volume V

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Document File











Annex 119. Republic of Colombia, National Code of Renewable Natural Resources and

Environmental Protection, Decree 2811 of 1974 (18 Dec. 1974)

Annex 120. Republic of Colombia, Ministry ofAgriculture, Study Proposal for the
Environmental Management of the National Park Areas of Sierra Nevada
de Santa Marta and Buffer Zones Affected by Marijuana Crops and their
Destruction by Aerial Spraying with Glyphosate (31 July 1986)

Annex 121. Republic of Colombia, Ministry ofAgriculture, Technical Commission,
Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta Affected by Marijuana Crops and Spraying with
Glyphosate (1986)

Annex 122. Republic of Colombia, ColombianAgriculture and Livestock Institute, ICA

Annex 123. Letter from Cecilia Lopez Montano, Minister of Environment, Republic of
Colombia, to Nestor Humberto Martinez Neira, Minister of Justice and Law,
Republic of Colombia (20 Dec. 1994)



Annex 125. Republic of Colombia, National Congress, /DZ▯▯▯▯▯RI▯▯▯▯▯ (23 June 1995)

Annex 126. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Legal Department, 2UGHU▯1R▯▯
▯▯▯$ (13Aug. 1996)

Annex 127. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, 2UGHU▯1R▯▯▯▯▯$ (13Aug. 1996)

Annex 128. Republic of Colombia, Constitutional Court, 7ULYLxR▯HW▯DO., Judgment SU-039/97
(3 Feb. 1997)Annex 129. Letter from GuillermoAcevedo Mantilla, Subdirector of Environmental
Licenses, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Colombia, to IvonAlcala
Arevalo, Director, National Drug Directorate, Republic of Colombia (8 Oct.


Annex 130. Letter from GuillermoAcevedo Mantilla, Subdirector of Environmental
Licenses, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Colombia, to Ruben Olarte
Reyes, Director, National Drug Directorate, Republic of Colombia (13 Nov.


Annex 131. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Division of Licenses, 7HFKQLFDO▯
5HSRUW▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ (21 Dec. 1999)

Annex 132. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Division of Environmental
Licenses, 2UGHU▯1R▯▯▯▯▯ (23 Dec. 1999)

Annex 133. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Division of Environmental
Licenses, 2UGHU▯1R▯▯▯▯▯ (29 Mar. 2000)

Annex 134. Letter from Medardo Galindo Hernandez, Ombudsman, Republic of Colombia,
to Juan Mayr Maldonado, Minister of the Environment, Republic of Colombia
(24 July 2000)

Annex 135. Republic of Colombia, National Narcotics Council, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯ (11Aug.

Annex 136. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Division of Environmental

Provided by the National Narcotics Directorate (20 Dec. 2000)

Annex 137. Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia,Appointed Comptroller for
the Environment, Special Audit of the Policy for Eradication of Illicit Crops (July


Annex 138. Republic of Colombia,Advisor on the Plan Colombia Illicit Crop Eradication
Program, Certain Toxicological and Technical Considerations ForAerial
Spraying With Glyphosate on Illicit Crops, Bogotá, Colombia (9 July 2001)

Annex 139. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯ (26 Nov.
2001)Annex 140. Letter from Juan Mayr Maldonado, Minister of the Environment, Republic of
Colombia, to Gabriel Merchan Benevides, Director General of the National Drug
Directorate, Republic of Colombia (2002)

Annex 141. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯ (31 Jan.

Annex 142. Republic of Colombia, Constitutional Court, Urueta Rojas., Judgment C-418/02

(28 May 2002)

Annex 143. Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia, 3ODQ▯&RORPELD▯▯7KLUG▯
Evaluation Report (Aug. 2002)

Annex 144. Letter from Francisco Santander Delgado, Director General, Corponariño,
Republic of Colombia, to Maria Cecilia Rodriguez, Minister of the Environment,
Republic of Colombia (26 Sept. 2002)

Annex 145. 5HSXEOLF▯RI▯&RORPELD▯▯2I¿FH▯RI▯WKH▯2PEXGVPDQ▯▯National Ombudsman

Putumayo (9 Oct. 2002)

Constitutional Perspective (April 2003)

Annex 147. Republic of Colombia,Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca, Claudia

Sampedro and Others, Judgment (13 June 2003)

Annex 148. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯:KHUHE\▯
a sanction is imposed and other decisions are made (19 June 2003)

Annex 149. Government of Colombia, Ministry ofAgriculture, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ (16
Dec. 2003)

Annex 150. Note SARE-142, sent from the National Directorate of Narcotics of the Ministry

Commission of Ecuador (14Apr. 2004)Annex 151. State Council of Colombia, Claudia Sampedro and Others, Judgment onAppeal
From theAdministrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca (19 Oct. 2004)

Annex 152. Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia, 3ODQ▯&RORPELD▯▯)LIWK▯
Evaluation Report (Dec. 2004)

Annex 153. Republic of Colombia, Constitutional Court, Molina, Judgment C-401/05 (14

Apr. 2005)

Annex 154. Diplomatic Note No. DDH 58003 from the Colombian Foreign Ministry to the
Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (18
Sept. 2005)

Annex 155. Republic of Colombia, Position Statement by Colombia to the Binational

Annex 156. Republic of Colombia, Ministry of ForeignAffairs, Press Release (11 Nov. 2010) Annex 119

Republic of Colombia, National Code of Renewable Natural Resources and Environmental
Protection, Decree 2811 of 1974 (18 Dec. 1974) Annex 119

Decree 2811 of 1972
(18 December)


Through which the National Code of Renewable Natural Resources

and Environmental Protection Is Issued


Exercising the special powers conferred to it by Act 23 of 1973 and after consultation with the

committees appointed by the Legislative Chambers and the Council of State, respectively,





ARTICLE ONE. The environment is of common heritage. The State and individuals must
participate in its preservation and management, which are of public use and social interest.

The preservation and management of renewable natural resources are also of public use and
social interest.

[PAGE 2]

ARTICLE TWO. Founded on the principle that the environment is humanity's common

heritage and is necessary for survival and people's economic and social development, this Code
aims to:

ϭ▯Official Gazette No 34,243 of 27 January 1975
2 To see Act 142 of 1994, as amended, with the most relevant modifications, most relevant concurrences,

constitutional rulings, as well as the full text of all its amendments including Act 689 of 2001, and Decree 990 of
2002 whereby the Superintendent is restructured, see "SUPERINTENDENCIA DE SERVICIOS PÚBLICOS
DOMICILIARIOS", Régimen Básico, edition and concurrences by Guillermo Sánchez Luque, Hugo E. Pacheco De
León, Guillermo Obregón González, Yezid Alvarado Rincón, Imprenta Nacional, Second Edition, Bogotá, June
2002. A selection of the most important concepts issued by the Legal Office between 1999-2001, as well as
specialized articles by important commentators, see "SUPERINTENDENCIA DE SERVICIOS PÚBLICOS
DOMICILIARIOS", Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios - Actualidad Jurídica IV - edition, compilation and

concurrences by Guillermo Sánchez Luque, Hugo E. Pacheco De León, Guillermo Obregón González, Yezid
Fernando Alvarado Rincón, Imprenta Nacional, First Edition, Bogotá, November 2001. To see the prior years’
Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios - Actualidad Jurídica Volumes I, II, III, - (In CD - Compact Disc) edition,
compilation and concurrences by Guillermo Sánchez Luque, Hugo E. Pacheco De León, Guillermo Obregón
González, Yezid Fernando Alvarado Rincón, Bogotá, January 2002.Annex 119

1st. Achieve the preservation and restoration of the environment and conservation, improvement

and reasonable use of renewable natural resources, according to criteria of equity, to ensure the
harmonious development of man and said resources, the continued availability of these
resources, and maximum social benefit and use for the health and welfare of present and future
inhabitants of the country.

2nd. Prevent and control the noxious effects of exploitation of non-renewable natural resources
on other resources.

3rd. Regulate human behavior, whether individual or collective activity and the activity of the

Public Administration, with respect to the environment and renewable natural resources and
relationships arising from the use and conservation of such resources and of the environment.

ARTICLE THREE. According to the stated objectives, this Code covers:

a). The management of the following renewable natural resources:

1. The national atmosphere and airspace.
2. The waters in any of its states.

3. Land, soil and subsoil.
4. Flora
5. Wildlife
6. The primary sources of non-renewable energy.
7. Topographic slopes with a potential for energy.

8. Geothermal resources.
9. Biological resources of the territorial sea waters, soil and subsoil and of the continental and
insular domain of the Republic's economic zone.

10. Landscape resources.

b). Protecting the environment and renewable natural resources against the noxious effects of
natural phenomena;

c). The remaining elements and factors that shape the environment or affect the denominator of
this Code's environmental elements, such as:

1. Refuse, trash, waste and scrap.
2. Noise.

3. Living conditions resulting from urban or rural human settlement.
4. Goods produced by man or whose production is induced or cultivated by man that
substantially affect or could reasonably cause environmental deterioration.

ARTICLE FOUR. The rights acquired by individuals, according to law, with respect to

environmental and renewable natural resources are recognized. As for exercising such rights,
these are subject to the provisions of this Code. Annex 119

ARTICLE FIVE. This Code governs throughout the national territory, territorial sea with its

soil, subsoil and airspace, continental shelf and the economic zone and other maritime areas over
which the country exercises jurisdiction in accordance with international law.

ARTICLE.SIX The implementation of this Code’s environmental policy shall be a function of

the National government, which it may delegate to regional governments or to other specialized
public entities.

[PAGE 3]



ARTICLE SEVEN. Every person has the right to enjoy a healthy environment.

ARTICLE EIGHT. The following are considered factors that deteriorate the environment:

a). Contamination of air, water, soil and other natural renewable resources.

Contamination is the alteration of the environment with chemicals or other forms of energy that
are placed onto it, either by human activity or nature, in quantities, concentrations or levels

capable of interfering with the people’s welfare and health, threatening flora and wildlife,
degrading the quality of the resources of the nation's environment or individuals.

A contaminant is understood as any element, combination of elements, or form of energy that
can cause actual or potential environmental alteration of the previously described elements.

Contamination can be physical, chemical or biological;

b). Degradation, erosion and slump of soil and land;

c). Noxious alterations of the topography;

d). Noxious alterations of the natural flow of water;

e). Sedimentation in water courses and reservoirs;

f). Noxious changes to water-beds;

g). Extinction or quantitative or qualitative reduction of plant, animal species or genetic

h). Introduction and spread of diseases and plagues;Annex 119

i). Introduction, use and transport of harmful animal or plant products or dangerous substances;

j). Unsightly or detrimental alteration of natural landscapes;

k). Decline or extinction of natural sources of primary energy;

l). Accumulation or improper disposal of refuse, trash, waste and scrap;

m). Noxious noise;

n). Improper use of dangerous substances;

o). Eutrophication, i.e. excessive and abnormal growth of plant life in lakes and ponds.

p). Concentration of urban and rural human population living conditions that threaten health and


[PAGE 4]

ARTICLE NINE. The use of environmental elements and renewable natural resources must
conform to the following principles:

a). Natural resources and other environmental elements must be used efficiently to achieve
maximum yield in accordance with the general interest of the community and pursuant to the

principles and objectives of this Code;

b). Natural resources and other environmental elements are interdependent. Their use will be
made so that, as soon as possible, they do not interfere with each other.

c). The use of environmental elements or renewable natural resources must be carried out
without impairing the interest of the community or third party rights;

d). The various uses of a natural resource are subject to the priorities that will be determined and

should be used in coordination so that they can comply with the principles enunciated in the
preceding ordinals.

e). Renewable natural resources cannot be used above the permissible limits which, by altering
their physical, chemical or biological qualities, produce a serious natural depletion or

deterioration of, or disturbance of the right to subsequent use of these in a way which suits public

f). Planning the management of renewable natural resources and environmental elements must be
conducted in a comprehensive manner so as to contribute to balanced urban and rural

development. For the community's welfare, areas covered by vegetation in urban centers and
surrounding areas will be established and maintained. Annex 119



ARTICLE TEN. To prevent or solve environmental problems and regulate the use of renewable
natural resources shared with neighboring countries and, without prejudice to existing treaties,
the Government will seek to complement the existing agreements or negotiate other agreements
deemed appropriate.

a). The reciprocal and continuous exchange of information necessary for planning the
development and optimal use of said resources and elements;

b). The reciprocal and prior notice of environmental changes or imbalances that can originate

from works or planned projects by the governments or the peoples of the respective countries,
with sufficient time in advance so that said governments can take the appropriate action when
they consider that their rights and environmental interests may be impaired.

c). The governments’ joint administration of renewable natural resources whose exploitation or

use cannot be physically divided between the countries concerned, or which cannot be
conveniently divided, from a technical or economical point of view;

d). The adoption of measures to prevent causing significant harm to other countries from the
purely internal use of non-renewable natural resources or other environmental elements made in

Colombia or in neighboring nations.

ELEVENTH ARTICLE. The natural resources to which the provisions that the preceding
article refers to includes the following:

[…]Annex 119 Annex 119

'(&5(72▯▯▯▯▯▯'(▯▯▯▯▯ ▯ ▯
















2 Diario Oficial No 34.243 del 27 de enero de 1975
Para consultar la Ley 142 de 1994, así como sus modificaciones, concordancias más relevantes, fallos de
constitucionalidad, así como el texto integrado con todas sus reformas incluida la Ley 689 de 2001, y el
Decreto 990 de 2002 por medio del cual se reestructura la €uperintendencia, ‚er €ƒP„…†N‡„ND„Nˆ†‰ D„
€„…‚†ˆ†O€ PŠ‹L†ˆO€ DOŒ†ˆ†L†‰…†O€, …Žgimen ‹ásico, edici‘n y concordancias ’uillermo €ánc“e”
Lu•ue, –ugo „. Pac“eco De Le‘n, ’uillermo O—reg‘n ’on”ále”, ˜e”id ‰lvarado …inc‘n, †mprenta

Nacional, €egunda „dici‘n, ‹ogotá, ™unio de 2002. ƒna selecci‘n de los más importantes conceptos emitidos
por la Oficina šurídica entre 1999›2001, lo mismo •ue artículos especiali”ados de importantes tratadistas
puede consultarse en €ƒP„…†N‡„ND„Nˆ†‰ D„ €„…‚†ˆ†O€ PŠ‹L†ˆO€ DOŒ†ˆ†L†‰…†O€, €ervicios
PŒ—licos Domiciliarios ž ‰ctualidad šurídica †‚› edici‘n, compilaci‘n y concordancias ’uillermo €ánc“e”
Lu•ue, –ugo „. Pac“eco De Le‘n, ’uillermo O—reg‘n ’on”ále”, ˜e”id Ÿernando ‰lvarado …inc‘n,

†mprenta Nacional, Primera „dici‘n, ‹ogotá, noviem—re de 2001. Para consultar los conceptos ™urídicos
institucionalesde años anteriores ver €ƒP„…†N‡„ND„Nˆ†‰ D„ €„…‚†ˆ†O€ PŠ‹L†ˆO€
DOŒ†ˆ†L†‰…†O€, €ervicios PŒ—licos Domiciliarios ž ‰ctualidades šurídicas ‡omos †, ††, †††,›( „n Disco
ˆompacto› ˆD) edici‘n, compilaci‘n y concordancias ’uillermo €ánc“e” Lu•ue, –ugo „. Pac“eco De Le‘n,
’uillermo O—reg‘n ’on”ále”, ˜e”id Ÿernando ‰lvarado …inc‘n, ‹ogotá, enero de 2002.Annex 119






















































▯Annex 119


























Republic of Colombia, Ministry ofAgriculture, Study Proposal for the Environmental
Management of the National Park Areas of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Buffer Zones
Affected by Marijuana Crops and their Destruction by Aerial Spraying with Glyphosate
(31 July 1986) Annex 120



Bogotá, 31 July 1986

▯Annex 120








▯ Annex 120


[PAGE 3]

Two years after starting the application of glyphosate in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta,
the need has once revived in the National Narcotics Council for an Environmental Impact
Study on the Sierra natural system, affected by the marijuana crops and the herbicide
application geared towards their destruction.

These studies will consist of basic research on Ecology, Socioeconomics, Culture and the
identification of adverse effects on human populations, plants and animals caused by the

spraying of Glyphosate in the areas. The study will enable the proposal of environmental
management measures of a socio-economic and ecological nature.


In June 1978, the Manager of INDERENA at the time sent a letter to the National Narcotics
Council, expressing his concern over reports that had appeared in the press about possible

aerial spraying with defoliant herbicides to combat marijuana crops in the Sierra Nevada. In
said communication, he requests the performance, according to the Code of Natural
Renewable Resources and Environmental Protection,

[PAGE 4]

of a prior ecological and environmental study (Annex No. 1).

In July 1984, the National Police Director requests INDERENA's participation in the pilot
program of glyphosate fumigation.

On 9 August 1984, INDERENA Management, in a letter to General Victor Delgado
Mallarino, Director General of the National Police, highlights the following issues:

▯ The National Narcotics Council has been constantly opposed the use of paraquat for
destruction of any illegal crops both inside and outside National Parks.

▯ INDERENA's absence in the decision-making process to use glyphosate and its
manner of application.

▯ The provision that an INDERENA official participate in the Police Advisory
Committee for testing of glyphosate.

▯ The demand that an ecological and environmental study be submitted prior to the
glyphosate-based aerial spraying actions in any area of the country; for this reason,
the Terms of Reference are included (Annex No. 3).

[PAGE 5]

▯Annex 120


▯ INDERENA's opposition to the application of herbicides such as glyphosate in
Colombia’s System of National Parks.

▯ INDERENA's intention to convene a meeting of scientists at the highest level to issue
a concept on the matter.

Management’s letter never received a response from the National Police (Annex 4 Text of the

During 1984, an INDERENA official visited some of the pilot sites for the application of

In March 1986, at the request of the National Police, other (2) INDERENA officials, flew
over areas of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, which have been subjected to aerial spraying
and found very disturbing realities of environmental degradation in the Vertientes Norte de la
Sierra Nevada (“Northern Slopes of the Sierra Nevada”), in areas that comprise part of the

National Park such as valleys of river Guachaca, Buritaca, Río Molino, Don Diego,
Palomino, Río Ancho and Río Jerez. On the western slope, the fumigations have concentrated
on Reserve areas as well as the Río Frío valley, reaching the limits of the Natural Park at
2,000 meters above sea level. In this slope, areas that comprise the Indigenous Reserve have
been sprayed. Fumigations have also been carried out in the Serranía de

[PAGE 6]

Perijá. In the Parque Tayrona (“Tayrona Park”), fumigations have been carried out in
Changue, Neguanje, Playa Brava and Cinto. (Photographs Annex No. 2)


As conclusion of the visits conducted by INDERENA officials in the area affected by

marijuana crops and glyphosate spraying during 1984 and 1986 and in meetings held with Dr.
Jesus Idrobo with the INDERENA Deputy Environmental Manager, the following cycle has
been identified:

Natural forest logging

Establishment of marijuana crops
Fumigation with herbicide

Migration to more preserved and difficult to control areas in higher thermal conditions of the

Therefore we propose the following hypothesis with respect to the effects caused by the
dynamics of the cycle identified and previously described.

▯ Annex 120


a. - The marijuana crops in the lower parts of the Sierra have been controlled with glyphosate
fumigation but these have not been eliminated. The crop areas have moved

[PAGE 7]

from lower thermal floors to thermal mass floors of natural forest, at the heads of
hydrographic basins and ecosystems that support the ecological importance of the Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta.

These ecosystems, as a result of the described cycle, have been affected by severe

deforestation processes and progressive erosion. This destructive phenomenon threatens
extinction of the Sierra as a nationally important ecosystem and a Global Biosphere Reserve.

b. - The adverse effects of glyphosate on living organisms can be critical as in the case of its
application on marijuana crops in the Sierra Nevada, since such application has violated basic
technical standards recommended by the manufacturer and the Colombian Agriculture and
Livestock Institute (ICA).

c. - Glyphosate, classified as a non-selective herbicide, has not only destroyed the marijuana
plants but also all flora that it has found in its path.

d. - Conventional toxicity tests cannot necessarily be extrapolated to analyze the herbicide’s
effects on the particular ecological characteristics of the system of the Sierra Nevada de Santa

[PAGE 8]

e. - There are feasible socioeconomic alternatives for proposing and exercising in conjunction
with the residents, where current marijuana growers and potential growers abandon their
marijuana cultivations and related activities, and still maintain a good standard of living
without harming the natural system.

f. - The chemical control of illicit crops is not the sole alternative and it is also the most
environmentally expensive.

g. - Indian reservations have been affected by the fumigations and the displacement of crops
to higher parts of the Sierra, threatening the existence and maintenance of some Indian
reservations that as yet have not been affected.

Based on the above hypothesis it is necessary to study a series of short and medium term to
confirm or reject the above hypotheses and to propose environmental management measures
and decisions regarding alternatives to control illegal crops.
To this end, the ICA has consulted INDERENA, the Ministry of Health, National Institute of
Health and Natural Resources Division

[PAGE 9]

▯Annex 120


of the Ministry of Agriculture for the research proposal and environmental and health studies
that are described below:

Biotic recommendations for Research in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

- A study must be carried out regarding plant communities and to supplement by gathering
information previously obtained by other researchers in order to establish the extent of
the damage or the destruction dynamics of the environment and the various acting factors
versus time.

- Implementation of a successional study of plant communities. Plant succession studies
can allow the establishment of different levels of intervention as well as estimation of
natural recovery periods, knowledge of successional dynamics can provide guidelines to
assist or drastically recover affected areas.

- During the period in which the research is carried out, we recommended conducting

phonologic tracking of the most notorious species in order to establish the different biotic
patterns and the extent that these phenomena can be affected by degradation or
regeneration processes.

[PAGE 10]

- A study aimed at the dynamics of ecosystems in order to establish the various

relationships between the various ecosystem components and therefore develop more
precise criteria regarding the negative impacts that they have tolerated as a dynamic
comparison of the areas that have yet to be affected.

- Determining the quality of water bodies located in the area affected by spraying with

- Determining the soil quality of the area affected by spraying with glyphosate.

- Determine number of acres over which the herbicide has been deposited and the lands
that support marijuana crops.

Proposal for socio-economic Research of glyphosate fumigations in the Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta.

- Research the colonization process in the Sierra Nevada beginning on the second half of
the twentieth century (Submit maps at a scale of 1: 250 000 in which the colonization
process is shown schematically).

- Study the land ownership and land tenure process (specify park areas affected

[PAGE 11]

▯ Annex 120


- by colonization, land areas subject to conflict between settlers and indigenous peoples).

- Characterization of the different human settlements located in the Sierra: Settlers and
Indigenous peoples and marijuana crops. Housing types, approximate size of exploited
lands, crop types, etc.

- Analysis of the routes and entry and exit dynamics to and from the Sierra Nevada and
Parque Tayrona, Wagons, trails, roads (to carry out a study of traffic and pedestrian
traffic and load animals).

- Detailed survey of Park areas, indigenous reservations and special reserves.

- Study of the infrastructure of the main rural centers, especially with regard to basic
health services, housing, education, etc.

For the above proposals, refer to attached tables of human and financial requirements.

Proposals regarding needs for the foundation of a laboratory geared towards analysis of
plaguicide residues (Annex No. 5).

Proposals regarding terms of reference from the standpoint of human health based on the
recommendations of the commission held in Santa Marta in the month of March of the
current year (Annex 6).
[PAGE 12]


1.- The Institute, considering its moral and legal obligation, is opposed to spraying with
glyphosate in areas belonging to Colombia’s National Park System, particularly in the Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta. Regarding the areas that are not subject to the nation’s natural
reserve regime, INDERENA considers the preparation, presentation, evaluation and approval
of the environmental studies required by Law and whose requirements are set forth in this

paper, as essential.

2.- The ecological and environmental study shall be financed by the government and advised

3.- Connection with the working equipment to evaluate representatives from institutions such
as IGAG, ICA, INCORA, INAS and the Ministry of Health is considered necessary.

[PAGE 15]



▯Annex 120



1.1. Geographical location of the areas where the Marijuana and Coca crops are located,
specifying their respective density and including the demarcation of boundaries:
- National Parks
- Forest Reserves
- Indian Reserves

1.2. General overview of activities or current or future programs that are carried out by

government agencies or international organizations in the Sierra.


2.1. Delimitation of the area of influence of the program's projects.

2.2. Natural aspects.

2.2.1. Physical Geology: Geological evolution, formations, structures, rock
types and their percentage distribution, geological features, profiles,
lithology, stratigraphic. Geomorphology: Description of the landscape; -
geomorphologic processes and current processes. Soils: A. - Area in ha. of areas to intervene; -location, - slope -
most common uses, crops, natural vegetation (class and kind), other, -
current uses and forms of distribution, percentages (map) -
characterization, - erosion, aptitudes.

B. – Soil behavior in contact with herbicides: different reactions and
degrees of alteration at the short, medium and long term of the soil in
its physical conditions as well as their associated biota.

[PAGE 16] Hydrology: Indicate types of drainage, inventory of currents with

description of hydraulic parameters, inventory of other bodies of water,
volumes. Climatology: Pluvial regime, - wind patterns, temperatures, systems
for water balance, evapotranspiration, macro and micro-climactic
NOTE: Both monthly and multi-year records must be used.

2.2.2. Biotics:

▯ Annex 120

MINISTRY▯OF▯AGRICULTURE▯ Vegetation: Types and distribution - inventory of species; features, forests,
characteristics, delineation, endangered species (map). Inventory and characterization

of aquatic vegetation, biomass. Wildlife: Land: Inventory and characterization of terrestrial wildlife,
endangered species.

Aquatic Inventory and characterization of benthic faunal communities and
ichthyology; biomass.

Avian life: Inventory and characterization of the avian fauna, endangered species. Inter-relationships between vegetation and fauna Water quality: biological, bacteriological characterization and physico-
chemical characterization (Map). Zoning and characterization of the areas given.

2.3. Social and Economic Aspects

2.3.1. Land Tenure

2.3.2. Human settlements, characterization

[PAGE 17]

2.3.3. Population Demographics.

2.3.4. Existing and usable infrastructure in areas (food supply, housing, labor,

transitable roads carts and other service channels.

2.3.5. Economic activities of the population.

2.3.6. Cultural activities of the population.

2.3.7. Dependence of the population of the area of influence.

2.3.8. Detailed description of all activities of marijuana and coca cultivation
(cultivation, marketing, etc.).


3.1. Spatial and Temporal Action Plan, including the experimental plan and results.

3.2. Project Infrastructure.

▯Annex 120


3.3. Characteristics of fumigation equipment to be used and its respective

3.4. Description of practices: storage and preparation of the mixtures.
Fumigation tasks: Type of fumigation, types of crops fumigated and characteristics,
fumigation hours and environmental conditions.
Washing of equipment and waste disposal.

3.5. Safety systems for contingency management (spillage of products, fires, etc.).

3.6. Characteristics of agrochemicals used, effects known on health and environment,
concentration used, effectiveness etc.

[PAGE 18]


4.1. Identification of impact indicators - Specify nature and extent of the effects on:

4.2. Human health in the short, medium and long term.

4.3. Terrestrial and aquatic vegetation, wildlife, aquatic and bird life. Soils - Biota and

water quality.

4.4. Regarding pollution processes, erosion and general degradation processes (if they
exist, what effects are produced by them.)

4.5. Regarding socio-economic activities and activities that indirectly affect natural
resources and / or ecosystems.

4.6. Effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.


5.1. Actions to minimize adverse effects, optimize benefits and avoid irreversible

5.2. Mechanisms to address unforeseen environmental effects.


▯ Annex 120


6.1. Program analysis and systematic measurements regarding the various

environmental and social elements.

6.2. Contingency plan for emergency management during the development of the

▯Annex 120 Annex 120

1Annex 120

2 Annex 120

3Annex 120

4 Annex 120

5Annex 120

6 Annex 120

7Annex 120

8 Annex 120

9Annex 120

10 Annex 120

11Annex 120

12 Annex 120

15Annex 120

16 Annex 120

17Annex 120

18 Annex 121

Republic of Colombia, Ministry ofAgriculture, Technical Commission, 6SHFL¿FDWLRQ▯RI▯WKH▯7HUPV▯
of Reference for Environmental Researh in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta Affected by
Marijuana Crops and Spraying with Glyphosate (1986) Annex 121

Ministry of Agriculture



Biologist. Msc. Systematic-Botanist


Industrial-Archaeological Engineer

ChemistAnnex 121

Ministry of Agriculture


The present report is the result of the visit carried out by three (3) INDERENA officials jointly
with the Antinarcotics Police of Magdalena to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

The objective of the visit was to know the actual state of the Sierra affected by marijuana crops
and their eradication by Glyphosate fumigation.

As a general matter, the global problem can be summarized in the following points:

 Glyphosate is a harmful chemical agent, it is not recommended for aerial application, its
danger is even greater if the manner and intensity of application during almost the entire
year is taken into account. Its effects have not been studied for the type of tropical

ecosystems such as those exists in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

 The forest reserve, including certain Natural National Parks Sierra Nevada and Tayrona
areas, as well as indigenous reserves established therein are being affected by
indiscriminate actions of lumbering and burning marijuana crops.

[PAGE 2]

 Marijuana crops exist on inclines with slopes greater than 60 degrees where deterioration

can be observed as a result of erosion.

 Man, given its location at the end of the trophic chain, would be the most heavily affected
by Glyphosate fumigation.

 The currents of superficial waters, rain waters and drift can lead to noxious effects of the
Plaguicide up to the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, which is already affected by serious
polluting processes that cause this ecosystem to be at the edge of ecological collapse.

 A complex socioeconomic problem exists, which must be treated with direct and effect
short term measures.

As conclusion to this report, the Terms of Reference proposed by INDERENA in the document

submitted to the National Narcotics Council on July 1986 are necessary, in order to, in an
immediate fashion, further studies as well as the necessary measures that should be taken to
overcome the problem created that is ecologically and archaeologically destroying historic areas
of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Annex 121

Ministry of Agriculture

[PAGE 3]

The above referenced recommendations are illustrated by this Report with maps and photographs

Bogotá, D.C., 6 October 1986

Guillermo odrigRuez . N Cesar arbosBa

Alfonso Avellandedo

[PAGE 27]



INDERENA has observed, with concern, during the last 8 years, the news regarding fumigation
in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, where the following manifests itself:

With proceeding No. 05821 dated 19 June 1978 and, subsequently, No. 08885 dated 3 August
1984, through which Terms of Reference are submitted on behalf of the Management of

INDERENA to the director of the National Police, given the imminent fumigation using
Herbicide in the Sierra.

In light of the fact that the National Police did not respond to the prior orders and that no type of
research regarding the effect of fumigation has been initiated, the Attorney General’s Office

solicited information from INDERENA in March 1986 regarding the Institute’s actions, which
coincided with the Police’s request to INDERENA, to commission two (2) officials to perform
overflights on the fumigated areas.

As a result of this commission, where certain worrisome realities of environmental deterioration
were found, the

[PAGE 28]Annex 121

Ministry of Agriculture

proposal “Research for Environmental Management of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National

Parks and Buffer Zones affected by marijuana crops and their respective destruction via aerial
fumigation using Glyphosate” was elaborated.

The above proposal was sent by INDERENA’s management at the consideration of the National

Narcotics Council through Order No. 07364 dated 31 July 1986.

In order to establish the specification of the Terms of Reference for this study and monitoring,
given the silence given to the prior proposals, INDERENA requested that the Police conduct a
new inspection with area Specialists and they hope that, in this opportunity, a rigorous and

immediate environmental control is implemented before it is unfortunately late.

For this purpose, 6 main areas have been selected to clearly present the effects of fumigation in
all the environmental components and in which it is necessary for water, soil, plant, and fauna
samples to be taken as the following indicates:

[PAGE 29]


The sampling areas are the following:

 Río Frío with monthly samples at 1,600, 1,200 and 600 meters above sea level.

 Palomino and Don Diego River with monthly sampling at 400 and 800 meters above sea

 Río Piedras (Dpto. del Cesar). Monthly samples of La Arenosa at 300 and 600 meters
above sea level.

 Río Buritaca (Alto de Mina) at 600 and 100 meters above sea level.

 Río Aracataca with monthly samples at 400, 800 and 1,200 meters.

 Río Fundación with monthly samples at 400, 800 and 1,200 meters.


Soil samples are required of the various landscapes, especially A and B.

[PAGE 30] Annex 121

Ministry of Agriculture

These samples must analyze the presence of the Herbicide, soil micro and macro-organisms.


Field capacity
Organic matter content
Cationic exchange capacity (C.I.C.)
Ionic Exchange
Texture and Composition

4 places exist in the affected area which must be completely analyzed in which fumigated and
non-fumigated areas can be found.

Similarly, each of the forested areas and areas with bushes must be sampled, ideally with natural

forest or non-fumigated intervention.

1. Ecological Station Alto de Mira
2. Río Frío Station at 1,800 m.

3. La Arenosa Station 350 m.
4. Station in indigenous area Palomino or San Diego

[PAGE 31]



Aquatic Flora.-

Parallel samplings of those of hydric components in the noted internal areas must be carried out,
in order to estimate the variations that, due to increase or decrease, communities will suffer, as
well as analyses to detect the presence of Glyphosate on different parts of the plants.

Terrestrial Flora.-

Parallel to soil research, it is recommended that plant successional studies be carried out aimed

 Pioneer plant selectivity or preference to Glyphosate actionAnnex 121

Ministry of Agriculture

 Species eliminated by herbicide action
 Parcels that serve as patterns (completely clean)
 Parcels cleared with machete
 Parcels in intervened forests that have not recently altered

 Parcels in recently altered intervened forest
 Parcels in ideal forest conditions which have been unaltered for a long period of years
(gallery or surviving forests)
 Recently burned parcels

[PAGE 32]

It is recommended that these studies be conducted in the six previously established areas.

 Studies geared towards detecting Glyphosate percentages in foraging and food plants
should be carried out in order to determine their incorporation or the incorporation of
their derivatives in the food chain.

The analysis should always be conducted in specialized laboratories and laboratories with micro-
sensitive capacity.


The scope of pollution as a result of direct ingestion or contamination suffered by Domestic
Terrestrial Fauna or Wild Fauna must be established.

Through histological, biochemical or cytogenetic studies or such studies that are necessary for

research development.


As the hypothetical Glyphosate flow diagram suggests, both the indigenous populations as well
as colonies of settlers that inhabit the area following the usual practices must be analyzed,
following the usual practices required for these types of analyses.

[PAGE 33]


Ministry of Agriculture

We recommend tracking the previously set forth Terms of Reference for this component,

presented in July to the CNE and the General Management of INDERENA.
It is necessary to clarify that this proposal regarding Terms of Reference is supplementary to
those that were initially promulgated and should at no time replace them.


 The requested studies must be implemented by appropriate professionals in each and
every one of the branches required.

 Certain of these areas, such as zoology, require greater precision and inspections
performed by specialized professionals in this branch of biology, in order to determine
the areas for sampling, as well as to achieve the activities that need to be carried out in
greater detail.

 In all cases, we recommend utilizing unaltered patterns due to the effects of Glyphosate
fumigation, in order to be able to perform comparisons to the affected areas.

 Greater participation by state entities is recommended in order to develop a whole series
of investigations in joint and coordinated fashion.

 We recommend a detailed review of the herbicides that are currently being used in the

country in order to first detect their effects on the environment and determine whether to
subsequently authorize them or suspend them.

 We demand suspension of glyphosate fumigation in areas that correspond to National
Park Reserves as well as Indigenous Reservations.

 Appropriate management must be urgently given to the National Parks that are being
affected by the marijuana crop action v.s. glyphosate fumigIf not, the
disappearance of these reserves will be caused. Similarly, we remind you that the Sierra

Nevada de Santa Marta constitutes a unique legacy for humanity. Its protection must be
given priority.
 We recommend annexing of the southern area between the Serranía Mendingua and the
Río Suganarruga up until the dimension of 1,500 meters above sea level.

 Regarding the hydrographic Río Frío basin where considerable environmental
deterioration has been caused, consideration of the document “Hydrographic Basin of RíoAnnex 121

Ministry of Agriculture

Frío- Comprehensive Basic Research. Identification of Problems and Planification and
Management Premises. INDERENA. January 1978 is recommended.

The above recommendations are illustrated in this report through maps and photographs.

Bogotá, D.C., 6 October 1986 Annex 121

1Annex 121

2 Annex 121

3Annex 121

4 Annex 121

27Annex 121

28 Annex 121

29Annex 121

30 Annex 121

31Annex 121

32 Annex 121

33Annex 121

34 Annex 121

35Annex 121 Annex 122

Republic of Colombia, ColombianAgriculture and Livestock Institute, ICA Concepts Regarding



At the request of the Dirección Ambiental Sectorial (“Environmental Sectorial Directorate”) of
the Ministry of Environment, the study, analysis and evaluation of technical concepts issued in

the document FINAL REPORT dated September 1994, entitled “SYSTEMATIC PROOF FOR
AMBIENTAL TECHECA LTDA. (“Environmental Audit Techeca Ltda.”) and submitted to said
Ministry by the DIRECCION NACIONAL DE ESTUPEFACIENTES (“National Narcotics



The aerial application of agrochemicals, especially herbicides, requires taking into account or
assessing certain characteristics related to aircraft operation to be employed, the installed
aspersion equipment, the environmental conditions of areas that will be operated on,
physiological defense mechanisms and vegetative crop development, the product’s method of
action, the lot size and obstacles of lots subject to treatment, natural surrounding vegetation

within the ecosystem, surrounding licit agricultural projects, and finally, the degree of precision
used by the pilot who operates the aspersion equipment, in order to achieve, with a reasonable
herbicide dosage, (previously established by well-managed research trials), an ideal coverage
required to achieve optimum biological effectiveness for the product, thereby minimizing risks
of contamination on people´s health and the environment in general.

The objective of any selected aspersion system to apply herbicides is related to the uniform
distribution of the required dosage of active ingredient on weeds or illicit crops targeted for
eradication, through a mixture of the formulated commercial product and water as transportation

means, in order to produce uniformly dispersed drops over the crop subjected to application.
The coverage or density of coverage is measured by the number of drops per square meter,
captured by the foliage of the crops, which ultimately determines the biological success or the
effect of the application.

[PAGE 2]

No aerial aspersion equipment produces a uniform drop size. For this reason, the term Average
Volumetric Diameter (D.V.M.) must be taken into account as referential measurement. This
term is defined as the drop size that achieves distribution of a certain aspersion volume,

producing 50% of drops with a small size and another 50% of drop with a big size.

▯Annex 122

As a result, the coverage of one application will directly depend on the drop size produced,
which could be influenced by innumerable factors, such as physical characteristics of the
product, its viscosity, vapor pressure, density, pump pressure, positioning of the spraying units

with respect to the air current, velocity and aircraft height of operation, as well as environmental
conditions related to temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction and the own
characteristics of the spraying equipment.

[PAGE 3]


Certain pages and paragraphs of the above-referenced document were taken into account for the

present evaluation and issuance of concepts, highlighting the most important ideas and concepts
for analysis and development of relevant technical concepts issued by ICA.

Page 1, paragraph 2:

“All the tested dosages produced lethal effects on coca crops. However, due to the degree
of affectation, the dosage of 5.0 kilograms of active ingredient, added to a liter of
commercial vinegar (acetic acid with a low concentration < 2%) per hectare proved to be
the most appropriate, due to its effectiveness.”

The certainty does exist that all the tested dosages of Glyphosate, including those under 5 Kg. /ha
of i.a., produced lethal effects. This is understood as the death of plants. Therefore, a concern
emerges regarding why the smaller dosage (3 Kg. /ha of i.a.) was not selected, thereby similarly
boosting its effect with commercial vinegar.

MONSANTO, owner of the Roundup 480 gr. of i.a. per liter of formulation product, has the
dosage of 6 lit./ ha. (2.88 Kg./ ha of i.a.) registered as maximum dosage, targeted towards the
control of perennial weeds.

Having compared said greater dosages, the dosage of 10.4 lit. /ha (5 Kg./ha of i.a.) has exceeded
it in 42.4%

In accordance with the referenced document “Herbicide Selection for Coca Eradication,” even

greater dosages, of 8.9 Kg. /ha of i.a. (18.5 lit. /ha) in a mixture with volume of 187 lit. /ha-,
cause coca defoliation. However, they do not inhibit re-flourishing of new leaves and, as a
result, the plant does not die.

[PAGE 4]

Page 2, paragraph 1

▯ Annex 122

The mixture volume of between 65 and 70 lit. /ha, used for application of the Glyphosate dosage
is internationally classified as High Volume. This volume does not help minimize the dangers of
“drift”, due to the fact that, similarly, the number of drops are increased. Many of these, due to

their size, can remain exposed to the effects of air currents and thermal conditions. Even further,
they may be able to counterbalance the effects of evaporation, to achieve better coverage.

Paragraph 3

“…The Applied Research Programs, on the one hand, are the only available alternative for
updating control procedures and neutralizing farmers’ strategies for such crops.”

Getting to know said programs would be convenient, especially those which target counteracting

the effects of the herbicide through practices of quick defoliation or “soqueo.” The coca farmers
carry out these practices in order to avoid the death of his or her crops.

Page 3, paragraph 2

The Turbo Thrush Commander Aircrafts, in addition to possessing high potency (1300 H.P.),
are classified as high speed aircraft, greater than 100 M.P. H. This influences the aspersion
cloud that is discharged, producing smaller drops, compared to those produced by Helicopters,
which are classified as ORZ▯VSHHG▯▯

“Thrush valve booms, T.V.B. nozzles of varying calibers are used. These are spaced
approximately 15 centimeters apart in gables of either 8.5 or 12.5 meters of longitude, …”

Given these non-uniform conditions, the tests that have been carried out are neither

representative nor valid, due to the fact that the releases and drop

[PAGE 5]

sizes per nozzles are different. This causes a negative influence on the coverage results of the
[PAGE 7]

Paragraph 2

Although it is true that Turbo Thrush Commander aircraft have great maneuverability as a
result of their potency and also perform better due to their high tank capacity to contain the
herbicide mixture volume. The assessment results gleaned from real field operation conditions,

related to the required height of flight for release, which is required to be carried out at a level
higher than treetops, and is generally over 10 and 15 meters, do not guarantee precision over the
subject, due to the fact that their high operational speed is a factor in producing a high percentage

▯Annex 122

of small drops, under the Average Volumetric Diameter. These drops remain exposed to the
adverse factors of evaporation and drift. This is very different from the expected results,

compared with other high speed aircraft, used for plan control in licit crops. In the latter case,
the maximum height of operation employed is allotted to three (3) meters and even then,
contamination problems emerge.

[PAGE 18]


In accordance with the study and analysis described in each of the pages of the document
believe that the data clearly shows the deficiencies and technical as well as logistical flaws
of the Auditoría Ambiental Techeca Ltda. researchers in carrying out their field work.

Taking into account the professionalism and responsibility required by the subject, this
leads to, as a result, unreliable technical assessments regarding determination of the use of
aspersion equipment with Turbo Thrush Commander aircraft and the recommendation for
use of a high dosage of Glyphosate, 50 kg. i.a. /ha., boosted by 1.0 lit. /ha of commercial

vinegar for coca crop eradication.



▯ Annex 122

1Annex 122Annex 122Annex 122Annex 122Annex 122Annex 122Annex 122 Annex 123

Letter from Cecilia Lopez Montano, Minister of Environment, Republic of Colombia, to Nestor
Humberto Martinez Neira, Minister of Justice and Law, Republic of Colombia (20 Dec. 1994) Annex 123


Santafé de Bogotá D.C. 20 December 1994

Minister of Justice and Law

Respected Doctor:

With respect to your order No. 2209 issued 19 December 1994, I allow myself to
express that once the documentation filed by the National Narcotic Council regarding
glyphosate has been reviewed, it is found that the Council, in compliance with that
which is set forth by subparagraph g) of Article 91 of Law 30 of 1986, requested and
obtained the respective favorable concepts from the National Institute of Natural

Renewable Resources of the Environment –INDERENA— and from the Ministry of
Health to eradicate illicit crops via herbicide use.

It is necessary to warn that the concept issued by Inderena conserves its legal validity,
all the time that it was the competent entity in environmental matters, before the entry
into force of law 99 dated 1993 and gave application to the regulations in force at the
time. It must be added that the fumigation is pursuant to a policy of control of the

public. As a result, it does not possess a continuous solution. For this reason, the
situation of the fumigations perfectly fits under the transitional regime.

Notwithstanding the above, in developing a new environmental legislation, the Ministry
of Environment will request an environmental impact study for fumigation with
glyphosate from the National Narcotics Council; in order to supplement the
environmental measures adopted which would be responsive to the new requirements of

new law 99 of 1993.
[PAGE 2]

In the same manner, the Ministry of Environment will proceed to regulate the use of
plaguicides in all the national territory, making use of numeral 26 of article 5 of Law 88
dated 1993.


Calle 16 No. 6-66 Floors 30 and 3. – Telefax 3 36 39 84- Phone 3 36 11 66 – Santafé de

Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia
▯Annex 123Annex 123Annex 123 Annex 124


Public Ministry


Minutes of the Meeting

In Bogota, on the twenty second day of the month of February of 1995, in the Office of
the Regional Ombudsman for New Departments, Doctor Alejandro Pinzón Falcón,

Appointed Ombudsman for Health and Social Security, Doctor Orlando Briñez of the
Agricultural Investigation Division of ICA; Doctor Luz Elena Castrillón of the Toxic

Substances Division of the Ministry of Health; Doctor María del Pilar Rey of CTI of the
Office of the Prosecutor for the Nation; Doctor Iván Yunis, Assistant Director of
Investigation and Development of the National Health Institute, Doctor Yaneth Mantilla

of the Subdirectorate for Tracking and Monitoring of the Ministry of Environment;
Doctor Martha Cecilia García, legal advisor to the Ministry of Environment, Doctors

Gabino Parra and Carlos Enrique Palacios of the Agricultural Attorney General and
Doctors Gustavo Robayo and María Consuelo del Río, Advisors and Regional
Ombudsman for New Departments, respectively, of the Ombudsman. The objective of

this meeting was to verify the state of compliance with standards related to fumigation
procedures with glyphosate on illicit crops.

In this sense, the officials who assisted the meeting expressed their concern about the

1. The studies with reference to compensation, management and control measures
conducted by the environmental audit engaged by the National Narcotics Council

have not been disclosed.

2. The health authorities have not conducted epidemiological studies, an aspect that
should be coordinated by the Ministry of Health and the National Health Institute.

3. The dosage and periodicity for glyphosate application has not obtained prior
authorization from ICA.

[PAGE 2]

4. It has not been established with precision how the interdisciplinary team working
in the environmental audit engaged by the Narcotics Council is conformed.

▯Annex 124

Public Ministry

5. The Narcotics Council has not assembled the Technical Commission of experts,
as is contemplated by Resolution 001 of 1994.

6. The glyphosate aspersion operations are being carried out without the
environmental licenses that must be granted both by the Health Ministry as well

as the Ministry of Environment.

7. The Antinarcotics Police, in accordance with the orders it receives from the
National Narcotics Council, makes decisions regarding fumigated areas, which it
carries out at the same moment of conducting the operation, e.g. without prior

study, adducing case by case safety measures for the intervening equipment,
which impedes determination of the affected areas with any semblance of


8. The fumigation procedures implemented in this manner are causing affectations to

replacement crops, as well as food crops, water and tropical forests, including
conservation areas and parks that have been declared natural reserves.

9. The entities highlight their concern for the fact that the content of Decree 1843/91
and Resolution 001/94 is not being completely fulfilled. This implies that, being

the State the first charged with strict observance of its legislation, its violation sets
a bad example, in particular with respect to that which applies to the system that is

operating in illicit crop eradication.

10.The direct fumigation techniques have yet to be assessed,

[PAGE 3]

and neither have compensation means nor have systems been planned for the
effects that are being caused as a result of application of the eradication policy in

the country,

In light of the foregoing, we propose the following:

1. Request that the National Narcotics Council assemple the Special

Technical Commission of Experts to which Resolution 001/94 refers.

▯ Annex 124

Public Ministry


2. Request the actions subsequent to the month of May 1994 from the
National Narcotics Council.

3. Request that the Ministry of Environment file the reference terms for
conducting environmental impact studies.

4. Solicit the National Narcotics Council to obtain the environmental licenses
required by law.

For the record, this document is signed in Bogotá on the seventeenth day of the month of
February of nineteen ninety five.

▯Annex 124Annex 124Annex 124Annex 124Annex 124 Annex 125

Republic of Colombia, National Congress, /DZ▯▯▯▯▯RI▯▯▯▯▯ (23 June 1995) Annex 125

Law 191 of 1995

(June 23)

by which provisions regarding Border Areas are dictated




Purpose of the Law

Article 1. In the development of articles 285, 289 and 337 of the Political Constitution of
Colombia, the present Law has, as its purpose, establishing a special regime for Border Areas,

with the purpose of promoting and facilitating their respective economic, social, scientific,
technological and cultural development.

Article 2. The State’s action in Border Areas must be primarily oriented towards reaching the

following objectives:

Protection of Human Rights, improvement of the quality of life and satisfaction of basic needs of
the communities settled in Border areas.

Strengthening of integration and cooperation processes furthered by Colombia with neighboring
countries and elimination of obstacles as well as artificial impediments that obstruct natural
interaction between border communities, inspired by reciprocity criteria.

Creation of essential conditions for economic development of Border Areas, especially through

adoption of special transportation, tax legislation, foreign investment and labor, social security,
commercial and customs investment regimes.

Construction and improvement of an infrastructure required by Border Areas for their

comprehensive development and for their insertion into the national and international economy.

Provision of necessary services for Border integration and for the development of economic,
social and cultural activities, such as transportation, telecommunication, electric energy, potable
water, basic sanitation, education and health.

Conservation and sustainable use of natural and environmental resources.

Improvement of the quality of education and formation of human resources required by the
border development.

Institutional strengthening of Border Territorial Entities and of the State organisms that act in the
Border Areas.

▯Annex 125

[PAGE 2]

Search for cooperation with neighboring countries for the exchange of judicial proof, the
integration of police, investigative and security bodies in order to combat international

Paragraph. In order to attain the above objectives, Colombia will formalize the applicable
treaties or conventions with neighboring countries.

Article 3. In order to improve the quality of life of Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities

located in Border Areas, the State will support such communities’ initiatives as well as initiatives
by their respective authorities, with respect to the following activities and programs: promotion
of human resources, institutional development, strengthening of research and development of
proprietary technologies or transfer of appropriate technologies for their socioeconomic
development and for the sustainable cultural and environmental use of natural resources.



Article 4. For purposes of the present law, the following will be understood as:


c) Border integration areas. Those areas belonging to Border Departments, that possess
geographic, environmental, cultural and/or socioeconomic characteristics that advise joint action
and planning by border authorities in joint agreement with neighboring countries, to take actions
that are suitable for promoting development and strengthening bilateral and international

Article 5. The National Government shall designate the Border Areas, the Special Units for
Border Development, and by agreement with neighboring countries, Areas of Border Integration
and in the case of indigenous territories, this determination will be made subsequently to

reaching consensus with the appropriate community authorities and in accordance with the
provisions of Law 21 of 1991. There shall be at least one Special Border Development Unit in
each Border Department, which could be comprised of one or more municipalities, and / or
special townships.


▯ Annex 125

LEY 191 DE 1995
(JUNIO 23)

por medio de la cual se dictan disposiciones sobre Zonas de Frontera.




Objeto de la ley

Artículo 1º. En desarrollo de los artículos 285, 289 y 337 de la Constitución Política de
Colombia, la presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer un régimen especial para las Zonas
de Frontera, con el fin de promover y facilitar su desarrollo económico, social, científico,
tecnológico y cultural.

Artículo 2º. La acción del Estado en las Zonas de Frontera deberá orientarse
prioritariamente a la consecución de los siguientes objetivos:

Protección de los Derechos Humanos, mejoramiento de la calidad de vida y satisfacción
de las necesidades básicas de las comunidades asentadas en las Zonas de Frontera.

Fortalecimiento de los procesos de integración y cooperación que adelanta Colombia con
los países vecinos y eliminación de los obstáculos y barreras artificiales que impiden la
interacción natural de las comunidades fronterizas, inspirados en criterios de reciprocidad.

Creación de las condiciones necesarias para el desarrollo económico de las Zonas de

Frontera, especialmente mediante la adopción de regímenes especiales en materia de
transporte, legislación tributaria, inversión extranjera, laboral y de seguridad social,
comercial y aduanera.

Construcción y mejoramiento de la infraestructura que requieran las Zonas de Frontera

para su desarrollo integral y para su inserción en la economía nacional e internacional.

Prestación de los servicios necesarios para la integración Fronteriza y para el desarrollo
de las actividades económicas, sociales y culturales, tales como transporte,
telecomunicaciones, energía eléctrica, agua potable y saneamiento básico, educación y

Preservación y aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales y del ambiente.

Mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación y formación de los recursos humanos que
demande el desarrollo fronterizo.

Fortalecimiento institucional de las Entidades Territoriales Fronterizas y de los organismos
del Estado que actúan en las Zonas de Frontera.

1Annex 125

Buscar la cooperación con los países vecinos para el intercambio de pruebas judiciales, la
integración de los organismos policiales, investigativos y de seguridad a fin de combatir la

delincuencia internacional.

Parágrafo. Para la consecución de los anteriores objetivos, Colombia celebrará los
tratados o convenios que sean del caso con los países vecinos.

Artículo 3º. Con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de las comunidades negras e indígenas,

localizadas en las Zonas de Frontera, el Estado apoyará las iniciativas de dichas
comunidades y de sus autoridades, referentes a las actividades y programas de:
promoción de los recursos humanos, desarrollo institucional, investigación fortalecimiento
y desarrollo de tecnologías propias o transferencias de tecnologías apropiadas para su
desarrollo socioeconómico y para el aprovechamiento cultural y ambientalmente

sustentable de los recursos naturales.



Artículo 4º. Para efectos de la presente Ley, se entenderán como:

a) Zonas de Frontera. Aquellos municipios, corregimientos especiales de los
Departamentos Fronterizos, colindantes con los límites de la República de Colombia, y
aquéllos en cuyas actividades económicas y sociales se advierte la influencia directa del

fenómeno fronterizo;

b) Unidades especiales de desarrollo fronterizo. Aquellos municipios, corregimientos
especiales y áreas metropolitanas pertenecientes a las Zonas de Frontera, en los que se
hace indispensable crear condiciones especiales para el desarrollo económico y social
mediante la facilitación de la integración con las comunidades fronterizas de los países

vecinos, el establecimiento de las actividades productivas, el intercambio de bienes y
servicios, y la libre circulación de personas y vehículos;

c) Zonas de integración fronteriza. Aquellas áreas de los Departamentos Fronterizos
cuyas características geográficas, ambientales, culturales y/o socioeconómicas,

aconsejen la planeación y la acción conjunta de las autoridades fronterizas, en las que de
común acuerdo con el país vecino, se adelantarán las acciones, que convengan para
promover su desarrollo y fortalecer el intercambio bilateral e internacional.

Artículo 5º. El Gobierno Nacional determinará las Zonas de Frontera, las Unidades

Especiales de Desarrollo Fronterizo y, por convenio con los países vecinos, las Zonas de
Integración Fronteriza y en el caso de los territorios indígenas la determinación se tomará
previa concertación con las autoridades propias de las comunidades y en concordancia
con lo dispuesto por la Ley 21 de 1991. En cada Departamento Fronterizo habrá por lo
menos una Unidad Especial de Desarrollo Fronterizo, la cual podrá estar conformada por
uno o varios municipios y/o, corregimientos especiales.

Artículo 6º. El Gobierno Nacional adoptará las medidas necesarias para garantizar la
aplicación de los convenios celebrados con los países vecinos en relación con las Zonas
de Integración Fronteriza, pudiendo transferir parcialmente determinadas atribuciones a los

2 Annex 126

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Legal Department, 2UGHU▯1R▯▯▯▯▯$
(13Aug. 1996) Annex 126




Santafe de Bogota, D.C.

13 AGO. 1996

ORDER No. 558A


The Office of the Under Secretary of Oversight and Monitoring sent the Legal Office Technical
Concept No. 071 dated August 23, 1995, on the application of herbicide to eradicate illegal

crops, through which, it states its opinion that the evaluation of the final document of September
1994 will make it possible to clearly appreciate the deficiencies and technical and logistical flaws
of the researchers who did the field work.

As a result, this led to unreliable technical assessments determining the use of spray equipment

with Turbo Thrush Commander airplanes and the recommendation to use a high dose of
Glyphosate 5.0 kg.i.a. per hectare, mixed with 1.0 liters/hectare of commercial vinegar to
eradicate illegal coca crops.

In keeping with the above, and in order to prevent harm or danger to renewable natural resources

and to human health that could result from the application of the (glyphosate-based) herbicide in
the eradication of coca crops in the Amazon and Orinoquia bio-geographic region, studies and
evaluations must be carried out that permit re-evaluating and determining the parameters and
technical specifications for the fumigations

[PAGE 2]

Through Order No. 741 dated October 20, 1995, the Ministry of Environment ordered the
National Narcotics Directorate to PREPARE a design for a field study on the activity of applying

(glyphosate-based) herbicide to coca crops in the bio-geographic region of the Amazon and
Orinoquia, within two (2) months after the date that the Order was published, which must be
guided by the ICA and officials of this Ministry.

On November 15, 1995, within the legal time period, the legal representative filed an Appeal for

Reconsideration against Order No. 741 of 1995 issued by the Ministry of the Environment.

▯Annex 126

The Legal Office, in its Order No. 883 dated December 31, 1995, rejected the Appeal for
Reconsideration filed by the National Narcotics Directorate against Order No. 741, according to
articles 52, 1 paragraph, and Art. 53 of the Administrative-Contentious Code, and article 65 of
the Civil Procedure Code.

In addition, the National Narcotics Directorate submitted the properly granted power of attorney
and filed an Appeal for Reconsideration and supplementary appeal against Order No. 741 of
October 20, 1995, requesting its revocation and requesting an extension of six (6) months to
prepare the Field Study.

The Legal Office, in Order No. 557 dated August 13, 1996, modified Order No. 741 of October
20, 1995, in order to include the Field Design requested by this Ministry, within the Terms of
Reference of the Management Plan established by the Ministry of the Environment, and rejected

the Appeal for Reconsideration and supplementary appeal filed by the National Narcotics
Directorate against Order No. 741.

The Sectoral Environmental Directorate of this Ministry, through Memorandum No. 0150 of July

12, 1996, sent the Legal Office the Terms of Reference to prepare the Environmental
Management Plan for the Application of Glyphosate-based Herbicides in the Eradication of
Illegal Crops.

By virtue of the above,

[PAGE 3]


ARTICLE ONE : The National Narcotics Directorate shall present the Ministry of the
Environment with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) in
accordance with the Terms of Reference listed below:


In accordance with the foundations of Colombian environmental policy and the functions
indicated in Law 99 of December 22, 1993 and with the provisions of the transition regime,
article 38 of Decree 1753/94, the Ministry of Environment establishes the following Terms of

Reference for the Environmental Management Plan for the application of herbicides approved by
the National Council of Narcotics according to Resolution 001 of February 11, 1994 in the
Illegal Crop Eradication Program.


- The Program: In this text, “The Program” refers to the application of herbicides to
eradicate illegal crops: poppies, coca and marijuana.

- The herbicide(s): For any purpose it is understood that these correspond to and are
restricted only to those commercial formulations whose active ingredient is glyphosate

▯ Annex 126

(common name) and, which have the respective Sales Permit granted by the Colombian

Agricultural Institute (ICA for its initials in Spanish).


As the Anti-Narcotics Directorate has announced the existence of illegal crops over a large part
of the national territory, an EMP is required for each of the following natural regions:

- The Caribbean plans
- The Pacific Coast

- The Andean Region
[PAGE 4]

- The Catatumbo Region
- Orinoquia

- The Amazon Region

In each region, at least on representative zone will be selected for the preparation of the EMP,
keeping in mind the following aspects, among others:

- Human settlements, their size and population density, the existence of indigenous
communities, areas established by Law 70.
- The presence of strategic ecosystems and those of social and environmental importance.
- The size – total surface area – of the illegal crops and average size of cultivated plots.

- Existing environmental information.
- Plant formations
- Important water basins given their size and uses.
- Land uses.
- Areas that are part of the National Natural Park System

- Productive, productive-protective or protective forest reserves.
- The consensus and acceptance of the community to gather primary information, monitor and
conduct any studies that are necessary.
- The feasibility of implementing experimental parcels in order to evaluate impacts and to

carry out follow-up and monitoring actions.

The areas selected in each region must be justified with an explanation of the criteria finally
taken into consideration and the reasons for selecting each area. Nevertheless, the Ministry of the

Environment may have input in choosing the location of the EMP when it deems necessary, in
accordance with the foundations of the environmental policy contained in Title I of Law 99/93.


In accordance with that established in Law 99 of 1993 and Decree 1753 of 1994, the
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) encompasses the programs, actions and measures that

▯Annex 126

are required to prevent, mitigate, control, compensate and correct the possible negative

environmental effects or impacts that the Program could have in the different areas of the
national territory where it is implemented; it must include the follow-up and monitoring plans
and contingency planning.

[PAGE 5]


- Identify the negative impacts that the Program could cause in the different environmental,
physical-biological and socio-economic components.

- Evaluate the supply and vulnerability of the ecosystems exposed to the application of
glyphosate-based herbicides, in the development of the Program.

- Identify critical and sensitive ecosystems and those of great environmental importance,
identify the areas that should be excluded, and those that should be treated or managed
specially within the development and execution of the 3URJUDP▯

- Define and design programs, actions and measures that are required to prevent, mitigate,
control, compensate and correct the possible environmental effects or impacts, as well as
social impacts, caused by the implementation of Program activities.

- Specify the special measures to be implemented in the areas of the National Natural Parks
System that are intended to conserve biological and cultural diversity.

- Propose measures that are intended to resolve the incompatibilities that arise between the
Program and the government plans at the national, regional and local levels.

- Indicate the information deficiencies that generate uncertainty in the estimation, scale and
evaluation of the impacts.

- Evaluate and compare the environmental performance projected in the Program against
existing national standards for environmental quality, and how it corresponds to
international treaties and conventions ratified by Colombia.

- Design environmental oversight and control programs that will make it possible to evaluate

the behavior and effectiveness of the EMP.


- The EMP will be designed from the perspective of protecting the natural equilibrium,

preserving resources and conserving biological and cultural diversity as part of the national
[PAGE 6]

▯ Annex 126

- The EMP must guide the rational use of herbicides in illegal crops, considering the cycle of

activities carried out with said products and in order to prevent, avoid or minimize the
negative impacts and risks that they have on environmental, physical-biotic and social
- The formulation of strategies, plans and programs included within the EMP will contain:

justification, objectives, scope, technologies to be used, results to be achieved, costs and a
timeline for spending and execution.
- The EMP will be prepared based on primary and secondary information that supports the
proposed programs and activities.


The EMP must be adjusted to the specific activities of the Program and to the characteristics of
the region. Below is a broad description of the content that the Plans should contain, which is
intended to cover a wide range of circumstances; nevertheless, in cases where it is deemed

relevant, additional information will be added that can contribute valuable elements to analysis
and decision-making.

The information consulted (studies, publications, documents) must be referenced

bibliographically. For any experimental studies or data, the entity responsible for the research
will be cited, along with the date the research was done and the conditions under which the data
was obtained, in order to determine its transferability and scientific rigor and validity.

The Plan will specify the research centers and laboratories which serve as sources of information

and the type of official certification that they have, depending on the entity in question and the
standards of the country in which they operate.

Except for the technical names, all the information will be presented in Spanish.

Below is a description of the basic chapters which the EMP should contain in each of the regions
mentioned in section 1.2. (Page 1):

[PAGE 7]


The summary should contain the background and most significant aspects of the Program in the
region and in the natural and social environment in which the intervention will take place. It will

also include a summary of the environmental impacts, in order of importance, and a summary of
the EMP to be implemented.


The introduction will contain a general description of the characteristics and scope of the
Program in the region. It will also discuss the legal framework (laws, regulations, decrees,

▯Annex 126

national and international agreements, development plans, territorial physical and/or

environmental plans) considered in the design of the EMP.

In a succinct way, it will contain a general description of the content of each of the chapters and
annexes. It will also specify the mechanisms, procedures and methods used to gather, process

and analyze the information, as well as the information systems used.

Any information deficiencies or limitations in the development of the different components of
the EMP will be identified, which could cause uncertainty in designing the actions, programs and
measures to be implemented.

This chapter will include a list of the professionals participating in preparing the EMP (along
with their specialization and responsibility within the Plan process), along with those institutions
and organizations with whom the Plan authors interacted during the study design phase.

There will be the sources of information, authors and dates of the publications and studies
consulted, and a record of the dates on which each Plan component was developed.

The laboratories and equipment used in each monitoring exercise or experimental assessment

will be named.


This chapter will present those determinant aspects of the Program in the region, from their

origin to the current status, emphasizing the following:

[PAGE 8]

- Historical summary of the presence and problem of illegal crops in the region.

Size/extension and location of cultivated land.
- Actions taken to date to solve the problem and results obtained.
- Description of the Illegal Crop Eradication Plan in the region and integration of the Program
with the other actions being carried out for the same purpose. Benefits – appropriateness

and advantages – of using the chemical alternative.


3.1 Leadership and management of the Program

This chapter will identify those entities and institutions (Councils, Committees and others) that
are in charge of Program leadership, administration and implementation, specifying the roles and
responsibilities of each of the entities involved.

3.2 Implementation of activities

▯ Annex 126

A description of the criteria, implementation stages and sequence of the activities involved in the

Program, considering:

- Identification and selection of the areas where the Program will be implemented.
- Validation of the method and technical specifications of the application, with reference to

the particular conditions of the area.
- Activities involved in handling the herbicide (transportation, storage, and preparing the
- Inter-institutional coordination activities at the central and regional level.
- Monitoring and oversight activities.

[PAGE 9]

3.3 Identification of the herbicides) to be applied, properties and toxicity

A description of the herbicides – commercial formulations – that will be used in the Program,
indicating in each case:

- Commercial name

- Type of formulation
- Holder of the Sales Permit (granted by the ICA).

Attach a copy of the label(s) approved in Colombia and additional information provided by the
supplier, including instructions about the content and proper handling of the product, including

the Safety Sheet.

- Specify: Type, material and capacity of the containers

- Information on properties, toxicity and eco-toxicity according to Annex 1.

3.4 Conditions for the application of the herbicide

This section establishes the conditions for the application of the herbicide, according to annex

No. 2. Attached will be the opinion and recommendations of the Colombian Agriculture
Institute (ICA) on the efficacy and conditions for application by type of crop (marijuana, coca or
poppies), indicating the environmental conditions taken as reference.

3.5 Infrastructure

The technical and geographic location conditions will be established for the facilities used for the
different activities, taking into account: storage, the mix of the herbicide, equipment
maintenance and main runways for the supplying and operation of the aircrafts.


▯Annex 126

This chapter will identify the selected area of reference, according to the natural region that the

EMP corresponds to, which must have been previously approved by the Ministry of
Environment. This area will be presented in maps at scales that can vary between 1:25,000 to
1:100,000, depending on the size of the area and the existing cartography resources.

[PAGE 10]


Based on the primary and secondary information studied, this chapter will present an

environmental description of the area in question, considering physical, biotic and socio-
economic aspects, in a dynamic sense, and keeping in mind the longest time series (basic
information) possible, in order to establish historical evolution trends or mean values that
represent the environmental baseline up to the current situation.

It should be noted, however that while the collection of primary and secondary information is
important, the fundamental part will be the analysis done in relation to the possible effects of the
proposed Program.


5.1.1 Climatology

The climatology study will make it possible to prepare a regional physical-biotic zoning


With the knowledge and the special distribution of the primary climatic factors, based on
existing information, the interrelations of meteorological elements with ecosystemic elements
will be established. The following variables will be included in the study:

- An analysis of the general atmospheric circulation and its local modifications, determined
by the conditions of relief and orographic orientation, which will make it possible to
establish the causality of the meteorological factors that determine the climate

characteristics of the area.

- Climatic zoning based on the interrelationship of the predominant meteorological elements
in the region.

- Preparation of monthly multi-annual water balances based on the correlation of potential
evapotranspiration and rainfall.

- Predominant conditions of relative humidity, wind speed and direction, as distributed over
time and space.

- Needs for completing the meteorological network.

▯ Annex 126

[PAGE 11]

5.1.2 Geology, Geomorphology and Geotechnics

This section will describe topographic aspects, maximum altitudes. The geomorphological
zoning will be done and the areas with erosive processes and current and potential dominant
earth movements will be identified.

The critical and at-risk areas will be defined, according to the different degrees of geotechnical

erodibility and stability.

5.1.3 Soils and Land Use

A description of the different types of soils that are in the area where the activities will take

place, along with their agrological classification and current use, together with the corresponding

5.1.4 Air quality

This section will identify the most representative sources of air pollution in the study area,
caused by agricultural, industrial and other activities of man.

5.1.5 Water component

This section will specify the drainage network based on a system that defines the order of the
waterways according to their degree of location in the network, ecological and hydrological

Based on the existing information, the availability of water resources will be studied; for the
main water courses, the minimum monthly flow volumes will be determined along with the
following aspects:

- Water Uses: An inventory of the main uses. Establishes the uses related to the supply of
aqueducts and fishery activities.

- Water Quality: Based on existing information from recent analyses and complementary
samples, the quality of the waters will be determined, considering the following

parameters (reported in the units of measurement indicated by the existing regulations):


- Temperature

- pH
- Dissolved oxygen

▯Annex 126

[PAGE 12]

- Turbidity
- Total solids
- Dissolved solids
- Suspended solids

- Acidity and alkalinity

Hydrobiological: macrophyte, benthic and periphyton.

5.1.6 Ictiofauna

Includes a description for the main bodies of water in the study area of the waterlife species
present, considering the dominant species, commercially valuable species and species in danger

of extinction, with a reference to lists published by environmental authorities or national
institutions (INSTITUTE OF NATURAL SCIENCES) and international ones (CITES; IUCN).

5.1.7 Vegetation

This section will define areas of life according to known systems (Holdridge, Cuatrecasas or
others), and a scale map will be prepared to illustrate the main physical units: primary forest,
secondary forest, stubble, natural pastures, farming zones and livestock zones.

The following will be considered in the area of study:

- Qualitative aspects like: floristic composition, physionomy, spatial structure.
- Quantitative aspects of dominance, coverage, abundance and density.
- Other aspects: degree of degradation of the plant life and reversibility, potential recreational

use, visual quality, scientific and educational interest.
- Species that have value for cultural, artisanal, medicinal, or wood production reasons.

5.1.9 Fauna

Based on secondary (and primary, where possible) information and according to biogeographic
distribution patters, the study will determine the dominant species present, with an emphasis on
those species that are threatened or in danger of extinction and endemic species (insects, birds,
reptiles and mammals), taking as a reference the lists published by national or international

environmental authorities (Institute of Natural Sciences of the National University, CITES,

[PAGE 13]


▯ Annex 126

This chapter includes a description of the social component of the area in question, taking into

account the following variables:

5.2.1 Socio-spatial

This section will establish the socio-spatial dynamics in the area of study, considering, among
other factors: concentrated and/or dispersed settlements; political-administrative jurisdictions;
social assistance infrastructure, roads and the territorial relationships that exist within the zone.

5.2.2 Socio-demographic

- Describe the families affected by the Program based on primary (where possible) and
secondary information, analyzing the following information:

- The age, sex, civil status, family structure, migratory flows, time of residence of families in

the area and growth trends of rural and urban sectors.

- The levels of education and health conditions of the population.

- Coverage, quality, quantity and current state of the public and social services infrastructure.

- Provide indicators of the vulnerability of the local population to the introduction of the

5.2.3 Socio-economic

This section will recognize and analyze the economic dynamics related to the productive
activities, distinguishing among: primary, complementary and subsistence activities, systems of
production employed, volumes, value of the production, market flows.

The conditions and dynamics of the labor market will be determined, along with income by
activity and by household, and employment and unemployment rates.

[PAGE 14]

5.2.4 Socio-cultural

- A cultural description of the population, identifying the different ethnic and human groups.

The levels of roots, identify, and sense of belonging of the population with respect to the
territory will be assessed, along with an analysis of the vulnerability to the loss of cultural

- A historical and cultural identification of the population will be carried out with regard to

production systems, technology, and economic, organizational, religious, artistic and other
social traditions.

▯Annex 126

- Collective experiences of adaptation and resistance to change will be examined, in order to

evaluate their capacity to respond to new situations.

5.2.5 Socio-political / Organizational

- This section will describe the structure of the regional and local authorities, their capacity to
engage the population and their participation in the development of the program.

- An analysis will be of the institutional presence in the Program area, whether governmental
or not, taking into account: programs currently being executed, resources allocated and


- The social stakeholders, groups of power, forms of association, their participation and
relationship with the different types of conflicts existing in the region and the response to
illegal crop control programs will be determined.

- An evaluation will be made of the compatibility of the program with the development plans
and trends of the municipalities in terms of other projects.

- The expectations of the community with regard to the program will be analyzed, including
community acceptance and participation in the program.

- Identify the possible forums for participation and consensus-building with the community.

[PAGE 15]


All information about the physical, biotic and social aspects of the study area must be presented

using maps drawn to a scale ranging from 1:25.000 to 1:250.000, depending on the existing
cartography, the specific topics being dealt with, and level of detail required for each one.


An evaluation and ranking of temporary or permanent impacts produced by the Program on the
environmental components analyzed in the characterization of the study area will be presented.
That evaluation will be the basis and support for the environmental control, prevention,
compensation and recovery measures addressed in the EMP.

Identification and evaluation of impact will be done using two scenarios: with the Program and
without the Program.

Without the Program – an overview of regional development will be analyzed, taking into

account municipal development plans, use and conservation of natural resources, and the effects
of current activities in the region on the components and ecosystems of the study area.

▯ Annex 126

With the Program – positive and negative impacts that the Program would have on the various

environmental components of the area will be determined.

The expected scope of any negative impact must be supported by analysis of the risks to human
health, non-controlled species, environmental quality (water, soil, air) and the surrounding

ecosystems which would result from herbicide spraying.

In this context, the “risk” is defined as the probability that exposure to the chemical agent would
have adverse effects. The following aspects should be considered in evaluation of risk:

- Potential toxic or adverse effects that may result from herbicides, metabolites, or the products
resulting from their transformation
- Physical and chemical properties of herbicides associated with their distribution, mobility,
and persistence in various environmental compartments
- Environmental characteristics (physical-biotic and socio-economic aspects) of the exposed


[PAGE 16]

- Conditions of exposure, type of exposure (direct or indirect), concentration, duration, and
routes of exposure
- In all cases, there will be a description of the methodology used for evaluating impacts, as
well as for establishing parameters and criteria for scoring and ranking them, including the
following considerations:

x The nature and magnitude of the negative effect
x The probability of occurrence
x Resources affected and ecological significance of the effect

x Reversibility
x The impact’s area of influence
x Lack of information causing any uncertainty or limiting the scope of the evaluation

Unavoidable and cumulative effects will be analyzed considering the impact of the Program on
regional development plans and projects.

In identifying and evaluating impacts, the following aspects will be considered, as well as
interactions among the various environmental components:

x Water resources: The risk of surface water contamination due to transport phenomena
(drift, runoff or erosion) will be evaluated. Changes in water resources in terms of
quality and use interference within the Program’s area of influence will be analyzed, with

special emphasis on alterations in the quality of water which is destined for human and
domestic use.

x Soil: An evaluation of the average half-life of glyphosate in the soil, its effects on soil

organisms, and impact on current use.

▯Annex 126

x Geology and geomorphology: Increase in erosion and slope instability due to
suppression of vegetation cover.

x Ecosystems: Impact on land and water ecosystems, and landscape deterioration; The
potential effects of the Program related to the destruction or modification of land and

water fauna habitats will be analyzed. In the latter case, the effects on ictiofauna (fish
life), species of scientific interest, and benthofauna will be considered. Likewise, the
impact on forested areas, vegetation cover, and native vegetation species will be

[PAGE 17]

Beginning with evaluation of the socio-environmental characteristics and analysis of the two

scenarios - with or without the Program - the most significant impacts will be identified, such as:

- Impact on cultural, political and demographic (migration) dynamics caused by the
introduction of illegal crops and their associated processing and commercialization activities

- Emphasis on the effects of the cultural conflict originating from “stigmatization” of the
population living in illegal crop areas

- Introduction of human health risk factors due to herbicide spraying

- Evaluation of the possible effects of the Program on production activities; estimate the effect
of herbicide spraying on commercial illegal crops and the community’s food crops, as well as
the Program’s impact on family, local, regional and national economies

- Impact of introducing new production models and obtaining short term income

- Impacts related to land ownership/tenure: land use. The trends of displacing illegal crops in
the region will be analyzed

- Impacts directly affecting traditional indigenous territories, land reserves and protected areas

- Political-administrative impact of the Program at the local and regional level


This section will discuss the results of the impact evaluation, and the most significant ones will
be identified. Indicators will be established based on representativeness, relevance, and
possibilities for monitoring and follow-up.

[PAGE 18]


▯ Annex 126

As a result of the physical-biotic and socioeconomic diagnoses and environmental evaluations
with or without the Program, the most environmentally sensitive and critical areas will be
identified and divided into management zones. This will allow spatial planning of specific
strategies and methods for eradication of illegal crops in the region.


This will describe strategies, programs and measures for prevention, reduction, control,
correction, compensation and mitigation of any negative impacts of the Program, taking into

consideration the variety of activities included, and the plan for follow-up and monitoring.

In elaborating the EMP, environmental management activities already started will be considered,
as well as any adjustments that may be necessary to those, and the design of new programs.

Regarding the programs, work, and activities stemming from the Environmental Management
Plan, the objectives, scope, stages of execution and design criteria will be specified, as well as
the human resources, equipment and materials required, a timeline, and budget.

The Environmental Management Plan will focus on programs to control negative impacts on
human health, socio-economic issues at the regional and national level, vegetation, surface
waters, and hydro-biologic resources.


For any significant, unavoidable or cumulative impacts identified during the environmental
evaluation, model datasheets will be created illustrating measures for control, prevention,
mitigation and correction. These files will include, at least:

x Type of impact
x Affected environmental components
x Indicators selected

[PAGE 19]

x Environmental measures for control, prevention, correction, mitigation and
compensation. These measures will be categorized according to each stage of the
Program’s development: actions to be taken before and in preparation for eradication of

illegal crops, actions to be taken during the eradication, ex-post follow-up and evaluation
of the activities. This will include recommended technical conditions for the application,
as well as adjustments and restrictions to be made according to the environmental
characteristics of the area.

x Need for training of application personnel
x Equipment and technological requirements
x Monitoring and follow-up activities

x Oversight/administrative activities

▯Annex 126

For control and supervision activities, the following will be established, as appropriate:

x Analytical determinations and/or bioassays required
x Methods, time periods and frequency of analyses

x Location of sampling stations, specifying criteria to be taken into account
x Research centers and laboratories planned for getting started on analytical evaluations
x Computer systems/programs and mathematical models applicable to follow-up and
monitoring activities

x Systems for recording and analysis of information
x Mechanisms planned for feedback and optimization of the EMP
x Person in charge of carrying out the project


For the handling and application of herbicides, a recording system will be designed, taking into
consideration the following aspects:

x Environmental education, and training in preventative health care and safe product handling
for the personnel who will handle and apply herbicides
x Records of herbicide applications, including the date, crop location, commercial name of the

herbicide, dosage, mixture composition and volumes applied, application conditions, and
extended area over which the application was carried out.
x Program for maintenance of the application equipment

[PAGE 20]


This section should specify the nature, treatment, and disposal of solid and liquid wastes

resulting from various Program activities, including: packaging and containers, remnants, and
products (herbicides) that are deteriorated or not in accordance with technical specifications. It
will also include: wastewater from cleaning the equipment or installations, and remnants from
mixing or spills.


In response to any limitations or lack of information identified in the impact evaluation, the need
to establish experimental parcels will be evaluated, to be used for testing the effects of herbicides
applied to the soils, the flora, the fauna, and the hydro-biological resources.


A plan will be established for short-, medium- and long-term social action, and coordinated with

the alternative development program called “PLANTE”.

7.5.1 Short Term Action Plan

▯ Annex 126

a - Assure compliance with national legislation, and involve the participation of citizens and
community organizations, based on regional and local agreements that have been signed
between various communities in the area and the national government.

b - Establish an Environmental Participation and Oversight Committee, formed by: one (1)
regional government delegate, preferably from the Provincial Environmental Office; one
(1) representative of Regional Autonomous Corporation, one (1) delegate from the city
administration; one (1) delegate from the National Narcotics Council, one (1) delegate
from the Agrarian Legal Office of the territorial entity; one delegate from the National

Attorney General’s Office; one (1) representative from the UN’s Alternative
Development program; at least two (2) delegates from affected communities, including
black and indigenous communities in the EMP’s area; one (1) delegate from the
environmental NGOs in the area; one (1) representative of legally-established civil
organizations (regional Committees, small farmers’ organizations, communal action

groups, etc.); and one (1) representative of the Church.

[PAGE 21]

In areas where this kind of Committee has already been formed, it must always be
included in making decisions, formulating the Environmental Management Plan, and
performing the follow-up of the 3URJUDP▯

The Committee’s functions will include:

Ͳ Participating in planning of short- and long-term socio-environmental activities;

Ͳ Performing Environmental Oversight over eradication of illegal crops, in accordance with the

requirements established by this Ministry;

Ͳ Performing follow-up and management of the effects of the Program on the directly-exposed
populations, in addition to follow-up of the programs established by the EMP;

Ͳ Establishing a coherent and permanent link between the Program administrators and the
regional and community authorities, for the purpose of proposing any pertinent agreements at
the regional level;

Ͳ Detecting technical, physical, political, legal, economic, and environmental limitations to
carrying out the proposed action plan.

c - Design programs for Environmental Training and preventative health care education for
the communities and personnel in charge of the handling and application of herbicides:

manuals will be designed and published, and workshops will be organized, for the
communities and personnel who directly handle herbicides during transportation, storage,
preparation of mixtures, application, clean-up, or maintenance of equipment used for
liquid or solid wastes.

▯Annex 126

Workshops will be oriented towards:

Ͳ Community awareness of the ways they have traditionally managed their environment, and
identifying the potential of the natural resources in their area.

Ͳ Criteria for territorial organization, use and management of natural resources by the
communities, and the effects generated by the introduction of the Program in the region.

[PAGE 22]

- Side effects of planting illegal crops and the associated activities of processing and
commercialization – including deforestation, erosion, acidification, salination, contamination
of surface waters, loss of biological and cultural diversity, etc.

Ͳ Knowledge of the National Constitution, Laws 99, and 70 of 1993, legislation and policies
about various aspects of community participation and management of natural resources.

Ͳ Knowledge of policies regarding the eradication of illegal crops.

Ͳ Information and knowledge about the EMP.

Ͳ Training in effective use and safe handling of herbicides, including treatment and disposal of

liquid and solid wastes.

7.5.2 Medium- and Long-Term Programs and Projects

To provide continuity of the SAP (Social Action Plan), strategic actions will be designed, in the

appropriate times and places, oriented toward:

Ͳ Establishing an inter-institutional and community organization to perform the follow-up and
oversight of programs established by the EMP, designed to mitigate, restore and compensate
for the socio- environmental impacts of the 3URJUDP▯

Ͳ Designing alternative development programs and projects for the region, such as: appropriate
application of technologies, diversification of crops and sources of income, diversification of
forest areas, and incentives for conservation of private reserves, among others.

These programs and projects must be coordinated with communities in advance, taking into
account the diagnoses and impact evaluation performed as part of the Environmental Impact
Study. The projects should be designed with the following structure:

i) Origin of the proposal and its objectives
ii) Scope
iii) Actions, activities, practices and specific tasks
iv) Modality and time of project execution

▯ Annex 126

v) Beneficiaries

[PAGE 23]

vi) Institutions involved in the project

vii) Timeline for execution
viii) Budget requirements and sources of financing.


A plan for response and prevention of any undesired events which could occur while carrying
out the various Program activities will be designed, with an emphasis on the activities of

The plan must establish: personnel and institutions to be involved, training requirements for

operators and the community, communications, equipment, task planning and response
procedures. It must also include mechanisms for evaluation of accidents and of the plan in its
entirety, precautionary measures to be taken when there is a need to open the emergency release
valve of the tank that contains the herbicide mixture, and an estimated budget.


The main objective of the Environmental Audit Office will be to supervise and coordinate
various eradication methods and activities, ensuring that the implementation of the Program

complies with the requirements for prevention and control of negative environmental impacts
outlined in the EMP.

For the audit function to be effective, it should be planned based on detailed knowledge of all the
components of the Program, and should always consider the mechanisms for evaluation and

optimization of the EMP.

This chapter presents a proposal of what the Environmental Auditing of the Program should

Ͳ Objectives and scope
Ͳ Tasks
Ͳ Obligations and level of participation
Ͳ Timeline for execution

Ͳ Personnel and resources needed

[PAGE 24]

Ͳ Type and frequency of reports to be presented to the environmental authorities.
Ͳ Costs


▯Annex 126




Based on secondary information supplied by the providers, the manufacturers, and entities
having knowledge of toxicology on a worldwide level, the following data will be presented:

1. Regarding the active ingredient:

1.1 Chemical name (IUPAC nomenclature)

1.2 Structural formula

1.3 Physical and Chemical properties
Ͳ boiling point and fusion point

Ͳ volatility, vapor pressure (mmHg) at 20°C
Ͳ solubility in water, pH and temperature specifications
Ͳ octanol-water partition coefficient
Ͳ corrosivity

Ͳ ignition point
Ͳ combustion products (reaction products and combustion gases)
Ͳ reactivity with the container material

1.4 Behavior, distribution, and transformation and degradation, (chemical, biological,

or photo-degradation) in the environment:

Ͳ Behavior in soil: degradation pathways, adsorption/desorption, persistence and half-
life in various types of soil.

Ͳ Behavior in water: Stability in water, degradation pathways, and persistence
(specifying reference conditions)

[PAGE 25]

1.5 Metabolites and degradation products: metabolites and products of biological,
chemical and photo degradation which have been shown to be toxic or eco-toxic,
persistent, or bio-cumulative should be identified.

1.6 Methods of inactivation

2. Regarding the commercial product

▯ Annex 126

Ͳ pH
Ͳ Impurities and additives used in stabilization of the technical material, which may be
significant on a toxicological level
Ͳ Incompatibility with other agrochemicals

3. Toxicology data

The following data will be collected, corresponding to the results of toxicity studies of the
active ingredient. If there are studies of the formula, preference will be given to those results

as much as possible. The influence of other ingredients on toxicity of the final product will
also be analyzed. Studies consulted will be referenced according to the original indications

3.1 Toxicity to mammals (specify species and sex studied, and time of exposure):

Ͳ Acute toxicity: average lethal dose (LD ) 50
Ͳ Ocular and dermal irritation
Ͳ Chronic toxicity and genotoxicity
Ͳ Neurotoxicity

3.2 Toxicity to birds
Ͳ Acute toxicity data; specify species, dosage and time of exposure

3.3 Toxicity data for other organisms not subjected to the application:
Ͳ Toxicity to bees and beneficial insects
Ͳ Toxicity to earthworms and soil organisms

3.4 Toxicity to water; specify species and time of exposure
Ͳ Acute toxicity for fish and aquatic invertebrates (CL50)
Ͳ Chronic toxicity and effects on reproduction in fish and aquatic invertebrates

[PAGE 26]
Ͳ Effects on seaweed growth

3.5 Other aspects:
Ͳ Mode of action

Ͳ Phytotoxicity

3.6 Residues in food (Maximum Residue Limits or Tolerances - MRLs)

4. Effects on human health

Based on the preceding information and the epidemiological studies, potential adverse
effects on human health related to acute and chronic toxicity will be analyzed. The

primary routes of exposure, as well as the nature and reversibility of effects, will be

5. Methods of Analysis

▯Annex 126

The most accessible methods for detection of AI residue in the environment (vegetation,
water and soil) will be described; specify detection limits



1. Specify dosage for application and composition of mixtures used, according to each
type of crop (include additives and adjuvants)

2. Indicate for each type of crop:
Ͳ Developmental stage the plants were in when the application took place
Ͳ Volume of mixture applied or discharged per hectare during each application,
with reference to crop density

Ͳ Number and frequency of applications made to the same crop

3. Specify criteria for selecting methods of application (land, manual or air) and the
methodologies used for adjusting technical specifications for application, depending

on the type of crop and the environmental characteristics of the area where they are

[PAGE 27]

4. Establish the application conditions for each method, considering the following:

Ͳ Equipment used; for aerial applications, determine the types of airplanes, the
technical specifications that will determine the application conditions, and

maximum cargo capacity for the herbicide.

Ͳ Environmental conditions observed during application; establish ranges for wind
speed and direction, relative humidity, temperature, time of day, and topography.

Ͳ Application height (range)

Ͳ Drop size (range)

Ͳ Determination of Average Volumetric Diameter of the drops

Ͳ Determination of effective application widths

Ͳ Airplane operating speed

Ͳ Observation of safe zones: human population centers, bodies of water, facilities or
activities of socioeconomic interest – including fish cultivation – and sensitive
environmental areas

▯ Annex 126

Ͳ Systems for putting the product into tanks

Ͳ Methods and frequency of calibration of the spray equipment

Ͳ Availability and technical specifications of instruments for measuring and
monitoring the environmental conditions to be considered when calculating the

Ͳ Strategic measures for protection of ecosystems

5. Attach a copy of tests conducted on the effects of drift, drop size and coverage pattern
(drop/cm ).

6. Operational yields of the applications, records, and statistics.


[PAGE 28]

ARTICLE TWO: NOTIFY the representative of National Narcotics Office of the contents of
this ruling.



Chief of Legal Office (Acting)

▯Annex 126 Annex 126

1Annex 126

2 Annex 126

3Annex 126

4 Annex 126

5Annex 126

6 Annex 126

7Annex 126

8 Annex 126

9Annex 126

10 Annex 126

11Annex 126

12 Annex 126

13Annex 126

14 Annex 126

15Annex 126

16 Annex 126

17Annex 126

18 Annex 126

19Annex 126

20 Annex 126

21Annex 126

22 Annex 126

23Annex 126

24 Annex 126

25Annex 126

26 Annex 126

27Annex 126

28 Annex 127

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, 2UGHU▯1R▯▯▯▯▯$ (13Aug. 1996) Annex 127




Santafé de Bogotá D.C. 13 August 1996

ORDER No. 557ª


The Assistant Director of Vigilance and Monitoring delivers Technical Concept No 071 dated
August 23, 1995, regarding the application of herbicide in illicit crop eradication, through which,
it considers that the document’s final assessment of September 1994, entitled SYSTEMATIC

Audit firm TECHECA LTDA, allowed establishment of the data contained in the above
document to clarify the technical and logistical deficiencies and faults that the researchers did in
carrying out their field work.

As a result, the above leads to unreliable technical evaluations regarding determination of the use
of spraying equipments with Turbo Thrush Commander airplanes and recommendation of usage
of a high Glyphosate dosage of 5.0 KG.1.a. /ha., boosted with 1.0 Lts/ha of commercial vinegar
for illicit coca crop eradication.

In accordance with the above, and in order to prevent damage or danger to natural renewable
recourses and human health that could be caused by the glyphosate-based herbicide application
activity in coca crop eradication, in the Bio-geographic Amazon and Orinoco region, it is
essential to carry out studies and assessments that allow reevaluation and specification of the

technical parameters and specifications for the aspersions.

[PAGE 2]

Through Order No. 741 issued on 20 October 1995, the Ministry of Environment required the
National Narcotics Directorate to prepare a Field Research Design regarding the Glyphosate-
based herbicide application activity in coca crop eradication of the Amazon and Orinoco bio-
geographic region within a term of two (2) months beginning on the notification date of the
present order. This Research Design shall be guided by ICA and officials from this Ministry.

On 15 November 1995, within the legal term, the representative filed a Recourse for Reversal
against Order No. 741 of 1985 issued by the Ministry of Environment.

Through Order No. 883 issued December 31, 1995, the Legal Office rejected the Recourse for

Reversal filed by the National Narcotics Directorate against Order No. 741, in accordance with
articles 52, Numeral 1 and 53 of the Administrative Contentions Code, as well as Article 65 of
the Civil Procedure Code.Annex 127

Similarly, the National Narcotics Directorate presented the duly conferred power of attorney and
submitted a Recourse for Reversal and Recourse for Appeal in the alternative against Order No.
741 dated October 20, 1995, requesting revocation and expansion of the six (6) month term to
carry out the preparation of the Field Study.

In the Special session of 8 March 1996 held by the National Narcotics Council, with
participation of the Ministry of Environment, it was agreed that the replacement Environmental
Management Plan was appropriate as substitute for the Environmental Impact Study. This
Environmental Management Plan should include the Field Research Design regarding coca crop

eradication in the Amazon and Orinoco Bio-geographic region, as requested by this Ministry.

The Sectorial Environmental Directorate (DAS), issued Technical Concept No. 0310 dated June
27 1996. In this concept, it considers that it is feasible for the National Narcotics Directorate to
include the Field Design of the Amazon and Orinoco Bio-geographic Region in the

Environmental Management Plan. This Environmental Management Plan will be submitted to
this Ministry and the dosage recommended by ICA, obtained through glyphosate-based efficacy
trials, will be taken into account for the development of said activity.

[PAGE 3]

In accordance with the Contentious Administrative Code, the Ministry of Environment shall
modify Order No. 741 dated October 20, 1995, to include the Field Research Design in the
Environmental Management Plan (presented by this Ministry). The above was ordered because

the illicit crop eradication activity has been in course of performance in the countries since prior
to the entry into force of Law 99 of 1993.

The Recourse for Reversal and Recourse for Appeal in the alternative, filed by the National
Narcotics Directorate against order No. 741, requesting Revocation of the same, should be

dismissed, because the governmental routes have been exhausted and therefore the
administrative act is now firmly established. This implies Rejection of said Recourse and
therefore, leads to the request for Revocation.

The Legal Office, taking into account that which is contemplated in the Administrative
Contentious Code regarding the inapplicability of the Appellate Recourse, must fully reject the
Recourse filed by the National Narcotics Directorate with this Ministry.

In merits of the foregoing,


ARTICLE ONE: MODIFY Order No. 741 dated October 20, 2995, in the
sense that the National Narcotics Directorate shall include

the Field Research Design regarding the Glyphosate-based
Herbicide Application Activity in the illicit crop
eradication pertaining to the Environmental Management
Plan that the Ministry of Environment must submit. Annex 127

ARTICLE TWO: REJECT the Recourse for Reversal and Recourse for

Appeal in the alternative, filed by the National Narcotics
Directorate against Order No. 741 dated October 20, 2995,
arguing its inadmissibility
[PAGE 4]

ARTICLE THREE: NOTIFY the content of this Order to the representative of
the National Narcotics Directorate.

ARTICLE FOUR: No Recourse applies against the present administrative act.

NOTIFICATION AND FULFILLMENT IS HEREBY ORDEREDAnnex 127Annex 127Annex 127Annex 127Annex 127 Annex 128

Republic of Colombia, Constitutional Court, 7ULYLxR▯HW▯DO., Judgment SU-039/97 (3 Feb. 1997) Annex 128

Judgment SU - 039/97


7KH▯&RXUW▯KDG▯FRQVLGHUHG▯WKDW▯WKH▯LQGLJHQRXV▯community had ceased to be a factual and legal

reality since they were object of IXQGDPHQWDO▯ULJKWV▯▯L▯H▯▯WKDW▯WKese are not only predicated on
their individually considered members, but they arise from a community which itself appears to
be attributed by its own singularity, with is precisely the proposal for express recognition made
by the Constitution with respect to “the CoORPELDQ▯QDWLRQ¶V▯HWKQLF▯DQG▯FXOWXUDO▯GLYHUVLW\▯´▯

– Harmonization of interests / THE INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES’ RIGHT TO
INTEGRITY – Preservation

[PAGE 19]

…And precisely in order to assure said subsistence, it is provided for, when the exploitation of

natural resources in indigenous territories is attempted, the communities’ participation in the
ultimately adopted decisions to authorize said exploitation. In this manner, the communities’
fundamental right to preserve their referenced integrity is guaranteed and made effective through
exercise of another right that also possesses a fundamental nature, in terms of Article 40,
paragraph 2 of the Constitution, which is the right to the communities’ participation in the

referenced decisions.


… the participation of the indigenous communities in decision that may affect them relating to

the exploitation of
[PAGE 20]

natural resources, is noteworthy in that the mentioned participation through the mechanism of

consultation acquires the connotation of a fundamental right, since a basic instrument is created
to preserve the ethnic, social, economic and cultural integrity of the indigenous communities and
thus, to guarantee their continuing existence as a social group.


[PAGE 40]


In light of the foregoing, the Constitutional Court, administering justice on behalf of the people

and by Constitutional mandate,


▯Annex 128

[PAGE 41]

First: REVOKE the sentence issued by the Supreme Court of Justice, Chamber of Judicial
Appeals, dated 19 October 1995.

Second: CONFIRM the judgment issued by the Superior Tribunal of the Judicial District of
Santafé de Bogotá – Special Chamber, dated 12 September 1995, through which the writ for
protection of fundamental rights was entreated, subject to modification that the rights to which
the writ of protection of fundamental rights relates are the participation, ethnic, cultural, social
and economic integrity and due process of the U’wa community.

Third: ORDER that, aiming to make effective the right to fundamental participation of the U’wa
community, in accordance with numeral 2 of article 40 of the Constitution, consultation be made
to the U’wa community within a term of 30 business days, beginning on the date of notification
of this judgment.

Fourth: The writ for fundamental rights is granted, regarding the fundamental right of
participation of the U’wa community. It will be in force while the contentious administrative
jurisdiction pronounces itself on the nullity of the resolution that granted the environmental

license, due to the violation of said right. For this reason, the U’wa community shall demand
said nullity, if it applies to the case, according to the terms of article 76 of law 99 of 1993.

Fifth: COMMUNICATE this decision to the Superior Tribunal of Santafé de Bogotá, so that
the parties can be notified, in accordance with the provisions of article 36 of decree 2592 of


We hereby order this resolution to be copied, fulfilled, published and inserted in the
Constitutional Court’s Gazette.



Presiding Magistrate


[PAGE 42]



▯ Annex 128






Associate Judge

Secretary General

▯Annex 128 Annex 128

Sentencia SU-039/97


una realidad fáctica y legal para ser sujeto de derechos fundamentales; es

GHFLU▯▯ TXH▯ pVWRV▯ QR▯ VyOR▯ VH▯ SUHGLFan de sus miembros individualmente
considerados, sino de la comXQLGDG▯ PLVPD▯ TXH▯ DSDUHFH▯ GRWDGD▯ GH▯

TERRITORIO INDIGENA-Armonización de intereses/DERECHO


LQWHJULGDG▯TXH▯FRQILJXUD▯XQ▯GHUHFho fundamental para la comunidad por

estar ligada a su subsistencia como▯JUXSR▯KXPDQR▯\▯FRPR▯FXOWXUD▯▯3DUD▯
asegurar dicha subsistencia se ha previsto, cuando se trate de realizar la
de la comunidad en las decisiones TXH▯VH▯DGRSWHQ▯SDUD▯DXWRUL]DU▯GLFKD▯
H[SORWDFLyQ▯▯ 'H▯ HVWH▯ PRGR▯▯ HO▯ GHrecho fundamental de la comunidad a

RWUR▯GHUHFKR▯TXH▯WDPELpQ▯WLHQH▯HO▯FDrácter de fundamental, como es el
recursos naturales ofrece como particulDULGDG▯HO▯KHFKR▯GH▯TXH▯OD▯UHIHULGD▯

es básico para preservar la integriGDG▯pWQLFD▯▯VRFLDO▯▯HFRQyPLFD▯\▯FXOWXUDO▯
GH▯ ODV▯ FRPXQLGDGHV▯ GH▯ LQGtJHQDV▯ y para asegurar, por ende, su

dirigida a asegurar el derecho de GHIHQVD▯ GH▯ TXLHQHV▯ YDQ▯ D▯ UHVXOWDU▯
los atinentes a la definiciyQ▯GHO▯GHVWLQR▯\▯OD▯VHJXULGDG▯de la subsistencia de


1Annex 128

FRPXQLGDGHV▯LQGtJHQDV▯▯TXLHQHV▯WLHnen un derecho fundamental a su

3.2. La explotación de los recursos naturales en los territorios indígenas
hace necesario armonizar dos intereses contrapuestos: la necesidad de
planificar el manejo y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales en los
referidos territorios para garantizar su desarrollo sostenible, su

conservación, restauración o sustitución (art. 80 C.P.), y la de asegurar la
protección de la integridad étnica, cultural, social y económica de las
comunidades indígenas que ocupan dichos territorios, es decir, de los
elementos básicos que constituyen su cohesión como grupo social y que,
por lo tanto, son el sustrato para su subsistencia. Es decir, que debe

buscarse un equilibrio o balance entre el desarrollo económico del país que
exige la explotación de dichos recursos y la preservación de dicha
integridad que es condición para la subsistencia del grupo humano

El Constituyente previó en el parágrafo del art. 330 una fórmula de
solución al anotado conflicto de intereses al disponer:

hará sin desmedro de la integridad FXOWXUDO▯▯VRFLDO▯\▯HFRQyPLFD▯GH▯ODV▯


La explotación de los recursos naturales en los territorios indígenas debe
hacerse compatible con la protección que el Estado debe dispensar a la

integridad social, cultural y económica de las comunidades indígenas,
integridad que como se ha visto antes configura un derecho fundamental
para la comunidad por estar ligada a su subsistencia como grupo humano y
como cultura. Y precisamente, para asegurar dicha subsistencia se ha
previsto, cuando se trate de realizar la explotación de recursos naturales en

territorios indígenas, la participación de la comunidad en las decisiones que
se adopten para autorizar dicha explotación. De este modo, el derecho
fundamental de la comunidad a preservar la referida integridad se garantiza
y efectiviza a través del ejercicio de otro derecho que también tiene el
carácter de fundamental, en los términos del art. 40, numeral 2 de la

Constitución, como es el derecho de participación de la comunidad en la
adopción de las referidas decisiones.

3.3. La Constitución en diferentes normas alude a la participación
ciudadana que ofrece diferentes modalidades (preámbulo, arts. 1, 2, 40, 79,
103, entre otros). Por lo tanto, la única forma de participación no es la


A juicio de la Corte, la participación de las comunidades indígenas en las
decisiones que pueden afectarlas en relación con la explotación de los

19 Annex 128

recursos naturales ofrece como particularidad el hecho o la circunstancia
observada en el sentido de que la referida participación, a través del

mecanismo de la consulta, adquiere la connotación de derecho
fundamental, pues se erige en un instrumento que es básico para preservar
la integridad étnica, social, económica y cultural de las comunidades de
indígenas y para asegurar, por ende, su subsistencia como grupo social. De
este modo la participación no se reduce meramente a una intervención en la

actuación administrativa dirigida a asegurar el derecho de defensa de
quienes van a resultar afectados con la autorización de la licencia ambiental
(arts. 14 y 35 del C.C.A., 69, 70, 72 y 76 de la ley 99 de 1993), sino que
tiene una significación mayor por los altos intereses que ella busca tutelar,
como son los atinentes a la definición del destino y la seguridad de la

subsistencia de las referidas comunidades.

El derecho de participación de la comunidad indígena como derecho
fundamental (art. 40-2 C.P.), tiene un reforzamiento en el Convenio
número 169, aprobado por la ley 21 de 1991, el cual está destinado a

asegurar los derechos de los pueblos indígenas a su territorio y a la
protección de sus valores culturales, sociales y económicos, como medio
para asegurar su subsistencia como grupos humanos. De este modo, el
citado Convenio, que hace parte del ordenamiento jurídico en virtud de los
arts. 93 y 94 de la Constitución, integra junto con la aludida norma un

bloque de constitucionalidad que tiende a asegurar y hacer efectiva dicha

Diferentes normas del mencionado convenio apuntan a asegurar la
participación de las comunidades indígenas en las decisiones que las
afectan relativas a la explotación de los recursos naturales en sus territorios,


▯Artículo 5o. Al aplicar las disposiciones del presente Convenio:

▯D▯▯'HEHUiQ▯UHFRQRFHUVH▯\▯SURWHJHUVH los valores y prácticas sociales,

culturales, religiosas y espirituales propios de dichos pueblos y deberá
les plantean tanto colectiva como individualmente;

E▯▯ 'HEHUi▯ UHVSHWDUVH▯ OD▯ LQWHJUidad de los valores, prácticas e

instituciones de esos pueblos;

interesados, medidas encaminadas D▯ DOODQDU▯ ODV▯ GLILFXOWDGHV▯ TXH▯
experimenten dichos pueblos al afrontar nuevas condiciones de vida y de

▯Artículo 6o.▯▯▯▯▯$O▯DSOLFDU▯ODV▯GLVSRVLFLones del presente Convenio, los
gobiernos deberán:

20Annex 128

Estima la Corte que el perjuicio irremediable que se pretende evitar,
consiste en que al ejecutarse la resolución que autorizó la licencia

ambiental, ejecución que se extiende hasta cuando culminen las labores de
exploración y se evalúen sus resultados, se violaría en forma permanente el
derecho fundamental de participación de la comunidad, a través de la
consulta, e indudablemente, se estaría transgrediendo, o por lo menos
amenazando el derecho igualmente fundamental, que tiene la referida

comunidad a su identidad étnica, cultural, social y económica, pues es
evidente, que la vulneración de los referidos derechos no se entenderá
superada mientras no se lleve a cabo dicha consulta.

Adicionalmente la irremediablilidad del perjuicio que se pretende evitar, a

juicio de la Corte, consiste en que de resultar positiva la labor exploratoria,
la fase que sigue es la explotación, la cual se desarrollaría, sin mayores
inconvenientes, con desconocimiento de los aludidos derechos
fundamentales y con el evidente peligro de la afectación grave de la
integridad de la comunidad U'wa.

En síntesis, la irremediabilidad del perjuicio que se pretende evitar consiste
en que la violación de los aludidos derechos fundamentales persista e
incluso, pueda llegar a un punto de no retorno, como sería la destrucción o
aniquilación del grupo humano U'wa.

La eventual nulidad que llegare a decretar el Consejo de Estado no tendría
la virtud de restablecer el perjuicio que se esta causando y se causaría, por
el desconocimiento de los referidos derechos. Por lo tanto se requiere de su
protección urgente e inmediata.

d) En las circunstancias analizadas, se revocará la sentencia proferida por la
Corte Suprema de Justicia -Sala Penal y, en su lugar, se confirmará la
sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Santafé de Bogotá con la modificación
de que se tutelan, en forma transitoria, como se indica en la parte resolutiva
de esta sentencia, los derechos a la participación a la integridad étnica,

cultural, social y económica, y al debido proceso de la comunidad U'wa.

Como la omisión de la consulta es precisamente el hecho que origina la
violación o amenaza de violación de los mencionados derechos, la Corte
ordenará que la consulta a ésta se cumpla dentro del plazo que mas adelante

se señala.


Por lo anterior, la Corte Constitucional, administrando justicia en nombre
del pueblo y por mandato de la Constitución,


40 Annex 128

Primero: REVOCAR la sentencia proferida por la Corte Suprema de
Justicia, Sala de Casación Penal, de fecha 19 de octubre de 1995.

Segundo: CONFIRMAR la sentencia del Tribunal Superior del Distrito
Judicial de Santafé de Bogotá -Sala Especial, de fecha 12 de septiembre de

1995, mediante la cual se concedió la tutela impetrada, pero con la
modificación de que se tutelan, los derechos a la participación, a la
integridad étnica, cultural, social y económica y al debido proceso de la
comunidad U'wa.

Tercero: ORDENAR que con el fin de hacer efectivo el derecho
fundamental de participación de la comunidad U'wa, conforme al numeral 2
del art. 40 de la Constitución, se proceda en el término de 30 días hábiles, a
partir de la notificación de esta sentencia a efectuar la consulta a la
comunidad U'wa.

Cuarto: La tutela que se concede, sobre el derecho fundamental a la
participación de la comunidad U'wa, estará vigente, mientras la jurisdicción
de lo contencioso administrativo se pronuncia en relación con la nulidad de
la resolución que otorgó la licencia ambiental, en razón de la vulneración

de dicho derecho. Para este efecto la comunidad U'wa deberá demandar
dicha nulidad, si es del caso, en los términos del art. 76 de la ley 99 de

Quinto: COMUNICAR esta decisión al Tribunal Superior de Santafé de

Bogotá, para que sean notificadas las partes, de conformidad con lo
dispuesto en el artículo 36 del decreto 2591 de 1995.

Cópiese, notifíquese, cúmplase, publíquese e insértese en la Gaceta de la
Corte Constitucional.


Magistrado Ponente


41Annex 128












Secretaria General

42 Annex 129

Letter from GuillermoAcevedo Mantilla, Subdirector of Environmental Licenses, Ministry of
Environment, Republic of Colombia, to IvonAlcalaArevalo, Director, National Drug
Directorate, Republic of Colombia (8 Oct. 1998) Annex 129


▯ ▯

Santafé de Bogotá, Ministry of Environment
Date: 02/10/98 02:09 PM No. Location: 2211-2-315

Activity: REQUEST, Pages: 1, Annexes: 0


Cra. 16 No. 79-08

Santafé de Bogotá

Respected doctor:

Having reviewed the referenced study, the pages corresponding to chapter 7

IMPACTS have not been found. For this reason, I request your collaboration in the
sense of sending this to us as soon as possible, since we are currently in the process of
evaluation of the same.

Cordial greeting,

Assistant Director of Licenses


▯Annex 129Annex 129Annex 129 Annex 130

Letter from GuillermoAcevedo Mantilla, Subdirector of Environmental Licenses, Ministry of
Environment, Republic of Colombia, to Ruben Olarte Reyes, Director, National Drug Directorate,
Republic of Colombia (13 Nov. 1998) Annex 130

Ministry of Environment

Director General of Sustainable Development
Subdirectorate of Environmental Licenses

Santafé de Bogotá D.C.

Ministry of Environment
Date: 13-11-98 11:34 AM No. Proceeding: 2212-2-497
Activity: SUBMISSION Leafs: 1, Annexes: 0



National Narcotics Directorate
Fax No. 2578116
Carrera 16 No. 79-08
Santafé de Bogotá D.C.

RE: Remission of chapter VII of the Environmental Management Plan for
Glyphosate-based illicit crop eradication.

Respected doctor:

In the most attentive manner, I allow myself to remind you that in order to continue with the
evaluation of the above referenced subject, it is necessary that Chapter VII be reviewed, which
IMPACTS. For this reason, I thank you for urgently sending it to this Sub-directorate.

The above corresponds to the fact that said information has been requested since 2 October of
this year and it has not been obtained to date.



Subdirector of Environmental Licenses

cc. File No. 793
Office of the Attorney General of the Nation

▯Annex 130Annex 130Annex 130 Annex 131

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Division of Licenses,
7HFKQLFDO▯5HSRUW▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ (21 Dec. 1999) Annex 131






1.1 Order No. 741 dated 20 October 1995, issued by this Ministry’s Legal Office, required

the National Narcotics Directorate to prepare a Field Research Design regarding the activity of
herbicide application (based on Glyphosate) in the eradication of coca crops within the

biogeographic Region of the Amazon and Orinoquía, within a term of two (2) months counted
starting from the date of notification of the present order. The ICA and officials from this
Ministry shall provide guidance for the Field Research Design.

1.2 Order No. 883 of 31 December 1995, in which the Legal Office rejects the Recourse for

Reversal filed by the National Narcotics Directorate against Order No. 741, according to articles
52 Numeral 1 and 53 of the Administrative Contentious Code; and Article 65 of the Code of
Civil Procedure.

[PAGE 4]

1.15 On 27 April 1998, via an order directed by this Division to the director of the National
Narcotics Directorate, doctor IVONNE ALCALA AREVALO, she was required to submit the

Environmental Management Plan, taking into account that this Plan was the result of a series of
administrative acts that date back to 13 August 1996, in other words, it will have been three (3)

years and the difficulties make obtaining this Plan almost impossible. And finally, she was told
that the lack of a timely submission, of the Environmental Management Plan, would imply the
need to take another type of action; as is stated in article 85 of Law 99 of 1993. “Subsequently,

the National Narcotics Directorate cannot continue evading the fulfillment of what the
Constitution and the law demands.”

1.16 Through an Order dated 13 November 1998, Chapter VII of the submitted Environmental
Management Plan was requested from the National Narcotics Directorate. This chapter


▯Annex 131

in order to continue with the evaluation. This chapter was received in December of the same


▯Annex 131Annex 131 Annex 132

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Division of Environmental Licenses,
2UGHU▯1R▯▯▯▯▯ (23 Dec. 1999) Annex 132


Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.

23 December 1999

ORDER No. 599

“Through which supplementary information regarding the Environmental Management
Plan is required”


In the exercise of its duly conferred powers, especially those conferred by Decree 1124 of 1999
and Resolution No. 0651 dated 12 July 1999, through which the Minister of Environment

delegates certain duties, and

The Legal Office of the Ministry of the Environment issued order No. 741 on 20 October 1995,
through which it required the National Narcotics Directorate to prepare a Field Research Design,

regarding the cultivation of coca in the bio geographic Region of the Amazon and the Orinoquía,
within a term of two (2) months from the date of notification of such resolution. ICA and
officials of this Ministry shall provide guidance for such Design.

Through Order No. 883 dated 31 December 1995, this Ministry rejects the Recourse for Reversal
filed by the National Narcotics Directorate against order No. 741 of 1995, in accordance with
what is set forth in articles 52, Numerals 1 and 53 of the Contentious Administrative Code, and
article 65 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

Notwithstanding this fact, the National Narcotics Directorate filed again Recourse for Reversal
and alternatively, Recourse for Appeal against order No. 741 dated 20 October 1995, sending the
duly conferred

[PAGE 2]

power of attorney and requesting an extension to carry out the preparation of the field study.

In the National Narcotics Council’s extraordinary session dated 8 March 1996, which was

attended by the Ministry of Environment, it was agreed that an Environmental Management Plan
was appropriate as a substitute for the Study of Environmental Impact for the use of herbicides
based on Glyphosate in the illicit crop eradication. Per the Ministry’s request, this Study must

▯Annex 132

include the Field Research Design in the eradication of coca crops in the bio geographic Zone of

the Amazon and the Orinoquía.

The Ministry of Environment, through Order No. 557A dated 13 August 1996, rejected the
Recourse for Reversal and Alternative Recourse for Appeal filed by the National Narcotics

Directorate against Order No. 741 of 20 October 1995.

Two preliminary meetings took place to elaborate the Environmental Management Plan prior to
formalization of the Terms of Reference. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss any
possible disagreements of technical nature regarding said terms. The first meeting was

conducted on 27 May 1996 and the second, on 27 June of that year. The following entities and
agencies attended the meetings: Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario –ICA (Colombian
$JULFXOWXUDO▯ ,QVWLWXWH▯, National Narcotics Directorate, and, on behalf of the Ministry of
Environment: the General Environmental Sectorial Directorate (“'LUHFFLyQ▯*HQHUDO▯$PELHQWDO▯
Sectorial”), the General Directorate of Flora and Wildlife (“'LUHFFLyQ▯*HQHUDO▯GH▯)ORUD▯\▯9LGD▯

6LOYHVWUH´▯▯and the Special Administrative Unit of the National Natural Park System (“Unidad
Administrativa Especial del SistemD▯GH▯3DUTXHV▯1DFLRQDOHV▯1DWXUDOHV”)

It is important to note the absence of the National Narcotics Directorate in the second meeting

(27 June 1996).

The Sub-Directorate of Organization and Evaluation of this entity’s General Environmental
Sectorial Directorate, issued technical concept No. 0150 dated 12 July 1996, which was adopted
by this Ministry’s Legal Office, and for which it issued order No. 558A dated 13 August 1996

and proceeded to set the Terms of Reference for the National Narcotics Directorate (DNE) to
prepare an Environmental Management Plan for the application of the

[PAGE 3]

Herbicide based on glyphosate in the Illicit Crop Eradication Program in the National Territory.

The special representative of the National Narcotics Directorate filed, within the legal term,

Recourse for Reversal against Order No. 558A of 13 August 1996.

Through Order No. 853 dated 19 December 1996, the Sub-Directorate of Organization and
Environmental Evaluation of the Ministry of Environment’s General Environmental Sectorial
Directorate, admitted the Recourse for Reversal filed by the special representative of the

National Narcotics Directorate against Order No. 558A of 13 August 1996 and ordered
suspending implementation of the Environmental Management Plan for developing the activity
of illicit crop eradication based on Glyphosate, holding that said suspension must remain until
the clarification of the Terms of Reference granted by this Ministry to prepare the Environmental
Management Plan.

The Sub-Directorate of Organization and Evaluation of the General Environmental Sectorial
Directorate of this entity clarified the second article of order No. 853 dated 19 December 1995

▯ Annex 132

through order No. 278 of 30 April 1997 and adopted certain other determinations. This

provision was notified via Edict, which was affixed on 13 May 1997 and taken down on 26 May

This entity’s Sub-Directorate of Environmental Licenses issued Order No. 505 dated 29 July

1997, through which it ordered not to conform a committee and ordered presenting the
Environmental Management Plan within a thirty (30) day term. In the same manner, it ordered
the notification of this order within the three days following the emission of the order, if it is
contemplated the use of other types of substances in illicit crop eradication.

On 27 April 1998, this Ministry’s Su Directorate of Environmental Licenses required the
National Narcotics Directorate to present an Environmental Management Plan, taking into
account that this document was a result of a series of administrative orders that date back to 13
August 1996.

Through an order dated 13 November 1998, the National Narcotics Directorate was requested to
send Chapter VII of the filed Environmental Management Plan, which corresponds to:
continuing the respective evaluation. This chapter was sent in the month of December, 1998.

[PAGE 4]

This entity’s Sub-Directorate of Environmental Licenses issued technical concept No. 419-99
dated 21 December 1999, which establishes the following:



The Illicit Crop Eradication Program covers the following regions:
1. Caribbean Region: Serranía del Perijá
2. Andean Region: Departamentos de Huila, Tolima and Cauca
3. Amazon Region: Departamentos de Guaviare, Caquetá and Putumayo

4. Orinoquia Region: Departamento de Meta.

The areas that are object of the study, according to the reference terms and those which were
agreed to with the Ministry of Environment, by Doctor Juan Diego Peña- Coordinator of the
Program for eradication of illicit crops are:

1. Caribbean Region: (Palomino River, Maginaimo)
a. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: nucleus of the river basin of Palomino River,
Municipio de Santa Marta, Departamento de Magdalena
b. Serranía del Perijá: Núcleo de los Municipios de Manaure, Agustín Codazzi in

Departamento de Cesar and Municipio de Villanueva, Departamento de La Guajira

2. Andean Region: (Amoyá River, Anaime)

▯Annex 132

a. Núcleo del Municipio de Paez- Iquira- Teruel, in the Departamento de Cauca, Huila,

in the central mountain range.
b. Núcleo de Municipios de Chaparral- San Antonio in the Departamento de Tolima,
central mountain range

3. Catatumbo Region: (Catatumbo River)
a. Núcleo de Gabarra, Municipio de Cúcuta in Departamento del Norte de Santander

4. Orinoquia Region: (Ariari River)
a. Núcleo de Municipio de Puerto Rico, Departamento de Meta.

5. Amazon Region: (Vaupes River)
a. Núcleo de Caño Grande- La Lindosa in Municipios de El Retorno-Calamar,
Departamento de Guaviare

[PAGE 5]

The environmental characterization consists of: the physical-biotic, geologic and
geomorphologic components, soil and uses of soil, hydrology, vegetation, fauna, hydro

biological resources.

In addition to the social and cultural component, a series of significant expressions of the
problem are analyzed, the butterfly effect on the ecosystem, the socio demographic aspects, socio
cultural definitions with respect to the planting and eradication of illicit crops.

The environmental characterization includes consultations and actions within the Municipal
Plans of the Departments of: Guajira, Tolima, Huila, Buaviare, Meta, Cesar, Cauca: specifically
in the following municipalities:

Santa Marta, Magdalena
Manaure, Cesar
La Paz, Cesar
Iquira, Huila

Paez, Cauca
Chaparral, Tolima
San Antonio, Tolima
San José del Guaviare, Guaviare


It is a nonselective herbicide characterized by systematic action, via foliage of broad spectrum
and it is adequate for the control of many types of weeds, in post emergency foliage treatments.
It does not act on seeds that exist beneath the soil nor is it absorbed by the roots.

Dilution 10.4 liters of Roundup (43.9%) + 13 liters of water + 0.25 liters of adjuvant/ Ha

▯ Annex 132

Soluble Liquid Presentation

1:A.: 41%
Ethoxylate seboamine
POEA surfactant and impurity of 1-4 Dioxane

C.S. Helling (1997) Worked on the environmental dissipation, Panama and Peru regions with
high doses, no residues were found of parent material or its principal metabolite, amino acid
aminomethylphosphonic (AMPA), in samples of soils taken after 1.5 to 3 months from the

The mobility in the soil was reduced when it coincided with a high pH and the presence of large
quantities of inorganic phosphates. It is rapidly absorbed and rapidly

[PAGE 6]

affixes on the soil, related to the quantity of sites that link with available phosphates.

Microbial degradation processes in different strains of degradation with first-order linear
kinetics. AMPA metabolite is more persistent. The glyphosate has an average life of 47 days and
all the crops can be planted or transplanted immediately after its application.

No significant changes in the populations of bacteria and fungi are reported in the soil, especially

in nitrifiers.

In the water, it binds rapidly to the dissolved and suspended solid matter. In a field experiment
for forest ecosystems, the glyphosate rapidly dissipated in a small stream of very slow flow, in an
8-hectare area aerially sprayed with Roundup.

The metabolic degradation in plants and animals is minimal or almost nonexistent. In a study
with vegetables, as soon as the glyphosate enters into contact with the foliage, the chemical
moves through its vascular system, able to even reach the roots.


1. Analysis of soils, carried out in IGAC. Samples were collected for the characterization and
identification of the soils in cartographic units. Analyses were performed regarding the

presence of generic pesticides (organochlorates, organophosphates and Herbicides); however,
no specific analysis was performed to detect glyphosate in the soils, given that ICA does not
have access to the methodology.

2. Physical-chemical analysis of water, carried out by ILAM. The following parameters were

assessed: total hardness, total iron, Nitrites, Nitrates, total Phosphates, DBO, DQO, Fats,
Total Solids, Suspended Solids, Dissolved Solids, Phenols, Surfactants, Total bacterial

▯Annex 132

coliforms, fecal coliforms, salinity, organochlorate pesticides, organophosphates, other

herbicides and glyphosate.

3. Analysis of vegetation, carried out by an expert. Includes the description of each one of the
representative zones, identification of the present vegetation coverage and its succession


4. Equipment calibration tests, under the supervision of an expert. The following parameters
were evaluated: Conceptual discharge in liters by hectare, effective discharge in drops of
mixture by square centimeters, losses due to drift, losses due to evaporation, the width of

spraying with respect of the height of flight, calibration parameters for aspersions, yield of
the aspersions, increase in yield of the aspersions, tolerance in the employ of the spraying

[PAGE 7]

maintenance system reliability and adjustments to the spraying equipment.

In addition, a special case presented itself regarding a spill near the air roadway of the Larandia

military base, in the Cesar Department, in which a sample of vegetation, soil and water was



The following environmental conditions of the representative areas under each control scenario
and scenario of implementation of the program were taken into account.

The following are identified as spraying program actions, glyphosate area:

Preparation of the mixture
Loading of the aircraft

Transportation in aircraft
Management of residue

The influenced environmental elements are the following:

Biophysical component


▯ Annex 132

Socioeconomic and cultural component
Regional and local economy
Population, Family

Public Health
Public Services
Community participation
Socio politics

[PAGE 8]

Results. Scenario without the implementation of the Illicit Crop Eradication Program.

The most affected elements by the actions arising from the illicit crops are described briefly.
These are: Logging and burning of natural forests, crop labors, mass application, illicit crop
production and alkaloid production.

Affectations in geoforms, stability and landscape presented themselves in the soil.

The quality of water appears deteriorated; there are alterations in the currents and sedimentation
phenomena. A temporary climactic change is also produced in addition to the deterioration of air
quality. The dynamic equilibrium of the forest is interrupted, which causes the disappearance of

flora and wildlife.

With respect to the socioeconomic aspects, the consumption habitats have been modified, a
phenomenon of a thriving economy, displacement of native communities, high rates of intra
family and community violence, operational incapacity in municipal administrations.

Results. Scenario with the implementation of the Illicit Crop Eradication Program

Taking into account that the applied Glyphosate dose is 2.4 kilograms of active ingredient per

hectare, of which only 21.5% reaches the soil’s surface due to the marihuana, coca or poppy
plant foliage coverage, and if an evaporation of 25 to 20% is assumed, this means that between
0.322 to 0.645 kilograms of the active ingredient reaches the soil. Therefore, a concentration of
0.161 to 0.322 ppm per hectare is reached in the first 10 centimeters of soil, a concentration that
is inferior to the lethal doses for soil organisms.

The analyses on water reported the presence of traces of Glyphosate that did not exceed 6 ppm,
which is a low concentration that initially dilutes and subsequently deteriorates as a result of
microbial action.

The concentration of glyphosate that could eventually fall on organisms of wild fauna, due to its
low strength, is not considered significant. In the same manner, the eradication activities cause
the natural succession process to remain available.

▯Annex 132

From a social perspective, the conditions in the quality of life of the communities settling in
these areas have not varied substantially.



[PAGE 9]


Solid Residues:
The management of solid industrial residues in the antinarcotics police bases.Disposal of
contaminating residues, packaging and empty containers in antinarcotics police bases.

The management of liquid residues in antinarcotics police bases.


Preparation and transferring between formulations of glyphosate in antinarcotics police bases
Technical procedures, prior, during and subsequent to the aerial spraying with glyphosate in the
Illicit Crop Eradication Program
Industrial Safety and Occupational Health in antinarcotics police bases.

Monitoring and management of potential health effects as a result of the application of the
herbicide Glyphosate

Environmental Education
Environmental education for the restoration of the vegetation coverage - Environmental

Environmental Management Plan promotion and information to departmental and institutional

Environmental Restoration and Recuperation in Natural Resources:
Monitoring Program- Quality of water and hydro-biological resources
Edapho-biotic as an indicator of the Effect of Glyphosate on soils
Assessment of the erosion caused by the illicit crops on hillside soils
Restoration of the vegetation coverage- floristic inventory

Restoration of the vegetation coverage- Monitoring of the natural vegetation regeneration
Portable meteorological station

Social Management
Strengthening of the rural family

Services and housing infrastructure
Strengthening of the indigenous population

▯ Annex 132

Municipal development and community participation

National and international cooperation and alternative development for illicit crop replacement

[PAGE 10]




Per the formal request No. 221-2-317 of 2 October 1998 issued by the Sub-Directorate of
Licenses of the Ministry of Environment, the study, analysis and assessment of technical
concepts issued in the document ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN

ERADICATION OF ILLICIT CROPS, Chapter III. Project Description.


For the present assessment and issuance of concepts, we considered excerpts of certain pages of
the document referenced in the Purpose section, the most important ideas and concepts for the
analysis and development of technical concepts relevant to ICA have been highlighted in bold.

Page 6/:

“additionally, the C.N.E. ordered the engagement of an Environmental Audit constituted by
an interdisciplinary team of forest engineers, agronomists who were experts in pesticides and
cartographers, with the aim of guaranteeing the respect and compliance of environmental
safety rules and the protection of human health during the destruction operatives.

ICA: We consider that it is advisable to meet the team of personnel that conforms the
interdisciplinary team in said Environmental Audit, in addition to the assessment of its activities
related to compliance, from the time of their engagement, with environmental safety rules and


“Once the illicit crops, their ecological surroundings and an estimate of the area by nucleus has
been carried out, the treatment type to be applied is determined: manual eradication for lots that
are preferably less than two (2▯▯KHFWDUHV▯▯RU▯HUDGLFDWLRQ▯YLD▯aerial spraying with Roundup ®,

which contains glyphosate as an active ingredieQW▯▯IRU▯ORWV▯WKDW▯H[FHHG▯WZR▯▯▯▯▯KHFWDUHV▯´▯

ICA: Whether manual eradication is of a chemical or physical nature has not been established,
QRU▯GRHV▯LW▯LQFOXGH▯WKH▯UHODWHG▯DFWLYLWLHV▯▯▯7KLV is important due to the possible impacts and
additionally, it could be the object RI▯PRQLWRULQJ▯DQG▯DVVHVVPHQW▯▯▯

[PAGE 11]

▯Annex 132

“The spraying is carried out with authorized equipment and aircraft and the applied mixture

corresponds to levels of herbicide concentration that guarantee that the ecosystem will not
suffer any damage.”

ICA: We consider that the autKRUL]DWLRQ▯ IRU▯ HTXLSPent and aircraft must first respond to a

via helicopter, positively conceptualizing its use; however, it did not do this for applications via
airplane, despite the fact that applications are beLQJ▯FDUULHG▯RXW▯YLD▯DLUSODQH▯▯▯,Q▯WKLV▯UHJDUG▯▯WKH▯
technical concepts have been issued in a timely manner but have QRW▯EHHQ▯WDNHQ▯LQWR▯DFFRXQW▯▯

Page 9/ and 11/

“This assessment phase will be implemented in collaboration with ICA, INDERENA and
Ministry of Health officials, in their respective areas of competence,”

ICA: Since the issuance of the program for eradication of poppy, we recall that one or two
reconnaissance activities have been FDUULHG▯RXW▯LQ▯FURS▯DUHDV▯▯SHU▯LQYLWDWLRQ▯RI▯WKH▯'▯1▯(▯▯DQG▯RU▯
the Antinarcotics Police, in collaboration with Minambiente and Minsalud, and after that never
again; the reason for the lack of further interinstitutional participation in the reconnaissance of


“When large lots of terrain and the cultivation of poppy are at issue, it is the only alternative.
This eradication method will be experimental and will be subject to permanent monitoring and

,&$▯▯7KH▯GRFXPHQW▯GRHV▯QRW▯VSHFLI\▯ZKLFK▯ODSVH▯RI time for the eradication of illicit crops was
constituted in the experimental stage, nor does it specify the results of such permanent


“In the implementation of this plan, meetings for evaluation of results will be held
progressively. These will permit responsible parties as well as representatives of the various

committed institutions to effectuate the respective adjustments.”

[PAGE 12]

ICA: We do not know of any assessment meetings that have been coordinated by those

responsible for the program implementation in the same manner as they were carried out in
1984, during the helicopter eradication of marihuana crops in the Sierra Nevada of Santa

“The Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, ICA, based on the concepts mentioned, issued the
sale license for “Roundup SL”, numbered 05.4-756 dated 9 December 1992, modified through
license number 756 of 9 September 1994.”

▯ Annex 132

ICA: We would like to clarify that said product has been registered in ICA for weed control in
crops since 1972 and the toxicological classification ascribed to it by Minsalud corresponded to

indefinite term in accordance with ICA ReVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯3XUVXDQW▯WR▯'HFUHH▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
WKH▯7R[LFRORJLFDO▯&DWHJRULHV▯ZHUH▯EURDGHQHG▯and the product was transferred to its homologue,
7R[LFRORJLFDO▯&DWHJRU\▯,9▯▯0RGHUDWHO\▯WR[LF▯ according to MinsalXG▯FRQFHSW▯/3▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯


“In the Program implementation, certain technical parameters have been established for the
aerial spraying, which are listed in TABLE No. 3.3 and broken down by cultivation. These
parameters require strict compliance and guarantee effectiveness of destruction of greater
than 80 to 90 % with respect to coca and 95% with respect to poppy.

,&$▯▯ Height of flight: 7DNLQJ▯LQWR▯DFFRXQW▯WKH▯KHLJKW▯RI▯the tree vegetation that surrounds the
illicit crops, we consider that the heights in flight of betwHHQ▯▯▯▯DQG▯▯▯▯WR▯▯▯▯PHWHUV▯RU▯OHVV▯
cannot be generalized as a technical parameter, these could exceed ▯▯▯ DQG▯ ▯▯▯ PHWHUV▯▯ ▯ ,Q▯

accordance with assessments performed on thH▯7XUER▯7KUXVK▯&RPPDQGHU▯DLUSODQHV▯LQ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
KHLJKW▯LQ▯IOLJKW▯RI▯RYHU▯▯▯▯meters cause deficient fumigation coYHUDJH▯RQ▯WKH▯FRQWURO▯REMHFWLYH▯

▯Speed of the Aircraft: %URDG▯UDQJHV▯LQ▯VSHHG▯RI▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯DQG▯▯▯▯▯03+▯FDQQRW▯EH▯DFFHSWHG▯
as technical parameters, because they will vary significantly on the discharge and application

volume by hectare and on the dosage of the products DV▯D▯UHVXOW▯▯▯,W▯LV▯QHFHVVDU\▯IRU▯WKHVH▯WR▯EH▯
constant operational speed, which does not exceed nor fall under 1%, so that, in this manner, a
relatively constant discharge IRU▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯LV▯PDLQWDLQHG▯▯▯

[PAGE 13]

-Effective Discharge▯▯/LWHUV▯KHFWDUH▯▯▯7KH▯YROXPH▯RI▯WKH▯mixture, product plus water, must be
UHIHUHQFHG▯▯▯7KLV▯SDUDPHWHU▯UHODWHV▯WR▯WKH▯VSHHG of operation, width of the spraying, discharge

per minute and pump pressure and must respond to calibration prDFWLFHV▯▯▯7DNLQJ▯LQWR▯DFFRXQW▯
the broad ranges in speed indicated for the operation, it cannot be accepted as a fixed or
constant parameter for the YROXPH▯RI▯WKH▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯

:LWK▯UHVSHFW▯WR▯WKH▯QXPEHU▯RI▯GURSV▯E\▯VTXDUe centimeters, in thH▯UDQJHV▯RI▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯DQG▯▯▯▯

GURSV▯▯VTXDUH▯FHQWLPHWHU▯▯H[FHVVLYH▯FRYHUDJH▯LV▯QRWHd, caused by emission of drops of small and
medium size, coming from the spraying nozzles, which, influenced by a high speed of operation
and turbulence, cause larger breakage of drops, which fall on an object and others which are
ORVW▯GXH▯WR▯HYDSRUDWLRQ▯DQG▯GULIW▯▯▯9LD▯H[SHULPHQWV▯▯it has been proven that aerial applications of

of large drops is more than enough to obtain thH▯SURGXFW¶V▯ELRORJLFDO▯DFWLRQ▯HIIHFW▯▯▯,Q▯WKH▯
assessments conducted in 1984 and 1992 with a helicopter and with the same spraying nozzles,
7▯9▯%▯▯▯D▯JRRG▯HUDGLFDWLRQ▯FRQWURO▯RI▯PDULKXDQD▯and poppy was observed, respectively, with the

▯Annex 132

emission of large drops with a coverage of▯EHWZHHQ▯▯▯WR▯▯▯▯GURSV▯▯VTXDUH▯FHQWLPHWHU▯▯D▯
difference that is explained by the low speed of operation of the helicopters and resultant lesser

▯ 2
-Deposit of the mixture: 3UHVHQWV▯UDQJHV▯EHWZHHQ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯WR▯▯▯▯▯▯2P /cm
methodology and formula used in theiU▯GHWHUPLQDWLRQ▯LV▯DGYLVDEOH▯▯

-Drop size: 5DQJHV▯EHWZHHQ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯DQG▯▯▯▯▯▯PLFURV▯▯GR▯QRW correlate to the number of drops

-Value of recuperation: 5HSRUW▯ !▯▯▯▯▯ ▯ 7KH\▯ GR▯ QRW▯ SUHVent the methodology for its

GHWHUPLQDWLRQ▯▯▯7DNLQJ▯LQWR▯DFFount the considerable speed and height of operation, we consider
that this data is inconsistent, given that in practice and under favorable environmental
conditions for application, the spraying of herbicide products produced with aircraft on legal
crop weeds and at maximum heights of operation RI▯XS▯WR▯▯▯PHWHUV▯▯WKH▯UHFXSHUDWLRQ▯E\▯WKH▯

volume of the water mixture is approximately ▯▯▯WR▯▯▯▯▯▯▯9DULRXV▯WHFKQLTXHV▯VXUHO\▯H[LVW▯WR▯
determine recuperation, but one of the moVW▯ SUHYDOHQW▯ LV▯ WKH▯ IOXRURPHWULF▯ TXDQWLWDWLYH▯
determination through a IOXRUHVFHQW▯PDUNHU▯

▯Pump pressure: ▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ SVL▯▯ ▯ 5DQJHV▯ FDQQRW▯ EH▯ DFFHSWHG▯▯ ZKHQ▯ LW▯ LV▯ UHTXLUHG▯ WKDW▯ WKH▯
discharge be maintained constant▯▯DFFRUGLQJ▯WR▯WKH▯WDEOH▯▯▯▯▯OLW▯KD▯▯▯7KH▯VPDOOHU▯WKH▯SUHVVXUH▯▯
the smaller the discharge is and the greater the pressure, grHDWHU▯ WKH▯ GLVFKDUJH▯▯ 6SHHG▯ RI▯
operation, width of spraying and selected application volume to produce a constant discharge


[PAGE 14]

▯Permissible Drift: OHVV▯WKDQ▯▯▯DQG▯▯▯PHWHUV▯▯▯:H▯FRQVLGHU▯that given the height and speed of
operation, this is impossible to achiHYH▯ZLWK▯DLUSODQHV▯▯▯,W▯LV▯SRVVLEOH▯▯KRZHYHU▯▯IRU▯KHOLFRSWHUV▯▯▯


spraying, depends on the height of flight and the size of the drop produced, the type of aircraft,
its wingspan and number of nozzles in the boom and is determined taking into account many
coverage tests and with the assistance of a statistical estimate, related to the calculation of the
YDULDWLRQ▯FRHIILFLHQW▯▯ZKLFK▯VKRXOG▯QRW▯H[FHHG▯▯▯▯ for the application of herbicide products, if

the aim is efficienF\▯RI▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯

We also highlight that this is a parameter that influences the determination of the discharge and
it must be as constant as possiblH▯▯VXEVHTXHQWO\▯▯LW▯ZRXOG▯EH▯QHFHssary to calibrate the airplanes

for different spraying widths and in practice, we believe this LV▯QRW▯IHDVLEOH▯

“Numerous calibration and efficiency tests are constantly carried out on the spraying
equipment. Their aim is to improve yields for the crop destruction.”

▯ Annex 132

ICA: It is advisable to release the methodology employed for calibration of the spraying

HTXLSPHQW▯DQG▯UHSRUW▯RI▯WKH▯UHJLVWry of each aircraft, as well as the data regarding the numerous

Page 19/:

“The Antinarcotics Police is governed by legal rules in force, Decree 1843/91 regarding
application and pesticide management, in the implementation of the fumigation operations.”

ICA: We suggest the concrete specification of aspects of the mentioned Decree that governs the

Antinarcotics Police activity, for the monitoring, control and evaluation that Minsalud must

“The herbicide is received in a warehouse located in Barranquilla belonging to the distributor
MONSANTO, it is bottled in 55-gallon plastic containers.”

ICA: It appears that this makes a slight reference to the producW▯LPSRUW▯▯▯:KLOH▯the importers of
pesticides registered with ICA must comply with▯FHUWDLQ▯UHTXLUHPHQWV▯HVtablished by rules and

[PAGE 15]

administrative proceedings before INCOMEX for the importation of raw materials in connection
with active ingredients and final products, the legal aspects under which Glyphosate (Roundup

“The Glyphosate mixture corresponds to a dilution of Roundup ®, 13.0 liters of water and
0.25 liters of adjuvant.”
ICA: Sum of herbicide, adjuvant and water yields a voluPH▯RI▯PL[WXUH▯RI▯▯▯▯▯▯▯liters/ha; this fact

7KH▯GRVDJH▯RI▯WKH▯KHUELFLGH▯VHHPV▯WR▯UHIHU▯WR the application on coca crops and previously, a
concept regarding the specifics was issued at the UHTXHVW▯RI▯0LQDPELHQWH▯▯▯7KLV▯LV▯QRZ▯UHSHDWHG▯▯

KDV▯UHJLVWHUHG▯▯▯OLW▯▯KD▯▯▯▯▯▯▯.J▯▯KD▯L▯D▯▯▯DV▯a maximum dosage, for the control of perennial


In accordance with the document,▯³+HUELFLGH▯6HOHFWLRQ▯IRU▯&RFD▯(UDGLFDWLRQ▯´▯SUHSDUHG▯IRU▯▯
PL[WXUH▯RI▯▯▯▯▯OLW▯▯KD▯▯FDXVH▯GHIROLDWLRQ▯LQ▯FRFD▯▯but do not inhibit the reflourishing of new leaves


▯Annex 132

“According to the desired volume of mixture for each aircraft operation, the operators dose

the herbicide first, then add the surfactants, and finally attain the desired volume by adding
water. The quantities that relate to the desired mixture are shown in (Table No. 3.4).”

,&$▯▯7KH▯FDOFXODWLRQV▯FRQWDLQHG▯LQ▯WKH▯WDEOH▯UHJDUGLQJ▯WKH▯+HFWares to be subject to application,

based only on Glyphosate and water, without having considered surfactant volumes, (Since the
surfactant volume and type was not taken into aFFRXQW▯▯VHHP▯WR▯KDYH▯EHHQ▯FDUULHG▯RXW▯WDNLQJ▯LQWR▯
DFFRXQW▯WKH▯YROXPH▯RI▯WKH▯PL[WXUH▯RI▯▯▯▯▯▯▯OLW▯▯KD▯▯▯3DJH▯▯▯▯▯▯ZKLFK▯DJDLQ▯contradicts the data of
▯▯▯OLW▯▯KD▯PHQWLRQHG▯LQ▯WDEOH▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯VKRZLQJ▯LQFonsistencies in the calibration tests that are

“With respect to the treatment of residual waters, we have access to a facility for treatment of
residual waters in each fumigation base;”

[PAGE 16]

ICA: We suggest this statement be assessed by the corresponding competent entity, either

Page 28/:

“Certain Glyphosate formulations included a surfactant known as POEA, in a percentage
close to 15%. This compound, according to various toxicological investigations, could be the
cause of gastrointestinal harm, certain central nervous system affectations, certain respiratory

problems and is capable of destroying the red blood cells existing in human blood.

Regarding POEA, it is also said that it can contain an impurity identified as 1-4 Dioxane,
which has been demonstrated to have a carcinogenic capability in animals and cause harm to
human livers and kidneys.”

ingredients, reports including the surfactant 3ROLR[LHWLODPLQH▯▯ ▯ :H▯ VXJJHVW▯ UHTXHVWLQJ▯ WKLV▯

5HJDUGLQJ▯WKH▯RWKHU▯DVSHFWV▯LQ▯QXPHUDO▯▯▯▯5HJDUding the behavior of the product on soils and
waters, processes for affixing and degradation, absorption contents, dissociation, mobility,
SHUVLVWHQFH▯▯HWF▯▯ZH▯FRQVLGHU▯What Minambiente must demand the results from studies carried out
in the field so that thHVH▯FDQ▯EH▯HYDOXDWHG▯


“The dose for application and the composition of the mixture used by type of crop, is
demonstrated in TABLE No. 3.19.”

▯ Annex 132

ICA: According to the table, the volume of thH▯PL[WXUH▯E\▯FRFD▯KHFWDUH▯LV▯▯▯▯▯▯▯OLW▯▯KD▯DQG▯IRU▯

demonstrates inconsistencies in VSUD\LQJ▯HTXLSPHQW▯FDOLEUDWLRQ▯▯▯

³7KH▯YROXPH▯RI▯WKH▯PL[WXUH▯DSSOLHG▯RU▯GLVFKDUJHG▯ZLWK reference to crop density, in other words,


,&$▯▯7KLV▯FRQILUPV▯WKH▯GDWD▯IRr volumes of mixture per hectare both for coca and for poppy
SUHVHQWHG▯LQ▯WDEOH▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯ but it contradicts the

[PAGE 17]

diameters of the nozzles used LQ▯WKH▯VSUD\LQJ▯HTXLSPHQW▯


“Height of application, Width of Effective Spraying, Operational Speed of Aircraft.”

,&$▯▯)RU▯ERWK▯FRFD▯DQG▯SRSS\▯▯GLIIHUHQW▯GDWD▯ZLWK▯relation to the speed of operation is presented
than that which is presenWHG▯LQ▯WDEOH▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯

“In doses established for the mixture, simultaneous with the herbicide’s propulsion, the

encapsulating agent (Cosmo Flux 411 F) is added, and finally, the water is incorporated.

,&$▯▯7KHUH▯LV▯QR▯PHQWLRQ▯DERXW▯WKe technical criteria regarding DGMXYDQWV▯▯▯$FFRUGLQJ▯WR▯WKH▯
technical concept regarding the chHPLFDOV▯IURP▯/DERUDWRULR▯1DFLRQDO▯GH▯,QVXPRV▯$JUtFRODV▯GHO▯
,&$▯▯/$1,$▯▯WKH▯WHUP▯UHJDUGLQJ▯HQcapsulation does not apply to adjuvants registered with ICA,


“With 300 gallons of water, measured in the scale of soil, during a minute of flight at 120

MPH with spraying equipment open and at full pressure 581 psi (Bypass everything open),
various tests determine that the equipment produces a maximum of 190 gallons per minute
(GPM). In the same manner, it produces 150 GPM for 40 psi.

ICA: With the exception of the tense of the verb “to determine,´▯WKH▯WH[W▯LV▯H[DFWO\▯WKH▯VDPH▯DV▯

worth clarifying that the discharge▯IURP▯VSUD\LQJ▯HTXLSPHQW▯▯H[Sressed as a volume over a unit
of time, is the function of the operational speed, of the width of spray and the mixture volume by
selected hectare; as a result, for each volume of mixture by hectare, there is a discharge per

PLQXWH▯▯▯$OWKRXJK▯WKH▯GLVFKDUJH▯SHU▯PLQXWH▯LV▯QRW▯reported, we consider that the data obtained in
the mentioned document cannot coincide wLWK▯WKH▯YROXPHV▯RI▯▯▯▯RU▯▯▯▯▯▯▯OLW▯KD▯

▯Annex 132

Provision regarding the krom2kote cards and/or sensitivity to water.
A minimum of 10 drops/cm are placed.”

ICA: With the exception of a difference in the tense of certain verbs, the text coincides with the

text of the aforementioned document regarding the tests carried out by ICA in▯6DQ▯-RVp▯GHO▯
Buaviare, when it evaluated the coverage of the spraying by airplane at varying heights of

[PAGE 18]


“The copies of the tests per2ormed during this study, regarding drift effect, drop size and
coverage pattern (drops/cm ) are located in Annex F.”


▯▯ &21&(37▯,668('▯%<▯7+(▯*(1(5$/▯(&26<67(0▯',5(&725$7(▯▯0,1$0%,(17(

“Chapter II: Background

In this chapter, even though there is a description regarding the historical review of actions
furthered within the forced eradication programs and the general identification of illicit crop
producing regions, there is no specification regarding the criteria that is being defined by region
in areas of chemical eradication, the decree of articulation with the other actions implemented

advantages of use of the chHPLFDO▯DOWHUQDWLYH▯

7KLV▯LQIRUPDWLRQ▯ZLOO▯EH▯WKH▯EDVis and foundation for evaluation of the joint programs, actions

and measurements that the Plan wLOO▯LPSOHPHQW▯LQ▯WKH▯IXWXUH▯▯▯

Chapter IV: Identification of Reference Zones

7KH▯GRFXPHQW▯SRLQWV▯WR▯▯▯GHILQHG▯QXFOHL▯DV▯UHSUesentative areas within the country’s natural
regions, as follows: Núcleo Sierra Nevada de 6DQWD▯0DUWD▯▯1~FOHR▯GH▯OD▯6HUUDQtD▯GH▯3HULMi▯▯

geographical area, nor do they have access to maps with appropriate scales which would allow

In another manner, the criteria (environmental, socioeconomic DQG▯RSHUDWLYH▯▯ZKLFK▯GHILQHG▯WKH▯

nuclei objects of the environmental management plan are also miVVLQJ▯▯ ▯ ,Q▯ WKLV▯ UHJDUG▯▯ WKH▯
reference terms indicate that the selected reference areas must receive prior approval from the
Ministry of Environment, which differs from what is set forth in the document, in the sense that
the regions were agreed to with the Program Coordinator of the Ministry of Environment’s Illicit


▯ Annex 132

[PAGE 19]

7KHVH▯DUHDV▯▯IURP▯D▯OHJDO▯perspective, cannot be object▯RI▯IRUFHG▯HUDGLFDWLRQ▯

Núcleo Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, over the Palomino River basin, is an example of the
DERYH▯▯▯,Q▯WKLV▯UHJDUG▯▯DOO▯WKH▯DUHD▯WKDW▯LV▯REMHFW▯of the management plan is located in the interior

In the same manner, a large portion of the Núcleo de Sierra del Perijá, located between the

nucleus defined for the Region of Catatumbo, cRQWDLQV▯▯▯▯▯▯RI▯WKH▯DUHD▯RI▯3DUTXH▯1DFLRQDO▯

7KH▯GHILQHG▯QXFOHXV▯IRU▯WKH▯5HJLRQ▯RI▯2ULQRTXLD▯▯0unicipio de Puerto Rico, of Departamento de

defined in the Amazon includes different protected areas of national order, such as: the area for
Mirolino and Angosturas, as well as the northHUQ▯ SDUW▯ RI▯ WKH▯ 3DUTXH▯ 1DWXUDO▯ 1DFLRQDO▯ GH▯

7DNLQJ▯WKH▯DERYH▯LQWR▯DFFRXQW▯▯NQRZLQJ▯HDFK▯RI▯WKe criteria which gave rise to the identification
and definition of areas on which the Management PlDQ▯ZLOO▯EH▯LPSOHPHQWHG▯LV▯HVVHQWLDO▯▯▯▯

Chapter V: Environmental Characterization (Physical-Biotic Elements)

In the same manner as the previous chapter, the description of the PhysicDO▯%LRWLF▯HOHPHQWV▯LV▯
very general and incomplete, and does not focus on a specific characterization for each of the

identified and previously proposHG▯ QXFOHL▯▯ *LYHQ▯ WKH▯ UHVROXWLon levels worked with in the
HQYLURQPHQWDO▯ FKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQ▯ RI▯ SK\VLFDO▯ELRtic elements, it is impossible to carry out
evaluations or rankings of the temporary and permanent impacts caused by the eradication
efforts, and therefore, to define the control, prevention, compensation and recuperation

In this sense, there is no accuracy regarding the critical and risk areas corresponding to the
different degrees of erosion and geotechnical stability, the inventory of the primary uses of water
UHODWHG▯ WR▯ PXQLFLSDO▯ DTXHGXFW▯ VXSSO\▯▯ ILelds and production activities, and specific


[PAGE 20]

endemic flora and fauna species in areas of direct influence within eradication areas, basic
parameters of impact idenWLILFDWLRQ▯DQG▯HYDOXDWLRQ▯▯

▯Annex 132


▯▯ Given the aim of developing a framework for evaluation of an environmental management plan,
LW▯ LV▯ DGYLVDEOH▯ WKDW▯ D▯ UHTXHVW▯ IRU▯ LQIRUPDWLRQ▯ be made regarding the criteria that must be
currently taken into account in order to define chemical eradication areas by region and the

degree of articulation of remaining actions carrLHG▯RXW▯IRU▯WKH▯VDPH▯SXUSRVH▯▯3/$17(▯▯566▯▯
5HJLRQDO▯DQG▯/RFDO▯(QWLWLHV▯▯▯DQG▯▯VLPLODUO\▯▯WR develop a framework regarding the convenience
and advantages of utilization of D▯FKHPLFDO▯DOWHUQDWLYH▯
▯▯ Clarify the criteria used to define the nuclei zones that are object of the management plan, taking
into account that these must respond to conservation and social policy objectives and

accessibility conditions and instituWLRQDO▯SUHVHQFH▯▯▯,Q▯WKLV▯VHQVH▯ it is recommended that these
criteria be defined in collaboration with the National Narcotics Directorate, with the purpose of
focusing actions in a coherent fashion on conservation needs related to biological diversity and
the protection and conservation of areas that provide basic environmental services to the
SRSXODWLRQ▯▯▯1RQHWKHOHVV▯▯WKH▯OHgal limitations and possibilities of articulating complementary

actions by regional and local authorities PXVW▯DOVR▯EH▯WDNHQ▯LQWR▯DFFRXQW▯

Pursuant to this perspective, the following area would be excluded from chemical eradication

D▯ Areas of the National Natural Park System
F▯ Micro watersheds supplying muniFLSDO▯DTXHGXFWV▯DQG▯FXOWLYDWLRQV▯
G▯ Areas where consolidated suburban settlements are located

H▯ Areas with a wetland presence

Once each of the areas which could be entered into the chemical eradication program are
identified and defined, each one of them could be environmentally characterized in order to


▯▯ &21&(37▯ ,668('▯ %<▯ 7+(▯ ',9,6,21▯ )25▯ 3/$11,1*▯ $1'▯ 0$1$*(0(17▯ 2)▯ 7+(▯

[PAGE 21]


Regarding what is establisKHG▯LQ▯WKH▯5HIHUHQFH▯7HUPs, the PMA should have:

1. Evaluated the supply and vulnerability of ecosystems exposed to the application of

7KH▯HYDOXDWLRQ▯RI▯WKH▯VXSSO\▯DQG▯YXOQHUDELOLW\▯of ecosystems exposed to applications of

▯ Annex 132

2. Establish the critical, sensitive, and greatly important environmental ecosystems and

identify the areas that must be excluded, treated or managed in▯D▯VSHFLDO▯PDQQHU▯▯

7KH▯FULWLFDO▯HFRV\VWHPV▯SUHVHQW▯in nuclei and regions where the eradication program with
Glyphosate is applied, such as wetlands, forest reserves, protected regional and/or local

areas, were not established QRU▯ZHUH▯WKH\▯LGHQWLILHG▯▯▯

compensate and correct the possible effects or generated environmental and social

7KH▯GHILQHG▯DFWLRQV▯OLPLW▯WKHPVHlves to an attribution of responsibilities among the state
entities holding functions which focus on needs for mitigation or correction of the
undesirable effects generated by the applicaWLRQ▯RI▯*O\SKRVDWH▯▯▯,Q▯DGGLWLRQ▯▯QR▯DFWLRQ▯
strategies or financing budgets for said activities, etc, are FRQWHPSODWHG▯▯:H▯H[SHFW▯WKH▯

applicant to formulate measures through which the entity directly involves itself in their
implementation or coordinates such implementation with other and does not merely limit
itself to designating WKRVH▯UHVSRQVLEOH▯

4. Specify the special measures to be implemented in the areas of the National Natural

7KHUH▯LV▯QR▯QHHG▯IRU▯WKH▯LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ▯RI▯VSecial measures for illicit crop eradication in
National Natural Park System, given their special nature as protected areas on a


We expect a formulation of means and strategies that take into account the above as well
as the special nature of National Park System areas with respect to the limitations of
Glyphosate application to their interior and the development of special manual

eradication programs, though a concerted effort with the communities, as well as the
complementation of such actions with programs that aim for creation of alternative

[PAGE 22]

sustainable production means and improvement RI▯LOOHJDO▯IDUPHUV¶▯TXDOLW\▯RI▯OLIH▯

5. 7KH▯GHOLYHUHG▯VWXG\▯FRQWDLQV▯QR▯UHIHUHQFH▯WR the criteria used for the selection of
representative areas in the country’s regions that present illicit crops and does not even

explain the fact that six of the seven nuclei selected for the elaboration of the PMA are
located in or are a part of National Park System areas, such as:

1~FOHR▯&XHQFD▯GHO▯5tR▯3DORPLQR▯▯3NN Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Núcleo de Gabarra, PNN Catatumbo Barl

▯Annex 132

Núcleo Puerto Rico, PNN la Macarena


6. 7KH▯ LGHQWLILFDWLRQ▯ RI▯ UHIHUHQFH▯ DUHDV▯ PXVW have obtained prior approval from the


7KH▯ 00$▯ KDV▯ QRW▯ DSSURYHG▯ WKH▯ VHOHFWLRQ▯ RI▯ reference areas used as a basis for the
formulation of the EnvirRQPHQWDO▯0DQDJHPHQW▯3ODQ▯

7. 7KH▯GRFXPHQW▯GHOLYHUHG▯GRHV▯QRW▯PDNH▯DQ\▯UHIHrence to the methodologies used for its
implementation; it is unknown whether the information presented and the evaluation of
the impact has been carried out only with reference to secondary information sourced in
the Environmental Audit or if test aspersions were carried out in the sites or lots

8. 7KH▯UXOHV▯UHJDUGLQJ▯SHVWLFLGH▯XVH▯▯DQQH[▯%▯▯ZKich were filed by the DNE, establish a
near bodies or streams of water, logging roads, population nuclei or animals and areas

RI▯VSHFLDO▯SURWHFWLRQ▯▯▯7KH▯VWXG\▯FRQWDLQV▯no reference in this regard and in additional,
the use should not be established by a rule but should be based on legislation currently in

9. 5HVROXWLRQ▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ RI▯ ▯▯▯ )HEUXDU\▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ VWDWHV▯▯ ³7Ke illicit crop eradication in special

management areas and natural reserves shall be carried out through ordinary means,
such as manual and mechanical operations, and in exceptional situations, the Ministry of
(QYLURQPHQW¶V▯FRQFHSW▯ZLOO▯EH▯UHTXLUHG▯´▯▯Said rule has not been taken into account,
since the

[PAGE 23]

Glyphosate has historically been applied in special management areas such as National

10. 7KH▯0DQDJHPHQW▯3ODQ▯UHIHUHQFHV▯a series of administrative orders and documents that
establish the exclusion of various types of protected areas, but fail to set out specific
procedures or strategies that must be GHYHORSHG▯LQ▯WKHP▯▯▯,Q▯DGGLWLRQ▯▯WKH▯0DQDJHPHQW▯
Plan does not specify areas excluded from▯WKH▯*O\SKRVDWH▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯SURJUDP▯

11. 7KH▯HQYLURQPHQWDO▯FKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQ▯RI▯QXFOHL▯LV highly deficient, since it fails to identify
HFRV\VWHPV▯LQ▯HDFK▯RI▯WKH▯UHJLRQV▯▯$OWhough it does make some reference to National
Parks located in certain selected areas, it does not discuss the characterization of said

7KH▯IROORZLQJ▯WHFKQLFDO▯FRQFHSW▯LV▯LVVXHG▯having taken into account the abovementioned

▯ Annex 132


▯▯ 7KH▯LQIRUPDWLRQ▯SUHVHQWHG▯LQ▯WKH▯(QYLURQPental Management Plan must be supplemented
by criteria used for the selection of nuclei as well as criteria used to determine the areas
to be subjected to Glyphosate spraying and which areas will be subjected to other


▯▯ 7DNLQJ▯LQWR▯DFFRXQW▯WKH▯IDFW▯that the illicit crop eradication policy was defined, and that
the eradication in National Park areas will take place via manual method in a concerted
IDVKLRQ▯▯1XP▯▯▯▯RI▯5HVROXWLRQ▯▯▯▯▯▯RI▯▯▯▯)Hbruary 1994 establishes that the eradication

of illicit crops in special management areas and natural reserves will be carried out
through normal means such as manual, mechanical operation, and that, in the
exceptional case, the MMA’s concept will be▯UHTXLUHG▯IRU▯*O\SKRVDWH▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯▯WKH▯
National Natural Park System areas and other protected areas must be declared excluded
areas for the purpose of crop eradiFDWLRQ▯YLD▯*O\SKRVDWH▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯

Additionally, a series of strategies and special programs must be formulated which
contemplate manual eradication of illicit crops for the areas excluded from Glyphosate
application, in conjunction with actions and project financing to establish sustainable


▯▯ A new selection of the sample sites must be carrLHG▯RXW▯▯▯7R▯WKLV▯DYDLO▯ the reports filed by
the Environmental Audit over recent years must be taken into account with the aim of
carrying out the selection

[PAGE 24]

RI▯PXOWL▯WHPSRUDO▯VLWHV▯DQG▯DQDO\]LQJ▯WKH▯HIIHFWs of application in the short, medium and

▯▯ Copies of the reports filed by the engaged EnYLURQPHQWDO▯$XGLW▯PXVW▯EH▯UHTXHVWHG▯IURP▯

▯▯ 7KH▯ HYDOXDWLRQ▯ RI▯ WKH▯ DIIHFWDWLRQ▯ LQ▯ DUHDs of the National Park System must be
supplemented, since the specific impacts generated by the application of Glyphosate were



“Regarding the absence of criteria to define the nuclei of the Environmental Management

Effectively, the first article of▯RUGHU▯▯▯▯▯RI▯▯▯▯$XJXVW▯▯▯▯▯▯HVWDEOLVKHV▯D▯OLVW▯RI▯DVSHFWV▯WR▯WDNH▯
into account for the defining of nuclei in the EnvironmenWDO▯ 0DQDJHPHQW▯ 3ODQ▯▯ ,W▯ DOVR▯
HVWDEOLVKHV▯WKDW▯▯³7KH▯DUHDV▯VHlected from each region must be supported via an explanation

▯Annex 132

of the aspects that have been considered in the end, as well as the reasons taken into account

IRU▯WKHLU▯VHOHFWLRQ▯▯▯1RQHWKHOHVV▯▯WKH▯0LQLVWU\ will reorient the EMP’s focus when it deems
necessary, in accordance with the environmentaO▯SROLF\▯IRXQGDWLRQV▯WKDW▯7LWOH▯▯▯RI▯ODZ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯
VHWV▯ IRUWK▯´▯ ▯ 7KLV▯ VXSSRUW▯ GRHV▯ QRW▯ DSSHDU▯ LQ the submitted document, since neither the
consideration aspects of the listing provided by the reference terms nor the reason for

selection of said areas are SUHVHQW▯LQ▯VDLG▯GRFXPHQW▯

Regarding the evaluation of the supply and vulnerability of exposed ecosystems


exposed ecosystems, given that, although a chapter exists regarding environmental
characterization, and another regarding identification and evaluation of impacts, these limit
themselves to a base line of the selected nucleus areas or the identification of impacts with
and without the project, but they do not engage the exercise of assessing the supply of
resources or the environmental vulnerability of selected areas using the characterization of

such areas and identificatiRQ▯RI▯LPSDFWV▯DV▯EDVLV▯

Regarding the need to declare the areas of the 1DWLRQDO▯3DUN▯6\VWHP▯WR▯EH▯H[FOXGHG▯DUHDV▯▯▯

[PAGE 25]

7HFKQLFDO▯&RQFHSW▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯VHWV▯IRUWK▯WKH▯QHHG▯to declare the National Park System areas
excluded due to the mentioned background facts, including, among others, the fact that the
eradication policy in National Park areas should be implemented via the manual method and

in a concerted effort, the fact▯WKDW▯1XP▯▯▯RI▯5HVROXWLRQ▯▯▯▯▯▯RI▯▯▯▯)HEUXDU\▯▯▯▯▯▯▯LVVXHG▯E\▯
the National Narcotics Council, defines the operational parameters for the illicit crop
eradication program in special management areas and natural reserves and orders it to be
carried out via ordinary procedures such as manual and mechanical operation and, in
exceptional situations, will cite MMA’s concepW▯IRU▯*O\SKRVDWH▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯▯▯,Q▯DGGLWLRQ▯WR▯

the above, one must take into account these areas’ strategic nature, since they provide a
large percentage of the country’s water, and constitute the country’s reservoir of genetic
diversity, and constitute a settlement nuclei IRU▯DIUR▯&RORPELDQ▯DQG▯LQGLJHQRXV▯FRPPXQLWLHV▯

In light of the above, the concept establishes WKH▯DSSOLFDQW¶V▯EUHDFK▯RI▯WKH▯5HIHUHQFH▯7HUPV▯
regarding the formulation of special measures in NatiRQDO▯3DUN▯6\VWHP▯DUHDV▯´▯



³7KH▯ IROORZLQJ▯ GHILFLHQFLHV▯ KDYH▯ EHHQ▯ IRXQG▯ DV▯ a result of the analysis of the social
component of the Environmental Management Plan for illicit crop eradication, filed by the
National Narcotics Directorate:

1. Regarding the scope of the EMP’s Social Management Programs

▯ Annex 132

a. The majority of social management programs do not respond to the

program’s impacts.

“as a result of the implementation of the illicit crop eradication program, the impacts

generated in scenario A continue practically intact, due to the fact that the underlying causes
of the existing grave problem are structural in nature, and do not directly depend on the
process for establishing and HUDGLFDWLQJ▯LOOLFLW▯FURSV▯´▯

Although it is true that the “mentioned structXUDO▯FRQGLWLRQV´▯DUH▯HYLGHQW▯LQ▯WKH▯UHJLRQV▯

studied, “the referenced study does not take into account the specific and particular impacts
that are caused by the program’s implemenWDWLRQ▯▯ ▯ $V▯ D▯ UHVXOW▯▯ WKH▯ 6RFLDO▯ PDQDJHPHQW▯
programs are geared towards general economic and social conditions that do not

[PAGE 26]

3RLQW▯1R▯▯▯▯▯GHQRPLQDWHG▯³The national and international cooperation and the alternative
development for the replacement of illicit crops” GRHV▯UHVSRQG▯WR▯WKH▯SURJUDP¶V▯LPSDFW▯▯▯


b. Little clarity regarding the feasibility of its implementation

7KH▯ GLIIHUHQW▯ 6WDWH▯ LQVWLWXWLRQV▯ DUH▯ PDGH▯ UHsponsible for the implementation of actions

contemplated by the Program for social management, at the head of the DNE, it is not
possible to observe an agency responsibility that assures that the various functions of the
related entities are carried out in a complePHQWDU\▯DQG▯DUWLFXODWH▯PDQQHU▯▯▯,Q▯DGGLWLRQ▯▯ZH▯
cannot observe that these programs respond to concerted plans with said entities assigned

)XUWKHUPRUH▯▯WKH▯SURJUDPV▯ODFN▯DQ▯DFWLYLW\▯VFhedule, a benefitting population, and budgets
that make their respective imSOHPHQWDWLRQV▯IHDVLEOH▯

c. Break-down of illicit crop eradication programs using glyphosate and
Alternative Development (PLANTE)

$FFRUGLQJ▯WR▯WKH▯5HIHUHQFH▯7HUPV▯▯WKH▯SURJUDPs and activities must be articulated with crop
replacement programs of the Alternative DeveloSPHQW▯3ODQ▯±3/$17(▯▯IRU▯WKH▯VKRUW▯▯PHGLXP▯

between eradication and replacement will assure that eradication activities are not
interrupted by replacement activities, as long as the beneficiaries of the replacement
activities, farmers and indigenous peoples, do not own more than three hectares of legal

Nevertheless, the content of the chapter on impact identification and▯HYDOXDWLRQ▯▯WDEOH▯▯▯▯▯▯
includes alternative development in the program▯VFHQDULR▯▯▯$JDLQ▯▯WKH▯'1(¶V▯UROH▯LV▯QRW▯

▯Annex 132

FOHDU▯▯▯,Q▯DGGLWLRQ▯▯LW is not clear who must coordinate or complement the two programs so

complementariness would mitigate the primary impact caused by forced eradication, which
consists of displacement and migratory procesVHV▯▯▯,W▯LV▯FOHDU▯WKDW▯▯ODFNLQJ▯HFRQRPLF▯DQG▯
sustainable alternatives, the inhabitants cannot access revenue possibilities which could


)XUWKHUPRUH▯▯SRLQW▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯GHQRPLQDWHG▯³7KH▯National and International Cooperation and
Alternative Development for ReSODFHPHQW´▯VHWV▯IRUWK▯▯DV▯management criteria, among many
others, that of developing alternative projects to counter the IRUFHG▯LOOLFLW▯FURS▯HUDGLFDWLRQ▯▯▯

In the same manner,

[PAGE 27]

responsibilities are dispersed among a list of institutions, without any observable concerted


2- Absence of a participative process in the EMP’s elaboration.

7KH▯FRPPXQLW\▯ZDV▯QRW▯FRQQHFWHG▯WR▯WKH▯3ODQ¶V design and formulation, despite it being one
RI▯ WKH▯ DGPLQLVWUDWLYH▯ DFW▯ UHTXLUHPHQWV▯▯ ZKHQ it is expected that populations with high
vulnerability levels can be empowerHG▯ZLWK▯WKHLU▯RZQ▯GHYHORSPHQW▯▯▯

2UGHU▯ ▯▯▯$▯ LGHQWLILHV▯▯ DV▯ D▯ VKRUW▯ WHUP▯ DFWLon to guarantee participation in the social
management plan, the taking into account of existent local and regional agreements to which
the various regional communities and the NaWLRQDO▯JRYHUQPHQW▯KDYH▯VXEVFULEHG▯▯+RZHYHU▯▯
the Plan presented by the DNE, does not clearly contemplate the proposals made by peasant

mobilizations made these proposals in order to set forth alternatives in light of the
phenomena which affected theiU▯UHJLRQV▯DQG▯ORFDOLWLHV▯

One must not forget that, listening to the peasant voice means, in terms of state policy, the

creation of spaces for diDORJXH▯DQG▯FROODERUDWLRQ▯

)XUWKHUPRUH▯▯ WKH▯ 3ODQ▯ GRHV▯ QRW▯ FRQWHPSODWH▯ how the oversight will be conformed and
supported, in order to facilitate, in an effective manner, at the opportune time, verification of
the fulfillment of mitigation, compensation and otKHU▯PHDVXUHV▯FRQWHPSODWHG▯E\▯WKH▯3ODQ▯

3- Insufficient analysis regarding socioeconomic impacts caused by the program’s

7KH▯LOOLFLW▯FURS▯HUDGLFDtion program, as cautioned by the DNE’s study, produces the impact

Although it is true that fumigation has caused many peasants and settlers to renounce to the
illicit planting out of fear, the economic losses and price decreases also produce adaptive

▯ Annex 132

responses, modifying the planting patterns: various small cultivations dispersed among

different sites and intermixed with food crops arise out of one largH▯FXOWLYDWLRQ▯▯▯,Q▯WKLV▯VHQVH▯▯
IXUWKHU▯LQYHVWLJDWLRQ▯LV▯UHTXLUHd regarding what occurs to the inhabitants expelled by mass


▯▯▯,W▯LV▯UHTXHVWHG▯WKDW▯WKH▯'1(▯VSHFLI\▯ZKDW▯EDVis it uses to charge other State agencies with
responsibilities; what criteria did it use to assign

[PAGE 28]

the Environmental Management Plans: with institutional competence criteria? Of concerted
What is the real commitment of these institutions? What are the budgets that can make these

programs feasible?

▯▯ What actions have been furthered to organize the eradication program using glyphosate with
programs for Alternative Development, taking into account that the program scenario

contemplates Alternative deveORSPHQW"▯▯:H▯UHTXHVW▯WKH▯'1(▯WR▯SUHVHQW▯D▯FRQFHUWHG▯SODQ▯

▯▯ 2UGHU▯▯▯▯▯$▯UHTXHVWV▯FRPSDWLELOity of the fumigation program with development plans and

DOORZ▯WKH▯6RFLDO▯0DQDJHPHQW▯3ODQ▯▯3*6▯▯WR▯be tailored to social, cultural, and economic



7HFKQLFDO▯ &RQFHSW▯ 1R▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ RI▯ ▯▯▯ 'HFHPEHU▯ 1999 issued by this entity’s Division of

7HUPV▯ ▯2UGHU▯ ▯▯▯$▯▯▯▯▯▯ WKH▯ DVSHFWV▯ DQG▯ FULWeria (environmental, socioeconomic and
RSHUDWLYH▯▯ WKDW▯ ZHUH▯ ILQDOO\▯ FRQVLGHUHG▯ IRU▯ the selection of representative areas was not
VXSSRUWHG▯▯▯,Q▯WKLV▯PDQQHU▯▯JLYHQ▯WKLV▯ODFN▯RI▯LQformation, it is not possible to determine the

representativeness of the areas selected for the Environmental Management Plan in each
5HJLRQ▯▯▯:H▯UHTXHVW▯WKH▯DQQH[DWLon of cartography regarding the location of illicit crops on

▯▯▯▯7DNLQJ▯LQWR▯DFFRXQW▯WKDW▯What six of the seven areas selected for the elaboration of the

PMA are located in or constitute part of the seven National Park System areas and one
corresponds to a forest reserve, as follows:

▯Annex 132


1~FOHR▯&XHQFD▯GHO▯5tR▯3DORPLQR▯▯3NN Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Núcleo de Gabarra, PNN Catatumbo Barl

Núcleo Puerto Rico, PNN la Macarena

[PAGE 29]

The delineation and specification of environmentally important ecosystems and other areas
which must be excluded, treated or managed in a special manner in the Program development
is necessary for each of the selected representative areas.

3- Taking into account the fact that the policy for illicit crop eradication (Resolution 0001 of
11 February 1994 issued by the National Narcotics Directorate) defined the following:

“the illicit crop eradication in the special management areas and natural reserves will be

carried out through ordinary processes such as manual and mechanical operation.

If a different treatment is required, under certain extraordinary circumstances assessed by the
National Narcotics Council, a favorable concept will be required from the Ministry of
Environment, to guarantee the preservation of the ecological balance in the areas at issue.”

The special measures to be implemented in the National Natural Park System areas geared
towards conservation of the biological and cultural diversity must be specified.

4- There are no specifications regarding the criteria, especially environmental criteria, for

definition of chemical eradication areas by region, the degree of articulation with the
remaining actions developed with the same purpose (PLANTE, RSS, Regional and Local
Entities) and the convenience and advantages of the use of the chemical alternative, despite a
description related to the historical review of actions furthered within the forced eradication

programs and the general identification of illicit crop production areas.

5- The description of physical-biotic elements is highly general and incomplete and does not
focus on the specific characterization for each of the proposed and selected reference areas.
It is not possible to perform an evaluation or hierarchical assessment of the temporary and

permanent impacts generated by eradication actions under the resolution levels that are
worked with, and, therefore, the definition of control, prevention, compensation and
recuperation measures contemplated in the Environmental Management Plan.

6- The environmental inventory reports submitted beginning in February 1994 must be taken

into account in the selection of sampling sites, pursuant to Resolution 0001 of 11 February
1994 issued by the National Narcotics Directorate, with the aim of carrying out the site
characterization in a multi-temporal manner and facilitating analysis of eradication effects

▯ Annex 132

[PAGE 30]

using glyphosate on the short, medium and long term. This selection must be supported by
copies of the reports issued by the engaged environmental auditor.

7- Taking into account the concept issued by the Instituto Colombiano de Agricultura ICA,
elaborated by the División de Insumos Agrícolas, we consider that the National Narcotics
Directorate must perform, in conjunction with this institute’s experts, a technical evaluation
regarding the effectiveness of equipment, aircraft, spraying techniques and doses, proposed
in the Environmental Management Plan.

In the same manner, it must clarify the legal aspects regarding the importation of Glyphosate
(Roundup SL) used in illicit crop eradication and define who is responsible for importation of
the product and compliance with legal requirements.

8- Determine the technical criteria for selection of adjuvants. Complement the
physicochemical and toxicological information regarding the products used for this purpose.

9- Only loose data is provided regarding trials and field tests, and therefore, we conclude

that, without correlating these with reference to the time of fumigation, it is necessary that
the National Narcotics Directorate supplement the information with the following:

a- Contextualize in relation to time, the time in which fumigations were implemented in the
research area.

b- Record data regarding the evolution in time of the presence of glyphosate in
environmental components.
c- Carry out the determinations regarding the presence of glyphosate in soil, and the
affectation on soil bodies and actual uses.

10. Given the above information, the analysis and determination of the exposure conditions,
the type of direct and indirect exposure must be carried out, with the aim of giving
dimensions to the evaluation of environmental risk carried by fumigation activities.

In the same manner, this information must be supplemented with an analysis of the
accumulated impacts of eradication with glyphosate on environmental elements.

With these new elements, the National Narcotics Directorate must resubmit the
Environmental Management presented to the Ministry of Environment, supplement the

programs proposed in the points and strengthen the proposed follow-up, monitoring and
contingency actions.

The technical concept No. 419-99 of 21 December 1999 issued by this entity’s Division of
Environmental Licenses, concludes that, in accordance with the above, the National

Narcotics Directorate must supplement the

[PAGE 31]

▯Annex 132

Environmental Management Plan for the Application of Herbicides Based on Glyphosate in

the Illicit Crop Eradication.

The Division of Environmental Licenses of the Ministry of the Environment, pursuant to
Decree 1124 of 1999 and article 1 of Resolution No. 0561 of 12 July 1999, through which

the Ministry of Environment delegates certain functions, proceeds to require the National
Narcotics Directorate to supplement the Environmental Management Plan for the Application
of Herbicides Based on Glyphosate in Illicit Crop Eradication presented with the information
that is established in the reasons section of the present administrative order, pursuant to
article 30 numeral 5 of Decree 1753 of 1994.

Based on the merits of the above,


ARTICLE 1. Require the National Narcotics Directorate to supplement the Environmental
Management Plan for the Application of Herbicides Based on Glyphosate for Illicit Crop
Eradication, in the following aspects:

1- Determination of the aspects and criteria (environmental, socioeconomic and operative)
that were finally considered for the selection of reference areas, determining the
representativeness of selected areas with respect to the Environmental Management Plan in
each Region. In the same manner, it must carry out a cartographic verification of the spatial
locations of the reference zones, in collaboration with the Parks Unit and annex the

cartography regarding location of illicit crops on a national level.

2- Specify the special measures (exclusion and manual eradication) to be implemented in
National Natural Park System areas and Natural Reserves in order to preserve biological and
cultural diversity.

3- Implement, along with ICA experts, an evaluation regarding efficacy of equipment,
aircraft, application and dose parameters, requested in annex 2, pursuant to the reference
terms, noting the environmental conditions that were used as reference. Present the technical

criteria for adjuvant selection.

[PAGE 32]

4- Contextualize the field tests presented in the study, at the time of fumigation. Perform an

evaluation of the environmental effects of eradication with glyphosate on a short, medium
and long term, support the conclusions with results from audit reports, for which it must
annex a copy of such reports.

5- Supplement the findings regarding glyphosate presence in the soil and its effects on

microorganisms in the soil. In the same manner, supplement the information and analysis
regarding the effects of glyphosate on other vegetation species predominant in the regions

▯ Annex 132

and cultivation of food crops. Supplement toxicity information in animal species,

particularly in aquatic organisms.

6- Supplement the Environmental Management Plan with the following information of a
social nature:

a- Criteria for assignation of institutional responsibilities in the Environmental Management
Plan programs, areas which make collaboration and plan execution effective, budgets for
each of the programs.

b- Present a Plan concerted with PLANTE and Alternative Development in which
complementariness is established with Environmental Management Plan Programs.

c- In the same manner, further information is requested regarding the interactions with
various territorial entities in program application areas which would permit tailoring of the

Social Management Plan (PGS) pursuant to its social, cultural and economic reality.

d- The National Narcotics Directorate must present the design of a citizen oversight program
in order to guarantee the adequate monitoring of the PGS.

PARAGRAPH. The National Narcotics Directorate must supplement the analysis and
determination of exposure conditions, type of direct and indirect exposure and the possible
accumulated impacts with all the information in the above points, with the aim of
resubmitting an evaluation of environmental risks carried by fumigation activities.

In the same manner, the Environmental Management Plan programs must be resubmitted for
each region, the activities defined in its points must be specified and the follow-up,
monitoring and contingency programs must be supplemented.

ARTICLE 2. Notify the legal representative of the content of the present provision through
the Legal Secretariat of the Division of Environmental Licenses

[PAGE 33]

The National Narcotics Directorate or its duly appointed representative.

ARTICLE 3. A recourse of reversal is available against the present administrative act, which
may be submitted with the fulfillment of legal requirements, pursuant to that which is

espoused in articles 50, 51 and 52 of the Contentious Administrative Code.



Assistant Director of Environmental Licenses

▯Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132Annex 132 Annex 133

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Division of Environmental Licenses,
2UGHU▯1R▯▯▯▯▯ (29 Mar. 2000) Annex 133



Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.

29 March 2000

ORDER No. 143

“By which recourse for reversal is resolved”

The Deputy Director of Environmental Licenses, exercising his statutory powers,
particularly those conferred by Act 99 of 1993, Article 50 of the Administrative
Contentious Code, Resolution 561 of 1999, and


Through order No. 558A of 13 April 1996, the Ministry of Environment established the terms of
reference to the National Narcotics Directorate for elaborating the Environmental Management

Plan, using the herbicide based on Glyphosate in the country’s Illicit Crop Eradication Program.

Through order No. 599 of 23 December 1999, issued by this entity’s Sub Directorate of
Environmental Licenses, additional information regarding the Environmental Management Plan

on the use of the herbicide Glyphosate in the country’s Illicit Crop Eradication Program was
required from DNE.

Article three of Order 599 of 1999, provides that an administrative appeal may be filed against
itself, which could be submitted subject to the fulfilment of legal requirements, pursuant to

Articles 50, 51 and 52 of the Administrative Contentious Code.

[PAGE 2]

The National Narcotics Directorate was notified of Order 599 of 1999 on 25 January 2000.

▯Annex 133

The National Narcotics Director of the DNE, acting as that institution’s legal representative, filed

recourse for reversal against Order No. 599 of 1999, via an order filed with this Entity on 1
February 2000.

In accordance with Article 50 of the Contentious Administrative Code, the recourse for reversal

is filed before the same officer who made the decision for clarification, modification or

Pursuant to the provisions of Ministerial Resolution No. 0561 of 12 July 1999, the Division of
Licenses is competent to sign orders to resolve internal appeals within the process of

environmental permits.

In order to clarify the content of this Order, the applicant’s questions will be set forth first and
the appropriate response will follow.

This Entity’s Sub Directorate of Environmental Licenses adopted the following position through
Technical Concept No. 99 dated 30 March 2000:


This scenario is appropriate to clarify that state policies regarding drug control are not subject to
the Ministry of Environment’s pronunciation in this administrative act, whereas it is in the case
of spraying with Glyphosate, under which this policy takes effect.

Therefore, the Environmental Management Plan for the use of Glyphosate-based herbicides to
eradicate illicit crops presented by the National Narcotics Directorate is subject to the following
Ministry evaluation. Said Environmental Management Plan must refer to actions required to
prevent, mitigate, monitor, compensate and correct any environmental impacts or effects caused
by the development of the activity under which the policy becomes effective.

In connection with the assertion made by the National Narcotics Directorate (DNE), regarding
having opportunely submitted Chapter VII of the Environmental Management Plan
(Identification and Assessment of Environmental Impacts), it is pertinent to note that, although

through process No. 11430, dated 30 July 1998, the National Narcotics Directorate submitted the
document entitled “Environmental Management Plan for the application of Glyphosate in Illicit
Crop Eradication,” it is also pertinent to note that

[PAGE 3]

after reviewing its contents at that time, the mentioned Chapter was found to be missing.

We will proceed to rule as follows on each of the considerations on which DNE expressed


▯ Annex 133


the scope since the subject of the evaluation is the Environmental Management Plan for illicit

HUDGLFDWLRQ▯SURJUDP▯LWVHOI▯▯7KH▯VDmpling or verifications carried out on the coca fields sprayed
with Glyphosate is the strongest indicator for use in the evaluation of the aircUDIW
Said activities have been developed, based on WKH▯ 9HULILFDWLRQ▯ 3URWRFRO▯ IDVKLRQHG▯ E\▯ WKH▯
Colombian and United States governments, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the

RIILFHU▯▯ DWWHQGHG▯ WKH▯ 9HULILFDWLRQ▯ SURWRFRO conducted in October 1999, and endorsed the
effectiveness of the application, according to the National Antinarcotics Police minutes signed

Pages 9 and 11

Illicit crop activity studies have been conducted on a regular basis and invitations were sent to
the different state entities involved in such VWXGLHV▯▯ 6XIILFH▯ LW▯ WR▯ VD\▯ WKDW▯ RIILFLDOV▯ IURP▯ WKH▯

Ministry of Environment, Plante, National Parks System and the Attorney General´s Office were
invited to the National Aerial Census for ,OOLFLW▯ &URSV▯ FRQGXFWHG▯ LQ▯ 0DUFK▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ 7KH▯ VDPH▯
process is currently being conducted with these entities’ instLWXWLRQDO▯FROODERUDWLRQ▯▯

7KH▯1DWLRQDO▯1DUFRWLFV▯%RDUG▯DXWKRUL]HG▯WKH▯spraying of illicit poppy crops in January 1992,

EDVHG▯ RQ▯ 5HVROXWLRQ▯ ▯▯▯▯ RI▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ 6LQFH▯ WKHQ▯▯ WKe spraying of illicit poppy crops has been

Information regarding the license issued by ICA, for marketing the herbicide Glyphosate was
REWDLQHG▯EDVHG▯RQ▯WKH▯OLVWV▯RI▯,&$▯approved products, and via a concept issued by the Ministry


Pages 14 and 18

It should be noted that the Program for Illicit Crop Eradication is a sui generis program and one
in which the methodologies

[PAGE 4]

developed for agricultural commercial aviation are very difficult to apply to illicit crop
HUDGLFDWLRQ▯▯7KH▯SDUDPHWHUV▯XVHG▯in commercial agriculture cannot be applied to the illicit crop
and systems to make the application of herbicides in extreme conditions (altitude, speed, attacks,


▯Annex 133

Regarding flight height ▯▯ $V▯ LV▯ ZHOO▯ NQRZQ▯▯ LOOLFLW▯ FURSV▯ DUe located in different landscapes,

varying topographical conditions and many plots present obstacles, in addition to the dangers of
drug traffickers, which make it impossible for the opeUDWLRQ▯WR▯IROORZ▯IL[HG▯SDUDPHWHUV▯▯,W▯PXVW▯
be recalled that the spraying is not being carried out on plots of rice, cotton or banana fields
where conditions for spraying are uniform and do not present any obstacles▯▯<HW▯HYHQ▯ZLWK▯WKLV▯

variable range in flight height, illicLW▯FURS▯VSUD\LQJ▯KDV▯EHHQ▯D▯VXFFHVV▯

Speed of the aircraft ▯▯ &KDSWHU▯ ,,,▯▯ SDUDJUDSK▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ VWDWHV▯ the range of speed of operation,
GHSHQGLQJ▯ RQ▯ WKH▯ W\SH▯ RI▯ FURS▯ EHLQJ▯ VSUD\HG▯▯ :Kilst in theory, the flow of output can vary
depending on the speed of the aircraft, aircraft now have an electronic valve that controls the

flow of output, allowing consLVWHQF\▯LQ▯WKH▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯
7KH▯PHWKRGRORJ\▯XVHG▯LQ▯FDOLEUDWLRQ▯RI▯WKH▯HTXLSPent is described in manuals published by

7R▯ FODULI\▯ ,&$¶V▯ TXHVWLRQV▯ DERYH▯▯ D▯ OHWWHU▯ LV▯ attached with the documents “Criteria of
results of tests conducted by the firm “SocieGDG▯ ODV▯ 3DOPDV▯ /WGD▯´▯ DW▯ WKH▯ UHTXHVW▯ RI▯ WKH▯

7KH▯ILUP▯6RFLHGDG▯ODV▯3DOPDV▯/WGD▯▯▯VXEPLWWHG▯D▯UHSRUt to ICA containing original data, tables,
but which ICA did not evaluate (see copy of the VXEPLWWHG▯OHWWHU▯▯▯7KHVH▯results can be found in
the offices of the Ministry of Environment in the volume ANNEXES of the Environmental


Page 19

We clarify that the herbicide Glyphosate is being purchased directly from the firm Monsanto, the

company licensed to market the product and responsible for the sale and reOHYDQW▯SURFHGXUHV▯▯

[PAGE 5]

In connection with the LQIRUPDWLRQ▯LQ▯7DEOH▯▯▯▯▯RI the Environmental Management Plan Chapter
III, the mixture applied for the treatment of illicit coca crops is▯▯▯▯▯▯▯O▯▯▯KD▯▯▯:H▯FODULI\▯WKDW▯D▯
different figure appears (▯▯▯/W▯▯▯KD▯▯GXH▯WR▯D▯WUDQVFULSWLRQ▯HUURU▯▯▯

7KH▯DJURFKHPLFDO▯PDQXIDFWXUHUV▯UHFRPPHQG▯GRVH▯ranges which vary depending on the treated
coca, the coca eradication program determined the effective dose for the control of coca crops

It must be recalled that the manufacturer VWDWHV▯ RQ▯ WKH▯ SURGXFW▯ ODEHO▯▯▯ ³7KH▯ PDQXIDFWXUHU▯
guarantees that the product conforms with the technical specifications of this label but does not

▯ Annex 133

assume responsibility for obtained results, whetheU▯RU▯QRW▯WKH▯VXJJHVWHG▯GRVH▯LV▯XVHG▯´▯EHFDXVH▯

the operation is out of the PDQXIDFWXUHU¶V▯FRQWURO▯

If ICA has in its possession recommended doses for illicit crop control, it is desirable for ICA to
suggest or recommend them, for theiU▯DSSOLFDWLRQ▯LQ▯WKH▯3URJUDP▯





Glyphosate 10.40

Cosmo - Flux 411 F 0.23
Water 13.02

Page 28

We believe that if the product was approved by Minsalud and by ICA, the numerous studies on
WKHVH▯ LVVXHV▯ FDQQRW▯ EH▯ LJQRUHG▯▯ ▯ 7KHVH▯ VWXGLHV▯ FODULI\▯ WKH▯ KHUEicide’s behavior in different
situations and were, at the appropriate time, evaluated by the above institutions prior to issuing



In connection with the informaWLRQ▯RQ▯7DEOH▯▯▯▯▯▯▯&KDSWHU▯,,,▯▯WKe treatment mixture for illicit
FRFD▯FURSV▯▯LV▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯/W▯▯▯KD▯▯▯:H▯FODULI\▯WKDW▯▯DV▯a result of an error in transcription, a different

[PAGE 6]

One must recall that the combination of different types of nozzle diameters and the variation in
uniformity of the totaO▯IORZ▯E\▯DUHD▯




▯Annex 133

‡▯³7KH▯,QVWLWXWR▯&RORPELDQR▯$JURSHcuario (ICA), is empowered to carry out the controls in crop

spraying with respect to Licit Commercial Crops, but as an institutional duty, we provide our
experience and knowledge in the field, which may be useful to the concepts on which the
Ministry of Environment requires our collaboration.
‡▯5HIHUULQJ▯WR▯WKH▯SUHDPEOH▯RI Order No. 599 of 23 December 1999, “by which the Ministry of

Environment requires supplementary information for the Environmental Management Plan”
regarding dose, parameters and spray techniques, further information about the effects of
spraying due to aerial spraying drift is needed.
‡▯$FFHVVLQJ▯GDWD▯DERXW▯FXUUHQW▯VSraying equipment (airplanes) which have implications in their
process on health and the environment, due to the special circumstances of the treated subject,

taking into account that there are no rules in Colombia regarding spraying of illicit crops.
‡▯7KH▯QHHG▯WR▯HYDOXDWH▯LQIRUPDWLRQ▯SURYLGHG▯E\▯'1E in the field of aerial spraying, within the
technical resources available at the time to the ICA, is confirmed.
‡▯5HJDUGLQJ▯FDOLEUDWLon of equipment, it is important to specify the flow or discharge per minute
produced by each particular type of aircraft with a given pressure achieved in the practice of

calibration, thereby ensuring the volume of herbicide mixture that is being sprayed for the two
types of aircraft used.”


DNE’s findings do not respond objectively to the contents of Order No. 559 of 23 December
1999 (Concept of the General Directorate of Ecosystems), taking the following into account:

[PAGE 7]

A. Chapter II - Background

Criteria defining chemical eradication areas by region.

DNE: ³7KH▯FULWHULD▯WDNHQ▯LQWR▯DFFRXQW▯IRU▯FKemical eradication are defined in
previous studies for the selection of the herbicide Glyphosate in phases I, II


With respect to this point, the appeal references three phases of a study conducted between 1988
and 1989, in order to recommend the use of Glyphosate in the eradication efforts. It also
references the state's decision to exercise the drug and legal policies set forth in the Nation’s

legal framework. None of the issues that the DNE raises provide an objective answer to this
requirement, given that they point to a general justification for the herbicide’s use and its
application, within a defined policy framework. Therefore, they have nothing to do, in a direct
manner, with legal, policy, technical and operational criteria for the delineation of specific areas
by region targeted by chemical eradication.

▯ Annex 133

Given this situation, we reiterate the request for information, since it will be the basis on which

the Management Plan should clarify, prioritize and focus its actions, tailored to current forms of
intervention in each particular region.

Level of articulation with other implemented actions towards the same purpose.

V▯DFWLons is defined in the Republic’s prior
SODQV▯DQG▯LWV▯/DZV▯▯ZKLFK▯GHILQH▯WKH▯FRmpetence of each institution in the
ILJKW▯ DJDLQVW▯ WKH▯ GUXJ▯ SUREOHP▯▯ )XUWhermore, CNE defines policies and
strategies to be developed by its members as outlined in Chapter II, section

▯▯▯▯'LUHFWLRQ▯DQG▯3URJUDP▯0DQDJHPHQW▯▯which defines the functions and

With respect to this point, the appeal refers to the description of the Master Plan for the fight

against drugs as well as the respective duties of the CNE and DNE. However, it does not define
the degree of coordination, synergy and coherence with other institutions performing actions
within the Master Plan for the fight against drugs. In this sense, despite the fact that the overall
Master Plan identifies general strategies for illicit crop eradication, for its purposes, the past

experience with chemical eradication in the aspects of coordination, articulation and coherence
specific to each region must be known, as well as information that will permit the definition of
strengths and/or weaknesses in the formulation and implementation of an Environmental
Management Plan.

In this sense, although point 2 of the appeal (regarding the requirements) states that “The
departmental and

[PAGE 8]

municipal authorities shall reach the necessary agreements with both peasants and the indigenous
communities, in an ongoing fashion” the requirement for further information on this point should
be developed and clarified, not in terms of policy, but in practical terms for the spraying

program. Therefore, the proposed actions in the management plan will respond to real situations
faced by its operation, not virtual actions that are unsupported by experience or situational

Convenience and advantages of the chemical alternative.

DNE: ³7KH▯FRQYHQLHQFH▯DQG▯DGYDQWDJHV▯RI▯WKH▯use of a chemical alternative is
proposed due to lower risk of toxicity attributed to the herbicide
Glyphosate, pursuant to Chapter II,▯SDUDJUDSK▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯7DEOH▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯DV▯ZHOO▯
as to the magnitude of the DUHDV▯WDUJHWHG▯IRU▯FRQWURO▯´

With respect to this requirement, the DNE’s appeal refers to the selection of Glyphosate in the
chemical eradication program, pursuant to toxicological and environmental variables, which do

▯Annex 133

not point out a description of the conveniences and advantages of the alternatives defined both in

Order No. 559 of 23 December 1999 as well as in the terms of reference. In this sense, the DNE
must understand that the herbicide’s definition is an element for analysis within the chemical
alternative, and not an environmental, political, socio-economic and technical justification for the
chemical eradication method as a key element to support that activity, subject of the management


B. The requirements of Chapter IV:

DNE:▯³7KH▯QXFOHL▯VHOHFWLRQ▯FULWHULD▯LQ▯WKLV▯VWudy is listed in Chapter III Project


the considerations or criteria for the definition of representative areas

considered in the study were sent to▯WKH▯IRUPHU▯▯7KHVH▯FULWHULD▯DSSHDU▯LQ▯

It is not true that the selection criteria for selected nuclei are indicated in Chapter III of the study,
since section 2.1 only indicates four natural regions in which a great extent of illicit crops exist.

The criteria defined in Chapter VI of the document refer to the criteria taken into account at an
appropriate time for the sampling of soils and vegetation in different physiographic regions and

not the criteria for defining the nuclei for eradication, subject of the management plan.

On the other hand, although it is true that the proceeding dated 04 January 1978 sets out certain
considerations and/or criteria for the selection of certain areas, this selection does not

[PAGE 9]

arise from basic information that supports the level of representativeness of selected areas in
relation to the respective region in which they are registered.

C. Request regarding Chapter V.

DNE:▯³7KH▯SUHSDUDWLRQ▯RI▯WKLV chapter followed the guidelines set forth in the
terms of reference for each of the items considered at a regional

framework level foU▯ SK\VLFDO▯ELRWLF▯ ]RQLQJ▯▯ ,Q▯ WKLV▯ UHJDUG▯▯ LW▯ LV▯ ZRUWK▯
remembering that illicit crops are scattered throughout the
biogeographical area with potential for proof and, therefore, pointing out
the base line level in great detail would involve the entire national
territory, which was not the object of this study and for this reason, the

Minambiente’s premises, chaired E\▯ 'U▯▯ -XDQ▯ 'LHJR▯ 3HxD▯▯ 3URJUDP▯

▯ Annex 133


assessment will be based on the assessment of environmental and health
risks arising from the management and DSSOLFDWLRQ▯RI▯KHUELFLGH▯▯7KH\▯ZLOO▯
be based on information available in technical literature, analyzed for the
conditions of application (characteristicV▯RI▯WKH▯UHFLSLHQW▯HFRV\VWHPV▯▯▯▯´▯


³&KDSWHU▯9,▯▯VHFWLRQ▯▯▯SUHVHQWV▯WKH▯JHotechnical risk analysis, which is
reflected in the respective PMA geotecKQLFDO▯ULVN▯PDSV▯▯▯&O▯▯▯9,▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯

▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯ DW▯ PDSSLQJ▯ VFDOHV▯ available in IGAC and authorized by the
commander general of the armed forces due to their nature as restricted

“In response to Minambiente’s recommendation regarding the exclusion

of certain areas of the country from the chemical eradication program,
this would virtually exclude the majority of illicit crop eradication areas,
which would be highly regarded E\▯JURZHUV▯DQG▯GUXJ▯WUDIILFNHUV▯´▯

With respect to this point, DNE’s arguments are not objective because it states that “For the
preparation of this chapter, the guidelines set forth by the terms of reference for each of the items
considered at a regional physical-biotic zoning framework level were followed.” Although the
study performed a literature review for each area and sets forth such review in a descriptive
manner, this review is not analyzed and the study digresses with respect to the important aspects

for analysis contained in the terms of reference, particularly with regard to the possible effects of
the proposed program, as stated in the Order 599 of 1999.

On another note, although it is true that the exclusion of some areas from the chemical
eradication program would be highly-regarded by growers, it is important to note that from a

legal standpoint, there are some biological and social areas on which special eradication
measures should be implemented, which are not specifically defined by the management plan.

[PAGE 10]


Branch of the Special Administrative Unit of National Natural Parks:

Point 1

Supply and ecosystem vulnerability is inFOXGHG▯LQ▯&KDSWHU▯9▯1XPEHU▯▯▯▯
3K\VLFDO▯ELRWLF▯&RPSRQHQW▯▯7KH▯YXOQHUability and supply are included in

▯Annex 133

Although the applicant states that it has referenced the supply and vulnerability of ecosystems
exposed to Glyphosate application, the development of said issues in the baseline content is not
adequate, because the study provides a characterization based on a detailed description of
biophysical components (climatology, hydrology, geomorphology, land use, vegetation, fauna,

etc..), and it fails to integrate all this information to perform a comprehensive analysis, which, as
a next step, should set forth in a clear and specific manner, the main environmental supply to the
various ecosystems and their vulnerability to the application of Glyphosate.

Therefore, the DNE must conduct a specific assessment of the supply and vulnerability of

ecosystems exposed to Glyphosate. It is necessary for this assessment to identify the
environmental supply (water production, climate regulation, endemism, species habitats species,
genetic diversity, etc.) in order to subsequently assess and evaluate the loss of such supply as a
result of the application of Glyphosate. This analysis should set forth the technical, economic,
social and legal means to identify and rate the degree of impact and thus evaluate, assess and

define the need and type of correction, mitigation and compensation measures for the impacts
caused by the activity, taking into account environmental sustainability criteria.

DNE: “Point 2

environmental ecosystems or ecosystems of environmental importance are
identified for each nucleus and in▯ VHFWLRQ▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ 3ODQW▯ %LRGLYHUVLW\▯▯ WKH▯
areas are spelled out, in general terms, and descriptions are set forth


The points referenced by the applicant (paragraphs 1.5 and 1.5.7) should be expanded in terms of
clear identification of critical areas, pursuant to the analysis of vulnerabilities and environmental

supply required in the preceding paragraph of this text.

DNE: “Item 3

[PAGE 11]

7KH▯ DFWLRQV▯ FRQWHPSODWHG▯ LQ▯ WKH▯ Environmental Management Plan must
conform to an integrated and coordinated implementation of various state
institutions under DNE Coordination▯▯ ▯ 7KLV▯ LV▯ H[SOLFLW▯ LQ▯ &KDSWHU▯ 9,,,▯▯

VHFWLRQ▯▯▯▯,QWURGXFWLRQ▯▯+RZHYHU▯▯WKe DNE may clarify or expand these
competencies and can set a model of interagency coordination to define

Currently, within the coordination framework established for implementing

the National Plan to Combat Drugs▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯WKH▯'1(▯KDV▯HPEDUNHG▯RQ▯
a process of interagency coordination E\▯ZKLFK▯IRXU▯\HDU▯VWUDWHJLF▯SODQV▯
and annual operational plans were defined through management units for

▯ Annex 133

each of the six strategic objectiveV▯▯ (DFK▯ PDQDJHPHQW▯ XQLW▯ VSHFLILHG▯

strategic actions, responsibilities, resources and indicators for monitoring

Given that the DNE’s argument is that, to ensure the implementation of the formulated measures,

coordination of the Environmental Management Plan’s implementation must be conducted, the
DNE requires agreements and/or pacts with the other implementing institutions to concrete the
actions proposed in the submitted study.

It is also necessary for the DNE to allocate the appropriate resources to carry out such tasks,

especially given that the impacts it mitigates or corrects will be the impacts caused by the
application of Glyphosate.

DNE: “Point 4

Being special management areas administered by the National Natural
Parks Unit, the Unit is responsible for implementing illicit crop
eradication, since these areas, from a legal standpoint, are not subject to
IRUFHG▯HUDGLFDWLRQ▯▯,W▯VKRXOG▯EH▯QRWHG that the Environmental Management

Plan is for the application of the herbicide Glyphosate in illicit crop
eradication and therefore, at no time, whether past, present, or future, does
the DNE’s program contemplate intervention in the illicit crop eradication

In accordance with Decree Law 2811 of 1974 and Decree 622 of 1977 the dumping,
introduction, distribution or use of toxic substances or contaminants that could disrupt
ecosystems or cause damage to them is prohibited in National Park System areas. Similarly, the
use of any chemical with residual effects is also prohibited.

Nonetheless, despite the inability to spray on park areas, there is still a high risk of these
activities generating impacts on them. For this reason, the direct and indirect effects produced
by the spraying with Glyphosate performed in areas adjacent to National Parks System areas
should be taken into account, as this can lead to an increase

[PAGE 12]

in illicit crops within conservation units and thus cause an even greater impact.

This means that the DNE should contemplate measures to prevent, mitigate and correct these
possible effects.

It is important to formulate strategies and implement concerted measures for the prevention;
mitigation and compensation of direct and indirect impacts caused by spraying with Glyphosate

in nearby territories (drift effects, water contamination, agricultural land expansion into protected
areas, population displacement, among other effects).

▯Annex 133

As is established by the National Plan to Combat Drugs 1998 - 2002, the drug problem has a

transverse nature which requires the acceptance of a comprehensive and inter-agency approach
to achieve the goals set by each of the policy strategies. In this vein, the Special Administrative
Unit of National Parks of the Ministry of Environment, responsible for the administration of
these areas, is not the entity responsible for the eradication of illicit crops present within them.

In addition, the implementation of the manual eradication policy should preferably be conducted
in collaboration with the communities that rely on illicit crops for subsistence. It should be
oriented towards a gradual voluntary eradication and a shift of activities to those of a legal
nature, pursuant to the above-mentioned National Plan to Combat Drugs.

In conclusion, the authority to implement the illicit crop eradication within areas does not belong
to the Parks Unit but possesses a comprehensive and interagency nature. Although this
eradication is not conducted through a chemical method, but is based on a voluntary cessation of
illegal activity, such strategies must be articulated in conjunction with those deployed outside the
areas, precisely to avoid generating the opposite effect.

DNE: “Point 5

7KH▯ '1(▯▯ LQ▯ FRRUGLQDWLRQ▯ ZLWK▯ WKe Special National Parks Unit, may

establish relevant special eradication VWUDWHJLHV▯▯VLQFH▯VXEVHTXHQW▯WR▯WKH▯
VXEPLVVLRQ▯RI▯WKH▯3▯0▯$▯▯WR▯0LQDPEiente, the DNE agreed to concerted
manual eradication programs with communLWLHV▯DIIHFWHG▯E\▯WKLV▯VFRXUJH▯´▯▯

While it is true that the DNE, in coordination with the Special Administrative Unit of National

Parks of the Ministry of Environment, may establish special eradication strategies relevant to
protected areas, given that the use of chemical methods is legally prohibited, environmental
corrective mitigation and compensation measures should be contemplated by the P.M.A. due to
the “direct and indirect effects that are caused by spraying with Glyphosate in rural areas
surrounding the System areas.

[PAGE 13]

The presence of a large segment of the country’s rural population dedicated to illicit crop

cultivation is a social problem, set in a poor context of regional development and structural
weaknesses of the National State relating, inter alia, to the agricultural crisis and land problems.
The mechanisms to address this problem among small growers engaged in this activity as a way
to generate revenue for minimum subsistence must have access to a large toolbox for creating
new subsistence alternatives and a regional development scheme that adequately incorporates the

villagers into the lawful dynamics of the national economy.

Protected areas are an essential component of this regional development concept, and the State
must tend to their conservation in order to ensure reproduction and the flow of natural resources
that support regional development. The management of the problem of illicit crop cultivation in

protected areas should be incorporated into this social development logic. To this extent, the
actions aimed at prevention and mitigation of environmental impacts from this activity should be
articulated with a number of other initiatives in the first instance, to ensure the livelihoods and

▯ Annex 133

generate regional development mechanisms and ensure the non-reproduction of the activity in

other protected areas.

As mentioned, the chemical aerial or ground sprayings for crop eradication are not feasible in
protected areas. However, the problem must be addressed by granting special priority to actions

for voluntary manual and mechanical eradication and the gradual abandonment of the unlawful
activity, based on the logic of regional development above mentioned. A exclusive eradication
work that does not ensure adequate regional development would involve the movement of illegal
activity to more remote areas, and subsequently a return of illicit crops in protected areas in the
short and medium term.

DNE: “Point 6


We reaffirm the need for the DNE to define the criteria regarding the representativeness of the
selected nuclei, since, section 2 and not section 1 letter b of the submitted appeal details a
number of technical criteria, practical to the work developed, but which do not define the
ecosystem representativeness of the selected areas. Also, in Chapter 6 section 2.2 of the

submitted study, the selected criteria do not meet the requirements since the areas defined for
sampling must be representative of natural areas that are attempted to be characterized. In other
words, these areas should reflect the behaviour that the application of Glyphosate would have in
each of said regions regarding the impacts on water systems, species, soil, etc. as conceptualized
in point No. 1 of this text.

The criteria for ecosystem representativeness consist in the description of characteristics that are
reflect and define an ecosystem, such as the representative species present, indices, common
landscapes, etc.., Therefore , we expect the described criteria to

[PAGE 14]

support the fact that the sampling areas reflect the characteristics of the defined regions.

DNE: “Point 7


The Ministry of Environment has not approved the sampling nuclei for the aspersion with

Glyphosate, nor has a positive administrative silence been configured.

In accordance with the Administrative Contentious Code, positive administrative silence applies
when, within a three (3) month term, a request has not been resolved by the competent authority,
in which case it shall be understood to mean that the decision is positive. Legally, positive

administrative silence only applies in the cases expressly specified by the legislation. The
subject must turn to the procedure set forth in law for appropriate recognition.

▯Annex 133

Based on the foregoing, and with respect to this particular case, positive administrative silence

did not apply since it was not mentioned in the legislation that applies to this type of request,
therefore, the DNE cannot invoked it. This amounts to saying that the Ministry has not approved
the areas subject to sampling and monitoring as a result of spraying with Glyphosate.

DNE: “Point 8

What is stated therein is not understood, nevertheless, we clarify that the

In order to clarify the content of the concepts underlying Order 599 of 1999, we request that the
DNE define the source of information used for the development of the PMA, in other words, we
desire clarity to respond to the following concerns:

1. Was the monitoring reports of Glyphosate spraying prior to the study’s beginning information

used? If that is not the case, clarify why the information provided by the Environmental Audit's
periodic reports was not used.

2. Were test sprays conducted specifically to collect information for the study?

DNE: “Point 9

7KH▯SDUDPHWHUV▯IRU▯REOLJDWRU\▯FRPSOLDQce, established for the operation of
illegal crop eradication correspond to the laws regarding plaguicide use in

&RORPELD▯▯'HFUHH▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯7KLV▯REOLJDWion is reiterated in Annex B of

The UAESPNN agrees with the content of decree 1843/91, which regulates the operation for
application of Glyphosate. The important matter is that these rules of operation

[PAGE 15]

are implemented as part of preventive measures for the impacts caused by the application of


DNE: “Item 10

7KHVH▯VWDWHPHQWV▯DUH▯QRW▯WUXH▯▯EHFDXVe, unless Minambiente has evidence

to support its assertion, they have never▯VSUD\HG▯RQ▯QDWLRQDO▯SDUN▯DUHDV▯

7KH▯'1(▯UHLWHUDWHV▯WKDW▯LW▯LV▯FRPSlying with paragraph 8 of resolution
▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯FRQFHUQLQJ▯WKH▯VWDWHPent that illicit crop eradication in special
management areas and natural reserves will be carried out through a

PHFKDQLFDO▯DQG▯PDQXDO▯SURFHGXUH▯▯:KHQ▯deciding whether to perform this

▯ Annex 133

Since it is strictly prohibited by Colombian law, it is inappropriate for

actions and project financing to be carried out for sustainable production
alternatives in special reserve areas and national parks, as stated by
VSHFLDO▯ UHVHUYH▯ DUHDV▯▯ ,Q▯ WKLV▯ VHQVe, Minambiente, through the Special

National Parks Unit, should apply existing criminal legislation to these

This information has been based on secondary sources and on the same study presented, since
confusion exists as to whether part of National Natural Park System areas which had been

previously sprayed with Glyphosate are included in sampling areas.

However, as DNE affirms, UAESPNN does not have access to the technical support to
substantiate this claim, since if this were to exist; the technical support would be under the
purview of the DNE, the Antinarcotics Police and the reports prepared by the Environmental

Audit firm, among other sources.

The Colombian policy against illicit crops differs between small and commercial growers. The
first are represented by those destined for subsistence in small plots farmed by peasants, settlers

and indigenous people. In indigenous territories with incidence of illicit crops which overlap
with protected areas, the State, through the competent institutions, shall strive to ensure the
creation of an alternative model of life based on their own customs and traditions, taking into
account the compatibility between indigenous life plans and management plans of protected
areas, and establishing a special management regime for the benefit of the indigenous population

while respecting their choice to remain in the land and their right to use natural resources (based
on decree 622/77, art. 7).

In this vein, criminal law does not apply to these small growers in National Parks System areas
but instead, it is preferable to agree with them regarding the way to eradicate manually or

mechanically, voluntary and gradual eradication and voluntary cessation of illegal activity,
providing them with alternative livelihoods

[PAGE 16]

along with an adequate incorporation into the legitimate economic dynamics of national, regional
and local levels.

DNE: Point 11

herbicide Glyphosate applicable▯LQ▯QDWLRQDO▯SDUN▯DUHDV▯´

While it is true that the PMA subject of this evaluation is limited to the illicit crop eradication
with Glyphosate and that this is prohibited in National Parks System areas, it is important for
DNE to specify the exact locations that would be subject to aspersion, since spraying with

▯Annex 133

Glyphosate may directly or indirectly affect the conservation units (even if it is not effectuated in

such areas) via drift effects, for example. The PMA must contemplate measures to mitigate the
effects that could be produced in protected areas and could therefore count with environmental
compensation measures for the damage or harmful effects caused.

The main aspect and the suggested focus of the dialogue between DNE and UAESPNN is to
conclude and implement interagency strategies for prevention and mitigation of environmental
impacts that can be caused by the presence of illicit crops in protected areas and by the
application of Glyphosate outside SPNN areas, resulting in a mass migration of illicit crops to
the interior of areas as a result of the repression of those outside them.

Therefore, we reiterate that DNE should contemplate environmental prevention, correction,
mitigation and compensation measures due to the effects that may arise as a result of the
application of Glyphosate to eradicate illicit crops in areas adjacent to National Parks System
areas in Colombia.

DNE: “Point 12



Minambiente, as expressed in paragrDSK▯▯▯OHWWHU▯E▯RI▯WKLV▯GRFXPHQW▯▯7KH▯

PXOWL▯WHPSRUDO▯VWXG\▯VXJJHVWHG▯E\▯0LQDPbiente is not appropriate since it
is not contemplated in the termV▯RI▯UHIHUHQFH▯IRU▯WKLV▯VWXG\▯

Glyphosate were evaluated as shown in Chapter 7: Identification and

,PSDFW▯$VVHVVPHQW▯▯7KHVH▯LPSDFWV▯DSSO\▯to the national parks area, special

As stated in point No. 1, the characterization is fragmented and does not set forth the elements

for a comprehensive analysis of the vulnerabilities and environmental supply.

[PAGE 17]



Regarding Social Management Programs:

1. Regarding the scope of the Social Management programs of the Environmental

Management Plan.

DNE: “Point 1 subparagraph A

▯ Annex 133

Table No. 7. 7 of Chapter 7, describes the impacts caused by the implementation of
specific programs in areas including:
-Social – Family
-Infrastructure services

-Community involvement
-Social Security

-Alternative development

While it is true that the eradication affects important indicators, the
Program, in light of Colombian legislation, cannot assume the full social
costs in regions with illicit crops because they are derived from an activity



current policy of peace, aimed at restoring legality to marginalized
sense, it helps to promote conditions of economic and social development
and environmental management, linking areas affected by illicit crops to


It is clear that the Colombian state policy against illegal crops is
differentiated according to the extension of cultivation and crop purpose,
L▯H▯▯LWV▯W\SH▯RU▯FDWHJRU\▯▯▯7KH▯SOanned forced eradication method through

air or manual eradication is contemplated for extensive or industrial
crops whereas Alternative Development is contemplated for the rural and

The Ministry considers that, while DNE identifies impacts caused by illicit crop establishment
(Scenario A: without the implementation of the eradication of illicit crops) in different socio-
economic and cultural variables, an aspect described and analyzed by the referenced
Management Plan, similarly, more rigidity and analysis is required to identify and determine the
impacts that the crop eradication program (scenario B: with execution of the eradication

program) causes on the same variables, specifying the different ethnicities and human groups.

[PAGE 18]

Regarding the impacts identified in Table 7.7, the DNE must:

* Readopt, for the description of the impact caused by the eradication program, some of the
“environmental elements affected” by the presence of illicit crops. In DNE’s opinion “Social-

▯Annex 133

family, Infrastructure Services and Education” are “virtually intact” with respect to scenario A.

Given this, one might ask: If it affects the local economy and family income, how could the
education, social and service variables, among others, not be affected?

* Although it is clear that areas of illicit crops manifest structural conditions underlying the

general context of the country that should be assumed by local, regional and national authorities,
in the case of eradication with Glyphosate, the socio-economic and cultural challenges posed by
the Program implementation are not specified. The relationship between underlying structural
conditions in areas where illicit crops are present and specific socioeconomic and cultural
impacts that could be caused by the eradication program must be differentiated from each other.

Consequently, the absence of this distinction (structural conditions - specific impacts) confuses
the measures taken to prevent, mitigate and compensate.

* In the presentation of impacts for both scenarios, the variables in Table 7.4, columns
“Environmentally affected element” the “cultural, social population, public health and regional

economic” are described and analyzed for Scenario A but not Scenario B.

* Regarding the impact on the community participation variable, DNE should emphasize, in
comparing the tables regarding scenarios A and B, that, given a process of forced eradication, the

affected communities organize and submit claims and even serious social conflict situations are
caused. Therefore, the question arises: What would DNE suggest in the Social Management
Plan to resolve this?

Therefore, DNE must supplement and analyze the information regarding each of the

requirements requested in all the above-mentioned sections, so as to clearly and precisely
identify the impacts directly caused by the program implementation, and differentiate such
impacts among all affected communities, including ethnic populations.

Similarly, based on this identification and the expansion and impact analysis, measures to

prevent, mitigate and compensate, in other words, social programs aimed at managing all
impacted populations in each of the selected regions, are in practice responding to the impacts of
the eradication program, therefore a causal effect exists.

Finally, as stressed by the appellant, there is a difference between peasant and indigenous
subsistence economies and industrial cultivations, a difference requiring different treatment, the
former with alternative economic development and the latter with aerial forced eradication, is a
reason for this Ministry to be interested in

[PAGE 19]

knowing the precise characterization of population in each of the regions subject of the study.

DNE: “With respect to Point 21, National and International Cooperation on

Alternative Development for Illicit &URS▯ 6XEVWLWXWLRQ▯´▯ FRQWH[WXDOL]HV▯ D▯
global and comprehensive approach to the drug problem, in this sense, the
point proposes strategic actions through major components aimed

▯ Annex 133

towards deploying resources of international cooperation to intervene in

the problem of illicit crops, from a sustainable development perspective
that considers the economic and social aspects that need to be promoted

The point in question raises standards of management and certain “Requirements” consisting of a
list of twenty-five (25) actions. The objectives, scope, schedule, budget and target population of
these are neither described nor analyzed. In addition, the impacts that must be mitigated, which
are described in the point, possess quite dissimilar characteristics, such as: “Incidence of
psychoactive drugs in young people,” “Relationship between drug traffickers, guerrillas and

paramilitaries,” “Drugging of policy and economy” and “displacement and migration processes.”
Under this scenario, it is necessary to emphasize that, to the extent that the impacts and measures
are clear and consistent amongst themselves, the DNE’s role in the Social Management Plan
Programs is necessary.

Therefore, the DNE must supplement this information, and must supplement information
regarding which actions must be developed in collaboration with other entities involved as an
entity responsible for their implementation.

Similarly, in this point, DNE appears as one of the entities responsible for implementation,
reason why it must specify which of these actions it will specifically develop.

DNE: “Item 1, section B

7KH▯'1(▯LV▯WKH▯&RORPELDQ▯VWDWH▯DJHQcy which heads and is responsible for
the coordination process for planning, implementation and monitoring of
drug policy, through management unLWV▯▯ PDQDJHPHQW▯ WHDPV▯ DQG▯ LQWHU▯
agency groups designated for each one of the strategic objectives geared at

Specifically, in light of the illicit crop problem, three proposed strategic
objectives are articulated, as follows: alternative development policy
aimed at illicit crops by small growers and indigenous peoples,
environmental management policy designed to promote ecologically

sustainable conservation and comprehensive development in illicit crop
areas and areas of high risk of incidence, and activities for technical and
controlled eradication of illicit cropV▯YLD▯PDQXDO▯RU▯DHULDO▯PHWKRG▯▯(DFK▯
strategic objective has a concerted LQWHU▯DJHQF\▯ SODQ▯▯ ZLWK▯ DFWLYLWLHV▯▯

[PAGE 20]

Despite DNE’s clarification regarding the three objectives to be developed against the
eradication of illicit crops, it is necessary for DNE to determine specific actions to be undertaken

for the prevention, mitigation, control, compensation and correction of such impacts in the points
submitted for the Social Management Plan, based on the identification and clarification of the

▯Annex 133

possible impacts that the program could cause. This information is subject to Ministry


The Social Management Plan programs should contain information regarding objectives, scope,
target population, implementation schedule and budget to make implementation feasible.

DNE: “Number 1. letter c.

According to Colombian drug poliF\▯▯WKH▯1DWLRQDO▯'UXJ▯&RXQFLO▯▯&1(▯▯

eradication programs and Plante programs in common areas are properly
FRRUGLQDWHG▯▯▯7KH▯LQWHUDJHQF\▯DJUHHPent with the Guambiano community
and the process currently underway wLWK▯WKH▯<DQDFRQDV▯▯DPRQJ▯RWKHUV▯▯LV▯

The DNE's response is clear. However, the Ministry requires the DNE to submit the interagency
agreements with Plante in areas of eradication and substitution reached to date, and the results
obtained to date in each of the regions referenced, in particular, those mentioned by the
appellants (Yanaconas and Guambianos) for the Management Plan that are subject to evaluation.

The Ministry reiterates the need for complementary eradication programs using Glyphosate and
alternative economic development, seeking sustainable economic alternatives for people who do
not have income opportunities.

Given the major impact caused by displacement and migration processes as a result of forced
eradication of illicit crops, there is no point which appears in social management programs that
identifies with adequate clarity the manner in which impacts will be prevented, mitigated or
2. Absence of a participatory process in the development of the PMA:

DNE: “Point 2.


are agreements for which the government, given a need for monitoring,
assessments, the government has always expressed their respective
FRPSOLDQFH▯▯,W▯LV▯DOVR▯LPSRUWDQW▯WR understand that the only agreements
reached in the Departamentos de 3XWXPD\R▯DQG▯&DTXHWi▯DQG▯WKH▯VRFLDO▯

investment and infrastructure provided for in the

[PAGE 21]

DJUHHPHQWV▯ZDV▯PDGH▯E\▯WKH▯GLIIHUHQW▯Vtate institutions committed to each


▯ Annex 133

Despite DNE’s clarification regarding the peasant protests, there is no satisfactory answer to

what is expressed in the concept issued by the Office of Environmental Education, Citizenship
and Population with respect to the connection between citizenship and community organizations
in the design of the Management Plan.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, it appears possible to deduce from the appellant’s statements,
that the formation of Southern Management was the manner through which communities were
involved in the drafting of the Environmental Management Plan presented. This is the reason
why it is necessary for DNE to furnish this Ministry with the relevant supporting documentation.

However, in accordance with the terms of reference, paragraph 7.5.1 regarding short-term
actions, specifies an obligation to link citizenship and community organizations. For this reason,
signed regional and local agreements must be used as a basis. Said approach should be reflected
in the Management Plan’s development strategies.

Similarly, no response is given regarding the formation and support to observers that contribute
to the monitoring and verification of proposed measures in the Management Plan.
Therefore, DNE must submit information to account for citizen and community organization
participation by region in the formulation of the Management Plan.

3. Inadequate analysis of socioeconomic impacts caused by the program.

DNE: “Point 3

Minambiente’s interpretation does not correspond to reality, since the
owners of major industrial crops are directly financed by drug barons, who
derive their profits to the detriment of the nationaO▯KHULWDJH▯▯1R▯IRRG▯FURSV▯
DUH▯SODQWHG▯LQ▯WKHVH▯ODUJH▯ORWV▯▯7KH▯farmers and settlers who have smaller
crops are not object of spraying, according to the peasant protests in


The Ministry's objection does not refer to industrial crops, rather, it refers to illicit crops
possessed by growers and settlers that are intermingled with food crops of over two hectares and

could be impacted by sprayings.

Regarding employment, the DNE identified the following as impacts in Table 7.7, “Moving the
workforce,” “travelling to other sites of cultivation, towards the administrative municipal
centers” (emphasis added). The following questions arise from the above: Won’t the

displacement to other farming sites imply the recognition of increased penetration and
fragmentation of illicit crops in other ecosystems? Won’t the displacement of illicit crops to
other areas imply “camouflaging” those in other areas? Has the DNE characterized the migration
cycles of the

[PAGE 22]

▯Annex 133

floating population? Therefore, it is necessary that the DNE identify and assess the situation of

people migrating to other areas because of crop eradication.

About the requirements:

DNE: “Point 1

³7KH▯SUREOHP▯RI▯FRPEDWLQJ▯WKH▯GUXJ▯SUREOem is such that the fight against
it in Colombia has a comprehensive aQG▯LQWHU▯DJHQF\▯QDWXUH▯▯DV▯HQYLVLRQHG▯
in the National Plan to Combat Drugs▯▯ 7KXV▯▯ DOO▯ VWDWH▯ LQVWLWXWLRQV▯ DUH▯

involved and are responsible for advancement of the programs proposed in
the Environmental Management Plan, according to their respective
%DVHG▯RQ▯'HFUHH▯▯▯▯▯▯▯RI▯'HFHPEHU▯▯▯▯▯▯▯implementing the decisions of
the National Narcotics Council, and coordinating the development and

implementation of national government policies regarding control,
sense, the DNE must also manage the commitment of institutions and
together they should define the budgeWV▯IRU▯SURJUDP▯LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ▯´

Whereas the DNE's functions include the implementation of the National Narcotics Council’s
decisions, the Ministry reiterates to the DNE its request for information regarding the progress in
management with other institutions involved in program implementation referred to in Point 21
and those set forth in the Social Management Plan.

DNE: “Item 2

$OWHUQDWLYH▯ GHYHORSPHQW▯ ▯3ODQWH▯▯ LV▯ a permanent guest of the regular

ongoing basis, the necessary agreements with both peasants and the
indigenous communities will be coordinated with departmental and

In the same manner as in the paragraph that refers to coordination with Plante, we reiterate the
request for the submission of interagency agreements and results that have been achieved to date
with the Plante in the areas of eradication and substitution.

DNE: “Point 3

plans is limited by the absence of contextualization with the current
SUREOHPV▯▯7KHVH▯SODQV▯DUH▯YHU\▯SRRU▯in their design and their analysis of

7KH▯FRQVXOWHG▯GHYHORSPHQW▯SODQV▯ZHUH▯GHsigned in order to comply with a
legal term and not to solYH▯WKH▯H[LVWLQJ▯SUREOHPV▯

▯ Annex 133

[PAGE 23]

Chapter 1, Social Component, clearly indicates the difficulties in obtaining

Despite the concept issued by DNE regarding Municipal Development Plans, it has not
responded to the Ministry’s request regarding the extent of DNE’s dialogue with the various
territorial entities in the Program’s areas of application, in such a way that allows for scaling of
the Social Management Plan, taking into account its social, cultural and economic reality.
Therefore, the DNE must submit this information.

DNE: “Point 4

7KH▯ '1(▯ ZDV▯ QRW▯ UHTXLUHG▯ WR▯ VXEPLW▯ the design of a citizen oversight
program to ensure monitoring of▯ WKH▯ 6RFLDO▯ 0DQDJHPHQW▯ 3ODQ▯ ▯603▯▯


While it is true that the terms of reference issued by the Ministry via Order No. 558A of 13
August 1996, and Chapter 7, paragraph 7.5.1 do not include the presentation of a citizen

oversight program design, in those terms, the “Formation of a Committee on Participation and
Environmental Oversight ...” in the short-term is requested.

Therefore, the DNE should have formed the Committee and, at a regional level, each of the
regions should have counted with its continued participation for decision making, Environmental

Management Plan formulation and program monitoring.

Returning to the above, the Ministry of Environment, via Order No. 558A of 13 August 1996,
through which it established the terms of reference for the National Narcotics Directorate to
develop the Environmental Management Plan, in Chapter 7, paragraph 7.5.1 provides that the

following actions be taken in the short-term within the Social Management Plan:

³E▯▯)RUP▯D▯&RPPLWWHH▯RI▯3DUWLFLSDWLRQ▯DQG▯(Qvironmental Oversight comprised of: One
▯▯▯▯*RYHUQPHQW▯GHOHJDWH▯▯LI▯SRVVLEOH▯▯LW▯VKRXOG▯be of the Secretary of the Ministry of the

GHOHJDWH▯IURP▯WKH▯0D\RU¶V▯2IILFH▯▯RQH▯▯▯▯▯▯delegate of the National Council on Narcotic
'UXJV▯▯RQH▯▯▯▯▯UHSUHVHQWDWLYH▯RI▯WKH▯$JUDULDQ▯Attorney General from the territorial area,

communities including black and indigenous communities in the region object of PMA,
legitimately constituted civil organizations (regional committees, farmers associations,

[PAGE 24]

▯Annex 133

Therefore, the arguments brought by DNE are rejected and the MMA’s requirement, to form the

Committee on Participation and Environmental Oversight, is affirmed.

However, Order 558A provides that the Committee’s functions would be the following:

“- Participate in socio-environmental management planning in the short and medium
-Deploy environmental control measures to eradicate illicit crops pursuant to the
requirements established by the Ministry.
-Monitor and control the effects of the program on directly exposed population. Take part

in monitoring the programs established by PMA.
- Establish coherent and permanent coordination between the program implementers,
regional authorities and communities with the aim of proposing agreements at a regional
- Identify the technical, physical, political, legal, economic and environmental benefits

for carrying out the proposed management plan.

With regard to the Committee’s functions, they shall be clarified as follows, in accordance with
the parameters established by Law 489 of 1998:

“Participate in the planning of socio-environmental management in the short and medium
- Propose actions for authorities to exercise environmental control activities to eradicate
illicit crops according to the requirements established by the Ministry.
- Monitor the effects of the program on directly exposed population. Take part in

monitoring the programs established by PMA.
-Generate ongoing channels of communication between program developers, regional
authorities and communities to propose agreements at the regional level.
-Identify the technical, physical, political, legal, economic and environmental benefits for
carrying out the proposed management plan.”


DNE: “Article 1, Section 1

meeting with Minambiente to reach an agreement regarding the scope of each

point considered, as well as the reTXLUHG▯WHUPV▯DQG▯WLPH▯▯$OVR▯▯WKH▯PDSSLQJ▯
that Minambiente conducts will be compared to that which has been submitted
in the study, in order to determine thH▯JHRJUDSKLF▯ORFDWLRQ▯RI▯VDPSOLQJ▯VLWHV▯´▯

Given the state of development of the Environmental Management Plan, as well as previous

observations made for each of the points considered, the Directorate

[PAGE 25]

▯ Annex 133

regarding the DNE’s request to be granted a reasonable time to supplement the required aspects,

the Ministry of Environment shall establish a maximum period of three months for DNE to
submit such information.

Given the appellant's request regarding holding a meeting with the Ministry of Environment, it is

considered appropriate for said meeting to be held once the DNE has submitted the required
information. For this purpose, the DNE will direct its communications to the Ministry in order to
coordinate the date, place and participants.

Furthermore, we consider that once the above information has been evaluated, we will proceed to

hold a meeting to compare the existing MMA mapping in the Special National Parks
Administrative Unit, to the mapping submitted for selected nuclei.

DNE: “Article 1, Section 2

We reiterate that the program does not carry out aerial spraying on extensions
RI▯WKH▯QDWLRQDO▯SDUNV▯▯:H▯DOVR▯FODULI\▯that there have been no such manual or
regarding the existence of illicit crops in those extensions so that appropriate


According to the applicant’s statement, we will proceed to clarify paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the
Order 599 of 1999. In this regard, DNE should design specific measures that include the program
for environmental prevention, correction, mitigation and compensation of effects which may

arise as a result of the application of Glyphosate to eradicate illicit crops in the areas surrounding
National Parks System areas.

DNE: “Article 1, Section 3

7KH▯$QWLQDUFRWLFV▯3ROLFH▯FDUU\▯RXW▯HIILcacy trials and submits the complete

Coadjuvant compounds are duly registered▯ZLWK▯WKH▯,&$▯▯+DYLQJ▯FRQVXOWHG▯

Monsanto in this respect, it has conceptualized their use as a possible, the
coadjuvants possess specificity for Glyphosate, according to the content on

7KH▯WHFKQLFDO▯FULWHULD▯IRr using coadjuvants are:

‡▯7KH▯SURGXFW▯LV▯FRPSDWLEOH▯Zith the herbicide Glyphosate


[PAGE 26]

▯Annex 133


In general terms, provide maximum assurance that aerial applications are
effective and eradicate VSUD\HG▯LOOLFLW▯FURSV▯´▯

ICA’s need to evaluate the effectiveness of equipment, aircraft, application parameters and dose
required in Annex 2 of the terms of reference, in order to reduce the risk to human health and the
environment is confirmed. We clarify that the effectiveness of the program to eradicate illicit
crops is not being evaluated by the above assessment.”

On the other hand, with regard to technical criteria submitted by the DNE in connection with the
coadjuvant, we consider that such technical criteria correspond to general information for all
coadjuvants. For this reason, we proceed to clarify paragraph 3 of Article 1 of Order 599 of
1999. In this regard, it requires an explanation of whether the additional property of Cosmo Flux

411 F-COSMOAGRO as an anti-drift additive was considered within the technical criteria for
coadjuvant selection.

DNE: “Article 1, Section 4

7KH▯'1(▯PD\▯HVWDEOLVK▯DQG▯QRWLI\▯RI▯WKH▯spraying dates of the sampling sites
and determine “whether they were sprayed at different timeV▯▯+RZHYHU▯▯WKH▯
PXOWL▯WHPSRUDO▯VWXG\▯VRXJKW▯E\▯0LQDPELHnte was not performed because it did
not constitute a part of WKH▯WHUPV▯RI▯UHIHUHQFH▯”

The request to contextualize the application of field trials corresponds to a need to determine the
data reported in the study, its transferability and scientific validity and therefore adopt them as
elements with which to gauge the impact of eradication with Glyphosate, since once the
Environmental Management Plan was evaluated, there was no report regarding conducting field

tests or working conditions, with reference to the spraying of Glyphosate.

We set forth the following arguments regarding implementation of an environmental impact
assessment in connection with eradication using Glyphosate in the short, medium and long term:

‡▯ 7KH▯ (QYLURQPHQWDO▯ 0DQDJHPHQW▯ 3ODQ▯ LV▯ DQ ex-post evaluation of projects, works or
activities regarding implementation which should take into account the experiences and field
data already obtained in prior stages of implementation.

‡▯)RU▯WKH▯VXFFHVV▯RI▯DQ▯(QYLURQPHQWDO▯0DQDJHPHnt Plan, the appropriate actions to prevent,
mitigate, monitor, compensate and correct any negative environmental effects or impacts
caused by the implementation of eradication activity are required to be established in detail.
It is necessary to correctly identify the negative impacts on different environmental, physical-
biotic and socio-economic components caused by the Eradication Program with Glyphosate.

[PAGE 27]

▯ Annex 133

‡▯7KH▯LGHQWLILFDWLRQ▯RI▯LPSDFWV▯LQ▯WKH▯(QYLronmental Management Plan submitted by the

DNE was oriented towards secondary information from studies and publications. The only
primary information to identify impacts was collected through field tests in water. However,
this information is inadequate due to lack of contextualization.

Nonetheless, with respect to the DNE’s statement regarding the fact that the terms of reference
did not require the presentation of a multi-temporal study, we deem it appropriate to cite certain
excerpts from Order 558A of 1996 which support the application of a multi-temporal analysis in
the Environmental Management Plan:

‡▯$PRQJ▯WKH▯FULWHULD▯WR▯VHOHFW▯a representative area in each region, the terms of reference
mentioned the “feasibility of implementing experimental plots to evaluate impacts and
conduct follow-up and monitoring,” which implies the obtaining of field data over time.
‡▯ &KDSWHU▯ HQWLWOHG▯ %DFNJURXQG▯▯ The presentation of the Program’s regional determinative
aspects is required, from the point of inception to its current state, emphasizing the following:

‡▯³+LVWRULFDO▯UHYLHZ▯RI▯WKH▯SUesence and the problems of illicit crops in the region. Extent
and location of cultivated lots.
‡▯$FWLRQV▯IXUWKHUHG▯WR date for its solution and results obtained.

‡▯'HVFULSWLRQ▯RI▯WKH▯3ODQ▯IRU▯UHJLRQDO▯LOOLFLW crop eradication and integration with other
program actions developed for the same purpose. Benefits, convenience and advantages
of using the chemical alternative.”

These data would guide the definition of representative areas and identification of impacts.

‡▯,W▯ZDV▯UHTXHVWHG▯WKDW▯&KDSWHU▯▯▯UHJDUGLQJ▯,Ppact Identification present “the evaluation and
ranking of permanent or temporary impacts caused by the program on the environmental
components analyzed in the characterization of the reference area. Said evaluation will be
the basis for and will support control, prevention, compensation and environmental

remediation measures considered in the PMA.”

‡▯,W▯ZDV▯UHTXHVWHG▯WKDW▯QXPHUDl 6.2 regarding Zoning of Environmental Management identify
and zone “critical, sensitive, environmentally important and special use areas as a result of

the physical-biotic and socio-economic diagnosis and the environmental assessment with and
without the project to allow special planning strategies and regional methods of illicit crop

‡▯,W▯ZDV▯UHTXHVWHG▯WKDW▯&KDSWHU▯▯▯RI▯WKH▯(QYLronmental Management Plan consider, in the

PMA’s elaboration, environmental management actions previously furthered, the adjustments
that may be appropriate based on these and new program designs.”

‡▯,W▯ZDV▯UHTXHVWHG▯WKDW Paragraph 7.1 regarding Development of points in connection with the
significant, inevitable and cumulative impacts in the environmental assessment, elaborate

“type” points that illustrate the control, prevention, mitigation and correction measures. We
also request the submission of “environmental control, prevention, correction, mitigation, and

▯Annex 133

compensation measures.” These measures shall be classified according to the developmental

stage of the program: preliminary and preparatory actions for the eradication,

[PAGE 28]

actions for the eradication, monitoring and ex-post evaluation of the activity. They shall
include technical conditions for recommended application, adjustments and respective
restrictions according to the area’s environmental characteristics.”

Given the above, we affirm that the requirement of Article 1 paragraph 4, to contextualize the

field tests presented in the study and evaluate the environmental effects of Glyphosate
eradication in the short, medium and long term, is considered feasible.

DNE: “Article 1, Section 5

7KLV▯UHTXLUHPHQW▯LV▯WKH▯VXEMHFW▯RI▯a specific study and we ask that the terms
and timing for implementation▯EH▯DJUHHG▯RQ▯▯1HHGOHVV▯WR▯VD\▯▯UHJDUGLQJ▯
the study’s date of completion, there was no laboratory in existence in the
country capable of performing the appropriate analyses; said evidence


(UDGLFDWLRQ▯3URJUDP▯&RRUGLQDWRU▯▯▯Minambiente, to place emphasis on
the analysis of water considering that▯WKLV▯SUHVHQWHG▯WKH▯JUHDWHVW▯ULVN▯▯

If it is decided that said studies should be conducted, it is necessary to
investigate whether there is now a laboratory in Colombia that can
SHUIRUP▯WKH▯DSSURSULDWH▯DQDO\VHV▯▯7KH▯SUHYLous impasse lies in the fact that
the terms of reference, in the point Objectives, paragraph number 7


:H▯ UHTXHVW▯ WKDW▯ WKH▯ VFRSH▯ DQG▯ H[HFXtion times be agreed on with
Minambiente, to complete the toxicity information in animal species,

HVSHFLDOO\▯LQ▯DTXDWLF▯RUganisms (although the information presented in the

The requirement to supplement the determinations regarding the presence of Glyphosate in soils
and their effects on soil microorganisms conforms to the provisions established in Chapter 6 of

the Terms of Reference regarding identification and assessment of impacts. Paragraph 6.1
regarding the selection of indicators stated that “based on the results of impact assessment,
indicators should be established taking into account representativeness, relevance, monitoring
and follow-up.”

The information presented in the study states the following: “Glyphosate undergoes rapid
absorption in the soil and it is unlikely for a desorption process to occur naturally. However, in

▯ Annex 133

studies conducted in Canada referenced on page 37 a persistence of 12 to 60 days in the soil

sediments, especially in contaminated water sources, was reported.

Moreover, the PMA states that the degree of the Glyphosate molecule’s carbon mineralization
and nitrogen depends on the absence of depressive effects on microbial activity especially in the

rate of soil respiration.

[PAGE 29]

The PMA also states that: “although the rate of degradation of Glyphosate residues in water,

according to experts, depends on the pH, temperature and the presence of microorganisms, most
of the tropical environments may be accidentally contaminated with herbicide applications from
standard doses for plant protection use; such tropical environments possess the ideal conditions
to facilitate the process of rapid degradation and metabolism, without waiting for the waste to
accumulate in the tissues of fish.”

In light of the above statements, they open a range of information gaps regarding the effects of
the glyphosate used in the doses and spray conditions of the Illegal Crop Eradication Program.

Meanwhile, DNE reports that it has discharged Glyphosate into the environment since 1991.
Therefore it considers feasible to determine the areas subject to repeated spraying and confirm
the content of the study.

Similarly, it is necessary for DNE to supplement the information regarding toxicity for aquatic

organisms in relation to studies conducted with the formulation applied within illicit crop
eradication programs, i.e. Roundup, as reported by DNE. Studies exist in reference to the
Decision to Re-register the EPA, which reports that technical Glyphosate is not toxic to fish if
these are formulations containing the surfactant MON 0818 which correspond to the surfactant
used by Monsanto to formulate Roundup, a product used in illicit crop eradication activities.

The above arguments justify the need for supplementary studies requested in paragraph 5 of
Article I of Order No. 599/99.

DNE: “Article 1, Section 6

With regard to program oversight, the DNE reiterates that this

UHTXLUHPHQW▯ LV▯ RXW▯ RI▯ VFRSH▯ VLQFH▯ LW is not covered by the terms of

The Ministry of the Environment reiterates each and every one of the requests for information
displayed in each of the numerals answered in this concept regarding requests made by the

Office of Environmental Education, Citizenship and Population.

▯Annex 133

The National Narcotics Directorate should form the Committee on Participation and

Environmental Oversight to ensure inter alia, appropriate monitoring of the Social Management
Plan. It reiterates the request for information set out in paragraph 6, letter d) of Article 1 of the
Order, based on the considerations set forth in this concept of action in response to Point 4
regarding requirements.

In relation to said paragraph, the risk analysis presented in▯&KDSWHU▯9,,▯RI▯

[PAGE 30]

Regarding this paragraph, the risk analysis▯SUHVHQWHG▯LQ▯&KDSWHU▯9,,▯RI▯WKH▯
▯HVSRXVHG▯ E\▯ WKH▯ WHUPV▯ RI▯ UHIHUHQFH▯ If an expansion of information is

order to comply with the provisions of the operative part of the mentioned
RUGHU▯▯7KLV▯UHTXLUHV▯KROGLQJ▯FRQVXOWDWLRQ▯meetings with the entities involved

With respect to the Paragraph, and taking into account all the preamble of this action, we
consider that the risk analysis presented in Chapter VII of the PMA is inadequate. Therefore, we
reject DNE’s arguments regarding this point.

We clarify for DNE that Paragraph 9 refers to all points raised in the first article of Order No.
599 of 23 December 1999.

Regarding the request for a meeting to agree on the scope of the requested information, such

request is not appropriate because the required scope of information is already set forth in the
terms of reference set by Order 558A of 13 August 1996 and in Order No. 599 of 23 December
1999. This does not preclude the holding of meetings for other reasons.

For purposes of the appellant's request regarding the establishment of a reasonable term to
supplement the required aspects, the Ministry shall establish a period of three months.”

In light of the foregoing,


ARTICLE ONE. Modify paragraph 2 of Article I of Order No. 599 of 1999, which will read as

“2 .- Design the specific measures contemplated by the program for the environmental
prevention, correction, mitigation and compensation of the effects that may arise as a result of

▯ Annex 133

the application of Glyphosate to eradicate illicit crops in areas surrounding the National Natural

Park System areas.”

ARTICLE TWO. Clarify paragraph 3 of article 1 of Decree No. 599 of 1999, which will read as

“3 .- Perform, along with ICA experts, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the equipment,
aircraft, application parameters and dose required in Annex 2 of the terms of reference,

[PAGE 31]

noting the environmental conditions used as reference, in order to reduce the risk to human
health and the environment.

Indicate whether, within the technical criteria for coadjuvant selection, the additional property of

Cosmo Flux 411 F-COSMOAGRO as an anti-drift additive was considered.”

ARTICLE THREE. Confirm, in the remaining terms, the first article of Order No. 599 of 1999.

ARTICLE FOUR. The DNE shall comply with each and every one of the determinations
referred to in the preamble and paragraphs of this Order.

ARTICLE FIVE. For the purpose of providing the information requested in the first article of
Order No. 599 of 1999 a term of three (3) months is set for the National Narcotics Directorate

from the date of execution of this Order.

ARTICLE SIX. Notify the legal representative of the National Narcotics Directorate or his duly
constituted attorney of the contents of this Order through the Legal Secretariat of the Division of
Environmental Licenses.

ARTICLE SEVEN. Communicate this administrative order to the legal representative of ICA.

ARTICLE EIGHTH. Recourse for reversal applies against the fifth article of this Order, which

may be brought with the fulfilment of legal requirements, enshrined in Articles 50, 51 and 52 of
the Administrative Contentious Code. There is no recourse available against the remaining



Division of Licenses

▯Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133Annex 133 Annex 134

Letter from Medardo Galindo Hernandez, Ombudsman, Republic of Colombia, to Juan Mayr
Maldonado, Minister of the Environment, Republic of Colombia (24 July 2000) Annex 134

4050 – 355

Santa Fe de Bogotá, 24 July 2000


Minister of Environment
Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C.

Date: 27/07/2000 04:24 p.m. Case No.: 3113-1-12226

Proceeding: COMPLAINTS
Activity: SUBMISSION, Pages: 2, Annexes: 2
Destination: MINISTER
25 July 2000

Re: Complaints as a result of aerial spraying for illicit crop eradiation

Respected Mr. Minister:

Since the start of aerial sprayings to eradicate illicit crops, the Ombudsman has received a large
quantity of complaints to problems with the environment, health, and illicit crops. The
complaints come from various regions where spraying programs are carried out. In the last two
years, the number of complaints arising primarily from the departments of Guaviare, Putumayo
and Cauca have increased The Ombudsman has elevated this fact to the competent authority,

both the complaints themselves as well as the studies that the Ombudsman has carried out in this
regard, without any solution being given to the problem expressed.

In many of these cases, a critical situation in the regions after conducting fumigation programs
can be observed. The affectation of illicit crops as well as the destruction of legal crops leave

whole groups of humans without any sustenance, waves of insecurity and violence are
unleashed, valuable ecosystems to the country are destroyed and the health of the population is
affected. As has been denounced and as is public knowledge, State presence is almost null in
isolated areas where illicit crops are established and the communities’ needs are completely


These situations are not sustainable; they are a time bomb that started to show its first
consequences last year with uprisings by farmers and indigenous peoples of the departments of
Cauca and Nariño.

The Ombudsman’s Delegation for Collective and Environmental Rights has carried out field
work in a series of municipalities of the Colombian Jungle, Putumayo, Caquetá, Meta, Vichada
and Guaviare, in order to confirm the complaints of the affected communities. She found a
critical situation from a social as well as an environmental point of view.

▯Annex 134

In addition to the severe environmental impact, complaints related to the deaths of persons,

primarily children, have been received in various regions of the Putumayo. According to the
farmers, these were caused by aerial fumigations.

[PAGE 2]

The fumigation programs continue; the social problems increase and the solutions increasingly
depart from the Government’s aims, according to conclusions made by data collected by the very
Antinarcotics Police and the United States Government, which note statistics that indicate an
increase in areas planted with illicit crops despite an increase in fumigations geared towards

eradicating them.

I send you a copy of the complaints that lie in the Ombudsman’s Office, since this is under the
purview of your office (approximately 600 cases in 533 pages), the copy of a death certificate
and copy of the reports elaborated by this Delegate, so that, under Constitutional and legal

precepts, the necessary measures are taken and a solution is given to the problem, which could be
through compliance with standards in force, primarily those noted by Law 99 of 1993 and
keeping the premise of the principle of precaution in mind. Similarly, compliance with
Resolution 001 of 1994 issued by the National Narcotics Council is necessary as well as with

international covenants with respect the environmental matters that the country has signed and
ratified, such as, by way of example, that of Biodiversity when aerial fumigations are carried

We request that the complaints be confirmed in situ and, once the damage has been proven, we

request compensation to people whose health and food crops have been affected, when food
crops were not planted alongside illicit crops in their lots.

For the Ombudsman, the facts described in the communities’ complaints highlight that, as a
result of fumigations, human rights are being violated, such as collective rights and interests

enshrined in the National Constitution and in Law 472 of 1998 as well as fundamental rights
such as health and life, the latter which have yet to be proven.

The Ombudsman, through this Delegate, in accordance with article 69 of Law 99 of 1993,

requests that your office recognize it in the administrative process regarding fumigations that the
Ministry of Environment is carrying out.

We await your response to our complaints, the requests expressed as well as notifications in
Calle 55 No. 10 – 32 of this city.

With feelings of high esteem, I appeal to you.


▯ Annex 134

[Ombudsman Delegated for Collective Rights and Environment]

▯Annex 134Annex 134Annex 134 Annex 135

Republic of Colombia, National Narcotics Council, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯ (11Aug. 2000) Annex 135


Edition 44138.

Resolution No. 005 of 2000

[PAGE 26]

That article 5 numeral 8) ibid stipulates that the buffer zone is a zone in which disturbances

caused by human activity are ameliorated/reduced in the areas surrounding the Natural National
Parks System in order to prevent it/human activity from causing disturbances or alterations in the
ecology or wildlife of these areas;

That, while it is now true that the buffer zones are not regulated in accordance with provisions

contained in Decree 622 dd. 1997 from a technical, environmental and territorial viewpoint, the
function of the areas surrounding the Natural National Park System is to reduce the impacts
generated as a result of the activities conducted therein;

That in accordance with article 87 of Decree 1843 of 1991 “of the buffer zone”, it is stipulated
that the application of pesticides in the rural areas may not be executed less than 10 meters away,
if by land, and 100 meters, if by air, as a buffer zone with respect to water bodies or courses;
major roadways; human population and animal centers, or, any other area, requiring special

That, on the basis of article 188 ibidem, the Health Ministry is charged with coordinating
epidemiological monitoring and sanitary control of pesticides in order for the responsible entities
to harmoniously conduct their operations.

That Law 30 of 1986 establishes a procedure for the eradication of illicit crop plantations, and in
particular, assigns

[PAGE 27]

to the National Council for Narcotics the function of “arranging for the eradication of marihuana,
coca and other plantations from which addiction-producing substances are able to be extracted,
using the most appropriate methods, using a prior positive concept from the entities in charge of
protecting the population’s health, and the preservation and balance of the countries’ eco-

systems” (literal g, article 91);Annex 135Annex 135Annex 135Annex 135Annex 135Annex 135Annex 135 Annex 136

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, Division of Environmental Licenses,
Narcotics Directorate (20 Dec. 2000) Annex 136








THE DNE (Documents 13 September and 17 October 2000)

Document dated 13 September 2000:

1.1 In the first part of the document, in response to the requirements regarding criteria to
define areas for chemical eradication by region, the degree of coordination with other agencies
working towards the same purpose (PLANTE, RSS, Regional and Local Entities) and the

convenience and advantages of the use of a chemical alternative, the document stated that the
development of spraying activities for the eradication of illicit crops is now part of a national
policy to combat drugs called NATIONAL PLAN TO COMBAT DRUGS COLOMBIA 1998-
2002., which in turn responds to principles of international intervention framed by the United
Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances signed

at Vienna in 1988, the Drug Strategy in the Hemisphere and the

[PAGE 2]

Worldwide Plan of Action adopted during the special session of the UN General Assembly in
June 1998.

The principles of integrity, responsibility, consensus, autonomy, multilateralism and social
content were identified on which the above policy is based.

1.2 With regard to the requirement of paragraph 1 of Article I of Order No. 599 of 1999, the
document presented that the criteria considered in selecting areas to spray are the criteria laid out
in Resolution 001/94 and Resolution 005 of 2000 of the National Narcotics Council and
therefore the areas where spraying has been carried out with the herbicide glyphosate at national

level, were selected using the above criteria, and were used to formulate the Environmental
Management Plan submitted in 1997.Annex 136

Regarding the level of representativeness of the selected reference areas in relation to the

respective region in which they are registered, the document submitted certain calculations of
areas and percentages of the total area of illicit crops both in the Department and at National
level, according to Census data of 2000.

1.3 With respect to the specific measures included in the Program for the prevention,
correction, environmental mitigation and compensation for the effects that may arise due to the
application of glyphosate to eradicate illicit crops in areas adjacent to the Sistema de Parques
Nacionales Naturales ▯▯1DWXUDO▯1DWLRQDO▯3DUNV▯6\VWHP▯▯ (Modification of paragraph 2 of Article
I of Order No. 599 of December 1999 by Order No. 143 of March 2000), the document initially

stated the limit of these protected areas in each of these protected areas, and subsequently
determined the location of illicit crops in adjacent villages.

The following specific measures were identified: a buffer zone of 10 meters by land and 100
meters by air, operational planning by the combination of illicit crops nuclei detected and

verified against the base map of protected areas, ongoing exchange of interagency information,
research program aimed at monitoring the potential impacts that can be generated by the aerial
eradication of illicit crops in the areas surrounding protected areas.

1.4 Carry out, with ICA experts, the evaluation of the effectiveness of the equipment,
aircraft, application parameters and dosage requested in Annex 2 of the terms of reference,
noting the environmental conditions
[PAGE 3]

that were used as reference. Present the technical criteria for selection of the coadjuvant.

1.5 With respect to the requirement of paragraph 5 of Article I, directed towards
contextualizing the field tests submitted in the study, at the time of spraying and carrying out the
evaluation of the environmental effects of glyphosate eradication in the short, medium and long

term supporting the conclusions with the results of intervention reports (copies are hereby
enclosed), the document states that the results set forth by the Proceso de Verificación del
Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos en Colombia (“Process of Verification Program
for the Eradication of Illicit Crops in Colombia”▯ were in fact studied, through which

photographs and field surveys conducted in developing the Environmental Management Plan in
1998 were presented and in which it is possible to observe that there is no evidence of
environmental effects.

Therefore, the Environmental Management Plan should be aimed towards prevention and control

measures that guarantee the correct application of the herbicide in each of the country's areas and
develop structured research which include systematic sampling in each of the regions that are
object of the Management Plan. These structured investigations should be developed both in the
laboratory as well as in the field, which will allow us to assess, with certainty, the environmental
effects on each component and determine their respective magnitude and intensity to propose

concrete environmental measures to reverse, correct or compensate such damage. Annex 136

1.6 Given the requirement contained in paragraph 5 of Article I, regarding information and

analysis of the effects of glyphosate in other plant species that predominate in the region and
subsistence crops. Nothing was submitted.

Supplement the Toxicity information on animal species, particularly in aquatic organisms and

similarly, determine the presence of glyphosate in soil and its effects on soil microorganisms.
The document argues "that given that in Colombia there are currently no agencies or
methodologies for the determination of glyphosate traces in soil, it is necessary to request the
technical and scientific support from various international institutions and agencies for its
determination, or use the methodologies available in Colombia initially, in addition to the

development in the country of standardized methodologies conducted by environmental
laboratories to determine glyphosate, based on different trials of analytical methodologies."

The other research component on soil regarding effects on soil microorganisms may be carried
out in parallel and consistent fashion in tandem with the first, carried out by national institutions

and bodies.
[PAGE 4]

1.7 The requirement of paragraph 3 of the article I consists in the evaluation of the

effectiveness of the equipment, aircraft, application parameters and dose required in Annex 2 of
the terms of reference, whilst noting the environmental conditions that were used as a reference,
and to be carried out with ICA experts. Submit the technical criteria for selection of coadjuvant,
the technical inspection report conducted by an ICA official, on 3 and 4 August, to conduct the
verification of calibration and efficiency of the equipment and aircraft employed in the program

is submitted.

To supplement the glyphosate determinations on soil microorganisms and effects on the same
microorganism. Present the theoretical processes that the Movement of soil herbicides can suffer
and submit research reports on effects of the herbicide glyphosate in tropical soils

1.8 For supplementation of social information, required in paragraph 6 of Article I, the
document proposes the development of the Plan de Gestion Social (“Social Management Plan”)
through existing departmental law enforcement agencies, specifically the UNIDADES

TECNICAS REGIONALES DE DROGAS (“Regional Technical Drug Units”).

We state that meetings have been held with PLANTE, in order to establish this
complementariness in their work and once the issue has been jointly reviewed, it was possible to
determine that this can only refer to the portion that comprises the Política Nacional de Lucha

Contra las Drogas (“National Policy to Combat Drugs”), with autonomy and independent
coverage confined to the regional scenarios through which application is given it its mission.

The Document proposes that the National Narcotics Directorate, in coordination with the
Unidades Técnicas Regionales (“Regional Technical Units”), will promote a meeting of the

Consejo Seccional de Estupefacientes (“Sectional Narcotics Council”), mayors and
representatives of potentially involved institutions, to set forth the principles of formulatingAnnex 136

programs of the Social Management Plan and its coordination with the Departmental Plan for

Fight against Drugs and the Departmental Development Plan.

As for the requirement of citizen oversight for the Social Management Plan, the document
affirms that it was not foreseen in the initial terms of reference. A participation and oversight

committee, which is very good from the point of view of content, is incoherent from the legal
point inconsistent, because the oversight law grants this control to the community and because
community-entity participation is already fulfilled by participation, coordination and planning
departmental mechanisms as well as the DNE, as described above. Therefore, the final proposal

[PAGE 5]

is that the DNE will promote dissemination of its roles and responsibilities in order for the
community to monitor its efforts.

1.10 Finally, the paper argues that for redefinition of the management plan, the revision phase
of environmental impacts exclusively caused by spraying activity was initiated, since they tend
to be confused with the impacts generated by the establishment of illegal crops in strategic
ecosystem areas. Having carried out the review, the conclusion is that before establishing any

changes to be made, there is a need to clearly establish, quantify and qualify the mobility of the
herbicide in its natural environment. Therefore, formulated research programs were basically
designed to fill information gaps and generate specific information for each of the country's
ecosystems that is being affected by illicit crops.

These basic research studies will be coordinated by the DNE with research organizations and
institutions as well as educational institutions at a national and international level which will
contribute with their specific expertise in the establishment of reliable data aimed towards filling
information gaps existing hitherto on the real effects of glyphosate on the environment in which
it applied.

1.11 Document delivered on 17 October 2000: Modification of the Management Plan

The document starts by noting the need to contextualize the spraying activities to the country's

reality and thus carry out a risk analysis of the implementation of Environmental Management
Plan in this context. A major constraint for implementing the management plan is the current
situation of internal conflict taking place in the country, since the subject areas of illicit crop
spraying, are directly related to activities of armed outlaw groups which are an imminent danger
not only to implementation of the Management Plan but also for the development of the spraying

activities. Thus, given the existence of this limitation which is entirely foreign to the
implementation of a management plan but that restricts determinately its execution.

Therefore the programs outlined in the earlier document were based on a normal situation where
access to each of the areas of work was considered feasible by any safe means of transport for

researchers. It is important to contrast research with the prevalent realities in our country that
permanently limit the development of the proposed programs. Annex 136

[PAGE 6]

Therefore the document proposes that programs that could be developed under these alternatives
would be:
‡ Tracking and monitoring of areas covered by vegetation subject to eradication of illicit

crops in areas adjacent to protected areas through remote sensing. An ecological
landscape vision.

‡ Study of bio-accumulation of glyphosate in food crops and cash crops adjacent to areas of
illicit crops or mixed with them.

‡ Determination of the glyphosate residue in soil.

‡ Physical and chemical analyses of soils where glyphosate was applied.

‡ Social Management Program. With each of the subprograms that comprise it.

Given the current conditions of risk, the cost of the Environmental Management Plan will
increase due to the ongoing requirement of aerial and military support for the development of the

field phase.

In terms of financial resources to implement the Management Plan, these are not available in the
National Narcotics Directorate. This organization will be responsible for elevating the
management plan to the National Narcotics Council so that this entity can develop opportunities

for funding.

Finally, the document highlights the following emergency events,
▯ Serious damage to the aircraft that will impair the manoeuvrability of the aircraft and

endanger the life of the pilot.

▯ Inability of the pilot either due to sudden illness or injury.

▯ Adverse or dangerous weather conditions

▯ Attack, damage or loss of other aircraft that make up the operations group.



Based on the description of the program, which includes the National Narcotics Council, the

National Narcotics Directorate and Sectional Narcotics Councils and other institutions at the
national and local levels, we can conclude that this does not have a clearly defined operational
and administrative structure which differentially establishes responsibilities.

[PAGE7]Annex 136

The implementation, control and monitoring is carried out by different institutions in the country.

However, it does not appear in any of the documents submitted, that there is evidence of the
existence of specific agreements and programs related to the development of approaches of the
Drug Control Policy related to the Glyphosate Eradication Program.


Once again, we present a documentary review of the reference areas, but this collection of
secondary data suffers from the analysis of this information regarding the possible effects of the


The conditions of application of the herbicide, as assessed by the Instituto Colombiano
Agropecuario ICA are:

"Sprayed mixture:
Coca crops Commercial formula of glyphosate: Roundup
10.4 litres/ha, Water 12.85 litres/ha and

Cosmoflux 0.25 litres/ha
Poppy crops Commercial formula of glyphosate: Roundup
2.5 litres/ha, Water 47.25 litres/ha and
Cosmoflux 0.25 litres/ha

Conditions of application:

Flight Height: 15 to 20 meters depending on the topographical conditions. Aircraft speed:
between 120 and 150 miles per hour. Average volumetric diameter of the droplets on the leaf

surface: > 250 microns.

Application weather conditions
Weather conditions Coca crops Poppy crops

Maximum wind speed for the 6 knots 4 knots
Relative humidity > 75% > 85%
Temperature < 30 degrees Celsius < 13 degrees Celsius

Optimum Application Time Between 6 to 10 am Between 6 to 9 am
Topography Flat to undulating Broken to very broken

[PAGE 8]

These climatological application conditions are strictly followed in order to achieve greater
efficacy in the application. Annex 136

Lot location with geographic coordinates, each plane has a SATLOC system unit which has been

pre-programmed according to the available satellite images in order to locate the previous lot and
with the prior over flight the pilot can accurately discharge the herbicide via precise coordinates.
This system also records the starting and end point of the discharge, the length multiplied by the
width of the planes allows the accurate calculation of the number of hectares sprayed.

Status of development of illicit cultivation.
Poppy crops. The optimum age for application is between one and four and a half months old,
because in this period the plants have not reached physiological maturity, therefore they cannot
act as a desiccant or accelerate seed production. In order to ensure spraying is carried out at this

time, ongoing monitoring of the areas is carried out through the interpretation of satellite
imagery and field verification.

Coca crops. The application to plant foliage is carried out between 2 and 4 months after planting.
When the crop is more developed and when the foliage has higher density, in other words, when

the foliage has not yet been scraped. Given that the densities of the plants are so high, reaching
up to 90,000 per hectare and the leaves are tender due to the continuous scraping, a greater
effectiveness of the herbicide is guaranteed to eradicate illicit crops.

Frequency of application by lot of illicit crops.
The goal of spraying is to significantly affect illicit crops, by 70% or more, in order for this be
considered economically unproductive, i.e. the costs of their use are much higher than the
benefits that can be obtained from them.
Therefore, each lot of illicit crops is, on average, sprayed twice in different horizontal tracts in

order to considerably affect its production.

However, the concept issued by the Instituto Colombiano de Agricultura ICA, prepared by the
División de Consumos Agrícolas ▯▯'LYLVLRQ▯RI▯$JULFXOWXUDO▯6XSSOLHV▯▯ does not explicitly raise
the desirability of doing this from the point of view of reducing the risk to human health and the

environment, when investigating the technical conditions of aerial spraying.


[PAGE 9]

After six years of having broadened the permits for aerial spraying of glyphosate (Resolution
0001 / 94 CNE), a period during which the eradication program has continuously run, the
National Narcotics Directorate states that there are no impacts from the Program's activities.

First, the assertion is supported by field surveys conducted in developing the first document on
the Environmental Management Plan made in 1998, where samples were found only in some
bodies of water, which do not track systematic investigations that allow us to conclude that there
are no environmental effects.

Second, the claim that there is no impact is based on the absence of qualitative or quantitative
assessment records of an environmental nature, which should be carried out by the engagedAnnex 136

environmental audit. The information provided by the environmental audit reports, aimed at

linking the environmental impacts analysis, is a series of photographic images of lots that were
sprayed at different points in time and eradication was also verified in different periods of time
after spraying, in which the DNE concludes that effective recovery of plant cover exists.

With these elements, the DNE has not undertaken in any of the submitted documents, a technical
or methodological assessment of impact identification, taking into account the terms of reference
set (Order No. 558/96). In addition to insufficient information, it also does not provide any inputs
to be taken into account in an analysis by the environmental authority.

The DNE again reiterates that people tend to confuse the environmental impacts generated by the
spraying activity with the impacts generated by the establishment of illegal crops in areas of
strategic ecosystems and people do not address a systemic impact assessment approach with
primary data or with secondary assessment (see Annex).

However, when analyzing the information collected by the DNE on 22 November 2000 in
connection with proceedings arising from complaints raised by the alleged damages caused by
the program on the Dirección de Policía Antinarcóticos (“Anti-Narcotics Police Directorate”),
there is an obvious increase. There are 143 preliminary proceedings pending relating to the years

1999 and 2000. On the other hand, there are 43 administrative proceedings before the
contentious administration systems for fumigation operations of illicit crops

[PAGE 10]

of which only 8 are outstanding, all the others were acquitted.

Therefore the end approach of the three documents is to start with "the assumption that there is
no contamination from environmental elements." However, given the uncertainty of information,
there is a clear need for quantifying and qualifying the mobility of the herbicide in the

environment, by conducting research programs.

The Ministry considers that from the beginning of the process (1996), the DNE should have
clearly stated the unavailability of information to comply with the request made by the Ministry

in Order No. 588/96, and therefore, it should have started with research programs that today
(year 2000) appears as the Environmental Management Plan.


The posed research programs, despite having contents of environmental interest, cannot be
assimilated to the magnitude that an environmental management plan must contain, in which,
under the view of protecting the natural balance, preserving resources and conservation of
biological diversity and cultural and national heritage must contain the programs, actions and
measures required to prevent, mitigate, monitor, compensate and correct any negative

environmental effects or impacts caused during the development of the program's activities. Annex 136

The feasibility of implementation of such programs is also subject, as described by the DNE, to

the approval of funds by the National Narcotics Council and the completion of inter-institutional


The previous statements merely provide emergency instructions to meet the operators of the
program, but there is no analysis carried out in case of contingencies of environmental
affectations and appropriate responses in order to reduce the impact that may be caused on the
environment and human health.

Therefore, neither on its own, or as a set of submitted documents, do these scale nor develop in
their entirety, the elements set out in Order No. 588 / 96

[PAGE 11]

for an Environmental Management Plan Program for the Eradication of Illicit Crops with
glyphosate-based herbicides.

Therefore, there continues to be uncertainty and information gaps with respect to the following

‡▯7KH▯DFFHSWDQFH▯RI▯30$▯LV▯QRW▯FRQVLGHUHG▯WHFKQLcally suitable, since six of the seven cores
selected for the preparation thereof, are in or part of seven areas of the National Park System as


Núcleo de Chaparral- Rio Blanco, PNN las Hermosas,
Núcleo Cuenca del Río Palomino, PNN Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Núcleo de Gabarra, PNN Catatumbo Barl

Núcleo Caño Grande- La Lindosa, Reserva Nacional Natural Nukak;
Núcleo Paez-Iquira-Teruel, PNN Nevado del Huila
Núcleo Puerto Rico, PNN la Macarena
Núcleo Serranía del Perijá, does not affect any park. The Forest Reserve created by Law 2nd of

1959 is located in the interior, among Municipios de Agustín and Manaura

‡▯6LPLODUO\▯▯WKHUH▯DUH▯QR▯FULWHULD▯▯HQYLURQPHQWDO▯ socio-economic and operational) with which the
nuclei were defined as subject to the management plan.
In this regard, the terms of reference indicate that the selected reference areas must first be

approved by the Ministry of Environment, which differs from what is stated in the document, in
the sense that the regions were agreed with the program coordinator of eradication of illicit crops
in this ministry.

‡▯$OWKRXJK▯D▯GHVFULSWLRQ▯LV▯PDGH▯UHODWLQJ▯WR▯WKH▯KLVWorical overview of the actions taken in forced

eradication programs and the general identification of the illicit crop producing regions, it does
not specify under what criteria, particularly environmental, the areas of chemical eradication by
region are defined, the degree of coordination with other organizations that are carrying out workAnnex 136

towards the same purpose (PLANTE, RSS. Regional and Local Entities) and the convenience

and advantages of the use of a chemical alternative.

‡▯7KH▯GHVFULSWLRQ▯RI▯WKH▯SK\VLFDO▯ELRWLF▯FRPSRQHQWs is very general and incomplete, and does not
focus on specific characterization for each of the previously identified and proposed nuclei.

Under the levels of resolution determined in the environmental characterization and their
physical-biotic components, it is impossible to evaluate and

[PAGE 12]

rank the temporary and permanently generated impacts by the actions of eradication, and
therefore, the definition of control, prevention, compensation and recovery measures
contemplated in the Environmental Management Plan.

‡▯7KH▯VWXG\▯UHIHUV▯WR▯H[FOXVLRQ▯DUHDV▯HVWDEOLVKHG▯in various administrative acts and documents of

the exclusion of protected areas of various kinds, but it does not give specific knowledge
regarding how these were determined. Given the importance of this point, the Ministry considers
that when redefining these, the Ministry's participation must be included.

‡▯ 7KHUH▯ LV▯ QR▯ SUHFLVLRQ▯ UHJDUGLQJ▯ the critical areas of risk according to different degrees of
erosion and geotechnical stability, inventories of major water-related municipal water supply,
hamlets and production activities, and specific characterizations of qualitative and quantitative
aspects of vegetation, the presence of endemic species of flora and fauna in the areas of direct
influence in the areas of eradication, basic parameters with which to work with and the

identification and assessment of its impacts.

‡▯ 5HJDUGLQJ▯ VDPSOLQJ▯ VLWH▯ VHOHFWLRQ▯▯ LW▯ VKRXOG▯ take into account environmental audit reports
delivered since February 1994, according to the provisions of Resolution 0001 of 11 February
1994 of the National Narcotics Directorate, in order to conduct site characterization in a multi-

temporal manner and facilitate analysis of the effects of eradication with glyphosate in the short,
medium and long term. This selection must be supported with copies of the reports of the
environmental audit that is used.

National Parks System designed to conserve biological and cultural diversity, despite
highlighting the fact that some areas of the National Park System have been affected in the
environmental characterization.

‡▯7KH▯OHJDO▯DVSHFWV▯XQGHU▯ZKLFK▯WKH▯JO\SKRVDWH▯(Roundup SL) used in the eradication of illicit
crops is imported must be known, as it is unknown who is responsible for importing the product,
and taking into account that importers of pesticides must be registered with the ICA, and must
meet certain requirements set by the rules and administrative procedures before the lNCOMEX.

[PAGE 13] Annex 136

‡▯7KHUH▯LV▯QR▯DQDO\VLV▯RU▯GHWHUPLQDWLRQ▯RI▯WKe cumulative impacts of eradication with glyphosate

on water, or soil; that consider the effects on programs and regional development plans.

‡▯)DFHG▯ZLWK▯WKHVH▯GHILFLHQFLHV▯▯the results of the environmental audit reports do not account for
the ongoing monitoring that would provide elements for decision-making by the environmental



Lack of clarity regarding the feasibility of its implementation. Different government institutions

are responsible for the implementation of measures envisaged in the Programme of social
management, and the DNE is not seen to be heading a responsibility as coordinating agency
which ensures that the various functions of the related entities are made complementary and in a
coordinated manner.

There is a lack of a participatory process in the development of the PMA. Order 558A, identified
as short-term actions to ensure participation in the social management plan, to take into account
the existing regional and local agreements that have been signed between the various regional
communities and the national government.


According to the evaluation from a technical point of view of the Division of Licensing, it is
considered that neither as a single or as a set of documents, do the documents scale or develop in

their entirety the elements required by Order No. 588 / 96 for an Environmental Management
Plan in the Program for the Eradication of illicit crops with glyphosate-based herbicides.

However, a pronouncement by the Ecosystem Directorate, the Research Directorate, Citizenship
Education and Participation and the Administrative Unit of the National Parks is necessary. At

the same it is necessary for the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario ICA, clarify its ruling on
aerial spraying techniques of glyphosate.

The Environmental Management Plan is therefore considered not environmentally viable

[PAGE 14]

as presented for the Program of Eradication of illicit crops with Glyphosate-based herbicides,
due to the uncertainty regarding potential environmental impacts.

The need for progress in the eradication of illicit crops is recognized. However, performing a
serious and respectful assessment of the risks and the current regulations is imperative, in order
to clarify the benefits of a selected chemical alternative to glyphosate and to prevent, control,
compensate and correct their effects and make the program consistent with government actions

aimed at resolving this problem of illicit crops control.

It is the opinion of:Annex 136

Specialized Professional

Assistant Licensing Director

Exp: 793

18 December 2000

▯ Annex 136

1Annex 136

2 Annex 136

3Annex 136

4 Annex 136

5Annex 136

6 Annex 136

7Annex 136

8 Annex 136

9Annex 136

10 Annex 136

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12 Annex 136

13Annex 136

14 Annex 137

Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia,Appointed Comptroller for the Environment,
Special Audit of the Policy for Eradication of Illicit Crops (July 2001) Annex 137

Special audit of the policy for eradication of
illicit crops

Comptroller General of the Republic—Appointed Comptroller for the

July 2001

Comptroller General of the Republic Carlos Ossa Escobar

Vice-Comptroller José Félix Lafaurie Rivera

Appointed Comptroller for the Environment Francisco José Ruiz Marmolejo

Director of Section Studies Cdma Néstor Ortiz Pérez

Director of Fiscal Vigilance Francisco Ramírez Rivera

Auditors Luis Fernando Alvarado
Lucero Peña Pineda

María Nancy Mesa Hernández
Martha Ivonne Pérez Parra

Table of Contents

5.1 19 National Narcotics Bureau
5.1.1 Actions for the Eradication of Illicit Crops 19

5.1.2 Cost and Amount of Applied Glyphosate 22
5.1.3 Seizures of Chemical Precursors 23
5.1.4 National Anti-Narcotics Activities 28
29 5.1.5 Environmental Auditing
5.3 The National Plan for Alternative Development (PLANTE) 38
6.1 Compliance with Environmental Regulations and environmental control system 42Annex 137

6.1.1 Compliance with Environmental Regulations 42
6.1.2 Environmental Auditing 43

6.2 Coordination of Policy 46
6.3 Alternative Development 47
6.4 Policy Results 49
6.5 Impact of Policy 50


[PAGE 2]
Index of Tables

Table No. 1 Area (ha) of Illicit Crops 8
Table No. 2 Estimation of Deforestation attributable to Illicit Crops 10
Table No. 3 National Plan “Colombia’s Commitment to Global Drug Problem 1994 to 1998 "15
Table No. 4 National Plan to Combat Drugs: Colombia 1998-2002 17
Table No. 5 Eradicated Hectares of Illicit Use Crops for 20

Table No. 6 Manually and / or Mechanically Eradicated Hectares 21
Table No. 7 Costs Incurred for Fumigation and Amounts of Applied Glyphosate 22
Table No. 8 Controlled Substances 23
Table No. 9 Total Seizures of Solid Chemicals 24
Table No. 10 Total Seizures of Liquid Chemicals 25

Table No. 11 Destroyed and Incinerated Substances 27
Table No. 12. National Anti-narcotics Activities 1990-1999.
Table No. 13 33 Breakdown of Environmental Audit Contracts
Table No. 14 Number of Projects by Component 40
Table No. 15 Behavior by Component Plante Project 41

Table No. 16 Agreements for Project Implementation. 41
Dear Table No. 17 Estimated Hectares of Coca Cultivations by Departments 1991 to 1999 49


Minister of Environment


National Narcotics Director

Bogotá, D.C.

Respected Minister,

The Comptroller General of the Republic, pursuant to its constitutional and legal duties, in
particular the duties decreed in Article 267 of the Constitution and in Article 8 of the Act 42 of
1993, conducted a Special Audit on the Policy for Eradication of Illicit Crops, which included a
monitoring of the results and the legality of the efforts carried out by the different entities

involved in implementing the policy. Annex 137

In the evaluation process it was determined that an adequate system of control has not been
implemented, which has resulted in the authorities’ violation of environmental regulations in
different aspects, and a high degree of inefficiency and lack of coordination among different
state institutions.

In principle, and given that spraying with glyphosate is an activity, as an environmental matter,
of the transitional regime, as established by Decree 1753 of 1994, in order to operate, it only
required an Environmental Management Plan. However, having examined record No. 793 of
Ministry of Environment, it is possible to observe the lack of diligence by the National Narcotics

Office-DNE, having failed to promptly respond to any requests made through various orders or
meet the technical requirements requested, despite these requirements having coincided with
objectives that the Environmental Audit hired by this Office should have fulfilled in the last ten
years. Proof of this is what happened in July 1998 when the DNE delivered to the Ministry the
proposed Environmental Management Plan without the chapter on "Identifying and assessing

environmental impacts." A similar situation occurred in the additional filings that the DNE made
on December 17, 2000 and January 30, 2001, as the information provided did not meet the
requirements of the 588th order of that Ministry of 1996, in which the terms of reference are set.

Despite sufficient evidence regarding the existence of negative environmental impacts by forced
eradication by aerial spraying on illicit use crops, which has been reported by various local and
regional authorities as well as the Ombudsman and which have caused widespread protests of
rejection and questioning at national

[PAGE 3]

and international levels, there is no true monitoring or control of the eradication policy so long as
the Environmental Management Plan is not approved.

The delay in the DNE’s presentation, implementation and full compliance with the
Environmental Management Plan affects the execution and implementation of the preventive,
corrective and compensatory measures applicable to the fumigated ecosystems affected by both
production as well as eradication.

Despite having rejected successive management plans submitted by the DNE, by allowing the
continuation of this activity without complying with these legal requirements, the Ministry has
shown that it has not had the necessary or sufficient diligence to enforce its constitutional duty to
protect, prevent and mitigate the negative effects on the environment.

Based on the above, it can be determined that the political will sufficient for integrating the
variable environmental implementation of the spraying program is lacking, despite the
Constitution establishing sustainable development as a guiding principle for the development
plan based on the reasonable use of natural resources as a basis for livelihoods and support for

the production activities of the national economy.

Additionally, the practices of destruction and burning in situ are another source of pollution inAnnex 137

the implementation of the policy, which the defense and control institutions of the state have

carried out in the past 6 years with about 11,494,972 and 11,137,788 kilograms of solid gallons
of liquid, in addition to the Battalion No. 1’s destruction, up until September 1999, of 164
laboratories, especially those in the Amazon basin jungle, as well as the plastic containers and
metal cans used that are left to the elements, which constitute hazardous waste. This shows that

the protocols regarding the disposal of seized input are not being fulfilled.

If we add the absence of a technical storage system of these hazardous substances (which are
distributed in the national territory) to these practices and a current detailed inventory, appraised,
showing the expiration date and time and date of deposit, the impacts could be even higher.

On the other hand, the problem of relocation of the cultivated areas due to the effects of chemical
eradication is also contributing to deforestation. Indeed, if the producer is not offered an
alternative that allows such individual to improve his quality of life and enables him to be
included in the process of the country’s economic development, it will be immaterial to him

whether to produce in the Guaviare or the Putumayo, thereby leading to new settlements with its
respective consequent deforestation burning and the disruption of biological chains.

Furthermore, in the absence of accurate information regarding the potential effects on human

health, given the theoretical differences presented among the state institutions involved and the
lack of preventive measures by health authorities, and studies to establish correlations between
the complaints filed by the community and the application of the herbicide, the CGR makes an
urgent appeal to the Inter-Agency Technical Committee, advisor to the National Narcotics
Directorate, which comprises part of the Ministry of Health, to take the necessary measures

leading to the establishment of the effects and their prevention.

Finally, in order to ensure greater transparency regarding the eradication policy of illicit crops
and thereby ensuring environmental sustainability, the Comptroller General of the Republic
proposes to establish an international oversight body that contributes to the technical and

environmental evaluation of forced eradication activities in Colombia.

Appointed Comptroller for the Environment


The Comptroller General of the Republic, in execution of its corresponding fiscal controls, in
accordance with Articles 267 and 268 of the National Political Constitution and its respective

laws, through the Comptroller's Office for the Environment, carried out the Special Audit Policy
for the Eradication of Illicit Crops in response to increasing concern over the effectiveness of
programs and the high level of impacts on the environment and health of the population.


[PAGE 28] Annex 137

In addition to this, the “drift” effect presents itself within the process of aerial fumigation, e.g.

the deviations of fumigations as a result of wind and the very aircraft speed. It is estimated that
Glyphosate can affect plant species located over 800 m.[37] from the specific fumigation site,
[38] which has caused, in many cases, food crops to be affected and even crops established
through the presidential program of PNDA [39], and the different ecosystems surrounding the


This drift effect is the result of the conjugation of various technical and meteorological variables
which cause this strategy to be highly prone to error. Factors such as height of aspersion, wind
speed and direction and relative humidity, are hard to control, which affects the precision of the


The sources of water and the soil resource are also being polluted by the destruction and
incineration practices in situ which are carried out by the institutions for Defense and Control of
the State during the last 6 years, carried out with 11,494,972 kilograms of solids and 11,137,788

gallons of liquid supplies. Additionally, Batallion No. 1 has carried out the destruction, up until
September 1999, of 164 laboratories, mainly located in the Amazon Basin jungle. The plastic
containers and metal canisters used and left to the elements are another source of contamination,
since they become dangerous waste. This reflects the fact that protocols regarding the disposal

of seized supplies are also not being complied with.

[PAGE 29]

primary causes of skin problems of agricultural workers in California, in this same U.S. state in

1986, glyphosate ranked fourth out of 143 pesticides in the number of accidents reported [40]. A
1993 study by the School of Public Health at the University of California at Berkeley has shown
that glyphosate is the leading cause of disease associated with pesticides among gardeners and
the third leading cause among gardeners [41]

Similarly, the Ministry of Health in 1981 when the first aerial crops spraying of marijuana
emerged, its use was prohibited, arguing that the herbicides are environmental aggressors as well
as toxic to humans. In the same vein, the expert committee convened by the Ministry of Health
in 1986 also stated that "the herbicides paraquat, 2.4-D and glyphosate should not be used in

aerial spraying for chemical eradication of illicit crops." Also there are claims filed by the
community with the Ombudsman, where the fumigations have been carried out indiscriminately
on crops and people alike, who attest to having shown symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
and burning eyes, skin and throat, once the fumigations were carried out, which coincide with
what is reported in the literature and is consistent with the position of the Ministry of Health.

However, given the conceptual differences presented by state institutions and the massive
spraying carried out, no measures have been taken by health authorities to prevent possible
affectations, nor studies to establish correlations between the community’s complaints and the
herbicide’s application. Therefore, the CGR makes an urgent appeal to the Ministry of Health as

a member of Technical Advisory Committee to take the necessary steps to establish the
affectations and their respective prevention.Annex 137

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the type and magnitude of their effects both on ecosystems and
human health is subject of discussions and the actual composition of the substance sprayed is
repeatedly questioned, which, coupled with lack of control by any authority, represents a high
risk for ecosystems and communities affected by the spraying.

In this scenario of uncertainty, the CGR requires that the Ministry of Environment, in application
of the precautionary principle, established by Law 99 of 1993, order the suspension of chemical
eradication via spraying until the program’s environmental, social and economic implications are

It should be noted that verification of the ineffectiveness of spraying, to the extent that it has not
met the expected targets in reduction of areas planted with these crops, together with the high
social, environmental and economic costs generated, has led to the formulation of mechanisms
such as mycoherbicides for the so-called war on drugs.

Recently there has been talk of F. oxysporum as a potential "controller", the supporters for its use
argue the specificity of the fungus as a major attribute, to the extent that it only affects the plant
species that is the target of its action, thereby avoiding major impacts and making the eradication

of coca safer. The reactions to this possibility came from a wide spectrum of sectors of society,
including academia.

In general, the studies performed refuted said specificity, basing themselves on different studies
and research that demonstrates the possibility of mutation of the fungus, as well as genetic

exchange by crosses with other varieties of the same genus (Kim, DH, Marymer, RD, Magill,
CW, 1993. in The American Phytopathological Society, Vol 83 No. 1) which is possible due to
the existence of a variety of forms which are highly correlated with each other. Other authors
point out that even despite the evidence of the specificity the fungus, these studies have been
performed in greenhouses with highly controlled conditions, a situation which may vary in an

open environment with changing environmental factors (Valencia, H., in Proceedings 2000).

Another critical element is the inability to ensure that the fungus does not spread to other habitats
other than those where it is applied (Hernández, F. 2000).

Given these possibilities, many researchers agree in warning about the unpredictability of the
consequences of the insertion of organisms in ecosystems especially when they are foreign, the
bio-magnification of the effects… Annex 137

Auditoría especial a la política de erradicación de

cultivos ilícitos

Contraloría General de la República – Contraloría Delegada par el Medio


Julio de 2001

Contralor General de la República Carlos Ossa Escobar

Vicecontralor José Félix Lafaurie Rivera

Contralor Delegado Para El Medio Ambiente Francisco José Ruiz Marmolejo

Director Estudios Sectoriales Cdma Néstor Ortiz Pérez

Director De Vigilancia Fiscal Cdma Francisco Ramírez Rivera

Auditores Luis Fernando Alvarado Cárdenas
Lucero Peña Pineda
Maria Nancy Mesa Hernández
Martha Ivonne Pérez Parra

Tabla de contenido

5.1.1 Acciones de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos 19
5.1.2 Costo y Cantidades de Glifosato Aplicado 22
5.1.3 Incautación de Precursores Químicos 23
5.1.4 Actividades Antinarcóticos en el ámbito Nacional 28
5.1.5 Auditoría Ambiental 29
5.3 El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Alternativo (PLANTE) 38

6.1 Cumplimiento de la Normatividad Ambiental y sistema de control ambiental 42
6.1.1 Cumplimiento de la Normatividad Ambiental 42
6.1.2 Auditoría Ambiental 43
6.2 Coordinación de la Política 46
6.3 Desarrollo Alternativo 47
6.4 Resultados de la Política 49
6.5 Impactos de la Política 50
8 BIBLIOGRAFIA 56Annex 137

Indice de tablas

Tabla No. 1 Área(ha) de Cultivos Ilícitos 8
Tabla No. 2 Estimación Bosques Deforestados por los Cultivos Ilícitos 10
Tabla No. 3 Plan Nacional "Compromiso de Colombia Frente al Problema Mundial de la Droga 1994 - 1998" 15

Tabla No. 4 Plan Nacional de Lucha Contra las Drogas: Colombia 1998-2002 17
Tabla No. 5 Hectáreas Erradicadas de Cultivos de Usos Ilícitos 20
Tabla No. 6 Hectáreas Erradicadas Manual y/o Mecánicamente 21
Tabla No. 7 Costos Incurridos para la Fumigación y Cantidades de Glifosato Aplicado 22
Tabla No. 8 Sustancias Controladas 23
Tabla No. 9 Total Incautaciones de Insumos Sólidos 24
Tabla No. 10 Total Incautación de Insumos Líquidos 25
Tabla No. 11 Sustancias Destruidas e Incineradas 27

Tabla No. 12. Actividades Antinarcóticos en el ámbito Nacional 1990-1999.
Tabla No. 13 Relación Contratos Auditoría Ambiental 33
Tabla No. 14 Número de Proyectos por Componente 40
Tabla No. 15 Comportamiento por Componente Proyecto Plante 41
Tabla No. 16 Convenios para Ejecución de Proyectos. 41
Tabla No. 17 Hectáreas Estimadas de Cultivos de Coca Por Departamentos 1991-1999 49


Ministro del Medio Ambiente

Director Nacional de Estupefacientes

Bogotá, D.C.

Respetado Señor Ministro:

La Contraloría General de la República, en cumplimiento de su misión constitucional y legal, en especial lo decretado
en el artículo 267 de la Constitución Política y en el 8 de la ley 42 de 1993, realizó una Auditoría Especial a La Política
de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos, la cual incluyó un control de resultados y de legalidad de la gestión realizada por la

diferentes entidades involucradas en la ejecución de la política.

Dentro del proceso de evaluación se determinó que no se ha implementado un adecuado sistema de control lo que ha
derivado en incumplimiento de la normatividad ambiental por parte de las autoridades responsables en sus diferentes
aspectos, así como un alto grado de ineficiencia y descoordinación entre las distintas entidades del estado.

En principio, y dado que la fumigación con glifosato es una actividad, en materia ambiental, del régimen de transición,

según lo estableció el Decreto 1753 de 1994, solo requerirá para su operación un Plan de Manejo Ambiental. Sin
embargo, analizado el expediente No 793 del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, se observa falta de diligencia de la
Dirección Nacional de Estupefaciente –DNE, al no responder con prontitud los requerimientos realizados en los
diferentes autos, ni cumplir con los requisitos técnicos solicitados, no obstante coincidir algunos de estos
requerimientos con los objetivos que debería haber cumplido la Auditoría Ambiental contratada por esa Dirección
durante los últimos diez años. Muestra de ello es lo ocurrido en julio de 1998 cuando la Dirección entrega al Ministerio
el supuesto Plan de Manejo Ambiental sin el capítulo de “Identificación y evaluación de los impactos ambientales”.
Situación similar se presentó en las entregas adicionales que hace la DNE el 17 de diciembre de 2000 y el 30 de enero

de 2001, pues la información entregada no cumplía con los requerimientos del auto 588ª del citado Ministerio de 1996
en donde se fijan los términos de referencia.

Existiendo evidencias suficientes del impacto ambiental negativo de la erradicación forzosa por aspersión aérea de
cultivos de uso no lícito, las cuales han sido reportadas por las distintas autoridades regionales y locales, así como por
la Defensoría del Puebloy que han suscitado amplias manifestaciones de rechazo y cuestionamiento a nivel nacional Annex 137

como internacional, no se realiza un verdadero seguimiento y control a la política de erradicación en tanto no esté
aprobado el Plan de Manejo Ambiental

La demora en la presentación, ejecución y cumplimiento a cabalidad del Plan de Manejo Ambiental por parte de la
DNE incide en la ejecución y aplicación de medidas preventivas, correctivas y de compensación aplicables alos
ecosistemas objeto de fumigación afectados tanto por la producción como por la erradicación.

Pese a haber improbado los sucesivos planes de manejo presentados por la DNE el Ministerio no ha tenido la diligencia
necesaria y suficiente para hacer cumplir la misión constitucional de proteger, prevenir y mitigar los efectos negativos
sobre el medio ambiente al permitir la continuidad de esta actividad sin el cumplimiento de este requisito legal.

De lo anterior se puede establecer que no existe la suficiente voluntad política para integrar la variable ambiental a la
ejecución del programa de fumigación, no obstante que la Constitución establece el desarrollo sostenible como
principio rector del plan de desarrollo basado en el uso racional de los recursos naturales como base de sustento de vida

y soporte de las actividades productivas de la economía nacional.

Adicionalmente, otra fuente de contaminación en la aplicación de la política son las prácticas de destrucción e
incineración in situ que las instituciones de defensa y control del Estado en los últimos 6 años han realizado con cerca
de 11.494.972 kilogramos de sólidos y 11.137.788 galones de insumos líquidos, además de la destrucción, hasta
septiembre de 1999, de 164 laboratorios especialmente en la selva de la cuenca amazónica por parte del Batallón No. 1.
al igual que los envases plásticos y canecas metálicas utilizadas que son dejadas a la intemperie, los cuales se
constituyen en desechos peligrosos. Esto refleja que no se están cumpliendo tampoco los protocolos sobre disposición

de insumos incautados .

Si a estos prácticas le sumamos la ausencia de un sistema técnico de almacenamiento (se encuentran distribuidos en el
territorio nacional) de estas sustancias peligrosas y de un inventario detallado actualizado, avaluado, donde conste
fecha o tiempo de vencimiento y período de depósito, los impactos pueden ser aún mayores.

De otro lado, el asunto de la relocalización de las áreas cultivadas por efectos de la erradicación química también está

contribuyendo a los procesos de deforestación. En efecto, si al productor no se le ofrece una alternativa que le permita
el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida y la inserción al proceso de desarrollo económico del país, le será indiferente
producir en el Guaviare o en el Putumayo lo que conlleva a nuevas colonizaciones con sus consecuentes deforestación,
quemas y alteración de las cadenas biológicas.

Además, ante la falta de información cierta sobre los eventuales efectos sobre la salud humana, dadas las diferencias
conceptuales presentadas entre las instituciones estatales involucradas, y la inexistencia de medidas de prevención por
las autoridades sanitarias, y de estudios para establecer correlaciones entre las quejas presentadas por la comunidad y la

aplicación del herbicida, la CGR hace un llamado urgente al Comité Técnico Interinstitucional, asesor de la Dirección
Nacional de Estupefacientes, del cual hace parte el Ministerio de Salud, para que tome las medidas necesarias
conducentes a establecer las afectaciones y su prevención.

Finalmente, con el propósito de asegurar la mayor transparencia sobre la política de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos y
garantizar la sostenibilidad ambiental de la misma, la Contraloría General de la República propone que se conforme
una veeduría internacional que contribuya a la evaluación técnica y ambiental de las actividades de erradicación forzosa
en Colombia .

Contralor Delegado para el Medio Ambiente


La Contraloría General de la República, en desarrollo del control fiscal que le compete, de acuerdo con los artículos
267 y 268 de la Constitución Política Nacional y las leyes concordantes, a través la Contraloría Delegada para el Medio
Ambiente, se realizó la Auditoría Especial a la Política de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos, como respuesta a su
creciente preocupación en torno a la efectividad de los programas y el elevado nivel de impacto sobre el medio

ambiente y la salud de la población.Annex 137

principales causas de problemas dérmicos de trabajadores agrícolas en California; en este mismo estado
norteamericano, en 1986, el Glifosato ocupó el cuarto lugar entre 143 plaguicidas, en el número de accidentes
reportados[40] . Un estudio realizado en 1993 por la escuela de salud pública de Berkeley en la Universidad de
California demuestra que el Glifosato es la causa principal de las enfermedades asociadas a los pesticidas entre los
jardineros y la tercera causa entre los jardineros[41]

Igualmente, el Ministerio de Salud, en 1981, cuando se presentaron las primeras fumigaciones en cultivos de
marihuana, prohibió su empleo argumentando que los herbicidas son agresores ecológicos y tóxicos para el hombre. En
ese mismo sentido, el Comité de expertos en herbicidas reunido por el Ministerio de Salud en 1986 también manifestó
al respecto que: "no se deben utilizar los herbicidas paracuat, 2,4-D y Glifosato en la fumigación aérea para la
erradicación química de cultivos ilícitos". Igualmente existen denuncias realizadas por la comunidad ante la Defensoría
del Pueblo, en donde las fumigaciones se han hecho indiscriminadamente sobre cultivos y personas, quienes

manifiestan que han presentado síntomas de nauseas, vómito, diarrea y ardor en ojos, piel y garganta una vez realizada
la fumigación, los que coinciden con lo reportado en la literatura y es congruente con la posición del Ministerio de

Sin embargo, dadas las diferencias conceptuales presentadas a este respecto entre estas instituciones estatales y con la
fumigación masiva realizada, no hay por parte de las autoridades de salud medidas de prevención de las posibles
afectaciones ni tampoco estudios para establecer correlaciones entre las quejas presentadas por la comunidad y la

aplicación del herbicida. Por lo tanto, la CGR hace un llamado urgente al Ministerio de Salud como miembro del
Comité Técnico Asesor para que tome las medidas necesarias conducentes a establecer las afectaciones y su

No obstante lo anterior, se discute sobre el tipo y la magnitud de sus efectos, tanto en los ecosistemas como en la salud
humana, así como se cuestiona reiteradamente la composición real de la sustancia asperjada, lo que, aunado a una
carencia de control por autoridad alguna, implica un gran riesgo tanto para los ecosistemas como para las comunidades

afectadas por la fumigación.

En este escenario de incertidumbre, la CGR requiere al Ministerio del Medio Ambiente para que, en aplicación del
principio de precaución, establecido en la ley 99 de 1993, ordene la suspensión de la erradicación química por
aspersión hasta tanto no se definan las implicaciones ambientales, sociales y económicas de la ejecución de dicha

Es de anotar que la verificación de la ineficacia de la fumigación en la medida que no ha cumplido con los objetivos
previstos de disminuir el área instalada con estos cultivos, aunado a los altos costos sociales, ambientales y económicos
generados, han llevado a la formulación de mecanismos como el uso de micoherbicidas para la llamada guerra contra
las drogas.

Recientemente se ha hablado del )▯▯R[\VSRUXP como posible “controlador”, los partidarios de su uso argumentan la

especificidad del hongo como su mayor atributo, en la medida que afecta sólo a la especie vegetal objeto de su acción
evitando así mayores impactos y haciendo más segura la erradicación de la coca. Las reacciones suscitadas por tal
posibilidad provinieron de los más variados sectores de la sociedad, entre ellos la academia.

En general, los cuestionamientos realizados se ocuparon de refutar dicha especificidad, basándose en diferentes
estudios e investigaciones que demuestran la posibilidad de mutación del hongo, así como de intercambio genético por
cruces con otras variedades del mismo género (Kim, D.H., Marym, R.D., Magill, C.W., 1993. en The American

Phytopathological Society, Vol. 83 No. 1) lo que es posible debido a la existencia de una gran variedad de formas
especiales altamente correlacionadas entre sí. Otros autores señalan que aún cuando existan pruebas de la especificidad
del hongo, éstas se han realizado en invernaderos con condiciones muy controladas, situación que puede variar en
campo abierto, con factores ambientales cambiantes (Valencia, H., en Memorias 2000 ).

Otro elemento crítico resulta de la imposibilidad de garantizar la no dispersión del hongo a otros habitats diferentes al
de su aplicación ( Hernández, F. 2000 ).

Ante estas posibilidades, diversos investigadores coinciden en advertir las impredecibles consecuencias de la
agregación de organismos en los ecosistemas más aún cuando son foráneos, la bio-magnificación de sus efectos al Annex 138

Republic of Colombia,Advisor on the Plan Colombia Illicit Crop Eradication Program,
Illicit Crops, Bogotá, Colombia (9 July 2001) Annex 138

Bogotá D.C., 9 July 2001




The existence of illicit coca crops for a period of over three (3) years, having rapid expansion

and high capacity for environmental deterioration, beginning with marijuana, then coca and
finally poppy, has generated an immeasurable anthropic pressure on the various Andean and
Amazon ecosystems. Their effects on ecological and socioeconomic systems have yet to be
accurately quantified.

A holistic and comprehensive approach is required to confront this problem, considering each of
its aspects, such as: illicit crops, production of narcotics, trafficking and consumption of said
narcotics. Acting responsibly, but with conviction is required in order to combat drug
trafficking. In this manner, the occurrence of environmental events and their negative effects,

which today have the Amazon biome as their main stage, are attributable to the establishment
and processing of illicit crops.

Nevertheless, it seems logical to think that eradication operations for said crops, via the

glyphosate-based aerial fumigation, can unleash negative impacts. With respect to the eventual
impacts of illicit crop aspersions in the Departamento de Putumayo, the following

[PAGE 2]

observations are relevant, according to the communication issued by the Ecuadorian Chancellor,
Heinz Moeller, dated 5 July 2001:



The herbicide used in the Illicit Crop Eradication Program- PECI- is a commercial glyphosate-
based formulation commercially called Roundup ®, distributed by Monsanto, Inc, licensed in

Colombia as a “whip” (“fuete”), License No. 2475 of the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario-
ICA-. This product is commercialized in the United States under the name Roundup Ultra®.

The formula contains the following characteristics

x Toxicological category IV, low toxicity, the lowest in the universally-accepted scale for
these purposes.

Calle 24 No. 34-11 Telephone: 3440323- 2682796
▯Annex 138

x Moderate lethal dose, LD 50 greater than 5000 mg/kg of live weight (OMS 1994 a) both

oral and dermal. The absorption through the skin is under 2% 12 all tests carried out in-
vivo and in-vitro. Maibach (1983), Wester Et al (1991).

In this manner, the human irritation studies for Roundup® herbicide have shown only light
effects, at most. In two separate studies, the exposure to Roundup® in a normal dilution for
fumigation (0.9% of Glyphosate as IPA, IPAG salt) or in a larger concentration (4.1 % IPAG)
did not produce irritation or skin sensitization, when applied over a period of 24 hours

(Shelanski, 1973). Mailbach (1986) evaluated Roundup®

[PAGE 3]

in commonly used products in the home (Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo, Ivory dish-washing
detergent and Pine sol liquid cleaner) to examine acute irritation, cumulative irritation and photo-
irritation, as well as its allergic and photo-allergic activity. A light allergic reaction was

observed on a few subjects as a result of application of concentrated product on the skin over a
24-hour period. However, no dermal sensitization or photo-irritation was observed. The study’s
authors concluded that both the Roundup® herbicide and baby shampoo possess a lower irritant

potential than cleaner and dish-washing detergent. There was no difference between Roundup®
and baby shampoo, in terms of potential irritation…; …The level of exposure on workers to
glyphosate-based formulas has been reported, during fumigations with the herbicide, both in

forest (Center for Toxicology of Quebec, 1988; Jauhiainen et al., 1991; Lavy et al., 1992) as well
as in agricultural areas (Kramer, 1978). The majority of studies have used passive dosimetry to
determine the quantity of herbicide deposited during fumigation.

Absorption after oral exposure to a glyphosate solution or any Roundup® formula is incomplete
and under 36%, and the rest is excreted in the following 24 hours by the different human or
animal excretion means. Therefore, given the dosage used by PECI, this poses no risk to human

or animal health or natural resources.

With respect to damages on human health, at the moment, there are no scientifically certain
reports that indicate harms on health. Additionally, no cases or complaints have been reported in

regional hospitals in the area of influence of fumigations, which, through clinical history, can
demonstrate a certain nexus of causality. Similarly, the EPA classifies Glyphosate in category
E, which means: negative evidence of cancer. Therefore, Roundup® formula is considered

practically non-toxic through these means of exposure.

1 Mailback, H, I. (1983) Elimination of 14 C-Glyphosate in Rehesus Monkeys Following a Single Dose:
Percutaneous Absorption of 14 C-Glyphosate in Roundup Formulation Rehsus Monkeys Following a Single
Tropical Dose. Unpublished Report, University of California, School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA.▯
2 Wester, R.C., Melendres, J., Sarason, R., R., McMaster, J., and Mailback, H.I. (1991). Glyphosate skin binding,
absorption, residual tissue distribution, and skin decontamination. Dundam Appl. Toxicol. 16, 725-732. ▯

Calle 24 No. 34-11 Telephone: 3440323- 2682796
▯ Annex 138

[PAGE 4]

x Does not possess tetragenic, carc3nogenic or mutagenic characteristics; does not
accumulate on adipose tissue.

x Does not possess residual action. Its half life in the soil is from 1 to 4 weeks at a
maximum, and in tropical soils, such as the Colombian Amazon, it is less than one week
(7 days).

x Is non-selective and possesses a broad spectrum, although the PECI dosage is not
effective in bushes, trees or other plants with greater degrees of lignification than coca

x It biodegrades through microbial action on carbon dioxide products, in water, nitrogen
and certain phosphates. In synthesis, it is not persistent.

x It is a systemic herbicide (acts like a “vaccine”). In other words, it manifests itself from
within the plant. It is not preemergent, i.e. it does not act on seeds of other plants that
can be present on soil at the moment of aspersion.
x It is not a flammable or corrosive product. Since it does not possess flammable

characteristics, and given the size of its spray drops, greater than 500 microns on
average, the probabilities of substantial drift are very low.


The surfactant POEA- polyethoxylated fatty amine- is the main surfactant in Roundup formulas

around the world.

The potential irritant in POEA conforms to the tensoactive properties of surfactants in general.
Surfactants with these properties are used in products for mass

[PAGE 5]

consumption such as soaps, shampoos, laundry detergents and other cleaners. POEA´s dose in
the Roundup formula is diluted to very low levels, causing it to be significantly less irritating.

“…The acute toxicity of surfactant POEA is somewhat larger than that in Roundup® formula.

LD 50 values in oral (rats) and dermal (rabbits) have been reported (Table 1) between a 1200 and
! 1260 mg/kg, respectively (Birch, 1977). In order to place the acute toxicity into perspective,

POEA’s LD 50 value in rats is similar to that of vitamin A (1960 mg/kg) and exceeds that of
aspirin (200 mg/kg) (NIOSH, 1987). Oral LD 50 for POEA would place it on the second least

3United States Environmental Protection Agency, (1998a).Glyphosate: Pesticide Tolerance. Final Rule- 40, CFR,
Part 180 (OPP-300736; FRL 6036). Fed Reg. 63 (195), 54048-54066. ▯

Calle 24 No. 34-11 Telephone: 3440323- 2682796
▯Annex 138

toxic category (III) in the U.S. EPA. In accordance with these considerations, POEA is
considered only “lightly toxic” and does not represent risk of acute toxicity…”

Similarly, studies conducted to determine the toxicology in reproduction and development of

living organisms show that there is no evidence of this surfactant or Roundup® herbicide
adversely affecting reproductive functions.

In general, glyphosate, POEA and Roundup® herbicide have been tested in numerous

subchronic, chronic , reproductive and developmental studies. These include tests to determine
if they had adverse effects on the nervous system. The tests concluded that no evidence of
neurotoxicity was presented in any of these studies: therefore, it is evident that no neuropathies

or nervous system alterations or fetal nervous system alterations were observed in the toxicology
developmental studies.

All the scientific studies reviewed by EPA and conducted by Monsanto have been performed for

regulatory purposes and, hence, comply with accepted protocols for said purposes as well as Best
Practices in Laboratories (GLP).

[PAGE 6]

The surfactant Cosmoflux 411F is a coadjuvant of common use in commercial agriculture. It is
added to many herbicides used in agricultural crops, including rice, corn, sorghum, soy, among
others, to improve efficiency, decreasing the surface tension of drops as well as acting as an

encapsulating agent and allowing for a smaller drift.

Said coadjuvant possesses sale registration ICA No. 2186 and belongs to toxicological category
IV, which, in the same manner as glyphosate (Roundup Ultra) corresponds to the lowest category

and the category with lowest risk. The toxicological concept LP – 0573 93, issued by the
Ministry of Health, states that it is lightly toxic and its ingredients possess an EPA registration.


Although it is true that the synthesis of all plaguicides, including glyphosate, occurs in the
presence of oxygen, a situation that makes the presence of impurities possible, among them

dioxane, the fact that said substance is 100 times under the accepted OMS and FAO norms is
also certifiable. In light of this situation, there is no cause for concern as a matter of human or
animal health. With respect to these Roundup formulas, FAO presently certifies the impurity as
under 1 ppm (parts per million). 4

With respect to the dosage used in PECI, the following is worth clarifying:

Method available from teh Senior Officer, Pesticide Group, Plant Production and Protection Divsion, FAO. FAO
Specifications for Plant Protection Products. 1992. ▯

Calle 24 No. 34-11 Telephone: 3440323- 2682796
▯ Annex 138

x The coca species and varieties utilized for the production of base and cocaine hydrochloride

are woody plants of between 1.6 and 3.0 meters of height.

x Its genotyphe and phenotype is very different from that of herbaceous (herbs) or gramine

x [PAGE 7]

x The dosage of any herbicide or plaguicide will always be a direct function of the organism

(plant or animal) that is subject to control. The dosage of plaguicides are different in the
same way as dosages in medications or pharmaceuticals prescribed for humans are
different—the dosage is different for children or adults. As a result, the dosage that appears
on the glyphosate-based product labels is merely a reference for the farmer or its technical


x In the specific case of PECI, the dosage for commercial formula used is 10.4 liters per
hectare (ha), which corresponds to 3.744 grams/ha or 3.74 kg/ha of active ingredient as an

equivalent glyphosate acid, around 7.45 pounds/ha. Many of the commercially-used dosages
for control of bushes exceed 20 pounds/ha.

x Placing into perspective the quantity of active ingredient used in PECI, which is the toxon, as

well as a matter of interest from a toxicological and environmental risk perspective, it
corresponds to 0.374 grams/sq.m. or 374 milligrams per square meter (mg/sq.m.)

x Given that 90% of the aspersion remains on coca plant leaves, only 37 mg/sq.m. and 3.7

mg/sq.m. reach the soil and water, respectively.

In this manner, for example, a person that weighs 60 kg requires 300 grams of active
ingredient as a minimum in the way of acid equivalent to glyphosate- around a liter of

Roundup® formula- to have a 50% probability of death. This means that the dosage utilized
in PECI, in terms of risk, is 81,000 times less than LD50 In this vein, the dosage of PECI is
very safe. Reasons such as these indicate that the only possible way to cause the death of a
person or domesticated animal is through intentionality or suicide.

x In summary, the dosage used in PECI has the required specificity to control illicit coca crops,
true cause of the Amazon’s environmental deterioration. There is no doubt that the normal

[PAGE 8]

and technical use of this herbicide must not be a reason for concern with respect to animal and
human health and natural resources.


Calle 24 No. 34-11 Telephone: 3440323- 2682796
▯Annex 138

The Program contains fifteen (15) technical parameters for strict compliance. The following
parameters having an atmospheric nature are noteworthy:

x Temperature, equal to or less than 32qC

x Relative humidity, greater than 75%
x Hours of application, between 5 and 11 a.m.
x Winds, less than 4 knots or 7.2 km/hour

All these, applied in combination, guarantee negligible drift, i.e. approximately 75 grams/ha of
active ingredient, equal to 7.5 mg/sq. m. Therefore, in the specific case of the border with
Ecuador, the safety margin of 2.7 to 3.0 kilometers is considered adequate.

In general terms, given these parameters and the high level of edge technologies incorporated in
PECI, such as: specialized location software (“satloc”), systems of air navigation, differential
satellite positioning, combined with the strict planning of missions, form every perspective,
ensuring the high precision of applications is feasible.

With respect to the concerted manual eradication strategy, it can be said that these efforts have
been incorporated into social covenants that have been struck with certain organized
communities of Putumayo. Today, these covenants represent the voluntary eradication of close
to 16,000 hectares over the next 8 to 12 months, provided compliance with said covenants.

[PAGE 9]

It would be important to schedule a future meeting with officials from various levels of the

Ecuadorian Government and the participation of NAS Colombia- Ecuador, to exchange technical
and scientific concepts regarding PECI. Similarly, we suggest issuing an invitation so that the
Program that is being implemented in Colombia is known, including an overflight of the
Putumayo area, with emphasis on the border section, to become acquainted with the real

dimensions and complexity of the problem.

I reiterate to you my permanent will to collaborate with your important efforts for the benefit of
the nation, the preservation of important biogenetic resources in the Amazon biome and for
generations to come.


Calle 24 No. 34-11 Telephone: 3440323- 2682796
▯ Annex 138

▯ ▯

Calle 24 No. 34-11 Telephone: 3440323- 2682796
▯Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138Annex 138 Annex 139

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯ (26 Nov. 2001) Annex 139


Edition 44,896
Saturday, August 10, 2002


(November 26)

By which an investigation is opened, a statement of objections is raised and other measures are


The Minister of Environment, in exercise of its statutory powers and in particular those granted
in Articles 84 and those pursuant to the Act 99 of 1993, Decree 197 and Decree 1594 of 1984,


By virtue of Resolution 341 issued 4 May 2001, the Ministry decided not to ratify the

Environmental Management Plan submitted by the National Narcotics Directorate, DNE, for the
activity of eradication of illicit crops by aerial spraying with glyphosate and given its defects, it
proceeded to establish preventive measures;

The Ministry of Environment through Act 516 dated 16 July 2001, required the National

Narcotics Directorate –DNE-, to report on its progress pursuant to Resolution 341 of 2001;

By means of an official letter submitted and identified with the No. 3110-1-1069 dated 8
August 2001 from the National Narcotics Directorate, DNE, sent the Ministry of Environment a
document entitled "Obligations assigned to the National Narcotics Directorate in Resolution 341

of 4 May 2001"

With the official letter filed with the No. 3113-1-14331, dated 7 November 2001 the
National Narcotics Directorate, DNE, submitted to the Ministry the document entitled

"Environmental Management Plan for the Program for the Eradication of Illicit Drug Crops
through Aerial Spraying with glyphosate,” in addition to the document relating to the State of
Progress of Resolution 341 dated 4 May 2001;

Resolution No. 341 of 2001 established in article 2:7KH▯1DWLRQDO▯1DUFRWLFV▯'LUHFWRUDWH▯▯

PXVW▯GHYHORS▯ZLWKLQ▯D▯SHULRG▯RI▯XS▯WR▯VL[▯▯▯▯▯months, regarding the areas subjected to spraying
of glyphosate for eradication of illicit crops, environmental impact assessments, conducive to
establishing the nature and characteristics of the potential environmental impacts generated by
WKLV▯DFWLYLW\▯LQ▯WKH▯IRXU▯▯▯▯▯Ponths preceding the date of notification of this administrative act,
estimate potential environmental effects based on the findings and propose measures to mitigate


▯Annex 139

Resolution No. 341 of 2001 established in article 6: "7KH▯1DWLRQDO▯1DUFRWLFV▯'LUHFWRUDWH▯

should adopt in an immediate and efficient manner the following measures for environmental
mitigation, environmental compensation and control, subject to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of
Environment to monitor FRPSOLDQFH▯RI▯WKH▯VDPH▯

b) Program of inspection, verification and control, with the objective of:
x Verifying on site, the effectiveness of the implementation of environmental
management measures during the operation of the Program for Eradication of illicit

x Evaluate the prior design for achieving the aforementioned purpose, through
indicators of efficiency and effectiveness, the implementation of environmental
management measures for the eradication of illicit crops;

Resolution No. 341 of 2001 established in article 7: "The National

Narcotics Directorate must initiate within three (3) months following the notification of this
administrative act, the following research programs.
x Study of regeneration and ecological dynamics of sprayed areas, using sample plots
and representative cores of higher concentration of illicit crops obtained in the 2000

x Determine the residual effect of glyphosate in soil and on the physical, chemical and
biological properties of the same, using the same set of sample plots above;

The Sub directorate of Licensing, through the Technical Report No. 992 dated 23

November 2001 determined the information to be collected by the DNE in compliance with
Resolution 341 of 2001, and in particular, in relation to the compliance under the aforementioned
article stated the following:
The DNE alleges a research proposal that reflects the requirements of Articles 2 and 7 of

Resolution 341, arguing that the Program for Eradication of Illicit Crop with Glyphosate,
PECIG , has been implemented in areas that have been taken over by the coca growers, initially
by cutting and burning of the forest and then, along the coca production, by the use of
agrochemicals and other chemical products. In this regard, the DNE states that it is not possible

to evaluate these areas under the program, which are the goals of the Program, without an
investigation designed to isolate the effects of the application of the herbicide glyphosate from
those chemicals used in the process of illicit crops and narcotics production.

After analyzing the above aspects, the Ministry considered that from a technical point of

view, there were some environmental impacts prior to the spraying, which interferes with the
impact assessment within the framHZRUN▯RI▯WKH▯UHTXLUHG▯UHVHDUFK, however, this does not imply
that the required assessment of the results of spraying will not be made, under the terms and
conditions set forth in Article 2 of Resolution 341 of 2001. Therefore, the DNE must carry out
the environmental monitoring as specified in the schedule number 8 of the proposed

management plan, complemented with the adjustments listed below. For this, it is necessary to
start the monitoring indicated immediately, and in the same manner, the delivery of quarterly

▯ Annex 139

reports showing the progress of the required monitoring must be effectuated starting on the

date of service of the present resolution."▯▯8QGHUOLQLQJ▯DQG▯EROG▯ZHUH▯DGGHG▯▯▯


b) Inspection Program, verification and control (PIVC)
- Verification of the effectiveness of environmental management measures:

With respect to verification of the effectiveness of environmental management measures
proposed by the DNE, the Ministry considers that the actions suggested by the DNE in proposed

PMA are feasible. However and as noted in Resolution 0341, of 2001, the development of
these activities should be done immediately; therefore it must proceed in accordance with
what is indicated therein.

- Assessment of environmental management measures through indicators of efficiency

and effectiveness. The DNE proposed indicators of environmental management measures to
evaluate the level of affectations caused by spraying operations on human settlements and other
types of coverage, including: the type of vegetation, illicit drug crop assessment, evaluation of
the degree of recovery, regeneration or restoration of plant coverings, identification of the

number of households present and identification of lentic water bodies. In the progress report
submitted to the Ministry in August 2001, the DNE proposes to use in evaluating the indicators
required to be applied by the PIVC, however, this is a change in the concept submitted in the
PMA proposal of November. Based on the foregoing, the Ministry agrees to the immediate
implementation of the indicators proposed above by the DNE and those included in schedule 8 of

the PMA, with the modifications made to it by this Ministry. As stated in Resolution 0341 of
2001, these activities should have been carried out immediately, therefore efforts should
proceed in the manner already indicated, that is, in an immediate manner. (...)" (Underlining
and bold were added).

▯Article 7.
The proposal submitted by the DNE, specifies concepts, objectives, methodologies and an
experimental design. It includes the components of soil, water, microorganisms and vegetation.
In this context, the Ministry considers that the proposal submitted meets the relevant

requirements. However, given the nature and extent of the subject, its development should be
accompanied by an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary team in areas which include ecology,
soils, vegetation and environment in general.
Because this requirement must be initiated within three months of issuance of the
Resolution 0341 of 2001, it should be implemented immediately." (Underlining and bold



The Political Constitution of 1991, in Article 79 states: "Everyone has the right to enjoy a

healthy environment. The law guarantees the participation of the community in decisions that
may affect it.

▯Annex 139

It is the duty of the State to protect the diversity and integrity of the environment,

conserve the areas of special ecological importance and promote education for achieving these
Section 80 ibid provides: "The state will plan, manage and use natural resources to ensure
their sustainable development, conservation, restoration or replacement.

Also, the State must prevent and control factors which cause the environmental
degradation, impose legal sanctions and seek redress for damages caused.

Also, the state must cooperate with other nations in protecting the ecosystems in the

border areas;"

Article 1 of Decree 2811 of 1974 determines "The environment is the common heritage.
The State and its agencies must participate in its preservation and management, which are of
public use and social interest.

The preservation and management of renewable natural resources are also of public use
and social interest;"

The Act 9 of 1979 enshrines in Article 142, the following regarding pesticides:

Article 142. In the application of pesticides, appropriate measures must be adopted to
avoid risks to health of persons employed in that activity and occupants of areas or treated areas
as well as the contamination of products for human consumption or the environment in general,

according to the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health;

Decree 1843 of 1991, regulatory Titles III, V, VII and XI of Act 9 of 1979, on pesticide
use and handling of articles 82, 171 and 176 determine the following: Article 82: "Regarding the
types of application. In the application of pesticides the air and land forms of different fields are

considered: agriculture, livestock, buildings, public area, products (food, wood, leather, etc.) and
vehicles, which must be taken into account and the regulations established by the Ministry of
Health, the Colombian Agricultural Institute of Renewable Natural Resources and Environment
and other State agencies in their respective fields of expertise must be fulfilled."

Article 171. " Regarding compliance with norms . Any person engaged in the use and
management of pesticides must meet the standards specified in this chapter, according to the type
of activity that it carries out."

Article 176. " Regarding environmental measures in general . It is the duty of the
individual or legal person responsible for the use or handling of pesticides, to guide the design of
facilities, determine the application of the equipment and the process so that they minimize the
exposure risks, derived from these substances to workers, the community and the environment,
preferably by targeting the source and one or more of the following methods, can be applied,

among others: Substitution of substances, change, confinement and/or isolation of processes,
general ventilation, local ventilation, maintenance or other means that new techniques advise.

▯ Annex 139

Complementary methods, such as limiting exposure time and personal protection, shall be

applied when the above are insufficient and must receive authorization...;”

Article 84 of Act 99 of 1993 provides: "Sanctions and complaints. When the violation of
regulations regarding environmental protection or management of renewable natural resources

occur, the Ministry of Environment or the Regional Autonomous shall impose the penalties
provided for in the following article, by type of infraction and the severity of the same. If it is the
case, they will file a complaint with the competent authorities to start an appropriate criminal

In this manner, paragraph 3 of Article 85 of the Act provides that for the imposition of
measures and sanctions, such imposition is subject to the procedure provided for in Decree 1594
of 1984, or any such regulations amending or replacing it;

Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 197 and 205 of Decree 1594 of 1984 this office will

proceed to initiate research and formulate the corresponding statement of objections against the
National Narcotics Directorate, as determined in the operative part of this Resolution;
Pursuant to the above, it is


Article 1. Open an investigation on the National Narcotics Directorate, DNE, DNE, in
light of what is stated in the preamble to this Resolution.

Article 2. Formulate the following statement to the National Narcotics Directorate, DNE,
containing the following roster of charges:

1. The alleged breach of the obligation contained in Article 2 of Resolution 341 dated
May 4, 2001 regarding the terms established for its development.

2. The alleged breach of its obligations under paragraph b) of article 6 of Resolution 341
dated May 4, 2001 in connection with on-site verification of the effective implementation of
environmental management measures during the operation of the Program for the Eradication of

Illicit Crops, and the assessment, prior to a design for that purpose, through indicators of the
efficiency and effectiveness and the application of measures of environmental management of
the program for eradication of illicit crops, with respect to the terms required for development.

3. The alleged breach of its obligations pursuant to Article 7 of the Resolution 341 of

May 4, 2001, regarding the initiation of research on the regeneration and ecological dynamics in
sprayed areas in sample plots representative of the nuclei of higher concentration of illicit crops,
obtained in the 2000 census and the determination of the glyphosate residues in soil and its effect
on physical, chemical and biological properties, with respect to the terms demanded for its

▯Annex 139

Article 3. The National Narcotics Directorate will have a term of ten (10) days, starting

after notification of the present Order, to submit written response, and provide or request the
performance of the exercise of the relevant and probative evidence.

Paragraph. All the costs that the collection of evidence requires shall be borne by the

National Narcotics Directive, DNE.

Article 4. Publish the header and the operative part of this administrative act in
accordance with the terms set forth in Article 70 of Act 99 of 1993.

Article 5. No appeal will be heard against this Resolution.

Be it notified, informed, published and complied with.

The Minister of Environment.

Juan Mayr Maldonado

▯ Annex 139



“Cambio para NACIONAL
Construir la Paz” DECOLOMBIA

Fundado el 30 de abril de 1864
Año CXXXVIII No. 44.896 Tarifa Postal Reducida 56/2000
Bogotá, D. C., sábado 10 de agosto de 2002 I S S N 0122-2112
Edición de 24 páginas


Artículo 1°. Nómbrase al doctor Juan Pablo Bonilla Arboleda, identificado con la cédula de
DECRETO NUMERO 1819 DE 2002 ciudadanía 79488900 de Bogotá, como Viceministro del Medio Ambiente.
Artículo 2°. El presente decreto rige a partir de la fecha de su expedición.
(agosto 9) Comuníquese, publíquese y cúmplase.
por el cual se hace un nombramiento. Dado en Bogotá, D. C., a 9 de agosto de 2002.
El Presidente de la República de Colombia, en ejercicio de sus facultades que le confiere el
numeral 13 del artículo 189 de la Constitución Política, ALVARO URIBE VELEZ
DECRETA: La Ministra del Medio Ambiente,
Artículo 1°. Nómbrase al doctor Luis Alfonso Hoyos Aristizábal, identificado con la cédula Cecilia Rodríguez González-Rubio.
Social. DECRETO NUMERO 1823 DE 2002
Artículo 2°. El presente decreto rige a partir de la fecha de su expedición.
Publíquese, comuníquese y cúmplase. (agosto 9)
Dado en Bogotá, D. C., a 9 de agosto de 2002. por el cual se hace un nombramiento.
ALVARO URIBE VELEZ El Presidente de la República de Colombia, en ejercicio de las facultades que le confiere el
El Director del Departamento Administrativo de la Presidencianumeral 13 del artículo 189 de la Constitución Política,
Alberto Velásquez Echeverri. DECRETA:

DECRETO NUMERO 1820 DE 2002 Artículo 1°. Nómbrase al doctor Isaac Yanovich Farbaiarz, identificado con la cédula de
ciudadanía 8243355 de Medellín, como Presidente de la Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos,
(agosto 9) Ecopetrol.
por el cual se hace un nombramiento. Artículo 2°. El presente decreto rige a partir de la fecha de su expedición.
El Presidente de la República de Colombia, en ejercicio de las fComuníquese, publíquese y cúmplase.
numeral 13 del artículo 189 de la Constitución Política, Dado en Bogotá, D. C., a 9 de agosto de 2002.
Artículo 1°. Nómbrase al doctor Juan Gonzalo López Casas, identificado con la cédula de
ciudadanía 18501764 de Medellín, como Viceministro de Salud. El Ministro de Minas y Energía,
Artículo 2°. El presente decreto rige a partir de la fecha de su expedición. Luis Ernesto Mejía Castro.
Comuníquese, publíquese y cúmplase.
Dado en Bogotá, D. C., a 9 de agosto de 2002. DECRETO NUMERO 1824 DE 2002
El Ministro de Salud, (agosto 9)
Juan Luis Londoño de la Cuesta. por el cual se hace un nombramiento.
El Presidente de la República de Colombia, en ejercicio de las facultades que le confiere el
DECRETO NUMERO 1821 DE 2002 numeral 13 del artículo 189 de la Constitución Política,
(agosto 9) Artículo 1°. Nómbrase al doctor Víctor Raúl Huguet Olarte, identificado con la cédula
por el cual se hace un nombramiento. de ciudadanía 79263733 de Bogotá, como Secretario General del Ministerio del Medio
El Presidente de la República de Colombia, en ejercicio de laAmbiente.des que le confiere el
numeral 13 del artículo 189 de la Constitución Política,
DECRETA: Artículo 2°. El presente decreto rige a partir de la fecha de su expedición.
Artículo 1°. Nómbrase a la doctora María Adriana Mejía Hernández, identificada con lase y cúmplase.
cédula de ciudadanía 31984118 de Cali, como Viceministra de Cultura.ado en Bogotá, D. C., a 9 de agosto de 2002.
Artículo 2°. El presente decreto rige a partir de la fecha de su expedición. ALVARO URIBE VELEZ
La Ministra del Medio Ambiente,
Comuníquese, publíquese y cúmplase.
Dado en Bogotá, D. C., a 9 de agosto de 2002. Cecilia Rodríguez González-Rubio.
La Ministra de Cultura, L I C I T A C I O N E S
María Consuelo Araújo Castro.

Informa a las Entidades Oficiales, que se recusnórdenes
(agosto 9)
por el cual se hace un nombramiento. de publicación con dos (2) días hábiles de antiin.
El Presidente de la República de Colombia, en ejercicio de las facultades que le confiere el
numeral 13 del artículo 189 de la Constitución Política, Vea Indice de Licitaciones en la última páginaAnnex 139

Edición 44.896
Sábado 10 de agosto de 2002 OFICIAL 15

CONSIDERANDO: – Las dificultades para mitigar, corregir o controlar los factores de deterioro ambiental
QuemedianteOficio1498del2dejuliode2002laCorporaciónparaelDesarrolloSostenible relacionados con la recolección y disposición de residuos o desechos sólidos.
del ArchipiélagodeSanAndrés,Providenciay Santa Catalina,Coralinaremitióaestaentidadla – El reconocimiento por los habitantes del Archipiélago, las autoridades departamentales y
Resolución 329 del 5 de junio de 2002 “Por medio de la cual se establecen medidas para la municipalesdequeelproblemarelativoalarecolección,disposiciónderesiduossólidosmerece
minimización de los residuos sólidos en el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa atención prioritaria por su incidencia negativa en la salud ambiental y humana, los valores
Catalina”,paraqueelMinisteriodelMedioAmbiente,deacuerdoconlodispuestoenelartículo paisajísticos y turísticos.
63 de la Ley 99 de 1993 y el artículo 8° del Decreto 1768 de 1994, decida sobre la conveniencia – Las limitaciones para la disposición de residuos sólidos derivadas del espacio disponible y
de prorrogar o darle a las medidas adoptadas por la Corporación carácter permanente; las características de los suelos del archipiélago, en razón de la afectación de las aguas
Que de conformidad con el principio de rigor subsidiario, consagrado en el artículo 63 de labterráneas, principales fuentes de abastecimiento de la población;
Ley99de1993,lasnormasymedidasdepolicíaambiental,esdecir,aquellasquelasautoridades Que Coralina establece en el artículo primero del acto administrativo en estudio, medidas de

medioambientales expidan para la regulación del uso, manejo, aprovechamiento y movilización minimización de los residuos sólidos en el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa
delosrecursosnaturalesrenovables,oparalapreservacióndel medioambientenatural,biensea Catalina;
que limiten el ejercicio de derechos individuales y libertades públicas para la preservación o Que en los artículos segundo y tercero del acto administrativo que nos ocupa, se determinan
restauracióndelmedioambiente,oqueexijanlicenciaopermisoparaelejerciciodedeterminada las obligaciones de Coralina de adelantar con los comerciantes el proceso para fijar la meta de
actividadporlamismacausa,podránhacersesucesivayrespectivamentemásrigurosas,perono minimización de entrada de bebidas y alimentos en envase o empaque no retornable al
masflexibles,porlasautoridadescompetentesdenivelregional,enlamedidaenquesedesciende Archipiélago en los cinco (5) meses siguientes a la publicación de la resolución y de ampliar el
en la jerarquía normativa y se reduce el ámbito territorial de las competencias, cuando las programa de educación ambiental a habitantes y turistas;
circunstancias locales especiales así lo ameriten; Que en el artículo cuarto de la Resolución 329 del 5 de junio de 2000, Coralina se obliga a
Que el inciso 5 del artículo 63 ibidem, establece que los actos administrativos así expediexpedir en un plazo no mayor quince (15) meses contados a partir de la vigencia del acto
deberán ser motivados, y serán por su naturaleza apelables ante la autoridad superior, dentro administrativo en mención, la Guía de Prácticas Sensatas (Eco-Compra) para la adquisición
Sistema Nacional Ambiental SINA y tendrán una vigencia transitoria no superior a sesenta (60) responsabledeproductosverdes,paralocualllevaráacabotalleresdeconsultaconlosdiferentes
días mientras el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente decide sobre la conveniencia de prorrogar su sectores de la misma;
vigencia o de darle a la medida carácter permanente;
Que una vez analizado el artículo cuarto, se aprecia que a pesar de la buena intención de la
Queconformealodeterminadoenelinciso2°delartículooctavodelDecreto1768de1994, Corporación, al expedir una guía de Eco-Compra, para la adquisición de productos verdes, con
losactosadministrativosdecaráctergeneralexpedidosporlasCorporacionesmedianteloscuales ella se puede limitar la libre competencia económica; además de lo anterior el Ministerio del
se regule el uso, manejo, aprovechamiento y movilización de los recursos naturales renovables,MedioAmbienteseencuentraenprocesodeelaboracióndelareglamentaciónsobreelecoetiquetado
o que se dicten para la preservación o restauración del medio ambiente natural, bien sea que y el sello ambiental;
limitenelejerciciodederechosindividualesylibertadespúblicasoqueexijanlicenciaopermiso Queenelartículoquinto,seordenalaseparaciónenlafuentederesiduostóxicosypeligrosos
paraelejerciciodedeterminadaactividadporlamismacausa,enloscualessedebedaraplicación y su traslado a centros de transferencia o a puntos de acopio, para su posterior envió a plantas de
alprincipiodelrigorsubsidiario,seránenviados alMinisteriodelMedioAmbientedentrodelos tratamientoyaprovechamientofueradelasIslasoparasudepósitoenelrellenosanitariodeforma
quince(15)díassiguientesasuexpediciónconelobjetodequeestedecidasobrelaconveniencia segura y realiza una lista de dichos productos. Respecto a los puntos de transferencia y centros
de ampliar su vigencia, o darles a las medidas carácter permanente; de acopio, establece la obligación de la entidad territorial de establecerlos;
Que así las cosas, el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente es competente para pronunciarse sobre Que el artículo 6° de la Resolución 329 de 2002, prohíbe a las aerolíneas dejar sus residuos
las normas y medidas de policía ambiental y los actos administrativos de carácter general no degradables en el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina;
cuales se regule el uso, manejo de los recursos naturales renovables, o los dictados para la Que en los artículo 7° y 9° se prohíbe el ingreso de bebidas y comestibles al parque natural
“Johnny Cay Regional Park” y la introducción de residuos al Archipiélago con el fin de
preservaciónorestauracióndelmedioambientenatural,cuandoselimiteelejerciciodederechos incinerarlos o disponerlos en el mar o área terrestre;
individuales y libertades públicas, como la Resolución 329 del 5 de junio de 2002, emitida por Que el artículo 8° del acto administrativo que nos ocupa prohíbe a turistas y residentes dejar
Coralina;loanteriorenvirtuddelprincipioderigorsubsidiarioconsagradoenlaLey99de1993 en los cayos y playas envases, latas, bolsas plásticas y demás materiales a que se refiere la
y el Decreto, 1768 de 1994; Resolución 329 del 5 de junio de 2002;
QuelaConstituciónNacionaldeterminaenlosartículos79,80yenelnumeral8 delartículo Quelosartículos10y11serelacionanconlacolaboraciónqueprestarálafuerzapúblicapara
95,laobligacióndelEstadodeprotegerladiversidadeintegridaddelambiente,deconservaráreas realizarloscontrolesnecesariosylaimposicióndesancionesdequetratalaley99de1993ensu
de especial importancia ecológica, de prevenir y controlar los factores de deterioro ambientalartículo 85, por incumplimiento de las disposiciones contenidas en la Resolución 329 de 2002;
elderechodetodaslaspersonasagozardeunambientesano;asímismoconsagracomodeberde Que el artículo 12 establece la vigencia provisional de la Resolución 329 de 2002 de sesenta
las personas y del ciudadano proteger los recursos culturales y naturales del país y, velar podías y el envío al Ministerio del Medio Ambiente para que decida sobre la conveniencia de
conservación de un ambiente sano; prorrogar su vigencia o darle el carácter de permanente, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el
Que el Decreto 2811 de 1974, establece en el artículo 34 que en el manejo de residuos y
desechos se observarán como reglas las siguientes: artículo 63 de la Ley 99 de 1993 y el Decreto 1768 de 1994;
Que analizados los artículos 1°, 2°, 3°, 5°, 6°, 7°, 8°, 9°, 10, 11 y 12, de la resolución de
a) Se utilizarán los mejores métodos, para la recolección, tratamiento, procesamiento o Coralina 329 de 2002, se encuentran emitidos de acuerdo a la normatividad ambiental vigente
disposición final de residuos; específicamente la relacionada con el manejo de residuos, con el principio de rigor subsidiario y
b) Se fomentará la investigación científica; con la política para la Gestión Integral de residuos y en atención a las circunstancias locales
c)Seseñalaránmediosadecuadosparaeliminarycontrolarlosfocosproductoresdelmalolor; especiales del Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, que ameritan la adopción de medidas
Que el artículo 36 ibidem, consagra que para la disposición o procesamiento final de los especiales para la minimización de los residuos sólidos en el Archipiélago de San Andrés,
residuos se utilizarán los medios que permitan: Providencia y Santa Catalina, razones por las que el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente procederá
a pronunciarse en el sentido de dar a las medidas relacionadas establecidas por la Corporación,
a) Evitar el deterioro del ambiente y de la salud humana; el carácter de permanentes, a excepción de la establecida en el artículo cuarto del acto
b) Reutilizar sus componentes; administrativo en mención;
c) Producir nuevos bienes; En mérito de lo anterior,
d) Restaurar o mejorar los suelos; RESUELVE:
Que de acuerdo con el artículo 30 de la Ley 99 de 1993, las Corporaciones Autónomas
Regionales tendrán por objeto la ejecución de las políticas, planes, programas y proyectos sobre Artículo1°.DaralasmedidasadoptadasporlaCorporaciónparaelDesarrolloSostenibledel
medioambienteyrecursosnaturalesrenovables,asícomodarcumplidayoportunaaplicaciónalas Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, Coralina, en los artículos 1°, 2°, 3°,
disposiciones legales vigentes sobre su disposición, administración, manejo y aprovechamiento,5°, 6°, 7°, 8°, 9°, 10, 11 y 12 de la Resolución 329 del 5 de junio de 2002, el carácter de
conformealasregulaciones,pautasydirectricesexpedidasporelMinisteriodelMedioAmbiente; permanentes.
Artículo 2°. No ampliar la vigencia, ni darle el carácter permanente al artículo 4° de la
Que el numeral 12 del artículo 31 de la ley 99 de 1993, determina la competencia de las Resolución329del5dejuniode2002,expedidoporCoralina,porlasrazonesexpuestasenlaparte
Corporaciones Autónomas Regionales para ejercer las funciones de evaluación, control y motiva de la presente providencia.
seguimiento de los usos del agua, el suelo, el aire y los demás recursos naturales renovables, lo Artículo3°.NotificarpersonalmenteelcontenidodelpresenteactoadministrativoalDirector
cual comprenderá el vertimiento, emisión o incorporación de residuos líquidos, sólidos y General de la Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Archipiélago de San Andrés,
gaseosos al aire o a los suelos, que puedan causar daño o poner en peligro el normal desarrollProvidencia y Santa Catalina, Coralina.
Queconformealartículo37delaLey99de1993,laCorporaciónparaelDesarrolloSostenible Artículo 4°. Comunicar el presente acto administrativo a la Procuraduría Delegada para
del Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, Coralina, además de sus funcionessuntos Ambientales y Agrarios, a la alcaldía municipal de Providencia y Santa Catalina y a la
administrativasenrelaciónconlosrecursosnaturalesrenovables,seencuentraencargadaprincipal- Gobernación de San Andrés.
mente de promover la conservación y el aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales Artículo 5°. La presente resolución rige a partir de su publicación en el Diario Oficial.
renovables y del medio ambiente del Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina; Notifíquese, comuníquese, publíquese y cúmplase.
El Ministro del Medio Ambiente,
QuelajurisdiccióndeCoralinacomprendeelterritoriodeldepartamentoArchipiélagodeSan Juan Mayr maldonado.
Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, el mar territorial y la zona económica de explotación
exclusiva generadas de las porciones terrestres del archipiélago; (C. F.)
Que resulta pertinente destacar que el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa
Catalina se constituyó en reserva de la biosfera, conforme se determina en el parágrafo 2° del RESOLUCION NUMERO 1066 DE 2001
artículo 37 de la Ley 99 de 1993, correspondiéndole a Coralina, tomar medidas para la
minimización, el aprovechamiento y a disposición final de los residuos sólidos generados; (noviembre 26)
Que la Política para la Gestión Integral de Residuos, expedida por el Ministerio del Medio por la cual se abre una investigación, se eleva un pliego de cargos
Ambiente, tiene como principios específicos la reducción en el origen, el aprovechamiento y y se toman otras determinaciones.
valorización, el tratamiento, la transformación y la disposición final controlada; El Ministro del Medio Ambiente, en uso de sus facultades legales y en especial las
Que la Resolución 329 de 2002 fue expedida por Coralina, con sustento entre otras en las conferidas en los artículos 84 y siguientes de la Ley 99 de 1993, 197 y siguientes del Decreto
siguientes consideraciones: 1594 de 1984, y

– La riqueza biótica y la extrema fragilidad del Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y CONSIDERANDO:
Santa Catalina, por lo cual se requiere controlar los factores de deterioro ambiental en dicho Que mediante Resolución 341 del 4 de mayo de 2001, este Ministerio decidió no aceptar el
ecosistema. Plan de Manejo Ambiental presentado por la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes, DNE, para Annex 139

Edición 44.896
16 OFICIAL Sábado 10 de agosto de 2002

la actividad de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos mediante la aspersión aérea con glifosato y en su (...)” (Subrayas y negrillas fuera de texto).
defecto procedió a establecer unas medidas preventivas;
“ Artículo 7°.
Que el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente mediante Auto 516 del 16 de julio de 2001, requirió ▯(▯7967<,:;(▯79,:,5;(+(▯769▯3(▯▯▯▯▯▯79,*0:(▯*65*,7;6:▯▯6)1,;0=6:▯▯4,;6+636.I(:▯?▯<5▯+0:,J6
a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes, DNE, para que informara sobre las acciones experimental.Ellaincluyeloscomponentesdesuelos,aguas,microorganismosyvegetación.En
adelantadas en cumplimiento de la Resolución 341 de 2001; este contexto, el Ministerio considera que la propuesta presentada se ajusta a los requerimientos

Quemedianteoficioradicadoconelnúmero3110-1-1069del8deagostode2001laDirección 7,9;05,5;,:▯▯ #05▯ ,4)(9.6▯▯ +(+(▯ 3(▯ 5(;<9(3,@(▯ ?▯ 3(▯ (4730;<+▯ +,3▯ ;,4(▯▯ :<▯ +,:(996336▯ +,),9G▯ :,9
Nacional de Estupefacientes, DNE, remitió al Ministerio del Medio Ambiente el documento (*647(J(+6▯ 769▯ <5▯ ,8<076▯ 05;,9+0:*07305(906▯ ?▯ 4<3;0+0:*07305(906▯ ,5▯ G9,(:▯ 8<,▯ 05*3<?(5▯ 3(
denominado “Obligaciones establecidas a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes en la ecología, los suelos, la vegetación y el medio ambiente en general.
Resolución 341 de 2001”; Debido a que este requerimiento debió ser iniciado a los tres meses de expedida la

Que mediante oficio radicado con el número 3113-1-14331 del 7 de noviembre de 2001 la Resolución 0341 de 2001, deberá ser implementado de manera inmediata”. (Subrayas y
DirecciónNacionaldeEstupefacientes,DNE,entregóaesteMinisterioeldocumentodenomina- negrillas fuera de texto).
do “Plan de Manejo Ambiental del Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos ilícitos mediante CONSIDERACIONES JURIDICAS.
Aspersión Aérea con glifosato”, al igual que el documento relacionado con el Estado de Avance
de la Resolución 341 del 4 de mayo de 2001; +,9,*/6▯(▯.6@(9▯+,▯<5▯(4)0,5;,▯:(56▯▯▯(▯3,?▯.(9(5;0@(9G▯3(▯7(9;0*07(*0K5▯+,▯3(▯*64<50+(+▯,5▯3(:
Que la Resolución número 341 de 2001, estableció en el artículo 2°: “La Dirección Nacional decisiones que puedan afectarlo.
deestupefacientes,deberádesarrollardentrodeuntérminodehastaseis(6)meses,sobrelasáreas ▯:▯+,),9▯+,3▯▯:;(+6▯796;,.,9▯3(▯+0=,9:0+(+▯,▯05;,.90+(+▯+,3▯(4)0,5;,▯▯*65:,9=(9▯3(:▯G9,(:▯+,
especial importancia ecológica y fomentar la educación para el logro de estos fines”.
ambiental, conducentes a establecer la naturaleza y características de los posibles impactos Que el artículo 80 ibidem+0:765,▯▯A▯3▯▯:;(+6▯73(50-0*(9G▯▯,3▯4(5,16▯?▯(796=,*/(40,5;6▯+,
ambientales generados por dicha actividad en los cuatro (4) meses anteriores a la fecha de 36:▯9,*<9:6:▯5(;<9(3,:▯▯7(9(▯.(9(5;0@(9▯,3▯+,:(996336▯:6:;,50)3,▯▯:<▯*65:,9=(*0K5▯9,:;(<9(*0K5▯6
notificación del presente acto administrativo, prospectar los potenciales efectos ambientales en sustitución.
función de los hallazgos y proponer las medidas necesarias para mitigarlos y/o compensarlos”;
▯+,4G:▯▯ +,),9G▯ 79,=,509▯ ?▯ *65;963(9▯ 36:▯ -(*;69,:▯ +,▯ +,;,90696▯ (4)0,5;(3▯▯ 04765,9▯ 3(:
QuelaResoluciónnúmero341de2001,establecióenelartículo6°:“LaDirecciónNacional :(5*065,:▯3,.(3,:▯?▯,>0.09▯3(▯9,7(9(*0K5▯+,▯36:▯+(J6:▯*(<:(+6:▯
de Estupefacientes, debe adoptar de manera inmediata y eficiente las siguientes medidas de ▯:I▯40:46▯▯*667,9(9G▯*65▯6;9(:▯5(*065,:▯,5▯3(▯796;,**0K5▯+,▯36:▯,*6:0:;,4(:▯:0;<(+6:▯,5▯3(:
mitigación, compensación y control ambiental, sin perjuicio de las competencias del Ministerio
del Medio Ambiente para hacer seguimiento al cumplimiento de las mismas. @65(:▯-965;,90@(:D▯
Que el artículo 1° del Decreto 2811 de 1974 determina “El ambiente es patrimonio común.
(...) El Estado y los particulares deben participar en su preservación y manejo, que son de utilidad
b) Programa de inspección, verificación y control cuyo objetivo fundamental esté orientado pública e interés social.
/▯▯▯&▯▯▯▯▯&▯▯"▯'▯(▯#▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯(▯*▯▯▯▯▯▯"▯ ▯▯▯$ ▯▯▯▯▯5"▯▯▯▯!▯▯▯▯▯'▯▯▯▯!▯"▯▯#▯▯!▯▯▯"(▯ ▯▯)&▯"(▯ e interés social”;
la operación del Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos ilícitos. Que la Ley 9ª de 1979, consagra en el artículo 142, en materia de plaguicidas lo siguiente:
C▯ ▯=(3<(9▯ 79,=06▯ +0:,J6▯ 7(9(▯ ;(3▯ -05▯▯ 4,+0(5;,▯ 05+0*(+69,:▯ +,▯ ,-0*0,5*0(▯ ?▯ ,-,*;0=0+(+▯▯ 3(
aplicación de medidas de manejo ambiental del programa de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos; ▯9;I*<36▯ ▯
QuelaResoluciónnúmero341de2001,establecióenelartículo7°:“LaDirecciónNacional +,▯3(:▯G9,(:▯6▯,:7(*06:▯;9(;(+6:▯▯(:I▯*646▯3(▯*65;(405(*0K5▯+,▯796+<*;6:▯+,▯*65:<46▯/<4(56▯6
de Estupefacientes deberá iniciar dentro de los tres (3) meses siguientes a la notificación del del ambiente en general, de acuerdo con la reglamentación que expida el Ministerio de Salud;
presente acto administrativo, los siguientes programas de investigación.
QueelDecreto1843de1991,reglamentariodelostítulosIII,V,VIIyXIdelaLey9ª de1979,
C▯▯:;<+06▯+,▯3(▯9,.,5,9(*0K5▯?▯+05G40*(▯,*63K.0*(▯+,▯@65(:▯(:7,91(+(:▯▯4,+0(5;,▯7(9*,3(: sobre uso y manejo de plaguicidas en los artículos 82, 171 y 176 determinan lo siguiente:
demostrativasyrepresentativasdenúcleosdemayorconcentracióndecultivosilícitosobtenidos Artículo 82: “De los tipos de aplicación. En la aplicación de plaguicidas se consideran las
en el censo de 2000.
C▯▯,;,9405(9▯3(▯9,:0+<(30+(+▯+,3▯.30-6:(;6▯,5▯,3▯:<,36▯?▯:<▯(-,*;(*0K5▯,5▯3(▯79670,+(+▯-I:0*6-694(:▯ (H9,(▯ ?▯ ;,99,:;9,▯ 7(9(▯ 36:▯ +0-,9,5;,:▯ G4)0;6:▯▯ (.9I*63(:▯▯ 7,*<(906:▯▯ ,+0-0*(*065,:▯▯ G9,(
7L)30*(▯▯ 796+<*;6:▯ ▯(304,5;6:▯▯ 4(+,9(:▯▯ *<,96:▯ <▯ 6;96:▯▯ ?▯ =,/I*<36:▯▯ 7(9(▯ 36:▯ *<(3,:▯ +,),9G5
8<I40*(:▯?▯)063K.0*(:▯+,▯36:▯40:46:▯▯<;030@(5+6▯3(:▯40:4(:▯7(9*,3(:▯+,46:;9(;0=(:▯,5<5*0(+(: tenerse en cuenta y cumplirse las disposiciones establecidas por el Ministerio de Salud, Instituto
anteriormente; Colombiano Agropecuario, Instituto Nacional de los Recursos Naturales Renovable y del
Que la Subdirección de Licencias mediante Concepto Técnico número 992 del 23 de ▯4)0,5;,▯?▯+,4G:▯69.(50:46:▯+,3▯▯:;(+6▯,5▯:<:▯9,:7,*;0=6:▯*(476:▯+,▯*647,;,5*0(D▯
noviembre de 2001 se pronunció sobre la información allegada por la DNE en relación con el
Artículo 171. “Del cumplimiento de normas. Toda persona que se dedique al uso y manejo
cumplimiento de la Resolución 341 de 2001, y en particular en relación con el cumplimiento de +,▯73(.<0*0+(:▯▯+,),9G▯*<47309▯*65▯3(:▯5694(:▯05+0*(+(:▯,5▯,3▯79,:,5;,▯*(7I;<36▯▯+,▯(*<,9+6▯*65
36:▯(9;I*<36:▯(5;,90694,5;,▯;9(5:*90;6:▯:,J(3K▯36▯:0.<0,5;,▯ ,3▯;076▯+,▯(*;0=0+(+▯8<,▯+,:,47,J,D▯
“ Artículo 2°.
Artículo 176. “De las medidas ambientales generales. Es obligación de la persona natural o
LaDNEallegaunapropuestadeinvestigaciónquerecogelosrequerimientosdelosartículos 1<9I+0*(▯ 9,:765:()3,▯ +,3▯ <:6▯ 6▯ 4(5,16▯ +,▯ 73(.<0*0+(:▯▯ 690,5;(9▯ ,3▯ +0:,J6▯ +,▯ 3(:▯ 05:;(3(*065,:▯
2° y 7° de la Resolución 341, argumentando que el Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos determinarlaaplicacióndelosequiposyelproceso,detalmaneraqueéstosdisminuyanalmínimo
Ilícitos con Glifosato, PECIG ▯:,▯/(▯33,=(+6▯(▯*()6▯,5▯G9,(:▯8<,▯/(5▯:0+6▯05;,9=,50+(:▯769▯36: los riesgos de exposición, derivados de estas sustancias, hacia los trabajadores, la comunidad y
cultivadoresdecoca,inicialmentemediantelatalayquemadelbosqueyposteriormente,alolargo el ambiente preferiblemente en la fuente, pudiéndose aplicar entre otros, uno o varios de los
de la producción de coca, por el uso de agroquímicos y otros insumos químicos. En este sentido,
siguientes métodos: Sustitución de sustancias, cambio, encerramiento y/o aislamiento de los
3(▯▯▯▯▯4(50-0,:;(▯8<,▯56▯,:▯76:0)3,▯,=(3<(9▯,:;(:▯G9,(:▯6)1,;6▯+,3▯ 96.9(4(▯:05▯<5▯+0:,J6▯+, procesos, ventilación general, ventilación local, mantenimiento u otros que nuevas técnicas
05=,:;0.(*0K5▯8<,▯7,940;(▯05+,7,5+0@(9▯36:▯,-,*;6:▯+,▯3(▯(730*(*0K5▯+,3▯/,9)0*0+(▯▯30-6:(;6▯+, aconsejen. Métodos complementarios, tales como limitación de tiempo de exposición y protec-
(8<,33(:▯ :<:;(5*0(:▯ 8<I40*(:▯ <;030@(+(:▯ ,5▯ ,3▯ 796*,:6▯ +,▯ 73(5;(*0K5▯ +,▯ *<3;0=6:▯ 03I*0;*0K5▯7,9:65(3▯▯:,▯(730*(9G5▯*<(5+6▯3(:▯(5;,9069,:▯:,(5▯05:<-0*0,5;,:▯?▯+,),9G5▯;,5,9▯(<;690@(*0K5
producción de narcóticos.
Unavezanalizadoslosanterioresaspectos,esteMinisterioconsideradesdeelpuntodevista Que el artículo 84 de la Ley 99 de 1993 dispone: “ Sanciones y denuncias. Cuando ocurriere
técnico,queexistenunosimpactosambientalespreviosalaaspersión,locualgenerainterferencias violacióndenormassobreprotecciónambientalosobremanejoderecursosnaturalesrenovables,
para la evaluación de los impactos en el marco de las investigaciones requeridas, sin embargo, ,3▯▯050:;,906▯+,3▯▯,+06▯▯4)0,5;,▯6▯3(:▯▯69769(*065,:▯▯<;K564(:▯",.065(3,:▯04765+9G5▯3(:
ello no implica que no se realice la evaluación requerida por efecto de la aspersión, en los
sanciones que se prevén en el artículo siguiente, según el tipo de infracción y la gravedad de la
términosycondiciones establecidosenelartículo2°delaResolución341de2001.Porlotanto, 40:4(▯▯#0▯-<,9,▯,3▯*(:6▯▯+,5<5*0(9G5▯,3▯/,*/6▯(5;,▯3(:▯(<;690+(+,:▯*647,;,5;,:▯7(9(▯8<,▯:,▯050*0,
laDNEdeberáhacerelmonitoreoambientaltalcomoseindicaenlafichanúmero8desuplan la investigación penal respectiva”;
de manejo propuesto, complementada con los ajustes que más adelante se indican. Para esto, !<,▯(:I▯40:46▯,3▯7(9G.9(-6▯▯F▯+,3▯(9;I*<36▯▯
▯▯▯+,▯ ▯▯▯▯6
seefectúeapartirdelafechadelanotificacióndelapresenteresolución,laentregadeinformes al estatuto que lo modifique o sustituya;
trimestrales que den cuenta del avance del monitoreo indicado” (Subrayas y negrilla fuera de Que de conformidad con lo establecido en los artículos 197 y 205 del Decreto 1594 de 1984,
“Artículo 6° contra la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes, DNE, como se determina en la parte resolutiva
(...) de la presente providencia;
b) Programa de Inspección, verificación y control (PIVC) Que en mérito de lo expuesto, se

– Verificación de la efectividad de las medidas de manejo ambiental: RESUELVE:
Con respecto a la verificación de la efectividad de las medidas de manejo ambiental Artículo 1°. Abrir investigación a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes, DNE, por lo
propuestas por la DNE, este Ministerio considera que las acciones sugeridas por la DNE en el expuesto en la parte considerativa de la presente providencia.

PMApropuestosonviables.SinembargoytalcomoseindicóenlaResolución 0341de2001, Artículo 2°. Formular a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes, DNE, el siguiente pliego
el desarrollo de estas actividades debió hacerse de forma inmediata, por lo cual debe de cargos:
procederse de conformidad con lo allí indicado. 1. El presunto incumplimiento de la obligación contenida en el artículo 2° de la Resolución
– Evaluación de medidas de manejo ambiental mediante indicadores de eficiencia y
341 del 4 de mayo de 2001 en cuanto a los términos establecidos para su desarrollo.
efectividad. La DNE propone unos indicadores de medidas de manejo ambiental, para evaluar el 2. El presunto incumplimiento de las obligaciones establecidas en el literal b) del artículo 6°
niveldeafectacióndelasoperacionesdeaspersiónsobreasentamientoshumanosyotrostiposde de la Resolución 341 del 4 de mayo de 2001 en relación con la verificación en sitio, de la
coberturas, que incluye: el tipo de cobertura vegetal, evaluación de cultivos ilícitos, evaluacióefectividad de la aplicación de medidas de manejo ambiental durante la operación del Programa
+,▯ ▯99(+0*(*0K5▯ +,▯ ▯<3;0=6:▯ ▯3I*0;6:▯▯ ?▯ 3(▯ ,=(3<(*0K5▯▯ 79,=06▯ +0:,J6▯ 7(9(▯ ;(3▯ -05▯▯ 4,+0(5;,
número de viviendas presentes e identificación de cuerpos de agua lénticos. En el informe de indicadores de eficiencia y efectividad, así como la aplicación de medidas de manejo ambiental
(=(5*,▯ ,5;9,.(+6▯ (3▯ ▯050:;,906▯ ,5▯ (.6:;6▯ +,▯
▯▯ ▯▯ 3(▯ ▯▯▯▯ 796765,▯ <;030@(9▯ ,5▯ 3(▯ ,=(del programa de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos, en cuanto a los términos exigidos para su
requeridaindicadoresaseraplicadosporelPIVC, quesinembargocambianensuconcepciónal desarrollo.
presentar en noviembre la propuesta de PMA. Con base en lo anterior, el Ministerio acepta para
3. El presunto incumplimiento de las obligaciones establecidas en el artículo 7° de la
aplicación inmediata los indicadores arriba propuestos por la DNE y los incluidos en la ficha Resolución 341 del 4 de mayo de 2001, respecto al inicio de las investigaciones sobre la
número 8 del PMA, con las modificaciones hechas a la misma por este Ministerio. Tal como se 9,.,5,9(*0K5▯?▯+05G40*(▯,*63K.0*(▯+,▯3(:▯@65(:▯(:7,91(+(:▯,5▯7(9*,3(:▯+,46:;9(;0=(:▯?▯9,79,:,5▯
indicóenResolución0341de2001,eldesarrollodeestasactividadesdebióhacersedeforma tativas de los núcleos de mayor concentración de cultivos ilícitos, obtenidos en el censo de 2000
inmediata, por lo cual debe procederse de conformidad con lo allí indicado, esto es, de
y la determinación de la residualidad del glifosato en el suelo y su afectación en las propiedades
manera inmediato. físico químico y biológicas, en cuanto a los términos exigidos para su desarrollo.Annex 139

Edición 44.896
Sábado 10 de agosto de 2002 OFICIAL 17

Artículo3°.LaDirecciónNacionaldeEstupefacientes,contaráconuntérminodediez(10) 8.0 Como consecuencia de estos estudios se calcula el PCN para la pista actual (sin contar la
días contados a partir de la notificación de la presente providencia, para presentar por esnueva ampliación que se contrató en el año 2001 y se entregó en el 2002), y se encuentra que su
sus correspondientes descargos y aportar o solicitar la práctica de las pruebas pertinentesnúmero es de 11.
Parágrafo.Latotalidaddeloscostosquedemandelaprácticadepruebassolicitadascorrerán tieneunacapacidadtotalmenteinferioralamínimanecesariapararecibireltipodeaeronaveque
a cargo de la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes, DNE. está aterrizando, ya que para el avión 727 de Aerosucre se requiere un PCN mínimo de 40. Esta
Artículo 4°. Publicar el encabezado y la parte resolutiva del presente acto administraticonclusión se puede apreciar en el informe respectivo, fechado en junio 12 de 2002.
los términos establecidos en el artículo 70 de la Ley 99 de 1993. 10. En consecuencia con lo expuesto en el numeral 9.0, esta Dirección solicita se suspenda
Artículo 5°. Contra la presente providencia no procede recurso alguno. el proceso licitatorio de mantenimiento 2000062-OL-02 por ser una solución parcial que en el
Notifíquese, comuníquese, publíquese y cúmplase. largoplazoseconvertiríaenantieconómicaparala entidad,ysolicitaseadelantelaconstrucción
El Ministro del Medio Ambiente, total de una pista con PCN igual o superior a 40.
Juan Mayr Maldonado. 11. Mientras se adelanta el proceso de licitación para la construcción de la pista nueva (sin

(C. F.) contar la nueva ampliación que se contrató en el año 2001 y se entregó en el 2002) con un PCN
U NIDADES A DMINISTRATIVAS E SPECIALES obligada a mantener funcionando la actual pista (con PCN de 11), porque de lo contrario la zona
quedaría totalmente aislada.
12. En Consecuencia con lo expuesto en el numeral 11 esta Dirección recomienda no anular
Aeronáutica Civil PCN igual a 11.
Infraestructura Aeroportuaria da alcance, a la comunicación 5100088-2006 a de fecha junio 18
R ESOLUCIONES de 2002, determinando:

1.laObligacióndelaUAEACesdemanerageneral,elgarantizarlaseguridad delosusuarios
RESOLUCION NUMERO 03915 DE 2002 deltransporteaéreo.Endesarrollodeestamisión, launidaddebevelarporel funcionamientode
la infraestructura aeroportuaria de forma tal que permita el decolaje y el aterrizaje seguro de las
(agosto 5) aeronaves usuarias del aeropuerto. Esta obligación toca con el derecho fundamental a la vida,
por la cual se revoca la Resolución número 03318 del 26 de junio de 2002 puesto que los usuarios del servicio aéreo son los directos beneficiarios del cumplimiento de la
(apertura de la Licitación número 2000062/2002). obligación.
El Director Administrativo de la Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronáutica Civil, en 2.0 En consecuencia con lo expuesto y ante el daño focalizado que presentaba la pista del
ejercicio de las facultades conferidas por las Resoluciones número 04573 de fecha 19 de Aeropuerto de Mitú, se programó la solución a estas fallas por el rubro de mantenimiento. Lo
noviembre de 2001 y número 01254 de fecha 8 de abril de 2002, y anterior teniendo en cuanta que la unidad no contaba con los recursos necesarios para construir
CONSIDERANDO: lanuevapistaconcapacidad de40PCN.SetratabapuesdeconservarlapistadePCNiguala11.

1°. Que mediante Comunicación número 362-0633-02 de fecha 8 de abril de 2002 la 3.0ElDepartamentoAdministrativodePlaneaciónNacionalatravésdeldoctorJaimeGarcía
Dirección de Infraestructura solicitó se informara a la Cámara de Comercio la licitación cuinformó de la posibilidad de usar 6.000 millones excedentes de los ingresos de la segunda pista
objeto es “contratar mantenimiento mediante la repavimentación de la franja central de la pde el aeropuerto El Dorado, para utilizarlos en las obra de infraestructura prioritarias y que no
del Aeropuerto de Mitú”. tuvieran recursos.
2°.QueseexpidióelCertificadodeDisponibilidadnúmero1236defechaabril5de2002con 4.0 AnteestaposibilidadyteniendoencuantaquelosestudiosdePCNmostrabalanecesidad
la siguiente justificación “contratar el mantenimiento mediante la repavimentación de la frde construir una pista de mayor capacidad, se resuelve planear la construcción de por lo menos
central de la pista del Aeropuerto de Mití”. quince metros de franja de los veinte que presentan el problema, dejabdo para el 2003, cuando
3°. Que anexo a la Comunicación número 34-0445 de fecha mayo 24 de 2002 la Secretaría se consignan los recursos necesarios, la terminación de lo faltante. Se advierte que con estos
Aeroportuariaremitelosdocumentosantecedentesrelacionadosconlosestudiosaqueserefieren quince metros, complementados con la ampliación del año pasado, la pista puede operar.
los artículos 25, numerales 12 y 30 de la Ley 80 de 1993, tales como presupuesto oficial y Esta decisión se toma ponderando los principios de la economía y de la eficiencia ya que al
cantidades de obra, estudios de factibilidad y oportunidad, justificación, complejidad y alestar aterrizando aviones con ACN de 40 en una pista con capacidad de 11, se produce
planos y diseños preliminares y pliegos.
4°. Que por Resolución número 03318 del 26 de junio de 2002, se ordenó la apertura de lanecesariamenteundeteriorocontinuo,obligando a unmantenimientopermanenteenel cuallos
Licitación Pública número 2000062 de 2002 para contratar mantenimiento mediante la recursospúblicosfluiríanenun barrilsinfondo. Locorrectoesaprovechandoquepuedenllegar
repavimentación de la franja central de la pista del Aeropuerto de Mitú. recursos por construcción, planear la solución definitiva de la pista.
5.0 La anterior decisión lleva explícitamente al cumplimiento de los fines de la contratación
5°.QuesepublicaronavisosenelperiódicolaRepublicadel27dejuniode2002yenelDiario estatal, garantizando una operación segura en el municipio de Mitú.
Oficial del 29 de junio de 2002. 10.Quedeacuerdo,conlosoficiosdeordentécnicoanteriormentetranscritos,seobservaque
6°. Que las fechas previstas en el pliego de condiciones y avisos de prensa para la aperhan surgido hechos sobrevivientes al acto de apertura de la licitación, distintos a los que
cierre de la licitación fueron: determinaron su expedición, tornándolo incompatible con el interés general u opuesto al bien
Fecha de apertura: 15B de julio de 2002 a las 10:00 a.m. común.
Fecha audiencia de aclaraciones: 17 de julio de 2002 10:00 a.m.
Fecha de cierre: 16 de agosto de 2002 a las 10:00 a.m. 11.Quelajurisprudencianacionalensentenciadefechamayo5de19881delaCorteSuprema
7°. Que a la fecha no han comprado pliegos de condiciones, no se ha efectuado el cierre de Justicia Sala Constitucional determinó:
la licitación, ni se ha presentado oferta alguna. “...
8°.QueatravésdelaComunicación5100-088-2006Adefechajunio18de2002recibidoen comúnpuedeulteriormentetornarseeninconvenienteporllegaraserincompatibleoinarmónico
esta Dirección el día 22 de julio del año en curso, la Dirección de Infraestructura y la Secon el interés publico y aún contrario al bien común...”
AeroportuariasolicitandarporterminadoelprocesoLicitatorionúmero2000062/02teniendoen 12.QueenatenciónalajustificacióntécnicaplasmadaenlosOficiosnúmero5100-088-2006
cuanta los siguientes hechos: A de fecha junio 18 de 2002 y número 5100-088-2157 A de fecha julio 29 de 2002 suscritos por
... elDirectordeInfraestructura,nosepodríadesarrollarlafunciónconstitucionalquehacealusión
4 de junio de 2002. El administrador del aeropuerto en cuestión envía un oficio al doctor
William Vélez Botero, en donde le informa que Satena no volará más por el avanzado estado de la buena administración de los bienes del Estado, situación que conlleva a la Administración a
deterioro de la pista. acogerse a lo dispuesto en el artículo 25 de la Ley 80 de 1993 del principio de economía literal
5 de junio de 2002. El Gobernador de Vaupés dirige oficio al señor Director General, dondelcualdetermina“Laconvenienciaoinconvenienciadelobjetoacontratarylasautorizaciones
le informa la decisión de Satena de suspender los vuelos. y aprobaciones, se analizarán o impartirán al inicio del proceso de selección del contratista o al
de la firma del contrato según el caso”.
8 de junio de 2002. Viaja una comisión de los ingenieros Diana Contreras Bravo, Carlos 13. Que resulta evidente que con este proceso no se daría cumplimiento a lo previsto un el
Sánchez Lleras y Víctor Eduardo Guzmán Rojas, quienes recomiendan soluciones técnicas para artículo3°delaLey80de1993elcualdisponequelafinalidaddelacontrataciónes:“Delasfines
la coyuntura. de la contratación estatal. Los servidores públicos tendrán en consideración que al celebrar
5.0 Como consecuencia de estos daños, y teniendo en cuenta que el año inmediatamente contratos y con la ejecución de los misinos, las entidades buscan el cumplimiento de los fines
anterior, la misma zona había presentado otros daños puntuales, se planeó invertir una sumaestatales, la continua y eficiente prestación de los servicios públicos y la efectividad de los
cercanaalos1.200millonesdepesos,pormantenimiento,teniendoencuentaqueporserlosdaños derechos e intereses de los administradores que colaboran con ellas en la consecución de dichos
puntuales se estimo suficiente y eficiente desde el punto de vista económico, atacar el profines”.
solamente donde estaba focalizado. Consecuencia de este planeamiento fue el proyecto que dio
origen a la solicitud consignada en la Comunicación número 362-0633-02 de fecha abril 8 de 14.Queenesteordendeideas,sehacenecesariodaraplicaciónaloestablecidoenelnumeral
2002, por medio de la cual se solicita informar a la Cámara de Comercio sobre la licitaciónsegundo artículo 69 (causales de revocación) capítulo V de la revocatoria de los actos adminis-
correspondiente. trativos del Código Contencioso Administrativo el cual determina que los actos administrativos
Este proceso se respaldó con los estudios del ingeniero Javier Ortiz Moscoso habida cuentaberánserrevocadosporlosmismosfuncionariosqueloshayanexpedidooporsusinmediatos
que en los sitios donde se presentaba el problema, se encontró el mismo perfil estratigráficoperiores, de oficio o a solicitud de parte, cuando, entre otras, no estén conformes con el interés
público o social, o atenten contra él.
identificado por el estudio de la ampliación lateral. 12. Que por lo anteriormente expuesto, este Despacho
6.0 con fecha mayo 22 de 2002 la División de Procedimientos ATS solicita a la Dirección RESUELVE:
de Infraestructura Aeroportuaria mediante Oficio 181-241 revisar y verificar los PCN de varias
pistasdelpaís.AlmismotiempoelCapitánCabrera solicitaverbalmentealaDirecciónGeneral, Artículo 1°. Revocar la Resolución número 03318 del 26 de junio de 2002, por medio de
incluir en los estudios el PCN de la pista de Mitú. la cual se ordenó la apertura de la Licitación Pública número 2000062 de 2002 para contratar
7.0Confecha20dejuniodedesplazaunacomisiónencabezadapor elfuncionarioPedroPlata mantenimientomediantelarepavimentacióndelafranjacentraldelapistadelaeropuertodeMitú.
al Aeropuerto de Mitú, con el objeto de realizar estudios de suelos en la pista actual (sin contarculo 2°. No continuar con el proceso de selección.
la nueva ampliación que se contrató en el año 2001 y se entregó en el 2002), tendientes a Artículo3°.Lapresente,resoluciónsecomunicaráenlapáginawebyenunmediodeamplia
determinar su PCN. circulación para que los interesados se informen. Annex 140

Letter from Juan Mayr Maldonado, Minister of the Environment, Republic of Colombia, to Gabri-
el Merchan Benevides, Director General of the National Drug Directorate, Republic of Colombia
(2002) Annex 140


Bogotá, D.C.


General Manager
National Narcotics Directorate
Cra.16 A # 79 - 08
Fax: 257841ó


Dear Doctor Merchán:

For your information and other purposes, I am cordially delivering this Ministry's comments
regarding the document of Environmental Characterization issued by the department of
Putumayo, as delivered to the Committee / Inter-institutional agency established in Resolution
No 0005/2.000.


The document presents biophysical and socio-economic information on the department of

Putumayo compiled from secondary sources submitted by various entities at national and
regional levels. The document is used to make an initial subjective approach to assess the
potential risk for operations of the illicit crop eradication program via aerial spraying based on
two scenarios, the first refers to the development of the activity under favorable public order

conditions and the second refers to its development under adverse public order conditions.

Under these two scenarios, the document presents, among other things, a hypothetical proposal
for the identification of hazards through inhalation, ingestion, transport and bioconcentration of

the product with their respective classification terms corresponding to moderately significant,
insignificant and / or unreported.

Similarly, it presents a proposal for the description of two dangerous events capable of

generating risks, the first relates to the spraying of areas not covered by the program and the
second relates to the targeted and complete release.

[PAGE 2]

With respect to the first event, it defines that the greater likelihood of spraying areas which are
not subject of the program is related to errors in the process of spraying, which depend on public
order conditions and the difficulty of the operation itself. The following are among the probable

flaws: the untimely opening or closing of the valves, deviation from the line of flight due to
Calle 37 # 8 - 40 Edificio Anexo Piso 1 Phone: 3383900 - 3323434 Ext. 440 - 412
Bogotá - Colombia▯
▯Annex 140


attack or the risk of a plane crash, migration to buffer fringes due to human error, and aspersion
on crops with similar landscape patterns as compared to coca crops.

With respect to the second event, the document states that this could occur in the following
cases: due to an attack on the aircraft to facilitate its retreat, due to mechanical failure of the
aircraft, or a fault in the aspersion system.

Finally, it sets forth a probability analysis of the occurrence of threats, where the frequency of
the threat will be higher in areas where the program is implemented, than in those which are not
subject to the program.


The biophysical and socioeconomic characterization levels used (Scale 1:500:000), generally do

not correspond to the requirements of the proposed methodology for risk and threat assessment.

This situation is reflected in the results of analysis of related to hazardous threat and
vulnerability events, which are often supported by hypothetical parameters that do not allow

analysis or conclusion in accordance with the specific biophysical and socioeconomic
characteristics of areas that are subject to eradication with the herbicide.

Similarly, as a result of applying the risk assessment methodology to information under these

conditions of information, the classification of hazardous events is very subjective and is not
supported by duly supported technical and scientific arguments. In this sense, we do not
understand how the inhalation or ingestion of the product used to eradicate crops can be
classified as insignificant and fairly significant respectively.

It must be noted that the Amazon piedemonte region of the Putumayo is given special
importance, at a national level, in light of its high biodiversity index. Studies carried out by
research centers such as Instituto Humboldt (“Humboldt Institute”) suggest that the country’s

biodiversity tends to increase towards the south, over the eastern mountain range linking the
Andean to the Amazon ecosystem. This puts the sector of piedemonte in a location that consists
of one with the greatest national biodiversity. Given the above, this region was selected by
Resolution 108 of 2002 as one of the environmental monitoring areas.

[PAGE 3]

As a result of a subjective classification methodology for events, the results of the danger

analyses, the threat and vulnerability described by the document, do not lead to appropriate
recommendations, or to the definition of environmental management measures to guide
eradication operations in the department of Putumayo.

Calle 37 # 8 - 40 Edificio Anexo Piso 1 Phone: 3383900 - 3323434 Ext. 440 - 412
Bogotá - Colombia▯
▯ Annex 140


On another note, both the risk assessment methodology as well as the results presented by the
document, refer, in great measure, to what was submitted in the document of 30 January of last

year, evaluated by this Ministry at the time and the results of which constituted part of the
considerations which motivated issuance of Resolution No. 0341 of March 2001.

Subsequently, DNE presented an Environmental Management Plan which was evaluated and

imposed by this Ministry, as well as additional obligations through Resolutions 1065 of 2001 and
108 of 2002, which require compliance.

In accordance with the above, the Ministry of Environment considers that the elements

incorporated in the Environmental Management Plan imposed on the DNE must be taken into
account in future environmental characterizations, aiming to protect natural resources, exclusion
areas, natural park system areas, human settlement areas, areas with plant coverage other than
illicit crops, areas of socioeconomic interest, bodies of water and their sources, as well as the

ecosystems, among others.




Calle 37 # 8 - 40 Edificio Anexo Piso 1 Phone: 3383900 - 3323434 Ext. 440 - 412
Bogotá - Colombia▯
▯Annex 140Annex 140Annex 140Annex 140Annex 140 Annex 141

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯ (31 Jan. 2002) Annex 141




In exercise of its statutory powers conferred by the Act 99 of 1993, Decree 1753 of 1994 and
Articles 50 et seq of the Administrative Code and


The Ministry of the Environment through Resolution 1065 dated 26 November 2001,
implemented the Environmental Management Plan submitted by the National Narcotics
Directorate-DNE-to address the activity called "Program for the Eradication of Illicit Crops via

Aerial Spraying of Glyphosate" in the national territory, pursuant to the terms and conditions set
forth in said administrative act.

The ruling set forth in the preceding paragraph was personally served on the National Director of

Narcotics, Dr. GABRIEL MERCHAN BENAVIDES, on December 3, 2001, according to the
record contained in the case file.

Also on 5 December 2001, Dr. YAMILE SALINAS ABDALA, in her capacity as the Advocate
for Collective Affairs and Environment of the Ombudsman, and Mr. HECTOR SUAREZ

ALFREDO MEJIA were personally served with Resolution 1065 dated 26 November 2001, as
intervening third parties.

The Ministry of Environment proceeded to notify the remaining third intervening parties
identified in the case file No. 793 by Edict, which was issued on 7 December and revoked on 20

December 2001.

By means of a proceeding based in this Ministry identified as No. 3111-1-15724 dated 10
December 2001, the National Narcotics Directorate-DNE-filed within the legal time limit, an

appeal against the Resolution 1065 dated November 26, 2001, aiming that its content be
modified or clarified.

In the same manner, via letter filed in this Ministry with the No. 3111-1-15724 dated 12

SUAREZ MEJIA, as intervening third parties in the case file 793, filed a request for
reconsideration of Resolution 1065 dated November 26, 2001 within the legal appeal, in order to
request its revocation in its entirety and also order the suspension of the “Program for the
Eradication of Illicit Crops by Aerial Spraying of Glyphosate" in the national territory, according
to the arguments set forth within the appeal.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 267 of the Administrative Code and in accordance with
Article 330 of the Code of Civil Procedure, it is understood that Mrs. Claudia Sampedro Torres,

▯Annex 141


was notified of the Concluding Order of Resolution 1065 of 26 November 2001, each time that
she filed a legal appeal.

[PAGE 2]

Once the above-referenced proceedings were transferred to this Ministry, they were submitted
for consideration to the Subdirectorate of Environmental Licenses, which issued the Technical
Concept No 95 dated 17 January 2002, which provded from a technical perspective as the basis
to resolve the filed appeals.

For the purpose of resolving the filed appeals against Resolution 1065 dated: 26m November
2001, each appeal will be analyzed in the following manner:


DNE's arguments are summarized as follows:
1.1 Lack of jurisdiction of the National Narcotics Directorate to implement the entirety of the
Environmental Management Plan - PMA, arguing that its role is the coordination of the
Program of Eradication of Illicit Crops with Glyphosate – PECIG.

1.2 Validity of Resolution 341 of 2001 in light of the obligations imposed on the DNE by
Resolution 1065 of 2001.

1.3 Failure to satisfy the requirements contained in Resolution 1065 of year 2001, especially in
relation to the Environmental Management Plan.

1.4 Legal Considerations with respect to each of the articles of the operative paragraphs of
Resolution 1065 of 2001.


The appellant outlined at pages 2, 3, 6, 14, 15, 51 and 53, among others, arguments concerning
the National Narcotics Directorate’s lack of jurisdiction to assume responsibility for the full
implementation of the Environmental Management Plan-PMA-, because in said implementation
different types of entities intervene such as, the Narcotics Division of the National Police-

DIRAN-, the National Narcotics Council –CNE- the Colombian Agricultural Institute –ICA-, the
Ministry of Health, the Special Administrative Unit of the National Natural Park Systems l-
UAESPNN-, and the Ministry of Environment and therefore, the Ministry of Environment
should integrate a Joint Litigation in order to assign and allocate responsibilities to the different

To support this argument, the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTIVE—DNE—in addition
to transcribing some of the functions of some of the above-mentioned entities, refers to the Sheet

▯ Annex 141


N ° 12 of the PMA, which outlines the Environmental Management Program and Interagency

In a similar sense, it is worth mentioning and analyzing that the NATIONAL NARCOTICS
DIRECTORATE-DNE-in the administrative appeal stated: "The 6 points in which the National

Narcotics Directorate is requested to expand upon, reformulate and clarify of the Environmental
Management Plan, required in order to carry out the participation of different entities at the
national and regional levels, and it is therefore necessary to define time, terms, budgets,
agreements, covenants and other technical and administrative aspects, without which you cannot

fulfill the requirements of this Ministry."

This point regarding mandatory compliance to achieve the intended effectiveness and efficiency
in the development of the standard that refers to a type of JOINT LITIGATION which has not
been addressed, in so far as, the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE soley coordinates

the PECIG, we repeat, it does not implement it. The Ministry of Environment did not consider
and, therefore, did not decide whether a joint litigation should incorporate the different entities
and individuals. Each entity, in relation to the subject, has constitutional and legal obligations
that cannot relieve the DNE ...”

[PAGE 3]


To begin, it is necessary to call attention to the fact that Sheet No. 12 of the Environmental
Management Plan refers to the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE- DNE- indicates
the following at page 4:"The DNE, as the executive secretary of the CNE, is responsible for
coordinating the development and implementation of the PMA (according to article 93 of Law
30/86)”. Based on the foregoing, it is clear who is responsible for the implementation of the

PMA, which is why it is not understood why the National Narcotics Directorate-DNE-claims to
have no jurisdiction to implement the Environmental Management Plan, even when, in addition
to having formulated the plan, since 1998 this entity has been acting as the legal person
responsible for obtaining the approval for the Environmental Management Plan PECIG from the

Ministry of Environment.

In this regard, it is worth remembering that the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-
DNE-, was created to coordinate the development and implementation of policies of control,
prevention and suppression of narcotic drugs, and consequently, it is its duty to coordinate the

development and implementation of the Program of Eradication of Illicit Crops with Glyphosate-

By imposing the Environmental Management Plan on the NATIONAL NARCOTICS
DIRECTORATE- DNE- the Ministry of Environment does not ignore the coordination and

execution functions assigned to it by law, nor does it set new ones, nor does it disregard the
jurisdiction of other institutions. Therefore, it is clear that in developing the Environmental
Management Plan as part of the PECIG, different actors intervene, either as a result of contracts
or agreements, or within the framework of the duties assigned to them by law, but it is necessary

▯Annex 141


that the entity who assumes responsibility before the Environmental Authority (Ministry of
Environment) for the proper performance and compliance with the obligations imposed by the
Environmental Management Plan, is the entity that, pursuant to the law, is responsible for the
coordination, development and implementation of the PECIG, which is the NATIONAL

In other words, the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE -DNE is the government
agency that is responsible for coordination, implementation and enforcement of the
Environmental Management Plan, as this is an integral part of the PECIG. That is to say, it is

responsible for ensuring that in the development of the PECIG, the management measures,
prevention, mitigation, environmental control and compensation are observed and taken into
account by the actors under its coordination, as appropriate.

For all the above, it is not necessary, as requested by the NATIONAL NARCOTICS

DIRECTORATE –DNE-, to clarify roles and responsibilities which have already been defined
by law and assigned to them by various institutions, and it should be reiterated that the entity
responsible to this Ministry for compliance with all obligations contained in the Environmental
Management Plan is the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE- , given that it
would not be appropriate for the Ministry of Environment to spread the responsibility of

enforcement of the plan.

Finally, the concept of a joint litigation cannot be applied, since the action referred to in the
contested decision calls for an administrative action and not a legal procedural impediment, a

situation that the Code of Civil Procedure requires in order to establish the concept of joint

The joint litigation is a situation and a procedural relationship which results from the plurality of
persons that, due to the effect of an action filed in court are plaintiffs or defendants in the same

case and in the same cause of action, which results in a commonality of interests and cooperation
in the defense and not before administrative entities, but it should be noted that before resorting
to the public administration, the recourse must include the exhaustion of all governmental

[PAGE 4]



With respect to Resolution 341 of year 2001, the DNE requests that the validity of the same be
clarified in light of the obligations imposed by Resolution 1065 of 2001 and that the
development of certain obligations imposed therein be reconsidered. In this vein, the

NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-DNE-now considers each and every one of the
arguments that the Ministry of Environment sets forth in the preamble of Resolution 1065 of
2001 in relation to the monitoring of its compliance with Resolution 341 of 2001. The analysis

▯ Annex 141


by the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-DNE- on this matter can be summarized
as follows:

a) With respect to those articles of Resolution 341 of year 2001 that the Ministry of Environment
considers to have been fulfilled or are acceptable (Article 5 paragraph c), Article 6 subparagraph

a), Articles 8 and 9), the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE- shares this
assertion, i.e., does not make any substantive argument about these.

b) Regarding those articles of Resolution 341 of year 2001 that the Ministry of Environment

considers that the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE- has failed to fulfill or
must implement immediately (Articles 2, 3, 4, 5 a), b), d), e), 6 subparagraph b), 7) the latter
considers that it has already done so or argues the reasons why it could not or cannot comply and
therefore, requests that such obligation be amended.


On this point, it should be noted that the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE –
DNE-, cannot, under the pretext of Resolution 1065 of 2001, request reconsideration of the
obligations imposed by Resolution 341 of 2001, since as noted therein, the filing of an appeal

against this resolution is not appropriate.

It is one thing to issue decisions regarding compliance with Resolution 341 of 2001, as the
Ministry of the Environment did in the preamble of Resolution 1065 of 2001 but it is quite

another to pretend to open the discussion on the relevance of the obligations and measures
imposed by Resolution 341 of 2001.

Now, with respect to those obligations that the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE –
DNE- considers have been met, this is also not the appropriate procedural opportunity to contest

what was affirmed by the Ministry of Environment, since an administrative proceedings has been
initiated aimed at opening an investigation into the failure to comply with some of the
requirements contained in Resolution 341 of 2001, and it is in this manner in which they should
settle their differences.

The Ministry of Environment in Resolution No. 1065 of 2001, as indicated in paragraph 1 of said
resolution, refers to the compliance by the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE –
DNE- with Resolution No. 341 of 2001, in which the report submitted by the NATIONAL
NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE- is evaluated, in compliance with the obligations

contained in the aforementioned resolution and as it relates to the obligations to the
Environmental Management Plan submitted by the NATIONAL NARCOTICS

As a result of the assessment, the Ministry of Environment amended Article Five paragraphs a)

and b) of Resolution 341 of 2001, in reference to the breadth of submission required for the
cartographic information, and taking into account the arguments presented by the NATIONAL
NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE-, which were based on concepts expressed by the
IGAC and set out in Resolution 1065

▯Annex 141


[PAGE 5]

of November 26, 2001. The other articles in Resolution 341 of 2001, determined those that
would fulfill the Ministry of the Environment's requirements, and mandated the investigation
against the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE -DNE- be pursued in regards to

those articles which have not been complied with.

Taking into account the foregoing, arguments proposed by the National Narcotics Directorate
regarding the effect of Resolution 341 of 2001, are not acceptable.


Data No. 1. Spraying Operations Management Program

The NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE -DNE- states that the agreed buffer zones
extend beyond those set forth in 1999 Decree 1843 with respect to the distance which it is
stipulated for still bodies of water located within the herbicide application area. The

NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE also maintains that insofar as the zones imposed
on the areas surrounding the Natural National Parks is concerned, in the event that these are
lodged therein, illicit crops would be encouraged to grow which would place National Parks at
risk. Finally, it states that the Ministry of the Environment by determining these zones, is

assuming functions outside its jurisdiction.


In relation to the 200 meter long buffer zone stipulated by the Ministry of the Environment to

protect still bodies of water, it is important to clarify that 1999 Decree 1843, includes precepts of
an environmental nature for the application of pesticides in different fields other than those
related to illicit crops eradication and which do not limit the Ministry’s powers, i.e. this Decree
determines technical parameters for the application and management of pesticides for illicit

crops, and provides that operations be carried out under normal conditions, a scenario in which
possible environmental impacts are completely different from the ICEPG.

As for the parks’ protected zones under the scope of the Natural National Park system’s Special
Administrative Unit, this Ministry considered a 2,000 meter long zone given the strategic eco-

system’s importance, as well as environmental characteristics, based on the preventive action
principle and the proposal by the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE -DNE- (1.000
meters) in the first compliance progress report in Resolution 341of May, 2001.

From the functionality perspective of the eco-systems found in the parks, it should be taken into

account that their bordering areas, more than artificial borders are borders that interrelate with
organisms (flora and fauna) and natural resources contained within and without its borders,
therefore impacts sustained by the surrounding areas may be harmful to ecosystems, resources

▯ Annex 141


and species located within the natural parks considered of value, not only for the country, but
also for humanity.

Moreover, the Ministry of the Environment in 2001 Resolution 1065 based its determination
concerning the 2000 meter security zone surrounding the Natural National Park system on the

risks associated with the drift effects of the Glyphosate when it is sprayed over illicit crops, as
well as the fragility of the eco-systems found in these areas, and their strategic importance from a
social, economic and ecological standpoint.

[PAGE 12]

Regarding the legal considerations raised by the appellant, relating to the implementation of the
legal framework in force that governs the activity of illegal crops, it is necessary to note that the

Ministry of Environment based itself on the current environmental regulations and standards
applicable to illicit crops, and with them as a basis, established the Environmental Management
Plan for the activities of illicit crop eradication, and not for legal crThe mentioned
eradication, as is specified in the relevant decrees, is the responsibility of the NATIONAL

With respect to the implementation of Decree 1843 of 1991 (legal crops) only general principles
were employed, however these constitute a rule that is designed to control and perform
epidemiological monitoring of the use and handling of pesticides, which is the case of the

program for eradication of illicit crops that the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-
DNE is in charge of", under which, the environmental authorities have fully established powers.

Article 38 applies to the activity in question, in other words, to the imposition of the
Environmental Management Plan, because its actions have been initiated before the entry into

force of Decree 1753 of 1994, in the sense that the environmental authorities may require an
Environmental Management Plan for all projects, works or activities, that were being fully
implemented before the issuance of Law 99 of 1993, which is the case that is now being
discussed regarding the activity of eradication of illicit crops.


The NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-DNE- makes specific requests relative to

each of the articles in the mentioned resolution, to which they respond as the Ministry of
Environment indicates below. In this aspect, the relevant citations will be made to each article,
including the request, and, in each case, with reference to the considerations and legal and
technical elements discussed in the preamble to that Resolution.

Article One.

▯Annex 141


Under this Article, the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-DNE- requests the
amendment of the same, requesting specification of the scope of the coordinating role of the
authorities and persons involved in the PECIG.

On the other hand, theNATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE- DNE- refers to Article 2
of Decree 1753 of 1994 with the purpose, according to the appellant, to give such article an
adequate application.


As has been repeatedly stated throughout this paper, it is clear to the Ministry, that the
compliance with the Environmental Management Plan, which is an integral part of the PECIG,

with the help of other institutions, whether they be operational or supporting, is the responsibility
of theNATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE- DNE- pursuant to legal provisions.

With respect to Decree 1753 of 1994, the appellant has misinterpreted such decree, in
establishing that the Ministry of Environment violates the very nature of the Environmental

License and that the Environmental Management Plan is a way to avoid it for certain activities.

The appellant must understand that the Environmental License is the administrative authorization
that is granted before starting a project, work or activity, and Decree 1753 of 1994 in its

transitional Article 38, considering that certain activities were…

▯ Annex 141




En uso de sus facultades legales conferidas en la Ley 99 de 1993, del Decreto 1753 de
1994 y los Artículos 50 y siguientes del Código Contencioso Administrativo y


Que el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente mediante Resolución 1065 del 26 de noviembre de
2001, impuso el Plan de Manejo Ambiental presentado por la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL

DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE-, para la actividad denominada “Programa de
Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos mediante la Aspersión Aérea con Glifosato” en el territorio
nacional, en los términos y condiciones establecidos en el mencionado acto

Que la providencia enunciada en el considerando anterior fue notificada personalmente al
Director Nacional de Estupefacientes, doctor GABRIEL MERCHAN BENAVIDES el 3 de
diciembre de 2001, de acuerdo con la constancia que obra en el expediente.

Igualmente el 5 de diciembre de 2001, se le notificó personalmente la Resolución 1065 del
26 de noviembre de 2001, a la Doctora YAMILE SALINAS ABDALA, en su calidad de
Defensora Delegada para Asuntos Colectivos y del Ambiente de la Defensoría del Pueblo

y al Señor HECTOR ALFREDO SUAREZ MEJIA, en calidad de terceros intervinientes.

Que el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente procedió a notificar a los demás terceros

intervinientes reconocidos dentro del Expediente 793 mediante Edicto, el cual fue fijado el
7 de diciembre y desfijado el 20 de diciembre de 2001.

Que mediante oficio radicado en este Ministerio con el Nº 3111-1-15724 del 10 de

interpuso dentro del término legal recurso de reposición contra la Resolución 1065 del 26
de noviembre de 2001, con el fin de que sea modificada o aclarada en los apartes que
indica dentro del mismo.

Que igualmente, mediante escrito radicado en este Ministerio con el N° 3111-1-15724 del
12 de diciembre de 2001, los señores CLAUDIA SAMPEDRO TORRES y HECTOR
ALFREDO SUAREZ MEJIA, como terceros intervinientes en el expediente 793,

interpusieron dentro del término legal recurso de reposición contra la Resolución 1065 del
26 de noviembre de 2001, con el fin de que sea revocada en su totalidad y en su lugar se
ordene la suspensión del “Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos mediante la

Aspersión Aérea con Glifosato” en el territorio nacional, de acuerdo con los argumentos
señalados dentro del mismo.

Que de conformidad con lo previsto en el Artículo 267 del Código Contencioso

Administrativo en concordancia con el Artículo 330 del Código de Procedimiento Civil se
entiende que la señora CLAUDIA SAMPEDRO TORRES, se dio por notificada por
Conducta Concluyente de la Resolución 1065 del 26 de noviembre de 2001, toda vez que
interpuso recurso de reposición.Annex 141




Que una vez radicados en este Ministerio los recursos en referencia, los mismos fueron

sometidos a consideración de la Subdirección de Licencias Ambientales, la cual expidió el
Concepto Técnico No 95 del 17 de enero de 2002, el cual sirvió de sustento desde el
punto de vista técnico para resolver los recursos interpuestos.

Que para efecto de resolver los recursos interpuestos contra la Resolución 1065 del 26 de

noviembre de 2001, se analizarán de manera separada cada uno de ellos así:


Los argumentos de la DNE se resumen de la siguiente manera:

1.1 Falta de competencia de la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes para ejecutar la
totalidad del Plan de Manejo Ambiental – PMA, por considerar que su función es
de coordinación del Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos con Glifosato –

1.2 Vigencia de la Resolución 341 de 2001 frente a las obligaciones impuestas a la
DNE en la Resolución 1065 de 2001.
1.3 Inconformidad frente a requerimientos contenidos en la Resolución 1065 de 2001,
especialmente en lo referente al Plan de Manejo Ambiental.

1.4 Consideraciones Jurídicas en lo que respecta a cada uno de los artículos de la
parte resolutiva de la Resolución 1065 de 2001.



El recurrente esboza a folios 2, 3, 6, 14, 15, 51 y 53, entre otros, argumentos referentes a
su falta de competencia para asumir la responsabilidad de la totalidad de la ejecución del
Plan de Manejo Ambiental -PMA-, por cuanto en dicha ejecución intervienen entidades de

distinto orden tales como la Dirección Antinarcóticos de la Policía Nacional -DIRAN-, el
Consejo Nacional de Estupefacientes -CNE-, el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario -ICA-,
Ministerio de Salud, Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques Nacionales
Naturales -UAESPNN-, y Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y por consiguiente, el Ministerio

del Medio Ambiente debió integrar un Litisconsorcio para asignar y distribuir
responsabilidades a las distintas entidades.

Para sustentar este argumento, la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –

DNE- además de transcribir las funciones de algunas de las entidades antes
mencionadas, hace referencia a la Ficha N° 12 del PMA en la cual se especifica el
Programa de Administración Ambiental y Coordinación Interinstitucional.

En este mismo sentido, es conveniente mencionar y analizar que la DIRECCIÓN
NACIONAL DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE- en el recurso de reposición precisó: “Los 6
puntos mediante los cuales se solicita a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes ampliar,
reformular y precisar el Plan de Manejo Ambiental, requieren para realizarse de la

participación de diferentes entidades del orden nacional y regional, y para ello es
necesario definir tiempos, términos, presupuestos, acuerdos, convenios y demás aspectos
técnicos y administrativos, sin los cuales no se podrá dar cumplimiento a los
requerimientos de ese Ministerio.”

Este punto de obligatoria observancia para la eficacia y eficiencia pretendidas en la
elaboración de la norma, hace referencia a una especie de LITISCONSORCIO que no ha

sido atendido, en cuanto, la DIRECCION NACIONAL ESTUPEFACIENTES solamente
coordina el PECIG, se reitera, no lo ejecuta. El Ministerio del Medio Ambiente no
consideró y, por lo tanto, tampoco decidió un litisconsorcio que debe estar integrado por
diferentes entidades y personas. Cada entidad, en relación con el tema, tiene obligaciones

constitucionales y legales que no puede relevar la DNE...”. Annex 141





Para comenzar, es preciso llamar la atención al hecho que precisamente en la Ficha N°
12 del PMA a que hace referencia la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –
DNE-, se señala lo siguiente a folio 4: “La DNE, como secretaría ejecutiva del CNE, tiene
la responsabilidad de coordinar la elaboración y ejecución del PMA (según artículo 93 de

la Ley 30/86)”. De lo anterior es claro en cabeza de quién está la responsabilidad de la
ejecución del PMA, por lo que no se entiende porque la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE
ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE- alega no tener competencia para la ejecución del Plan de
Manejo Ambiental, mas aún cuando, además de haber formulado el mismo, desde 1998

esa entidad ha venido actuando como la persona jurídica responsable de obtener la
aprobación del Plan de Manejo Ambiental del PECIG ante el Ministerio del Medio

A este respecto, vale recordar que la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE ESTUPEFACIENTES

–DNE- fue creada para coordinar el desarrollo y ejecución de las políticas en materia de
control, prevención y represión de estupefacientes; en consecuencia, le corresponde
coordinar el desarrollo y ejecución del Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos con
Glifosato - PECIG.

Al imponer el Plan de Manejo Ambiental a la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE

ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE-, el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente no desconoce las
funciones de coordinación y ejecución asignadas a ella por la ley, ni fija otras nuevas, así
como tampoco desconoce las competencias propias de otras instituciones. Por ello, es
claro que en el desarrollo del Plan de Manejo Ambiental como parte del PECIG,

intervienen distintos actores, bien como consecuencia de contrataciones o convenios, o
en el marco de las funciones asignadas a ellos por la ley; pero necesariamente, quien
asume la responsabilidad ante la Autoridad Ambiental (Ministerio del Medio Ambiente) por
el cabal desempeño y cumplimiento de las obligaciones impuestas en el Plan de Manejo

Ambiental, es quién de acuerdo con lo que señala la ley, tiene a su cargo la coordinación,
desarrollo y ejecución del PECIG, esto es, la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE


entidad gubernamental que tiene bajo su responsabilidad la coordinación, puesta en
marcha y ejecución del Plan de Manejo Ambiental, por ser este parte integral del PECIG.
Es decir, es la encargada de velar porque en el desarrollo del PECIG, se observen y
tengan en cuenta por los actores que estén bajo su coordinación, las medidas de manejo,

prevención, mitigación, control y compensación ambiental a que haya lugar.

Por todo lo anterior, no es necesario, como lo solicita la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE
ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE-, aclarar funciones y responsabilidades que ya están
definidas por la ley en cabeza de distintas instituciones, y debe reiterarse que el

responsable ante este Ministerio del cumplimiento de las obligaciones contenidas en el
DNE-, ya que mal podría el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente atomizar la responsabilidad del
cumplimiento del mismo.

Finalmente, no puede aplicarse la figura del litisconsorcio, por cuanto la actuación a que
se refiere la resolución recurrida, hace relación a una actuación administrativa y no a un
entrabamiento jurídico procesal, situación a la cual se refiere el Código de Procedimiento
Civil al establecer la figura del litisconsorcio.

El litisconsorcio es una situación y relación procesal surgida de la pluralidad de personas

que, por efecto de una acción entablada judicialmente son actoras o demandadas en la
misma causa, con la consecuencia de la solidaridad de intereses y la colaboración en la
defensa y no ante las entidades administrativas, pues se debe tener en cuenta que ante la

administración pública lo que se da es el agotamiento de la vía gubernativa.Annex 141






En relación con la Resolución 341 de 2001, la DNE solicita que se precise la vigencia de
la misma frente a las obligaciones impuestas en la Resolución 1065 de 2001 y que se

reconsidere el desarrollo de algunas obligaciones allí impuestas. En este orden de ideas,
cada uno de los argumentos que el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente desarrolla en la parte
considerativa de la Resolución 1065 de 2001, en relación con el seguimiento al

cumplimiento de la Resolución 341 de 2001. El análisis que hace la DIRECCIÓN
NACIONAL DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE- sobre este aspecto se puede resumir de la
siguiente manera:

a) En relación con aquellos artículos de la Resolución 341 de 2001 que el Ministerio
del Medio Ambiente considera que se han cumplido o son aceptables (artículos 5
literal c), 6 literal a), 8 y 9), la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –
DNE- comparte esta aseveración, es decir, no hace comentarios de fondo sobre

los mismos.
b) En relación con aquellos artículos de la Resolución 341 de 2001 respecto de los
cuales el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente considera que la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL
DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE- no ha cumplido o debe implementar de manera

inmediata (artículos 2, 3, 4, 5 literales a), b), d), e), 6 literal b), 7) ésta última
considera que sí lo ha hecho o argumenta las razones por las cuales no ha podido
o no puede cumplir y solicita en consecuencia que se modifique la obligación.


Sobre este aspecto, es necesario precisar que la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE
ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE- no puede, bajo el pretexto de recurrir la Resolución 1065 de
2001, solicitar reconsideración de las obligaciones impuestas en la Resolución 341 de

2001, toda vez que como allí se indicó, contra dicha Resolución no procedía recurso

Una cosa es pronunciarse sobre el seguimiento al cumplimiento de la Resolución 341 de
2001, como lo hizo el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente en la parte considerativa de la

Resolución 1065 de 2001 y otra bien distinta es pretender abrir la discusión sobre la
pertinencia de las obligaciones y medidas impuestas en la Resolución 341 de 2001.

Ahora bien, en relación con aquellas obligaciones que la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE
ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE- considera que se han cumplido, no es esta tampoco la

oportunidad procesal para controvertir lo afirmado por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente,
toda vez que se ha iniciado trámite administrativo tendiente a abrir una investigación por
el incumplimiento de algunos de los requerimientos contenidos en la Resolución 341 de
2001, y es en este escenario donde se deben dirimir las diferencias.

El Ministerio del Medio Ambiente en la Resolución No. 1065 de 2001, como se indica en el

numeral 1 de la misma se refiere al cumplimiento por parte de la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL
DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE- a la Resolución N° 341 de 2001, en la cual evalúa el
cumplimiento a las obligaciones impuestas en la Resolución mencionada y relaciona estas

obligaciones con el Plan de Manejo Ambiental presentado por la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL

Como consecuencia de la evaluación realizada, el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente modificó
el Artículo Quinto literales a) y b) de la Resolución 341 de 2001, en lo relacionado con la
escala de presentación de la información cartográfica considerando los argumentos

estaban basados en conceptos emitidos por el IGAC y establecidos en la Resolución 1065 Annex 141




Respecto a las consideraciones jurídicas planteadas por el recurrente, relacionadas con la
aplicación de la normatividad vigente para la actividad de cultivos ilícitos, es necesario
precisar que el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente se fundamentó en la normatividad
ambiental vigente y en las normas aplicables a cultivos ilícitos, y con base en ellas,

establece el Plan de Manejo Ambiental para las actividades de erradicación de cultivos
ilícitos, y no para los cultivos lícitos, siendo la erradicación mencionada, tal como rezan
los decretos pertinentes, de responsabilidad de la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE

Ahora bien, en lo que se relaciona con la aplicación del Decreto 1843 de 1991 (Cultivos
Lícitos) únicamente se emplearon los principios generales, como quiera que se trata de
una norma encaminada al control y vigilancia epidemiológica en el uso y manejo de
plaguicidas, cual es el caso del programa de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos a cargo de la

autoridades ambientales tienen competencias plenamente establecidas.

A la actividad que nos ocupa, o sea la imposición del Plan de Manejo Ambiental, por
haber iniciado acciones antes de entrar en vigencia el Decreto 1753 de 1994, se le aplica

el artículo 38 transitorio del mismo, en el sentido de que las autoridades ambientales
podrán requerir un Plan de Manejo Ambiental a todos los proyectos, obras o actividades,
que antes de la expedición de la Ley 99 de 1993 estuvieran en pleno ejercicio, cual es el
caso de la actividad de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos que se comenta.


en relación con cada uno de los artículos de la resolución indicada, a los cuales se

responden como se indica adelante por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente

En este aspecto se harán las citas pertinentes a cada artículo, incluyendo la solicitud y, en
cada caso, remitiéndose a las consideraciones y elementos técnicos y jurídicos tratados
en la parte considerativa de la Resolución recurrida.

Artículo Primero.

En relación con este artículo, la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE ESTUPEFACIENTES –
DNE- solicita que se modifique el mismo, precisando los alcances de la función de
coordinación respecto de las autoridades y personas involucradas en el PECIG.

De otro lado, se refiere al Artículo 2 del Decreto 1753 de 1994 con el objeto de, según el

recurrente, darle una aplicación adecuada.


Tal como se ha indicado de manera reiterativa a lo largo de este escrito, es claro para

este Ministerio, que es responsabilidad de la DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE
ESTUPEFACIENTES –DNE- de acuerdo con las disposiciones legales, el cumplimiento
del Plan de Manejo Ambiental el cual es parte integral del PECIG con el concurso de otras
instituciones, sean estas operadoras o de soporte.

En lo que respecta al Decreto 1753 de 1994, el recurrente interpreta erróneamente el
mismo, al establecer que se viola por parte del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente la
naturaleza misma de la Licencia Ambiental y que el Plan de Manejo Ambiental es una
forma de obviar la misma para ciertas actividades.

Debe entender el recurrente que la Licencia Ambiental es la autorización administrativa

que se otorga antes de iniciar un proyecto, obra o actividad y que el Decreto 1753 de
1994 en su Artículo 38 transitorio, considerando que ciertas actividades se estabanAnnex 141 Annex 142

Republic of Colombia, Constitutional Court, Urueta Rojas., Judgment C-418/02 (28 May 2002) Annex 142

Judgment C-418/02

Participation and special protection regime for soil and subsoil exploitation

MULTICULTURALISM – Recognition and protection

PARTICIPATION – Assured fundamental right facilitated for everyone / PARTICIPATION –
Tool for the effectiveness of other constitutional rights










Reference: Case file D-3786

Complaint of unconstitutionality
against article 122 (partial) of
Law 685 of 2001

Plaintiff: Juan Manuel Urueta Rojas

[PAGE 2]

▯Annex 142

Presiding Magistrate:

Bogotá D.C. twenty-eight (28) May two thousand and two (2002)

The Plenary Chamber of the Constitutional Court, in compliance with its constitutional

attributions and the requirements and proceedings established by Decree 2067 of 1991, has set
forth the following

[PAGE 17]

For purposes of the resolution of the present process, it is relevant to highlight that participation
in itself reaches the level of a fundamental right which the State must assure and facilitate for

“all”, as an essential State aim, in the context of decisions that affect them and their

[PAGE 18]

economic, political, administrative and cultural life. At the same time, participation is
established as an indispensable and irreplaceable tool for the effectiveness other recognized

constitutional rights, whether or not they possess a fundamental nature.


[PAGE 19]

▯ The indigenous communities’ right to participation as a fundamental right is supported by

Convention number 169, approved by Law 21 of 1991. This Convention is aimed at ensuring the
rights of indigenous peoples to their respective territories and the protection of their cultural,
social and economic values, as a means to assure their survival as human groups. 9

▯Judgment T – 652 of 1998 which discusses case law unification with respect to the issue of the constitutionality
block that is incorporated into Convention 169 of the ILO with article 40 – 2 of the Constitution, in accordance with
articles 93 and 94 of the Constitution. This formulated Judgment SUY 039 of 1997. The following is specified in
this judgment:

Different standards regarding the referenced convention point toward ensuring participation by indigenous
communities in the decisions that affect them with respect to the exploitation of natural resources in their respective
territories, as follows:



▯ Annex 142

[PAGE 25]

In merits of the foregoing, the Plenary Chamber of the Constitutional Court, administering
justice on behalf of the people and as mandated by the Constitution,


Declare subparagraph first of Article 122 of Law 685 of 2001 to be able to be implemented.
“)RU▯WKLV▯UHDVRQ▯▯WKH▯0LQLQJ▯&RGH▯LV▯LVVXed and other provisions are promulgated” under the

understanding that the procedure for signage and demarcation of indigenous mining zones must
comply with paragraph 330 of the Constitution and Article 15 of ILO Convention Pact 169,
approved by Law 21 of 1991.

We hereby order notification, communication, publication, and incorporation in the
Constitutional Court Gazette as well as archival of the case file

institutions, each time that legislative or administrative measXUHV▯WKDW▯PD\▯GLUHFWO\▯DIIHFW▯WKHP▯DUH▯FRQWHPSODWHG▯▯▯
sectors of the population and at all levels, in the adoption of decisions in electoral institutions and administrative

F▯▯(VWDEOLVK▯WKH▯PHDQV▯IRU▯IXOO▯GHYHORSment of institutions and those communities’ initiatives, and, in the appropriate
cases, provide the necessary resources for these ends;

manner commensurate with the circumstances, with the aim of reaching an agreement and achieving consent

$UWLFOH▯▯▯▯7KH▯LQWHUHVWHG▯SHRSOHV▯PXVW possess the right to decide their own priorities with respect to development
processes, to the extent that they affect their lives, beliefs, institutions and spiritual wellbeing and the lands that the
occupy or utilize in some manner and controlling, to the extent possible, their own economic, social and cultural
GHYHORSPHQW▯▯▯$GGLWLRQDOO\, said peoples shall participate in the formulation, application and assessment of national
and regional development plans and programs that are suscepWLEOH▯WR▯GLUHFWO\▯DIIHFWLQJ▯WKHP▯ ▯

▯Annex 142 Annex 142

Sentencia C-418/02


INDIGENA-Régimen legal de participación y protección especial
respeto de explotación en suelo y subsuelo

MULTICULTURALISMO-Reconocimiento y protección

PARTICIPACION-Derecho fundamental asegurado y facilitado a
todos/PARTICIPACION-Instrumento para la efectividad de otros

derechos constitucionales






Características esenciales





MINERA-Señalamiento y delimitación



ZONA MINERA INDIGENA-Deber de consulta

Referencia: expediente D-3786

Demanda de inconstitucionalidad contra el
artículo 122 (parcial) de la Ley 685 de

Actor: Juan Manuel Urueta Rojas

1Annex 142

Como surge de la argumentación esbozada por el demandante y de los
planteamientos que en torno de la misma expresan los intervinientes y el
Señor Procurador General de la Nación, en el presente caso deben armonizarse

los intereses generales del Estado, titular del subsuelo y propietario de los
recursos que se encuentren en él, con los intereses de las comunidades
indígenas que también son intereses generales de la comunidad colombiana
pues la Constitución reconoce y protege el multiculturalismo que es expresión

de pluralismo étnico.

Así las cosas, el examen de constitucionalidad, como lo propone el

demandante, ha encaminarse a determinar si la norma acusada en cuanto solo
prevé que la delimitación y demarcación de las zonas mineras indígenas en
relación con un determinado territorio indígena compete a la autoridad minera,

sin que explícitamente se haya incluido para ese efecto mención acerca de la
necesaria participación - como si se hace en el mismo artículo 122 respecto de
los proyectos concretos de exploración y explotación de los recursos-
transgrede las reglas contenidas en los Artículos 1, sobre la condición de

pluralista del Estado Colombiano, 79, acerca del derecho de todas las personas
a gozar de un ambiente sano y de la garantía legal de participación de la
comunidad en las decisiones que puedan afectarlo y 330, sobre la protección a
los territorios indígenas que incluye el mandato de que la explotación de los

recursos naturales ha de hacerse sin desmedro de la integridad cultural, social
y económica de las comunidades indígenas y de la obligación del Gobierno de
propiciar la participación de las respectivas comunidades en las decisiones que
se adopten respecto de dicha explotación.

5. El pluralismo postulado en la concepción del Estado Social de

derecho y la especial protección a las comunidades en el marco de la
Constitución. Reiteración de la jurisprudencia.

Las finalidades proclamadas en el Preámbulo de la Constitución de fortalecer
la unidad de la Nación y asegurar a sus integrantes la vida, el trabajo, la
justicia , la igualdad, el conocimiento la libertad y la paz dentro de un marco
jurídico democrático y participativo se acompasan con la formulación de las

características esenciales del estado social de derecho entre ellas la de ser
Colombia una república democrática, participativa y pluralista. Estas notas
configurativas logran concreción en los diversos ámbitos del quehacer social y
estatal, mediante postulados específicos contenidos en otras disposiciones de

la Constitución.

Para los efectos de la resolución del presente proceso es pertinente destacar

que la participación en si misma ostenta rango de derecho fundamental que
debe ser asegurado y facilitado por las autoridades a ³WRGRV´, en cuanto fin
esencial del Estado, en torno de las decisiones que los afectan y en la vida

17 Annex 142

económica, política, administrativa y cultural. Pero al propio tiempo, la
participación se instaura en instrumento indispensable e insustituible para la
efectividad de otros derechos constitucionalmente reconocidos, tengan o no el

carácter de fundamentales. Esto es lo que sucede, por ejemplo, tratándose del
derecho de todas las personas a gozar de un ambiente sano, en torno del cual

SXHGDQ▯ DIHFWDUOR´ (Artículo 79) y de la preservación del derecho a la
integridad cultural, social y económica de las comunidades indígenas, a

propósito de la explotación de los recursos naturales en los territorios
indígenas, como se analiza a continuación siguiendo la jurisprudencia de esta


Precisamente la protección del pluralismo plasmado en el reconocimiento
como derecho fundamental de las comunidades indígenas a su integridad
social, cultural y económica por estar ligada a su subsistencia como grupo

humano y como cultura adquiere especial relevancia en materia de la
explotación por el Estado de los recursos naturales yacentes en los territorios

indígenas la que debe efectuarse sin desmedro de dicha integridad (Artículo
330 de la C.P.) .

Para asegurar dicha susbsistencia, como ha señalado la Corte a través de
consistente jurisprudencia siguiendo el texto del parágrafo del artículo 330 de


modo, el derecho fundamental de la comunidad a preservar la integridad se
el carácter de fundamental, como es▯ HO▯ GHUHFKR▯ GH▯ SDUWLFLSDFLyQ▯ GH▯ OD▯


La Corte, igualmente, ha estudiado en forma detenida lo relativo a las
características, alcance y efectos de la proyección del derecho de participación
como garantía de efectividad y realización del derecho fundamental a la

integridad cultural, social y económica de las comunidades indígenas cuando
de la explotación de los recursos naturales se trata y ha establecido como
rasgos especiales del mismo los siguientes:

5 En la sentencia T-380 de 1993 – M.P. Eduardo Cifuentes Muñoz- la Corte puso de presente que los
derechos fundamentales de las comunidades indígenas no deben confundirse con los derechos colectivos de
otros grupos humanos. La comunidad indígena es un sujeto colectivo y no una simple sumatoria de sujetos
individuales que comparten los mismos derechos o intereses difusos o colectivos. En el primer evento es
indiscutible la titularidad de los derechos fundamentales mientras que en el segundo los afectados pueden
proceder a la defensa de sus derechos o intereses colectivos mediante el ejercicio de las acciones populares
correspondientes -. Entre otros derechos fundamentales las comunidades indígenas son titulares del derecho
fundamental a la subsistencia, el que se deduce directamente del derecho a la vida consagrado en el artículo
11 de la Constitución política.
6 Sentencias SU 039/ 97 M.P. Antonio Barrera Carbonell y T-652 de 1998 M.P. Carlos Gaviria Díaz.

18Annex 142

- Constituye un instrumento básico para preservar la integridad étnica,

social, económica y cultural de las comunidades de indígenas y para
asegurar, por ende, su subsistencia como grupo social . 7

- No se reduce meramente a una intervención en la actuación administrativa
dirigida a asegurar el derecho de defensa de quienes van a resultar

afectados con la autorización de la licencia ambiental, sino que tiene una
significación mayor por los altos intereses que ella busca tutelar, como son

los atinentes a la definición del destino y la seguridad de la subsistencia de
las referidas comunidades .(subrayas fuera de texto).

- El derecho de participación de la comunidad indígena como derecho
fundamental tiene un reforzamiento en el Convenio número 169, aprobado

por la Ley 21 de 1991, el cual está destinado a asegurar los derechos de los
pueblos indígenas a su territorio y a la protección de sus valores culturales,

sociales y económicos, como medio para asegurar su subsistencia como
grupos humanos . Ahora bien corresponde a cada Estado señalar, ya sea en la

7 Entre otras sentencias las T- 188 de 1993 – M.P. Eduardo Cifuentes Muñoz-, T 342 de 1994 M.P. Antonio

Barrera Carbonell , SU 039 de 1997, M.P. Antonio barrera Carbonell, C-825 de 2001 M.P. Martha V.
Sáchica Mendez ,C- 825 de 2001 M.P. Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa
8 SU 039 97. M.P. Antonio Barrera Carbonell
9 Sentencia T- 652 de 1998 que pone de presente la unificación jurisprudencial que en cuanto al tema del
bloque de constitucionalidad que integra el convenio 169 de la OIT con el artículo 40 –2 de la Constitución,

de conformidad con los artículos 93 y 94 de la Constitución, formulo la Sentencia SU 039 de 1997. En esta
sentencia se puntualiza:

'Artículo 5o. Al aplicar las disposiciones del presente Convenio:

D▯▯'HEHUiQ▯UHFRQRFHUVH▯\▯SURWHJHUVH▯ORV▯YDORUHV▯\▯SUiFWLFDV sociales, culturales, religiosas y espirituales propios

tanto colectiva como individualmente;


DOODQDU▯ODV▯GLILFXOWDGHV▯TXH▯H[SHULPHQten dichos pueblos al afrontar nuevas condiciones de vida y de trabajo'


LQVWLWXFLRQHV▯UHSUHVHQWDWLYDV▯▯FDGD▯YH]▯TXH▯VH▯SUHYHDQ▯PHGLdas legislativas o administrativas susceptibles de
afectarles directamente;

E▯▯(VWDEOHFHU▯ORV▯PHGLRV▯D▯WUDYpV▯GH▯ORV▯FXDOHV▯ORV▯pueblos interesados pueden participar libremente, por lo
en instituciones electivas y organismos administrativos \▯GH▯RWUD▯tQGROH▯UHVSRQVDEOHV▯GH▯SROtWLFDV▯\▯SURJUDPDV▯

F▯▯(VWDEOHFHU▯ORV▯PHGLRV▯SDUD▯el pleno desarrollo de las instituciones e iniciativas de esos pueblos y en los casos
apropiados proporcionar los recursos necesarios para este fin;

▯▯▯▯/DV▯FRQVXOWDV▯OOHYDGDV▯D▯FDER▯HQ▯DSOLFDFLyQ▯GH▯HVte Convenio deberán efectuarse de buena fe y de una
manera apropiada a las circunstancias, con la finalidad de llegar a un acuerdo o lograr el consentimiento acerca

HVSLULWXDO▯\▯D▯ODV▯WLHUUDV▯TXH▯RFXSDQ▯R▯Xtilizan de alguna manera, y de controlar, en la medida de lo posible, su
DSOLFDFLyQ▯\▯HYDOXDFLyQ▯GH▯ORV▯SODQHV▯\▯SURJUDPDV▯GH▯GHsarrollo nacional y regional susceptibles de afectarles

19 Annex 142

Por otra parte, en relación con la norma no caben interpretaciones diversas,
pues se limita a asignar una competencia a la autoridad minera. Y podría
afirmarse que en la medida en que el mandato del parágrafo del Artículo 330
de la Constitución tiene como destinatario directo al Gobierno quien

³SURSLFLDUi▯ OD▯ SDUWLFLSDFLyQ▯ GH▯ ORV▯ representantes de las respectivas
FRPXQLGDGHV´ será éste quien en cada caso, en armonía con los
procedimientos previstos en la ley, deberá poner en marcha los mecanismos de
efectiva consulta.

No obstante como una interpretación del conjunto del titulo XIV de la Ley
685 y del inciso acusado del Artículo 122 en armonía con el inciso segundo de
esa misma disposición podría llevar a que se entienda la norma acusada en el

sentido de que para los solos efectos de la delimitación y señalamiento de las
³]RQDV▯PLQHUDV▯LQGtJHQDV´ no sería necesaria la consulta, resulta necesario
incorporar a ella los valores constitucionales que configuran la garantía de
consulta a los grupos indígenas.

Ante esta circunstancia y en aras de garantizar los derechos fundamentales de
las comunidades indígenas, es indispensable incorporar al contenido de la

disposición acusada las previsiones de la Constitución Política en relación con
el derecho fundamental de consulta y precaver de esta manera contra un
alcance restrictivo de la participación de las comunidades en las decisiones
relacionadas con la explotación de recursos en sus territorios.


En mérito de lo expuesto, la Sala Plena de la Corte Constitucional,

administrando justicia en nombre del pueblo y por mandato de la


Declarar EXEQUIBLE el inciso primero del Artículo 122 de la Ley 685 de
2001 “3RU▯ OD▯ FXDO▯ VH▯ H[SLGH▯ HO▯ &yGLgo de Minas y se dictan otras

GLVSRVLFLRQHV´ bajo el entendido que en el procedimiento de señalamiento y
delimitación de las zonas mineras indígenas se deberá dar cumplimiento al
parágrafo del Artículo 330 de la Constitución y al Artículo 15 del Convenio
169 de la OIT, aprobado por la Ley 21 de 1991.

Notifíquese, comuníquese, publíquese, insértese en la Gaceta de la Corte
Constitucional y archívese el expediente.

25Annex 142 Annex 143

Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia, 3ODQ▯&RORPELD▯▯7KLUG▯(YDOXDWLRQ▯5HSRUW
(Aug. 2002) Annex 143

Plan Colombia: Third Assessment Report▯


General Comptroller of the Republic Table of Contents

General Comptroller of the Republic Presentation
Carlos Ossa Escobar

General Vice-comptroller of the Republic
José Félix Lafaurie Rivera Financing

Deputy Comptroller for International cooperation
Defense, Justice and Security

Dagoberto Quiroga Collazos Implementation of credit resources

Bonds of solidarity for peace
Director of Sectoral Studies

Germán Enrique Nova Caldas Availability of resources
Director of Fiscal Monitoring
Benjamín R. Collante Fernández Evaluation of the Plan's components

Professionals Negotiated settlement of the conflict

Élver Jesús Lemus Varela
Luis Arenas Vega Counternarcotics initiative

Advisor National Voluntary Eradication Plan of

Luis B. Carvajal C.
Alternative Development, Plante
This document was prepared with the
cooperation of the Departments of Sectoral Implementation of resources
Studies and the delegated Comptrollers' Fiscal

Monitoring for the sectors of: Environment, Balance of management
Agriculture, Social, Infrastructure, Public and
Financial Institutions Management, Economics Ban Policy
and Finance and Public Participation.
Social and Economic Recovery

General Comptroller of the Republic
Calle 17 No 9-82 Implementation of the program's resources
Telephone: 281 6300-282 3754
Bogota, Colombia Employment in Action

August 2002
ZZZ▯FRQWUDORULDJHQ▯JRY▯FR Overall costs of the program

Editorial Coordination: Liliana Gaona García Most notorious flaws

Edition: Mario Villamor Duque Youth in Action

Layout: Yenny Liliana Pérez Humanitarian aid

Cover: Néstor Patiño Forero

General Comptroller of the Republic
▯Annex 143

Plan Colombia: Third Assessment Report▯


[PAGE 60]

…to improve access and perception of requirements, and imposing preventive
justice and promotion of alternative dispute measures as the basis for subsequent

resolution through the houses of justice approval of the Management Plan, by
program. Resolution 1065 of 26 November of that
However, the only agreement signed to date
is the agreement governing the proposed On 31 January 2002, Resolution 108

security in prisons, even though many finalized the Environmental Management
activities have been furthered for others, Plan which the DNE would start to
thus, obstructing determination of the rights implement, once the Ministry of
and obligations under each of the Environment had resolved the DNE’s
participating entities, the schedule of recourses for reversal filed against it.

activities, and the goods and supplies to be
provided, and causing the assistance Observations on the approved
provided by the U.S. to be in the terms and Management Plan
conditions determined by that government,

without any possibility of dictating The imposed management plan includes
responsibilities and giving rise to confusion compensation, prevention, mitigation and
between those participating agencies. environmental remediation measures, and
consists of twelve guidelines for
Environmental management environmental management involving: the

management program of spraying
In reports on the evaluation of illicit crop operations; management of glyphosate and
eradication, the Comptroller has repeatedly adjuvants on operational bases; management
expressed concern about the lack of an of fuel, vehicles and transportation;
Environmental Management Plan that management of solid and liquid waste;

minimizes or mitigates potential program of inspection, verification and
environmental impacts on human health control of aerial spraying operations;
caused by aerial spraying of herbicides. research on sample and demonstration plots;
environmental monitoring; education and

Although the application and submission communication program; comprehensive
process of the Environmental Management social security program on the operational
Plan began in 1995 with Order 741, which bases and environmental management and
required the National Narcotics Office-DNE institutional coordination.
to design a field study regarding the

application of glyphosate-based herbicides Certain observations regarding the
in the Amazon and Orinoco region within a management plan are:
two (2) month term, it is only until 2001 that
the Ministry of Environment, through Control and monitoring. The Resolution
Resolution 341 of 4 May, made a dramatic assigns important control and monitoring

statement, with the rejection of the functions to be performed by an External
management plan submitted by the DNE, Technical Audit. This audit is still in the
due to its failure to comply with the MMA’s bidding process and the resolution does not

General Comptroller of the Republic

▯ Annex 143

Plan Colombia: Third Assessment Report▯

provide a transitional measure, pending corresponds to the local authorities." This

implementation of the audit. It is evident issue also violates the reference terms,
that there are doubts about current control because they require the plan to include
on aerial spraying with glyphosate. programs to monitor health effects.
Tasks are assigned to different entities on

the same point, making it difficult to clearly Formula. There is a gap regarding
identify lines of responsibility of the various concentrations to be applied in the formula
implementing organizations. Such is the established by Resolution 1065 of 26
case of policy monitoring, for which seven November 2001—about 8 liters / ha of the
institutions are responsible, and of the mixture (Roundup 480 SL + Cosmoflux

management plan, for which three 411). It is possible to use 7 liters of roundup
institutions are established. and one of Cosmoflux or any formula
desired; the amount of water in which to
Programs. Although the reference terms dilute the mixture was also not determined,
developed by the Ministry of Environment failing to define the percent concentration of

require concretion of programs to be glyphosate to be spread per hectare.
performed and clarity regarding the type of
technology to be applied and the institutions On the other hand, according to Resolution
responsible for implementing research 1065 of 26 November 2001, the DNE did

projects, the Ministry approved the not fully comply with the requirements set
Management Plan with issues presented as out in Resolution 341 of 4 May 2001, which
suggestions or proposals. This leaves open means we still do not know the impacts for
the possibility of changing the rules of the implementing this policy. Indeed, the DNE
game in the future. did not fulfil the requirements established in

As far as the demonstration plots are the second and seventh articles of the
concerned, there is no exact number, size, or relevant Resolution regarding environmental
location specified for the sites. impact assessment to establish the
characteristics of possible effects generated
Herbicide toxicity. As set out in Resolution by glyphosate spraying, studies of

341 of 2001, it is understood that toxicity regeneration and dynamics of sprayed areas,
studies should be conducted in areas where and determination of the residual glyphosate
spraying is carried out. However, the in soil and its effect on physicochemical and
Ministry accepts the studies presented by the biological properties.

DNE, although they were performed abroad,
therefore there is uncertainty about the The eradication program continues to be
possible impacts generated in the country. developed without knowing the precise geo-
referencing, identification and
[PAGE 61] characterization of exclusion areas.

According to their ecological, environmental
Health care. Since the potential effects of and social characteristics, the program
aerial spraying on humans and the should contemplate that they should be
environment are not known with any subject to special measures. The program to
certainty, a real public health program in the compensate for potential environmental

areas of influence is not available. However, impacts caused by glyphosate-based aerial
the DNE states that the "monitoring of spraying has also yet to begin.
potential effects on the resident population

General Comptroller of the Republic

▯Annex 143

Plan Colombia: Third Assessment Report▯

Community grievances spraying were poisoned and "manifested
One of the most troubling aspects are the symptoms such as the irritation of skin and
continual complaints from communities eyes, nausea, acute respiratory infection
located in the zones targeted by the program, such as bronchitis, flu and colds, in addition

composed primarily of campesinos and to abdominal pain, among others, which is
colonists with precarious incomes, low consistent with the findings of
levels of nutrition, far from medical epidemiological studies conducted in other
treatment centers, and with limited access to places."
health services. Both the physical and

mental health of the population has been The medical staff of hospitals in Orito, La
affected, and family finances have been Hormiga (Valle del Guamuez) and La
impacted as well; first, as a direct and Dorada (San Miguel) agree that, since the
indirect result of the fumigations, and spraying started, there was a "marked

second, due to the damage to their financial increase" in doctors’ visits for cases for
well-being, which is represented primarily problems of "skin reactions, abscesses,
by legal crops and livestock. impetigo, gastrointestinal infections
(abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea,

In the case of fumigations in the province of vomiting), respiratory infections (bronchitis,
Putumayo, the Epidemiology Department asthma), and conjunctivitis."
was able to determine the main causes of
consultations in the fumigation campaign People who were examined attributed the
period during 2001 for the municipalities of symptoms to spraying received during the

Valle del Guamuez and San Miguel. The fumigation of illicit crops. It is also noted
head of the epidemiology department of the that "not all persons affected by the spraying
Administrative Department of Health in attended health agencies, due to either
Putumayo-Dasalud, conducted interviews

with people from rural and urban [PAGE 62]
municipalities of: Orito, Valle del Guamuez
and San Miguel, with the medical staff of lack of monetary resources or lack of
Health Providers (IPS), and the ombudsmen knowledge. Therefore, it follows that cases

and Police inspectors of the referenced should be much more numerous.
municipalities subject to fumigation.

During this period, the Orito hospital Furthermore, it noted the death of livestock
reported "a marked increase in consultation (poultry and pigs) sprayed with the mixture

for problems such as allergic skin reactions, used for illicit crop eradication. Field
dermatitis, impetigo, abscesses, abdominal observations verified the death of banana,
pain, diarrhea, acute respiratory infection, cassava, borojó, garden and other plants, and
produced from the fumigation carried out in pasture for livestock, which were targeted
the rural area of the municipality" ; and by the spraying.
also noticed that people exposed to the
According to Dasalud, between 22
35▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯December 2000 and 2 February 2001, there
From the document "Efecto de la fumigación Valle
del Guamuez y San Miguel, Putumayo," ("Effect of was a list of cases treated at the Sagrado
IXPLJDWLRQ▯RI▯9DOOH▯GHO▯*XDPXH]▯DQG▯6DQ▯0LJXHO▯▯ Corazón de Jesús hospital of La Hormiga,
3XWXPD\R▯▯▯February 2001, Dasalud.▯

General Comptroller of the Republic
▯ Annex 143

Plan Colombia: Third Assessment Report▯

with diagnoses consistent with poisoning true causes of the symptomatology reported

from exposure to herbicide spraying. by the affected communities, , as is
consistent with pronouncements made to the
According to a report by the Ombudsman of same effect by the CGR.
Valle del Guamuez, the inhabitants of 67 out The report considers that" implementation of

of the 100 villages considered themselves to an Epidemiological Monitoring System in
have been affected by the spraying, both in respect of poisoning by herbicides must be
their health condition as well as their crops undertaken by health providers (IPS) located
and their environment. in the main municipalities where spraying
takes place. Additionally, samples must be

Keep in mind that this municipality has the taken in order to measure the concentration
largest population (35,288) in the province, levels of glyphosate and other substances
second to Puerto Asis and Orito. present in the blood of symptomatic
Similarly, the report states that, of the 800 patients." Training of health personnel
complaints filed with the Ombudsman of La (doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, rural

Hormiga, 73% (584) of cases referred to health workers) in management of acute
health conditions. poisoning generated by herbicides is
urgently needed.
On the other hand, the information

submitted to the Ombudsman shows that the Similarly, the report emphasizes that a
most frequently reported symptoms are monitoring system for possible birth defects,
fever-related (250 cases), skin outbreaks or abortions, skin cancer (melanoma) and other
allergies, colds (corresponding to the clinical conditions that could be a result of the aerial
description of acute respiratory infection- spraying in Putumayo is required, and

ARI) , followed by diarrhea. The total suggests that this should be compared with
number of people who presented these their occurrence in other regions.
symptoms was 2,283.
Finally, the report states the need to
In conclusion, according to the report, out of "assemble a nutritional monitoring system,"

every 1,000 people of Valle del Guamuez, given the serious health effects on children,
the health of 65 were affected (2,283/35,288 pregnant and breast-feeding mothers,
inhabitants.). elderly, and in particular, indigenous
peoples, caused by the loss of food resources

When comparing the causes of emergency and products of the traditional diet of the
room visits in the same period of time, i.e. inhabitants of this region.
the first two months: January and February
of 2000 and 2001, there was an increase in This confirms statements made by the CGR
some, such as fever, abdominal pain and and other institutions such as the

diarrhea. These differences were statistically Ombudsman, in the sense that the program
significant (p <0.005) in January 2001. does not meet the requirements of the law
concerning the prevention of environmental
Dasalud indicates that "conducting an damage and human health.
analytical study on the effects on health and

the environment caused by aerial spraying
carried out in municipalities with coca crops
in the province" is useful for establishing the

General Comptroller of the Republic

▯Annex 143 Annex 143


Presentación 5

Introducción 7

Financiación 13

REPÚBLICA DE COLOMBIA Cooperación internacional 14

Contraloría General de la República Ejecución de los recursos de crédito 15

Contralor General de la República
Carlos Ossa Escobar Bonos de solidaridad para la paz 16

Vicecontralor General de la República Disponibilidad de recursos 16
José Félix Lafaurie Rivera

Contralor Delegado para Evaluación de los componentes del Plan 19

Defensa, Justicia y Seguridad
Dagoberto Quiroga Collazos Solución negociada del conflicto 19

Director de Estudios Sectoriales Iniciativa contra el narcotráfico 20
Germán Enrique Nova Caldas

Director de Vigilancia Fiscal Erradicación voluntaria Plan €acional de
Benjamín R. Collante Fernández

Desarrollo ‚lternativoƒ Plante 20
Élver Jes€s Lemus ‚arela Ejecución de recursos 22
Luis ƒrenas ‚ega

Asesor Balance de la gestión 23
Luis B. Carvajal C.
Pol„tica de Interdicción 24
Este documento fue elaborado con la
cooperación de las Direcciones de Estudios
…ecuperación Econó†ica ‡ Social 26
Sectoriales y de Vigilancia Fiscal de las
Contralorías Delegadas para los sectores:
Medio Ambiente, Agropecuario, Social, Ejecución de recursos por progra†as 26
Infraestructura, Gestión Pública e
Instituciones Financieras, Economía y E†pleo en ‚cción 26
Finanzas y Participación Ciudadana.

Costos generales del progra†a 27
Contraloría General de la República
o ˆalencias †ás notorias 2‰
Calle €‚ ƒ „…†‡
ˆel‰fonos: ‡†€ Š‹ŒŒ…‡†‡ ‹‚Ž‘
’ogot“, D.C., Colombia ˆa†ilias en acción 35 1
Agosto ‡ŒŒ‡
Cobertura 36
Coordinación Editorial: ”iliana Gaona García Inconsistencias en el Progra†a 36

Edición: Mario Villamor Du•ue Šóvenes en ‚cción 39

Diagramación: –enny ”iliana P‰rez Inconsistencias en el Progra†a 39

Portada: ƒ‰stor Pati—o Forero
‚tención ‹u†anitaria 41
Impresión: Imprenta ƒacional

Contraloría General de la República Annex 143

Plan Colombia: Tercer Informe de Evaluación

das a mejorar el acceso y percepción de la justicia yambiental, y está compuesto por doce fichas de ma-
lapromocióndemecanismosalternativosderesolu- nejoambiental,queinvolucran•elprogramadema-
ción de conflictos, mediante el programa de casas nejo de las operaciones de aspersión– de manejo de

de justicia. glifosato y sus coadyuvantes en las bases de opera-
ción– manejo de combustible, vehículos y transpor-
Sin embargo, hasta la fecha únicamente se ha sus- te– manejo de residuos sólidos y líquidos– programa
crito el convenio que regula el proyecto de seguri- de inspección, verificación y control de las opera-
dad de prisiones, pese a que se han adelantado
muchas actividades correspondientes a los demás, ciones de aspersión aérea– de investigación en par-
celas representativas y demostrativas– de monitoreo
lo cual no permite determinar en cada caso los ambiental– programa de comunicación educativa–
derechos y obligaciones a cargo de las entidades programa de seguridad social integral en las bases
participantes, el cronograma de actividades, ni los
de operación y administración ambiental y coordi-
bienes e insumos por suministrar, ocasionando que nación institucional.
la asistencia estadounidense se preste en los plazos
y condiciones determinados por ese gobierno, sin AlgunasobservacionesaestePlandemanejosonlas
la menor posibilidad de fijar responsabilidades y siguientes•

dando lugar a confusiones entre las mismas agen- ControlyVigilancia.—aŽesoluciónleasignaimpor-
cias participantes.
Manejo ambiental auditoría aún se encuentra en proceso de licitación y

En los informes sobre la evaluación de la política dela Žesolución no prevé una medida de transición,
erradicacióndecultivosilícitos,demanerareiterada, mientrasentraenvigordichaauditoría.Saltaalavista
la Contraloría ha manifestado su preocupación por mentesobrelasfumigacionesaéreasconglifosato.
la ausencia de un Plan de Manejo Ambiental, que
minimiceomitiguelosposiblesimpactosambienta- Se asignan tareas a diferentes entidades sobre un
les y sobre la salud humana generados por la asper-
mismo aspecto, lo que dificulta determinar con cla-
siónaéreadeherbicidas. ridad las líneas de responsabilidades de las entida-
des ejecutoras. ˜al es el caso del seguimiento de la
Aunque el proceso de solicitud y presentación del
Plan de Manejo Ambiental se inició en 1€€‚, con el política, para lo cual se encargan a siete institucio-
Autoƒ„1,medianteelcualserequiereala…irección nes– o para los responsables del Plan de Manejo,
para el cual se establecen tres instituciones.
†acional de Estupefacientes-…†E el dise‡o de un
Estudio de Campo sobre la aplicación de herbicidas Programas. A pesar de que en los términos de refe-
a base de glifosato para la región Amazónica y la rencia, definidos por el Ministerio del Medio Am-
ˆrinoquíaeneltérminodedos‰Š‹meses, sólohasta
biente, para la presentación del Plan de Manejo, se
ŠŒŒ1 el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, mediante e’ige la concreción de los programas que se deben
Žesolución‘„1demayo„,haceunpronunciamien- realizar, la claridad en el tipo de tecnología que se
todrástico,conlanoaceptacióndel PlandeManejo
debe aplicar y las instituciones encargadas de ejecu-
presentado por la …†E, debido al incumplimiento tarlosproyectosdeinvestigación,elMinisterioapro-
delosrequerimientose’igidosporelMMA,eimpo- bóelPlandeManejoconaspectospresentadoscomo
nemedidaspreventivasqueserviríandebaseparala sugerenciasopropuestas,locualafuturodejaabier-
posterioraprobacióndel PlandeManejo, mediante
ta la posibilidad de cambiar las reglas de juego.
60 Žesolución1Œ“‚delŠ“denoviembredelmismoa‡o.
En lo relacionado con las parcelas demostrativas,
El ‘1 de enero de ŠŒŒŠ, mediante Žesolución 1Œ”, tampoco se concreta con precisión el número, el
60 queda en firme el Plan de Manejo Ambiental que tama‡o ni los sitios de ubicación.
debe poner en marcha la …†E, tras resolver el Mi-
Toxicidad del herbicida. Según se establece en la
nisterio del Medio Ambiente los recursos de reposi-
cióninterpuestosporésta. Žesolución‘„1deŠŒŒ1,seentiendequelosestudios
de to’icidad deberían realizarse en las zonas en las
Observaciones sobre el Plan de Manejo aceptalosestudiospresentadosporla…†E,loscua-
El Plan de Manejo impuesto involucra medidas de tiene certeza sobre los posibles impactos generados
compensación, prevención, mitigación y corrección enelterritorionacional. Annex 143

Atención en salud. Al no conocerse con certeza los médica,y,porende,conescasoaccesoalosservicios
posibles efectos que sobre las personas y el medio de salud. Población que se ve afectada tanto en su

ambiente tienen las fumigaciones aéreas, no se pre- saludfísicaymental,comoensueconomíafamiliar;
sentaunverdaderoprogramadesaludpúblicaenlas en el primer caso, debido a las afecciones derivadas
áreasdeinfluencia;sinoque,porelcontrario,laDNE directa e indirectamente de las fumigaciones, y, enel

afirma que "la vigilancia de potenciales efectos enla segundo, por el daño de sus economías, representa-
población residente corresponde a las entidades te- dasencultivoslícitosysemovientes,principalmente.
nos de referencia, pues de éstos señaló que el Plan En el caso de las fumigaciones en el departamento
delPutumayo,apartirdeinformacióndela ‹ección
ensalud. de Epidemiología, se lograron determinar, para los
municipios del ™alle del šuamuez y ‹an ›iguel, las
Formulación.Enlaformulación,establecida,median- principales causas de consultas en el período com-
te la Resolución €‚ƒ„ del …ƒ de noviembre de …‚‚€, prendidodurantelascampañasdefumigación enel

como † litros‡ˆa de la mezcla ‰Roundup Š†‚ ‹Œ Ž …‚‚€.Œa•efedelasecciónepidemiologíadelDepar-
‘osmoflu’ Š€€“, ˆay un vacío acerca de las concen- tamento Administrativo de ‹alud del Putumayo-
traciones que se deben aplicar; pues es posible utili-Dasalud,realizóentrevistasconpersonasdelárearural

zar ” l de roundup y uno de cosmoflu’ o cualquier y urbana de los municipios deŒ žrito, ™alle del
formulación que se desee; tampoco se determinó la šuamuez y ‹an ›iguel, con el personal médico de
cantidad de agua en la cual se debe diluir la mezcla, las Ÿnstituciones Prestadoras de ‹ervicios de ‹alud

quedefinaelporcenta•edeconcentracióndelglifosato ‰ŸP‹“, y con los personeros e inspectores de Policía,
quesevaaesparcirporˆectárea. de los municipios mencionados que fueron ob•eto
de la fumigación.
…ƒ de noviembre de …‚‚€, la DNE no cumplió en su Durante este período, el ˆospital de žrito reportó

totalidad con los requerimientos establecidos en la "unincrementonotorioenlaconsultaporproblemas
Resolución–Š€delŠdemayode…‚‚€,locualsigni- dereaccionesalérgicasdepielcomoŒdermatitis,im-
fica que aún no se conocen los impactos generados pétigo, abscesos, dolor abdominal, diarreas, infec-

por la implementación de esta política. En efecto,la ción respiratoria aguda, presentados a partir de 35
DNE no cumplió con los requerimientos estableci- fumigaciónrealizadaenlazonaruraldelmunicipio" ;
dosenlosartículossegundoyséptimodelarespecti- así mismo, se dió cuenta de la into’icación de per-
va Resolución, relacionados con la evaluación de sonase’puestasalafumigacióncon"sintomatología

impactoambientalparaestablecerlascaracterísticas manifiesta por irritación de piel, de o•os, náuseas,
de los posibles efectos generados por la aspersión infecciónrespiratoriaaguda,comobronquitis,gripe
conglifosato,losestudiosdelaregeneraciónydiná- yresfriados;ademásdedolorabdominal,entreotros,

mica de la zona asper•ada, y la determinación de la lo cual se correspondía con lo encontrado en estu-
residualidad de glifosato en el suelo y su afectación diosepidemiológicosrealizadosenotroslugares".
en sus propiedades físicoquímicas y biológicas.
El personal médico de los ˆospitales de žrito, Œa
Elprogramadeerradicaciónsecontinúadesarrollan- Hormiga ‰™alle del šuamuez “ y Œa Dorada ‰‹an

do sin conocer con precisión la georreferenciación, ›iguel“ coinciden en afirmar que, desde el inicio
identificaciónycaracterizacióndelasáreasdee’clu- de las fumigaciones, se observó un "notorio incre-
sión,que,deacuerdoconsuscaracterísticasecológicas, mento" en las causas de consulta por problemas de

ambientales y sociales, deben ser ob•eto de medidas "dermorreacción, abscesos, impétigo, infecciones 61
especiales por parte del programa. —ampoco se dió gastrointestinales‰dolorabdominal,diarrea,náuseas,
inicioalprogramadecompensacióndeposiblesim- vómito“,infeccionesrespiratorias‰bronquitis,asma“,y

pactosambientalesgeneradosporlaaspersiónaérea con•untivitis". 61
Œas personas que consultaban atribuyeron la
sintomatología a la aspersión recibida durante las
Quejas de las comunidades fumigacionesaloscultivosilícitos.‹eseñalatambién

˜nodelosaspectosmáspreocupantessonlasconti- que"notodaslaspersonasalcanzadasporlafumiga-
nuas que•as de las comunidades ubicadas en las zo- ciónacudieronalosorganismosdesalud",yaseapor
nas ob•etodel programa, ensumayoríacampesinos

y colonos con precarios ingresos, ba•os niveles 35Tomado del documento "Efectos de la fumigación Valle del Guamuez y
nutricionales, ale•ados de los centros de atención San Miguel, Putumayo", febrero de 2001, Dasalud.

Contraloría General de la República Annex 143

Plan Colombia: Tercer Informe de Evaluación

faltaderecursoseconómicosodesconocimiento.Por bre, el dolor abdominal y la diarrea, con diferencias
loanterior,sededucequeloscasosdebensermucho estadísticamente significativas (p›‚,‚‚‘) en el mes
másnumerosos. de enero de €‚‚ƒ.

Además,seseñalaronlamuertedesemovientes(aves Dasalud indica que para establecer las verdaderas

y ganado porcino), que fueron asperjados con la causas de las sintomatologías referidas por las coŒ
mezcla utilizada para la erradicación de los cultivos munidades afectadas, era conveniente Œrealizar un
ilícitos. Observaciones de campo comprobaron la estudio de tipo analítico sobre los efectos en la saŒ
muerte de platanales, yuca, borojó, jardín y otras lud y el medio ambiente que habrían sido ocasionaŒ

plantas, y de pastos para ganado, que fueron blanco dos por las fumigaciones a“reas realizadas en los
de las fumigaciones. municipios con presencia de cultivos de coca en el
Según Dasalud, existe, entre el €€ de diciembre de
€‚‚‚ y el € de febrero de €‚‚ƒ, una relación de los tos de la „‰— en el mismo sentido.

casos atendidos en el hospital Sagrado „orazón de „onsidera el informe que es preciso Œemprender el
…esús de †a ‡ormiga, con diagnósticos compatibles montajedeunSistemadeˆigilancia˜pidemiológica
con intoxicación por exposición a la aspersión de para las intoxicaciones por herbicidas entre los
herbicidas. consultantes a las –nstituciones Prestadoras de SaŒ

De acuerdo con informe de la Personería del ˆalle lud (–.P.S.) ubicadas en las cabeceras municipales
de los municipios donde se realiza la fumigación y
del ‰uamuez, en Š‹ de las ƒ‚‚ veredas, sus poblaŒ la toma de muestras para medición de niveles de
dores se consideraron afectados por la fumigación,
tanto en su estado de salud, como en sus cultivos y concentración de la presentación utilizada del
glifosato y sustancias aditivas en la sangre de los
su medio ambiente. consultantes sintomáticosŒ. žrge la capacitación del
personal de salud (m“dicos, enfermeras, auxiliares
‡ay que tener en cuenta que este municipio tiene el
mayor número de habitantes (Ž‘.€’’ ) en el deparŒ de enfermería, promotores rurales de salud) en el
tamento, despu“s de Puerto Asís y Orito. manejo de las intoxicaciones agudas generadas por
Así mismo, señala el informe, de las ’‚‚ quejas inŒ
terpuestasantelaPersoneríade†a‡ormiga,el‹Ž” Delamismamanera,enfatizaqueserequiereunsisteŒ

(‘’•) de los casos hizo referencia a afecciones en la mademonitoreodelasposiblesmalformacionesconŒ
salud. g“nitas,abortos,cánceresdepiel(melanoma)yotras
De otro lado, la información presentada a la reaimplementadaenelPutumayo,ysugeríacontrasŒ
Personería permite apreciar que los síntomas reŒ
bres(€‘‚casos),brotesdepieloalergias,gripas(que Ÿinalmente, precisa el informe que es necesario Œel
corresponden con la descripción clínica de la –nŒ montaje de un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica
fección —espiratoria AgudaŒ–—A), seguidos por nutricionalŒ, habida cuenta de los graves efectos en

diarreas. ˜l total de personas que presentaron las la salud infantil, de madres gestantes y lactantes,
sintomatologías fue de €.€’Ž. adultos mayores, y, en especial, de los pueblos indíŒ
genas, causados por la p“rdida de los medios
˜n conclusión, de acuerdo con el informe, por cada alimentarios y los productos de la dieta tradicional
ƒ.‚‚‚ personas del ˆalle del ‰uamuez, Š‘ se consiŒ
de los habitantes de esta región.
62 deraronafectadasensusalud(€.€’Ž™Ž‘.€’’hbtes.).
†o anterior confirma lo dicho por la „‰— y otras
Al comparar las causas de consulta de urgencias en instituciones, como la Defensoría del Pueblo, en el
62 un mismo período de tiempo, es decir, los dos priŒ sentido de que el programa no cumple con lo estiŒ
meros mesesš enero y febrero de €‚‚‚ y de €‚‚ƒ, se pulado por la ley, en cuanto a la prevención de los

observó un incremento en algunas, como son la fieŒ daños ambientales y en la salud humana. Annex 144

Letter from Francisco Santander Delgado, Director General, Corponariño, Republic of Colombia,
to Maria Cecilia Rodriguez, Minister of the Environment, Republic of Colombia (26 Sept. 2002) Annex 144

“Autonomous Regional Corporation of Nariño”▯

San Juan de Pasto, 26 September 2002 02440


Minister of Environment
Calle 37 No. 8-40
Santa fé de Bogotá, D.C.

Esteemed doctor:

In response to the order received by this office on 13 August 2002, through which
supplementation is requested for the technical report from the visit of ocular inspection to verify
damages caused by glyphosate fumigations in the villages along the Chagui river, within the

municipality of Tumaco, department of Nariño, which was sent to this office on 27 June of the
present year, we respectfully allow ourselves to express the following to you:

The referenced technical report was made based on direct observation of the field where it was

observed that traditional cacao, plantain, and wood crops that had been established alongside
illicit crops were wilted and some had even died, possibly as a result of the fumigations.

In accordance with the Ministry’s request and in order to submit a report with technical and
scientific support that allows certification and confirmation in a real and objective manner of the

damages caused and their possible causes, we require carrying out an assessment with the
support of staff and specialized equipment that allows to demonstrate that the damages caused
were effectively by glyphosate fumigations.

Given the strong current of the Chaguí River and the fact that many months have transpired since

the fumigations began, it is not possible to take samples of water to determine the degree of
affectation of the river.

[PAGE 2]

On another note, the Corporation does not have access to equipment for analysis of pollution as a
result of agrochemicals or herbicides, in order to support the proof and specify the information
requested. For this reason, we suggest that the competent entities carry out these tests in
accordance with Resolution no. 0017/01.

TELEPHONE: 219282 – FAX 219425 – 215598

FAX: 272086

▯Annex 144

“Autonomous Regional Corporation of Nariño”▯

The damage and negative impact that illicit crop planting activities can cause on bodies of water
or plant coverage, on soil structure, and on forests must be included in the management plan
submitted by this Ministry.

Finally, I allow myself to inform you that the community is waiting a response to the complaint
submitted in which they solicit that the Ministry of Environment support the area’s communities
through implementation of productive projects.


TELEPHONE: 219282 – FAX 219425 – 215598

FAX: 272086

▯Annex 144Annex 144 Annex 145


National Ombudsman Resolution No. 026



Bogotá, D.C., 9 October 2002



ProSeDHer –

The Office of the Ombudsman designed a model for monitoring and evaluating the policies for

the formation, promotion, advocacy, protection and realization of human rights (ProS1DHer).
Within this program, monitoring of the National Policy for the Fight against Drugs is conducted,
particularly, on two of their strategies, namely: The Illicit Crop Eradication Program using

Glyphosate and the Alternative Development 2rogram. This task extends to the implementation
of Plan Colombia, in the cited components .


1. The 2001 Ombudsman Resolution No. 4 and the Ombudsman Reports Nos. 1
"Fumigation and Projects for Alternative Development in the Putumayo" issued on 9 February

2001 and 2 "Follow-up to the Ombudsman Resolution No. 4 of 12 February 2001" issued on 16
April 2001.

2. The Ombudsman report "Strategy for Alternative Development and Volunteer Covenants
for Illicit Crops Replacement," dated November 2001.

3. The Amicus Curiae “Human Rights and Spraying”, submitted with the Constitutional
Court as part of the review of the Protection Order of Fundamental Human Rights filed by the
Organization of Indigenous Communities of the Amazon, OPIAC, on April of this year.

4. Official Note No. 4050 -809 dated 22 July 2002, addressed to the Minister of Justice,
President of the National Narcotics Council of Bogotá, raises the "need to assess compliance
with agreed obligations between the Government and the people of Putumayo - in the context of

National Narcotics Directorate. "National Plan Against Drugs, Colombia, 1998 to 2002. The strategic programs of
said Plan are 1st alternative development, 2nd interdiction, 3rd the legal and institutional strengthening, 4th the
reduction of domestic demand, 5th environmental management, and 6 international politics. Coordination of these
actions, involving various government agencies, belongs to the National Drug Council and the National Narcotics
2Plan Colombia. Institutional Strengthening and Social Development, 2000-2002. Report of the Peace Process
Support Group. In presenting this plan, it is stated that "(...) the Government formulated the National Plan Colombia
which, within the framework of a peace building process, it links the negotiation strategies with insurgency, the
protection of human rights, State strengthening, the recovery of economy, expansion of illicit crops control, and

environmental protection."▯

▯Annex 145

alternative development programs to replace illicit crops in that region of the country - before a
decision is adopted regarding the possible resumption of the illicit crop aerial eradication
program starting the 28th of this month."

5. The various reports submitted by the Putumayo Regional to the Directorates and
Delegates of the Ombudsman, particularly in the last two years.

[PAGE 22]

of food safety and for the production of products in which state resources and international
cooperation resources had been invested. The population’s complaints are not limited to

damages in voluntary replacement crops planted among the 10,000 eradicated crop hectares, but
also complain of affects in areas where coca has never existed. This is, for example, the case of
a complaint filed publicly by Organización Zonal Indígena del Putumayo (“The Indigenous

Zonal Organization of Putumayo”) – OZIP- the associations Cabildos Indígenas and Cabildos
Indígenas del Putumayo (“Indigenous Communities and Indigenous Communities of
Putumayo”), regarding fumigations in the community “Nasa Chamb” of Puerto Asís, where as
they say, “coca has never existed.”

d. Plan Colombia expressly contemplates that fumigations affect food safety and cause the
displacement of affected populations. For this reason, AID resources were budgeted in an
amount of $5,400 million for the provision of food and personal hygiene articles, which are
administered by the RSS. To date, 22,576 families have been treated, with 53,562 markets,
representing a total value of $5,370 million pesos.

Table No. 7

Families treated for effects of fumigations

Municipality No. of families No. Markets Value

Subtotal 2001 9,600 9,600 962,496,000
Valle del 3,201 9,603 962,796,780

Orito 3,079 9,237 926,101,620
Orito 2,283 2,283 228,893,580
San Miguel 2,137 6,411 642,766,860

Puerto Caicedo 1,402 4,206 421,693,560
Puerto Asís 624 1,872 187,686,720

Organización Zonal Indígena del Putumayo – OZIP – and associations of Cabildos Indígenas and Cabildos
Indígenas del Putumayo. “Aviones del Plan Colombia, cargados con Glifosato arrasan comunidades indígenas de la
Amazonía. Se destruyen las inversiones en comunidades indígenas, realizadas con recursos del mismo Gobierno y
de donación internacional”, (“Plan Colombia aircraft, loaded with Glyphosate, destroy indigenous communities in
4RQDWLRQV▯DUH▯GHVWUR\HG▯´) Putumayo, 7 September 2002.
RSS. Framework agreement 231 of 1999 signed with the Organization of Ibero American States- OEI – and
Contract No. 454 of 2001.

▯ Annex 145

Other 100 300 30,078,000
Puerto Guzmán 42 126 12,632,760

Villagarzón 108 324 32,484,240
Subtotal 12,976 43,962 4,407,630,120
Source: RSS September 2002

3.7 Complaint procedure

3.7.1 The intake procedure for complaints regarding alleged damage by aerial fumigations

carried out within the Eradication Program’s (PECIG) framework, set forth on the 17 October
2001 Resolution by the National Narcotics Council is inadequate and ineffective.

3.7.2 Pursuant to the terms of the cited Resolution, the complaints must be received by the

Municipal Ombudsman, which subsequently requests the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario-
ICA (“&RORPELDQ▯$JULFXOWXUDO▯,QVWLWXWH´), or the Unidades Municipales de Asistencia Técnica-
UMATAS (“0XQLFLSDO▯8QLWV▯IRU▯7HFKQLFDO▯$VVLVWDQFH´) to perform a field visit to confirm the

events. Once verification has been completed, it is submitted to the Antinarcotics Directorate of
the National Police, which proceeds to certify whether such aspersions were carried out in those
areas on the noted dates. If it is certified that the area was not fumigated on the indicated date,
the proceeding concludes. If, on the other hand, it certifies that the areas were sprayed, a new

visit is carried out, provided that conditions of public order allow it, by the “complaints group”

[PAGE 23]

created by the Police and National Narcotics Directorate for this purpose. This group is in
charge of determining the existence of damages and their relationship to fumigations and, finally,
after determining the existence of a nexus between fumigations and crop damages, it goes on to
calculate the compensation amount for that individual.

3.7.3 With respect to the procedure defined in the abovementioned Resolution, it is noteworthy
that: (1) The very institutions responsible for implementing the Eradication Program-

Antinarcotics Police- DIRAN and the National Narcotics Directorate- DNE- are the competent
bodies to evaluate the claimed events and their respective causality nexus to fumigations, (2) An
environmental audit has not been engaged, (3) According to ICA, there are no laboratories or
techniques for measuring Glyphosate residues. This makes determining the relationship of the
aerial aspersion damages to the herbicide nearly impossible. The only procedure available is for
evaluating the chemical residues in water, and (4) The public order situation referenced, hinders
filing the complaints by affected individuals who reside in areas isolated from urban centers.
Similarly, the armed conflict generates circumstances which preclude ombudsmen and officials

from Umatas and ICA, as well as the complaints team that must be fo6med by the DNE and
DIRAN, from carrying out visits for verification in sprayed areas.

At the referenced Ombudsman hearing, the ICA officer announced that there is Access to a protocol to receive soil
6amples, but that the analysis must be carried out outside of the country.
This appears, among other communications, in the minutes dated 27 November 2001 signed by an officer from
UMATA, the police inspector of Tigre, Valle del Guamuez (Putumayo) and the Ombudsman of Hormiga, and an

▯Annex 145

3.7.4 On the other hand, the Resolution affirms that field visits will not be carried out by a team

formed by either the DNE or DIRAN, in places where the National Police warns of the existence
of public order problems. Therefore, the established procedure is impossible to follow, given
that in actual circumstances, a great portion of Putumayo areas in which illicit crops are found

are immersed in armed conflict. In many cases known to the Ombudsmen, membe7s of
UMATAS have not been able to conduct even a preliminary field visit. The Antinarcotics
Police recognized the difficulties in accessing areas where complaints have been filed, given
that, “the lives and integrity of support team members is endangered (…)” We are surprised by

this Institution’s stance with respect to UMATAS and ICA municipal Ombudsmen, who are
considered an unsuitable staff for the verification of complaints. According to DIRAN “(…) the
complaints reach us with evident delay- when evidence no longer exists, therefore, the only

means of proof is the one collected in anticipation by the interested party, with the help of
administrative sub-officials who coexist with those communities. (…) their opinions being
subject to partiality (…) due to the influence of favoritism caused by such mutual coexistence,
survival (…)”

3.7.5 For these reasons, among others, to date, the DNE has recognized the admissibility of only
two complaints for illicit crop affectations. Numerous complaints are deemed inadmissible

because it determines that no aspersions have been done in the place or time indicated. In this

[PAGE 24]

respect, farmers and settlers have expressed that their complaints are frequently rejected because
they do not remember, with precision, the “date and time” of the aspersion or the “precise

location” of their plots. Similarly, despite the provisions of the referenced Resolution, many
municipal ombudsmen of the department expressed to the Ombudsman that they have not
received instructions regarding the application of the complaints procedure, copies of the formats
or cartography of their respective municipalities, despite being ordered by said Resolution.

3.8 Complaints Received

3.8.1 Regarding the spraying carried out in December 2001 and the months of January and
February of this year, DNE informed that it had received 210 complaints from the
Departamentos de Putumayo (207), Caquetá, Cesar and Nariño (1 from each department). 88 of
these were declared inadmissible and verification was pending in 122 of them, i.e. 58%. Of

these, 74 complainants indicated that they were signatories of agreements. However, the visit
scheduled for the month of April to substantiate the denounced effects was not held, despite the

Hormiga officer, which emphasizes that outlaw armed groups impede the entry into certain villages of Municipio del
Valle del Guamuez. Similarly, the proceedings dated 15 February and 22 April 2002 by the Municipal Ombudsman
and the Director of UMATA of Puerto Asís highlight that said entities do not have access to operational capacity to
substantiate complaints due to scarcity of staff and resources. Since issuance of Resolution 017 in 2001, to date, the
habitual response from UMATAS and ICA officials has been an impossibility to carry out field visits.
7 National Narcotics Directorate. Quarterly Progress Report: Resolutions 0341 of 2001, and 1065 of 2001, 2 May

8002. ▯
Antinarcotics Police. Illicit Crop Eradication Area. Order dated 15 December 2001 which provides dismissing that
the Preliminary Investigation, regarding the proceeding of 84 complaints due to fumigation.

▯ Annex 145

fact that, with respect to surveillance in the Valle Guamuéz, damage as the death of plants and
transitory and permanent affected crops was reported. 9

3.8.2 To this day, in the SEGA component, the Ombudsman has received complaints about
spraying conducted in this Department since the end of 2001. The complaints with respect to the

remaining components have been submitted to the Ombudsman subsequently to sprayi10
initiated in July of this year. The following table breaks down such complaints.

Table No. 8

Complaints received by the Ombudsman
Component No. of No. of beneficiary Percentage
Complaints families

Food safety- SEGA 5,940 26,680 22
Plan de vida Cofán 231 577 40
Acuerdo Raíz por 256 4,300 6

Pildaet en Orito, 106 4,653 2
Valle del Guamuéz

and Puerto Asís
Total 6,553 36,210 18

3.8.3 The Ombudsman has admitted 318 complaints for the affectation of 6,076 families and
5,034.25 hectares just in the municipalities of Puerto Asís, Orito and Valle del Guamuéz. The
majority of these complaints come from signatories to agreements and refers to damages caused

in lands where 100% of the coca, or at least 70%, had alread11been eradicated and where yucca,
plantain, corn, fruit trees and grasses were being cultivated. According to the complaints, Valle
del Guamuéz has been the most affected of the three (3) mentioned municipalities. The Food
Safety project in Puerto Asís has also been significantly affected and the complainant families

represent approximately 50% of the signatories. In general terms, of the total number of families
that have received resources through said component, in the 3 municipalities, 32% have
complained of damages to their crops.

3.8.4 With respect to the project for hearts of palm crops with the manufacturing plant of Puerto
Asís as their destination- considered to be one of the most significant production projects of the
region, it was informed in the referenced Ombudsman hearing that 34 beneficiaries have seen

[PAGE 25]

9National Narcotics Directorate. Quarterly Progress Report: Resolutions 0341 and of 2001 and 1065 of 2001, 2
May 2002.▯
10It should be noted that only some complaints reach the Ombudsman, others are left at the municipal ombudsmen
level and some are sent directly to the Attorney General’s Office, the DNE or DIRAN. Similarly, certain cases are
presented which are not registered, particularly in the most isolated areas of urban centers and areas in which armed
forces deny the population’s entry and exit. Additionally, we know of situations in which those affected do not
initiate any action due to fear that they will be subjected to justice, pursuant to the terms of Law 30 and the Criminal

11de. ▯
The right to petition before the Ombudsman by farmer leaders from the Municipio de Puerto Asís dated 12
August 2002 is among these. ▯

▯Annex 145

their crops affected, as a result of the fumigations. In total, it is estimated that 50.9 peach crops

have been affected. According to analyses conducted, the losses are calculated to amount of $42
million, corresponding to cost of labor and supplies, in the stages of investment and resettling, as
well as present and future harvests. We note that recovery requires between six and twenty


Table No. 9

Hearts of Palm Cultivation Project
State of Cultivation Value in pesos of damage
2 month- greenhouse 1,348,500

3 month- planting 2,883,000
8 month- planting 4,211,000

18 month- planting 10,352,300
36 month- planting 23,131,500
Total 41,926,300

Source: Agroamazonía, September 2002

3.9 Effects of aerial aspersions

3.9.1 The damage to the food crops of farmers and natives has put their food safety at risk, since
an adequate food supply that covers their nutritional needs cannot be guaranteed when the yucca,

plantain, corn and fruit trees are destroyed. Similarly, the complainants have denounced the
death of cattle for human consumption, including chicken and fish (red belly pacu), supplied
within the framework of illicit crop replacement projects.

3.9.2 Additionally, indiscriminate fumigation causes communities signatory to these agreements
to lose their trust on state entities and other organizations hired for its execution. 12 Specifically,

the PILDAET Manager informed the Manager of Fundación Chemonicas de Colombia that
forced eradication, in addition to obstructing compliance with the respective obligations within
the Program, threatens the life of members of the working team that implements it. 13

3.9.3 Nevertheless, we do not understand how authorities continue delivering national budget
resources- including making transfers to municipal entities and precincts- as well as international
aid resources, specifically within Plan Colombia , for the implementation of various

12 The representative for Colombia and Ecuador of the United Nations Office for Narcotics Control and Crime
Prevention acknowledges a reduction in illicit crops in Colombia and reaffirmed the Agency’s position regarding
using aerial fumigation exclusively for large cultivations. The official emphasized that “subsistence crops belonging
to farmers and indigenous peoples should not be sprayed”, since this procedure “does not work, is unfair and

alienates those farmers from the State.” He added, “there are places in the country where farmers have never seen a
doctor, a teacher or a PLANTE technician, but they have seen and felt the fumigation of aircraft pilots. This is not
the way of making a people’s State.” (Press Meeting for presentation of the Project “Comprehensive System for
Monitoring of Illicit Crops –SIMCI, Bogota, D.C: 15 August 2002).
13 PILDAET Program. Order DP CP 486 23 August 2001.▯
14 The U.S. assistance, channeled through the United States Agency for International Development – USAID, has
been oriented towards training programs and, in the month of May 2001, to the distribution of egg-laying hens to
some of the signatories of agreements ($1 million dollars). (www.usembassy.state.gov/colombia. Apoyos de Estados
Unidos al Plan Colombia).▯

▯ Annex 145

replacement and alternative development programs, if these are later damaged by indiscriminate
chemical fumigations, which, harms the public patrimony.

3.9.4 The population, harmed both socially and economically by the restart of the Aerial
Eradication Program, often has no choice but to be displaced, and, is unprotected at this time,
because of difficulties in registration due to having been linked to an activity that is considered

illegal pursuant to Law 30 of 1986 and the Criminal Code, ha15 impeded access to benefits of
the System for Attention to the Displaced Population.

[PAGE 26]

3.9.5. In addition to the above complaints, some other complaints have been filed in the
department due to affectation to inhabitants’ health allegedly caused by fumigations. The
report of Sub-Directorate of Public Health of the Departament de Putumayo regarding the effects
of fumigation, carried out in many locations of that sector mentions that of the 5,929 people

listed as filing complaints and interrogated by officials of the Unit of Technical Assistance in
Orito 4,883 (8.5%) showed symptoms attributed to fumigation. 46.4% of the people subject to
the study come from 282 villages that comprise the three municipalities. The symptoms were

related to respiratory problems 29% (964), gastrointestinal problems 26.4% (876), dermal issues
15.8% (524), psychological problems 1.9% (64), fever 15.5% (516), general malaise 5.4% (179),
nausea 4.1% (32) and others 0.9%, (29).” This report adds that a “statistically significant

increase in cases of fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, acute respiratory infection and skin
infections” presented itself in Hospital de la Hormiga. The report concludes that an
epidemiological monitoring system for acute intoxication caused by plaguicides is necessary, as
well as a nutritional monitoring system.

The complaints by governors of indigenous communities stand out among other complaints, as

well as those set forth by the families belonging to the town of Cofán and Cabildos Indígenas del
Valle del Guamuéz and San Miguel. The complaints report rashes, allergies and respiratory
problems, in addition to vomiting and diarrhea, especially in children of these communities.

3.10 Application of the Glyphosate-based Illicit Crop Eradication Program – PECIG –

Municipio de Puerto Asís. Municipal Penitentiary. Report regarding detainees, 27 September 2002. Said report
indicates that 47 people, including 6 women, were detained at the center for violation to Law 30 1986. In Mocoa, of
340 detainees, 278 have been detained for this same reason.
16According to DNE, some of the limitations for verifying the relationship between aspersions and the complaints
regarding health are related to a lack of financial resources to “begin the activities of PMA” and inexistence of
entities having access to liquid chromatography equipment for Glyphosate analysis in blood and urine. In particular,

the Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses (“1DWLRQDO▯,QVWLWXWH▯RI▯/HJDO▯0HGLFLQH▯DQG▯)RUHQVLF▯
Science”) presented a project to the DNE entitled “Determination of Effects on the Colombian Population of Acute
Fatal and Non-Fatal Intoxication with N-Phosphonometylglisine (Glyphosate).”
17Subdirectorate of Public Health of the Departamento de Putumayo (“Subdirección de Salud Pública del
Departamento del Putumayo”): “Efectos de las fumigaciones en los municipios de Valle de Guamuéz, San Miguel y
Orito Putumayo – Colombia diciembre de 2001”. (“(IIHFWV▯RI▯IXPLJDWLRQV▯RQ▯WKH▯PXQLFLSDOLWLHV▯RI▯9DOOH▯GHO▯

▯Annex 145

3.10.1 The fumigations continue to be carried out, in disregard of the Colombian legal
framework. 18 As this Institution has already expressed, the manner in which chemical-based

aerial illicit crop eradication strategy is being implemented disregards the national regulatory
framework, which is geared towards ensuring health and public sanitation, as well as
environmental protection and conservation. In this sense, the disregard for regulations
concerning prevention, control, and monitoring of health risk factors is cause for concern, as well
as the fact that a Health Plan of Epidemiological Monitoring geared towards preventing and
reducing the harmful effects of fumigations has yet to be put in place, despite it being required
by the Management Plan

[PAGE 27]

for Illicit Crops Environmental Eradication Program, enacted in November 2001 by the Ministry
of Environment. It must be noted that the Instituto Nacional de Salud ▯³1DWLRQDO▯ +HDOWK▯
,QVWLWXWH´▯, recently hired an epidemiologist to design a technical and administrative conceptual
model for the plaguicide monitoring component.

3.10.2 Additionally, the aforementioned Program for Illicit Crop Aerial Eradication with
Glyphosate – PECIG – ignores environmental standards. On one hand, it continues to be
implemented despite the Technical Environmental Audit not having been engaged,

notwithstanding such Audit having been ordered by the Ministry of Environment via Resolution
005 issued in the year 2000 and repeated in Resolution 341 and Resolution 1065 dated May and

November 2001, respectively.

3.10.3 In addition, the National Narcotics Directorate – DNE, the Program’s coordinating

agency, has not fully complied with the environmental precautions required by the Agency
mentioned in Resolution 341. Therefore, the highest environmental authority , via Resolution

1066 dated 26 November 2001, opened an investigation and raised a statement of objections
against this Directorate, for infringement of several articles of Resolution 341, 2001, including:

The document, “Contratistas y personal militar estadounidense de apoyo en el Plan Colombia” (“Contractors and
$PHULFDQ▯PLOLWDU\▯VXSSRUW▯SHUVRQQHO▯LQ▯3ODQ▯&RORPELD´▯▯emphasizes that “(…) the aerial eradication program in
Colombia is furthered by the National Police of Colombia, with the support of Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales
de Narcóticos y Administración de Justicia of the State Department (“Office of International Narcotics Matters and
$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ▯RI▯-XVWLFH´) and the Section of Narcotics Matters of the United States Embassy as well as American,

foreign and Colombian staff hired by the Department of State through DynCorp Aerospace Technologies”
19Defensoría del Pueblo. “Amicus Curiæ. Las Fumigaciones y los Derechos Humanos, Bogotá, April 2002 .▯
20The North American Foreign Cooperation Act for 2002 (Act PL 107-115 “Foreign Operations Appropriations for
FY 2002, 10 January of this year, by which the Andean Regional Initiative resources were approved, conditions the
eradication operations to the following requirements: (1) Aerial Spraying of coca fields would be conducted

according to the procedures for the chemical use, that have been established by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), the Center for Epidemic Control and the chemical manufacturing companies; and after consultations
with the Colombian Government, the compliance of Colombian legislation must be guaranteed; (2) The chemicals
used in the aerial sprayings, in the manner applied, do not imply grave risks or negative effects for humans and
environment; (3) Effective mechanisms must be established for evaluating the population complaints referred to
affectations to health, damages to legal crops, caused by aerial sprayings, and a just retribution to all those

21esenting founded complaints (..) ▯
22National Health Institute. Proceeding D.G. 192/2002, dated 23 July 2002, directed towards the Ombudsman. ▯
Article 84 et seq. of Law 99 of year 1993▯

▯ Annex 145

article 2 (performing, over a six-month period, environmental impact assessments and proposing
mitigation measures), article 6 (“immediately” beginning the inspection, verification and
monitoring program to confirm effectiveness in implementing environmental management
measures during spraying) and article 7 (beginning studies on representative plots within the

following three months and determine the residual chemical in the soil). Through Decision 752,
dated 25 July 2002, the Agency refused the practice of certain tests submitted by DNE, arguing
that these do not “bear a direct relationship with the facts under investigation” (among the
evidence, Landsat images of the Municipality of Miraflores due to spraying carried out between

1997 and 2000 were presented, though Resolution 341 had yet to be issued on the date they were
taken, as well as studies concerning the EPA-USA with reference to Glyphosate and not to the
mix used in the PECIG.) In Order 918, dated 20 September 2002, through which the requested
appeal lodged by this Directorate is rejected, the Ministry reiterates the provisions of the

aforementioned Order 725.

3.10.4 Additionally, the fumigations in the Putumayo ignore subsection d) of Article 5 of the
Environmental Management Plan imposed by the highest authority in that matter (Resolution

1065 dated 26 November 2001). In accordance with that article, the referenced Ministry
prohibits the forced eradication in still and running bodies of water, in areas of human
settlement, in indigenous reservations and areas of productive and agreed upon projects. In order
to preserve these areas, the Portfolio defines minimum safety strips, ranging from 200 to 2,000

meters. This decision was reiterated by Resolution 0108 dated 31 January 2002, which ruled on
the appeal lodged by the DNE. Despite the fact that, on April and July of this year, the PNDA
submitted a compact disc to the DNE with information regarding the alternative development
projects and indigenous territories, these were sprayed, as shown in the complaints filed before
the Ombudsman and the DNE.


1. The above-mentioned facts and proofs violate the Standards of International
Humanitarian Rights in force in the country . In Colombia, the following instruments are
applicable to international and local armed conflicts:

▯ The Protocol relative to the prohibition of use of asphyxiating toxic gas or similar and
bacteriological agents in war, approved by Act 10 issued in year 1980.
[PAGE 33]

While it is true that the State has the duty to prosecute the crime of drug trafficking, it also has
other obligations, such as preserving and conserving the surroundings and environment, natural
resources, national parks and ethnic territories. In the same manner, it has the obligation to

protect the citizens’ health and their food safety. Consequently, in prosecuting the above offense,
the State must ensure that its actions are not to the detriment of other constitutionally protected

23As is stated in the document cited on the bottom of page 600 and as is noted in the meeting held on 16 September
at the Ombudsman’s headquarters by the PNDA’s appointee.▯

▯Annex 145

Indeed, food safety is threatened by the destruction of plants and animal species used for human
consumption as well as the risks involved in the intake of water and food that has been exposed
to chemicals used in the above-mentioned Program. The health of inhabitants of sprayed areas
and the environment are equally threatened, since the spraying is carried out without fulfilling

the essential preventive measures designed to prevent, control and mitigate potential damage to
the population’s health and the environment. Such measures include the engaging of an
environmental auditor, the implementation of an Epidemiological Monitoring Plan and the strict
compliance with the Environmental Management Plan. However, as is clear from this resolution,
the aerial spraying has been conducted ignoring the Environmental Management Plan, especially

since such spraying was effectuated on indigenous communities and contaminated certain water

Furthermore, it is the State’s duty to preserve and protect the protected areas, including areas
which comprise the National Natural Parks System. Accordingly, among other functions, it is the

obligation of state authorities to recognize the improvements made by people who inhabited such
areas prior to its declaration and create the appropriate conditions for their resettlement.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, and despite commitments made since 1996, families in the La

Paya National Natural Park who abandoned the park pursuant to a resettling agreement have not
yet received the agreed support for their resettlement (subsidies for land acquisition and
housing). Despite these families having met the goals of eradicating coca crops in 1998, they
have been forced to remain in Puerto Leguízamo without conditions that meet their basic needs.

This fact, in addition to the displacement from the Departamentos de Caquetá, Cauca and
Nariño, in some cases, carries with it the migration of illicit crops and generates their expansion
in the PNN.

For this reason, the concessions contemplated by agreements and crop replacement covenants in

this municipalities must be immediately initiated. The acquisition of lands to families that
abandoned the Park due to the mentioned concerted effort must also be prioritized.

Additionally, the fact that only mechanical or manual eradication processes are possible in areas

composing the National System of Protected Areas, must be taken into account. (Article 11 of
Resolution 0005 of 2001 of the CNE).

7. The incipient development of a voluntary replacement and alternative development program,
in addition to the affection caused by forced eradication, violates Article 209 of the Constitution,

which enshrines efficiency, speed and decentralization , among others, as fundamental
principles of administrative actions, and states that coordination must occur in all
administration actions in order to give proper implementation to the State’s goals. As discussed
in the background, various state agencies responsible for implementing eradication covenants
and alternative development projects have not acted with the expected diligence. The lack of a

coordinated effort between entities involved in implementing alternative development projects
(such as the National Presidential Plan for Alternative Development-PNDA), and those entities
responsible for the forced eradication program (National Narcotics Directorate-DNE and

▯ Annex 145

Narcotics Division of the National Police) is expressed. The communities' complaints regarding

spraying on their lands and projects are a proof of this.
[PAGE 37]

signatory communities are seeing their legitimate aspirations frustrated. Given the above, we
require adherence to commitments, especially since the need for long-term action for
replacement of psychotropic crops is contemplated at an international and national level.



First. URGE the competent state agencies charged with ensuring public order and respect for
human rights and international humanitarian law, to take immediate and urgent actions to ensure

maintenance of the public order, that the Putumayan population remains in its place of origin,
and to design a prevention plan to promote the cited coordination and institutional response
mechanisms in case of raids, attacks and other threats against the aforementioned population, in
accordance with paragraph 9.1 of section six of this resolution.

Second. REQUEST the Social Solidarity Network to coordinate with the entities of the National
System for Integral Attention to the Displaced Population - SNAIPD - and the Municipal
Committees for Comprehensive Attention to this population, the actions necessary for
implementation of a comprehensive strategy to ensure not only the humanitarian attention stage,

but also the socio-economic resettlement of the affected population.

Third. URGE the Commission appointed at the meeting in the Ombudsman’s Office to verify
compliance with the agreements and covenants pursuant to the terms outlined in paragraph 9.2 of
the sixth paragraph of this resolution. SimilaCONVOKE the Solidarity Network to join in

that effort.

Fourth. REQUIRE the Narcotics Division of the National Police to make the necessary
adjustments to aerial eradication activities in order to fulfill obligations and requirements

imposed by the Ministry of Environment in the Environmental Management Plan, particularly
with regard to the spraying ban on indigenous lands and bodies of water. SimilaURGE the
Ministry and the National Narcotics Directorate to monitor that plan.

Fifth. RECOMMEND that the National Narcotics Council suspend spraying in Putumayo,

pending the assessment mentioned in paragraph Third and the above-mentioned adjustments.

Sixth. URGE the National Narcotics Council to amend Resolution 017, 2001 in order to
facilitate the necessary procedures to verify the complaints and to immediately compensate
communities affected by spraying operations in Putumayo.

▯Annex 145

Seventh. REMIND the Ministry of Health of the Ombudsman’s urge for adoption and

implementation of the Epidemiological Monitoring Plan for the Illicit Crop Eradication Program
with Glyphosate - PECIG -.

Octavo. HIGHLIGHT that the facts described in the preamble to this Resolution constitute

serious violations of fundamental human rights enshrined in the Constitution and at a minimum,
the guarantees provided for in the International Convention of Civil and Political Rights.
Furthermore, the conduct described indicates a clear violation of rules of international
humanitarian law.

Ninth. REQUEST the Attorney General's Office to initiate disciplinary investigations that may
be required in order to establish the responsibility of public officials for the events described in
the preamble, andURGE the Attorney General's Office, through the Human Rights Unit of

[PAGE 38]

to initiate the criminal investigations that may be appropriate for human rights violations and
violations of international humanitarian law.


First. ORDER the Ombudsman’s Office of Legal Actions and Judicial Review to advise the
affected indigenous peoples, the settlers and farmers involved in bringing the appropriate legal

proceedings for the effective protection of their rights, either as a result of the conflict or of the
spraying, in addition to those actions for the respective compensation for losses and damages

Third. CHARGE the Appointees for the Collective Rights to Environment and the Indigenous

Peoples and Ethnic Minorities, and the Office of Coordination of the Displaced Population with
monitoring the present resolution’s implementation with the collaboration of the Putumayo
Regional Ombudsman.


First. TRANSFER this resolution to the competent authorities, as well as the United Nations
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights headquartered in Colombia, the Office of

the High Commissioner for Refugees in Colombia and the United Nations Office on Narcotics
Control and Crime Prevention for the fulfillment of the purposes set out therein. In the same
manner,SEND a copy of this resolution to the Constitutional Court and the Administrative
Tribunal of Cundinamarca as “Amicus Curiae” in the Order for Protection of Fundamental
Human Rights and People's Action against the spraying, respectively.

▯ Annex 145

Second. INCLUDE the cited Ombudsman’s advocacy reports and the present resolution, as well
as the compliance results in the annual report to be submitted by the Ombudsman to the People's
Congress of the Republic, as provided for in paragraph 7 of Article 9 of Law 24, 1992.


Ombudsman ▯

▯Annex 145 Annex 145




Bogotá, D.C., octubre 9 de 2002




La Defensoría del Pueblo diseñó un modelo de seguimiento y evaluación de las políticas

públicas para la formación, promoción, defensa, protección y realización de los derechos
humanos (ProSeDHer). Dentro de este Programa se realiza el seguimiento de la Política
Nacional de Lucha contra las Drogas , particularmente, en dos de sus estrategias, a saber:
El Programa de Erradicación de los Cultivos Ilícitos con Glifosato y el Programa de
Desarrollo Alternativo. Esta labor se extiende a la ejecución del Plan Colombia, en los
citados componentes .


1. La Resolución Defensorial No. 4 de 2001 y los informes defensoriales Nos. 1

“Fumigaciones y Proyectos de Desarrollo Alternativo en el Putumayo” del 9 de febrero de
2001 y 2 “Seguimiento a la Resolución Defensorial No. 4 del 12 de Febrero de 2001”, de
abril 16 de 2001.

2. El informe defensorial “Estrategia de Desarrollo Alternativo y Pactos Voluntarios

para la Sustitución de los Cultivos con Fines Ilícitos”, de noviembre de 2001.

3. El Amicus Curiæ “Derechos Humanos y Fumigaciones” presentado a la Corte

Constitucional dentro de la revisión de tutela interpuesta por la Organización de Pueblos
Indígenas de la Amazonía – OPIAC, en abril de este año.

4. El oficio 4050 -809 de julio 22 de 2002 dirigido al Ministro de Justicia, Presidente
del Consejo Nacional de Estupefacientes Bogotá, en el que se plantea la “necesidad de

evaluar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones acordadas entre el Gobierno y los pobladores
de Putumayo - en el marco de los programas de desarrollo alternativo para la sustitución

de los cultivos de uso ilícito en esa región del país -, antes de adoptarse una decisión en
torno a la posible reiniciación del programa de erradicación aérea de cultivos de uso ilícito,
a partir del próximo 28 de los corrientes”.

5. Los diferentes informes remitidos por la Regional Putumayo a las Direcciones y

Delegadas de la Defensoría del Pueblo, particularmente, en los dos últimos años.

1Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes. “Plan Nacional de Lucha contra las Drogas, Colombia 1998 – 2002.
Los programas estratégicos de dicho Plan son el 1º desarrollo alternativo, 2º la interdicción, 3º el

fortalecimiento jurídico e institucional, 4º la reducción de la demanda interna, 5º la gestión ambiental y 6º la
política internacional. La coordinación de estas acciones, en las que participan diferentes entidades estatales,
le corresponde al Consejo Nacional de Estupefacientes y a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes.
2Plan Colombia. Fortalecimiento Institucional y Desarrollo Social, 2000-2002. Reporte al Grupo de Apoyo al
Proceso de Paz. En la presentación de este Plan se indica que “(...) el Gobierno Nacional formuló el Plan
Colombia el cual, dentro del marco de una política de construcción de paz, liga las estrategias de negociación
con la insurgencia, la protección de los derechos humanos, el fortalecimiento del Estado, la recuperación de la

economía, el control a la expansión de los cultivos ilícitos, y la protección del ambiente”.Annex 145
▯ ▯▯

de seguridad alimentaria y a proyectos productivos en los que se habían invertido recursos

estatales y de cooperación internacional. Las quejas de la población no sólo se refieren a
daños en los cultivos de sustitución voluntaria sembrados en algunas de las casi 10.000
has de coca erradicadas, sino también a la afectación de áreas donde no han existido

plantaciones de coca. Este es, por ejemplo, el caso de la denuncia formulada
públicamente por la la Organización Zonal Indígena del Putumayo – OZIP – y las
asociaciones de Cabildos Indígenas y los Cabildos Indígenas del Putumayo, sobre la

fumigación en la comunidad “Nasa Chamb” de Puerto Asís, donde dicen “nunca ha habido

d. En el Plan Colombia se prevé expresamente que las fumigaciones afectan la seguridad
alimentaria y propician el desplazamiento de la población afectada. Es por ello que se

destinaron recursos de la AID por valor de $ 5.400 millones para el 55ministro de
alimentos y artículos de aseo, los cuales son administrados por la RSS A la fecha se han
atendido 22.576 familias, con 53.562 mercados, por un valor de $ 5.370 millones de


Cuadro No. 7

Familias atendidas por efectos de las fumigaciones

No. Familias No.
Municipio atendidas Mercados Valor
Subtotal 2001 9.600 9.600 962.496.000

Valle Del 3.201 9.603 962.796.780

Orito 3.079 9.237 926.101.620
Orito 2.283 2.283 228.893.580

San Miguel 2.137 6.411 642.766.860
Puerto Caicedo 1.402 4.206 421.693.560

Puerto Asís 624 1.872 187.686.720
Otros 100 300 30.078.000

Puerto Guzmán 42 126 12.632.760

Villagarzón 108 324 32.484.240
Subtotal 12.976 43.962 4.407.630.120

Total 22.576 53.562 5.370.126.120
Fuente: RSS septiembre de 2002.

3.7 Trámite de quejas

3.7.1 El trámite para la atención de las quejas por los presuntos daños causados por las
aspersiones aéreas que se realizan dentro del marco del Programa de Erradicación
(PECIG), establecido en la Resolución 017 de octubre de 2001 del Consejo Nacional de

Estupefacientes, es un procedimiento inadecuado e ineficaz.

3.7.2 En los términos de la citada Resolución, las quejas deben ser recibidas por las

Personerías Municipales, las cuales seguidamente solicitan al Instituto Colombiano
Agropecuario - ICA - o a las Unidades Municipales de Asistencia Técnica – UMATAS -

efectuar una visita de campo para verificar los hechos. Una vez realizada la verificación, se
pone en conocimiento de la Dirección Antinarcóticos de la Policía Nacional, la cual procede
a certificar si se realizaron o no aspersiones en la zona materia de la queja en las fechas

señaladas. Si se certifica que no se fumigó en el lugar y el día indicado, el trámite
concluye; si por el contrario se certifica que las zonas si fueron asperjadas, se realiza una
nueva visita, si las condiciones de orden público lo permiten, por parte del ‘”grupo de

Organización Zonal Indígena del Putumayo – OZIP – y las asociaciones de Cabildos Indígenas y los Cabildos
Indígenas del Putumayo. “Aviones del Plan Colombia, cargados con Glifosato arrasan comunidades indígenas
de la Amazonía. Se destruyen las inversiones en comunidades indígenas, realizadas con recursos del mismo
Gobierno y de donación internacional”, Putumayo, 7 de septiembre de 2002.
55RSS. Convenio marco 231 de 1999 suscrito con la Organización de los Estados Iberoamericanos - OEI - y
Contrato No. 454 de 2001. Annex 145

▯ ▯▯

quejas” creado por la Policía y la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes para tal fin. Este
grupo se encarga de determinar la existencia de los daños y su relación con las

fumigaciones y, finalmente, si el nexo de las aspersiones con los daños en los cultivos es
comprobado, se procede a calcular el monto que por los perjuicios se debe pagar al


3.7.3 Del procedimiento definido en la prenombrada Resolución llama la atención lo
siguiente: (1) Las mismas instituciones encargadas de ejecutar el Programa de
Erradicación - Policía Antinarcóticos - DIRAN y la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes-

DNE – son las competentes para evaluar los hechos denunciados y su nexo de causalidad
con las fumigaciones; (2) No se ha contratado la auditoría ambiental; (3) No existe, según

el ICA, la técnica ni los laboratorio para medir los residuos de Glifosato en suelos, lo cual
hace casi imposible determinar la relación de los daños con las aspersiones aéreas con el
herbicida – solo se tiene para evaluar los residuos del químico en el agua -, y (4) La
situación de orden público, a la que ya se hizo referencia, que dificulta a los afectados
localizados en lugares aislados de los centros urbanos presentar sus quejas. Igualmente,

las circunstancias del conflicto armado imposibilitan la realización de las visitas de
verificación a las zonas asperjadas por parte de los personeros y funcionarios de las

Umatas y del ICA, así como del equipo de quejas que deben conformar la DNE y la

3.7.4 De otro lado, la Resolución señala que no se llevarán a cabo las visitas de campo por

parte del grupo de trabajo conformado por la DNE y la DIRAN, en lugares en los que la
Policía Nacional indique la existencia de problemas de orden público. Por lo tanto,
teniendo en cuenta que, en las actuales circunstancias, gran parte de las zonas del

Putumayo en las que están establecidos los cultivos de uso ilícito se encuentran inmersas
en el conflicto armado, el procedimiento establecido resulta imposible de seguir. En varios

casos conocidos por la Defensoría, no se ha podido realizar ni siquiera una visita de campo
preliminar, por parte de los miembros de las UMATAS 58. La Policía Antinarcóticos reconoce

las dificultades para acceder a las zonas en que se presentan las quejas dado “(…)que
corren peligro sus vidas y la integridad de los elementos de apoyo (…)”. Sorprende la
posición de esa Institución con respecto a los funcionarios de las personerías municipales,

de las UMATAS y del ICA, a quienes considera personal no idóneo para la verificación de
las quejas. En los términos de la DIRAN “(…) las quejas llegan con ostensible retardo

cuando ya las evidencias no existen, de tal suerte que solamente persiste como único
medio de comprobación la prueba anticipada que el interesado preconstituye a su manera

personal, con la ayuda de funcionarios administrativos subalternos que conviven con esas
comunidades, (…) parcializando sus opiniones (…)”, por “factores de compadrazgo,
vecindario permanente, de convivencia mutua, supervivencia (…)” 5.

3.7.5 Por estas razones, entre otras, hasta la fecha la DNE de un total sólo ha reconocido

la procedencia de dos quejas por la afectación de cultivos lícitos. Numerosas denuncias no
proceden porque se determina que no hubo aspersión en el lugar y tiempo indicado. A este

En la citada audiencia defensorial, el funcionario del ICA anunció que se cuenta con el protocolo para
recepcionar muestras de suelo, pero que su análisis debe realizarse fuera del país.
57Así consta, entre otros documentos, en el acta del 27 de noviembre de 2001 firmada por un funcionario de
la UMATA, el inspector de policía del Tigre, Valle del Guamuéz (Putumayo) y el Personero de la Hormiga, en la

que se señala que los grupos armados al margen de la ley impiden la entrada a ciertas veredas del Municipio
del Valle del Guamuez. En igual sentido, se refieren los oficios del 15 de febrero y 22 de abril de 2002 del
Personero Municipal de Puerto Asís y el Director de la UMATA de Puerto Asís, así como en el oficio del 22 de
mayo del mismo año del Coordinador del ICA Seccional Putumayo, en los cuales además se señala que tales
entidades no cuentan con la capacidad operativa para realizar la verificación de las quejas en razón de su
escaso personal y recursos.
Así consta, entre otras comunicaciones, en el acta del 27 de noviembre de 2001 firmada por un funcionario
de la UMATA, el inspector de policía del Tigre, Valle del Guamuéz (Putumayo) y el Personero de la Hormiga, en
la que se señala que los grupos armados al margen de la ley impiden la entrada a ciertas veredas del
Municipio del Valle del Guamuez. En igual sentido, se refieren los oficios del 15 de febrero y 22 de abril de
2002 del Personero Municipal de Puerto Asís y el Director de la UMATA de Puerto Asís, así como en el oficio del
22 de mayo del mismo año del Coordinador del ICA Seccional Putumayo, en los cuales además se señala que

tales entidades no cuentan con la capacidad operativa para realizar la verificación de las quejas en razón de su
escaso personal y recursos. Desde la expedición de la Resolución 017 de 2001 a la fecha, la imposibilidad de
realizar las visitas de campo ha sido la respuesta habitual de los funcionarios de las UMATAS y el ICA.
59Policía Antinarcóticos. Área de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos. Auto del 15 de diciembre de 2001, mediante
el cual se dispone archivar la Indagación Preliminar 095 de 2001, referente al trámite de 84 quejas por
fumigaciones.Annex 145
▯ ▯▯

respecto, los campesinos y colonos han manifestado que muchas veces sus quejas son
rechazadas por no recordar con exactitud “la fecha y hora” de la aspersión o la “ubicación
precisa” de sus predios. Así mismo, pese a lo dispuesto en la referida Resolución, varios

personeros municipales del departamento manifestaron a la Defensoría que no han
recibido instrucciones para la aplicación del procedimiento de quejas ni copia de los
formatos y de la cartografía de su municipio, pese a lo que ordena la citada Resolución.

3.8 Quejas recibidas

3.8.1 En relación con las aspersiones realizadas en diciembre de 2001 y los meses de
enero y febrero de este año, la DNE informó que había recibido 210 quejas provenientes

de los Departamentos de Putumayo (207), Caquetá, Cesar y Nariño (1 de cada
departamento). Del total se declararon improcedentes 88 y pendientes de su verificación

122, es decir el 58%. De estas 74 quejosos indicaron que eran firmantes de pactos. Sin
embargo, la visita programada en el mes de abril para constatar los efectos denunciados
no se pudo realizar. Ello pese a que, en el seguimiento realizado en el Valle de Guamuéz,

se identificó que el daño reportado es la muerte de las plantas y que los cultivos afectados
son transitorios y permanentes 6.

3.8.2 A la fecha la Defensoría ha recibido quejas por las fumigaciones realizadas en ese
Departamento desde finales del año 2001 en el componente de la SEGA. Las denuncias en

los otros componentes se han entregado a la Defensoría con posterioridad a las
fumigaciones iniciadas en julio de este año. En el siguiente cuadro se detallan las referidas
quejas 6.

Cuadro No. 8
Quejas recibidas en la

Defensoría del Pueblo
Componente No. de No. de familias Porcentaje

Quejas beneficiarias
Seguridad alimentaria – 5.940 26.680 22

Plan de vida Cofán 231 577 40
Acuerdo Raíz por Raíz 256 4.300 6

Pildaet en Orito, Valle del 106 4.653 2
Guamuéz y Puerto Asís

Total 6.553 36.210 18

3.8.3 Sólo en los municipios de Puerto Asís, Orito y Valle del Guamuéz, la Defensoría del

Pueblo ha conocido 318 quejas por la afectación de 6.076 familias y 5.034,25 has. La
mayoría provienen de firmantes de pactos y se refieren a los daños causados en predios

donde se supone ya se había erradicado el 100% de la coca o, al menos, el620% y donde
se encontraban cultivos de yuca, plátano, maíz, árboles frutales y pastos . De los tres (3)
municipios mencionados, según las denuncias, el más afectado ha sido el Valle del

Guamuéz. En Puerto Asís, también se ha afectado considerablemente el proyecto
seguridad alimentaria y las familias quejosas son aproximadamente el 50% de las
suscriptoras. En términos generales, de la totalidad de familias que han recibido recursos

para dicho componente, en los 3 municipios, el 32% ha denunciado daños en sus cultivos.

3.8.4 Con respecto al proyecto de cultivos de palmito con destino a la planta procesadora
de Puerto Asís - considerado como uno de los proyectos productivos más importantes de
la región -, en la aludida audiencia defensorial se informó que 34 beneficiarios habían visto

Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes. Informe Trimestral de Avance: Resoluciones 0341 de 2001 y 1065 de
2001, mayo 2 de 2002.
61 Es de observar que a la Defensoría sólo llegan algunas quejas, otras se quedan en las personerías
municipales y algunas se envían directamente a la Procuraduría, a la DNE o a la DIRAN. Igualmente, se
presentan casos en que no se registran, particularmente en las zonas más aisladas de los cascos urbanos y en
los lugares en que los actores armados impiden el ingreso y la salida de la población. También, se conocen

situaciones en que los afectados no realizan ninguna acción por el temor de ser sometidos a la justicia, en los
62rminos de la Ley 30 de 1986 y del Código Penal.
Entre estas se encuentra el derecho de petición interpuesto ante la Defensoría por líderes campesinos del
Municipio de Puerto Asís del 12 de agosto de 2002. Annex 145

▯ ▯▯

afectadas sus plantaciones con ocasión de las fumigaciones. En total estiman se afectaron
50,9 has de cultivos de chontaduro. Según los análisis realizados se calculan pérdidas por

valor de $ 42 millones, correspondientes a costos de mano de obra e insumos en las
etapas de inversión y reinstalación, así como de las cosechas presentes y futuras. Se
indica que para la recuperación se demandan plazos que van desde seis a veinte meses.

Cuadro No. 9

Proyecto cultivos de palmito

Valor daños en
Estado del Cultivo pesos

Vivero de 2 meses 1.348.500
Plantación 3 meses 2.883.000

Plantación 8 meses 4.211.000
Plantación 18 meses 10.352.300

Plantación 36 meses 23.131.500
Total 41.926.300

Fuente: Agroamazonía, septiembre de 2002.

3.9 Efectos de las aspersiones aéreas

3.9.1 Los daños en los cultivos de pancoger de los campesinos e indígenas ponen en

riesgo su seguridad alimentaria, puesto que, con la destrucción de sus cultivos de yuca,
plátano, maíz y árboles frutales, no se asegura a la población el suministro de alimentos

que cubran sus necesidades nutricionales. Igualmente, los quejosos han denunciado la
muerte de animales de consumo humano, entre ellos gallinas y peces (cachamas)
entregados en el marco de los proyectos de sustitución de cultivos ilícitos.

3.9.2 Adicionalmente, las fumigaciones indiscriminadas conducen a que las comunidades

suscriptoras de los pactos pierdan la confianza en las entidades estatales y en las
organizaciones contratadas para su ejecución 63. Sobre el particular, el Gerente del
Programa PILDAET le informa al Gerente de la Fundación Chemonics de Colombia que la

erradicación forzosa, además de impedir dar cumplimiento a las obligaciones adquiridas
dentro del Programa, amenazan la vida de los miembros del equipo de trabajo que lo
ejecuta .

3.9.3 Sin embargo, no se entiende cómo las autoridades continúan entregando recursos
del presupuesto nacional -entre los cuales se encuentran las transferencias a las entidades
municipales y a los resguardos - y de cooperación internacional, particularmente del Plan
Colombia , para la ejecución de los diversos proyectos de sustitución y desarrollo
alternativo que luego son perjudicados por las fumigaciones indiscriminadas con químicos,

con lo cual produce detrimento al patrimonio público.

3.9.4 La población perjudicada social y económicamente por el reiniciación del Programa

de Erradicación Aérea en muchos casos se ha visto forzada a desplazarse y, actualmente,
se encuentra desprotegida pues no ha tenido acceso a los beneficios del Sistema de

Atención a la Población Desplazada, dadas las dificultades para registrarse por estar
63 El representante para Colombia y Ecuador de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas de Fiscalización de

Estupefacientes y de Prevención del Delito de las Naciones Unidas reconoció una reducción de los cultivos de
uso ilícito en Colombia y reiteró la posición de ese Organismo, de utilizar la fumigación aérea únicamente para
los grandes cultivos. Señaló este funcionario que no se debían asperjar “los cultivos de subsistencia de
campesinos e indígenas”, por cuanto ese procedimiento “no funciona, es injusto y además aleja a los
campesinos del Estado”. Agregó, “hay lugares en el país donde los campesinos nunca han visto a un médico,
un maestro o un técnico del PLANTE, pero si han visto y sentido la labor de los pilotos de las avionetas de
fumigación. Esta no es la forma de hacer al Estado popular” (Intervención en la rueda de prensa para la

presentación del Proyecto “Sistema Integrado de Monitoreo de Cultivos Ilícitos – SIMCI -, Bogotá, D.C., agosto
15 de 2002).
64Programa PILDAET. Oficio DP CP 486 del 23 de agosto de 2001.
65 La ayuda norteamericana canalizada a través de la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo
Internacional – USAID se ha orientado, además de los proyectos indicados en la presente resolución, a
programas de capacitación y a la entrega de gallinas ponedoras en el mes de mayo de 2001 a algunos de los

suscriptores de pactos ($ 1 millón de dólares). (www.usembassy.state.gov/colombia. Apoyos de Estados
Unidos al Plan Colombia).Annex 145

▯ ▯▯

vinculados a una actividad considerada ilegal en los términos de la Ley 30 de 1986 y del
Código Penal .

3.9.5 Adicionalmente a las anteriores denuncias, en el departamento se han presentado
quejas por la afectación a la salud de sus pobladores, ocasionadas, presuntamente, por
las fumigaciones . En el reporte de la Subdirección de Salud Pública del Departamento del
Putumayo sobre efectos de las fumigaciones en varios municipios de ese ente territorial

informó que “(…) 4.883 (8,5%) de las 5.929 personas relacionadas en los formatos de
quejas e interrogadas por los funcionarios de la Unidad de Asistencia Técnica de Orito y

procedentes el 46,4% de las 282 veredas que conforman los tres municipios, refirieron
síntomas atribuidos a la fumigación. Los síntomas estuvieron relacionados con problemas

respiratorios 29% (964), gastrointestinales 26,4% (876), dérmicos 15,8% (524),
sicológicos 1,9% (64), fiebre 15,5% (516), malestar general 5,4% (179), mareos 4,1%
(32) y otros 0,9% (29)”. Agrega este informe que en el Hospital de la Hormiga se

presentó “un incremento estadísticamente significativo para eventos de fiebre, diarrea,
dolor abdominal, infección respiratoria aguda e infecciones de piel”. Concluye el informe

que se requiere un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica para intoxicaciones agudas
causadas por plaguicidas y un sistema de vigilancia nutricional” 68.

Entre otras denuncias se destacan las de los gobernadores de cabildos indígenas y las

familias de las comunidades del pueblo Cofán y Cabildos indígenas del Valle del Guamuéz
y San Miguel, sobre brotes, alergias y problemas de respiración, así como vómitos y

diarreas, especialmente, de los niños de estas comunidades.

3.10 Aplicación del Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos Ilícitos con Glifosato

3.10.1 Las fumigaciones continúan realizándose desconociendo normas del ordenamiento
jurídico colombiano 69. Como esta Institución ya lo ha manifestado, la manera como se ha

venido ejecutado la estrategia de erradicación aérea con químicos de los cultivos de uso
ilícito desconoce la normatividad nacional que pretende asegurar la salud y la salubridad
pública, y la protección y conservación del medio ambiente . En este sentido, es
preocupante que se desconozcan las normas referentes a la prevención, control y

vigilancia de los factores de riesgo para la salud y que, a la fecha, aún no se haya puesto
en práctica un Plan de Salud de Vigilancia Epidemiológica dirigido a prevenir y reducir los
efectos nocivos de las fumigaciones . Ello a pesar de que el mismo Plan de Manejo

66Municipio de Puerto Asís. Cárcel Municipal. Reporte de detenidos del 27 de septiembre de 2002. Se indica
que se encuentran recluidas en ese centro 47 personas, 6 de ellas mujeres, por violación a la Ley 30 de 1986.

67 Mocoa, de los 340 internos, 278 están por la misma causa.
Según la DNE,▯Dlgunas de las limitaciones para verificar la relación entre las aspersiones y las quejas en la
salud se relacionan con la falta de recursos financieros para “iniciar las actividades del PMA” y con la
inexistencia de entidades que tengan equipos de cromatografía líquida para análisis de Glifosato en sangre y
orina. Sobre el particular, el Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses presentó a la DNE el

Proyecto denominado “Determinación por Métodos de Laboratorio y de Anatomía Patológica de los Efectos por
Intoxicación Aguda Fatal y no Fatal con N – Phosphonometilglicina (Glifosato) en Población Colombiana”.
68Subdirección de Salud Pública del Departamento del Putumayo: “Efectos de las fumigaciones en los
municipios de Valle de Guamuéz, San Miguel y Orito Putumayo – Colombia diciembre de 2001”.
69En el documento “Contratistas y personal militar estadounidense de apoyo en el Plan Colombia” se señala

que “(…) el programa de erradicación aérea en Colombia es adelantado por la Policía Nacional de Colombia
con el apoyo de la Oficina de Asuntos Internacionales de Narcóticos y Administración de Justicia del
Departamento de Estado, la Sección de Asuntos Narcóticos de la Embajada de Estados Unidos y de personal
estadounidense, extranjero y colombiano contratado por el Departamento de Estado a través de la DynCorp
Aerospace Technologies” (www.usembassy.state.gov/colombia).
71Defensoría del Pueblo. “Amicus Curiæ. Las Fumigaciones y los Derechos Humanos”, Bogotá, abril de 2002.
La ley Norteamérica de cooperación externa para el año 2002 (Ley PL 107 -115 “Foreign Operations
Appropriations for FY 2002 del 10 de enero de este año), mediante la cual se aprobaron los recursos para la
Iniciativa Regional Andina, condiciona las operaciones de erradicaciónl cumplimiento de los siguientes

requisitos: “(1) La fumigación aérea de los cultivos de coca se lleva a cabo en concordancia con los
procedimientos para el uso de los químicos que han sido establecidos por la Agencia de Protección
Ambiental (EPA), el Centro para el Control de Epidemias y las compañías manufactureras del químico y, luego
de consultar al Gobierno Colombiano, se garantice que las fumigaciones están conformes a las leyes
colombianas; (2) Los químicos utilizados en las fumigaciones aéreas, de la manera en que son aplicados, no

significan graves riesgos o efectos nocivos para los seres humanos y el medio ambiente; (3) Se
establezcan mecanismos efectivos que evalúen las quejas de la población referentes a la afectación de
su salud y a los daños de sus cultivos legales causados por la fumigación aérea, así como que se remunere de
manera justa a todos aquellos que presenten quejas meritorias; (...)”. Traducción de la Defensoría del Pueblo. Annex 145
▯ ▯▯

Ambiental del Programa de Erradicación de Cultivos de Uso Ilícito, impuesto en noviembre
de 2001 por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, lo exigía. Es de advertir que, recientemente,
el Instituto Nacional de Salud vinculó a una epidemióloga para diseñar el modelo
conceptual técnico y administrativo del componente de vigilancia de plaguicidas .

3.10.2 Así mismo, el mencionado Programa de Erradicación Aérea de Cultivos Ilícitos con

Glifosato – PECIG - desconoce las normas ambientales puesto que, por una parte,
continúa ejecutándose pese a no haberse contratado la Auditoría Técnica Ambiental,

ordenada en la Resolución 005 de 2000 del Consejo Nacional de Estupefacientes y
reiterada en las Resolución 341 de mayo y 1065 de noviembre de 2001, del Ministerio del
Medio Ambiente.

3.10.3 De otro lado, la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes - DNE, entidad coordinadora

de Programa, no ha cumplido, totalmente, las medidas preventivas ambientales que exigió 73
esa Cartera en la citada Resolución 341. Por ello, la máxima autoridad ambiental ,
mediante la Resolución 1066 del 26 de noviembre de 2001, abrió investigación y elevó

pliego de cargos contra esa Dirección, por el incumplimiento a varios artículos de la
Resolución 341 de 2001, entre ellos: el artículo 2º (realizar, durante seis meses,
evaluaciones de impacto ambiental y proponer las medidas para mitigarlos), el 6º (iniciar

de “manera inmediata” el programa de inspección, verificación y control para comprobar la
efectividad en la aplicación de medidas de manejo ambiental durante la aplicación de las

fumigaciones) y el 7º (iniciar, dentro de los tres meses siguientes, estudios a través de las
parcelas demostrativas, y determinar la residualidad del químico en el suelo). A través del
Auto 752 del 25 de julio de 2002, esa Cartera rechazó la práctica de algunas pruebas

presentadas por la DNE, por considerar que no “guardan relación directa con los hechos
que se están investigando” (entre las pruebas se presentaron imágenes Landsat del
Municipio de Miraflores por aspersiones realizadas de 1997 a 2000, fecha en la cual, aún,

no se había expedido la Resolución 341, y estudios de la EPA-USA referentes al Glifosato y
no a la mezcla que se usa en el PECIG). En el Auto 918 del 20 de septiembre de 2002, por

medio del cual se rechaza el recurso de reposición interpuesto por esa Dirección, el
Ministerio reitera lo dispuesto en el aludido Auto 725.

3.10.4 Adicionalmente, las fumigaciones realizadas en el Putumayo desconocen el literal d)
del artículo 5 del Plan de Manejo Ambiental impuesto por la máxima autoridad en esa

materia (Resoluciones 1065 del 26 de noviembre de 2001). De conformidad con ese
artículo, el referido Ministerio prohíbe la erradicación forzosa en cuerpos de agua estáticos
y corrientes, en zonas de asentamientos humanos, dentro resguardos indígenas, y en

áreas de proyectos productivos y pactos. Con el fin de preservar estas áreas, esa Cartera
define unas franjas mínimas de seguridad, que oscilan entre los 200 a 2.000 metros,
decisión que fue reiterada mediante la Resolución 0108 del 31 de enero de 2002, que

resolvió el recurso de reposición interpuesto por la DNE. No obstante, que en abril y julio
de este año, el PNDA entregó a la DNE un disco compacto con la información relacionada

con los proyectos de desarrollo alternativo y las áreas de los territorios étnicos, éstos
fueron asperjados, como se desprende de las quejas presentadas ante la Defensoría y
ante la DNE 74.


1. Los hechos y las pruebas antes enunciadas violan las Normas de Derecho

Internacional Humanitario vigente en el país. En Colombia son aplicables para los
conflictos armados internacionales y no internacionales los siguientes instrumentos:

í▯ El Protocolo relativo a la prohibición del empleo en la guerra de gases asfixiantes
tóxicos o similares y medios bacteriológicos, aprobado por la Ley 10 de 1980.

72Instituto Nacional de Salud. Oficio D.G. 192/2002, del 23 de julio de 2002 dirigido a la Defensoría del

74Artículo 84 y siguientes de la Ley 99 de 1993.
Como consta en el documento citado en el píe de página 60 y en lo indicado por el funcionario del PNDA en
la reunión celebrada en la Defensoría el 16 de septiembre.Annex 145
▯ ▯▯

Si bien es cierto, que el Estado tiene el deber de perseguir el delito del narcotráfico, tiene,
también, otros cometidos como son el de preservar y conservar el medio y ambiente, los

recursos naturales, los parques nacionales naturales y los territorios étnicos. De igual
modo tiene la obligación de proteger la salud de los colombianos y su seguridad
alimentaria. Por consiguiente, al perseguir el citado delito el Estado tiene que, igualmente,

observar que su acción no vaya en desmedro de otros bienes constitucionalmente

En efecto, la seguridad alimentaria se ve amenazada por la destrucción de especies
vegetales y animales de consumo humano así como por los riesgos que implica la
ingestión de aguas y alimentos que han sido expuestos a los químicos que se utilizan en el

mencionado Programa. La salud de los habitantes de las zonas fumigadas y el medio
ambiente se ven, igualmente, amenazados, puesto que las fumigaciones se ejecutan sin
que se hayan cumplido las medidas preventivas esenciales para impedir, controlar y
mitigar sus posibles daños sobre la salud de la población y el ambiente, tales como la

contratación de la auditoría ambiental, la puesta en marcha de un Plan de Vigilancia
Epidemiológica y el cumplimiento estricto del Plan de Manejo Ambiental. No obstante,
como se desprende de la presente resolución, las aspersiones aéreas han desconocido el

Plan de Manejo Ambiental, principalmente, al haberse realizado en resguardos indígenas y
al contaminarse algunas fuentes de agua.

De otra parte, es deber del Estado conservar y proteger las áreas protegidas, entre ellas
las que conforman el Sistema Nacional de Parques Nacionales Naturales. En
consecuencia, entre otras funciones, corresponde a las autoridades estatales reconocer las

mejoras de las personas que los habitaban con anterioridad a su declaratoria, y de
generar para ellas condiciones dignas de restablecimiento.

No obstante lo anterior y los compromisos asumidos desde 1996, las familias del Parque
Nacional Natural La Paya, que abandonaron el Parque, dentro de un proceso de
concertación para el ordenamiento del mismo, no han recibido aún los apoyos acordados

para su adecuada reubicación (subsidios para adquisición de tierras y vivienda). Pese a
que dichas familias cumplieron con las metas de erradicación de los cultivos de coca, en
1998, se han visto obligadas a permanecer en Puerto Leguízamo sin las condiciones que

satisfagan sus necesidades básicas.

Este hecho sumado al desplazamiento proveniente de los Departamentos de Caquetá,
Cauca y Nariño, que, en algunos casos, trae consigo la migración de los cultivos de uso

ilícito, ha propiciado su expansión en el PNN.

Es por ello que se requiere, de manera inmediata, iniciar las entregas previstas en los

acuerdos y pactos de sustitución de cultivos en ese municipio y dar prioridad a la
adquisición de tierras a aquellas familias que abandonaron el Parque, dentro del citado
proceso de concertación.

Adicionalmente, debe tenerse en consideración que las zonas que conforman el Sistema
Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, solo es posible adelantar procesos de erradicación manual o

mecánica (artículo 11 de la Resolución 0005 de 2001 del CNE).

7. El desarrollo incipiente de los programas de sustitución voluntaria y desarrollo

alternativo, a lo que suma su afectación por la erradicación forzosa, infringe el artículo 209
de la Constitución, que consagra como principios fundamentales de las actuaciones
administrativas la eficacia, la celeridad y la descentralización, entre otros, y

establece que la coordinación debe darse en todas las actuaciones de la administración
con el fin de dar un adecuado cumplimiento de los fines del Estado. Como se expuso en
los hechos, las distintas agencias del Estado encargadas de ejecutar los pactos de
erradicación suscritos y los proyectos de desarrollo alternativo no han actuado con la

diligencia esperada. Igualmente, se manifiesta la falta de un trabajo coordinado entre las
entidades que participan en la implementación de proyectos de desarrollo alternativo
(como el Programa Presidencial Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Alternativo-PNDA), y aquellas

encargadas del programa de erradicación forzosa (Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes -
DNE y Dirección Antinarcóticos de la Policía Nacional –DIRAN). Prueba de ello son las
denuncias de las comunidades sobre las fumigaciones sobre sus territorios y sus proyectos Annex 145
▯ ▯▯

comunidades firmantes vean frustradas sus aspiraciones legítimas. Por lo expuesto, se
requiere refrendar los compromisos, máxime cuando está definido en el nivel internacional

y nacional que la sustitución de cultivos psicotrópicos requiere de acciones de largo plazo.



Primero. INSTAR a las agencias estatales competentes de garantizar el orden público y

el respeto a los derechos humanos y al derecho internacional humanitario a adoptar
acciones inmediatas y urgentes, para efectos de asegurar el mantenimiento del orden
público, la permanencia en sus lugares de origen de la población putumayense, así como
un plan preventivo en el que se dispongan los mecanismos de coordinación y respuesta

institucional articulada, en caso de incursiones, ataques y otras amenazas contra la citada
población, de acuerdo con lo señalado en el numeral 9.1 de la aparte sexto de esta

Segundo. SOLICITAR a la Red de Solidaridad Social coordinar con las entidades del
Sistema Nacional de Atención Integral a la Población Desplazada – SNAIPD – y con los

Comités Municipales de Atención Integral a dicha población, las acciones necesarias para
la puesta en marcha de una estrategia integral que garantice no sólo la fase de atención
humanitaria sino, también, el restablecimiento socio – económico de la población afectada.

Tercero. INSTAR a la Comisión conformada en la reunión realizada en la Defensoría del
Pueblo para que verifique el cumplimiento de los acuerdos y pactos en los términos

señalados en el numeral 9.2 del punto Sexto de esta resolución. Igualmente, CONVOCAR
a la Red de Solidaridad para hacer parte de dicha instancia.

Cuarto. REQUERIR a la Dirección Antinarcóticos de la Policía Nacional introducir los
ajustes necesarios a las actividades de erradicación aérea, con el objeto de dar
cumplimiento a las obligaciones y requerimientos impuestos por el Ministerio del Medio

Ambiente en el Plan de Manejo Ambiental, particularmente en los que se refiere a la
prohibición de asperjar territorios indígenas y sobre cuerpos de agua. De igual manera,
INSTAR a ese Ministerio y a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes realizar el
seguimiento del referido Plan.

Quinto. RECOMENDAR al Consejo Nacional de Estupefacientes suspender las
fumigaciones en el departamento del Putumayo, mientras se lleva a cabo la evaluación

señalada en el punto Tercero y se realizan los ajustes a que se refiere el punto anterior.

Sexto. EXHORTAR al Consejo Nacional de Estupefacientes a modificar la Resolución 017

de 2001 con el fin de facilitar los procedimientos necesarios dirigidos a verificar las quejas
y a indemnizar, de manera inmediata, a las comunidades afectadas por las operaciones de
aspersión en el Putumayo.

Séptimo. REITERAR al Ministerio de Salud la exhortación defensorial dirigida a la la
adopción y ejecución del Plan de Vigilancia Epidemiológica del Programa de Erradicación

de Cultivos Ilícitos con Glifosato – PECIG -.

Octavo. SEÑALAR que los hechos descritos en la parte considerativa de esta Resolución

constituyen graves violaciones a los Derechos Humanos Fundamentales consagrados en la
Constitución Política y al mínimo de garantías que se contemplan en el Pacto Internacional
de Derechos Civiles y Políticos. Asimismo, las conductas descritas denotan una clara
infracción de las normas del Derecho Internacional Humanitario.

Noveno. SOLICITAR a la Procuraduría General de la Nación iniciar las investigaciones
disciplinarias a que haya lugar, a fin de establecer la responsabilidad de funcionarios

públicos, por los hechos descritos en la parte considerativa, e INSTAR a la Fiscalía
General de la Nación para que, a través de la Unidad de Derechos Humanos de Bogotá, seAnnex 145

▯ ▯▯

inicien las investigaciones penales a que haya lugar por violaciones a los derechos
humanos y al Derecho Internacional Humanitario.


Primero. ORDENAR a la Oficina de Acciones y Recursos Judiciales de la Defensoría del
Pueblo que asesore a los indígenas, colonos y campesinos afectados en la interposición de
las acciones judiciales que procedan para la protección efectiva de sus derechos, bien sea

como consecuencia del conflicto o de las fumigaciones, así como para el respectivo
resarcimiento de los perjuicios y daños ocasionados.

Tercero. ENCARGAR a las Delegadas para los Derechos Colectivos del Ambiente y para
los Indígenas y Minorías Étnicas, y la Oficina de Coordinación a la Población Desplazada,
con la colaboración de la Defensoría del Pueblo Regional Putumayo, el seguimiento de la
presente resolución.


Primero. TRASLADAR esta Resolución a las autoridades competentes, así como a la
Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas con sede
en Colombia, a la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados

en Colombia y a la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes y de
Prevención del Delito de las Naciones Unidas para los fines en ella establecidos. De igual
manera, REMITIR copia de la presente resolución a la Corte Constitucional y al Tribunal

Administrativo de Cundinamarca en calidad de “Amicus Curiæ” dentro de la Acción de
Tutela y la Acción Popular contra las fumigaciones, respectivamente.

Segundo. INCLUIR los informes defensoriales citados y la presente resolución, así como

los resultados de su cumplimiento en el informe anual, que habrá de presentar el Defensor
del Pueblo al Congreso de la República, conforme a lo establecido en el ordinal 7º del
artículo 9º de la Ley 24 de 1992.


Defensor del Pueblo Annex 146



The implementation of the strategy of aerial eradication

of illicit crops with chemicals, from a constitutional perspective.

Position of the Ombudsman
April, 2003


On several occasions, the Ombudsman has requested the Government to perform an evaluation

of the Policy of the Fight against Drugs and, in particular,1the suspension of the strategy for
Aerial Eradication of Illicit Crops throughout the country . Said request has been primarily based
on the fact that the implementation of this policy does not meet the constitutional and legal

norms, nor the international standards for environmental protection and respect for human rights.

In fact, the manner in which the strategy of aerial spraying of illicit crops has developed, besides
having proven to be ineffective - given the constant increase in the extent of the referenced crops

in the country - has ignored the principles and rules aimed at ensuring health and public welfare,
the protection and conservation of the environment and the special protection that the State must
provide to those who are most vulnerable. The lack of such regulations has led to a need to pay a
high socio-economic and environmental cost as a result of that program’s implementation and,

even more gravely, has affected the rights of thousands of Colombians.

In this regard, the Ombudsman's opposition to the continuation of such Program’s
implementation does not represent an ignorance of the gravity of the drug problem or the adverse

effects generated by the cultivation, processing and sale of those illegal substances. On the
contrary, the institution recognizes the need to combat drug trafficking and its effects, but
considers that the definition and implementation of measures and strategies adopted to address
the problem must be fully supported by the Colombian constitutional order. This

[PAGE 6]

the benefit outweighs the negative effects of implementing the procedure. Thus, despite the
secondary issues in the judgment of proportionality was not achieved satisfactorily, we proceed
to analyze the Program in question from that stage onwards.

As previously stated, the fight against the crime of drug trafficking and the planting of illicit
crops is not a contrary goal to constitutional norms. In addition, as has been constantly held by
authorities responsible for program implementation, it can be stated that fighting against outlaw
organizations, with respect to activities related to the cultivation and processing of narcotics, is

consistent with the national objective of ensuring the 'public interest'. We repeat, however, that

Defense Reports 1 and 2 of February and April 2001, the Delegate for the Collective and Environmental Rights,
Ombudsman Resolution No. 4 of February 2001, the communications to the Minister of Justice and Law in May and
July 2001, and the various interventions of the Ombudsman before the Republic’s Congress.

▯Annex 146

constitutional values and principles cannot be sacrificed in order to achieve that end, which, in
this Institution’s opinion, has occurred in the implementation of the Eradication Program.

In effect, as this entity expressed in its brief for insistence for H. Corporation to choose the

referenced writ for protection of fundamental rights, within the review of the many complaints
received by the Ombudsman- filed by inhabitants of various regions of the country where the
referenced program is being implemented-, it was verified that authorities in charge of defining
and implementing said procedures have disregarded environmental and health rules designed as

preventive measures for potential environmental and health damages. Similarly, it was found
that the country does not have access to technical and scientific analyses to conclusively prove
that the chemicals used in the program possess low levels of toxicity. Additionally, the country
has not conducted studies to determine the requisite conditions for application of these chemicals

to avoid compromising individuals’ rights.

On one hand, the above situation has led, as a result of the population’s exposure to suffering the
consequences of use of such substances, to threatening the health as a basic good of the

community in general and of individuals (CP, art. 2 and 49) as well as their quality of life (CP,
art. 11). In this regard, the increase in medical visits related to skin problems, gastrointestinal,
respiratory infections and conjunctivitis, after the fumigations, in the area sprayed, is cause for
concern. Even more alarming is that, in most cases it is the children in these regions who are

presenting such symptoms. Due to their fragile state, their symptoms tend to become more
acute; consequently, it is even more disturbing that their fundamental rights to life and health are
affected. (CP, art. 44).

On the other hand, the program’s current implementation has disregarded environmental defense
as an objective of our Social State of Law, which implies the duty to protect by the State and
individuals, and the right

[PAGE 11]

Corinto (e.g. greater demographic density, crops of a family nature and mixing of these with
legal crops), the National Narcotics Council, at the recommendation of INDERENA, engaged

the consulting firm Ecoforest Ltda. to carry out a study on the environmental effects that could
be caused by the use of said herbicide or others in the eradication process. The study pointed to
Glyphosate as a “recommended product” for land applications and aerial applications via
helicopter.2 In this manner, the use of said herbicide with fixed wing airplanes was not

contemplated. Said method was categorically excluded, among other reasons, because of: (1)
environmental conditions; (2) the considerable damage caused to anterior and posterior areas in
the treatment zones; (3) the high degree of contamination that it causes to sources of water; (4)
the ‘drift’ effect for the application of systemic action products and (5) the existence of a greater

danger of affectation to humans and wildlife.

Some years later, concretely, on 31 January 1992, the CNE, through a public statement,
announced its decision to fumigate poppy crops with Glyphosate, giving the quality of

2To this avail, the Phase 1 report of the study issued by Ecoforest Ltda. can be consulted, “Declaration of
environmental effect for illicit crop eradication in areas of Corinto’s (Cauca) jurisdiction,” 1988-1989.▯

▯ Annex 146

“experimental method” to aerial fumigation. This will be used in cases of broad expanses of
terrain, poppy crops constituting the only subject at that time. Given its experimental nature, the
procedure would be “subject to ongoing monitoring and assessment.” On another note, the

manual method would be employed “taking into account the topography or special biodiversity
conditions, or preferentially when dealing with small crop areas, or when the planting of poppy
were significantly intermixed with human consumption plantations or its location were near to

human settlements.

After disclosure of this Government announcement, the National Health Institute reiterated the
Expert Committee’s position on Herbicides, which had concluded in 1984 that the chemical
method should be a last resort. 3 Similarly, the Minister of Health, Camilo González, criticized

the measure and “was censored by President César Gaviria Trujillo who demanded that the 4
ministerial cabinet present a unified front with respect to use of the herbicide.” Furthermore, 16
senators from different parties, including Senator Andrés Pastrana Arango, requested the

Government to reconsider its decision to authorize Glyphosate use, given that they considered
that it should be studied, “with closer attention, analyzing different alternatives that do not
damage the ecosystem, or

[PAGE 12]

affect social peace and ecology.” In particular, Senator Pastrana Arango expressed his emphatic
opposition to said determination, as a result of the harmful effects on health that could be caused

by herbicide use, in accordance with information that he himself had request6d and received
from the Director of the Pan-American Health Organization – OPS-.

In the private sector, certain environmentalist and people’s organizations also rejected the state
measure. For example, the Colombian Environmental Movement (“Movimiento Ambiental
Colombiano”) comprised of 21 different ecological non-governmental organizations of the

country, in collaboration with other groups, issued an “alert release” and sent a copy to the
Presidency of the Republic, the Ministries of Justice, Agriculture, Health and Development, the
Constitutional Court, the National Narcotics Council and the Nation’s Office of the Attorney

All the above demonstrates that the Government’s decision to approve Glyphosate-based
fumigations was taken in a unilateral fashion, without even consulting community
representatives and representatives of other state entities. Additionally, as is explained below,

the referenced program’s approval, which was disclosed via press release dated January 1992,

3INS: Concept in light of the proposal to use Glyphosate for aerial spraying for poppy crop control in Colombia.
Sent by the Chief of the Health Group of the National Health Institute to the Minister of Health. Bogotá, 1992. p. 1-
4Informed by the press on 20 February 1992, according to the cited article, written by Professors Múnera and

Minutes of Plenary Session No. 24, issued by the ordinary session of 17 March 1992, published in the Annals of
6ongress of 24 March 1992.▯
7Colombian Environmental Movement: Press Release: Environmental Emergency caused by Fumigation with
Glyphosate. Bogotá, 1992. ▯

▯Annex 146

did not fulfill the requirement of paragraph g of article 91 of Law 30 of 1986, regarding the need
to obtain a “prior favorable concept from the bodies in charge of ensuring the population’s health

and preserving the balance of the country’s ecosystem.”

Despite numerous criticisms, the program was implemented and, in its implementation, the
recommendations issued by ECOFOREST LTDA regarding non-use of fixed wing airplanes

were not heeded. Nor was adequate monitoring or an ongoing satisfactory assessment
responsive to the requirements of the program’s ‘experimental’ nature conducted. Additionally,
the Epidemiological Monitoring Plan was also not implemented.

Subsequently, on 11 February 1994, the National Narcotics Council issued Resolution 001, by
which it expanded the referenced program to marihuana and coca crops and made certain
specifications regarding the procedure’s operational parameters. The authorized fumigations

continued having an experimental nature and, as a result, must be ‘controlled’ for
[PAGE 15]

Thus, in this manner, the principle of administrative coordination has been disregarded (C.P. art.
209), a principle which must be respected in all public actions, as it is aimed towards avoiding
"conflicting decisions or actions at the expense of the consistency that should characterize the
state as a whole and as a qualified legal and moral agent." Moreover, this lack of coordination,
coupled with the neglect of authorities involved in the implementation of that program, as is
explained below, has led to the violation of other constitutional mandates such as (1) ensuring
the health and public wellbeing (C.P., Arts. 2 and 49), (2) the protection and conservation of the

environment (C.P., Art. 79, 80, among others) and (3) the State's duty to provide special
protection to vulnerable or marginalized groups as well as minors (CP, sections 13 and 44).
Thus, the eradication strategy, which is apparently beneficial to the community, by being

implemented unilaterally and without due diligence or the collaboration of State agencies, ends
up affecting the property subject to the constitutional and legal protections.

2.1. The effect on the health of the population in the sprayed areas: the disregard on the

part of the authorities in charge of the eradication program of the rules that embody the
assurance of health as a right and as a fundamental commitment of the state

The social character of our state (C.P. art. 1) implies that it must ensure the comprehensive

health care for all individuals. Thus, "the health of inhabitants of the territory becomes a specific
commitment of the State" and, consequently, public policy with respect to health comes to
occupy one of the first places among the concerns of state authorities.

In effect, the Colombian state’s policy in this area, in addition to contemplating the
implementation of the Social Security System (SGSSS) and development of advocacy and

9Constitutional Court, Decision C-328/95.
Constitutional Court Judgment SU-111/97.

▯ Annex 146

prevention activities within said system, develops monitoring and control strategies in public
health, which are areas of priority for the state.

[PAGE 24]

capacity and technology necessary to perform, for example, urine analysis on people exposed to
the herbicide or to detect glyphosate in human tissues. 12

2.1.4. The lack of scientific certainty about the effects of Glyphosate on health.

As a result of the foregoing, it is the lack of relevant and reliable information that allows for the
elucidation, in a scientific manner, of the different views on the effects of the chemicals used in

aerial fumigations. Currently, it is not possible to neither affirm nor deny, categorically, that the
causes of medical consultations that occur after the spraying is carried out, are associated or not

with such sprayings.

Indeed, while it is true that some documents exist issued by the same health authorities in

affected areas recognizing that an increase in medical visits occur for symptoms such as allergies
and skin rashes, fever, headaches, head colds, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and dizziness,
after performing aerial eradication operations with chemicals it is also true that a causal link
between these has not been proven.

In this sense, the study conducted by the Toxicology Clinic Uribe Cualla funded by the Bureau
of Narcotics (NAS) of the United States Embassy, to assess the health impacts of spraying

chemicals in the departments of Putumayo and Nariño states: "(...) there are no reports that, with
scientific certainty, indicate harms to health. In addition, there have not been any reported cases

Multiple strategies and actions are contemplated for the administration of this area in the health sector, such as the
following: this area of health sector management includes multiple strategies as: (1) The control of the sanitary
quality of water for human consumption, production processes, transport and sale of food for human consumption,
control of public facilities involving high health risk and river, sea, air and land ports in the locality, (2) the control

of vectors that generate public health risks - such as, for example, the use and management of pesticides, (3) the
collection and analysis of information about disease or events subject to control, (4) monitoring and control of risk
factors to which the public is exposed, especially in the informal sectors of the economy and the independent
workers (5) prevention of the following conditions: immunopreventive, tuberculosis, meningitis, bacterial,
rheumatic fever, leprosy, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV / AIDS, cholera, rabies, hepatitis B and C and delta. (6)
the active search of cases and
The Ministry of Health, through the 9633 resolution of February 6, 2002, sent the Ombudsman's Office a copy of
the Report of the Pan American Health Organization, dated February 14, 2000, regarding the Ministry’s support to
evaluate the operations of eradicating illicit crops. Certain proposals for acquisition of equipment for the testing of
urine of people exposed to glyphosate or Round Up issued by the National Institute of Environmental Health and
dated July 2000 are attached to this report. Of particular note is that in such referenced proposals, it is highlighted
that such proposals are the same as were presented in 1993, with adjustments in pricing for 2000.
Resolution of December 24, 2001, issued by the National Institute of Legal Medicine, in connection with the
Ombudsman’s request that additional studies be carried out regarding the autopsy of an 11-month-old child, who
allegedly died as a result of fumigation.
13In this regard, the report submitted by the Administrative Department of Health in the Putumayo, with resolution
No. 02427 dated July 11, 2001, states that, since the beginning of the fumigations, there was a market increase in
medical consultations for cases of dermoreaction, abscesses, impetigo, gastrointestinal and respiratory infections,

and conjunctivitis in hospitals and health centers in Orito, la Hormiga Verde (Guamuez Valley) and la Dorada (San

▯Annex 146

or complaints in regional hospitals in the area of influence of the spraying, which can show a
causal link through medical records." Specifically, regarding the investigation conducted in
connection with complaints from the town of Aponte, Department of Nariño, where

[PAGE 33]

every work, project or activity that may "cause serious damage to natural resources or the

environment." However, the referenced decree contemplated that the environmental authority
could require from such projects, through a well-founded disposition, "the presentation of
management and environmental remediation plans."

Thus, in applying the transition regime, the Ministry of Environment did not require the
obtaining of an environmental permit, but ordered the National Narcotics Directorate to present

the Environmental Management Plan - PMA - within the Reference Terms set out in Order No.
558 A, dated August 13, 1996. The Plan delineated by the Ministry should contain the same
elements of a license and an environmental study, namely "the technical specifications, the

duration and work schedules, the logistical requirements of personnel and equipment, and other
elements necessary to implement actions for the mitigation, compensation, prevention,
management and monitoring of impacts, and planning of solutions for any project." 16Moreover,

the referenced Plan would allow fulfillment of what the environmental authority contemplated,
in the sense of being a “fundamental tool for Program monitoring, given that the technical and
environmental management commitments and/or its complementary commitments by the

competent authority are defined in a clear manner. Therefore, the Pl17 can be monitored in
accordance with technical specifications, costs, schedules, etc."

However, the referenced Environmental Management Plan was imposed by the Ministry of
Environment only until November 2001, almost six (6) years after its having ordered its

The lack of adoption and implementation of said plan was attributable to a repeated failure of the
National Narcotics Directorate in the parameters established by the cited Agency in the

Reference Terms noted above (Resolution 558 of 1996). Indeed, in July of 1998, the National
Narcotics Directorate presented a first version of the Environmental Management Plan (PMA).
In November of that same year, the Department requested the delivery of Chapter VII of the

Plan, concerning the identification and environmental impact assessment, which had been
omitted from the version provided initially. A month later, the Department complied with that
request. However, the environmental authority, after analyzing the documentation, concluded

that supplementary information was required to assess the environmental risk and therefore, in
December 1999 again requested that the Directorate provide it.

National Police. Narcotics Directorate, Resolution 1607, August 9, 2001, citing the conclusions of the referenced
15Ministry of Environment. Technical Concept No. 0150 of July 22, 1996.
16Ministry of Environment. "La política ambiental del fin del siglo”, October 1994. See: Las licencias ambientales
como instrumento de gestión ambiental, text by Maria Teresa Sauzer Umaña, Director Environment Sector.

▯ Annex 146

[PAGE 34]

Subsequently, in September and October 2000, the Department again presented the Plan.
However, in December of that year, the Ministry of Environment indicated, once again, that this

Plan did not comply with Resolution 558A of 1996.

In view the foregoing, the Ministry decided to request from the Directorate a version on the Plan
which would only assess the potential environmental risks of the eradication program in the

department of Putumayo. For the above Portfolio, the Plan measures to be established for that
department could then be extended to other areas of the country. However, not even this
assessment was fulfilled and the "Environmental Management Plan for the eradication of illicit

crops beginning with the potential assessment of operation of the fumigation program in the
department of Putumayo”, delivered by the Directorate in January 2001 was rejected by the
Ministry of Environment in May 2001 via Resolution 341 of 2001.

In the whereas to said Resolution, the Ministry repeated that the documents filed thus far by the
Directorate, to delineate an appropriate Management Plan, did not meet the scope and objectives

defined in the Terms of Reference. Among other things, the Ministry expressed that the
document presented did not contain a technically and scientifically supported analysis, which
identified and assessed the impacts caused by the application of glyphosate, nor did it have a set
of programs, initiatives and concrete measures for environmental management related to the

prevention, control, mitigation, compensation and correction of potential impacts and effects
caused by the program.

In these circumstances, said Portfolio decided to demand from the National Narcotics Directorate
compliance with a series of additional measures of a preventive nature, which would serve to
"impose a definitive Environmental Management Plan." 18


[PAGE 44]

vegetables in the vicinity of illicit crops were accidentally sprayed or, given its proximity to the
areas covered by the spraying, were affected by the 'drift' effect (deviations of spraying due to

the effects of wind and the speed of the aircraft itself); (2) aquatic organisms due to the alleged
18Resolution 341 of 2001 of the Ministry of Environment. Among these measures, the following are contemplated,:
(1) the obligation to conduct environmental impact studies in the areas undergoing fumigation as well as studies of

regeneration and ecological dynamics of sprayed areas and determination of the glyphosate residue in soil and its
effects on physical, chemical and biological properties of such soils, (2) the definition and implementation of
alternative eradication measures, in order to ensure the protection of the natural and social environment in populated
areas, which have a social infrastructure and which have a supply from aqueducts, (3) the environmental and
socioeconomic characterization of designated illicit crop cultivation nuclei in the cartography 1:25.000 and the
identification and characterization of excluded areas on this same scale, (4) the definition of safety fringes, in order
to minimize potential risks in the surrounding ecosystems, (5) the adoption of a contingency plan for the treatment
and control of unexpected events, an inspection program, Verification and Control in site, and a Compensation Plan
to respond to the damages and environmental impacts and (6) the obligation to assess, together with the Ministry of
Health and the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, the formula dosages in order to minimize risks to human health
and the environment.

▯Annex 146

contamination of water; (3) the soil, due to the alleged loss of microorganisms that decompose

and incorpor19e organic matter to the cycle of nutrients, which indirectly causes destruction of

In this Institution’s o20nion, these cases, along with countless complaints and testimony received
by the Ombudsman, as well as the municipal ombudsmen of different areas, with reference to
environmental damage and affectations on health, constitute an adequate sign to apply the
principle of precaution and take appropriate action.

Thus, we repeat, it is not necessary to adduce sufficient proof of the environmental damage
caused by chemicals used in order to adopt effective measures to preserve the environment. Not

having absolute certainty regarding the environmental effects of such activity should be
sufficient to require the application of environmental preventive measures, pending proof of the
practice’s innocuousness. Otherwise, the environment’s increased value as subject of

constitutional protection would be disregarded. In this regard, the Constitutional Court stated
that "protecting the environment is one of the modern state’s aims; therefore the entire structure
should be inspired by this purpose, and should seek its realization." As a result, the Court added,

"when a potential harm to the environment has great uncertainty and is significant , it is
necessary to act on the basis of the principle of precaution, i.e. it should be used to address all
potential environmental damage under the responsibility of the government as well as
individuals.” 21

In view of the foregoing, we reiterate that the Ombudsman has asked the National Council on
Drugs and the Ministry of Environment to suspend chemical-based aerial spraying, until the

necessary measures geared towards
[PAGE 51]

UNICEF, the aforementioned regions, characterized by poverty of its inhabitants, display the
highest rates of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, as well as higher rates of infant

mortality. The main causes of the latter, according to UNICEF, are acute respiratory infections,
enteritis, and other diarrheal diseases, which are not treated in time due, in part, to the lack of
education of parents who do not seek timely medical help and, secondly, the lack of health

professionals or institutions in these remote areas.

This situation of vulnerability is compounded by the fact that, in these regions, a high percentage
of the infant population has seen its health threatened as a result of Glyphosate-based

In this regard, see the Ombudsman Reports of 1 and 2 of February and April 2001 by the Delegate for the
Collective and Environmental Rights of the Ombudsman. Additionally, a commission comprised of officials from
the Ombudsman and other entities recently, in mid November 2001, visited the municipalities of Valle del
Guamuez, San Miguel and Puerto Asís and verified the impacts on food crops. The crops that were primarily
affected were yucca, plantain, pineapple, corn, cane and rice; similarly, the deaths of 2500 young fish were reported.
20See for example, the Ombudsman reports regarding fumigations in the Departamentos de Caquetá, Putumayo,
Nariño and Cauca. The Ombudsman heard 1198 complaints. The majority were related to affectations of food
Ruling T-254/93.

▯ Annex 146

fumigations as well as fumigations with other chemical substances, carried out within the illicit

crops aerial eradication program. Infringement of the rights of children caused by implementation of the illicit crop

eradication program.

As mentioned elsewhere in this document, the Ombudsman's Office has received numerous
complaints regarding the health effects caused by chemical-based spraying. Some of these
specifically relate to the affectations on the health of minors. Additionally, in some of the
regions where the referenced program is being implemented, an increase of symptoms such as
allergies and skin rashes, fever, headaches, colds, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and

dizziness has been verified after the implementation of certain operations, both in adults as well
as minors. In the case of children, these symptoms tend to worsen, due to their fragility, and
therefore, the threat becomes greater.

In this regard, the Ombudsman has also recognized some cases in which the death of five-year
old minors is related to chemical-based aerial spraying. In fact, according to complaints filed by

the children’s parents, they showed symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea and
respiratory and skin problems after the spraying. The poisoning, caused by direct exposure to
the herbicide and by the consumption of contaminated water, is considered to be a possible cause
of their deaths, hours and days later.

[PAGE 52]

The complaints have been filed in different areas of the country in which the cited procedure has
been implemented. In this manner, the death of a 3-year old child was one of the reported
events. This child died on 20 January 2000 in the Hospital María Inmaculada of the city of

Florencia, Departamento de Caquetá, after he was given assistance for poisoning allegedly 23
caused by the fumigation of 31 December 1999 in the rural area where the child resided.

Similarly, in October 2001, the death of a child who lived in the municipality of El Retorno,
Departamento de Guaviare was reported. According to the complaint lodged by his father, the
child died "as a result of Glyphosate-based aerial spraying." With regard to this case, the Sixth

Branch Office of the Crimes against Public Administration and Justice Unit of Villavicencio is
furthering the corresponding criminal investigation into the death of the minor, aiming to
establish whether the death was caused by aerial spraying in the region. Additionally, the
Prosecutor has expressed that, in said investigation, it intends to establish, “the serious state of

One of the complaints consisted of a complaint related to the affectation in many children’s vision which occurred
in mid May 1998 when a school of village Buena Vista of the municipality of Puerto Guzmán was sprayed. The
spraying was performed when 53 minors came out of the school to see the passing of airplanes and helicopters.
Within the immediate effects of spraying, it was indicated that certain children suffered partial blindness lasting up
to 2 days. Another more recent example, according to the report submitted with the Ombudsman by the
Administrative Health Department – Dasalud- of Putumayo, identified as proceeding 02427 dated 11 July 2001, is
the case of children of Escuela Rural la Concordia, of the Corregimiento El Tigre (Valle de Guamuez), who,
according to teaching staff, presented respiratory problems, abdominal pain, conjunctivitis and dermatitis.
23Extension of complaint filed by the Minor’s father with the Municipal Ombudsman of Puerto Guzmán Putumayo,

on 10 May 2000.

▯Annex 146

danger that other children are exposed to in Vereda Alto Cachama of the municipality of El
Retorno, Guaviere.” 24

Similarly, the death of an 11-month old child was reported, on 17 November 2001, in the
municipality of La Hormiga, Departamento de Putumayo. According to the complaint lodged by
the child’s mother, 25 on 15 November, while her child was crawling on the patio, an airplane

sprayed areas nearby her house and the pipe that they ordinarily use for their water supply. She
added that, a few hours later, the minor started to show symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea,
reason why he was taken to the Hospital de La Hormiga. For its part, the corresponding medical
report indicates that the child arrived at the treatment center in a state of “hypovolemic shock,”

with clear signs of dehydration. "The death occurred less than 48 hours after exposure to the
herbicide. In order to determine whether there was a relationship between the child’s death and
the fumigation carried out in area, local authorities and the Ombudsman's Office requested the

Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences to analyze tissue samples taken from the child
to detect the presence of glyphosate or other components of the mixture used in the aerial illicit
crop eradication program. However, via a proceeding dated 24 December 2001, said agency
stated that it did not have access to the necessary technology or equipments to analyze the

biological or non-biological samples for detection of glyphosate and, therefore, it could not
answer the posed queries.

[PAGE 55]

3. - Conclusions

-The implementation of the Program for the Aerial Eradication of Illicit Crops does not comply
with the mandates of the Political Constitution. This is evidenced by the proportionality study in
the first part of this document which determined that the strategy on fumigation is ineffective for
the goal proposed, and that its corresponding effects on fundamental Colombian rights far

outweigh the benefits which they would be generating.

- In developing the strategy for the aerial eradication of illicit crops with chemicals, the
Colombian State has ignored two of its chief constitutional obligations which are to ensure

health, and preserve the environment. In fact, by not complying with the legal provisions on
preventing, controlling and monitoring health risk factors, the manner in which the competent
authorities implemented this program does not acknowledge the public health component stated
in the State-formulated health policy. Moreover, the program for aerial eradication as developed

failed to meet, State environmental policy requirements to preserve and improve environmental
conditions whose goal it is precisely to guarantee the quality of life for all those inhabiting the
national territory.

-On the topic of health, the regulations for the use and handling of pesticides, and the
implementation of the toxic-epidemiological monitoring plan, as well as other specific norms
stipulating additional prevention measures regarding health to be implemented under the afore-

25Proceeding No. 627 dated 16 October 2001, directed to the Ombudsman- Regional Meta.
Complaint filed on 17 November 2001 with the Inspección de Policía del Municipio del Valle de Guamuez,

▯ Annex 146

stated plan, were not fulfilled. Non-compliance with these rules constitutes a threat on health as

a basic right of the individual, and the community, as a result of the population being exposed to
suffering the consequences arising from possible inappropriate use of chemical substances such
as Glyphosate.

- To this circumstance should be added the fact that despite 22 years having elapsed since

fumigation operations started in the country, no relevant scientific studies were conducted to
determine this substance’s effects on health. Therefore, no scientific certainty currently exists
regarding the effects caused by Glyphosate on health; the effects of the Glyphosate-POEA-
Cosmoflux combination applied in the aerial eradication program are also unknown. Thus, the
fact that no relationship between health disease and aerial spraying in the case of illicit crops has

been able to be established does not rule out that the public’s health is not at risk in the
fumigated areas.

[PAGE 56]

- As for the environmentally-related requirements established to prevent or minimize possible

fumigation-generated environmental effects, we note that such fumigations have not been
effectively undertaken, nor have they been timely implemented. Specifically, the
implementation of the afore-stated program has been taking place for several years, despite the
lack of a definitively approved, and satisfactory Environmental Management Plan which meets
the requirements set forth by the Reference Terms formulated by the Ministry of Environment.

Moreover, the program has failed to be expertly, and technically audited to monitor the
program’s progress in accordance with Resolution 005 for the year 2000. In addition, non-
compliance with other environmental requirements, such as the obligation to conduct
environmental impact assessments, and research on ecological regeneration and dynamics of the

sprayed zones, and on Glyphosate’s effects on soil, as set forth in Resolution 341 in 2001, was
incurred by the above-stated program implementation.

This situation evidences that so far, no technical nor scientifically sustained analyses effectively
determining, and estimating any environmental impacts caused by the application of Glyphosate,
and other chemicals, exist under the eradication program. In view of the above-stated

circumstance, and the numerous complaints and reports referring to fumigation-induced harm, all
of which this institution is aware, the Ombudsman has recommended that under the
Precautionary Principle to be applied, the fumigations be suspended until the above-mentioned
evaluations have been conducted, and the necessary preventive measures adopted.

In the opinion of the Ombudsman, the ignorance of precautionary measures which have precisely
been instituted to implement protection and conservation of the environment constitutes a
violation of the constitutional norms mandating its protection, as well as a threat to the rights of
all people to live in a wholesome environment.

- The implementation of the eradication program besides posing a threat to the environment and
public health in the fumigation zones, has considerably affected the vulnerable segments of the
population such as small scale farmers and children.

▯Annex 146

Regarding the above stated, the Ombudsman has insisted that its crops should not be subject to

aerial fumigation with chemicals. These small scale farmers should be offered the opportunity to
involve themselves with alternative development projects offering sustained and sustainable
socio-economic options. On the other hand, indiscriminate fumigating of some

[PAGE 57]

alternative development projects have demonstrated the lack of coordination existing between
the entities in charge regarding the compulsory eradication program of illicit crops, and those
playing a part in the implementation of such projects. Thus, it is indispensible that measures
directed toward remedying this situation be taken in light of the fact that existing measures have
so far been inadequate.

On the other hand, in regions where the eradication program of illicit crops is implemented,
authorities have ignored their duty to especially safeguard underage children, and secure
enjoyment of their rights and, what is even more serious, the very implementation of the program
has threatened their basic rights. In effect, children’s health has generally been threatened as a

result of the spraying carried out with Glyphosate, and other chemical substances, which are
applied under the eradication program of illicit crops. Adding to this alarming situation, it is
likely that there is correlation between chemical fumigations, and the rise in congenital
malformations in certain zones where the afore-mentioned programs have been implemented.
Confronted with the above-mentioned circumstances, the Ombudsman has reiterated that the

aerial eradication with chemicals should be suspended until the studies and analyses determining
the effects of the substances applied have been conducted, and that such studies and analyses
have established that such substances do not pose any health or life-threatening risks to the
people living in the areas, and particularly, to children.

-In conclusion, this Institution is of the opinion that, the implementation of the fumigation
program of illicit crops has ignored the principles and rules seeking to ensure public health,
environmental conservancy, and the special safeguard which the State should extend to those
who are the most vulnerable. This program thus constitutes a threat to thousands of people
inhabiting the areas which have been subject to fumigation preventing them from enjoying a

wholesome environment, good health and life, as well as to rights of children.

▯ Annex 146


La ejecución de la estrategia de erradicación aérea de los

cultivos ilícitos, con químicos, desde una perspectiva

Posición de la Defensoría del Pueblo

Abril de 2003


En reiteradas ocasiones, la Defensoría del Pueblo ha solicitado al Gobierno la
revisión de la Política de Lucha contra las Drogas y, particularmente, la suspensión
de la estrategia de Erradicación Aérea de los Cultvos Ilícitos en todo el paísDicha
solicitud se ha sustentado, principalmente, en la constatación de que la ejecución de
tal procedimiento no se ajusta a la normatividad constitucional y legal, ni a las
normas internacionales relativas a la protección del medio ambiente y al respeto de

los derechos humanos.

En efecto, la forma como se ha desarrollado la estrategia de fumigación aérea de los
cultivos ilícitos, además de haber mostrado su inefectividad ­ con el constante
aumento de la e€tensión de los referidos cultivos en el país ­, ha desconocido los

principios y normas que buscan asegurar la salud y la salubridad p‚blica, la
protección y conservación del medio ambiente, y la protección especial que el
Estado debe brindar a los más vulnerables. El desconocimiento de dicha
normatividad ha llevado a que se tenga que pagar un alto costo socio­económico y

ambiental por la ejecución del citado Programa y, lo que es más grave a‚n, ha
afectado los derechos de miles de colombianos.

En este sentido, la oposición de la Defensoría a que se contin‚e ejecutando el
referido Programa no significa que se desconoƒca la gravedad del problema del

narcotráfico y los efectos nocivos que genera el cultivo, procesamiento y venta de
las referidas sustancias ilícitas. Por el contrario, esta Institución reconoce la
necesidad de combatir el narcotráfico y sus efectos, pero estima que la definición y
la ejecución de las medidas y estrategias que se adopten para enfrentar dicho

problema debe tener pleno sustento en el orden constitucional colombiano. De este

1Los Informes Defensoriales 1 y „ de febrero y abril de „……1, de la Delegada para los Derechos Colectivo y
del Ambiente† la ‡esolución Defensorial ˆ‰ Š de febrero de „……1, las comunicaciones al ‹inistro del Œusticia
y el Derecho de mayo y julio de „……1, así como las distintas intervenciones del Defensor ante el Congreso de
la ‡ep‚blica.Annex 146

▯ ▯

beneficio compensa los efectos negativos de la ejecución del procedimiento. Por
ello, pese a que no se superó satisfactoriamente el segundo punto del juicio de
proporcionalidad, a continuación se analiza el cuestionado Programa desde este

Como previamente se expuso, la lucha contra el delito del narcotráfico y la siembra
de plantaciones con fines ilícitos no es un objetivo contrario a las normas
constitucionales. En adición, puede afirmarse, como lo sostienen constantemente las
autoridades ejecutoras del programa, que combatir a las organizaciones al margen de
la ley, en las actividades relacionadas con el cultivo y procesamiento de

estupefacientes, se ajusta al objetivo estatal de velar por el ‘interés general’. Sin
embargo, se reitera, para lograr dicho fin no se puede pretender sacrificar en
demasía valores y principios de rango constitucional, lo que, a juicio de esta
Institución, ha ocurrido en la ejecución del mencionado Programa de Erradicación.

En efecto, como esta entidad lo manifestó en el escrito de insistencia para que esa H.
Corporación seleccionara la tutela de la referencia, en el estudio de las m€ltiples
denuncias recibidas por la ‚efensoría del Pueblo ƒ por parte de los pobladores de las
diferentes regiones del país en donde se ejecuta el referido programa ƒ, pudo

constatarse que las autoridades encargadas de definir e implementar dicho
procedimiento han desconocido las normas ambientales y sanitarias que han sido
dise„adas como medidas preventivas de posibles da„os en el medio ambiente y la
salud. …sí mismo, se ha constatado que en el país no se cuenta con análisis técnicos
y científicos que prueben fehacientemente que las sustancias químicas que se

emplean en el programa tienen bajos niveles de toxicidad. †ampoco se tienen
estudios que determinen cuáles son las condiciones que deben cumplirse para que la
aplicación de dichos químicos no afecte los derechos de las personas.

‡a anterior situación ha llevado, por una parte, a que se atente contra la salud como
bien básico de la comunidad en general y de los individuos ˆC.P., art. ‰ y Š‹Œ, así
como contra su calidad de vida ˆC.P., art. ŽŽŒ, por cuanto se expone a la población a
sufrir las consecuencias de la utilización de tales sustancias tóxicas. En este sentido,
es preocupante que, luego de realizada una fumigación, en la zona en la cual se

ejecutó se aumente el n€mero de consultas médicas relacionadas, entre otros, con la
aparición de problemas dermatológicos, infecciones gastrointestinales, respiratorias
y conjuntivitis. ‡o que es a€n más alarmante es que, la mayoría de las veces, son los
ni„os y ni„as de esas regiones los que presentan tales síntomas. ‚ada su fragilidad,
los síntomas tienden a agudizarse y, por lo tanto, la afectación de sus derechos

fundamentales a la salud y a la vida es mucho más inquietante ˆC.P., art. ŠŠŒ.

‚e otro lado, la actual ejecución del programa ha desconocido que la defensa del
medio ambiente es un objetivo de nuestro Estado Social de ‚erecho, que envuelve el

deber de protección por parte del Estado y de los particulares, así como el derecho Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

Corinto (p.e. mayor densidad demográfica, cultivos de carácter familiar y mezcla de
estos con cultivos lícitos), el Consejo Nacional de Estupefacientes, por
recomendación del INDERENA, encomendó a la firma consultora Ecoforest Ltda. la

realización de un estudio sobre el efecto ambiental que podría generar la utilización
de dicho herbicida u otros en el procedimiento de erradicación. El estudio se€aló al
‚lifosato, como ƒproducto recomendable„ para aplicaciones terrestres y para
aplicaciones a…reas con helicóptero. De esta forma, no se contempló que dicho
herbicida pudiera utilizarse para aplicaciones con aeronaves de alas fijas. Dicho
m…todo fue categóricamente descartado, entre otros motivos, en razón deˆ (†) las

condiciones ambientales‰ (Š) el considerable da€o que se causa a las áreas
anteriores y posteriores de la banda del tratamiento‰ (‡) la alta contaminación que
genera en las fuentes de agua‰ (‹) el efecto ƒderiva„ para la aplicación de productos

de acción sist…mica y (Œ) la eŽistencia de un mayor peligro de afectación para
humanos y formas vivientes de fauna y flora silvestres‰

Algunos a€os despu…s, concretamente el ‡† de enero de †‘‘Š, el CNE, a trav…s de
un comunicado a la opinión p’blica, anunció la decisión de fumigar los cultivos de
amapola con ‚lifosato, dándole el sentido de “método experimental” a la

fumigación a…rea. Esta sería utilizada cuando se tratara de eŽtensiones amplias de
terreno en las que el cultivo de amapola fuera el ’nico. “or su carácter eŽperimental,
el procedimiento estaría ”sujeto a monitoreo y evaluación permanente”. De otro

lado, el m…todo manual se emplearía • teniendo en cuenta la topografía o
condiciones especiales de biodiversidad, o preferencialmente cuando se trate de
áreas de cultivo peque€as, o cuando la siembra de amapola estuviese entremezclada

significativamente con plantaciones de consumo humano o su localización est…
próŽima a asentamiento humanos.–

Luego de conocido este anuncio del ‚obierno, el Instituto Nacional de —alud reiteró
la posición del Comit… de EŽpertos en ˜erbicidas que en †‘™‹ había concluido que
el m…todo químico debía ser el ’ltimo en considerarse. Así mismo, el šinistro de

—alud, Camilo ‚onzález, criticó la medida y ”fue censurado por el presidente C…sar
‚aviria ›rujillo que eŽigió unidad de criterios en el gabinete ministerial en torno al
uso del herbicida.” †Œ Igualmente, †Œ senadores de diferentes partidos, entre ellos el

—enador Andr…s “astrana Arango, solicitaron al ‚obierno reconsiderar la decisión de
autorizar el uso del ‚lifosato, puesto que consideraban que …sta debía ser estudiada
•con mayor detenimiento, analizando alternativas que no deterioren el ecosistema, ni

†‡A este respecto puede consultarse el informe de la žase I del estudio de Ecoforest Ltda., •Declaración de
efecto ambiental para la erradicación de cultivos ilícitos en zonas de jurisdicción de Corinto (Cauca)–, †‘™™Ÿ
†‹IN—‰ Concepto frente a la propuesta de utilizar el herbicida ‚lifosato por aspersión a…rea para el control de
cultivos de amapola en Colombia. Enviado por el Jefe del ‚de —anidad del Ambiente del Instituto
Nacional de —alud al šinistro de —alud. Bogotá, †‘‘Š. p.†ŸŠ.
†ŒDe acuerdo con el citado artículo de los “rofesores š’nera y ˜oyos, así lo Informó la prensa el Š0 de
febrero de †‘‘Š.Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

afecten la paz social y ecológica”. Particularmente, el Senador Pastrana Arango se

opuso enfáticamente a dicha determinación, en razón de los efectos nocivos que el
uso del herbicida podía tener sobre la salud, de acuerdo con la información que él
mismo había solicitado y recibido del Director de la Organización Panamericana de
la Salud – OPS ­. 1€

‚n el sector privado, también algunas organizaciones ambientalistas y populares
rechazaron la medida estatal. Por eƒemplo, el „ovimiento Ambiental …olombiano,

integrado por †1 organizaciones no gubernamentales ecologistas del país, ƒunto con
otras agrupaciones, e‡pidió un ˆcomunicado de alertaˆ y envió copia de éste a la
Presidencia de la ‰epŠblica, a los „inisterios de ‹usticia, Agricultura, Salud y

Desarrollo, a la …orte …onstitucional1‘al …onseƒo Œacional de ‚stupefacientes y a la
Procuraduría Ženeral de la Œación.

’odo lo anterior evidencia que la decisión del Žobierno de aprobar las fumigaciones

con Žlifosato fue tomada en forma unilateral sin siquiera consultar a representantes
de la comunidad y de otras entidades estatales. ’ampoco se consideraron las
conclusiones del …omité de ‚‡pertos en “erbicidas de 1”‘•, ni la de los

especialistas del –nstituto Œacional de Salud. Adicionalmente, como se e‡plica
adelante, la autorización del referido programa, que fue dada a conocer mediante el
comunicado de enero de 1””†, no cumplió con el requisito e‡igido por el literal g

del artículo ”1 de la —ey ˜™ de 1”‘6, referente a la necesidad de obtener un
šconcepto previo favorable de los organismos encargados de velar por la salud de la
población y por la preservación y equilibrio del ecosistema del país.”

Pese a las numerosas críticas, el programa fue implementado y, en su eƒecución, no
se siguieron las recomendaciones de ‚…O›O‰‚S’ —’DA respecto a la no
utilización de aeronaves de alas fiƒas, ni se realizó un adecuado monitoreo y una

satisfactoria evaluación permanente que respondiera a las e‡igencias del carácter
ˆe‡perimentalˆ del programa. –gualmente, tampoco se implementó el Plan de
Œigilancia ‚pidemiológica.

Posteriormente, el 11 de febrero de 1””•, el …onseƒo Œacional de ‚stupefacientes
e‡pidió la Resolución 001, a través de la cual e‡tendió el citado programa para las
plantaciones de marihuana y coca e hizo algunas precisiones con relación a los

parámetros operacionales del procedimiento. —as aspersiones autorizadas
conservaron su carácter e‡perimental y, por lo tanto, debían ser ˆcontroladasˆ para

Acta Plenaria Œž †•, de la sesión ordinaria del 1€ de marzo de 1””†, publicada en Anales del …ongreso del
1€ de marzo de 1””†.
„ovimiento Ambiental …olombianoŸ …omunicado: ‚mergencia Ambiental a causa de ›umigación con
Žlifosato. Bogotá, 1””†. Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

De este modo, se ha desconocido el principio de coordinación administrativa (C.P.
art. 209), el cual se debe respetar en todas las actuaciones públicas, pues pretende

evitar “decisiones o actuaciones contradictorias en desmedro de la coherencia que
debe caracterizar al Estado como un todo y como calificado agente jurídico y
moral.€ 20 ‚demƒs, la mencionada descoordinación, sumada a la negligencia de las

autoridades que intervienen en la ejecución del citado Programa, como se e„plica a
continuación, ha conducido al incumplimiento de otros mandatos constitucionales
como son (…) el aseguramiento de la salud y la salubridad pública (C.P., arts. 2 y

†9), (2) la protección y conservación del medio ambiente (C.P., art. ‡9, ˆ0, entre
otros) y (‰) el deber del Estado de brindar protección especial a los grupos

vulnerables o marginados así como a los menores de edad (C.P., arts …‰ y ††). ‚sí,
la estrategia de erradicación, que en apariencia es beneficiosa para la colectividad, al
ser ejecutada en forma unilateral y sin la debida diligencia y colaboración de los

organismos del Estado, termina afectando los referidos bienes objeto de protección
constitucional y legal.

2.1. La afectación de la salud de la población de las zonas fumigadas: el
desconocimiento, por parte de las autoridades encargadas del programa de

erradicación, de las normas que materializan el aseguramiento de la salud
como derecho y como cometido estatal fundamental

El carƒcter social de nuestro Estado (C.P. art. …) implica que Šste debe procurar el
cuidado integral de la salud de todos los individuos. De este modo, ‹la salud de los

habitante2…del territorio nacional se convierte en un cometido específico del
Estado‹ , y, en consecuencia, la política pública en materia de salud entra a ocupar
uno de los primeros lugares entre las preocupaciones de las autoridades estatales.

En efecto, la política estatal colombiana en esta materia, ademƒs de contemplar la
implementación del Œistema Ženeral de Œeguridad Œocial en Œalud (ŒŽŒŒŒ) y el

desarrollo de las actividades de promoción y prevención de dicho sistema, desarrolla
estrategias de vigilancia y control en salud pública, 22 las cuales son puntos

prioritarios de Šsta.

20Corte Constitucional, Œentencia C‘‰2ˆ’9“.
22Corte Constitucional, sentencia Œ”‘………’9‡.
Para esta ƒrea de gestión del sector salud se contempla múltiples estrategias y acciones como las siguientes•
(…) El control de la calidad sanitaria del agua para el consumo humano, de los procesos de producción,
transporte y e„pendio de alimentos para consumo humano, de los establecimientos públicos quuen
alto riesgo sanitario y de los puertos fluviales, marítimos, aŠreos y terrestres e„istentes en la localidad– (2) el
control de vectores que generan riesgo para la salud pública ‘ como es, por ejemplo, el uso y manejo de
plaguicidas‘– (‰) la recolección y anƒlisis de la información de las enfermedades o eventos sujetos a control–
(†) la vigilancia y control de los factores de riesgo a qesta la población, especialmente en el sector
informal de la economía y los trabajadores independientes– (“) la prevención de las siguientes enfermedades•
inmunoprevenibles, tuberculosis, meningitis, bacterianas, fiebre reumƒtica, lepra, enfermedades de
transmisión se„ual, —˜™’Œ˜D‚, cólera, rabia, hepatitis š y C y delta. (›) la búsqueda activa de casos yAnnex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

capacidad y tecnología necesarias para poder realizar, por ejemplo, análisis en orina
36 37
de personas expuestas al herbicida o para detectar Glifosato en tejidos humanos.

2.1.4. La falta de certeza científica sobre los efectos del Glifosato en la salud.

Consecuencia de todo lo anterior, es la inexistencia de información, pertinente y
confiable, que permita dilucidar, de manera científica, las diferentes opiniones sobre

los efectos de los químicos en las aspersiones aéreas. Actualmente, no es posible
afirmar ni negar, categóricamente, que las causas de las consultas médicas que se
presentan luego de realizadas las fumigaciones, están asociadas o no con éstas.

En efecto, si bien es cierto que existen algunos documentos de las mismas

autoridades de salud de las zonas afectadas que reconocen que, luego de ejecutadas
algunas operaciones de erradicación aérea con químicos, se produce un aumento de

las consultas por síntomas como alergias y brotes en la piel, fiebre,38olores de
cabeza, gripas, diarrea, vómitos, dolor abdominal y mareos, también es verdad que
no se ha podido demostrar el nexo de causalidad entre ellas.

En este sentido, el estudio realizado por la Clínica de €oxicología ‚ribe Cualla,

financiado por la ƒficina de Asuntos „arcóticos …„A†‡ de la Embajada de los
Estados ‚nidos, para evaluar los impactos en la salud de las fumigaciones con
sustancias químicas en los departamentos del ˆutumayo y de „ari‰o se‰alaŠ ‹…...‡ no

hay reportes con certeza científica que indiquen perjuicios sobre la salud. Además,
no se han reportado casos o quejas en hospitales regionales del área de influencia de

las aspersiones, que a través de las historias clínicas, se pueda demostrar algŒn nexo
de casualidad.Ž 3‘ Concretamente, sobre la investigación adelantada en torno a las

quejas presentadas en el municipio de Aponte, ’epartamento de „ari‰o, en donde

36El “inisterio de †alud, por medio de oficio ‘633 del 6 de febrero de ”••”, envió a la ’efensoría del ˆueblo
copia del –nforme de la ƒrganización ˆanamericana de la †alud, de fecha —˜ de febrero de ”•••, sobre el
acompa‰amiento al “inisterio para evaluar las operaciones de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos. En este
informe se anexan algunas propuestas, fechadas en julio de ”•••, del –nstitutonal de †alud para la
adquisición de equipos para la realización de análisis en orina de personas expuestas al Glifosato o ™ound ‚p.

šlama la atención que en las referidas propuestas se se‰ale que son las mismas presentadas en —‘‘3 con los
37ecios actualizados del ”•••.
ƒficio del ”˜ de diciembre del ”••—, del –nstituto „acional de “edicina šegal, relacionado con la solicitud
formulada porla ’efensoría del ˆueblo de efectuar estudios complementarios de necropsia de un menor de ——
meses de edad, quien presuntamente murió como consecuencia de las fumigaciones.

38En este sentido, en el –nforme remitido por el ’epartamento Administrativo de †alud del ˆutumayo, con
oficio •”˜”7 de julio —— de ”••—, se expresa que, desde la iniciación de las fumigaciones, en los hospitales y
centrosde salud de ƒrito, la ›ormiga …Œalle de Guamuez‡ y la ’orada …†an “iguel‡ se observó un notorio
incremento en las causas de consulta por problemas de dermoreacción, abscesos, impétigo, infecciones
gastrointestinales, respiratorias y conjuntivitis.
ˆolicía „acional. ’irección Antinarcóticos, ƒficio —6•7, de agosto ‘ de ”••—, en el que se cita las
conclusiones del referido estudio. Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

toda obra, proyecto o actividad que pueda “producir deterioro grave a los recursos

naturales o al medio ambiente.” No obstante, el mencionado Decreto contemplaba
que la autoridad ambiental, mediante providencia motivada, podría exigir a dichos
proyectos “la presentación de planes de manejo y recuperación ambiental.”

De esta manera, en aplicación del régimen de transición, el Ministerio del Medio
Ambiente no exigió la obtención de la Licencia Ambiental, pero ordenó 62 a la

Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes presentar el €lan de Manejo Ambiental ‚
€MA ‚, dentro de los ƒérminos de „eferencia establecidos en el Auto No. ……† A de
agosto ‡ˆ de ‡‰‰6. El €lan definido por el Ministerio debía contener los mismos

elementos de una licencia y de un estudio ambiental, es decir “las especificaciones
técnicas, la duración y los cronogramas de trabajo, los requerimientos logísticos, de
personal y de equipo, y demŠs elementos necesarios para ejecutar las acciones de

mitigación, compensación, prevención, manejo y monitor6ˆ de los impactos, y
planeación de soluciones de cualquier proyecto.” AdemŠs, el €lan en comento
permitiría cumplir lo observado por la autoridad ambiental, en el sentido de ser el
“instrumento fundamental para el seguimiento del €rograma, dado que los

compromisos técnicos y de manejo ambiental y‹o complementarios durante el
proceso de evaluación ambiental, por la autoridad competente, quedan definidos en
forma clara. €or lo tanto, podrŠn ser monitoreados de acuerdo con las

especificaciones técnicas, los costos, los cronogramas, etc.”

Žin embargo, sólo hasta noviembre de 2‘‘‡, casi seis ’6“ a”os después de haberse

ordenado su implementación, el referido €lan de Manejo Ambiental fue impuesto
por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente.

La falta de aprobación y puesta en marcha de dicho plan se había debido al reiterado
incumplimiento por parte de la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes de los
parŠmetros establecidos por la citada •artera en los referidos términos de referencia

’auto ……†– de ‡‰‰6“. En efecto, en julio de ‡‰‰†, la Dirección Nacional de
Estupefacientes entregó una primera versión del €lan de Manejo Ambiental ’€MA“.
En noviembre de ese mismo a”o, el Ministerio solicitó a la Dirección la entrega del

capítulo —˜˜ del €lan, referente a la identificación y evaluación de impactos
ambientales, el cual había sido omitido en la versión entregada inicialmente. ™n mes
después, la Dirección cumplió con la entrega de dicho capítulo. Žin embargo, la
autoridad ambiental, luego de anališar la documentación, concluyó que se requería

información complementaria para evaluar el riesgo ambiental y, por ende, en
diciembre de ‡‰‰‰ requirió nuevamente a la Dirección para que la allegara.

62Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. •oncepto ƒécnico No. ‘‡…‘ de julio 22 de ‡‰‰6.
6ˆMinisterio del Medio Ambiente. “La política ambiental del fin del siglo”, octubre de ‡‰‰Œ. —er› Las
licencias ambientales como instrumento de gestión ambiental, texto de Maria ƒeresa Žaušer ™ma”a, Directora
Ambiente Žectorial.
6Œ˜bidem.Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

Posteriormente, en septiembre y octubre de 2000, la Dirección entregó nuevamente
el Plan. No obstante, en diciembre de ese año, el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente
indicó, otra vez, que ésta no cumplía con el auto 558ª de 199€.

‚n vista de lo anterior, el Ministerio decidió solicitar a la reƒerida Dirección una
versión del Plan en la que sólo se evaluaran los posibles riesgos ambientales del

programa de erradicación en el departamento de Putumayo. Para la citada „artera,
las medidas del Plan que se establecieran para ese departamento podrían e…tenderse
luego a las dem†s zonas del país. ‡in embargo, ni siquiera dicˆa evaluación se

cumplió y el ‰Plan de ManeŠo Ambiental para la erradicación de cultivos ilícitos a
partir de la evaluación potencial de operación del programa de aspersión en el

departamento de Putumayo‹, entregado por la Dirección en enero de 2001, ƒue
recˆazado por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, en mayo de 2001, mediante la
Œesolución Ž‘1 de 2001.

‚n la parte considerativa de la reƒerida Œesolución, el Ministerio reiteró que los
documentos entregados ˆasta ese momento por la Dirección, para deƒinir un

adecuado Plan de ManeŠo, no respondían a los alcances y obŠetivos deƒinidos en los
’érminos de Œeƒerencia. ‚ntre otras cosas, e…presó que en el documento presentado
no e…istían an†lisis sustentados técnica y cientíƒicamente, que determinaran y

valoraran los impactos ocasionados por la aplicación del “liƒosato, ni se presentaba
un conŠunto de programas, acciones y medidas concretas de maneŠo ambiental
relacionadas con la prevención, control, mitigación, compensación y corrección, de

los posibles impactos y eƒectos causados por el programa.

‚n estas circunstancias, dicˆa „artera decidió e…igir a la Dirección Nacional de

‚stupeƒacientes el cumplimiento de una serie de medidas adicionales, de car†cter
preventivo, cuyo resultado serviría para ‰imponer en ƒorma deƒinitiva el Plan de
ManeŠo Ambiental.‹

Œesolución Ž‘1 de 2001 del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente. ‚ntre las reƒeridas medidas se contemplaban,
las siguientes” •1– la obligación de realizar investigaciones de impacto ambiental en las †reas obŠeto de
aspersión, así como estudios de la regeneración y din†mica ecológica de zonas asperŠadas y de determinación
la residualidad del “liƒosato en el suelo y su aƒectación en las propiedades ƒí biológicas de los
mismos— •2– la deƒinición e implementación de medidas alternativas de erradicación, con el ƒin de garantizar la
protección al entorno ambiental y social en las †reas pobladas, de las que tienen inƒraestructura social y de las
de abastecimiento de acueductos— •Ž– la caracterización ambiental y socioeconómica de las †reas nucleadas de
cultivos ilícitos en cartograƒía0,así como la identiƒicación y caracterización de las †reas de e…clusión
en ésta misma escala— •‘– la deƒinición de ƒranŠas de seguridad, con el obŠeto de minimizar riesgos potenciales
a ecosistemas circundantes— •5– la adopción de un Plan de „ontingencia para la atención y el control de los
eventos inesperados, de un Programa de ˜nspección, ™eriƒicación y „ontrol en sitio, y de un Plan de
„ompensación para responder por los daños e impactos ambientales y •€– la obligación de evaluar,
conŠuntamente con el Ministerio de ‡alud y el ˜nstituto „olombiano Agropecuario, las dosis de la ƒormulación
con el ƒin de minimizar los riesgos para la salud ˆumana y el medio ambiente. Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

vegetales que se encontraban en proximidades de los cultivos ilícitos y fueron
fumigados accidentalmente o, dada su proximidad a las áreas objeto de la aspersión,

se vieron afectados por el efecto de 'deriva' (desviaciones de las fumigaciones por
efecto del viento y la velocidad misma de las aeronaves); (2) los organismos
acuáticos por la presunta contaminación de las aguas; (3) el suelo por la presunta

pérdida de microorganismos descomponedores e incorporadores de materia orgánica 78
al ciclo de nutrientes, lo que hace que indirectamente se destruya la vegetación.

A juicio de esta €nstitución, estos casos, junto con las innumerables quejas y
testimonios recibidos por la ‚efensoría, así como por las „ersonerías municipales

en las diferentes …onas, referentes a da†os ambientales y a la afectación de la salud,
constituyen un indicio suficiente para dar aplicación al principio de precaución y
adoptar las medidas pertinentes.

‚e este modo, se reitera, no es necesario aducir plena prueba del da†o que las
sustancias químicas utili…adas causan al medio ambiente para que se adopten

medidas eficaces para preservar el medio ambiente. ‡o tener la certe…a de los
efectos de dicha actividad sobre el medio ambiente debería ser suficiente para
disponer la aplicación de las normas preventivas ambientales, hasta tanto no se

compruebe la inocuidad de la práctica. ‚e lo contrario, se estaría desconociendo el
valor superior del medio ambiente como bien objeto de protección constitucional.

ˆn este sentido, la ‰orte ‰onstitucional ha se†alado que Šla protección al medio
ambiente es uno de los fines del ˆstado moderno, por lo tanto toda la estructura de
éste debe estar iluminada por ese fin, y debe tender a su reali…ación‹. ˆn

consecuencia, agrega la ‰orte, Šcuando un da†o potencial al ambiente tenga una
gran incertidumbre y sea muy significativo, es necesario actuar sobre la base del
principio de precaución, es decir, que debe ser utili…ado para enfrentar todos los

da†os ambientales potenciales, tanto de responsabilidad del Œobierno como de los
particulares.‹ 8Ž

ˆn vista de todo lo anterior, se reitera que la ‚efensoría ha solicitado al ‰onsejo

‡acional de ˆstupefacientes y al ‘inisterio del ‘edio Ambiente la suspensión de la
erradicación aérea con químicos hasta que no se tomen las medidas tendientes a

A este respecto, pueden consultarse los €nformes ‚efensoriales ’ y 2 de febrero y abril de 2ŽŽ’ de la
‚elegada para los ‚erechos ‰olectivos y del Ambiente de la ‚efensoría del „ueblo. Además, recientemente,
a mediados de noviembre de 2ŽŽ’, una comisión conformada por funcionarios de la ‚efensoría y de otras
entidades visitó los municipios del “alle del Œuamue…, ”an ‘iguel y „uerto Asís y constos en los
cultivos de pan coger. „rincipalmente se vieron afectados los cultivos de yuca, plátano, pi†a, maí…, ca†a y
7ƒro…; así mismo se reportó la muerte de 2•ŽŽ alevinos.
“er, por ejemplo, los informes de la ‚efensoría del „ueblo sobre las fumigaciones en los ‚epartamentos de
‰aquetá, „utumayo, ‡ari†o y ‰auca. ”olamente entre los meses de agosto y noviembre de 2ŽŽ’ la
‚efensorí del „ueblo conoció ’’ƒ8 quejas relacionadas, en su mayoría, con la afectación de los cultivos de
pan coger.
8Ž”entencia –—2•˜™ƒ3.Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

UNICEF, las referidas regiones, caracterizadas por la pobreza de sus pobladores,

presentan los mayores índices de desnutrición y de deficiencias de micronutrientes,
así como las mayores tasas de morbilidad infantil. Las principales causas de ésta
última, según la UNICEF, son las infecciones respiratorias agudas, la enteritis y

otras enfermedades diarréicas, las cuales no son tratadas a tiempo, debido, por una
parte, a la falta de educación de los padres que no buscan a tiempo la ayuda médica
y, de otra, a la falta de profesionales o de instituciones de salud en esas zonas


A esta situación de vulnerabilidad se suma el hecho de que, en esas regiones, un alto

porcentaje de la población infantil ha visto amenazada su salud como consecuencia
de las aspersiones, con Glifosato y otras sustancias químicas, que se ejecutan dentro
del programa de erradicación aérea de cultivos ilícitos. La afectación de los derechos de los niños causada por la ejecución del
programa de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos

Como se mencionó en otro aparte de este documento, la €efensoría del ‚ueblo ha
recibido numerosas quejas sobre los efectos sobre la salud causados por las
fumigaciones con dichos químicos, algunas de las cuales se refieren concretamente a
la afectación de la salud de menores de edad. Adicionalmente, en algunas regiones
donde se ejecuta el referido programa se ha podido constatar el aumento, tanto en
adultos como en menores de edad, de síntomas como alergias y brotes en la piel,

fiebre, dolores de cabeza, gripas, diarrea, vómitos, dolor abdominal y mareos, luego
de ejecutadas algunas operaciones. Estos síntomas en el caso de los ni…os, dada su
fragilidad, tienden a agudizarse y, por lo tanto, la amenaza se hace mayor.

A este respecto, la €efensoría también ha conocido algunos casos en los que se
relaciona la muerte de menores de cinco a…os con las aspersiones †reas con

químicos. En efecto, de acuerdo con las denuncias presentadas por los padres de los
menores, luego de las fumigaciones estos presentaron síntomas de into‡icación
como vómito y diarrea, así como problemas respiratorios y de la piel. ˆe considera

que la into‡icación, causada por la e‡posición directa al herbicida o por el consumo
de agua contaminada, pudo ser la causa del deceso horas o días después.

ƒ„€entro de estas denuncias, se encuentra por ejemplo, la relacionada con la afectación de la visión de varios
ni…os cuando, a mediados del mes de mayo de ‰ƒƒŠ, se fumigó la escuela de la vereda ‹uena Œista del
municipio de ‚uerto Guzm†n, en el momento en que Ž‘ menores salían a observar el paso de las avionetas y
los helicópteros. €entro de los efectos inmediatos de la aspersión se indicaba quei…os habían
sufrido de ceguera parcial, hasta por ’ días. “tro ejemplo m†s reciente, de acuerdo con el informe remitido a
la €efensoría por el €epartamento Administrativo de ˆalud ”€asalud ” del ‚utumayo, con oficio •’„’– de
julio ‰‰ de ’••‰, es el caso de los ni…os de la Escuela —ural la Concordia, del corregimiento de El ˜igre
™Œalle de Guamuezš quienes, según el personal docente, le las fumigaciones presentaron problemas
respiratorios, dolor abdominal, conjuntivitis y dermatitis. Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

Las denuncias han sido presentadas en diferentes zonas del país en las cuales se ha

ejecutado el citado procedimiento, Así, entre los hechos reportados se encuentra el
del fallecimiento de un niño de 3 años de edad, quien murió, el 20 de enero de 2000,
en el Hospital María Inmaculada de la ciudad de Florencia, Departamento de

Caquetá, luego de que se le hubiera prestado asistencia por intoxicación
presuntamente causada por la fumigación realizada el 3€ de diciembre de €‚‚‚ en la
zona rural donde habitabaƒ ‚„

Igualmente, en octubre de 200€, se reportó la muerte de una menor que habitaba en
el municipio …l †etorno, Departamento del ‡uaˆiare, quien de acuerdo con la

denuncia presentada por su padre, falleció ‰como consecuencia de las fumigaciones
aŠreas con ‡lifosatoƒ‹ Con relación a este caso, la Fiscalía Œexta Œeccional de la
Žnidad de Delitos contra la Administración ‘’blica “ de ”usticia de •illaˆicencio

adelanta la correspondiente inˆestigación penal por el deceso de la menor, con el
objeto de establecer si Šste fue producida por las aspersiones aŠreas sobre la regiónƒ
Además, la Fiscal ha manifestado que en dicha inˆestigación se pretende igualmente
establecer ‰el graˆe estado de peligro en que otros menores se encuentran en la
•ereda Alto Cachama del municipio …l †etorno, ‡uaˆiereƒ‹

Así mismo, se denunció el fallecimiento de un menor de €€ meses de edad, el €— de

noˆiembre de 200€, en el municipio La Hormiga, Departamento de ‘utuma“oƒ
Œeg’n la denuncia presentada por su madre, ‚— el €„ de noˆiembre, mientras su hijo
se encontraba gateando en el patio, una aˆioneta pasó fumigando las cercanías de su

casa de habitación “ el caño del que se abastecen normalmente de aguaƒ Agrega que
algunas horas despuŠs el menor empezó a presentar síntomas como ˆómito “ diarrea
por lo cual fue lleˆado al Hospital de La Hormigaƒ ‘or su parte, el correspondiente

informe mŠdico indica que el niño llegó al centro de atención en estado de ‰choque
hipoˆolŠmico‹, con claros signos de deshidrataciónƒ‹ La muerte se produjo menos
de ˜™ horas despuŠs de la exposición al herbicidaƒ Con el objeto de determinar si

existía alguna relación entre el deceso del menor “ la fumigación efectuada en la
zona, las autoridades locales “ la Defensoría del ‘ueblo solicitaron al Instituto
šacional de Medicina Legal “ Ciencias Forenses analizar las muestras de tejido

tomadas al menor para deter minar si se detectaba la presencia de ‡lifosato u otro de
los componentes de la mezcla que se emplea en el programa de erradicación aŠrea
de cultiˆos ilícitosƒ Œin embargo, mediante oficio del 2˜ de diciembre de 200€, dicho
organismo informó que no contaba con la tecnología “ equipos necesarios para

analizar muestras biológicas o no biológicas para detectar glifosato “, por lo tanto,
no era posible resolˆer las dudas planteadasƒ

‚„Ampliación de denuncia presentada por el padre del Menor ante la ‘ersonería Municipal del ‘uerto
‡uzmán ‘utuma“o, el €0 de ma“o de 2000ƒ
‚–›ficio šŒ –2— del €– de octubre de 200€, dirigido a la Defensoría del ‘ueblo ž†egional Metaƒ
‚—Denuncia presentada el €— de noˆiembre de 200€ ante la Inspección de ‘olicía del Municipio del •alle de
‡uamuez, ‘utuma“oƒAnnex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

3. Conclusiones

▯▯ La ejecución del Programa de Erradicación Aérea de los Cultivos Ilícitos no
se ajusta a los mandatos de la Constitución Política. Ello se evidencia en el

examen de proporcionalidad efectuado en la primera parte de este
documento, en el cual se determinó que la estrategia de fumigación no es
adecuada para el fin propuesto y que la afectación que ella genera sobre los
derechos fundamentales de los colombianos supera con creces los
pretendidos beneficios que ella generaría.

▯▯ En el desarrollo de la estrategia de erradicación aérea de los cultivos ilícitos,
mediante químicos, el Estado colombiano ha desconocido dos de sus
principales fines constitucionales, cuales son el aseguramiento de la salud y la
conservación del medio ambiente. En efecto, la forma en que las autoridades

competentes han ejecutado este programa desconoce el componente de salud
pública de la política sanitaria formulada por el Estado, al incumplir
disposiciones legales relativas a la prevención, control y vigilancia de
factores de riesgo para salud. Así mismo, en el desarrollo del programa de

erradicación aérea se han incumplido las exigencias de la política ambiental
estatal, cuya finalidad no es otra que preservar y mejorar las condiciones
ambientales para así asegurar la calidad de vida de todos los habitantes del
territorio nacional.

- En relación con la salud, se han desobedecido las normas sobre uso y manejo
de plaguicidas y sobre la implementación de un plan de vigilancia tóxico-
epidemiológico, así como otras normas específicas que, en materia sanitaria,
estipulan medidas de prevención adicionales que se deben tomar en la
ejecución del referido programa. El incumplimiento de dichas normas atenta

contra la salud como bien básico de los individuos y de la comunidad, ya que
se expone a la población a sufrir las consecuencias de la posible utilización
inadecuada de sustancias químicas como el €lifosato.

A esta circunstancia hay que agregar el hecho de que, a pesar de que han
transcurrido aproximadamente ‚‚ aƒos desde que se iniciaron las
fumigaciones en el país, no se han realizado los estudios científicos
pertinentes para determinar los efectos de dicha sustancia en la salud. Por lo
tanto, en la actualidad no hay certeza científica sobre los impactos del

€lifosato en la salud. „ampoco se conocen los efectos de la combinación
€lifosato-P…EA-Cosmoflux que se emplea en el programa de erradicación
aérea. En consecuencia, el hecho de que no se haya podido demostrar la
relación de causalidad entre las afecciones a la salud y las aspersiones aéreas
sobre los cultivos ilícitos no conduce a negar la existencia del riesgo para la

salud de la población de las zonas fumigadas. Annex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

- Respecto a las exigencias que se han establecido en materia ambiental para
evitar o disminuir los impactos ambientales que la ejecución de las
fumigaciones pueda generar, se advierte que ellas no se han cumplido en
forma efectiva y oportuna. Concretamente, el citado programa ha sido

ejecutado durante varios años, pese a la falta de aprobación definitiva de un
adecuado Plan de Manejo Ambiental que se ajuste a las exigencias de los
Términos de Referencia formulados por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente.
Así mismo, el programa no ha contado con una auditoría técnica idónea que,
según lo dispuesto en la Resolución 00€ de ‚000, se encargue de realiƒar el

seguimiento al programa. Adem„s, en la ejecución del referido programa
también se han incumplido otros requerimientos ambientales, como la
obligación de realiƒar evaluaciones de impacto ambiental e investigaciones
sobre la regeneración y din„mica ecológica de ƒonas asperjadas y sobre los

efectos del …lifosato en el suelo, según lo señalado por la Resolución †‡ˆ de

‰sta situación evidencia que aún no se cuenta con an„lisis, sustentados
técnica y científicamente, que determinen y valoren efectivamente los

impactos ambientales ocasionados por la aplicación del …lifosato y otros
químicos en el programa de erradicación. ‰n raƒón de dicha circunstancia y
de las numerosas quejas y denuncias conocidas por esta institución referentes
a daños causados por las fumigaciones, la Šefensoría ha recomendado que,
en aplicación del Principio de Precaución, se suspendan las fumigaciones

hasta que no se realicen los mencionados estudios y se tomen las medidas
preventivas necesarias.

A juicio de la Šefensoría, el desconocimiento de las normas preventivas que,

precisamente, se han consagrado para hacer efectiva la protección y
conservación del medio ambiente, se convierte en un desacato de las normas
constitucionales que ordenan su protección y constituye una amenaƒa al
derecho de todas las personas a goƒar de un ambiente sano.

- ‹a ejecución del programa de erradicación, adem„s de constituir una
amenaƒa para el medio ambiente y la salud de la población de las ƒonas
fumigadas, ha afectado considerablemente a sectores vulnerables de la
población como son los pequeños cultivadores y la población infantil.

‰n relación con los primeros, la Šefensoría ha insistido que sus cultivos no
deben ser objeto de fumigación a érea, con químicos. A estos pequeños
cultivadores debe brind„rseles la oportunidad de vincularse a proyectos de
desarrollo alternativo que ofreƒcan opciones socioeconómicas sostenibles y

sustentables. Še otra parte, las fumigaciones indiscriminadas sobre algunosAnnex 146

▯ ▯▯▯

proyectos de desarrollo alternativo han puesto en evidencia la falta de
coordinación entre las entidades encargadas del programa de erradicación
forzosa de cultivos ilícitos y aquellas que participan en la implementación de
los citados proyectos. En consecuencia, es indispensable que se tomen
medidas tendientes a remediar dicha situación, pues las existentes hasta el

momento han sido insuficientes.

De otro lado, en las regiones donde se ejecuta el programa de erradicación de
cultivos ilícitos, las autoridades han desconocido su deber de brindar
protección especial a los menores de edad y garantizar el goce de sus

derechos y, lo más grave aún, la misma ejecución del programa ha
amenazado sus derechos fundamentales. En efecto, la población infantil en
general ha visto amenazada su salud como consecuencia de las aspersiones,
con Glifosato y otras sustancias químicas, que se ejecutan dentro del

programa de erradicación aérea de cultivos ilícitos. A esta alarmante
situación puede agregarse la posible relación existente entre las fumigaciones
con químicos y el aumento de las malformaciones congénitas en ciertas zonas
donde se ha ejecutado el mencionado programa. Frente a estas circunstancias,
la Defensoría ha reiterado que el programa de erradicación aérea con

químicos debería suspenderse hasta que no se realicen los estudios y análisis
que determinen los efectos de la sustancia que se aplica, y se establezca que
ésta no implica un riesgo para la salud y la vida de los habitantes de las zonas
y, en especial, de los niños.

­ En suma, para esta €nstitución, la ejecución del programa de fumigación
aérea de cultivos ilícitos ha desconocido los principios y normas que buscan
asegurar la salud pública, la conservación del medio ambiente y la protección
especial que el Estado debe brindar a los más vulnerables. En consecuencia,

este programa amenaza los derechos de miles de habitantes de las zonas
fumigadas a gozar de un ambiente sano, a la salud y a la vida, así como los
derechos de los niños. Annex 147

Republic of Colombia,Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca, Claudia Sampedro and Others,
Judgment (13 June 2003) Annex 147



Bogotá DC, June thirteen (13), two thousand three (2003)

Judge Rapporteur: Dr. Ayda Vides Paba.

REFERENCE: 01-0022


The Court should decide the Popular Action promoted by MesCLAUDIA SAMPEDRO

ENVIRONMENT AND OTHERS in order to obtain favorable ruling on the following:


1 .- To order the Ministry of Environment to take the necessary measures to prevent the
degradation of natural resources as a result of the eradication of illicit crops.

2 .- To order the Ministry of Environment to prevent the development or use of biological

controls to eradicate illicit crops in the national territory.

3 .- To order the Ministry of Environment to take the necessary measures to restore ecosystems
and natural resources affected thus far by programs for the eradication of illicit crops.

4 .- To take the necessary measures so that the actions and omissions that give rise to the present
action do not present themselves again.

5 .- To order that the defendants compensate the plaintiffs in accordance with Article 39 of Law

472 of 1998.
[PAGE 2]

6. – To order the defendants to pay costs.

The FACTS, ACTIONS AND OMISSIONS that give rise to the action are:

1. In Colombia the problem of illicit crops has worsened in recent years.

2. That the following regions are currently producing coca:

CUNDINAMARCA, Northwest of the Department, BOYACA –
Magadalena Medio Boyacense-; MAGDALENA AND CESAR –Sierra

▯Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

Nevada of Santa Marta-; LA GUAJIRA –Sierra de Perijá-;
ANTIOQUIA –Región de Urabá, Tarazá, Cáceres, Remedios, Yondó,
Anorí, Amalfí, Sonsón, Cocorná-; NORTE DE SANTANDER –
Municipality of Tibú and the zone of the Catatumbo-; BOLIVAR –

Municipalities of Sur de Bolivar (Cantagallo, Morales, San Pablo, Santa
Rosa del Sur, Simití, Río Viejo), Serranía de San Lucas; NARIÑO –
Municipalities of Samaniego, Guachaves, San Pablo, El Rosario, La
Cruz, Cumbitará, Leyva, Los Andes and Policarpa; CAUCA –

Municipalities of la Vega, Almaguer, Bolivar, Patía, Mercaderes,
Balboa, Piamonte and Argelia-; CASANARE AND ARAUCA –Bosques
de Galería-; VICHADA –Deltas of the Guaviare and Uva rivers, Deltas
of the Vichada river and tributaries, Forests of Galería; GUAINIA –
Deltas of the Guaviare and Inírida rivers, caños Bocón and Guarivén-;

VAUPES – Deltas of the Vaupés river and caño Cadayarí, Deltas of the
Paca and Papurí rivers; GUAVIARE – Deltas of the Guaviare river,
colonization areas of Guaviare (road axis San José de Guaviare –El
Retorno-Calamar), Deltas of the Humilla, Itilla and Vaupés river; META
–Duda and Alto Guayabero, Lozada and Bajo Guayabero Rivers,

Biological Reserve of la Macarena, deltas of the Guaviare (Mapiripán,
Mesetas, La Macarena, La Uribe, Puerto Concordia, Puerto Gaitán,
Puerto Lleras, Puerto Rico, San Juan de Arama, Vistahermosa);
CAQUETA (Medio y Bajo Caguán y Zuncillas, Alto Caguán and

Guayas, Deltas of the Caquetá (Albania, Cartagena del Chairá, Curillo,
El Doncello, El Paujil, La Montañita, Milán, Puerto Rico; San José de
Fragua, San Vicente del Caguán, Solano, Valparaíso); PUTUMAYO –
Valle del Guamez, axis Puerto Leguízamo – La Tagua, deltas of the
Caquetá and Mecay, Orito, San Miguel, southeastern end of the caucan

boot and deltas of the Putumayo river (Mocoa, Orito, Puerto Asís, Puerto
Caicedo, Puerto Guzmán, Puerto Leguózamo, San Miguel, Valle de
Guamuez, Villa Garzón).

3. That poppy cultivation has been established in the highlands and plateaus

of the departments of CUNDINAMARCA, BOYACÁ, VALLE,

[PAGE 3]



4. That the country adopted spraying with paraquat in the Sierra Nevada of
Santa Marta, beginning more than twenty years ago.

▯ Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

5. That, in the year 1992, the controlled aerial spraying of illicit poppy
crops located in the mountains above the altitude of 2,500 meters above
sea level was authorized.

6. That the National Council on Narcotic Drugs, beginning in 1994,
authorized the destruction of illicit crops by aerial spraying with

7. That at the request of the Ombudsman's Office, since 1998, the Ministry
of Environment comprised part of the verification committee for the
spraying but, citing the lack of logistical support, it says to have been
prevented from performing its specified duties: implementing
eradication efforts under the audit mechanisms and controlling aerial

spraying, monitoring of the application of glyphosate as a mechanism for
the eradication, as long as it takes place under proper technical
conditions and under strict quality control procedures to ensure that there
is no affectations on people and ecosystems.

8. That the results in the eradication of crops through aerial spraying have
been destructive. Despite the intensity of the spraying, the amount of
crops has doubled.

9. Today, it is recognized that the problem of illicit crops requires social
solutions, not military approaches.

10. That the General Assembly of the United Nations in June 1998 approved
a "concerted action to counter the global drug problem, rethinking the

eminently repressive approach of the fight against illicit drugs and
projecting a global policy to combat drugs based on respect for all
human rights and fundamental freedoms.

11. That in order to achieve the alternative development, the United Nations

Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs- UN 1998-, proposes
an integrated rural development, the promotion of community
participation and respect for criteria for the environmental sustainability,
taking into account the objectives of the Program XXI.

[PAGE 43]

in Law 30 of 1986.


▯Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

According to testimony rendered by the agronomist and head of the Division of Agricultural
Supply of ICA ▯³'LYLVLyQ▯GH▯,QVXPRV▯$JUtFRODV▯GHO▯,&$´▯▯ Carlos Augusto Villamizar, ICA has

been providing its technical assistance upon consultation from the National Police with respect to
illicit crop eradication programs since 1983.

ICA has not conducted toxicity studies because this type of analysis is not within its scope of
competence. Similarly, it has not conducted epidemiological, animal or plant studies, since the

environmental aspect corresponds to the Ministry of Environment and the human aspect
corresponds to the Ministry of Health.

ICA has approved the different glyphosate formulas under its review, but the approvals are
specifically for agricultural uses.

In the labeling for the herbicide glyphosate approved by ICA, an agronomic recommendation
exists which cautions to avoid the spraying on non-target control species in its application. This

recommendation is based on susceptibility that crops or a species that is not subject to control
may display. For this reason, and to avoid these types of incidents in crops that are not the

subject of treatment, the use of herbicides should observe certain safety strips between each crop
and be performed in observance of hours of application, wind direction, and height. Specifically
referring to an herbicide, an improperly applied substance can alter the ecosystem since it

eliminates certain plants that represent life sustenance for both plant and animal species.


The Ministry of Environment, after considering the Glyphosate-based illicit crops eradication via

spraying constitutes a …
[PAGE 69]

In her statement dated 12 September 2001, Dr. SARA ORDÓÑEZ states:

"The Ministry of Health has not conducted experimental studies in the country geared
towards demonstrating the impacts on human health of the aerially sprayed Glyphosate.

“Glyphosate is an herbicide, as is indicated by its name, which is intended only and exclusively

for use in plants.”

With respect to the effects that Glyphosate can cause on human health, it is important to note:

x An increase in adenosine triphosphate and stimulation of oxygen consumption in

isolated hepatic cell mitochondria has been observed, reduction of respiratory
control in rats, increase in ATA-asa, and decrease in hepatic levels of cytochrome P-

▯ Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

450, causing a decoupling of the oxidative phosphorylation. This action is attributed to
its toxicity.

x It is rapidly eliminated via urine, approximately 90% is eliminated in the first 48 hours.

Acute intoxication is rarely caused, however, its symptoms are:

x Ocular irritation (if the person is situated in the environment) or when there is
accidental eye contact, it causes irritation and may cause conjunctivitis.

x Dermal irritation: in high concentrations on contact with the skin produces dermatitis.

x Orally, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, epigastric pain. In certain cases, anxiety, rectal
hyperthermia, hypertonicity and seizures.

[PAGE 70]

x Via Inhalation: nonspecific respiratory discomfort.

x The patient may also present metahemoglobinemia as a direct effect of ingestion of
foods with high nitrite concentration in areas where glyphosate has been previously


x The most important pathophysiological findings are:

o Alveolar capillary congestion and hyperemia.

o Gastric irritation and ulceration.
o Hepatic and renal lesions.

x The following may occur as symptoms of chronic poisoning: Contact dermatitis,
probable hepatic and renal affectation. No other detected symptoms exist from

frequent and continuous exposure to the herbicide.

"The improper use or management in all existing chemical substances, such as those
that include glyphosate, generate risks and may affect human health. Such effects
may be minimized by applying the established safety measures. However, within

the process of toxicological evaluation, observing the risk-reward of these products
is a priority for their final approval, given that they play an important role in the

eradication of certain types of vegetation."

▯Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

"The Ministry of Health does not have specific programs related to illicit crops in the

development of Plan Colombia; however, as noted above, it is developing a proposal for
monitoring the human health risks and effects of plaguicide use within a monitoring
system of public health SIVIGILA. Similarly, it has attended the workshops held by the

National Narcotics Directorate to define the mechanisms and form a pre and post
glyphosate application audit." (Fls. 1074-1978)

[PAGE 71]


In a reply dated 29 April 2002, the INS expressed the following:

"The National Institute of Health has not conducted studies related to the impact of

glyphosate on life, human health or environment because it lacks the technological
infrastructure and the resources necessary to conduct such studies…"

"... However it has collected certain scientific information. From this information, we
submit the following relevant excerpts:

1. Research has been performed on glyphosate and its possible short and long term

effects (annex 1).

2. Toxicological profile and management protocol for glyphosate (adapted by

Camilo Uribe Granja), which contains toxicity in humans, in animals ... (annex 2).

3. Evaluation study of glyphosate’s genotoxic potential (annex 3).

Merck’s safety data sheet regarding the chemical component 1.4 Dioxane ... (annex 4).

2 Summary of the book */,)26$72▯▯ FULWHULRV▯ GH▯ VDOXG▯ DPELHQWDO 1R▯▯ ▯▯▯

IPCS/OMS-1994… (annex 5)"


[PAGE 110]

10th. The D.N.E. does not comply with the Environmental Management Plan imposed by the

Ministry of Environment, with respect to fumigation in park areas as well as protected areas,

▯ Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

bodies of water, aqueducts, nor with its obligations espoused by articles 2, 3, 6, and 7 of
Resolution No. 341 of 2001 issued by the referenced ministry.

11th. The Ministry of Environment, with respect to Glyphosate-based illicit crop fumigation,

plus POEA plus Cosmo Flux, does not fulfill what is stipulated in numerals 1, 4, 6, 11 and 12 of
Law 99 of 1993.


x The use of glyphosate as a broad spectrum non-selective herbicide, for illicit crop eradication,
as well as its surfactants and coadjuvants (Poea plus Cosmo Flux), utilized via aerial spraying
(due to drift effect), contaminates the environment: causes serious problems in animals,
pollutes the soil, air, sources of water, food and destroys food crops, livestock, fish, which

constitute the survival basis of communities that inhabit the fumigated areas and threatens
the biodiversity of unique flora and fauna in the world.

x Biodiversity is an irreplaceable resource, i.e. its loss is irreversible in any length of time.

This situation is very different to that posed by natural revegetation.


With respect to this right, the Chamber warns that, in response to complaints and a certified
declaration issued by then President of the Republic and of the Ministry of Environment, there is
no possession or use of chemical or biological weapons in the country, since the latter Ministry
was opposed to the use of the fungus Fusuarium Oxysporum.

[PAGE 111]

As a result, the claim related to this right is dismissed.


¾ This Chamber adopts the criteria set forth by the Ombudsman, the General Comptroller of the

Republic and Rapalmira: Given that the aerial fumigations constitute a serious risk to the
health of humans, animals and to the environment in general, it is necessary that they be
suspended, in application of the principle of PRECAUTION. However, this does not mean
that the State should stop acting on the problem, what is being asked is that it fulfill the
constitution, the law, the imposed Environmental Management Plan as well as all the

administrative acts issued by the various competent authorities, with respect to the
country´s environmental policy. At this moment, this entails a change in strategy, having
previously determined the consequences of Glyphosate, plus Poea, plus Cosmo Flux on
health – life of Colombian inhabitants, and the environment in general. In the meantime,
these determinations will be supported until there is scientific certainty regarding the impacts

of the mentioned chemicals, the concerted and sustainable social solutions, such as PLANTE,

▯Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

which lead to the manual and gradual, yet effective reduction of illicit crop planting,
including policies that end the viability of these crops.

¾ This Chamber does not disregard the decision issued by the Contentious Administrative

Tribunal of Nariño, confirmed by the Honorable State Council in its holding of 10 October
2002 through the paper written by the Honorable Magistrate Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado,
related to the claims for suspension of fumigation in order to avoid greater damages to the
area’s inhabitants, and to continue manual crop eradication. However, it appears that that

[PAGE 112]

¾ The protection of Colombian health was NOT invoked , and therefore was not the object of
this type of evidence, related to the fundamental (inalienable) and collective right of man,

whose primacy is recognized in our constitution (Art. 5). In a Social State of Law such as
Colombia, the right to health inherent in the worthy existence of Colombians, is primary to its

¾ An analysis was not carried out related to the chemical composition of glyphosate plus

POEA, plus Cosmo flux, (toxic), test of decisive nature for the success of the claims.

¾ According to the challenge of the court ruling on the trial level, there wasno evidence to
support the arguments of the complaint, a very different situation as compared to the process

for which we issue a ruling today.

In light of the foregoing, tAdministrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca , Section II Subsection
B, administering justice on behalf of the Republic of Colombia, and by authority of law,


FIRST : Declare unproven the objections to the merits of the complaint set forth by the

SECOND : Dismiss the objection of Inept due to Undue Accumulation of Complaints, proposed
by the National Narcotics Council, in accordance with the motivation section of this ruling.

THREE . Grant all the persons residing in Colombia the Protection of the Right to Safety and

Public Health, in what relates to thacute toxicitycaused by aerial spraying (Drift effect) with
glyphosate and surfactants and adjuvants in illicit crops, violated by the entities sued.

[PAGE 113]

In what refers to thchronic toxicity caused by the aerial spraying (drift effect) with glyphosate
in illicit crops, apply tPrinciple of Prevention as set forth in Article 1 paragraph 6 of Act 99
of 1993 in accordance with the relevant part of this ruling.

▯ Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

FOURTH : Grant all persons residing in Colombia the protection of the right to enjoy a healthy
environment in accordance with the Constitution and the law and other related interests related to
the preservation and restoration of the environment, violated by the defendant entities

Therefore, it is provided:

(a) ORDER the National Narcotics Directorate to TEMPORARILY SUSPEND the aerial
fumigation with glyphosate plus POEA, plus Cosmo Flux, throughout the national territory,

pending compliance with the Environmental Management Plan imposed by the Ministry of
Environment, through Resolution No. 1065, of 2001 , in strict compliance with the
obligations contained in article2, 6, 7 and 8 of Resolution No. 341 of 2001 of said
ministry, and hold that the Ministry of Social Security has conducted scientific medical
studies - identifying the effect of glyphosate, POEA, Cosmo Flux on the health of

Colombians .

(b) Order the Ministry of Social Security, the National Institute of Health, in partnership with the
National University of Colombia, after coordination with the National Council of Pesticides
to conduct COHORT type studies that include a group exposed to glyphosate plus POEA,

plus Cosmo Flux, and a control group (no exposure) over time, including morbidity and
mortality records, to determine the impact of the mentioned chemicals on the health - life of
[PAGE 114]

The above studies would be conducted in the sprayed areas, especially in the area of
influence of the Sierra Nevada de Santa, and in the departments mentioned in the motivation
section of this ruling chosen by the Ministry of Social Security.

(c) Order the National Narcotics Directorate to identify the existence of damages resulting from
the spraying activity with glyphosate plus POEA, plus Cosmo flux in illicit crop eradication
and push forward corrective, mitigation or compensation measures in accordance with the
provisions of Resolution 017 of 2001 of the National Narcotics Council and raised in the

Social Management Program and the PMA Contingency Plan proposed, especially,
especially in national parks, deserts, Indian reservations and other protected areas.

FIFTH : Deny the second claim of the complaint, regarding the development or use of biological

controls for eradication of illicit crops.

SIXTH : Designate the Attorney General's Office – Appointed Attorney for Environmental
Affairs and Ombudsman- Appointee for Collective and Environmental Rights, in accordance
with what is set forth in Articles 277 paragraph 4 and 282 of the Political Constitution, to ensure

the strict compliance with this ruling.

SEVENTH : Consider as supporting the complaint filed against Mr. Alirio Uribe Muñoz,
identified with the identity card of 19'418 .812 of Bogotá.

▯Annex 147

Case No. 02-022

EIGHTH : Recognize on behalf of the People’s Plaintiffs, as represented by Dr. Claudia
Sampedro, the incentive that is espoused in Article 39 of the Act 472 of 1998, in the sum of one
hundred fifty (100) minimum monthly wages by the defendant entities.

[PAGE 115]

NINTH: Submit to the Ombudsman’s Office, a copy of this ruling which puts an end to the
present proceeding, and another to the Nation’s Attorney General’s Office, for matters under its




▯ Annex 147



Bogotá D.C., Junio trece (13) de dos mil tres (2003)

Magistrada Ponente: Dra. Ayda Vides Paba.



Procede la Sala a decidir la Acción Popular promovida por los señores



fin de obtener sentencia favorable a las siguientes:


AMBIENTE adoptar las medidas necesarias
para impedir el deteriorode los recursos
naturales como consecuencia de la erradicación
de cultivos ilícitos.

AMBIENTE impedir el desarrollo o utilización de
controladores biológicos para erradicar cultivos
ilícitos en el territorio nacional.

AMBIENTE adoptar las medidas necesarias
para recuperar los ecosistemas y recursos
naturales hasta ahora afectados con los

programas de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos.

4.- Se adopten las medidas necesarias para
que no se vuelvan a presentar las acciones y
omisiones que dan lugar a la presente acción.

5.- Que se condene a los demandados a
recompensar a los actores de conformidad con
el artículo 39 de la Ley 472 de 1998.Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 2

6. - Que se condene en costas a los

Los HECHOS, ACCIONES Y OMISIONES que motivan la Acción, son:

1.- Que en Colombia el problema de los

cultivos ilícitos se ha agudizado en los últimos

2.- Que actualmente las siguientes regiones son
productoras de coca: CUNDINAMARCA –
Noroccidente del Departamento-: BOYACA –
Magdalena Medio Boyacense-; MAGDALENA Y

CESAR – Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta-; LA
GUAJIRA- Sierra de Perijá-;ANTIOQUIA-
Región de Urabá – Tarazá, Cáceres, Remedios,
Yondó, Anorí, Amalfí, Sonsón, Cocorná-;

NORTE DE SANTANDER – Municipio de Tibú y
la Zona del Catatumbo-; BOLIVAR – Municipios
del Sur de Bolívar (Cantagallo, Morales, San
Pablo, Santa Rosa del Sur, Simití, Río Viejo),

Serranía de San Lucas; NARIÑO – Municipios
de Samaniego, Guachaves, San Pablo, El
Rosario, La Cruz, Cumbitará, Leyva, Los Andes

y Policarpa; CAUCA – Municipios de la Vega,
Almaguer, Bolívar, Patía, Mercaderes, Balboa,
Piamonte y Argelia-; CASANARE Y ARAUCA-
Bosques de Galería-; VICHADA – Vegas del río

Vaupés y Caño Cadayarí, Vegas de los ríos
Paca y Papurí; GUAVIARE – Vegas del río
Guaviare, zonas de colonización del Guaviare
(eje vial San José de Guaviare- El Retorno-

Calamar), vegas de los ríos Humilla, Itilla y
Vaupés; META – Ríos Duda y Alto Guayabero,
Lozada y Bajo Guayabero, Reserva Biológica de
la Macarena, vegas del río Guaviare (Mapiripán,

Mesetas, La Macarena, La Uribe, Puerto
Concordia, Puerto Gaitan, Puerto Lleras, Puerto
Rico, San Juan de Arama, Vista Herrmosa);

CAQUETA (Medio y Bajo Caguán y Zuncillas,
Alto Caguán, Solano, Valparaíso); PUTUMAYO
–Valle del Guamez, eje Puerto Leguízamo – La
Tagua, vegas de los ríos Caqueta y Mecay,

Orito, San Miguel, extremo suroriental de la bota
caucana y vegas del río Putumayo (Mocoa,
Orito, Puerto Asís, Puerto Caicedo, Puerto
Guzmán, Puerto Leguizamo, San Miguel, Valle

de Guamuez, Villa Garzón).

3.- Que los cultivos de amapola se han
establecido en las zonas altas y de páramo de

los departamentos del CUNDINAMARCA,

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 3



4.- Que en el país se adoptó la fumigación con
paraquat en la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta,
desde hace más de veinte años.

5.- Que en el año 1992 se autorizó la aspersión
aérea controlada de cultivos ilícitos de amapola,
localizados en la cordillera, por encima de la

cota de los 2.500 msnm.

6.- Que el Consejo Nacional de Estupefacientes
desde el año de 1994 autorizó la destrucción de

los cultivos ilícitos mediante la aspersión aérea
de glifosato.

7.- Que por solicitud de la Defensoría del
Pueblo, desde 1998 el Ministerio DEL Medio
Ambiente hace parte de la comisión de
verificación de las fumigaciones pero, alegando

la falta de apoyo logístico, el mismo se ha
impedido para realizar las tareas estipuladas:
ejecutar las labores de erradicación bajo el

mecanismo de auditoria y control de la
aspersión aérea, seguimiento a la aplicación del
glifosato como mecanismo para la erradicación,
siempre y cuando ella se realice en las

condiciones técnicas debidas y bajo estrictos
procedimientos de control que garanticen la no
afectación de las personas y de los


8.- Que los resultados en la erradicación de
cultivos mediante la fumigación aérea han sido

nefastos. A pesar de la intensidad de las
fumigaciones, la extensión de los cultivos se

9.- Actualmente se reconoce que el problema
de cultivos ilícitos exige soluciones sociales, no

10.- Que la Asamblea General de las Naciones
Unidas aprobó en junio de 1998 una “acción
común para contrarrestar el problema mundial

de las drogas” , replanteando el enfoque
eminentemente represivo a la lucha contra las
drogas ilícitasy proyectando una política

mundial de lucha contra las drogas
fundamentada en el respeto a todos los
Derechos Humanos y libertades fundamentales.

11.- Que para alcanzar el desarrollo alternativo
el Acuerdo Mundial contra las Drogas Ilícitas –Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 43

en la ley 30 de 1.986.


Según declaración rendida por el ingeniero Agrónomo y jefe de División

de Insumos Agrícolas del ICA, Carlos Augusto Villamizar, desde 1983 el

ICA ha venido prestando su concurso técnico cuando es consultado en

programas de erradicación de cultivos ilícitos por la Policía Nacional.

El ICA no ha efectuado estudios de toxicidad por no ser de su
competencia este tipo de análisis, de igual forma no han realizado

estudios epidemiológicos ni de tipos zoosanitario y ni fitosanitario, pues la

parte ambiental le corresponde al Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y la

Parte humana al Ministerio de Salud.

El ICA ha aprobado las diferentes formulaciones de glifosato sometidas a

su consideración, pero para agricultura.

En el rotulado aprobado por el ICA para el glifosato y herbicidas existe

una recomendación agronómica, en la cual se alerta que al aplicarlo se

debe evitar asperjar sobre especies no objetivo de control, esta

recomendación se basa en la susceptibilidad que puede presentar un

cultivo o especie colindante que no sea objeto de control, para lo cual en

herbicidas siempre se debe observar franjas de seguridad entre cultivo y

cultivo y observar las horas de aplicación, dirección del viento, altura para
evitar este tipo de incidentes en cultivos que no están en el objetivo de

tratamiento. Una sustancia inadecuadamente aplicada puede alterar el

ecosistema específicamente refiriéndonos a un herbicida, pues elimina

algunas plantas que sirven de elemento de vida para especies tanto

vegetales como animales.


El Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, previa consideración de que la

erradicación de cultivos ilícitos con aspersión de glifosato constituye una Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 69

En su declaración la doctora SARA ORDÓÑEZ de fecha Septiembre
12/2001 manifiesta:

“ El Ministerio de Salud no ha realizado estudios experimentales en

el país que señalen el impacto del Glifosato por aspersión aérea en la

salud humana”

“ El glifosato es un herbicida como su nombre lo indica está dirigido única

y exclusivamente para uso en las plantas.

En relación con los efectos que puede ocasionar el glifosato en la

salud humana es necesario anotar lo siguiente:

En el hombre se ha visto aumento de la adenosin trifosfatasa y

estimulación del consumo de oxigeno en la mitocondria de la célula

hepática aislada, reducción de las ratas de control respiratorio,

aumento de la ATP- asa, y disminución del nivel hepático del
citrocromo P- 450, ocasionando un desacople de la fosforiliación

oxidativa. A esta acción se atribuye su toxicidad.

Su eliminación es rápida por la orina, aproximadamente del 90% en

las primeras 48 horas.

Rara vez se da intoxicación aguda, pero sus síntomas son:

Irritación ocular: (si se encuentra en el ambiente) o

accidentalmente cuando hay contacto con los ojos ocasiona irritación y

puede producir conjuntivitis.

Irritación dérmica al contacto con la piel en altas concentraciones

produce dermatitis.

Por vía oral náuseas vomito, dolor abdominal, epigastralgia. En

algunos casos ansiedad, hipertemia rectal, hipertonía y convulsiones.Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 70

Por vía inhalatoria: Molestias respiratorias no especificas.

El paciente además puede presentar metaemoglobinemia por

efecto directo de la ingesta de alimentos con alta concentración de

nitritos en sitios en que se ha aplicado previamente glifosato.

Los hallazgos fisiopatológicos más importantes son:

Congestión e hiperemia alvéolo capilar.
Irritación y ulceraciones gástricas .

Lesión hepática y renal.

Como síntomas de intoxicación crónica puede presentarse:

Dermatitis de contacto, probable afección hepática y renal, no

existiendo otros síntomas detectados en la exposición frecuente y

continua del herbicida”.

“Toda sustancia química existente, como entre ellas el glifosato

generan riesgos y puede llegar a afectar a la salud humana por el mal

uso y manejo, que pueden ser minimizados, aplicando las medidas

de seguridad establecidas, pero es prioritario dentro del proceso de

evaluación toxicológica observar el riesgo- beneficio de estos

productos para su aprobación final, ya que juegan papel

preponderante en la erradicación de ciertos tipos de vegetación”.

“El Ministerio de salud no tiene programas específicos relacionados

con cultivos ilícitos en el desarrollo del Plan Colombia, no obstante,

como se anotó anteriormente se encuentra en desarrollo una

propuesta de vigilancia de los riesgos y efectos para la salud

humana del uso de plaguicidas dentro del sistema de vigilancia en

salud pública SIVIGILA. De igual manera se ha participado en las

reuniones de trabajo realizadas por la Dirección Nacional de
Estupefacientes para definir los mecanismos y conformación de la

auditoria pre y pos aplicación de glifosato”. (Fls. 1074-78) Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 71


En respuesta de fecha abril 29 de 2002 el INS manifiesta:

“El Instituto Nacional de Salud, no ha llevado a cabo estudios

relacionados con el impacto del glifosato en la vida, salud humana y

medio ambiente, debido a que no posee la infraestructura tecnológica ni

los recursos indispensables para realizar dichos estudios...”

“... Sin embargo se ha recopilado alguna información científica de la cual

se envía apartes relevantes, así:

1. Investigaciones que se han realizado sobre el glifosato y sus

posibles efectos a corto y largo plazo (anexo 1).

2. Ficha toxicológica y protocolo de manejo para el glifosato

(adaptado de Camilo Uribe Granja), que contiene toxicidad en humanos,
en animales... (anexo 2).

3. Estudio de evaluación de potencial genotóxicos del glifosato (anexo 3).

Ficha de datos de seguridad de Merck, del compuesto químico 1.4

Dioxano... (anexo 4).

2 Resumen del libro GLIFOSATO- criterios de salud ambiental N° 19,

IPCS/OMS-1994..(anexo 5)”

(...)Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 110

10° La D.N.E, no cumplen con el Plan de Manejo Ambiental impuesto

por el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, en relacionado con la fumigación es
áreas de parques y áreas protegidas, cuerpos de agua, acueductos, plan

de ni con sus obligaciones contenidas en los artículos 2, 3°, 6°, y 7° de la

Resolución No 341 de 2001 del ministerio mencionado

11°.- El Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, en relación con las fumigaciones

aéreas de cultivos ilícitos con Glifosato, más Poea, más Cosmo Flux, no

cumple con lo estipulado en los numerales 1°, 4°, 6°, 11°, y 12° de la ley

99 de 1.993.


El uso del glifosato como herbicida de amplio espectro y no

selectivo, para erradicar los cultivos ilícitos, y sus surfactantes y

coadyuvantes ( Poea, más Cosmo Flux ), utilizado vía aérea ( por efecto

de la deriva ), contamina el ambiente: causa graves problemas en

animales, contamina el suelo, el aire, las fuentes de agua, alimentos y
destruye los cultivos de pancoger, animales de cría y peces, los cuales

constituyen la base de la sobrevivencia de las comunidades que habitan

en las zonas asperjadas y atenta contra la biodiversidad de flora y fauna

únicas en el mundo.

La biodiversidad es un recurso insustituible, es decir, su

pérdida es irreversible en cualquier escala de tiempo. Situación muy
diferente a la que se presenta con la revegetación natural.



En relación con este derecho, la Sala advierte que en contestación de

demandas y en declaración certificada del entonces Presidente de la

República y del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, en el país, no hay
posesión ni uso de armas químicas o biológicas, pues este último

Ministerio se opuso a la utilización del hongo Fusuarium Oxysporum. Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 111

En consecuencia, la pretensión relacionada con este derecho será

Por último:

-La Sala acoge el criterio expuesto por la Defensoría del Pueblo, la

Contraloría General de la República y Rapalmira: Si bien las fumigaciones

aéreas constituyen un grave riesgo para la salud humana, animal y para
el ambiente en general, es necesario que se suspendan, en aplicación

al principio de PRECAUCIÓN, pero ello no significa para el Estado, dejar

de actuar sobre el problema, lo que se pide es que se cumpla la

constitución, la ley, el Plan de Manejo Ambiental impuesto, y todos

los actos administrativos expedidos por las diferentes autoridades

competentes, en relación con la política ambiental del país, significando

por ello en estos momentos, un cambio de estrategias, determinandose

previamente las consecuencias del Glifosato, mas Poea, más Cosmo
Flux en la salud - vida de los habitantes de Colombia, y del medio

ambiente en general, pudiéndose reforzar hasta tanto haya certeza

científica de los impactos de los químicos mencionados, las soluciones

sociales concertadas, y sostenibles como las del PLANTE, que

conduzcan a la reducción manual y gradual, pero eficaz, de las siembras

de cultivos ilícitos, incluyendo políticas que acaben con la rentabilidad de

esos cultivos.

La sala no desconoce el fallo proferido por el Tribunal Contencioso

Administrativo de Nariño, confirmado por el H. Consejo de Estado en

sentencia de Octubre 10 de 2002, con ponencia del H. Magistrado

Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, relacionado con las pretensiones

suspensión de las fumigaciones para evitar perjuicios mayores a los

moradores de la zona, y se siga la erradicación de cultivos de forma

manual; pero resulta que en ese proceso :Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 112

NO se invocó la protección a la salubridad colombiana, y en

consecuencia no fue objeto de este tipo de pruebas, relacionadas con
este derecho fundamental ( inalienable )y colectivo del hombre, y cuya

primacía reconoce nuestra constitución (art 5°). En un Estado Social de

Derecho como Colombia el derecho a la Salubridad inherente a la

existencia digna de los colombianos, es el principal de sus fundamentos.

No se hizo análisis relacionado con la composición química

del glifosato más, POEA, más Cosmo flux., (tóxicos), prueba de

carácter determinante para la prosperidad de las pretensiones.

Según la impugnación de la sentencia de primera instancia, no

existían pruebas, que soporten los argumentos de la demanda, caso

muy diferente al proceso que hoy se falla.

En mérito de lo expuesto, el Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca,

Sección Segunda Subsección B, administrando justicia en nombre de la

República de Colombia, y por autoridad de la ley,


PRIMERO: Declárense no probadas las excepciones de merito

propuestas por las partes demandadas.

SEGUNDO: Declarase improcedente la excepción de Inepta por
Indebida Acumulación de Pretensiones, propuesta por el Consejo

Nacional de Estupefacientes, de conformidad con la parte motiva de esta


TERCERO. Concédase a todos las personas residentes en Colombia la

protección al Derecho a la Seguridad y Salubridad Pública, en lo

relacionado con la toxicidad aguda causada por la aspersión aérea

(efecto deriva) con glifosato y sus surfactantes y coadyuvantes, en los
cultivos ilícitos, violados por las entidades demandadas.. Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 113

En lo que hace referencia a la toxicidad crónica causada por la

aspersión aérea (efecto deriva) con glifosato en los cultivos ilícitos, désele
aplicación al Principio de Precaución, establecido en el artículo 1°

numeral 6° de la Ley 99 de 1993, de conformidad con la parte motiva de

esta sentencia.

CUARTO: Concédase a todas las personas residentes en Colombia la

protección al Derecho al goce de un Ambiente Sano, de conformidad con

la Constitución y la Ley y demás intereses relacionados con la

preservación y restauración del medio ambiente, violados por las
entidades demandadas

En consecuencia se dispone:

a. ORDENAR a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes la

SUSPENSIÓN PROVISIONAL de las fumigaciones aéreas con el

herbicida glifosato, más Poea, más Cosmo Flux, en todo el territorio

nacional hasta tanto de cumplimiento al Plan de Manejo Ambiental
impuesto por Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, mediante Resolución No

1065 de 2001, de estricto cumplimiento a las obligaciones contenidas en

los artículos 2°, 6°, 7° y 8° de la Resolución N° 341 del 2001 del

ministerio mencionado, y halla efectuado por parte del Ministerio de

Seguridad Social los estudios médicos – científicos que determinen

el efecto del glifosato, Poea, Cosmo Flux, en la salud de los


b. ORDENASE al Ministerio de la Seguridad Social, al Instituto Nacional

de Salud, en asocio con la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, previa

coordinación del Consejo Nacional de Plaguicidas, efectuar los estudios

tipo COHORTE, que incluya grupo expuesto a Glifosato, más Poea, más

Cosmo Flux, y un grupo control (no expuesto) en el tiempo, incluyendo

registros de morbilidad y mortalidad, a fin de determinar el impacto de los

químicos mencionados en la salud - vida de los colombianos.Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 114

Los estudios mencionados se llevarán a cabo en las zonas asperjadas,

especialmente en la zona de influencia de la Sierra Nevada de Santa, y
en los departamentos mencionados en la parte motiva de esta sentencia,

a elección del Ministerio de Seguridad Social.

c: Ordenase a la Dirección Nacional de Estupefacientes que identifique

la existencia de los daños derivados de la actividad de fumigación con

glifosato, más poea, más Cosmo flux, en erradicación de cultivos ilícitos,

y adelante las medidas de corrección, mitigación o compensación de

acuerdo a lo dispuesto en la Resolución 017 del 2001 del Consejo
Nacional de Estupefacientes y lo planteado en el Programa de Gestión

Social y en el Plan de Contingencia del PMA propuesto, especialmente

en los parques nacionales naturales, páramos, resguardos indígenas y

otras áreas protegidas.

QUINTO: Deniégase la pretensión segunda de la demanda, relacionada

con el desarrollo o utilizaciónde controladores biológicos para

erradicación de cultivos ilícitos .

SEXTO: Designase a la Procuraduría General de la Nación – Procurador

Delegado para Asuntos Ambientales y Defensoría del Pueblo – Delegada

para los derechos Colectivos y del Ambientales, de conformidad con lo

establecido en los artículos 277 numeral 4° y 282 de la Constitución

Política, para que velen por el estricto cumplimiento de esta providencia.

SEPTIMO: Téngase como coadyuvante de la demanda al señor Alirio

Uribe Muñoz, identificado con la cédula de ciudadanía 19’418.812 de


OCTAVO: Reconózcase a los Actores Populares en cabeza de la

Doctora Claudia Sampedro, el incentivo de que trata el artículo 39 de la

Ley 472 de 1998 en la suma de ciento cincuenta (100) salarios mínimos

mensuales vigentes a cargo de las entidades demandadas. Annex 147

Expediente No. 02-022
PAG. No. 115

NOVENO: Envíese copia de la sentencia que pone fin al presente

proceso a la Defensoría del Pueblo, y a la Procuraduría General de la

Nación para lo de su cargo.




Republic of Colombia, Ministry of Environment, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯:KHUHE\▯D▯VDQFWLRQ▯LV▯LP▯
posed and other decisions are made (19 June 2003) Annex 148



19 JUNE 2003


“Whereby a sanction is imposed DQG▯RWKHU▯GHFLVLRQV▯DUH▯PDGH▯´▯


Pursuant to the powers conferred by Law 99 of 1993 in Article 197 et seq. of
Decree 1594 of 1984 and in number 15 of Article 6 of Decree 216 of 2003;
and in number 1 of Article 1 Resolution 307 of 2003



This Ministry issued Resolution 341, 2001, which determines, in its second article, sixth
paragraph subsection b) and seventh paragraph:

³6HFRQG▯$UWLFOH▯▯7KH▯1DWLRQDO▯1DUFRWLFV▯'LUHFWorate, shall develop, within a period of

XS▯WR▯VL[▯▯▯▯▯PRQWKV▯▯RQ▯WKH▯DUHDV▯ZKLFK▯KDYH▯Eeen the object of glyphosate spraying for
the eradication of illicit corps, evaluations of the environmental impact, leading to the
establishment of the nature and characteristics of the possible environmental impacts
JHQHUDWHG▯E\▯VDLG▯DFWLYLW\▯LQ▯WKH▯IRXU▯▯▯▯▯Ponths preceding the date of notification of this
administrative resolution, forecasting the potential environmental effects in

consideration of the findings and propose measures to mitigate and / or compensate such

6L[WK▯ $UWLFOH▯▯ ▯ 7KH▯ 1DWLRQDO▯ 1DUFRWLFV▯ 'LUHctorate must adopt, in an immediate and
efficient manner, the following measures for mitigation, environmental compensation

and control, notwithstanding the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment to monitor
compliance with such measures:


E▯▯3URJUDP▯IRU▯LQVSHFWLRQ▯▯YHULILFDWLRQ▯DQG▯FRQWrol, oriented towards, as a basic aim:

▯Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

9HULI\▯LQ▯SODFH▯▯WKH▯HIIHFWLYHQHVV▯RI▯WKe implementation of environmental management
measures during the operation of the PrRJUDP▯IRU▯(UDGLFDWLRQ▯RI▯,OOLFLW▯&URSV▯▯
x Evaluate prior design for that end, through efficiency and effectiveness indicators, the
application of environmental management measures of the Program of Eradication of
Illicit Crops

x Evaluate the efficiency of the adoption of measures for corrective action, in case that the
existence of damages derived from the erDGLFDWLRQ▯DFWLYLWLHV▯LV▯HVWDEOLVKHG▯▯▯

following the notification of the present administrative resolution, the following research


[PAGE 4]

5.1 Environmental impact of illicit crops and of eradication and ecological functioning of the

5.2 Inexistence of violations of environmental rules by the National Narcotics Directorate – DNE

5.2 Principle of Prevention


Regarding the reflection carried out by the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE-
, it is necessary to make reference to the legal framework of penalties and environmental policing
measures, set forth in articles 83 to 86 of Act 99 of 1993, through which certain environmental
authorities’ responsibilities are granted in this matter, such as the Ministry of Environment,

Housing and Territorial Development.

In article 85 Ibid, two types of policing measures are distinguished as follows: preventive
measures and penalties.

Among the preventive measures, lies the promulgation of a peremptory term for the studies and
evaluations required to establish the nature and characteristics of the effects and impacts caused
by the violation, as well as the measures necessary to mitigate or compensate them.

In the meantime, paragraph 3 of article 85, Ibid, contemplates for the imposition of preventive
measures, the procedure contemplated in Decree 1594 of 1984 must be abided by, such
procedure being established beginning in article 182 of said Decree.

In articles 186 and 187 of Decree 1594 of 1984, it is determined that the preventive measures

shall be implemented immediately, have a preventive nature and apply notwithstanding the
penalties that may be appropriate, do not require any special formalities and no recourse is
available against them, given their preventive nature.

▯ Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

Given these dispositions, and taking into account that in three opportunities, this Ministry
required from the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE –DNE- supplementary
information that would allow the appropriate formulation of an Environmental Management Plan
that would counter the characteristics of the Program of Eradication of Illicit Crops with

Glyphosate –PECIG-, and that the documents presented did not fulfill the proposed objective,
this entity, through Resolution 341 of 2001, decided not to accept the Environmental
Management Plan and imposed on the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE –DNE-,
certain preventive measures requiring immediate implementation, such as those which are
established in the second and sixth articles of the referenced resolution, and within the 3 months

following its notification, the implementation of an obligation imposed in article seven, ibid, of
measures that, given their preventive nature, do not allow any recourse, in accordance with what
is determined in the aforementioned articles of decree 1594 of 1984.

2. Regarding to the First Charge

In the Technical Concept Paper 1199 of 2002, the Subdirectorate of Licenses considered the

In the report filed in August of 2001 titled, “Obligations established on the National Narcotics
Directorate in Resolution 0341 of 2001,” three months after the imposition of the obligations, the
DNE presented a proposal in Chapter X “Project of Rapid Ex-post Environmental Evaluation” in
order to respond to the requests contained in the second article of Resolution 341 of 2001. This
proposal contained a protocol for the selection of sample areas, collection of samples, and

laboratory analyses. As a condition to this proposal, the DNE highlighted the budgetary
limitations of the entities covered by the program and the possible alterations in the public order
in the sensitive zones and in the municipalities bordering such parks. It is worth noting that this
proposal was never implemented, as evidenced by the review of file No. 793 “Eradication of
Illicit Crops with glyphosate,” which lacks a report regarding this study.

[PAGE 5]

On another note, in the “Second progress report Resolution 0341” submitted on 7 November

2001, six months after imposition of the obligation, once the term to fulfill said requirement had
already expired, the DNE, contrary to what has been previously set forth, argued that certain
environmental impacts existed prior to glyphosate fumigations and submitted a new proposal,
combining it with the research program required by article seven of Resolution 341 of 2001.

2.1 Existence of environmental impacts prior to glyphosate fumigations, causing
interference in impact assessment within the framework of required research.

With respect to the above argument, we deem that the aim of the second article of Resolution
341 of 2001 was to typify and gauge the impacts caused by the aerial fumigation activity and not

the impacts of prior activities, for example, the establishment of crops with illicit purposes;
additionally, the same article required assessments regarding environmental impacts in areas
subject to PECIG, these areas are not only the areas planted with coca but also the surrounding

▯Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

areas, which must have been evaluated, as proposed by the DNE in its Ex-post Assessment

proposal of the report “Obligations required of the National Narcotics Directorate in Resolution
341 of 2001,” which was never implemented. Therefore, this Ministry deems this argument not
to be valid.

experimental model design that takes into account the effects of GLYPHOSATE and at
least one other chemical

With respect to the argument, it is deemed that, in light of the negative effects on biotic or abiotic

components on the environment related to glyphosate and its relationship with other
agrochemicals, this Ministry clarifies that this comprises part of the Research Program requested
in the seventh article of Resolution 341 of 20001, with representative parcels set forth in the
proposal submitted by the DNE, in the second progress report submitted in November 2001,
which was accepted by this Ministry subject to certain observations. This argument is not

responsive to the second article.

2.3 Inactivation of GLYPHOSATE upon contact with the ground

With respect to affirmations regarding inactivation of glyphosate upon contact with the ground, it
is deemed that DNE did not submit any studies with this Ministry to support the affirmation
regarding the behavior on grounds that possess characteristics similar to areas in the country
subject to spraying, as required by article two of Resolution 341 of 2001. Additionally, must be
taken into account that the studies contained in the bibliographic review correspond to

assessments carried out by international entities such as the EPA, with different application
conditions such as the mixture (glyphosate+POEA+Cosmoflux), dosage (higher than
recommended for other types of crops), environmental conditions (temperature, wind,
precipitation, flight characteristics, etc.).

2.4 Budgetary aspects

Regarding budgetary aspects, while it is true that budgetary allocations were cited as a possible
limiting factor in the report submitted in August of 2001, nonetheless, this Ministry considers

that the DNE had a reasonable time to carry out the appropriate measures for obtaining

Additionally, we consider that although it is true that the budget is an estimate of fiscal revenues
and an authorization for public expenditure normally performed by Congress each year in its

exercise of political control in fiscal matters, it is also not an immutable tool. Such proof is, as
expressed by the National Narcotics Directorate, in its brief for acquittal, in page 16, through
decree 2599 dated December 3, 2001, the National Government approved the budgetary increase
for that Directorate, with which it could have fulfilled the obligations imposed in the second and
seventh articles of resolution 341 of 2001.

[PAGE 6]

▯ Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

2.5 Impossibility of conducting the environmental impact assessments during the

implementation of a program, project or policy

Regarding the DNE’s [National Narcotics Directorate] argument on the impossibility of
conducting the environmental impact assessment during the implementation of a program or

project, this Ministry does not share this opinion since it is a very common practice to conduct ex
post facto evaluations to determine the effects of an activity on the environment and, based on
the analysis of this evaluations, ascertain if the foreseen impacts and environmental management
measures give optimum results and/or suggest measures to mitigate and/or offset said impacts.
By virtue of the foregoing, the Ministry considers that the arguments presented by the DNE do

not demonstrate compliance with the obligation set forth in the Second Article of Resolution 341
of 2001.

3. Second Charge

In accordance with Technical Concept 1199 of 2002, the Subdirectorate of Licenses considered:

3.1 Information about the environmental audits conducted on PECIG [Illicit Crop
Eradication Program Using Aerial Spraying with Glyphosate] with glyphosate:

contracts 032 of 1992, 070 of 1994, 086 of 1994, 065 of 1995, 082 of 1996, 01 of 1998,
019 of 2000, 001 of 2001, and 035 of 2001.

As for the evidence presented by DNE regarding the reports on the audits, it should be noted that
none of the reports referred to by DNE were submitted or are found in file No. 793 handled by

this Ministry for PECIG, except for the sections of the reports presented as evidence and
numbered 1, 2 and 3, relating to the first charge.

The information provided by the DNE in the document responding to the charges relating to the
object of the contract of the different Environmental Audits indicate that the assessments carried

out were designed to evaluate the effectiveness (agronomic efficiency) of the glyphosate as an
herbicide and not to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the environmental management
measures of PECIG, as is required under letter b) of Article 6 of Resolution 341 of 2001.
With regard to the measures adopted and the implementation of efficiency and effectiveness

indicators, DNE made reference to the studies conducted by the entity prior to the issuance of
Resolution 341 of 2001, whereby, said studies do not meet the requirements under Article 6,
letter b). In addition, according to progress reports submitted to the Ministry in response to the
requirements of Resolution 341, in-situ verifications of the effectiveness of the environmental
management measures and evaluations of the efficiency and effectiveness of these indicators

were not carried out.

3.2 Identification of impacts prior to the eradication of illegal crops.

Regarding the existence of impacts prior to the eradication of illegal crops, this Ministry has

reiterated that the impacts from aerial spraying with glyphosate are being assessed. Moreover,
the argument presented does not meet the requirements under letter b), Article 6 of Resolution
341 of 2001, for verification and assessment of environmental management measures during

▯Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

PECIG operations, because it identifies the impacts generated by the establishment of illegal
crops and not the impacts of aerial spraying.

[PAGE 7]

3.3 Adoption of measures to establish the nature and characteristics of the possible impacts

Regarding the arguments that the DNE presents with respect to the adoption of measures to
establish the nature and characteristics of the possible impacts, this Ministry considers that, once

the document regarding the arguments for acquittal was reviewed and evaluated, it found on
page 31 a series of evidence that indicate that the environmental analyses correspond to periods
prior to the issuance of Resolution 341 of 2001 and none of them set forth an inspection,
verification and control program during the operation of the PECIG where the environmental

management measures are verified. As a result, the DNE’s arguments do not fulfill the
requirement of subsection (b) of article six of Resolution 341 dated 2001.

3.4 Budgetary aspects

The budgetary aspects have been discussed in paragraph 2.4.

1. Third Charge

In accordance with Technical Concept 1199 of 2002, this Ministry affirms to the DNE that the
requirements espoused in article two refer to the environmental aspects caused by the PECIG in
a period of time that has already been defined, while the requirement that article seven refers to
is a program of investigation on sample parcels to be begun in three months. In this sense, these

two requirements cannot be joined, for that reason, it can be concluded that, regarding the
environmental audits carried out on the PECIG with glyphosate: contracts 032 of 1992, 070 of
1994, 086 of 1994, 065 of 1995, 082 of 1996, 01 of 1998, 019 of 2000, 001 of 2001 and 035 of
2001, the identification of impacts prior to the eradication of illicit crops and the adoption of

measures to establish the nature and characteristics of possible impacts, do not demonstrate
fulfillment of the obligations in article seven of Resolution 341 of 2001.


In accordance with what is established in Order 752 dated July 25 and Order 918 dated
September 20, 2002, in order to respond to the present requests for acquittal, we will proceed to
evaluate the documentary proof listed below, in accordance with the National Narcotics
Directorate’s request, taking into account the considerations of the Subdirectorate of Licenses

issued in the Technical Concept 1199 of 2002, as follows:

Regarding the first charge

1. Report of the activities of the Prstram of Ethdication of Illicit Crops due to Aerial Spraying
with Glyphosate, term from the 1 to the 28 of February of 2001.

▯ Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

Among the evidence presented, the DNE argued that a portion of chapter 4 of the PECIG
activities report during the month of February 2001, carried out for the environmental audit,
presents a conceptual framework of succession dynamics in areas sprayed with glyphosate
including a flowchart that summarizes said dynamic, however, such report does not present

the application of said model in any of the sprayed areas. In addition, the report does not
indicate any assessment of the environmental impacts caused by the spraying activity as
requested in article two of Resolution 341 of 2001. Therefore, this proof supports the breach
of the obligation established in the referenced article.

2. Activity report of the Program of Eradication of Illicit Crops due to Aerial Spraying with
Glyphosate, period between the 1s and the 31 of March 2001.

[PAGE 8]

Within the evidence presented, the DNE provided a fragment of chapter 4 of the PECIG
activities report during the month of March 2001, carried out by the environmental audit,

which presents a review of literature regarding the impact of the establishment and
exploitation of coca crops on Amazon soils. In the same manner, the DNE presents a
summary of the processes of revegetation in areas that have been sprayed with glyphosate to
eradicate poppy crops.

In accordance with the filing date of this report, it complies with the time contemplated for
the filing of the environmental impact assessment that the DNE was charged with carrying
out on the areas sprayed four months prior. However, its content does not respond to what is

requested in article two of Resolution 341 of 2001, due to the fact that it only shows an
assessment of the soils as a result of the crop’s cultivation and the revegetation process and
not an environmental assessment of the PECIG’s activities. Therefore, this proof confirms
the breach of the obligation established in article two of the referenced administrative order.

3. Activity report of the Program of Eradication of Illicit Crops due to Aerial Spraying with
Glyphosate, period between the 1 and the 31 of July of 2001.

This evidence does not correspond to the period of time that was granted to the DNE to fulfill
the obligation espoused in article two of Resolution 341 of 2001, taking into account that the
Ministry requested an assessment on the sprayed areas, in the four months prior to the
notification of said administrative order. Additionally, this document illustrates the changes

in the use of the soil and an evaluation of a bibliography of adjuvant and surfactants, matters
that do not answer to what is requested in the referenced article. The evidence supports a
breach of the obligation espoused in article two of Resolution 341 of 2004.

▯▯ 7ULDO▯ UHSRUW▯▯ UHTXHVWHG▯ E\▯ WKH▯ $5($▯ 2)▯ (5$',&$7,21▯ 2)▯ ,//,&,7▯ &5236²
$17,1$5&27,&6▯ ',5(&725$7(▯ 2)▯ 7+(▯ 1$7,21$/▯ 32/,&(▯▯ FDUULHG▯ RXW▯ E\▯ WKH▯

▯Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

The report corresponds to the laboratory reports regarding the analyses of glyhposate and

other pesticides performed on water samples (streams, lagoons, wells and tanks) in the
municipality of San José de Guaviare and Piamonte Cauca, by the ICA laboratory, in the
months of July, October and November of 2001.)

These analyses were not filed with this Ministry within the term allotted, they were filed as
part of evidence on December of 2001, in addition, the temporal-spatial relationship in the
program of eradication of illicit crops is not known and an analysis of the data that
determines that there was an impact on the environment has not been carried out. In
addition, there is nothing to compare this data to, using a previous context, as is requested in

article two of Resolution 341 of 2001.

Regarding the second charge

With respect to the evidence related to this charge, the Ministry considers that the above-listed

measures numbered 2 and 3 are portions of the activities report on PECIG’s environmental audit
of the months of March and July 2001, respectively, are not responsive to a program of
inspection, verification and control measures as is required in section b of article six of
Resolution 341 of 2001, since the former shows a bibliographic review of the Amazon soils and

the impact of the planting of coca crops and the latter refers to the changes in uses of the soil and
a bibliographic review of adjuvants and surfactants, matters that are not responsive to the
requirements of this article. Therefore, this evidence demonstrates a breach of the obligation
imposed by this Ministry.

[PAGE 9]

With respect to proof No. 4, regarding the laboratory reports, these are not considered to be
measures of environmental management verification, for the water compartment, given that:

I. Of the 12 analyses presented, glyphosate was analyzed in only 9 of these; of these, 3
correspond to quality control of the glyphosate in the police’s storage facility; of the
remaining analyses, the content of glyphosate is reported in 5.
II. The manner in which the information is presented does not lead to knowledge of the

procedure by which this sampling was carried out, nor factors such as sampling sites, time of
application and taking of the sample.

The results presented allow us to deduce that the DNE has monitored the PECIG; however, such
monitoring has not been conducted within a sampling program that facilitates the analysis of

results. Regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of the implemented measures, the results of
the samples indicate a deficiency, since the presence of glyhposate is detected in the samples
taken from bodies of water. As a result, this proof does not enable us to determine that the
imposed obligation has been fulfilled; to the contrary, from this proof we can determine breach
of that obligation.

Regarding the Third charge

▯ Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

5. Technical and economic Proposal to DEVELOP THE RESEARCH PROGRAMS TO


The DNE, in fulfillment of Resolution 341 of 2001, filed the report, “tions established on
the National Narcotics Directorate in ResolutioQ▯▯▯▯▯RI▯▯▯▯▯▯´▯in August of 2001, three months
after the obligation espoused in article 7 was imposed. In such report, the DNE presented a
proposal regarding sample parcels (Chapter X); subsequently, in the “ond Progress Report
5HVROXWLRQ▯▯▯▯▯´▯of November 2001 (three months after the date of the first report), it revised

said proposal instead of initiating the research. The present evidence corroborates the DNE’s
breach, regarding initiating the required investigation.

6. Legal Process by the Universidad de Los Andes, Engineering Department, Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, signed by the Director of the Research Center of Research in

Environmental Engineering, regarding the technical economic proposal Research Program
PECIG on Representative and Demonstrative Parcels with the respective evaluation of
Environmental Impacts, responsive to the DNE dated December 12, 2001.

In this legal process, the Universidad de los Andes reports that it will not present a proposal to
the DNE, alleging logistical reasons, technical reasons and financial considerations.

7. Legal process of the Institute of Environmental Studies – IDEA- Universidad Nacional de
Colombia regarding the technical economic proposal Research Program PECIG on

Representative and Demonstrative Parcels with the respective evaluation of Environmental
Impacts, responsive to the DNE dated December 17, 2001.

In this legal process, the Universidad Nacional establishes that it did not consider a response to
the DNE to be viable, given that it did not consider it possible from a scientific perspective and it

did not include the need to determine the impacts of glyphosate on human health.

With respect to evidence numbered 6 and 7, which were filed with the Ministry on December 17,
2001, these demonstrate that the DNE, on the date of issuance of the technical concept 1199 of

2002, had not initiated the research programs required in article seven of resolution 341 of 2001.

[PAGE 12]

In the same manner, the above-mentioned treatise in the above paragraph notes the
following, with respect to the compliance with administrative orders:

“According to the jurisprudence and the legislation, the Administrative Resolution is
presumed issued in accordance with law, and once firm, the administration can demand its

fulfillment (art. 64 of the C.C.A.), the administered does not have any other option than: 1.-
Abide by the decision, 2.- Request the provisional suspension of its effects, 3.- Request

▯Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

declaration of nullity of the act, however, until the above does not occur, it must abide by

the decision.”

On another note, it is clear that the purpose of the State entities is not only to search for
mitigating measures at the moment that harm is being committed, but it is to search for the

possibilities for avoidance of the same.

6.2.5 The violation of articles 79 and 80 of the Political Constitution can be deduced from the
noncompliance with article two, subsection b) of article six and seventh of resolution 341
of 2001, since such resolution contemplates the preventive measures imposed to protect

the diversity and integrity of the environment, preserve areas of special ecological
importance and prevent and control factors of environmental deterioration and the right
of all people to enjoy a healthy environment, espoused in subsection d) of paragraph 2 of
article 85 of law 99 dated 1993 and article 66 of the Litigious Administrative Code.


The principle of precaution, determined in the environmental framework in force, establishes that
when there is a danger of severe and irreversible damage, the lack of absolute scientific certainty

must not be used as a reason to delay the adoption of effective measures to prevent the
degradation of the environment.

In this respect, the principle of precaution applies and the NATIONAL NARCOTICS
DIRECTORATE – DNE- of the possible scenario of danger of a severe and irreversible harm.

Given this framework, it is necessary to clarify the that Ministry of Environment applied the
principle of prevention, by considering that the lack of scientific certainty is not absolute with
respect to the environmental damages caused by the PECIG, and did not apply the principle of
precaution, as is argued by the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE-.

With respect to the compliance with preventative or temporary measures, the NATIONAL
NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE- is reminded that these were imposed by this Ministry, in
Resolution 341 of 2001.

From the analysis performed throughout this resolution, we conclude that the NATIONAL
NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE – DNE- did not comply with its obligations imposed in articles
two, subsection b) of articles six and seven of Resoltuion 341 of 2001 in the terms required for
its implementation and therefore, it also violated the related administrative act, the articles 79

and 80 of the Political Constitution, the subsection d) of paragraph 2 of article 85 of Lay 99 of
1993 and article 66 of the Litigious Administrative Code.

In this vein of ideas, the Ministry of Environment, Housing, and Territorial Development
considers that it is appropriate to impose on the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE –

DNE-, a pecuniary penalty which consists of a fine in the amount of one hundred minimum wage
monthly salaries, equivalent to thirty three million two hundred thousand pesos ($33,200,000)

▯ Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

That the pecuniary penalty imposed through the present administrative act on the NATIONAL
NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-DNE- must be paid in the treasury of the Ministry of
Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, within the five (5) days following the
issuance of the same, and in compliance with the terms and amount indicated, will give rise to its

respective enforceability due to compulsory jurisdiction that the public entities of national order
are vested with.

[PAGE 13]

In consideration of the above:


ARTICLE ONE . - Declare as supporting evidence, the documents referenced in paragraph 5 in

the whereas clauses of the present resolution, in the terms set forth, which have been requested
by the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-DNE- in their brief for discharge en the
report prepared as a result of the technical visit to the air base in Cúcuta and the zones of
spraying in Catatumbo, performed between June 20 and 25, 2002, by officials of this Ministry.

responsible for violation of article two, subsection b) of article six and article seven of resolution
341 of 2001, for the reasons set forth in the reason portion of this resolution.

pecuniary penalty, consisting of a fine in the amount of THIRTY THREE MILLION TWO
HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS ($33,200,000) MCTE, in accordance with what is set forth in
the reasons portion of this resolution.

ARTICLE FOUR . - The pecuniary penalty imposed in the present administrative act on the
NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-DNE-must be paid in the treasury of this Ministry,
within the five (5) days following the issuance of the same, and its compliance with the terms
and amount indicated will give rise to an enforceability as a result of compulsory jurisdiction.

ARTICLE FIVE. - Serve, via the Legal Secretary of this Ministry, the content of the present
resolution on the legal representative of the NATIONAL NARCOTICS DIRECTORATE-DNE-
or its duly constituted Agent.

ARTICLE SIXTH. - Send a copy of the present resolution, via the Legal Secretary of this
Ministry, to the Appointed District Attorney for Environmental and Agricultural Matters, to the
Ministry of Health and to the Colombian Agricultural Institute- ICA.


heading and resolution portion of the present administrative act, in a publication of broad
national circulation, a copy of which must be sent to this Ministry within the 10 days following
its service to be filed in file No. 2625.

▯Annex 148

Resolution Number 0670 dated 19 June 2003

. - An appeal may be filed against the present resolution. Such appeal must
be supported via a brief filed with the Vice minister of Environment, within the five (5) days
following the service of the present resolution, in accordance with what is contemplated in the
Administrative Litigious Code.



Viceminister of Environment

▯Annex 148Annex 148Annex 148Annex 148Annex 148Annex 148Annex 148Annex 148Annex 148Annex 148 Annex 149

Government of Colombia, Ministry ofAgriculture, 5HVROXWLRQ▯1R▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ (16 Dec. 2003) Annex 149

(16 December 2003)

Through which provisions are ordered regarding the Registration and Control of Chemical
Plaguicides for Agricultural Use

In exercise of its statutory powers, especially those conferred by Decrees 001 of 1984, 2141 of

1992 and 1840 of 1994, Andean Decision 436 of 1998 and Decree 502 of 2003, and


In accordance with the provisions of Article second (2) of law 822 of 2003 and article first (1) of

Decree 502 of 5 March 2003, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the
Colombian Agricultural Institute (“,QVWLWXWR▯&RORPELDQR▯$JURSHFXDULR´▯▯³,&$´▯▯or the entity in
lieu thereof, hereinafter, the National Competent Authority or “ANC,” to manage the registration
and control of chemical plaguicides for agricultural use and the responsible party for ensuring
compliance with Andean Community Decision 436, its Technical Manual, Law 822 and the cited


Article fourth (4) of Decree 502 of 5 March 2003, fully empowers the National Competent
Authority, i.e. the Colombian Agricultural Institute “ICA”, to issue the resolutions to establish

the requirements and procedures for registration and control of chemical plaguicides for
agricultural use, based on principles of gradualness, specificity and applicability, in accordance
with what is provided in the Decision. Similarly, it must establish the requirements for
registration of manufacturers, formulators, importers, exporters, packers, and distributors.

On 10 July 2003, the Republic’s Congress issued Law 822, through which standards are ordered
with respect to generic agrochemichals, establishing procedures and time periods for granting the
corresponding national registration by the ANC, as well as the function of coordinating with the
Ministry of Social Protection and Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial
Development. These procedures are covered by the breadth of its competence. For this reason,

it is necessary for the ANC-ICA to issue a new resolution that permits the full application of the
regulations in force in this matter.

In merit of the above, the Colombian Agricultural Institute “ICA,”



Article 1. Define the procedures and establish the requirements for registration and control of
chemical plaguicides for agricultural use.Annex 149

(16 December 2003)

Through which provisions are ordered regarding the Registration and Control of Chemical

Plaguicides for Agricultural Use


[PAGE 18]

14. Inform and request the authorization and/or supervision by ANC- ICA officials and the
competent Authorities for reformulation, denaturalization, deactivation, treatment, or elimination

activities or activities for final disposal of a chemical plaguicide for agricultural use that is
affected by these control measures.

15. Be responsible for expenses and procedures that require sealing, confiscation, transportation,
treatment, reformulation, denaturalization, deactivation or final disposal of a chemical plaguicide

for agricultural use that is affected by these official control measures, without any right
whatsoever to compensation and under the ANC- ICA’s supervision. In the case of products
with no national registration, this responsibility will fall on the owner of the sealed or confiscated

16. Perform the analyses for the internal quality control, in accordance with that which is
provided in the present resolution.

17. Inform the ANC-ICA of prohibitions or limitations that cover the use of the product, in any
other country, as a result of ineffectiveness, damage to health or environment of the registered

18. Cooperate with ANC- ICA in control activities to resolve matters related to the quality of

registered products.

19. Develop a monitoring program for the product that must contain training directed to users,
which must necessarily establish information regarding the product’s risks to health and the

environment, practices for safe handling and risk control measures.

ARTICLE 24 . The holder of the Registration assumes all the inherent responsibility of the
product if it is used in accordance with the recommendations of its label. In this sense, he will be

responsible for adverse effects on health and the environment, arising from violations of the
provisions of the present resolution. The ANC-INC, in collaboration with the appropriate
sectors, will establish internal procedures to investigate and determine levels of responsibility.

ARTICLE 25 . All chemical plaguicides for agricultural use imported for direct use, through

agreements or special plans, must comply with the requirements of the present resolution. Annex 149

(16 December 2003)

Through which provisions are ordered regarding the Registration and Control of Chemical

Plaguicides for Agricultural Use


ARTICLE 26 TH. For the purpose of articles 37 to 40 of Andean Decision 436, the ANC- ICA
will demand compliance with the provisions noted in Section 3 of the Technical Manual.

Additionally, the labeling project’s approval will be subject to the requirements of concepts
issued by the respective Ministries and the results of effectiveness trials evaluated by ANC- ICA.

[PAGE 19]


ARTICLE 27 . The procedures for reassessment of chemical plaguicides for agricultural use,
registered before the entry into force of Decision 4356, will be subject to a procedure to be

carried out, taking into account the following criteria:

1. Toxicological Category:

Starting by all the products that, at the start date of the reassessment are classified in category I
and continuing successively in the same order of categories (II, III, IV) until the end of an
estimated five-year timeline.

2. Chemical Group:

Once the order by toxicological category has been selected, the next criteria to be applied will be
the chemical group to which they belong.

3. All products that contain the same active ingredient will be reassessed during the same period.

PARAGRAPH 1. For reassessment of a Chemical Plaguicide for Agricultural Use PQUA, the
ANC- ICA may request effectiveness trials, taking the following criteria into account:

x Already registered PQUA with trials older than 10 years.
x PQUA in which loss of effectiveness has been reported or is suspected.
x PQUE in which additional risks have been identified that require a new assessment of

benefits.Annex 149


(16 December 2003)

Through which provisions are ordered regarding the Registration and Control of Chemical

Plaguicides for Agricultural Use


ARTICLE 28 TH . The National Competent Authority, in cooperation with the areas involved,
will supervise and control the plaguicides for agricultural use with respect to importation,

manufacturing, formulation, distribution, management, use and final disposal.

ARTICLE 29 TH. For the purpose of articles 63 to 70 of Andean Decision 436, ANC- ICA, in
collaboration with the national competent authorities and public and private sectors, will develop

training, epidemiological and human toxicological programs, as well as programs for impact and
environmental monitoring and monitoring of residue levels of chemical plaguicides for
agricultural use.

[PAGE 22]


ARTICLE 33 . Violation of any of the standards established in the present resolution will be
penalized through a reasoned resolution issued by the ANC-ICA, in accordance with Decree
1843 of 1991 and article 17 of Decree 1840 of 1994 or any replacing provision, without
prejudice to appropriate criminal or civil actions.

The penalties will be the following:

1. Written admonition, which will state the period that will be given to the violator to come into

compliance with the violated provisions, with copy rendered to the file.

2. Fines, which may be successive and which, in combination, will not exceed a sum equal to
ten thousand (10,000) minimum legal wages. These fines must be paid in ICA’s Treasury,

within the five (5) business days subsequent to the date of issuance of the corresponding
decision, and will be deposited into the Fondo Nacional de Protección Agropecuaria (“National
$JULFXOWXUDO▯3URWHFWLRQ▯)XQG”) (“FONPAGRO”). Noncompliance with payment in the terms
and amounts noted will give rise to cancellation of the registration.

3. Suspension for up to six (6) months of the registration as manufacturer, formulator, importer,
exporter, packer, distributor, quality control laboratory and technical department.

4. Suspension from the National Registry, for up to six (6) months. Annex 149

(16 December 2003)

Through which provisions are ordered regarding the Registration and Control of Chemical

Plaguicides for Agricultural Use

5. Definitive cancellation from the National Registry.

6. Definitive cancellation of the registration as manufacturer, formulator, importer, exporter,
packer, distributor, quality control laboratory and technical department.

7. Suspension of the services rendered by ICA.


ARTICLE 34 . The ANC- ICA will monthly publish the list of chemical plaguicides for
agricultural use that it has registered in the prior month. Similarly, it will publish in the month of
January of each year, the list of products with registration in force which are restricted,
prohibited, cancelled or suspended.

[PAGE 23]

The marketing that is made by enterprises that commercialize chemical plaguicides for

agricultural use by any means of communication shall include, as minimum warning, the number
of the registration holder and a prevention message to the using public regarding the product’s
toxic nature.

The ANC- ICA shall disclose the technical information related to registrations for manufacturer,

formulator, importer, exporter, packer, distributor, quality control, commercialization,
application, and use of chemical plaguicides for agricultural use.

ARTICLE 35 TH . The present resolution governs beginning on its date of publication in the

official gazette and derogates all provisions that are contrary to it, especially Resolution 770 of
27 March 2003, issued by ICA.


Issued in Bogotá, D.C. at

General ManagerAnnex 149


(16 December 2003)

Through which provisions are ordered regarding the Registration and Control of Chemical

Plaguicides for Agricultural UseAnnex 149Annex 149Annex 149Annex 149Annex 149Annex 149 Annex 150

Note SARE-142, sent from the National Directorate of Narcotics of the Ministry of Interior and
(14Apr. 2004) Annex 150

[seal] Ministry of the Interior and Justice [seal] National

Bogotá, D.C., 14 April 2004

Diego de Almagro No. 1550 y la Pradera
Edif. Posada de las Artes Kigman, Piso 4

Quito, Ecuador

Re: Official Letter No. CMFS-46-2004 Rad., DNE E-2004-19728DE 23/03/04

Dr. Palacios,

In view of to the referred communication, I allow myself to make the following



2.1 Background on sprayings in the border area with Ecuador.

January 2001 to 15 San Miguel 3.900
February 2002 Puerto Asís 310

Valle del Guamuez 627
28 July to 30 December San Miguel 1.295
2002 Puerto Asís 17.534
Valle del Guamuez 4.208Annex 150


[PAGE 5]

H.R. X 80% H.R. X 50%
50 ǐ 15 sec 3.5 sec

100 ǐ 50 sec 14 sec
200 ǐ 200 sec 56 sec
300 ǐ 300 sec 84 sec
*SYNGENTA Technical principles and basics (arosemena Kmt 2/5 edificio Berlin)
Guayaquil Ecuador

Calculation Potential Area by Drift’s Effect

Formula: D = H x U/Vt.

D Drift (meters)
H Altitude/Height of emission (meters)
U Horizontal speed of wind m/s
Vt Terminal Speed of the drop m/s

To evaluate the potential risk the following is considered:

H: Greatest height/altitude of emission (25 meters according to technical parameters)
U: Speed (4.8 Kms/Hr or 1.3 Mts/sg)

Vt: Average drop (650 micras according to technical parameters) for a drop
Measuring 650 micras, it is 270 cm/sec.


Formula: Drift = H* x U / Vt

H: Greatest emission altitude/height
U: Speed

Vt: Average drop/droplet
Drift = 25 Mts x 1.3 mts/sec.
2.7 mts/sec.

x Maximum Drift = 12 Meters

4. Insofar as health issues are concerned, I am taking the liberty of attaching the progress report
of Point (Ficha) No. 7 of the ICEPG Environmental Management Plan promoted by Instituto
Nacional de Salud (National Institute of Health) – INS, which informs regarding the

“Assessment on the Effects of Glyphosate, and other Pesticides relating to Health in the
Impacted/Influence Zones where the ICEPG is Executed” project, constituting a pilot of what Annex 150

could be developed to make progress in human health monitoring. In addition, to be suggested at
the meeting of…Annex 150Annex 150Annex 150 Annex 151

State Council of Colombia, Claudia Sampedro and Others, Judgment onAppeal From the
Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca (19 Oct. 2004) Annex 151

Bogotá D.C. 19 October 2004
Case File: IJ-25000-23-25-000-2001-00022-02

The Plenary Chamber of Contentious Administrative Matters proceeds to dictate
its holding which, due to legal importance, corresponds in the referenced matter.


1. was filed with the Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca
The complaint
aiming to ensure the protection of collective rights to enjoy a healthy environment, to
ensure, develop and restore natural resources, animal and plant species and different
areas of ecological importance, in order to take steps to prevent deterioration of these
elements resulting from use of biological controlling agents, under the pretext of illicit
crop eradication.

The plaintiff points out, at length, the various areas of the country in which coca
and poppy cultivations have increased. Similarly, the plaintiff discusses the instances of
aerial fumigations, in some cases using paraquat and in others with glyphosate, which
have had a disastrous result for the country. Nevertheless, these illicit crop eradication
measures have continued to increase and the Ministry of Environment has not
controlled or monitored the application of glyphosate in a manner that guarantees the
people’s health and preservation of the ecosystem.

The plaintiff affirms in the complaint, that public opinion considers manual
procedures to be necessary in order to eradicate the crops, since aerial fumigations
destroy the environment and increase the human tragedy of those who suffer the effects
of sprayed chemicals. Additionally, the methods employed lead to crop displacement to
other areas as well as the government continuing to disregard duties and rights which
are protected by the Political Constitution and Law 99 of 1993.

In addition, the plaintiff argues that the Government, through the Ministry of
Environment, has promoted the employ of microherbicides which possess the nature of
biological weapons.

[PAGE 2]

2. The Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development
denies the facts on which the lawsuit is based, affirming that paraquat-based
fumigations have not been carried out in over 20 years, and that microherbicides which

▯Annex 151

possess the nature of biological weapons have not been employed or manufactured.
Said Ministry also affirms having demanded studies and conducted an assessment of
these studies and setting forth requirements to prevent, mitigate and compensate for the
harmful effects that are cited in the proceeding’s introductory libel.

The National Narcotics Council, the National Narcotics Directorate and the
Ministry of the branch have taken appropriate measures and adopted other measures so
that the effects of glyphosate-based aerial fumigations are realized pursuant to
guidelines set forth for environmental preservation.

The Ministry filed an objection regarding lack of integration of the cross claim,
since ICA should have been joined to the proceeding as well as the Presidency of the

Republic, in light of the fact that the latter manages the Plante, in addition to those
responsible for the planting of illicit crops. The Ministry notes that the National
Narcotics Council is in charge of making decisions regarding illicit crop fumigations.

3. The National Narcotics Directorate explains the procedures that have been
employed for illicit crop eradication and concludes its answer to the complaint by
stating that the order to destroy these finds support in technical concepts issued by the

Ministry of Health and Indereno, and that the statement that aerial fumigations lead to
or increase environmental catastrophe is false; given that illicit crops are once again
planted subsequently to fumigations carried out in areas.

4. On its part, ICA refers to the role that it plays in achieving agricultural
protection and adopting measures that prevent the improper use of glyphosate.

5. The Antinarcotics Directorate of the National Police intervened in the
process, attaching the defendant.


The Administrative Tribunal agreed to protect the rights invoked by the plaintiff;

and applied the principle of precaution in response to chronic toxicity caused by
glyphosate-based aerial fumigation. It ordered temporary suspension of aerial
fumigations to which the defendant referred. It also ordered the Ministry of Social
Security, the National Health Institute, in conjunction with the National University and
in coordination with the National Plaguicide Council, to conduct studies geared towards
determining the impact of the chemicals glyphosate, poea, and cosmoflux on the lives of
Colombians. It issued orders to the National Narcotics Directorate so that said agency

identifies the damages caused by aerial fumigation, including using morbidity records
It also appointed the Nation’s Attorney General to ensure fulfilment of its decision
through a respective appointee.

[PAGE 3]


It accepts that the fumigation to which the complaint refers may harm the rights
invoked by the plaintiff; it specifies that the Ministry of Environment must demand
submission of a management, recovery or environmental restoration plan; that the

▯ Annex 151

D.N.E. does not fulfil its obligations geared towards mitigating or avoiding the impacts
of aerial fumigation that the proceeding refers to. It expresses that glyphosate-based
aerial fumigation for illicit crop eradication constitutes a risk to human health in light of
acute and chronic toxicity that it can cause and concludes that, based on the principle of
precaution; glyphosate-based aerial fumigation must be suspended given that it

constitutes a serious risk to human health.


D.N.E. argues that the suspension decreed by the Tribunal leaves the country
vulnerable to mafia, guerrilla and paramilitaries. It affirms that glyphosate-based
fumigations have led to a considerable decrease in illicit crops, given that areas of such

crops have decreased from 102,000 to 30,000 hectares. It affirms that coca cultivation
has destroyed 1,700,000 hectares of wetlands; that illicit crops cause a harmful
environmental impact; that the evidence supports compliance with the Environmental
Management Plan and that, additionally, the evidence present in the case file does not
lead to suspicion of imminent violation of the invoked environmental rights.
Additionally, the omissions have not been demonstrated to be the cause of the damage
to environment and health.


As follows from the previously-discussed background, the litigation and conflict
of interests posed in the proceeding’s introductory complaint deal with two well-defined
situations: the first is related to aerial fumigation in certain areas of the country, using
certain chemical components (glyphosate, poea and cosmoflux 411F) aimed towards

destruction of illicit crops such as poppy and coca; according to the plaintiff, this
fumigation constitutes a threat or violation of collective rights and represents a
contingent danger to said rights. The second, refers to the State’s duty, and specifically,
the duty of its authorities, to safeguard interests that unquestionably constitute collective
interests, such as preserving environmental health, protecting life and health of
inhabitants in the national territory, defending the flora, fauna and bodies of water in

such a way that these are not destroyed or polluted by acts or omissions by authorities
or individuals exercising public functions, with the unequivocal aim of ensuring the
wellbeing of those associated and permitting them a healthy life, with natural and social
resources that facilitate their economic and cultural development, necessary to the
State’s progress and evolution.

[PAGE 4]

Therefore, whether fumigation represents a real or contingent danger or
aggravates the rights noted in the complaint must be clarified, on one hand; and, on the
other hand, it must be clarified whether the authorities to which the lawsuit was filed
have acted in accordance with constitutional and legal mandates in such a manner that
the state organization’s aims are reached, such as serving the community, guaranteeing
its rights, defending its life and property and, in general, ensuring fulfilment of the

State’s social duties.

The Chamber limits itself to the case at hand, which must be given prompt
resolution. As a result, it abstains from referring to any other type of collective rights

▯Annex 151

that may be violated by virtue of the various activities. Discussing such activities in the
considerations of the present order would be in vain.

It must be noted that people’s actions are regulated by Constitutional Article 88,
first paragraph, which specifies the general objectives of this type of judicial


The above-mentioned rule states the following:

“The law will regulate people’s actions for protection of collective rights and
interests related to public patrimony, space, safety and wellbeing, the
administrative moral, the environment, free economic competition and other

rights possessing a similar nature that are defined therein”

Article 9 of Law 472 of 1998 prescribes:

“ Admissibility of people’s actions. People’s actions are admissible against any
action or omission by public authorities or individuals

Additionally, Article 15, ibid, enshrines that people’s actions originate “from
acts, actions or omissions by public entities and private individuals who perform
administrative functions in accordance with that which is espoused in existing
provisions on the matter.”
In accordance with the above-mentioned standards, for the filed people’s action
to succeed, it is necessary to show, with full evidentiary facts, that either an action or
omission was incurred, which would violate the cited collective interests or rights, or

which constitutes a threat to these rights, arising from the subjects specified in the legal
[PAGE 5]
Therefore, we proceed to review the evidence on three key matters directly
related to the controversy at issue.

First, the case file contains a document, translated into Spanish, which refers to
the FAO’s Specifications and Assessments for plant protection products, which
discusses the composition of glyphosate and its different uses and concludes that the
acid and its salts possess low acute toxicity on certain laboratory animals categorized by
weight. Additionally, it is not an irritant when it comes into contact with skin, although
it is a strong irritant on the eyes of rabbits, although in a decreased manner in its salt
formulation. Despite the global use of glyphosate, there is no evidence of carcinogenic

effects on humans and its risk is low in animals such as birds, mammals, bees, etc.

The study “Environmental Health Criteria for Glyphosate”, conducted by
scientists belonging to the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental
Hygiene, Bilthoven, regarding health hazards, notes that absorption of this chemical
element (glyphosate) through the gastrointestinal tract is 36% and 55% through the skin,
99% of it is also excreted within seven days, and residues in livestock and products are

minimal. In addition, glyphosate possesses low toxicity via oral and dermal, given that
it is not carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic. The danger to aquatic animals and the
changes that occur in aquatic microorganisms are temporary. Finally, the same low
level of toxicity has been observed in bees, mammals, birds etc.

▯ Annex 151

The study “Assessment of safety and risk to humans of the herbicide
Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate” (fl. 43), which studies the effects of
these elements, concludes that there is no indication that the health of human beings is
at risk; glyphosate and AMPA do not accumulate in the body and, although Round-up
produces temporary eye irritation, it does not cause genetic changes or hereditary or

somatic mutations in humans. The study concludes that it did not observe glyphosate,
AMPA, or POEA to be teratogenic or toxic, nor were any effects on fertility or
reproduction observed. POEA is not used in concentrated form and is used in lower
concentrations in the final product (Round-up), and, as indicated in same study attached
to the FAO, glyphosate is poorly absorbed by organisms and is rapidly excreted.

The research performed by the Toxicology Clinic Uribe Cualla and

Toxicological Assessment Centre, CAI, entitled “Retrospective study about possible
human health effects of glyphosate exposure in aerial spraying within the illicit
crop eradication program and / or as a result of exposure to other plaguicides used
in development of coca cultivation in the Departamento de Putumayo in the
Municipalities of Orito, la Hormiga and San Miguel” (Volume 97 of the case file)
reached the following main conclusions after having treated 1244 people and
conducting studies on 488, at the request of the Narcotics Affairs Section (NAS) of the

U.S. Embassy:
[PAGE 6]

Eighty-three percent (83%) of the interviewees, who were directly or indirectly
exposed to glyphosate-based aerial fumigations suffered eye affectations, such as
burning and redness; in the digestive system, they suffered diarrhea and showed
symptoms of Scabies (32%), Biodermatitis (25%), Polyparisitism, although the latter

skin conditions were not necessarily related to exposure to glyphosate, since their cause
can also be found in infections and allergies, not only in chemical agents actions. Eye
discomfort and coughing, among other ailments, were attributed to acute accidental
exposure to undiluted glyphosate. Finally, the above ailments improved with pain
medication or home remedies and progressed satisfactorily in a short period.
Additionally, no deaths related to exposure were discovered and only one case was

found of birth malformations. 84.9 of respondents were located within the area
subjected to the fumigations or less than one kilometer away. The study also
demonstrated that 382 of 488 people surveyed had handled chemicals for coca
cultivation, ten of twenty-six of these products belonged to toxicological category l
(Extremely toxic) and 91.1% of those who handle plaguicides do so without any
personal protective element.

The final report issued by the referenced Clinic regarding areas in the
Department of Nariño concluded that, in general, no link was found between the health
condition of persons screened and the glyphosate-based aerial fumigations. Tests were
conducted with rats (glyphosate 44% + cosmoflux 1% + water 55%) and a dose of 5000
mg/kg, 2500 mg/kg and 1250 mg/kg of oral LD50 and the mortality observed after 3
doses, with both females and males, was 0% in the 14-day study. Regarding acute
dermal toxicity on rabbits, no pharmacological or toxic sign was found, with the

exception of drying of the skin and erythema, and the hair began to restore itself
beginning on day five. Moderate irritation was observed in the eyes of these rabbits,
and it was also observed that the product is not a primary cutaneous irritant.

▯Annex 151

Dr. Camilo Uribe Granja, Scientific Director of the Toxicology Clinic Cualla
Uribe, stated that glyphosate, via inhalation, produces sub-acute toxic effects (cough –
bronchial spasm) that dissipate without treatment after over-exposure to the
concentrated product. The glyphosate molecule has low lipid solubility and can lead to
delayed toxicity, but studies conducted show that farmers handle 38 chemicals without

employing protection, some of which are characterized by high toxicity.

The Tribunal, among other criteria, took into account recommendations and
concepts issued by the Committee of Experts which took place in 1984 as well as by
the company Ecoforest Ltda. Such recommendations and technical concepts estimated
that the chemical method to combat prohibited crops “should be the last resort,” adding
that glyphosate-based aerial fumigation is not advisable, given that ground and

helicopter applications are more advisable than applications with fixed-wing airplanes,
since, otherwise, its “drift” effect is highly polluting of water sources and carries with it
increased dangers for human beings, life forms, wildlife and wildflowers. For this
reason, the aerial fumigation method requires the advising of qualified personnel. It
follows, additionally, from the studies cited, that glyphosate, given that it increases
nitrogen and carbon production in the soil, and as a result of the chemical processes that
occur in said soil, generates carcinogenic substances that affect animals.

[PAGE 7]

The Tribunal also supported itself on the declarations of Doctors Elsa Nivia and
María Elena Arroyave, who concluded that “in studies conducted with animals,
glyphosate has also been found to be toxic in the long term. With high doses on rats
(900 to 1200 mg/kg/day)” and that, in order to determine whether it causes cancer in

humans, 20 to 30 years are required for effects to be observed.

It must be noted that the above-mentioned concepts do not specify the conditions
for exposure to herbicide. Additionally, in order to corroborate the noted criteria, the
plaintiff relies on the document RAPALMIRA, Plaguicide Action Network and
Alternatives –Latin America—in the very words of its Executive Director, the

Agronomist and Graduate in Chemical Biology, who expresses, in one of the
document’s main paragraphs, that glyphosate can combine with nitrate in the
environment, which is a carcinogen, as are all other nitrates.

In the same manner as “Study of control of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and
exposure to pesticide,” the prior document, considered by the Tribunal in its
determination, does not refer to the intensity or duration of exposure, aspects that are of

significance in defining the controversy at issue.

Similarly, the Tribunal overlooks the declarations rendered by Magdalena
Tavera and Doctor Camilo Uribe Granja, scientific director of the only institution
specialized in toxicology, Clinic Uribe Cualla. These declarations express that
glyphosate is innocuous with respect to acute toxicity. And the Tribunal’s reason for
this is the declaration of the Minster of Health, Sara Ordoñez. The latter’s version,

however, corroborates the two prior versions, since her statement limits itself to cases of
acute intoxications, which are very rare and occur only in instances of extreme

▯ Annex 151

However, we must note that, in accordance with the aforementioned official’s
statement, elimination of glyphosate is rapidly achieved via urine, 90% in the first 48
hours. This fact coincides with the study performed by FAO to the extent that
glyphosate particles are excessively large to be inhaled.

The Tribunal’s serious fault consists in not having taken into account that POEA
(polyethylene amine), an element that comprises part of ROUND-UP, possesses, as
one of its functions, in the proportion that is used to fumigate illicit crops, the function
of enlarging the hydrophilic routes and facilitating entry of glyphosate.

The monograph issued by the International Agency Research—Cancer—World
Health Organization, IARC is also present in the case file, as well as a declaration by

chemical biologist Hector Hernando Bernal Contreras and toxicological guidelines
issued by the Ministry of Health. These are proof that, in addition to those previously
noted, allow the following conclusions:

a. Glyphosate, including glyphosate in Round-up formulation in conditions set
forth for its use, does not cause serious or irreparable harm on human health,
since 99% of it is excreted and is not retained by the organisms.

[PAGE 8]

b. Experiments have been conducted in animals and the effects have not been
serious. In fact, they have been temporary and prompt recovery within few days
has been observed.

c. There is no valid proof, despite scientific research conducted leading to the
conclusion that human beings run any risk as a result of glyphosate fumigations.
Nevertheless, the Chamber considers that certain control measures must be taken
in order to observe the unfolding of events over time, given that the methods
employed by those who have furthered the respective research, used, as was to
be expected, an inductive method which attempts to reach general conclusions

based on particular cases and based on testing of individualized groups, both in
humans as well as other animal and plant species.

d. Groups of farmers, in their respective agricultural labors, use many chemical
products other than glyphosate in its various forms, some of which are extremely
toxic and can be determinant causes of their affectations.

e. Despite having found one discrete case of malformation, there is no persuasive
element that can directly connect it to aerial fumigations to which the complaint

f. It has been observed that certain affectations caused by glyphosate on the
digestive system or on the skin are short-lived and are cured even with home
treatments or pain killers.

g. It is feasible to use glyphosate to combat illicit crops without damage to human
groups, as long as the respective prevention measures are observed.

▯Annex 151

Regarding environmental pollution, it is advisable to refer to the following
persuasive means:

a. Declaration of Tomás León Sicard, Magistrate in Environmental Sciences of
Universidad Nacional.

He considers that, due to its broad spectrum, glyphosate attacks a large variety
of plants, especially legumes, grasses, herbs, commercial crops and can destroy
plant foliage and furthermore, can cause erosive processes. However, he is not
aware of studies regarding possible effects on the conditions for
performance of fumigations. In his opinion, glyphosate nitrogen can migrate,
contaminating sources of water and generating carcinogenic products.

b. Declaration of Ernesto Pérez Ruiz, Environmental Auditor of the Illicit Crop

[PAGE 9]

He considers that fumigation produces a specific damage on illicit crops, not on

the soil, from an agronomical perspective and that fumigated areas recover
perfectly within a few weeks.

In his view, Cosmo Flux 411F allows herbicide penetration. He adds that there
is no data of serious or irreversible damage to the soil.

c. Declaration of Luis Eduardo Parra, Environmental Consultant and Forest


He explains that ROUND-UP’s environmental formulation, if the established
guidelines for fumigation are followed, causes the death of poppy in a term
between 7 and 10 days and the death of coca between 75 and 90 days, without
endangering the environmental quality of ecosystems, causing a

regeneration process in the sprayed forest. He adds that water samples do
not show any contamination and that the destruction of forests is caused by
logging carried out by illicit cultivators.

d. Declaration of Hernando Bernal Contreras, Chemist and Biologist.

In the main aspect of his declaration, he expresses that he finds support in

research conducted by the National Narcotics Directorate, which serves to
conclude that glyphosate, due to its components and the procedures that occur
after fumigation, hardly has a residual effect on future crops and that its use is
recommended, in accordance with certain technical guidelines, to prepare the
land before new seedings.

e. Declaration of Rodrigo Velaidez Muñetón, Agronomist and CEFISAM

official, affiliated to the Vicariato Apostólico de San Vicente del Caguán.

In his experience in the regional Amazon development program, entitled
“Amazon Family Farm” in which he discusses coca-producing farmers, he has

▯ Annex 151

observed that said farmers do not use glyphosate in a targeted manner, in fact,
they wash areas of grasses. He also expresses that hair loss is experienced by
young cattle, although it later recovers. He has observed bird deaths after
fumigations of patios of houses, and deaths of young fish caused by the product
falling onto ponds.

f. The document “Effects on health and environment of herbicides containing
glyphosate,” by Doctor Elsa Nivia, Agronomist, is present in the case file. Its
content corroborates her declaration in this proceeding and has been previously
referred to given that it constitutes one of the main foundations of the holding.


[PAGE 10]

From the submitted evidence, it is not possible to infer with any certainty that
the glyphosate used for illicit crop eradication produces irreversible damage to the
environment; on the contrary, there are elements for judgment that permit the
conclusion that sprayed areas regenerate within a relatively short lapse of time and that,

in contrast, numerous hectares of forests are destroyed due to logging carried out by
illicit farmers.

Clearly, the guidelines stated by the environmental authorities should be
followed when illicit crops are being sprayed, and not even the slightest deviation from
these should be permitted, which means that it is therefore necessary for permanent

controls to be undertaken, with continuous evaluations of any effects which might
begin to appear. However, these measures cannot lead to the suspension of
fumigations, given that this could cause the State to weaken and the simultaneous
strengthening of various groups that finance themselves with products of drug
trafficking, which would undoubtedly constitute a scourge on Colombian society and
for all humanity. We do not disregard, because the evidence clearly demonstrates it,
that, problems and complaints are caused, but these do not reach the level of gravity as

the plaintiff claims, and this means that permanent and strict controls of the fumigation
activities are required.

We must highlight that there is no evidence in the case file that supports a breach
of the measures imposed by Minambiente on the D.N.E., via resolution No. 341 of
2001; as a result of this resolution, decisions related to the Glyphosate-based Illicit Crop
Eradication Program using aerial spraying were adopted, and, therefore, there is no

reason to reproach the Minister of Environment for not having sanctioned D.N.E. as a
result of the referenced alleged violation.

Lastly, we must note that Article 6 of law 99 of 993 cannot serve as a legal basis
to conclude that the suspension of aerial fumigations must be decreed, which the
complaint adduces as an effective measure to avoid environmental degradation. In
actual circumstances there is no valid reason showing the existence of a danger of

irreversible and serious damage posed by the extreme measure. It is nevertheless
advisable to order the Ministry of the Environment to continue to comply strictly with
the Environmental Management Plan, and furthermore to not stop carrying out studies

▯Annex 151

with a view to obtaining even more details of the effects of the chemical compound that
is used in the spraying, with verification by the National Narcotics Directorate.

In light of the foregoing, the State Council, Plenary Chamber of Contentious
Administrative Matters, administering justice on behalf of the Republic and pursuant to

authority of law,


1. To revoke the trial court ruling.

2. In its place, we order the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial

Development to continue its verification work so that strict compliance is given
to the Environmental Management Plan, imposed by resolution No. 1065, as
well as the obligations noted in articles 2, 6, 7, and 8 of resolution No. 341 of
2001, both issued by this Ministry.

[PAGE 11]

3. The Ministry of Social Protection must conduct studies that include groups
exposed to glyphosate, plus POEA, plus cosmoflux, and a control group, that
has not been exposed. The studies should include records of morbidity and
mortality, in order to determine the impact of the referenced chemicals on the
health and lives of Colombians in the sprayed areas, especially in the area of
influence of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and in the remaining areas subject to
spraying, at the Ministry of Social Security’s election. The studies must include

areas sprayed over different periods of time.

4. The National Narcotics Directorate must verify the effects of aerial fumigation
using glyphosate, plus poea, plus cosmoflux for illicit crop eradication, on
elements of the environment, in the fumigated areas selected as samples, so as to
include areas sprayed at different times. This process shall receive the necessary

supervision for ensuring that follow up is carried out of the effects of

5. At signing of this order, remand the case file to the Tribunal of origin.

The above order was read, discussed and approved by the Chamber in its session
on this date.




▯ Annex 151

Dissenting opinion

Absent Dissenting opinion

Dissenting opinion Dissenting opinion



Dissenting opinion

[PAGE 12]

Clarifying opinion Dissenting opinion



▯Annex 151


Secretary General

Case File: IJ-25000-23-25-000-2001-00022-02 Plaintiff: Claudia Sampedro Torres and others.

▯Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151Annex 151 Annex 152

Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia, 3ODQ▯&RORPELD▯▯)LIWK▯(YDOXDWLRQ▯5HSRUW
(Dec. 2004) Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

General Comptroller of the Republic
Presentation 5
General Comptroller of the Republic: Antonio
Hernández Gamarra Antinarcotics Initiative 9

Vice-Comptroller: Luis Bernardo Flórez Enciso Assessment of the Institution 9

Deputy Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Regulatory framework for antinarcotics 9
Security: Wilson Herrera Moreno
Antinarcotics Program Framework 11
Director of Sectoral Studies: Carlos Cuartas

Nieta Coordination and Responsibilities Failures 14

Director of Fiscal Monitoring: Sonya Olaya de Conclusions 16
Balance of Drug Policy 16
Juan Alejandro Morales Sierra Introduction 16

Ricardo Alfonso Ramírez Buitrago
Luis Arenas Vega Combating the production and trafficking of
Luis Fernando Alvarado C. coca and derivatives 17
Luis Sigifredo Mora T.
José Enrique Contreras H. Seizure of goods and supplies 22
Mercedes Guevara Mora

Diana Ramírez P. Status of demand for cocaine 24
Ana María Cuayal M.
Martha Eugenia Luquez H. Conclusions 28
Sandra Matallana Medina
Juan Manuel Ortíz Suárez Environmental component of the plan 29
Cielo Cecilia Arrieta Vizcaíno
Introduction 29

Advisor: Luis B. Carvajal C.
Green Plan and environmental investment 29
Communications and Publications Office:
Carlos Alberto Maestre Maya Program for the eradication of illicit crops with
Office Director glyphosate (PECIG) 30

Publications Coordination: Liliana Gaona Conclusions 37
Contribution of the Alternative Development
Edition: Program (ADP) to the agricultural sector 37
Jaime Viana Saldarriaga
Laura Samper Blanco Conclusions 39

Design and Layout: Financing of Plan Colombia 41
Yenny Liliana Perez Guzmán
Pilar Fernández Rodríguez General Vision 41
Carlos González Afanador
Grupo de Diseño - CGR External Financing 42

Printing: Imprenta Nacional Domestic Financing 44

General Comptroller of the Republic Resource Management by third parties 47
Calle 17 No 9-82
Telephone: 281 6300-282 3754 International Cooperation 49
Bogota, Colombia
August 2002


Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Securi▯y
▯Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

[PAGE 33]

to glyphosate and not the mixture itself that is used in the spraying in areas of the country. All
this makes these studies not comparable.

The Environmental Management Plan

Discussions about the PECIG Environmental Management Plan started in 1996, but it was not
until November 2001 that MAVDT promulgated said plan via a resolution, in addition to
opening an investigation and raising a statement of objections against DNE. DNE appealed

these objections via a judicial recourse. In 2003, the Ministry accepted DNE’s request to modify
the plan, as follows:

Through Resolution 930 of 1 September 2003 the Ministry calls on the DNE for the violation of
the Environmental Management Plan. Subsequently, via technical concept 0010 of 15 January
2004, the Ministry informs the DNE of the need to notify aircraft pilots to suspend spraying in

areas of woody vegetation that separate contiguous lots of illegal crops in order to minimize the
herbicide’s effects on natural elements not subject to the program; this in itself confirms the

intermingling of illicit and licit crops and sets effectiveness of spraying at around 80%.

The PMA submitted in 2001 by DNE consists of 13 guidelines for environmental management

with their respective description, objectives, activities, tracking and monitoring, responsibility,
schedule and cost. It has also been divided into three types of activities: prevention, mitigation
and correction measures and finally, compensation measures. In 2003, DNE requests the PMA’s

amendment and the Ministry, through Resol34ion 1054 of 30 September 2003, amends the PMA
by changing its twelve guidelines , originally approved by Resolution 1065 of 2001, and
reducing the Environmental Management Plan to eight guidelines.

With respect to the characteristics and properties of the herbicide glyphosate, Dr. Celia L. Fuentes, a lecturer in
the Faculty of Agronomy of the Universidad Nacional, on page 3 of the report “Comportamiento del Glifosato en el
Suelo” (“%HKDYLRU▯RI▯*O\SKRVDWH▯RQ▯WKH▯6RLO´▯▯dated August 2004, states: “Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide,
for postemergence use and systemic action, recommended for the control of most herbaceous weeds and annual and
perennial semi-ligneous plants. In general, this compound is reported to immediately ”inactivate” upon reaching the
ground without leaving any residue that may subsequently affect crops, nor does it penetrate already established
crop roots. It is not volatile. The risks of damage to neighboring crops are greatly reduced when applications are

conducted with ground equipment and calm winds, directed towards the subject weeds and using protective screens
to prevent the drops sprayed from falling on the green parts of desirable plants (Ahrens, 1994; Pitty, 1995)”.
Similarly, the same document states: “In Colombia there is very little experimental information about the behavior
of this compound in the environment, and in particular, its fate in soils has barely been studied. Due to continued use
of this herbicide over many years (about 30 years), there could be waste associated with organic compounds (humic
substances) and minerals (clays, metal oxides) in the soil. Studying the behavior of glyphosate in three soils from
the rice agroecosystem in the department of Tolima, Colombia, is important to the country because, firstly, the

results obtained would contribute to an understanding of the environmental implications related to the use of
glyphosate in the soil, and secondly, a methodology will be optimized to study the glyphosate-soil interaction, which
may serve as a basis for undertaking further studies (e.g. in soils from areas of illicit crops currently being treated
with the herbicide in question)”.▯
34It is important to remember that through Resolution 1065 of November 2001, the twelve-guideline PMA came
into effect.▯

Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Security

▯ Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

Regarding the reduction of Environmental Management Plan guidelines, the Ministry attributes it
to consolidation and notes that it has not resorted to altering the primary objectives, which are
prevention, mitigation, compensation and control. However, consolidating Guideline 1:
Management program for spraying operations and 6, Program for inspection, verification and

control of spraying operations, under a single guideline and appointing the National Narcotics
Directorate as head for both of these guidelines, is apparently not appropriate, since, in practice,
the DNE is the entity that operates, monitors, controls and resolves the citizen complaints arising
from the spraying program (PECIG) and, additionally, the program’s External Technical

Environmental Audit is not in operation.

Regarding the management plan, it is also pertinent to call attention, in particular, to soil
indicators, since, as it is already known, the country does not have access to the required

laboratories to develop tests on herbicide residues, and was forced to use foreign labs (some of
these located in the United States) in order to have evidence of impairment caused by the

Resolution 99 of 31 January 2003, through which the MAVDT granted the National Narcotics
Directorate a period of twelve months to deliver the results of the study regarding “Efficiency in
the application of glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA as a soil residue” contemplates that ICA
and the Ministry of Health will monitor implementation and verification of the study.

In 2004 and by means of concept 218 dated 25 March 2004, the MAVDT granted a four-month
extension to DNE for delivery of a study that aims to evaluate the

[PAGE 34]

efficiency of glyphosate application and residues thereof.

In this regard, we are concerned that these studies were not required from the outset of the
glyphosate-based illicit crop eradication program and, after 18 years of continuous spraying and
receiving complaints from the community, the country does not yet know the type of residual

herbicide in soil and the damages and impacts that it may cause to the Amazon’s wildlife,
ecosystems and biodiversity. These studies have not yet been conducted and in the meantime, the
spraying program continues without a proper environmental assessment.

Regarding the DNE’s postponement and delay in submitting the Environmental Managem35t
Plan, the MAVDT admits, in a communication sent to the audit commission, that since 1994,
through Decree 1753, the environmental management plan for the spraying program (PECIG)
has been required from DNE, and that its formulation and development has been consistently

delayed by repeated administrative procedures, until it ordered the implementation of preventive
measures in 2001. That is, five years after the law compelled the DNE to present an
environmental management plan, the MAVDT once again required the DNE to comply with
current legislation. Yet another aspect to be aware of is that, before 1994 and the promulgation of

Decree 1753, the environmental aspects of programs and projects were governed by the Natural
352200.2.27815 of 30 April 2004.▯

Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Security
▯Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

Resources Code (Decree Law 2811 of 1974), and neither the DNE nor environmental authorities
could be exempt from these responsibilities.

The environmental external audit

PECIG currently does not contain an External Technical Environmental Audit, as prescribed in
resolutions 005 and 013, of 2000 and 2003, respectively.
A relevant point is the exclusion from the management plan scheme and lack of participation of
the autonomous regional corporations and/or UMATAS, despite them being the legally defined

agencies for implementation of policy and environmental management in areas under its
jurisdiction. We do not observe any coordination between implementation and development of
the Environmental Management Plan and the SINA institutions.

Before the Environmental Management Plan (PMA) was amended, it required an external and
independent technical audit for the program as well as regular reports from DNE to the Ministry
of Environment. However, the recently amended report eliminates the independent audit
requirement, which was one of the main requirements issued by the former Ministry of

Environment, the Office of the Ombudsman and the General Comptroller of the Republic.

While the PMA does not require a technical audit, this requirement has not been eliminated
altogether. In fact, the National Narcotics Council (CNE) issued Resolution 0031 in September
2003, ordering ”the Illicit Crop Eradication Program (PECIG) to have an audit, preferably

conducted with resources from international cooperation,” as a substitute requirement of the

Monitoring and follow up

The MAVDT possesses the responsibility to monitor and has been effectuating inspections for
this purpose. The following are some of the most relevant factors of its inspections to the various

The reports generally show that the proposed and approved management plan is not being
fulfilled, and this is cause for concern, above all, from a social and public health perspective.
There is a lack of alternative social programs, statistics and health management programs in all
departments where the Illicit Crop Eradication Program is conducted.

The reports analyzed elicit a concern that the Environmental Management Plan is not being
applied judiciously at the different air bases where the program operates. Three important aspects
should be highlighted: first, neither general guideline 6 (relating to program management and

social communication), guideline 4 (regarding the program of wastewater management in PECIG
bases) or guideline 5 (environmental monitoring program) are being fulfilled.

The implementation of the Environmental Management Plan costs the country $2,743 million for

two years in non-conflict conditions. In a conflict scenario, DNE estimates implementation at

Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Security
▯ Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

$6,554.5 million . Similarly, one mission in the environmental management plan, estimated to
last an hour and a half,

[PAGE 35]

costs U.S. $14,873.52; the share of the cost corresponding to aircraft represents 78% of this total
figure, the share corresponding to human resources is 8%, and fuel costs represent the remaining


The PECIG operation

Regarding the supplies needed to implement the program, we know that the importation of the
Roundup herbicide, a commercial form of glyphosate and Cosmoflux, an oily type additive that
is mixed to the solution of glyphosate and water, allowing for greater adhesion and permanence

of the solution on leaves and stem of the plant, reaches approximately 752,420 gallons of
glyphosate and 17,591 gallons of Cosmoflux (Table 12).

Table 12 draws attention to the high percentage of concentration of the chemical (glyphosate and

Cosmoflux) on the level of water used for the departments of Guaviare, Nariño, Norte de
Santander, Caquetá.

The ”annual verification of effectiveness of the spraying program's operations and evaluation of
side effects”, conducted between 11 and 26 November 2003 by a commission comprised of
officials from ICA, the National Narcotics Directorate, the Antinarcotics Division of the National
Police, the Narcotics Affairs Office of the Embassy of the United States of America and this

Ministry, with logi37ical and security support of the National Police, highlights the following
noteworthy points :

x ”The evaluation was carried out by helicopters overflying the lots at low altitudes,
making double turns of 360 degrees in both directions in order to have a better
appreciation of the issues to qualify”.

x ”After defining the lots subject to study, each of the assessors established the criteria to
be considered and the assessment methodology. These were based on: a visual
assessment and estimation of the overall effectiveness of spraying on the entire lot, an

estimation of the effectiveness of the coca plant, the side effects on elements not subject
to spraying and additional considerations regarding the site, such as presence of
laboratories, nurseries, homes, replanting, pruning, intermixing of crops and proximity to
bodies of water”.

Certain of the verification results are described as follows:

x ”... on a couple of cases, coca plots located in the same area but separated by strands of
vegetation greater than five meters were sprayed continuously, thereby needlessly

37Folio 2677 of folder 18 of file 793.▯
Semi-annual report of activities carried out under the Environmental Management Plan. July-December 2003
Period", MAVDT.▯

Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Security
▯Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

affecting the wooded area, regardless of the fact that the impact is not permanent, and
consists of temporary defoliation of the highest tree branches”. It is important to take this
operational component into account to the extent that complaints submitted to the
program arise mainly from this factor. In effect, we know that only three gallons of

glyphosate are needed to destroy over a hectare of plantain crops. Therefore, 10.4
gallons per hectare in these types of crops, or any other type of crops, most certainly
burns its foliage and stems. Therefore, an urgent call must be made to pilots who operate
the program’s aircraft, so that they cease to spray in areas that are not and should not be
subject to the program.”

Table 12 PECIG Provisions
Period November 2002 to April 2003

Roundup Cosmoflux Water % Glyphosate
(Glyphosate) + Cosmoflux/

Cauca 1,295.20 252.06 121,988.68 1%
Cesar 431.68 85.85 8,070.45 6%
Guaviare 50,294.52 1,277.12 71,217.35 72%
Nariño 268,532.69 1,603.07 88,682.62 305%

Norte de 17,092.24 412.72 34,951.27 50%
Huila 326.40 64.22 6,130.54 6%
Caquetá 38,237.45 5,100.44 43,861.79 99%

Total 376,210.18 8,795.48 374,902.70 103%
Annual 752,420.36 17,590.96 749,805.40 103%
Source: DVF- CDMA. PECIG Quarterly Progress Report by DNE


[PAGE 36]

It is important that we call attention to certain aspects described in monitoring and follow up.
For example, the classification methodology in assessments was based on the visual appreciation

and estimation: the collateral effects of fumigation, as replanting and pruning of coca was
observed, intermixing of crops and closeness to bodies of water; the report assures that the
herbicide’s residual effects on the soil are not permanent and may be verified with a simple
observation of the plot, without the need for sampling or laboratory tests; the intermixing of licit
crops such as plantain, corn and yucca, displaying the manners in which farmers attempt to

evade aspersion implies the destruction of food crops in every case, and the defoliation of
adjacent forests as a result of drift. The report finally recommends that the commission, in
addition to aspersion, implement soil-burning in order to avoid ensuing replanting, thereby
evidencing a downward spiral caused by program implementation in the country, if no

environmental prevention is implemented.

Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Security
▯ Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

Finally, it is relevant to note that the herbicide dose has increased during the course PECIG’s
implementation. In effect, the program, as defined used 4.4 liters/hectare, and subsequently, its
concentration increased to 8.4 liters/hectare and finally, MAVDT approved the increase to 10.4
liters/hectare via Resolution 0099 of January 2003. No laboratory tests or technical assessments

were performed that provided for establishing the degree of the herbicide’s affectation of
renewable natural resources.

The Complaint and Compensation Systems

All the complaints sent to MAVDT were transferred to the National Narcotics Directorate, as
contemplated by Resolution 017 of 2001 of DNE, which establishes the procedure and the
premise that the procedural responsibility for this lies with DNE. The process is carried out by
the Antinarcotics Directorate of the National Police almost in its entirety. This agency is also

responsible for the operational execution of the program, observing, therefore, that the very
National Police is the authority who has power to decide and judge whether the complaint is
valid, when a nexus of causality is established.

Similarly, the certification process for damages caused by aspersions is almost impossible to
determine to the extent that, as described in the previous section, there are no laboratories in
Colombia capable of gauging herbicide residues in soil. As a result, the samples must be taken
to the United States, where such causality or the affectation suffered by the complainant is

Another situation that must be taken into account are the circumstances of public order in areas
where PECIG is implemented, since long distances, lack of means of communication and the
very public order situation obstruct, in one way or another, the filing of complaints and impede

verification visits from being carried out within the stipulated time periods.

In 2002, the Ministry of Justice admitted the receipt of 4,500 complaints or claims, only five of
which have been admitted by the National Police (0.1%). By October 2002, the Ombudsman

had registered 6,553 complaints. In 2003, DNE received 2,124 complaints from the
Departamento de Nariño, 442 (21%) of which were rejected and the rest are still pending
(Proceeding 2648 of 26 September 2003- Antinarcotics Directorate, case file 793, folder 26).
For CGR, the double role that agencies play, of judge and of furthering the community
complaints is cause for concern, as it violates the universal principle of separation between

evaluator and evaluated, which must be observed always, but especially in the context of
implementation of highly sensitive policies and programs such as PECIG.

Although results indicate a timely reduction in crops, the social and environmental cost of the

same must be evaluated. The effect of rotation or transfer of crops, and above all, the principle
of precaution regarding the effects of risk for human health and the country’s biodiversity,

[PAGE 37]

Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Security
▯Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

upheld and agreed to by the international community, including Colombia, (which agreed to this
principle via Law 99 of 1993), must not be set aside when there is no certainty regarding the
consequences of technological or scientific progress.


A process of marginalization of the country’s environmental authorities has been taking effect
within the formulation of the Glyphosate-based Illicit Crop Eradication Program. It is possible
to directly observe this factor via the formation of the PECIG’s Technical Interagency

Committee and in the modification of its respective functions, which limit themselves to the
labor of the External Technical Environmental Audit, an agency that has practically not
functioned or operated during the 20 years of the program’s development, since it has not been
engaged. In general, the aspersions have not been subjected to a rigorous environmental


The glyphosate-based aspersions have been carried out without license or environmental
management plan during 16 years. The program did not formally define the PECIG

environmental management plan until 2003.

During 2002 and 2003, PECIG has sprayed, on average, 22% more hectares of planted coca
existing in the country. This allows the inference that replanting or pruning activities in illicit
coca cultivations have been continuing strongly and that the program has acted more than once

in the same areas. These aspects are important when considering that there are areas in the
country that are subject to double herbicide residue and impact, despite not having certainty
regarding the level of herbicide residue in soils, since the country does not have access to
laboratories that permit this analysis to be conducted.

Regarding implementation of the PECIG environmental management plan, we must highlight
that, in addition to its implementation being gradually delayed and postponed, its content has
also been gradually readjusted. In effect, in 2001, the PMA contained 13 guidelines, chapters or

components. In 2003, the Ministry authorized its decrease to eight. Additionally, the monitoring
and verification report mentions a widespread noncompliance with social components such as
education, health, environment, with regards to sampling and verification of residue of the
mentioned herbicide. In practice, these modifications, especially the drastic reduction in safety
strips, the approval of higher flight height, and the elimination of maximum speed limits during

spraying, constitute the program’s gradual increase in flexibility.

Regarding the compensation and intake system for complaints, under responsibility of the
Antinarcotics Directorate of the National Police, we can conclude that the process is ineffective,

given that data regarding complaints received shows that barely 1% of these have been admitted
by said institution. The intake or filing requirements do not conform to the reality of affected
communities, given that communications and transportation conditions, as well as social conflict
and violence, complicate and even obstruct the ability to file a complaint and its respective

procedure. Finally, the National Police both operates and controls the process, the very State
agency which has the power to admit or reject the claim.

Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Security
▯ Annex 152

Plan Colombia: Fifth Assessment Report▯

It is possible to observe that certain areas that are not subject to the program have been sprayed,
such as forests separating illicit crops, small areas with food crops, bodies of running water, etc.
This has caused social and environmental impacts. A solution to this situation must be
prioritized to the extent that complaints reached originate primarily for this reason. Therefore, an

urgent calling must be made to the respective institutions to make pilots who operate program
aircraft recognize the damage caused and cease aspersions in areas that should not be subjected
to the herbicide-based spraying.

CGR notes that an evaluation of the social and environmental costs of PECIG is necessary, given

that both the national community and the Colombian government must not disregard the
principle of precaution, upheld and agreed to by the international community and included in
national legislation (Law 99 of 1993).

Contribution of the Alternative Development Program (PDA) to the agricultural sector

Decree 100 of 21 January 2004 suppressed the National Alternative Development Plan (Plante)
in the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic and established the

Alternative Development Plan, having a temporary nature, created 3 March 2003 through
CONPES 3218 for the period 2003 to 2006. Its sustainability depends on its integration with
other policies and programs of the 2003-2006 Development Plan.

Delegate Comptroller for Defense, Justice and Security
▯Annex 152 Annex 152


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Republic of Colombia, Constitutional Court, Molina, Judgment C-401/05 (14Apr. 2005) Annex 153

Judgment C-401/05

Regulatory Unit- No integration


Evolution of constitutional case law regarding its value within the legal framework




Incorporation into internal legislation

No doubt has been posed that all international labour conventions ratified by Colombia were
incorporated into internal provisions via express disposition of▯VXESDUDJUDSK▯IRXU▯RI▯DUWLFOH▯▯▯▯

nature of legal, binding standards in internal law due to the simple fact of their respective
ratification, without the necessity of promulgating new laws to incorporate its specific content
into the country’s legal framHZRUN▯RU▯LWV▯GHYHORSPHQW▯


Determination of the parties that comprise the constitutionality block/
Determination of those that comprise the constitutionality block in the strict sense and in
a general sense

It is necessary to draw a distinction between▯ WKH▯ ,/2▯ FRQYHQWLRQV▯▯ VLQFH▯▯ DOWKRXJK▯ DOO▯ VXFK▯
FRQYHQWLRQV▯ KDYH▯ EHHQ▯ ³GXO\▯ UDWLILHG´▯ E\▯ &Rlombia, they “comprise part of the internal
OHJLVODWLRQ´▯ ±L▯H▯▯▯ WKH\▯ FRQVWLWXWH▯ SULQFLSDl and binding legal standards governing all the
inhabitants of the national territory, without the need for a subseTXHQW▯LQWHUQDO▯law to develop

WKHVH▯SULQFLSOHV▯▯QRW▯DOO▯FRQYHQtions comprise part of the

[PAGE 2]

constitutionality block given that certain of them neither recogni]H▯QRU▯UHJXODWH▯KXPDQ▯ULJKWV▯▯▯

On the other hand, they regulate administrative, staWLVWLFDO▯ DVSHFWV▯ RU▯ DVSHFWV▯ RI▯ D▯ QRQ▯
FRQVWLWXWLRQDO▯QDWXUH▯▯▯6LPLODUO\▯ it is clear that certain conventions must necessarily comprise
part of the constitutionality block, given that WKH\▯SURWHFW▯KXPDQ▯ULJKWV▯LQ▯WKH▯FRQWH[W▯RI▯ODERU▯▯▯
Additionally, the Constitutional Court can, as it has already done in the past, in accordance with
objective criteria, specifically indicate the other conventions that comprise the constitutionality

block in a general sense, because they serve as reference for interpreting workers’ rights and
fully implementing the fundamental principle of woUNHUV¶▯SURWHFWLRQ▯DQG▯WKH▯ULJKW▯WR▯ZRUN▯▯▯:KHQ▯
a certain convention prohibits the limitation of a human right during an exceptional situation or

▯Annex 153

develops such prohibition, the Court has the duty to specifically note its membership in the

constitutionality block in a strict sense,▯VXFK▯DV▯LW▯KDV▯QRWHG▯LQ▯SULRU▯MXGJPHQWV▯

binding regulatory nature impedes that these be deemed to be substitute legal parameters

in cases of legal gaps.

In no way can the international labor conventions be considered simply as substitute parameters
LQ▯WKH▯ODERU▯IUDPHZRUN▯▯▯,W▯LV▯FOHDU▯WKDW▯▯DVLGe from the definition of the particular conventions
that comprise the constitutionality block, they all constitute a part of the internal legislation,

which means that they cannot be relegated, by a general rule, to a status as substitute
interpretive parameters when regulatory gaps in the legal framework exist▯▯▯$GGLWLRQDOO\▯▯WKH▯
conventions that are incorporated in the constitutionality block shall be applied by all
authorities and individuals, to ensure that national laws are interpreted in accordance with the

RI▯DUWLFOH▯▯▯▯RI▯WKH▯6XEVWDQWLYH▯/DERU▯&RGH▯WKDW▯has been challenged in the present process, such
conventions constitute a standard that must be directly and primarily applied, and must take part
in the determination of the scope of legal norPV▯WKDW▯DUH▯DOVR▯DSSOLFDEOH▯▯▯$GGLWLRQDOO\▯▯WKH▯
conventions that comprise the constitutionality block in a strict sense must prevail in the internal


Application in dispute resolution.

7KH▯,/2▯FRQYHQWLRQV▯UDWLILHG▯E\▯&RORPELD▯DUH▯D▯primary source and are directly applicable to
GLVSXWH▯ UHVROXWLRQ▯▯ ▯ $GGLWLRQDOO\▯▯ LW▯ LV▯ LPSRUWDQW▯ that we highlight that the conventions that
comprise the constitutionality block in the broad sense guide interpretation of the supremacy
standard, and that the conventions that comprise part of the constitutionality block in the strict
sense prevail in the inteUQDO▯IUDPHZRUN▯▯▯7KHUHIRUH▯▯MXGJHV▯as well as administrative officials


Reference: Case file D – 5355

Plaintiff: Carlos Ernesto Molina

[PAGE 3]
Demand alleging unconstitutionality
of article 19 (partial) of the

Substantive Labour Code

Presiding Magistrate:

Bogotá, D.C., fourteen (14) April of two thousand five (2005)

▯ Annex 153

The Plenary Chamber of the Constitutional Court, in compliance with its constitutional

attributions and the procedural requirements established by Decree 2067 of 1991 sets forth the



▯Annex 153 Annex 153

Sentencia C-401/05


POR COLOMBIA-Evolución de la jurisprudencia constitucional acerca

de su valor en el ordenamiento jurídico





POR COLOMBIA-Integración a la legislación interna


GH▯QRUPDV▯MXUtGLFDV▯REOLJDWRULDV▯HQ▯HO▯GHrecho interno por el solo hecho de su
UDWLILFDFLyQ▯▯VLQ▯TXH▯VHD▯QHFHVDULR▯TXH▯VH dicten nuevas leyes para incorporar

POR COLOMBIA-Determinación de los que hacen parte del bloque de
RATIFICADO POR COLOMBIA-Determinación de los que hacen

parte del bloque de constitucionalidad en sentido estricto y en sentido

Es preciso distinguir entre los convenios GH▯OD▯2,7▯▯SXHVWR▯TXH▯VL▯ELHQ▯WRGRV▯
ORV▯TXH▯KDQ▯VLGR▯³GHELGDPHQWH▯UDWLILFDGRV´▯por Colombia, “hacen parte de la

posterior los desarrolle en el derecho LQWHUQR▯▯QR▯WRGRV▯ORV▯FRQYHQLRV▯IRUPDQ▯
ni regulan derechos humanos, sino aspectos▯DGPLQLVWUDWLYRV▯▯HVWDGtVWLFRV▯R▯GH▯

deben necesariamente formar parte deO▯EORTXH▯GH▯FRQVWLWXFLRQDOLGDG▯▯SXHVWR▯
Corte Constitucional puede, como ya lo ha hecho, de acuerdo con criterios

1Annex 153

para interpretar los derechos de los trabajadores y darle plena efectividad al


POR COLOMBIA-Carácter normativo obligatorio impide que sean
considerados como parámetros supletorios ante vacíos en las leyes

De ninguna manera los convenios internacionales del trabajo pueden ser
considerados simplemente como parámetros supletorios en el ordenamiento

TXH▯LQWHJUDQ▯HO▯EORTXH▯GH▯FRQVWLWXFLonalidad han de ser aplicados por todas
las autoridades y los particulares para asHJXUDUVH▯GH▯TXH▯ODV▯OH\HV▯QDFLRQDOHV▯
sean interpretadas de maneUD▯DFRUGH▯FRQ▯OD▯&RQVWLWXFLyQ▯\▯WDOHV▯FRQYHQLRV▯▯
Por lo tanto, al resolver “el caso contURYHUWLGR´▯±▯HQ▯ORV▯WpUPLQRV▯GHO▯DUWtFXOR▯

convenios son norma aplicable de manera principal y directa, y han de incidir
constitucionalidad en sentido estricto han de prevaler en el orden interno

POR COLOMBIA-Aplicación en la resolución de controversias

/RV▯FRQYHQLRV▯GH▯OD▯2,7▯UDWLILFDGRV▯SRU▯Colombia son fuente principal y son

aplicables directamente para resolYHU▯ ODV▯ FRQWURYHUVLDV▯▯ $GHPiV▯▯ HV▯
constitucionalidad en sentido lato orieQWDQ▯ OD▯ LQWHUSUHWDFLyQ▯ GH▯ OD▯ QRUPD▯
constitucionalidad en sentido estricto prHYDOHFHQ▯ HQ▯ HO▯ RUGHQ▯ LQWHUQR▯▯ $Vt▯

habrán de valorarlos especialmente los jueces y los funcionarios

Referencia: expediente D-5355

Demandante: Carlos Ernesto Molina

2 Annex 153

Demanda de inconstitucionalidad contra el
artículo 19 (parcial) del Código Sustantivo

del Trabajo.

Magistrado Ponente:

Bogotá, D.C., catorce (14) de abril de dos mil cinco (2005).

La Sala Plena de la Corte Constitucional, en cumplimiento de sus atribuciones

constitucionales y de los requisitos de trámite establecidos en el Decreto
2067 de 1991, ha proferido la siguiente



En ejercicio de la acción pública de inconstitucionalidad, el ciudadano Carlos

Ernesto Molina demandó el artículo 19 (parcial) del Código Sustantivo del

Cumplidos los trámites constitucionales y legales propios de los procesos de
constitucionalidad, la Corte Constitucional procede a decidir acerca de la

demanda en referencia.


El texto de la disposición demandada es el siguiente:

Código Sustantivo del Trabajo

Decretos 2663 y 3743 de 1950, adoptados por la Ley 141 de 1961
como legislación permanente

“Artículo 19. Normas de aplicación supletoria. Cuando no haya
norma exactamente aplicable al caso controvertido, se aplican las

que regulen casos o materias semejantes, los principios que se
deriven de este código, la jurisprudencia, la costumbre o el uso, la
doctrina, los convenios y recomendaciones adoptadas por la
organización y las conferencias internacionales del trabajo, en

3Annex 153 Annex 156

Republic of Colombia, Ministry of ForeignAffairs, Press Release (11 Nov. 2010) Annex 156


11 November 2010

With respect to the information published today in the Ecuadorian newspaper La Hora

regarding alleged aerial aspersions over illicit crops in the boundary area with
Colombia, the National Government allows itself to specify:

1. Since the month of January 2006, it has strictly complied with the matters agreed by
the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Colombia and Ecuador on 7 December 2005 in

Quito, with regard to suspending the aspersions in the boundary area with Ecuador.

2. In this context, it has not carried out aerial aspersions within the 10-kilometer safety
strip from the common boundary since said date.

3. According to information of the Anti-Narcotics Directorate of the National Police of
Colombia, daily, and before any aspersion exercise, the aerial mission is planned and
the coordinates in which the spraying will be conducted are both determined and

delineated. This information is magnetically uploaded to the aircraft’s technological
navigation system and the respective pilot uses it as a guide to know where he must
spray. The navigation system also generate an alert if the pilot strays from the

demarcated area.

Bogota D.C., 11 November 2010

© 2010- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 08:00am to 5:45 p.m.
Tel (57-1) 3814000- Fax (57-1) 3814747; Complaints Hotline: 018000911026

▯Annex 156 Annex 156

Inicio Ministerio Contratación Normatividad Prensa Servicio al ciudadano

Bogotá, noviembre 12 de 2010 English
RSS Buscar


Nov 11, 2010

En relación con la información publicada hoy en el diario La Hora del Ecuador sobre presuntas
aspersiones aéreas contra cultivos ilícitos en el área de frontera con Colombia, el Gobierno
Nacional se permite precisar:

1. Que ha dado estricto cumplimiento a lo acordado entre los Ministros de Relaciones
Exteriores de Colombia y Ecuador el día 7 de diciembre de 2005 en Quito, en el sentido
de suspender las aspersiones en la zona de frontera con el Ecuador desde el mes de

enero de 2006.

2. Que en este contexto no ha hecho aspersiones aéreas desde esa época a la fecha en la

franja de 10 kilómetros a partir de la frontera común.

3. Que según información de la Dirección de Antinarcóticos de la Policía Nacional de
Colombia diariamente y antes de cada ejercicio de aspersión se realiza la planeación de la

misión aérea y se determinan y demarcan las coordenadas en las cuales se va asperjar.
Esta información magnéticamente se sube a las bases tecnológicas de los aviones y ellas
le sirven de guía al piloto para saber en dónde debe asperjar y además le generan una
alerta sí se sale del área demarcada.

Bogotá, D.C., noviembre 11 de 2010

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