Declaration of Judge Evensen

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The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea signed at
Montego Bay,Jamaica, on 10December 1982endeavoun to formulate in
its text of 320Articles,9Annexes and a Final Actthe prevailing(to some
extent emerging) principles of the modem law of the sea. Article 308,
paragraph 1,of the Convention provides:

"ThisConvention shallenterinto force 12months afterthe date of
deposit ofthe sixtiethinstrument of ratification or accession."

The Convention has not yet entered into force. Some 54Stateshave at
present (ratified) acceded to the Convention. However, a number of
the main principles laid down in this instrument must presumably be
accepted as established principles ofthe modem lawof nations.
The Convention upholds the substantive distinction between islands
and rocks.Withregardtothe régimeofislandsArticle 121,paragraph 2,of
theConvention providesthat islandsshallinprinciple bedealtwithunder
the samelegalrégimeasotherland territories. Article 121,paragraph 2,of
the Convention States:

"the territorial sea,the continuouszone, the exclusiveeconomiczone
and the coniinental shelf ofin island are deiermined in accordance
withthe provisionsofthisConvention applicable to otherland terri-
However,in this respecta cleardistinctionhasbeen made inthe Conven-
tion between islands and rocks. Article 121,paragraph 3, provides with
regard to rocks:

"Rocks whichcannot sustain human habitation or economic life
of their own shall have no exclusiveeconomic zone or continental
Throughout their pleadings both Parties have referredto and qualified
Jan ~a~ën asan i&d. IntGewritrenpleadingsithasbeen siated ihat the
leneth ofthe idand is53.6kilometresand that the breadth varies between
2.5and 16kilometres forming a total area of 380square kilometres. For

comparison, it has been mentioned that "the total area ofthe Republic of
Malta is 316 square kilometres" (Counter-Memorial of Nonvay, Vol. 1,
p. 23,para. 78).In this relation, it is also ofinterestto note that the moun-
tain of Beerenberg withan altitude of 2,277 metres above sea levelis the
second or third highest mountain oFihe Kingdomof Nonvay.
Jan Mayenmust obviouslvbetaken inioconsideration indelimitinn the
maritime areas concemed.~owever, it should also be re~o~nizedthat


Greenland - of the sizeof a continen- isfacing a rather small island,
Jan Mayen. Butit wasemphasizedin the caseconcemingthe Continental
Shelf(LibyanArabJamahiriya/Malta) that in principle "there can be no
question of distributivejustice" in such delimitation cases (I.C.J. Reports
1985, p. 40, para.46), although application of the median line (equi-
distance line) approach in the circumstances of the present case might
possibly lead to inequitable results.

As stated in paragraph 90 of this Judgment, it lies within the Court's
measure of discretion in order to arrive at an equitable result to make
proper provisionsforestablishingasystemforequitable accesstothe fish-

eries resources in the "area of overlapping claims". In paragraphs 91-92
and on sketch-map 2, the Judgment has outlined the detailed division
between the two countries of the fishery zones in the area, givingw-e
ordinates of the relevant basepoints and baselines concemed. 1endone
these findings.

Bilingual Content


The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea signed at
Montego Bay,Jamaica, on 10December 1982endeavoun to formulate in
its text of 320Articles,9Annexes and a Final Actthe prevailing(to some
extent emerging) principles of the modem law of the sea. Article 308,
paragraph 1,of the Convention provides:

"ThisConvention shallenterinto force 12months afterthe date of
deposit ofthe sixtiethinstrument of ratification or accession."

The Convention has not yet entered into force. Some 54Stateshave at
present (ratified) acceded to the Convention. However, a number of
the main principles laid down in this instrument must presumably be
accepted as established principles ofthe modem lawof nations.
The Convention upholds the substantive distinction between islands
and rocks.Withregardtothe régimeofislandsArticle 121,paragraph 2,of
theConvention providesthat islandsshallinprinciple bedealtwithunder
the samelegalrégimeasotherland territories. Article 121,paragraph 2,of
the Convention States:

"the territorial sea,the continuouszone, the exclusiveeconomiczone
and the coniinental shelf ofin island are deiermined in accordance
withthe provisionsofthisConvention applicable to otherland terri-
However,in this respecta cleardistinctionhasbeen made inthe Conven-
tion between islands and rocks. Article 121,paragraph 3, provides with
regard to rocks:

"Rocks whichcannot sustain human habitation or economic life
of their own shall have no exclusiveeconomic zone or continental
Throughout their pleadings both Parties have referredto and qualified
Jan ~a~ën asan i&d. IntGewritrenpleadingsithasbeen siated ihat the
leneth ofthe idand is53.6kilometresand that the breadth varies between
2.5and 16kilometres forming a total area of 380square kilometres. For

comparison, it has been mentioned that "the total area ofthe Republic of
Malta is 316 square kilometres" (Counter-Memorial of Nonvay, Vol. 1,
p. 23,para. 78).In this relation, it is also ofinterestto note that the moun-
tain of Beerenberg withan altitude of 2,277 metres above sea levelis the
second or third highest mountain oFihe Kingdomof Nonvay.
Jan Mayenmust obviouslvbetaken inioconsideration indelimitinn the
maritime areas concemed.~owever, it should also be re~o~nizedthat


La convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer, signée à
Montego Bay (Jamaïque) le 10 décembre 1982, par son texte de
trois cent vingt articles, ses neuf annexes et un acte final, s'efforce de
formulerlesprincipes envigueur(dans unecertaine mesure naissants)du
droit de lamermoderne. Leparagraphe Ide l'article 308de laconvention

«La Convention entre en vigueur douze mois après la date de
dépôtdu soixantièmeinstmment de ratification ou d'adhésion.»
La convention n'est pas encore entréeen vigueur.A l'heure actuelle,
cinquante-quatre Etatsyontadhéré(ou l'ont ratifiée). Maiislfautsuppo-
serque nombre desgrands principes énoncés dans cetinstmment doivent
êtreacceptéscommd eesprincipes bienétablisdu droitesgens moderne.
Laconvention consacre la distinction fondamentale quiexisteentre les
îlesetlesrochers.Enceouiconcerne lerégimedesîles.leoaraeraohe 2de
l'article 121de laonvehtion dispose qu'ën principe iesiles d0i;ent étre
soumisesaumême régimejuridiquequelesautresterritoires terrestres.Ce
paragraphe 2dispose que:

«la mer territoriale, la zone contiguë, la zone économiqueexclusive
et le plateau continental d'une ilesont délimconformémentaux
dispositions de la convention applicables aux autres territoires
Cependant, les auteurs de la convention ont établà ce sujet une nette

distinction entre les îles et les rochers. En ce qui concerne les rochers, le
paragraphe 3de l'article 121stipule cequi suit:
«Les rochers quine seprêtent pasàl'habitationhumaine ouà une
vieéconomiquepropre n'ontpasdezoneéconomiqueexclusivenide
plateau continental.
Tout au longde leurs exposés,lesdeux Partiesparlent deJan Mayenen

laqualifiantd'île.Dans leursécritures,on litqueîlea 53.6kilomètresde
long,et que sa largeur varieentre 2à516kilomètres,sa superficie totale
étantainside 380kilomètres carrés.titredecom~araison. ila étédiotue
la superficie totale «de la Républiquede Malt...est de 316 kilomèGes
carrés»(contre-mémoiredela Norvège,vol.1,p.23,par. 78).Acepropos,
il est intéressant ausside noter que le Beerenberg,qui a une altitude de
2277mètresau-dessus du niveau de la mer,estunedes deux ou troisplus
hautes montagnes du Royaume de Norvège.
Jan Maven doit iil'évidenceètreorise en considérationDourdélimiter
leszonesmaritimes en question. Cependant, ilfaut aussi reconnaître que


Greenland - of the sizeof a continen- isfacing a rather small island,
Jan Mayen. Butit wasemphasizedin the caseconcemingthe Continental
Shelf(LibyanArabJamahiriya/Malta) that in principle "there can be no
question of distributivejustice" in such delimitation cases (I.C.J. Reports
1985, p. 40, para.46), although application of the median line (equi-
distance line) approach in the circumstances of the present case might
possibly lead to inequitable results.

As stated in paragraph 90 of this Judgment, it lies within the Court's
measure of discretion in order to arrive at an equitable result to make
proper provisionsforestablishingasystemforequitable accesstothe fish-

eries resources in the "area of overlapping claims". In paragraphs 91-92
and on sketch-map 2, the Judgment has outlined the detailed division
between the two countries of the fishery zones in the area, givingw-e
ordinates of the relevant basepoints and baselines concemed. 1endone

l'île,Jan Mayen, à laquelle le Groenland - qui a les dimensions d'un
continent - fait face, est relativement petite. Mais la Cour a souligné,
dans l'affairedu Plateau continenta(lJamahiriyaarabelibyenne/Malte),le
principe ((qu'ilne saurait êtrequestion de justice distributive)) dans de

tellesaffaires de délimitationC.I.J.Recueil1985,p. 40,par. 46),bien que
l'application de la méthodede la ligne médiane(ligne d'équidistance)
dans lescirconstancesdelaprésenteaffairerisquepeut-être deconduire à
des résultatsinéquitables.
Commeelleledit au paragraphe 90deson arrêt,ilentre dans leslimites
dupouvoirdiscrétionnairequeconfère à laCour lanécessitédeparvenir à
un résultatéquitabled'assurerde manière appropriéeun accèséquitable
auxressourceshalieutiquesdans la <(zonedechevauchementdes revendi-
cations)). Aux paragraphes 91 et 92 de son arrêtet sur le croquis no2, la

Cour a indiqué en détailcomment doivent être partagées entreles deux
pays leszones de pêchedans la région,en donnant les coordonnées des
points de base et des lignes de base pertinents. Je souscris à ces conclu-

(Signé)Jens EVENSEN.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of Judge Evensen
