Declaration by Judge Spiropoulos (translation)

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To my very great regret, 1 differ from the Judgment on some
points :

With regard to the first and second submissions of Portugal on
the merits of the case, 1 am in agreement, in principle, with the
opinion of Judges Armand-Ugon, Wellington Koo and Sir Percy
With regard to the submission of Portugal that India must end
the measures by which it opposes the exercise of the right of passage,
1 consider that the point of view of the Government of India must
be adopted for the following reasons:
It is a fact that after the departure of the Portuguese authorities,
the population of the enclaves set up a new autonomous authority
based upon the will of the population. Since the right of passage

assumes the continuance of the administration of the enclaves by
the Portuguese, the establishment of a new power in the enclaves
must be regarded as having ipso facto put an end to the right of

Bilingual Content


A notre plus vif regret, nous nous écartons du jugement sur
quelques points :
En ce qui concerne la première et la deuxième conclusion du
Portugal sur le fond de l'affaire, nous partageons, en principe,
l'opinion des juges Armand-Ugon, Wellington Koo et sir Percy
En ce qui concerne la conclusion du Portugal selon laquellee
doit mettrefinaux mesures par lesquelles elle s'oppose au droit de
passage, nous estimons qu'il faut se ranger au point de vue du
Gouvernement de l'Inde, et cela pour les raisons suivantes:

Il est un fait qu'après le départ des autorités portugaises, la
population des enclaves a organiséune nouvelle autorité autonome
baséesur la volonté de cette population. Le droit de passage sup-
posant la continuation de l'administration des enclaves par le
Portugais, l'établissement d'un nouveau pouvoir aux enclaves doit
êtreconsidéré commeayant mis fin i$sofactoau droit de passage.

To my very great regret, 1 differ from the Judgment on some
points :

With regard to the first and second submissions of Portugal on
the merits of the case, 1 am in agreement, in principle, with the
opinion of Judges Armand-Ugon, Wellington Koo and Sir Percy
With regard to the submission of Portugal that India must end
the measures by which it opposes the exercise of the right of passage,
1 consider that the point of view of the Government of India must
be adopted for the following reasons:
It is a fact that after the departure of the Portuguese authorities,
the population of the enclaves set up a new autonomous authority
based upon the will of the population. Since the right of passage

assumes the continuance of the administration of the enclaves by
the Portuguese, the establishment of a new power in the enclaves
must be regarded as having ipso facto put an end to the right of

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration by Judge Spiropoulos (translation)
