Written reply of the Kingdom of Thailand to the question put by Judge Yusuf at the end of the public sitting held on Wednesday 17 April 2013, at 3 p.m.

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Royal Thaï Embassy
No. 35001/ 2.·2.
The Hague

Z 6 April B.E. 2556(2013)


With reference to the case concerning the Request for Interpretation of the
Judgment of 15 June 1962 in the Case conceming the Temple ofPreah Vihear (Cambodia
v. Thailand) (Cambodia v. Thailand) and to your letter No. 141767 dated 17 April2013

transmitting the text of the question put to the Parties by Jmige Yusuf atthe end of the
public sitting on 17 April2013, I have the honour to hereby submit the written reply of the
Kingdom ofThailand as attached.

Accept, Sir,the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Agent of the Kingdom of Thailand

His Excellency

Mr. Philippe Couvreur
International Court of Justice,
THE HAGUE. Written Reply of the Kingdom of Tlnailand to the Question posed by Judge Yusuf

1. At the hearing on Wednesday 17 April 2013, Judge Yusuf posed the following

"What is the precise territorial extent that each of the Parties considers as the
'vicinity' of the Temple of Preah Vihear 'on Cambodian territory' referred to

in the second paragraph of the dispositif of the Court's Judgment of 1962?
Each of the Parties should answer the question by providing a set of
geographical coordinates or by reference to one of the maps which were

produced before the Court in the original proceedings."

2. The Court granted the Parties until26 April2013 to respond and to 3 May 2013 to

comment on the responses of the other Party. At the hearing on Friday 19 April 2013,
Thailand provided a preliminary response. 1 Thailand now provides its full response to
the question.

3. Judge Yusuf's question asks the Parties to provide "the precise territorial extenf'
ofwhat it considers to be the "vicinity" ofthe Temple within the meaning ofthe second

paragraph of the dispositif of the 1962 Judgment, and to indicate this either by providing
a set of geographical coordinates or by reference to a map that was produced before the
Court in the original proceedings.

4. In 1962, the ''vicinity''of the Temple was identified by the Council of Ministers
for the purposes of the withdrawal of the Thaï troops who were stationed there. That line

was placed on a map that had not been produced before the Court in the original
proceedings (see attached with points 1-4 added). Accordingly, in response to Judge
Yusufs question, Thailand provides the coordinates for that line as follows:

Points Latitude (N) Longitude (E)

1 14 23 27 104 40 46
2 14 23 53 104 40 46

3 14 23 53 104 40 49

4 14 23 48 104 41 02

Coordinates are derived from the map scale 1: 5,000.
The map was compiled using photogrammetrie method.
Ellipsoid....... World Geodetic System 1984
Projection.......... Transverse Mercator

Vertical Datum..... Mean Sea Level
Horizontal Datum ...World Geodetic System 1984

1CR2013/6, p. 40, paras. 32-33. -2-


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Document file FR
Document Long Title

Written reply of the Kingdom of Thailand to the question put by Judge Yusuf at the end of the public sitting held on Wednesday 17 April 2013, at 3 p.m.
