Documents received from the International Labour Organization

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Inrqly to yourwritteiirequestof2 Septembcr 1980 'I havethe hnnour tn
provide the Followingclcments:

1.The originaltextof theConstitutionof theTnternationdLaboiir Organi- Articl392 ofPartMI1 of theTreatynf Versailles.providcdthat thc
InternationalLabour Officc shouIdbe estahlished at the scat of thcLeaofe
Nations (i-r.. Genevaa5 partof thenrganizationofthe Lcaguc.
2. The 1946Tnstmrncnt for thcArncndment of theCotistitutiod the IL0

adoptedon 9 Octobcr1946,folIowingthe dissolutionof theLeague.and which
enterrdjnto forceon 28April 1948,replaced theabove-mentiontd provisionby
the following:

9 rrcic6e
~rt~changein thescatoftheInicsnationaI.abourOfficeshdl btdecided
by iheConfereiiceby itwo-thirdsmdjurityofthevotescastby thedeIegaies

'ThcReport of theConference1)etegation on ConstitutionalQuestionson the
Wurk ol tsFirst Session(London2 I Januaq-I5 kbruary 1945)whichunder-
took the prepararo? work for [hcinstrumenr ofamendment, rccordsccrtain
considcrati thenext of whichisappendcd(para$. 25, 3iand 32 of thesaid


3. An agreement brtween theSwicü Fcdcral Council and ihc Intemafional
Labour Organisationconcernin tgc legal statuof the lnterna~ionalI.ahour
Organisarionin Switzcrlandwas ndoptcd and signcd on Il March 1946 and

entcred inio forceon 27May 1946.
4. Article30O€ thatAgrcemeni reads as follows:
"1.This Agreement may berevised aithe requestofeitherparty.
2. In thisevent heiwo partiesshaII consuIcüchother conccrningthe

modificaiionstohe made iniisprorisiuns.
3. Ifih<:negotiationsdo not redl in an understandiwnihinone year
the Agreement niay be denounced by either parry giving twa ycars'

ke pp. 322.325-326 and 333-33i.ffu[it'nhy the Regk~y.]
!ke United KationTrpti~SeriesII. 50.103:Vol. 15s voihv rkeXcgisrcv./ 5. The anly publishedProEés-Verbo afl theadoption of ihc Agrccmcnt.a
photocopyof which isattached in Englishandin I:rencIi, indicaiesrhatnego-
tiatjons took place on 1,2, 3 and 11 Mwch 1946,hui gives no delailof the

6. In the interndfiIesnf the International1.abourOfrice, thereis aninforrnaI
"ProcCs-vcrba lcs n~gociations".This tcxtis based on noies taken hy 11.0
officiais duritig the negotiationsand hasnever bccn sccn or approvcd by thc
oiher pariy.
7. This idormal recordshows that.atthe srartofthe negotiationsofMarch
1946,both the Swiss and the IL0 negotiatorssubmitted a drdt of a possible
agreernenr . he Swis draft containecian articlon "Durée de l'accord".in the

foIlnwing terms:

"Lc prcsent arransement resteraen vigueuraussi longtemps que lesi@
dc !'Organisationinternationaledu Travail sera maintenu siir territoire
IIpourra ?ire dénoncé de part etd'autrcpour la fin d'unc anncc. sur
préavisdonnesix mois iI'itvance."

The 11.0draftconlxined ~heIcillowingprovision :

"La prkscntc convention rcstcracn vigueur,dans les termesqui pré-
cedent. aussi longtemps qu'elle n'aura paq étérndifikc d'uncommun
accord entre les parties."

At the fjrsmeeting of thenegotiators (1 March1946, morningj. itwasagreedto
iAc ihe 11.0 draFtas a hasis forthediscussiom.
8, As regards the subjcctufwhat isnow Article 30, the informa1rccord
contaiils the following (FourtI~sittin2 March 1946.dtcrnoon) :

"M.Guggenheimsouligncqu'ilseraitdésireux de voirfigurerdansI'ac-
card une dause dedénonciation.

à uncrcvisionpar l'accorddcsdcüx parties.Sil'onne parvientpas trouver
une tclle forrnulc.l'undcvraitaboutià une dispnsitiandonnant 5 chaque
partie un droilde dénonciationavec un préavisd'unc durecsuffiçantc.
Cette proposilion estacceptee.''

Yo [urtherdjscussion of theissue is recorded.
Y. TheActingDirecior OC the Lnternatianal1 ,afioesrubrnittcthedrafi
agreernentto rheGoverning Rndy of the International Labour OtfiçütirsY8ih
kssjon (May 1946),indoçumcnt GB.98/ la/19.-1.hcnvenngnoie coniains ihe
Follnu~iigassage :

"ttwas clzarlyiinderslwd, duringbnih iheconversütionshcldin London

and those held in <;eneita, thai ihz provisions of ihc.Agreement and
Armngcmcnt dcfining thc lcgd status othe 11.0 inSwiverland dter ihe
dissolution of theIxague ol Nations do notprcjudicc in any way thc
qiicstionof thescat of thcOrganisation."

IO. 1tma. perhapb se of intcreisntthe contcxt of the prcsent requestio
suppIcmentthe preccding informationby sornebnef reiercnw toagrccmcnts.
suhseqiieniin the11.0-Swiss Headq~iarters Agrecrnenrw, hich coverthe estitb-
lishmcnt of othcr IL0 Officcs. DOCUMENTS


11. An agreemenl between the Goventmeni of Pt'm and theInternational
LabourOrganisation cnncIuded on 22 June19b0contains,in Suction30, atext
corrcsponding to thatof Articl3flof the Agrccmcntbetwecn thc SwissFcdcral
CounciIand the InternationalLabour Organisation.In ternalnotesshowt hatihe

agreement as a whoIe. inciuding the provision iquestion.was basedon an
carlieragreementbeiwcen ihe Pan Antericm SanitaryOrganisaGon and Pcru. of
March I958. There is no recordofany discussionof the question.

Olher A~reenwnts for the Esrcrhlishmeirot!,O Oflices

12. Most of the other ngreerncnts forihc establishment of IL0 Offices 1
provide thai "ihe agreement will remajn in force3slong as ihe International
LabourOrganisation ha5an office in ...". They do no1contain a denunciaiion
clause, but provide that thc agreement mriybc modificd by mutual consent.

13. Fiveagreements. in addiiiun to those with Sm.iizerlandand with Peru,
contain dcnunciationclause s .aofihese make no express rcfcrenceto the
qiiestionof transferorclosurcof the IL0 Office The Agrwmeni betwcenihe
Gavemrneni of theUnited Statesol Mexicoand theInternaiionalLabour Office
of 5January 1955provides in AriiclcVI. thai "eI presenteAcuerda pdra ser
revisadopor mutuoconwntimiento delCiobiernoydc laOficina.ycualquicrade
laspartes pcdra darlo por terminado.rnotifickndotcpor escrito.laotra parte,
connoventadias dean~icipacibn"T . haitexaas includedin a draft preparedby
the Mexican Govtrnmeni and thcrç is no record of it having given rise to

di.scussion.he Agreemeni between iheGovernrnent of the IvoryCoastand the
lntcrnationat Labour Organisation of 3 Octuber 1977provides that "le présent
accord pourraetre dénonci.par l'une 011I'autre partipar noiiiicütion ecritc
adresséehI'autrepartie eticesxra deprduire sesclfen unanaprh la riçcption
de la notificaiion". Again,thetext was included in a draft prepared by the
Ciovernment.Here,interna[ minutes show ihaithe departurefrom the siandard
paticrn describcdin paragraph 12ahove waq considerednat topreseni amajor
problcm, and hencc was nat raised for discussion.
14.Two other agreements makcexpress rclcrcncc ta thqucstion of transfer

or closured the offic:
Juj Thc Agreement brtwccn the Intcmationd LabourOlficc andthe Govern-
rnetrof iheRepublic of Turkcy,of 21March 1952,procided us followsin
Article4 :

"The officeshrrllbefrcca!ilsdiscretionIOtransfer ~hManpower FieId
Office from Turkey toanyothrr country or nItogcthcrtowind up theFieId
Oflice.In caseof suchtransfer or windingup.however. theOfficeshaIlgive
theGovernmenrihree nionths' noiicethereolandshaIlretumio the Gov-
cmrncnt, as thcystand. thehuiIding and iheïiirniliplacedai itsdisposal

in accordancewith Article 3 above."
Thcrc appear rrhe no surviving interna1recordsshowing theongin of that
provision.The Agreemeni is no longer in force. the officein Instanbulhitxing

Indonesia. Lehanon.Madagascar.Nigeria, I'akistan.I'hiIippincs.ScnTamania, Fiji,
Trinidad and Tobago. - . .beeiiclosed and replaced by a country repr~çentati~ein Ankara hy rnutual
agreement of~heparties.

{bj TheAgreerrient brtweenthe Clovernmcnt of Thailand andthe Internarional
I.nbourOrganisalion of 1November 196 Iprovidesas folIowsin Article 3,
paragraph 2 :

"This Agrccmeni and any supplemrntary agreement enreredinto pur-
suant theretoshdl cease to be in force six months aller either ofthe
contractingparties shall have givennoticein writing tathe othcr of its
decisionto terminate the Agreement,except for such provisions as niay
apply io ihe orderly ierrninatianof fhc activiticsthe Organisation in
Thailand and thc disposa!of its propertythere."

That provision waf bawd on agrccmcnts concludçdearIierwiih Thailand hy
FA0 and UK (ECAFE) respectively.Interna1record$show thai, ininciiidinit
in draftspreparedhytheOffice. itwasintcnded toindicateclcarlythe power of
theOrganisation todecidcon he trmsferofits office.Counterdraftspreparcd
by thc Thai Governmçni did no[ propose any changes in thc rclcvantprovi-
15. Findly, thcAgrccmcn tbetween the Govemmen tof theArgentineRepub-
Ijcand the IniemaiionaiLabourOrganisationof 5 ApriI 1970combines the

standardprovision descrihed inparagraph12 above, namely ihat"the Agree-
mentwillremain inforccaslong astheIntermtionalLabourOrganisationha5
an oflice in BuenosAires" with thefollowingArticle 5 :
"CualquieradelitsPartespodra dcnunciarel prcsentc Acuerdo medianle

comunicacioncxprcsadirigidaalaotra.Ladenunciaprnduciraefecin lucgo
de irmscurridoun plazoque no sera menor de un aÏiofrirniulada conuna
anticipacionde 12 mesesa la Fechaen quc tendracfccio."
This appertfi tobe dueto rhe factihat anIL0 drafr containe tde standard

proviçion and that thedenunciation clawe kvasadded hy thc Govcmmcnt
without modifying theclausecitedbutwilh thedclctionof thcprovisio tnatthe
Agrccment might bc rndificd by mutüal consent.

1haveduIy notedthattheprcscntrcqucstisaltogcthcrwithoutprejudicc 10the
question of ils rclcvancc in the case beiiliCourt.

It goesaithout saying that 1remain at the Court's entire disposal Torthe
provisionof suchfurther assistarin.asitmi@ wish. IN-I IKXATION AL LADOU RCONFERENCE,TU'ENTY-NIN'i'H SESSION,


Aniendnitini.tothPConsti~uriun ujtfrT.L.O. Conscquertria ipontheDissolurionrlf


25. Certain ol thesc rcierenccs are of a genetal chaiacicr. and thc niost
convenicntmurse wouldappear iobc toornit thcm.The Delegalion aacordingly
tecornniendsthat the riilerence to thc Lcaguc of h'ations contairieci in the
opcning paragrapb of thc PrcambIc of ihe Constitution shoulhdeoinitred. that

thcprovision containcd inArticle 5tl~attireInteniafionaI.abour Officcshallbc
cstablishcd attheseatof iheLeaguedNations"as part of theorganisationofthe
1,enguevshould he abrogated. and that the preseni .4rricle 12, which prnvides
[ha:"the International LabourOflice shall be enlitIed10 thc assistancc of thc
Secretary-GeneraIof the I.eag1ieof h'ations in any matter inwhich iican bç
given",shoutd fiédeleted.

3 1.The Constitution ofthcOrganisation alsocciniainbprtivisionsconcerning
ihc scaiof the Office and theplace of meeting of iheConference, whjch will

rrquirc nidification in view of the dissoluiion of the Leagiie.
32. The I>clegationdid not considsrit within ilscompztcncc to niakc any
rwomintindation inregard to the fururescatal the [nrernatiancil abourOtiicc,
but il look note wi~hthc grcatcst satislaciion tira state~ncnl made bu the
rcprcscntativesof the Swis~Ciovernnicn ttImt the InteinationaI Labour Office
would bc most welcomein Geneva aiany tirneand that the S~vissGovernmcn t

urouldbe glad to ciiteinto an agreement withthe Organisaiinnensiiringihai i t
willcontinue to enjoy, dter the diswlution of theI.eague of Nations. ~hcfd1
ind~~endence necessary for ilie effectivedjschargcofits internutionitl rc5pon-
sibiliiies. Ir is unnecessary that thc Con,ctitution the Orgaiiisation should
dcfine the seaiul thc Offffc. and the klegation accardiriglyrticommcndsthat
thcrc should be substitutedfor the prescnt ArticIe6, which prcividzs thai the
Officeshall bc establishcd at the seai of the League,a provisionindicatingthe

prwcdure to befcillow~xiin ihe cvent ofany change of scat bcing thought
dcsir~ble.The Officewas estahlishedaiGcncvain 1920 and, in conseqüence.has
its searhere uniil that scat ischanged bg a cvmpetcnt dccision. Fora fortnal
triuisfeof the seatofthc Ofricc, as distinguished from the establishment of a
working ccntre suc11as tliat sel up in Montreal in 1940, a decision by ~hc
Conference wouIdappear tobc desirahle,and inview OF[lie iriiportancof the
niatter it woiiIseem appropriate thata two-thirdsnigority should be rcquircd

for such a dccision. The DcIcgation accordingIy rewmmcnds tliat the Consti-
tution he amendedto providc that aiy change inille seatof the International
Labour Officeshallbr:approved by theConference hya two-thirdsmajoriiy.The
Delegation considtbrs thatwherever ihe seatnf theOffice may bc Iocatcd thcrcshouldbe an arrangcrncnt hetween theIniernationnlI,abo~irOrganisationand
the rioventmen t orinternational authority having jurisdiction overtheseat
which cnsures that the Organisation will cnjoythere the luIl indepcndence
neceçsary for rhecllectivedischarge of its internationalresprinsihilitieriinril
such time as thearrangement is tcrminated hy mutud agrccmcnt. AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE LEGAL SrhTUS OF THE INTERKATIOKAL LABOUR

1.Mr.Paul Guggenheim, Professor at the University Instirutof Higher
Internationd SStiidics,Gcncva.
Mr. Daniel Sccretm, Counsellor of Lcgation, Chief of thc Intcrnütional
Unions Seciion in theSuijs Federal PoliticaIDepartment,
Mr. Max Kaufmaiin,Deputy-Directorof iheFederalOfficc ofindustry,Arts
and Craits and Labour,Swiss FederalDcpartmcnt of PubIic Economy,reprc-
sentingthe Swiss FederaIPoliiical Departinenand theSwiss 17ederaIllepart-
mcnrof Public E~onomy,

Mr. C. Wilfrcdknks, Legai Adviserof the International Labour Office,
Mr.JacquesSecretan,Consulting Aitorney ofthe InternationalLabour Office
in Switzerland,rcpresentingthe International Labour0rganj.wtion;
niet inthe Ahimrta Room in theGovcrnmcnt Buildingolthe Rcpublic and
Canton of Cienevaon I, 23 and 1i March 1946to iiegotiate an agreement
concerningthe Iegalstatm of the InternationalLahoür Organisationin Swit-
zerland alter thcdissoluti ofntheLeaguc or Nations.
Theri: werr cils0presena!the meetings :

Mr. PaulHubcr, Secretary-Generao litheDepart ment of FinanccandTares
ofihcRcpublic and Canton of Clennia,
Mr.Henrilltevenaz. Legaiion Attachi., FcdcralPoliticalDepartment.
Mr. Francis WoIf.Mernber ofihe Ixgal Sectioof the InternationalLaàniir

II. Inthecourseof thesemeetingstheFollowingtcxts,whch aiIIbeannexes io
thisproces-verbal,have been drawn up to be submitted for approvalto the
Swiss Fedcral Cnuncil and the Govcmi~ig Body of rheInternational1.ahaur

I. AgrccrncntberweentheSwissFedcraI CouncilandtheInrernational I.abour
OrganisationconccmingthcIcgiiIsiarusof theInternationalLabourOrgani-
sation in Swiizerland.
2. Arrangement for the cxecutionoithe Agreement made brtween the Swiss
FederalCouncil andihe InternaiinniilLabour Organisationconcerning the
lep1 sratusofrhcIntcrnationalLabour Organisationin SwitzerIand.

III.Further. the representativesof ihe InternationalI.abour Orgmisarion
have taken note of a staicrncntby the reprcsentativesof the Swiss Fedcrd
PoIitiçalDepartrncntof thSwissFederdDepartmentof PiihIic Economy wltiçh
wili alsrihc annexedtothisprc7ci.s-verbal.

Inwitncss whereof thispr&s-verbal has been adoptsd and signed on I I
March 1946iinder the Chairrnanshipof MI.AlbertPicot, StateCounscllorof
Gentva, inthcAlabama Rwm, cnpyof which hasbeenplaced

in thecustodyof the represcintaiivsf theSwissFcdcrüI PoliticdDcpartmcntandof the Swiss FedcralDcpartmcntof Public Econorny and one copy inthe

custody of the rcprescntativesofthe InternatirmaLabourOrganisation.

(Signe(/)Paui GUGGENHEIM
n. SI:.CHI?~~AK
Jacques SECK~TAN.

II. Agr~emmr brituwn theSwis.~FederalCouncilu~rd theinternarioncil lmbour
Orgat~isatioconccrningthehgul StrrtusuJrheInrernalionafLaholrrOrganisurioe
in Switzeriund

TheSwiss FcdcraICouncil, of ihe one part.and the InlemarionalLabour
Organisation,of theotherpari.wishing toconcludeanagrccrncnttq rcgulatethe
legalsfarusof lhe InternationalLabour Organisationin Switrerland afterthc
dis.wliiiion nf the Lcaguc of Nations havc agretxl on the following provi-
sions :

Fmdom of action of thI!,O. The Swiss FcdcralCouncil guarantees to the
Intema tional Labour Organisationthe independerice and frccdom of action
belonging toitas an internationalinstitution.

Perst)~rrtfi<ovf f.L.0.The Swiss FecIeraICouncilrwogniws the inlerna-
tionalpersonalitand Itgd capaçityin Switzerlandofthe InternarionalLabour

In~munitiesofthe t{..O. The InternationalLabourOrganisation enioys the

irnmuniticsknown ininternational law as diplornaticirnmunitics.

Iixterr;iurici/trheground~ oridbuildingsThe Swiss FedcraICbuncilrecog-

nisc she exterriioriaty of fhc grounds and buildings of ihe Inlemarional
LabourOrganisationand of al\ buildingsocçupicd by it inconneciion with
meetingsof theInternationalLabourConference orany ollicrneetingwnvcncd
in Swilzerlandbyihe InlemaiionalLabourOrganisaiion.

Freedutr01 ,~niceriï Swiss FederalCouncil recognises ihat ihelerna-
tional LabourOrgaiiisationand its Mcrnbcrsin rhcjrrelationswith theOrga-
nisation enjoyabsolu~frcedam of meetinginctuding freedom oldixussion and

iminilni+frotn/r~ulprwess atid ininiunifru?i ozhernieusures.1.The Intc-

narionalLabour Organisation.itspropertiesand assetw~hereve rhey rnaybe or Frwdorn ofoccess cztrdsujuurti.The Swiss aurhoritirsshall takethcntccssaq
measurcs to facilitate he entry into. sojoum in. and dcpariure [rom Swiçs
territoryof dl persons havingolficial biisiness nith the International1-ahaur
Organisation,that is rosay:

(UJ reprcsentativesof Mernbcr Stütes whatevermay be the relationsbetween
SwitzerIand and thesaid States :
(h) mcrnhcrsnf the Gaveming Body ofthe Intemationid Labour Oflicc. irrcs-
pectivcof nationality ;
{r) agents and officiaisof theInternational Labour Organisation ;
{d) ooter pcnons irrespectiveof nationali ty sürnrnoncdby th? Iniemaiional
I.;ihour Organisation.

2. Any police rcgulaiions tending to restrici the entry of loreigners into
Swiizerlandor to regulatethe conditionsof theirsojourn shallno1apply to the
pcrsons covered hy the prcwnt hrticlc.

1mmirnitie.O( rherepresetifuriveoof,%fernhcrusndofthe GovertiiirgDUC+ '.he
rcprcscniütivesof the Msmbers oithe Intemational LabourOrganisation and
incinbersof theGoverningBodywhoareinSwitzerlmd on olficial businessshall

enjoy therollowing privilegesand imniuniries :
(u) inviolabilty oftheperson, place ofrcsidenceand aIIabjectsbelonging tothe
personconcerned ;

(6) irnrnunity [rom junsdiciion :
(rj fiscal immunity corresponding io that accordcd to diplornaticagents in
accordancc with internationalusage as accrptedin Switzerlrtnd ;
rcicustoms facilit corrjesponding to ihoseaccordcd to diplomaiic agtritsin
accordance withinternarional usage as acceptcdin Switzerland ;
(c)therighr io use cyphersin thejrofIicia1communicaiinnsand to reservcand
send documtnis and corrcspondencetiy courjer or duly scalcd diplornatic
bags ;

(j)cxcrnption froni cxchange rcstriciions undercoriditions identicai tothose
accordcdto diploinaticagetitsof foreignGovcrnments on ternporary mis-

DiplonioticininiuniiiroaftheDirectorand cerruifiofficiu/Tite Ilirectorofrhe
InicmationalLabour Ofliceandofficiais ofthe categoriesdesignatedhy himand
agreed trihy the Swiss Federal Council shall cnjoythc privilegc>,inimunities.
cxçmptionsandlaciliigire anted todiplornaticagents in accordancc \vthinrer-
nationallaw and custom.

Imnruniricsundfacikric.~occorded iouliojficiul Asl.offiàals of ihe 1nterna-
doniil LabourDilice. irrespeciiveof nationality.;hall enjoyihe foIIowingimmu-
nitiesand facilii :ies

(u)exempiionfrom juridiction for al1 acts perforrned in ~hrdischargeof their
duties ; INTERPRETATION 01' Al.;KliIiMIiN-1

~#~i~n-re.~ponsihiiSugifzcriandSwiizerlandshallnot ~BCUFby reawn of thc
activityof thc InternationalLabour Organisrionon its rerritoryanyinterna-

tional responsibilityfoacis or omissionof thc Organjsationurtif ilsagenfs
actingor absiaininefrom actingwiihin thc Iimits ortheirfunctions.

Swiirify nfSiiiizer!ond1.Nothing inthcprcsentAgreementshallaffect the

right of thcSwissFcderal Council to take the precautionncccssaq for thc
secunty of Switzerland.
2. Ifitconsiders inecessary to appiythe first paragrapof this Articlthc
Swiss FederalCounciIshaIIapproachtheIntcrnationalLabourOrganisation as
rayiidlyas circurnstünccsd1ow in order to determine by inutud agreement
ihe measuresnecessary in protect the interestsof the Internütiona1,abour
3. The International1,abour Organisation shaIIcollahoratc with thc Swiss
authoritieIO avoidan? prejudicetrthesecurityof Switzcrlandrcsuliinglrorniis

E-~~curionftheAgreenienr bySwirzerloridThc FcdcraIPoliticD alpiirtment
isentrustw cdththccxccution by iheSwissConfederation ofthisAgrec~nenatnd
the Arrangement forits Executioti.

lurisdictian.1.Any divergence of opinion çcinccrning the application or
interpretatioof thisAgreement orthe Arrangement [oritshecrition which has
notbeenseitledtiydirectconversationsbetweenthe partiesmaybe ssuhrnitthhy
eitherparty to airihunal ofthree memhers whichshall bc cstablihhcdonthe

coming into forcc d this Agreemenl.
2. The Sw+ss Federal Corinciland the International LabourOrganisation
shdl each chmsc one member of the tribunal.
3. Thejudges soappointed shalIchoose tlieir president
4. In the event OF disagreement betwccn thc judgcs on thc choict. d a
presidcnt, thcpresidcntshaIIbechosen by the Presidentof the SiiprcrCourt
of theNethcrlands a1the request ofthe Mcmbers of the tribunal.
5. The tribunalmay beseisedof an applicationby eitherpariy.
6.The tribunai shalldetermineitsown procedure.

Comin~ inrojorce.1. Thisagreement shallcorne intoforce as smn as it hx
been approved hy the SH~SSFederd Council and thc Govcrning Body of the
IntcrnationalLabour Officc.
2.It shallbccorneo~ratise on Ihedissolutionof the 1-eagueof Nations.

'liuiairorrime. UntiIthe dateof thedissolutionof the Ixague of Nations
the Modus Vivendi of 1921and I926 and the supplementaryarrangements
concluded between the Political Department, th1,eague of Katians and the InternatinrialLabourOfliceshaIIremiiinapplicabietothe Iniemationd Labour

iMod$icclfioufthr Agrcetii~n~. I. ThisAgrccmcnt mq hc rcvisedat the
rcqucst of either party.
2. ln thiscvçnt thc IWO partics shrtlconsult cach other conccming rhe
modificaiinns tn he made in irsprovisiom.
3. 11thcncgotiationsdo not rcsülin an undersimdingik-itIiinone year the
Agrcenicnt may bc denounccd hy either pariygiving two ycars'notice.

Arru?iget?fe?rre-rxerurioThe provisionsof ihiAgrecrncnr arecoinplciedhy
the Arrÿngcment for 11sExecution.

III.Arrungwierriforthe Execu~ioti oJthe AgrccntetitMude hrrwern ~heSwiFs
Federul Counciiand theIttrernurionuLobour Orqa~isofio~cioricerrrirhe1-1

Clrsromse.renption TIieInter&iional Lahur Organisationcnjoys cornplete
cxcniption lrotncustom. staiisticalandsimilarduticson al1gods foritsoli~cial

use importcd or exported by ii,itking undersiwd ihat objecis importcd
in franchisemayonIy be .wldin Switzerlandunderconditions fixcd by agrcc-
meni between the IntcrnütionsilLabourOrganisarionand the Swiss Fcderui

impon clnde.rporrqfgoods.Thc Swiss FcderatCouncii recogniscssofar asit is
concerned that theprovi>ionsand restrictionson thejmpariandexport oigoods
are noiapplicable toohjects for the officiause ofthc IntcrnütionalLabour
Organisaiion and tiecessq for ilswork, subjcct tu the provisions01general
inicrnaiionnlconventions and measurcs ofa sanitaq charmer. it being under-
stood chatilisTorthe Intemational LabourOrganisationtoobiaïn any ctlnscnt
from oiher States whch ma7 bc nec-esse to make this exemptioneffective.

Soriul insiimnr-e.TheIntemationai Labour Organisation is exempt fromal1
compulsory contribution sOgeneralsocialinsurancefundssuchascqualisation,
uncmployment insurance andworkmen'scompensation funds, etc..itbcing

undcrstood thatthe InternationalLabour OrganisationwilI so far aspossible
and underconditions iobcagrccdupon insurewith Swiss socialinsuranccfunds
those of ils agents who arenot assuredot eqiiivalentmciaI protectionby the

Article 4

Free11isposdofjunds. 1. The InternationalLabourOrganisation mag hold
accounts in d1 currencies. 2. The InternationalLabour Organjssüiiunrnay triinsferabroad freelyfiinds,
iiotes. specie ansecurities.
3. The InternationalLabourOrganisatioit rnayconvert intouihercurrcncies
al1moneys heId by it.
4. Thc Swiss Fcdcrd Council \vil1have regard to the provisionsor ihe pre-
ceding paragraphs oftIiisarticle initnegotiafivnswith foreigG novernments
conceming the transferof funds and gds.

Cvpliers,couriers.dip~omaiiclSug.~..The InternationalLabourOrganisaiion
niav uw cyphcrs in its communications.

2. The International Labour Organisation is entitled to usc couricrs iind
diplornatichags under the sanie conditions a$foreign fiovernn~ents.

Pre.~.sortrrnu~iicuriuThe International Labour Organisation shdl cnjoy the
prcfercntial lariIfs applicable to press communications in accordance uith
rhe International Telecommrinications Convention for its communications
addressrd direcrlyorihrnughan interrnediary tothe press and radio.

Frredontojacce.~snndso~»urn1 . . For thcpurposcof facilitaringiht.en!ry into
Sivitzrrlandof thc per-wns cnumcratcdin Article 14ofthe Agreement Swiss
Iegatiotiandconsulates abroadshallbe given generaliiistnic~ionsinadvance to
grnntvisas on productionof a passport or any +quivaleniidentity and travel
dwurnenl and of a document sufficienttoestablish theofficial relationshipof
thc arinlicanttothe International LabourOreanisation.
2.Swiss lcgarions and consulatcs uill bc givcn instructions iogrant visas

without ang dclny or waitingperiodand withoutrequiringthc pcrsonal attcn-
dmcc of the applicmr or the paymenr of charges.
3. The provisionsofArticle 14ofthe Agreeriientandof ihisarticlshallappIy
in thesame condiiions iothewife and children of thepersonconcerneid f hey
livc withhim and do not exercisc aprofession.

Idei~tirjcurd.Thc Fedcrd PoIiticalDcpartmcntshallfurnishthe International
LabourOfficeforeacbofficia1 wirh an identirycardbearing ihc photngraphof
the holder.Thiscard. authenticaied bytheFederal Pol iicaiDepartnien and the
InternationalLabour Office,shall serve toidentifytheofiicial in relatiotaal1
federal,cantonaland communal auihonties.

Fciriii aciorxedra ufficinfnüi ofSwissnuriunn/iiy. Officiaisofthe Inter-
nationaiLahourOffice whaare not ofSwissnatianali tushdl enjoythefvlluwing
exemptionsandfacilit :ies

(cre)xemption frorn ail customs, statisticd and iniprt diitieson al1 objects
whethzr used or new brought by ihc officia1 on his firsr installatinn in
Swit~xrlan dron hisreturn toSwitzerlandaf teramininium abscnccof thrcc
ycars ;(b) cxernptionrrom exchangerestriciionsunder conditionsidenticalwith those
accorded to diplornaticagcnts accreditedtothe Federal Council ;
{c) inthe went oiinternationalcrisisrepairiationiaciIitics[ihc officids and
mcmhcrs of theirfarnily identicawith those accorded to thc mtrnbcrsof
diplornaticmissionsaccrcdited to the FederalCouncil ;

(d) exonerationlrom federal,cantonal andcammund taxes inaccordancc with
the usagss established for ihe non-Swisupersonne1 of the international
institutionsatGcncva ;
(P Ixemptionon application by iheDirectorof iheInternationalLabourOfficc
from customs hies onimporred motor-cars, itbcing understoixiihat this
faciltymay not beused mare oltcn thanoncc in threyyearsasa maximum
andthat ~ht custnms dutieswillbedue inthe eventof thesaIeor disposalof
ihz motor-carto a pcrsonnot cntitIedto~hisexemptio hnefore theexpiryof

an interval to bc dctcrmjncdby common apemtnt hetwccn thc Swiss
Federal CounclI and~heIriternafionaiLabourOffice;
thecusrilrne..raniinatianof luggawillasin tfiecasealthediplornaticorps
be limiicd to the srrictminimum.

Miliruy .FC~~CP.1. The 1.lirector of thc International Labour Ofli~r: will

communicare trthe SwissFcdcralCouncila Iistof theofficialsofSwissnation-
aIitywha art:subjectto miltary ohligarions.
2.The Dircctor of the Internationd LabourOffice and theSwiss Fderal
Couiicilwilldraw iipbycornmonagreement a restrictedlis!of officialSwiss
nationality whn nn accnunt of tthcirfunctions will accorded dispensations
from niililasscnicc,'
3. Inthc eventoi the mobilisationof oiherSwiss nfficiaI5theInternational
Labour Office inay rcqüestthroughthe Fedcral Political Department a post-
ponenient of cal1upor anyother appropriait rneasures.

Biplomarir:pussport. Officiais of Swiss nationalityof rhccatrgoriesfixedhy
cornmon agreementbctween theDircctorof thcInternationalLabourOfficeand
the Swiss FederalChuncil wha travelon officialmissionor reside abroad on
account oftheirfunctios nsallhe enttledtuadiplomatiepassportissuedhy the


Pensinn~FIIIIJetc, 1, CapitaIsums due by the Pensions Fund or any othcr
provident fund totheagents,officialsor employeesof theIntcrnütionaiLabour
Organisation in any circumstances,includin thc tcrmination,interruptionor

suspension oliheirservices,shalIhçxcmpt althetimt:ofpaymcni fromall Swiss
taxeson capital and incomc.
2. The sanie principieshdl apply to al1indentniliesfor sicknçss. accidents,
cic.,paid toagents,officiaior crnployeesnf the InternatiotialI.abourOrgani-

htuge-sfunips. 1. The SwissFederd authoritiesshalI issucspcciastampb for
theuseof the InternationaLabour Organisationwithintheliniiisslluwedbythe
Ilniversal Postal Conventian. 2. Thc çxisting arrangcmcntson tbs subjwt shdl rrmain in force unless they
are modified by muiud agreement.

contitg inrofrirce.1, 'fie presentArrangementshd conic into forcçm swn
asithas hccnapprovedby theSwissFederd Counciland theCioveming Body of
rhe International LabourOflice.
2. IIwiIIbecorne operativeon thedissolution of the1-ragiiofNations.

,WodQi~uriutoif~fiArrongemeiif. 1.ThisArrangementmaybc rcvised ai the

request of eitherpariy.
2. In rhis event the two partics >hail consrilendi other coticeming the
modilications IObe madein theprovisionsof thc Arrangement.
3. If the negotia~iondo not rcsultin an understandingwithin one year,the
Arrangcrncn tmay be dmounced by citherpart? givingtwo years'noti~~.

IV. DecIarationbyiheRcprcscntativesof theFederal Political Dcpartmcnt and
of theFederal Departmcnt of Puhlic F~nncimy

At the time of signing thc pr&s-verbal. the rcpresentativcsof the FederaI
Political Department and or the Fcderal ikpartnient of hhIic Economy
dcclare :

(1) ihai theyarcproposing to the F'e'cderdounciIthat iishouldrequest the
SwissNational Rank to gvc theInternationalLabour Organisationcveryassis-
tanccin thccvcntof itfinding itdifficulttoobtain theSwissfrancsecessaryfor
ilto cary onits üctivitjesin Swi~erland ;
(2) that the FederaICouncil acreDu zq soon as circunisranccspermit to
suhstitiiie inparagraph4 of ArticIci7 ofthe Agreemenifor tliwbrds "fhc
Prcsideniof iheSu~remeCourtof theNetherlwds" thewrirds"thePrcsiden tof
thc Internationali'ourrof Justice"

(Signedj Pau1Clrir-icir;

Document Long Title

Documents received from the International Labour Organization
