Volume II - Annexes 1-3

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Document File

















Annex Document Page
No. No.
Technical and Environmental Reports

1. Professor Neil Craik, The Requirement to Perform a Prior 1

Environmental ImpactAssessment, January 2015

2. Professor Ian Cowx, Ecological Impacts of Route 1856 on the San 29
Juan River, Nicaragua, December 2014

3. Andreas Mende, Inventory of Slopes and Water Courses related to 71
the Border Road N 1856 between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica:
Second Report, December 2014

iii ANNEX 1

Professor Neil Craik

The Requirement to Perform a Prior Environmental Impact Assessment

January 2015

12 Annex 1





The Requirement to Perform a Prior Environmental Impact Assessment

Report prepared by

Professor Neil Craik, LL.B., LL.M., SJD.

Associate Professor and Director
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
Associate Professor, Balsillie School of International Affairs

University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada

January 2015


3Annex 1



  An International Law Obligation to Conduct an EIA..........................................5

  EIA as part of a state’s obligation of due diligence.............................................10
  The Threshold Requirement to Conduct a Transboundary EIA......................11

  The presence of an emergency exception in international law ..........................15

  A State’s Legal Obligations in Emergency Circumstances................................19

  Statement of Independence and Truth.................................................................24


4 Annex 1

1. Introduction

1.1. I am Neil Craik, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Waterloo,
Canada. I have appointments in the School of Environment, Enterprise and

Development, of which I am the Director, and the Balsillie School of

International Affairs. Prior to my appointment at the University of Wate
rloo, I

was a Professor at the University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law, where I

taught international and Canadian environmental law, and other public la
subjects. Prior to that I practised law with a national law firm in Toronto,

Canada. I am an expert in international environmental law and governance, with

a particular expertise in environmental assessment law. I am the author
of The

International Law of Environmental Impact Assessment: Process, Substance
Integration (Cambridge University Press, 2008), as well as numerous other peer

reviewed papers and book chapters that focus on the international legal

dimensions of environmental assessment. I currently hold several researc

grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canad
that focus on aspects of international and Canadian environmental assessment

law. My curriculum vitae is included as Attachment A to this Report.

1.2. I have been requested by Costa Rica to prepare an independent expert report for

the International Court of Justice (the Court) in connection with the claim

brought against Costa Rica by Nicaragua concerning the construction of a ro
in Costa Rica near the San Juan River. I have been asked to provide an

independent expert opinion on legal aspects related to a State’s obligation under

international law to perform a prior environmental impact assessment ( EIA). In

particular, I have been requested to provide an opinion in relation to t
threshold requirement for conducting an EIA in international law, whether there

exists an emergency exception in the international rules respecting EIA, and any

further obligations that may arise in relation to assessment in the face
of an



5Annex 1

1.3. I have reviewed the following documents:

(a) Memorial of the Republic of Nicaragua (focusing on Chapter 5B);

(b) Counter-Memorial of Costa Rica (focusing on Chapter 5B);

(c) Reply of the Republic of Nicaragua (focusing on Chapter 6);

(d) Report by W. Sheate, July 2014, Annex 5 to Nicaragua Reply;

(e) Golder Associates Report, July 2014, Annex 6 to Nicaragua Reply;

(f) Report by M. Kondolf et al, December 2012, Annex 1 to Nicaragua Memorial

(g) Report by C. Thorne, November 2013, Annex 9 to Costa Rica Counter-


(h) Environmental Diagnostic Assessment prepared by Centro Científico Tropical,

November 2013, Annex 10 to Costa Rica Counter-Memorial;

(i) Astorga and Mende, “Route 1856: Analysis of the Change in Land Use Based
on Satellite Images Before and After the Construction of the Border Road

August 2013, Annex 3 to Costa Rica Counter-Memorial;

(j) Report by M. Kondolf, July 2014, Annex 1 to Nicaragua Reply; and

(k) Costa Rica, Emergency Decree No. 36440-MP, Annex 28 to Costa Rica



6 Annex 1

2. An International Law Obligation to Conduct an EIA

2.1. Nicaragua relies upon Principle 17 of the Rio Declaration as the basis o
f an

international obligation to conduct an EIA. 1 It also refers to the formulation of a

general obligation to conduct transboundary EIAs that is most authoritat
ively set

out in the Pulp Mills Case. 2

2.2. Principle 17 of the Rio Declaration is non-binding, and is formulated as a

broader principle of sound environmental practice, applicable to both domestic

and international contexts. In this regard, Principle 17 does not distin

between transboundary and domestic impacts. Nicaragua relies on this

formulation to argue in favour of a distinct obligation in international law to

conduct an EIA where the impacts are wholly domestic in scope. 3 Extending the

obligation to conduct EIAs to domestic impacts is not supported in inter

law. To the extent that Principle 17 has been cited in support of an int
er national

obligation to conduct EIAs, for example in the Pulp Mills Case, the harm has

been transboundary in character.

2.3. There are no examples of which I am aware of state practice that would e

the obligation in international law to purely domestic harm. For example, in all

international disputes where states have raised an international obligat
ion to

conduct EIAs. the harm in question has been of a transboundary kind or has

involved harm to a shared resource. 4Likewise, in the judicial cases where an

obligation to conduct EIAs has been accepted, the Pulp Mills Case and the

advisory opinion on the Responsibilities and Obligations of States sponsoring

persons and entities with respect to activities in the Area, the harm in question

2Memorial, para. 5.6
3Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay), ICJ 20 April 2010, para. 204
Memorial, para 5.6 – 5.29.
4The Pulp Mills Case, supra n.2; the MOX Plant Case (Ireland v. United Kingdom), Provisional
Measures, (2002) 41 ILM 405 (ITLOS); Request for an Examination of the Situation in Accordance with
the Court’s Judgment of December 1974 in the Nuclear Tests (New Zealand v. France) Case1995 ICJ
Rep 288; the Gabcikovo Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia), (1997) ICJ Rep 7.


7Annex 1

was either transboundary in character, or concerned areas beyond national

jurisdiction. 5

2.4. The Convention on Environmental Impact in a Transboundary Context (the
Espoo Convention) and the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the
Antarctic Treaty (the Madrid Protocol), which are the two detailed treaties on

EIA, focus respectively on transboundary impacts and on impacts to the global

commons. Other treaties containing EIA obligations tend to focus on

transboundary pollution, such as the Agreement between United States and

8 9
Canada on Air Quality, or shared resources such as watercourses, regional
10 11
seas, or the marine environment. The predominant treaty practice of states is

to require EIAs where activities are likely to have a significant transboundary

impact or significant impact upon shared or common resources.

2.5. There is an argument that Article 14 of the Convention on Biological Div

supports a wider obligation that extends beyond transboundary harm, since that

provision does not focus on transboundary harm. How ever, Article 14 is

5 Pulp Mill s Case, supra n.2; Advisory Opinion on the Responsibilities and Obligations of States

Sponsoring Persons and Entities with Respect to Activities in the Area, (ITLOS), 1 February 2011, para.
145, 148.
6 30 ILM 802, entered into force June 27, 1997.
7 30 ILM 1461, entered into force January 14, 1998.
9 30 ILM 676, entered into force March 13, 1991, Art. V
United Nations Convention on the Non -Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, 36 ILM 719
(not yet in force), Art. 12
10 Convention for Co -operation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal
Environment of the West and Central Afri can Region, Abidjan, March 23, 1981, 20 ILM 746, entered

into force August 5, 1984, Art. 13; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal
Area of the South -East Pacific, Lima, November 12, 1981, International Environmental Legal Mater ials
and Treaties 981, entered into force May 19, 1986, Art. 8; Regional Convention for the Conservation of
the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, February 14, 1982, 9 EPL 56, entered
into force August 20, 1985, Art. XI; Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine
Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region, Cartagena de Indias, March 24, 1983, 22 ILM 221, entered

into force October 11, 1986, Art. 12; Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and
Environment of the South Paci fic Region, Noumea, New Caledonia, November 25, 1986, 26 ILM 25,
entered into force August 22, 1990, Art. 16. Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against
Pollution, Bucharest, April 21, 1992, 32 ILM 1110 (1993), in force Januar y 15, 1994, Art. XV(5);
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, Helsinki, April 9, 1992,

11 force January 17, 2000, Art. 7 (Helsinki Convention).
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 21 ILM 1291, entered into force November 16,
1984, Art. 206


8 Annex 1

qualified by the phrase, “as far as possible and as appropriate”, indicating an
intention not to create a binding obligation to assess purely domestic harm.

2.6. It has been suggested that EIA obligations have a broader scope in relation to

internationally protected areas, particularly those areas identified und
er the

Ramsar Convention, and those areas designated as UNESCO Biosphere
Reserves. At least insofar as EIA obligations are concerned, the idea that

internationally identified natural features, such as wetlands, must be protected

by states as an obligation erga omnes partes, is a novel claim and is so far not

supported by state practice. In that context I would note that the Ramsar

Convention explicitly states that a wetland designation “does not prejudice the

exclusive sovereign rights of the Contracting Party in whose territory t
wetland is situated”, suggesting an intention not to create rights in relation to

domestic wetlands that are enforceable by third parties.

2.7. There is a more ecologically-oriented argument to the effect that the ecological

connectivity of the potentially affected ecosystem makes it appropriate to

consider the impacts in both Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 15Here, I would simply

caution that the obligation accepted in international law requires transboundary

impact to be demonstrated. These impacts do not need to be direct and ma
y be

mediated by ecological processes, but those indirect impacts still need
to be


2.8. It is suggested that the inclusion of the words “as a national instrument” in

Principle 17 of the Rio Declaration speak to an obligation to assess purely

domestic harm. 16 This phrase, however, simply indicates that EIA procedures

12United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, 31 ILM 818, entered into force December 29,
1993, Art. 14.
13Nicaragua Reply, para.4.11; see also Report by W. Sheate, July 2014, Annex 5 to Nicaragua Reply,
section 5.
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, 996 UNTS 245,
15tered into force December 21, 1975, Art.2(3).
Golder Associates Report, July 2014, Nicaragua Reply, Annex 6
16Memorial, para. 5.29.


9Annex 1

necessarily originate in domestic, not supranational, instruments. Moreover, this

phrase indicates that international law will not dictate the contents of

assessment, but rather will leave the particulars of implementation to n

legal systems; a point which the Court confirmed in the Pulp Mills Case 17 and

which is also confirmed in the International Law Commission’s Draft Articles

on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities. 18

2.9. Given that the international obligation relates to transboundary harm, a
nd given

that arguments centre on the likelih ood of transboundary harm, I will focus on

the obligation to conduct an EIA in relation to transboundary harm as se
t out by

the ICJ in the Pulp Mills Case in paragraphs 204 and 205.

Para. 204

In this sense, the obligation to protect and preserve [the envi ronment]…,

has to be interpreted in accordance with a practice, which in recent yea

has gained so much acceptance that it may now be considered a

requirement under general international law to undertake an

environmental impact assessment where there is a risk that the proposed

industrial activity may have a significant adverse impact in a

transboundary context, in particular, on a shared resource. Moreover, du

diligence, and the duty of vigilance and prevention which it implies,

would not be considered to have been exercised, if a party planning

works liable to affect the régime of the river or the quality of its

did not undertake an environmental impact assessment on the potential

effects of such works.

Para 205

17Pulp Mills Case, supra n.2, para. 205.
18International Law Commission, “Commentaries to the Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary
Harm from Hazardous Activities”, in Report of the International Law Commission. Fifty-Third Session,
UN GAOR, 56 thSess., Supp. No. 10, UN Doc. a/56/10 (2001), Art.7, Commentary 7.


10 Annex 1

…Consequently, it is the view of the Court that it is for each State to
determine in its domestic legislation or in the authorization process fo

the project, the specific content of the environmental impact assessment

required in each case, having regard to the nature and magnitude of the

proposed development and its likely adverse impact on the environment
as well as to the need to exercise due diligence in conducting such an

assessment. The Court also considers that an environmental impact

assessment must be conducted prior to the implementation of a project.

Moreover, once operations have started and, where necessary,

throughout the life of the project, continuous monitoring of its effects
the environment shall be undertaken.

2.10. There are several distinct elements in this formulation that necessarily inform

the understanding of the international obligation to conduct an EIA. Fir
st, the
EIA obligation arises as a “practice” by which the broader obligat
ion of due

diligence to prevent significant transboundary harm is implemented. Seco
nd, the

obligation applies to harm that may have “a significan t adverse impact in a

transboundary context”. Third, international law leaves it to states
to determine

the specific content and modalities of conducting an EIA.

2.11. The first and second points are addressed in the following sections. The third

point raises a question regarding where, and on which specific issues,

international law defers to national law in defining EIA obligations. Th
e Court

in Pulp Mills drew a distinction between the conditions under which an EIA is

required (determined by an internationally defined threshold) and the
contents of the EIA (which are left to national laws), although state

was qualified by the phrase “having regard to the nature and magnitude of the

proposed development and its likely adverse impact on the environment as

as to the need to exercise due diligence in conducting such an assessmen

Allowing states discretion to determine how EIAs are carried out is appropriate
since the EIAs must be implemented in domestic legal systems, and be


11Annex 1

integrated into the specific environmental decision -making structure of each

state. There is considerable diversity among national EIA systems in the manner

by which projects ought to be subject to a full EIA.

3. EIA as part of a state’s obligation of due diligence

3.1. The obligation to conduct a transboundary EIA is a distinct obligation i

international law, but it is to be interpreted in light of the substanti
ve purpose of

transboundary harm prevention. The underlying goal of conducting an EIA, as

identified by the Court, is to satisfy the requirement to use due diligence in

preventing transboundary harm. The relationship between due diligence and EIA

obligations is reflected in numerous treaties containing EIA obligations, which

also contain a reference to the harm principle and specify the function of EIA as
one of the means by which the harm principle is to be implemented by states.

3.2. The due diligence obligation in relation to transbou ndary harm is expressed in

Article 3 of the ILC Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm

requiring the state of origin to “take all appropriate measures to pr
significant transboundary harm or at any event to minimize the risk ther
Elsewhere, the ILC describes the obligation as requiring “reasonable

and that “the degree of care in question is that expected of a good
Government”. The standard of “reasonable efforts” or “appropriate measures”

will be dependent upon what is reasonable or appropriate based on the specific

facts surrounding the activity. The terms “due diligence” and “appropriate

measures” are described by the ILC as “synonymous.” 23

19For example, Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, 25
February 1991, 1989 U.N.T.S. 310 (the “Espoo Convention”), Art. 2(1); Convention on Biological
Diversity, 5 June 1992, 1760 U.N.T.S. 79, (the “CBD”), Article 14(1)(a).
21ILC, Draft Articles, supra n.18, Art. 3.
22Ibid. Art. 3, Comm. 10.
Ibid. Art. 3, Comm.17.
23ILC, Report of the Fifty-second session (2000) GAOR A/55/10, para. 718.


12 Annex 1

3.3. Understanding EIA obligations in the context of due diligence indicates
that the

obligation to conduct EIA’s must be assessed in light of the particul

circumstances of the activity in question. The notion of due diligence is not

restricted to consideration of the environmental circumstances, but incl
ude s

other conditions that may impact the feasibility or reasonableness of carrying

out an EIA, including the presence of an emergency or national security

concerns. As outlined below, this interpretation is supported by interna
tional and

state practice.

4. The Threshold Requirement to Conduct a Transboundary EIA

4.1. The due diligence obligation is triggered in international law where the
re is a

“risk of significant transboundary harm”. Consistent with this thr

“significant harm” is the trigger for conducting a transboundary E
IA, as

reflected in the Espoo Convention, the CBD, the UNEP EIA Goals and

Principles, 24as well as the Pulp Mills Case. The threshold of significance also

reflects domestic EIA practice, which overwhelmingly adopts this standar
d. 25

The pleadings disclose little debate respecting the applicability of this standard.

4.2. The “significance” threshold is intended as an objective standard and cannot be

determined in the complete discretion of the state of origin. It is desc
ribed by the

ILC as “something more than detectable but need not be at the level of ‘serious’

or ‘substantial’”. 26 This determination is context-dependent, but it will be

impacted by the scale of the activity proposed, the nature of the potent

24 nd
UNEP Res. GC14/25, 14th Sess. (1987), endorsed by GA Re s. 42/184, UN GAOR, 42 Sess., UN
25c. A/Res/42/184 (1987) (‘‘UNEP EIA Goals and Principles’), Principle 1.
See for example, National Environmental Policy Act, 42 USC §§ 4321 -4370(f) (“NEPA”); European
Council Directive 85/337 on the Assessment of the E ffects of Certain Public and Private Projects on the
Environment, [1985] O.J. l 175/40. Subsequently amended by EC, Council Directive 97/11, EC, Council
Directive 03/35, and EC, Council Directive 09/31;Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, SC
2012, c.19.
26ILC, Draft Articles, supra n.18, Article 2, Commentary 4.


13Annex 1

impacts, and sensitivity of the receiving environment to the impacts in

4.3. One question that does arise is whether there is a meaningful difference

the Court’s formulation that requires a “risk of significant adverse harm”, and

that of the CBD, which uses the term “likely” to have significant adverse effects.

“Likelihood” is the term most commonly used : it finds expression in Principle
17, and the Espoo Convention. The difference is not material in my view. The

intent is that the threshold of significant harm must be more than a mer

possibility. It must be supported by a reasonable evidentiary basis.

4.4. EIA practice, at both domestic and international levels, includes d ifferent

approaches to determining “significance”, often referred to as “screening” in

EIA parlance. One approach is to identify certain activities that, by virtue of

their scale or risk, are automatically subject to an EIA. The Espoo Conv

for example, provides a list of activities that might require assessment
. 29A

similar approach is used in the European Community EIA Direc tive,30and is

acknowledged as an appropriate mechanism in the Guidelines for Biodiversity

Inclusive Impact Assessment under the CBD. 31 Other domestic EIA systems,

such as those in the US (NEPA) and Canada (CEAA), also contain manda

inclusions, as well as exclusions, from the requirement to conduct an EIA.

Other approaches to determining significance in EIA practice include the use of

initial environmental assessments, or the use of criteria such as the si
ze of

activity, its location, and the nature of the potential environmental risks.

4.5. International law does not dictate the manner by which significance is

determined, but rather, in keeping with the due diligence obligation, requires

27Espoo Convention, supra n.19, Appendix III; ILC Draft Articles, ibid. Art 7, Comm. 9.
28Espoo Convention, supra n.19, Art. 2.
29Espoo Convention, supra n.19, Article 2(3); and Appendix 1
31EC EIA Directive, supra n.25, Article 4.
Conference of the Parties to the CBD, Decision VIII/28, “Impact Assessment: Voluntary guidelines on
biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment”, UN Doc. UNEP/CBD/COP/8/31, (CBD EIA Guidelines) Art.


14 Annex 1

that each state have a reasoned process for the determination of significance that

accounts for the contextual nature of that determination. Thus, while th

threshold of “significant adverse harm” is intended to be objective, state practice

indicates that states retain some discretion in determining the screenin


4.6. It is true that the Espoo list (Appendix 1) includes, “motorways” and “expres

roads”, as well as “deforestation of large areas”. 32However, the definition of the

road-related terms in Appendix 1 would exclude a road, which does not meet the

definition of “motorway” or “express road”, provided in Appendix 1. It is also

unlikely that the clearing activities associated with an ordinary road (as distinct
possibly from an expressway) would amount to “deforestation of large areas ”.

In other words, were the Espoo Convention to apply (which it does not), Costa

Rica would not owe a obligation to conduct an EIA, but rather would at m
owe a duty to engage in “discussions” with a concerned party.

4.7. I am informed that under Costa Rican law, in the absence of an emergency, a

road of this kind would have been subject to an EIA. This is not evidence in and

of itself of a significant transboundary impact, which should be determi
ned in

accordance with the international standard.

4.8. In this regard, I would note the following:

(a) The onus to demonstrate that the threshold to trigger an EIA has been met is on
the state invoking the EIA obligation in question.

33Memorial, Footnote 474
34Espoo Convention, supra n.19, Appendix 1.
Environmental Diagnostic Assessmen t, section, Counter -Memorial, v.2, (noting that a total of
83.2 hectares of forest were cut down). See also Report by Astorga and Mende, “Route 1856: Analysis of
the Change in Land Use Based on Satellite Images Before and After the Construction of the Border
Road”, August 2013, Counter-Memorial, v.2, Annex 3, Section 3 (“Conclusions”).
36Ibid, Article 2(5)
Pulp Mills Case, supra n.2, para. 162


15Annex 1

(b) The harm must be both “significant” and “transboundary” in n
ature. Harm to

terrestrial ecosystems due to deforestation and harm to ecosystem components
located within the state of origin are not transboundary. Indirect impacts may be

relevant, but where alleged, the connection between domestic impacts and

consequential transboundary harm must be demonstrated.

(c) In the present case, the principal transboundary impact alleged relates to the

impact of increased sedimentation loading to the San Juan River. It is for the

Court to apply the law to the facts as found: I would simply say that in
creases in

the existing sediment load of a river which fall within the range of natural
variability of that river are unlikely to rise to the level of substanti
al harm. This

is not a case where toxic wastes or other deleterious substances are int

rather, on one view the river is transporting somewhat more by way of sediment

than it would have done had the road not been constructed. In such a ca
se, proof

of deposition would not seem sufficient to cross the EIA threshold of significant

or even appreciable transboundary harm. Indeed I note Professor Thorne’s

conclusion that the impact of the road on sedimentation loading was “
in practice
indiscernible”. 37

(d) A number of the factors identified by Nicaragua are directed primarily at

concerns respecting the impacts on biological diversity. In relation to whether

the Road presents “significant adverse effects on biological diversity”, the

threshold under Article 14 of the CBD, Nicaragua has presented little di

evidence. Using the screening criteria identified in the CBD Voluntary
Guidelines on Biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment, there is little or no

specific evidence of 1) biological changes that would increase the “
risks of

extinction of genotypes, cultivars, varieties, populations of species, or the

chance of loss of habitat or ecosystems”, 2) activities that would “
surpass the

maximum sustainable yield, the carrying capacity of a habitat/ecosystem
or the

37 Thorne Report, November 2013, Costa Rica Counter- Memorial, Annex 9, para.1


16 Annex 1

maximum allowable disturbance level of a resource, population or ecosystem, or

3) activities that would “result in changes to the access to, and/or
rights over

biological resources”. 38

5. The presence of an emergency exception in international law

5.1. I am asked to comment specifically on the existence and scope of an emer

exception for EIA application. Costa Rica has argued that States have the
possibility to exempt activities from EIA requirements in the face of an

emergency, having regard in particular to the role of national law in EIA

determinations. 39 Nicaragua takes the position that the discretion afforded to

States to determine the content of EIAs does not extend to emergency

exceptions and that such an exception is tantamount to invoking an internal law

to avoid an international obligation. 40

5.2. In my opinion, emergency exceptions to EIA requirements should be understood

and interpreted in light of state practice, which consistently recognize
s the

ability of states to exempt specific projects under particular circumsta

namely activities undertaken in relation to natio nal security and civil

emergencies. The practice in this regard is recognized in both internati
onal EIA

practice and in domestic EIA practice. In particular:

(a) The Antarctic EIA regime contained in Annex 1 to the Protocol on

Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty includes the following

provision, entitled “Cases of Emergency”, which exempts emergencie
from the EIA requirements of the treaty:

1. This Annex shall not apply in cases of emergency relating to

the safety of human life or of ships, aircraft or equipment and
facilities of high value, or the protection of the environment,

38CDB EIA Guidelines, supra n.31, section 1.2(a) “Screening”
39Counter-Memorial, para. 5.14.
Memorial, paras.5.23-25.


17Annex 1

which require an activity to be undertaken without completion of

the procedures set out in this Annex.
2. Notice of activities undertaken in cases of emergency, which
would otherwise have required preparation of a Comprehensive

Environmental Evaluation, shall be circulated immediately to all
Parties and to the Committee and a full explanation of the
activities carried out shall be provided within 90 days of those

(b) The Espoo Convention contains, in paragraph 2(8), a provision that

retains for states the rights to implement domestic laws to protect

“information the supply of which would be prejudicial to industrial a

commercial secrecy or national security”.

(c) The Kiev Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (to the Espoo

Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary

Context) includes a provision which exempts plans and programmes

otherwise subject to assessment in cases of “civil emergencies”. 42

(d) Article 4(6) of the Draft Protocol on Environmental Impact Assessment

in a Transboundary Context to the Framework Convention for the

Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea reserves the

rights of the Parties to implement laws in the “ interests of national

security”. 43

(e) Article 1(3) of the EC EIA Directive provides that states may decide on a

case-by-case basis to exempt the Directive from “projects or parts of

Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, 4 October 1991, 30 I.L.M. 1455 (1991),
42nex 1, Article 7.
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact
Assessment in a Transboundary Context, 21 May 2003, U.N.T.C. No. 34028, in force 11 July 2010, Art.
43Protocol on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context to the Framework
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Ca spian Sea, Draft prepared for
Conference of the Parties, Fifth Meeting, 28 -30 May 2014, UN Doc. TC/COP5/4 Rev.1, Art. 4(6)


18 Annex 1

projects, having defence as their sole purpose, or to projects having the
response to civil emergencies as their sole purpose”.

(f) The pioneering United States statute, the National Environmental Policy

Act contains in its regulations (40 C.F.R. 1506.11), a provision entit

“Emergencies”, which states:

Where emergency circumstances make it necessary to take an

action with significant environmental impact without observing
the provisions of these regulations, the Federal agency taking the
action should consult with the Council about alternative

arrangements. Agencies and the Council will limit such
arrangements to actions necessary to control the immediate

impacts of the emergency. Other actions remain subject to NEPA

(g) Other national EIA legislation that has an emergency exemption includes

Canada 45, Australia,46 Mexico, Chile, Paraguay, and Peru,9 50as well

as Nicaragua’s own EIA legislation, which contains an emergency
exemption in Article 12.

5.3. Given the widespread incorporation of emergency exemptions to EIA

requirements in international and national instruments, the exemption appears to

be a standard part of the EIA process. The international obligation should,

45EC EIA Directive, supra n.25.
CEAA, supra n.25.
46 Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, (Cth.), s.158(5) , (Acts of
Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, No.91, 1999, as amended).
Reglamento de la ley ge neral del equilibrio ecológico y la protección al medio ambiente en materia de
48A, (Federal), Art.7, (Mexico, Reglamentos le Leyes Federales Vigentes, No.100)
Ley General de Bases del Medio Ambiente, Ley 19 300, Art. 15 , (Chile, Congreso Nacional de Chile,
49Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental, Ley 294, Art. 9, (Paraguay, Congreso de la Naciona Paraguaya,

Deevaluaciondeimpactoambientalydecretoreglamentario.pdf )
50Ley del sistema nacional de EIA y su reglamento, Art. 81 , (Peru, Congreso de la Republica del Peru,
51Costa Rica Counter Memorial, v.3, Annex 25
The Report prepared by W. Sheate for Nicaragua acknowledges that “[a] number of EIA regimes
across the world – the European Union, the United States of America, for example – have exemption
clauses in relation to civil emergencies or projects associated with national defence, so osta Rica’s


19Annex 1

therefore, be interpreted to be subject to the right of states to incorp
orate an

emergency exemption. The inv ocation of an emergency exemption to the

requirement to conduct an EIA is distinct from an invocation of the rule

necessity. It is a reflection of international and state practice in rel
ation to EIA,
which contemplates that EIA requirements shall not apply to activities arising in

circumstances of emergency.

5.4. While the specific exemption originates in domestic law, this is not a case where

an internal law is invoked to excuse an international obligation : it is the

international obligation itself that includes the right of states to exempt activities

under conditions of civil emergencies and national security concerns. The

exemption applies without distinction between domestic and transboundary

harm. The non-application of Article 2(4) of the EC EIA Directi ve to
transboundary harm (noted in Sheate’s Report 53) relates to a much broader

exemption related to non-application of EIAs in “exceptional circumstances”.

Pointedly, the more applicable exemption found in Article 1(3) does not contain

a similar qualification, and would therefore apply to any harm regardless of


5.5. The presence of an emergency exemption in international law is consisten
t with

the obligation of states to use due diligence. In the case of an emergen
cy, it is

not “reasonable” nor within the degree of care “expected of a good
Government” to require it to delay urgent activities in order to conduct an EIA.

The exemption is consistent with the deference that international law pr
ovides to

states to determine the contents of their EIA instrum ents, as it leaves it up to

states to determine whether and how they shall implement an emergency


exercise of an emergency exemption per se is not particularly unusual”. Sheatesupra n.13, p.27
(references excluded).
53Sheate Report, supra n.13, p.27.


20 Annex 1

5.6. The extent of the exemption varies from instrument to instrument, but ge

allows activities that relate to national security and civil emerge ncies to be

exempted from EIA requirements. 54 The exemptions do not define what

circumstances would constitute an emergency, but reviewing the exemption

granted under the U.S. EIA system, the circumstances are diverse, and in

the creation of flood protection measures in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,

Navy sonar training necessary for training exercises, the mass eradication of fish

populations in the face of disease outbreaks and fire road construction
in the
face of fire threats.

6. A State’s Legal Obligations in Emergency Circumstances

6.1. In circumstances where an activity has been exempted from EIA requiremen
the proponent may still be under an obligation to use an alternative ass

method to identify and mitigate any potential significant adver se harm

associated with the activity. 56 The requirement for an alternative assessment is

not consistently present in international and domestic EIA practice. In
many of

the EIA systems containing emergency exemptions, the legislation does no

impose any further obligation. However, in the case of NEPA and the EC EIA

Directive’s “exceptional circumstances” exemption (but not its
defence and civil

emergencies exemption), there is a requirement for the proponent to und

some form of alternative assessment. None of the exemptions contained in

international instruments require an alternative assessment , although the
Antarctic requirements include subsequent reporting measures . It can be

argued that given the uneven approach to alternative assessments, intern

law does not require an alternative assessment. But the better approach in my

view is that an alternative assessment method is consistent with a state
’s due

54See, for example, Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council Inc. 129 S. Ct. 365 (2008) .
55Council on Environmental Quality, “Alternative Arrangements Pursuant to 40 CFR Section 1506.11 –
Emergencies (2008), available https://ceq.doe.gov/nepa/eis/Alternative_Arrangements_Chart_092908.pdf
56This approach is found in NEPA and in the EC EIA Direct ive.
Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, supra n.41, Annex 1, Arti


21Annex 1

diligence obligation, as it represents a state’s reasonable effort in light of the

emergency circumstances.

6.2. In the present case Costa Rican law required the preparation of an alternative

assessment, which was in fact done through the carrying out of an

Environmental Diagnostic Assessment (EDA) of the road project. On the basis

of the available facts, the EDA appears to meet the requirements of an

alternative assessment; in particular the assessment was carried out by

independent experts and had as its aim the identification of environment
al risks
associated with the road and any required mitiga tion measures necessary to

address those risks.

6.3. I stress in this regard that alternative assessment is intended to provide a

different form of assessment than a prior EIA that nonetheless enables a state to

meet its due diligence requirements. By its very nature, an alternative

assessment is not likely to be undertaken on an ex ante basis, but rather will take
the form of an assessment that is carried out during or after the projec
t is

completed. The same reasons by which the ICJ found it best to not prescribe the

contents of an EIA suggest that the state of origin should have some dis

to determine the form and contents of the alternative assessment, while

regard to the nature and magnitude of the proposed development and its l
adverse impact on the environment as well as to the need to exercise due

diligence in conducting such an assessment”. 58



22 Annex 1

7. References

International Legal Instruments

Agreement between United States and Canada on Air Quality, Ottawa, March
13, 1991,

Can TS 1991 No. 3, 30 ILM 676, entered into force March 13, 1991
Convention for Co-operation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and
Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region, Abidjan, Mar
ch 23,

1981, 20 ILM 746, entered into force August 5, 1984
Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment
of the
Wider Caribbean Region, Cartagena de Indias, March 24, 1983, 22 ILM 221,

into force October 11, 1986
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Area of the
South-East Pacific, Lima, November 12, 1981, International Environmental Legal

Materials and Treaties 981, entered into force May 19, 1986
Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment o
f the South

Pacific Region, Noumea, New Caledonia, November 25, 1986, 26 ILM 25, entered
into force August 22, 1990
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context
, Espoo,

Finland, February 25, 1991, 30 ILM 802, entered into force January 14, 1
Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution, Buchare
st, April 21,
1992, 32 ILM 1110 (1993), entered into force January 15, 1994

Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea
Helsinki, April 9, 1992, entered into force January, 17, 2000 Final Act of the

Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, 14 ILM 1307 (1975)
Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the
Sea, Tehran, November 4, 2003, entered into force August 12, 2006,

www.caspianenvironment.org/newsite/Convention- FrameworkConventionText.htm
Kuwait Regional Convention for Co-operation on the Protection of the Marine
Environment from Pollution, Kuwait, April 24, 1978, 1140 UNTS 133, 17 IL
M 511

(1978), entered into force July 1, 1979
Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, Madrid, Oc
tober 4, 1991,
30 ILM 1461, entered into force January 14, 1998

Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Envi
Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, adopted May 21, 2003, U.N.T.C.

No. 34028, entered into force July 11, 2010
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, Ramsar, Iran,
February 2,
1971, 996 UNTS 245; 11 ILM 963, entered into force December 21, 1975


23Annex 1

Regional Convention for the Conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
Environment, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, February 14, 1982, 9 EPL 56, entered
into force
August 20, 1985

United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, Rio de Janeiro, June
5, 1992, 31
ILM 818, entered into force December 29, 1993

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Montego Bay, December 1
0, 1982,
21 ILM 1261 (1982), entered into force November 16, 1984

United Nations Convention on the Non-Navigational Uses of International
Watercourses, New York, May 21, 1997, 36 ILM 719, not yet in force Unite
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, New York, May 9, 1992, 3
ILM 851 (1992), entered into force March 21, 1994

Other International Instruments

UNEP Goals and Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment, UNEP Res.

GC14/25, 14th Sess. (1987), endorsed by GA Res. 42/184, UN GAOR, 42nd
UN Doc. A/Res/42/184 (1987)
International Law Commission, Report of the Fifty-second session, UN Doc. GAOR

A/55/10 (2000)
International Law Commission, “Commentaries to the Draft Articles on
Prevention of

Transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities”, ithReport of the International Law
Commission. Fifty-Third Session, UN GAOR, 56 Sess., Supp. No. 10, UN Doc.
a/56/10 (2001)

Conference of the Parties to the CBD, Decision VIII/28, “Impact Asses
Voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment”, UN Doc.

Protocol on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context t
o the
Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian
Sea, Draft prepared for Conference of the Parties, Fifth Meeting, 28-30 May 2014,

UN Doc. TC/COP5/4 Rev.1

National Legislation

National Environmental Policy Act, 42 USC §§ 4321-4370(f)
European Council Directive 85/337 on the Assessment of the Effects of Ce
rtain Public

and Private Projects on the Environment, [1985] O.J. l 175/40. Subsequen
amended by EC, Council Directive 97/11, EC, Council Directive 03/35, and
Council Directive 09/31


24 Annex 1

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, SC 2012, c.19.
Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, (Cth.)
(Acts of
Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, No.91, 1999, as amended)

Reglamento de la ley general del equilibrio ecológico y la protecció
n al medio ambiente
en materia de EIA, (Federal) (Mexico, Reglamentos le Leyes Federales Vigentes,

Ley General de Bases del Medio Ambiente, Ley 19 300 (Chile, Congreso Nacional de
Chile, http://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=30667)

Ley 294 Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental, (Paraguay, Congreso de la Naciona
Paraguaya, http://www.gat.org.py/gat/baseslegales/LeyN-294-

Deevaluaciondeimpactoambientalydecretoreglamentario.pdf )
Ley del sistema nacional de EIA y su reglamento, (Peru, Congreso de la Republica del
Peru, http://www.minam.gob.pe/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Ley-y-reglamento-del-


Domestic Cases

Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council Inc. 129 S. Ct. 365 (2008)

Other References

Council on Environmental Quality, “Alternative Arrangements Pursuant
to 40 CFR

Section 1506.11 – Emergencies (2008), available


25Annex 1

8. Statement of Independence and Truth

8.1. The opinions I have expressed in this Report represent my true and complet

professional opinion. Where I have relied on instructions or on information
supplied to me by another person, I have noted this in my Report.

8.2. I understand that my overriding duty is to the Court. I have complied and will

continue to comply with that duty.

8.3. I have set out in my Report what I understand from those instructing me
to be
the questions in respect of which my opinion as an expert is required. I

done my best, in preparing this Report, to be accurate and complete. I have

mentioned all matters that I regard as relevant to the opinions that I h

expressed. I consider that all the matters on which I have expressed an

are within my field of expertise. I have drawn the attention of the Court to all
matters, of which I am aware, which might adversely affect my opinion.

8.4. In preparing this Report, I am not aware of any conflict of interest act
ual or

potential which might impact upon my ability to provide an independent e
xpe rt


8.5. I confirm that I have not entered into any arrangement where the amount

payment of my fees is in any way dependent on the outcome of this procee

8.6. In respect of matters referred to which are not within my personal knowl
edge, I

have indicated the source of such information.

8.7. I have not, without forming an independent view, included anything which
been suggested to me by others, including those instructing me.

8.8. At the time of signing this Report I consider it to be complete and accu

subject to any qualifications noted herein. I will notify those instruct
ing me if,

for any reason, I subsequently consider that the Report requires any mat
correction or qualification.


26 Annex 1

8.9. I understand that this Report will be the evidence that I will gi ve, if required,
under oath, subject to any correction or qualification I may make before

swearing to its veracity.

8.10. The substance of all facts and instructions given to me which are materi
al to the

opinions expressed in this Report or upon which those opin ions are based are

reflected in my Report.

8.11. I confirm that I have made clear which facts and matters referred to in

Report are within my own knowledge and which are not. Those that are wit

my own knowledge I confirm to be true. The opinions I have expressed

represent my true and complete professional opinion.

Professor Neil Craik, LL.B, LL.M, SJD
University of Waterloo
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development and Basillie School of


14 January, 2015


2728 ANNEX 2

Professor Ian Cowx

Ecological Impacts of Route 1856 on the San Juan River

December 2014

2930 Annex 2

Independent Expert Report concerning

Evidence of Impacts on the Aquatic Ecology of
the San Juan River, Nicaragua due to

construction of Route 1856 in Costa Rica

11 December 2014

Prepared by:

Prof. Ian G. Cowx

Hull International Fisheries Institute

University of Hull, UK

Hull International
Fisheries Institute

31Annex 2

32 Annex 2


 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 2

  About the author ..................................................................................2

  Background ......................................................................................... 3

 FISH AND FISHERIES ....................................................................................4

  Background information on the San Juan River relevant to aquatic biota 4
  Regional fish biodiversity ( sensu Bussing (2002) and Angulo Sibaja (2014)) 4

  Fish diversity in San Juan River .......................................................... 5
  Responses to Nicaragua’s Reply with respect to fishes ...................... 8

  Discussion and Conclusions ............................................................. 12

 MACROINVERTEBRATES ...........................................................................14

  Introduction........................................................................................ 14

  Review of Blanca Ríos Touma (2014) ‘Ecological Impact of the Route 1856 on
the San Juan River, Nicaragua’ – The Ríos Report....................................14
  Responses to Nicaragua’s Reply with respect to Macroinvertebrates17

  Discussion and Conclusions ............................................................. 18

 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 19

 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..............................................................................20

 REFERENCES............................................................................................... 20

 STATEMENT OF INDEPEN DENCE.............................................................. 24



33Annex 2


1.1 About the author

Professor Ian Cowx: received his BSc Hons in Zoology specialising in Freshwater
Fisheries from the University of Liverpool UK and PhD on Management and Ecology of
Fish in the River Exe from the University of ExeterHe was subsequently employed as
a Fisheries Biologist with Severn Trent Water and Senior Lecture in Fisheries studies

at Humberside College of Higher Education before moving to the University of Hull in
1989. Professor Cowx is now Director of the University of Hull International Fisheries
Institute, Hull UK and Adjunct Professor at Michigan State University .

He has extensive experience in management strategies for freshwater ecosystems in
both developed (UK, Europe and Australia) and developing (Africa and Asia) countries
and considerable consultancy experience in rehabilitation techniques for freshwater

fisheries, integrated aquatic resource management planning, environmental impact
assessment (particularly associated with water resources development schemes), and
aquaculture extension. He is currently working on the impact of climate change and
hydropower dam development on the fisheries of the lower Mekong Basin. In addition,

Professor Cowx teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Fisheries
Ecology, Inland Fisheri es Management, Fisheries Resources, and Aquatic Ecology.
He is currently researching into fish capture techniques, stock assessment for
management purposes, rehabilitation of inland fisheries , impact of dams on tropical

fisheries, and aquatic resource management planning, including recently on Lake
Victoria in East Africa, Kafue Flats River in Zambia Bangweulu wetlands in Zambia and
Shatt Al-Arab wetlands in Iraq.

He has worked for a wide range of clients including Worked for a wide range of clients
including The European Commission DG Fish, DG Environment, UK Department of te
Environment and Rural Affairs, World Bank, GEF, United Nations Food and Agriculture

Organization [FAO], UNDP, DANIDA, Mekong River Commission, UK Department for
International Develop ment (DFID), Environment Agency and numerous national
governments and consultancy companies.

He is the Editor in Chief of Fisheries Management and Ecology , a fellow of the Institute
of Fisheries Management and a Chartered Environmentalist . In 2012 he was recipient
of the International Fisheries Science Prize in honour of life time contribution to
fisheries science and conservation (an awarded endowed only once every 4 years by

World Council of Fisheries Societies) and was awarded an Honorary PhD from
Michigan State University (USA) for services to Inland Fisheries..In 2008 he won the
American Fisheries Society award for outstanding contribution to international inland

fisheries management.

Professor Cowx’s short curriculum vitae is included in Appendix 2.


34 Annex 2

1.2 Background

In the ‘Construction of a Road’ case, Volume I , Section 2.31 of the Memorial of

Nicaragua 2012) and Volume I, Chapter II, Section B of the Reply of Nicaragua (2014)
Nicaragua makes various assertions concerning the ecological consequences for the
San Juan River of the construction of 1856 (the Road) project. In 2011 Nicaragua

argued that “the road seriously affects the environm ent and the rights of Nicaragua.”
and that “If the project is not ceased it would have irreversible and transcendental
ecological and environmental consequences. ” 1. In the same document, Nicaragua went

on to specify the nature of the ecological impacts in two of seven, numbered

“3. Impact over the hydrological resources, particularly affecting fishing in the

river because of the changes in the quality of the water.

7. Decrease or alteration of the aquatic life due to the water cloudiness resulting

from the sediments of the road construction .”

In annexes to its Reply of August 2014, Nicaragua submitted evidence relating to

ecological damage to the San Juan River which it alleges has been caused by the
Road. The relevant documents are :

¥ Annex 1 to Nicaragua’s Reply: which is a Report prepared by Dr G. Mathias

Kondolf entitled , “Erosion and Sediment Delivery to th e Rio San Juan from
Route 1856”, July 2014 (the 2014 Kondolf Report); and

¥ Annex 4 to Nicaragua’s Reply; which is a Report by Dr Blanca Ríos Touma,
“Ecological Impacts of the Route 1856 on the San Juan River, Nicaragua”, July
2014 (the Ríos Report).

This report provides an independent expert assessment of the concerns expressed by
Nicaragua about the impact of the ro ad construction on the aquatic biota of the San

Juan River and the supporting evidence provided in the 2014 Kondolf and Ríos

This repo rt does not comment on planning or construction issues , which are outside

the area of expert knowledge of the author. It focuses on examining the ecological
evidence presented in the 2014 Kondolf and Ríos Reports to allege the existence of
ecological harm to the San Juan River in Nicaragua . The evidence provided by the

2014 Kondolf and Ríos Reports centres on fish and macroinvertebrate communities
and assemblages, and their vulnerability to high and variable suspended sediment
concentrations and loads. As t his report is responsive to Nicaragua’s allegations, it

focuses on these aspects of the aquatic ecology of the San Juan River . Where
evidence for impacts to aquatic ecology within Costa Rica presented by Professor
Thorne in its 2013 EDA are considered, thi s is purely to help inform consideration of

the potential for harm to the San Juan River. This report acknowledges and builds on
the insightful comments made by Arturo Angulo Sabaja and Bernald Pacheco in their
2014 reports on fish and macroinvertebrates, respectfully.

1 NM, para. 2.31, quoting Diplomatic Note from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua, to the Minister
of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, Ref: MRE/DVS/VJW/0685/12/11, 10 December, 2011, NM, Annex 16.


35Annex 2


2.1 Background information on the San Juan River relevant to aquatic biota

The climate of the basin of the San Juan River below Lake Nicaragua is characterised by
high precipitation throughout the year, but especially during the rainy season. Reflecting

this, flow in the San Juan River is relatively high between July and December and low er
between March and May. This typifies the flood pulse concept as a major driver of
ecological processes in tropical rivers of this region (J unk et al. 1989; Junk 2000) to which

the biota are well adapted (Bussing 2002) Downstream of Lake Nicaragua tributaries join
the main stream from both sides of the basin. Major tributaries draining from the south
(Costa Rica) originate in mountains that ar e volcanically and tectonically active, mainly
running through upland valleys before confluencing with the San Juan River . Tributaries

draining from the north drain smaller basins with lower relief. Low order streams in the
mountains are characterised by naturally high sediment loads due to upland erosion
processes that are especially active during the rainy season. The San Juan River itself,

which drains Lake Nicaragua , also exhibits a high natural sediment load, largely fed by its
tributaries and especially those draining from the mountains to the south of the river . The
San Juan River bifurcates at Delta Costa Rica and its waters and sediment load are

discharged unequally through two sites: the smaller fraction flows to the Bay of San Juan
del Norte in Nicaragua and the greater fraction flows to the estuary of the Colorado River in
Costa Rica (PROCUENCA-San Juan 2004).

The pH of river water in the region usually varies between 6.5 and 7.4 and total hardness
of 25 to 70 mg/L (Bussing 2002). While many rivers in the region drain basins affected by
development (i.e. deforestation, agriculture, urbanisation and domestic and industrial

pollution), w ater qualityin the rivers of Costa Rica is generally good and is rarely a
determinant factor in fish distribution.

2.2 Regional fish biodiversity (sensu Bussing (2002) and Angulo Sibaja (2014))

A number of studies have been carried out on the fisheries of Costa Rica. Diversity is
generally relatively low compared to the sub-tropical region of the wor ld, probably due to

convergence of neo -tropical species from the South and North American continents
coupled with geographical features that restrict colonisation. The fish fauna of the rivers in
the region are characterised by a few species representing a wide range of famili es,

suggesting ecological niches have been widely exploited. For example, in the Térraba
River basin, Rojas and Rodriguez (2008) found 33 species from 14 families of fishes , with
Cichlidae (n = 5), Characidae (n = 4) and Poecili idae (n = 3) the most divers e families. The
authors demonstrated that environmental variables such as temperature, dissolved

oxygen, seasonality (winter -summer) and proximity to the sea, were the key determinants
of the structure and composition of fish communities in this basin. Despite the catchment
producing a high sediment yield - 404 t/km 2/yr (Bonatti et al. 2005), Rojas and Rodriguez

(2008), found no measurable effect of suspended sediment concentration or load on the
dynamics and structure of fish populations in the Térraba Riv er drainage system . The
same was found for the Rio Frio despite the basin producing an even higher sediment yield
of 897 t/km /yr (Ortin et al. 2009). The Rio Frio was found to support a total of 52 species
(Angulo et al. 2013), with Cichlidae (n = 15), Po eciliidae (n = 9) and Characidae (n = 8) the
dominant families in terms of total number of species and relative abundances (Garita &

Angulo 2009, Saenz et al. 2009).

Villegas (2011) came to similar conclusions with respect to abundance of fish species in
rivers of the south western, Pacific region of Costa Rica and concluded that fluctuations in

environmental conditions, including suspended sediment loads and concentrations, were
normal characteristics of these dynamic ecosystems , which had no effect on fish
abundance, richness, distribution and diversit y.


36 Annex 2

The high sediment yields in these catchments result from a combination of geology
(including tectonic activity), steep terrain, land -use patterns and rainfall (Ortin et al. 2009)
Sediment loads are not onl y high but highly variable. For example , Tiffer-Sotomayor (2005)

reported dramatic increases in the mean concentrations of Total Suspended Solids (TSS),
dissolved solids and Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC), from basal flow levels of
120 mg/l to as much as 6000 mg/l during flood events in the Aranjuez river basin (located

in the Central Pacific region of Costa Rica), and other basins in the country including those
of the Reventazon, San Carlos and Sarapiqui Rivers (PROCUENCA-San Juan 2004,
Jimenez et al. 2005). It should be noted that the fish assemblages of these river basins ,
which are characterized by high SSCs, comprise similar species or species groups to

those found in the San Juan River (Bussing 2002; Rojas & Rodriguez 2008 ; Saenz et al.
2009; Angulo et al. 2013).

In summary, it appears from an initial review of the relevant literature that the fish fauna in
rivers of the region are well adapted to the seasonal fluctuations in environmental
conditions, including high catchment sediment yields and suspended sediment loads and

concentrations, especially during the wet season .

Although no information specific to the fish fauna in the San Juan River w as found, the fish
fauna mentioned in the papers reviewed comprise similar species or species groups to

those found in the San Juan River. This is not unexpected given the similar topography
and hydrology of the rivers and biogeography (colonization and distribution processes) of
the region. Hence, it seems likely a priori that fish fauna in the San Juan River are also

well adapted to the seasonal fluctuations in environmental conditions, including high
catchment sediment yields and suspended sediment loads and concentrations.

2.3 Fish diversity in San Juan River

The fish species assemblages of Costa Rica, an d the San Juan River, specifically, have

been comprehensively described by Bussing (2002) and Angulo et al. (2013). The fish
fauna originated from a convergence of north and south American species assemblages
(Bussing 2002; Angulo et al. 2013). In total, 81 species have been described for the San

Juan River basin, of which 54 are exclusively freshwater ( Appendix 1 ). The fauna is
dominated by Cichlidae (n = 1 7), Poeciliidae (n = 13) and Characidae (n = 9). There are no
species endemic only to the catchment. The ecological characteristics and tolerances of

the main fish families are summarised in Table 1, overleaf.

A similar pattern in terms of diversity and high levels of sediment transport occurs in
adjacent basins of the San Juan River macro- basin, where the values of catchment
sediment yields exceed the 600 t /km /yr (PROCUENCA -San Juan 2004). For example, at
the Terron Colorado stat ion, located on the San Carlos R iver, a catchment sediment yield
of 817 t /km2/yr is reported (PROCUE NCA-San Juan 2004). In San Carlos basin , Bussing

(2002) and Angulo et al. (2013) repo rted a total of 54 fish species. A gain, Cichlidae (n =
15), Poeciliidae (n = 10) and Characidae (n = 8) , dominated.

Most species of fish in the San Juan River are small in size (1, overleaf), growing to less
than 20 cm in length. As a consequence there is only minor commercial exploitation of the
native freshwater fishes (Bussing 2002). Some of the cichlids (the large piscivore

Parachromis spp., locally known as guapote) as well as the tarpon ( Megalops atlanticus ),
Brycon (a characin), mullet ( Joturus pichardi ), robalos ( Centropomus) and roncador
(Pomadasys) are of commercial value , but the majority of these are of marine rather than
freshwater origin.


37Annex 2

Table 1: Ecological characteristics of the main freshwater fish families found in San Juan River

(source: Bussing 2002 and FISHBASE and references therein) .

Family Name Common Characteristics

Atherinidae Silversides Schooling fish that serves as an important source of food for larger

Centropomidae Snook Carnivorous fishes, mainly piscivorous. Are of high sport and
commercial importance.

Characidae Characins, Small and silvery schooling fishes, some with brilliant colours.
tetras Occur in a wide variety of habitats from swamps and large lakes to

small acid streams. Most are carnivorous, but others feed mainly
on plants. Eggs spawned freely in the water, often among
vegetation, although some species practice internal fertilisation and
paren tal care of the eggs and newly hatched fry. Some species
undertake in long seasonal migrations to spawn.

Cichlidae Cichlids Found in pools and along the shorelines of rivers or lagoons where
they live near rocks and undergrowth. Most of the Costa Rica
cichlids are adapted to both the lacustrine environment and rivers;

only one native species, Vieja maculicauda, usually lives in or near
brackish waters close to the sea. They are not found at high
elevations, their greater diversity being below 100 m elevat ion. The
majority of species feed on insects and detritus but the species
locally known as guapote (Parachromis spp) are mainly piscivorous

and are widely sought by fishers due to its size, combativeness and
good flavour.

Eleotridae Sleepers Especially ab undant in estuaries and river mouths; some species
inhabit rivers. Majority are benthic. Typically deposit small adhesive
eggs on stones cleaned by the parents; the male cares for the eggs
by circulating water with its pectoral fins.

Pimelodidae Long Benthic species and usually nocturnal seek ing hideaways between
whiskered roots or undergrowth in dark places during the day . Most species
catfishes are omnivorous and eat aquatic insects, worms and other organic

matter. Reproduces during the first rains of Ap ril and May, mak ing
use of the turbid waters to swim upstream in the rivers until
reaching the smaller creeks to deposit their eggs; it is not unusual
that they reach fields and ditches during the torrential downpours,
being beached by the thousands, in th e grass upon the retreat of
the rain waters. Females lay eggs, on the aquatic vegetation where

they remain deposited for fertilisation and development.
Poeciliidae Live-bearers Most of the live-bearers inhabit puddles or shallow river waters

where there i s little current and much vegetation. Some species
live in brackish waters at the mouths of rivers; others have adapted
to crystalline, cold mountain brooks. Except for Belonesox
belizanus, which is pis civorous, most of the Poeciliids eat insects,
algae or sediments rich in organic matter and microscopic

organisms. Some of these are sold salted an d dried for human
consumption. T he family includes some of the smallest and most
polymorphic vertebrates living.

Rivulidae Oviparous Some species endure extreme conditions such as temperatures of
cyprinodonts, more than 40 ûC and in salinities almost double that of the sea.
rivulins Eggs deposited in the substratum and resistant to desiccation and
when the water dries but hatch on arrival of the rains.


38 Annex 2

Figure 1: Distribution of maximum size of fishes in the San Juan River (Data sourced from Bussing
(2002) and FISHBASE)

Fish species in the San Juan River are mainly insectivores, herbivores and detritivores
(Appendix 1), especially when young, although there are so me specialist feeders (e.g. the

scale eater Roeboides bouchellei ). There are a variety of piscivorous species (Bussing
2002); species such as “guapotes” ( Parachromis dovii and P. managuensis , Cichlidae),
“pepesca gaspar” Belonesox belizanus (Poeciliidae), beaked sardine Bramocharax
bransfordii (Characidae), “barbudos” ( Rhamdia spp.) and gar fish ( Atractosteus tropicus ),

most of them of economic importance and marine origin (Bussing 2002).

Several of these species ( Parachromis spp, Belonesox belizanus and Atractosteus
tropicus, for example), are particularly abundant in lentic (i.e. sluggish or dead water)

environments with high levels of suspended solids and high turbidity (Bussing 2002, Garita
& Angulo 2009, Saenz et al. 2009). These species could thus be tolerant or even adapt ed
to high levels of sediment, to some degree , as suggested by both Chesney (1993) and

Berry and Hill (2003). Indeed, it has been suggested that some piscivorous and
insectivorous fish are better able to forage under conditions of hig h TSS, SSC and hence
turbidity because it makes the predator difficult to detect by the prey (Chesney 1993, Berry

& Hill 2003).

A small number of species are considered vulnerable or threatened in the River San Juan (


39Annex 2

Table 2). The se species have been affected mainly through reduction of habitat as a
consequence of deforestation and the degradation of habitat, including pollution by
(Bussing 2002).


40 Annex 2

Table 2: Conservation status of fish s pecies recorded in the San Juan River (Source: Bussing
2002; Environmental Diagnosis Assessment 2014)
Conservation Status
.Family Species
National IUCN

Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus leucas Limited NT

Centropomidae Centropomus undecimalis Limited

Characidae tortuguerae LC

Cichlidae Parachromis friedrichsthalii LC

Megalopidae Megalops atlanticus VU A2bd
Pristidae Pristis pectinata Limited CR A2cd

Pristidae Pristis perotteti Limited CR A2abcd

Rivulidae Rivulus isthmensis Endangered

Brachyrhaphis olomina Less common
Agonostomus monticola Threatened

Mugilidae Joturus pichardi Less common

2.4 Responses to Nicaragua’s Reply with respect to fishes

The documents submitted with Nicaragua’s Reply make further statements regarding the

fish of the San Juan River and how they may be negatively affected by what is termed
‘pollution’ allegedly caused by increased sediment loads and suspended sediment
concentrations due to construction of the Road . This section examines the relevance and

validity of these statements and the evidence presented in Volume II, Annex 1 of the Reply
to support them, with respect to the potential for ecological damage and disruption of
ecosystem functioning in the San Juan River.

In The 2014 Kondolf Report, Dr Kondolf states that,

“Increased delivery of coarse sediment (gravel, sand) to rivers can cause aggradation of

the river channel and burial of important aquatic habitats (USDA Forest Service 1999,
Ziemer & Lisle 1992, Madej & Ozaki 2009 ). Increased fine sediment (clay, silt, sand) can

¥ reduced exchange of stream and shallow groundwater by clogging gravel and sand

¥ burial and loss of aquatic vegetation;

¥ increased turbidity, reduced light penetration, and consequently, reduced primary

productivity, which can have effects up the food chain;

¥ loss of periphyton and consequent impact on the food chain;

¥ loss or reduction of macroinvertebrate populations ;

¥ infiltration of fine sediments into formerly clean gravel substrate needed by aquatic

macroinvertebrates, juvenile fish, and other organisms as habitat;


41Annex 2

¥ clogging and damage to gills of fish from high concentrations of suspended sediment;

¥ reduced ability of fish to recover from wounds;

¥ disrupted reproduction in some fish by damaging or smothering eggs and larva e
and/or affecting adult fishes’ reproductive behavior (e.g . visual mate recognition);

¥ impaired ability of certain fish to locate food as a result of decreased visibility; and

¥ alteration of the balance of fish species present in a given location.

(e.g., Wood and Armitage 1997, Yamada and Nakmura 2002, Cederholm et al. 1981,
Petts 1984, Brookes 1986, Van Nieuwenhuyse and Laperriere 1986, Henley et al.
2000, Kemp et al. 2011)

These statements are no more than a summary of the fish-sediment literature and are not
put into the context of the extant situation of the aquatic biota and ecosystem processes in

the San Juan before, during and after construction of the Road . For this list to be
meaningful, each factor needs to be related to each species in the San Juan River and its
habitat/environmental tolerances, rather than simply implying that these generic outcomes

apply to this river and context.

High and variable sediment loads and SSCs may be a naturally occurring phenomenon
due to seasonal weather patterns , but can also be caused by broad scale catchment

development involving agricultural expansion, farming intensification and deforestation
(Collins et al. 2011, Kemp et al. 2011).

In rivers with high natural sediment loads, especially in the rainy season, fish species and

communities are well-adapted to the local sediment regime. There are numerous example s
from across the globe where rivers that transport massive sediment load s during their wet
season support diverse fish communities and abundant fish populati ons (e.g. Lowe-

McConnell 1977, Payne 1986 and Welcome 2001, and references therein).

In this context, Bussing stated in 2002 that erosion in the San Juan basin is a natural

phenomenon and local fishes are adapted to high turbidity during flooding in the r ainy
season. That said, if catchment erosion has accelerated in the decade since Bussing’ s
study, this could potentially affect certain species directly (for example, by clogging gill
filaments) and/or indirectly (for example, by reducing productivity and lowering the habitat

diversity necessary to sustain a diverse and abundant ichthyo fauna).

In my opinion, t o establish whether catchment erosion (due to economic development or

any other change in catchment land use) has increased sufficiently to significa ntly affect
the fish species that inhabit the San Juan River, a reliable, multi-decadal record of
catchment sediment yields and river sediment loads (including their seasonal variability)
would be required . It is my understanding that no such records exist for the San Juan


Notwithstanding this, it is known that t he concentration, duration of exposure, composition

and particle size of the sediment load in a river have strong impact s on the biota present
(Chapman et al. 2014). Fine sediment loads are k nown to have direct and indirect impacts
on freshwater fish with varying survival response s across different species within the same

family, and this is why many species living in rivers with naturally high and variable loads
are well adapted to th ose conditions (Kemp et al. 2011 and literature therein) , a point made
in the 2013 Thorne Report (Appendix A to Costa Rica’s Counter -Memorial) that is
disagreed with in the 2014 Kondolf Report (I will return to this disagreement later, having

considered the evidence available).


42 Annex 2

It is recognised that e nhanced fine suspended solids can cause clogging of fish gills or
bring contaminants in to the water (Collins et al. 2011), which can lead to fish kills
(Buermann et al. 1997 , Lake & Hinch 1999) , though rarely is a de cline in abundance
observed (Chapman et al. 2014). Mortalities can also occur due to localised, natural

events, for example a type of sudden and massive fish mortality, locally known as the
‘borrachera’, occurs in the middle reaches of the Pilcomayo River (Gran Chaco) almost
every year at the onset of the rainy season. This is mostly due to extremely high

suspended sediment concentrations (greater than 100 g/l) that clog the gills of vulnerable
fish species (Swinkels et al. 2012), though the fish community as a whole is unaffected
because this is resilient even to extreme SSCs (Buermann et al. 1997, Lake & Hinch 1999 ,

Swinkels et al. 2012, Chapman et al. 2014).

Below, further points arising from my literature review are discussed in detail with respect
individual arguments in the 2014 Kondolf Report.

Dr Kondolf contests the statements in 2013 Counter Memorial of Costa Rica t o the effect
that, “sediment is not a pollutant. Rather, the contribution of sediment to a river such as the
San Juan is a natural proc ess, and one which is essential to the life of the River. This

process is commonly regarded as beneficial. ( Counter Memorial of Costa Rica, ¶3.4. )”
Costa Rica cites an article by Dr Kondolf (see Counter -Memorial of Costa Rica, footnote
128).. In contest ing these statements Dr Kondolf states in Section 8 of the 2014 Kondolf

Report (page 63) that:

“These statements are not correct. While rivers have a natural sediment load, and

eliminating this natural sediment load by trapping sediment in an upstream dam can
have impacts on the downstream channel (the subject of my 1997 article), it is a
different matter when sediment loads are increased as a result of anthropogenic
activities. In such cases, sediment is treated as pollution by environmental regulators

and international organizations. This is because unnatural sediment contributions to
bodies of water can be harmful to water quality, aquatic life, and other receptors .”

I agree that eliminating the natural sediment load or increasing the sediment load to a
water body can be harmful to aquatic life, but Dr Kondolf does not provide any evidence to
distinguish between the contribution s of natural and unnatural loading to the San Juan
River, nor does he provide any direct evidence that any unnatural loading has resulted

solely from construction of the Road . As to the latter, t here is a clear need todistinguish
between the contribution of ‘unnatural’ loading from Road construction and that originating
from, for example, land use change s in catchments draining to Lake Nicaragua and the

San Juan River.

This is important because i t is globally acknowledged that sediment plumes running into

coastal waters support primary productivity and ultimately fish productivity ( Rose &
Summers 1992, Houde and Rutherford 1993 , Nixon & Buckley 2002 . Lane et al. 2004,
Wissell and Fry 2005, Piazza and La Peyre 2007 , Kimmerer et al. 2009) . Any increase in
sediment output from the San Juan is thus likely to increase fisheries productivity in the

Caribbean especially inshore around the outlets of the lower San Juan and Colorado
Rivers. A similar scenario exists for freshwater systems but is less well explored. The best
evidence of increased productivity is that shown for the Tonle Sap River in the Mekong

Basin, where Kummu et al. (2005, 2007 , 2010) have demonstrated a strong, positive
relationship between sediment loading and fisheries productivity.

On page 64 of the 2014 Kondolf Report, it is stated that, “Increased turbidity has had

important consequences on cichlids, as many use vision to maintain a feeding territory,
obtain a mate, or defend offspring. Some cichlid species change their behavior depending
on turbidity levels (Gray et al. 2012). ” To illustrate this point, Dr Kondolfuses examples

from: Seehausen et al. (1997) re ferring to t urbidity interfering with mate choice, relaxing
sexual selection, and block ing mechanisms of reproductive isolation ; and similar visually


43Annex 2

mediated speciation events having been documented in Central American cichlid faunas
(Barluenga & Meyer 2004 , Geiger et al. 2013).

However, I consider these examples have been taken entirely out of context and that they

are not relevant to the San Juan River. Seehausen et al. (1997) refers to sexual selection
in the multi -species flock of haplochromine [Cichlid] fishes ( which includes 300-500
different species) in Lake Victoria that rely on clear water all year round for visual

identification of partners that have very specific colour patterns . In this example, water
clarity was not reduced by an unusually high SSC. It wa s disrupted by eutrophication that
generated a dense algal bloom that blocked light penetration , which is an entirely different
phenomenon. In slit laden rivers with high and variable SSCs, resident species of the

Cichlid family differ from those in Lake V ictoria in that they have adapted to reproductive
isolation through habitat segregation. In the San Juan , the cichlid species occupy different
habitats for breeding and there is no evidence they require clear water all year round to


On the same page, Dr Kondolf also argues that,

“In a non- native cichlid, Oreochromis niloticus , elevated turbidity levels caused higher
concentrations of lysozyme in blood (a potential indication of stress) (Dominguez et al.
2005). Reduced growth and survivorship have b een documented at comparatively

higher turbidity levels (Ardjosoediro & Ramnarine 2002). Reduced primary productivity
(a consequence of higher turbidity levels) can lead to lower fish yields in ponds with
relatively high turbidity (Teichert -Coddington et al. 1992).”

These are all site-specific experiences , and any fish would be stressed by adverse
environmental conditions .

At the foot of page 64 in his 2014 Report, Dr Kondolf writes about fishes in the family
Mugiliidae, stating that:

“Fishes in the fami ly Mugiliidae typically spawn at sea and carry out longitudinal

migrations into rivers. Different life stages are adapted to different environmental
conditions and change their habitat and dietary requirements as they develop. The
proportional abundance ad ults and juveniles of mountain mu gilliid Agonostomus

monticola in the Costa Rican Térraba River Basin can be affected by differences in
water volume and turbidity levels, with mullids needing well -oxygenated, flowing
waters with low turbidity (Cota Ribeiro & Umaña Villalobos 2010). ”

The clue to identifying the flaw in this example is indicated by the common name of this
species of Mugiliidae, which is mountain mugilliid. This particular species of the Mugiliidae
family is unusual in that it lives in mountain streams. Unlike most Mugiliidae, this species

does not inhabit large, lowland rivers. There is then little similarity between the upland
streams where this species is found and the San Juan River . It is all very well inferring that
construction of the Road will impact on a named species of fish, but evidence that this is

physically possible is required to support that argument , such as a map of the distribution
of the mountain mugiliid in relation to the Road.

On page 65 of his 2014 Report, Dr Kondolf suggests that members of the family

Poeciliidae would be adversely affected because ,

“Similar to cichlids, many poecilids utilize visual cues for mating and feeding, which

can be affected by changes in water turbidity (Campos Valera 2013; Heubel & Schlupp
2006; Hubbs 1999).”

It is accepted that many poeciliids are visual predators of insects, but others consume plant

material and organic matter but also typically inhabit nearshore, calm -water habitats


44 Annex 2

among submerged vegetation. This is evident from the revi ew of the ecology of the species
found in the San Juan ( see Appendix 2). Both trophic groups can be affected by increased
water turbidity but the key issue here is the habitat occupied by these species. In the San
Juan basin, most of the live bearers (Poeciliids) live in s treams and brooks of low to

moderate current velocity and/or stagnant waters , puddles , creeks and river shorelines,
over soft bottoms (Bussing 2002) . These are habits mostly found in and around tributary
watercourses and wetlands rather th an in the main channel of the San Juan River. It is

unlikely that such habitats in Nicaraguan tributaries and wetlands would be affected by any
additional sediment entering the San Juan River from the Road.

The commercial species exploited in the basin ar e some of the cichlids (the large piscivore

Parachromis spp., locally known as guapote) as well as the tarpon (Megalops atlanticus ),
Brycon (a characin), mullet ( Joturus pichardi ), robalos ( Centropomus) and roncador
(Pomadasys), the majority of which are of marine origin. Unfortunately, lack of any

commercial or artisanal catch data precludes assessment of possible impact, but it is my
opinion these fisheries are unlikely to be impacted by marginal changes in suspended
sediment loads or concentrations. If t hey were to be affected, an increase in the

suspended sediment load is more likely to be beneficial than detrimental to the fisheries of
the coastal area through delivering nutrients that promote primary production (Rose &
Summers 1992, Houde and Rutherfor d 1993, Nixon & Buckley 2002 , Lane et al. 2004,
Wissell and Fry 2005, Piazza and La Peyre 2007 , Kimmerer et al. 2009).

2.5 Discussion and Conclusions

There are a number of claims made by the Nicaraguan Memorial and Reply with respect to
the impact of sediment on fish and fisheries in the San Juan River . The statements
presented in the 2014 Kondolf Report to support these claims are either over-generalised,

fundamentally flawed or misinterpret the peer review ed literature. Arguments in the 2014
Kondolf Report a re unsupported by empirical evidence from the San Juan River itself and
those based on the published literature are often taken out of context.

The San Juan River exhibits an annual hydrograph with a wet season flood pulse typical of
tropical rivers and its sediment load is consistent with this, being naturally high and variable
(Bussing 2002). The fishes of the San Juan River are well adapted to seasonal ly variable

sediment loadings (Bussing 2002). Their life cycles and behaviour s are phased to either
benefit from or avoid these natural environmental stressors: i.e. the fish assemblage is
adapted to a certain degree of high turbidity during flooding in the rainy season (Bussing

2002). This finding is consistent with statements in the 2013 Thorne Report and contrary to
the arguments put forward in the 2014 Kondolf Report.

The main species of fish found in the river adjacent to the Road have not been explicitly

defined by Nicaragua’s experts , and it would require intense research using specialist gear
to dete rmine them. They are , however, likely to b e dominated by cichlids, poecili ids and
characids. These species are generally small sized with little commercial value, and are

not threatened species (IUCN Red List: http://www.iucnredlist.org/initiatives/freshwater ).

It seems likely th at coastal fishery is more productive than inland fishery, mostly due to
exploitation of snook and sport fisheries for tarpon. These fisheries are unlikely be affeced

by any additional sediment loading, and indeed may be enhanced by any enrichment of the
coastal waters.

My literature review, together with close inspection of literature cited in the 2014 Kondolf
Report, provides the basis to evaluate Dr Kondolf’s gene ral statement on page 64 that,

“What the literature actually demonstrates is that some of the most prevalent fish known to

exist in the Río San Juan (as reported in Procuenca 2004 and the EDA, Annex 10), such


45Annex 2

as Cichlids, members of the family Mugiliidae, and Poeciliids, are vulnerable to increases

in turbidity and suspended sediment. ”

What the literature actually demonstrates is that Dr Kondolf’s statement is a gross over-
generalisation. While some members of the families of fishes he names are vulnerable to

increases in turbidity and suspended sediment , others members of those families are
adapted to high sediment loading and this is illustrated through the species specific review
summarised herein and reported in detail in the references cited.

Empirical data on the species impacted with particular reference to the San Juan River are
required to justify and substantiate claims of any long -term impact of construction of Route
1856 on the fish and fisheries of the river. No such data ha ve been provided by
Nicaragua’s experts. The examples used as evidence are general and unspecific to the

San Juan River and the species that inhabit it.

In conclusion , there is no evidence that the fish and fisheries of the San Juan have
or will be impacted by construction of Route 1856.


46 Annex 2


3.1 Introduction

The aim of this section is to re-examine evidence presented in the Ríos Report (2014)
related to the impact of the Road on macroinvertebrates in the San Juan River

3.2 Review of Blanca Ríos Touma (2014) ‘Ecological Impact of the Route 1856 on the
San Juan River, Nicaragua’ – The Ríos Report

The Ríos Report present s the results from a macroinvertebrate sampling programme
undertaken on 17 ‘delta’ sites along the banks of the San Juan River . Nine sites are
located at the South bank and eight sites at the North bank.

Macroinvertebrate samples were collected over a two-minute sampling period using a D-
net ( kick net). In addition to macroinvertebrate, Chlorophyll a, water temperature, pH,
conductivity and substratum char acteristics (d16, d50, d84 a sorting index (d84/d16) were

recorded. Some of the primary data are included within the report , allowing readers the
opportunity to explore some of the patterns recorded directly , although the variability
revealed by the minimum-maximum values in Table 3 suggests that this is not appropriate.

The following macroinvertebrate community measures are used as dependent variables in
a series of statistical analyses:

¥ taxa richness,

¥ abundance,

¥ number of EPT taxa, and

¥ EPT abundance.

Based on the results presented , the following are reported to be significantly lower at the
sites at the southern bank compared to sites on the north ern bank:

¥ Chlorophyll a

¥ Richness (Number of Taxa)

¥ Abundance

It is notable, however, thatscores for richness (less than 10 at all sites) and abundance
(average of less than 100 individual s per sample) are both low and variable (see min-max

values in Table 3 and the data plotted on the y-axes in Figures 8 and 9 in the Ríos Report).

Mean values for the fol lowing macroinvertebrate community indices are reported to higher
at the North Bank, though they were found not to be significantly higher statistically:

¥ EPT Richness

¥ EPT Abundance

¥ Shredder abundance

¥ Collector-gatherer abundance

Given the low overall richness and abundance scores noted above, I would advise that the

higher EPT richness and abundance scores and the higher abundances of shredders and


47Annex 2

collector- gatherers apparently found at the northern bank are potentially misleading and

cannot reliably be used to infer that the environments and habitats differ between deltas on
the northern and southern banks.

However, there are more compelling reasons for treating the results of this study with


First, the d ata listed in Table 1 of the Ríos Report (reproduced here as Table 3) indicate

that for 6 of the 8 ‘pairs’ of deltas (1A, 2A, 3A, 6A, 7A and 8A), catchment drainage area s
at the southern bank delta are lower than that at the northern bank.

Table 3 : Table 1 from the Ríos Report. “A” points corresp ond to deltas formed at the

southern bank of the San Juan and “B” points correspond to deltas formed at the northern

This is important because the size of the contributing basin affects the quantities, qualities
and time variation of water, sediment and nutrients supplied to the delta , which largely

influence the environmental attributes and habitat provided by a delta. Differences in the
drainage areas of deltas will influence, and are probably in part responsible for, differences
between site s lo cated at the north ern and south ern banks. These differences in


48 Annex 2

contributing drainage area should have been considered in Dr Ríos’ study and it appears
that they were not. They call into question whether the ‘paired’ northern and southern bank
deltas were actually comparable.

Differences in drainage areas also represent a potentially confounding factor (co- varying
factor) that does not appear to have been considered in the statistical analysis and is a
central issue raised in the technical critique by Fonseca (2014).

The co-varying nature of the drainage are as could have been controlled for in some way
(e.g. using Analysis of Covariance [ ANCOVA], as suggested by Fonseca (2014) ), but with
only two groups and a relatively small sample size this would be sensitive to the high

values associated with some of the sites and samples. A preliminary examination of the
data presented by Ríos (2014) in Table 1 (Drainage area), Table 2 (Chlorophyll a), Table 3
(Average Richness, Abundance) was explored but th e data represent averages of

averages and the variability for individual sites appears to be large ( see max-min values in
Table 3 of Ríos 2014). Ríos concluded that macroinvertebrate abundance on deltas on the
Nicaragua bank were higher than those on the Costa Rican ba nk. However , the low
number of samples, low abundance and richness (plus the high within site

variability reported in Ríos Table 3) suggest that all of the sites are 'dynamic' and variable.
In addition, only three comparisons are significant (and these may be influence by drainage
area). Although a number of statistical test s have been used (and other s suggested in the

response document by Paul E. Gutierrez Fonseca) the data do not appear appropriate and
the majority of 'patterns' are marginal. Consequently, the data lack statistical robustness to
discriminate any significant differences between locations/deltas .

Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling ( NMDS) is used to explore differences in community
composition in association with the environmental variables. The results suggest some
apparent differences , but the fauna associated with these differences are not identified and

none of the environmental parameters reported are statistically significant (Table 4). This
pattern could also be related to drainage are a.

Furthermore, in addition to ignoring the effects of catchment size, the Ríos’ study also fails
to consider the effects of terrain, natural vegetation and land use onphysical, chemical and
biological processes and environments in streams and the deltas they build. This is
particularly relevant because streams on the Costa Rican side of the San Juan are more

likely to be impacted by steep terrain, deforestation or agricultural development than those
on the Nicaraguan side , which drain lower basins mostly covered in rain forest. For
example, in comparing deltas, Ríos (2104) chose to compare macroinvertebrate

assemblages between a northern bank (Nicaraguan) delta with dense, intact forest cover
(Reserve Indio Maiz) with a n adjacent southern bank (Costa Rica n) delta that receives
runoff from a basin impacted by extensive agriculture and livestock activities.

Basin area and l and use are two important and influential variables that Dr Ríos overlooks
in her analysis, and her failure to consider them reduces con fidence in her conclusion that
differences between the macroinvertebrate communities sampled on northern and

southern bank deltas can be attributed to degradation of aquatic communities in the San
Juan River by sediment eroded from the Road .

This problem i s further exacerbated because Dr Ríos chose to sample on the deltas only,
yet any increased sediment would be expected to influence the entire river bed and its
benthic macroinvertebrate communities across the whole river profile .

Other statements in the Ríos Report regarding the sensitivity of invertebrate taxa and the
assertion that abundance of sensitive taxa is higher on the north bank are also
questionable on the grounds that these taxa have very low abundances generally and EPT

richness is particularly low across all sites.


49Annex 2

3.3 Responses to Nicaragua’s Reply with respect to Macroinvertebrates

As with fish ( dealt with in S ection 2.3, above ), the 2014 Kondolf Repot includes a number
of definitive statements concerning the impact of construction of Route 1 856 on

macroinvertebrate fauna in the San Juan River.

On page 65 of his 2014 Report, Dr Kondolf describes the use of macroinvert ebrate fauna

as indicators of environmental degradation, but he misses the point that
macroinvertebrates are much better bio-indicators of adverse impacts o f water quality than
they are of deterioration of hydromorphology (Bonada 2006 ; Resh 2008) . Evidence

collected during multiple, integrated projects carried out in the E uropean Union to derive
methodologies for implementation of the Water Framework Assessment ( see for example:
WISER [http://www.wiser.eu/], REFORM [ http://www.reformrivers.eu/ ], and REFRESH
[http://www.refresh.ucl.ac.uk/ ]) have demonstrated the limitations of macroinvertebrates as

bio-indicators of the hydromorphological status of rivers. Consequently, care must be taken
when interpreting the results of macroinvertebrate studies in the San Juan River as
indicators of adverse effects due to the building of micro -deltas at the mouths of some

tributary streams.

This i s particularly significant because of Dr Kondolf’s over -reliance on using of
macroinvertebrates to infer that the Road has had significant hydromorphic impacts on the

River. For example, on page 65 of his 2014 Report Dr Kondolf concludes that:

“The heavy l oads of suspended sediment have a negative effect on algal and

macroinvertebrate communities in the Río San Juan, as evidenced by differences in
ecological communities established on deltas on the north bank, at the mouths of
streams draining forest preser ve in Nicaragua, which are not affected by Rte 1856,

contrasted with those established on the south -bank deltas, which are affected by
sediment eroded from the road. ”

To support his conclusion, Dr Kondolf cites evidence from the Ríos (2014) Report, which

reports to have:

“found that macroinvertebrates had much higher species richness and abundance, and

importantly, much higher EPT abundance and richness, on deltas on the north side of
the Río San Juan, than on the south -bank deltas impacted by sediment from the road.”

Dr Kondolf explains the significance of the EPT results thus,

“EPT refers to the orders Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies), and
Trichoptera (caddisflies), which are known to be sensitive to sediment and other
pollutants, and thus are important indicators of water quality. ”

EPT fauna are indeed important indicators of water quality , but they are less reliable in
indicating hydromorphological impacts due to the accumulation and dynamics of

hydromorphological features, such as sedime nt deltas.

The point here is that not only are the EPT richness and abundance scores very low for all
the deltas studied (as discussed in the review of Dr Ríos’ study above) to the point that

they lack statistical robustness ( as discussed by Fonseca 2014), but also differences
between northern and southern bank deltas are probably more logically attributed to
differences water quality in streams draining to the deltas that are attributable to contrasts

in basin areas, vegetation and land use. The failure of Dr Ríos’ study to control for
confounding factors such as the effects of agricultural development thereby becomes
doubly significant.


50 Annex 2

3.4 Discussion and Conclusions

Dr Ríos’ Report appears to show differences between macroinvertebrate communities (and
associated parameters) on deltas at the North and S outh banks of the San Juan River.

However, the findings of Dr Ríos’ study and both her and Dr Kondolf’s interpretations of
those findings are compromised by the fact that the drainage area s of the northern bank
deltas are systematically larger than those of the southern bank deltas and because the

study does not consider or account for the effects of natural vegetation and catchment land
use on stream water quality and delta habitat. It is contended here that t hese confounding
factors may account , at least in part, for the differences that Nicaragua attribut es to

sedimentation from the Road .

Further, the low number of samples, low abundance and richness (plus the high within site
variability reported in Table 3) suggest that all of the sites are 'dynamic' and variable. While

multiple patterns and differences are reported only three are statistically significant (and
these may in any case be attributed to differences in drainage area, natural vegetation and
land use). Although a number of statistical test s have been used, I would question whether

the data are sufficiently robust to support these tests and, in any case, the majority of
'patterns' are marginal. I note that Fonseca (2014) has come to the same conclusi on.

In my opinion, differences in the macroinvertebrate communities on the deltas are to be

expected because these hydromorphic features are highly dynamic and experience
contrasting flow and sediment inputs due to the flashiness and variability of runoff from the
micro-basins that drain to them . It issurprising, however, that there is low species

abundance and that more Diptera larvae ( Chironomidae, Simuliidae ) were not found,
especially since a 500 micron net was used.

In summary , I consider that the Ríos (2014) Report does not provide the evidence
necessary to prove that construction of the Road has adversely impacted the benthic
macroinvertebrates living in sediment deltas along the southern bank of the San Juan
River. Differences between bio- indicators for the northern and southern bank deltas are

equivocal and most lack statistical significance, even from tests that are relatively weak . If
differences do exist, these are probably related more to contrasts in the size, vegetation
and land use of the mi cro-basins that drain to the deltas and, particularly to contrasts in

water quality associated with agricultural activity in south bank tributary streams that is
absent from streams draining to the north bank. It is therefore unsound for Dr Kondolf to
conclude that Road-derived sediment has had negative effects invertebrate communities in

the San Juan River.

Given the problems I have identified with Dr Ríos’ study, it is recommended that a more
robust monitoring protocol is adopted to consider whether the Road has had any impact on

macroinvertebrates. The key for any future sampling and monitoring is to control for the
confounding factors I identify above. This should include the following:

¥ Employ standard 3- minute kick samples covering all the available h abitats
(standard approach used in many parts of the world – if abundance is low then
increase the time (up to 5 -min). This should be supplemented with 1 minute of hand
sorting for anything attached to rocks.

¥ In locations not affected by the kick sampling (upstream) collect five Surber
samples from riffle habitats (or similar for the system). This will provide fully

quantitative data. ( However: this may be a pointless task if the low densities
reported by Dr Ríos are accurate).

¥ The selection of sites shoul d be randomised and not specific to the river outlets.
This biases the data because of contributing catchment size and land use . Sites
beyond the stream outputs, i.e. upstream and downstream of the mixing of input


51Annex 2

tributaries, should be selected to accountfor the full range of habitat s in the main

river, although I suspect that these habitatsmay have been avoided because of
depth and difficulty in sampling. Consequently , lift pumping or Ekman grabs (ithe
bed is sandy) should be employed as alternative s ampling methods.

¥ In addition sampling should take place within the tributary streams to account for
the precise source of the sediments. This should include sampling upstream and
downstream of streams draining from the Road to create upstream control versus

downstream impacted sites. If the tributaries are not stable or dry up it would be
appropriate to use the main channel (but this may be too deep to use standard
methods if it is not wadeable)

¥ For all sites measure flow velocity, water depth, pH, conducti vity, dissolved oxygen,
turbidity, light, shading and substratum characteristics as these are the key
parameters of interest in terms of the study and affect the distribution and

abundance of macroinvertebrates. Some strategically placed water samples to
measure suspended load would be sensible (either collected on a regular basis or
triggered by water level to capture events when sediment is moved : classic

hydrological controls).

¥ The analysis should calculate the key metrics: abundance per taxa, BMWP -CR,
and diversity indices. If the data have been collected to control for confounding

factors, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) would be the most appropriate/easy to
follow. This should be supplemented with a multivariate approach either using
Canonical Methods (CA , DCA, PCA CCA) so that the data can be examined

independently and in combination , and related to the environmental variables as
drivers of species assemblages.

4 Conclusion

My independent review provides support for Professor Thorne’s assertion that :

“Fish and other aquatic organisms in the Río San Juan do not find high turbidity
problematic because they are fully adapted to it”

and shows this to be consistent with available literature on the species of fish
known to exist in the San Juan River .

The 2014 Kondolf Report makes over -generalised statements concerning families
rather than species of fish and provides no river or fish species -specific evidence to
indicate that construction of Route 1856 has adversely impacted fish or the fishery

in the San Juan River.

Evidence provided in the Ríos Report that compares environmental bio -indicators
for deltas on the northern and southern banks is largely inconclusive and fails to

provide the robust empirical data necessary to prove that sediment eroded from the
Road has adversely impact ed the aquatic ecology of the San Juan River.


52 Annex 2

5 Acknowledgements

I would like to acknowledge Dr Paul Wood, University of Loughborough, UK
(ttp://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/geography/staff/academic/wood)-p.hfor comments and

additional advice on the sections on macroinvertebrate analysis.


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56 Annex 2


The opinions I have expressed in this Report represent my true and complete professional
opinion. Where I have relied on instructions or on information supplied to me by another

person, I have noted this in my Report.

I understand that my overriding duty is to the Court. I have complied and will continue to
comply with that duty.

I have set out in my Report what I understand from those instructing me to be the
questions in respect of which my opinion as an expert is required. I have done my best, in
preparing this Report, to be accurate and complete. I have mentioned all matters that I

regard as relevant to the opinions that I have expressed. I consider that all the matters on
which I have expressed an opinion are within my field of expertise. I have drawn the
attention of the Court to all matters, of which I am aware, which might adversely affect my

In preparing this Report, I am not aware of any conflict of interest actual or potential which
might impact upon my ability to provide an independent expert opinion.

I confirm that I have not entered into any arrangement where the amount or payment of my
fees is in any way dependent on the outcome of this proceeding.

In respect of matters referred to which are not within my pers onal knowledge, I have

indicated the source of such information.

I have not, without forming an independent view, included anything which has been
suggested to me by others, including those instructing me.

At the time of signing this Report I consider it to be complete and accurate subject to any
qualifications noted herein. I will notify those instructing me if, for any reason, I
subsequently consider that the Report requires any material correction or qualification.

I understand that this Report will be the evidence that I will give, if required, under oath,
subject to any correction or qualification I may make before swearing to its veracity.

The substance of all facts and instructions given to me which are material to the opinions
expressed in this Report or upon which those opinions are based are reflected in my

I confirm that I have made clear which facts and matters referred to in this Report are
within my own knowledge and which are not. Those that are within my own knowledge I
confirm to be true. The opinions I have expressed represent my true and complete

professional opinion.



57Annex 2



2002. 2002.


 Bur 1,1ta1, 2.003.Bussing,
 yer,20 B0u3ss. Rgo,











 habkiteaFpsrhWfeaareerscoesrm cRvishesastet tloihsrrla cfisrrs n
itest ci rracsk so a y ada
iens,tariaoyaastcre sndd alttrsa.taine


  9 7 5.5. 5.5. 101





San Juan River



Trophic Insectiv
ael iveo rns,a ldtivt rms,s
C aslrti o enu tss
rgprlr nflsoivuisr



 m 5
 m 1500
  9 <
 1 5256
 95 nd
  35-­‐  <






Fish speciescies
 ty of the
Spe AnguillO a
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8 Family AnguillA idnaaebApploica eilidae Atherinid
  CarchaC rheintiro eo

58 Annex 2






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  nau9lla8n.derK ,2l0l0939Ke.u
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  -­‐ uding


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o rremrer tuoFrsites
flaityi l
uas ahers
 ors wth eo hri

  7.5 10
  5.5 3.9 8.2 24.4






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uiadt firhs
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:eelefi mOternntifoir cehssl, frmnt,sln
ils, e
 yc ts




  0 5
  503 nd
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 d0 o








Cenutn rdAesctmaunsl
yuasnaBxr nmasouchurasyrca

s bhoilochAemlsp
osn rimstrantuuss




59Annex 2



-­‐o, -­‐o,


ConkelS ,1h92903i
 1Scr, 200i0t3
 C3eo., e0l, 3.lW 39. i3e. ein8s
. l&n
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e r ks,tm, esserhlln
tttbei fllss leos
l .,em .
rds pootu dtdas
ffede l


  8.3 12.5








 itus Omnivo
inivsPistciviPrirese;c deueltc
n srdecsivno



 3 nd








ArccheonctearcrcgscesratruoicHtmetsatscaiicpu mryustrnspilrsosPearrfriisP uichics
oaliris lTroserlesijs snDdocrrlisaouddiicaltort isa




  ClupE eldoateri


60 Annex 2






 9d5.ll. pCias1trg a6r
 usMga, 19C-­‐9.p0o3s.
 n8s F. rra

 i,sokmaBazzcGli, azzec
., azcGlliB zz00kl.,z zn0li,.











carllakts cs a s oisll c terrssr,lnod
orrttndt rs f t r ob dkerwsieteerscgdic lks i ril, rrt.wrhar erststrrs cl arf s,iicye r arivvvr otcirearsclo r kc r fekesr ite
ayt d ettroteist c






Insectiv CoarrnrvsoSaoculsa
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  -­‐  -­‐  00

 35 135





HemielEeu ogtreirsas
 bSayndiuymm nGltyums
raduastlas tMsotrgoas
roonotcatoutschic maodidticuladtah nmicdRrasioegResr





  GerreidGao ebiesociG doabeiidae
 otidaeHaemuLliedpaie soMsteeigdaao
 ilidae Pimelo

61Annex 2






Rodrigu Peazg,e
n0d3aL, 2c0in3da
 2003BussingW ,
 ischnaRto,drigu Perz,u1d9lW7vi.es
 ath, Lt









sagmaalsS arrvatltStlivle littyepe lo r yt fuotwshr
fokts rtt
orvwart o mfr brolttraricer.rs,
ns sdoIrrlhrove r,
egwos nif


7.5 15
  2.5 6






 m -­‐ -­‐
 m -­‐0
 m -­‐ -­‐    -­‐   
  5003 a 5
 600a n0d








aalphrirg erohmyir
aamrhsiuriiea nmicbtrargtlusPrnhi
 syltPhoytesec o




  PristidS aaewfishes

62 Annex 2







StehCm oasntan,, 10909ll0.. GererT, 2n0fi0e3lcr.
 son, &









InshS ow reabmropaosskracllem drs,tapsh tst atr, id aanraaita,








 Universit-­‐  Press
483-­‐ -­‐.

CarnIinvsoercotu ivs







 il. -­‐ental.


 1062-­‐  Kullander


PristR isi
 purliussti bmraarnscshisrast pshallus
 mindii htyologie,



 EDIPBrasil.  Brasil. la

  REFBEoRcEkN mCBaunSsn,i
CerCvo,ignóknes,l .,,,

  RivulidaSeynbraSnycnhgin daatehidae

63Annex 2






















-­‐ -­‐





 174 A
-­‐ -­‐rings.



 of -­‐omayor,
K Kullander,
 555oa.aWhitehead, Wischnath,

64 Annex 2

9 Appendix 2: Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Ian G. Cowx











  1975 -­‐1979







65Annex 2



¥ Iraq:

¥ Zambia:
¥ Iraq:
 Shatt -­‐el-­‐Arab,
¥ Botswana:

¥ Zambia:
  Kafu e

¥ Malawi:
¥ South

  ¥ East
 2004-­‐ 2008)
¥ East
 2003 -­‐2005)
¥ East
¥ East
 1997 -­‐1998)

¥ Ethiopia:
¥ Ghana:
 1997 -­‐2001)
¥ Ghana:

 1996 -­‐1999).

¥ Kenya:
¥ Kenya:
¥ Oman:
 2002 -­‐

¥ South
¥ Sudan:
 2003 -­‐2004)

¥ Tanzania:
¥ Uganda:

¥ Mekong
¥ Mekong

 H ydropower
¥ Vietnam:

¥ Mekong
¥ Thailand:

 2013 -­‐2016)

¥ Mekong
 Pacific Mekong

¥ Laos
¥ Mekong

 2010 -­‐2011)
¥ Mekong
¥ Mekong

¥ India:


66 Annex 2

¥ Thailand:
¥ Bangladesh:

¥ China:
¥ Korea:

¥ Laos:
 1999 -­‐2002)
¥ Malaysia:

¥ Pakistan:
 project ,
¥ Philippines:
 1992 -­‐1995)
¥ Sarawak:

¥ Between
¥ Restoring
 2011 -­‐2015)

¥ Impact
¥ Facilitating

¥ Impact
 2006 -­‐2008)
Europe ¥ New
 2005 -­‐

¥ Development,

¥ Portugal:
¥ Romania:

  ¥ Central

¥ Columbia:
Other Amazonian
 2008 -­‐2011)
¥ Jamaica/St
¥ Impact
 2014 -­‐

¥ Impact

¥ Minimising
¥ Impact

¥ Impact
¥ Impact
 2010 -­‐

UK ¥ Impact
 200 9-­‐2012)
¥ Impact

¥ Reiw
i pact
 run -­‐of-­‐river
 2010 -­‐2011)
¥ Interaction
 2008 -­‐

¥ Factors
 2008 -­‐2011)
¥ Impact
¥ Humber
 2006-­‐ 2007)

¥ Impact
 2007 -­‐2010)
¥ Fisheries


67Annex 2

 2007 -­‐2009)

¥ Development
¥ Uncertainty
  biolo gical

 2006 -­‐2007)
¥ Review
 2006 -­‐2007)
¥ Catchment
 2006 -­‐

¥ The
 2006 -­‐2009)
¥ Impacts

¥ Impacts

¥ Impacts
 tr ibutary
¥ Impacts

¥ Assessment
  r iver
 UK .
¥ Assessment
 ( Alosa

 2005 -­‐2007)
¥ Hybridisation
 ( English
¥ Scoping

¥ Feasibility
 2006 -­‐2007)
¥ Practical

¥ Status
 (Environme nt
¥ Errors
 2004 -­‐2005)
¥ Establishing

¥ Triploid
 (Environmen t
¥ Feasibility

¥ Flow
 (Environ ment
¥ Dispersal
 2004 -­‐2007)
¥ Developing
 2004 -­‐

¥ Development

¥ Ageing
 2003 -­‐2009)
¥ Impact
¥ Fish
 Agenc y,

¥ Development
 2001 -­‐2002).

¥ Impact
 2001-­‐ 2004).

¥ Stock
 1999 -­‐2006)
¥ Bittern,
 1998 -­‐2001)
¥ Factors
 1997 -­‐ongoing)

¥ Impact
 Ire land

¥ Developing

  ( US


68 Annex 2


¥ Development
¥ Guidelines

¥ Code
¥ Guidelines
 2005 -­‐2006)

¥ Guidelines
¥ Stocking


6970 ANNEX 3

Andreas Mende

Inventory of Slopes and Water Courses related to the Border Road N6
between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica: Second Report

December 2014

7172 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses

related to the Border Road Nº 1856

between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica

- Second Report -

Elaborated by: Presented to:

Dr. Andreas Mende Ministry of Foreign AffaCosta Rica
Expert in Geographic Information Systems, Remote

Sensing, Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology
Supported by:

Centro Cientifico Tropical (CCT)

San José - Costa Rica

December 2014

73Annex 3

74 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojó1 II and Delta Costa Rica


This report is an update of the report with the same title which has been part of the

Counter-Memorial presented to the International Court of Justice by the government of

Costa Rica in December 2013 (Mende & Astorga, 2013, Annex 6 to Costa Rica’s Counter -

The first report provided a complete inventory of all cut slopes, fill slope s, and
watercourse intersections (crossings) along Route 1856 between the Mojón II, where the

border road first approaches the San Juan River, and Delta Costa Rica, where it ends.

Statistical data presented within this first report included , for example , the measured

length, estimated height, type of slope or the type erosional features (sheet, rill, landslide or

gully erosion) and its percentages on the surface of each slope. In the case of intersections
of watercourses collected data included the type of structure, the technical state and the

presence/absence of sedimentary/erosional processes.

Applying data on erosion depths and rates of land surface lowering due to sheet, rill,

landslide and gully erosion reported in the UCR Report (2013), the sediment yields from all

the cut and fill slopes that exist along the border road between Mojón II and Delta were

estimated. The sediment yields were, in turn, passed to the ICE working group who used

the yields, together with calculations of sediment yields due to sheet and rill erosion of the
road bed and other disturbed areas, to estimate overall erosion and sediment delivery from

Route 1856 to the San Juan River system (ICE, 2013).

In its Reply of August 2014 to Costa Rica’s Counter-Memorial, Nicaragua criticize d
some aspects of the 2013 Report on the inventory of Slopes and Watercourses . In the

2014 Kondolf Report, a discrepancy is identified between the 2013 UCR erosion rates and

the erosion rates applied in the 2013 Mende and Astorga Report (G. Mathias Kondolf ,

“Erosion and Sediment Delivery to the Río San Juan from Route 1856”, July 2014, Reply of
the Republic of Nicaragua, Volume II, page 53). The erosion rates applied in our 2013

report were in general higher than the 2013 UCR rates and therefore resulted in a more

conservative estimate of erosion from the Road. However, this discrepancy has been

corrected in this Report, and the 2014 UCR erosion rates are now applied without any


Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

75Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojó2 II and Delta Costa Rica

Dr. Kondolf also focused on the way that surfaces of slopes were calc ulated in 2013,

especially the field estimation of height as well as the surface calculation of slopes in

general (G. Mathias Kondolf, “Erosion and Sediment Delivery to the Río San Juan from

Route 1856”, July 2014, Reply of the Republic of Nicaragua, Volum e II, page 54). For this

reason the way slope surfaces were determined has been changed in the present report in

order to provide a more accurate data set.

Within an extended field work campaign on the entire border road between Mojón II and

Delta Costa Rica, carried out between 20 September and 4 December 2014, new field data

were collected for all slopes and intersections of watercourses. In order to give an
impression as complete as possible about the present situation of the border road , data

sheets fo r all slopes and intersections of watercourses are presented in Appendix B

(slopes) and C (intersections of watercourses) . These data sheets include the new field

data as well as photographs that document the present state as well as the state in the

year of 2013.

The last field campaign was executed with better resources and more time so that the

data collection is more complete and accurate. For this reason the new data set comprises

several new intersections of watercourses as well as a few new slopes wh ich were not
included in the 2013 report.

The new base data w ere used to calculate improved Estimated Erosion Rates for all

slopes of the Route 1856. In this context the improved measurements regarding erosion
rates for the different erosional features fro m the UCR team were used as a base (UCR,



In general the methodology of field work, data collection and data management by an
ACCESS data base, as presented in the first report (Mende & Astorga, 2013), has been

maintained for the herein p resented study. The detailed methodology is contained in that

2013 report, and should be read together with this section.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

76 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 bet3een Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica


A crucial critic ism from Nicaragua was the way altitudes and surface areas ofeslop

were determined - principally related to the fact that slope length has been esandated

was not measured (Dr G. Mathias Kondolf, “Erosion and Sediment Delivery to the Río San

Juan from Route 1856”, July 2014,Reply of the Republic of Nicaragua, Volum e II, page

54). This study that was carried out for the 2013 report was the best that could be done

with the available resources, and taking into account difficult weather conditions during the

2013 field visits.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

77Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojó4 II and Delta Costa Rica

In order to address this concern, in this report a new method was used to determine the
surface area of slopes. The two sketches of figure 1 show the details of this method. It is

principally based on the Laser Hypsometer Nikon Forestry Pro. This equipment, widely

used for example in forestry, measure s the elevation difference of one point to the

horizontal or directly between two points. It also may be used to measure actual distances,

horizontal distances and angles of the position of one point to the horizontal or between

two points as seen from the measurement station.

The measurement distance range of the Forestry Pro is between 10 and 500 meters.

For the range between 10 and 100 meters, which is the only one used within this study,

horizontal distances can be measured with a maximum accuracy of 0.5 m while elevation

differences can be measured with a maximum accuracy of 0.2 m. More technical details of
this instrument can be found within the technical manual (https://cdn-1.nikon-dn.com/pdf/

sportoptics/%28232K_2E_ 1204%29ForestryProEnweb_ FINAL.pdf).

In the case of slopes where the road is situated on top of the slope , the direct
measurement of the actual distance from the top of the slope to its bottom - executed with

help of the Forestry Pro - determines the actual slope length L (compare sketch “A” in

figure 1). In every case several measurements were taken in order to determine the most

representative value. The range of values as well as the determined most representative

value were recorded for all slopes. T hese values can be found at the data sheet of every

slope in Appendix B . In cases where the slope length is less than 10 meters , the values
were measured with help of a conventional tape m easure. The surface area A of a slope in

this case is simply the product of its average length L (determined with help of the Forestry

Pro) and its width W (determined during the 2013 field campaign with use of a high

precision GPS).

In the case where the road is situated at the bottom of the slope in question the first step

is to measure the elevation difference E between the top and the bottom of the slope with

help of the Forestry Pro (compare sketch “B” in figure 1). Th en the slope angle α is

measured using a conventional geolog ical compass. As before several measurements

were executed in order to determine the most representative value s. The slope length L

can then be determined using the sinus function:

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

78 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between M5jón II and Delta Costa Rica

Slope length L = elevation difference E / sin (slope angle α).

Right now the surface area A of the slope can be determined as the product of the

calculated slope length L and the slope width W as determined within the 2013 fiel d

campaign with help of a high precision GPS.

Several slopes downstream the Infiernillo River (T-68b, T-69b, T-70b, T-72b and T-74b)

exhibit complex morphologies, so that the before explained methodology to determine the

slope surface area would lead to inacceptable errors. For this reason the working group of

the University of Costa Rica (UCR) used UVA Photogrammetry data to determine the

surface areas of these slopes. Details can be found in the UCR Report (UCR, 2014).



In its Reply of August 2014 to Costa Rica’s Counter-Memorial, Nicaragua also criticized

the categories used to classify the technical state of slopes and intersections of

watercourses. For the 2014 report a new set of categories has been established based

upon the present state of mitigation works , in order to provide a more accurate view to the

present state of the border road. For the reason that the principal question for the
International Court of Justice is whether or not the border road is causing substantial harm

to the San Juan River or any other Nicaraguan t errain, the evaluation of the mitigation

status concentrates on the potential sediment input of any slope or watercourse crossing

into the San Juan River.

The following categories regarding the mitigation status were established:

1) Mitigated: Slope or water course crossing where technical deficits have been

addressed by adequate mitigation measures so that any sediment input of concern into

the San Juan River is stopped or at least substantially reduced.

2) Mitigation in Progress: Slope or watercourse crossing w here mitigation works still

continue until present (December 2014).
3) Mitigation Scheduled: Slope or watercourse crossing where necessary mitigation

works are scheduled but not executed.

4) No Mitigation Necessary: Slope or watercourse crossing without any po tential to

contribute any significant sediment into the San Juan River.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

79Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojó6 II and Delta Costa Rica

5) Other: This last category refers to small scale watercourse crossings within sections of
the border road which exhibit characteristics more close to a trail than a road (compare

section 3 and figure 2 ). It counts for small provisional bridges, small fill prisms with

culverts and crossings without any construction usable only for pedestrians and

animals. There is some erosion and/or sedimentation visible but thanks to the small

size of t hese constructions there isn ‘t any probability that a significant quantity of

sediment can reach the San Juan River.


Fortunately the 2014 field campaign has been executed within a larger time span , with

better resources and - very important - better weather conditions . So this time the entire

road has been examined in detail, a large part of it by means of walking along the road. As

a consequence an additional number of 8 intersections of watercourses were identified. So
in the present report the total number of watercourse crossings is 129, while in the 2013

report the total number has been 121 including the San Carlos and Sarapiquí Rivers. All

these items are located within the segment between Infiernillo River and San Carlos River

where some parts could only be examined superficially during the 2013 field visits. The

segment in question is the less developed part of the border road and exhibits

characteristics more likely to a trail than a road (compare section 3).

For the same reason within the segment between Río Infiernillo and Río San Carlos five

additional slopes were identified. Besides this the slope T -83 has been subdivided in six

segments (T-83a to T -83f) for the reason of varying characteristics. The same counts for

the slope T -114, subdivided in three slopes (T -114a to T-114b) and T -161, subdivided in
two slopes (T-161a, T-161b). So in the present report the total number of slopes is 201,

while in the 2013 report the total number of slopes was 188.

It is important to stress that these additional items are a small improvement of an almost
complete data set. We present the improved base data in order to contribute the the best

information possible.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

80Annex 3

81Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojón II a8d Delta Costa Rica


In figure 2 an overview about the present technical state of the border road is presented,

while table 1 shows the corresponding statistical data. From the 107.6 kilometers between

Mojòn II and Delta Costa R ica 64.5 km (59.9 %) of the road between Mojón II and Delta

Costa Rica ha ve a gravel road bed usable for motor vehicles throughout the year , while

35.1 km ( 32.6 %) exhibit characteristics more likely to a trail than a road, usable

predominantly for pedestrians and animals. Eight km (7.4 %) of the border road at present

has a dirt road bed : these sections can be used by motor vehicles at best during the dry

season, some parts only by pedestrians and animals.

Present State of the Road Length (km) Portion of the entire road (%)

Gravel Road Bed 64.5 km 59.9%

Dirt Road Bed 8.0 km 7.4 %

Trail 35.1 km 32.6 %

Sum 107.6 km 100 %

Table 1: Distribution of road sections with different types of present technical state.

Tables 2 and 3 show the actualized statistical data about the number and density of

slopes and watercourses within the four segments as defined in the 2013 report: (1) Mojón

II to Río Infiernillo (13.8 km), (2) Río Infiernillo to Río San Carlos (27.6 km), (3) Río San

Carlos to Río Sarapiquí (43.6 km) and (4) Río Sarapiquí to Delta Costa Rica (22.6 km).

Apart from small insignificant changes the same pattern as in the 2013 rep ort can be

seen: The highest density and number of watercourses and slopes are found in the

Sections 1 and 2, while Section 3 has an intermediate fashion. Section 4 shows very low

values regarding slopes and watercourses. The only notable changes are conce ntrated in

Section 2, where within same parts the lack of time and bad weather conditions did not

allow a detailed field examination during the 2013 field campaign (Total Slope Length 8.7

km instead of 7.9 km resulting in a slope density of 31.5 % instead of 29.0% and 43 instead

of 35 intersections of watercourses resulting in 1.6 instead of 1.3 intersections per km).

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

82 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojón II and Delta 9osta Rica

Section Slopes Slopes (total Slopes (percentage of
Road Section Length (km) (number) length) segment road length)

Section 1 - Mojón II to 13.8 km 62 9.4 km 67.8 %
Río Infiernillo

Section 2 - Río
Infiernillo to Río San 27.6 km 64 8.7 km 31.5 %


Section 3 - Río San 43.6 km 66 6.8 km 15.7 %
Carlos to Río Sarapiquí

Section 4 - Río
Sarapiquí to Delta 22.6 km 9 1.2 km 5.4 %

Costa Rica

Sum 107.6 km 201 26.1 km

Table 2: Spatial distribution of slopes along the border road Nº 1856 in function of 4 established road


Section Water Courses Number of Water
Road Section Length (km) (number) Courses per Kilometre

Section 1 - Mojón II to 34 2.5
Río Infiernillo 13.8 km

Section 2 - Río
Infiernillo to Río San 27.6 km 43 1.6


Section 3 - Río San 43.6 km 42 1.0
Carlos to Río Sarapiquí

Section 4 - Río
Sarapiquí to Delta 22.6 km 10 0.4

Costa Rica

Sum 107.6 km 129

Table 3 : Spatial distribution of watercourses along the border road Nº 1856 in function of 4

established road sections.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

83Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between M10ón II and Delta Costa Rica



In order to present an update regarding the spatial distribution of all slopes and

intersections of watercourses a set of 16 maps at a scale of 1:15.000 is presented

integrating the results of the 2014 field work campaign. This map set is based on the land

use map actualized in 2014 which was g enerated by Mende within the frame of the new
CCT report (CCT, 2014).

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

84 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Moj11 II and Delta Costa Rica

Figure 3: Updated version of the Overview Map with the locations of all
Slopes and Water Course Intersections along the 1856 Road between
Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

85Annex 3

86Annex 3

87Annex 3

88Annex 3

89Annex 3

90Annex 3

91Annex 3

92Annex 3

93Annex 3

94Annex 3

95Annex 3

96Annex 3

97Annex 3

98Annex 3

99Annex 3

100Annex 3

101Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojón II an28Delta Costa Rica



In this section the present state of the road is represented by means of statistical

treatment of the base data about slopes and intersections of watercourses.


According to the new base data there are 129 intersections of watercourses along the

road b etween the Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica, including those at San Carlos and

Sarapiquí Rivers, which are exceptionally large and which are, therefore, excluded from

further statistical treatment.

2014 2013

Type Of Structure Water courses Water courses Water courses Water courses
(number)* (%) (number) (%)

Bridge combined with fill 27 (-8) 21.3 % 35 29.4%

Bridge with no fill 5 (+ 4) 3.9 % 1 0.8%

Culvert with fill prism 72 (+ 24) 56.7 % 48 40.3%

Fill prism 7 (- 9) 5.5 % 16 13.4%

Fill prism with tree-trunks 4 (+ 1) 3.1 % 3 2.5%

No construction 12 (- 4) 9.4 % 16 13.4%

Sum 127 100 119 100

Table 4: Statistical data regarding the type of construction used for intersections of watercourses

and the changes between 2013 and 2014. ( *: the second value (…) represents the changes

between 2014 and 2013).

The structural conditions of the watercourse intersections including the changes

between 2013 and 2014 are summarized in Table 4. The results show that in 2014 the

numbers of principally acceptable structures increased substantially: in 2014, 7 2 crossings

count now with “culvert s with fill prisms”, which is 24 more than in 2013. Five crossings

instead of one show “bridges with no fill”.

In addition, the number of questionable types of construction were reduced: “fill prisms”

7 instead of 16 ( -9) and “no construction” 12 instead of 16 ( -4). At the same time “bridges

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

102 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojón II 29d Delta Costa Rica

combined with fill” reduced from 35 to 2 7 (-8). In these cases mostly provisional wood

bridges were replaced by adequate culverts with concrete heads (see the C -6 or C -21

crossings as examples in the appendix C).

Water courses Water courses
Present Mitigation Status
(number) (%)
28 22.0 %
23 18.1 %
Mitigation in progress
31 24.4 %
Mitigation scheduled
24 18.9 %
No mitigation necessary
21 16.5 %

Sum 127 100.0 %

Table 5: Present Mitigation Status of structures used for crossing of watercourses in the case of the

border road.

The present mitigation status is represented in table 5: here 74.8 % (95) of all crossings

are or already mitigated (28 crossings or 22.0%), in progress of mitigation (23 crossings or

18.1%), do not need mitigation (24 crossings or 18.9%) or are pedestrian crossings without

relevance (21 crossings or 1 6.5%). In the case of 31 crossings (24.4%) the necessary

mitigation works are scheduled but not executed yet.

In conclusion the statistical data for intersections of watercourses between Mojón II and

Delta Costa Rica show a clear pattern of improvement compared to the situation in the

year of 2013. There is still mitigation work to do but at least in almost 7 5% of all crossings

mitigation works are finished, in progress or not necessary. Details of the present situation

of all crossing can be found in the corresponding data sheets of appendix C. Changes

between 2013 and 2014 can be verified by means of included photographs.


According to the new base data of the 2014 field work campaign the total number of

slopes between Mojòn II and Delta Costa Rica is 201. The change in comparison to the

2013 data base (188 slopes) has been explained in section 2.3. Based on the new method

of slope surface area determination, as explained in section 2.1, the total slope surface

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

103Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojón II and 30lta Costa Rica

2 2
area is 309,313 m , of which 165,247 or 53.4% is affected by sheet erosion, 63,692 m or
2 2
20.6% by rill erosion, 59,310 m or 19.2 % by gully erosion and 19,278 m or 6.2% by
Landslides. 1,786 m or 6.2% is not affected by any type of erosion.

Types of Erosion Slopes (Area m ) Slopes (Area %)

None 1,786 0.6

Sheet Erosion 165,247 53.4

Rill Erosion 63,692 20.6

Gully Erosion 59,310 19.2

Land Slides 19,278 6.2

Sum 309,313 100

Table 6: Statistical data regarding the types of erosion present at the slopes identified along the

border road between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica.

The current mitigation status of the slopes along Route Nº 1859 exhibits a similar pattern

as the intersections of watercourses (table 7): in the case of 71.1% (143 slopes) of all

slopes mitigation works are or already finished (25 slopes or 12.4%), in progres s of

mitigation (107 slopes or 53.2%) or do not need mitigation measures (1 1 slopes or 5.5%).

On the other side for 58 slopes or 28.9% of all slopes mitigation works are scheduled but

wait for implementation. Details about the executed mitigation measures are listed in

table 8.

Current Mitigation Status Slopes (number) Slopes (%)
25 12.4 %

Mitigation in progress 107 53.2 %

Mitigation scheduled 58 28.9 %

No mitigation necessary 11 5.5 %

201 100.0 %

Table 7: Current Mitigation Status of slopes of the border road.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

104 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojón II 31d Delta Costa Rica

Mitigation Measures
Slopes (number) Slopes (%)

Mitigation Measures (in general) 142 70.6 %

Geotextiles 26 12.9 %

Drainage Control 26 12.9 %

Stabilization by Terraces 22 10.9 %

Sediment Traps 19 9.5 %

Sowed Vegetation 37 18.4 %

Natural Vegetation 121 60.2 %

Table 8: Present conditions of the different mitigation measures on the slopes of the border road.

A summary of the present situation regarding all slopes between Mojón II and Delta

Costa Rica can be found in the corresponding data sheets of appendix B. Changes

between 2013 and 2014 can be verified by the photographs included (Appendix B).



In the 2014 report the UCR team presents improved estimations of erosion rates for the

different erosional features found on slopes along the border road. These data are based

on field measurements , but their quality has substantially been improved with help of a

laser topography scanner (LiDAR) and the application of UAV Photogrammetry (UCR,

2014). The resultant erosion rates per year for the different types of erosional features in

function of cut and fill slopes are presented in table 9.

Based on these improved data in combination with the herein presented improved

measurements of slope surface areas, a new estimation was made for the total erosion

rate of slopes per year. The calculation method is the same as that presented in the 2013


Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

105Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojón II a32 Delta Costa Rica

The first step is to identify the area occupied by each of the different erosion types

(sheet erosion, rills, gullies and landslides) of a given slope, using the percentages
observed in the field during the 2014 field work campaign . The erosion rate for each slope

can then be estimated by multiplying the resulting surface areas with the appropriate

erosion rate, as listed in Table 9, and summing the rates for all the types of erosion present

on that slope. The resulting estimates of estimated annual sediment rates for all slopes can

be found in Appendix A.

Erosive feature Erosion of 1 m per Year (m)

Sheet Erosion 0.07

Rills 0.16
Gullies 0.27

Landslides 0.40

Sheet Erosion 0.14

Rills 0.16
Gullies 0.76

Landslides 0.40

Table 9: Average Erosion rates per square meter for the different types of slopes and erosive

features as determined by the UCR working group (UCR, 2014).

The total erosion rate of all slopes along the Route 1856 between Mojón II and Delta

Costa Rica can b e derived by summing up all erosion rates of th e slopes as given in

Appendix A. The resultant value is 71,836 m 3/year or 119,967 t/year using the transform

ratio 1:1.67 from the ICE Report (2013).

It should be stressed that this value represents the upper bound of the annual erosion
rate. On the one side the UCR working group emphasizes in the 2014 report that

“maximum or ‘worst case’ rates of erosion measured at the monitoring sites over a two

year period” are presented for each type of erosion feature an d slope. The application of

maximum erosion rates to all slopes of the border road is simulating a scenario in which all

erosion processes operate at their upper bound rates simultaneously at every slope along

the entire length of the Road.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

106 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojó33II and Delta Costa Rica

In addition, it can be noted that the effects of implemented mitigation measures, without

any doubt resulting in considerably lower erosion rates at the slopes in question, are not

considered. At present (December 2014) mitigation measures are or were exec uted at 142

slopes (70.6 % of all slopes, compare table 8) pointing out that this aspect is of

considerable importance. As the corresponding effects are difficult to measure in an exact

fashion we preferred to do not take into account this factor. However, it suggest that the
erosion rates used are conservative.

Compared to the erosion rate given in the 2013 report (36,590 m /year or 61,100 t/year)

the value has almost doubled. The principal reason for this considerable difference is
method used to determine the slope surface areas (compare section 2.1). Especially in the

case of fill slopes where the road is situated on top of the slope, the estimates of slope

length were considerably underestimated during the 2013 filed campaign. This slope type

is dominated by gully erosion exhibiting the highest erosion rates as determined by the

UCR working group (compare table 9).

The new value presented in this report for the total estimated erosion rate for all slopes

can be recognized as a reasonable value which is now based on values exclusively

determined by field measurements.



During the 2014 field wor k campaign new field data were collected for all slopes and

intersections of watercourses. In order to give an impression as complete as possible

about the present situation of the border road, data sheets are presented for all slopes and

intersections of watercourses including the new field data as well as photographs that
document the present state as well as the state in the year of 2013 (appendix B and C ).

This decision was also made in order to prove that the herein presented data are sound

and reflect the real situation of the road in the year of 2014.

In the case of a few slopes and watercourses photographs are not presented for the

year of 2013 and/or 2014, because heavy rainfalls did not permit to take photographs of an

acceptable quality.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

107Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mo34n II and Delta Costa Rica

Slopes where the additional comment “ UCR Site” is added in the data field “ Mitigation

Status” correspond to sites where the UCR working group executed their measurements of

erosion rates. For this reason at these slopes mitigation works were not executed or at

least delayed.


Gomez-Delgado, F., Leitón -Montero, J.J. & Aguilar -Cabrera, C .A. (2013). Report on

hydrology and sediments for the Costa Rican river basins draining to the San Juan

River. San José, Costa Rica: Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad.

Mende, A. & Astorga, A. (2013): Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to th e

Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica. - Technical Report to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs. San José, Costa Rica.

Oreamuno, R. & Villalobos, R. (2013): Systematic Field monitoring of Erosion and

Sediment Yield along Route 1856.- Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica.

Oreamuno, R. & Villalobos, R. (201 4): Second Report on Systematic Field Monitoring of
Erosion and Sediment Yield along Route 1856. - Universidad de Costa Rica. San José,

Costa Rica.

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

108 Annex 3

Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses related to the Border Road Nº 1856 between Mojó35II and Delta Costa Rica

Appendix A: Overview about the most important data for Slopes along
the Route 1856 between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica

Dr. Andreas Mende (December 2014)

109Annex 3

rate (t/a)


Erorate (m



0 0 0 0.000.00 0.0 410.0201.0.640 86.60.0 0.01044.6002.0903. 0.0091367.0.50972.003.1519.04703..032502.08455.0.07872.4829.9 1465.96









84.5 20 16.9 0 0.0 0 0.0
) 593.246.50861.80 80 18 05092.13948816.80012001.2809.8530.00 10008340.0.2100.000.0194.2010.000..002.3000.4074300160495.0060.0605080482072..01.0540.00042824.1501000950500000.0.000.40 0.00

Slope Surface

66 1254.0 0
34.7 75.2 1842.4 60 1105.4 62.8276.4 25 460.6
218.9 8099.3 25 20243.62.6 30 242997.80.2 10495.4 0 3644.7 200.078.6 25 20447.6 0.075
Width (m)

Length (m)

Angle (°)

24 4 60 4.6 25 37.4 9 45 27 12 106.4 1194.3 19 20 270.9 20 270.9
2.3 60 2.7 31.8 4.5 2.5 55 60 5.5 2.9 95.1848.6

Difference (m)


T-1 T-c1u0tT-c0-1c01t-5u2t-a2510fi3lcT4.135t1.06t-01t-1181-fil9.iTl5.u0.-041-51.2-3.310114-.4615t154t.15u5t86.1il7-fi82.c69-.c15c5.031821t.2il-5153t0i4.0c0u1t11055.47.57561..050110951

110 Annex 3

Erorate (t/a)


rate (m

0.0 10.6 17.6


0 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.1003.553.3 34.0782006230950.0304..061238.10777.0 2067.6 0.0.0956.71106243.60.0.00120406.9010903108038020 0.0020500102.0.01304.0.0313051..0.0654645..144201676.235.15423..71










491.9815.8231.90 5 807.84590.83287500.300 9200.0083.172.01075.776.0570.000911.6.90057520.009187080.00001604.65.9.46022100.001.520131009.600.0300.300..5020.085.71000..001430.16090..47.700.0


Slope Surface

79.4 2064.4 60 1733.9.6 20124512.93 200 4953.5.3 78.1707.2376.9 50 628.2
149.8 107.1 1092.1142.0 10 214.2 20 428.4 70 1499.4
Width (m)


Length (m)

SloAngle (°)

5 45 7 7.150208.8 9.1 1005.2476.445 1007.1 1275.1.4 3 0 650.0 363 0 75 0.0 6 55 7.3 213 1560.1
26 20 17 5.5 1.7 2.2 60 3.455 2.82.0453.14565.554.4 4.0 91.195.2

Difference (m)


T-12T5-1c6t-1il7-1c8t-19t-1il c3t0.-71t-1c2t.il35-14-511l5.il66137t0-08-.cT9-51T..c4t..1T531c91t-i3-01.7052i-..1i-.4T2t846-.c47a.541-bt.-.911t55.T6.5t00c5u3500.75.294663.520 4.9455.5375.5.034..14

111Annex 3

Erorate (t/a)


Erorate (m


0 0 0 0.000.00 0.00 03.0.890080000.8003.0030.0..020.00.0798.8 206.551333.900.44192.0 0.00331.090.0 84.3.07 0215.1440.81 8359.7149.50104..08 9.8 5.7131..5016.40 1.6









53.8 100 53.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 90.270.5 0 20 0.014.1 0 0.0 0.0
) 331.0 686.4501.0151.416.5418.4608655 75.522.229.1313.8000.930 12254104.6.200915.0.4008.62.5 0.045.0010000.050.10970280..500.3500.000.0.403.731344105.5050 70.130000500.05 1100.2100

Slope Surface

33.1 47.2 109.6110.1 45.1 58.3

Width (m)

Length (m)

Angle (°)

10 11 30 321.09 325.1 153.3 6827.13 60 4096.3 65 60 30 2048.18 338672.8 10 682.7.904.6 10065 213153.601.5
3.8 3.8 3.8 55 4.6 143

Difference (m)



112 Annex 3

Erorate (t/a)


rate (m

0.0 0.0 17.0 0.028.3 155.4 259.6


0 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.0 03593.08 0 60001..06.0 7.2334.5 99.0383898.7016050.080132.09305.82002201.912366..80134.2327.127.224.3 19.4



0.0 0.0 0.0







85.4 949.2242.0916160 100 1140042.2147.9168.600 9000.0004.2650.09.0200 308.6 36200900702.32928590.600 2403.81.94822.61563.030.306..105..003.080662050.825..01160800.71.340 65


Slope Surface

390 45.851.190.0 70 11193.0 30 4797.0 0 0.0
221.7 10641.6 320.380 85103.390.2 15 51596.2 5445.1 5 2302.21178.0 30 3267.1
Width (m)


Length (m)

SloAngle (°)

8 65 8.8 188.56 65 16636..96 194.360 8998.386.3 2150.4162.095.5836.610 533106.195703 55530913.552312..50.0.0521107.26327258.2 1 2354.5.45 0.1392.3.3806.540.23
48 18 40 28.0 21012.6 50 12 121733.4 360.235 19845.737.2 30 110702.0 493.720 11404.17974.9 1520 895817.0

Difference (m)


T-29T-3cutc-u3t0T-c3u1t1a.-9bt-fll c.5t2.3T.3u6.-c7t6-3.u.93.T-c..tc-2t0681t c52t-638u.tlT.-c5ta2-il.3il.2c7t84u8.0c91t3c1Ttu50.2cu1t4c228c553t..lT4152.c9.t 7955260062..225.0345008416.14.23.711321.8

113Annex 3

Erorate (t/a)


rate (m


0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.12841.759.1 21452.8937.70681.428.0.00.0 0.00 0.1196.8 0.10201998.607142.071.6252.8063.6 3762.5.00 0241.









736.0 50 296.2368.0 11 0804.830 42220.80 8202.40.013467.5900795251354005.4.00.281033600..4027.290.0 84.000.10006800 840.00.000.0 06.00500..652.1 5757.1


Slope Surface

88.1 3083.5 40 12403.4.4 20 616.7 40 1233.4
154.9177.4 1895.14216563.8 7116059560 352438 9038.303.5208120081.3017.280 16.7.2033821..256.4560290 0.0 1564.6 2 2704.520 664.6302520356.80 42510.69330.9 23068.7.2830.8617.430
Width (m) UCR UCR 7U8C.0R 1292.00 U18R09.00 0.0 395 010..00 0.00.000 01.00 00.0

39.2 271.4 10638.0 65 6914.7 25 2659.5 48.8 1160.5 61.0463.8 1095.6 0


Length (m)

SloAngle (°)

9 7 65 55 97.98.5181.981.5 9.1 118186.316.4 710258.3412844.09.10 45 104301587702.9.894.242105.7 3027.3 0 2002.50 3647096.10 266659.0.2
37 38 35 33 35 10 38

Difference (m)


T-56T-f5ila-5ilb-5cat-ilb-5c9ucu2tcu6t0T-c6-0c2t.-c16-6c7u-c4bt.f.la7c3.t2ila.-5b-6.ic116Tdt.-e1-516.c85t5.ilb-6il-.2ubt-il7-filb71i1-152.a7ilb57ia-7c71btil8l5895947119010 517778.5858.14

114 Annex 3

Erorate (t/a)


rate (m


0 0 0.0 0.00 0120.080.00 0.0048.70.07 0.0081.3004.0 70.010.0 0.0990.0211.7280.888.853.50681484.30 0.0 22.048.3475.23070.80.793.6 0.07 801.3 1338.1









317.0 902.653.4 50 8.802.44514.3940.00.73103220061010.7092.50047863.20.0890.10300016.40500.30108054.40.083606417..9670.001204.7000996814.106040511000.110.0800.8.41.605.1864.706.010.0.1704


Slope Surface

63.4 98 44.6 52
159.5 1435.5 80 1148.4 20 287.1 0 0.0 166.1 2989.8 60 1793.9 20 598.0
Width (mUCR 2386.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 100 2386.0


Length (m)

SloAngle (°)

5 3 9 554 3.7 151.1 4 9 606 50 540.611.79378..9897.1110.4 19140.8375.5 85 9469.7.7 500 0.01734.4 0 30 100.00.6
23 50 28 30.055 238.5 34.2 189.8160.8 6487.7 3580.450 3243.806.3 30 1946.3 1074.120 1297.5

Difference (m)


T-74Ta-7filb-il -c6ta-7cbt-il -f7il7l8.TuatT-f7illl.16utT-52uatc3b-4.5at-3b.1c8ct98ct-53et-0Tf.49t-c.5t-8cu.tc7.t.u455c8t-86t8-2.2.9cbt68lT0-c.t-c418.c..573.5.28..011..215776.3864.10857036.7

115Annex 3

Erorate (t/a)


Erosion 71836.4
rate (m

Landslides 19277.8

0 0 0 0.000.00 0.0 0.004.7497.8170.00 831.3249801..589.8203.4 984.0









) 102.210.6 100 15 007.3180.2102.05.550 1000.50205.0.406.60158.90.4004306.6 0 218.9200.0 91.1 20 91.1 92.5 154.4
(m 309312.9

Slope Surface

147.5 42.1 1843.8 501321.7 921.9 30 30 553.1 20 462.6368.8 35 462.6
Width (m)


Length (m)

SloAngle (°)

6 55 7.3 146.2 1070.9 40 428.3 25 267.7 35 374.8
13 13 11 45 14.8 256 3801.4 30 1140.4 50 1900.7 20 760.3

Difference (m)


T-92T-c9u3tT-a-9ilb1.at2.lb-c6uTll7-c8t .mu.717693.580 605.6 468.2103.8

116 Annex 3

Appendix B: Data Sheets for all Cut and Fill Slopes along the Route 1856
between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica

117Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 1

Slope: T-1 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 460750 / 1215718 End (x/y): 460.770 / 1.215.551

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.6 – 2.7 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.5 m Slope Length: 3.3 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 181.9 m Slope Surface Area: 593 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age, parallel bedding between 5 and 10 cm

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 41.6
Sheet 100 593
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 69.4
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

118 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 2

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

119Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 3

Slope: T-2 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 460.823/1.215.672 End (x/y): 460.807 / 1.215.608

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.8 – 2.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.2 m Slope Length: 2.7 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 69.7 m Slope Surface Area: 187 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age, parallel bedding between 5 and 10 cm

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 13.1
Sheet 100 187
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 21.9
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

120 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 4

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

121Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 5

Slope: T-3 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 460.785 / 1.215.477 End (x/y): 460.777 / 1.215.510

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.7 – 2.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.9 m Slope Length: 2.3 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 36.8 m Slope Surface Area: 85 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age, parallel bedding between 5 and 10 cm

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 6.0
Sheet 100 85
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 10.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

122 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 6

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

123Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 7

Slope: T-4 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 460.804 / 1.215.573 End (x/y): 460.801 / 1.215.542

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.4 – 1.8 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.6 m Slope Length: 2.0 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 31.8 m Slope Surface Area: 62 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age, parallel bedding between 5 and 10 cm

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 4.3
Sheet 100 62
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 7.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

124 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 8

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

125Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 9

Slope: T-5 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 460.862 / 1.215.487 End (x/y): 460.958 / 1.215.468

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 3.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.5 m Slope Length: 3.1 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width:96.3 m Slope Surface Area:294 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 20.6
Sheet 100 294
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 34.4
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: no
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

126 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 10

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

127Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 11

Slope: T-6 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 460.866 / 1.215.448 End (x/y): 460.936 / 1.215.428

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 3.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.1 m Slope Length: 4.0 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 73.2m Slope Surface Area: 296 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age, parallel bedding between 5 and 10 cm

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 20.7
Sheet 100 296
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 34.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

128 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 12

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

129Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 13

Slope: T-7a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 460.998 / 1.215.408 End (x/y): 460.949 / 1.215.424

Slope Length (Range): 6.0 – 14.0 m Slope Length (Average): 11.0 m Slope Width: 44.6m

Slope Surface Area: 491 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 70.6
Sheet 80 392
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 118.0
Rills 20 98

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status:Mitigation in process

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

130 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 14

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

131Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 15

Slope: T-7b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.005 / 1.215.431 End (x/y): 460.967 / 1.215.455

Slope Length (Range): 7.0 – 15.0 m Slope Length (Average): 12.5 m Slope Width: 52.0m

Slope Surface Area: 650 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 93.6
Sheet 80 520
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 156.3
Rills 20 130

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

132 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 16

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

133Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 17

Slope: T-8a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.110 / 1.215.376 End (x/y): 461.194 / 1.215.239

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 8.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.5 m Slope Length: 11.3 m

Slope Angle: 35º Slope Width: 163.0 m Slope Surface Area: 1,847 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age, reduced rock strength due to intense weathering

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 496.9
Sheet 10 185
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 829.8
Rills 30 554

Gullies 20 369
Land Slides 40 739

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

134 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 18

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

135Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 19

Slope: T-8b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.150 / 1.215.399 End (x/y): 461.220 / 1.215.250

Slope Length (Range): 10.0 – 26.0 m Slope Length (Average): 18.0 m Slope Width: 166.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 2,990 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 801.3
Sheet 60 1794
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1338.1
Rills 20 598

Gullies 20 598
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress – UCR Site

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

136 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 20

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

137Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 21

Slope: T-9 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.296 / 1.215.189 End (x/y): 461.402 / 1.215.166

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.5 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.2 m Slope Length: 4.5 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 108.7 m Slope Surface Area: 492 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 95.7
Sheet 15 74
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 159.8
Rills 65 320

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 98

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

138 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 22

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

139Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 23

Slope: T-10 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.429 / 1.215.108 End (x/y): 461.366 / 1.215.116

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.5 – 3.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.0 m Slope Length: 3.5 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 71.0 m Slope Surface Area: 246 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 21.6
Sheet 80 197
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 36.1
Rills 20 49

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014


Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

140 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 24

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

141Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 25

Slope: T-11 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.424 / 1.215.148 End (x/y): 461.498 / 1.215.103

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 3.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.2 m Slope Length: 3.7 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 86.2 m Slope Surface Area: 319 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 4.5
Sheet 20 64
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 7.4
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

142 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 26

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

143Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 27

Slope: T-12 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.581 / 1.214.882 End (x/y): 461.563 / 1.214.955

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.5 – 8.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.0 m Slope Length: 9.9 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 75.1 m Slope Surface Area: 743 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 101.1
Sheet 80 595
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 168.9
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 149

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

144 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 28

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

145Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 29

Slope: T-13 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y):461.679 / 1.214.768 End (x/y):461.607 / 1.214.861

Elevation Difference (Range):6.0 – 11.5 m Elevation Difference (Average):8.5 m Slope Length:12.0 m

Slope Angle:45º Slope Width:131.1 m Slope Surface Area:1576 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 228.5
Sheet 70 1103
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 381.6
Rills 10 158

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 315

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

146 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 30

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

147Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 31

Slope: T-14 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.852 / 1.214.585 End (x/y): 461.702 / 1.214.722

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 5.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.9 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 203.7 m Slope Surface Area: 1197 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 179.5
Sheet 50 598
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 299.7
Rills 30 359

Gullies 10 120
Land Slides 10 120

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

148 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 32

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

149Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 33

Slope: T-15 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.958 / 1.214.364 End (x/y): 461.868 / 1.214.557

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.5 – 7.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.0 m Slope Length: 7.3 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 213.0 m Slope Surface Area: 1560 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 165.4
Sheet 60 936
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 276.2
Rills 40 624

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

150 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 34

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

151Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 35

Slope: T-17 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y):462.242 / 1.213.912 End (x/y):462.144 / 1.214.075

Elevation Difference (Range):3.0 – 8.5 m Elevation Difference (Average):6.5 m Slope Length:8.5 m

Slope Angle:50º Slope Width:191.4 m Slope Surface Area:1624 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 235.5
Sheet 70 1137
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 393.3
Rills 10 162

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 325

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

152 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 36

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

153Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 37

Slope: T-19 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.297 / 1.213.842 End (x/y): 462.256 / 1.213.705

Elevation Difference (Range): 8.0 – 15.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 11.5 m Slope Length: 15.0 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 147.9 m Slope Surface Area: 2220 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 215.4
Sheet 70 1554
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 359.7
Rills 30 666

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

154 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 38

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

155Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 39

Slope: T-20 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.223 / 1.213.744 End (x/y): 462.247 / 1.213.825

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.9 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 86.0 m Slope Surface Area: 505 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 8.8
Sheet 25 126
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 14.8
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

156 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 40

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

157Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 41

Slope: T-21a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.927 / 1.213.368 End (x/y): 462.124 / 1.213.688

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.5 – 15.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 12.5 m Slope Length: 15.3 m

Slope Angle: 55° Slope Width: 382.1 m Slope Surface Area: 5831 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1081.6
Sheet 65 3790
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1806.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 35 2041

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

158 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 42

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

159Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 43

Slope: T-21b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.160 / 1.213.673 End (x/y): 461.948 / 1.213.351

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 6.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.0 m Slope Length: 5.5 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 387.0 m Slope Surface Area: 2135 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 149.5
Sheet 100 2135
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 249.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

160 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 44

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

161Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 45

Slope: T-22 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.699 / 1.213.111 End (x/y): 461.907 / 1.213.348

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 7.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.0 m Slope Length: 5.8 m

Slope Angle: 60° Slope Width: 362.8 m Slope Surface Area: 2095 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 313.1
Sheet 65 1362
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 523.0
Rills 15 314

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 419

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

162 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 46

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

163Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 47

Slope: T-23 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.569 / 1.212.809 End (x/y): 461.557 / 1.212.870

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 2.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.0 m Slope Length: 2.2 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 63.0 m Slope Surface Area: 139 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 3.4
Sheet 35 49
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 5.7
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

164 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 48

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

165Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 49

Slope: T-24a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.569 / 1.212.809 End (x/y): 461.557 / 1.212.870

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.5 – 2.8 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.5 m Slope Length: 3.1 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 4.5 m Slope Surface Area: 288 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 8.1
Sheet 40 115
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 13.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

166 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 50

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

167Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 51

Slope: T-24b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.674 / 1.212.681 End (x/y): 461.681 / 1.212.578

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.5 – 3.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.6 m Slope Length: 3.4 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width:103.5 m Slope Surface Area:351 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 9.8
Sheet 40 141
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 16.4
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

168 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 52

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

169Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 53

Slope: T-25 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.713 / 1.212.440 End (x/y): 461.679 / 1.212.479

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.5 m Slope Length: 1.7 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 52,1 m Slope Surface Area: 90 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 0.0
Sheet 0 0
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 0.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

170 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 54

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

171Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 55

Slope: T-26 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y):461.703 / 1.212.258 End (x/y):461.699 / 1.212.298

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 - 2.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.5 m Slope Length: 1.7 m

Slope Angle: 60° Slope Width: 40.7 m Slope Surface Area: 70 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 1.0
Sheet 20 14
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1.6
Rills 0 0
Gullies 0 0

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

172 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 56

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

173Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 57

Slope: T-27 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.805 / 1.211.970 End (x/y): 461.735 / 1.212.125

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 3.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.0 m Slope Length: 2.3 m

Slope Angle: 60° Slope Width: 174,9 m Slope Surface Area: 404 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 48.3
Sheet 85 343
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 80.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 15 61

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

174 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 58

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

175Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 59

Slope: T-28 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.503 / 1.211.109 End (x/y): 461.478 / 1.211.202

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.0 m Slope Length: 3.5 m

Slope Angle: 60° Slope Width: 96,4 m Slope Surface Area: 334 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 42.9
Sheet 75 250
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 71.7
Rills 10 33

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 15 50

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

176 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 60

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

177Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 61

Slope: T-29 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.635 / 1.210.862 End (x/y): 461.534 / 1.211.017

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.0 – 9.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 8.0 m Slope Length: 8.8 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 188.5 m Slope Surface Area: 1664 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 236.3
Sheet 60 998
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 394.6
Rills 25 416

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 15 250

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

178 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 62

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

179Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 63

Slope: T-30 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.698 / 1.210.834 End (x/y): 461.809 / 1.210.782

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 8.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.0 m Slope Length: 7.7 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 122.9 m Slope Surface Area: 949 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 66.4
Sheet 100 949
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 111.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

180 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 64

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

181Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 65

Slope: T-31 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.804 / 1.210.753 End (x/y): 461.676 / 1.210.825

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.5 m Slope Length: 1.7 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 146,2 m Slope Surface Area: 242 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 16.9
Sheet 100 242
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 28.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

182 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 66

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

183Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 67

Slope: T-32a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.098 / 1.210.732 End (x/y): 461.873/ 1.210.734

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.7 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.5 m Slope Length: 4.0 m

Slope Angle: 60° Slope Width: 226.8 m Slope Surface Area: 917 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 64.2
Sheet 100 917
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 107.2
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

184 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 68

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

185Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 69

Slope: T-32b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 461.877 / 1.210.769 End (x/y): 462.095 / 1.210.760

Slope Length (Range): 38.0 – 54.0 m Slope Length (Average): 48.0 m Slope Width: 221.7 m

Slope Surface Area: 10642 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1851.6
Sheet 80 8513
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 3092.2
Rills 15 1596

Gullies 5 532
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

186 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 70

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

187Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 71

Slope: T-33 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.291 / 1.210.641 End (x/y): 462.125 / 1.210.733

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.5 – 7.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.0 m Slope Length: 6.6 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 194.3 m Slope Surface Area: 1286 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 192.3
Sheet 65 836
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 321.1
Rills 15 193

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 257

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress – UCR Site

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

188 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 72

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

189Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 73

Slope: T-34 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.504 / 1.210. 540 End (x/y): 462.556 / 1.210.524

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.8 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.2 m Slope Length: 3.5 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 54,6 m Slope Surface Area: 193 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 17.0
Sheet 80 154
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 28.3
Rills 20 39

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

190 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 74

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

191Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 75

Slope: T-35 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.628 / 1.210.510 End (x/y): 462.505 / 1.210.521

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.3 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.5 m Slope Length: 4.0 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 128,1 m Slope Surface Area: 518 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 53.3
Sheet 90 466
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 89.1
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 10 52

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

192 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 76

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

193Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 77

Slope: T-36 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.707 / 1.210.550 End (x/y): 462.681 / 1.210.536

Elevation Difference (Range): 0.8 – 1.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.2 m Slope Length: 1.3 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 29.5 m Slope Surface Area: 39 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 2.7
Sheet 100 39
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 4.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

194 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 78

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

195Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 79

Slope: T-37 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 462.914 / 1.210.546 End (x/y): 462.715 / 1.210.548

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.0 – 22.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 18.0 m Slope Length: 28.0 m

Slope Angle: 40º Slope Width: 202.6 m Slope Surface Area: 5673 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1058.1
Sheet 35 1986
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1767.0
Rills 30 1702

Gullies 20 1135
Land Slides 15 851

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress – UCR Site

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

196 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 80

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

197Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 81

Slope: T-38 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 463.292 / 1.210.165 End (x/y): 463.360 / 1.209.853

Slope Length (Range): 32.0 – 36.0 m Slope Length (Average): 34.0 m Slope Width: 320.3 m

Slope Surface Area: 10890 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 3593.8
Sheet 50 5445
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 6001.6
Rills 20 2178

Gullies 30 3267
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

198 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 82

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

199Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 83

Slope: T-39 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 463.333 / 1.209.852 End (x/y): 463.256 / 1.210.162

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.5 – 5.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.5 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 321.5 m Slope Surface Area: 1766 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 155.4
Sheet 80 1413
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 259.6
Rills 20 353

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

200 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 84

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

201Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 85

Slope: T-40 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 463.702 / 1.208.593 End (x/y): 463.538 / 1.208.831

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.5 – 11.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 8.0 m Slope Length: 10.4 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 295.5 m Slope Surface Area: 3086 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 882.6
Sheet 20 617
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1473.9
Rills 20 617

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 60 1852

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

202 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 86

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

203Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 87

Slope: T-41 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 463.879 / 1.208.470 End (x/y): 463.769 / 1.208.549

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.4 – 17.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 11.5 m Slope Length: 15.0 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 135,6 m Slope Surface Area: 2036 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 374.6
Sheet 45 916
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 625.5
Rills 20 407

Gullies 15 305
Land Slides 20 407

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

204 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 88

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

205Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 89

Slope: T-42 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 464.383 / 1.207.617 End (x/y): 464.241 / 1.207.939

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.0 – 14.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 10.5 m Slope Length: 13.7 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 360,2 m Slope Surface Area: 4937 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1209.6
Sheet 10 494
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2020.0
Rills 40 1975

Gullies 20 987
Land Slides 30 1481

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress – UCR Site

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

206 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 90

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

207Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 91

Slope: T-43 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 464.286 / 1.207.934 End (x/y): 464.441 / 1.207.581

Slope Length (Range): 38.0 – 44.0 m Slope Length (Average): 41.0 m Slope Width: 390.0 m

Slope Surface Area: 15990m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 15.3
Sheet 70 11193
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 25.5
Rills 30 4797

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

208 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 92

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

209Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 93

Slope: T-44 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 464.419 / 1.207.452 End (x/y): 464.380 / 1.207.593

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.6 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.8 m Slope Length: 4.6 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 146.6 m Slope Surface Area: 680 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 99.3
Sheet 40 272
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 165.8
Rills 40 272

Gullies 20 136
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

210 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 94

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

211Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 95

Slope: T-45a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 464.462 / 1.207.487 End (x/y): 464.493 / 1.207.454

Slope Length (Range): 10.0 – 15.0 m Slope Length (Average): 12.0 m Slope Width: 45,8 m

Slope Surface Area: 550 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 81.3
Sheet 60 330
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 135.8
Rills 40 220

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

212 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 96

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

213Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 97

Slope: T-45b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 464.462/ 1.207.424 End (x/y): 464.419 / 1.207.452

Slope Length (Range): 10.0 – 15.0 m Slope Length (Average): 12.0 m Slope Width: 51,1 m

Slope Surface Area: 613 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 88.3
Sheet 80 491
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 147.5
Rills 20 123

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress – UCR Site

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

214 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 98

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

215Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 99

Slope: T-46 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 464.642 / 1.207.245 End (x/y): 464.558 / 1.207.356

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.0 – 7.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.0 m Slope Length: 7.3 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 139.5 m Slope Surface Area: 1022 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 217.6
Sheet 25 255
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 363.5
Rills 30 307

Gullies 25 255
Land Slides 20 204

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

216 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 100

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

217Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 101

Slope: T-47 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 464.726 / 1.207.189 End (x/y): 464.679 / 1.207.216

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 5.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.0 m Slope Length: 6.1 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 53,9 m Slope Surface Area: 329 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 49.2
Sheet 65 214
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 82.1
Rills 15 49

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 66

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

218 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 102

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

219Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 103

Slope: T-48 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 464.990 / 1.207.074 End (x/y): 464.775 / 1.207.158

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 5.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.0 m Slope Length: 3.9 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 232,4 m Slope Surface Area: 910 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 132.9
Sheet 40 364
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 221.9
Rills 40 364

Gullies 20 182
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

220 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 104

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

221Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 105

Slope: T-49 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 465.120 / 1.206.973 End (x/y): 465.049 / 1.207.078

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 12.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.0 m Slope Length: 8.5 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 156.6 m Slope Surface Area: 338 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 135.8
Sheet 65 870
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 226.8
Rills 35 468

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

222 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 106

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

223Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 107

Slope: T-50 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 465.401 / 1.207.002 End (x/y): 465.190 / 1.207.024

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 6.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.0 m Slope Length: 6.5 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 217,1 m Slope Surface Area: 1417 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 267.1
Sheet 35 496
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 446.1
Rills 40 567

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 25 354

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

224 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 108

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

225Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 109

Slope: T-51 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 465.674 / 1.207.136 End (x/y): 465.549 / 1.207.074

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 8.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.5 m Slope Length: 9.2 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 140,1 m Slope Surface Area: 1283 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 136.0
Sheet 60 770
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 227.1
Rills 40 513

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

226 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 110

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

227Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 111

Slope: T-52 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 465.784 / 1.207.154 End (x/y): 465.706 / 1.207.155

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.5 – 2.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.0 m Slope Length: 2.3 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 78,1 m Slope Surface Area: 180 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 16.7
Sheet 75 135
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 27.9
Rills 25 45

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

228 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 112

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

229Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 113

Slope: T-53 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.159 / 1.207.165 End (x/y): 466.132 / 1.207.200

Slope Length (Range): 6.0 – 9.0 m Slope Length (Average): 7.5 m Slope Width: 45.0 m

Slope Surface Area: 338 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 134.3
Sheet 10 34
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 224.3
Rills 50 169

Gullies 40 135
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

230 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 114

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

231Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 115

Slope: T-54 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.180 / 1.207.205 End (x/y):4 66.203 / 1.207.147

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 3.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.0 m Slope Length: 2.6 m

Slope Angle: 50° Slope Width: 63.7 m Slope Surface Area: 166 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 11.6
Sheet 100 166
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 19.4
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status:Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

232 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 116

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

233Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 117

Slope: T-55 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.271 / 1.207.089 End (x/y): 466.375 / 1.207.049

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.2 m Slope Length: 4.2 m

Slope Angle: 50° Slope Width: 113,8 m Slope Surface Area: 475 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 94.6
Sheet 50 238
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 158.0
Rills 15 71

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 35 166

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

234 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 118

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

235Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 119

Slope: T-56 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.215 / 1.207.068 End (x/y): 466.347 / 1.207.003

Slope Length (Range): 30.0 - 40.0 m Slope Length (Average): 35.0 m Slope Width: 154.9 m

Slope Surface Area: 5422 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1284.9
Sheet 65 3524
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2145.8
Rills 20 1084

Gullies 15 813
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

236 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 120

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

237Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 121

Slope: T-57a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.398 / 1.207.021 End (x/y): 466.551 / 1.206.936

Slope Length (Range): 35.0 – 40.0 m Slope Length (Average): 37.0 m Slope Width: 177.4 m

Slope Surface Area: 6564 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1759.1
Sheet 60 3938
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2937.7
Rills 20 1313

Gullies 20 1313
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress – UCR Site

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

238 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 122

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

239Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 123

Slope: T-57b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.560 / 1.206.901 End (x/y): 466.367 / 1.206.979

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.9 m Slope Length: 3.3 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 219.8 m Slope Surface Area: 736 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 100.8
Sheet 50 368
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 168.4
Rills 30 221

Gullies 20 147
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

240 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 124

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

241Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 125

Slope: T-58a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.629 / 1.206.933 End (x/y): 466.813 / 1.206.962

Slope Length (Range): 20.0 – 45.0 m Slope Length (Average): 38.0 m Slope Width: 189,1 m

Slope Surface Area: 7186 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1034.8
Sheet 80 5749
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1728.0
Rills 20 1437

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated – UCR Site

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

242 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 126

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

243Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 127

Slope: T-58b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.812 / 1.206.907 End (x/y): 466.629 / 1.206.902

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.0 – 12.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 9.0 m Slope Length: 9.9 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 184,8 m Slope Surface Area: 1835 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 266.1
Sheet 70 1285
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 444.4
Rills 10 184

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 367

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

244 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 128

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

245Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 129

Slope: T-59 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.847 / 1.206.955 End (x/y): 467.034 / 1.206.919

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 8.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.0 m Slope Length: 8.5 m

Slope Angle: 55° Slope Width: 191.5 m Slope Surface Area: 1636 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 359.2
Sheet 25 409
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 599.9
Rills 30 491

Gullies 20 327
Land Slides 25 409

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

246 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 130

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

247Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 131

Slope: T-60 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 466.992 / 1.206.889 End (x/y): 466.887 / 1.206.916

Slope Length (Range): 12.0 – 19.0 m Slope Length (Average): 16.5 m Slope Width: 109.3 m

Slope Surface Area: 1803 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 369.7
Sheet 35 631
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 617.4
Rills 25 451

Gullies 15 271
Land Slides 25 451

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

248 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 132

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

249Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 133

Slope: T-61 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y):467.142 / 1.206.879 End (x/y): 467.248 / 1.206.828

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 9.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.0 m Slope Length: 9.1 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 118.0m Slope Surface Area: 1078 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 308.4
Sheet 20 216
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 515.0
Rills 20 216
Gullies 0 0

Land Slides 60 647

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

250 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 134

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

251Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 135

Slope: T-62 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 467.108 / 1.206.844 End (x/y): 467.017 / 1.206.886

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.5 m Slope Length: 1.8 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 100.9 m Slope Surface Area: 184 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 21.2
Sheet 50 92
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 35.5
Rills 50 92

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

252 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 136

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

253Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 137

Slope: T-63 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 467.269 / 1.206.784 End (x/y): 467.476 / 1.206.681

Elevation Difference (Range): Elevation Difference (Average): Slope Length: 39.2 m

Slope Angle: Slope Width: 271.4 m Slope Surface Area: 10638 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1196.8
Sheet 65 6914
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1998.6
Rills 25 2660

Gullies 10 1064
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

254 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 138

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

255Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 139

Slope: T-64a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.103 / 1.206.141 End (x/y): 468.041 / 1.206.205

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 6.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 4.8 m

Slope Angle: 70º Slope Width: 89.7 m Slope Surface Area: 430 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 35.9
Sheet 85 365
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 59.9
Rills 15 64

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

256 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 140

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

257Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 141

Slope: T-64b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.103 / 1.206.141 End (x/y): 468.041 / 1.206.205

Slope Length (Range): 28.0 – 39.0 m Slope Length (Average): 35.0 m Slope Width: 88.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 3084 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1208.7
Sheet 40 1233
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2018.6
Rills 20 617

Gullies 40 1233
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

258 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 142

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

259Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 143

Slope: T-65a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.125 / 1.206.114 End (x/y): 468.187 / 1.206.044

Elevation Difference (Range): 7.0 – 14.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 11.4 m Slope Length: 12.6 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 94.2 m Slope Surface Area: 1185 m 2

Geology: Turbidites of Eocene to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 152.3
Sheet 75 889
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 254.3
Rills 10 118

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 15 178

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

260 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 144

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

261Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 145

Slope: T-65b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.150 / 1. 206.130 End (x/y): 468.217 / 1.206.055

Slope Length (Range): 25.0 – 36.0 m Slope Length (Average): 33.0 m Slope Width: 100.7 m

Slope Surface Area: 3323 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1714.7
Sheet 20 665
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2863.6
Rills 20 665

Gullies 60 1994
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled – UCR Site

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

262 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 146

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

263Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 147

Slope: T-66e Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.388 / 1.205.185 End (x/y): 468.431 / 1.205.101

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.5 – 4.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.0 m Slope Length: 5.7 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 94.4 m Slope Surface Area: 534 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 47.0
Sheet 80 427
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 78.5
Rills 20 107

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

264 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 148

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

265Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 149

Slope: T-66d Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.466 / 1.205.049 End (x/y): 468.510 / 1.204.990

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.5 – 4.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.0 m Slope Length: 4.9 m

Slope Angle:55º Slope Width: 72.8 m Slope Surface Area: 355 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 24.9
Sheet 100 355
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 41.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

266 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 150

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

267Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 151

Slope: T-66c Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.518 / 1.204.979 End (x/y): 468.572 / 1.204.890

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 6.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.5 m Slope Length: 8.6 m

Slope Angle: 40º Slope Width: 104.1 m Slope Surface Area: 891 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 312.2
Sheet 15 134
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 521.4
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 85 757

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

268 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 152

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

269Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 153

Slope: T-66a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.711 / 1.204.666 End (x/y): 468.592 / 1.204.835

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.0 – 13.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 10.5 m Slope Length: 13.7 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 207,8 m Slope Surface Area: 2848m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 690.7
Sheet 25 712
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1153.5
Rills 15 427

Gullies 30 854
Land Slides 30 854

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

270 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 154

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

271Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 155

Slope: T-66b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.615 / 1.204.843 End (x/y): 468.733 / 1.204.687

Slope Length (Range): 29.0 – 38.0 m Slope Length (Average): 34.5 m Slope Width: 196.7 m

Slope Surface Area: 6786 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 2253.0
Sheet 40 2714
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 3762.5
Rills 30 2036

Gullies 30 2036
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

272 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 156

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

273Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 157

Slope: T-67 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.747 / 1.204.640 End (x/y): 468.832 / 1.204.589

Elevation Difference (Range): 8.0 – 17.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 14.0 m Slope Length: 15.4 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 98.7 m Slope Surface Area: 1525m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 202.8
Sheet 70 1067
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 338.6
Rills 15 229

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 15 229

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

274 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 158

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

275Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 159

Slope: T-68a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.837 / 1.204.586 End (x/y): 468.873 / 1.204.566

Slope Length (Range): 9.0 – 12.5 m Slope Length (Average): 10.4 m Slope Width: 40,4 m

Slope Surface Area: 420.0 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 216.8
Sheet 20 84
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 362.1
Rills 20 84

Gullies 60 252
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

276 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 160

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

277Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 161

Slope: T-68b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 68.850 / 1.204.603 End (x/y): 468.881 / 1.204.585

Slope Surface Area (as calculated by UCR (2014) based upon UAV Photogrammetry): 728 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):

Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 553.3
Sheet 0 0
Rills 0 0 Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 924.0

Gullies 100 728

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress – UCR Site
Mitigation Measures:

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

278 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 162

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

279Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 163

Slope: T-69a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.886 / 1.204.557 End (x/y): 468.971 / 1.204.505

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.0 – 16.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 13.5 m Slope Length: 14.9 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 99,9 m Slope Surface Area: 1488 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 371.3
Sheet 15 223
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 620.0
Rills 15 223

Gullies 50 744
Land Slides 20 198

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

280 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 164

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

281Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 165

Slope: T-69b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y):468.899 / 1.204.571 End (x/y):468.979/ 1.204.520

Slope Surface Area (as calculated by UCR (2014) based upon UAV Photogrammetry): 1292 m

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 981.9
Sheet 0 0

Rills 0 0 Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1639.8

Gullies 100 1292

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

282 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 166

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

283Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 167

Slope: T-70a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.977 / 1.204.502 End (x/y): 469.021 / 1.204.482

Slope Length (Range): 2.0 -6.0 m Slope Length (Average): 4.0 m Slope Width: 48.8 m

Slope Surface Area: 195 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 89.8
Sheet 0 0
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 150.0
Rills 50 98

Gullies 50 98
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

284 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 168

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

285Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 169

Slope: T-70b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 468.985 / 1.204.518 End (x/y): 469.026 / 1.204.501

Slope Surface Area (as calculated by UCR (2014) based upon UAV Photogrammetry): 1809 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):

Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 1374.8
Sheet 0 0
Rills 0 0 Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2296.0

Gullies 100 1809

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress – UCR Site
Mitigation Measures:

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

286 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 170

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

287Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 171

Slope: T-71 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.028 / 1.204.480 End (x/y): 469.081 / 1.204.458

Elevation Difference (Range): 8.0 – 20.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 16.5 m Slope Length: 19.1 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 57.7 m Slope Surface Area: 1099 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 77.0
Sheet 100 1099
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 128.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

288 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 172

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

289Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 173

Slope: T-72a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.085 / 1.204.457 End (x/y): 469.148 / 1.204.434

Slope Length (Range): 14.0 -18.0 m Slope Length (Average): 16.5 m Slope Width: 66.4 m

Slope Surface Area: 1096 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 832.7
Sheet 0 0
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1390.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 100 1096
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

290 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 174

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

291Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 175

Slope: T-72b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.092 / 1.204.475 End (x/y): 469.157 / 1.204.454

Slope Surface Area (as calculated by UCR (2014) based upon UAV Photogrammetry): 3951 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):

Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 3002.8
Sheet 0 0
Rills 0 0 Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 5014.6

Gullies 100 3951

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress
Mitigation Measures:

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

292 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 176

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

293Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 177

Slope: T-73a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y):469.161 / 1.204.429 End (x/y):469.379/ 1.204.389

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.0 -18.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 10.0 m Slope Length: 11.0 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 223.0 m Slope Surface Area: 2460 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 553.6
Sheet 25 615
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 924.5
Rills 25 615
Gullies 25 615

Land Slides 25 615

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

294 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 178

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

295Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 179

Slope: T-73b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y):469.165 / 1.204.449 End (x/y):469.377/ 1.204.410

Slope Length (Range): 28.0 – 42.0 m Slope Length (Average): 38.0 m Slope Width: 216.6 m

Slope Surface Area: 8231 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 2996.0
Sheet 30 2469
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 5003.3
Rills 35 2881
Gullies 35 2881

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress
Mitigation Measures:

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

296 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 180

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

297Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 181

Slope: T-74a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.442 / 1.204.386 End (x/y): 469.506 / 1.204.388

Slope Length (Range): 3.0 – 6.0 m Slope Length (Average): 5.0 m Slope Width: 63.4m

Slope Surface Area: 317 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 124.3
Sheet 40 127
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 207.5
Rills 20 63

Gullies 40 127
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

298 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 182

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

299Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 183

Slope: T-74b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y):469.441/ 1.204.405 End (x/y): 469.503/ 1.204.407

Slope Surface Area (as calculated by UCR (2014) based upon UAV Photogrammetry): 2386 m

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 1813.4
Sheet 0 0

Rills 0 0 Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 3028.3

Gullies 100 2386

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yesSediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

300 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 184

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

301Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 185

Slope: T-75 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.513 / 1.204.390 End (x/y): 469.624 / 1.204.402

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 - 8.9 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.6 m Slope Length: 8.1 m

Slope Angle: 70º Slope Width: 111.6 m Slope Surface Area: 903 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 147.1
Sheet 50 451
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 245.7
Rills 30 271

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 181

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

302 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 186

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

303Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 187

Slope: T-76a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.685 / 1.204.404 End (x/y): 469.829 / 1.204.348

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.0 m Slope Length: 3.7 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 151.1 m Slope Surface Area: 553 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 48.7
Sheet 80 443
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 81.3
Rills 20 111

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

304 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 188

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

305Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 189

Slope: T-76b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.687 / 1.204.417 End (x/y): 469.834 / 1.204.359

Slope Length (Range): 8.0 – 10.0 m Slope Length (Average): 9.0 m Slope Width: 159.5 m

Slope Surface Area: 1436 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 206.7
Sheet 80 1148
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 345.2
Rills 20 287

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

306 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 190

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

307Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 191

Slope: T-77 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.846/ 1.204. 356 End (x/y): 469.937/ 1.204.330

Slope Length (Range): 3.0 – 5.0 m Slope Length (Average): 4.0 m Slope Width: 98.0 m

Slope Surface Area: 392 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 56.4
Sheet 80 314
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 94.3
Rills 20 78

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

308 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 192

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

309Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 193

Slope: T-78 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 469.946 / 1.204.311 End (x/y): 470.122 / 1.204.307

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 5.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.0 m Slope Length: 4.9 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 176.6 m Slope Surface Area: 862 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 68.1
Sheet 90 776
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 113.8
Rills 10 86

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

310 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 194

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

311Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 195

Slope: T-79 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 470.320 / 1.204.318 End (x/y): 470.357 / 1.204.328

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 8.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.8 m Slope Length: 7.9 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 189.9 m Slope Surface Area: 1491 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 104.4
Sheet 100 1491
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 174.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

312 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 196

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

313Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 197

Slope: T-80 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 470.392 / 1.204.354 End (x/y): 470.512 / 1.204.367

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 6.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.9 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 121.4 m Slope Surface Area: 713 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 49.9
Sheet 100 713
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 83.4
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

314 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 198

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

315Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 199

Slope: T-81 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 472.263 / 1.204.028 End (x/y): 472.487 / 1.203.950

Elevation Difference (Range): 15.0 – 35.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 23.0 m Slope Length: 30.0 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 238.5 m Slope Surface Area: 7161 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 941.6
Sheet 50 3580
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1572.6
Rills 35 2506

Gullies 15 1074
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

316 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 200

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

317Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 201

Slope: T-82a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 472.541/ 1.203.934 End (x/y): 472.703/ 1.203.877

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 8.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.5 m Slope Length: 9.8 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 171.6 m Slope Surface Area: 1680 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 211.7
Sheet 50 840
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 353.5
Rills 40 672

Gullies 10 168
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

318 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 202

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

319Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 203

Slope: T-82b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 472.549/ 1.203.956 End (x/y): 472.711/ 1.203.902

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.0 – 14.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 10.0 m Slope Length: 13.1 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 170.6 m Slope Surface Area: 2227 m 2


Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 280.6
Sheet 50 1114
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 468.6
Rills 40 891

Gullies 10 223
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: yes Drainage Control: yes Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: yes

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

320 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 204

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

321Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 205

Slope: T-83f Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 473.811 / 1.202.747 End (x/y): 473.781 / 1.202.818

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 3.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.2 m Slope Length: 3.9 m

Slope Angle: 55ª Slope Width: 81.0 m Slope Surface Area: 316 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 22.1
Sheet 100 316
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 37.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

322 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 206

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

323Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 207

Slope: T-83e Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 473.988 / 1.202.591 End (x/y): 473.874 / 1.202.694

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.0 - 8.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.5 m Slope Length: 8.5 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 160.0 m Slope Surface Area: 1358 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 184.6
Sheet 80 1086
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 308.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 20 272

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

324 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 208

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

325Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 209

Slope: T-83d Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 474.119 / 1.202.582 End (x/y): 474.014 / 1.202.580

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.5 – 8.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.0 m Slope Length: 7.8 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 111.4 m Slope Surface Area: 873 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 133.1
Sheet 75 873
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 222.2
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 25 218

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

326 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 210

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

327Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 211

Slope: T-83c Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 474.246 / 1.202.538 End (x/y): 474.153 / 1.202.566

Elevation Difference (Range):8.0 – 12.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 9.0 m Slope Length: 11.7 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 97.1 m Slope Surface Area: 1141 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 136.3
Sheet 85 970
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 227.7
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 15 171

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

328 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 212

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

329Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 213

Slope: T-83b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 474.410 / 1.202.535 End (x/y): 474.322 / 1.202.512

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.0 m Slope Length: 4.6 m

Slope Angle:60º Slope Width: 93.9 m Slope Surface Area: 434 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 44.7
Sheet 90 390
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 74.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 10 43

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

330 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 214

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

331Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 215

Slope: T-83a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 474.539 / 1.202.576 End (x/y): 474.415 / 1.202.538

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 - 34.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 28.0 m Slope Length: 34.2 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 189.8 m Slope Surface Area: 6488 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 888.8
Sheet 50 3244
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1484.3
Rills 30 1946

Gullies 20 1298
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

332 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 216

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

333Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 217

Slope: T-84 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 475.639 / 1.201.693 End (x/y): 475.700 / 1.201.613

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.5 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.0 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 100.5 m Slope Surface Area: 549 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 48.3
Sheet 80 439
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 80.6
Rills 20 110

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

334 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 218

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

335Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 219

Slope: T-85a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 476.383 / 1.199.074 End (x/y): 476.271 / 1.199.439

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.5 – 12.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 8.0 m Slope Length: 9.2 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 375.5 m Slope Surface Area: 3469 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 475.2
Sheet 50 1734
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 793.6
Rills 30 1041

Gullies 20 694
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

336 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 220

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

337Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 221

Slope: T-85b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 476.291 / 1.199.444 End (x/y): 476.407 / 1.199.088

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.5 – 20.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 12.0 m Slope Length: 13.2 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 375.5 m Slope Surface Area: 4972 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 892.4
Sheet 50 2486
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1490.4
Rills 15 746

Gullies 15 746
Land Slides 20 994

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

338 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 222

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

339Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 223

Slope: T-86 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 474.632 / 1.196. 714 End (x/y): 474.943 / 1.196.753

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 3.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.8 m Slope Length: 3.4 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 332.8 m Slope Surface Area: 1138 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 304.9
Sheet 40 455
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 509.1
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 60 683

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

340 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 224

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

341Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 225

Slope: T-87 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 474.354 / 1.196.763 End (x/y): 474.601 / 1.196.720

Elevation Difference (Range):2.0 – 3.0 m Elevation Difference (Average):2.6 m Slope Length: 3.0 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 289,0 m Slope Surface Area: 868 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 161.4
Sheet 50 434
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 269.5
Rills 15 130

Gullies 10 87
Land Slides 25 217

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

342 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 226

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

343Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 227

Slope: T-88 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 474.004 / 1.196.420 End (x/y): 473.980 / 1.196.367

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.0 – 12.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 8.5 m Slope Length: 10.4 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 58.8 m Slope Surface Area: 610 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 42.7
Sheet 100 610
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 71.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

344 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 228

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

345Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 229

Slope: T-89 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 473.967 / 1.196.195 End (x/y): 473.926 / 1.196.275

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 2.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.3 m Slope Length: 2.8 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 95.2 m Slope Surface Area: 267 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 44.4
Sheet 60 160
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 74.1
Rills 15 40

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 25 67

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

346 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 230

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

347Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 231

Slope: T-90 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 473.973 / 1.195.987 End (x/y): 473.952 / 1.196.120

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 4.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.5 m Slope Length: 4.3 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 136.7 m Slope Surface Area: 584 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 70.7
Sheet 70 409
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 118.0
Rills 20 117

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 10 58

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

348 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 232

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

349Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 233

Slope: T-91 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 474.049 / 1.195.738 End (x/y): 473.979 / 1.195.915

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 6.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.3 m Slope Length: 5.6 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 192.2 m Slope Surface Area: 1079 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 273.0
Sheet 30 324
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 455.8
Rills 20 216

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 50 539

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces:no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

350 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 234

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

351Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 235

Slope: T-92 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 475.269 / 1.195.738 End (x/y): 475.276 / 1.194.467

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.5 m Slope Length: 1.8 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 55.7 m Slope Surface Area: 102 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 7.1
Sheet 100 102
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 11.9
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

352 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 236

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

353Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 237

Slope: T-93 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 475.312/ 1.194.423 End (x/y): 475.371/ 1.194.387

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 3.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.5 m Slope Length: |3.1 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 69.0 m Slope Surface Area: 211 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 14.7
Sheet 100 211
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 24.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

354 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 238

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

355Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 239

Slope: T-94a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 476.128 / 1.194.310 End (x/y): 475.992 / 1.194.254

Slope Length (Range): 2.0 – 18.5 m Slope Length (Average): 12.5 m Slope Width: 147.5 m

Slope Surface Area: 1844 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 497.8
Sheet 50 922
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 831.3
Rills 30 553

Gullies 20 369
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

356 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 240

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

357Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 241

Slope: T-94b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 476.114 / 1.194.335 End (x/y): 475.983 / 1.194.270

Elevation Difference (Range): 8.2 – 1.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.0 m Slope Length: 7.3 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 146.2 m Slope Surface Area: 1071 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 174.0
Sheet 40 428
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 290.6
Rills 25 268

Gullies 35 375
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

358 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 242

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

359Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 243

Slope: T-95a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 476.187 / 1.194.317 End (x/y): 476.145 / 1.194.315

Slope Length (Range): 12.0 – 14.0 m Slope Length (Average): 13.0 m Slope Width: 42.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 547 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 216.7
Sheet 20 109
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 361.9
Rills 40 219

Gullies 40 219
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

360 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 244

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

361Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 245

Slope: T-95b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 476.182 / 1.194.352 End (x/y): 476.250 / 1.194.350

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 5.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.3 m Slope Length: 5.6 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 68.2 m Slope Surface Area: 383 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 32.0
Sheet 85 325
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 53.4
Rills 15 57

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

362 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 246

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

363Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 247

Slope: T-96 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 476.364 / 1.194.301 End (x/y): 476.285 / 1.194.312

Slope Length (Range): 15.0 – 19.0 m Slope Length (Average): 16.5 m Slope Width: 80.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 1322 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 481.1
Sheet 30 396
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 803.4
Rills 35 463

Gullies 35 463
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

364 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 248

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

365Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 249

Slope: T-97 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 476.484 / 1.194.298 End (x/y): 476.380 / 1.194.300

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.8 – 5.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.8 m Slope Length: 4.4 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 103,8 m Slope Surface Area: 455 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 92.5
Sheet 30 137
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 154.4
Rills 30 137

Gullies 20 91
Land Slides 20 91

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

366 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 250

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

367Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 251

Slope: T-98 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 477.167 / 1.193.349 End (x/y): 477.219 / 1.193.099

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.5 – 12.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 10.5 m Slope Length: 14.8 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 256.0 m Slope Surface Area: 3801 m 2

Geology: Ophiolitic Complex of Cretaceous to Paleocene Age

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 589.2
Sheet 30 1140
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 984.0
Rills 50 1901

Gullies 20 760
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

368 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 252

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

369Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 253

Slope: T-100 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 480.510 / 1.192.670 End (x/y): 480.653 / 1.192.643

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 4.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.5 m Slope Length: 4.0 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 145.2 m Slope Surface Area: 587 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 41.1
Sheet 100 587
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 68.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

370 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 254

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

371Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 255

Slope: T-101 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y):480.938/ 1.192.641 End (x/y):480.741/ 1.192.635

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.5 – 5.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.2 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 199.5 m Slope Surface Area: 1037 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Brechas (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 86.6
Sheet 85 881
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 144.6
Rills 15 155
Gullies 0 0

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

372 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 256

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

373Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 257

Slope: T-102a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 480.938 / 1.192.641 End (x/y): 480.741 / 1.192.635

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.8 m Elevation Difference (Average): .3 m Slope Length: 2.7 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 31.8 m Slope Surface Area: 84 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1.2
Sheet 20 17
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

374 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 258

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

375Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 259

Slope: T-102b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 480.938 / 1.192.641 End (x/y): 480.741 / 1.192.635

Slope Length (Range): 12.0 – 28.0 m Slope Length (Average): 24.0 m Slope Width: 34.7 m

Slope Surface Area: 833 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 116.6
Sheet 100 833
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 194.7
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

376 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 260

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

377Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 261

Slope: T-103 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 481.191 / 1.192.640 End (x/y): 481.124 / 1.192.669

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.0 m Slope Length: 4.6 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 72.4 m Slope Surface Area: 334 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 23.4
Sheet 100 334
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 39.1
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

378 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 262

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

379Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 263

Slope: T-104 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 481.405 / 1.192.603 End (x/y): 481.304 / 1.192.594

Elevation Difference (Range): 7.0 – 16.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 12.5 m Slope Length: 14.4 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 101.0 m Slope Surface Area: 1458 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 102.0
Sheet 100 1458
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 170.4
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: yes Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

380 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 264

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

381Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 265

Slope: T-105 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 485.557 / 1.190.993 End (x/y): 485.611 / 1.190.846

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 5.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.6 m Slope Length: 6.0 m

Slope Angle: 50° Slope Width: 158.4 m Slope Surface Area: 951 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 93.2
Sheet 75 713
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 155.7
Rills 20 190

Gullies 5 48
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

382 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 266

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

383Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 267

Slope: T-106 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 485.579 / 1.190.991 End (x/y): 485.630 / 1.190.846

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.5 m

Slope Angle: 55° Slope Width: 155.0 m Slope Surface Area: 851 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 59.6
Sheet 100 851
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 99.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

384 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 268

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

385Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 269

Slope: T-107 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 485.629 / 1.190.816 End (x/y): 485.670 / 1.190.753

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.5 – 2.8 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.4 m Slope Length: 2.6 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 80.3 m Slope Surface Area: 213 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 14.9
Sheet 100 213
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 24.9
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

386 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 270

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

387Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 271

Slope: T-108 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 485.634 / 1.190.840 End (x/y): 485.669 / 1.190.773

Slope Length (Range): 20.0 – 28.0 m Slope Length (Average): 24.5 m Slope Width: 75.2 m

Slope Surface Area: 1842 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 549.0
Sheet 60 1105
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 916.9
Rills 15 276

Gullies 25 461
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

388 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 272

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

389Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 273

Slope: T-109 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 485.710 / 1.190.682 End (x/y): 485.883 / 1.190.548

Slope Length (Range): 30.0 -50.0 m Slope Length (Average): 37.0 m Slope Width: 218.9 m

Slope Surface Area: 8099 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 3442.2
Sheet 25 2025
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 5748.5
Rills 30 2430

Gullies 45 3645
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

390 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 274

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

391Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 275

Slope: T-110 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 485.791 / 1.190.648 End (x/y): 485.912 / 1.190.541

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 6.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.5 m Slope Length: 6.7 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 162.5 m Slope Surface Area:1 091 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 86.2
Sheet 90 982
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 143.9
Rills 10 109

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

392 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 276

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

393Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 277

Slope: T-111 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 486.126 / 1.190.331 End (x/y): 486.191 / 1.190.310

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.8 m Slope Length: 4.6 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 68.4 m Slope Surface Area: 317 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 30.8
Sheet 70 222
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 51.4
Rills 30 95

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

394 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 278

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

395Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 279

Slope: T-112 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 486.192 / 1.190.293 End (x/y): 486.257/ 1.190.269

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 4.7 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.4 m Slope Length: 5.3 m

Slope Angle: 40º Slope Width: 69.0 m Slope Surface Area: 365 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 25.5
Sheet 100 365
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 42.7
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

396 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 280

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

397Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 281

Slope: T-113 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 486.908 / 1.190.253 End (x/y): 486.980 / 1.190.271

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.2 – 1.8 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.6 m Slope Length: 2.0 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 73.8 m Slope Surface Area: 144 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 10.1
Sheet 100 144
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 16.9
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

398 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 282

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

399Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 283

Slope: T-114a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 489.989 / 1.190.034 End (x/y): 490.009 / 1.189.931

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.0 – 12.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 9.0 m Slope Length: 12.7 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 106.4 m Slope Surface Area: 1354 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 325.7
Sheet 20 271
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 543.9
Rills 20 271

Gullies 35 473
Land Slides 25 339

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

400 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 284

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

401Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 285

Slope: T-114b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 490.009 / 1.189.931 End (x/y): 490.086 / 1.189.883

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.5 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 95.8 m Slope Surface Area: 526 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 43.9
Sheet 85 447
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 73.4
Rills 15 79

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

402 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 286

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

403Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 287

Slope: T-114c Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 489.981 / 1.189.915 End (x/y): 490.085 / 1.189.833

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.8 – 3.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.5 m Slope Length: 2.9 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 146.8 m Slope Surface Area: 429 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 37.7
Sheet 80 343
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 63.0
Rills 20 86

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

404 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 288

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

405Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 289

Slope: T-115 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 490.145 / 1.189.874 End (x/y): 490.212 / 1.189.881

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 6.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.8 m Slope Length: 6.8 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 67.9 m Slope Surface Area: 461 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 32.3
Sheet 100 461
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 53.9
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

406 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 290

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

407Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 291

Slope: T-116 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 490.100 / 1.189.827 End (x/y): 490.450 / 1.189.770

Slope Length (Range): 14.0 – 36.0 m Slope Length (Average): 27.0 m Slope Width: 362,6 m

Slope Surface Area: 9790 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 5972.0
Sheet 0 0
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 9973.3
Rills 25 2448

Gullies 75 7343
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

408 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 292

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

409Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 293

Slope: T-117 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 490.248 / 1.189.901 End (x/y): 490.310 / 1.189.901

Slope Length (Range): 10.0 – 14.0 m Slope Length (Average): 12.0 m Slope Width: 62.8 m

Slope Surface Area: 754 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 156.7
Sheet 60 452
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 261.8
Rills 30 226

Gullies 10 75
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

410 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 294

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

411Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 295

Slope: T-118 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 490.320 / 1.189.897 End (x/y): 490.446 / 1.189.822

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.0 – 10.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 8.5 m Slope Length: 11.1 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 147.5 m Slope Surface Area: 1637 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 151.4
Sheet 75 1227
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 252.8
Rills 25 409

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

412 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 296

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

413Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 297

Slope: T-119 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 491.647 / 1.189.165 End (x/y): 491.707 / 1.189.161

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 9.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.5 m Slope Length: 10.6 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 60.0 m Slope Surface Area: 636 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 53.1
Sheet 85 541
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 88.7
Rills 15 95

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

414 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 298

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

415Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 299

Slope: T-120 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 491.706 / 1.189.171 End (x/y): 491.654 / 1.189.175

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 4.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.9 m Slope Length: 5.5 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 51.6 m Slope Surface Area: 285 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 19.9
Sheet 100 285
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 33.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

416 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 300

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

417Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 301

Slope: T-121 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 491.812 / 1.189.227 End (x/y): 491.718 / 1.189.173

Slope Length (Range): 14.0 – 23.0 m Slope Length (Average): 19.0 m Slope Width: 109.4 m

Slope Surface Area: 2079 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1455.0
Sheet 0 0
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2429.9
Rills 10 208

Gullies 90 1871
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

418 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 302

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

419Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 303

Slope: T-122 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 491.871 / 1.189.244 End (x/y): 491.800 / 1.189.199

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 9.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.5 m Slope Length: 9.2 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 85.6 m Slope Surface Area: 784 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 54.9
Sheet 100 784
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 91.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

420 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 304

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

421Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 305

Slope: T-123 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 491.899 / 1.189.315 End (x/y): 491.864 / 1.189.260

Slope Length (Range): 18.0 – 20.0 m Slope Length (Average): 19.0 m Slope Width: 66.0 m

Slope Surface Area: 1254 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 877.8
Sheet 0 0
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1465.9
Rills 10 125

Gullies 90 1129
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

422 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 306

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

423Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 307

Slope: T-124 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 491.953 / 1.189.382 End (x/y): 491.906 / 1.189.322

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 -4.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.9 m Slope Length: 4.3 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 76.5 m Slope Surface Area: 329 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 23.0
Sheet 100 329
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 38.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

424 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 308

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

425Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 309

Slope: T-125 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.104 / 1.189.517 End (x/y): 491.966 / 1.189.372

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 7.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.0 m Slope Length: 7.1 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 208.8 m Slope Surface Area: 1476 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 103.4
Sheet 100 1476
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 172.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

426 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 310

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

427Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 311

Slope: T-126 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.108 / 1.189.538 End (x/y): 492.039 / 1.189.499

Slope Length (Range): 20.0 -30.0 m Slope Length (Average): 26.0 m Slope Width: 79.4 m

Slope Surface Area: 2064 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 553.3
Sheet 60 1238
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 923.9
Rills 20 413

Gullies 20 413
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

428 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 312

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

429Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 313

Slope: T-127 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.149 / 1.189.538 End (x/y): 492.210 / 1.189.561

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 7.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.7 m Slope Length: 7.4 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 66.1 m Slope Surface Area: 492 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3 / year): 34.4
Sheet 100 492
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 57.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

430 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 314

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

431Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 315

Slope: T-128 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.304 / 1.189.586 End (x/y): 492.217 / 1.189.539

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.0 – 7.8 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.0 m Slope Length: 6.5 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 100.2 m Slope Surface Area: 916m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 80.6
Sheet 80 733
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 134.6
Rills 20 183

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: yes Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

432 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 316

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

433Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 317

Slope: T-129 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.304 / 1.189.586 End (x/y): 492.217 / 1.189.539

Slope Length (Range): 3.0 – 7.0 m Slope Length (Average): 5.5 m Slope Width: 149.8 m

Slope Surface Area: 824 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 142.5
Sheet 85 700
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 238.0
Rills 10 82

Gullies 5 41
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

434 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 318

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

435Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 319

Slope: T-130 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y):492.464 / 1.189.659 End (x/y): 492.546 / 1.189.687

Elevation Difference (Range): 4.0 – 5.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.9 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 86.3 m Slope Surface Area: 507 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 42.3
Sheet 85 431
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 70.7
Rills 15 76

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

436 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 320

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

437Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 321

Slope: T-131 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.461 / 1.189.674 End (x/y): 492.538 / 1.189.700

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.5 – 2.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.8 m Slope Length: 1.8 m

Slope Angle: 80º Slope Width: 82.5 m Slope Surface Area: 151 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 10.6
Sheet 100 151
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 17.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

438 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 322

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

439Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 323

Slope: T-132 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.702 / 1.189.823 End (x/y): 492.614 / 1.189.762

Slope Length (Range): 16.0 – 24.0 m Slope Length (Average): 20.0 m Slope Width: 107.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 2142 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 1238.1
Sheet 10 214
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 2067.6
Rills 20 428

Gullies 70 1499
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

440 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 324

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

441Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 325

Slope: T-133 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.661 / 1.189.770 End (x/y): 492.757 / 1.189.850

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.5 – 6.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.0 m Slope Length: 7.1 m

Slope Angle: 45º Slope Width: 125.1 m Slope Surface Area: 885 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 77.8
Sheet 80 708
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 130.0
Rills 20 177

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

442 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 326

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

443Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 327

Slope: T-134 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.811 / 1.189.914 End (x/y): 492.755 / 1.189.866

Slope Length (Range): 15.0 – 20.0 m Slope Length (Average): 17.0 m Slope Width: 73.9 m

Slope Surface Area: 1256 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 572.9
Sheet 20 251
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 956.7
Rills 30 377

Gullies 50 628
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

444 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 328

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

445Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 329

Slope: T-135 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.916 / 1.189.998 End (x/y): 492.832 / 1.189.930

Slope Length (Range): 1.0 – 12.5 m Slope Length (Average): 8.5 m Slope Width: 109.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 927 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 66.8
Sheet 40 371
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 111.5
Rills 10 93

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

446 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 330

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

447Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 331

Slope: T-136 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.842 / 1.189.913 End (x/y): 492.942 / 1.189.995

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 -4.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.2 m Slope Length: 3.5 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 129.8 m Slope Surface Area: 458 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 85.7
Sheet 50 229
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 143.1
Rills 20 92

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 30 137

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

448 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 332

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

449Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 333

Slope: T-137 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.989 / 1.190.047 End (x/y): 492.935 / 1.190.010

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 6.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.8 m Slope Length: 4.2 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 65.1 m Slope Surface Area: 273 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 41.6
Sheet 75 205
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 69.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 25 68

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

450 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 334

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

451Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 335

Slope: T-138 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 492.989 / 1.190.047 End (x/y): 492.935 / 1.190.010

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 - 1.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.25 m Slope Length: 1.3 m

Slope Angle: 70° Slope Width: 72.8 m Slope Surface Area: 97 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 6.8
Sheet 100 97
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 11.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

452 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 336

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

453Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 337

Slope: T-139 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 495.400 / 1.190.827 End (x/y): 495.502 / 1.190.799

Elevation Difference (Range): 9.0 – 12.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 11.0 m Slope Length: 15.6 m

Slope Angle: 45° Slope Width:124.3 m Slope Surface Area: 1934 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 243.6
Sheet 50 967
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 406.9
Rills 40 773

Gullies 10 193
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

454 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 338

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

455Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 339

Slope: T-140 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 495.544 / 1.190.794 End (x/y): 495.590 / 1.190.854

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 4.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.0 m Slope Length: 3.3 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 75.0 m Slope Surface Area: 248 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 23.0
Sheet 75 186
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 38.3
Rills 25 62

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

456 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 340

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

457Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 341

Slope: T-141 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 495.544 / 1.190.794 End (x/y): 495.590 / 1.190.854

Elevation Difference (Range):2.0 – 3.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.5 m Slope Length: 3.5m

Slope Angle: 45° Slope Width: 198.5 m Slope Surface Area: 702 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 49.1
Sheet 100 702
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 82.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

458 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 342

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

459Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 343

Slope: T-142 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 495.858 / 1.190.927 End (x/y): 495.930 / 1.190.868

Slope Length (Range): 1.5 – 2.7 m Slope Length (Average): 2.2 m Slope Width: 93.5 m

Slope Surface Area: 206 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 29.6
Sheet 80 165
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 49.5
Rills 20 41

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

460 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 344

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

461Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 345

Slope: T-143 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 495.943 / 1.190.856 End (x/y): 496.025 / 1.190.877

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.8 m Slope Length: 2.5 m

Slope Angle: 45° Slope Width: 85.8 m Slope Surface Area: 218 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 15.3
Sheet 100 218
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 25.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

462 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 346

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

463Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 347

Slope: T-144a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.257 / 1.191.002 End (x/y): 496.188 / 1.190.964

Slope Length (Range): 4.0 – 8.0 m Slope Length (Average): 6.0 m Slope Width: 78.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 469 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 67.0
Sheet 85 398
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 111.9
Rills 15 70

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

464 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 348

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

465Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 349

Slope: T-144b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.238 / 1.191.027 End (x/y): 496.173 / 1.190.985

Slope Length (Range): 3.0 – 14.0 m Slope Length (Average): 5.5 m Slope Width: 77.2 m

Slope Surface Area: 425 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 111.9
Sheet 85 361
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 101.4
Rills 15 64

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

466 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 350

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

467Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 351

Slope: T-145a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.278 / 1.191.016 End (x/y): 496.318 / 1.191.069

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.3 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.7 m Slope Length: 2.0 m

Slope Angle: 60° Slope Width:65.5 m Slope Surface Area: 129 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 9.0
Sheet 100 129
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 15.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes
Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

468 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 352

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

469Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 353

Slope: T-145b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y):496.289/ 1.191.081 End (x/y): 496.254/ 1.191.038

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.5 – 3.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.2 m Slope Length: 3.1 m

Slope Angle: 45° Slope Width: 55.4 m Slope Surface Area: 172 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m ) 3
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 12.1
Sheet 100 172
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 20.1
Rills 0 0
Gullies 0 0

Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no
Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

470 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 354

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

471Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 355

Slope: T-146 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.364 / 1.191.161 End (x/y): 496.317 / 1.191.111

Elevation Difference (Range):4.0 – 6.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.5 m Slope Length: 7.2 m

Slope Angle: 50° Slope Width: 68.2 m Slope Surface Area: 490 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 34.3
Sheet 100 490
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 57.2
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

472 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 356

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

473Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 357

Slope: T-147a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.430 / 1.191.373 End (x/y): 496.415 / 1.191.463

Elevation Difference (Range):3.0 – 4.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.5 m Slope Length: 4.9 m

Slope Angle: 45° Slope Width: 91.1 m Slope Surface Area: 451 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 31.6
Sheet 100 451
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 52.7
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

474 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 358

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

475Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 359

Slope: T-147b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.410 / 1.191.372 End (x/y): 496.386 / 1.191.463

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 3.5 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.8 m Slope Length: 4.0 m

Slope Angle: 45° Slope Width: 95.2 m Slope Surface Area: 377 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 26.4
Sheet 100 377
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 44.1
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

476 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 360

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

477Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 361

Slope: T-148 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.410 / 1.191.518 End (x/y): 496.431 / 1.191.585

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.5 m Slope Length: 4.9 m

Slope Angle: 45° Slope Width: 70,0 m Slope Surface Area: 346 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 24.3
Sheet 100 346
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 40.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

478 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 362

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

479Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 363

Slope: T-149 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.472 / 1.191.829 End (x/y): 496.444 / 1.191.721

Elevation Difference (Range):2.0 – 5.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.5 m Slope Length: 5.5 m

Slope Angle: 55° Slope Width: 113.1 m Slope Surface Area: 621 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 43.5
Sheet 100 621
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 72.6
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

480 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 364

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

481Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 365

Slope: T-150 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 496.509 / 1.191.859 End (x/y): 496.495 / 1.191.807

Elevation Difference (Range):2.0 – 4.2 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.6 m Slope Length: 4.4 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 54.3 m Slope Surface Area: 239 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 21.0
Sheet 80 191
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 35.1
Rills 20 48

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

482 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 366

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

483Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 367

Slope: T-151 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 500.239 / 1.189.624 End (x/y): 500.256 / 1.189.626

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 3.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 2.9 m Slope Length: 3.2 m

Slope Angle: 65° Slope Width: 16.8 m Slope Surface Area: 54 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 3.8
Sheet 100 54
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 6.3
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

484 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 368

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

485Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 369

Slope: T-152 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 500.255 / 1.189.639 End (x/y): 500.287 / 1.189.645

Slope Length (Range): 7.0 – 12.0 m Slope Length (Average): 10.0 m Slope Width: 33.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 331 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 99.3
Sheet 50 166
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 165.8
Rills 25 83

Gullies 25 83
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

486 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 370

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

487Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 371

Slope: T-153 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 500.338 / 1.189.665 End (x/y): 500.468 / 1.189.644

Elevation Difference (Range): 6.0 – 9.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 7.5 m Slope Length: 8.7 m

Slope Angle: 60º Slope Width: 133,3 m Slope Surface Area: 1154 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 80.8
Sheet 100 1154
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 135.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

488 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 372

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

489Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 373

Slope: T-154 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 500.436 / 1.189.636 End (x/y): 500.523 / 1.189.596

Elevation Difference (Range):4.5 – 6.6 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.5 m Slope Length: 7.2 m

Slope Angle: 50º Slope Width: 95.6 m Slope Surface Area: 686 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 48.0
Sheet 100 686
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 80.2
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

490 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 374

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

491Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 375

Slope: T-155 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 500.536 / 1.189.587 End (x/y): 500.573 / 1.189.558

Slope Length (Range): 2.0 – 4.5 m Slope Length (Average): 3.2 m Slope Width: 47.2 m

Slope Surface Area: 151 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 49.8
Sheet 50 76
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 83.2
Rills 20 30

Gullies 30 45
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

492 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 376

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

493Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 377

Slope: T-156 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 500.588 / 1.189.574 End (x/y): 500.655 / 1.189.525

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.0 – 7.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 5.7 m Slope Length: 7.4 m

Slope Angle: 50° Slope Width: 82.7 m Slope Surface Area: 615 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 54.2
Sheet 80 492
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 90.4
Rills 20 123

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no| Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

494 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 378

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

495Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 379

Slope: T-157a Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 500.668 / 1.189.487 End (x/y): 500.752 / 1.189.416

Slope Length (Range): 2.0 – 4.5 m Slope Length (Average): 3.8 m Slope Width: 109,6 m

Slope Surface Area: 416 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 99.5
Sheet 55 229
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 166.2
Rills 30 125

Gullies 15 62
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

496 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 380

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

497Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 381

Slope: T-157b Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 500.769 / 1.189.434 End (x/y): 500.684 / 1.189.505

Slope Length (Range): 2.0 – 4.5 m Slope Length (Average): 3.8 m Slope Width: 110.1 m

Slope Surface Area: 418 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 60.7
Sheet 75 314
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 101.3
Rills 25 105

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

498 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 382

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

499Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 383

Slope: T-158 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 501.069 / 1.189.121 End (x/y): 501.324 / 1.188.939

Elevation Difference (Range):8.0 – 12.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 10.5 m Slope Length: 21.0 m

Slope Angle: 30° Slope Width: 325.1 m Slope Surface Area: 6827 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 798.8
Sheet 60 4096
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 1333.9
Rills 30 2048

Gullies 10 683
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

500 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 384

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

501Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 385

Slope: T-159 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 507.619 / 1.183.582 End (x/y): 507.487 / 1.183.572

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.6 m Slope Length: 2.3 m

Slope Angle: 45° Slope Width: 133.4 m Slope Surface Area: 302 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 26.6
Sheet 80 241
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 44.4
Rills 20 60

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

502 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 386

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

503Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 387

Slope: T-160 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 507.480 / 1.183.596 End (x/y): 507.707 / 1.183.563

Elevation Difference (Range): 1.0 – 2.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 1.8 m Slope Length: 2.2 m

Slope Angle: 55° Slope Width: 237.4 m Slope Surface Area: 522 m 2

Geology: Volcaniclastic Sequence (Quaternary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 55.3
Sheet 60 313
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 92.3
Rills 40 209

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

504 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 388

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

505Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 389

Slope: T-161a Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 507.905 / 1.183.542 End (x/y): 507.762 / 1.183.553

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 4.8 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.8 m Slope Length: 4.6 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 143.0 m Slope Surface Area: 663 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 46.4
Sheet 100 663
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 77.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

506 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 390

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

507Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 391

Slope: T-161b Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 507.904 / 1.183.517 End (x/y): 507.823 / 1.183.530

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 3.8 m Elevation Difference (Average): 3.0 m Slope Length: 3.3 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 81,3 m Slope Surface Area: 269 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 18.8
Sheet 100 269
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 31.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

508 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 392

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

509Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 393

Slope: T-162 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 508.001 / 1.183.547 End (x/y): 508.034 / 1.183.578

Slope Length (Range): 6.0 – 11.0 m Slope Length (Average): 9.0 m Slope Width: 45,1 m

Slope Surface Area: 406 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 56.8
Sheet 100 406
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 94.9
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

510 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 394

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

511Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 395

Slope: T-163 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 508.055 / 1.183.599 End (x/y): 508.204 / 1.183.652

Elevation Difference (Range): 3.5 – 5.0 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.7 m Slope Length: 5.2 m

Slope Angle: 65º Slope Width: 157.9 m Slope Surface Area: 819 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 57.3
Sheet 100 819
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 95.7
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

512 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 396

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

513Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 397

Slope: T-164 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 508.413 / 1.183.709 End (x/y): 508.303 / 1.183.660

Elevation Difference (Range): 5.0 – 7.4 m Elevation Difference (Average): 6.2 m Slope Length: 7.6 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 121.8 m Slope Surface Area: 922 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m / year): 110.2
Sheet 85 784
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 184.0
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 15 138

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: no

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

514 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 398

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

515Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 399

Slope: T-165 Type: Fill Slope

Beginning (x/y): 508.481 / 1.183.738 End (x/y): 508.429 / 1.183.712

Slope Length (Range):v12.0 – 18.0 m Slope Length (Average): 15.0 m Slope Width: 58.3 m

Slope Surface Area: 875 m 2

Geology: Fill

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 122.4
Sheet 100 875
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 204.5
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

516 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 400

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

517Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 401

Slope: T-166 Type: Cut Slope

Beginning (x/y): 508.428 / 1.183.737 End (x/y): 508.605 / 1.183.888

Elevation Difference (Range): 2.0 – 5.3 m Elevation Difference (Average): 4.2 m Slope Length: 5.1 m

Slope Angle: 55º Slope Width: 234.9 m Slope Surface Area: 1204 m 2

Geology: Volcanic Sequence, predominantly andesites and tuffs with varying degree of hydrothermal alteration (Tertiary)

Erosion (conditions in 2014):
Type Surface (%) Surface (m )
Estimated Erosion Rate (m 3/ year): 84.3
Sheet 100 1204
Estimated Erosion Rate (t / year): 140.8
Rills 0 0

Gullies 0 0
Land Slides 0 0

Mitigation Measures: Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Geotextiles: no Drainage Control: no Stabilization by Terraces: no Sediment traps: no

Sowed Vegetation: no Natural Vegetation: yes

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

518 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 402

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende(Julio 2014)

519Annex 3

520 Annex 3

Appendix C: Data Sheets for all Intersections of Watercourses along the
Route 1856 between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica

521Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 – Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 1

Watercourse C-1 Location (x/y): 461.227 / 1.215.211 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: no mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

522 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 2

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

523Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 3

Watercourse C-2 Location (x/y): 461.538 / 1.215.033 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation StatusMitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

524 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 4

Watercourse C-3 Location (x/y): 461570 / 1214969 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

525Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 5

Watercourse C-4 Location (x/y): 461600 / 1214884 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

526 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 6

Watercourse C-5 Location (x/y): 461.699 / 1.214.751 Type: Fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

527Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 7

Watercourse C-6 Location (x/y): 461.872 / 1.214.751 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

528 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 8

Watercourse C-7 Location (x/y): 461987 / 1214339 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

529Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 9

Watercourse C-8 Location (x/y): 462100 / 1214182 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:


Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

530 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 10

Watercourse C-9 Location (x/y): 462.273 / 1.213.911 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

531Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 11

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

532 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 12

Watercourse C-10 Location (x/y): 461.662 / 1.212.525 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

533Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 13

Watercourse C-11 Location (x/y): 461589 / 1211580 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

534 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 14

Watercourse C-12 Location (x/y): 461.439 / 1.211.380 Type: Bridge with no fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

535Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 15

Watercourse C-13 Location (x/y): 461658 / 1210857 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

536 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 16

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

537Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 17

Watercourse C-14 Location (x/y): 461840 / 1210757 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

538 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 18

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

539Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 19

Watercourse C-15 Location (x/y): 462.112 / 1.210.746 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

540 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 20

Watercourse C-16 Location (x/y): 462.304 / 1.210.652 Type: Bridge with no fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

541Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 21

Watercourse C-17 Location (x/y): 462.655 / 1.210.529 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

542 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 22

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

543Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 23

Watercourse C-18 Location (x/y): 463.256 / 1.210.262 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

544 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 24

Watercourse C-19 Location (x/y): 463.319 / 1.209.605 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

545Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 25

Watercourse C-20 Location (x/y): 463.340 / 1.209.506 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

546 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 26

Watercourse C-21 Location (x/y):463.422 / 1.209.254 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

547Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 27

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

548 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 28

Watercourse C-22 Location (x/y): 463547 / 1208955 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

549Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 29

Watercourse C-23 Location (x/y): 463.626 / 1.208.670 Type: Fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

550 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 30

Watercourse C-24 Location (x/y): 463.754 / 1.208.581 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

551Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 31

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

552 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 32

Watercourse C-25 Location (x/y): 463.899 / 1.208.473 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

553Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 33

Watercourse C-26 Location (x/y): 464.042 / 1.208.254 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

554 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 34

Watercourse C-27 Location (x/y): 464.232 / 1.208.002 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

555Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 35

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

556 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 36

Watercourse C-28 Location (x/y): 464.443 / 1.207.466 Type: Fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

557Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 37

Watercourse C-29 Location (x/y): 464.552 / 1.207.383 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

558 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 38

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

559Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 39

Watercourse C-30 Location (x/y): 464.665 / 1.207.241 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

560 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 40

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

561Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 41

Watercourse C-31 Location (x/y): 464.757 / 1.207.184 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

562 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 42

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

563Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 43

Watercourse C-32 Location (x/y): 465.034 / 1.207.098 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

564 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 44

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

565Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 45

Watercourse C-33 Location (x/y): 465.187 / 1.207.039 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

566 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 46

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

567Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 47

Watercourse C-34 Location (x/y): 465.476 / 1.207.063 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

568 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 48

Watercourse C-35 Location (x/y): 466.592 / 1.206.914 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

569Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 49

Watercourse C-36 Location (x/y):467.261 / 1.206.787 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

570 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 50

Watercourse C-37 Location (x/y): 468.250 / 1.206.043 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

571Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 51

Watercourse C-38a Location (x/y): 468.448 / 1.205.082 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

572 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 52

Watercourse C-38b Location (x/y): 468.514 / 1.204.985 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

573Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 53

Watercourse C-38c Location (x/y): 468.579 / 1.204.874 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

574 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 54

Watercourse C-39 Location (x/y): 468.731 / 1.204.660 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

575Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 55

Watercourse C-40 Location (x/y): 468.855 / 1.204.586 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

576 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 56

Watercourse C-41 Location (x/y): 469.006 / 1.204.496 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

577Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 57

Watercourse C-42 Location (x/y): 469.496 / 1.204.456 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

578 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 58

Watercourse C-43 Location (x/y): 469.496 / 1.204.401 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

579Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 59

Watercourse C-44b Location (x/y): 469.861 / 1.204.335 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

580 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 60

Watercourse C-44 Location (x/y): Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

581Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 61

Watercourse C-45 Location (x/y): 470.603 / 1.204.325 Type: Bridge with no fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

582 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 62

Watercourse C-46 Location (x/y): 471.202 / 1.204.239 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

583Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 63

Watercourse C-47 Location (x/y): 472067 / 1204129 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

584 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 64

Watercourse C-48a Location (x/y): 473.173 / 1203660 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

585Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 65

Watercourse C-48b Location (x/y): 473.712 / 1.203.001 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

586 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 66

Watercourse C-49 Location (x/y): 473.968 / 1.202.609 Type: Bridge with no fill

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

587Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 67

Watercourse C-50a Location (x/y): 475.393 / 1.202.126 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

588 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 68

Watercourse C-50b Location (x/y): 475.969 /1.201.115 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

589Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 69

Watercourse C-50c Location (x/y): 475.973 / 1.200.541 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

590 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 70

Watercourse C-50d Location (x/y): 476.019 / 1.200.154 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

591Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 71

Watercourse C-50e Location (x/y): 476.011 / 1.200.069 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

592 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 72

Watercourse C-50f Location (x/y): 476.268 / 1.199.536 Type: Fill prism with tree-trunks

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

593Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 73

Watercourse C-51 Location (x/y): 476.424 / 1.199.028 Type: Fill prism with tree-trunks

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

594 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 74

Watercourse C-52 Location (x/y): 476.225 / 1.198.116 Type: Fill prism with tree-trunks

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

595Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 75

Watercourse C-53 Location (x/y): 475.594 / 1.196.921 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

596 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 76

Watercourse C-54 Location (x/y): 474.969 / 1.196.766 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

597Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 77

Watercourse C-55 Location (x/y): 474.616 / 1.196.712 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

598 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 78

Watercourse C-56 Location (x/y): 474.216 / 1.196.813 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

599Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 79

Watercourse C-57 Location (x/y): 473.960 / 1.196.062 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

600 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 80

Watercourse C-58 Location (x/y): 473.985 / 1.195.977 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

601Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 81

Watercourse C-59 Location (x/y): 474.112 / 1.195.699 Type: Fill prism with tree-trunks

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

602 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 82

Watercourse C-60 Location (x/y): 475.020 / 1.195.075 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

603Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 83

Watercourse C-61 Location (x/y): 475.305 / 1.194.537 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

604 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 84

Watercourse C-61b Location (x/y): 475.497 / 1.194.351 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

605Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 85

Watercourse C-62 Location (x/y): 477.428 / 1.193.596 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

606 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 86

Watercourse C-63 Location (x/y): 477.257 / 1.193.472 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

607Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 87

Watercourse C-64 Location (x/y): 477.242 / 1.193.033 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

608 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 88

Watercourse C-65 Location (x/y): 477.578 / 1.192.404 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

609Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 89

Watercourse C-66 Location (x/y): 478.201 / 1.192.067 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

610 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 90

Watercourse C-67 Location (x/y): 479.277 / 1.193.055 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

611Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 91

Watercourse C-68 Location (x/y): 479.497 / 1.193.027 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

612 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 92

Watercourse C-69 Location (x/y): 479.943 / 1.192.858 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

613Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 93

Watercourse C-70 Location (x/y): 480.699 / 1.192.650 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

614 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 94

Watercourse C-71 Location (x/y): 480.952 / 1.192.651 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

615Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 95

Watercourse C-72 Location (x/y): 481.239 / 1.192.626 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

616 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 96

Watercourse C-73 Location (x/y): 481.485 / 1.192.606 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

617Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 97

Watercourse C-74 Location (x/y): 481.595 / 1.192.601 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

618 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 98

Watercourse C-75 Location (x/y): 482.336 / 1.1925.79 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

619Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 99

Watercourse C-76 Location (x/y):482.865 / 1.192.636 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

620 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 100

Watercourse C-77 Location (x/y): 483.102 / 1.192.645 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

621Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 101

Watercourse C-78 Location (x/y): 483.464 / 1.192.615 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

622 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 102

Watercourse C-79 Location (x/y):484.214 / 1.192.760 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:


Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

623Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 103

Watercourse C-80 Location (x/y): 485.440 / 1.192.422 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

624 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 104

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

625Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 105

Watercourse C-81 Location (x/y): 485.435 / 1.191.673 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

626 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 106

Watercourse C-82 Location (x/y): 485.538 / 1.191.030 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

627Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 107

Watercourse C-83 Location (x/y): 485.998 / 1.190.421 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

628 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 108

Watercourse C-84 Location (x/y): 486.038 / 1.190.369 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

629Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 109

Watercourse C-85 Location (x/y): 486.462 / 1.190.232 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

630 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 110

Watercourse C-86 Location (x/y): 489.969 / 1.190.072 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

631Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 111

Watercourse C-87 Location (x/y): 490.552 / 1.189.754 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

632 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 112

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

633Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 113

Watercourse C-88 Location (x/y): 491.367 / 1.189.377 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

634 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 114

Watercourse C-89 Location (x/y): 491.628 / 1.189.182 Type: Bridge with no fill

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

635Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 115

Watercourse C-90 Location (x/y): 492.397 / 1.189.628 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

636 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 116

Watercourse C-101 Location (x/y): 495.259 / 1.190.936 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

637Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 117

Watercourse C-91 Location (x/y): 496.138 / 1.190.954 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

638 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 118

Watercourse C-92 Location (x/y)496.215 / 1.190.994 Type: Fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

639Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 119

Watercourse C-93 Location (x/y): 496.430 / 1.191.280 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

640 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 120

Watercourse C-94 Location (x/y): 496.400 / 1.191.499 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

641Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 121

Watercourse C-95 Location (x/y): 496.439 / 1.191.682 Type: No construction

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

642 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 122

Watercourse C-102 Location (x/y): 497.004 / 1.193.228 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

643Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 123

Watercourse C-103 Location (x/y): 498.088 / 1.192.451 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

644 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 124

Watercourse C-104 Location (x/y): 498.444 / 1.191.562 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Other

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

645Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 125

Watercourse C-96 Location (x/y): 500.556 / 1.189.581 Type: Fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

646 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 126

Watercourse C-97 Location (x/y): 500.744 / 1.189.441 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

647Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 127

Watercourse C-98 Location (x/y): 500.888 / 1.189.302 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

648 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 128

Watercourse C-99 Location (x/y): 501.026 / 1.189.175 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

649Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 129

Watercourse C-100a Location (x/y):503.186 / 1.187.376 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

650 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 130

Watercourse C-100b Location (x/y): 503.231 / 1.186.933 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

651Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 131

Watercourse C-105 Location (x/y): 503.361 / 1.186.249 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

652 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 132

Watercourse C-106 Location (x/y): 505.799 / 1.185.648 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

653Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 133

Watercourse C-107 Location (x/y): 507.998 / 1.183.530 Type: Fill prism

Sedimentation: present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

654 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 134

Watercourse C-108 Location (x/y): 508.046 / 1.183.577 Type: Fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation scheduled

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

655Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 135

Watercourse C-109 Location (x/y): 508.947 / 1.184.072 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: No mitigation necessary

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

656 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 136

Watercourse C-110 Location (x/y): 513.670 / 1.185.014 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigation in progress

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

657Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 137

Watercourse C-111 Location (x/y): 514.506 / 1.184.840 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

658 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 138

Watercourse C-112 Location (x/y): 519.898 / 1.188.049 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

659Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 139

Watercourse C-113 Location (x/y): 520.256 / 1.188.042 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

660 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 140

Watercourse C-114 Location (x/y): 523.468 / 1.190.660 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

661Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 141

Watercourse C-115 Location (x/y): 525.112 / 1.190.485 Type: Bridge combined with fill

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)

662 Annex 3

Road Nº 1856 –Inventory of Slopes and Watercourses between Mojón II and Delta Costa Rica 142

Watercourse C-116 Location (x/y): 525.793 / 1.190.678 Type: Culvert with fill prism

Sedimentation: not present Erosion: not present Present Mitigation Status: Mitigated

Condition in 2013 Condition in 2014

Location Map:

Dr. Andreas Mende (Julio 2014)


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Volume II - Annexes 1-3
