Declaration of Judge ad hoc Lauterpacht

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1 respectfully concur in operative paragraphs 1, 2 (a) and 3 of the
Judgment of the Court, but regret that 1 am unable to vote in favour of
paragraph 2 (b) in so far as it reflects (as stated in paragraph 40 of the
Judgment) a decisionof the Court that the conduct of the Federal Repub-
lic of Yugoslavia does not "confer upon [the Court] a jurisdiction
exceeding that which it has already acknowledged to have been conferred
upon it by Article IX of the Genocide Convention" (emphasis added).

Although the point is now at the very margins of this case, 1do not wish
to convey any impression of acting in a manner inconsistent with what
1 said on the question offorum prorogatum in paragraphs 24-37 of my
separate opinion of 13 September 1993relating to the Further Requests
for the Indication of Provisional Measures (I.C.J. Reports 1993, p. 325,
pp. 416-442).

(Signed) Elihu LAUTERPACHT.

Bilingual Content


1 respectfully concur in operative paragraphs 1, 2 (a) and 3 of the
Judgment of the Court, but regret that 1 am unable to vote in favour of
paragraph 2 (b) in so far as it reflects (as stated in paragraph 40 of the
Judgment) a decisionof the Court that the conduct of the Federal Repub-
lic of Yugoslavia does not "confer upon [the Court] a jurisdiction
exceeding that which it has already acknowledged to have been conferred
upon it by Article IX of the Genocide Convention" (emphasis added).

Although the point is now at the very margins of this case, 1do not wish
to convey any impression of acting in a manner inconsistent with what
1 said on the question offorum prorogatum in paragraphs 24-37 of my
separate opinion of 13 September 1993relating to the Further Requests
for the Indication of Provisional Measures (I.C.J. Reports 1993, p. 325,
pp. 416-442).

(Signed) Elihu LAUTERPACHT.[Traduction]

J'approuve respectueusementles paragraphes 1, 2 a) et 3 de l'arrêtde
la Cour, maisje regrette de nepouvoir voter en faveur du paragraphe 2)
dans la mesure où il reflète(comme indiquéau paragraphe 40 de l'arrêt)
une décisionde la Cour selon laquelle le comportement de la République

fédérativedeYougoslavie((n'accorde [pas à laCour]une compétenceexcé-
dant celle qu'elle s'estdéjà reconnue autitre de l'articlede la conven-
tion sur le génocide))(les italiques sont de moi). Bien qu'en l'espècece
point soit maintenant très marginal,je ne souhaite en aucune manière
donner l'impressiond'adopter une position incompatible avec ce quej'ai
dit sur la question du forum prorogatum aux paragraphes 24 à 37 de
mon opinion individuelle du 13 septembre 1993 relative aux nouvelles
demandes en indication de mesures conservatoires (C.I.J. Recueil 1993,
p. 416-442).


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Document Long Title

Declaration of Judge ad hoc Lauterpacht
