Colombia's comments on Costa Rica's written response to the question put by Judge Bennouna at the public sitting held on Friday 15 October 2010, at 5 p.m.

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Incidental Proceedings
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The Hague -The Netherlands

Comments of Colombia on Costa Rica's Reply of 22 October 2010 to the
question posed by Judge Bennouna on 15 October 2010

1. Costa Rica states that it "has postponed ratification of the Treaty of 17 March
1977 pending the Court's judgment on the merits in the case Nicaragua and
Colombia". Notwithstanding the Treaty's non-ratification, the fact is that Costa
Rica has complied with it since the date of its conclusion. Costa Rica confirms this
when it says "that it has complied in good faith with the 1977 Treaty, that it will

continue to do so, and that2it does·not seek any particular outcome from this case
in relation to this Treaty."

2. During the hearing, Costa Rica expressly agreed with this, referring to the fact
that "Costa Rica has obligations vis-à-vis Colombia related to the 1977 line and the
treaty from which that line arose", and to Costa Rica's "international obligations, in
particular the Treaty of 1977 with the Republic of Colombia". 4

3. Moreover, the 1980 Treaty between Costa Rica and Panama, which has been
ratified by Costa Rica, recognized the 1977 boundary by stipulating that the Costa

Rica-Panama boundary extended to a point "where the boundaries of Costa Rica,
Colombia and Panama intersect".

4. No State has objected to the boundary situation established by the 1977
Treaty. That situation has contributed to stability and certainty in the area amongst
ali concerned States. ln the oral hearings, Costa Rica affirmed its commitment to

abide by the 1975 Treaty and to preserve its long-standing neighboring relationship
with Colombia, a position that Colombia fully shares.

Agent of the Republic of Colombia

Costa Rica Reply to Judge Bennouna's question (hereafter CRR), 22 Oct. 2010, para. 3.
2 CRR, para. 7.
"Counsel for Nicaragua discussed the 1977 line at great length apparently in order to demonstrate
that Costa Rica has obligations vis-à-vis Colombia related to the 1977 line and the treaty from which that line
arose. Costaica·does not contest this." CR 2010/15, 14 Oct. 2010, p. 28, para. 13(Lathrop).
4 « D'autre part, le Costa Rica n'a, en aucun cas, donné raison pour qu'on puisse interpréter ses
arguments oraux ou écrits,commen moyen d'ignorer ses obligations internationales, en particulier le traité

5e 1977 avec la Républiquede la Colombie.» CR 2010/15, 14 Oct. 2010, p. 28, para. 9 (Agent).
CR 2010115, 14 Oct. 2010, p. 15, para. 13 (Lathrop); p. 28, para. 9 (Agent).

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Document Long Title

Colombia's comments on Costa Rica's written response to the question put by Judge Bennouna at the public sitting held on Friday 15 October 2010, at 5 p.m.
