Dissenting opinion by Judge ad hoc Torres Bernárdez (translation)

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1 voted against the Order because 1 do not think that the Court has
sufficient information on questions of fact and law raised by the objec-
tion regarding jurisdiction submitted by the Respondent, in view inter
alin of the content of the Counter-Memorial of Canada. Furthermore, in
that Counter-Meinorial, the Respondent raised a fresh objection, this
time of inadmissibility, which it did not announce in its letter of 21 April
1995and which is also not mentioned in the Order of the Court of 2 May
1995. Consequently, Spain has not yet had any procedural opportunity
to formally state its position in writing on Canada's second fresh objec-
This leads me to conclude that the written phase on jurisdiction ini-
tiated by the Order of 2 May 1995is not yet ready for hearing. This being
so, a second round of written pleadings, namely a Reply by Spain and
a Rejoinder by Canada, was required and should have been authorized
by the Court, especially as the timetable in no way prevented it from

doing so. However, the Court took a different view, which 1regret.

(Signed) Santiago TORRES BERNARDEZ.

Bilingual Content


J'ai votécontre l'ordonnance parce que je ne pense pas que la Cour
soit suffisamment informée surles questions de fait et de droit que pose
l'exception d'incompétence soulevée par le défendeur, compte tenu,
notamment, du contenu du contre-mémoire du Canada. En outre, dans
ce mêmecontre-mémoire,le défendeur asoulevéune nouvelle exception,
cette fois d'irrecevabilité,qu'il n'a pas annoncéedans sa lettre avril
1995et qui n'est pas davantage mentionnéedans l'ordonnance de la Cour
du 2 mai 1995.De ce fait, l'Espagne n'a pas encore eu la possibilitépro-
cédurale de fixer par écrit sa position sur cette deuxième et nouvelle

exception du Canada.
11en découle,pour moi, que la phase écritesur la compétence ouverte
par l'ordonnance du 2 mai 1995 n'est pas encore en état. Dans ces cir-
constances, un deuxièmetour de piècesécrites, à savoir une répliquede
l'Espagne et une duplique du Canada, s'imposait et aurait dû êtreauto-
risépar la Cour, d'autant plus qu'aucune considération de calendrier ne
l'en empêchait.La Cour a étécependant d'un autre avis et je le regrette.



1 voted against the Order because 1 do not think that the Court has
sufficient information on questions of fact and law raised by the objec-
tion regarding jurisdiction submitted by the Respondent, in view inter
alin of the content of the Counter-Memorial of Canada. Furthermore, in
that Counter-Meinorial, the Respondent raised a fresh objection, this
time of inadmissibility, which it did not announce in its letter of 21 April
1995and which is also not mentioned in the Order of the Court of 2 May
1995. Consequently, Spain has not yet had any procedural opportunity
to formally state its position in writing on Canada's second fresh objec-
This leads me to conclude that the written phase on jurisdiction ini-
tiated by the Order of 2 May 1995is not yet ready for hearing. This being
so, a second round of written pleadings, namely a Reply by Spain and
a Rejoinder by Canada, was required and should have been authorized
by the Court, especially as the timetable in no way prevented it from

doing so. However, the Court took a different view, which 1regret.

(Signed) Santiago TORRES BERNARDEZ.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Dissenting opinion by Judge ad hoc Torres Bernárdez (translation)
