Declaration of President Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (as appended immediately after the judgment)

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to the other Party, even if Iceland has chosen not to appoint an Agent,
file a Counter-Memorial or submit preliminary objections to the Court's
jurisdiction; and Article 53 of theStatute both entitles the Court and, in

the present proceedings, requires it to pronounce upon the question of its
jurisdiction. This it has now done with binding force.

46. For these reasons,

by fourteen votes to one,

finds that it has jurisdiction to entertain the Application filed by the
Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland on 14April 1972and to deal with the merits of the dispute.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace, The Hague,this second day of February, one thou-
sand nine hundred and seventy-three, in three copies, of which one will
be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the
Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland and to the Government of the Republic of Iceland, respectively.


(Signed) S. AQUARONE,

President Sir Muhammad ZAFRULLA KHANmakes the following dec-

1am in entire agreement with the Judgment of the Court. 1consider it
needful, however, to append the following brief declaration.
The sole question before the Court in this phase of these proceedings
is whether, in viewof the compromissory clause in the Exchange of Notes
of II March 1961between the Government of the United Kingdom and
the Government of Iceland, read with Article 36 (1) of its Statute, theCourt is competent to pronounce upon the validity of the unilateral ex-
tension by Iceland of its exclusive fisheriesjurisdiction from to 50
nautical miles from the baselines agreed to by the parties in 1961. Al1
considerations tending to support or to discount the validity of Iceland's

action are, at this stage, utterly irrelevant. Toy such consideration
into aid for the purpose of determining the scope of the Court's jurisdic-
tion, would not only beg the question but would put the proverbial cart
before the horse with a vengeance and is to be strongly deprecated.

Judge Sir Gerald FITZMAURIa Cppends a separate opinion to the
Judgment of the Court.

Judge PADILLN AERVO appends a dissenting opinion to the Judgment of
the Court.

(Initialled) Z.K.
(Initialled) S.A.

Bilingual Content

to the other Party, even if Iceland has chosen not to appoint an Agent,
file a Counter-Memorial or submit preliminary objections to the Court's
jurisdiction; and Article 53 of theStatute both entitles the Court and, in

the present proceedings, requires it to pronounce upon the question of its
jurisdiction. This it has now done with binding force.

46. For these reasons,

by fourteen votes to one,

finds that it has jurisdiction to entertain the Application filed by the
Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland on 14April 1972and to deal with the merits of the dispute.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace, The Hague,this second day of February, one thou-
sand nine hundred and seventy-three, in three copies, of which one will
be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the
Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland and to the Government of the Republic of Iceland, respectively.


(Signed) S. AQUARONE,

President Sir Muhammad ZAFRULLA KHANmakes the following dec-

1am in entire agreement with the Judgment of the Court. 1consider it
needful, however, to append the following brief declaration.
The sole question before the Court in this phase of these proceedings
is whether, in viewof the compromissory clause in the Exchange of Notes
of II March 1961between the Government of the United Kingdom and
the Government of Iceland, read with Article 36 (1) of its Statute, theadresséespar I'Island~à la Cour età la Partie adverse, mêmesi l'Islande
a choisi de ne pas désignerd'agent, de ne pas déposer de contre-mémoire
et de ne pas présenter d'exceptions préliminaires la compétencede la
Cour; l'article53du Statut donne à la Cour le droit et, dans la présente
affaire, lui impose l'obligation de se prononcer sur le problème de sa
compétence. C'est ce qu'elle fait par une décisionayant l'autorité de la
chose jugée.

46. Par ces motifs,

par quatorze voix contre une,
dit qu'ellea compét'encepour connaître de la requête déposée par le

Gouvernement du R.oyaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du
Nord le 14avril 1972et statuer sur le fond du différend.

Fait en français e.t en anglais, le texte anglais faisant foi, au palais
de la Paix,à La Haye, ledeuxfévriermilneuf centsoixante-treize, en trois
exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé auxarchives de la Cour et dont
lesautresseront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement du Royaume-
Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et au Gouvernement de
la République d'Islande.

Le Président,

Le Greffier,

(Signé) S. AQUARONE.

Sir Muhammad ZAFRULLK AHAN, Président, fait la déclaration

Je souscris entièrementà l'arrêtde la Cour. J'estime cependant néces-
saire de lui adjoindre la brèvedéclaration qui suit.
La seule question dont la Cour soit saisie dans la phase actuelle de la
présente instance est celle de savoir si, vu la clause compromissoire de
l'échangede notes du 11mars 1961entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-
Uni et le Gouvernernent islandais et compte tenu de l'article6, para-Court is competent to pronounce upon the validity of the unilateral ex-
tension by Iceland of its exclusive fisheriesjurisdiction from to 50
nautical miles from the baselines agreed to by the parties in 1961. Al1
considerations tending to support or to discount the validity of Iceland's

action are, at this stage, utterly irrelevant. Toy such consideration
into aid for the purpose of determining the scope of the Court's jurisdic-
tion, would not only beg the question but would put the proverbial cart
before the horse with a vengeance and is to be strongly deprecated.

Judge Sir Gerald FITZMAURIa Cppends a separate opinion to the
Judgment of the Court.

Judge PADILLN AERVO appends a dissenting opinion to the Judgment of
the Court.

(Initialled) Z.K.
(Initialled) S.A.graphe 1, de son Statut, la Cour cht conipéterite pour se prononcer sur

la validitéde l'acte ~inilatéralpar leqiiel I'lslande a étendu sa juridiction
exclusive en matière de pêcheriesde 12 milles à 50 niilles ~narins à partir
des lignes de base coiîveniies par les parties en 1961. Toutes les con-
sidérations militant pour OLI contrc I:1validiti. de cet acte de l'Islande
sont, ail stade actuel, entièreineiit dépourvues de pertinence. Invoq~ier
quelque considérationi de ce genre pour déterniiner l'étendue de la

compétence de la Cour, ce ne serait pas seulement préjuger la question
mais bel et bien mettre la charrue devant les bŒufset une telle façon de
faire doit être:t~ormellementdésapprouvée.

Sir Gerald FITZMAURI ugE,, joint à l'arrêtun exposéde son opinion


M. PADILLA NERVO j,ge, joint à l'arrêt un exposé de son opinion

(ParaphéZ j.K.

(Purupf~é) S.A.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of President Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan (as appended immediately after the judgment)
