Declaration of Judge Lachs

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The Court's Judgment has necessarily to dwell on and resolve only
issues of procedure Cjurisdictionand admissibility);judgments of this

type maybe exposed to criticismasbeing apparently legalistic.
Yet solutions of matters of procedure are essential in the activities of
anycourt, astheydetermine itsroleinthe fate ofa disputebroughtbefore
it.Suchdecisionsmayconstitutethe Court's lastwordinsuchadispute,or
theymayopenthe door to substantiveconsideration. Intakingthesedeci-
sions,this Court has to exercisethe utmost careto discourageattempts to
resort to it in any caseacking a proper jurisdictional foundation, but at
the same time not to deny Statestheir right to benefit from its decisions
where such a foundation does exist. Sometimesthe mere opening of the
door maybring about a solution to a dispute.

In the present casethe Court has had to take decisions which - aswill

be clearfrom a mere reading ofthe Judgment - have not been freefrom
complexities,placing onjudges serious responsibilities,both as regards
analysis of the underlying circumstances of the case, and of a juridical
The Court has not prejudged the future. Thus the Parties retain their
freedom of action, and fullpossibilities of findingsolutions.
Al1 these considerations have prompted me to givemy support to this
decision,votingin favour ofthe Judgment, as 1have in 18ofthe 19Judg-
mentsin the elaboration of which 1have participated.

(Signed) Manfred LACHS.

Bilingual Content


The Court's Judgment has necessarily to dwell on and resolve only
issues of procedure Cjurisdictionand admissibility);judgments of this

type maybe exposed to criticismasbeing apparently legalistic.
Yet solutions of matters of procedure are essential in the activities of
anycourt, astheydetermine itsroleinthe fate ofa disputebroughtbefore
it.Suchdecisionsmayconstitutethe Court's lastwordinsuchadispute,or
theymayopenthe door to substantiveconsideration. Intakingthesedeci-
sions,this Court has to exercisethe utmost careto discourageattempts to
resort to it in any caseacking a proper jurisdictional foundation, but at
the same time not to deny Statestheir right to benefit from its decisions
where such a foundation does exist. Sometimesthe mere opening of the
door maybring about a solution to a dispute.

In the present casethe Court has had to take decisions which - aswill

be clearfrom a mere reading ofthe Judgment - have not been freefrom
complexities,placing onjudges serious responsibilities,both as regards
analysis of the underlying circumstances of the case, and of a juridical
The Court has not prejudged the future. Thus the Parties retain their
freedom of action, and fullpossibilities of findingsolutions.
Al1 these considerations have prompted me to givemy support to this
decision,votingin favour ofthe Judgment, as 1have in 18ofthe 19Judg-
mentsin the elaboration of which 1have participated.



L'arrêdte la Cour doitnécessairementnetraiteretne résoudreque des
questions de procédure (compétenceetrecevabilité).On peut reprocher
aux arrêtsde cegenre d'être apparemment empreintsdejuridisme.
C'est cependant une des activitésessentiellesde tout tribunal que de
trancher des questions de procédure puisqueces questions déterminent
l'attitudequ'iladoptequantausort àréserveràun différendportédevant
lui.Enprenantune telledécision,laCour peut soitstatuer définitivement
sur cedifférend,soitouvrirlavoie àl'examenau fond. Lorsqu'elle sepro-
nonce,la Cour doit veilleravecleplus grand soin àdécouragertoute ten-

tative de porter devant elle un différenden l'absence de fondement de
juridiction adéquat,sans pour autant nier aux Etats ledroit qui est leleur
de bénéficierde ses décisions lorsqu'il existe un tel fondement.Il suffit
parfois d'ouvrir lavoie l'examenau fond pour qu'un différendtrouvesa
Dans la présente affaire, la Cour a dû prendre des décisions qui
n'étaientpas sans souleverde délicatesquestions,ainsiqu'ilressort de la
lecture del'arrêt. aresponsabilitédesjuges étaitgrande,qu'il s'agissede
l'examende la situation dans laquelle l'affaire s'inscrivaitou de l'aspect
(juridiquede leur responsabilité.
La Cour n'a pas préjugél'avenir. Les Parties conservent donc leur
libertéd'action ettoutes possibilitésde trouver des solutions.
Toutes ces considérationsm'ont conduit à donner mon appui à cette
décisionde la Cour. Sur les dix-neuf arrêts l'élaboration desquelsj'ai

participé,c'est ledix-huitièmepour lequelj'aivoté affirmativement.

(Signé)Manfred LACHS.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of Judge Lachs
