Separate Opinion of Judge ad hoc Mahiou (translation)

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App!Jcatwnfor revrswn - Admrsslblilfy of the Appllcatwn - Article 61 of
the Statute of the Court- Notwn of 'fact"- Existence or non-ex1stenceof a
newfact- Membersh1pm the Umted Natwns- Jurzsdzctwn ratiOne personae,
ratwne matenae arJd'fat'lOne.tempons of the Court -Admtsswn to the Umted
Natwns and consequences- GenoctdeConventwn- Conduct of the Appltcant
- Fault of the Appl!cant

1 Whtle fully subscnbmg to the Court's conctse reasomng and con­
clustons,1 wtsh to enlarge on my agreement by bnefty addressmg severa!
pomts, sorne of whtch are not ratsed m the Judgment, smce the Court
found that there was no new fact and that a ruhng on these pomts, or for
that matter on the other reqmrements under Article 61 of the Statute of

the Court, would therefore be superftuous

Yugoslavta rehes on three allegedly dectstve "facts" to found tts Apph­
catlon for revtston of the Court's Judgment of Il July 1996; tt clatms to
have dtscovered m 2000 that tt was not amenable to the JUrtsdtctton of
the Court at the date of the Judgment because

tt was not a Member of the Umted Nattons,
tt was not a party to the Statute of the Court,
tt was not bound by Article IX of the Genoctde ConventiOn of
9 December 1948,
and these facts were known netther to Yugoslavta nor to the Court

2 Wtthout wtshmg at thts stage to enter into a complex semanhc
debate on the notion of "fact" (see m partlcular the valuable comments
by Mr. S. Torres Bernardez, former Regtstrar of the Court, m "A propos
de l'mterprétatlonet de la revtston des arrêtsde la Cour mternatwnale de
Justice", Mélangesen l'honneur deR Ago, 1987, Vol III, pp 473-478)
and stmply proceedmg from the baste defimtlon g1venm all dictwnanes,
notably those of pubhc mternatwnal law, I note that a fact ts an event
whtch occurred, whtch took place at a gtven pomt m tlme. From thts
baste, common-sense defimtwn a eructai element stands out the exist­

ence or obJective reahty of the fact, and bence the Court's ascertamment
or findmg that 1tdtd mdeed happen, or that ttoccurred at an appropnate
ttme such as to enable tt to be mvoked
3 Now, what can be satd of the three "facts" relied upon by Yugosla­
vta? To begm with, the physiCalor obJeCtivereahty of these three "facts"
ts not nnmedtately apparent, nor has tt come to hght later In a manner
of speakmg, they are not raw facts whose existence and ascertamment are
mescapable; rather, they are the product of a process of mterpretatwn


and representation. They are mvoked only as a resuit of the occurrence of

a separate, subsequent, fact, this one md1sputable· the declSlon on
1 November 2000 to admit Yugoslavm to the Umted Natwns In other
words, from an estabhshed fact occurnng m 2000 Yugoslavta mfers by
means of an mtellectual construct that other "facts" dtd not extst m 1996
or that they were different m nature But, although appeanng logiCal,this
retrospective mtellectual construct proves unfounded, notably m relatiOn
to the requuements of Arhcle 61 of the Statute of the Court In reahty,
Yugoslavia m Its reasonmg rehes on the admissiOn deciSIOnm 2000 to
advance an argument m the form of a syllog1sm m arder to be a party to
the Statute of the Court, a State must be a Member of the Umted
NatiOns, Yugoslavta was not a Member of the Umted NatiOns m 1996,
hence, Yugoslavia was not a party to the Statute of the Court or amen­

able to Its JUnsdtctwn However, If the syllogism IS to hold, each of the
prem1sesmust be true, Ifnot, the syllog1sm IS mvahd

4 Whde 1t 1strue that, subject to Arhcle 35 of the Statute, a State
must normally be a Member of the Umted NatiOns m arder to be a party
to the Statute of the Court, the second premtse, that Yugoslavm was not
a Member of the Umted Nat10ns between 1992 and 1996, and the con­
clusiOn, Ie , that tt was not amenable to the Junsdiction of the Court,
remam to be proved. They beg the questiOn, based as they are on the
mere assumptwn that Yugoslavta's admissiOn to the Umted NatiOns m

2000 means that 1t was not a Member before then, notably dunng the
penod between the setsm of the Court and the 1996 Judgment. But this
assertiOn, arnved at by highly abstract reasomng on the hasts of an argu­
mentum a contrarw, actually obscures the facts, namely the complextties
and uncertamttes affectmg Yugoslavm's status durmg that penod, as wtt­
nessed not only by the debates before the vanous Umted Nations organs,
the statements by the Umted Nattons Under-Secretary-General and the
positiOn of the Court, but also and above ali by the conduct of Yugosla­
5 After havmg long mterpreted these complexitles and uncertamttes
as not precludmg tt from bemg a Member of the Umted Nattons, Yugo­
slavm remterprets and re-charactenzes them, for purposes of tts Applica­
tion m 2001, as factors dtsprovmg Its membershtp m the United Natwns

But the facts are the same and, whde sttll amb1guous, and therefore open
to conftictmg mterpretatwns, they are unchanged Ithas only been Yugo­
slavta'smtellectual representatton of the facts and 1tsposttlon whtch have
changed, a change made wtth a vtew to seekmg reviston of the Judgment
of 11 July 1996 Smce the facts remam the same, ttts clearly dtfficult to
dtscern any new facts JUsttfymgan apphcat10n for revtston A new rep­
resentation of the same reahty does not transform tt mto a new fact As
stated m the award rendered by the Franco-German Mtxed Tnbunal on
29 Ju1y 1927 m the Baron de Neufizze case


"revtston ts not warranted by cnttctsm of a legal doctnne or by
a dtfferent assessment of the facts, or even by both, but solely by a
Jack of mformat10n concemmg the facts" (Recuezl des déczszonsdes
trzbunaux arbztraux mzxtes, VII, p 632)

6 Moreover, assummg that the hypothettcal "facts" resultmg from
mference and a new representation match the reahty, are they "new"
wtthm the meanmg of Article 61 of the Statute of the Court? Although tt
cttes three "new facts", Yugoslavta's Apphcatton m effect ts based essen­
ttally on a smgle, purportedly "new", "fact", mferreda contrarzo from tts
admtssiOn to the Umted NatiOns on 1 November 2000 namely, that tt
dtd not belong to the Umted Nattons at the ttme of the Judgment Thts,

tt would appear, ts the only "fact" - from whtch the other two are
clatmed to follow - that could serve as the hasts for an apphcat10n for
revtston Assummg further, as a workmg hypothests, that thts construct,
whtch mfers from a fact occurnng m 2000 the existence - or rather non­
existence - of a dtfferent fact m 1996, ts accepted, was the dtscovery or
awareness of tt new? Ulttmately, that ts the questiOn tt ts not the fact
ttself whtch ts mherently or obJeCttvelynew, tt ts the knowledge of that
fact whtch must be new to the party relymg upon tt or to the Court whtch
handed down the Judgment Is that the case here?

7 In respect of Yugoslavta, the debate as to whether or not tt was a
Member of the Umted Nattons started tmmedtately after tts break-up,
that debate grew even more heated after tts declaratiOn of 27 Apnl 1992

that tt contmued the State and the mtemattonal legal personahty of the
former Soctahst Federal Repubhc ofYugoslavta The other States ansmg
out of the former Yugoslavta sharply attacked that declaratton on van­
ous, essenttally pohttcal, grounds, notably and spectficallym respect of
membershtp m the Umted Nattons They mamtamed that the new Yugo­
slavta must be on an equal footmg wtth them, that tt could not be the
contmuator State of the former Yugoslavta, of whtch they also were part,
and that tt should apply for membershtp and become a successor State on
the same hasts as them

8 The debate was taken up m the Secunty Counctl and the General
Assembly, both of whtch refused to recogmze automattc contmmty,
reqmred an apphcatton for membershtp and suspended Yugoslavta's par­
ttctpatiOn m the work of the General Assembly That was when the prob­
lem of membershtp m the Umted NatiOns entered a grey area, bemg

msuscepttble of clear resolutiOn, as was confirmed by the Under-Secre­
tary-General's letter of 29 September 1992 Ali the vanous postttons
taken, whatever thetr legal status and whatever actual or potenttal self­
contradtctiOns they mtght contam, are clear evtdence not only that thts
fact ts not new but that tt had been of concem to Yugoslavta, to the other
States resultmg from tts break-up and to the mtemattonal commumty,


mcludmg the Umted Natwns The Umted NatiOns put an end to one

uncertamty when Yugoslavm finally decided to apply for membership as
from 1November 2000, Yugoslavm has effecttvely been a Member of the
Umted Natwns That ts beyond doubt and clanfies one problem for the
future but tt does not resolve, and does not retroacttvely undo, the pnor
sttuatlon, namely the dtfferences of opmwn concernmg Yugoslavta's
status vts-à-vts the Umted Nattons before tts admisston on 1November

2000 True, the "complex1ty", "dtfficulties" or "mconststencies" of the
SJtuatton whiChwas created at the t1meand perststed may be regrettable,
but that sttuatwn did ex1st, and that remams the case today

9. Thus, between 1992 and 1996 the fact was perfectly weil known to
everyone, parbcularly to the party relymg on lttoday, even though there
may have been great uncertamty as to the exact solutton to be apphed to
the problem rmsed. In any event, there were enough substantml, trouble­
sorne mdices to alert Yugoslavm and to prompt 1tto reflect upon tts posi­

tiOn VIS-a-vis the Umted Natwns Under other circumstances, more
favourable mdeed to the Apphcant m sorne respects, the Court has not
hesttated to reJect the contentwn that the fact rehed upon was unknown
and to draw mferences from the Jack, or msuffictency, of dlltgence m
becommg aware of the fact Thus, m the F1sherzes case, m whtch the
Umted Kmgdom contended that 1t was unaware of an 1869 Norwegmn

Decree concermng the dehmltation of the terntonal sea, the Court stated
"as a mantlme Power tradlttonally concerned w1th the law of the sea and
concerned particularly to defend the freedom of the seas, the Umted
Kmgdom could not have been tgnorant of the Decree of 1869" (l C J
Reports 1951, p 139) In another case, that concermng Appilcatwn for

Rev1swn and Interpretation of the Judgment of 24 February 1982 m the
Case concernmg the Contmental Shelf (Tumsm/L1byan Arab Jamahmya)
(TunlSla v L1byan Arab Jamahtnya), the Court was cnhcal of Tumsta
for havmg failed, m respect of the dehmttatwn of a Ltbyan concessiOn, to
seek "to know the co-ordmates of the ConcessiOn, so as to estabhsh the
precise extentof the encroachment on what ttregarded as Tumstan con­

tmental shetr' (l C J Reports 1985, p 205, para 24) Yet m the present
case not only was the debate as to whether or not Yugoslav1a was a
Member of the Umted Natwns no secret to anyone, tt lay at the heart of
mternational debate, engendermg an uncertamty wh1ch at that t1me
could only lead to further debate regardmg Yugoslavm's mternatwnal
relattons, mcludmg Its status vis-à-vis the Statute of the Court and the

Genocide Convention Th1s ts unhke the sttuatwn ctted m the Umted
States-Mexico clatm m the Shreck case, where an arbitral award had
been founded on the erroneous assumptwn that the claimant was a
Umted States cttlzen when he was m fact a citizen of Mexico, the discov­
ery of the true natwnahty was a new fact which had been unknown to the

tnbunal and which JUStdied the request for recons1deratwn (see 1 B
Moore, Htstory and D1gest of the Internatwnal Arb1tratwns to wh1chthe


Umted States has been Party, 1898,Vol Il, p 1357) The posrtron here rs
drfferent, more hke that of the Umted Kingdom or Tumsm, Yugos1avra
should have g1venmore senous consrderatwn dunng the proceedmgs to
1tsconduct and, m partlcu1ar, shou1d have looked to the Court, at the
appropnate ttme and ma more JUStifiableway, for a solutwn to the prob­

10 If the problem was thus clearly known to the party now seekmg

reviSion, 1t was m consequence also clear to the Court, once the Court
bad been called upon to rule on the request for the mdJCabon of provi­
sional measures for purposes of Its Order of 8 Apnl 1993 Wtthout at the
ttme makmg an issue of this pomt, Yugos1avraadmJts- as ISmoreover
recalled m 1tsApphcatwn mstitutmg proceedmgs - the "complexthes"
and "controvers1es" charactenzmg Its posttlon vis-à-vis the Umted
Natwns, nor d1d these escape the Court In adJudicatmg upon tts JUns­
dlctwn and the admrssth1htyof the ApplicatiOn, the Court was aware of
ali the potentiaiissues of fact and law, but rt cons1dettdunnecessary m
the c1rcumstances, m arder to make 1ts rulmg, to address the 1ssue of
Yugoslav1a'sstatus One of the recitals m the Court's Order ts particu­
Iarly revealmg m this regard

"Whereas, wh1lethe solution adopted ts not free from legal diffi­
culttes, the question whether or not Yugoslavta is a Member of the
Umted Natwns and as such a party to the Statute of the Court 1s
one which the Court does not need to determme defimtively at the

present stageof the proceedmgs" (Apphcatwn of the Conventwn on
the Preventwn and Pumshment of the Cnme of Genoczde (Bosma
and Herzegovma v Yugoslavw (Serbza and Montenegro) ), ProVl­
swnal Measures, Order of 8 Apnl 1993, 1 C J Reports 1993, p 14,
para 18)
11 If the Court, m 1tssubsequent consideratiOn of the case, was not

reqmred, and nght1y so, to concern Itse1fwtth the ISSueof membersh1p m
the Umted Nations, that was not only because Yugoslavta dtd not ask tt
to do so but also because Yugoslavra perststed m Jts positwn, mamtam­
mg the "uncertamtles and dilemmas" (see Yugos1avia's Application of
24 Apnl 2001, p 16), the "[c]ontroverstes and dilemmas" (zbzd,p 20),
the "mtxed stgnals" (zbzd,p 24) and the "complexttles and dilemmas"
(rbzd, p 26}to which It makes repeated reference m Jts Apphcatwn for
12 Further, even after filmg the Apphcatwn for rev1s10nof the Judg­
ment of 11 July 1996, Yugoslavm remamed JUStas eqmvocal and self­
contradtctory m tts conduct, for,at the same tlme as ltwas denymg the
Court's JUnsdJctton and clatmmg not to be bound by the Genoctde Con­

ventton, tt was, and stJllts, the Apphcant other cases before the Court
Thus, m submtttmg and JUstlfymg the Apphcatwns of 29 April 1999
agamst ten NATO members (Belgmm, Canada, France, Germany, ltaly,
the Netherlands, Portugal, Spam, the Umted Kmgdom and the Umted


States of Amenca) m the cases concermng Legaluy of Use of Force,
Yugoslavm mvokes the same bases of JUnsdtctwn as those rehed on by
the Court m tts 1996 Judgment, namely Yugoslavm's declaratwn recog­
mzmg the compulsory Junsdtctwn of the Court and Article IX of the
Genocide Conventwn, and tt was on those same bases that the Court
made tts Orders of 2 June 1999 on the requests for the mdtcatwn of pro­
VlSlonalmeasures Etght of these ten cases are sbll pendmg before the

Court, whtle the other two Apphcatwns, agamst Spam and the Umted
States, were dtsmtssed on account of the specifie reservatwns to the
Genocide ConventiOn made by those two States

13 Moreover, the scope and length of the debate over Yugoslavm's
membershtp m the Umted NatiOns show that everyone was aware of thts
fact, even though views d1ffered, as noted above, as to the exact way m
whtch the problem should be resolved. These dtfferences of opmwn are
the very evidence which makes ItImpossible to speak of a fact that was
"new" and unknown to the party seekmg revisiOn and to the Court,
which referred to ttm Its Order of 8 Apnl 1993 and rendered Its 1996

Judgment m full awareness of tt, but wtthout addressmg tt,because Ithad
not been requested to do so and 1twas unnecessary for 11to do so
14 In conclusiOn, wtthout there bemg any need to ratse the tssue of
forum prorogatum already debated m connectwn wtth the addltwnal
requests for the mdtcatwn of provlSlonal measures m 1993 (see m par­
tlcular the separate optmon of Judge ad hoc Lauterpacht, I C J Reports
1993, pp 416-421) and wtth the prehmmary obJectiOns m 1996, ttIS
apparent that there 1sno new fact but s1mplya new presentahon or char­
actenzatwn of the same reahty by Yugoslavm, whose conduct has changed
for the better - at whtch ali should reJmce- wtthout however effacmg
1tsearher m1sconduct Even though the questiOn of tts status was pendmg

before the Umted Natwns throughout the duratmn of the proceedmgs
before the Court, not only dtd Yugoslavta fatl to seek ways and means to
clanfy the sttuatmn but It has contmued ta mamtam the uncertamty, pro­
longmg 1tup ta the present day, as stated m paragraph 12 above Today's
authonties m Yugoslavm were not the source of the mtsconduct, wh1chts
attnbutable to theu predecessors, but that changes nothmg m terms of
responstbility, for the fault IS one attnbutable to the State concerned,
notwtthstandmg that there has been a change of régimeand the begm­
mngs of a change m legal pohcy

(S1gned) Ahmed MAmou


Bilingual Content



Demandeen rev1swn- Recevabilitéde la requête- Article61 du Statut de la
Cour- Notion defait- Existence ou non d'unfait nouveau- Appartenance
aux Natwns Umes- Compétence ratwnepersonae,ratwnematenae etratwne
tempons de la Cour - Adm1sswn aux Natwns Umes et conséquences-
Conventwn sur le génoc1de- Comportement de la Partie demanderesse -
Faute de la Partie demanderesse

1 Tout en souscnvant plemement aux motivations et conclusiOns
d'une grande concisiOn de la Cour, Je souhatte cependant exphctter
davantage cette adhéston en revenant, très bnèvement, sur quelques
pomts dont certams ne sont pas évoquésdans l'arrêt,dèslors que la Cour
a constaté qu'Il n'y avait pas de fatt nouveau et qu'Il seratt, par consé­
quent, surabondant de se prononcer sur ces pomts amst d'ailleurs que sur

les autres extgencesreqmses par l'article 61 de son Statut
Selon la Yougoslavie, trots «fatts» qm seratent déctstfssont mvoqués
pour fonder sa demande en reviSiondu JUgementde la Cour du 11JUillet
1996, elle aurait découverten 2000 qu'à la date du JUgementelle ne pou­
vait pas êtreJUsticiabledevant la Cour parce que
elle n'étaitpas membre de l'Orgamsation des Nattons Umes,
elle n'étaitpas partie au Statut de la Cour,
ellen'étaitpas bee par l'arttcleIX de la conventton sur le génoctdedu

9 décembre1948,
et que ces fatts étatenttgnorésde la Partie yougoslave et de la Cour
2 Sans voulotr, à ce stade, entrer dans des débatssémantiquescom­
plexes sur la notiOn de fait (vmr notamment les mtéressantesobserva­
tions de l'ancien greffierde la Cour, M S Torres Bermirdez, «A propos
de l'mterprétattonet de la revtston des arrêtsde la Cour mtemat10nale de
Justice», Mélanges en l'honneur deR Ago, 1987,vol III, p 473-478)et

en partant simplement d'une défimttonde base retenue par tous les dtc­
tJOnnaues, notamment ceux de drott mtemat10nal pubhc, un fatt est un
événement qm s'estprodmt, qm a eu heu à un moment donné,cette défi­
mtton de base et de bon sens met en valeur un élément essentiel, celm de
l'extstenceou de laréalitéobjectivede ce fait, et donc de la vénficattonou
de la constatation par la Cour qu'tl s'estbten prodmt ou qu'tla eu heu au
moment proptce pour pouvmr s'en prévalmr
3 Or, qu'en est-tl des trms «fatts» dont se prévaut la Yougoslavte?
Tout d'abord, ces trots«fatts» n'apparatssent pas au prermer abord et ne
se découvrent pas dans leur réalitématénelle ou objective, en quelque

sorte, Ils ne sont pas des fatts bruts dont l'existenceet la constatatiOn
s'tmposentd'elles-mêmesI,lssont plutôt le résultatd'un processus d'mter-

67 70



App!Jcatwnfor revrswn - Admrsslblilfy of the Appllcatwn - Article 61 of
the Statute of the Court- Notwn of 'fact"- Existence or non-ex1stenceof a
newfact- Membersh1pm the Umted Natwns- Jurzsdzctwn ratiOne personae,
ratwne matenae arJd'fat'lOne.tempons of the Court -Admtsswn to the Umted
Natwns and consequences- GenoctdeConventwn- Conduct of the Appltcant
- Fault of the Appl!cant

1 Whtle fully subscnbmg to the Court's conctse reasomng and con­
clustons,1 wtsh to enlarge on my agreement by bnefty addressmg severa!
pomts, sorne of whtch are not ratsed m the Judgment, smce the Court
found that there was no new fact and that a ruhng on these pomts, or for
that matter on the other reqmrements under Article 61 of the Statute of

the Court, would therefore be superftuous

Yugoslavta rehes on three allegedly dectstve "facts" to found tts Apph­
catlon for revtston of the Court's Judgment of Il July 1996; tt clatms to
have dtscovered m 2000 that tt was not amenable to the JUrtsdtctton of
the Court at the date of the Judgment because

tt was not a Member of the Umted Nattons,
tt was not a party to the Statute of the Court,
tt was not bound by Article IX of the Genoctde ConventiOn of
9 December 1948,
and these facts were known netther to Yugoslavta nor to the Court

2 Wtthout wtshmg at thts stage to enter into a complex semanhc
debate on the notion of "fact" (see m partlcular the valuable comments
by Mr. S. Torres Bernardez, former Regtstrar of the Court, m "A propos
de l'mterprétatlonet de la revtston des arrêtsde la Cour mternatwnale de
Justice", Mélangesen l'honneur deR Ago, 1987, Vol III, pp 473-478)
and stmply proceedmg from the baste defimtlon g1venm all dictwnanes,
notably those of pubhc mternatwnal law, I note that a fact ts an event
whtch occurred, whtch took place at a gtven pomt m tlme. From thts
baste, common-sense defimtwn a eructai element stands out the exist­

ence or obJective reahty of the fact, and bence the Court's ascertamment
or findmg that 1tdtd mdeed happen, or that ttoccurred at an appropnate
ttme such as to enable tt to be mvoked
3 Now, what can be satd of the three "facts" relied upon by Yugosla­
vta? To begm with, the physiCalor obJeCtivereahty of these three "facts"
ts not nnmedtately apparent, nor has tt come to hght later In a manner
of speakmg, they are not raw facts whose existence and ascertamment are
mescapable; rather, they are the product of a process of mterpretatwn


prétatwn et de représentatiOn,Ils ne doivent leur mvocation qu'à la sur­
venance d'un autre fait posténeur qu1 lUIest mcontestable la décision
d'admissiOnde la Yougoslavie aux Nations Umes du 1ernovembre 2000

Autrement dtt, sur la base d'un fait reconnu qUIs'est prodUit en2000, la
Yougoslavie dédUitpar une construction mtellectuelleque d'autres «faits»
n'auraient pas existéen 1996 ou qu'Ils seraient d'une autre nature Or,
cette constructiOn mtellectuelle qUIremonte le temps, tout en ayant les
apparences de la logique, se révèlemfondée,notamment au regard des
exigences de l'articl61 du Statut de la Cour En effet, le raisonnement
de la Yougoslavie s'appUiesur la décisiOnd'admission de l'année 2000
pour faue la démonstratiOnsUivante en forme de syllogisme pour être
partie au Statut de la Cour, Il faut êtreMembre des NatiOns Umes, or,
la Yougoslavie n'étaitpas membre des NatiOns Umes en 1996, donc,
ellen'étaitpas partie au Statut de la Cour ou JUStiCiabledevant elle

Toutefois, l'exactitude de ce syllogisme dépend de la véracitéde cha­
cune des propositions de base, smon on serait en présenced'un faux
4 S'Ilest admis que normalement, et sous réservede l'article 35 du
Statut, pour êtrepartie au Statut de la Cour, tl faut êtreMembre des
Nations Umes, en revanche, la seconde proposition selon laquelle la -
Yougoslavie n'étaitpas membre des NatiOns Umes entre 1992 et 1996 et
la conclusiOn selon laquelle elle n'était pas JUSticiabledevant la Cour
restent à prouver, elles sont despétitionsde pnnctpe qUIs'appUient sur
le simplepostulat que, sila Yougoslavie a étadmise aux Nations Umes en
2000, c'est qu'elle n'en étaitpas membre auparavant et notamment pen­

dant la pénodeallant de la satsme de la Cour à l'arrêtde1996 Mats cette
affirmation, à partir d'une déduction très abstraite par raisonnement a
contrarzo, occulte précisémentles faits, c'est-à-dire les complexités et
mcertitudes affectant le statut de la Yougoslavie pendant ladite pénode
comme le montrent non seulement les débats devant les différents or­
ganes de l'Orgamsatwn des NatiOns Umes, les explicatiOnsdu secrétaire
généraladJomt des NatiOns Umes et la position de la Cour, mais aussi et
surtout le comportement de la Yougoslavie elle-même
5 Après avOir longtemps mterprétéces complexités et mcertltudes
comme ne l'empêchantpas d'êtreMembre des Nations Umes, la You­
goslavie les rémterprèteet les requalifie, pour les besoms de sa requêteen
2001, comme autant de facteurs démant son appartenance aux NatiOns

Umes Pourtant les faits sont les mêmeset bien qu'Ils sOient toujours
ambigus, ouvrant amstla vOieà des divergences d'mterprétatwn, Ilsn'ont
pas changéet ce sont tout simplement la représentatiOnmtellectuelle et la
position de la Yougoslavie QUIont changépour demander la revlSlonde
l'arrêtdu 11 JUille1996 PUisqueles faits sont les mêmes,Il est bten dif­
ficilede découvnrdes faits nouveaux de nature àJUstifierune demande en
revision En effet, une nouvelle représentation de la mêmeréaliténe
transforme pas celle-ci en un fait nouveau Or, comme le déclarela sen­
tence du Tnbunal mixte franco-allemand du 29 JUille1927 en l'affaire
Baron de Neujl1ze


and representation. They are mvoked only as a resuit of the occurrence of

a separate, subsequent, fact, this one md1sputable· the declSlon on
1 November 2000 to admit Yugoslavm to the Umted Natwns In other
words, from an estabhshed fact occurnng m 2000 Yugoslavta mfers by
means of an mtellectual construct that other "facts" dtd not extst m 1996
or that they were different m nature But, although appeanng logiCal,this
retrospective mtellectual construct proves unfounded, notably m relatiOn
to the requuements of Arhcle 61 of the Statute of the Court In reahty,
Yugoslavia m Its reasonmg rehes on the admissiOn deciSIOnm 2000 to
advance an argument m the form of a syllog1sm m arder to be a party to
the Statute of the Court, a State must be a Member of the Umted
NatiOns, Yugoslavta was not a Member of the Umted NatiOns m 1996,
hence, Yugoslavia was not a party to the Statute of the Court or amen­

able to Its JUnsdtctwn However, If the syllogism IS to hold, each of the
prem1sesmust be true, Ifnot, the syllog1sm IS mvahd

4 Whde 1t 1strue that, subject to Arhcle 35 of the Statute, a State
must normally be a Member of the Umted NatiOns m arder to be a party
to the Statute of the Court, the second premtse, that Yugoslavm was not
a Member of the Umted Nat10ns between 1992 and 1996, and the con­
clusiOn, Ie , that tt was not amenable to the Junsdiction of the Court,
remam to be proved. They beg the questiOn, based as they are on the
mere assumptwn that Yugoslavta's admissiOn to the Umted NatiOns m

2000 means that 1t was not a Member before then, notably dunng the
penod between the setsm of the Court and the 1996 Judgment. But this
assertiOn, arnved at by highly abstract reasomng on the hasts of an argu­
mentum a contrarw, actually obscures the facts, namely the complextties
and uncertamttes affectmg Yugoslavm's status durmg that penod, as wtt­
nessed not only by the debates before the vanous Umted Nations organs,
the statements by the Umted Nattons Under-Secretary-General and the
positiOn of the Court, but also and above ali by the conduct of Yugosla­
5 After havmg long mterpreted these complexitles and uncertamttes
as not precludmg tt from bemg a Member of the Umted Nattons, Yugo­
slavm remterprets and re-charactenzes them, for purposes of tts Applica­
tion m 2001, as factors dtsprovmg Its membershtp m the United Natwns

But the facts are the same and, whde sttll amb1guous, and therefore open
to conftictmg mterpretatwns, they are unchanged Ithas only been Yugo­
slavta'smtellectual representatton of the facts and 1tsposttlon whtch have
changed, a change made wtth a vtew to seekmg reviston of the Judgment
of 11 July 1996 Smce the facts remam the same, ttts clearly dtfficult to
dtscern any new facts JUsttfymgan apphcat10n for revtston A new rep­
resentation of the same reahty does not transform tt mto a new fact As
stated m the award rendered by the Franco-German Mtxed Tnbunal on
29 Ju1y 1927 m the Baron de Neufizze case


«la revtston ne se motive pas par la cnttque d'une doctnne de
drmt ou par l'appréctatlon dtfférente des fatts, ou mêmepar les
deux, mats umquement par l'msuffisance d'mformatton par rapport

aux fatts»(Recueil des déctswnsdes tnbunaux arbitraux mtxtes, VII,
p 632)

6 A supposer d'ailleurs que les «fatts» hypothétiques découlant d'une
déductton et d'une nouvelle représentation correspondent à la réahté,
sont-tls«nouveaux» pour rentrer dans les prévtstons de l'article 61 du

Statut de la Cour? Tout en mvoquant trots «fatts nouveaux», en réahté,
la requêtede la Yougoslavte repose fondamentalement sur un seul «fatt »
prétendument «nouveau» et qu'elle dédutt a contrarw de son admtsston
aux Nattons Umes le 1ernovembre 2000 la non-appartenance à l'Orga­
msatton des Nattons Umes à la date du JUgement Tel est, semble-t-Il, le
seul «fait»- dont découleratent les deux autres- susceptible de servu

de base pour une demande en revtston A supposer encore, par hypothèse
de travail, que l'on souscnve à cette construction qut part d'un fatt de
l'année 2000 pour révélerl'extstence - ou plutôt l'mextstence - d'un
autre fatt en 1996, sa découverte ou connatssance est-elle nouvelle? Car,
finalement, c'est de celaqu'tl s'agtt ce n'est pas le fatt lut-mêmequt est
mtnnsèquement ou obJectivement nouveau, c'est sa connatssance qut dmt

êtrenouvelle pour la partie qut s'en prévaut et pour la Cour qut a rendu
l'arrêt Est-ce btenle cas en l'espèce?
7 Du côtéde la Yougoslavte, le débat sur son appartenance ou non à
l'Orgamsat10n des Nattons Umes étatt ouvert dès le lendemam de son
éclatement, tl a pns une tournure encore plus atgue au lendemam de sa
déclaration du 27 avnl 1992 selon laquelle elle assuratt la contmmté de

l'Etat et de la personnalité JUndtque mternattonale de l'anctenne Répu­
blique fédérativesoctaliste de Yougoslavie, en effet, cette déclaratton a
étévtgoureusement contestée par les autres Etats tssus de l'ex-Yougosla­
vie pour dtfférents motifs, essentiellement pohttques, notamment et pré­
ctsémentà propos de l'appartenance à l'Orgamsatton des Nattons Umes,
tls estiment que la nouvelle Yougoslavte dmt êtresur un pted d'égahté

avec eux, qu'elle ne sauratt être contmuateur de l'anctenne Yougoslavie
à laquelle tls ont égalementappartenu et qu'elle devratt fatre une demande
d'admtsston et êtresuccesseur au mêmetitre qu'eux
8 Le débatest porté devant le Consetl de sécuntéet l'Assembléegéné­
rale qut ont refusé la contmmté automatique, reqms une demande
d'admtsston et suspendu la partlctpatton de la Yougoslavte aux travaux

de l'Assembléegénérale C'est à ce moment que le problème de l'appar­
tenance à l'Orgamsatton des NatiOns Umes entre dans une zone gnse
sans pouvotr êtretranché clatrement, amst que le confirme la note du
secrétatre généraladJomt du 29 septembre 1992 Toutes les pnses de post­
hon, quel que sott leur statut Jundtque et quelles que sment les contra­
dtcttons réelles ou potentielles qu'elles peuvent receler, sont la preuve

évtdenteque non seulement ce fatt n'est pas nouveau, mats qu'tl a préoc­
cupé la Yougoslavte, les autres Etats tssus de son éclatement et la


"revtston ts not warranted by cnttctsm of a legal doctnne or by
a dtfferent assessment of the facts, or even by both, but solely by a
Jack of mformat10n concemmg the facts" (Recuezl des déczszonsdes
trzbunaux arbztraux mzxtes, VII, p 632)

6 Moreover, assummg that the hypothettcal "facts" resultmg from
mference and a new representation match the reahty, are they "new"
wtthm the meanmg of Article 61 of the Statute of the Court? Although tt
cttes three "new facts", Yugoslavta's Apphcatton m effect ts based essen­
ttally on a smgle, purportedly "new", "fact", mferreda contrarzo from tts
admtssiOn to the Umted NatiOns on 1 November 2000 namely, that tt
dtd not belong to the Umted Nattons at the ttme of the Judgment Thts,

tt would appear, ts the only "fact" - from whtch the other two are
clatmed to follow - that could serve as the hasts for an apphcat10n for
revtston Assummg further, as a workmg hypothests, that thts construct,
whtch mfers from a fact occurnng m 2000 the existence - or rather non­
existence - of a dtfferent fact m 1996, ts accepted, was the dtscovery or
awareness of tt new? Ulttmately, that ts the questiOn tt ts not the fact
ttself whtch ts mherently or obJeCttvelynew, tt ts the knowledge of that
fact whtch must be new to the party relymg upon tt or to the Court whtch
handed down the Judgment Is that the case here?

7 In respect of Yugoslavta, the debate as to whether or not tt was a
Member of the Umted Nattons started tmmedtately after tts break-up,
that debate grew even more heated after tts declaratiOn of 27 Apnl 1992

that tt contmued the State and the mtemattonal legal personahty of the
former Soctahst Federal Repubhc ofYugoslavta The other States ansmg
out of the former Yugoslavta sharply attacked that declaratton on van­
ous, essenttally pohttcal, grounds, notably and spectficallym respect of
membershtp m the Umted Nattons They mamtamed that the new Yugo­
slavta must be on an equal footmg wtth them, that tt could not be the
contmuator State of the former Yugoslavta, of whtch they also were part,
and that tt should apply for membershtp and become a successor State on
the same hasts as them

8 The debate was taken up m the Secunty Counctl and the General
Assembly, both of whtch refused to recogmze automattc contmmty,
reqmred an apphcatton for membershtp and suspended Yugoslavta's par­
ttctpatiOn m the work of the General Assembly That was when the prob­
lem of membershtp m the Umted NatiOns entered a grey area, bemg

msuscepttble of clear resolutiOn, as was confirmed by the Under-Secre­
tary-General's letter of 29 September 1992 Ali the vanous postttons
taken, whatever thetr legal status and whatever actual or potenttal self­
contradtctiOns they mtght contam, are clear evtdence not only that thts
fact ts not new but that tt had been of concem to Yugoslavta, to the other
States resultmg from tts break-up and to the mtemattonal commumty,


communauté Internationale, dont l'Orgamsation des NatiOns Dmes
Celle-cia mis un terme à une mcertitude lorsque la Yougoslavie s'estfina­
lement décidéeà demander son admiSSIOn désormais, à compter du
1ernovembre 2000, la Yougoslavie est effectivement Membre de l'Orga­
msatwn des Nations Dmes, cela est mcontestable et clanfie un problème
pour l'avemr, mais cela ne résoutpas et n'efface pas rétroactivement la
situatiOn anténeure, c'est-à-dire les divergences relatives au statut de la
Yougoslavie vis-à-vis de l'Orgamsatwn des NatiOns Dmes avant son
admissiOn du 1er novembre 2000 Certes, on peut regretter la «com­

plexité»,les «difficultés»ou les «contradictions» de la situatiOn amsi
créée à l'époqueet qm a persisté,mais cette situation a existéet demeure
dans le mêmeétatauJourd'hUI
9 Le fait étaitdonc bel et bien connu, entre 1992et 1996, de tout le
monde et surtout de la Partie qui s'en prévaut auJourd'hUI,mêmes'Il
pouvait exister une grande mcertitude sur la réponseexacte à apporter au
problème posé En tout cas, Ily avait suffisamment d'éléments séneuxet
troublants pour alerter la Yougoslavie et l'mciter à s'mterroger sur sa
situation vis-à-visde l'Orgamsation des NatiOnsDmes Dans d'autres cir­
constances, pourtant à certams égardsplus favorables aux requérants,la
Cour n'a pas hésitéà contesterlecaractèremconnu du fait mvoquéet à ti­

rer lesconséquencesde l'absenceou du manque de diligencepour prendre
connaissance dudit fait Amsi, en l'affaire dePêcherzes dans laquelle le
Royaume-Dm avait affirméne pas avOir connaissance d'un décretnor­
végiende 1869 concernant la délimitatiOnde la mer terntonale, elle a
déclaré que «PUissancemantime traditionnellement attentive au drOitde
la mer et particulièrement attachéeà la défensede la libertédes mers, le
Royaume-Dm n'a pu Ignorer le décretde 1869» (C 1 J Recueli 1951,
p 139) Dans une autre affaire, celle de la Demande en revzswn et en
mterprétatwn de l'arrêtdu 24 févrzer1982 en /'affazre duPlateau conti­
nental (TuniSie/Jamahmya arabe libyenne) (Tumsze c Jamahmya arabe
lzbyenne), la Cour a reprochéà la Tumsie, à propos de la délimitatiOn
d'une concessiOnlibyenne, de n'avOirpas cherché«à s'mformer des coor­
donnéesde la concessiOnde mamèreà établirl'ampleurprécisede l'empié­

tement sur ce qu'elle considéraità l'époquecomme plateau contmental
tumsien» (C 1 J Recuez/1985, p 205, par 24) Or, en l'espèce,le débat
sur l'appartenance ou non-appartenance de la Yougoslavie à l'Orgamsa­
tion des Nations Dmes non seulement n'étaitun secret pour personne,
mais Il étaitau cŒur de controverses mternatwnales faisant planer une
mcertitude qm ne pouvait, pendant la mêmepénode, qu'en susciter
d'autres surles rapports Internationaux de la Yougoslavie, y compns sur
sa SituatiOnau regard du Statut de la Cour et de la convention sur le
génocide Nous ne sommes pas dans le cas de l'affaire Shreck évoquéeà
propos des réclamatiOnsaméncano-mexicamesoù une sentence arbitrale

s'est fondéesur la nationalité améncame d'une personne pour statuer,
alors que celle-ci s'est révéléeerronée,puisque l'mtéressavait la natiO­
nalitémexicame, la découvertede la nationalité réelleconstitue un fait
nouveau mconnu du tnbunal et JUStifiantune demande en reviSion(voir


mcludmg the Umted Natwns The Umted NatiOns put an end to one

uncertamty when Yugoslavm finally decided to apply for membership as
from 1November 2000, Yugoslavm has effecttvely been a Member of the
Umted Natwns That ts beyond doubt and clanfies one problem for the
future but tt does not resolve, and does not retroacttvely undo, the pnor
sttuatlon, namely the dtfferences of opmwn concernmg Yugoslavta's
status vts-à-vts the Umted Nattons before tts admisston on 1November

2000 True, the "complex1ty", "dtfficulties" or "mconststencies" of the
SJtuatton whiChwas created at the t1meand perststed may be regrettable,
but that sttuatwn did ex1st, and that remams the case today

9. Thus, between 1992 and 1996 the fact was perfectly weil known to
everyone, parbcularly to the party relymg on lttoday, even though there
may have been great uncertamty as to the exact solutton to be apphed to
the problem rmsed. In any event, there were enough substantml, trouble­
sorne mdices to alert Yugoslavm and to prompt 1tto reflect upon tts posi­

tiOn VIS-a-vis the Umted Natwns Under other circumstances, more
favourable mdeed to the Apphcant m sorne respects, the Court has not
hesttated to reJect the contentwn that the fact rehed upon was unknown
and to draw mferences from the Jack, or msuffictency, of dlltgence m
becommg aware of the fact Thus, m the F1sherzes case, m whtch the
Umted Kmgdom contended that 1t was unaware of an 1869 Norwegmn

Decree concermng the dehmltation of the terntonal sea, the Court stated
"as a mantlme Power tradlttonally concerned w1th the law of the sea and
concerned particularly to defend the freedom of the seas, the Umted
Kmgdom could not have been tgnorant of the Decree of 1869" (l C J
Reports 1951, p 139) In another case, that concermng Appilcatwn for

Rev1swn and Interpretation of the Judgment of 24 February 1982 m the
Case concernmg the Contmental Shelf (Tumsm/L1byan Arab Jamahmya)
(TunlSla v L1byan Arab Jamahtnya), the Court was cnhcal of Tumsta
for havmg failed, m respect of the dehmttatwn of a Ltbyan concessiOn, to
seek "to know the co-ordmates of the ConcessiOn, so as to estabhsh the
precise extentof the encroachment on what ttregarded as Tumstan con­

tmental shetr' (l C J Reports 1985, p 205, para 24) Yet m the present
case not only was the debate as to whether or not Yugoslav1a was a
Member of the Umted Natwns no secret to anyone, tt lay at the heart of
mternational debate, engendermg an uncertamty wh1ch at that t1me
could only lead to further debate regardmg Yugoslavm's mternatwnal
relattons, mcludmg Its status vis-à-vis the Statute of the Court and the

Genocide Convention Th1s ts unhke the sttuatwn ctted m the Umted
States-Mexico clatm m the Shreck case, where an arbitral award had
been founded on the erroneous assumptwn that the claimant was a
Umted States cttlzen when he was m fact a citizen of Mexico, the discov­
ery of the true natwnahty was a new fact which had been unknown to the

tnbunal and which JUStdied the request for recons1deratwn (see 1 B
Moore, Htstory and D1gest of the Internatwnal Arb1tratwns to wh1chthe


J B Moore, Hzstory and Dzgest of the Internatzonal Arbltratzons to
whzch the Umted States has been Party, 1898,vol. II, p 1357) Ici, nous
sommes plutôt dans un autre contexte, comme celm du Royaume-Um ou
de la Tumsie, où la Yougoslavie aurait dû se montrer plus vigilante en
cours de procédure pour s'mterroger plus séneusement sur son compor­
tement et, surtout, mterroger au moment opportun et plus légtttmement
la Cour pour trouver une solutiOn au problème pose
10 SI le problème étatt donc clatrement posépour la Partie deman­
dant la revisiOn,lll'étattégalement,et par vme de conséquence,devant la
Cour dèsque celle-cia eu à se prononcer sur la demande en mdicatiOn de
mesures conservatOires pour rendre son ordonnance du 8 avnll993 Sans

en fmre alors un pomt htigteux, la Yougoslavie admet- ams1que le rap­
pelle d'atlleurs sa requêteIntroductive d'mstance -les «complexités» et
«controverses» qm entourent sa sttuatwn vis-à-v1sde l'Orgamsat10n des
Natwns Umes et qm, au demeurant, n'ont pas échappéà la Cour En
statuant sur sa compétenceet la recevabilitéde la requête,la Cour avatt
connaissance de toutes les questions de drmt et de fatt pouvant se poser,
mats elle a estiméqu'elle n'avatt pas besom, en l'espèce,de prendre en
cons1dérat10nla quahté de la Yougoslavie pour se prononcer L'un des
considérants de la Cour est, à cet égard,éloquent

«Considérant que, s1la solutwn adoptée ne laisse pas de susciter
des difficultésndtques, la Cour n'a pas à statuer définitivementau
stade actuel de la procédure sur la quest10n de savmr s1la Yougo­
slavie est ou non membre de l'Organisatwn des Nattons Unies et, à
ce titre, partie au Statut de la Cour»(Apphcatzon de la conventzon
pour la préventzon et la répresszondu cnme de genoczde (Bosnze­
Herzégovmec Yougoslavte (Serbze et Monténégro)), mesures conser­
vatozres, ordonnance du 8 avnl 1993, CI J Recuezl 1993, p 14,

par 18).
11 SI,dans la smte de son examen de l'affaue, la Cour n'a pas eu à se
préoccuper,àJuste titre, de l'appartenance ou non-appartenance à l'Orga­
msatwn des Nattons Umes, c'est parce que non seulement la Yougoslavie
ne l'a pas mvttéeà le fmre, mats celle-cl a pers1stédans sa position pour
maintenir sur ce pomt «[le] flou et [les] difficultés»(vmr requêtede la

Yougoslavie du 24 avnl 2001, p 17), les «controverses et difficultés»
(zbzd, p 21), les «mdtcattons contradictOires» (zbzd p 25), les «com­
plexitéset controverses)) (zbzd, p 27) auxquelles elle se réfèreabondam­
ment dans sa demande en revisiOn.
12 Au demeurant, mêmeaprèsavmr introdmt sa demande en reVISIOn
du JUgementdu 11jmllet 1996,le comportement de la Yougoslavie n'en
reste pas moms amb1gu et contradtctmre pmsque, tout en contestant la
compétencede la Cour et en dtsant n'êtrepas bée par la convention sur le
génocide, elle est Partte demanderesse devant la Cour et le demeure
encore auJourd'hUIdans d'autres affaues En effet, pour mtrodmre et JUS­

tifier les requêtesdu 29 avnll999 contre diXmembres de l'OTAN (Alle­
magne, Belgtque, Canada, Espagne, Etats-Ums d'Aménque, France,


Umted States has been Party, 1898,Vol Il, p 1357) The posrtron here rs
drfferent, more hke that of the Umted Kingdom or Tumsm, Yugos1avra
should have g1venmore senous consrderatwn dunng the proceedmgs to
1tsconduct and, m partlcu1ar, shou1d have looked to the Court, at the
appropnate ttme and ma more JUStifiableway, for a solutwn to the prob­

10 If the problem was thus clearly known to the party now seekmg

reviSion, 1t was m consequence also clear to the Court, once the Court
bad been called upon to rule on the request for the mdJCabon of provi­
sional measures for purposes of Its Order of 8 Apnl 1993 Wtthout at the
ttme makmg an issue of this pomt, Yugos1avraadmJts- as ISmoreover
recalled m 1tsApphcatwn mstitutmg proceedmgs - the "complexthes"
and "controvers1es" charactenzmg Its posttlon vis-à-vis the Umted
Natwns, nor d1d these escape the Court In adJudicatmg upon tts JUns­
dlctwn and the admrssth1htyof the ApplicatiOn, the Court was aware of
ali the potentiaiissues of fact and law, but rt cons1dettdunnecessary m
the c1rcumstances, m arder to make 1ts rulmg, to address the 1ssue of
Yugoslav1a'sstatus One of the recitals m the Court's Order ts particu­
Iarly revealmg m this regard

"Whereas, wh1lethe solution adopted ts not free from legal diffi­
culttes, the question whether or not Yugoslavta is a Member of the
Umted Natwns and as such a party to the Statute of the Court 1s
one which the Court does not need to determme defimtively at the

present stageof the proceedmgs" (Apphcatwn of the Conventwn on
the Preventwn and Pumshment of the Cnme of Genoczde (Bosma
and Herzegovma v Yugoslavw (Serbza and Montenegro) ), ProVl­
swnal Measures, Order of 8 Apnl 1993, 1 C J Reports 1993, p 14,
para 18)
11 If the Court, m 1tssubsequent consideratiOn of the case, was not

reqmred, and nght1y so, to concern Itse1fwtth the ISSueof membersh1p m
the Umted Nations, that was not only because Yugoslavta dtd not ask tt
to do so but also because Yugoslavra perststed m Jts positwn, mamtam­
mg the "uncertamtles and dilemmas" (see Yugos1avia's Application of
24 Apnl 2001, p 16), the "[c]ontroverstes and dilemmas" (zbzd,p 20),
the "mtxed stgnals" (zbzd,p 24) and the "complexttles and dilemmas"
(rbzd, p 26}to which It makes repeated reference m Jts Apphcatwn for
12 Further, even after filmg the Apphcatwn for rev1s10nof the Judg­
ment of 11 July 1996, Yugoslavm remamed JUStas eqmvocal and self­
contradtctory m tts conduct, for,at the same tlme as ltwas denymg the
Court's JUnsdJctton and clatmmg not to be bound by the Genoctde Con­

ventton, tt was, and stJllts, the Apphcant other cases before the Court
Thus, m submtttmg and JUstlfymg the Apphcatwns of 29 April 1999
agamst ten NATO members (Belgmm, Canada, France, Germany, ltaly,
the Netherlands, Portugal, Spam, the Umted Kmgdom and the Umted


Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal et Royaume-Um) dans les affaues relatives à la
Llcéltéde l'emploi de laforce, la Yougoslavie mvoque les mêmesbases de
competence que celles retenues par la Cour dans son arrêtde 1996, c'est­
à-dire sa déclaratiOnd'acceptatiOn de laJundiction obhgatoue de la Cour
atnsi que l'article IX de la conventiOn sur le génocide, et c'est sur ces
mêmesbases que la Cour a rendu ses ordonnances du 2JUill 1999 concer­
nant les demandes en md1catton de mesures conservatoues Sur ces diX
affaues, hmt sont toujours pendantes devant la Cour, tandis que les deux

autres requêtesdmgéescontre l'Espagne et les Etats-Ums ont étéreJetées
en ratson de l'effetdes réservesspecrfiquesapportées par ces deux Etatsà
la conventton sur le génoctde
13 En outre, l'ampleur et la longueur des débatsqm entourent l'appar­
tenance de la Yougoslavte à l'Orgamsat10n des Natwns Umes montrent
que tout le monde avatt ce fait à l'espnt tout en divergeant, comme nous
J'avons dit précédemment,sur la solutiOn exacte à lm apporter, ces diver­
gences apportent prectsémentles éléments depreuve empêchantde parler
d'un fait «nouveau» et mconnu de la Partie qm demande la revlSlonet de
la Cour qm s'y est référédeans l'ordonnance du 8 avnl 1993 et qm, en
toute connatssance de cause, a rendu l'arrêtde 1996 sans en tenu compte
pmsque cela ne lm étaitpas demandéet ne lm étaltpas nécessatre

14 En conclusiOn, et sans qu'tl smt besom de soulever la questiOn du
forum prorogatum déJàdébattue à propos des nouvelles demandes en
mdtcatwn de mesures conservatmres en 1993 (vou notamment l'opmwn
mdtvtduelle de M Lauterpacht, Juge ad hoc, CI J Recuell1993, p. 416-
421) et des exceptiOns préhmma1resen 1996, il apparaît clairement qu'Ii
n'y a pas de fait nouveau maiS tout Simplement une nouvelle représenta­
tion ou qualification de la mêmeréahtépar la Yougoslavie dont le com­
portement a change dans Jebon sens - et tlconvient de s'en réJOutr-
mais sans effacer le comportement fautif anténeur Alors mêmeque la
question de son statut étatt pendante <Levantles Nattons Umes tout au
long de l'mstance engagéedevant la Cour, non seulement la Yougoslavte
n'a pas cherchéles votes et moyens d'une clanficatwn, mais elle a conti­

nuéà mamtemr l'ambtgmtéet a la prolonger JUSqu'aaujourd'hut comme
mdiquéau paragraphe 12 ct-dessus. Les autontésactuelles de la Yougo­
slavte ne sont pas à l'ongme de ce comportement fauttf qut incombe à
celles qutles ont précédéest,outefms, cela ne change nen en termes de
responsabilitécar la faute est tmputable à l'Etat concernémêmes'tly a eu
un changement d'autontés et une amorce de changement de politique

(S1gné) Ahmed MAHIOU.


States of Amenca) m the cases concermng Legaluy of Use of Force,
Yugoslavm mvokes the same bases of JUnsdtctwn as those rehed on by
the Court m tts 1996 Judgment, namely Yugoslavm's declaratwn recog­
mzmg the compulsory Junsdtctwn of the Court and Article IX of the
Genocide Conventwn, and tt was on those same bases that the Court
made tts Orders of 2 June 1999 on the requests for the mdtcatwn of pro­
VlSlonalmeasures Etght of these ten cases are sbll pendmg before the

Court, whtle the other two Apphcatwns, agamst Spam and the Umted
States, were dtsmtssed on account of the specifie reservatwns to the
Genocide ConventiOn made by those two States

13 Moreover, the scope and length of the debate over Yugoslavm's
membershtp m the Umted NatiOns show that everyone was aware of thts
fact, even though views d1ffered, as noted above, as to the exact way m
whtch the problem should be resolved. These dtfferences of opmwn are
the very evidence which makes ItImpossible to speak of a fact that was
"new" and unknown to the party seekmg revisiOn and to the Court,
which referred to ttm Its Order of 8 Apnl 1993 and rendered Its 1996

Judgment m full awareness of tt, but wtthout addressmg tt,because Ithad
not been requested to do so and 1twas unnecessary for 11to do so
14 In conclusiOn, wtthout there bemg any need to ratse the tssue of
forum prorogatum already debated m connectwn wtth the addltwnal
requests for the mdtcatwn of provlSlonal measures m 1993 (see m par­
tlcular the separate optmon of Judge ad hoc Lauterpacht, I C J Reports
1993, pp 416-421) and wtth the prehmmary obJectiOns m 1996, ttIS
apparent that there 1sno new fact but s1mplya new presentahon or char­
actenzatwn of the same reahty by Yugoslavm, whose conduct has changed
for the better - at whtch ali should reJmce- wtthout however effacmg
1tsearher m1sconduct Even though the questiOn of tts status was pendmg

before the Umted Natwns throughout the duratmn of the proceedmgs
before the Court, not only dtd Yugoslavta fatl to seek ways and means to
clanfy the sttuatmn but It has contmued ta mamtam the uncertamty, pro­
longmg 1tup ta the present day, as stated m paragraph 12 above Today's
authonties m Yugoslavm were not the source of the mtsconduct, wh1chts
attnbutable to theu predecessors, but that changes nothmg m terms of
responstbility, for the fault IS one attnbutable to the State concerned,
notwtthstandmg that there has been a change of régimeand the begm­
mngs of a change m legal pohcy

(S1gned) Ahmed MAmou


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Separate Opinion of Judge ad hoc Mahiou (translation)
