Note verbale dated 8 June 1994 from the Embassy of the Philippines to the Netherlands

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NoteVerbaledated 8 June1994 fromthe Embassv of the

Philippinesto the Netherlands EMBASSY OF THE PHILIPPINES

REF. NO. 95-94/RAA

The Embassy of the Philippines presents it~ compliments to the lnternational

Court of Justice and, with reference to the request of the World Health Organization to

the Court that the latter give an advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of

nuclear weapons in armed conflict. subject of the Order of the lnternational Court of
Justice of 13 September 1993. has the honor to quote. hereunder. the text of the

letter, dated 2 June 1994, frorn H.E. Roberto R. Romulo. Philippine Secretary of

Foreign Affairs, addressed to H.E. Mohammed Bedjaoui, President of the Internarional

Court of Justice:


"The Government of the Republic of the Philippines studied
with care the Order of the lnternational Court of Justice of 13
September 1993 on the request of the World Health Organization to
the lnternational Court of Justice for the latter to give an advisory

opinion on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons in
arrned conflict.

"The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines provides
in Article II. Sec. 8:

"'The Philippines, consistent wi?h the national
interest. adopts and pursues a policy of freeaorn
frorn nuclear weapons in its territory."'

'In view of the above considerations. the Government of the

Republic of the Philippines therefore supports The position that the
threat or use of nuclear weapons is illegal. The Philippines is
convinced that in view of the serious health and environmental
effects frorn nuclear weapons by a state during arrned conflict, such
use would consfitute a breach of obligations under international law,

including the Constitution of the World Health Organization.

Very truly yours.


Secretary of Foreign Affairs"

The Embassy of the Philippines avails itself of this opportuniry to renew to the
lnternational Court of Justice the assurances

08 June 1994

The Hague

Document Long Title

Note verbale dated 8 June 1994 from the Embassy of the Philippines to the Netherlands
