Declaration of Judge Gaja

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Over the years the Court has increased the transparency of its deliberations. In its
judgments, the Court records in the operative part (dispositif) all the main decisions, whether it
accepts or rejects the requests of the Parties. Moreover, it gives the names of the judges who voted
in favour or against each decision. However, when it comes to orders on provisional measures,
transparency is still wanting. The Court states in the dispositif the decisions which grant, possibly
in a modified form, the requests of one of the Parties, but, when it indicates some measures, it does
not record in the operative part the rejection of other requests. No reference is made by the Court
in any part of the order to the opinions of individual judges with regard to the rejection of these
Following this practice, in the present Order the dispositif only specifies the measures
indicated by the Court, or more accurately most of them, since the indicated deferment of the
execution of any measure of confiscation concerning the building at 42 avenue Foch in Paris,
which is stated in paragraph 95 of the Order, is hardly covered by the dispositif. What appears to
be missing in particular is the decision on the request concerning the immunity of
Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue from criminal jurisdiction, although the matter is discussed
in a large part of the reasons. This way of proceeding may allow the Court, as in the case of the
present Order, to reach unanimity in all the votes stated in the Order. However, it cannot hide that,
as some individual opinions attached to the Order show, divergent views were expressed
concerning the request for immunity.
It may be excessive to suggest that all the decisions concerning even minor requests of
provisional measures should be recorded in the dispositif. However, when a large part of an order
is devoted to discussing a certain issue, it would be reasonable, in the interest of greater
transparency, for the Court to give due emphasis to its decision on that issue and state which judges
were in favour and which were against.
(Signed) Giorgio GAJA.

Bilingual Content

Over the years the Court has increased the transparency of its deliberations.
In its judgments, the Court records in the operative part (dispositif)
all the main decisions, whether it accepts or rejects the requests of the
Parties. Moreover, it gives the names of the judges who voted in favour
or against each decision. However, when it comes to orders on provisional
measures, transparency is still wanting. The Court states in the dispositif
the decisions which grant, possibly in a modified form, the requests
of one of the Parties, but, when it indicates some measures, it does not
record in the operative part the rejection of other requests. No reference
is made by the Court in any part of the order to the opinions of individual
judges with regard to the rejection of these requests.
Following this practice, in the present Order the dispositif only specifies
the measures indicated by the Court, or more accurately most of them,
since the indicated deferment of the execution of any measure of confiscation
concerning the building at 42 Avenue Foch in Paris, which is stated
in paragraph 95 of the Order, is hardly covered by the dispositif. What
appears to be missing in particular is the decision on the request concerning
the immunity of Mr. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue from criminal
jurisdiction, although the matter is discussed in a large part of the
reasons. This way of proceeding may allow the Court, as in the case of
the present Order, to reach unanimity in all the votes stated in the Order.
However, it cannot hide that, as some individual opinions attached to the
Order show, divergent views were expressed concerning the request for
It may be excessive to suggest that all the decisions concerning even
minor requests of provisional measures should be recorded in the dispositif.
However, when a large part of an order is devoted to discussing a
certain issue, it would be reasonable, in the interest of greater transparency,
for the Court to give due emphasis to its decision on that issue and
state which judges were in favour and which were against.
(Signed) Giorgio Gaja.
Au fil des années, les délibérations de la Cour ont gagné en transparence.
Lorsqu’elle rend un arrêt, la Cour consigne ainsi toutes ses grandes
décisions, aussi bien en ce qu’elle accepte qu’en ce qu’elle rejette les
demandes des parties ; pour chacune, elle consigne en outre le vote de
chaque juge. Toutefois, s’agissant de ses ordonnances en indication de
mesures conservatoires, la transparence laisse encore à désirer. Car si elle
fait figurer dans le dispositif de ce type d’ordonnances les décisions par
lesquelles elle accueille, le cas échéant sous une forme modifiée, les
demandes de l’une des parties, la Cour, lorsqu’elle n’indique que certaines
des mesures conservatoires sollicitées, n’y fait pas état du rejet des autres.
Nulle part, dans l’ordonnance, n’est‑il donc fait mention de la position
que pourrait avoir tel ou tel juge à cet égard.
Suivant cette pratique, le dispositif de la présente ordonnance ne mentionne
que les mesures indiquées par la Cour ou, plus exactement, l’essentiel
de ces mesures, puisque c’est à peine s’il couvre le sursis, prescrit au
paragraphe 95, à l’exécution de toute mesure de confiscation de l’immeuble
sis au 42 avenue Foch, à Paris. Ce qui apparaît tout particulièrement
frappant, c’est qu’il n’y soit pas fait état de la décision concernant la
demande relative à l’immunité de juridiction pénale de M. Teodoro
Nguema Obiang Mangue, alors même qu’une partie importante de la
motivation est consacrée à cette question. Cette façon de procéder peut
permettre à la Cour, comme c’est ici le cas, d’obtenir un vote unanime,
mais non d’occulter le fait que des divergences se soient exprimées en son
sein, ainsi qu’en témoignent certaines opinions individuelles dont l’exposé
est joint à l’ordonnance.
Il serait excessif de vouloir que toutes les décisions, mêmes relatives à
des demandes en indication de mesures conservatoires de moindre importance,
soient consignées dans le dispositif. Cependant, lorsqu’une partie
importante d’une ordonnance est consacrée à une question donnée, il
serait raisonnable, dans l’intérêt d’une plus grande transparence, que la
Cour accorde la place voulue à sa décision y relative et précise quels juges
ont voté pour et quels juges ont voté contre.
(Signé) Giorgio Gaja.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of Judge Gaja
