such a draft law was issued and if the BPP [the parliamentary Block of Petr Poroshenko] failed it,
then they could say: the pro-presidential faction failed the law, so we have no other choice but to
Therefore, one can’t help but think that political interests are behind all this.
Natalia Sokirchuk, “Glavcom”
Annex 139

Annex 140, “Damaged Mi-24P helicopters as a result of the
shelling of Kramatorsk on 10 February 2015”, 11 February 2019

Damaged Mi-24P helicopters as a result of the shelling of Kramatorsk on 10
February 2015 / uk / 2019/02/11 / poshkodzheni-gelikopteri-mi-24p-vnaslidok-obstrilukramatorska-
10-02- 2015-r /
Denis Tomenchuk - News
On 10 February 2015, the airfield of Kramatorsk and residential areas of the city came under
Smerch MLRS fire from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
17 people died in the shelling, of whom seven were servicemen of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine: Evgeny Bushnin, Vladimir Glubokov, Viktor Devyatkin, Vladimir Dovganyuk, Denis
Zhembrovsky, Mikhail Illyashuk, Sergey Khaustovich, Igor Shevchenko, Sergey Shmeretsky.
Moreover, 64 people were wounded, of whom five are children and 15 are servicemen.
Additionally, helicopters were damaged by [shell] fragments: Mi-24P, unnumbered, 25 (45),
and 26 of the 11th Separate Army Aviation Brigade that were at the airfield.
Annex 140
The helicopters were then taken to the Chuhuiv airfield and then sent to Konotop for repair.
Photos provided by the editor’s office of
Annex 140
Annex 140
Annex 140
Annex 140
Annex 140
Annex 140
Some sources suggest that one of the transports was repaired and sent to the brigade. Judging by
satellite imagery, after the shelling, aviation equipment was placed in earthen revetments rather
than in the open [ground of the] centralised fuelling station.
Annex 140
Annex 141
Capital, “Will Ukrainian coking coal really become Ukrainian?”, 27
February 2020

Will Ukrainian coking coal become actually Ukrainian?
Andriy Tovstenko
27 February 2020 / 12:10 PM
In the summer of 2014, Ukraine
lost control over a significant
part of Donbas. The separatists
seized almost 100 coal mines,
i.e. 3/4 of their total number in
our country. This situation
caused a noticeable shortage of
coal, which had to be remedied
by increasing its volume of
import. At the same time, the
current coal problem is often
considered only from one point
of view.
Annex 141

Annex 142
Liga.Dossier, “Gerashchenko Anton, Deputy Minister of Internal
Affairs of Ukraine”, 9 February 2021

Anton Gerashchenko
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
From March 2014 until November 2014: external advisor to Arsen Avakov, Minister of Internal
Affairs of Ukraine.
From 27 November 2014 until August 2019: People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 8th convocation [of
Verkhovna Rada] for Narodny Front (No. 21 in the list of candidates).
Since 25 September 2019: Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Responsible for
coordinating legal support for the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cooperation with the
Supreme Council of Ukraine [Verkhovna Rada] and the Public Council of the Ministry of Internal
Affairs, media relations.
9 February 2021
Annex 142

Annex 143
Nieuwsuur, “Thousands of secret MH17 tapes provide insight into the
situation before, during and after the disaster”, 11 April 2021

Thousands of secret MH17 tapes provide insight into the situation before, during
and after the disaster
voor-tijdens-en-na- ramp
Mr Gert-Jan Dennekamp
News• Our country • Abroad • Sunday, 11 April, 09:00 am
One of the main suspects in the MH17 trial was not aware for a few hours of the fact that the
separatists had shot down a Boeing in eastern Ukraine. This is evident from intercepted cell-phone
conversations of one of the main suspects in this investigation, Sergei Dubinskiy.
These audiotapes are in Nieuwsuur’s possession. In total, we are talking about thousands of cellphone
conversations made by Dubinsky in the months of July and August 2014: before, during and
after the flight MH17 disaster. They provide a detailed view of the grim reality of war in eastern
Page 2
These audio recordings were made by the Ukrainian security services. Twelve conversations have
already been published by the Joint Investigation Team, an international team engaged in
investigating the circumstances of this disaster. According to them, these recordings are authentic.
Based on thousands of other conversations and the facts mentioned therein, Nieuwsuur linked the
content of these conversations with the events that had actually taken place. […]
Annex 143

Annex 144
NOS op 3, “MH17-Tapes”, “Responsibility”, 15 April 2021

MH17-Tapes | NOS op 3
The telephone conversations used in this production were recorded in 2014 by the Ukrainian
security services. Twelve conversations have already been published by the JIT, an international
team engaged in investigating the circumstances of this disaster. According to the JIT, these
recordings are authentic. Based on thousands of other conversations and the facts mentioned
therein, Nieuwsuur linked the content of these conversations with the events that had actually taken
The conversations support the earlier conclusions of the JIT that flight MH17 was downed by a
Buk. Despite the evidence, the separatists deny the existence of the Buk and the only suspect who
allows himself to be assisted in the trial, Pulatov, denies that the separatists had a Buk at their
disposal. Because the Buk was transported in broad daylight, the facts from the conversations can in
many instances be verified.
The conversations show how the rebels were involved in transporting and firing of the Buk.
Dubinskiy was responsible for the transportation, coordinated by his superior, Girkin. Kharchenko
escorted the Buk and was responsible for its evacuation. Pulatov was Dubinskiy's deputy. He also
denies that he knows anything about the need for an anti-aircraft weapon and the arrival of the Buk.
The court has ordered a new investigation into the authenticity of the conversations conducted by
The footage has been edited with a light filter.
Court case
The interactive [reconstruction] places the four suspects in the MH17 court case in the situation
surrounding the disaster. The case against them started in March 2020, more than five years after
the downing of Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777. The nine months that followed were used to
determine how the mass trial would be set up.
This preparatory phase has now been completed. The trial continues on 15 April 2021. Then the
court will decide whether it is necessary to view the reconstruction of the aircraft. If so, this will
take place at the end of May.
On 7 June 2021, the substantive hearing of the case against Dubinskiy, Girkin, Pulatov and
Kharchenko will start, even if the suspects themselves are not present. The Public Prosecution
Service (OM) suspects the four of them of being involved in transporting the Buk missile that
brought down MH17. They are therefore responsible for the murder of all passengers. Pulatov is the
only one who allows himself to be defended. Dubinskiy, Girkin and Kharchenko have not been
heard from.
It is not yet known when the criminal proceedings can be completed.
End title
Annex 144
This is a production of NOS op 3 in cooperation with Nieuwsuur.
Research Gert-Jan Dennekamp
Editing Gert-Jan Dennekamp
Devran Alkas
Ardi Vleugels
Design Rick Storm
Development Cheuk-Ming Tang
Final editing Ardi Vleugels
Annex 144
Annex 145
Liga.Dossier, “Vyacheslav Abroskin, Rector of the Odessa University
of Internal Affairs, former First Deputy Head of the National Police of
Ukraine”, 19 April 2021

Vyacheslav Abroskin
Rector of the Odessa University of Internal Affairs, former First Deputy Head of the National
Police of Ukraine
Vyacheslav Abroskin (Photo:
Date of birth: 20 April 1973
Website of the National Police of Ukraine
Website of the Odessa University of Internal Affairs
Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Abroskin - former first Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine.
Former Head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Donetsk region, former Head of
the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Donetsk region, Police
General of the third class.
On 9 November 2014, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, he was appointed Head
of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Donetsk region.
On 6 November 2015, by order of the Chief of the National Police of Ukraine, Khatia Dekanoidze,
in coordination with the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, was appointed Head
of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Donetsk region. Abroskin was awarded the
special rank of Police General of the third class.
On 10 March 2017, he was appointed Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine.
On 19 July 2017, he was appointed First Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine on the
recommendation of the Head of the National Police, Sergei Knyazev.
On 12 September 2019, he was dismissed from the post of Deputy Head of the National Police of
[19 April 2021]
Annex 145

Annex 146
VKontakte page “Reports from the Novorossiya’s militia”, post
“16.07.14 19:42 Message from Igor Ivanovich Strelkov”, 16
July 2014

SOURCE: VKontakte page Reports from the Novorossiya’s militia
16 July 2014
Original text:
16.07.14. 19:42 Сообщение от Игоря Ивановича Стрелкова.
“Под Мариновкой продолжаются тяжелые бои. По селу дважды с большой высоты нанесены
бомбовые удары. Противник сосредотачивает артиллерию и танки с юга и с запада против
нашей группировки. Также бои продолжаются в районе южнее Дмитриевки, где у
противника в Кожевне сосредоточена артиллерийская группировка.
Мы потеряли 1 БТР (уничтожен выстрелом ПТУР), противник потерял 1 БТР и 1 БМП
уничтоженными, 1 БМП-2 захвачен исправным.”
16.07.14. 19:42 Message from Igor Ivanovich Strelkov.
“Heavy fighting continues near Marinovka. The village was bombed twice from high altitude. The
enemy rallies artillery and tanks from the south and the west against our forces. Fighting also
continues in the region south of Dmitrovka, where the enemy has its artillery aligned in Kozhevnia.
We lost one armoured personnel carrier (BTR) (destroyed by an anti-tank guided missile), the
enemy lost one BTR and one infantry fighting vehicle (BMP) destroyed, one BMP-2 was captured
in working condition.”
Annex 146

Annex 147
VKontakte page “Reports from the Novorossiya’s militia”, post
“16.07.14. A big review of the combat situation in the most important
fighting locations over the past day”, 16 July 2014

SOURCE: VKontakte page Reports from the Novorossiya’s militia
16 July 2014
Annex 147
Original text:
16.07.14. Большой обзор боевой ситуации по всем наиболее значимым местам боевых
действий за прошедший день.
“ДНР. Южнее Донецка-Саур-Могила (теперь это одна операция). Заняв Мариновку
ополченцы практически перекрыли горлышко Южного котла. Ожесточенные бои шли всю
ночь, целый день, и продолжаются сейчас. Проскочить днем остаткам карателей теперь
практически невозможно. Если и есть шанс, то только ночью и то, если повезет не нарваться
на мину или ополченцев. Видя безисходность ситуации некоторые солдаты хунты начали
переходить границу с Россией и сдаваться в плен. Оставшиеся в котле части рассечены на
несколько маленьких котлов. Одни откатились к Бирюково. Их участь предрешена. Другие
скопились возле Кожевного. Эти возможно ночью будут пытаться прорваться. Или сдадутся.
Каратели сегодня бросили на помощь котлу все что у них было под рукой. Авиация (с
потерей двух Су-25) наносила удары по Сауру. Несмотря на это ополченцы с трудом но
сжимают кольцо окружения.
16.07.14. A big review of the combat situation in the most important fighting locations over the past
“DPR. To the south of Donetsk-Saur-Mogila (this is a single operation now). By taking Marinovka
the militia practically cut the bottleneck of the South encirclement. Whole night and whole day saw
fierce fighting, which still continues. It is practically impossible for the remnants of the [Ukrainian]
punitive squads to slip through during the day. Even if there is a chance it is only during the night,
and that only if they are lucky enough not to stumble onto a mine or into the militia. Realizing
hopelessness of the situation some soldiers of the Junta started to cross the Russian border and
surrender. The parts that remain in the kettle are split into several smaller kettles. Some rolled back
to Biryukovo. Their fate is sealed. Others have gathered near Kozhevnia. These will likely try to
break through during the night. Or they’ll surrender. Today, the punitive squads threw all the help
they could towards the kettle. Aviation (with the loss of two Su-25) carried out attacks on Saur. In
spite of this, the militia, with difficulty, are tightening the encirclement.
Annex 147
Annex 148
VKontakte page “Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich”, post of 17
July 2014, 17:41 (Moscow time) containing a message from 17:37
(Moscow time)

SOURCE: VKontakte page Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich
Post dated 17 July 2014, 16:41 (17:41 Moscow time) containing a message from 16:37 (17:37
Moscow time)
Original text:
17.07.2014 17:37 (мск) Сообщение от ополчения.
В районе Снежного только что сбили Ан-26, валяется где-то за шахтой “Прогресс”.
Между Константиновкой и Донецком было 3 блок-поста укров (на выезде из
Константиновки на Клепан-бык). Сейчас они снимаются и уезжают в сторону Краматорска.
Сворачиваются, кровати в машины грузят, стоят грузовые машины для людей, танки уже
развернуты, пушки достали (они были окопаны) и вся другая техника уходит куда-то. К чему
бы это?!
13:50 (МСК) С Успенки, через Амвросиевку в сторону Иловайска проследовало 5 БМП и 2
урала с подцепленной пушкой в сторону Новоивановки. Периодически идут редкие
артобстрелы Луганска.
16:45 (МСК) Вновь открыт огонь артиллерии укропов по Луганску, удары наносятся в район
верхние Камброды, Александровка, Екатериновка,Тепличное.
сегодня в 17:41 | Мне нравится 1474
“17.07.2014 17:37 (Moscow time) A message from the militia.
Annex 148
An An-26 has just been shot down in the area of Snezhnoe, lies somewhere behind the “Progress”
There were 3 ukr [Ukrainian] outposts between Konstantinovka and Donetsk (on the exit from
Konstantinovka to Klepan-Byk). They are now taking off towards Kramatorsk. They gather, load
their beds into trucks, there are loaders ready for personnel, tanks have already been turned,
cannons have been procured (they were dug up) and all other vehicles are leaving somewhere.
What’s the drift of all this?
13:50 (Moscow time) From Uspenka, through Amvrosievka towards Ilovaisk passed 5 infantry
fighting vehicles and 2 Ural [trucks] with a cannon attached in the direction of Novoivanovka.
Lugansk is occasionally shelled.
16:45 (Moscow time) ‘Ukrop’ [a derogative term used to describe Ukrainian nationals] artillery has
opened fire again on Lugansk, under fire is the area of Verkhni Kamennyi Brody, Aleksandrovka,
Ekaterinovka, Teplichnoe.
Today at 17:41 | 1474 Likes
Annex 148
SOURCE: Twitter page Reports from the militia (@strelkov_info)
Post dated 17 July 2014, 16:41 (17:41 Moscow time) that re-posted the above VKontakte message
Original text:
17.07.2014 17:37 (мск) Сообщение от ополчения. / / В районе Снежного только что сбили Ан-
26, валяется где-то за ..
5:41 PM - 17 июл. 2014 - pages
17.07.2014 17:37 (Moscow time) A message from the militia. / / An An-26 has just been shot down
in the area of Snizhne, lies somewhere behind the…
5:41 PM - 17 July 2014 - pages
Annex 148

Annex 149
VKontakte page “Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich”, post of 17
July 2014, 18:16 containing a message from 17:50 (Moscow time)

SOURCE: VKontakte page Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich
Post dated 17 July 2014, 17:16 (18:16 Moscow time), containing a message from 16:50 (17:50
Moscow time)
Annex 149
Original text:
17.07.2014 17:50 (мск) Сообщение от ополчения.
“В районе Тореза только что сбили самолет Ан-26, валяется где-то за шахтой “Прогресс”.
Предупреждали же - не летать в “нашем небе”.
А вот и видео-подтверждение очередного “птичкопада”.
Птичка упала за террикон, жилой сектор не зацепила. Мирные люди не пострадали.
А также еще есть информация о втором сбитом самолете, вроде бы Су.”
“17.07.2014 17:50 (Moscow time) Message from the militia.
“In the Torez region an AN-26 has just been shot down, lies somewhere behind the “Progress”
Haven’t we warned not to fly in “our skies”?
And here’s the video - evidence of this latest “birdfall”.
The bird fell behind the spoil tip, the residential sector was not affected. No civilians were harmed.
There is also information about a second downed plane, should be a Su.”
Annex 149
SOURCE: Twitter page Reports from the militia (@strelkov_info)
Post dated 17 July 2014, 17:16 (18:16 Moscow time)
Original text:
17.07.2014 17:50 (мск) Сообщение от ополчения. / / В районе Тореза только что сбили
самолет, вроде бы Ан-26, вал..
17.07.2014 17:50 (Moscow time) Message from the militia. / / In the Torez region an airplane has
just been shot down, apparently AN-26, lies...
Annex 149

Annex 150
VKontakte page “Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich”, post of 17
July 2014, 22:00

SOURCE: VKontakte page Reports from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich
17 July 2014, 22:00
Original text:
17.07.14. От Администрации паблика.
Информация о сбитии самолета была взята с форума, где общаются местные жители и
ополченцы. На момент публикации все пользователи думали, что был сбит очередной АН-26
киевских нацистов и пост о сбитии, продублированный нами, уже во всю гулял по многим
пабликам движения антимайдана. Информацию об уничтожении самолета Игорь Иванович
Стрелков не подтверждал. Напоминаем, что в нашем паблике сообщения Стрелкова И.И.
публикуются со специальным баннером "СТРЕЛКОВ СООБЩАЕТ". Все остальные
сообщения мы собираем из открытых источников, а также из дневников ополченцев и
ФОРУМЕ, мы же только дублируем сюда его сообщения, ВСЕГДА сопровождая их
СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫМ БАНЕРОМ. Если банера нет, то такое сообщение НЕ от Стрелкова, а из
открытых источников (либо от ополченцев, либо от очевидцев, либо от журналистов).
Annex 150
17.07.14. From the moderators of the page.
The information about the downing of a plane was taken from an online forum where locals and
members of the militia converse. At the moment of posting all users thought that another AN-26
belonging to the Kiev nazis was shot down and the message about the incident which we
communicated was already widely circulated among the anti-maidan community pages. Igor
Ivanovich Strelkov did not confirm the information about the plane’s downing. We remind you that
in our group messages from I. I. Strelkov are posted with a special banner: “STRELKOV
REPORTS”. All other reports we collect from open sources, as well as from the blogs of the militia
and eyewitnesses of the events. STRELKOV HIMSELF WRITES ONLY ON ONE SINGLE
FORUM, we only duplicate his messages here, ALWAYS accompanying them WITH A SPECIAL
BANNER. If there is no banner, then such a message is NOT from Strelkov, but from open sources
(either from the militia, or from eyewitnesses, or from journalists).
Annex 150
Annex 151
Facebook page of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion, 2 October

SOURCE: Facebook page of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion
2 October 2014
Annex 151
Original text:
Бійці виїхали на засідку. Хлопці томилися під сонцем вже бозна-яку годину. Піт капав на
ПКМ керівника взводу. Засіли на лісовій дорозі. Там вночі було помічено рух незрозумілих
авто. Такими дорогами їздять контрабандисти та сепаратисти.
Зона АТО живе вночі. День – час важкої праці на блок-постах і в патрулях. А вночі
починаються пригоди. Обстріли, контрабандисти, незрозумілі нічні туристи. Так йдуть
справи зазвичай, але цього разу на бійців К-2 чекав цікавий сюрприз.
Ще був день. З-за повороту ґрунтовки на бійців вилетів мікроавтобус. Йому жестом наказали
зупинитися. Авто загальмувало, а далі рвонуло на розворот. Бус заледве не перевернувся і
полетів навтьоки. Бійці вскочили на джипи. Почалося перехоплення.
Передова машина підсікла та зупинила утікача. Бійці оточили бус. Всередині виявили вантаж
– сто вісімдесят літрів пального.
- Зачем Вы убегали?
- Я испугался вооруженных людей.
- А зачем тогда пытались засунуть мне в карман сверток денег?
- Ну я…
Annex 151
- Мы здесь не для грабежа. Нам неинтересны Ваши деньги.
- Ребята, я просто везу топливо!
- Зачем же тогда едешь такими шифрами?
Водій нічого не міг пояснити. А під час деталізованого огляду в авто знайшли хованку. В ній
- більше двадцяти тисяч гривень готівкою. Пояснити призначення коштів водій не міг.
Українські військові часто затримують перевізників зарплат для найманців сепаратистів...
Однак керівник групи звернув увагу на запилений записник водія. Там він напротязі останніх
років вів щоденник. З нього випливало, що це дійсно місцевий фермер. Він нещодавно
продав крупну партію соняшникового насіння. Підприємця допитали щодо технічних
подробиць його бізнесу. Він справді розбирався в дрібницях своєї справи. А їхав об’їзними
дорогами оскільки на постах сепаратистів у повний зріст йде грабунок. Бували такі проблеми
у фермера й на українських блок-постах. Тож і доводилося добиратися немов партизану.
Група повернула зверток з грошима підприємцю та побажала щасливої дороги. Бійці
завантажували вантаж назад у бус. А фермер оторопіло крутив у руках свої гроші…
Коли вже геть стемніло, на базу К-2 під’їхала легкова автівка. З неї вийшов той самий
фермер з дружиною.
«Я никогда не думал, что мне отдадут назад мои деньги. Я уже привык к мародерству»,
сказав чоловік. Сім'я вивантажила з багажника харчі та солодощі. І з того дня дружина
фермера регулярно привозить на блок-пост бійцям К-2 воду.
Нам треба забезпечити чесним людям порядок та безпеку. Якщо східняки побачать, що для
українських бійців важливіше честь, аніж матеріальні вигоди, вони захочуть жити в такій
А поки ми пропонуємо і Вам долучитися до підтримки батальйону «К-2». Місцеві українці
розорені війною, тому не можуть на своїх плечах витягувати постачання української армії.
Ми не будемо займатися брудним мародерством, а на екіпірування бійців потрібно багато
коштів. Скоро в АТО виїздить ще близько сорока нових бійців.
Рахунок у ПриватБанку: 5168 7553 8486 7889, Субачев Юрій Євгенович
The fighters went to ambush. The guys had been languishing under the sun for God knows how many
hours. Sweat dripped on the platoon leader’s PKM [Kalashnikov's Machine-gun Modernized]. They
took position on a forest road. At night, some strange cars were spotted moving there. Such roads are
used by smugglers and separatists.
The ATO zone lives at night. The day is a time of hard work at checkpoints and on patrol. But at
night the adventures begin. Shelling, smugglers, strange nightly tourists. This is usually the case, but
this time, the K-2 fighters were in for an interesting surprise.
It was still daytime. A minibus flew out at the fighters from behind the road’s turn. He was motioned
to stop. The car slowed down, and then jerked into a U-turn. Almost turning on itself, the bus went
on the run. The fighters jumped on jeeps. The interception began.
Annex 151
The forward car caught and stopped the fugitive. Fighters surrounded the bus. They found cargo
inside - one hundred and eighty liters of fuel.
- Why did you run away?
- I was afraid of armed men.
- Then why did you try to put a package with money in my pocket?
- Well, I…
- We're not here to rob. We are not interested in your money.
- Guys, I'm just carrying fuel!
- Then why are you driving in such a covert manner?
The driver couldn't explain anything. And during a detailed inspection, a cache was found in the car.
It contained more than twenty thousand hryvnias in cash. The driver could not explain the purpose of
the funds. The Ukrainian military often detains carriers of salaries for separatist mercenaries...
However, the team leader noticed the driver's dusty notebook. He kept a journal there for the last few
years. From it followed that this was indeed a local farmer. He recently sold a large batch of seeds.
The entrepreneur was questioned about the technical details of his business. He was really well-versed
in the intricacies of his business. And the reason why he took bypass roads was that robbery is in full
swing at separatist checkpoints. The farmer experienced same problems at Ukrainian checkpoints as
well. Hence, he had to travel in partisan fashion.
The group returned the package with money to the entrepreneur and wished him a safe journey. The
soldiers loaded the cargo back into the bus. Meanwhile, the farmer fidgeted with his money in
When it was already quite dark, a passenger car drove up to the K-2 base. The farmer and his wife
got out of it.
"I never thought that my money would be given back to me. I'm already used to looting," the man
said. The family unloaded food and sweets from the trunk. And since that day, the farmer's wife
regularly brings water to the K-2 fighters at the checkpoint.
We need to ensure order and security for honest people. If the skhidniaks [“easterners” – residents of
the eastern regions of Ukraine] see that honor is more important for Ukrainian fighters than material
benefits, they will want to live in such a Ukraine.
In the meantime, we invite you to join the supporters of the K-2 battalion. Local Ukrainians are
devastated by the war, so they cannot maintain the Ukrainian army solely on their shoulders. We will
not engage in dirty looting, and a lot of money is needed to keep the fighters equipped. Around forty
new fighters will soon leave for the ATO.
Account in Privatbank: 5168 7553 8486 7889, Yuri Yevhenovich Subachev
Annex 151
Annex 151

Annex 152
Facebook page of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion, 10 October

SOURCE: Facebook page of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion
10 October 2014
Original text:
Тоді повний склад батальйону передислокувався на блок-пост в районі міста Волновахи на
трасі Донецьк-Маріуполь. Це останній український блок-пост в напрямку Донецька.
Then the battalion was redeployed in full to a checkpoint near the city of Volnovakha on the Donetsk-
Mariupol highway. This is the last Ukrainian checkpoint in the direction to Donetsk.
Annex 152

Annex 153
Facebook page ‘Kyiv’, 17 November 2014

SOURCE: Facebook page ‘Kyiv’
17 November 2014
Original text:
До батальону "Київ 2" завітав Роман Малко зі своїм "помічником" - квадрокоптером.
Він професійно проводить аеророзвітку, чим дуже допомогає бійцям ВСУ в зоні АТО.
Квадрокоптер Романа робив вильоти під Щастям, Ясне, Докучаєвськ, Оленівка і Волноваха.
Annex 153
Roman Malko came to the Kyiv 2 battalion with his "assistant" - a quadcopter.
He is good at air reconnaissance and greatly helps UAF servicemen in the ATO zone. Roman’s
quadcopter has flown over Shchastia, Yasne, Dokuchayevsk, Olenivka, and Volnovakha.
Annex 153
Annex 154
Facebook page of the Kyiv-2 Special Purpose Battalion, 18
November 2014

SOURCE: Facebook page of the Kiev-2 Special Purpose Battalion
18 November 2014
Annex 154
Original text:
Ту вас не пошлють через заміноване поле штурмувати ворожі окопи з самими автоматам.
М'ясорубку тут не схвалюють.
А от розвідати ворожі позиції за допомогою сучасних квадракоптерів, потім рознести ці ж
позиції з СПГ - оце варіант. Кілька десятків вбитих ворогів, при нашій, майже повній безпеці.
Here no one will send you across a mine field to attack the enemy’s trenches with rifles. Bloodbath
is not welcome here. As for doing reconnaissance of the enemy’s positions with modern quadcopters
and then bombarding these positions with mounted antitank grenade launchers – now that’s an idea.
Several dozen enemies killed, while we are in almost complete safety.
Annex 154
Annex 155
VKontakte page “It’s Dokuch, baby!” [Typical Dokuchayevsk], 30
November 2014

SOURCE: VKontakte page «It’s Dokuch, baby!» [Typical Dokuchaevsk]
30 November 2014
Annex 155
Original text:
30.11.14. Фото от местного жителя.
"Докучаевск после обстрела 29 ноября".
30 November 2014 Photo from a local resident.
“Dokuchayevsk after the shelling on 29 November”.
Annex 155
Annex 155
Annex 155

Document Long Title

Volume III - Annexes 39-155
