Separate opinion of Judge Valticos (translation)

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Without dissociating myself from the Judgment, 1 would like to be
more specific about rny own thinking. The Court has been dealing with a
case that is confused in several respects and which is, if 1may say so, not
al1that it might be from a legal standpoint. When the jurisdiction of the
Court is being consi.dered, one needs to be quite certain that the two
States concerned have indeed agreed to refer their dispute to the Court

and that they were likewise in agreement as to the subject of the dispute
and the method of seisin of the Court. As matters now stand, onecannot
assert that this is clearly the case.
Of course. 1 take the view that, as indicated in the Judgment, the
exchanges of letters of December 1987may be considered to be an inter-
national agreement. but an agreement in principle of which the imple-

menting provisions had still to be specified. 1 am likewise prepared to
admit, albeitless reatlily, that one may also consider as an agreement the
Minutes signed in Doha under somewhat obscure conditions and in
terms which have appeared ambiguous. There was indeed an agreement
to corne to the Court.
However, 1am unable to refrain from mentioning the fact that a prob-

lem has arisen with respect to the Arabic term "al-tarafan" as used by the
Parties with a view 10 describing the d6t~1urc~ltt. be taken to seise the
However that may be, the Court should only proceed to deal with the
merits of the present case if both the States concerned were to seise it of
their disputes, whether jointly or separately, and in accordance with the

so-called "Bahraini" formula which has been acce~ted bv both of them
and which provides that each of the States is to sub'mittoihe Court such
issues as it may wish to have settled,without the other State being able to
object to their being considered.
It is in this spirit tha1 associate myself with the terms of the Judg-

lSigncd) Nicolas VALTICOS

Bilingual Content


Sans me dissocier de l'arrêtci-dessus, je souhaite préciser ma propre
pensée.C'est qu'il s'agit d'une affaire en plusieurs points confuse et dont
les élémentscomportent, si l'on peut dire, un certain déficitjuridique. Or,
en matière de compétence de la Cour, il s'impose d'avoir la certitude que
les deux Etats concernésont bien été d'accordpour soumettre leur diffé-

rend à la Cour et que l'accord a aussi portésur l'objet du différendet sur
le mode de saisine de la Cour. En l'occurrence, on ne saurait affirmer
qu'il en est bien clairement ainsi.

Certes, je suis d'avis que,comme il est indiquédans l'arrêtci-dessus, les
échanges de lettres du mois de décembre 1987 peuvent êtreconsidérés

comme un accord international, mais un accord de principe dont les
modalités restaient à préciser.Je veux bien admettre également.bien que
moins aisément, qu'on puisse aussi considérer comme un accord le pro-
cès-verbal signéi~Doha dans des conditions quelque peu obscures et des
termes qui ont paru ambigus. Ily a donc bien eu accord pour s'adresser
à la Cour.

Je ne sauraiscependant passer sous silence le fait qu'un problème s'est
poséau sujet du terme arabe «al tarafan)). utilisépar les Parties en vue de
décrirela démarche à entreprendre pour saisir la Cour.

Quoi qu'il en soit, la Cour ne devrait connaître effectivement de la pré-
sente affaire quant au fond que si les deux Etats concernésla saisissent de

leurs différends, que ce soit conjointement ou séparément,et selon la for-
mule dite «bahreïnite» acceptéepar tous deux et prévoyant que chacun
des Etats soumet à la Cour les questions qu'il estime voir celle-ci trancher
sans que l'autre Etat puisse s'opposer leur examen.

C'est dans cet esprit que je m'associe aux termese l'arrêt.


Without dissociating myself from the Judgment, 1 would like to be
more specific about rny own thinking. The Court has been dealing with a
case that is confused in several respects and which is, if 1may say so, not
al1that it might be from a legal standpoint. When the jurisdiction of the
Court is being consi.dered, one needs to be quite certain that the two
States concerned have indeed agreed to refer their dispute to the Court

and that they were likewise in agreement as to the subject of the dispute
and the method of seisin of the Court. As matters now stand, onecannot
assert that this is clearly the case.
Of course. 1 take the view that, as indicated in the Judgment, the
exchanges of letters of December 1987may be considered to be an inter-
national agreement. but an agreement in principle of which the imple-

menting provisions had still to be specified. 1 am likewise prepared to
admit, albeitless reatlily, that one may also consider as an agreement the
Minutes signed in Doha under somewhat obscure conditions and in
terms which have appeared ambiguous. There was indeed an agreement
to corne to the Court.
However, 1am unable to refrain from mentioning the fact that a prob-

lem has arisen with respect to the Arabic term "al-tarafan" as used by the
Parties with a view 10 describing the d6t~1urc~ltt. be taken to seise the
However that may be, the Court should only proceed to deal with the
merits of the present case if both the States concerned were to seise it of
their disputes, whether jointly or separately, and in accordance with the

so-called "Bahraini" formula which has been acce~ted bv both of them
and which provides that each of the States is to sub'mittoihe Court such
issues as it may wish to have settled,without the other State being able to
object to their being considered.
It is in this spirit tha1 associate myself with the terms of the Judg-

lSigncd) Nicolas VALTICOS

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Separate opinion of Judge Valticos (translation)
