Declaration by Judge Kojevnikov (translation)

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Judge F. 1. Kojevnikov States that he can concur neither in the
reasoning nor in the operative part of the Judgment on the first

and second points, for he is of opinion that in this case the Court
has no jurisdiction to examine and adjudicate upon the ments of
the dispute.
Since the majority has found that it has jurisdiction to adjudicate
upon the merits of the dispute, Judge F. 1. Kojevnikov finds it
necessary to state that he is likewise unable to concur in the
reasoning or in the operative part of the Judgment on the third
point, since, in his opinion, Portugal did nopossess, and does not
possess any sovereignrights over Dadra and Nagar-Aveli, and since
it never had and has not now any right of passage over Indian
territory to these regions and between each of them.
Consequently Judge F. 1. Kojevnikov, while not being in agree-
ment with al1the reasoning, concurs in the Judgment only on the
fourth point and on the fifth point, without however recognizing
that Portugal has any right of passage over Indian territory in
respect of private persons, civil officials and goods in general.

(Signed) F. 1. KOJEVSIKOT.

Bilingual Content


Le juge F. 1. Kojevnikov déclare ne pouvoir se rallier ni aux
motifs, ni au dispositif de l'arrêtsur lI~~et le zme points, car il
estimeque dans cette affaire la Courn'est pas compétente d'examiner
et de juger le différend au fond.

Vu que la majorité s'est reconnue compétente pour juger cette
affaire au fond, le juge F.1.Kojevnikov trouve nécessaire de dé-
clarer qu'il ne peut pas non plus se rallier aux motifs et au dispositif
del'arrêt sur leme point, carà son avis le Portugal n'a pas possédé
et ne possède pas de droits souverains sur Dadra et Nagar-Aveli, et
qu'il n'a pas eu et n'a pas de droit de passage sur territoire indien
vers ces régionset de l'uneà l'autre.

En conséquence, le juge F. 1. Kojevnikov, sans être d'accord
avec tous les motifs, ne se rallià l'arrêt que le sur leqme point
ainsi que sur legme point, sans cependant reconnaître au Portugal
un droit de passageà travers le territoire indien, y compris pour les
personnes privées, les fonctionnaires civils et les marchandises en
Judge F. 1. Kojevnikov States that he can concur neither in the
reasoning nor in the operative part of the Judgment on the first

and second points, for he is of opinion that in this case the Court
has no jurisdiction to examine and adjudicate upon the ments of
the dispute.
Since the majority has found that it has jurisdiction to adjudicate
upon the merits of the dispute, Judge F. 1. Kojevnikov finds it
necessary to state that he is likewise unable to concur in the
reasoning or in the operative part of the Judgment on the third
point, since, in his opinion, Portugal did nopossess, and does not
possess any sovereignrights over Dadra and Nagar-Aveli, and since
it never had and has not now any right of passage over Indian
territory to these regions and between each of them.
Consequently Judge F. 1. Kojevnikov, while not being in agree-
ment with al1the reasoning, concurs in the Judgment only on the
fourth point and on the fifth point, without however recognizing
that Portugal has any right of passage over Indian territory in
respect of private persons, civil officials and goods in general.

(Signed) F. 1. KOJEVSIKOT.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration by Judge Kojevnikov (translation)
