Memorial submitted by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany

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WederaIRepublicof Gemiany/Kethwlads)

Note by the Registry:
The rextof the Mentorinf(rvirAnrzexesj FIed byrhe Gavernment oJ rh~
fiderai RepubiicofGermanyin thecase brlwecn theFederalRepuhIicof Ger-
mny und theKingdom of the NetherfanAlsrhesanie asthr ofthe Memurlai
filedbyrtheGovrrnmmf of !heFederoRlepubiicofGmmarry inzhecaseberween
fftFed~raiRepublicof Germny #id ~heKingdoinof Denmrk, except fur the

1.This Memonalis submittedtothe Court in pursuancofan Ordermade
by the Judgc discharging the dutof fresjdentoftheInternational Caurt of
Justiceuader Article 12ofthe Rules of Court, dated 8 Match 1967. The
Ministerof Foreia Affairof the Kingdom oftheNetherlandshadtransinitted
bya Ietter,dated15Fcbruary 1957and receivedintheRegistry of the Ckiurton
20February 1957,the SpecialAgreement,sjgnedatBonn on 2 Fcbruar 1967
forthe Governmentof theFederal RepubiicofGemy andthe Govcrnmcnt
O£ the Kingdom ofthe Ncthmlands, forthe submissionto the International
Court orJusticeofa disputebetiveetheFederalRepublicofGermmy andthe
Kingdom ofthe Netherlandsconcerning the delimitationasktrveen the Par-
ties, otheContinental ShcIf inthNorth Sea. tittachetedtu tIettewas an
originalcopy ofa protocnlsignedatBonn on2 Febniary 1967for the Govern-
mentsof theFederalRepubIic of Germany, theKingdom ofDenmark,andthe
Kingdom ofthc NctherIiinds(irlfrapara.51,in which provisionismade for
the notification of SpcciaIAgreementto the International CourtoJustice
bythe NetherlandqCiovernment.

2. As itisset forth in the preambof rheSpecial Agreement, thc Fderal
Republic of Germany, not being a Partyto thcStatuleof the international
Court of Justice, by declaratofn29 ApriI 1961and inconformity with the
resolution of the SecurityCoumil of UnitedNations of15 October 1946on
conditionsunder which the InternationalCourtof Justiceshall bcopen to
Statcs not partito theStatuteofthe Court,hasacceptedthe jurisdiction of
the Court in respect tu a11disputes whichmay arirebctwecn lhe Fedet-aI
RepubIic ofGermanyand ans of thepartiesto theEuropea Cnonvenrionof
29 ApriI 1957for thePeaccfuI SettIernenofDispiites. The Kingdrimofthe
NetherIaodsis a partto the saidConvention.'The'lethcrlands instrument of
ratificatiowas depositedon 7 JuIy 1958and by virtueof its Artic41 the
Conventionentered intoforceforlheKingdom of theNetlierlandson thesame

3. The Speci(zAgreemetit, uThicprovidcs for icntryinto forw onthc day
of its signaturrads asfoIIows:

thesubmission to the TnternationalCourt ofJustice of a djKerence

bctuaeenthe Federal Repuhlic of Germany and the Kingdom of the
Netherlandsconcerningthedelimitation, asbetweentheFederal RepubIic
of Gemany and the Kingdomof theNetherlands,of the continen shelf
inthe Borth Sea.
The Goverilmeni ofthe FederalKepubIic ofGerrnan anydtlteGwern-
ment of theKingdom ofthe Netherlands,
Consideringthat the delimitationof the coastal continenshclfinthe
North Seatxtween the Federal KepubIicofGermany and rhe Kingdom of
the Netherlands has heen laid down by a Convention concIudedon 1
Considering that in regardto the furthecourso ef the boundary dis-
agreementexists bctwccnthc Gerrnan and the NetherlandsGovernments,
which couId not be settIedby dEtaiIcd ncgotiations,
Intendingto settlthe open questionsin the spiriofthe friendlyand
good-neighbourty rclatims cxistinbetween them,
Rewlline the obligationtaiddom in ArticI1 ofthetierrnrtn-Nether-
lands Treatyof Conciliatioand Arbitraiionof 20 May 1926to submitto
a procedureof conciIiationor tojudicialsertlemeailcontroversieswhich
cannot be settledby diplomacy,
Beariw in mind the obligation assurneby them under Articles 1and
28 of theEuropcanConvention for thePeacefulSettIement ofUisputm of
29 April 1957to submit to thc judgmcnt of theInternationalCoiirt of
Justicea11internationalIegalccintmversieçto theextent that nospmial
arrangementhas heen or wilIbe made,
By virtue ofthe factthat thc Kingdom of theNettierlandisa partyto
the Statuteofthe InternationalCourtofJustice,andof the Wlaratiw of

acceptame of thejuridiction of tIuternationaCourt ofJusticemade by
the Federal Republicof Germany on 29 Apd 1961 in conformity with
Article3 oftheConvention or 29April1957andnith theKesolution adop-
ted hy the SecurityCounciI of the United Nations on 15 Clctober 1946
concerningthe "Conditions under which thc Intmational Court oJustice
shaIibe open toStara not Partieto theStatuteofthe InternationalCourt
of Justice",
IIave agreeda follows:

(1) The TnfernationaIourt ofJusticisrequesteùto decidethefoI1owing
What principleand rulesofinternationallaw areapplicableto the
delimitationasbetween theParfi esthe areasof thecontinental
shdf inthc North Sca which apprtain toeach ofthcm bcyondthe
partialborindarydetermin~dbythe above-mentionedConvention of
(2) Thc Govecninentsof tlie FederalRepiiblic of Cermanyandof the
Kingdom of the NetherIsnds shaIl delimir: tcontinenta1shelf or the
North Sea as betweentheir countries byagreement inpursuance of the
decision rquesttdîrom theInternationaCourt of Justice.


{I)The Partiessltaltpresenttheir writtenpleadinto thc Courtinthe
1. aMernorial of the Federal Republic of Gcmmy iobe submjtted
withinsis monrhs from thenotificatioofthe presenr Agreement to
thc Court ;

2. aCorinter-Mcmorial of the Kingdom of the Ketherlandsto be
subrnitledwithisixmonths fromthcdclivery ofrhcGerman Mentor-

within suchthe-limits asthe Churi may order.
f2)AdditionaIwrittenpleadingsntaybepnçented if this ijointlypro-
pos& bythe Parties andconsidercd by the Courttv bcapproprjateto the
case and the ~ircumstanceç.

(3) Theforcgoingorderof preseatatioisupit outprejudicetoanyqucs-
tion ofburden of proof whichmight arise.

Thc presentAgreement shaiIenterintoforce on thc day ofsignature

DONE atBonnon 2 February1967 intriplicatintheEngtishlanguage.

Fnr the Govcrnrncnt ofthe Federal Republic
of Cierrnany
{Signed) SmLYz
For the Governmcnt ofthe Kingdom
oftho Netherlands

(Signed) VA% ITTERSU~I"

4. Inaccordane withArticle2of theSpecialAgrccmcnt and wjthArticle37
of the Rulcs of Coiirt, the Judge discharging the dulofPrcsident ofthe
International Court of Justice uriArticle12 ofthe Rules ofCourt, inthe
Ordcr dated8 March 1967,hasfixcd21 August1957 as thc tirne-l-torthe
fiiinofthe Mernorialof the Federal Republiof Gerntanyand 10 February
1968 asthe tirniAirnit fur the fiofnthe Counter-Mernoriaol f thc Nether-

5. This Mcmorial taks into account the fact thaanidentical dispute has
arisenbetweenthe FederaiRepublic of Gerrnanand the Kingdom of Dcnmark
whichwas submittedto theInternationalCourtof Justicebya sirnilaSpeciaI
AgreementcqualIysigned atBonn on2 February 1967andtransmjtted to the
Court together wittheGeman-Netherlands SpecialAgreementbythe above
mtntioned Ietterofthe Minisîer ofForcilpi Affairsof the Kingdam of the
Nethcrlandsdated16 Februar y957.Moreovcr,the German-Netherlandsand154 NORTH SEA COXTINtWI'ALSHELF
the German-Danish$m'al Agreementsare Iinkedby a trilateral Protowl,
signed togetherwith the SpeciaAgreement at Bonn on 2 Fcbruary 1967,for
the Governments of the Fedcral Rcprihlic of Gcrmany, the Kingdom of
Denmark,andthe Kingdvnt of theNetherlandsand equailytransmitted tothe
Courtby tlieMinisterofForeig Anirairsof the Kitigdom ofthe NcthcrIands,
which rads asfnliows:

At the signatureof the Srnial Agreement uftoday'sdate betwcen thc
Government of theFederal RepublicofGermanyand theGovernments of
theKingdorn ofDcnmarkand theKingdom of he NetherImds respective-
ly,on thesubmissiontotheIntcrnatioaa Iourtof Justicof the difference
betweenthe Partiesconcernit nhc delimitation of cmtinentd shelfin
the North Sea, thcthree Governmcntswish tostatetheiagreement on the

1.TheGovernment of the Kingdom of the NetherlandswiU,within a
month from the signature, notifythe two Spocial Agreements rogether
with the prcscntProtocolto the 1ntm;rtioitaCourt of Justice inaocor-
dance withArticle40, paragraph 1,ofthe StatuleoftheCourt.
2. Afier thenorificationinaccordance with item 1 abovc the Parties
will ask the Coiito jointhe two cases.

3. The threeGovernments a- thar,forthe purposeofappointing a
judge ad {roc,the Governments of the Kingdom of Denmarkand the
Kingdam of thc Netherlands shall k considered parties in rlie same
intereswjthinthemeaning of Article 31,parztaph5, of the Statuof the
DONE atBonn on 2 February 1967infourcopiesin thcEngIishlanguage,

Forthe G overnmentof the FederaI Republic
of Germany
(SigledJ ScnL-rz
For theGovernment ofthe Kingdom
of Deninark
For theGovernmentof theKingdom
of the Netherian&

The presentMernoriai, thererore,rcfcrsin thesarneway to the German-

Danish disputeas totheGerman-Neîherlands dispute.
5. ThisMernorial isdividedinto the followingpms:
Part 1 reports uponthe facts of thecase and records the historyof the
deyelopment of thedispute.

Part IIcontainsthe Iegalargument brou& forwardby thc German side.
Part III contains thc submissionsto the Coasto whatprinciplesand rulcs
ofinternationalIaw areapplicableto thedelimitationofthe arcasofthe con-
tinentalshelfinthe North Seaapperîainingto theParties. MEUORIAL OF THE FEDERALREPUBLIC (IGERMANY 155

Part IV contaiilstheAnnexes, with Eriglishtranslationifthetextisnot in

Document Long Title

Memorial submitted by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany
