Separate Opinion of Judge Bedjaoui (translation)

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To my regret, 1 was unable to vote in favour of the idea of giving a
hearing to the Republic of El Salvador.
As it had been shown to be impossible for the Court to proceed to a
separate examination, first of the question whether a hearing should be

held and, secondly, of that of the Application to intervene itself, it seemed
to me that under these circumstances a decision on the Application to
intervene would inevitably entai1the same conclusion with regard to the
question of holding a hearing.
One cannot, at one and the same time, support the rejection of the
Application to intervene while agreeing to the holding of a hearing to
examine such an Application. Once the Court reached the conclusion that
the Application by El Salvador to intervene was inadmissible, to hold a
hearing became logically pointless, procedurally artificial and equivocal,
and dangerously likely to inspire El Salvador with vain hopes.

(Signed) Mohammed BEDJAOUI.

Bilingual Content


C'est avec regret que je n'ai pu voter en faveur d'une tenue d'une
audience pour entendre la République d'El Salvador.
Comme il s'était révéléimpossibpeur la Cour d'examiner séparément
d'abord la question de la tenue d'une audience et ensuite celle de la
demande d'intervention elle-même,il m'est apparu dans ces conditions
qu'unedécisionsur lademande d'intervention emportait inévitablementla
même conclusionsur la question de la tenue d'une audience.

On ne peut donc êtreen faveur à la fois du rejet de la demande d'in-
tervention et de'acceptation de la tenue d'une audience aux fins d'exa-
miner une telle demande. En effet dèslors que la Cour est parveàla
conclusion que la demanded'inte~ention d'El Salvador étaitirrecevable,
latenued'une audiencedevenait logiquement sans objet,procéduralement
artificielle et pleine de faux-semblants, et enfin dangereusement généra-
trice de faux espoirs pour la Républiqued'El Salvador.


To my regret, 1 was unable to vote in favour of the idea of giving a
hearing to the Republic of El Salvador.
As it had been shown to be impossible for the Court to proceed to a
separate examination, first of the question whether a hearing should be

held and, secondly, of that of the Application to intervene itself, it seemed
to me that under these circumstances a decision on the Application to
intervene would inevitably entai1the same conclusion with regard to the
question of holding a hearing.
One cannot, at one and the same time, support the rejection of the
Application to intervene while agreeing to the holding of a hearing to
examine such an Application. Once the Court reached the conclusion that
the Application by El Salvador to intervene was inadmissible, to hold a
hearing became logically pointless, procedurally artificial and equivocal,
and dangerously likely to inspire El Salvador with vain hopes.

(Signed) Mohammed BEDJAOUI.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Separate Opinion of Judge Bedjaoui (translation)
