
Document Number
Parent Document Number
Document File

Annex 1
Notes Verbale issued by India on 25 March 2016 (1.1), 30 March 2016 (1.2), 6 May 2016 (1.3),
10 June 2016 (1.4), 11 July 2016 (1.5), 26 July 2016 (1.6), 22 August 2016 (1.7), 3 November
2016 (1.8), 19 December 2016 (1.9), 3 February 2017 (1.10), 3 March 2017 (1.11), 31 March
2017 (1.12), 10 April 2017 (1.13), 14 April 2017 (1.14), 19 April 2017 (1.15) and 26 April 2017
No. ISL/103/1/2016
The H1gh Comm1ss1on of lnd1a to F)ak1stan presents 1ts compliments to the
Ministry of Foreign Affa11 s or 1111: blarr11c Republic of Pakistan and has the honollr to
1efer iO the purportcd nm~s! of dl1 imJ1;:in 111 Baluch1s1an I hP. rn21tle1 Wi:IS raiseo todaJ t..y
Pakistan s Foreign Secretary w1th 11ïe ln<i1r1n H1gl1 Comrn1ss1one1 m Islamabad
ln lh,s contexi !h,s H1gh Comm1ss1on requests the M1111st1y of F ore1gn Affa1rs 10
Kmdly prov1de Consular Access to the sa1d md1v1dual. at tt1e earl1est
The Hrgh Comm1'.-,s1on of lnd1r1 to Pakistan ava,is ,tself of th1s opportunity 10
rr~-iew te thP fV1 ·'11stry ni 1-o,e;19n ,'\ffarr':\ of the 1s1am1r. l~epubhc of Pakistan ttie
assurances ot ,ts n,ghcst cons1derat,on
Ministry of Foreign Affat rs
[Kind attention: Mr. Hafiz Afaq Ahmad, Oirector (lndia)J
Government of the ls lamic Republic of Pakistan
-- - (1... ;:~ f'1('i.i ,·lt
Is lamabad, 25 March 2016
. -
~· '--i j .~:, t .. ;,
.. ... ... ' .
• ,·• T , • ', -, 1'
No.lSL/103/14 /2016
The High Commission of lndia l.ô Pakisi:an presen Ls its cornp1Jrncn1 s Lo
the Ministry of P'or eign Affa1rs, Govcrn ment of Lhe f slamic Republic or Pakisw.n
and fu r ther to ics note ue rbale No. ISL/103 / 1/ 20 16 d a ted Marc.h 25, 2() 16
regardmg t·he purpor-tecl a rrest of a n lndia n national in Ba luc h1 s tàn. h ;.1R the
l10nour to re ite ra te our requesl to !.he esteerned Mi ni slry to providc consulor
.1ccess t0 the satcl ind ividual a t the
The High Commission of lndia to Pa kista n avaîls lf of th1s oppor1 unity te: rcnew to th e Mini stry of Foreign .Affairs, Governrr'.e n t of the Jslamic l< ep~1blic
o t Pa k istan , th.e ass1..1rances of ils h 1ghest cons1derat1on. /
Ministry of F'oreign Aff a irs
[Kind attentio n: Director Ge neral (South As ia )]
Governmenl of the Is lamic Republic of Pakistan
I slamabad
',1. )'
I slam::ibad, Marcl1 30, 20 l6
~ - - ..d ..
r ./
:J t r{ë'r ffiT 3Ytll m·J1 , ;>1-.. m:r:mrr2;
UK;H COi\'flVtl SSlU.~ OF I0H!A
IS! ,:\l\'lA BAH
The High Commission of lndia to Pakistan presents its cornplements
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the lslamic Republic of
Pakistan and has the honor to refer to its Note Verbales No.
ISL/103/1/20 16 dated March 25, 2016 and No. ISL/103/14/2016 dated
March 30, 2016 regarding the purported arrest bf an lndian national in
This Mission reiterates its request to the esteemed Mini.stry to provide
Consular Access to the said individual at the earliest.
The Hîgh Commission of lndia to Pakistan avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the
lslamic Republic of Pakistan the assurances of its highest consideration.
Islamabad, May 06, 2016
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
[Kind attention: Mr. Hafiz Afaq Ahmad, Director (lndia)]
Government of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan
'"·.·----·-·--·--- - -----·- ------- ~-··- -------- - ----·------·· ·--·-·----·-··-·-
G-5, Dipl oin aLic Encla ve, [slainabad , Phone: 00 92-51 -283.-3283, l W~ --31
f ax: 0092-51-2 8.1-3290, 28:1-3286. 2X3 -325•1
.---:.-. ?::' ...
· ·h'!Î ; ~.;:l '-J ·c :.1 :·~'1 ·.1. ~~~~·z-tl ~ :.. t .. ~
1:.::IG!i C011·1i\.Hi5IOi,; OF il'siDI.\..
The High Commission of lndia to Pakistan presents its
compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs, Government of the lslamic
Republic of Pakistan, and has the honour to refer to its earlier Notes
Verbale No.lSU103/1/2016 dated March 25, 2016, No. ISL/103/14/2016
dated March 30, 2016 and May 06, 2016 regarding purported arrest of
an lndian national viz. Kulbhushan Jadhav in Baluchistan.
The Mission reiterates its request to the esteemed Ministry to
provide Consular Access to the said individual at the eartiest. lt is
reiterated that safety, security and well being of ail lndian and believedto-
be lndian prisoners, may please also be ensured tilt they are in
Pakistàni jails.
The High Commission of lndia to Pakistan avails itself of this
opportunity to renew ta the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of
the lslamic Republic of Pakistan, Jhe assurances of its hi hest
June 10, 2016
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
{Kind Attention: Director (lndia}}, 1 L.
Government of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan,
The High Commission of lndia to Pakistan presents its
compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Government of the lslamic
Republic of Pakistan, and has the honour to refer to its earlier Notes
Verbale No.lSL/103/1/2016 dated March 25, 2016, No. ISL/103/14/2016
dated March 30, 2016, May 06, 2016 and June 10, 2016 regarding
purporied arrest of an lndian national viz. Kulbhushan Jadhav in
The Mission reiterates its request to the esteemed Ministry to
provide Consular Access to the said individual at the earliest. lt is
reiterated that safety, security and well being of ail lndian and believedto-
be lndian prisoners, may please also be ensured till they are in
Pakistani jails.
The High Commission of lndia to Pakistan avails itself of this
opportunity to re'new to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Government of
the lslamic Republic of Pakistan, the assurances of its higl1est
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
{Kind Attention: Director (lndia).},
Government of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan,
July 11, 2016
ANNEX 1.6 ,.. ..
f-1 1 (.;;·:, ·, >Mi~! :i 1:• 1tJ;\l { iJ• ll'·H l"''
<H .. '1'~·1.A f~A ï,
No. ISL/ J 03/ 14/2016 /
The High Commi ssion of India Lo Pakist r1.n presents ils compliments Lo
the Miuistry o f Fo reign Affairs, Government o f the lslamic l~cp11 IJl1c uf
Pakistan and furth<' r to il~ notes verbale even nu1nhcr rlated Mn1Yll 2.5,
March 30 & May 06, 20 16 regard1 ng li 1e purportcd arrest ,,f . é11l I nd1an
national, Kulbllush an J adav, in Baluchistan.
2. The Mission reitera les its rcquest to the esteerned Mini stry Lo prov1dc
c:onsular access to the said individual at chc carlicst.
3. The High Commission o f l ncl1a to Pakistan ava1 l8 i l!':ït;lf o f I h1s
opportu nily Lo renew LO the Ministry of Foreign Affai rs, Govc rrnnent of the
l"=>lamic Republic of Pakistan the assurances of 1t s h1gh est consideraliuns.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
[Attention: Director Gener al (South Asia)J
.. ...: ....
• 'l .• ~ ·
No ISL/ 103/ 1 ,1 /10 L6
The H1gh CommissJOn of lndia to Pak1slan prcscnls Ils ~ouiplim~nls to the)--f
Mmi:::;lry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the hla1nic Republic of f\1k1 s t,:.111 and
fu rlhe r to the Hlgh Comm1ss1on's earher noles verbale of even numb~1 dat<::d rvl,-u c lt
25, tvlarch JO, May 06, June 10 and July l l, 2016 regarding purportcd arre;:;t of nn
lnd ian nat10nal, Mr. l(ulbhushan Jadhav, ll1 Bal11ch1stan, !Jas the honour to re1teratc
ils rcqu est tu the estecmed Min1stry Lo prov1de Consu lar Acccss to the sa1ù_111d1v1du:tl
êll Lhe c arl1csl
2. Tbe H1gh Co1nnusst0n also rcqucsts thal safe1y. secunLy aud well -beulg of cd!
lud1;u1 r1nJ beltcvcd-to-be Jndi::.u1 μrisoners in Pakistan1 Jails may l<tndly bt c·11surcd
3 The H1gh Comrn1s~1on of In.dia to Pakistan avatl s 1tse lf of th1s 0pportur111y to /
1 e uew ln th e:: Min,stry of Foreign Affairs, Gove1 of tll <.: ls lmn1(' Rt'.publJc of
Pak1 ::;tan, t ht; assura nces of its h1ghesl cons1derat1on . /
ô J c_
Mirnstry of Foreign Affa.irs
[Kind atte ntion: Dircctor Ge n e ral (SA & SAARC)]
Government of the Islamic Repu blic of Pakis tan
Isla mabad
Islam a bad. A11 gus1 22, 20 Lo
~ <5î id-ct.tftf!4!, ~
The High Commission of lndia to Pakistan presents its
compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the lslamic
Republic of Pakistan, and has the honour to refer to its earlier Notes
Verbale No.lSU103/1/2016 dated March 25, 2016, No. ISU103/14/2016
dated March 30, 2016, May 06, 2016, June 10, 2016, July 11 , 2016, July
26, 2016 and August 22, 2016 regarding purported arrest of an lndian
national viz. Mr. Kulbhushan Jadhav in Baluchistan.
The Mission reiterates its request to the esteemed Ministry to
provide Consular Access to the said individual at the ear1iest. lt is
reiterated that safety, security and well being of ait lndian and believedto-
be lndian prisoners, may please also be ensured tilt they are in
Pakistani jails.
The High Commission of lndia to Pakistan avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of
the lslamic Republic of Pakistan, the assurances of its highest consideration. -~
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
{Kind Attention: Director (lndja)},
Govemment of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan,
t 'b ,~.
~. ~\ IO~,)~\ Iff ~(.? .-.,r ~,-\\ :C ;Tf 1 'I m a ~
\\~ ~ - /J
~*,~~} ·~!
November 03, 2016
G-5, Diplomatie Enclave, Islamabad, Phone: 0092-51-220 6950-53, Fax: 0092-51-282 3102, 282 3386, 220 6954
No. !SL/103/ 14/2016
The High Commission o f Jndia to Paki stan presen1s its compliments t.o Lhe
fv1inistry of Foreign /\ffairs, ( ;overnm ent of Lhe lslnmic Republic of Paki s tan and
has the honour lo refer to the High ion's earlier noies vahale clated
25 .03.2016, J 0.03.20 1.6, OG.05.2016, 10.06.201 Ci, 11.07.20 16, 26.07 .201 (1,
'.22 .08.20 l 6 and 03 .11 .20 16 regarding purporred nrrest or an lndi::in nati onal, Mr.
Ku lbhushan Jada v, in B al uchÏstan.
2. The Mission reiterates its request to 1he esLeemed lV[i nist.ry Lo provide
consular access (o the sa id individual at the c~ rlies t. Ir is ~,lso rei tcrnted that
sa fet.y, security and well being of ail lndian prisoners, including that 01· Mr.
Kulbhu shan Jaclav, in Pal istani jai ls rnay be cnsurecl.
3. The 1-Iigh Commission of l ndia Lo Pakistan ava ils itself of this oppon uni ty to
rcnew Lo the M i nistry uf Foreign Affairs, Government or the Ts!:-im ic Re.public of
i><.i ki stan, the assurances or ils highest consideration.
Minis ti·y or Foreign Affai rs
Government of Lhe Islarn ic Republic of Pakistan
lslamabucl, 19 Dcccmber 20 16
N.0.0.: JS (PAi), Min islry of Éxternal Affairs, New Delhi
) .,_.
ANNEX 1.10
·,' ~~ .. '. 1 -: • ·;-, • .. , ..
.. ' ~ :- ! .. !.
''r . . .. ..
The Ministry of External Affairs, Governrncnt of lndia. prescnls its
compliments to 1he High Commission for the lslamic Republic of Pakistan.
1-.Jew Delhi, and has tlle l 1onour to refer to previous de111a1 cl 1es by tllis lvlinisiry
as well as formai notes frorn the High Commission of lnclia in Islamabad
regarding the purported arrest of lndran national. Mr ~,ulhhushan J3dl1av, i11
parlicular the request to providc immecliatG consular access to lv'l r. Jadhav.
lt is v11ith deep concein that the Ministry noies 11le continw~d denial of consular
access to Mr. Jadhav despite the f act that his lndian nationalit~, has been
affir rned on several occasions by the Govemrnenl of Pakistan. Meanwhtle.
questions about his treatment in Paldstan's custody continue to rnount. given
especial!y his coerced purported confession and the circwT1stances of his
prescnce 111 Pakistan rernain unexplained.
in iight of the above. tl 18 Gover1111, G1\l. 1 i:;•,1UE.-~, I~; or1u' aqain
consular access 10 Mr. Jadhav.
, ..
liT;tl 1(:fl!::,1! .
The !vlin islry of External Affairs of lndia avails itself of lhis opprn1unity to rerie-N
to the High Commission for the lslamic Republic of Pakistan lhe assurnnces of
its highesl consicleration.
Hiah Commission for the lslamic Republic of Pal~ istan, . v
New Delhi.
.))HC 1 1~·
03 Februaq, 2017
r~ew Delhi
ANNEX 1.11
. i 1'1 ,
Nu.lSL/ l<n114/'.'0 lh
The l !1~;h Con111 1t:~s in11 ni' J11 di.1 111 JJ,1kis1 :rn prv~;i.' f\lS 11 s compli1nn11s to li.Il'
l\lini:;11-y uf Forl·ig n Aff:un, , Con.. : 111111l·nt or 1hc l :,:l :11111t t,'epublic of l\ rn1d
Ju rü 1l·l' tn lllv High (\.111m1 ii,sion's , ·:1r!!C'r Noi,!s \fc,lml<' d ,11 <.:d ivl .1n li '2i, M:1n·h .30,
M:ty 06. ,lur,c: ll), .July 11, ~md Ut·c:1·1nl>n ICJ i11 JO li) und l)11 F1.:b1u.ir_v OJ, 201 '/ a8
\\'\:Il m,; H cl1•111mdw i ~;:-;uc-d l)y thlJ 1'vl i11i:,lcy or Extcrn,tl !\l'f., i, :, li) l'aki::,f/Afl l ltgll
1.·nm111is:-; io11 i11 Nt-w Ddhi rn 1 Fcbn.wry O'.l. '201'/ i'l·g,11'1 111:e purp oi tcd 1,rrc·:-1 11f :in
l11 c\i;·.1n nu.Lioual , Mr. J.; u llJ buslrnn ,Jmlli:1v, i11 f'!: tl1 1d1ist ,ï11 , h ,.1:; t·hc h onour lP
rc1tc:r;it1· 1ts r ,.:qit,·,;I to Ll1t · 1·s11·c1111:d ~.1n 1i~.t1y '" p1 0, ,d ,· l '111t:,11l:11 1\l·1.,·i·::: 111 1l1t :
~rnd 1ndi\·id11al n1 t 11,· c arli1::,1
J The High Cüm1111ssi,>n al:;o n :qt 1<·~ts I li,\! s:,rct). s1.:cu, 1(~· ~1nd w,:Jl .. lh:i1 1g of
Mr . J.:ulhitusli:111 ,J,:1tlh:1v u11d ot lwr l1 1d 1an prii;on,·rn 111 f\:1ki:,1n11i j ,11b 111.iy k.indly
1 ll' ,:n :rn n :d.
3 . 'l'h,: Higll Ct>11111 1v;:-;ion or Jndia Lo l\ 1k is1:-m a v,1ib i LBt.:lf of' t h 1~; l)pportullily 10
nmcw Lo the: Mini:slry o f P'on:ign t\ffuir:s, C1on:1111uenl r>f the Isk,mic Rqmblic of
Pakt81H n , (lie r181:ur::trH' e s of il8 high,:t,I considc r ;,,1 1ion.
1v1inistry or li'orcign AfJï.1ir!)
(fünd attention.: Dil'cctor G:cncrnl (SA & SAARC)J
Gon;rnmc.:111 of lh<.: f:,; l:m1ic Rcpuulic of Paki:,tun
,_j .. ,-., l)q>h!! ::;;Ji, 1\~-~f:1,~·i·,h : .. ~> \
l" i:· .. {,n, '. ..... · i ... :··~·.
No.ISL/ 103/ 14/2016
fflw" ëfiT 3cill·lÙdt,$·H41J.IIEila
ANNEX 1.12
The Higb Commission of lndia to Pakjstan presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign AfTairs, Governrnent of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan and with reference ta the Ministry's Note Verbale No. Ind [IJI]-
2/ 13/2016 dat:ed.March 21, 2017 has the honour ta note the wil.lingness~f
the Pakistan side to proviàe consular access to the In~an nàtionaj.,
Kulbhushan Jàdhav.
2. Consular access to Mr. Jadhav would be an essential pre-requisite in
order to verify the facts and understand the circumstances of his prcsence
in Pakistan. I t ïs, theref ore, requested. that immediate consuJar acçess may
be provided .to Mr. Jadhav.
3. The High Commission of India to Pakistan avails itself of this
opportunity to -renew ta the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the
Islamiè Republ~c of Pakistan, the passurances of its highcst consideration.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Govemment of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Jslamabad, March 31, 201f
G-'-5, Diplo1i:mtic "Ei1cl~vt:, lslamobad. PhN1c; 0092-51-283-3283, 183-3251-5·3
F:ix: .0092-51-2&3-3290, 2S3-32S6", 283-3254
ANNEX 1.13
No. J/411/8/2016
, . •. ,. .
t I'."...: .. -::1.~ ! ' . ;.1 ~:·c,.._. :· ~ :-; ·, 1:_:,·~0-: t
~ .. -~ii ::s,r-::Y ()~ E~~TE!::~~-~.·~.l ..... _-:-.~.1:-::·
1··!::"\.V [~fL.1 -;;
The Ministry of External Affairs prcscnts its compliments to the High
Commission of the Isla.mie Rep1..1blic of Pakistan in New Delhi and 11as the
honour ta convey that the Government of lnciia is surpriscd élt the Note
Verbale No. Jnd(l)-5/20/2017 dated April 10, 2017 issued by the M_inistry of
Foreign Affairs of the Isla.mie Republic of Pakistan and received at the High
Commission of India, Islamabad at 5:00 p.m. today rcgarding consular
access to the Indian national Kulbhushan .Jadhav on certain conditions,
which was "\vell after the death sentence has becn awarded and confinned to
Mr. Kulbhushan Jadhav. This underlines the farcical nature of the
proceedings and so-called trial by a Pakistan milita ry court martia.1.
The l\/finistry of Externai Aff airs regrets that despite repeated reque~ts,
Pakistan :1as not permitted consular 8n.d prevented us from
establishing the basic facts and circumstances surrounding his presence in
The Ministry of External Affairs has the honour to reit.erate that if the
sentence against an Indian citizen, awarded without observing basic norms
of law and justice is carried out, the Government and the people of India will
regard it as a case of premeditated murder.
The Ministry of External Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the High Commission of the Isla.mie Republic of Pakistan in Nev:.,
Delhi the assurances of its highest consideration .
High Commission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Nev., Delhi
ANNEX 1.14
'' \
No.lSL/'103/14/20·1 G
·rrr«r iT,T ,3,,,~1.:.i'1·ï. ~~~11Fn~
HlGtJ COMJ'illSSJON or TND! /\
l ~;J.;\ '11A H/1 D
The High Comrnission of lndia to Pakist;=rn presents its compliments to the
Ministry or Foreign /\ffairs, Governrnent of lhc lsl.-m1 ic l~epublic of Pal<ist3n and lias U1e
honour to reier to the High Cornrnission's lhirleen I\Joles Ve1 br.ile (including th0 lasl Note
Ve, baie of eV<.èll number dalecl March 3·i, 20"17), and to refer lo lite Press r~elease
1f:!3/20î7 dafed April 10, 20"17, issued by Inter Services Public Relations (ISPI~). slating
thal l11dian nntional Mr. Kulbllushan Sucll1ir Jadh8v was tried unde1 Section 59 of
1 Pakistan Anny Act (PAA) 1 %2 and Section 3 of OffiGi81 Secret /\cl of 1923 lhrough
Field General Court Marshal (FGCM) and was aw8rcl0.d c:er1lh s0ntonce.
:?.. rn view nf this, the Ministiy oi Forc-:ign Affëii1s, Govern111ent of l11e lslarnic
Rerublic of Pc1kistan is requesLE·cl to provide thA follov.,ring:
(a) Certified copiès of i.hc charge sheet and the juclgment of FGC l1k
(b) Consular access to Mr. l<ulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav.
3. T~1e High Commission of lndia to Pakistan avails it.self of this opportunity io
renew to the Minist1y of Foreign Aff airs, Governmenl of the lslaniic Republic of Pakistan
the assurances of its highest consideration.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Government of tl1e lsléi.mic Republic of P.;ü(istan
G-5, Dipionwfic Enclave, IslumabacL Plmnc: 0092-51-220 69J0-53, r .. -.,,: 0092-5.1.-282 3102, 282 .3386, 220 69:-i4
ANNEX 1.15
No. J/411 /8/2016
The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of lndia, presents its
compliments to the High Commission of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan in
New Delhi and has the honour to refer to prevtous Notes Verbale, including
Note Verbale No. ISL/ 103/ 14/ 2016 of 14 April 2017 issued by the High
Commission of lndia to Pakistan regarding lndian national Mr. Kulbhushan
Jadhav and requests through the High Commission of Pakistan to the
concerned authorities in Pakistan to:
1. provide certified copies of the charge sheet, proceedings of the Cou1i of
lnquiry, the judgement and the summary of evidence in the case
concerning Mr. Jadhav;
ii. share the procedure for Appeal to the relevant court;
iii. facilitate the appointment of a defence lawyer for Mr. Jadhav and
facilitate contact with the High Commission of lndia in Islamabad;
iv. provide certified copy of medical report of Mr. Jadhav;
v. issue appropriate visas to the family members of Mr. Kulbhushan
Jadhav who intend to travel to Pakistan in connection with the on-going
legal matter;
VI. provide immediate consular access to the
Kulbhushan Jadhav in keeping with the
Convention on Consular Relations, 1963.
lndian national Mr.
provisions of Vienna
The Ministry of External Affa irs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to
tr.e High Commission of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan in New Delhi the
assurances of its highest consideration.
High Commission of lslamic Republic of Pakistan
New Delhi
~;. ·.. ,. .
. ~ ..
'":, , .. \
New Delhi
.-: )\pril 11'.·~, . 2017
; . . ·. :. '\.,
. . '• .....
.... . ' ·, •,, . .-., ....... '.. .. :. ... ~ ...
ANNEX 1.16
~ q;J" ï;:S-z;qltll•t, ~füt+ilEflG
The High Commission of lf}dia to Pakistan presents its compliments to the Minïstry of
Foreign J}.ffairs, Government of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan and while referring to the
Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Press Release No.193/2017 dated 1 O April 2017 and
the Press Statement by the Adviser to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs on 14 April 2014
regarding death sentence awarded to the lndian national. Mr. Kulbhushan Sudhîr-Jadhav.
as well as the absence of consular access ta Mr. Jadhav, has the honour to state that the
mother of Mr. Jadhav, Mrs. Avanti Sudhir Jadhav has requested the Government of lndia to
submit and get the following dç,cuments filed with the concerned authorities of the lslamic
Republic of Pakistan:
i. Petition under Secfi9n 131 of Pakistan Army Act;
ii. Appeal in the Court ·of Appeals under Section 133(8) of Pakistan Army Act.
2. The esteemed Ministry of Foreign Affairs is requested to forward the above
documents (Petition and Appeal) to the concerned authorities and get these documents
filed and ç3dmitted. ·

3. The esteemed Ministry i~· once again requested to provide consular access to Mr.
Jadhav i~ keeping with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,
4, The .High Commission of lndia to Pakistan avails itself of thi~ opportunity to renew to
the Mini~try of Foreign Affairs, Govemment of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan the
assuranc~s of its hîghest consideration. 1
- 1 . ~~~
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Government of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan
Enclosure: As mentioned above - (i} & {ii)
G-5, Diplomatie Enclave, Jsiamabad, Phone: 0092-51· .:::o -s; '0-53. !?ax: 009'.2-51-282 310~. 2S'.2 3.386. :.:.o ,595.1
Annex 2
Note Verbale issued by Pakistan, on 23 January 2017 (without attachment)
: f
' '
1 '
t .
r-, l !
[ 1
[_ !
No.Ind(III)-2/ 13/2016
January 23~ 2017
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islainic Republic of Pakistan presents
its compliments to the High Commission of the Republic of India and has the
honour to request for assistance in the investigation of case registered vide FIR
numbers 06/2016 dated 8 April 2016 and 22/2016 dated 6 September 2016, in
Police Station CTD Balochistan against an Indian national, Kulbhushan Sudhair
Jadhev (Passport number L9630722) for his involvement in espionage and terrorist
· activities in Pakistan. The Letter of Assistance, seeking support of the Government
of the Republic of India in obtaining evidence, material and record for the criminal
investigation, is attached.
The High Commission of the Republic of India is requested to transmit the
Letter of Assistance to the concerned authorities in India. The Government of
Pakistan would appreciate the assistance of the Indian government in the
investigation process and early dispensation of justice.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to
the esteemed High Commission the assurances of its highest consideration.
High Commission of the Republic of ln dia,
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Annex 3
Note Verbale issued by Pakistan, on 21 March 2017
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The Hinis1ry ni Forei gn 1\ITai!'s n[ the Ulamic Rcpubli,· llt' 1'.ik1<tC1n ,n·nib
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Annex 4
Press Release issued by Inter Services Public Relations, on 10 April 2017
Inter Services Public Relations Pakistan
Press Release
No PR-193/2017-ISPR
Rawalpindi - April 10, 2017:
• Dated: April 10, 2017
Indian RA W Agent / Naval officer 41558Z Commander Kulbushan Sudhir
Jadhav alias Hussein Mubarak Patel was arrested on March 3, 20 16 through a Counter Intelligence Operation
from Mashkel, Balochistan, for his involvement in espionage and sabotage activities against Pakistan. The spy
has been tried through Field General Court Martial (FGCM) under Pakistan Army Act (PAA) and awarded
death sentence. Today COAS, Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa has confirmed his death sentence awarded by FGCM.
RA W agent Commander Kulbushan Sudhir Jadhav was tried by FGCM under section 59 of Pakistan Arrny
Act (PAA) 1952 and Section 3 of official Secret Act of 1923. FGCM found Kulbushan Sudhir Yadhav guilty
f all the charges. He confessed before a Magistrate and the Court that he was tasked by RA W ro plan.
coordinate and organize espionage / sabotage activities aiming to destabilize and ':"age war against Pakistan by
impeding the efforts of Law Enforcement Agencies for restoring peace in Balochistan and Karachi.
The accused was provided with defending officer as per legal provisions.
Annex 5
Note Verbale issued by Pakistan, on 10 April 2017
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i 1li1Jistry uf for :ign i\Ji"c1irs of the lf-lmnic Peruhlic. ,Jf J\1},i:,ian lie'.:~ ti1c turlhn
honc. ur io rci leralc ll1at the. case for con su];•r acr...,:=:~ 10 tl,c Jndi:111 n;1Lin11;1l
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,1ss1.11" lJ1 ~C::s of iis higlw::i l ct11')si.d t:ra lini1.
Hig11 Cummissjon of 1.hc Rcpub)ic of India,
1 •
Annex 6
Press Statement made by the Adviser to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, on 14 April 2017
Press Statement by Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister on
Foreign Affairs on 14 April 2017
(2017-04-14) As you are aware,. the death sentence of Kulbushan Jhadav and the
subsequent statements from lndia have generated considerable discussion in the
media. A number of questions have been raised regarding trial of Kulbushan Jhadav. 1
would like to comment on the background and the developments of this case.
Kulbushan Jhadav, who is responsible for espionage, sabotage and terrorism in
Pakistan, has been tried according to the law of the land, in a fully transparent
manner while preserving his rights, as per the Constitution of Pakistan. Due process
has been followed while proceeding against Mr. Jhadav. All further action in this
regard shall also be taken in accordance with our laws.
As is widely known, Kalbushan Jhadav alias, Hussain Mubarak Patel, a serving
Commander of lndian Navy, and working with the lndian Intelligence Agency/RAW was
apprehended on March 3, 2016 after he illegally crossed over into Pakistan from the
Saravan border in Iran. Kulbushan Jhadav was found in possession of an lndian
passport issued by Government of lndia on May 12, 2015 and valid until May 11, 2024.
He confessed that he is a resident of Mumbai, lndia, still serving in the lndian Navy
and his retirement is due in 2022.
He was tried by Field General Court Martial (FGCM) under section 59 of Pakistan Army
Act (PAA) 1952 and Section 3 of Official Secret Act of 1923. Mr. Jhadav was provided
with a legal counsel in accordance with provisions of our law. Mr. Jhadav confessed
before a Magistrate and the Court that he was tasked by the lndian Intelligence
Agency, RAW, to plan, coordinate and organize espionage and sabotage activities
aimed at destabilizing and waging war against Pakistan. Kulbushan was involved in
bath espionage and terrorist/sabotage activities resulting in the loss of many lives and
damage to property.
1 will like to share details of some terrorist activities in which Kulbushan Jhadav was
directly involved.
- He sponsored and directed IEDs and Grenade Attacks in Gawadar and Turbat.
- Directed attacks on the Radar station and civilian boats in the sea, opposite Jiwani
- Funded subversive secessionist and terrorist elements through Hawala/Hundi for
subverting the Pakistani youth against the country, especially in Balochistan.
- Sponsored explosions of gas pipelines and electric pylons in Sibi and Sui areas in
- Sponsored IED explosions in Quetta in 2015, causing massive damage to life and
- Sponsored attack on Hazaras in Quetta and Shia Zaireen enroute to and back from
- Abetted attacks through anti-state elements against LEAs/ FC and FWO in areas of
Turbat, Punjgur, Gawadar, Pasni and Jiwani during 2014-15, killing and injuring many
civilians and soldiers.
The Court found Mr. Jhadav guilty. The espionage case against Kulbushan was tried by
the FGCM and concluded under Pakistan Army Act Section 2 and Official Secret Act
1923. His sentence for espionage was endorsed on 10 April 2017.
The proceedings of this case went through different stages in accordance with legal
requirements over a period of one year. Following is the timeline:
1. Confessional Video statement of Kulbushan Jhadav, the active RAW operative - 25
March 2016
2. Initial FIR in CTD Quetta - 8 April 2016
3. Initial interrogation - 2 May 2016
4. Detailed interrogation - 22 may 2016
5. Joint Investigation Team constituted on 12 July 2016
6. Confessional statement under Section 164 CrPC - 22 July 2016
7. Recording of summary of evidence - 24 September 2016
8. 1 st proceeding - 21 September 2016
9. 2nd proceeding - 19 October 2016
10. 3rd proceeding - 29 November 2016
11. 4th proceeding - 12 February 2017
12. Death sentence endorsed on 10 April 2017
From the outset, transparency was ensured in the proceedings of the trial of
Commander Kulbushan Jhadav. Following steps were specifically taken to ensure
transparency under the Pakistani Laws and Pakistan Army Act.
1) His confessional statement was recorded before a Magistrate under Section 164
2) The proceedings were conducted under the Law of Evidence (Qanun-e-Shahadat
1984) in the competent court
3) A law qualified field officer was provided to defend him throughout the Court
4) All statements of witnesses were recorded under oath, in the presence of the
accused, in the court.
5) Commander Kulbushan was allowed to ask questions from witnesses.
6) During the trial, a fully qualified, law officer of Judge Advocate General (JAG)
Branch remained a part of the Court.
7) Punishment after the trial was awarded by the highest forum.
As per law, Kulbushan Jhadav has following available options
1. He has the right to appeal within 40 days to an Appellate Court.
2. He may lodge a mercy petition to the COAS within 60 days of the decision by the
appellate court.
3. He may lodge a mercy petition to the President of Pakistan within 90 days after the
decision of COAS on the mercy petit ion.
lt should be clear from these details that Kulbushan Jhadav was tried under the law of
the land in a full y transparent manner. His sentence is based on credible, specific
evidence proving his involvement in espionage and terrorist activities in Pakistan.
Letter of Assistance requesting specific information and access to certain key
witnesses was shared with the Government of lndia on 23 January, 2017. There has
been no response from the lndian side so far.
1 would like to ask lndia why Kulbushan Jhadav was using a fake identity
impersonating as a Muslim? Why would an innocent man possess two passports, one
with a Hindu name and another with a Muslim name? Since lndia has no credible
explanation about why their serving Naval Commander was in Balochistan, it has
unleashed a flimsy propaganda campaign. lnflammatory statements and rhetoric
about "pre-meditated murder" and "unrest in Balochistan", will only result in
escalation, serving no useful purpose.
We condemn the baseless allegations from lndia, especially in the light of the fact
that it was non-cooperation and lack of lndian response to Pakistan's request for legal
assistance, due to which consular access has not been provided to Mr. Jhadav. May 1
mention in this context that lndia has not allowed consular access to many Pakistani
prisoners for many years despite repeated requests.
We expect lndia to behave responsibly and refrain from issuing statements that will
further aggravate people to people hostility. More active diplomacy is therefore
needed to arrest the growing crises in lndia-Pakistan relations before it becomes even
more serious.
ln conclusion of this statement, let me re -emphasize two points:
First, all political parties are unanimous that the award of death penalty after due
process and overwhelming evidence to a foreign spy, who was not only carrying out
subversive activities in Pakistan but actually promoting terrorism, is the correct
Second, the whole nation is solidly united against any threat to Pakistan's security.,,
Annex 7
News reports in ‘Jehan Pakistan’ and ‘Business Standard’ Newspapers about briefing by
Spokesperson of the Inter Services Public Relations of Pakistan, on 17 April 2017
Translation of Relevant Excerpts
Jehan Pakistan (Newspaper) (April 18, 2017): Director General,
Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif
Ghafoor, during a media briefing in response to a question on
Kulbhushan J adhav stated that "Kulbhushan Jadhav was
sentenced to death by a Field General Court Martial after
fulfilling ail legal requirements. Kulbhushan Jadhav was
apprehended on the basis of fake name, fake identity and fake
passport. No compromise bas been made and would not be
made. Jadhav is a spy and consular access can't be given to a
spy. The court bas such evidences against Kulbhushan, which
can not be rejected.
It is hereby certified that the above translation of relevant excerpts of
a news report that appeared in 'Je han Pakistan}} newspaper in Urdu
language on April 18, 201 7 is accurate.
/ ~\.\.\ J
Dr. Deepak MitJ1
Agent of the Republic of India
1 of 2 ...
Business Standard
Pakistan denies India consular
access to Kulbhushan J adhav
aga1• n
This is the 16th time that India has demanded consular access
ANI I Islamabad April 261 2017 Last Updated at 19:49 1ST
Pakistan on Wednesday again denied India consular access to former Indian
naval officer KulbhushanJadhav who was awarded a death sentence by
Islamabad military court for alleged espionage activities.
This is the 16th time that India has demanded consular access.
Pakistan Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua categorically expressed her views
to lndian High Commissioner Gautam Bambawale, during a meeting in
9/6/17, 11:05 AM

2 of 2 ...
Islamabad, reports Radio Pakistan.
During the meeting, Bambawale also handed over a petition by the Jadhav's
mother to the Pakistan Government for his release and expressed a desire to
meet him.
11Pakistan was also requested to facilitate visas for Jadhav's mother and
father. They wish to travel to Pakistan to meet him and also to personally file
the petition and appeal. They have applied for necessary visas with the
Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi, 11 India's External Affairs Ministry
release stated.
This cornes a day after India's Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar met Pakistani
High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit and made similar demands.
The Pakistan Army had earlier ruled out consular access to Jadhav, saying he
is not eligible for it as per the laws.
11Kulbhushan is not eligible for consular access nor will be granted consular
access, 11 said Pakistan Armed Forces spokesperson Major General Asif
He alleged that Jadhav, caught on anti-state activities, was trialed under
court martial.
"This was purely an act by the Army to which the Army as an institution said
we will not compromise on his sentence, 11 he said.
Major General Ghafoor said Jadhav's death sentence process will move ahead
as per the law, adding it will go in the applet court and the army shall wait
for the verdict.
J adhav was arrested in March last year in the restive Balochistan province
and accused of being a Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) agent.
9/6/17, 11:07 AM
Annex 8
Letter from External Affairs Minister, Government of India, to the Adviser to the Pakistan
Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, on 27 April 2017
m ~u-ii
S Swaraj
Minister of External Affairs
April 27, 201 7
l read with keen interest your press statement of April 14, 201 7. Yo u had
mentioned that Mr. Kulbhushan Jadhav has the right to appeal within 40 days in an
Appellate Court.
For filing that appeal, we have requested for certified copies of the chargesheet,
proceedings of the Court of Inquiry, the summary of evidence in the case, the
judgement, appointment of a defence lawyer and his contact detai ls and certifi ed copy
of medical report of Mr. Jadhav. However, the same have not been provided to us so
Encouraged by your statement about the possibility of appeal and despite
absence of any other documentation that normally exists in most j urisdictions, the
mother of Mr. Jadhav approached us for assistance in pursuing ail remedies available
and also for travelling to Pakistan.
Our High Commissioner handed over an appeal and a pet1t1on from the
mother o f Mr .Tadhav to the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan on April 26, 20 17. The
parents of Mr Jadhav have also appl ied for visa to travel to your country and seek
justice for their son .
1 request Your Rxcellency's personal intervention in the malter so that justice
is meted out to Mr Jadhav.
With assurances of my highest cons ideration.
H.E. Mr Sartaj Aziz
Advisor to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Foreign Aff airs
Yours sincerely,
f ma Swaraj
172, South Block, New Delhi-11 0011 Tel : 91 - 11 -2301 11 27, 230111 65 ·Fox : 9 1-11-230 l 1463
Annex 9
Press Briefing of Government of Pakistan, on 20 April 2017
http ://vvww .mofa. gov. pk/pr-details · llliR ?mm= ND kONA,,
Record of the Press Briefing by Spokesperson on 20 April 2017
(20 17-04-20) [This is a rush transcript. This copy may not be in its final form and may be
Opening Remarks
Bismillah IrRelm1an NirRahim Assalaam Alaikum
I offer my profound condolences to Mr. Zafar Hashmi, Chief Reporter Dunya News on the
sad demise of bis beloved father yesterclay. May Allah rest the departed soul in eternal peace
and grant fortitude to the bereaved family to bear the irreparable loss, Arnecn!
Will of Kashrniris in Indian occupied Jammu & Kaslm1ir was clearly visible in their outright
rejection of sham elections there. Our Prime Minister, while calling upon Int'l Community to
stop Indian atrocities in IOK, rightly said that 'use of brute force against innocent Kashmiris,
who refused to participate in the sham elections, cannot suppress their human urge of
freedom. ' Harrowing staries from Indian occupied Kashmir continue to raise concerns in
Last week, Indian Home Minister claimed that Indian governrncnt will control the si tuation
within a year and showed his determination to do with whatcver it takcs.
The important developments that have followed this warning arc:
Operation against Educational Institutions: Indian occupation forces have launched an all out
war on Kashmiri students. They have attacked women education institutions as well. A dozen
colleges have been attacked, injuring thousands of students - bath boys and girls. It is
pertinent to mention that almost all the Kashmiris, who have becn slain by the occupation
authorities in IOK, were students - a large number of them with Mastcrs degrees in science or
social sciences.
Open vio lation of human rights: Displaying complete disregard for the UN Charter and
International Covenant and Conventions and challenging the International Community.
Recently, 'leaked' several videos, openly showing use of htm1an shield, beating, abusing and
humiliating Kasluniris in the loK by the occupation forces, is a manifestation.
Social Media is being banned to ensure that 'reports of crimes against humanity committecl by
lndian occupation forces do not go out of IOK.
lndian brutalities, murder and blinding could not deter Kashmiri pro-freeclom struggle and
spirit. We remain committed to extending our unflinching moral, political and diplomatie
support to the Kashmiris.
Visits of dignitaries and high-level delegations from various countries and International
forums continued. We have kept you updated on the outcome through press releases.
Now the Floor is open for Questions
I want to ask you this question that Indian spy and terrori st, who was arrested from Pakistan -
Commander Kulbhushan Jhadev, bis case has been thoroughly fo llowed by the Indian
Government and media to the extent that they have summonecl our cliplomats. I want to ask
that we had huge tragedy Lhat was of Samjhauta Express terrorist attack in 2007. It was a big
terrorist activity. Did our diplomatie mission approach or Foreign Office summoned any
Inclian diplomat in this regard? So, that they share with us detai1s of the investigations and
punishments to RSS terrorists, Swami Aseemanand and Col. Purohit. When will they be
sentenced and what is the status of their case or has it been set aside? (Sheeba Mahar - Daily
Supplementary Question
Indian Ministry of External Aff airs has summoned Pakistani Deputy High Commissioner and
they have protested on the death sentence of Kulbhushan Jhadev. They have also requested
for the Consular access. What is your take on this? (Tariq Sial - Daily Times)
I think I have been briefing you people on the efforts that we are putting in to get the
information about the Samjhauta Express terrorist attack. You have rightly pointed out that. ·
We have taken up this issue but I need to check back. I caimot give you response off-the-cuff
whether we have summoned anyone from the Indian High Commission ai1d if we did so,
when? I need to note this question and we can get back to you with a reply. Your question
was specific to the summoning aspect and as to what we have done, so far. We did take up
the issue of Samjhauta Express terrorist attack on munerous occasions with Indian leadership
as well as through diplomatie channels seeking information of proceedings of the
investigations into that terrorist attack. Swami Assemai1and, who was the Mastermind, made
a confession in 2010, if I recall correctly. He also identified Col Purohit, who was then
serving Indian army officer, who was also the head of a terrorist organization, Abhinath
Bharat. He was an accomplice in the Samjhauta Express terrorist attack. Samjhauta terrorist
attack was not the only terrorist attack but there were many other which were identified by
SM Muslu·if who was IG of Maharashtra and he wrote a book entitled: 'Who Killed Karkare. '
The book reflects as to how RSS, in connivance with IB and other government institutions
and organizations have remained involved in a number of terrorist attacks, which they carried
out themselves or staged in India and blamed on others including Pakistan.
I will check what the answer on yom question and get back to you. Mr. Tariq you have
mentioned about summoning of our Deputy High Commissioner on the issue related to
Commander Kulbhushan. As he was summoned definitely to convey their reaction but this is
not something new they did, it was a reaction after award of the death sentence to the
Commander Kulbhushan, who is a spy and he made confessions that he was involved in
tenor financing, subversive and terrorist activities in Pakistan besides bcing a spy and
indulging in espionage. Then regarding consular access we have said this earlier also that we
have bilateral agreement on consular access and according to A11 IV, in al! such cases as the
one of Commander Kulbhushan the request of this nature would be decided on the basis of
India has decided to put all bilateral interactions on hold over the death sentence to
Commander Kulbhushan Jhadev. The meeting betwcen Pakistan Maritime Security Agency
and Indian Coast Guard which were postponed and even release of Pakistani prisoners who
have completed sentences has been withheld. How do you see the Indian reaction to save a
terrorist who has contèssed to all his committed crimes? (Amjad Ali = PTV)
Supplementary Question
My question is regarding the sentence awarded to Kulbhushan Jhadev that the Indian media is
saying that it is violation of Vienna Convention Art. 36 that he is nol being given Consulat·
Access. What is your take on this? My second question is that as summer season starts in
Pakistan, foreign tourists will start coming to Pakistan for hiking and mountaineering. Has
there been a special desk established in our missions for promoting tourism in Pakistan? (Fida
Hussain - Radio News Network)
First the second question regarding tourism. There is a comprehensive policy for promoting
tourism. In this regard guidelines are provided from time to time to the Pakistan miss ions
abroad. There are different types of tourism such as 'Sightseeing', students of history corne
and see the historical places or heritage of Pakistan. There are set guidelines for issuing visas
for trekking and mountaineering. For that activity there are authorized tour operators and
those who facilitate trekkers and mountaineers. The contacts and website details of
authorized people, who can arrange these expeditions, are available online and also our
Missions Abroad. Those who are seeking to corne to Pakistan for tourism may get the
information from those sources.
Asto yom second question about Commander Jhadev, who is rcsponsiblc for espionage,
sabotage and terrorism in Pakistan, was tried according to the la w of the land, in a full y
transparent manner while preserving his rights, as per the Constitution of Pakistan. His
sentence is based on credible, specific evidence proving his involvement in espionage and
terrorist activities in Pakistan, resulting in the loss of scores of precious lives of Pa!<istanis.
The reaction from lndia, especially withholding the release of Pakistani prisoners, who have
completed their sentences, for a spy and terrorist working against Pakistan's national
interests, is disappointing. Inflammatory statements ernanating Crom India are against
international norms and will only result in escalation, serving no constructive purpose. Indian
reaction should be seen in the backdrop of exposme of its state involvement in perpetraLing
subversive and terrorist activities in Pakistan.
I would once again tmderscore the point that Indian reactîon must be seen in the backdrop of
its exposure of involvemcnt in terrorism and terror-financing in Pakistan.
Prime Minister of Azad Jammu & Kashmir has asked the government of Pakistan to convince
the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to carry out economic blockade of India because of
rising atrocities in IoK. Will Pakistan take any initiative in this regard? (Khawaja Nayaar
Iqbal - Kashmir Post)
OIC has always extencled its unequivocal support to the Kashmiris for their right to selfdetermination
in accordance with UN Sccurity Council resolutions. There is also an OIC
Contact Group on Kashmîr.
Recently, a high ranking delegation oflndependent Permanent Human Rights Commission
(IPHRC) of OIC visited Pakistan and AJK from 27 to 29 March 2017. Regrettably, they were
den.ied access by India in Indian occupied Their visit enabled them to get a clearer
tmderstanding of what was happening in Kashmir. Pakistan openly welcomed the delegation,
and during their 3-day stay they met family members of victims of Indian atrocities.
Moreover, OIC Secretary General also visited Pakistan recently and expressed deep concern
over Indian brutalîties and gross human rights violations in IoK.
The Government of Pakistan will continue to approach the international community including
OIC and UN to bring to their notice the grave situation prevailing in IoK. We remain
committed to extending moral, political and diplomatie support to oppressed Kashmiris in
IoK, who must be given their legitimate right to self-determination, in accordance with the
relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.
We remind the international community that much revered values of humanity, justice,
freedom and international human rights must not be compromised for the political or
economic expediencies.
Fresh videos of Indian atrocities in IoK have come to fore which exposed the honible
practices of Indian occupation forces in Indian occupied Kashmir against the defenceless
Kashmiris. Voices within India, including its media, have raised voice against these ghastly
instances. Your comments please ! Has Pakistan taken up this issue internationally also?
(Shahid Maitla - ARY News)
The Indian brutalities have intensified, especially since 8 July 20 16. The popular and
indigenous demand for their right to self-determination bas further intensified in the wake of
brutalities unleashed by the Indian occupation forces. Hundrcds of thousands of Kaslm1iris
have tlu·onged to the streets in IOK, pcacefully demanding their inalienable right to selfdetermination.
The Indian occupation forces have been using live ammunition and pellet gLms
against the protesters, as a result of which more than 200 civilians have been killed so far,
and aroLmd 20,000 injured. The Indian occupation forces have mass blinded the Kasluniri
youth, including women and children, by deliberately targeting their eyes with pellet gun
shots. This is the first incident of mass blinding in human history as rightly pointed out in a
British daily, The Guardian's 12-page article published on 8 Nov. 20 16, which said: 'There is
no recorded instance of a modern democracy systematically and willf11lly shooting at people
to blind them.'
We strongly condenm the Indian barbarities in IoK and call uponr the international
community including the UN to take immediate notice of the gross human rights violations.
Afghan Ambassador Zakhilwal hinted that a joint operation against TTP leader Mullah
Fazlullah could be possible in near future. I-Ias the Afghan side officially contaeted Pakistan
in this regard? Have they shared information about the whereabouts of TTP leadership? Has
Afghanistan also extended such cooperation to hunt top leadership of JuA, especially after
surrender of former TTP Spokesman Ehsan Ullah Ehsan?
Secondly, what is your reaction on North Korea's recent missile tests? (Essa Naqvi - Dunya
Asto your first question, Pakistan has been stating that thcre me hideouts of JuA and TTP in
Afghanistan from where they continue to launch attacks in Pakistan. We have urged the
Afghan Government to take action against these terrorists.
On your second question, Pakistan regrets that DPRK continues to undertake actions in
violation of its international obligations under the relevant UNSC resolutions. Pakistan
expresses grave concern at the recent missile launches carried out by DRPK.
First there are 50 Pakistanis detained in Libya, holding legal passports and Visas. According
to information, six persans are in Massada, seven are in Karak and so on. Our embassy is
helpless in their release. There is deplorable condition of our ernbassy there is no officer
there, i t is run by grade 15 officer.
Secondly, in Afghanistan mother of all bombs was dropped, was there a Pakistani or Taliban
terrorist killed, has info been shared with us? (Abbas Yawar - Urdu Express)
Supplementary Question
ln Afghanistan mother of ail bombs was dropped, was there any environmental impact on
Pakistan? (Anwar Abbas Waqt News)
Asto Mr. Abbas Yawar's firsr question, I don't have information on this particular case of 50
detainees as of now. I have noted your specific query but let me reflect on the issue of
Pakistanis' welfare abroad as a malter of policy. Pakistani living or working in a foreign
country are required to follow the local laws. They are usually arrested when found in
violation of the local laws. If there is an Embassy, it is our responsibility, which we :fulfill,
whenever we receive a report about detention of any Pakistani in any crime, we approach and
request the host government to get the crime for which he or she is detained. And accordingly
we take up the case with that government. The procedme also involves ascertaining of the
person's antecedents whether he or she is a Pakistani or not.
After the "do more" rhetoric of Obama Administration and the mounting pressme on
Pakistan, do you think that the Trump Admini stration's policies towards Pakistan are any
different from his predecessor? (Ayaz Gui - VOA)
Supplementary Question
Since the American Administration is increasingly concerned about terrorist activities, and its
debilitating effect in the region, did Pakistan rai se up the issue of Kulbhushan Yadav with the
visiting US NSA, since his case is a testimony to India's active involvement in state terrorism
and terror financing in Pakistan? (Tariq Mahmood - SAlvlAA TV)
This was the .first high level visit from Trump Administration to Pakistan. It reflected the high
impo1tance the new adminish·ation attaches toits relations with Pakistan. We had issued the
press release on the outcome of the visit. The larger context of the meeting was to reflect on
the regional situation, with particular reference to situation in Afghanistan, and how Pakistan
and the US could address the situation in Afghanistan together, and bring lasting peace to the
region. The question of Kashmir in the context of Pakistan-India relations was also discussed,
as the situation bas raised concerns a.cross the world. Pakistan wishes to build its relations
with the new administration and on the basis of existing solid foundation, we want to take it
the next levels.
As far as recognition of Pakistan's efforts towards fight against terrorisrn is concerned, the US
and the entire world at various levels of political leadership have time and recognized
Pakistan's contributions, sacrifices and economic lasses in the fight against terrorism. We
draw no distinction, and have taken action against all types of terrorists, the manifestation of
which is the improved security and economic situation in the country.
The US Commanders and Senior army personnel, who visited Pakistan recently and visited
those areas in Pakistan that were previously considered terrorist infested areas, lauded
Pakistan's gains made in its fight against terrorism. Not only did they leave satisfied, but they
also made their views public.
Indian media reported that US National Security Adviser I-1.R McMaster after talks with
Afghan leaders in Kabul, has called on regional countrics, including Russia and Pakistan, not
to support the Afghan Taliban. Did he raise the issue and what was Pakistan's response?
(Saima Shabbir - Bol News)
The purpose of McMaster's visit to Afghanistan and Pakistan was to gain perspective on
peace and stability in Afghanistan as the Trump Admini stration is presently undertaking its
review of the Afghan policy. In this regard, the two si des had a constructive ex change of
views. Afghanistan, Pakistan and the US have a shared interest in promoting peace in
Reportedly, Prime Ministers of Pakistan and India may meet on the sidelines of SCO Summit
despite the hostile environment between the two countries. Do you foresee any likelihood of
such a meeting, as it is being said that the US leadership is pushing for such a meeting?
(Asghar Ali Mubarak - Daily Mail Islamabad)
There is nothing on the table yet as SCO Summit is almost two months away. Nevertheless,
we have consistently maintained that meaningfül, result oriented dialogue, sustainable and
constructive engagement to address al! outstanding issues, particularly Kashmir dispute, is
the only way forward. Hostility and escalation benefits none.
Dming US NSA McMaster's talks in the Foreign Office, the subject of Daesh was raised, as
we have seen several arrests in the past few days to this effect. My question is that we have
previously said that Daesh has no footprint in Pakistan. However, there are these arrests
especially on the Pak-Afghan border what steps are Pakistan taking to tackle this issue?
(Naveed Akbar - Daily Dunya)
I have said this previously also that there is no organized presence of Daesh in Pakistan.
What you are referring to are sporadic instances of a few volunteers who either do it for
money or profiling. As far as the presence of Daesh in Afghanistan is concerned, it has been
confirmed by the UN and US Commander John Nicholson in their recent reports. This is a
matter of growing concern for many countries in the region, and has been a central issue at
the recent meeting on Afghanistan in Moscow. There is a common concern that Daesh and
other terrorist outfits are coming together and gaining foothold in Afghanistan and
endangering regional peace and stability. Regional countries are mindful and considering
ways to tackle the issue.
In the case of kidnapped Colonel Habib Zahir we have heard reports about Indian
involvement in the matter. Has Pakistan forrnally taken up the matter with India? (Saad Umar
- Roze News)
As regards your question, you are aware that Lt. Colonel Retired Mohammad Habib Zahir
has been missing since 6 April 20 17 from Lumbini, Nepal where he went for a job interview.
In view of the revelations about the fake emails and website he was contacted from, we
cannot rule out foul play by hostile agencies in his disappearance. The govenunent of
Pakistan has taken up the matter of his disappearance with the Nepal Government with the
request to trace him. An FIR each has also been lodged both in Islamabad and in Nepal.
We have also shared additional information with the Nepal govemment on 18 April
2017about the individuals who reportedly received him at Lumbini, made his hotel
reservations and booked his tickets which we believe may be helpful in locating him. His
family is very distressed and we hope that be is located at the earliest.
What is the outcome of the Moscow talks? Is the Afghan Taliban also the part of it?
Secondly, Wall Street Journal has rep01ted that Pakistan has deployed five thousand troops
on Saudi-Yemen border and it will also fight against the rebels in Yemen. Has Pakistan
changed its policy Yemen? (Ali Husnain - Business Recorder)
As to your second question, this is a media report and does not warrant any response.
Regarding the Moscow talks, it was about the situation in Afghanistan, and 11 countries
paiticipated in the talks including Afghanistan. There was a consensus that all participating
countries were concerned about the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan,
particularly the growing presence of terrorist outfits, including Daesh in Afghanistan, and its
implications on regional peace and stability. This also figured in Moscow talks. Paiticipating
countries discussed that there is urgent need to deal with the security situation in Afghanistan.
The outcome was a common concern and understanding as to how the situation in
Afghanistan should be dealt with.
Whether a Pakistani Parliamentary delegation plans a visit to Afghanistan? (Rabia - Radio
I need to check the details.
Annex 10
India Pakistan Agreement on Consular Access, of 21 May 2008
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desirous of furthering the objective of h•Jrriane treat:nent of
Iiationals of either counL-y a...-rrested, detained or impriscned in the
other, have agreed to reciprocal consular facilities as
(i) Each Government shal1 mâT1taii.""1 a comprehensive list of
the nationals of the other cou..i2.t.ry u_-r1der its arresï:,
detention or im.prisonment. The lists shall be exchaT1.ged
on 1st January and 1st July each year.
{~) Immediate notification of any arrest, detention or
imprisonment of any persan of the other country shall be
provided to the respective High Commission.
(iii) Each Gover..nment underta..loes to e1;.-peditiously ii.ïfonn the
other of t..1-ie se.nten~es awarded to the convicted nationals
of the other country.
(iv) Each Govern.:.--nent sh211 provide consùlar access v,rithin
tr.iree months to nationals of one country·, under 2rrest,
detention or imprison..inent in. the btl1er cour1try.
(v) Both Governments agree to release a.nd repatriate pe:-sons
""ithln one month of confirrr.1.ati.o:n of their national statl.1s
and completion of sentences.
(vi) In case of a..rrest, detention or sentence made on political or
securi ty grounds, each side may exair..ine the case on its
(vii) In special cases, which call for or require compassionate
and human.itaria:.'1 considerations, each sîde may exercise
its discretion subject to its laws aiî.d regulations to aJlow
ear1y release and repatriation of persans_
This agreement shall corne ÏT1to force on the date of its
Done at Islamabad on . 21 Nlay, 2008 in two originals, m
. isn~1:is1;. ~~'.-e~':~, t~,ct '.'<,~~ eS':1)~ 'fü th~;.ti_c0~~ -,: .
~{4J ~.. LN011/J///n-t 0-zf1
Shahid ~ , Sa.ty;brata Pal
High Commissioner of Pakistan High Commissioner of India
For the Government of L~e For the Government of the
Isla.mie: Republic of Pakistan Republic of India
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Annex 11
Copy of news report in ‘Dawn’ Newspaper, of 15 April 2017 and news report in Lahore
News, of 18 May 2017
Jadhav's case: bar warnine to lawyers
The Newspaper's Staff Reporter
April 15, 2017 06:43AM
LAHORE: The Lahore High Court Bar Association
(LHCBA) on Friday warned the lawyers against
accepting brief of convicted Indian spy Kulbhushan
LHCBA secretaiy Amir Saeed Rawn said it had decided
to take action, including cancellation of membership,
against the lawyer(s) found pursuing appeal of Jadhav
against his conviction by a militaiy court. He said India
had been calling Jadhav its son and pressurising
Pakistan government for his release.
Mr Rawn said the lawyers would not allow release of
Jadhav who had been found guilty of playing with the
lives of innocent people in Pakistan.
Published in Dawn, April 15th, 201 7
https: //lahorenews. tv /index.php/ en/video /2431 /La
Lahore High Court Bar rejects ICJ verdict on
Kulbhushan Jadhav's execution
(Lahore News HD) - Lahore High Court Bar cancelled
International Court of Justice (ICJ) verdict to held
Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav's execution.
High Court Bar Association condemned ICJ's verdict
and challenged their interference in Pakistan's Judicial
Jadhav, former Indian Naval Officer has been sentenced
to death after being convicted for spying. ICJ ordered
Pakistan to stay the execution of Indian spy till final
LHC Bar Association declared ICJ's decision an attack
on judicial system and announced that Pakistan's
Judiciary possesses all the rights for Jadhav's ·
Annex 12
Press Release issued by Inter Services Public Relations, on 22 June 2017
Press Release
Rawalpindi - June 22, 2017:
Commander Kulbushan Sudhil;' Jadhav, the serving Indian Naval Officer who has been
sentenced to death on charges of espionage, sabotage and terrorism has made a mercy
petition to the Chief of Army Staff.
In his plea, Commander Jadhav has admitted his involvement in espionage, terrorist and
subversive activities in Pakistan and expressed remorse at the resultant loss of many
precious innocent lives and extensive damage to property due to his actions. Seeking
forgiveness for his actions he has requested the Chief of Army Staff to spare his life on
compassionate grounds.
Commander Jhadev had earlier appealed to the Military Appellate Court which was
rejected. Under the law he is eligible to appeal for clemency to the COAS (which he has
done) and if rejected, subsequently to the President of Pakistan.
His second confessional video, in which he can be seen accepting his acts of terrorism
and espionage is also released so that the world should know what India has done and
continues to do against Pakistan. .
Annex 13
List of decisions by the Human Rights Committee under the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights
• ANNEX 13
List of decisions by the Human Rights Committee under the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
1. Sergio Euben Lopez Burgos v. Uruguay, Communication
No.R.12/52, U.N.Doc.Supp.No. 40(A/36/40) at 176 (1981)
2. Reid v. Jamaica, Communication No. 355/ 1989, U.N.Doc.
CCPR/C/51/D/355/ 1989(1994)
3. Paul Kelly v. Jamaica, Communication No.253/1987,
U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/41/D/253/ 1987 at 60 (1991)
4. Abdool Saleem Yasseen and Noel Thomas v. Republic of Guyana,
Communication No.676/ 1996, U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/62/D/676/ 1996
5. Mr. Dimitri. L. Gridin v. Russian Federation, Communication
No.770,U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/69 /D/770/ 1997 (2000)
6. Mr. Abduali lsmatovich Kurbanov v. Tajikistan, Communication
No.1096/2002, U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/79/D/ 1096/2002 (2003)
7. Barno Saidova v. Tajikistan, Communication No.964/2001,
U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/81/D/964/2001 (2004)
8. Otabek Akhadov v. Kyrgyzstan, Communication No.1503/2006,
U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/ 101/D/ 1503/2006 (2011)
9. Saïda Musaeva v. Uzbekistan, Communication Nos. 1914,1915 and
1916/2006, U.N.Doc.CCPR/C/ 104/D/ 1914,1915&1916/2009
10. William Kamoyo v. Zambia, Communication No.1859 /2009,
U.N.Doc.CCPR/ 104/D/ 1859/2009 (2012)

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