Declaration by Judge Basdevant (translation)

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1 have understood the dispute referred to the Court as relating
essentially to the conflict of views between the Parties with regard
to the lawfulness or unlawfulness of the measures taken by India
in respect of passage between Daman and the enclaves, it being
possible to hold that those measures were unlawful, as alleged
by Portugal, only if it first be found that passage constitutes a

right of Portugal and not the result of a practice of accommodation
on the part of the sovereign of the neighbouring territories: on this
point, too, a conflict of views between the Parties has emerged
before the Court. Portugal claims that it has a right of passage to
the extent necessary for the exercise of its sovereignty over the
enclaves and that that right was disregarded by India in 1954 .t
does not appear to me that the Court has been asked to adjudicate
upon the existence of this right of passage in respect of any given
categories as between which the Court has made a distinction.
1 have moreover felt that it was only in order to determine the
lawfulness or unlawfulness of a particular measure restricting pas-
sage that the distinction between the passage of private persons,
that of civilofficials, that of armed forces, etc., could arise, for the
purpose of determining whether the restrictive measure was such
as to compromise the exercise of Portuguese sovereignty over the
enclaves. A restriction of passage applied to the Governor of
Daman has in this connection a significance different from that of
the same restriction applied to a private person.
The Court has adopted a different course. 1 have, consequently,
acceded to the method which it has adopted.
Following this course, 1 observe that Portugal has not attributed
an absolute character to the right of passage which it claims. Apart
from its limitation to that which is necessary for the exercise of its
sovereignty over the enclaves, Portugal recognizes that the exer-

cise of the right is subject to the regulation and control of India.
1 agree with the Judgment that that dual limitation is not sufficient
to deprive theright claimed of al1substance. At the same time 1 am
of opinion that the combination of these various elements must
lead us to interpret with prudence the facts relied upon and not
too readily to consider a given example of regulation as equivalent
to a gratuitous concession or that a given restriction is necessarily
an infringement of a right of passage, assuming such a right to be
found .
While subscribing to what is said by the Court as to the present
decision being one dependent upon the particular facts of the case,
1 should have been inclined to place more weight upon the fact
that in the present case two territorial sovereignties, mutually

recognized, confront each other. A duty of mutual respect is in-
cumbent upon both. The problem is to define, and to make clear
in the light of the facts complained of by Portugal, the scope of

that duty, and to do this for the concrete case before the Court,
taking into account as accurately as possible the rights of each of
the Parties without exaggerating, on the one hand, the requirements
of Portuguese sovereignty over the enclaves or, on the other hand,
those of Indian sovereignty in the intervening territory. The recon-
ciling of the requirements of these two sovereignties was achieved
during a long period, taking into account the particular features of
the case, by the practice established between the Parties.Itwas in
that direction that 1 looked to seek the solutions which, in this
particular case, seemed to me those most in accordance with legal
Acceding to the method adopted by the Court, 1 have had to
express my view on the issues which it regards as arising. This 1
have done, on some points in the sense adopted by the Court, on
other points in the contrary sense. 1 shall confine myself to this

indication without going into further detail, Article57 of the
Statute entitling me, but not requiring me, to state in greater
detail the extent of my dissent.


Bilingual Content


J'ai compris le différend soumis à la Cour comme portant essen-
tiellement sur l'opposition de vues entre Parties touchant le carac-
tère licite ou illicite des mesures prises par'Inde à l'égarddu pas-
sage entre Damao et les enclaves, le caractère illicite de ces mesures,
invoqué par le Portugal, ne po~ivant êtreretenu que s'il est préala-

blement constaté que le passage constitue pour le Portugal un droit
et non le résultat de pratiques bénévolesde la part du souverain
des territoires avoisinants: sur ce point aussi s'est affirméedevant
la Cour une o~1oIition de vues entre Parties. Le Portue<, 1ré tend
qu'il a un droit de passage dans la mesure nécessaire à l'exercice de
sa souveraineté sur les enclaves et que ce droit a étéméconnu par
l'Inde en 1954. Il ne m'apparaît pas qu'il ait été demandé à la
Cour de statuer sur l'existence de ce droit de passage pour telle ou
telle des catégories que la Cour a distinguées.

J'ai pensé, d'autre part, que c'était seulement quand il s'agit de
déterminer le caractère licite ou illicite de telle ou telle mesure
restrictive du passage que la distinction entre lepassage despersonnes
privées, celui des fonctionnaires civils, celui des forces armées, etc.,
pouvait apparaître, cela en vue de déterminer si la mesure restric-
tive est de nature à compromettre l'exercice de la souveraineté
du Portugal sur ses enclaves. La même restriction au passage
opposée au gouverneur de Damao a une autre portée à cet égard
que celle opposée à une personne privée.

La Cour a procédéautrement. Je me suis, en conséquence, plié
à la méthode adoptée par elle.
Entrant dans cette voie, j'observe que le Portugal n'a pas donné
un caractère absolu au droit de passage par lui revendiqué. En dehors
de la limitation à ce qui est nécessaireàl'exercice de sa souveraineté
sur les enclaves, le Portugal reconnaît que ce droit est soumis
dans son exercice à la réglementation et au contrôle de l'Inde. Je
suis d'accord avec l'arrêt pour reconnaître que cette double limi-
tation ne suffit pasà vider le droit revendiqué de sa substance; en
mêmetemps j'estime que la combinaison de ces divers éléments

doit conduire àinterpréter avec prudence les faits invoqués et à ne
pas admettre trop facilement que telle réglementation équivaut à
une concession bénévole ouque telle restriction est par là mêmeune
atteinte au droit de passage supposé reconnu.

Tout en souscrivant à ce qu'a dit la Cour sur le caractère de déci-
sion d'espèce de la décision ici rendue, j'aurais volontiers retenu
davantage la constatation que, dans le cas présent, deux souverai-
netés territoriales, reconnues de part et d'autre, sont en présence.

1 have understood the dispute referred to the Court as relating
essentially to the conflict of views between the Parties with regard
to the lawfulness or unlawfulness of the measures taken by India
in respect of passage between Daman and the enclaves, it being
possible to hold that those measures were unlawful, as alleged
by Portugal, only if it first be found that passage constitutes a

right of Portugal and not the result of a practice of accommodation
on the part of the sovereign of the neighbouring territories: on this
point, too, a conflict of views between the Parties has emerged
before the Court. Portugal claims that it has a right of passage to
the extent necessary for the exercise of its sovereignty over the
enclaves and that that right was disregarded by India in 1954 .t
does not appear to me that the Court has been asked to adjudicate
upon the existence of this right of passage in respect of any given
categories as between which the Court has made a distinction.
1 have moreover felt that it was only in order to determine the
lawfulness or unlawfulness of a particular measure restricting pas-
sage that the distinction between the passage of private persons,
that of civilofficials, that of armed forces, etc., could arise, for the
purpose of determining whether the restrictive measure was such
as to compromise the exercise of Portuguese sovereignty over the
enclaves. A restriction of passage applied to the Governor of
Daman has in this connection a significance different from that of
the same restriction applied to a private person.
The Court has adopted a different course. 1 have, consequently,
acceded to the method which it has adopted.
Following this course, 1 observe that Portugal has not attributed
an absolute character to the right of passage which it claims. Apart
from its limitation to that which is necessary for the exercise of its
sovereignty over the enclaves, Portugal recognizes that the exer-

cise of the right is subject to the regulation and control of India.
1 agree with the Judgment that that dual limitation is not sufficient
to deprive theright claimed of al1substance. At the same time 1 am
of opinion that the combination of these various elements must
lead us to interpret with prudence the facts relied upon and not
too readily to consider a given example of regulation as equivalent
to a gratuitous concession or that a given restriction is necessarily
an infringement of a right of passage, assuming such a right to be
found .
While subscribing to what is said by the Court as to the present
decision being one dependent upon the particular facts of the case,
1 should have been inclined to place more weight upon the fact
that in the present case two territorial sovereignties, mutually

46Un devoir de respect mutuel s'impose à elles. Le problème est de
définiret de préciser au regard des faits critiqués par le Portugal
la portée de ce devoir, de le faire pour le cas d'espèce en tenant
compte aussi exactement que possible des droits de chacune des
Parties, sans exagérer, d'un côté, les besoins de la souveraineté
portugaise sur les enclaves ni, de l'autre, ceux de la souveraineté
indienne sur le territoire intermédiaire. La conciliation entre les
exigencesde ces deux souverainetés a étélongtempsréalisée,compte

tenu des particularités de l'espèce,par la pratique établie entre les
Parties. C'est de ce côté que je me suis tourné pour chercher les
solutions qui, dansle cas d'espèce,me paraissent les plus conformes
aux principes du droit.

Mepliant àla méthodeadoptéepar la Cour, j'ai dû me prononcer
sur les questions par elle retenues. Je l'ai fait tantôt dans le sens
adopté par elle, tantôt dans un sens opposé. Je me borne à cette
indication sans fournir de plus amples précisions, l'arti57edu
Statut m'offrant la faculté, mais ne m'imposant pas l'obligation
de préciser davantage la mesure de mon dissentiment.

recognized, confront each other. A duty of mutual respect is in-
cumbent upon both. The problem is to define, and to make clear
in the light of the facts complained of by Portugal, the scope of

that duty, and to do this for the concrete case before the Court,
taking into account as accurately as possible the rights of each of
the Parties without exaggerating, on the one hand, the requirements
of Portuguese sovereignty over the enclaves or, on the other hand,
those of Indian sovereignty in the intervening territory. The recon-
ciling of the requirements of these two sovereignties was achieved
during a long period, taking into account the particular features of
the case, by the practice established between the Parties.Itwas in
that direction that 1 looked to seek the solutions which, in this
particular case, seemed to me those most in accordance with legal
Acceding to the method adopted by the Court, 1 have had to
express my view on the issues which it regards as arising. This 1
have done, on some points in the sense adopted by the Court, on
other points in the contrary sense. 1 shall confine myself to this

indication without going into further detail, Article57 of the
Statute entitling me, but not requiring me, to state in greater
detail the extent of my dissent.


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration by Judge Basdevant (translation)
