Separate Opinion of Judge Ignacio-Pinto (translation)

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1 have voted in favour of the Judgment which the Court has given

today in the present proceedings, just asoted for the Judgment in the
proceedings instituted against France by Australia,ese being two cases
which the Court decided to regard as different, whereas in my opinion it
should have pronounced a joinder of the proceedings.
Adhering as 1 do to the reasons relied on in the dissenting opinion
which 1appended to the Order of 22 June 1973, 1do not see that there
would be any point in repeating the arguments already developed in the
separate opinion which 1 have appended to the Judgment also delivered
today in the case between Australia and France; these arguments and
reasons applymutatis mutandisto the Judgment in the present case.


Bilingual Content


J'ai votéen faveur de l'arrêt renduce jour par la Cour en la présente
affaire, tout comme j'ai votépour celui qui concerne l'affairestralie c.
France, deux instances que la Cour a voulu considérer commedifférentes
alors qu'à mon avis il fallait prononcer lajonction des deux instances.

M'en tenant aux raisons que j'avais invoquées dans mon opinion
dissidentejointeà l'ordonnance du 22juin 1973,je nevois pas l'utilitéde
répéter encoreici lesarguments déjàdéveloppésdans mon opinion indivi-
duelle jointeàl'arrêt renduce mêmejour en l'affaire Australie c. France,
lesdits arguments et raisonnements valent mutatis mutandis pour celui
rendu dans l'affaireNouvelle-Zélandec. France. SEPARATE OPINION OF JUDGE IGNACIO-PINTO


1 have voted in favour of the Judgment which the Court has given

today in the present proceedings, just asoted for the Judgment in the
proceedings instituted against France by Australia,ese being two cases
which the Court decided to regard as different, whereas in my opinion it
should have pronounced a joinder of the proceedings.
Adhering as 1 do to the reasons relied on in the dissenting opinion
which 1appended to the Order of 22 June 1973, 1do not see that there
would be any point in repeating the arguments already developed in the
separate opinion which 1 have appended to the Judgment also delivered
today in the case between Australia and France; these arguments and
reasons applymutatis mutandisto the Judgment in the present case.


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Separate Opinion of Judge Ignacio-Pinto (translation)
