Declaration by Judge Ignacio-Pinto (as appended immediately after the order)

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indication of provisional measures, the rights which may subsequently be
adjudged by the Court to belong respectivelyto the Parties;


by 11votes to 3,

Confirms that the provisional measures indicated in operative para-
graph (1) of the Order of 17August 1972should, subject to the power of
revocation or modification conferred on the Court by paragraph 7 of
Article 61 of the 1946Rules, remain operative until the Court has given
finaljudgment in the case.

Done in English and in French, the English text beingauthoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twelfth day of July, one thousandne
hundred and seventy-three,in four copies, one of whichwill be placed in
the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted respectively to the
Government ofthe Republic of Iceland, to the Government ofthe Federal
Republic of Germany and to the Secretary-General ofthe United Nations
for transmission to the Security Council.

(Signed) Manfred LACHS,

(Signed) S. AQUARONE,


Judge IGNACIO-PINT mOakes the following declaration:

1 concurred in the Court's Orders of 17 August 1972 granting the
United Kingdom in one case, and the Federal Republic of Germany in
the other, the interim measures of protection they had requested in their
dispute with Iceland; but1 am unable to concur in the present Order. 1
have voted against it for reasons based on the following considerations:

1. The Court, in confirming the interim measures indicated in the
earlierOrder of 17 August 1972, has not, in rny view, taken sufficient
account of the circumstances that have arisenincethat Order was made.
In my view, bearing in mind Article 61, paragraph 7, of itsules, the
Court ought first to have ascertained with care whether the new aspects
of the situation did not necessitate either the revocation or, at least, the
modification of the terms of therder of 17August 1972.316 FISHERIES JURISDICTION (DECLI.GNACIO-PINTO)

The reason isthat, as no-one can be unaware, there have been numerous
clashes in the disputed fishery-zone between Icelandic coastguard vessels
and trawlers flying the British or Federal German flag. Some of these
incidents, such as collision between two vessels or the firing of shells by
Icelandic coastguard vessels, were in my view grave enough to warrant

the exercise by the Court of its right to modify the terms of its original
2. Furthermore, these incidents, in my judgment, constitute so many
flagrant violations on either side of the operative part of the Orders of
17 August 1972.The measures should therefore be reviewed, and others
indicated concerning interalia the presence of warships.
It istrue that the present Order ismade "subject to thepower of revoca-
tion or modification" conferred on the Court by Article 61, paragraph 7,
of its Rules, but the renewal of the interim measures indicated on 17
August 1972~intilthe Court has givenfinaljudgment inthe case is fraught
with risk, given the prevailing tension between the disputants. If other,
much graver incidents were to occur before finaljudgment was given, the
Court would be open to criticism for failure to exercise vigilance.

Such are the considerations which precluded me from joining the
majority of the Co~irtin voting for the present Order.

Judges GROSand PETRÉN append dissenting opinions to the Order of
the Court.

(Initialledl M.L.
(Initialled) S.A.

Bilingual Content


indication of provisional measures, the rights which may subsequently be
adjudged by the Court to belong respectivelyto the Parties;


by 11votes to 3,

Confirms that the provisional measures indicated in operative para-
graph (1) of the Order of 17August 1972should, subject to the power of
revocation or modification conferred on the Court by paragraph 7 of
Article 61 of the 1946Rules, remain operative until the Court has given
finaljudgment in the case.

Done in English and in French, the English text beingauthoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twelfth day of July, one thousandne
hundred and seventy-three,in four copies, one of whichwill be placed in
the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted respectively to the
Government ofthe Republic of Iceland, to the Government ofthe Federal
Republic of Germany and to the Secretary-General ofthe United Nations
for transmission to the Security Council.

(Signed) Manfred LACHS,

(Signed) S. AQUARONE,


Judge IGNACIO-PINT mOakes the following declaration:

1 concurred in the Court's Orders of 17 August 1972 granting the
United Kingdom in one case, and the Federal Republic of Germany in
the other, the interim measures of protection they had requested in their
dispute with Iceland; but1 am unable to concur in the present Order. 1
have voted against it for reasons based on the following considerations:

1. The Court, in confirming the interim measures indicated in the
earlierOrder of 17 August 1972, has not, in rny view, taken sufficient
account of the circumstances that have arisenincethat Order was made.
In my view, bearing in mind Article 61, paragraph 7, of itsules, the
Court ought first to have ascertained with care whether the new aspects
of the situation did not necessitate either the revocation or, at least, the
modification of the terms of therder of 17August 1972.sauvegarder, par 1'i.ndication de mesures conservatoires, les droits
qu'elle pourrait éverituellementreconnaître dans cet arrêt à l'une ou
l'autre des Parties;

En conséquence,

par onze voix contre trois,

Confirme que, sous réservedu pouvoir de révocation ou de modifica-
tion que l'article 61, paragraphe 7, du Règlement de 1946 confère à la
Cour, les mesures conservatoires indiquéesau paragraphe 1du dispositif
de l'ordonnance du 17août 1972resteront en vigueur jusqu'à ce que la
Cour ait rendu son arrêtdéfinitif en l'affaire.

Fait en anglais et en français, le texte anglais faisant foi, au palais de
la Paix,à La Haye, le:douzejuillet mil neuf cent soixante-treize, en quatre
exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé auxarchives de la Cour et dont les
autres seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la République
d'Islande, au Gouvernement de la République fédéraled'Allemagne et
au Secrétaire généralde l'organisation des Nations Unies pour trans-
mission au Conseil d.esécurité.

Le Président,

(Signé) Manfred LACHS.
Le Greffier,

(Signé) S. AQUARONE.

M. IGNACIO-PINTjO ug,e, fait la déclarationsuivante:

J'avais souscrit aux ordonnances de la Cour, en date du 17août 1972,
accordant le bénéfice d:es mesures provisoires sollicitéesd'une part par le
Royaume-Uni et d'autre part par la République fédéraled'Allemagne
dans le différendqui les oppose à l'Islande, mais je ne saurais faire de
même à l'occasion dela présenteordonnance. J'ai votécontre ladite or-
donnance et mon oplpositionest fondéesur lesconsidérations qui suivent:

1. La Cour n'a à mon avis assez tenu compte des circonstances '
survenues depuis la premièreordonnance du 17août 1972pour confirmer
les mesures conservatoires édictéesdans icelle.
A mon avis, compte tenu de l'article 61, paragraphe 7, de son Règle-
ment, la Cour devrait d'abord s'informer attentivement si les nouveaux
aspects du différendne nécessitentpas sinon de rapporter du moins de
modifier la teneur del'ordonnance du !7 août 1972.316 FISHERIES JURISDICTION (DECLI.GNACIO-PINTO)

The reason isthat, as no-one can be unaware, there have been numerous
clashes in the disputed fishery-zone between Icelandic coastguard vessels
and trawlers flying the British or Federal German flag. Some of these
incidents, such as collision between two vessels or the firing of shells by
Icelandic coastguard vessels, were in my view grave enough to warrant

the exercise by the Court of its right to modify the terms of its original
2. Furthermore, these incidents, in my judgment, constitute so many
flagrant violations on either side of the operative part of the Orders of
17 August 1972.The measures should therefore be reviewed, and others
indicated concerning interalia the presence of warships.
It istrue that the present Order ismade "subject to thepower of revoca-
tion or modification" conferred on the Court by Article 61, paragraph 7,
of its Rules, but the renewal of the interim measures indicated on 17
August 1972~intilthe Court has givenfinaljudgment inthe case is fraught
with risk, given the prevailing tension between the disputants. If other,
much graver incidents were to occur before finaljudgment was given, the
Court would be open to criticism for failure to exercise vigilance.

Such are the considerations which precluded me from joining the
majority of the Co~irtin voting for the present Order.

Judges GROSand PETRÉN append dissenting opinions to the Order of
the Court.

(Initialledl M.L.
(Initialled) S.A. En effet, nul n'ignore que de multiples incidents ont eu lieu dans la
zone de pêchecontestéeentre les gardes-côtes islandais et les chalutiers

battant pavillon du Royaume-Uni et de l'Allemagne fédérale.Certains
de ces incidents revêtent à mes yeux suffisamment de gravité,tel par
exemple l'abordage de deux navires ou des coups de canon tiréspar les
gardes-côtes islandais, pour autoriser la Cour d'user de son droit de
modifier la teneur de sa première décision.
2. Par ailleurs,e:; incidents constituenà mes yeux autant de viola-
tions flagrantes de part et d'autre du dispositif des ordonnances du 17
août 1972. 11y a donc lieu de revoir les mesures ordonnées et en édicter
d'autres touchant noitamment la présencedes bateaux de guerre.
Sans doute, l'ordoinnancede cejour est prise((sous réservedu pouvoir
de révocationou de modification de la Cour» de l'article 61, paragraphe
7, de son Règlement.,mais la reconduction des mesures conservatoires
ordonnées le 17 août 1972 jusqu'à ce que la Cour ait rendu son arrêt
définitifen l'affaire est grossede risques, compte tenu de la tension exis-

tant à l'heure actuellleentre les litigants. Si d'autres incidents beaucoup
plus graves survenaient avant que l'arrêtdéfinitifn'intervienne, on pour-
rait reprochera la Cour d'avoir manquéde vigilance.
Telles sont les considérations qui m'ont empêchéde m'associer à la
majoritéde la Cour qui a souscrià la présenteordonnance.

MM. GROSet PETRÉNj,uges, joignent à l'ordonnance les exposésde
leur opinion dissidente.


(Paraphé) S.A.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration by Judge Ignacio-Pinto (as appended immediately after the order)
