Other documents submitted to the Court

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Your telegram No. 13926addressed to His Excellency the Prime-
Minister and myself was received on 25th June 1951. Although we

were desperately pressed for time because of the very short notice
given, 1 have the honour to submit herewith a statement which the
Impenal Government of Iran has prepared rejecting the petition
submitted by the British Government, 29th June 1951, NO. 12434.
Minister of Foreign Affairs (Sigmd) B. KAZEMI.

After the termination ofWorld War 1in I~IS, al1the nations who
had suffered the pangs of war were earnestly hoping that the newly
set up international organizations urhich were representing their
deep yearnings for world security and peace, and were the culmina-
tion of their ideals, would be successful in their efforts to attain to

this holy objective 'and would prevent the recurrence of another
world war. But unfortunately, after the lapse of a few years and
against al1their expectations, a second world war started in 1939,
which wrought havoc for a second time in the world. At the termina-
tion of this second war, a new scheme for keeping peace and security

was planned, based on the Charter of the UnitedNations Organiza-
tion. This new organization, which fortunately includes in its mem-
bership an ovenvhelming majonty of the nations of the world, has
become a paladin for the preservation of world peace and inter-
national justice.

Yet the question is often asked by many nations, how is it that
with the existence of the United Nations Organization, the Security
Council and the International Court of Justice, the foundations of
morldDeaceare stillshakv and ins~c~ ~ ~And how can it be account-
ed for that the builders and the founders of this Organization are

anxiously waiting for another world catastrophe ?
If we view this question impartially, it will become clear to us
that greed and selfishnesson the part of the strong to procure illicit
advantages from the weak nations are to be regarded as the main
causes of this instability and the insecurity which prevails at the

present ;and for so long as fair play and justice are not governing
the relations of the strong and the weak, there can be no hope of

Telegram received on June 29th. 1951, and confirmed by letter of same
date received on June 30th.1951.to xvhich were joined three annexes. IRANIAX COMMUNICATION OP 29 VI 51 673
bringing about world stahility and achieving a lasting peace. As an
example of the above-mentioned statement we wish to bring to the

notice of the honoilrable judges of the International Court of Justice
a case which is purely based on the greed ancl selfishness iofan
English company against a peace-loving and weak oriental nation,
which has heen submitted through an incorrect appeal bythe BI-itish
Government, heyond the jurisdiction of the Court.
In the year 1901, i.e. six years prior to the establishment of the
constitutional regime in Iran, a certain Australian and a British
subject called D'Arcy with a capital of 20,000 pounds sterling
secured an oil concessionin a large area for a period of 60 years from
the Iranian Government. He undertook to pay as royalties 16 per
cent of the income derived from his activities; and fiirthermore
to transfer gratuitously, to the Iranian Government. al1the prilper-
ties, movable and immovahle, afterthe lapse of 60 years. The said

company, under various pretexts, did not make any royalty pay-
ments to the Iranian Government until the year 1919 ;and paid no
attention to the request of the said Government to refer the said
dispute to arbitration. It happened at that time that the British
Government. desiring to conclude the Treaty of 1919 wvith1ran.had
brought a financial adviser hy the name of Mr. Armitage Smith to
put into force the financial terms of the said Treaty. The Iranian
Government empowered the said Mr. Armitage Smith to audit the
accounts of the Oil Company, and to settle the existing differences.
It is noteworthy to recall here that through this so-called Treaty of
1919, known by the uame of its signatory Vossough-ul-Dowleh,Iran
was intended to hecome a protectorate of the British against the
willof its people and against al1the principles of fair play and human

justice. The said Armitage Smith went to Londoii with the above-
mentioned mission but on the zznd of December 1920, uuder the
claim that his mission to London as financial adviser of the Iranian
Government had heen to put into force the concession (and not to
settle the relevant accounts), he signed an agreement with the Oil
Company against the directions he had received from the Iranian
Government, and against the stipulations of the original contract.
Our reasons for his deviation are as follows :
I. The Iranian Government had been deprived of its 16 % share
of the profits of the transport service of the company ; while in
accordance with the D'Arcy Contract the Iranian Government had
to share the profits pertaining to the original Company and its
suhsidiary branches on the basis of 16 %.

z. The differences arising out of the failure of the Company to
fulfilits financial obligations had been referred to a British chartered
accountant ;while according to the terms of the original contract
they should have been referred to arbitration.
It is to be noted that the said English chartered accountant. dis-
covered several cases of falsifications and distortions committed by
the Company in its accounts with a view to decrease the royalties674 IRASIAN COI~IMUXICATIOX OF 29 VI 51
accruing to the Iranian Government ; but in spite of al1this the Oil
Company paid to the Iranian Government only one million pounds
as its arrears payment until 1920. Hence the latter Government,
which found its rights ivasted bythe OilCompany, protested against

the agreement signed hy Mr: Armitage Smith against its instruc-
tions and contrary to the terms of the original contract ; and has
reserved its protestation until the present date.
From 1920 until the year 1932, the Oil Company has paid only
less than ten million pounds as its royalty payments to the Iranian
Government, which, in accordance with its balance sheets, amounts
to only 13 percent of its total profits;while its total revenues have
been enormous. As for the remaining 3 percent, the Company claims
to have given the said sum to the privatelandowners inthe concession
area as a rent for the use of their land: while it isclearly statedinthe
original contract that such expenses must he paid out of the reve-
nues of the Company, and not out of the royalties accruing to the
Iranian Government. The Company, having gained enormous profits

and having acqnired undue political influence and power in Iran,
decided to prolong its period of exploitation :and since the road
was not paved for the easy attainment of such a purpose, the Com-
pany started to prepare the grounds through illicit means. Early in
1919. whexithe British Government had started on its way to make
Iran a protectorate, it hegan to exercise its influencein the Iranian
Parliamentary elections. But this illegal intervention did not prove
satisfactory for their purpose ; therefore they decided to bring about
some radical changes in Iran which were effected from 1921onwards.
From that date and thereafter the Government openly intervened
in the general elections ; and no memher could set foot in Parlia-
ment without the consent of Government. Hence the Iranian people
lost their hold altogether in their Government, and were deprived

of their inalienable rights to govem themselves. The preliminary
steps thus taken, the Company put up a false front to showthat the
Iranian Government itself had volunteered to cancel the original
contract ;and the subsequent step was the extension of the said
document which \vas successfully carried out by the Company
through its agents.
In this connection it must he added that during the course of
years, the Company, because of its deviations from the terms of the
original contract, had brought about cornplaints hy the Iranian
Government. This artificial tension reached its climax in the year
1931, when, through the intentional curtailment of the oil output
and account falsifications, the Iranian royalties were reduced to one
fourth of what they had heen in the previous year. The only road

open to the two contracting parties was to appoint their arbitrators
to settle their differences: and in case of failure on the part of the
Company to appoint its arbitrator, the Iranian Government had
the right to repeal the contract. But this step was not taken, and,
through the instigation of the Company; the Iranian Government 1. 1,rcurnetax.hccijrding tu the 194s 11:1lancs<l:iet:tsof the former
OilComl~aiiv(a balance shect \r.liicli\fils iint aiiditetl and verified by
tlie lr3iiiaii Go\~crnmeiit\. it 11:s :~~lta. riroîit of f62 million. ancl

has also paid millionr& income tax tdthe ~riti"sh~overnhent.
\Vhereas the taxes paid to the Iranian Government in the same year
have amounted only to ~1,400,ooo or 21 times less than the
£28 million which had beeii paid to the British Government as
taxes; and has been less than 2per cent of the Company's profits.
\mile in the year 1933, i.e. the ycar in which the new agreement
was concluded, the income tax paid to the Iranian Government by
the Company amouiited to 4 per cent of its total receipts, which is
the maximum limit of tax rates received by the lranian Govern-
ment at that time.
If the D'Arcy Agreement would have been carried out,the 50 per
cent due in this connection to the Iranian Government would
amount for the fiscal year corresponding to 1948, at the present

income-tax rates of Iran, to 31 million pounds sterling.
2. Interna1 oilprices. The prices of oil products for the interior
having been fixed on the basis of the rates prevailing in the Gulf of
Nexico, while allolving a IO per cent reduction for the people and
25 per cent for the Government, naturally, oil cost the Iranian
people 4 to 5 times more than the original cost price in Iran, whose
oil resources are the richest and the least costly in the world.
3. Customs duties. Considering the fact that the former oil com-
pany was not liable to pay any customs duties or dues, the loss
accruing to the lranian Governinent through this exemption is so
great that the Iranian Government would have gained more by
receiving the relevant customs duties and dues on the imports and

the exports of the Company and forego the reception of its royalties,
which means to have left its oil resources at the disposal of the
Company gratuitously. The most important argument which can
be advanced against this defective and one-sided agreement of 1933
lies in the fact that under the D'Arcy Concession, the Iranian people
had to wait until 1961 wheii the whole installation and thc entire
revenue from oil would unconditionally belong to the Iranian
Government. But as a result of this conspiracy and imposition, this
boundless wealth would have remained for another 32 years in the
hands of the Company.
It is important to note that very probably there would have been
no oilleft under the Iranian soi1asanticipated by 1933by those who
had planned the conclusio~i of the above-mentioned agrcement.

In order to draw the attention of the Court to the material and
moral losses suffered by the Iranianc as a resnlt of their dealing with
the former Anglo-Iranian OilCompany, the value of the oil exported
from Iran and her share out of the Company's proceeds are given
below : If we compute the total output of the Company from the
very start of its activities until the year 1950, the whole output
amounts to 284 million tons, which, on the basis of the prevailing IRANIAN COXMUNICATION OF 29 1'151 677

prices in respective years, would exceed the suin of 1,000 million
pounds ;while the Iranian Government as the original proprietor
has received only one hundred million pounds in the form of royal-
ties during al1this period, which is less tha10 per cent of the total
receipts of the Company.
It should be added that although the 1933 Agreement had beeii
totally ta the disadvantage of the Iranians and was even imposed
on the Government of the time, yet the Company has infringed the
terms of that defective agreement on many occasions. It would be
unduly long to go into details for al1 these cases of infringement,

and therefore we give below only a few examples :
I. The Company had undertaken to decrease the foreign em-
ployees each year and to replace them by the Iranians progressively.
Yet it is surpnsing ta see that instead of 1,800 foreign employees
in 1933, there have been 4,200 foreigners working in the Company
in 1947.
As a consequence of this intrusive policy to-day the'Iranians are
dependent on foreign experts to operate their oil indus@. The
losses through tbis ta the Iranians are inestimable and irreparable.
z. Although the Company was bound to place any information

at the Government's disposa1 which it may require, so far every-
thing has been kept secret from the Iranian Government and people.
For instance, the Government and Majlis enquired in recent years
about the amount and price of the oil sold to the 'BritishNavy, but
they conld not obtain the slightest information.
3. The Company was bound by the invalid Agreement to base the
exchange rate for the sterling on the actual value of gold, but the
officia1rate of sterling has always heen the basis of accounts by the
Company and has in this way brought great lasses upon Iran.
4. By the virtue of Article ZI of the same defective Agreement,
the Company was bound ta regard the interests of the Iranian

Government in good faith, whereas bythe Company'sdeal witli the
British Navy and Air Force concluded at unreasonable rates, the
Company has for years violated the right of the Iranian Govern-
ment. For the sake of brevity, other cases of infractions are not
mentioned here.
In spite of the invalidity and worthlessness of the Agreement of
1933. which had been imposed upon the Iranian nation, without
being ever approved by true representatives of the nation, and not
having any legal value, yet the Government does not propose to
enter into any discussion with reference to the sait1defective Agree-
ment. The point at issue is that both houses of Our Parliarnent

have unanimously ratified the nationalization law of oil industry
throughout the country, on the strength of the Iranian people's
sovereign right. This right has been recognized for every State and
the British Government itself has repeatedly exercised it in recent
years. Having brought ta the attention of the honourable judges of
the International Court of Justice the records and the evidences of67S IRAXIAX CO~~,II~IUXICATIONOF 29 VI 51

our case, we begpermission to advance our arguments on the subject
of the iiicoiiipetency of the British Government in submitting the
plea in question which is beyond the jurisdiction of the honourable
Court to give consideration to such a plea :
(1) Even if we grant the validity of the 1933 Agreement, the
second contracting party is a private Company (the former Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company) and not the British Govemment. Hence the
British Government not being one of the two contracting parties
cannot have any claim on the Iranian Government which could be
referred to the International Court of Justice. This Company, as

in the case of al1other private companies, whether foreign or local,
is subject to the interna1 lans of the country where they operate
and in case of having any claims against the Iranian Govemment
they must refer to the local courts of justice for gaining their rights.
The mere fact that the British Governrnent is a large share-holder
in the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company cannot change the status
of the said Company as the signatory of the original contract.
(2) The declaration made by the Iranian Government in the year
1932 uith reference tothe acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Inter-
national Court of Justice excludes al1questions that might have any
bearing on its national sovereignty.
(3) Paragraph 7 of the second Article of the United Nations
Charter explicitly specifies that noue of the provisions of the said
Charter authorize the United Nations intervention in matters

pertaining to the sovereign rights of any nation ;member conntries
are not bound to settle differences of this nature through methods
stipulated in the Charter.
(4) In accordance with Article 36 of the Statutes of the Inter-
national Court of Justice, the jurisdiction of the Court extends to
al1cases which the parties refer to it and al1matters specially pro-
vided for in the Charter of the United Nations or in treaties and
conventions in force.
From what has been said above, it is not clear to us how the
British Government, not being one of the two contracting parties
and lacking in competence to intervene in such a case, should have
considered it appropriate to file a plea with the Court regarding the
oil dispute. It is also surprising to us that the respite given us by

the Court for submitting a reply is so short that one could not even
procure the necessary visas for passports. Hence the Iranian Govern-
ment, owing to the short respite, curtails its arguments; but
earnestly hopes that the Court will not spare a moment to declare
the case beyond its junsdiction, as otherwise it would bnng dis-
appointment to the weaker nations as far as international justice
and good-will are concerned.
With the explanations furnished as to the fundamental aspects
of the question with special reference to the British Government's
lack of legal competence to institute a law-suit and to the fact that
it u~ouldbe beyond the jurisdiction of the International'Court of IRANIAX COMMUNICATION OF 29 VI 51 679

Justice to examine the case, the Iranian Government fintis it
unnecessary to make any statement in rejection of the request made
by the British Government to take interim measures of protection.
Nevertheless, 1 venture to invite the kind attention of the honour-
able judges of the Court to the following points :
(1) As it has been noted, there is no controversy between the
Governments of Iran and Great Britain. The British Government is
unjustly trying to inject itself into a matter which, according to the
most elementary and axiomatic principles of international law,
results from Iranian right of sovereignty, and which is exclusively
within the jurisdiction of theIranian Government.
(2) Granted that a controversy exists on the ~iationalization of

Iranian oil, such controversy could only he between the Iranian
Government and the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which is
a juristic personality no different from a single British national, and,
by virtue of paragraph Iof Article 34 of the Statute of the Court
which stipulates that "only States may be parties in cases hefore
the Court". it could not be broueht UD before the International
(3) Regardless of the legal incompetence of the claimant and the
fact that the case is heyond the jurisdiction of the International
Court, the subject-matter of the issue could not in principlt: be
taken by any claimant to any court for action, for, as it has already
been explained, there is no question of cancellation and annulment
and invalidity of the 1933 Agreement. The question is that the
Iranian Government and people have made use of one of their most

indisputable natural rights, which is the right of sovereignty, and
have nationalized the oil industry throughout the country without
any discrimination. The British Government has repeatedly made
use of this right by nationalizing their own great industries. It goes
without saying that owners and concession holders of those indus-
tries have had no right to complain.
(4) Aside from al1 these considerations, a request for interim
measures of protection could be made when the rights of the parties
to litigation should be exposed to the danger of being wasted or at
least when there should he such likelihood and when failure to take
prompt action would result in irreparable losses. In this case there
is no such likelihood at all, forthe following reasons :
(a) The Iranian Government is in duty bound by Act of hoth
Houses of Parliament to exert every effort to maintain the material

and human means of exploitation, refining, transportation and flow
of Iranian oil for the technical and industrial needs of customers in
the past years.
(b) Al1 foreign experts and technicians, whether of British or
other nationality, shall not only remain in the posts they occupy,
but in addition to al1 their salaries and the allowances which they
have heen enjoying in the employ of the former Company, they
shall receive encouragement and commendation.680 IRANIAN COhlMUNICATlOS OF 29 VI 51
(c) In the thought that the nationalization of the oil industry
and the transfer of oil installations ta the Iranian Government

might involve damages ta the Company's property, and in spite of
the many claims of the Iranian Government against the former
Company, nevertheless, for the further assurance of the Company
Article z of the law makes it incumbent upon the Government to
deposit twenty-five per cent of the current income of oil with a
bank which would be satisfactory to bath parties, with a view to
compensating for possible lasses by the Company.
In view of the foregoing considerations, the IranianGovcrnme~it
hopes that the Court wïll declare that the case is not within its
jurisdiction because of the legal incompetence of the complainant
and because of the fact that exercise of the nght of sovereignty is
not subject ta complaint. Under these circumstances the request for
interim measures of protection would naturally be rejected.
At the last moment, when the Iranian Government was prepanng
its reply to the Court, report was received that the members of the
British staff of the former Company who had been asked to continue
their services with the Iranian Government in order that the con-

tinual flow of oil may be maintained and who had been offered
the same salaries and thc same allowances which they have been
receiving, have unfortunately tendered their collective resignation
this morning, June 27th. Itgoeswithoutsaying that their withdrawal
in this manner is merely intended to paralyze the work and bring
theIranian Government to its knees. It has also been reported that
two British cruisers, several thousand tons each, have anchored in
Chat-el-Arab, their motive being to intimidate and frighten the
Iranian Government and people who have asked for nothing-save
their natural and legitimate nghts.
Thislast report would leave no room for doubt by the horiourable
judges cf the International Court of Justice that when the British
Government, in spite of present world conditions and exigencies,
does not refrain from frightening the weak people of Iran in an
attempt to support the encroachments and trespasses committed by
a covetous and usurping Company, it undoubtedly had recourse ta
this illicit practice for the purpose of prolongation in the ye1933

when world conditions facilitated such infringements.
In conclusion (it could be imagined that) the petition recently
suhmitted by the British Government might have deluded the minds
of the illustrious judges with respectta the Iranian Government's
good-will in the matter of exploitation of oil and with respect to its
proper attitude towards British and other nationals. In that case
itmight be necessary that 1 should herewith submit to the Court
certain officia1documents, evidences and neas items from British
news agencies and neutral countries relating to this issue, in order
that the Court may become positively certain of the IranianGovern-
ment's good intentions in nationalizing the ail industries and the
British Government's threatsto proceed with military interventionand destruction of factories and instigation of technical experts and
labourers to tender their resignation, to go on strike and to conduct
poisonous propaganda that the world may be led to believe that

there is no security iiiIran.

The opinion of foreign observers in regard to intervention of the former
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in the internal affairs of Iran.

I. A résuméof the statement made by General Patrick Hurley at the
Senate Investigation Committee on June ~1st. 1951.
2. Reports published in Figaro, June 16th. 1951.
3. Résuméof the article of the Daily Gra$hic puhlished April 28th.

Translation from the Persian text :

..In answer to the auestion of the Senate Committee chairman what
tiij[Zcncral Hiirlr:!.'~]opiiiion ii.;iiircgnr(l to the prescnt situittion iii
li<..\s.tlie GcncraI reylii:d ttitlié(l:iiigcrin IR.\>;is from an iinpcri<ilistic
and colonial i)olic\,and not frorn comniiiiiism. The Sliah and tlie i)covl~
of IRANhadArep<atedly complained to him about the colonial policy.
And in this dispute the Oil Company, who made enormous profits and

v.ve a verv small share to IRAN.is to be blamed. It would have been
more appropriate and just ta sit down and seewhat can be done instead
of threateninf: the country by paratroops. However, this was not done
and like manj similar priblemsit is nob too late.

Translation from the Persian text :

Figaro reporter writes from Tehran :A neutral observer as a guest
of this heautiful and hospitable country cannot help but agree with
the view of the Iranians. There is no doubt that the Oil Company has
been a government within a government and has interfered in the
internal affairs of IRANso farthat even it has had a hand in changing
govemments and dynasties.

Translation from the Persian text :

Bevin's mistake in Iranian oil
Daily Graphic, an English newspaper, regarded quite reliable in
England, writes the following about the Iranian Oil :


The sovereignty of each country is undoubtedly to be respected hy
other countnes. Iranian oil belongs to the Iranians, and therefore it has
to he considered as a natural wealth of that country. However, the
Iranian Government has signed a contract with the Oil Company and
has given the right of exploitation of this natural wealth tothat Company
against the payment of a certain royalty. The present situation and
the oil question in IRANhas heen previously reflected in this paper,
and we have considered the Labour Govemment, and in particular the
late Mr. Ernest Bevin. responsihle for al1the recent unpleasant happen-
ing~in IRAN.And usehave emphasized that if Mr. Bevin had not ignored
the national feelings of the lranian people and had not insisted upon
the policy of "keeping the l'ersians hungry", the prophecy of some
pessimists that some day a national movement against the British in
IRAKwould start decidedly, would not have materialized. Despite al1
that, we think that there is still a ray of hope for settlement of this
dispute between Great Britaiii and IRAXby oegotiations.
The new Minister of Foreign Affairs has to prove his ability to the
world in these negotiations and in winning the attention of the Iranian

Threats to the security of Iran.
I. Report published on June 16th, 1951, in Aurore.
z. A report on the London newspapers of June 16th, 1951.

3. From report of foreign news agencies of June gth, 1951.
4. Foreign news agencies of Apnl 30th. 1951.
5. Reports of the foreign news agencies of May 19th. 1951.
6. Report of the foreign news agencies of Nay xst, 1951.

7. Report of the foreign news agencies of Apnl 15th. 1951.

Translation from the Persian text:

Newspaper Aurore writes on the hasis of its reporter's message from
London :
The British in their negotiations with Iran have important means of
pressure nt their disposal, such as refusa1 of the usage of oil tankers,

non payment of the oil royalties to Iran, or even confiscation ofranian
properties in England.

Translation from the Persian text :

To-day's daily papers print in the news of the meeting of the top
British Middle East Military Commanders in the Suez Canal, and express
the opinion that at this meeting they have studied the proposals for the IRANIAN COMMUNICATION OF 29 VI 51 (AXNEX B) 683
possibilities of landing troops in the oil well areas where the British
consider it as being necessary.

Translation from the Persian text:

Departure of a British warship to the Persian Gulf watfls
The A.S. reporter sent this morning the news from Malta that to-day
a British warship hy the name of Wild Gooseassigned to the waters of
the Persian Gulf has anchored temporarily at the Malta naval station,
and will sail to-morrow to the Persian Gulf.
The same reporter adds that a military plane carrying 50 officers of
the 16th Independent Paratroop Division coming from London has
landed in Malta on the way to Cyprus.

Translation from the Persian text:

Dismantling of the installations
Among other news, yesterday, sevcral British newspapers, attached
to the British Government, hinted at the possible destruction of the
Oil Company's installations and have written that the [British] Govern-
ment should dismantle the important parts of the installations in IRAN
to be shipped abroad and destroy the rest of them.

Translation from the Persian text:

Reinforcement of British warships iqtzhe Mediterranean sea area
Another news report by the U.P. from London states that the British
Government yesterday, for the purpose of reinforcing its naval forces
in the Mediterranean waters, has dispatched 8 more warships to that
The announcement of this decision coincides with the sending of a
new note by the British Government to Iran.
The British Admiralty has ordered one aircraft-carrier. one mine-
sweeper, one destroyer, one gunboat, alid three suhmarines : altogether
8 warships, to sail for the Mediterranean.
With the arriva1 of these ships the British naval units in the hfediter-
ranean will increase to 35, so that, if the differencesbetween Iran and
Britain should become dangerous, these naval units may easily reach the
Persian Gulf area.
As it is reported, the British Government in its note to Iran has
wamed that if the Iranian Government should refuse to start negotia-
tioiis with Britain, it will have to face unexpected consequences. Translation from the Persian text:

Churchill uses Iranian oil as ai~,excusc

A dispatch by the French reporter from London states that well-
informed circles in London gave the opinion that Churchill and the
opposition party have found a suitable opportunity to attack Attlee's
Government in the House of Commons and declare him incapable and
weak against the insistence and pressure of the Iranian Govemment.
Of course Churchill'sintentions in declaring the [British] Government
weak are that military forces he dispatched immediately to IRANto
prevent the nationalization of oil in IRAKand the taking over of the
Company's properties ....

Translation from the Persian text:

Reporter of the French news agency aiso sends the information that
the conservative paper Daily Telegraph,xvhichgets its news andreports
from officia1and reliable government sources, in its yesterday's issue,
after reviewing dispatches on the Abadan happenings and the killing
of the British subjects, states that a 5,500-ton cruiser of the British naval
unit in theAlediterranean has sailed via the Red Sea towards the Persiaii
Gulf :to he used when necessarv.
~1iésame paper gives the ne\& that a 1,500-ton British man-of-war,
which wasunder repair in Colombo,has sailed offfor Bahrein on Saturday
Therefore, now z cruisers and 3 giinboats have anchored at a short
distance from Abadan. They can reach that city in case of emergcncv. .
within 24 hours.
One of the cruisers is the 8,000-ton Gambia,andthe other boats of the
British navv in the Persian Gulf waters are Flaminfo, Wild Gooseand
the Wren.
A news agency reports from Cairo that the aircraft-carrier Mauritilrs
of the British naval units in the Channel area, which had sailed some
ten days ago towards the Indian Ocean, and most probably towards the
Persian Gulf, passed last night through the Suez Canal and entered
the Red Sea.
The British authorities in Cairo have refused to give any information
about the destination of this new 23,ooo-ton vessel. However, they
admitted that she camed 40 fighting planes and some 1,200 British

Iranian goodwill expressed

1. Message of the Prime Minister of Iran to the President of the
United States of America. . Pressinterview by 3Ir. Saleh, President of the Nixed Parliamentary
Oil Commissio~i,with the foreign reporters.
3. A copy of the note from the hlinister of Finance to the former
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.
Xessage of the Iranian Prime Alinister to al1 foreign experts,
4. technicians and other employees in tlie oil area.

5. Copies of letters exchangecl between the Finance Minister and
the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.


Tehran, 11th June 1951.
The Honourable
Harry S. Truman,
President of the United States of America.

Dear Mr. President,
1 have the honour to express my tlianks for yonr kind message, sent
through His Excellency the United States Ambassador in Iran, and to
emphasize that the Iranian people and their Government have always
considered the United States of America as their sincere niid well-
wishing friend and are relying iipon that friendship.
Concerning the nationalizatioii of the oil industry in Iran, 1 have to
assure you, Mr. President, that the Government and Parliament of Iran,
like yourself, desire that the interests of the countries which hitherto
have used the Iranian oil should not suffer in the slightest degrei:. As,
however, you have expressed the apprehension of the United States,
and it would seem that the matter is iiot fully clear to you,1 ask permis-
sion to avail myself of the opportunity to put before you a cursory
history of the case and of the measures which have now been adopted.
For many years the Iranian Government have been dissatisfied with
the activities of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil.Company, but 1 feel it
would be beyond the scope of this letter and would cause you undue
trouble if1 attempted to set forth in detail the exactions of that Company
and to prove with unshakable documentary evidence that the accounts
of the Com~anv have not corresoonded with the true facts and that,
e\xii in tlick dkclo;r.d ;,ccoiiiir;lits1i:ircthi:? Iin\fcearm;,rketl for the
1r;iiiiipcolilc, tl~csule oii,iicrsof th<;suil, lias 50rinea-re ;trto roiist'
the indignaiion of al1 fair-mirided persons.
The Iranian people have suffered these events for a good many ycars,
with the result that they are now in the clutches of terrible poverty
and acute distress, and it has become impossible to continue this tole-
rance, especially with the sitiiation brought into existence in this country
by the Second World War.
No doubt you will recall, Alr. President, that during the war Iran
collaborated fully and most sincerely with the Allies for the ultimate
triumph of right, justice and \i.orld freedom, and that she suffered untoldactivities came to a stand-still, asDural1 Our productive resources were
directed day and night to carrying out large-&caleplans for the transfer
of ammunitions, the supply of foodstuffs and other requirements of the
Allied mies. These heavy burdens, borne forseveral years, disorganized
and weakencd Our finance and economv and broueht us UD aeainst a
series'ofverygrave economicproblems, Gith the resJt thatthe i~bouring
classes of this countrv, who had toiled for the Allies throurhout the war.
were faced with an Ünbearable rise in prices and wide-sprëad unemploy-
Had we been left alone, after the termination of war, we could have
dealt with the situation brought about hy the war, restored normal
conditions and managed to move back to the depopulated villages the
peasants who had been drawn toward work on roads and in factories,
thus improving our agriculture.
Had we been given outside help like other countries which suffered
from war, we could soon have revived our economy, and, even without
that help, could have succeeded in our efforts had we not been hampered
by the greed of the Company and by the activities of its agents.
The Company, however, always strove, by restricting our income, to
put us under heavy financial pressure. and by disrupting our organiza-
tions, to force us to ask its help and, as a consequence, to submit to
whatever it desired to force upon us.
Secret agents, on the one hand, paralyzed our reform movements by
economic pressure, and, on the other hand, on the contention that the
country had enormous sources of wealth and oil, prevented us from
enjoying the help which was given to other countries sufferingfrom the
effects of war.
1 ask you in fairness, hlr. President, whether the tolerant Iranian
people, who, whilst suffering from al1 these hardships and desperate
privations, have so far withstood al1kinds of strong and revolutionary
propaganda without causing any anxiety to the world, are not worthy
of praise and appreciation, and whether they had any other alternative .
them to utilize the naturai weaith of their country and will put an endble
to the unfair activities of the Company.
Having thus given a short summary of the motives which have led
to nationalization of the oil industry in Iran, 1wish to refer you, Mr. Pre-
sident, to the text of the law, and 1hope you will agree that the two
Houses of the Iranian Parliament have not deviated from the path of
right and justice, and that the law, as repeatedly anuounced from the
tribunes of both Houses and in varions interviews, does not authorize
the confiscation and seizure of property, but, on the contrary, envisages
and gives security for the repayment of damages and losses and that,
furthermore, it gives special consideration to the continuation of oil
supplies to those countries hitherto using Iranian oil, and explicitly
safeguards the viewpoints of former customers.
It is now a month since the law and the method of execution of the
~~rinciplcofttir n.ition;ilizatiuii tlivoil iii<liisriiiIran \rçri ratiticd
by ùotli Houses of Parli.iiiicrir 2nd rcccivcd tlic roy;il jigii.~tiirt~.dnd.
altliou.Ali rhc In\rrliai dccrt-cd;ininiiiicdiatc disuosjrs,iun. ;iiid thc Go\.crii-
niciit is iinder eutr,iordin:~ry pri>jiiire froin iiiblic opiiiion im~~.iticiitly
d~.iii.indiiigtlic disl>oisessioiiof rlic fomicr oil Curnp:~ii).tlii (;ovc,rnm~iit IRANIAN COMMUNICATIOO NF 29 VI 51 (ANNEX C) 687
and the Mixed Committee appointed by the two Houses of Parliament
have given careful study to the means of putting the law into force in
the best possible way, so that no disruption may occur in the exploita-
tion of oil from the various centres and in the continuity of the flow of
The surest evidence of the truth of this contention, and the goodwill
of the Imperia1 Iranian Government, is to be found in the provisions
which have heen communicated to the representative of the former oil
Company, the most important of which are mentioned below :
(1) So long as the statute of the National Iranian Oil Company is not
approved by the two Houses of the Iranian Parliament, the basis of
operations of the Temporary Board of Directors shall be the regulations
devised by the former oil Company (except in so far as such regulations
are contrary to the law of nationalization of the oil industry).
(2) The foreign and Iranian experts, employees and labourers of the
former oil Company shallremain in service as hefore, and shallhenceforth
be recognized as employees of the National Iranian Oil Company.
(3) The Temporary Board of Directors will take the utmost care to
execute existing programmes and to increase the production of oil, so
that the level of production and exploitation shall be raiseù above the
present level.
(4) The Board of Directors are hound to invite by public notices
purchasers from the former oil Company to submit documents showing
their former transactions. The Board must, at the same time, provide
facilities so that no stoppage or restriction in the exportation of oil shall
occur hefore the verification of the documents and the couclusion of
agreements with the purchaser.
Lastly the former oil Company has heen given the opportunity to
submit immediate proposals, provided they are not contrary to the
principle of the nationalization of the oil industry, and the Government
has promised to consider those proposals.
The aim of the Iranian Government and the Mixed Committee in
adopting the above measures has heen the continuation of the flow of
oil to the consumer countries-an aim which has been your immediate
You may rest assured, Mr. President, that the iranian people are
desirous of maintaining their friendshipwith al1nations and especially
with those, like the British nation, which have had age-long relations
with them.
With regard to the questions of dispossession and the settlement of
account with the former oil Company, which must he carried out in
accordance with the provisions of the law ratified by the two Houses
of Parliament, no doubt you will agree that, as they are solely affairs
of an intemal nature, the Government of Iran cannot enterinto negotia-
tions with anyone but the representatives of the former oil Company.
The British Government can only show its concern if Iran, iri her
dealings with the former oil Company, stepped heyond the limits of
right and justice in the enforcement of the law of the nationalization of
the oil industry, and you may rest assured, Mr. President, that no such
trespass will ever take place.
We shall always strive to protect our cordial relations with the British
Government and to remove, according to the law, any anxiety whichthat Government may have in the matter of securing Iranian oil for
their reauirements.
In thi; \va). there rc.in;iinsno CLIUSiLo. 3])1)rt>Iirnsion the 11.irtof
the (;o\,crnment and peOl>lcof Rnt:iin in tlleir rcliitions \vitil ttie 1r;inian
Government and people:
1 avail myself of this opportunity to offer to you, Mr. President, the
expression of my highest and most sincere regards, and to wish the
continuous progress and prosperity of the great .4merican nation.

Prime Minister of Iran.


June ~3rd. 1951.
Certain news have a~ve..ed here and there that the excitement of
tlir frclings of 1r;ini:in; m:iy rvaiiisoiiicinjiiry1' tliclih.iii<Iirujierty
of the Ijritisli siibji:crs, i8rilin\. iiiterriipt the prodiictii,ri 2nd esport of
ail. .Asthe I'arliiime~it;~ry\'lixcd iommittec lin; been rcfcrrcd tu :it~out
thrse nr1i.s.1 tlicreforc <Iectrnit t.sseiiti;il to <Irsl;ir<t.1i:tt tticsi nr.\\.s;ire
cithcr the oiitcomc of misiinderstandiiifi.and ignorance of the ~)ublislicr;.
or the rcsiilt of tlicir ill-\ilIl. 'l'lie<iii<uftoil n;ition;iIi/;itioI><:iii::
the sovereign right of Iran, has nothing to do with the life and property
of British subjects. Al1 that the Iranian Government and people are
demanding from the former oil Company is to restore our indisputable
right. We have no aim or object in view other than this. The life and
the property of the British and al1 foreign subjects are secure in our
country ; and under al1 circumstances the Government has full control
over the situations and would not allow the least trespass 0x1 the life
and property of anyone.
In fact, itis such groundless rumours that give rise to agitation and
anxiety of the people. In carrying out the Oil Nationalization Law, no
action will be taken which would cause a stoppage in the flow of oil to
the west. As reeards collective resienation of the British officiais and
experts, put forch as a threat by thcformer ail Company circles, 1 must
declare that the Iranian Government and people are not al1willing that
the extraction and exportation of oil should stop even for an hoÏur, as
bath Iran and former purchasers will thereby suffer great lasses. For
this same important reason, we have suggested that al1 the employees
of the former Company, whether Iranians or foreigners, should remain
in the service of the Iranian Govcrnment with their previous pay,
allowances and pensions, and continue to carry out their functions, so
that no stoppage may take place in the exploitation.
We exoect that the em~lovees of the former oil Com~anv should. witli
dur. cuii;;d~~r;itiofitlic trcc n.itions' inttrrsts. \i.eli.itiiiiig;cstioii
of tlic.c;o\,ernniiiit, niid caiis<-rio stopjxljic in the flo\i.of oil to tlie nrst
IN d~cliniiic to continue tlicir jcrviics. Stiould tllccxiiert; <list.oiitiniie
their workcontrary to the expectations of the lranian people, the

Government will do its hest to maintain the present level of production IRASIA'lCOZI\IUNICATION OF 29 VI 51 (ANNES C) 689
within the limits of its technical capacity. But should the achievement
of this ohject prove to be impossible, the Iranian Govemment would
not at al1be responsible for shortages which may thereby arise for the
western nations and former consumers of oil. To achieve economic .
independence and secure national sovereignty, the Iranian people are
prepared to endure any privations which may anse from such incident.
Our dispute with the former oil Company in connection with the oil
nationalization should not give the former Company any ground for
direct or indirect instigations which may lead to the stoppage of oil
production and cause an irreparable loss to our country, to the former
purchasers and even to Bntain itself. Thus the Iranian Government
is prepared to bnng about every facility within the limit of law, so as to
avoid the slightest delays or shortage in the extraction and distribution
of oil. Therefore, should the former oil Company resort to any rneans
which would lead to the stoppage of work, it will be held responsible for
any damage resulting from this interruption. In order to prevent any
incident which might obstruct the flowof oil, the Government once more
notified the managers of the former oil Company that the British em-
ployees should continue their service with the same pay, allowances and
pensions as they received before, so that the exploitation might not be
interrupted in any way. It is Our hope that particular attention \\4l
be paid to this decision, which is to the benefit of all; it is obvious
that, should we come to a deadlock, and in case no understanding is
reached and no assistance &ve.. the Government willbe oblieed to seek
:inotlier :ilternativc tind inakc use of other experts.
:\Il thc world slioiild kiiotti;ithe Iraninn Çoi,ernrnviit (luesiiot wish
tu cre:ite :in). technical or administrative didïculty iiitlic uay of exploi-
t~tion. 011 tlit:cuntr:iriSit h:is ~)ro\~id~~:il.d will continue ro pri>vi<lt.,
vvçry fi1~111r:,nd cncourAgcmc.ntto éiisurcthc enicieiicy of the opcrd-
In conclusion, 1 give herein, for public information. the instructions
which have hitherto been issued to ensure this aim :
(1) Article2 of the provisions relating to the Mixed Committeeratified
on Thursday 26.3.30. :
Original text :The Iranian and foreign experts, employees and workers
of the former oil Company shall remain in their positions, and shall be
recognized from this date as employees of the National Oil Company of
(2) Declaration made by the Provisional Board of Directors on
30th Khordad 1330 :
Article 2. Al1the employees and workers of the former oil Company.
whether Iranians or foreigners, who would be sincerely willing to function
under the Iranian Board of Directors, \vil1be regarded as employees of
the lranian Government and as our esteemed collaborators ; and they
may rest assured that in case of rendering loyal services, their salary and
allowances, as well as their prestige, will not be affectedin the least.
Article 3. The foreign employees and workers remaining in their
positions and serving loyally, will enjoy the love and respect of the
lranian people. It is necessary that the Iranian employees and workers
should consider them as their sincere collaborators and as employees to
the lranian Government ; meaiiwhile, extend towards them evcry
hospitality and kindness. IRANIAN CO>IJIUXICATION OF 29 VI 51 (AKKEX C)
Article 4. As regards the foreign employees and workers willing to
leave Iran, no objection and no violence will be made towards them ;
but necessary arrangements will be made for their departure and the
. settlement of their accounts.



As you are aware a law was passed on the 29th of Esfand 1329in both
Houses, according to which the oil industry was nationalized throughout
the country.
The law concerning the nationalization of oil anses out of the sover-
eign rights of the Iranian nation in choosing and determining the metliod
of making use of national industries, and the Iranian Government, in
putting this law into execution, has no object except to secure the
comfort of its nation, and does not intend, in this way, to damage the
rights of others. For this purpose every attention has been paid in this
law to take into consideration ail necessary points inorder to observe the
rights ofthose who possess any rights. For instance, two essential matters
have been taken into careful and necessary consideration.
First, the nationalization of oiloes not damage the rights of former
purchasers and consumers of oil, and in order to secure this aim, Arti-
cle VI1 of the law which is quoted below explicitly recognizes the rights
of the former customers :
i\rticIVI1 of the law :
~ - - ~ ~ - ~-~ ~~ ~
"Al1the purchasers of the products of the mines worked bythe former
Anrlo-Iranian Oil Co. can ~urchase hereafter. at a fair international
price, whatever quantity of'oil which they have been buying annually
from that Co. from the beginning of the Christian year 1948 up to the
'29th of Esfand 1329 (20th hfarch 1951).Regarding the surplus produce,
they will have in case of equal terms the priority rights in purchase."
Secondly, if it is proved that as a result of nationalizatioii of oil,
damage is caused to the former Company, the Iranian Government will
accept compensation of that damage and is ready to deposit 2j % of
the net profit of the Company as security in a bank agreed upon by both
parties for compensation of any probable damage (Article II).
Consequent to these preliminaries, it can be observed that the Iranian
Government has in no way intended, and does not intend, to confiscate
the properties of the former Company, and does not in any way intend to
stop selling oil to its former customcrs. After this prelude which has
been quoted in order to draw your attention to, 1 hereby inform you
of the rerulations which the Iranian Government has drawn UD under
the supeFvision of the Joint Committee, for the execution of the law of
nationalizing the oil industry.

The Regulatiol~s

I. To execute Article II of the law of nationalizing the oil industy,
and to manage temporarily the affairs of the Iranian National Oil Co., a
Board, consisting of three members, appointed by the Government, asthe temporary Board of Directors, will work under the supervision of
the Joint Committee.
2. l'tir.said Boord ii\.estcd with al1thc iicccssnry powcrs fr,r iiinrin:/iifi
tlir :iH:iirj of tlie Cor.iia... ivlicttier ~si)loitation. rcti-inr. distill:irioit
and sale.
3. So long as the Statute of the Iranian Xational Oil Company has
not been approved, the temporary Board of Directors will observe the
regulations laid down by the former Co. (except those parts which do
not conform with the law of nationalization of the oil industry).
4. The Iranian and foreign technicians, employees and workers of
the former Co. will continue to work as before and will be considered
hereafter as the employees of the Iranian National Oil Co.
5. The temDorarv Board of Directors will do its hest to ut the
present progr&nmeAinto action and to increase the production 8f oil so
that the quantit. .xploited and prodnced will exceed the present volume.
6. In order to determine the fair international price, aiid in order to
avoid any slow-down or stoppage in the exportation of oil, the tempo-
rary Board of Directors is bound, as soon as it arrives in Kliuzistan, to
publish a notice in Iran and abroad stating that, according ti, the
programme of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. rietroleum products
will be delivered to the former purchasers of the Co. against receipt
for one month. The purchasers are bound to refer within this time
tothe officeof the temporary Board of Directors andmakearrangements
regarding the payment of the price for the products which they have
obtained within this period. In ordcr to secore the right stated in
Article VI1 of the law of 9th Ordibehesht 1330, and rnake arrangements
for the purchase and sale of petrol in future, they have also to obtain
the agreement of the temporary Board.
The temporary Board of Directors will submit to the Joint Comniittee
the principles of agreement with the purchasers.
Finallv 1 have to mention the followinr tw.,voiiits :
1. 'l'ticrr#iil.itiorii 1,roiight Io ).oiir ;ittention :ire griier:il iii.îlriiclioiis
\\,liiclihavc hccn thoufilit of forthe cseciition of tlic la\\.of rxitionnliziiig
ttie oil industry. and ;lstlie 1r;ini:in(;ovcrnmeiit desires tliijiinportniit
national matter to be carried out in utmost accuracy and firmness and
benefit of the espenenie and information of the former Company, there-
fore if you put forth any proposal whicli is not contrary to the law
concerning the nationalization of the oil the Government will consider
those proposais.
2. It is expected from the former Company to put forward its pro-
posals, which will be within the said law, within five days from now, to
me, so that they may be studied and benefited as according to tlie law.
The Government is bound to put the law of nationalizatio~i of the oil
industry immediately into execution and any delay in esecuting it will
cause responsibility. Therefore, if you have any proposais, please submit

Since the date when the law for the nationalization of the oil industry
and the method of its enforcement were made public, the Government
and people of Iran have been desirous inal1sincerity to utilize in full the
services of al1 foreign esperts, technicians and others working in the
various branches of the oil industry, and to continue to keep them in
employment with their previous salaries, allowances and pensions due
to them. They have desired further to provide these employees with ali
encouragement in order that they should continue to work in confidence
and even with greater zeal than before, on the production and exploita-
tion of oil, so vital to Iran and the western countries.
It is therefore with great regret that some talk has been heard on
the possibility of resignatioetcblocof the above employees. The Impe-
rial Iranian Government cannot imagine any justification for such an
action which would cause immeasurable loss to al1 concerned.
1 wish to assure you, gmtlemen, that, contrary to the provoking
rumours, there can be no conceivable anxiety with regard to the safety
of life andproperty, or for the disniption of the comfort and facilities
which you have so far enjoyed.
,ou wish to continue your productive servicesin the oilindus-
tryhouid? ranhness and goodwill, you may rest assured that our country
would receive vou with al1 hos~italitv and warmth. and would do her
best to make Gu feel at home &th us.
The contract signed between you and the former oil Co. shall remain
in force and al1 undertakings made with your salaries, allowances and
leave and pensions shall be respected in full.
The Imperial Iranian Government hopes that you will accept this
messaee as a frank invitation and that vou will receive it with candid
sinceryty and willcontinue your very emportan wtork with complete
assurance and confidence.
Prime filinister of Iran.


XO. 9582. 29.2.1330.
hlr. Seddon, Kepresentative of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.

His Excellency the Prime Minister has instmcted me to transmit
to you the following inreply to your letter addressed to His Excellency.
In virtue of the laws of 24 and 29th Esfand 1329 and the law of
9th Ordibehesht 1330. copies of which are herewith attached, the oil
industry is nationalized throughout the land of Iran and the Imperial
Government is obliged to cany on itself ail activities pertaining to
research exploitation and refinery.
Perhaos it is not necessanr to esolain tha:
1. hé nationalization 8f induitries emanates from the sovereign
riaht of nations. Other aovernments sucli as the British and the Mexican
Governmeiits have takën advantage of this right in various cases. IRANIAK COhlMUNICATION OF 29 VI 51 (ASNEX C) 693

2. Private agreements, even if valid, cannot prevent the execiition
of this right which is based on recognized principles of international law.
3. The nationalization of the oil industry which is an act of sover-
eignty of the Iranian nation is not referable to arbitration, and no
international institution iscompetent to examine this case.
In view of the above, the Iranian Govemment lias no other course
except to execute the law and does not agree with the contents of the
letter of the former oil Company to refer the case to arbitration.
1 beg to further point out that according to Articles z and 3 of the
law of Ordibehesht 1330,the Iranian Govemment is prepared to consider
the rightfnl claims of the former oil Company.
In conclusion. the oil Com~anv is invited in virtue of this letter to
introduce its representativesAur~ently with a view to arranging the
manner of the execution of the law so that we may a.po..t the day, the
hour and the place of the meeting.

Minister of Finance.

Tehran, 8th May 1951.
No. Z.22/29619.
His ~xcell'nci the Prime Minister.

Your Excellency,
1 am instructed by Sir William Fraser, Chairman of the Aiiglo-
Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to submit to you the followingnotification
on his behalf :

Your Excellency,
"The measures recently introduced in respect of the oil industry in
Iran clearly have the object of either bringing the Concession held by
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to an end, or annulliiig it
before the date provided therein for its termination, by a unilateral act
of the Imperia1 Iranian Government in breach of Articles 26 and 21
of the Concession Agreement or unilaterally altering the terms therein
contained in breach of Articles zrand I of that Agreement.
Therefore 1, on hehalf of the Company and in accordance with the
rights reserved to it by Articles22 and 26 of the Concession Agreenrent,
beg to notify the Government that the Company requests arbitration
for the purpose of determining whether in so attempting to annul, or
terminate the Concession or to alter the Concession Agreement, the
Government has acted in accordance with the terms of the Concession
Agreement and for the purpose of establishing the responsibility for
and determining the consequences of the breach above referred to.
1 further beg to state that the Company has appointed the Right
Honourable Lord Radcliffe, G.B.E., as its arbitrator, and that he has
given his consent to act.
Finally, the Company, in view of the gravity of the situation brought
about by the measures above referred to, expresses the hope that the
Government will appoint its arbitrator at the Government's earliest
convenience. 1 shall bc glad if Your Excellency will kindly acknowledge receipt
of the above notification from Sir William Fraser.
IVith the assurance of Our highest esteem.

For Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd.

No. 30221.

Your Excellencv ,.
We have been informed by hfr. Drake that a letter has been addressed
to him by the Board of Management of the National Oil Company -.
containing thc following three points :

(1)That hfr. Drake should state in writing whether or not he is
willing to serve the National Oil Company.
(2)Mr. Drake has been asked to issue a circular notice to staff at
al1centres to bring their notice to Clause 1of the Decree of the Council
of Ministers which was announced yesterday.
(3) That no member of the staff is to be permitted on leave at present.
We feel it Our urgent duty to ivarn Your Excellency that the above-
mentioned measures involve the gravest risk of mass resignations of
the staff which would necessitate the closing down of the operations of

production, refining, and loading of oil into tankers.
Accordingly, we must in the interest of safety of life and the preser-
vation of plant request that should this come about, the Members of
the Board of Management of the Xational Oil Company should be
instructed to be present on al1occasionswhen plant is heing closed down.
We request this because the task of closing down is fraught with
considerable dang.r and reqnires expert handling w-thout interference
of any kind.
The presence of the Xembers of the Board of Management is requested
to ensure that no interference takes place.
With the assurance of the highest esteem.

His Escellency
Mr. Mohammed Ali Varesteli,
Minister of Finance.

Mr. Seddon, representative of the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.
Receipt is acknowledged of your letter dated 30th Khordad 1330.
No. 30221.

Your statement to the effect that the letter of the Board of Directors
of the National Oil Company to Mr. Drake transmitting to him the
three points written in that letter may cause the probable mass redgna-
tion of the employees and the stoppage of production, refinery and
transportation activities, caused no little surprise because there was
nothing in Articles I and 2 of the aforesaid letter as to warrant the
mass resiguation of the employees.
As to the leaves of absence in Article 3, we asked explanation, and
it was found out that there is no intention to withhold granting leaves of absence which are, according to regulations and the well-running of
the work, unpermissible.
As repeatedly pointed out, the Impenal Government is anxioiis to
see the activities of theoil establishments in full swing, and for the
same reason they have agreed to the continuance of the services of
the above-mentioned employees. We do once more repeat and corifirm
ou8 agreement to that effect and we ask you toinfornithem to continue
their services and remain sure that they will enjoy their salaries and
other advantages as hcre so far.
In case, however, that the employees do not want to continue their
services in face of the assurances given, it is appropriate tliat their
withdrawal from service be gradua1 and according to notice given
beforehand, so that the Imperial Govemment may be able to choose
other technical men in their places.
In view of theabove, the Imperial Govemment expect that they will
take into consideration the public interest and will abstain from taking
such steps as will create difficulties and losses for those who get the

benefit of the use of oil.


SOLAIRE (= 14 JUIN 1931 A. D.)

vrril~lLÉGISLATURE (25 DEY 1309 - zj DEY 13x1 DE L%RE SOLAIRE
PERSASE = 15 JAh'VIER 1931- Ij JANVIER 1933 A. D.),PP. 472 A 47j

ï'radz~itdzc persan (traduction littérale).
-4rticle @nique- Le Madjliss approuve l'adhésion définitivedu
Gouvernement de I'lran aux dispositions de l'art. 36 du Statut de la
Cour permanente dc Justicc internationale. relativesà la juridiction
obligatoire de ladite Cour, dans les cas prévusa l'article précité, telle

qu'elle a étésignée par le représentant de l'Iran le IO melir 1309
(= 2 octobre 1930) et autorise le Gouvernementà en déposer auSecri..
tariat de la S. d. N. les actes approuvés conformes.
Cette loi, qui comprend un article et le texte de l'art. 36 du Statut,
ainsi que les conditions de I'adhésiondu Gouvernement iranien àI'arti-
cle précité, est approuvée par le Medjliss à la séancedu 23 khor-
dad 1310de l'ère solaire(= 14juin 1931).

Le Président du hladjliss,

.Article36 du Statut de la Cour permanente de Justice inter?tationale

[Non reproduit]

cL'acce~tation de la iuridiction obligatoire de la Cour internationale

. .
Au sujet de tous différendsprovenant de situations ou de faits ayant
trait, directement ou indirectement, à l'exécution des traités et conven-

tions que le Gouvernement aura acceptés après la ratification <lecette
déclaration. 1,
Les cas suivants sont exceptés :

a) Les différendsrelatifs au statut territorial, de mêmeque les diffé-
rends relatifs au droit de souveraineté de l'Iran concernant ses iles
et ports,
b) les différends sur lesquels les deux parties se sont mises d'accord
ou se seront mises d'accord en vue de recourir à un autre mode de

règlement pacifique,
c) les diffkends relatifs à des questions qui, d'après le droit inter-
national, relèvent exclusivement de la juridiction de l'Iran.
Ile plus, le Gouvernement impérial de 1'Iran se réserve le droit de
demander, pour tout différendporté devant le Conseil de la Sociétédes
Nations, la suspension de procédure à la Cour de Justice internationale.

L'autorisation d'adhésion du Gouvernement iranien à l'article 36
du Statut de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale ci-dessus
mentionné a étéaccordéeà la séancedu 23 khordad 1310 de l'ère solaire
(= 14 juin 1931 A. D.).
Les conditions d'adhésion du Gouvernement iranien sont valables
conformément à ce qui précède et annexées à l'autorisation susmen-

Le Président du Madjliss,
(Signé) DAGDAR.
Je soussigné, Petko P. Ikowski, expert traducteur juré près le Tribu-

nal de première instance du département de la Seine, avec I'autori-
sation de Monsieur le Vice-Président du Tribunal, chargé du contrôle
des expertises, certifie que la traduction qui précède est sincère et
conforme à l'original écrit en langue persane, viséet paraphé par moi
sous le numéro 7689, ne varietur.

Paris, le 19 juin 1952 P.-V.DU CONSEIL DES IlINISTRES D'IRAN DU 23 VI1 51 697


DU 31 TIR 1330 (23 JUILLET 1951) A 22 HEURES

La séance extraordinaire du Conseil des Ministres s'est réunie chez
M. le Di Mossadegh le lundi 31 tir 1330 (23 juillet 1951)à 22 heures.
D'abord, Mr. Saleh donna le compte rendu des entretiens échangés
entre les membres de la Commission, le ministre des Finances et
&Ir.Harriman et ajouta que ce dernier avait acceptéde porter la teneur
du procès-verbal de ce matin à la connaissance des autorités du Gou-
vernement du Royaume-Uni. En second lieu, il acceptait de même
que le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni annonçât officiellement son
adhésionau principe de la nationalisation avant d'envoyer ses délégués.
Tertio, Monsieur Harriman avait ajouté ce qui suit:

«Je porterai les termes du procès-verbal du Conseildes Ministres
de 1'Iran à la connaissance des autorités du Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni et je leur déclarerai que le Gouvernement irnnien
est disposé à engager des pourparlers .relatifsà la modalité de .
la mise en exécution de la loi dans le cadre des intérêts britan-

Cette dernière proposition de Mr. Harriman fut agrééepar le Gou-
vernement et cet agrément lui fut annoncé au téléphonepar M. le
ministre des Voies et Communications.

DU LUNDI 31 TIR 1330 (23 JUILLET 1951)

La séance ordinaire du Conseil des Ministres et de la Commission
mixte du pétrole s'est réunie lelundi 31 tirmah 1330 chez S. E. DI.le
Dr Mossadegh, Premier Ministre.
A la suite d'un long débat, les décisionssuivantes ont étéprises pour
êtresuivies au cours des pourparlers tenus ce soir avec Mr.Harriman,
envové snécialde Mr. Truman. Président de la Ré~ubliaue des gtats-
~nis'd'Âméri~ue :
I) La formule qui doit êtreremise à hlr. Harriman est conçue dans
les termes suivanis :

CDans le cas où le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni viendrait à
reconnaître au nom de l'ex-A. 1. O. C. le principe de la nationali-
sation des industries pétrolièresen Iran, le Gouvernement iianien
serait disposé à entamer des pourparlers avec les déléguésdu
Gouvernement britannique se présentant de la part de l'ex-
A. 1. O. C. 11

49 2) Avant d'envoyer ses délégué s Téhéran,le Gouvernement britan-
nique annoncera officiellement son adhésion.au nom de l'ex-A. 1.O. C.,
au principe de la nationalisation du pétrole.
3) 11faut entendre par le principe de la nationalisation de l'industrie
du pétrole le sens inclus dans la proposition approuvée à cette fin par
la Commission spécialedu pétrole de la Chambre des Députés,laquelle
a étéconfirméepar la loi du 29 esfand 1329 (20 mars 1g51).
En voici le texte :

« Au nom de la prospéritéde la nation iranienne et en vue de
servir la paix mondiale, nous, soussignés,proposons que l'industrie-
du pétrole soit nationalisée dans toutes les régionsdu pays sans.
exception aucune, c'est-à-dire toutes les opérations d'exploration,.
d'extraction et d'exploitation doivent être concentrées entre les
mains du Gouvernement iranien. a
4) Au cours des pourparlers cii<.îgGs,Ilr. Harriman prendra connais-
s;mcede la définitiondi1principe de la na1ion;ilisation <Iipétroleexacte-
ment telle qu'elle se tr0uj.e CX~O$CC dans le texte de loi. :ihn qu'aucun
malentendu- ne puisse survenii au cours des pourparlers échangés.
De même onportera àla connaissance de Mr. Harriman le texte-
de la note des représentants de l'ex-A. 1. O. C. adressée au Gouver-~
nement iranien et où ils expriment leur façon de comprendre le principe
de la nationalisation - interprétation qui a été nettement refusée.


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