Declaration of Vice-President Ranjeva (translation)

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Violation of freedom of commerce and non-violation of freedom of commerce
between the territories of the two Parties - Court's discretionary power and
structure of its reasoning - Piercing the veil of the dispute - Constituent ele-
ments of the claim: subject-matter and "cause", Article 38, paragraph 2, of the
Rules - Jura novit curia - Importance of notion of "cause" of claim.

1. 1 agree with the following findings in the Judgment :

- the absence of legaljustification for the destruction of the platforms
on the basis of Article XX, paragraph (1) (d) ;
- the violation of freedom of commerce as a result of the destruction of
the platforms ;
- dismissal of the Applicant's claim for reparation;

- dismissal of the counter-claims.
The question whether freedom of commerce in general on the part of one
of the contracting parties can legitimately be dissociated from that of

freedom of commerce between the territories of the parties to the 1955
Treaty is debatable.
2. The Court's freedom to determine the order in which questions of
law raised in the dispute should be addressed is a discretionary one; that
does not imply that the Court is entitled to determine in an arbitrary
manner how its reasoning should be structured. The choice of method of
reasoning depends directly on the general scheme of the dispute :its sub-
ject-matter, the parties' claims, their arguments, their overall forensic
strategy. It is problematic in practice to rely dogrnatically on the dictates
of legal or judicial logic, which can be seen on closer examination to be
more matters of forma1 logic. Hence, the way in which a case is to be

approached remains unique, and specific to each dispute.
3. In the present case, the Court has not allowed itself to be obstructed
by obstacles of a formalistic or forma1 nature. The terms in which the
problem was posed have in fact been distorted by peripheral issues, on
which the Parties focused to an unreasonable extent. The result has been
a certain artificiality in the subject-matter of the dispute, in the claims
presented by the Parties and in their overall forensic strategy, which has
at times smacked of sophistry. In the face of these diversionary tactics,
the Court has "pierced the veil" of the dispute, relying directly on acts,
conduct and statements contemporaneous with the events having given

rise thereto. It has taken the view that it should begin by addressing
the issue of the lawfulness of use of force in light of the provisions of
Article XX, paragraph 1 (d), of the 1955 Treaty. 4. In thus going directly to the real heart of the dispute, the Court has
complied with its obligation to analyse the facts in a transparent manner
and to make a true interpretation of substantive law. That presupposes
strict respect for the law applicable, here in the first instance conventional

law deriving from the 1955 Treaty and then, by way of interpretive
framework to the treaty instrument, international law, that is to Say law
deriving from the United Nations Charter and international customary
law. Piercing the veil of the dispute is a necessary condition, or at least a
helpful contribution, in terms of providing a sounder basis for the settle-
ment of international disputes.
5. 1 would have preferred to adopt a different procedural approach
from that of the Court in this dispute in order to arrive at the same
solutions. Inasmuch as this approach departs from the traditional
ones, it does not justify an opinion. It is based on an analysis of the sub-

stance of the claim or matter in dispute. It consists of two essential ele-
ments: the subject-matter (quid) and the "cause" (cur) ; those elements
are essential in order to determine and characterize the substance of a
dispute, even though it may be difficult precisely to define their respective
6. Defining the "cause" of a claim - the underlying reason therefor -
is a controversial issue in doctrine because of the notion's malleable char-
acter and metaphysical connotations. Article 40 of the Statute confines
itself to requiring that the elements to be indicated in the application
instituting proceedings shall include the subject-matter of the claim.

However, in Article 38, paragraph 2, of the Rules there is a fleeting ref-
erence to the notion of "cause": the application "shall also specify the
precise nature of the claim, together with a succinct statement of thefacts
and grounds on which the claim is based" (emphasis added). Under the
Rules, the applicant is required to set out the factual and legal bases of its
claim. This drafting device simply transposes the problem without resolv-
ing it. Thus the issue of "cause" is bound up with that of the compatibil-
ity of the consensual basis of the Court's jurisdiction with the principle
jura novit curia. It would be inappropriate here to enlarge upon the doc-
trinal controversy regarding the difficulty of distinguishing between sub-

ject-matter and "cause" and determining the latter's constituent elements,
as these are issues not directly dealt with in the Judgment.
7. The notion of "cause" poses a dual difficulty: that of the extent of
the Court's power to determine the rule of law to be applied to the dis-
pute submitted to it, and that of how it determines the rules and methods
which appear to it to be the most appropriate. Irrespective of forensic
strategy and pleading techniques, the Court must not debar itself from
ascertaining the true intention of each Party. In paragraphs 32 and 37,
the Judgment was at pains to note the position of the respondent Party,
which effectively left it to the Court to determine how it should address

the connection between Article X, paragraph 1, the basis of its jurisdic-
tion, and Article XX, paragraph 1 (d), which is the underlying "cause"
in terms of the applicable law as well as of the claim. 1 can only regretthat the Court failed to take the opportunity to find a practical, empirical
solution to a delicate problem and to provide a more convincingjustifica-
tion for the order in which it decided to address the issues.

(Signed) Raymond RANJEVA.

Bilingual Content

Violation de la liberté de commerce et non-violation de la liberté de commerce
entre les territoires des deux Parties - Compétence discrétionnaire de la Cour
et ordonnancement du raisonnement - Percement du voile du différend - Elé-
ments constitutifs de la demande: objet et cause, article 38, paragraphe 2, du
Règlement - Jura novit curia - Intérêtde la notion de cause de la demande.

1. Je souscris aux conclusions suivantes de l'arrêt :
- l'absence de justification juridique de la destruction des plates-formes

sur la base de l'alinéa d) du paragraphe 1 de l'article XX;
- la violation de la liberté de commerce consécutive à la destruction des
plates-formes ;
- le rejet de la demande de réparation introduite par le demandeur;
- le rejet des demandes reconventionnelles.

Le bien-fondé de la dissociation de la liberté de commerce en général de
l'une des parties contractantes de la liberté de commerce entre les terri-
toires des parties au traité de 1955 peut faire l'objet de discussions.

2. La liberté dont dispose la Cour pour fixer l'ordre de traitement des
questions de droit soulevées dans un différend a un caractère discrétion-
naire; elle n'implique pas la faculté pour la juridiction de déterminer de
manière arbitraire l'ordonnancement de son raisonnement. Le choix de la
méthode de raisonnement dépend directement de l'économie généraledu

différend: l'objet du différend, les demandes des parties, les arguments
exposés,la stratégiede l'argumentation. Il est difficile en pratique d'invoquer
de manière dogmatique des impératifs de logique juridique ou judiciaire,
qui, à l'analyse, relèvent plus de la logique formelle. La méthode de traite-
ment, dans ces conditions, reste unique et particulière à chaque différend.
3. Dans la présente affaire, la Cour ne s'est pas laissé bloquer par les
obstacles formalistes et formels. Les termes du problème ont été, en effet,

contaminés par des questions considérées périphériques sur lesquelles les
Parties se sont étendues plus que de raison. Il en est résulté le caractère
artificiel de l'objet du différend, des demandes présentées par les Parties
et de la stratégie, sinon les artifices de l'argumentation. Face à ces actes
de divertissement, la Cour a percéle voile du différend en se référantdirec-
tement aux actes, comportements et déclarations contemporains aux faits

générateurs du litige. Elle a étéamenée à traiter de manière préalable de
la licéitédu recours à la force au regard des dispositions de l'article XX,
paragraphe 1, alinéa d) , du traité de 1955. DECLARATION OF VICE-PRESIDENT RANJEVA


Violation of freedom of commerce and non-violation of freedom of commerce
between the territories of the two Parties - Court's discretionary power and
structure of its reasoning - Piercing the veil of the dispute - Constituent ele-
ments of the claim: subject-matter and "cause", Article 38, paragraph 2, of the
Rules - Jura novit curia - Importance of notion of "cause" of claim.

1. 1 agree with the following findings in the Judgment :

- the absence of legaljustification for the destruction of the platforms
on the basis of Article XX, paragraph (1) (d) ;
- the violation of freedom of commerce as a result of the destruction of
the platforms ;
- dismissal of the Applicant's claim for reparation;

- dismissal of the counter-claims.
The question whether freedom of commerce in general on the part of one
of the contracting parties can legitimately be dissociated from that of

freedom of commerce between the territories of the parties to the 1955
Treaty is debatable.
2. The Court's freedom to determine the order in which questions of
law raised in the dispute should be addressed is a discretionary one; that
does not imply that the Court is entitled to determine in an arbitrary
manner how its reasoning should be structured. The choice of method of
reasoning depends directly on the general scheme of the dispute :its sub-
ject-matter, the parties' claims, their arguments, their overall forensic
strategy. It is problematic in practice to rely dogrnatically on the dictates
of legal or judicial logic, which can be seen on closer examination to be
more matters of forma1 logic. Hence, the way in which a case is to be

approached remains unique, and specific to each dispute.
3. In the present case, the Court has not allowed itself to be obstructed
by obstacles of a formalistic or forma1 nature. The terms in which the
problem was posed have in fact been distorted by peripheral issues, on
which the Parties focused to an unreasonable extent. The result has been
a certain artificiality in the subject-matter of the dispute, in the claims
presented by the Parties and in their overall forensic strategy, which has
at times smacked of sophistry. In the face of these diversionary tactics,
the Court has "pierced the veil" of the dispute, relying directly on acts,
conduct and statements contemporaneous with the events having given

rise thereto. It has taken the view that it should begin by addressing
the issue of the lawfulness of use of force in light of the provisions of
Article XX, paragraph 1 (d), of the 1955 Treaty. 4. Le percement du véritable cŒur du différend représente le respect
des obligations de transparence dans l'analyse des faits et le respect de la
véritédans l'interprétation du fond du droit. Il implique le respect strict
du droit applicable, en l'espèce, d'abord le droit conventionnel du traité
de 1955 et ensuite, à titre de cadre d'interprétation de l'instrument
conventionnel, le droit international, c'est-à-dire le droit de la Charte des
Nations Unies et le droit international coutumier. Le percement du voile

du cŒur du différend est une condition nécessaire, au moins une contri-
bution utile, pour un règlement des différends internationaux sur de meil-
leures bases.
5. J'aurais souhaité utiliser une autre voie procédurale pour parvenir
aux mêmes solutions que la Cour dans le présent différend. Cette mé-
thode ne justifie pas une opinion car elle s'écarte des méthodes tradition-
nelles. Elle se fonde sur une analyse intrinsèque de la demande ou de la
matière litigieuse. Elle comporte deux éléments indispensables : l'objet
(quid) et la cause (cur); ces éléments sont indispensables pour déter-
miner et caractériser la substance d'un différend bien qu'il soit difficile de
définir avec exactitude le contenu de chacun de ces éléments.

6. La définition de la cause de la demande, le pourquoi de la demande,

est controversé en doctrineenraisondesoncaractère malléable et la conno-
tation métaphysique qu'elle comporte. L'article 40 du Statut se borne
à exiger parmi les mentions obligatoires l'indication de l'objet de la
demande dans la requête introductive d'instance. La notion de cause
transparaît cependant de manière fugace dans les termes du paragraphe 2
de l'article38 du Règlement, la requête ((indique en outre la nature pré-
cise de la demande et contient un exposé succinct des faits et moyens sur
lesquels cette demande repose)) (les italiques sont de moi). Le Règlement
invite le demandeur à exposer les fondements en fait et en droit de la
demande. Cet artifice de rédaction ne fait que transférer la difficulté sans
la résoudre. Le problème de la cause ici est en effet liéà la compatibilité
de la base consensuelle de compétence de la Cour avec le principe jura
novit curia. En la présente affaire, il n'y a pas lieu de s'étendre sur les

controverses doctrinales, les difficultés de la distinction entre objet et
cause et les élémentsconstitutifs de la cause, car ces questions ne sont pas
traitées directement dans l'arrêt.
7. La notion de cause pose en définitive un double problème : celui de
la mesure de l'emprise du juge sur la maîtrise de la règle de droit à appli-
quer au différend qui lui est soumis et celui de la détermination de la règle
et de la méthode qui lui semblent les plus appropriées. Par-delà la
stratégie judiciaire et la technique d'argumentation, la Cour ne doit pas
s'interdire de s'assurer de la volonté réelle de chaque Partie. L'arrêt n'a
pas manqué de relever en ses paragraphes 32 et 37 la position de la Partie
défenderesse; celle-ci, en définitive, laisse à la Cour le soin de déterminer

la méthode de traitement du lien entre l'article X, paragraphe 1, base de
la compétence, et l'article XX, paragraphe 1, alinéa d), qui est la cause au
fond du droit applicableet aussi de la demande en justice. On ne peut que 4. In thus going directly to the real heart of the dispute, the Court has
complied with its obligation to analyse the facts in a transparent manner
and to make a true interpretation of substantive law. That presupposes
strict respect for the law applicable, here in the first instance conventional

law deriving from the 1955 Treaty and then, by way of interpretive
framework to the treaty instrument, international law, that is to Say law
deriving from the United Nations Charter and international customary
law. Piercing the veil of the dispute is a necessary condition, or at least a
helpful contribution, in terms of providing a sounder basis for the settle-
ment of international disputes.
5. 1 would have preferred to adopt a different procedural approach
from that of the Court in this dispute in order to arrive at the same
solutions. Inasmuch as this approach departs from the traditional
ones, it does not justify an opinion. It is based on an analysis of the sub-

stance of the claim or matter in dispute. It consists of two essential ele-
ments: the subject-matter (quid) and the "cause" (cur) ; those elements
are essential in order to determine and characterize the substance of a
dispute, even though it may be difficult precisely to define their respective
6. Defining the "cause" of a claim - the underlying reason therefor -
is a controversial issue in doctrine because of the notion's malleable char-
acter and metaphysical connotations. Article 40 of the Statute confines
itself to requiring that the elements to be indicated in the application
instituting proceedings shall include the subject-matter of the claim.

However, in Article 38, paragraph 2, of the Rules there is a fleeting ref-
erence to the notion of "cause": the application "shall also specify the
precise nature of the claim, together with a succinct statement of thefacts
and grounds on which the claim is based" (emphasis added). Under the
Rules, the applicant is required to set out the factual and legal bases of its
claim. This drafting device simply transposes the problem without resolv-
ing it. Thus the issue of "cause" is bound up with that of the compatibil-
ity of the consensual basis of the Court's jurisdiction with the principle
jura novit curia. It would be inappropriate here to enlarge upon the doc-
trinal controversy regarding the difficulty of distinguishing between sub-

ject-matter and "cause" and determining the latter's constituent elements,
as these are issues not directly dealt with in the Judgment.
7. The notion of "cause" poses a dual difficulty: that of the extent of
the Court's power to determine the rule of law to be applied to the dis-
pute submitted to it, and that of how it determines the rules and methods
which appear to it to be the most appropriate. Irrespective of forensic
strategy and pleading techniques, the Court must not debar itself from
ascertaining the true intention of each Party. In paragraphs 32 and 37,
the Judgment was at pains to note the position of the respondent Party,
which effectively left it to the Court to determine how it should address

the connection between Article X, paragraph 1, the basis of its jurisdic-
tion, and Article XX, paragraph 1 (d), which is the underlying "cause"
in terms of the applicable law as well as of the claim. 1 can only regret222 PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (DÉCL. RANJEVA)

regretter que la Cour n'ait pas saisi l'occasion pour résoudre en fait de
manière empiriqueun problème délicat et mieux asseoir la justification de

l'ordre de traitement des questions.

(Signé)Raymond RANJEVA.that the Court failed to take the opportunity to find a practical, empirical
solution to a delicate problem and to provide a more convincingjustifica-
tion for the order in which it decided to address the issues.

(Signed) Raymond RANJEVA.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of Vice-President Ranjeva (translation)
