Declaration by Judge Moreno Quintana (as appended immediately after the judgment)

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Parent Document Number
Document File
Bilingual Document File

Done in French and English, the French text being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace,The Hague, this sixth day of July, onethousand
nine hundred and fifty-seven, in three copies, one of which will be
placed in the archives of the Court and the others will be trans-
mitted to the Government of the French Republic and to the
Government of the Kingdom of Norway, respectively.



(Sig~zed) J. LOPEZOLIV-b,

Judge MOREXO QUINTANA af,ter voting for the Judgment, made
the following declaration:

The reason why 1 consider that the Court is without juris-
diction in this case is different from that given in the Judgment.
I base myself, not on the second ground of the first Objection
put fonvard by the Government of the Kingdom of Nomay
but on the first ground of that Objection. State loans, as
being acts of sovereignty, are governed by municipal law.

Vice-President BXDAWIand Judge Sir Hersch LAGTERPACHT,
availing themselves of the right conferred on them by Article 57
of the Statute, append to the Judgment of the Court statements of
their individual opinions.

Judges GUERRERO B,ASDEVANTand READ,availing themselves
of the right conferred on them by Article57 of the Statute, append
to the Judgment of the Court statements of their dissenting

(Initialled) G. H. H.
(Initialled) J. L. O.

Bilingual Content

Fait en français et en anglais, le texte français faisafoi, au
Palais de la Paix, La Haye, le six juillet mil neuf cent cinquante-
sept, en trois exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposéaux archives
de la Cour et dont les autres seront transmis respectivement au

Gouvernement de la République française et au Gouvernement
du Royaume de Norvège.

Le Président,

Le Greffier,

M. TOREN N QUISTANA,juge, après avoir voté pour l'arrêt, a
fait la déclaration suivante:
La raison poar laquelle je considère incompétente la Cour

en l'espèce est différente de celle énoncéedans l'arrêt. Je me
fonde, non sur le deuxième motif de la première exception
soulevée par le Gouvernement du Royaume de Norvège,
mais sur le premier motif de cette exception. Les emprunts
d'État, en tant qu'actes de soiiveraineté, sont régis par le
droit interne.

M. BADAWI,Vice-Président, et Sir Hersch LAUTERPACHT,
juge, se prévalant du droit que leur confère l'articleu Statut,
joignent à l'arrêtles exposésde leur opinion individuelle.

MM. GCERREROB , ASDEVANe Tt READ,juges, se prévalant du
droit que leur confère l'artic57 du Statut, joignenà l'arrêtles
exposésde leur opinion dissidente.

(Paraphé) G. H. H.
(Paraphé) J.L. O. Done in French and English, the French text being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace,The Hague, this sixth day of July, onethousand
nine hundred and fifty-seven, in three copies, one of which will be
placed in the archives of the Court and the others will be trans-
mitted to the Government of the French Republic and to the
Government of the Kingdom of Norway, respectively.



(Sig~zed) J. LOPEZOLIV-b,

Judge MOREXO QUINTANA af,ter voting for the Judgment, made
the following declaration:

The reason why 1 consider that the Court is without juris-
diction in this case is different from that given in the Judgment.
I base myself, not on the second ground of the first Objection
put fonvard by the Government of the Kingdom of Nomay
but on the first ground of that Objection. State loans, as
being acts of sovereignty, are governed by municipal law.

Vice-President BXDAWIand Judge Sir Hersch LAGTERPACHT,
availing themselves of the right conferred on them by Article 57
of the Statute, append to the Judgment of the Court statements of
their individual opinions.

Judges GUERRERO B,ASDEVANTand READ,availing themselves
of the right conferred on them by Article57 of the Statute, append
to the Judgment of the Court statements of their dissenting

(Initialled) G. H. H.
(Initialled) J. L. O.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration by Judge Moreno Quintana (as appended immediately after the judgment)
