Declaration of Judge Higgins

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1 believethat sovereignty over Janan lieswith Bahrain, for reasons that
have been elaborated by Judges Kooijmans and Fortier, and have there-
fore voted in the negative on paragraph 3 of the dispositB fu.t as the
Court has found that sovereignty over Janan lies with Qatar, and as
1agree generally with the delimitation line drawn in the Judgmen1have
voted in favour of paragraph 6.
1 further believe that, had itso chosen, the Court could also have
grounded Bahraini title in the Hawars on the law of territorial acquisi-
tion. Among acts occurring in the Hawars were some that did have
relevance for legal title. These effeectiv ieresno sparser than those
on which title has been founded in other cases.

Even if Qatar had, by the time of these early effectivi extended its
own sovereignty to the Coast of the peninsula facing the Hawars, it per-

formed no comparable effectivi inthe Hawars of its own.
These elements are sufficientto displace any presumption of title by the
coastal State.

(SignedR )osalyn HIGGINS.

Bilingual Content


1 believethat sovereignty over Janan lieswith Bahrain, for reasons that
have been elaborated by Judges Kooijmans and Fortier, and have there-
fore voted in the negative on paragraph 3 of the dispositB fu.t as the
Court has found that sovereignty over Janan lies with Qatar, and as
1agree generally with the delimitation line drawn in the Judgmen1have
voted in favour of paragraph 6.
1 further believe that, had itso chosen, the Court could also have
grounded Bahraini title in the Hawars on the law of territorial acquisi-
tion. Among acts occurring in the Hawars were some that did have
relevance for legal title. These effeectiv ieresno sparser than those
on which title has been founded in other cases.

Even if Qatar had, by the time of these early effectivi extended its
own sovereignty to the Coast of the peninsula facing the Hawars, it per-

formed no comparable effectivi inthe Hawars of its own.
These elements are sufficientto displace any presumption of title by the
coastal State.



Je crois que la soiiverainetésur Janan appartient à Bahreïn pour les
motifs qu'ont développésMM. Kooijmans et Fortier et j'ai par consé-
quent votécontre le paragraphe 3 du dispositif. Mais étant donnéque la
Cour a jugéque Qatar possédaitla souveraineté sur Janan et que, d'une
manière générale,j'approuve le tracé de la ligne de délimitation défini
dans l'arrêt,j'ai votépour le paragraphe 6.
Je crois en outre que la Cour, si elle l'avait voulu, aurait pu aussi fon-
der le titre de Bahreïn sur les îles Hawar sur le droit de l'acquisition ter-
ritoriale. Certains des actes accomplis aux îles Hawar étaient en effet
pertinents pour l'établissementdu titrejuridique. Ces effectivitésn'étaient
pas moins nombreuses que celles retenues dans d'autres affaires pour
fonder un titre.
Mêmesi Qatar avait, a l'époque deces premières effectivités, tendusa
propre souveraineté ;ila côte de la péninsulefaisant face aux îles Hawar,

il n'a pas lui-mêmemis en Œuvre d'effectivitéscomparables dans ces îles.
Ces éléments suffisentà écartertoute présomption de titre en faveur de

(Signé) Rosalyn HIGGINS.

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Document Long Title

Declaration of Judge Higgins
