Declaration by Judge Ranjeva (translation)

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The present Order confirms - if any confirmation was needed - the
jurisprudence of the Chamber in the case concerning the Frontier Dispute
(Provisional Measures, Order of 10 January 1986, I.C.J. Reports 1986,
pp. 3 et seq.). The operative part does not confine itself to the indication
of measures preserving rights in the traditional sense; it directly invites

the Parties to take measures of a military nature: cessation of hostilities,
refraining from any action by armed forces, freezing of the positions of
the armed forces. A new "given" in international judicial relations is thus
confirmed, that is, incidental proceedings consisting of a request for pro-
visional measures owing to the occurrence of an armed conflict, grafted
on to a legal dispute.
In that case, the indication of measures that may have a military char-
acter does not form part of a general regulatory function, which neither
the Charter nor the Statute has conferred upon the Court. Such decisions
represent, on the one hand, measures required by the circumstances of
the case which are evaluated by the Court in the exercise of its discre-
tionary power and, on the other hand, a contribution by the Court to
ensuring the observance of one of the principal obligations of the United
Nations and of al1its organs in relation to the maintenance of interna-
tional peace and security. The latter consideration explains more particu-

larly the Court's position on a possible additional condition for the indi-
cation of provisional measures, that is, the prima facie admissibility of
the principal Application (see paragraph 33 of the Order). By their
nature, provisional measures fa11within the Court's judicial functions
and form part of the Court's responsibility for evaluating the circum-
stances: risks of irreparable damage to the rights of the parties, urgency,
etc., and the measures required.

(Signed) Raymond RANJEVA.

Bilingual Content


La présenteordonnance confirme, si besoin était, lajurisprudence de la
Chambre dans l'affaire du Dgférendfrontalier (mesures conservatoires,
ordonnance du 10janvier 1986, C.I.J. Recueil 1986, p. 3 et suiv.). Le dis-
positif, en effet, ne se limite pasrescrire des mesures conservatoires de
droit au sens traditionnel; il invite directement les Partàeprendre des
mesures ayant un caractère militaire: arrêtdes hostilités,abstention de

tout acte des forces armées,gel de la position des forces militaires. Ainsi
se vérifieune donnée nouvelle dans les relations judiciaires internatio-
nales: l'apparition d'un incidentde procédure consistant en une demande
de mesures conservatoires en raison de la survenance d'un conflit armé
qui se greffe sur un différendjuridique.
Dans cette hypothèse, la prescription de mesures pouvant avoir un
caractère militaire ne relèvepas d'une quelconque attribution de police
généraleque ni la Charte ni le Statut n'ont conféréeà la Cour. De telles
décisions représententd'une part les mesures qu'exigent les circonstances
de l'espècedont l'appréciation estdiscrétionnairement faite par la Cour
et d'autre part une contributionde la Courà la réalisation d'une des obli-
gations principales des Nations Unies et de tous ses organes en matière
de maintien de la ~aix et de la sécuritéinternationales. Cette seconde
considération explique notamment la position de la Cour sur une éven-
tuelle condition supplémentaire à la prescription de mesures conserva-

toires: la question de la recevabilitéima facie de la requête principale
(voir paragraphe 33de l'ordonnance). Les mesures conservatoires ressor-
tent par nature des attributions judiciaires de la Cour et de la respon-
sabilitéde la Cour quant à l'appréciationdes circonstances: risque de
préjudicesirréparables atteignant les droits des parties, urgence, etc., et
des mesures qui s'imposent.



The present Order confirms - if any confirmation was needed - the
jurisprudence of the Chamber in the case concerning the Frontier Dispute
(Provisional Measures, Order of 10 January 1986, I.C.J. Reports 1986,
pp. 3 et seq.). The operative part does not confine itself to the indication
of measures preserving rights in the traditional sense; it directly invites

the Parties to take measures of a military nature: cessation of hostilities,
refraining from any action by armed forces, freezing of the positions of
the armed forces. A new "given" in international judicial relations is thus
confirmed, that is, incidental proceedings consisting of a request for pro-
visional measures owing to the occurrence of an armed conflict, grafted
on to a legal dispute.
In that case, the indication of measures that may have a military char-
acter does not form part of a general regulatory function, which neither
the Charter nor the Statute has conferred upon the Court. Such decisions
represent, on the one hand, measures required by the circumstances of
the case which are evaluated by the Court in the exercise of its discre-
tionary power and, on the other hand, a contribution by the Court to
ensuring the observance of one of the principal obligations of the United
Nations and of al1its organs in relation to the maintenance of interna-
tional peace and security. The latter consideration explains more particu-

larly the Court's position on a possible additional condition for the indi-
cation of provisional measures, that is, the prima facie admissibility of
the principal Application (see paragraph 33 of the Order). By their
nature, provisional measures fa11within the Court's judicial functions
and form part of the Court's responsibility for evaluating the circum-
stances: risks of irreparable damage to the rights of the parties, urgency,
etc., and the measures required.

(Signed) Raymond RANJEVA.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration by Judge Ranjeva (translation)
