Declaration by Judge Oda

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In this declaration 1 would like to make clear two reservations that
1have to the text of the Order.

1. 1 voted in favour of paragraph 3 of the operative part, albeit with
some hesitation. In my view, the date given in the passage reading
"the presence of any armed forces in the Bakassi Peninsula does not
extend beyond the position in which they were situated prior to
3 February 1996"

should have been 29 March 1994,that is, the date on which Cameroon
filed the Application instituting proceedings in this case and the date
which seems to be indicated in the mediation proposed by the President
of Togo (see para. 45).
2. 1am a little concerned by the passage in paragraph 42 in which the
concept of "irreparable damage" is mentioned. The purpose of provi-

sional measures is to preserve the rights of either Party, and it is estab-
lished in the jurisprudence that the rights in question are those which are
to be considered at the merits stage of the case and which constitute, or
are directly engaged by,the subject ofthe application. The urgency of the
relevant action or inhibition is a prerequisite. The anticipated or actual
breach of the rights to be preserved ought to be one which could not be
erased by the payment of reparation or compensation to be ordered in a
later judgment on the merits, and this irreparable prejudice must be
imminent. These conditions have been regarded by the Court as the cri-
teria according to which it has determined its position when indicating or
refusing to indicate provisional measures as requested by the applicant in
each case.
In the present case, when the Court states in the first part of para-
graph 42 that

"the events that have given rise to the request, and more especially
the killing of persons, have caused irreparabledamage to the rights
that the Parties may have over the [Bakassi] Peninsula",

this is simply a statement of facts that already exist. In the latter part of
paragraph 42, the Court talks about

"persons in the disputed area and,as a consequence, the rights of the
Parties within that area [that] are exposed to serious risk of further
irreparable damage".1believe, however, that loss of life in the disputed area, distressing as it

undoubtedly is, does not constitute the real subject matter of the present
In addition, the Court admits that it has not been able to form any
clear and precise idea of the events that took place on 3 February 1996as
well as those which recurred on 16and 17 February 1996in the Bakassi
Peninsula, and has been unable to make definitive findings of fact or of
imputability (para. 43). In such an unclear situation the concept of
irreparable damage cannot be used tojustify the indication of provisional

(Signed) Shigeru ODA.

Bilingual Content


In this declaration 1 would like to make clear two reservations that
1have to the text of the Order.

1. 1 voted in favour of paragraph 3 of the operative part, albeit with
some hesitation. In my view, the date given in the passage reading
"the presence of any armed forces in the Bakassi Peninsula does not
extend beyond the position in which they were situated prior to
3 February 1996"

should have been 29 March 1994,that is, the date on which Cameroon
filed the Application instituting proceedings in this case and the date
which seems to be indicated in the mediation proposed by the President
of Togo (see para. 45).
2. 1am a little concerned by the passage in paragraph 42 in which the
concept of "irreparable damage" is mentioned. The purpose of provi-

sional measures is to preserve the rights of either Party, and it is estab-
lished in the jurisprudence that the rights in question are those which are
to be considered at the merits stage of the case and which constitute, or
are directly engaged by,the subject ofthe application. The urgency of the
relevant action or inhibition is a prerequisite. The anticipated or actual
breach of the rights to be preserved ought to be one which could not be
erased by the payment of reparation or compensation to be ordered in a
later judgment on the merits, and this irreparable prejudice must be
imminent. These conditions have been regarded by the Court as the cri-
teria according to which it has determined its position when indicating or
refusing to indicate provisional measures as requested by the applicant in
each case.
In the present case, when the Court states in the first part of para-
graph 42 that

"the events that have given rise to the request, and more especially
the killing of persons, have caused irreparabledamage to the rights
that the Parties may have over the [Bakassi] Peninsula",

this is simply a statement of facts that already exist. In the latter part of
paragraph 42, the Court talks about

"persons in the disputed area and,as a consequence, the rights of the
Parties within that area [that] are exposed to serious risk of further
irreparable damage". DÉCLARATION DE M. ODA


Dans la présentedéclaration,je voudrais préciser deuxréservesquej'ai
à l'égarddu texte de l'ordonnance.

1. J'ai voté en faveurde l'alinéa3 du dispositif, non sans hésitation.

Selon moi, la date indiquéedans le passage rédigéen ces termes:
((veillenà ce que la présencede toutes forces arméesdans la pres-
qu'île de Bakassi ne s'étende pasau-delà des positions où elles se
trouvaient avant le 3 février1996»,

aurait dû êtrele 29 mars 1994.c'est-à-direla date àlaauelle le Cameroun
a déposéla requêteintroductive d'instance dans la présente affaireet qui
semble êtrela date indiquéedans la proposition de médiation du prési-
dent du Togo (voir par. 45).
2. Je suis un peu préoccupépar le passage, au paragraphe 42, où il est
question de la notion de ((préjudiceirréparable)).Les mesures conserva-
toires ont pour objet de sauvegarder les droits de chacun et il est de juris-
prudence constante que ces droits sont ceux sur lesquelsil doit êtrestatué

au stade de l'examen au fond de l'affaire et qui font l'objet de la requête
ou sont directement mis en cause par celle-ci. Le caractère d'urgence de
l'action ou de l'interdiction en cause constitue une condition préalable.
La violation escomptéeou effectivedes droits à sauvegarder devrait être
de cellesauxquelles il ne peut êtreremédié par le versement d'une indem-
nitéou l'octroi d'uneréparation qui serait fixéedans un arrêtultérieur
sur le fond, et ce préjudiceirréparable doit être imminent.La Cour a
considéré qu'il s'agissait descritèresqui fondaient, dans chaque affaire,
sa décisiond'indiquer ou de refuser d'indiquer lesmesures conservatoires
demandéespar lerequérant.
En l'espèce,lorsque la Cour indique au débutdu paragraphe 42 que:

«les événementsqui sont à l'origine de la demande, et tout spéciale-
ment le fait que des personnes aient été tuéed sans la presqu'île de
Bakassi, ont portéun préjudiceirréparable aux droits que les Parties
peuvent avoir sur la presqu'île)),

il s'agità tout simplement de l'énoncéde faits existants. La Cour men-
tionne ensuite dans ce mêmeparagraphe que

«les personnes se trouvant dans la zone litigieuse, et par voie de
conséquenceles droits que les Parties peuvent y avoir, sont exposés
au risque sérieuxd'un nouveau préjudiceirréparable)).1believe, however, that loss of life in the disputed area, distressing as it

undoubtedly is, does not constitute the real subject matter of the present
In addition, the Court admits that it has not been able to form any
clear and precise idea of the events that took place on 3 February 1996as
well as those which recurred on 16and 17 February 1996in the Bakassi
Peninsula, and has been unable to make definitive findings of fact or of
imputability (para. 43). In such an unclear situation the concept of
irreparable damage cannot be used tojustify the indication of provisional


Je crois cependant que les pertes en vies humaines dans la zone litigieuse,
aussi regrettables qu'elles soient assurément, ne constituent pas l'objet
réelde la présenteaffaire.
De surcroît, la Cour reconnaît qu'elle n'a pas étéen mesure de se faire

une image claire et précise des événementqsui sont survenus le 3 février
1996ni de ceux qui se sont produits ànouveau les 16 et 17février1996
dans la presqu'île de Bakassi, et qu'elle n'étaitpas habilitéeonclure
définitivementsur les faits ou leur imputabilité (par. 43). Dans une situa-
tion aussi confuse, on ne saurait recourira notion de préjudiceirrépa-
rable pour justifier l'indication de mesures conservatoires.

(SignéS )higeru ODA.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration by Judge Oda
