Written testimony of Witness Miloš Andrić (pseudonym) *

Document Number
Document File

of25 January 1996
Of the hearing before the County Court in Sisak in the criminal proceedings against
defendants MILENKO JANJETOVIé AND JOV AN JERJNié, charged with criminal
offences from Article 120, Para 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic ofCroatia based
on the indictment issued by the Sisak County Office ofProsecutor, dated 3 October 1995,
No.: KT 35 and 34/95.
County Court Judge: Josip Budinski, Presiding Judge
County Court Judge: Ljubica Rendulié Holzer, member of the Trial Chamber
Judge Juror: Josip Zinié, member of the Trial Chamber
Judge Juror: Ivan Kasaié, member of the Trial Chamber
Judge Juror: Ante Jukié, member of the Trial Chamber
Court Reporter: Tihana Rendulié
The Trial Chamber presiding judges opens the hearing at 9:10 hours and announces the
topics of the hearing.
It is noted that the following persons are present at the hearing:
1. Public Prosecutor/Deputy: Miljenko Ugarkovié
2. Injured party:
3. Representative of the injured party:
4. Defendants: First Defendant and Second Defendant in person
5. Defence Counsel: Dragoslav Obrenovié and Danica Demonja, attorneys, Sisak
6. Witnesses:
7. Expert witnesses:
The hearing is open to public
Form published by RSPOU SRH Minutes on the hearing in criminal proceedings before the fivemember
Trial Chamber Printing House OPD Glina ZT 227
WITNESS MILOS ANDRié*[parents' firstnames] ( ... )and( ... ), mother's maiden
name ( ... ),born on( ... ), Croatia Dubica, ( ... ), ( ... ), ( ... ), ( ... ),
Croat, citizen of the Republic of Croatia, ( ... ), not related to
the defendants, after being duly cautioned, gives a
following statement:
In 1990, 1 was a delegate of the HrvatskaKostajnica Municipal Assembly. Most
delegates of the Assembly were of Serb ethnie origin. Already in 1990, there were
differences among the delegates of Serb and Croat ethnie origin. The delegates of Serb
ethnie origin wanted Kostajnica to be detached as a separate municipality, which would
then become a part of the so-called SAO Krajina (Serbian Autonomous Region of
Krajina). Since the majority of delegates were Serbs, they left and established their own
Assembly and were active in sorne locality outside Hrvatska Kostajnica. Before that, they
broke into the municipal building, and after they had founded their Assembly, they left in
secrecy. The main organizer ofthose events was Mile Misljenovié from Hrvatska
Dubica; he was SDS (Serbian Democratie Party) President and chief organizer of aU
On the occasion of fust elections, Serbs did not. wish to take part in our elections, but
chose to vote in separate elections [translator's note (I.N.): term election used instead of
referendum] on the annexation to so-called Serbian.SAO Krajina.
When we used to retum from the Municipal Assembly [meetings] in Kostajnica, and we
were ali- delegates - retuming to Hrvatska Dubica, and Mile Misljenovié and Mitar
Krivosié were among us, the two of them would first meet at the house of Jovo Jerinié
who would then in his Zastava 850 van pass through Hrvatska Dubica and pick up
several Serbs, and they would aU together go to a hill where was also located Mile
Misljenovié's house. There they would meet and get organised and planned their actions.
On an occasion in 1990, 1 went, together with Nikola Ordanié, to visit Nikola Manojlovié
at his house on sorne persona} business of ours, and opposite his [Manojlovié's] house is
located Mile Misljenovié's house. When we came to Nikola's place he was not at home,
and later we leamed and saw that people were coming out from Mile Misljenovié' s house
from which we concluded that they were at a meeting there.
In 1991, already in spring and summer, what occurred was that Serbs, especially elderly
people and children, began going ovemight to Bosanska Dubica, and just younger men
would re,rnain in Hrvatska Dubica, in the Dubicanska Brda (Dubicanska Hills). Namely,
barricades already appeared at the time - there was a barricade put up at a house in the
direction of Cerovljani. Along the road there were agricultural machinery and tractors,
and tree logs were ready to be placed across the road during the night.
Otherwise, Serbs continued to regularly go to work to Bosanska Dubica and Milenko
Janjetovié also went to work every day to Bosanska Dubica. However, in the summer of
that year, I cannat say now what month it was when it happened, when the Serbs stopped
a police officer who went to work from Cerovljani and confiscated his weapons. I heard it
was Milenko Janjetovié who did that, and later when he was on his way back from work
from Bosanska Dubica, 1 and Matija Zoretié met him and asked him why the weapons
had been taken from that police officer, and Matija Zoreti6 told him to retum the weapons
to avoid problems that might occur. Janjetovié responded that the weapons would not be
retumed because he, a police officer, does not need them. Later 1 talked to that police
officer, Milan Hercog, and he also said that Milan Janjetovié took his weapons. On the
mentioned occasion, Milan Hercog had his official weapon and his private one, and, in
addition, he had a tromblon [T.N.: rifle(-launched) grenadè] though 1 do not know what
kind it was. 1 do not know whether Milan Hercog was beaten by anyone when his
weapons were confiscated. 1 do not know any details about the act of weapons
confiscation, and I do not know either whether Milenko Janjetovié was on the described
occasion alone or together with sorne other Serbs.
Already in July 1991 and thereafter, most Serbs moved to Bosanska Dubica and many of
them took with them their cattle, too: In addition, Serbs who worked in Hrvatska Dubica,
abandoned their jobs already in July, and sorne of them went to Bosanska Dubica and
others to their bouses in the Dubiëka Brda (Dubiëka Hills).
1 had many acquaintances among the Serbs, and when 1 asked them why they were
leaving, they told me to f [T.N.: fuck off?] even though they had no reason to do so.
Namely, no one touched them, or maltreated or threatened them.
Already in August 1991, skirmishes broke out, especially in the Dubiëka Brda. In that
area, a special passage was eut through the forest and a machine gun was placed there,
tumed toward the Police Department in Hrvatska Dubica. 1 cannot say now what date it
was, but the biggest attack on Hrvatska Dubica took place in late August or early
September. Namely, the attack was at that time launched from Bosanska Dubica in such a
way that a part ofBosanskaDubica population withdrew, and members of the JNA
(Yugoslav People's Army) and local population, too, were on a dyke- sorne 5 kilometres
long - facing Hrvatska Dubica. The attack was carried out with infantry arms and there
were also a few strong detonations. On the evening when the attack began, the gunfire
also came from the direction of the Dubiëka Brda.
In early September, Hrvatska Kostajnica was captured and occupied, as weil as Dvor, and
villages between Dvor and Kostajnica. At the time, a police station in Kozinbrod was
already captured and police officers killed, and on that occasion, a truckload of corpses
was brought to hospital in Sisak. After this action by the Serb side, Croats began to flee
away from the occupied [T.N.: villages?] from Dvor to Kostajnica and Kostajnica's
surroundings, and those columns of people passed through Hrvatska Dubica, towards
Jasenovac. Part ofHrvatska Dubica population left, tao, and the rest of us were also
getting ready to leave.
In the meantime, Hrvatska Kostajnica was again liberated by our forces, and we retumed
again from Hrvatska Kostajnica to Hrvatska Dubica, and there were sorne people who
had never left, so we stayed there unti113 September 1991.
However, Hrvatska Kostajnica was again, for the second time, captured and occupied by
the Serbs, and an attack was then launched on Hrvatska Dubica, too, from the direction of
Bosnia. On 11 September 1991, a bridge over the Una River between Hrvatska Dubica
and Bosanska Dubica was tom down. The bridge was tom down because an armoured
break.-through (with tanks and heavy :firearms) was expected from the Bosnian side, i.e.
they [T.N.: their forces] were concentrated in Bosanska Dubica. On those days, on 13 and
14 September 1991, our police and ZNG (National Guard Corps) units withdrew to the
village ofTanec, and younger population withdrew there, too, mostly civilians. Sorne of
the elderly citizens were transported from Hrvatska Dubica to other places, via
My spouse and children left on 12 September 1991, via Jasenovac to Vara.Zdin, and I
stayed behind in the village ofTanec, wherefrom I would occasionally go to Jtvatska
Dubica, just as my other neighbours, to tend to cattle, and there was my mother who
remained in my bouse. As far as I remember, I was last at home on 18 September 1991.
On the occasion I stayed there for an hour at the most.
We were, in fact, coming back to the district ofHrvatska Dubica called Donjani which is
located 2 kilometres away from the centre of the village. At the time, Serbs from
Bosanska Dubica already started to retum and they retumed to their bouses in the
Dubicka Brda. I did not go further away from my bouse in the direction of the village
centre, but Ilija Kozarëanin was going closer towards the centre, because his bouse was
close to the centre, i.e. to the intersection towards Bosanska Dubica. He told me that he
was stopped there and was not allowed to go to his bouse. In a group of people who
stopped him were Nenad E>uraëié, Ilija Kojioé and others whose names I cannat
remember now.
After the withdrawal of Croats from Hrvatska Dubica, a total of 87 Croats nevertheless
remained in the village, aged from 35 to 100. This I know because after I bad left
Hrvatska Dubica, there remained people of Serb ethnie origin in mixed marriages. I
cannat say now how many of the mentioned total number of people remained alive and
how many now live in Hrvatska Dubica. Namely, sorne Croats who remained there in
September 1991, later, during the war, left Hrvatska Dubica with UNPROFOR's
After that, I tried to learn about the fate of my mother, and my sister who lives in
V ara.Zdin came to Bosanska Dubica and through sorne acquaintances tried to leam about
our mother' s fate. Even sorne JNA officer went to Hrvatska Dubica for this purpose, but
he failed to contact my sister afterwards, and she could not learn anything in that way.
Friends and acquaintances in Bosanska Dubica advised ber to return home for securicy
reasons. Now, after the liberation ofHrvatska Dubica, 1 have learned from people who
wëtê thërë, th at mY motnefWasalso·taken to Vattogasni Dom (Fire Station); ana ·aftër
that, there is no information about ber fate.
1 know bath defendants because I used to meet them in the village as weil as at work. I
was on especially good terms with Jovo Jerinié because his father was on good terms
with my father. In 1990, when Jovan Ra.Skovié came on the occasion of the opening of
the Centre in Rosulje, I saw Jovo Jerinié taking people in his van, in a large column of
vehicles, to that gathering.
In 1991, I personally did not see any of the defendants wearing uniform or having been
After Operation Storm, I was at Jovo Jerinié's bouse and in his courtyard, and I saw in a
courtyard building a lot of wooden joinery items, and they were older, i.e. taken out of
sorne other buildings; there were also new joinery items. I bad a close look at it because I
looked for my ownjoinery.
I also went to Milenko Janjetovié's courtyard and outbuildings because I was looking for
my things, but I did not fmd them. However, there was joinery there, too, windows and
doors. I cannot say how many items ofjoinery there were at each of defendants' because
I did not count them.
As regards my farm, everything was taken from the bouse and outbuildings; a half of the
front-side roofwas taken down as weil as part of the roof on the back side, soit rained
into the bouse. Ail installations in the bouse were demolished, from the electrical wiring
to plumbing and central heating installations. AU agricultural machines and attachments
were taken ·from my farm, and farm buildings - a stable, sheds, pigsties - ali were bumt
down. I found sorne of my things at llija Radmanovié' s place and Dus an' s place. At
Dusan' s place I found that my entire rn aize crib was moved there, and at Ilija' s place 1
found wooden hinges and severa} doors. At Ilija Vucetié's place I found my deep freezer,
two couches, a chandelier, two closets and sorne dishes, as well as sorne things belonging
to my mother - sorne clothes.
In addition, before the war, in my courtyard 1 had, together with my brother-in-law, about
100 cubic metres of woodworkltimber of various kinds, boards/planks of different
dimensions and of different wood, ash-tree, oak-tree boards etc. I also had a larger
number ofblpck bricks, about 2.5 to 3 thous~nd pieces. Now that 1 have returned to
Hrvatska DubiCa, I did not fmd them anywhere.
1 would like to mention that in 1990, Jovo Jerinié did not cultivate his land, even though
he used to cultivate it before, as he was just a farmer.
1 also watched on Banja Luka TV station when Milenko Janjetovié and Ilija Radmanovié
a.k.a Sosa were filmed on a position near village ofUstica, when Janjetovié said that the
Serbian Republic of SAO Krajina bad been defended on that position- [it was the] "Na
braniku domovine" (In the Defense ofHomeland) show.
The witness also presents the Serbian Krajina Army news magazine "Graniéar" (Border
Guard) of7 February 1995, Issue No. 2.
The attached news magazine is appended to the case file and will be read during the
course of hearing.
It bas been noted that a story on the First Defendant Milenko Janjetovié is on page 3 of
the publication.
Answering a question by the de fen ce attorney of the First Defendant, the witness sa ys
that police offi.cer Milan Herceg was atone when his weapons were taken from him. On
that occasion, according to what he leamed from Hercog himself, in addition to
Janjetovié there were other Serbs there, but he does not know how many of them and
who they were.
Answering a further question, the witness states that he was at Milenko J~etovié's
bouse and in his courtyard five or six. days after Operation Storm.
Answering a question by the defence counsel of the Second Defendant, the witness says
that he came to Jovan Jerinié's bouse and courtyard before he came to Milenko
Janjetovié' s bouse. Next to the shed there was a large number of containers/bins, but he
does not know how many because he did not count them.
The First Defendant Milenko Janjetovié makes an objection to the part ofwitness
statement where the witness stated that he took the weapons from police officer Milan
Hercog, and claims that he did not do that, and makes a proposai that Milan Hercog
himselfbe called and beard as a witness.
Parties and defence counsel present at the hearing have no further questions for the
The witness bas nothing else to state.
The witness does not request the payment of expenses.
Record of the Out-of-Court Hearing ofWitness
Taken on 12 June 2012 on behalf of the County Court in Rijeka, War Crime Department, at
the Hrvatska Kostajnica Municipal Court, rn the criminal proceedings against the First
Defendant Branko Dmitrovié and others, charged with the criminal offence from Article
120, paragraph 1 of the Basic Criminal Code of the Republic ofCroatia.
1. Presiding Judge:
2. Court Stenographer:
Ika Sarié
Branka Jukopila
Beginning at 8:50 hours
It is noted that the following are present at the witness hearing:
- Deputy County Prosecutor, Rijeka: Doris Hrast
- Defense Counsel: attorney Vinko Dizdar, Novska, for the Second Defendant
Slobodan Borojevié
attorney Ruzica Spasojevié, Rijeka, for the Seventh Defendant
Katica Pekié
attorney Aris Sarunié, Rijeka for the Third Defendant Milinko
attorney Klaudio Dekleva, Rijeka, for the Sixth Defef!.dant Veljko
It is noted that the witness Ivica Kropffailed to appear at today's hearing; the
summons sent to him retumed with information "he moved from his address in Dubica".
Witness: MILOS ANDRié*
Father's Name: ( ... )
Date ofBirth: ( ... )
Occupation: ( ... )
Place of Residence: ( ... ), ( ... )
Relation with the Defendant: not related
... .The_witnesshas .been.instructed .within.the meaning.ofArticle.324.oftheCriminaL
Procedure Act, about his duty to state before the court everything he knows about the case,
and that giving false testimony is a criminal o:ffence, as well as within the meaning of
Article 236 of the Criminal Procedure Act, that he is not bound to answer particular
questions if it is likely that he would th us expose himself or his close relative to serious
disgrace, considerable material damage or criminal prosecution, and that he is entitled to
file an indemnification claim.
The witness states:
My mother ( ... ), maiden name- ( ... ),born in( ... ), lived in 1991 together with me in
the house in Hrvatska Dubica; she was taken to the (Fire) Station where there were also
Kata Krizmanié and Danica Krizmanié who were her relatives; my mother was later taken
away by bus. She was identified after the exhumation of this mass grave in Baéin. Namely,
she was identified by the DNA analysis. I last saw my mother when Kostajnica had already
fallen, on 11 December; we went to Jasenovac at the time, and I would give a lift to Juraj
Filakovié to the village ofTanec, and he would then take a shortcut and visit my mother,
too, bring her sorne bread, and he told me that they used to come to her house and question
her, that they told her to remain there until a different decision has been made, and when
the bridge was tom dawn, it was no longer possible to cross over to that side. They led ali
those civilians fust as human shields from Dubica to the ironworks because they thought
that the area was mined, and since they found nothing, they brought them back home in
arder to collect them again and transport them to the Fire Station from where sorne of them
were rescued, someone rescued sorne of them. In this way, Danica Krizmanié, Kata
Krizmanié and Marija Mucavac were rescued from that Station. Namely, Kata Krizmanié's
grandson Nebojsa Cibié from Bosanska Dubica issued an order to Stevo Radunovié and
Jovo Zmijanac, who was Kata's neighbour, to immediately release them or else he would
kill them. Danica Krizmanié and Kata Krizmanié told me that they spent several days at the
Fire Station, th en they were then released, and then again picked up and taken to the Fire
Station from where they were released again.
Asked whether Danica and Kata Krizmanié told me about the number of civilians
held at the Fire Station, I answer that they did not say anything about the number, they
mentioned people whom they saw there, they said that the Station was full of people; when
asked how large the Fire Station room where the civilians were held is, I answer that it is 10
by 10, or 10 by 12 metres, and there were also sorne benches and beds there. Danica and
Kata recounted that they were guarded by guards Marin Krivosié, Nikola Kovacevié, Ilija
Radmanovié, Jovo Zmijanac, Dmitar Krivosié and Milenko Janjetovié. I do not know of
what unitthose people were members; in general, they were aU in JNA (Yugoslav People's
Army) uniforms and uniforms of the former civil defense. This group (consisting of) Ilija ·.
Radmanovié, Milenko Janjetovié, Zmijanac, Radmanovié, Krivosié, they collected those
people and took them to the Station; the bus from Dubica was driven by Stevo Dodos and
the bus from Cerovljani was driven by Vasa Paukovié. A total of 14 persans went missing
from Cerovljani, and they are still registered as missing persans. However, it has to be said
that even before those civilians were collected, Bara Blinja and sorne others were killed. A
total of 63 persons went missing from Hrvatska Du bi ca and 55 were found. I am handing
over for the case file a list of civilians from Hrvatska Dubica, Cerovljani, Predor and Baéin
who went missing. It is the list that I have made and which was later supplemented .
.. Civilians.from_CerovljanLwereJransported.to_the..Eire_Station..inlkv:atska.D.ubica_on_the ....
second or third day because they were first taken to the Station in Cerovljani. The fact that
civilians from Dubica were driven by Stevo Dodos, and civilians from Cerovljani by
Paukovié was confirmed by Kata Krizmanié, now late Marija Mucavac who was also at the
Station, and I think that Slavko Kucuk also confirmed it.
Asked whether I know anything about who transported the civilians from the Fire
Station in Baéin, I answer that the same two persons did, i.e. Dodos and Paukovié. I,
personally, do not know the names and sumames of the members ofthat Serb Army who
were in those buses with civilians driven by Dodos and Paukovié towards Baéin, but, in
general, those were ail local people.
When asked who killed civilians in Baéin, my answer is that I beard that sorne unit
arrived and gunned them clown from the road - the civilians who were in the clearing - in
the lower position than the road; when asked whose unit it was, I answer that it was the
JNA, the soldiers in the JNA uniforms; the civilians were in a group in that area between
the road and the Una River and then they were gunned clown. It happened at less than 20
metres away from the Una River. People from the Bosnian side recounted that they were
listening to the cries for help for a day or two because sorne of tho se civilians were not
instantly killed, they were wounded and though wounded they managed to crawl to the Una
River bank. The next day Borde Jerinié came with an excavator [bulldozer] as he worked at
the Utility Service, and he dug a ho le and then they pushed the civilians into it. I was
present at the identification when that ho le was dug out. Those civilians were heaped there,
ail crumpled. Many of them were struck to death, having been hit with hard objects on the ir
heads; those who were still alive where killed in that way.
Milenko Petkovié from Bosanska Dubica used to live in Hrvatska Dubica. Perhaps
he had done many things. He used to say ail kinds of things and I think he should be
questioned, I think he knows many things. Kaéa Pekié wore a uniform and she did aU kind
ofthings to other people; she and Milenko Petkovié surely have information about the
civilians from the Fire Station. I cannot say specifically what Kaéa did to people, but
Dragica Runjié, now her surname is Matijevié, and Milka Porkulabié went to the Fire
Station and they have specifie information about what happened to those civilians and what
When asked whether I know - wh en I say that a JNA unit gunned clown the civilians
from the road- who the commanding officer ofthat unit was, my answer is that it was
Branko Dmitrovié and Borojevié who was a commanding officer in Komogovina, and I
think that Begovié was the Chief of Police in Kostajnica.
When asked wh ether I lmow what the relation was among the Territorial Defense,
the JNA, a special unit from Komogovina, and the police commanded by Begovié, my
answer is that they were ali the same.
I was a delegate of the Kostajnica Municipality, and on 19 December 1990 a
meeting of the Municipal Assembly was held. The topic of the annexation of the
municipality to the so-called SAO Krajina (Serbian Autonomous Region ofKrajina) was
. _.. .on_th.e.._ag~ud.a._lm.d_th_«:Ls~-~-lllQI.dl'!m:.!'l_<i.alLda.y~ong;_pre[l.~nt a.tJbJl_s_es_siP..IJ..F-.er_e_Bxanko___ __ _ ..
Dmitrovié, Mile Misljenovié and ali ofthat SDS (Serb Democratie Part) team; we went
home as Iate as 10 p.m., and on 24 December, the municipal building was broken into and a
decision was adopted at that time on the joining SAO Krajina, and then they went to Knin,
and this group from Dubica- Misljenovié, Kucuk and the rest of us who normally attended
the sessions, stopped attending. Bosko Popovié was appointed Head ofMunicipality, and
when it came to the dismissal of officiais, when it was broken into the municipal building,
Branko Dmitrovié was appointed Municipal Assembly President.
When asked whether 1 knew Slobodan Borojevié, 1 answer that 1 think he originates
from the village ofBorojeviéi, and when asked ifl know Slobodan Borojevié who came
with a JNA unit from Bosnia, 1 answer negatively, but 1 know that a unit came from Bosnia
that cleansed Predore and then sorne members of that unit from Bosanska Dubica were
killed, and th en Flekaci were killed in retaliation.
As regards Baéin, people from Baéin were collected in the same period when
civilians from Dubica were collected, however, sorne of them were collected even before,
for examp1e, the Felbabié family who was talcen by Surlan to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The shooting started in this area ofHrvatska Dubica in the summer of 1991 because
they- the Serbs- were on the hill, and we, the ZNG (National Guard Corps) were down
and kept watcbes. We withdrew from Dubica to the Tanad location; 1 think it was 12
September. Hrvatska Kostajnica feU on 9 September and then we attempted a breakthrough
on 10 and 11 September, and then Kostajnica again feil on 13 September.
When the ZNG forces withdrew from Dubica, about 80 persans remained in Dubica
togetber with those who were rescued from the Fire Station. Sorne of the Dubica villagers
were not taken to the Fire Station. Thus, Nikola Grabonja told Jelena Stipié to stay at home,
in the cellar, and to contact no one until be cornes. Grabonja was not a member ofthe army;
it was an elderly man who was ber neigbbour.
Jovica Majstorovié who was, perbaps, sorne kind of assistant in that Serbian Army
rescued Smiljanié' s mother, Marija Smiljanié, from being sent to the Station. Among others
who stayed in Dubica were Misko Karagié and his mum Manda, and they were allegedly
saved from being sent to the Station by Dusko Tramoscanin, who was a school principal in
Dubica and 1, personally, have not seen him in uniform. Branko Majstorovié was in a bus
going towards the Fire Station and he was taken out of the bus. Branko Majstorovié's
spouse, Julijana, was allegedly also in the bus and she was sent home from the Station by
Dorô:e Uzelac, i.e. Dorô:e Uzelac's father. Nikola Sabalj, Julijana's brother, also ended up at
the Fire Station, and he was later rescued by someone, I do not know who it was. Branko
Majstorovié later became a guard, he was their assistant, and then someone killed him.
Furthermore, Anka Kesié and Marija Kesié were saved by Gliso Obrenovié from being sent
to the Fire Station; Obrenovié 1 am talking about was a member of paramilitary forces.
Grandmother Mikié, Duka Mikié's mother, was saved by someone from Bosanska Dubica,
I do not know exactly who it was; and Juraj Barié was also sent over to Bosanska Dubica.
Among the people who were held at the Fire Station and who were saved by
............... someone are Slavko ~!-!-~l!!<:.,_.!?~~g_JY.!_aj~!9.!2Yié, Q.~!~~:Kfi~f!ll:l~iÇ, I~_a:fl:l.!Y~~l:l!Û~,_ ..
Marija Mucavac and sorne others, about a dozen of them.
I would like to mention that the defendant Marin Krivosié bas to know about the
fate of civilian Stjepan Huska. Namely, Stjepan Huska bad a lot of material in his bouse,
and then a group of people came wanting to misappropriate it, to steal it, so they beat him
up and tortured him. My mum went to ask Nikola and Marin Krivosié to intervene, thus,
Marin Krivosié bas to know what happened to Stjepan Huska; Milan Sestié was also killed
- about his fate nothing is known. As far as Huska is concemed, a group of people from
Bosanska Dubica used to be mentioned; also, that Huska was a member ofUstasha in the
World W ar II and he was, therefore, doomed and they came to kill him. A rumour was
spread that he was killed in a summer kitchen and bumt dawn together with that summer
kitchen; however, when there was an investigation and identification was conducted, sorne
bones were found there, but those were not human bones. Nenad and Bara Huska used to
go to Nikola Krivosié to ask him about the fate of Stjepan Huska, but he never wanted to
tell them anything about it, so the defendant Marin Krivosié should know about it. I have
retumed to Dubica after Operation Storm.
In Dubica, in my neighbourhood, about 50 Croat bouses were destroyed. Where the
roofs on the bouses were in better repair, they would take it ali dawn and transport to
Serbia, and where the bouse material was not so good, they bumt it ali.
Later, I went to Serb bouses looking for the things from my bouse; thus, I went to
llija Vucetié's and Nikola Kovacevié's bouses and there I found my couch, carpets, deep
freezer and other things from my bouse. I was also in Ilija Radmanovié's bouse where I
found sorne of my things.
I also have two sisters who lived at the time in V ara.Zdin. My younger sister tried to
intercede for our mother and she went frrst to Prijedor, and then to Bosanska Dubica and
there she met with Milorad Subotié, Nebojsa and Jasna Vejnovié asking them to intercede
for my mother. Milorad Subotié was a soldier and he was supposed to intervene and go to
get my mother, but he said that my mother was safe and that we should not worry at ali; on
the occasion, he said nothing about the civilians having been killed, and my mother was
already killed. I also tried to leam about my mother's fate through UNPROFOR (United
Nations Protection Force), and, in addition, llija Loncar tried to leam something about my
mother through me rn bers of the Serb Army, Dus an and Stevo Milovcevié, so that she could
be saved, but they bad done nothing, even though I was on very good terms with them, and
after that they never again came to my place.
I file an indemnification claim amounting to 250,000 kuna. The addresses of my
sisters are( ... ),( ... ), Vara.Zdin, and I will subsequently briùg you the address of my sister
( ... ).
Answering the question by the County Prosecutor, he says:
1 used to know Stevo Dodos earlier, but I did not ask him anything; he lives over
there and I do not go over there. He is even married (to a woman) from Dubicka Brda, but I
cannat go there and ask him to tell me that, because he will tell me the same thing as ail the
.... JJthers ::Jhaths:Ld_o_e1UlP.tkn.o_w.anything,:fuÇJ.1_tl1J~Y-:W.!':!re QQQ_k~- ~t_ç_.l.b.i!Y~.ask~d. thatthis_ ·-. _ _____ _ ___ __
matter be officially established and that he be questioned.
Answering the question by the defense counsel of the Second Defendant, he
responds: ·
As regards the number of days that passed from the collection of civilians, i.e. their
arrest. until the day they were brought to Baéin, my answer is that severa! days passed, less
than a week, but Dragica Matijevié and Milka Porkulabié will know more about it because
they used to go to those civilians. They deliberated for a couple of days what to do with
those people. ''Martié's men" were there, they were former police officers, and there were
also "Martié' s men" who looted, sorne were local and sorne came from elsewhere. Predor
was cleansed in September or October; I do not know the exact date; Miéo ëorié and Josip
Josipovié know more aboutit.
Asked what was the relation between "Martié's men" and the JNA, I answer that
they were on good terms, it was the same team, they say different things, but think the
Asked by the Presiding Judge whether 1 beard of an alleged meeting held at the
Dubica Local Community Co un cil on 18 October 1991, related to the remaining civilians
and whether I know who was present at that meeting, I respond that 1 beard about the
meeting, and that present at the meeting were MomCilo Kovacevié, who was police
commander, late Nedeljko Bakié who used to issue certificates required to cross the bridge.
At the time, President of the Local Community Council was Mile Popovié, I do not know
the name of his deputy, but I will fmd it out for you. Surely present at the meeting were
Mile Misljenovié, Mitar Krivosija, Jovica Jerenié, Milinko Janjetovié and sorne of the
Runié guys; that was the SDS elite from Dubica, and with regard to the relationship ofthat
SDS elite with the First Defendant Branko Dmitrovié, I respond that they aU most likely
shared Branko Dmitrovié's political views, within the meaning of creation of"Greater
It is true that Mile Popovié was in a relationship with Mile Martié (translator's note:
· it is not clear in Croatian which one of them was the other's best man), there is sorne
footage of the wedding party, a film was made aboutit, I do not have it, but I watched it;
members of that elite group that 1 mentioned were also Stevo Ratkovié and his son.
When asked who was formally and actually President of the Dubica Local
Community Council in October 1.991, I respond that I do not know whether they dismissed
Mile Popovié, you can ask him.
The witness does not request the payment of expenses.
The witness, instructed within the meaning of Article 75 of the Criminal Procedure
Act, points out that he dcies not wish to read the record since he listened when it was loudly
dictated and he signs the record by his own band.
Presiding Judge
Court Reporter Witness

Document Long Title

Written testimony of Witness Miloš Andrić (pseudonym) *
