Questions put by the Court under Article 62, paragraph 1, of its Rules

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1. Requests for further evidence
1. Could the Dcmocratic Republic of Congo (hereinafier DRC) provide the "victim identification
forms" that were prepared and collected by the DRC's Expert Commission, as well as any
additional evidence it might have regarding individuel victims?
2. Could the DRC produce evidence to support its estimates for the number of persans killed in
direct attacks on civilians, the number of victims of personal injury, and the number of rape
victims, in Ituri district, during the period of Uganda's occupation?
3. Could the DRC provide to the Court the evidence on which it bases its claims of US$300 for
each persan who fled his or her home to escape deliberate acts of violence against civilian
populations, and US$100 for each persan who was driven from his or her home by the
4. Could the DRC provide the Court with evidence and explain its methodology regarding the
value of damaged educational establishments, healthcare establishments, and administrative
buildings, in Ituri district, due to wrongful acts attributable to Uganda?
5. Could the DRC provide the Court with evidence regarding the locations, ownership, average
production, and concessions or licenses for each mine and forest for which it daims
compensation for illegal exploitation by Uganda?
6. Could Uganda explain if there were any procedures in place between 1998 and 2003 in
Uganda to detennine the origin of gold, diamonds, timber, or coltan dealt with in Uganda or
exported from Uganda?
7. Has either Party so far investigated or prosecuted any individuals in relation to violations of
international humanitarian law in the DRC in the period 1998-2003?
8. ln relation to unlawful acts of which irregular forces does the DRC claim compensation from
2. Methodological questions
9 Cou Id the DRC expia in the basis on which it attributes to Uganda 45% of the responsibility for
damage caused by States and anned groups not supported by Ugandn?
10. Could the DRC explain its methodology in calculating the averages of awards by domestic
Congolese courts in cases of death, persona! injury, rape and child soldiers, on which the DRC
relies? Could the DRC supply the cases on which it relied in the calculation ofthese averages,
as well as cases excluded?
11. Could the DRC provide more detail on its methodology regarding the use of loss of future
incarne as the basis of claims for compensation in respect of deaths that were not the result of
deliberate acts of violence?
12. Could the DRC clarify whether mnterial and non-material harm is included in its valuation of
injury to persans, in particular with respect to rape and the recruitment of child soldiers?
13. Can the DRC explain its methodology for the calculation of property damage in Kisangani
(US$ i 7,323,998), in Beni (US$5,526,527) and in Butembo (US$2,680,000)?
14. Can the DRC ex.plain its methodology for assessing the proportion of each type of dwelling
destroyed in Ituri district and the reconstruction costs for the dwellings?
3. Questions regarding reparation mechanisms/processes
15. Could the DRC explain in more detail the basis on which it claims US$100,000,000 as a
measure of satisfaction for non-material hann caused by Uganda to the DRC?
16. Could the DRC explain the legaI basis for the creation of a fund to promote reconciliation
between the Hema and Lendu ethnie groups in lturi district as a measure of satisfaction
payable by Uganda?
17. Can bath Parties submit their views with respect to collective reparations, including the fonn
they should take?

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Questions put by the Court under Article 62, paragraph 1, of its Rules
