Written testimony of Witness Marija Katić

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Second Witness Statement ofMARI.TA KA Tié
(Original Statement at Memorial Annex 40)
Address: ...
Date ofBirth: 21.02.1956.
Place of Birth: BOGDANOVCI
Occupation: RETffiEE
Date ofstatement: 13.09.2010.
Location: VUKOVAR
I have been shown a copy of a statement dated 23111 June 1997., the first sentence of which states
"Serbian-Chetnik fonnations attacloed the village of Bogdanovci with tank and mortar fire in the
afiernoon hours," The statement con tains 2 page.
I conftrm that the statement I have been shown was made by me. I confirm that its contents are true to
the best of my knowledge and belief. I confirm that I gave the statement voluntarily, and was not
subjected to any threat, force or inducement in making it.
I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.
Marija Katié 13.09.2010.
Signed Date
Witnessed by (Authorized official):
Vlatko Marosevié 13.09.2010.
Signed Date
Made in the offices ofthe police Department (PU) Vukovar-Srijem on 24 June 1997 of the
informative interview with Marija Katié, daughter of Josip and Mara, born on 21 February
1956 in Bogdanovci, Municipality Bogdanovci, with residence in ... , and who is currently a
refugee in Vinkovci, at no.2 Lapovaèka Street. As weil as with Branko K.rajna, son of Mate
and Ivka, born on 26 May 1952 in the village ofGalicié, Municipality G. Vakuf, Republic
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with residence in ... , and who is currently a refugee in
Rokovci, refugee camp "Blace". An interview was coiJducted also with Ranko Sokac, son
of Antun and Amalija, born on 11 July 1960 in Vukovar, with residence in ... , and
currently a refugee in Rokovci at the refugee camp "Blace". They ali testified concerning
the circumstances of the aggression and the occupation of Bogdanovci by the SerbiaChetnik
formations and the so-called JNA during 1991.
During the interview with the witnesses, we found out that during August 1991 the SerbianChetnik
formations attacked the village of Bogdanovci with tank and mortar fire in the
aftemoon hours, from the direction of the village of Brsadin and the "Bergaj" forest.
During this attack, six mortar and tank grenades feil on the village and one feU on the tower
of the local Catholic church, on which occasion the tower and the roof covering of the
church were damaged as weil as sorne family bouses and farm buildings next to the church.
During this attack the civilian Ilija Matijasevié was injured in the abdomen.
After this attack the aggressor continued its artillery attacks every few days with 10 to 20
grenades every day and continued destroying farnily bouses and farming objects.
During September, they attacked the village with two planes for the first time and during
this period they shelled the medical corps which was located in the house of Cetko
Mihajlovic and also threw three cluster bombs. Due to the explosioin of these bombs the
following persons were injured: VERA KJS, ZELJKO PRCE, VLADO PRCE, ZRlNKA
BARLEèAJ (suffered severe injuries), and others whose names l cannot remember, which
means thirty persons.
During September they continued their daily artillery attacks, i.e. to destroy Bogdanovci
from the direction of Brsadin and the "Dergaj" forest which is near Brsadin, and during
these attacks, they complete! y destroyed. the Catholic church of "The Holy Cross" and the
building of the local school ofBogdanovci.
In the afternoon of 2 October 1991, after artillery preparations the combined tank-infantry
attack on .Bogdanovci started from the direction of the occupied village of Petrovac,
Marinci and Brsadin. During this attack, the village was completely surrounded and nobody
could get in or out anymore. During the attack, the following persons were murdered in the.
bouse of Antun Mrkobasié: Ana Zvonarevié, Marta Grubanovié, Josip Dominikovié, Josip
Marijanovié, Stana Simié, Zdravka Katié, Duro Katié and Ivo Krizanovié. They were
murdered by members of the so-called JA throwing severalliand grenades into the cellar of
this bouse. The following persons survived in the cellar and suffered severe injuries: Marija
Simié imd Marica Marijanovié. The above-mentioned murdered persons were buried in the ·
yard in front of this bouse, but the witnesses do not know who buried them (the witnesses
do not know the exact location in the y'ard).
On 2 October 1991, the following persons were also killed: Dominko Ceranac, Zvonko
Vukovié (aka Strikan) and Silvester Edelinski. Ail three of them were killed by firearms.
The witnesses do not kn?w where the three were killed or where they were buried
During October they continue to attack the village from the air, and dQring one of these
attacks they also used incendiary bombs, which completely burnt down the family bouse
and the farming objects ofSlavko Dvojkovié. ·
The village of Bogdanovci was attacked daily with artillery Weapons from ali directions,
~til the village feil into the bands of the so-called JA and the other paramilitary Chetnik
formations on 10 November 1991, when in the afternoon hours tanks, transporters and the
infantry ofthe aggressor army entered the village.
The civilians and defenders who were still in the village after the aggressor had entered,
retreated to the medical corps, to be precise to the cellar, and the aggressor army fired four
tank grenades into this building from close range. Since the village cou1d not be defended
any longer, the defenders and the civilians split into severa! groups and started their
breakthrough towards Vinkovci in the afternoon.
The witnesses succeeded in breaking through the enemy !ines and came to Nüstar in the
morning hours of Il November 1991.
The witnessei;i testified that, as well as they can remember, the following persons remained
in Bogdanovci after its occupation: Ivka Krajina, Franjo Kolar, Katica Kolar, Branko Visié,
Dragica Gabrié, Ivo Aimas, Zeljko Antié, Ivan Barun, Ilija Tadié, Ana Tadié, Mato
Ceranac, Artica Ceranac, Kata Ceranac, Stanko Filkovac, Ivica Plum, Ivica Crnomarié,
Rozalija Sefèik, Andrija Aimas, Tomislav Konjovod, Pero ·Matié, Josip Jerkovié, Andelina
Anokié, Nikola Paljosaj, Zef Barlecaj, Ljilja Barlecaj, Vera Barlecaj, Krasnicki, Kristo
Lesaj, Stjepan Bartulovié, Ivan Begonja, Slavko Begonja, Tomislav Biez, Pavo Katié, Ilija
Marié, Pavao Sad, Marija Mazar, Ivan Mazar, Andrija Knezevié, Evica Knezevié, Martin
Pankovié, Anka Pankovié, Marika Dvojkovié, Marin Ceranac, Marija Ceranac, Lela
Mesnik, Duka Mesnik, Marko Penié, Franjo Jerkovié, Duka Simié, Kata Simié, Slavica .
Dvojkovié, Dominko Matijasevié; Marko Bajac, Stjepan Matijasevié, Josip Knezevié,
Stjepan Tadijanovié, Zdravko Mariëek and his wife. ~
The following from the above managed to leave Bogdanovci after its occupation: Franjo
Jerkovié, Marija Jerkovié, Anka Pankovié, Marija Dvojkovié (she is currently in Vukovar),
:E>uro Mesnik (currently at his daughter's bouse in Tovarnik) and Janko Gabrié.
The witness Marija Katié also stressed that she bad spoken to an older unknown male
individual from the village of Petrovac who told her that after the fall of Bogdanovci he bad
helped collect and bury the murdered bodies. The witness also says about this individual
that his son works in the logistics of the 10111 Vukovar Home Guard Regiment, and that his
first name is MIROSLAV, and his surname possibly HARHAJ, or something similar.
The witnesses also testifies that a certain TIBOR ROKLICER from Vukovar (married to a
woman from Bogdanovci) also participated in the collecting and burying of the murdered
people after the fall of Bogdanovci, but as far as they know, this individual emigrated to
The witnesses also state that the village of Bodanovci was completely destroyed, and that
during the destruction ten people who were killed, were buried in the so-called School
Square in such a way that their bodies were wrapped in tents and buried with a bottle. next
to their bodies. These botties contained the data of the dead persons. The witness states that
MARKO PENA VIé was buried in his yard next to the shack and that he was buried by
Branko Krajina, Marko Konjovod and lvica Simunovié, they covered the grave with metal.
Statemen taken by Authorized Official: STJEPAN PERICAK
Statement given by: Marija Katié

Document Long Title

Written testimony of Witness Marija Katić
