Written Statement of the Government of Norway

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Written Statementof the Governmentof Norway Oslo 10 June 1994

International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
2517 Ki The Hague
The Netherlands

Statement bv Noruav relatins to the recruestb? the WEO for an
Advisory ûuinion on the lesality of the use of nuclear WeaDOnS
in armed confliet.

Reference is made to the International Court of Justice's
order of 13 September 1993 in which member countries are
invited to submit written statements to the Court concerning
the request from the World Health Organization (WHO) for an
advisory opinion regarding the legality of the use of nuclear
weapons in armed conflicts.

The Norwegian Goverment's main concern is how the
international community can build lasting political
commitments which will ensure that nuclear weapons will never

be used. It is our view that this can best be achieved through
ultimately &outd athe elhination of al1 nuclear stockpiles. To

be fully effective, such agreements must comprise reliable and
strict verificationand contra1 measures and must become
binding for al1 nuclear and non-nuclearpowe....

In the view of the Norwegian Government, the Court should, in
assessing the matter further, place qreat emphasis on these

Document Long Title

Written Statement of the Government of Norway
