Memorial of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

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1.The ~ederal RepubIicof Yugoslavia(hereinafter: the Applicant) fiSedon 24
April 1999the Applicationsinstituting proceedings against the United States of
America, the United IClngdomof Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the
lngdom of Belgium,Canada, the Repubhc of France, the Federal Republic of

Germany, theRepublic of Italy, the lngdom of the Netherlands, Portugal and
the Kngdom of Spain for violations of obligation not to use force against
another State and others obligations.

2.The subject-matter of thedispute, indicated by the Applications,were acts of
Respondents by which they violated their international obligation banning the
use of force againstanother State, the obligation not10intervene in the internal
affairsof another State, theobligation not to violate the sovereigntyof another
State, the obligation to protect the civilian population and civilian objects in
wartime, the obligation to protect the environment, the obligation relating to

free navigation on international rivers, the obligation regarding fundamental
human rights and freedoms, the obligation not to use prohibited weapons, the
obligation not to deliberately inflict conditions of lifcalculated to cause the
physicaldestruction of a national group.

3. In its Applications the Applicantstates thatthe claims submitted by ittothe
Court are based upon the following facts:
"the Government of the Respondent, together with the Governments of other
Member States of NATO, took part in the acts of use of force against the

Federal Republic of Yugoslaviabytakingpart in bombing targets in the Federa1
Republic of Yugoslavia. In bombing the Federat Republic of Yugoslavia,
militasyand civiliantargets were attacked. Great number of people were killed,
including a great many civilians. ~esidehtial houses came under attack.
Numerous dwellings were destroyed. Enormous damage wascaused to schools,
hospitals, radioand television stations, cultural and health institutions and to
places of worship. A large number of bridges, roads and railway lines were

destroyed. Attacks on oil refineries and chemical plants have had serious
environmental effects on cities, towns and villages in the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia.Theuse of weapons containing depleted uranium is having far-
reaching consequences for human life. The above-mentioned acts are
deliberately creating conditions calculated at the physical destruction of anethnic group, in whole or in part. The Government of the Respondenl istaking
part in the training, arming, financing, equipping and supplying the so-called
'KosovoLiberation Army".

4.The said clait~isare basedon the following legal grounds:

The above acts of the Government of the Respundent represent a gross
violation ol'thc obligation not so use force against another State. By financing,
arming, training and equipping the so-called 'Kosovo Liberation Army', support
is given to terrorist groups and the secessionist movement in the territory of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of the obligation not to intervene in
the internal affairsof another State. In addition, the provisions of the Geneva
Convention of 1949 and of the Additional Protocol No.1 of 1977 on the
pro~cction of civilians and civilian ol~jectsin tiof war have heen violated. The
obligatiol~to protect the environment has also been breached. The destruction

of bridges on the Danube is in contravention of the provisions of Article 1of the
1948 Conve~~tiot~ on free navigation on the Danube. The provisions of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and of the Inrernational
Covenant on Econon~ic, Social aild Cultural Rights of 1966 have also been
breached. Furthermore, the obligation contained in the Convention on thc

Prever~tjon and Punishment of the Crime of' Genocide not to impose
deliberately on a national group conditions of life calculated to bring about the
physical destruction of thegroup has been breached. Furthermore,the activities
in which Canada is taking part are contrary to Plrticle 53, paragrap 1, of the
Charter of the United Nations.

5. The claims of the Applicant were formulated as follotvsin the Application:

The Government of the Fecieral Republic of Yugoslavia requests the
International Court ui Justice toadjudie ancideclare:
- by taking part in the bombing of the territory of the Federal Repriblic of

Yugoslavia, the Respondent has acted against the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation not to use force against another State;
- by taking part i~tthe training, arming, financing, equipping iind supplying
terrorist groups, i.ethe so - called 'Koswu Liberation Army', the Respondent

has acted against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach ofits obligation
not to intervene in the affairs of another State;
- by taking part in attacks on civilian targets, the Respondent has acted against

the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation to spare the
civilian population, civilians and civilian objects;
- by taking part in destroying or damaging monasteries, monuments of culture,

the Respondent has acted against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach
of its obligation not to commit any act of hostility directed against historical
monuments, works of art or pIaces of worship which constitute cultural or
spiritualheritage of people;- by taking part in the use of cluster bombs,the Respondent has acted against
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation not to use
prohibited weapons, i.e. weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering;
- by'taking part in the bombing of oil refineries and chernicaI plants, rhe

Respondent has acted against the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia in breach of
its obligation not to cause considerable environmental damage;
- by taking part in the use of weapons containing depleted uranium, the
Respondent has acted against the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia in breach of

its obligation notto use prohibited weapons and not tocause far-reachinghealth
and environmental damage;
- by taking part in'killing civilians, destroying enterprises, curnrnunications,
health and cultural institutions, the Respondent has acted against the Federal

Republic of Yugoslavia inbreach of its obligation to respect the right to life, the
right to work, the right to information, the right to health care as well as other
basic human rights;
- by taking part in destroying bridges on international rivers, the Respondent

has acted against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach oC its obligation
to respect freedom of navigation on international rivers;
-by taking part in activities listed above, and in particularbycausing eirorrnous
environmental damage and by using depleted uranium, the Respondent has

acted against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation not
to deliberately inflict ona national group conditions of life calculafed to bring
about its physical destruction,inwhoIeor in part;
- the Respondent is responsible for the violation of the above international

- the Respondent is obliged to stop immediately the violation of the above
obligations vis-h-vis theFcdcrnlRepublic of Yugoslavia;

- the Respondent is obliged to provide compensation for the damage done to
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and to itscitizens and juridical persons.

6. At the end of itsApplication, the Applicant resemed the right to amend and
supplement it.

7. On 29 April 1999, immediately after filing its Applications, the Applicant
submitted requests for the indications of provisional measures.

8. After the public hearings held between 10 and 12 May 1999, concerning the
requests for the indicationsofprovisional measures, the Court found prirnafi~cie
it waswithout jurisdiction and by its Orders of 2 June 1999,rejected the requests

for the indications of provisional measures and reserved the subsequent
procedure for further decisions in the proceedings in cases against Belgium,
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United
lngdom (hereinafter:the Respondents). 9. Although the International Court of Justice found prima faciie t was without
jurisdiction rejecting the requests for the indications of preliminary measures,

the Court said "the parties should take care not to aggravate or extend the
dispute". Unfortunately, the Respqndents did not respect thisposition of the
Court. They did aggravate and extend the dispute.

10. By its Orders made on 30 June 1999,the International Court of Justice in
each of the cases concerning Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium,
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and United Kingdom)
has fixed the time-limits for the filingof the written pleadings ofparties. In
accordance with the Orders of the International Court of Justice, dated30June

1999,the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia submits this Memorial.

11. DUEto suhstanrial and technical reasons, the Applicant has prepared an
identical text of the Memorial in all eight pending cases. The substance of
dispute in all eight cases is identical. There are some differences concerninthe
jurisdictionof the Court among some ofthe cases which will be indicated in the
relevant part of the Memorial. Whereas all Respondents are in the same
interest, according to Article 31, para. 5, of Staoftthe Court, theyshouId, for

thepurpose of the nomination of ad lzocjudge, be reckoned as one party only.
Alternatively, for the said purpose, Belgium and the Netherlands are in the
same interest; Canada, Portugal .and the United Kingdom are in the same
interest; and France, Gern~anyand Italy are in the same interest,

12.Since the Orders of the Court, .dated 2 June 1999, the dispute aggravated
and extended. Ztgot new .elements concerning failures of the Respondents to
fulfill their obligat~onsestablished by Security Council resoIution1244 and by
the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the rime' of
Genocide. Negating the alleged humanitarian motives of the Respondents, the

new elements areof crucial importance for the substance of thedispute.

13. The substance of the dispute isrelated to the State responsibility.The
. Respondents have breached and are breaching some of the most important
international obligations and they are responsible for that. Accordingly, the
Applicant will show that the breached obligations are in force between the
Applicant and the Respondents, the acts of breaches of these obligations,
imputation of the acts to the Respondent and the existence of the jurisdiction of
the Court.

14. The Memorial is structured in four parts. The Part One contains the

statement on facts. Part Two consists of statements on the Iaw. PartThree is
referring ,to the jurisdiction of the Court. And the Part Four presents
conclusions and submissions.

15.The dispute is very complex, containing a great number of elements. But,
legally it is not so much complicated.The large number of factsrelated to theI
bombing or to the killing,wounding and expulsion of Serbs and other non-
Albanian groups in Kosovo and Metohija are confirmed hy the Respondents.
Besides, the NATO Press Conferences, held during the aggression, are a rich

source of relevant information. Transcripts of the Conferences are available at
NATO web;site on the INTERNET. Concerning the law, the Applicant hases
itsposition on the legal statementof the Court in previous cases.

16. Due to the fact that the dispute matured, through the new elements, the
Applicant considers that the circumstances related to the jurisdictionof the
Court have changed so that theCourt has the jurisdiction to sesoIthe dispute.

17. The dispute isof great importance for the partiesinvolved and for mankind
as a whole. The judgment of the Court, declaring responsibility of the
Respondent, would be to the benefit not only for the Applicant but to the
further sound development of internationalrelations in general. 1. PART ONE- FACTS


1.1.1.March 24,1998 the bombing of Rakovica, firston March 24 and repeatedly
ahenvards, the monastery of Rakovica in Rakovica, Belgrade, was exposed to

strong detonations, which weakened its supporting wall and counterforts
(Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I, p215). On the night ofMarch 24/25, 1999, from 8.31pm to 5.00am, in an
attack ofNATO aviationon Djakovica damage was inflicted on officeand
residential buildings by missiles hitting the old part of the town, killing 4 persons

and totallyestroyingabout 220 office and residential buildings. On March 24, 1999, at about 7.55 pm, in Novi Sad, at 1 Ljubomira
Nenadovica Street, NATO aviationfiredseveral high-cxplosive cruise missiles
and destroyedthe buildingsand equipment of the training centre of Ministry

ofTnternalAffairsofthe Republic ofSerbia, whilDjuro Djukic and Predrag Ilic
were injured. Maleriadamage was done to private and socially-owned pren~ises
by the after-shock following the impact of the projectilesThe pren~isesin
question are the property of the following enterprises: TEHNOGAS,

vendors, the storehouse of APATTNSKAPIVARA, the storehouse of COCA-
COLA, the waterpower engineering firms of SAJWSKA, SRBlJA VODE, and
DUNAV, whereas the residential buildings within 500 metres behind the
premises listed above had their roofs, windows doors damaged. During the nighof March 24/25 NATO aviation attacked the areaof

the town of Kula with several high-explosive projectiles causing damage to the
farmhouse at Nu. 8,owned by Nikola Uedicin, toa farmhouse'in Igrnanska
Street,owned by Branko Vukovic, to the house at 4 lgmanska Streetowned by
Mihalj Les, and to the houses at 2 and6 Igmanska Street, owned by Vitomir
Perunicic and Spasoje Majstorovic respectively. In the course of the raid,
damage was alsodone to the tool workshop, the maintenance workshop and the

boilerroom, as wellasthe workshop ofthe Foundry and the compressor station,
all owned by Iskramachine accessory factory, Kula, alonwiihthe premises of
Djuro Strugar farming co-operative at Kula, where damage was done to thefollowing: the gatekeeper's booth, the weighing house, the drying shed, the
mechanic's workshop with a hangar, the farrowing pens PI and P2, the

storeho~~sewith a grismill,the cow shed, and theold farmhouse. On March 24, at 8.10pm, at thesummit of Mt. Murtenica, ata location
called Brijac,NATO aviation firedan unidentified projectile and hitthe air
reconaissance post with hvo domes and fiveengine rooms - the domes were 9
metres in diameter and 7 metres high with a metal framework - destroying trees

within 25metres; pullingdown 89cm by50cm concreteslabssmashing allwindow
panes on the building,which is 36metres long and 12metres wide - a totalof 47
windowsmeasuring 1.70cm by 0.95 cm, and fiveengine room ventilators.

1.1.2.March 25, 1999. On March 25, 1999, at 5.10 pm, between the villages of Besnik and
Njegus, near Rozaje, Senad Dacic (16)was killed and three young men were
injured (Senad Muric, Asrnir Dacic and Mensur Muric) by cluster bombs.

(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 393 On March 25, 1998 at9.20 am, a cruise missile destroyed oil storage
tanks inthe civilian part of Goluhovci airfield. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I,p. 233) On March 25, 2999,at about 8.05 pm, a NATO aviation assaultwas
carriedout at Djakovicainflictingdamage to the premisesfor the acornmodation
of unitsof theMinistq of Internal Affairof the Republicof Serbia. On March 25,1999, at about 7-55pm, a NATO aviation assault was
carricd out at Prizren inflicting damage to the premises for the acornmodation

of units of the Ministry af Tnternal Affaofsthe Republic of Serbia and killing
Dragan Baric and Dragan Repic. On March 25, J999, at about 8.28pm, a NATO aviation assault was
carried out atNis, with a cruise missile hitting the Stevan Sindjelic army
barracks in 12. februara Street, and 4 homing bombs, weighing about 500 kg
each, hitting theNis military airfietd a9.46 pm, the Mija Stanimirovic army
barracks in Donji Komren residential area between 9.40 and 9.50
huge damage was done to the listed premises as well as theambulance, the
customshouse, a largenumber offamiIy houses in the villagofMedosevac, the
Dve lipe restawrant, theVelja car wash in 12.februara Street, and the15, maj
and 12.februar Secondary SchooIs.

1.1.3. March 26, 1999. On March 26, 1999,at 8.00pm, Ljubica Simonovic was injured in a
missiIeattack on the villageofGrlic, near Danilovgrad. During the attack, the
most serious damage was done to the premises in the village ofYelje Polje
owned by Veselin &uric, Punisa Buric, Vladimir Buric, Dusan Buric and Jelka

Burjc. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 39) On March 26, 1999, at 8.40pm, the PIK Mladost agricultural and
processing complex in Gnjilane was bombed. The hangar was hit, and aI1 the
vehicles and the hangar itself burnt down. Also, one missile hit the Kosmet
prevoz transportation enterprise in Gnjilane. Several buses were seton fire.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1,p. 353) . March 26, 1993, at8.55 pm, in Alcksinac, NATO aviation hit the
Deligrad army barracks with one projectile, catising huge material damage to
the following civilianpremises: the Beopetrol filling station, the buildinof
Morava ready-made clothes factory, the Nis ekspres bus station, and the
socially-owned enterpriseFRAD, Jelka Radulovic, andEMPA.

1.2-4. March 28,1999. March 28,1959, the building of the PrizreLeague in Prizren was
demolished by NATO bombs. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 227) On March 28, 1998,at Nis, at, NATO aviatio~~hit Nis military

airfield inVazduhoplova Street with one projectile, killing Acim Tadic from
Grebica, the municipalityof Niksic,severely injuring Bojan Stamenkovic, and
slightly injuring Milos Bozovic, Alcksandar Hajvaz, Radojica Gwtovic, Srccko
Stojanovic, Slobodan Karadzic and MiroslavLukic.

1.1.5. March 29,1999 On the night of March 29/30, 1999, NATO bombs damaged the
Outpatient and Dental Clinics in Pristina. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yvgaslavia
11,p. 233) Lola Utva factoryin Pancevo was exposed to NATO missile attacks
scveral times:on March 24, 1999, at 9.00pm, with four missiles;on March 27,

1999, at 8.05 pm, with one missile; and on March 29, 1999, at 8.30 pm, with one
missile.The following plants were destroyed in the attacks: the assembly and
maintenance plants with 17sports aircraft being overhauled; the assembroom
with two sportsaircraft, the aircraft equipmenpEant,the aluminum protection
plant, the paint shop, the water purification plant; and the preparation for
material cuttingplant. (Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 351)

1.1.6. March31,1999. NATO bombs damaged the following medical care facilities: the
Outpatient Clinics in Ladjevci and Milocaj, the Pharmacy in the Ladjevci
Outpatient Clinic, the Students' Medical Center in Nis, the Medical Centerin
Leskovac -the General Hospital, and theZeskova Hcealth Care Institut- the
Pristina Outpatient Clinic and Dental Clinic, located in downtown Pristina
(100% damage), the Rakovica Outpatient Clinic- the premises in Labudovo

Brdo and Resnik,and the Infirmary in theDMB factory, the Zemun OutpatientClinic, the Outpatient Clinic in Srcmcica, the Outpatient Clinic in Zeleznik, the
Infirmary in the village of Vrbovac, and the Pharn-iaceutical Enterprise in
Gnjilane. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.174) Marc1132, 1899,at about 10.40prn;in a NATO aviation attack at the

village of Ljughunar, the municipality ofDjakovica, damage was done to the
agricultural airfield athe residential and business buildings in its vicinity,with
two persons killed arione severely injured,
1.1.6,3.On March 3I,1999, at a location called Popova glava, in the area of the
villageof Camurlija, the municipality of Nis, NA"1-Oaviation fired one missile

and damaged a cup-system radar, killing Dragoslav Jankovic from Nis and
slightly injurinPredrag Jovanovic and Bane Milojevic. On March 31; 19Q9, inthe earlymorning hours, NATO aviation tried to
hit the RajijicBrdo transmitter of Radio TelevisionSerbia on the territoryof
the municipality of Kmjeric. The projectile missed thetarget and hit a plotof

land owned by Novak Arsenijevic, causiilg substantial damage to both the plot
and the nearby houses in the villagof Seca Reka. On March 31, 1999, at about 11.30 pm, on the territory of the
municipality of Uzice,NATO aviation hit and caused damage lo a field owned

by Momcilo Radovic from Katusnica, and thatsame day a large part ofa pine
forestwas damaged at a location called Prepeliste on the territory of the village
of Krernna. On March 31, 1959, at 8.20 prn,with a projectila bearing the identity
markECO 8414,NATO aviation bombed the place called Katusnica Drenova,

the local community of Sirogojno, destroyinga number of beech and hornbeam

1.1.7. April I,19911. NA?'O bombs damaged the following medical care facilities: the
Medical Center in Leskovac - the General Hospital and the Leskava Hcealth
Care Institute - thc Pharmaceutical Enterprise in Leskovac. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. I751 On April'1,1999,at4.55 am, the old Varadin Bridge inNovi Sad was hit
and denlolished by two missiles.In this attack, Oleg Nasov was killed, beinon
the bridge at the time uf the attack, and the detonation from the projectile's
impact damaged the Fortress of Petrovaradin, the premises of the Faculty of
Philosophy and those of the Law School, residential and business buildings in
Kej Zrtava Racije and Beogradski kej,the management building of DTD No~i
Sad, the buildings of the VojvodinaMuseumand the Djordje Natosevic Primary

SchooE.(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 233) On the same day, at 5.M am, the bridge on the Danube, on the
Belgrade-Novi Sad road, near Beska, the municipality ofIndjija, was bombed
and damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I,p.23 J) April 1,1999, NATO aviation bombed the territory of Bajina Basta.
In the area of KaludjerskaBara, a field of Milojko Jovanovic, the holiday home
ofMomcilo Veselinovic, and the house of Milojko Vesclinovic from the village
of Lug were all damaged. In the hamlet of Canic, the local community of

Zaglavak, the house and outbuildings of Milos Milinovic were damaged.
I Damage was also done to the houses of Radovan ancl Andrija Lojanicic,
Milorad Djuricic,Milovan Tesic, MilinkoLukic,and Kosa Simic.

1.1.8. April2, 1989. On April 2, 1999, at 1.30 am, the vilIage of Nogovac in Orahovac
municipality was directly hit by three ntissiles. causing the death af 11
persons (four were identified: Cazim Krasnici, father's name Isa, Mahmut
Krasnici, Hist Zunici, and Hisni Ersani) and inflicting serious injuries on5
persons - Zade Ejsani, Spresa Krasnici, Valentina Ersani, Ridv;~ Berisa.
and Edunisa Gasi. As a rcsult of the attack, 15 houses were damaged.

including the farm equipment in the courtyards and the passenger cars
parked in the vicinityof the place of explosion. (Annex, NATO Critnes in
Yugoslavia I, p. 39) April 2, 1999,at 1.45am, the region of Kursurnlija municipality was

hitby several missilesof great destructive power. The first missile felin the
close ofthe Stevanovic family housein the village of Sarnokovo. The Stevanovic
family house and outbuildirigs in the courtyard were completely destroyed by
, the explosion. At the time of the attack, asleep in the house were Vucina
Stevanovic (born 1954),who suffered serious injuries endangering his life. As a
result of the explosion, window panes were broken on the neighbouring houses.

(Anncx, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 39) NATO hornbs damaged the following ~nediual care facilities: the
General Hospital and Outpatient Clinic in Djakovica, the Medical Center in
Kosovska Mitrovicn, and the Outpalient Clinics in Leposavic and Vucitrn
(Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.'175) During the bombing on April 3,the St. Nicholas' Church in Djurakovac
was damaged. (Annex' NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 227) On April 3, 1999, at about 7.50 pm, NATO aggressors fircd three
missiles, hitting and demolishing the Liberty Bridge in NovSad. Three persons

wcre severely wounded and hospitalized: Zvonimir Breber, Senka Andric and
Slobodan Savic. Slightly wounded were ~ovanka'~onatovic, Zvonin~ir Sabljak,
Zeljko Colakovic, and Jelena Andric. (hncx No. 50: Sveclocenjc Zvonimira
Brebera Kri. 397199od 23.04.1999.godine predOkruznirn sudom u Novorn Sadu, str.
101-103;Testimony ofZvonimlrBreber Kri.39719923April 1998in thc District Court in
Novi Sad pp. 240-242. Anncx No. 51: Svedoccnjc Colakovic ZeljkaKri. 397199od19.04.1999 .odine pred Okruznim sudom u Novom Sadu, str. 103-105;Testimonyof
Colakovz Zeljko Kri. 397/9419April 199inthe District Court in Novipp. 238-240.) the bombingon April 3 damage was done to the 25.maj bridge
on the Danube, connectingFR Yugoslaviaand Croatia. (Annex,NATO Crimes
in YugoslaviaI, p.243) During theNATO air attacks on April 3, 1999,on thebuildingsof the
Republic and Federal Ministries of Internal Affairs in Knera Milosa Street,
damage was done to buildingsand cars in Sarajevska,Durmitorska, Slohodana
Penezica Krcuna, and heza Milosa streets, and the building of the
Gynecological-Obstetrics Clinicat 26VisegradskaStreet. April 3,2999,at about 1.55pm, in Gnjilane,NATO aviation heavily
damaged the premises, vehicles, and machinery of the Dragi Popovic Motor
Club, DD Kosmet-prevoz,BinackaMorava, and theLavRestaurant.

1-1-10.April 4, 1999. During the bombardment on April4, the Outpatient Clinic in Raska
was damaged, aswere the sports hall, the Raska Primary School, the Secondary
Mechanical Engineering School, the Grammar School, the Veselo detinjstvo
kindergarten, and the department store in Raska. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
YugoslaviaI,p. 175) monastery of NovoHopovo, alongwiththe church of St.Nicholas,
was heavily damaged as a consequence of the bombardment on the night of
April 4.(Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslaviaI, p. 220) April 4, 1999,at 11.15prn our aerial missilewere fired inthe area

of thevillageof Jezgrovici,Tutin Municipality,two ofwhich hitthe bridge on the
main road ~osohska Mitrovica-Ribarici.The bridge was completelydemolished
and fellinto the river. (AnnexNATO Crimesin YugoslaviaI,p.242) On April 4, 1999, at 4.30 am, the fuel storage tanks of a Belgrade
heating plant were hit. Six oil storagetanks were hit directly, whileone was
damaged. The pumping unit and the purification statioon the SavaRiverwere
burned downaswasthe guard'slodge.The guard, SlobodanTrisic,(1946),from
New Belgrade, was killed. (Annex No. 72: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Sekertarijata
unutrasnjih poslovBeograd od 04.04.1999.godinstr.151;On-Sitc TnvestigatonReport

of the Secrctar~atof the InterioBelgrade dated4 April1999,p. 363.Annex No. 73:
lzvestaSekrctarijata unutrasnjih poslova Beograd04.04.1999gadine,br.1105/9 9,r
152; Report of the Secretariat of the Interior Belgradedated 4 April 1999, No.
1105199 p.364.Annex No. 74:Izvestao kriminalisticko-te hrgleduolcamesta
Sckretarijatunutrasnjih poslova Beograd od04.04.1999g.odine, br1001 1492199,str

153; Report on the Crim~nalTechnical On-Site Investigation the Secretariat the
Interior oBclgradedatcd 4April 1999,No.100/1492/99 p. 365.) 4, 1999,at2.00am, two missileshitthe oilproduct depot inthe
villageofBogutovac,the municipalityofKraljevo,property ofBeopetrolBeograd,1 branch unit Kraljevo. In the ensuing fire, a train wagon apump were damaged
and rendered unusable. The facilities within the storage compound were heavily
damaged. The railwaystation in Bogutovac, the Djura Jaksic ElementarySchool,
aswellasmany familyhouses in the vicinitywere also damaged. Their ownersare:

Dusan Kovacevic, Stojan Filipovic, Velizar and Milovan Banjanac, Dragisa
Raskovic, Dusanka Jakovljevic, Milanka Mirkovic, Janko Krivokuca, Milavan
Matovic, Branko Banjanac, Brane Panic, Veroljub Gracanac, Duca Dojcinovic,
Dobrila, Toma and Boja Ilic, JelicaBanjanac, Ljubinka Gracanac, Milan
Kovacevic,Bora Pavlovic,Radosav Bojovic,Miiosav Miletic, Radomir Koricanac,
Miljojka Novakovic, Radovan Lukic, Petar Tomic, Mira Sretenovic, Ljubinka
Aleksic, Miodrag Matovic, Bogosav Ilic, Veroljub Gracanac, Velizar Banjanac,

Dragan and Dusan Kovacevic, Dragutin and Tihomir Gracanac, Milutin
Banjanac, Mica Drazevic, Milan and Miladin Ristovic,and Milan and Stamenka
Koricanac. Five persons suffered minor injuries: Vladan Milasinovic, Srdjan
Zivcic, Milic Mijajlovic,Dragan Siklerski, and Aleksandar JankoviThe attacks
on Bogutovac took place on April 8, 22and 24, and on May 1, 8, 12,17 and 25,
witha total o52 projectiles fired, resultinthe total destruction of the local oil

fraction depot alongith themanagement building, installations, servicestations,
and carpool. (Annex,NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I,p. 387) On April 4, 1999,at 4.25 am, two aerial missiles and one cruise missile
hit NIS Jugopetrol facility in Srnederevo. One missile hit Auto pretakaliste
pouring station and the cruise missile hit the distribution station. (Annex,

NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.393) the first attacon April 4,1999, on the Conoplja-Njajicevo road,
instailations of Naftagas were damaged. In this attack the diesel fuel run electric
power generator, the pouring station, the tanks Nos. 2 and 5, and all the
installationsnd machinery in the pouring station were destroyed, whiIe the

management building, the water pump shed, the workshop building, and the
parking garageswere damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 394) On April 4, 1999, at11.25pm, two aerial missiles hit the bridge at
Biljanovac on the main road Raska-Kraljevo.The bridge sustainedconsiderabIe
damage and the traffion this stretch of the road was disrupted. (AnneNATO

Crimesin Yugoslavia I,p. 242) On April 4, 1999, at about 2.00 am, a NATO aviation bombing of
Belgrade caused damage to the residential buildings at 1 and la Ivana Ive
Vojinovica Street, owned by Seifija Kucevic, Marija bncarevic, Bosica
Wandjelovic,Radmila Lazarevic, Lenka Boric and Vladimir Pavlovic. On April 4, 1999, at about 4.30 am,NATO aviation carried out an
attackon the Ministry of Internal Affairsof the Republic of Serbia's Institute
for SecurityinBelgrade in KraIjiceAne Street, cabsing damage lo theInstitute
buildings and the following cars parked on the Institute'car park: a BMW

(registration platBG 200-219)and an Audi (BG 61-01), both property of the
Ministry of Internal Affaiof the Republic ofSerbia. On April 4, 1999, NATO aviation fired one projectile at the
SARPEY railroad tunnel and the railroad bridge ovethe Ibar River in the
immediale vicinity of the tunnel, in the area of the village of Jarinje, the
municipality of Leposavic, on Raska-Kosovska Mitrovica railroad, totally
destroying them and disrupting the traffic, thus causing enormous material
damage. On April 4, 1999, at 4.25 atn, several projectiles destroyed the
automatic pouring station and the manually-operated pumping station, the
structures usedfor receiving and delivering goods at the NIS'Jugopetrol oil
fractiondepot, branch unit Ins:;llncija, in the Srnederevo industrial zone.

1.1.11.April 5, 1999
~ On April 5, 1999, two n~issilesfell in the vicinity of the Vranje bus
I station, causinghcdeaths of Milicn Grujic from Vranje and Goran Eminovic

from Vranjska Bailja. Dejm Mladenovic, Uoban Stoiljkovic, Stanko
I Nedeljkovic, Sasa S~ojanovic, Stoja Pefrovic, Jelena Stankovic and Vesna
I Stoil.jkovicsustained severe injuries. Miodrag Paunovic, Dragoljub Markovic,
Gradirnir Ristic, Sladjan Djosic, Zivorad Stankovic, Sladjan Stosic, Dejan
Stankovic, Timo Mihajlov, Taher Durakovic, Petar Kuzmanovic, Velirnir
Milosevic, Branka Tvanov, Ana Mihr-?jlovic,Biljana Djordjevic, and Ljubomir
Ljubic were slightly wounded.Huge material damage was also done to family
houses and flals inPcinjska Streel owned by Ljiljana Tosic,Borivoje Krstic,
Petar Pesic, StojadinTrajkovic, Dejun Stajic, Kadmila Stajic, Stevan T~ajkovic,

Stojko Milanovic, Marina Trajkovic, A~zdjeloStojkovic, Ljubomir Andjeikovic,
Dimitrije Jovanovc, Jelena Djelic, Djordje Mihajlcruic,Serafim Jovic, Tomislav
Arsic, Miljana Zlatkovic, Staniinir Zlatkovic, and Petar Stevic; to those in
Bregalnicka Streelowned byAleksandar Stojanovic, SverislavStojanovic, Stojan
Stankovic, Novica Sto sic,Srboljub Stosic, Borivoje Tasic, Milan Janjic, Miroslav
Grujic, Dragisa Dimi~rijevic, Miroslav Cvclkovic, Dragan Maksic, Zvonimir
Dodic, Predrag Mitic, Dragan Dodic, Stanislav Aleksic, S~ojadin Mladcnovic,
Krstadil~Mladenovic, Vladimir Mladenovic, Branislav Mladenovic, Rade Ristic,
Predrag Dojcinovic, Kosara Ilic, Dragan Stankovic, Rudolf Kroh, and Savatije

Najdanovic; lo those in Kumanovska Street owned by Slavka Marinkovic,
Novjca Antic,S tojan Zivkovic, BlagojTrajkovic,Mujo Bacic, Zoran Stankovic,
Djordje Stankovic,Dsagana Tasic, RadoslnvkaStosic,and Jovan Stosic; tu those
in Vojislava Stojk~ivicaStreet owned by Stanko Andjelkovic, Rade Filipovic,
Bozidar IiicRadojka Andjelkovic, Dragoljub Mitic, Stojan Ristic, Miroljub
Djordjevic,Miomir Mitic, Zoran Mitic, Tihomir Misic, Zoran Nastic, Dragan
Tasic,and Dragan Stoirnenovic; tothose inDusana Starnenkovica Streetowned
by Vlastimir Jovicic, Milorad Nakic, MiIoje Janjic, Dragoljub Zdravkovic, Stana

Janjic, VasiIije Milic, Jvvan Mtadenovic, Slobodan Spasic, Stojadin Mitic, Jovan
Ristic, Eranko Stanojkovic, Ritko Donic, Slobodan Djosic, Stojilo Zlatkovic,
Vukasin Djordjevic, and Cedumir Stefanovic; to those in Proleterskih brigadaStreet owned by Cedomir Nikolic, Jugoslav Pasuljevic, Jovan Masalovic,
Viastimir Stankovic, Miodrag Janjic, Gordana Katic, Vera Jeftic, Tomislav
Dicic, SvetisIav Mitic, Tatjana Mitic, Dragana Arsic, Stefan Andjelkovic,

Zvonimir Ilic, Rora Mladenovic, Miodrag Ristic, Drngan Cvetkovic, Dirnitar
Stamenkov, Slobodan Stamenkovic, Vladimir Itanovic, Milorad Nikolic, Vita
Milutinoivc, Mladen Jovic, Stojnn Stojkovic,Sasa Stoiljkovic, and Darnjan
Jankovic; to the onc, in Sime Pogacarevica Street owned byLepa Taskovic; to
those in Brace Veljkovica Street owned by Dobrivoje Mitic, Djoka Stojanovic,
Ljubisa NikoEic,Nadezda Mitic,Grozdana Petruvic, Zoran Stankovic, Dragan

Popovic, Sava Mitic, Nada Grozdanovic, Bozidar Stamenkovic, Stanisa
Starnenkovic, Nikola Cvorovic, AIeksandar Andjelkovic, Cedomir Ristic,
Miroslav Krstic, BranisIav Tornic,Ljubisa Mitic, Negovan Stojanovic, Uros
Stefanovic, Aleksandar Mitic, and Svetlana Manic; ro those in Proleterskih
brigada Street owned byVelika Ristic, Dragan ZlatanovicDjordje Ristic, Stana
Nikolic, Dobrinkn Mitic,Jevrem Radojevic, VojislavAleksic, Djurdja Petrovic,

Momcilo Stosic, Marjan Nikcevic,Nada Aleksic, Jelka Lesnikovic, Dona Kostic,
Dragan Vladimirov, Branislm Djuranovic, Sava Andjelkovic, Sladjana
Markovic, Jasrninka Ristic, Jeita&sic, Momcilo Andjelkovic, Mica Jovcic,
Sladjana Ristic, and Slavka Mitic; to those in Kolubarsstreetowned by Sima
Mitic, Nikola Starnenkovic, Mita Slamenkuvic, Branislav Tasic, Jovan

Milenkovic, Srdjan Antanasijevic. Zivorad Antanasijevic, Branko Kostic, Jovica
Jovanovic, Zoran Mitic, Jugoslav Petruvic, Branko Velickovic, Ivanka
Stamenkovic, Dusat~Djosic, Backo Andjelkovic, Rada i Ljubotnir Antic, and
Mile Andjelkovic; to those in Bratstijedinstva Square owned by Zivojin Ciric,
Ruzica Trajkovic, Vesna Jovovic, Mon~cilo Maric, Dragutin Kazic, Zarijc
Milovanovic, Zlatko Jovcic, Suzana Slosic, Vladimir Arsic, Miroslav Petkovic,

Dragoijub Savic, Dobrivoje Krstic, Dusan Stanimirovic, Novicit Jovanovic,
Radomir Antic, Rlapoj etojkovic, Svetozar Trajkovic, Goran Stancic, Stanisa
Stevanovic, Stanko Mladenovic, Branko Pavlovic, Sladjan Fesjc, Branislav
Seltofer, Hari Bujanovski,Predrag Arsic,Radomir Stevic, Sladjana Stosic, and
others up to flat numbe50, in Bratslvajedinstva Square, buildings number25,
25, 17and 3 (flat1 - 14), thshop al25/5 Bratstva ijedinstva Squarc, owned by

Holding kornpanija STMPO, the office of Nis ekspres, the branch office of
POLITIKA, the Sernenara shop, the Prke hulchcr's shop, the shops of
SIGNAL, KOSTANA PROMET, the JEDINSTVO central bus station, the
Andjela commission shop at2 Partizanski put Street, thVRANJE discount
shop, SIMP0 MARKET, the SANJA private shop, OPTIKA, the bookshop at

At No. 51, Lutrija Srbije, the MANUFAKTURA handicraft shop, the
JUGOPETROL fillingstation, tPROLECE private restaurantthe VRANJE
photo studio, ELEKTROREMONT, the NOVOGRADNJA enterprise in
Kolubarska Street, the NOVA JUGOSLAVIJA printing firm at 22 Bratstva i
jedinstva Square; material damage was also done to passcnger cars with the

following registration p1ates:VR100-835,VR 465-71, BG 150-604, VR 869-90,VR 430-30,VR 450-85, VR 106-53,VR 113-227,VR 109-95,BP 421-29,BP
123-87.Tn the course ofbombing, the 1300 kaplara army barracks in Vranje,

apart from huge damage done to it, injuries were inflicted on Todor
Vancevski, Slavica Djordjevic, and Tornislav Ristic.(Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I,p. 46). On April 5, 1999, at 9:40 prn, the downtown residentialarea of
Aleksinac was hit by fivemissiles.Nine persons were killed:Velimir Sankovic,
Sovan Radojcic, Sofija Radojcic, Dragornir Miladinovic, Snezana Miladinovic,
Vojislav Jovanovic, Radojka Jovanovic, Ljubica Miladinovic, and Bogomir

Arsic, while Slobodan Mladenovic, Gvozden Milojevic, Dragoljub Todorovic,
Bxanislav Stevanovic and Veroljub Milutinovic suffered serious injuries and
over 40 people suffered minor injuries. A dozen houses in Dusana Trivunca and
Vuka Karadzica streets were destroyed and a large number of houses, the

premises of Angrokolonijal, EMPA, Beronjerka, Moravica, Wladnjaca,
Stokoimpeks, Zivi'narstvo, Frad and Ogrev companies, the outpatient clinicand
emergency hospital, many shops and passenger cars were heavily damaged, as
well as the old road to Aleksinac mines. (Annex No. 9: Zapisnik o uvidjaju

Opstinskog suda u Aleksincu Kri. br.24od96.94.1999.godine str. -418;Investigation
Report of the Municipal Court in AZeksinKri.No. 24/996 April 1999pp.56-61.Annex
No. 10: Sluzbcnc bclcskc Odcljcnja unutrasnjih poslova u Aleksincu od 6.04.1999.
godine, str. 18-25;Official Memos of of the Sccrctariat uf the Interior in Aleksinac, 6

April 1999, pp.61-66 and 67-69. Annex No. 11: Sluzbena beleska beleske Odeljenja
unutrasnjih poslova u Alcksincu od 7.04.1949.godinc, s25;Official Memos of ofthc
Secretariatof the Interior in Alekslna7,April 1999, p. 56.Annex No. 12: Imod iz
rnaticne knjige umrlih Opstine Aleks~nacbr. 9211999od 10.04.1999.gndine za Velimira

Stankovica str25; Death Certificate of the Municipality of Aleksinc No. 9211999dated
10 April 1999of VeIimir Stankovicp. 64Annex No. 13: Izvod iz rnaticne knjige umrlih
Opstinc Aleksinacbr. 8911999od 10.04.1999.godineza Jovana Radojcica str. 2Death
Certificate of theunicipality af Aleksinc No. 89/1999dated 10 April 1999 of Jovana

Radojcica p.70;Annex No. 14: Izvod iz maticne knjige umrlih Opstine Aleksinac br.
88/1999 od 10.04.1999.godine za Sofiju Radojcic str. 28; Death Certificatof the
Municipalityof Aleksinc No. 8811999dated 10 April 1949of Sofija Radojp.71 A;nnex
No. 15: Izvodizrnaticne knjige umrlih Opstine Aleksinac br. 53/1999 od 10.04.1499.
godine za Dragornira Miladinovica str.29; Death Certificate of the Municipality of

Aleksinc No.9311999 dated 11April 1999of Dragomir Miladinovicap.72.Annex No. 16:
lzvod izrnaticne knjige umrlih Opstine Aleksinac br. 93/1999od 10.04.1999.godiza
Snezanu Miladinovic str. 30;Death Certificate of the Municipality of AleksinNo.

9311999 dated10April 1999of Snezana Miladinovicp.73.AnnexNo. 17: Imod iz maticne
knjige umrlih Opstine Aleksinac br. 86/1999 od 10.04.1499. god~nc za Vojislava
Jovanovica str. 31; Death Certificofethe MunicipalityofAleksjnc No. 8611999dated
10 April 1999of VojislavJovanovicp.74.Annex No. 18:Izvod izmaticne knjige umrlih
Opstine Aleksinac br. 8711999od 10.04.1999.godine za Radojku Jovanovica str. 32;

Death Certificate of the Municipality of Alcksinc No. X7/1999dated 10 April 1999 of
Radojka Jovanovic 13.75.Annex No. 19: Izvod iz rnaticne knjige umrlih Opstine SokoBanja br. 203199-04od 19.04.1999. godine za Gvozdena Milivojcvica str.33; Dcath
Certificate of thc Municipality of Soko Banja No. 203/99-04 dated I9 April 1999 of
Gvozden Milivojcvicp.76.Annex No. 20: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Velimira Stankovica S
54/99od 6.114.1999g.odine,str.34-38;Autopsy Report of Velimir Stankov~c No. S 54/49

6. April 1999,pp.77-80.Anncx No. 21: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Dragana Miladinovica S
55/99 ocl6.04.1999. godine, str. 38-42; Autopsy Report of Dragan Miladinovic No. S
55/99 6. April 1999, pp.80-84. Annex No. 22: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Snezanu

Miladinovica S 53/99 od 6.04.1949. godine, str. 42-46; ,Autopsy Report of Snezana
MiladinovicNo. S53/99 6.April 1999,pp. 84-88. Annex No. 23: Obdukcioni zapisnik za
SofijijuRadojcic S 57/99 od 6.04.1998. godine, str. 46-51; Autopsy Report of Sofija
Radojcic No. S 57/996. April 1999 pp. 88-93. Annex No. 24: Obdukcioni zapisnik za

Jovana Radojcica S 56/99 od 5.04.1999. gadinc, str.51-56; Autopsy Report of Jovan
Radojcic No. S 56/93 6. April 1999 pp. 93-97. Annex No. 25: Obdukcioni zapisnik za
Vojislava Jovanovica S 59/99 od 7.04.1999. godine, str. 56-59; Autopsy Repart of

Vojislava Jovanovica No. S 59/99 7.April 1999 pp. 97-100.Annex No. 26: Obdukcioni
zapisnik zaRadojku JovanovicS 060199od 7.04.1999.godinc, str. 59-63;Autopsy Report
of Radojka Jovanovica No. S 0601997. April 1999 100-102.Annex No.27: Spisak llca
povredjenih za vrerne bombardovanja Alcksinca 5/6.04.1399.godine, str 63-65; List of

pcoplc injured in the bombing of Aleksinac on 516April 1999,pp. 102-104.Annex No. 28:
Svedncenje Stojanovic Srboljuba Kri. 22/99 od 20.04.1999. godinc prcd Opstinskim
sudom u Alcksincu, str. 65;Testimonyof Stojanovic SrboljuhKri.22/99 20 April 1999in

the Municipal Court in Alcksinac, p.104. Annex No. 29: Svedocenje Milctic Slavirnira
Kri. 26/99od 29.04.1999.godinc prcd Opst~nskimsudom u Aleksincu, str.66;Tcstirnony
of Miletic SIavimirKri.25/9920 April 1999in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac, p. 105.
Annex No. 30: Svedocenje Miletic Dusan Kri. 27/99 od 20.04.1999. godine prcd

Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str. 67;Testimony of Milctic Dusan Kri. 27/99 20 April
1999 in the Municipal Court in Alcksinac, p. 107. Annex No. 31: lzvestaj doktora
specijalistc za M~lerDusana str. 68; Reportofthe Doctor-Specialis tor Miletic Dusan

p. 108.Annex No. 32: Svedocenje Marinkovic Zagorkc Kri. 30/99od 20.94.1999.godine
pred Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, sir. 69; Testimony of Marinkovic Zagorka Kri.
30199 20 April 1999 in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac, p. 109. Annex No. 33:
Svedocenje Milasevic Dragoljuba Kri. 37/99 od 20.04.1999. godine pred Opstinskim

sudom u Aleksincu, str. 70;Testimony of MilosevicDragoljub Kri. 37/9920April 1999in
the Municipal Court in Alcksinac,p.111.AnnexNo. 34: Svedocenje SekulovicSlobodan
Kri. 59/99 ad 22.04.1999.godine pred Opstinskim sudom u Alcksincu, str. 71; Testimony
of SckulovicSlobodan Kri. 59/99 22 April 1999 in thc Municipal Court in bleksinac, p.

112.Annex No. 35:Svcdoccnjc StcvanovicBranka Kri. 58/89od 19,04.1999 .odine pred
Opstinskirn sudom u Aeksincu, str72; Testimony of Stevanovic Branko Kri. 58/99 19
ApriI 1999in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac,p.113.Annex No. 36:Svcdoccnjc Conic

Sv~tlana ?&L.52/99od 19.04.1999.godine pred Opstinskim sudom LAleks~ncu, str. 73-76;
Testimony of Conic Svetlana Kr[. 52/99 19 April 1999 in the Municipal Court in
Alcksinac, pp. 114-116.Annex No. 37: Svedocenje ~ilinovk Dejana Kri. 76/99 od

19.04.1999. godine pred Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str. 76-78; Testimony of
MilinovicDejan Krf. 76/99 19 April 1999 in thc Municipal Court in Aleksinac, pp. 116-118.AnnexNo. 36: SvedocenjeMilenkovicDragoslnvaKri. 96/99od 21.04,1999.godine
pred Opstinskim sudorn u Aleksincu,str.78;Testimonyof MllenkovicDragoslav Kri.

96/99 19 April 1499 in thcMunicipal Court in Alcks~nac,p. 118. Anncx No. 39:
Svcdoccnj cukic Slobodana Kri.87/99od 20.04.1999. odinepred Opstinskimsudom u
Alcksincu. str.79; Tcstinlony nf Vukic SlobodanK~I.87/99 20 April 1999 in the
Municipal Court itAlcksinac,p. 121.Annex No. 40:SvedocenjeTodorovicSlobodana

Kri.77/99or119.04.1999 .cldinprcd Opsrlnskimsuclorn uAlekslncu,str.80; Testimuny
nf TodorovicSlobodanKri. 77/99 19 April 1999in the Municipal CourtinAlekslnac,p.
126.Anucx No. 41: Strucninalaz zastctu iiastalnaciviinimobjektima u ul. Dusana
Trivunca I ut. Vuka Karadzica od bornbardovanjaAleksinca 5.04.1999.godine, od

21.04.1999.godine,str.81-83;Expcrt findingQO nhcdamagc to thcciviliafacilitlcin
Dusana Trivunca and Vuka Karadzica St.which arc scsultof tlibombing on 5 April
1999,dated 21April 1999,pp. 127-129.) On April 5, 1999,NATO bombs damaged the following medical care
faciEitiein Nis: the Infirmary and Occupational Medical Center within the
Outpatient Clinic for Industrial Workers, and the Infirmary at 7 JNA Square.
(Annex, NATO Crimcs in Yugoslavia I, p.176), During the air strike in the early morning hours of April 5, 1999,the
windows on the Quarantine Chapel in the old city center of Zernun were
smashed and cracks in its walls appeared. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia
T,p. 217) On April 5,3999, at 9.15pm, a concrete railway bridge on thcDanube,
which connects Novi Sad and Petrovaradin, was hit by two missiles. About 30
nieters of tracks and power lines was damaged as well. (Annex, NATO Crimes

in Yugoslavia I,p. 242) On the night of April S/G,1999, on Mt. Fruska Cora, at 10.20 pm and
4.50 am, the Radio Television Serbia's transmitter on Cweni Cot was hit and

totally destroyed.(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 324) 011 April 5, 1999, at 3.35 am, the compound of the DIN tobacco
factory in Nis was hit by a missile. The sLorehouse of fermented tobacco, with
more than 800 tons of fermented tobacco, was hit. A large partofthe building

was totally destroyed. Other facilities within the factory compound were also
damaged. In this attack, the followinwere damaged: the shops Dijamant and
~eroks in 12.februara Street, as well as 4 canopies, one bus and one tanker
owned byNis ekspres, the buildirzgsofthe SecondaryTechnical School and the

Technical Faculty. In a repeated attack at 5.22 am, threc projectiles hit the
Army HQ building inNis,but civilian premises were also damaged - the round-
the-clock shops of Kiceva and Bozur, the offices of Slavija hanka in Stanka
Paunovica Street; the Tina shop in Vardarska Street, the Rostilj restaurant and

the round-the-clock shop of Astorija, the Rapid shop, and the Post Office
premises, all in Dinlitrija Tucovica Street; the offices of Niselektro, the
buildings of the School of Economics and the Law School, and the residential
buildings at Nos, 2 and 4 in Bore Price Street; the Rodic and Bats Banesupermarkets, the Naisus waterworks building, the Treska shop, the Markoni
bookshop, the D. Stambolic student dormitory, the storehouse of Borba
enterprise, as well as the following passenger vehictes: Zastava 728 (BG 275-
ISO),Ford Sierra (NI 225-14), Zastava 101 (PK 607-OY),Zastava I01 (N1 330-
4141, Zastava 302 (NI 113-87), Peugeot 305 (DG 941-6h7), Zaporozhets (NI
357-618), and Renault 4 (NI 320-3121,At 10.00 pnl the same day, 4 projectiles

hit the militaqf airfielNis, also damaging the houses ofMilovat1Cvetkovic,
Miodrag Radovic, Slobodan Dirniirijevic, Slobodana Mladenovic, Slobodiin
Stojiljkovic, Todor Stojanovica, Mile Nikolic, Blagoje Djordjevic, Petar
Stojanovic, Borisav Bogdanovic, Vitomir and RacIivoje Nikolic, Milenko
Radojkovic, Dragan Stancic, Slobodan Stojkovic, Zdravccr Georgijev, Stat~ko
Todorovic, Zoran Mitic,Vasilije Brzacki, Spasa Djordjevic, Rade Mihajlovic,

Bogdan Nikolic, Vitomir Zlatkovic, Milenko Dinic, and Tomislav Jovanovic.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1,p.366) April5, 1999, at 2.4am, the Milan Blagojevic chemical plants in
Lucani were hit by 10 missiles. Thedome shaped powder plant was hit and

destroyed. (Annex,NATO Crimes in YugoslaviaI, p267) April 5, 1999, 2.10am, the NIS Jugopetrol premises inPristina,
branch unit Kosmet, were hit. In the attack, the managemerit building, the
pouring station, the filling station,power generator, and thelubricant and
grease storagedepot were destroyed. April 5, 1999,at about 4.20 am, in Zemun, NATO aviationhit the
buildingof the Yugoslav Air Force and Air Defence HQ at 1 GIavna Street and
the Aleksa Dundic army barracks in Cara Dusana Street, causing damage to Ihe
offices of GP Galovica a10JNA Square, the, flats at 10JNA Square, owned by
Zorica Colic and the Pavic family, the flats 2tSonje Marinkovic, owned by

Marko Mandic, NataIija Urosevic, Marieta Mikelic and Slavenka Lehl, the flats
at 1 Sonje Marinkovic Street, owned by Tihomir Mladenovic, Goran
Aksentijevic, Jovanka Jezdimirovic, Atenti Balkosk, Slavko Corlija, Rusna
Novcic, Dragan Popovic, and Dusan Nikolic, the pharmacy shop at 4 Glavna
Street, the shop at 6 Glavna Street, owned by TP Pekabeta, the Jadran
restaurant at6 Glavna Street, the premises at10 Glavna Street, owned by DP
Central, the Belvi Restaurant at 3 Preradoviceva Street, the house at 202 Cara

Dusana Street, owned by Zeljko Gligoric, the house and DAIHATSU car (BG
228-136)at 198Cara Dusana Street, ownedby Radonlir Muncan, the Advanced
School for lnteriur Affairs 195 Cara Dusana, aZastava 101 car(N 601-249),
the privately-owned shop of AKVAMONT at 13f Kej oslobodjenja Street,
owned by Miodrag Siljak, the house and a VW car (BG 395-345) at200 Cara
Dusana Street, owned by Zivorad Djordjevic, and thbetting place at 20Cara

Dusana Street, owned by Bosko Maticevic. On April 5, 1999, at about10.15am, NATO aviation attacked the
premises of NIS - Naftagas promet, the installations at Conoplja, othe local
road Conoplja-Kljajicevo,and destroyed the storagc tanNo. 1. 1.1.12. April 6, '1999 On April6, 1999, at 8.4pm, in a missile attack, considerable damage

was inflictedn civilian buildings in Dubinje and SjenicAlso heavily damaged
in Dubinje were the DP PIK Pester management building, the dairy, the
workers' premises and several auxiliary facilities withinthe company's
compound. In addition, severalblocks of flatsand a large number of passenger
carswere damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 129) On April6, 1999,at 9.00am, the Seismological Institute, an insurance
company building, and a sports shooting range weredamaged in a missile attack
on Podgorica. (Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 130) On Apri6,1999,at 3.39am, the road bridgon the bar riverin the viIlage
of Brvenik,Raska Municipality, was bombed. The bridgewas damaged at the
supporting pier an20metersof the road lane on thbridge was destroyed. Due to
the effectofdetonation, a large number of family houses near the bridge were
damaged, as wellas thehigh voltage lines and the transformer station. The bridge
was alsobombed on April 27 and 30, and May11,13,17,25, and 30,so this area was
hitby a total o22 projectiles, which also caused damage to the local road in the
village ofrvenik, the train station at Bmenik, and the stone bridge on the main
road Kraljevo-Raska atRrvenik.(Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I,p.242)

1..12.4.On April 6, 1999,at 3.30am, the railroad line Kraljcvo-Lapovowas struck
by five missiles ithevillage of Vitanovac.150meters of tracks was damaged.
Vitanovacwasalso attacked on April 13and 39,andMay 1and 3,1998, with a total
of 12projectile- aerial bombs, with substantial damage done to Kraljevo-Lapovo
railroad and a hus of Autotransport Kraljevo.Also, a great number of civilian

housing premises were destroyed or substantially damaged- private houses with
outbuildings- whercas in the attack on the Autotransport bus, four passengers
sustainedsevereinjuriesand four more passengerssuffered minor injuries.
- On April 6, 1999, the main building of Radio Television Serbia's
transmitteron Crveni Vrh was damaged by NATO bombs. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 325) On April 6, 1999, from 1.00 pm to 2.00pm, in the village of Mala
Krusa, the municipality of Prizretwo missiles hit the warehouseofthe Federal
Supply and Procurement Directorate. Two gas and crude oil storage tanks were
damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I,p. 393) April 6, 1999,at 11.25 pm, the Beopetrol storage depot in the
~ villageofDevet Jugovica, the municipality of Pristina, was bombed. A tank with
3,100 tons of diesel fuel was hiTwo more storage tanks with 900 tons of fuel
were also damaged. The management building and the hangar with workshops
were also demolished. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 393) On April 6, 1999, at11.00,NATO aviation fired 6 projectiles at the
Sima Pogacarevic army barracks and inflicted damage on it; at the same time
civilian targewere hit,due to which Ljubisa Stosic sufferesevereinjuries, andIvan Stamenov, Dragan Stanojkovic, and Zorica Ristic.suffcred minor ones. In

the attack, material damage was done to the family houses and flats in
Primorska Street owned by Vladimir Stosic, Stanimir Kostic, and Borivoje
Radojkovc; to those in Podgoricka Street owned by Predrag Ristic, Ivan
MEadenovic,Dragoljub Stojanovic, Dragan Stanojkovic,Slobodan Stosic,Stdjan
Stankovic, and Dobrivoje Jankovic; to those in A.Mari tnova Street owned by
Sreten Savic, Sladjan Antic, Miodrag Dincic, and Sladjan Ilic; to those in
Kraljevica ~a&a Street owned byNovjca Ristic, Radomir Ristic, and Vladimir

Dimitrijevic; tohe premises of JUMCO, in Vojvode Misica Street, owned by
Dusan Tornic, Vladimir and Stanko Jovic, Novica Vidosavljevic, and Voja
Filipovic; to the,one in Petra Lekovica Strowned by N. Arifi;tothe buildings
of theinstitutefor Agricultureand VODOPRIVREDA in Makedonska Street,
the enterprise PLAVI WMEN, the shop SIMP0 at No. 34;to those of Srboljub
and Slavica Stosic, MornciCo,Zivorad and Miodrag Djordjevic; to the shop uf

TREPCA- BUGODAT, to the building of the District Court in Vranje. On April 6, 1999, at 11.10, during a NATO aviation attack on
Surdulica, huge damage was inflicled on the family houses and flats in
Jugoslovenska Street owned by Vlada Stankovic, fvetislav Stanojkovic, Vojislav
Petrovic, Vladimir Petrovica, Vojislav, Milorada, Jordan, and Dragica
Arizanovic, Dragan Ilic, Verica Stojkovic, Branko Momcilavic, Slavoljub, Vlada,

and ZivkoJankovic, Mila Arizanovic, Branko Bazilovica, Vsjislav Najdanovic,
Slobodan and Aca Stankovic, Branislav Radojcica, Dobrivoje Bozilovic, Vclja
and Vlada Momcilovic, Slwko Velickovic, Vasilije Tasic, Stojan and Slavko
Petkovic; on those in Drinskih divizija Street owned by Milos Ignjatovic, Dusan
Radulovic, Dragoslav Stojanovic, Sveta Pavlovic; on those 5,septembra Street
owned by Goran Momcitovic, Dusan and Zika Dimitrijevic, Dragoljub Nikolic,
and Dragoljub Dimitrijevic;on those in Stojana Starnenkovica Street owned by
Mile Ilic, Stanisa Dimitrijevic, Bora lovanovic, Milan Dimitrijevic, Bojan

Zlatanovic; on thvse in Drinske divizije Street owned by Milorad Jankovic,
Tomislav Stojanovic, Dragan Lazarevic, Ilija Dimitrijevic, Svetozar Momcilovic,
and Stanimir Pavlovic; on the J. J. Zmaj Primary School and Nikola Tesla
Secondary Technical School. On April 6,1999, on the road between the villages of Bee and
Kodralija, the municipality of Djakovica, NATO aviation attacked a column of

the policemen of the Serbian Ministry of lnternal Affairs in official vehicles,
heading for the village of Crmljani, the municipalitof Djakovica, and totally
destroyed two official land vehicles, whereas Blagota Jankovic and Miroslav
Peranovic suffered severe injuries. On the night of of April 516, 1989, NATO aviation fired several
missiles at the roadand train bridges on the Danube which connect Bogajevo

and Erdut, and damaged both ofthem, while the detonations and the impact of
the projectiles caused huge material damage to a grain silo in the port of
Bogojevo, the premises owned by Zarija Miljkovic, and a pre-fab building
owned by the construction firm oOdzaci. 1.1,13. April 7, 1999
I On April 7, 1999, at 12.40 pm, the main Post Office and the
surrounding buildings in downtown Pristina were hit by three missiles. The Post

Office was con~pletely destroyed, as were the nearby blocks of flats. Four
persons died. Several persons were left under the ruins. Eigpersons suffered
severeinjuries, whila large number ofcitizens soughtmedicai help on account
ofminor injuries. The buildings ofthe Natiunal Bank of Yugoslavia, Udruzena
kosovska banka, and the former Provincial Assembly, were damaged. The
buildingof the Republic Pension and Disabilily Fund was completely destroyed,
aswell as many other industrial facilities and shops. (Annex, NATO Crimes in

Yugoslavir~I, p.30) NATO bombs clamaged the following medical carc facilities: the
Outpatient Clinic in Lucani, the Medical Center in Leskovac, the Central
Outpatient Clinic inPristinn. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p176) Otlthe night of April 7, 1999, durinaNATO air strike orr Belgrade,
the building at9 Nemanjina Street, in the vety heart of Belgrade, was struck.
The building sustained considerable damage. Damage was also done to the
buildingsof theGovernment of Ihe Republic of Serbia at 11 Nemanjina Street,
the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 24-26 Kneza Milosa Street, the
Yugoslav Railroad Union at 6 Nernanjina Street,TP Borovo at 4 Nernanjina
Street, the Sve~iSava T-lospitalat 2 Nernanjina Street, the Beograd I-Iotel at 52

Balkanska Street, the office-resiclential building at 42-45Balkanska Street, the
Federal Bureau of Str~tistics a20 Kneza Milosa Street, the Institute for
Phutogrammetry at 14 Admirala Geprata Street, and an outbuilding of the
Church of Ascension at19 Admirala Geprata Street. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I, p. 215) Otl April 7,1999,a2.54am, two missiles struck the oil storage depot of
Naftagas, Novi Sad, loci~tedbetween the villages of Kljajicevo and Conoplja,
near Sornbor. Two oiI tanks, Nos. 3 and6,wcre struck. (Annex, NATO Crimes
inYugoslavia 1,p. 394)
1.1-13.5. On April 7,1999, hemeen 94.44 and 05.00,with one projectile,NATO
aviation attacked the JaslrebaPumpFactory inNis,in 12.februara Street,and

severely damaged it,as welt asthe passenger cars Sugo(NI 289-124) and Lada
Estate Car (NJ 125-911, the premises of Elektrotehna, the buildings of
Fidelinka, Stoteks, Tehnopromet, two Tehnopromet's vehicles (NI 276-278 and
NI 276-256), the premises of the enterprises of Mak - international and
BloksignaI. In this assault Miroslav Stojkovic was kilIed while Dsagomir
Milosevic was slighlly injured. Also damaged were the houses owned by Osrnan

and Alija Alijevic, Dragan Cojasic, SlavoljuhDenic, Radomir Rasic, Andreja
Mitrovic, Dusan Micic, Arsenije Stojanovic, Miroslw Gavric i Vukasin
Markovic in Sarajevska Street.The following were also damaged: the buildings
of Feroks, ~lektroistok, and Jugoterm, the shop of Belvit,the Brazil coffe-
roastingshop, the Bala grillroom, the shopof Centroles, Ihe vehicleTAM (NI126-71)and Zastava Eveco(NI 277-95),the dental office owned by Yesna Ristic,
the vulcanizer's shopowned t7Ratko Stojanovic, the buildings of the Technical,
Mechanical Engineering and Construction Engineering secot~daqfschools, the
Advanced Technical school, the Construction Engineering and Mechanical
Engine ring Faculties, the Klasik coff'eshop, the Farau cate, the EUO

supermarket, the Mototehtlika shop, the houses of Slavica Milojkovic in Jovana
Jovanovica Zmaja Street, Dragoslav Miljkovic in 12. februara Streetand Zoran
Tasic in Bovanska Street. At this time the Mija Stanimirovic barracks was
attacked as well, with three projectiles, as was the MilitAirfield at Nis, with
four projectiles,due to which substantial damage was inflicted on a large
number of civilian premises: the Solidarnast supermarket in Somborska Street,

the Anliprom supermarket at 4, 7, jula Street, owned by Suzana Karlicic, the
building ofthe Institute for Town Planning, the Park Hotel, the Tigar shop, the
house and vulcanizer's shop of Ratko Stevanovic, the building al1 Reogradska
Street, the houses of Momir Jovicic, Zoran and Sveta Stojanovic, Miroslav
Zdrnvkovic, Branislav Milicevic, Nebojsa Mitic, Slobvdan Stojatlovic, jovica
Ristic, Sreten Jovanovic, Zvonimir Boskovic, allof them inBeonradska Street,
the business premises of Dam ucenika in Nis, thebusiness prernlsesof Velimir
Maksimovic, the Puplin shop, the agency of the Lasta enterprise,the Zaplanje
2 shop, the grili room aNo. 35, the residential buildings at Nos.19,25 and 29;
the Semenara shop, the agricultural pharmacy shop, all of them in Djuke
Dinica Street. On April 8,1949,during the bombing of Cuprija in the period from
12.42 pm till 12.50 pm. several blucks of flats and family houses were either
destroyed or damaged. Their owners are Milivoje and Radivoje Stepanovic,
Miroslav Stefanovic, Milica and Petar Sosic, Radomir Milanov~c, Dobrivoje
Stepanpvic, Miroslav and Stojan Panic, Svctlana Pejic, Ratko and Kostadin

Brzakovic, Dragoslav Stevanovic; also destroyed were the business premises of
Branko Gvozdenovic, Miodrag and Zoran Milanovic, Kade Jevremovic,
Vladimir Milic, Ljubomir Brzakovic, Radmilo Pantic, and Sava Stojanovic,the
premises of the Djura Jaksic Primary School, the Bambi and Seccrka
kindergartens, the Secondary Medical School, the Sports Hall, the Otofogical
and Children's Ward of the Medical Centre in Cuprija; damage was also done to

the public service premises in the residential area, 300 metres of the electric
power lines,and 50 metres ofthe road. Three people were injured, while Zlatka
Lukic died. (AnnexNo. 42: Zapisniko uvidjajOkruznog sudau Jagodini Kri11/99od
8.04.1999.godinc, str. 83-8InvestigatioReport of the JagodinaDistrict CourtKri.
11/998April 1999,pp.138-140.) Inthe heavybombardment of the Zastava works in Kragujevac on the
night of April 819then on April 11/12 and April 12/13,the historiccompound in
the citycenter was damaged. (Annex, NKI'O Crimes in Yugoslavia 1,p. 221) On April 8,1999, at4.10am, the Tornik peak on Mt. Zlatibor was hit
by two missiles, One missile hit the transmitter of the Radio Television Serbia
and Telekom. (Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I,p.326) On AprEI8, 1999, at 1.40 am, the underground fuel storage tanks

between Wjajicevo and Conoplja, the municipalityof Sombor, theproperty of
the Federal Supply and Procurement Directorate, were bombed and damaged.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavja I,p. 354)

1.1-4.5.On April8, 1999, at about 11.15,NATO aviation used cluster bombs in
their atlack on the village ofLjubizda, the municipality of Prizren, severely
injuring Colaku Nrec, father's name Prenko, Anton Tusi, father's name Zefa,
Nik ~paci,father's name Mark, Pranver Dzaferi, father's name Medin, Rasin
Redza, father's name Ramadan, Slava Bogdanovic, Milo Msazovac, father's
name Jovan, Mehrem Sabani, father's name Asim, Sedat Bajra, father's name

Dzemal, Andrej Tomic, father's name Mladen, Miroslav Djikic, father's name
Dusan, Arif Dzaferj, father" name Hajredi, Ramiz Sabani, and Sami Dzaferi;
damage was also done to the nearby premises, as follows: thepremises of the
Ministry of Internal Affairof the Republic of Serbia, the business premises of
Liman Dzaferi, and the Progres farming co-operative; 73 vehicles were totally

destroyed.(Annex No. 43: SvedoccnjNrec CoIakua, Ki.440/99od 14.04.1999godine,
pred Okruznim sudom u Beugradu str.85-87Testimonyof Nrec CalakuKi. 440199 14
April 1999pp. 146-148.) On April 8,1999, at about 2.00 pm, the village of Velika Hoca was

attacked with cluster bombs, and Ihe following persons were seriously injured:
Natasa Micic, father'sname Krunislav, Djurdja Ilic, father's name Despot, Savrt
Micic, father's name Predrag, Mladjan Mavric, father's name Stajko, Sanja
Djuricic, father's name Zivko, Goran Gogic, Bozidar Djuricic, father's name
Boban, and Zoran Vecovic. Substantial material damage wits inflicted on 29
family houses, while6were totally destroyed. On April8, 1899,in the early morning hours, an attack was carried out
on the premises of NaStagas promet on the local road Conopl]a-Kljajicevo,,and
oneNATO aviation aerial bomb hit and damaged the oil tanNo. 7. On April 8, 1999, at about 3.50 am, NATO aviation attacked the
village of Ponikve,and one projectilefellin the hamlet of Markovici,near the
house of Cveta JeIisavcic, causing substantial damage to her house and
outbuildings. On April 8, 1999, at about 4.10 am, an unidentifiedNATO aviation
projectile hit thecatering and lodging premises of Tornik - a sports and
recreational centre, part of the Cigota health resort on Mt. Zlatibor -
completely destroying them, a total of2,000 square metres, together with a
children's resort with sixtybeds, an outpatient clinaski-passissuing officea

camping caravan, and a small,wooden house, 3.70 by 3.70 metresinsize, with
a tiled roof. Three persons were killed in the listed premises: Radaje

28 Marjnnovic, father's name Slavko, born in 1965, a resident of Ribnica in

Jablanica; Nedjo Urosevic, father's name Sreten, b. 1968, a resident of
Cajetina, 16 Radnicka Street; and Milanko Savic, a forester, father'sname
Radojica, b. 1974, a resident of Jablanica. Four passenger cars were also
completely destroyed: a Zastava 101, a Zastava 750, a Zastava 125 P, and a
Suzuki Maruti. On April 8, 1999, at about 4.10 am, a NATO aircraft launched a
projectileatthe village of Gostilje, above the brook of Duboki potok, which hit
the left bank,ade a crater4.5by 1.2 metres largeand destroyed part of apine
forest. Themark on the aeriabomb is ECO 751.24.

1.1.15. April 9,1999 On April 9,1999, at 1.55 pm, 14 family houses in the villageof
Osecnica, the municipality of Mionica, were damaged by bombs. (Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 140) NATO bombs damaged the following medical care facilities: the

Infirmaryat the Tobacco Factory in Nis, the Jastrebac Infirmary in Nis,the
Infirmaryhwsed inthe Engineering Faculty buildingin Nis, and the Medical
Center in Aleksinac.(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p176) On April 9/10, 1999, NATO bombs demolished the building of the
Radio Television Serbia's transmitter on Mt. Goles- Pristina(Annex, NATO

Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 331) On April 9, 1999, at 1.20 am,the facilities of Crvena zastava Ltd. in
Kragujevac (about 30.000 employees) came under missileattack.Two missiles
hit and totally demolished thassemblyline for Jugo cars,while the other plants
were heavily damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.369) On April9, 1999, at 12.48am, 6 missiles hit the installatioof NIS
I Jugopetrol in Smederevo. Five missiles struck the tanks with oil and oil
fractions, causing a large scale fire. In this explosion, the workshops, the car
maintenance service, the central firebrigade building, and several auxiliary
structures were damaged. As a result of the attack, the environment was

polluted by gases produced in the process of burning oil fractions, and the
people from the nearby suburbs had to be temporarily evacuated, while two
employees - Slobodan Kedzic and Milorad Zdravkovic - suffered minor
injuries.The aftershock and bomb fragments caused damage to windowpanes
and roofs of the following premises: The Belgrade Institute for Physical
Chemistry, branch unit Smederevo, DP Metal servis, the Komunalac public
service firm, thevodovod public service firm, the private enterprise Agrocvet,

the firefighting centre, the public enterprise Elektrornorava, the Sartid
logistics, the holdingompany ofFAGRAM,the foundry of Sartid,UNITEKS,
DP Ukras, Jugovent, DP Mi-trade from Belgrade, branch unit Smeclereio, and
the premises of the private firms of GRAS and ORNAMENT. Bomb fragmentsand aftershock also caused substantialdamage lo alarge number of

private premises at the Flea Market (Buvlja pijaca). (AnneNATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I, p399)

1.1.16. April 10, 1998
~ April 10, 1999, during a NATO bombing of Valjevo, the roof
structure and covering of the old hospital building were damaged. (Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia II p. 313) On thc night of April l0/1l, 1959,several dupowerfulmissiles were
firedduring thrce assaults on the territorof themunicipality of Kursurnlija.
About 20 n~issilesof great destructive power were fired at Merdare vjllage

alone, as well 30 oiher missilesand cluster bombs. Five peoplewere killed in
this attack: Bozin TosoviDragan Buhalo, Rojana Tosovic, Goran Djukic, and
an unidentified male. Marija 'Yosovic,six months pregnant, suffered severe
injuries.Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 141)

1 1.1.17. April 11, 1999 April 1I, 1999,at 4.00 am, the surroundings of Samaila village,
Kt-aljevomunicipality, were hit by missiles, which caused considerable damage
to civilian buildinTWO family houses were completely demolished and other
20-plus sustained serious damage. Also damaged were the Petar Nikolic
Primary School and some private enterprises.

-1.1-17.2. On April 11, at 4.30 am,a missile hit the village of *Curekovac,the
municipality of Leskovac, and heavily damaged the family houses of .Tovica
Cekic,Zornn and Peia Nikolic, and Gorari Bjokic. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I,p.141) During abombing an the night of April 11112,explosionsshook the

wallssf tl~oldfortification, while windowswere broken on thSimic Residence
-now a tnuseum - in Krusevnc. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 222) On he night of April 11/12, 1998, Pristina and its immediate
surroundings were bombed. On thisoccasion the buildingofPrisiina Airport in
the viage ofVelika SIalina was struck. The management and passenger service
buildings were completely destroyed, while the auxiliary warehouse was

damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1,p. 255) On tlrenight of April 11/12, 1999,between 8.45 pm and 5.00 am,
NATO aviation fired 7 nlissiles at downtown Djakovica and also hit the
transmitter onthe hilof Cabrat. Material damage was also caused by Eirethat
broke out in the residential buildings in Cara Dusana,Bore Stankovica, and

Milosa Obilica streets in ttown centre. 011 April 11, at 4.00 am, NATO bombed the territory of the
municipalityof Kosijeric. with one bomb hitting the foreof Sava Marjanovic
and ruininga number of oakand acacia trees.1.1.18. April12, 1999 During earlier NATO air strikes,the Pancic mausoleum, built in July
1951on thehighest peak of Mt. Kopaonik, was endangered, and it was heavily

damaged bythe bombing on the night of April 12/13.(Annex, NATO Crirncs in
Yugoslavia 1,p.223) On April 12, 1999, at 11.40 am, the Sarajevo bridge on the road

between Leskovac and Vranje, 12 kilometers from Leskovac, was hit by two
missiles. Also hit by two missiles was a railway bridge near the town of
Grdelica, where a passenger train,from Belgrade en route lo Ristovac, was at
the time. The train was hit, tooTwo coaches were colnplclely destroyed and

the other coaches heavily damaged. In the missile attack on the bridge in
Grdelica gorge and on the passenger train, which happened to be on the bridge
at that moment, 12 pcrsons were killed. They were later identified as Zorari
Jovanovic, Petar Mladenovic, Verka Mladenovic, Simeon Todorovic, Ivan

Markovic, Ana Markovic, Jasmina Veljkovic, Bivna Stanijanovic, Vidosav
Stanijanovic, Branimir Stat~ijanovic, Sveto~nir Petkovic, and Rridon~ir
Jovanovic. Five persons have not been identified. Three'persons are missing.
The following persons suffered severe injuries: Bragana Ciric, Zorica Lukic,
Dejan Popovic, Zivorad Pavlovic, Slavko Milojevic, Goran Mikic. Vesna

Veljkovic, Milena Veljkovic, Milos Veljkovic, Dobrinka Srctenovic, Mihajlo
Vukovic, Aleksandar Verusevic, Radomir Janjic, Petnr Mihajlovic. Radomir
Lujancic, and Stojan Pesic.Material damage was donc to passenger train No.
393, the train and road bridge, and the house of Vladimir Nikolic, which is

situated 100 meters-away. (Anncx No. 52: Zapisnik o ~lvidji~Opstinskog suda u
Leskovcu Kr. 56/49od 12.04.1999.godlnc. str. 205-109;On-Sltc InvestigaReport Kr.
56/99 12April 1999,pp.269-273.Anncx No. 53: Nalaz vcstiika od 13.04.199.godinc, str.
109-113; ExpertFindings dated 13 April 1999pp. 275-277.Anncx No. 54:Svedocenje
MihajIovicPetra Kri 453/99 od 27.04.1999. gaclinc pred Okruznirn sud11Ueogradu,

str.113-116;Testimony of MihajlovicPetar 45319927 April 1999,pp. 278-280. Annex
No. 55: Zapisnik o obdukcijiZorana Jovanovica od 13.04.1999. godinc, str. 116-120.;
Autop~y Report of Zoran Jovnnovic datcd 13 April 1999, pp. 280-283. AnnexNo. 56:
Zaplsnik o obdukciji Petra Mladcnovicii od 13.04.1999. godinc, str. 120-122.; Autopsy

Rcport of Petar Mladenov~cdated 13April 1999,pp. 283-285Annex No. 57:Zapisniko
obilukclji S~meonaTodorov od 13.04.1999. godinc, str. 122-124.; Autopsy Rcportof
Simeon Todorov datcd 13April 1999,pp. 285-287. Annex No.58: Zapisn~ko obclukclj~
Verke Mladcnovic od 13.04.1999. godlne, str. 124-126.; Autupsy Rcport of Verka
Mladenovic dated 13April 1999,pp. 287-259.Annex Na. 59:Zap~sniko obdukciji Ivnna

Markovicaod 13.04.1999.gudine,str.126-128.;AutopsyReport of [vanMarkovic dated
13 April 1999, pp. 289-291. Anncx No. 60: Zapisnik o obdukciji Anc Markovic od
13.04.1999,godine, str128-130.;Autopsy Rcportof Ana Markovic dated 13April 1998,
pp. 291-293. Annex No. 61: Zapisnik o obdukciji JasmincVcljkovic od 13.04.1999.

godine, str. 130-132Autopsy Rcport of Jasmina Veljkovic dated 13 April3999, pp.
293-295.Anncx No. 62: Zaplsnlk o obdukcijNN lesa od 13.04.1999. godinstr.132-134.;Autopsy Report of Unknown dated 13 April 1999,pp. 297-299. Annex No. 63:
Svedocenje Mikic Gorana Kri. 30199od 23.04.1499.godine, pred Okruznii sudorn u

Nisu, str.134-137;Testimony of Mikic Goran in District Court in Nis Kri.30199,23
April 1899,pp. 237-299.Anncx No. 64: Otpusna listsacpikrizom balnice Leskovac za
Mikic Gorana, str.137; Dischargepaper with cpicrisiof Lcskovac Hospital for Mikic
Goran, p. 299.Annex No. 65: Svedocenjc Milana Sirnonovica Krl. 15199o22.04.2999.

gadine, pred Okruznirn sudorn u Leskovcu,str. 138-140;Testimony of Milan Simonovic
in District Courrin Leskovac Kri. 15/99,22 April 1999,pp. 300-302.Annex No. 66:
~vedo&nje Voje Stevanovica Kri.15/99od 22.04.1998,godinc,,predOkruznirn sudorn u
Lcskovcu, str.140-142;Testiniony of Voja StevanoviinDistrict CourtinLeskovac Kri.
15/44,22 Aprd 1999, pp.302:304.Annex No. 67:Svedocenje Bore KosticaKri. 15/99od

15.04.1999.godine, prcd Okruznim sudom uLcskovcu, str142-145;Testimony of Bora
Kostic inDistrict Courtin Leskovac Kri.15/99,15April1999,pp.304-307. Annex No.
68: Spisak nastradalili putnika u vozu12.04.1999.godine Kri.15/99 od 26.04.1999.
godine,str.145;List of pcrsons kilondthe passengertrain on Apri12,3999, Kri.15/99

dared 26 April 1999, p. 3IU. Annex No. 69: Spisak povredjenikl putnika u vozu,
12.04.1999.godine,str.146; Lisofpersons injuredon the traion April12,1999,p. 308.
Annex No. 70: Svedockrrje Vladirnfra Nikolica Kr15/49 od 15.04.1999.god~nc, pred
Okruznim sudorn uLcskovcu, str 147-149; Tesrirnony of Vladimir Nikolic K15/9915

April, 1998, in District CourtinLeskovac, pp. 309-311.Annex No. 71: Svedocenje -
Miroljuba Cakica Kri. 15/99 od 15.04.1999,godincpred Okruznim sudom u-Leskovcu,
str149-151; Testimony of Miroljub CakicKn. 15/99 15April, 2999,in District Courin
Leskovac, pp.311-313.) On April 12, 1999,at 5.00pm, on the Djakovica-Ponosevac road, 'the
so-called Efcndi bridge was bombcd and greatly damaged. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 313) On April 12, 1949, from 12.00prnto 2.00am, the village oRznic, the
municipality of Decani, was hit by six missiles. En the attack, civilianpremises
were hit, including the Co-operative Farm. Extensive damage was inflicted.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1,p. 377) On April 12, 1999, at 10.50pm, one missile hitthe compound of NIS
Oil Refinery near the Sangaj suburb in Novi Sad. Anather one exploded inthe
vicinityof the VeIjko Vlahovic PrimarySchool in the same suburb. Also hit and
destroyed was the secondary processing plant within the Oil Refinery

compound. In the second blast the building of the Veljko Vlahovic Primay
School was damaged, as well as the communitycenter, apre-school institution,
anda large number offamily houses in theSangaj suburb in Novi Sad, (Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia1, p. 401) On 12 Apsil 1999, at 11.20pm, sixmissiles hitthe facilities ofNAP
Novi Sad, the storage depot in Conoplja, the municipality of Sombor. Two
storage depots, with 10 tons of dieseloil,and some emptyoil storage tanks were
also hit and totally destroyed. The storehouse buildings NOS. '1and 2 were also

destroyed. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 403) On the night of Apr12/13,in an attackof NATO aviation on Zajecar,
the Vasilije Djurovic Zarki army barracks was damaged, as well as private
houses and outbuildings nearby. On April 12, 1999, at 7.00 am, NATO aircraft attackedthe Crvena
zastavaworks in Kragujevac and damaged the following facilities:theForging
Plant, the Assembly Plant, the Bodywork Plant, the Tools Plant, and the

Electronic Accounting Centre.
1,1.18.9. On April 12,1999,at about9.30 am, in an attack of NATO aviation on
the villageof Bistrazin,the municipalityof Djakovica11premises of the JUHO
poultry farm were destroyed. On April 12, 1999,in mid-morning, in an attack of NATO aviation,
damage was done to the house of Radoljub Aleksic, in thevillage of Ktuscica,
the municipalityof Arilje. April12, 1999,at about 2.55 am, a bomb hit the Town Heating
Plant in Krusevac and totally destroyed the 1,000 square metre premises
consisting of management buildings and a production plant with two

installations of MVV production output each. Large scale damage wasdone,
whichhas not been ascertained yet, and an employee, Ljubisa Milovanovicfrom
Jasike,suffered minor injuries. On April 12,1999, at about 1.05am, NATO aviation hitthe village
of Rokci, the municipality of Ivanjica, with one projectile. The missile,
bearing the markings VING - VSU 59/8 300003 704 AD 4827 NFR 96214,

exploded in the courtyard of the family house of Milun Novakovica, a
pensioner from the village of Rokci, the municipality of Ivanjica, and caused
substantial damage to the building, as we11as thehouses of Morncilo Tokic
and Rasko Djokic, the holiday house of Milovan Krivokuce from Ivanjica, 28
Wusiceva Street,thefamily house of Radisa Subasic from the villageof Rokci,
and the Outpatient Clinic of the Ivanjica Health Care Centre, on which roof
tiles werebroken, all window panes smashed, walls cracked, supports burst,
doosframes fallen out, etc.

1.1.19.April13, 1999 a bombing on the night ofApri113114,he wallsof theVojlovica
monastery near Pancevo were cracked, windowsbroken and the roof damaged.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in YugoslaviaI, p. 221) bn April 13, 1499, NATO bombs destroyed the Postal Services'
transmitter atazimestan-Pristina.(Annex,NATOCrimesinYugoslaviaI, p.331) On April 13, 1999, at3.00 am, the Jugoslavija land satellite station
in the villageof Prilike,themunicipality of Ivanjica, was hit by one missile.

The aerial and satellite installations for transmitting signals from a
European satellite were totally destroyed. (~nnex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I, p.332) On April 13, 1998:at3.00 pm, the bus station in Pristina, the Plastika
factory in the suhush of Kupusiste, and a depot of the NTSJugopetrol oil
refineq were bombed and damagcd. One missile fell and exploded in the
suburb of Dardanija. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 377) On April 13,1999, at5.35 am, a cruise missile hithe Facilitiesof NTS
Jugopetrol in Smederevo. On thisoccasion, the Installations' pumping station
was damaged, as well as the dispatch centre's fire-brigade house and boiler
room. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.404) April 13, 1998, at I2,40 am, four missiles struck the Baciste Hotel,

located in the Sun Valleyin the area of the Nationat Park on Mt. Kopaonik. In the
ensuing fire, thentire hotelcompound was burnt down. In the explosions, two
buses and afreight vehicle parkeon the hoteI parking lot were burnt. The Putnik
Hotel was alsodamaged in the missileattackon the BacisteInthe attack,Miodrag
Maksin~ovicsuffered light injurie(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1, p.414) On April13,1999, at about 3.30 am,NATO aviation caused damage to
the premises of the Banjica Institute for Orthopedic-Surgical Diseases at 28
Mihajla Avranlovica Street,Belgrade. The same day at about 4.12 a5 , in Belgrade, ian attack of NATO

aviation,damage was done to a flat43/12 T~razijeStreet owned by RwzdiFerizi. Between March 25 and April 13, 1993,NATO aviation carried out five
assaultson the Sloboda conlpany in Cacak and the surrounding residential area,
with a large number of projectiles. From March28 to April 4, 1999, damage was
done to housing and other prcrnises owned by 26 persons. From March 30 to

April 4, in the part of the town called Jezdina, destroyor damaged were the
premises of several owners. From March 28 to April 13, 1999,in Ratka Mitrovica
Street, LjubisavlPetronijevica Street, and the streets Nos. 217, 71"l and 712,
damage was done to the premises of 64 owners. On April4, 1999, at about3.20
am, during an attack on the Sloboda company, Mileva Kuveljic was killed and
Bogdan Prokovicsufferedsevere injuries, whichled to his death an June 16,while
in Ratka Mitrovicrt Street, damage was inflicted on 74 premises, in Milana
Todorovica Street,28 premises, and in Milana Radosavljevica anBrace Djokovic

streets25 premises. On the night of Apri6/7,1999,damage was done to-the Vuk
Karadzic Primary School. On April 13, on the road tothe Karaula, inthe streets
Nos. 700, 701, and702,damage was done to residential and other premiseof 68
owners, as well as the gravestones at the village cemetery.The plants of the
Slobodafactory, the main object of the assault, were completely destroyed. On April 13, 1999,at about 11.55 pm, NATO aviation bombed the
territory of the municipalitiesof Nova Varos and Prijepolje. The bridge at
Donja Bistrica on the Prijcpolje-Priboj railroad was hit and damage was done to
the second pier of the bridge, the guard's lodge, the windowpanes of the
building ofthe Lim hydroelectricpower plants, while heavydamage was done to
the power transmission lines and the Post Office building. Mira Danilovic

suffered minor injuries, On April 13, 1999, at about 3-00 pm,the bridge on the Rasina river,
on the Krusevac-Dedina road, was hit by a projectile.The bridge was madc of
metal and was 60 metres long and 6.30 metres wide. Due to the damage done to
the bridge'spiers and its fall intthe river, enormous damage was done, which

has not been ascertained yet, including the demolition of the water supply and
sewage networks, and the postal installations, which ran the length the bridge
and were connected to the industrial zone and the villageof Dedina. Due to the
great intensity of the detonation, damage was also done to the following
premises in the vicinity: the MP-96 building - the motor vehicle inspection

service; the houses of JovankaJenadic, Tomislav Miatic, and Zoran Simovic, the
family houses in Miodraga Stankovica Street from numbers 1 to 23, the
veterinaty clinic, the premisesofFAM-farm, the premiscs of Grafika, the non-
production premises ofKristal, the houseof Slobodan Marjanuvic, the LP filling

station, the storehouseof Agroprornet, and the building of the FAG company,
ownedby Zivadin Sosic.

I.1.20.April 14,1999 On April 14, 1999, st about 1.30 pm, on the Djakuvica-Prizren road,
near the villages of Madanaj and Meja, a convoy of Albanian refugees was

targeted three times. Mostly women, children and old people were in the
convoy, returning to their homes in cars, tractors and cartsThe first assault on
the column of over 1,OUO people took place while they were passing through
Meja village. Twelve persons were killed on that occasion.The people from the

convoy scattered around and tried to find shelter in thenearby houscs. But
NATO warplanes launched nlissileson those hous'esas well, killing seven more
persons.The attack continued aIong the road between the viiiages of Meja and
Bistrazin.One tractor with its trailer was completely destroyedTwenty people
of thosc in the tractor's trailer were killed. In the repeated attack on the refugee

vehicles,one more person was killed. The tolal number of killed pcrsons in this
attack was 73, whereas 36 were wounded. (Annex ko. I: Dcpcsa Sekretarijara
unutrasr~jihposlova u Djakovici br. 2583od414.04.1989.godine, str. 1-Dispatchof
the Secretariat of the.Interior in DjakNo.2583/49,14 April1399,pp. 21-23.'Ai~i~cx
No. 2: Depesa Sckrctarijata unutrasnjih poslava u Djakovici br. 2534 od 15.04.1999.

gudinc, str.4.; Dispatch of thc Sccretariat of the Intcrior in No. 2594,15 April
1995,p. 24. Annex No. 3: Dcpesa Sekretarijata unutrasnjth poslova u Djakovici ad
16.04.1999.godine, str.5; Dispatch of the Sccrcofthe lntcrioinDjakovica 16April
1999, p. 24.Annex No. 4: lzvestajo kriminalisticko-teh pnigcduomlica mesta

Sekretarijata unutrasnjposlova uDjakovici br. 781/160/$9od 14.04.1999.godine, str.6-
3; Report of thc On-site ForneTcchnicalInvestigation of Secretarof thcIntcr~or in
Djakovica No. 7811160/99,14 April 1999, p. 26. Annex No. 5: Izvcstaj Sekretar~jata
unutrasnjth poslova u Prizrenu br. 349/915.04.1999.godinc: str. 8-11;Rcporofthe

Numbcr indicatthenurnbcrofpageofthe bookof thFcdcraMinistryofEotcigAffairstitled
*NATO Crimes iYugoslaviaDocumentaryEvldcnce24 March- 25April Iq99," Vol. I Secretariatof thInterior inPrizren No349/9111,5April 1999,pp.35-36.AnnexNo. 6:
2apisnii o uvidjajuSekretarijataunutrasnjihpolsovauPrizrcnuod 14.04.1999godine,

str. 11;Minutesof On-site InvestigationothcSecretariatof theInterior in Prizren 14
April 1999,p. 36.Annex No. 7:Izves~ajo kriminalisticko-~ep hrcilekoticamesta
Sekretarijataunutrasnjihposlovu Prizrenubr. 750/250/99od14.04.1999godinc,str.12;
Reportof the On-s~tFornesic TechnicalInvcstigatianoftheSecretariatof the Interior
in Prizren No.750/250/99,'I4April1999, p.37. Annex No, 8: Skicaliramesta, str.13;

Sketch of sheSite,p. 38.) April 14, 1999, at about 2.30pm, on the local Prizren Djakovica
road, at a crossroads where the road continues tothe village of Donja Srbica,
NATO aviation launched a thermal-visual bomb, which killed 6 persons: Fikri

Sulja, father's name Muhamed, Jmer Dselja, father's name Saban, Ferad
Bajrami, Fdfathern'sme Seit, Nerdzivan Zeciri, mather's name Zoa, Persad
Smaili, father's name Gani, and one unidentified female person of about twenty
,years of age.Eight more persons were severely injured inthis attack. April 14, 1999, clusterbombs damaged a number of houses inthe
village ofPavlovac near Vranje and killed Mijalko Trajkwic and a 12-year old
girl,Milica Stojanovic. Marjan Velickovic was seriously injured,white material
damage wasdone to the Vranje- Bujanovac main road, the house and business
premises of Dohrivoje Pavlovic, the house of late Mijalko Trajkovic, the house

f of VojisIavJovanovic, the village'slowvoltage power transmission lines, and the
houses of Zenkoand Miroslav Maksutovic, Nebojsa Ajdarevic, Zoran, Rasirn
and Trajlo Becirovic, Branislav and Sacip Arifovic, Stojadin Sanovic, Stojce
Asanovic, Cane and Trajce Bakic, Boban Demirovic, Ratku Kurtic, Mile
MiIicevic,Zika Tasic, Ljubisa Pesic, Ljubisa Tasic, DragoljubJankovic, Zivojin
Cvetkovic, Dobrivoje Zafirovic, Srba Svetkovic, Dragan Dodic, Morncilo and

Rade Mitic, Momcilo Trajkovic, Jovica and Vlasta Marinkovic, and Stanko
Manasijevic. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 148) On April14, the Cigota Tnstitute for Thyroid Gland and Metabolism -
the seat of the Tornik sports and recreational center was demolished byNATO

bombs. (Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 177)
1.1,20.5. On the night of April 14/15, the Branko Copic and Nikola Tesla
primary schools and the Radoje Dakic Secondary Mechanical Engineering
School inRakovica were damaged by NATO bombs. (Annex, NATO Crimes in

Yugoslavia I,p. 182) During the most severe bombardment of Rakovica on the night of
April 14/15, lasting from 1.30 am to 3.30 am, the monastery of Rakovica
sustained the followingdamage: theportal door wasblown out, no window pane .

remained unbroken, and, the most serious ofall, thcracksin the walls widened.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1,p. 215) the third attackon Zastava plants inKragujevac (April 14/15),
theGrammar School and the Old AssemhIy buildings were damaged. (Annex,

NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.222)

361.1.20.8.The bombing on the night of April 14/15caused new damage to the
Fortress in Krusevac. (Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p.222) The old city center and the Tabacki bridge in Djakovica were
destroyed in the bombardment on the night of April 14/15 (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.226) The old citycenterinPec was destroyed in the bombing on the night
of April14/15.(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 227) The Church of St.Paraskeva in Drsnik near Klina was damaged
during the bombardment on the night of 14/15April (Annex, NATO Crimesin
Yugoslavia 1p. 227) Danjloviclog cabin in Locane, built ithe first decade of the 18Ih
century,was burnt down on the night of April 14/1by NATO bombs. (Annex,
NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I, p. 227) On April 14, 1999,at 12.28 am, the railwaybridge on the Belgrade-
Bar railroad over Lake Limsko at Bistrica, the municipalitof Nova Varos, was

hit bytwomissiles.The bridge was greatly damaged and cannot be used. On that
occasion, a railway guardMilan Puric,sustained minor bodily injuries. (Annex,
NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I,p.313) On April 14, 1999, in the early morning hours, NATO aviation
carried out an attack onthevillage of Merdare, themunicipality of Kursurnlija,

with 5projectiles, and destroyed part of the railroad outside a tunnel, obstructed
the tunnel entrance on theMerdare side, totally destroyeda familyhouse of an
unknown owner, and damaged several other familyt~ouses. On the night of April 14/15,1999,seven missiles hithe area of the
municipality ofKursumlija. The l'oplica bridge, near the village of Pepeljevac,

was partly damaged and cannot be used. In this attack the hause and
outbuildings of Nikola Mihajlovic from Pepeljevac were complelely destroyed.
Damage was done to the family house of Draginja and Dobrivoje Grcak, the
concrete electricpower pole in their courtyard, while an Audi passenger car,
owned by Goran 'Grcak, was totallydemolished. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
YugoslaviaI, p. 313) On the night of April14/15,1998,NATO aviation attacked the village
of Mackovac,the municipality ofKursumlija,with three projectiles, and severed
the electricpower transmission lines between Kursumlija and Blace, and
damaged thefamilyhouses of Misa Cosic and Mirko Tosic and a large number
of houses in the villagef Mackovac. On April 14, 1999,at 1.50am, in downtown Pristina, the bus station
and the Plastika plastifactorywere attacked again. Due to the bombing, apart
from an overpass on the road to Kosovo Polje, the building of the Magistrala
road maintenance enterprise was demolished and its machinery damaged.
Sefcet Trnava sustained serious bodily injuries. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I, p.377) On April 14, 1999, at 5.30 am, five missiles hit the facilities of the
Holding Corporation Krusik in Valjevo. Six workers sustained minor bodily
injuries- Jordan Aleksic, Slobodan Liizic, Petko Obradovic, Zoran Veselinov,
Dragan Saric,and Nedeljko Kakic. In the explosion,a large number of bIacks
of flats and private houses were damaged in Valjevo, including the Dr Misa
Pantic Medical Center, the Secondary AgriculturaI School in Valjevo, the

Jugopetrol fillingstation, the railroad station building, aadlarge number of
private craftmcn's shops and catering faciIities. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia 1:p. 375) The Church ofthe Ascension of Christ in Cacak was damaged by
detonations caused bythe bombing on April 14,1999. (Annex, NATO Crimes in

Yugosiavia ITp,.313) On April 14, 1999, NATO aviation bombed the villageofNegbina
and destroyed a new forestin the hamlet of Cirovici, at a location called
Marica brdo. On April 14, 1999,at about 3.00 pm, at:Vigoste, the municipality of
Arilje, NATO aviation caused damage to the housing premises of Mirceta
Glisic, while LjilStamenic suffered minor injuries.

1.1.21.April 15,1999

1-1.21.1. NATO bombs damaged the following medical care facilities: the Juzni
Banat Medical Center in Pancevo; the Medical Center in Prokuplje; the Cuprija
Medical Center; the Outpatient Clinic inRakovica; and the Outpatient Clinicin
Cacak. (Annex: NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 177) On April 15, 1999, at10.45pm, on two occasions, the bridge on she
Danube River, which connects the municipalities of Smederevo and Kovin,

was re eatedly attacked with missiles. The bridge was hitin the area between
the 8': and 9'h piers and destroyed 90 meters in length. The detonation
causeci damage 10 Ihe premises of the following enterprises: adredging and ..
shipping firm from Belgrade; the Smederevo public waterworks firm; and the
building af the district prison in Smederevo. The following were destroyed:
two housing units for the accomodation of the workers of the Jugovo

enterprise; a structure for processing gravel and sand; a structure for
producing concrete and the processing machine PuIt 220; and 300 cubic
metres of styrofoam. Damage was also done to the fdlowing: the gatekeepers
booth, the mess, the carpentry workshop, the management building, the
warehouse, and the laboratory for concrete. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I,p. 313) On April 15, 1999, the Radio Television Serbia'stransmitter on ML.
Tornik was bombed and extensivelydamaged. The family house of Mitar
Djurovic from the village of Jablanica was also damaged. (Annex, NATO
Crimes inYugoslavia T,p. 332) April 15,1999,at 1.10am, the BKTelekom Serbia'stransmitter on
Mt. Jagodnja washit by two missiles.Four platforms with aerials and two floors
I of the Facilitwere damaged, including the complete transmitter set. (Annex,
I1 NATO Crimes inYugoslaviaI, p. 333) On April 15,1999, at 12.15 am, the Ovcar TV transmitter on a hill
1 overloobng Cacakwas hit. The transmitter was extensivelyd;lrnaged as wellas
the building nearby.(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 333)
/ On April 15, 1999,at 1.30 am, an air raid was carried out in the
1 Belgrade municipality ofRakovica. A largenumber of both public and private
1 civilianbuildingsweredamaged. (Annex,NATO Critnes in YugoslaviaI, p. 382)
1 On April 15, 1999, at1.20 am, several niisilehit thecitycenter uf

Kragujevac. In the uuack, the building of Zastava transport spedicija Ltd. was
damaged as were a dozen familyhouses in the vicinity.(Annex, NATO Crimes
11 in YugoslaviaI, p.382) April 15,1999,at 4.45 am,several missiles hit the cof Nisand its
surroundings. Four missiles fellat Nis airport, huo of them in the vicintheof
Medosevski bridge. A large number of civilian buildings were damaged.
Damage was also done tu the premises of the Nada Totnic brush factory,

I Feroks, Papiroservis and their vehicle (KS850-741, as well as theveterinary
1 clinic, Nis, at 64 lvana Milutinovica Street. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
I Yugoslavia 1,p. 382)
1 April 15,1999,at about 10.30pm, in an assaultofNATO aviation
1 on Belgrade, damage was done lo the buildingat 21/10 Sretena Mladenovica
Mike Street, owned bySilvana Babic, and theone at 21/14Sretena Mladenovica

Mike Street, ownedby BranislayJovanovic. On April 151999,at about 11.00 pm,in an assaultof NATO aviation
on Becrnen Andjelka Markovic suffered minor injuriesand damage was done
to the house at 113Glavna Street,owned by Andjelka Markovic, and at 10 VTI
nova Street, to aOpe1Kadcl car (BG 466-103)owned by the Pctic family. .
1 On April 15, 1999, at about 11.90 pm, in an assault of NATO
aviation on Vranje damage was done to the following premises: the houses
owned by Djokica Stankovic, Dragoljub Stojanovic, Ivan Mladenovic, and
Prcdrag Ristic. the night of April 15,at about 12.2am, the hamlet of Grncarski
I1 potok, part of the village of Valakonje, the municipality of Boljevac, was
attacked and damage was done toprivate houses and uulbuildings. On April15,1999,at about 6,20,a projectilefiredbyNATO aviation
hitand broke an electricpower pole bytheF'ilrarin-Cepurr road, and diln~aged
, electricpower installations bthe same road. On April 15116,1999, in an assault of NATO aviation on Zemun,
damage was done to the warehouse and the goods itconrained at 23 Batajnicki

I put Street,owned byPP.Mehanograf BG. On April 15, 1999, at about 1.30 pm, NATO aviation again fired
missiles at the bridge onhePrijepolje- Priboj railroad and caused it substantial
damage. Damage was also done to thePrimary School in the village of Bistrica,
whereas Mile Rajic and Milomir Palic suffered minor injuries. At thsame time,
missiles hit the bridgon the Belgrade-Bar railroad before Tunnel 123 at Donja
Bistrica and rendered it unusable. On April 15, 2999,at about5.05am, a missile firebyNATO aviation
hit the central room of the 160by 100 metre big plant for making processing
equipment of DD IMK 14. oktobar inKrusevac. Huge damage, which has not
been ascertained yet, was done to the roof structure, the main post,the crane
track, the electricagas and hearing installations, the ventilation shafts, as welt

as the gas cutting and welding machines. April 12,1999, atabout 2.55 am, and April '15,1999,at about 5.05
am, NATO aviation carried out assaults oDD IMK 14. oktobar in Krusevac,
hitting with three aerial bombsand one projectile the102by 95.5 metre large
premises of the Factory of Construction and Mining Machimy in the central

part ofthe industrialcompound.The resulting explosion destroyedthe roof and
the supporting structures, the complete electrical installatioas,well as a1of
the machinery pool, the crane tracks and cranes, the processing centre, and
several tractors in the final staofassembly. The huge damage that was done
has not ben ascertainedyet. Due to the intensitof the detonation, damage was
also done to numerous other premises within the industrial compound. April 15, 1999,at about 2.00am, hvo aerial projectiles hit the road
bridge on the Zapadna Morava River, on the Krusevac-Jasika road. The bridge
ismade of metal and is 120 metres long and 5.20metres wide, with pavements
for pedestrians.The damage done to the joints bemeen the metal and stone
structures caused half of the bridge tfallinto the riverThe huge damage has

not been ascertained yet and the bridge can no longer be used. The strong
detonation caused damage to numerous premises nearby, including the
Dragoslav Cekic Primary School inthe viI[ageofJasika, On April 15, 1959, at abou5.00 am, an aerial bomb hit the farmyard
of Radovan Radovanovic at 16 Mise Mijatovica Street in Krusevac and
completely destroyed the following of hiagricultaral machinery: two tractorsa

lorry, a drill (= sowing machine), a mower, a freight jeep, two combine
harvesters, a swather,a tobacco drill, anda Lada passenger car. The damage
was compounded by the killingbf a large number of hishead of livestock.Due
to the intensity othe detonation, damage was done to the buildings owned by
Radovan Radovanovic, Dragan Isailovic, Bogdana Milojevic, Milutin Ristic, and
Misko Savicic. On April 15, 1999, at 5.00 am, an aerial bomb hit and totally
destroyed the foundations of Radivoje Bajkic's house under construction in
Moravska Street in Krusevac. Damage was alsodone to the houses of Milan
Andrejicand Vladan Locnjanin. On April 15,1999, at 5.00 am, twoaerial bombs hit the open space
between the Centre for GerontoEogy and the suburb of Bagdala I1 inKruseyac.
Due to the intensity of the detonation, damagwas done to numerous buildings
in the vicinitythe Centre for Gerontology and the housing premises owned by
Milan Jovanovic, Darko Miljkovic,Tornislav SmiIjkovic, Jakob Ilijevski, Ljubisa
Krsric, Momcilo Popovic, Milan Djujic, Tomislav Ilic,Vera Milovanovic, and

Miodrag Mijatwic,

1.1.22.April 16,1999 houses in ~erendi lbolja Streein Mali Radanovac near Subotica
were damaged by NATO bombs on April 16,1999. In this assault, the house at
No. 39, owned by Mihalj Retfalvi, was totally destroyed. (AnnexNATO Crimes
in Yugoslavia 1,p. 151) On April 16,1999, NATO bombs damaged the-Outpatient Clinic in
Kursumlija. (Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 177) On ApsiI 16, 1999, at2.15 am, the Telekom PTT Serbia's transmitter
on Mt. Cer, at a location called Lipove vode, was targeted. Several aerials for

broadcasting were damaged, as was the Telekom building and equipment. The
transformer station was also damaged, which left the facilitwithout electricity.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1,p. 333) On April 16, 1999, at about10.00 am, the territoryof the village of
Ribnica was hit by several aerial projectiles.In the attack, Irena Mitic, now
deceased, suffered severe injuries which- Ied to her eventual death, while
Slobodan Djordjevic was only slightly injured.

1.1.23.April 17,1999 On April 17, 1999, at9.30pm, during a NATO air raid on Batajnica
and asubsequent missile explosion, Milica Rakic, achild born in 1996, lost her
life.Drazen Jankovic from Batajnica suffered minor injuries. In the assault,

damage was done to the flats in Dimitrija Lazareva Rase Street owned by
Mladen Lukic, Milena Gavrilovic, Marijana Mapeli, Zarko Rakic, 'Vesna
Zukelic, and Milivoje Tsailovic, as wellas the house at 74 Posavskog odreda
Street owned by Vera Mirilovic. (AnnexNo. 44: Izvestao kriminalistlcko-tehnickom
pregledu licmesta Sckretarijatunutrasnjiposlova uBeogradu od 18.04.1999,godine,
br. 1001h20J99str.87-89Report on Forensicand Technical On- Site Inspectionof the

Secretariatof the InteriorBelgrade dated 18April 1999,pp. 156-158.AnnexNo. 45:
Zapisniko uvidjaju Sekretarijata unutrasnjih pasu Beograduod 17.04.1999.godine,
str.89-91;InvestigatiReport of the Secretariat of thc InterinrBelgrade dated 17
April 1999,p.158;Annex No. 46: ImestajSekretarijataunutrasnjihposlouBeogradu
od 17.04.1999g.odine,str.91;Reportof the Sccretariatof the InteriBelgradc dated

17April 1999,p.159.Annex No. 47: Izvestajo krirninalisticko-tc prcglcuolicamcsta Sekretar~jnta i~nutrasnjih poslov;~ u Bcogradu od 17.04.1999. godine br.
100/lh29/80, str.9Rcport ofthcSecretariatuf the InteriinBelgrade dated 18 April
1499,p. 160.Anncx No. 48: Svedocenje RakiZarkaKi. 468/94 od21.04.1999.godine
prcd Okruznim sudom u Beogradu,str.93-97;Testimony of RakicZarkrlKI.46819921
April 1989in thc DistriCourtinBelgradc pp.161-164.),.On April 17, at 11.30am, a potvcrful explosion shook the village of
Sisatovac. Tlie damage done to the local monastery, which is a cultural
monument, included the denlolition of its roof, the smashing of several
ordinary and stained glass winduws, and the cracking of the walls of the

monastery guesthouse. Damage was also done cuthe Sjsatovac Primary Schooi,
the sutnmer road to the holiday house seltiement of Carina, and, in the
settlement itself, to the holiday houses owned by Cira Jovanovic, Slanoje
Stanojevic, Zivko Stojccvic, Zivan Masic, Marko Katafaj, and Stevan Mosic.
Also damagedwere a large partof the forestsurrounding the settlement and
the house of Branko Mitrovic in the village of Sisatovac. (Annex, NATO

Crimes inYugoslavia 1,p. 220)'During the bombardment of the Fruska Gora slopes on April 17, the
monastery church of Staro E-Topovo was damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I, p221) On April 17,1999, at 2.10 am, the facilities of the FInlding Corporation
Krusikin V;lljevo were cxposed to missile attacksIn thc altack, a large number
of blocks of flats and houses in the immediate vicinity of the factowere also
damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p.378) On April 17,1999, at 10.30pm, the facilities of the Prva iskra chemical
plant in Baric sustained extensive datnage. The etisuing fire was extinguished.
(Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1p. 382) On April 17,1999,NATO aviation fired missiles at the territory of,the

municipality ofPrijepolje and damaged several hundred square metres offorestin
the village.ofKatuoicon the mountain of Jadovnik and in the villagofMali Do. On April 17,1599, at about 4.20 pm, NATO aviation bombed the
village of Gornje Trudovo, the municipality of Nova Varos, and one of the

projectiles killeda lot of fish in the Tisovica River, while another missile
destroyed over 500 juniper trees near Kezova cuprija. About 1.15 pm the
same day, in a missile attack on tlie village of Akrnacici, the municipalitof
Nova Varos, damage was done to the roof tiles and window panes on the
family houses of Mileva, Ljuba and Rajna Djenadic. About 3.45 pm the same
day, on the territory of the municipality of Nava Varos, NATO aviation

assaulted the vill;~gof Dokmanovici and damaged a forest,a house, and the
localprimary school. April 17,1999,a NATO aviation projectile hiaplot ofpastureland
of Milos Jevremovic, father's name Stevan, in thehamlet of Jev~emovici of the

villageof Vranesci, and made a crater 3 by 2.5 meters in circunlferencc and 1
meter deep.

42 April 15,1999, between 12.45 am and 1.00am. and April 17,1999,
between 10.30 pm and 12.00pm the village of Prijanovici, the mutiicipaIity of
Pozega, was attacked with missilesThc main road was damaged I5 metres in
length and 2 mclres in width, and 100melresof the telephone lines to the village
of Prijanovici was severedWater supply pipes were burstand the electripower
lines athe railroadtrack were broken. Damage was also done to the housesand

outbuildings of Ljubomir Albu, Branko Sojic. Janko Sojic, Dobrivoje
Dimitrijevic, Radenko Lucic, Milija Milic, Vojislav Tesovic, Milorad Andric,
Milutin Milic, Dusan Milic,Miljka Milic, andDragat1 Milic; the Vektrn business
premises of Milonlir Smiljanic; the houses of Miroslav Milic, Slobodan
Miljkovic, Ratko ~miljanica, Dragutin Tesovic, Dragan Tesovic, Miloje
Stefanovic, Milutii~aTcsovic, Dragoljub Stamatovic, Radolnir Mandic, Milojko

Milivojevic, Vidosav Krsmanovic, Sava Krsmanovic, Bran ko Eric, Miodrag
Grkovic, Jovan Sojic, Gligorije Sojic, Radovan KIS,Milisav Jovanovic, Filip
Milovanovic, Milorad Markicevic, Mica Teofilovic,Radmila Teofilovic, Mitar
Teofilovic, Zoran Prodanovic, Miiivoje Sojic, Janko Sojic, Stanislava Stefrinovic,
Danilo Sojic, Mladjen Milijanovic, and Dragoslav Stevanovic; the premises of

-the Ratko Mitrovic enterprise; the houses of Slavko Mandic, Ljubisn Lucic,
Strain Jadzic, Radvjica Petrovic, Djor~ije Miljanovic, Prvoslav Drobnjakovic,
Ljuba Markovic, Milanka Andric, Svetislav Eric, Dragan Eric, and Veselin
Jeremic. The damage mostly consisted of broken roof tiles, smashed wiildow
panes, scarred facades, and cracked walls. Miroslav Milic horn the village of
Prijanovicisuffered minor iiljuries. On April 17,1999, between 11.30 pm and 17-00 pm, the outskirts of
the town of Pozega were bombed. Due to intensive detonations, the following
were damaged: the premisesof Pwi partizan;MDD Gnma Uzice, br-anchplant
in Pozega; DP Raketa Passenger Traffic, branch unit in Pozega; thePozega car
inspection workshop's storehouse, repair room, paintwork room, dressing room,

and boiler room; the bus station; DP Koza, branch unitin Pozega; Graneksport
Beograd, branch unit in Pozega, and Graneksport departnlcnt store;the Pozega
Foundry, both the workshop and the storehouse; DP Potens Pozega; the
workshop of Emo Celje and the assemblyworkshop; hePozega Health Centre's
laboratory, children's department, ambulance, pharmacy and hospital. Damage
was mostly done to roof tileswindow panes, partition walls, factides, and

ceilings.As a resulof detonations, damage was done to the housing premises in
the Pozega,suburb of TIreon owned by Teja Dostanic, Zarko Vasiljevic,Stefan
Jovanovic, Dragan Markicevic, Desimir Stojanovic, Milutin Majstorovic,
Andjelka Mijailovic, Ratka Matovic, Radoje Simic, Milutin Ilic, Biljatza Vulic,
Biljana Milovanovic, Tamislav Jakovljevic, Mijat Lazovic, Gordana Sokolovic,
Dusan Smiljanic, Milos Smiljanic, Milan Pavlovic, Sreten Pavlovic, Djordje

Janjic, Vera Matovic, Slavko Suidovic, Milisav Mladenovic, Tomislav
Mihailovic, Miodrag Pavlovic, Mica Avramovic, Milijana Djokic, Velibor
Kovacevic, Obrad Obradovic, and Velisa Smiljanic, aU from Zlatiborska Street
in Pozega; Ljubomir Djokic,Radovan Juksimovic, and Radosav Jelicic, all fromMarkicevic Street in Pozega; Milos Pekic, Sreten Markwic, Milijana Kostic,
Milan Jordovic, Slobodan Nedic, Branko Jankovic, Radivoje Krsljak, Mile
Ristovic, all fromIIproleterske Street in Pozega; V. Markovic, R. Kovacevic,
Nebojsa ?'rikovic, Sreten Markovic, Gordana Milutinovic, Ljubinka Bradovic,
Zarko Perunicic, Radavan Joksirnuvic, Miladin Radjenovic, Lazar Markovic,
Sava Sirnovic, Radisa Becic, Uros Djonovic, Radomir Nedeljkovic, Pavle

Simeunovic, Dragana Kovacevic, Slavko Filipovic, Rada Miajilovic, MiIutin
Vucicevic, Milena Mandic, Miladin Radjcnovic, Goran Kovacevic, Saban
Obrenic, Petar Milinkovic, Milijana Djakic, Milanka Petrovic, Biljana Dabic,
AIeksandar Brkic, Milisav Drobnjak, Mihajlo Pavlovic, Zoran Dramacanin,
Milijana Kovacevic, Radomir Sobrovic, Drasko Savic, Miljko Kovacevic, all

from V. Markicevica Street inPozega; Milos Rosic, Dusan Paunovic, Miroslav
Jovanovic, Zoran Milovanovic, IlijaSmiljanic,Nesa Bojovic, Jovisa Sirnovic,
Zoran Starcevic, Milorad Starcevic, Dusan Rakic, MiEivojeRomanovic, Divna
Jelic, Radovan Markovic, Milun Ristic, Nada Mihailovic, all froR. Kovacevica
and P. Radovanovica streets in Pozega. Due to detonations, the following
premises were damaged: the building of the local community of Pozega,Ljube

Micica Square, the Svila business premises, the block of flats a20-22 and 32
Knjata Milosa Street, the Emilija Ostojic Primary School, the block oflatsin
Square Ljube Micica, the Ineks buducnost enterprise, the Loret shop, the old
department store, the new department store, the business premises in Heroja
Bondzulica Street, owned by Novak Petronijevic, theIneks buducnost furniture
shop, the car shop, the block of flatsat 3-5 B. kapelana Street, the Pazega

cultural centre, theBudimkn enterprise (the management building, the drying
shed, the juice production plant, the storehouse for finished products, the
storehouse of thedrying shed, the mechanic's workshop, the slaughterhouse, the
boiler room, the machine workshop, and the storehouse for technical goods),
BU Nariks, the Napredak Pnzega enterprise,the Olga Jovicic Vita kindergarten,
Celica, the Mladost Pozega enterprise, and the Magnet-komerc Pozega


1.1.24.April 18, 1999 On April 15 and 18, 1999, ak 20.30pm and 1.00 am respectively, in
Pancevo, NATO aviation made two assauIts on the plants of HIP - Azotara, the
socially-owned enterprise for the production of fertilizers and nitrogen

compounds. Four aerial air-to-surface missileswere fired, hitting the Energetika
plant, destroying crude oil storage tanks,a structurforpouring crude oilwith
accompanying installations, a tank wagon, and five train wagons. Tn the
Amonijak 111 pIant, destroyed were the 101b primary reformer, and the power
transformer building, while damage was done to the storehouse of raw

materials, a spare boiler, the nlanagement building, the compressor room, the
metalwork shop, the instrument servicing building, and the MCC building.In
the NPK plant, completely destroyed were two processor lines for theproduction of fertilizerswithtransporters, the loadingsystem,the storehouse of
rawmaterials and finishedproducts, the structure of the spare partsstorehouse,
the packing structures, and the parking garage. The aftershock caused heavy
damage to private houses in thevicinity. On April 15, 17 andl8, 1999, NATO aircraft attacked HIP -

Petrohemija in Pancevo. In the VCM plant, three air-to-surface missiles
destroyed or severely damaged the machinery, while the aftershock damaged
the management building, the laboratory, the duty officer and storehouse
director's building, tank wagons,50 metres of railroad tracks, storage tanks,
and parts of the PVC plant. At the Elektroliza plant, damage was done to the
tanks for the preparation of electrolytwith accompanyingpiping, pumps, and
motors, the filtration house, the salt storehouse, the transportation system,the

containers with electrolyte, the compressor building, the alkaline chlorine
storage tank, the chlorine evaporator,the,hypochloride storage tank, the main
pipeline'bridges,and the plant'smanagement building. April18, 1999, at about 3.15am, on the Nis- Pristina mainroad, at
the estuary of the Kosanicaand Toplica Rivers, an air strike wascarried out on

the road bridgewithtwo projectiles,whichdamaged the bridge and rendered it
unusable. On the night of April 17/18,in an assault of NATO aviation on the
village of Stari Slankamen, damage was done to the following property and
structures in Odasevci: 1650 square metres of the fruit plantation, owned by

Todor Zivic,the road lane of the NoviSIankamen- Surduk road, and 7 holiday
houses, ownedby Mirko Sotler, Kata Vicentic, Steva Stevanovic,TvanKrstic,
Zdravko Nedeljkovic,MihovilKusic, and Jvva Fseradovic. On April 18, 1999, at8.40 am, NATO aviation bombed the villageof
Ponikve with three projectilesThe firstprojectile totallydestroyed the house of
Rista Markovic, and the other two damaged the fields of Milos and Rista

Markovic by their respectivehouses.

1.1.25.April 19,1999 On April 19, 1899, NATO aviationbombed civilian facilitiin the
Sljakasuburb in Nis,in Bujmirska Street,where many houseswere demolished.
Their owners are: Milivoje Starnenkovic,Goran Minic, Svetolik Mladenovic,
Jovan Cvetkovic,and Dragomir Ignjatcvic,Damage was alsodone to the houses

in LipovackaStreet ownedby MiodragRasic, Ljubomir Milosevic, and Borislav
Peric. In the assault, Milen Milojkovic was killed,Srbijanka Jancic i Olga
Petkovic suffered serious injuries, and Slobodanka Stojiljkovicsuffered minor
injuries.Atthe same time,NATO aviationattacked the NisTobacco Industryin
12. februara Street, inflicting heavy damage on a large number of structures
withinthe factory, aswellas the surrounding civilianpremises. Zoran Rasic and
TornislavIlic suffered minor injuries. In the attack, a lot of premises along the Camurlija road were damaged, including a number af shops and business
premises, as well as the houses of Dragan Bogdanovic, Nada Topalovic,
Tornislav Jova~lovic, and Radoslav Stojanovic. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
YugosIavia 1,p. 166) NATO bombs damaged the following medical case facilities: the
Banjica Orthopedic and Surgical Institute in BeIgrade, the Outpatient Clinic in
Aleksinac, and the General Hospital in Valjevo (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia 1,p. 178) OR April 19, 199'4,at 1.40 am, the Executive Council building in
downtown Novi Sad was hit byone missile.The missile struck the leside ofthe
building at the third floor, but the detonation damaged the whole Executive
Council building.11 isworth noting that due to its high architecturalvalue, this
buildingis listed iallmajor interrrational architectural encyclopedias. (Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 1,p.219) On April 19, 1999, at about 11.05pm, in the village of Beocic, the
municipality ofRekuvac, a missile fell about200 metres away from the village
- and damaged several dozen houses. Otz April 18, 1998, at about 1.15 am, near Svilosa, NATO aviation
attacked the Ravni Villa, usedby the Executive Council of Vojvodina. A highly
destr~~ctiveprojectile fell in the irnnlediate vicinity of the villa and made a huge
crater, while its detonation seriously damaged the facade, the roof structure,
and the interior of the building. Substantial damage was also done to the
furniture and other inventory in the house. April 18 and 19, 1999, in the village ef Rakovina, the municipality
of Djakovica, four NATO missiles destroyed the bridge on the Rakovina -
Djakcwica road; traffiwas disrupted at~dhuge material damage was inflicted. On April 19, 1999, in the village of Lipe's hamlet of Vis near
Srnederevo, the explosion of a projectile damaged the residentialpremises in
Marsala Tita Streetowned by Ziza and Radosav Radovanovic, Milan Pavlovica,
Bubana PavIovic,and Tomislav Stepanovic.

1.1.26.April20, J939 On April 20, 1998, inthe village of Dolovi, the municipality of Novi
Pazar, many houses were damaged. Gabija and Mehdija Smajovic, Father's name

Nazim, suffered serious injuries. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I, p. 169) In the air strikes onApril 20, 1999,in the Kolubara District - the
Genera1 HospilaI in Valjeuo;and in Raska District- the SpecialHospital lor the
Treatment of Progressive Muscular and Neuromuscular Disorders, in Novi
Pazar, were damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I,p. 178) On April 29, 1999,at about 3.20am, in a NATO aviation attack on
Belgrade, damage was done to two houses in Gospodara Vucica Street; that of
Bozurka Jablan, ai No.115,and that of Svetlana Stojkovic, at No. April 20,1999, at about8.00 am, several NATO aerial projectiles
hit Bujanovac and damaged the premises of Vladimir Zlatkovic, the house of
Blagqje Zlatkovic, the house of Dragan Zlatkovic, the business premises of
Vlasta Bogdanovic, the business premiscs of Horka Jovcic, and thc houses of
Mile Nedeljkovic, Radisav Stojanovic, Raduvan Mitic, Serafim Janjic,

Dragoljub Trajkovic, Zivko Dimitrijevic, Stojko and ~jibisa Janjlc, Tomislav
Stanojkovic, Serafim Janjic, Srecko Stankovic, Stojadin Prkic, Milorad
Trajkovic, Mile Manic, and Ralko Kostic, on the building of the Sveti Sava
school, the kiosk of Dragan Stevanovic, the business premises of Cedomir
Stankovic, the boiler room of the SIh4PO Department Store, the
JUGOUANKA office building, the Town Pharmacy building, the handicraft

shops of Mica Petrovic, Blagoje Nakic, and Ugljesa Tomic, the LEVKO
restaurant, the house of Hezija Ahmeti, the building of Ihe Bujanovac
Municipal Court,the Pijac power transformer station, and the passenger caof
Blagoje Nakic. the night of April 19/20,1999,NATO aviation attacked thespa at
Novi Pazar with alarge number of projectiles, and huge damage was done to the
Special Hospital forthe Treatment of Progressive Muscular and Neurornuscular
Disorders, with 57 patients showing neurotic reactions. Seven family houses
were damaged inthe villagof Tzhice. On April 20,1999,at 1.25 am, NATO aviation missiles hit the bridge
on the Nova Varos -Priboj road, near the Bistrica power plank. Datnage was
done to the bridge, the two vehicles that happened to binthe vicinity: a Volvo
Turbo (PB 353-42), and a Mercedes freight vehicle (PB 108-74), owned by
Transport from Priboj, the office buildings of Jugopetrol and the Bisirica
power plant.In this attack, the following persons were injured: Radoje

Jovanovic, Mihajlo Gujanieic, Sasa Marinkovic, Enes Ejelak, Srelen Bajic,and
Bojan Jelic. On April 20, 1999atabout 5 pm, a projectile of NATO aviation hit the
villageof Gostilje, the hamletof Simovici, causing damage ta the orchard of
Radenko Simovic. The projectile was bearing the following mark:FOR-USE-

ON-MK84 FIN GUIDED BOMB96214 ASSN 837760-2.

1.1.27.April 21,1.999 During the bombing on April 21,1999, the Maja refugee camp in
Djakovica, in which refugees from the Republic of Srpska had foui~dshelter,
four persons were killed (Miodrag hlancevic, Gordana Ildic, Darko Volarevic,
and Davor Volarevic), ,and twenty were severely injured (Djuro Basara, Davor
Basara, Marija Popovic, Dusko Popuvic, Vesna Ivancevic, Milena Ivancevic,

Predrag Ildic, Dragana Tldic,Soka Volarevic, Desa Volarevic,Andjelija Rljak,
Zora Rljak,Jela Kuska, Bosko Kuska, Slobodan Trkulja, Suzana Tesla, Nikola
Dohrijevic, Bojana Markovic, and Rista Mijovic). (Annex, NA-1-0 Crimes in
Yugoslavia I,p. 170 ) On April 21,1999,at 3.15 am, the building ofthe Usce businesscenter
in NewBelgradewasdamaged inan air said. Inthe attack, the outwalls of the
building were damagedat ihe lower floors,as were the inner walls,thefacade,
and the windows. From the fifthto the fifteenth floorsthe buildingwas heavily
damaged due to the explosionand fire.The buildingof the Usce businesscenter

housed the headquarters of the Socialist Party of Serbia, about twenty
companies, and several TV and radio stations. In the attack, Gvozdimir
Dragutinovic, who at the time was at the Jugoslavija Hotel, suffered minor
injuries. Apart from that, damage was done to flats in Bulevar Lenjina Street,
the Pekabeta shop at7 BulevarLenjina Street, the JugoslavijaHotel, the Palace
of the Federation, the pharmacy shop in Bulevar Lenjina Street, the
Agropromet shop in Karadjordjeva Street, the business premises at 41

Karadjordjeva Street, the shop of Petrohemija at 23 Karadjordjeva street, the
baker's shop at 15 Karadjordjeva Street, the Eol boat restaurant, the Jovan
Popoviclibraryin Zemun and Museum of Modern Art.(Annex No. 49: Svedocenjc
TrkuIja Radwlava Ki.4X7J99od 29.04.1939. godinc pred Okruznimsudom uBeogradu,
scr.97-100; Testimony of Trkulja RadisaKi.48719329 April 199in the DistriCourt
in Belgradepp.229-231.) 21,1999,NATObombs exploded some 300 meters awayfrom
the Kovilj monastery, causing fissures on the load-bearing dome arches and
church ceilings, while the church and residence walls were greatly shaken.
(Annex, NATO CrimesinYugosIavia I,p. 221)

1.1-27.4.During the bombing of the Zastava plants in Kragujevacon April 21,
an incendiarybomb hit the central part of the First Barracks,so that the main
part of the building was demolished and burnt. (Annex NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I, p222) On April 21,1999,at 1.40pm, the railwaybridge at Ostruznica on the

Sava River, connecting Surcin with Ostruznica, was hit and damaged. The
bridge was damaged between the third and fourth metal arches, on the Surcin
side, aswellasin the area ofthe tenth concrete pier. Both of tharch supporting
piers, the steel structure and 20 meters of the carriageway were damaged.
(Annex,NATO Crimesin Yugoslavia I,p. 320)

1.1.28.April 22,1Y99 NATO bombs damaged the following medical care facilities: the
Outpatient Clinic in Kursumlija, the Outpatient Clinic in Ivanjica, and the
General Hospital in Valjevo. I The Residence at 15 Uzicka Street in Belgrade was demolished in an

attack of NATO warplanes on April 22, 1999, at 3.10 am. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.216) the night of April22/23, NATO bombs demolished the bridge en
route to Stalacin Krwsevac.(Annex N,ATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p. 222) the bombardment of the north-western industrial areof Nis on
the night of Apri22/23,the facilities of the Tobacco industry and the Red Cross
Prison Camp were damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.223) April 22,1999,.JP PTT and Telckom Serbia's building in Uzice was
hit hy a missile through the central roof shaft and damaged. In the attack
3,138.64 square metres of business premises was destroyed, including all the
offices, sjgnalling equipment and machines,as well as the telephone exchange
with 14,000 telephone connections. The aftershock of the explosion caused

damage to the building of Beogradska Banka, the Getaldus shop, the business
premises of Kadinjaca, the flats of Bosko Petric, Sava Arsic, Radisa Raskovic,
Dobrila Radojevic, and Djordje Pekovic, at2 Petra Celovica Street. At1 and 3
Petra Celovica Street,damage was done to the house of Miodrag Dravic, and at
2 Jug Bogdanova Street, to the houses of Jovisa and Lepa Vasocic. The
shopwindows and other windowswere shattered on the Blu mun bakery and the
Partner shop. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I,p.319) Enthe NATO air strike on Zemun on April 22, 1999, at about 12.45
am, damage was done to a flat at 1115Metohijska street, owned by Gordana
Viskovic. April 22,1999, in the afternoonin the attack oNATO aviation on
the territory of the villagofBunusevac, Dalibor Tasic and Branislav Basara
were killed, and damage was done tu the houses of Srba NikoJic, Sreten
Srniljkovic,ile Misic, Slave Nedetjkovic, Gordica Petrovic, Gordana Cikotic,
Tomislav Tmusic, Djoka Mladenovic, Stanko Aleksic,Zora Jovanovic, Vitomir
IlicAnica Milosevic, Branidav Stoiljkoviand Sladjana Stankovic.

1.1.29.April 23, 1999 April 23,at2.20 am, the building of the Radio Television Serbat

1 Aberdareva Street in downtown Belgrade was targeted by missiles. The
missiles hit the entrance area, which caved in at the place where the Aberdareva
Street building was connected to the Takovska Street building. Therwere RTS
employees doing their jobs at the moment of the explosion. Sixteen persons
were killed on that occasion and sixteen persons were injured. In the wake of the
blast that hit the RTS office building, the Dusko Radwic children's theater,
located in the immediate vicinity,was damaged, as well as the Palilula municipal

building,a TP Progres store,theHoly Trinity- the hall othe Russian Orthodox
church, StMark's church, and a large number ofshops,restaurants and business
premises in Bulevar revolucije Street, In the attack, the following perswere
killed: Milovan Jankovic, Milan Joksimwic, Slobodan Jontic, Dejan Markovic,
Aleksandar Deletic, Ivan Stukalo, Slavisa Steuanovic, Dragan Tasic, Jelica
Munitlak, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Tomislav Mitrovic, Ksenija Bankovic, Darko
Stojmenovski, Branislav Jovanovic, Sinisa Medic, and Dragorad Dragojevic.

Serious injuries were inflicted on Milan Stancevic and Aleksandar Stepanovic.
Minor injuries were inflictedon Predrag Djuricic, Nebojsa Vasic, SlavicaMiljevic, Marija Mitrovic, Dragnn Sukuvic, Branko Matijasevic, MihajEo
Alcksic, VojislaJoakimovic, Aleksatidar Vukrniruvic, Danko Djordjevic, Rojan
Mijatovic, Dragica Rakic, Biljan;~ Sitvovic, Risa Sabotic, MirosIav Mlina,
Aleksandar Tatar,and VojisIavCosovic.(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia
I,p.3433 On April 23,1999, at 2.06 am, the railwbridgc on theSava River at
0struznic;iwas again targeted and damaged. The outside pier No. 1 was
damaged as well as hvo partsofthe house, the guard's lodge, the contact grid,
and the dilatation equipment. The metal structure on the pierNo. 7 caved in

and fellinlo the river. (AnncNATO Crimes inYugoslaviaI,p. 320) .
1.129.2. An earlyByznntii~etomb in .fagodnilMala inNis was damaged during
fierce aerial bombardment on thc nightof April 33/24, 1909. The objecof this
assault, which tookp1;icebetween 11.50pm and 12.25 am, wasStanka Paunovica
Street, at the junction with Surnadijska Street. Damage was done to the office

buildings of SO Produkt, MIN, and DD Lokomotiva, and to several vehicles
parked on the i'ac~oqlpprcmises.Also damaged were the buildings of the
Secondav Mechanical Engineering School, Elektromehanika, and
Elektroretnont, the housesof DarnirAheditlovic,Desanka and Momir Ivanovic,
the Djurdjevdan reslaurant of Zeljko Surlan, the Lokomotiva shup, the

plumber's shop, thcvideo club,and the grillroom, all of the above the property
of Sinisa Milovanovic, he houses of Raduvan Arandjelovic, Desanka
Stevanovic, Ratornir Dinic, Vladirnir JociMile Markovic, Velibor Stojanovic,
Dobrosav Vcselinovic, Srbislav Velimirovic, SIobodan MircicDragan Popuvic,
Drago1,jnband Dragoslav Veljkovic, Dusan Vuckovic, and Zivka Raduiovic, all
in Urosa Dirlica Street, the building of the scouts' union, the Agroziv shop, the
grillroo~nof Gvrdana Petkovic, the Pleteks shop of Slobodan Pavlovic, Mosa

restaurant, as well as a Jugo 45 passenger car of Svetislav Nikolic. NATO
aviation projectile did substantial damage to the family house of Tomislav
Stefanovic and destroyed a 100 square metre fish pond,aswell asthe house of
LjuRisa Zlatanovic.A1 the samc liine several projectilwere fired in an attack
on civilian objecin thc viiliigeof Popovac, the municipalofyNis, and damage
was done to the restaurant of Vesna Mladenovic, the house of Dobrosav Tasic,

the premises ofDanka Stojkovic, the premiseof Suva planina, owned by Toma
Cvetkovic, the Popovac supermarket, the marshalling yard at Popovac, the
wagons at the train statioatPopovac, the fieldsofBranislav Djurdjanovic and
PrvuIe D,jordjevic. One projectile hit the socially owned enterprise of
Betonjcrka in Ivana MilutinovicaStreetinNis,and damaged a shedwall and he
fence next to the cement silo. (AnneNATO Crimes inYugoslavia 11,p.303) On April 23, 1999, between 1.00 am and 4.00 am, in an attack of
NATO aviationon Zemun, damage was done tothe Pekabeta shup No. 389 at
20 Gospodsk:~ Shcet, the Borac shop No. 455 at 29 Gospodska Street, the
Aroma shop No. 915 at 10 Karadjordjev Square, the premises at 14

Karadjordjev Square,the Email shop No. 22 at 14-20Karadjordjev Square, thepremises at 22 Karadjordjev Square; the Tekstil shop No. 42, and the Autonena
shop No.13 at 24 Karadjordjev Square, the premises at 6 Karadjordjev Square,
the Autosrbija shop No. 20 at 34 Karadjordjev Square, and thc~.ladranshop No.

444 at 1Karadjordjev Square. I April 23,1999: at about 4.15am, inan attack ofNATO aviatior~on
Zemun Polje, damage was done to a power transformer station, a residential
building, and the officialsflatson the premises of the trarlsfdrrner station, the

property of the Belgrade Electricity Board. On April 23, 1998, at about 9.30 am, on the territj of the villageof
Merdare, the municipality of Kursurnlija, NA"I.0 ;tviation rii-~12 projectiles,

which completely destroyed thc houses of Milorad and Mila? Paunovic, Sava
Markovic, and Milan Kujovic, and damaged the buildings of the Dritlka Pavlovic
Primary School and the local branch unit of the posofficein Kursurnlija. On the night of April 22/23, 1999, in an attack ofNATO aviation on
the territories of the village of Mandjalos and the tuwil of Srcmska Mitrovica,

damage was done to the water supply system of Sremska Mitrovica on the
stretch towards Mandjalos, due to which the villages on the slopes of Mt. Fruska
Gora were left without water. 11

1.1.313A.pril24,1999 11 During the war activities on Apri24, 1999, the folloging medical care
facilities in NovPazar were damaged: the First Town Pharm~cy, the Cukovac
Children's Dispensary, and the Occupatiunal Medicine ~is~ensary. (Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 11,p. 229) ! On April 24, 1999,at 5.30 pm, it1at1attack on the'village of Kitka,
near Vranje, the station c~Kitka -Vranje, ~hcproperty ofTEUFKOM SRRIJA,
was hit.
Il On April 24, 1999,at about 5 pm, in an attack ofNATO aviation on
the village of Donja Borina, the municipality of Mali Zvornik. a highly
destructive projectile damaged the property of Radovan Nov;lkovic from Donja
Borina. On the nightof April 23/24, 3999, inan attack of NATO aviatlon on
civilian premises in Novi Pazar's suburb of Varos Mahnla, iin the streets of
M.Jovanovica and Relje Krilatice, several highly destructive, missiles itlflicted
heavy damage on 40 family houscs and the Brakstvo PrinlaryiSchool; in Gojka
Bacanina Street,30 family houses; in the suburb of Sestovo, l1?7fanlily houses,

as well asa large,number ofbusiness prcnlises in that parof tLwn. On April24, 1999, at about 2.10 pm, NATO aviation fired missiles at
the village of Bozetici, the municipalityNova Varos, at aplace called "Glista",
in the hamlet of Cirovic, and danlaged the villagewater supply system and the

houses of Gojko, Radisav,Milosnv,Mirostav, Milivoje, and Vlastirnir Cisovic.1.1.31.April 25,1999 The last remaining bridgeconnecting NoviSad with the Srem side of
the city wasfinallysunken in a bombing raid during the night of April 25/26,
1999.In theattack, damage was done to the nearby premisesof the following

KANALJZACIJA, HEROJ PINJSI, theSIMP0 furniture parlour, LUKANovi
Sad, and the MARE cafe.(AnnexNo. 127:Zapisnik o uvidjaju Kri.447199od 26.
04. 1999.godine, Okruznog su2aNovom Sadu, str371-373;On-SiteInvestigatioKri.
447199datcd26April 1999,the District CoinNovi Sad, pp.328-330) April 25,1999,at 1.20am,in an attack of NATO aviationonVlaski
Do, the municipalityof Surdulica, damage was done to the family houses of
Perica Ivanovic, Zoran Andjelkovic, Slobodan Stankovic, Aleksandar Antic,
Grade Stojanovic,Dejan Markovcic,Radosav Dimirrijevic,Predrag Stojanovic,
Dragan Ristic, Srba Novkovic,Stanko tvanovic,Stanko Petrovic, Ratko Ristic,
Voja Trajkovic, Caslav Stankovic, Jova Ivanovic, Jovica Stankovic, all from

Zaguzanji, and BoraTancic from Bubavica.In the attack, a500-kilogramaerial
bomb destroyed a storehouse made of reinforced concrete, the property of the
FederaI Defence Ministry. On March 27 and April 5, 24 and 25, 1999, in the area of the
municipality ofLoznica, a bomb hitand destroyed the steel structure of the

relay station on Mt. Gucevo. In the attack, the installations of the Republic
Hydro-MeteorologicalInstitute from Belgradewere demolished. Alsodamaged
were the bungalows of the Banja Koviljaca touristage117 and the mountain
home of the Viskoza enterprise, while Velicko Lukicsuffered serious injuries.
(Annex, NATO Crimesin YugoslaviaI, p.323) April 25,1899, atabout 4.25pm,in a NATOaviation assaulton the
village of Ljugbunar, the municipality of Djakovica, damage was done to a
building materialstorehouse by the Djakovica-Dolac main road. About 11.00
pm the same day, two NATO aerial missilesdestroyed the transmitter near th9
Jugovicabarracksin Djakovica. On April 25, 1999,in the afternoon, NATO aviation carried out a
multi-missile attackon the premises of the radar station,theproperty of the
Federal FlightControl Directorate, at Slankamenackivinogradion the Kosevac
plateau. The premises were almost totally destroyed, complete with the link
equipment, so that hugematerial damage wasdone. On April 25, 1999, at 1.1am, NATO aviationattacked the Pantelej
barracks in Nis with16projectiles.Ithe attack, substantialdamagewas done to
the followingpremises in Djuke Dinica Street: the Srpskirostilj restaurant,
owned by Dragan Stojanovic,the premises of Verica Raddovic, the Tvrdjava
pastryshop of Erist Prekljusaj,the Leskovacshop, the Mehanizacijaagricultural

pharmacy shop,the Bela Palanka butcher'sshop; in7. jula Street: the Amipromsupermarket, the Auto-centar shop, and the house of Toclor pikolic. Damage
was also done to the residential building at 14 Jeronimova Street, the 9. maj
Grammar School, the Frigomont shop, the Biroscroj business premises, theFIK
Becej shop, the residential buitdings at Nos. 1, 11 and 38 in,Bulevar Lenjina

Street; the Modul furniture shop in Filipa Kljajica Streetthe Nina prehrana
supermarket in BuIevar Lenjina Street; theresidential building; aNos. 1,2,3,5,7
and 10 in Maksima Gorkog Street; the Sintelon shop, and the Zastava shop in
Vojvode Misica Street; thepharmacy shop, theNis shop,the Ugted supermarket,
aHin Vozdova Street; the Angropromet shop, the Kekec shop, the residential
buildings at Nos.1and 10, alin Stanka Paunovica Street; thephotocopying shop,

the Teksril promet shop, the Jedinstvo shop, the Kamenicki "is shop, the BeIi
bagrem restaurant, the Minas - prom shop, all in Ratka Pavlovica Street; the
houses of Boban Zivkovic, Bratislav Blagojevic, Vlada Zlarkovic, Ljubinka
Zivkovic,Zivojin Djoric, Vitomir Kitanovic, Vojislav ~arkovic,'~ozidar Randjic,
Stamen Stefanovic, and Vere Vukic, all in Cegarska Street; the houses of

Miroljub Jovanovic and Tomislav Pavlovic, all in Bore Stankovica Street; the
houses of Najdan Milojkovic, Mustafa Osmanovic, Slavica Milojkovic, Jovan
Jovanovic, Zoran Budic, Vlastimir Jovanovic, Tihornir ~ilijic,Tomislav
Jovanovic, Bora Velickovic, all in Jovana Jovanovica Zrnaja Street; the houses of
Ranko Stefanovic, Ljiljana Marinkovic, Marko Stojanovic, Dobrila Tgic,Rade
Lazovic, StanislnvVnsic, Vojislav Nikolic, Goran Mitic, pred(ag and Branislav

Kocic, Mirjana and Srbislav Jovanovic, Bozidar Stankovic,and Radornir Dihc,
all inSkadarska Street; the Gradsko polje students' restauraand dormitories,a
number of vehicles on the premises of DD Nisauto, the buildings ofthe Faculty
of Electronics and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; the Jugopetrol
maintenance service and filling station No562, the Naisus restfurant, the Cegar
supermarket, the culturalcentre,the Dorno shop, the Mladost restaurant, both in

Kosovke devojke Street, the secondary school students' dormitories; and the
kindergarten, the Radonjic minimarket, the Volan car part shop of Vladimir
Mandic, and the house of Vukica MIadenovic, all in Ratka Pavlovica Street.

1.1.32.April 26,1999 April 9, 15,16,17and 26, 1999, an attackwas maFe with a total of

14 highly destructive projectiles on the civilian population of!in the village of
Pricevic near Valjevo and their property. Huge damage was ddne to the civilian
premises and property of Radovan Zivkovic, Tomislav Milic, Milosav and
Zlatomir Mirkovic,Zivota Jankovic, MirosIav Marinkovic, Radenko Leontijevic,
Slobodan and Milisav Vasic, Milovan, Zivko and Luka Jankovic, Mihajlo '
Boskovic, Sreten and Radivoje Todoruvic, Miodrag Petrovic, yetar and Stanoje

Petaric, Milovan Dinic, Miroslav Lontijevic, Miroslav Marjnkovic, all from
Pricevici, Avram Jecmenica from Valjevo, Vladimir Antic horn Valjevo, the
Planum enterprise from Zernun, and Vasilije Krajinovc, Milan Markovic, and
Paun Andric from Beornuzevici. (Annex NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia T,p. 140).-
1.1.33.April 27, 1899 NATO bombs demolished many houses in Surdulica on April 27,1999,
between 12.15pm ;~nd12.35 pm. On that occasion, 9 persons lost their lives:
Stanisa Djordjcvic, Dragan ivanovic, Stanimir Milic, Vesna Milic, Aleksandar
Milic, Miljana Milic, Vladimir MiIic, Stojan Rasic, and Milomir Milovanovic.
Minor injuries werc inflicted on Kosovka Petkovic, Tomislav Nikolic, Jelena

Andjelkovic, Milorad Andjelkuvic, Radmila Bugda~~ovic,Stanisa Nesic, Zoran
Arizanovic, and Slobodnn Milovanovic, Malerial dainage was done to the
premises uwned by Statla and Slavisa Mitic, Dragica Kovacevic, S1ubod:ln
Stojanovic, Dragis;. Ivanovic; Stojmen Raduovic, Miodrag Andjeikovic, Stana
Milosevic,Stanko Ivanov,Stanisa Starcic, MiodraMi hajlovic,AleksandarRasic,
Razko Ilic,Vnsil Vasilcv,Vidosav Djurdjevic, Radosav Nesic, Srdjan Milovanovic,
Goran Milovanovic, Aleksandar MiEic,Dragi Stefanovic, Stanko and Dragisa

Rasic, Vlastimir Milenkovic, Nenad and Velibor Nikolic, Rade Stojkuvic,
Cedomir Radenkovic. Kocan Marinkovic, Miroslav and Stojan Markovic,
Din~itrijeIklenov, the J.J. ZMAJ Primary Schoolandthe Radomirov hotel Hotel.
Damage was also done to the residential buildings of Toma Stankovic, Dirnitar
Todorov, Bri~nislavDjordjevic, Dol>rivoje Stojanovic, Radovan Savic, Milan
Nikolov, Bojan Pan:ijotov, Vojislav Ilic, Rxdojlo Stankovic, Stojanca Kostic,
Slojanca Petkuvic, Vujislav Milic, Stojadin IliRada Nesic, Miloje Sorirov,

Aleksandar Nesic, Momcilo Antic, Gradimir Ristic. Stojanca Radulovic,
Aleksandar and Brnnko Arizanovic, Branko, Budimir and Uorivojc Trajkovic,
Stojna Nesic, Slavko Kovi~cevic,Iliin Dimitrijevic, Dragan, VladiandrDanica
Lazarevic, Vladiniir Mihajlovic, Dragnn Stoiljkovic,Tomislav StujanovRanko
Nesic, Jov~ca Djonic, Milorad J;inkov~c,MiIka Marinkuvic, Sladjan Dimitrijevlc,
Cvera Aleksic, BrankuDemirovic, Rlagoje Djordjevic, Rosanda and Aleksandar
Tlic,Svetlana Ivanovic,Dlagu tin Stankovic, Dusanka Selakovic, SIavica Kostic,
Zikil Velickovic,Stanimir PavlovicOlga Zlatkovic, Drago Arnetovc, Muharem

Sinanovic, Bozidar onci Di~r~itrijeDjordjevic, Desanka Tomic, Rojan and
Aleksandar Sramenkovic, Dr;lgan Stevanovic, Briinko Susnjar, VIastimir and
Mihajlo Rasic, Vasko Vasilev, Vlasta Trnjkovic, MiroIjub Dimitrijcvic, Miloje
Mitojkovic, Miroljub Kadivojevic, Radomir and Stanisa Radenkovic, Novica
Radulovic, Dragan Slojancev, Milorad Morncilovic, VasilevJordan, Vasil and
Sava, Milan Bogdanovic, Dragan Mirca, Dragan Jankovic, Vasil Simeonov, Dusan
and Slubudan Djordjevic, Stojan and Dragoljub Dimitrijevic, Branko and

Dragoljub Nikolic,Voja Radojcic,Gradimir Trajkovic, Dusan Dimitrijevic, Stojan
Nikolic, Branislav Tumic, Sava MiIovanoivc, Vojislav Stojanovic, Dusan
Radulovic, Tomislav Stojanovic, Radica Ristic, Borixav Cvetkovic, Dragan
Spiridonov; Zoran Kurtic, Jeler-iaand Andrija Cvetkov, Dragan Djipkovic,VEasta
Ivanovic, Srbolji~bPavlovic, Zoran Savic, Bojanca Borisov, JovicaUzic, Mira
Stamenkovic, Casla~ Sl;mkovic, Milos Ignjatovic, Stojanand Slavka Petkovic,
Vasilije Tanasic, SlavaVeljkovic, Velja Morncilovic, Dobrivoje BoskovBranko

Radojcic, Ljubisa Kostic, Aca Stankov, Slobodan Stankovic, Vojislav Najdanovic,
Branko Bo~ilovic, Milan, Jovan, Sreten and Milorad Arizanovic, VIada andSlavoljub Jankovic, Ljubornir Momcilovic, Zoran Ilk: Sima Mihajlovic, Branko
and Pavle Arizanovic, Vladimir, Vojislav and Stojan Petrovic, IVeljnDirni trov,
Slavko and Dragoljub Ilic,Dusan Marinkovic. Petar Ljubisavljevic, Dohiivoje.

Stujkovic, Bora and Milan Stnnkovic, Sreten Cvetkovic, Radosav Milutinovic,
Stojan Jankovic, Pavlc Slojkovic, Radosave Ilic. Menka Rndojkov, Milat1Nikolic,
Zoran Pcjkov, Slobodan Djordjevic, Borivoje Kostic, Stnnisa ~imitrijevic, Dusan
Cvelkovic, Borivojk Ivanovic, Milan and Milorad Dimitrijevic, Stojatl ;ind Dusail

Stevanov, Buda Stojkovic, Miroljub Dimitrijevic. Miodrag and Milic Stankovic,
Ivan Nikolic, Branislav Tomic, and Duska Mihajluvic. (Anncs No. 75: Z~~pisniko
uvidjaju Opstlnskog suda u Surdul~ci od 27.04.1999. godinc Kr. 84/99. str.154-168:

Invest~gationReport ofthe Surdulica Mut~icrpalCourr datcd 27 April lq139,Kr. 54/pp.
24-37' Annex No. 76: Zapisnik o uv~djajuOpstinskog suds u Surdulici ocl 27.04.1999.
godine Kr.85/99,str.168-185;IrivestigationRcport of the Surdulica MunicipalCourt dated
27April 1399,Kr. 85/99,pp. 37-51.AnlicxNo. 77:hpisnik Opstinskog hucluSurcluliciod

28.04.1939.godlnc 0 idctifikaeijilescva, str. 185-210;Repoof ihc ~ukdulica Municipal
Court datcd 28 April 1999,on Identificationof Bodies, pp. 51-61p. 63,Anncx No. 78:
Obdukcioni zapisnik S 73/99 od 28.04.1999,godine za Ivanovic ~ra$ana, str. 210-213:

Autopsy Rcport S73/99,datcd 25April 1999 ofIvanovicDragan,pp. 61-64.Anricx No. 79:
Ohdukcloni zapisnik S 74/99 od 25.04.1999. godine zitMllic Vladi tnlrastr. 213-216;
Autopsy Rcport S 74/99,datcd 28 April 1999of MiIicVladimir, pp, 64-66.A~iticxNo. 80:
Obdukc~nnz i apisl-S 75/99oil28.04.1999.godinc za Rasic Sianu, str1216-21'3;utopsy

Rcport S 75/99,datcd 28 April 1999of Rasic Stanapp. 66-65.Annex No. 81: Obdukclon~
zapisn~kS 75/99od 28.04.1999.godine ziDjordjeeic Stanisu, sr219-222;Autopsy Kcpurt
S 7W9, dated 28 April 1999 of DjorcijcvicStanlsa, pp. bX-70.AnncxNo. 82: Obdr~kcioni

zapisnlk S 77/99od 28.04.1'3Y9g. odincza M~licVcsilu, str222-225; Autopsy Report S
77/94.datcd 28April 7999of MilicVcsn:~,pp. 70-72.AnnexNo. 53:Obdukcioni zapisnlk S
78/99ud 28.04.1949.godine za Milic Aleksandra, str.225-227;A~ltopsy Report S 78/99,
dated 25April 1999of MilicAlcksandar, pp. 72-74.Anncx No. 84: Obdukcioni zi-~pisnkS

79/99od 28.04.1999.gud~neza MilovanovicMiornira;str. 227-230: Autopsy Rcport 5 79/99,
dated 28April 1999 of MllovanovicMiornir,pp.74-76,Annex No. 85:Ohdukcioriizapisrlik
S80199od 28.04.999.godine za MilicMilji~nu,tr.230-232;Autopsy Report S8O/YCd Ja,tcd
28 April 1999of MilicMiljana, pp.76-78.Annex No. 56:Obdukcinnl zhpisnikS81/99 od

28.04.1999.godineza MilicStamenka, str. 232-234;Autopsy fieport X 1/99,d~tcd28April
1999of Millc Stamenko, pp. 78-80.Anncx Na. 87: Svcducenje Petkovic Stojanceta pred
Okruznim sudorn u Vranju, od 12.05.1999.godine Rrl. 24/99, str. 234-237; Testimony

Petkov~cStojanccin thc Distrlct Court in Vranje datcd May 1999, Kr; 24/99,pp.80-83.) The building of the Usce business center was bombed for the second
time in the early hours ofApril 27,1999, atwhich time the transmitter, the roof

structure and the interiorof the building were deslroycd. The window panes on
the surrounding buildings were broken from the force ofthe detonations, aswax
the building of the Museum of Contemporary Art (Annex No.125: Zapisnik o

polomljenirn i polupanim staklirnau trluzeju Savrernene umctnosti u (Beograduna dan

2 Number indicates tnumber ofpage ofthebook oftheFederal MinlstryoForeignAffairstitled
"NATO Crimes inYugosIavia,DocumentaryEvidence,25 Apri- 10Junc 1999,"Vul.El27.04. 1999. gadine, str. 366-3L~st of broken and shattercd glass Surfaces in the
Muscum of Modern Art in Belgrade on 27 April 1999,pp.297-299.Annex No. 140:
Zapisnik ouvidjaju Okruznog suda u Bcogradu Kri.482199od 27.04.1999,godinc, str.
393-3%;Investigation Report ofthc District Court in Belgrade Kri. 482/99 dat27
April 1999,pp. 420-422.Annex No. 141: Izvestaj Sekretarfjnta unutrasposlova u

Beogradu, Odeljenje za uvidjajano-operativne poslove od 27.04.1999.godine, str. 395;
Report of thc Secrctariat of Interior in Belgrade, Investigation and Operation Division
datcd 27Apr~l1999,p,422,Annex No. 142:Zapisnik o uvidjajuSekretarijata unirtrasnjih
polova u Beogradu od 27.04.1999god~nc,str.396. Ivestigation Report of the Secrctariat
ofInteriorinBelgradedated 27 April 1999,p. 423.) April 18, 1994, at 4.0pm and 3.00 am,and on April 27,1999, the
bridge inthe village of Visoka, the municipality of Kursumlijwas atlacked and
hit with three projectilesItwas damaged and rendered useless to traffic, with
damage also done to the nearby houses of MilosNikulic, Zoran Radomirovic,

and Dragan, Dragisa, and Ljubodrag Vesovic, and an IMT - 540 tractor of
Slavoljub Pesic.
1.133.4. On the night of April 26/27, 1999, NATO aviation carried out an
assault with severxi highly destructive projectiles on tIX Directorate of the

Juranovic - Rasic Farms,part of DPP Sombor, located in the village of Majevica
near Sombor. Substantial damage was done to more than 500 square meters of
wheat fields and the residential buildingof Antun Halas, Marija Suntok, Kata
Stojanovic, Josip FaragoJ,osip Smiljanic, Ljubica Jozef, and Nikola Galetin.

1.1.34.April 28, 1899 During the bombing of Podrimska Street in Prizsen on April 28 1999,

at l1:05 p.m, tibout 50 houses were destroyed. Their owners were of Romany
nationality.Their names are: Faljto Krasnici,Osman Ktuezi, Muharem 'Eiruezi,
Masar Gasi, Ramadan Gasi, Fatmi Bitici, Ljatif Bitici, Durrnisa Pacaku,
Ramadan Krueziu, Arif Morina, Tsmet Berisa,Veli Berisa, Dzavit Korlak,Amza
Korlak, Salih Berisa, SadikKrueziu, Biljag Mazreku, Sulejman Mazreku, Sadik

Berisa, Aslam Ispiri, Miljaim Krueziu, Ernina Zufurni, Sejfu Krueziu, Neza
Muhamed, Medi Gasi, Mumin Kacka, Zecija Vockolari, Husen Vockolari, etc.
Four people were killed. Their names are: Dzulja Zuljfuri, Becir Zutjfuri,
Kasandra Zuljfuri and Maksu Zuljfuri. 'rwenlypeople were seriously injured in
thisair raid. (Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 11p.83) On ApriI 28 1998, NATO dropped containers with cluster bombs,
damaging many houses in the villages of Gosici, Sipcanik and Golubovacko
polje near the Golubovci - Podgorica airfield. Their owners are: Milenko
Kukulicic, Dusan Kovacevic, ~ndrija Kovacevic, Veselin Kovacevic, Mihajlo

Kovacevic, Vasilije Kovacevic, Ivan Kaludjerovic, Vasa Raicevic, Milutin
Raicevic, Draga Kaludjerovic, all ofGolubovacko polje, Dema Vatic, ha
Vatic and Djoka Vatic all from Sipcanik and Nikola Andjusic, StankoKqjicic,
Stevan Andjusic, Mirko Kaludjerovic, all from Gosic. Likewise, Paska JuncajPrenke was killedinthe explosion of a NATO missilein the villagof Sipcanik

in the Podgorica area, at about 5 p.m, on the same day. Vladan Kojicic and
Vasko Kukulicic ofGolubovac suffered minor injuries. (Annex, NATO Crimes
in Yugoslavia I1p.92) I transmitter zuwer on Iriski Venac was bombed and damaged on

April 27 and April 28. (Annex,NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I1p.419) The.NATO air raids on New Belgrade, on April 27 and April 28 1999,
damaged a "Renault" car, owned by the "DIS" bank and bearing registration
platesBG 128-813,in ul. Tosin bunar 161. The NATO air atiacks on Djakovica at about 4:20a.m. on April 27,
1999 and at about 12:30 a.m. on April 28, 1999, damaged the accomodation
facilities that house the members of the Ministry of Interna! Affairs of the
Republic of Serbia, near the "Bevet Sugovica" barracks in Djakovica and, at
about 850 a.m. on the same day, the bridge in the village of Rakovina was

"ombed again and totajly destroyed. In aNATO air attackon April28, 1999,at about 2 p.m. atank truck
containing oil derivativewas destroyed in the vill;~gof KiselaBanja, two tank
trucks in the villagof Sibovac, one in thc village of Luzani and anotherinthe

village of'Penduh, of capacities totalling 60.000 liters, at1 in the Podujevo
municipality. Seven detonations in the early morning of 28 April 1999 induced
numerous cracks in the building of Prince Milos's Palace, HistoricMuseum of
Serbia in Belgrade. (Annex No. 126: Svedocenje BorislavaKoricc pred Okruznim

sudom uBeogradu Kri. 617/9od 18.05.1999.godine, str.368-3Testimony ofBorislav
Korica inthe District CouinBelgradcKr. 617199dated 18May 1999,pp. 368-371.)

1.1.35.April 29,1999 I/ The televisiun tower on Mt. Avala was directly hit and completely
destroyed duringthe night of April 25/30.(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia

ITp. 301) The buildings of the Federal Ministry of Defens~ and complex of
buildings ofthe General Staff ofthe Yugoslav Army were targeted on the night
of April 29/30, and were directly hit and destroyed. On that occasion Nenad
Nikolic was killed.The following people suffered serious injuries: Aleksandar

Vuicevic, Nebojsa Starcevic, Ratko Bulatovic, Zoran Curcic and Zoran
Markovic. The foIlwing people suffered minor injuries: Zoran Kuzmanovic,
Branislav Stefanovic, Fgor Guberinic, Morncilo Pancic, Nikota Krizmanic,
Marko Krizmanic, Igor Marinkovic, SIava Milojevic, Goran Lazarevic,Vladimir
Ristic, Dejan Radunovic, Dragan Covic, Nebojsa Aleksic, 'Igor Marinkovic,

BorkaRakic, Alcksandra Pejcic, Vladan Djenadic, Nenad Vidovic, Drazenka
Srebro, Mihajlo Zivkavic, Goran Pavlovic, Slavka Milojevic and Aleksandar
Lazarevic. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia JIp.301) The building of the Federal Ministry ofForeign Affairs is locatein
ihe immerliate vicinity OFthe General Staffofthe Yugoslav Army building and
was heiivilydam;igcd during the bonzbing of the Iatter building on the night of
April 29/30.(Annex: NA'1'0 Crimes in Yugoslavia Ip. 301) The building af ihe Government of the Republic of Serbia is also
located in the immediate vicinity of the General Staff complex, and was also
severely damaged in he bombing during the night of April 29/30. (Annex,
NATO Crimcsin Yugoslavia II p3111) The b~~ildingatNu. 6 Kneza Milosa Street in Belgrade was damaged
during rhe bombing of the surrounding buildings on Nenla~rjina and Kneza
Milosa Streetsduring the nightof April 29130and on the nigh1of May 718.
{Anncx,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 11p. 303) The building on Generala Zdanovn Street in Belgrade was heavily
damaged during the bombing on April 29/30 and May 718. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia 11p. 303) On April 28, 1999,NATO bombs demolished the "Ostruznica" road
bridge acrclss lllc Sava riveTlrebombing dan~aged the bridge, killed Nebojsa
Arsic, the driver of a "VW Jet" 799-N-690,and caused serio~~sbodily injuries to
Nikola Vriinjkovic.(Arzncx No.128: Zapisniko uvrdjajuKri. 584199od29.04. 1999.
godinc. Okruznog suda u l3cogradu,str. 373-375;On-Sitc Inuest~gatinnKri. 584159datcd

29 April 1399, the DistricCourt in Bclgradc,pp. 332-334.Ancx No. 129: Izvestaji
Sekrctarijata unutr:lsnjih podo15Bcogradu od 29.04.1999. godinesazapisnikom o
uvidjaju. str. 375-3Reports of thcSecretariat othe Interioin Bclgradedatcd 29
April1999.w~thOn-Site Investigatiopp.334-337.) During the night of April 29 1999, ;iNATO air force attack on the
town of Ruma destroyed about 350 civilian facilities, among them the "Branko
Radicevic" elementary school, the Refugee Accomodation Center in Ruma and
large housing blockswith many apartments and shops., Another NATO attack 01129 April 1999, destroyed the "Sarajevo"

bridge in the Grdelica Gorge. (Annex, NATQ Crimes inYugoslavia IIp. 337) NATO bombs on 29 April destroyed the administration building,
maintenance shop and R-24oil storage tank belongitig to thNIS Jugopetrol -
"lnstalacija" Smederevo. Also destroyed in the attack was a freightvehicle- a

"MAN" tank truck with registr;~tiot~plates BG 894-754 and a 19 KV long
distance power transnlission line. (AnnexNATO Crirnes inYugoslavi I1p. 509) 011 April 27 1999, at around 210 a.m. and on April 29 1999, at

around 3:15a.m. a NA1'0 air raid otl thKTS transmitter inKrnjaca,damaged
the transmitter, the FruitJuice Factory in he street, Zrenjaninski put 82, a
house inthe street Branka Momirova 124, and the shop "Panama", owned by
the "Srbijaleks" company in the slrect Zrenjanjnskput 146. April 29 1999,at around 10:40 p.m. in Borca,a NATO airraid on
the Radio "Studio B" transmission center damaged thecenter'sfacilities and thethe cooling pipelines. In the second attack, reservoirs 4,6 and 8, as well as
platform No.2 were damaged. The kiosk where the workers take their breaks, a
marble control vessel aswell as the internalpump, the locomotivegarage, all the
fire extinguishersallthe barrels, the oil storage, the water tank, the transformer
station, the fire extinguishing pump station and aggregate, the warehouse

building, the porter's lodge and administrative building, wings1,2 and 3were
destroyed. Damage was also caused on the nearby buildings on the "Prudovi"
housing estate, and to the houses belonging to: Milovan and Radosav Lekovic,
Petar Matijevic,lvko Jordovic, Jovisa Mihajfovic, Milorad Bondzulic, Radjsa
Sirnovic, Milos Dzondric, Dobrivoje Novakovic, Dragan Vilimanovic, Ivan
Ristivojevic, Dobrivoje Stefanovic, of Krste Pajica Street as well as to those

belonging to Miijko Smiljanic, Dragan Petrovic, Dobrinko Maksimovic,
Miodrag Grujovic, Pavle Nikolic, Radomir Maksin~ovic,the "Ramaks" office
premises, Dusan Pavlovic, Miladin Savkovic, Reljo Bojovic, Obrad Maksimovic,
Desimir Roljevic, Milomirka Cebic, Djqrdje Grujovic, Angelina Stokovic,
Nedeljko Sretenovic, Ljubitika Andjelic, Dragan and Ljubinka Borovic, Djatdje
Jokis, Obrad Saric, Milan Suljagic, Milutin Vujovic, Sirsisa Panovic, Radoje

Djedovic, Spasa Petronijevic, Slavoljub Milinkovic, Milovan Kraljevic, Danko
Balcak, Milisav P;ivlovic, Petar Milinkovic, Radovan Todorovic, Milun Stjepic,
Tomjslav Djordjevic, Dragan and Mica Lekic, Vojislav Jovovic, Aleksandar
Djokic, Milutin Jovanovic, Dragan Jojic, Ljubinka Matijevic, Ivan LTrndarevic,
Milan Ivanovic, Rat ko Marjanovic, Miloje Perisic, Sasa Bogdanovic, Perica
Peripic, Milan Janicijevic, Stnnimir Bojic, L~ubinkaDanicic, Miladin Milojevic,

Ratko Nikolic, Miiorad Ivanovic, Gaja Djokic, Milojko Gavrilovic, Miladin
Vasie, Caka Jokic, to the shop belonging to VrtsilijeLadjevic of GIumca, to the
house of Desimir Blagojevic of Visibabe, to the houses ofVladan Blagojevic,
Radovan Popovic, Toma and Radojka Dragovic, Mihajlo Nikolic, Milos and
Radomir Didanovic, Milojko Grujicic, Vidosav Belinac, Todor Novakovic,
Lazar and Predrag Didanovic, Miodrag Nikolic, Slobodan Perisic, SvetisEav,
Miroslav i Milenku Radivojevic, Dragan Novakovic, Milan Zunic, Milan

Stojanovic, Miodrag Marjanovic, Dragan Popovic, DobriIa NovoseI, Dragoljub
Obradovic, Dobrivoje Porubovic, Ratomir Stefanovic, Petronije Petronijevic,
Milajko and Dragoman Markovic, Jugoslav Danilovic, Milan and Aca
Obradovic, MihajIo Markovic, Milwan Ni kolic, all from Visibabe, Radenko
Ponjic, Radomir Filipovic, ~ilenko- Damljanovic, Andrija Ostojic, all of
Krapeska Street, Olga Grujicic, Zdravka Ilic, Ivan Bogdanovic, Radomir

Ntkoljc,Dragan Bogicevic, all from Glun~ca,Milornir Pavlovic, the department
store and butchers, as well as the administrative building of "Inex budvcnost";
the hospital in Pozega, the agricultural cooperative in streetVojvode Misica,
and on the farming allotments small particles OCglass wool have contaminated
the clover so it cannot be used far livestock.Damage was also caused to a
"Lada" automobile parked in Terzica Street in front of No. 37 where the

windows were shattered, the tiles broken, the walls cracked, the facade was
damaged and the ceilings were cracked.
601.1.35.20.On April 28 1999,from 1:45 to1:50a.m. and on April 29 1999 from 2:IO
to 1:15 a.m. bombed the warehouse of the Federal Directorate for Material
Reserves,Belgrade,Work Unit Pozega,Zdravcickiput bb twice.The reservoirs R-1,
R-2, R-3, R-4,R-5, R-6, R-7,R-8 i R-9, platform No. 2, the pump house and filling
station, fuel receiving pipelines, fire extinguishing pipelinand the cooling

pipelineswere destroyed. The kiosk for workers' breaks at the filling station was
destroyed, the control measr~ringbasin, the internalpump, automobile garage
building, receiver tank for greasy waters from the separatpr, all the fire
extinguishers,all the barrels, the oil store, water tank, transformer statfire the
extinguishingpumping station and aggregate,thewarehousebuildingofthe Federal
Directorate for Good Reserves, the porter's cabin and administrative building,

wings I, ITand IIIDue to the bombing ofthe facilitieand oil and oil derivative
installations, damagwas caused to the nearby facilitieson the "Prudovi" housing
estate and surroundinghouses ownedby:Milovan Lekovic,Radosav Lekovic,Petar
Matijevic,lvko Jordovic, Jovisa Mihailovic, Miroslav Bondzulic, Radisa Simovic,
Mibs Djandric, Dobrivoje Novakovic, Dragan Vilimanovic, Ivan Ristivojevic,
Dobrivoje Stefanovic from the street, uE.Krste Pajica, Miljka Srniljanic, Dragan
Petrovic, Dobrinka Maksirnovic, Miodrag Grujdc, Pavle. Nikolic, Rdornir

Maksimovic, the "Ramab" office premises belonging to Dusan: Pavlovic, to the
housesof Miladin Savkovic,Relja Bojovic, Obrad Maksirnovic,Desirnir Roljevic,
Milomirka Cebic, Djordje Gnrjovic, Angelina Stukovic, Nedeljko Sretenovi,
Ljubinka Andjelic, Dragan Borovic, LjubinkaBorovic, Djordje Jokic,Ohrad Saric,
Milan Suljagic, Milutin Vujovic, Sinisa Panovic, Radoje pjedovic, Spaso
Petronijevic, Slavoljub Milinkovic, Milovan Kraljevic, Danka Balcnk, Milisav

Pavlovic,Petar Milinkovic,Radavan Todorovic, Milyn Stjepic,TomislavDjordjevic,
Dragan Leluc,Mica Lekic, VojislavJovovic,Aleksandar Djokic, ~ilutin Jovanovic,
Dragan Sojic, Ljubinka Matijevic, Jvan Dmdarevic. Milan Ivanovic, Ratko
Marjanovic, Miloje Perisic, Sasa Bogdanovic, Perica Perisic, Milan Janicijevic,
Stanimir Bojic, Ljubinka Danicic, Miladin Milujevic, Ratko Nikolic, Milojica
Ivanovic, Gaja Djohc, Milojka Gavrilovic, Miladin Vasic, baka Jotic, the
handicrafts shop "Lav" owned by Vasilije Ladjevic from Glurnca,to the houses

owned byDesimir Blagojevicfrom Visibaba,Vladan Blagojevic,Radovan Popovic,
Toma Dragovic, Radojka Dragov?c,Mihailo Nikolic, Radomir Didanovic, Milojko
Grujicic, Vidosava Belincan, Todor Novakovic, Lazar Didanovic, Predrag
Didanovic, Milorad Nikolic, SIobodan Perisic, Svetislav Radivojevic, Mirodav
Radivojevic, Milenko Radivojevic, Dragan Novanovic, Milan Zunic, Milan
Stojanovic, Miodrag Marjanovic, Dragan Popovic, Dobrila Novosel, Dragoljub
Qbradovic, Dobrivoje Porubovic, and Ratomir Stefanovic.

1.1.36.April 30,1999 attacksbyNATO warplanes on 25 and 30April 11999 ,emolished
the road bridge and railway bridge on the Toplica river near the village of
Podina. These air raids damaged the houses of Stojan Arandjelovic and Dusan
Stojanovic from Podine. (Anncx, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1 p. 338) 011 30 April, NA'I'Obombs dropped on Maksim Gorki Slrcet and
Vardarska Streetin Belgrade destroyed many family houses,the "Zlitni ovan"
resta~lrant rtna n~irnberof neighboring apartments. The attack killed Sofija
Jovanovic who was in the cor~rtyard of she house in Vardarska Street No.?,

Djardje Djuric and Zivka Jovanovic suffered serious injuries. Minor injuries
were sustained by Dejan Filipovic and Dragoslav Cvejic, damage of an
unascertnined amount was inflicred inMaksirna Gorkog StreetNo. 57, to the
apartments belonging to Borivqje FiIipovic, Svetlnna Djeric, Marija Arnnutovic,
Petax Stabic, Milica. Miljkovic and Zoran Kuzmanovic, to the house in

Grahovskn Street No. 12,owned by Rorka Micic and the house at Grahovska 14,
owned hy Mileta Djuric, Ihe apartment in Maksima Gorkog Street 55/1, owned
by Danica Milosa\7ljevic,the tlouse in Vardarska Street No12 and a "Jug0 55"
automobilc BG-354207, belonging to D,jordje Djuric, an apartment in
Vardarska Street No. 1414and the "Jugo 55" automobile BG-905-704, belonging

to Radoje Jevtavic, aparrmenrs in Vardarska Street 1413and 2, belonging to
Nevenka Banknvic ttnd Zarko Raclic, a house in Vardarska Street No.16 and a
"Jugo Florida" automobile KO 35-11,belonging to Stevan Brzak,a "Fiat UNO" -
BG-479-950, owned by Vlada P;lvlovic, to the houses in Vardarska Street
Nos.18, lSa, 13 andi 15, owned by Nevena Milanovic, Gurdana Acimovic,

Mirjana Pavlvvic and Mihn Perisic and Milan Demirovic, the houses in
Vardarska Street Nos. 17 i 10,owned by MihajIo Grozdanovic and Mr-trija
Mitrovic, apartments in Vardarska Stxeel No. 7, owned by Ibrahjn~ Misin,
DragosllavCvejic, Branislava Tufekcic, Kefik Mehrncdi and Dragan Curcic, the
housein Vnrdarska Street No.B,owncd by Violeta Ivkovic, the "Todra" printing
house it1Vardarska Strect No. 9.awned by Dragoslav Todorilv, theapartments

in Surnatov;lcka Street Nu.116: hclunging to Zoran Helencan, Milica Slai~nic,
Sandra Petrovic and VaIentina Damjanovic, the house in Sunlatovacka Street
Wo.73,owned by MiIlailo 'I'i~notije, "Golf" automobile. BG 160-145, owned
by Zor~~nTimotijevic, the house in Grahovska Street Nos. 1 i la,belonging to
Gordana Vlahovic, apartments in Sumatovacka Street No. 75, belonging to
Slavoljub Zlatkovic, Radnvan MiIutinovic and .Djuro Vasic, the house in

Vardarska No. 20:belonging to Dejan Masnikovic, an apartment in Maruliceva
No. 3,owned by SitiisnSto,janovic and a "Daewoo" automobile, RG 229-478,
owrled by Predrag Stojanovic, a "Jugo 55" automobile, BG 160-124, belonging
to Darko Djuric,an apitrtmenr in thc street, Internacionalnc brigaNo. 71/3,
owned by Olga Stanojevic, the "Bugdanovic" automobiie servicing garage in

Maksima Gorkog Street No. 55, owned by Zoran Rogdanovic, a "Skoda
Favorit" automobile, BG 514-03,belonging to an ut~knownowner, a"Renault
4", BG 150-231 and a "Jugo 55" autornobilc, BG 836-460, whose owners are
unknown and the house in Suinatovacka Street No. 81, owned by Dragan
Petrovic. (Annex No. 88: Zapisniki?uvidjaju Kri. 593/89 od 30. 04. 1999. godme,

Okruznog suda u Bcogradu, str237-240;On-Site InvestigatioKri.593198 dated 30
Apr~l 1999, thc District Courtin Belgrade,pp. 102-104. Annex No. 89: Izvestaj
Sekrctarijata unutrasnjili poulReogradu ud 30.04.199godine,str240-242;Reportofthe SecretariaofInteriorin Belgradedatcd30 April1'399pp. 104-1Uh.AnncxNo. 90:
Zapisnikn,uvidjajuSekretarijatunutrasnjih poslovLIBcygmdu ud 30.04.19'39,gndtnc,
str242-244;On-SireInvestigation Mcmo of the Sccrctariat nf lntcrinBelgradc dated

30 April 1999pp. 106-108.Annex No. 31: 1zvest;ojkrimini~l~sticko-tehnjckomprsglcdu
lica incsta Sekrctarijn~unutrr~wljiposlova u Beogradu od 30.04.1999. godjne br.;Report on Forensic and Tcchinical On-Sitcl Inspcctio01 the
SccrctariatofInteriorinBclgrarlcdatcd 30 April 1999,No. 1001177639p9. 308.Annex
No. 92: Izvesta jekretnr~jataunutrarnjlhposlova u Bcogradu, YlII csdcljenjc od

30.04.7999.godinc, str. 245; Rcport ofthc Sccrctnri:~uf Interiorin BclgraciuYlIl
Divisiondated 30April 1999,p.109.) I NATO hon-lbs damaged thc fnllo\ving n~edichl hcilities: the

Neuropsychiatric hospital "Dr. S. Bakiflavic", Vrsoc, ~enerall Hospital Cacak,
Institute for Psycho-Physiological Disorders and Specch Patho~o~y, In-Patient
Clinic Lipovica, and the Pharmacy in Trstenik. (Annex, NATO Crin-ies in
Yugoslavia TIp. 229), During the NATO air raid on the buildit~gsof theMinistry of Tnlernal
Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs on
April 30 1999, damaged was inflictedon the: apartment block in Dur~nitorska
Street No. 31, the buildingof the repubfic institutions inKneza Milosa Strecl
No. 101, as well ason a "Zastava 101''automobile, RG 74-63, and a "Zastnva

128" automobile, BG 609-77, belonging to the adnlit~istrtltive bodies of the
Savskivenac municipal aulhorities, and a Skoda automobile wikhoul registration
plates belonging lo an unknown owner, that were in Kncza Milosa Strcet. On April 30 1999 at around 250 a.m. in Pelrovcic ina NATO air force
raid Aleksandar Miroslav Prokupljevic, Zorica Ljubinkovic add Ohrad Krgcrvic
suffered minor injuries, and damage was caused to the houses in Bracrl.
Ljubinkovic Street Nos.49, 51 and 58, owned by ~rahic;~ Ljul?inkovic.
hleksa~ldnr Prokopljevic and Andjelka Vukasovic and the electricpower mast
in Sraca Ljubinkovic Street No. 51, belonging to the Electric Power Il~duslryol

Belgrade. /1 On April30 1999,at 2:15 p.m. NATO air forccsdropped two missiles,
inflicting seriousdamage on the bridge on the Southern Mvi'twariver near the
village ofPriboj Vranjski, at the same lime causing material damage tofacillies

owned by Dragan, Stujan and Pera Djordjevic, hlila hqitic,Pr;;drag,Stoj;inand
Pavle Pavlovic, Slobodan Misic, Zoran Mitic, Dragan Mihajlovic, Stanirnir
Ristic, Bogoljub and Radojka Pesic, Bora and Blagoje Mladenovic, BnzitSar
Misic, Milan Kostadinovic, Zoran Ratic, and Draga Pavlovic. April 29 and 30 1999, in a NATO air force raid in theDecani area,
a largc number of housing ind busitless Facilitieswerdamaged or destroyed in
thetown itself and in the neighborhood.
I On March 25 1999, at about 8:30p.m. ,n April 8 1899, ataround 4:5
a.m., on April 171999 and on April 30 1999, from 12:JO 1:45 p.m NATO
air forcesbombed the transmitters of the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation andthe PTT Services on Mt. Tornik, at a point 1,495meters above sea level and
totally destroyed two buildings fuof Post Office andTV equipment. lle raid
also caused damage to 400 square meters of pine forest belonging to Lazar
Tomovic, and made a 8x7 meter crater,of 6 meters in depth. The pine forest
belonging to "Srbijasume" in the placknown as "Gagova livada" was damaged

and a 7x4 m crater was made. Seriousdamage was also caused to over5,900
sq.m. of white pine forest near thplace known as "Slane vode". On the north
.side ofMt.Tornik, the explosion destroyedthe fir and pine forest covering an
area of several hundred square meters and made a crater of 8x5meters. OnApril 13 1999, at 3:00 a.m., on Apri29 1999,at about 10:40p.m.

and onApril 30 1999,at about 1:17p.m.NATO bombed the "Jugoslavija" earth
satellite station in the village of Prilike, in the Ivanjica municipality. The JU-1
stationwas destroyed that maintained communications with theIS 604 satellite
tothe countries of the Far East, Australia and New ZeaIand, the JU-2 station
that maintained transmissions overthe IS 603 satellite with Soutand North
America and the JU-3 statiqn, that maintained con~municationsover the EiF3
satellites with the whole of Europe anpartof Africa. Incalculable damage was

caused to the houses of tpeopIe in tbe village of Prilike, and they belonged to
the following: dedecih Iica: Dragomir Ljubomira Stefanovic, Borko Milornira
Karalic, Milorad Luke Stevic,Panot Cvetka Stevjc,Zivojin LukStevic,Djordje
Dragoljuba Sirneunovic, Bosko Nikole Mladenovic, Dirnitrije Vojina Stankovic,
JosifVojina Stankovic,Jelenko Vojina Stankovic, Zoran Milomira Milovanovic,
Slavomir Dragise Scevic,Nenad Miodraga Kostic, Zoran Milovana Jovanovic,

Jovan Miroslava Marjanovic, Milos Veljka Mladenovic, Milica Mladenovic,
Rodoljuh Momira Mladenovic, Slobodan Radenka Stankovic, Dragoljub
Spasoja Maksimovic, Caslav Dragana Vucicevic, Srecko Radoslava Lukovic,
Vidosav Radosava Stankovic, Zoran Miroslava Lukovic, Veljko Mi haila
Marjanovic, Blagoje Radojke Sirneunovic, Branko Svetomira Nidzovic,Dragan
Veljka Novitovic,Stevo Radisava Djokovic, Ivan Miroljuba Stefanovic, Zivorad
Radise Milijanovic, Petar MiIoja Stankovic, Slavko Tadic, Ljubisa Nikole
Djokovic, Bozo Svetislava Milovanovic, Miodrag Svetislava Milovanovic,

Ljubisa Marjanovic, Ranka Radic, Dojcilo Milutina Gavrilovic, Spasenija
Dovijanic, Mijko Svetolika Milovic, Gvozden Zarka Ajdacic, Radivoje Radula
Rabrenovic, Luka Radovana Rabrenovic, Radul Vladeta Cakarevic, Miloje
Vukomira Kolarevic,Petar Munitlak, Stevo Miloja Sarcevic, Milas Rabrena
Rabrenovic, Miroljub Dragoljuba Marjanovic, Rodoljub Lazara Milicevic,
Milojko Grujovic, Blagoje Grujovic, Toma Lukovic, Misa Blagojevic, Rajko
Munitlak, Milenko Mandic, Dragisa Mladenovic, Zoran Tutunovic, Nikola

Miloradovic, Mirko Juvanovic, Nikola Dimitrijevic, Milutin Cojbasic, Milic
Vasovic, Boza Vasovic, Ratvmir Jovicic, Srecko Jovanovic, Zoran Vasovic,
Miladin Grujicic, Vasilije Avramovic, Dusan Milovanovic, Veljko Pantelic,
Dragoljub Arapovic, Milenko Grujicic, Dirnitrije Grujicic, Ljubinko Tutunovic,
Milenko Tutunovic, Dragisa Arapovic, Miodrag Stojic, Stanimir Popovic,
Miroslav Nikulic, Dragurnir Spasojevic, Milos Stojic,Petar Gru~icic, MilicArapwic, Marjan Jelic, Mico Jovanovic, Tomisfav Arapwic, Vidoje Tutunovic,

Vidosav Tutunovic, Vladan Pejovic, Radic Pejovic, Slobodan Pantelic, Milutin
Arapovic, Boban Milovanovic, Dragojla Pantelic, Vidan Maricic, Ljubo Maricic,
Bosko Avramovic, Milomir Milovanovic, Velibor Milovanovic, Aca Jevdjovic,
Raca Gvozdenovic, Milomir Milovanovic, Rada Mitic, Stana Poledica, Blagoje
Gvozdenovic, Borivoje Romanovic, Radojka Karaklajic, Sredoje Milovanovic,
Bosko Avramovic, Rada Gvozdenovic, Ilija Dragicevic, Srecko Lukovic, Aca

Jevdjovic, Mica Stankovic, Radovan Stankovic, Petar Munitlak, Zivorad
Maksimovic, Cedo Milovanovic and Radul Stanisavljevic. ~hedarna~e was on
the roofsand facades of the houses, on their internal walls and ceiliand,the
glass on the windows were shattered etc. In the same manner damage was
caused to the building of the Health Care Center in Ivanjica, the Local
Community building inPrilike, the "Svetolik Lazarevic"elementaty school in

Prilike and thePP "Ristic". During these attackthe following People sustained
light injuries: Milomir Milovanovic from Prilike, Slobodannojla Curcic from
Ivanjice, Backo Blagomira Ristic from Ivanjice anZoran Curcicfrom Ivanjice. In the NATO air force raid on the village of Murino in the Plav
municipality,on April 30 1999, the followingpeople were killed: Julija Brudar,

Olivera Maksimovic, Miroslav Knezevic, Milka Kovacevic and Manojlo
Komatina, whileVukic Vuletic died as a result of his injuron May5 1999.In
this attack the following people suffered serious injuries: Sverlana Zecevic,
Korina Milovic, Zeljko Bjelanovic, Mirko Soskicand Danilo Jpkic. During the
attack the stone bridge across the Lim river, the transformer station, the
"Sjekirica" motel, the administrative building of the Murino farming

cooperative, the prefabricatedshop facilitybelonging to "Agropolimlje", and
three separate houses and a privately owned shop. Damage was also caused on
the Culture Center buildi'ng,the building of th"Maksim" clothes shop and on
42 separate houses to their construction partsand installations. It waalso
established that damage had been caused on the facades! roof structure,
ceilings,doors and windows of the Health Care Center, on the building of the
"Petar Dedovic" elementary school and on 70 separate houses. The window

panes were shattered and a lesser number of tiles were brokenn 80 houses.
1.1.37.May 1, 1949 April 30 1959,from 1:lQto 210 p.m. NATO air forces conducted a
raid, dropping13 bombs on the area ofthe Pozega municipality, on the villaofs
Dumca and Prijanovici,and oMay 1 1999,from 224 to2:45 againbombed

the oiland oil derivative warehouse aa result of which extensive damage was
caused on the household buildingsofZoran Djoluc known as Zarko, in the village
of Glumca. During the attackthe asphalt Pozega-Zdravcici road!was damaged,as
were the fields belonging to Stevan Burlic, Mika Milutinovic and Jevrem
Topalovic, and the shed belonging toMilunka Djokic was demblished. A "Golf'
passenger automobile belonging to Pavleitrovic ofVisegrad wi(sdestroyed. 1.1-37.2. During the bombing 01Ihc village of Jablanica - Prizren, onMay 1
1999,two people were killed and16 were seriously injured. Twenty houses were

totally destroyed and about 50 houses owned mostly hy members of Muslim
nationality were damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1 p. 86)
1.1.377..During the bombing of thesuburb of Kule- Prizren, on May 11999,7
peoplc were killed and a~~othe15, nlustlyofAlbanian nationality, were injured.

About 50 huuses were destroyed or damaged. (Annex: NATO Crin~es in
Yugoslrivia11p. 88) On May 1 1999, at rtbout 11:45 in Prizrein Alji Tarambaha Street,
there was a NATO air raidolithe farnily home of Adnan Cabrati and on this

occasion 5 persons were killed - Elvis Berisa of the father Muhamed, Iljir
Krasnici of the fathcr Zecir, Ramadan Rerisa of the father Haljilj, Ernest
Krnsniei ofthe father SaIjijandZerlija Berisa othe father Riza. In this ra15
peopie suffered serious physical injuries, and vast materia1 damage was inflicted
on the surruunding facilities belonging to Meta, Aljus, Aljand Esmet Berisa,
Ihrairrl IGasnici, Sadij KrueFeaz Uauti, Aljim Fahmani, Mehmed Rahrnani,

lbraim Demiri, Idriz Redzepi, Asip and Ruzdi Rahmanj, Mustafa Sezairi and
EljezBerisa, all of Alji Tarambaba Street. May 1 1999, at 1:4a.m.,a loud bomb explosion inthe park at the
intersectionof Milosa Trebinjca and Pnje Masganovica Streets in Pancevo, in

front of the administrative buildinof the Southern Banat Medical Center in
Pancevo, damaged several Eitcilitiof :hc medical centerIn this attack, damage
was caused an Lhebuilding of the Ministry of Internal Affaiof thc Republic of
Serbia, on the Secretariaof lnternal Affairs ofPancevo and material damage
was also caused on the surroundit~g privately owned houses. (Anncx No. 116:
Svedocenjc StcfanovicDragorniraprcd Okruznim sudum u Panccvu, Kri. 46/99 od
04.0h.1999.godincstr302-304;Test~monyStcvanov~cDragomir In the District Court in

Panccvo Kri46/99 date4 June 1999,pp.236-238.) bridgeacross the Lab riveron the main Pristina-Nis road, near the
villageofLuzani, municipality ofPodujevo, was bombed on May 1999, at 1:40
p.m. At the time of the attack a "Nisekspres" coach, fuIof passengers, among

whom were women and children,was proceeding across the bridge.The coach
was directly hit and cut in hvo. At thtime 40 passengers were killed,while 13
passengers sustained severe bodily injuries. During bomb raid theOut-Patient
Clinicwas demolished. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 11 pp.233 and 341) The "Badovac" water-pumpingstation, providing water for a large part

.ofthe town of Pristina, was targeteon the nightof May 112, 1999.The building
housing the pump and electrical installations was partially damaged, while the
water installations were completely damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I1p. 457) May 1 1989, at about 2:10 a.m. ina NATO air forceattack on
Crveno selo near Subotica, the RTV transmitter installatioris were completely
destroyed, while 61 privately owned houses were seriously damaged. On May 1 1999, at 12:00, NAPTO air forces bombed the village of
Donja Bistrica and the road bridge townlds Priboj. The bridge was loially
destroyed, also 10housing units,and the warehouse of the hydro-electricpower
plant,as well asthe PTT building which they bombed earlier. On the same day
at about 1:00 p.m. the bridge across the Lim river on the main roacl from
Prijepoljeto Nova Varos was bombed, da~naged and made unfit for tlaffic. On

this occasion the hillinthe village of Kucin was bombed, directly above the
bridge, causing extensive damage to the houses of Dobrivoje, Borivoje and
Rodoljub Filipovic, Fata Simeunovic, Djordje Bul;~tovicand SvktaMa1 tinovic. On May 11999, at about 12:10 a.m. NATO air forces carried out a
bomb attack in the area of the Arilje m~~nicipalityon the viZlageol Dobrace,

hitting thcestateof Aca Petrovic, where 6 truriks of cerris or European Turkey
oak were destroyed, and also dan~agirigthe lut-igdistance p\jver transmission
line from AriIje to Bjelusa, so thatDobrace, Brekovo and Bjeiusn were left
without elcctric power, and the explosion destroyed an area of forest covering
50 m. Likewise, damage u7asalso inflicted on the houses belonging to Radisa
and Milovan Vucicevic. April 30 1899,at about 2:OO p.m.and on May 1 1899,at about L:45
p.m. wit11five bombs and two n~issiles
NATO air forcestargeted and hitthe bridge,which has a metal construction,on

the Western Morava river near Trstenik. 'I'hebridge was con~pletcIydamagcd
and made unfit for traffic, and during the air raid the pedestrians Nadezda
Petrickovic and Dejan Djordjevic, both from Trsrenik, were kill'kd.As a result of
the bombing large scale damage \+ascaused to the surrounding facilities (all in
Trstenik and Grrtbovac) in D. Milunovica Street as follows: to the buiIdings Nos.
23, 25, 27, 28, 30,33, 35, 37, 39,41 i 43, tu the "Jelobur" fr~ciliG,atNo. 29, to the

"Tigar" sl-lop:tothe PP "Sandra komerc" facility, to the buildirig at No. 32,
belonging to Zoran Vuckuvic, the OUP Trstenik building, to the "Foto-studio"
building owned by Milos Simic, to the ZZ "Napredak" buildihg, to the houses
belonging to Milenko Jovanovic, Radmila Atanaskovic, Milorad Popadic,
Ljubica Jankovic, MirosIav Gigic, Dragan Popovic, Milena Pesic, Bratislav
Pavlovic, the warehouse of the "Trstenicanka" company, to the houses belonging

to Vlastinlir Milovanovic, Novka M;lrkwic, Milos Jankovic, ~ivojin Kafedzic,
Drina Radicevic, Vojislavk~Jovanovic, to theLand Register Service,theChurch
of Ihc Holy Trinity, theglazier'sshopbelonging to Ljubinka TI:omic5the "SIM"
insurance company building, to the lawyer's office premises of Slavoljub
Petakovic, to the "Nina" jeweIler2shop belonging to Jasrnina Petakovic, to the
cobbler's shop owned by Ivan Ignjatovic, to the "Beogradf' fish farm, the
"Ribarac" restaurant, theagricultural pharmacy "Seme psodukt 'of Cacak, the

"Gxuza" business premises, the "Evroseme" shop, PP "Univerzal", radio "Fles",
the privately owned "Optika" shop,the "Evroteks" company, thb "Boza" hunting
organization, the "Trikotaza" shop, the "Komstan" company, the Municipal
Assembly building, the "Jurnko" shop, STR "Aleksandra", sh?p No.16 in Mire
Milosevic Street, tothe 7'Investbanka"building, the houseof Dusan Knjegic, to"Jugobanka", "Trstenicka banka", the shop "Agaton" owned by Ivan Petrovic,
the "Prva petoletka" restaurant, to the apartment ownedby Dusanka Djakwic,
the supermarket, the "Zapadna Morava" department store, the "Zapadna

Morava"cosmeticsand florist'sshop, the "Za-Mo" children's department store,
the houses belonging to IvanIgnjatovic,Dusan Markovic,Gradimir Simonovic,
Negosava Belic, Ljubisa Vuckovic,the "TopEca drvo" building, the buildings
owned by Dragodav Savic, Milovan Saric, Radovan Andrejic, Stamenko
Mandzukic and BozidarPetrovic,the PTTbuilding"Ishrana", the chess club,the
TV building, STR "Krun", the cinema, the dental surgery, the School of
Mechanical Technicians, the Gymnasium (grammar school), the Technical
College, the, houses belonging to Danica Niciforovic,Petar Ristic, Miodrag

Nikolic, MiIovan Curcevic, Dragan Vuckovic, Milovan Miletic, Dragan
Djordjevic, VIadimir Panic, Milovan Velickovic, Ranka Jovicic, Borjanka
Gasevic, Danica Andjelic, Milan Maricic,Ivanka Murganic, Ruzica Badvinov,
Borisav Fillic, Radmila Gilic, Batko Ibruvac, Radomir Manic, Dragoslav
Spasojevic,the housing block "lamela 8", "lamela B, the houses of Leposava
Karadzic, Bosiljka Karadzic, Ljubodrag Radojevic, Zivka Milicevic, Zivadin
Stanojevic, LjiljanaDjokic, Miladin Stanojevic, Velimir Stanojevic,Veroslava

Djohc, Dragan Radovanovic, Stevan MiIinkovic, Bartija Skenderi, Marko
Stamenic, Zagorka Vukomanovic, Gvozden Patocanin, Svetlana Mitrovic,
Milena Petrovic, Vladimir Manojlovic, Milos Jakovljevic, the "Ljubostija"
monastery,the houses ofAndjelka Rznic,ZivojinPaunovic,LjubinkaKalicanin,
Mirjana Melenkovic, the housing block No. 12 in Raiceviceva Street, the
apartment of MiroljubAnticin KneginjeMiliceStreet, the apartments ofMilutin
Bocanin,Stanoje Ilicanin,Milanka Vuckovic,Jman Lepojevic, Jovica Todorovic,
Stojan Stojadinovic,Radmila Rosnjakov, and Momcilo Stancic, thcapartment
block inBoskaSavica Street (apartments Nos.4,6,7 and 9),theapartment block

No.2, in the apartments of Snezana Djukic and Vidosav Mitrovic, to the
"Garsonjera" building in the apartments of Marina Jovanovic, Ljubodrag
Secirovic,MilicaFilipovic,LukaBjelac,Radomir Jeremic,SIobodanParizanovic,
Zoran Arsic, Uros Cebic, VojisIavBacic, Vlada Curcic, Milovan Vasilijevic,
Milos Milosavljevic,Miomir Velickovic,Nevenka Milosevic, Milan Petrovic,
RadoslavkaMiric,Dragan Ilic,ZivosadStosic,OlgicaPerovic,SrankaStankovic
and Dragan Petrasinovic, the National Bank building,the "Kula" apartment
building(apartments Nos.: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9, 19,11,12, 13,15,16,17, 18,19,21,22,
23,24, 25,26,27, 28,28,30, 31,32, 33,34,35,36, 39,42,42,43, 44,45,46,47, 48,

49), the buildingin Vuka Karadzica Street, in the apartment No. 10,owned by
Dragq MiIanovic,Lazic,Slobodan Jskovljevicand Radosav Velickovic,to the
houses belongingto Aca Davidovic,Drasko Popovic, MilanMilosavljevic,Vera
Nikolic, Zivko Veskovac, Dragan Terzic, Dragan Curcic, Nebojsa Milicevic,
Zivadin Radovanwic, Danilo Stojakovic, Vladeta Milicevic, Anica Pesic,
Radmila Zivkovic,Dobrica Pavic,DragisaStojakovic,Obrad Mihajlovic,Milorad
Stosic, Dragoljub Veizovic, Miroslav Vukadinovic and Zorka Milanovic, the
building of the "Kablar" company, the apartments of DragosIav Stevanovic,Milan Stevic, BranislavSimic, Danica Nuvakovic, the houses of Djordje
Vasiljevic and Blagoje Vasiljevic, the buildingof the Municipal Court, the
Municipal Prosecution Office and the Municipal Magistrate, the house ofDule
Majstorovic, the "Stari most" restaurant, the houses belonging to Zoran
Spasojevic, Milos Savic, Svetomir Milosevic, Nikola and Ljupceta Babovic,
Dragoljub Ilic, Milisav Milisavljevic, Svctislav Ivanovic, Gorgana Todorovic,
Milusav Gartovic, Zoran Miladinovic, Dusan Dragisic, Milos Damnjanovic,

Vukomir Andris, Todor Petrovic, Mara Radojevic, ~irnikrije Sretenovic,
Ljubodrag Antonijevic, Milovan Vukovanovic, Milovan Miletic,MiIos Pavlovic,
Milan Pavlovic, Radovan Mutnvdzic,Sasa Mancic, Zarko Jovanovic and Stojan
Tosic, the supermarket "Zamo", PP "Popoateks" owned by Zoran Mijajluvic, the
houses of Milutin Markovic, Radomir Grujic, Zivka Markicevic, Milica
Stanojevic, Leposava Pantic, Milanka Radojevic, the"Ukras" l!airdressinshop

owned by Kosana Nedic, the houses of Ljubisa Nedeljkovic, 'Mihajlo Vuletic,
Marinko Mukic, Gordana Vukosavljevic, Milomir ~ntbnijevic, Janika
Obradovic, Dragomir Nedeljkovic, VeIimir Trajkovic, Djura 'Jelance, Dxagan
Jovanovic, Zdravko Jovanovic, Tomislav Tomic, Miroslav Radpsavljevic, Milan
Stankovic, Miroslav Digic, Mileva Matic, Milorad Petrasinovic, Ljubisa
Zivanovic, Milica Petrasinwic, Milorad Djordjevic, Aleksandra Terzic, Violeta

Vukrnirovic and Milena Eric, the shop owned by Vera Pribanpvic, the "Tigar"
shop, the officeofthe lawyer Dragoslav Djurkovic, the post o,ffice,th"Koza"
boutique, a Citroen automobile, "PPK "Inzinjering", Beogradska banka, DD
"Gocc4,the "Topoljak" facilities, t"Gruza" restaurant, the"Zvezda" shop, the
"Dunav" insurance company office,the "Ras" shop, the"Fapirpromet" shop, a
shop owned by Mladen Cvetkovic, the DD "Slogac'shop,STR T'Ami",the MBH

shop, the "10" shop,PP "Carli", the "Fruska Gora" sbop, ~urnqo,theapartment
of Zorica Pesic, the "Zivadin Apostolovic" elementary schoothe "1.maj" shop,
the pharmacy, the "Miodrag Cajetinac - Cajka" elementary school, the
apartments belonging to Milanka Petrwic and Zivorad Gavrilovic, the vehicle
belonging to Dragan Andjelkovic, the apartment belonging to MiEunPavlovic,
the houses belonging to Zivka Lukic and Vlastimir Levic, the house in D.
Milunovica Street No.43, the shop owned by Zoran Veljkovic, the shop

"Zanatlija"cowned by Rade Kosturac, the "Spic" supermarket; the "Zica" shop
owned by Bozinka Milic, as well as to the,houses belonging to Milomir Djokic
and Aleksandar Dimitrijevic. One of the projectiles fell in the immediate vicinity
of the bridge near JP "Konstan", where the pumping stations "Zvecanc' and
"Mostccare located, the facilwas considerably damaged by the detonation, and
an expansion vesselwas demolished.

1.1.38.May 2,1959 , On May2 1999, a missilefragment hitand killed ~jiliana Veliki in the
yard of the house in Milosa Obilica Street No.123, Sremskh Mitrovica. This
bombardment damaged thehousing facilitieinthe streets Stevana Mokranjca,Stefana Lastavica, Sremski front, Planinska, Lacaracka, Hajduk Szanka, Triva
Vitasovica, Penezica Krcuna, Fruskogorskih odreda, Sisatovacka, Josifa
fancjca, Cira Milekica, Slavonska, Bulevsr Konstan tina Velikog, Gajeva,
Podrinjska, Milosa Ohilica, Svetog Dimilrija, Pinkija, Djure Djakovica,

Prvornajska, Mizrovacka and Zmajeva. On the same occasion, a large number of
shop windows were dam;iged in these strcets, business premises, the art galleries
in thetown center, the buildings of the Penitentiary and the Srernska Mitrovica
Municipal Assembly and alsoin the Lacarak suburb. A11these facilitieswere
targeted several timeson ApriI6, April 17 and May 2 1999. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia IIp. 112) NATO bombs destroyed many apartment buildings in MiIorada
Pavlovica Streel Nus.4, 5, 9, 10, 116,17,18,19,20, in the suburb of Valjevo,
on May 2 1999.In the attack civilian facilities in the quarter Oslobodioci Valjeva

Nos. 1, 3 and 6, buildings Nos. 8 and 10 in Uzun Mirkova Street, in the
Zbratim1,jene gradove suburb, the, children's daycare center was damaged,
buildingsNos. 1, 2and 3, as welasthe property ofBrana Marinkovic, Vojislav
Miladinovic, Milan Jankovic and Zoran Tadic, the business premiscs owned by
Sladjana Kovacevic and Nada Gacic, and in Pasterova Street, the buildinNos.
31, 33, 35 and 37. During the bombing, Dragoljub Pesic and Milan Spasojsvic

were seriously injured and Bogosav Stefanovic, Vesna Pavlovic, Sasko Savic,
Miodrag Milojevic, Melita Sudzuk, Jovica Djurdjevic, Milan Urosevic and ,
Slobodan Markovic sustained minor injuries. At the same time, damage was
inflicted on the Medical Cenrer inValjevo, and the Masinogradnja carpenty
workshop of HK "Krusik",Valjevo and the steel material warehouse of HK
"KrusiY, in Valjevo, were destroyed,(Annex No. 93:SvcdocenjeDragoljubaTesica

Kri. 71/W or1 12.05.1999. godit~pred Okruznim sudorn u Valjevu, str246-249;
Testin~onyof DragoijubTcsicKrl.71199dated 12 May 1999, ithe DistricCourt in
Valjevo, pp. 114-116.) bombs damaged lhe following medical facilities: the Infirmary
in Kursumlijska Banja: the "Fruska Gora" "Pharmacy in Zemun, the

"Miljakovac" Pharmacy in Belgrade, the "Staro Sajmiste" Pharmacy in
Belgrade, the "Darinka Radovic" Pharmacy in Srerncica. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia 11p.23U) of clustebombs with carbon fibers were dropped on May 2

1999, on the transformer and distributor installations of the "Nikola Tesla"
thermal electricpowcr plant, causing short circuirs and abreakdown of the
system. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p.459) On March 25 1999,and May2 1899,NATO air forces dropped lhree
missilesin an attack on thetown of Kosovska Mitrovica, in which the old and
the new buildings of theMinistryof Internal Affairs oSerbia - the Secretariat
in Kosovska Mitrovica with two auxiliary buildings were totally destroyed, and
severe destruction was inflicted on the building of the joint poiice detachment
and 20 vehicles belonging to the said Secretariat.On the same occasion, 6I I


nearby housing blocks were seriously damaged, the "Branku RiidicevicLL
elementary school and32 privately owned vehicles. In the attthefolIowing
1 people were killed: Milornir Aksentijevic, Nenad ~itkoJic and Halidn
' Mesehrani.Severe bodily injuries were sustaibydStojan Janicijevic, Milanko
Milosevic, Slavisa Kocic, Slavisa VelicMilijaDenovic, Bogdan Vuinic and
Nikola Davidovic, while Sekula Jokanic, Strajo Sarcnac, Milojko Djuldjevic,
Nedeljko Aksentijevic, Nedeijko Vlajic, Dragica, Zoran, ~ilan,ZoDragica
and Aleksandar Vakic, Miodrag Lazic, Isrnetn Odic, DragisiiiKoslic. Predrag
Arsic, Radoje Ristic, Zoran Jovanovic, Dragan Kovacevic, LjuLazic,Sofija
Avgusten, Mira Isidora, Aljosa Gasi, Davor Strugar, Aleksandar Vlajin, Predrng
Arsic and Zvonko Stanic, all suffered minor injuries. In an air raid on the villageof Ponosevac, in the Djakovica
I municipalityNATO planes dropped two clustcr bombs, aa result of which7
I persons suffered severely injurieMilorad Zarkovic, Milan Mikic. VojisIi~v
I Mirceta,Predrag Davidovic, Dragan Halas, Dragan Avlijas and Milan Viskovic,
I and damaging two motor vehicles belonging to the Ministry of'lnternal Affairs
I of the Republiof Serbia. In a NATO air raid on the villageof Trakanjic - Djakovica
1 municipalityon May 2 1999, at about 1:25p.m., the cluster bombs inflicted
severe physical injuries on Djokaj Antun and Frokaj Bard.
1 OnMay2 1999, at about 1:1a.m.a NATO air raid over theviliapcaf
Rudrre, in the Kursumlija municipality, targetthe railwaybridge over thc '
Kosanica river, hitting the bridge with two projectiles so that the metal structure
and the rails were torn apart, and damage was inflicteda largenun~ber of
I1 houses in the vicinofthe bridge.
I OnMay2 1999,at about 1210 a.min Kursumlijska banja an air attack
was conducted on the very center of the spilwith 7 projectilesof great
destructive force, causingheavy damage on the villa"MilicaL',the villa
"Jugoslavija", the Turkish baths, the classroonr bannexed to the "Drinka
I Pavlovic"eEerne1ltaischool in Kursumlije, the "Zubor" rehabilitation center
I and the houses belonging to Dragan Josifovic, Bora Moracica, jMartinko Slavko
and Radoslav Vukadinovic. I
1 May 2 1999,atabout 950 p.m.there was nNAT? air force attack
on the transformer station No. 3 in Rimske Sanceve, which was hit by two
cluster bombs, coated wicarbon fibers, covering a field uf 220KV resulting in
I an electripower cut that lasted several days. If
1 On Apri221999, at aboutI1 p.m.and on Mily2 1999at about 1a.m.
NATO air forces used four bombs and oprojectilto target t60 meter long
1 and 8 meter wide concretebridge across the Rasinriver along the Krusevac-
Pojateroad, inthe village of Bivolje, totally destroying the bridofit fell
1 into the river), amaking it unfifarfurtheruse in traffic. The furce of the
delonalion ionflicted largescale damage on the following facilities: the
"Latifovicpetror"gasolene filling station, a "FAP" freight truck owned by

11 71
~~ I

1Milivoje Kozic, the MP ,"Zivkovic"- technical service, the family houses of

Tomislav Mitic,Zoran Sirnovic,Sreten Petrovic, Ljubivoje Marjanovi, admila
Glavasevic, Milan Markovic, Zivojin Savicand Radoslav Cvetkovic, DP
"Kristal",thevetinarystation, the "Grafika" printinghousAlso damagedwere
the familyhousesofTomislavand Dejan Radenkovic,Radisa Radivojevic,Tasa
Vasic, Mirjana Dimitrijevic, Olga Lukic,Petar Zivkovic, Tijana and Jelena
Zivkovic, Vlastimir Simic, Ljubisa Milisavljevic, Zoran Filipovic, Anka
Bozlnovic, Zoran Petronijevic, Milutin Milosevic, MomciIo Milosevic, Milos
Petric, Zivornic Dimitrijevic, Ljubornir Dirnitrijevic, Milomis Dimitrijevic,

Branislav Petruvic, Mileta Miladinovic, Budimir Miladinovic, Radornir
Djurkovic, Radoj ka Radunovic, Miroslav Dimitrijevic, Jugoslav Vujicic,
Dragomir Arsic, Miladin Simonovic, Mirjana Djordjevic, Snezana Arsic,
Milorad Urosevic,MilisavLazic, Franjo Pavic,Zoran Sirnavic,TomislavMitic,
Radoslav Djenadic, Dragan Grujic, Radomir Savic, Djordje Radivojevic,
Vidojko Milosevic,Dragutin Kostic, Dragoslav Vesic, Vojin Babic, Tomislav
Mutavdzic,Radoj~Jezdic,SlavoljubPopwic, Dusanka Stosic,Milan Urosevic,
Dragoslav Tomic, Milan Gajic, Milorad Mandic, BranislavDjelic, Milojko Ilic,

Milomir Milicevic,Radoslav Cvetkovic and Zivojin Savic,Branidav Markovic,
Damnjan Damnjanovic, Ljubivoje Marjanovic, Sreten Petrovic, Radmila
Glavasevic,Slobodan Milosevic,Zagorka Andrejic, Ferenc Nadj, Ivan Nikolic,
Radomir Matic, Bragan Pavlovic, VasiIije Andrejic, Radmila Rakic, Milan
Aleksic, Zivotije Cirjc, Tomislav Sapic, Goran Popovic, Olivera Rakic,Bozin
Djokic, Olivera Momiruvic, Milutin Tomasevic, Dragan Djokic, Rajo
Punosevac, Veroljub Blazic, Dusan Blazic, Sava Milosevic, Milan Markovic,
Selimir Stepic,Veselin Velejkovic,Mirko Jovic, Bojan Mitrovic, Gunislav
Veljkovic,TomisIavVeljkovic,Predrag Djordjevic,Miodrag Stefanovic,Petar,

Jugoslav and Angelina Matic, Goran Lazic, Slobodan Lazic, MilosavPetrovic,
Miroslav Djoric,Ljubisa Milicevic,Miodrag Zivanovic,Zivomi?Nikolic, Dragan
and Zivomir Momirovic, MiroslavTornasevic, Dobrivoje Pantic, Slobodanka
Blagojevic, Veroljub Zunjanin, Pavla Pesic, Zivadin Zivadinovic, Ljubisa
Boskovic, Dragoljub Trajkovic, Sreten Stankovic, Petar Evezic, Dragan
Pavlicevic,MilosAvramovic,Velimir Zivanovic,Kosanka llic, SvetislavKalabic,
MiEenkoJovanovic, Dragoljub Stankovic, Krunislav and Miladin Pavlovic,
SrboljubDjurdjevic, Blagoje Nikolic,DragoIjubJanicijevic,Miodrag Mihailovic
and Dragoslav MiIosavljevic,allfrom Krusevac.

1.1.39.May 3,1999 oldTV station building on the right bank of the Danube, on the
Srem side of Novi Sad, was destroyed on May 3 1999,at about 10.00p.m., by
NATObombs. (Annex,NATO Crimes inYugoslaviaII p, 307) The regional road Pec-Kula-Rozaje was targeted on May 3 1999,
between 11:45a.m. and 130 p.m. with three cruise missilesanda number of

containers of cluster bombs.At the time of the attack a "Djakovica prevez"coach full of passengers was traveiling along the said roaon the Djakovica-
Podgorica line. On that occasion17 people were killed - Stanko Djilas, Toma
Zvonimir, Nebojsa Maksic, Milorad fitic, Milovnn Ognjenovic, Radoslav
Vukurniric, Hira Salja, Faza Adrovic, Goran Radevic, ~lavjda Kepic, Ranko
Dedic, an unidentified body known as"Dragana", a catering employee from the
"Slavics" cafe inPec, Nebojsa Vulikic, Slavko Bakic, Miodrag Guberenic, and

36 sustained light ansevere bodily injuries. The fallowing suffered
severe bodily injuries: Milos Mikulic, Savo Adrovic, Milorad Itic, Sarenda
Krasnici, Esma Hadzihasanaj, Emisa Muho Pajic, ~iadjanaPrascevic, Desa
Djinovic, Suhreta Hadzihasani, Nada Martinovic, Nenad Radusinovic, Adrijana
Fezaj, Ruzica Radevic, Fadana Djulj, Svetlana Zaharije, qana Stokic and
Zvonimir Petrovic. The following vehicleswere cornplete1y destroyed: a "Ford

Sierra"passenger automobile, DJ 173-70, a VW "Jet", PE Y99111, two "Zastava
101" passenger vehicles belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Republic of Serbiaand the coach inwhich the passengers were !ravelling, owned
by the "Djakovica prevoz" company, marked BJ 115 -61.Also destroyed near
the coach were private purpose facilities. (Annex NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia
TIp. 349) May3 1999,a NATO air raidon Becmen at about 3 p.m.caused
damage to the house owned byJan Janev in themain street, ul.GIavno199,and
to thesurrounding houses - the owners have not yet been established. On May3 1999,in Bumbarevo brdo in the Knic municipality, during a

NATO air force raid Mirjana Todorovic, who was working id a field, suffered
serious injuriesfrom shrapnel as a result of which her left kidney had to be
removed. On May 3 1999 godine at 8:10 a.m. NATO air forcescarried out an

attack on the villageofRadnjic in the Djakovica municipalii$, and completely
desrroyed the waterworks, the filter installations the biological purification
of waste waters, and as a result opf the detonation parts flew into the air and the
reservoir containing liquid chlorine burst, causing Vast material damageThe
same day at about 5:35 p.m. NATO bombed the town of \Decani with two
projectiles in the areofthe "Ilic" buildincompany and the facility "Decanski
borovi", where there is a rest home in which refugees; of Serbian and

Montenegrin nationality were accomodated, and on that occasion large-scale
material damage was caused and the complete destruction of the said housing
and business facilities. On May3 5999, between 9:00and 10:00a.m. a NATO air raid took
place over the broader Kursurnlija region, completely destroyihg or considerably

damaging the buildings owned by Radivoje and Radisab Veljovic, Zika
Veskovic, the Sekulwic family, the Dabetic, Scepanovic, Bulajic, Milicevic,
Radivojevic and other familiesand the shrapnel killedtwo cows in the stable
owned by Radivoje Veljovic and heavily damaged the "Rakovica" tractor
belonging to-the same owner. May 3 1999, in an air raid ;~t21:56 NKCO forces used two special
carbon fiber bombs on the installationsofthe "Elektro istak"pt~blicenterprise
in Nis, which resulted in abreakdown of the electricity supplysystem. On the

same occasiotlisused one projectile, to bomb the military airport in Nis, and two
projectileson the "Stevan SindjeIic" barracks. as a result of whiheavy damage
was inflicted on the "Crveni krst" riiilway station and the houses owned by
Miroslav Smiljkovic and Predrag Markovic in Misarska Street inBrziBrod. 011 May 3 1999, from 208 to 2:11 a.m. the bridge was targeted in
Prijepolje on the Uzice - Podgorica road, ;isa result of which the bridge was
heavily damaged as well as facilitieinthe town of Prijepolje, the railwaystation
building, the "Milesevo" hotel, the ."Evropa"facility, the facility of the
auto~~~ohileshowrooms in Prijepolje and the apartment building next-door. At

the same time the raad bridge across the Bislrica river w;ashumbed and totally
destroyed. The facilitiein the vicinityof the bridge were severely damaged,
considering that they had been dnrnagcd in earlier air raids. This refers to the
building 01the Lim hydro-eIectric power plants, the elementary schooI, the
gasolene station and ttiePIT installations, as weas the houses owned by Josif

Ruzic. V;isa Vidic, Dariilka Kopitic, Dragan Markovic, Radojka Stojic and
Zivko Filipovic, Svetozar Karalejic, Milojka DaniIovic, Krstina Nikacevic,
Radmil;~ Vlasonjic, Luka Radakovic, Dragan Stopic, Vidosav Marinkovic,
Jovisa Stopic, Aca and R;~tornir Filipovic, as well as the commercial facility
belungingto DP "Inex" from Nova Varos. In the period frotn April 14 toMay 3 1899, in the area of the Priboj
municipality, NATO air forces dropped several projectiles which did not
explode, but they cai~sccltlre following damage: ta the Kukurovici-Raicevic
village road,the forest owned by Dobromir Rukvic, the field owned by Radivoje

Bjelovic in the villagc of Lunici, the orchaowned by Milija Slojic in the village
of Banje, harlllet Gracanica, the forest owned by Radojko Mandic in the village
of Kalaiati, hamlet "Zove", the forest owned by Arslan Kurtovic, the lake
Potpec in which a large qualttity of fish were destroyed. On May 3 1999,at about 9:25 p.m. NATO air forces bombed civilian
facilities in the village of Ponikve, the post office building, and caused
considerable damage to the building.

1.1.40.May 4, 1899'Ile RT5 building inNovi Sad, Kanlenicka Street No.45,was damaged
byNATO bombson May 4 1999.(AnnexNo. 143:Zapis111k uvidjaju Okruznog suda
u Novom Sadu Kri. 4851'39od 04.05.1999godine,str. 387-402;InvestigatiReport of
the Novi SadDistrict Court Kri. 465dated 4 May 1999,pp.426-430.) May 4 1999.godine, at 1:00and at 3:30 a.m. intwo raids NATO air
forces used Sourprojectiles, causing material damage to: the building of the
trafficpolice, the building of the "SIMW chocolate factory, the "SIMPO"building, the bread factory, th"VODOGRADNJA" building,!Ihehouse owned
by Anemsa Arifi, the house owned by Sasa Sesivarevic, the administrative
building of the Institute of Agriculture, the buildofgthe "VRAN,IE"Forestry
Holding, the "JUMKO" bakery and the administral~ve building of the
"BLAGODAT mine. I On May 4 1999, at about 300 a.m. in Pec, in Bratstvo i Jedinstvo
Street, a NATO air attack caused clamage to the shops on both sides of the
streets alonga lengthor150 m. I

1.1:40.4. On May4 1999,NATO air forces bombarded civiliah facilities in Ihe
villageof Volujac, hamlet Dagovic inthe Uzice rnunicipality.'Branka Dagovic
suffered minor physical injuries. In the explosion diirnage bas inflicted on
facilities owned by Petar Krnjevic, Sreten Cubic, Zdravko Tosic, and Mile,
Branislav, Milutin, Radoslav, Milornir, Dragan, Riidisa, Millivoje, Sava and

Milan Dagovic, breaking tiles, glass and plaston their houses.

1.1.41.May5, 1994 I On May 5, 1999, at 10:OS p.m., seven missiles &re fired at the
residentialand industrial zone in the north-east part of the tc$vnof Nis. Three
missiles hit and completely destroyed several NIS "Jugopetroll"facilities. Four

missiles hit and destroyed the facilities of "Energogas". Numerous itidustrial
facilities on Vazduhoplovna Street in Nis were also damaged. Also considerably
damaged were a large number of houses and apartment blocks located in that
part of the town. In 8. mart Street, considerable d;image was inflicted on the
houses owned by Radisav Miiutinovic, Zr~gorkaMisic, Dragan Vasic, Tihomir
Mladenovic, Aleksandar Milutinovic, Miodrag Kitic, Nenad ~hvanovic, Milulin

Kristic, Tornislav Blagojevic, Draginja Milosavljevic, Elragin Bilic, Jclenko
Radonjic, Zarka Krstic, Nikoleta Videnuvic, Negovan Denkovj Dusan Mihajlov,
Josif Stojccv, Svetlana Pavlovic, Katica and Cedomil Mladenovic, Nebojsa
Cekic, Ksde Peric and Zoran Stojkovic,in Ozrenskih udreda Street on the
house No. 16, in the street "12. fcbruara", on the, houses oyned by Rozidar
Velickovic, Dusan Blagujevic, Kirilo Kovacevic, Mile Djordjevic, Zarko
Radonic, Dragan Mickic, Milutin Nikolic, Divn;~ ;Dimitrijevic, in

Novoprojektovana Street, on the houses being built, owned bylVesna Pesic, and
the house in Camurliska Street, the houses belonging to Milbmir Milutinovic,
Vladislav Tasic, to Andjelko, Smilja and Ljubinka Andric, Milodrag Stefanovic,
Tomislav Jeftic, BIagunka Gligorijevic, Jovan Zivkovic, and a "Jugo Florida"
vehicle RG 204-619, houses in Jasenove vode Street, owned by Tomislav
Rajkovic, Gojko Bosnjak, Radisa andTomislav Jovanovic, Ljubisa Ilic, Miodrag

MihajIovic, Milan Antonijevic, Slobodan and Aca Petrovic, Slavko
Radosavljevic, and the building of an unknown owner at No. Tokonjicka
Street, belonging to Ivana.Pesic, Toni Milosevic, Hranislav Cktkavic, Branislav
Kostakijev, Zoran Pesic, Vojislav Stojkovic, Milice Ilic,Mile Ljubomirovic,
Dobrosav Djokic, Srbobran Bogdanovic, Lidija Jevtic, Dusica Stevanovic,Svetislav Mancic, Zivojin Prokic, Todor Mitricevski, Ivan Cvetkovic, Bratislav
Rajkovic and an unknown owner at No.8, in Trupalska Street, housesowned by
Stojadin Nikolic, Dragoslav Stojic, Aleksa Jovanovic, Bogosav Milj kovic,
Nebojsa Popovic, Vlastimir Milojevic, Stojance Naumovic, Branislav
Radivojevic, Zikica Stojadinovic, Milan Nikolic, Sokol and AIeksandar Ilic,

Slavoljub Dirnitrijevic, Sladjan Mitrovic, and unknown owner at No. 16, in
Miljkovacka Street, owned by Jovica Savic, Dragica Petrovic, Miomir Stajic,
Branislav Jancic, Goran Radonjic, Radoje Stojkovic, Gruja Marjanwic, Jelena
Stojanovic, Miodrag Stefanovjc, Jovica Milicevic, Nebojsa Markovic, Ljubisa
Zivkovic, Zlatko Vidanovic, Zoran Jovanovic and llija Antic. (Annex, NATO

Crimes in Yugoslavia EIp.511)
1.1..41.2.On May 5 1999,at about 12:00a.m. NATO dropped a projectile on the
villageofKornarani, in theRekovac municipality, destroying forest covering an
area of15 rn. May5 1989, in anairraid at about 11:45 a.m. and 6:4p.m. in the
village of Cafa Prusit in the Dj~lk~vica municipality, NATO air forces
completely destroyed a facilitof the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the
Republic of Serbia,damaged a "Lada Riva" motor vehicle M602- 009, and five

people were injured by a cluster bomb. OnMay 5 1999,in a NATO air attackat abou7p.m. over thebroader
area of the village of Jahoc, in the Djakovica municipality, fivepeople of
Albanian nationality suffered serious physical injuries and vast material damage

was inflicted on the houses owned bypeople of Albanian nationality. On May 5 1999, in a NATO air attackat about 5:20p.m. inthe area of
the village of Junik, in the Decani municipality and the vilofgBatusa in the
Djakovica municipality, many houses were destroyed, and Zika Jovanovic

suffered serious physical injuries. On May 5 1999, in a NATO air raid on the villagof Savine vode, two
cluster bombs killed two persons of still unknown Christian names, bearing the
surname Otasevic, from the village of Gornja Zanica in the Plav municipality,
and the surname Tmusic from Pec. May 5 1399,at itbout10:30p.m.NATO air forces targeted the area
of the Nova Varos municipality, and near the regional Nova Varos - Bozetici
road, damaged a meadow covering 4hectares, belonging to Milorad Paunovic. May 5 1999, atabout 1:00a.m. NATO air forces targeted civilian
facilities in the viliaof Ponikve, hamlet Rogici, as a result of which the
meadows belonging to Milenko and Radoje Rogic were damaged. Novka
Mirkovic suffered serious physical injuries, while the house belonging to Zarko
Maskovic was severely damaged. Damage was also inflictedon the houses

belonging to Predrag Mirkovic, Stanoje, Milenko, Branko, Mirko, Milija, Vid,
Miloje, Miljko, Milenko, Zarko and Borko Rogic, Zdravko and Vida Djuric,
Mirko Stefanovic,Savo Djuric, and Ljubodrag Nesovanovic.injuries. On the same day, between 11:30 a.m. and 13:40 a.m.,NATO airplanes
dropped hvo containers with cluster bombs. One fcll in frontof the Pathology

Clinic inthe south-eastern part of the town, where the Nis Clinical Center is
located.The other container was dropped in the very heartof the city, close to
the University of Nis Rectorate, the Out-Patient Clinic and the central
marketplace close to the Nis forrrcss. Fourteen persons were killed by duster
bombs - LjiljanaSpasic,Zivorad Ilic, VeraIlic,SasaNikolic, Gerasirn Jovanovic,

Aca Deljanin, Bozidar Veljkovic, Ljubisa Stancic, Bozidar Djordjevic,
Slobodan ka Stojkovic, Dragisa Vucic, Trifun Vuckovic, Gorda Sekulic,Milutirl
Zivkovic. This attack innictcd serious injurieon Milos Zivic,Rudimir Krstic,
Dragoje Puric, Vladimir Gregoric, Igor Petkovic, Gita Jovic, Bogdan
Bogdanovic, Agneza Mnric, Sulja Salijevic, Bojan Djordjevic, Cedomir Grujic,
Stwko Miljkovic, Oliver Zivic, Alit Nikic, Samir Demirovic, Hasim Rizvanovic,
Sinieunka Spasic, and Bobnn Ciric, Slobodankn Sevic, Zoran Andric, Zorica

Kostic,Ljiljan;~Rndosavjevic,Zoran Pclrovic, Milan Arsic, MIaden Djurovic and
Bozidar Stan~enkovicsuffered minor injuries. Vast material damage was inflicted
on the house at Nu. 9 in Sumatovacka Street, the buildingsNos. 4, 89 in JeIena
Dimitrijevic Street, to the house owned by Mile Dimic, the "12. februar"
dispensary, the houses belonging to Djordje Stamenkovic, Milos Veskovic,
Silvana Bozilovic, Vilomii-Ciric, Zorica NikoIic, the "TuriEvropa" company,

all in Jeler~eDimitrijevic Street, and in Surn;ltovacka Street, the business facility
belonging to SasaMiEic,the "Tnex"shop No. 20, the houses belonging to Dariuka
Petkovic. Dusan Nikolic, the IlouseNos. 14and 16,the house owned by Raton~ir
Veskovic, the house owned by Brasislavand Vladice Mikic, the "Kacun prujekat"
business facility.anit1Anete Andrejevic Street, the houses owned by Miodraga
Milosevic, Bogoljuba Kostic, the houses fromNo.5 to 11,the fishshopand health

food store, the house owned by Miros1,avaMilutinovic, the "Agrokooperativa" -
pharmacy, the housc owned by Mivdrag Pavlovic, in Franca Kozmana Street,
damage was caused on the house owned by Dragobub Pejcic, Nebojsa &tic, and
the "Bela voda" shop, inDobrickn Street,on the houseNo. 3a, and vehicleswere
also damaged: a "Golf" NI 336-032 as well as the vehicles N1235-95,NI 119-39,
N1 325-910, NI 178-64, N1 214-470, NI 157-75, a "Renault 4" NI 218-535,
"Zastava 750" NI 348-164, and a "Skoda" NI 980-18. During this attack, the

houses in Ljubonlira Nenadovica Street, which belong to Tornislav and Bozidar
Djordjevic, Tomislav 'Tosic, Trifun Vuckovic, Branko Bogdanovic, Velibor
Cvetkovic, Zoran Petrovic, Slobodan Bogdanuvic, Dragoslav Petrovic, Zoran
and Novica Stojkuvic, NikoIa Zivkovic, thehouse and car wash at No. 39, the
house owlled by SIobodanka Basta and Cbctanka Ristic, in Ljube Didica Street
the house at No. 35, the building of the Institutefor Clinical Pathology and

Pathological Anarorny which ispart of the CliniCenter, as well as the vehicles
NI325-852,NI 222-85,NI'235-64, NI 352- 102,RO113-13,NI 300-826,NI 364-
510,while a large nutnber ofvehicles were completely burned. Damage was also
caused to the Ilouses at the entrance to thCity Hospital near the Inslitute for
Patholom. (Anncx, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 118) On May 7 1999,at 11:50p.m. the Embassy of the People's Republic of
China in Novi Beograd, Tresnjin cvet Street No. 3was hit by three missileThe
Embassy building was considerably damaged. Threc persons &ere killed - Hi
Hinhu, Zhu Jin i Shao Jinhuan. Several persons ;tlso sustained inj~irie- Jang
Jong Feng, Ren Bao Kai, Liu Jing Rong, Cao LungFei, Ling Sin Chuan, Dong

Juan and Chang Hai Feng. During the bombing, a large number of buses owned
by JAT Airlines parkkd near the Embassy building were damaged. Other
buildings damaged by the same bombing include several busirfess facilitiesIn
the attack the following vehicles were also damaged:an "Alfil Rorneu" BG 15-
03, a "Nissan Alrnera" BG 166-264,a "Lada Riva" BG 183-125,a "Jugo Skala

55" BG 245-715, a "Lada Riva" BG 202-041, "Fiat Chron~?" HG 397-917,
"Nissan Almera" BG 166-243,"Jugo Skala 55"BG 248-847,"Jugo Skala55"BG
105-640,"Ju~o 45" Bg 144-247,uwned by Radar1Zivat~ovic,the coaches BP 103-
66 aridVA 161-14,owned byPP "Meduvic prevoz", an "lkarhus" coach BG 192-
05, belonging to the "Energoprojekt" company and business facilities and

apartments in the business and apartment center itthe Bulevar Lcnjin No. 10,
belonging toso far unidentified owners.(Anncx No. 84: Izvcstal krminalisticko-
tehnickorn pregledu licamcsta Sckrctar~jatunutrasnjih ~osl~vil~uBeogradu od
08.05.1999godinc br. 100/1560/99str249;Kcport On the 011-SitForensic-Tcchniual
Irlvcstigatioof the Secretariatof Intcr~orin Belgrade, dated 8 May 1999, No.

100/1860/99p. 134.Anncx No. 95:lzvestaSckrctar~jataunutrasnjihpbslnuaBcogradu
oJ 08.05.1989.godinc br. 1437149.s250-252; Rcport of the SecrctariofInterior in
Belgrade,dated8 May 1999,No. 1437199p, p135-137.) Inthe hornbing during the night of May 7-8, the ~irjiatr~ ofInternal

Affairs building, the GeneralStaff building and Serbian Government building
were directly hit and destroyed. A number of buildings in;,the inltnediate
vicinity were also damaged during the attack. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I1p.301)

1.I.43.4. NATO bombs on May 7, 1899destroyed the fuel oilpump station and
transformer station belonging to "Jugopetrol" - Belgrade, ,Prahovo - Ror
installations. (AnnexNATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 513) , NATO bombs dan~agcd the following medical facilities:Pharmacies
No. 1 and No. 3 of the Pharmaceutical Enterprise Pristina and the "St.Sava"
Special Hospital for the Prevention and Treatment of Cerebral and Vascular
Disorders in Belgrade, the "Savski Venac" Out-Patient Clinic, the "Dr. Laza
Lazarevic" Institute for Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Belgrade (Annex, NATO
Crimes inYugoslavia 11,p. 231) April 23 1999,at around 4:00a.m. and on May 7,1999, at around
9:20p.m. in Slavko Miljkovic Street No.79 in Resnik,an attack was carried out
on the "Beograd IIT" transformer station, causing damage lo the transformer

station facilitiesbelonging to the "Elektroistok" company, the facilitieof the
"Viadukt" building company and the warehouse of the "Gornji Ibar" company
on the road Rakovicki put 40, the house in Slavka Miljkovica Street No. 79,owned by the familyof Zdravko Miljkovic and the houses at Rakovicki potok,

owned by Morncilo MilosavEjevic,Dobrivoje Arsic,Slobodan Stojanovic, Zivko
Milojevic and Dragoljub Mihajlovic, thehouses in Brace Jeremica StreetNo.7,
owned by Slobodan Nedeljkovic and Momcilo Nedeljkovic and No. 7a, owned
byZivko Nedeljkovic. On May7 1999, at around midnight NATO air forces dropped 24
projectiles on the village of Merdare, completely destroying the houses
belonging to Ranka and Milana Bulajic of Merdare, inflicting extensive damage
on the house owned by Dragica Lazarevic of Merdare, and severing the cables
on the long distance electricpower lines of the "Srbija" electric company. On May 7 1999, NATO aircraft carried out an raid in the regionof
Mt. Fruska Gora in the area of the TV tower "Elcktro Vojvodina" in the
directionofBans101 as a result of whicdamage was inflictedon the road and in
the large forestry complex with several hundred higqualityoak, beech, linden
and other trees.

1.1.44.May8, 1499 On May 8, 1999NATO bombs damaged the officeof sheInstitute for
Urology and Nephrology in Belgrade and in the Valjevo Medical Center the
administrative building was heavily damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I1pp. 245and 232) The townof Kragujevac was bombed for the fifth timon May 8, when
the Army barracks located in the very centerof town, were directly hit. The
main building in the complex, a late lgth century structure, was completely
destroyed. Other buildings in the immediate vicinity were also damaged.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in YugoslaviaI1p. 311) On May 8 1999, at2:JOa. m., the metal railway bridge across the
Lupatnica river at Bogutovac, municipality of Kraljevo, was hit with two missiles
and destroyed. The road bridge across the same river was also damaged at the
time.Because of the detonations a number of buildings in the centofthe town
of Bogutovac were damaged, among which were a fewprivate restaurants, shops
and the "Studenica" Health Center Out-Patient Clinic, the Cultural Center and

a number of family houses.(Annex No. 130:Zapisniko uvidjajKri.25/99od 09.05.
1999.godine,Okruznog suda u Kraljevu,str378-383;On-Site Investigation K25/99
dated9 May 1999,thcDistrict CourtinKraljcvpp.358-360.) May8 1999, NATO bombs demolished the bridge on the Nisava

river and the damaged building of the Greek Consulate. The drinking water
pipeline and postal cables on the bridwere destroyed inthis attack, along with
a VW Golf passenger vehicle, owned by the Greek Consulate.Damagewas also
inflicted onapolice checkpoint nearthe consulate,on the officebuilding of the
"Slavija Banka" in Stanka Prodanovica Street, the "Kekec" children's
department store, the building of the Payment TrafficAuthority, the "FilipKljajic" high schoola shop owned by Toplica Grozdanovic, the "Tirnok" shop,

housing blocks in Stanka Paunovica Street Nos.29and 31, the "Kanin" shop No.
37, the "Opel" shop, the building of the "January 27" Institute, the "Morava"
company, the "Uzor" self-service store, on the apartment blocks Nos. 9 and 26
on October Revolution Square, the "Vin" shop, a facility of the "Libel"
company, a pharmacy at Mike Paligorica Quay No.13, the house owned by
Strahinja Jovanovic, at the Zivote Djosica Quay, as weas on parked passenger

vehicles - FEAT"UNO" NI 259-37, and "Zastava 101" without registration
plates, on the "Rudo" office block and vehicles parkeinfront$ "Lada" NI 248-
65, "Zastava 101"NI 160-577, "Zastava 101" NI 248-66, the transformer station
by the Nisavn river, apartment blocksNas. 1, 2,Za,Pb,5, 7 an1 9 inVladimira
Gortana Street, the office building the I'Jagodina" brewcry, the houses at Nos.
23,38,21,36,34,19 and 32Sumatovacka Street, the houses at Nos. 5,7,9, 11,23

and 21 Cetinjska Street, Nos.11,12 and 14Bul. 12. februara, t11eoffice building
of the "Biljur" company, the houses at Nos. 18, 16, 16a, 14, 12, 10, 8,and 4,
Mike PaligoricaQuay, the houses at 1,2,4, 5 and 5a Jelene Dilmitrijevistreet,
the University building- Banovina and surrounding residential blocks, at8and
10, October Revolution Square, the music school, house ~b. 12 owned by
Kristina Filipovic, 4,6,8, 10,16 and 18 Bul.12. februara,the ;'BulIdog" casino

at number 20,the "Moto" company at number 26, the main bus station of "Nis
Ekspres" in Djuke Dinic street, the "Srpski rostilj" and "Zlatni sostilj"
restaurants, the Institute for Protection at Work at the October Revolution
Square, a facility ofthe "Naissus" company, branch offices of the "Politika"
company, the "Radoje Domanovic" elementary school, "Mehanizacija" and
"Tinatr shops, the "Vesna" cake shop, bakery owned by Zoran Ignjatovic, liquor
store owned by Nebojsa Mladenovic, the "ProIece" self-service store, house

ownedby Mihajlo Zivkovic at56, Stanka Paunovica Street, apartment blocks at
30, 46 and 52 in the same street, passenger vehicle VW JA 490-28owned by
Nebojsa Milosevic, another automobile - registration plates NI 358-414, owned
by Dragan Milosevic, VW "Golf' NT 204-70, VW "Polo" NI 27-222, awned by
Sasa Budjevac, shop owned by the "Darmil" company. In the Nikole Pasica
Street the "Delikates" meat shop atNo. 55, owned by M. Ilica miIk restaurant

owned by 1. Mijalkovic,the "Tina" liquor store owned by ~asilijePerovic, in
Pobeda Street shop number 17, apartment building at No.3, the "Kostana"
fashion store, the "TreF', "Nikolas", "Kluz", "Beta" and "Peko" shops, the
"Beograd" department store at the Oslobodjenje Square bb, the "Diolen" shop
in Nade Tomic Street, the "Putnik" tourist agency, "Ambasador" hotel, the
"Trem" tourist agency, the "Pavle Stojkovic" workers' university, the Chinese
Restaurant, all in the Liberation Square.The following people suffered minor

physical injuries: NebojsaBakic, Danijela Sahaljevic, Kristinal,Filipovic, Milan
Stanojevic, Marko Zugic, Milovan Radojevic, Brankica Ikovic, Marko
Pistoljevic, Dragan Markovic, Evan Uskokovic, Miodrag ~es~otovic. Three
projectiles werealsodropped in anattack on the "Jugopetrol"and "Energogas"
warehouses in the Bu1.12.februara in Nis when the buildings of the fillingstation,the warehouse for new cylinders, and four gas reservoirs at the
',Energogas''warello~isewere totally destroyed, and tbigfuel reservoiat the

"Jugopetrol" warehouse was completely destroyed. On the same occasion 5
projectileswere dropped in an attack on the nlilitary airport and on the
"Jastrebac"pump factory, when extensive damage was inflicted on this factory,
as well as on the Njs-Z;?jecarrailway in the "Ratko Juvic" residential area.
(Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia 11p.360) May8, 1999NATO bombs demolished thebridge over the Nisava
river,nearthe villagof Mijatovac - Cuprijaand three Romanian humanitarian
workers who happetled to be on the bridge suffercd minor injuries. (Annex,
NATO Crimcs in Yugoslavia 11p. 361) OnMay S 1999,NATO bombs'demdished the RTV "Politika"relayon
Mt. Rudnik - Gornji Milatlovac.(Annex,NATO Crimes in YugoslaviaI1p.430),The NATO air raidon the buildingofthe Ministry of Internal Affairs
of the Republicof Scrbiiand the Fedcral Ministryof Internal Affairs on May 7
and 8, 1999 ;ilsodama~ed the trolley hus electric cable network in Kneza

Milosa Street. On April 27 1999 ataround 1:10 a.m. and on May 8 1999,at around
3:00 a.m. a NATO air raid damaged the Palace of Justice court building in
Slobodana YeneziciKrcun Street No. 17a. On May 7, 1999, at 11:5p.m. and on May 8, 1999 at 1:5Oa.m., the
"Jugosjavija" Hole1 in New Belgr~ide was hit by several nlissiles which
demolished the cei~tralpart of the building and caused a fire which destroyed
the section close to the maentrance of the hotel. Andjelko Nincic was killed in
the attack. Three persons sustained minor budily injuries - Dragoslav

Zdn~vkovic, Srdjan Mktjer and Filip Rosic, and one person suffered severe
bodily injurics- Slavko Dimitroski. A large number of autonlobiles were
damaged whose owners have not yet bee11 identified: "Skoda" BG 238-537,
"Opel Ascona" BG 243-889,"Zastava Jugo 145" BG 597-235,"Ford Escort" BG
464-975, "SAT' BG 223-378, "Opel Cadett" RG 403-490, "Zastava 101" BG
179-222, "Zaslava Jugo" BG 321-685, "Audi 80 BG 354-098, "Moskvich
Aleko" BG 181-312,"Zastava Jugo Koral 45" SU 294-85,"Zastava Jugo" BG

169-748, "Zastava Jugo" BG 220-815, "Opel Cadett" BG 161-055, "Mazda"
"Moskvich Aleko" BG 215-336, BG 188-230, "Zastava JugoC'BG 104-983,
"Zastava 101" B 340-176,"Toyota Corolla" BG 933-350,"VWJet" BG 209-093,
"Citroen" 432-133,"Kenaull4" BG 861-133, "Golf-BG 236-560,"Opel Cadett"
BG 235-864, "Golf' SA 104-147, "Ford Eskort" BG 155-4579 "Volvo" without
registration plates, "Fiat 12BG 300-974, "Zastava Jugo" BG 974-590,"Lada

Niva" 149-908,"Zastava 101"I3G 192-317, "Zastava Jugn Tempo" BG 466-673,
"I-Ionda"TS 135-41, on vchiclcs belonging to thc Ministry of lntcrnal Affairs of
the Republic ofSerbia "Jugo skala 55" BG 415-818, and "Zastava Jugo" M 61 -
882, on the vehicle "Opel Corsa", of unconfirmed registration plates, owned by
Slobodana Neskovic, on a "Zastava Jugo" BG 228-424,owned by Ksenije njuricAtanasijevski, "SkodaBG 238-557,owned byAleksandar Leva, "Peugeat 104"

BG 605-181, belonging to Mirko Nedic,a "Daewoo" RG 190-672, owned by
Goran Hasanovic, "Zastava 128" BG 215-092, owned by ~'recko Poiovina,
"Skoda" B 149-312, owned by Dejan Kostic, "Moskvich Aleko" BG 181-312,
owned by Tomislav Stojanovic, "Zastav101" BG 585-091, owned by Dragan
Kovacek, "Skoda Felicia" BG397-873,belonging to sofar unidentified owner,
"Opel Vectra" CA 180-14,owned by Djuro Nikolas,"Opel CorsacBG 402-711,
owned by Milenko Krstic,"Lads Samara" BG 815-46, owned by Milic Popovic,

"M -300" BG 242-029,owned by Slavko MiticRG 155-402,owned by Svelozar
Kadovic, "Fiat PuntoBG 236-498,owned by Ratomir ~ajagic,:"~~~" BG 442-
849, owned by Predrag Bajagic,"Opel Cadett" BG 796-045, owned by Cedo
Prule, "Renault 405" BG 182-442, owned by DP "Koka Beograd", "Ope1
Cadett" BG 700-786, owned by Sreto Toiimir, "Golf'BG 933-966, owned by
Djordje Subotic, "Renault18" BG 152-059, owned by Ljubomir Ciric, "Opel

Cadett" BG 53-93, ownedby Miodrag Rajkovic, "Ope1Ascena" BG 414-241,
owned by Zoran Bojanic, "Toyota CorollacBG 180-627, owned by Mitorad
Popovic, "Lada" BG 182-278,owned by Sinisa Markovic, "Re,naultBG 100-
927, owned by Biljana Ravanovic, "Lada SamaraCrBG 187-798, vlasnistvo
Dragisn Jankovic, "Gol2" BG 467-162, owned by Kristina Radovic, "Zastava
Jugo 45" BG 267-283, owned by Ivan Jvanovic, "Mazda 626" BG 460-872,

owned by Branislav Tripkovic, "Moskvich" BG 218-12, owbed by Dragan
Nikolic Judin, "GolfBG 109-139, owned by Milisav Zarkovic, "Opel Omega"
BG 238-188, owned by Zeljko Munjiza, "BMW RG 257-115, owned byDaiibor
Djurdjic, 'Ford FiestBG' 258-740, ownedby Miodrag ~jurdjic, "Renault 18"
BG 559-056, owned by Predrag Premovic, "ZastavJugoTempo" BG 176-722,
owned by Branislav Gligorovski, "ZastJugo 55'BG920-526: owned byPetar

Bozovic, "BVW vento" BG 420-188, owned by Aleksandar Gostovic, "Zastava
Jugo 45" RG 151-368,owned bySrba Dimic, "Mazda 323" BG 112-184,owned
by Nebojsa Pajevic, and a "Ford SierBG" 213-543, owned by Nikclla Burzan,
the shop "Jugoslavija 782" in Goce DelcevSlreet1, owned by theC market
company, apartments in Aleksinackih rudara StreeNo. 2 belonging to Jelka
Teofanovic, Jelena Petuo and Olga Pi~najutovic,office premises in Aleksinackih

rudiira Street No. 2, belonging tAkord, apartments in Aleksinackih rudara
No. 4, belonging to Milena Bokulj and Momcilo Matkovic, the Fonlrnon attic in
the housing block in Aleksinackih rudara StreetNo. 2, apartments in
Aleksinackih rudara Street No. 2, ownedNikolaVidojevic Nikole and Milena
Stavric, an apartmentin Aleksinackih rudara No. 4/29, owned by Milivoje
Cemerikic, the housing block in Aleksinackih rudNo. 8 and apartnlents in
this building, belongingto Zorica Corkulic and Milovan ~Krivokapic,the

apartment buildings in the Bul. Nikole Tfrom No.30 toNo! 40,on theeven
side, the apartment in tBul.Nikole Tesle No. 36helongingto Verica-Amar,
the apartments in the Bul. NikoIe Tesle No.40, owned by Vukosava Stojovic,
Ratomir Stojkovic, Marko Kovacevic, Danica Stefanovic,~itomir ~elikic,
Ivan Marsicanin, Milan Milosevic, Milo Djukanovic, the apartments in Aleksinackih rudara Street No. 1612,owned by Dragutin Markovic, the

apartments in theBul. NikolcTesle No, 34,owned byDobrila Velickovic, Vuk
Krsmanovic, CasIav Apostolwski, Srba Dimic, Stefanka Grahovac, Miroljub
Andjelkovic, Stevan Simic, Nebojsa Pajevic, Aleksandar Gostovic, Milorad
Popovic and Dobrivoje Jovanovic. (Annex No. 159: Zapisniko uvidjaju Okruznog
sudau Beogradu Kri.602199od 8.05.1999.godine, str.434-437;InvcstigatReport nf
BelgradeDistrictCourt Kri.602199dated 8 May 1999, pp. 546-549.Annex No. 160:

InestajiSekrctarijataunutsasnjih poslova u Bcogradu, Odcljcnjc za uvidjajano-
operativneposlovebr. D 1438199od 8.05.1999.godine, str.437-439;Reports ofthe
SecretariatfInterioinBelgrad~,Investigatioand OperationDivision,No. D 1438199
dated 8May 1999,p.549-552.) On May 7 and 8 1999. godine in the village of Glusca, Bogatic
municipality, a NATO air attack using three projectiles of great destructive
force caused damage to the property of Draza Milan and Zagorka Brkic,
SlavoljubSindjic,Zoran Lazarevic iDragan Zablacanski. On May8 1999,in a NATO air raid in theearly morninghours on the
smalltownof NovaPazovaa missile fellin the garden owned by Ljubinka Gajin
and Ilija Krajinski in Cara Dusana Street No. 55 and it made an enormous
creater of10 rnin diameter and 3.5m in length, during which the force ofthe
explosionandparts of the missilecaused large scaledamageon 4 housesin Cara
Dusana Street, 18housesin MarijeBursac Street, 32 houses in Jovana Popovica
,Street,and the splintersof the missilesinflictedminor physicalinjurieson Sava

Cvejic,Zorka Calic,Jelena Cavicand Jadranka Savic. May 8 1999, at about 2:55a.m. NATO air forces attacked the
small town of Kupusina near Sornbor, damaging the "Jozef Atila" elementary
school and the children's daycare centerin theschool, as well as the housein

Zeleznicka bb Street, owned by Pal Balog, in Zeleznicka Street 8, owned by
Etzebet Balog,Zeleznicka 10,owned byDjerdj Burjak, Zeleznicka12,ownedby
Janos Burjak, Zeleznicka No. 14 owned by Imre Peter. Damage was also
inflictedon the house belonging to Gaspar Uljakos in Ada Endre 12, Istvan
Krasuljat Ada Endre No. 20,Jozef Makat Ada Endre No. 4, Istvan KisatAda
Enclre 8, Jozef Cizmadijaat Ada Endre 14,Pal Malkuti at Ada Endre No.16,
Isban Burjak at Ada Endre 18, the building of the parish officeof the Roman

Catholicparish in Ada Endre Street No. 2. On May 8 1999,from 10:30 to 1050 p.m. a NATO air raid again
targeted thebuildingof the Uzicebranch of TelekomSrbijain thevery center of
the town, in Kralj Petar I Street NO. 8, so that this facility was completely

demolished and useless. The asphalt and pavement in Kralj Petar I Street is
cracked. A concrete mixer and a passenger automobile "Jugo 55"UE 120-23
were also damaged. The BeogradskaBankbuildingwasdamaged onceagain,as
well as the memorial "Kadinjaca" building,and the "Ghetaldus" and "Kula"
buildings.The glass on the town rastaurant "Klub privrednika" and the
"Metalotehna" shop was shattered. Damage was alsocaused on thebuildingsofthe theater, the National Library and the Health Care Center, aswell as on a
"Citroen" UE 90-23, and a "Fiat Ducato" UE 191-39.The shbp windows and
windows on shops, a cosmetics shop, and a florist's, also on the houses owned by
Jovisa Vasovic and Miodrag Dravic were again broken, as well as the kiosk
belonging to Mirka Kurlagic, allof them located in the streets Petra Celovica
and KraIj PetarT. In Nade Matic Street, on the Secretariat for InternAffairs'

buildingon the ground and I11floors,12windows were broken aswell as several
windows on thecourt building.
1.1.45.May 9,1999 i On May 9, 1999, NATO bombs destroyed the building of the Uzice
Business Unit of the PTT Traffic Public Enterprise and "Telekorn Srbija'"
(Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I1 p. 362)

1.1.46.May 10,1999 The bombing of the villageofSarnaila was carried out on May 10.On
that occasion damage was inflicted on the Church of St. Frokopije. (Annex,
NATO Crimes in YugoslaviaI1p. 308) May 10 1949,damage was inflicted on the flyover on the Belgrade-
Nis motorway, near Velika Plana (Annex, NATO Crimes in ~u~oslavia I1 p. 363)

1.1:46.3. On May10 1999,at 11:20p.m.,at least fouhighly destructive missiles
were fired on the "Pwa Iskra" Holding Company in Baric. The following
facilities were destroyeon that occasion:a coal feed conveyor belt support in
the power supply division, a loader garage and a fuel oil tank. The pIant
laboratory, theprocessingequipment tvorkshop with machinesland installations

were damaged.The company administration building iscompletely destroyed
and on thatoccasion the Baric Inlirrnary was damaged.(Annex, NATO Crimes
in Yugoslavia 11p.479)
I.I.46.4. On May 10 1999,at about 11 a NATO air raid onZvecka, Olga
Dackovic suffered severe bodily injuries and damage was inflicted on her house

at Brace Joksica StreetNo. 197,aswell as on the houses in Brace Joksica Street
Nos. 196, 194, 199 and 198, belonging to Radovan Jadzic, Zoran Adamovic,
Miladin Dackovic and Drasko Markovic, the houses in IX nova Street NOS. 5
and 1,owned by Milomir Minic and Jordan Radivojevic, the business building in
Brace Joksica Street No. 201, belonging tMilutin Vesic and on the electricity
supply network along a length of 70 m. belonging to the Elektrodistribucija

Obrenovac. 11 May 8 and 10 1999, inVatjevo, NATO air forces carried outan
attack on the building of the MinistofInternal Affairs-Secretariat in Valjevo
which is located in a civilian quarter, which resulon May 8 1999, in causing
serious injuries tDmitra Dukic, of which she died on May 10 1999, while large

scale destructionwas inflicted on the properof the MinistryofInternal Affairsof the Republic ofScrbia, and also destroying the property of the Historical
Archive, the Secondary School of Economics, "DUVAN, "VTDRAK",
"SLOGA, "KONTAKT", the ZP "Beograd", shops "Rakic promet", "OPEL",
"Autolehna", the '"lava tacka" insurance firm, civilian facilities belonging to

Slobodan Glusccvic, Gordana Matic, Snezann Arsenijevic - Grajic, Ozren
Todoric, Slobodan Antonijevic, Snezana Miskovic, Svetomir Cukic, Milan
Petric, Mil-oslav Alcksic, Sanja Orestijevic, Goran Rankovic, Obrad and
Aleksandar Cirovic i,Nikola Rankovic, Radinka Petrovic, Branko Stojanovic,
Olga Cekic, Milisav Krkeljic, Gorica Ilic, Aleksandar Filipovic, Adolf Jos,
Radomir Milenkovic andJordan Jankovic, 311from Valjeva. May 10 1999at about 3:40p,rn.NATO air forcesdropped a projectile
in the area of the village of Sibnica, ,in the Rekovac municipality, damagin5
houses in thisvillagaswell as chesurrounding forest iadiameter of about 30 m. March 25 1999,April 8 and 26 1999,May2,3, and 101999. NATO

air forces dropped a total of42 projectileson the area ofLadjevci (Ladjevci,
Milocaj, Cvetke i Tavnik), destroying and damaging a large number of houses
and privatelyowncd frlcilities in this aand,also inflicting serious injurons
Dsagovan Vukovic of Cvetke, and minor injuries on Nada and Milostivn
Radojkuvic, both from Tavnik. May 10 1899, at about 11:15 p.m. aNATO air raid on the village
of Crveno selo near Sut~oticntotaIly destroyedthe buildingof the broadcasting
station of the Regional RTS center and all its apparatus and equipment.Also
damaged in this attack were 50 privately owned houses and 2 facilities
belonging to firms.

1.1.469. On May10 1999,at about 11:15 p.m.NATO dropped a large number of
bon~bsin an altack on the central warehouse belonging to the Oil Industry Sr-ija
Nafiagas promet, which is loccited in Sombor in the industrial zone in Filipa
Kljajicabb Street. Thc attack totally destroyed the pumping station, damaged
reservoirs I and TI, theroof structure and shattered the glass on the fire
extinguishingstatiun and transformer statioaswellas on the warehouse buildings
for the storage of oils and lubricants, the building the old filling pump, the

dispatch center, the administrative building and the porter's buiOf agtotal of
8 automatic pumps 4 were damaged, as we11as 6 shafts from the underground
resewoir. During the attack,parts of ttre projectiles damaged the "Avrarn
Mrazovic" elementary school,the enterprise "Total" Sombor- auion~ohileparking
lot, theZadrugarka" facilitiesinthe industriazone, Filipa KljajicStreet No.5,
the buildinguC the Customs Administration Office, theproduction plant of the

"Akumulatora Trepca"factory and facilitiesbelonginto "Zastava promet". May 10 1999,at about 10:45p.m. a NATO air raid on Smsderevo
damaged facilities in Pecke Patrijarsije Street, that belong to: Starnenko
Zlatkovic, Dusan Gole, whose automobiles were also damaged, an "Audi"and a
"Ford Fiesta". Inthe attack the followinpeople suffered minor injuries: Dusan

Cole's wife, Vojka and daughter Danijela, Aca Milcic, Novice Milndinovic, and1.1.47.9. On May 111999, at around 3:45 a.m. in the Oraovica mahala "Gornje
Polje" residential area, an attack was carried out on the railway bridge the
Beograd - Skoplje railway line, completely demolishing the bridge and
disrupting traffic, and causing vast material damage on the nearby bridge, and
the houses belonging Borivoje Kostic, Zivko and Petar Velickovic, Radivoje

Stoirnenovic and Marjslav Cirkovic. On May 1, 10 and 11 1999,NATO dropped five projectileof great
destructivepower in an attack onthe antenna mast of Radio Sabac, resulting in
the total destruction of the antenna mast and installatioand causing damage
to the property of Nikola Kocijasevic from Korman, Vera Rakic from Obrez,

Sinisa Jankovic from Sabac, Borivoje Jovanovic, Radojica Prijovic, Jovan
Pavlovic, Milan Rutonjic, Zoran Vojinovic, Jovan Arsenovic,Branko Stosic all
of Misara,Dragan and Vlada Starcevic from Korrnan and to the shop in Misara
whose owner is Dusan Stankovic. In the night between May 10 and 11 1999, using one projectile of
great destructive forceNATO carried out an attack on the quarter known as
"Makevica Mala" in the village of Brdarica, in the Koceljeva municipality,
damaging the "Dragan Srnic" elementav school, the"Sabac promet" shop, the
"BIP" shop and the houses and property belonging to Milojko and Miloje
Rankovic, Miroslav and Milorad Illuric and Spasoje Makevic. May 11 1999, at around10:25p.m. NATO air forcesused alarge
number of projectiles ian attack on the facilitiof the Srbija Oil Industry-
Naftagas promet, the central warehouse in Sombor, located in the industrial
zone in Fiiipa Kljajica b.b. Street, and completely destroying reseNo. 2of a
capacity of approx. 5 million liters, and causing damage on the remaining 5
reservoirs, while considerable damage was inflicteon the roof structure of the

old pumping station, the fire extinguishing station and on the administrative
building, which were already damaged in the previous attack. On May 11 1999, at l:20 p.m.NATO air forces operated pover the
area of the villageof Prijanovic towards Erica Potok. In this attack,NATO
bombs severely damaged the house and auxiliary facilities belonging toAnka

Lazarevic, the old house of the nowdeceased Djordje Sojic, and also the house
belonging to Gligorije Sojicwith its motor-cultivaterand tractor, the houses
belonging to Milan Markovic, Milovan Eric, Dragoljub Radomirovic, Ljubinko
Kovacevic, Dragutin Kovacevic, the automobile belonging to Milosad Drobac,
the house and garage owned by Svetislav Eric, the houses of Dragan Eric,
Djordje Milijanovic, Pwoslav Drobnjakovic, Straina Jadziand Veselin Jeremic,

Dusan EClsand Milorad Markicevic, the damage being in the form of cracked
walls, broken tiles, shattered window panes and cracked ceilings. On April 30 l999, May 1 1999, May 3 1999, at2:20a.m. and May 11
1999, at 1225 a.m.NATO carrried out an air raid and severely damaged the
Uzicki bridge on the Uvac river at Kokin bsod. As a resuof the bombardment,

damage was inflicted on the installatiofsthe hydro-electric power plant, theelementary school, the"INOVA, "NEP", and "Zlatar produkt"enterprises, and
the gasolene fillinstationin Kokin Brod. Also damaged were bouses belonging
to: Goran Radrnilovic, Gordana Curdic, Milo Grbic, Jvgoslav Popovic, Ljjubisa
Smiric, Sredoje Grbic, Ljubomir and Dragan Dubelovic, Sqnsoj Kuzeljevic,

Milan Ljubojevc, Radjen and Bosa Dunbelovic, Milanko Drobnjakovic, Miroslav
Bujisic,Pwoslav Jelic, LjubomirSindzirevic, and Nedeljko Rosic, from Kokin
Brod, aswe11as MiEadinRosic, Zivomir Lekovic and Jovan Rosic, from Radojna,
and Radenko and Vidan Pjanovic, Stanoje and Slavka Gojkwic, from Vranes.

1.1.48.May12, 1999 The bombing of the vicinitof the town of Pirot occured on May 12
1999. The attack again targeted the villages of Imor and Sreckovac. On that
occasion the local churches were damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia TIp. 313) I On May 12 1999, in the afternoon hours, an attack with several
containers of cluster bombs was staged by NATO air forces on the villageof
Bustranje, inthe Presevo municipality, in which Redzep Rusterni was severely
injured and damage was inflicted on the houses and auxiliaryfacilities ownby
Dzevat Selmani, Nevzad Selmani, Dragoljub Krstica, Murat Rahimi, Vladimir

and Stojan Krstica, Ranko Stojanovica and an the "9. maj"ele+entary school. May 8 1999,at around 1:25a.m. using 6 projectiles andon May 12
1999 at around 1:06a.m.using 17projectilesNATO air forces bombed the Paracin
area in the location of "Karadjordjevo brdo", hitting the premises of the "7. juli"

youth settlement in which refugees were accomodated, and theqaper sack factory
"Balkanton"d ,uring which Nebojsa Djordjevic suffered serious bodily injuries and
Jovan Pavlovicsustained minor injuriesandcausingconsiderable material damage .
to the said facilities,well ason twopassenger automobiles, and "Audi" and a
"BMW" and the "Jugopetrol" gasolene fillingstation. From April 13 to May 12 1999, NATO air forces carried out several
attacks on the territory ofhe Lucani municipality, bombing the TV and radio
"Ovcar" transmitter inthe village of DucaIovici, aninthe atttck on April13 at
about 12,15 p.m. large scale damage was inflicted on the building beneath the
antenna mast, which contained installations and equipment, as well as on the

antenna mast itself, while during the bombing on April 15 and 17 1999, the
antenna mast was completely demolished, and the buildink itself with the
surrounding facilitiewas totally destroyeon May I2 1999,inflicting enormous
material damage. May12 1998, from 255 to 3:20 p.m. NATO air forcesdropped15
projectiles,7 ofthem containers with cluster bombs on the military airport in
Nis, with 4 containers of cluster bombs on the "'Stevan Sindjelic" military.
barracks, with6 containersof cluster bombs on the industrial zone in Nis, during
which damage was inflictedon the facilities of "Feroks", "Servo Mihalj",
1 -1
"Duvarrska industrija", "Oprema" and "Jedinstvo". Two containers with cluster
bumbs were dropped in an attack on the "Duvaniste" residential quarter in Nis,
during whid~ damage was inflictedon a large number of civilian facilities in the

streets: Sretena Mladenovica, Majakovskog, Roberta Kuha, AIeksandra
Bijelica, Nobelova, as wellason several dozen motor vehiclesin these streets,
the majority of which %ere completely burned. The following people suffered
serious bodily injuries: IviJumerovic, Borivoje Djokic and Galub'P~ric, and
minor physical injuries were sustained bDejan Dikic, Zoran Vid;inovic, Dusan
Rukavina, Dohrila Rukavina, Predrag lovat~ovic, Sveta Uskokovic, Zoran

Bakic,Vladimir Jouanovic, Ncksandra Paskas and Predrag Tgic. May 12 1999, at about 1:IUp.m. a NATO bomb exploded on Mt.
Zlatibor in the"Farma" settlementin the locationofso-called "Kriva brezaU,at
the PK "Zlatibor" farm from Cajetinii, ct~usingdamage to the pasture where

there were 10Uheiid of cattle, and making a crateof7x hm, two meters deep.

2.1.49.May 13,1999 May 131999: atll,5O p.m., on the Prizren-SuvReka main road, at

the intersection nearthe villageof Korisa, in the Psizren MunicipalityNATO
warplanes bamhcd a colun~n of 500-600 ethnic Albanian refugees who were
returningto their homes inthe villagofKorisa. In this attac81people lost their
Iives,mostlybabies (10) children (25),womenand the elderly (3whilcat least 60
people suffered severe injuries. The followitrgpeople were identified: Rasi Dzafcri
offather Beljulja, Sacir 'Redzaj of father AsIan, Bafta Ahnlctof father Sadik,

Halit Ahmetdj of father Sejdi,Agon Ahnietajof father Hasan, Arbno Ahmetaj of
father Bujan: Farija Paljusi,Dijana Paljifsfather AvdijaLjima Kukaj offather
Avdija, Nebi Ahmetaj of kither Sait, RizaAhmetaj of Fatheraca Halit, Saranda
Dzaferi, Gezartri Dzaeri of father Bekim, Husnija Ahmetaj, FljorindaKukaj of
father Sokolja,AljboKukalj of father oca Rafiija, Besim Ahmetaj of father Bajrarn
and BcstaAhmetaj. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 1) On May 1.31999, NATO bombs was destroyed the bridge in Vrbas,
Njegoseva Street. The wave impact uf the projectilcaused large scaledamage
on 336 priv;ltehouses and 25 private business and tradeshops. (Annex, NATO
Crimes inYugoslavia p. 372) May 13 1999, the second attack destroyed the RTS 1'V Novi Sad
building in NoviSad, atKa~uenickp iut No.45. (AnnexNo. 144:Zapisniko uvidjaju
Okruznog suda uNovom Sadu Kri529/99od'g.odinc,str.402-40ri;Investigation
Report ofthcNoviSad Dislrict Court Kri.529/99datcdMay 1'39, p.434-437.)

1,1.49.4. On May 13 1894al8:25 a.m. NATO carried out an attack with several
missiles and containersofcluster bombs, over thebroadcr area of the villages of
"Srpske kuce" and "Knradnik" in the Bujanovac municipality, during which the
"Integral" brick kilnand a "FAY freight vehicle belonging to the brick kitm
were destroyed. May 13 1999, an attack took place withseveralprojectiles onthe
village known as "Pedalje" near Sjenice during which 6 family houses with
auxiliary buildings werconsiderablydamaged. May 13 1899 at5:15p.m. a NATO air attack onDjakovicaon Vuka
Karadzica Streek tolalty destroyealarge nutnber of shopsand, the detonations
of the projectiles broke a laramount of glass surfaceon the "Pastrik hotel. On May 13 1999, in a NATO air attackon the "Bahaloc" refugee
settlement - in the Decani minicipality, caused vast material damage on the
facilitieinthis settlement, and in the attack carried out on the vilof Eredj
afterwards, Hajdaraj Kresnik suffered serious physical injuries. May 13 1999, at about 3:00p.m. in Zitoradja,a NATO airforce
attack was carried out on this village, with 3 rocket projectilesz causing damage
on a large number of fanlily houses, a "Jugu" PK - 456-50 was completely
destroyed, the owner Dejan Zlatanuvic, and the church ho~ise and church
buildingwas significantly damagedas wellas thechurch tiouseand Church of St.
Paul, the Apostle. On May 13 1999, at about 10:3p.m. NATO air forces carried out an
attackon transformer station No.3 in Rimske Sanceve, which was targeted with
two containers ofcluster bombs, covering a field of 110 KV, resultingin a
several-day long breakdown in the electricity supply. On May 13 1999,at 247 p.m. NATO air forces carried out an attack
with two projectileson the uverpass at the Trupalske forest on the Belgrade-
Nis-Leskovac motonvay, demolishing ttie concrete structure which fell on the
railway line anddamaged it. NATO used 5 projectiles to bomb the Uatusinacki
bridge across the Morava river, whch resulted invast material damage on the

road lancs, the metal railings and the rim the pavervent, and a[111:2 7.m. it
used two special carbon fiber bombs in an attack on the installations of the
"Elektroistok" company, in which Dragoljub was injured, and rncanwhile itthe
attack on the "Deligrad" barracks in AleksinacBorisRilicwas injured. On May 13 1998, in an air raid un the territory of the Arilje

municipality, NATO projectiles destroyid several hutldred square meters of
forest in the villagofBrekovo and Ljigoste.

1.3-50.May14, 1999 May 14, 1999NATO bombs con~pleteIydestroyed rhe overpass on
the Prokuplje-Yristina railway line in the vilofVisoka - Kursumlija. (Annex,

NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 11 p. 373) On May 14,1999,one missile hit the flyover on the Belgrade-Leskovac
motonvay, in the region of the villagofTrupale, in the Nismunicipality. Both
flyover lanes collapsed on the railway tracks causing vast damage and the
suspension of both road and railway traffic. (Annex, NATO Crimes in

Yugoslavia II p.374) May 14 1999, NATO air forces carried out attacin the period
from1:00 to 3:00a.m. in the areofthe Arilje municipality, damagina hectare
of pasture covered landinthe villageofVigoste, two hundred square meters of
forest in the villagof Radobudja, and in the village ofKruscica it caused
serious damage to the house and auxiliary facilities, destroyed the livestock and

poultry, 4 hundred square meters of clover, severmaple trees, plum andpeas
trees, all owneby Busisav Lukovic. May 14 1999, NATO air forces attacked civilian facilities in the
villageofPonikve. 1nthe hamlet "Papica brdo" thefarm buildings and house of

Vitor Perisic were damaged, and IMT tractors and a passenger "Passat"
automobile belonging sothis person were completely destroyed. A cow in the
stable belonging to thisperson was also injured. Meanwhile in the village of
Male Ponikve in the location known as "Cosica Brdo" the house owned by Vid
Cosic was damaged, as was the forest owned by Petronije Bogdanovic in the
area of the village oRioska.The post officebuilding in theplace known as

"Male Ponikve", was damaged by the explosion and no longer able to function.
In addition, damage was caused to the houses owned by Mirko, Milan and
Radoje Knezevic, Petronije and Dragisa Bogdanovic, Radosav, Milomir,
Tomislav and Dragan Acimovic, and Sava Gredeljevic, all from the village of
Bioska, hamlet Pear. May 14 1949at about 2:15p.m.NATO aircraft droppedabomb on
the filter rt~anufacturplant that coversasurface of 54x 22 m and belongs to
the "Tsajal" corporation in Parunovac. The force of the explosion threw the
plant out of operalion and inflicted largescaledamage on the building and
equipment. Twu people were injured in this attack: Branislav Zdravkovic and
Sasa Mihajlavic.

1.1.51.May IS,1999 The monastery Vrdnik was damaged by aerial bombardment throughout
the periodMay 15-23.(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia II 307) On May 15 1999, NATO bombs damaged the building of the
transformer stationNo. 3 within thecompound of the RTB Bar mining and
metallurgicalindustty and the storagetank and vehicle reloading point in the
fuel storage area of "Jugopetrol" Bor in Bor. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I1pp. 481and 5 17) May 151999,NATO bombs damaged theMedical Center Cacak -
hospital buildin(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia Ip.232) On May 15 1899, at'about 10:30p.m. NATO aircraft carried out an
attack at Padinska Skela,damaging the business building, the factory halls and
transformer station, owned by PKB Frikom as wellas the warehouse facilities
and -gasatene filling station,owned by NES Jugopetrol in the street,
Zrenjaninski put bb. On May 14 1999 at about 1:JOp.m. NATO aircraft dropped two
projectiles and on May 15 1999, at about 10:20 a.m. dropped 4 projectiles,
hitting the bridge on the Lugomir river. Besides damaging the bridge, damage
was also inflicted on thgas station belonging tothe "NIS Energogas" company,
the "JUHOR factory, the business facilities of "Jugo prevoz" company, the

Morava Trading Company, the "SIMPO'Adepartment store, and the "Trend
kompani" private firm. On May 15 1999, in the time from 7:00 to 730 a.m. NATO air forces
carried out an attack, damaging the houses in the villageof Visoka - hamlet

"Sarici" and on the village of Mackovac - hamlet "Djordjevic" damaging the
houses belonging to the Djordjevic, Carapic and Savic families. On May 151999,at about 3:30 am, a NATO bomb fell and exploded

in the pine forest belonging to Mitraice Bozidara Djuruvic,makinga crater of 7
x6 rnand 2 m in depth, destroying a hundred square meters of pine forest. On May 16, 1999, around 300 p.m., in the village of Vrbovac near
KosovskaVitina, aNATO missileseriouslyinjured Danijel Ivic (13)from Vrbovac.

(Anncx No. 106:SvedocenjcIvicDanijelapredOkruznim sudom uBeogradu Kri. 77314od
18.06.1999. odine,str.277-27Tcstimony ofIvicDanijelintheDistrictCourtinBelgrade,
Kri.773/99datcd 18June 1999,pp..172-173.Annex No.107: Zapisnikosaslusanjuvestaka
od 17.06.1999.odinc,str.279;ExpertHearingRecorddated17June 1999,p.173.) May16 1999, at around 5:00a.m. in a NATO air attack on Pec, in
the shopping mall in the town center, 50 shops, owned by people of Albanian
nationality, were completely destroyed. On May 16 1999, in a NATO air raid on the village of Zabari,
Bozidarka Markovic was killed.

1.1.53.May 17, I989 During the bombing of the "Jugopetrol" storage area on May 17, 1999,
on the Bur-Slatina-Zajecar road, DragoslavGrujic was killed and 4persons were

seriouslyinjured. (AnnexNo. 150:Zapisniko uvidjajOpstinskogsuda u Boru Kri.23/99
od 17.05.1999godine,str.420-422;InvestigationReportoBor MunicipalCourt Kri. 23199
dated 17May 1999,pp.519-521.. nncxNo. 151:Svedocenje JugoslavaLapadatovicapred
Opstinskim sudom u Boru Kri. 23/99od 21.05.1999.godine,str422-424; Testimonyof
JugoslavLapadatovicintheMunicipalCourt in BorKri.23/99dated21 May 1999,pp. 521-

523. AnnexNo. 152:SvedocenjeLjiljancMilasevicpred Opstinskim sudorn u Boru Kri.
23/99 od2.96.1999.godine,str.424-426;Testimonyof LjiljanaMiloseviin theMunicipal
Court InBor Kri.23/99 dated2 June 1999,pp.523-525.AnnexNo. 153:Svedocenje Nine
Stuparcvicpred Opstinskim sudorn uBoru Kri. 23/9!od 2.06.1999,godine,str426428;
TestimonyofNinaStuparevicinthe Municipal Court inBor Kri.23/94datcd2 June 2999,

pp. 525-527.AnnexNo. 154:SvedocenjeSlavisaLapadatovic pred Opstinsk~m sudom uBaru Kri.23199ad 16.06.193'.odine, str. 428-Testimony ufSlavisLapadatovicinthe
Munic~palCourt In Bor Kri,23/99 dated 16 June 1999,pp. 527-529.Anncx No. 155:
Lekarsklizvestaj-nalaZdravstvenicentarBor br. 27/98 od03.06.1999. udinestr. 430;
Mcdical Rcpnrt-Findingof rhc Hcalth CenteinBorNo. 27/99datcd 3June 1499,p.529.
Annex No. 156:Lckarsk~izvcstaj-uvercnjc ZdravstvcentitrUorbr. 28/99od 03.06.1999.

godine, str, 431; MediReport-Certificaof thcHealthCenter inI3orNo. 28/49datcd 3
June 1999, p. 530Annex No. 157:Lekarskiizvestaza LjiljanMilosevic- Zdravstvcni
centarBor br.21262ocl03.06.1999.odine,str432;MedicalReport for 1-jiljM~losevic
of the Ilealtli CcntcBorNo. 21262 dated3 June 1999p.531.Annex No. 158:Lekarsk~

izvestaza NinuStuparevic- ZdravstveniccntilBur hr. 21262odD3.05.1999.godinc,str.
433:Medical Rcport for Nina Stuparcviofthe HealthCenter inBor No, 21262 dated3
June 1499,p.532.)
1,1.53.2. On May '17,1999, NATO bombs destroyed the oil storage: tanks of

"Jugopetrol" in Psahovo. (Annex: NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p.533) April 31,1999at around 3:05a.m., on April 30 1999 at around 2:30
a.m., on May2 1099,at around 2:10 a.rn.and May 171999, in a NATO air raid

on MaIa Mostanica damage was inflicteon the houses belonging lo Dragan
Filipovic,Miodrag Maksillluvic and SIobodanka Vesic in Lipik Street, and on
the houses owned by AIeksnndar Faci kilsain Vit~ogradskaStreet and Milan
Trajkovic in Palih boraca Street. May 17, 1889 at 11.20pm the NATO aviation damaged with many
warplane projectiles 1300 corporals barracksitVranje as well as the houses with
auxilliarypremises near the barracks property of Milorad Trajkovic, Bozidar and
Miladin Antic, hlilorad Nakic, whose two passanger cars, type "Zastava 750",

were destruyed, Dragoljub Zdl avkovic,whose passangcr car "Zastava 101",apart
from the house, was also destroyed, Javorka Nastic, Dimitrije Simonovic,
Cedomir Stankovic, Slobodan Spasic, Vida Djordjevic, Jovan Ristica, whose
passanger car type "Zastava 750" was also destroyed, Branko Stankovic, Rntko
Donic, Stojadin Djosic, Stoilo Zlatkovic, Vukasin Djordjevic, Cedomir

Stefanovic, Vojislav Mitic, Stojadin MiticBorivoje Nesic, an unkown owner in
14,Dusana Stamenkovica St.Nikola.Petrovic, Vasilije Misic,Stana and Milivoje
Janjic, Stanko AndjeIkovic, Zoran Nastic, Gordana and Dragan Tasic, Dragan
Sroimenovic, rag a ntldjelkovic, Vlastimir Jovcic, Draguslav, Ljubisa and
Gvrana llic, Petar Veljkovic, Ljubfca Zlatilnovic, Rudolf i Eduard Kroh,

Radovan Mnksic,~avatije Najdanovic, DrnganMaksic, an unknown owner of the
house in 22,Kolubarska St.,Dragan Stoirnenovica, buildings af printing firm
Nova Jugoslavija, Duvanska industrija Vranje, construction enterprise
Novogradnja and photo studio Vranje property of Slavoljuh Stankovic. On May 17, 1999 the. NATO aviation attackon the villageGornja
Vapa near Sjenica was made and on that occasion five family houses with
auxilliary premises were considerably damaged and inthe attackon the territory
of the cityof Sjenjca Darnir Papic of age of ten was severely injured and inI

Kralja Pelra St. five famihuuses were considerably damaged.1.53.6. In the period from May 1, to May 17, 1999 in Cacak there were five
attacksof the NATO aviationon the public enterprisCer, industrial zone and
quartes in the vicinity, then oMay 1, 1999 around 11.00 pm the locksmith's
shops 1 and 2 of this enterprise were destroyed together with machinery and
equipment, while other shops, warehouse atld administrative building were
considerably damaged, also the private apartment houses nearby were damaged,

the warehouse of the public enterprises Tnexand Partizan, while considerable
material damage was made on the buildingsof the agricultural estate Cacak, the
high school Branko Milosevic Metalac, the city hospitaand buildings of cutring
tools workshop, considerable material damage was made in Brace Stanic St., dr
Dragisa Misovic, Milutin Mandic, Disova, Zmajeva and Bogdana Knpelana St.,

and 106 apartment buildings wcre damaged, and in the area Kljuc nlaterial
damage was made on bl~ildingsof 145 owners as welt as on the fire station
Cacak; On May 10, 1999 at 3.10 prn a freight vehiclcof the construction
enterprise Standard from Belgrade was hit and 2 persons were killed - Nastko
Ristic and Milos Jovcic, both from Belgrade, and at the same occasion in the

quarter Kuiinovacko polje, Velija Dzemailovic and Dragan Obrenic wcre killed
while 11 persons were severely injurcd i.e.: Milenko Cirovic, Milan Stankovic,
Miodrag Maksimovic, Trifko Djokic, Tvan Kostic, Zuran Vuckovic, Darinka
Vujicic, Mileva Grujicic, Danica Obrenic, Ratornil Menardzic and Anka Cerina.
At the same occasion carpenters shop, shop where n~odels are made, 3

warehouses offoundry models,warehouse of fii~ishcdproducts, foundly pIant of
nun-ferrous metals, rnachanic'sshop and thecar stock ofthe factory Cer. Also
the planls ofMehanizacija, the cnterprise Ilijak, shop of the public enterprise
Stjenik were hit and material damage was made on them, and the apartment
buildings of 25 owners were alsu damaged, while inBrace Stanic St, and in

Kulinovacko poije apartment and vther buildings of 16 owners were damaged;
on May 11, 1999 around 12.30 am damage was made on buildings of the
cnterprise Petrogas Cacak, buildings of thc enterprise Lito papir and the
production workshop of the fashion ready-made clolhing Prvioktobar with 6
machines and all the auxilliary devices and installatiot~swere destroyed; in the
attack on May 5,1999 around 1.15 am in the attack on the public enterprise Cer

warehouse with heat accumulator oven, locksmith's shop and engine plant were
damaged; on May 1, 1999 around 12.30am the public cnterprise Cer was hit
with a number of projectiles, and on that occasion administrative building,
boiler room, registration office, warqhouse, auxilliary buildings, burner
workshop, mounting plant of heat accumulator ovens were destroyed or

damaged to the great exrent, and the roof and attick construction ofthe same
buildings were destroyed. At the same occasion a partof railway of the public
railway enterprise and the:building of recreation center Cacak and number of
private houses were damaged.(Anncx NO: 96:Zapisniko uvidjajuOkruznng suda u
Cacku Kri. 14/9od 10,05.1999godine, sr252-256;On-Sitc InvestigatiReport ofthe

DistrictCourt InCacak, Kri.14/99 datcd 10 May 1999, pp. 141-143.Anncx Nu. 97:
Obdukcioni zapisniza RisticNaskaS 10/99od 11.05.19$9. odinestr. 156-2591AutopsyReport of Ristic Nasko S In199dated 11 May 1999, pp. 143-146.Anncx No. 98:
Obdukcioni zapisnik za Jovcic Milosa 5 11/99 od 11.05.1999.godine, str.259-262;
Autopsy Report of Jovcic Milos 17/99 dated 11 May 1999,pp. 146-149.Annex No. 99:
Obdukcior~izapisnikza Dzemaflovic Veliju S12/99 od 11.05.1999godine, srr262-265;

Autopsy Report of Dzerna~lovicVelija S 12/99dated11 May 1999,pp. 149-152.Annex
No. 190: Obdukcioni zapisnikza Obrenic Dragana S 13/99 od 11.05.1999.godine, str.
265-268;Autopsy Report of Obrenic Dragan S 13/99 dated 11 May 1999, pp, 152-155.
AnnexNo. 101: Skice lica mcsta,268-270; Site Sketchcs pp155-157.Annex No. 102:

Svedocenjc Rist~cSladjana pred Okruznimsudom u Beogradu Kri.747193od 17.06.1999.
godinc, str. 270-272;Tcstirnoof Ristic Sladjain theDistrictCourt inBeZgrade, fii.
747/99 dated 17Junc 1999,pp. 157-159.Annex No. 103:Izvod iz maticne knjige umriih
Opstine Cacak od C11.06.1999godine za RistiNaska, str.272;Death Certificate of the:
Municipalicyof Cacak datcd 1 June 1999, for Nasko Ristic,p. 159.Annex No. 104:

Svedocenjc JovcicSnezane pred Okruznim sudom u Bcogradu Kri.709199od 11.06.9'39.
godine, str. 273-276;Testimony of Jovcic Snezane in the District Court in Belgrade, Kri,
709199datcd 11 June 1999,pp. 150-162.Annex No. 105:lzvod is maticne knjigc umrlih
Opstinc Cacak od 08.06.1999.godine zaJovcicMilosa,str.276;Death Certificate of the

Municipality of Cacak dated 8 June 1999, for Jovc~c Milos,p. 162 Annex No. 149:
Zapisnik o uvidjajOpstinskog suda u Cacku Kri.136/99od 17.05.1999godine,str.413-
420;Investigation RepartofCacak Municipal Court Kri.13/99 datcd 17May 1999,pp.
471-479.) In theperiod from April 7, 1999 to May 17, 1999on several occasions
the attacks were made on the enterprise MiIan Blagojevic in Lucani, that was
heavily damaged, as well as the quarter in its vicinity, sas on May 7, and 8,
1999, at the bombing of the village Krstac and Djera dreat material damage

was made on a big number of buildings, On April 24, the damage was made in
the villages Lisica and Krstacon May2, in the village Guberevac, May 4, in the
villageVica, On May 11,in the village Turica, on May 15,in the village Kotraza,
May 17, in the village Vica, on a big number of apartment and awxilliary
premises ofvariousprivate owners. On May 17, 1999. at 3.20 am with a number of projectiles the NATO
aviation disabled 329 m Iong traffic bridge on the Belgarde - Nis highway, on
the riverJasenica near the village Vellko Orasje, so that the bridge was broken
on 3 places along entire roadway lane 10 rnof width, and supporting pillars of

the bsidge were considerably damaged. On the occasion of this attack two
craters were made in 2nd local municipality on the way of "Rit" and in the
vicinityof the railwaytracks Velika Plana - Belgrade, thatcaused.the damage of
the houses of the owners Zorica Micunovic 131, Bulevar oslobodjenja St.,

Nebojsa Zivanovic 242, Vojvode Misica St., Milorad Sreic 192, Bulevar
oslobodjenja St., Stanoje Rankovic Stanaja 194, Bullevar oslobodjenja St.,
Zago~kaVrbanovic 196, Bulevar oslobodjenja St., Branko Lakic 254. Vojvode
MIsica St., Vladane Milosevic133 Vojvode Misica St.,Dobsice Rankovic 1850,
Vojvodine Misica St., Sinise Rankovic 189, Vojvodine Misica St.,Vitomir Rakic

131, Bulevar oslobodjenja St,, Slohodan Nojner 107, Bulevar oslobodjenja St.,Vida Nojner 165, Vojvode Misica St.,Vladimir Janjic 200, Buievar oslobodjenja
St., BozaMikic2, Filipa Visnjica St., Zarko Zivojinovic28,Sutjeska St.,Zivora

Zivojinovic 30,Sutjeska St.,Goran Milicevic 22, Sutjeska St., Miladin lvankovic
18,Filipa Visnjica St., Mirko Radic 3, Vlasinska StDragica Arsic bb, Vlasinska
St. and Zivomir Mizrovic 2, Moravska St., in the form of damage of glass
surfaces, damage of building roofs, cracks of walls and ceilings,damage of
auxilliarypremises,cutting of 30wvoltage electricity network and damage of one
passanger car and one freight vehicle. On May 17, 1999 around 11.10 pm attack was made by the NATO
aviationwith three cassette bombs on the military airport iNis, on thehighway
Belgrade - Nis- Leskovac and the overpass near Tsupalske surne that was hit

with two projectiles that made damage on the left highway lane, and the metal
fence was totally destroyed.

1.1.54.May 18,1999 On May 18, 1999 household, house and auxiliaqr premises in the
village of Jasenica- Valjevo belonging to Mileta Krunic were destroyed by the
NATO bombs, his wife Milka Krunic was killedand his son Miroljub Krunic was
seriously injuredinthis atrack{Anncx No. 108:Znpisniko uvidjaju Okruznog sudau

YaIjew Kri.90199od 18.05.1999.godine,str280-285;Report on theInvestigation otlic
DistrictCourtin Valjcvo, Kri90199 datcd 18 May 1999,pp. 176-180.Annex No. 109:
Zapisni oabdukciji MilkeKrunicod 19.95.1999.godinc,str.285-289;Autopsy Report
of Milka Krunic datcd19 May 1999, pp. 180-184.Annex No. 110: Svedocenje Krunic
Milctc prcd Okruznim sudom uValjevuKri. 96/99 od 26.05.1999.godincstr.289-293;

Testimony of Krunic MiIcta intheDistrictCourt in Valjevo Kri. 96/99 date26 May
1999,pp. 184-187. nnex No.111:Svedocenje Krunic Miroljubapred Okruznim sudom u
Yaljevu Kri. 96/99 od 27.05.1899. godinsrr233-295; Testimony of Krunic Miroljub
before the District Court in ValjKri. 96/99dated 27 May 1999,pp. 187-189.Anncx
No. 112: SvedocenjeJerernicDragana pred Okruznim sudon~u Valjcvu ~ri. 96/99od
27.05.1999.godine, str.295-297;Testimony of JeremDragan before the DistriCourt

in ValjevoKri. 96/98date27 May 1999,pp. 189-191.) On May 18,1999 workshop of Batteries unit and Tool Shop unit of DD
Krusik in Valjevo were demolished and Medical Center Valjevo was damaged

by the NATO bombs. Slavoljub Sirnic, Milica Maksimovic, Vladimir
Milutinovic, Jovan Vujic and Radmila Majstorovic were severely injured, and
Draga Krunic, Zlatija Djordjevic, Zarko Krstic, Milko Tufegdzic, Petar Minic,
Veselinka Sirnic, Milena Ilic, Marija Markovic, Mila Peric, Ankica Lazarevic,
Ljubica Grujicic and Stanimir Mijajlovc got minor injuries. (Annex: NATO

Crimes in Yugoslavia I1 pp.232 and 483) On May 18, 1999the attack was made with two projectiles ofgreat
destructive power on the village Donja Grabovica near Valjevo where civilian
property of the following owners was damaged Pera Minic, Zoran Zivkovic,Milan Jovic, Stanislav Ilic, R;~jkoBojicic, Zoran Djurdjevic, Srecko Alic, Ljiljana
Vujic, Sreten Obmduvic, Jezdimir Vujic, Dobrivoje and Sasa Misic from the
village Donja Gritbovica. On May 18, 1999 around 4.00 pm in Stubline the air attack of the

NATO aviation wasmade in which Branka Urosevic got minor injuriesand the
darnage occurred on houses in 101, 132 and 100, Valjevskiput of
Ivana Biacanin,Mladcn Jovic and Predrag Kalcic,aswell as on thebuildings of
the: local municipality Stubiine, shop Stubline 71, property of PP Posavina
Obrcnovac, club Flamingo, property ofGornn Simenovski, stand ofBorba SUR
Pera Pljeskavici\, properlof Andrijana Ilicall in bb, Valjevskiput St. and

houses in Valjevskiput St.,propertof Zivka Davidovic, Radomir Acimovic and
Dusan Davidovic. On May 18, 1999 around 2.45 am the attack was made with one
projectile on civilinr~popuIation and their propertthearea of Mandica Mala
in the village Jalovik, the municipalofyVladirnirci, and on that occasion the

property of Stanoje, Zivan and Milorad Mandic, Nikola Cilic, Sava Gajic and
Slobodw Mandic was damaged as well as the shop POSAVO TAMNAVA,
buildingof thehigh technical school "Dragoljub Joviciand the premiscs of the
collective farm 1MAJ in the smalltown Vladimirci. May 14,1999 around 6.00 pm and during the night between May
16,and 17, in Merdar municipality Kursumlija theNATO aviation made attack
with six projectileswhen the projectiles fell in the yarof Alja Beskovica,
destroying entirelyhis family apartment house, clamaging auxilliary premises
and tractor. On May 18, 1999 in the attack of the NATO aviation on Pristina
Milivoje Magovac, worker of YSH Sloborla, planin Pristinwas injured.

1.1.55. May 19,1999 Inthe course or thetwo airattacks in the nighof May 19, 1999 the
Neurology Ward was directly hit and destroyed, while the MaLernity Building
and the Children's Lung Disorders Ward were severly damaged. (Annex:

NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 303) On May 19,'1999RTS TV transmitteron the locationcalledGobelja,
Mt. Kopaonik, was cornplet~ly destroyed by thNATO bombs (Annex: NATO
Crimes in Y~igosIavia11p. 437).

1,1.55.3. On May 19, 1889 facilities of the BinackaMorava construction
enterprise, machinery unit in Gti.jilaneand PIP Mladost in Gnjilane were
demolished by the NATO bombs. On thatoccasion fivepeople were killed- in
BinackaMorava - DzevatAdemi,and Djijan Sabija and iPIP Mtadost - Vesna
Cvetanovic, Gorica Cuprijanovic and Djurdjja Savic. Tajko Arsic, Vladirnir
Kuzmanovic, Sava Milrovic, Miornir Aleksic, Stai~ija Antic, Gavrilo Nicic,

Nenad VeIickovic, Novica Yuckovic, Milovan Peric, Blagoje Karadzic, JovicaSirnonovic, Milivoje Denic, Dragan Djokic, Zoran Petrovic, Slobodan
Simjonovic, and two more unknown persons were injured. (Annex , ATO
Crimes in YugoslaviaI1 p. 484) On May 19,1999 vehiclc reloadingpoint no.2 in the fuel storaarea
of NIS Jugopetrvf in Belgrade was destroyed by the NATO bombs. (Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p.534) On May 19, 1999 in morning hours there were two attacks of the

NATO aviation on the region of the village Borovac, Bujanovac municipality, on
which occasion Vladimir Nakic was severely injuredand thedanx~ge was made
on the buildings othe owners Stanimir, Vladimir and Sve~i~lavNakic,Bozidar
Tomic, Velimir Stamenkovic, S~anko Bogdanovic, Stanisa Stosic, all from
Borovac, as well asZoran Ristic i Blagoje Tomic, both from Zbevac and the
primary schoolin Borovac. the day of May 19,1999in the quarter Brezenik,the municipality
of Pec, ithe attack of thNATO aviation the damage was made on the private
apartment buildings by theroadPec - Decani that were entirely destroyed.

1.1.56.May 20, 2999 On 20May 1999, at12.05 am, facilities within the complofDragisa
Misovic ClinicaI and Hospital Center(KBC) in Belgrade were the targetofan

air attack. Three patientin theintensive'careofthis clinic were kill-dZora
Brkic Zora, Radosav Novitkovic and Branka Boskovic. Two patientsgot minor
injuries-Irena Dinic Darko Vasic. All the buildirlgs within the complofthis
medical center were damaged and also the nearby residential and commercial
buildings. (Annex,NATO Crimes inYugoslavia 11p. 246) May20 1999, the bridgeover theriverStari Regejon theZitiste-
Srpska Crnja road near Banatski Dvor was damaged by the NATO bombs.
(Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I1p. 378) May29, 1999 around 12.40am in Ugrinovci the damage was made
in Ihc attack of the NATO aviation on the house in 110, Grobljanska St.
property ofMirko Zorkic. On April 4 and 5 and May 1, 8,11, 19, 20, 1999 the building was
demolished and the antenna pole on Mt, Cer was damaged by the NATO
bombs. (Annex, NATO Crimcs in YugoslaviaI1p. 438) May20, 1999around 1.30am in the settlement Palic, Subotica, the
NATO aviation nude damage with rwo projectiles on the building of the
meteorological statioofthe'Republic Hydrometeorological Institute, buildiof
the middle wave transmitter of the Radio Subotica and the anntena pole with all
the installations thatlocated i12, Obalska St. Apartment part ofthe building
of the meteorological station where workers of this station Milanko Vucetic and

Mitar Radojcic livedwith their families, was entirely destroyed together with alJ
movable things of these familiesThe passanger car "Zastava 101" SU 231-43property oIMitar Radojcic wasdamaged. The third projectile that f700 rnfrom
the meteorological station damaged the orchard owned by Iles Somodji and the
farm owned by Kalman Kis, and from the effect of the mentioned projectiles the

damage was made on 234 privateand public buildingsand buildings of the railway
stationYaf c.Mirjana Vucetic and Nenad Radojcic got injuries. On May 20, 1999 between 1.00 am and 2.00 am with a number of
projectiles of great destructive power the NATO aviation attacked the buildings

of the Oil Industry of Serbi- Naftagas promet, central warehouse in Sombor,
that is located in the sectof the industrial zone in bb, FIlipa KljajSt., and
on that occasion the reservoirs number 3 and 4 were entirely damaged, and
existing damages on the buildings that had already been damaged in previous
bombing became more evident.

1.1-56.7. During the night between May 19, and 20, the NATO aviation made,
the attack on buildings of the agricultural estaDjuro Strugar in Kula which
caused entire destructun of the roof construction of the building- Stolc,the
combine was considerably damaged in the area of the workshop, while all

glasses were broken, which caused destructions and considerable damage of
buildings, installations, infrastructure and mechanization of the agricul-tural
estate Djuro Strzagarfrom Kula was materilly damaged tothe great extent.


2.157.1. On 21May,1999,by theNATO bombing, around 50 houses in Sombor
were damaged, Nikola Hinic was killed and three people were injured- Marika
Hinic, Slobodan Knezevic and Roza Knezevic.On that occasion the production
plant of the Borovo Boseli shoe factory in Sombor was destroyed. Alsu all the
installations and machines for production of shoes were entirely destroyed, and
in neighborhood of this building many craters of various diameter and depth

were seen. During this attack the damage was made on buildings of the
enterprise Sunce trgovina i.e. on the building Diskont so as the roof
construction was considerably damaged, and on the the administrative building
fa ade was damaged and all glasses were broken. Also in this attack the
company car type "Fiat - Marea" SO 112-74 was entirely destroyed and the
cargo vehicle TAM 190 50 173-63 was damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in ,

Yugoslavia 11pp. 191,441) On 21 May 1999 the house in Djakovica was damaged by theNATO
bombs in which its owner, Ibrahim Djosi, was killed, and in this attack 29
persons got injuries.In the attack the building of MUP of the Republic of

Serbia, the Secretariatof Internal Affairs in Djakovica,65 vehicles and one
truck were entirely destroyed(Annex,NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1 p.194) May21, 1999 the bridgeover the river Jasenica in VelikaPlana,
on the Belgrade - Nis motonvay was destroyed by the NATO bombs. On

that occasion Slobodan Nikolic were severely injured while he wascultivating his fielin the vicinity. On the same occasion the houses of the
owners Dragoslav .Pavlovic, Borivoje Lazic, Andjelka Savic and Ljubisa
Matkovic, all from Veliko Orasje, were damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia 11p.379) . On May 19, and 21, 1999 in the KPD Dubrava Penal Correctional

Facility, Isto- Pec, 95 inmates were killed and 196 were injured, and this
building was totnly destroyed by thNATO bombs. (Annex:NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I1p. 319) On May 21, 1999 around 12.10 pm with a number of projectiles of
great destructive power the NATO aviation attacked the buildingsof [he Oil

Industry of Serbia- Naftagas promet, central warehouse in Sombor which is
located in the sectorof the industrial zone in bb, Filipa which
occasion the reservoirs number 1 and 4 were destroyed, the underground
reservoirs fox petroleum and diesel fuel were considerably damaged, five
automatic devices for pouring of fuel and two automaticdevicesfor pouring of
technical gasolinewere destroyed, the warehouse of lubricants and oils were

destroyed, and additional damage was made on buildings that had alreadybeen
the target of the previous attacks, the concrete fence around thcircle ofthe
mentioned enterprise and algreen surfaces planted wit11coniferoustreeswere
destroyed, and in thevicinity the bombs made 45 cratersofvarious depth and
diameter. Intheattack ofthe NATO aviation on May21, 1999 around 11.00 am
the NATO aviation considerablydamaged buildings of the enterpriseKMG
Trudbenik Beograd, working unit Buducnost from Smederevo inthe settlement
Mali Krivak in the industrial zone of Smederavo. On May 21, 1999 at 10:47 am, 3.50 pm, and 3.57 prn the NATO
aviation bombed the area ofthe village Uzici with 12 projectiles. One projectile
hit the field of now late Manojlo Perisic with all crops anpart of the village
road. Other projectiles madecraters in the fields of Stevan Subotic and Stanimir
Aleksic, aswellas the orchard of Stanimir Aleksic, whiccaused the damage of
thc fence in the orchard and allthe plum trees in the orchard. In this attack
grasswas destroyed in the meadow of Jefimije Kostic and grass on the fielof

Rados Markovic, whilethe explosions on the parcel of Mihajlo Aleksic, a part of
the village road was damaged. The hbuses of Andrija Perisic, Zoran, Steva,
Dragutin and Rade Perisic, Miodrag Babic, Psedrag, Stanimir and Mihajlo
Aleksic, Slavka Djokovic, Toma Mihajlovc, Dobrila Danilovic, Rados Markovic,
Velizar MihajIovic, Stevan and Toma Subotic, Bosko Markovic, Nada Djondric,
Zivko, Stevan and Milenka Eric, Milija Mihajlovic, Slobodan Markovic, Dragan
Savic and Desimir Zunic were damaged with broken tiles, window glasses,

damaged facades, cracked walls and ceilings. On May 21, 1999around 04:OOprnthe NATO aviation damaged with
one projectile the meadow of Aieksa Todorovic inthe area of thevillagPotpec
in the region of Wzice. The Fortress in Sabac wasdamaged by NATO bombs on May22/23.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I p. 315)
1.2-58.2.On May 22, 1999,at 02:30 am, Veliki Crljeni thermal eIectrpower
plant inVeliki Crljeni was hit by three projectiles which completely destroyed

the distributor plant, turbo generatand electric control 110 kV hlockin the
machine room. The main electric control, cooling pump and induqtrial gas
station were partially damaged. One worker got severe injuries- Miroslav
Simic, while several workers got minor injurie- Predrag Spasojevic, Miroslav
Petrovic, Raiiisav Djurcljevic, Miodrag Stanojevic, Ivan Milosavic, Ljubisa
Mijatovic, Nebojsa Blagojevic, Dejan Pavlovic, Djurdje Drtizic, MirosIav

Arsenijevic, Darko Neskuvic, Zoran Radisic and Milan Kostadinovic. In this
attack the houses in171, 173; 175,187, 189,153, 154, 191, 192, 180, 178, 184,
196,200,202, 210,88,3. oktobra St., property of Rorivoje SimZivko Mitrovic,
Mirjana Jeremic, SofijaZivkovic, Rndosav Pavlovic, Miladin Stojanovic, Slavica
Jovanovic, Uozidara Jovanovic, Anka Mladenovic, Fazlija Eminovic, Zivota
Boric, Momcilo Vlaisavljevic, SvetlanaZdravkovic, Milan Lazarevic, Radmila
Opsenica, Prvislav Simic, Zoran Stanojevic, Vasilije Andjelkovic and Svetlana

Zdravkovic houses in 2 and 4 'TamnavskojSt., property ofSlavko Radovanovic
and Dragomir Radovanovic, house in35, Radnickoj St. property of Miloje
Terzic, house in the settlementTEK no. 3114,property of Milorad Mitrovic,
house in 40, 1. maja St, and primary school "Stevan Filipovic"Sports center
were damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 492) On May 18, 1999at10.30 pm and on May 20, at 08.25 prnand on May
22, at 12.30pm the Sugarplant complex in Kadnicka Street in Belgrade and a
number of villas and residences on the neighboring Senjak Hill were damagcd
by the NATO bombs. (Annex: NATO Crin~esin Yugoslavia 11p, 302) May 22, 1998 around 2.30 am in the attackof the NATO aviation

on Borca the damage wasmade on the houses of in 2 and 4, Vuka KaradzfcSt.,
property ofJlijeRestak and Angcla Rankovic and Bogdan Vracar, houses in 5,
Zarka Zrenjanina of Mila Ristic and StevanMaksim, house in bb,
Vuka Karadzica St., property of Milan Stankavic and the vrtodox church and
the canal Borcanac. May 22, 1999around 4.39 am in Vrcin in the attack of thNATO
aviation thedamage was made on the huuse and garage in 70,Karagaska St.,
property of Milorad Korosec, house in 72, Karagaska St.,property of Vidoje
Stankovic,house in 1W3,Petra Dohrnjca St., property of MilanToma Agbaba,
houses in 74and 76 Karagaska of Dragornir and Radula Zlatkovic,

houses in 10Petra Dobrnjca of Milan SavaAgbabai Nikola Agbaba. On May20, 21 and 22 1999 in the attack of the NATO aviation the
relayof PTT Srbija on Prepotacwas entirelydestroyed with8 projectiles in total. On May 21, 1999 inthe period from 12.00 am to 1.15pm with 20projectiles and on May22, 1899 around 3.00pm with3 projectilesinthe viflage
Merdar - municipality of Kursurntija, theNATO aviation bombed again the.
yard of Alja Veskovic and in this attack the housesof the families Petrovici
Savicicwere damaged and the cables of the village electric network were cut. On May 22, 1898 around 5.30 ptnin the village Tiovac municipality
Kursumlija ttieNATO aviation damaged a number of family houses. On 22, 1999 around 5.25 am in the settlement Palic,Subotica, the
NATO aviation made attack with two projectiles on meteorologicat slatioof

the Republic I-IydrometeoroTogicalInstitutewhen the n~iddleway transmitting
system of theRadio Subotica was entirely destroyed together with the building
that was demolished to the foundation, all devices that had beer1damageinthe
prcvious attacks were destroyed, the previously damaged antenna pole was
demolished, set of joint mechanisms was destroyed, Paiic Local airway and
underground networks were damaged in the area arourid the Kanjiza road,
transversal streets and weekend settlements, and the damages were made on 60

private and public buildings. On May 22, 1999 around 3.45 am with a number of projectilesof
great destructive power the attack was made on the buildinof the Oil Industry
of Serbia - Nattagas promet, central place in Sombor that islocated in the
sector of the industriazone in bb, Filipa Wjajica St.,on which occasion the

warehouse space for lubricants and oil,discharging ramp wese entirely
destroyed and the uriderground reservoirswere destroyed. On May22, 1999 around 4.00 am the attack uFthe NATO aviation
was made with a number of projectiles on Sombor that caused enormous

matcrial damage on apartment and commercial buildings, cattle and poultry in
44, and 46, Svetog Save St, property of Djura Grujic and Miodrag Kelic. On May 22, 1999 in early morning hours the NATO aviation made
attack with several projeclileson Sombor when the apartment building of
MirosIav Velirnirovicwith all the household furnishings in 64, Prizrenska St, was
destroyed, while the roof construction, ceiling and walls on the next building in

66, Prizrenska St., property of Milan Peric were entirely dcsiroyed,and the
household furnishings wcre partially damaged. The roof construction was
damaged alsoon the apartment building number 62. Also, at the occasion of this
attack the roof constructiowas destroyed on the family apartment house in30,
Ivana Gundulica St.,property ofKalarina Strangaric. On 17, 1999 from 3.25 pm to 3.35 pm, May 21, 1999 at 11.00 am
and May 22, 1995,at 2.00 pm the NATO aviation made attack with several
projectileson warehouses of oil derivatives of NIS Jugopetrol working unit
lnstalacija in the industria! zone in Smedereva whichagaincaused damage of
the already diinlagcd reservoirs marked R 19, 20, 23 i 24, the reservoir
marked R 22 was entirely destroyed, while a considerable part of the

infrastructure in form of lines of communications and pipeline installations
were considerably damaged.I May 22,1399 at 12.20pm the NATO aviation, with one projectile,
brokc electrical railway dontthe main railroad direction N-sBelgrade in the
span from thepillar87 to the pillar 89 in the village Ralja near Smederevo, that
caused break in railway traffic.
I On May22, 1999 at2.05prn in the attack of tNATO aviation on

the industrial zone Smederavo the building of the craftsmen-sewicing entrprise
Zmaj i.e, administrative building, plant in the factory club, boiler room,
warehouse and other auxilliary buildings were considerably damaged, and two
passanger cars type "Lada"3trucks and one bulldozer were serioudy damaged.
In the same atrack the enterprise for transportation of passangers "Lasta"
Belgrade, business unit in Smederevoi.ethe registration office, administrative
building, all plants of the enterpriswell astwo buses were damaged. In this

attack the enterprisefor production of ranges and household devices Milan
Blagojevic was damaged, as well as nickel plants,enamel plant of the main
warehouse and tools warehouse. On May 22, 1999 a1 12.20 pm in the attack on the main railway
direction Mala Krsna - Belgrade, the NATO aviation caused damage of

apartment and all auxilliarbuildingsthat are located in viciniof the circle
crossingproperLy of Radomir Stojadinovic. On May 22 1999 at2.30 am with four special graphite bombs the
NATO aviation attackedtheplants ofthe public enterprise Elektroistok in Nis
in Veljka Vlahovica St., when there occurred many short circuits on the
electrical network, which caused the breakdown of the energetic system. On May 2, at 9.45 pm and May 22, 1999 at 2.15 am the NATO
aviation dropped graphite bombs on the transformer station Beserovina in
Bajina Basta, that caused the short circuits and damonethe neigboring fields
andcorps,orchards and yards in form of threadof these bombs.

~ 1.1.59.May 23, 1999 On May 23, 1999 around 12.20 prn in Ritopek in the attack of the
NATO aviation the damage occurredon a long distance power line in the village
Vodice - property of the enterprise Elektroistok, the building of SUR +
Podunavac in 9,Beogradska St., property of Zivorad Simic, the buildingSTR
Banein 3, Beogradska St., property of Ljiljana Nesic Ljiljane and the house in 5,
Avalska St, property of Stevan and Momcilo Nesic. OnMay23 1999around 3.00am in the attacof theNATO aviation in
433, Bulevar Revolucije Stin Belgrade, the damage occurred inthe premises
owned by AIeksandra Milosevic, Snezana Milosevic, Aleksandra Jovanovic and
Dragoslav Stojadinovic. On May 2, 1999 around 9.45 pm with two projectileswith cassette

bombs, on May 13,1999 around 10.30 pm and on May 22, 1999around 2.00am
with one projectile withgraphite bombsand May23, 1999 around 9.55 pm with two destructiveprojectilestheNATO aviation made attackson transfer plants

of 110and 400 KW power of Termoelektrane B inDrmno, the public enterprise
Termoelektrane Koslolac, and the transmission of electricitywas damaged
through a high voltage network inthe electrical system, and in the last attack
both plantswere entirely destroyed that caused enormous materiadamage. On May 23,1999 in Pec- quarter Kapisnicainthe attack of the NATO

aviation a big number of apartment and private houses and shops owned hy
Albanians were destroyed. On May23, 1999 at 20.00pm transformer station was damaged and
installations Novi Sad 3 in Rimski Sancevi, near NoviSad were damaged by
theNATO projectile. On that occasion plants in three long distance power line

fields of 110220 i 400 kV were damaged, that caused stopping of electricity
supply through this transformer stationfor the long period of time. (Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p.497) May 23,1999the NATO aviation destroyed with one projectile the
antenna pole of the radio station Informativni centar Vrbas that is located in the

suburbs ofVrbas, that caused enormous material damage. On May23, 1999 at 10.02pm the NATO aviation attacked with two
projectiles plants of the public enterprise Elektroistok in Nis when transformer
plants of 410 and.400 KV, and the business center and guardhouse were
damaged, while considerable damage on the buildings of the enterprise Nisal

and Srbijasume occurred. May 23, 1999 in period of from 4.00 prnto 4.15 pm theNATO
aviation made the attack on the village Knezice SO Doljevac and at that
occasion houses of Dobrivoje Misic, SIobodan Milanovic, Stojadin Bogdanovic,
Miroslav Stankovic, Slavica Cekic, Krstivoje Stankovic and Cedumir Mitjc were


1.1.60.May 24, 1999 On May 24, 1999 around 3.30 am in Ritopek in the attack of the
NATO aviation Kosara Matejic got minor injuries and the houses in
Karadjordjeva St. propertyof Borivoje Stefanovica, Zoran Lukac, Aleksandar
Kararnucic, Dragana Matejic, Angelina Dinic,VeIjko Borkovic Veljka, Bozid;!r
Stoiljkovic, Velibor Stojadinovic, Mica Vlahovic, Dragan Cvefkovic, Miodrag

Putnikovic, Steva Jovanovic and Dusan Niskanovic and the house in hb,
. . Vodnicki put St.propertyof Stevica Burgund. In the night between May23,and 24,1999 theNATO aviation hit the
apartment building located on the left side of the asphalt road Srernska

Mitrovica -Lezimir property of Sreta Colovic that caused entire destructiof
apartment and warehouse part ofthe house and greatdamage of the trucktype
"Zastava" SM 108-36. In the same attack 4 bombs made considerable damage
on field with maize property of Radovan Baraksadic, and one bomb madedamage on the field of Milo Durac. Two horr~bsmade damage on the field of
Pera and Djordje Roman. Finally one bomb hit high voltametal pillar thal fell
down, and that also made considerable material damage.

1.1-60.3.On May 24, 1999 arout~d3.10am thcNATO aviation made the attack
on buildings ofNIS Naftagas promet lnstalacija Conoplja on the roaConoplja
Kljajicevo, atid on that occasion the reservoi2 was caught by fired, while in
the vicinity of the reservoir 70 crateis uf various diameter andweretmade. May 24, 1999 ;iround 3.30 pm theNATO aviation bombed civilian
objects in the vi1l;igePonikve in area of RogiTwo projectiles were dropped
and exploded in theyard of Tadija Z'aclic,the lhisd in yaJelaRogic, and the
fourth in the yardof Miroljub Stevat~ovic.Milena Stevanovic and her fifteen
year old sonwele severely injured. The houseand auxilliary buildings property
of Tadija Tadic were considerably damaged. Also, the hous~s of Vasilije, Ohrad

and Kaclet~koTaciic, Miroljub Stevanovic, Militlko, Radoje, Branko, Stanoje,
Milenku, Mirko and Milija Rogic were damaged, while thehouse with shed -
shed in which brandyismade, property oCJela Rogic wasentirely destroyed.

1.2,61.May 25,1999 25 May 1998 at 1.05pm many civilian facilitiin Sabac, mostly
family houses, were damaged. In thisilttac4 citizens got minor injuries, while

Zivorad Nenadovic, whu was severely injured, died soon after being admitted to
the Medical Center inSabac. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p.195). 1May 25,1998 around 3.00 pm and May26,1999around 11.00pm in
Makis the attackwas tnade on buildingsofMUP IIS and on that occasion Livija

Starcevgot minor injuries and the damage ucc~~run the house in Za,Makiska 't.
properly of Radoslava Srernac and car "Zaslava 101"property of Petar Filipovic. May 25, 1999 aro~~rld12.20 am the NATO aviation hit with one
projectile thevillage Ribari near Jagodina, when the house and haystack
building property ofone Stajic weredamaged.

1.I-61.4.On May 25,1999 around 7.20prn in the attack of NATO aviation on
the villageJanosand Trakolic, the municipalityof Djakovica,main pipeline for
water supply of njakovica was damaged as well as the house of the familyTata in
the,villageJanos andthe long distance power lofe35and GkV that passthere. May 25, 1999around 3.00 am the NATO aviation bombed civilian
facilities in a village named OrlovacVeliko Zabucje beyond Uzice. In this , .
attack considerable materialdamage was madc on the houses ofthe following
owners: Dohrivoje Petkovic, Milornd and Dragana Milosevic, Budimir
Jovanuvic, Mikica Guskic, Milojka Stefanovic, Vasilije Andjic, Gruja Slovic,

Vidoje Nenadic, Milos Zecevic,Dragojlo Antonijevic and Anka NikoEicwith
broken tiles and all window glasses. Also, the collective ceforthe refugees
from Zabucje, supermarket Stadion, bus station Uzice, Robne kuce Beograd
and Progres,and shop Kostana jn 93, Dirnitrija Tucovica St. 1.1.62.May 26,1999 On 26 May 1999, at 8.30 am, there was an airraid on the village of
Radoste, the municipality of Orahovac, in which the area betweet1 the
railway line and rhe river BeliDiim was targeted. Kujtim Kastrati and Beg
Krasnici were kilIed in the attack while Sukri Kastrati and Ismet Kastrati

were severely injured. On the same day, at 5.00 pm, the area of v. Radoste
was attacked for ihe second time; Nikola Miljici,who was looking after the
cattle in the village of Bardosane, was severely injured. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia TIp. 196) 26 May 1599,at 11.10 pm, during the NATO bombing of v. Ralja
area the family house of Vladirnir Pavlovicwas hitand completely destroyed.
Vladirnir Pavlovic and the childrenStefanPavlovic (1991) and D;~janaPavlovic
(1994) were killed, while Branistava Pavlovic, was severely injured. Bifjana
Morncilovic (1870) was also killed in this attack and her mother Ljubinka

Ivanovic, was severely injured. The houses in 4, and 6, Save Kovacevica St.
property of Dragutin Ivanvvic and Vlrtdimir Pavlovic werc destroyed.(Annex,
NATO Crimes inYugoslavia II p198). On May 26,1999(4th attack) the bridge over the river Jasenicon the
Belgrade -Nis motonvay (driving lane from the direction of Nis) near Velika
Plana was damaged by the NATO bombs. On this occasion the parcel of
Zivoslav Nikolic from Milosevac that is locatcd near Skrbnik, parcel of Stanirnir
Tufegdzic from Lozovik near Gaj were damaged by the NATO bombs as wellas

the apartment building property of Milivoje Milovanovjc from Velike Plane
quarter Karauia was damaged, while on the property of Miroslav danjic from
Lozovik there was considerable damage of the car type "Jugo 55",yard and
facade of the house.(Anncx No. 131:Slu~hcnilbeleska Odclc~l~inutra~~lioslovau
VcllkojPlaniPu 385199od 22.05.1999. godine, str. 3OfficiaMenio of Vellka Plana
Pol~ccUcpartmcnl Pu 385199 clatc22. May 1984, p. 380. Annex No. 132: Sluzbena

beleskaOdclcnja unutrasnjih poslovauVclikoj Plani od 21.05.1999godine,str. 382;
Official Mcmo of Velika Plana Police Dcpartmcnt dare21.May 1999, p. 383.Annex
No. 133: Sluzbena belcska Odelenja uniitrasnposlova uVcl~kojPlani Pu 395194od
27.05.1999.godinestr383;OfficialMemo ofVcliknPlana Police Dcpartmcnt Pu 39.5199
dated 27. May 199P, p.383. Annex No. 134: Sluzbena beleska Odclcnja unurriisnjih

I poslova u Vclikoj Plani Pu 396149od 27.05.1999, godine, str. 384; Official Mcnlo of
VelikaPlana PoliceDepartmcnt Pu 396199dated27. May 1999,p.384.) In the repcated bombing of the RTS b~iildingin Pehrovaradin, Novi
Sad, 45 Kameniciki put St. on May26, 1999 RTS buildingof TV Novi Sad was

destroyed. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 440) May26,1999 around 11.04pm in Rakovica 1, Oslobodjenja St.the
factory"2. maj" was damaged in the attack of theNATO aviation. May26, 1989TV repeater in the village Svirnisle, the municipality
of Presevo was damaged in the attackof the NATO aviation. nightof May 16,around 10.45 pm, May 22, around 2.45am and
May 25, 1999 between 1.20 am and 1.40 am the attack was made on the
transformer starionBor 111,that is locatein the circle oRTB Bor, on that
occasion materia! damage occurred on this buildingand on private and public
apartment buildingsnearby. the day of May 26, 1999 around 1.25pm the attackofthe NATO
aviationwas made on the palce Gnjilak in Zajecaru and material damage was
made on private apartment and auxilliary buildings of the local populatioof
this village. On May 5,1999around 10.00 pm, May 15,1999 around 10.00 am,May
16, 1999 around 3.00 pm, May 21, 1999 around 11.00 am and May 26,1999
around 12.30pm five times, in bombing with a number of projectilesattacks
were made by the NATO aviation on the buildingsof InstaJacija Jugopetroin
Prahuvo near Negotin, that &used on May 5, 1999 severe deadly threating
injuriesof Dragutin Stan~enkovic from Negotin and minor injuries of Jova
Radojevic and Dragisa Buljigic,as well as material damage of the bombed

buildings. On May 12, 19 and 26, 1939 with a number of projectilesof great
destructive power the NATO aviation attack was made on the civiIian
population and their property ithe iocalcon~inuniq MZ Jevrernova inSabac
and on that occasion the damage was made on primary school "Lazar

Lazarevic", buildingsFK Macva, property of Vlatko Arsenovic, a number of
family apartment houses and shop NAMA-at the corner ofVuka Karadzica St.
and Osiobodjenja St. May 26, 1995,around 1.40 am inNovi Sad in Suncani kej St., on
the embankment by the Danube, near the sailing club Neoplanta, thcNATO
aviation dropped one projectile of great destrucpower, that made a cratesof

4 rn of depth and width of 15 m, and at that occasion several boats were
damaged or destroyed, that were anchored on the Danube and several vehicles
parked near the sailing clubaswell asbildings- private workshops ofMladen
Stankovic, Milenko Grcica and Mirko Manojlovic from Novi Sad. On May 28, 1999 the NATO aviation attacked the area of the

populated villageJamena in the municipality uf Sid was hit and the civilian
buildings were heavily damaged on the parcel of the cooperative farm Granicar,
working unit Jamen, located at the corned of Fruskogorska St, and Kneza
Lazara St. In this attack the administrative building, kitchen hangar for
machines with complete mechanization and agricultural products, 10 tons of
artificial fertilizers Kan and fueling station for diesfuel were destroyed,
that caused enormous material damage on the mentioned cooperative farm. On

the occasion ofthis attack the house with auxilliary premises in Fruskogorska
St., property of SIavko Anicic, was completely destroyed, and the damage was
made on the following houses in Fruskogorska St.,property of: Mica Lazic,
Katjca Novakovic and Veljko Jeftic and the housein KnezaLazar at. propertyof:Ljubica Jovkovic, Sima Anicic, Milorad and Javan Savic, MiEosJovkuvic,
Veljko Joksic, Jovanka Bedie, Radoslav Krstic, Delija and Bosko VecicMilan
Stanojcic, Milan Vujic and MIlos Gajias well asthebuilding of the veterinary
station inamena. April 19,and May26,1999 in the attack of tNATO aviationon

the area of the village Golobok n~unicipaliry of Smederevska Palanka the
damage was made in form of crater made by the NATO bomb on parcelsof
famrer Slobodan Ivkovic and Boza Marknvic, as well as the parcels properof
cooperative farmfrom Golobok. May 26,1999in the area of the village Vlaski do1the municipality

of Smederevska Palanka in the attackofthe NATO aviation in the area of Ulic
therewas the damage in form of crater madeby theNATO bombs on parcelsof
Tihomir Jelic and Zivorad Pajic, and at that occasion maize planted on the
surfaceof 20 ares urasdestroyed, and in the areof the village Azanja, on the
parcel of thefarmer Milan Pavlovic from Azanje, there was an explosion of
projectile, and on that occasion of0the plantednurseryplantsof black locust. May 25, 1999 around 11.09pm and May 26 1999around 3.15pm
theNATO aviation bombed with sixprojectiles the village Kremna in tarea
of Dmji Jankovici, that caused damage on the, houses of: Ostoja, Milos,
Budimir, Zivko ,ihomir, Milisav, Ilija, Panta, Zoran, KostLenka, Mladjen,
Milenko, Tomislav, Stanko, VeseliniRadojka Jankovic, in form ofbroken tiles
and glasses.

1.1..6May 27,1899 On 27 May 1999, by NATO bombs was demolished the Cekavicki
bridge over the rives Jablanion the road Bosnjace- Cekavica municipalityof
Lebane was demolished by the NATO bombs, and initsvicinity VeselkSpasic
and Branka Stankovicwere killed. Considerable material damage occurred on
family and auxilliary buildings near the bridge.(Annex, NATO Crimes in

Yugoslavia I1p. 385 ) On 27 May 1999 railway tracks in the village of Popov-cNis were
damaged by NATO bombs. The target of the attack was military airport in Nis
that was hit with6 projectiles and considerably damaged.In this attack many
civilian buildings were damaged in the village Popovi.e.the houses in Urosa
Dimica St., the house of Danica Kocic in StarinaNovaka St.,the houses of

Jelenk Moilovanovic, Dragan MiljkovicIEijaJovanovic, Persida CakicBorisav
Stankovic, Slavoljub Radovanovic, Vukasin, Tomislav and Dragan Nikodijevic
in Suvoborskoj St., the house of Dragomir Arsic,Arif Ahmetovic, Miroslav
Zdravkovic, Rasid IkicMiroslav Nikolic, Vojislav IlSasa Ignjatovic, Ljubinka
Stoiljkovic,VidosavDjutic,and the damage occurred on the housesof Andjelija
Stojcic, Ljiljana Petkovic, Miodrag VuckoviSalijMamutovic, Zlata Rajkovic,

Bozika Stankovic, Tahir Abedinovic and the building of Elektroremont inStanka Paunovica SF.On lhe same day the attack was made by three projectiles
on the village Gornja Rasavaca SO Doljevac, by the NATO aviation, that
caused considerable damage of the family house ofVelimir Mitrovic, and the
warehouse of Reopetrol in Doljevac was hit with 4 projectiles, and nn that
occasion the fueling statiofor refueling, auxilliary building and reservoirs for

oil andgas. AIso, with one projectile the attack was made on the village Donji
Matejevac near Nis and on that occasion the houses of Tornislav Jankovic,
Obrad Grujic and Bratislav Milosevic were damaged. On the same day with 32
prqjectiles the attack was tnade on the barracks Mija Slanimirovic in the quarter
Donji Komren and on that occasion the damage was made on severalcivilian

buildings in thisuarrer and Cedomir Dinic was severely injured while Nenad
Lazarevic got minor injuries. (AnnexNATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 3851) On 27 May 1999 electric installationof Elektroprivredn Srbije
(Serbian ElectricCompany) in lransfarnler stations in Bezanijska Kosa estate in
New Belgrade and inLestane were damaged 11yNATO bombs. The attack on

Lestane was made on May 7, and 22, 1999and on that occasion eight apartment
buildings with16 apartments in total the quarter Elektroistok were damaged,
and in the attack on thc transformer station in Bezanijska kosa, that was
repeated on May 31, 1994 around 0.30 pm the apartment building in 1,
Partizanske avijacije St.,with all the apartments and premises in that building as
well as businesscentcr in Partizanske avijacije St., shop 4,Vajara Zivojina

Lukica St. property of Desanka Vasovic Desanke, apoteka SABEX in 9, Danila
Lekica St., propertyof Milja Severdija, shop Srbijateks i5, Vajara Zivojina
Lukica St. and buildings ui sports club Milicionar were damaged. (Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugos1avi;lI1p. 498) May 21,26, 2nd 27, 1899 the fuelstoragearea of Jugopetrol Bor

and buildings of Srbija slime were damaged by the NATO bombs. (Annex,
NATO Crimes itYugoslavia I1p. 537). On May 27, 1999 around 1.50 rim inBelgrade, in the attack sf the
NATO aviation the damage was made on the house in 6, Kovacevoj St. property
of Draga Galic. May 27, 1999 around 10.00 pm in Novi Beograd in 165, Bulcvar
Lenjina St. in the atlackof the NATO aviation the buildingof the Federal
Directorate of Commodity Reserves, the Department af Internal Affairs Novi
Beograd, the buildingof the enterprisINTEL kompjuters and the buildings of
the enterprises Jugoagentand Brodoimpeks were damaged. On May 27, 1999 around 2.15 am in Begaljica in the attacof the
NATO aviationthe damagc was made on the house in 25, Borisa Kidrica St.
properry of Bogoljub Radivojevic. May 27, 1999in the period from4.50pm to 5.00pm in thevillage
Palic, Subotica, theNATO aviation made attack with 5 projectilesof great
destructive power near lhemeteorologicalstation,on the hanksofPalica, on the
anntena pole of Mobtela and weekend quarler. This attackcaused damage onthe lane of the road Palic-Kanjiza,PTT installation and communication,
electrical ductsby the road were destroyed, thc antenna of Mobtel was
damaged, big quantityol fish was kiIled in the Irtke, Ihe refugee quarter was
destructed,a number of passanger cars was destroyed while Jelka Alavanjwas
sevcrely injured, and she dies onMay 28, 1999, while Zivko Afavanja, Mira
Prustran and Ivica Istvancgot minor injuries. On May 27, 1999 in the attack of thNATO aviation in the area of
Radinacki spic two big t~ouses owned by the estate Nova buducnust from
Zarkuvca that was used for accomodation of retugees from Croatia was
destroyed which caused considerable material damage. May 27,1999 at 12.05 am the NATO avialion bombed the are21of
the village Visibaba, that caused demaof the parcel oOlga Misovicas well as
considerable damage on the houses of the owners I3ozana Misovic, Milucin
Marjanovic, Milan Perisic. Olga andMilos Misovic, Milenko MarjanclvicNovak
Paunovic, Predrag and Svetomir Skokovic, Dragisa Smiljanica, Milenko

Paunovic, Slobodnn, Branko, Nwica, Milomir and Dragoljub Novakovic, Milija
Babic and Ljubodrag SIovic. May 27, 1999in the period from 11.55am to 12.05 am the planes
of the NATO block bombed on the hill Veliko Zabucje on the place called

Orlovac and on the hill Bioktos beyond Uzice civil buildings, so as four
projectileswere directed towards repcater of RTS, that was considerably
damaged, as well as the houses of Ankn Nikolic, hlilos Zecevic, Rash
Acin~ovic,Milojka Stefanovic, Dragojlo Antonijevic, Grujica SlaviMilos and
Rados Milosevic.

1.1.64. I. On 28 May 1598,at 12.30am, the area of thetown of Aicksinac was
attacked from the air. Fourteen projectileswcre dropped inthe wider area
while 7 projectiles hit the center of the town Aleksinone projectile hit the
area of Svrljig municipality. In the attack on downtown Aleksinac, at 22.40
am, the family houses at 23, and 25, Niska St. were entirely demolished.
Branislav Mitrovic, Dusanka Snvicand Predrag NedeIjkovic were killed, and
5 civilians were injured- Natasa Stankovic-Nedeljkovic, Sinisa Stankovic,

Divna Stankovic, Ruza Stankovic i Blagica Jovanovic. Fifteen other family
houses as well as many cars were also damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I1p.201) May28, 1999 the bridgeover the river Nisavaon the Belgrade -

Nis - Leskovac highway in the areaof the village oPopovnc ikre damaged by
the NATO bombs. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia tIp. 3YO) On May 28,1999 around 4.00 am in Belgrade inthe attack of the
NATO aviation the damage was made on the car "Opei korsa" BG 416-330
property of Vladan Bojovic, car "Golf" BG 391-316 property of the Federal Customs Administration, car "JUG0 55" BG 180-823 property of Bosanka
Juric, the housen28:Mihajla Gavrilovca St. propertof Radmila Bugasski,car
"Mercdes 190" BG 354-641 property of Branko Bugarski, apartment in 1014,
Dragana of Miodrag Djordjevic. In the period frMay25, to May 28,1999 inthe widerarea of Cacak
several propejctiles fell, soandtbombs were dropped bythe NATO aviation
and onMay 25,1999 a bomb destroyed the house of Radoslav Arnautovic in the
villageatrga, and on the same night bombs damaged the house of Miodrag
Todorovic, while on May 3, 1991)in the village Katrga Dejan Jankovic was

injured and on May 11, 1999 considerable material damage was made on the
monastery Sveto Vaznesenje due todetonations of the bombs.On May 1,1999
in the viliage Milicevcj considerable material damage was made on the
apartment buildings, and onMay 11, 1999 and May 28,1999 projecliles in the
villageMrcajevci damaged the apartment and auxilliaq buildings of 25 owners,
and in thefirstattack5 persons were injured and the ambulance building in

Mrcajevci damaged. May 28,1999 at 1.00pm the NATO aviation bombed the repeater
of RTS Biuktoson the hill Zabucje beyonUzica.The top of the hill was entirely
flatened by thpower of 'four destructive projectiles, with craters of diameter of
20 meters, and the vegetation was entirely destroyed. From the effect of the

explosion the damagewas made on the houses owned by: Pavle, Milivoje, Milan,
Milornir, Mihailo, Sreten, Draguljub andRadivoje Tamburic, Milorad Jovanovic,
Milos Boskovic,Rade Dacevic and Vidoje Grujicic. Also the damage wamade
on the hotel 'ruristUzice,factory Froteks,shopsVarreks and Crvena zvezda,
pharmacy Arsenijevic, restaurant Zelepijaca,houses of Miroljub Radovic and
Ilija Pekovic all in Uzice and plant of spinningTurica.n

1.1.65. May 29, 1999 29 May 1999 several houses in Petrovaradin, suburbs of Miseluk
and Ribnjak were destroyed by the NATO bombs. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
YugoslaviaI1p. 206) On 29May 1989 at320 pm Dusan and Vukosava Mancic were killed
by NATO bombs, their house were destroyed and theirgrandsons,Dejan and
. Dalibor and granddaughter, Aleksandra, were injured in the village of
Carnurlija near Nis. In this attack the family houses 851006and 101of the
owners SvetislavDusan, Vladimir, Stanislav, Dragica and Goran Mancic, were
destroyed, and the houses of Ljubomir, Slobodan, Zivomir Pesic, Branislav

Savicand Zarkd Mancic were damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia
11p.207) the bombing of the center of Cuprija about 100 civiIian buildings
were destroyed or damaged and about 20 people were severely injured oMay
29,1999.(Annex, NATO Crimes inYugoslavia I1p.208) 29May,1999 cenovacki bridge on the river Jablanica in Cenovac,
municipalityofLebane - Leskovac was destroyed bythe NATO bombs. On that
occasion Stanoje Stojimenovic, and Gosan Stojimenovic were killed while
working in the field with Stanoje's wife Jagoda Stojimenovwho was severely
injured. (Annex,NATO Crimes in YugoslaviaTlp. 387) On May 29, at 12.10 am, the building ofRTS-TV Novi Sad, was
attacked for the fourth time. One projectile hit directly and completely ruined
the buildingof Novi Sad television studio. Another projectile hitgenerator
power supply section of the buildinThe remaining two projectijes hit the new
building mahng considerable damage. In addition, one projectile hit and

completely destroyed several houses and injured three people - Suzana
Dvorandzic, Vidak Bulajic i Mile Burovica. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia 11p.441) March 31,1998 around 3.00am, May 25,1899 around 2.30pm and
May29,1999 around 12.50 am in Urovci the air attack wamade by theNATO

and on that occasion the damage was made on the lon~ distance power line no.
406/267 property of Elektroprivreda Srbija,crops oE maize - property of
vlasnistvo PKB Dragan Markovic and houses property of Drago Slanojevic,
Zivadin Dragicevic, Marko Milovanovic, Zivota Milovanovic and Sreten
Filipovic all in Sabacki put St. May 29, 15198in period between 3.10prnand 3.30 pm with several
projeczifes theNATO aviation made attack on civilian buildings in Surdulica
and villages DonjiKromanovac and Binovci and on that occasion damage was
made on the house of Mita Stevanovic inthe village Binovci, anin Surdulica
the attack was made on the apartment and business blocks of the special.
hospital for tuberculosiss and on that occasion the damage was made on the

building of the forest administratioinSurdulica and apartments property of
Darinka Markovic, Mira Ivkovic, Rada Jovanovic, Stamenko Vasilev, Zivorad
Markovic, Garan Arsic, Vesna Stankovic, Ruza Djuric, Zivota Todorovic,
Vladimir Ivkovic, Violeta Stojiljkovic, Vitko Panajotov, Miroljub Krslic,
Ninodav Stolic, Svetlana Cvetkovic, ATeksandar Rangelov, StanisIav
Gvozdenovic, Vasil Nenkov, Mara Djordjevic, Ivan Petrovic, Zoran Weic,
Bosiljka Ristic, Dusanka Duric, Zoran Mladenovic, Snezana Mitic, Aleksandar

Radovanovic, all from Surdulica, and in Donji Romanovac the damage was
made water supply pipeline of the public enterprise Vodwod Surdulica and
buildings property of Slobodan and Dragutin Stojanovic, Dragan Mladenovic,
Stanisa and Dragan Mesic, Miodrag Zlatanovic, Dragan Lazarevic, Dragan
Stojanovic, Bora and Ratko Nesic, Vidosava MiIojkovic, Jovica Cekic, Bora
Dimitrijevic, Jovanca Dimic, Dragan and Stojanka Djordjevic, Borivoje and
Jovan Jankovic, Fredrag Stojanovic, Dusan Petkovic, Stamen Mihajlovic,

Dobrivoje Stojanovic, Ljuhisa Dimitrijevic, Dragan Mihajlovic, Vladimir and
Stanisa Dzonic, Stojan Jovic, Vene Grozdenov, Darinka Dzonic, Vidosava
Jovanovic, Zoran Jankovic, Jovica, Ratko, Srboljub Mihajlovic, Bozin
Stojanovic, SZavko Ilic, Slavoljub Jankovic, Dobrivoje Mitic, Branko and Predrag Dimitrijevic, Vladirtlir and Svetislav Andjelkuvic, Borivojc Stancevic,
Vlajko Dimitrijevic, Vlada Mihajlouic, Budimir Trajkovicaall from the village
Donji Ronianovac. The liolding CorporationKRUSTK from Valjeva was hit on April 20,
21, 22, and 3019Y9.,Mny4, 11,28. and 29,1999 and together with April 14,17,
and May 2. and 18, 1999itwas hit with156projectilesofgreat destructivepower
intotal, andapartfrom the mentioned material damage and injured persons on
April22, 1999Micic Milisnvfrom Valjeva was severelyinjured and diedon May

29,1999, and on May 4, 1999Zoran Sobek and Leposava Jankovic were severely
injured.AnkicaLazarevic got minor injuries. (Annex No. 147:Zapisni okuvidjaju
Okruznog suda 11Valjcvl~ Kri. S3P9 o17.05.1999,godine,str.409-411;Investigation
Kcportof Valjcvu District Court Kri. 83/49diirMay 1999,pp.464-466.Annex No.
148: Zapisni k}uvidjirju Okrigznclgsuda u Valjevu Kri. 85/911.05.1999.godine,
str.411-413;lnvest~gationRepoftValjcvo Disiricl CoKri.85/99dated11May 1999,

pp.466-463.) On May 29, 1999 in thc period from 3.10 am to 3.40 am with 7
projectiles in the attackof the NATO aviation on Cuprija the apartment
building of Ljuha Stevanovic was enti~elydestroyed as well as the apartment and

business t~uildingof the hotel and restaurant enterprise Kasina in the center of
Cuprija with considerable damage of the neighboring buildings, and on that
occasion9 persons were injured. May24, 1999in Kragujevac in 35, Save Kovacevica St. near the
Insciruie for Graiaround 10:15am the NATO aviation with one pro-jectile hit
and destroyed theantenna of,the Radio Kragujevac.
' On May 29, 19C39 around 1.15 prn inDjakovica the attack of the
NATO aviation on buildings of the factory of juices Barnbi 5 and on that

occasion the workshop'for production uf juices, the warehouse and refrigirator
withjuicesand wines, new machines for production of juiceswere damaged iind
the factory was entirelydestroyed. From the consequences of detonations
Velirnir Otasevic was killed, and in the village Marmule that was hit on that
occasion Bcrisa.Mihil was sevcrcly injured. May 29, 1999 in the village Radujevac municipality of Podujevo
the NATO aviation attackwas made on the civil airport with 7 bombs anon
that occasionhangars ;it the airporwere destroyed, and neighboring buildings
were damaged. On May 11,25, and 29, 2999 the NATO aviation with at least15
projectileshitthe area near the inhabited place Jarc~~jakin municipality of
Kraljcvo, and on that occasion big number of houses with auxilliary buildings
were dastroyed owned by: Slobodan Karapandzic, Dsagan, Milsa, Sekula, Zoran

and Dra~an, Vlada Krivokapic, Dragica Gobilic, Tadija Plavsic, Vladislav
Radojcic, Stanimirka, Zarka and Milornir Nesovic, Milomir Djokic, Milan
Jovanovic, Milutin and Dragojlo, Slobodanka Sekulic, Milentije Kardzovic,
Milovan and Radovan Bazalac, Dusko Lazarev, Trivun Bogdanovic, MiloradRadenkovic, Milosav Besic. Boskcl Miletlkovic, Ljubodrag Djukic, Stanisla17
Trifunovic, Steva Cendic, Zivota Vilotijevic, Branko Bunardzic, Metodije

Milutinovic, Petar and Milvs Nesovic, Miodrag Plavsic, Mirjana Sretovic,
Milomir Djukic, Rodoljub Pokimica, Brafiislava Tomic and Neva Jacimovic,
Zivojin Karapandzic, Bosko Milcnkovic, Milo Vesic, Zeljku Bogdat~ovic,
Milorad Radenkovic, Slobodanka Sekulic, Cedomjr Nesic, Milutin Mnrkovic,
Jovan Vlatkovic and Vukasin Jaksic, a1from Jarcujak, Mirko Mladjovic, Jovan

Vasovic, Cedomir Nesic, Petar Vlatkovic, Zivota Sataric, Zivojin ZlatiLjiljana
and Dragoslav Simovic, Radmila Nt~vcic, Nedeljka Korac, Stanislav and
Radojka derotijevic, Dusan Glisic, Metodije Milutinovic, Vukasin Jaksic,
Miluti~i Markovic, Dragomir Kuvacevic, Vojirnir Pajovic, Sava Radojevic,
SrboIjub Pantelic, Milan Stojnic, Branko, Stana and Milanko Kovacevic, all

from Cibukovac, Stevan and Radisav Milinkavic, Emilija Bozic and Dmitra
Marjanovic all from Drakcici, while on that occasion Goran Jaksic was severely
injured in this attack, and Ljubica Karapandzic, Petar Malinic, Anani Stratijev
and Milomir Pavlovic got minor injuries. On April 8,20, and May17,22,25, and 29, 1999 with8 projectiles the ,
NATO aviation hit the wider area of the inhabited place Reranovac. (Beranovac,
Metikos, Kovaci, Vrba, Ratina i Zakuta) and on that occasion a big number of
houses with auxilliary premises, and otl the occasions of these attacks Milinko
Lazovic from Beranovac, Dragan Labovic and Dejan Makragic from Ratina -
Sovljak go! minor injuries. April 5, 6,and 12,and May 1,12,and 29, 1999 the NATO aviation
with at least 10 projectiles made the attack on thearea of the inhabited place
Usce (Usce, Lozno, Bare, Zarce, Plavci and Dzelep) and on that occasion the
raiIway bridge acrossthe river Ibar on the railroad Kraljevo Raska in the village

Lozno 80 m long,the 120 m long railroad, the cable railway Ibarskirudnici in
Usce, the railwaybridge on the river Tbar,on the railroad Kraljevo - Kosovo
Polje, inthe village Dzelepa anrlon lhat occasion the railway bridge across the
river Ibar on the railroad were considerably damaged, and a number of the
civilian apartmentbuildings with auxilliary buildings property of Dragan, Marko
and Radisa Glavcic, from the village Plavci, Radoslav, Dragisa, Velizar, Ralko,
Dragan and Goran Erduglija, Miroljub Tesic, Ljubodrag Radovanovic, Milan

and Miroljub Ruspic, Tomislav and Stanko Pesic, Dragornix Kosanin,
Dobrivoje, Ljut~isa,Zivorad, Milenko, Petar, Radisa and Radomir Cingelic, and
Mtaden Milosavljevic, all from the village Bare, Milovan Aleksic, Zoran
Pavlovic,Goran, Ljubisa, Milun, Momir, Aleksandar and Tomislav Zarcanin, all
from the village Zarce, Slobodan, Desimir, Dragoslav and Predrag Erac, all
from the village Dzelepi, Budimir Boskovic, Miodrag Trifunovic, Branislav,

Radoslav and Srdjan Kosaninislava, Dzagisa and Vladan Tupalovic,
Diagomirka Ljubicic and Ljubinko Ilic, allfrom Usce, while Bojana, Milun and
Rade Zarcanin, all from the villageZarcc, as well as Tornislav Zarcanin from
Kraljeva were severeIy injured, and Nenad, Ivan, Ljubinka and Milina Zarcanin
all from thevillage andOlga Zarcanin from Kraljevagot minor injuries. On May29, 1999 in late evening hours the NATO aviation hit with
rocketsthe area on the right side of the road Vrdn-kIrig, and on that occasion
the building of the public enterprise Etnes from Vrdnik was hit, and

considerable material damage occurred on this buildingas well as the building
of the public enterprise Ivo Lola RIbar that consists of the administrative
premises and twoworkshops that were considerably damaged. On May 29, 1999. at 1.15 pm the NATO aviation bombed the
mountain Tara in the place called Osusa, and one rocket destroyed to the

foundation the weekend house of Dragoljub Jovanovic, and theweekend house
of Dragisa Jovanovic was darnaged with broken tiles and glasses. May 24,1999at 11.15am the NATO aviation bombed the hill Bic
on the place called Grad, the municipality of Prihoj destroying entirely the

antenna pole and the building with receiving and transmitting devices oFAP
Priboj, the informative center Priboj, of the mobile telecommunications
Belgrade and RTV Srbije.

. 1.1.66.May 30, 1999

1.1.66,1. On May 30,1999 in Presevo inafternoon hours the NATO aviation
destroyed entirely with eight projectilese houses of Redzep and Ramiz Alija. the night of 30/31May 1999 NATO warpianes bombed the area of
themunicipality of Surdulica with 4 projectilof greatdestructive power. The
Special Hospital for Lung Diseases Sanatorium in south-eastern part of the
town was hit. Two projectiles directlyhit the building where a shelter for
refugees from the Republic of Croatia was organized. Another projectile hit

the building used as a nursing hurne. The hospitabuilding with lung patients
was greatly diinlagedas well.In these facilities 19 persowere killed- Slavko
Popovic, Bogdanka Janjanin, Milanka Vuckovic, Mila Sljepcevic, Danica
Malesevic, Djordje Pavkovic, Dragic Napijalo, Petar BudisavljeviRade Zigic,
Bosiljka,Milena, Rade, MiIenko Malobabic, Dusan and Milica Manojlovic, all
refugeesfrom Croatia, Stana Rasic from Kriva Feja,Desanka Velickovic from
Vladicin Wan, Bosna Miladinovic from Vlasinssnd Stamen Raneglov from the

villageBozice SO Surdulica. Five refugees were severely injured i.e.Milica
Slepcevic, Darinka Vrankovic, Mile Tepsic, Majus Ajvazovic and Pera
Tomasovic, 33 persons got minor injuries:MilicaPjevac, Mladenka Mihajlovic,
Stana Bajramovic, Stojmenka Trojanovic, Slobodanka Stanojevic, Dragica
Antanasijevic, Mileva Babic, Dusan Nakic, Svetozar Cuk, Dragan Kitanovic,
Djuro Pjevac, Srdjan Svetkovic, Cedornir Stankovic, Stojance Stoiljkovic,

Ljubica Cvetanovic, Ratko Miljkovic, Nada Pavlovic, Boris Eremijev, Bozana
Zdravkovic, Petar Vrankovic, Zorica Novkovic, Zivojin Sto~anovic, Zo~ica
Kostic,Ruza Stankovic, Stojna Stosic, Bjelisav Piljak, Vera Mladenovic, Milica
and Stanko Mihajlovic, Bimitar Cvetanovic, Rurnena Starnenkovic, Dragan
Pesic and Josif Kostic, and the damage was made on the buildingof the special
hospital for curing of lungs, buildings of Center for elderlypeople withouf care and buildings of the collective center for refugeesand expatriates. (Annex

No. 119: Zapisniko uvidjaju Opstinskngsuda u Surdulici, Kr. 113199od 31.05.1999.
. godine, str. 311-324; On-Site Investigation Report of the Surdulic Municipal CoKr.,
113/99 dated 31 May 1994, pp. 262-269.Annex No. 120: Svcdocenje Bozic Milicc pred
I Opstinskim sudom u Surdulici Kr. 113/99od 07.06.1999.godine, str.324-327Tcstirnony

of BozicMilica in the SurdulicMunicipal Court Kr.113/99dated 7 June 1999,pp.269-
271; Annex No. 121:Svedocenje Rakic Mileta pred Opst~nskimsudom u Surdulici Kr.
113199od 07.06.7999,godine, str.327-330;Testimony of Rakic Mile in the Surdulica

Municipal Court Kr. 113194dated 7 June 1944,pp. 271-273.Anncx No. 122:Zapisnici o
pregledu leseva zrtavaNATO bombardovanja u Surdulici 31.05.1999. godine, str330-
361; Reports on the Examination of Bodies victims of the NATO bombing of the
hospital in Surdulica on 3May 1999,pp. 273-289.Annex No. 123:Spisak povrcdjonih

usoba u NATO bomhardovanju Surdulicc na dan 31.05.1999. godine, sacinjcn
02.06.1999.godine, str.J6J-364;Listof the Injurcd in thNATO bombing of Surdlica
on31 May 1999,pp.289-293.Annex No. 3124 :pisak licziismestaj iishranu br. 9-9199-
91 nd 02.06.1999.godine,364-366; Listofpersons accommodated No. 9-9/99-01dated 2

June 1999, pp.293-295.)
1.1.66,3.On May 30,1999 thesection of the oldfactow and auxiliaryworkshops
I of Nis Tobacco Industry were demolished by the NATO bombs. In thisattack

the buildings for accornodation of guards, fire prevention service, whilegreat
I damage was made on the buildings forthe finished products, raw materials and
semifinished products, on the building for production of the fermented paper
and on the building of theInstitute.On this occasion the attackwas made again

on the bridge near the village Popovac on the highway Belgrade - Nis -
Leskovac, when the left lanewas considerably damaged, and thetransmitter of
the Radio Nis was damaged with two projectiles.(Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia TI p.502) On May 30, 1999, at4.30 pm, the NATO warplanes attacked the road
from Prizren to Brezovica at the time when a group of reporters, led by
philosopher and writer Daniel Shiffer,was travelling by the road. The driver
Nebojsa Radojevic was killedin the attack, while Daniel Shiffet and Eve

Prentice, theTimes reporter from London, got minor injuries. (Annex No. 135:
Svedocenje Nenada Golubovica pred Qkruznini sudom u Beogradu Kri. 843199od
23.06.1999.godine, str. 385-388;Testimony of Nenad Golubovic in the District Court'in
Belgrade Kri.843199 dated 23 June 1999, pp. 394-396. Annex No. 136: Svedocenje

Radojevic Miodraga pred Okruznim sudom u Beogradu Kri. 843/99 od 24.06.1999.
godine, str. 388-390;Testimonof Radojcvic Miodrag in the Distr~ctCoutr in Belgrade
Kri.843/99 datcd 24 June 1999, pp. 396-398. Annex No. 137: Izvod iz rnaticnknjige
urnrlih OpstinPristinabr.203 od 02.05.1999.godine zaNcbojsu Rizdojevica,str. 390;

Death Certificate Municipality of PristinNo. 203 dated 2 June 1989, for Ncbojsa
Radojevic,p.398.) On May29 and 30, 1999 was bombed and the tunnel leading to the

Sloboda bridge from Sremska Kamenica to Novi Sad was damaged. (Annex,
NATO Crimcsin Yugoslavia IIp.414) May 30,1999 around 5.30 pm in the attack othe NATO aviation
on Vojvode Putnika St. in the ccilter of Sremska Kamenica, the asphalin this
street wasdarn;~ged,and alsotheapartment buildings in thistreet numbers 2,4,
6 were entirely destroyed, while considerable damage was madon the buildings
in the same streetnumbers 8, and 10, while Anlc Saravanja, Milka Zeljkovic,
Veronika H;~jduk and lvailka KaroIic gominor inj'urics. On May 30,1995) around 5.30pm the attack was made with two bombs
by the NATO aviation on theweekend quarter Popovica and on that occasion
weekend houses no. 235,property of Grozda Mumic and 237 property of Uros
Mulic were entiseIy destroyed, and rhe weekend house no. 239 property of
Milan Miric was partially damaged. May 30, 1999the.RTS repeaters on Mt. Besna Kobila - Vranje and
on Kozarica hill- Dimitrovgrad were bombed and damaged. (Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 442) On May 30, 1999, at 8.45 am, in thevillageof Stubline, Obrenovac

municipality, severaprojectilehit the,short-wave broadcasting center of Radio
Ju~oslavija. The, center w,is completely destroyed, including hvo transmitters.
(Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 11 p. 445)
1.1.h6.10. On May30, 1999,at9.00 am, in the area Zvecka village, Obrenovac
municipality, theRTS transmitter was targeted by severalprojectilesTwo of

them hit the power supply scctionof the old building, while one projectile hit
and completely destroyed theRadio BeEgrade2nd and 3rd channelstransmitter.
(Annex, NATO Crinles in Y uguslaviaI1p. 445) On May 30, 1999 at 17.30 pm the supply center Jaros in Sombor was
bombed and the tank in the water-pumping station was destroyed. (Annex,
NATO Cril~es in Yugoslavia I1p. 500) Meteorological Station on IyaIiwas again the prime target of the
bombing on 30 May 1999,whereas the surrounding buildings were even more
damaged. Five projectiles were dropped by the NATO aviation, that caused
minor injuries ofSmilla Prodanovic, Dragan Prodanovic and Lajos Elek, while
26 individual apartment tlouses in the area of the: attack, that consisted of
Kanjiski put St.Solunska St., Splitska aleSt.,Ritska St., TrDjure Salaja St.

and i Liparska St. great material damage occured. At the same time, the
natuaral environment near Palicko jezero was polluted again because of the
explosion of one ofthe projectiles in the lake itseIf. (AnnNATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia IIp. 314)
l.l.fjG.13. On Apri5, 1999around 2.30am, April 14 to15, 1999,April 15, 1999

around 1.30atn, April 16,1999around 2.20 am, April17, 1999around 10.30 pm
and 10.50pm, May 18, 1999around 3.20 am, May 21, to 22, 1999,May 23,1999
around 3.00 am and May 30, 1999 around 9.50 am in Rakwica, quarter
Strazevica the air attacofthe NATO aviation was made and on thatoccasion
the damage was made on the,house ofTomislav Joksimovic Tomislava in 25a
Lickih hrigada St.noni~stery Rakovica, the building in Patrljarha Dimitrija St.properly of IGP Rakovica, building in Oslot~odjenje St, property of the
enterprise Udarnik promet, houses in Patrijarha Dinlitrija St. property of
Negosava Stevanovic, Dragoljub Sirnonovic, Milan Slevanovic, Slavuljub Kucic,
Zoran Momcilovic, workshop of Vesko Manic, on business premises in the

business center in SlavoIjuba Vuksanovica St., apartments in 1-32, and 2-8,
Nikole Marakovica St., in Vukasoviceva St. part I1 on thc houses of Slavisa
Milanovic, Vl;idan Ristic, Dusan Baniocvic, Milan Bulovic, Ivan Adamovic,
Obrad Milosevic, Blagoje Simatovic, Dragoljub Raicevic, Nikula Roknic and
Vladan Cekovic, houses in Vukasoviceva St. part III property of BIagornir
Stevanovic, Ivan Maksimovic and Sava Radosinovic, apartments in 1-55,
Vukasoviceva St., houses and apartnlents in the quarter Kosutnjak,shops in 57,

Vareska St., properly of TP Gorica, OS Ivo Andric in Tvana Micurina St.,
nursery tlouse Izvorcic, in Slavoljuha VuksanovicSt.,OS"France Psesern" and
nursery house Hajdi in Stanka Paunovica St., Beobankn branch in Bogdana
Zerajic;rSt.premises of the Republic Instituteof Health Insurance, building of
the local community Miljnkovac, business premises, libraryshop of C market in
24a, Bogdana Zerajica St.,building in bb, Vareska St. property of JKF

Beogradske elektrane, post office i15a, Borska St., shop in StevanOpacicaSt.
property of TP Pronlet in 39-45, Stanka Paunovica St.,apartments in 21-25,
Bogdana Zerajica St., apartments in 8-12, and 2-6, Stevar~a Opacica St.,
aparlrnents in 9-11,Bursk;~ St.,restaurant Diamond in Borska St,, houses in
Stanka Pi~unovica St. property of Vitomir Basurovski, Tomislav Spasojevic,
Slobodan Apustolovski, Zora Marinkovic and Predrng Ilic, houses in Hajduk

Veljka St. propertyof Dragutin Bekcic, Sarajka VukosavEjcvic,Strahinja Maric
and Slavko Djakovic, houses in Oslobodjenja St. properly bf Buda Tijanic,
building of SO Rakovica in Miska Kranjca St., church VartoIornej and Varnava
in Miska Kranjca St., building property of 1MR in Patrijarha Din~itrija St.,
Center for Culturc and Education and Mechullical School "Radoje Dakic" in
Miska Kranjca St., store in Vareska St., property of the enterpriRK Beograd,
carpenter'sshop property of Borivoje Miljojkovic and MUP RS OUP Rakovica

in Miska Kranjca St., building of Patrijarha Dimitrija St. property of Telekorn
Srbije,shop of Sop Invest in la, MarickaSt.,I-Tealthcenter Rakaviuain Kraljice
Jelene St.,nursery house Dimilrije Koturovic in dr Milivoja Petrovica St., shops
in 7,Mihajla Petrovica St., business premises in the business center Rakovicof
various owners, fire station Kosutnjak in bb, Kneza Viscslnva St., metalsmith's
shop in Vrdnicka St. properly ofTomislav Milovic, lrotel21,maj in Maricka St.,
shop in Guslarska property of Milenko Bozunovic, str.ZAK in Starca MilijSt.

property uf Snezana Milanovic, bujldjngs in Pairijarha Dimitrjja St. i.e.DP
Jugostroj,DP BPI, DP Rekord, serviceDP DMB, DP Mine1 and apartments in
the same streetof the u~~knownowners, buildirigs DP DMB and Beobanka in 1,
Oslobudjenja St.,houses in Hajduk Veljkovo sokace St. proeprty of Bosko
Bojic, Nebojsa Pjevac, Djordje Jeremic, Sladjana Cingelic, Kostadin Stajicand
SIobodan Djokic, shop in 4a, Hajdukveljkova ofTP "Smedcrevka",

houses in Hajduk Veljkova of Budimir Davidovic, Bora Davidovic,Slavoljub Petrovic, Branislav Zujevic, Branko Nikolic, Ljubivoje Jovicic,
Stamenka Petkovic, Milorad and Miodrag Milinkovic, Busan Obradovic,
Jelisaveta Stojanovic, Marjana Andjelkovic, Dragornir ~adivojevic,Sloboda
Vitorovic, Milomir Randjelovic, Milorad Cipranic, Miroslav, Sinisa, Mihajlo

Sirnonovic, Zivko Nasandzic, Zoran Svrkota, Milovoje Cvetkovic, Zlatija
Spasojevic, Vidasava Rankovic, Savka Stojanovic, Ljubjsav, Branislav and
Zoran Stanic, Slobodan Petrovic,Zlatko Bunjevac, Mihajlo Jevticand cars in
the same street "Zastavpoli" BG 442-45 property of Branislav Stanic, "Zastava
101" BG 224-888property of Mihajlo Vliic, garagand car "Lada" BG 259-281
in 6, Palih boraca St. propertof Zivko Tanasijevic, factorie"21.maj" in 1,
Oslobodjenja St., ca"Jugo 45"BG 227-740in 4, Gregorciceva St, property of

Miroslav Surnnr, hoise i12,Gregorciceva St., propertofZIatka Valentak. May 30, 1999around 9.00 am in BubanjPotok in the attacof the'
NATO aviation Ljuba Rebojevic was severely injured and Petar Zivkovic,
Nadezda Andrejic and ZlatornirMilic got minor injuries. May 30,1499 around 9.30 am in Ostruznica in the attacof the
NATO aviation the house i88, Ljube Rankovica of Dragoljub Ilic
and Mileta Markovic were damaged. May30, 1499 at7.30 pm the attack wasmade on the areaof the

villageSlavujevac,SO Yresevo, and on that occasion Vera Tasic, Slavko, Ivan
and Dragan Dodic, Zivorad Tasic and Ljubica Mihajlovic Ljubica were severely
injured and the damage wsa made on the primary school "9. maj", house and
auxilliaq buildings, tractor and animal-drawn vehicle property of Trajko
Mihajlovic, passanger car type "HuyndaiBG 200-101,property of MUP Srbije,
bus property of Jedinstvo Yranje, housead auxilliary buildings Dragomir
Mihajlovic and Svelozar Milosevic, houses of Goran Nedeljkovic, Stanimir
Milosevic, house, auxilliarybuildings and passanger car "Zastava 1VR" 831-

03, propert of Dimce Stanojkovic and houses of Jovica Mladenovic and
Dobrivoje Tasic. May 30,1999 around 1.30 pm in Cenovac theattack of the NATO
aviation was made on the road bridge across the river Jablanicaon the road
Leskovac - Pristina and on that occasion Sava Javanovic and Branko
Zdravkovic, who were on the bridge repairing thePIT lines damaged in the

previous attack,were severely injured, andthegraet damage occurred on the
bridge itself. On May 30, 1999 at 5.22 pm in the village Ljugbunar - ;he
municipaIityof Djakovica in the attckof theNATO aviation the damage was
made on the fueling station Maras Petrol properly of Mihilj Baljaj from

Djakovice, which was entirely destroyedand on that occasion the bus type'
"MAN" DJ 262-27 was destroyed. On April5, 13,15,17, 18, 29,30,and May1, 11, 12,17,29, and 30,
1999 the NATO aviation made the attack wit37 projectileon the wider area
of of thevillageBiljanovac (Biljanovac, Rudnica, Lucice and Medari) and onthat occasion the main bridge acrossthe river Ibar, railroabridgeacross Ibar
on the railroad Kraljevo - Kosovo Polje in the village Rudnici,metal bridge
across Ibar on the main road Kraljevo - Raska, in the village Biljanova- the
villageLucice, railroad bridgeon the railroad Kraljevo- Kosovo Polje across
the river Tbar, in lengtof 120m in thevillage Merdari were damaged, and a

number of houses and auxilliary buildings property of Dragan Ilicand Dragos
Medarevic from Lucica, Petar Puzovic from Rudnica, Ljubisa and Dragan
Puzovic from Tusnic, Dragoljub, Rodoljub, Stanko and Milorad Merdarevic,
Zivota Radosavljevic, Zivorad and Aleksandar Veljkovic, Zivadin Dizdarevic,
Ruzica Stojanovic, Vladislav Ugrinovic, Ljubinka and Mihajlo, Miodrag
Maksimovic, Milijana and Stevan Spaluvic and Slobodan Djordjevic from
Merdar, Milos A. Pesovic, Milos T.Pesovic, Draga, Nebojsa, Milomir, Radisav,

Milun, Ognjen, Dobrica. Milivoje, Radoljub, Bozidnra and Hranislav, Stanko,
Radivoje and Rados Ilic, Milan Knezevic, Zivota, Dragisa and Zarko
Stefanovic, Radoslava Belcevic, Dragisa, Milance Andxic, Mihajlo Gojovic,
Dragan Pesovic, Zora, Dragan, Dragos and Budin~ir Ilic, Srdjan and Momir
Pesovic, Rodoljub and MiroslairDjokovjc, all from Lucice, while in these attacks
Jvvan Puzovic from Tusnic got minor injuries. May 30, 1999 in early morning hours thNATO aviation attacked
the buildings of Naftagasromet installation Conoplja and on that occasion the
reservoir no.8 was damaged. Znthis attack several projectiles were dropped on
the village Kljajicevo, which caused tdamage of the plants and vegetation in
the garden of the aparment house in 3, Mose Pijade St. property of Djura

Kosanovic. On May26. and 30,1989the NATO aviation caused the damage on
the buildings in the suburbs Papazovac municipalitof Smederevo, whiIe in the
village Landol the damage was made on the parcel of Dragan Jovanovic, and in
the village Vucak in the areaof Seskovac the parcel of Mikica Mijajlovic from

Binovac was damaged. OnMay 30, 1499 around 12.00 am the NATO aviationattacked the
area of Arilje, and oneprojectile finlGivska in the yard of Vidoje Calovic and
entirely destroyed the family house and auxilliary buildings, destroying the
tractorLMT 599 of thesame owner, aswell as the pillar of low-voltage network,
adolescent Dragan Calovic and Radojica and Miroslav Simovic were injured by

this explosion. On May 30, 1999 around 12.30 am in he village VoIujac area
Starcevici in rnunicipaIity of Uzice NATO bombs caused the damage in the
forest and garden property of Obrad Urosevic, as well as on the houses of
Radisa, Stamenko, Tatomir, Milovan, Ilija, Radovan, Stevti, Andrija, Dragoslav

and Stank0 Starcevic. On May 30, 1999 in the period from 1.05 pm and 1.15 pm the
NATO aviation hit with four rocket projectilthe bridge on Velika Morava
near Varvarin, length 135 m, width 4.6 m, which made deformities of themetal construction and fillling downof one half of thebridge into the water,
so that the bridge was disabled for use. The following civilians who were in

the vicinity of the bridge were killed in bombing: Stojan Ristic, Zoran
Marinkovic, Toln Apostulovic, Milan Savic, Vojkan Stankovic, Milivoje Ciric,
Ruzica Simonovic, Radoslav 'I'erzic, Sanja Milenkovic, and '~atibor
Simonovic, while the fullowing wcre severely injured: Slobodan Ivanovic,
Bozidnr Dimitrijevic, Milan Mitrovic, Mirjana Stojiinuvic, Miodrag Brajkovic,

Marina Jovatluvic, Mirjana Nesic, Predrag Savic, MomciIo Jevtic, Vlastirnir
Vasic, Miroslav Dakic, Predrag Macic, Aleksandar Mijatovic, Dragaljub
Arsenijevic, Predrag Milosevic i Goran Stujanovic. (Anacx No. 138: Svcdocenje
~ilcnkovic Zoran:~ pred Opsrinsk~rns~~dom u V;lrvarinu Kri. 37/99 od 23.06.1999.
godine,str.391;Testimony of MiIenkov~cZnran intheMunicipalityCourt inVarvarin

Kri.37/99 d;~tcd23 Junc 1999, pp. 406-408. AnncNo. 139: Izvodizrnaricneknjige
urnrlili Opstinc Varvariu br. 203-205oJ025.06.1999. godincza Milenkovic Sanju,
str. 392;.Deirth Ccrtif~cnte Municipof Varvarin No.203-205 dalecf 2June 1999,
for MilcnkovicSxnj:ip.408.1 M;ly 21,1999at 4.05pm, May 25,'1999 at 11.10pm, May 28,1999
at 1.07pmand May 30%1999 at 11.23am the NATO aviation planesbombed the
transmitter of RTS on Giadini, and on that occasion the building was
consirlcrably damaged atld one part of pine tree woods was destroyed. On the
norrizside the surface ofaround 1 hectare ofthe coniferous woods was entirely

destroyed, and on the utIler sidcs30% was destroyed. All glasseswere broken
on windows and doors of llle follvwingbuildings:TP Palisad, the Health Center
Cajetin;~,factory complex ofthe meat industry Cajetina, apartments of Drngan
Rakovic and Milcva Selakavic and house of Mira Arbutina.

1.1.66+26.On May 30 the NATO aviation planes bombed and destrpyed many
family houses atld local cettletry in the vilofBrvenik, Raska. (Annex No. 113:
Zapisni oku\kijaju Opstinskog sud11RaskiKri.58/99 od 31.05.1999.godinc, str. 297-
299; Report UIIthc Investigation of tl~cMunicipal CourRaskn Kri. 58/93 di~ted31
May 1999,pp. 21 1-21Annex No. 114: rmestaj Odclenja unutrasnjth posloRaski~,

UV-62/99 rsd 31.05.1999.godinc str. 29Kcport of thcPoliceDepartment inRaska,
UV-62/99 dated 31May 1999,p. 213. )

1.2.67.May 31,1899 On May 31, 1999in Ripanj - Belgrade, no.48 Road for Ivanovici St.,
the NATO bombs destroyed several houscs, Slavics Stojiljkovjc was killed arid
Javorin:~ Saitovic, Bohan Saitovic, Ljubomir Kostic and Branislava

Radosi~vljevicwerc injured. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1p. 214)
l.l.G7.2.On May 25,1999 ;iround 4.11arrl andMay 31, 1999 around 4.00 am in
Boljevac, intl~entti~ckofthe NATO aviiltionthedamage wasmade on the long

distance puwer line property of Elektroprivreda Srbije,manhale and the main
pipeline artesiim well property of Ihe Public Cvn~rnunal Enterprise Vodovod
and buildings ofIhe ofthe tl~errnalpower plant Nikold Tcsla. Inthe night of May 31, 1999 around 12.55 am in the attck of the
NATO avialion on the village Kandalica, the municipality of Knjazevac two
projectilesmade material damage on private apartment and auxilliaqf buildings
oT the locrtlpopulation of this village.

1.L.67.4.On 3 1May 989, at 1.28pm,NATO warplanes bumbed the residentiat
area of Novi Pazar.TR this attack an apartment building was destroyed in which
11 people were killed- Bjordje Pantovic Miodrng Nikic, Dragan Sirnovic,
Zvezdan Jajic, Vladan Simic, Marko Simic, Golub Ratkovic, Dragornirka
Biorac, Raco Vranic, Dcjan Milosevic and Marko RogIic,while 12other citizens
of Novi Pazar were severely injured and 11 got minor injuries. In this attack

many family houses were destroyed and damaged, as well as 58 apartments at
nu. 73, and 74,StevanaNernanje St. Eleven cars and one truck barked it1this
streetwere destroyed or damaged. (Annex No. 115: Sluzhena hclcskiSckretarijata
urrutrasnjiposlovaNoviPazarod 01.Oh.1999.godinc, st300-302; OfficiMcmo of Ihc
Secrctar~atothe InterioNvvi Pazar datcd 1June 1999,pp. 226-228.) On May 31, 1999 transformer station inslaklationon Rimski Sancevi
near Novi Sad was destroyed by the NATO aviation. In this attack Dusan Brat
got minor injuries. (Annex, NATO Crimes in YugosIavia IIp. 503) April 5, 1899around 4.15 am and May 31, 1999 around 4.10 am in

Belgarde in 39:Volgina St: theairattack of the NATO aviation was made 39 on
the buildings of the police brigade MUP KS and on that occasion lhc damage
w;is made 120 cars in thc parking place of this building that had been
temporarily taken away, US "Marija Bursac" in 81, Milana Rakica St., houses in
Milatla Rakica St.,property of Irena Pauer and BranisPav Pavlovic, house and
car "Trabant" BG 310-679 in 2,Volgina St., property of Momcilo Krkovic and

IlijaKrkovic, house and car "Mcrcedes 190" KO 91-22 in 4, Volgina St.,
property of Predrag Tlic,housc in6, Volgina St., property of MiIicaRadujko,
house and car "Ford eskort"BG 121-141 in 8, Volgina St., property of Tvanka
Batovanja, house in 10, Volgina St., propertof Tanjn Vlahovic, huuse and cars
"Ju~o" BG 196-499 ar-idBG 973-788 in 10, Volgina St., properly of Mirjana
Vlahovic-Radojcic, house and cars BG 261-967 i BG 269-778in lOa, Volgina St.,
property of Malisa Stojakuvic, Slohodanka Bogic and Jelena Sojmirovic, housc

in 2, Kragujevacka St.,property of Branka, Lazar, Dusan and Gordana Katric,
house in 1, Prijedorska St., property of Zoran Knezevic, house En8, VIISrpske
brigade St.,property of lrena Hubalo, Ilouses in Cingrijina St., property of
Dobrila Djuricic, Radoslav and Toma Milanovic, Milan Kncar, Ljullornir
Apostolovic, Goratl: Kuzmanovic, Vlada Zagorac, Zlatirnir Markovic,
apartments in 27, Cingrijina St.,property of Draga Milosevic ancl MiEadin
Radihratavic, apartment in 12aCingrijina ofBranislav Vidanovic,

houses in 79, Milana Rakica St., property of Vitomir Todorovic, Svetislav
Trajkovic, Mirjana Katic, Aleksandar Lukic, Jelena Aksentijevic, Dragan Ciric,
Zivornda Stojanovic, Zoran Dinjc, Nenad Marinkovic, Ruza Jovanovic, Mirjana
Nenezic, Jelisaveta Puskulic, Mihajlo Milenkovic, Rnde Stojadinovic, Miodrag
Paunovic, Trga Fedjo, Vera Dabic, Vera ilic, Milornir Gavrilovic, Etnografskimuzej in 13, St~~dentskitrg St., Student Center"Rifat Burdzevic" in Milana
Rakica St.,shops in Bulevar revolucije St., property DP "JUMKO" no.233,
DP "Progres" no. 233, DP "Novi dom" no. 241,TRO "Zvezdara" no. 249, DP
"Novi dom" no. 255, The Health Center "Zvezdara" in 11, Olge Jovanovic St.,
car "VW polo" BG 128-18 in Batutova St., property of Mihajlo Nikolic,
buildings ofthe factory of parachutes in 8,Mile Ruzica St., pruperty of DP

"Kluz", houses in 2,Volgina St., property of Bogoljub Sretenovic and Danilo
Rjstic in5, Volgina St., propertyof Srbislav Miljkovic, house in 83b, Milana
Rakica St., propertof Nada Jelisavcic. May 2,1999 around 9.45pm,May 7, 1995around 9.20pm,May 23,
1999 around 4.00am and May 31, 1999 around 4.15 am in Urovci the damage

was made inthe air attacofthe NATO aviation on thermal powerplant Nikola
TesIa property of the Public TherrnaI Power Plant Enterprise Nikola Tesla. May 31, 1999 around 4.00 am in the attackon the emission center
Makis I1in Makis the damage was made on the buildings of theemission center
and apartments in 82,Makiska kolonija St., praperq of Jagadina Milicevic and

Miodrag Jocic. On May 31, 1999 around 4.10 am in Belgrade in the attack of the
NATO aviation in 87, Pancevacki put St. the damage was made on thebuilding
prbperty of the Public Enterprise PTI Srbija, sheepfold, and animals in 97,
Pancevacki put of Slavoljub Jovanovic, hvuses in Pancevacput St.

property of Zoran Zdravkovic, Dragoslav Veljovic, Sreten Trajkovski, Ahrned
Murina, Lazar Stankovic, ZIatisavka Teodosijevic, Milisav Ilic, Sinisa
Mladenovic, Milica Muratovic, Mirjana Jovanovic, Katarina Miskovic and
Ljubisa Krstic, buiIding oMZ Reva in 91,Pnncevacki put St., buildingof the
enterprise "Agroekonomik" inBla, Pancevacki put St. On May 31, 1999 around 9.15 am in Drazevac in the attack of the
NATO aviation Jobanka Arsenijevic died and the house in192, Baljevackiput
St. property of Vladimir Arsenijevic was damaged.
1.1.67+11.On May l1, 1999at9.30pm, May 18, 1999 at12.28pm, May 28, 1999
at 22.57prnand May 31, 1999 at09:00am in theair attack of the NATO aviation

the concrete bridge on the river Juzna Morava in Vladicin Han was damaged
and Milan Ignjatovic and Gordana Nikolic were killed. Dejan Taskovic and
Fatima Kamberovic were severely injured and Zorica Srosic, Dobrila Jovic,
Dragan Vitas, Dusan Radic, Aleksandar Ilicgot minor injuries.T,hefoIlowing
civilian buildings were materially damaged: the buildinof the Youth Center,
building of Robne kuce BEOGRAD, house of Dragan Cverkovic, premises of

MOC PRIRODE and premises of STTL, stand owned by Milovana Djorica,
houses of Srboljub Maric, Olga Marcic, Dragan Randjelovic, Lidija Marcic,
Dusanka Dodic, the building of the bus station Vladicin Han, house and vehicle
of Branko Ilic, house of Bozidar Tasic, buiIding of DELISESA, shop of
Radosava Novkovic,houses of Jovan Todorovicand Slobodan Janjic, restaurant
Tri grozda, building of the Institute of Labor Market,.buildingof the forestauthoritieshouse of Bosko Pesic, Petar Stosic, Dobrila and Draginja, SrboIjub
Zdravkovic, Dragan Cvetkovic, business premises of UNIVERZPLC, houses of
Slobodan Brankovic, Vera Stosic, Viktorija Krstic, Slobodan Ljotic, Petronije
Ristic, Miroslav and Zoran Jankovic, Dusan Jovic, Zivota and Nenad
Ljubanovic, Ratka Djordjevic, Dragan Vitas, Cedomir Stosic, Slavko Ivkovic,
Stanisa Djordjevic, Aleksandar Nedeljkovic, Olga Jovicevic, Miodrag

Stojanovic, Djordja Jovicevic, Dr-trinkaStojkovjc, buildofthe Health Center
Vladicin I-Ian, butcher's shop of Slavisa Stojanovic, house of Zoran
Stamenkovic, shops of DELISES, houses of Mica Kostic, Zoran Cvetkovic,
Aleksandar Karnparelic, Bora Markovic, Milena Milenkovic, Miodrag Lukic,
Mihajlo Jakimovski, Dragoslav Djordjevic, Zora Nikolic, Jovan Mitic, Stojan
Mirosavjevic, Olga Ristic, Vera Stosic, Lencer Momcilovic, Miladin Mitic,

Sladjana Milanovic, Mirko Zdravkovic, Mladen Stanojevic, Sladjan Djordjcvic,
Ljubica Filipovic, Boris Kostov, Vujica Brankovic, Ivan Nickovic, Bozidar
Ivkovic,Slobodan Dinic, Marjan,Krstic, Vladimir Atov, Dusica Sovrlic, Radulka
Szanojevic, Vladirnir Mitic, Branislav Vlnstic, Sava HrisZoran Mladenovic,
Aleksandar Stojanovic, Predrag Mladenovic, Vlastintir NikoliBora Stojanovic,
Mladen Tomic, Dragan Jovic, Stanoje Zdravkovic, Vera Miljkovic, Vladimir

Stamenkwic, Sreten Stoiljkovic, Kruna Tasic, Bora Milenkovic, Roska Sujic,
Bora Nikolic, Petar Markovic, Darinka Mladenovic, Jelica Trajkovic, Zoran
Cvetkovic, Radica Vidosavljevic, Miodrag Djordjevic, Milanka Stoiljkovic,
Miloratka Disic, Borivoje Trajkovic, Dusanka Cvetkovic, Stanojka i Dobrivoje
Tlic, Stoimen Velinovic, Dimitrije Radivojevic, Radojka Kmezic, MihajIo
Zlatanovic, Dragisa Ivkovic,Vujica Disic, Dragan Ristic, Gordana Mitic, Slavica

Tasic, Zoran Pavlovic, Vida Petkovic, Jelena Jovanovic, Bata Cvetkovic,
Slobodan Randjelovic, Ruza Mitic, Sreten Pesic, Bragan Dirnitrijevic, Vidosav
Milosavljevic,Radosav Stamenkovic, Bobrica Krstic, Milovan Stosic, Caslav and
Bora Randjelkovic, Zoran Djordjevic, Stanisa Stajkovic, Ratko Djelic, Blagoje
Cvetkovic, Zivojin Mickovic, Branislav and Aleksandar Markovic, Nikodije

Stojanovic, Cedomir Stosic, Miroslava Janjic, Bozidar Rozinovic, Hranislava
Tomic, Bogosava Djordjevic, Cedomir Tasic, Stajan Dojcinovic, Milan
Jordanov, Sladjan Mladenovic, Miodrag Kostic, Stojan Petrovic, Branislav
Spasic, Stanisa Dimitrijevic, Olga and Dragan Petrovic, Nenad Djordjevic,
Zoran Mitic, Dirnca Milenkovic, Milera Pavlovic, Novica Novkovic, Zika
Stojkovic, Milivoje Stanojevic, Dragan Blagojevic, Dohrivoje Dirnitrijevic,
Miodrag Mitic, Dragan and Rade Tgnjatovic,Jasmina Ristic, Stanisa Slavkovic,

Dragan Jovic, Milutin Stankovic, Jordan Stosic, Radovan Stojanovic, Dragoslav
Stojrnenovic, Branislav Stoiljkovic, Slobodan Nikolic, Budimir Jorgacevic,
Stanisa and Aca Stojanovic, Radovan and Bosko Ristic, Zoran Popovic, Jovan
Jovic, Miroslav Kostic, Mitra Dragutinovic, Tomislav Manasijevic, Randjel
Task, Mile Antic, Obrad Staokovic, Srboljub Nikolic; Mile Mitic, buildingof

MEHANTZACTJA apartment of Stana Vujisic and Zoran Kostadinovic,
building of the Sports Center and restaurant within the center KUNJAK,
premises of FK MOFUVA, building of Eltktrodistribucija, apartments ofZoran Ml;~denovic,Sasa Djordjevic, Mile Ivanovic, Miodrag Marinkovic, Vujica
Stosic, Boris Stankovic, ~i I& Velickovic, Zoran ilic, Sladjana Velickovic,
Radajka Mihajlovic, Sladjilna Stojanovic, Edita Savic, Zoran Popovic, Bosko
Ristic, houses of Dragan ;~nd Blngoje Cvetkovic, Aieksandar Mladenovic,
Branko. Stujan and Radoje Stojanovic, Miroljub Micic, Dragan Nede[,jkovic,
Dragan Stojanovic, Djordje Dudukovic, Javorka Pavlovic, apartments of Mica

Zivkovic, Dragoljub Din~ic, Slavko Miljkovic, Djordje Dimitrijievic, Zoran
Antic, IvicaMarkovic, Ivan Ivanov, Ljubomir Jovanovic, Graclimir Rnndjelovic,
Slavka Velickovic, Dusana Stnjanovic, Stojan Cvetkovic, MilicaCosic, Predrag
Petrovic, restaurant RW, car sevice SIWA, pharmacy of Zoran Nicic,
vulcanizer's shopof Dilsan Trajkovic,blacksmith's shop of Slobodnn Mi trovic,
shop of Ivan Miskovic, building ofJadranka Petkwic Jadranke and Snezana

Stankovic, house of Slanisa and Miodrag Cvetkovic, house of the grammar
school Jovan Skzrlic, business building 8. septernbar, OS"Sveti Saw", houses of
Ratko Ilic, Boguljub Petkovic, Zoran and Desimir Djordjevic, Jelica Novkovic,
Bora Veljkovic, Dragan Kadicevic, Desankn rind Sladjana Pesic, Slojan
Aritonovic, Sasa Mladenovic. Stana Stankovic, Dragoljub Petkovic, Radomir
and Miladill Djordjevic, Vladimir -lTr:ij?jkc,oran Savic, Milan Arizanovic,

Bcl~icaStanisavljevic, Rozidar Rakic,Zorica Mitic, Stanisa Mladenov,Kadomir
Jovanovic, Morncilo Stojiljkovic, Milica Velickovic, Branko Spasic, Cvetan
Nesic, Stojan Veljkovic, Radojica and Borivoje Jovanovic, RadosIav Nikolic,
Slanisa Stc?jiIjkovi, DragosIav Djelic, Petar Miljkovic, Jevrosima Aleksic,
Stanisa Stojanovic, Vladimir Stosic, Genadije Cvetkov, Ljubisa Ilic, Borisav
Milosavljevic, Dragija Djordjevic, Vladanka Ilic, Stojanka MihajIovic,Stojan

Radosavljevic, Stanisa Ilic, Dobrila Jovic, Hranislav Stankavic,MihajIo and
Miodrag Stojnnovic, Zoran Stamenkovic, Drakce Stanojevic, Svctjslav
Stankuvic, Oanijela Golubovic, Branko Rancelovic, Stojan Stojkovic, Dusan and
Gradimir Mladenovic, Dragan Milosavljevic, Bozidar Stojanovic, Ljubisa
Stanojevic, Dragoljub Iljordjevic, Buzidar Stankovie, Milivoje Nikoiic, Sladjana
Novkovic, Vujica Stancic. Dragan Djordjcvic, Radivoje: .lankovic, Sfamen

Petrovic, Stnnisa Markovic, Pavle Stanisavljevic, Strajinka Stojadinovic,
Miroljub Savic, Vlada Micic, Vladimir Sokolovic, Miodrag Djokic, Gradinlir
Stankovic, Radosava Stojanovic, Dragan Miljkovic, Stojan Mi trovic,Dragan,
Dragan and Ljubonlir Djokic,Dobrivoje Grujic, Mjlivoje Randjelovic, Draga
Radivojevic, Dragisa Misic, Dobrosav Stanojevic, Petronije Ilic, Zlatko
Djordjevic, Dohrivoje Ristic, Stojan Miladinovic, Anka Peovic, Stojan

Mladenovic, Branko Nikolic, Ruska Djordjevic, Gradimir Ristic, Rista Mikic,
Svetislav Stevanovic, Milorad Milosevic, Ljubisav Dimitrijevic, Rade and
Svetozar Slojanovic, Slobodan Ljotic, Milena Kostic, Zlatko Mladenovic, Goran
Momcilovic, Ljubisa Cvetkovic, Milojka Markovic, Dragan Ristic, Radoslav
Mladenovic, Dragoljub Veljkovic, Kade Novkovic, Stojan Petrovic, Miodrag
Kostic, Mile Slanojevic, Dobrivoje Uogdanovic, Rnden Sulev, Vladinlir Jovic,

Biljana Stankovic, Mirjana Filipovic, Milca. Mihajlov, Borisav Petrov, Mile
Ivanov, Stamen Mladenovic, Milovan Pesic, Dragan Petrovic, Vlasta Dimic, Bora Stevanavic, Stanjsa Ivilnovic, Alcksntldar Pelkovic, Zoran Stojkovic,

Dobrivoje Zlatanovic, Vladimir Stojanovic, Aleksandar Djokjc, Dragan
Vcljkovic, Novica Pejkovic, Aleksandar Ilic, Dragoljub Kistic, Bora Kostic,
I Miomir R:unoic, Stojadinka Zlatanoviu, Desirnir Ilic, Momcilo Jovic, Zoran
Dirnic, Rorisav Ilic, Vlada Brankovic, Jovica Stcljiljkovic,Sladjana Mladenovic,
Branko Stojkovic, Ceda Ristic, business premises ofS~djanAndjelkuvic, houses
of Darirrka Ristic, Ljiljana Jovanovic, Radn~ila Prodnnov, premises of

Beogradska banka, house of Aleksandar Mitic, sllop Bratas of Zoran Tasic,
house of Snezana and Mirjana Zdravkovic, shop Fotoluks, house and business
premises of Miodrag Andrejevic, shop 1. maj Pirot, houscs of Tihornir
Mihajlovic, Zoran Tasic, Prodrag and Slojrnir Kostic, Bosko Antic, shop
Kostana promet Vranje, shop PK Delises, house of Branko shop Bosko

Tasic, building of Dragan Nedeljkovic, billiards club of St:unis;l Petrovie,
building of objektu Stanisa Velickovic, building of Srboljub Stankovic, building
of Milovan Djoric, Slavoljub Pavlovic,DragoIjub Petkuvic, Zarko Stosic, Stojmir
' Markovic, Dragan Stavat~ovic,Novica Nikolic, Milorad Antic, Sotir Stnnkovic,
Caslav Radic, building of Rudimirka Dirnitrijevic, house of Stojan Srojiljkovic,
houses of Dragan Nedeljkwic and Dragatz Ristic, building of Sveta Djikic,

houses of Zoran Dragutinovic, Sima Ztatanovic, Bora Novkovic, Djordje
Trajkuvic, Vukosava Jovic, Jovic;~Delirnir, building or Gordan;~ Djordjevic,
apartment of Laza Stujakovic, billiards club ofDejan Jovanovic, shops of PK
Delises, premises of the informatiun center Vladicin Han, reslaurilnz Soko,
public enterpriseSloga, buildingof Snezana Novkovic, apartment of Dragornir
Djordjevic, house of Zontn Popovic, buffet Plavi Jiidrnn, cafe Bonus, shop of

Snezana Manasijev, shop of Srbobran Dragic, shops 7. jul, Elektron, Vlajna,
Bratas, library, centerfor elderly people, building af hunlers club, house of
Vuko~ava Savic, building of oljektn Ivan Tomica, buffet Lov;lc, builcling of
Zoran Jovanovic, house of Miroslav Trajkovic, buildings of the magistrate,
Telekom, apartn~enr uf Bratislav Milenkovic, Kadunka Stankovic, Blagomir
Stosic, Mika Stojanovic, Zoran Popovic, shop of Silvana Mil~ajl(wic,restaurant

Plavi Jadran, post office, apartments of Mile Ristic, Stojan Djordjevic, Ivan
Cvetkovic, Dobrusav Dragic, Ljubica Stanisavljevic, Slobodan and Net~ojsa
Antic, Ljjubinkti Djjordjevic, Stojan Savic, Milunka Stevanovic, Dragornir
Djordjevic, insurance Dunav, apartment of Stanko Jankovic, Zagorka
Mladenovic, Srccko Zivkovic, Miodrag and Miruna Radusinovic, Stojadin
Cakic, Dragoljub Popovic, Milovan Savic, Mladen Tornic, Ljubica Pavluvic,

building of the hotel Turist, houses of Slavko Petrovic, Mirjana and Miodrag
Djordjevic, Srboljub Cvetkovic, Stanisa Jovanovic, Stujan Bogdanovic, Ida
Kamberovic, Dobrivoje Tvanovic, Zoran Ilic, Dobtila Stankovic, building of
Caslav Radic, houses of Bozidar Stamenkovic, Caslav, Zorana and Nikodije
Radic, Stanimir Stankovic, Stanisa and Ruska Ristic, Dejanka Tasic, Milana

Jovanovic, Stojanka Ristic, Miodrag Arandjelovic, Trifun and Stanisa
Radovanovic, Vladinlir Stankovic, Llubisa Tornic, Slavko, Milica and Dragutin
Dinic, Aleksandar Mladenovic, Trajko Mihajlovic, Radmila Dincic, Dragan Nastic, Borivoje Milenkovic, Rade and Tomislav Mladenovic, Bora Dimitrijevic,

Miodrag Djordjevic, Stojan Milenkovic, Slobodan Jovanovic, Zarija Petrovic,
Gradimir Jovic, Zoran Milosavljevic, Bozidar Milenkovic, Stanisa Mircic, Dara
Marinkovic, Radomir and Milivoje Andrejevic, Stanoje Dimitrijevic, Milivoje
Stankovic, Aleksnndar Stosic, Borivoje Jankovic, Stanoje Trajkovic, Stanisa Ilic,
SIobodan Krstic, Aca Djordjevic, Zika Arsic, Aleksandar Nastic, Dusan
Petrovic, Radovan Jovanovic, Bogoljub and Dragisa Stankovic, Trajko Ristic,

Budimir Zdravkovic, Zoran, Miodrag and Cedomir Stosic, Sreten and Stojan
Trajkovic, Milan and Bora, Milorad Stankovic, Zlatko Djokic, Zoran and
Stanko Djordjevic, Caslav Stanojevic, Mane Stosic, Mane Pesic, Ljubomis and
Bora Stojkovic, Cedomir and Slobodanka Kostic, Vera, Ljubica, Nikosava and
SIobodanka Aleksic, Radoje Radojevic, Vladimir Brankovic, warehouse PK
"Delises", house of Dobrica Atanaskovic, houses of Randjel and Dragica

Velickovic, Vera Nikolic, center for single persons, houses of Bogoljub
Velickovic, Nikola Ivanovic, Bozidar Jovanovic, Jelena Stefanovic, Miroljub and
Caslav Markovic, building of Milivoje Jovanovic, house of Predrag Kostic,
Mamcilo Milosavljevic, Vojislav Stankovic, Zosan Mitrov, Dragana Ceranic,
Novica Najdanovic, Milorad Andjelkovic, Divna Veselinovic, Stojmir and
Miroslavka Kostic, Petka Radic, Smitja Nikolic, Jela Jovanovic, Zarije

Cvetkovic, Zorica and Nadezda Dragutinovic, Zoran Dragutinovic, Stojan
' Aleksic, Dragan Filipovic, Vukica Jakovljevic, Dobrila KapeIac, Leposava and
LjiljaDjordjevic, Dragisa Stujanovic, Srboljub Ilic, Slavoljub Jankovic, Gradimir
Siankovic, Radmila Popuvic, Jovan Stojanovic, building of OUP Vladicin Han,
building of the nursery house Pcelica, OS Branko Radicevic house ofMiodrag

Petkovic, Stanisa Gavrilovic, Stamen and Miloje Petrovic, Jovica Lazarevic,
Predrag Pesic, building of Zarija Stosic, houses of Milan Milosevic, Anastas
Djordjevic, Miodrag Mitic, Djura Nikolic, Ljubisa Mladenovic, Marija Ilic,
Predrag Mitrovic, Petar Spasic, Mile Nikolic, Stanisa Arsic, Ivan Dimov,
Stanislav Stankovic, Drapan Djordjevic, Stojan Cvekovic, Dobrivoje Ristic,
Stojan Dejkovic, Hanuma and Dragutin Ristic, Stojadin and Ikonija Krstic,
Zvonimir Stoilkovic, Zoran Kistic, Slavko Andjelkovic, Yelicko Stosic, Zika

Stanisavljevic,Dragan Perkovic, Caslav Brankovic, Dobrica Stankovic, Zora
Djordjevic, Bozidar Petkovic, Slavica Mladenovic, Jovica Velickovic, Branislav
Jwanovic, Branka Djahc, Perica Cvetkovic, Miodrag Rulic, Slobodan
Stankovic, Dragan Trajkovic, Zagorka Ancic, Voja Markovic, Bora Dimitrijevic,
Dragan Cvetkovic, Perica Jovanovic, Velika Tasic, Miodrag and Olga Dodic,
apartmentsof Borivoje Stankovic, Stojanka Lazic, Momir Labudovic, Miroslava

Mihajlovic, Blagoje Marinkovic, Novica Antic, Miodrag Mladenovic, Momir
Novkovic, Zoran Djordjevic, Miodrag Nastic, Vujica Vuckovic, MiIovan Vujisic,
Vojislav Stosic, buildinof Narodna bankaJugoslavije, apartments of Ljubinka
Jovanovic, \Svetozar Stojiljkovic, Marija Tasic, Pera Stojkovic, Milanka
Simonovic, Milka Dragic, Ljiljana Jovic, Zorica Petkovic, Stanisa Stojanovic,
Svetlana Stojiljkovic, Jovica Petrovic, Djordje Smiljkovic, Cedomir Stojkovic,

Tomislav Stevanovic, Kruna Milosavljevic, Dobrivoje Savic, Cedomir Stankovic,and Ljubisa Stankovic, Novica Mihajlovic, Zivorad Stefanovic, Kruna Stojkovic,
Dragan and Zoran Mladenovic, Dragan Pesic, Zoran Stojanovic, Miladin Savic,
Djordje and Bora Cvetkovic, Gradimir Lazarevic, Srecko Milosavljevic, Bora
Grujic, Stojan Stankovic,Gradimir Kostic, Stamen and Cedomir Kostadinovic,
Srba Cvetkovic,Dragan Stojanovic, Radosav Novkovic, Slobodan and Dobrivoje
Stojiljkovic, Bora and Vladirnir Stevanovic, Milorad and MIaden Djordjevic,

Jelka Todorovic, Nenad Petrovic, Kostadirr Stosic, Dragan NedeljkovicZoran
Cvetkovic,Dragan Stojanovic, Bora Stcvanovic, MilivojeJanjic, Alksandar Mitic,
Radojica Cvetkovic, Arsic, Stankovic Milorada, Novkovic Zlatka, Marinkovic
Vladimira, Milenkovic Gorani!, Stojkovic Ljubise iSlobodana, Djjoka, Zorke,
Bora and Slanojka Nikolic, Stojan Cvetkovic, Miodrag Stankovic, Zoran
Radovanovic, Uros Krxtic,Dragan Aleksandrovic, Ruska Stosic, Miloje Zivkovic,
JeIka Nikolic, Dragan Stosic, Dragoljub Stojiljkovic, Dragoljub and Verica

Milovanovic, Bozidar, Mileva and Radosav Ristic, Dusan Ivanovic, Vladimirka
Stanimirovic, Ljubisa Vladirnirovic, Slobodan Antic, Stojanka and Ljubinka
Stojkovic, Zika and Aleksandar Petrovic, Momcilo Krstic, Kole Todorovic,
BranislavSavic, Dragan Petrovic, Miroslav Jovic, Vojislav Mitic, Dragisa Krstic,
Boridar Andjelkovic, Milan Todorovic, Miletije Arsic, Aleksandar Stojkovic,
Stojan Mladenovic, Srba Stojanovic, Tihomir and Tomislav Stankovic, Zarije

Kostadinovic, Stevan Pelrovic, Zoran Nikolic, Slavko Marinkovic, Stana
Stevanovic, Zoran Djordjevic, Stanisa Stojanovic, Stanisa MilovanovicGoran
and Sladjan Stosic, Slobodan Antic, Zoran Ristic, Slobodan Jovanovic, PavIe
Pesic, Branko Stojanovic, the premises of the fire station and JKP Vodovod. May 31, 1999in morning hours between 7.00 am and 7.30 am in
the attack of thNATO aviation on the northeast part of the town Vranje Mane
Andjelkovic from Vranje was killed, and hiswife Mira Andjelkovic was severely
injured. The dt~mageoccurred on the barracks Sima Pogacarevic and private
premises property of Mane and Mata Andjelkovic, Mica Pcsic,Aleksandar,
Dragan, Jovica and Vasilije Ostojic, Petar and Dragan Pesic, Miodrag
Simonovic, Svetozar Kanacki, Slobodan and Srboljub Savic, Stojan Andjelkovic,

Zoran and Stobodan Stankovic, SIavko and Verica Milosavljevic. On May 31, 1999 in early morning hours in the village Gornji
Neradovac municipality of Vranje in the attacof theNATO aviation Leposava
Risticfrom Gornji Nerndovacwas killed bythecassettebombs. On May 31, 1999 the last attacwas made of theNATO aviation on
TV transmitter Cnreni Cot onFruska Gora that was previously hit three time as
of April 5, 1999, that caused considerable damage of the transmitter with
devices and equipment and disabled it for the further use. On May,31 1999 in the period from1225 pm to1235 pm the NATO
aviation hit wit5 projectiles Ihe planof the public enterprise Elektroistoin
the bulevard Veljka Vlahovica in Nis, and on that occasion the plant220fand
400 KVwere destroyed, fire was caused and it made damage on the command
building and hangar. May 31,1999 at12:20am one projectileofthe NATO aviation hit the
villageKrernna inthearea of Donji Jankovicithat caused the damage on the houses
owned byTihomir, Dragan, Ljubomir, Miljko,Milos,Antonije and IlijaJankovic.

1.1.68,June 1. 1899 On June 1, 1999oil stotage tanks RM 2, RM 5, R 22,R 23, R 24 an R

26 were damaged by the NATO bombs and the external insulation of NIS
Jugopetrol in Smederevo was torn oft Also in this attack the supporting beam
wascracked in the administrative building, all glass surfaceswere cracked on the
buildings on this location and the bus type SANOS BR 108-183 was severely
damaged. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia TI p.538) On May 28, 1989 around 3.30 am and June 1,1999 around 9.45 pm in
Obrenovac in the attack of the NATO aviation the damage occurred on the
houses in 141, 149, 147, 153, 112100d,255 Dragana Markovica St. property of
Milan Joksic and Dragan Joksic, Stevan Gajic, LjiIjana Radonjic, Predrag
Radonjic, Svetovid MIlj kovic, Zivan Markovic, Slavko Brankovic, Zivislav

Djuric, Milovan Indjic and Branka Asanja, in the field in bb, Dragana
Markovica St. property of Baca Pavlovic, hot water pipeline and electrical
network in length of around 200 m in bb, Dragana Markovica St., property of
Elekrodistribucija Obrenovac. On June 1,1999 around 12.30 pm in the attackof the NATO aviation

on Beli Potok the damage was made on the apartment building Kolonija ir 81,
Avalska St.,propertyof the enterprise Srbijasume. On June 1, 1999 in the attack of the NATO aviation on Decani the
damage was made on the factory Jastrebacand the plant of Crvena zastava
which were damaged and on this occasion one,projectile damaged the primary

school inthe village Bistrazin. On June 1, 1999 in afternoon hours in the area ofthe town Ruma in
the area of Radnicki Spic the NATO aviation hit with several rockets and bombs
the antenna pole of Radio Srem - Ruma that caused great damage of the
antenna pole with all devices and apartment part. On May 15, 1989at 10.40prnand June 1, 1999 around 12.40 pm in the
attacksof the NATO aviation the main transformer station of the enterprise Sartid
in the villageRadinac was severelydamaged at first, so as the transformer pofnt
110 KV and three transformers were destroyed, and the buildingof compensator

of 6 KV was considerably damaged and the buildingof the plantof 35 KV, and in
the second attack this transformer statiwas entirelydestroyed.Bomb fragment
and air strike made damage on other buildings of the enterprise Sartid as well, the
fire station and tower, workshops, main warehouse, administrative building,
buildingsof the still mill and the dining hall, the administrabuilding of the
rolling milin form of all the glasses being broken. During attack thebuilding

in 51Proleterska St, in whicwas the cafe Ivproperty of Dragan Djurdjevic from Smederavo, and the cartype "Zaslava 128"property of Dragana Ognjenovicfrom
Smederevo was damaged. MiIanOgnjenovic, Anita Anic, SlavicaPunjosic, Igor
Ognjenovic,Danica Cvejic,and her children- son Dragan and daughter Dragana,
Jovan Kordic and Radisa Petrovic gotminor injuries. Onthesame occasion the
damage was made on the craft's shop Filija property ofMiIan Ognjenoica,

business premises of Podunavlje promet Smederevo, property of Ivan and
SvetomirNikolica and the buildingofthe fire station.

1.1.69.June 2, 1999 June 2,1999by NATO flyover on the Belgrade - Nis highway,the
area of the village Orasje, which collapsed on the Belgrad- V. Plana railway
tracks was demolished by the NATO bombs. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia I1p. 416) June 2,1999 the bridge over the river Jasenica on the Belgrade -Nis
highway, near V, f lana was damaged by the NATO bombs. On this occasion
considerable damage was made on the apartment buildings of the following
owners: Slobodan Antonijevic, 42, Sumadijska St.Jovan Cupic, bb, Nemanjina
St.,Svetomir Mircic, bb, Nemanjina St., Zivomir Milosevic,73,Nemanjina St.,
Milorad Zivkovic, 21,Sumadijska St., Dragoslav Lukic, bb, Sumadijska St.,

Ljuhomir Pantic, 78, Sumadijska St., JovanGajic, 57,Sumadijska St., Dobrica
Milojkovic, 96, Sumadijska St., Sasa Djordjcvic106, Sumadijska St., Milanko
Sulkic, bb, Sumadijska St., Ljubisa Ujdilovic, bb, Sumadijska St., Dragan
Stojilovic, 120,Sumadijska St.; Ljubica Zivanovic, bb, Surnadijska St., Andjelko
Savic,bb, Sumadijska St., Borivoje Lazic, 12Sumadijska St., Slobodan Nikolic,
130, Sumadijska St., Pantelija Pavkovic 138, Sumadijska St., Dragica Ivkovic,
130, Surnadijska St., Radoje Zivanovic, 115, Sumadijska St., Zorka Milenkovic,

bb Surnadijska St., all from VelikOrasje, Zvonko Stojiljkovic, Roksanda and
Dusanka Mihajlovic, Milivojeand Svetlana Ilic all from the vilKrusevo, 0,s.
"Milos M1trovicUand shop INEX vele promet in the villlageKrusevo, Zlatko
Colakovic, Ljubodrag Tirnanic and Nebojsa Savic all from Kmnjevo.(Annex,
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia I1 p. 417)

- Several times on April 6, 1999 around 4.35 am, on April 22, 1999
around 11.06pm, on May30,1999 around 1.05 pm and on the same day around
1.10 prnand June 2, 1999 around 11.20am with several projectiles the attack
was made on the relay -transmitter ofRTS on Crni Vrh near Jagodina and on
than occasion great material damage was made, and the private building,
property of Radoslava Mijajlovic,was demolished aswell asbeech wood in the

area of the village Misevici,and in the last attackthe antenna pole on the
transmitter was demolished. June 2, 1999 with two projectiles of great destructive power the
NATO aviation attack was made inthe area of Podnemici Kota in the village
Donja Bukovica, municipality ofDugolija and on that occasion theTV repeater

Nemic Kamen with complete installatiowas destroyed. On May 19, and 23,and June 2, 1999 the NATO aviation hit with
several rockets the areofthe village Vrdnik,and the complex of the monastery
Ravanica in Vrdnik that is the cultural monument was hit and damaged. Also
the weekend houses in the areaZa kulom and Dobocas i.e. the weekend houses

ofVeljko Popovic and Petar Pavlovic,weekend houses nos. 79,61,81,82,87 i80
of the unknown owners were damaged by the drupped bombs, and in Vrdnjk
itself the houses property of Bora Sladojevic, Lazar BeliZlatornirPeric, Isa
Civric, Danilo and Jovan S!rehanjuk, Toma Petrus, Jovan Mtadenovic, Franc
Fedos, as well as the weekend houses of Milorad Obradovic, Milka Bursac,
Miroslava Maric, Rudolf Kerec and Bogdan Bursac all in the area of Ugore

Vrdnik were also damaged. On June 2, 1599in the attacofthe NATO aviation on the village Lipe
near Srnederevo one NATO projectile severely damaged the apartment building
of Zivorad Pavlovic from the villageLipe, in 9, Mose Yijade St. and on that
occasion Goran Pavlovic and Jelena Pavlovic were severely injured.

1.1.70.June 3,1999 On 3 June 1999 the,church of St. Petka in Drsnik was destroyed by
NATO bombs. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia 11317) June 3, 1999,at 7.25 pm, the RTS repeater in Kozji Do, Trgoviste
municipalitywastargeted byfour projectileOn that occasioRTS repeater facility
and aerial postere demolished. (Annex,NATO Crimes inYugoslavia i~p.447) On April 22,May 1, 11, 17,and 19, and June 3,1959 at 3.28pm, the

radio and television transmitter on GobeIja peak,Mt. Kopaonik, was hit and
toppled by ma projectiles. On that occasion the container with mobile
telephony equipment owned 'by Belgrade based company Mobtel was
demolished. (Anncx No. 145Zapisniko uvidjaju Opstinsksuda uRaskiKri. 62/9od
04.06.1999.godine, str. 406-408; Investigation KcpoRaska Municipal Coi~rt Kri.
62/99 dated 4 Junc 1999, pp. 450-452.Annex No. 146: Izvestaj okriminalisticko-

tehnlckom preglcdu lira rnestOdeljenja unutrasnjiposIova Raska UV 66/99 od
04.06.1999.godinc, str. CriminalInvestigatiand On-Site Inspection RepoRaska
Police DepartmentUV 66/99dared 4June1999,p.452.) On June 3, 1995, at 1.30 pm, three projectiles were fired on the RTS
repeater on Mt. Besna Kobila, Vranje municipality. On that occasion RTS

repeater facility andaerial post were destroyed. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia 11p. 453) On June 3, 1998, at 1.3pm, three projectiIewere firedon theRTS
repeater on Crni Vrh near Pirot (Annex,NATO Crimes inYugoslavia p.454) On June 3, 1999, at 12.1pm, NATO airplanes attacked the area of
Mt. Rudnikand destroyed with two projectiles thbuilding of TV Politikaand
the antenna pole of Mobtcl which was under construction. (Annex, NATO
Crimes inYugoslavia I1p.454) On June 3, 1899, at 1.40 pnl, theNATO aircraft, in the repeated
attack, targeted the already demulished RTS repeat'er in Gosen on Kozarica
hill,Dimitrovgrad municipality. Two projectiles completely destroyed the
Kozarica transformer station and cut off electrical cable duc(Annex,NATO
Crimes in YugoslaviaII p.456) OR June 3, 1999 the toppled antenna pole of the repeater of TV
Kraljevo in the village ofSirca, KraIjevo rnunicipaljly was destroyed by the
NATO bombs. (Annex, NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia II p.456) On June 3, 1999 around 4.00 am in the area of the village Ujez

municipality of Djakovica, thNATO aviation destroyed thebridgeon the Drim
river that connected travelling direction Djakov-cPrizren, and the building of
the motel Drim was destroyed, and the house of Miroslav Scekic was damaged,
as theywere near this place. June 3, 1999 around 6.30pm the NATO aviation madc damage
on the field property ofVojislav Cuparevic from the village D. Budriga with
several projectiles,nd on this occasion Stojanka Aksic was killed, and Stanisa
Petrovicwas severely injured. On June 3, 1939 the NATO aviation hit for the last time the

transmitter and repeater of RTS on Iriskivenac, was hit8 times,and it was the
target of the attacks as ofApril 21, 1999, and this transmitter was entirely
destroyed together with the installation and equipment, which caused
considerable material damage forRT Srbije, while the damagewas made on the
building of Workers' Center of Efektro Vojvvdine that ilocatednearby. In the period from May20, to June 3, 1999 the NATO aviation made
the attack with several projectiles and bombs on the middle wave transmitier of
RTS, thatis located some 5 km from the inhabitted place of Srbobran and on
that occasion the administrative building with equipment and plants,
accompanying buildings and three antenna poles were destroyed and
demolished that made greatmaterial damage for RT Srbije.

1.1-70.13. On June 3,1999 around 11.110am the NATO aviation made the attack
on the building of NAFTAGAS prometa lnstalacija - Conoplja on the local road
Conoplja - Kljajicevoand destroyed reservoirs no. 1 an8,and on that occasion
Ignjatije Koncalovic, who was on his field near the attacked buildings, was
severely injured getting life threating injuriehe died on June 27,1999. June 3,1999around 4.00 prnone projectileof theNATO aviation
damaged grass on the meadow, property of Vitomir Stanic in the village
Ljubanje part Staniciinthe municipalityof Uzice.

1.1.71.June 4, 1999 On 4, 1999 at 3.30 pm the NATO aviation bombed the village
Kremna the area of Vracarici. In this attack the fiof Despot Vracaric was

damaged, and fire was caused by the explosion and damaged the beech woods,

134prop&ty of the public enterprise Uzice. Also the damage was made on ihe
houses of Dragan and Miloje Vracaric, David and Manojlo Ruzic and Ljubinko

1.1.72.June 7,1999 June 7, 1999 the sheep and goat farm in the villageof Podgorac,
owned by Ekohrana from Boljevac was destroyed by ttze NATO bombs, and
three workers - Nebojsa Srbulovic, Milija Andrejevic and Slavka Trikanovic
were killed and seven buildings were demolished. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia ITp. 504) June 6, 1999from 1 1.30am to 11.40 am with 8projectiles and June
7, 1999 from around 4.25 pm to 4.35pm with 6projectiles the areof the village
Vinoraca near Jagodine was targeted and on that occasion 4persons got minor
injuries and the ~tparlrnenl buildings were damaged in the village Vinoraca,

property of Nebojsa Antic, Vladinrir Sankovicand Zivomir Vukasinwic, as well
the lowvoltage electricaletwork. the territory of the municipaliof Gornji Milanovac it1the period
from April 12to June 7, 1999 in 6 cases materiadamage was made by theeffect
of the NATO aviation projectiles i.e, on Apri12, 1999 on houses in the village

Vrncane, April 13,1598 on houses in the village Vranjane, April 21, 1999onthe
houses in the village Bogdanica, April 24, 1999 on the houses in the village '
Brezna, May7, 1999 on the houses in the villagSrezojevciand June 7,1898 on
the relayon Rudnik.
On April 14 1999 and june 7, 1999 the NATO aviation fired 19
projectiles in the areaofthe inhabited place Mrsac (Mrsac, Drakcici, Musina
reka, Samaila iVrdila),and on that occasionanumber of houseswith auxilliary
buildings, propertyof Milomir Lazovic,Branko Jovanovic, Miodrag Kovacevic
and Dusana Tocilovac, all from Mrsaca, Stojanka Boskovic, Mila Colovic,
Vlastirnir Rakic, MiIosav Milojevic, Milos Stojanovic, Mirko Ristovic,
Dragomir, Zivorad, Veroljub ad Milanko Vukomanovic, Radoslav Grujovic

and Milomir Jokovic, all from Musina reka, Goran Milosevic, Borislav Mandic,
Miloje, Milica, Ljubodrag, Milovan, Miljojko and Milorad Veskovic, Milsa
Nesovi? and Milutin Popadic, all from Drakcici,Nedeljko Mirkovic and Djurdje
Lukovic from Samaila, Radisa and Milan Antonijevic and Rogodarka Tocilovac,
also from Mrsac, Petar, Slavoljub and Branko Andjelkovic, Nadezda Rakic,
Zivojin Lukovic and Dobrivoja and Milan Radulovic, all from Vrdilo were

destroyed or considerably damaged. Inthe period from April 5, 1999 to June 6, 5999 twelve times with
255 various projectiles and bombs the NATO aviation made attacks on the
process plants and buildings ofNIS Rafinerija nafte Novi Sad,4, Put sajkaskog

odreda St.that destroyed or severelydamaged the process plants Goriva I i I1
and Uljare I i 11Energana, auxilliary plants, reservoirsspace and operatingpipelines, pontoon, the plants ofliquid gas, transformer station with electric
transformer, raw materials, propducts, semifinished and reproduction
material. AIso,at the same time, the buildingsof NIS Naftagas promet 2,Put
Sajkaskog odreda St. were severely damaged i.e. the warehouse with finished

products, warehouse and administrative building, reservoirs space with
pipeline system and pump stations, fuelings, pontoon, transformer station and
eleclric transformer.In the same period great material damage was made on
the buildings of NIS GAS working unit N-Sad, 3, Put Sajkaskog odreda St.,
because administrative buildings, processplants,reservoirs, pump compressor
station, technical building and boiler room, warehouse were destroyed or

severely damaged, while wave strike of projectiles and bombs caused great
material damage on the business premises of the damaged CentrosIavija
hladnjaca, private enterprises Kole, Monting and Invest inzinjering, and public
enterprises Auto Vnjvodina, Progres - representation Novi Sad, 4.septembar
and Stan progres. June 7,1999 the NATO aviation bombed the area of the inhabited
place Zarkovci in- the municipality of Rurna, and on that occasion in
Karadjordjeva St. considerable damage was made on several apartment
buildings locatedin that streetinnumbers 15,14, 19, 21,23 i13, of until now
unknown owners, and the projectiles damaged the Center for Culture in

1.1.73.June 8,1989 On 4April 1999, at 4.30am two projectiles hiRJ Energana within the
Oil Refinery in Pancevo. In this attack workers Dusk0 Bogosavljev, Mirko
Dmitrovie and Dejan Bojkovicwere killed, while Sladjan Perosevicwas seriously
injured. SrhisIav Lalic and Bosko Nesic from Pancevo got minor injuries and

buildings of Energana, Prerada -manipulacija and Proimodnja - Bitumen were
finally destroyed on April 12,13, 16,18, June 7, and 8, 1999.(Annex, NATO
Crimes in Yugoslavia I p.393) On 8 June 1999 at 12.15 am, during the air strike of the NATO
warplanes on Novi Sad one projectile hit Sangaj neighborhood. Milan Bajic

who was in front of his house, was killed in this attack, whit4people were
injured - Sulejman Dalip, Bajram Dalip, Mara Radisic and Pavle Uli.
Considerable material damage was made on allthe houses inVII i VI Sangaja
St. by the effect of the bombs wave strike. (Annex, NATO Crimes in
Yugoslavia 11 p.228) June 8,2995, around 12.30 pm in Novi Sad - in 102,VII Sangaj St.
the attack was made on the thermal power plant - hot water pipelineNovi Sad,
property of the damaged public enterprise Panonske elektrane, se as it was hit
by one warplane bomb, that exploded between the main plant and the
warehouse making great material damage. On June 8, 1999 around 12.10 pm in Krnjaca in the NATO aviation
attack the damage was made on the house in 23,Peke Tepavcevica St. property
of Cedomir Vlahwic. village Dubinje inthe municipality of Sjenicwas targeted by the

NATO aviationafterApril 6, alson May 11,1999, June 6,7, and 8,1999 andon
that occasion3 family houseswere destroyed, 3apartment buildings each with 4
apartments, 6stables, stores fodiaryproducts and administrativebuilding,and
on thatoccasion many cows and calveswere killed. In the period from March 24, to June 8, 1949 on the territory of

Sremski okrug the NATO aviation dropped great number of bombs and rockets,
and especially on thesouth slopes of Fruska Gora, where there isa big partof
the territorqr of Nacionalni park that is under special public protection, ao as
big woods complex and fields were destroyed and great damage was made on
the property of the enterprise Srbija sume, woods managed by Srernska
Mitrovica and the national parkFruska Gora.

1.1.74.June 9, 1999 9 June 1999,during the air strike on the Novi Sad oil refinery, oil
storage tanks and pipeline installationswere destroye(Annex, NATO Crimes
in YugoslaviaI1p. 541)


1.2. 1. Facts relatedtothe violationsofthe rules relative to the protection of
civilianpersons in international armed conflicts The violations of this group of provisions of the international
humanitarian law had terrible effects and repercussions,because they led to
massive lossof life among innocent civilians and other-unprotected persons who
had in no way taken part in the hostilities or contributed tmilitaryeffort of

the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. most drasticexample of such violations toot plaon April 14,1999,
betaeen 1.30 pm and 3.30 pm, on the Djakovica-Prizren road, between the
villages oMadanaj and Meja. A convoy of Albanian refugeesreturning to their
homes was hit three rimesin a missile attack. The first attaon the column,

which consisted of over 1,000 refugees,took place as the column was passing
through the village oMeja.The terrified people in the convoy sought sheltin
nearby houses, but NATO planes fired missiles at the verhouses where the
peoplewere hiding.The attackwas resumed when the column ofrefugees was on
the road between the villageof Meja and Bistrazin. A lractor pulling a trailer
fullofpeople was hit and completely destroyed, and severalpersons were killed.A tola1of 73 persons were killedand 36 injured in the attackson the column of

refugees on theDj;tkovica-Prizren road between 1.30 prnand 3.3Opmon April
14, 1999. The majority of the killed and injured persons were women, children,
and the old.' An almost identical attack took place on May 13, 1999,at 11.50 pm, on

the Prizren-Suva Keka road, near the vilbige of Korisa. Once again it was a
column of Albanian refugees returtling to theirhomes; and orzceagain the column
mostlyconsisted of women,children, and the old -between 500 and 600 people in
all. The outcome of the attackwas 48 refugees killed and60 seriously injured."

There is no doubt that these were directed, i.e.,deliberate, attacks on the
refugee columns. The attempts of NATO officialsto justifythese attacks as
'collateral' are uilacceptable and unconvincing. On the contraq, it is evident

that they were ruthless and indiscriminate acts, because it was quite easy to
identifythe cunvoys ascivilian oncs.
1.2-1.4. Apart from these, the most drastic examples, other civilian targetswere

attacked on a large number of occasions, which resulted in civilian casualties:
On March 25,1999, at 5.10 pm, between the villages ofBesnik and Njegws,near
Rozaje, SenadDacic was killed and two young men were injured when a cluster

bomb exploded. the missile attack on the villagof Grlic,near Danilovgrad, on March
26, 1999, at8-00 pm, a woman was injured. '

1.2-1.6. In the direct attack on the village ofNogovac on April 2, 1999,at 1.30
am, the vilhge was hit by three missiles; 11 persons were killed and 5 were
seriously injured.' Almost all of the casualties were ethnic Albanians. Inthe attack on the territory of the nlunicipality KursumIija on April
2, 1999, at 1.45 am, Vucina Stevanovic was killed and his brother Veroljuh was
seriously injuredin theirfamily house; both were civilians. In the bombing of the heating plant in New ~el~rade on April 4, 1999,
at 4.30 am, guard Slobadan Trisic was killed." In the two n~issileattacks on '~ranje on April 5: 1999, two missiles
exploded in the vicinityof the bus station, kiIling Miljca Grujifrom Vranje and

Goran Emif-rovicfrom Vranjska Banja, both of them civilians. one of the wurst attacks on the civilian population, in the centre of
Aleksinac, on April 5,1999, at 9.40 pm, 10 persons were killed,twelvesuffered

injuries dangerous to life,and 40 received minor injuries.'

3 Marc detailed data and ev~deticcctound in: NATOCRIMES inYugoslavia:Dncumentary
Evidcncc, 24 March-24Apr1999,Uelgradc, May1999,pp. 1-38,
NATO CRlMES 11YugoslaviaDocurnenrary Evidenc25April-lOJune1999,Vol. 11,Belgrade,
July1999,pp. 1-18,
5 NATO CRIMES, 24 March-25Apsrl1999,op.clt.pp.355-365.
"AT0 CRIMES, up.cit., p. 39..
Ibid,pp. 49- In the attack on the main post office building and the buildings
surrounding it in the centre of Pristina, carried outwith three missiles on April

7, 1999, at 12.40 am, four people were killed near the post office and an
unkilown number of them were buried under the rubble. Among thcrn were the
whole Gasi family:father Mesud, mother Diana, and the children, Dea, Rea and
Demis. Eight persons, all of them postal employees, suffered sevcre injuries,
and a large number of the citizensof Pristina asked for medical assistance on

account ofminor injuries." En the bombing of Cuprija on April 8, 1999, from 12.42am to 12.50
am, a woman, Zlatka Lukic, was killed, and three persons were .seriously

injured." In the course of the bombing of the Tvrnik sports and recreational
centre at the top of Mt. Zlatibor on April 8, 1999, at 4.10 am, three civilians
were killed."' On the night of April 10111, 1999, several dozen missiles were
fired in three assaults on the territory of the municipality of Kursumlija.
About 20 missiles of great destructive power hit the village of Merdare. The

village was also hit by 30 less destructive missiles and cluster bombs. Five
civilians were killed in the attack; Marija Tosovic, who was six months
pregnant at the time, suffered severe injuries, and two other women
received minor ones.'[ A passenger train was hit bytwo missileson the bridge at Grdelica on
the Nis-Skopje railroad on April 12, 1999, at 11.40 am. Twelve civilians were
killed in the attack, three are considered missing, and sixteen were injured.'? In the explosion of a cluster bomb in the village of Pavlovac, near
Vranje, on April 14, 1999,civilian Mijalko Trajkovic was killed and 12-year-old
Milica Stojanovic suffered death in the yard next to her house.'> One ofthe attacks theoutcome of which caused public disgust not only

in Yugoslavia, but abroad as well took place on April 17, 1999,at 9.30 pm. In the
air raid on Batajnica, Milica Rakic, a little girl born in 1996, was killed in the
bathroom of her parents' family house. In the same attack,Drazen Jankovic
from Batajnica suffered minor injuries.I4 In the bombing of downtown Nis on April 19, 1999, Milen Milojkovic
was killed in his h~use.''"

8 Ihidpp.130-135.
Ih~d,pp. 136-139.
loIbid, pp.411-414.
l4Ibid, pp. 152-163.
16lbrdpp.343-350. Inthe attack carried out on April 21, 1999on the Maja refugee camp
at Djakovica, where refugees from the Republic of Srpska were accornoda ted,
three persons were killed: Gordana Tlinic, Davor Ularevic, and Darko

Ularevic." In the attack on Surdulica on April 27, 1999, between 12.15am and
12,30 am, more than 20 civilianswere kilZedin their houses,flats,orshelters.'' One of the worst attacks during the war was carried out on April 23,
1999, at 2.20am, when the building of Radio Television Serbia in downtown
Belgrade was hit, ata time when regular broadcasting was going on. A total of

16 TV employees were killed (two of them were never found), three were
seriuusiy injured,and 13 received minor injuries. In the attack on Prizren carried out on April 28, 1999, four persons

were killed, and 20sr~fferedsevere injuries.In arepeated attack on May 1, 1999
on the Prizren suburb ofKula, seven civilianswere killedand 15 were seriously
injured. The same day, in the attack on the viIIage of Jablanica,near Prizren,
two persons were killed, and 16 were seriously injured. Most of the killed and
injured civilianswere ethnic AIbanian~.~' On April 30, 1999, at 2.30 am, two missiles hit Maksima Gorkog
Street,in the very centre of Belgrade. Forty-seven civilians were injured in the
attack.'' cenrre of the little town of Murino, the municipality of Plav, the
ntlrtllof Montenegro, was hit 011ApriI 30, 1999. The following civilians were
killed: Manojlo Komatina, Milka Kovacevic, and two little girls, Olivera
Maksimovic and Julijana Bruder. Four civilians received serious injuries and

four received minor ones. The bridge at the village of Luzani, on the Nis-Pristina road, was
bombed on May 1, 1999,at 1.40 pm. At that very moment, a bus fullof people

was on the bridge. Thirty-nine passengers were killed and 13 were severely
injured.21 In the attack on Srernska Mitrovica carried out on May 2, 1999,
Ljiljana Veliki was killed in her yard.?l Inthe bombing of the Pec-KuPa-Rozaje road on May3, 1999,between
11.45am and 1.30pm, with three cruise rnissiIes and large number bf duster
bombs, a bus of Djakovica-prevoz was hit. Seventeen passengers were killed and

44 suffered either severe or minor inj~ries.~

17 Ihidpp.170171
1sNATO CRIMES, op. at., Vol.pp.29-82.
19 Ibid, pp. 83-91.
20 Ibid, p100-09.
21 Ihidpp.341-34G.
23Ibld, pp.349-353. The civilian Detelinara housing estate of Novi Sad was bombed on
May 6, 1999, at 2.30pm. CiviliansMarija Kovac and Dragana Petrovic received
serious injuries,nd SlavicaJovanovic, Mladen Findzanavic, Nevenka Mitrovic,
Vinka Savanovic,and Drazen Boskovic suffered minor ones. same day, May 7, 1999,Nis and the nearby village of Medusevac
were-attacked on two occasions. In the first attack, between 2.55 am and 4.25
am, in the villageof Medosevac, civilians Dragisa Andjelkovic and his wife,

Sladjana, were seriously injured,while their daughter, Suzana, suffered minor
injuries. In the second attack, between 11.30 am and 11.40 am, two cluster
bombs fell in the very centre of Nis. Thirteen civilians were killed, including a

woman who was seven months pregnant;l8 persons were severely injured and 11
sustained minor injurie~.~ The ruthlessness with which NATO air strikeson Yugoslavia were
being carried out was demonstrated in the two attacks on the Embassy of the

People's Republic of China in Belgrade on May8, 1599, at 12.10 am and again
at 2.00 am. In these attacks, three Chinese citizens were killed, four were
seriouslyinjured, and tworeceived minor injurie~.~

1.2.1,32. Andjelko Nincic, a refugee accomodated at the Jugoslavija Hotel, was
killed inhis room in the bombing of the hotel. In the attack, one civilianwas
severely injured, and three, includina child, received minor injuries?" Cacak is one of the three towns in Serbia which were most heavily
bombed. In one of the bombings, carried outon May 10, 1999,at 3-10 pm, four
civilians were killed, anda large number of people suffered severe or minor
injuries." The same day, May10, 1499, a bypass road at Cacak was bombed. A
lorry was hit, andthe driver, Nasko Ristic,and his assistant,Milas Jovcic,were
killed." On May 11, 1999,Jagoda Mladenot~icfrom the village of Orljane, near

Doljevac, was killed when a missile exploded while she was working in a field." Nikolic was killedduring the bombing of the Jugopetrol
enterprise in Nison May 11, 1999."'

1.2.1,37. Two civilians were killed during the bombing, of the Jugopetrol oil
depot in Bor on May15,1999?'

z4 Ibidpp.115-121.
25 Ibid, pp. 122-136.
26 lhid, pp.543-551.
z7 Ibidpp.137-162.
a Ibld, p.365-366.
29 Ibidp. 163.
Xn Ibid, p. 516.
11 Ibidpp.517-532. Danijel Ivic, a thirteen-year-old boy, was seriously injured in the
explosion of a mine, partof a cluster bomb which had earlier been dropped near
hisvillage.The boy was injured in a field on May 16,1999, about 3.00pm, when
he was carrying water to his father, whowas working in another fieId.'l Inthe attack on Jasenica, near Valjevo,on May 18,1999,Milka Krunic
was killed andher son, Miroljub Krunic, was seriously injured.f3 The same day, May18,1999,a bridge inVladicin I-Ianwas bombed. In
the attack, civilian Milan Ignjatovic was killed."
1.2.1,41. In the altack on Gnjilane on May 19, 1999, the Binacka Morava and

the Mladost enterprises were hit, while five civilianswere killed.3s Among the most horrendous assauIts in the whole course of the
NATO air campaign were the two attacks on the Dubrava penal institution at

Istok,in Kosovo-Mctohija. The attacks took place on May 19 and 21,1999. The
assault was aimed at the people who were not given a chance to defend
themselves or find sheller because they were locked in their rooms in
accordance with the rules applying to serving n.sentence. The onIything they

could do was helplsssly watch death descending from the sky.In these attacks
there was the largest overall number of casualties inone place: 95inmates were
killed and 196were seriously injured.% In theattack on Sonlbor on May 21, 1999, two civilians losttheir lives

and several were seriously injured." In the attack on Djakovira on May 21, 1999, the house of Tbrahim
Djosi was hit and the owner killed init.'" In the altack on Sabac on May 25, 1989, at 1-05pm, civilian Zivorad
Nenadovic, born in 1930, was severely injured; shortly after heing taken to the
Medical Centre inSabac, he died. Apart from him, four civilians suffered minor
injuries."' In the attack on the spa at Novi Pazar, carried out on the same day,
May 25, 1999, Olga Barac and her two daughters, Milica and Dijana, were
gravely injured."" In the aerial attack on the villagof Radostc, near Orahovac, carried
out on May 26, 1999, at 8.30 am, the area between the railroad and the Beli
Drirn River was hit. Inthe attack, Kujtirn Kastrati andBeg Krasnici were killed,

32 Ibidpp.168-173.
l-btd, pp. 174-175.
34 Ib~d.pp.375-377.
35 Ibid, pp.484-490.

3h Ibid, pp. 319-326.
?7Ibid,pp. 191-193.
JVbid, p.194.
3Y Ibidp.195.
4UIbid,p.106.while Sukri Kastrati and Ismet Kastrati were severely injured. In the repeated
attack on the same area at 5 pm, Nikola Miljici was seriously injured in the
villageof Bardosane while he was looking fur his sheep. In the attack on the Cekavicki Bridge, near Lebane, Veselka Spasic
and Branka Stilnkovicwere ki1ledn4' In thebombing of the Ralja territory carried out on May 26, 1999,the
house of Vladimir Pavlovic was hit and destroyed. His children, Stefan and
Diijana, were killed, and he and his wife received serious injuries. In the same
attack, Biljann Momcilovic was killed and her mother, Ljubinka, was seriously
inj~red.~' '. Aleksinac was once again exposed to air attacks on May 28, 1999, at
12.30 pm. Of a tvtalof 14 missiles fired, seven hitthe centre of the town, and
one hit the territory of the municipality of Svrljig. At 12.40pm, ttze residential

buildings at 23-25 Niska Street were hit and totally destroyed; three civilians
were killedand fivewere severely inj~red."~ The villageof Camurlija, near Nis, was hit on May29, 1999.Among

others, the house of the Mancic family was hit, and Vukosava Mancic and her
husband, Dusan Mancic, were killed in it, while their grandchildren, Dejan and
Aleksandra, were gravely In the attack on Cuprija on May 29, 1999, more than 100 civilian
buildings were hit and about 20 persons were seriously injured.4' In the bombing of the CenovackiBridge, near Lebane,-ot~ May 29 and

30, 1999, Stanoje Stojrnenovic and his son Goran were killed, while his wife,
Jagoda, was severely injured.*' Carsin which was travelli~~ga group of journalists, ledby philosopher

and author Daniel Chiffers, were attacked on the Prizren-Brezovica road at 4.30
pm on May 30, 1999;driver Nebojsa Radojevic was killed, while Daniel Chiffers
and Eva Prentice received minor injuries:" partjcularly cruel and ruthless attack took place on May 30, 1999,

between 1.05 pm and 1.15 pm, when the bridge in the snlall tow11of Vanwin
was bombed. The attack was carried out un a religious holiday and a market day,
when a large number of people assemble near the bridge. That day there were
more than 2,000 people. Of these, nine were killed, twelve sustained grave
injuries and two sustained minor ones. Three persons are coilsidered missing.

41Ibid, pp. 196-197.
43Ibid,pp. 198-2131,
44Ibid, pp.201-205.
4fIhld, p.208.
48lbidp.393.Amongthose killed in thistragic event was the best young mathematician in
Yugoslavia, Sanja Milenkovic, born in 1983, a student of the Secondary School
of Mathematics inBelgrade." Ripanj, a suburb of Belgrade, was attacked on May 31, 1999. Several
civilian buildings were hit. Slavica Stojiljkovic was killed, wheras Javorina
Savovic and her son Boban were inj~red.~" The village of Drazevac, near Obrenwac, in the Greater Belgrade

area, was hit on the same day. Among others,the house of Vladimir Arsenijevic
was hit, where Jovanka Arsenijevic, born in 1923,was killed in the pantry." In the attack on Novi Pasar, on May 31, 1999, at 1.28am, the target

was the residential areaof the town. Among others, the building at 74 Stevana
Nemanje Street was hit. Eleven persons were killed, 12 were gravely injured,
and 11 received minor injurie~,'~

12.1.59. In the bombing of a farm in the viIlage of Podgorac, near Boljevac,
civiliansNebojsa Srbulovic,MilijaAndrejevic, and SlavkaTrikanovic were killed.s3 In one ofthe countless attacks on Novi sad, on June 8, 1999, at 12.15
pm, the housing estate of Sangaj was hit. In the attack,one civilian,Milan Bajic,

was killed, two civilians, one of whom was an eleven-year-old child, Halid Dalil,
suffered serious injuries, and seven civilians suffered minor ones." The above attacks violated one of the basic rules of the internationa1
humanitarian law - the rule of distinguishing between combatants and

noncombatants. It isone of the oldest customary rules, which served as a basis
for constituting a series of other rules, both cuxtomasy and conventional, of
permissible and impermissible attack bbjectives, admissible and inadmissible
acts in war,etc. It is beyond doubt that a11the persons exposed to attack in the
foregoing examples in this section fulfilled all the requirements necessary to be
considered as civilians in the lighof the above provisions. This means that they
enjoyed the right to protection against deIiberate attack, that is to say,
protection against the repercussions of hostilities. It isquite obvious that none

of the above-listed victims had been carrying out any activities contributing to
the military effort of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The assertions of NATO officials, made on a number of occasions
related to such 'results' of military action, that this was merely a matter of

'collateraI damage', cannot be considered asjustification. Itis fairly evident from
all of the above-listed examples that, with respect to these attacks, necessary

"9 Ibid, pp. 400-413.
5fllbid, p214-215.
51 Ibid,p216.
52 Ibidpp.217-227.
53 Ibtdpp.504-507.
54 Ibidp.228.precautionary measures had not been taken, i-e., those requiring that the nature
of the objective - whether it is a military or civilian one - be unquestionably
verified. These measures require that an attack be refrained from if itcodd
cause incidental loss ofcivilian life, injury to civiliadamage to civilian objects,

or a combination thereof, which would be excessivein relation tothe concrete, or
direct military advantage anticipated. Moreover, ifan already launched attack
could have such repercussions, there isthe obligation that it be cancelled?" It isparticularly impossible to speak about 'collateral damage' in the

case of the attack on the Radio Televisiun Serbia's building in Belgrade. The
building sustained a direct hit, which was very precise and undoubtedly
deliberate. Therefore, the only objective was to hit the building regardless of
possible and, unfortunately, actual casualties. In view of the foregoing, by attacking the civilian population from the
above-listed examples, the Respondents committed drastic violations of the
international humanitarian law relative to the protection of civilian population.

1.2.2. Facts related to the violations of the rules applying to the protection of
civilianobjects inarmed conflicts majority of the cases listed in the previous section, where civilians
were the victims,were caused precisely because ofindiscriminate NATO actions
and striking civilian objects. Apart from these, however, in a large number of
instances other civilian objects were hit and destroyed. In the already mentioned attack on the village of Nogovac in the
municipality of Orahovac, 15 family houses were damaged, together with the
farming machinery and equipment and the cars parked near the hou~e.~" Inthe village of Samokovo, the municipality of Kursumlija, on April 2,
1999, at 1.45 am, a missile fell five metres from the house of the Stevanovic
family. The family house and outbuildings were completely destroyed in the
explosion. Besides, windows were broken on the surrounding family houses.'' Inthe attack on Cacak carried out on April 4, 1998, the family house of
Mileva Kuveljic at 99 Ratka Mitrovica Street was completely destroyed. (As
mentioned, the owner, Mileva Kuveljic, was killedin the house.)'" In the attack on Vranjc on April 5, 1999, several residential buildings
were totally destroyed in the exclusively civilianpart ofthe town.s9 In the attack on April 5, 1999, at 9.40 pm, five missiles hit thecentre of
Aleksinac. Several residential buildings were destroyed, and a large number of

them were damaged. Also damaged were the business premises of the

55 Artlcl57of PrutocolI.
56 NATOCRIMES, 24March - 24April1999,op. cipp. 40-41.
57 Ibid, p43-44.
58 Ibidp.45.
59 Ibidpp.47-48.Agrokolonijal and the En~paenterprises, the ambulance, and a large number of
shops and cars. Damagewas also done to the road to the AIeksinac mines. None of
the listed objecthad served militarypurposesor contributed to militaryaction."' civilian objects were severely damaged in the attack on Sjenica

and the village ofDubinje, near Sjenica, on April 6, 1999, at 8.45 pm. Apart
from fan~iIyhouses, damage was done to the management building of the Pester
agricultural estate, ttre workers' rooms, and a number of the company's
auxilliarybuildings. Damage was also donc to several residential buildings wita
Iarge number of flats, as well as a large number of cars.The underground

telephone and power lines, the water supply installations, and a high-voltage
transmission line were cut off. 'The damage totally disrupted water supply and
telephone communication^.^' Inthe attack on Podgorica on ApriI6, 1999, at 9.00 am, the following
were hit: the Seismological Institutethe building ofan insurance company, and

a sportsshooting range. A fierce attack was carried out on the very centre of Pxistinon April 7,
1999,at 12.40 am. The mait1 post-olricebuilding and the surrounding residential
buiIdings were hit by three naissilesand completelydestroyed, Total damage was

also donc tothe buildings of tlre Republic Pension and I-IealtInsurance Fund,
as well as many worksl~opsand shops. Heavy damage was done to thefollowing
buildings in the centre of Pristina: the CentralBank of Yugoslavia; the United
Kosovska Bank; the seat of the earlier Provincial Assembly, which at the
mornelit of the attack was the seat of the Provisional Executive Council of
Kosovo-Metohija." It tsquite evident thataIIof then1were civilian buildings. In a similar attackon Cuprija on April 8, 1889, several blocks of flats
and family houses wcre cIesrroyedor In the attackon the village of Osecenica, the municipality of Mionica,
on ApriI 9,1999,14 Eanlilyhouses were damaged. . missileshit the villageof Priceviciin the attack carriedonuApril 9,
1999,at 1.00am. The familyhouse Radovan Zivkovic was destroyed,while tl~oseof
Mitic Zivkovic and Turnislav and Milosav Mirkovic were severely damaged. One

missilehit the forest of Tomislav Zivkoviand destroyed 1,009square meters of it. Several dozen powerful missiles were fired at the territory of the
municipality of Kursumlija on the night of April 10l11, 1999.About 20 missiles
of great destructive power hit the village of Merdare alone, as did 30 other

missiles and clusrer bombs. The bombs damaged a large number of family
houses, as well as the Prokuplje-Podujevo road and part of the Prokuplje-
Podujevo railr~ad.~"

60 Ibidpp.49-128.
61 Ibid, p. 129.
62 Ibidpp.130-135.
"3 b~d,pp. 135-139.
54 Ib~d,pp. 141- The vicinity of the village of Samailo, the municipality of Kraljevo,
was hit in the missile attack on April 11, 1999, at 4.00 am. Two gfarnily
houses were completely destroyed, while 20 were heavily damaged. Damage

was also donc to the Petar Nikolic Primary School aud several private
enterprises. One missile hit the village of Turekovac in the municipality of
Leskovac on April 11, 1999,at 4.30 am, and heavily damaged a large number of

private houses.'5 village of Pavlovac, near Vranje, was hit by cluster bombs in the
attack carried out on April 14, 1999. In the attack, damage was done to a

number of privatehouses (civilian Mijalko Tsajkovic and 12-year-old girl Miltica
Stojanovic were killed).~ In the attack on Subotica carried out on April 16, 1999, thc residential
part uf the town was hit. Several family houses in Ferenci Iboja Street were

destroyed or heavily damaged.67 In the attack on Batajnica on April 17, 1949, at 9.30 pm, the residential
building at 8 D.L. Rasa was hit (two-year-old girlMilica Rakidwas killed in it).
Apart from that, ten more houses were damaged in the explosionof the same In the aerial attack on the hill of Strazevica, the mbnicipality of
Rakovica, Belgrade, carried out on April 17,1999, at 10.30pm,in a part of the

Kijevo-Knezevac housing estate, two family houses were totally destroyed, and
25 were heavily damaged." In the attackon the town territory of Nis carried out on April 19, 1999,
a large number of family houses in Bukmirska Street were destroyed or heavily

damaged.7[' In the attack on thevillageof 13010vi ,ear Novi Pazar, carried out on
April 20, 1998, several family houscs were damaged. The outbuildings of the
village households were also hit, whereas a number of head of livestock were

killed." In the bombing of Djakovica carried out on April 21, 1999, the Maja
refugee camp, where some refugees from the Republic of Srpska were
accomodated, was attacked, and one of the buildings was almost totally

destroyed, while others were heavily damaged (three civilians were killed in the

65 Ibidpp.143-144.
66 Ibidpp.148-163.
67 lbidp.151.
68 lbid, pp. 152-157.
69 Ibidpp.164-165,
70 Ibidpp.166-168.
7' Ibidp.169.
'2 Ibidpp.170- In the attack on the little town of Surdulica, in the south of Serbia,
carried out on April 27, 1999, more than 59 family houses and blocks of flats
were totally destroyedor heavily damaged. Three streets in the residential part

of the town were hit.73 It must be pointed out that the houses were relatively
close to the army barracks. The barracks, however, was empty ,ecause it cannot
be expected from an even slightly organized armed force to await attacks in
barracks, especially since the attacks had already been continuing for a whole
month. Those who had ordered this cruel attack must have been aware of this.

For this reason,a professional and educated soldier could not have expected any
militar~radvantage from such a meaningless attack; it was, therefore,an attack
merely directed at inflicting suffering and destruction.

122.24. In the attacks on Prizren and the two nearby places, Jablanica and
Dragas, carried out in April 28 and May 1, 1999, more than 100 family houses
were destroyed or heavily damaged. A11'of them were the property of ethnic
Albanian~.'~ In the village of Gosici, near Podgorica, which was hit by a cluster
bomb inthe attack on April 28,1999, a number of private houses were damaged
and several head of livestock were killed.75 In the attack on Subutica on April 27, 1999,215 private houses were

damaged and two public enrerprises, Agrometal and vet far^.'^ The very centre of Belgrade, i.e., the old part of town, which is of
extraordinary architecturalvalue, was hit on April 30,1999,at 2.30.Two missiles
totally destroyed or heavily damaged several dozen family houses, a private

restamant, a number of workshops and services for the repair of cars and
household appliances, and several cars parked in the streetsand yards." In the bombing af Murino, near Plav, carried out on April 30, 1999,
several family houses in thevery centre of the town were destroyed or damaged.

f-2.2.29. The village of Vitanovac, near Kraljeva, was attacked on May 2, 1999.
damage was done to a number of buildings owned by Radovan Jovancevic, and
the house, barn and car of Tomislav Zar~anin.~~ In one ina seriesof attacks on Valjevo on May 2,1999, after midnight,
two residential buildings, one with 12 flatsand the other with four, at 5 and 15
Milorada Pavlovica housing estate were destr~yed.'~ Sad wasalso exposed to attacksseveraltimes.Inoneof them, on May
5, 1999,at 2.30 pm, civilianobjectswere hit in the Detelinara housing estateThe
missilesfired in the attack hit Djule Molnara Street, between two blocks of flats,

73 NATO CRIMES, Vol. [Iop.citpp. 19-82.
74 Ibid, pp.83-91.
75 lbidpp. 92-94.
76 Ibid, pp. 95-99.
77 Ibid, pp. 100-109.
78 Ibidp.111.
79 Ibidp.113.near the SvetozarMarkovic-TozaPrimary School. All the flats in thetwo buildings
were totallydestroyed and cannot be used or ~epaired;a partof the primary school
was heavilydamaged. Twentycarsparked in the street were also destr~yed.~ residential and industrial areas of Niswere bumbed on May7,1999, in
tworaids,between 2.55am and 425 am, by27missilesof great destructive power. In
the attacks, five housesin the village of Medosevac were totdly destroyed, and
severaldozen were heavilydamaged. The same area was bon~bedagain the same
day,between 11.30am and 11.40am, when two clustebombswere dropped. One of
them hit the PathologyWard ofthe NisClinicalcentre.The other hit theverycentre

of the town,near the Rector's Office at Nis Universityand the central marketplace,
by theNis Fortress. severabuildingswere destroyed or heavilydamaged."' the attack on Belgrade on May8,1999, the building of the Embassy
of the Republic of China, at 3 Tresnjin wet Street, washitand heavily damaged.

Damage was also done to the nearby buildings of Energoprojekt, the Stanislav
Binicki Music School, and four business units of Energoprojekt. In the same
attack,the whole carpool of the Embassyof the Republic of ChinaW8l In one of the many attacks on Cacak, on May 10, 1999, at 2.00 am,
almost all of Kulinovacko polje III Street was destroyed; a large number of

family houses were totally destroyed or heavily In a repeated attack on Murino, near Plav, on May 11, 1999, at 2.00
am, the houses of the families Grozdanovjc, Djordjevic, Zivaljevic, Katic,
Mijovic, Koranovic, and Lutovac were destroyed beyond repair. Serious damage
was also done to the buildings of the Petar dedovic Primary School and the

Cultural Centre. Murino and the surrounding area were left without water and
electricity, and the telephone and postal communications were cut off.@ Inthe villageofJasenica, near Valjevo, between 12.40pm and 2.50 pm
on May 18, 1999, the family house of Mile Krunic was hit (his wife, Milka
Krunic, was killed). The house and the outbuildings were totally destr~yed.~ of the most abominabIe attacks in the whole war,with very serious
repercussions, was carried out on she Dubrava penal institution at Istok, in
Kosovo-Metohija, in two raids, on May 19 and 21, 1999 (95 inmateswere killed
and 196 were seriously injured)." "is penal institutionis a completely civilian
one; there were no military units in itonly the guards, Not even among those
serving time were any members of the armed forces. the attack on Belgrade on May20, 1999, at 12.05am, when the Dr.
Dragisa Misovic Clinic and Hospital Centre, both heavy and light damage was
done to several housing and office buildings in the vicinity: the buildinof the

8) Ibidpp.116-117.
" Ibid, pp. 118-121.
82 Ibid,-pp. 122-136.
83 Ibid, pp. 137-162.
84 Ibid, p164107.
85 Ibid, pp. 174-190.
86 Ibid, pp.319-326.Yugoslav Archives, the Milosev konak rcstaurant, the residences of the
ambassadors of Sweden, Switzerland and Iraq, arid the Jugopetrol filling station. In the attack on Sombor, on May 21, 1999,more than 50 houses were
completely destroyed or damaged. Apart from residential buildings, a large
number of outbuildings were destroyed as well. Many domestic animals,
including pigs, pedigreedogs, and poultry, were killed in the attackVR' The village of Ralja, near Belgrade, was hit on May 26,1999, at 11.10
pm. In the attack the familyhouses of Vladimir Pavlovic and Dragutin Ivanovic
were lotally destroyednXH missileshjt the territory uf Aleksinaon May28,1999 at 12.30
pm; seven of them hit the centre of the town. Several dozen family housing units
were totallydemolished,while alargenumber of housessustained heavydamage.8y Novi Sad was also exposed to numerous fierceattacks. In one ofthem,
on May 29, 1999, the suburbs of Miseluk and Ribnjak were hit, and several
houses were destroyed in both."' In zhevillage of Camurlija, near Nis, inthe attack carried out on May
29, 1999,the family house of Dusan Mancic was destroyed:' in aseries offierceattackson Cuprija was carried outon May
29, 1999.11 eery centre of the town was hit. More than 100 buildings were
destroyed or damaged: family lzouses,flats, shops, outbuildings, etc.= In the attack an Kaska on May 30, 1999,four fanlily houses were
completely destroyed. Apart from that, heavy damage was done to the local
Orthodox cemetery, where 17 gravestones were completely destroyed, while all
the others were damaged."-' The outcome of the attack on Ripanj, near Belgrade, carricd out on
May 31, 1999,was the totally destroyed houses of Slavica Stojiljkovic (who was
killedin the attack) and Miroslav Sait~vic.~ In the attackon Novi Pazar on May 31,1999, at 1.28pm, 58flats intwo
housing blocks in Stevana Nernanje Street were destroyed or damaged. Besides,
10 family houses were completely destroyed, and more than 50 were damaged
beyond repair. Severe damage was also done to the buildings of the Bratstvo

Primasy School, the Medical centre, and the Jedinstvo'enterprise. Eleven cars
and a lorry, all parked in Stevana Nemanje Street, were destroyed or darnagednq'

87 Ibidpp 191-194.
8s Ibid, pp. 195-200.
BY Ibid, pp.201-205.
91 Ibtd,p. 207.
9 lbidp.208.
93 lbid, pp.209-213.
94 lbid,pp214-215.
95 Ibid, pp.217-227. Apart from the listed civilian objects of different kinds, large-scale
damage was done to various schools and other educational institutions in the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.'" In the city of Belgrade46 primary schools, 13secondary schools, and
four university buildingswere damaged -a total of63 educational institutions,
In Uorski District, Bor, five primary schools and one music school were

damaged -a total of 6 educational institutions. In Jablanicki District, Leskovac,
19 primary schools, nine secondary schools, two specialized schools, a
. university building, and one students' facility were damaged - a total of 32
I educational institutions. In Nisavski District, Nis? 10 primary schools, 10
secondary schools, three specialized schools, seven university buildings, and six

students' facilitiesere damaged - a total of 36 educational institutions. Tn
Pcinjski District,Vranje, 12 primary schools, eight secondary schocats,and one
university building were damaged - a total of 21 educatiotzal institutiuns. In
Raski District, Kraljevo, 10 primary schools, two secondary schools, and one
students' facility were damaged - a total of 13 educational institutions. In

Moravicki District, Cacak, nine primary schools and two secondary schools
were damaged - a total of 11 educational institutions. In Rasinski District,
Kruseva hree primary schools and two secondary schools were damaged - a
total of 5 educational institutions. In Branicevski District, Pozarevac, one
primary school and one secondary school were damaged - a total of 2

educational institutions. In Podunavski Districl, Smederevo, t\vo primary
schools and two secondary schools were damaged - a total of 4 educational
institutions.Jn Surnadijski District, Kragujevac, 11 primary schools, seven
secondary schools, one specialized school, two university buildings, and one
students' facilitywere damaged - a total of 22 educational institutions. In

Kolubarski District, Valjevo, sixprimary schools and two secondary schools
were damaged - a total of 8 educational institutions. In Macvanski District,
Sabac, one primary school was damaged. In Pomoravski Dislrict, Cuprija, two
primary schools, two seco~~dary schools, one specialized school, and a
gymnasium were damaged - a total of 6 educational institutions. FnT~plicki

District, Prokuplje, five primary schools, three secondary schools, and one
studetits' facility were damaged - a total of 9 educational institutions. In
Zajecarski District, Zajecar,one secondary school was damaged. In Zlatiborski
District, Uzice, four primary schools were damaged. In Juznobanatski District,
Novi Sad, 13 primary schools, seven secondary schools, five students' facilities,

one specialized school, and seven university buildings were damaged - a total
of 35 educational institutions. In Zapadnobacki District, sombor, seven
primary schools, one, secondary school, and one university building were
damaged - a total of 9 educational institutions. In Juznobanatski District,
Pancevo, two primary and two secondary schools were damaged - a total of 4

educational institutions.

96 NATO CRltMES,Documentary Evidence24 March- 24 Apr~l1999op.c~tpp.181-213.

1511.2.2.50. An especiallyobviousobjective oh NATO operations throughout the air
raids were the media, most notably the radio and television. Theattacksaimed at
buiIdings and studio equipment, but mostly on the transmission infrastructure: the

relaysand transmitters. The facilitieof the Radio Television Serbia (RTS)were
being destroyed, hut also thoseof local radio and television stations. Apart from
these objects, installations of othercivilianpublic services, such as those of
meteorological institulions, post offices, ewere being demolished. On April 5, 1999, at 10.30 pm, an Mt. Gucevo, the municipality of
Loznica, the relayof TV Loznica was destroyed; the relay had also been used by
the RTS channels One, Twoand Three. Apart from the relay, the installationof
the Hydtometeorological Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, were
destroyed." In the two attacks on April 516,1989, at 10.20 pm and 4.50 am, the
Crveni Cot RTS transmitter at the top of Mt. Fruska Gora was bombed and

completely destroyed.'"e RTS transmitter on Mt. Crni vrh, the municipalityof
Jagodina, was bombed on April 6, 1999.The building and the signal transmitting
system were destrt7yed.""In the attacon the peak ofthe mountain ofZlatibor, Mt.
Tornik, on April 8, 1999,one missile hit the relay, whicwas jointly usedby RTS
and FTT Telekom."'" MM Ttornik was hit again on April15,1999,when the family
house ofMitar Djurovic from the village ofJablanica was severely damaged. The

building and equipment ofthe relayon Mt. Goles, near Pristina, were destroyedin
the air Attack on April 9/10, 1999,and the retayin the plainof Gazimcstan, also
near Pristina,was destroyed in rhe attack of April 13, 1999.T'he Jugoslavija eath
satellite station Prilike, near Ivanjica,propertof SrbjjaPIT Telekom, used for
the transmission oftelevisionand telephone signals,was almost totallydestroyed,
including the satellite and aerial installations for receiving the signal from the
Europa satellite. The station maintained communications with Australia, Asia.

Afrika, North and South America, and Europe."" The Srbija BKTelekom relay on
the mountain of Jagodnja, at thepeak called Kula kosutnja stopa, at thvilIageof
hava, the municipality ofKrupanj, was hit by two missileson April 15,1999,at
1.10am. Twoplatforms with serial installations and twofloorsof thebuilding were
damaged, induding the relay equipment.'" On the same day, at 12.15 am, the
Ovcar TV transmitter on Mt. Ovcar, near Cacak, was hit. The transmitter was

heavilydamaged, as wasthe nearby building.The PTT Srbija relayon Mt. Cer was
hit onApril16,1999, at 2.15am. Several areas forthe transmissionof signalswere
damaged, aswell as the building and equipment. The transformer station was also
damaged, which caused a breakdown in the electricity supply. This relay was
bombed as amny assixtimes.'["

101Ibid, pp. -332.
104lbid, pp.333.33NATOCRIMES, Vol. 11,pp. 438-439. The Usce business centre in New Belgrade was hit in the rnissiIe attack
on april21,1999, at 3.15 am. The building housed the studios and equipment of
several television and radio stations (beside about twenty other business

companies and the seat ofthe Socialist Partyof Serbia).lL6 one of the countlessattacks on Belgradeon April 23,1999, at 2.20am,
the huiEdingof the Radio Television Serbia, situatein the verycentre of the city,
in Aberdareva Street, was hit.The central partof RTS was completely destroyed,

including allofthemost sophisticated TV broadcasting equipment. Apart from the
RTS building, heavydamage was alsocaused on the nearby building of theDusko
Radovicchildren's theatre, the administrativebuildingof the Palilula municipality,
the warehouse of the Progres enterprise, the vestibuleof the Russian Orthodox
church building,the church of St.Mark, and aIarge number of restaurants, shops,
and businesspremises in Bulevar revolucijeStreet."' RTS tra'nsmitter at lrisVenac was bombed on two occasions: on
April 27 and 28, 1999. the transmitterwas heavily damaged.'"' OR^ of the symbols of the cityof Belgrade, which was also part of the
cultural heritage, thTV tower on Mt. Avala, 326 metres high and unique in the
world because of its architectural designwas ruthlessly destroyed beyond repair
in the missile attack on April 29, 1999."'" The RTS studio in Novi Sad was attacked several times. The first was
carried out unMay4.1999, when the building and TV tower were incapacitated.
The same objectives were burnbed for the second time on May 13, 1999; for the
third time on May26, 1999; and forthe fourth and last time on May 29, 1998.""
The relay on the mountain of Rudnik, near Gornji Milanovac, was exposed to

NATO attackson two occasions: on May8,1999 and June3, 1999.In the attacks
the relay of TV Poliiika and the antenna mast of Mobtel, used for mobile
teiephony, were destroyed."" In the attack on Vrsacki breg, a hill overlooking
Vrsac, on May 11, 1999, at 10.25 pm, the riew RTS building and three antenna
masts were destroyed."' In the attack on May 19,1999, the RTS relay of Gobelja

un Mt. Kopaonik, near Kraljevo, was totally destroyed.The same objective was
bombed again on June 3, 1999,at 3.28pm. Itwas hit by two missiles. A container
with the telephone equipment of the Moblel company was also destroyed."? The
relay on the mountain ofBesna kobila, near Vranje, was hit on May 30, 1899,
and sustained large-scale damage. Ttwas the property of the RTS. The same
relay was also hiton June 3, at1.30pm.'" 3e relay on the hillof Kozarica,near

1" NATO CRIMES, 24 Match-24April 1999,upcirpp.336-342.

"'7NATO CRIMES, Vol. 1op.cit.,419,
10Ibid, p.424.
l['UIbidpp 426-429;433-43440-441,
Ibid, p430,454.
1" lbtd,pp437;448-452.Djmitrovgrad, was hit on the same day.The atitenria pool and the buiIding with
equipment were totally destroyed. This relay wasalsohit on another occasion:
on june 3, at 1.40 pm. Apart from the already damaged RTS equipment, this

time damage was also done to the Caribrud radio station.'I4 One more
transmission centre was destroyed on the same day, May 30, 1999. In the viIIage
of Stubline, near Obrcnovac, the short-wave radio centre of Radio Jugoslavija
was hit and totally destroyed, including thc two transmitters o100kV and 500
kV re~pectively."~Alsu on May 30, 1899, at 8.45 am, several missiles destroyed

the RTS transmitter in the village of Zvecka, near Qbrenovac. The transmitter
had been used byRadio Beograd's channels Two and Three. The building with a
parking garage and a spare part warehouse, as well as a few of the residential
buildings in the vicinitywere also destroyed."" Tt~e TV relay at the villageof
Kozji Do, the n~unicipalityof Ttgoviste, was hit and destroyed by four missiles

on June 3,1998,at 7.25
The RTS ?*V relay at Crnf Vrh, near Pirot, was, hit by three missiles and
damaged on June 3, 1999, at 1.30 pm and 2.00 pm. TV Kraljevo's relay in the
villageof Sikca was bombed and destroyed on June 3, 1599.11" Another group of civilian objects which were exposed to fierce
demolition and destruction without a nlilitarily justifiacause were the sports
and tourist premises and hotels.
At the already mcntioricd peak of the mountain ofZlatibor, Mt, Tornik, on May

8, 1999, the sports and recreational centre of the Cigora health was bombed.
The missile hit and totally destroyed the centre for the physical rehabilitation of
children, which covers the surface of 2,000 square meters. Apart from the
Centre, the skiing equipment renting unit and the medical unit, part of the
Centre, were also destroyed. (Three persons were killed in this raid.)''' In the

attack on the mountain of Kopaonik, tge best known and most developed
tourist centre inYugoslavia, carried oirton April 13, 1989, at 12.40 am, four
missiles rotally demulished the ~ackte HoteI, property of the Genex Hotels
from Belgrade. The hotel is situated in the so-called Sun Valley, on the territory
of the Kopaunik National Park. The hotel itself and the five Bacija pavillions

were conipletely destroyed. Shortly before the missile attack, mure than 100
cluster bombs were dropped outside the hotel. In the attackon the hotel,two
buses and a refrigelator lor~y were destruyed, whiIe damage was done to the
nearby Putnik Hotel.'" The Jugoslavija Hotel in New Belgrade was bombed on
two occasions: on May7,1999, at 11.50pm, and on May 8,1999, at1.50. Several

114Ibid, pp. 443-4441456.
115Ibid, p 44..
118Ibid, p. 456.
119NATOCRIMES, 24 March- 24April lBW, op. crt.,pp.411-414.
12iIbldp.414-416.missiles destroyed the central part of the building and started a fire, which
destroyed one part of the hotel's main entrance. Severalhotel rooms which had
been rented asbusiness offices, the banquet room, and others, were destroyed
or damaged. Damage was done to the 23 cars of the Hertz Rent-A-Car

company, as well as the 25 brand new Nissan vehicles parkcd in front of the
h~tel.'~'In the bombing of Prijepoljc on May 11, 1999, at about 12.40 am, the
sports stadium was destr~yed.':~ Among civilian objects, enterprises and other business itlstitutionby
all means sustained damage and destruction on the, largest scale. Due to their
destruction, hundreds of thousands of employees were rendered jobless and
brought to the brink of death.The Lola Utva factory in Panuevo was bombed
several times:on March 24, 1989, at9.00 pm, with four missiles; on March 27,

1999, at 8.05 pm, with one missile; and on March 29, at 8.30 pm, with one
missile. This factoqhad been making farming and sports aircraft. The factory's
production plan did not include the production of military materiele. In the
attacks the following plants were destroyed: the assembly and maintenance
plants with 17 sports aircraft; the assembly room with two sports aircraft, the

aircraft equipment plant, the aluminiun~ protection plant, the paint shop, the
water purification plant; and the plant for material preparation and cutting.
Other workshops and plants also sustained considerable damage.''-I'nthe attack
on March 26, 1999, at 8.40pm, the agricultural and processing complex of PIK
Mladost, Gnjilane, was bombed. The hangar and all the machinery init were hit

and consumed by fire. All the other plants in the vicinwere also damaged. In
the attack carried out on March 26, 1999, the Kusntet prevoz transportation
enterprise was hit.Several buses burnt down in a fire caused by the missile
explosion. One of the most oftcn bombed enterprises in the course of the air

raids on Yugoslavia was Sloboda, a factory forthe manufacture of household
appliances, in Cacak.'" It was firshit on March 28,'1999, at 4.43 am, then on
March 30, 1999, at 4.10 am, with several missiles. In thesetwo attacks, almost
total destructionwas effected on the prototype plant, containing a large number
of computers and a lot of equipment; the anti-corrosion plant with machinery;

the tool making and tool maintenance plant; and the pre-assembly plant.
Damage was also done to the warehouse for finished products, household
appliances, and semi-finished goods - household appliances (vacuum cleaners,
electric cookers, hair dryers, etc.), and the warehouse for steel. The
managenlent building was also destroyed. Sloboda was bombed again on April

4, 1989, at3.20am. with eight missilesas well as on April 6, 1999,at 11.00 pm.
In these attacks the plantfor the production of quartz electric heaters, whereas
three workers received injuries.The Nis tobacco factory was bombed on April 5,

121NATOCRIMES, Yol. 1pp.543-551.
Ihid, p351-353.
124Ibid, pp. 353-354.I
6999, at 3.35am. The storehouse of feremented tobacco, with over 800 tons of
fermented tobacco, was completely destroyed, as were many surrounding
buiIdings and other factor~rplants. Apart from the factory, damage was done to
the 15. maj school for mechanical technicians, the Faculty of Mechanical
I Engineering, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and a large number of

administrative huildings, shops and flats in the vicinity.'25The company of
Zastava Ltd in Kragujevac was bombed on April 8, 2999, at 1.29 am, Two
missiles hit and demolished [he Jugo car assembly line, while other plants were
severelydamaged. The paintshop, the forgingplant, and power supply unit were
hitby one missile each and destroyed. Total damage was alsodone to the plant
for theproduction of commercial,vehicles. The forceof the explosionsseriously

damaged 64 residential and other buildings, both public and private ones, in the
centre of the town and in the immediate vicinity of the company. Over 30,000
factory workers were rendered j~bless.'~Y~eeral enterprises in Pristina also
sustained vast damage."' On April 13, 1999, at 3.00 pm, missiles hit the bus
station inthe town centre and the Plastika factoq in the suburb oiKupusisre, as
well as the oil storage depot of the NIS Jugopetrol refinery. The holding

corporation of Krusik in Valjevo was exposed to a large number of bombing
raids: on April 14, 1999, at 5.30, was hit by two missiles; on April 17, 2999,at
2.10 am,, it was bombed again. In the attacks the following were hit:the factor),
for mounting machinery, the factory for the manufacture of textile processing
machinery, the battery factory, and the power supply unit. the factories were
- rendered useless. Apart from Ihiit. alargenumber of residential buildings and

private houses in Valjevo were hit, including the Dr. Misa Pantic Medical
Centre, the secondary school ofagriculture, the Jugopetrol gas filling station,
the train station building, and a large nunlber handiwork shops and grocery
shops. busjk was bombed nine On April 14, 1999, at 1.50 am, in the
centre of Pristina, the bus station was hit again, as was the Plastika factory. The
Magistrata road maintenance enterprise'was also hit and its machineq was
destroyed. The 14.oktobar factory in JSrusevacwas bombed on AprjI15, 1999,

from 5.00 am to 5.15 am. In the first attack the plants for the production of
mining equipment and machinery were hit, as well asthe support plants, cranes,
heating installations, etc. In the second attack the machinery and spare part
manufacturing plant was hit.All plants were rendered useless. In the attacks
some privately owned facilities in the town were hit, as well as the Centre for
Gerontology in the Bagdala housing estate.

In the Belgrade municipality of Rakovica, in the bombing carried out on April
15, 1999, at 1.30 am, a large nunlber of public and private production and
commercial facilitieswere either destroyed or damaged, including the socially
owned enterprises uf Jugostroj, Beogradske pekare, rekord, DMB, and Minel.

l?Vbid, pp. 369-376.
128Ibid. pp.378.3NA7'0CRIMES, YnI [I, pp.461-467,483Apart from these, damage was done to a large number of public, commercial,
and cultural facilitiethe monasteu of Rakovica, the Saints Bartholomew and
Barnabas church, the building of the municipality of Rakovica, the Culture and
Education Centre,the Beograd department store, the administrative building of
the Ministry of the Internal Affairs in Rakovicathe building of Telekom Srbija,
the Radoje Dakic school for mechanical technicians, the primaryschools of Tvo

Andric and France Presern, the pre-school child care institutions of Inorcic,
Hajdi, and Dimitrije Koturovic, the 21. maj Hotel, the Rakovica Health Care
Centre, and a large number of shops and blocks of flats. Inthe bombing of
Kragujevac on April 15, 1999, at 1.20 am, the very centre of the town was hit,
close tothe train and bus stationsDamage was done to the buildingof Zastava
transport ispedicijaand to several houses nearby. Inthe bombing of Niscarried

out on April 15, P$99 several missiles hit thcityofNis and its vicinityDamage
was done to a large number ofcivilian buildings, including the administrative
building of the sociaIly owned enterprise of Feroks, Papir semis, the socially
owned enterprise of Nada Tomic, the warehouse of Jagodinska pivara, and a
veterinary clinic.The Cacak based enterprises of Cer and Hidrogradnja were

bombed on May 10,1999, at3.10 am. Both enterprises sustained serious damage
and incapacitated for further production. Damage was also done to a large
number of other objects, both public and private ones.'7uThe rninining and
srneltering industrial basin of Bor was bombed on May 15, 1899. Several
buildings and plants werc rendered unfit for further production, and a large
number of them were damaged.'"' In the attackon Gnjilane carried out on May
19, 1999, among others, two enterprises were hit: the construction firm of

Binacka Morava and the agricultural and processing enterprise of Mladost. The
machinery workshop was hit in the former (Sabija Djijan and Dzevat Ademi
were killed), and the cafetteria in the latter (Vesna Cvetanovic, Gorica
Cuprijanovic and Djurdja Savic were killed).I3'In the attack on Sombor on May
21,1999, the shoeware iactory ofBorovo Boreli was hitand severely damaged."' From the listed examples of attacks, isquite evident that none of the
objects hit were military objects, nor were they, as civilian objects, used for
military purposes. This means that the attacks on these objects were contrary to
the rules of the international humanitarian law and therefore illegal. It is
particularly difficulto speak of schools and other educational institutions as
military objects. Moreover, educational institutions enjoy thsame protection as

cultural objects, and they must be considered as civilian objects. Also indicative
are the attackson TV relaysand TV and radio stations. According to no criterion
can the media, in thiscase the electronicones, be considered as military objects,
especially because no-one who is even alittle familiar with the miiitary doctrine
of war in contemporary circumstances would ever try to use them for military

1ZNATO CRIMES, Vol. 11,op. pp.468-478.
1" "id, pp.481-482.
132Ibid, p.471.purposes, because it isimply impossible, hearing in mind that they are public ,
media, whose informatiotl is accessible or meant ta be accessible to anyone. It is
hard to imagine a military commander who would issue orders or send messages
over the media. Besides, it should he poinied out that journaIists are protected as

well (this was dealt with in the part concerning the prorectionaf persons in war).
Therefore, the attacks on and the destruction of these objects couId have only
one aim: the infliction of indiscriminate massivelosses,suffering and destruction.
These attacks seriously viulated the international humanitarian law.

1,2.3. Facts related to thc violations of the rules applying to the protection of
civilian hospitals and other health care institutions Itisvery probable that there was no armed conflict in history in which,
in a period oi 78 days, somany health care instjtutjons were hit as inthe course
of thd.NATO atlacks on Yugoslavia. It is hard to find a single day of this war
when no health care institution was hit. Some of them were hit several times.
Besides, henlth care institutions were hit in almost all parts of Yugoslavia.'" All

this also proves the ruthless method of waging war which was appIied in the
attacks on Yugoslavia. In Raski District, kaljevo, the following health care institutions were
damaged: the Out-Patient Clinic at Studenica; the Out-Patient Clinic at Ladjevci;

the Out-Patient Clinic at Milocaj; the Health Care Ce~ltre at Raska; the Medical
Centre at Novi Pazar; Ihe Special Hospital fur'the Treatment of Muscular and
Neuromuscular Siseases, and the Out-Patient Clinic at Bogutovac of the Medical
Centre of Kraljevo. In NisavskiDistrict,Nis,the following health care institutions
were damaged: the Students' Medical Centre in Nis; the Me&d Centre in

Alehinac - almost totally destroyed; the Out-Patient Clinic of the Industrial
Employees' Medical Centre in NiS; the Out-Patient Clinic of the Tobacco
Factory in Nis; the Jastrebac Out-Patient Clinic; the Out-Patient Clinic at the
Faculty of Mechanical engineering; the Health Care Centre in Aleksinac -
destroyed in the bombing on the night of April 5/6, 1999. In Jablanicki district,
Leskovac, thc following health care institutions were damaged: the General

Hospital of the LRskovac Medical centre; the Institute for zhe Protection of
Health in Leskovac; the Leskovac Health Care Centre; the pharmacies of
Hipokrat, Centrals, and Sutjeska. Also in Leskovac, damagewas done to the
pharmaceutical factory. In Kosovski District, Pristina, the following health care
institutionswere damaged: the Out-Patient Clinic of the Health Fare Centre in

Prjstinn - the Dental Department; Pharmacy No. 1;Pharmacy No.3;the Dental
Clinicof of the Medical Centre; the Central Health Cate Centre; the 0"t-patient
Chic of the Pristina Health care Centre in the villageof Luzani, themunicipality
of Podujevo; the Out-Patient Clinic of the Pristina Health care Centre in thc
vitlage of Lepina, the rnunicipalityof Lipljan. In Moravicki Districl, Cacak, the

13WATO CRIMES, op.cit.1)ocurnentacvidcncc24 March- 24April1999,pp.174-180;NATO
CRIMES, VoI 11,pp. 22Q-2Y4.following health care institutions were damaged: the Health care Centre at
Lucani - the building can no longer be used; the Health Care Centre in Cacak;
the lvanjica Health care Centre - the Out-Patient Clinic at Medjurecje; the
Ivanjica Hcalth Care Centre - the Out-Patient Clinic at Prilike; the General
Hospital in Cacak; the Medical centre in Cacak.InKosovskopurnor~ivskiDistrict,

Gnjilane, serious damage was donc lo the Out-Patient Clinic in the village of
Vrbovac. In Gnjilatze, the pharnlaccutical factory was hitIn Pecki District. Pec,
the following health care institutions were damaged: the General Hospital and
the Health Care Centre in Djakovica. In Kosovskomitrovicki District, Kosovska
Mitrovica, the fullowinghcalth care institutions were damagcd: the Health Care

Centre in Kosovska Mitrovica the Health Care Centre inLeposavic; the Health
Care Centre in Vucitrn. In Zlatiborski District, Uzice, damage was done tothe
Institutefor the Thyroid Gland and Metabolism - the Tornik recreational centre.
In Juznobanatski District, Pancevo, the foilowing l~ealtltcare institutions were

damaged: the Juzni Banat Health Care Centre, Pancevo; the Dr. S. Bakalovic
Neuropsychiatric Clinic in Vrsac; the Juzni Banat Medical Cent re in Pancevi. in
Toplicki District, Prokuplje, the following health care institutions were damaged:
the Health Care Centre in Prokuplje; the Health Citre Centrc: in Kursurnlija,
which was damaged on several occasions: on March 24: ApriE 2, April 14, and
April 20; the Kursumlija Health Care Centre - the Out-Patient Clinic at

KursumEijska banja. In Pomoravski District, Cuprija, the following health care
institutions were damaged: the General Hospital in Cuprija and the Health Care
Centre in Cuprija. In Kolubarski District, Valjevo, the following health care
institutions were damaged: the General Hospital in Valjevo - on three occasions:
on April 20 and 21, and May 18;the Valjevo Medical Centre - the Out-Patient

Clinic atPricevici; the Valjevo Medical Centre - the administrative building and
the 1. maj Pharmacy.In Rasinski District, Gusevac, the pharmaceutical factoty
in Trstenik was damaged. In Sumadijski District, Kragujevac, damage was done
lo the Clinical and Hospital Centre, and the Health Care Centre in Kragujevac.
In Zapadnobacki District, Sombor, damage was done to the Apatin Health Care

Centre - the Out-Patient Clinic at Kupusina. In Pcinjski District, Vranje, the
folluxvinghealth care institutions were damaged: the Health Care Centre in
Vladicin Han; the Health Care Centre in Vranje and the General E-lospitalin
Vranje. In the city of Belgrade, the following health care institutions were
damaged: the Rakovica Health Care Centre - the Out-Patient Clinic at
Labudovo Brdo; the Rakovica Health Care Centre - the Out-Patient Clinic of

the DMB enterprise; the Zen~unHealth Care Centre - the Out-Paticnt Clinic of
the 13.jul enterprise; Dr Sima MiIosevic Health Care Centre; the Banovo Brdo
Health Care Centre - the Out-Patient Clinic at Zeleznik; the Rakovica Health
Care Centre - the Out-Patient Clinic in Kraljice Jelene Street; the Orthopedic

and Surgical Hospital of Banjica; theIr~stitute for Psychophysiological Disorders
and Pathology of Speech, the Clinic at Lipovica; the pharmacies LI FEruska Gora
in Zemun and Miljakovac; the SavskiVenac Health Care Centre; the School
Dispensery; the Out-Patient ClinicNo. 6 at 1Lopudska street; the StaroSajn~iste Pharmacy; the Darinka Radovic Pharrna~y at Sremcica; the Hospital for the
Prevention and Treatment of Cerebral and Vascular Diseases of Sveti Sava; the
Lua Lnzarevic Institute for Neuropsychiatric Diseases; the Health Care Centre
in Obrenovac; the Dr. Dragisa Misovic In-Patient Clinic and Hospital Centre. the listed objects, four deserve to be described in more detail, both
hecause uf the repercussions and the fact that the circumstances point either to
the intention that they be hit, or to the maximum ruthlessness in operations,
where neither the existence of these objects nor the obligation that they be

protected from any kind of action was taken into account. Pancevo, on May 1,1999,at 1.45am, ahighly destructive bomb fell in
the very centre of the town, in the park at the corner of Milosa Trebinjca and

Paje Murganovica streets, in front of the administrative building called?he Old
Hospital' of the Juzni Banat Medical Centre in Pancevo. The explosion caused
considerable damage not only on the building of the Old hospital, but on the
other parts of the hospital compound.'" In one of the many attacks on the town of Valjevo, on May 2, 1999,
between 9.00 pm and 10. pm, a missile exploded inside the hospital compound.
Large scale or minor damage was done to 27 hospital wards and units for the
' treatment of patients,and two administrative units ofthe hospital.'" of the most modern and best equipped hospitals in Belgrade, the
Dr. Dragisa Misovic In-Patient Clinic and Hospital Centre, at 64 Bulevar mira
Street,was directly hit on May 20, 1989,at 12.05 am.the Neurological Clinicwas
totally destroyed (four patients were killed in the intensive care unit), All the

buildings, i.e., all the hospital wards sustained heavy damage, particularly the
Gynecological and Obstetric Department and the Children's Department for
Pulmonar~rDiseases and Tubercul~sis.'~~ Inthe attack on Surdulica on the night of May 30131, the Sanatorium

Special Hospital for Pulmonary Disease, in the south-eastern part of the town,
was hit. A missile directly hit the building which had been used for the
accomodation of refugees from the Republic of Croatia. Another missile hit the
buildingwhich served as the home forthe accomodation of nurses. heavy damage
was also inflictedon the hospital building with patients inside who were being

treated for lung diseases. The basement of the building housing specialized
laboratories for biologicaland chemical analyses was completely destroyed. (In
the attackson thisinstitution,13 persons were killed,three were severelyinjured,
and 35 received minor injuries; five persons are still considered missing.)'37 attacks on the listedhospitals and other health care institutions are
in directcontravention to the rules of the internationa1 humanitarian law.

1u Ibidpp.234-237.
13'lbidpp. 252- related to the violations ofthe rules applying to theprotection of
cultural objects incase of international armed conflict An extremely large number of cultural objects of all kinds have been
destroyed or damaged during the NATO air strikes on the Federal Republic of
Yugodavia, done in Belgrade The IGth century Monastery of Rakovica in
Belgrade suffered the repercussions of the bombing on several occasions. The
first time,on March 24, 1999, the monastery's supporting walls were damaged,

the church was shaken, vertical cracks appeared, and all windowpanes were
shattered.The intensive bombing of Rakovica on the night of April 14/15,1999,
lasting from 1.30 am to 3.30am, caused new damage: the entrance door to the
vestibule was broken and the cracks widened,"' The monastery sustained new
damage in the bombing on May 3, 1999, at 10.00pm. The Topcider historical

compound, which in the 19th century (from 1831 to 1834) served as a lodging
compound to Prince Milos, was also damaged in the bombings of Belgrade. the
compound consists of aresidence, the topcider Church, the priest's house, and
auxilliary buildings. Thechurch of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul at topcider
was built on the orders of Prince mi lo^.'^'The administrative building at 9

Nemanjina street in Belgrade, inthe very centre ofthe city, was damaged in the
air striken Belgrade carried out on the night of April7,1999. The building was
a joint work of Serbian and Russian architects, who took part in the rebuilding
of ~erbh after the First World War. The worst damage was done to the
building'seast wing,where itspread vertically, affectinallfloors.The building's

interiorwas aIsodamaged.'"
The business centre of Usce, which has already been mentioned, also has
outstanding architectural value for Belgrade. It was built between 1961and 1965
for the purpose of accomodating social and political organizations. Until the
building of the Beogradjanka Skyscraper, this glass and steel edifice had been

the tallest buildinginBelgrade. Due to its characteristicand itsimportance to
the architectural historyof Belgrade, the business centre of Usce had a status of
a cultural object under protection. It received the direct hits of four missiles on
April 21, 1999. A fire also broke out, which caused serious damage to the
building.'" The business centre of Usce was bombed again on April 27, 1999,
when the equipment on the buildings roof was destroyed (a transmitter), as well

as the building's interior. The residence at 5 Uzicka Street, situated in the
housing estate of Senjak,Dedinje, Topcidersko brdo, was a cultural object
under protection. The Residence isvery close to the Topcider cultural and
historicalcompound of great imp~rtance."~ The business building of the Radio

NATOCRIMES, 24March -24April 1999op.citp.215.
141Ibid, p. 215.
142Ibtd, pp.225-216.Televisiot~Serbia, in Aberdareva Street, which was built from 1938to 1940with
the funds of Queen Marija in order to serve as accomodation forpoor students,
was damaged by direct hits on April 23, 1999.'"The children's cultural centre,
the Dusko Radovic theatre, and the RTS building at 10Takovska Street were
damaged in the same attack on April 23, 1999.'"On the same day and inthe

same attack damage was done to St. Mark's Church; built from 1931 to 1940
next to the old church bearing the same name and which was demolished in
1941."' Another church was also damaged on the same day, April 23, 1999:the
old Russian Orthodox Church, the only Russian church in Yugoslavia, which
was built in~nlediately after thy,First World War and the October Revolution,

when more than 50,000 Russian rcfugees arrived in Yug~slavia.'~"n the attack
carried out on April 27, 1999, damage was done to the Museum of
Contempora~y Art, situated at the mouth of theSava and Danube Rivers. Many
works of art displayed in the Museum were in danger in the attack."' In the

same bombing raid on April 27, 1999, damage was done to the Belgrade
Fortress. The Lodging of Prince Milos, now the Historical Museum of Serbia,
built from 1831 to 1833, was seriously damaged in the bombing on April 28,
1499.'"The Federal Ministry of Defence and the compound of the Yugoslav
Army Genertil Staff, which are of extraordinary cultural importance, were hit
on the night of April 29/30, 1999. It should be boted that these buildingswere

emply at the time of bombing and did not serve their purpose. The building of
the General staff was bombed again on May 718, 1999. In the same attack,
heavy damage was inflictedon the building of theFederal Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in Kneza Milosa Street, in the very ckntre of Belgrade. The same
ministry building was hitan3 damaged in the attack carried out on the night of

May 7/8,1999.
Stilanother building of extraordinary architectural valuewas bombed on the same
day, April29/30,1999:the building ofthe Government of Serbia,which at the time
was being considered for acquiring the statof acultural object. The buildinwas
damaged inthe same attack as the building of the General Staff;the building was

then hit directly and partly destroyed on May 71999.The already mentioned TV
tower on Mt. Avala was completely destroyed the same night; it was oneof the
symbolsof Belgrade, not jusin Belgrade but throughout Yugoslavia.The building
of the MinistryofInternal Affairs was destroyed in the bombing on May718,1999.
This building was also empty and was not being used for nlilitar~lpurposesThe

Ministry of Health and Social Policy (at the timeof bombing: the Office of the
Commissioner fur Refugees of the Republic of Serbia) was heavildamaged in the
attack on May 718,1998.The building at 6 Kneza Milosa Street was damaged in
. ,
143Ibid. p. 216.
14 lbidp.216.
135Ib~d,pp. 216-217.
14"Ib~d,p. 217.
NATO CRIMES, Vol. 11,pp.295-298.
148lbidpp. 298-300.three attacks:on April 7, April 29/30, and May 718.A building in Generala
Zdanova Street wasalso damaged during the attack on the old building of the
General Staff on April 29/20and May 718, 1995.The same was the case with the
building at the corner of Generala Zdanova and lleza Milosa streets. The
compound of the Sugar Factory in Radnicka StreetinBelgrade, whichisnow being

used for art shows,was hit on two occasions:on May18, 1999, at10.30 pm, and
May20, at8.25 pm. The compound of theold Zeleznicka Hospital (part of the
Dragisa Misovic In-Patient Clinic and HospitalCentre, mentioned in the section
dealing with civilian hospitals), apart from being protected as a health care
institution, represents an important cultural object. In the course the attack

carried outon May19,1999, part of the old Zeleznicka Hospital was directly hit.
lle Ethnographic Museum was damaged bystrong detonations from the bombing
of the rniunicipalityof Zvezdara on the night of May30131999. Damage done lo cultural objects in NovSad. The old city centre uf Novi

Sad, with 21 objects with the status of protected cultural objects, was in continual
danger from almost every-day attacks, which started on April 1, 1998. The
Varadin Bridge on the Danube, built from 1921 to 1928,was totally demolished
in the direct attack on April1,1999, between 4.30 am and 5.00 am. Beside the
bridge, damage was done to a large number of other objects, wheras the

Petrovaradin Fortress, built from 1692 and 1780, was in jeopardy.14The Ban's
Palace, in the very centre of NovSad,a building of great architectural valuwas
bombed onApril 19,1999, at 1.40am. The Museum of Vojvodina was damaged.
The Zezeljev Bridge, also of great architectural value, was bombed and
demolished in the air raid on the night of April 25/26, 1989. The old buildiof
the Novi Sad Television wasdestroyed in the attack onMay3,1999, at 10pm. Damage done to cultural objects inNis The 12.februar Prison-Museum
(the Crveni Krst prison camp) inNis was heavily damaged in the attack on April
516,1995.The Tobacco Factory, a protected compound of industrial architecture
from the early 20th century, was seriously damaged, while some parts of it were

destroyed, in the attacks on April 19/20 and April 22/23, 1989.15T"he early
Byzantine charnel house at Jagodna rnala,alocalitywith necropoleis from the late
classicalperiod, sustained large scaledamage in the bombing on April 23/24,
1999.'"The Cele-kula, a tower builtfrom the skullsof theSerbian fighters killed
in the battle at Cegar (May 31,1809), was damaged in the attacks onNis,On the
night of May5, during thebombing ofNis, damage was done to St. Michael the

Archangel's Church inthe villagof Donji Matvejevac, near Nis,The Nis Fortress
was damaged in thebombings on May 7and 8, 1r)99.'2n the same attacks damage
was caused on the old buildingof the District Administration (now the Rector's
Office of Nis University).lsThe building of the museum in Stanka Paunovica

149NATO CRIMESt 24March - 24Aprll 199B,op. cit., pp. 217-218.
lS0Ibid, pp. 218-220.
151Ihidp 223.
lSZNATO CRIMES, Vol. II,p. 304.

153 Street was seriously damaged in a bombing whenduster bombs were used. A
protected blockof buildingsin ZivozeCosicaQuay, which includesthe buildings
of the SymphonyOrchestra,the National~useum, the Synagogue,etc.,sustained
heavy damageinthebombingsonMay7and 8,1999.Abuildingofgreathistorical

and architectural value,the present-day Greek consdate, was seriouslydamaged
on May 7,3899 from the effectsof the action of cluster bombs.The buildingof
Pasteur'sInstitutewas damaged in the bombingon May7, 1999.The Church of
St. John in Orljan wasseriously damagedin the attack on Nis on May11, 1999.
The Roman archeologicalsite of Medijana was put in serious jeopardy in the

clusterbomb attacks on the east part of the townofNis.The Synagogue (now the
ArtGallery) sustained vastdamagein the bombingsof May 7and 8, 1999. monasteriesonMt.FruskaCora, which representa uniquecomplexof

monasteriesof immense cultural andhistoricalvalue and, of course, protected as
such,wereseveral timesexposedto attacks and damagedin the NATOair strikes
on Yugoslavia.The Monastery ofNovoHopovo was damagedin the bombingon
April 4/5, 1999;the Monasteryof Sisatovacon April17, 1999;the Monastey of .
StaroHopovoonApril17,1999;and theMonasteryofKovilj on April21, 1999.154

1.2.4~5.The Monastery of Vojlovicain Pancevo, with the Church of the Holy
Archangels Michael and Gabriel, a memorial of Despot Stefan Lazarevic,built
in 1495,was damaged in a series of attacks: on April 3/4, April 11/12,April
13/14,April 15116;andApril 18,1999.damage was also done to the building of

the old hospital andtheChurch of the HolyTransfig~ration."~ the old town centre of Kragujevacdamagewas done to a number of
buildingsof extraordinary architectural and culturalsignificance:thoId church,
Amidzin Konak (Uncle's Lodging)t,he residence ofPrinceMihailo,the Advanced
School,thebuilding oftheoldAssembly,the buildingof the First bar rack^.'^"part

fromthese,damage was also done totheoldForgingShopbuilding, theArt Gallery,
theMuseum compo~ind ofSumarice, thebuildingoftheSumadijaA~chives.'~~ the region of JSraljevo,in the attacon April7/8,April 10to 15,and
April 19/20, 1999,damage was inflicted on a number of cultural objects: the

roadside n~onumentsat the village of Samaila, the Monastery of Zica, the
Monastery of Nova Pa~lica.'~'The roadside monuments at Samaila were
bombed again on April 30and May10,1999,when damagewasalso done to the
Church ofSt. Prokopius. The villagesof Jarcujak and Sovuljak,near Kraljevo,
- which represent a precious cultural cbmpound, were bombed on May29, 1999.

The wooden church in the village of Mrsac was directly endangered in the
bombingon June 7, 199C).lr'

154NATO CRIMES,24 March -24Aprll 1999op citpp.220-221;Vol. p.307.
I55NATOCRIMES, Vol. 11,p309-310.
1xNATO CRIMES, 24 March-24April1999,up.citpp.221-222.
157NATOCRIMES, Vol. 1pp.311-312.
15YNATO CRIMES, Vol. 1pp.316-317. Damage was also done to the following important cultural monuments:
the fortress- the capital city of Prince Lazar Hrebeljanovic; the Lazarica
~ Church, from 1377/78;the Greek Street; the Simic Residence; and the building
ofthe District Administration.""' Smederevo, damage was also done to a number of cultural objects:
thefortress ofDespotDjuradj, from the early 15th century; the Church of the
I Assumption at the town cemetery, from the first half of the 15th century; the
Church of St. George, in the very centre of the town, from 1854; and the

building of the District Administration,from 1886-1888. On the mountain of Kopaonik, damage was done to the Josif Pancic
Mausoleum, at the highest peak of the mountain, in thebombing of April 12/13,
1999.The Mausoleum was bombed again on April 29/30 and April 30,1999. Brus, damage was done to the Monastery of MeZentius, from the
mid-15th century, dedicated to St. Stephan, and the St. Peterand St. Paul's
Church in Kriva Reka, in the bombingon April 12113,1999. Kursumlija, damage was done to the Monastery of St.Nicholas,
in the centre ofthe town, the centre of the Toplica Episcopate, from 1160,a
memorial of Stefan Nemanja. damage was also caused on the Church of the
Mother of God, from 1150, aswell as the Church ofSt. Mark, the remnant of
a Byzantine basilica.]" These cultural objectswere bombed again on April

29/30, 1999.,damage was done to the Church of St. Prokopius, at tyhe
foot of the medieval town of Hisar, builtin the 9th and 10th centuries, in the
bumbingon April 13/14, 1999. In Vxanje, damage was done to the old town centre, with many
buijdings from the late 17th century, as well as the archeological site of
Pavlovac, near Vranje, in the bombing on April 15, 1999.lh2 In hznica, damage was done to the monument to the Serbian fighters

killed in the First World Waron MF. Gucevo. Also, on April 23/24 and 24/25 the
Memorial Centre on Mt. Gucevo was damaged. In Ivanjica, damage was done to the'old town centre, from the 19th
century, the Church ofthe Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from the first

half of the 19thcentury, and the Churchof St.Achilleus inArilje.lh3 the carnplex of the Ovcar and Kablar monasteries, in the bombings
on April 415and 22/23, 1999damage was done to three of them: the Monastery
of theHoly Trinity, from the 13thcentury; the Monastery ofthe Visitationof the

Virgin, from the late6th century; and the Monastery of Nikolje, from 1489.IM
NATOCRIMES,24March -24April1999,op.cirp.222.

la lbid,pp.224-225.
164Ibid,p. In Uzice, damage was done to a number of cultural objects: the

medieval fortress; the hydroelectric plant, from 1899; the Church OFSt. Mark,
from 1828; the monument to the fighters killed in the Second World War, at
Kadinjaca; theethnological park of Staro selo; andthe Church ofSt.Peter and
St.Paul in the village of Strogojno.'"' In Zvecane, damage was done to the medieval town, which was first
mentioned in 1091 and 1094,with the remains of the Church of St. George, in
the bombings of April 1 and 13/14. In Djakovica, damage was done ta Vetika carsija- the big business

center; and the Tabacki Bridge, fromthe mid-18th century, in the bombings of
April 10, 14and 15.'" In Pristina, damage was done to the old town centre, the Imperial
Mosque,the Gazimcstan Memorial, as well asthe Church of the Assumption in

the Monaster~!of Gracanica, which ison the UNESCO preliminary list.'" In Pec, damage was done 'to the Patriarchal See of the Serbian
Orthodox Church and the Church of St. Nicholas at Djurakovac, in the
bombings of April 3 and 14/15, 1999."' In Klina, damage was done to the Church of St. Parasceue in the
villageof Drsnik, from 1570.the church was damaged in the bombing on the
night of April 14/15, 1999. In Locani, the Danilovic Log Cabin was destroyed, which was probably
built inthe firsdecade of the 18th century. The importance of the log cabin lies
in the legend which has it that the first fire broughtothe Monastery ofDecani
had been from the hearth of this cabin. The cabin was burnt down in the
bombing on the night of April 14115,1999. InPrizren, the building of the Prizren League was destroyed on March
28,1999. The mosque in the village of Jablanica was damaged inthe bombing of
May 1, 3994.'"" In Novi Pazar, Novopazarska banja (spa) was bombed. It comprises
the protected cultural objects of Stari Ras and the Monastery of Sopocani; the
old Turkish bath in the spa; theChurch of St. Peter; and the Pillars of Djuradj.'?' In Vrcinik,damage was done to the power station of the old coal mine

and the Monastey ofVrdnik."' InVrsac, damage was done to the fortress - the remains of a medieval
town,in the bombings on April 29/30 and May 11/12, 1999.'72
wR Ibidp. 227.
171NATO CRIMES, Vol. IF,p. 306.

172lbid, pp.3U7-308. The viliage of Balajnac, wilh its archeological site from the age of

Justinian, was bombed on May 14, 1999. In the village of Zablace, near Cacak, which as a compound is on the
preliminary listof objects to be protected, was bombed on May 10, and serious
damage was done to the Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. . In the village of Cvetke, in tharea of Mt. Rudnik, bombings seriously
endangerd the wooden church, whichwasbuilt inthe firsthalfof the 18thcentury.173 In Trstenik, damage was done to the old bridge on the Morava river
and the old town centre (the so-called Carsija).'" In Djunis,in the bombing of the bridge at Djunis on May1/2,1999, the

Monastery of St. Roman was endangered, which represents one of the oldest
phenomena the Serbian people deem sacred. It was first mentioned in the
Charter which was presented to the Archbishopric of Ohrid by the Byzantine
Emperor Basileus II. In Cacak, endangered and damaged were the old court buildings, the
Church of Christ's Ascension, and the old primary school.'75 In Valjevo, damage was done to the old hospital, builtin 1905, in the
bombing on May10,1999. In the village of Velika Hoca, 12 churches were endangered and

damaged in the bombing on the night ofMay 11/22, 1999."" the villagof Sreckovac,near Pirot, damage was done to the Church of
St.Elijah, fromthe first halof the 19thcentury, in the bombing on May12, 1999. "" InVinca, at the locality calleBelo Brdo, the most important Neolithic
sitein the world, was endangered on May 13, 1999,when an aerial bomb fell50
metres from the protected zone; fortunately, it did nogo off. In Gornje Nerodimlje, several cultural objeas were endangered in the
bombings on May 13114,23 and 23/24,1999.Iy8 In Zitoradja, damage was done to the church in the aerial attack on

May 13, 1999. At Palic, which has been protected since 1993 asa.culturule-historical
compound, several objectswere endangered and damaged in in the attack on
May 30, 1599.'m In'Sabac, damage was done to the fortress and the old town centre.lml

IT4 Ibidp.3n9.
175Ihid,p. 312.
176 Ihidp.313.
177 Ibid, p.313.
179 Ibldpp.314-315.
IX0 Ihjd,pp. 315-316. Tekeris, damage was done to the memorial compound an Mt. cez in
the bombing on May25, 1999.18' InCuprija, damage was done to the old administrative building of the
Dobricevo farm. Dobricevo was bombed on several occasions in May, while a
particularly fierce attactook place on June 7,when it was hitby seven missiles., damage wasdone to the Church ofSt.Parasceue onJune 3,1994. none of thelistedcases did anyof the cultural objects serve any kind of
rmlitary purpose,or contributed to the military efforof the armed forces of the

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.Therefore, the attackson and the damage done to
these culturaobjectsgravelyviolatedtherules of theinternationalhumanitarian law.

1.2.5 Facts related to theviolationsof the rules applying to theprohibition of

attacks directed against the objects indispensable to the suwivaI of the
civilian popuIation the NATO strikeson the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia were totally
ruthless and aimed at inflicting as much suffering as possible, indiscriminately, or
even particularly onthe civilianpopulation, is clearly and convincingseen inthe
cases of attacksdirected againsthe objectsforexclusivelyciviliause,with some of
them even being indispensable to the very survivalof the civilianpopulation.

Objects ofvarious kindswere exposed to destruction and damage, first of allthose
for the production of foodstuffs,for heating, for water supply, for the production
and transmission ofelectricpower, mostlyin big towns,and similarobjects. first object of this kind to have been directly attacked and destroyed
was the heating plant in Belgrade. On April 4, 1999, at4.30 am, it was directly
hit ina missile attack, and sixoil storage tanks were destroyed, while one was
damaged. The pumping unit and the purification station burnt down,ttsdid the
guard's lodge. (Guard Slobodan Trisic, born in 1946,was killed.)1m En the already mentioned attack on the 14. oktobar enterprise in
Krusevac, apart from the other plants, the heating plant, used for heatiagla.-e
part of the town,was hit. Also, the heatcng plant which provided heating for a large part of

Kragujevac was destroyed in the attackon the Zastava company. Due to the demolition of the bridges in Novi Sad, more than 45,000
people were left without drinking water;since the water pipes supplyingthe part

of the town on the right bank ofthe Danube ran along the bridges. water supplycentre of Jaros at Sornbswas directlyhiton May 30,1999.
Thd centre waspart of the.Vodokanal systemand was uwd exclusivelyforsupplying
the town ofSomborwithwater.The centre'spumpingstation was hitand destroyed>"

1x2NATO CRIMES, 24 March -24 April 199op.citpp.355-365.
1x3Ibid., pp. 500-501. The pumping station at Badovac, near Pristina, which supplies a large
part of Pristina with drinking water, was hiin the missile attack an the nightof
May 112,1999. The building and electrical installations were partly damaged,
while the water supply installations were totally de~troyed.'~ Various food producing enterprises were also exposed to attacks and
Enthe village of Dubinje, near Sjenica, a partof the agricultural and processing
compound of PIK Pester from Sjenica was rendered useless and destr~yed.'~The

Plantaza orchard of the Plantaza enterprise from Urosevac was hit by a bomb on
April 12,1999. In the bombing of the village of Rznic, near Decani, in the six
missile attack on April 12,1599,from 12.00 pm and 2.00 am,among other civilian
objects,the co-operative farm in the villagewas hitOne of the fiercest attackon
such enterprises took place on June 7, 1999, when the farm in the village of

Podgorac, near Boljevac, was bombed. The farmwas the property of Ekohrana
from Bo?jevac.The farm was alsmost totally destroyed, while three workers were
killed. Several hundred sheep, lambs and goatswere killed inthe attack aswell."" Massive attacks were carried out against the installations for the
production and transmission of electric power: the Nikola Tesla thermal electric
power plant at Obrenovac, the thermal electricpower plant at Veliki Crljeni, near
Lazarevac, the thermal electric power plant at Urovci, near Obrenovac, the Novi
Sad 3 transformer station, the electric power installations at BezanijskKosa in
NewBelgrade, and the electric power installationof Elektroistok inNis.'" The attacks on the listed objects and installations represent grave
violations of the rules of the, international humanitarian law, because the
destruction and damage done to these objects and installations jeopardizethe
very survivalof civilianpopulation.

1.2.6. Facts related to the violations of the rules of warfare in the aerial
attacks on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia In the foregoing examples, it was pointed in an obvious way to the
disrespect of various provisions of the international humanitarian law which,
apart from being violations of specific rules, for which examples were supplied,

also represent violations of the ruleof warfare.Apart from those examples, in a
number of cases that we shall analyze in this section numerous violations of the
rules of warfare were committed.,NATO's determination to wage a ruthless warand to inflict great losses

and destruction, regardless of any military necessity and logic, finds its fullest
expression in the destruction of bridges of various kinds and nature, size and

184NATOCRIMES, Vol. 11,p.457. '
185NATOCRIMES, 24 March- 24Aprilop.cit.,p.376.
isIbid, pp 504-505.
18Ibjd,pp. 492503;more detailedaccount will begivenin Sect~on5, dealtheprohibitcd
ways ofwagingwar.purpose. A total of 41 bridges and four overpasses in the Federal Republic of

Yugoslavia were cfettlolished or severely damaged, i.e.,rendered unfit for
traffic. The Varadin bridgc on the Danube at Novi sad was demolished on

April 1, 1999, at 4.45, with two missiles.'The bridge on the Danube at Beska,
on the Belgrade-Novi Sad motorway, was heavily damaged and rendered unfit
for traffic on April 1, 1999, at 5.05 am.'" The bridge of Freedom an the
Danube at Novi Sad, a masterpiece of modern architecture, was demolished

on April 3,1499, at 7.50 prn.IwThe bridge of 25. maj on the Danuhe at Backa
Palanka was damaged in the attack carried out on April 3, 1999, at8.05prn."'
The bridge on lake Jezgrovici, on the Kosdvska Mitrovica-Ribarici road, was
demolished on April 4, 1999,at 11.15 prn."' The bridge at Biljanovac, on the

Ibarski main road, between Raska and Kraljevo, was damaged in the attack
carried out on April 4, 1999, at 11.25 pm.'" The train bridge on the Danube at
Navi Sad was damaged in the attack on April5, 1999, at9.15 pm.Iq4 The bridge
on the Ibar river at the village of Rrvenik, was demolished on April 6, 1999, at

3.30 am.'ysThe bridge on the Danube at Bogojevo was also damaged in the
attacks.'""The bridge on the Kraljevo-Raska railroad lineat the village of
Lozno was also dernuli~hed.'~~ An especially drastic attack was the one on the bridges at Crdelica,

when both the train bridge and the road bridge on the Nis-Skopje motonvay
were hit. On the train bridge, an international passenger trainwas hit,in which
12 civilianswere killed, while three arestilconsidered missing. The road bridge
of Sarajevo on the motonvay was bombed in several other occasions: jn the

fourth attack it was almost completely destr~yed.'~'The Efendijin bridge near
Ponosevac was severely damaged in the attack on April 12, 1999.The bridge on
the lbar river at Biljanovac, on the Kraljevo-Raska road, was bombed and
damaged in the attack on April 13, 1999.'" "Shetrain bridge at lake Limsko, on
the Belgrade-Bar railroad line, was demolished in the attackon April 14,

The bridge on the Prokuplje-Kursumlija road, on the Kosanica river, was heavily
damaged in the attack on April 14/15, 1999.The bridge on the Morava River at
the village of Jasika, near Krusevac, was damaged on April 15, at 12.35am. The

18#NATO CRIMES, 24 M:it.-h24April 1999op.cit., pp.233,234.
1~ Ibidpp.233, 236-241.
lYilbid, pp. 242,243.
192lbid, pp. 212,244.
193Ibid, p242,244.

lbidpp. 742,246.
1% Ibidpp.242,247.
lW Ibidp.250.
lg8Ihid, pp. 257-312;WATCIIIMES, Vol. 11,p.337.
IYyNATO CRIMES. 24March - 24April 1999opcit., pp. 313,314-315.
ZiruIbid, pp.313,316.bridge on the Danube on the Smederevo-Kovin road was demolished in the

attack carriedout on April 15, at 10.45prnv2 T[he train bridge on the Sava river
on the Surcin-Ostruznica railroad line was bombed on two occasions: on April
21, 1999, at 1.40 pm, and April 23, 1999, at 2.06 am. The bridge was partly
demolished, and partly severly The Zrzeljev bridge, the lastbridge

at Novi Sad, was demolished in the bombing on April 26, 1999 (it was NATO's
second attack on the bridge).?'"The new bridge on the Sava river at Ostruznica,
which had not yet been open for traffic, ie.had not been finished, was
demolished in the bombing on April 29, 1999. Nebojsa Arsic was killed on the

bridge."'" manyas twobridges were demolished and damaged in one village,the
villageof Podina - thetrain and road bridges- ina number of attackscarried out

on April 29, 1999.21 T6he bridge on the Zapadna Morava river at Trstenik was
demolished in the bombing ofApril 30, 1999.Nadezda Petrickovic was killedin
the atta~k.~'"he bridge on the Lab river at Luzani, on the Pristina-Nis road, was

bombed on May 1,1999, at 1.413pm, while a bus fullof passengers was on it.
Thirty-nine passengers were killed and 13were seriouslyinjured.?'The bridge an
the Rasina river at the village of Dedina, near Krusevac, was bombed on May2,
1599.WThe train bridge at Vatin, on the railroad line lo Romania, was
demolished in the attack on May 6, 1999, at 11.20 pm.U1 T'he train bridge at .

Bogutovac,on the Kraljevo-Raska railroad line,was demolished in the bombing
ofMay8, 1999,at 2.30 arn.lL''Theitystone bridge in Nis wasdamaged on May8,
2Y99.2 'he bridge on the Velika Morava river on the Belgrade-Nis motorway, at
Mijatovac, was demolished in the attack on May 8, 1998. A vehicle of the

Romanian Red Cross wasdamaged in the attack; thepassengers sustained minor
injuries."? The overpass on the Belgrade-Nis motorway, at velika Plana, was
damaged in the bombing on May 10, 1999.?'3The bridge un .the Lim river at
PrijepoEje was demolished on May 12, 1999, at 1240 arn.?I4The overpass at

Horgos, on the Belgrade-Budimpesta international motornay, was damaged on
May 11, 1999,at 10.40~rn.~'T~he bridge on the Uvac river atKokin Brod, on the

201Ibldpp 313, 317.318.
2('lbid, pp. 320-321.
203NATO CRIMES, VoI. II,pp.327-329.
211lbid, pp. 338-339.
2UhIbid, 340.
2m lbd,pp.341-346.
208Ibid, 347.
Z(llbid, pp.354-355.

213 bid, pp.363-364.
215Ibid,p,3-58,Nova Varos-Uzice road, was damaged and rendered unfit for traffic in the
bombing on May 11, 1999."6 The bridge in the little town of Murino was

demolished in the bombing on May 11, 1999, at 2.00 am.2" The bridge in
downtown Vrbas was den~olished on May 13, 1999.2'Yl'heoverpass inthe village
of Visoko, near Kursurnlija, on the Prokuplje-Pristina raiIroad line, was
demolished on May 14, 1949.2 T1he overpass at the Trupalskc forests, on the

Belgrade-Skopje railroad line, was demolished on May14,1999.'"The bridge on
theJuzna Morava river in the,centreof Vladicin han was demolished on May18,
1999.22 1 ilan Ignjatovicwas killedin the attack.The bridge on theStari Begej

river at Banatski dvor was demolished on May 20, 1999.'2T?he bridge on the
Jasenica river at Velika PIanwas demolished on May 21,1999."3The Cekavicki
bridge on the Jablanica riveron the Bosnjace-Cekavica road,the municipalityof
Lebane, was demolished on May 27,1999.Veselka Spasic and Branka Stankovjc

were kiIled in the attack.The Cenovacki bridge on the Jablanica river at the
villageof Cenovac, on the Lebane-Lebkov raad, was bombed un May 29 and
30, 1999.?25Stanoje Stojmenovic was killed in the bombing of this bridge. The
bridge on the Belgrade-Skopje motonvay, at the villageofPopovac, near Nis, was

demolished inthe two bombings on May 28 and 30, 1999.u6 The attack on the bridge at Varvnrin oMay 30,1999, from 1.05 prn and
1.15 pm, was highly characteristic due to its ruthlessness and tragic

repercussions. The bombing was done at midday, on a market dayand a holiday,
when over 2,000 people were near the bridge. Nine persons were killed in the
attack.22T7he overpass on the Belgrade-Nis motonvay, at Veliko Orasje, was
demolished on June 2, 1999."KThe bridge on the Jascnicariver atVelika Plana,

on the Belgrade-Nis motorway, was bombed on June 2, 1999.=*Apart from
bridges, other facilitiof raod and train traffic werexposed to destruction and
demolition. The fialjevo-Lapovo railroad line was bombed on April 6, at 3.30
am, in the village of Vitan~vac.~"he bus station at Pristina was bombed several

times and almost completely destr~yed.~' The by-pass road at Cacak was
216Ibid,p. 369.
217Ibidpp 370-371.
21 Ibidpp.375-377.
m Ibid,p.378.

23aNATO CRIltlES24 March - 24
31 Ibidp.256.bombed on May 10,1999. A lorry was destroyed in the bombing, while the driver
and co-driver were The railroad line at the village of Popovac, near Nis,
was bombed and destroyed on May 27, 1989.23T ) he Prizren-Brezovica road was

bombed on May 39, 1999,at 4.30 pm, when a group of foreignjournalists was on
the road. The driver of a car was killed, and two persons were inj~red.~ The
tunnel on the Sremska Kamenica-Novi Sad road was bombed on May30 and 31,
1999.= The attacks on the post officebuildings in Pristina and Uzice can by all
means be included among the attacks on communications. In the attack on the
building of the Main Post Office in Pristina, which is situated in thvery centre

of the town, the building and the installations were almost completely
destroyed."The Post Office building inUsice isalso located in the very centre
of the town, in the main town square. it was bombed on May 9, 1999. The
building and the equipment inside were completely destroyed."' The

ruthlessness in waging war and the violations of the rules of warfare are also
proved by the military action against the electric power installations in the
Federal Republic of Yugposlavia. The Nikola Tesla thermal electric power plant at Obrenovac was
bombed on May 2, 1999, with cluster bombs containing carbon fibre. The
bombs hit the transformer unit and the distribution installations, thus causing
a short circuit and a breakdown of the electric power supply in a large part of

Yugosla~ia."~ The thermal electric power plant at Veliki Crljeni, near
Lazarevac, was hit on May 22, at 2.30 am, with three missiles; completely
destroyed were the distribution installations, turbogenerator and and the
electric regulator of the 110 kV block.23 qhe installations of the thermal

electric power plant at Urovci, near Obrenovac, was hit on May 23, 1999, and
in~apacitated.~"'The installations of Elektroisiok in Nis were hit on May 23,
1999. The 110 kV trinsmission line was destroyedn2"' The Novi Sad 3
transformer station in Novi Sad was destroyed on May 24, 1999. The same
installations were bombed again on May 31, 1999, and the equipment left over

after the first attackwas destroyed, although itwas not being used because of
the earlier damage.14TThe electric power installations at Bezanijska kosa in
Belgrade were destroyed in the attack carried out on May 27, 1999, causing

232 NATO CRIMES, Vol. 11,pp. 365-366.
233 Ibidp.390.
234 Ihid, p393-399,

235 lbidpp.414-415.
236NATO CRIMES, 24 March - 24Aprilf999,op.uitpp.253-254.
237 NATO CRIMES, Vul.11,p.362.
238 Ibidpp.459-460.
239 Ibldpp 492-494.
241 Ibidp.496.
247 lbidpp.497,503.the breakdown in the electricity supply of a large part of BeIgrade.24'The
electric power installalions at Lestani were also destroyed on May 27, 1999,
causing the breakdown in electricity supply in another large part of
Belgrade.34" From the examples of NATO actions listed in this section itisquite
evident that the principleof proportior1 was disregarded in the airstrikes against
Yugoslavia, and that excessive and unlimited force was used, and to such an
extent that the Applicant may call it ruthless warfare.The objective of thiskind
of warfare was not to effect any military advantage, but to inflict as massive

damage as possible, regardless ofrnilitasy necessity.

1.2.7. Facts retatcd to prohibited weapons Press Conference held on the morning of 6May1999. Julie:
"On this issueof whatwe are bcing told and howthingsare being represented here,
we were told that NATO concluded that its bombs were not responsible for the

assault on a bus near the Montenegrin border, but western reporters have gone to
the site, they have seen remnants of cluster bombs, they hwe seen within the bus
itselfevidence that thesewere civiliansan old cane ofa man, women'sshoes?"
Jamie Shea:

"And you think that lha t constitures the concIusive forensic evidence that
NATO did it?"
"No, thatisnot the point, butI chink the representation was made here alsothat

thiswas not a corridor for civilians and that thiswas an ambush area, and the
inference that is left that there are no civilians here, that twas not a civilian
inhabited area, and itis misleading."
Jamie Shea:

"Nu itisnot misleading, Julie,itisn't. What I told you on that is absolutely true.
At no stage did I say there were no civilians in the area,1said itwas not a main
civilian transport route, number one; I said secondly that NATO has no
indication whatever that we were involved in thatand we stand by that, and Ido.
And I am the first person to stand up here and then say "yes we did it" and to
express regrets, the first person tdo it.,..............." Press Conference held on the afternoon of8May 1999.General
"Before going on to our other operations last night I also want to address the

other recent incident at Nis, asIpromised you yesterday I would elaborate on it.
NATO has conlirmed that the damage to the market and clinic was caused by a
NATO weapon which missed its target. This strike was directed against the Nis

24Vbid, p.499.
145SHAPE S~okesman, MajorGeneral WalteJertzairfield utilising cluster munitions. The attack waaimed at destroying Serbian
aircraft which were parked on the airfield, air defence systems and support

vehicles, targets to which cluster munitions are appropriately suit..." NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 14 May 1999.
"Since NATO appears to be using depleted uranium munitions in Serbia, are

there any plans, once the war is over, to have any kind of clean-up, giver1tile
reputation which these munitions have got in Iraq'?"
Major General Jertz:
"Let me say first that we have not used depleted uranium in the last few weeks

because those uranium munitions are only used against targets which aretargets
where they can do a special effecon 'themand that iswhy only in rare cases they
willbe used at all."

"Are there any plans for cleaning up?There have been some depleted uranium
munitions used, I believe, in Serbia.'are there any plans for cleaning up
afterwards because of the dangers of cancers which appear to be there in Iraq
when the Allies used them in 1991?"

MajorGeneral Jertz:
"You find depleted uranium in all natural things, which are in rocks, soil,
everywhere, so don't over-emphasise what you just said. On the plans, like
all the other plans, we do have plans of course to help those people to go
back again safely in their homes, but 1 will not elaborate on the plans in

"General, going back to the depleted uranium, some of your predecessorsthave
sworn up and down to my news organisation in any case *that this is not
something that is being used, it is in the arsenal weapons with depleted uranium.

You say it hasn'been used in the last fewweeks. Are you now confirming that it
actually hasbeen used and can you tell us how widely and when?"
Major General Jertz:
"As far as I am informed - but thank you very much for giving me a break that
T obviously am not the firstspeaker ......... confirm did we have it before I

did it,.yes we did so was right when T answered the question that it was used
in the pastbut once again itwas used only in rare cases and only against targets
where we thought it would have the most effect but once again this ammunition
is not obviously what everybody thinks it is.It is not uranium like a radiation
weapon and you find it everywhere, in the ......I already mentioned in soil,

rocks and so on." the same Press Conference. Question:
"Jamie, could you confirm that NATO is using cluster bombs and are you aware
of the fact thaUS Air Force General Ryan prohibited the use of cluster bombswhen he was commander in Bosnia, and why is NATO, in its humanitarian

campaign, using cluster bombs which are known to be extremely inaccurate and
dangerouz to civilians anyway?"
Major General Jertz:
"On clusterbombs, we do use bombs against targets on which we think cluster

bombs have [he most effect, that is aerial targets. We never attack civilian targets
and on aerial targetsaswe callit,we do use those bombs however only when we
canmake sure that there is no collatedamage and they are not as accurateas
you said, butIjust have tosay so, becauseI am a pilot myself, but cluster bombs
in theway we are using them arepretty accurate. I know there are cases where it
isof course a little difficult to remake sure thatifone bomb goes astrayit

would not hit thetarget we were attacking but it is also totally within thandaw
itis legalin the international community to use cluster bombs, but once again
onlyagainst aerial targets and thaiswhere we use them,"

Bettina Vestting (Berliner Zeitung): ,
"This is afollow-up to the cluster bombs. Could you describe a little bimore
what you understand by 'aerial targets' pleasand also there hasbeen a report
of Human Rights Watch criticising NATO's use of cluster bombs. As Human
Rights Watch is quite respectable organisation, does the criticisofthe use of
such weapons not impress'you?"

Major General Jertz:
"You could also call these cluster bombs "combined effects munitions". They
are being used when talking about "aerial targets" such as airfieldsso we use
cluster bombs on soft targets like aircraft and trucks when they are on the

airfield and we detect them and when we can make sure there is no collateral
dam,age and we also use those cluster munitions in areas where we know there
are valid military targets whicwe cannot see because they are under the wood.
Of course we know where they are but they cannot be attacked accuratelyby
precise weapons, so we use cluster bombsagainst those targets." Conference held on the afternoon of 15 May 1999. Major
General Jertz:
"There are two other items I would like to clarify before I give you the
operational up-date of today, First, concerning the use of cluster munitions
whichwas debated and discussed yesterday.NATO operational planners choose
the best weapon based on the target to be attacked. Cluster bombs are valid

munitions which are veryeffective against forces on the ground
"I also told you yesterday that NATO aircraft have used 3Omm depleted
uranium ammunition. As you know, the United Stateshas addressed this issue

before, particularly in the Pentagon briefing on 3rd May in which it was
confirmed the use of theseshelIs." NATO confirmed that it used cluster bombs and depleted uranium
munitions. aconference on depleted uranium and cancers in Iraq, held
on 30July 1999, contended that depleted uranium shells can cause birth defects
and serious illness, including cancers. Mr. Coghill, a biologist who runs a
research centrein Gwent, Wales, said that smoke and dust from the impact of
the rounds could carry radioactive particles hundredof yards into the air and
several hundred miles downwind. He said: "We think therewill be 10,000extra

deaths in Kosovo". (Richard Norton-Taylor, Uranium shells warning for
Kosovo alternative maybe: MoD accused of hiding truth, The Observer, 3July
1999, Annex No. 169,440-442 ) According to the Joint Intervention by the International Peace

Bureau and International Educational Development concerning depleted
uranium munitions, submitted at the fifty-first sessiontheSub-Commission
on the Promotion and Protection al Human Rights, "the radioactive aerosol
produced by these weapons can travel at least 40 km During the recent
Balkans War, scientistsin Greece detected radiation levels 25% above normal
wheneverthe wind blew from the direction of Kosovo. Bulgarian scientists
reported levelseight times higher than usual within Bulgaria itselfalso non-

combatant country. Depleted Uranium has a half-lifeof 4.5 billion years
Because of the known mutagenic dfect of depleted uranium, it is
mathematically estimated that if there werea population of 100,000 people,
each excreting an average af 3 micrograms of DU per day (the average for
some Gulf War veterans), then 3,000-21,000 additional cancers could be
expected " (Depleted Uranium Munitions: The Use of Radiological Weapons
as a Violationof Human Rights, Joint Intervention by the InternationalPeace

Bureau and International Educational Development, Sub-Commission on the
Promotion and Pratection of Human Rights, Fifty-first Session, August 1999,
Annex No. No. 153, pp. 444-4559


1.3.1. During the aggression, the oil refinery in NovSad as well as awhole
range of storage facilitiof oil anditsderivatives were repeatedly struckThe
strikes hilve caused heavy environmental pollution in FRY, not only of the
atmosphere, due to various toxic materialsin it, but alsof soil, underground
and surface waters, due to the releaseof oil,oilderivatives and various toxic

1.3.2. The oil refinery in Novi Sad, the capital of AP' Vojvodina, with
approximately330.000 inhabitants and 70.000 refugees living there, was
bombed several times during the NATO aggression.The devastating strikes
were carried out on April5, 3,12, 16-18,May4 and June 9, 1999. The total of
255 missiles and bombs were dropped on the refinery causing its total
destruction.1.3.3. Appruximately 73.569 t of oil and oilderivatives were destroyed by the
bombing according to the following specification:
Chemicals Quantity
18.580 t
Crude Oil
LPG 17t
Straight-run-naphtI121 4338 t.
MG components 1749 t
Middledisrillalcs 295 Pt
Distillatesand refinates 10.419t

Base oils 980c
Transformer oils 82 t
Lubricants 520 t
Fuel oil 10.333 t
NAP - derivatives 500U t
JU -NA -oil
total 73.569 t
1.3.4. The bumbing and the subsequen~ immense fire caused burning of crude
oil, final products, refinery buildingsd plants. Due to incomplete combustion
of oil and oil derivativethc quantity of toxic materials releasedinto the human

environment was increased. Out of the total quantity of destroyed oil and its
derivatives (73.569 I),approximately 90% burned, approximately 9,996 was
uncontroIlably released into the soil, and only 0,1% was collected into waste
waters collectors.

1.3.5. The combustion of crude oil, special and motor oils, diesel, fuel oil,
unleashed very dense and black smoke containing soot, carbon dioxide,
carbon motioxide, toxic vapour, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, inconlbustible
carbons, etc.

1.3.6. The combustion of lead tetri~ethyl, acomponent of motor oil, caused the
formation of lead oxide, carbon dioxide and vapour, which, being heavier than
air,fell onthe ground, causing its pollution.
1.3.7. Environmental consequences of combustion of 75.000t of crude oil and
oilderivatives, caused by NATO bombing of Oil Refinery in Novi Sad, are very

grave and unavoidably adversely affect the health of the people exposed to
them. Inaddition, the consequences are not limited on!y to the area of Refinery,
not even only to the city ofNovi Sad, but are faced, due to the wind, by a very
wide region.

1.3.8. While analysing the samples of soil on which Oil Refineq in Novi Sad is
located, the Expertsof FOCUS"" found: hydrocarbons, pyralene and zinc. Itwas
estimated that the total surface of the polluted area (as far as soisconcerned)
amounts tcrmore than 1.700.000 mZ,whereas according to rough estimates,
approximately 200.000 m2 were polluted to the greatest extent. The depth of

7.4FOCUS, Exccutivc Summary& Final Report, Partpage56. pollution was less than 0.2 m. However, in some areas the concentration of
hydrocarbon at the depth of less than 1 meter was also noticed. It was estimated
that the total volume of contaminated soil was approximately 40.000 mj.
1.3.9. The bombing of Oil Refinery in Novi Sad has caused a very heavy

pollution of the river Danube in which various toxic materials, mostly
hydrocarbonates, as well as other oil products were released. Huge oil spitis
were repeatedly reported, as wellas large quantitiesof dead fish.
1.3.10. The air in Novi Sad and its wider surroundi~~gswas extremely polluted,
due to the fire caused byIhe NATO bombing.The fire unleashed various toxic

materials into the atmosphere, such as: oil hydrocarbons, toluol,
hydrogensulphide, hexane and acetone.
. 1.3.11. Special danger to the inhabitants of Novi Sad is posed by the closc
proximity of water springs to the contanljnated soil. Water springs are located -
only 0,5km east ofthe contaminated soil. The pollution ofwater springs, which

is easily possible, could pose even more serious threat tohealth and life ofthe
inhabitants ofNovi Sad.
1.3.12. During the aggression, "Jugopetrol" storage facility ofoil products in
Smederevo was repeatedly bombed. Air strikes were carried out on April 4, 9,
13,29 and on June 1,1999. Smederevo is a town locrited approximately 50krn

east of Belgrade and has approximately 50.000 inhabitants, amounting to about
130.000 together with its surroundings. "Jugopetrol" storage site is the largest
depot of oiland its products in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Its total
capacity amounts to 250.000 m3, and it spreads on 60 ha. During the strikes,
this storage site was heavily damaged. The initial Fire caused by the bombing
raged for more than 10hours.

1.3.13. The fire in "Jugopetrol" oil storage faciliin Smederevo caused by the
NATO bombing unleashed a very heavy smoke going vertically into the
atmosphere, as well as a smoke cloud, which surrounded the town like the fog.
The population of the two adjoining villagewas evacuated.
In addition, oil and oil products pumping utilitiesa part of the oilpipeline for

internal distribution as well aspump station used for collection and delivery of
oil products were also either totally destroyed or heavily damaged.
1.3.14. The combustion of 25.000 t of crude oil and oil derivatives in
Smedcrevo has resulted in threatening consequences hazardous to human
Sivesand health. The combustion of oil and its derivatives unleashed various

toxic materiais such as: soot, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, poisonous
vapour, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, non-combustible carbons, etc. This has
caused heavy pollution of a verywide area, including the river Danube. Due to
the penetration of toxic materials into the soil, there is a great danger of
subterranean waters pollution. A part of toxic materials was released intothe
soil.The totalsurface of contaminated soil amounts to approximately 10.000
m2, whereas about 3.000 mZ were extremely contaminated. The depth of

contamination is approximately 4-12 cm, 1.3.15. In Nis, a town with approximately 300.000 inhabitants together with
70.000 refugees from Croatia and Bosnia, located approximately 230 km
southeast of Belgrade, "Jugopetrol" storage facility of oil and its products was
bombed during the aggression. Air strikes were carried out oMay5, 8 and 11,
1999. The bombing caused fire which unleashed: sulfuric acid, various heavy
metals, sulfur dioxide, as weas various oxides ofnitrogen in general.(Nox).

1.3.16. In Pristina, during the aggression on April 1999, "Dragodani" storage
of oil and oil derivatives was bombed, causing fire as well as release of the
contents of the storage. Oil products contaminated the soilinthe vicinityof the
storage, site. The pollution of surface water has also been reported by the

experts stating that the rainwater was probably mixed with oil
products. The analyses of the experts have also indicated the pollution of air by
hydrocarbons, benzene and toluen.
1.3.17. During the aggression, the storage site of "Beopetrol" was bombed on
April 4 and 8,1999, in Bogutovac, aprovincial town approximately 16 km away

from Kraljevo, a town with about 140.000 inhabitants and 5.000 refugees from
Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina as well as 15.000refugees from Kosovo
and Metohija living there since the end of June 1999. A particularly pending
danger is posed by the fact that there are two water springs in the vicinity of the
storage site- Konarevo and Zocko Polje, located on the left bank of the Ibar
river, approximately 10 km downstreurn of the "Beopetrol" storage. Being

located downstream of the "Beopetrol" storage site and Ena strong correlation
with theIbar waters, the water springs are greatly endangered bytoxic materials,
due to the bombing of the storage site in Bogutovac.
1.3.18. Due tothe bombing of the oil storage sitein Bogutovac, approximately
15 tons of diesel were released. 'The soil and sediments in this region were

contaminated by diesel fuel, with a presence of hydrocarbonate. The surface of
the polluted soil is approximately10.000m2 while the depth of penetration of
\ toxic substances is approximately0,2m.
1.3.19. Water pollution poses a special danger to this region. In bomb
craters, petrol (0,2 rngll), tolual {0mdl) as well as heavy fractions of diesel

fuel (20 rng/l) have been detected. Diesel fuel (3rng/l)and toluoI (0,126 mg/l)
have been detected in the water contained inthe wastewater canal (basin).
The riskof underground waters contamination in this area ishigh,due to the
position of water springs as well as to the fact that underground waters flow
ata very low depth.

1.3.20. On May 20 and 21,the central oilstorage of "Naftagas" in Sombor was
bombed and totally incapacitated. Out of 6 tanks, four were totally destroyed,
while two were damaged lo such an extent that they could not be used any
longer. At the moment of destruction, four tanks contained5 tons ofvarious oil
products that startcd to burn intensively. Thihas caused air pollution and soil

intoxicationand probably underground waters pollution as well. The analyses of
247FOCUS, ExecutivSummary BrFinal ReportPart11page59-60,soilsamples have indicated that they have been contaminated by oil products

(21 & > 80 mglkg).The totalsurface of thecontaminated area antounts to 5.000
mZ, whereas around 1.500 m2 have been heavily pollutecl. The depth of the
contaminated soil is 8-15cm.
1-3.21. The oil storage faciliof "Jugopetrol" in Bor, a town of approximately

69.000 inhabitants, was bombed on May 17 and 27, 1999.Heavy potiution of
natural environment in this area has been reported by the FOCUS expert
analyses. The concentrations of lead (3,3g/kg) and copper (0,4 g/kg) have been
higher than allowed (0,2@kg).A high coilcentration of hydrocarbon (49 g/kg)

has been detected in the soilThe presence of PAH (4,2 mg/kg) has also been
1.3.22. During the strikes against the car factoin Kragujevac on April 9: 1999,

lacquering plant was hit, as well as facility whehvo transformers were damage
with transformer oil with pyralene. The total contents of oil were 4,3 t
(V=2x1428 11,with the contents of one transformer being released mmpletely
and of the other one only partiallyThe largest amount of pyralene was directly
released into the river ofZdraljica watercourse (a tributary of the Lepenica),

whereas a smaller part was collected into reservoi- holes,where atnlospherics
and fire-extinguishing water were gathered and mixed with the released
pyralene oil (Vc7OOcm3).24n

1.3.23. Pyraleneisa very toxic and extremelycarcinogenic substance to humans,
causing changes on the skin, ulcers and liver damage.11is particularly hazardous
to pregnancy.
The analysesof the Focus experts performed in "Zastava" car factoty, as welas
in the heating plant usedby the factory itself and the whole town of Kragujevac,

have detected PCBs, dioxin and furan. The soil beneath the electrical
transformer (heating plant) has been heavily contaminated in the total volume
of approximately 10 to 15 mJ. The water in 4 underground tanks ("Zastava" car
factory) has also been polluted by toxic materials in the volume of
approximately 4000 m3."'

1.3.24. "Sloboda" factory in Cacak, a town of approximately 38.000 inhabitants,
was repeatedly bombed during the NATO aggression, namely on March 28, 30
and on April 13, 1999. Around 80% of the factory production capacity was
completely destroyed.

The destruction of the galvanizing plant in "Sloboda" factory in Cacak has
caused heavy contamination of soil and surface waters by toxic materials
extremely hazardous to human health. The galvanizing plant was completely
devastated in the attack to"Cer" factory in Cacak which was being bombed five

times with 21 bombs and missiles dropped. The attack has resulted in the
complete destruction ofthe factory,with no possibilityof ia being restored.All

24XReportoftheCityInktituforHealthProtectiexperts,who analyscdtlocat~onwitUNEP.
2a9FOCUS, ExecutiveSummary&FinalReportpage3, (4.3.ContaminatbyPCBs andDIOXIN). plants were destroyed, including the galvanizing plant, whose destruction has
caused heavy environmental pollution (ofsoil and surface waters) by extremely

toxic materials.""
1.3.25. Power supply transmitters were also being targeted. At first, they were
attacked by so called .softhurnbs containing special graphite or carbon fibers

characterized by an extreme level of electrical conductivity. These so called
graphite bombs caused disruption of electric supply system on wide areas of
Yugoslavia: hut they did not directlydestroy energy transmitting systems. Beit~g
arelatively new military device, it still hnot been establislled beyond dispute

what effects on human life and natural environment graphite fiber could have,
but the workers who were cleaning power line cables were reported to develop
frequent allergic reactions when incontact with the fibers.

1.3.26. After having estimated that the use of soft bornbs was not efficient
enough, the NATO aggressor destroyed power transmitting and distribution
systems by means of conventional devices, bombs and missiles. Thus, thermal
power plant Urovci (Obrenovac), Drmno, Vcliki Crljeni etc, as well as
- transformer srationsin Resnik, Beserovina, Rimski Sancevi, Lestani, Bezanijska

Kosa, Nis, etc were also bombed. The destruction not only violated numerous
international obligations referring to the protectionof objects indispensable to
human survival"' but it has also brought about very heavy ecological

1.3.27. The air strikeagainst "Kolubara A" thermal power plant of May 22,
1999 has caused damaging of transformer station and the release of
transformer oil (approximately 200 t) into a tributary of thc Koluhara, the
riverof Pesten. The oil which had retained in certain places (river banks,

passages, meanders), was released into the surrounding area, tlrus
contamina~ing the soil (S= approximately 30krn2) afterample rainfalls.It also
contaminated subterranean waters used for drinking and taken from wells in
the villages of Poljane, Koracica and a part of Dra~evac.~' The village of

Veliki Crljeni is located approximately 50 krn south of Belgrade. In the
samples of the contaminated soil which were taken from the vicinity of this
place by the FOCUS experts, hydrocarbons (inthe first specimen 274g/kg, and
in thenext 236 mg/kg) have:been found, as well as PAH (in the first specimen

1.3.28. The NATO aviation destruction of large electrjc transformers in
power grid system throughout Yugoslavia unleashed the release of the
ascarel oilAscarel is a compound of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and

chloride benzene, which is, due to itsfire resistance and chemical stability

"0 FOCUS,ExccutlveSummary X:FinalReport,page47.
251Accordingto the paragrap5412of thc Additional Protocol I (1itIsrrictlforbidden,
civilian survival.", ro,.attack, destroy, eliniinate or make uselcss objects indispcn~ablc to
32 ReportoftheClryInstituforHealth Frutectexperts, whanalysethclocatiowithUNEP. used as a dielectric and cooling device in transformers and condenser^.^^ As
far as the use of ascarel is concerned, ecologically speaking one should differ
"cold" from "hot" pollution. Cold pollution caused by oil released horn

mechanically damaged transformers or due to careless handling is not
considered a serious pollutant. I-Iowever, during hot pullution due to
transfornrer explosion and the subsequent fire (which followed after NATO
had destroyed transfotmer stations in Yugoslavia), polychlorinated hiphenyls
~hermally degrade and form toxic polychlorinated dibenzofurr~ns (YCDF), or

furans. Chloride benzenes degrade under the same conditions giving very
toxic and carcinogenic polychlorinated dihenzodioxins (PCDD), or dioxins,
. which in the previous ecological catastrophes have caused fatal consequences
(e.g, in Sevesso, Italy, the skyscraper fire in New York in 1981, or the fire in
Reims, France, in 1985).

1.3.29.Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) spreads in rhe form of liquidor aerosol
emitting hydrogen chloride, whereas furitns and dioxins can be found in black,
sooty carbon smokes. When humans are exposed to PCB (which isregarded 21s
very stable with its semi-decomposilion time of 10 years) for a longer time, its

psychological, psychosomatic and dermatological effects become apparent,
creating changes and dysfunction of liver, and finally, it is extremely
. carcinogenic.
1.3.30. The bon~bingof chemical industry plants in Pancevo presents a very

special case of the aggressor strikes, which has caused ecologicalcatastrophe in
Yugoslavia. This statement stems from the fact that there are three large
chemical industry factories in Pancevo - Pancevo Oil Refinery, HIP
Petrohen~ija and "Azotara" - mineral fertilirer factory. All three factories wcre
being largeted repeatedly by the aggressor, which has resulted in extremely

grave environmental poIlution hazardous to lifeand health of a great number of
population of our countq. Therefore, the Pancevo chemical industry cases of
destruction have to be analyzed together, since all ecological conscqucnces,
which is particularly dangerous, have been faced syntlretically by approximately
the same area, depending on the respective weather factors.

1.3.31. Air strikes against chemical industry plants in Pancevo, due to the
immense fire that repeatedly raged in the targeted areas, have resulted in grave
consequences, namely, creating of a great quantity of soot, which is a
carcinogenic subsiance. Approximately 150krn of the banks of the Danube were

heavily polluted by benzopyrene.
1.3.32. In April 1999,a few devastating air strikes were carried out against
civilian plants of Pancevo petrochemical industry plants. These attacks have
resulted in heavy air pollution of Pancevo and its wider surroundings. The

pollution has been caused by various chemical substances, of which some have

?53 Stupar,Lj., I. DjordEnvironmentalpollutioasa consequencof NATO strike- FRY -
the provingground, I'roceedingsVSUP, Belgrade, June 1999, p.151-152.Repoftthe Ctty
Itistltufor I-IrProtectinii expewho,analysedthe locat~onwlrhWNEP.extremely unrci~~ogeni cnd mutagen effect, whereas some can be even defined as
poisonous gases.Air strikes resultininsevere consequences were carried out on
April 18, 1999, at the time when chenlical industry plants had already been
incapacitated. Therefore, it is apparent that the sole purpose of the destruction
wasto expose civilpopulation todestruction.

1.3.33.The number of population exposed to heavy chemical pollution isvery
large amounting to several hundred thousands, in view of the fact that the
Panceva municipality has approximately 130.000 inhahitants (with
approximately 10.000 refugees living in Pancevo as well) and that numerous

neighboring municipalities including Belgrade as a city of several milIion
people, were aIsoexposed to pollution. In addition, air pollution spreadue to
the wind across a very wide area of our country, which, regardless oadecrease
in poisonous materials concentration in proportion to territorial spreadingof
pollution, hasfaced a large population with extremely dangerous consequences.
The consequences are becoming even graver regarding the factthat the rains,

which were pouring intensively during the strikes, washed down large quantities
of toxic substances harmful to health into the soil, exactly in the area considered
to be the largest "granary"of ourcountry.
1.3.34. The first air strikes against Pancevo chemical industry plants were

carried out on April 4 and 12, 1999. During the same, "production and
manipulationt' and "energy supply" production units of NIS-Oil refinery in
Pancevo were struck, causing cxplosion and the subsequent fire, in which two
workers were killed and several lightly or severely injured. In the night
between April 15 and 16, 1999, DP "HIP Azotara" was bombed, when
missiles were dropped on crude oil storagein the energy unit, as well ason a

primary reformer in the "Arnonijak 3" unit, after which Ihe factory was
completely incapacitated for the production of mineral fertilizer. During the
same night, the VCM plant (vinyl chloride monomer) in "HIP Petrohemija"
was also struck, incapacitating the whole factory for the productionl In
addition, "NISoil refineq" in Pancevo was bombed on the same night and C-
2200 plant - vacuum distillation was hit. These strikes against chemical

industry plants have caused heavy polIucion of air in Pancevo and its
surroundings. The 24- hour - average ammonia concentration was above the
emission marginal value of 100 micrograms, amounting to 112 micrograms
per cubic meter. The presence of chlorine derivatives in the air was aIso

1.3.35. When on April 15, 1999, Pancevo "Azolara" was bombed for the first
time, a subsequent fire raged in the eneta unit causing a partial releaseof .
crude oil into the surrounding area of 0,5 ha. The burning also caused the
release of the largest amount ofammonia (ammonia + ammonium water) into
the industrialwastewaters canal.Increased concentration of carbon monoxide
(CO), organic comppunds in general (HxCz) as well as ammonia (NHJ) was

reported within the area of the subsequent cloud. After the second strike againstPanceva "Azotara" on April 18, 1999, increased value of nitrogen oxides in
general (Nox) was reported in the area of the cloud which was moving
westwards under the influence of low aircurrents (ca MDKrs).
1.3.36. The most severe ecological consequences which can be regarded as

catastrophic to healthofallinhabitants of Pancevo and itswider surroundings were
caused bythe aggressor'sstrikeson the night between April 17and 18,1999. During
these strikes, all three chemical indusfactories,which had already been hit,were
bombed. The airraids have made most of the population abandon the town and
shelter in the neighboring villages and weekend cottages, mostly in Deliblatska
peScara. However, the inhalation of poisonous and harmful substances from the air

by the population was inevitable,sincethe blowingwinds spread them acrossa wide
area due to frequent changes of air currents thereby making itimposqibleto make
more accurate forecasts as to how endangered certain areas were.
1.3.37. Several oil derivative reservoirs and one plant were hit in NIS Oil
refinery.The flame form the reservoirs reached the height of up to 100 meters

thus unleashing dense black smoke which spread across the town and its
surroundings, mostly to the direction of the village of Kacarevu, where the
presence of smoke gases was reported. The following morning, black rain was
reported in Pancevo and its surroundings. The composition of the rain was not
analyzed due to technical reasons, but iis generallyknown thatitpredominantly
containssoot, which isa carcinogenic substance. The rainwhich started to fall at

10 a.m.on April 18, 1999,at first worsened the ventilationof air in Pancevo and
its surroundings and then washed out the pollutant cloud, thus producing acid
rains and aerial residue inthe town and its surroundings. Itis absolutely certain
that soil pollution willbring about heavy ecological consequences forthe crops in
the region of the Pancevo municipality and itswider surroundings.

1.3.38. During the destruction of Pancevo oil refinery, a subsequent fire raged
releasing approximately 880.000t of oiland oil derivatives, according to the
following specifi~ation:"~
Chemicals Quantity
LPG ca 200 t

Special Gasoline ca 400 t
Heating fuel ca 1.509 t
Regular gasoline ca 2.100 t
Premium gasoline ca 2.350 t
Jet fuel ca7.500 t
Diesel ca 35Ct1

Fuel oil ca 7.500 t
FCC feedstock ca 6,700 t
Crude oil ca 56.300 t
Slop ca 1.900 t
total ca 80.000 t

Is4FOCUS, Executive Summaty & F~nalReport, Partpage 16.1 Itisestimated that out or the total quantofcrude oil and various oil derivatives,
approximately 80% completely burned, releasing the productof burning into the
atmospllerein Pancevo and itssurrounding as wellasa wider area. Approximately
20% of the inaterialwas released into thc soil,causingits polIution.

1.3.39. Oil refiner?,in Pancwas Eastbonlbed on June 8,1999, at the timwhen it
wns absolutelycerrain ththe peacetreatyw;isdefinitelygoing tbe signed.Judging
byallthc evidence,that lastattack,wassolelyaimed at causingutmost damage to the
economy of theFederal ReptibIir:of Yugoslaviaand f~it-ltefcuolnsequences to natural
environment, livesand health df inh:lbitanof Pancevo and its surroundings, who
had aireaciybeen exposedtodevastatingair,water,and suiIpollution.

1.3.40. Burning of crude oil, special and motor gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, other
types of gasoline and cliescl cornpondnts and other substances unIeashed
numerous toxic black ciauds containing soot,carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,
vapour, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide,noncombusrihle hydrocarbonates, etc.

Burningof lead tetracthyl, a co~uponenof mator gasoline, caused formation of
lead oxides, carhon dioxides and vapour. whichbeing heavier than air, fell down
on the soil,causing soil pollution. Due to this pollution, and especiallo the
possible penelratiotof puisonous materials dissolved in oiland oil derivatives
(lead tetraethyl, mercury dialkili) inlo the soil, thargreat danger of surface
and subterranean waters contamination."'

1.3.41.In"HIP Pancevu Petrohemija", one reservoirwithapproximately100 tonsof
VCM(vinyI chloridemonomer) and three cisternsof 30ionsof VCM respectivelyas
wellas a plant of PVC(polyvinylchloridewere struck..Burningof these substances,
and particularlyburning o190 tonsofVCM brought about drasticconsequences.In
one certain period c~ftime (between-56 am), theconcentration ofVCM was 7200
timesgreater than aliowed,tbe increased (in the period hetwee6- 8am) to 10600

rimes greater than the allowcd standard, During the following hour, the
concentration of VCM decreased to sonle extent, although it was still appallingly
great(4600times grcater than the allowcd quantity), to be increased in period
between 8:40and 9:45am to 9aM timesgreater than the allo\vedquantity.
1.3.42. VCM (vinylchIoride monomer) is a carcinogenic substance. According to

the recornmendations of the World Health Organization, any quantity of such
materialsin [he aiisnot aIlowed, altliough according ttheRegulations of EMV
(emission marginal value) issi~edtThe Serbian Ministryof Environment (Art. 7
and Table 7 ofthe Regulations), thenlaximurn allowed quantity ofvinylchloride
arnounrs lo50 mg/m .The marginal value was manifold (severalthousandtimes)

higher, due to the criminal bombing of Pancevo chemical industry plants and
according to the date presentedand measures takenby the Institute forHealth
Protection in Panceva. In the USA and most states - NATO members, the
presence ofVCM in the air isnot alloweinany quantity,sothat the commanders
ofthe strike against these plants must have been ftlIlyawareof the subsequent
horrible ecologica1consequences and consequences for health ingeneral.Bur~ling

255FOCUS. ExecutivSurntnnty Fit~nlRcpurt, Parpagc 18.of chemical materials in HIP Petrohemija cleated hyclrogcnchloride, carbon
monoxide as well as phosgene, which is a poisonouspns.Their concentration has
not been measured due to technical reasons, but it is absolutely certain that these
materials were present in the air. The subsequent fire in "HIP Azotaia", in which
the plant of NPK fertilizerwas burned thus releasing a vej darlgervus and

harmful g;lsammonium, only mntributcd ta air pollution.
1.3.43. In addition, oof the total quantity of mercury which ixused in the process
of chlorinalcalelectrolysis(approximately I20 tons), about cight Eonswere released
into the soil du16damage caused bybornbing. It was not possible, due to fiand

the presence ofpoisonous substances inthe airand the constant air raid alertto
take any measures as to neutralize the released mercury,which is an extremely
poisonoussubstance causing lasting andheavypollution of soil,subt-errmean waters
and water course.This poses an impending danger forPancevo whichissituated at
the confluence oftheTamiS and Ihe Danube, in the areaabundant insubterranean
waters. The levelof subterranean waters isvery cloto thc soisurface. It has been

estimated that the levelis onl1 lo3 meters away from tlzesurface. The industrial
zone of Pancevo, where the pollution wiu pariiculariy heay, with the release uS
tons ofmercury, is located south of the town- 2to 4 krnaway from it, on the left
bank of the Danube. In the relative vicinitof the industriazone drinking water
wellsare located, providingater for the populationof Pancevo.The arca islocated
2 to 4 km westof the townitself, on the lbank uf the Danube.

1.3.44. TI^ FOCUS expert rcsearchi'reported that the conccntsationof mercury
in the vicinityof electrolysis plant was considerably higher(500 ugm3 than
allowed(1 ug/m3).Due tocollater;~ldamage inllicted on tPVC and VCM plants,
approximately 3000 tons of sodium hydroxide,as well as 600 tons of hydrogene
chloridewere released out of thc targeted objects of P;inceHIP "Petrohemija".

1.3.45. Unscn~pulousnessof the aggressor as wellas their full awarenessof the
nature ofPanceva chemical industry plants i~ndthe extremery high degree of either
immediate or lasting danger lo civil population as a .consequence of their
destruciion, is clearlyimplied by the fact that almost allplants that were struck had
been designed according to western technologies, installedby the experts from

NATO member countries, or technically and technologically created by them.
When this is taken into consideration, the genocide intentions of the agsrcssor
becomc absolutely clear. The strikes against Pancevo chemical industry plitnts,
concentrated in a relatively narrow and densely populated area in the vicinitof
Belgrade with several million inhabitants, devastated: in an extremely brutal
manner, not only the plants wort11several bundred tllousand doliars, killed and
injured civilians,butalso demonstrated ecobgiccilterrun'asa part of thc totalwar.

1.3.46. In addition, devastating air strikes against the plants containing
extremely dangerous ancltoxic substances were not aimed at incapacitation of
production as it had already been disrupted to a great extent. Rearing in mind
that the aggressor was EuIlyaware of the substances that wr~uldbe released into

256ExecutiveSummaryLQFinalKcpurt,Far11,page5.the air after the strikes, they can be quite justifiably qualiasethe indirect and
evidently perfidious the use of poisonous gases as well as the act of extreme
brutality. There was a great risk of hitting the "Ethylene" plant (the reactor in

"Ethylene") in "HIP Petrohemijrt", which could have resulted in horrible and
extremely devastating explosion and thereby destroyed a large part of Pancevo
(Topola and Vojlovica above all) and killedits inhabitants, thus bringing about
even heavier and probably fatal environmer~talpollution.

1.3.47. Air strikes against chemical industry plants in Pancevo have caused not
only immense materia1 damage, loss of human lives and numerous injuries of its
workers and inlzabitants, but also noxious environmental pollution of the town
and its surroundings, whose consequences will be, quite certainly, felt in the
decades to come. All this is due to the atmospheric, poisoning by toxic,
carcinogenic and mutagene substances. In addition, destruction of chemical

industry plants and the subsequent heavy environmental pollution have caused
acute and intense spiritual anguish and great pains to the popuIation of Pancevo
and itsvicinity, which willcontinue to affect alargenumber of population over a
long period of rime, who will in the years to come think with anxiety over
possible and very probable damage incurred to their health and great risk of

carcinogenic and mutagene diseases. Regarding a well-known fact that the air
contained extremely large quantity of very toxic substances,a certain number of
population, which were exposed to toxic materials, will inevitably be liable to
heavy diseases of carcinogenic and mutagene nature.

1.3.48. The intention of the aggressorso inflict sufferings to civilpopulation and
to expose it to physical annihiIationisclearly implied by the fact that chemical
industry plants were struck at the time whcn the industry had already been
completely incapacitated by the previous strikes. Therefore, not only were civil
industry plants destroyed, but also this destruction was not even aimed at
incapacitating the industry (since it had already been done). It was obviously

directed toward annihilalion ofseveral thousand inhabitants ofPancevo and the
surroundings and inflicting immeasurable damage to theirhealth. Since the toxic,
carcinogenic and toxicogenic substances spread by blowing winds changing
direction in certain intervals and since this was happening in the area not only
greatIy urbanized, but alsoencompassing large agricultural complexes, a great

number of population was exposed to their harmful effects over a wide area.
1.3.49. The aggressorwasaware orwassupposed to be aware of the consequences
which may result from destruction of chemical industry plank, oil storage sites and
other facilitieswhosedamagingor destruction nlayinflictirreversiblharm tohuman

health and environrncnt.It igenerallyknownthat Yugoslaviahaspublished a list of
so called "black spots", where any damage incurred can resultin catastrophic
consequences. Regardless of this, chemicalindustry factorieswere systematically
bombed, althoughtheir damage poses a direct threat to human en~ironment.~'

257Letterdatcd27 MayI999 fromthcPermanentRepresentativeofthc Fi~issFederation to thc
Un~tedNationsaddresse o thcSecretary-GcncraAnncx,page NATO bombings causecldamage to the biodiversity ofthe Applicant,
1.3.51. During the aggression production of chiorine and ammonium, chemicals
which are necessary in each country for the disinfection of water and forthe
maintenance of freezers in the food industry, came to a halt. At the same time,

in order to protectthe population from potential chemical accidents caused by
air strikes, great quantities of the said chemicals indispensable fortbiological
survival of the population, were destroyed and neutralized during the

1.3.52. Besides acute consequences, extensive harmful consequences could be
expected on the health of people and the environment in the territory of the
Applicant. Numerous cancerous, mutagenic, terragenic and ernbrio-toxic
substanceswere released or generated on the territory of the entire country and

due to their resilience they will persisto be a lasting source of harm. Huge
quantities of VCM, EDC and PCB were released during the aggression. At the
same time new substances were generated (through the reaction processes)
whose presence have been already noticed in the soiland water in the broader
area of the aggressors' theatre of operations, such as dioxines and

dibensolphuranes which will definitely enter the food chain and jeopardize the
health and livesof people.
2.3.53. Impaired and modified psychological status of particularly
vulnerable groups has adversely affected individuals, children, families and

the society as a whole. During the aggression pregnant women frequently
addressed doctors with the question about possible consequences of toxic
chemicals for the environment and consequences of the use of depleted
uranium. There is no doubt that all this has affected the family planning and
probably caused an increased number of miscarriages, i.e. decreased number

of pregnancies.
1.3.54. The pollutants released during thbombingof civilian industrial facilities
willenter the food chain and create conditions conducive to illnesses and deaths.

1.3.55. A large number of unexpIoded cluster munitions and other bombs has
created potential conditions for death and injuries of great number of the
population and children in particular.

1.3.56. Destruction of the infrastructure for hazardous waste management,
environmental security and overall environmental management system
has resulted in a potentially serious humanitarian situation, poverty, as
well as possible outbreak of contagious diseases, epidemics, illnesses and

1.3.57.A list containing characteristic toxic materials to whose harmful effect
the population of Yugoslavia have been exposed, based on the FOCUS reportzS3
willbe presented below, although the list isunfortunately not final.

Executive Summary& FinalReport,p.6-8.Chlorine
As a toxin, chlorineis extremely irritating, anwhen inhaled itcan have fatal
consequences forlungs or pleura.

Conseq~rance for hcolth:
When brought in digestive tract, chlorine is irritating, can cause ston~achache,
diarrhea and blood in excrement, Inhalationof chlorine causes mouth irritation,
sharp chest pains,heavy asthmaticbreathing and vertigo.

As a toxin, ethylene diamine cl~loridisa narcotic, which iinhaled in the form
of vapour, having the effecof poison.

EDC is very harmfuI to liver. It is toxic whether inhaled or brought in
digestive tract. Clinical manifestationsof ncute intoxicalion are depression,
liver and kidney damage. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach
irritation and stomacl-ipains. Disorders can take various forms ranging from

unconsciousness to coma. Depreciation of the respiratory system causes
As a toxin,VCMis a carcinogenic substance. It is irritating and its preseise

not allowed in nwork place.
Const.que~acefsr hecclih:
VCMis very IrasrnIulto liver.Itoxicboth when inhaled and brought in digestive

tract. Clinicalmanifestatioof acute intoxication are depressjon, liand kidney
damage. Symptoms: nausea,vomiting, diarrhea, stomach irritation and stomach
pain. Disorders can cake various forms ranging from unconsciousness to coma.
Depreciation of the respiratory systemcauses death.

As a toxin, NaOEl ($odismzl~ydro,uidei)s toxic both when inhaled and brought in
digestivetract.Ir ivery harmfuI toalltissue types.
Con.seq~rencs sorhealth:

When inhaled, sodium hydroxide causes nose and mouth irritation,stabbing
chest pains, frequently resulting in bloody sputum. The final outcome of
intoxication is lung edema.

As a toxin, hydrogcrzchloride causes cough, suffocation, inflammation and
ulcerous changes (sores and ulcers)of the respiratory system.
Conseqtrelzoefor hecrl~h:

When HCL is inhaled, itcauses nose and mouth irritationstabbing chest
pains, frequentlyfollowed by bloody sputum. The finaloutcome of intoxication
by HCL is lung edema. Exposure to [his substance frequently brings about

Asa toxin, sodiunz/typochloririsvery irritating tmucous membrane.
Conseqiiencesfor healtlt:
When inhaled, NaQCL causes nose and mouth irritatioand stabbing chest
pains frequently followed by bloody sputum. The fit~aloutcome of intoxication
bysodi~an1~ypacl~lotitislung edema.

AT a toxin, sulfuric acisextremely irritating.
Consequencesfor Erealth: .
When inhaled, sulfuric accauses nose and mouth irritatioand stabbing chest

pains frequently followedby bloody sputum. The fir-ialoutcomeof intoxication
by sulfuricacid ilung edema.
As atoxln,mercury isan extremelytoxisubstance,more exactlyaverystrong poison.

Consequetzcesfor health:
When inhaled in the form of vapuur, mercury can damage nervous and digestive
system, kidneys and liver. Mercury causes strong stomach pains, vomiting,
diarrhea with bloody excrement as well as ulcerin the oral cavity.

As a toxin, ammonia causes heavy inflammations. The ammonia vapaur is very
Consequ~~?cfeosr health
Ammonia is characterized as a veiy strong irritating and corrosive material.
Ammonia causes cough, skin damages and eye pains. When inhaled, the

concentrated ammonia causes lung edema, glottal spasm and suffocation.
Asa toxin, pyralene isa carcinogenicsubstance.

Pyralene causes:skinchanges, ulcers and livedamage. It is extremely hazardous
to pregnancy.
As a toxin, phosgene is one of the most Ijoisonous gases. It is particularly
dangerous as there are no alarming symptoms when inhaled.

Consequences forhealth
Phosgene is a verystrong poisonous gas. Its high concentrations can cause
heavy lung damagc and very quick death.

As atoxin,styrene isveryirritating teyes and kherespiratory system.
Cunseque~lces to heullh:
Styrene causes heavy irritation of eyes and the respiratory system, causing
headache, vertigo and drowsiness. It frequently causes stomach spasms. When
highly concentrated, itainarcotic. It is harmful to healiverand kidneys.1.4.1. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 6 April 1999. Air
Commodore Wilbyz9:
"Last night we struck a military facility at Aleksinac home of the 203rd

mixed artillery brigade. It is possible that one of our weapons fell short of
the target. Despite our meticulous and careful pre-attack pIanning, the law
of statistics will, at some stage, go against us and we will be exposed to
technical defect. Thus, while the cockpit indications and release parameters
may have been achieved succesxfully, after release, technical failure such as
a guidance fault in the finaE stages of trajectory, could cause an impact

1.4.2. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 9 April 1999. Arr
Commodore Wilby: ,
"Finally,we attacked the main telephone exchange. This was a key target that

was being used to provide communications between the fielded Serbianforces
within Kosovo and Belgrade. Although three of our bombs hit the target,
despite our very best efforts iappears that on this attackone bomb may have
caused some collateral damage."
1.4.3.At the same Press Conference. Patricia Kelly, CNN:

"...we are told that you hia car plant. Don't civilianwork in car plants? How
can you be sure that they weren't working on an assembly line?I realise that at
the moment the car plant's capacity to produce, because of sanctions, would be
lessened but nevertheless civiliando workin these plants."

Air Commodore Wilby:
"In terms of the "car plant", our intelligence says that it ia car plant, that it
produces military machinery and of'course, as I said you, we would look very
carefully into the collateral damage or damage to civilians before we attacked
that particular plant."

1.4.4.NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 13April 1999. General
"I wanted to show you the tape of the cockpitview ofthe missile that hit the
railroad bridge and the train yesterday.Itis hung up ina computer problem in
my computer at Shape, we arc trying to get iup here and if Ican get itup here
during the time we have the press briefing,ifI canget itup here we willshowit

to you. But I want to describe it because this was a case where a pilot was
assigned to strika railroadbridge that is part of the integrated communications
supply network in Serbia. He launched his missile from his aircraft that was
many miles away, he was not able to put his eyeon thebridge, it wasaremotely
directed attack.

259Air Commodore, Dav~dWilbySWE
26"~neral Weslq Clark,SACEUR"And as he stared intently at the desired target paint on the bridge, and I talked
to the team at Aviano who was directly engaged in this operation, as the pilot
stared intently at the desired aim point onhe bridge and worked it, and worked
it,and worked itand all of a sudden at the very lastinstant with less than a
second to gohe caught a flash of movement that came into the screen and it was

the train coming in. Unfortunately, he couldn'tdump the bomb atthat point, it
was locked, it was going intthe target and it wasan unfortunate incident which
he, and the crew, and a11of us very much regret. We certainly don't want to do
collateral damage.

"The mission was totake out the bridge. He realised when ithad happened that
he had not hit thebridge,but what he had hitwas the train. He had another aim
point on the bridge, iwas a relativellong bridge and he believed he still had to
accomplish his mission,the pilot circledack around. He put hisaim point on the
other end of the bridge from where the train had come, by the time thebomb got

close the bridge was covered withsmoke and clouds and at the lastminute again
in an uncanny accident, the trainhad slid forward from the original impact and
parts ofthe train had moved across the bridge, andso that by striking the other
end of the bridge he actuallycaused additionaldamage ro the train.

"I don't knowwhat the extent of thesecondstrike was,but twobombs were put into
that bridge and jn both cases therwas an effortmade to avoid collateral damage.
He couldn't,he sawwhat had happened, it is one of those regrettable things that
happen in a campaign like this andwe are alverysorryfor it, buwe are doing the
absolute bestwe can do to avoidcollateraldamage, Ican assure you of that."

1.4.5.It igood evidence how they were doing '"he absolute best they can do to
avoid collateral damage.''It isthe best evidence that they did not do what they
could do to avoid civilian casualtieTbe pilot was conscious that he hit the train
by the first bomb. So, he would knew that civilians wereon the bridge and that
the other civilians would come to help. In spite of that, the pilot targeted the

bridge again and hit the train again. It is obvious thatthe pilotdid not care
about civilianscasualties. Instead of punishinthe pilot, General Clark said that
they were doing "the absolute best" toavoid "collatera1 damage", Such afailure
to fulfill the obligation to protect civilians resultedrgeciviliancasualties.

1.4.6.NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon af 15April 1999. General
"Now I will moveon to the incident which resulted in loss olifeand injury to
civilian people in Kosovo. You will be aware that the firstreports of -this
accident only emerged at the end of yesterday'press briefing.The situation was

confused as therehad been NATO attackson a number of convoys in Kosovo.
This map shows the area of the attack in question.NATO confirms from its
preliminary investigation that it appears that one of its aircraft may have
mistakenly dropped a bomb on a civilian vehicle ia convo yesterday."

261BrigadierGeneral GiusepMarani1.4.7.NATO Press Conference heid on the afternoon of 23April 1999. Konrad
"Last night, NATO continued to disrupt the national command network and to
degrade the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's propaganda apparatus; our forces
struck at theregime le;ldershipls Bbjlilyto transmit their verofothenews and

to transmit their instructions to the troops it1the field proseculing their
campaign of repression and destruction in Knsavo. The Belgrade television and
radio studio, the largest mass media institution in the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, which orchestrates much of the regime's propaganda programme,

was struck. The building alsc housed a large multi-purpose communications
satellite antenna dish."
1.4.8.NATO coniirmcd that it intentionally bombed the Belgrade television and

radio station, causing civilian casualties.
1-49. NATO Press Conference, held un the afternoon of 2 May 1889. Jamie
"We again struck lines of communication, including 12 road bridges and 5

railroad bridges. Unfortunately,on one of our attacks on Saturday unintended
damage occurred and NATO aircraft carried out one single attack against the
Lusana bridge north of Pristina. This wasa legitimate military rarget on a key
north-south resupply route for the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia military and
special police operatiuns between Pristina,and Podujevo. Unfortunately, after

weapons release, a buscrossed on the bridge but was not seen by the pilot whose
attention was focused on his aim point during weapon trajeceory. He did not
target the bus and there was no intention to harm civilians,and any ioss of
innocent lifeisregretted."

1.4.10. NATO Press Confererlce held on the afternoon of 5 May 1999. Major
General Jerd":
"Turning now to NATO operations against strategictargets. As manypress
services have already reported, last night we conducted a co-ordinated

effort against the elecrrical power distributionsystem in Serbia, as alsohas
been mentioned by Jamie. Let me explain further the rationale behind this.
The supply of electricity is fundamental to the command, and control,
and support systems of a modern military or police force. Alliance forces
struck electrical power transformer yards at Obrenovac, Njs, Bajina Basta,

Drmno and Novi Sad. The cumulative effect was to deny temporarily
electric power to a large partofSerbia without undue effecton neighbouring

1.4.11. NATO confirnled that it intentionally bombed the electricalpower
distribution system in Serbia.

2-5Jamie Sl~cNAI'O Spokesman
264 Gener~l Walter JSHAPE1.4.12. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of hMay 1959.General
"Let me also summarise progress on the second of those goals, to cut theoff,
on which you have had several reports at these briefings in the recentdays
already. As of today, with the exceptioti of the Danube Bridge in Belgrade, all
but twu Danube bridges are destroyed, and this is wilhinatotal of 31 bridges
attacked throughout the area of operations.

"The two major rail routes into Kosovo have been closed. The two major road
routes from Serbia into Kosovo have been closed alsoThe other two,however
more minor, roadsare severely damaged.

"We have totally destroyed oil refining capacity so that Milosevic has to only
imported fuel - costing money. 70% of military stocks have gone, sohas one-
third of fuel storage capacity. And NATO is progressively destroying Serb
communications capabilities also."
1.4.13. If the militargoal of the Respondents had been to cut off Yugoslav

capabilitiestosupply the military and police:forces in Kosovo'and Metol~ija, it
would have been sufficient to close the above routes into Kosovo and Metohija.
It was quite unnecessary to destroy bridges and infrastructures which were
hundreds of kilometers away.

1.4.14. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 8 May 1999. NATO
Spokesman, Jamie Shea:
"I would like to begin by stating that NATO did not intentionally target the
Chinese Embassy in Belgrade last night.
"The planned target was the Federal Directorate foSupply and Procurement in

Belgrade but the wrong building was attacked.This was a terrible accident."
1.4.15. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 8 May1999.General
"Before going on to our other operations last nighT also want to address the
other recent incidentatNis, as I promised you yesterdaT would elaborate on it.

NATO has confirmed that the damage to the market and clinicwas caused by a
NATO weapon which missed its target. This strike was directed against theNis
airfield utilising cluster munitioThe attack was aimed at destroying Serbian
aircraft which were parked on he airfield, air defence systems and support
vehicles, targets to which cluster munitio~~sare appropriately suited."

1.4.15. On the same Press Conference. Gyorgy Foris, Hungarian TV:
"The Belgrade incident and the Nisincident show how risky targeting downtown
targets is. The question ariseis it worthwhile doing so,do you have as much
benefit outof it thamakes it worthwhile doing it, targeting downtown?"

Major General Jerts:
"We had unfortunately to target some targetsin downtown Belgrade in the
past and we hit them because they did belong to the command structure of a
regime which we think is a brutal regime talking, listening and seeing thepictures of what is happening in Kosovo. So yes, we do continue to find

legitimate targets which are totally agreeby those countries who want to end
this conflict."
1.4.27, NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 15May1999. Major
General Jertz:

"Iwould like to begin todaybyreiteratingthe NATO statement from earlier this
morning concerning the reports about the incident close to Korisa. Following
Serb claims about a NATO attack near Korisa,we had conducted an extensive
review ofNATO operationsin that area. Here is whaIcan tell youso far.

"First of all, as already has been mentioned, was a legitimate military target.
NATO reconnaissance and intelligence orders identified just outside Koriaa
military camp and command post, including an armoured personnel carrier and
10pieces of artillery. Follow-up intelligence confirmed this informatiobeing
a valid military target. Immediately prior to the aat 23.30-11.30p.m. - local
time Thursday night an airborne fonvard air controller confirmed the targeso

the identification and attack systofhis aircraft, having positivelyidentified the
targetas what looked like dug-in militay reveted positions, he dropped two laser
guided bombs. Following his attack, he cleared his wingman to also attack the
sametarget using two more laser guided bombs. Approximately 10minutes later,
the third aircraengaged thg target with gravity bombs, wsixgravitybombs. A

total of 10bombs were dropped on the targel."
1.4.18. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 20 May 1999.
"Jamie, do you have any more information on the reports abouta hospitalbeing
hit in Belgrade and the Swedish ambassador's residence having itswindows

blown out and on that, isthis notperhaps a sensitive area to be bombing in the
wake of thc Chinese embassyaccident?"
Jamie Shea:
"Margaret, as you know,we have alwayssaid that no place in Yugoslavia and no

military facility woube a sanctuary Ifthat facilitisconnected with the Army
activitiein Kosovo and T can tell you that NATO aircraft targeted yesterday
evening andstruck a Belgrade Armybarracks - IinsistanAmy barracks- at about
1 a.m. this morning;7 laser-guided bombs hit the target, one laser-guided bomb
failed to guide correctly awe can confirm that it struck the base afbuilding
about 3,500feet from the centre of the target area but reportI sawton Tanjug

today saythatNATO deliberatelytargetedacivilianbuilding are completefalse."
1.4.19. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 20 May 1999. Jamie
"Over the last 24 hours,we attacked fielded forcesin Kosovo including tanks

and armoured vehicles and artillerypositions andwe attacked also asurface-to-
air transporter launcher and numerous other military vehicles. At the same
time, NATO aircraft struck strategic targets throughout Serbia, the main
targetswere airfields at Pristina and Batanjica, Army facilities at Zinjani inBelgrade and at Istok, militarycommunications stations at Belgrade and Stara
Azova, a radio broadcast facilityat Sorboron and at Subotica and at Kula and
fuel storage sites at Sonbor, Batanjica and Jenica. We also struck a radio relay
site at Losinca and an ammunition plant at Barij and all NATO aircraft
returned safelyto their bases after last night'soperation andonDay 58nowthe
1.4.20.NATOPressConference held on theafternoon of 20May 1999. Stephen

"I would liketo come back to last night'sbombing, you said that you targeted
an army barracks in Belgrade, you said that one bomb missed its target and
hit a nearby building. The hospital that the Serbs talk about is close to the
army barracks. The Swedish Embassy is also damaged, so why don't you
admit explicitlythat you hit the hospital? Second question, there is criticism
by the Swedish Foreign Minister saying that NATO is using too heavy
explosives against targets in a big city centre such as Belgrade. What is your

General Jertz:
"On the firstquestion, allI sayso far is have nothing to add to what Jamie said
this morning and weare stillunder review."
Stephen Dierckx:

"That doesn't answermy question. Why don't you admit that you don't know
that you hit the hospital,you are stillnot sure?"
General Jertz:
"You knowthat battle damage assessment takes a while and we told you in the
past that we have to be very sure ifwe saywhat has happened, and I wouldjust
askyou to acceptwhat Jamie said this morning."

Stephen Dierckx:
"So howdo you know that a building was hitthat was not the army barracks if
you don'tknowwhat buildingwashit?"

General Jertz:
"You know wehit a military target."
Stephen Dierckx:
"But one bomb hit a civilianbuildingapparently, this morning that wassaid?"

General Jertz:
"When weare sure what happened we are goingto tell youwhat happened."
Jamie Shea:

"Stephen, as I made clear this morning, one of the bombs was misdirected for
technical reasons, it fell short, or rather it fell long; it overflew the target by
about 1,500feet, General Jertz, I believe, but we don't have any details yet,
precise information asto exactlywhat were the consequences. But we gaveyou
that information thismorning."I would also like to saythat I have seen the Prime Minister of Swedensay this

morning that hisgovernment supports the NATO campaign against Yugoslavia,
and I quote him saying:"We want the Yugoslavgovernment to observe human
rights and withdrawitsarmyfrom Kosovo."
"Sorry Jamie, that is not an answer to my question. I refer to criticism by the
Swedish Foreign Minister that you use too heavy explosives in city centres.

Couldyou respond please?"
General Jertz:
"You know that we attack targets with the ammunition which from the tactical
point of viewand from the strategic point of vieware the ones whichshould be
taken againstthose targets,and that iswhatwe did beforeand whatwewilldo in
the future also."

1.4.21. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 21 May 1999. Mark
"There are reports that a prison in Islok in central Kosovo has been struck by
NATO aircraft, have you got any comment on that? Also, there has been
criticism from both non-NATO nations like Swedenand Switzerland but also
apparently from within NATO by the German Foreign Minister that targeting
presumably in places like Belgrade needs'to be reviewed to avoid collateral

damage presun~ablyto the Swissembassy'swindows."
Jamie Shea:
"General, haveyougot anythingon the prison?"

Major General Jertz:
"On Istok,all Ican say iswhat I said yesterday,we have no newevidence that it
wasstruck again."
Mark Laity:
"Itis today I think theyare talkingabout."

MajorGeneral Jertz:
"No evidence on that, we did not target it, we did not attack so I don't know
where the information came from."

Mark Laity:
"Can I get that clear? You didn'ttarget Istok today?"
General Jertz:

Jamie Shea:
"I don't believewe had any targets in Kosovo yesterdaybecause of the weather

Mark Laity:
"No, but the report isthat the attack went in thismorning."Major General Sertz:
"I am referring to the24 hours information which Igave, they do end of course
in the morning so I haven't got any report, but I willfind out, but 1have no
information that lstok was hit again today."

Jamie Shea:
"Nothing on that at the moment Mark. On the embassies, the Secretary
General, on behalf of the Alliance, has beet1in touch with the ambassadors here
in Brussels and the governnlents of a11of the countries where there was some
damage to windows, damage resulting from the blast effect. We have obviously

expressed our apologies for any inconvenience that may have been caused "
Major General Jertz:
"1 promised to bc honest. I just got information that Istok was on the target list

for today but Twas not covering Istok when I was covering the last 24-hour
operation so I do have to wait untilIget more information that it was attacked
this morning. A security complex was attacked this morning but 1 have no
further information on that but onceagain my coverage of what 1am doing ends
early in themorning but not that early.You are on the ground and we are not
and we have to wait until the aircraft come back and that is the reason why it

takes a little longer."
1.4.22.NATO Press Conference held on thc morning of 23 May 1899.Mark
"You have been hitting power transformer yards again. I have seensome of the

pictures showing the damage, the Serb pictures,and they look different to the
original pictureshich were quite clearly this graphite ban16 and soft bomb. Are
you actually hitting them with explosiveombs rather than graphite bombs now."
Jamie Shea:
"Mark, you willforgive me ifTdon't giveyou thedetails,but Tdid say yesterday,

and I repeal that today, thawe areusing a mixture of munitions to attack those
targets and we are doing this again because this is fundamental to disrupting the
militav command and control system ef the Yugoslav Army. It also obliges
Milosevic, or the government, the: army, to tryto identify back-up systems, it
puts pressure on them interms of the priorities they gilo the useof their fuel,
whether they want to use the fuel for those back-up systems, either for civilian
purposes or formilitary purposes, but most of'the civilian installatiosuch as
hospitals, obviously haveback-up electrical transformersystems."

Mark Laity - BBC:
"Because the obvious Serb response isthat they are going to say that NATO
said it doesn't target civilians,but thiineffect targeting civilians?"

Jamie Shea:
"We target anything that in our view will adct to the worries of the Yugoslav
Army and disrupt their operations,but as1say, the important civilian facilities
have back-up transformer systen~s and I think thatis demonstrated by the factthat those essential facilities continue to operate. I don't think anybody
disputes that, evenif thelights go outin terms of street lights and traffic lights
far certainperiods. But again this forcesBelgrade to spend a lot of time, a lot
of effort to use its back-up systems, it disrupts the command and control and
again anything that we can do to hasten the end of this conflictby convincing
Milosevic that his military machine is being degraded is something that we are

going to continue to do."
1.4.23. Targeting anything that in their view wiH add to the worries of the
Yugoslav Army and disrupt their operations is quite contrary to the obligations
established byinternational humanitarian law.

1.4.24. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 24 May 1999.
"There have been Serb press reports today of extensive damage to civilian water
and electricity suppliesinBelgrade and elsewhere. Can you confirm that there

has been such damage to citywater supplies.Ifso,is this part oa new effort to
increase pressure on Milosevic by attacking civilian targets, and if not, what is
the military rationale for attacking civilian waand electricity supplies?"
Peter Daniel2":
"First ofall, we have not targeted the water system.The difficulties with water

supply relati mostly to the difficulties that exist with the sofelectricityWe
have not targeted, and I thinkwe have been vesy clear about that, the power
plants perse, we have targeted the transformers and the edgesso to speak of the
electricity generating system and it is mainly to cause difficultietheomilitary
complex in theFederal Republic of Yugoslavia, ..."

1.4.25. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 31 May 1999. Jake
Lynch S,ky News:
"Onthe two attacks, Jamie. First of all, anything to add to the overnight statement
about the attack on the bridge at Vavarin? Secondly,the other thing wasanything
on the reportsof the attack which allegedlystruckahospital inSurdulica?"

Jamie S hea:
"First of all on the bridge incident. You saw the statement that we put out, I
think justbefore 10.09 p.m. yesterday evening - at least that's wheIreceived it
- and it is clear that NATO aircraft did attack thbridge yesterday.I don? have
any details about casualties. We've seen the Serb reports, butI can't obviously
confirm any ofthose. And again, 1want to stress to alof you that that bridgeis
- was - a legitimate, designated military target.

"On Surdulica, I've been reviewing that this morning with [he military
commanders. We struck lastnight at a military barracksin Surdulica. Again, 1
want to stress that this was a designated, legitimate military target. The
information I have so faris that that military target was hit accurate1f.Ehave
more, Jake, I willgiveitto you later on."

2b5Mr PcterDaniel. NATOSpokesman

2001.4.26. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 31 May 1999.Fred
Colman (USA Today):
"Two questions on the bombing of the bridge at Varvarin: firsof all,can you
confirm that the attack took place at 1.0p.m., or at leastinthe middle of the
day; and second, if itdid take place in the middle of the day, how does that
square with your repeated assertions, NATO does evefything to avoid civilian
casualties, since clearly youre going to take more civilian casualties in the
middle of the day, thanyou would in the middle ofthe night?

Colonel Freytag:
"You are aware of our press release of yesterday, and there is nothinto add.
Eut I confirm toyou again the time; it was 11.01zulu time, which is 1p.m."
1.4.27. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 1 June 1999. Jake

Lynch, SkyNews:
" Jamie we haven't yet heard any reason why the bridge at Varvarin was hit at
lunchtime arianot in themiddle ofthe night and ifthere isno military reason
for that, it can't possiblbe so, can it, thaNATO takes every precaution to
avoid civilian casualtie"?
Jamie Shea:

"Jake, we take the same precautions at middayaswe do at midnight."


1.5.1. Killings Serbs In early June 1999itheFrizren neighborhood of Dusanwo, Albanian
terrorists slit the throat of Nikola Radivojev60-year old schoolteacher. 13June 1999Albanian terrorists killed four persons in the Pristina

neighborhood of Vranjevac. On 13 June 1999 in Ptistina, Jablanicka Street near Milan Rakic
Primary School, Albanian terrorists killed Zoran Rajicic (1969), Miodrag
Masulovic and Dragan Vojinovic, On 14 June 1999 in the village of Gatnje, Urosevac municipality,

Albanian terrorists shot deada person ofSerbian nationality. On 17 June 1999 atabout 11:OO a.m. in the village of Oraovica,
Kosovska Kamenica municipality,Novica Vasic (1949) was shot dead from a
nearby forest while he was inthe field.On the same day, the older sonof Srba
Stojanovic was killed in front-of his house. On 17 June 1999 on the estate near the school in the village of
Strezovce, Kosovska Kamenica municipality, Blagoje Stankovic(1926) was
killed by severalax blows on the head, probably by his neighbor Faik Mujku.
Blagoje'swife Dobrinka from the same villagewaskilled aswell. 17 Junc 1999 on the arterial road Pec-Rozaje, near Kula, Pec
nzunicipality, Albanian terrorists killGoran Novovic (1945), a trucker, and
appropriated his Zastava freight vehicle. Thcase was reported on 14 JuIy 1999
by his wife Mirjana Novovic to the Department of the interiorZemun. 17 June 1999 Albanian terrorists killed Borivoje StanojkovicQn

16 August 1989 Mirjana Novovic from Zemuo, widow of killed Goran Novovic,
reported on the llisisof'a written statement of brothers Stojnn and Miinn
Stanojkovic from Pec, that her husband was killedbyIbisZekajfromNovoSelo,
Pec municipality, his two sons and his brother. Stojan'sand Milan's father
Borivoje Stailojkovic was killed on thesame occasion, while the two of them
managed roescape.

1.. the 17th and 20th Junc 1998 Albanian terrorists killed six
members of the Basic familyinthe villagcof Rudice, Klina municipality: Dusan
(19521, Dragulin (1967) and Dragan (1955), Mihajlo (18491, Kadoslav (1954)
and Jovanka (I957), as weltasZorka Siljkovic.One of the terrorist group which

killed Serbs in thc villaof Rudice was led by Alija Amadjekaj and his brother
who lived fur a while in Germany. Radosava Dasic (1956) from the village of
Rudice, Nina lnunicipaIity, now living in the village of Musina Reka, Kraljevo
municipality, reported this evenon 1 September 1999 On It; June 1999 Petar Krstic (1962) from the villageof Kosin,

Urosevac rnut~icipality,was kill(histhroat was slit) in hfamilyhouse, which
was the11lootccland set on fire. On I8 June 1999 in the village of Gornje Nerodimlje, Urosevac
municipality, Milovan Sabic (65) was killed. After they killed him, Albanian
terrorists severedhis head and left it in the center of the village. On 18 June 1999 in the village of Donje Nerodimlje, Urosevac
rnunicipaIity, group of Albanian terrorists led by Avdi Maljoku from the same
village shotdead Dinko Pavlic(50) in front 01his house. On 18 June 1999 Albanian terrorists killed Stanojko Mihajlovic in

Novo Selo. 19June 1999Albanian terrorists killed MilivojeSimic and Nenad
Arsic.Arsic druve from hishome in Kusovska Kamenica, with Milivoje Simic and
his son Goran riding in the same car, when Albanian terrorists stopped them.

Milivuje and Goran Sirnic managed to escape, whileterrorists tookArsic to the
villageof Koretin. Arsic'srelatives and representatives of the municipal authorities
assembled and went to the villagof Koretin, where rhey found Arsic. Albanian
terrorists killed Nenad Arsic and Milivoje Simic in frontArsic'srelatives, who
reacted bykillingseveral terrorisThiscase was reported on 17 August 1998. On 19 June 1999 in Kosovska Kamenica Miodrag (Srboljub)
Stojanovic (40) wasshot dead. 19June 1999 Djordjc Joksimavic (65) from the,villageof Gornje
Nerodimlje was abducted and then killed. On 19 June 1999 Albanian terrorists killed six personsof Serbian
nationality in Obilic: Slobodan (1952) and Nenad (1985) Pavlovic, Momcilo
Dimic, Dimitrije Milenkovic, Aleksandar Milenkovic and Dejan Prokic. On the night of 19/20 June 1999 four persons were killed in the,
village of Berivojce, Kosovska Mitrovjca municipality. On20 June 1999Nenad Vojinovic (60) and his son Srdjan Vojinovic
(30) were killedintheir fanlily house on Milana Milenica Slreet in Urosevac. On 20 June 1999 near the Ratlava Inke, Podujevu municipalily,
Albanian terrorists killed twu persons of Serbian nationality. 20 June 1999 inthe Pristina neighborhoocl ofKicma Albanian
terrorists abducted andthen killed Dragomir Brankovic. On 20 June 1999 Panta Filipovic and Monlir Stamenkovic were
found in Prizren with their throats slit. On the night o20121June 1999in Pristina, Jablanicka Street No. 47,

Albanian terrorists tortured and then killed Radivoje Radosavljevic, After that,
they burnt his house, leveled the ground with a hulldclzer astartedlo builda
new house on thesame lot. On the nightof21/22June 1999 in the villr-ofSlivovo, Novo Brdo
municipality, Albanian terrorists killed Zivor(1928) Z,vko (1929), Dimitrije

(1930) and Trajan Simic and massacred their bodies. 21 June 1999Aleksandar Jovanovic (77)was shot in the villaof
Bostane, Novo Brdo municipality. 12-year old Jovica Petrovicwas shot dead while tending livestock
near his house inthevillageof Bostane, Novo Brdo municipality. On22June 1999Albanian terrorists abducted and killZoran Stanisic
from Slovinj,Lipljan municipalitand buried his body at anunknown place. This

crimewascommitted byLjujzimGasi fiunl Slovinj,a worker atthe Coca-Cola plant. On 22 June 1999 Albanian terrorists stabbed and killed Petko
Nikolic,from thc village oCrni Breg, Lipljan municipality. On 22 June 1995 Albanian terrorists killed three.Serbs in the village
of Belo Polje,Pec municipality. On 23 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Nebojsa Jeftic in
Kosovska Karnenica, took him to anunknown destination and then kilfedhim. 23 June 1999 lo bod Ranulovic was killed in hiapartment in
Podujevo. On 23 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted in Kosovska

Karncnica and then brutally murdered with a knife MilanSimic. On 24 June 1998 assistant professor Milenko Lekovic, another
unidentified male (professor) and a security guard Miodrag Mladenovic were
killedat the School of Economics in Pristina. On 24 June 1989 Zoran Radulovic, an employee of the Postal and
Telecommunications Company,was killed in Pristina. On 25 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted and possibly killed
Prof. Andrija Tomanovic, M.D. ,irector of the Surgical Clinicofthe Clinical
and HospitaI Cenler in Pristina. On 26 June 1999 in the village of Belo Polje, Pec municipality,
Albanian terrorists beat up Marta Miric (731, and raped her 35-year old
daughter, whom they subsequently killed by slitting her throat. On 30 June 1999 in Novo Brdo inthe neighborhood of Kolonija,
Mile Vukas, a 45-year old refugee was killed and hisbody was removed to an
unknown place. In late June 1999Slobodan Stojkovic (60)was killedin Stari Kacanik
(histhroat slit and body massacred). Albanian terrorists dumped his bodyin the
Nerodirnka river. late June 1999 Vesko Mladenovic and his wife Milica were killed
in front of their family housinStari Kacanik. At the endof June 1999 Zivka Stankovic and her daughter Gordana

from Stari Kacanikwere raped, abused, and then killedin their hometown. the end of June 1999Mirke Talir (65)and hiswifeNevena (60) were
killedinStimlje.After themurder, Albanian terrorists massacredtheir bodies, In early July 1999, Albanian terrorists killed 20 nan-Albanian

citizens, mainly olpeople, in Istok. 10 July 1999 in the town of Novo Brdo, Albanian terrorists raped
Miloratka Stqjkovic,a 36-year old mentally retarded woman from Labljane,
Novo Brdo municipality. She passed away the next day as the consequence of
sustained shock. She was raped by a larger group of Albanian terrorists in a
cruel and impudent way, On 10July 1999Stanko Stojanovic (55) was beaten up and hanged in
the viIIageofKlobukar, Novo Brdo municipality. Sava Stojakovic (60) was shot dead in the yard of his house in
Labljane, Novo Brdo municipality. 10 July 1999Zivko N. (68) was hanged in frontof hishouse in the
villageof Parlozi,Novo Brdo municipality. On 12 July 1999 Albanian terrorists shot dead Petar Vasiljkovic

(1934) while he was tending his livestock in the villofeZitinja. the night of 13/14July 1999 Tomislav Tasic (1936) was killedin
his Pristina apartment, Mostarska Street No.17. On 13 July 1999 Albanian terrorists shot dead Sasa Milkic (1987)
while he was gathering hay inthe village of Binac. On 14July 1999Albanian terrorists shotdead Petar Zivkovic (1934)
while he was working in his fielin thevillageof Zitinja. On 15July 1999in Gnjilane Albanian terroristsshot Zoran Jankovic
(1985) and his father Zivorad, inflicting them severe injuries. They were
hospitalizedin the Clinicaland HospitalCenter inPristina.On 19July 1999,Zoran
waskilledbyseveral knifestabsin the neck whilehe washospitalizedinPristina. 16July1999Albanian terrorists killedSpasoje Maksimovicin the
villageof Zitinja, Vitina municipality. On 16 July 1999Albanian terrorists killed Spasoje Djoric (1939)
from an ambushnear the local bridge in the villageof Zitinja. 17July 1999Albanian terrorists killed Blagoje Simonovicand his
wifeVera in their family housein Gnjilane, Cara Lazara Street. On 17 July 1999 in the village of Mogila, Vitina municipality,
Albanian terrorists killed Zoran Djordjevic from the same village whilehe was
workingin his field. On 20 July 1999 in the area of the village of Koretiste, Gnjilane
municipality,Albanianterrorists killed Petar Savic. 20July 1999,Bozidar Stojanovic(1949)was killednear his house
in the villageof Cernica, Gnjilane municipality, whiletending hislivestock. On 21July 1999Albanian terrorists killed in the villageof Ravniste,
Vitina municipality,a person of Serbian nationality from the villageof Vrbovac. On 21 July 1999 on a small market place in Pristina Albanian
terrorists killed one person of Serbian nationality who was riding in a car with
Kragujevaclicenseplates. 22July 1999in Prizren Albanian terrorists killed Rade Krsticand
stabbed his wifeSlobodanka, inflictingsevere bodilyinjuries on her. 22July 1999,accordingto numerous testimonies of fleeingSerbs,
three Antic brothers (Zivko, Jova and Srecko) from the village of Pozaranje,
Spasoje Djokic from the villageof Zitinja, a Serb male named Zoran from the.
villageof Mogilaand Stoja from Novo Selo were killed. 23July 1999between 8:30and 9:30p.m. in the area of the villageof
Staro Gracko,Lipljanmunicipality,during harveston the fieldof Stanimir Djekic,
whichborders on the areas of the villagesof Bujance and VelikiAlas (populated
withAlbanianpopulation),near the Bujanceforest,Albanian terrorists killedand
massacred14Serbs:StanimirDjekic,Andreja Odalovic,NovicaZivic,Rade Zivic,
NovicaJanjicijevic(15-year old), Mile Janjicijevic,Momo Janjicijevic, Slobodan
Janjicijevic, Sasa Cvejic, Bosko Djekic, Nikola Stojanovic, Miodrag Tepsic,
LjubisaCvejicand MilovanJovanovic.When theyfound out that their neighbors
had been killed,Stevo Lalic and Dragan Odalovic invitedKFOR to conduct an
on-siteinvestigation.Sincetheydid not comeafter 10telephone calls,because the
Albanian interpreter kept repeating that they had no vehicle available, the
villagerswent in person to KFOR command in Lipljan (Britishcontingent) and
together with them went by an APC to the scene of the crime. Muhamed Ademi
from the village of Veliki Alas is suspected of being one of the perpetrators.

During the NATO aggressionAdemiwassuspected of killingseveralSerbs. On 23 July 1999,the body of Mirko Saricfrom the village of Tacevac
was found in the village of Krpimej, Podujevo municipality. Albanian terrorists
abducted Saricon 20July 1999. 24July 1999Bogdan Djokic(65) wasshot dead infront of hisfamily

housc in Urosevac, MisarskaStreet No. 3,while hiswifewasphysicallymistreated. On 27 July 1999at about 9:30 a.m., KFOR members of the French
contingent based in Vucitrn informed relatives of Miroljub Milovanovicin the
villageof Rudare that Miroljub Milovanovic(1974)and Misko Djordjevic (1950)

were shot by Albanian terrorists from an ambush at the intersection of the road
from Vucitrn towards the village of Gojbulje and the Novo Selo-Begovo road,
while theywere riding in a passenger car driven by Milovanovic. On the afternoon of 27 July 1999in the village of Paralovo, Gnjilane

municipality, Albanian terrorists killed Vojislav and Branko Denic while they
werc pickingplums. On 27 July 1999at about 1:00p.m. in the territory of the village of
Zitinja, Vitina municipality, five Albanian terrorists killed Milica Aksic (1962)

and Vlastimir Stankovicfrom Zitinja, while they rode in a passenger car towards
the center of the village. On 29July 1999at about 645 a.m. in the villageof Kozarevo, Zvecan
municipality, the driver of Kosniet-prevoz bus spotted an unidentified person,

probably of Serbian nationality, who was unconscious and with several wounds
on the body and the head. The driver took the man to the Medical Center in
Kosovska Mitrovica,where he passed away. On 29 July 1999at about 1:45p.m. on thc Pristina-Nis arterial road,

near the village of Donje Ljupce, Podujevo municipality, Albanian terrorists
opened fire from autoniatic weapons at the truck with Smederevo licenseplates,
driven by the owner Milan Zivanovic (1943) from Sniederevo, who was
transporting the Vorotovic fi~nlily'sbelongings from Pristina to Krusevac. On
that occasion Radmila Vorotovic (1951) was killed, while Milan Zivanovic,
Petar Vorotovic and Zeljko Gakcevic sustained minor injuries. On 29July 1999at about 4:00p.m. in Pristina, on Debarska Street, in
front of the house number 37 Albanian terrorists killed Nikola Novakovic
(1934)with three shots. On 29July at about 1:00p.m. in the villageof Donja DubicaPodujevo
municipality, Dejan Djordjevic (1972) from Pristina,while he was some 100
meters awayfrom the administrative border with AP Kosovo and Metohija, was
shot from firearms and died of the wound on the wayto the hospital. On 30 July 1999 in Prizren, Brezovacka Street No. 29, Albanian
terrorists killed Vidosav Mircevic, while they beat up his wife, physically
maltreated and abducted her.
, At the end of July 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Dragan Tomic,

who wcnt together with five villagers from Ajnovce, Kosovska Kamenica
municipality, lo cut fuel wood in the villageof Ranilug. Besides Tomic, Albanianterrorists abductedtwo other viJ1;lgeTomic's body w;~ found together with 12

other bodies of abducted and massacred Serbian civilians in the area of the
villageof Ugljare, Gnjilane municipality. On 2 August 1999 inthe village of Mogila, Vilina municipality,
Bozidar Przic, aged62, was killed during a terrorist attack whheewas working
in his gardcn. 2August thebody of Novica Ilicwas found by the roadside inthe
villageofKoretin. Ilic was abducted on1August1999inKosovska Karnenica by
Albanian terrorists. 3 August 1999 three bodies of killed Serbs were found in the
village of Pozaranje, Vitina municipality. It is assu~ncd that these are the
abducted villagers from the village of Gotovusa, Strpce municipality: Zivojin
Andjelkovic, Ivan Andjelkovic and Vlastimir Zivkovic,who were :~bductedsome
ten days earlier on the Grlica-Klokot Banja road. On 3 August 1999 at about 9:00 p.m. in Pristina near tlie City

Hospital Albanian terrorists entered the hvusc of Mon~cilo Milenkovic (55),
looking for money, jewelry and other valuables, torturehim and then strangled
him wit11iItablecloth.They also maltreated his daughter Jorgwanka and 7-year
old grand-daughter. On 3 August 1999 on the arterial road Pristina-Urosevac, nearthe

intersection with the road for Livadje-Konjuh villages, Albanian terrorists killed
from automaiic weapons Kadisav Vucic, and severely wounded Vladimir
Maksimovic. 3 August 1999Ami Fete from the villageof Pcnduh, shot Stanko
Dimwic in Podujevo,whileJasar Ejupi, fromthe villageof Glavik,kjlledSrbaDjjukic. On 3 August 1999 Albanian terrorists killed LjujubiVujovic from
Pristina, Suncani breg estate Nu3112-1. 5 August 1999 Jovan Milovanovic from Prizren, Lole Rihara
Street No. 26,was killed andhis body was found in the villagof Landovica. 6 August 1899 while burglarizi~lgthe apartmentof Zlatko Curcic
in Pristina,Hasan Pristina Street No. 20, Albanian terrorists killed Curcic and
his wife Srmena.,On 7 August 1999 Albanian terrorists killed in Pristina Milan Stancic
from Prizren, whosemassacred body was found in a church. On 8 August 1999 a massacred body of Bosiljka Racic wasfound in
thc basement of a building on ~in~enska Street in Prizren.
1.5,1.1.85. On 9 August 1999 in the village of Dobrocane Mbanian terrorists
opened fire at a convoy of Serbian citizensand on that occasion killed Dohrila

Nedeljkovic and inflicted severe inju~ion her husband Steva. 9 August 1999 in the village of Pones, Gnjilane municipality,
Albanian terroristskilled Milorad Dcnic (1960) and inflicted severe injurieon
his wife Slavicand 2-year old daughter Dragana. 11August 1999in Kosovska KamenicaAIbanian terrorists killed
Ljubica Stevanovic (76)and severely injured her son Bozidar while they were

gathering hay in their field. 11August1999atabout5:00 p.m. Albanianterroristsfired I1mortar
shells from the direction of the village of Grabovac towards the village of
Gorazdevac,Pecmunicipality,two ofwhichwent off. MilicaBukumirovicdied of

severewoundssustainedinthisattack,whileSlavkoSimonovicwas slightlyinjured. 15August 5999at about 4:00 p.m. in Pristina, Gracanicka Street
No. 5, Dragoslav Dancevic was kiIEedwith several gun shots while reading *
newspapersin front of his house, by an Albanian neighbor who firstasked him
whydidn't he go to Serbia. 16August 1999 in the village of Pozaranje, Vitina municipality,
Albanian terroristsshot dead Vlajko Stanisic. On the night of 16117 August 1999Nbanian terrorists shelled she

village of Klokot, Vitina municipality from the direction of the village of
Radivojce. On that occasion they killed Sihana Spasic (1976) and Tihornir
Radic and injuredsixSerbs. 17August 1999on the road between he villagesof Bozevceand
Berivojce, Kqsovska Kamenica municipality, Albanian terrorists kiIIed (by

slittinghisthroat) Nikola Peric from the village of Bozevce.His son Nenad
reported the case on 21 August 1999. KFQR members of the Russian
contingent found Peric'sbady on the road and buried it, On 20 August 1999 Bozana Zecevic (1919) was killed, probablyby
Albanian 'terroristsin her familyhouse in thevillage ofDabinovac, hamlet of
Susnjak, Kursumlija municipality,some 500 mcters from the administrative

border inside the territoryofSerbia. She was strangledwith a rope and hit on
the head with a hard object.
1.5.1-1.94.On 21 August 1999 atabout 730 a.m. in the villageof Banje, Srbica
municipality, Albanian terrorists opened fire from automatic weapons at
Milosav and Damjan Kovacevic, both about 50 years old. Both men were

severely injured.KFOR members of the French contingent took them to the
hospital inKosovskaMitrovica,where Damjan succumbed. 24August 1999,bodies of 15massacredSerbcivilians were found
in the area of the village of Ugljare, Gnjilane municipality. Relatives of
abducted and subsequently killed Serb citizens identifiedthebodies of Zoran

Zdravkovic(19641, hisfather Djordje (1942) and Dragan Tornic (1976), allfrom
the villageof Ranilug, Kosovska Kamenica municipality.Identification ofother
massacred bodies is impossibledue to the condition of the bodies. The bodies
are kept at the medical center in Gnjilane under thecontrol of the American
KFOR troops. There are indications suggesting that the bodies were found a
month earlier, but that thecase had been kept hidden fromthe public untiI 24
August 1999. 24 August 1999at about 7:00p.m.Albanian terrorists abducted
Dejan Sedlarevic (1978) inKosovska Mitrovica.He drove his mother Milicain a
Golf pasenger car from Kosovska Mitrovica to Zvecan, planning toreturn to his
home in KraljaPetra PrvogStreet in Kosovska Mitrovicaat about 8:00p.m. On

26 August 1999his body was found under the bridge on the Socanska river,
Leposavicmunicipality. 24August 1999the body of Dragan Tomic (19761,was found in
the area of the villageof Ugljare, Gnjilane municipality.Tornicwas abducted on
10July1999together withDjordje Zdravkovicand hisson Zoran. month of August (date unknown) in Istok, Agim Fejza, former
employee of the Secretariat of the Interior in Pecwho is now commander of
police organized by Albanian terrorists in Isrok,killed Momcilo Pumpalovic,
who wasfirst abducted, and dragged him behind a tractor all over Istok. in August (exact date unknown) a group of Albanian

terrorists, includingAbdulah Babalija,erat Metalji, Bep and BujarIdrizi and
Djefcet Ljuza in Djakovica and the vicinity organized murders of Mica and
Radrnila Petrovic, Dragica Petricevic and postmen Sava Mijovic and Djoka
Kuzmanovic. On 1September 1999 atabout 7:30 a.m. on the Suvo Grlo-Zubin

Potok road Albanian terrorists attacked from automatic weapons Miomir
Kovacevic (19581,Milutin Kovacevic,and Darko Ristic, who rode in a car. On
that occasion,Miornir Kovacevicwas kilIed,while Milutin Kovacevicsustained
severe injuries. On 3September 1999at about 10:40 p.m. in Pristina,an explosive
device, made of a butane bottle and explosive, was thrown on SarlaTranijea

Streer, Ulpijana estate, behind the Geodesic Office. One person of Serbian
nationality was killedby the explosion, while five passersby, includingsome
children, sustained severe injuries. 6September 1999,the body of BranislavMicic(1975)was found
inPristina, Ulpijana estate No.AG. He was reported missing on 4 September
1999,when Viseslav Ristic from 19. novembta Street No. 7/7 was reported

I missingas well. On 6 September 1999 at about 5:00 a.m. an the arterial road
Gnjilane-Bujanovac, near the intersection for villages Srenovce and Gornje
Korminjane, Albanian terrorists opened fire from automatic weapons at Golf
and Lada passenger cars. The passengers noticed two killed persons by the
roadside. 6 September 1999 at about 5:30 p.m. in Kosavska Karnenica
at the entry point towards the village of Strezovaat a place called "Kolarski
most" Albanian terrorists robbed and killed Zivorad Stojkovic(1954) from the
village of Vagnes, who was hauling livestock to the marketplace on a tractor. the nightandearlmorningof8September1999,Albanianterrorists fired35 mortar shells at the Serbian villages of Budriga and Partes, Gnjilane
municipality,and at the villages of Ranilug and Glogovce, Kosovska Karnenica
municipality.In the village of BudrigZivko Trajkovic (1934) and Katarina Savic
(1923) were killedby the explosions, while Milorad Pavic,Milorad Mladenovic,
Dragoljub Simic, hiswifeTrojanka and son Zoran were severely injured. Dragan

SirnicDusica Zivkavic,Predrag Jovanovic,SlavisaStojkovic and his4-year old son
Stefan, Zoran Stankovic, NatalijaSimicand her son, Branislav Petrovic andhis
daughter Zorica sustainedminor injuries. Twopersonswere injured in the villageof
Partcs, and in the villageof Ranilug the schooi, the church and family houses of
BranislavPetrovjcand Momcilo and Mile Arsicrespectivelywere damaged.

1.5.1..106. On 9September 1999 inthe vitlageofKnletovce,Gnjilanemunicipality,
Albanian terrorists killed Zivko Naskovic and his wifeLeposava (both about 56
years old) from the same villa-fieisbodies were found ina nearby forest.
111.7. On 13 September 1999 at about 500 p.m. on the arterial
Gnjilane-Bujnnovac road, near the place known as "Domorovacka cesma",

Albanian terrorists from the nearby woods attacked with automatic weapons
Serbs who were riding on a tractor. StojanNikolic (1939) was kiiled in the
attack, whileI~isoil Nebojsn, Stana Maksimovic from the village of Grizima and
Dragan Arsic from the village of Strelice, Kosovska Kamenica municipality,
sustained severe injuries. On 21July 1999one unider-ltified Roma washlled on 3 small marker
place in Pristina. 29 July 1'199in Prizren Albanian terrorists killed ~juljzirGasi,
because he drove injured Milica Nikolic to her flat. Muslims
I 27 June 1899at about 7:00p.m. Ljubisa Raicevic from Strojinci,
Brus municipality, reported that he drove the bodyof hisbrother-in-law Nedzat
Djeljadin (1951),who was shot dead on 25June 1998by Albanian terrarists near
his apartment in Pristina, on Prof. Belocekovica Street.,On 19 July 1995,Sejdija Bungu from Suva Reka, reported that his
entire familyhad been killed inearlyJuly in the neighborhood of Siroko inSuva
Reka, where they livcd in afamily house. Nine members of his family had been
killed,of whom 5 females (three children). On 17 August 1999 Skrijelj Muljaz from Rozaje reported to the
Security Section in Rozaje that one Sefcet from Novi Pazar, in a Mercedes
passenger car, visited with him o8 August'l999. On his return trip, onthe road
toward Pec, Sefcet was probably abducted by Albanian terrorists.On 24 August
1999 Sefcct's body was found in the villagof Mala Jablanica, Pec municipatity.
He was shot from firearms. , ' the night of 21/22August 1999Albanian terrorists killedRamadan
Rahmani (1928) and his wife Mevljija (1930)in their familyhouse in Prizren,

Drvarska Street No. 47.

1.5.2. Woundingand injuring
I Wounded and injured Serbs On 17 June 1999 in the village of Gatnje, Urosevac municipality,
Albanian terrorists physicallymaltreated Novica Kotorcevic (55) and his wife
Zorica (59, inflictingminor injuries on them, and took awaytheir tractor from
the courtyard. On 17June 1999Albanian terrorists took Sava Subotic (45) from his
home to the village infirmary, where they maltreated him for three days,
breaking almostall histeeth. On 17June 1999in front on the Fire Station in Urosevac, Albanian
terrorists separated from a convoyof expelledSerbs Marko Dajic (1943).and his
wifeVerica fromthe village ofGornje Nerodimlje,Urosevacmunicipality,seized
their tractor witha trailer, arms in lawfulpossession,aswellas allappliancesand
belongingsfrom the trailer. After that,thc Dajicswere forced to return to their
family house in the village of G. Ncrodimlje. On 21 June 1999 a group of

Albanian terrorists, ledbyRamadan Maljokuand sons of Adam Reka and Adam
Sofera from the same village, again physicallyharassed the Dajic family,beat
themwith riflebutts,put bayonetsintheir mouth,and then lockedthem up inthe
garage, threatening to burn them unless they turned over their weapons by the
evening.The Dajics managed to break loose and escape, but near the villageof
Balic ran into a group of fcrrorists who took away their personal papers. They
managed to reach the Orthodox church in Urosevac, wherefrom a group of
Swedish journalists took them to Pristina.Theywent from Pristina to Nisbybus.
Members of the Dajic familystated that Albanian terrorists looted all Serbian
housesin thevillages ofGornje and Donje Nerodimlje. On 18 June 1999 on the industrial road in Urosevac Albanian

terroristspulled out Dragisa Jefticand hisfamilyfrom a convoyof Serb refugees
and beat him with riflebutts, inflictingsevere injuries on him. They shot his1-
year old son in the leg, threatened to slit the throat of his 4-yearold son and
threatened to rapc his 9-year old daughter. Then they took from Jeftic DM
1,000and food he brought alongfor the fanlily.
3 S.2.1.5. On 18June 1999at about 6:00p.m. on the industrial road in Urosevac
Albanian terrorists attempted tostop a carwith twopassengers: Sreten Rajkovic
(68) and his son Dragan. Since the latter did not stop, Albanian terrorists fired
at them fromautomatic weapons,inflictingsevere injurieson Sreten Rajkovic. 19June 1999Darka Stankovicwasmaltreated and severelyinjured
in her familyhouse in Urosevac. She was continuouslyterrorized until 26 June
1999,when she had to leaveher house. 19June 1999at about 9:00a.m.on the produce market in Gnjilane
Albanian terrorists abducted. Slavoljub Djokic, took him to the student
dormitorywhere he wasinterrogated and beaten up, and then released.
. On 20June 1999during the attack of Albanian terrorists on the town
of Dragas, they occupied the outpatient clinic in the town and beat up the
director of thisfacility. On 22 June 1999 in the village of Belo Polje, Pec municipality,
Albanian terrorists wounded one Serb. On 23 June 1999members of the terrorist gang of Baskim Gagica
(son of Muharem, former commander of the policestation inUrosevac) beat up
and maltreated a larger number of Urosevac citizens of Serbian nationality,
including Milan Kotorcevic and his wife, Obrad Ugrinovic (70), Milutin
Stefanovic, Trajan Mirkovic and Tomislav Zubunovic. They also took away
Vlada Dejanovic'sOpel-Corsa passenger car. On 25 June 1999Albanian terrorists physicallyabused Dragi Ristic
in front of his house on 17. novembra Street in Urosevac and broke his jaw.
Risticwastreated in Leskovacand Kragujevac. On 26 June 1999 in the village of Belo Polje, Pec municipality,
Albanian terrorists beat up Marta Miric(73), blindfolded her and raped her 35-
year old daughter, whom theysubsequently killedbyslittingher throat. . On 26 June 1999in Gnjilane Albanian terrorists abducted Novica
Jankovic and kept him locked up with his family inthe family house, wherethey
were beaten and harassed. Jankovic and his familymanaged to escape and to
reach the nearbyvillageof Silovo. the end of June 1999 Sasa Drulovicwas maltreated and severely
injured in the villageof Drajkovce,Strpce municipality. On 30 June 1999 Albanian terrorists attacked the refugee camp
"Barake" near Novo Brdo and beat up Milos N. (70) and Verica Petrovic (38),.
inflictingserious injuries on them. Albanian terrorists also maltreated and beat
another 20refugees livingin the camp. At the end of June 1999 Stevan Vasic (about 60 years old) was
physicallymaltreated and seriouslyinjured in hishouse on SefkiBeciriStreet in
Urosevac. Albanian terrorists left him unconscious. After his neighbors took
him for medical treatment, Albanian terrorists robbed hishouse. At the end of June 1999 Jorda Andrejevic was maltreated and
severely injured in her family house on Crnogorska Street in Urosevac.
Albanian terrorists extinguishedcigarettes on her face and body. At the end of June 1999Ljubomir Petkovic (45)wasmaltreated and
severelyinjured in hisfamilyhouse in Urosevac. At the end of June 1999 Lenka ~jordjevic (80) was maltreated and
severely injuredin her family housein Urosevac. At the end of June 1999 Mile Stojkovicand his wife Jelica were
mistreated and seriouslyinjured in their familyhouse on M. GlogovcaStreet in
Urosevac. At the end of June 1999 in Stimlje Albanian terrorists shot and
seriously injured Boza Djordjevic (759,his wife Leposava (70) and son Cvetko

(1947).They were given first aid at the correctional facilityinpljan and then
transferred to the Clinicaland Hospital Center in Krusevac. At the end of June in Prizren Albanian terrorists physically
maltreated Cerim Buzalja,and beat Husein Nurkovic. At the beginning of July 1999,Miladin Stojcetovicwas maltreated

and seriouslyinjured in the villageof Vica, Strpce municipality. At the beginning of July 1999Staja Arsic (70) was beaten up in the
villageof Filicen, KosovskaKamenica municipality. At the beginning of July 1999Albanian terrorists beat up Miladin
Stojanovic(70) inKosovskaKamenica. At the beginning of July Albanian terrorists beat up Aleksandar
Kostic(60)in the villageof Koretin, KosovskaKamenica municipality. At the beginning of July, TomislavStamenkovic (70)was beaten up
in the villageof Koretin, KosovskaKamenica municipality. At the beginning of July Albanian terrorists beat upSlavko Ostojic
(66) in the villageof Koretin, KosovskaKamenica municipality. At the beginning of July Albanian terrorists in Prizren, Dusanovo
estate, beat up Srecko Jaksicand Drago Ognjenovic. On 6 July 1999at about 6:45a.m. in the villageof Pasjane, Gnjilane
municipalityAlbanian terrorist gangsattackedwithautomaticweaponsSrdjanand
Sladjana Karadzic fromthe villageof Partis, Gnjilane municipality,whorode in a
passenger car. Srdjanand Sladjanasustained minor injuriesn this attack. On 6 July 1999 on a parking lot near Merdare, behind KFOR
checkpoint, on the territory of AP Kosovo and Metohija, Albanian terrorists
physically assaulted Miroslav Filipovic (1961) from the village of Bacina,
Varvarin municipality and seriously threatening with weapons seized his
Mercedes truck with trailer, as well as a gun for which Filipovic possessesa

license. On 7 July 1999 Milorad Pesic (66) and his wife Dusanka (60) were
physicallymistreated and severelyinjured intheir familyhouse on Emin Duraku
Street in Urosevac. Dusanka lost her eye and maltreatment by Albanian
terrorists lasted severaldays. Finally, theyrobbed their house andset it on fire.

1S.2.1.33. On 8 July 1999Albanian terrorists beat up and seriously injured
Zivko Djokic inthe villageof Donje Kusce. On 8 July 1999Albanian terrorists beat up and seriously injured
Darko Panajotovicwhilehe wastending hissheep in the villageof Silovo. On 8 July 1999Albanian terrorists threw a hand grenade into the

apartment of SlavkoStojanovic in Gnjilane, B. Maksimovica Street No. 121.His
mother, wife and hvochildren sustained severe injuries from the explosion. On 9 July 1999in Novo Brdo Albanians terrorists beat up Miroslav
Ivanovic (50). On 9 July 1999 in Novo Brdo Cveta Ivic (58) from the village of
Plavica, N. Brdo municipality, wasbeaten up and severely injured. On 10July 1999in Gnjilane Albanian terrorists beat up and severely
injured MilivojeStojanovic and his son Nikola,ivhile his wife Slavica sustained
minor injuries. On 11 July 1999 in Gnjilane Albanian terrorists inflicted serious

wounds with firearms on Ceda Mladenovic. On 21 July 1999 in the village of Dobrocane Albanian terrorists
severely injured Milorad Dicic and his mother Mileva. On 11 July 1999 Albanian terrorists beat Borivoje Orlic in his
apartment in Kosovska Mitrovica inflicting him serious wounds. They took
away his TV set and mini HI-FI line and ordered Orlic to leave his flat
immediately. On 12July 1999a hand grenade was thrown on the house of Miladin
Mladenovicin Lipl.jan,hurting Zoran Mladenovic (32)and Djordje Kocinac (33). On 12 July 1999 in Lipljan Albanian terrorists beat up Miladin
Mladenovic, who was on the way to the hospital to visit his son Zoran

Mladenovic. On 12 July 1999at about 1:00p.m. Albanian terrorists threw a hand
grenade on the house of Ognjen Tadic, inflicting serious injuries on Milutin
Kostic. On 12 July 1999at the bus station in Gnjilane Albanian terrorists
beat up and seriously injured Zlata Popovic from Gnjilane. On the afternoon of 14 July 1999Zivorad Igic (1942) from Pristina,

Patrijarha Danila Street No. 9, was admitted to the surgical ward of the
Studenica Medical Center in Kraljevo with serious injuries (two broken ribs,
contusion of the spleen and left kidney). Igicstated that four Albanian terrorists
attacked him in Pristina earlier that day in an attempt to take his car. On 15 July 1999 Albanian terrorists beat up and severely injured
Zivko Cukic in his apartment in the Kamnik estate. On 17 July 1999 on the city marketplace in Gnjilane Albanian
terrorists beat up and seriously injured Cvetko Nojic from Gnjilane. Novica Savic (70) was severely injured in the village of Novo
Toplicane near Lipljan, with several knifestabs in the neck. On 16July 1999in the villageof Zitinja, Vitina municipality,Albanian

terroristswounded Bozidar Petkovic, whilehe wasworlng in the field. 18July 1999on Kolubarska Street in Urosevac Albanian terrorists
mistreated Momcilo Ilic and his wife Slobodanka, inflicting minor injuries on

them, and then took awaytheir Audi 100car, owned by their son Milan. On 18July 1999at about 1:00p.m. on the wholesale marketplace in
Pristina Albanian terrorists beat up Predrag Miric, braking his jaw and rib.
KFOR patrol found him unconscious in the street and took to the Clinical and

Hospital Center in Pristina. However, due to inadequate medical help, Miric
had to be transferred to the hospital in Nis. On 18July 1999at about 10:OO a.m. on the wholesale niarketplace in

Pristina Albanian terrorists beat up and seriously injured Grada Jovanovic from
the villageof Preoce, Pristina municipality. On 18 July 1999 Albanian terrorists broke into the yard of priest
Marko Cvetkovicand his wife Milica'shouse on Momcila Popovica Street No. 7

in Pristina, threatening them and telling them that they must leave the house
and beat them. The couplesustained serious injuries (Marko lost his eyesight). On 18July 1999at about 6:00p.m. a hand grenade was thrown in the

yard of the house of Milena Kragic (1951) on Save Kovacevica Street in
Gnjilane-The owner was injured on the legs in this attack. On 18July 1999Albanian terrorists seriouslywounded from firearms
Kosta Jocic,who was standing in front of his house in Vitina. On 20 July 1999 on M. Miljanica Street in Urosevac Albanian
terrorists severelyinjured Radovan Trklja by shooting in his mouth. Before this,
they beat and mistreated him and his wifeMilijana. On 20 July 1999 Stojan Stojanovic was wounded in the area of the
village of Korctiste, Gnjilane municipality. On 20 July 1999Albanian terrorists threw a hand grenade on the

house of Sinisa Denkic in Vitina, seriously injuring Trajcc Cokrev. On 20July 1999at about 10:OO a.m. Albanian terrorists threw a hand
grenade in the yard of the house in Pristina owned by Olga Kostic (1940). The
owner sustained minor injuries when the bomb went off. On 22July 1999,according to numerous testimonies of refugees, four
hand grenades were thrown on Serb houses in a purely Serb village of Klokot
Banja. A postman named Boza was injured by the explosions. On 25 July 1999 Albanian terrorists threw an explosive device in
front of the Denkic family house in Vitina, severely injuring Brajo Denkic and
his daughter-in-law Trajanka Denkic. Sometime between the 25th and 28th July 1999 at about 6:30 p.m. a
group of 6 terrorists opened fire from automatic weapons at, and then forced
their way into, the apartment of Dejan Nikolic and Milijana Mitic in Suncani
breg 2 estate in Pristina. They tied Nikolic up and raped Milijana. While they

were transferring them to Suncanibreg 1 estate, Milijana managed to jump outof the car.Terrorists opened fire at her and wounded her in the thigh.However,
Milijana managed to ;each Dubrovacka Street, where she sought help from
KFOR. 28July 1999SlavojkaJokicwasbeateninher houseonKnezaMilosa
No.20 inPristina.Her housewasdemolished,and herbelongingswerestolen. On 29 July 1999in Popovica neighborhood, Gnjilane municipality,
Albanian terrorists attacked with automatic weapons Milan Maksimovicand his
female neighbor in front of their houses, inflictingsevere injuries on them. The
victimswere hospitalized in the ClinicalCenter in Nis. On 30 July 1999in the village of Dobrocane Albanian terrorists
stopped, held for about an hour and beat Zoran Vitkovic. They took 10,000
dinarsfrom him and then let himproceed towardsBujanovac. 30July 1999in Prizren Albanian terroristsbeat and attempted to
rape Tatjana Milosevic, textile worker in Printex factory, Prizren. She was
rescued byher neighbors livingin the samestreet. On 30 July 1999Albanian terrorists fired at and stopped a freight
vehicle carrying some citizens from Vitina. On that occasion they injured

Stanimir Vasic and Srecko Kojic and detained Miodrag Mitrovic, Goran
Jovanovicand Radovan Dajic. On 31 July 1999Albanian terrorists attacked and severely injured
VukoslavJosicfrom Pristina, Nemanjina Street No. 3. the course ofJulyand the first halfof August 1999in Gnjilane and

nearby villagesAlbanian terrorists beat up and physicallymistreated: in the
neighborhood of Popovica Slavko Marinkovic and Petko Arsic, Dobrila
Stojanovic, S.Trajica Street No. 2, Svetozar Kovacevic,guard at the Metalac
factory, Dragan Arsic, who wasbeaten and treated at the hospital in Vranje,
Jadranka Maksimovic,who was beaten up in her apartment, Bojanina Street
No. 6-113.Stojanka Putic was beaten up in the apartment, Bojanina Street No.
1111,Novica Milosevic,Bojanina St. No. lop, Slobodan Stojanovic, Bojanina
No. 10, Slobodan Mitrovic, Bojanina Street, entrance 2, apartment No. 4.
Velibor Pericwasbeaten up in front of the house by armed members of the so-
called KLA who were in uniforms; Sinisa Cvejic, M. Trumica Street, Dusanka
Mitrovic,S.Trajica Street. In the villageof KmetovackeVrbicePavle Stefanovic

and his mother Darinka were beaten up in front of their house, while Vlastimir
and Biljana Stojanovic, as well as Dragisa Djordjevic were beaten up inthe
villageof Dobrocane. On 1 August 1999 Albanian terrorists attacked Milica Lukovic,
VidovdanskaStreet No.67,Pristina and beat her up. On 1 August 1999Albanian terrorists attacked Slobodan Petkovic,
Beogradska Street bb, and beat him up. On 1 August 1999Albanian terrorists attacked Evica Kostic,Mose
Pijade Street No. 111,Pristina and beat her up.' On 2 August 1999 Albanian terrorists attacked Momir Cucurwic,
Beogradska Street No. 52,Pristina and severely injured him. On 2 August 1999 Albanian terrorists attacked Stanka Tornic, Trg
Republike No. 5, Pristina and mistreated her. On 2 August 1989 Aibania errorists attacked Mira Stupar near
Avala Building in Pristin? and heat herup. On 2 August 1999 Albanian terrorists physically assaulted Blagica
Stanojevic,TRnjinovaStreet No. 38,Pristina and beather up. On 3 August 1899 on JNA Street in Pristina Albanian terrorists

attackedMilorad Jovanovic from Pristina and beat him up. On 3 August 1999 in the Pristinaestate of Dardanija Albanian
terrorists forced their way into MiladaMilanovic's apartment and mistreated

her, inflicting serious injurieser. 4 August 1999 at about 830 a.m. near the villageof Dohracane,
Gnjilane municipality, a group of Albanians threw stones at a convoy of 20
vehicles with citizens of Serbian nationalitOn that occasion Bosko Simic from
thevillage of Perince and Tornislav Markovic from the village of Partez were

injured on the head, while many windows on vehicles were broken. In addition,
Albanian terrorists opened fire from automatic riflesnd guns at the convoyof
vehicles and pulled Predrag Jovanovic outof the convoy and beat him up; KFOR
members did not respond. Instead, they heldtheir arms pointed at the convoy of
vehicles with SerbsInthe meantime, Russian KFOR troops came to the site and

argued with American soldiersbecause they did not protect the attacked citizens.
Y, 4 August 1999 Albanian terrorists beat Vidoje Petkovic in his
family house in Piizren and thentook toan unknown destination. On 5 August 1999 Albanian terrorists broke into the apartment of
Radojka Sekaric, Kopaonicka Street No. I, Pristina and inflicted serious injuries
on her. On 5 August 1999 on Branka Copica Street in Prizren Albanian
terrorists beat up Stanoje Nikolic (47)- When he sought medical help, he was

taken to an unknown destination. On 6 August 1999 inPrizren Albanian terrorists maltreated Miroslav
Musli,driver at the PrizreMnunicipal Assembly. 6 August 1999 in Prisren Albanian terrorists maltreated Ljiljana
Cvetanovski. On 6August 1999 awoman, who came with achild to the Outpatient
Clinic in Prisdna, shot at Zlatoje Gligorijevic, physician-pediatrician, and

injured him seriously. 8 August 1999 at about 2:30p.m. Albanian terrorists started to
shoot from a passenger car at citizens who were standing in Iront of tstore in
Pristina owned by Novica Djordjevic. Ljubinko Cvejic,Slavoljub Gigic, DraganDjordjevic and Dr;~gan Tanaskovic, all from thevillageofBresje, Kosovo Yolje
municipality, were seriously injured and hospitalized the Russian hospital in
Kosovo PoIje. On 8 August 1999 atabout 9:30 p.m. Albanian terroriststhrew a -

hand grenade bna cafe in downtnwrl Obilic owned by Djordje Djordjevic. Five
persons were injured: Sasa Djordjevic. Vlastimir Milosavljevic, Miroslav
Ivanovic and the Dirnic couple, who were hospitalized in the Russian hospitin
Kosovo Polje. On 8 August 1999 at about 10:00 a.m. bn Albanian terrorist
mistreated Milka Cevrljanovic, Proleterska Street, Pristina, she managed to
kick him and to run away. The next day Milka fled frorn Pristina with just a few
belongings, because her apartment was robbed in the meantime. 9 August 1998 in Prizren Albanian terrorists first beat upand
then abducted Jovan Bakic. On 9 August 1999 in building No. 2 on JNA Street in Pristjna
Albaoian terrorists burglarized the apartmentof Vera Rapajic and Zora Zizic
and then bent up the owners. Likewise, Milic Pavlicevic was attacked in

Kragujevacka Street No. 27 and stubbed seven times with a knifeon the hands
and thehady. On 7 duly 1999Miodrag Martinovic was physically assaulted in
Partizanskn Street No. 1. In the Ulpijana estate Ljubica Sjpka (70) was.
physically attacked:TomisEav Zivic was beaten up in Djakovac ktreet No. 2,
while Nada Jovanovic (63) was beaten up in Vidovdanska Street No. 59a. On 10 August 1949in Kosvvska Mitrovica Albanian terrorists fired
severalrouncls from automatic weapons towards thebridge on theIbar rjvcrand
inflicted rnirlurinjuries Sasa Denkic fror~iKosovska Mitrovica. On 19 August 1999 on the nlarketplace in Pristina Albanian
terrorists bent up Nikola Simic frorn Sarplaninska Street No. 52, and in

Kragujevacka Street No. 31!3 broke windows and doors and beat up the owner
Gradirnir Jovat~ovic.They also robbccI the apartment of Ikonije and Sonja
Kapetanovic inbuilding 11+8/1,apartment No. 53and then heatthem up. On 11 August 1999 in the villageof Klokot, Vitina municipality,
Albanian terrorists fired from automatic weapons at 7Serbswhile they were on

the village cemetery.On that occasion Vajisl;~vVasic(1951) sustained serious
1.5.2.-95. On 11 August 1999 at about 5:00 p.m. AIbanian terrorists fire11
mortar shells from the direction of the village of Grabovac towathe village of
Gora;lde.vac, Pec tnunicipalittwo of which exploded. Milica Bukumirovic died

of severe injuries sustained in that attack, while Slavko Simonovwas slightly
injured. 14 August 1989 at about 5:30 a.m,near the villageof Livadice,
Podujevo mtltiicipality, Albanian terrorisstopped a passenger car in which
rode Sabit Kujezi (1948)from Kosovo PoIje, one rr~ernberofethnic communityof the Goranies and one person of Serbian nationalily.'They beat the
passengers, inflicting minor injuries on them. After that, they released the Serb,
tellinghim that hehas no business in Kosovo. They let theother two men go as
well, telling them ththey must not fraternize with Serbs. On 14August 1999in the villageofLivaclicePodujevo municipality,
Albanian terrorists stoppedan Opel-Kadest car driven by Nebojsa Lalic(1960)
from Pristina. They pulled Lalicfrom the car, heat him up and threw him in a

well.One of the terrorists cocked hgun with theintentiun to kilLaliu,but the
bullet got stuck in the barrel, the serrorist panickand the whole group ran
away, Injured Lalic managed to get out of the well aild react? the village of
Merdare. I-Iwas subsequently hospitalized in Prokuplje. I4 August 1999at about 5.15 p.m. on the small bridgon the Ibar

river in Kosovska Mitrovica, Albanian terrorists opened fire from automa tic
weapons from an Ascona passenger car at a group of citizensof Serbian
nationalilywho happened to be near the bridge. Darko Kornpirovic, Dalibor
Vukovic, Novica Vukovic and Vladimir Vukovic wcre injured in the shooting. 15 August 1999 Albania11terrorists threwa hand grenade on a
cafc in downtown Obilic and injured Zorar~ Cuk and Rade Krivokapic, both
from Obilic,and one unidentified Muslim. 16 August 1999 in Vitina Albanian terrorists threw n hand

grenade on Sasa Ilic'car, it~flictingminor injurion the owner. 16 August 1989 inVitina Albanian terrorists heat up Kadmila
Nojkic from the same town. On 16 August 1994 in the vil1;iof Ramaniste, Vitina municipality,
Albanian terrorists wounded lkonija Jvvic (1944) frsa gun, while her daughter
managed to runaway.The Jovicsare theonly S~rbfiimilyremaining in d~atvillage. On 16 August 1999 Albanian terrurists severely injured Laftcrija

Manic with two knife stabs inthe yard of her I~ouseinVitina. KFOR nlembcrs
gave her firsaid and then transported her to the hospital in Vranje. On 17 August 1999 at about 1:00 p.m. an ambulance from the
Russian WOR contingent came to the checkpoint Merdare, Kursumlija
municipality, with seriously injured Zagorka Spasenic and Aleksandar

Stanojevic,hoth from Pristina. Zagorka Spasenic was injured op 10 August 1999
in the afternoon whe~r three Alhanian terrorists forced their way into her
apartment, beat her up and took her TV set and video recorder. Aleksandar
Stanojevic was injured on 17 August 1999 at about 2:00 a.m. when Albanian
terrorists threw an explosive device into his apartment. The injured havbeen
hospitalized in the Clinical and Hospital Center in Nis. the evening of 17 August 1999 Albanian terrorists threw an
explosive device into theyard of Zlata Antic's familyhouse in Gnjilanc. Zlata
was severery injuredby the expiosion while Bosiljka and Snezana Stat~kovic
sustained minor injuries.1.5.2,1.106. On 20 August 1999 in the villageof Zabare, Kosovska Mitrovica
municipality, Albanian terrorists stoned the buswhich transported Serbs from
KosavskaMitrovica to Zubin Fatok and was escorted by KFOR. On that
occasion one Serb was injuredand transferred to the hospital of the French
KFOR contingentin Kosovska Mitrovica for treatment. On 24 August 1999 in Gnjilane Albanian terrorists threw an
activated grenade through the open door of Asterix video club, hurting
Dirnitrije Nedeljkovic, Zvonimir Nedeljkovic, Trajanka Nedeljkovic, Duska
Aleksic,M_jtomcl Cvetanovic and Predrag Cvetanovic, On 24 August 1999 in Pristina Albanian terrorists beat up Stojan
and Novim Djordjevic from the village of Gornja Brnjica and Zivorad
Janicijevic fromLaplje Selo, Pristina municipality. On 24 August 1999 in Gnjilane Albanian rerrorists threw an

activated handgrenade on the Anticfamily house, injuringZivanaAntic (1949). 25 August 1999 Danijela Djukanovic (19761,Suzana Stevanovic
(1969)and minor Milena Pesic (1984),all from Urosevac, stated the Secretariat
of the Interior in Novi Pazar that they had thrown their persona1papers when they

left Urosevac. In addition, they reported that after KFOR came to Urosevac
(about 15 June 1999) they were physically maltreated, beaten and raped in an
apartment inUrosevac by four uniformed KLAmembers. 'hey identified oneof
them as Epir, ownerof apool dub in the vicinitoftheirapartment. 25 August 1999 at about 4:00 p.m. near the villageofPasjane,

Gnjilane municipality,TOarmed Albanian terrorists attackedfour Sershepherds,
beat up three, whitethefourth was shot through theshoulder. The terrorists took
livestock from the meadow and drove them towards the village ofUgljare. When
they heard bursts of fireSerbs from Pasjane informed the command of the
Russian KFOR unit, denlanding from them to organize a posse after Albanian
terroristswhich theydid. However, near the villageofUgljareAlbanian terrorists
opened fire atKFOK troops. Since the village is under the contoflAmerican

KFOR troops, the Russian patrol sought helfrom American soldiers. However,
the chase after Albaniantesrvris~sdid not continue. On 31August 1999 inLipljan Albanian terrorists threwanexplosive
device on the house of Ljiljana Micunovic(1960) from Lipljan; shewas severely
injured bythe explosion. On I September 1999 at the road crossing Gracanica-AjvaIija in
Pristina, Albanian terrorists beaup a Serb tractor driver. Other Serbs came to
his rescue andmass fightbroke out.Several persons were injured before KFOR
intervened and stopped the Eighr. On 3 September 1999at about 8:30 p.m. Albanian terroriststarted to
shelltheSerb villageofPasjane,Gnjilane municipality,from mortar. The fire came
from the directionofVelikmce, Vlastica and Ugljare. One shell hit the facilitiesin
the household of Velibor Janckic, injurhisdaughter-in-lawSladjana. On 4 September 1999 at about 6:30 p.m. on the arterial road
Gnjilane-Bujanovacnear the villageof Ranilug,KosovskaKamenicamunicipality,
Albanian terroristshit abuswitha riflegrenade, injuringtwopersons. 5 September 1999at about 11:OO a.m. in the villageof Milosevo,
Pristina municipality, six Albanian terrorists broke into the yard of Milos
Adjancic (1932) andattacked him from firearms. He sustained severe injuries. 6 September 1999 Radomir Maksimovicfrom Pristina reported
that members of the International Police Force, without any notification,
arrested his son Vladica Maksimovic.The arrest took place on the University
estate. The nextdayat about 3:00p.m. some 100Serb citizensfrom the villageof
Ugljare assembled in Kosovo Polje, to lodge a protest against Maksimovic's
arrest to KFOR command. On that occasion, at about 530 p.m. Albanian
terrorists riding in a van opened fire from automatic weapons and severely
injured Zika Mitrovicand Dragan Stasicfrom Ugljare, who were transported to
the Russian hospitalin the villageof Bresje. 6 September 1999Albanian terrorists fired 11 mortar shells on
the villageof Pasjane, Gnjilane municipality.On that occasion one shell hit the
church yard and the yard of a villagehouse, slightlyinjuring two persons. 7 September 1999at about 9:30p.m. at the security checkpoint
Cerevajka, Presevo municipality,a Volkswagen van and an Ascona passenger
car came from the direction of AP Kosovo and Metohija, carrying two persons
injured by shrapnel. The injured were a couple from the village of Budriga,
Gnjilane municipality:Stojanka Simic (1939), with injured jaw, and Dobrivoje
Simic(1941),withinjured leg,arm and eye. wounded and injured non-Albanian persons 10July 1999at about3:00p.m.inDragasa groupofabout20Albanian
terroristsinterceptedandwithoutanyreasonphysicallyattackedMusa Sehapi(1954)
andOrhan Dragas(1974),both fromBelgrade,beating themwithwooden stickson
the head and thebody,inflictingminorinjurieson them.Orhan Dragas,presidentof
the managingboardofthe AssociationofGoraniesinBelgrade,togetherwithMusa
Sehapi,vice-presidentof thisAssociation,wentto Kosmetto attend a meetingwith
the commanderof KFOR for Priuen, German General FritzvonKorpf,when they

agreed that theAssociationof Goranieswould hold a rallyin support of Goranies
whoarestayinginKosovoon 10July1999inDragas.After therally, theydeclinedto
be escortedbyKFOR andwenthome,but Albanianterroristsinterceptedthemnear
thepolicestationin Dragaswheretheybeat and harassed them. On 11July 1999at about 9:20p.m. in Pec three unidentified persons
attacked Mesud Corovic (1932),physician-specialistat the hospital in Pec, on the
hospitalgroundswhilehe was on call.They hithimon the head and the bodywith
gun handles and other objects.On that occasion theybroke hisjaw and inflicted
other injuries on him, which required that he be treated in the Clinical and
Hospital Center inPristina. Corovicreported that eventon 11August 1999. 31July 1999on the Gnjilane-Bujanovacarterial road, near the place
known as Mola Nuhes Fountain, some fivekilometers from the village ofKonculj,
Albanian terrorists attacked Avni Seljmani (1948) from the village of Turija,
Bujanovac municipalityt,emporarilyworkinginGermany,hismother Nedzmijaand
son Burhan.The terrorists fired a burst fromthe woodsat the Mercedes passenger
car inwhich Avnitraveledwithhisfamily.The passengerssustained gunshotwounds. On 10 August 1999Nevzat Redzepi (1967) from Debeljaca, Kovacica
municipality, left Pancevo with a MAN truck with Prizren license plates to
deliver glass to Flot company, owned by an Albanian whose name he did not
know. Albanian terrorists stopped him in Podujevo and then took him to
Pristina. The Albanian terrorists interrogated him and mistreated him and

threatened him telling that he must not return to Serbia. They seized the truck
and released Redzepi near Merdare. On 20 August 1999 on a bus station in the village of Merdare,
Kursumlija municipality, Albanian terrorists physically attacked Sulejman

Plana, who was slightlyinjured. On 6 September 1999 near the village of Dobrocane, Gnjilane
municipality, Albanian terrorists attacked Erol Demiri who was in a car in a
convoy of 30 cars. Erol was injured in the eye, while other separatists crowded

around and pi~nchedthe car with their hands.

1.5.3.Rapes At the end of June 1999 Albanian terrorists raped Dunja Delev (45)
from Donje Nerodimlje, and then mistreated her, stabbing her repeatedly all
over the body. the cnd of June 1999 in the family house on C. Koljkovica Street in
Urosevac, Albanian terrorists raped Gordana Petkovic (1964) in the presence of
her husband Milivoje,whom they beat up. 7August 1999Snezana Krsticfrom BingenskaStreet No. 18was raped

in the house of an Albanian inPrizren and then taken to an unknowndestination.

1.5.4. Abductions Abducted Serbs On 10 June 1999 in the village of Orlane, Podujevo municipality
Albanian terrorists abducted Krunoslav Jovanovic (1938). On 1.0June 1999Veljko Spasic (1959) disappeared from the Suncani
breg estate in Pristina. On 11 June 1999 Bozidar Jovanovic (1949) from the village of
Musotiste, Suva Reka was reported missing. On 12June 1999in lstok Albanian terrorists abducted Stanoje Ljusic
(1934) from the same town. On 12 June 1998~n the road in the vicinity of Suva Reka, Albanian

terrorists abducted Dusko Karanovic (1958) and hiswife Snezana, who traveled
by car from Belgrade to Suva Reka., On 12 June 1998 at about 2:45 p.m.on the Belacevac open-cast coal
mine Albanian terrorists abducted Zoran Stepic, a bus driver,and four coal

miners. On 13June 1'999 Zornn Markovic was abducted with Dragoljut? Bojic
near Suva Reka. On 13 June 1999 Todor Stankovic (19481, a truck driver from
Bujanuvac,was abducted inSuva Reka. On 13 June 1999 Oejan Trajkovic {1970), a truck driver from
Bujanovac, was abducted inSuva Reka. On13 June 1999 on the Prizren-Suva Reka road, Albanian terrorists
abducted lvica Jovanovic (1963) from Pancevo, who was drivinga truck. On 13/14 June 1999 Dragan Burcic, a truck driver from Prizren,

disappeared between Suva Reka and Korisa. On 13 June 1999 at about 7:00 a.m. it1 Pristina,Vranjevac
neighborhood, Vidovdanska Street No. 45, Albanian terrorists abducted Zoran
Rajicic (1969) on his way home from work. According to sonle information,

Rajicic was dctained with some other Serbs in the school in Vranjevac, but his
whereabouts since then are unknown. On 14June 1999in Stirnlje Albanian terrorists abducted threc. Serbs. On 14June 1999 Radojko Stankovic (55) was abducted in front of his
house in Old Kacanik and taken to an unknown destination. 14June 19'3at about 5:00p.m. in the village of Gatnja, Urosevac
municipality, Albanian terrorists abducteBoban and Slavisa Krstic. On 14 June 1999 in near thegasstation in Vitina Albanian terrorists
abducted Zarko Djordjevic. . 15 June 3999 Milutin Karac (1948) was abducted in Pec. On15 June 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Ivan Celic from the
Suncani breg estate in Pristina. On 15 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted SIobodan Stolic

(1947) in front of his house in Stimlje. 15 June 1989 Marko Vitosevic(1938) and his wife were abducted
in Orahovac. On 15 June 1999 Stanko Cunguravic (55) was abducted from his
familyhouse in Urosevac. On 17June 1999in the village of Labljane, Gnjilane municipality,
Albanian terrorists abducted Goran Marinkovic, when he started Gnjilane

forVranje with Iriacqcaitttance;anytrace of him is lost.

2231. 17 to 19 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted thfollowing
persons from the village of Gradjenik, K~sovska Karnenica municipality:
Njegovan Maksimovic (341Bogoljuh Djokic (60) and Zivojin Sirni(34). On 17 June 1999 atabout 3:OQ p.m. Albanian terrorists abducted
Jovica Kordicfrom Vucitrn. 17June 1999Nenad Hajderpasic and one unidentified Serb were
reported missing. On18June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Momir Canavic. 18 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted AnkaDukic inthe
village of Magura, Lipijan municipality. 28 June 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Branko Djukic in the

villageofDevet Jwgovica,Pristina municipality. 18 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Dragan Ristic and
Milan Jovanovic and their wives from the village ofSrpski Babus, Urosevac
municipality. 18 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Novka and Zorka
Kotarcevic from the villagof Gatnje, Urosevac municipality.'on 18 June 1999Albanian terrorists abductedBranko Markovic and
Slavisa Ezdericfrom the Vranjevac neighborhood inPristina. 18June 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Sladjan Milosavljevic
and one Ilija from the village of ZaskUrostvac municipality. On 18 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted StanislavKocic,
Desimir Mirkovic and Nebojsa Stolic from the village of Voros, Urosevac

municipality. On 18 June 2999, 12 Serbs were abducted inthe area of Vitina
municipality. 19 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Bozidar ~tankovic
(1948) from the village of SrpsBabus, Urosevac municipality. On 15June 1999in Pristina, near the Agricultural School, Albanian
terrorisrs abducted Milan Stevic, director of Komunalac PublCompany. 19 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted 20 passengers from
the bus which traveled from Urosevac to Prist'inand locked them up in the
Sports Hall. 19 June 1999 Milos Jevric (1940)was abducted inPec. On 20 June 1949, Bratstva-jedinstvaStreet in Pristina,Albanian
terrorists abducted DraganaDirnicfrom thevillageofDevet Jugovica. 20 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted in StimIjeDesanka

Miljkovic from thesame town. On 20 June 1999 in the village of Gusica, Vitina municipality,
Albanian terrorists abducted eight Serbs. On 21June 1999Zivadin Cvetkovi was reported missingin Pristina. 21June 1999MiEetaIvanovic was reported missingin Prisiina.

I lS.4.1.44. On 21 June 1999 JeIena Ivanovicwas reported missingin Pristina. 21June 1999Djordje Taskovicwas abducted in Pec. On 22June 1999at about 11:30p.m. in Prizren Albanian terrorists
abducted -Dragan Kovacevic (1953) from the village of Zlakuse, Uzice

municipality, driver of the Sevojno Dairy, and aidworker Goran Milivojevic,
who transported milk by a freight vehicle for private enterprise Funda in
Prizren. 22 June 1999 in Pristina Albanian terrorists evicted Gordana
Kovacevicfromher apartment,and then abducted her son Nebojsa. In addition,
they abducted Nenad Zivkovic (15) on a small marketplace near the old post-
office. On 22 June 1999 during the exodus of Serbs from Urosevac,
Albanian terrorists abductedLjubinka and Miodrag Tasic, forcing themto leave
the convoy. 22 June 1999in the village of Nedakovac, Vucitrn municipality,
Albanian terrorists abducted Dusan Brakus.
I On 22 June 1999 in Pristina Albanian terrorists broke into the
premises of the Batlava city water supply company and on that occasion
abducted KrunoslavJovanovic. On 22 June 1999 in the villageof Belo Polje, Pec municipality,
Albanian terrorists abductedten Serbs. On 22 June 1999 Miodrag Djukic (42) disappeared on the
Lipljan-Rabovce road. On 22 June 1999 Davor Ristic (28)disappeared on the Kosovo
Polje-Pristina road. 22 June 1999 Dragoljub Slavkovic (1955) disappeared on the

tipljan-Rabovce road. 22 June 1999Ljubomir Djordjevic wasabducted in thevicinityof
Urosevac with his family (Rada Djordjevic, daughter Sanja Djordjevic, son
Goran Djordjevic). 22 June 1999engineer Babic was abducted from his apartment in
Suncani Breg,Pristina. 22 June 1999in Pristina Albanian terrorist abducted Ljubisav
Biocanin (1950)with residence in Pristina, Sitnica Street No, 43. On 23 June 1999 in Kosovska Kamenica Albanian terrorists
abducted Nebojsa Vasic. On 23 June 1949 Zeposav Mikic (1944) disappeared From his
apartment in Pristina. 23June 1999Miodrag Stankovicdisappeared from his house in Pec. 23 June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Zoran Antonijevic
(1961) from his parents' apartment in Djakovica, Cara Dusana Street No 227,
and cvicted hisparents thenext day. On 24 June 1989 21yoringwoman whose last name is Mikic was
reported missing. On 24 June 1999 Zarko Stamenkovic from the village of Devet
Jugovica was reported missing. 25 June 1999Miro Milar~cicwas abducted in Pristina. On 25 June 1899 Mile Buljevic, a refugee from the Republic of
Croatia,disappeared from Hotel Bozur in Priscina. On 25 June 1899 at about 1:00 p.m. in Gnjilane Albanian terrorists
abducted Miroslav Metodijevic (19751,while he was helpingDragan Babic in his

boutique to move out. Kidnappers took him by a Golf car to an unknown
destinittion. the end of June Miornir Canovic and hispregnant wife Slavica
were abducted in Lipljan. 26 June 1999 Sulejrnan Cafi abducted AIeksandar Todorovski. On 26 June 1999 Nenad Prusac, refugee from the Republic of
Croatia, disappeared from I-IotelBozur in Pristina. 26 June 1999 Milan Radic, refugee from the Republic of Croatia,
disappeared from Hotel Bozur in Pristina. On 27 June1999 Miodrag Dukic (1956)was abducted from the shock
absorber factory in Pristina. 27June 1999 Mladen Boric (1968) was abducted from the shock
ahsorhcr factoryin Pristina. 28 June 1999Zoran Qjosic was abduclcd in theDardanija estate
in Pristina. 28 June 1594Vladimir Arsic was abducted in Gracanica. On 28 June 1999 Djuro Barac disappeared from Hotel Bozur in
Pristina. 28 June 1999 Jelena Canovic (1928) disappeared from Ulpijana

estate in Pristina. the end of June Albanian terrorists abducted in the area of
Orahovac the following citizens:Boban Dedic, Svetislav Grkovic, Marko
Vitosevic, Gradimir Marjanovic, Bwdimir Bulin, LjwbisaGrkovic, Milica Jeftic,

Sinisa Kazic, Tihomir Mirkovic, Peko Pelevic, JusufHamza, Skejzen Isaku and
Adrijan Isaku. Bogosav Dedic reported the case to the Ministry othe Interior
Headquarters on 25 June 1999. Grkovic (60)was abducted in Urosevac at the end of June. the endof June 1999 Dragan Dogancic (28) from Strpce, who was
traveling from Urosevac, was abducted and taken to anunknown destination. Anti(1971) was abducted in front of his house in Vitinon
an unknown dateat the end of Junc and taken toan unknown destination. theend of June 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Dragan Savic
from Gnjilane and locked him up in thedormitory of secondary school students
in Gnjilane.
I 29 June 1999 Vladimir Djokic disappeared from the Suncani
Breg estate in Prjstina. On 1 July 1999 in front of a building in the Dnrdanija estate in
Pristina Albanian terrorists abducted Djoka Cubanovic (19501, driver in
Elektro-Kosmet, Pristina.Hisfamily reported thecase ot~I3August 1999. 4 July 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Zarko Juvanovic from
Kamnikand took to an unknown destination. On4 July 1899 Albanian terrorists abducled Siobodan Maritzkovic
and Slobodan Trajkovic in the villageof Donji Livoc and took them to an
unknown destination. On 4 July 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted ~tanko Stevanovic
(1847)end Dragan Stankovic(1983) and took them Lo an unknown destination. On 4 July1999 Albanian terrorists abducted SrdjanTasica11dVucko

Tasic in the villageof Silovo, Grijilane municipality, and took them to an
unknown destination. On 8July 1999 Dobrivoje Andjelkovic (1945) was abducted in front
ofhis apartment inSuncani Breg estate, Pristina. On 8 July 1999Vojimir Zivic disappeared in Lipljan. 8 July 1999Dragan Zivic disappearedin Lipijan. 9July 1999 in the viIlageof Pasjane Albanian terroris~s abducted
Momcilo Ristic from Livac and Velizar Ivanavicfrom Pasjane. On 9July1999Albanian terrorists abducted Dragan Jacimovjc from
Gnjilane and took him to anunknown destination. 9 July 1999 Albanian terrurists abducted threeSerbs from the

village of RanilugKosovska Kamenica municipality. 111 July 1899 Caslav Tomic (1942)was abducted in Pristina. 10July 1989Albanian terrorists abducted Sinisa Sin~onovicfrom
Gnjilane and took him roan unknown destination. On 11 July 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Stanisa Stojanovic
from Gnjilane and rook him to anunknown destination. 11July 1999Zoran hlarkovic (1961) was abducted in Pristina. 11 July 1999Veljko Ostojic was abducted in Priszina. On12 July1939 Mirku Jovicwas abducted in Gnjilane. On 12July 1999 MilosGordic and BratislavRisticwere abducted in
front of Hotel Bozur inPristina. 12July 1999Petar Rakocevicwasabducted in Obilic. On 13July 1999Zoran Jovanovic from Gnjilane wasabducted. On 15 July 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Aca and Kruna
Zabunovic in Vuka Karadzica Street in Urosevac.

1.5.4.'104. On 15July 1999at about 7:00 a.m.Albanian terrorists abducted
Dimitrije Sabic (1939) from Pristina, Suncani Breg 2 estate, laboratory
technician at the Clinicaland Hospital Center in Pristina, while he wasleaving
for work. Velimir Sabic,policeman ofthe First Police Station of the Secretariat
of the Interior in Pristina and son of abducted Dimitrije, reported this case on
20 August -1999to the Secretariat of the Interior in Nis. According to the

information gathered, Sabicwas probably taken to the prison campin the village
of Zlatare, Pristina municipalityrunby Albanians, where some 150abducted
Serbs are imprisoned. midduly 1999 on the arterial road Urosevac-Strpce, near the
villageof Raka, Albanian terrorists abducted Zika Andjeikovic (1950), his son
Ivan (1.975) and Vlastimir Zivkavic(19501, all from the village of Gotovuse,

Strpcemunicipality. On 16July 1999Pera Ristic (68)wasabducted. On 16 July 1989Cedomir Maksimovic was abducted in Gnjilane by
BecirHodza, who took him to an unknown destination.

1.5.4,1.108. On 17 July 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Goran Peric in the
villageofTrnjicevce. 17or 18 July1999Albanian terrorists abducteDragoljub Vasic
from his house iPristina,Roberta Gajdika Street No. 27. On 18 July 1999 in Pristina Albanian terrorists abducted Predrag
Miljkovic (1951) from Smederevo who was on the way from the village of
Slivovo to Smederevo traveling in histruck, moving the household of Zivorad
Pavic from this village. Calling on mobile telephone, the wife of abducted
Miljkoviclearned from an Albanian that her husband was in prison in Pristina
and that together with Zivorad Pavic, who was also abducted, is held for
exchange. On I9 JuIy1999Albanian terrorists abducted Milorad Dikic (36)
from the village of Boljevac near Novo Brdo and took him in unknown
1, On 19July 1999a person with thelast name Krstic disappeared in
Pec.,On 19July 1999Doca Radvlovic was abducted in Pec. On 20 July 1999 in the village of Pones, Gnjilane municipality,
Albanian terrorists abducted Zlatko Stevic. On 20 July 1999 in the vicinity of Prizren Albanian terrorists
abducted Marko Todorovic (1952)from Gusevac, who transported some goods
by a Volvo truck forprivate enterpriseBektas, owned by Adem Codja. On 22July 1999NebojsaKovacevic (17 years old)was abducted in
Pristina. On 23 July 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Najdan Petrovic (77)
if frontofthe house on Boska Buhe Street No. 9 in Urosevac.

1.5,4.1.118. On 25 July 1999in Pristina Albanian terrorists abductedTornislav
Adzic (1939) and Ljilja Jeton from Pristina while they were taking out
I furnishings from Adzic's apartment. Albanian terrorists unlawfullyoccupied the
apartment. On 26 July 1999 in Pristina Albanian terrorists abducted Dragan
and Slobodanka Petrovic from Pristina,Ulpijana A 6-1-9 who received threats
two days earlier. Albanian terrorists moved unlawfullyinto their apartment. On 27 July 1999Albanian terrorists abducted MiIorad Avramovic
from KosovskaMitrovica and took him by a truck to an unknown destination. the month of July Albanian terrorists abducted two persons
of Serbian nationality from a purelySerb villageofKlokoB ranja. On 27 July 1999 in the village of Radivojce, Vitina municipaiity,

Albanian.terrorists abducted Goran Denkic from Vitina while he traveled bycar
towards Vranje tobuy groceries. 30 July1999 Albanian terrorists shot aa freightvehicle carrying
several citizens from Vitina and made itstop. On that occasion they injured
Stanimir Vasic and Srecko Kojic and held Miodrag Mitrovic, Goran Jovanovic
and Radovan Dajic, On 30 July 1999 near the villageof Dobrocane, Albanian terrorists
stopped two cars with Zikica Vasic and Milan Mladenovic from Gnjilane and
I Vladirnir Vasic from Bujanovac, while they were returning from Gnjilane and
going towards Bujanovac. Terrorists mistreated them and took from them two
radiators, an electric stove, a welding apparatus, 1,000 dinars and other
belongings. After that,they took them tothe premises of the Primary School in

the village of Dobrocane where they continued to maltreat them and harass
then1and onlyafterthat Letthem continue their trip. At the end of July 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Snezana
Petrovic (38) from Prizren and took her toan unknown destination. 31 July 1999at about 6:30p.m. in Prjstina Albanian terrorists
abducted Nebojsa Petkovic, Sarla Tranijea Street No. 15/5 and took him to an
unknown destination* Son of Bora Ristiwas abducted on an unknown date in Pristina. Milorad Radovanovic (1939) and hiswife Zorka (1945) were
abducted on an unknown date near Djakovica. Raluc(1939)from Djakr~vicadisappeared on an unknown date. Four persons of Serbian nationality were abducted on an unknown

date in thevillageof Silovo near GnjiIane. Fate unknown. Cupic and hisfather Milijan from Pec were abducted on an
unknown date.

1.5.4.. I2. Four persons of Serbian nationalitywere abducted on an unknown
date in the villagof Ranilugnear Gnjilane. Bogdan Radevic was abducted on an unknown date in Pec. Radevic and his wife were abducted in Pec on an unknown
date. Cirkovic (70)was abducted on an unknown date. Momcilo Pun~palovicand his wife Sretenka were abducted on an
unknown date, Putupalovic was killed while tfateof his wife is unknown. Branimir Mihailovic (1971) and Vladimir Mihailovic (1977from the
villageof Gojbulja, Vucitrn municipality, were abducted on an unknown dale. Vladan Mladenovic (1971) from the villageof Gojbulja,Vucitrn
municipality,was abd~~ctedun an unknown date. Ivan Zoric (1974) was abducted onan unknown date in Gracanica. Svetislav Jaksic (1927) was abducted on an unknown date in
Pristina. Jelena Stefanovic was abducted 011an unknown date in the village

of Aktas. Slobodan Vujacic was abducted on an unknown date. MIaden Vasic from the viilage of Radovce, Eipljan municipality,

was abducted on an unknown date. Radoslav Cubanovic (1977)and Ljilja Cubanovic were abducted on
an unknown date. Markvvic was abducted on an unknown date.
1- Milan Ljusic was abducled in the Gorioc monastery, lstok
municipality,on an unknown date. Nikola Jovanovic disappeared on an unknown date inthe vicinitof
Glogovac. Rade Popovic disappeared on an unknown date in the vicinity of
GIogovac. Milacic was abducted on an unknown date in thevillage of
Balovac near Fodujevo. In early August 1999 in Gnjilane Albanian terrorists abducted

Dragaljub Arsic (1958) and Srecko Lazic while they were loading goods on a
truck in Gnjilane. On 1 August 1999 in Pristina Albanian terrorists abducted Rade
(Nikola) Budimir, Kragujevacka Street No. 11/12 and took hinl to an unknown
'destination. On2 August in Pristina, Ademi Ismailji, Mona lsrnailji and Ljuljete
Dzombaljaj abducted Petrija Piljevic from Pristina, Dardanija No. 101/5-237,
and then moved into her apartment. 3 August 1999 in the territory of Urosevac Albanian terrorists

abducted Milorad and Jelena Dejanovic and took them to an unknown
destination. On 4 Avgust 1999 on the Pristina-Medvedja road Albanian
terrorists abductedTomislav Igic from Pristina, Koste Vujinovica Street No.

28/16, and Milos Milicevic (501,anda FAP truck. In early August Albanian terrorists abducted Radovan and
Jevrosima Draskovic, as well astheTokovic family from Sumadijska Street No.
11 inPristina. On 4 August 1999 in Prizren Albanian terrorists abducted Dejan
Stojkovicwho came by car from Strpce to visit his grandparents.
1.5.4,1.157On 4 August 1999 Albanian terrorists beat Vidoje Petkovicinthe

family house inPrizren. When he tried to callKFOK patrol, they took him to
an unknown destination.
I 1.5,4.1.158.On 7 August,1999 Albanian terrorists broke into the apartmentof
Stanka Ristic, Beogradska StreetNo. 36 in Pristina, abducted her son Bratislav

in the presence of his wife and 2-yeold daughter and took him to an unknown
destination. On 9 August 1999 in Prizren Albanian terrorists beat up Jovan
Bakic and took him to an unknown destination. On 10 August 1999 Savka Dimitrijevic, refugee with temporary
residence in the village of Trsanovci, Brus municipalib, reported that on 12/13
July 1999 in Vucidolska Street in Pristina Albanian terrorisls opeiled Eire at
Milurin Dimitrijevic(19361, Dragan Dimitrijevic (1970) and Zoran Raicic
(969), all from Pristina, who rode iaYugo 45 passenger car-,and drove them

off, including tcar,to an unknown destination.
I On 11 August 1999 at about 12:45 near the Orthodox cemetery in
Kosovska Mitrovica Albanian terrorists abducted Dejan Vasovic (1973),a driver
from Kragujevac. They also took his truck with a trailer. Vojin D-jusicfrom
Kragujevac reported thiscaseon 19August 1999.
1.5,4.1.162.In mid-August Albanian terrorists abducted IYan Atanasov (77)
from the village of Malesevo, Gnjilane municipality, whom they maltreated
and then released aftera while.I-Iedied on 2 September 1999 in Gnjilane of
the consequences of mistreatment by Albanian terrorists while in their

captivity. On 18August 1999Zvonko Stolic from Lazarevac reported to the
Department of the interior inLazarevac that the familyBlagojevic,i.the family
of his father-in-lawis missing:Srecko(1949),Slobodanka (1949),Dusko (19631,
Radica (1964)and fiveminor children-Ivana, Raksanda, Dragana, Aleksandar
and Dragan. They livedinthevillageof Ljubizda,Prizren municipality. 21 August 1999 at about 8:00 a.m. Savo Majstorovic,a retired
police employee, phoned from Kosovo Polje and reported that on 18 August
1999 between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon Albanian terrorists abducted his
nephew Ivan Majstorovic and his friend Dragan Stevanovic while they were
drivingfrom Kosovo Polje ina convoy but stopped for some reason. On 23 August 2999 Bozana and Stanoje Stojiljkovic as well as
Ljubinka Stefanovic from the village of Vlastica, Gnjilane municipality, were
reported missing. On 23 August 1999 at about 10:30 a.m. on the arteria1 road
Kesovska Mitrovisa-Vucitrn, near the village of Veliki Kicic, Albanian

terrorists stoppeda passenger car driveby Srdjan Jocic.Jocic'smother Ljubica
was in the car, too. After brief harassment, they took Jocic to the village of
Veliki IClcicand released hismother. 24August 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Zoran Nedeljkovic
in Pristina, and in the areofPodujevo VojislavLukic, whosewhereabouts are

unknown. On 25 August 1593 any trace ofMomir and Leposava Micic from
Prizren was lost when they left the Patriarch of Pec with the last group of
citizens. At the end of August on unspecified date Albanian terrorists
abducted Slobodan Antic (1957) and Slobodan Stefanovic from Gnjilane who
were engaged by Ramadan Kavaja to carry out analysisowater in the Gnjilane
Lake. After they went towards the lake, as instructed by Kavaja, they were
abducted and taken to an unknown destination. At the end of August, on unspecified date, Albanian terrorists

abducted Miroslav Stevic from Laplje Selo, Pristina municipality. On 2
September 1999 Albanian terrorists handed Stevic over to KFOR unit in
Pristina in critical health condition, with severe injuries dangerous to life,
because Albanian terrorists physically tortured him while he was in their
captivity. On 31 August 1999near the Gracanica Lake Albanian terrorists

abducted Mile Popovic together with the truck by which he transported
firewood and took him to an unknown destination.
1.5,4.1.172. On 31 August 1999 from a train which traveled fromKosovska
Mitrovica to Kosovo Polje Albanian terrorists abducted journalist Zrnajko
Milosavljevic from the village of Kozarevo, Zvecan municipality, and his

brother, an employee of Elektroprivreda in Obilic. During the month of August, on unspecified date, a group of
Albanian terrorists including Abdulah Babalija, Berat Metalji, Bep and Bujar
Idriziand Djefcet Ljuza abducted Nedeljko and Dara Jevric and their thresons
in Djakovica or itsvicinity,
' On 10 September 1999 Albanian terrorists abducted Darka
Todorovic inKosovskaMitrovica,in Micro estate. On the eveningf 12September 1999Albanian terrorists abducted
Darinka Aksentijevic, an employee of the Medical Center in Kosovska
Mitrovica. Shewasabducted near the Ibar bridge. members of Muslimand Turkish ethnic communities On the morning of 26July 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Djemilj
Suljevi(1971) from the villageof Grbavac, Medvedja municipality, on the way
to KosovskaKamenica to visithis sister Hoka Hjajic, 28July1994in thevillageof Gomji Petric,Pec municipality,Albanian
terroristsbducted BerisaMuric(1961) and Halit Nurkovic(1939),bothfromRozaje. 30 July 1999in Prizren Albanian lerrorists abducted and tdok to
an unknown destination DjemaiIjGasi because he could not speak Albanian.

1.5.4A .bd.ucted Roma 20June 1999Albanian terrorists abducted Kemalj Isrnaljifrom his
house on Ace Mrdakovica Street in Pristina. 22 June 1999Albanian terroristabducted Ahmet GrekijainPristina. 17 July1999Albanian terrorists abducted Dzemo Zulja from his
apartment and took him to anunknown destination. 9 August 1999Albanian terrorists burnt a Roma house owned by
Ljuan Kastrati and then took him and his children Mirijc(IT),Enver (21) and
Sarnir(6 months) to an unknown destination.

1.5.5Other attacks Serbs 1999 at about245 p.m.Albanian terrorists opened firefrom
automaticweapons at workers of the Belacevacstrip mine. On 12 June 1999 in the afternoon Albanian terrorists attacked the
villagesofDojniceand NovoSelo,Prizren municipality,from automatic weapons. On 13June 1999between 8:00a.m. and 9:UO a.m.Albanian terrorists
searched four Serb houses in Stari Kacanik under the pretext chat they were
lookingfor policemen. On 13June 1999between 8:00a.m. and 9:00 a.m.Albanian terrorists
opened fire at members of the police who were in the village of Ljubizda,
Orahovac municipality,andat the villagof Studencane, Suva Reka municipality. 13 June 1899 at about 10:10p.m. in the villages of Gotovlisaand
Drajkovac, Strpce municipality, Albanian terrorists fired at villagers from
automatic weapons and mortars. 14June 1994 in Laplje Selo Albanian terrorists opened fire at the
driver ofa passenger car. No one was injured, butthe car was damaged. 14 June 1999 at ahout 6:20 p.m. Albanian terrorists opened fire
from automatic weapons at vjikagers of Vojlovica, Maticane and Sofiljlijlija,
Pristina municipality. 14June 1999 at about5:30 p.m. Albanian terrorists inthe village
of Nerodimlje opened firefrom automatic weapons at villagers. 0.31.4June 1998at ahuut 5:00 the villagof Zaskok, Urosevac -
municipality,Albanian terroristsopened fire aa refugee convoy. On 15 June 1999 in Urosevac Atbanian terrorists broke into a
number of factories,enterprises and other public establishments in that city. On 17June 1999Albanian terrorists carried out an armed attack an
a refugee campon Kragujevacka Street in Pristina, On 18June 1999at about 4:00 a.m.Albanian terrorists undertook an

armed attack on the villageof Ljestar. The villagers returned the fire, killed
three terroristand wounded several, after which the attackers retreatedAbout
noon a larger group of terrorists attacked tvilkge, so that the villagerhad to
leave itAlbanian terrorists entered the village, looted all movable properly and
burnt houses and other facilities. On 20 June 1999 a larger group oF armed Albanian terrorists
attacked the village of Konjuh, Lipljat~ mutricipality. They disarmed the
inhabitantsof this Serbian viliage. On 20June 1999 from the territory of the Republic of Albania Albanian
terroristattacked frontier villagof Krusevo and Oscusa, Dxagasmunicipaljty. On 28 June 1999 at about 11:00 p.m. in the village of Milosevo,
Prjstina municipality, Albanian terrorists undertook an armed attack on a
number of Serb houses. They threw an explosive device on the house of Bogdan
Ristic, and fired several bursts at thouse of Dragan Boric. In the course of June and July 1999 in the territory of Gnjilane,
Vitina and Kosovska Kamenica municipalities larger formations ofthe so-called
KLA (about 1,000 terrorists), who came from Albania, opened fire every day
from automatic weapons, mortars and bazookas at Serb villages (Ranilug,
Pasjane, Odovce, Rajanwce and Bosce) to speed up evacuation of non-

Albanian population, From 30 June to 15 July 1989 in Novo Brdo municipality, in the
villages of Labljane, Klobukar, Makres, Parlozi and Jasenovik, Albanian
terroristsopened fire every day from firearms at inhabitants of these villages,

demolished property, all with the aim of forcing them to leave. On 5 July 1999 at about 5:30 Albanian terrorists fired five mortar
shellsfrom the direction of the villageof Slovinj at the village ofDobrotin,
Lipljan municipality. Threepersons were injured in the attack. 7 July 1999in the village of Popovica Albanian terrorists threw
three hand grenades on the house of Zvunko Zubic, inflicting extensive matcrial
damage. 7 July 1999in the village of Popovica Albanian tcrrorists threwiI
hand grenade on the house of Dragan Lazic, car~sing extensive material
damage. 1l July 1999 in Kosovska Mitrovica Albanian tcrrorists threw a
hand grenade on a store awned byDragi Peric.The grenade did not explode. On I1 July 19'39in front of the post office inGrijilane Albanian
terrorists in plain vieof KFOR patrol harassed Mica Trajkovic and Predrag

Mitrovic. KFOR patrol let terroristgo, and held Trajkovic and Mitrovic until
early morning hours. 11 July 1999 Albanian terrorists were shouting al the house of
Miroljub Momcilovic in Gnjilane. On 13 July 1998 in the village: of Mugila, Vitina municipality,
Albanian terrorists attacked the-houses owned by Vladimir Jovanovic,
Bozidar Bocic, Vladimir Przic,Zika TrIakovic and Voja Garic with hand
grenades, mortar shells and Molotov cocktails. During the attack on Bocic's

house, Albanian terrorists tied six members of hishousehold and locked them
up in the house and then set the house on fire by a Molotov cocktail. The
house was completely burnt, while the members uf this family managed to
untie and run away. On 13 July 1999 Albanian terrorists stoned the house of Branko
Miljkovic in Gnjilane.
1.5,5.1.28. On 14 July 1989 Albanian terrorists under serious armed threat
forced employees of the water supply company in Prileznica to Ieavc their

workplaces. On 14 July 1999 Albanian terrorists threw a hand grenade on the
house ofMarko Stojanovic in Gnjilane. 15 July 19% Albanian terrorists attacked the house of Milomir
and Verka Stefanovic in Urosevac - they broke allwindows and then started to
shoot.towardsthe house. On 15 July 1989 masked and armed Albanian terrorists broke into

the apartment of Zoran Milosavljevic in Kosovska Mitrovica, Feat members of
his family, stripped them naked, expelled them from the apartment and took
DM 30,000 from Zoran. On 15 July 1999 on Crnogorska Street in Urosevac Albanian
terrorists blewup the coffee house Srbija, ownedby Svetislav Sosevic.,31.On 17July 1999 Albanian terrorists staned the houseofPetar Arsic
in Gnjilane. On 17 July 1999 Albanian terrorists opened fire from automatic
weapons and then threw a hand grenade at the terraceofthe house of Dragan
Ljubisavljevicin Gnjilane. On 17 July 1494 in the village of Kmetovce Albanian terrorists
opened firefrom automatic weapons at severalSerb houses. On 18 July 1999 Albanian terrorists made a terrorist attack in the
area of Vitina by throwing hand grenades and shooting at a Serb refugee
convoy. 18 July 1999 AIbanian terrorists thretwo hand grenades on the
house of Trajan Bocic in Gnjilane. 18 July 1999 Albanian terrorists threw a hand grenade on the
house of Milovan Andjelkovic in Gnjilane., On 19 duly 1999 Albanian terrorists opened fire from automatic
weapons at the villagers uf Makres. 19July 1999Albanian terrorists threw a hand grenade in the yard
of the house owned by MimaKragic. On 21 July 1999 Albanian terrorists intimidated non-Albanian
population by shooting from automatic weapons near the primary school
building in the village ofbavac: Medvedja municipality. On 23 July 1999 in the village ofLivadica, Podujevo municipality,
Albanian terrorists stoned the passenger carof Momcilo Stojanovic, who was
driving with his familin the car towards Kursumlija, and broke the windshield
and Ieft side window.
f- On 25 July 1999 Albanian terrorists shelled the village of Vrbovac,

Vitina municipality, inhabited solely by Serb population. There were no
casualties, but material damage is considerable., On 27 July 1999Negovan Delic (1959) reported that on25July 1999
Albanian terrorists slopped him in the village of Rogacica, KosovskKamenica
municipality whilehe was ina Renault 5Campus passenger car together with his

brother-in-law. The terrorists harassed them and beat them, seized the car and
then released them. On 27 July 1999 at about 7:00 a.m. in Vitina Albanian terrorists
stopped an Audi passenger car with a trailer full of furniture, drbyeGoran
Denic (1978) from the same town. They beat him and when KFOR came along,

the terrorists ran away.Denic was takenfrom the spot by a KFOR vehicle,and
when he returned, hefound the car, but the trailand furniture were missing. On 27July 1999in Vitina Albanian terrorists attacked NikoIa Antic,
beat him, harassed him and seized a Yolkswagen van loaded with fruit and

vegetables.1.5S.1.45. On 27 July 1999Albanian terrorists stoned the house of Svetislav
Draskovic on Djure Jaksica Street No. 23 in Pristina and physically assaulted
and mistreated his family. On 31 July 1998 Albanian terrorists opened fire at the villagers of
Novo Brdo. On 2 August 1599 Albanian terrorists threatened and physically

assaulted Novica Lazic in his apartment on lstarska Street No. 11 in Pristina,
and then looted it On 2 August 1999in Pristina, Aktas Street No. A1-1-2/11,Albanian
terrorists threatened and then threw a hand grenade into the apartment of

Professor Vladeta Vukovic, who was forcedto leave it. On 3 August 1999Albanian terrorists shelled from mortars and
bazookas the village oPones, Gnjilane municipality. One shell hiin theyard of
Vladimir Dimic7s house. 3August 1999 at about 8:00 a.m. Albanian terroristsopened gun
fire at a column of Serb citizens who were on their way to Bujanovac to buy
food. 3 August 1999Albanian terrorists threw a hand grenade in the
yard of the house of thRadojicic family on Ace Marovica Street in Priscina, On the night of 3 August 1999 Albanian terrurisis attacked the
villageof Caglavica, Pristina municipality, shooting from automatic weapons
from the direction of the village of AjvaIija. On 4 August 1999at about 10:15 p.m. Albanian terrorists firedtwo
missilesfrom abazooka on the house of Milica Dimitrijevic on Sutjeska Street
No. 70 in Kosovska Mitrovica. The roof on the house was damaged and the
chimney knocked down. 4 August 1999 Albanian terrorists attacked Gordana Stevanovic
in Pristina, Vidovdanska Street No.72. On 5 August 1999 at about 4:30 p.m. in the village of Donja

Dubnica, Podujevo municipality, Albanian terrorists shot several rounds from
automatic weapons at the house of Borisav Biocanin (1924) who came to visit
his property. On 6 August 1999 at about 6:00 a.m. on the arterial road
Gnjilane-Bujanovac, near the village ofDobrocane, Gnjilane municipality, two

AIbanian terrorists made an armed attack on the passenger car driven by
Dobrivoje Manic (1931) from Gnjilane.The car was hit by three bullets, but
Manic remained unharmed. Manic was transporting his belongings from
Gnjilane towards the villageof GoznjiVrtogos, Vranje municipality. On 7 August 1959 at about 11:10 p.m. in Kosoirska Mitrovica
Albanian terrorists opened fire from automatic weapons and a bazooka at the
inhabitants in Partizansko Brdoestatein Kosovska Mitrovica. 9 August 1999 Albanian separatists made a terrorist attack by a
bazooka on the house of Jeftic family in the village of Suvi Do, Kosovska

Mitrovica municipality and then lefttowards the village of Vinarce.The house'
was damaged. On 20August 1999in Kosovska . itrovicaAlbanian terrorists fired twd
missilesfrom thesouthern part of the cityon its northern part, inhabited by Serbs,

and hit the building on Oslobodjenja Street No. 1near the Dolce Vita cafe. I1 August 1999Albanian terrorists threw a smokebomb on the
house of Juvan Dincic in Gnjilane. When the fire brigade came to the site
allegedly to extinguish fire, tIaoted everythingfrom thehouse instead. 21August 1999 Albanian terrorists opened fire from automatic
weapons at the areof Zubin Potok. On 19 August 1999 Albanian terrorists Iaunched several armed

attacks on Serb inhabitants living in the villages of DandaGornja Gusterica,
Lipljan municipalityand Susica and Baduvac, Pristina municipality. On 24August 1999Albanian terrorists threw lhree hand grenades on
the house of Zivojin Djordjevic in Vitina. On26 August 1999Albanian terrorists threw an explosive device into
theyard of Vladimir Ristic'house in downtown Gnjilane. The explosion caused
material damage. in August 1999 Albanian terrorist stoned the house in

Pristina,Pecka No. 1,entered the yard and attacked with knives the family of
Rade Cvejic. The attackers fled when theCvejics started tscream. 31 August 1999 about midnight at the exit point from Zubin
Potok towards the Gazivode Lake, Albanian terrorists activated an explosive

device and threw it into the yard of Todor Djukic's house. The explosion
compIetely demolished his jeep and damaged his passenger car.
1- 3 September 1999 at about 8:30p.m. Albanian terrorists started
to shell the Serb village of Pasjane, Gnjilane municipality, fram murtarsFire
came from the direction of the villages of Velikince, Vlastica and UgljaOne

shell hit the facilities in the household of VelJanckic,injuringhis daughter-
in-lawSladjana. 5 September 1999at ahout 9:00p.m.a hand grenade was thrpwn
under a terrace on Vidovdanska Street No. 47 in Pristina, near Investbanka.

Some winclow panes were broken from the explosion. Some time later another
three hand grenades were thrown, causing the same kind of damage. 5September 1999at about 11:30p.m. Albanian terrorists fired nine
mortar shellat the villaof Pasjane,Gnjilane municipality,but missed the target.; h September 1989at about 6:15 a.m. near the locality known as
Crepana, Kosovska Karnenica municipality, Albanian terrorists attacked
-Blagoje Gigic, Srban Budinlirovic and Dragan Sirneunovic from the village~fDonje Krorninjane, who returned fire, killing one terrorist and wounding

another. A patrol ofthe Russian KFOR unitcame to the site and wilhoutany
warning opened fire at the vehicle with attacked Serbs, killingall three.An
investigation conducted on the site did not reveal any indica~ionsthat the Serbs
attacked by Albanian terrorists shot KFOR patrol. On 7 September 1989at about 4:00 p.m. on Anke Spajic Strecl in

Kosovska Mitrovica an Albanian terrorists threw a hand grenade toward Serb
citizens who happened to be on thespot. 1999 at about 4:30 inKosovska Mitrovica, on Lole
Ribara Street near the Military Overhauling Plant Albaniar! terrorists threw an
explosive device, which caused material damage. On 9 September 1999 at about 4:00 p.m. in Kosovska Mitrovica,
Anke Spajic Street,Serb citizens gathered to protest against unsatisfactory
protection provided by KFOR and their lenient attitude vis-a-vis continuous
attacks of Albanian terroristsAt thesame time, about 1,000 Albanian citizens
gathered in thesouthern part of thecity,who were joined by Albanian terrorist

gangs. They started to move towards the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica,
trying to enter that part of the city and attack assembled Serbs. They used
automadc weapons, hand grenades and mortars in the attack. One Serb citizen
was severely injured, while one Albanian assailanwas killed. Employees of the
post office in Kosovska Mitrovica, members of the Albanian ethnic community,
disconnected telephones in the northern part of the city. At about 7:00p.m. -
gathered Albanians and terrorist gangs (about 2,000 persuns) broke into the

northern part and clashed with Serbs who defended the bridge on the Ibar.
Albanian terrorists used bazookas, mortars and hand grenades and wounded 32
Serb citizens, including 8 who sustained severe injuries.
Having heard of this terrorist attack, Serfrom Zvecan set off forKosovska
Mitrovica tohelp in the defense of the northern part of tlze city. Ilowever,

KFOK members stopped them near the Trepca building and prevented them
from going farther towards the city. Also, Serbs from the village of Rudare,
who were on the way to help Serbs in Kosovska Mitrovica, were brutally
stopped on the bridge on the Ibar near Zvecan. The attack of Albanian
terrorists lasted until 1:a.m. on 10 September 1999, when they were pushed
hack into the southern part of the city andKFOR put road block on the Tbar
bridge. However, it appeared that the terrorist attack was carried out with the
tacit approval ofKFOR. On the night of 10 September 1999in the villagof Zupce, Zubin
Potok municipality, Albanian terrorist gangs set ho haystackon fire and threw
two hand grenades near thehouse of the Kasalovicfamily. 10September 2899 at about1.00p.m. in Kosovska Mitrovica near
the Sports Center, Albanian terroristand Albanian citizens stoned members of
the French JGOR contingent, who separated them from Serb citizens on the
other bank of the river. At about 1:3p.m. Albanian terrorists opened fire frombazookas at the northern part of the ciry.French members ofKFOR threw tear

gas on them, trylng to scatter them in smaller groups.The attack of Albanian
terrorists lastedntil late evening hours. Several Serb citizens were slightly
injured by theexplosion of rifle grenades. To prevent traffic towards Kosovska
Mitrovica, KFOR members blocked Ribarice-Kosovska Mitrovica arterial road
in the village of Zupce, Zubin Potok municipality. On 11 September 1999 at,about 6:OOa.m. Albanian terrorists fired
several mortar sheIls at the villageof Pasjane, Gnjilane municipality, which
mainly fellon nearby fields and pastures. attacks on members of non-Albanian ethnic communities 28 JuIy1999,around 6:30 p.m.,Albanian terrorists used wooden
bats and axes to force out oftheir cars Skender (1957)and Dzafer Selimovski
(1967), Arif Karnari (1962),residents of fialjevo, and Ruzdi Memeti (1944)
from Gnjilane. They beat them up and then let them drive away in their cars in
the directionofBujanovac. 24 August 1999, in Livadice village, Podujevo municipalitarmed
Albanian terroristsforcedat gunpoint Fuad Masovic from Sjenicato pullup and
park his freight vehicle on the road Pristina-Podujevo-Prokuplje. They
threatened to kiIhim if he were ever to be seen again in the terriofrKosovo.
He was charged unlawful customs duties, tax and excise, amounting tDM 105. houses I.1t.e period between 12 and 17 June 1999, Albanian terrorists first
plundered and then set on fire the house and farm buildings oRados Vucelic,
in the village of Orlane, Podujevo municipality. 19June1999,the followingflats were torched in the Pristina estate
"Suncani breg 2": apartment block 8, entrance 6, flat12; apartment block 40,
entrance 1, fla20;building 34,flat 13 and buildin4,flat12 in Dragodan estate,
12 fiajiskih brigada Street. 29June 1999, Albanian terrorists firstplundered and thetorched

Serb houses in the viIIageof Slivovo, Pristina municipalitThe villagers were
forced tomove. ,.in.e 20 June, Albanian terrorists have set on fiaelarge number of
Serb houses in the regionofIstok, Klina, Podujevo and Vucitrn municipalities. .5.20 June, Albanian terrorists broke intoand then burnt allSerb-
owned houses in Goles estate, Lipljan municipality. 20 June 1999, in the vicinity of thpostoffice No. 9 in Pristina,
Albanian terroristsseta.nearby building on fire. Inthe period between 20 June and 11 July 1999,Albanian terrorists
torched the flat of Jovica Paunovic in the village of Orlovic, Pristina
municipality,as well as the house of his mother Vujka Paunovic. On 22 June 1999, Albanian terrorists torched all Serb houses in
Orlovicvillage,Pristina municipalityand driven the villageaway. .n922 June 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered and torched allSerb
houses in the villages of Nedakovac, Nevoljane and Vrpica, Vucitrn

municipality. On 24 June 1999,all Serb houses in the village of Zegare, Gnjilane
municipality, were burnt down. In Juneand early July of 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered and
burned down all Serb-owned houses in the Prizren estates of Dusanovo and
Potkaljaja. 28 June 1999, the house of Cerim AbazE,member of the Interim

Executive Council and President ofthe Egyptian Democratic Party,was torched
in Subotic estate oObilic. 1t3he beginning ofJuly 1999,22 Serb houses were burnt down in the
villageof Koretin near Kosovska Kamenica, as well as several houses in the

villages of Lestar and Donja SipasnicaThe terrorists have expelled the entire
non-Albanian populace from the above mentioned area. 3 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burnt down a large numberofthe
total of 200Serb houses in the village of Milosevo, Pristina municipality, which

caused 50 Serb families to move out. Among them were the following families:
Jovanovic, Kljajic, Grbic, Samardzic, Uskokovic, Zdravkovic, Nikolic, Gulan,
Prica, etc. 1n5he period from 3 to11 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered
and then torched the house of Radosav Radenkovic inKosovo Polje. 6 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burnt the house of Leposava
Stojanovic in Gnjilane. On 6 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burnt the house of Vinko Toncic

In the village of Vrbica. On 6 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burnt the house of Jelica
Milosavljevicin the village of Gornji Livoc, and then tried to killher. 7 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burnt two houses of Dobrivoje
Stojkovicin Gnjilane. On 8 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burnt the house of Mile
Simonovic in Gnjilane. 8 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered and burntthehouse of
Dobrivoje Stevicin Gnjilane, who sustained grave injurieon the occasion. On 8 July1999, Albanian terrorists burnt the house of Leposava
Starnenkovic in Gnjilane. 9July 1999,Albanian terrorists burnt four houses owned bythe
Denic family ithe village of Prileznica. On 9 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burnt the house of Draga

Stefanovic inGnjilaoe. On 9 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burnt the house of Zoran
Jovai~ovicin Gnjilane. On 10 July 1999, Albariian terrorists burnt the house of Stanislav
Dinic in Gnjilane. 10 July1999,Albanian terrorists burnt three Serb houses on M.
Trumpic Street in Gnjilane. On 11 July 1999, -4lbanian terrorists burned the house of Karlo
Marinkovic inGnjilane. On I1 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned two houses ofSlobodan

Maksimovicand a "Jumko" store in Gnjilane. On 11July 1999, three Serb houses were set on fire in each of the
following villages: Strmac, Kosovska Mitrovica municipality, owned by
Rad~~nkoMilovanuvic, Vojin Mijuskovic and Jevrosima Ilic; Slatina, Vucitrn

municipality,owned by Ljubisa and Drngisa Kostic, Dragicn Ristic and Dragica
Bajevic. On 12 July 1999, during violent Albanian riots, four Serb houses
were toiched in the village of Gornji Livoc, at the entry point of Gnjilane from

the directiotl of Gracanica. On 12 July 1999, during the violent Albanian riots in Lipljan, the
houses of Bozidar Aksic, SlavisaSirnijanovic,Zoran Brkljac andIlijCeperkovic,
as well as the business premises of Ljubinko Andjelkovic, were set on fire.

Albanian terrorists threwtwo Molotov cocktailsat thementioned houses. 12 JuIy 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the house ofRadmila
Ristic inGnjilane. On 12 July1999, Albanian terrorists burned the houseofDobrosz~vlva
Jankovic in Gnjilane. On 12 July 1889, Albanian terrorists burned the house of Zika
Jovanovic in Gnjilane. On 12 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned the house of Zvonko
Ristic in Gnjilane. On 12 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the house of Vladimir

Stanojevic in Gnjilane. 12July 1999,Aibanian terrorists burned the house ofZivojin Ilic
in GnjiIane. On 12 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned four houses in the area
of KosovskaMitrovica municipality:3 Vucedolska Street,owned by Petar Misic;
11 Vasa Pelagic Street. owned by Hasan Ibrahimi; 5 Vucedolska Street, owned
by Ibrahim Nurtic; and bb Bircaninova Street, owned by Nenad Toplicevic. 13July 1999, Albanian terrorists burned thehouse of Zika Nojic
in Gnjilane. On 13 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the house of Krsta
Dimitrijevic in Gnjilane. 13 July1999,Albanian terrorists burned the flat oJeticaArsic.

1S.5.3.43.On 13July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned the house of Blagica IIic
in Gnjilane. 13 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the house ofZivojin

Jovanovic. On 1.4July 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the family house of
Novica Jankovic in Gnjilane. 14July 1989,Albanian terrorists burned the house of DejanBujic
in Gnjilane. 14July 1999, Albanian terrorists burnedseven houses inthe area

of Kosovska Mirrovica municipality, belonging to: Nedelj ko Celic, Bukosa
village;Gordan Muracic, 5 Sokolic Street; Dragan Antonijevic,3Sokolic Street;
Budirnir Antonijevic,192 Gavrilo Princip Street; Zarko AIeksic11 Vucedolska
Street; Georgina EIezovic,28 CrepocigIana Street; and EvoGusnic, 17 Svetozar
Markovic Street, as well as two houses in the region of Vucitrn municipality,
belonging to Vitornir Dancetovic, 7 Gracanicka Street and Milan Jovanovic, 45

JNA Street. 15 July 1999,in the areofK~sovska Mitrovica,Albanian terrorists
burned 35 houses owned by: Slobodan Araskov, 6 Bogoljub Culue Street;Ranko
Jeftic, 8 Ivo Andric Street; Ruzica Parlic, 34 Ramiz Sadiku Street; Dragan

Ljumovjc, 3 Iguman Stefan Srreet;Branko Popovic, 5 Ivo Andric Street; Zoran
Spasojevic, 4 Crepociglana StreetDohri, Srboljub and Pera Spasojevic from the
villageof Japjenica, Baljinovachamlet; TlijaZivic,21 Rudnicka Street; Slobodan
Djurovic, 12Bogoljub Cukic Street; Perisa and Aleksandar Vucinic,bb Bogoljr~b
Cukic Street;Slavica Micevski, 7 Bogoljuh Cukic Street; Gaslav Mladjovic, 1
Miladin Popovic Street; Katarjna Lazic, 9 Mctohijska Street; Dragjsa

Stanisavljevic11Hercegovacka Street;Dram Virijevic, 71 Kralj Milutirl Street;
Sjrnon Karamatic, 49 Rodoljub Cukic Street; Zaran Stanojevic, bb Vidvvdanska
Street; Zoran Spasojevic,bb 22, divizijaStreKarlo Valdini, 247GavriEoPrincip
Street; Slobodan Djordjevic, 5 Bogoljub Cukic Street; Tvo Gusnic, 60 Majka.
Jevrosirna Street; Dragu Jovanavic, bb Bogoljub Cuhc Street; Milivoje
Vuksanwic, 91 IVO Andric Street; Slavko Dimitrijevic24 Crepociglana Street;

Dusko Gasic, 21 Bogofjub Cukic Street; Jordanko Dimitrijevic, 6 Evo Andric
Street; Stojanko Kostic,5 Vidovdanska Street; StojankoKostic, 2 Zelengorska
Street; Veriea Jevric13 Licka Street;Miodrag Ristic, 24 Kralj Milutin Street;
Vojislav Mihajlovic, 24 JNA Street; Bogdan Krstic, 26 KraIj Milutin Street;
Bogdan Krstic and Ljubisa Lajevic,26 Kralj Milutin Street; Milutin Wravkovic,
27 Partizanska Street; Dragoslav Vlek, 3 Bogoljub Cukic Street; two houses in thearea of Vucitrn municipality owned by Vladimir Radri,41 Vidovdanska Street;
Milutin Manojlovic,village of Vrnica; and one Serb housein theareaof Srbica
municipality, ownedby Miodrag Stevic,bbKralj Petar Street. On 15 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered and torched five
houses owned by the Stojanovicfamily in Gnjilane. 15 July 1999, fdbanian terrorists plundered and torched five
houses owned bythe Trajkovic family in the villofePozaranje. 15July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned thehouse ofRadenko
Radenkovic in Gnj ilane. On 15 July, the houses of Rados,. Miljan, Verica and Dragisa
Obradovic, Cedomir Arsic, Julijana Cvetkovic, Zagorka Matic and Leposava

Culic were set ablaze in Pristina. On.36 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the house of Zika
Jankovic in Gnjilane. 16 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned 62 houses in the area of
Kosovska Mitruvica municipality, belonging tMilan Niksic,2Ljutica Bogdan
Street; Djordje and Predrag Drobnjakovic, 2 Cetinjska StreetVidoje Lazic,9
Hilandarska Street; Manasije Jargic,11 Njegoseva Street; Slobodan Markovis,
Nevoljane village; Hazir Nezifovic, 21 Rarniz Sadiku Street; Milosav
Milosavljevic, 68 Miladin Popovic Street; Zivan Djordjevic, 38 Svetozar
Markovic Street; Nebojsa Jacic, 28 Zicka Street; MiIeva Sopic,24 Sveti Sam

Street; Radisa Simic58 Cvetko NikoZicStreet; Ljubica Simic24 Cvetko Nikolic
Street; Petar Rakic,27 Rarniz SadikuStreet; Mihajlo Radomirovic, Vinarce
village; Miodrag Mijatovic, 8 Vasa Carapic Street; Svetislav Srnikic, 2
Zelengorska Street; Mileva Kalasovic,22 Karadjordjeva Street; Dobri Krs'tic,1
Kralj Milutin Street; AIeksandarAndric, 7 K. Milutin Street; Sofija Gagak22
Karadjordjeva Street; Milutin Mojsic, Sipolje village; Stanko Stojanov18 K.
Milutin Street; Borivoje Josifovic,B. Cukic Street; Milosav Veljovic, Trg bb;

Mileva Kosapovic,26Sinticko estate; Miroslav Sulkjc97R. Sadiku Street; Milos
VIahovic, 11 K. MilutinStreet;Miljan Tijovic,9 I.Andric Street; Tanasko and
MilosavKokeric, 14 Hajduk StankoStreet; Miladinka Djukic, 14Hajduk Stanko
Street; Slobodan Markovic, 130 G. Princip Street; Ivica Magdic,57 Cvetko
Nikolic Street; Miroslav Milic,18 JNA Street; VlastimirGrujic, 19 Sv. Sava
Street; Slobodan Reznic,62 B. Vukmirovic Street; Dobrivoje Vukmirovic,28B.
Cukic Street; Rada Spasojevic,Mileva Kasalovic, Ceda Simic, Dragoljub Gasic,

Dusko Stevic,Stajko Orlovic,Leposava Ordic, Ljiljana Jekic, Darinka Lec-call
from 22 Karadjordjeva Street; Milovan Marjanovic, 26Pavle Grkovic Streetin
Vucitrn; Nadezda Marjanovic, 12Car Lazar StreetinVucitm; Vukosava Kolic,
124 Vidovdanska Street in Vucitrn; Jova Pantic, 147 7 rudara Street;Mihajlo
Jokovic, 3 Car Lazar Street; Snezana Bisevac35 Solunski front Street; Andreja
Radojkovic, Svetomir Virijevic, Gordana Jerotijevic-allfrom 247 G. Princip
Street; Slobodan Cvorovic, 7 V. Karadzic Street; Stana Djordjevic, 3

Smederevska Street; Zvonimir Andrijevic,14 Smederevska Street. 16 July 2999,Albanian terrorists burned 8 houses in the area of
Vucitrn municipality,owned by:Vidosava Manojlovic, Vrnjicavillage; Radosav,
Krsman and Zdravko Manojlovic, Vrnjica village; Milutin Djordjevic, Slatina
village; Prvoslav and Micoslava Milic, 44 Macvanska Street; Jagoda Milic and
Dusko Popovic, 22 Vidovdanska Street; Miroslavka Rakic, 21 Vidovdanska
Street; Milan Jovanovic,33JNA Street; Dragan Jovanovic and Sulja Gsgiri, 144

Vidovdanska Street. On 17 July 1999, Albanian terroristsburned all Serb houses in the
villages ofLjuhizda and Muzevine, as well as 20 Roma houses in the village of
Sinaje. 5n .17 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burncd the house of Slavko
Milenkovic in Vitina. . 17 July 1998,Albanian terrorists burned the house of Djordje
Kostic in Gnjilane by throwingtwo Molotov cocktails through the window. 19 July 1999,it was discovered that on the previous day all the
houses on Vuk Karadzic Street in Urosevac, belonging lo the expelled Serb
families, had been burned down. On 19 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the house of Zoran
Andrejevic in Gnjilane. On 19 July 1999, Albanian terrorists burned 7 Serb houses in the
areas of Kasovska Mitrovica and Vucitrn, owned by: Mihajlo and Miodrag
Kostic, Novo Selo Madjunsko; Simka Jerotijevic, 7 Harndzi Dinon Street;

Dragoljub, Jovan and Borisav Milenkovic, Pantina village; Jovan Jovanovic,
Zeleznicka stanica Street Vucitrn; Sasa and Dusan Bisevac, 38 Solunski front
Street;Snezana Milincic, bb Vidovdanska Street; Vukasin Radovanovic, Gornji
Svrcakvillage,Vucitrn. On 20 July 1999, the houses of Miroslav Zarkovic and Svetozar

Vuckovicwere burned in the villagof Cernica, Gnjilane municipality. On 20 July 11999 he house of Rade Spasic was completely burned
down in Gnjilane. 21 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned 12 houses in theareas of

Kosovska Mitrovica and Vucitrn municipalities, belonging to: Ognjen
Milenkovic, Donji Strmac Street, Srbica; Milutin Spiric, Pantina village,
Vucitrn; Dragomir Kastic, Slatina village,Vucitm; Zivorad, Trajko, Bozidar and
Dusanka Simic, Vrnica village, Vucitm; Milorad and SvetislavTrifunovic, 23
Cetinjska Street; Zivko and Rade Bajic, 17 JNA Street, Vucitm; Aleksandar
Dancetovic, 27 Cetinjska Street, Vucitrn; Milan Manojlovic and Zivka Savic,
Vrnica village,Vucitrn; Borivoje and Sava Vucetic, and Milic Planic, Tardza

village,Vucitrn. 21 July 1999, Albanian terroristsburned the houses in Vucitrn
municipality, owned by:Milic and Tankosava Planic, Borivoje and SavaVucetic,
Tardzavillage;Zivorad, Bozidar, Trajko and Dusanka SirnicMilan Manojlovic,Zivko Savic,villages of Vrrnica and Drvare Radac; Svetislav Trifunovic, 23
Cerinjska Street; Zivko B;ijic, 17JNA Street; Aleksandar Daneetovic, 127
Cetirijska Street, Vucitrn, who suffered serious injuries. 22July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned 26 houses in the area of
Kosovska Mitrovicamunicipality,belonging to: Faik Abdulah, 28 Nusiceva Street;

Vukasin MiIic,Slatfna village, Vucitrn; MiIan Mili6 SutjeskaStreet; Dragoljub
Murganic, 74 Bojan Delic Street; Zivojin Bogosavljevic,Sipolje village; Branka
Zivkovic, 2 Cetinjska Street;Bogdan Milic, Bukosa village, Vucitrn; Dimitrije
Markovic, Nevoljane village,Vucitrn; Milostina Darnljanovi81R. Sadiku Street;
Milovan and Milosava Radovanovk, Kucica village, Srbica; Radosav Slavkovic,
Vrbnica village; Milivoje Radumirdvjc,DoiljeViparce village; Olga Malic,8Car

Dusan Street; Nikola Djuric and Dimitrije Bozovic, Bukos village, Vucitrn;
Dragomir Jovanovic,Kudnik village,Srbica; Blagoje Yasic,No. 7,7 rudara Street;
Omihan Cosa, 24 Fabricka Street;Dibran Salja, 118 Fabricka Street; Ljubomir
Milenkovic, Mavric village, Vucitrn; SaIih and Nusret Haljilj,Fabricka Street;
Mazlum and Maser Asani, 189 Fabricka Street; Ramiz Seljami, 170 Fabricka
Street;Dragisa Stanisavljevic,15Hercegwacka Street;Nicifor Kovacevic,Rudnik

village; Radoje Miletic, Sipolje village. 22Juty 1999,Albanian separatists burned the house and auxiliary
buildings of Nikola Djordjevic55 Major Tepic Streetin Kosovo Polje. On 23 July 1999, Albanian terrorists torched the Serb vilIage of
Klobukar, Kosovska Kamenica municipality. All Serb houses have been burned in the multi-ethnic villages of
Zitinje,Trpeza, Pozaranje, Novo Seio, Grmwu, Drobes, Kabas and Binac,
Vitina municipality. On 24 July 1YY9,escorted by KFOR, Radojko Jovanovic from the
village of Mirovac,Podujevo municipality, visited his household and foundthe
old house burned down. Roof tiles fromthe new housc and barn were stripped
off and taken away, and 13 hectares of woods were cut. Jovanavic believes that
the damage amounting to about DM 1,500,000 was caused by the Albanian

family of Dzaka from Mirovac village. 1999,Albanian tirroristburnedhe housesofVukan Deljanin,
VuksanDeIjaninand MIadenGajic,inthe village afLebane,~ristina'rnunici~ality. 26July 1899,Albanian terrorists first plundered and then burned
the house of Jovanka Drekalovic, 24 Novosadska Street, Kosovn Polje. 27 July 1999,Albanian terrorists first ptundered and then burned
the farnilhousc of Ljuha Stevanovic on Car Dusan Square in Prizren. 28 July 1999,infornlation was received that Albanian terrorists
had completely burned the villages of Kudnik and Donji Strmac in Srbica
municipality.One house was burned down in the villagof Suvo Grlo, and three
houses in Ihe village of Crkolcz. A large numberofhouses were plundered and
damaged in the village of Banje.1.. 28July 1999,Albanian terroristsseton fire sihouses in Prizren. On 29 July 1999,Albanian terrorists burned the house of Dragan

Dabizljevici17NiskaStreet, KosovoPolje. Albanian terrorist gangs have plundered all non-Albanian houses
and flats in the area of Urosevac, and then burned around 80% of the family
houses. On 30 July 1899,Albanian terrorists burned the house of Milivoje
Lakicevic and other Serb families in the village of Medregovac, Pod~ijevo
municipality. earlyAugust, Albanian terrorists plundered and burned all Serb
houses in the villagofMuzicane,Stimlje municipality. early August, Albanianterrorist continued to plunder and burn
the already abandoned Serb housesin the villageof Zjtinja. In July and the first half of August 1999,Albanian terrurist gangs
plundered and burned the houses in Gnjilane owned by: Milornd Marinkovic,

101 KnezLazar Street; Lucija Krstic, bbD. Popovic Street; Desimir Ristic, la
Trajko Peric Street; Aleksandar Dimitrijevjcand Filip Todorovic, bb Momcilo
Trumpic Street; Zivojin Stankovic, Borivoje Markovic, Dobrinka Spasic;
Milorad Stankovic, 252 Car Lazar Street; Leposava Stankovic, 1 Kosovska
Street; StanislavDimic,Karlo Maksimovic,Aleksandar Marinkovic,residentsof
Pristinski put Street; Zivojin Stankovic,210 S. Trajic Street; SreckJevtic,4
KraljPetar Street; Pera Mitrovic4 Ahdula Presev Street; Srdjan Djordjevic, bb

Kapetan Nikolic Street; Branko G~~lic,Jugoslav Vasic, Bora and Bozidar
Stamenkovic, A. Ajeti Street; SIaboIjubRistic,21 M. Zaimi Street; Radenko
Radulovic, bb Laza StefanovicStreet; Krsta Petrovic, bb Bojanina Street - all
from the village of Tankosic; houses and auxiliary buildingsin the village of
Donji Livoc, owned by: Velimir Milosavljevic;Bozidar, Milorad and Goran
MilusavIjevic;Dobrivoje and Tomislav Axsic; Kruna and Ivan Antanasov,
Malisevovillage;SvetomirMarjanovic,Klokot village. On 2 August 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the houses in
Gnjilane, owned by: Milorad Marinkavic and Predrag Lazic, as well as two
Roma houses. On 9 August 1999,Albanian separatists burned again the house
of Predrag Lazic. 3 August 1949,Albanian terrorists burned the house of Cedomir
Milosevicin Gnjilane. 3 August 1899,Albanian terrorists burned the house at 23 JNA
Street in Vucitrn,propertyof Milan Zdravkovic temporarily residinin Pristina. 4August 1999,Albanian terrorists burned the houses of Djordje,

Slavomir, Goran and Dragan Lakusic, 26 Braca Jankovic ~trket, in Kosovo
Polje; in an attempt to protect his family and property, Goran Lakusic
confronted the terrorists, afterwhichhwas arrested byKEOR and taken to the
prison in Lipljan. On 4 August 1999, Albanian terrorists plunderedand burned the
house and auxiliary buildingsofStevan and Draginja Markovic, as we11as the
familyhouse of Dragica Nikolic, 15Metohijska Street, Prizren. 5 August 1999,the house of Momcilo Patrnagc, 65 Vuk Karadzic
Street,Prizren, was plundered and burned, On 6 August 1999, the following houses were burned in Prizren,
belonging to: Cedomir Todorovic, Zdravko Zekic, Jovanka Budimiravic, at 78,

76 and 90 Vidovdanska Street respectively; Gvozden Trajanovic, Divna
Cvetkovic, Muharem Gasi (for helping his neighbour, a woman of Serb
nationality),t121and 119Boris ldric Street respectively. On8 August 199,Albanian terrorists burned fivehouse in the village

of Crkolez,Istokmunicipality. On 8 August 1999,the following houses were burned in Prizren,
owned by:Stevan Jankovic,21 Durmis AslaniStreet;MustafaAfita, 119 Durmis
Aslani Street,aswellas several houses owned by members ofthe Turkish ethnic

communi ty. On 9 August 1999,Albanian terrurists burned the followinghouses
in Prizren, owned by: Dragica Jovanovic, J.R. Kic Street; NikoIeta Stevic, 87
Stevan Tunic Street; and a Roma house owned by Juan Kastrati. On 19 August 1899, Albanian terrorists set on fire the house of
Zivojin Simicin Gnjilane.
1S.5.3.93. On 20 August 1999, Miroslav Milacic, from Kursurnlija, reported
thaton 20 July 1999,Albanian terrorists had burned his family house, auxiliary

buildings,astable and a barn,in the village of Stedim, Podujevo municipality. 9 4.20 August 1999, Milovan Dragovic from the viIlageof Mirovac,
Podujevo municipality, reported that on 29 July 1999, around 10:OO a.m.,
Albanian terroristshadburned his house, a garage, a barn and a stable. On 23 August, the houses ofMirko Momcilovic, Akija Demiri and
Momir Mitkovic, were burned in thearea of Prizrenmunicipality. On 24 August 1999, Svetiana Milacic from Kursumlija reported to
the Kursumlija police that in July 1999, Albanian terrorists had burned the

family house, astable and abarn, owned by her father Miroljub Nikolic, in the
villageofBalavac, Podujevo municipality. On 25 August 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the house in
Gnjilane, property of Miodrag Trajkovic, employee of Gnjilane Police
Department. On27 August, Milenko Vujacic from the villagofTursko Merdare,
Podujevo municipality, reported that his house had beentorched and the barn
moved to the yard of his neighbour Abdulah Isljami. During August 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered and burned 12
houses inthe villageof Ajvalija, Pristina municipality, properof: RodoljubSamardzic, Vidosav Sarac, Ugljesa Colic, Novak Gojkovic, Momcilo Inic,
Zivorad Markovic, Vukasin Popadic, Miodrag Popovic, Predrag Popovic,
Djordje Stevanovic;Svetomir, Vojislavand B,ozidar Vidojevic. in August 1999, a group of Albanian terrorists, amongst

whom were Abdulah Babalija, Metalji Berat, Bep and Bujar Idrizi, and Djefcet
Ljuza,organized a campaign of torching the housesofthe Serband Montenegrin
familiesofOtasevic, Rack, Radulovic, Zvezdic and others, iPiskote estate. 30 August 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered and burned all
Serb houses in thevillagesof Krpimej and Lausa, Podujevo municipality. On 31 August, Zogaj Nebi from Prizren, 79 Crnoljevska Street,
reported to the Secretariat in Belgrade that 22 July 1999,around 11:50p.m.,
Albanian terrorists had attackedhim and hiswife Mirjeta in their familhouse.
After they had managed to jump out throught the window, they reported the

incident to aKEOR patrol which arrivedon the scene on 23 July 1999: around
2:00a.m. Since the KFOR members were unable to guarantee them safety,they
left their placef residence. On 24 July 1999,Albanian terroristsburned their
house, and confiscatedan "Ope1 Kadett" passenger car and other belongings
valued at aboutDM 300,000. On31 August 1999,Radovan Savicfrom the GIlageof Kabas, Vjtina
municipality,reported that Albanian terrorists had plundered and burned all
Serb houses in the mentioned village. Moreover, inthe'presence of KFOR, the
Albanian terrorists threw a grenade at a cafe. When the Serb proprietor
countered the attack,KFOR arrested him and his three sons, took them to the
village of Trstenik and kept them there for a weKFOR evacuated the building

in front of which the incident took place, searched it and fouamachine-gun,
10automatic rifleand afew shotguns. On 3 September 1999, Albanian terrorists burned the house of

Zivojin Vasic in the village of Robovac, Kosovska Kamenica municipality. On 8 September 1999, the Serbs who were compelled to leave
Orahovac, stated that the inhabitantof the Serb nationality were forced to live
in the town in a sort ofa,ghetto.Their movement was restricted inside a very
small partof the town and the living conditionwere almost unbearable. As for

those Serbs who had to leave the village of Zociste, Orahovac municipality, and
find shelter in Orahovac, 55 of their houses were plundered and burned by
Albanian terrorists.

1.5.6 .thniccleansing committedby Albanian separatists expulsion of members of non-Albanian ethnic communities,1.In June 1999, Albanian terrorists expelled aSerbs, Roma and other
non-Albanians from the followingvillages in the areof Gnjilane municipality:
Grmovo, Statina, BilanceTankosic, Zitinje, Firidzija, Mogila, Carakovaetc. 19 June 1998, Albanian terrorists expelled Milan Vujacic and his
wife from theirhouse in,the villagof Medevce, Lipljan municipality, as wellas
Nikola and Cveta Dukic from Gnles estate. 20 June 1999, in the village of Bahljak, Urosevac municipality,
Albanian terrorists physicallyabused Stojan Stebnovic and his wife Ljubica,
aged around 70, who were then compelled to leave the villageand move to
Lipljan. On 20 June 1899, Albanian terrorists expelled all the Serbs from

Velika Reka refugee camp in the municipalityof Vucitrn. On 21 June 1999, professor Nebojsa Stosicwas expelled by Albanian
terroristsfrornhisflat in the University estatinPristina. On 22 June 1999, Albaninn terrorists expelledallSerbs from their
houses in the villageof Sofalije,Pristina municipality, and then moved into
1.5.G.1.7.On 22 June 1999,Albanian terrorists expelled five Serb fanriljes from
their flats in Pristina, "Suncani b2"gestate, block 2. 28 June 1999, the family of Cerim Abazi's brother wasexpelled
from Subotic estate in Obilic. Cerirn Abazisa memher of the InterimExecutive
Council and president of the Ebyptjan Democratic Party. h July 1989,the following flats in Pristina were broken and forcibly
moved into, property of: Momcilo Peric, 2 "Suncani breg" estate; Ljubisa
Ignjatovic,5 "Sut~canibreg" estate; Jelica Bojkovic, 3 Kupusiste estate; Ljubisa
Savicevic,10 Kralj Fetnr Street;Aleksandar Spasic, 7Ulpijana estate; Radmila
Lukic, 2 "Suncani breg" estate; Borivoje Micic, 2 Jesenjinova Street; Mjrko
Krstic,7 Mclstarska Street; as well as the houses owned by: Rade Popovic, 19
Meto Barjaktari Street; Zoran Kosovac, Kraljevic Marku streit; Veljko Saric, 2

Cacanska Street; Dragoljub Jasovic, 1 Kralj Petar Street; Vuleta Vlahavic, bb
Braca Jankovic Street. On 9 July 1999, the following flats in Pristina were broken and
forcibly moved into,property of: Dragan Jovanovic, 1 Dardanija estate; Djura.
Bulajic, 5 Dardanija estate; Budislava Milosavljevic,24 Tanasko Kajic Street;
Dimitrije Ljiljak, 1Bora Kvzarac Street; Dejan Ljiljak, 1 Ramiz Sadiku Street;

Gordana Stojanovic, bb Aca Marovic Street; Zlatko Stojanovic, 99 Kralj Milutin
Street, as well as the flats inC2 Ulpijana estate,entrance No. 3, owned by
Branislav Tokic, Andrija Zindarevic and Gradimir Cirkovic. Also forcibly
moved into were the flats owned by: Dragica Zdravkovic, 44 Vidovdanska
Street; Djirdji Egrcman, Third block No. 13, as well asthe business premises
(Eurosalan) ofZoran Vuksanovic, Ramiz Sadiku Street. On 10 July 1999, a notice was found on the door of the flatin
Gnjilane, owned by Rrnnko Zigan, saying that they had to move out I~ecause
they would atherwise be liquidated.The notice was signed by a conmanding
officerof the so-called KLA. 10 July 1999,in Pristina, 2 Prvi Szarnbeni blok estate, Albanian
terrorists expelleZoran Mirkovic and his family from their flat. Aftthal,the
Albanian terrorists moved into the flat. On 11 July1999,40 Serbs returned to the village of Grace, Vucitrn
municipality, which they had abandoned under the coercion of Albanian
terrorists. The village used have around 15Uinhabitants. 11July 1994,51 non-Albanians abandoned their flats and houses
in thearea of Kosovska Mirrovica municipality, under the threat and coercioof
Albanian terrorists: Radunka Milovanovic and Jevrosima Ilic from Strmac
village;Vojin Mijuskovic,5 Sokolicka Street;Zosan Kostic, 13Jelena Anzujska
Street;Nikola Kostic, 13A Jelena Anzujska Street; Radosav Kostic, 7 Kudara

Street; Mladen Stevic, 18 JNA Street; Ljubisa Vujnovic, 4 Jelena Anzujska
Street; Zoran Jovanovic, 16/19 Miladin Popovic Street; Golub Utvic, 126
Zelengorska Street; Kostadin Smikic, 2 Zelengorska Street; Marijeta Clisic, 6
Ivo Andric Street; Borivoje Orlic,4-13 Sveti Sava Street; Milovan Babic, 5
Hercegovacka Street; Dragica Stanojevic2 Car Lazar Street;Ljiljana Simic,11
Ivo Andric Street; Milivoje Vuksanovic, Crepociglana estate; Dusan ka
Radakovic, Donji Svrcak villagc; Kumenka Djordjevic, 104 Ramiz Sadiku

Street; Radrnila Vucetic, 19 Ivo Andric Street; Momcilo Stanojevic, 114 22.
divizije Street; Vojislav Miljkovic, 163 22. divizije StrRadojica Popovic, 7
Kralj Petar Street; Dragisa Jarevic, 7 Gavrilo Princip Street; BlagRikalo, 13
Vasa Cubrilovic Street; Maksim Trpkovic, 52 Cvetko Nikolic Street; Milan
Jovanovic, 37 VJ Street; Petar Toplicevic, 31 VJ Street; Stojan Vlatic,36 VJ
Street; Zivorad Markovic, 38 VJ Street; Vukasin Kostic, 40 VJ Street; Zoran
Vranjic, 1/19Ivo Andric Street; Miodrag Uskokovic, 68 Ivo AndricStreet; Jovan

Djordjevic, 5 Smederevska Street; Slobodanka Milentijevic, 21 Gavrilo Princip
Street; Kupina Markovic, 90 Ivo Andric Street; Cvetko Mitruvic, 5 Pasiceva
Street; Roksanda Hajdukovic, 23 Vidovdanska Street; Cedomir Varndin, No.
31, 7 rudara Street; Milan Popovic, 32 VJ Street; Veselin Jovanovic, 33 VJ
Street; Arandjel Vojnovic, Sipolje village; Dragoljub Stojic, Sipolje village;
Slavica Rakovic, 35 Sitnicko estate; Milos Nastic, 19 Sitnicka Street; Mileva
Tornasevic, 17 Duciceva Street; Ruza Tadic, 56 Cukica Street; TomisIav
Siljegovic,3 Gavrilo Princip Street; and Dragan Krga, 28 Karadjordjeva Street.

In addition, 9 citizens from thearea ofVucitrn municipality and one person
from the area of Srbicamunicipality lefttheir homes. Those are: Ljubisa and
Dragisa Kostic, Slatina village; Dragica Ristic, 41 MakedonskaStreet; Dragica
Bajevic, bb Vidovdanska Street; Rodoljub Popovic, 35 VJ Strcet; Miroslav
Toplicevic, 31 VJ Street; Cveta Popovic, VJ Street, building 1;Dragan Ristic,
29. novernbar Street; Jovica Vlajic, 1 Rasid Dedovic Street; and Radmila
Popovac,bb Kralj Petar Street. On 11 July 1999, the following flatsin Pristinawere broken and
forcibly moved into, property of:Gavrilo Bojic, 15 Mostarska Street; Dusanka
Mitic, 24 Beogradska Street; Milica Vojovic, 1JNA Street; Vesna Stevanovic, 9
Kicma estate; and Dusanka Tomic, 4 Kupusiste estate.


- 12 July 1999, the following flats in Pristina were broken and

forcibly moved into, property of: Dragan Stamenkovic, 23 Titogradska Street,
Paraskeva Bogicevic, 12 Djurdjevdanska Street;Stojadin Kostic, 1 Dardanija
estate; Ramadan Demirovic, 3 Vojvoda Z. Misic Street; Radivoje Vujsic, 6
Dardanija estate; STobodan Slojanovic, 16 Djurdjevdanska Street; Radisa
Stojanovic,9 Patrijarh Danilo Street;and Miodrag Nikolic,9 Ulpijana estate. 12 July 1999,21 non-Albanians were expelled from the area of
Kosovska Mitrovica municipality: Miodrag Dimic, 5 Vasa Pelagic Street;
Miroslava Jukic, 42 Kralj Petar Street; Radivoje Stojanovic, 16 Jelena Anzujska
Street; Ljubica Markovic, 8 Majka Jevrosima Street; Milan Radulovic, 4 Gavrilo
Princip Street; Miodrag Radutovic, 2 Ivo Andric Street;Ruza Tadic, 56 Cukici

Street; Tomislav Siljegovic,3 Gavrilo Princip Street; Dusan Laketic, 12 Gavrilo
Princip Street; Vujadin Vukadinovic, 8 Sv. Sava Street; Dragica Djokovic, 19
Car Uros Street; Verica and Stanija Ilic, 17 TvoAndric Street; Ruza Kovacevic,
I Kralj Milutin Street; Zivko Avramovic, 31 Stari Vujadin Street; Olivera
Tomasevic, 6 Kralj Milutin Street; Dragan Damjanovic, 63 Gall Milutin Street;
Vasilije Damjanovic, 98Ramiz Sadiku Street; Zoran Zafirovic, 7 Obilicev venac

Street; Blagoje Marjanovic, 7 Vasa Pelagic Street; Mileva Tornasevic, 17
Duciceva Street; Ruzica Radic, 16 Smederevska Street; and one person from
the areaof Srbica municipality: Dragisa Djokovic, bb Car Uros Street.
1- 14July 1999,24 persons were expelledfrom the area ofKosovska
Mitrovica municipality: Radomir Kostic,69 Kopaonicka Street; Racko Petrovic,

2 Tvo Andric Street; Borislav Kak~lovic, 1 Ivo Andric Street; Roksanda
Stankovic, 24 Sv. Sava Street;Zivko Dancetovic, 6 Gracanicka Street; Jasima
Adzic, 1 Zelengorska Street; Bozidar Srojkovic, 21 Ibarskj odred Street; Zorka
Timotijevic, 3 Ivo Andric Street; ~jubinko Dimic, 3 TvoAndaic Street; Savo
Dimic, 58 Panciceva Street;Zivka Todorovic, 7 Pasiceva Street; Branislav Savic,
2 Kralj Milutin Street; Rridornir Milivojevic, 1K~alj Milutin Street; Petar
Milivojevic, Sipollevillage; Blagoje Jargic, 1 Ivo Andric Street; Nadezda

Stojkov, 20 Gavrilo Princip Street; Gradimir Gilwic, 2 Kralj Milutin Street;
Svetomir Galjak, 2 Kralj Milutin Street; Aleksslndar Drobac, 247 Gavrito
Princip Street; Zlatibor Ilic, 21-Ivo Andric Street; Zivorad Andric, 2 Miladin
Popovic Street; Ljubisa Radosavljevic23 Miladin Popovic Street; Bozidar Jovic,
33 Sv. Sava Street; Zorka Pe~rovic,33 Sv.Sava Street. 14 July 1999, 15 nowAlbanians were expelled from the area of
Vucitrn municipality:Rozalija Jovanovic, 45 VJ Street; Veselin Jovanovic, 45a
VJ Street; Ljubica Jovanovic, Zeleznickstanica StreetIlinkaKrstic,Zeleznicka
stanicaSrreet;Svetozar Kalic,107 Vidovdanska Street; Branislav Dancetovic, bb
Vidovdanska Street; Dusan Dancetovic, 5 Vidovdanska Street; Milodarka Kalic,
3 Kralj Petar Street; Vukosava Kalic, bb Vidovdanska Street; Milanka

Marjanovic, 23 Vidovdanska Street; Nadezda Marjanovic, 26 Pavle Grkovic
Street; Ljiljana Parli40 Cerska Street; Aleksandar Parlic, 41 Cerska Street;
Sveta Popovic,4 VJ Street; and Vlastimir Zdravkovic33 Sv.Sava Street. 16 July 1939, Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into
the flatsinPristina owned by:Zarko Vasic, Car Dusan Street, Aktas A2, 8th
floor, flaNo. 68; Dragica Cuckic, 11/41 Atinska Street; Vera Cuckic, KraIj
Petar Prvi Street, entrance 3, 11th floor; Dragana Zoric, 18D Vidovdanska
Street;and Zivka Cuckic, Dardanija estateSU 9/1, building 2flatNo. 4. 26 July1999,Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into

the flats in KosovskaMitrovica owned by: Mileva Sokic, 24/1 Sv.Sava Slreet;
Radisa Simic, 58 Cvetko Nikolic Street; Dobri Krstovic, Kralj Milutin Street, L1
10/38;Milosav Veljovic, Stari Trg, post office building; Mileva Kosanovic,26
Sitnicko estate; Miroslav Sulkic,47 Ramiz Sadiku Street; Milos Vlahovic, 2
Kralj Milutin Street, 4114; Miljac Tijovic,13619Ivo Andric Street; Borivoje
Josifovic, Prvi tune1 estate, 219 Bogoljub Cukic Street; Vidoje Lazic, 9

Hilandarska Street (whose house was set on fire)Ljubica Simic, 54 Cvetko
Nikolic Street; Milisav Kokeric,4Hajduk Stanko Street; Miladinka Djukic, 14
Hajduk Stanko Street; Slobodan Markovic,130 Gavrilo Princip Street; lvica
Magdic, 57 Cvetko Nikolic Street; Dobrivoje Vukmirovic,2813 Bogoljub Cukic
Street;Rada Spasojevic, Mileva Kasalovic, Ceda Simic,Dragoljub Gasic,Dusko
Stevic, Stajko Orlovic, Leposava Ordic, Ljiljana Djekic, Sofija Galjak and
Darinka Eecic- 22, Karadjordjeva Street. 16 July 1999, Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into
the flatsinVucitrn owned by: Prvoslav Milic, 44 Macvanska Street; Jagodinka
Milic, 22 Vidovdanska Street; Miroslav Milic, 44 Macvanska Street; Miroslav
Milic,18 JNA Street; Dusan Popovic, 22 Vidovdanska Street; Miroslavka Rakic,

21 Vidovdanska Street; Milan Jovanovic, 33 JNA Street; Dragan Jovanovic, 104
Vidovdanska Street; Suga Grguri, 104 Vidovdanska Street; Miljan Parlic, 12
Kaljaja Street; Milanko Marjanovic, 23 Vidovdanska Street; Milovan
Marjanovic, 26 Pavle Grkovic Street; Nadezda Marjanovic, 1213Car Lazar
Street;and Vukosava Kolic, 124 Vidwdanska Street. On 11 July 1999, Albanian terrorists forced about 30 Serbs to

abandon their houses on Vuk Karadzic Street in Urosevac. On 17 and 18 July 1999, Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly
mwed into the flats in Pristina ownedby: Vojislav Stojanovic, "Suncani breg 2"
estate, building 9,2nd floor, flat 8;.Svetozar Stojanovic, UlpijanaDl estate,
214;Ratomir Inic, Mikronaselje D4, entrance 2,flatNo. 10; family of Radun

Dabizljevic,l31/41 Car Dusan Street; Dragoslav Vasic. Dardanija estate SU
6/2-1, 4thfloor; Dusan Ilic, "Suncani breg3" estate, building9,2nd floor, flat
No. 7; Lepa Nikolic, "Suncanibreg 2" estate,1stfloor, fiaNo. 9;Djordje Ristic
and Zarko Stefanovic,Vidovdanska Stfeet; Dusanka and Zeran Kostic, JNA
Street. On 19 July, around 8:00 p.m., Albanian terrorists blocked an
apartment building in Kosovska Mitrovica, with 10 Serb families, totalling
approximately 30 members, and forced them at gunpoint to leave the building.
They maltreated and humiliated them in the process. On 19July 1949,Albanian terrorists expelled around 130 Serb and
Montenegrin families from the villages of Vrsevce, Magurs, Krajiste, Veliki
Alas and Toplicane, municipality of Lipljan. These villages have virtually been
ethnically cleansed. On 19 July1999, Albanian terroristsforced 25 non-Albanians out of

their houses and flats in the area of Kosovska Mitrovica: Cedomir Sfmic, 72
Karadjordjeva Street; Milisnv Markovic and Safet Saracevic, 16 Gaviilo Princip
Street; Vvkomir Spasojevic, 47 Crepociglana Street; Milivoje Trbojevic, 267
GavriIo Princip Street; Dragan Zincun, 6 Gavrilo Princip Street; Radomir
GiIovic, Sipoljevillage; OlgaTrpkovic, 46 Obiticeva Street; Miruslav Zafirovi~
and Olga Denkic, 8 Gavrilo Princip Street; Svilan Zafirovic, 30 ObiliceStreet;

Serif Prigusic, 27/3 Sv. Sava Street; Cedomir and Svetozar ,Orlovic, Sipolje
village; Radmila Camilovic, 92 Nernanjina Street; Miroslav Trajkovic, 49
Hilandarska Street; Zoran Micovic, 56 Stara Devicka Street; ZivkaVuckovic,2
Kralj Milutin Strect; Radmila Milavanovic, 7 Bugoljub Cukic Street; Snezana
Kopanja, 23 Bora Vukmirovic Street; Drlsko Adzic, 15 Miladin Popovic Street;
Bozidar Protic, 21 Ivo Andric Street; Radmila Cebasek, 31 Lola Ribar Street;

Vesela Zdravkovic. 11 Rogoljub Cupic Street; and Dxagoljub Bajkovic, 37
Bogdan Cupic Street. 1.9July 1999, Albanian terrorists forced 23 non-Albanians out of
their houses and flats in the area of Vucitrn municipality: Mjladin Kostic and
Jova Grahovac, Pestovo village; Branislav Dancetovic, bb Vidovdanska Street;

Olga Dancetovjc, 5 Vidovdt~nskaStreet; Miroslav Jovanovic, 118 Vidovdanska
Street; Svetozar Kalic, 107 Vidovdanska Street; Miljana Parlic, 37 Cerska
Street; Smiljko Djorcijevic, Slatina village; Kasovka Jaksic,162 Vidovdanska
Street; Siobodan Stankovic, 59 Vidovdanska Strect; Miodrag Kostic, Novo Selo
Madjunsko; Jova and Nebojsa Jovanovic, Novo Selo Madjunsko; Milovan
Miljkovic,49 Sv. Sava Street; Dragan Milovanwic, 74 VJ Street; Jagoda Kordic,
84 Vidovdanska Street; Ivan Kordic, Bukos village; Dragan Marovic, 8

Vidovdanska Street; Milan Stanbolic, 39 Pavle Gskovic Street; Radomir
Miljkovic, hb Vidovdanska Strect; Jordan Milic, Mavricvillage; Radojko Simic,
Pestovo village; and Mirceta Tasic, Vijance villageas well asone person form
the area ofSrbica municipality: Rados Lajovic, 1Kralj Petar Street. On 19 July 1999, in Pristina, 7a Kopaonicka Street, Albanian

terrorists plundered the flat and expelledat gunpaint Vladimir Aksic and his
wife.Aksic later returned tolivein the same flatbut he is constantly exposed to
the pressure by Albanian terrorists. On 19 July 1995),Nbanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into

the flats in Pristina ownedby:Dragica Jovanovic, Kupusiste estate, building3,
1st floor,flatNo. 2,Momcilo Janicijevic, Dardanija estate, SU 5/8, flatNo. 38;
Stevan Mitic, Dardanija estate 133, flat No. 5; Zlatibor Sulovic, Dardanija
estate,SU 2/8,3rd floor, flatNo. 18;and Dragica Sulovic, Dardanija estate,SU
2/4,flatNo. 14; On 19 July 1999, Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into

I the flatsin Kosovska Mitrovica, Sipolje estateowned by: Cedornir and Svetuzar
Orlovic; Olga Dancetovic, 513Vidovdanska Street, flat No.6;Dragan Marovic, 8
Vidovdanska Street; Snezana Kopanja, 23 Bora Vukumirovic Street; Duska
Adzic, L1115 Miladin Popovic Street; Radmila Cebasek, 31 Lola Ribar Street,
flatNo. 1; Vesela Zdravkovic, Crni tuner estate1117 Bogoljub Cukic Street; and
Sasa and Dusan Bisevac,39 Solunski front Street. On 19July 1999,Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into
the flats in Vucitln owned by: Miroslav Jovanovic, 118 Vidovdanska Streer;
Svetozar Kalic, 107 Vidovdanska Street; Miljan Parlic, 37 Cerska Street;

I Kosovka Jaksic, 162 Vidovdanska Street; Dragan Milovanovic, 7h VJ Street,
L311; and Jagoda Kordic, 84 Vidovdanska Street. On 20 July1999,Albanian terrorists forced26 non-Albanians out uf
their houses and flats in the arof Kosovska Mitrovica municipality: BisaPerk,
6 Hilandarska Street; Leposava Gordic, 15 Karadjord-ieva Street; Miiutin
Milutinovic, 26 Miladin Popovic Street; Stevan Radojic, 1Kralj Milutin Street;
Miodrag Radovic, 24 Herojska Street; BosiljkIlic,55 Muharem Bcktesi Street;
Svetislav Mirkovic,91 Bogoljub Cukic Street; Mihrija Ramusovic, 17 Milkidin
Popovic Street; Dusanka Cirovic, 45 Sv. Sava Street; Slohodan Djurovic, 7
Bogoljub Cukic Street; SIobodan Aransev, 6 Bogoljub Cukic Street; Vukan

Jovanovic, 2 Glavaseva Street; Miroslav Ristic29 Kralj Milutin Street; Kadojica
Zejak and Jagoda Nikolic, 29 Duciceva Street; Jaksa Ugrinovic, 17 Rasid
Delloric Street; Rastkr Stankovic. I Born Vukrnirnric Street: Mirvljoh
Stankovic, 56 Rarniz Sadiku Street; Tihomir Dimitrijevic, 48 Novica Cerovic
Street; Angel Dobradzijev,19 Ivo Andric Street; Dobrija Nedeljkovic, Vrbnica

village;Zoran Slwic, 60 Sarajevska Street; Lidija Omeragic, 12 Zicka Street;
Dimitrije Peric, 3 Zelengora Street; Jasn~ina Adzic, 1 Zelengora Street; and
Anica Slavic,30 Pavle Grkovic Street. 20 July 1999, Albanian terrorists forced 15nun-Albanians out of
their houses and flats in the area of Vucitrn municipality: Mirjana Vajevic,

Jasmina .Ratkovic and Nebojsa Zivkovic, 128 Vidovdanska Strcet; Miodrag
Milosavljevic,3Vidovdanska Street; Pctar Toplicevic, 31 JNA Strcet; Milutin
Miladinovic,8 Rasid Dedovic Street; Zivko Ncsic, Vrnjica village; Dragan and
Gina Antic, 9 Todur Osmokrovic Street; Zivojin Antic, 24 Sutjeska Street;
Stanoje Djindjic, Novo Selo Jegovo Street; Stojan Jovanovic, 3 JNA Street;

Danica Ristic,1 Desa Ilic Street; and Obrad and Dragica Janackovic, Novo Selo
Madjunsko. On 20July 1989, Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into
I the flatinKosovska Mitrovica owned by:hica Slavic,30 Pavle Grkovic Street;
Bisa Peric, 8 Hifandarska Street; Leposava Gordic, 15 Karadjordjeva Street;

Milutin Milutinovic, 2617 Miladin Popovic Street; Steva Radnjic, 18 Kralj
Milutin Street, 1/3;Miodrag Radovic, Prvi tunel estate, 24 Herojska Street;
Bosiljka Ilic, Muharem Bektesi Street;Svetislav Mirkovic,Prvi tunel estate,9114Bogoljub Cukic Street; Simka Jerotijevic, 7 Anri Dinan Street; Mihrija
Ramusovic, L1/17 Miladin Popovic Street; Dusanka Djurovic, 4515Sveti Sava

Street; Slobodan Durovic,'Pnri tune1 estate6 Bogoljub Cukic Street; Vukena
and Slavica Jovanovic,2 Glavaseva Street; Miroslav Ristic, 8/29 Kralj Milutin
Street; Radojica Zejak, 29 Duciceva Street, flat No. 11; Jagoda Nikelic, 29
Duciceva Street, flat No, 15; Jaksa Ugrinovic, 1715 Rasid Dedovic Street,
building 9;Rastko Stankovic, 4 Bora Vukumirovic Street; Miroljub Stankovic,
56 Ramiz Sadiku Street; Tihomir Dimitrijevic,48 Novica Cerovic Street; Angel

Dobradzijev, 19/57 Ivo Andric Street, 12 Zicka Street; Dimitrije Peric, 3
Zelengora Street; and Jasmina Adzic,1 Zelengora Street. 21 July 1999,Albanian terrorists force35non-Albanians out of
their houses and flats in the areof Kosovska Mitrovica municipality: Velibor
and Grujica Radivojevic, and Vukoje Vukosavljevic, Sipolje village; Dragisa

Kostic, 11 Kralj Milutin Street; Krsto Milentijevic, Pirce village; Kata
Milosavljevic,7 Rudara Street; Veroljub Marinkovic, 2 Kosancic Ivan Street;
Petar Mitrovic,Nikola Pasic Street;Slavna Milanovic,85 Ramiz Sadiku Street;
Bratislav Terzic28 Sveti Sava Street; Branislav Spasojevic,10SveSava Street;
RadisIav Miladinovic and Bogic Milutinovic, 5 Sveti Sava Street; Stevan Zivic,
19Pasiceva Street; Desimir Jovanovic, 75M. Popovic Street; Vinko Gusnic,231
Gavrilo Princip Street; Ana Isailovi19Sveti Sava Street; Bratislav Isailo12c,

Pasiceva Street; Slobodan Trifunovic,23 Cetinjska Street; Stevica and Nikola
Cuk, 77 Ruzdi Bitici Street;Rada Kasalovic, 10 Tvo Andric Street; Milisav
Orlovic, 14 Kralj Petar Street; Milos Vulovi18 Hajduk Stanko Street; Verjca
Nastic, 66 Ivo Andric Street; Dusanka Petrovic, 25 lvo Andric Street; Bosko
Vujisic, Sipolje village; Dusan Jovanovic, 64 Miladin Popovic Street; Momjr
Janicijevic, 95 JNA Street; Tanasko Kokeric, 16 Hajduk Stanko Street; Milena
Ivanosevic, 4 Glavaseva Street; Ivana Ivanosevic, 4 Glavaseva Street; Gordana
Stefanovic and Lazar Gligorovski,9 Cetinjska Street; and Morncilo Radulovic,

71 Crepociglana Street. 21July 1999, Albanian terrorists force6 non-Albanians out of
their houses and flats in the areof Vucitrn municipality:NikoPa Nedeljkovic,
Nevoljane village; VIadimir Lekic, Bukos village; Kosta Simic, 30 Cetinjska
Street; Dragan Djordjevic, Slatina village; Zivorad Filipovic, Balance viIIage;
Zivorad Filipovic, 3JNA Street;and one person from the area ofZubin Potok

municipality: MilisavOrlovic, Krligate village. 21 July 1999,Albanian terrorists broke and forciblymoved into
the flatsinKosovska Mitrovica, Sipofje estate, owned by: Velihorand Grlljica
Radivojevic, and Vukoje Vukosavljevic; Dragisa Kostic, L1/11 KraIjMilutin
Street; Kata Milosavljevic,No. 15, 7 rudara Street; Bogoljub Marinkovic, 2

Kusancic Ivan Street; Petar Mitrovi5Nikola Pasic Street; SlavkaMilanovic85
Rarniz Sadiku Street; Bratislav Terzic, 28 Sveti Sava Street; Branislav
Spasojevic, 10/44 Sveti Sava Street; RadosIav Miladinovic, 5118 Sveti Sava
Street; Stevan Zivic, 14 ~asicevh Street; Bagic Milutinovic, 5/16 Sveti Sava
Street; Desimir Jovanovic, 76 Miladin Popovic Street; Vinko Gusnic, 231Gavrilo Princip Street; Ana Isailovic, 1919Sveti Sava Street; Rada Kasalovic,
Crepociglana estate, 10140Ivo Andric Street; Momir Jancic, 96 JNA Street;
Milos Vulovic, 18 Hajduk Stanko Street; Tanasko Kokcric, 16 HajdukStanko
Street; Milena Ivosevic,413Glavaseva Street; Gordana Stefanovic, 9 Cetinjska
Street; Lazar Gligorovski,9 Cetinjska Street; Verica NasticA3166Ivo Andric
Street; Duxanka Petrovic, N1125Ivo Andric Street; Bosko and Kata Vujicic,

Sipolje estate; Leposava Milenkovic, 32 Obiliceva Street; Arsa Vucic, 30
Obiliceva Street; Dusan Jovanovic, 564110 Miladin Popovic Street; and
Momcilo Radulovic, 71 Crepociglana Street. 22 July 1999,Albanian terrorists forced40 non-Albanians out of
their houses and flats in the areaofKosovska Mitrovica municipality: Marica
Saveljic, 28 Kralj Petar Street; Petar Adzekovic, 3 TrepcanskaStreetRadosav

Vukovic, 12 Vidovdanska Street; Slavica Vukovic,22 Kralj Petar Street; Ljubisa
hilitic, 19 Duciceva Street;Nenad Colakovic, 3 KraIj Petar Strcct; Milica
Kovacevic, 5 Kralj Petar Street; Miroslav Vlahovic, 15 Evo Andric Street;
Ognjen Vraskovic, 88 Zelengorska Street; Miladin Vulelic, 7 Nikola Uzelac
Street; Ljubica ksic, 19 V. Cukic Street; Milorad Jovanovic, 4 Vidovdanska
Street; Petar Milivojevic, Sipolje village; Zarko and Smiljke Bogosavljevic,
Vrbnica village; Ljiljana Murgasic, 24 S. Sava Street; ~ragisa Pesic, 28 Ivo

Andric Street; Tornislav and Verica Pantuvic and Suzana Taskovic, Bogoljub
Cukic prvi tune1 Street; Aleksandar Bozovic, 34 M. Popovic Street; Radoslav
Jerernic,l5G. Princip Street; Radosav Kontic, 19 G. Princip Street; Dragoljub
Gasic, 22 Karadjordje Street; Branislav Kasalovic, 18 G. Princip Street;
Slavoljub Stankovic, 1 B. Cukic Street; Miodrag Jaksic, 29 Dusic Street; Radoje
Miletic, Sipolje village; Bozana Milutinovic, Sipolje village; Dragoslav
Jovanovic, 1 Njegoseva Street; TlijaPreIcvic, 29 J. Ducic Street; Vera

Milosavljevic,3 &alj Milutin Street; Stevka Mitosavljevic, No. 20, 7 rudara
Street;Miladin Vasic, No. 5, 7rudara Street; Slavo and Mihajlo Frutunic,17 B.
Cukic Street; Hajro Sucurija,92 Zelengora Street; Radosav Markovic, 2 Vojna
Bolnica Street; Radoman Popovic, 28 Nusiceva Street; and Branislw Popovic,
24Kralj Milutjn Street. , On22 July 1999,Albanian terrorists forced 1non-Albanian outof his

flats and houses in the area of Vucitrn municipality: Sreten Milic, 25 JNA
Street;and 4 non-Albanians were forced out of the areaof Srbica municipality:
Tomislav Delibasic,86Kralj Petar Street; Ljliljana IlijVuk 4Karadzic Street:
Slobodan Cvorovic, 7 Vuk Karadzic Street; and Radoslav Kovacevic, Rudnik
village. On 22 July 1999, Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into

the flats in Kosovska Mitrovica, owned by:Ljubisa Mitic, 19/22Duciceva Street;
MirosIav Vlahovic, Blll5 Ivo Andric Street; Ognjen Vlaskovic, 88 ZeIengora
Street; MiladinVuletic, 7Nikola Uzelac Street; Ljubica KisicPrvitunel estate,
19 Bogoljub Cukic Street; BragoIjub Murganic and Petar Milivojevic,Sipolje
estate; Zivko BogosavIjevic,25 Obificeva Street; Dragisa Pesic, B18/7 Ivo
Andric Street; ~erica Pantovic and Suzana Taskic, Prwi tunel estate,BogoljubCukic Street; AIeksandar Bozovic, 34 Miodrag Popovic Street; Radosav
Jeremic, A1119 Gavrilo Princip Street; Radosav Markovic, beyond the militay
hospiral;Radoman Popovic, 28 Nusiceva Street; Branislav Popovic,L71/14 Kralj
Milutin Strcet; and Zivojin Bogosavljevic and Radoslav and Srniljka Slavkovic,
Vrbnica village. 23 July 1999, information was received that all theSerb families
had been banished from a military buildingon Kamiz Sadiku Street inPristina
and that Albanian terrorists moved into it. 23July 1999,Albanian terroristsbroke and forcibly moved into
the flatsillKosovska Mitrovica, owntd by: Radun Petronijevic,18 Bogoljub
Cukic Street; Natalija Ognjenovic, DP Karadjordje Street, flat No. 13;Gojko
Radosavljevic; Milic Nestorovic; Pedja Marinovic; Milosav Savic; Dragica
Smigic and Stamen Radovanovic, Prvi tune1 estate, Bagoljub Cukic Street;

Obrad Kovacevic,33/10 Duciceva Street; and Dragomir Gatic, 29/24Duciceva
Street. J non-Albanian houses and flats in Kacanik munieipalily have been
plundered and most of the houses burned, which prompted the entire non-

Albanian population to move out ofthe area. entire non-Albanian population has left the area of Stimlje,
following the plundering and burning of their houses. On 23 Jury 1999,after a serious armed threat by Albanian terrorists,
four Goranies who had lived in the village Radesi, Gora municipality, left the
territory of Kosovo and Metohija. On 23 July 1999,after a seriousarmed threat by Albanian terrorists,

two Roma - Ramiz Brijani from Gracanica and Nadire Brijani from Pristina -
left the territorofKosovo and Metohija. On 25 July 1999, Albanian separatists demanded that Dragica
Blagojevic move out of her flat in Pristina, Beogradska Street. 27 July 1999, Albanian terrorists threatened to murder Branislav
SeIirnicifhe did not move out of his flat a8Car Dusan Street in Pristina. On 27 July 1999, Albanian terrorists threatened to throw a bomb

unless Rajko Stevanovic moved out of his house at 65 Dubrovacka Street in
1.5.6.L.51. On 27 July 1999, Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into
all Serbhouses in Jaglenica estate, Prizren. On 28 July 1999, in Pristjna, Knez Mihajlova Street, Albanian
terrorists threatened to liquidateelica Kozina, after which incident shemoved
out of her flat. On 28 July 1999, in the Pristina estate o"Suncani breg", Albanian
terrorists threatened Mile~laJorgacijevic by setting a time limit(f0:OO a.m. of
the same day) forher tomove out of her flat. On 28 July 1999, Gradimir Jovanovic was assaulted in a street in
Pristinaby Albanian terrorists who seized his personal papers. After that they
broke into his flaat 1 Primorska Street and moved intv it. Another flat owned
byJovanovic at 1Kragujevacka Street was broken into and looted. On 28 July 1999; in Mosovo Polje, Major Tepic Street, Albanian
terrorists forced the family of Vojislav Tlic to move out, after which they
pIundered and burned his house. 31 July 1999, Albanian terroriststhreatened Saveta and Ljubinka

Milasinovic, by setting a time limit for them to move out of the flat at 30
Dardanija Street inPristina. On 31 July 1999, Albanian terrorists stoned the house of Vojkan
Vujovic at bb Car Dusan Street in Pristina and demanded that he move:out ofit. On 31 July 1999, Albanian terrorists threatened to kill Viton~ir
Delibasic and hiswife Slobodanka, unless they move out of theirhouse at 3
Mosrarska Street inPristina. On 31 July 1999, Albanian terrorists physically attacked Jovan

Ceperkovic, plundered his house in the Pristina estate of Dragodan, and
expelled him and his family, 31 July 1998, Albanian terrorists threatened to kill Branka Acic
unless she moved out of her house at 29Aca Marovic Street in Pristina. Towards the end of July, Albanian terrorists expelled 100 Serb
families from the Pristinastate of Kupusiste. July and the first half of August 1999, the flats in the area of

Gnjilane municipality, Kamnik estate, were forcibly moved into, owned by the
followingpersons: Dragan Katanic, AS1 flat No. 25; Milevka Stevic, AS2111flat
No. 4;Zvonimir Lazic, MS flat No. 16;Svetomir Slamenkovic, AF flat No. 2;
Zivorad Dejanovic, AS21 flat No. 2; Aleksandar Arsic,3/3 4'1flour; Kamnik 1
estate: Aleksandar Lazic, flat No. 24; Zivojin Petrovic, flat No. 20; Kamnik 3
estate: Vesa Jovanavic; Ivan Markovic, flat No. 35; Acka Bivolarevic; Nada
Tajic; Rade Popovic Street, "kpa Brena" building flats owned by: Milan

Trajkovjc, Djoka Stefanovic, Bora Denic, Milijana Tunjakovic, Svctislava Peric,
Kruna Dimkic, Javorka Milicevic, Ljuhomir Jovanovic, OIgica Yejic,Ljubisa
Nikolic, Djordje Lazic and Miroljub Jovanovic; Bojanina Street flats owned by:
Dragan Mihajlovic, Milos Trajkovic, Zvonko Djordjevic, Persa Vasic, Djordje
Mitkovic, Stanojka Stajic,Bosko Jeftic, Dragutin Arsic and Jela Djordjevic;
Knez Lazar Street flats owned by: Cedomir Krstic, Stojko llic and Dragoljub
Zdravkovic; KraFj Petar Street flats owned by: Mile Stanisavljevic, Rogdan

Ciprijanovic, Ljubornir Pesic andAlif Avdulnhu; BIagqje Mladenovic, 135Sava
Kovacevic streetZoran Peric, 1 Rade Popovic Street; Miljko Pavicevic, 2 Gane
Jovanovic Street, Rade Risticbb Laza Stefanovic Street; Stojadin 'I'rajicStreet
flats owned by: Vasa Djekic, Garoljub Djokic and Ljubisa Pctronijevic;
Slavoljub Vujovic, bb Stepa Stepanovic Street; Slavica Stojkovic, bb RadePopovic Street; Jasmina gomnenovic, 4 Laza Stefanovic Street; Srojadin
Stankovic, 45 Sava KovacevicStreet; and &ran Ivanovic,Vitina, Car Dusan

Street. July and the first half of August 1999, in Gnjilane, Albanian
terrorists forciblyentered andlooted a supermarket owned by Novica Stosic;
a store and business premises on Kralj Petar Street, owned by Dragan
Vuckovic; tcvojewelry shops; auto-partsshop owned by Miodrag Arsic; "Sveti
Sava" book-store and a hardware store an Knez Lazar Street, owned by

Bozimir Cvetkovic; a hardware store located near "Evropa Hotel", owned by
Vlastimir Cvetkovic; a warrl~ouse of "Sava" company on Stojadin Trajic
Street, owned by Slavka Popovic; a tobacco shop owned by Natasa
Mladenovic; a TV repair shop at 93 Rade Popovic Street, owned by Momcilo
fetrovic; "Gaga" store owned by Mladen,Maksimovic; "Jumko" store at24
M. Zaimi Street, owned by Vlada Starnenkovic; a coffee shop near the
OfficersClub, owlledby Dragan Zivic; a watchmaker shop at 117kalj Petar
Street, owned by Zoran Aleksic; a kiosk near "Evropa" Hotel, jointly owned
by Nebojsa Stankovic and Danilo Ristic; a coffee store owned by Verica

156.1.64. On 12 August 1999,around 9:00 p.m., Albanian terrorists brutally
threatened Andja Cvetanovicwith a gun, in her house on R. PopovicStreet in
Gnjilane.They tooka coffeeroasting and grindingmachine from the house and
seized a "Jugo" passengercar On KnezLazar Street they took away a truckfull
of merchandise,owned byBozimirCvetkovic. On 1August 3999, at 19Devetnaestog novembra Street in Pristina,
Albanian terroristsphysicallyattackedDragica Brajovic anddemanded that she
mwe out of her flt, or theywould killher. 1August 1989, at 24Vojvoda StepaStreet in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists threatened and demanded that Krsta Micicmoveout of hisflat within

48 hours. On 1 August 1989, the tenants at Nos. 14, 1,2,4, 13 and 16 Rifat
BurdzevicStreet inPristina, reported that Albanian terrorists were repeatedly
bursting intoflatsand expellingnon-Albanian citizens. On 1August 1998, at 12Prashaa vodenicaestate in PristinaCveta
Stefanovic was threatened by her Albanian neighbours who brought
"policemen" ofthe so-calledKLAto expelher. On 1 August 1999, at 12 Praskina vodenica estate in Pristina,
Albanian terroristsforcedZoran Krsticto abandon his flat. 1August1999, at 1BeogradskaStreetinPsistha,Albanian terrorists
demanded thatMaricaTodorovicmoveout of herflat,or theywouldkillher. On 2 August 1999,Albanian terrorists opened fire from automatic
weapons at the villagersf Binac, Vitina municipality,withaviewof compelling
them to move out. On 2 August 1999, at7 Sarplaninska Street in Pristina, Albanian
threatened to killGordana Trajkovicif she did not move out of her flat. On 2 August 1999, at712Mosa PijadeStreet in Pristina, Albanian
terroristused threats tomake Milutin Milic abandon his flat. 2 August 1999,at 5 Kicma estate in Pristina, Albanian terrorists
demanded thatCvetkoJeremic move out of hisflat because he was a Serb. , On 2 August 1999, at 5 Kicma estate in Pristina, Albanian terrorists
demanded that MiIomirRakic move out of hisflat becausehe was a Serb. 2August 1999,Albanian terrorists expelled thefamily ofDragica
Trajkovicfrom their flat.inUlpijana estate of Pristina. On 2 August 1999, at 27 Mostarska Street ia Pristina, Albanian
terrorists demanded that Biljana Stojkovic move out of her flator they would
killher. On 3 August 1999, at 8 Jesenjinova Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists threatenedtokillJordan Markovic, unless he movedout of his flat. On 3 August 1999, in the Pristina ,estate of Dardanija, Albanian
terroriststhreatened to kiIlFilip Velikinac, unlesshe moved out of hiflat. 3August 1999,in the Pristina estate of "Suncani breg", Albanian
terrorists firstthreatenedragoStarcevic,and then gavehim twohours to move
out of hisflat. 3 August 1999,in the Pristina estate of Aktas, Albanian terrorists
were exertingpressure on MirkoZivkovic to move out of hisflat. On 3 August 1999,at No. 18, 19. november Street in Pristina,
Albania'nterroristswereexertingpressure onVeri Lazicto moveout of her flat. On 3 August 1999, at 2 KraljPetar Prvi Oslobodilac Street in

Pristina, Albanian terrorists threatened toullVojislavDancetovic if he did not
moveout of hisflaf.. On 3 August1999,Albanian terrorists expelled Suzana Stoisavljevic
from her flat at131 Car Dusan Stxeetin Pristina. 3 August 1999,at 8 Alpska Street in Pristina, Albanian terrorists
threatened and demanded that Voja Kosticmove out of' his flat. On 3 August 1999, at No. 59,19. november Street in Pristina,
Albanian terroriststhreatened to killMilic Mitrovicif he did not moveout of his
flat. On 3 August 1999,Albanian terrorists repeatedly attacked Serbs in
the area of KosovskoPomorwlje, withthe aimof forcingthem to move out, On 4 August 1999, at 13 Galj Petar Prvi Oslobodilac Street in

Pristina, Albanian terrorists looted thflatof Edvard Vizin and forced him to
moveout. On 4 August 1899, at 42 Beogradska Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists threatened Slobodan Petkovic and gave him 24 hours to move out.
1, On 4 August 1999,in thePristina estate of Ulpijana, Albanian terrorists

threatened to kill Miroslava Krkeljic unless shmoved out of the flat, saying that
she wouid meet with same fateasher son who had disappeared on 12June 1999. On 4 August 1999, at 14 Nemanjina Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists threatened tokill Vidosava Savic and her son Nebojsa if they did not

leave thcir flat. On 4 August 1999, at88 Kralj Milutin Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists threatened and demanded that Milorad Trajkovic move out of his flat. 4 August 1999, at 171 Vidovdanska Streetin Pristina, Albanian
terrorists threatened tokillUosku Sccpanovic if he did not leave his flat. On 4 August 1999, in the Pristina estate of Ulpijana, Albanian
terrorists threatenedVojin Kostic and set up a deadline for him to move out of

the flat the same day. On 4 August 1999, in the.Pristina estate of Ulpijana, Albanian
terrorists threatenedto kilGordana Perwic ifshe did not move out of her flat.

1S.6.1.96. On 5August 1999,Albanian terrorists expelled Mileta Vasic from his
flat at 131Car Dusan Street in Pristina. On G August 1999, at 72 Vidovdanska Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists used threats while demanding that Gordana Stojmanovski leave
Pristina. On 6 August 1999, at 131 Car Dusan Streets in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists used threats and forced thc door of theflat of Ljubinka Maksimovic,
demanding that she move out.

1- On 6 August 1999, at 57 Veluska Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists threatened with firearms and expelled llija Stosic and his wife from
their flat. On 6 August 1999, at 10 Majka Jevrosima Street in Pristina,
Albanian terrorists threatened again Stevan Vujacic, with the intention of

making him move out. On 6 August 1999, Albanian terrorists expelled with fierce threats,
the following persons from their flats in Pristina: MiIutin Visnjic, Dardanija
estate;Ilija Stosic57 Veluska Street; and Bratidava Djukic, 7/2Drugi stambeni

blok. On 6 August 1999, Atbanian terrorists forcibly broke into the flats
in Pristina and expelled the following persons therefrom: Miodrag Milunovic,
"Suncani breg" estate, building 21;Cane Rilak,49 Vidovdanska Street; Spiro
Scupakovic, 30 Vidovdanska Street; Rada Komazec, 20 Goleska Street;

Aleksandar Cukaric, Kralj Petar Prvi Street; and Vidosava Savic, 1418 Mose
Pijade Street. On 6 August 1999, Gvozdena Trajanovic was expelled by Albanian
terrorists fromher house in Prizren. 6 August 1999,Verica Denic from Lipljan, reported to Kraljevo
Secretariatof the Interior that o23 June 1999, around 10:30a.m.?an Albanian

came to the door of her flat at 11Zivojin Djurcic Street and wanted to know
who had lived there before 1990. On 29 June 1999,when Slobodan Perunicic
was killed by KFOR in front of the building, all the tenants were drivenout to
enable KFOR lo allegedly discover Perunicic's killer. When Verica Denic and
her children returned to the flat in the afternoon, five Albaniwere already in
the building expelling Serbs from their flatsThe following day, Verica Denic
and another three Serb families moved out of LipIjan. On 8 August 1999, Albanian terrorists expelled the Savic family ,
from the Pristinaestateof "Suncani hreg", building 16. On 9 August 1999, Albanian terrorists reiteratedtheir threats to

Mile Tomic, should he refuseto leavethe flat. On 9 August 1999,Albanian terrorists expelled Cumret Mehmedi,
Verica Sibinovic and Vidosava Zivkovic, from the Pristina estate of Dardanija;
and Nada Ratkovic from58 Aca Marovic Street in Pristina. On 10 August 1999, Albanian terrorists expelled from Pristina:
Bil~ana Savic, 10 Goleska Street; Slavko Peric, Mikro estate; Branislav Jokic
from "Sunctini breg" estate;and Mile Markovic from Ulpijana estate. 14 August 1999, due to constant threats by Albanian terrorists,

two convoys of a total of 150 vehicles with Serbs from the area of Vitina
municipality left forujanovac and Vranje. 16 August 1999, Albanian terrorists seizedawatch-maker's shop
in downtown Gnjilane, ownedby Zoran Aleksic. 16August 1999,Albanian terrorists forcibly moved an Albanian
family intothe flat of Stanoje Stepanoviin Gnjilane. On 16August 1999,around 4:00p.m., in the Pristina estate of Ulpijana,
Albanian terrorists came to the flat owned by Srbobranka Tomasevic, looking for
the uniform and weapons of her sonVladimir and asking ifhe had been in the war.

Since they found no weapons, they took approximately DIN 2,200 and DM 1,210,
requesting thatSrbobranka stateinwritingthat shewas voluntarilyhanding over the
flat and the keys to it, which she didThen they look them in a "Golf' car to
Merdare, Podujevo municipalily,and dumped them out of thevehicle. On 17 August 1999, due to constant threats by Albanian terrorists,

two convoys of a total of 150vehicles wit450 Serbs from the area ofVitina and
the village oWokor left for Bujanovac and Vranje. On 20 August 1999, around 8:00 a.m., due to constant threats by
Albanian terrorists,88 Serbs formed aconvoy in Bujanovac consisting of a bus,
4 passenger vehicles and a freight vehicle. The convoywas escorted to "Erninwa

cesma" where KFOR undertook to cscort thcm as far asStrpci. 20 August 1999,due to constant terrorists attackaconvoy was
formed between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., consisting of97 vehicles with 290
Serbs from the village of Klokot, Vitina municipality, who left Kosovo and
Metohija. On 21 August 1999, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00p.m., 391 member
of the Rorna ethnic community left the territory oFRY via "Presevo" border
crossing. They were mostly from the area of Gnjilane municipality. They had
been harassed, their liveswere threatened and their houses burned down by
Albanians. Towards the end of August, an ever increasing number of
Albanians started to leave Pec, feeling that their lives and property were
endangered by numerous gangsof robbers who were rampaging the town. Luka
Ekrem and Imer Nirnani, co-owners of the privatecompany "Dukadjini", had
already lefPec together with their families. Qn a still unknown date in August, Tsmet Haziri, member of a
terrorist gang, organized the plundering and moving ofAlbanian families into
the flatof Vlada Todorovic and Slavoljvb Paunovic at 111Drugi stambeni blok
in Pristina.By means of threats, he also exerted pressureon their neighbour
Toma Antic to move out. On 31 August 2999, Ranka Trajkovfc (1952) from Obilic, Stari
Obilic:estate, reported ttheSecretariat of the Interior in Kragujevac, that she
and her husband Ljjubisahad been forced to abandon their house on account of
constant attacksWhen; after about ten days,avisitwas organized of the family
houses of Serb refugees from AP Kosovo and Metohija, her husband found a

sireof a fire and the lot cleared by a bulldozer in the place where thhouse
used to be. On 31 August 1889, Nikola Mitrovic (1852) from Obilic, Stari
ObiIicestate, reported tothe Secretariat of the Interior in Kragujevac,that he
and his wife and six chiIdren had been forced to abandon their house on
account of constant attacks. Whcn he visited his house in AP Kosovo and

Metohija, he discovered that'it had been plundered and torched by Albanian
terrorists. On 3 September 1999, the following flats in Pristina were
broken and forcibly moved into, owned by: Javorka Kovacevic, "Suncani
breg" estate, building2, flatNo. 10; and Dohrivoje Simic, Dardanija estate

SU5, flat No. 52. Two Albanians forcibly entered the house of Biserka
Mihajlovic at 1 Stefan Decanski Street, beat her and demanded that she
hand over her car keys. They took away DIN 115 from her. Attempts were
made to break into the following flats, owned by: Cveta Stefanovic, Kralj
Petar Prvi Oslobodilac Street; Snezana Nedeljkovic, 29A Vidovdanska
Street; MiIutin MiIic, 7/2 Nemanjina Street; and Dragica Jovanovic, bb Mosa
Pij!de Street. The above mentioned persons are subjected todaily threats

meant tomake them move out. On 4 September 1999, Albanian terrorists -were constantly
intimidating Zorica Furunovic, 82 Car Dusan Street; Jela Djokic, 40 Aca
Marovic Street; Evica Kostic, 111Nemanjina Street; Dragica Nesic, lG/2 Trg
Republike, with a view to making them leave their flats.They also threatento
kilRuzica Maric, 13Partizanska Street, if she did not out. On5 September 1999,Mile Vranic from Pristina,6 Atinska Street,
4th floor, flatNo. 17, currently residing in Medvedja, reported that his
neighbour Bedri Keci, a physicianinthe Clinical Centre in Pristina, hamoved
into his flat.
On 8 September 1999, 150 Serhs of various ages moved out of
Orahovac due to their being terrorized by Albanian terrorists and KFOR's
incapability to protect them. into public enterprises and institutions and seizure of
property the morning of 18June 1999, agroup of AIbanian doctors came to
the Clinical Centreof Pristina, demanding to be returned to their jobs which
they had lefof their ownvolition. 18 June 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the premises of
"Autoprjstina" service in Pristina, and forbade the workers to enter the service
building. On 19 June 1999, around 30 Albanian terrorists entered the
Secondary School of Agriculture in Pristina and drove away some of the
agricultural machinery. On19 June 1999, at about 2:30 p.m., Albanian terrorists drove away

several cars from the garage inside the building of the Interim Executive
Council in Pristina. KFOR patrol intervened and prevented further seizure of
thecars. June, several citizens reported that the warehouse of "Kosmet-
montaza" in Pristina, located behind the offices of the Public Transportation

company,was open and unguarded and that groups of people were taking the
goods away. 20 June 1999,Albanian terrorists seizea "Jugo 55"passenger car,
property of theUrban Planning Bureau in Pristina. 22 June 1999, Albanian terrorists seized a "Jugo 55 Tempo"
+passenger car, property of the Public Housing Company. On 22 June 1999, Albanian terrorists broke into the offices of

"Farmed", on Ljupce MilentijevicStreet in Pristina, took away the doorkeys
from one of the workers and hoistedthe Albanian flagon the building. 22June 1999,Albanian terrorists hoisted the Albanianflagon the
Health Centre andoffices of "Kosovo-trans" and "ZZ". 22June 1999,Albanian terrorists violently entered the town hall
of Podujevo and appointed Sulejrnan Gasi mayor. They prohibited Serbs from
entering the town, and KFOR personnel stated that theycould not guarantee
them safetyifthey decided to come to the town. 22 June 1998, Albanian terrorists comn~itted a burglary in the
store and warehouse of "Buducnost" joint stock company from Subotica,
manufacturing furniture, at 15 ati19 Splitska Street in Pristina. On 24 and 25 June 1999, the following stores were roken into and

looted in the Pristina estatof Dardanija: "Sintelon" and "Proleter" in Kcma;
"Metalac" on Njegoseva Strcet; "Vocar" supermarket near the small outdoor
market on Vidovdanska Street;"Sirnpo" and "Vocar" on Kralj Petar Prvi
Oslobodilac Street.,13. On5 July 1999,Albanian terrorist broke into the officof "Kosmet-

Prisrina" joinstock company, suspended its operations and looted the company
property inPristina, Djakovica, Kosovska Mitrovica, Pec,Prizren,Urosevac and
Gnjilane. 24 July 1999,Albanian terroristslooted the "Marketing-eksport"
store in Kosovska Mitrovica, property of the ready-made clothes factory
"Jurnko"a ,s we11as the key-maker's shop "Kluzi-Seljadik". July and the first half of August, Albanian terrorists forcibly entered
and looted the shop of "Jurnka-Vranje" and the "Binacka Morava" central
warehouse in GnjiEane,as well asa "Borovo" shop inthe estateofKarnnik. On 17 August 1999, Albanian terrorists incessantly and
systematically maltreated and exerted all kinds of pressure on the Serb
employees of the socially-owned company "Energoinvest" in Pristina, witha
view to making them leave their jobs. Ever since that day, the Serb employees
have not been coming to work. 17 August 1999,Albanian terrorists seized the Shock Absorber

Factory in Pristina. 1 September 1999, ethnic Albanians tried toforcefulIy enter the
school building in Kosovo Polje and Plernctina village, Obilic municipality,
under the pretext that their children were attending that schools. A group of
Serbs prevented the Albanians from entering the school, while lGOR

intervened and deterred a conflict between them. KFOR refused to allow the
Albanians to enter the schools. and looting of flats, houses and other property owned by
Serbs and non-Albanians On 16 June 1999, at 25 C. Koljkovic Street in Urosevac, Albanian
terrorists confiscated an "Opel-Ascona" passenger car, with Urosevac
registrationplates,from Trajan Mirkovic, 62years of age.Among the terrorists,
Mirkovic recognizedtwosons of MasriAbazi livingon shesame street. On 17June 1999;Nezri Saljaand agroup of terrorists appropriated all
the weapons from Serbs living onM. Milopic StreetinUrosevac. 17June 1999,Albanian terrorists seized buses from a large group

of Serbsin Urosevac who were preparing to leave. On17 June 1899,around 2:00p.m., in the Pristinestate oDardanija,
Albanian terrorists seizen "Zastava 128" passenger car lrom Rxdrnila Skutjan,
as well a5 all the household possessions packed in the car, valued at

approximately DIN 300,000. On 18June 1999, around 60 armed Albanian terrorists first attacked
with firearms the village of Ljestar, robbed the Serb houses, and eventualIy set
them on fire. On 18 June 1999, on an industrial road in Urosevac, Albanian
terrorists severelythreatened several Serbs from M. Milopic Street by means
of firearms. They took the money and golden jewelry from the following
persons: Zivorad Zivkovic (DM 3,000 and DIN 2,000); liadovan Turnic (DM
500 and DIN 1,000); Lazar Vitkovic and Lazar Vujuvic (DM 400 each);

Bozidar Milicevic (DM 250); and Vukosava Cukovic (golden jewelry). 18 June 1999, Albanian terroristsseized in Urosevac a "Peugeot
405" passenger car from Slobodan Acimovic. On 19 June 1999, Albanian terrorists seized several vehicles from
"Bosko Cakic" car repair shopinPristina, Donja Vcluska Street. On 19 June 1999, the following flats were broken into in Pristina:

Dardanija SU 112,28 Kralj Aleksandar Karadjordjevic Street;SU 1/3 the entire
fourth floor; SU 115,entrance 2, flat No. 30; SU1/5,entrance 5, flaNo. 1; SU
414F6, flats Nos. 12 and 20; a new building on Trajko Dimitrijevic Street; 56
Beogradska Street, entrance 1;Ulpijana A-7, entrance 3,flat No.3, andD-9flat
No. 9; 147Vidovdanska Street; "Suncani breg 2" estate, Profesor BeIocerkovac
Street, building A4114 and SA, flaNo. 12.

1, 19June 1949, around 11:UO p.m.,Albanian terrorists assaulted
the keeper of "Miljkovic" gas station in Laplje selo, Pristina municipality.
They beat him, broke the glasses and robbed the gas station. The following
day, they came again to the gas station, filled the tanks with petrol anstole
five tons of rice and 4 square meters of ceramic tiles from a nearby

warehouse. On 20 June 1999, Albanian terrorists, armed with hand grenades,
took alarge quantity of goods from "Jarak-kornerc" store and paid for it with
the Albanian currency. 20 June 1999, inthe Pristina estateof"Suncani breg", Albanian
terroristsplundered five flats. Duringthe robbery, they threw outa cllild from
one of the flats. TheflatNo. 35 on the 5th floorof buildingNo. 36 in"Suncani

breg 2" estatewas broken into in the presence ofKFOR. 21 June 1999, in the Pristina Mikro estate A313-13,Albanian
terrorists confiscated "Lada" pr-issengercar, pruperty of SrboIjZdravkovic. 22 June 1999, Albanian terrorists broke intothe house in Istok,
property of Nedeljko Pesic, and took away all the furniture and household

appliances. 22 June 1999,Albanian terrorists broke intoand loated several
Serb-owned flats in the University estofePristina. They also broke intabout
100flats in the town itself. 22 June 1999, Albanian terrorists confiscated "Jugo skala 55"
privatepassenger car in Pristina. On 23 June 1999, Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved

into the flats, owned by: Redzep Susic, UlpijanD7 estate, entrance 3; Mladen
Mirkovic, Suncani breg estate, 14 building, flat Nu. 5; Zoran Scekic, ULpijana
D9 estate, entrance 7, flat No. 12; Rade Popadic, Zivojin Misic Street;
Borislav Vucic, Dardanija estate, block 9, C building, flat No. 5; Miomir
Popovic, "Suncani breg 2" estate,building 8;Sveta Vujovic, 58B Vidovdanska
Street, flat No. 2. On 23/24 June 1999, Albanian terrorists broke intoand plundered
the flats owned by:Ranko Popavic, &aIj Petar Prvi Oslobodilac Street, building
1;Vladirnir Jovanovic, 5 Trg Republike, flat No. 1Zvonko Srnailovic, Ulpijana
C12 estate, entrance 5, flat No. 9; Voja DimicSuncaai Breg estate,east zone,

building A9, flat17; Snezana Trajkovic, Dardanija estateSU 9/1; Dr. Boljevic,
Ulpijana D1 estate, entrance8,flat No.19;Radoslav Babic,Aktas estate,A3/55,
6th floor; Marinko Kicevi Ac,tus A3156 estate, 6th floorZeljku Vasiljevic,
Aktas estate, A3157,6th floor; Svetfslav Antic, 3/22 Patrijarh Danilo Street;
Milan Mash, Patrijarh Danilo Street, entranc35, flatNo. 23; Darinka Savic,
Dardanijn SU 412 estate, building 1, fNo. 32; Vukasin Davidovic, Dardanija
estate, SU 412,building 1, flaNo. 33; Mile Colovic, Dardanija estate, SU 214,

flat No. 18; Bosko Krusic, 4012 Vidovdanska Street, flat No. 13; Bozidar
Kilibarda, 20 Tanasko Rajic Street; Slavica Punosevac, "Suncani breg" estate,
block 58,entrance 1, flat No2; Zoran Stevic, "Suncani breg 2" estate, block 40,
entrance 2, flat No. 5; Bozidarka Jovanovic, Ramiz Sadiku Street, block 36,
entrance 1, 2nd floor, flatNo. 9; Milivoje Misjc,"Suncani bregy!estate, 1417
Srernska Street, entrance 1; Mirjana Vuksanovic, a2 Kralj Petar Prvi

Oslobodilac Street; Mirjana Ivkov, Ulpijana 217estate, entrance 6, fNo. 11. 24 June 1999,KFOR searched the flatNo. 9, building No. 40,
"Suncani Breg" estate,property of Zoran Stevic. In the presenceof KFOR, the
terrorists looted the flat and forcmoved into it. 27 and 28 June 1599, the followingflatsin Pristina werebroken
and forcibly moved into, owned by: Dragutin Vujovic, Kralj Petar Prvi
Oslobodilac Street; Kosa Vujakovic, Dardanija estate; Aleksandar Dogandzic,
Dardanija estate; Olga Grdic, Mikro estate; Velirnir Djordjevic, 43 DrinskaStreet; Momcilo Stojanovic, 19 Njegoseva Street; Bosiljka Vujovic, kalj
Aleksandar Karadjordjevic Street; Persida Rajkovic, Jurij Gagarin Street;

Dimitrije Filipovic, 7 Kragujevacka Street; Zjubomir Loncarevic, B-1
Vidovdanska Street; Vladimir Stefanovic, "Suncani breg 2" estate; Mile
Jovanovic, 23 Vukwarska Street; Milos Sejak, 7 Vojvoda Misic Street: and
Jelena Canovic, Ulpijana estate, flat N55at the singles' lodge. On 28 June 1999, Albanian terrorists came to the flat of BIagoje

Pesic in Lipljan with the intention of moving into it permanently. On 28 June 1999, Albanian terrorists erected a road block in the
village of Donji Livoc, Gnjilanemunicipality. They stopped a car with Cacak
registration plates, property of the Ivanjica town hall, in which there were

Milinko Mijailovic, secretarof the Moravica District Unit of the Sociaiist Party
of Serbia, Sreten Vulovic, secretary of the Ivanjica Red Cross and Petar Korac
driver. The Albanian terrorists ordered them to stepout OE the car which they
drove to an unknown destination, and then let them go. 29 and 30 June 1999, the following flats in Pristiwere broken

into and looted, owned by: Desa Miletic, 1511Vidovdanska Street, Nebojsa
Vuksanovic, "Suncani breg" estale, 11 Avram Petronijevic Street; MirosIava
Krkeljic, Ulpijana estate; Ljubica StojanovicD-9/3; B~zidar Jovanovic, Kicrna
entrance 3, flatNo. 32; Damjan Vuletic, Dardanija estate SU 217; Dragan
Kostic, 6 Drinska Street; Emina l'urbedar, Kralj Milutin Street, flat No. 34;
Srecko Mitrovic, Dardanija estate SU, 417;Raksanda Marjanovic, SU 615;

Branislav Gligorijevic,SU 1/1; Tomislav Stepic, Ulpijana estate D17; Desanka
Mitic, 24 Beogradska Street; Darinka Jevric, Kupusiste estate, building 1;
Gordana Pavlovic, building 365, flat No. 31, Zvonko Tankosic, "Suncani breg"
estate, block5. On 30 June 1999, Albanian terrorists robbed the private company

"Gazimestan", on Omladinskih brigada Street in Pristina, pioperty of Rajka
Pavlovic, and took 3.carbines, alargequantity of ammunition and a boat with a
trailer. In early July,Albanian terrorists broke into and plundered theoflat
Tankosava Milutinovic, 54Vidovdanska Street inPristina. 6 July 1999, Albanian terrorists robbed the kiosk "Gaga" in
Gnjilane, property of Mladen Maksimovic. 6 July 1999,a "Zastava 101"passenger car was confiscated from
Stanimir Ristic in the villageof Vrbovci. Two people with serious kidney

disorders who were driven to dialysis,were thrown out of thecar. 7 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flaof Ramadan
llijain Gnjilane. On 8 July 1999, Albanian terrorists robbed a supermarket in
Gnjilane, property of lvica Stosic, and stole the merchandise valued at
approximately DIN 100, On 8 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flatof Dobrivoje
Tunjakovic in Gnjilane. On 8 July 1999, Albanian terrorists pIundered the flat of the
deceased Radmifa Djordjevic in Gnjilane. On 8 July 3999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flatof Branko
Radt~lovicin Gnjilane. On 8 July1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flaof Rade Vasic
in Gnjilane. On 8 July 1998, Aibanian terrorists pIundered the flatof Stojjan

Denic inGnjilane. On 8 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Zoran
Ristic in Gnjilane. On 8 July 1999, a "Zastava 101" passenger car owned by Radisav
Stojanovicfrom Gnjilanc, was seized in Gnjilane. 01-1 8 July 1599, a "Zastava 101" passenger car with Gnjilane
registration plates, propertofPetar Peric,was seizedin Gnjilane.,On 8July 1999,a tractor owned by Dragoljub Nicic, wasseized in the
villageof Gornji Livoc. On 9 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the houseof Vlastimir
Zozic in the villageofPones. On 9 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the house of Sava
Zivkovic in Gnjilane.
1.5-6.3.41.On 9July 1999,Nbanian terrorists plu~ldered the house of Slobodan
Maksimovic jn Gnjilane. 10July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the flat ofGvozden
Antic in Gnjilane. On 10 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Blagoje

Jovic inGnjilane. On 10 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the house of Ceda
Savic in Gnjilane. On 10 July 1999, Albanian terrorists robbed the "Jumko" shop
located inthe house of Vlsda Stamenkovic in Gnjilane. On 10 July 1999, a "Jwgo" passenger car, property of Zlata
Dirnitrijevic,wasseized in Gnjilane. 11JuIy 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Slobodan
Ascetovic in Gnjilane. On 11July 1.999,Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Bogdan
Peric inGnjilane. 11 July 1999,Albanian terrorists looted thephotocopyingshop of
Milovan Veselinovicin Gnjilane. 11 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Dragutin
Jancic inGnjilane, and seizeda motor vehicle. - On 11 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Zoran
Atanasov in Gnjilane, beat up the members of his housel~oldand spilled around
800kgof flour. On 11July 1998, a passenger car with Gnjilane registration plates,
property of Nebojsa Jovanovic, was seized in Gnjilane. 11July 1999,Albanian separatistsplundered the houses, flals and
business premises in Kosovska Mitrovica, property af: Radmila Vujovic, 2

Gavrilo Princip Street;Zvonko Simic,41 Vidovdanska Street; and Jovan Radic,
45 Vidovdanska Street. 11July 1999,Albanian separatistsplundered the houses, flats and
business premises in Vucitrn, properlyof:Dragan Vlajic,49 JNA Street; Dusan

Jovanovic, Dragica Djuric, Dragan Vlajic, 128 Vidovdanska Street; Branko
Vlajic,22 VJ Street;Jordan Vlajic, 28VJ Street; JovicaPavlovic, Vidovdanska
Street; Zivojinka Pavlovic, 84 Vidovdanska Street; Budimir Nedcljkovic,
Nevoljane village. On 12 July 1999, a "Ford Escort" passenger car with Gnjilane
registration plates,roperty of Ramadan Iljazi, was towed away. On 13 July1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the house ofGordan
Stojanovic in Gnjilane. On 13 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the flaof Dobrivoje
Simijonovic in Gnjilane. On 13 Ju!y 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Goran

Minic in Gnjilane. On 13 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Jordan
Elenkov in Gnjilane. w On 13 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the kiosk ofDanilo
Risticin Gnjilane. On 14 July 1999, Albanian terrorists prundered the flat of Rade
StojiljkovicinGnjilane. On 14 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Mira
Petrovic inGnjilane. 14 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Goroljub

Stevanovic in Gnjilane. On 14 July 1999, a "Zastava" passenger car, property of Dragan
Cukic,was seized in Gnjilane. On 14 July 1999, the folIowingflats in Pristinawere broken into,
plundered and then moved into, property of:Rada Zivkovic, 15 Milos Obilic
Street;Dragica Lusevic,80 KraljMilutin Street;PetsonijaRistanovic, 512CaricaMilicaStreet; Radovanka Vasouic,Suncani Breg estate; MilosavStojkovic,100
Karadjordje Petrovic Street; Ljubinko Bojkovic,Dardanija estate SU 911;and

Radojko Doknic,25Dubrwacka Street. On 15Juty 1999,the 'following flatsin Pristina were broken into,
plundered and then movedinto, property of: Ljubica Savic,Mtas 3 estate; Roza
Sekulic, "Suna~nibreg 2" estate; Milorad Radojevic, 56 Beogradska Street;
Ratibor Masulovic,Dardanija estate;and the familyof Micaand Mara Grubisic,
24KopaonickaStreet. mid July, Albanian terrorists forciblentered and plundered the
flat oSlavisa Prsenic,Vuk KaradzicStreet, Psizren. 15July 1899,Albanian terrorists plundered the flatofTrajanko
SungurovicinGnjilane. On 15July,Albanian terrorists plundered the house of ZivojjnPeric
in Gnjilane. 15July 1999, a tractor belongingto DjokaRadulovicwasstolen

in Gnjilane byhisALbanianneighbours. On 16 July, Albanian terrorists plundered the house of Milorad
Djordjevic inGnjilaae, and drovehim out of it. On 16 July 1899, Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Mileta

Avdijenko inGnjilane.
1S.6.3.73. On 16July 1999,a "Ford Escort" passenger car, propertyof Miroslav
Jovanovic from Gnjilane, was seized by Albanian terrorists on the Metovce-
Dobrocane road. On 16July 1999,a "Scania" truckwasseizedfromDragan Savicfrom
Kratjevo, on the Merdare-Podujevo road. On 16 July 19911,in the Pristina estate of Dardanija, Albanian
terrorists broke into and plundered the officesuf "Kosmet-Koming"company,
property of ZivkoCuckic. g 17 July 1899,Albanian terrorists plundered the house of Slavko
Markovic inGnjilane. On 19July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of Stanisa
Markovicin Gnjilane. On 19July 1999,near the villageof Livadice,Podujevomunicipality,
Albanian terroristsstopped and seizeda passenger carwithPristina registration
plates, propertyof NedeljkoVujacicfrom Pristina.He and his fellowpassengers
wereordered to continue their journey on foot.,AIbanianterrorists broke into thehouse of Radojko

Stevic and the flat of Vidan Dimeski in Gnjilane, and took away all the
furniture. 20 July1959, Albanian terrorists looted and demo'lisheda coffee
shop "Mist" in Gnjilane,property of Dragan Zivic.1, On 20 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered the house of Sveta
Jovic, and the flats of Jordan Trajkovic and Stojmen Pavic in Gnjilane. On 20 July 1999, Albanian terrorists stoned the house of Cvetko
Savicin Gnjilane. On 20 July 1999, Albanian terrorists threw a hand grenade at the
house of Vlada Vasic in Gnjilane, which caused a considerable damage. On 21 July 2999,Albanian terrorist broke into and plundered the
Serb houses in Kosovska Mitrovica, owned by: Miroslav Trifunovic, Kata and

Bosko Vujsic,Leposava Milenkovic and Arsa Vucic. n 23 July 1999Albanian terroristsseizedtwo personal computers from
"Nikola Tesla" elementaryschool,and vandalized the rest of the schoolequipment. 25 July 1999,Albanian separatists forcibly moved into the flatof
Zorica Djordjevic in thePristina estateofUIpijana. On 26 July 1939,Albanian terrorists broke into and plundered the
house of Zoran Janjic, 3 Robert Gajdik Street, Pristina. 26 July 1999,at 30 Rifat J3urd;evic Street in Pristina, Albanian
terroristsseizeda "Renault 4" passenger car,property ofSlobodan Guberinic. On 26 July 1999, at 7 Sarplaninska Street in Pristina, Albanian

terroristsseized amotor vehicle, property of Ljubomir Trajkovic. 26 July 1999, Albanian terrorists broke into, plundered and then
forciblymovedinto the flat ownedbyZvonimirStevic,BeIaCesma Street, Pristina. 27 July 1999,in Prizren, Albanian terroristsplundered the house
of Nada Savic, at Zh Vodovodska street, as well as the house and business
premises owned by Borivoje Debeljkovic, on Jadranska Street. 27/28 July1999, at 21 Vojvoda Stepa Streetin PristinaAlbanian
terrorists seized an "Ope1Corsa" passenger car, property ofVladimir Knezevic. 28 July 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered and moved into the
house of SerafirnNikolic, M.A,Jadranska Street, Prizren. On 28 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered and moved intothe

house ofDobrivoje Neric in Prizren. On 28 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered and moved into the
flat of Slobodan Bokvicin Prizren. On 29 July 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered and moved into the

flatof Milorad Jovanovic, Bingenska Street, Prizren. Towards the end of July, in Vucitm, Albanian terrorists brutally
threatened with weapons Ljubinko Dimic and Jovan Jovanovic and seized their
respective passenger cars"Zastava" and a "Renault 18".,98. On 31 July 1999,at 55 Ramiz Sadiku Street inPristina, Albanian
terrorists seized a "Zastava 125 PZ" passenger car, property of Srebren
Kujundzic. 31 July L999,Albanian terrorists broke thedoor and windows of

the flat owned hy Radmila Karalejic in Pristina, Ulpijanestate. On 31 July 1999, in the Pristina estate of Ulpijana, Albanian
terrorists first broke into and plundered the flatof Nikola Nelinic, and then
moved into it. On 31 July 1999, in thc Pristina cstate of Ulpijana, Albanian
terrorists first broke into and plunderthe flatof Vicentije Zivanovic, and then
moved into it. 31July 1999,Albanian terrorists first broke into and plundered
the flaof Vesna Reocanitl, 40 Car Dusan Street, Pristina, and then moved intit. 31 JuIy 1999,Albanian terrorists stoned the, house ofMirosIav
Dekicin Pristina and broke all the,windows. July and the first half of August 1999, in Gnjilane and the
surrounding villages, Albanian terrorist gangs plundered and inflicted other
forms of damage on the flats and houses of the EolIowing Serbs: Jadranka
M;iksimovic, 6-113 Bojanina Street (the seiz~~re ofgold and jewelry and DM

1,200);Divna Avdijenko, 13/1 Bvjanina Street (a search.was conducted in her
presence and all the things takenaway); ~ladimir'~jokic, bb Kralj Petar Street;
Milivoje Marinkovic and Mira Popovic, Knez Lazar Street (near the old post
office); DesirnirKistic.1/a Trajko Peric Street; Dragan Vasic, 34 1. Popovic
Street; Miodrag Dimitrijevic, 60 Momcilo Trun~pic Street; Aleksandar
Bimitrijevic, bb Momcilo Trumpic Street; Tornislav Milic, 3/15 L. Stcfanovic

Street;. Prvoslav Pavic, 5 Drktgoljub Jovanovic Gane Street; Nesa Katanic, 140
Kralj Petar Strcet; Slobodatl Katanic, bb S. TrajicStreet; Miodrag Manic, 52
Bojanina Street (whose prefabricated garage was disassembled and taken away);
Toza and Miroslav Deuic, Prilepni~a village (whose wheat stuck was burned);
Bozidar Dimit., Imor village(whose three sheep and a lamb were seized);
Milenlije Mladenovic, Donji LivocviIIage(whose,whcat stock was burned). On 1 August 1999, in the Pristina estate of Ulpijana, Albanian
terroristsseized a "Jugo 101skala" passenger car, propertyof Milos Djordjevic. On 1 August 1999, Albanian terrorists first bruke into and
plundered the flatofJovan Zivkovic,BOa Miladin Popovic Street, Pristina, and

then moved illto it. On 1 August i999, Albanian terrorists first broke into and
plundered the flat of Zivojin Bojkovic, Kralj Petar Pwi Oslohodilac Street,
Pristina,and then moved into it.. On 1 August 1999, Albanian terrorists first broke into and
plundered the flat of Zivojin Vukasinovic, 90 Miladin Popovic Street, Pristina,
and then moved into it. On 1 August 199'3, Albanian terrorists firstbroke into and
plundered the flat or Novica Vukasinovic, 90 Miladin Popovic Street, Pristina,
and then moved into it. On 1 August 1999, Albanian terrorists first broke into and
plundered theflat of Ljubinka Maksimovic, 2 Suncani breg estate, Pristina, and
then moved into it. On I August 1999, the villagers of Zegra, Gnjilane municipality,
visited theiromes, attendcd by a KFOR patrol. Theycould see for themselves
thattheir village had been plundered, their houses burneddown, the church and
the tombstones devastated. 2 August 1999, Albanian terroristsbroke into and plundered the
flatof l'atjana MalisicAca Marovic Street, Pristina. 2 August 1999,Albanian terroristbroke into and plundered the

flat of Petar Kovacevic, Dardanija estate, Pristina.
1- On 2 August 1999, Albanian terrorists first broke into and
plundered the flatof Miroljub Bisercic, 78 Miladin Popovic Street, Pristinand
then moved into it. On 2 August 1999, Albanian terrorists first broke into and
plundered the flatof Gordana Ilioski, Dardanija estate, Pristina,and then
moved into it. On 2 August 1999, Albanian terrorists first broke into and
plundered the flat oflivera Jakovljevic, apartment block 319,Pristina, and then
moved into it. 2 August 1999,Albanian terrorists firbroke into and plundered
the flat of Ilija Kosanovie, Ulpijana estate, Pristina, and then moved into it. On 2 August 1999, around 4:00 a.m., at 5 Gracanicka Street in
Pristina, Albanian terrorists seized aZastava 101" passenger carbelonging to
Sladjan Petri-rvic(19681,who reported the incident to Kursumlija police station
on 6 August 1999. On 2 August 1999, at 131 Car Dusan Strcet in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists seized "Zastava 191" passenger car, properly of Zlatica Bigovic. On 2 August 1939,at 18 RarnizSadiku Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists seized a "Zastava01" passenger car, property of Velimir Vojinovic. On 2 August 1949, in the village of Jug Bogdan, Pristina
municipality, Albanian terroristseized a truck owned by Momcilo Ivkovic from
Kosovo Polje. On 3 August 1999, at 35 Beogradska Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists seized "Golf?'passenger car,property of Borivoje Ristic. On 3 August 1999, Albanian terrorists forcibly entered the flain
Pristina,IV estate, apartment blockNo. 1,owned by Stojan Blagojevic, and took

hismoney. On 3August 1999,Albanian terrorists broke into theflatof Svetolik
Zecevic, 34 Car Dusan Street, Pristina. They took away allthe furnirure,and
then changed the door lock. On 3 August 1999, Albanian terrorists broke the front door of the
flaowned by Ljiljana Staletovic, "Suncani breg" estate, Pristina. 3 August 1999, Albanian terrorists broke into the flatof Vesna
Filipovic,21 Vidovdanska Street, Pristina, and confiscated all ththingsin it. 4 August 1999, Albanian terrorists broke into the flat oMiljan
Vuksanovic, 217 Karadjordje Petrovic Street,Pristina, confiscated all the things,
and then moved into it. On 4 August 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the house of

Dwsanka Vujovic, 42 Dwbrovacka Street, Pristina. 4 August 19951,Albanian terrorists broke into the flatof Stojan
SekulicDardanija estate,Pristina,confiscated allthe things,and then moved into it. 4 August 1999,Albanian terrorists broke into the flat of Radule
Spasic,Dardanija estate, Pristina,confiscated allthe things,and then moved into it. On 4 August 1998, the houses owned by Draginja and Stevan
Markovic, and Dragica Nikolic, 16 Metohijska Street, Psizren, were plundered

and burned down.
' On 5 August 1999, Albanian terrorists forcibly entered and
plundered the flatof Djordje Spasic, 1611-9Car Dusan Street in Kosovo Polje.
Djordje Spasic was an employee of Pristina Police Department. The incident
was reported tothe Secretariat in Krusevac on 3 September 1999. On 6 August 1999, at 36 Debarska Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists seized a 'Zastava 1U1"passenger car, propertyof Tomislav Skurtic, a
"Jugo 45-koral", property of Jasna Zirojevic, and at 20 Hasan Priscin'aStreet,
carownedby Zlatko Curcic and his wife Srmena. 7 August 1999, Albanian terrorists looted a private company
"Niza", 43 Djurdevanska Street, Pristina, propertof Nijaz Bajrami. On X August 1999, at 29111Njegoseva Street in Pristina, Albanian
terroristseized a "Jugo-koral5.5" passenger car, property of Jablanka Lazic. 9August 1999,Albanian terrorists plundered theflatsin Gnjilane,
Popovica estate, owned by Ranko Denic and Aleksandar Maksimovic,;while the
flatof Radomir llic and Ljubisa Popovic were forcibly moved into. On 9 August 1999, the following flats were plundered in Pristina,

owned by Vera Rapajic and Zora Zizic, on JNA Street; Gvozden MiIojkwic, 17
Mitrovacka Street; Vidosav Zivkovic, Dardanija estate. 10 August 1999,the following flatswere plundered in Pristina,
owned by Zoran Karajlic, la Njegoseva Street; and BranislavJokic, "Suncani
breg" estate. On 10 August 1999,Filip Velikinac, from Sredska village, Prizren
municipality, reported to the Rakovida precinct that on 25 July 1999, around
1:00a.m., inIhe Pristina estateofAktas, Albanian terrorists seized a "Jugo 55"
passenger car, propertyof Momcilo Arsic. On 12 August 1999, Branislav Dzudovic, who had been expelled

from Pristina, reported tothe Secretariat in Nis that in late June 1999Albanian
terrorists had broken into hisflat at/13Vukovarska Street, and taken awayall
the things from theflat valvedat approximately DIN 109,000. On 15August 1999,in the period between 7:30 p.m. and t2:OO a.m.,
Albanian terrorists committed a crime of robbery inPristina, against Ljubisa
Vuksanovic and his sisters Anica Vuhanovic and Sladjana Stevanovic.
Threatening to kill them, the armed Albanian terrorists stole DIN 6,300; DM
loo; aTV set; a stereo decka pistol; and their personal documents. , Inearly August 1999,Albanian terrorists in Gnjilane forciblytook
over a coffee roasting shop jointly owned by Slavko Popovic and Aleksic,
confiscated a passenger car from Predrag Petrovic, and looted the houses owned

by Andja Cvetanwic and Zika Maksimovic. On 16 August 1999,Slobodan ~ntbvic from Kragujevac, reported
to the SecretariatinNis that on 21July 1999,in the Pristina estate ofUlpijana,
Albanian terrorists had confiscated from him DIN 5,000; DM 140;and a "CZ"
pistol. 16August.1999,Mile Bogdanovicfrom Pristina, reported tothe
Secretariat in Novi Sad that on the night of 314 August 1999, at 1091A
Vidovdanska Street, Albanian terrorists had broken into his flat and beaten up
him and his wifeAgneza Petic. After that, they searched the flatand seized a
"CZ" pistol, an M48 riflehousehold items, DIN 3,400 and their passports. On .I6August 1999, Agneza Petic from Pristina, reported to the
Secretariat inKragujevac that on 17July 1999,at 1091AVidovdanska Street in
Pristina, Albanian separatists had confiscateder "Zastava 101"passenger car. On 16 August 1999, Albanian terrorists plundered the flat of
SrboIjubSerafimovicin Gnjilane. 19August 1999, in Gnjilane, Albanian terrorists broke intoand
plundered the flat of Ljubinka Miticand a garage owned byBranko Zivan. On 20 August 1899, 103 %aIj Milutin Street in Pristina, Albanian
terrorists seizea "Jugo" car,property of VojislavZajic. In the area of Gnjilane municipality, the flats owned by Perica
Djordjevic, Zvonimir Katanic and Vladirnir Tunjakwic, were completely
robbed of all possessions.
1S.6.3.150. In August 1999,Albanian terrorists broke into and plundered the
flatof Andrija Ivanovic. In August 1999,Albanian terrorists broke and forciblymoved into
two flatsowned by Violeta Milkic, Ulpijana estate, buildingE-30, Nos. 3/4-18
and 24, Pristina. In August 1999,Albanian terrorists broke and forcibly moved into
the flat owned by Zagorka Spasenic, 15Donja Veluska Street, Pristina. 25August 1999, at the place called "Djafa" on Ponor Mt., tstok
municipality, Albanian terrorists stole the cattle from MilosaSimic, Ljubizda
village,Rista Ristic, Ljubizdvillageand Vuleta Djogovic, Muzevina village. a still unknown date inAugust 1899,Ramadan Selimi'sterrorist
group broke into the houses of Radovan Mitic, Pavle Pavlovic and the Simic

family, on Dr. Jovan Tot Abonji Street in Pristina. Ramadan Selimimoved his
family into the house of Rukija Kahrimanovic on the same street. 1September 1949,Albanian terrorists stoned thehouse of Bora
hliljkovicinGnjilane downtown, and broke all the windows.

1.5,6.3.156. On 1 September 199'3,Albanian terrorists looted the house of
Vladimir Trajkavic in Gnjilane, in the full sight of KFOR personnel who
refrained from intervenjng. %

1.5,6.3.157. On 2 Seprember 1999, Albanian terrorists stoned and then
plundered the house of Bora Mirkovic inGnjilane. A KFOR patrol watched the
incident and did notI~ingto prevent such a terrorist atiack. 2and 4 September 19Y9 , lbanian terrorists plundered the
flat of Radn~ila Zoricin Pristina, 20RifatBurdzcvic Street, and took away all

the things from it.The incident was reported to Vrnjacka Banja police station
on lUSepicmber 1999. the night of 718September 1959,Albanian terrorists broke into
and looted the "Jastreb" tavern in Kosovo Polje. On the night of 9 September
1999, they threw an explosive device at thsame tavern and inflicted substantial

damage thereon. Actsof sabotage commi~tedby Albanian terrorists 20 July 1999,in the vicinityof Samodreza railwaystatiun, Vucitrn
municipality,a locomotive and three carriages overturned, as a resof aderailed
train. One person suffered grave injuries in the process. It is assumethat the
incidentwas caused by a terrorisactof sabotage committed byAlbanian terrorists. 19August 1999,in the viciniof Vucitrn, Albanian terrorisplanted

explosivemines on the railwaytracks,with the inrentioofcutting communications
of the Serb populationalong the KosovoPolje-KosovskaMitrovica route. of Orthodox anb other cultural monuments; seizure and
damage of Church property The monument ofTsar Uros was toppled and destroyed in downlown
Urosevac. A monument dedicated to a ruler from thc Nemanjic dynasty'was
damaged in the villagof Gornje Nerodimlje. the village of Gornje Nerodimlje, Albanian terrorist fellthe 636
yearsold Tsar Dusan's pine tree, a landmark under the state protection.I

~ 13June 1995,around h:30 p.m.,armed Albanian terrorist bursinto
the Devic monastery. They shot over the heads of nuns and clergymen, requesting
the nloney and adornments to be handed over to them. They seized a van, four
tractors, two tons of fuel oil, two fax machines, a typewretc.They kept the

nuns lockedina room for awhole d;tyand night, and bear up fr-itherSerafirn. On 26June 1999,Albanian terrorists removed the lettering and tried
to tear down Ihe monument of Kner Lazar in downtown Gnjilane. On 28 July
1999,the monument was returlled to its place bKFOR. ThGemonuments of Njegas and Vuk Karadzic have been torn down in
Pristina., On8 July 1999, Albanian terrorists searched four timthe premises
of St.Gabriel monastery in Draganac. They inquired about the monastery

vehicle and took a number of church items before they left. 14 July 1999, Albanian terrorists seized a vehicle, propertyof
Draganac monastery. 15Ju!y1999,a Iargepart of thewoods within Draganac monastery
compound was cut byAlbanian terrorists. Demolished Serb tombstones 13 July 1999, 12 Serb tombstones were demolished on the
Gnjilane cemetery. All Orthodox tombstones on the village cemetery in Gornje
NerudimEjehave been dt~magedby Albanian terrorists., All tombstones on the Urosevac Orthodox cemetery have been
destroyed by Albanian terrorists. 1 August 1999, the villagers oZegra, Gnjilanc municipality,

visited theihomes, escorted by a WOR patrol. They could see for themselves
that the tombstones in the village had bepulleddown. Damaged and demolished of Serb Orthodox churches and monasteries

In the period from 13 June to 14 September 1999, around 60 Serb Orthodox
churches and monasteries, built between the 10thand 16thcenturies,were damaged
or destroyedby Albanian terroristsinthe Autonomous Provinceof Kosovo and
Metohija. Due to their significance,somthefchurches and monasleries hwe been
listed and placed under the protectionUNESCO. In addition, over 150recently
built parishhouses and parisltchurches have been either destordamaged. TheHoly Trinity monastery near Musutiste,Suva Reka municipality,
dating from the 14th century, was first damaged and torched, and then
completely ruined. churchof the Holy Mother of God in Musutiste, SuvRcka
municipality, built in 13was firsseton fire, and law damaged by explosives.

279 The St. Marko monastery in Koxisa, Prizren municipality, built in
1467,was first vandalized, and later completely destroyed. . Holy Trinity church in Petsic, buiIt in 1993has been completely
destroyed in abarbaric way.'he St.Nicholas church in the villagof Slovinje,Lipljan municipality,
dating from the 16th century, has been completely demolished. The parish church ofthe Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Suva Reka,

built in938,has been brutally and completely destroyed.
, The St.Archangel Gabriel monastery in Binac, Vitina municipality,
builtinthe 14thcentury, has been burned and almost completely ruined. monastery fresco-painted church of the Presentation of the I-Ioly
Mother of God, in Dolac, Nina municipality, built in 1620, has been bmtally
damaged, burned and its altar smashed into pieces. parish church of the Holy Virgin in Belo Polje, Pec municipality,
builtin the 16th century, reconstructed inthe 19th century, has been plundered
and burned down. -, The parish church of St. John the Baptist in Pecka Banja, Pec
municipality, built in 1496,has been plundered and burned down. Holy Virgin church in the village of Naklo, Pec municipality,
builtin 1985,has been plundered and burned down. The Hvly Trinity church in Velika Reka, Vucitrn municipality, built
in1997,has been plundered and burned down. parish church of the Holy Apostles in the village of Petrovce,
Kosovska Mitrovica municipality, has been plundered and burned down. The St.Uros church inUrosevac, built in 1937, has been plundered
and burned dawn. The Holy Virgin church in the village of Podgorce, Vitina
municipality,has been plundered and burned down. The famous Devic Monastery of St. Jaachim, built in 1440, has been
plundered and destroyed, and the Saint's marble sepulchre desecrated. The parish churchof theHoly Virgin inDjurakovac, Pec municipality,
builtin 1997,has been plundered and destroyed. The parish church of St. Elijah in Vwcitrn, built in1834, has been
plundered and destroyed. The Holy Trinity cathedral in Djakovica, built in 1998, has been

plundered and burned down, and the invaluable mosaicssmashed into pieces. St. Paraskeva(St. Nicholas) church in Drsnik, Pec municipality,
builtin the 16th century, has been plundered and burned down, including its
frescopaintings. The St. Nicholas church in the villagof Osojane, Istok municipality,
has been plundered and destroyed. St. John the Baptist church in Sarnodreza, Vucitrn municipality,
reconstructed in 1932,has been plunde;ed and burned down. On 12 July 1999, the Sv. Vrac monastery in the village of Zociste,
Orahovac municipality, dating from the 14th century, was demolished and
looted. During the subsequent attacks by Albanian terrorists, the monasterywas
burned down. early July1999,the Serb Orthodox churcl~was burnt in the village
of Petrovac,Kosovska Kamenica municipality. On 24 July1999, the Serb Orthodox church was set an fire in the

villageof Grmovo, Vitina municipality. downtown Urosevac, the parish house has been burned and the
Orthodox house demolished by Albanian terrorists. The Serb Orthodox church has been demolished in the village of
Gornje Nerodimlje. The ncwly built Serb Orthodox church in the village of Zaskok,
Urosevac municipality, has been torn down by AIbanian terrorists. On 1 August 1999, the villagers of Zegra, Gnjilane municipality,
visited their homes, escorted bya KFOR patrol. They could see for themselves
that thevillage church had been pulled down. 1August 1.999,around 1.20a.m,, Albanian terrorists activatean
explosive device planted in the Holy Salvation church, located in downtown

Pristina. The explosion caused no casualties, but it considerably damaged the
interior ofthetemple. On 4 August 1999, around 9:00p.m., Albanian terrorists activated an
explosive device placed inthe St.Elijahchurch inthe village of Pomazetin, near
the Slatina airfield. The explosion caused no casualties, but it considerably
damaged the north-western part of the church. church of the Holy Prophet Elijah in Bistrazin, betweer1Prizren
and Djakovica, reconstructed in 1988, has been completeIy demolished. The St: Dimitrije church near Pec, reconstructed in 1938 on its
ancient foundations, has been devastated. church in the villageof Novake, neaPrizren,has been demolished. The St. Uros monastery has been devastated and torn down in the
village of Nerodimlje. The church of the Presentation of the I-IolMother of God in the
villageof Krusevo, near Pec, has been broken into and partially burned. 14th century SerbOrthodox church in the village of Kijevo, near
Klina, has been levelled to thground. The parish church in Klinhas been torn down. , St.Paraskcva church near Binac, Kosovska Virina municipality,
has been mined. St. Atanasije churchin Grebenac near Klina, has becn destroyed
by planted mines. Holy Mother ofGod church in Klina has been destroyed by mines. The St. Nicholas church in Ljubizda near Prizren, has been
plundered and mined. St. Elijah church in Ljubizda near Prizren, habeen demolished. St. Elijah church in Snlac near Prizren hasbeen plundered and
burned down. The temple of St. Basil thGreat in Gornja Srbica near Prizren has
been damaged.
In early September, Albanian terrorists plundered and burned inOrahovac a
monasteq of immeasurable historic and cultural value, built in the 13thcentury.

The Police Headquarters in Kussurnlija lodged several strong-wurded protests
to KFOR because of inefficient protection of traditional Serb historic
monuments and monasteries of priceless culturaland historic value, and ofvey
special importance forthe Serbian nation and itshistory. Statement of the facts related to the genocide perpetrated against
Serb and other non-Albanian groups isnot complete and the Applicant reserves
the rightto supplement it.


1.6.1. The facts relatedtothe existence ofan intent tocommit genocide by the
bombing, causing environmental disaster and usitlg depleted uranium shells

1.6.l.l. The Respondents intentionally bombed chemical industry plants (in
Pancevo, especially) which are not used for anymilitary purposes while at the
same time it is a well-known fact that their destruction and damaging have
extremely severe consequences for health of alarge number ofpeople in avery

wide area. As Par as the bombing of chemical industry plants in PancevoQis
concerned, the responsible indjviduals of the Respondents should have known
that strikes against such facilities may incur an additional risk to the population
since as many as three chemical industy factories (Petrohemjja, Azotara and
Oil refinery) are concentrated in a relatively narrow area, thus drastically
multiplying rheconsequences of these strikes. interitionof the responsible individualfor the strikes against
chemical industry facilities in Yugoslavia clearlyimplied by destructionof the
plants of this industry in Pancevo. In this town, not only is there a high
concentration of chemical plants, which, if destroyed or damaged, pose a great
danger in themselves, but also allthe three htctories were in the first strikescompletely incapacitated for any further productive activity.The responsible
individuals were certainly aware of this, since their first attacks had been
directed towards vital parts of the factorthus incapacitating their production. Therefore, if thaim was to disruptproduction in those factories, that

aim was completely achieved during the first attacks. Whydid IIEWdevristnling
strikesfollownfrenvarcfs.The only possible explanation can be found that the
resoponsible individuals had genocida iltentiurrand in order to perpetrate
genocide, they continued with air strikes against chemical industry plants
intending to expose a largenumber of inhabitantsof Yugoslavia to extensive

destruction.As we have already argumentatively explained, iwas the Serbs that
they primarily meant under the term "population of Yugoslavia". at aconferenceon depleted uranium and catlcers in Iraq,held
on 30 July 1999, contended that depleted uranium shells cancause birth defects

and serious illness, including cancers. Mr. Coghill, a biologist who runs a
research centre in Gwent, Wales, said: "We think there will be 10,000 extra
deaths in Kosovo". (Richard Norton-Taylor, Uranium shells warning for
Kosovo alternative maybe: MOD accused ofhiding truth, The Observer, 31July
1999, Annex No.161,pp. 440-442) By his letterof 27 May 1999, Mr. Michel Fontaine, President of the
Association pour la sauvegarde des families eenfantsde disparus, informed:
"Nous vous prion de trouver ci-dessous I'information communiquee par le
Capitaine Marc Louis Leclair.

Declaration faitc par le General Joffret, commandant de I'aviation francaise de
I'Alliancem, sur Fsanco Info et Franco International: 'L'aviation a recu l'order
de detruire la vie en Serbie." (Annex No162,pp, 443)

1.6.2. The facts related to the existence of an inlent to commit genocide by
killing and wounding Serbs and other non-Albanian groups in Kosovo and

Mctohija The intent to commit genocide is implied in the fact that Serbs and

members of the other non-Albanian groups were killed, injured or expelled as
such, it is due to their ethnicity. Proof of intencommit genocide is inferred
from the fact that great majority of Serbian institutions, like monasteries,
churches, monuments ofcultures and Orthodox tombsrones on cemeteries were
destroyed or damaged. Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE strongly deplores the massacre of
14 Serbian men inthe farming village of Gracko inKosovo:
These killings demonstrate the urgent need for increased international

protection of Serbs and other vulnerable ethnicgroups in the Province .
This violence against Serbsand other non-Albanian groups in Kusovo must stop
and the perpetrators must be brought to justice (OSCE, Press Release,
SEC.INF./289/99,25 July 1999)1.6.2,3. The periodic report on the situation of human rights in theFederal
Republic of Yugoslavia, the Republic ofCroatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina,
submitted by the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on- Human Rights:
"Other incidents have been directed at Serbs for merely being Serbs, including
identifying through parallel KLA 'authorities' the houses, and seizing all Serb-

owned commercial properties. In recent weeks, attacks against Serbs,
particularly women and the elderly, have increased in number and level of
violence.." (A/54/396,S/1999/1000,24September 1999, p. 33,para.114)"The UN Special ~a~~oiteur for humani rights notes with sadness the
street murder of a United Nations officiala Bulgarian national, who was lcllled
because he was reportedly 'mistaken for a Serb'." (A/54/396/Add.l,
S/3999/10001Ad.l , Novenlber 1999,p.6, para. 26.) . UN Special Rapporteur for human rights informed:
"'Death to Serbs'isthe most common wall inscription now". (A/54/396/Add.l,
S/1999/10UO/Ad.l3 , November 1999, p. 8,para.34)


1.7.1. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 26 March 1999.

Alexander Mincyev,ITAR-TASS:
"Jamie, recently the general staff of the Russian army has given to thNATO
side reconnaissance pictures about drug trafficking faciIities of Kosovar
Albanians, about their weapon communications from Albania, about the
training bases of Kusovar separatists. Do you use this information anyhow and
do you count on this informationin your operations?"

Jamie Shea:
"Well, it's true, Alexander, that we did receive some extremely interesting
information from the Russian general staff aboutthe UCK. We're very grateful

for that, it's another good exampleof NATO-Russia cooperation and it shows
that that cooperation has produced good results, no matter what disagreements
we may have had lately, ofcourse, on Kosovo itself, and certainly as the
Secretary General here just a couple ofdays ago made clear, when it comes to
the UCK we condemn any type of provocative action, no matter who commits it,
in Kosovo and we have explicitly called on thc UCto exercise restraint and not

to provoke the Yugoslav armed forces."
1.7.2.NATO Press Conference held onthe afternoon of17April 1989.Jamie Shea:
"Asyou have heard inthe news, ladiesand gentlemen, a young lieutenant inthe

Yugoslav Armed Forces was captured during the night of 13114April by the
UCK near Junik, near the border with Albania, and yesterday the Albanian
government passed him to the US military authoritieinTirana, he was taken by
helicopter down to Tirana yesterday. "1.7.3,NATO PressConference held on the afternooof 1April 1999.Jamie Shea:
"So the UCK seems not to hotd terrain any longer. Its 7 principal

headquarters have been dismantled by the offensiveof the Yugoslav Army in
recent weeks, they have obviously suffered casualties, but they also seem to
have inflicted casualtieon the Serb forces,they seem tu have reverted to a
more classical guerrilla hit-and-run type tactic but which does seem to have
the capacity to harass the Serbs and as the Serbs are forceto hunker down
under the threat of NATO action, obviously the possibilities for thUCK
increase "

1.7.4. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 24 April 1999.
"The UCK yesterday repeated its need for heavweaponry to counter the Serb
offensive in Kosovo.Ifa non-NATO country should want to supply such, would
thisbe beneficial or woulNATO try to dissuade or hinder sucathing?"

Jamie Shea:
"Clearly the UCK has never found difficulty, quite frankin,procuring arms,
that isclear, you have seen the evidence of that. Iuthinkat the moment the
only strategy that isirigtowork is forNATO to beable to force the forceof

Belgrade out of Kosovo with that air power."
1.7.5.NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of11May 1999. Freddie:
"Yau saidthat theaim was to stop the fighting.But I notice from a plof the
NATO attack last night that the concentratiof NATO attackswas in facon
the Serb military forces along theAlbania norder. And General Jertz also
mentioned that there was considerable UCK activity. From theipoint of view

of course what they aredoing is dealing with armed rebels, terrorists, so when
there isfightingpresumably they have every right to go and fight.point Iam
tryingto make, jt jnota polemical question,4really want to know, NATO isin
fact becoming very rapidly the Air Force of theUCK which arenow able to
develop their attacks because they have got the support of the Air Force?"

Jamie Shea:
"No, we are not, we are the Air Force of the Kosovar AIbanian people, Freddie,
and there isavery big distinction the.e"
3.7.6. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 14 May 1999.

"You have been talking about ethnic cleansing and since NATO has been up-
dating us,with some approval on the exploitsof the KLA, could you give us
NATO's reaction to the appointmentof Agim Cheku as the Us new military
leader? The KLA pointed out yesterday that hisaformer Brigadier General in
the Croatian Army and one of the key planners behind Operation Storm which
drove hundreds of thousands ofSerbs from their home in the Krajina areaof

Croatia. Could you telus what NATO's fcelings are about the appointment oa
man involved in ethnic cleansingas a KLA leader,people you normally speak
about here withsome approval?"Jamie Shea:

"1have always made it clear, ayou have heard me say this, thNATO has no
direct contacts with the KLA. Who they appointastheir leaders, thaisentirely
their ownaffair. dntl'thave any comment on that whatever."
1.7.7. NATO Press Conference held ot-1the afternoonof20 May 1999.General

"Let me startwith the update on ground activity. Serb military actions
contint~ed inthe centralarea around Malisevo and on the Albanian border.
Once again there was cross-border artilIery firing into Albania. Sincafew
days we have evidence of continuous fighting between Serb forces and the
UCK also in tlte Junik area. There havc been reports that the UCK has
retaken the village of Jablanica, capturing arms and ammunition. We

should not draw however too many cunclusions from this incident, but it
suggesls that Serb forces are becoming weaker as NATO action takes
1.7.8.NATO Press Conference held on the morning of23 May 1999.John:

"The incidenta1Glava raises a question about exactly what nature of contacts
are goingon between the KLA and NATO. Could you explainhow exactly the
ECLA would be expected to inform NATO of its whereabouts inside Kosovo?
And could you commetlt on some of the press reports from people who were at
the Glava post who said that thesaw theKIA phoning in coordinants of Serb
military positions to NATOafr controllers?"

Jamie Shea:
"John, I am not aware of atrydirectcontacts between the UCK and NATO as
such. There probably are contacts, we know that, between the UCK and
allies, but there ino contact, to my knowledge, between the UCK and the
political or military structures of the Alliance. So that is I think my point

1.7.9.NATO Press Conirence held on the morning of 30 May 1999.Jamie Shea:
"As far as the UCK is concerned, yes the UCK has been trying to open up a
further corridor into Kosovo out of Morina and to linkup with their existing
corridor in the Kosare area. And they have tried to launca limited offensive
there, particularIy to come down into the valley from a mountain where they

are currently deployed, calledPastrik Mountain, and there has been lotsof
fighting thereNow again Iwant to stress thatNATO has no formal linkswith
the UCK, we do not co-ordinate. There have been several newspaper reports
suggesting that we exchange intelligence and so on. But I have no
confirmation of that, but obviously theUCK is able to exploit the fact that
Serb forces are inlmobilised because ofNATO air strikesor theyare able to

attack those Serb forceswhich are degraded by NATO air strikes andharass
them allthe more effectively. But thaisan indirect consequence, if you like,
of what we are doing and not the result of any formal links between our
organisation and theirs."1.7.10.NATO Press Conference held on theafternoon of31 May1999. Colonel
Frey ag:

"On the ground, theUCK continues its operation in southwestern Kosovo inthe
vicinity of Mount Pastrik1 ttiinwe havc told you over the past couple of days
about the fighting ongoing in thestrategic area of Mount Pastrik, and 1 say
strategic because from Mount Pastrik there is a commanding view of the
approaches to Kukes inAlbania. Kukes, asyou know, houses refugee camps arid
an airfield crucial for humanitarian relief. From Mount Pastrik one can see

north dong the Djakovica Valley, east to Prizren andacross thevalley to Suva
Reka and Ovalovac. These areas are important because the lines of
communication and supply have been highly contested by Serbs and UCK.
Yesterday we learned that the UCK were being forced back towards the
Albanian border. Today fierce fighting continues on the slopes of Mount
Pastrik. Numerous Serb infantry, armour and paramilitary elements are

reported concentrating in thisarea. NATO aircraft aretakingadvantage of this
opportunity to attack the now more prominent concentration of Serbian war
machinery "
Jamie S11ea:

"George, on the UCK certainly, as I said, there have been the indirect
beneficiariesof NATO actions. In fact last week they were able to occupy three.
villages where the Yugoslav forces had withdrawn under the onslaught of a
NATO strike. 50, tactically,yes,although I again stressthat we have no direct
relationship. Bul agaiwe have aclear objective here of striking at the Yugoslav
forces wherever they are in Kosovo, nu hiding place. Ifthe UCK arc able to
benefitfrom that, su be i". ,

1.7.11. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 2June 1999.General
"Indications are that Serb forces are also repositioning withinKosovo, most
probably to counter reported UCK activity. In turnNATO air activity over

Kosovo has increased as a resultof the increase in Scrb ground force activity.
Yesterday I called it a rich target environment.
"Our assessment is that the current Serbian counter-offensive against the UCK
around Mount Pastrik, offers NATO the best opportunity so far in the air
campaign to hit Serb forceshard. To counter UCK advances, Serbia has had to

rnobilise andconcentrate in this area. Because these forces have had to come
out oftheir camouflage positions they have become more visible to our airborne
fonvard air controllers. Once the forward air controllers spot a lGget, for
example atank or an APC, they call upNATO strike aircrafcirclinin thearea,
and guide them into their attack.

"Yesterday, we conducted nearly 150 sorties only around Mount Pastrik. Let me
elaborate more on tacticaltargetsin the vicinitofMount Pastrik. We struck32
artillerypieces,9 armoured personnel carriers,6 arrnoused vehicles, 4 other
military vehicles8mortar positions, revetted positions, and one SA6 su,ice-to-air missile sile. Initial indications are weahave had a significant impact an

the Serbian forces operating in this areaA fuller battle damage assessment of
course will have to wait a few more days."
1.7.12. It is clear that NATO intervene by force against the lawful and
legitimate actionsof the Yugoslav army and police directed against the rebel



1.8.1. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 4 April 1999. Jamie
"Well, on the,if1may, because thisgentleman is looking for information to the
extent thatwe can give itOn the US soldiers, the only thing that 1can tell you is
that so far we have been unsuccessful in 'getting access to them by the

International Committee of the Red Cross. Again this is a violationof the
Geneva Convention, the Third Geneva Convention, which does prescribe that
the International Committee of the Red Cross should be able to visit these
"Secondly,you saw yesterday indications that they are going to be put on trial,

or appear before some kind of court. Itnow looks as ifthat is going thappen
before the end of the week. That is bothin substance and in technicality alsa
violation of the Geneva Convention which prescribes that a nluch longer notice
period has to be given before such individualscan be put on trial, even if, even
if,there was some legitimate basis for doinso. Which there clearly isn't. These
individuals have not done anything, they have been absolutely no threat

whatever to Yugoslavia and they have been illegally snatched and detained and
we stillcall for their release."
1.8.2. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 17April 1999. Jamie
"As you have heard in the news, ladiesand gentlemen, a young lieutenant in the

Yugoslav Armed Forces was captured during the night of 13/14 April by the
UCK near Juaik near the border with Albania, and yesterday the Albanian
government passed him tothe US military authorities in Tiranhe was taken by
helicopter down to Tirana yesterday. I want to report that he is in good
condition, hc has been examined by a doctor, he has been given shelter, food
and has access to religious counselling, he has also access tthe International

Committee of the Red Cross and he will have all the protection and rights
accorded by the Third Geneva Convention. He will be able tsend and receive
mail communicate any complaints, receive medical care and to have his habits,
customs and religious practices respected.He will not beused for propaganda
purposes."1.8.3. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 18 May 1999.
Ambassador Scheffert":
"Let me just talk for 3 to 4 minites about thelii~,if I might,because I think this
isvery important:

"The practice of involuntarily holding innocent civilians in the vicinity of
military targets is illegal and reprehensible. International law prohibits the
practice of deliberately placing non-combatants around military objectives in an

effort to 'protect' themfrom attack. The use of human shields isan illegal tactic
that was used, for example, by the PLO in Lebanon in 1982 as well as the lawless '
Somali militia and by Saddam Hussein in occupied Kuwait. In the context of
operations in Kosovo, the use of Kosovar Aibanians to insulate military targets
would violate norms of customary international law. The prohibition against the
use of human shields isreflected in the following provisions of the law and I am

justgoing to quickly check thisofffor you:
"First, article 2of the Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilians
in time of war, which was signed, in 1949 specifies that protected persons shall

"at alltimes be humanely treated and shall be protected against all aclions of
violence or threats thereof'
"Article 28 mandates rhat protected persons cannot be used to render areas
immune from milita~ attack. This provision, itmight be argued, is technically

inapplicable because Kosovars would not be protected persons in the hands of
their own government. However, article 28 reflects the solid grounding of the
concept inthe framework of humanitarian law and was clearly.articulated and I
actually helped the drafting of the provision of the Rome treaty on the
Permanent International Court last summer that clearly embodied this principle
as a chargeable count by the Prosecutor of thePermanent International Criminal

Court when a sufficient number of ratifications are achieved to bring it into force.
"Second, common article 3 mandates that persons taking no part in the
hostilities will 'inllcircumstances be treated humanely.' Article 3 specifically
outlaws the taking of hostages; groups of civilians who are held at gunpoint and

forced to remain in the vicinity of Iegitimate militasy targets are hostages in both
common sense and legal meaning ofthat word; they are held against their willin
an environment where they are endangered.
"Three, Protocol 1 of 1977, article 51, sub-paragraph 7, mandates that 'the

presence or movements ofthe civilianpopulation or individual civiliansshallnot
be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations in
particular in attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield,
favour or impede military operations; the parties to the conflict shall not direct
the movement of the civilian population or individual civiliansin order to

attempt to shield military objectivefromattacks or to shieldmilitary operations.'

Department forWaridCrimesIssues. Henppcarcdon the NATO Press Conferencetheld on the
morning of18May 1999."It is important thatthccommentary tothe protocols of 1477points out that thc

formulation olarticle 52, sub-paragraph 7,is broader than the classof persons
covered by either of the applicable Geneva Conventions of 1949.'In addition,
the commentary notes that the word 'movements' is intended lo include
instances where the civilian population is n~ovingof its own accord.

"I have just another brief comment on the law:
"The relevant principles of law associated withthe tactic of using human shields
to insulate military ol~jectives from attack are discrimination and

"The principle of discriminatirjnisone ofthe most fundamental components of
the law or armed conflict. This principle was reflected as early as the 1899
Hague Convention requirement that co~nbatants wear a fixed, distinctive
emblem recogtaisable at a distance and carry their arms openly. Cusrornary

international law requires that combatants shall 'aalllimes distinguish between
the civilian populatiun and combatants and shall direct their operations only
against military objectives.' There is absalutcly nu question that thatisexactly
what NATO is doing:itis distinguishing between civilian and military objectives
and in fact1 would argue just as a scholarofthe laws of war thatyou cannot find
another arrncd conflict in the historyof modern warfare where there has been

more discipline and care taken tocomply with the laws of war and to make that
distinction than in the targeting exercise of theTO Alliance.
"The use of human shields would represent an attempt to deter an attack
against 3 military targehp affecting the proportionality analysiof the attacking
state. The principle of proportionality prohibits attacks where the loss of life

andlor damage to property incident to legitimate attacks would be excessive in
relation to the concrete and direct military advantage to be gaincd.
Commanders must take all feasible means to minirnise collateral damage and
the effortof using human shields to hope that the proportionality analysiswould
deter the attack. In some, using civilians in an attempt to insulate legitimate
military objectives from attack violates well-established prit~ciples of

international war. NATO forces have conlplied with the law of armed conflict
principle that attacks notbe wilfully directed against the civilian populationas
such or deliberately dispruportiunare."
1.8.4. At thesamePress Conference, Dimitsi Khavine, Russian TV Agency asked:
"Speaking about human shields strictly from the legal point of view,not moral,

how will these legal notions and terms work when war is not officially declared
because it lvuks like the civilian population livinclose to something which is
considered by the other side, by somebody, as a legal military target, is a human
shield anyway in any country?"
Ambassador Schefl'cranswered:
"Let mejust say that there is no need at all aodeclaration of war for the laws of
war to apply, the Geneva Conventions don't require it nor does customary
international law,so that is simplynot a necessary trigger for these lawsto apply."1.8.5. The Applicant refers to the above quotadons onlyasan evidence that the
Respondents considered that the parties involved in the international armed
conflict wcre obliged to fulfill their obligations established by humanitarian law
and the law ofinternational armed confliclThe Applicant treated the three US
soldiers as prisoners of war in accordance with the relcvant 1949 Geneva
Convention. They were visited by the representatives of the International

Committee of the Red Cross and by the Rev. Jesse Jnckson. Theyhad not been
put on trial. The Yugoslav forces did not use human shields. Especially, the
Applicant dispuled the quoted allegations thaNA'TOforces had complied with
the obligations establisheby the humanitarian law and the law ofinternational
armed conflict. Also, the Applicant opposes the applicabilofcommon Article

3of the 1949Geneva Conventions hecause It refers rointernal armed conflicts.
1.8.6.The Applicant appreciates very much the statement of Ambassador
Scheffer that customary international law requires that combatants shall at all
times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and shall

direct their operationsnly against military objectives. But, it cannot accept that
"there is ahsolutelno question that thatisexaclly whatNATO is doing", The
Applicant asserts that NATO directed its operations agaitzstcivilian objectives.


1.9.1. Factsrelated to the imputability of aof NATO to the Respondents NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon uf 2 May 1999.
"Is there by any measurement, any decrcase in the war effort on the part ol
NATO in response to the Rev. Jackson's plea'?"
Jamie Shea:

"Ithink Konrad can answer that bccter thaI,but ifTmay hrlvea word, ifyou look
at the numberof targets that were stluck IastnightDay 39and the very extensivc
number oflonitions throughout Yugoslaviawhere those targets were engage-and
those strikeswerenot restricted Kosovo - then I think you have your answe..

"I understand that thc Rev. Jackson has some proposals that he is carrying to
President Clinton. I have no idea what those proposals are, I understand there
are four ofthem whereas a couple of days ago Belgrade made seven proposals.
For us the lucky number is five,thisis the magic number here, not seven, not
four but five and you all knowwhat those five are and that's what wc wwant to
see before we consider ending this campaign."

Colonel Konrad Freytag:
"May Iadd a rniIitaryviewon it? Thewhole air campaign isunder the direct and
close controlof NATO's political leadeand SACEUR does not have the liberty
to escapefrom that and I think no-onc would expect him to escape from that".The Applicant underlines the imporriince ofthe statement of Colonel Freytag
"The whole air campaign is ur~der the direct and close contrul of NATO's
political leaders", ipoliticarepresentatives ofMember States in NATO. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of3 May 2999, question
(ABC News):
"What's on the Council's agenda for today?"

Jamie Shea:
"The Council today wElIbe updating its assessments of the current situatioin
Kosovo based on a report by Klaus Naumann, the Chairman of the Military
Committee, particularly reviewing- as Iam doing with you at the moment - the
developments on the military scene over the last 24 hours"

The ambassadors ofthe NATO States, members of the North AtlanticCouncil
reviewed the developmet~tson the military scene. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 7 May 1999,Jamie

"In justa,few moments, the North Atlantic Council willhold its regular morning
meeting. What's on the agenda today? 1 anticipate that they will revofwcourse
the currentstateof NATO's air campaign and humanitarian operations, they will
hear a report on the military situation from the new Chairman of the Military
Committee, Admiral Bencheroni (phone), who will be attending in his new

capacity for the first tand Germany, as the Chairof theG8 meeting yesterday
in Bonn, will highlight for tNAC the condusions ofthat ministerial meeting". NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 8 May 1999, Jamie

"I would like to begin by stating that NATO did not intentionally target the
Chinese Embassy in Belgrade last night ..
"Many Allies arc currently in touch with the Chinese authorities in Beijing to
express their syrnpathj~arid condolences to them, and also to the families of the

victims." NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 11 Mq 1999,
"The Italian Presidenthas reportedly come out of Macedonia and called for a

halt to the bombing. I wonder ifyou couldcomment on that, and ifyou could
characterise for us the tonof theNAC meetings since the Chinese embassy has
been bombed. Is therea crack in the consensus at all thayou can shed some
lighton, particularly in light ofwhat the Italian President has now said?"

Jamie Shea answered:
"President Scalfaru, when he was in the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia yesterday, also made clear thathe expected rhe Serb forces to
leave Kosovo and Milosevic to comply fully with the five conditions and the
position of the Italian government on this is one of full solidarity with theAlliance. We all want NATO air strikes to end but they only can end when
our objectives are met. Otherwise, we would not have achieved what we set
out to achieve and we would have failed to keep our commitment to all of
those Kosovar Albanians that are depending upon NATO to be able to go

"The mood in the NAC has been good. Obviously on Salurday murning when
we learned about the attack on the Chinese embassy, the mood was very

sombre,asyou can imagine and all Alliehave felt about thiinexactly thesame
way, itis notas if some have regretted this more than others, a11Allies haveall
expressed their regrets to the Chinese authorities, all of them asked military
commanders to make sure that the mistake that occ~~rredin the intelligence,
targeting procedure isidentifiedand corrected so that this doesn't happen again

but, atthe same time, all of them toa leader have reaffirmed that this incident,
no matter how regrettable, cannot, must not,b~o~fNAT0 offcourse, we have to
keep to our objectives,We should not, iyou like, compound one mist& by an
even larger mistake of stopping now before we have achieved our objectivesand
handing President Milosevic ethnic cleansing on a plate, so the mood is a

sombre one but it is also one of determination to carry on and you have seen
that of course reflected in the number of sorties and strikes that occurred tast

The Allies accepted the responsibility for the NATO attack on the Chinese
embassy. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 8 May1999, Dragan

Blagojevic, Beta Agency:
"After the series of dailynd nightly losses of civilian lives and the destrucofon
civiIian targets, do you think, General - or is il your assessmcnr or the
assessment of your commanders - that in the chain of the command is there
somebody who is responsible for all that?"

Major General Jertt:
"You know we are doing a campaign, we aretrying to solve a conflict whicwas
imposed on us and the militaryare in line with political guidance. That is aIl
have to sayto this question."

The Applicant draws the attention of the Court that Major General Jertz, -
answering the question on the seriesof daily and nightly lossesof civilialives
and the destruction of civilian targets, said that the militawas in line with

political guidance. the same Press Conference, Gyorgy Foris, Hungarian TV:
"The Belgrade incident and the Nis incident show how risky targeting

downtown targets is.The question arises, is it worthwhildoing so, do you have
as much benefit out of it that makes it worthwhile doing it, targeting
doivntown?"Major General Jertz:
"We had unfortunntcly lo target some target?; in downtown Belgrade inthe
past and we hit them because they did belor~gto the conin~a~tdstructure of a
regime which we think is a brutal regiine talking, listening andseeing the
pictures of what is happening in Kosovo. So yes, we do continue to find

legitimate targets which-are totalagreed by those countrieswho want to end
this conflict."
The countries "who want to end this conflict", i.Members of NATO, were
totally agreeon the circumstancesof targeting. Press Conference held on the morning of 10 May 1999, Jamie
"The North Atlantic Council is meeting this morning at 11.00 am. The usual

topics on the agenda, obviously a report by the Chairman of the Military
Committee on the latest developments, the usual reports on political
developnzents and on the humanitarian situation ." NATO Press Coirference held an the morning of 12 May 1999,

Margaret Evans, CBC:
"The NAC was called by the Ca~iadians last night, the special session. They
called it,o they say, because they felt that thwcre ill-informed about what
had gone on in Beijingbecause they felt that they weren't bekept informed
properly and they had to cat1for it.

The fact hat they did thadoes thatsay to you that some governments,you said
yesterday that there was complete unity, does il suggest that some governments
are actually losing faith in the way that this campabeingshandled'?"
Jamie Shea:

"'No it doesn't Margaret, I can assure you of that. And again, judge us by
actions. You saw last night another very extensive range of air operations, you
have seen in capitals that all governments continuetogive their full support
to this operation and that is goingto continue to be the case. SACEUR
comes frequently to the Council in order to brief on operations, he is the
Commander and it is his duty to kcep the Ambassadors informed and to

make himself available for questions, and that is a routine thing, it happens
every week. The only reason why the meeting was at 7.00 last night, as
opposed to 11.90yesterday morning, was because a number of Anlbassadors
who are double hatted were at the Western European Union meeting in
Bremen and of course had to get back in timeto listento SACEUR, so we did
the n~eetit~gat 7.00 p.m. But SACEUR gave a very full, very convincing

account of the operation and afterwards everybody was agreed that wc have
no alternative but to continue, anwe will continue.So 1don't see this as any
kind of special meeting, quite frankly, it was a normal meeting but it just
happened to be at 7.00 p.m. as opposed to 11.00 am because of the WEU
Ministerial." NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon uf 12 May 1949,
Patricia Kelly,CNN:
"ln the last coupleof weeks NATO has celebrated two 50th anniversaries, one
50 years ofNATO and one 50 days of airstrikes. Which do you think is going to

be the most significant anniversary for the future ofNATO, which period do
you think, the SO days or the 50 years: will make the most difference to the
future of NATO, especially ifthe airstrikesdo not succeed infulfilling their

Secretary General:
"I think that I don't like lo celebrate specific dates.I think that we have a
mission, lhat the mission igoing to continue until we obtain the objectives. But
let me say that the meeting that we had in Washington not long ago was again a
very important meeling, probably the most important of NATO's history, in

which the determination of all the 19Allies to continue wifh our campaign until
we see it through was total"
1,9.1.11. NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 21 May 1999,

Douglas Hamilton, REUTERS:
"General Jerlz, excuseme if I missed something but on Istok could you tellus
what is the military significance othe prison at Istok and Jamic, the German
Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, ata photo opportunity today said that there
needed to be an urgent review of targets,he had been seeing the Swiss

Jamie Shea:
"Doug, three points to answer your question. The firstpoint iswe always listen
to whatever governments say to us obviously, we are an alliance thatisbased on

that principle. Secondly, naturally the military commanders will continutotake
cvcry precaution to hit rhc targetaccurately.Thirdly, no government has asked
NATO tochange its current strategy, it~cluclingits targeting po"icy
It is important. NATO is an alliance, based on the principltolisten to whatever

governments of Member States say to it.No government had asked NATO to
change its targetinpolicy. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 25 May 2998, Nick

Childs, BBC:
"A more general question on targeting, it is certainly in the written update you
make a particular point thatthere were many strikes focused on, asyou put it,
Milosevic's regime's higher level command and control facilities. We had over
the weekend General Ctirk quoted as saying the target list had been
broadened and deepened. The German Defence Minister yesterday was

suggesting that NATO should and could look at escalating the air campaign
perhaps to Phase 3. Isitthe case that there has been a decision ro broaden and
deepen the target lists recently, is this under discussatthe moment, what is
the situationon that?"Jamie Shea:

"There has been no new decision whatever on the target list. The guidanceof
the NATO Ambassadors to SACEUR remains what it has been, which was
reconfirmed, as you know, at the Washington Summit. It is simply up to
SACEUR to decide when he wants to go after the targets that he is authorised
to go after. And if yousee somelhing new, that doesn't mean to saythat there
has been a new decision to strike that particular tar- Nick,sorry, those refer

to 23May and we are on 25 May today, sothat is the explanatio- excuse me -
what it does mean is that SACEUR judges that the weather conditions, the
operational circumstances are right so that the day of that target has finally
come round. So itisnot a question of anew decision, it is simply a questiof
SACEUR waiting for the right moment, weatherwise and operationally, to go
aftersomething which maybe hasn't been struck before. But thisisall within the

parameters of the poiitical guidance." The whole air campaign was under the direct and close control of
NATO's political leaders. The North Atlantic Council regularly reviewed the
developments on the military scene. All Allies have expressed their regrets to

the Chinese authorities, all of them asked military commanders to make sure
rhat the mistake that occurred in the intelligence targeting procedure is
identified and correctedso that this does not happen again.So, all Allies have
accepted respvnsibilityfor an act of NATO. Unfortunately, in spite oflarge
civilian casualtiesno government has asked NATO to change its strategy,
including its targeting policy. During the discussions at the Security Council meetingsof 24and 26
March 1999, the Respondents considered Ihc acts of NATO as theiracts
(SIPV.3988and 3989).

1.9.2. Factsrelated to theimputability of acts of KFOR to the Respondents Press Conference held on the morning of13 May 1999,question:

"Jamie, could you provide an update on the status of planning foany eventual
WOR deployment? "
Jamie Shea:

"As to your question of arewe going to be ready, yes.The North Atlantic
Council has now been working with the military authorities to look at the
parameters of KFOR, to see what are the tasks that itmay have to perform
when it obviously will enteKosovo
"At the moment, we are lookingat rhat and we are goingto have to see hdwmanof

those taskswillfallta militav force andhow manywill be taken on by thOSCE,
by the European Union, by the UN or other organisations that willbe involvSo.
thatis planningwork whichis ongoing at themoment and after that work hasbeen
done, we can then looka little bit at the questiothe troop-to-tasratio and the
sizeofartoverallforce;no conclusionsfiavbeen drawn upyet but weare doingthatactively and we are ready. We have got 16,000 forces in the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia - thatisthe enabling force which is buildinup,which is

training for its missi-nand believeme, we don't intend to leave any vacuum in
Kosovo once the Serb forces have withdrawn, the international presence has to be
ready to deployveryquicklyand we are preparing for that." Prcss Conference held on the morning 0114May1999, question:
"When will NATO finish reviewing its plans fKFOR and will that be before

the G8 Summit in Cologne, and have you any indication, a breakdown of
numbersand countries involved yet? "
Jamie Shea:
"First of all on KFOR we are currently intensively reviewing the KFOR

planning because we are mindful of the fact that we have to be ready tu
contribute to an international security presence which has to be based on a
NATO core,NATO command and control arrangements, and we want that to
be in place. And we also ofcourse are looking at things like the size offorce
and we are looking at the taskingofthe force ."

The Applicant refers to the fact thaKFOR was planned by the North Atlantic
Council. It attaches the crucial importance to the fact that an international
security presence has to be based on a NATO core, NATO command and
control arrangements. Press conference held on the afternoonof 19M:iy 1999,question:
"What is the status for the planning of ground forces regarding a permissive
environment? We are talking about raising the numbers to beyond the 28,000
originally planned, whereisthisplanning heading and how far has it gone?"

Jamie Shea:
"On the ground troops, what we are doing iswe have asked SHAPE to revise
the operational plan for what we call Operation Joint Guardian, which is the
official name for the peace-implementation force.SWE have emw sent the.

revised operational plan to the Military Comrnittec according to the standard
NATO procedure. The Military Committee isnow looking at it, analysing it and
when the Milita~yCommittee are satisfied they will send it to the Council for
discussion and ultimatelyendorsement." Press Conference heldon the morning of25 May 1999,question:

"Is the NAC expected to take up the Military Committee's recommendation
today for the new expanded Kfor, or isthat something furIater in thc week?"
Jamie Shea:

"l'he Military Committee report has gone to the NAC under something called
silence procedure, and that expires at the cloof business today, and therefore
if no delegation has aquery, that will be judged to have been approved by the
North Atlantic Councit. From that moment SHAPE will come back with a status
of requirements, in other words a kind of new listof what is necessary for the

new operational concept of KFOR to go ahead in terms of haw many units ofengineers, how nlany units of industv, how much equipment, what kind of
communic;~tionc,all of this. And once that has been looked at by the Military
Committee, we will go to a Force Generation conference within the very, very
near future, in order to generate the additional forces that SACEUR has
identified and which the Council will have approved, so that is pretty much the

way forward.:'
"Does the official silenimply they are actually discussing it?"

Jamie Shea:
"No, what has happened is this has been extensively worked in the Military
Committee and of coulse the same countries are obviousIy represented in the
Military Committee asthe North Atlantic Council. So the MiIitary Committee

has done a lot of work on this, the Military Committee arenow satisfied with it,
it has gone to capitals but because the Military Committee are satisfied, we
deem that we can ilpprove this iinderasilence procedure. This also, and I want
to ernphasise this, shows the urgency, the urgency with which we are treating
this, the facthat we are puttingitunder a silencc procedurc rather than having

an extensive discrlssion in thNAC. But of course if a nation should break the
siIence procedure there would automatically be a meeting of the North Atlantic
Council to address thepoint in question.'' Press Conference held on tlzemorning of 21;May 1999, Jamie

"....Yesterday, as you know, ;I[the end of the afternoun, the North Atlanric
Cotlncil approved expi~nded corlccpts of operations for the Kosovo
Peacekeepill2 Peace Trnplementariot~Force. This isof course a firsstep. The
process of gathering the forces will take time, hecause effective military

planning among 19nations has to be done in adeliherate methodical way, but at
the same time we are going tomove ahead quickly on this. Today the military
authorities should be issuing a preliminary status of requirements to NATO
nations, which will indicate the number and type of forces that they believe that
they are going to require to successfully implement Operation Joint Guardian.

"On Monday, SHAPE will convene a preliminary Force Generation
Conference, which will be chaired by the'Deputy SACEUR, General Rupert
Smith, and this Force Generation Conference will he attended by
representatives of ;ill 19 Alliance Members, to begin the discussion as to how

wc meet thc essential military requirernencs for this expanded NATO Peace
Impiementation Force for Kosovu. And, as I said to you yesterday, thenext
stage willbe to consult withour Partner countries on the operational planning,
and in due course, to involve them inthc Force Generation, to the extent that

they wish to be itivolved.So, I wilof course update you as this whole process
proceeds, but as you can see, we are not losing any time. We are getting on
with it quickly." NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of 2 June 1999,
Matthew Chance, CNN:
"Jamie, can you confirm that this inrernationat securiForce will be firmly
under a NATO banner ;ind won't fall under kjncloUN auspices'?"

Jamie St~ea:
"We very much hope Matthew that it will have a UN Sect~rity Council
Resolution, and that ibeingworked on actively and we have saiall alonthat

itwillhave aNATO core.That means that NATO countries wilbe prominently
represented in the force, and it will have a NN'O command and control
structure.Itwill have robusNATO rules ofengagement, and NATO certainly
willbe, if you like, the centralpoletaround which the force will be built, but
you saw yesterday that11countries came to the Force Generation Conference.

By curning to thaconference they made it clear that they want go toKosovo
with us and not iany kindof otherarrangement."
Doug Hamilton, Reuters:
"Jamie, Viktor Chernomyrdin has said that thpeacekeeping force wilbe made

up of separategroups ofRussian and NATO troops under separatecommands.
If they are all going tbe inside Kosovo under this arrangement,won't that
amount 20 de klcto partition and won't that bc a violation of NATO's 5
sacrosanct demands?"

Jamie Shea:
"Doug, let'ssechowwe come out on this one. As firas NATO is concerned, we
are talkit~gabout a single force, not a number of different forces. A single farce
with a unityofcommand, robust rules of engagenlent and a common approach

throughout Kosovo. We are not going todo anything which csuld increase the
chances ofsome sort of p;rrtitwhelher virtual orreal.'' . KFOR is created by NATO. It is under command and control of
NATO. AlternativeleveryRespondent is responsible for acts committed in the
area under itscontrol.


1.10.1. NATO Press Conference held on the morning of 8 May 1999. NATO

Jamie Shea:
"NATO deeply regretslossof life, injuries to Chinese diplomatic personorl

to any other innocent civilianpresent in the Embassy at the time.Wc also
regretdamage to theEmbassy."Many Allies are currently in touch with the Chinese authorities in Beijing to
expresstheir sympathy and condolences tothem, ae~dalso to thefamiliesof the

1.10.2.NATO Press Conference held on the afternoon of8 May1999. Secretary
"Good afternoon. Following its meeting this afternoon, the North Atlantic
Councilwishes tuexpress its deep regretfor the tragic mistakefor the bombing
of the Chinese Embassyin Belgrade. I would like to telyou that I have just

spoken to the Chinese Ambassador here in Brusselsand I have transmitted the
regrets personally. The sincere sympathy and the condolences of all the
countries,of allthe members of the Alliance,go to the victims,to their families
and the Chinese government."
1.10.3. The Respondents have accepted responsibility for an actof NATO. 2. PARTTWO - LAW


2.1.1. The acts of the bombing of Yugoslav territory were in breach of the
obligation not to resort to theuse of force againstanother State, which exists as

a general rule of customary law and as a basic principle of the Charter of the
United Nations, and hasa nature of juscogens.
2.1.2.The International Court of Justice has confirmed the cogent nature of the
"A further confirmation of the validity,ascustomarq. international law, of ihe

principle of the prohibition of useofforce expressed in Article 2, paragraph 4,
1 , of the Charter of the United Nations may be found in the fact that it is
I frequently referred toi~ statements by State representatives asbeing not only a
principle of customary international law but also a fundamental or cardinal
principle of suchIaw. The International Law Commission, in the course of its
work on the codification of the lawof treaties, expressed the view that 'that law

ofthe Charter concerning the prohibition of the use of force in itself constitutes
a conspicuous example of a rule in international law having the character of'jus
cugensY(paragraph (1) of the commentary ofthe Commission to Article 59 ofits
draft Artides on the Law of Treaties, ICL Yearbook, 1966-11,p. 247).Nicaragua
in its Memorial on the Merits submitted in the present case states that the
principle prohibiting the use of force embodied in Article 2, paragraph 4, of the

Charter of the United Nations 'hascome to be recognized as jus cogens', 'fie
United States, in its Counter-Memorial on the questions of jurisdiction and
admissibility, found it material to quote the views of scholars that the princisle
a 'universal norm', a 'universal international law', a 'universally recognized
principle of international law', and a 'principleof j~a cogens'." (Military and
Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of
America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J.Reports 1986,p. 100.para 190).

2.1.3.The Court said that the use of force could not be an appropriate method
to monitor or ensure respect for human rights:
"The Court also notes that Nicaragua is accused by the 1985 finding of the
United States Congress ofviolating human rights. . .

"while the UnitedStates might form its own appraisalof the situationasto respect
forhuman rights in Nicaragua, the use of force could not be the appropriate
method to monitor or ensure such respect. With regard to thesteps actually taken,
the protection of human rights, astrictly humanitarian objective, cannot be

301compatible with the mining of ports, the destruction ofoil installationor again
with the training, arining anequippingof the contras. The Court concludes that
the argument derived from the preservation of human rights inNicaragua cannot
afford a legaljustificalion for the conduof the United States, and cannot in any
event be recot~ciledwith the legal strategy of tlzerespondent Statc, which is based
on the right olcullective self-defence." (Militand Paramilitary Activities iand
against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United Statcs of America), Merits, Judgment,

I.C.J. Reports 1986,pp. 134-135,paras. 267 and 268.)
2.1.4. The preparatory work of thc Charter indicates unequivocaIly that
intervention for special motives was r~~ledout. The subsequent practice of
theMember States of the Uniled Nations has not produced a departure in
general international law. Such a departure would, in principle: be a major

aberration and would require consistent and substantial evidence. Such a
change in customary law has not been asserted to exist,n~uchless proved, by a
singlemember Stalc uf NATO.
2.1.5. The basic principles of the legal regime relating tu the use of forcwere
also reaffirmed in the Definitiorl of Aggression adopted by the General

Assembly on 14 December 1974 (resolution 3314 (XXIX)). Article 5 of the
definition providesthnl: ''Noconsideration of whatever nalure, whether political,
economic. military or otherwise, nlay serve as a justification for aggressiot~."
2.1.6. 111c general legal r-girne of tile Charter was affirmed by Professor
Schwehei in his Hague lectures delivered in 1972 under the heading

"Aggression, Intervention and Self-Defencc in Modern International Law"
(Recued des Cours, Vol. 11(I972), pp. 413-497).
2.1.3. Prufessor Yomm Dinstein, in his monugraph on War, Aggression and
Self-Defence (CUP, 1585, at p. 89 ('Iab 411,concluded that: "Nothing in the
Charter substantiates the right ofone Stare to use forceagainst another under

the guise ofensuring thc implementation of human rights." (Ibid., p. 89.)
2.1.8. Professor Schachter is quite cleain his "International Law in Theory and ,
Practice", published in 1991. On page 128, he says:
"International law does not, and shouid not, legitimize the use of iorce across
national lines except for sclf-defence (including collective self-defence) and
enforcement measures ordered by the Security Council. Ncither human rights,

democracy or self-determinalion are acceptable legal grounds for waging war,
nor for that matter, are traditional just causes or righting wrongs. This
conclusjon is not only in accord with the UN Charter as itwas uriginajly
underslood; it is also in keeping with the interpretation adopted by the great
majority of Statesat the present time."

2.1-9. There isthe view of Professor Randelzhofer of Germany, in the volume
edited by Bruno Simma, Charter ofthe United Nations, ACommentary (OUP,
1994,(Tab 6) atpp. 123-124).
Professor Randelzhofer considers that there isno room for the concept of
humanitarian intervention, cither in the Charter or in customary law. 2.1.10. Bruno Sirnma is right when he says:

"In contemporary international law, as codilied in th1969 Vicnna Convention
on the Law of Treaties (Articles 53 and 64), the prohihition cnuncinted in
Article 2(4) uf the Charter is part ol jus cogens, i.e., it is accepted and
recognized by the Internationalcommunily of States as a whole as a norm from
which no derogation is permitted and which car1 be mudificd only by a
subsequent norm of general international law having the same pel-emptory

character. Hence, universaljus cogens, like the prohibition embodied inArtide
2(4), cannot be contracted nut uf at the regional level. Furlher, ttzeCharter
prohibition of the threat or use of artned form is binding un States both
individually and asmembers of international organizations, such as NATO, as
wellas on those organizations ttiemseEves."(Bruno Simma, NATO, thc UN and
the Use of Force: Legal Aspects, EJIL, 1999, Vol. 10,No. 1.)

2.1.11. After the aggression agait-istthe Kcspondent, the Sub-Commission on
the Promotion and Protection of I-Iurnan Rights expresscd its firn~estconviction
that the so-called "duty"and "right" to carry out "hutnanitarian intervention",
in particular by nleans of the threat or use of force, is juridically totally

unfounded under current general internationallaw and cotlsequently carmot be
considered as a justification for violatiof the prir~ciplesenshined in Article 2
of the Charter of the United Nations.(Annex E.CN.4/Sub.2/19981L.11, p. 5
Annex No. 164,460-462)
2.1.12."Humanitarian law shall not be invoked, as such, as abasis forthe use of

force. Should the recuursc to force be considered the, appropriate answer ta a
very serious violation of humanitarian law, rhis decision should be taken within
the framework of Chapter VTI of the UN Charter. Article 89 of Protocol I
stipulates that, in situationof serious violations of the Conventions or of
Protocol I, theHigh Contr;icting Parities shall act, jointorindividually,in co-
operation with thc UN. But, any intcrnalionnl response must respect the United

Nations Charter, the principlesof international law and humanitarian law. 'Ihe
possible humanitarian consequences must be taken into account" (International
Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Ked Cross and Red
Crescent Societies, 27th lnlernational Conference of the Red Cross and Red
Crescent, Compendium ofDocuments, Reference Documenl, p.10, para 5)

2.1.13. The Security Council of the Uniled Nations is exclusivelyempowered by
Ihe United Nations Charter lo decide on the use offorce, according to provisions
of Chapter VII of the Charter.The United Nations Security Council may utilize
regional arrangements or agencies for enforcement action. But according to
Article53 of the Charter "no enforcement action shallbe taken under regional
: arrangements or by regional agencies without ttie authorization of theSecurity

Council .. ."NATO and itsmember Stateswere without the authorizalion ofthe
SecurityCouncil for the,uscofforce against the Federal Republicof YugosIavia.
2.1.14. Aside from the legal issues, there are very strong grounds for the
disqualification othe so-called air strikes as a humanitarian intervention. 2.1.15. There is no genuine humanitarian purpose. The action against
Yugoslavia forms part or an ongoing geo-political agenda unrelated tohuman
rights. When in 1995, 300,000 Serbs were forced out of the Krajina, the
Respondent stayed silent.

2.1.16. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is a party to almost all international
instruments on human rights. It is a party to the 1948 Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; the 1965 T~ternational
Convention on the Elimination of A13Forms of Racial Discrimination; the 1966

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Culrural Rights; the 1966
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the 1968 Convention on
Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against
Humanity; the 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid; the 1979Convention on Elimination of
All Forms of Discrimination against Women; the 1948 Convention against

Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatmentor Punishment;the
1985 international Convention against Apartheid in Sports; the 1989
Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Federal Assembly ratified in 1998
the Framework Convention for the Protection of Minorities adopted by the
Council of Europe in 1994. The Framework Convention became a part of its
I internal law. The basicrights of individuals - members of minorities - are

provided for by the Yugoslav Constitution and relevant laws. There is a large
number of minority communities in Yugoslavia. In the northern part of Serbia,
Vojvodina, the Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, Ruthenians are the largest
minority communities. There are no special difficulties in relations between
them and the State. These communities are represented at all levels of State
organization. They are practising local self-government and exercising their
rightsin the fields of education, culture and media. The Albanian community in

Kosovu and Metohija has the same legal status and the same rights. The
problem in relations between this community and the State arises from the
militant secessionist movement culminating in the claim to secession.
2.1.17. Demanding only and excIusiveIysecession aimed at joining Albania and
creating Great Albania, the major part of the Albanian minority, under the

pressure of terrorist groups inthe last few years, refusedto exercise its rights
provided for by internal law, to participate in elections, to co-operate with State
organs. In spite of this, the atmosphere was tolerable. Even during the warilin
Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, there were no special difficulties. The
situation with regard to human rights in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
including Kosovo and Metohija, was assessed as positive:by the Respondents.

Between 1996 and 1998, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia concluded several
bilateral agreements on the return and readmission of Yugoslavcitizens obliged to
leave theterritory of the other State. Such agreements were applied in relation to
the Federal Republic of Germany from 1 December 1996.The Agreement with
the Republic of Italy was signed o19 Junc 1999.The text ofthe agreement was
initialled with the Kingdoof Belgium on 1GJanuary 1998.The negotiations with

304 Canada began in September 1997.The above-mentioned agreements are related
almost entirelyto Albaniitns from Kosovo and Metohija. 'lhey had been leaving
Koswo and Metohija due to economic reasons. To legalize their stay abroad, they
alleged national discrimination.s their requests [or asylumwere refused, while
their number was increasing, the host countries negotiated their readmission to
Yugoslavia.The refused requests for asylum and the negotiationand conclusion of
agreements on the readmission of citizensobliged tleave the territory of the other

state' proved that these States did not find national discrimination against
Albanians in Yugoslavia or the violation of their human rights to be the case.
Otherwise, they would be in breachof their obligations vis-i-vis refugees.
2.1.18. That before the NATO armed intervention there were no particular
problems in Kosovo and Metohija is also shown by the German provincial

authorities which, up until-NATO interventiun, had refused further permission
to stay to former Albanian refugees, invoking the official document issued by
the Ministry ofForeign Affairs of Germany that "in Kosovo an explicit political
persecution to Albanian ethnicity is .
not verifiable" and that:

"actions of the security forces are not directed against the Kosovo Albaniansas
an ethnically defined group, but againstthe military opponents and its actual or
alleged supporters,that is theKIA, which isfightingfor an independent Kosovo
using terrorist means" (The letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Federal Republic of Germany No. 514-516.80132 426of 12January 1999,Annex
NO. 165,pp. 463-466).

The same document says:
"The members of the Albanian people are not threatened by political
persecution related to their national affiliation. Thin,Belgrade alone several
thousands ofethnic Albanians live.Theirstatus isnot unfavourable and they are
not treated as unequal citizens on a systematic basis by the State. Tnsouthern
Serbia there are areas with a majority Albanian populatiun in which no cases of
violation of human rights worth mentioning have been registered against this
category of persons."

(Municipalities ofBujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja.)
2.1.19. In the courseof 1996 and 1557there were occasional terrorist attacks by
small criminal groups. During 1998 the situation changed. In that year there
were 1,854 terrorist attacks in which 284 persons were killed and 556 were
wounded. Among them there were 115 killed and 395) wounded policemen.

More than 100 civilians were kidnapped by terrorisgroups. Their fate remains
unknown. The Governments of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the
- Republic of Serbia tried to fina peaceful solution offering a broad autonomy
for Kosovo and Metohija and nominating a government delegation to discuss
the autonomy issue with representatives of the political parties of Kosovo
Albanians. About twenty times during 1998 the Government delegation
travelledto Pristina, the capital of Kosovo and Metohija, waiting for the

representatives of the Albanian political parties. But they did nappear.2.1.20. In the late summer of1998, police farces managed tosuppress terrorist

activities and to disperse terrorist groups in Kosovo and Metohija. Forcibly
recruited Albanians handed over weapons to the police and returned to their
villageswhere they received medical care and relief supplies, in particular food,
by the State authorities.
2.1.21. Not escaping externaI monitoring of the situation in Kosova and

Metohija, the Government of the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia concluded
with the OSCE on 16 October 1998, the Agreement on the OSCE Kosovo
Verification Mission, acceptinga large monitoring mission of 2,000 members
and reducing the presence of yolice and armed forces in Kosovo andMetohija.
The willingnessof the Yugoslav Government to bring about the calming down
of the situationwas abused by terrorist groups. They reorganized themselves
and cuntinued with terrorist attacks. Whey attacking civilians, they were

occasionally and pro formawarned by the Respondents. As ifthey were entitled
to kill Yugoslav policemen and soldiers. In fact, the terroristgroups were
supported by the Respondents. Bank accounts for contributions to terrorism in
Kosovo and Metohija exist in the United States of America, the Republic of
France, the Republic ofItaly, the Kingdom of Belgium, the FederalRepublic of
Germany, the lngdom of the Netherlands and Canada and have been
advertised inthe media and on the Internet.

2.1.22. Desirous to overcome the difficult situation, the Governments of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia accepted the
invitation of the ContactGroup countries to meet with the representatives of
the political partieofthe Kosovo Albanians atRambouillet in an attempt to
reach a political accord on broad autonomy for Kosovo and Metohija. To fulfil
the precondition of the Kosovo Albanian parties for talks to begin, the

Governments accepted the Contact Groups' representativesas mediators.
Unfortunately, this opportunitywas misused bysome member countries of the
Contact Group. They attempted to impose on the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, by ultimatum, the so-called Interim Agreement forPeace and Self-
Government in Kosovo.
2.1.23. After the failurof the Rambouittet-Kleber meeting, NATO began to

send troops tocountries bordering on Y ugosIavia,i.e.bordering on Serbia's
province of Kosovo and Metohija. In response, Yugoslavia increased the
presence of itsforces inthe region but nothing dramatic happened in Kosovo
and Metohija. Without anygrounds whatsoever, the OSCE Chairman-in-Office
withdrew the Kosovo Verification Mission, In his letter said:
"The OSCE Mission has made an important contribution to stabilitinKosovo,

and It is with sadness that I have to withdraw the MissiAs.OSCE Chairman-
in-Office,responsibIe for safety of approximately 1,400 verifiersfrom many
different countries, I do, however, have no other choinethe present situation.
My decisionhasbeen made in the lighofthe increasedviolencein Kosovo,ofwhich
both Yugoslavtroops and theKLA are to blame. Thebuildupof Yugoslavtroops in
Kosovoinbreach of the October Agreement has,however, unnecessarilyaggravated thesituationfurther, and has beeadecisiveelement inmy considerations." (Letter
of theOSCE Chairman-in-Office of 19 March 1999addressed to the President of
the Federal RepublicofYugoslavia,Annex No.166, p.467)

2.1.24. The Chairman-in-Office made no mention of the humanitarian
catastrophe because it did not exist at the time. But, it was preciselythe
humanitarian catastrophe that was subsequently presented asthe reason for the
~ beginning of the use of force.He referred only to "the increased violence in
Kosovo" blaming both the Yugoslav troops and the so-called KLA.I-Iedid not
explainthe accusation further. At that time the terrorist groups intensified their

activities, intending to prepare justification fNATO military intervention.
The Chairman-in-Office mentioned also"the build up of Yugoslav troops in
Kosovo in breach ofthe October Agreement", As I said earlier, the number of
I Yugoslav armed forces was slightly increased in response tagrowing number
of NATO troops on the Yugoslav borders.
I 2.1.25. The modalities selected disqualify the mission asa humanitarian one.

Bombing the populated areas of Yugoslavia and using high performance
ordnance and anti-personnel weapons involve policies completely inimical to
humanitarian intervention. Moreover, bombing from an attitude of 15,000 feet
inevitablyendangers civilians, and this operational mode is intended exclusively
to prevent risksto combat personnel.

2.1.26. The population ofYugoslavia as awhole is being subjected to inhumane
treatment and punishment for politicat reasons. A large number of civilians
have been killed, and thousands seriously injured.
2.1.27. Some groups of civilians, including television personnelhave been
deliberately targeted. Several attempts have beenade to assassinate the Head
of Stateof Yugoslavia.These modalities clearly disqualify the cltomactionon

humanitarian grounds.
2.1.28. The selection ofabombing campaign is disproportionate to the declared
aims ofthe actionThus i,order to protect one minorityione region, alltheother
communities in the wholeof Yugoslaviaare placed at riof intensivebombing.

2.1.29. The pattern of targets and the geographical extent of the bombing
indicate broad political purposes unrelated to humanitarian issues.
2.1.30. Major considerations of international public order disqualifying the
bombing as a humanitarian action. As the Respondent States know very well,
the so-called crisis originatedin the deliberate fomenting of civil strife in
Kosovo and Metohija and the subsequent support by NATO States to terrorist

groups. This interference is continuing. In such conditions those States
responsible for the civil strife ande intervention are stopped from pleading
humanitarian purposes.
2.1.31. In this context it is relevant to recall thal the International Law
Commission draft of 1980 on State Responsibility provides in Articie 33(in
material part)that:
i"2. In anycase,a state of necessity maynot:be invoked bya Stateas a groundfor

precluding wrongfulness: ........................................
(c) ifthe State in question has contributed to the occurrence ofthe state of

necessity." (YLLC, 1980,Vol. TI{Part Two), pp. 34-52).
2.1.32. The threatsof massive use of force go back to October 1998 and have
throughout been intended to produce not a genuine peaceful settlement but a
dictated result.The massive air campaign was planned some time ago for the
purposes of general coercion in order to force Yugoslavia to accept NATO
demands. NATO first threatened with air strikes in October 1995, and this isa

matter of publicknowledge.
2.1.33. There has bee11no attempt to obtain Security Council authorization.
Members of the Court, if chis was an obviously humanitarian intervention
acceptable to Ihe international community as awhole, why was it not possible to

ask forthe autl~orization of the Security Council?
2.1.34.There isno evidence that the jus cogens principle concerning theuse of
force has been replaced by any olhcr principle illfjus cogens.

2.1.35.When landed inKosovoand Metohija intheform ofWOR, the Respondent
did nothing to preventgenocideofthe Serb and non-Albanianpopulation there.


2.2.1. In the Nicaragua case, the Court elaborated on the principle of non-
intervention as follows:

"The principle of non-intervention involves the right of every sovereign State to
conduct its affairs .without outside interference; though examples of trespass
against this principlare not infrequent, the Court considers that it is part and
parcel of customary international Iaw.AS the Court has observed: "Between
independent State, respect for territorial sovereigntisan essential foundation
of international relations" (I.C.J.Reports 1549, p. 351,and international law

requires political integrity also be respected. Expressions of an opinio juk
regarding the existence of the principle of non-intervention in customary
international law are numerous and not difficult to findOf course, statements
whereby States avow their recognitionof the principlesof internationallawset
forth in the United Nations Charter cannot strictly be interpreted as applying
to the principle of non-intervention by States in the internal and external

affairsof other States, since thisprinciple isnot, as such, spelled out in the
Charter, But itwas never intended that the Charter should embody written
confirmation of every essential principle of international law in force. The
existence in the opirziojurisof States of the principle of non-intervention is
backed by established and substantial practice.Ithas moreover been presentedas a corollary of the principle of sovereign equality of States. A particular
instance of this are General Assembly resolution 2625(XXV), the Declaration

on the Principles of International Law cot~cerning Friendly Relations and Co-
operation among States. In the CoijfuClinrrrzelcase, when a Slate claimed a
right of intervention in order to secure evidence in the territory of another
State for submission to an international tribunal (T.C.J.Reports 1449, p. 34),
the Court observed that:

"that alleged right of intervention asthe manifestation of a policy of force, as
such has, in the past, given rise to most serious abuses and such as cannot,
whatever be the present defects in international organization, find a place in
international law. Intervention is perhaps still less adn~issibte in the particular
form it would take here; for, from the nature of things,itwould be reserved fox

the most powerful States, and might easilylead to perverting the administration
of international justice itsell."(l.CReports 1849,p. 35.)
(Militaryand ParamilitaryActivities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaraguav. United
Sratesof America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J.Reports 2956,p. 106. para 202)

2.2.2. The 1970 Declaration on Principles of Tnternational Law concerning
Friendly Relations and Goyoperation among States provides evidence of the
consensus among States on the meaning of the principle of non-intervention,
formulated as follows:
"The principle concerning the duty not to intervene in matters within the

domestic jurisdiction of any State, in accordance with the Charter."
The document then has an official commentary:
"No State or group of Stateshas the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for

any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairsof any other State.
Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or
attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political,
economic and cultural elements, are in violation of international law.

"No State may use or encourage thc use of economic, political or any other
type of measures to coerce another State in order to obtain from it the
subordination of the exercise of its sovereign rights and to secure from it
advantages of any kind. Also, no State shall organize, assist, foment, finance,
incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towt~rdsthe
violent overthrow of the regime of another State, or interfere in civil strife in
another State.

"The use of force to deprive peoples of their national identity constitutes a
violation oftheir inalienablerights and of the principleof non-intervention.

"Every Slate hasan inalienable right tochoose its politicaeconomic, social and
cultural systems,without interference inany form by another State.
"Nothing in the foregoing paragraphs shall be construed as affecting the
relevant provisions of the Charter relating to the maintenance of international

peace and security."2.2.3. In the Nicaragua case, the Court continued:
"The principle has since been reflected in numerous declarations adopted by
international organizations and conferences ..., e.g., General Assembly

resolution 2131(XX), ...,the essentials of resolution 2f31(XX) are repeated in
the Declaration approved by resolution 2625 (XXV),which set out principles
which the Genera\ Assembly declared to be "basic principles" of international
law,..." (Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua
(Nicaragua v.United States of America), Merits, Judgment, 1.C.J.Reports 1986,
p. 107para, 203)

2.2.4. Further in the Nicaragua case, the Court continues:
"...As regards the first problem - that of the content:of the principle of non-
intervention - the Court will define only those aspects of the principle which
appear ro be relevant lo the resolution of the dispute, In this respect it notes
that, inview of the generally accepted formulations, the principle forbids all
States or groups of States to intervene directly or indirectly in internal or

external affairsof other States. A prohibited intervention must accordingly be
one beating on maters in which each State is permitted, by the principle of
State sovereignty, to decide freely. Intervention is wrongful when it uses
methods of coercion in regard to such choices, which must remain free ones.
The element of coercion, which defines, and indeed forms the very essence of,
prohibited intclvention, is particularly obvious in the case of an intervention
which uses force, either in the direct form of military action, orin the indirect
form of support for subversive or terrorist armed activities within another

State These forms of action are therefore wrongful in the light of both the
principle oi non-use of force, and that of non-intervention ."(Military and
Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States
of America), Merits, Judgment, 1.C.J. Reports 2986, p. 107 para 205)
2.2.5. The principle of non-intervention has been confirmed bythe Final Act of
the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (Helsinki, 1August

1975). The formulation of the principle reads as follows:
"The participating States will refrain from any intervention, direct or indirect,
individual or collective, in the internal or external affairs falling within the
domestic jurisdiction of another participating State, regardless of their mutual

"They will accordingly refrain from armed intervention or threat of such
intervention against another participating State.
"They will likewise in all circumstances refrain from any other act military,or

of political, economic.or other coercion designed to subordinate to their own
interest the exerciseby another participating State of the rights inherent in its
sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.
"Accordingly, they will, inter alia, refrain from direct or indirect assistance to
terrorist activities, or to subversive or other activities directed towards the

violent overthrow of the regime of another participating State."2.3.2. Inthe Nicaragua casethe Court
"The Court should now mention the principle of respect for State sovereignty,
which in international law is of course closelylinked with the principles of the

prohibition of the use of force and of non-intervention. The basic legal concept
of State sovereignty in customary international law, expressed in, inter alia,
Article 2, paragraph 1, of the United Nations Charter, extends to the internaI
waters and territorial sea of everyState and tothe air space over its territorAs
to superjacent air space, the 1944Chicago Convention on CivilAviation (Art.1)
reproduces the established principleof the complete and exclusivesovereignty
of a State over the air space above its territory. That convention, in conjuction
with the 1958Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea, further specifies that
the sovereigntyof the coastal State extends to the territorial sea andto the air

space aboveit, as does the United Nations Convention on the Lawof the Sea
adopted on 10December 1982.The Court has no doubt that these prescriprions
of treaty-law merely respond to firmly established and long-standing tenets of
customaryinternational law.(Militaryand Paramilitary Activities in and against
Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J.
Reports 1986, p. 111,para 212)

"The duty of everyState to respect the territorial sovereignty of others is to be
considered for the appraisal to be made of the facts relating to the mining
whichoccurred along Nicaragua' scoasts. The legal rules in the lightof which
these actsof miningshould bejudged, depend upon where they took place. The
layingof mines within the ports of another State is governed by the law relating
to internal waters, which are subjected to the sovereignty sf the costal State.
The position is similar as regards mines placed in the: territorial sea. It is
therefore the sovereignty ofthe coastal State whichis affected in such cases. It
is also virtue of its sovereigntythat thecoastal State may regulate access to its

"On the other hand, itis true that in order to enjoy access to ports, foreign
vessels possesess a customary right ofinnocent passage in territorial waters for
the purposes ofenterning orleavinginternal waters; Article 18, paragraph 1 (b),
of the United Nations Convention un the Law of the Sea of 10December 2982,
does no moje than codi£y customary international law on this point. Since
freedom of navigationisguaranteed, first in the exclusiveeconomic zoneswhich
may exsistbeyond territorial waters (Art. 58 of the Convention), and secondly,

beyond territorial waters on the high seas (Art. 87), it follows that any State
which enjoys a right of access to ports for its ships also enjoys all freedom
necessaryfor maritime navigation. It may therefore be said that, if this right of
access to the port is hindered by laying of mines by another State, what is
infringed is the freedom of communications and maritime commerce. At all
events,it iscertain that interference with navigation in thiareasprejudices both
the sovereignty of the coastal State over its internal waters, and right of free access enjoyed by foreign ships. (Military and Paramilitary Activities in and
against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment,
I.C.J.Reports 1986,p. 111,paras 213,214)
"...The Court considersthat ininternational law,ifone State, with aview'tothe
coercion of another State, supportsand assists armed bands in that State whose

purpose is to overthrow the government of the State, that amounts to an
intervention byone State in the internal affairs of the other, whether or not the
political objectiveofthe Stategivingsuch support and assistance is equally far-
reaching. (Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua
(Nicaragua v. UnitedStates ofAmerica), Merits,Judgment, LC,J,Reports 1986,
p. 124,para 241).

"The effects of the principle of respect for territorial sovereignty inevitably
overlap with those of the principles of the prohibition of the useof force and
non-intervention. Thus the assistance tothe uonfras,aswellas thedirect attacks
on Nicaraguan ports, pi1 installations, etc., referred to in paragrap81 to 86
above, not only amount to an unlawful use of force, b;t also constitute
infringements of the territorial sovereigntyof Nicaragua, and,incursions into its
territorial and internal waters. Similarly, the mining operations in the

Nicaraguan ports not onlyconstitute breaches of the principleof non-use force,
but also affect Nicaragua's sovereignty over certain nlaritime expanses. The
I Courr has in factfound that these operations were carried on in Nicaragua's
territorial or internal waters or both (paragraph 801, and :dccordinglythey
I constitute a violation of Nicaragua's sovereignty,The principle of respect for
territorial sovereigntyisalso directlyinfringedbythe unauthorized overflightof
a State's territory by aircraft belonging to or undcr the control of the
government ofanother State. The Court has found such uverfliglrtswere Enfact
made (paragraph 91above). (Military and ParamilitaryActivitiesin and against

Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment, I.C.J.
Reports 1986, p.128 para 251).


2.4.1, In its Advisory Opinion on Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear
Weapons, theCourt addresses the issueof international humanitarian law:

"A large number of customary rules have been developed by the practice of
States and are an integral part of the internationaIaw relevant to the question
posed. The 'lawsand customsof war'- as they were traditionally called - were
the subject of efforts at codification undertaken in The Hague (including the
Conventions of 1889 and 1907)andwere based partly upon the St. Petersburg
Declaration ot 1868 as well asthe results of the Brussels Conference of 1874.
This 'Hague Law'and, more particularly, the Regulations Respecting the Laws
and CustomsofWar and Land, fixedthe rightsand duties of belligercnts itheir

conduct of operatiunsbandlimited the choice of methods and means ofinjuringthe enemy in an internationalarmed conflict.One should add to this 'Geneva
Law' (the Conventions of 1864, 1906, 1929, and 1949), which protects the
victims of war and aims to provide safeguards for disabled armed forces
personnel and persons not taking part in the hostilities. These two branches of

the law applicable in armed conflicthave become so closely interrelated that
they areconsidered to have gradually formed one sit~gleconlplex system, known
today as international humanitarian law. The provisions of the Additional
Protocols of 1977 give expression and attest to the unity and complexity of law.
"Since-the turn of the century, theappearance of new means of combat has -
without calling inso question the long-standing principles and rules of

internationallaw- rendered necessary some specific prohibitions of the use of
certain weapons, such as explosive projectiles under 400 grarnmes, durn-durn
bulletsand asphyxiating gases.Chemical and bacteriologica! weapons were then
prohibited by the 1925 Geneva Protocol. More recently,use of weapons
producing 'nun-detcctables fragments', of othertypes of 'mines,body traps and
other devices', and of 'incendiary weapons', was either prohibited or limited,
depending on the case,by the Convention of 10October 1980on Prohibitions ar

Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapuns Which May Be
Deemed to Be Excessivefy Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects.The
provisions ofthe Convention on 'mines, booby traps and other devices' havejust
been amended, on 5 May 1996, and now regulate in greater detail, for example,
the use ofanti-personnel land mines.
"All thi showsthat conduct of military operations is governedby a body oflegal

prkscriptions. This isso because 'the right of belligerentstu adopt means of
injuring theenemy isnot unlimited' as statedin Article 22 of the 1907 Hague
Regulations relating to the laws and customsof war on land. The St. Petersburg
DccIaration had already condemned the use of weapons 'which uselessly
aggravate the suffering of disabled men or make their death inevitable'. The
aforementioned Regulations relating to the laws and customs of war on land,
annexed to the Hague Convention IV of 1907, prohibit the use of 'arms,

projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering' (Art. 23).
"The cardinal principles contained in the texts constituting the fabric of
humanitarian law are the following.The first isaimed at the protection of the
civilian population and civilian objects and establishes the distinction between
combatants and non-combatants; States must never make civilians the objects of
attack and must consequently never use weapons that are incapable of
distinguishing between civilian and military targets.According to the second

principle, itisprohibited to cause unnecessary suffering forcombatants: it is
accordingly prohibited to use weapons causing them such harm or uselessly
aggravating their sufferingIn application of that second principle, Statdo not
have unlimited freedom of choice of means in the weapons they use.
The Court would likewise refer, irelation to these principles, tthe Martens
Clause, which was first includedinthe Hague Convention II with respectto the

Laws and Customs of War on Land of 1899 and which has proved to be an effective means of addressing the rapid evolution of military technology. A
modern version of that clause is not to he found in Articl1, paragraph 2,of the
Additjonal Protocol I of 1977,which reads as follows:

'Incases not covered by this Protocol or by other international agreements,
civilians and combatants remain under the protection and authority of the
principles of international law derived from established custom, from the
principles of humanity and from the dictates of public conscience.'

In conformity with the aforementioned principles, humanitarian law, at a very
early stage, prohibited certain types of weapons either because of their
indiscriminate effect on combatants and civilians or because of the unnecessary
suffering caused to combatants, that is to say, a harm greater than that
unavoidable to achieve legitimate military objectives. If an envisaged use of

weapons would not meet the requirements of humanitarian Iaw, a threat to
engage in such use would also be contrary to thatlaw.
"Itis undoubtedly because a great many rules of humanitarian law applicable in
armed conflict are so fundamental to the respect of the human person and

'elernentaq considerations of humanity,' as the Court put it in its Judgment of 9
April 1949 in the Co+ Channel case (I.C.J. Reports 1549, p. 22), that the
Hague and Geneva Conventions have enjoyed aboard accession. Furlher, these
fundamenta1 rules are to be observed by all States whether or not they have
ratified the conventions that contain them, because they constitute

intransgressible principles of international customary law. (Legality of the
Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion, 1.C.J.Reports 2996,pp.
256- 257,paras 75 - 79)
2.4.2. The International Committee of the Red Cross clearly and explicitly

states their viewpoint that in the Additional Protocol of June 8, 1977 to the
Geneva Conventions of August 12,1949,and relating to the protection of victims
ofinternational armed conflicts (Protocol I),the customary rules were adopted.
Moreover, the International Committee of the Red Cross holds the view that
Article 51 of Protocol I isone of the most important provisions of Protocol I,

'explicitly recognizing the customary rule that innocent civilians must be kept
out of hostilities as much as possible and enjoy general protection against
dangers arising from t~ostilities'.~'~
2.4.3. The basic rule is that the parties to the conflict should at all times

. distinguish between civilian population and combatants and accordingly direct
their military operations only against militar~r
Inorder to ensure this kind of protection of civilian population,the population
as a whole and as individual civilians cannot be the object of attack, unless and
for such time as they take active partin h~stilities.~~

267 Commentary on the AdditionalProtocols oJune 1977 totheGencva Conventionsof12
August 1949,Geneva, 1987p.615,note2293.
Article 4ofProt~lcoI.
%Y Article51,Paragraph3of Protoco1.,2.4.4. Also, in order that civilians be protected, all indiscriminate attacks are
forbidden. Itis beyond doubt that an attack which may be expected to cause
incidental loss of civilian liveinjury to civiliansdamage to civilian objects, oa
combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and

direct military advantage anticipated.?'"
2.4.5. The same kind of protection ensured civilian population is indisputably
also ensured the journalists doing their job in areas of armed conflicts.Namely,
according to the categorical provisions of Protocol I,journalists are considered

as civilians; they are protected as other civilians, provided that they take no
action adversely affecting their statusas civilians.'"
2.4.6. The contemporary international Iawrecognizes that only military objects

can be objectives of attacks. Accordingly, no other object that lacks the
character of a military one, i.e., the one that can be considered a civiiian object,
cannot be the objective of adeliberate attack.
2.4.7. This rule can also be saidto have the character of customary law.Namely,

the obligation to refrain from attack on civilian objects was prescribed in the
Rule Book concerning Laws and Customs of War on Land, with the 4th Hague
Convention on Laws and Customs of War on Land of 1907.'n In Article 25 of
the Rule Book it is clearly forbidden tu 'attack or bomb with any means
undefended towns, villages, settlements, or buildings'. There is no doubt that the

term"undefended' implies civilian objects, i.e., those objects whose use does not
contribute to military action. There is alsono doubt that the rules contained in
the Rule I3ook represent customary rules, i.e., those rules that had existed
before the convention was adopted and which were only codified when the
Convention was adopted. Therefore, the question of whether these rules are

obiigatory cannot be raised.
2.4.8. This customary rule was also adopted in Protocol I,where, in Article 48,
the Parties to the armed conflict are 'reminded' of the customary law obligation
to direct their military operations only against military objectives. In an even

clearer and more explicit way Protocol Iprescribes that 'civilianobjects shaIl not
be the object of attack or of repri~als',"~i.c., that the attacks are to be limited
strictly to military objects.""
2.4.9. In this respect, the definition by the International Institute for

International Law, adopted at the 1969Edinburgh session, is very important.
According to this definition, military objectare "only those which by their very
nature or purpose or use, make an effective contribution to military action, or
exhibit a generally recognized military significance, such that their total or
partial destruction in the actual circumstances gives a substantial, specific and

270Article 5Paragraph 5bofProtocoI.
271Article ofProtocolI.
272 InternationLaw concerningConductof Hostilities, Gene1989pp. 16-19.
273 Article 5Paragraph1,of Protocol I.
274 Article 5Paragraph2,of Protocol I.immediate military advantage to those who are in'a position to destroy them"
(Annuaire ID1 2, Edinburgh Session, 1959, p. 376.) A similar definition is

adopted in Protocol I: "..military objectives are limited to those objects which
by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to
military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralizatjon,
in the circrirnstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage."
(Article 52,Paragraph 2, of Protocol I.)

2.4.10. Therefore, a general definition of a military objects,which does not
specify individual ubjects, add a definitionof a civilian object in negative terms
(the object which is not a military one) require that the party undertaking an
attack take certain precautionary measures and positively identify the nature of
the object to be attacked. This obligation is explicitly stated in Protocol 1,with

the addition that in caseof doubt whether an object which is normally dedicated
to civilian purposes is being used to make an effective contribution to n~ililasy
action, it shalbe presumed not to be so used.2z5
2.4.11. The attacks on the hospitals and other health care institutions are in
direct contravention to the rules of the international humanitarian law. These

attacks violated the explicit provisionsof the Geneva Conventions concerning
the protection of civilian persons in time of war, of August 12,1949. In Article
18, Paragraph 1, of the Cotzventions, it is explicitly prescribed that "civilian
hospitals organized to give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm and
maternity cases, may in na circumstances bcthe object of attack, but shall at all
rimes be respected arid protected."
Also, the rule of protecting civilian hospitals in time of armed conflict isa

customary rule. Namely, such a rule iscontained in the Regulations respecting
the Laws and Customs of War on Land, with the Hague IV Convention
respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land of 1907.2i"
2.4.12. The Regulations respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land
with the Hague Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land

of 1907contain in Article 27 the rule that imparts the obIigation an the parties
to the conflict to take all necessary steps to "spare ...buildings dedicated to
religion, art, science, or charitable purposes, historic monuments ..."In
essence, this provision indicates the obligation of the parties to the conflict to
refrain from attacks on cultural objects. The Applicant again points to the fact
that the rules contained in the Regulations are customary rules: the conclusion
that follows is that the prohibition of attack on cultural objects is part of

customary law.
2.4.13. Supporting the view of the customary nature of the rules applying to the
protection of cultural ol3jjectis the fact that even before the Hague Peace
Conference, which codified these rules, there had been rules applying to the
protection of these objects. For example, ~ieber's instructions, intended for the

275Article 52,Paragraphof Protocol I.
276Articl27 ofthe Hague Rule Buok.United Statesarmed forces in 1863, prescribe in Article 35 that cultural objects

can in no circumstances be exposed to deliberate destruction or darnag~.~"
Article 13of the Brussels DccIaration of 1874 states that deliberate damage to
religious, historic, and art works is subject to Iegal proceedings conducted by
competent authorities."' These customary rules ,were confirmed in the

Convention relative to the Protection of Cultural Objects uf May 14, 1854, and
Protocol I.Article 4, paragraph 1,of the said Convention states the obligation of
the states which are parties to the armed conflict to refrain from any acts of
hostility directed against these objects. A fuIIer prohibition of attack on cultural

objects is prescribed in Protocol I,which explicitly states that it is forbidden to
commit any acts of hostility directed against the historic monuments, works of
art or places of worship which constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of

2.4.14. It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or render useless objects
indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs,
agricultural areas for the production of foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking

water installations and supplies and irrigation works.!"'
Depending on the circumstances, other objects which can be of inlportance to
the survival of civilian population should be covered by the prohibition, and this
by all means implies heating installations. This is also the stand of the

International Committee of the Red Cross. Namely, it is pointed out in the
Commentary ofthe Protocol that the words 'such as' are illustrative and that an
aIl-inclusivelist of such objects would Iead tothe omission of some of them or lo
an arbitrary sele~tion.~'

2.4.15. Protocol I explicitly prohibits the use of methods or means of warfrire
which are intended or may be expected to cause widespread, long-term and
severe damage to the natural environment and thereby to prejudice the health
or survjval of the p~pulation,~" In this case, as in the case of the protection of

objects indispensable to the survival of civilian population, severe, long-term
and widespread damage to the natural environment would render the
environment unfit and dangerous for the lifeof civilians, and would basically
directed against them.

2.4.16. The use of amnlunitions contaning depleted uranium is prohibited by
the rules of the international humanitarian law. By all its characteristics such
ammunition falls into the category of the so-called radiological weapons, which

are, by its nature itnd effects, a subdivison of nuclear weapons. The only
difference between them and the nuclear arms proper is that some of its effects

277 D.Schindlerand JToman: The Laws ofArmed Cunflict?, thied.Dnrdrccht, 1988,p.8.
278 D.Schindleran JToman:The LawsofArmed Conflicts2nded., 1981.p27.
27Qrti~1~53, Paragraph laofProtocol1.
Z8UArticle54, Paragraphof ProtocoI.
Commentary , p.citp.655,not< 2103.
2t$Article 5of Protoc o.lare milder. There is no doubt that radioactive effects in both of their
manifestations - primary and secondary - are also characteristic of this

weapon. While itis possible, to speak of controlling the primary effect of
nuclear radiation, it is absolutely impossible to control the secondary radiation,
whose spreading depends on. countless factors, which cannot be controlled:
direction and speed of wind, meteorological conditions, direction of

watercourses. This means that the effects of the secondary radiation can be felt
far away from the place of the employment of weapons containing depleted

2.4.17. A particular danger of the effects of this weapon, i.e., secondaq
radiation, lies in the fact that can seriously pollute land, plants, drinking water,
which means that it causes widespread and serious pollution of the natural
environment. In more serious cases of irradiation, the natural environment may

become unfit forlife for a longperiod of time. In anycase, however, this kind of
action against the natural environment leads to a continual and long-lasting
exposure to radiation of the people living in such places.2nJ

2.4.18. The consequences of the exposure of the human organism to nuclear
radiation are severe. First of all, there issevere, acute damage to the human
organism even at relatively low amounts of radiatian, which in more acute cases
may lead to death. Besides, a particularly serious effect of nuclear radiation is
on the DNA2@cells, where serious chemical changes occur and can continue

Eongafter the exposure lonuclear radiation. These changes lead to the disorders
in the metabolism of DNA and the mutation of the genetic code, which is later
manifested in the descendants.

2.4.19. According to this brief explanation of their effects, it isobvious that
nuclear arms, including, no doubt, the nuclear ammunition which contains
depleted uranium, bear several characteristics which make it prohibited. First of
all,they have the characteristic of chemical weapons, because it induces
chemical reactions in the human organism, which are reflected in the change of

the hematological nature, in the blood, and in the chemical changes in DNA
cells.They are also indiscriminate arms, because their effects cannot be limited
to selected targets, but it inevitably affects protected objects as well. Besides,
they belong to the group of weapons which inflict unnecessary suffering,

because they also affect protected persons, even in several generations following
their use. There is also no doubt that they are weapons which cause severe, long-
term and widespred damage to the natural environment. Bearing in mind all the
consequences of the effects of nuclear arms, i.e., the ammunition containing
depleted uranium, the prohibition of their use may be extracted from several

sources of the international law of armed conflicts.

7.m Accordingtonuclearphysic~stss,econdaryradiationposesa permanent dain theplaceshit
untilthccndof theso-callehalf-lioftheusednuclcar matter,whlch aperiodofseveralmillion
734 DNA -dcoxyribonuc leis,whlchcontaingenetidata and transfthem tothedescendants. 2.4.20. As long ago as 1868the Declaration of St-Petersburg prescribed "that
the only legitimate object which States should endeavour to accomplish during
a war is tweaken the militaryforcesof the enemy", and "that this object would
be exceeded bythe employment of arms which uselessly aggravate the sufferings

of disabled men, or render their death inevitable." It is evident that the only
legitimate abject of war, according to the Declaration of St. Petersburg, the
military force of the enemy. By using ammunition containing depleted uranium
this object isinevitably exceeded. Aswas pointed out above, this weapon dues
not strike military force alone; its secondary effects inevitably strike both the

protected persons and the natural environment. Therefore, itcar] be rightfully
considered to be an indiscriminate weapon, which cannot be aimed at a
preselected target, and isthereby prohibited. Furthermore, nuclear arms inflict
unnecessary suffering for the simple reason that they inevitably hitthose targets
which must be spared. Therefore, allthe suffering of those who do not comprise
military force is unnecessary and unpermissible. The Protocol concerning the

prohibition of the use in time of war of suffocating, poisonous or similar gases
and bacterioEogica1agents (The Geneva Protocol of 1925) is one of the clearest
legal sources that can be applied when ascertaining the legality of nucIear
weapons. The Protocol expresses the view that the prohibited suffocating,
poisonous 'and similar gases, liquids, matters, and similar acts' are condemned
by the general consensus within the civilizedworld. The word 'similar', which is

used in the Protocol, should not be interpreted to refer only to the physical or
chemical similarity of the weapons with suffocating or poisonous gases. On the
contrary. bearing in mind that similar acts are also prohibited, the only true
interpration is that the similarity should be looked for in the effects of the
weapons. By their effects, nuclear weapons are the least 'similar' to what was
prohibited by the Geneva Protocol. The changes in the human organism caused

by nuclear weapons are very similar tothose of poisonous gases. In the human
blood, there are changes ofchematological nature, similar to those produced by
the notorious poisonous gases, such as mustard gas. Also, the mechanism of
genetic change must be viewed as a manifestation of the chemical effect of

2.4.21.It should be noted that the listed rules which see the use of nuclear
weapons as illegal, aro also the rules of customary Iaw. This can also be
unquestionably concluded from the Geneva Protocol, which explicitly states
that the use of means and acts which are prohibited by the Protocol already
'condemned by the general consensus within the civilized world'. This means
that the creators of the Geneva Protocol, when they were adopting it, had
already held the view that the rule which they codify in the Protocol actually a

rule of the customary law. Finally, the prohibition of the use of nuclear
weapons isalso found inProtocol I(to the Geneva Conventions).First of all,as
a general rule, the Protocol points out that the right of the Parties to the
conflict tochoose methods or means of warfare is not unlimited; this limitation
is further specified in the Protogol by the reiteration of the generally acceptedprohibition to employ weapons, projectiles and material and methods of
warfare of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering."-I An
especially important provision is that from Paragraph 3 of Article 35 of

Protocol I,according to which it is prohibited to employ methods or means of
warfare which are intended, or may be expected, to cause widespread, long-
term and severe damage to the natural environment. A Iinguistic and logical
analysisof thisprovision showsthat it imposes strict limitations upon the use of
weapons which cause damage to the natural environment, including nuclear

weapons, ie., the ammunition containing depleted uranium. It is enough to
expect of these weapons to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to
the natural environment. And it is more than certain that what can be expected
of the weapons using depleted uranium is that they will cause exactly such
damage tothe natural environment.

2.4.22. The International Court of Justice also dealt with the issue of the
prohibition of nuclear weapons.zab There is no need for a detailed analysis of
the Advisory Opinion of the International Court. Yet, it seems that the
Advisory Opinion offers a basis for considering the use of ammunition
containing depleted uranium in the concrete case of the NATO strikes on
Yugoslavia unpermissible and contrary to the rules of the international law of
armed conflicts.

2.4.23. The large part of the legal doctrine also considers nuclear weapons
prohibited by the relevant rules of the international humanitarian law. In a
simple but easilycomprehensible way, H. Moor expresseshis beliefsconcerning
the prohibition of nuclear weapons: 'Nucleararms are contrary to international
law,because: first,nucleararms are poisonous, and onlybarbarians poison their

enemies; second, nuclear arms are inhumane, because they cause superfluous
suffering; third, nuclear arms cannot be used without violating the historical
distinction between combatants and non-combatants; fourth, nuclear arms are
contrary to the Geneva Prolocol of 1925, which prohibits the use of suffocating
poisons orother gases and analogous liquids, matters and acts.'?"R.E. Charlier
thinks that all atomic,biological,and chemicalweapons make one whole also in

respect to the legalityof their use. If some of these weapons are prohibited by
one text,the prohibition covers the others 'bythe sameness of motive and the
solidarity of cause and effect. Atomic weapons are considerd to be those
weapons which were implied in the part dealing with chemical weapons, The
fact thatthey were not explicitlymentioned in the Geneva Protocol of 1925isno
hindrance to get to their prohibition by way of analogy, because the Protocol

prohibits "similar" matters. Theywere not mentioned because they didnot exist
at the time of the adoption of the Protocol, but since in the Protocol "all similar
matters ..are prohibited by the universal legal consciousness", the prohibition

2@ Articl35,Paragraphs1and 2,ofProtocoI.
2m Legalitofthe Use bya StatofNuclearWeaponsin Armed ConflicAdvisoryOpinion, I. J.
Reports 1996pp.68-71.
2m Report of th46thConferenceofInternationLaw A~sociation,Edinburgh, p. 21.aIso covers nuclear The Applicant shall mention one more opinion,
that of M. Greenspan, who also deems nuclear weapons illegal. According to
this author, nuclear weapons are contrary to the principles established in the

Declaration of st. Petersburg, because they aggravate the suffering of the
disabled and render their death inevitable. The use of nuclear weapons is also
contrary to the Geneva Protocol of 1925,for ifradiation cannot be assigned to
the category ofprohibited gases, itdoes have poisonous effects, so,by analogy, it
can be condemned as 'similar'tothe means and actsprohibited by the Protocol.

Nuclear weapons are contrary to the international law because they cause
permanent pollution ofthe natural environment, and not only of Iand and food
but also of water and air. For the same reasons radiological weapons (i.e.,
ammunition containingdepleted uranium) can also be considered to be contrary

to the ruIesof the international law.:"
2-4.24. According to Joint Intervention by the International Peace Bureau and
International Educational Development concerning depleted uranium
munitions, submitted at the fifty-first session of Sub-Commission on the

Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, "these radioactive weapons have
already been used in Kuwait, Iraq, Kosovo and Serbia even though they are
illegal under existing humanitarian law". (Depleted Uranium Munitions: The
Use of Radiological Weapons as a Violation of Human Rights, Joint
Intervention by the International Peace Bureau and International Educational

Development, Sub-Commissi~n on the Promotion and Protection of Human
Rights, Fifty-first Session,August 1999)
2.4.25. Bearing in mind all thathas been said, it must be concluded that the

ammunition containing depleted uranium fallinto the category of the so-caIIed
radiological, ie., nuclear, weapons, which are prohibited, because they have
unquestionable chemical effects, because they are indiscriminate, because they
cause superfluous and unnecessary suffering, and because they cause severe,
long-term andwidespread damage to the natural environment. Because of all

these characteristics nuclear weapons should be considered prohibited weapons
according tothe rules of theinternational lawof armed conflicts.
2.4.26. The use of cluster bombs is also contrary to the international law of
armed conflicts. The characteristic of this weaponis that partaf its charge (10-

20%) remains unexploded. Even if a cluster bomb could initiaIlybe directed at a
certain permissible objective, there is always inevitably this 10-20% of
unexploded mines, which are scattered wide across the terrain. Since they are
small and hard to obseme on land, they continue to be a constant threat to
civilian population, first of all children, but alto adults who, unaware of the

presence of such a danger, do work in the fields or elsewhere. The mines left
over from a cluster bomb can cause different kinds of injury, and even death,

2@ R. E. CharliQuestions juridiqusoulevteparl'evolution LascienceatorniquRecueil
desCoursde I'AcademiedeDroit Internatiol e laHaye1957,pp.354-355.
289M. Greenspan:The Modern LawofLand Warfare,hs Angeles,1959,p.373.years after the cluster bombswere used. This isexactly what is now happening in
Kosovo-Metohija and in other parts of Yugoslavia where these bombs were
used: several dozen citizens were injured,some even died, in the explosions of
the mines which were left over from the cluster bombs dropped. Thus, by their
nature, they are meant lo act not only against military force, but also a~ainst
protected persons and objects. Therefore, cluster bombs can confidently be

considered indiscriminate weapons: the weapons whose effects are impossible to
limitto selected and permissible targets.
2.4.27. At its 34th meeting, held on 29 August 1996, the Sub-commission on
Prevention of Discriminatior. and Protection of Minorities, "guided by the

principles of the Charrer of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights and the Geneva
Conventions of 12 August 1948 and the Additional Protocols thereto,
...concerned at the allegeduse of weapons ofmass or indiscriminatedestruction
both against members of the armed forces and against civilian populations,
resulting in death, misery and disability, concerned also at repeated reportson

the long-term consequences of the use of such weapons upon human life and
health and upon the environment, concerned further that the physical effects on
the environment, the debris from the use of such weapons, either alone or in
combination, and abandoned contaminated equipment constitute a serious
threat to life, convinced that the production, sale anduse ofsuch weapons are
incompatible with international humanitarian rights and humanitarian law

urges all States to be guided intheir national policy by the need to curb the
production and the spread of weapons of mass destruction or with
indiscriminate eifect, in particular nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, fuel-air
bombs, napalm, cluster bombs, biological weaponry and weaponry containing
depleted uranium " (E/CN.4/1997/2, E/CN.4/Sub.211996/41~ pp. 47,48).

2.4.28. The general framework of the rules of warfare was established by the
Convention respective to the Laws and Customs of War on Land of 1907 and
the Regulations respective to the Laws and Customs of War on Land with the
Convention. It isquite clear from the introduction to the Convention that the
intention of the High Contracting Parties was "to diminish the evils of war, as
far as military requirements permit", so the provisions of the Convention are

intended to serve as a general rule of conduct for the belligerents. Starting with
this aim in mind, the Regulations point out that the rightof the belligerents to
adopt means of warfare is not ~nlimited.~"'This provision was made more
specific by the provision of Article23 of the Regulations, which, among other
prohibitions established by other conventions, lists by name the prohibition of

sertain acts in war. From the viewpoint of this sectionrelevant is the provision
of Paragraph g) which prescribes that it isforbidden 'to destroy or seize the
enemy's property, unless such destruction or seizurebe imperatively demanded
bythe necessities of war.

2~ Artlclc22of thRegulatiotis.

3222.4.29. The correct interpretation of this provision is that it is directed at
preventing exceeding and superfluous destruction. Namely, the right of attack on
a military object is not objected to as a matter of general principle, But, the
degree of destruction and demolition of even a military object cannot be
unlimited. Namely, it is allowed to destroy a military object only when it is
imperatively demanded bythe necessities of war.Thismeans that the destruction
of any object, including a militaq one, must be proportionate to military

advantage achieved by the destruction. If military necessity doesnot demand, ie.,
if the destructionof'an object does not achieve any military advantage, then the
attack on the object,ie., its destruction, cannobe co~isideredpermissible.
2.4.30. Such an interpretation comes alsofrom the provisions of Protocol 1,which

define militaryobjects (Article52,Paragraph 2).These provisions define a military
object as those 'which by their nature, locationpurpose or use make an effective
contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or
neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military
advantage'.Linguisticallyandlogicallyinterpreted, this provision means that iisnot
enough for an object to, by itsnature, location, purpose or use, make an effective

contribution to militaryaction,hut it is also necessarythat 'at the time'itscomplete
or partialdestruction should offera definite militaryadvantage. Therefore, if there
isno militaryadvantagethat couldbe achievedbydestroying certain objects, even if
they are rnilitasyones, there can be no justification for attacking and destroying
them. The same viewpoint isshared by MKCK; in the Commentary on the
Additional Protocolsz9i't ispointed out thaanobject isa military object:in the sense

of Protocol Ionlyit'these two elements existsimultaneously.
2.4.31. In the provisions prescribing the obligatory precautionary measures in
Protocol I,the obligation that the principleof proportion be respected is clearly
established. In Article 57, Paragraph 2a, it is prescribed that the attackermust

do everything feasible in order to verifywhether an object is a military onein the
sense of Article 52,Paragraph 2 (i).This means that he must verify not only that
it is a. military abject, hut also that it fulfills the second condition - that its
destruction or damage will effect nlilitaq advantage. An even more precise
provision is that of Paragraph 2(iii): the attacker must refrain from any attack
which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians,
damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive

in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.
2.4.32. Even an ongoing attack must be suspended ifit becomes apparent that
the objective is not a militaryone or is subject to special protection or that the
attack maybe expected tocause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians,

damage to civiIian objects, oa combination thereof, which would be excessive
in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anti~ipated.?'~Finally,
when there is a choice between several military objectives forobtaining a similar

292Article57,Paragrap hb,of Protoc1. military advantage, the objective to be selected shall be that the attack on which
may be expected to cause the least danger to civilian lives and to civilian

2.4.33. It is evident that the customary law, contained in the Hague
Regulations, clearly prescribes thathe power used, even incase of a military
object, must be proportional to the military advantage effected in the attack.
the principleof proportion determines the limits ofthe permissible use of force
and helps to strike a balance between the principle of military necessiand the

principle of humaneness; it isa confirmation of the very essence of the
international law of armed crjnflictswhich as a whole and in its essence, isa
compromise between these two principles. It is, therefore, evident that the
violation of the principle of proportion, ie., an exceeding use of force, is
unpermissible, because it spoils the balance which was already established in
the customary law, and that it represents a violation of the international lof
_ armed conflicts.


2.5.1. In itsAdvisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear
Weapons, the Court addressed the rules on protection of the environment

which arcapplicable inarmed conflicts:
"...The Court recognizes that the environment is nor an abstraction but
represents the living space, the quality of life and the very health of human
beings, includinggenerationsunborn. The existence of the general obligation of
States to ensure that activities withitheirjurisdiction and control, respect the
environment ofother States or ofareas beyond national control, isnow part of

the corpus of international law relating to the environment.
"However, the Court is of the view that the issue is notwhether the treaties
relatingto the protection of the environment are or are not applicable during an
armed conflict, but rather whether the obligations stemming from these treaties
were intended to be obligations oftotal restraint during military.conflict.

The Court doex not consider: that treatiesin question could have intended to
deprive a State of the exerciseof its rightofself-defence under international
law because of its obligations to protect the environment. Nonetheless, States
must take environmental considerations into account when assessing
.objectives. Respect for the environment is one of the elements that go to
assessing whether an action isin cbnforrnity with the principles of necessiand

This appruach is supported, indeed by the terms of Principle 24 of the Rio
Declaration, which provides that:

293Article57,Paragraph3,of ProtocolI.'Warfare is inherently destructive of sustainable development. States shall
therefore respect international law providing protection for the environmenin
times of armed conflict and cooperate in the further development, as

"The Court notes furthermore that Article 35, paragraph 3, and Article 55 of
Additional Protocol I provide additional protection for the environment. Taken
together, these provisions embody a-general obligation to protect thenatural
environment against widespread, long-term and severe environmental damage;

and the prohibition of attacks against the natural environment by way of
These are powerful constraints forall the States having subscribed to these

"General Assembly resolution 47/37 of 25 November 1992on the Trotection of
the Environment in Times of Armed Conflict' is also of interest in thiscontext.
It affirms the generalview according to which environmenta1 condsiderations
constitute one of the elementstobe taken into account in the implementation of
the principles of the law applicable iarmed conflict: it states that 'destruction
of the environment, not justifieby military necessity and carried out wantonly,
is clearly contraryto existing international ...'

In its recent Order in the R~quest for an &~minariort of fJ?eSitualion in
Accordance withParagraph 63 of the CotcrfJudgment of20 DecenlberI974 in,the
Nuclear Tests (New Zealand v. France) Case, the Court stated that its
conclusion was 'without prejudice to the obligations of States to respect and
protect the natural environment'(0rder of 22 September 1995, E.CJ. Reports

1995,p. 306, para. 64). Although that statement was made in the context of
nuclear testing, it naturalalso applies to theactualuse of nuclear weapons in
armed conflict." (Legality of the Threator Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory
Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1996,pp. 241,242, paras 29-32)



2.6.1. By its resolution1244 (19991, adopted on 10 June 1999, the Security
Council authorizes Member States and relevant international organizations to
establish the international security presence in Kosovoas set outin point 4 of
annex 2with all necessaq means to fulfil iis responsibilities under paragraof 9
the resolution.

2.6.2. Point 4of annex 2 readsas fo2lows:
"The international security presence with substantial North Atlantic Treaty
Organizationparticipation must be deployed under unified command and control

and authorized to establisha safe environment for allpeople in Kosova and to
facilitate the sareturn to'theihomes ofall displacepersonsandrefugees."2.6.3. By paragraph 9 of the resolution, the Securit~rCouncil decided that the
responsibilitiesof the international security presenceto be deployed and acting
in Kosovo willinclude, interalia:

"(c) Establishing a secure environment in which refugees and displaced persons
can return home in safety, the international civil presence can operate, a
transitional administration can be established, and humanitarianaid be delivered;
"(dl Ensuring public safety and order until the international civil presence .can

take responsibilityfor this tas..."


2.7.1. Under Article 1of the Convention, the Contracting Parties confirmed "that
genocide, whether committed in time ofpeace or in time of war, isa crime under
internatiunal law which they undertake 20 prevent and to punish". Accordingly,
the Contracting Parties are obliged to prevent and punish the crime of genocide.

Whereas they are responsible, inaccordance with Article9 of the Convention,
for acts enumerated in Article 3, the Contracting Parties are obliged to prevent
and punish also conspiracy to commit genocide, direct and public incitement to
commit genocide; attempt to commit genocide and complicity in genocide.

2.7.2. Genocide means, according to Artick 2 of the Convention, "any of the
following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
national, ethnical, raciaor religiousgroups, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; -

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring
about its physicaldestruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent birth within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
2,7.3.According to Article 3 of theConvention, the followingacts are punishable:

"(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and pubIic incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide".
2.7.4. In accordance with Article 9 of the Convention, "disputes between the
Contracting Parties relating tothe interpretation, applicationorfulfilment of the
present Convention, including those relating to the responsibilityof a State for

genocideor for any ofthe other acts enumerated in Article 3, shall be submitteto
the InternationalCourt ofJustice at the request oany ofthe parties to the dispute." 2.8LAW RELATED TO THE ISSUE OF IMPUTABILITY Actsof NATO are imputable to the Respondents.

2.8.1-1.1. All organsof NATO take their decisions on the basis of consentof
Member States, each separately and all together. "When decisions have to be
made, action is agreed upun on the basis of unanimity and conirrion accord.

There isno voting or decision by majurity. Each nation represented at the
Council table orany of its subordinate con~nlittees retains complete sovereignty
and responsibility for its own decision"(NATO I-Iandbook, Brussels, 1998,p.
37).Whereas there isno decision of anyorgan of NATO without theconsent of
each Member State represented at the North Atlantic Council and its
subordinate committees, each represented Member State retains complete

responsibilityor the decisionof any organ ofNATO. acts under the political and militarqrguidance and contoflits
Member Stares,each separately and all together:
"All nations opting to be members of the rnilitar~~part of NATO contribute

forces which together constitute the integrated military structure of the
Alliance. In accordance with the fundamental principles which govern the
relationshipbetween political and military institutions within democra[ic states,
the integrated military structure remains under political control and guidance at
the highest level at atimes." (NATO Handbook, Brussels, 1998, p. 245.) military plan of action of NATO has to be endorsed by each
Member State, participatininit. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
prepares an operational plan and sends it ro the Military Committee. When the
Military Committee issatisfied it will senitto theCouncil for discussion and
ultimatkly endorsement. All armed acts of the integrated military structure of the Alliance are
under direct, close, permanent and effective control of each Member State
represented in the North Atlantic Council and its subordinate committees. A11
Respondents were represented in them.

2.8.1.I.5. Whereas NATQ acts arc under the political and military guidance and
control of the Respondent, its acts are imputable to Ihc:Respondent. Acts oKFOR are imputable to the Respondent. KFOR is under NATO command and control structure. NATO
countries areprominently represented in the force. resolution 1244(1999) the SecurityCouncil authorized Member
States and relevant international organizations to establish the international
security presence in Kosovo as set outinpoint 4 of annex 2. According to point
4 of annex 2 "the internationasecuritypresence with substantial North Atlantic
Treaty Organization participation must be deployed under unified command
and control " Itis NATO command and control.2.8.2.The general rule on attribution of an act to a State is that a State is
responsiblefor an act committed under guidance and control of itsorgan aswell
asfor an act endorsed byits organ,


2.9,1. In the Nicaragua case, theCourt stated:
"The material before the Court also includes statements by representatives of
States, sometimes atthe highest political level. Some of those statements were

made before official organs of the State or of an international or regional
organization, and appear in the official records of those bodies. Others,made
during press ,conferences or interviews, were reported by the local or
international press. The Court takes the view that statements of chis kind,
emanating from high-ranking official political figures,sometimes indeed othe
highest rank, are of particular probativevalue when they acknowledgefacts or
conduct unfavourable to the State represented by the person who made them.
They may then be constructed as a form of admission." (Military and

Paramilitary Activitiesin and against Nicaragua, (Nicaragua v.United States of
America), Merits,Judgment, I.C.J.Reports 1986, p. 41,para 64) 3. PART THREE - JURISDICTIONOF THE COURT



3.1.1. By itsresolution777 (1992), the Security Council recommended to the
General Assembly "that it decide that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

(Serbia and Montenegro) should apply for membership in the United Nations
and that it shall not participate in the worof the General Assembly." This
recommendation did notinclude an intention to terminate the membership of
the FR of Yugoslavia inthe United Nations.At least, it was not the inlention of
two permanent members of the Security. Council. Mr. Vorontsov, the
Permanent Representative ofthe Russian Federation to the United Nations,

said that"...we were unable to agree with the proposal, put forward by some
States, that the Federal Republiof Yugoslaviashould be excluded, formaily or
de facto, from membership in the United Nations ...l%e compromise that has
been reached - that the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia should not participate
in the work of the General Assembly - may seem unsatisfactory to some.
Frankly, we would have preferred not to have recourse to such a measure to
influence the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, because even without this
measure it is already experiencing sufficient pressurefrom the international

community in theform of economic sanctions ..At the same time, the decision
to suspend the participatioof the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in thework
of the General Assembly will in noway affect the possibility of participation by
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the work of the other organs ofthe
United Nations, in particular the Security Council, nor will it affect the issuance
of documents to it, the functioning of the Permanent Mission of the Fcdcral
Republic of Yugoslavia to the United Nations or the keeping of the nameplate
with thename Yugoslavia inthe General Assembly Hall and therooms in which

the Assembly's organs meet" (Security Council, Provisional Record of the
Three Thousand One Hundred and Sixteenth Meeting, S/PV.3116, 29
September 1992, at2-5).
3.1.2.It isobvious that some States proposed thathe FR of Yugoslavia should
be excluded, formally or de factofrom membership in the United Natiuns, but

it was notaccepted by the Russian Federation and China, so the compromise
was reached that theFR of Yugoslavia should not participateinthe workof she
General Assembly. The Permanent Representative of the PR of China, Mr. Li
Daoyu pointed out on thesame occasion that "the resolution just adopted does
not mean the exclusion of Yugoslaviafrom the United Nations. The nameplate'Yugoslavia'willbe kept in the General Assembly Hall. The Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia will continue its participation in the work of United Nations bodies
ocher than the General Assembly. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will
continue to issue its documentation in the United Nations." ((SecurityCouncil,
Provisional Record of the Three Thousand One Hundred and Sixteenth
Meeting, SIPV.3116,19 September 1992,at 7).

3.1.3.Resolution 4711 of the General Assembly neither terminates nor suspends
Yugoslavia's membership in the Organization. The Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia is a Member State of the United Nations. On 22 September 1992,
the General Assembly adopted resolution 4711,which reads:

'The General Assembly,
"Having receivedthe recommendation of the Security Council of 19 September that
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ...should applyfor membership in the United
Nations and that itshalnor participatinthe work of the General Assembly,

"Considers that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ...cannot continue
auzomaticalfy the membership 6f the former Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugodavia in the United Nations; and therefore decides that it shall not
participate inthe work of the General Assembly;"
3.1.4. The Under-Secretary-Gencral and Legal Counsel of the United Nations .
addressed a letter, on 29 September 1992, to the Permanent Representatives

to the: United Nations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, in which he
stated that the consequerlcesof the resolution are as follows:
"While the: General Assembly has stated unequivocally that the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia ...cannot automatically continue the membership of
the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in the United Nations and
that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia should apply for membership in the

United Nations, the only practical consequence that the resolution draws is that
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. ..should not participate inthe work of the
General Assembly. It is clear, therefore, that representatives of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia ..can no longer participate in the work of the General
Assembly, its subsidiary organs, norconferences and meetings convened by it.
"00 the other hand, the resoludon neither terminates nor suspends Yugoslavia's

membership in the Organization. Consequently, the seat and nameplate remain
as before, but,in AssembIy bodies, representatives of the Federal Republic ofz
Yugoslavia ...cannot sit behind the sign 'Yugoslavia'.The Yugoslav Mission at
United Narions Headquarters and offices may continue to function and may
receive and circulate documents. At Headquarters, the Secretariat will continue
to flythe flag of the old Yugoslavia as isthe lastflagof Yugoslavia used by the
Secretariat. The resolution does not take away the right of Yugoslavia to
participate in theworkof organs other than Assembly bodies. The admission to

the United Nations of a new Yugoslavia under Article 4 of the Charter will
terminate the situation createdby resolution 47/1;"(A/47/4&5)So, the resolution neither terminates nosuspends Yugoslavia's membership in
the Organization. And the resolution does not take away the righofYugoslavia
to participate in the work of organs other than Assembly bodies. The Under-
Secretary-General's position was confirmed by the later practice of the

3.1.5. Indeed, on 28 April 1993,the Security Council adopted resolution 821
(1993) by which itrecommended to the General Assembly to decide that the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall not participate in the work of the
Economic and Social Council. The General Assembly accepted the
recommendation by its resolution 471229.If Yugoslavia's membership in the

Organization was terminated or suspended by resolution 47/1,there would be
no need for a new resolution excluding Yugoslavia from the work of the
Economic and Social Council.
3.1.6. In response to the oral request of Ms. Dragana Ivanovic, Minister

Counsellor ofthe Permanent Mission of Yugoslavia to the United Nations, for
a copy of the legalopinion prepared by the Office of the Legal Council of the
United Nations concerning 'Yugoslavia's participation in the Third
Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, Paul Szasz, Acting Director and Deputy to the Under-
Secreatry-General, Office ofthe Legal Counsel, delivered thc opinion,which

stated, inteaiia:
"On 22 September 1992, upon a recommendation of the Security Council
contained in resolution 777 (1992), the General Assembly adopted resolution
4711.The Assembly considered that the FRY (...) cannot continue automatically
the membership of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(SFRY)

in the United Nations; and therefore decided that FRY (...) should apply for
membership in the United Nations and that it shall not participate in work
of the General Assembly. My predecessor, Mr. Fleischhauer, on 29 September
1992, addressed a letter to the Permanent Representatives of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Croatia to the United Nations, setting out the views of the
Secretariat regarding the practical consequences of the adoption by the General
Assembly of resolution 4711(A1471485). In that letterMr. Fleschhauer stated,

inter alia. that 'the resolution neither terminatesnor suspends Yugoslavia's
membership in the Organization', and that its practical consequences were that
representatives of the FRY 'can no longer participate in the work of the
General Assembly, its subsidiary organs, nor conferences and meetings
convened by it.'He abo noted that 'the admission to the United Nations of a
new Yugoslavia under Article 4 of the Charter willterminate the situation

created by resolution 4711'.Even though a number ofMember States did not
agree with the interpretation given by the Secretariat of the practical
consequences of General Assembly resolution 4711,that resolution was recalled
by the Security Council, and recalledand reaffirmed by the General Assembly
(resolutions 471229and 48/88) without any criticismof such interpretation.The
interpretation given by Mr. Fleischhauer was confirmed by the Secreatr~r-General in connection with General Assembly resolution 48/88 of 20December
1993,in paragraph 29 of which the Assembly urged "..the end
the facto working status of the Federal RepubIic of Yugoslavi(...)(Annex No.
167pp. 468-472)

3.1.7. The General Assembly confirms by its Resolution 52/215chat the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia is a Member State of the United Nations. On 22
December 1997, the General Assembly adopted resolution 52/215 and resolved
that "the scale ofassessments for the contributions of Member States to the
regular budget of the United Nations for the years1998, 1999and 2000 shall be
as follows:....Yugoslavia0.060;0.034; 0.026." 'TheGeneral Assembly treated

the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as aMember State, not as a State which is
not a Member of the United Nations but which participates in certainof its
activities. (Annex No. 165,pp. 473-482)
3.1.8.The Secretary-General considers that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
is a Member State of the United Nations. Jn the capacity as depositary of
multilateral treaties, the Secretary-General reportedveryyear on the status of

multilateral treaties depositedwith him. In allannual reports after 1992, the
Secretasy-General Iisled Yugoslavia as an original Member of the United
Nations. (Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General,Statusas
at 31 Dec. 1996, STILEGISER.EI15, Ann. I). Under the same name
Yugoslavia was always listedin annual reports of the Secretary-General as an
origitial Member ofthe United Nations, before and after 1992.

3.1.9. By his Note of 8 Januar~r 1993the Secretary-General of the United
Nations "prcsents his compliments to the Charge d'Affairesa. i.ofthe Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia to the United Nations and has the honour to refer to -
Security Council resolutions 785 (1992)and 793(1992) oI 30 November 2992by
which the Council decided to exlet~dthe existing mandateof the United Nations
Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM TI ) for further periods until 31.
January 1993. Reference is also made to the decision adopted by the General

Assembly at its 93rd plenary meeting on 22 December 1992 authorizing the
Secretary-General toenter into commitments up to the amount of $25, 258,800
gross ($ 424,218,00 net ) for maintenance of the United Nations Angola
Verification Mission for the period ending 28 February 1993 and to apportion .
the amount amog Member States in accordance with the scheme set out in its
resolution 47/41of 1 December 1982.
The above appropriation for the financing of UNAVEM II has been
apportioned among Member States and will be reflected in document

STIADMISER.BI396. The assessment now payable by His Excellency' s
Government for the financing of UNAVEM 11for the period 1 November 1992
to 28 Februaq 1993 is$14,226.
The assessment of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia for 1992 ,
amount to $20,755. he outstanding contributions of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia have been reduced by this amount, in accordance with the
recommendations of the Committee on Contributions, as adopted by theGeneral Assembly, and with Financial Regulations, as adopted by the General
Assembly, and with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations.
Hence an amount of $70,278 now remains payable, by His Excellency's

Government to UNAVEM TI forthe period up to 31 October 199ZV.(AnnexNo.
169,p. 483)
3.1.10. Mr. Rafiah Salim, Officer-in-Charge, ~e~artrn'ent oI Management, sent
a letter of 3 December 1998 to Mr. Vladislav Jovanovic, Permanent
Representative of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the United Nations,

which reads as follows: "Excellency, Under the provisions of Article 19 of the
Charter of the United Nations:
'A Member of the United Nations which isin arrears in the payment of its
financial contributionsto the Organization shall have no vote in the General
Assernbly if amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the
contributions due from it for the preceding two full years. The General

Assembly may, nevertheless, permit such a Member to vote if it isatisfiedthat
failure to payisdue to conditions beyond the control of the Member.'
In order for your Government not to fall under the provisions of Article 19 of
the Charter during any meetings of theGeneral Assembly to be held in 1899, it
would be necessary that a minimum payment of ... be received by the
Organization to bring such arrears to an amount beIow that specified under the

terms of Article 19.
United Nations records show that the following amounts remain due from your
Government: ...,Annex, No. 170,pp. 484-486)
3.1.11. The Secretary-General of the United Nations sent the letter of 22

December 1998 to the Charge d'A£faires a, i,of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia referring "to regulation 5.3 ofthe Financial Regulations and Rules
of the United Nations, which provides that, after the General Assembly has
adopted or revised programme budget, the Secretary-General shall transmit
relevant documents to Member States, inform them of their commitments and
request them to remit their contributions.

In compliance with that regulation, the Secretary-General has the honour to
transmit the document STIADM/SER.l3/543and to inform His Excellency that
the contribution payable by his Excellency's Government with respect to the
regular budget of the United Nations for 1999is ....
In this connection, the Secretary-General also wishes to bring to the attentiof
His Excellency that the United Nations records show that as at 22 December
1998 an amount of ...remains payable by His ExcelIency 'sGovernment with
respect to the regular budget for the prioyearsn.(Annex No. 171,p. 487)
3.1.12. Mr. Joseph E. Connor, Under-Secretary-General for Management sent
the letterof 22April 1999to Mr. Vladislav Jovanovic, Charge d' Affaires a. i.of
Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia informing "that to

date 59 Member States have paid in full their assessed contributions to the
regular budget of the United Nations as shown in the attached list.Inthis connection, he notes that, aat 15April 1999,regular budget assessments
totalling...were payable by your Government. On behalf of the Secretary-
General, 1 would urge you to consider making a special effort to have
theGovernment join those other Governments that have so far paid in full all of

their outstanding assessed contributions to the regular budget of the United
Nations."(Annex No. 272, p.488)
3.1.13. By his Noteof 7 May 1999, the Secretary-General ofthe United Nations
"presents his compliments to the Charge d' Affaires a. i.of the Permanent
Missions of the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia to the United Nations and has

the honour to inform His Excellency ofan assessment for the United Nations
Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM ) for the period from 1 May to 30
June 1999.
Legislative basis- Letter dated 6 April 2999 from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General:
-General Assembly resolution 521238of June 1998' (Annex, No. 173, p.489)

3.1.14. By itsNote No. 516196 of 25 September 1996, the Permanent Mission of
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the United Nations "presents its
compliments to the Secretary-General ..his note of 25 June 1995, calling upon
all Member States to pay entire outstanding assessed contributions to the
regular budget, underlining thatin the extremely difficult financial situation the

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has made a payment to the amount of ... as its
contribution to the budget for1996." (Annex No. 174, p. 490)
3.1.15. By his letterof 20 September 1997, Mr. Milan Milutinovic, Federal
Minister for Foreign Affarrsof the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, informed H.
E. Mr. KofiAnnan, Secretary-General of the United Nations "that Government

of the Federal Rcpublic of Yugoslavia has paid ..., the amount of its
contribution for 1997 to the regular budget of the United Nations." (Annex No.
175, p.491)
3-1-16, By his letter of 18 September 1598, Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic, Federal
Minister for Foreign Affaires of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
informed His Excellency Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United
Nations "that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has effected payment of its
contribution inthe amount of .to the regular budget of the United Nations
for the year 1948. In doing so, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has
fulfilled its obligation as a member-State of the United Nations and
responded Fathe appeal of Your Excellency to the member-States to help the
world Organization overcome the critical financial situation." (Annex No.

176,p. 492)
3.1.17. The conclusion is clear: the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia cannot
participate in thework of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social
Council and their bodies and conferences. That is all. There are no other
consequences. And the I.C.J. Yearbook informs chat Yugoslavia is one among

the 185 member States ofthe United Nations on 31 July 1997. 3.3.18. The FR of Yugoslavia is aState Party to the Statute of the International
Court ofJustice

3.1.19. The Government of the Republic of Croatia has filed an Application,
dated 2 July 1999, instituting proceedings against the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia "for violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide". Paragraph 28 of the Application reads as follows:
"The Court hasjurisdictioninthiscasepursuant to Article36(1)of itsStatute, which
,provides that the Court's jurisdiction 'compri...all matters speciallyprovidefor

in the Charterofthe United Nations or in treaties and conventions inforce'.
3.1.20. In its Memorial, dated 15 April 1994, Bosnia and Herzegovina
confirmed that "Yugoslavia is a Party to the Court's Statute. (Memorial of the
Government ofthe Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15 April 1994, p.170)

3.1.21. By application of rules of the Statute in the Case concerning the
Application ofthe Convention on the Prevenlion and Punishntent of the Crime
of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia), the Court confirmed that
the FR of Yugoslavia is a StateParty to the Statute. The Statute ofthe Court is
an international treaty which is in force onlamong State Parties.


3.2.1. By theirdeclarations, givenin accordance with Article 36, paragraph 2,of

the Statute of the Court, the Applicant and Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands,
Portugal and the United IClngdorn accepted compulsoq jurisdiction of the
Court. They established, also, the limitof thisjurisdiction.
3.2.2. The declaration of Belgium reads as follows:
"1. I dcclare on behalf of the Belgian Government that P recognize as

compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other
State accepting the same obligation, the jurisdictionofthe International Court
of Justice, in conformity with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the
Court, in legal disputes arising after 13 Jul1948 concerning situations or facts
subsequent to that date, except those in regard to which the parties have agreed
or may agree to have recourse to another method of pacific settlement.
This declaration is made subject to ratification. It shalt take effect on the day of

depositofthe instrument ofratificatioforaperiod offie years.Upon the expiv of
that period, it shall continue to have effectuntil notice of its termination isgiven";
3.2.3. The declaration of Canada reads as follows:
"On behalf of the Government of Canada,
(1) I give notice that I hereby terminate the acceptance by Canada of the

compuisory jurisdiction of the International Court ofJustice hitherto effective
by virtue of the declaration made on 10 September 1985 in conformity with
paragraph 2of Article36 of the Statute of the Court.(2) I declare that the Government of Canada accepts as compulsory ipso facto
and without special convention, on condition of reciprocity, the jurisdiction of
the International Court of Justice, in conformity with paragraph 2 of Article 36

of the Statute of theCourt, until such time as notice may be given to terminate
the acceptance, over all disputes arising after the present declaration with
regard to situations or factssubsequent to this declaration, other than:
(a) disputes in regard to which the parties have agreed or shall agree to have
recourse to some other method of peaceful settlement;

(h) disputes with the Government of any other countrywhich is a member ofthe
Commonwealth, all of which disputes shall be settledin such manner as the
parties have agreed or shall agree;
(c) disputes with regard to questions which by international law fall exclusively
within the jurisdiction of Canada; and
(d) disputes arising out oor concerning consemation and management measures

taken by Canada with respect tovessels fishingin the NAFO Regulatory Area, as
defined in the Convention on Future Multilateral Co-operation in the Northwest
Atlantic Fisheries, 1978,and the enforcement of such measures.
(3) The Government ofCanada alsoreserves the right at any time,bymeans of
a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and

with effectas from the moment of such notification, either to add to, amend or
withdraw any of the foregoing reservations, or any that may hereafterbe added.
Itis requested that this notification be communicated to the Governments of all
the States that have accepted the Optional Clause and to theRegistrar of the
International Court of Justice."

3.2.4. The declaration of the Netherlands reads as follows:
"I hereby declare that the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
recognizes, in accordance with Article36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the
International Court of Justice, with effect from 6 August 1956,as compulsory
tpso facioand without special agreement, in relation to any other State
accepting the same obligation, that is on condition of reciprocity, the jurisdiction

of the said Court in alldisputes arising or which may arise after5August 1921,
with the exception of disputes in respect of which the parties, excluding the
jorisdiction of the International Court of Justice, may have agreed to have
recourse to some other method of pacific settlement.
The aforesaid obIigation is accepted for a period of five years and will be
renewed by tacitagreement for additional periods of five years, unless notice is
given, not less than sixmonths before the expiry of any such period, that the

Government of the fingdom of the Netherlands does not wish to renew it.
The acceptance of the jurisdiction oftheCourt founded on the declaration of5
August 1946is terminated with effect from 6 August 1956:"
3.2.5. The declaration of Portugal reads as follows:

"Under Article 36, paragraph 2,of the Statute of the International Court of
Justice, I declare on behalf of the Portuguese Government that Portugalrecognizes the jurisdiction of this Court as compulsory ipso facto and without
speciaI agreement, as provided for in the said paragraph 2 of Article 36 and

under the following conditions:
(1) the present declaration covers disputes arising out ofevents both prior and
subsequent to the declaration of acceptance of the optional clause which
Portugal made on 16 December 1920 as a party to the Statute of the Permanent
Court ofInternational Justice;
(2) the present declaration enters into force at the moment it is deposited with

the Secretary-General of the United Nations; itshall he valid for a perioof one
year, and thereafter until notice of its denunciation is given to the said
(3) the Portuguese Government reserves the right to exclude from the scope of
the present declaration, at any time during its validity, any given category or
categories of disputes,by notifying the Secretary-General of the United Nations

and with effect from the moment of such notification."
3.2.6. The declaration of Yugoslavia is form'ulated as follows:
" I hereby declare that the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

recognizes, in accordance, with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the
International Court of'Justice, as compulsory ipso iacto and without special
agreement, in relation to any other State accepting the same obligation, that ison
condition of reciprocity,the jurisdictioof the said Court in all disputes arisinor
which may arise after.the signatureof the present Declaration, with regard ta the
situations or facts subsequent to this signature, except in cases where the parties

have agreed or shall agree to have recourse to another procedure or another
method of pacific settlement. The present Declaration does not appIy to disputes
relating to questions which, under international law, fall exclusivelywithin the
jurisdictionof theFederal Republic of Yugoslavia,aswell as lo territorial disputes.
The aforesaid obligation is accepted until such time as notice may be given to
terminate the acceptance."

3.2.7. The Applicant and Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands and Portugal
recognized the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, in conformity
with Article 36,paragraph 2,of the Statute of the Court.
3.2.8. Article 36, paragraph 2, ofthe Statute of the Court specifies:

"The States parties to the present Statute may at any time declare that they
recognize as compulsory ipsofacto and without special agreement, in relation lo
any other State accepling the same obligation, the jurisdiction of the Court in all
legal disputes concerning:

(a) the interpretation ofa treaty;
(b) any question of international law;
(c) the existence of any fact which, ifestablished, would constitute a breach of
international obligation;
(dl the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an

international obligation." 3.2.9. Whereas declarations are made on condition of reciprocity, "jurisdiction

is conferred on the Court only to the extent to which the two Declarations
coincide in conferring it". Accordingly, the Applicantand Belgium, Canada, the
Netherlands and Portugal recognized compulsory jurisdiction of the Court inall
disputes arising or which may arise after25 April 1999, concerning
(a) the interpretationof a treaty;

(b) any question of internadanal law;
(c) the existence of any factwhich, ifestablished, would constitute a breach of
international obligation;
(d) the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an
international obligation
with regard to the situations or facts subsequent to25 April 1999.

The Applicant and Canada excluded some kinds of disputes, whichisimmaterial
forthe establishment of thc,jurisdiction ofthe Court related to the dispute.
3.2.10. Considering the issue of jurisdiction primafacie, the Court said:

"Whereas Yugoslavia has accepted the Court's jurisdiction rationeternpork in
respect only,an the one hand, of disputes arising or which may arise after the
signature of its declaration and, on the other hand, of those concerning
situations or facts subsequent to that signature (cf.Rightof Passage over Indian
Tem'roly,Merils,Judgment, I.C..!Reports 1960,p. 34);whereas, in order to assess
whether the Court has jurisdiction inthe case, it is sufficient to decide whether,
interms of the text of the declaration, the dispute brought before the Court

'arose' before or aEter 25 April 1999, the date on which the declaration was
'!Whereas Yugoslavia's Application is entitled 'Application of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia against the Kingdom of Belgium for Violation uf the
Ohfigation Not to Use Force'; whereas in the Application the "subject of the
dispute'; (...) isdescribed in general terms (...); but whereas it can be seen both
from the statement of 'facts upon which kheclaim isbased' and from the manner
in which the 'claims' themselves are, formulated (...)that the Application is
directed, in essence, against the 'bombing of the territory of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia', to which the Court isasked to put an end;

"Whereas it isan established fact that the bombings inquestion began on 24
March 1999 and have been conducted continuously over a period extending
beyond 25 April 1999; and whereas the Court has no doubt, in the light, inter
ulia,of the discussionsat the SecurityCouncil meetings of24 and 26 March 1999
(SfPV.3988 and 39891,that a 'legal dispute'East Tirnor(Portugni v.Arlstraliu),
I.C.J. Repnrt.7 1995, p.100, para. 22) 'arose' between Yugoslavia and the

Respondent, as it did also with the otherNATO member States, well before 25
April 1999 concerning the legalityof those bombings as such, taken asa whole;
"Whereas the fact that the bombings have continued after 25 April 1999 and
thatthe dispute concerning them has persisted since that dateisnot such as to
alterthe date on which the dispute arose; whereas each individual air attackcould not have given riseto a separate subsequent dispute; and whereas, at this
stage of the proceedings, Yugoslavia has not established that new disputes,
distinctfrom the initiaone, have arisen between the Parties since25April 1999

in respect of subsequent situations or facts attributable to Belgium; (Case
concerning legality of use of farce (Yugoslavia v. Belgium), Request for the
indications of provisional measures, Order, 2 June 1999, paras. 26 - 29, The
identical text appeared in other respective Orders.)

3.2.11.After the Orders of the Court, dated 2June 1999,the dispute aggravated
and extended. It got new elements concerning failures of the Respondents to
fuIfilltheir obligations established bySecurity Council resolution 1244and by the
1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
New elements are related tokillings,wounding and exputsion of Serbsand other
non-Alhanian groups in Kosovo and Metohija, after 10June 1995.

3.2.12. No doubt that the disputed new elemenla concerning killings, wounding
and expulsion of Serbs and other non-Albanian groups in Kosovo and Metohija,
after 10June 1999,i.e. relared tbreaches of obligations established by Security
Council resoIurion 1244 and by the 1948 onv vent oinnt'e Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide did not appear before 25 April 2999.No

doubt that these new disputed elements are part and parcel of the dispute related
to the bombing of the territory of the Applicant.The dispute arising from the
bombing matured throughout the new disputed elemcnts related to responsibility
of the Respondents for the crime of genocide committed to Serbs and other non-
Albanian groups in the area under control of KFOR. The new elemerits related
to breaches of obligations established hy resolution 1244 and the Genocide

Convention are of crucial importance for legalconsiderations of the dispute
brought to the Court by the Applications, dated 29 April 1999, i.e,they are
essential fur negating alleged humanitarian motivesof the Respondents.
3.2.13. A disputeariscswhen all idements havc come into existence. In the case
concerning Right of Passage over Indian Territory.(Meritsthe Court explained:

"The Sixth Preliminary Objection by which India has challenged the
jurisdiction of the Court likewise relates to a limitatofnIndia's acceptance of
the,jurisdictionofthe Court, as set out in its Declaratioof 28 February 1840.
"By the terms of that Declaration India accepted the jurisdiction of the Court

'over alldisputes arising after February 5th,1930, with regard to situations or
facts subsequent to the same date'.India contends that the present dispute does
not satisfy eitherftwoconditions statedand that the Cuurt is therefore without
"ln order to form a judgment as to the Court's jurisdiction it is necessaryto

consider what is the subject of the dispute. appeared from the Application itself and iwas fully confirmed by the
subsequent proceedings, the Submissions of the Parties and statements made in
the course of the hearings, that the dispute submitted to thk Court has a
threefold subject: (1) The disputed existenceof a right ofpassage in favourof Portugal;
(2) The aiieged failure of India in July 1954 to comply with itsobligations
concerning that rightofpassage;
(3)The redress of the illegalsituation flowingfrom that failure,
"Thedispute before the Court having these three-fold subject, could not arise

until allits constituent elements had come into existence." (Case concerning
Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Merits), Judgmentof 12 April 1960,
I.C.J. Reports 1960,pp.33,341
3.2.14. Whereas some of the constituent elements of the dispute appeared
after 10 June 1999,the dispute, which started to arise before 25 April 1999,

has arisen in full after 10 June 1999. So, it is within the compulsory
jurisdiction of the Court, established by the Yugoslav declaration of 25April
3.2.15. The dispute is related to the breaches of obligations committedby acts
described in Article 25, para 2, of Draft Articles on State Responsibility,
prepared bythe International LawCommission, as compositeacts:

"The breach of an international obligation byan act of the State, composed of a
seriesof actionsor omissionsin respect ofseparate cases, occursat the moment
when that actionoromission isaccomplishedwhichestablishesthe existence of
thecomposite act"
According to the specified obligations which were breached, actions or
omissionscan be classifiedinseparate series,anyofwhich was not accomplished

before 25April 1999.
3.2.16.-Thedispute arose in the discussionsatthe SecurityCouncil meetings of
24and 26March 1999between Yugoslaviaand theRespondentsbefore 25April
1999 concerning the legalityof those bombings as such, taken as a whole. The
disputed matter on that date was breach of the obligation not to use force
against another State.(SIPV.3988 and 3989,Annex No. 177,pp. 493-527)But,
after 10June 1499,newdisputed matters appeared whichoriginated from illegal

use of force, and so theybecame newelements of the dispute. According to the
above quoted position of the Court, a dispute arose when all itsconstituent
elements arose. Inthe concrete case, it means after 25April 1999.
3.2.17. The declaration of the United Kingdomreads as follows:
"Ihave the honour, by direction of Her Majesty'sPrincipal Secretary of State
for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, to declare on behalf of the
Government of theUnited Kingdomof Great Britain andNorthern Ireland that
they accept as compulsory ips0 facto and without special convention, on
condition of reciprocity,the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, in
conformitywithparagraph2 ofArticle 36of the Statute af the Court, until such
time as notice may be given to terminate the acceptance, over all disputes

arising after 24 October 1945,with regard to situations or facts subsequent to
thesame date, other than:(i) anydispute which the United Kingdom

(a)has agreed with the other Party or Parties thereto to settle by some other
methad of peaceful settlement; or
(b) hasalreadysubmitted to arbitration by agieement with any State which had
not at the time of submission accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice;
(ii) disputeswith the government of any other countrywhichis a Member ofthe

,Commonwealthwith regard tosituations orfacts existingbefore I Januay 1969;
(iii)disputes in respect of which anyother Partyto the dispute has accepted the
compulsoryjurisdiction of the International Court of Justice only in relation to
or for the purpose of the dispute; or where the acceptance of the Court's
compulsory jurisdiction on behalf of any other Parry to the dispute was
deposited or ratified less than twelve months prior to the filing of the
application bringingthe dispute before the Court.

2.The Government of the United FClngdomalso reserves the right at any time,
by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations, and with effectas from the moment of such notification, either to add
to; amend or withdraw any of the foregoing reservations, or any that may
hereafterbe added.

3.2.18. The United Kingdom contended in the proceedings related to the
request for the indicationof preliminary measures that the Court's jurisdiction
cannot be founded upon Article 36,paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Courf in
thiscase,in view of the reservations contained in itsdeclaration. It observes in
particular that, under the terns of subparagraph (iii) of the first paragraph of
thatdeclaration, it does not recognizethe jurisdiction of the Court in respect of
"(iii) disputes inrespect ofwhichanyother Party tothedispute has accepted the

compu1soy jurisdiction of fie International Court of Justice only in relation to
or for the purposes of the dispute; or where the acceptance of the Court's
compulsory jurisdiction on behalf of any other Party to the dispute was
deposited or ratified lessthan 22 months prior to the filing of the application
bringingthe dispute before the Court."
3.2.19. The United Kingdom argued that Yugoslavia's declaration "is in

substance an attempt to accept the jurisdiction of the Court solely for the
purpose of a single dispute". Itdid not submit any evidence in support of this
argument. It could not do so because there isnot any. Simply, thisargument is
not correct. The Yugoslw declaration is clear and it inot restricted to a single
3.2.20. The United Kingdom stressed that, as Yugoslavia's declaration was

deposited only three days before the date of the Application, "SiCt is self-
evident that it faito meet the twelvemonth requirement in the second clause
of the United Kingdom reservation and the United lngdom accordingly
concluded that Yugoslavia'sdeclaration "cannot provide even a prima facie
basisfor the exerciseofjurisdiction".3.2.21. In rclation to the last argument, the Applicant will quote the well-known
position of the Court, repented in the case concerning application of the
Convention ofle Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,
Preliminary Objections (Bosnia and Herzegovina v.Yugoslavia):

"Yugoslavia has also contended, in itssixth preliminary objection, that, if the
Notice given by Bosnia-Herzegovina on 29 December 1992 had to be
interpreted as constituting an instrument of accession within she meaning of
Article XI of the Genocide Convention, itcould only have become effective,

pursuant to Article XI11 of the Convention, on the 901hday followingits deposit,
that is,29March 1993.
"Since the Court has concluded that the Bosnia-Herzegovina could become a
party to the Genocide Convention as a result of a succession, the questionof the

application of ArticlesXI and XllI'of the Convention does not arise. However,
the Court willrecall that,asit noted in its Order of3April 1993, even ifRosnia-
Herzegovina were to be treated as having acceded to the Genocide Convention,
which would mean that the Application could be said to be premature by nine
days when filed on 20 March 1993, during the time elapsed since then, Bosnia-
Herzegovina could, on its own initiative, have remedied the procedural defect

by filinga new Application. It therefore matters little that the Application had
been filed some days too early. As will beindicated in the following paragraphs,
the Court is not bound to attach the same degree of importance to
considerations of form as they might possess in domestic law.

"However, in the oral proceedings Yugoslavia submitted that, even supposing
that Bosnia-Herzegovina had been bound by the Convention in March 1993, it
could not, atthal time, have entered into force between the Parties, because the
two States did not recognize one another and conditions necessary to found the
consensual basis of the Court's jur.isdictiwere therefore lacking.

"For the purpose of determining its jurisdiction in this case, the Court hasno
need to settle the question of what the effects of a situatiof non-recognition
may be on the contractual tics between parties to a multilateral treaty. It need
only note that,even if it were to be assumed that the Genocide Convention did '
not enter into force between the Parties until the signature of the Dayton-Paris
Agreement, all the conditions are now fulfilled to found.the jurisdiction of the

Court ~.arioteersonae.
"Itis the case that the jurisdictiof the Court must normally be assessed on the
date of the filing of the act instituting proceedings. However, the Court like its

predecessor, the Permanent Court of International Justice, has always had
recourse tothe principle according to which itshould not penalize adefect in a
procedural act which the applicant could easily remedy. Hence, in the case
concerning the MavronimatisPalestine Concessions, the Permanent Court said:
'Even ifthe grounds on which the institution of proceedings was based were

defective for the reason stated, thiswould not be an adequate reason for the
dismissal ofthe applicant's suit. The Court, whosejurisdictionisinternatiunal, isnot bound to attach to matters of form the same degree of importance which

they might posses in municipal law. Even, therefore, ii the application were
premature because the Treaty of Lausanne had not yet'bzn ratified, this
circumstances would now be covered by the subsequent deposit uf the necessary
ratifications.'(P.C.I.Series A, No.2,p. 34.)

"The same principle lies at thc root of the followingdicf~rmof the Permanenl
Court of International Justiceinhe case concerning CerrninGemnn Intt.resfs in
Polish UpperSilesia:
'Even if,under Article23, the existence of a definite dispute wenecessary,this
condition could at any time be fulfilled by means of unilateral action on the part

of the applicant Party.And the Court cannot allow itseIf tobe hampered by a
mere defect of form, the removal of which depends solely on the Party
concerned." (P.C.I.J.Series A, No.6.P. 14.)
"The present Court applied this principle in the case concerning theNorfhern

Cameroons (1.C.J. Reports 1963, p. 28), as well as Milifaly arzdPamrnilifnly
Aclivitiein and againNicaragua(Nioarcfgua v. U~~ited raresof Amelicrr) when it
stated: 'Itwould make no sense to require Nicaragua now to institute fresh
proceedings based on the Treaty, which it would be fully entitled ro do(I.C.J.
Reports1984, pp, 428-428,para. 83.)

"Tn the present case,even if it were established that the Parties,each of whichwas
bound by the Convention when theApplication was fiied, had onlybcen bound as
between themselves with effect from 14 December 1495,the Court could not set
aside its jurisdiction on this basis, inasmashBosnia-Herzegovina might at any
time file a new application, identical to the present one, which would be

unassailable in this respect." (Case concerning application of the Convention on
the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime ofGenocide, Preliminary Objections
(Bosnia and Herzegovina v.Yugoslavia), Judgment, pp. 19- 21,paras.24-26)
3.2.22. It is evident that the Application failed to meet the twelve month
requirement in the second clause, subparagraph 111,paragraph I ofthe United

Kngdom reservation but it is also evident that this requirement will be satisfied
ifthe oral hearings on the merits starts af25rApril 2000, which isvery likely.


3.3.1. In the case against Belgium, by a letterof.12 May 1999, the Applicant
submitted to theCourt a "Supplement to the Application" which read asfollows:
"Using the right reserved by the Application of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia againstthe fingdam of Belgium for vioIation ofthe obligation not

to use force, filed to the International Court of Justice on 29 April 1999, 1
supplement its part related to the grounds of jurisdiction of the Court, which
should nowread as follows: "The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia invokes Article 36,
paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice as well as

Article IX of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide and Article 4 of the Convention of Conciliation, Judicial Settlement
and Arbitration between the Kingdom of Yugosbavia and Belgium, signed at
Belgrade on 25 March 1830and in force since3 September 1930"'
3.3.2. Article 4 of the Convention of Conciliation, Judicial Settlement and
Arbitration between the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Belgium, signed at
Belgrade on 25 March 1930 and in force since 3 September 1930, read as
"All disputes with regard to which the Parties are in conflict as to their
respective rights shall be submitted for decision to the Permanent Court of
International Justice unless the Parties agree in the manner hereinafter

provided, to resort toan arbitral tribunal.
It isunderstood that the disputes referred to above indude in particular those
mentioned inArticle 36 of the Statuteof the Permanent Court of International

3.3.3. In the case against the Netherlands, by his letterof 12 May 1999, the
Agent of Yugoslavia submitted to the Court a "Supplement to the Application"
of his Government, which read as follows:
"Using the right reserved by the Application of the Federal Republic of

Yugoslavia against the Kingdom of the Netherlands for violition of the
obijgation not to use force, filed to the International Court of Justiceon 29
April 1993,I supplen~ent its part related to the grounds of jurisdictionof the
Court, which should now read asfollows:
"The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugodavia invokes Article 36,
paragraph 2 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice as weasArticle
TX of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of

Genocide and Article 4 of the Treaty of Judicial Settlement, Arbitration and
Conciliation between tire Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Netherlands, signed
at The Hague on 11March 1931and in force since 2April 1932."
3.3.4. Article 4 of the Treaty of Judicial Settlement, Arbitration and
Conciliation between the EClngdornof Yugoslavia and the Netherlands, signed

at The Hague on 11 March 1931 and in force since2 April1932, reads:
"If,in the case of oneofthe disputes referred to in Artic2, the two Partieshave
not had recourse to the Permanent Conciliation Commission, or if that
Commission has not succeeded in bringing about a settlementbetween them, the
dispute shall be subn~itied jointly under a special agreement, either to the
Permanent Court of International Justice, which shall deal with the dispute

subject to the conditions and in accordance with the procedure laid down in its
Statute, or toan arbitral tribunal which shadeal with it subject to the conditions
and in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Hague Convention of
October 18,1907 for the Pacific Settlemenof InternationalDisputes. .-

"Ifthe Parties fail to agree as to the choice ofa Court, the terms of the special
agreement, or in the case of arbitrator procedure, the appointment of arbitrators,
either Party shall be at liberty, aftergiving one month's notice, to bring the
dispute, by an application,direct before the Permanent Court of Justice."

3.3.5 In the light of the new basesof jurisdiction invoked by the Applicant, the
Court informed the Parties, during the oral hearings related to the request for
the indication of provisional measures, that itwould give its consideration to any
observations ol the Respondents in regard to the admissibility of the additional

3.3.6. At the afternoon session of 12 May 1999 Belgiun~ made various
observations on the admissibility of the Yugoslav "Supplement to the
Application" and on the new basis of jurisdiction invoked therein. Belgium,
referring toArticle 38,paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court, argued as follaws:

"It follows clearly that it is unacceptable, as in thiscase, to introduce a new
ground in extremis supplementing an essential poinl in the arguments on the
prima faciejurisdiction of the Court "

"Belgium contended in the altenlativc 'that the Convention of 1939 confers
jurisdiction noton (the) Court, but on the PC1JY I.contended that Article 37 of
the Statute is without effect here. Belgium stated inthefurther nlrernntive 'that,
under the terms of (the) Convention (of 1930), recourse to the PCIJ is a
subsidiary remedy', and whereas it points out that Yugoslavia "has failed to

exhaust the preliminary procedures whose exhaustion is a necessarycondition
for seisin of the PCIJ"
3.3.7. The Netherlands objected to the Catepresentation by Ihc Applicant of this
basis of jurisdiction. The Netherlands argued that the Treaty of Judicial

Settlement, ~rbitration and Conciliation of 11 March 1931 isno longer in force
between the Netherlands and Yugoslavia. The Netherlands observed that it is
not a party to the 1978 Vienna Convention on the Succession of Statcs in
respect of Treaties and rhat, in contrast wita number ofother bilateral treaties
concluded with the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, no
provisional mutual agreement has been reached on the continued validityof the
1931 Treaty. The Netherlands further argued that the Applicant has not

complied with the procedural requirements of Article 4 of the Treaty, in
particular the,period of notice of one month.
3.3.8. The invocation hy a party of a new basis of jurisdiction in the second
round of oral argument on a request for the indication of provisional measures
has never before occurred in the Court's practice. The Court was of the opinion
that such "action at this late stage, when not accepted by the other party,
seriously jeopardizes the principle of procedural fairness and the sound
administration of justice." In consequence the Court was not able, for the-
purpose of deciding whether it may or may nor indicate provisional measures in
the present case, to take into consideration the new title of jurisdiction which -

Yugoslavia sought to invoke on 12May 1999.

3453.3.9. The Applicant considers that the procedural obstacles and difficulties
disappeared, sothe new basis of the jurisdiction of the Couin the case against
Belgium and [he Netherlands is established.
3.3.10. Two bilateral treaticarein force. Belgium did notnegate that the treaty
is in force.The Netherlands did. But, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
etherl land ent a Note dated 20 May 1997 informing the Yugoslav side on

bilateral treades which arein force between the two sides. The Treaty of Judicial
Settlement, Arbitration and Conciliation of 11 March 1931 is on the list of
treaties which are, according to the Netherlands, iforce.The Yugoslav side did
not object. (Annex, No. 178,pp. 528-531) The Netherlands is now precluded to
deny validity of the Treaty.

3.3.11. Arricle 4 of the Convention of Conciliation, JudiciaI Settlement and
Arbitration between the Qngdom of Yugoslavia and Belgium, signed at
Belgrade on 25 March 1930 does not provide any preliminary procedures whose
exhaustion is a necessaq cundition forseisinof the PCIJ.
3.3.12. It istrue that the two bilateral treaties refer to the Permanent Courtof

Tnternational Justice. But, according to Article 37 of the Statute of the
International Court of Justice "whenever a treaty or convention in force
provides for reference of a matter to the Permanent Court of International
Justice, the matter shall, as between the parties to the present Statute, be
referred to the lnternationat Court of Justice".


3.4.1. By its Application, dated 29April1999, the Applicant referred to Article
LXof the Genocide Convention as to the basis of the jurisdiction of the Court.
3.4.2. In its Orders, date2 June 1999, the Court said:

"Whereas inits Application YugosIavia claims, in the second place, tfound the
jurisdictionof the Court on Articl1X of the Genocide Convention, which provides:
'"Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation,
application or fulfillmentof the present Convention, includingthose relating to
the responsibilityof a Statefor genocide or for anyof the other actsenumerated

in article JIIshall be submitted to the International Court of Justice at the
-request ofanyof the parties to the dispute'
"and whereas in its Application Yugoslavia states that the subjeof the dispute
concerns itzteralia' acts of the lngdom of Belgium by which it has violated its
international obligation not to deliberately inflict conditionof life calculated

te cause the physical destruction ofa national group'; whereas, in describing the
facts on which the Application is based, Yugoslavia states: 'The above-
mentioned acls are deliberately creating conditions cafculated at the physical
destruction of an ethnic group, inwhole or in part';whereas, in its starernenr of thIegatgrounds on which the Application is based,
Yugoslavia contends that 'the obligation [lot to impose deliberateIy on a
mt$ml group conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical

destruction of the group has been breached'; and whereas one of the claims on
the merits setout in theApplication is formulated asfollows:
"'bytaking partin activities listed above, aninparticular hy causing enormous
environmental damage and by using depleted uranium, the Kngdom of Belgium

has acted against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation
not to deliberiteky inflicton a national group conditions of life calculated to
bring about its physical destruction, in wholor in part';
"Whereas Yugoslavia contends moreover that the sustained and intensive

bombing of the whole of itsterritory, including the most heavily populated
areas, constitutes'a serious violatioof Article 11of the Genocide Convention';
whereas it argues that 'the pollution of soil, air and waler, destroyirlg the
economy ofthe country, contaminating the environment with deplercd uranium,
inflicts conditionsof lifeon Ihe Yugoslav nation calculated to bring about its
physical destruction'; whereas it assertshat itisthe Yugoslav nation as a whole

and as such that is targeted; and whereas it stresses that the use of certain
weapons whose long-term hazards to health and the environment are already
known, and the destruction of the largest part of the, country's power supply
system, with catastrophic consequences of which the Respondent must be
aware, Ymplythe intent to destroy, inwhole or in part, the Yugoslav national
group assuch;

"Whereas for its part Belgium argues that the Genocide Convention can be
invoked only 'where there is a dispute relating to a matter coming within the
scope of the Convention,'; and that, in order for the said Arlicle to he
applicable, 'theclaims submitted bythe Applicant must relate, even indirectly or
tenuously, to the concept of genocide'; whereas, with reference to the definition

of genocide contained in Article ITof the Conventiun, Belgium stressesthat 'it is
impossible todiscern any intention on the part of thc Kingdom of Belgium to
destroy, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial or religious group
coming under the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, or even
any appearance of such alleged intention';and whereas Belgium asserts that 'the
NATO operation is inno sense directed against the population ofthe Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, but ...against that country's military machine and

military-industrial complex'; and whereas Belgium accordingly concludes 'that,
since the claims of
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia manifestly fall totally outside the scope of
the Convention, Sthe CourtC has no prima facie jurisdiction tu consider
Yugoslavia's Application on the,basisof the said Convention';

"Whereas it is not disputed that both Yugoslavia and Belgium are parties to the
Genocide Convention without reservation; and whereas Article IX of the
Convention accordingly appears toconstitute a basison which thejurisdiction ofthe Court might be foundedto the extent that the subject-matter of the dispute
relates to 'the interpretation,application or fulfilment' of the Convention,
including disputes 'relating to the responsibility afState for genocide or for
any of the other acts enumerated in article 11'fthe said Convention;

"Whereas, inorder to determine, even prirna.facie, whether a disputwithin the
meaning of Article IX of the Genocide Convention exists, the Court cannot
Iirnit itself tnoting that one of the Partics maintains that the Convention
applies, while the other denies it; andwhereas in the present case the Court
must ascertain whether the breaches of the Convention alleged by Yugoslavia

are capable of falling within the provisioof that instrument and whether, as a
consequence, the dispute is onewhich the Court has jurisdictiorationematetiae
to entertain pursuant to ArticleIX (cfOilPlatforms(IslamicRepublicoflrun v.
United States ofAmerica), PrelimitzalyObjec~ioul ,~illgme Int,J.Reports 1996
(II),p.810,para. 16);

"Whereas the definition of genocide set out in Article I1 of the Genocide
Convention reads as follows:
'Inthe present Convention, genocide means any of the followingacts committed
with intent to destroy, in whole oEnpart,a national, ethnical, racial or religious

group, as such:
(a) fillingmembersof the group;
(b) Causing serious bodilyor mental harm to members of the group; .
(c) Deliberately inflictingon the group conditions of life calculated to bring
about itsphysical destructioninwhole or in part;

(dl Imposingmeasures intended lo prevent births within thegroup;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the grou20another group';
"Whereas it appears to the Court, from this definition, 'that (the) essential
characteristic(of genocide) isthe intended destruction of 'anational, ethnical,
racial or religious group" (Applicarconofthe Convention on thePreventia onnd
Punishrnenr of the Crinze of Ge~zocide, Provisional Measures, Order of 13

September 1993,I.C.J .eporls 1993, p.345, para. 42); whereas the threator use
of force against a State cannot in itself constitute an act of genocide within .he
meaning of Article I1of the Genocide Convention; and whereas, in the opinion
of the Court, it does not appear at the present stagofthe proceedings that the
bombings which form the subjecr of the YugosIav Application 'indeed entailthe
element of intent, towards a group as such, required by the provision quoted

above' (Legalo if[heThreat or Useof N~~clear WeaponsA , dvisotyOpinion, IC.J.
ReportsI996 (I), p.240,para.26);
"Whereas the Court is therefore not in aposition to find, at thistage of the
proceedings, that the acts imputed byYugoslavia to the Respondent are capable
of coming within the provisions of the Genocide Convention; and whereas

Article EX of the Convention, invoked by Yugoslavia, cannot accordingly
constitute a basison which the jurisdiction of the Court could prima facie be
founded in this cas..." (Case concerning legality of use of force, (Yugoslavia v.Belgium) Request.for
the indication of provisional measures, Order, 2 June 1999)The identical text
appeared in the Orders referred to other Respondents.
3.4.3. Bythis Memorial, the Applicant has submitted he evidence on the intent

to commit genocide referring to actsof the Respondents (acts of bombing) and
to acts of killingand wounding of Serbs and other non-Albanian population in
I Kosovo and Metohija after the 10th of June 1999. Accordingly, the Applicant
claims that the jurisdiction of the Court, based on Article IX of the Genocide
Convention is established.


The Government of the Federal Republic of Y~tgoslavia requests the

International Court of Justice to adjudge and declare:
- by the,bombing of the territoryof the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the
Respondent has acted against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in brcacb of
its obligation not tuse force against another Srate;

- by using force against the Yugoslav army and police during their actions
against terrorist groups, i.e. the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army ", the
Respondent has acted against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia inbreach of
its obligation not to interverle in the affairs of anotState;

- by attacks on civilian targets, and by inflictidamage, injuriesand losses to
civilians and civilian objects, the Respondent has acted against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation to spare the civilian
population, civilians and civiliaobjects;

- ,by destroying or damaging monasteries, monuments of culture, the
Respondent has acted against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of
its obligation not to commit any act of hostility directed against historical
monuments, works of art or places of worship which constitute cultural or
spiritual heritageofpeople;

- by the use of cluster bombs, the Respondent has acted against the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation not to use prohibitedm
weapons, i.e. weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering;
- by the bombing of oil refineries and chemical plants, the Respondent has
acted against the Federal Republic of Yugaslavia in breach of its obligation not

to cause cvnsiderable environmental damage;
- by the use ofweapons containing deplcted uranium, the Respondent has acted
against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation noto use
prohibited weapons and not to cause far-reaching health and environmental

- by killing civilians, destroying enterprises, communications, health and
cultural institutions, the Respondent has acted against the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation to respect the right tolifethe right to
work, the right to information, the right to bealth care as well as other basic
human rights;- by destroying bridges on international rivers, the Respondent has acted
against the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia in breach of its obligation to respect
Stare sovereignly;
-by activitieslistedabove, andin particular by causing enormous environmental

damage and by using depleted uranium, the Respondent has acted against the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in breach of its obligation not to deliberately
inflicton anational group conditions oflife calculated to bring about its physical
destruction, inwhole or in part;
- by failures to prevent killing, wounding and ethnic cleansing of Serbs and

other non-Albanian groups in Koswo and Metohija, the Respondent has acted
against the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia in breach of itsobligations to ensure
public safety and order in Kosovo and Metohija and to prevent genocide and
ather acts enumerated in articleI11of the Genocide Convention;
- the Respondent is responsible for the violation of the above international

- the Respondent is obliged to stop imrnediateIy the violation of the above
obligations vis-h-vistheFederal Republic of Yugoslavia;

- the Respundent is obliged to provide compensation for the damages, injuries
and lossesdone to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and to its citizens and
The Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia requests the
International Court of Justice to settle the form and amount ofthe reparation,

failing agreement between the Parties and to reserve, for this purpose, the
subsequent procedure in thiscase.

Rodoljub Etinski
Agent for the FR of Yugoslavia LISTOF ANNEXES

Annex No. 1: Depesa Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslovau Djakovici,br. 2583199
od 14.04.1999. godine, str.1-3; Dispatch of the Secretariat of the Interior in
Djakovica No. 2583/99, 14 April 1999,pp. 21-23.'"

AnnexNo. 2: Depesa Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Djakovici br.2594 ad
15.04.1999. godine, str. 4.; Dispatch of the Secretariat of the Interior in
DjakovicaNo. 2544,15 April 1999,p. 24.

Annex No. 3: Depesa Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Djakovici od
16.04.1999.godine, str. 5; Dispatch of the Secretariat of the Interior in
Djakovica26April 1999,p. 24.

Annex No. 4: Izvestaj o kriminalisticka-tehp nregledum lica mesta
Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Djakovici br. 781/160/99 od 14.04,1999.
godine, str. 6-7; Report of the On-site Forensic Technical Investigation of

Secretariat ofthe Interiorin Djttkovica
No. 781/160199, 14April 1999,p. 26.
Annex No. 5:EzvestajSekretarijata unut~asnjihposlova u Prizrenu br. 349199od

15.04. 2995.godine, str8-10;Report of the Secretariat of the Interior in Prizren
No.3491??,15April 1999,pp. 33-36.

Annex No.6: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Prizrenu
od 14.04.1999. godine, str. 11; Minutes of On-site Investigation of the
Secretariat oftheInterior inPrizren 14April 1999, p. 36.

Annex No. 7: lzvestaj o kriminalisticko-tehn prcgkedmu lica mesta
Se kretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Prizrenu br. 750/250/99 od 14.04.1999.
godine, str.12; Report of the On-site Forensic Technical Investigation of the
Secretariat of the Interior in Psizten N7501250199 1,4April 1999, p. 37.

Annex No. 8: Skicalicamesta, str. 13;Sketchbfthe Site,p,38.

Annex No. 9: Zapisnik o uvidjajuOpstinskogsuda u Aleksincu Kri. br.24195,od
6.04.1999.godine str. 14-17; Investigation Report of the Municipal Court in
AleksinacKri.No.241996April 1899,pp. 56-61,

294Numhcr Indicatethc numberafpagcofthebook ofthe Federal Minisof ForcigAffairs
titeled"NATO CrimeinYugoslavia,DocumentaryEv~dcnc,4 March-25April 1999",Vol. I

353Annex No. 10: Sluzbene beleske Odeljenja unutrasnjih poslova u Aleksincu od

6.94.1999.godine, str18-24; OfficialMemosof the Secretariatofthe Interior in
Aleksinac, 6 April1999, pp.61-66 and 67-69.

Annex No. 11: Sluzbena beleska Odeljenja unutrasnjih posiova u Aleksincu od
7.04.1999. godine, str. 25; Official Memo ofthe Secretariat of the Interior in
Aleksinac, 7April 1999, p.66.

Annex No. 12: lzvod iz maticneknjige umrIih Opstine Aleksinac br.92/1999od
10.04.1999. godine za Velimira Stankovica str. 26;Death Certificate of the
Municipality of Aleksinac KO. 9211999 dated 10 April 1999 of Velimir
Stankovic p. 69.

Annex No. 13: lzvod izmaticne knjige umrlih Opstine Aleksinac br. 89/1999
od 10.04.1999, godine za Jovana Radojcica str. 27;Death Certificate of the

Municipality of AIeksinac No. 89/1999 dated 10 April 1995 of Jovana
Radojcica p. 70;

Annex No. 14: Izvod iz rnaticne knjige umrlih Opstine AIeksinac br. 8811999
od 10.04.1999. godine za Sofiju Radojcic str. 28; Death Certificate uf the
Municipality of AIeksinac No. 88/1999 dated 10 April 1999 of Safijija
Radojcic p.71;

Annex No. 15: Izvod iz maticne knjige umrlih OpstineAleksinac bx.93/1999 od
10.04.1999. godine za Dragomira Miladinovica str. 29; Death Certificate of the
Municipality of Aleksinac No. 93/1999 dated 10 April 1999 of Dragomir

Miladinovica p. 72.
Annex No. 16:Izvod iz rnaticne knjige umrlih Opstine Aleksinac br.93/1999od

10.04.1999. godine za Snezanu Miladinovic str. 30; Death Certificate of the
Municipality of Aleksinac No. 93/1999 datcd 10 April 1999 of Snezana
Miladinovic p. 73.

Annex No. 17:Imod iz maticne knjige umrlih Opstine Aleksinac br.86/1999 od
10.04.1999. godine za Vojislava Jovanovica str. 31; Death Certificate af the
Municipality of Aleksinac No. 8h/1999 dated 10 April 1999 of Vojislav
Jevanovic p. 74.

Annex No. 18: hod izmaticne knjige umrlih Opstine Aleksinac br. 87/1999 od
10.04.1999. godine za Radojku Jovanovic slr. 32; Death Certificate of the
Municipality of Aleksinac No. S7/1999 dated 10 April 1999 of Radojka

Jovanovic p. 75.
Annex No. 19:Imod izmaticne knjige umrlih Opstine Sokobanja br. 203199-04

od19.04.1999. godine zaGvozdenaMilivojevica szr.33;Death Certificateof the
Municipality of Sokobanja No. 203/99-04 datcd 19 April 1999 of Gvozden
Milivojevicp. 76. ,Annex No. 20: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Velimira Stankovica S 54/95 od
6.04.1999.godine, str. 34-37; Autopsy Reporof Velimir Stankvvic No. S 54/99
6.April 1999,pp. 77-80.

Annex No. 21: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Dragana Miladinovica S 55/98 od
6.04.1999.godine, str38-41;Autopsy Report of Dragan MiladinovicNo.S55/99
6.April 1999,pp. 80-84.

Annex No. 22: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Snezanu Miladinovica S 53/99 od
6.04.1999. godine,str.42-45; Autopsy Report of Snezana Miladinovic No. S
53/996. April 1999,pp.84-88. '

AnnexNo. 23:ObdukcionizapisnikzaSofijuRadojcic S57/99 od 6.04.1999.godine,
str. 46-50;AutopsyReportof SofijaRadojcicNo. S57/99 6.April1999 pp.88-93.

Annex No. 24: Obdukcioni zapisnik zaJovana Radojcica S 56/99od 6.04.1999.
godine, str. 51-55;Autopsy Report of JovanRadojcjc No. S 56/996. April 1999

pp. 93-97.
Annex No. 25: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Vojislava Jovanovica S 59/99 od

7.04.1949.godine, str. 55-59;Autopsy Report of Vojislava Jovanovica No. S
59/997. April1999pp.94-100.

Annex No. 26: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Radojku Jovanovic S 060199 od
7.04.1999. godine, str. 60-63;Autopsy Report of Radojka Jwanovic No. S
060/997.April 1999pp. 100-102.

Annex No;27: Spisak lica puvredjenih za vreme bumbardovanja Aleksinca
5/6.04.1999. godine, str 64-65; List of people injured in the bombing of
Neksinac on 516April 1999.pp. 102-104.

Annex No. 28: Svedocenje Stojanovic Srboljuba Kri. 22/99or320.04.1999.godine
pred Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str. 66;Testimony ofStojanovic Srboljub
Kri.22/9920 April 1999in the Municipal Courr in Aleksinacp.104.

Annex No. 29: Svedocenje Miletic Slavimira Kri. 26/99od 20.04.1989. godine
pred Opstinskim sudom u:Aleksincu, str67;Testimony of Miletic Slavimir Kri.
26/99 20April 1999in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac,p.105.

Annex No. 30: Svedocenje Miletic Dusan Kri.27/99ud 20.04.1999.godine pred
Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str.68;Testimony ofMiletic Dusan Kri. 27/99
20 April 1999in the Municipal Court in Aleksinacp. 107.

Annex No. 31:Izvestaj doktora specijaliste MileticDusana str69; Report of
the Doctor-Specialist for Miletic Dusap.108.

Annex No.32:Svedocenje Marinkovic Zagorke Gi. 30/99od 20.04.1999.godine
pred Opstinskim-sudom u Aleksincu, str. 70;Testimonyof Marinkovic Zagorka
Kri,30199 20April1999in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac,p.109.Annex No. 33: Svedocenje Milosevic Dragoijuba Kri. 37/99 od 20.04.1999.
godine pred Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str. 71; Testimonyof Milosevic
Dragoljub Kri. 37/99 20 April 1999 in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac,
p. 111.

Annex No. 34: Svedocenje Sekulovic Slobodana Kri. 58/99 od 22.04.1899.
godine pred Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str.72; Testimony of Sekulovic
Slobodan Kri. 59/99 22 April 1994 in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac,
p. 112.

AnnexNo. 35: Svedocenje Stcvanovic Brnnka Kri. 58/99 od 19.04.1999.godine
pred Opstinskirn sudom u Aleksincu, str73; Testimony ofStevanovic Branko

Kri.58/99 19April 1999 in the MunicipalCourt in Aleksinac, p.113.
AnnexNo. 36: Svedocenje Conic Svetlane Kri52/99 od 19.04.1999,godine pred

Opstinskim sudam u Aleksincu, str. 74-76; Testimony qf Conic Svetlana Kri.
52/99 19April 1999in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac,pp. 114-116.

Annex No. 37: Svedocenje Milinovic Dejana Kri.76/99 od 19.04.1999.godine
pred Opstinskim sudarn u Aleksincu, str77-78;Testimony of Milinovic Dejan
Kri. 76/9919April 1999 in the Municipal Courtin Aleksinac, pp. 116-118.

Annex No. 38: Svedocenje Milenkovic Bragoslava Kri.96/99 od 21.04.1999.
godine pred Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str.79;Testimony of Milenkovic
Dragoslav Kri. 86/99 19 April 1999 in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac,
p. 118.

Annex No. 39: Svedocenje Vukic Slobodana Kri. 87/99 od 20.04.1999. godine
pred Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str. SO;Testimony of Vukic Slobodan Kri.
87/99 20 April 1999in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac, p. 121.
Annex No. 40: Svcdocenje Todorovic Slobodana Kri. 77/99 od 19.04.1999.
godine pred Opstinskim sudom u Aleksincu, str. 81; Testimony ofTodorovic
Slobodan Kri. 77/9914April 1999in the Municipal Court in Aleksinac,p.126.

Annex No. 41:Strucni nalaz za stetu nastalu na civilnirnobjektumul.Dusana
Trivunca i ul.Vuka Karadzica od bornbardovanja Aleksinca 5.04.1999.godine,

od 21.04.1999.godine, str.82-83;Expert findings on thedamage to the civilian
facilities in Dusana Trivunca andVuka Karadzica St.,which areresult of the
bombing on 5 April 1999,dated 21 April 1999pp. 127-129.

Annex No. 42: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Okruznog suda u Jagodini Kri. 11/99 od
8.04.1999.godine, str. 84-85;lnvestigatiqn Report of the Sagodina DistCourt
Kri. 11/998 April 1999,pp.138-140.

AnnexNo.43: Svedocenje Nrec Colakua, Ki.440/g9 od 14.04.1999.godine, pred
Ohznirn sudom uBeogradu str.86-87;Testimony of Nrec Colaku Ki. 440199
14April 1995, pp. 146-148. Annex No. 44: Izvestaj o kriminalisticko-tehnickom pregledu lica mesta
Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Beogradu od 18.04.1999. godine, br.
100/1620/99str.88-89;Report on Forensic and Technical On- Sire Inspection of

I the Secretariat on the Interior in Belgrade dated 18April pp. 155-158.
Annex No. 45:Zapisnik uuvidjaju Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslovBeogradu

od 17.04.1999.godine, str. 80-91; Investigation Report of the Secretofthe
Interiorin Belgrade dated17 April 1999,p. 158;

Annex No. 46: Izvestaj Sekretarijata unutrasnjiposIova u Beogradu od
17.04.1999godine, str92; Report of the Secretariof the Interioin BeIgrade
dated17April 1999, p. 159.

Annex No. 47: Imestaj o kriminalisticko-teh priglkoum,lica mesta
~ekretarfjata unutrasnjih pbsluvau Beogradu od 17.04.1998. godine br.
100/1629/99,szr.93Report of the Secretariof the InteriorinBelgrade dated
28April 1999,p.160.
Annex No. 48: Svedocenjc Rakic Zarka Ki. 468/99 od 21.94.1999.godine pred
Okruznirn sudom u Beogradu, str. 94-97;Testimony ofRakic Zarko KI.468199

21April 1999in theDistrict Court in Belgradepp. 161--164.
I Annex No. 49: Svedocenje TrkuIja Radislava Ki. 487/99od 29,04.1999.godine

pred Okruznirn sudom u Beogradu, str.98-101; Testimony of Trkulja Radislava
1. 48719929 April1999 in the District Court in Belgrapp.229-231.
Annex No.50: Svedocenje Zvonimira Brebera mi. 397/99od 23.04.1999.gadine
pred Okruznim sudom u Movom Sadu, str. 102-103; Testimonyof Zvonimir
Breber Kri. 397/923 April 1989in the District Court Novi Sad pp.240-242.

Annex No. 51: Svedocenje Colakovic Zeljka Kri. 397/99 od 19.04.1999.
godine pred Okruznim sudom u Novom Sadu, str. 104-105; Testimony of
Colakovic Zeljko Kri. 39714919 April 1999 in the District Court Navi Sad
pp. 238-240.

Annex No. 52:Zapisnik b uvidjaju Opstinskog suda u Leskovcu a. 56/99 od
12.04.1999.godine;str. 106-109; On-Site Investigation ReKi.t56/99 12April

Annex No. 53: 'NaIaz vestaka od 13.04.1999.godine. str. 110-113; Expert
Findings dated 13April 1999,pp.275-277.

Annex No. 54:Svedocenje Mihajlovic Petra Kri 4531'39od 27.04.1999.godine
pred Okruznirn sudom u Beogradu, str.114-116;Testimony of Mihajlovic Petar
43/99 27 April1999,pp.278-280,

AnnexNo.55: Zapisniko obdukciji Zorana Jovanovicaod 13.04.1988.godinestr.
117-120.Autopsy Report of Zoran Jovanovicdated 13April 1999,pp. 280-283.Annex No. 56:Zapisnik o obdukcijiPetra Mladenovica od 13.04.1999,godine,
str. 121-122.;Autopsy Report of Petar Mladenovic dated 13 April 1999,pp.

AnnexNo.57:Zapisnik o obdukcijiSimeonaTodorovaod 13.04.1999.godine,str.
123-124.;AutopsyReport of SimeonTodorovdated 13 April1999,pp.285-287.

Annex No. 58: Zapisnik o obdukciji Verke Mladenovic od 13.04.1999.godine,
str.125-126.;Autopsy Report of Verka Mladenovic dated 13 April 1999, pp.

AnnexNo.59:Zapisnik o obdukciji Ivana Markwica od 13.04.1999.godine, str.
127-128.;Autopsy Report of Ivan Markovicdated 13April 1999,pp.289-291.

AnnexNo. 60: Zapisnik o obdukciji Ane Markovic od 13.04.1999.gddine, str.
123-130.;Autopsy Reparr of Ana Markovicdated 13April 1994,pp.291-293.

AnnexNo. 61:Zapisnik oobdukcijiJasmine Veljkovicod 13.04.1999.godine, str.
131-132.;Autopsy Report ofJasrninaVeljkovicdated 13April 1999,pp.293-295.

AnnexNo, 62:Zapisnik o obdukcijiNN lesaod 13.04.1999,godine, str133-134.;
Autopsy Report of Unknown dated 13April 1998,pp. 297-299.

Annex No. 43:Svedocenje MikicGorana Kri. 30D9od 23.04.999.godine, pred
Okruzni mudom u Nisu, str. 135-137;Testimony of Mikic Goran in,District
Court in NisKri.30/99, 23April 1999,pp.297-299.

Annex No. 64: Otpusna lista sa epikrizom batnice Leskovac za Mikic
Gorana,str. 138;Discharge paper with epicrisiof Leskovac Hospital for Mikic
Goran, p. 299.

AnnexNo. 65:Svedocenje Milana Simon~vicaKri. 15/99 od 22.04.1999.godine,
pred Okruznis mudom u Leskovcu, str.138-140;Testimony of Milan Sirnonovic
in District Court in LeskovacKri. 15/99,22 April 1999,pp. 300-302.

Annex No. 66: Svedocenje Voje Stevanovica JSri.15/99 od 22.04.1999.godine,
pred Okruznim sudom u Leskovcu, str. 141-142;Testimony of Voja Stevanovic
in District Court iLeskovac Kri. 15/99,22April 1999,pp.302-304.

Annex No. 67:Svedocenje Bare Kostica Qi. 15/49od 15.04.1999.iodine, pred
Okruznirn sudom u Leskovcu,str.143-145; Testimony of Bora Kostic in District
Court in LeskovacKri.151'39,15 April 1999,pp.304-307.

Annex No. 68: Spisaknastradalih putnika u vozu, 12.04.3999.godine Kri. 15/99
od 26.04.1999.godine, str. 146; List of persons killedthepassenger train on

April 12,1999,Kri. 15/99dated 25 April 1998,p.307.
AnnexNo. 69:Spisak povredjenih putnika u vozu,12.04.1999.godine, str. 147;

Listof persons injured on the train on April 12,1999, p. 308.Annex No. 70:Svedocenje Vladimira Nikolica Kri. 15199 od 15.04.1999.godine,
pred Okruznim sudarn u Leskovcu, str. 148-148;Testimony of Vladimir Nikolic

Kri. 15/9815 April, 1999,in DistricCourt inLeskovac, pp. 309-321.
Annex No. 71: Svedocenje Miroljuba Cakica Kri. 15/89 od 15.04.1999.godit~e,

pred Okruznim sudom u Leskovcu, str. 150-151;Testimony of Miroljub Cakic
Kri.15/9915April, 1999,in District Court in Leskovac,pp. 311-313.

Annex No. 72:Zapisnik o uvidjaju Sekertarijata unutrasnjih poslova Beograd od
04.04.1999. godine str.152;On-Site Iwestigaton Report of the Secretariatof
the Interior of Belgraddated 4 ApriI 1999,p. 363.

Annex No. 73: Imestaj Sekretarijata unutrasnjih posloBeograd od 04.04.1999.
godine, br. 1105199,str. 153; Report of the Secretariat of the Interiar of
Belgrade dated 4 April1999,No. 1105/99,p. 364.

Annex No. 74: Tzvestaj a kriminalisticko-tep hreilekomIica mesta
Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslovaBeograd od04.04.1999.godine, br1001 1492199,
str. 154Report on the Criminal Technical On-Site Investigation the Secretariat
of the InterioafBelgrade dated 4 April 1999,No.100/1492/99p , 365.

Annex No. 75: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Opstinskog suda u Surduliciod 27.04.1999.
godine Kr.84/99, str.155-168; Investigation Reportof the Surdulica Municipal
Court dated 27April 1999, Kr. 84/99,pp. 24-372"

Annex No. 76: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Opstinskog suda u Surduliciod 27.04.1999.
godine k. 85/99,str. 169-185;Investigation Reportof the SurduIica Municipal
Court dated 27 April 1999,Kr. 85/99,pp. 37-51.

Annex No. 77: Zapisnik Opstinskog suda u Surdulici od 28.04.1S399.godine o
idetifikaciji leseva, str. 186-210;Report of the Surduljca Municipal Court dated
28 April 1999,on Identification of Bodiespp.51-61,p. 53.

Annex No. 78: Obdukcioni zapisnik S 73/99 od 28.04.1999, godincza Ivanovic
Dragana, str. 211-213;Autopsy Repoit S 73/99,dated 28 April 1999 of Ivanovic
Dragan, pp. 61-64.

Annex No. 79: Obdukcioni zapisnik S 74/99 ad 28.04.1999. godine za Milic
Vladimira, str. 214-216;Autopsy Report S 74/99, dated 28 April 1999 of Milic
Vladimir, pp.64-66.

AnnexNo.80 Obdukcionizapisnik S 75/99od 28.04.1999.godinezaRasicStanu,str.
217-219;AutopsyReport S75/99,dated 28April 1999 of RasicStana,pp.65-68.

Annex No. 81:Obdukcioni zapisnik S 75/89od 28.04.1999.godine zaDjordjevic
Stanisu, str. 220-222;Autopsy RcportS76/99,dated 28 April 1999of Djordjevic


titled"NATO CrimeinYugoslav~D,ocumentaryEvidence,25Apr-l113une 1999",VoI. I1rsAnnex No, 82: Obdukcioni zapisnik S 77/99 od 28.04.1999.godine za Milic
Vesnu, str.223-225; Autopsy Report S 77/39, dated 28 April 1999 of MiIic

Annex No. 83: Obdukcioni zapisnik S 78/99 od 28.04.1999.godine za Milic
Aleksandra, str. 226-227;Autopsy Report S 78/99,dated 28ApriI 1999of Mjlic
Aleksandar,pp. 72-74.

Annex No. 84: Obdukcioni zapisnik S 79/99 od 28.04.1999. godine za
Milovanovic Miomira, str. 228-230; Autopsy Report S 79/99, dated 28 April
1999of MilovanovicMiomir,pp. 74-75.

Annex No. 85: Obdukcioni zapisnik S 80199od 28.04.1999.godine za Milic
Miljanu, str. 231-232;Autopsy Report S 80199, 'dated 28 April 1999 of Milic

Annex No. 86: Obdukcioni zapisnik S 81/99 od 28.04.1999.godine za Milic

Stamenka, str.233-234;Autopsy Report S 81/99,dated 28 April 1999of Milic
Stamenko, pp. 78-80.
AnnexNo. 87: SvedocenjePetkovic Stojanceta pred Okruznim sudom uVranju,

od 12.05.1999.godine Kri.24/99,str. 235-237;Testimony ofPetkovic Stojance in
the District Court inVraajedated 12May1999,Kri. 24/99>pp. 80-83. -

AnnexNo. 88:Zapisnik o uvidjajuKri.593P9 od 30.04.1999. godine, Okruznog '
suda u Beogradu, str. 238-240;On-Site Investigation Kri.593199dated 30 April
1999, the District CourinBelgrade, pp. 102-104.

Annex No. 88:Izvestaj Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Beogradu od
30.04.1999. godine, str. 241-242; Report of the Secretariat of Interior in
Belgrade dated 30April 1999, pp. 104-106.

Annex No. 90:Zapisnik o uvidjaju Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslovuBeogradu
od 30.04.1999. godine, str. 243-244; On-Site Investigation Memo of the
Secretariatof lnterior iBelgrade dated 30 April1999, pp.106-108.

Annex No. 93: Izvestaj o kriminalisticko-teh pnegledum lica mesta
Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Beogradu od 30.04.1999. godine br.
100/1776/99s,tr. 245;Report on ForensicandTechinicalOn-Site Inspectionof the
Secretariat ofnterior in Belgraddated30April1999,No. 100/1775/99p. 108:

Annex No. 92: Izvestaj Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Beogradu, VIII
odeljenje od30.04.1999.godine, stz.246;Report of the Secretariat of Interior in
Belgrade VIII Divisiondated 30April 1999,p. 109.

Annex No. 93: Svedocenje Dragoljuba Tesica Kri. 71/99od 12.05.1999.godine
pred Okruznim sudom u Valjevu, str. 247-249;Testimony of Dragoljub Tesic

Kri.71/99dated 12May 1999,in the District Court in Valjevo, pp. 114-116.Annex No. 94: Imestaj o kriminalisticko-tehp recleoum lica mesta

Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Beogradu od 08.05.1999. godine br.
100/1860/!49,tr.250; Peport On the On-Site Forensic-Technical Investigation
of the Secretariat oInterior inBelgrade, dated 8 May 1999, No. 100/1860/99,
p. 134,

Annex No. 95: Imeszaj-Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Beogradu od
08.05.1999.godinebr. 1437199,str.251-252;Report ofthe Secretariat of Interior
in Belgrade,dated 8May 1999, No, 1437/99,pp. 135-137.

Annex No. 96: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Okruznog suda u Cacku Kri. 14/99 od
10.05.1999.godine, str. 253-256;On-Site Investigation Report of theDistrict
Court iriCacak,Kci.14/99dated 10May 1949,pp. 140-143.

Annex No. 97:.Obdukcioni zapisnik za RisticNaska S 10199 od 11.05.1999.
godine, str. 257-259;Autopsy Report of Ristic Nasko S 10/99 dated 11 May
1999, pp.143-146.

Annex No. 98: Obdukcioni sapisnik za Jovcic Mitosa S 11/99 od 11.05.1999.
godine, str260-262;AutopsyReport of Jovcic Milos S 11/99dated 11 May 1999,
pp. 146-149.

Annex No. 99: Obdukcioni zapisnik za Dzernailovic Vehiju S 12/99 od
11.05.1999.godine, str263-265; Autopsy Report of DzemailovicVelija S 12/99
dated 11 May 1999, pp. 149-652.

AnnexNo. 109:Obdukcioni zapisnikza Obrenic Dragana S 13/99od 11.05.1949.
godine, str266-268; AutopsyReport of Obrenic Dragan S 13/99 dated 11 May
1999, pp.152-155.

Annex No. 101:Skice licamesta, str269-270; Site Sketchespp.155-157.

Annex No. 102: Svedocenje Ristic Sladjana pred Okruznim sudom u
Beogradu fii. 743199od 17.06.1999. godine, str. 271-272;Testimony ofRistic
Sladjan in theDistrict Court inBelgrade, Kri. 747149dated 17 June 1999, pp.

Annex No. 103:Inod iz maticne knjige umrlih Opstine Cacak od 01-06-1999,
godine za Ristic Naska,str. 273Death Certificate of the MunicipalityofCacak
dated 1 June 1999,for Nasko Ristic,p.159.

Annex No. 104: Svedocenje Jovcic Snezane pred Okruznim sudom u
Beogradu Kri. 709/99 od 11.06.1999.godine, str274-276; Testimony of Jovcic
Snezane in the DistrictCourt in Belgrade,Kri. 709199 dated 11 June 1989, pp.

AnnexNo. 105:hod iz maticne knjige umrlih Opstine Cacak od 08.06.1999.
godine za JovcicMilosa,str. 277;Death Certificateof theMunicipalityof Cacak
dated 8June 1999,for lovcic Milos,p.162.Annex No. 106: Svedacenje IvicDanijela pred Okruznim sudom u Beogradu
Kri. 773199od 18.06.1999.godine, str. 278-279;Testimony oflvic Danijelinthe
District CourtinBelgrade, Kri.773199 dated I&June 1999,pp. 172-173.

Annex No. 107: Zapisnik o saslusanjuvestaka od 17.06.1999.godine, str. 280;
Expert Rearing Record dated 17 June 1999,p. 173.

Annex No. 198:Zapjsnik o uvidjajr~Okruznog suda u Valjevu Kri. 90/99 od
18.05.1999. godine, str. 281-255;Report on the Investigation of the District
Court in Valjevo, Kri. 90199dated 1May 1999, pp.176-180.

Annex No. 109: Zapisnik o obdukciji Milke Krunic od 19.05.1999.godine, str.
284-289;Autopsy Report of Milka Krunic dated 19 May 1999, pp. 180-184.

AnnexNo. 110:Svedocenje aunic Milete pred Okruznim sudom u Valjevu Kri.
96/99 od 25.05.1999. godine, str. 290-293;Testimony of Krunic Mileta inthe
District Court in ValjevKri,96/g9 dated 26 May 1999, pp.184-187.

Annex No. 111: SvedocenjeKrunic Miroljuba pred Okruznim sudom u Valjevu
Kri. 96/99 od 27.05.1999. godine,str. 294-295;Testimony of Krunic Miroljub
before the District Court in ValjeKri. 96/99 dated27 May 1999, pp. 187-189.

Annex No. 112:Svedocenje Jeremic Dragana pred Okruznim sudom u Valjevu
Kri. 96/99 od 27.05.1999.godine, str. 296-297; Testimony of Jeremic Dragan
befdre the District Court in Valjevo Kri. 96/99 da27May 1999,pp. 289-191.

Annex No. 113: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Opstinskog suda u Raski Kri. 58/99 od
31.05.1999.godine, str. 298-299; Reporton the Investigation of the Municipal

Court in Raska Kri.58/99 dated 31 May 1958,pp,211-213.
Annex No. 114: Izvestaj Odelenja unutrasnjih poslova Raska, UV-62/99 od

31.05.1999. godine str. 300; Report of the Police Department in Raska, UV-
62/99 dated 31 May 1999, p.213. . .
Annex No. 115:Sluzbena beleska Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslovaNovi Pazar

od 01.06.1999. godine, str.201-302; Official Memo of the Secretariatof the
Interior Novi Pazardated 1 June 1999,pp. 226-228.

Annex No. 116: Svedocenje Stefanovic Dragomira pred Okruznim sudom u
Pancevu, Kri. 45199od 04-06-1999.godine, str. 303-304;Testimonyof Stevanovic
Dragomir in the DistrictCourinPancevoKri46/99dated 4 June 1994,pp.236-238.

Annex No, 117: Izvestaj o ostecenjima na zgradi bolnice u Valjevu od
02.05.1999.godine, str. 305-308.Reporton theDamage on the Valjevo Hospital
Building,2 May 1998,pp.238-242.

Annex No. 118:Svedocenje Dragana Jeremica pred Okruznim sudom u Valjevu,
Ki.71/99od 12.05.1999.godine, str. 309-311;Testimonyof Dragan Jeremic in the
District Court in Valjevo, Ki. 71/99dated 12May1999,pp. 242-245.Annex No. 119:Zapisnik o uvidjaju Opstinskog suda u Surdulici,Kr. 1131'3od
31.05.1999.godine, str. 312-324;On-Site Investigation Report ofthe Surdulica
Municipal Court, Kr. 113139dated 31 May 1999, pp. 262-269.

Annex No. 120:Svedocenje Rozic Milice pred Opstinskim sudorn u SurduliciKr.
113199od 07.06.1999. godine, str. 325-327; Testimony of Bozic Milica in the
Surdulica Municipal Court Kr. 113/99dated 7 June 1999,pp. 269-271.

Annex No. 121:Svedocenje Rakic Mileta pxed Opstinskim sudom u Surdulici
Kr. 113199od 07.06.1999. godine, str. 328-330;Testimony of Rakic Mile in the
SurduIica Municipal Court k. 113199dated 7 June 1999, pp.271-273. ,

Annex No. 122: Zapisnici u pregledu leseva zrtava NATO bombasdovanja u
Sutdulici 32.05.1999. godine, stc. 331-361; Reports an the Examination of
Bodies victims of theNATO bombing of the hospital in Surdulica on 31 May
1999,pp- 273-289.

Annex No. 123: Spisak povredjenih osoba u NATO bornbardovanju S~irduIice
na dan 31.05.1899.godine, sacinjen 02.06.1999.godine, str. 362-364; Liof the
Injured in the NATO bombing of Surdlica on 31 May 1999, pp.289-283. .

Annex No. 124: Spisak licaza smestaj iishranu br. 9-9199-01od 02.06.1949.
godine, Skustine opstine Surdulica, 365-366;Lisofpersons accommodated No.

9-9199-01dated 2 June 1999,pp. 293-295.
Annex No.125: Zapisnik o polomljenim i polupanim staklima u muzeju

Swremene umetnosti u Beogradu na dan 27.04.1999. godine, str. 367-368.List
of broken and shattered glass Surfaces in the Museum of Modern Art in
Belgrade on 27 April 1999,pp. 297-299.

AnnexNo. 126: Svedocenje Borislava Korice pred Okruznin~sudom u Beogradu
Kri. 617199od 18.05.1999.godine, str.369-371; Testimony of RorisiavKorjca in
the District Court in Belgrade Kr. 617199dated 18 May 1999,pp.368-371.

Annex No. 127: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Kri. 447199 od 26. 04. 1999. godine,
Okruznog suda u Novom Sadu, str. 372-373; On-Site Investigation Kri. 447199
dated 26 April 1999,the District Court in Nuvi Sad, pp. 328-330.

Annex No. 128: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Kri. 584199 od 29. 04. 1999. godine,
Okruznog suda u Beogradu, str. 374-375; On-Site Investigation Kri. 584199
dated 29 April 1999,the District Court in Belgradpp. 332-334.

Annex No.129:hestaj SekretarijatunutrasnjiposIova u Beogradu od 29.04.1999.
godine sa zapisnlkom o uvidjaju,str.376-378;Reports of theSecretariat of the
Interiorin Belgade dated29April 1999,withOn-SiteInvestigation,pp.334-337.

Annex No. 130:Zapisnik o uvidjajuKri.25/99 od 09.05.1999. godine,Okruznog
suda u Kraljevu, str. 379-381;On-Site Investigation K25/99 dated 9May 1999,
the District Courin Kraljevo,pp. 358-360. Annex No. 131:Sluzbena beleska Odeljenja unutrasnjih poslovau Velikoj Plani
Pu 35/99 od 22.05.1999.godine, str. 382; OfficMemoof Velika Plana Police
Department Pu 385199 dated 22.May 3999,p,380,

Annex No. 132:Sluzben,abeleska Odeljenja unutrasnjih poslova uVelikojPIani
od 21.05.1999. godine, str. 383; Official Memo of Velika Plana Police
Department dated 21.May1999,p. 381.

Annex No. 133:Sluzbena beleskn Qdeljenja unutrasnjihposlova u Velikoj Plani
Pu 395/99od 27.05.1999.godine, str. 384;Official Memo ofVelika Plana PoIice
Department Pu 395/99 dated 27. May 1999,p. 383.

AnnexNo.134:Sluzbena beleska Odeljenja unutrasnjih poslova u VelikoPlani
Pu 396/94od 27.05.1999.godine, str385; Official Memo of Velika PIana Police
Department Pu 396199dated 27. May 1999, p. 384.

Annex No. 135: Svedocenje Nenada Golubovica pred Okruznim sudom u
Beogradu Kri. 843/99 od 23.06.1999.godine, str.386-388;Testimony of Nenad

Golubovic in the District Coutr in Belgrade Kri. 8431dated23 June 1999, pp.

Annex No. 136: Svedocenje Radojevic Miodraga pred Okruznim sudom u
Beogradu Kri. 843/99 od 24.06.1999. godine, str.389-390; Testimony of
Radojevic Miodrag in the District Cautr in Belgrade Kri843199 dated 24June
1389,pp. 396-398,

Annex No. 137: lzvod iz maticne knjige umrlih Opstine Pristina br.203 od
02.06.1999. godine za Nehojsu Radojevica, str. 391; Death Certificate
Municipalityof Pristina No. 203 date2June 1999,for Nebojsa Radojevic,p.398.

Annex No, 138: Svedocenje ~ileikovic Zorana pred Opstinskim sudorn u
Varvarinu Kri. 37/99od 23.06.1999. godine, str. 392; -13eslimof Milenkovic
Zoran inthe Municipality Courtin Vamarin Kri. 37/99dated 23 June 1999,pp.

Annex No. 139: Hzvodizmaticne knjige umrlih Opstine Varvarin br. 203-205/99
od 25.06.1999. godine za Milenkovic Sanju, str. 393; Death Certificate

Municipality ofVawarin No. 203-205 dated 25June 1999,for Mitenkovic Sanja,
p. 408.

Annex No. 140: Zapisnik ouvidjaju Okruznog suda u Beogradu Kri. 482199dd
27.04.1949.godine, str. 394-395; InvestigatioReport of the District Courtin
,Belgrade Kri. 482199dated 27April 1999,pp. 420-422.

Annex No. 141: lzvestaj Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u B.eogradu,
Odeljenje za widjajno-operativne poslove od 27.04.1999. godine, str. 396;
Report of the Secretxiat of Interior in Belgrade, Investigation and Operation
Division dated27 April 1993,p.422. Annex No. 142: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Sekretarijata unutrasnjih polova u
Beogradu od 27.04.1999.godine, str. 397.Ivestigalion Reporof the Secretariat

of InteriorinBelgrade dated 27April 1999,p.423.
Annex No. 143:Zapisnik o uvidjaju Okruznog suda u NovomSadu Kn. 485/99
od 04.05.1899. godine, str.398-402; Investigation Report of the Novi Sad

District CourtKri.485/98 dated 4 May 1999,pp. 426-439.
Annex No. 144: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Okruznog suda u NovornSadu Kri. 529199

od 13.05.1999.godine, str. 403-406; Investigation Report of the Novi Sad
District Court Kri. 529199dated13 May 1999,pp.434-437.

Annex No. 145: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Opstinskog suda u Raski Kri. 62/99 od
04.06.1999.godine, str. 407-408;InvestigatioReport of Raska Municipal Court
Kri.62/99 dated 4 June 1993,pp. 459-452.

Annex No. 146: Imestaj o kriminalisticko-tehnickom pregledu lica mesta
Odeljenja unutrasnjih poslova Raska UV 66/99 od 04.06.1999.godine, str. 409;
Criminal Investigation and On-Site Inspection Report Raska Police
Department UV 66/99 dated 4 June 1999,p. 452.

Annex No. 147: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Okruznog suda u Valjevu Kri. 53/99 od
17.05.1999.godine, str.410-411; Investigation Report of Valjevo District Court
Kri.83/99dated 17May 1998,pp. 464-466.

Annex No. 148: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Okruznog suda u ValjevwKri. 85/99 od
11.05.1999.godine, str.412-413;investigation Report of Valjevo District Court

Kri,85/99dated 11May 1999,pp. 466-468.
1 Annex No. 149: Zapisniko uvidjaju Opstinskog suda u Cacku Kri. 136/93 od

37.05.1999.gudine, str. 414-420Investigation Reportof Cacak Municipal Court
Kri. 136199dated 17 May 1999, pp. 451-479.
Annex No. 150: Zapisnik o uvidjaju Opstinskog suda u Borv Kri. 23/99 od

17.05.1899.godine, str.421-2122 ; nves'tigationReport of Bor Municipal Court
Kri.23/99dated 17 May 1999,pp.519-521.

AnnexNo. 151:SvedocenjeJugoslavaLapadatovicapred Opstinslurn sudorn uBoru
Kn.23/99od 21.05.1999.godine, sts.423-424;Testimony of JugoslavLapadatovicin
the Municipal Court inBorKri.23/99dated 21May1999,pp.521-523.

Annex No. 152:Svedocenje Ljiljane Milosevicpred Opstinskim sudonl uBoru
Kri.23199od 2.06.1999.godine, str. 425-426;Testimony of Ljiljana Milosevicin
the Municipal Court in Bor Kri.23/99dated 2 June 1399,pp. 523-525.

Annex No. 153: Svedocenje Nine Stuparevic pred Opstinskim sudom u Boru
Kri. 23199ad 2.06.1999.godine, str. 427-428;Testimony of Nina Stuparevic in
the Municipal Court in Bor ki. 23/99dated 2 June 1999,pp. 525-527.AnnexNo. 154:SvedocenjeSlaviseLapadatovica pred Opstinskim sudom u Boru

Kri. 23/99od 16.06.1989,godine; str429-430;Testimony of SlavisaLapadatovic
in the Municipal Court iRorKri.23/99 dated 16June 1999, pp.527-529.

Annex No. 155:Lekarski izvestaj-nalaz, Zdravstveni centar Bor br27/99 od
03.06.1999.godine, str. 431; Medical Report-Findingsof the Health Center in
Bor No. 27/99dated 3 June 1999, p.529.

Annex No. 156:LekarsIu izvcstaj-uverenje, Zdravstveni centaBor br. 28/99 od
03.06.1999.godine, str. 432; Medical Report-Certificaofthe Health Center in
BorNo. 28/99 dated3 June 1999,p. 530.

Annex No. 157:Lekarski izvestajza Ljiljanu Milosev-cZdravstveni centar Bor
br. 21262od 03.06.1499.godine, str. 433; Medical Report for Ljiljana Milosevic
of the Health CenterinBor No. 21262dated 3 June 1999,p. 531.

AnnexNo. 158: Lekarski izvestaj za Ninu Stuparevi- Zdravstveni centarBor
br.21262od 03,06.1939.godine, str. 434; Medical Repurt for Nina Stuparevic of
the Health Center in RorNo. 2/262 dated 3 June 1999,p. 532.

Annex No. 159:Zapisnik o uvidjaju Okruznog suda uBeogradu Kri. 602/99 od
8.05.1999.godine, str. 435-437;Investigation ReporofBelgrade DistrictCourt

Kri, 602199dated 8May 1999, pp.546-549.
Annex No. 169: Imcstaji Sekretarijata unutrasnjih poslova u Beogradu,

Odeljenje za uvidjajno-operativne poslovebr. D 1438/99od 8.05.1999.'godine,
str.438-440; Reports of the Secretariat of Interior in Beigrade, Investigation
and Operation Division, No.D 1438/99dated 8 May 1999, p.549-552.

Annex No 161: Richard Norton-Taylor: Uranium shells warning for Kosovo
alternativemaybe: MOD accused of hiding trutThe Observer 31 July 1999,pp.

Annex No 162:The letter of the Association pour la sauvegarde des familles et
enfants de disparus, date27May 1999p. 444

Annex No 163: Catherine Euler and Karen Parker - Depleted Uranium
Munitions: The Use of Radiological Weapons as a VielationofHuman Rights,
Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Fifty-first
Sessionpp. 445-460

Annex No 164: Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental
freedoms in all countrieEICN. 4tSub.2119991L1.1page 4 pp. 461-463

Annex No 165: The letter ofthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal
Republic of Germany 5 14-516.80132426,dated 12January 1999pp. 464-457

Annex No 166: The letterof the OSCE Chairmain-in-oflice dated 19 March
1499 p.468 Annex No 167:Legal opinion prepared by this Office concerning Yugoslavia's
participation in the third Conference of the Parties to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change pp. 469-473
Annex No 168:Resolution adopted by the General Assembly - 521215.Scale of
assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations pp.

knex No 169:The Note of the Secretary General dated 8January 1993p. 484

Annex No 170:The Note of Rafiah Salim Officer-in-Charge Department of
Managment pp. 485-487
AnnexNo 171:The Note of the SecretaryGeneral dated 22December 2998p.488

Annex No 172:The letter of Joseph E. Connor Under-Secretary-General for
Management dated 22 April 1999p. 489
I Annex No 173:The Note of the Secretary General dated 7 May 1999p. 490
I Annex No 174:The Note of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslaviato the United Nations dated 25 September 1996p. 491

Annex No 175: The letter of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Milan
c Milutinovicdated 20September 1997p. 492
Annex No 176:The letter of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs dated 18
September 1998p. 493

Annex No 177:Records of the Security CouncilSPV. 3988and S/PV. 3989,pp.

Annex No 178:The Note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of
the Netherlands dated 20 May 1997pp. 529-532

Document Long Title

Memorial of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
