Declaration by Judge Ranjeva

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The unique nature of the present decisionin my viewjustified adhering
to the structure of the reasoning adopted in paragraph 63 of the 1974
Judgment. Hence it would have been preferable to deal first with what
paragraph 48 of the Order terms the second part of the question. More-
over, the conclusions reached by the Court regarding "the question
whether the 'basis' ofthat Judgment has been 'affected' withinthean-
ing of paragraph 63 thereof" rendered the developments devoted to pro-
cedural questions without object. The approach adopted in the Order,

contrary to the requirements of paragraph 63 of the Judgment of 1974,
favours procedural formalism over legal substance.

(Signed) Raymond RANJEVA.

Bilingual Content


Le caractère unique de la présente décision justifiaàtmon avis le
respect de la structure du raisonnement adoptédans le paragraphe 63 de
l'arrêtde 1974.Il aurait été préférable, dancses conditions, de traiter en
premier lieu ce que le paragraphe8 de l'ordonnance qualifie de second
volet de la question. Les conclusions auxquelles est parvenue d'ailleurs la
Cour sur le «point de savoir si le«fondement» de cet arrêt aété «remis
en cause» au sens de son paragraphe 63))rendaient sans objet les déve-
loppements consacrésaux questions procédurales. La démarche adoptée

dans l'ordonnance, contrairement aux prescriptions du paragraphe 63 de
l'arrêt de1974,privilégiele formalismeprocédural sur le fond du droit.



The unique nature of the present decisionin my viewjustified adhering
to the structure of the reasoning adopted in paragraph 63 of the 1974
Judgment. Hence it would have been preferable to deal first with what
paragraph 48 of the Order terms the second part of the question. More-
over, the conclusions reached by the Court regarding "the question
whether the 'basis' ofthat Judgment has been 'affected' withinthean-
ing of paragraph 63 thereof" rendered the developments devoted to pro-
cedural questions without object. The approach adopted in the Order,

contrary to the requirements of paragraph 63 of the Judgment of 1974,
favours procedural formalism over legal substance.

(Signed) Raymond RANJEVA.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration by Judge Ranjeva
