Declaration of Sir Myhammad Zufrulla Khan, President (as appended immediately after the judgment)

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Bilingual Document File

President Sir Muhammad ZAFRULL KAHANmakes the following dcc-

laration :

1am in entire agreement with the Judgment of the Court. 1 consider it
needful, however, to append the following brief declaration.

The sole question before the Court in this phase of these proceedirigs
is whether, in viewof the cotnpromissory clause in the Exchaiige of Notes

of 19July 1961between the Governnient of tlie Fedcral Kcpublic of Gcr-
many and the Governn~entoflcelarid, reridwith Article 36 (1)of itsStatutc,
the Court is conipctent to pronolincc upon tlievalidity oftlicuiii1:itcraIcs-
tension by lccland sf itsexclusive lisheries jurisdiction fioin 12 tcj50
nautical miles from the baseliiies agrccd to by thc partics iri1901. Al1
considerations tending to support or to discount the validity ofIcclanci's
action are, at this stage.,utterly irrelevant. To cal1any sucli considcrritioii
into aid for the purposi: of detcrmining the scope of the Court's jurisdic-
tion, would not only beg the qucstion but would put tlic proverbial cart

bcfore the horse with a \!engeanceand is to be strongly dcprccated.

Bilingual Content

Sir M iihammad ZAFKIJLLAK~IAN,Président, fait la dkclaration

Je soiiscris eritièrcnicnt ii I'arrCtdc IIICoiir. J'cstinie cependant néces-
saire dc lui ndjoiridrc 1:ibrève déclaration qiii suit.

L.;i 1;i('oiir soit siisit' (iiiii~ 1;iph;isc ;letiiclle dc

1:i prtisciitc inst;iiic'cest ccllc de >;i~.c)ir si. \.LI 1;c'l;ii~scc.oniprc~r.iiisiloirc
de I'i.cliiiiigc cic iioics ciil 10 J~iillct 100 l ciitrc 1;i I<Gp~iblicl~ilc .Gdcriilc
d'/llleiiiiig~icct Ic <ioii\.criiciiiciit i5l;iiid;iisci coiiiptc tcriu dc I'iirticlc 76.

piir;igriiplic 1. dc soli Stiitiit. I:i C'oiirest cc)rnp6tclitc pour sc prorioncèr-
siir I;i \;iliditL. de I';ictc ,iiiil;itGr;ilpiir Icqiicl I'lsl;intic a til~iidii sa jiiri-
diction esc.liisi\~cc .ri 111;itiCrccle ~~c'clicriccs1c12 rllillcs ;i50 niilles iiiiiriii';
ii p~irtii.deil ligtics clc I~,.ii;ecorl~.e~iiieilp;ir Ics p;irticb cri 1961. Toiitcs

Ics cc.)iisidériitio~isriiilitarit polir o~i catitre la validité dc cet acte dc
1'Isl;incicsorit. iiii stride iictucl. ciitic'rcnlcnt dépourvues dc pcrtiiicncc.
Invoquer ~~~iclqii~ eorisidCr;itic)nde ce genre pour ditcrn~iner I'ktendue
cie Iiicoiiiptiicric~cde IiiCoiir, CC rie scriiit piis seulement prijugcr I:i

cl~lc.\tioiililiiis IwIet lie11~iicttl.~ 1;ic1i;irriicdcviiiit Ics baut's ct iiiic tcllc
I'iiyoride I'iiirccloit Ctrc l~i~rincllcrilcnc ti6s;ipproiivCc.

(Paraplté) Z.K.

(Parlrpl~t;) S. A. President Sir Muhammad ZAFRULL KAHANmakes the following dcc-

laration :

1am in entire agreement with the Judgment of the Court. 1 consider it
needful, however, to append the following brief declaration.

The sole question before the Court in this phase of these proceedirigs
is whether, in viewof the cotnpromissory clause in the Exchaiige of Notes

of 19July 1961between the Governnient of tlie Fedcral Kcpublic of Gcr-
many and the Governn~entoflcelarid, reridwith Article 36 (1)of itsStatutc,
the Court is conipctent to pronolincc upon tlievalidity oftlicuiii1:itcraIcs-
tension by lccland sf itsexclusive lisheries jurisdiction fioin 12 tcj50
nautical miles from the baseliiies agrccd to by thc partics iri1901. Al1
considerations tending to support or to discount the validity ofIcclanci's
action are, at this stage.,utterly irrelevant. To cal1any sucli considcrritioii
into aid for the purposi: of detcrmining the scope of the Court's jurisdic-
tion, would not only beg the qucstion but would put tlic proverbial cart

bcfore the horse with a \!engeanceand is to be strongly dcprccated.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of Sir Myhammad Zufrulla Khan, President (as appended immediately after the judgment)
