Volume 3 (Annexes 31-60)

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Document File

( Annexes 31 to 60 )
25 MARCH 2004

Number Description Page No.
> Annex 31 Letter from the Court of Directors of the East India 245
Company to the Governor General of India in Council dated
5 Sep 1849
I° Annex 32 Letter from Grey W. (Under Secretary to the Government of 257
India) to Seton Karr W. (Under Secretary to the Government
of Bengal) dated 2 7 Oct 1849
Annex 33 Letter from Seton Karr W. (Under Secretary to the 261
Government of Bengal) to Butterworth W.J. (Governor of
Prince of Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca) dated 12
Nov 1849
Annex 34 Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at 265
Singapore) to Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore)
dated 20 Dec 1849
Annex 35 Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 279
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
Councillor at Singapore) dated 24 Dec 1849
Annex 36 Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at 283
Singapore) to Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore)
dated 26 Dec 1849
Annex 37 Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 291
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Court of Directors of the
East India Company dated 27 Dec 1849
Annex 38 Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 297
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
Councillor at Singapore) dated 29 Dec 1849
Annex 39 Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 301
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Seton Karr W. (Under
Secretary to the Government of Bengal) dated 13 Feb 1850
Annex 40 Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 317
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
Councillor at Singapore) dated 22 Feb 1850
Annex 41 Letter from Bayley H.V. (Under Secretary to the 321
Government of Bengal) to Butterworth W.J. (Governor of
Prince of Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca) dated 19
Mar 1850
Annex 42 Letter from Lettler J. H. of the Marine Department of the 329
Government of Bengal to the Court of Directors of the East
India Company dated 30 Mar 1850
Number Description Page No.
Annex 43 Letter from Butterworth W .J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 339
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to the Resident Councillor at
Malacca dated 4 Apr 1850
Annex 44 Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 341
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to the Resident Councillor at
Malacca dated 19 Apr 1850
Annex 45 "The Horsburgh Lighthouse" in the Straits Times and 345
Singapore Journal of Commerce (28 May 1850)
Annex 46 Letter from the Court of Directors of the East India 351
Company to the Marine Department of the Government of
Bengal dated 18 Sep 1850
Annex47 Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at 359
Singapore) to Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore)
dated 2 Nov 1850
Annex 48 Letter from Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore) to 381
Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales Island,
Singapore and Malacca) dated 7 Nov 1850
'! Annex 49 Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 385
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Seton Karr W. (Under
Secretary to the Government of Bengal) dated 9 Nov 1850
Annex 50 Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at 397
Singapore) to Allan Stevenson (Engineer to the Northern
Light Board at Edinburgh) dated 20 Jan 1851
Annex 51 Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at 401
Singapore) to Allan Stevenson (Engineer to the Northern
Light Board at Edinburgh) dated 6 Feb 1851
Annex 52 Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at 405
Singapore) to Allan Stevenson (Engineer to the Northern
Light Board at Ed in burgh) dated 1 Apr 1 8 51
Annex 53 "Statement of the Proper Receipts and Disbursements at 409
Singapore for the Official Year 1850-51, exclusive of
Military and Convicts" in the Singapore Free Press and
Mercantile Advertiser (31 May 1851)
Annex 54 Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at 411
Singapore) to Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore)
dated 20 July 1851
Annex 55 Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales 431
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
Councillor at Singapore) dated 23 Aug 1851
Annex 56 Relevant Extracts from the Straits Times and Singapore 441 r Journal of Commerce (23 Sep 1851, 30 Sep 1851 and 7 Oct
1851), and the Singapore Free Press & Mercantile Advertiser
(3 Oct 1851 and 6 Oct 1851)
Annex 57
Annex 58
r Annex 59
;>< Annex 60
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of the Prince of
Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T.
(Resident Councillor at Singapore) dated 28 Oct 1851
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Halliday F.J. (Secretary to
the Government of Bengal) dated I Nov 1851
Act No. VI of 1852 (India)
"Statement of the Proper Receipts and Disbursements at
Singapore for the Official Year 1851-52, exclusive of
Military and Convicts" in the Singapore Free Press and
Mercantile Advertiser (18 June 1852)
Page No.·
Annex 31
Letter fro1n the Court of Directors of the East India Company
to the Governor General of India in Council dated 5 Sep 1849
: 5 Sep 1849
Marine Department
No. 3 of 1849
Our Governor General of India in Council.
Para: 1 Your letter No. 3 dated 3rd March last on the
subject of the proposed Horsburgh Light House, informs us
th.at the cost of that Building which originally was not expected
to exceed 7000 Dollars, or Rs. 15,750 is now estimated at Rs.
29,417 exclusive of the cost of a lantern, which together with
other expenses, will raise the total amount to Rs. 50,917 and
this does not include the conveyance of the workmen and
materials for which it is proposed that the Government shall be
responsible. It is evident that even this increased estimate
which is subject to several contingencies is very likely to be
considerably exceeded in a work of such difficult construction.
2. The increased charge has been occasioned by
the selection (made after communication with the Lords of the
Admiralty) of the Island of Pedra Branca instead of Peak Rock,
as the site of the Light House, the former being not only much
more distant from Singapore and much less accessible, but
being also so much more exposed to the influence of the
waves during the North East Monsoon, as to render it
absolutely necessary that the Structure should be "entirely
faced with granite set in Cement'', with a back work of
The Report of the
Gov1 Surveyor
dated Singapore
h March 1848
states it thus -
Masonry set in
Cement for the
facing of the
Building with a
backing of Brick
set in common
*Masonry instead of being composed of brick and Chunam
Materials which would have sufficed on Peak Rock which is
situated on the Northern Shore of the Straits.
3. The subscriptions hitherto received for the Light
House amount to Rs. 22,194 leaving a deficit of Rs. 28,723,
which you propose should be advanced by Government, and
to ensure repayment of this loan, you further propose that the
duty authorized by us to be levied on Vessels touching at
Singapore or clearing out from Indian Ports to China or the
Eastward of Singapore should be raised from one rupee to two
dollars or 4 % rupees per 100 tons.
4. As the smaller rate would be quite inadequate to
meet the expenses of a Light House on Pedra Branca and as
there seems no more unobjectionable mode of providing for its
construction and maintenance than the imposition of a suitable
tonnage duty on Shipping, we authorize you to levy a duty as
soon as a light is exhibited on that Station: but as we have no
doubt that the expense will exceed the amount you have
estimated we direct that a Tonnage duty of 2 % Dollars per
100 Tons be levied on the Shipping above described.
The 5th September 1849.
We are
Your affectionate friends.
A Galloway
J Sheperd
J Cotton
W L Meville
R Jenkins
C Mills
W H Sykes
J W Hogg
W J Eastwick
W H C Plowden
J Masterman
RD Mangles
JC Whiteman
F Warden
I 247 I
Marine Dept
5th Sept 1849
D/ 19 Oct/ 49
Company's Letter to the Governor General of India in Council
No. 3 of 1849.
Via Marseilles & Bombay
Sd/ ............ 20/1 O
Reply to Letter No. 3 d/ 3 March /49 respecting the expense of building the
proposed Horsburgh Light House on Pedra Branca, and authorize levy· of
tonnage duty on Vessels touching at Singapore or clearing out from Indian
Ports to China or the Eastward of Singapore of 2 Y:i Dollars p.-100 tons.
1 249 I
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Annex 32
Letter from Grey W. (Under Secretary to the Government of
India) to Seton Karr W. (Under Secretary to the Govem1nent
of Bengal) dated 27 Oct 1849
To: Bengal di 241
April 1847 No 284
From: -Der di 61
October 1848
No 1363
To:-Do- d/21"1
Octr 1848 " 920
From: -Dod/
131h Ded 1848
" 949
From: -Do- di 5th
April 1849 " 271
To: -Do- di ih
April 1849 ~ 237
: 27 Oct 1849
W. Grey Esqr
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
W. Seton Karr Esqre
Under Secretary to the Government of Bengal
Dated the 27'h October 1849
Home Department
With reference to the correspondence noted in the
margin*, I am directed by the President in Council to transmit
the accompanying copy of a Despatch from the Hon'ble the
Court of Directors, No 3, dated 5th September 1849, relative to
the construction of a Light House on Pedra Branca, and to
request that authority may be given to the Governor of
Singapore for the immediate commencement of the building.
2. It will be observed that a duty of 21h dollars per 100 tons
is to be levied on the shipping as soon as the Light House is
completed. A Law will be necessary for the purpose and
Colonel Butterworth should be directed to take an early
opportunity of submitting the draft of an Act containing such
provisions as may be deemed requisite.
Council Chamber
The 271
h Octr 1849.
I have &ea
/Sd/ W Grey
Under Secretary to the Govt of
Annex 33
Letter from Seton Karr W. (Under Secretary to the
Government of Bengal) to Butterworth W.J. (Governor of
Prince of Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca)
dated 12 Nov 1849
: 12 Nov 1849
No. 784
The Under Secretary to the Government of Bengal
Lieut1 Col1 W .J. Butterworth
Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca
Dated Fort William, The 121
h November 1849
With reference to the letter from this Office No 314
dated the 19th April last, I am directed by the Deputy Governor _
of Bengal to transmit a copy of a communication from the
Under Secretary to the Government of India in the Home
Department, No. 607 dated the 271
h Ultimo, and of its
enclosure, from the Hon'ble the Court of Directors, and to
request that you will take immediate measures for
commencing the construction of the Horsburgh Light House on
the Island of Pedra Branca.
2. His Honor also requests that you will submit the Draft of
an Act for the purpose of legalizing the duty proposed to be
levied on the shipping, as soon as the Light House is
I have the honer to be
Your most obedt Servant
Sd/ W. Seton Karr
Under Secretary to the Govt
of Bengal
1 2s1
1- 2s3 1
Annex 34
Letter from Thomson J. T. ( Government Surveyor at
Singapore) to Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore)
dated 20 Dec 1849
Date : 20 Dec 1849
To the Honorable
T. Church Esquire
Resident Councillor
I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letter No. 1217 of
1849 with annexed copies of letters from his honor the Governor No. 510,
from the Under Secretary to the Gov1
• of Bengal No. 784, and from W. Grey
Esqre, Under Secretary to the Gov1
. of India No. 607 containing a copy of a
despatch from the Honorable the Court of Directors No. 3 of Sept 1849,
relative to a Light house on Pedra Branca, and sanctioning its immediate
construction, under the designation of the "Horsburgh Light house" according
to plans, specifications and estimate forwarded with my letters No. 19 and 20
of 1848 and further doing me the honor of intrusting its erection to my care.
In reply to your letter No. 1217 I beg leave respectf u I ly to state that the
two months and ten days that now intervene between this and the first of
March, on which the building will be commenced will be fully occupied in
making the requisite preparations - my absence at Malacca would
consequently postpone the commencement of the work for as many days and
months as I might be at Malacca. Further nothing could be done to the Survey
of Malacca until the Instruments indented for an account of that Survey had
arrived from Bengal, which will probably not be before the 1 st of February and
a further period of 3 months would be required to teach the measurers, and
after they had been taught, they could not be left to themselves without a
surveyor to direct and check their operations. I am consequently of opinion
that no benefit would result by my proceeding to Malacca for the purpose of
commencing that Survey.
The preliminary operations of the Light House that will be made during
these 2 months and 10 days are as follows - 1st making model of Light house
for guidance of Chinese workmen 2nd drawing up specifications, contract and
agreements. 3rd In drawing plans of Cupola and Lamps &ea for transmission
to Europe. 4th Constructing Derricks and stone lifters. 5th Fitting up Gun boats
for the purposes for which they will be required, and having them thoroughly
repaired, so that their deficiencies may not be the cause of stopping the works
in the midst of operations. 5th erecting Carpenters and Blacksmiths shops
near my dwelling for the purpose of having materials worked up under my
own eye. yth in making experiments in Cements so as to enable me to
choose the most superior. 81
h in making arrangements to procure Chinese
stone cutters from China. gth in preparing houses for self and workmen to be
fixed on the rock - and many other minor details for all of which there is barely
time left - between this and the 151 of March - but all of which must be
carefully considered so that the progress of the works may not be detained for
want of foresight in this period of the undertaking.
With Reference to the Honorable the Governor's letter No. 510 above
mentioned, I beg leave to state that I have communicated with the Contractor,
and it is so far settled,. that he will undertake the masonry and brick work and
most of the Carpentry, Ironwork and copper work which of course will be
specified in detail in contract documents - for the sum of ten thousand five
hundred Spanish Dollars. The name of the Contractor is Choa Ah Lam, and in
a few days he promises to produce sufficient securities when the contract will
be definitely settled.
I beg leave respectfully to make known to his honor the Governor that
every caution and care will be used and no personal exertions spared to
secure stability and permanence to a work in which my character and future
good standing is so seriously involved. The gratifying assurance of his
confidence I consider more than half the battle against the difficulties
attending an unusual work of this kind, for with this in- my fortunate
possession, should these difficulties be encountered and such works are
seldom free of them during their progress/ whether from accident or by the
action of the elements/ I will be able to act with vigour and without the tardy
vacillation which under less propitious auspices would be the constant
attendant on every operation.
I shall have great pleasure in communicating personally with Major
Faber - at all times, and shall be grateful for any suggestions that his long
experience may offer and such as may be adopted will be as thankfully
acknowledged on the successful completion of the work. I will also greatly
desire personal communication with Capt. Man whose great experience in the
manufacture of cements and the blasting of rocks puts him in possession of a
fund of most valuable knowledge applicable in the progress of the structure. In
many operations that can only be successfully performed by practical Seamen
I will be under the greatest obligations to Captain Congalton for advice and
assistance as far as he can consistently render them.
Regarding the towage of materials from Singapore to Pedra Branca
which is an important part of the undertaking for which the Govt will be
responsible, and upon which subject misapprehension might arise were the
part to be performed r:mt sufficiently detailed and which misapprehension
might be the cause of great loss to the Contractor and detention of the works
- I will briefly recapitulate what is expected by the contractor of the Govt. 1st In
sendlng materials from Singapore to Pedra Branca - the Contractor will
deliver over his lighters to the steamer at the anchorage in Singapore roads
and from whence they will be ~owed to Pedra Branca, and secured to a Buoy
close to that rock, where again the contractor will take delivery of the lighters
after they are unloaded the lighters will be attached to the buoy (sic) and from
thence taken by the steamer to Singapore roads - or 2d if to Point Romania,
where sand and wood will be procured the steamer will tow the lighters to the
anchorage there from whence the contractor will carry them to the shore and
after they are loaded, deliver them at the anchorage of the steamer from
whence they will be towed and secured to the Buoy (sic) at Pedra Branca and
so on - of course the Commander of the steamer will take care to only venture
out with the lighters during the day at the rock, so that they may be unloaded
and secured to the steamer before night, as a loss of the lighters and cargo
might be incurred during the heavy squalls or Sumatras - were they to remain
at the rock or Buoy (sic) during the night. But there is no doubt that Capt.
Congalton's experience will easily show how to avoid accidents in this way -
tho' it may be here stated that such accrdents may be expected to occur.
Regarding the two Gunboats that will be required during the
operations, one will be required to be fitted up for my accommodation, and for
which purpose I would respectfully ask the favor of your obtaining a survey
report from the Master attendant, so that all necessary alterations may be
effected. Both Gunboats will require to be decked over, and I would
respectfully suggest that they be thoroughly examined so that all necessary
repairs may be effected before the first of March, so that a want in this
department may not be a cause of detention. The second gun boat will be
principally required for procuring water and provisions from pt Romania and
Singapore and for the carriage of work men.
It would much facilitate operations and give great confidence to the
workmen, which is a very desirable object, should the steamer Hooghly
remain near the rock for the first month or so, until everything be set agoing
properly, after that her services would only be necessary when building
materials were to be sent out to the rock - at the first setting out too it would
be of great assistance could she convey planks, attap and spars so as to
effect our quick establishment in houses on the rock these being the materials
of which they will be composed. I hope this can be acceded to.
While I have no alterations to suggest on the plan of the solid part of
the structure which was designed more to the view of strength than to any
other object, and while I can state with considerable confidence that the
estimate will not be exceeded in this part, as nothing was spared to make this
part complete - still as the Honble the Court of Directors have made
arrangements in full anticipation of the estimate being exceeded and as I
exercised the severest economy in the interior fittings - I would humbly
suggest that they be now of a superior style than that originally contemplated
as being more in accordance with the spirit of the undertaking now that there
is not the same object in reducing everything to its lowest limit of expenditure,
that originally was the case when the structure was planned. I would
recommend particularly that the visitors' room, the stairs and other lesser
conveniences - be fitted up in better style than originally designed.
As immediate measures will now be taken to commence this long
desired undertaking, and the actual work of constructing apparatus &ea will
commence on the first of January, not to mention other measures that have
been already set agoing, I would humbly solicit the favor that the extra
monthly allowance to my salary of 150 Rupees, so kindly acceded to by Govt
may be allowed to commence from the 151 of January - also that I may be
allowed to engage an overseer from that date on 100 Rupees per mensem.
I think I have touched upon every subject now requiring immediate
attention - as occasion may require I will ask for the assistance of such
departments of the Local Govt may be able to aid the undertaking so kindly
ordered by his Honor the Governor-, and trusting that this letter will meet with
your approval and also of his honer the Governor to whom I would beg the
favor of your forwarding it.
201h Deer 1849
I have the honor to be
Your most obed1 Serv1
Signed J.T. Thomson
Govt Surveyor
I 269 I
J 270 1
Government Surveyor
20 December
Relative to the construction of
the Light House on Pedra Branca &ea.
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1 27s I
I 21s I
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Annex 35
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
·Counci 1 lor at Singapore) dated 24 Dec 1849
· : 24 Dec 1849
The Resident Councillor
at Singapore
No. 528
Dated Singapore 24th December 1849
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
GI No. 1088
of 1849
No. 156
your letter under this date, with its enclosure from Mr
Thomson the Government Surveyor, relative to my order
delegating the task of constructing the Horsburgh Light House
to that Gentleman.
The steamer and larger Gun Boat will be
available for conveying materials supplies &ea to Pedra
Branca for the work People to be located there, and if
additional aid be required the Gun Boat from Malacca will be
called for.
The extra allowance granted to Mr Thomson
whilst employed on the Light House, as also that for an
overseer will commence from the 1 st January next, and you
are hereby authorized to make such advances on account of
the Horsburgh Light House as may be necessary.
h December 1849
I have &ea
Sd/ W J Butterworth
1 279 J
-~-·· -·
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Annex 36
Letter from Th01nson J.T. (Government Surveyor at
Singapore) to Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore)
dated 26 Dec 1849
Date 26 Dec 1849
To the Honorable
T. Church Esqre
Resident Councillor
No. 33
In Continuation of the subjects noticed in my letter No. 32 of 20th Ded
regarding the proposed Horsburgh Light house, I have the honer of informing
you that I have carefully considered the most eligible means for the procuring
of the Lamps, Lantern and machinery which his honor the Governor directs
should be executed in communication with "one of the eminent parties of the
Mother Country versed in such matters with a view of determining the light and
the timely construction, of the necessary apparatus". I beg leave to state that I
heartily concur with his honor the Governor that so important and delicate a
part of the undertaking, can not be safely intrusted to any engineer, that is not
of the most undoubted respectibility (sic) and whose qualifications have already
been fully tested in the mother Country. The subject is so important that it has
enlisted the efforts of the most eminent men of science in Europe.
The Gentleman whom I proposed as the most proper person to be
intrusted with this part of the undertaking in my letter dated 24th May 1848 was
the Engineer to the commissioners of the Northern Lights which office is held in
the person of Mr. Allan Stevenson, son of the most Eminent Light house
Engineer of the present century and himself ranking amongst the first of his
profession by the successful completion of the Sherryone Light house, I would
again humbly make the same proposition and solicit the authority of
government to my at once entering into communication with this gentleman not
only for the purpose of taking his opinion as to the nature of the Light and
1 203 I
I 2s4 I
requesting him to determine it for which purpose I will forward charts of the
Straits of Singapore but requesting him to engage Mechanical Engineers to
construct the Lantern, Lamps Machinery &ea also to request his personal
superintendence and attention until the whole be completed and securely
packed and shipped for Singapore by pursueing (sic) this mode I feel confident
that the lighting apparatus will be of the best description now manufactured, to
which the latest improvements will be adapted, and that the skill and
experience for which Mr. Stevenson is so eminently known, will be a complete
guarantee that the light when shown on Pedra Branca will give every
satisfaction to the maritime public.
In the employment of an Engineer it will be necessary for me to give
references in England to parties who will supply the funds when requisite, in
this matter. I would humbly suggest that I be either permitted to transact the
monetary business thro' a Singapore firm whom the Govt. will appoint, or that
the honble the Court of Directors be moved to make the advances to Mr.
Stevenson or his assigns when such are necessary, limiting the amount in the
meantime to the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds sterling £1500.
Singapore 25th
Ded 1849
I have the honor to be
Your most obed1 Servant
Signed. J T Thomson
. Surveyor
Government Surveyor
26' December
Respecting Lamps, Lanterns &ea,
required for the Horsburgh Light House
on Pedro Branca
[ 285
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I 288 I
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I 2s9 I
Annex 37
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Court of Directors of the
East India Company dated 27 Dec 1849
No. 340 Genl. No. 109G
of 1849
To J.G. Melvill Esqre
Secy. to the Honble the Court of
Directors of the East India Company
East India House - London.
DI Singapore the 2?1h Deer. 1849.
With reference to the despatch from the Honble the Court of
Directors under date the 5th Sep( No. 3 of 1849, to the Govt.
of India, sanctioning the construction of a Light House on
Pedro Branca in the China Seas, I have the honor very
respectfully to transmit the copy of a letter from Mr.
Thomson, the Gentleman entrusted with the work, and to
solicit that the advances required by Mr. Stevenson, the
Engineer selected to superintend the preparation of the
Cupola and Light may be made by the Honble Court.
Should the advance of so small a sum be likely to cause
trouble or inconvenience in the adjustment of the accounts
with India, I shall be prepared to remit the amount so
advanced, either by Navy or Labuan Gov1 Bills, and I hope to
be pardoned, if I have made an irregular request, which has
been dictated solely by the difficulty, risk, and expense of
negotiating through the Houses of Agency in these small
The work to be executed is of such importance to the safety
of the Mariner, that I am persuaded, in the event of the
amount (£1500) determined upon for the Light proving
insufficient, the Honble the Court will not refuse their
countenance to any additional outlay that may be
recommended by Mr. Thomson.
I have the satisfaction to report that arrangements have
been made to commence on the Building in March next.
The 2th Deer. 1849
I have the honor to be etc.
Sd/ W.J. Butterworth
(True Copy)
Sd/W. J. Butterworth
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I 294 1
I 29s I
Annex 38
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
Councillor at Singapore) dated 29 Dec 1849
GI No 1113 of
: 29 Dec 1849
No. 542
The Resident Councillor
at Singapore
Dated Singapore 29th December 1849
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your
letter of this date No 159 with its enclosure from the Master
Attendant, showing the repairs necessary to the Gun Boat
"Charlotte", and the alterations required consequent on her
employment with the officer entrusted with the construction of
the Light House on Pedra Branca.
I beg that the repairs and alterations may be forthwith
effected and the latter debited against the Expenses attending
the construction of the Light House on Pedra Branca.
I have &ea
29th December 1849
Sd/ W. J. Butterworth
ffe) ,·. t 1::: ,:{,J"i···· ·~\::••·>'{ ~":::
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Annex 39
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Seton Karr W. (Under
Secretary to the Government of Bengal) dated 13 Feb 1850
Date :13 Feb 1850
No. 22
W. Seton Karr Esquire
Dated Singapore 131
h Feby 1850
I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your letter under date the 12
November last No 784 with its enclosure
from the Government of India giving cover
to a despatch from the Honble the Court of
Directors authorizing the immediate
construction of the Light House on Pedra
Branca to be called after the celebrated
Hydrographer James Horsburgh Esquire.
2. Immediately on receipt of the above
communication, called upon the
Government Surveyor Mr. Thomson to
ascertain if the original Contractor "Choa
Ah Lam" was still willing, giving good
security to undertake the Work agreeably
to the Plan Specifications and Estimate
submitted by Mr. Thomson, approved of
by the Superintending Engineer and
fo1vVarded to Government under date the
1ih June 1848 No 72.
Genl No 158 of 1850
Ansd 19 March 1850
No. 171
" s'h Nov / 50 No. 103.
" 241
h Oct/ 51 No. 603.
1 301
1 302 I
3. The accompanying Copy of a letter* *Vide enclosure to
from Mr. Thomson will show that all a letter from the
Resident Councillor preliminary arrangements have been
at Singapore d/24
made with the aforesaid Contractor to
Dec 1849 No. 156.
commence on the Work in the early part of
March next, and I have accordingly
authorized the extra Establishment
sanctioned by the Honble the Court of
Directors, to be drawn from the 1 st Instant,
to ensure the preparation of Models &ea,
as also such advances as the Contractor
may desire for bringing Masons from
China, who will be located on Pedra
Branca, from which Rock the Blocks of
Granite for the facement of the Light
House will be prepared, and I have every
reason to believe under the able
superintendence of Mr. Thomson, who is
thoroughly conversant with the
management of the Chinese workmen,
that the Light House will progress rapidly
and successfully.
4. The great distance from Singapore,
of the Rock on which the Light House is to
be erected, and the exposed position
render the task of superintendence, one of
great bodily fatigue and exposure, but I
have every confidence in Mr Thomson
who is well inured to the Climate, and as
previously observed most intimate with
the habits, manners and customs of the
people, indeed as the Superintending
Engineer observes in his letter under date
the 5th of June 1848, forwarded with my
communication to your address of the 1 ih
Idem, No.72, 'The Govt Surveyor, who
alone in these Settlements possesses the
practical knowledge of Building, familiarity
with the language, the sway and control of
the Chinese Head Men and Subordinates,
and Acquaintance with the resources of
Singapore necessary to ensure success
without considerable increase of expense."
5. Mr Thomson would desire to add in
a trifling degree to the comfort and
convenience of the Visitors Room, and to
make the fittings up of the interior of the
Building, somewhat better than was
originally proposed, and as this will cause
but little further outlay on the Building, I
have ventured to authorize his giving the
necessary orders for such articles, from
the Home Market.
6. The difficulty and risk, of negotiating
through the Houses of Agency in these
Small Stations, induced me to comply with
Mr Thomson's suggestion for requesting
the Honble the Court of Directors to make
I 304 I
the necessary advances to the Engineer
entrusted with the preparation of the
Cupola and Light. A copy of my
communication* to the SecY at the India, I *d/27 Dec 1849 No.
beg respectfully to enclose, and to express 340 see Local Book
a hope that the course I have pursued will
meet with the approval of the Hon'ble the
Deputy Governor of Bengal.
7. I take this opportunity of submitting
for the consideration of Government, the
accompanying Extract* from the *Vide enclosure to
a letter from the
proceedings of the Chamber of Commerce Ch am b er o f
at this Station, begging that the repayment commerce d/24
of the money to be advanced by the Dec 1849
Honble the Court of Directors for .the
construction of the Horsburgh Light
House, may be spread over a series of
years, so as to make a portion of the
proposed Light House Dues available for
further facilitating Navigation through the
Straits of Malacca.
8. The chief want of the Navigator is a
Light on the "2~ fathom Bank" in the
Straits of Malacca, as was shown by the
Memorundum forwarded with my letter
under date the 14th July 1849, No 91, and I
am clearly of opinion that this would be the
greatest boon that could be afforded, I
therefore strongly recommend that the
wishes of the several owners, and Masters
*Vide enclosed
printed Notice by
Capt Congalton d/
24 Jany 1850
of Vessels in this respect may be complied
with, and in the meantime l am happy to
report having despatched one of the
Buoys* received from Calcutta, to the
aforesaid 2~ fathom Bank.
9. The Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce further desire one or more
Lights in the vicinity of Singapore, and I
am of opinion that one to guide vessels
passing Tree Island, the Sultan Shoal, and
the Rabbit and Coney, would be most
beneficial to navigators, and would cause
little expense beyond the small
Establishment necessary for keeping the
Light trimmed during the night.
10. The Chamber of Commerce have
very considerably overrated the receipts
by making their calculation from the
number of vessels that have arrived at,
and departed from, Singapore, without
bearing in mind that one vessel may have
entered the Port half a dozen times during
the year. The amount of Tonnage upon
which Light House Dues would be
collected will not exceed 150,000 limiting
the payment of Light House Dues* for
each Square Rigged Vessel, to twice
during the year.
I 30s I
" 2/2 cents per ton
1 306 1
11 . The Committee also desire that the
levy of these Dues may be confined as far
as possible to the Presidencies, where
Import and Export Duties obtain, under the
impression, that the collection here may
"operate prejudicially to the trade of the
place, which hitherto has been unfettered
by exactions for a~y purpose whatever",
but this opinion; as I shall show, has
undergone modification.
12. It appeared to me that difficulty and
vexation might be engendered, by the
original views of the Committee of the
Chamber of Commerce being met on the
present occasion, as Commanders of
Vessels would have to produce Receipts
at this Station, showing the payments
made by them in India, which Receipts
might not be forthcoming, and the Act for
authorizing these dues, would necessarily
be a very complicated affair, whilst the
Public would be ignorant of the actual
amount received on account of the
aforesaid Dues.
13. Under these circumstances, and
taking into consideration the fact that all,
or nearly all, Vessels passing through the
Straits of Malacca from the Presidencies
touched at Singapore on their way to and
from the China Seas, I have ventured to
draw up an Act for the levy of the Dues at
this Port alone, which I trust will be
approved of, more especially as I am able
to state that the Chamber of Commerce
have concurred in my reasoning and
through their Chairman have expressed
their satisfaction with the Draft Act* now * Sent in original
submitted. copy retained vide
I have &ea,
.Sd/ W .J. Butterworth
13th February 1850
local file under d/13
Feby 1850
1 30a 1
. ·~.,::;y
1 309 1
I 310 1
I 311 1
I 312 I
1 313 I
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1 31s 1
Annex 40
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
Councillor at Singapore) dated 22 Feb 1850
Date : 22 Feb 1850
No. 76 GJ No 188 of 1850
Is true copy of a letter from the Under Secretary to the Government of
Bengal dated the 29th January 1850 No 42. Approves the repairs and alterations
authorised to the Gun Boat "Charlotte", amounting to Dollars 620, previous to her
being engaged in conveying to Pedra Branca Mr Thomson the officer entrusted
with the construction of the Horsburgh Light House, and requesting that the
same may be debited to the Light House in question. Furnished for the
information of the Resident Councillor at Singapore, with reference to his letter
dated the 291
h December 1849 No 159.
Dated Singapore 22nd February 1850

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Annex 41
Letter from Bayley H.V. (Under Secretary to the Government
of Bengal) to Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) dated 19 Mar 1850
: 19 Mar 1850
No. 171
The Officiating Under Secretary to the Government of Bengal
The Governor of Prince Wales Island
Singapore and Malacca
Dated Fort William, the 19th March 1850
I am directed by the Deputy Governor of Bengal to acknowledge
the receipt of your letter No 22 with enclosures, reporting the measures
that have been taken for the immediate construction of the Horsburgh
Light House on Pedra Branca.
2. His Honor approves of the preliminary arrangements which have
been made by the Contractor "Choa Ah Sham" for the commencement of
the work, as also of your having authorised the entertainment of the extra
establishment sanctioned by the Hon'ble the Court of Directors from the
1 st February and the advances to the Contractor to enable him to bring
masons from China.
3. From Para: 6 of your letter and enclosures No 2 His Honor
observes that in consequence of the difficulty and risk of negotiating
remittances at Singapore, you have solicited the Hon'ble Court of
Directors to advance Mr Stevenson the Engineer the sum of £1500,
being the amount required by that gentleman for superintending and
preparing the cupola and light for the Light House in question. Your
proceedings render it unnecessary for His Honor to pass any orders on
the subject which will be duly taken up by the Home authorities.
4. As regards the proceedings of the Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce at Singapore, in which that body solicit that the repayment of
the money advanced by the Hon'ble the Court of Directors for the
construction of the Horsburgh Light House, should be spread over a
series of years so as to make a portion of the proposed Light House dues
available for a light on the 21
/2 Fathom Bank in the Straits of Malacca,
and for a light near Singapore, I am directed to inform you, that the
earliest opportunity will be taken for submitting the proceedings of the
Chamber for the favorable consideration of the Hon'ble the Court of
5. The draft act submitted with your letter has been forwarded for the
consideration of the Most Noble the Governor General of India in
Council, in the Legislative Department.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient Servant
Sd/ H V Bayley
Off.g Under SecY to the Gov1 of Bengal
h March
No. 171
Acknowledging the receipt of the Gov's letter
reporting the measures that have been taken for the
immediate construction of the Horsburgh Lighthouse
on Pedra Branca.
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Annex 42
Letter from Lettler J.H. of the Marine Department of the
Government of Bengal to the Court of Directors of the East
India Company dated 30 Mar 1850
Marine Department
: 30 Mar 1850
Letter from No 13 .dated 30th March 1850
Reports the arrangements that have
been made for the construction of the
Horsburgh Lighthouse on the Island of
Pedra Branca.
Secretary's Office
Marine Branch
Collection No Draft
No 670 of 1850
Copy Marine letter from Bengal dated 301
h March 1850 No 13
I now beg to report the measures which have been adopted
consequent on the sanction conveyed in Your Honorable Court's Marine
Despatch to the Gov1 of India, in the Home Department No 3 of the 5th
September last, to the construction of the Horsburgh Lighthouse on the Island of
Pedra Branca.
2. On the receipt by this Gov1 of the Despatch in question from the
Home Depts the Governor of the Straits Settlements was desired to take
immediate steps for commencing the work, and also to submit the Draft of an Act
for the purpose of legalizing the duty of 21/2 Dollars per 100 tons proposed by
Your Honorable Court to be levied on the shipping as soon as the Light House
should be completed.
3. In his annexed reply No 22 dated 131
h February last, giving cover to
five enclosures on this subject, Colonel Butterworth reported that all the
preliminary arrangements had been made with the original Chinese contractor
"Chea Ah Lam" for commencing the building in the early part of the current
month, and that he had accordingly authorized the extra Establishment
sanctioned by your Honorable Court to be drawn from the 1 st Ult0
· to ensure the
preparation of models &ea as also such advances as the contractor might
require for bringing masons from China, who were to be located on the island
itself, from which at the same time the blocks of granite for the foundation of the
Light House were to be prepared.
4. The superintendence of the undertaking has been entrusted to Mr
Thompson the Gov1 Surveyor at Singapore, and tho' a task involving great bodily
labour and exposure, Colonel Butterworth feels confident, from that officers
being well inured to the climate, and his being thoroughly conversant with the
management of the Chinese workmen that the work will progress rapidly and
I approve of the above proceedings as reported by Colonel
In paragraph 6 of his letter under notice, Colonel Butterworth refers
to the difficulty of negotiating through the Agency Houses in the small stations of
the Straits Settlements, but as he had already addressed Your Honorab1e Court
on the subject of making the necessary advances to the Engineer entrusted with
the preparation of the Cupola and Light, I did not consider it necessary to pass
any orders on this subject.
7. With reference to the imposition of 2V2 Dollars per 100 tons, and to
the amount advanced by Your Honorable Court for the erection of the Light
House, Colonel Butterworth submitted an extract from the Proceedings of the
Committee of the Chamber of Commerce at Singapore begging that the repayment
of that sum may be extended over a series of years, so as to make a
portion of the proposed Lighthouse dues available for further facilitating
navigation through the Straits of Malacca by erecting a light on the 2% fathom
Bank, and another in the vicinity of Singapore.
8. On this subject Colonel Butterworth remarked that the Chamber of
Commerce had calculated the yearly amount of tonnage at the Port of Singapore
at 200,000 tons thereby greatly overrating the receipts by taking their calculation
from the number of vessels that went in and out, without bearing in mind that the
same vessel might re-enter that Port many times during the year, whereas the
actual amount of tonnage upon which Light House dues would be collected
would not exceed 150,000 tons, limiting the payment of those dues for each
square rigged vessel to twice during the year.
9. I beg to submit the proceedings of the Committee of the Chamber
of Commerce referred to for the favourable consideration of your Honorable
10. The Chamber further desired that the levy of the Horsburgh Light
House might be confined as far as possible to the Ports of Calcutta, Bombay,
Madras &ea, where Import and Export dues obtain, under the impression that the
collection of such dues at Singapore might operate prejudicially to the trade of
that place, which had hitherto been unfettered by pecuniary exactions of any
11. Colonel Butterworth's opinion on this point was that a compliance
with the Committee's proposition would entail difficulty and vexation inasmuch as
commanders of vessels would have to produce receipts at Singapore for
payments made by them in India and elsewhere which receipts might not always
be forthcoming. Besides Colonel Butterworth considered that an act authorizing
those dues would necessarily be too complicated and lead to confusion.
12. Under the above circumstances Colonel Butterworth transmitted
the Draft of an Act which he had drawn up for the levy of the Light House dues at
the Port of Singapore alone; which was likely to provide for the due interests of
all parties. This Draft act had been submitted for the consideration of the Gov1 of
India in the Legislative Dept.
- J. H. Lettler
I 333 I
.~en~ - '
-- ./,_ ~ --:,,:e;-
I 335 I
I 336 I
I 337 1
Annex 43
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to the Resident Councillor at
Malacca dated 4 Apr 1850
Date 4 Apr 1850
No. 127 GI No 302 of 1850
To, The Resident Councillor
at Malacca
Dated Singapore 4 th April 1850
Ans.c1 151
h April/50
No. 207
I have the honer to request, that the Gun Boat "Nancy"
may be sent to this Station for temporary employment in
conveying Stores to Pedra Branca for the workmen engaged in
constructing the "Horsburgh Light House".
The Resident Councillor at this Station, has been directed
to replace the Gun Boat "Nancy" by the Barge "Francis", whilst the
former may be employed on the above duty.
4 th April 1850
I have &ea
Sd/W. J. Butterworth
1 339
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Annex 44
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to the Resident Councillor at
Malacca dated 19 Apr 1850
- To,
: 19 Apr 1850
No. 155
The Resident Councillor
at Malacca
Dated Singapore 19th April 1850
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your
letter under date the 15th Instant No. 201, bringing to notice the
very unsatisfactory state of the Honble East India Company's
Gun Boat "Francis" sent from hence to replace the "Nancy",
whilst the latter may be employed in conveying stores &ea for
the workmen engaged in constructing the Light House at Pedra
I regret that the "Francis" should have been permitted
to leave Singapore in so inefficient a state, and I have not failed
to direct the attention of the authorities here, to the
circumstance which does not reflect credit on the Marine
Department; I now beg that such immediate repairs and
additions, as have been found necessary to the Gun Boat may
be forthwith made, and debited to this Residency, and that
hereafter when you can spare her, that she may be sent back
for the purpose of being placed in a completely serviceable
h April 1850
I have &ea
Sd/VV. J. Butterworth
GI. No. 350 of 1850
Ansd 23'd April / 50
No. 220
Ansd 3rd (?) May/ 50
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Annex 45
"The Horsburgh Lighthouse" in the Straits Times and
Singapore Journal of Commerce (28 May 1850)
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-.-Too-{H,c.r,lrus; ~;~~\.~~_..':;;\ w. L1,.,n ll P'I"
be a.ring the Sacred Law on a Cllllhion
.. Jdnl,,, Vonc,m "l ThO Wat,11.1¥1•1 Ila.Uc<) ~<mlo, t»,,,e,,,,
btarh,1 hh war.ad Bro. It. p. DLll'I.Dl,O,t be-&J'lll,11 'b.ia. Wip.n.d
· Saving halted and formed a street for the
Worshiprul ·. Master · to i,ass lhr~ugh, Lh.i
Chaplain; lbe Paslwastcr with lhc cornuc1.1p1a, the
Senior a:1d luoior Wardcos1 the Brethren with
the ,wine and oil, and thci Dl"acons wilh their
wands folio wed lhe W orslJip fol Master to lhe
F~_U[ldation-st~_p_e, .. where they were received by
'tl~~Governor,·~,o,in lh.dollowing words, request'
e~em . 10-ptocced at oU,:c;~, with the cifremon y: _:_
J . JVqrzh/pfui '1!:f astet',;/f~~d :. Gentlemen of the
, Lorlg, Z6tlaml in tlifi ~t . .....:..I b~\•e solicited the
favour or your laying, on tbis the anniwiraary
of our_belp:ed Queen'a Birlh,d ay, the foun.
datiou Btooe of the Light-house to . be erected
0[1 . ,this spot for the B4Je_ty . of tho Mariner,
and in ·co1nmemoration of lho.l celebraled by-·
d,ographer ,:Jnmea Hora.!Jurgh F. R. S. 1.o
whose laboure t.he mercntitile. world ia so much
inde~ted _for the ea11y nnvig11,ifon of \beae aeu.
· Tlre·pulltntthropi1r object of the buildlng;,~ppeatB
espe~ially to caH fcn: the e:i:erciee or ,tn:tta ··craft
-;~biiib ha11 charity and good .yill to o.ll mankind
as,it11,ground work;, and I~, alfurde me· deep" and
unfeigned gratiacaiiori ~;.,_see BO Jnrg'e 'ail ··a&lle/D4
' blyc:-·~-~ Mo.aons, hete thie. day from \he newly
fotmed •• Lodge Zetland in tbe East.'.' c.t our lit.
tlE{~mporium- Singapor~ for tbe P.~fJIOBe of~
'~i~g:,--put ~n l~ia d,ay'.~ ?eremooy: lo ·:··wb.ich gen.;'
;.. : tie.me!' I WIU thiauk yoa 'lq pro~ee~.-~fah the lea.et .
· ·:pr11:obon.ble del_ay. . . . .. ~ . :, ·
dy · we f~ l J 11 _,;i t1 y pro_u et 01 ln.e u t~ 1..11.1L ~1v11 1 u 1.L.Q
furred upou 1111 i" Ii.a, 1ug c,~m inn ied 1 ~ our en'",
corn m enci:,mc nt of n 'l'l'ork of 9ucll vas~ 1m ~urt • 1;c<1
e vn y ,n,,ri ~i!JJ<, c.ntion ; " the woriJ, a.n d s:, p~rfec l •
a.,;co.,tdt1nl wiih tlwse priticiplcs of phtla.u!b ,-opY
ich form the b:uiis of uur Anc1"11 t i u ~\ ,,ut i uM ; "nd
shall ever e~tccm it 0,10~0£ tho lui.ppicst ~ir~um~l"n
8 of my lilo uul !Im lftt:\b.r~1i of Lu•lg" Zulir.n'.1 "'
o Ell.Ill b.i vti bel!t:1 called 11 pun to c Ht "'~u I he, r C: 1" r,
eo hit,dab!<: 11nd gr<!AL rin undcri.,kiu11; ,Ju, mg I lru
. rind Lh11,L r enjoy, througll . l.hei r k,!JJ d •u/1 "gu,, tl,,;
nor of uccupy111~ lb o M ll.!!Wt·e clinir_ , .
ALI p_rCl4!<,t. "'""· rtga.rd it IUI II mos'. """l"c'.'"'" "'""t
al tb1e noble work ; ho.a b!'eo be,1 u n on ~ d ,' ~c Id m
e hi!l;hl'!a ,cuar11,Utm by <!Very B< i ,i~h au bj <"Cl, aa l,~iug
e ~n,,irer•:iry of Her M:o•t Orndo"" :SL,j~•'-J'• n,nn
r; ~:,d to you,.Ron'b\., .:lit, i• tne er<"dh ,due of li~."",g
lecteci ih1i"" mrnlt liHiui moll.e "I u·,~uf'.)'1ng--.i11r ,.,r,.,,-
to oiir bela.ed so•ere1gn on t~e occa•1•1", "'~" 1 f,·el
our!'<l could 'dellire no g,r.ntcr 011d more plellHl" g P'."" r
oo r a.Lt.a.chmli11t to her royal pcreon, lht.n o ~ r lieu,g
gaged, "" ~ a.re tbi.s day, lay,ni,; 1he fouud~ti<,n ~f "
rnemre whlrih · W'lll Ltnll to p romotc the we] far" or ""
S.B Y U f hei::iu.lijtCL!I, }t WOUid, pedl II pll, bO fl!I ,ery
li<:u\l l.l!Jlk.:1~ forenee thl! e!.<enl O. w, .. foln,·s; \<, tlu,
mmercc · of ·out o o,u co,m" y and · to that u f e~ uni I y e1-
liud pow~'"; IHI\ wi1e" .,.r, cuotemplate ilo tffoct in _f.,,nng
our iu1e ,c,,w-Gc with the acm i-bnrbu.r, "'" na.110~"
1'=tern A~i.:> which aurrnu.nd u•, .. 1io~c wnrit of ak,ll
the art of ua,igation reuiler them so. frequenily o.
ey lP the Dl}'QWTle& of 1he migbtj' dcrp, anti tend~ "°
a,u,,rio.lly to restrict their ndv~nccment, we ah.all be loot
a. 1nue of cc.njl'i~tUT e and surmii1e_
Tb.e d ua.otro_ue elfoe IJl re~ o \ tlo~ from the abgcnce ofo.
ight-lio uee, m 1hi~ In,;~!, I y, 111 lh e lo•• of human
le and lh.e ektenaive dealructiun of 11ropetty, have l;e~n
o frequen t}y nod too ""vcrely re It w i 1 h in ln1e yenrv 11ot
render it' a m11(!er cf the deepest concern lo o.11 who
1 a.n ioterc,it In the pro9peri ty of eommc tee !""d the
dfnre o / their feliow Cfen tu ree that thia work, which, o.mer
yo•~• u.u•plce& we have now ao ·. lbap pily beg 1111, ~ho:a,ld
ave b""'o Bo long deferred. I ah ould l.herc(cre be doing
uu a gnat i oj u &tlco, v,,;,, e i tn refrai~ from nuticing how
uch the world ie mdebt.ed to J?U, HRll'~w· Sir, for.-ha.
ng brought the oeoessu.1:_,nrrit'tig_em~l:)la to a eo11Huoo,
which \Jn t fo: J'lllll ent~ll.Ulg nnif olrnnooll.R nd vocy
nf th~ CA•ne, mlgl!l,h•r!!(S:illk~.en p~otr11.01J:ld ~O 11.n
definil<! period.· -Nor' ea11. i'. perl:1m lhLS opportunity
, e•e11pc me ofolf'eringyou-Diy· most heorLy congra\ula!lona
at yom long and usef,u ca.teer u the chief authority
the St'ralu of M alacca/ wh.ioh hi!.11 tiondcd so /D.IICh
lhe improveinenl and embellishment or the .eul~mente
. dar yo\U'·~o, sbould-bo cro_l!ned'by a labor c~lcula;ed
· be ao eo. · 111 their hlatb.ry, · and· to nftect e,er\uuog
OD0f on 'jOOJ'llelf. I -------
: . ·. :.'.,fbe Worshi p(μ_1 ·: ·Ma!ler having. bk.en up his,.
! 'p~~·uon on the 'East' side of .the s_tone, with the
:}.I?, g~- ,Chaplain the R. e.,. _Bro •. F; W/, Li1l!!ledl
··o:oi~: .b fj right,, and ~n bis ·lert the Past Master· lhe· Se~~r llid -~u,;io~,, "'!,f?Cffi;!~~-urer,, 11
~~-, _ a1 .~c'~: ....... ~ll&.' t1,m,ot1 .
- ;,~ ecre,tarr,_ an O ~-~r c.~ ,·~~~!,!'M~-ro.:a;i~~atelL , .~prll JWl j . -·:, ·.·' 'W. ,:· 11~WOB'r1t ,
;~ ar~~d -~im!.,.reqoeated lbe Cba_p~jJi. o'pim lbe ::~ . \ · : Go~::!~ """~~!.c. . ·
,-~O!i,V.. wt.. th praver, W,. bi~. ·: fie;;:djd "tn' . "a· .' s· Ul•la- Tllii ~ ... o.nd O,otp1 ·~ tli<, pu IIIU-18 or Pl'IDclo cf Walto · · • , lll.P4, !11111;,oTtl H~ ~·Qdl~• CbU, on<l:BWWJ,ilorlnt!,
ibl~, a:~~,;a.ppr,oprtal~ ror_~~;',f'i'be'~rcb(~pi·_,or the ~~~&ta:...;1~1::rt ;~=~~u=w~~.8C:=:
.b~iktmg, .. J'. 1.:t ~ lboms_or( Bsi:z. now · ·au'.6fuiued u. . ....i: ~ ~,ble c..pwn x. J':::tt~~'. .
· his.:'plans ·or tbi(~ons.true.~oo~ .. for tiio .Wo'rsbi!}- ; 1~:~:
1.~~-~;~_1::' ·-~~~~NU-: , -.
.:fuLMaster's ~-~eclion; ,_a~d ha_~ing'. t~-~ited bis 111 • .t&=. ....... _ -,, ., n,,eo.t u,, 'k. 1. .. ~~.-1~:u ...
-~·_app!'Oval, tbey"o·,W;~l'e retllrii,ed to =iiie.:~{ect for y; w. Ialo.nd. c,;~ a,. ~:~~t:::-"''· _,,.,; ' · ·t\' ·
'.Ji,~---~dan.~;,_J~!. Wo~~.!Pful Mast~f)~iv~d. , ~:'.~:::: !'. ;,; r~~t:-·._ 111~~1- 1
,.f to~):lle .. :.1.~,ur~_; and ;~~~~tal'} I ,..Bottle con- Tctal d.dcl\ •l tu l ~ o.·-. B.t. &ll ,!ll;-1' :;(aiElin i;Uie:Cbl'rerif~glisll:'i:om ,_. '' "!'!"-' ':a . ._: .:. ·,.' ', y .:-, .. ' .·.. .
·''"~~.,- -·~ti1111"·1'.·-Aii~· --,;.i-,£H' o··r· ··bi,:;' ····=o·:~~-~0
1~~ .0n' Utll.~lAII) ... ... ..,, J. lro"tTKRWOb.TH
._rU.: 8~ "1lU.IIUU ut" J ~bit. 1.IVl,"Vrv ( , ·.. . - OO'T~ of l;_~\WJ , ... 1:a.~.d
,)f'.\,· ' ' ' ·s,;,.,·,·"tifi \. ';j _,, .. . P~' : '. ,. • , .. ~.\~Pf O '. '' ' ' '.!'' ' ·-· '., ·a~ - Ma!Rca
1(1~ ,' :-~~ .. i'II , ;,lnp,\-,8:~l.W,~· ot~ea: pnhij~Uilris al· -:. • N:·1 • ec,;·pmr ~· ~'-~._, ~,.,~~!.1~ .,-.--,.~ :.: 'Sib'f!ppre:'JHhl'' ,. "leilth''lx!Ul '1,itli'tbJr' i-, .. T;. ' ._,,_,._, Ha&:1,.:-~ ~·tM~ -. -~- ~ '· .. It~~:~:::~:~::~·• ·l~~'.~:.~i~:~~~_:!~::;\ . ~~=~~::.~e _,.~i%.~~'.~:~1i~~-i~i~il~;it~iJ;=~~:1r:
,:.~- - ~--i.,.: - . ,
f:~;~£·; , , f<JjlowWg·
ili. on, th,(
lUfhiiad ;?
~_el,rg illo~
rh.l on t\\11
b·tw·. dh·
iorl, di.ii-lug
o(lwr 1t\ll
divud, uu,
, do"fl'n'.: up•·
Out i hip'.&
:11t road)' 1.
·B;S. W,,·
il.i ·gu. 11 ti>·
·&110\J unk, , rn 111,: uu •
,t 1!1l11l1lt.
• l·-. _;:1 ·ono-.1 1 na Jlr.,rla •.
. ~, ·~ ' -
:·1;··: ... :·
;nl1 Li.e~)::;
a:: hating
ltieir::: cl'ift
Jer Ma)r~.;,,
r41nd Breboobtb1r;.
fog. ''of lhe
r'i'and lhe
1Ul1n C. B.
the Hon'-
1~el Mesnnd.
· . Mer~
r t~.~l~o·~
DO;II!' ~,aiid;
iJod:r 1Dar'..:
1io !l le ,lb~
. r : -~c;
J . '
[all et.
.•-: . --.~'
'.fDc11.'cltle11_ tbl.' tecotJ.j,ctlon. or lb.!H daJ'• p'rooeMI ing1 "ill
l)mi'in a1!t? 7,an, wben you m.a.y b~ romov~ d fro rn Lh,i
upe 01.701a prell<'nl labcur,, .tlM th~ \ca..at plnuing <>f our 1:111lnl1cl1'1.cu, ond tb11.t you ,nny lm,g 11,0 ,n ~n ·,r,:
;. -;_con ~i11p1_11:tion of 701.1r pna t u•e fu l i,.nd bon "";,, e
onttr b l!I.J'. 1!nccrc "l•h. --
·1 · fcetlh:r.t I 1bould l!l aeqult my~elr of \hr 1 ...
QU hne 1nolgnlid me. were I to omit tn p•J "juH uiut11
to the munllfoe11,e of lGo•C 1n11rcb,111ta llnd u:uuln .. ,.
o· wbo1a l!b~Mlt}' "e oro lndub!<>d for tbo nue!ouo of the
uni!: fBUQd ror lhl 11,rcgtlon Df the odJ fion LI r wb!oh WO 1, a,•:
bi, d11y ,h,!d the foundation ,touq.
'flank• mio alan duo to the Jlo'n 't,le 1ho Court of n,.
eOl.(lrl ot th~ Kut India. Company for hRving aduncc1
be rcmdnhig 11:un noen111.ry to o!fuct 1M1 de1!rnblo <>bjoo, -~11-• ',l'ho merit. -.if tllu dl,1!ugulohod man to who•e mt·rno,y
ha Lljht-HouH I• w" be drl.l.ioklt<Jd nu tnn un!ver1111.1lr ,., .
Mwludgrd lo DODcl any lon11thoned ponuiyrlo on m~ ,, .. ,,
h llomp~pho•uho ol10?1B, 1u1.d clu1,or.1to nnd lnv;i!unl,.,,•
lllng dlrecllon~, thD libur or )'oa,·• "f untiring ounlo"
nd doYotlon, 1u.01p hlm oa 11. mnn or ;iJmr,• t u11ti an.lad
go.i(u• 11.,11.l lnduotry. Tu lho n~,ls~·u, of tho«·
e Iii thu 11~111.0 of Horu,u, g h t i n hu« ,1 "" 1 .. 111\ I!" r 11.• h.,
"n. an,! n111<,11,r ilHllU "hu IU'I! Ollf!'li~d [11 .Ooll1mrroo 1,i
hlo qu .:r:cr or the Uloho. Wllu l, 11,011• tb• l ,lo,,, nnt fod
nd •okno, .. ,a,1~0 (ho dc,(lf1a&t debt o( grnthr,ile In lrlm. ·1 ..
ha mn,nary o( one ao lluvuto<. 10 1 ho 011 u•o io which o 1.
10U h l1 "holo · ,!~ "°" •vent, w l1"t mo r~ "ppropr!D I o L n, ,
l monl~I co ul , he ,.ffarnd t h.lln tbo odltko II uw !o 1,~ trQc t,1.
And I ,. uppllc&\.11 th o 8 u promo Arch lteot or the Un ler11i
10 to blcn• !be work \hut It m:iy lonK w ith.at£1.n d th"
ll.vt?;e~ er time, ll.nd tild d~ti,u,~ u lo !!If billo..-, et t.le,-
1101ion 1i111,t ,urrounit !t, to be a towar by clay nn<l o l!,;hl by
!ght to gu1da the m Lri uer In h; • uo·uro e far age•
cnmA, &nJ tJ~t •ucu~eJing g~u~;a!.l~u•, whil,t they adIre
the gen in, of h!rn to "n O!'l 1nrmo,1 !t !.• '",•ed.
"1 have ca11,e to regud wilh gratil~cl~ Lhu•o co wbnm
er~ction !• d.110. .
The Go1·ernor repHcd as followB :-
1Vonlii1iful Ma3ler and GonllBm.m a/ tl,e · Lodr;~
Zotl,md in lhn F.,ast.
l. thank you for !he ai,la munner In which Y""
n\e beeri plc:1~c<lto perform lui~ dny'ij 111'>!1 ini,:rtiug
ccremuny. l hnvc erer honore<l tl,o C, ,:,
f i\l.1&011ry and th~ ijQleinn ily whid1 1~ ·,~ d,:,.
acterizt1J ihia day'11 vroceetling-1 h~e 111~,le m'! l',,,,i
he de~peat re·sp«:t for what 1 bud prcvi,i:i,L
onored. \,
The kind tums in which yo\J, Oentl~..,,e" \la·
o.nll, ba1·e bt:t:n plenae<l 1u dpeak of 111:.,~df cau;,,,l
i1 10 he deeply 1;n1.ti/ying ; ,.nJ what has p1~~r,,f
hl:11 <lay will indeed ha \'e 11 most p ro:n i ri c·u t p I ai:"
ma;ngs t th11 many plt:a~i JL::{ re<;o ll1;:c Ii,, c 1 ~ w l, i di I
hall 111.ke with 1ne to rriy nathe :~ ml, when !eav.
ng th~ ~trai11, wbe-re,,I ·may i1ul~ ~"r, I. ha-:,,
one11.tly .labored to the otmosi of my abi),iy r,,..
lit: ad,;anc'!mtnt of l be tf1r1;:e "tJ I j.,,.~.
l should be w:inl ing i11 j 11,Hfre tu I he m~ 1·ca".
ile eommunity au<l mariuer,i in Chi11:i if l or1,i:.
ed t.o notice ~.QBt you mention of ti,~ir J:h~rnli1r,
o.r ·their dOtlatioru toward,i the Hvr~h.irgh teau -
o~ial 1 magnilh!d by the munitict:11c·e of ~Iesar ...
a}dine, Mat ht,!,U11 a" d Co. in a 11 cnv in!,' compoarid
t~i'11t on the tllJU1 raised in l 1:!42, mosi CHtnin-
~ .. )!!_~ .·to-~.~qJ-l1..e,..~e~~1.r.n~nt~,.o(.·,, ..
nc&.rtl(.,.!lf'tt' 1n'l'lfu..:7J_1 .i, it er......_ T~f' ~.i\ Ttw r.'t,;f~J.--•·.
Cl! pow;i&d,_..Mi.;.i..1iJ.~o.1~~a'i~t"!.1.~LJ;Wll. -c::.1 :.~
le ;ci:,IU'k,&'tiJ,rec{oii", /lS .•. otl?.~¥i:i:JJlOC<!,
0heriN,hJ-1 ~a/;:
P.,eJ.t .. iv'i?~nz.i.".'~·ttt,1';°~~-#;t\e,n;'ti/tltere-°Ja·o1fli ... -
the\' person ·whose ze~J in thLi c~use m!l~t uot b'?
t sight of. l allude to one of the olr.lt-:~l and
ostreiipecterl R.,,,iUt:nti; In SiHg,pure, fo!111 I-' urvi3
squire wno has narrowly wrucli~tl & ear,1,,atly ;iiti.
the au tho ril ie11 on t Ii is a<:ca.,ion, u 111.l w I 1<1,e a b!::
oggestions !<Jr the morn ipfe and spe~cly na,;i_
tion of Lhe Straits of Malacca, ~ub~equendy enrl:
l"edupon and recn,n rnend~J. by thnt e.>: cdlen1.
ody · lpe Singapore Cham '.er of Cu1n,uerce-, I
ote ev_eo \oall~ way be. rarried into tffect.
1- ,,, "~ ..• ,
ro.·o.....:;. .... ~
W.N".. .
1 silk· c0:shion·
:TJI • ,-
h1 l.l;g 8-..
i Mallet.
.\llf ' '·"
~~;fpe';~;;l who~e ze~j i;,·;l,(a c:au..s~ mUst uol b'!
lost sight of. I allude to one nf 1h.e old!'~,. and
moat re1_11pecterl R~,,ill ~ n lB In S 111g ,pure, J ,,:,,. P 11r,i,
:BRqllire who has 11nrro1vl y wntch,:d & .,a, n•·atl raid·
ed the authorilice on tliia o,.-~n"on. '" "J w 1,,,,\: "1,1,;
euggestiona fut the mon: aA,, nnd "l'l!•:<ly 11nvi.
gu.tion o{ tlic S1raiui of Mul:";ca, "11l1w,1u<:ndy ~nlarged
u P"" and rccn,n 1ncnc.ll·d by t 11 ~t 1• ~ co.:ll~" t
body t_he Sini;opun, C nn,n'>cr of c .. in,ncrr.:c, !
hop,: even1ua.l!y m:iy he carril!il i»l•i dfn:t.
Gentlemen, I entr11>1t t hn cor11 plet.ir,11 .,f th,, bu, !,ling.
or which. you ha Hl now hi-I I ht· found ~lion
stone, to that v ~1 uahlo and it1rlefati~.,!J!,, pn i,i,~
senaril ond----rrbfo nrchit.,c,, -MT. 'l'tvrm'mn. mtl-i th
utmost confidence, anrJ I ngam t!nnk yu·., "'""1
sincctely for lbe lnbors ~f this dn y nnd i',;r th,:
impree~\"e manner in which you ha1·e e;icn;1.,cd
your Ma3011ic Craft OB 1he occa~il)n, ntC•lmpnrn,·-;
by the warmest expressions of loyni 1y to ou,
moat Grncious Majea ~Y Qu,:on .. V icloria. · w h"
whilst some · of the grentest Potcrt:i:te,. of tli·
Barth ha'!'e either fnlleu from o~ tolt~rcd o.
their Thrones, has r~maine9- li.-inly seii.tr.<J, s11 p
-putted solely by tl1e _alfecti014B of her peup[c-nn,
bow t'ar spre11d 11.11d deep rooted n.ni tboao aff,·c
tions ,the sent i mcnts p romulg,aed uy tho liul,
Band here colleotcd on this isola,et.! 11rot will eiil
flll'ther testify t;:i the Wor,ld at ]qrge. Let u~ nrw
unhe in three hearty cheerri\lo Lhehealtb, pro~perit:
&t. long continued reii;u of bur Qu,:,en, God ble,-..
The Brelhrtm then opened a passage t,
allow the Go"ernor lo return, arid"lht\ 0 Pa rtv embarked
at 2 P.· M.- on board the llo'lghly, ~ hcri
a most ~umpluoll.'l ,_de/euner was prep11rcd1 k
whiclt Uis,.E_i:ccl\ency lho Naval cr1mma11der-inchief,
tbe :c:ofernor and his guests did amph
ju~licc, disp,laji~a; Lheir. loyal allachrnent to ou1
beloved SOY~re_ign and_ a1:knowledgi'.1g lhe kind-
' liness. of ~-~r: host 'by . e'n.lhusiastic acclam~
·. tions. Her:}~aj~tfs. Steamer Fury took th1
-. Hoogbl(,:i!Afi~J?.~ire in tow, and in the dash.
ing big~ ~rit.¥j_i::~)i~-tl'charae~cr 0£ that .5bip, brough
Loth veiseis\:iitlci~Harbour by half pa1t Sil h
the evening, aner; a~ we aasured, a n,ost delight,.
_· ful 1nd plwant excursion, the felicity or whicl
.. · was.- bcighi.tne( noLonly by the henevolert oh
j~ct. they h11d :qmpamd hut by the heartJ cc
operatiot1 and ,a.id afforded lly His Excel\epcy th
:· Naval Cornroander-in-cluef, aod Un: gallant Com
:'/ma~der. ~f Jh~ }1ury. . . J' ' :..i \ . :, :
SUiG _i.}o ~& RB~ £NOE. -R ~~-~~'~s.-W e a1
indeb'red tod.be, C{J-ort_~sy ,ql ~b~ 'iloo'b!e the Rr
siden\ -t;!))ii.!.cill~i:)or 3,,a_n,,~~~cl of -, the receip,
arid' di5lj"iin,etijai~;::.at\:$"uigap~re _(or . the offici,
yc·~r i8-~Q'~~p_;;.->:We bave nc.. .· .. lime to sel Lh
·• < • "r • • '·u"'". I- II,_., '' •'• - 1·' · •• • r " '· .I. .:.,'-;a.," ~ /\ w~~~-f,~P,f~2;}1g,ftf;1%'~~~-J?f~ent. iss Lie, hot w1
· · e.nde,~Yoo~ 1~~ :l~/~;,'{l!t~1·,;, In th c meat
: lul)e\~.e ipaJ:t~~f,~~:~9j~ID! t.olal. are lhl
· :';~~;""~ijL MMIOfk,'1,~:!~11 lllq,.·
,. : .• :·.1'.!.~:.+:'~·tWrl~..;.;;: ...,. . ·; ,:.,;o.,}.1,11.0,,'"1·.·, -.-:,.:..~:·1:.>:-_..1_ , ••.•
, · "11rtnmi:lif'~/~IO IHll&il'd·la'lko &11
11it ~1fi·ot"uii fj~~tt!t'.J~iw· 11111111 · 5ttt1tlllHl1, 1114
~' "'. ~,·?r!.11~~,~'.'~!.ol!~,;Jit11ullC.. of gJgJ1_PQn .
·-.,.:··. ·<,:- :,>}::~rr:i~ ,,
'h~: ii,i.c'rlptl0:n ,·.plat11,.~Vi('IA' 'afu· been pla•
.fi) 0tb'a'.~~{itJt' t_h11)Y,o~hlpflll r,IUlor rect1/V•
1rom .. lbo ·architect: a ·•Uver trowel with aoa,o
ent, ."wit~ .. -wli.lch. he,,~pi~~n.eded- to c:10111 the
:y L~J!l1i'hari."98~beefr:iJ,i1111; '.and lho 1ton11 low~
.iuto· lt1J>114~Aie.",dlrcic~.d- the Arcbitect to
lhe,t it WR!f '[Jrlopi,rlf adfuite·d .. l'ho Square,
et and Plumli · Rule wore thorn handed to I he
:1t.ipfol Ma11f~r;, who applied each lulitrumi::bl
11i¥ely .. to· .the Slone, and having atrui:k it
a limos with bi.t ~m-allet, said: "lfay the Great
~Chile~! . 0£~ jt' t'< 0 0 i fer,e '. _rant a . bll'SSi U g <JO
11 .slonc')~h t:b. wo bnve .now laid, and by
is Pro,idcoce enable,us.,lo, !!ni&h !~is' anti every
1tor. ,ir1uo~~.~Wii~.ertak.-~.s ; pt. . r1i~ nr cthre n
,e~.._so~~oht~'.Jl-· IJ~,r,md-·ga,e -the usqar
onic: salute~: . Tb.~- __ .)Vo'r~hipful Master ne~
d for. ·the, corn~~9p'ia- · cou_hin(ng corn 1 a~
cups ·with .the :!fine an1foIJ1 ;md having pour~·
~e contents.; of:cacb . 5:li~'iissh-ely over Uze
e, · said : ~, M_~, 1~:e _All 1!.oI~u.~~~ Aut_ber of
ature bless oU:{: blahi:1, · -~,:~l.1icb' \~~_,Rock
a depeodene:ijli'wi.1h· Qil:r'n;Jvine :md:Q'.l.lJ}nd
it~ all the _riece,iiary Join for ls and' :··-eQit'(e'ences
of life.'" . 1'1teJ1relbren agaiit. rcspon~ ·
"~ So . mote it be '.f'and saluted '-ii1 aboye.,.
chipJaiIJ;,:proneu~c~d-'.a.~1:, ap_proprij.te:_ P.r,a_f~~~:-·
the W.orshipfur· Maiti;r lbcQ -add_reued-· ~e
ernpr and\geoUemen· .present in th.eJ'ollo wing..
·speer.h -~;,:'s~. ,_ _- :·,;. .,s.;..,_, ·_ , .'
uen of1~\i,;iJi,_~;-J'?ll: .. ha.-Tif'~o11e u_u;; JU h•vlil"g
publ[?_ly--~J.llld' !1~.0U\!~s .. ~)Wl":r,~~-~j o.ur _ M _a.-
: a.rl{~Ja.;,wg:~lid f-1_~d_a.uoj,lf~ll'P.{c-th.e Light:
&e, abijli\to bu. cullJI.LrUcte4,111l. Jhi!i.' ,pi:,1,, .lll . co11h
oratioii:'r.ot the· 8"'.!'l'ici:a,uf~j.ji!i,~i,~eii. μ Y·
mpher, Je..mea ;tl,mbuiil:.h,:.~y:.\'!ft~~feli:t_e_rpti~g
1a,., ·and. aurpu..'>!lu,g :r:enl; ll1e rl11y~atg,n · \If Lli1:1.i-_ ffl'te :~c11.s,. hu be .. n ao gr!JU,_11):'>'.fa.~il~i:e~. As. 11
(',we _-fee.l, Ju~!IY 11r~ud ;:or,,~:diiititlCLion lh118
1ued upm1:-·us 1n luumg·eomatuied I<>, our care,
omnir11ciim ... ut of & work_ofiuca "t'aμ,importanc..'6
~ry_ ~>1.riu1n:e n_alfon in t~t'li'odd, .4-~d s:' perf~t;
c11rd'1U1t with those pfll!~ples of 1"hLl&.11_lb rop_y
b. form the b"lia.ofoac,AAciiiut i11~1i1.utioru,,·,-' and
ill ~:l'.~.f e$leem: J(99.i.9f1M',happiti:;L i:i.rc!Uli.taa.-
1{ mfJife lh.4tllui' Bre~11.-of- Ludgi:. Zutl&Ud in
l1W1t 1Ml'eibaJiiicalltld..uplin~toe,.;et1.ide their On.fi
• ladiLble an'd. giea.t !11/unaertu.ing dum1g 1he
d lhat-C erijoy, ·lW-ough.,, tb.eir kiud awfage~, lhe
r.of ooc11pyi!},i:-lhe Ml!Sler'.1 ,;:hair,
. preaent m~~Ald ·it u i. mos~ auapfrio11S nent
:b:is iiable.~')'J~ lleen·,be1p~n 011 9: d. 7 held. in
lt,-h-.:l!t• IIIIIO~~n-ei, "k..... --- D..-. ... c.\.. .. ~L • - -• '"".. \,, •~- •
- ,. ... ·~. l '
-;,,~,· . - .. ~· - - .
: ·c:,?. Do 11 'o t1 ~ the, r~o ll~c lion of thll day 'll 'p'rOtted (n gs u-J 11
·,rqnn·in ~1ltr ]UU, when ]O'U may bo romoud from Lh,i
\ 11)-e!J e o1.;,cn1~ prumH labouz., not tht \on,,\ pla»l <>g or
'your- r:111111!.c~~•, ond that you 1nny long ll•o 1~ ~n J":
thii -1oont4mp\at\on of rour p111l ,u~fol and b~nw11 ,,e
nrttt I~ mt 1lnct111 w!di. ,.
:, [ 'feel lb.at I ahould m 1equ 1 t myMlr er th' 1 ...
1<lU. . hate iualg necl me wore l 10 omit ln p~, a Jun llibuu
to the munUi'~CMO or lbo .. , 1nQrObll.11LO nod IIIOrlMro
t.o •hoH llb'er,1lty "" ora Lndoblnd for the noo!eu1 or th,
fund, ra!M!cl. fur.1h11 oreotlon of th~ odlftoe uf which "o ha,,,
lbl, day l,ii\d cha (ou11datlo11 non~.
'f!n11k111re llao duo to tbc Urm'~le tho Court or n,.
reotor1 ot tho &11 Indi4 Corn pony for hnvl11~ ad,anco1
th, rem11ln_lng 1nm neoeUJl.fJ ~e olfuct 1bL1 deahabla obJoo\_
-·no muit.i -.,r tlllftlllllnsulihtia mnll 10 ,ilio•e mt·rno,,
t'ha Llgh t-Hou•o I• to bo dr1Uod<ld lllO t~o un I vor1n1 I; a..:
knowlsd;ad to nu1d any 1 ongtl1ona~ ?" n11Q'ytio ,m rny l"",
lib ocmi,~o/wu!u ol111ru, 11.rid oluuor.,to nnd lnYi.lu1t~." ·
11.ll!n_g. d!teot!on•, tho bbur or 7oari uf untiring nor tlo,,
and dovotlim, uamp him 011 a mnn or nJm,,~l un•u11.pl11cl
J(&n[-.1 0.11d lndu,try. To !ho na,lgn·ur of ,ho••·
IDU th o nni:no cl U11r111u• gh I• n lm"Nt "~ l,unl I l, r ll• h ,.
0 'l'D. U1<l n 111n11g I hnau "1111 ru'O llll l{OIJOU Ju """""NCO ii,
tnl1 q11i:r:u of tho Ulol>O, Wliu IA t/lon• lbot do~• nn1 foe I
and oc ~ no w,o,IJIII I ho d~opoat debt or II rnti t•,do to h Im. ·1.,
tho me,c.ary of ano eo rfovutor.i to tllo cnu_.e Ill whirh almo1I
hi• wbo\o ·~fe "U •pent, wh4t morq "Pl>rOprlotc Le,.
tl 11100.ld coul , he ,,fl'ue,l ttian ~bo ou I tlcQ uuw tu 1,e ercc 1-
- eJ. And l r.11pp!le1.1.o the Su prome Arch! tcct c r l he Un 1-
,erli io to blc.,i the work ( haL It m!ly long w i Lhatond th~
r&91.P,'H of tlrne, and bid dcll,uico to the b!llo "' of Ll~•tl'uct!
oa tbat •urroun,1 It, tu boo towor by <lay ancl a H!illt by
n!gt\t to g u.!de lho m lri uer In h;, cour11e !Jr ng,·•
to 0011111, and U~~ '"'~~eJing geoeratio!l •, w!, ll• t they o,J.
mire tbe !fell hi.< of bl 111 to .,l.io""l 111emory lt !, r" 111ed.
111uy hue oou,e to regard with grll.titud~ lhu•• to whn,a
lu er~ction !• duo.
Tbe Governor replied as follows:-
1Vor,/,ipfut Ma.ltdr and Gon//6men a//!,~· Lodg~
Zol hmd in t h ~ East
l thank you for thc"al,[o mnnner In wnich ynu
h,ne been ple:11Jet.l to pc!'furm tliis d~y·K m"at intt•re,
iting ei:remuuy. I hn\"e e\"cr honort'tl 1ho Cr.,i't
nf M11so11ry and Lhe ~o]e,nnity wliich 1:·,~ ch,,raeteriz:
t'J this Uily'a 1JrOceedi1ig j l1n B 111a,!e me r,,,:]
.tbe deepeB·t re·spect for what I ho.d pr~,-i,1u.l:;
bonored. l,
The kind tE:'rma in which you, Gentl<icnen ~[;l.
!O.n8. ha\'!'! been p]enaed "f U apeuk n f III y~el f t'~ 1L ll•J t
fail to be deeply gratilying ; anJ what has j!1hsu!
this day will inJeed have a most prominenl pl~c"
ama;ngat the many pi~ ,,~i,"g recollec1 it,c1, w I, it I, I
shall take with 1ne lo rny natin, :an<I, wh~u leav.
'' iag 1he Strai\l, whe-r1i,, l. way (1 ul. IIH}' I h:t\"•;
hcme111ly Jabored to the utmost of my alJiliiy fo,·
the idvani:~m:ent of 1 he tf1ree •tat iu .. ~.
. I 11houtd· be 1vnnting lu j"~tit-e 1u 1he m"r~ar,.
., tile community and w·ariuer~ in Ciii1J;i if I orriit~
ted l.o notice ~-bat you men I iun of I l 1~ u· Ii her~!. 1 r,
for ·their douations tuw~1·ds ,he Hur~liurgh test,.
mogia.11 magnifl~d by the mm1i!ic~uc'e of llt:ssi:a.
· ,Jtl.dine, Malhe!oi1 and Oo. in all,11ri,1c: cornpm:tiid
. intei~at o ri. 1be 9 ll trt raised in l 1:H :l. •nos! cer tiiinly
~ .. :w; .:t~~:!],.~Jlte-~e',!!!.>l.~nt-.ol · cc
, re:1~,S.d~0.i.w!.~o..~W"~•~ed·~~o._·:J
bie ~~ r°Direc~~·, M,.OUi.,~e;'iJ!Oe<:, ·her,l\l,b}!
da l:ii.eJ.• .. ,;;rai!n'i:'e . ..,~'·B-tff.'ieti I le, ii il"r/tiiere":fi'; ;II!
otb#t pel"!lon who,;e zeal in thi.. cause mu_,, Ml be
lost sight of. I allude to one of the oliJ~~t and
mnstrespeeterl R~,,iU~tits lo 8iug.pure, lu\111 Puni~
Bsq u ire who has nanow I y wu tc lied & ear 11•,e d r a j,J.
cd the authorities on this o~ca,ion, and wlia,e able
1oggestioos Cut the wun: 11,,fe nnd Bpeedy na~igation
of tlie Si raitll of Malacca, ~uh.;eguendy enlarged
_upon ari.d recoa11nend~<l by that excellent
body. tp.e Si11g.apor~ Cham'ler of Commerce, I
hote ev.en 1aall~ 111:iy be carried i11to .. Hht.
~;i;'~fp-;;~·~~ 'who~e zeal i~
Ll1i1. c~ U!lr;: mU,<t uol be
lost sight of. I allude lO one or the ol uc~t and
most ree.pecterl Re!>iU1:nt11 ln Siug • prJrt:, J nh11 P 11r.1s
. F.,i,quire who hns narro\li'ly wa ich,,,! & Par n,•atl y a irl ·
ed the authori1iee on lliiR o,,c .. ~ion. n1 o<l w !11,~c al,I,:
auggeMions for the mnr~ R;,fo n11d n1,e•:dy nn~i.
gntion of the Si r11it11 of Malacca, ~u b,w,1 ucnLly rn.
lar~ed _uptm n.n<l recnm 1ncnded by I Ii :it e ~ cdlc"t
body t.he Singnporc C rinrn '1cr of Co1nincrcc, I
hope cven1oally 111.'.ly be carried i" l() ,-lft·ct.
Oentlemen, I entru11~ thii co111pleti<J11 11f \h•: bu11,ling.
of which you ha1·c now hi-I I he foundati~n
stone, to that va!ual,lo and inr\cfo Li~-' Ii!,; pr1 l;!i~
servant and able tll'chiU!ct; 7QT. 'i.'nnmRmT, wrd1 tf.r,
utmost confhlcnre, and I ~gain tlnnk yu11 m•,<t
8incetdy. for the lnbors ~f1th ie dn _v and r<Jr \h•:
i m pres&i ve manner in wh);6b you ha \"C e;;: c re 1.,e,\
your Masouio Craft ou the occa~ion, 11ccrimp~n11·-I
by the warmest exprea11ionu of loyal 1y to nor
moat Gracioua M ajea ty Q11!'Dn, . 'V lcloria, ·w h,,.
whilst aome · of the greueet Potc'f'lt:i.le!I of th•,
Earlb ha ... e either falle11 from or t~lture<l O I
their_ Tb ronea, baa· r!:!maine9 firmly s~11 tctl, rnp.
-ported solely by t1te ._a!fl;'lctioHII ofb.er peuple-rrn,L
_ bow (a.r sp.reBd and deep rooted n.t,;i tb o 110 ~ ff.-c •
dons ,the sentiments promulg"'ted by the !iul ..
Band here colli:oted on this isolated 1:1pot will 11til I
further te11tify \0 the Wor,ld at ln~ge. Let us now
uni1e io three hea.rty cheers\to theheal\h, prosperity
& long continued reign of 'our Quet>o, God hies,
The Brelbr1m Lhen ope11ed- a - passage tr,
allow the Governor \o return, arid; lhe: Party emba
rkcd at 2 P. M. -on 1,'oard the H O'lghl y, w Ii err:
a most ~umpluous. deJeuner was prepared, tu
which_ Uis,E_s.cclfancy \he Naval commantler-incbief,
the _G:oternor an~ h\s gucsl3 did ample
j ustiee, dis_p~fi!!S their'. loyal a.Uachment to our
beloy~d sov~r:e.ig.n an~. ac~~owledgi:i g the ki11dliness
of ~#r-; .host __ by en.Lhusiastic acc\amdlions,
He~;j~_aj~lfs Sleamcr fury look: the
.:' llo(>ghlyj;iit~ijij~i_re in tow, and in lhe dash-•
ing big~:~;!~!itl~-e'~haracler of that .ib ip, brough L
-both vessefs{inLo~Harbour by half put six in
the eveaitig, a ne'r, as we .uimred, a most de!ighlr.
rut anti plea,a4l excursion, the £elicity or which
was. bcighic:ued oc)t: only by the bene,olert oh:
j~~.l)lhey h;u) :corn.passed hut by the heart7 ce.
opera_liou a net:: ;aid afforded IJy His Ex_cel!encr the
:i·Naval Commaitder-in-chier, and ,l.he_.ga,lh11nt Com- :} ~nder. ~{!:tb~::iFury. _. JI · . ((\. -,· .
Annex 46
Letter from the Court of Directors of the East India Cmnpany
to the Marine Department of the Govem1nent of Bengal
dated 18 Sep 1850
Date : 18 Sep 1850
h September (No 31) 1850
Marine Department ·
Para 1 In your letter No. 13 of the 30th March last,
acquainting us with the preparations made under your authority,
for the construction of the Horsburgh Light House on the Island
of Pedra Branca, we are informed that an agreement had been
made with a Chinese contractor for the commencement of the
building early in March last under the Superintendence of the
Government Surveyor, Mr. Thomson, whose qualifications are
represented to be such as to justify the hope that the work will
be conducted rapidly to a satisfactory termination.
2. We cannot comply with the desire of the
Committee of the Chamber of Commerce at Singapore, that the
repayment of the sums to be advanced from the public treasury
towards the expenses of the Lighthouse may be extended over
a series of years. It is the wish of the Committee that, part of the
produce of the proposed tonnage duty* on shipping should be
available for the establishment of two other lights in the
neighbourhood of Singapore, but we must decline to accede to
any such proposition until the Pedra Branca Lighthouse shall
have been completed; We shall require the debt incurred on
account of that lighthouse to be entirely liquidated before any
part of the surplus dues is appropriated to any other purpose.
I 3s1
*2% Dollars per
100 tons
I 3s2 I
3. The letter mentioned by you as having been
addressed by the Governor of the Straits Settlements to our
Secretary has been received, but we deferred taking any steps
in consequence, until the communication should reach us in the
regular course through the medium of your Government. It
appears by the papers transmitted by Colonel Butterworth that
Mr. Allan Stevenson, Engineer to the Commissioners of the
Northern Lights, has been selected by Mr. Thomson to
superintend the construction of the lanterns, lamps and
machinery, for the Horsburgh Light house, also that the amount
determined upon for the Lights &ea is £1500; and, on the
ground of the difficulty, risk, and expense of negotiating through
the houses of agency in the Straits Settlements. Colonel
Butterworth has preferred the request that we will advance to
Mr. Stevenson such sums as he may require for the provision of
the articles in question; not having been parties to these
arrangements, we should have preferred the adoption by
Colonel Butterworth of the alternative suggested by himself,
namely that he should remit the necessary advances to Mr.
Stevenson either by Navy or Labuan Government Bills; under
all the circumstances however we shall not now object to make
advances from our Treasury to Mr. Stevenson not exceeding
the £1500 upon production of proper vouchers from Mr.
Thomson or the local authority by whom he is instructed.
4. You will communicate the substance of this
Despatch to Colonel Butterworth, and at the same time acquaint
him that it is our particular desire that he should exercise a
vigilant control over the expenditure on account of the
undertaking which we wish to be kept as nearly as possible to
the amount of the original estimate.
18th September 1850
Your loving friends
(Signed) John Shepherd
J. W. Hogg
W. Wi~ram
J. L. Lushington
Russell Ellice
W. B. Bayley
E. Macnaghten
J. Petty Muspratt
J. Masterman
J .. A. Moore
J. O_liphant
W. H. Sykes
Henry Willock
H. Alexander
I 353 I
I 354 1
j /
, .. 'r' ..
N >- <-
- lo°'= .5 t355
r·? ' .. v~ ~ ..... .._... -,e CS,.,..~
24 ~h-il(Z,-.,, 'j#1Prl.-Zu..
I 356 1
J~d~~ d!':?~rJ·J/~.1-0. Jf,6 I.
f' . . ~4-,~~.. .. ~ ~) •. ....
I ·,t-
/ r·.•
'. I~- ,_ ·. )-'. I '
1 357 I
1 3ss I
·•.-•~ "' I
. .,_
,- ~ .. _;
· cl o-·u.tie-N -
. /,f~ eA/lfw/J·L /J j()
Annex 47
Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at
. Singapore) to Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore)
dated 2 Nov 1850
: 2 Nov 1850
No. 28
The Hon'ble
Thomas Church Esq
Resident Councillor
On the completion of this Season's operations at the Horsburgh
Lighthouse now in the course of erection on Pedra Branca and do myself the
honor of reporting thereon to you for the information of Government.
It will not I presume be necessary for me at this stage of the works to
trespass on your time and attention in detailing the obstacles and difficulties
encountered during the progress of this unusual engineering undertaking in
which I and my assistants have been engaged. I will therefore merely confine
myself to laying before you a Statement of the work executed and what it is
proposed to be done next Season for completing the whole.
The Masonry of the building has nearly been finished. This places the
early and successful completion of the remainder beyond a doubt. The
highest course laid is 80 feet above the level of high water, Spring Tides - 59
feet above the first entire course of masonry and 641h feet above the lowest
stone in the foundation. 11 % feet in height remain to complete the total
elevation of the tower - which will be 91 % feet above N W Sp Tides. The
original proposed height was 90 feet but 1 % feet will unavoidably have to be
added to the height of the Light room wall to conform to the plans of the
Lighting apparatus designed by Messr Stevenson of Edinburgh.
The total sum expended on the works (exclusive of superintendence)
this season amounts at this date to the sum of 9061 Sp. Ors. 23 Cents and
the following is an estimate of the probable Cost of.the remainder.
Ashlar stone work of Capital including parapet
and Light room wall
. do of out offices
Granite pavement to rooms
Labour in erecting do
Tackle and machinery
Windows doors stairs and all fixtures including
Temporary houses for workmen
Hoisting and placing lantern and setting up
Lamp Machinery
Repairs to Tonkangs
Pay of her Crew for 3 months
2 Iron Rings let into Masonry
Nails baskets saws chisels hammers and other
small articles
8 barrels cement
Cash Keeper and watchmen 10 mos
Contingencies and unforeseen expenses 10%
Amount already expended
180. - -
100. - -
100. - -
100. - -
192. - -
100. - -
150. - -
3466 -
Total ===::::1::2:::8::7:=3=.8=3=
The original Estimate amounted to 13, 101 Sp Dollars 78 cts it may
therefore with confidence be anticipated that the work according to the original
plans and specifications - if not somewhat less in Cost will not be exceeded.
The sum expended for superintendence amounts to 527$22 - 454$50
having been paid to Mr Bennett the foreman for 10 months services at 100 Rs
and 72$72 to the temporary extra foreman Mr Lewis at Pule Ubin for 1 month
and 20 days. The anticipated remaining Cost on this head will be
My own deputation allowance for 2 years @
150 Rs
Mr. Bennett's salary for 1 year @ 150 "
Mr Lewis do for 1 month at 100
My table allowance when on board the
Amount already expended
Total Sp Drs
Adding the Cost of works to the Cost of superintendence the total anticipated
Cost of works already sanctioned (exclusive of lantern and machinery) will be
16, 127 Sp Dollars 77 cts.
The experience of a season's operations at the work has shown me the
necessity of some additions to the original plan which I could not possibly
have anticipated as being required for the comfort and safety of the light
keepers having only had prior to the commencement of operation a few
cursory visits when any peculiarities in the formation of the rock did not strike
me as being possible to be taken advantage of also the action of the waves
around the rock have proved considerably different to what I had expected.
The arrangements that I had designed for the landing have thereby proved
The first addition I would humbly proposed is a platform of stone 18
feet by 20 feet to be constructed near the entrance to the light house where
stores and water could be laid preparatory to their being hoisted into the
building. The rock being rugged and uneven makes the construction of a
platform extremely desirable.
The second addition I would propose tho' not necessary, I feel
convinced will meet your ready sanction is in having a small garden - which it
happens can easily be made in a gully between two of the highest rocks. The
size will be in miniature only 14 feet by 20 feet but the recreation and
occupation of mind not to say relief to the eye by giving it something green to
rest upon in the surrounding expanse of sea will I hope be accorded to the
solitary beings that will tenant the rock.
The third is in a new landing place to be cut out of the north east rock.
This I find is the only place that a landing can be effected during the strength
of the South West Moonsoon. In the light where I had made the present
landing stairs the influx and reflux of the Sea is so great that unless in calm
weather it is unapproachable.
The fourth is for channels for collecting rain water. The utility of this I
need hardly dilate upon.
And the last in the construction of a wooden pier of the best timber on
the south side of the rock so that by its means a landing may be effected
during calmer days of the North East monsoon - its mode of construction
cannot yet be determined upon until l have an opportunity of viewing the force
and play of the waves rained the rock during the strongest part of the NE
monsoon for which purpose it would be of great consequence that I frequently
visit the rock in these coming months.
The following is the probable cost of the above additions.
Platform 388. - -
Garden 86. - -
Landing place 100. - -
Channels to catch rain water 50. - -
Wooden pier on south of rock 200. - -
Contingencies and unforeseen expenses 10% 82.40
Sp. dollars -~90_6_.4_0_
I would humbly solicit the early decision of Gov1 regarding these additions as
in order to have them finished in good time next year. The stone part should
at once be commenced upon at Pulo Ubin. If these additions be sanctioned
they will render the works at the rock as complete as could be desired. The
construction of proper landing places as experience of the action of t_he waves
have pointed out in the passed SW monsoon and will point out in this coming
NE monsoon, I conceive, will be a great desideratum to obtain, and they will
obviate much expense trouble and accidents in future times and they cannot
be more easily and unexpensively executed, than while the other works are
progressing. These will complete the permanent works.
I would next beg your kind attention to the furniture and moveable
articles which tho not in the original estimate are essential to the completion of
arrangements for showing the light and the works could not be handed over
with safety by me to the functionary who will be intrusted with the
maintenance of the light, until everything has been satisfactorily put into
regular routine. I can scarcely anticipate every minute article that will be
required but will enumerate the following articles and fittings which I think will
include nearly the whole
1 Clock
1 Argand Lamp
3 Hanging
Tackle for heaving up
9 bedsteads
1 Telescope
30. - - bro1 forward
10. - - 20 water barrels
9. - - 6 brass wash basons
1 Boat
1 00. - - Davits for do
27. - "' 8 chairs
----16-. --- 3 Tables
192. - -
Contingencies 10%
Sph Dollars
100. - -
12. - -
12. - -
Regarding the requisite Establishment of Keepers &ea I did myself the
honor to offer some suggestions in my letter No. 20 of 1848. In that I
proposed that the gunboat should be charged with the duty of carrying out
stores and provisions and that 3 Europeans and 3 natives should be
employed to watch the light. Subsequent experience and close attention to
the subject which I then had not had opportunity to obtain have considerably
modified my opinions. I therefore now take· this opportunity to lay before
Government the alterations that I would humbly suggest in this department
with such information as bears on the point. The objections that occur to me
against the former proposed arrangements are in the smallness of the party of
Keepers left on so solitary and distant a position without protection at hand.
And the great length of time they would be debarred communication in case of
sickness or accidents to any of them. In similar situations in Britain the
greatest case is taken that the Keepers should never be debarred from
communication with the shore. Thus the Bell rock light house has its shore
station 12 miles distant at Arbroath where a party is always on the watch for
the signal from the lighthouse denoting that communication is required, where
a vessel that is kept solely to tend that light house immediately puts to sea.
The same is the case at Skerryrore(Sic) and I believe at every other
lighthouse of kindred nature - Such as the Eddystone Tuscar, Carlingford,
Naplin and one or two others. The Horsburgh lighthouse which is as distant as
any of these from the nearest shore namely 10 English miles, on a rock as
barren, situated in a position most important to the valuable trade of the East
where cargoes of the richest and vessels of the largest and most valuable will
depend for their safety on the uninterrupted showing of the light. I trust that it
will appear to Gov1
, should have all the care and attention paid it that such
structures have in the mother Country. The employment of a larger body of
men at the lighthouse on another account which does not exist on British
Shores is in the number of Pirates that continually infest these Seas. I need
hardly recall the many instances that occur to prove the extent of Piracy. I
may mention one in the plunder of the town and the capture of the inhabitants
of Singkil by the Lanuns two years ago, a place situated only 90 miles from
Singapore. It may be true that the building as constructed would hold out
against most of the piratical vessels that would attempt to molest it if they
should be so inclined, but I would humbly suggest that means should be taken
to prevent altogether such an occurrence. Point Romania the nearest land to
Pedra Branca is the best situated for such a station as are always attached to
the British Light houses, it is also the point most notorious for the piracies
committed in its proximity and consequently the most dreaded by native
traders. The fact that as piracies have been committed at the spot this year
where one or the other of the Gunboats was always stationed, strongly
convinces me that a station there would be eminently subservient to two
purposes viz the protection of the native trade from pirates and the tending of
the Lighthouse. Were I not aware from previous conversations with you that
there are insuperable objections to erecting a station there, I would have
earnestly recommended to your favorable consideration the erection of a
station on that point in which an armed party of not less than 14 men and two
boats could be placed, one a fast pulling boat for in shore duty and the other a
safe built boat for Sea duty. Here a constant watch could be maintained on
the lighthouse and their rapid presence could be had at the rock in case of
need. If such an arrangement could be made I would not advise more than 3
men being stationed at the light house at one time viz 1 European and 2
natives which would render a total establishment of 2 Europeans and 3
natives sufficient. The Europeans changing duty monthly and the natives
every two months by turns in having a small establishment at the rock a great
desideratum is gained in the small quantity of water and provision required to
be sent out. In case of this arrangement being found inadmissible as the next
best course, I would humbly propose that a Gunboat be always stationed at
Point Romania, and in case of her absence to be relieved by another, but in
case of the absence of both - a boats crew of 6 men to be left with the light
keepers who would thus form a party that would prevent the risk of any
molestation. The lighthouse boat of course would be there to carry off the 6
men in case of necessity, such as the want of water and provisions. The third
and last proposal that I would trespass on your consideration, should the
other two be found impracticable, is in the augmenting the party at the rock to
1 European and 8 natives, 2 of the latter would be light keepers and the
others to form a boat's crew for a boat which should always be hoisted upon
the rock this would render a total establishment of 2 Europeans and 12
natives necessary the former to change monthly and the latter every two
months - but a serious objection against this proposal is in the large quantity
of water and provisions that would be required - but it appears to me to be the
smallest scale that could safely be maintained to carry out the permanent
object of the service, viz the steady maintenance of the light where once
shown, under this arrangement it would be only necessary for the Gunboat or
Steamer to carry out provisions and water monthly to the rock and for the
changing of the watches.
Where the lantern is to be of valuable metal and the lamps and
reflectors to be of the finest and latest improved construction, in which much
silver and copper is used, I hardly need suggest that strict rules should be
carried out against those half fishing half piratical sect called the Orang Ryot
or Laut, being allowed to obtain admittance into the building. They frequently
visit the rock, so their visits should never be encouraged nor any trust be put
in them as they would be sure to pillage the building if they found themselves
strong enough. In the Straits and inlets of the neighbouring shores and
Islands many are the lives taken by these people, when the object to be
obtained is only a bag of rice or other articles of little more than one or two
dollars value.
It remains for me to state what is proposed to be done now and next
season. The Capital of the Pharas Pillar is now in the hands of the Stone
Cutter at Pulo Ubin. It is to be of Superior style of workmanship to accord with
the beautiful design for the lantern sent out by Messrs Stevenson. Mr Bennett
the foreman is now there engaged on that work. I would also propose to place
in hand immediately the extra stone work required for the platform if
sanctioned. The Tonkang boats &ea are also undergoing repairs at Pulo Ubin.
These were much damaged against the rocks at the Light house. In
Singapore the stucco mouldings, doors windows copper and brass work and
all other fittings and finishings will directly I have leisure from other duties
have to be commenced upon and finished before we proceed out to the Rock
again. The repairs to the· Gunboat "Nancy" should also be completed as early
as possible, her reported crazy state was a constant source of anxiety to me
during the last season. It is of the greatest importance that we should now be
well informed of the state of the weather out at the rock during the North East
monsoon such as the times that the monsoon sets in, ceases for a time and
when it blows strongest. Also the action of the waves on the rock should be
narrowly watched so that the requisite arrangements may be made for the
construction of the landing pier &ea - for that purpose I would propose
keeping the "Charlotte" stationed at Point Romania to put out to the rock as
opportunity offered and to register facts connected with the above points. It
would also be extremely desirable that I should go out at least once every
month to judge for myself, for upon these facts when ascertained will depend
all concluding arrangements and plans which could scarcely be made without
a thorough knowledge of them.
By the first of March next year the gunboats should proceed to Point
Romania to prepare spars, watering place &ea and to be ready to report when
a landing can be effected. When a landing is reported possible I would first
propose, after our water and provisions have been got on shore landing with
only Malays, Convicts and 2 Chinese Carpenters. The former to prepare the
.attap sheds. The Convicts to bore and blast the rocks at the new landing
place and the Carpenters to erect our temporary house and also the
temporary pier. These arrangements would be sufficiently forwarded in 14
days to receive the Stone Cutters and masons, when the building and out
works can be at once commenced on, we would have the building ready for
the Light Apparatus and lantern by the middle of June and the outworks &ea
during July and if no accident occur everything would be completed by
September. The showing of the light could probably take place in October. For
this purpose it would be necessary to have the light Keepers and their
establishment ready in August so that they might undergo two months
instructions before having the duties left to their sole charge.
Singapore 2nd
True Copy
I have the honor to be
Sd/ J.T. Thomson
Go/ Surveyor
I 3sa I
J2~· /
1 369 1
I 310 1
I 371 I
I 312 1
1 373 1
I 374 I
1 375 I
/ 37~
1 377 1
1 378 I
1 379 1
Annex 48
Letter from Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore) to
Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales Island,
Singapore and Malacca) dated 7 Nov 1850
Date : 7 Nov 1850
No. 128
Ansd 41
h Feb/51 To
The Hon'ble the Governor &ea
I have the honor to annex transcripts
of a Report from Mr. Thomson, the
Government Surveyor (No. 28 dated 2nd
Instant) on the completion of this season's
operations at Pedro Branca.
2. Mr. Thomson's communication is
extremely satisfactory, the Horsburgh Light
House so auspiciously commenced and
successfully prosecuted during the past
season, may be viewed as an earnest, that
under so able and energetic an officer as
the present Government Surveyor, this most
important work will be finished within the
ensuing Year.
3. It will be seen, that Mr. Thomson
recommends certain additions, the
aggregate expense will be under 1,000
Dollars, they are obviously extremely
desirable, and I would beg to recommend
that Mr. Thomson be authorized to carry
them into execution.
4. I observe Mr. Thomson advocates
the Establishment of a Station near Point
Romania, for the purpose of affording
assistance to the inmates of the Light
House in case of need, and also to
suppress Piracy; an armed party of the
strength suggested would, doubtless, be of
some Service, but I doubt whether such is
absolutely necessary, or commensurate
with the permanent expense which such an
establishment must necessarily occasion.
Romania moreover belongs to the
Sovereign of Johore, where the British
possess no legal jurisdiction; it will of
course, be necessary for the Steamer or
Gun Boats to visit Pedro Branca weekly;
some benefits would also accrue by
requesting His Highness the Tumongong to
form a village at Romania under the control
of a respectable Panghuloo to render
assistance to the inmates of the Light
House in a case of emergency.
5. A short time prior to the withdrawal of
the workmen, I visited Pedro Branca, and
was equally surprised and gratified at the
vast rapidity with which the operations had
been carried forward, and the substantial
and imposing aspect of the Edifice, it was
distinctly seen at a distance of 12 Miles.
The 7th Novr. 1850
I have &ea
Sigd./ T. Church
• Councillor
[ 383 I
· ~--·r-.,-r ·- .. ~' ·---~ . ..,./)·/, -.
; ·'";, ·~ ,.,.., ··-
. -·. ·~ ;
Annex 49
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Seton Karr W. (Under
Secretary to the Goven1ment of Bengal) dated 9 Nov 1850
Genl No 865 of 1850
Ansd Jany/ 51
No 6
·dr 7 Nov 1850 No 128
Copy retained
: 9 Nov 1850
No. 133
To W. Seton Karr Esquire
D/ Singapore 9th November 1850
I have the honor to transmit the accompanying copy of a
Letter from the Resident Councillor at Singapore*, giving cover
to a Report from Mr Thomson the Government Surveyor on this
Season's operations at the Light House, under construction at
Pedra Branca, the first stone of which was laid, with masonic
honors, on the 241
h May last, being the anniversary of the Birth
day of our Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria.
2 Mr Thomson has fully realized my utmost expectations, in
the zeal, energy and skill, with which he has prosecuted his
labors on this much responsible work, the most difficult part of
which has been accomplished. The Structure which is most
strongly built of the best Granite, now stands 80 feet above the
level of high water, Spring Tides, and 64 V2 feet, from the
foundation, and this within 5 months of laying the first Stone.
3 If the Work in question had been executed within the
same period at Singapore, it would have reflected great credit
on Mr Thomson, but when the isolated position of Pedra Branca,
40 miles from this Town upon which he has been dependent for
all supplies, and 10 from the nearest Land, is taken into
consideration coupled to the fact of the contractor having run
away, on the first appearance of the difficulties which
surrounded the undertaking, and these were many and great
(the Workmen on one occasion, having been brought away from
the Rock on Casks, so fearfully did the surf break over it, and on
another, having mutinied,) I am sure that the Honble the Deputy
Governor will concur with me in thinking that too much praise
cannot be accorded to this most perseveringly zealous, and
practically skilful officer Mr Thomson.
4 The success of the Work is now past doubt, but
experience has shown the want of some adjuncts to the Light
House, which it is desirable to put in hand forthwith. The first is
a Platform of stone 18 feet by 20 feet, to be constructed near the
entrance of the Building, for the reception of stores, preparatory
to their being hoisted into the Light House. The next, although
not imperatively necessary, will add so much to the comfort, and
content of the Light House Keepers, by affording amusement,
and preserving them from some portion of the excessive heat
which strikes from the bare Rock, that it is a most desirable
measure. This is a miniature garden, which it is proposed to
make in a Gully between two of the highest Rocks. The third is
a Landing Place, which I can speak from experience, is
indispensable, to enable parties to visit the Light House but I
would call particular attention to the thoughtfulness which has
dictated the suggestion of channels, for the collection of Rain
Water and these with a wooden Pier on the south side of the
Rock, to facilitate landing during the Calmer Days of the North
East Monsoon, when it would be impracticable from the force of
the waves to approach close to the Rock, will complete the
additional works required.
'Platform $388.00
Garden -- 86.00
Landing Place_ 100.00
Channels to catch Rain
Water 50.00
Wooden Pier on South
of Rock 200.00
Contingencies +
Unforeseen expenses
10 % . 82.40
Spanish Dollars 906.40
5 It is very desirable, as previously observed, to make
every preparation for prosecuting the above Works during the
present season, when al! operations at the Rock have
necessarily ceased, and I have therefore ventured to sanction
them in anticipation of the approval of the Honble the Deputy
Governor of Bengal, at the probable cost noted in the margin*,
and at the same time, I authorised the following Articles of
furniture & interior fittings for the Light House, with a Boat
'taken from Mr Thomson Complete* &Ca.
report - See Enclosure
to Mr Church's letter
dated 7 Nov 1850 No
Brat (Brought) (?)
1 clock $30 forward $192.00
1 Argand lamp 10 20 Barrels 100.00
3 Hanging lamps 9 6 Brass Wash Basins 12.00
Tackle for heaving up
provisions 100 1 Boat 90.00
Davits for ditto 40.00
9 Bedsteads 27 8 chairs 8.00
1 Telescope 16 3 Tables 12.00
Carried forward $192 454.00
Contingencies 10% 45.40
Spanish Dollars 499.40
6 Mr Thomson has offered some further suggestions
regarding the Establishment for the charge of the Light House,
and l am disposed to give much weight to what he has
advanced, but I think it would be expedient to await the
termination of the present inclement season during which every
means will be resorted to, for the purpose of obtaining
information, regarding the force of the waves upon the Rock,
and the possibility or otherwise, of access to it, between this
time, and March next, when I shall be better able to give my final
views upon this important point but I am persuaded the Hon'ble
the Deputy Governor, will countenance me, in having an
establishment, for the first few months at least, somewhat in
excess, rather than in the smallest degree below, what may
eventually be found absolutely necessary.
7 I am disposed to combine Mr Thomson's several
propositions, by having a large party at the Light House, ie One
European, and 8 Natives -with one European, and 4 natives on
leave, so as to give the former relief every month, and the latter
every two months. During the fine weather, when the Rock is
readily accessible, and provisions can be furnished without
difficulty, and having a small party, say one European, and 3
natives on the Rock, during the north east monsoon, with a fast
pulling Boat, and 9 natives at Point Romania, with one of the
Singapore Gun Boats, but I shall do myself the honor to report
again on this subject, after the termination of this monsoon.
9th November 1850
I have &ea
Sd/W. J. Butteiworth
I as9 I
I 390 I
I 391 I
! . !
1 392 1
I 393 I
' '
1 394 1
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. -- ·.· ... - ~ .. ·.' -l ' . -.. , .. ,.
I 395 I
Annex 50
Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at
Singapore) to Allan Stevenson (Engineer to the Northern Light
Board at Edinburgh) dated 20 Jan 1851
------ ---------------------
Date : 20 Jan 1851
No. 6 of 1851
To Allan Stevenson Esquire
Engineer to the Northern Light Board
I ...... Thomas Stevenson last month enclosing a despatch from the
Court of Directors ..... in which they agreed to advance you £1,500 on
showing voucher from me, have since thought that the Honble Court would
require more formal documents and consequently send of the ............... by
the Resident Councillor which (if you have not already received the amount)
you will be so good as forward to the .......... and I would no doubt that the
amount will be immediately paid to you.
Further ............... that as possible delay may occur in forwarding the
articles out to Singapore. I have written to Messrs K. W. Rawson & Co of
Singapore placing in their hands the sum of 2000 Sp Ors (nearly £500) with a
request that they transmit the sum to their firm in London Messrs Rawson
Norton & Co. who will communicate with you and who are empowered to
receive the cases containing the Lantern machinery and lighting components
............... and to pay you what were extra expenses beyond the £ 1500 you
have expensed should they not exceed the £500 inclusive of shipping
charges .
. . . .. working ..... is near at hand and as it will be without fail be ready to
place the Lantern on by the end of May next at furtherest, I trust you will
forward the articles without delay, as the Govt and shipping interest - will feel
the greatest disappointment if the light cannot be shown before next stormy
season which comes on in October or November.
If possible also please send plans of the machinery & directions to put
it up, also directions for maintaining the light and cleaning the reflector, a year
or two has supplies of ..... and .................... and any other ..... articles you
think may not be procurable ............... .
..... ..... No ..... of 18 .......... to Mr Thomas Stevenson, I requested
him to ..... shipping agents this .......... necessary
Singapore 20th Jany
I remain
Sd/ J T Thomson
• ... ,~ TO -.,os ••, .• •>C•(~••• ''••,
------------ ------ --- ----------
{t -.-·.; { t
·:: :
,:,. J.-
i.. f - -
.ti .. ,_ t } ... ~ . ~~>'1'
' l
Annex 51
Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at
Singapore) to Allan Stevenson (Engineer to the Northern Light
Board at Edinburgh) dated 6 Feb 1851
Date : 6 Feb 1851
No 7
To Allan Stevenson Esquire
I addressed a letter to you on the 20th January and as since then the
mail . . ... ..... ..... England. I am much disappointed that it ..... no
communication from you, as the time is fast approaching that the articles
belonging to the Horsburgh light house, construct in the ........................ .
will be urgently required and the early receipt of which will present the
showing of the light next stormy season. I should have been glad to have
however the cause of the delay, from yourself whether owing to
misunderstandings with the Court of Directors or ..... other cause. I am under
the circumstances only guess at, and under this state of .......... at a loss
what ............... to satisfy you or the .......... which if I had been made
aware of, I would have promptly .......... probably ..... this ..... delay. . ........ .
...... ..... would be ..... may have shown as l ..... made ..... by .......... my
relative ..... Mr John .................... by Mr David ..... to ..... the case, maybe
perfectly justifiable by circumstances connected with . . . .. .. ... upon this
subject with ............... by .......... to ..... £1500 ............... but you ......... .
told me that anything disagreeable has happened, and it would be improper in
me to anticipate that such should have been the case, as I am not aware of it.
If you have not received the £1500 from the Court of Directors. I hope
there will be no trouble in your obtaining it, on the showing of the document
signed by myself and the Resident Councillor forwarded with my letter dated
20th Ulto and that Messrs Rawson Norton & Co of London, will do all the rest
required and I trust it will appease to you, if you consider the position I am
placed in; by your silence as to have the work under your charge is ..... - the
..... cost - which information .......... that 1 have .... all that could be
] 401
1 402 1
expected. I may mention that the cost of the light house is not defrayed by any
private body nor any special fund, tho' nearly half the expenses were met by
private subscriptions, but that the Govt .......... have undertaken the work on
their own responsibility, and will have it executed at whatever cost, and thus I
am glad to say is placed beyond question will not exceed by £500 my original
estimates nor will it amount to anything near what the Court of Directors in
sanctioning the work anticipated and subsequently were ready to pass.
On receipt of this letter I would beg the favor of your informing me.
Should the articles not yet have been shipped - when they will be ready for
shipment & the cost including your commission ..... if this does not exceed
£2000 ............. __ will meet the demand, but if ..... further reference to Govt
will be necessary before I could disburse the amount.
Singapore no. 6th Feby 1851
I remain Sir
Your Obdt St
Sd/ J T Thomson
... , ..... -. --- ·-·-··· ·---··-···· ·- ..
··-. --~ . ..:.- :-.::'·1-·~ ... :.': >.
Annex 52
Letter from Thomson J.T. (Govem1nent Surveyor at
Singapore) to Allan Stevenson (Engineer to the Northern Light
Board at Edinburgh) dated 1 Apr 1851
1 Apr 1851
No. 10
Allan Stevenson Esquire
Engineer to the Northern light house Board
I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 23rd Dec & Mr Thomas
Stevenson dated 181
h Jan, & duplicate of the same dated 201
h Jany.
In reply I trust the financial arrangements have now been placed on a
satisfactory footing. The misunderstanding regarding this subject had been
the cause of great perplexity to us, and I am glad to note that it originated
from Mr Thomas Stevenson mislaying the original letter which referred you to
the Court of Directors for payment, and that it was not deemed by that
disavowal of that body of commission with the light house, as I had been led
to anticipate, from the great delay that has taken place in executing the stone
(?) of the light house works entrusted to you.
I have redesigned the plan of the ..... instrument and have no doubt
when we once get it that it will be a most satisfactory apparatus ...... to note
that you are ..... the works, ............... The weight that ..... to the machinery,
does it ......................... the building, are to the ...... floor of the Light
room ...... channel down ..... of the walls for this purpose in case the weight
.......... the rooms .
.. . . . . . . . ... . .... ventilation will ..... be required. We have too little air .....
If the apparatus be yet shipped Messrs Rawson Norton & Co. of
London will take charge, you I trust will see the absolute necessity of.dispatch.
I 40s I
I 406 I
We have ..... operations and will not be later than end of May in having the
building ready for the Lantern.
On my last ..... to the rock I found every thing swept away except the
Light hanger and a few materials packed in a sheltered part of the rock near
to its base, a heavy spray only affects this part. There is no remnant of out
.......... dwelling houses and work sheds, there have been partly re-erected
and were not entrusted to stand the force of the N.E Monsoon, their loss is
easily repaired by the abundant materials in the forests of the adjacent coasts.
The building will be finished ...... at a sum less than the original estimate.
Singapore 1 st April 1851 Sgd. J T Thomson
!- 1···

.:· .. ·
~ ... -
' - ....... _;~
Annex 53
"Statement of the Proper Receipts and Disbursements at
Singapore for the Official Year 1850-51, exclusive of Military
and Convicts" in the Singapore Free Press and Mercantile
Advertiser (31 May 1851)
J~e"r · _'_' .<,t,c('. t~r(~iger\: }"fio:":· .~a~: -iJt~gging '\~i:B. I, ;~f tupw~~.~.s- ot\~f?~,?00~_::-;,~·-~e: chieffn'~ -~:f;j_~~fa'~t~~t1,:~;d~u:r W~'_ru6:~-:-~:~e:. · Jiae., • _ ':" y,,~t) rn°.1,n to ,th~! "JUrgl,e ·- >,: J !)B~~:~ :,of,· 1~f:. f. c_re:as.~· U'! <-~he: _rec~agt~;: ,,~_aee , ~m .-E10_111s, I }tryfJi;Jdia, C h~~a-&c.:&o.,l.,.Io,'d,)a~y 30
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- -· · . lur11 dLtto ............. ,, .. • . . . • 20,823 4 5 - Do, bf Aamtant to ,the Governor, .... , .... ,·. _OOO o o
aces:. . '. Do:· _.ofdo._fromtbepourt_o~Requ~11ts do. · ·81954 ·. 2 3. R1·~lden~·:coupoillo(11.E!ito.~liRhmont., : . , ... , . , p . 3,084 O _o
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l -e.t, : ,0Do,·'- ol Tran11ler 1:"~e11 _un,der. Act. I6 of : _ . ':. . _ _Sberiff"11
dit~ ........ _ , ~ . , ........ , , ..... ., .. , , .. . 5,078 13. o
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en_~·- _-. : J?o; .'".-ol' ~ari_d, :.. s old":f?r A_gri~u!_tu~I ~ur- _, ·: · _- . . _Se!l,llien's:·HoBpitti~ ditto:·:_,-...... -. .. • -... , -.. '. . .. . 2,4~ 9 · o
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tilii .._ ::: -:· ,: -. _.:: 'Dedne~r~d11~4.to_J sa,1JlS, ).·4- t:l~ s-of_\Se11mr .o.nd A_~sis~t Burgeons.- ..... , . 11,841 1,6 _o
. , . _ - . - .... -H. M, Gover~ment. S _ . : __ Post 9fficl! Ji;stabhsbment .••.. , . _ , , , •.. , . • . 0,912 o o
th_at:.- . ·":'::-<:· :' . .-/.> i\.-:-; :<"''."--> .'--_ .-. -·--:- _ .7;it52'. 15 0 . Revenue:,l)eJj_&rlml'rit Esto.blishmeut ..... : ..... _ B,2112 :o o_
fo,_. : !Do/: Ri.>iit?fG(!v~rn'!eilt]_lolllleB;,, ~· ;; . 1,591 la _o li_nportanfE~port·-Office·&sto.blfllhmrnt... 6,400 ~ O
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.• · . _, . -,_ . : _ on. SubsnI'l ptmne. to the I.onn. :. 1 _. , 12,602 16 _10 _ .. _ _ _, Pohtlcal Penslon_a-. -. , ..... ·. . . . .. . . 18
8110 13. O ''·?'t,· /t\o;: :M.isce~Mlious ReCiliP~/.;, .•.. ;·,-.. ,, - B,136, 6 · 9 435,8114- ~! Loeal]?~ll8ions . .-_ ;·; . , .-._ ::: ': '-,- .. ·.; A,329 1( o
1tu_ -. bnhoolli .............. , .. , . . .. .. 6,214 .6 8
illieL -Maate~-A_ttendant'~--J?epamnrm~.. . . • . . . _ . . 1,020 j) o
riti;.:_: Eete.bμsbment, :'='Nv1e1om &u_. &e. of Gun-boe._t,i . ;'
_ · - .. -. Oharlot(e and Frances.. . ; - • . .. . . . . . ~ . 01113 10 o
Bui!d!ngs and .ad~ltions t;>· Bu%i:lgil. . , .. _. . _ : . _. , ·. 5,920 rli - 7
·Rep111rs to B~ildmgs .. · · .. _ h:.... . . . . . . , .. ,. 41889 . 6 JO
. -::~1
r 'iii~.·
Ii ':or-'
· L9ss:on dillbtirsing dalarfos &U.---;· :· • : . . '. • • . : •. 5,657 14 8
~Ae~~lll..!!ILGd.iernmeil_~Buililing11..~--,---,-- _ ... ...:.. :.. .. , a, 463- .~ --~Contlngu~~
hi~. Gene~ .•. ·\;_ ... :;:; 81669.: 7. _;J ,
. Do _ - J utllmal. . . , , , . . . . . 18,806. -_ -1,. 3 . Bfti~ti:\i'!·iiit_f Do .. Revenue,. , , ,, ......... 162,.- 0, -6
':_.-,;g~·::: \'.:W,JJ!~-~;~~~l~~~;t;~~l~J~.:::: ' . . . . . -. .
,Do · M1I1tary: .. , ._., . : .. . 187. 10, · 4 iw;o~t ,2 .l J96j357 o 10
.~ . ··, ... - ---~
-- .. .. . ·-AD:D c. __ ..
i salnry 9£ t!ie μov~rnor (less. Military Piiy) ii.nd ..
_ . .
_ . Establfoh:n,_ont ~urrng .1850~~~ .• : _ : . . . , .. 1-,426 .IO 0
· Do;_-of!the·Reep~4.erand d1tto;durmg d_1tto; ..•. 15,001 1_8 .4
-Do.· of the Regi!3trar of the Courtof Jil.dic11.t11re do. - 5;073. ·Ji 4:
-o!II- Do. ·of:Penalun of'Mr T •. G. Mitcbcll do.,; , . ,.. 883 - ;6 A,
; . ~Do·.'.:of:ei\pe~c~ofjhil.H: C:iitmr; Hoogl,li, l).o,-., .ti,12(): 1.1v·o .. u;soo. o o
'. - .... . ' - ll, -.,
.. "con,pany•., ~Riipees~. i., .. -::495)ni_ .,~.'.a -----~.;--,;;;...,:-;.:._..;.;...,.......;...:.. .-.~ -...;·__,.· :..·..._..-·;..·-~ ., . ~ ~
. . .-. -----~" .
E;i;criB_s of Receipts ..._ i: , . • . HJ61.. 008 1-J · 1· ·. '.·· ..·;;:,... : ' . ...;......;....;,;._
-Comp&~y'e Rupees. f' . .":. 485i8ll 4 .. 6
.. . . . . .. ......;..;.., . . -...;• __ - -.... - ............ - --,-- ___ _, __ _..,_ ____ (continues to next page, overleaf) ~
(continued from previous page)
.. vuwptu•,Y" .I.LU}'"""·.·• .• ·--_,. .. ~•- .. ___ ..I. i ·_, . -·. .·-.-: · ." · ·l.iOl;ilpal"!Y'II .ttupees .. ,', . .-; . · 4a6,81l 4 G
'.s;:~;../ .,Emp .. i~i/,:.t~ ii~~ m~J ~~j ~iai~ ~f.;~ .JI: u..vid. at ~.t.u dmi~; lM
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r:Bllyll.:k'-.i-t:1.1 ··' :- _-·:c ·
. : ; > ;;, .. 4-"B~RA.Jt; .... · J . . Receipts p1a1·~·P-~.rtic,u~!i;i's.A.·;,· . ; · .. ; . ,\i. Compa~y'11 Rupe!llt ... ·435,311 ·, · 6. : .. ·.: > ·: ·:_.-; ·. · · ···DEDUCT· . ·-:> .. :· . . · ~; · ·
-Disbuisemeiita: Locah,harges B". .·, ,··,, .• ,' ;-: ·1J16,3fi7 0 10} .·
· _.,,,.Genen,1 charges C' • .- .L .•. , .•. U,B55· 6. :If
, .· ,· :::>Milftary·_\~hll,rge~·p •.•. :;: ....•.. _;·. ]9\5,~, 5 - ,~·· .· .- .. · .... _ . .
· .. -~.x~n11_~·~J..po_n_y1c_t~ ; ~-. /.- ,•O,'.- _ 57,782 P _ /l · · __ 4JJ3,.!?53 : ,7 l -
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,.,·;,··--·--.· ..... -..... ,,.'" .. , .-:, -.. Compa11,y•Rupee1 .. 195124S. 6- 8
i·!ifr it J\Jt·t::i.i~r?r:i)<.;:.c a,J .. · · · , .:,, • = ,. · · ·•
Annex 54
Letter from Thomson J.T. (Government Surveyor at
Singapore) to Church T. (Resident Councillor at Singapore)
dated 20 July 1851
To the Honorable
T Church Esquire
Resident Councillor
: 20 Jui 1851
No.15of 1851
As the Horsburgh Lighthouse on Pedra Branca is near its completion
so that on th·e early expected receipt of the Lighting apparatus the light may
be shown in the building, and as at present I am only under orders to
complete the building and its appurtenances. I would humbly solicit
information regarding the instructions of Govt - whether or not I should be of
service in carrying out the arrangements for future maintenance of the Light,
in the procuring of Light Keepers, purchase of stores and in the executing of
the other duties that will be necessary to keep the establishment in an efficient
condition, or whether another officer would be appointed for this purpose.
As I have been orally informed by you that no final arrangements have
been determined upon and that I might foiward to you any suggestions that I
might think worthy of the attention of Govt. I trust the following remarks and
annexed papers may be of service. I have necessarily given much of my time
to subjects connected with light houses and that illumination during these last
two years, and I may not be forward in thinking that they will be useful, as they
are connected with a subject that is part of general interest and are
consequently little understood.
1 412 I
Light Keepers
On the subject of Light Keepers and establishment for the Light house,
I made some suggestions in my letters No. 20 of 1848 and No. 28 of 1850 at
the period of writing the former letter, the estimates of the building had just
been made, at which time the rock had only been once or twice visited. My
remarks regarding the future maintenance of the light (at that time uncertain of
accomplishment) were necessarily short and immature as the peculiarities of
the position had not been studied there having been no opportunity to do so,
they were therefore subject to future correction. At the period of writing the
second though I had the experience of one fair season spent in building
operations, yet the knowledge of the state of the weather in the vicinity of
Pedra Branca and of the action of the waves at and around the rock during
the stormy season of the N E monsoon had not yet been observed. What
remarks I have now to submit to your consideration I make under greater
advantages than I possessed at these former times, having on several
occasions put out to the rock during the last North East monsoon in order to
ascertain the facts requisite to be known with regard to communication with
the light house during that season, such as the possibility of changing the
Light Keepers, furnishing stores &ea. What I now humbly suggest regarding
the establishment necessary to the permanent showing of the light, I trust will
be worthy of your favorable consideration.
In my letter No. 28 of 1850, I suggested three methods of keeping up
an establishment for lighting the building. The last method proposed in that
letter viz; of always maintaining on the rock a party consisting of one
European and eight natives, seems now to me considering all circumstances,
to be the best with some slight modifications. I have found that during every
month of the N E monsoon that there will be opportunities to land the
Keepers, tho' water and heavy provisions may not always be possible to land;
at the same time, access to the rock will not be closed for 4 or 5 months as
formerly supposed. The difficulty of keeping all the establishment at the rock
is therefore now not so great as formerly supposed, and the keeping of part of
their body at Pt. Romania is consequently unnecessary. By having their whole
body at the Light House, this advantage is further gained in the sufficient
protection of the building and its contents against pirates and other evil
disposed persons, which would not be the case were only 3 or 4 men
stationed there.
The establishment that I would now proposed will consist of thirteen
individuals instead of fourteen as proposed in my letter No. 28 of 1850. And I
believe it would answer all purposes if placed under efficient superintendence.
It is as follows -
2 head Light Keepers Europeans
2 assistants - do - Malays
3 Tindals - do -
6 Lascars one of whom to cook - do -
13 Total establishment
The Light Keepers I would propose to change monthly and the Tindals and
Lascars every two months, thus there would be always at the light house
1 head Light Keeper
1 assistant - do -
2 Tindals
4 Lascars
8 Total at the lighthouse
On shore on leave at Singapore there would be
1 head Light Keeper
1 assistant - do -
1 Tindals
2 Lascars
5 Total on leave
For assistant Light Keepers Tindals and Lascars, I believe the Malays
to be best adapted, in case of difficulty in landing which is of frequent
occurrence, they are more expert than either Chinese or natives of India, in
the management of boats they are in their element, while other natives are
quite at a loss, either from inexperience or sea-sickness, to be good boatman
is necessarily indispensable for Light Keepers in such a situation. For head
Light Keepers, I fear Europeans, will not be obtainable under any moderate
cost but respectable Inda Europeans will suit as well.
The establishment of a light house, held of the highest estimation to the
maritime world, as the mariner looks to it to guide him on his approach to the
dangers and narrow passages thro' which he had to pass out or in from the
open sea, it is consequently of the utmost importance that the light be kept in
an effective state. To this end the appointment of a responsible officer will be
greatly conducive, without supervision the Light Keepers would be apt to
relapse into carelessness, and the apparatus under their charge would
inevitably be spoiled or very much damaged in its brilliancy. The practical
effects of which would be in the devices of the light and consequently instead
of being seen by the mariners 15 or 20 miles distance, it might only be
observed half that distance in which case so far from ......... of use to
shipping it would be a sure guide to their destruction. The Light houses of
England which I believe· are now mostly under the charge of the Trinity board
have an eminent Engineer Mr ............ who is responsible for the practical
working of the systems. The Scotch lighthouses, with which I am better
acquainted thro' the writings of Mr Stevenson are under the Northern Light
House b·oard to whom Mr Stevenson also an eminent civil engineer is
responsible. The engineer's duty is to supervise the Light establishments,
carefully examine the edifices and repair them when necessary also the
lighting apparatus and machinery and to see that they are kept in an effective
working order, and that the reflectors and refractors are not scratched and
otherwise spoiled from the carelessness of the Keepers, so particular are they
with regard to this that the slightest uncleanliness about the light room that is
detected is held sufficient cause of dismissal to the Light Keeper. The object
of this careful attention to the conservation of the edifices and contents is that
in distant places such as light houses generally occupy, large and costly
repairs are avoided by immediate attention, and what is of greater importance
any interference with the permanent showing of the light is also avoided. In
the case of the Northern Light houses and I presume it is also the case with
the English Light houses, all Light houses beacons, buoys Light house
tenders, and establishments are under the direct orders of the Engineer and
he is responsible for their efficiency. For the permanent maintenance of the
Horsburgh Light House which occupies a very important position to the safety
of the shipping touching at Singapore and these carry on valuable cargoes as
in any part of the world, I believe if well will equally useful and necessary that
the building and its establishment be placed under professional supervision.
The light when first shown will not be equalled in brilliancy by any in India and
its machinery and appliances to maintain its characters will require that
knowledge and care which a person unacquainted with the subject or the
construction and uses of the various parts cannot give. The art work to the
building and appurtenances that do not form an integral part of the main
building will require equal attention that their repairs may be effected before
their stability be endangered. The efficient working of the whole system,
depends on all the parts being kept in good order, otherwise the object of the
establishments of the light is jeopardized.
Light house tender
The vessel that carries out provisions and water I presume will be one
of the Gunboats, by her also the light keepers and establishment will proceed,
at intervals also the Superintendent, as the duty on which she proceeds will at
times be trying and hazardous. It would be of much importance to the Light
house interests that she be under the orders of the superintendent, were the
commander and crew in an independent position towards him the duties
where difficult would not be encountered but be shunned. To make the
gunboat efficient as a light house tender I would recommend that a bulwark
be placed all round her deck to keep out the sun, and a cabin constructed
after the ............. with port holes thro' the bulwark - the present cabins are
insufferably hot and ill ventilated and consequently are seldom entered even
during the hottest . days. The exposure to the sun being more easily borne
than the heat below. If the establishment that I have proposed meet the
approval of the Govt it would be necessary for the Gunboat to proceed to the
light house once a month to land provisions and water and to change Light
Keepers. Should accidents occur at the Light house so as to demand
immediate communication with Singapore, the boat that is attached to the
rock could be manned with five Lascars and sent for that purpose. These men
when sent from the Light house should go well armed to enable them to resist
if molested. But the knowledge that they carried arms would probably entirely
deter the piratical orang laut from making the attempt.
In making arrangements as to the pay of the Light Keepers, I would
humbly propose that the provisions necessary to life, excluding curry stuffs
and spices, be furnished by the Govt. The following I think would be a fair
allowance per man
(45 catties per mensen)
The Malays are too heedless characters to be intrusted with furnishing
themselves. It appears from Smeaton's account of the Eddystone Light house
that the Keepers when they furnished their own provisions, were frequently
reduced to eat the candles. On the 151 of November 5 months' provisions and
wood and watef should be stored on the rock, for tho' the light keepers may
be able to land, probably provisions will be difficult to get upon the rock during
the North East Monsoon, at all other times 2 months provisions should be
placed on the rock in advance, so as to prevent the possibility of the men
being forced to leave the rock from starvation.
Connected with the furnishing of provisions and changing of keepers I
may mention that the gunboats or steamer can anchor to the North East of the
rock distance of a mile during the S. W. Monsoon in 12 to 14 fathoms and the
same distance to the S. W. of the Rock during the N. E. Monsoon in 10 to 12
fathoms. For the purpose of landing during the prevalence of the N. E.
Monsoon a chain ....... has been erected, at this they will be able to land
excepting when the sea is very high. For the guidance of the Light house
tender or steamer, I propose minutely surveying the vicinity of Pedra Branca
and ...... on a large scale.
Rules for Light Keepers
The accompanying Rules for Light Keepers I humbly submit for the
consideration of Govt. In drawing them up I have been guided by those
addressed to the keepers of the Northern Light houses of Great Britain, by the
Engineer to the Commissioners. I have only modified them to suit the
circumstances of this climate. Should they be approved of, I would suggest
that a copy both in English and Malay, be hung in the Light-room of the
Instructions to Light Keepers
For these I am also indebted to Mr Allan Stevenson the.engineer to the
Northern Lighthouse Commissioners. They will be of use at ............ and a
copy might be given to the head Light Keepers.
The lamp oil should be the best coconut oil to be had in Singapore.
There are 9 argand lamps which will consume 360 gallons or nearly that
quantity per annum. I have placed a sufficient number of the earthern jars in
the building to contain that quantity so would suggest that the annual supply
be forwarded to the Lighthouse during the calm month of October. 360 gallons
of coconut oil is equal to 22 piculs 50 catties a greater or less quantity than
this may be actually consumed as my calculations are based on the quantity
of ..... oil consumed in the Northern Light houses, and coconut oil may burn
more or less freely than that kind of oil.
Accompanying is the form of journal I would propose to be kept by the
Light Keepers who should daily write it in duplicate. One copy to be kept at
the Light house and the other to be forwarded monthly to the superintendent.
Store Book
In this head no form need be given as what is received need only be
put on one page and what is expanded on the opposite.
Visitors Book
This book should be kept in the visitors room and all visitors should be
requested to sign their name and designation.
Arms and ammunition
I would humbly recommend the following to be furnished to the Light
house to be kept in the head Keepers room.
8 percussion muskets
16 - do - pistols
8 swords
8 boarding pikes
250 muskets cartridges
250 pistol - do -
500 caps
When the lascars require to proceed in the boat either for water or to
communicate with Singapore, the fire arms being percussion ones will
possess great advantages over the common muskets in wet weather.
Meteorological Observation
In an establishment of this nature - where duty is regular and
continuous these observations can be made with little labour or troubles to the
Keepers. Had they proper instruments supplied their observations on the
density of the air, its moisture and might be taken, observations on the tides,
force of waves, fall of rain, heat of a .......... and direction and strength of
winds. In the mean time I have only proposed observations in the
thermometer and rain gauge to be placed in the Light house Journal, the
former if not of practical use will be interesting, the latter will show the quantity
of water that can be collected on the rock for the use of the Light Keepers and
stand a check against waste. I have constructed this instrument and before
the light house operations are finished will have ascertained the number of
gallons that can be collected on the rock to every inch of rainfall.
I think I have taken into consideration every thing necessary to the
working of the Light house. If any thing has escaped my attention it would be
of minor importance, and trusting that my suggestions may be found of
I have the honour to be
Singapore 23rd July 1851
Your most obedient servant
Sd/ J T Thomson
Govt Surveyor
I do not know whether it would be of much service in making the Light
Keepers wear a uniform dress. There would be some difficulty regarding this
with the Malays as I believe they generally object to appear in other costumes
than their own. The Northern Light house board furnish to their keepers a
dress once every three years and the rule as to its use, is as follows -
Extract from Table of instructions to the Light Keepers in the service of
the Commissioners to the Northern Light houses.
Para 29. "The Light Keepers are to appear in their Uniform dress when any of
the Commissioners or principal officers visit a station and also on Sunday, on
which day at noon the weather permitting the Light house flag shall be hoisted
by the assistant Light Keeper or in his absence by the principal Light Keeper
when it shall ............ displayed until sunset.
The Light house flag I presume is different from the national one.
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Annex 55
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
Councillor at Singapore) dated 23 Aug 1851
GI no. 589
of 18.51
: 23 Aug 1851
The Resident Councillor at Singapore
DI Penang 23rd August 1851
have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
under date the 7'h Instant No. 100, with its enclosures from Mr.
Thomson, on the subject of the Establishment, Supervision &ea &ea
for the Horsburgh Light House.
2. I shall take an opportunity hereafter, of expressing my sense
of Mr. Thomson's Services, and of bringing the same to the special
notice of Government. In the meantime, I beg you to tender him my
cordial acknowledgements for his able, and acceptable
3. The Rules and Instructions, drawn up by Mr. Thomson, for the
Light House Keepers, which you inform me, have been framed in the
Regulation in force in Great Britain - and adapted to the position of
the Horsburgh Light House, and persons to be in charge of it, appear
excellently well suited to the end in view.
4. The Establishment proposed by Mr. Thomson, will be
entertained, and instructed by him, immediately on the arrival of the
Lantern, in fact all arrangements made, and conducted by him, till
the Light shall have been fairly established, so that he may have the
full and entire credit of this valuable work to the Mariner, in the China
·Seas, but I am sure, both you, and Mr. Thomson, will bear in mind,
how much his Services, are required on the Survey of Malacca.
432 j
5. The observations of Mr. Thomson, are most just, as to the
necessity of the Horsburgh Light House Establishment, being under
the supervision of some responsible person - but t_his is a matter
quite distinct from the position held by Messrs Stevenson and Walker
to the Scotch Light Houses, and Trinity Board, for these Gentlemen
are consulting engineers & referees on all occasions, with reference
to the Establishment of Lights, their nature, and construction, now
these are for persons in India, having a practical knowledge of the
description possessed by these Gentlemen, indeed I know not one,
except Capt Smythe of the Madras Engineers, and to obtain the
Services of such an Officer, would add considerably to the Tonnage
Dues on the shipping. I propose therefore eventually, to give the
supervision and control of the Horsburgh Light House, to the Master
Attendant, as at the Presidencies, and out Stations in India; he
appearing to be the most available Government Servant for the
6. The employment of a Gun Boat, as a Light House Tender,
appears to me to be quite unnecessary, and such a charge on the
Light House, would also fall heavily on the shipping interests, and
cause great, and just dissatisfaction. It is my intention therefore, to
send the Steamer once every Month, to Pedra Branca, and oftener if
required, and in her absence, the Gun Boat will of course be
despatched, but I should not be disposed to make any alteration in
the latter vessel, for such temporary purposes, moreover the
accommodation, which Mr. Thomson has so readily put up with,
during the Building of the Light House can hardly fail of being
sufficient for any other party, in case of emergency, when the
Steamer may not be available.
7. Before moving further in the matter with Govt, I must beg the
favor of your drawing up a regular Statement, in communication with
Mr. Thomson, showing the case of the proposed Establishment in
Detail - Pay, Provisions - Feeding the Light and all contingencies of
every description, including such allowance, as you may deem
expedient to grant, to the person, who will have the supervision, and
control of the Light House Establishment, for the days on which he
may visit the Building on Duty, in order that the same may be
submitted to Government, with a view of finally determining the Port
Dues, that it will be necessary to charge on the Shipping.
8. There is one point, which must not be lost sight of, and that is,
the employment of the men, who will be periodically on leave to
Singapore - seeing, that it would be highly inexpedient, to permit the
Light Keepers to be Six months, and the Tindals and Lascars three
months in every year, doing nothing, whilst drawing their full Pay,
and I shall be glad to have your, and Mr. Thomson's views on this
subject, as well as on any other that may occur to you, with
reference to the complete efficiency of the Horsburgh Light House,
but the first thing, that Government will desire from me, is an exact
Statement of the Expenses of the Light House Establishment &ea
&ea to regulate the Tonnage Dues, and I beg that this may be
furnished, at your earliest convenience.
23rd August 1851
I have &ea
Sd/ W.J. Butterworth
~. l
1 435 I

1 437 I
L 438 1
I I 439 I ,
/.t .f'
1 440 I
Annex 56
Relevant Extracts from
(i) the Straits Times and Singapore Journal of Commerce
(23 Sep 1851, 30 Sep 1851 and 7 Oct 1851 ), and
(ii) the Singapore Free Press & Mercantile Advertiser
(3 Oct 1851 and 6 Oct 1851)
Extract from Straits Times & Singapore Journal of Commerce
23 September 1851
I 441
"·; ."';.· ·,·'·
·~. l
Straits Times and Singapore Journal of Commerce
30 September 1851
'f~J~ _,·flo'J,SBURGl-1 LIGH'rHOUSE-in· our
.ad{er1iiilig columns will M iound a govcrllmeut
i:~oti.litl&tiou- ·_respectiug the auo\=c user ul publi,c
~c:WlJ,rk. -·. -----------------·-····· __, _ -------------- - ..
'_:on· Saturd~y i:i~t iJis 1Iouor the Gover-nor:
~:nd. ~- select party, proceeded in the .- i!uoghly
:steaulC:J to. examine the Lighlh?u ,e, wl,,irh ha~.
·:been:,. eiecu~e-d in a manner _hi_ghl_y credita~le 11,
_tl-~,,~---.l~ho:msor~, _ 1t1e ·_Arc·hitcct, auu his assi:,ll~t
.- g_r _.Dennelt _.. . "l'he· Governor's party ,vaitcd u;r ..
111- 7- -.P •. · l\l. in ordcl" to have an upportuuih, of . . ; . . _: . ". ' . ~ " . . . " . - ..
:Qbs~rvi_ng lbc_ light,·. wh.i_ch .ga\'.C Lhe utrno.:;L sa ...
:tisl'actio_n. _ lJu, lig-ht "'3S Wij~•Jie from th~ -
·:llougbJy-·s -d~c·k -al. the ~ ,stance of f ourteell. llliie~ ..
'. I ' ~J
·. ... _-:.:·-.:~~! ·-. _.. - .
p:oas~nJ&GB.·. X.X_G!l.'l'·~OUSE.
N OTI'CE JS llJaiUIY OJVlll,,lhat B ,Li~ht•bouse
bearin~ 1be lih11ve- de!ij!:natio11 .iii c,1mmemora.•
iion ·of the ce!ebra1ed Bydrographer., .hu; \lien erec1-
td on Ped ra e ran ea, 11 rock wh I eh ltll off · 1 be
e~ mo en LBn te · of' Ill 8. S1rai11 . 0 f H~ga pore. . 1'he
LiSht will bi! exhibiled !he ni11:1i,t .ol · the 15th nf' .
. October, 1851 1 aod e.ery nl~'hUbereafcer f1om aui11et
to 10111i1e. · -, >. - . : . _
Ttie follow in~ is, a· ,pe~ifi.caii_'?Jt.of the po1hio11 of
tb~ L111hl·hou1e; 1m,dml!!le~cfi come wlfhm tlie""
· inHoenca ,of it$; Li~hl,_ ·u:ni:l' tlie· ippe:i.11.n~ of 1he
· Li~h1-hr MrJ T; J'h.1n111on, !]o"t.•ei_cmtot8unl!JOI,
Th, Li~ht-bou~e 1nn.11a_1_ed.accctd111~ _ to:the Admlnl1y
l:niri in fat. ! " '1tl' ~o~>:_N., a,d Long. I_O~• .25'
}?.i!t o! Greenwicha_n~- by_·Compaas '!1.ear11 f'?m Bur~
buid Poinl-'l!.an-d111ant -1'1i · N,._u11ed m1le1, and·
(rom 1he N. E poiol of Bi~1.aog N: W •· ~1 W. t- W •.
· di,unt 1i 111ile!- ·· - - -" ,-_ · · · . · . .
rti~ followin!tl rocks alld ihoals lyioa io the way- ol
' veuels:....aod: ecmiog wiihin.. t_ha foltlie11ee or the
' LiRh(, bear from _the Ligfil•ho~I,;..... . '. .
' ~ . . ' .
!,. by s,
" s.E:h,-E t_E ...
S.E: by 11:. ~E
'i . _- ltock. wlnch 1ho;,il 11,1 L. W
Sp," Tide~.. : -.
l Roe.it w1ib j a ralholli 00 ii
. _ ai., diuo. - .· . - ·
10! _ Po11il1,;11i i:11clt."wi1h If, r, .
. 1hom1 on il al. di1(0
._ i t E. rock, which-alway•
tlio·w, · ·
6 ·Diana sbcai wi 1h 'lJ. fa•
1hcnu OQ it· at L, W -.
. . Sp. Tidu;: .' · .
~--,-.. ,.-'··Soul_h,,.~,.,_ ~.~i ~ 1!,.r.o .. c~~:11!:h.lcl,.J!l!i:~YJ.~~-<:'~
.· F. by w. iW; , 2 . Shi b.Led~e ,iries at~ eb1', ·
. t by w . iw. . 71- . S~o~I y.;i1h ., f 1.ih.oms OD
5, by t- l E.
. ·11 at.Li W. Sμ. Tide~.
~. -W f i. · I If: --• Crocodlle 1hoal- with a 'f,~
\hciriiil on' j\ nl dim,. ' .
w; IN:; :,.7f RciCli wiih ll:l la1homs_ OD
. . al ditto. ' .. ~v_N. \~,t i\\j . f:i _·. s;o;\:;:!:·d(~~ at L. W-,-,
\J.~·~\'._LW• ~ . .:;~--. ~'~liii1•~n'1_5_a~d_w
i•~ lb
· , ,al oms-oo 11 a, 1 o,
11~1 ween · il,1 weerl · . · ·.. ·
: N N.LIV !W .:S. 4~ & G-. Rofllania :1hoa,I wi1h 3l la-
. rt ••y. \\. ~ W. ; .. · iho,o~ !l" ii .at d i110.
N._b),_f;;; _ :le,,ioJ .. ·, ri_.,._i1Ji'_l'_,u_.c!1 wi1b41alh!'tn!
. . · • , .·_ '.· _ . . l·o~n, L_• _ -~\?IITO., _', , : ' .
The L1~ht"wi!l,be,kh0Vin,,tomanners n a r.evol•j,,
g tmght-~•s)I t .wh1clli!tid11itl!f al I •i•": ill ~ri~~leH
l'••IO\I o~t" 11wuy mio1ue; ~od_a:> 11radually decl1nn
. UQlil. it 101allf._dha.·ppea_11 ·, ·1o_<U1e: 4isla~t •. ob,erve~,-:- _
· '!'hil1,_, ... li•iL:,,i1i"illed Jiu.a. .. a 11J1on· d1s1auce, 11_-1!
. u. •e• ,n1ii'eif.1~.-ii,,l;ii_e. :·:. ::-< ·• · ,: · · ·-. . · -
- _ 'Ilie.lailiei"n/wlii__ch 1i·opeii-aU rofl_n~; eh,va•ed _95
. lte(a!Ki.v.i 1h11 l~!"el: t1l 1h1 sea. d; H,g~ W_a1.er Spf:11'8. _
Tides., ·_•ill ber~eeri., li,:irrj;_th_e· 'deck:_ of. a ,e11tI an
db1an«or-.15- Na\i1ica.l,mUn:.· . · · ·; ,: < -· - ,.
A~ a br,l~o'ii'.:duii~;~ 'i!ie· ,fay" ih1Ji~h1:..hoti_,e will bP.
khOWn by- 1he follo':'inrdesCJiptltin, · I1 ,slan•h -~" a _
iock j,bicfi · -m~a11ire.1>UO Jet.~ ;_jo"g a .. d I 00 b19_ad
"and i(i~- f~1'11igh "ai°iLi hi11heiil po1nL ah~V~ the 1~•.~i
-. of H. w. S.P• 1)de1. _, The' LiB~l. tl DIii! H. ll_'l'•liar _
. ol i~ru,ed ,er~ nl!~ ~nd )h~ Lantern ·.covered by a
8 pb em:a I dome·" h,cr, i! ·11a in I ~d white. ·
.'W J. 11UTl'l!.ll\VOltTII. _
o~; of:P. 'If ,Ll,mil, Si~•POrt
. · -. 11nd .U"/11cca.
- Sfo11npore, i~1h _~pi· -le.5\~ ·. · - ·
---- -------------------------------
Annex 57
Letter from Butterworth W.J. (Governor of the Prince of
Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Church T. (Resident
Councillor at Singapore) dated 28 Oct 1851
1 Head Light Keeper
1 Second Do-Do-
2 Syrangs at 25 Rs each
3 Tindals " 16 - Do-
6 Lascars " 13 - Do -
Rice, Salt fish, Oil & Salt to
8 men on duty at Light
Total Estabmt & Rations
Oil for Lantern 3 1 /2 Piculs
Cotton wicks, Cloth & rouge
Glasses/ Chimnies
Paint & Varnish for Lantern
Railings, awnings &ea &ea
Expenses of Superintendent
in visiting Light House
Total Monthly Expenses
Total Annual Do
: 28 Oct 1851
Rs 90 " "
80 " "
50 " "
48 " "
78 "
346 "
20 " "
55 " "
10 " "
17 " "
20 " "
20 " "
366 u It
366 u ,,
No.388 G/No. 781
of 1851
The Resident Councillor
at Singapore
D/ Singapore 28th Oct 1851
I have the 'honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your letter under date the
2ih Instant No 134, reporting on the
Establishment necessary for the
Horsburgh Light House, as requested in
the 81
h Para, of my letter under-date the
23rd August last No 313, and intimating
that a detailed Statement of expenses
incurred, with Plans &ea, will be
transmitted at the close of the year.
The whole of the arrangements
proposed in your communication have my
entire approval, and the Establishment
noted in the margin* is hereby sanctioned
from the 25th Ulto. The Lantern which is of
a more complicated construction, than I
could have wished, will remain under the
122 " " charge of Mr Thomson, to whom my best
Rs 488 .. " thanks, are due for his readiness in
5856 11
====" undertaking this additional work.
The Horsburgh Light House,
which will hand down Mr Thomson's name
to the latest posterity, is a noble structure,
and when the difficulties encountered by
that Gentleman in the commencement of
this novel undertaking, at a distance of 40
Miles from Head Quarters, on a bare Rock
in the midst of the open Sea, are taken
into consideration, its completion in the
incredibly short space of 16 Months,
speaks volumes for Mr Thomson's skill,
perseverance, tact and temper with the
Natives, which I shall not fail to set
prominently before the Government· of
h Oct 1851
I have &ea
Sd/ W J Butterworth
I 1 449 l
I 450 I
1 4s1 1

Annex 58
Letter frmn Butterworth W.J. (Governor of Prince of Wales
Island, Singapore and Malacca) to Halliday F.J. (Secretary to
the Govem1nent of Bengal) dated 1 Nov 1851
General N°. 794 of
1 November 1851
The Governor of P. W. Island
Singapore, and Malacca.
F. J. Halliday Esquire
Secretary to the Government of India
Fort William
Dated Singapore 1st November 1851
I have the honour to transmit for the information
of the Government of India, the accompanying copy of a
letter from the Resident Councillor at this Station
reporting on the establishment that is deemed
necessary for the Horsburgh Light House, recently
completed on Pedra Branca at the entrance of the
China Sea, of which I submitted a Notice under date the
h September last N°. 25.
1 453 I
'ro Mr_ U. Secretary
Seton Karr's address
Vide annexed
2. I will not trouble Government with the lengthened
correspondence that has passed on this subject, since
the transmission of my last communication dated 9th
November 1850 No. 133*, but I should be doing
injustice to one of the most zealous, and indefatigable
public Servants in the Straits, Mr_ Thomson the
Government Surveyor at this Station, if I omitted to
notice the difficulties he had to encounter at the outset
of this work, difficulties which would have rendered the
undertaking hopeless to most people. The Contractor
ran away. The workmen mutinied and on one occasion,
when s-upplies failed them, they were removed to the
Gun boat on Casks, so great was the force of the waves
upon the Rock, and yet in the short space of 16 Months
from the time, the foundation Stone was laid, during Six
of which, the North East Monsoon prevailed, and all
work was suspended at Pedra Branca. This noble
Structure of Cut Granite has been raised a proud
beacon to the Mariner; the advantage of which may be
estimated, by the fact of 24 Vessels· having been lost or
damaged in that vicinity during the past quarter of a
3. cannot speak too highly of the Skill,
perseverance, tact, and temper displayed by Mr.
Thomson throughout the period that he has been
engaged in this novel undertaking, which would be
attended with much anxiety in any part of the Straits
Settlements, and how much this anxiety must have
been augmented by the distant position of Pedra
Branca, an Isolated Rock detached 40 Miles from
Singapore, at the entrance of the China Sea, which at
particular Seasons is most boisterous, will readily be
Cost of Tower &
Out Works
Spanish Dollars 17,810-81
Do of Lantern
Lightning Conductors
and Additional
Lenses 6331-00
Spanish De; $ 24.141-81
Or c0
' Rs 54.206-6-6
4. The Light House is now completed, and in full
operation, and 1 may say, that a more brilliant Light, is
not to be seen in the Indian Seas, combining all the
modern improvements adopted in the Mother Country a
little too complicated perhaps for so isolated a position,
but readily managed by the present attendants. under
the direction and control of Mr. Thomson the
Government Surveyor, who has consented to take
charge without any addition to his Salary as Surveyor till
the subordinates have become thoroughly conversant
with the Machinery.
5. The Cost of the Light House, Lantern &ea &ea, will
not exceed the original Estimate, and Subsequent ·
additions Sanctioned by Government, an unusual, if not
an unprecedented fact in Engineers estimates generally
and I should wish, with the permission of Government,
to present Mr. Thomson with the sum of 1 OOO Rupees or
£100 for bringing the work to such a speedy and·
satisfactory conclusion, just as a mark of Special
approbation which would, I think, prove very gratifying to
that gentleman.
6. The details of Expenditure, Survey Plans &ea with
a full report of all his proceedings will be sent in by Mr.
Thomson at the close of the Year; in the mean time I am
able to mention that the total outlay has been only
Spanish Dollars 24141-81 or cos Rs 54,206-6-6 as
noted in the margin, and I now turn to the chief object of
this letter, Viz. to make known to Government the cost
of the Establishment which is found necessary for the
efficient management of the Light.
1 Head Light Keeper Rs 90.00 7.
1 Second Ditto Ditto 60.00
2 Syrangs 25 Rs each 50.00
J Tindales 16 • 48.00
6 Lascars 13
Rice. Salt ftsh. Oil and Salt 10
8 men on duty at the Light House
T o1al Esta bi is hm en1
and Rations
Oil for Lantern J Yi Piculs 55. 00
Cohon Wicks Cloth &
Rouge 10.00
Glasses eh Inn ies 17. 00
Paint & varnish for la nlem
Railings .... &°' &"' 20.00
Expenses of' Superintendent
In visiting Light House 20.00
Total Monthly Expenses
Total Annual Ditto
The difficulty of obtaining trustworthy people has
been very great, and the necessity, imperative,
for increasing the number of persons, and the
rates of pay, originally proposed for the charge of
the Light House, so as to render the Service
desirable, and thereby to prevent the frequent
changes, which would otherwise take place, to
the probable injury of the Machinery of the Light,
or Lantern, and possible peril of the Navigator; I
am therefore satisfied that Government will
approve of my having Sanctioned the
Establishment noted in the margin from the 25th
Ultimo the day the people were entertained which
and with the probable contingencies will amount
to C05 R5 5856 per annum.
·To the Government
of Bengal
8. I beg in conclusion, to suggest that the Draft Act,
submitted with my letter under the date 131
h February
1850, N°. 22*, for the Levy of Light dues, may have
early publication, should it have received the
approbation of the most Noble the Governor General in
Council with a view of meeting the above expense, and
that which will be incurred for the Establishment of the
Light Ship on the 2Y:i fathom Bank, in the Straits of
Malacca: the only alteration I have to propose is, that
the rate of Light Dues should be raised to three Cents of
a Dollar per Ton for all square rigged Vessels on the
principle laid down in the 2nd Clause of the aforesaid
Draft Act.
1 st November 1851
I have the honour to be &ea
Sd/ W. J. Butterworth
1 457 I
Home 1851/2 Depart'
Govr Straits Settlements
0/ 1st Novr.}
R/ 3rd Deer.}
Cons. 5th Feb
No. 3
Forward with observations a Dispatch from the Resident
Councillor at Singapore relative to the Estab1 necessary
for the Horsburgh Light House on Pedra Branca.
Requests early passing of the Draft Act relating thereto
and suggests that the rate of Light Dues in that Act be
raised to 3 cents of a Dollar per Ton for all square
rigged Vessels.
· 1 6St,
. :'.·;::; "\JW'-1,
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l 462 1
Annex 59
Act No. VI of 1852 (India)
ACT No. VI. OF 1852.
p,,ssed bg the Go11er11or Ge,ieral of I11dia ill Co,uicil, 011 tl,e
30th Ja11,iar.'I IS.52.
Jn Act for d1:fra9i11g tlte Cost oj" a. Lr'ght-Hou-~e on. P,!tlra Branca.
WHEREAS it hn 9 been deeme<l expedient., for the safety nnd guidance
of Ships navigating the China Sens, to build t\ Light-House on the Island
Rock ouled Pedm Branca, situated nt the Eastern entrance of the Stmits
of Si11orrapore ; And ~heree.s certain sums of money were subscribed by
primte individwtls tor that ptirpose, but the same were insufficient to
defn,y the expense of building such Light-House ; And whereas the
East India Company ~"Teed to build such Light-HonJe, nnd to advance
rertnin sums of money to con1plete the same, on· conclition that the sn.id
~urns of money were repo.icl to them by tbe Je,-ry of n toU on Shlps
~ntering the lw.rbour of Singapore ; Ancl whereas the mid Light-House
has been · built by the East lnclin. Company, and it. is . desimble U.nt
die expense of building the. same, nnd of maintaining a Light thereon,
should be defmyed out of tbe monies arising from such toll ; And
\\·herens it mtiy hereafter be deemed expedient to establish other Lights
or hen.cons in the Stmit.s of l\lalnOO'l, or elsewhere nenr thereto, It is
ennrted n.s follows :
L The Light-House on Pe<lm Bronco. aforesaid sh.nll be enlle<l "The
llorsburgh Light-House,"1111d the so.id Light-House, nnd the appurtenances
1hereunto belonging or occupied for the purposes thereof, n.nd all the fixtures,
I 4&s I
I 466 I
ACT No. VI. OF 1R52.
tureeJ apparatus, and f'umiture belo~aing thereto, slmll become thepropert.\·
or,· and Rbeolutely vest in, the East India Compn.ny nml t.J1eir successors, ·
II. From the flrst day or Mo.rch 1852, every ShipJ being of the bur.
den of fifty tons nnd upwal'ds, which shnll nrri,•e nt or enter the Jinrbour
or l'Oftdstend of Singapore, from nny pnrt of the world, shnll pay n toll or
tln-ee cents of n dollar per ton for C'f"ery ton of her registered bunlen or
t(>nn~rre; Provided nlwnys tl1nt no 8hi11 shall pny sucl1 toll more thnn one.p
in e,•ery six cnlendnr months.
Ill. All Ships of War belonging to Her Britannic 1\lnjesty, or nny
Foreign Govemment or State, nnd n.ll nnned Ships helo8t,oing to tl1e .Eost
India Company, shnll be exempt Crom the payment of such toll.
IV. The nmnngement and controul of the said " Horsburgh LightHouse,"
mul of tl1e keeper t11ereof, nnd of everything relating thereto, is
be.reby vestecl in -tbe Goven1or of the Sim.its Settlements.
V. Tl1e said Go,•ernor mny nppoint nny pCl'son he mn.y think fit, to
be n. CoUcctor of the tolls, pnyn.b]c under this Act~
VI. Out of the funds mise<l by sucl1 tolls, nn efficient Lig11tshnll be
constantly kept up antl exhibited during the night-time in and from the
said Light-House, nnd t11e surplus monies nrising from such tolls, nfter
deducting the expense of maintaining such Light ns nf'oresaid, shall, from
time to time, be pn.id over to the M.id Enst India Company, in liquidation
of the :monies they ho.ve ndmnced towards the erection n.nd completion
of the said Light-House, nml the nppo.mtus and furniture thereof.
VII. The ton to be Jevied under this Act shall become due nml p:iy111Jle
immedinte1y on the arrh·nJ or every Sl1ip linble thereto WI" t-ln •n the
ACT No. VI. OF 18.52.
harbour or roodstead or Singapore; and, immediately on the arri,•al or
RDY such Ship within the said harbour or rondstend. the Collector nppointed
under this Act shall demnnd, or cause to be demn.ndell, from the Master
or other person in commn.nd or such Ship, pn.yment orthe toll or three
cente of " dollar per t.on for every ton or the registeretl burden or t.onnage
of such Ship. and if thf'I srune be not pnid within two days nfter such
demand made ns nforesnid, or if, at nny tirue nfter the nrrivl'll or such Ship
a., aforesaid, the said Collector slmll hnve en.use to suspect .. or belie,•e> that.
such Ship n,ill immedio.tely lel\Ve -the sn.hl h,1rbonr or rondstend "nitJ1out
paying such toll, it shall he Jan,ful for nny Justice of the Penee, upon an
affidavit to that effect being mode before him on 011tl1 hy .such Collector
(which 011th the said Justice is hereby n.utliorized to administer), to issue
his Warrant under his ~and, directed to any Penee Officer of Singn.pore
aforeso.id, to enter on board such Ship nnd to sei7.e nnd carry nwny nny of
the Goods, Merchnndize, Guns.. Tnckle, Appn.rel or Furniture of .or
belonging to or on bonnl such Ship, nD(] to keep the mme for the spnce of
tl1ree days then next,· unless the snid toll shnll be in the menn time pn.id ;
and in co.se the nmount of the toll due by 8Ueh Ship shnU not before
t1le expiration of such three dny:i hn.ve been p:lid, theu t.he snid Collector
mny cnuse the said Gootls, I\ferelmntlLX>. Gnns, Tnck1e, Apparel or Fnrniture
so seized to be .s:oltl, nncl out of the proceeds of such sale sh:111 pay
the amount or the snid toll to whicl1 such Sliip shnll be liable, together
with tlie rensono.ble charges of tl1e seizure, detention, no_fl sale, ren_dering
to the Master or Owner, or otl1er person hndng the command or such
Ship, the overplus (if nny) on demlnul.
VIII. The Officer of Government whose duty it shnll be to grant a
Port-clenro.nce for n.ny Ship clenring out of or Ien.,ing the port of Singapore
aforesaid, shall refuse to grant such Port-clearance to any Ship until the
Owner, ~en~ :Moster or other person in e<nnmand of sur.h Ship shall
produce a certificate from the Collect.or appointed under this Act that
L 467 I
. ':"",
ACT No. VI. OF 1S52.
such Ship has puitl the amount of toll to whic11 she is 1i11ble under tbis
IX. Notwitl1standing nnytl1ing in tl1is .Act contained, t.he sniil Col~
Jector appointed under this Act, mny sue for nncl 1-eco,·,~r tl1e amount of
any tolls paynb]e to him under this Act~ by nction of'clebt or suit in Equity
in any of Her 1'fa.jesty's Courts in I 1H1in, 11g-11inst the Owner, 01· ~foster.
or other person who, nt the time of delimlt nrnde in the pn~'lnent ot' such
toll, owned or hiu.1 the command of :1ny Ship linblt" thereto.
X. In order to nscertnin the exo·ct burden or tounnge of nny Ship
liab1e to pay the toll leYinble under this Act, the Collector uppofoted
under this Act may npply to nny Justice of the Pence to requit-e, n.nd sud1
Justice of the Peace shnll tl1ereupon summon nnd require the Owner,
Mast.er, or other penion in commnmJ of sueh Ship, or nny person having
possession of die sanie, to produee . the register of sucJ1 S1iip for the
inspection of such Justice, nml upon the refusal or neglect of 1my sue-I,
Owner, l\lnste1•, or person to prot1nce such register, it sllzlll he lnwful for
such Justice to acljudge suC'h Owner, l\Inster. or person to pn~- n tine not
excealing one lm111lretl <lollnrs, nml in tlef:rnlt of pnpnent, to ue imprisoned
in Her l\lnjest.y's Gnol for ni1y periotl riot exeeecling. two cult)nilnr
· XI. \Vheu a.ml so soon ns tl1e monies to I,e :uh0nnccd hy the s:aid
Enst Indi11 Compnny towu.nls the erection :m1l C'omplPtion of the /oonid
Light-House shnl] lun-e been fuJJy repaid nnc1 li<1uhlnted in mam1er ht!r<.'in
providetl for, it shnll be competent. for the Governor of the 8tl'nits Settlt>lllPnts
to b,ii1d, or cnnse to be buiit., one or more other Lights or bcar.oni,;
for the safety nml guidance of Ships in such part or parts of' the 8tl':.1its of
Mnln.ccn., or n ea.r thereto, ns s]mll 1,e <leeme« I experlien t. nm I the co:-t thereot:
and of' mn.intnining the mme, nntl of keeping up an<l exhibiting n Light
ACT No. VI. OF 1852.
or Lights therefrom, shall be defrayed out or the surplus monies arising
from the toll pnynble under this Act, after defmying the current expenses
of roiuntaining the O Horsburgh Light-House" aforesaid.
XII, Nothing in this Act contained sbnll be constn1ed to nuthorize
the levy of a toll upon nny Ship passing tbrougb the Straits of Singapore
nnd not entering the suid harbour or rondstend of Singnpore n.foresuid.
XIII. The wonl "Sl1ip" througl1out this Act mentioned, $l1nll be
Jield to menn nncl include n Schooner, Cutter, Brig, Ilrit-"'l1nt.ine, Ilnl'que,
Junk, Stenm-Boat, nntlevery other Vessel, as n·eU os n Ship; n.nd words
importing the si~rrulu:r nwnber only slin.11 inchule the pluml m.unber, nnd
~-ords importing the pluml number only sbnll iuchule nlso the si~fJ111nr
number, nnd words importing the mnscu1ine gender shnll extend to .
females, unless there be something in tl1c subject or contel.."1. rep~onruit to
~uch construction.
,~~'/ /. / /r, ., ,,, 'r •1
. .. . . I
I , / .. , ' ' ... ( ' ' ' .. '
/f, /
• , ~ f ..
/ ,.
/.• .{ r
,-... ' , ... _
,, ·,
Annex 60
"Sta_tement of the Proper Receipts and Disbursements at
Singapore for the Official Year 1851-52, exclusive of Military
and Convicts" in the Singapore Free Press and Mercantile
Advertiser (18 June 1852)
.g· l··~(,j A-'P 'o:u £· ,;,.,._-.·-·:a,'ra 1 ·.· '' - ' . .. .... . .., , - 11 'ms·:· •.• ··-·· - .,- . ..: .. _ - ·,·~. . ·-· .. ' - . . .
0~!· ',i ~~,·~~Do:' ~f theitr_0 Pll!Z Be_oelp~• ·a:~4 ~llb~"!_~~-~~~·.,-r·~-~zo:_ror :~· ~olll 'l'eu IHl•,11~ tli:Ol\111199.
·ihe • . ·. · - · · . · . ,, . ·· -_ -or •wt~zY-.IU:14,Gom.'Jlat,, , . _
iti · · · · A -. ·- · . . .· . · ·. . . . .· B . .
'by . ~moiint or lt.clie. ~~-'~•~. -~-o'!"" 3'J'4,I ~.1· · 4 4 · ~alaij' llf R1,1ld111t C111111eD1rr.. •• 14,0110. 0 0
toy, , · Dv, -or F•n (,om.,be · Co111l or : · . DQ, or A11la!1nl, a ..l den_ • • _• • · 10,000 0 0
lhe - · ; .ht,dl~1t11re: •• ·- , : • • .., 14,~83 3 .8 RetldHII Cu11u1!lo11 B1~1llh,hment • , 3,68' o O
"iiuf.' .D1t .. ,:,9r. ~o. Juim:t~i Coyit or , , : , .. · : . . CourtofJuiliu:u111 lbiint, It 8log1po11 ••• 13,U8 0 0
'f. a:, . ·. Bequut. •• • .:.·.- ·h •. ":' · I 0,337-. 5 ;3 _ ih_erf&'',,. Ditto ,u .-.. •. _ - :'5,0711 6 0
lity: · Do, .. · or Q,dt _Ran,1-.-.~~ ,:, .... ·,:•- 19,689 t 5: , · 01ooer'1 - _ Ditto ..... •••• •• 1,320 o o
ew{ --~~·. ~(:Tr,n1rH-~"•t\llrif:ti'_ ~d : ; Oourt.~f·Req1111l~ D1110 .• , ••• , , •• ..,, • , .4,074 O O
-, .. :· . . 16 of 1839 •••• , ••.• ••••. 1,"59 .6 10 i,luy. at CLapl1111 111id LtabUtbm,nt, •• · 10,o-117 9 9
ea; . · Do:, or. Fu1.1111 '801V11yiai Le.nd 1111. 4 3 · · Do. of S~rg,a·a uii. At1i1111ot -s,u,ega UiiOr) o - O'
'!~-. •· Do,· .. of,f..and_aoldfa,.'A1rlcolt11• · ·· ·. · _ ___:__ ~et!lf~,Lllaeplial-Ba~lilahm;evt. . ..,~, ... e_~96:-o--o-
.u.c _... ·,:,,..:. :_, ;-. , ... -... ,, ''·""*,''!.•.-.,· ; ... ·. . ,_ t1.Cof', .. J?.l1pe1119;1y_·.D0. .. ••••... eao O· o,..
d~r,, _ -·: :Do; · of· Balllflng ·J..i.i_ nd_::ao!d~,. • _·, 2,311. II ,. ,., l'f:11· _:r'oc1!'111;1i'1 H~P,ltal B•_1abll1b111e11t • , I ,US .S · 0.
oar ' ,. ,: -,Do, . ·or Feo1111t die Regl11ry &~. · ·. -· P.au Offln E,1abl11Ji,ne11t ..... -· _ ·, •.. 6,911! .. O o
i.,;·, - i ·: · •s_:of;hr"~~liii.~~,~.~~. ·.-·;·, ... - l,.l:B8 II 10 Re¥1!fioe' O"epar1me~t;L1ab\l1\iepent,.. •• 8.180 l_.S 8
any ·~o of Pntage oo1f:l 4s.sga IO, 10 · l~pon. an.d B1porl Olli.a &11hl11bmtnl,, 6,41)0 __ o _ o
left · _ laclld Cq~Jl.s:.':l .. . _ ::i1g~al De~artment. L1a~hllm1111.. .. 1!40 .0 '·, O -!~,:, , ~1etOrtt;t~\~:l'!i,,sgt, i. .8;002 2 fo Pohtie!!t,Pa1i1!o·n~ •• - _ · ..... ,, )8,860 13 · o .anlf .. , It; ~•;,g11.v~.~";I,· ... " L4?ea.l Pcm1lo~1· ... -- .. .. ,, 4,.,29 1.s ll_
te.a,:} II ; .',1;1r ,~;:·::. I • ·, •• S'chool.1..- ........ ~ ........... . i •• 6.214 ,6 8
ird:" , Do.-·ft.ent ef-:~em.iric11t Hoasea 1,098. 9 1 ·.\'l~,te~ A1·endant'.1· _Dep111I, &1abh1hmtnt 7,020 Q 0
"'ace,· ;: D0.,·P~e111l~m1 ~-i~~I/~. ot,Jhc- -. . .ll:•~a~h•~llleQI, Pro!IIIDOli&~. ~f.Gup ~o.t, ' .
ht•· _ _ .• -·-~~ng1=t1t .-•,·-~!"" . , .. _ -a.ant, 4 3 . . _ , p4o! lot1, a~d F,11aN1 ·.·.·~ •• -9:1103 7 3
W'U; ·_ DP, ~lii:i.lJai coi»,_Rflci11:ll"• . •¥•.o ..' .. 3,430 10 · 4 40_0,9_1_1 14 1. B~1!d.ln;1.and .ad.dltlo1111n Bu1ld1n11 .. lo,6U l'l, 3
. . . lwpaut,to Bu,hhng, "··- •• · •• _Q,876. 14' S
~H;;;, _ l.lpH 'air di_1b_i11ihfg~S1lariet.&D,,..; ~--~.•- -4,:,1;1'8 -16- _6--.
)Dlt-., "" Miu,Menl 'OIJ·Gov,mrmeor !lulldlng~. ·,. 8,616 l'i f
.'_' I'/ l:oniingencie, Oeoe1al OU 4,41!3 II I .
uud:· ·· Do . , Judicial •••• , ... n,01'1 9 11·
!]GIi ey
6111 ·,
li111 ·
h!IJ·. ah-:
11186 ·.
-· .-~~--
' :<'a11:1niin,'i'i .. Jt1.1•·n1,.;· '40fl"'}l°I Ill' I
bo' Medl~al , •• ,;,,· l!('i9 5 8
Ll<J &clt1!~1ticial.,..~ - 810 , 0 4
. .. llo .. P~nOffice: •••• ;. 1,731 8 3
·:,.',Do. Rave11ua,.-,. .... 198_ 9 7 · ·oo · lm~uitand Lpart 246 · 9 11
Do . Marine,; •• ,· ... · ~;061 I I 7
Do Militaty;,.;, •• 9911 o 8 3~1,7H. I-I JI .1111,102 1.6 6 .. , . ~ ADD C .
t Saler,. and ·alloinnres of lhe'Oonr~o~·. .
a11"l ~fB01ati11g Ginerno_r & Ei1abll1h'iuei11- 10,11~9 6. H
Do,-·-·--·Do; or ··Mr· ·H.-· S Macll:11nie
A.,st .. urider tlio·o11verilor nr tb~ Slrel11.' t,i6f 'l 3
Do·, .. Al\owanre' of_ Mr' O•rlln.r, 01¥il
: s~mint-, ODI· or.emRl•n•, rrom ~!ltb ·Deir,
. I 861 to 3_hl· tloh1eh 1.8612, ,,, ... ·,- 361 . 'l 0
Bo. SalirJ ohl,a .Recorder II &,1eblt1hmeot 111,001 13 ,&·
Do •. · Do, of· Regi1liar. of, 1h11. Co_urt or .
:J.udieal u.,e. ..... ,. .... • •.... .. ... ,;;. . .-. .S-197:1 5 4
.Do, or Peri1lon of rt!.r-T, Q. Mitchell •• 3J;J 11 4 Oo> ·of Eopenu1 of 1b1 .H, C. 1teamer . . . .
: ·Hou~l&lj.. ~· .•• _ , .... ,. ;, 9,44i 1. O 43,811 . .-4 11'
· ,--B~~;,;, nf Rec~ip1i;,: .• - •••• ::: 14.5,99ci .9, 8
' .- . -~-
Coni~an,•, -Rurt.tl .. •- .... :tOll,911 i4 I
. · D\ - ·:(Cbl';ltih.Ues·:Qj,- f'.lext page; Overleaf)
B -
(continued from previous page)
fre~~- · _u;: .. ~~;p-~;;1~~·0,- iitT. G~ "iiit;lieii :: · "''3j3 :S :i ·
~ t,?~g~o·:;·: .;. : Do. -.·- ·: of a, pe n•eir. or. the .H. -C.· 1U!a mer ~Hoo:,Uj .. : .• _.·. •• . • • _• ~- .•• ~. 9,44:,·· ~- '1318 U. :4 . l"J'
ll h . . "·---·--· .. -•---- .... , ... .. --- .. . . J
i·'·Cmauur,it-·y: - ., . - .. _\, ·. . · · ·B ice11 or R~aef p·,,; ~ ·. • -. •.• .· - . ~ . 1U ,99 (l 9. 8 i_. • - · - ~-----
:t11~if ... : ... :_::,·~o~~an.v'ii ... R,i•·e~, .. ~. '40<H.il i. 1:0: 1.. ' ·corrii:an'l_'il; .. Rur,., •.• ·- ..••. :C00,9 ll i', · 1. ~#t¥:rf D .· - - :, ... B -
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.;:.,:t~~y) _ :_:"~'_;fen.:~- ... -~pe~fea.,hncu
:e ::tor,; ~: _
.. :

y'.dae_~.~-•-~g .~t -· ~ th• (!Qi,ci(!.I Year.1~5~·52, d,hUe~ to the Presidenciu; r.eat,d :·, '. ::,-· '· ~.i.,gap"r~ _K~r:·~,g -~ _cs: ·- '*'.c,a_ ·./ •gr . ~. ..5 I. eu1/11d. . . . . ". . I . .
''·"· ·,_::,-- _':' · .· · : · · .. -. --·:· to:MadriJa~-' .. ·:: :· ·. :, _._. .·• · S~ta,y o(_.l'ure,_1ntendent pt Con•
h_~-r~_o(_ _- - -·~ . -:- -. ,_ .. : , ~ · - '.-;_. :, · -: ;,_ - - · . : , · -i: ::\- ·__ ; · · :_ t' it! vi co, Hclu,i.,a. o.r Military Pay 6
739 O o
:l;,W:•t~< :,:-A1110:iin:f ;,:aid at·_.Sineii~_oJejo 1he .-:Troofiil' it'rstioned'i\ . ii· -;.:: ~ ~ -ii· Eatabli•hmea't c>( the Condci· de•. . _ 1tt0
{:; //:'.11i,~i~-~:Jt,cJ~~i~$/'q<!~Mit,'11~t~,•,j~i:i1_,.11;ee_r, :.., ,:a·---::.:/',_ ··.-:--/'._ -,t . '~·e - - -.:- _: _ p•n~eot -~----~- .-•• ·-~ ·: •• ~ ~. _ a~·1502 · ts _. .5
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,.,....,:. ,,.--.. -.-o :,,uit n,y.; -on1m11encup. nr u m,.,_ r11pa1r1 · ·. ·t,9J7 10 6 '° ~.-: 11;1 f1 !Ai ,;J · • · · ·· • -• _, - _ ..
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luli,gi_.._- :_Do_.,: :d111_ .. _:, ~f ~bi_·:~m~.t~n_d~~t_:or ('.1>nv._1~_,._ •• ·~·-···, J,461: 0 --. ;,.:: ::,.o· . l . ,~E~'RF .
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1:o,s1.n1t: · , _ . . _:.'_,..;_ - - !' ..; s- '3 1· -· -- -
~o~n.t::__ .·' ·t~mpa11:,'1,R'~.1·ef•~-J.'87,.s·66 -7.: 6, .·~:s.8 ~- - ·Coai~11~y1 Rupee,: _ 69,1131 11 ~7
';v.er.y,-- , _ --.---
iJiJ#e;,, _ . . _. ,.: ._ _ . . _ _ · • :· E .. .E .· · 'It ,CH u ilOH. >
l_ic:,tbf: --Sing_apa,j • . h(.:J!fqy; ·18&~. · :· . : . _, _ , .. R111idt1,t ·Couiicl/!or.
1'li'tt~> ._.· ·· -. ·,. ·; ·1 1·l.N.R·1.l(·G, . ; ,:_ · :. · 1 ·°'~'. rr_equ_enl. amongtt th.~ Chln_ne poputi1ion~ a~ 11v11ry ·1 -.~ ~r. Dl_undell·auowed Iha. chug~_, to b11 wl•h· Y.;:: · . : , ·• ·. ·. -· ...... ..~ . . ' . . perton c.onntc.ted wttl! t.be admlnl11n1Uon of Ju,llce -d~wr, In aorlnc· 1hu1 ha had ri,o _do~bl al!pwed
leD~!3 : - , · ( Fn1•:·,1i~ 'Phi"•• '.Giudlo, May'29) : ; and _e•,ry -.r111d_en1 _.of exparien~e ·11.~:~n '-~ be.!he . h~~,elr lo be per1u11d11d _that 1h11 ,ety 1enoua ipinner
-;,,;: -·,, · · · Bv: 1he··aln m.-r . • Aaa .. Aai -w,; ·,,,"'•i..:..t 11;,..,., .... ;.. . caae, the re n'ei!d h11 no more hnua, Ion la con lboauoa I iu · wh lch he had at flrtl taken uo the mauer, and the

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Document file FR
Document Long Title

Volume 3 (Annexes 31-60)
