Note verbale dated 9 August 1994 from the Embassy of Saudi Arabia to the Netherlands

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NoteVerbaledated 9August 1994 from the EmbaSSy of

SaudiArabiato the Netherlands The Royal Embassyof Saudi Arabiapnsents its complimentsto theIntemati-

onal Corn of Justicein The Hague andwithreferenceto the lener of 20 June 1994by
His ExcellencytheResident of theInternationalCourtof Justice.concerningthercqu-

est foran advisoryopinionon legalityof a Srateusingnuclear weaponsin an armed
conflict,the Embassywishesto informtheesreemedCoun that the Govemrnentof the

Kingdomof SaudiArabiadoesnotrecognisethep~ciple of a State usingnuclearwe-
aponsin an armedconfiict for-whatever reason.Thenfore, the Kingdomof SaudiAra-
bis hx s.g-,~.'dcanventionfor prohïoitionof nuclearweapons.Ir has also supponed

the United Nations General Assembly suggestioo nfskeeping theMiddle East,Africa,
Latin Amenca and the Indian Ocean.a nuclear weapons-and mass destructionwea-


The Royal Embassyof SaudiArabiaavailsitselfofùiisoppomniry torenewto the
--International CourtofJusticein TheHague theassurancesofits highesr consideration.

TheHague. 9 August 1994

. .

nie ~&e.

Document Long Title

Note verbale dated 9 August 1994 from the Embassy of Saudi Arabia to the Netherlands
