Declaration of President Lachs (as appended immediately after the judgment)

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the fisheriesin theeas around her coasts for their livelihood and
economic development ;
(6) that by reason of its fishingactivities in the areas specifiedin sub-
paragraph 2, the Federal Republic of Germany also has estab-

lished rights in the fishery resources of the said areas on which
elements of its people depend for their livelihood and economic
well-being ;
(cj the obligation to pay due regard to the interests of other States
in the conservation and equitableexploitation of these resources;
(d) that the above-mentioned rights of Iceland and of the Federal
Republic of Germany should each be given effect to the extent
compatible with the conservation and development ofthe fishery
resources in the areas specified in subparagraph 2 and with the
interests of other States in their conservation and equitable
(ej their obligation to keep under review those resources and to

examine together, in the light of scientific and other available
information, such measures as may be required for the conserva-
tion and development, and equitable exploitation of those
resources, making use of the machinery established by the
North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention or such other means
as may be agreed upon as a result of international negotiations,

by ten votes to four,
(5) finds that it is unable to accede to the fourth submission of the
Federal Republic of Germany.

Done in English, and in French, the English text being authoritative,

at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-fifth day of July, one thou-
sand nine hundred and seventy-four, in three copies, of which one will'be
placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the
Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and to the Government
of the Republic of Iceland respectively.

(Signed) Manfred LACHS,

(Signed) S. AQUARONE,


President LACHSmakes the following declaration :

1am in agreement with the reasoning and conclusions of the Court,and
since the Judgment speaks for and stands by itself, I would not feel it
appropriate to make any gloss upon it.

Bilingual Content


the fisheriesin theeas around her coasts for their livelihood and
economic development ;
(6) that by reason of its fishingactivities in the areas specifiedin sub-
paragraph 2, the Federal Republic of Germany also has estab-

lished rights in the fishery resources of the said areas on which
elements of its people depend for their livelihood and economic
well-being ;
(cj the obligation to pay due regard to the interests of other States
in the conservation and equitableexploitation of these resources;
(d) that the above-mentioned rights of Iceland and of the Federal
Republic of Germany should each be given effect to the extent
compatible with the conservation and development ofthe fishery
resources in the areas specified in subparagraph 2 and with the
interests of other States in their conservation and equitable
(ej their obligation to keep under review those resources and to

examine together, in the light of scientific and other available
information, such measures as may be required for the conserva-
tion and development, and equitable exploitation of those
resources, making use of the machinery established by the
North-East Atlantic Fisheries Convention or such other means
as may be agreed upon as a result of international negotiations,

by ten votes to four,
(5) finds that it is unable to accede to the fourth submission of the
Federal Republic of Germany.

Done in English, and in French, the English text being authoritative,

at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-fifth day of July, one thou-
sand nine hundred and seventy-four, in three copies, of which one will'be
placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the
Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and to the Government
of the Republic of Iceland respectively.

(Signed) Manfred LACHS,

(Signed) S. AQUARONE,


President LACHSmakes the following declaration :

1am in agreement with the reasoning and conclusions of the Court,and
since the Judgment speaks for and stands by itself, I would not feel it
appropriate to make any gloss upon it. tributaire des pêcheries deseaux avoisinant ses côtes pour sa sub-
sistance et son développement économique;
b) le fait que, vu l'activitéde ses pêcheursdans les régions spécifiées
au sous-paragraphe 2, la République fédCraled'Allemagne a aussi
des droits établis à l'égard des ressources halieutiques de ces
régions dont des élémentsde sa population sont tributaires pour
leur subsistance et leur prospéritééconomique;

c) l'obligation de tenir dûment compte des intérêtsd'autres Etats à la
conservation et à l'exploitation équitable de ces ressources;
d) le fait que les droits susmentionnés de l'Islande et de la République
fédéraled'Allemagne devraient pouvoir s'exercer dans la mesure
compatible avec la conservation et le développement des ressources
halieutiques tiaris les régions specifiéesau sous-paragraphe 2 et

avec les intérêts d'autresEtatsà la conservation et à l'exploitation
équitable de ces ressources;
e) l'obligation de continuer à étudier la situation de ces ressources et
d'examiner ensemble, compte tenu des renseignements scientifiques
et autres données disponibles, !es mesures qu'imposent la conser-
vation, le développement et l'exploitation équitable de ces res-
sources, en utilisant le mécanismeétablipar la Convention sur les

pêcheries de l'Atlantique du nord-est ou tout autre moyen qui
pourrait êtreacceptéà l'issue de négociations internationales;

par dix voix contre quatre,
5) dit ne pas pouvoir donner suite à la quatrième conclusion de la
République fédérale d'Allemagne.

Fait en anglais et en français, le texte anglais faisant foi, au palais de la
Paix, à La Haye, le vingt-cinq juillet mil neuf cent soixante-quatorze, en
trois exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé auxarchives de la Cour et dont
les autres seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la Répu-
blique fédérale d'Allemagne et au Gouvernement de la République


Le Président,
(Signé) Manfred LACHS.

Le Greffier,

(Signé) S. AQUARONE.

M. LACHS,Président, fait la déclaration suivante:

Je souscris aux motifs et aux conclusions de la Cour et, comme l'arrêt
n'appelle pas d'explications et se suffit à lui-même, je n'estimerais pas

approprié de présenter des commentaires a son sujet.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of President Lachs (as appended immediately after the judgment)
