Written testimony of Witness Ivan Krylo (pseudonym)

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NMY.r.rt, FA'1WIB.R1S NA!tvlE! ·lt~~l)lt, { ... }
~~'ï!a A:!ii?.,'{l~I\.GE.P.F BlRTH~ [ ... ], Skabrnja, Zadarconnty, CrQatia
·J:w.~!l??.~~:J .. !.~)t Ç~.n~i~. . .
TEI\-1P9MR:Y ~SJI?ENCJ31 ( ... ), Cro.ntta
Ëm}J)ë!Afio'N:· bigli school
PJtàlt· .. .èi~l [ . .rJ
EMP.b. . T;.
'MMtrAlt $'f.Aif'US:.
CITlZBNSmJI: Jt~püblic ofCroatia.
·NA'liJONALITY~ ~ontlan
·r giv~ th.~ fu..Uaw.ing
· S'l'ATEMEN:t"
On NovÇmber 18, 199·11 in the ·mo.rrtlng·around 7:40 am, gtenadcs began tG full on the
çt!J(Jlçuity p·üre, Cr6atiai1 village· of Slrobmja. We IC~speetéd the 4urtutge at 8!00. t\111• Tanks
wefi: ituiv.lng towards -lite village from the dircctil)n of Gomjl Zemunil< and from the
diréctlon·of.fi.le. flël~s. Our boys 4cstroyed two tanks, o tn~n~port-er and a munition's tn1ck.
A•t·unb'e.lie~a61~ nl.lnjlièt of ~teimdes ~nd ptojectilcs of ever.y calibre fèll upon the .viJtage .
. Qiir·.~l~lilllc:a: l~t~d çn.{y ·a short whilç iln~ lhen the. JNA infantry and tanks enter~d. Utc
•.!.!! •'
• '1.'' ;,,•·:·r~11;:'.jti~'Ji."~t.~~'· .fll~g'J!J!:i!lti~~iPI!l
· villuge, liring nt: :\bè bouses, Womcn, c~Ut:lre•t· and the eld~.r-ly sought refuge. in their
·~~elbeltjfl,, ·the nrmy whipb l}ntçred th\! village wore JNA milltary dress and dccorntion.
l'liefi:(WCr.~ r~gUI;ll' soldier~ no,d local Serbs, sorne wc.."l'e ntnsked. An old man l't:l~W,~izcd
};Vafle~ •;th~ is !iow d!er. c~lle(i'!trm. We sought r~fuge in the bascment:,. we wera in civilian
-$~11· tfu'~t!i·fbllo.\vcd: 1'ë~me·out-o~ els.e. w~ \~~ll·blow you up!'' Thby oepellt.'ùf -~~s l.hr.e~
f:imll!i, Wcr.b!fd t"- h~li'ir'~, on~ ~Y one. They caplur~d us; lusulted us.l heatd one sa~: "They
•slm'uld ,ii.lf li~:~ l.<.îlled .. immedintel)•". ln Uté nexl two baseniênts·, they· kil! cd six or seven
p.e~p1~··son1e \Vëte èaprured and ·tüken (o Smilëi6,;Where tTt~Y Wc»"e prob.iihly ldlfc;d.:11bey
________·@ tÏiëriid :uii ·tëgëlher and lbok us 1o oillf ·end of lhe. villilg~ whet<Uhey_p,\l.Lti!LÎIJJ~~4------------1
·nâS.~men't. f,hëy lQJ)k uS' jn5ldè ·nn!ier U.reat, 111id later retumcd tis O!l.tside-, Lafcr, they
sb_qvéil t,JS jnl'Ô .~· hll~.t'!n~ bçgan Uçating us. 1lu3.y bea~ us with tlteir fists, tellt, guns and the
l.ikil; .Lâl~I'-IÏltW b~(!~·~li ~0 acl\ltovat:, Wh~re they coniÎntled 10. beat US; nnq fqrccd US lo
l!ffçc,~ will~. our '\l1ç~$,-pown1'; With m~ were f ... ], [ ... ]·my father, [ ... J, [ ... )
tm4 [ ... )i TJte;v b~:a~:~;nltn~t ln ~enkovac. They
ord~I'C1d. us. tO' s.[t· with·our lem; faci.ng the wall, and 1h1.m they beat us the cntire night. The
11e~t=day at.around l'loon we went to Kitin in at1annored vchlcle. Our arrns wcre l:ieiJ behind·
. 1.1ur bncks. ~nd eur I:Wo guards were soldicrs. They did not allow us to sit oitthè sents, but
miloer. Via hnd to sit on the floor. Hcre they beat us once agnin- witb clubs, feet..: aUthe way
tçi.~ill. ln Kniu, -.vbèn w" w~re lcnving the car, they p.u.~hed us into a. basemcnt. Sevetal of
·tHèir solili~rs ~tMtei:J: h.er~nmd moeked Il~. Then th~y lOOk us for qucstioning. Before they
1ook us Tor.·questioli.ing,. Utêy beni· us, fQr!:led ùs to Jick .tlie wall, ntJd. kick~4 pe.Qpl,q..in ~lw·
!.Ji'êud, ''liw.ë:nty-fivë' o.f:u~:sfieutrtb.e \Vhtteriti a thr~ by fiv~ ~qiJUre nu~t~;~rs.roam. For theflt'st
~ay 4iiidt!.~~lll~ thl}y. diUi:u:it:giVe-us:nnyf.ùt'ld- the gilards thrcw htou~>lil~uchnway:so
· thliJ · we· \Vo~ld ·IJ~t gct ~t. Whi111 dieîr~ wa!i .fighting .llf K1,1pres; th~y ·brought 1~eople from
a~oVij' !Jlld .\$.nsfe·r.red u.~ tÇ) tlw spprts complcx, so thuy cQuld torture lhe n~wly arriv.cd
C:!jpl~}.'es. i_:lle.y pl,lt. qs. 'lllnvor,k't. Wc u.nkmdcd co.al, sawed wood, ~;~leai:J!!d •. E.verytbing·tltat
ih!l-l' !ao~.ed1 we ... ~tq~ !Tl a wru.:chouso. Luter one group weut-to n ·prisoner éXi:I'Ïiinge, Thcre
wc mc~Mr. M)adié, ht!~r proa.Jttiinoo a \'i;;~r criminal. The Sl.irbian polic-~t, no~v guards in llie
camp, were .pred~mi'niintl)' tom1cr mllrood \vor.kcrs. TIIey were recognlzed by [ ... ]
tùi~· .~M.] l:içc~'iisc 'they. .worked IQI!,elher. Thcse palice officers would
il[loW' · stildict:S rètiuïimg fi.om the front to abuse us or tnâltreat us. l11cy in~~iyely beat
men'tb:~rs·!:!f tllè .Crq~doit National· Gunrd. The command~r of the pris-on was the fïrst class
SêrgeqtU.;. ·Sbtobnd, 1?\lt his replaa,.,lncmt Jovo, is now in a prison in Sibcnik. This Jovo
ve~ë)l)'cmtJy bë,rtt u.nvh~n we nrtlv~d i·n Knin, and con(!ucte~ intcrrqgations. They especially
beil! c~pii~ fro~· «ç.~govina. and member:s of HOS (Crontian Defence P.cirç_qs). We
wçre in the South Camp mi:litary bnsc.
Whell, ·the ·u.NPROF<:JR arrlved in lllid·March, we were transf13rrcd to the civil.lan prispn,
ê;:Jiled Martié's ·prîso.n. J;ltm;!, two police officors, G11.1bié and E>uro, bel'!~ us the who le l'ime.
When they cbanged shi(ts, we rec;elved bentiugs. This toiture' \vas· .. ii1t~nsît:î~d '\VIi~.~ ·tit.ey.
found ouf about the prison~r cxcbnngç. Young. )Ji.êfl, atp~Qd 18: yçat~, otèl, s'dn):l .. •\'lf,.~git!li'
generais, bcat·us. The düy befo.re tbe t,jriso~et exchll'!'lge, the.ne\l!f.eut 11te: mun:as fll!.d' l'!#~r
t93 days· we were excbanged/r~lensed in ~itnié .• Th~y- t:~nstantly ·tQid. us thBt· ayr .pçQpte
would not tnlte lls.-t·he·t>cop!c wc werc figlrting for.
Zadar. Janunry 5, J.99J
Stntt.~mcnt given by:
Ivan Ktylo
Statemènt tid;;ell by:
Miij'enl~o Buljnn

Document Long Title

Written testimony of Witness Ivan Krylo (pseudonym)
