Separate Opinion of Judge Schwebel

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1havevoted for and generally support theJudgment. However, it isnot
clearthat theCourt iscorrect in accordingtheKerkennahIslandsonly half

effect in the Drocess of delimitation. The Kerkennahs are substantial
islands, close;O the Tunisian mainland, divided from it by shallowwaters
in whose banks fisheries are fixed ; the considerable population has an
ancientand sustained fishing and maritimetradition. Under international
law,thecontinental shelfincludesthe sea-bed andsubsoil areasadjacent to
the coasts of islands. There is no rule of international law which affords
islands less than their full effect in the delimitation of the continental
shelf ;however, in somecircurnstances it may be equitable to giveislands
lessthan theirfulleffect. It issubmittedthat, in this case,theCourt hasnot
carried the burden of demonstrating why granting full effect to the Ker-
kennah~ would result in giving them "excessive weight".

(Signed)Stephen M. SCHWEBEL.

Bilingual Content


1havevoted for and generally support theJudgment. However, it isnot
clearthat theCourt iscorrect in accordingtheKerkennahIslandsonly half

effect in the Drocess of delimitation. The Kerkennahs are substantial
islands, close;O the Tunisian mainland, divided from it by shallowwaters
in whose banks fisheries are fixed ; the considerable population has an
ancientand sustained fishing and maritimetradition. Under international
law,thecontinental shelfincludesthe sea-bed andsubsoil areasadjacent to
the coasts of islands. There is no rule of international law which affords
islands less than their full effect in the delimitation of the continental
shelf ;however, in somecircurnstances it may be equitable to giveislands
lessthan theirfulleffect. It issubmittedthat, in this case,theCourt hasnot
carried the burden of demonstrating why granting full effect to the Ker-
kennah~ would result in giving them "excessive weight".



J'ai voté pour l'arrêt, quj'appuie en général.Il n'est cependant pas

évidentque la Cour ait raison de n'accorder aux îles Kerkennah qu'un
demi-effet dans le processus de délimitation.Les Kerkennah sont desîles
importantes, proches delaTunisiecontinentale,dont ellesne sont séparées
quepar deseauxpeu profondes où sont installéesdespêcheriesfixes ;leur
population nombreuse se livre àla pêche eta d'autres activités maritimes
selon une tradition ancienne et ininterrompue.En vertu du droit interna-
tional, le plateau continental comprend les fonds marins et le sous-sol
adjacents aux côtes insulaires. Aucune règle de droit international ne
prévoitd'accorder aux îles moins que leur effet complet dans la délimi-
tation du plateau continental ; il peut cependant être équitable, dans
certainescirconstances, deleurreconnaîtreunmoindre effet.Selonmoi, en
la présenteespèce,laCourne s'estpas acquittéedela charge de démontrer
pourquoi l'octroi d'un plein effet aux Kerkennah aurait abouti à leur

attribuer un <<oids excessif>).

(Signé Stephen M. SCHWEBEL.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Separate Opinion of Judge Schwebel
