Letter dated 18 May from the Permanent Representative of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations

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Lettedzit18May1995 hm thePemmnenbpresx&ve ofthe
DemoaaîicPeopleRepubliofKoreatotheUnitNations Democratic People's Republic of Kores
PermanentMissionto the UnitedXations
515East RnStree38F3ew YorkKY. 10021
Tel. (2772-0712 (07FAX (213) 772-0735

18 May 1995

Wizh rsgar5 to Che UN GerieralAssembly resolucion 49/75 K
aàoptsg on 15 December 1594, I have the honour, Gpon
zrtkorizàtio- of 5.;. Soreiçn Xinister of the Democratic People's
?.s?ublicof Korea, to refer to the position of the Goventnent of
=he Democraric 3eople's Xèpublic of Korea on the legality of the
ckreaz or use of nuclear weapons.

-... The Gove-nrnent of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Lc:kesit thct zhe threat or cse of nuclear weapons in any case is
violation O; the 'RiCharzer and tne exiscing interriacionallaws,
an5.cherofors shouid not ne cllowed on any accoczt.
It is deplora~lo thaï the legc~~ty of the threat or use of
nuciear weapons i5 ae5ataC when compl=te elimination of nuclear
wea-ons is cnaer serious Çisc3~sâion on rhe in=*rzational arena.
- -.,- -
I would like :O reaiïd yss -5 rhe locrer o: =.;. rorcign
"'"'ster of rke 3P9K acCressea :O Rscistrar sr th* 1n:ernational
Csurc of Züsrice I:: 2anuar-y r334 ?..s.iz.z z3 :he resolution of
cie .5.h Korld Sezlth Assenjly, wxzn ;as clezrly staced the
?Os11-13i3 ?5 rnyGovernmer.: acains: ~5s threa: or iiseof iiuclear

-;=,se accepi, Yocr Xozocr, zhe câs.~rances of my highest

Document Long Title

Letter dated 18 May from the Permanent Representative of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations
