Letter dated 19 June 1995 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of San Marino

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Lett ered 1June199hm-the Ivhkkr forForeAnSiirs
SEGRmRU DiSTATOPEUGU AFFARI EmRl San Marino, 19th June 1995

With reference to your letter n. 95586 dated 8th February 1995, please take
note of the following:

The Republic of San Marino affirms that-the existence of nuclear weapons and,

their proliferation represents a serious threat to peace and reaffirrns the need
for the International Court of Justice to express an advisory opinion on
"Legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons". The Republic of San
Marino in fact considers it as a violation of the United Nations Charter and of

any national and international rule protecting hurnan rights, as stated by the
Resolution 49/75 K., adopted by the General Assernbly in its 90th plenary
session of Decernber 15th, 1994.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of San Marino wishes to know any decision
that the International Court of Justice will adopt on this matrer.

1 shall be grateful if you could give instructions on the above-rnentioned

position of San Marino and 1 avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you,
Mister Registar, the assurance of rny highest CO

Mr. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina
Registar of the International Court of Justice


Document Long Title

Letter dated 19 June 1995 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of San Marino
