United Nations General Assembly and Security Council elect Ms Hilary Charlesworth as Member of the Court

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Press Release
No. 2021/30
5 November 2021
United Nations General Assembly and Security Council elect Ms Hilary Charlesworth as Member of the Court
THE HAGUE, 5 November 2021. The General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations today elected Ms Hilary Charlesworth as a Member of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), with immediate effect.
Of Australian nationality, Ms Charlesworth succeeds Mr. James Richard Crawford, former judge of the Court, who passed away on 31 May 2021 (see Press release No. 2021/17). Pursuant to Article 15 of the Statute of the Court, Ms Charlesworth will hold office for the remainder of Mr. Crawford’s term, which is due to expire on 5 February 2024.
Ms Charlesworth’s biography is annexed to this press release.
Photographs taken of the election in the General Assembly and the Security Council will be available on the United Nations website.
Composition of the Court
Following the election held on 5 November 2021 by the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, the composition of the Court is as follows:
President Joan E. Donoghue (United States of America)
Vice-President Kirill Gevorgian (Russian Federation)
Judges Peter Tomka (Slovakia)
Ronny Abraham (France)
Mohamed Bennouna (Morocco)
Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade (Brazil)
Abdulqawi A. Yusuf (Somalia)
Xue Hanqin (China)
Julia Sebutinde (Uganda)
Dalveer Bhandari (India)
Patrick Lipton Robinson (Jamaica)
Nawaf Salam (Lebanon)
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Iwasawa Yuji (Japan) Georg Nolte (Germany) Hilary Charlesworth (Australia)
For more information on the composition of the Court, the way in which candidates are nominated and the election procedure, please refer to press release No. 2020/33.
Note: The Court’s press releases are prepared by its Registry for information purposes only and do not constitute official documents.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It was established by the United Nations Charter in June 1945 and began its activities in April 1946. The Court is composed of 15 judges elected for a nine-year term by the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations. The seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands). The Court has a twofold role: first, to settle, in accordance with international law, through judgments which have binding force and are without appeal for the parties concerned, legal disputes submitted to it by States; and, second, to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by duly authorized United Nations organs and agencies of the system.
Information Department:
Mr. Andrey Poskakukhin, First Secretary of the Court, Head of Department (+31 (0)70 302 2336)
Ms Joanne Moore, Information Officer (+31 (0)70 302 2337)
Mr. Avo Sevag Garabet, Associate Information Officer (+31 (0)70 302 2394)
Ms Genoveva Madurga, Administrative Assistant (+31 (0)70 302 2396)
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Curricula vitae*
Charlesworth, Hilary (Australia)
Born 28 February 1955, Leuven, Belgium (Australian citizen)
Doctor of Juridical Science, Harvard Law School
B.A. (Hons); LL.B. (Hons), University of Melbourne
Professional Qualifications
Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of Victoria (admitted 1981)
Current Positions
Harrison Moore Chair in Law, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne (2021–)
Melbourne Laureate Professor, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne (2016–)
Distinguished Professor, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University (2010–)
Judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice in the Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899 (Guyana v Venezuela) case (2019–)
Previous Positions
Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University
Judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice in the Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v Japan) case
Director, School of Regulation, Justice and Diplomacy, Australian National University
Director, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australian National University
Australian Research Council Federation Fellow, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University
Professor, Regulatory Institutions Network, College of Asia and the Pacific and Professor of International Law and Human Rights, College of Law Australian National University
Professor and Director of the Centre for International and Public Law, Faculty of Law, Australian National University
Hearing Commissioner, Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
* Curricula vitae are issued without formal editing.
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John Bray Professor, Law School, University of Adelaide
Commissioner (part-time), Australian Law Reform Commission
Senior Lecturer, Law School, University of Melbourne
Lecturer, Law School, University of Melbourne
Associate, Sullivan & Cromwell, New York
Human Rights Fellow, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva (June to September)
Associate to Justice Ninian Stephen, High Court of Australia
Articled Clerk, Gillotts, Melbourne
Teacher, Mayo College, Ajmer, India
Visiting Appointments
JC Smith Distinguished Visitor, University of Nottingham Law Faculty (March)
Shimizu Visiting Professor, London School of Economics (October)
Kate Roseman Distinguished Professor, Albany Law School (April)
James J. Coleman, Sr. Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law, Tulane Law School (October to November)
Visiting Professor, UCLA Law School (January to February)
Visiting Professor, Université de Paris (Paris I) (November)
Sir Ninian Stephen Fellow, Asia-Pacific Centre for Military Law, University of Melbourne
Wayne Morse Professor, University of Oregon (January to February)
Member, Global Law Faculty, New York University
Manley O Hudson Visiting Professor of International Law, Harvard Law School (August to December)
Frances Lewis Scholar in Residence, Washington and Lee Law School, Lexington, Virginia
Adjunct Professor, Northeastern University School of Law, Boston
Lecturer, College of Law, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Visiting Lecturer
July 2019
Hague Academy of International Law (General Course)
June 2015
Academy of European Law, European University Institute
May 2011
Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School Summer School
August 2010
Hague Academy of International Law (Special Course)
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June 2005
University of Otago, Dunedin, International Relations Winter School
September 2004
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, International Law Summer School
Defence and Strategic Studies Course, Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies, Australian Defence College
August 1999
University of Helsinki International Law Summer School
Selected Awards and Fellowships
Distinguished Scholar Award, International Law Section, International Studies Association
Doctorate, Honoris Causa Faculté de Droit et de Criminologie, Université Catholique de Louvain
Life Membership, Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law
Associate Member, Institut de Droit International
Rockefeller Center Bellagio Residency
Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship (2010–2015)
Member of the Order of Australia
Goler T Butcher Medal awarded by the American Society of International Law for ‘outstanding contributions to the development or effective realization of international human rights law’ (with CM Chinkin)
Australian Research Council Federation Fellowship (2005–2010)
Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences in Australia
Annual Book Prize of the American Society of International Law for ‘preeminent contribution to creative scholarship’ for The Boundaries of International Law (with CM Chinkin)
Francis Déak Prize, American Society of International Law (co-winner)
Fulbright Scholarship, Frank Knox Memorial Harvard Scholarship, R.G. Menzies
Scholarship to Harvard
Harvard Human Rights Fellowship
Italian Government Scholarship, Università per Stranieri, Perugia, Italy
Current Editorial Positions
Honorary Editor, American Journal of International Law (2021–)
Member, Editorial Board, Law and Practice of International Courts & Tribunals (2021–)
Member, Advisory Board, Third World Approaches to International Law Review (2019–)
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Member, Advisory Board, Australian Year Book of International Law (2017–)
Advisory Editor, London Review of International Law (2013–)
Member, Editorial Board, Humanity (2012–)
Member, Editorial Board, Asian Journal of International Law (2010–)
Member, International Board of Advisers, City University of Hong Kong Law Review (2009–)
Member, Advisory Board, Australian Feminist Law Journal (1993–)
Advisory Editor, Leiden Journal of International Law (2000–)
Member, Honorary Advisory Board, Melbourne Journal of International Law (2000–)
Member, Advisory Board, New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law (2003–)
Selected Professional and Community Activities
Chair, Advisory Board, Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness (2020–)
Chair, Awards Committee, Asian Society of International Law (2018–)
Member, Curatorium, Hague Academy of International Law (2018–)
Co-ordinating Lead Author on International Institutions, International Panel on Social Progress (2015–2018)
Member, Australian-American Fulbright Commission Board (2012–2014)
Member, Academic Council, Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School (2009–)
Member, Australian Group, Permanent Court of Arbitration (2009–2020)
Member, Executive Council, Asian Society of International Law (2009–2011, 2015–2017)
Member, Advisory Council, Center on Law and Globalization, American Bar Foundation and University of Illinois College of Law (2008–2015)
Member, Gender Justice Advisory Council, The Hague (2003–)
Member, International Advisory Board, MIT Program on Human Rights and Justice (2002–)
Counsellor, American Society of International Law (2000–2005)
Member, International Law Association Committee on Gender and International Law (1993–2011)
President, Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (1998–2002)
Selected Publications
Books and Monographs
Charlesworth, H. 2015, Democracy in International Law The Hague: Hague Academy of International Law (371 Recueil des Cours pp. 53–152)
Charlesworth, H. 2013, Sexe, Genre et Droit International Paris: A. Pedone (French translation of a series of articles published 1993–2009), with introduction by Stephanie Hennette-Vauchez
Braithwaite, J., Charlesworth, H. & Soares A. 2012, Networked Governance of Freedom and Tyranny: Peace in Timor-Leste Canberra: ANU E Press
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Braithwaite, J., Dinnen, S., Allen, M., Braithwaite, V. & Charlesworth, H. 2010, Pillars and Shadows: Statebuilding as Peacebuilding in Solomon Islands Canberra: ANU E Press
Braithwaite, J., Charlesworth, H., Reddy, P. & Dunn, L. 2010, Reconciliation and Architectures of Commitment: Sequencing Peace in Bougainville Canberra: ANU E Press
Weston, B., Falk, R.A., Charlesworth, H. & Strauss, A.L. 2006, International Law and World Order 4th edn, Minneapolis: West Publishing Co.
Charlesworth H. & Chinkin C. 2000, The Boundaries of International Law Manchester: Manchester University Press (Winner, American Society of International Law Certificate of Merit 2001 for ‘preeminent contribution to creative scholarship’; translated into Japanese 2005)
Weston, B., Falk, R.A. & Charlesworth, H. 1997, International Law and World Order 3rd edn, Minneapolis: West Publishing Co.
Edited Books
Farrall J. & Charlesworth, H. eds 2016, Strengthening the Rule of Law through the UN Security Council Oxford & New York: Routledge
Charlesworth, H. & Larking E. eds 2014, Human Rights and the Universal Periodic Review: Rituals and Ritualism Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Charlesworth, H. & Coicaud, J. eds 2010, Fault Lines of International Legitimacy New York: Cambridge University Press
Bowden, B., Charlesworth H., & Farrall, J. eds 2009, The Role of International Law in Rebuilding Societies after Conflict: Great Expectations Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Charlesworth, H., & Donovan, D.F. eds 2006, Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law: A Just World Under Law Washington DC: ASIL
Charlesworth, H., Chiam, M., Hovell, D. & Williams, G. eds 2005, The Fluid State: International Law and National Legal Systems Sydney: Federation Press
Charlesworth, H. 2017, ‘International Legal Encounters with Democracy’ Global Policy vol. 8, pp. 34–43
Authers, B. & Charlesworth, H. 2014, ‘The Crisis and the Quotidian in International Human Rights Law’ Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2013, pp. 19–38
Charlesworth, H. 2010, ‘The Woman Question in International Law’ Asian Journal of International Law vol. 1, pp. 1–6
Chinkin, C. & Charlesworth, H. 2006, ‘Building Women into Peace: The International Legal Framework’ Third World Quarterly vol. 27, pp. 937–957
Charlesworth H. 2005, ‘Feminist Ambivalence about International Law’ International Legal Theory vol. 11, pp. 1–8
Charlesworth, H. 2003, ‘The Constitution of East Timor’ International Journal of Constitutional Law vol. 2, pp. 325–334
Charlesworth, H. 2003, ‘Why Obey International Law? Managing Conflicts with Municipal Law’ Proceedings of the 97th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law pp. 120–123
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Charlesworth, H. 2003, ‘Feminist Approaches to Human Rights’ in Feminist Perspectives on the New Global Order Ewha Women’s University, Seoul, pp. 97–116
Charlesworth, H. 2002, ‘Author! Author! A Response to David Kennedy’ Harvard Human Rights Law Journal vol. 15, pp. 127–132
Charlesworth, H. 2002, ‘International Law: A Discipline of Crisis’ Modern Law Review vol. 65, pp. 377–392
Charlesworth, H. 2002, ‘The Hidden Gender of International Law’ Temple International and Comparative Law Journal vol. 16, pp. 93–102
Charlesworth, H. 2000, ‘The Inadequacy of “Collective Security”’ Finnish Yearbook of International Law vol. IX, pp. 39–46
Charlesworth, H. 2000, ‘The Project of Reconfiguration: How can International Law be Reconstituted?’ Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law pp. 74–75
Charlesworth, H. 1999, ‘Feminist Methods in International Law’ American Journal of International Law vol. 93, pp. 379–394 (a revised version published in A. Ratner & M. Slaughter eds. 2004, The Methods of International Law, Studies in Transnational Legal Policy No 36, ASIL, Washington DC, pp. 159–183)
Charlesworth, H. 1998, ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Customary International Law’ Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of American Society of International Law pp. 44–47
Charlesworth, H. 1996, ‘The Significance of the Composition of the International Court of Justice’ Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law pp. 317–325
Charlesworth, H. 1996, ‘Cries and Whispers: Responses to Feminist Scholarship in International Law’ Nordic Journal of International Law vol. 65, pp. 557–568
Charlesworth, H. & Chinkin, C. 1993, ‘The Gender of Jus Cogens’ Human Rights Quarterly vol. 15, pp. 63–76
Charlesworth, H. 1993, ‘General Principles of Law as a Source of International Law’ Proceedings of the Second Joint Meeting of the American Society of International Law and the Netherlands International Law Society pp. 421–424
Charlesworth, H. 1992, ‘Subversive Trends in International Law Theory’ Proceedings of the American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, pp. 125–130
Charlesworth, H. 1991, ‘Customary International Law and the Nicaragua Case’ Australian Yearbook of International Law vol. 11, pp. 1–30
Charlesworth, H., Chinkin, C. & Wright, S. 1991, ‘Feminist Approaches to International Law’ American Journal of International Law vol. 85, pp. 613–645 (awarded the Francis Déak Prize, American Society of International Law 1992)
Byrnes, A. & Charlesworth, H. 1985, ‘Federalism and the International Legal Order’ American Journal of International Law vol. 79, pp. 622–640
Chapters in Books
Charlesworth, H. 2021, ‘Feminist Futures in International Human Rights Law’ in Human Rights Futures N. Bhuta ed., Oxford: Hart Publishing (in press)
Charlesworth, H. 2021, ‘Culture and Tradition in the International Human Rights System’ in Justice and World Order: Reassessing Richard Falk’s Scholarship and Advocacy G. Andreopoulos & C. Carey eds, Oxford and New York: Routledge (in press)
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Charlesworth, H. 2021, ‘Rituals and Ritualism in the International Human Rights System’ in The Struggle for Human Rights – Law, Politics, Practice: Essays in Honour of Philip Alston N. Bhuta & F. Mégret eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 202–224
Charlesworth, H. 2019, ‘Prefiguring Feminist Judgment in International Law’ in Feminist Judgments in International Law L. Hobson & T. Lavers eds, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 479–493
Charlesworth, H. 2019, ‘Democracy’ in Concepts for International Law J. D’Aspremont & S. Singh eds, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 164–178
Charlesworth, H. & Farrall, J. 2016, ‘Regulating the rule of law through the Security Council’, in Strengthening the Rule of Law through the UN Security Council J. Farrall & H. Charlesworth eds, Oxford and New York: Routledge pp. 1–10
Charlesworth, H. 2013, ‘International Human Rights Law: A Portmanteau for Feminist Norms?’ in Feminist Strategies in International Governance G. Calgar, E. Pruegl & S. Zwingel eds, London: Routledge pp. 21–36
Charlesworth, H. 2012, ‘Conclusion: Centrality and Marginality in International Law’ in Non-State Actors, Soft Law and Protective Regimes: From the Margins C. Bailliet ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press pp. 281–288
Charlesworth, H. 2012, ‘Conclusion’ in The ICJ and the Evolution of International Law: The Enduring Impact of the Corfu Channel Case K. Bannelier, T. Christakis & S. Heathcote eds, London: Routledge pp. 357–362
Charlesworth, H. 2011, ‘The Conceptual Politics of Democracy in International Law’ in The Conceptual Politics of Democracy Promotion C. Hobson & M. Kurki eds, London: Routledge pp. 189–200
Charlesworth, H. 2010, ‘The Legitimacies of International Law’ in Faultlines of International Legitimacy H. Charlesworth & J. Coicaud eds, New York: Cambridge University Press pp. 389–398
Charlesworth, H. 2009, ‘“Worlding Women” in International Law’ in Gender and Global Politics in the Asia Pacific B. D’Costa & K. Lee-Koo eds, New York: Palgrave Macmillan pp. 19–37
Bowden, B., Charlesworth, H., & Farrall, J., 2009, ‘Introduction’ in The Role of International Law in Rebuilding Societies after Conflict: Great Expectations B. Bowden, H. Charlesworth & J. Farrall eds, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press pp. 1–14
Charlesworth, H. 2008, ‘International law: a view from the Antipodes’ in Regards d’une Generation sur le Droit International Emmanuelle Jouannet, Helene Ruiz Fabri, Jean-Marc Sorel eds, Paris: Editions Pedone pp. 161–167
Charlesworth, H. 2007, ‘Prospects and Problems for Feminist Theories in International Law’ in Multiculturalism and International Law Kalliopi Koufa ed., Athens: Sakkoulas Publications pp. 177–222
Charlesworth, H. 2006, ‘Judge Ad Hoc of the International Court of Justice’ in A Remarkable Public Life: Essays in Honour of Sir Ninian Stephen Tim McCormack & Cheryl Saunders eds, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press pp. 176–256
Chinkin, C., Wright, S. & Charlesworth, H. 2005, ‘Feminist Approaches to International Law: Reflections from Another Century’ in International Law: Modern Feminist Approaches D. Buss & A. Manji eds, Portland: Hart Publishing pp. 17–45
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Charlesworth, H., Chiam, M., Hovell, D. & Williams, G. 2005, ‘International Law and National Law: Fluid States’ in The Fluid State: International Law and National Legal Systems H. Charlesworth, M. Chiam, D. Hovell & G. Williams eds, Sydney: Federation Press pp. 1–17
Charlesworth, H. 2005, ‘Current Trends in International Legal Theory’ in Public International Law: An Australian Perspective, 2nd edn, S. Blay, R. Piotrowicz & M. Tsaymeni eds, Melbourne: Oxford University Press pp. 402–411
Charlesworth, H. & Chinkin, C. 2004, ‘Regulatory Frameworks in International Law’ in Regulating Law C Parker, C Scott, N Lacey & J Braithwaite eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press pp. 246–268
Charlesworth, H. 2002, ‘Concepts of Equality in International Law’ in Litigating Rights: Perspectives from Domestic and International Law G. Huscroft & P. Rishworth eds, Oxford: Hart Publishing pp. 137–147
Charlesworth, H. 1998, ‘The UN Treaty-Based Human Rights System: An Overview’ in Indigenous Peoples, the United Nations and Human Rights S. Pritchard ed., London/Sydney: Zed Books/Federation Press pp. 66–73
Charlesworth, H. 1998, ‘Individual Complaints: An Overview and Admissibility Requirements’ in Indigenous Peoples, the United Nations and Human Rights S. Pritchard ed., London/Sydney: Zed Books/Federation Press pp. 74–80
Charlesworth, H. 1997, ‘Current Trends in International Legal Theory’ in Public International Law: An Australian Perspective S. Blay, R. Piotrowicz & M. Tsaymeni eds, Melbourne: Oxford University Press pp. 408–418
Charlesworth, H. 1995, ‘Worlds Apart: Public/Private Distinctions in International Law’ in Public and Private: Feminist Legal Debates M. Thornton ed., Melbourne: Oxford University Press pp. 243–260
Encyclopaedias and Companions
Charlesworth, H. 2019, ‘Treaties on Women’ in Oxford Handbook of United Nations Treaties S. Chesterman, D. Malone & S. Villalpando eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 249–265
Charlesworth, H. 2018, ‘International Law and International Justice’ in Oxford Handbook of International Political Theory C. Brown & R. Eckersley eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 143–152
Charlesworth, H. 2016, ‘Gender and International Law’ in Handbook on Gender in World Politics J. Steans & D. Tepe-Belfrage eds, Oxford: Edward Elgar, pp. 137–144
Charlesworth, H. 2012, ‘Law-making and Sources’ in The Cambridge Companion to International Law J. Crawford & M. Koskenniemi eds, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187–202
Charlesworth, H. 2008, ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ in Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Public International Law R. Wolfrum ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press (vol. X pp. 567–575 in printed version)
Charlesworth, H. 2008, ‘International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’ in The New Oxford Companion to Law P. Cane & J. Conaghan eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 603
Charlesworth, H. 2008, ‘International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ in The New Oxford Companion to Law P. Cane & J. Conaghan eds, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 603–4

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United Nations General Assembly and Security Council elect Ms Hilary Charlesworth as Member of the Court
