Request for Advisory Opinion (including the dossier of documents transmitted to the Court pursuant to article 65, paragraph 2 of the Statute)

Document Number
Document Type
Date of the Document
Document File

Legai Co~seguenc~fsor States of the Continued Presence of Africa
in2'i:mibia(South WestAfrica) notwithsfnndingSecurity Council
Resolution276 (1970), Vol. I

Référence abrég:ée
Conséquence jsridiquespour les Etats de laprésence coeel'Afrique
du Sud en~Vumibie(Sud-Ouest africain) nonobstant la résolution276
(1970) du Conseilde sécurit,olT




RESOLUTION276 (1970)

RequestforAdvisotOpinionDocuments, Written Statements






Requêteouravisconsultatif,documents,exposésécrits The present volume reproducei the'~e~uest for advisory opinion, the
documents and the written statements filed in the case concerning the
Legal Consequencesfor States of the ContinuedPresence of South Africa
in Namibia (South West'Africa) notrvithstandingSecurity ColrncilReso-

lution 276 (1970).
This cast:,entered on the Court's General List on 5August 1970under
number 53, w,as the subject ofan.Advisory .Opiniondelivered on 21 June
1971(Legal Consequencesfor States of the Continued Presence of South
Africa in h'amibia (South West Africa) notwithstandingSecurity Council

Resolution 276 (1970), I.C.J. Reports 1971,p. 16).

..'.. ,l ' ' l L l.. .., Hague, 1971.

Le prést:nt volume reproduit la requêtepour avis coqsultatif, les
documents et lèsexposés écrits déposé dans-l'affaire des Conséquences

juridiques pour les Etats de la présencecontinue de l'Afrique & Sud en
Namibie (Sud-Ouest africa!n no)nobsta.t la résolu2io.'.,76 (1970) du
Conseilde sécurité.
Cette affaire; inscrite au rôle généradl e la Cour sous le no53 le 5 août
1970, a fait l'objet .d'un avis.consu1tatif rendp.le 21 juin 1971 (Consé-
quences juridiques pour lesEmts de lapréseareconliis!eded'ApiqueduSud

en Namibiri (Sud-Ouest africain) nonobstant la résolution 276 (1970) du
Conseilde sécurité, C.I.J. Recueil 1971,'p.'16).
Requestfor AdvisoryOpinion - Requêtp eouravisconsultatif

1. Letter from the Sixretary-General of the United Nations to the
President of the International Court of Justi......... 3
II. Resolution 284(19'70)adoptedby the SecurityCouncil at its 1550th
meeting, on 29 July 1970 .................. 4
1. Lettre du Secrétain:géneralde l'organisation des Nations Unaus
Présidentde la Cour internationale de Justice......... 5
Ir. Résolution284 (1970)adoptée parle Conseil de sécuritéà sa 1550'
séance,le 29juillet 1970. .................. 6
Dossiertransmittedbythi:Secretary-Generaol f theUnitedNations
(Art.65, para.2, of thStatute)
Dossier transmispar le Secrétairegénérad lesNations Unies (article
65,paragraphe 2,du Statut)

INTRODUCTO NO TE ..................... 9
Part 1of the dossier.Documentation relating to the proceedingslead-
ing to the request by the Security Council for an advisory opinion
of the Internatioiial Court of Justic............ 10
Part II of the dossier.Other documentation of United Nations organs
relating to Namiliia (South West Africa........... 11
A. Documentation of the Security Council .......... 11
B. Documentation of the General Assembly and its subsidiary
organs ........................ 14
1. Documentation relating to the question of Namibia (South
West Africir)in general................ 14
(a) 1966(iip to and includingthe twenty-firstsessionof the
General AssembIy). ............... 14

(b) 1967-1968(up to and including the twenty-second ses-
sion OPthe General Assembly) ..........- 16
Ci) Fifth special sessionof the General Assembly 16
(ii) and (iii) Twenty-second session of the General
Assembly. ................. 16
(c) 1968 (:up to and including the twenty-third session
of the Ceneral Assembly). ............ 18
(d) 1969 (up to and including the twenty-fourth session
of the General Assembly)............. 18

2. Documentation relating to the question of activities of.for-
eign econoinic and other interests which are impeding the
implementation of th declaration on the granting of inde-
pendence to colonial countries and peoples in Southern
Rhodesia, Namibia and territories under Portuguese domi-
nation and in al1other territories under colonial domination
and efforts to eliminate colonialism, apartheid and racial
discrimination in southern Africa........... 20
(u) 1967 (up to and including the twenty-second session
of the General Assembly). ............ 20 NAMIBlA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)

(b) 1968 (up to and including the twenty-third session
of the General Assembly). ............ 21
(c) 1969 (up to and including the twenty-fourth session
of the General Assembly). ............ 21
3. Other relevant resolutions of the General Assembly ... 22
C. Documentation of the Econornic and Social Council and the
C80mmissionon Hurnan Rights ... : ......... 22

1, Documents of the Commission on Human Rights .... 23
2 and 3. Documents and resolutions of the Economic and
Social Council ................... 23
NOTE D'INTRODUCTION ..................... 25
Première partie du dossier. Documentation relative aux délibéra-
tionsà l'issuedesquelles le Conseil de sécuritademandéun avis
consultatifà la Cour internationale de Justic......... 26

Deuxiérnepartie du dossier. Autre documentation d'organes de
l'ONU concernant la Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain) . ; ..... 27
A. Documentation du Conseil de sécurité. .......... 27
B. Documentation de l'Assembléegénéraleet de ses organes
subsidiaires........................ 30
1. Documentation concernant la question de Namibie (Sud-
Ouest africain) en généra l............... 31

a) 1966(jusqu'à la vingt et unième sessionde l'Assemblée
générale inclusivement) .............. 31
b) 1967-1968(jusqu'à la vingt-deuxièmesessionde I'Assem-
blée générale inclusivement) ............ 32
i)cinquikme session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée
générale ................... 32
ii) et iii) vingt-deuxième sessionde l'Assembléegéné-
rale.. .................... 33
c) 1968 (jusqu'à la vingt-troisième sessionde l'Assemblée
généraleinclusivement) .............. 34
d) 19.69(jusqu'à la vingt-quatrième sessionde l'Assemblée
générale inclusivement) .............. 35

2. Docume.ntationconcernant la question desactivitésdesinté-
' rêts étrangers, économiquee st autres, qui font obstacleà
l'app1,icationde la Déclaration sur l'octroi de l'indépen-
danceaux payset aux peuplescoloniaux en Rhodésiedu Sud,
en Namibie et dans .les territoires sous domination portu-
gaise, ainsi que dans tous les autres territoires se trou-
vant sous domination coloniale,. et aux efforts tendant It
éliminer le colonialisme, l'apartheidet la discrimination
raciale dans le sud de l'Afrique ............ 36
a) 1967 (jusqu'à la vingt-deuxième sessionde l'Assemblée
générale inclusivement) .............. 36
b) 1968 (jusqu'à la vingt-troisiéme.session de l'Assemblée
générale inclusivement) .............. . , 37 CONTENTS ' X

. . e) 1969Cjl~squ'àla vingt-quatrièmesession de l'Assemblée
générale inclusivement)............... 38
. 3 .Autres résolutions pertinentesde l'Assemblée génér. . 38

C .Documentation du Conseiléconomiqueet social et de la Com-
mission des droits de l'homme............. 39
1.Documents de la Commission des droits de I'homme... 39
2 et 3.Docuinents et résolutions du Conseil économique et
social ....................... 40
CONTENT SFTHE DO:;SIER ................... 42

Writtenstatements- Erposésécrits
NATIONS .......................... 75

1. Introduction, ..................... 75
The question before the Court............. 75
The meaning and scope ofthe question .......... 75
The issues to be examined................ 77
II.International c-bligationsconcerning Namib........ 78

Obligations derived from the mandates system...... 78
Obligations derived from the Charter of the United Nations . .
Other sources ~f legal obliga.............. 83
The special recponsibilities of the United Nations towards the
people and Territory of Namibia............ 84
The role of the General Assembl............. 85
The right of the people of Namibia to self-determination and
independence ..................... 87
III.The continued presence of South Afriin Namibia ..... 92
The basis for the South African presence........ 92
The role of the Security Coun.............. 99
Theillegal occupation .................. 101
The responsibility of South Africa........... 102
IV .The Iegalconsrquences for States............. 103

The territorial authority............... 103
Diplomatic, consular and other relations........ 104
International tieaties and agreements.......... 105
"Dealings" anil commercial, investment and tourist activ.t107
Correlative obligations................ 108
V .Conclusion ....................... 110
Annex A . Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly with spe-
cificreference to Namibia (South West Africa)....... 112
Annex B .Acts of the South African Parliament purporting to apply
to Namibia, ancl enacted, or purportedly extended to Namibia
after October 1966 .................... 117

Introrluction ....................... 123
1. Proceedings of the General Assemblywhich led,tO the adop-
tionof resolution2145(XXI) ............. 124
Consideration of the question of South West Africa as a
matter of priority ................. 124
Documents before the General Assernbly in connection with
theitem ...................... 124
(1)Report of the specialcornmittee and report of the sub-
committee on South West Africa ......... 124
(2) Draft resolutions and amendments ........ 125

(a) arnendments which were adopteddd .......-3 and
(6) A sub-amendment to the amendments contained 125
document AlL.488. which was not adopted ... 129
(c) A draft resolution which was not adopted ... 130

Adoption of General Assembly resolution 2145 (XXI) and
details of the voting................ 130
Summary of views expressed in the debate ....... 131
(1) Statements made in introducing draft resolution
AIL.483and Add .1-3 .............. 131
(2) Statement made in introducing amendrnents proposed
in document AlL.488 .............. 131
(3) Statements made in the course of discussion .... 131
(a) Sponsors of draft resolution AjL.483 and Add.
1-3 .................... 131
(6) Delegations which did not sponsor draft resoIu-
tion AlL.483 and Add . 1-3 but which voted in
favour of thedraft resolution ........ 133
(i)Eastern European States ......... 133
(ii) Western European and other States .... 135

(1) Western European States ....... 135
(2) Other States ............ 137
(iii) Asian and African States ........ 140
(iv) Latin American States ......... 141
(c) Delegations which abstained in the vote .... 143
(i) France ................ 143
(ii) United Kingdom ............ 144

(d) Delegations which voted against the draft reso-
ments in document AlL.488. 1-......... amend- 145

(i) Portugal ............... 145
(ii) South Afric.............. 145
General observations on resolution 2145 (XXI) ..... 146
II.Proceedings of the AdHoc Cornmittee for South West Africa
established by resolution 2145 (XXI) of the General Assem-
My ......................... 147 CONTENTS 'XI

. Proposals submitted to the Ad Hoc Committee . . . . . 147
'(a) -Proposal by Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal and the
United Arab Republic . . . . . . , . . . . . . 147
(6) Proposa1by Chile and Mexico . . . . . . . . , . 148
. . cc) Pro~osal by Canada, Italy and the United States. . 148
Transmission of the three proposals to the General Assem-
bly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
The propositions underlying al1.three proposals . . . . . 148
Différencesof view on practical action . , . . . . . . . 149
. . SubCommittiewhich. . .im. . o. .ie,e. . .d . .th. .d . . . . . 149

III.bly which 1i:dto the adoption of resolution 2248(S-V)of 19-
May 1967. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . 150
Documents before the General Assembly in connection with
the item report of the Ad Hoc Cornmittee for South West
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Draft resolutions . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . 150
Draft i.esolutionAIL.516lRev. 1 . . , . . . . . . . 150
Draft i~esolutionAlL.517 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Adoption cqfresolution 2248 (S-V) . , . . . . . . . . . 151
Statements in the generaldebate and explanations of vote . . 151
Statements by CO-sponsorsof draft resolution AlL.5161
Rev. 1 . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 151
Statements by deIegations which voted in favour of but
did not CO-sponsordraft resolution A/L.S16/Rev. 1 . . 153
Statements by permanent membersof the SecurityCouncil
Rev.ailii. .in.t.e . . .up. .dr. . r.s,lu. .n. .L.. ./ . . 154
Statements by Western European and other States (other
than prrmanent members of the Security Council) ab-
stainingin the vote upon draft resolution AIL.516IRev.
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Statemefits by members of the Afro-Asian group abstain-
ingin the vote upon draft resolution A./L516/Rev. 1 . . 256
Stabstairiing in the vote upon draft resolution AlL.5161
Rev. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Statemerit opposing theadoption of draft resolution AIL.
516/Rr:v.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Statemerits by defegations absent during the vote upon
draft resolution A/L.516/Rev. 1 . . . . . . . . . . f57
General otservations on General Assemblyresolution 2248
(S-V) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
IV. Surveyof CieneralAssemblyresolutions relating to Namibia
adopted subsequent to General Assembly resolutions 2145
(XXT) and 2248 (S-V). . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 158
Resolution; 2324 (XXII) and 2325 (XXII) of 16 December
1967. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . 158XII NAM~BIA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)
Resolution 2324 (XXII) ............... 158
Resolution 2325 (XXII) ............... 158

Resolution 2372 (XXII) of 12 June 1968 ........ 158
Resolution 2403 (XXIII) of 16 December 1968 ...... 159
Resolution 2498 (XXIV) of 31 October 1969 .... : .. 159
ResoIution 2678 (XXV) of 9 December 1970 ....... 160
V . Proceedings leading to Security Council resolution 245
(1968) ....................... 160
Request for a meeting of the Security Council...... 160
Meeting of the Security Council ............ 161
Documents before the Security Council in connection with
the question considered............... 161
Adoption of Security Council resolution 245 (1968).... 161
Summary of views expressed in the debate ........ 161
General observations on Security Council resolution 245
(1968) ...................... 163
VI. Proceedings leading to Security Council resolution 246
(1968) ...................... 164
Request for a meeting of the Security Council...... 164
Meetings of the Security Council............ 164
Documents before the Security Council ......... 164
(a) Communications and reports .......... 164
(b) Draft resolution SI8429and amendments ..... 164
Adoption of Security Council resolution 246 (1968.... 166
Provision in resolution 246 (1968) referring to General As-
sembly resolution 2145 (XXI) ............ 166
Summary of views expressed in the debate ........ 166
Members of the Security Council ............ 167
States not members of the Security Council ....... 170
General observations on Security Council resolution 246
(1968) ...................... 171
VIT. Proceedings leading to Security Council resolution 264
(1969) ...................... 171
Meetings of the Security Council............l...... 171
Documents before the Security Council ......... 172

Communications .................. 172
Draft resolution .................. 272
Adoption of Security Council resolution 264(1969) .... 173
Summary of viewsexpressed in the debate ........ 173
General observations on Security Council resolution 264
(1969) ...................... 177
VI11. Proceedings leading to Security Council resolution 269
(1969) ...................... 177
Request for a meeting of the Security Council...... 177
Meetings of the Security Council............ 178
Documents before the Security Council ......... 178XIV NAMIBLA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)

.Les responsabilités spéciales desNations Uniesà l'égarddu
peuple et du territoidela Namibie ............ 217
Le rôle de l'Assemblée générale............. 218
.L. droit du peuple de Namibie ii l'autodéterminatioàI'indé-
pcndance ........................ 220
III .. La présencecontinue de l'Afrique du Sud en Namib....
A quel titre l'Afrique du Sud est prése.......... 225
-Le rôle du Conseil de sécuri........... ..... 232
L'occupation ilégale................... 234
.La responsabilitéde l'Afrique du Sud ........... 235

1V. Conséquencesjuridiques pour les Etats .......... 237
Autoritéterritoriale................... 237
Relations diplomatiques, consulaires et aut........ 238
Traitéset accords internationaux ............. 239
. .oRe:lation1)et activitésrelatives au commerce. aux investisse-
ments et au tourisme................... 241
.Obligations correspondantes................ 242

V. Conclusion ....................... 245
Annexe A: Résolutions adoptées parl'Assemblée générac loncer-
nant e:cpressémenlta Namibie (Sud-Ouestafricain....... 247
Annexe B: Lois adoptées par le Parlement sud-africain et censées
.s'appfiquerala Namibie. qui ont étépromulguéesen Namibie ou
dont l'application aurait Ctéétenduà la Namibie après octobre
1966 ........................... 252

NISATION DES NATIONU SNIES)................. 260

Introduction ........................ 260
A 1. Débats qui ont conduit a l'adoption de la résolution 2145
(XIYI)de l'Assemblée général e............. 261

Examen de la question du Sud-Ouest africain en priorité . . 261
Dcicuments dont 1'Assemblk généraleétaitsaisie à l'occasion
de l'examen de Ia question .............. 261
1) Rapport du Comitéspécialet rapport du Sous-Comité du
Sud-Ouest africain.................. 261
2) Projets de résolutionset amendements ......... 262
. . a/ Projet de résolutionAlL.483 et Add.1 à 3 et amende-
ments qui ont étéadoptés ............. 262

6) Sous-amendement aux amendements contenus dans le 267
document AlL.448. qui n'a pasété adopté ......
C) Projet de résolution quin'a pasétéadopté...... 267
Actoption deis résolution2145 (XXI) de l'Assembléegénérale
et analyse du vote .................. 267
Résumédes vues expriméeslors du débat ......... 268

1)Déclarations faitesa l'occasion de laprésentation du
projet de résolutionAIL.483et Add .1à 3 ...... 268 Page
Aiioption de la résolution 2248 (S-V) . . . . . . . . . . . 290
DiJclarations faites au cours de la discussion généraleet expli-
cations de vote. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Déclarations faites par des délégations figurantau nombre
des auteurs du projet de résolutionA/L.516/Rev. 1 . . . 290
Déclarationsfaites par desdélégationsquiont voté enfaveur
raient pas au nombreide ses auteurs . ..a. . .i . .f. .- 292
Déclarations faites par les membres permanents du Conseil
de sécurité quise sont abstenus lors du vote sur le projet
de résolutionA/L.516/Rev. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
Déclarations faites par des Etats de l'Europe de l'Ouest et
par d'autres Etats (autres que les membres permanents du
Conseil de sécurité) quise sont abstenus lors du vote sur
Déclarations faites par des membres du Groupe afro-asia- . 294
tique qui se sont abstenus lors du vote sur le projet de
résolutionAJL.516lRev. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Déclarations faites par les Etats de l'Europede l'Est quse
sont abstenus lors du vote sur le projet de résolution
A/L.SlG/Rev. l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Déclaration faitepar une délégation opposéea I'adoption du
Déclarations faites par des délégationsabsenteslors du vote296
sur le projet de résolution/L.516/Rev. 1 . . . . . . . 296

~bsl'Assembléegénéralecon. . .n. .a . . . .io.2.4. (. .). . . 297

IV. su3etdela Namibie postérieurement aux résolutions2145&XI)
et 2248 (S-V) de l'Assembléegénérale . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Ré:solutions2324(XXII) et 2325(XXII) du 16décembre1967 . 297
Résolution 2324 (XXII) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Résolution 2325 (Xxrr ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Rksolution 2372 (XXII) du 12juin 1968. . . . . . . . . . 298
R1:solution2403 (XXI11)du 16décembre 1968. . . . . . . 299
Rksolution 2498 (XXTV)du 31 octobre 1969 . . . . . . . . 299
Rksolution 2678 (XXV) du 9 décembre1970. . . . . . . . 299
V. Dkbats qui ont abouti à I'adoption de la résolution245 (1968)
du Conseil de sécurité . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Demande de réuniondu Conseil de sécurité. . . . . . . . 300
Ré'uniondu Conseil de sécurité . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Documents dont le Conseil de sécuritéétaitsaisi pour l'examen
#dela question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Acloption de la résolution 245 (1968) du Conseil de sécurité . 301
Résumé des vuesexprimkes au cours de la discussion . . . . 301
0tConseil de sécuritée. .n. .na. .l. .és. . . . . . .19. . .u 303

VI. Ddu Conseil de sécuritéà . .d. .io. . . . . .ol. . . . . . .8) 303 CONTENTS XVll

Demande de réunion du Conseil de sécurité ........ 303
. Réunions du Conseil de sécurité ............. 304
Documents clont le Conseil de sécurité étaitsai...... 3CM
a) Lettres et rapports ................ 304
b) Projet lie résolution SI8429et amendements ..... 304
Adoption de la rksolution 246 (1968) du Conseil de sécurit. 306
Dispositions de la résolution246 (1968) se référanta la rksolu-
tion 2145 (XXI) de l'Assemblée générale ........ 306
Résumé des.duesexpriméesau cours de Ia discussion .... 306
Etats membres du Conseil de sécurité.......... 307
Etats non membres du Conseil de sécurité ........ 310
Observations généralesconcernant la résolution 246 (1968du
Conseil de sécurité.................. 311

VI1. Débats qui ont abouti a l'adoption de la résolution264 (1969)
du Conseil da:sécurité ................. 311
Demande de réuniondu Conseil de sécurité ........ 312
Réunions du Conseil de sécurité ............. 312
Do-ments clont le Conseil de sécuritéétaitsai...... 312
Lettres ....................... 312
Projet derésolution ................. 312
Adoption de la résolution 244 (1969) du Conseil de sécurité. 313
Résumé des mes expriméesau cours de la discussion.... 314
Observations généralesconcernant la résolution264 (1969) du
Conseil de sécurité.................. 317

VI1 .1Wbats qui ont abouti a l'adoption de larésolution269 (1969)
du Conseil dl:sécurité ................. 318
Demande de réuniondu Conseil de sécurité ........ 318
Réunions du Conseil de sécurité ............. 318
Documents dont le Conseil de sécuritéétaitsaisi...... 318
Lettres et rapports.................. 318
Projet de r&iolution ................. 319
Adoption de la résolution 269 (1969) du Conseil de sécurit. 319
Résumédes vues expriméesau cours de la discussion .... 319
Observations généralesconcernant la résolution 269 (1969)du
Conseil de sécurité.................. 323

IX. Débats qui ont aboutià l'adoption de la résolution 276 (1970)
du Conseil di: sécurité................. 324
Demande de réuniondu Conseil de sécurité ........ 324
Réunions du Conseil de sécurité ............. 324
Documents dont le Conseil de sécuritéétait sais...... 324
Lettres et iapports.................. 324
Projet de résolution ................. 325
Adoption de la résolution 276 (1970) du Conseil de Sécurit. 326
Résumédes ruesexprimées aucours de la discussion .... 326
Observations généralesconcernant la résolution 276 (1970) du
Conseil de sécurité.................. 331 Page

.X. Débats quiont abouti a l'adoption de la rés283 (1970)
du Conseil de sécuri................. 332
Demande de réunion duConseil de sécur........ 332
Réunion duConseil de sécurit............. 332
Dcicumentsdont le Conseil de sécuritéétai...... 332
]Rapportdu Sous-Comitéad hoc............ 332

]Projetsde résolut................. 332
i) Projet de résoluSI9891 ............ 332
ii) Projet de résolution51............ 333
Acloption de la résolution283 (1970) du Conseil de sé333ité.
Résumédes vues expriméesau cours de la discus.... 333
Otiservations générconcernant la résolut283 (1970du
Conseil de sécuri.................. 337

XI. Débatsqui ont abouti à l'adoption de la résolu(1970)4
du Conseil de sécurit................. 338
DE:batsau sein du Sous-Comitéad ho.......... 338
DE:batdu Conseil de sécuratsa1550'séance ...... 341

XII .Résuméde l'étudedes débats.............. 344
Annexe concernant les effetsde l'abstention volontaire des membres
perma-nentsdu Conseil de sécu.............. 346

PUBLIC ............................ 354

REPUBLI ........................... 359


1. Intri~ductoryremark.................. 370
I. The legal consequences for South Af.......... 373
II. The legalconsequencesfor other Members of the United Nations
thari South Afri.................... 373
IV. The legal consequences for States not rnembers of the United

Nations ........................ 375
AFRIC A........................... 377

Chapter1. Introduction................... 377
Chapter I.The interpretation and modification of treaties 381
A. 1ni.roducto...................... 381
B. lnrerpretation of treat................ 381 CONTENTS XIX

1. The aim or purpose of the interpretative process......
I. The principles to be applied in ascertaining the comrnon
. intent of the parties.................
(a) Actuality and ordinary meaning .........
(6) Contemporaneity ...... : ........
(c) Implication of agreement ............
(d) Effectiveness (ut resmagis valeat qoum pereaf) . .
je) The universal applicability of the above principles.
C . Subsequent conduct .................
. 1.General ......................
II. Subsequent conduct as an aid to interpretation .....
II. Subsequent conduct as a rneans ofrnodifying treaties . .
. IV. Practice \vithin the United Nations ..........

Chapter III. The formal validity of the relevant Security Council
resolutions ........................
A. Introductory .......................
B . Theorigin anclambit of the powersof the SecurityCouncil . .
D. The voting procedure of the Security Council...........

1.General ......................
II.The requirement of theconcurring votes of the Permanent
III.The effectooftthe practice of the Council upon Article 27.
paragrap h 3 .....................
IV .Compulsxy abstention in terms of the proviso to Article
27. paragraph 3 ..................
E . The non-procedural nature of Security Council resolution 284
F. The failure of the Security Council to invite South Africa to
participatein its discussions...............
G. Conclusion ......................

Chapter IV ..The discretionof the Court .. : : ....... +
A . Introductory ......................
B . The political background to the question and the involvement
of the Court ......................
I.General ......................
II.The reception of the Court's 1966Judgment ......
III.The invotvement of the Court as constituted at present .
IV .The involvement of individual Members of the Court . .
. VI .Concluding remarksgal p.....................

C. The dispute between South Africa and other States .....
1.General ......................
II. The existence of a dispute..............
D. The factual issues involved ...............
E. Conclusion ...................... CONTENTS XXI
II.Substitution of supervisory organs by virtue of some
objectivi:principle of international l........ 561
III.The express terms of the Mandate .......... 562
IV .Whethei an impliéd termcan be read into the mandate
instrumtnt .................... 567
V .Judicial pronouncernents .............. 569
VI .Judge Jessup's dissenting opinioin 1966 ....... 570
VI1.Conclusion .................... 574
G .The possibility of revocation of the Mandat........ 574
1. General ..................... 574
II.Revocation by virtue of a principle of international .a575
III. The expi-essterms of the Mandate.......... 576
IV .Revocation by virtue of an implied term ....... 577
V .ConcIusion .................... 585
Annex A . Article 2.2of the Covenant of the Leagueof Natio... 587
Annex B . Mandate for Gerrnan South West Africa ....... 588
Chapter VTII. The transitional years 1945-1946and thereaft... 590

A .Introductoly ...................... 590
C..Dissolution of the League of Nations........... 605
D. The period 15146-194 9................. 615
E .The effect of the events during the transitional ye.... 630

II. The United Nations Charter.............. 631
III.United Nations resolutions of January-February 1946
pertainiiig to assumption of certain League functions and
establislxnent of the trusteeship syst........ 633
IV .League of Nations resolutions during last session of its
Assembly, 8 to 18April 1946 ............ 638
V . Negotia1:ionssubsequent to dissolution of the Lea..! 643
VI .Practice of States ................. 644
F . Conclusion ...................... 647
Annex A. Particips.tion by Members of the United Nations in
debates in that Organization during the years 191948 and 1949
conceming theU()uestion of South WestAfrica" ........ 648
First Part......................... 648
Second Part ....................... 665

Chapter IX .The earlier Opinions and Judgments conceming super- 676
vision of South West Africa.................
A. Introductory ...................... 676
B .Analysis of. and comment on, the 1950 Advisory Opinion . . 678
C .Dissent from the 1950 Advisory Opinion concerning super-
vision......................... 684
1.Minorit:( opinions................. 684
JI.Opinion; of writers ................ 685
D .Advisory Opinions of 1955 and 1956 ........... 692
E. The 1962 Judgment and Opinions ............ 694
I General ..................... 694 CONTENTS XXlll
(b) Further reaction to evidence proving the absence of
militarization............... 740
(c) The SouthWest Africacases.......... 742

D. The adoption of G...................olut2145 (XXT). . 745
F .Subsequent e~ants ................ 756
The latest prc-gress ..
1. General.................... 756
11.Population and history............ 756
III.Goveinment and administration......... 761
TV . Sumniary review of general economic developm.nt764
VI .Minirg.....................ces....... 769
VI1. Agricqlture................. 770
VI11.Veterinary services............. 775
IX .Fishirig.................... 775
X .Construction.................. 776
XI .Commerce ................... 778
XII .Manufacturing ................. 778
XII1.Railaay, road transport, harbour and air se. .ces79
XIV .0fFici;iltransport.............. 783
XV .R0ad.i..................... 783
XVJ .Postal and telecommunications servic...... 785
XVII .Economic advance................genous peoples of
XVIII .Watei.resources................ 792
XIX .Powei:..................... 797
XX. Bduc:rtion ................... 799
XXI. HealtB services................ 806
XXTI . Scientificand technological research and se. .ce808
XXIII. Sumniary.................... 809
G .Conclusion ...................... 809

Introduction to phcitographicpresentation........ 811
Annex A .-SouthW,?sAfricaSurvey1967 ............ 812
Annex B .Commuriication date26 September1967 from the Minis-
6897o, nnexIIn,nclosure 2)................outh Africa.A/N 812
Annex C .South West Africa: South Africa'sReply to the Secretary-
General of the U~iitedNations (Security Council res269ofon
1969).......................... 812
List of the relevant documentation........... 815

Introductory 830
1. Scope of the question................ 830
TI. Issues before the Court.............. 837
IT. Legal cons.............................. 838
IV. Conclusion 842xxtv NAMIBIA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)

AMER~C A.......................... 843
Introductory ........................ 843

Issues presented...................... 843
Jurisdictionofthe Court .................. 843

Part 1.Statement of fact................... 845
South Africa's administration of South West Africa under the
League of Nations Mandate ................ 845
The 1950Advisory Opinion ................. 846
The 2955Advisory Opinion ................. 847
The 1956Advisory Opinion ................. 848
The contentious cases................... 848
Genei-al Assembly resolution 2145 (XXI) and subsequent GeneraI
.Assembly and Security Council resofutions ......... 849
Part II.Statement of law................... 852

Chapi:er . The United Nations validly terminated South Africa's
Mandate over the Territory of Narnibia .......... 852
Section 1.Scope of the question .............. 852
Section TI.The Mandate as a treaty in force ........ 854
Section III.There is a legal obligation to observe treaties in
good faith ...................... 855
Section IV. A material breach of a treaty entitlesthe otherparty
to suspend its operation in whole or in part..... 856
Section V . The League of Nations had the right to terminate
r.ightsundera mandate in the event of a material breach of its
obligations by the Mandatory Power ........... 857
Section VI .The United Nations succeeded to the right to ter-
niinate South Africa's mandate in the event of a material
breach ........................ 860
Seniandate obligationsc..................ial breach of its 863

P. By refusing to submit reports, transmit petitions, and
otherwise recognizethe authority of the United Nati. . 863
B. By systematic rejection of the recommendations of the
General Assernblyand the Security Council ...... 864
C. By application of apartheid in Namibia........ 864
1. Freedom of movement .............. 866
2. Freedom of residence and right to own lan..... 867
3. Freedom of employment ............. 867
4. Right to participate in governmen......... 868
5. The right to family li.............. 868
6. The right to education.............. 869
Section VIT .IThe United Nations had the right to terminate
South Africa's authority under the Mandate because of South
P~frica'smaterial breaches of its mandate obligations, and
such termination was a reasonable exerciseof United Nations
supewisory authority .................. 871
Section IX. The United Nations has the legal capacity to as-
sume the functions of the Mandatory Power........ 872 CONTENTS XXV

Chapter II. Soutli Africa by virtue itscontinued presence in
Namibia notwi~hstandingSecurityCouncil resolutio276 (1970)
isoccupyingN~mibiailla endasoyligated totransferadminis-
tration of Namibia to the United Nations......... 874

Section 1. Solith Africa isin illegaloccupation of Nam. . 874
Section II. South Africa should have transferred the admini-
stration of Pi'amibiato the United Natio........ 876

Chapter III. Fron South Africa'scontinued presence in Namibia
flow certain lîgal consequecnes for South Africa and other
States ......................... 878
Section 1. Souih Africa has certain duties concerning Narnibia
under intern;ttional law................ 878

A. The duty under the Mandate to promote thewell-beingand
developnientof theinhabitants isirnpressedupon the Terri-
tory and survives termination of South Africa's rights
under thi: Mandate................. 878
B. South AFrica has the duty to act in conformity with
Chapter XI of the United Nations Charter conceming
non-self-;:overning territori............ 880
C. South Afi-ica has the duty to act in conformity with
Chapter IX and other provisions of the United Nations
Charter...................... 881
D. South Aikica has the duty under generai international
law to adhere to certain standards in the administration of
Namibia as occupied territor............ 881
E. The prect:ding duties are unaffected by the fact that South
Africa is occupying Namibia illega......... 882

Section TI. Sts.tes have certain duties under international law
with respecttoNamibia among whichare:
A. To respect the direct responsibiofthe United Nations
for Namibia .................... 882
B. To apply certain legal rules with respect to treaties affect-
ing Namibia.................... 884

Part III. Conclusions.................... 888




29 July 1970.

1have the honour to inform you that the Security~ouncil of the United
Nations, atits 1550th meeting held on 29 July 1970,adopted resolution

284(1970)in connexion with itsconsideration of the situation in Narnibia
on the basis of the report of the Ad Hoc Sub-Cornmittee established in
pursuance of Security Council resolution 276 (1970)(document S/9863).
In the above-mentioned resolution, the Security Council decided to
submit, in accordance with Article 96 (1) of the Charter, the following
question to the International Court of Justice with the request for an
advisory opinion to be transmitted to the Security Council at an early
date :

"What are the legal consequences for States of the continued
presence of South Africa in Namibia, notwithstanding Security
Council resolution 276 (1970)?"

1 have the honour fiirther to enclose herewith one copy each of the
English and French texls of resolution 284(1970)of the SecurityCouncil,
both duly certified.Jn accordance with Article 65 of the Statute of the
International Court of Justice, 1shall transmit to the Court, as requested
in paragraph 2 of the resolution, al1documents likelyto throw Iight upon
the question.

Accept, etc.

(Signedl U THANT,
. . Secretary-General. II. RESOLUTION 284 (1970)ADOPTED BY THE SECURITY

ON 29 JULY 1970

The Security Council,
.'Reaflrmi'ng the special responsibilityof the United Nations witfl.regard
to the territory and the.people of Namibia, . . ,A

Recalling Security Counciluresolution 276 (1970) on the question of

T~king~fi~otoef the report1 and recommendations submitted by the
Ad Hoc'Sirb:Committee established in pursuance of Security Council

resolution ,276(1970),
. Tokingfiurthernote of the recornrnendation pf the Ad Hoc ~ub-corn-
mittee on the possibility of requesting an 'àdv .iso.ry .opinion from' the

International'Court of ~ustic .e, . ,
. --~ons'ideri& advisory opinion from the lnternational Court of

~usticewoilld be,usefui f0r:t.e Security C0unci1.i~its further considera-
,tjoi .of-the queStion"oFNamibia and .n. .u'rther.nceo.,the objectives the .
Counkil is seeking, , . ' . . . . .. . - 8 .
I ,
''. i....,~~iidesto sub<it, in acco;doice with ~kiele 96 (1)of thel.~hhitér,
the following question: to the International Court of Juhice with the
request for an advisory opinion which shall be transmitted to the'Security

Council;.-,an ea.,y date: - . , . .:: ,. . ,
. ..''~llgt are:thi legal copsequepces-for%tates. of,the''continued
iresence of' South A'frica in Namihia, 'n~twithsian .,in~. .se curity
Council resolution 276 (1970)?" "
I .... 1 . .> . .
.2. '~equirststhe ~ec~~tqry-~etieial:totran;rnit:the' present resolutiqn
to-the &ternational Cour'tof Justice, in'accordance with Articlea65 of

the Statute,of the Court,,accompa .nied by a..doc.méntslikeIyto throw . .- , .
ligh. upon -he,question. -. 4 . .t. .- >.<
,". .

Certified true ;Copy: '

(Signed) Constantin A. STAVROPOULOS,
The LegaI Counsel,
30 July 1970.

Le 29juillet 1970.

Monsieur le Président,
J'ail'honneur de pori:àrvotre connaissance que,lors desa 1550"séance
tenue le 29 juillet 19?0, Ie Conseil de sécuritéde l'organisation des
Nations Unies a ado~itéune résolution 284 (1970) dans le cadre de

l'examen de la situati-~n en Namibie sur la base du rapport du Sous-
Comitéad hoc crééen appIication de la résolution276 (1970)du Conseil
de sécurité(document S19863).
Par la résolutionci-tlessusmentionnée,le Conseilde sécuritéa décidé
de soumettre, conformrSmentau paragraphe 1de l'article96 de la Charte,
la question suivanteà la Cour internationale de Justice en demandant
qu'un avis consultatif soit transmisau Conseil de sécuritéà une date
rapprochée :

((Quelles sont Ii:sconséquences juridiques pour les Etats de la
présencecontinue de i7Afriquedu Sud en Namibie, nonobstant la
résolution 276 (19'70)du Conseil de sécurit)

J'ai également I'honiieurde vous communiquer ci-joint un exemplaire
du texte anglais etn exemplaire du texte français de la résolution284
(1970) du Conseil de sécurité, exemplairestous deux dûment certifiés
conformes. Conforméinent a l'article 65 du Statut de la Cour inter-
nationale deJustice, je transmettraà la Cour, ainsi que j'en ai étéprié
par le paragraphe 2 de la résolution, tout document pouvant servir à
éluciderla question.

Veuillez agréer, etc.

Le Secrétaire général,

LE 29 JUILLET 1970

Le Conse,ilde sécurité,.
Réaflrm~lntla responsabilité spécialede l'Organisation des Nations
Unies en ce qui concerne le territoire et le peuple de la Namibie,

Rappelantlarésolution276(1970)du Conseilsur la.question deNamibie,
Prenantnote du rapport let des recommandations présentéspar le
Sous-C0mii.éad hoc crééen application de la résolution 276 (1970) du
Conseil de sécurité,

Prenant note égaiement de la recommandation du Sous-Comitéad hoc
touchant la possibilitéde demander un avis consultatifi la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice,
Considértintqu'un avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de Justice
serait utile au Conseil de sécuritépour continuer examiner la question
de Namibie et pour Ia réalisationdes objectifs recherchéspar le Conseil,

1.Décidt?de soumettre, conformément au paragraphe 1 de l'article ,96
de la Charte, la question suivantà la Cour internationale de Justice en
demandant qu'un avis consultatif soit transmis au Conseil de sécuritéa
une date rapprochée :

~iQui:llessont les conséquences juridiques pour les Etats de la
présencecontinue de l'Afrique du Sud en Namibie, nonobstant la
résolution 276 (1970) du Conseil de sécurité)) ,

2. Prie Ie Secrétairegénéralde transmettre la prksente résolutioà la
Cour internationale de Justice, conformément à l'article'65 du Statut de
la Cour, en yjoignant tout document pouvant servir à éluciderla ques-

Copie certifiéeconforme :

Le conseiller juridique,
(Signé)Constantin A. STAVROPOULOS,




1. On 29 July 1970, tlie Secretary-General infomed the President of the
International Court of Ju:;tice that, by a resolution adopted at its 1550th meet-
ing heId on 29 July 1970, the Security Council decided to request the inter-
national Court of Justice i:ogive an advisory opinion on the legal consequences
for States of the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia, notwith-
standing Security Council resolution 276 (1970).
2. The full text of Security Council resolution 284 (1970) containing the
request is as follows:

"TheSecurity Couiacil,
Reafirming the special responsibility of the United Nations with regard
to the territory andthe people of Namibia,
Recalling Security Council resolution 276 (1970) on the question of
Nami bia,
Taking note of the report and recommendations submitted by the Ad
Hoc Sub-Committee established in pursuance of Security Council reso-
lution 276 (1970),
Takingfurther note of the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Sub-Commit-
tee on the possibility of requesting an advisory opinion from the Inter-
national Court of Justice,
Consideriragthat ari advisory opinion from the International Court of
Justice would be usefiifor the Security Council in,its further consideration

of thequestion of Narnibia and in furtherance of the objectives the Council
is seeking,
1. Decides to subniit in accordance with Article 96 (1) of the Charter,
thefollowing questioii to the International Court of Justice with the request
for an advisory opinion which shall be transmitted to the Security Council
at an early date:

'What are the Iq:al consequences for Statesof the continued presence
of South Africa in Namibia, notwithstanding SecurityCouncil resolution
276 (1970)?'
2. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolution to
the International Court of Justice, in accordance with Article 65 of the
Statute of the Court, accompanied by al1 documents likely to throw- light
upon the question."

3. The present dossier contains documents likely to throw hght -upon the
question on which an advisory opinion of the Court is requested. The docu-
ments which are part of th: records of the Security Council,theGeneral Assem-
bly and the Economic and Social Council, as well as their subsidiary organs,
have been certified to be final official records of the United Nations or true
copies thereof, except for certain documents which exist in mimeographed form
only and are so indicated in the table of contents of the dossier. Each document

or extract therefrom is iclentified by title and officia! United Nations syrnbol.
Wherever possible, a citation is also given to the volume and page where the
document may be found in the records of the United Nations. In addition to
the official identification, the documents, for convenience in use, have been
numbered consecutively iii the order in which they appear in the dossier, and
references to documents iil this introductory note are based on this system of
numbering. A complete list of the documents may be found in the table of
contents.10 NAMiBrA (SOUTH WEST ARICA)

4. In the light of the discussionswhich took place in the Security Council and
in its Ad Hoc Sub-Committee established in pursuance of Security Council
resolution 2'76(1970) a,d in view of the considerable number of documents to
be transrnitted to the Court within the lirnited time available for their prepara-
tion and reproduction, it has been found necessary to include in the dossier
only those ilocuments which are relevant to the question submitted by the
Security Coiincil to the Court for an advisory opinion and which were issued
in 1966-the year in which the General Assembly adopted resolution 2145
(XXL)entrusting the United Nations with the administration of South West
Africa-and thereafter.
5, The dossier consists of two parts, Part I contains documentation relating
to the procecdings leading to the request by the Security Council for an advisory
opinion of the International Court of Justice. PartII which contains documen-

tation of United Nations organs relating to Namibia (South West Africa), is
sub-divided into three sections:section A consists of the documentation of the
Security Coiincil and its Ad Hoc Sub-Cornmittee referred to above other than
those docunients included in Part 1;section B, the documentation of the Gen-
eral Assemt~ly and its subsidiary organs including the Special Committee on
the Situation with Regard to the lmplementation of the Declaration on the
Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and the United
Nations Coiincil for Namibia; and section C, the documentation of the Eco-
nomic and Social Council and the Commission on Human Rights.

Part 1of the Dossier.Documentationrelatingto the Proceedings
Leailing to the Request by the SecurityCouncil foran Advisory

Opinionof the International Courtof Justice

6. The suggestion that the Security Council might ask the International
Court of Justice for an advisory opinion on the IegaEconsequences for mem-
ber States of the continued presence of South Africain Namibia was first made
by the representative of Finland in the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee established in
pursuance oisecurity Councilresolution 276(1970).Znits report to the Security
Council datr:d 7 July 1970, the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee included the following
recommend;ition :

"The possibility of requesting in accordance with Article 96 (1) of the
Charter, an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice of
'the legal consequences for States of the continued presence of South
Africa in Namibia notwithstanding Security Council resolution 276

7.When .theSecurity Council met on 29 July 1970at the request of the re-
presentative:; of Burundi, Finland, Nepal, Sierra Leone and Zambia to resume
its consideration of the situation in Namibia in the light of the submission of
the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee's report (see alsopara. 31 below), the representative
of Finland introduced a draft resolution whereby the Council would decide to
submit, in accordance with Article 96 (1)of the Charter, the following question
to the Interriational Court of Justice for an advisory opinion:

"What are the legal consequences for States of the continued presence
of South Africa in Namibia, notwithstanding Security Council resolution
276 (1970)?"

8.At the same meeting the draft resolution was adopted by 12votes to none
with 3 abstentions. INTRODUCTORY NOTE 11
9. Sections A, Band C of Part 1contain: (a) the relevant records of meetings
of the Ad Hoc Sub-Corrimittee at which the suggestion for requesting an ad-

visory opinion from the Court was discussed (doc. Nos. (1)-(7));(6) thereport
of the Ad Hoc Sub-Cominittee (doc. No. (9)) containing its recommendation
referred toin paragraph 6 above; (c) theverbatimrecord of the 1550thmeeting
of the Security Council (doc. No. (8)) at which the draft resolution subrnitted
by Finland (doc. No. (10:i)was considered and adopted; and (d) the text of
resolution 284 (1970) as adopted by the Security Council (doc. No. (11)).

Part 11of the Do~~sierO. therDocumentationof United Nations
Organsrelatingto Namibia(South West Africa)

A. Documentasiou ofthe Securify Corincil

IO. Before it was formiilly requested to consider the situation in Narnibia in
January 1968, the Security Council had received (a) communications from
the Governments of the lvory Coast, Nigeria and Bulgaria concerning the
1966 judgment of the International Court of Justice on "Sorrth West Africa
cases" (doc. Nos. (42)-(44)), (b) texts of certain resolutions on South West
Africa adopted by the General Assembly and transmitted by the Secretary-
General (doc. Nos. (45) and (47)-(49)), (c) communication from the Organi-
zation of African Unjty ti'ansmitting the text of a resolution concerning South
West Africa adopted by tPiatOrganization (doc. No. (46)),(dj communications
from the United Nations Council for South West Africa (doc. Nos. (245) and
(50)),and (e) a report liy the Secretary-General on the implernentation of
General Assembly resolution 2324 (XXII) (doc. No. (52)).
11. The Security Courrcil was first requested to examine the question of
South West Africa by the representatives of 53 member States in aletter to the

President of the Securityouncil dated 24 January 1968(doc. No. (51)),which
referred in particular to the illegal trial of 35 South West Africans. Following
discussion at its 1387thmeeting on 25 January 1968 (doc. No. (22)), the Security
Council adopted resoluticn 245 (1968) (doc. No. (105)).
12. On 9 February 19fi8 the President of the United Nations Council for
South West Africa addressed a letter (doc. No. (53)) to the President of the
Security Council in conn~xtion with sentences passed on 33 South West Af-
ricans, stating that the rriembers of the Council for South West Africa had
decided to ask, on behalf of their Governments, for an urgent meeting of the
SecurityCouncil. On 12R:bruary the representatives of Il -memberStates mem-
bers ofthe UnitedNations Councii for South West Africaaddressed a letter(doc.
No. (54))to the President of the SecurityCouncilrequesting the convening of an

urgent meeting of the Seciirity Council to consider the situation resulting from
the sentences on 33 Sou~h West Africans passed in defiance of resolutions
adopted by the General Assernbly and the Security Council. The request was
supported by the represeiitatives of 51 other member States (doc. No. (55)).
On 13February a report was submitted to the Security Council by the Secretary-
General (doc. No. (56)), in pursuance of Security Council resolution 245 (1968).
On 15 February the Chairman of the Special Committee on the Situation with
regard to the 1mplement;ition of the Declaration on the Granting of Inde-
pendence to Colonial Coiintries and Peoples, and the Chairman of the Com-
mission on Human Rights transmitted to the Security Council the texts of
consensus arrived at by the two organs respectively on the illegal trial and
conviction of the South Plest Africans (doc. Nos. (57) and (58)). The Council
also received communications from the representatives ofTrinidad and Tobago, 12 NAMIBIA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)
Barbados, Liberia and Jamaica (doc. Nos. (59)-(62))expressing their Govern-
ments' view:~on the sarne question.

13. The Security Council devoted eight meetings to the consideration of
the question beginningwith the 1390thmeeting on 16February 1968and ending
with the 1347thmeeting on 14March (doc. Nos. (23)-(30)).In the course of the
Council's discussiona draft resolution was submitted on 29 February 1968by
Algeria, Brazil,Ethiopia, lndia, Pakistan, Paraguay and Senegal(doc. No. (63)).
On the basis of that draft resolution and folfowing consultations the Security
Council adcipted resolution 246 (1968) on 14 March 1968 (doc. No. (106)).
14. Enpu1:suanceof the request contained in resolution 246(1968),the Secre-
tary-General subrnitted a report on 30 March 1968(doc. No. (64)) to the Se-
curity Council on the implementation of the resolution.
15. During April 1968the Security Council received three communications
from the PI-esidentof the United Nations Council for South West Africa
(doc. Nos. (65)-(67))concerning its endeavours to travel to South West Africa.
On 27 May -1968the President of the Council for South West Africa transmitted
the text ofa.declaration adopted by that Council concerning the introduction

by the South African Governrnent of a Bill in Parliament entitled "The De-
velopment of Self-Government for Native Nations in South West Africa"
(doc. No. (68)). Further communications wereaddressed to the President of the
Security Coirncil by the President of the United Nations Council for Namibia,
with regard 'todevelopments in the Territory, on 5August, IO October and 25
October 19t8 and 28 February 1969 (doc. Nos. (70)-(72)and (74)). The Se-
curity Council also received the texts of two General Assembly resolutions
transmitted by the Secretary-General on 12June and 23 December 1968 re-
spectively(doc. Nos. (69) and (73)).
16. In a letter dated 14 March 1969(doc. No. (75)), the representatives of
43 member States requested an urgent meeting of the Security Council to con-
sider the deteriorating situation in Namibia. On 19March the Chairman of the
Special Corrimitteeon the Situation with regard to the Irnplernentation of the
Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and
Peoples, in accordance with adecision taken by the Special Cornmittee, trans-

mitted to thi: SecurityCouncil the text of a statement he had made with regard
to measures being taken by South Africa to destroy the unity and territorial
integrity of Namibia (doc. No. (76)).
17. The Security Council discussed the question further at two meetings
held on 20 Fdarch 1969(doc. Nos. (31) and (32)). A draft resolution was sub-
rnitted by C'olombia,Nepal, Pakistan, Paraguay, Senegal and Zambia (doc.
No. (77)),w'hichwas adopted by the Security Council as resolution 264 (1969)
(doc. No. (107)).
18. In pursuance of the request contained in resolution 264 (1969), the
Secretary-Gi:neral submitted a report on 14 May 1969(doc. No. (78)) to the
Security Coilncil on the implementation of the resolution.
19. On 2EMay and 3 July 1969the Chairman of the Special Cornmittee on
the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the
Granting of lndependence to Colonial Countries and Peoples communicated
to the Presiclentof the Security Council the texts of consensus on the question

of Namibia adopted by the Special Cornmittee (doc. Nos. (79) and (80)).
20. Tna ft:tterdated 23 July 1969(doc. No.(XI) he,President of the United
Nations Coiincil for Narnibia informed the President of the SecurityCouncil of
the former (,ouncil's unanimous conclusion that the. Security Council should
take urgent rneasures to ensure implernentation of resolution 264 (1969), and
on 24 July the representatives of th11 rnembers of the Council for Namibia INTRODUCTORY NOTE 13

forrnally requested an urgent meeting of the Security Council (doc. No. (82)).
The request was endorsed in a letter dated 1August 1969signed by the repre.
sentatives of 51 member States (doc. No. (84)).
21. With a letter dated 28 July 1969(doc. No. (83)), the representative of
Zambia transmitted, for circulation as a document of the SecurityCouncil, the
text of the Lusaka Manifcsto on Southern Africa adopted at the Fifth Summit

Conference of East and C'entra1African States.
22. The Security Council devoted six meetings to further consideration of
the situation in Namibia, held between 30 July and 12August 1969(doc. Nos.
(33)-(38)).At the 1497thmeeting of the SecurityCouncil on 12August, adraft
resolution introduced by Algeria, Colombia, Pakistan, Paraguay, Senegal and
Zambia (doc. No. (85))was adopted as resolution 269 (1969)(doc. No. (108)).
23. On 29 August 1969 the President of the United Nations Council for
Namibia drew the Securit:~Council'sattention to the illegaltrial and conviction
of a further group of Namibians (doc. No. (86)). On 25 September 1969 a
telegram from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic
Republic addressed to the President of the Security Council (doc. No. (87))
concerning the matter was circulated at the latter's direction.
24. In pursuance of tlie request contained in resolution 269 (1969), the
Secretary-General submitted a report on 3October 1969(doc. No. (88)) to the

Security Council on the iinplernentation of the resolutioo.
25. In a letter dated ICIOctober 1969addressed to the President of the Se-
curityCouncil (doc. No. (89)),the President of the United Nations Council for
Namibia drew the Securiiy Council's attention to the urgent need for effective
action to implement resolution 269 (1969).
26, By letters dated 31 October and 1 December 1969,the Secretary-General
transmitted to the President of the Security Council the texts of two resolutions
adopted by the General P,ssemblyon the question of Namibia (doc. Nos. (90)
and (91)).
27. In a letter dated 26 January 1970(doc. No. (92)),the representatives of
48 member States reque:;ted an urgent meeting of the Security Council to
examine the situation resulting frorn the failure of the Government of South
Africa to comply with resolution 269.(1969). . ~

. 28. The Security Couni:il considered the question at three meetings between
28 and 30 January.1970 (doc. Nos. (39), (40)and (41)).A draft resolution pro-
posing the establishment of a sub-committee, submitted by Burundi, Finland,
Nepal, Sierra Leone and Zambia on 28 January (doc. No. (93))and revised on
29January wasadopted by the SecurityCouncil on 30January asresolution 276
(1970) (doc. No. (109)). In this resolution, the Security Council, interalia,
reaffirmed General Asseinbly resolution 2145 (XXI) and Security Council
resolution 264(1969),declared the continued presenceof South Africa in Narni-
bia to be illegal and estatlished an Ad Hoc Sub-Committee to study ways and
rneans by which the relevant resolutions of the Council could be effectively
implemented. The President of the SecurityCouncil issueda note on 30January
1970(doc. No. (95))conccrning the composition of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee
established in pursuance of Security Council resolution 276(1970).
29. On 30 January,'2 Fèbruary, 6 February, Il. Februaiy and 13 February

,1970respectively,the reptesentatives of.Japan, Israel; Italy and Syria addressed
letters to the President of'the Security Council in connection with statements
made in the course of the Security Council'srecent discussion (doc. Nos: (94),
(96),(97)and (99)).A note by the President of.thefSecurityCouncil attaching a
letter dated 11 February addressed to him by the-Acting Permanent Obsewr
of the Federal Republic cf Germany was also circulated (doc. NO.(98)).14 NAMIBIA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)

30. The .4d Hoc Sub-Cornrnittee established in pursuance of Security Coun-
cil resolution 276 (1970) adopted an interim report to the Security Council on
30 April 1970 (doc. No. (100)). In accordance with an agreement reached by
the Security Council on 15 May (doc. No. (101)) the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee
continued ii:swork and submitted its report to the Security Council on 7 July
1970 (duc. :No. (9)). This report contained a number of recommendations in-

cluding the recornrnendation on the possibility of requesting an advisory opin-
ion from the Enternational Court of Justice, which was dealt with in Part I of
this Dossier. Prior to adopting its report, theAd Hoc Sub-Cornmittee held a
total of 17 meetings between 4 February and 7 July 1970 (doc. Nos. (1)-(7)
and (12)-(21.)).
31. In a letter dated 22 July 1970 (doc. No. (102)),the representatives of
Burundi, Finland, Nepal, Sierra Leone and Zambia requested the President to
convene an early meeting of the Security Council to resume consideration of
the questio~i of Narnibia.
32. The Security Council considered the question at its 1550th meeting held
on 29 July 1970 (doc. No. (8)). The proceedings leading to the adoption of
Security Cc8uncilresolution 284 (1970) at this meeting have been described in
paragraphs 6, 7 and 8 above. Another draft resolution subrnitted at the same

meeting by Burundi, Finland, Nepal, Sierra Leone and Zarnbia (doc. No. (103))
was adopteii by the Security Council as resolution 283 (1970) (doc. No. (110)).
In this resolution, the SecurityCouncil,itirealia, called upon al1States to take
a number of measures in view of the continued illegal presence of South Africa
in Narnibia and re-established the Ad Huc Sub-Committee on Namibia. On 18
August 1970, a note by the President of the Security Council was issued con-
cerning the composition and procedures of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee on
Namibia (doc. No. (104)).

B. Dor-urnentation of the General Assemblyand Its Subsidiary Organs

33. This section contains documents of the General Assembly frorn its

Twenty-first Session in 1966 through its Twenty-fourth Session in 1969. It is
sub-divided into threesections. Sub-section 1deals with the question of Namibia
(South West Africa) in general including petitions concerning that territory.
Sub-section 2 deals with the question of activities of foreign economic and
other interests impeding the implementation of the declaration on decoloni-
zation in southern Africa. The documents included in this sub-section are
lirnitedtn those relating to Namibia (South West Africa). In sub-section 3 are
reproduced the texts of al1the tesolutions of the General Assembly, other than
those alreatly included in sub-sections 1and 2, which contain specific reference
to Narnibia (South West Africa) or are othenvise relevant to the question on
which an advisory opinion has been requested from the Court.

1. Documentationrelating to the Questionof Narnibia (South West Africa) in

(a)1966 (up to andincludiigthe Twenty-frst Sessionof the GeneralAssembly)

34. In 15166,the Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the
Irnplementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Co-
lonial Couritries and Peoples (for convenience of reference, referred to herein-
after as the Special Committee of 24) continued its consideration of the Terri-
tory of So~ith West Africa at 14 meetings held between May and September INTRODUCTORY NOTE 15

(doc. Nos. (111)-(124)), and submitted a report thereon (doc. No. (125)) to the
General Assembly.
35, The item entitled "Question of South West Africa: report of the Special
Committee on the Situatian with Regard to the Implementation of the Declara-
tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples" was
included in the agenda 01:t'he Twenty-first Session of the General Assembly to
be discussed inplenary meetings, with the understanding that petitioners wish-
ing to speak on this item would be heard by the Fourth Committee which
should submit a report thereon to the Assembly.
36. The following dociiments were submitted to the General Assembly under
this item: [a) replies froni Stateon measures they had taken in implementation
of operative paragraphs 11 and 12 of General Assembly resolution 2074 (XX)
(doc. Nos. (149)-(154)); (b) communications addressed to the Secretary-

General by Nigeria (dot:. No. (43)), Ivory Coast (doc. No. (42)), Bufgaria
(doc. No. (44)), Kenya ildoc. No. (155)), Pakistan (doc. No. (156)), Poland
(doc. No. (157)), Mongolia (doc. No. (158)) and Turkey (doc. No. (159))
concerning the Judgment delivered on 18July 1966 by the International Court
of Justice on "South We::rAfrica cases"; (c) a letter dated 3 August 1966 ad-
dressed to the Secretary-General by the representatives of 35 member States
(doc. No. (1611, p. 1,A/6:186)requesting the consideration of the item as a mat-
ter of priority, and (d) a letter dated 20 October from the Permanent Repre-
sentative of South Africs. addressed to the President of the'General Assembly
(doc. No. (160)).
- 37. The Pourth Corninittee dealt with requests for hearings concerning
South West Africa at sevm meetings (doc. Nos. (126)-(132))and submitted two
reports thereon to the Cleneral Assembly (doc. No. (161), p. 3, Al6458 and

Add. 1).
38. The General Asseinbly considered the item at 16 meetings (doc. NO;:
(133)-(348)). On 26 Septc:mber a draft resolution was submitted by 54member
States(doc. No. (161), p. 4,AiL.483 and Add. 1-3)to which amendments were
submitted by 21 member States (doc. No. (161), p. 5, AiL.488). After rejecting
a sub-amendment submitted by the United States (for text see doc. No. (146),
para. 68, A/L.490)to the:Zl power amendments, the General Assembly adopted
at its 1453rd Plenary Meeting on 27 October, the 54power draft resolution, as
amended by the 21 powei amendments, by 114votes to 2 with 3 abstentions as
resotution 2145 (XXI) (cloc. No. (162)). This resolution provided, inter alia,
for the termination of South Africa's Mandate over South West Africa, for
placing South West Africa under the direct responsibility of the United Na-
tions, and for the establishment of an Ad HocCommitteefor South West Africa

to recommend practical means by which South West Africa should be adminis-
tered, so as to enable the people of the Territory to exercise the right of self-
determination andto achieve independence.
39. With respect to thr:petitions concerning South West Africa, the General
Assembly, on 27 October, adopted without objection a draft resolution sub-
mitted by the Special Cornmittee of 24 (doc. No. (125), para. 384) as resolution
2146 (XXI) (doc. No. (163)). On 20 December, a revised draft resolution in
connection with the reports of the Fourth Committee on
petitions was subrnitted Iiy 18 member States (doc. No. (1611,p. 6, A/L.511/
Rev.1) which was considered by the General Assembly at its 1500th Plenary
Meeting. After it was indicated that the sponsors did not wish to press the draft
resolution to a vote, the Assembly decided to transmit the relevent records to
the Special Committee of 24for further consideration (doc. No. (148),para. 190)-

40. Another revised draft resolution submitted by Saudi Arabia (doc. No.16 NAMIBIA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)

(146), paras. 252, 258,AlL.4871Rev.l) was rejected by.the General Assembly
by 22 votes xo 17, with 58 abstentions (doc. No. (146), para. 282).
(b) 1967-1968 (up ioandinchding the Twen~y-secondSession of the Genernl

41. During this period the General Assembly convened, in addition and
prior to its rcgular Twenty-second Session,a SpecialSession(Fifth) to consider
the report cif the Ad Hoc Committee for South West Africa established by
Assembly resolution 2145(XXI) (see para. 38 above).

(i)Fifth Special Session of the General Assembly
42. At its Fifth Special Session held in April-June 1967, under the agenda

item "Question of South West Africa", the General Assembly had before itthe
report of the Ad Hoc Committee for South West Africa (doc. No. (185),p. 1,
A/6640), as wellas communications from the Union of Soviet SocialistRepub-
lics, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Byelorussian Soviet
Socialist Reliublic respectively(doc. Nos. (186)-(188)).
43. The F'ourth Committee held one meeting (doc. No. (164)) to hear pe-
titioners ancl, on 2 May, submitted its report on the hearing to the Assembly
(doc. No. (185), p. 50, Aj6651). At its 1515th Plenary Meeting on 5 May the
General Assembly took note of the report (doc. No. (178),para. 135).
44. The CieneralAssembly devoted 20 meetings, held between 21 April and
13June, to the consideration of the agenda item (doc. Nos. (165)-(184)).In the
course ofdisl:ussion,adraft resolution on the subject wassubmitted by 58mem-

ber States (doc. No. (185),p. 52,AlL.516 and Add. 1-3)whichwas later revised
(see doc. Nci. (179), pp. 12-26)and CO-sponsoredby 79 member States. At its
1518thPlenary Meetingon 19May,the General Assemblyby 85votes to 2, with
30 abstentions, adopted the revised draft resolution as resolution 2248 (S-V)
(doc. No. (189)).In this resolution, the General Assembly,inter alia, established
a United Nations Council for South West Africa which would administer
South West Africa until independence, and called upon the Governrnent of
South Africa to facilitate the transfer of the administration of the Territory to
the United Nations Council for South West Africa. Pursuant to another pro-
vision of this resolution, the General Assembly, at its 1524th Meeting on 13
June, on the proposal of the Secretary-General (doc. No. (185),p. 51, A16656),
appointed kir. Constantin A. Stavropoulos, the Legal Counsel of the United

Nations, as .4cting United Nations High Commissioner for South West Africa
(doc. No. (1 B9),p. 2).
45. Anotl-ierdraft resolution submitted by Saudi Arabia (doc. No. (185),
p. 53,AlL.517) wasnot put to the vote, havingben "suspended" by itssponsor
(doc. No. (179), p. 51).

(ii) and (iii) Twenty-second Sessionof the General Assembly
46. The T'wenty-secondSession ofthe General Assembly was held from 19
September to 19 Decernber 1967and resumed from 24 April to 12June 1968
andon 23 Scptember 1968.The question of South West Africa was considered
by the Assernblyat both series of meetings.
47. In 19ti7,the Special Committee of 24 discussed the Territory of South
West Africa at 9 meetings from 7 June to 12Septernber (doc. Nos. (190)-(198))

and subrnittc:dits report thereon to the General Assembly (doc. No. (199)).
48. Pursu;~ntto Assemblyresolution 2248(S-V),the United Nations Council
for South West Africa submitted to the General Assembly its first report
covering the period from the establishment of the Council to 31 October 1967 INTRODUCTORY NOTE 17

(doc. No. (245), p. 1,A(6897). The President of the Council also addressed a
letter dated 28 Novemtler 1967 to the President of the General Assembly
transmitting the text of a consensus adopted by the Council concerning the
triai of 37 South WestAtricans by South Africa (doc. No. (249, p.7, A/6919;
see also para. 10above).
49. The Fourth Cornmittee dealt with the hearing of petitioners at 7meetings
held between 11Octobe-iand 16 December 1967 (doc. Nos. (200)-(206))and
submitted its report thereon to the General Assembly (doc. No. (245), p. 6,

A/6907). At its 1620th Plenary Meeting on 5 December 1967, the General
Assembly took note of tlie report.
50. The General Asselnbly held a total of 38 plenary meetings to consider
the question of South N'est Africa: 10 meetings between 5 and 19 December
1967 (doc. Nos. (207)-(1116))and 28 meetings between 26 April and 12 June
1968 (doc. Nos. (217)-(244)).At its 1635th Plenary Meeting on 16 Decernber
the General Assembly adopted (a) a73 Power draft resolution (doc. No. (245),
p. 25, AlL.536 and Add. 1-4)as resolution 2324 (XXU) (doc. No. (246))by 11 1
votes 10 2, with 1absterition and (b) a 49 Power draft resolution (doc. No.
(245), p. 25, AlL.540 andiAdd. 1and 2) as resolution 2325 (XXW (doc. No.
(247)) by 93 votes to 2, with 18abstentions. At the same meeting the Assembly,
on the proposa1of the Secretary-General (doc. No. (245),p. 7, A/6930), decided
to extend the interim arrangement on the Acting United Nations Commissioner

for South West Africa.
51. In its resolution 2324 (XXII), the General Assembly, intea rlia, con-
demned the illegat arrest and trial at Pretoria of 37 South West Africans and
called upon the Governnient of South Africa to discontinue the illegaltrial and
to release the prisoners. By resolution 2325 (XXII), the General Assembly,
inter dia, declared that the continued presence of South African authorities in
South West Africa was ;iflagrant violation of its territorial integrity and inter-
national status determinrd by General Assembly resolution 2145 {XXI) and
2248 (S-V),caIled upon the Government of South Africa to withdraw from the
Territory, and appealed ro al1member States to take effectivemeasures to en-
sure that withdrawal thereby clearing the way for the implementation of Gen-
eral Assembly resolutiorr 2145 (XXi) and 2248 (S-V).
52. At its resumed Twenty-second Sessionin 1968,the General Assembly had

before it the following documents: (a) a report of the Secretary-General (doc.
No. (52)) on the irnplementation of Assembly resolution 2324 (XXTI); (6) a
letter from the Chairman of the Special Committee of 24 transrnitting a "State-
ment of 30 April 1968 I,y the Chairman of the Special Committee" on the
question of South West rifrica (doc. No. (245), p. 23, A/7091);(c) areport of
the United Nations Cciuncil for South West Africa covering the period
from 1November 1967 to 4 May 1968(doc. No. (2451, p. 8, A/7088)and (di a
letter dated 27 May from the President of the United Nations Council for
South West Africa transriiitting the text of a Declaration adopted by the Coun-
cil concerning a Bill introduced in the Parliament of South Africa (doc. No.
(68); see also para. 15.ak~ove).
53. During the discus:,ion, a draft resolution was subrnitted by 51 member
States (doc. No. (245), p. 26, AlL.546 and Add. 1) which was later revised

and CO-sponsoredby 55 member States (ibid,, p. 27, A/L.546/Rev. 1). At its
1671stPlenary Meeting on 12 June 1968,the General Assembly adopted, by a
vote of 96 to 2, with 18abstentions, the revised draft resolution as resolution
2372 (XXII)(doc. No. (248)).In this resolution, the General Assemblyrenamed
South West Africa as ".Namibia7',entrusted the United Nations Council for
Namibia with certain futctions to be performed as a matter of priority, calledupon al1 States to desist from those dealings with the Government of South
Africa which would have the effect of perpetuating South Africa's illegal
occupation of Namibia and to take certain other measures, and reiterated its
demand for the withdrawal of South Africa from Namibia.

(c) 1968 (rrptoand incbding the Twetzty-thirdSession of the CenepalAssembly)

54. In 19fi8,the Special Committee of 24 discussed the Territory of Namibia
mainly at four meetings held between 14 February and 29 October (doc. Nos.
(249)-(252)) and submitted its report thereon to the General Assembly at its
Twenty-third Session (doc. No. (253)).
55. At its Twenty-third Session, under the agenda item on the question of
Namibia, the General Assembly had before it the following documents in
addition to t.hereport of the Special Committee of 24: (a) report of the United
Nations Council for Namibia (doc. No. (268)); (b) report of the Secretary-
General on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 2372 (XXTZ)
(doc. No. (267), p. 1,Al7171 and Add. 1-6); (c) letter dated 4 September 1968
from the Prcsident of the United Nations Council for Namibia transmitting his
Statement on the forcible removal of non-white Namibians from their homes

to a new segregated area (doc. No. (2671, p. 11, A/7198); and (d) two letters
dated 27 September (doc. No. (267), p.11, A/7249) and 27November (doc. No.
(267), p. 12.,A17365) respectively from the President of the United Nations
Council for Namibia transmitting his statements relating to the continuing
detention of the 31 Namibians who were convicted by South Africa in 1967.
56. The F'ourthCommittee heard petitionersat three meetings held between
15 October and 5 November (doc. Nos. (254)-(256)) and submitted a report
thereon to the General Assernbly (doc. No. (267), p. 12, A/7347). At its 1725th
Plenary Meeting on 25 November theGeneral Assernbly took note of the report.
57. The General Assembly considered the question of Namibia at ten
meetings held between 25 November and 16December (doc. Nos. (257)-(266)).
During the discussion, a draft resolution was submitted by 51 member States
(doc. No. (267), p. 15,AlL.556 and Add. II. At its 1742nd Plenary Meeting on

16Decernber 1968,the General Assembly, by a vote of 96 to 2, with 16absten-
tions,adopted this draft resolution as resolution 2403(XXIII)(doc. No. (269)).
At the same meeting the General Assembly also (a) adopted without a vote a
draft resolution on petitions concerning Namibia submitted by the Special
Committee of 24 (doc. No. (267), p. 15, AlL.557) as resolution 2404 (XXTII)
(doc. No. (270))and (b) decided to continue existing arrangements regarding
the Acting IJnited Nations Commissioner for Namibia.
58. In its resolution 2403(XXIIT),the General Assernbly, interalio, reiterated
its condemnation of the Government of South Africa for its persistentdefiance
of theauthority and resolutions of the United Nations, drew theattention of the
Security Coiincil to the serious situation arisen as a result of the illegal presence
and actions of the Government of South Africa in Namibia, and recommended

to the Security Council to take al1effective measures, in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, to ensure the imme-
diate withdrawal of South African authorities from Namibia.
(d) 1969 (up fo and includingthe Twenty-fourthSession of the GerrerafAssem-

59. In 1969, the Special Committee of 24 considered the question of Nami-
bia at 11 mi:etings held between 17 March and 3 July (doc. Nos. (271)-(281))
and submitted a report thereon to the General Assembly at its Twenty-fourth
Session (doc. No. (282)). INTRODUCTORY NOTE 19

60. During the first taro weeks of the Twenty-fourth Session, in connection
with the item entitled "Question of Namibia: (a) Report of the Special Com-
mittee on the Situation with regard to the lmplementation of the Declaration
on the Granting of Indeliendence to Colonial Countries and Peoples; (b) Re-
port of the United Nations Council for Namibia; (cj Appointment of the
United Nations Conimissioner for Narnibia", the General Assemblymodifiedan
earlier decision by entrusting the Fourth Committee with the consideration of
sub-items (a) and (6) ifaddition to the hearing of petitioners.
61. The Fourth Comrnittee considered the question of Namibia mainly at

25 meetings held betwee~i3 October and 24 November (doc. Nos. (283)-(307)).
It had before it the report of the United Nations Council for Namibia covering
the period from 13 No\,ember 1968 to 24 October 1969 (doc. No. (310)) in
addition to the report of the Special Committee of 24 referred to in paragraph
59above. On 17Octobei, a draft resolution dealing with specificaspects of the
question was submitted by 5 mernber States which was later CO-sponsoredby
71 member States (se iloc. No. (311), p. 4, A/7736, paras. 11, 13 and 15).
On 21 October the draft resolution was adopted by the Fourth Committee.
At its 1797thPlenary Me:ting on 31 October 1969(doc. No. (308)),the Gerieral
Assembly, by a vote of 95 to 2, with 6 abstentions, adopted the draft reso-
lution submitted by the Fourth Committee as resolution 2498 (XXIV) (doc.
No. (312)).
62. The Fourth Committee further considered the question of Namibia
between 4 and 24November. A draft resolution was submitted on 21 November

by 2 mernber States which was later revised and CO-sponsoredby 31 member
States(see doc. No. (311),p. 6, A/7736/Add. 1,paras, 3, 5 and 9). The Fourth
Committeehad also befc~reit a draft resolution relating to petitions concerning
Namibia submitted by tlie Special Committee of 24 (doc. No. (282),para. 31).
On 24 November, the Fourth Committee adopted both draft resolutions.
At its 1819thPlenary Meytingon 1 December 1969 (doc. No. (309)),the General
Assembly (a) by a vote of 92 to 2, with 19abstentions, adopted the first draft
resolution submitted by the Fourth Committee as resolution 2517 (XXIV)
(doc. No. (313)) and (tl)adopted without vote the second draft resolution
submitted by theFourth Committeeasresolution 2518(XXIV)(doc. No. (314)).
At the same meeting, tht: General Assembly, on the proposa1 of the Secretary-
General (doc. No. (311), p. 7, A/7788), appointed Mr. Agha Abdul Hamid,
Assistant Secretary-Gent:ral for Public Information, as Acting United Nations
Commissioner for Namibia, effective 1 January 1970.

63. In its resolution 2498 (XXIV), the General Assembly reaffirmed the
inalienable right of the people of Namibia to self-determination and indepen-
dence and condemned th? Government of South Africa for its persistent refusal
to withdraw its administration from Namibia and in particular, for its defiance
of paragraph 5 of Security Council resolution 269 (1969) (see doc. No. (108)).
In its resolution 2517 (XXIV), the General Assembly, referring to the illegal
presence of South Africa in Namibia and mindful of the obligations of member
States under Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations, again condemned
the Government of Soiith Africa for its persistent refusal to withdraw its
administration from Narnibia and drew the attention of the Security Council
to the need for taking appropriate measures to solve the grave situation that
had arisen as a result ofSouth Africa's refusal to withdraw from Namibia.2.Documentationrelaringto the Questionof Activities of ForeignEconomicand
Orher Intr?restsivhichAre Zmpedingthe Impkmentation of the Decjarationon
theGrunt,ingof Independence to Colonial Countries andPeoples in Sourhern
Rhodesia, Namibia mid Territories under PortugueseDomina~ionand in Al1
Other Territories Under Colonial Domination andEfforts ro Eliminare Colo-
nialism,Apartheidund Racial Discriminationin Southern Africa

64. This question originated from General Assembly resolution 1899(XVIII)
of 13 Novernber 1963on "Question of South West Africa". In this resolution
the General Assernbly requested the Special Cornmittee of 24 "to consider, in
CO-operationwith the Secretary-General and the agenciesof the United Nations,
the implications of the activities of the rnining industry and the other inter-
national cornpanies, having interests in South West Africa, in order to assess
their economic and political influenceand their mode of operation". In1966,
on the reconimendation of the Special Cornmittee of 24, the General Assembly
adopted resolution 2189(XXI) (seedoc. No. (350))which provided, inter alia,
for the inclusion in the provisional agenda of the Twenty-second Sessionof the

General Assiimblyof an itementitled "Activities of foreigneconomic and other
interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the
Granting of'Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern
Rhodesia, South West Africa and Territories under Portuguese domination and
in al1 other territories under colonial domination" (see doc. No. (331), p. 1,
Aj6868, paras. 1-3).
65. The documents included hereinunder are lirnited to those relating to
Namibia (South West Africa).

(a)1967 (up ?O and including the Twenry-secondSession of she Cenerai

66. In 1967, the Special Committee of 24 requested its Sub-Cornmittee 1
to undertake a study of the question. The report of Sub-Committee 1 (doc.
No. (331), p. 12, A/6868/Add. 1) to which a working paper prepared by the
Secretariat entitled "Economic conditions in South West Africa with particular
reference to foreign economic interests" (ibid., p. 40, A/6868/Add. 1,App. Il)
and excerpti;of statements by petitioners concerning South West Africa (ibid.,
p. 112,A/6868/Add. 1,App. VIII,paras. 16-23)wereappended, was considered
by the Special Committee at four meetings from 6 to 18 October 1967(doc.
Nos. (315)-(318)). After adopting the Sub-Committee's report, the Special
Committee submitted its own report to the General Assembly with a number
of recornme~idations(doc. No. (33l), p. 1,A/6868).

67. At its Twenty-second Session, the Generaf Assembly, on the recorn-
mendation of the General Committee, decided to include in its agenda the
item with the revised title "Activities of foreign economic and other interests
which are inipeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of
Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern Rhodesia, South
West Africa and Territories under Portuguese domination and in al1 other
Territories ~indercolonial domination and efforts to eliminate colonialism,
apartheid and racial discrimination insouthern Africa" and allocated this item
to the Fourth Cornmittee for consideration.
68. The Fourth Committee considered the item at 12meetings held between
14 Novembcr and 5 December 1967 (doc. Nos. (319)-(329))during which it
also heard a petitioner. A draft resolution submitted by 53 member States
(dos.No. (33l), p.120,Al6939,para. 9)wasadopted bytheFourth Cornmitteeand

recomrnended by the latter to the General Assembly (ibid., paras. IO and Il). INTRODUCTORY N?TE 21

At its 1622nd plenary meeting on 7 December (doc. No. (330)), the General
Assembly, by a vote of 91 to 2with 17abstentions,adopted the draft resolution
submitted by the Fourth Committee as resolution 2288(XXTI)(doc. No. (332)).
In this resolution, the General Assembly, inter alia, requested the United
Nations Council for South West Africa to take urgent and effectivemeasures
to put an end to laws and practices established in the Territory of South West
Africa by the Governme~itof South Africa contrary to the purposes and prin-
ciples of the Charter of the United Nations.

(b)1968 (up ru and including the Twenty-third Session of the Ge~zeral
69. In 1968, Sub-Conmittee 1 of the Special Committee of 24 continued
its study of the questioof activities of foreign economic and other interests in
al1territories,under coloiiial domination and submitted a report thereon (doc.
No, (3401, p. 4,A/7320/iidd. 1) to the Special Cornmittee. To this report were
appended (a) a working paper prepared by the Secretariat on "Economic

conditions in Namibia with particular reference to foreign economic interests"
(ibid p.,11,A/732O/Add. 1, App. II) and (b) extracts from petitioners' state-
ments concerning Namibia (ibid., p. 110,A/7320/Add. 1,App. XII, sec. 1-A).
The Special Cornrnittee considered the report with particular reference to
Namibia at three n~eetirigsheld between 31 October and 7 November (doc.
Nos. (333)-(335))and, at the conclusion of its consideration of the question as
a whole, submitted its report (doc. No. (340), p. 1, A/7370) to the General
70. At the Twenty-third Session of the General Assembly the Fourth
Cornrnitteeconsidered tliequestion of activities of foreign economiand other
interests in Namibia mainly at three meetings held between9and 13December
1968 (doc. Nos. (336)-(338)).On 9 Decernber, a draft resolution was intro-
duced by 2 member Ststes which was finally co-sponsored by 26 member
States (seedoc. No. (3401,p. 115,Al7423, para. 5).On 13December the Fourth
Comrnittee adopted this draft resolution, as orally revised on behalf of its
sponsors, and recommerided it to the General Assembly (ibid., paras.. 6-8).

At its 1747th Plenary Meeting on 18 Decernber 1968, the General Assembly,
by a vote of 87to 2,with 19abstentions,adopted the draft resolution submitted
by the Fourth Comrnittee as resolution 2425 (XXI11)(doc. No. (341)).
(c) 1969 (up Io and including the Twenly-fourth Session of the General

71. In 1969,the question of activities of foreign economic andather interests
in territories under colonial domination was again considered by Sub-Com-
mittee I of the Special Committee of 24.The report of Sub-Comrnittee 1 (doc.
Nos. (343), Annex and (344)) to which a working paper of the Secretariat
relating to Namibia (doc. No. (344),App. 1)was appended was considered by
the Special Committee >.tits 720th Meeting on 28 October (doc. No. (342)).
The Special Committee then reported its decisions on the question to the
General Assembly (doc. No. (343)).
72. At the Twenty-fourth Session of the General Assembly, the Fourth
Cornmittee considered the question with specific reference to Namibia at its

t862nd Meeting on 3 Dccember (doc. No. (345))and 1864thMeetingon 8 De-
cembes (doc. No. (346)).On 3 December a draft resolution was introduced by
the representative of the United Republic of Tanzania which was revisedand
finally CO-sponsoredby 17 member States (see doc. No. (348), p. 1, A/7858,
paras. 6 and 7). On 9 rbecember the Fourth Cornmittee adopted the reviseddraft resolution and recommended it to the General Assembly (ibid., paras. 8
and 9). At its 1831stPlenary Meeting on 12 Decernber 1969(doc. No. (34711,
the General Assembly, by a vote of 80 to 2, with 18 abstentions, adopted the
draft resolution submittedby the Fourth Cornmittee as resolution 2554(XXIV)

(doc. No. (349)).
3. Other Relt!vanrResolutions of the GeneralAssembly

73. This siib-section reproduces the texts of a number of resolutions adopted
by the General Assembly frorn its Twenty-first to its Twenty-fourth Session,
other than those already included in sub-sections B.l and B.2 above, which
either contain specific reference to Namibia (South West Africa) or othenvise
have a bearing on the question on whichan advisoryopinion has been requested
of the Court. These resolutions are grouped as follows:

(a) resoluticins relating to the irnplementation of the 'Declaration on the
Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (doc. Nos.
(6) resolutions relating to the irnplernentation of the Declaration on the
Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the spe-
cialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the
United Nations (doc. Nos. (354)-(356)),
(cj resolutions relating io the policies of apnrtheid of the Government of
South Africa (doc. Nos. (357)-(360)),
Cd) reso1utions relating to violations of human rights and to measures for
combating racial discrimination in southern Africa (doc. Nos. (361)-

(el resoiuticin relating to capital punishmént in southern Africa (doc. Np.
(f) resoluticins relating to special educational and training programmes for
Namibill (South West'Africa) (doc. Nos. (367)-(371)).

C. Doeume.ntationof the Economicand Social Councial nd rhe Commission
on HunîanRights

74. This section includes those documents of the Economic and Social
Council and the Commission on Hurnan Rights, or extracts thereof, which
relate to Namibia (South West Africa) as wellas certain resolutions adopted by
the Economic and Social Council in 1966 and thereafter which contain refer-
ences, or art: otherwise relevant, to Namibia (South West Africa). Several
other resolutions in this period, although making referencesto Namibia (South
West Africa), were recornmended by the Economic and Social Council and
later adoptell by the General Assembly. In such cases, only the texts of the
corresponding resolutions of the General Assernblyare included in the dossier.
The following instances serve to illustrate this point: (a) in its resolution
1164(XLI) ctf 5 August 1966on "Question of the violation of human rights
and fundamental freedoms, including policies of racial discrimination and

segregation and of apartheid in al1countries, with particular reference to colo-
nial and other dependent countries and territories", the Council submitted to
the General .Assemblya draft resolution on the basis of whichthe Assembly,on
26 October 1966,adopted resolution 2144 (XXI) (doc. No. (361)); (b) in its
resolution 1332(XLTV)of 31 May 1968on "Measures for effectivelycombating
racial discrimination, the policies of apartheid. and segregation in southern
Africa", the ~Eouncilrecomrnended to the General Assembly adraft resolution TNTRODUCTORYNOTE 23

which was adopted without change by the General Assembly on 19December
1968 as resolution 2439 I:XXIIT()doc. No. (363)).
1. Documentsof the Con;rnissionon Human Rights

75. In its resolution 7(XXIII)of 16March 1967,the Commission on Human
Rights decided to appoint a Special Rapporteur "to survey United Nations
past action in its efforts to eliminate the policies and practices of apartinid
al1its forms and manifestations, to study the legislation and practices in South
Africa, South West Africa and Southern Rhodesia instituted to establish and
rnaintain apartheid and racial discrimination in al1 their forms and manifes-
tations in the Republic of South Africa, South West Africa and Southern
Rhodesia, including sucli matters as forced labour, inequality of opportunity
in the economic, social and educational fields, arrest, detention and treatment

of prisoners, right to counsel and fair trial", and to report and make recorn-
mendations to the Comriiission. Pursuant to this provision, the report of the
Special Rapporteur on "Study of Apartheid and racial discrimination in south-
ern Africal" was submitted to the. Commission in November 1967. Part 1,
Chapter II, of this report dealt with South West Africa (doc. No. (372)).
76. By resolution 2 (XXIII), the Commission on Human Rights established
an Ad Hoc Working Grciup of Experts to investigate and report on charges of
torture and ill-treatment of prisoners, detainees or persons in police custody in
the Repubiic of South itfrica. In its resolution 2 (XXIV), the Commission,
having considered the report of the AdHoc Working Group of Experts, decided
to eniarge the latter's mandate by including, interalia, the iunction "to in-
vestigate allegations of ill-treatment and torture of prisoners, detainees or
persons in police custody in South West Africa". Chapter V, section C, of
the report of the Ad Nos Working Group, submitted in accordance with the
latter resolution of the C:omrnission,contained verbatim records of the testi-
monjes relating to Namibia which were heard by the Working Group in open
meetings in 1968 (doc. No. (373)).

77. In its resolution 21 (XXV), the Commission on Human Rights decided
to enlarge further the miindate of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts by
entrusting it with, inter aAa,"an investigation into the condition of Africans in
the so-called transit Canips, as well as the so-called 'Native Reserves' inthe
Kepublic of South Afric.3as well as in Namibia, and in Southern Rhodesia"
and "an investigation 01'grave manifestations of colonialism and racial dis-
crimination present in thi:situation prevailing in Namibia, Southern Rhodesia,
Angola, Mozambique atd Guinea (Bissau), resulting from the actions of the
illegal South African régimesin Namibia ...". The report of the Ad Hoc
Working Group of ExpeJmto sn the investigation requested in this resolutioof
the Commission inctuded Part IV relating to Namibia (doc. No. (374)).

2 and 3. Documentsand pesol lut iof the Economicand Social Council
78. By itsresolution 1216(XLII)of I June 1967(doc. No. (377)), the Econom-
ic and Social Couocil authorized the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts
established by the Comnission on Human Rights (see para. 76 above) to

investigate alleged infringements of trade union rights in South Africa. At its
Forty-fourth Session, the Council, having considered the report of the Ad Hoc
Working Group, adopte11on 28 May 1968resolution 1302 (XLTV)(doc. NO.
(379)).In this resolution, the Councilinteralia, decided to request the Ad Hoc

l The views expressed in this report arthose of theauthor.Working Group "to examine further the question of continuing infringements

of trade union rights in the Republic of South Africa and to include in its
examination the infringements of trade linion rights in the Territory of
South West Africa under the direct responsibility of the United Nations and
now illegally occupied by the Government of the Republic of South Africa".
Pursuant to this resolution the Ad Hoc Working Group submitted to the Coun-
cilareport (doc. No. (375))whichcontained an analysisof the evidencereceived
by the Work.ingGroup concerning trade union rights and related matters in
Namibia (Chapter V) and certain recommendations relating to Namibia (Chap-
ter VlI, para.s. 155-157). By resolution 1412 (XLVI) adopted on 6 June 1969
(doc. No. (381)), the Council, interalia, requested the United Nations Council
for Namibia "to declare expressly applicable to Namibia, a territory under the
direct administration of the United Nations, the international standards on
trade union rights in force", and authorized the Ad Hoc Working Group to
continue its investigation into the infringements of trade union rights in the

Republic of South Africa, Namibia, and Southern Rhodesia. In accordance
with this resolution,afurther report was submitted to the Econornic and Social
Council by the Ad Hoc Working Group Idoc. No. (376)) which included a
chapter on "Trade union rights and reiated matters in Namibia" (Chapter V)
and certain conclusions concerning Namibia (Chapter V11, paras. 128-131).
In its resolution 1509(XLVIIJ)adopted on 28 May 1970(doc. No. (382)), the
Council, inter dia, endorsed the conclusions of the Ad Hoc Working Group
contained in Chapter VI1of its report.
79. In the period mentioned in paragraph 74 above, the Economic and Social
Council adopted two resolutions on the "question of slavery and the slave
trade in al1their practices and manifestations, including the slavery-like prac-
tices of apartheid and colonialism" which contained certain recommendations
concerning South West Africa. In its resolution 1232 (XLII) of 6 June 1967
(doc. No. (3'78)),the Council, inter dia, called upon "the Government of the
Republic of South Africa to put an end immediately to the slavery-like practice

of upartheidin the Republic of South Africa and in the Territory of South West
Africa under the direct responsibility of the United Nations and now illegally
occupied by that Government". In its resolution 1330(XLIV)of 31 May 1968
(doc. No. (3.30)),the Council, inter alia, requested "al1 Governments to exert
their full influenceand resources to assist inthe total eradication of the slavery-
like practices oapartheid and colonialism, as practised particularly inSouthern
Rhodesia, South West Africa and South Africa" and afirrned "that the master
and servant laws currently enforced in Southern Rhodesia, South West Africa
and South Africa constitute clear manifestations of slavery and slave trade". 25


1. Le 29juillet 1970, le Secrétairegénérl informéle Présidentde la Cour
internationale de Justics que, par une résolutionadoptéea sa 1550eséance,
tenue le 29 juillet 1970, le Conseil de sécuritéavait décidéde demandeà la
Cour internationale deJustice un avisconsultatifsur lesconséquencesjuridiques
pourlesEtats de la présencecontinue de l'Afriquedu Suden Namibie, nonobs-
tant fa résolutio276 (11370)du Conseil.
2. Le texte intégraldi:la résolution284(1370) dans laquelle le Conseil de
sécuritéa formulé cettedemande est le suivant:

trLeConsei desicnurité,
Réafiman! la responsabilité spécialede l'organisation des Nations

Unies en ce qui concerne le territoire et le peuple de la Namibie,
Rappelant la résolirtion276 (1970)du Conseilsurlaquestion de Namibie,
Prenant nole du rapport et des recommandations présentéspar le Sous-
Comitéad hoc créé en application de la résolution27611970)du Conseil de
Prenant noteégale.wentdela recommandation du Comitéadhoc touchant
la possibilitéde deniander un avis consultatàfla Cour internationale de
Considérantqu'un avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de Justice
serait utile au Conseil de sécurité pourcontiauexaminer la question de
Namibie et pour le. réalisation des objectifs recherchéspar le Conseil,

1.Décide de sou~nettre,conformémentau paragraphe 1 de l'article 96
de la Charte, la question suivante a la Cour internationale de Justice en
demandant qu'un a.i.isconsultatif soit transmis au Conseilde sécArune
date rapprochée:
((Quellessont Irs conséquences juridiques pour les Etats de la pré-

sence continue dt: l'Afrique du Sud en Namibie, nonobstant la réso-
lution 276 (1970) du Conseil de sécurité?))
2. Prie le Secrétc.iregénéralde transmettre la présente résolution à
la Cour internationale de Justice, conformémenà l'articl65 du Statut de
laCour, en yjoignafit tout document pouvant serviAélucider laquestion.))

3. Le présent dossiercontient des documents pouvant servir à éluciderla
question au sujet de laquelle un avis consultatif est demandéAla Cour. Les
documents qui font partie des actes du Conseil de sécurité,de l'Assemblée
généraleet du Conseil éi:onomiqueet social, ainsi que de leurs organes subsi-
diaires, sont certifiés&tredes documents officiels définitifsde l'organisation
des Nations Unies ou de:;copies conformes de tels documents, a l'exception de
certains d'entre eux qui n'existentque sous forme miméographiée,auquel cas

cela est indiquédans la table des matièresdu dossier. Chaque document ou
extrait de document est identifiépar son titre et la cote officiellede l'organisa-
tion des Nations Unies. Chaque fois que possible, on a aussi indiquélevolume
et la page où le documerit figure dans les actes de l'organisation des Nations
Unies. Outre cette identification officielle, on a, pour plus de commodité,
numérotéles documents consécutivementdans l'ordre où ils figurent dans le
dossier, et c'esurce systèmede numérotage qu'ons'estfondé dansla présente
note pour s'yréférer.Ori trouvera dans la table des matiéresla liste complète
des piècesdu dossier.
4. Compte tenu des débatsdu Conseil de sécurité etde son Sous-Comitéad hoc créé enapplication de la résolution 276 (1970) du Conseil, et vlenom-
bre considérable de documents A transmettre a la Cour dans le temps limité
dont on disposait pour leur préparation et leur reproduction, il a fallu se limiter
à n'inclure cians le dossier que les documents qui ont traità la question sur
laquelle le Conseilde sécuritéa demandé un avis consultatif a la Cour et qui
ont étépubliés à partir de 1966, année où l'Assembléegénéralea adopté la
résolution 2 145(XXI) confiant a l'organisation des Nations Unies I'adminis-
tration du Siid-Ouest africain.

5. Le dossier comprend deux parties. La premiére partie renferme la docu-
mentation reflativeaux délibérationsà l'issue desquelles le Conseil de sécuritéa
demandé un avis consultatif a la Cour internationale de Justice. La deuxième
partie, qui contient la documentation d'organes del'ONU concernant la Nami-
bie (Sud-Ouest africain), est subdiviséeen trois sections:sectionA comprend
la documentation du Conseil de sécuritéet de son Sous-Comité ad hoc men-
tionné ci-dessus, autre que les documents figurant dans la première partie; la
section B, la documentation de l'Assemblée générale etde ses organes subsi-
diaires, y cornpris le Comitéspécialchargéd'étudier fa situation en ce qui con-
cerne l'appli,ration de la Déclaration sur l'octroi de l'indépendance aux pays et
aux peuples coloniaux et le Conseil des Nations Unies pour la Namibie; et la
section C, la documentation du Conseil économique et social et de la Commis-

sion des droits de l'homme.

Première partie du dossier. Documentation relative aux délibérations
à l'issue desquelles le Conseil de sécuratdemandé un avis
consultatià la Courinternationale de Justice

6. L'idée que le Conseil de sécuritépourrait demander à la Cour internatio-
nale de Justice un avisconsultatif sur les conséquences juridiques résultant,
pour les Etats Membres, du maintien de la présence de 1'Afrique du Sud en
Namibie a éi:émisepour la première fois par le représentant de la Finlande au
Sous-ComittJ ad hoccrééenapplication de la résolution 276(1970) du Conseil de
sécurité.Dans son rapport au Conseil de sécuritédaté du 7 juillet 1970, le
Sous-Comitrl ad hoc a formulé une recommandation concernant:

«La possibilitéde demander, conformément au paragraphe 1de l'article
96 de la Charte, un avis consultatiA'la Cour internationale de Justice sur
les cccoriséquencesjuridiques qui résultent, pour les Etats, du maintien de
la présence de l'Afrique du Sud en Namibie en dépit de la résolution 276
(1970) (lu Conseil de sécurité)).))

7.Lorsque le Conseil de sécurité s'est réuni le29juillet 1970à la demande
desreprésentants du Burundi, de la Finlande, du Népal, de la SierraLeone et de
la Zambie pour reprendre l'examen de la situation en Namibie à la lumière du
rapport présentépar le Sous-Comité ad hoc (voir aussi par. 31 ci-dessous), le
représentant de la Finlande a présenté un projetde résolution tendant ace que le
Conseil décide de soumettre, conformément au paragraphe 1 de l'article 96 de

la Charte, la question suivantà la Cour internationale de Justice en lui deman-
dant un avis consultatif:
q quellesont les conséquences juridiques pour les Etats de la présence
continue de l'Afrique du Sud en Namibie, nonobstant la résolution 276
(1970) (lu Conseil de sécurité?))

8.A la même séance,le projet de résolution a étéadoptépar 12voix contre
zéro,avec trois abstentions. 9. Les sections A, B et C de la premiérepartie du dossiercontiennent: a) les
comptes rendus pertinents de séances du Sous-Comité ad hoc au cours des-
quellesaété examinéelaproposition tendant a demander un avisconsultatif h la
Cour (piècesnos1 à 7); #'1)le rapport du Sous-Comitéad hoc (pièceno9) con-
tenant la recommandation mentionnéeau paragraphe 6 ci-dessus; c) le compte
rendu inextenso de la 1550' séancedu Conseil de sécurité (piècneo8) A laquelle

a étéexaminéet adopté le projet de résolutionde la Finlande (pikce no 10);
dJ le texte de la résoluticn284(1970)adoptéepar le Conseil de sécurité(pièce
no II).

Deuxièmepartie du dossier.Autredocumentationd'organesdeI'ONU
concerriantla Namibie(Sud-Ouestafricain)

A. Dcicumentationdu Conseil de sécurifd

10. Avant d'êtreprié de façon formelle, en janvier 1968, d'examiner la
situation en Namibie, le Conseil de sécurité avait reçu:a) des communications
des Gouvernements de la Côte d'Ivoire, du Nigériaet de la Bulgarieconcernant
l'arrêt renduen 1966par laCour internationale de Justice dans lesccAffairesdu
Sud-Ouest africain))(piécesnos42 a 44);6) le texte de certaines résolutionssur

le Sud-Ouest africain adoptéespar l'Assemblée générale et transmise psar le
Secrétairegénéra(lpiècesnos 45 et 47 a 49); c)une communication de I'Organi- l'unitéafricaine transmettant le texte d'une résolution relativeau
Sud-Ouest africain adopiéepar cette organisation Cpièceno 46); d) des com-
munications du Conseil ,desNations Unies pour le Sud-Ouest africain Cpiéces
nos 245 et 50); et e) un rapport du Secrétaire généraslur l'application de la
résolution2324 (XXII) de l'Assemblée générale (piènco e52).
Il. A l'origine, le Conseil de sécuritéa étéprié d'examiner la questiondu
Sud-Ouest africain par les représentantsde 53 Etats Membres, dans une lettre
datée du24janvier 1968(pièceno51)qu'ilsont adresséeau Présidentdu Conseil
de sécurité etoù ils faisaient état,en particulier, du procèsillégalde 35 ressor-
tissants du Sud-Ouest africain. A la suite du débat quis'est dérouléA sa 1387'
séance,le 25janvier 196f;(pièceno 22), le Conseil de sécuritéa adoptéla réso-

lution 245 (1968)(pièce ri0 105).
12. Le 9 février1968, le Président du Conseil des Nations Unies pour le
Sud-Ouest africain a adresséau Président du Conseil de sécurité unelettre
(pièceno53)relative aux =ondamnations prononcéescontre 33 ressortissants du
Sud-Ouest africain, dt5cl:irantque les membres du Conseil pour le Sud-Ouest
africain avaient décidede:demander, au nom de leurs gouvernements, la con-
vocationmd'urgence du Conseil de sécuritéL. e 12 février,les représentantsde 11
Etats Membres de I'ONU membres du Conseil des Nations Unies pour le
Sud-Ouest africain ont adresséau Présidentdu Conseil de sécuritéune lettre
(pièce no 54) le priant (le convoquer d'urgence le Conseil de sécuritépour
examiner la situation cri:éepar les condamnations prononcéescontre 33 res-
sortissants du Sud-Ouest africain au méprisdes résolutions adoptéespar I'As-
sembléegénérafeetle Conseil de sécuritéC . ette demande a étéappuykepar les

représentantsde 51 autres Etats Membres (pièceno 55). Le 13février, le Secré-
taire généraal présenté unrapport au Conseil de sécurité (pièce no 561,en ap-
plication de ta résolution245 (1968) du Conseil. Le 15 février,lePrésident du
Comitéspécialchargéd'ctudier la situation en ce qui concerne l'application de
la Déclaration surl'octroi de l'indépendanceaux pays et aux peuplescoloniaux
et le Présidentde la Cominission des droits de l'hommeont transmis au Conseil
de sécurité letexte des c:onsensusauxquels étaient arrivés respectivemenltes28 NAMIBIE (SUD-OUEST AFRICAIN)

deux organes au sujet du procèsillégalet de la condamnation des ressortissants
du Sud-Ouest africain (pikes n0"7 et 58). Le Conseil a également reçu des
communications des représentants de la Trinitéet-Tobago, de la Barbade, du
Libériaetde la Jama'ique (piècesnos59 à 62),dans lesquellesceux-ciexprimaient
les vues de [pursgouvernements sur la question.
13. Le Cctnseilde sécuritéa consacré huitséancesril'examende cette ques-
tion, de sa 1390'séancetenue le 16 février1968 à sa 1397'séance tenue le14
mars (pièce. no' 23 à 30). Au cours des discussions du Conseil, un projet de

résolutiona étéprésenté, le29 février1968,par l'Algérie,le Brésil,l'Ethiopie,
l'Inde, le Pakistan, le Paraguay et le Sénéga(lpièceno 63). Sur la base de ce
projet de résolutionet des consultations qui ont suivi, le Conseil de sécura,é
le 14mars 1968, adoptéla résolution246 (1968)(pièceno 106).
14. Comme il en était prié parla résolution246(1968),le Secrétairegénéral
a présentéau Conseil de sécuritél,e 30 mars 1968,un rapport (pièceno64)sur
l'application de cette résolution.
15. En avril 1968,1eConseil de sécuritéa reçu du Présidentdu Conseil des
Nations Unies pour le Sud-Ouest africain trois communications (pièces no"
65 a 67) concernant les tentatives faites par ce conseil pour se rendre au Sud-
Ouest africain. Le 27 mai 1968, le Présidentdu Conseil pour le Sud-Ouest
africain a transmis letexte d'une déclaration adoptéeparce conseil concernant
le fait que 1~: arlement sud-africain avait étésaisi par le gouvernement d'un

projet de loi intitulé Thdevelopmenf of seK-governmen or native nationsin
South WestAfiica (pièceno 68). Le Présidentdu Conseil des Nations Unies
pour la Namibie a adresséau Présidentdu Conseildesécurité d'autrescornmuni-
cations concernant des événements survenusdans le Territoire les 5 août, 10
octobre et 25 octobre 1968et le 28 février1969(piécesn= 70 à 72 et 74). Le
Conseil de !;écuritéa aussi reçu le texte de deux résolutionsde l'Assemblée
générale que lui a transmisesleSecrétaire généralels12juin et 23décembre1968,
respectivement (piècesnos69 et 73).
16. Par une lettre datée du 14 mars 1969(pièceno 73, les représentantsde
43 Etats Membres ont demandéque le Conseil de sécurité se réunissed'urgence
pour examiner la situation en Namibie, qui allait s'aggravant. Le 19 mars, le
Président d~iComitéspécialchargéd'étudierla situation en ce qui concerne

I'application de la Déclaration sur l'octroide I'indépendanceaux pays et aux
peuples coloniaux a, conformément à une décision prisepar le Comitéspécial,
transmis au Conseil de sécurité letexte d'une déclarationqu'il avait faite au
sujet de mesures prises par l'Afrique du Sud qui tendaientà détruirel'unitéet
l'intégritéterritoriale de la Namibie (pièceno 76).
17. Le Conseil de sécuritka examinéla question plus avant au coursde deux
séances qu'ila tenues le 20 mars 1969(piècesnos31 et 32). La Colombie, le
Népal,le Pakistan, le Paraguay, le Sénégae lt la Zambie ont présenteun projet
de réso1utio.n(pièceno 77), qui a étéadoptépar le Conseil de sécuritéen tant
que résolution 264(1969)(pièceno 107).
18. Comnle il en étaitpriépar la résolution264(1969),le Secrétairegénéral
a présentéau Conseil de sécurité, le 14mai 1969,un rapport (pièce no 78) sur
I'application de la résolution.

19. Les 28 mai et 3juiilet 1969,le Présidentdu Comitéspécialchargéd'étu- ,
dier la situation en ce qui concerne I'application de la Déclaration surl'octroi
de l'indépendanceaux pays et aux peuples coloniaux a communiquéau Prési-
dent du Conseilde sécurité le texte des consensuasdoptéspar le Comitéspécial
au sujet de la question de la Namibie (piècesnos79 et 80).
20. Dans une lettre datéedu 23 juillet 1969 (piéceno 81), le Présidentdu
Conseildes lVationsUnies pour la Namibie a informélePrésidentdu Conseil de NOTE D'INTRODUCI?ON 29
sécuritéde la conclusiori unanime a laquelle était arrivéle Conseil pour la
Namibie, à savoir que le Conseil de sécurité devaitprendre d'urgence desme-

sures pour assurer l'application de la résolution 264(1969),et, le24juillet, les
représentantsdes 1.1Etat:; Membres du Conseil pour la Namibie ont demandé
formellement la réunion d'urgence du Conseil de çécurité(pièceno 82). Les
représentantsde 51 Etatc Membres se sont associés à cette demande dans une
lettre datéedu 1" aoGt 1969(piéceno 84).
21. Par une lettre daté!:du 28juillet 1969(piéceno83), le représentantde la
Zambie a transmis, pour qu'il soit distribué comme document du Conseil de
sécurité,le texte du Maaifeste de Lusaka sur l'Afrique australe adopté à la
cinquième Conférenceau sommet des Etats d'Afrique orientale et centrale.
22. Le Conseil de sécurita consacrésix nouvelles séances ?i'examen de la
situation en Namibie, entre le 30 juillet et le 12 août 1969(piècesna' 33 a 38).
A la 1497' séancedu CrlnseiI de sécurité,le 12 août, un projet de résolution
présentépar l'Algérie,la Colombie, le Pakistan, le Paraguay, le Sénégal elta
Zambie (pièceno 85) a ité adopté en tant que résolution 269 (1969) Ipiéce
23. Le 29 aout 1969, le Président du Conseil des Nations Unies pour la
Namibie a appelé l'attention duConseil de sécuritésur le procès illégalet la
condamnation d'un nouq?eaugroupe de Namibiens (pièceno 86).Le 25 sep-
tembre 1969, un télégrammedu ministre des affaires étrangèresde la Repu-
blique démocratiqueallemande au Présidentdu Conseil de sécurité(piècneo87)

concernant cette questiora étédistribuésur les instructions de ce dernier.
24. Comme il en avait étépriépar la résolution 269 (1969), le Secrétaire
généraa l present6 au Coiiseil de sécuritél,e 3 octobre 1969, un rapport (pièce
no 88) sur l'applicatiod: la résolution.
25. Par une lettre datét:du 10octobre 1969adresséeau Présidentdu Conseil
de sécurité (pièceno 89), le Prksident du Conseil des Nations Unies pour la
Namibie a appelé l'attention duConseil desécuritésur l'urgente nécessid'une
action efficacepour donner effet Ala résolution269 (1969).
26. Par deslettres datérsdu 31 octobre et du le' décembre1969,leSecrétaire
générala transmis au Prhsident du Conseil de sécurité le textede deux résolu-
tions adoptees par l'Assembléegénéralesur la question de la Namibie (pièces
nos 90 et 91).
27. Dans une lettre datée du26 janvier 1970(pièceno 92),les représentants
de 48 Etats Membres on1demandéque le Conseil de sécurité se réunisse d'ur-
gence pour examiner la situation crééepar Ie refus du Gouvernement sud-
africain de se conformerk la résolution269 (1969).
28. Le Conseil de sécurité aexaminéla question au cours de trois séances,
entre le 28 et le 30janvie~ 1970(piècno539,40 et 41). Un projet de résolution
proposant la créationd'un sous-comité, présenté par le Burundi, la Finlande,
le Népal,la Sierra Leonc:et la Zambie le 28 janvier (pièceno 93) et réviséle
29 janvier,a étéadopté par le Conseil de sécuritéle 30 janvier en tant que

résolution276 (1970) (pitre no 109). Dans cette résolution,le Conseil de sécu-
ritéa, notamment, réaffirméla résolution2145 (XXI) de l'Assembléegénérale
et la résolution264 (19613)du Conseil de sécurité,déclaréillégalela présence
continue de l'Afrique du Sud en Namibie et constitué un sous-comitéad hoc
chargé d'étudierlesmoyeïispermettant d'appliquer effectivementlesrésolutions
pertinentes du Conseil. L.ePrésidentdu Conseil de sécuritka fait paraître, le
30 janvier 1970, une note (pièce no 95) concernant la composition du Sous-
Comitéad hoc crééen aqplication de la résolution 276 (1970) du Conseil de
29. Les 30janvier, 2 fkvrier, 6 février,11 févriet 13février1970, respec-30 NAMIBIE (SUD-OUES AFRICAIN)

tivement, lesreprésentantsdu Japon, d'Israël, de l'Italieet de la Syrieont adres-
séau Présidentdu Conseil de sécurité des lettreayant traita des déclarations
faites au cours du débat qui s'était déroulé peauvant au Conseil de sécurité
(piècesnos 94, 96, 97 et 99). Une note du Présidentdu Conseil de sécurité,A
laquelleétaitjointe unelettre en date du 11févrierque lui avait adresséeI'obser-
vateur permiinent par intérimde la Républiquefédérale d'Allemagne , égale-
ment étédislribuke (pièceno98).
30. Le Sous-Comitéad hoccréé en application de la résolution276(1970)du
Conseil de slcuritéa adopté,le30 avril 1970,un rapport intérimaireau Conseil
de sécurité (piècno 100).Conformément à un accord intervenu le 15mai entre
les membres du Conseil de sécurité(pièceno 101), le Sous-Comitéad hoc a
poursuivi ses travaux et présentéson rapport au Conseil de sécuritéle 7juillet

1970 (pièce no 9). Ce rapport contenait plusieurs recommandations, notam-
ment celle touchant la possibilitéde demander un avis consultatifà la Cour
internationale de Justice donil a étéquestioipropos de la premièrepartie du
dossier. Avant d'adopter son rapport, le Sous-Comitéad hoca tenu au total17
séancesentri: le 4 février etle 7juillet 1970(piécesnoà 7 et 12 à21).
31. Dans une lettre datée du22juillet 1970(piéceno 102),les représentants
du Burundi, de la Finlande, du Népal,de la Sierra Leone et de la Zambie ont
demandéau Présidentdu Conseil de sécurité que celui-cise réunissesans tarder
pour reprendre l'examen de la question de Namibie.
32. Le Conseil de sécuritéa examiné la question àsa 1550'séance,tenue le
29 juillet 19'70(pièceno 8). Les délibérationà l'issue desquellesle Conseil a
adopté, a cet.teséance,sa résolution284(1970)ont fait l'objet desparagraphes

6,7 et 8ci-dessus. Un autre projet de résolutionprésentà la même séancp ear
le Burundi, la Finlande, le Népr:l,la Sierra Leone et la Zambie (pièceno 1a3)
étéadoptépar le Conseil de sécurité entant que résolution283 (1970) (pièce
no 110).Dans cette résolution,le Conseil de sécuritéa, notamment, demandé à
tous les Etals de prendre un certain nombre de mesures, eu égardau maintien
de la présence illégaee l'Afriquedu Sud en Namibie, et rétabli leSous-Comité
ad hocpour la Namibie. Le 18août 1970,une note du Présidentdu Conseil de
sécurité aétépubliéeau sujet de la composition et des procédures du Sous-
Comitéad hoc pour la Namibie (pièceno 104).

B. Docunsenratioilde I'Assembléegénéraleet de ses organes subsidiaires

33. La prksentesectionseréfèreaux documents del'Assemblée générad lesa
vingt et unième session,en 1966,àsa vingt-quatrième session, en1969.Elle est
subdiviséeel1trois points. Le point 1 traite de la question de Namibie (Sud-
Ouest africain) en général, y compris les pétitions concernant ce territoire.
Le point 2 a traià la question des activités desintérêts étrangers, économiques
et autres, q~iifont obstacle Al'application de la Déclaration surla décoloni-
sation en Afriqueaustrale. Seulsfigurentsouscepoint lesdocumentsconcernant
la Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain). Sous le point 3 on a reproduit le texte de
toutes les résolutionsde l'Assembléegénérale,autres que celles figurant déjà

sous les poiiits 1 et 2, qui se réfèrent expressémet la Namibie (Sud-Ouest
africain) ou quià un titre quelconque intéressentla question sur laquelle un
avis consultsitifest demandéa la Cour. 1. Documentationconcernant la'questionde Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain) en

a) 1966 (jusqu'à la vingt et unième sessi00 de l'Assemblée générale

34. En 1966,leComitC:spécialcharge d'étudierla situation en cequi concerne
l'application de la Déclaration surl'octroi de l'indépendanceaux pays et aux
peuples coloniaux (ci-a11résdénomméplus brièvement Comité spécialdes
Vingt-Quatre) a poursuil~il'examen de la question du Territoire du Sud-Ouest
africain, au cours de quatorze séances tenuesde mai à septembre (pièces nu*
111 ?i124),et il a fait ragpoàtce sujet (pièceno 125)a l'Assembléegénérale.
35. La question intitulée((Questiondu Sud-Ouest africain:rapport du Comi-
té spécialchargéd'étudier la situationen ce qui concerne l'application de la
Déclaration sur l'octroiclel'indépendanceaux pays et aux peuplescoloniaux))a
été inscrità l'ordre dujour de la vingt et unième sessiode l'Assembléegéné-
ralepour êtreexaminée en séance plénièré e,tantentendu que les pétitionnaires

qui désireraient prendre la parole sur cette question seraient entendus par la
Quatrième Commission, laquelle ferait rapport à I'Assemblée 1ice sujet.
36. Lorsqu'ellea examinéla question, 1'Assembtée généraleétaitsaisie des
documents ci-aprés:a) i'éponsesdes Etats au sujet des mesures qu'ilsavaient
prises en application de:; paragraphes 11 et 12 de la résolution2074 (XX) de
1'Assemblée générale(piècesnoS'149a 154);b) communications adressées au
Secrétaire généraplar lt: Nigéria (pièceno 43),la Côte d'Ivoire (pièceno 42),
la Bulgarie (pièceno441,le Kenya (pièceno 155),le Pakistan (pièceno 156), la
Pologne @ièceno 157),13 Mongolie (pi& no 158)et la Turquie (pièceno159)
concernant l'arrêt rendule 18 juillet 1966par la Cour internationale de Justice
dans lesaffairesdu Sud-Chest ajiicain;cjune lettre datée du3 août 1966adres-

séeau Secrétaire généra plar les représentants de trente-cinq Etats Membres
(pièce no 161, p. 1, Alri386) demandant que la question soit examinéepar
priorité;et d) une lettre datéedu20 octobre adresséeau Présidentde 1'Assern-
bléegénéralepar le reprksentant permanent de l'Afriquedu Sud (pièceno 160).
37. La Quatrième Commission a. consacré sept séances aux demandes
d'audition concernant le Sud-Ouest africain (piècesnO"126a 132)et a présenté
deux rapports à ce sujet à l'Assemblée généra(lepièceno 161, p. 2, A16458et
Add. 1).
38. L'Assembléegénitale a examinéle point au cours de seize séances
(piècesnDS133 à 148).L.226 septembre, un projet de résolutiona étéprésenté
par 54 Etats Membres (,pièceno 161, p. 4, AIL.483 et Add. 1 A3), auquel des
amendements ont étéproposéspar vingt et un Etats Membres (piéceno 161,

p. 5, AIL.488). Aprésava~irrejeté un sous-amendement desEtats-Unis d'Amé-
rique (pour letexte, voir pièceno 146,par. 68, AlL.490) à l'amendement des
vingt et un pays, I'Assernbléegénéralea adopté,9 sa 1453' séance plénièrlee
27 octobre, le projet do résolutiondes 54 pays, modifiéconformément aux
amendements desvingtet un pays,par 114voix contre 2, avec 3 abstentions,
qui est devenu la résolution2145(XXI )pièceno 162).Cette résolution dispose
notamment que le Mandat de l'Afrique du Sud sur le Sud-Ouest africain est
terminé,que le Sud-0ur:st africain reléve directementde la responsabilitéde
l'organisation des Nations Unies et elleporte créationd'uncomitéspécialpour
le Sud-Ouest africain chargéde recommander des dispositions d'ordre pratique
pour l'administration di] Sud-Ouest africain, afin de permettre au peuple du
Territoire d'exerceson CroitàI'autodéterminationetd'accéderhl'indépendance.

39. Au sujet des pétitionsconcernant le Sud-Ouest africain, l'Assemblée
générale a adopté,le 27 octobre, sans opposition, un projet de résolutionpré- 32 NAMIBIE (SUD-OUES AFRICAIN)

sentépar le comité spécial des Vingt-Quatre (pièceno 125, par. 384), qui est
devenu la ré:;olution2146 (XXI) (pièceno 163).Le 20 décembre, un projetde
résolution ré.vjsa étéprésentépar 18 Etats Membres (pièce no 161,p. 6,
A/L.511/Rev.l) concernant lesrapports de laQuatrièmeCommission relatifsaux
pétitions etil a étéexaminépar l'Assembléegénéraleà ça 1500'séancepléniére.
Aprèsque le:$auteurs eurent indiquéqu'ils n'insistaientpas pour que le projet
de résolutionsoit mis aux voix, l'Assembléegénéralea décidéde transmettre
les comptes rendus pertinents au Comitéspécial desVingt-Quatre pour plus

ample exarne.n(pièceno 148, par. 190).
40. Un autre projet de résolution réviséprésentépar I'Arabie Saoudite
(pi& no 146!,par. 252,258, AIL.487lRev.l) a érejetépar l'Assembléegénérale
par 22 voix contre 17,avec 58 abstentions (pièceno 146,par. 282).
(jusqu'a la vingt-deuxième session de l'Assemblée générale
b) 1967-1!)68
41. Pendant cette période, l'Assemblée généra altenu, avant l'ouverture de
sa vingt-deuxième sessionordinaire, une session extraordinaire (la cinquiéme)
pour examiner le rapport du Comitéspécialpour le Sud-Ouest africain, créé
par la résolution2145(XXI) de l'Assembléegénérale (voirpar. 38).

i) Cinquième session extraordinaire de l'Assembléegénérale

42. A sa cinquiéme sessionextraordinaire, tenue en avril-juin 1967,1'Assem-
bléegénéraleé:taitsaisieàpropos du point ((Questiondu Sud-Ouest africain)),
du rapport CIUComitéspécialpour le Sud-Ouest africain (piéceno 185, p. 1,
.A/6aQO),ainsi que de communications émanant de l'Union des Républiques
socialistes soviétiques,de la RépubliquesociaIistesoviétiqued'Ukraine de la
.Républiquesocialiste soviétiquede Biélorussie (piècesnos 186, 187 et 188
43. La QuatriémeCommission a tenu une séance(pièce no 164)consacrée a
l'audition depétitionnaires et, le 2 mai, elle a présentésonrapport au sujet de
cette auditioa l'Assemblée généra(lepièceno 185,p. 54, Al6651). A sa 1515"
séanceplénikre,le 5 mai, I'Assembléegénéralea pris note du rapport (pièce
no 178,par. 135).
44. L'Assr:mbléegénéralea consacré vingt séancesd ,u 21 avril au 13juin, a

l'examendu point considéré(piècesn0V65 A 184).Au cours de la discussion,
un projet de résolution a étéprésentésur la question par 58 Etats Membres
(piéceno 185, p. 56, AlL.516 et Add. 1 a 3). Ce projet a étéultérieurement
révisé (voirpièceno 179)et la version révisa étéprésentéepar 79 pays. A la
1518' séance plénièrel,e 19 mai, l'Assembléegénéralea adopté par 85 voix
contre 2, avtz 30 abstentions, le projet de résolution révq,ui est devenu Ia
résolution2248 (S-V)(pièceno 189).Par cette résolution,I'Assemblée générale
a notamment créé un Conseildes Nations Unies pour le Sud-Ouest africain
chargé d'administrer le Sud-Ouest africain jusqu'à l'indépendance et ellea
invitéle Goiivernement sud-africain faciliter le transfert de l'administration
du Territoire au Conseil des Nations Unies pour le Sud-Ouestafricain.Comme
suiteà une autre disposition de cette résolution, l'Assembléegénérale, à sa
1524"séance:le 13 juin, sur proposition du Secrétairegénéral (pièce no 185,

p. 55, A/6656), a nomméM. Constantin A. Stavropoulos, conseiller juridique
de l'organisation des Nations Unies, au poste de Haut-Commissaire par
intérim des Nations Unies pour le Sud-Ouest africain (pièce no 189, p.2).
. 45. Un autre projet de résolution présenté par l'Arabie Saoudite (piéce
no 185, p. 57, AlL.517) n'a pas étémis aux voix, l'auteur ayant ccsuspendui)
-toute action sur son projet (pièceno 179,;A/PV.1516). ; .+ NOTE D'INTRODUCTION 33

ii) et iii) Vingt-deuxième sessionde l'Assemblée générale
46. La vingt-àeuxikme session de l'Assemblée générale s'est tenu du 19
septembre au 19 décembi,e1967; elle a étéreprise du 24 avril au 12juin 1968,
puis le 23 septembre 1963.La question du Sud-Ouest africain a étéexaminée
par l'Assembléeau cours des deux sériesde réunions.
47. En 1967,leComitéspécial desVingt-Quatre a, du 7juin au 12septembre,

consacréneuf séances a l'examen de la question du Territoire du Sud-Ouest
africain (piècesnaV90 a 198)et a présenté al'Assembléegénérale son rapport
sur cette question (piècil0199).
48. Conformément à 12résolution2248 (S-V), fe Conseil des Nations Unies
pour le Sud-Ouest africain a présentà l'Assemblée généras lon premier rap-
port portant sur fa période allantde la créationdu Conseil au 31 octobre 1967
(pièceno 245, p. 1,A/68!)7).Le Présidentdu Conseil a également adresséau
Présidentde l'Assembléegénéraleune lettre, en date du 28 novembre 1964,
transmettant un texte de (:onsensusadoptépar le Conseil au sujet de la mise en
jugement par l'Afriquedu Sud de 37ressortissants du Sud-Ouest africain (pièce
nD245, p. 7, A/6919; voir aussi par. 10 ci-dessus).
49. La Quatriéme Commission a égalemententendu des pétitionnaires au
cours de sept séances,tenues du 1I octobre au 16décembre1967(piècesnoS200 a

206) et présentéson rapport sur la question a l'Assemblée générale (pièce
no245, p. 6, A/6907). Asa 1620'séancepléniérel,5 décembre1967,l'Assemblée
générale a prisnote de ce rapport.
50. L'Assemblée générale a consacré au, total, 38 séancespléniéresa la
question du Sud-Ouest z.fricain, dont 10 entre le 5 et le 19 décembre 1967
(piècesn" 207 A216) et 2.8entre le 26 avril et le 12juin 1968(piècesnos217 h
244).A sa 1635'séancepl-hière,le 16décembre,l'Assembléegénérale a adopté:
a) par 111 voix contre 2, avecune abstention, un projet de résolution présenté
par 73 Etats (pièce no 245, p.26, AlL.536 et Add. 1 ii4), qui est devenu la
résolution2324(XXil) (pièceno246)et b) par 93voixcontre 2,avec 18absten-
tions, un projet de résolution présepar 49 Etats (pièceno245,p. 27, AIL.540
et Add. 1 et 2), qui est devenu la résolution2325 IXXII) (pièceno 247). A la
même séance, I'Assemblk générale a, sur proposition du Secrétaire général

(pièce no 245, p. 7,A/6930), décidéde proroger l'arrangement intérimaire
concernant le Commissaire par intérim desNations Unies pour le Sud-Ouest
51. Par sa résolution 2324 (XXII), l'Assembléegénéralea, notamment,
condamné l'arrestationet la mise en jugement illégales à Pretoria des 37 res-
sortissants du Sud-Ouest africain et invitéle Gouvernement sud-africain à
arrêterce procèsillégaletà remettre en libertéles prisonniers. Par sa résolution
2325(XXII), l'Assembléegénérale a, notamment, déclaréque la présencecon-
tinue des autorités sud-africainesdans le Sud-Ouest africain constituait une
violation flagrante de I'iritégrjterritoriale du Sud-Ouest africain et de son
statut international tel qu'ilavaiteté fixépar lesrésolutions 2145(XXI) et 2248
(S-V )e l'Assembléegénl!rale,demandéau Gouvernement sud-africain de se
retirer du Territoire et demandé instamment à tous les Etats Membres de

prendre des mesures effectivesen vue d'assurerce retrait, préparant ainsila voie
a l'application desrésolutions2145(XXI) et 2248(S-V)de l'Assembléegénérale.
52. A la reprise de sa vingt-deuxième session,en 1968,l'Assembléegénérale
étaitsaisie des documents suivants: a) un rapport du Secrétaire généra(l ièce
no 52) sur l'application de 1a.résoIution2324 (XXII) de l'Assemblée; 6) une
lettre du Présidentdu Cornitéspécial des Vingt-Quatretransmettant la déclara-
tion faite le 30 avril 19par le Présidentdu Comitéspécialsur la question du34 NAMIBIE (SUD-OUES AFRICAIN)
Sud-Ouest africain (piéceno 245, p. 24, A/7091); c) un rapport du Conseil des

Nations Unies pour le Sud-Ouest africain, portant sur la période allant du 1''
novembre 15167au 4 mai 1968(pièceno 245, p. 8, A/7088); et d) une lettre, eii
date du 27 rnai, émanant du Président du Conseil des Nations Unies pour le
Sud-Ouest africain et transmettant le texte d'une déclaration adoptée par le
Conseil, concernant un projet de loi soumis au Parlement sud-africain (pièce
no 68 ;voir a.ussipar. 15ci-dessus).
53.Au cours des débats, un projet de résolution a été présentépar 51 Etats
Membres (pièce no245, p. 27,AIL.546 et Add.1); par la suite, ce texte aétérévisé,
et présentépar 55 Etats Membres (ibid., p. 29, A/L.546/Rev.l). A sa 1671'
séance plénikre,le 12juin 1968, I'Assembléegénéralea, par 96 voix contre 2,
avec 18 abstentions, adopté le projet de résolution révisé,qui est devenu la
résolution2372 (XXIT)(pièceno248). Par cetterésolution, I'Assembléegénérale
décidaitque le Sud-Ouest africain serait désormais appelé <<Namibie))c,onfiait

au Conseil des Nations Unies pour la Namibie certaines fonctions dont il
devrait s'acquitterà titre prioritaire, demandaiatous les Etats de s'abstenir de
toutes relations avec le Gouvernement sud-africain qui auraient pour effet de
perpétuerl'occupation ilfégalede la Namibie par l'Afrique du Sud et de prendre
un certain ncimbre d'autres mesures et elleexigeait une fois encore que'Afrique
du Sud se retire de Namibie.

c) 1968 (jusqa'à la vingt-troisième session de I'Assemblée générale
54. En 1968, le Comité spécialdes Vingt-Quatre a examiné la question du
Territoire de Namibie, essentiellement au cours de quatre séances, tenues entre
le 14févrierr:t le 29 octobre (piècesnos249 9252),et il a fait rappoàtce sujeà

l'Assemblée générale (, sa vingt-troisième session (pièceno 253).
55. A sa vingt-troisième session, l'Assembléegénéraleétaitsaisie, au titre de
la question de Namibie, du rapport du Comité spécialdes Vingt-Quatre ainsi
que des docriments suivants: a) le rapport du Conseil des Nations Unies pour
la Namibie (pièceno 268); b) un rapport du Secrétairegénéralsur l'application
de la résolution 2372(XXII) de l'Assemblée général[epiècen0.267,p. 1, Al7171
et Add.Ih 6); c)unelettre, en date du 4 septembre 1968,du Présidentdu Conseil
des Nations Unies pour la Namibie, par laquelle celui-ci transmettait sa décla-
ration relatiba l'expulsion par la force de Namibiens non blancs de leurs foyers
età leur transfert dans un nouveau quartier réservé (piècno267, p. 11,A/7198);
et d) deux lettres, en date respectivement du 27 septembre (pièceno 267, p. 11,
A/7249) et du27 novembre (pièce no267, p. 12, A/7365),émanant du Président

du Conseil des Nations Unies pour la Namibie et transmettant ses déclarations
relatives au maintien en détention de 31 Namibiens condamnés en 1967 par
l'Afrique du Sud.
56. La Quatrième Commission a consacré trois séances, tenues entre le 15
octobre et le 5 novembre. à l'audition de pétitionnaires (~iécesn" 254 2i2561
et elle a préstmtéun rapport sur la I'Assembléegénérale (pièce no267;
p. 12,A1734'7).A sa 1725'séance plénière,le 25 novembre, l'Assemblée générale
a pris note de ce rapport.
57. L'Assi:mbléegénkrale a consacrédix séances,tenuesentre le 25 novembre
et le 16décembre (pièces nos257 à 266), Al'examen de la question de Namibie.
Au cours de la discussion, un projet de résolution a étéprésentépar 51 Etats.
Membres (pièce no267, p. 15, A/L.556 et Add.1). A sa 1742=séance plénière,le
16 décembre 1968, I'Assemblée générale a, par 96 voix contre 2, avec 16abs-

tentions, adopté ce projet de résolution, qui est devenu la résolution 2403
(XXPlI) (pièceno269). Au cours de la mëme séance,l'Assembléegénéralea NOTE D'INTRODUCTION 35
également:a) adoptésani;vote un résolutionsur lespétitionsrelatives
ala Namibie, présentéplr le Comitéspécial des Vingt-Quatre (pièce no 267,
p. 15,A/L.557), qui est devenu la résolution2404 (XXIII) (pièceno 270) et b)

décidéde proroger les airangements existants concernant le Commissairepar
intérimdes Nations Unies pour la Namibie.
58. Par sa résolution 2403 (XXIIT), l'Assembléegénéralea, notamment,
condamné ànouveau leGouvernement sud-africain pour son mépris persistant
de l'autoritéet des résolutions de l'organisation des Nations Unies, appelé
l'attention du Conseil de sécurisur la grave situation qui s'était crdu fait
de la présenceet des acte; illégauxdu Gouvernement sud-africain en Namibie
et recommandéau Consiil de sécuritéde-prendre toutes mesures effectives,
conformément aux dispositions pertinentes de la Charte des Nations Unies,
pour assurer le retraitrnnédiat des autoritéssudlafricaines de Namibie.

d) 1969 (jlrsqu'b Iu ~in~t-~batriémesession de I'Assembiée générale
59. En 1969, le Comitéspécial des Vingt-Quatre a consacré onze séances,
tenues entre te 17 mars c:tle.3 juillet, a I'examen'de la question de Namibie
(piècesnos 271 à 281) et présenté unrapport sur la question à l'Assemblée

généraleà , sa vingt-quatriéme session (piec"82).
60. Au cours des deux premières semaines de sa vingt-quatriéme session,
l'Assembléegénéralea examiné le point intitulé ((Questionde Namibie: a)
rapport du Comité spécialchargé d'étudierla situation en ce qui concerne
l'application de la Déclai'ationsur l'octroi de l'indépendanceaux pays et aux
peuples coloniaux; h) rapport du Conseil des Nations Unies pour la Namibie;
c) nomination du Commissaire desNations Unies pour la Namibie))et modifié
une de ses décisionsantérieuresen chargeant la QuatriémeCommission non
seulement d'assurer l'audition despétitionnaires,mais égalementde procéderà
l'examen des subdivisions,a) et b) du point en question.
61. La Quatrième Cornmission a examiné Iaquestion de Namibie princi-
palement au cours de 25 séances tenuesentre le 3 octobre et le 24 novembre
(piècesn0V283 A 307).Elli:étaitsaisiedu rapport du Conseil desNations Unies
pour la Namibie portant sur la période du 13 novembre 1968 au 24 octobre
1969(pièceno 310)et du r-ipport du Comitéspécialdes Vingt-Quatrementionné
au paragraphe 59 ci-dessus. Le 17 octobre, un projet de résolution relatià

certains aspects particuliers de la question a étéprésenté parcinq Etats Mem-
bres auxquels sesont joints, par la suite, 66autres Etats (voir pièceno314,p.
A/7736, par. 11, 13 et 15:).Le 21 octobre, ce projet de résolutaoétéadopté
par la Quatrième Commission. A sa 1797'séance plénière, l3 e1 octobre 1969
(pièceno308), 1'AssembIPegénérale a, par 95 voixcontre 2, avec 6 abstentions,
adoptéle projet de résoliitionprésentépar la QuatrièmeCommission, qui est
devenu la résolution249E (XXIV) (piéce no 312).
62. La QuatriémeCommission a à nouveau examinéla question de Namibie
du 4 au 24 novembre. Uo projet de résolutiona étéprésentéle 21 novembre
par deux Etats Membres et a ensuite étéréviséet présentéau nom de 31
Etats Membres (voir piice no 311, p. 6, A/7736/Add. 1, par. 3, 5 et'9).
La Quatrième Commissirlnétaitégalement saisied'un projet de résolutionsur
les pétitionsrelatives à 1;.Namibie, présentépar le Comitéspécialdes Vingt-
Quatre (pièceno 282, par.. 31).Le 24 novembre, la Quatrième Commission a
adoptéces deux projets da:résolution.A sa 1819'séanceplénière,le le' décem-
bre 1969(piéceno 309),l'Assembléegénérale a:a) par 92 voixcontre2,avec 19

abstentions, adopté le premier projet de résolution présentépar le Comité
spécial,qui est devenu larésolution2517(XXIV) (piècen" 313) et b) adoptésansvote lesecondprojet derésolution; présenté par la QuatrièmeCommission,

qui est devenu la résolution2518 (XXIV) (pièceno 314). A la même séance,
1'Assemblég eénérale a, sur propositiodu Secrétaire général (piènce 311,p. 8,
A/7788),noniméM. AghaAbdul Hamid, sous-secrétaire génér all'information,
au poste de Commissaire par intérim desNations Unies pour la Namibie à
compter du 1 janvier 1970.
63. Par sa résolution2498(XXIV), l'Assembléegénérale a réaffirméle droit
inaliénable du peuple namibien a l'autodétermination et a l'indépendanceet
condamnéleGouvernement sud-africain pour son refus persistant de retirer son
administration de Namibie et, en particulier, pour son défidu paragraphe 5 de
la résolution269 (1969) (voir pièceno 108). Par sa résolution 2517 (XXIV),
l'Assembléegénérale, se référantà la présence illégalede l'Afrique du Sud en
Namibie et consciente des obligations incombant aux Etats Membres aux
termes de l'article25 de la Charte des Nations Unies, a condamnéà nouveau le
Gouvernement sud-africain pour son refus persistant de retirer son adminis-
tration de Namibie et attirél'attention du Conseil de sécursur la nécessitde
prendre desmesuresappropriéespour apporter une solution kla gravesituation

qui s'est créti du fait du refus de l'Afrique du Sud de se retirer de Namibie.
2. D~curnent~gtionconcernant la question des activités des intkrêtsétrangers,
éconorniqu.~e~t autres,qui font obstacleà I'application de la Déclarationsur
l'octroi de l'indépendanceauxpayset auxpeuples coloniauxen Rhodésiedu Sud,
en Narnibi,?et danslesterritoires sousdominationportugaise, ainsique danstuus
les autres territoires se trouvanrsousdominationcoloniale,et aux effortstendant

à éliminerle colonialisme, l'apartheid et ludiscriminationraciale dans Iesud de
64. Cette question a étéévoquéepou lr première foisdans la résolution1899
(XVIII) du 13 novembre 1963, de l'Assemblée générale s, r la ((Question du
Sud-Ouest al:ricain».Par cette résolution,l'Assemblée générap lriait le Comité
spécial desVingt-Quatre((d'étudier,en coopérationavec leSecrétaire général et
les organismes des Nations Unies, les implications des activitésde l'industrie
rninike et des autres sociétésinternationales possédant des intérêtsau Sud-
Ouest africain, afin d76valuerleur influence économique et politique et leur

mode d'opération)).En 1966, sur la recommandation du Comitéspécial des
Vingt-Quatre, l'Assemblée généralae adopté la résolution 2189 @XI) (voir
pièceno350),qui prévoyaitnotamment l'inscription àl'ordre du jour provisoire
de la vingt-diuxièmesession de l'Assembléegénéraled'une question intitulée
((Activitésdr:s intérêts étrangers, économiques et autres, qufiont obstacle 1i
l'application de la Déclaration sur l'octroi de I'indépendanceaux pays et aux
peuples coloniaux en Rhodésie duSud, au Sud-Ouest africain et dans lesterri-
toires sous domination portugaise, ainsi que dans tousles autres territoires se
trouvant sousdomination coloniale))(voirpièceno331, p. 2 A/6868, par. 1 à3).
65. Les documents mentionnés ci-apréç ne concernent que la Namibie
(Sud-Ouest a.fricain).

a) 1967 (jusqu'à lo vingt-deuxiérne session de l'Assemblée générale
66. En 1967, le Comitéspécialdes Vingt-Quatre a prié son Sous-Comité1

d'entreprendre uneétudesur la question. Au coursde quatre séances, tenuesdu
6 au 18 octcibre 1967 (pièces n" 315 à 318), le Comitéspéciala examiné le
rapport du Sous-Comité1 (piéce na331, p. 13, A/6868/Add.l), auquel était
joint en annexe un document de travail établipar le Secrétariatet intitulé
((La situation économique au Sud-Ouest africain eu égard notamment aux intérêts économiques étrangers()i)id., p. 45, A/6868/Add.I, appendice II) et
des extraits des déclarations de pétitionnaires au sudu Sud-Ouest africain
(ibid p.,118, A/6868/Adtl.1,appendice VIII,par. 16a 23).Après avoiradopte
le rapport du Sous-Comité,le Comitéspéciala soumis son propre rapport à
L'Assemblée générale ainsiqu'un certain nombre de recommandations (pièce
no331, p. 1,A16868).
67. A sa vingt-deuxiéme session,sur recommandation du Bureau, 1'Assem-
bléegénéralea décidé d'inscrire la questin son ordredu jour sous un nouveau
libellé,a savoir: ((Activitlisdes intérstsétrangers,économiqueset autres, qui
font obstacleà l'application de la Déclaration sur l'octroi de l'indépendance
aux pays et aux peuplescoloniaux en Rhodésiedu Sud,au Sud-Ouestafricain et

dans les territoiresous domination portugaise, ainsi que danstous lesautres
territoires se trouvanscius domination coloniale, et aux efforts tendant à
éliminerle colonialisme, l'apartheidet la discrimination raciale dans le sud de
I'Afriquen,et a renvoyécette questionà la QuatriémeCommission pour exa-
men. .
68. La Quatrième Commission a examinéla question lors de douze séances,
tenues entre le 14 novembre et le 5 décembre1967(piécesnos319 à 329), au
cours desquelles elle a égiilemententendu un pétitionnaire. Unprojet de réso-
lution présentépar53Etais Membres (pièceno331,p. 130,A/6939,par. 9)a été
adoptépar la Quatrième Commission, qui a recommandé à l'Assembléegéné-
rale de l'adopter (ibid., Il). A s1622' séance plénièrel, 7 décembre
(pièceno330),1'Assemblég t:énéralea, par 91voixcontre 2,avec 17abstentions,

adoptéle projet de résolution présentépar la QuatriémeCommission, qui est
devenu la résolution2288(XXII) (pièceno 332).Par cette résolution,l'Assem-
bléegénérale a notamment prié leConseil desNations Unies pour leSud-Ouest
africain de prendre d'urgence lesmesures propreà mettre fin,dansleTerritoire
du Sud-Ouest africain, aux lois et aux pratiques établies par le Gouvernement
sud-africain qui sont contraires aux buts et principes de la Charte.

b) 1968 (jrisqu'à la vingt-troisième session de l'Assembléegénérale
69. En 1968, le Sous-Comité1 du Comitéspécial des Vingt-Quatrea pour-
suivi son étudede la question des activitésdes intérêts étrangers, économiques
et autres, dans tous les territoires se trouvant sous domination coloniale et il a
présenté unrapport à ce sujet (pi& no 340, p. 4,A/7320/Add.l) au Comité
spécial.Etaient annexés à ce rapport: a) un document de travail établipar le

Secrétariatsur ctLasituation économiqueen Namibie eu égard notammentaux
intérêts économiques étrangers)(ibid, p.12,Aj7320lAdd.1,appendice II) et b)
des extraits des déclarationsde pétitionnairesau sujet de la Namibie (ibid., p.
121, A/7320/Add.l, apperidiceXII, sect. 1-A). Au cours de trois séances tenues
entre le 31 octobre et le 7 novembre (piècesn" 333i333, le Comitéspéciala
examinélerapport ayant particulièrement traità la Namibie et,àl'issuede son
examen de l'ensembledelaquestion, ila présentéson rapport (pièceno340, p. 1,
A/7320) (1l'Assembléegériérale.
70. A la vingt-troisièrni:session de 1'~s;érnbeénérale, lQuatrièmeCom-
mission a surtout examinéla question des activitésdes intérêts étrangers,
économiqueset autres, eri Namibie, penda-ntles trois séances qu'ellea tenues
entre le 9et le 13décembre1968(piécesn" 336 à338).Le 9 décembre, un projet
de résolutiona étépréseniépar deuxEtats Membres, auxquels sesont joints 24

autresEtats Membres (voir pièceno340, p. 127,A/7423, par. 5).Le 13 décem-
bre, la QuatriémeCommission a adoptéce projet de résolution, tel qu'ilavait
étéréviséoralement au nom des auteurs. et a recommandé à ['Assemblée38 NAMIB~E (SUD-OUEST AFRICAIN)
générale de l'adopter (ibid., parà8). A sa 1747'séance pténiére l1e8 décem-
bre 1968, I',l\ssembléegénéralea adopté,par 87 voix contre 2 avec 19 absten-

tions, le projet de résolution présentpar la Quatrième Commission, qui est
devenu la rksolution 2425 (XXIII) (piéceno 341).
c) 1969 (jusqu'à la vingt-quatrième session de l'Assemblée générale
inchsii*ernenr) -
71. En 1969, la question des activitésdes intérètsétrangers, économiques et
autres, dans lesterritoires se trouvant sous domination colonialea étéexaminée
a nouveau par le Sous-Comité1 du Comitéspécial desVingt-Quatre.A sa720e
séance, le23 octobre (pièceno 342), le Comitéspéciala examinéle rapport du
Sous-ComitéI (piécen" 343, annexe, et 344, auquel était annexéun document
de travail du Secrétariat concernant la Namibie (pièceno 344, appendice 1).
Le Comitéspéciala ensuite fait rapport a l'Assembléegénéraleau sujet des
décisions qu'il avait prisessur cette question (pièceno 343).
72. A la vingt-quatrième session de l'Assemblée genérale, laQuatrième
Commission aexaminéla question,plus particulièrement euégard à la Namibie,

a sa 1862' skance,le 3 décembre (piéceo345), et àsa 1864"séance,le 8 décem-
bre (pièce rio346). Le 3 décembre, lereprésentant de la République-Unie de
Tanzanie a présentéun projet de résolution. Cetexte a étéréviséet finalement
présentepar 17 Etats Membres (voir piéceno 348, p. 1, Al7858,par. 6 et7).
Le9 décembre,la QuatrièmeCommissiona adoptéleprojet derésolutionrévisé
et a recomrriandéA l'Assembléegénkralede l'adopter (ibid., par. 8 et 9). A sa
1831"séance plénièrele, 12décembre1969(pièceno347), l'Assemblée générale
a adopté, par 80 voix contre 2, avec 18 abstentions, le projet de résolution
présenté par la QuatrièmeCommission, quiestdevenularésolution2554(XXIV)
(pièceno 349).

3. Autres ré,solutiosertinentes de l'Assembléegénérale
73. On trouvera dans la présente subdivisionle texte d'un certain nombre de
résolutionsque l'Assembléegénérale a adoptéesde sa vingt et unième A sa
vingt-quatrième session et qui, n'étantpas celles déjà mentionnéesci-dessus

sous les pointsB.l et B.2, ont particuliérementtrait Ala Namibie (Sud-Ouest
africain) ou bien portent sur la question au sujet de laquelleun avisconsultatif
est demandk à la Cour. Ces résolutionsont étéainsi regroupées:
a) résolutions concernant l'application de la Déclarationsur l'octroi de I'indk-
pendance aux pays et aux peuples coloniaux (piècesn0250 à 353),
6) résolutictnsconcernant l'application de la Déclarationsur l'octroi de I'indé-
pendance aux pays et aux peuples coIoniaux par les institutions spécialisées
et Ies institutions internationales associéesà l'organisation des Nations
Unies (piècesnos354 à356),

c) résolutions concernant la politique d'apartheid du Gouvernement sud-
africain (piécesna' 35à 360),
d) résolutions concernant les violations des droits de l'homme et les mesures
visanta combattre la discrimination raciale en Afrique australe (piécesnos
361 à 365),
e) résolution concernant la peine capitale en Afrique australe (pièceno 366),
f) résolutions concernant les programmes spéciaux d'enseignementet de
formation pour la Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain) (piècesnm 367 5 371). NOTE D'INTRODUCTION 39

C. Documentationdu C'onseiléconomiqueet social et de la Coinmissiondes
droits de l'homme

74. ta présentesectio,~a trait aux documents du Conseil économiqueet
social et de la Comniission desdroits de l'homme, ou aux extraits de ces docu-
ments, qui concernent la. Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain), ainsi qu'à certaines
résolutionsadoptées par le Conseil économiqueet social depuis 1966qui con-
tiennent des références (ila Namibie (Sud-Ouest africain) ou qui, a quelque

titre que ce soit, intéressentce territoire. Parmi les autres résolutionsadoptées
au cours de cette période, plusieursrésolutionsse référantala Namibie (Sud-
Ouest africain) ont étéprésentéespar le Conseil économique etsocial et adop-
téespar l'Assemblée généralD e.ans ce cas, seul le texte des résolutions corres-
pondantes de I'Assemblécg:énérale figuredans le dossier. Les exemplesci-après
montreront la méthodesuivie: a) par sa résolution1164(XLI) du 5 août 1966,
relativeà la ((Question &ela violation des droits de l'homme et des libertés
fondamentales, y compris la politique de discrimination raciale et de ségré-
gation ainsi que la politique d'apartheid dans tous les pays et territoires colo-
niaux et dépendants)),le Conseil a présentéàl'Assemblée génkraleun projet de
résolution sur la base duquel, le 26 octobre 1966, l'Assembléea adopté sa
résolution2144(XXI) (piècena 361); 6) par sa résolution 1332 (XLIV) du 31
mai 1968,relative aux ((hiesuresvisantà combattre avec efficacité la discrimi-

nation raciale et la politique d'apartheid eségrégation en Afrique australe)),
le Conseil a présentéà 1'.4ssembléegénérale un projetde résolutionque l'As-
semblée a adoptésans modification le 19 décembre1968et qui est devenu la
résolution2439(XXIlI) (pièce no 363).

1. Documentsde la Comnlissiondes droits de l'homme
75. Par sa résolution7 (XXIII) du 16mars 1967,la Commission desdroits
de l'homme a décidéde nommer un Rapporteur spécialchargéd'examiner
<(lamanièredont les Nations Unies se sont efforcées,dans le passé, d'éliminer
la politique et les pratiques de l'apartheid sous toutes ses formes et dans toutes
ses manifestations, [d'étudier]les dispositions lbgislativeset les pratiques en
Afrique du Sud, au Sud-Ouest africain et en Rhodésiedu Sud, qui ont été
instituées en vue d'établet de maintenir l'apartheid etla discrimination raciale

sous toutes leurs formes et dans toutleursmanifestations, dansla République
sud-africaine, au Sud-Ouest africain et en Rhodésiedu Sud,ycompriscertaines
questions telles que le travail forcé,l'inégalité des chancedans le domaine
économique, le domaine social et celui de l'enseignement, l'arrestation, la
détention etle traitement des prisonniers, ledràil'assistanced'unconseilet a
un jugement équitable)),et également de présenter unrapport et de faire des
recommandations à la (:ommission. Conformément a cette disposition, le
rapport du rapporteur spécial intituléccEtudede l'apartheid et de la discrimi-
nation raciale en Afrique :iustralaété présentéà la Commission en novembre
1967. Le chapitre II de la première partie de ce rapport traite du Sud-Ouest
africain (pièceno 372).
76. Par sa résolution 2 (XXI'II)la Commission des droits de l'homme a

constituéun Groupe spécial d'expertschargéde mener une enquête etde faire .
rapport à la Commission sur les accusations de tortures et de mauvais traite-
ments infligésaux prisonniers, aux détenus ou aux personnes arrêtées par la
police dans la Républiqu.:sud-africaine. Par sa résolution2 (XXIV), la Corn-

Les opinions expriméesdans ce rapport sont celles de l'auteur.mission, après avoir étudiéle rapport du Groupe spécial d'experts,a décide
d'élargirle niandat de ce groupe en le chargean(<de faire une enquêtesur les
accusations de mauvais traitements et de tortures infligésaux prisonniers, aux
détenus etaux personnes arrêtées par la police dans le Sud-Ouest africain)).
La section C:du chapitre V du rapport du Groupe spécial d'experts, présenté
conformémentàcettedernièrerésolutionde la Commission, contient le compte
rendu in exfcnsodes dépositions concernant la Namibie qui ont étéreçues par
le Groupe d.'expertsau cours des séancespubliques qu'il a tenues en 1968
(piéceno 377,).
77. Par SZLrésolution 21 (XXV) la Commission des droits de l'homme a
décidé d'élargidre nouveau le mandat du Groupe spéciald'experts en lui de-
mandant notamment de mener ([uneenquêtesurla situation des Africains dans

les camps dits ({detransit)) ainsi que dans les soi-disant (créservesindigènes))
dans la Rérii~bliauesud-africaine comme en Namibie et en Rhodésie du Sud)),
ainsi qu'une {(enquête portant sur les manifestations graves du colonialisme
et de la discrimination raciale aui se rencontrent dans la situation actuellement
en vigueur en Namibie, en ~hodésiedu Sud,en Angola, en Mozambique et en
Guinée(Bissau) comme suiteaux actes du régimeillégalsud-africain en Nami-
bie ...n.La Namibie fait l'objet de la quatriéme partie durapport établipar le
Groupe spéciald'experts sur lesenquêtes demandéed sans cetterésolutionde la
Commission (pièceno 374).

2 et 3. Docu,nentsebrésolrrtiondu Conseil économique et social
78. Par sa résolution 1216 (XLII) du1" juin 1967(pièce no 377), le Conseil
économiqueet social a autorisé le Groupe spécial d'expertsconstituépar la
Commission des droits de l'homme (voir par. 76 ci-dessus) iiprocéder A une
enquete sur lesplaintes relativesa desatteintasIexercice des droits syndicaux

dans la Répilbliquesud-africaine. A sa quarante-quatrième session,après avoir
étudiéle rapport du Groupe spécial d'experts,le Conseil a adopté, le28 mai
1968,sa résolution1302(XLIV)(pièceno379).Par cetterésolution,leConseila
notamment décidéde demander au Groupe spécial d'experts((depoursuivre
l'examen de la question des atteintes qui continuentfiêtreportéesaux droits
syndicaux dans la République sud-africaine, en s'intéressant égalemena tux
atteintesàl'exercicedes droits syndicauxqui se produisent dans leTerritoire du
Sud-Ouest africain, qui relèvede la responsabilitédirecte de l'organisation des
Nations Unies et est occupé illégalemen2il'heure actuellepar leGouvernement
de la Républiquesud-africaine)). Conformément Cicette résolution,le Groupe
spéciald'experts aprésentéau Conseil un rapport (pièceno375),contenant une
analyse des renseignements qui ont étérecueillis par le Groupe sur les droits
syndicaux et les questions connexes en Namibie (chap. V), ainsi que certaines
recommandiitions relatives a la Namibie (chap. VLI, par. 155 à 157). Par sa
résolution 1412 (XLVI) adoptée le 6 juin 1969 (pièceno 381), le Conseil a

notamment prié le Conseil des Nations Unies pour la Namibie ((dedéclarer
ex~ressémentaue les normes internationales relatives aux droits syndicaux
actuellemeni. en vigueur sont applicablesà la Namibie, Territoire placésous
l'administration directe del'.,ganisation des Nations Unies)).et ila autoriséle
Groupe spéc:iald'experts a poursuivre ses enquêtes surles atteintes aux droits
syndicauxdans la Républiquesud-africaine, en Namibie et en Rhodésie du Sud.
Conforméml:nt à cette résolution, le Groupe spéciald'experts a présenteau
Conseil écoriomiqueet social un nouveau rapport (pièceno376),qui comprend
un chapitre sur les ((Droits syndicaux et les questions connexes en Namibien
(chap. V), ainsi que certaines conclusions relatives li la Namibie (chap. VII,
par. 128a 131).Par sa résolution1509(XLVIII) adoptéele 28 mai 1970(pièce NOTE D'INTRODUCTION 41
no382), le Conseil a notamment approuvéles conclusions du Groupe spécial
d'experts figurant auchapitre VI1de son rapport.
79. Au coursde la périodementionnéeau paragraphe 74ci-dessus,leConseil

économiqueet sociala adoptédeux résolutionssur la ((questionde l'esclavageet
de la traite des esclavesclanstoutes leurs pratiques et manifestatiyncompris
les pratiques esclavagistes de l'apartheid et du colonialisme^^,contenant cer-
taines recommandations relatives au Sud-Ouest africain. Par sa r6solution 1232
(XLII) du 6 juin 1967 (:pièceno 378), le Conseil a notamment fait appei au
cGouvernement de la Républiquesud-africaine pour qu'il mette immédiate-
ment fin aux pratiques esclavagistes de l'apartheid dans la Républiquesud-
africaine et le Territoirt: du Sud-Ouest africain placésous la responsabilité
directe de l'organisation desNations Unieset actuellement occupé illégalement
par ce gouvernement)).13anssa résolution 1330(XLIV)du 31 mai 1968(pièce
no 380)l,e Conseil a nctamment prié((tous les gouvernements d'exercer leur
influence et d'employer toutes les ressources pour aider a éliminertotalement
les pratiques esclavagistesde l'apartheid et du colonialisme, telles qu'elles
existent en particulieen Rhodésiedu Sud, dans le Sud-Ouest africain et en
Afrique du Sud)), et aflirméque «les lois relatives aux maîtres et serviteurs
actuellement en vigueur en Rhodésie duSud, dans le Sud-Ouest africain et en

Afrique du Sud sont des manifestations évidentes d'esclavage etde traite des


Part 1of the Dossier.Documentationrelating to the ProceedingsLeading to
the Reiluestby the SecurityCouncilfor an Advisory Opinionof the
InternationalCourtof Justice

A. Records of Meetings

1. Records ojrmeetings of the Ad Hoc Sub-Cornmittee established inpursuance
of Security Council resolution 276(1970)

(1) 3rd meeting, 27 February 1970 \
(see p. 8)
(2)7th merting, 13 April 1970(see pp. 3)
(3) 1lth meeting, 22 May 1970(seepp. 2-5)
(4) 12thmeeting, 10 June 1970(seepp. 2-6) S/AC.l7/SR. 3, 7, 11, 12, 13,
i4, 17 (mimeographed)
(5) 13th rnceting, 18 June 1970 (sepp. 3-4)
(6) 14thmeeting, 24 June 1970(see pp. 4-7)
(7) 17th meeting, 7 July 1970
(see pp. 4-5 and 8)

2. Records 0j"meetings of the Security Council
(8) 1550th meeting, 29 July 1970 (see Securijy Councii OfficialRecords
pp. 22-23, 37-40, 47-50, 53-57, 63-65, (S/PV.1550)
68-75, 82 and 87-90)

B. Documents of rhe Security COMC~~

(9) Report of the Ad Hoc Sub-Committee SI9863 and Corr. 1,and S/9863/
established in pursuance of Security Add. 1 (in French only) and
Council resolution 276 (1970) (seep.7 S/Y863/Add. 1/Rev. 1 (in English
and Arinex IV, pp. 4 and 7) only) (rnirneographed)
(10) Finlantl: draft resolution SI9892 (mimeographed)

C. Resolutian ofthe Security Council

(11) Resolution 284 (1970), adopted by the SIRESi284(1970) Cm i' eo-
Security Council at its 1550th meeting, graphed)

on 29 J'uly1970

Part II of the Dossier.OtherDocumentationof UnitedNations
Organsrelatingto Namibia (South WestAfrlca)

A. Documenration oJ'the Security Council

1. Records ofm~neetingo sf the Ad Hoc Sub-Cornmittee established inpursuance
of Securif)>Council resolution 276 (1970)

(12) 1stmeeting, 4 February 1970 SIAC.17/SR.1 (mimeographed)
(13) 2nd meeting, 9 February 1970 SIAC.17lSR.2 (mimeographed)
3rd meeting, 27 February 1970 See doc. No. (1)

Documen?~not reproduced. [Nole by theRegisrry.] CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER 43

(14) 4th meeting, 5 March 1970 SIAC.171SR.4(mimeographed)
(15) 5th meeting, 9March 1970 S/AC.171SR.5(mimeographed)
(16) 6th meeting, 7April 1970 S/AC. 171SR.6(mimeographed)
7th meeting, 13Apiil 1970 See doc. No. (2)
(17) 8th meeting, 17Api-il 1970 S/AC.17/SR.8 (mimeographed)
(18) 9th meeting, 21Apid 1970 S/AC.171SR.9(mimeographed)
(19) 10th meeting, 29 April 1970 S/AC.17/SR.IO(mimeographed)
1lth meeting, 22 May 1970 See doc. No. (3)
12th meeting,10 June 1970 See doc. No. (4)
13th meeting,18 June1970 See doc.No. (5)
14th meeting, 24 Juae 1970 See doc. No. (6)
S/AC.17/SR.15 (mimeographed)
(20) 15th meeting,29 June 1970 SIAC.17JSR.16(mimeographed)
(21) 16th meeting, 30June 1970
17th meeting, 7Jul]-1970 . See doc. No. (7)
2. Records of meetings of the Secirrity Council

(22) 1387th meeting, 25 January 1968
(23) 1390th meeting, 16 February 1968 \
(24) 1391st meeting, 16 17ebruary 1968
(25) 1392nd meeting, 19 February 1968
(26) 1393rd meeting, 21 February 1968
(27) 1394thmeeting, 29 February 1968
(28) 1395th meeting, 4 hlarch 1968
(29) 1396th meeting, 5 blarch 1968 SIPV.1387, 1390-1397, 1464,
(30) 1397th meeting, 14 March 1968 1465,1492-1497(mimeographed)
(31) 1464th meeting, 20 March 1969
132) 1465th meeting, 20 .March 1969
(33) 1492nd meeting, 30 July 1969
(34) 1493rd meeting, 4 August 1969
(35) 1494thmeeting, 6 August 1969
(36) 1495th meeting, 8 August 1969
(37) 1496th meeting, 11 ,\ugust 1969
(38) 1497thmeeting, 12 .\ugust 1969
(39) 1527thmeeting, 28 ilanuary 1970 Securiry Council OfJïcialRecords
140) 1528th meeting, 29 January 1970 ' (S/PY.1527, SJPV.1528, S/PV.
(41) 1529th meeting, 30 January 1970 1529)
1550thmeeting, 29 July 1970 See doc. NO. (8)

3. Docunients of theSecurityCouncil
(42) Letter dated 22 July 1966 frorn the Seclrrity CouncilOficial Records,
representativeof th2 Ivory Coast to Twenty-first Year, Supplement
the Secretary-Generiil for July, August and September
1966, p. 40, SI7428 (also issued
as AJ6371)
(43) Letter dated 28 July 1966 frorn the Ibid. p, 65, S/7443 (also issued
representative of Nigeria to the Sec- as A/6346)
(44) Note verbale dated 8 August 1966 Ibid. p,76, SI7455 (also issued
frorn the Permaneni Mission of Bul- as A16372)
garia to the United Nations addressed
to the Secretary-General44 NAhfïElT(SOUTH WEST AFRICA)

(45) Lette.rdated 31October 1966from the Security CouncilOficial Records,
Secretary-General to the President of Twenty-first Year, Supplement
the Security Council transrnitting for October, Novernber and
General Assembly resolution 2145 December 1966, p. 60, S/7571.
WXI) For text of resolution, see doc.
No. (162)
(46) Letter dated 14 December 1966 from Ibid.p. 187,S/7639
the Deputy Secretary-General of the
0rga:nization of African Unity ad-
dressed to the Secretary-General of
the United Nations, transmitting a
resolution concerning South West

(47) Letter dated 29 June 1967.from the Security CouncilOficiai Records,
Secretary-General to the President of Twenty-second Year, Supple-
the Security Council transmitting ment for April, May and June
General Assembly resolution 2248 1967,p. 302, S/8022.For text of
(s-v) resolution, see doc. No. 89)
Letter dated 28 Novernber 1967 Si8275 & Corr. 1 (mimeo-
from the President of the United graphed),also in Oficiai Records
Nalions Council for South West of the GeneralAssembiy, Twenty-
Africa to the President of the Secu- second SessionAnnexes,Agenda
ripi Council transrnitting the text oitem 64, doc. A/6919. See doc.
a consensus adopted by the Council No. (245)
on 27 November
(48) Letter dated 19 December 1967frorn Securizy CouncilOficial Records,
the Secretary-General to the President Twenty-second Year, Supple-
of the Security Council transmitting mentforOctober,November and

General Assembly resolution 2324 December 1967, p.325, Si8306
(XX1:I) For text of resolution, see doc.
No. (246)
(49) Letter dated 19 December 1967 from Ibid., S/8307.For text of resolu-
the Secretary-General to the President tion,see dac. No. (247)
of the Security Council transmitting
Gent:ral Assembly resolution 2325
(50) Lettr:rdated 23 January1968 from the Security CouncilOficial Records,
President of the United Nations Twenty-third Year, Supplement
Couiicil for South West Africa to the forJanuary, FebruaryandMarch
President of the Security Council 1968, p. 58, SIX353and Add. 1
(51) Lettt:r dated 24 January 1968 ad- Ibid.,p. 71, S/8355 and Add. 1
dresi,edto the President of the Security an2
Couilcil by the representatives of Af-
ghanistan, Algeria, Burundi, Carn-

bodia, Carneroon, Central African
Repilblic, Ceylon, Chad, Congo
(Brazzaville),Congo(Dernocratic Re-
public of), Cyprus, Dahomey, Ethio-
pia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia,
Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Japan,Jordan,
Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar,
Maliiysia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco,
Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Phi- CONTENTSOF THE DOSSIER

lippines,Saudi Arahia, Senegal, Sierra
Leone, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan,
Syria, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Tur-
key, Uganda, United Arab Republic,
United Republic of Tanzania, Upper
Volta, Yernen, Yuf:oslavia and Zam-
(52) Report of the Secretary-General on Ibid. p,. 72-138, S/8357 and
the question of West Africa Add. 1 to 20; Supplement for
April, May and June 1968,p.98,
S/8357/Add. 21-25; Supplement
for July, August and September
1968, p., 29, S/8357/Add. 26

(Also issued as Al7045& Adds.)
Letter dated 30 January 1968from SI8370 (mimeographed). Incor-
the representativ: of South Africa porated in S18399. See doc.
to the Secret~y-General trans- No. (56)
mitting a comm~inication from the
Minister for Foreign Affairs of
South Africa
(53) Letier dated 9 Febrciary 1968from the Security CouncilOficial Records.
President of the United Nations Twenty-third Year, Supplement
Council for South 'NileAfrica to the for Sanuary, February and
President of the Security Council March f968, p. 175, Si8394
(54) Letter dated 12 February 1968 'ad- Ibid., p. 177, Si8397
dressed to the President of the Secu-
rity Council by the representatives of
Chile, Colombia, Guyana, India,
Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey,

United Arab Republic, Yugoslavia
and Zambia
(55) Letter dated 12 February 3968 ad- Ibid.,p. 178, SI8398 and Add.
dressedto thePresident of the Security1/Rev. 1and Add. 2
Council by the :representatives of
Afghanistan, Algeria, Cambodia,
Cameroon, Central African Republic,
Ceylon, Chad, Ccngo (Brazzaville),
Congo (Democratic Republic of),
Cyprus, Dahomey, Ethiopia, Ghana,
Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast,
Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya,
Kuwait, Lebanon,I.ibya, Madagascar,
Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco,
Nepal, Niger, Philippines, Rwanda,
Saudi Arabia, Senegal, SierraLeone,

Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, Syria,
Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda,
United Republic of Tanzania, Up-
per Volta and Yemen
(56) Report of the Secretary-General in Ibid p.,179, SI8399
pursuance of resolution 245 (1968)
adopted by the Seciirity Counciaiits
1387th meeting on 25January 195846 NAMIB~A (SOUTH WEST AFWCA)

(57) Letter dated 15 February 1968 from Ibid., p. 186, SI8410
the Chairman of the Special Com-
mitta: on the Situation with regard to
the Iniplementation ofthe Declaration
on th,: Granting of Independence to
Colonial Countries and Peoples ad-
dressed to the President of the Security
(58) Letter dated 15 February 1968 from Ibid., p. 187,SI8411
the Chairrnan of the Commission on
Wuman Rights to the President of the
Security Council
(59) Letter dated 15.February 1968 from Ibid., p. 189,SI8414
the representative of Trinidad and

Tobago to the President of the Secu-
rity Council
(60) Letter. dated 15 February 1968 from Idem., 518416
the representative of Barbados to the
President of the Security Council
(61) Letter. dated 16 February 1968 from Ibid., p. 190, SI8417
the rcpresentative of Liberia to the
President of the Security Council
(62) Letter. dated 13 February 1968 from Ibid.,p.192,SI8421
the re:presentative of Jamaica to the
President of the Security Council
(63) Algeria, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Ibid., p. 198, Si8429
Pakistan, Paraguay and Senegal:
draft :resolution
(64) Report of the Secretary-General in Ibid.,p. 292, Sl8506; Supple.

pursuance of resolution 246 (1968) ment for April, May and June
adoptmrdby the Security Council at its 1968, p. 101, S/8506/Add. 1-3;
1397th meeting on 14 March 1968 Supplement for July, August and
September 1968, p. 29, S/8506/
Add. 4; Security CounciI OB-
cial Records. Twenty-fourth
Year, Supplement for January,
Februaryand March 1969,p. 31,
S/8506/Add. 5
(65) Letter dated 1 April 1968 from the Securiw CouncilOficia Records,
President of the United Nations Twenty-third Year, Supplement
Count:il for South West Africa to the for April, May and June 1968,
President of the Security Council p. 109, Si8524
(66) Telegram dated 11 April 1968 from Ibid., p. 9, SI8543
the President of the United Nations

Count:il for South West Africa to the
President of the Security Council
(67) Telegiam dated 13 April 1968 from Ibid.p. 122, SI8548
the President of the United Nations
Council for South West Africa to the
President of the Security Council
(68) Letter dated 27 May 1968 from the Ibid., p. 172, S/8600/Rev. 1
President of the United Nations CONTENTSOF THE DOSSIER 47

Council for South West Africa to the
President of the Security Council
(69) Letter dated 12 Jiine 1968 from the Ibid., p. 222, 518635. For text
Secretary-General to the President of of resolution, seeoc. No. (248)
the Security Coimcil transmitting
General Assembly resolution 2372
(70) Letter dated 5 August 1968 from the SecurityCou~icilOficialRecords,
President of the United Nations Twenty-thirdYear, Supplement,
Council for Namitia to the President for July, August and September

of the Security Coiincil 1968, p. 116, SI8729
Report of the Secretary-General on SI8737 and Add. 1-6 (mimeo-
the question of Narnibia graphed) also in GeneralAssem-
biy OficiaI Records, Twenty-
third Session, Annexes, agenda '
item 64, doc. A17171and Add.
1-6. Seedoc. No. (267)
(71) Letter dated 10Ociober 1968from the SecurityCouncilOflcialRecords,
President of the United Nations Twenty-third Year, Supplement
Council for Namitiia to the President for October, November and
of the SecurityCoimcil December 1968, p. 66, SI8846
(72) Letter dated 25 Octaber 1968 from Ibid.,p. 94, SI8867
the President of the United Nations

Council for Namitiia to the President
of the Security Council
Letter dated 2'7 November 1968 518908(mimeographed), also in
from the President of the United Getzeral Assenibb Oficial
Nations Council for Namibia to the Records, Twenty-third Session,
President of the Security Council Annexes, agenda item 64, doc.
Aj736.5.See doc. No. (267)
(73) Letter dated 23 Di:cember 1968 from SecurityCou~~cilOficialRecords,
the Secretary-General to the President Twenty-third Year, Supplement
of the Security G,uncil transmitting for October, November and
General Assembl:~ resolution 2403 December 1968, p. 179, S18943.
(XXIII) For text of resolution, see doc.
No. (269)
(74) Letter dated 28 F?bruary 1969 from
the President of the United Nations Twenty-fourth Year, Supple-
Council for Namitkia to the President ment for January, February and
of the Security Colincil March 1969, p. 92, SI9032
(75) Letter dated 14Merch 1969addressed lbid.,p. 126, Sj9090 and Add.
to the President ofheSecurity Council 1-3
by the representatives of Afghanistan,
Algeria,Burundi, Cameroon, Ceylon,
Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo
(Democratic Repilblic of), Cyprus,
Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon,
Ghana, Guinea, India, Tndonesia,
Ivory Coast, Liberia, Libya, Mada-

gascar, Mali, Maiiritania, Mauritius,
Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Niger,
Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines,
Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sin- gapore, Somalia, Southern Yemen,
Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey,
Ugantia, United Arab Republic,
Uniteil Republic of Tanzania, Yugo-
slavia and Zambia
(76) Letter dated 19 March 1969from the Ibid.p.131, S/9097
Chairinan of the Special Committee
on the Situation with regard to the
Imple.mentationof the Declaration on

the (iranting of Independence to
Colonial Countries and Peoples to
the Pi.esident of the Security Council
(77) Colonibia, Nepal, Pakistan, Paraguay, S/9100(mimeographed)
Senegiiland Zambia: joint draft reso-
' (78)Repo~,t by the Secretary-General in SI9204 and Add. 1 (mimeo-
pursutince of resolution 264 (1969) graphed)
adopted by the Security Council at its
1469th meeting on 20 March 1969
(79) Letter dated 28 May 1969 from the SI9227(mimeographed)
Chainnan of the Special Committee
on th12Situation with regard to the

Irnpleinentation of the Declaration on
the Ciranting of Independence to
Colonial Countries and Peoples to the
President of the Security Council
(80) Letter datai 3 July 1969 from the Si9313 and S/9313/Corr. 1 (in
Chainnan of the Special Committee English only) (mirneographed)
on the Situation with regard to the
Irnpleinentation of the DecIaration on
the Ciranting of Independence to
ColoniaI Countries and Peoples to the
President of the Security Council
(81) Letter dated 23 July 1969 from the SI9352(mimeographed)
President of the United Nations

Council for Namibia to the President
of the Security Council
(82) Letter dated 24 July to the President SI9359(mimeographed)
of the Security Council by the repre-
sentatives of Chile, Colombia,
Guyaria, India, Indonesia, Nigeria,
Pakistsn, the United Arab Republic,
Turkey, Yugoslavia and Zambia
(83) Letter dated 28 July 1969 from the Si9363(mimeographed)
Permanent Representative of Zarnbia
to the President of the Security
(84) Letter dated 1 August 1969 to the SI9372 and Add. 1-3 (mimeo-
Presidimt of the Security Council
from the representatives of Afghanis-
tan, Algeria, Burrna, Burundi,
Carneroon, Central African Republic,
Ceylori, Chad, Congo (Braùaville), CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER

Congo (Democratic Republic of),
Cyprus, Dahomey, Iiquatorial Guinea,
Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea,
Iran, iraq, Ivory Coast, Jordan,
Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Liberia, Libya,
Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania,
Mauritius, Mongoli;l,Morocco,Nepal,
Niger, Philippines, Rwanda, Saudi
Arabia, Senegal, Sicrra Leone, Singa-
pore, Somalia, Southern Yemen,
Sudan, Syria,Thailand, Togo,Tunisia,
Uganda, United Rspublic of Tanza-
nia, Upper Volta aridYemen
(85) Algeria, Colombia, Pakistan, SI9384 and Add. 1 (mimeo-

Paraguay, Senegal ;ind Zambia: joint graphedl
draft resolution
(86) Letter dated 29 Aul:ust 1969from the SI9420(mimeographed)
President of the .United Nations
Council for Namibia to the President
of the Security Council
(87) Telegram dated 2:l September 1969 S/9455 (mimeographed)
from the Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Geman Democratic Republic
to the President of the Security
(88) Report of 3 October by the Secretary- 519463 and Add. 1-2 (mimeo-
General in pursus.nce of resolution graphed)
269 (1969) adopted by the Security
Council at its 1497th meeting on
12August 1969
(89) Letter dated 10October 1969from the SI9471(mimeographed)
Fresident of the United Nations

Council for Namibia to the President
of the Security Council
(90) Letter dated 31 Clctober 1969 from SI9494 (mimeographed). For
the Secretary-General to the Presidenttextof resolution, see doc. No.
of the Security Council transmitting (312)
General Assembl!i resolution 2498
(91) Letter dated 1 December 1969 from 519518 {mimeographed). For
the Secretary-General to the Presidenttext of resolutionseedoc. No.
of the Security Ciiuncil transmitting (313)
GeneraI Assemb1:r resolution 2517
(92) Letter dated 26 Jsmuary 1970 to the SI9616 and Add. 1-3 (mimeo-
President of the Set:urityCouncil fromraphed)
the Representativcs of Afghanistan,
Algeria, Burundi, Cambodia, Came-
roon, Ceylon, Chad, Congo (Demo-

cratic Republic of), Congo (PeopIe's
Republic of), Cyprus, Dahomey,
Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea,
India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan,50 NAMIBIA (SOUTH WEST

Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Leba-
non, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar,
Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauri-
tius,,Morocco,Nepal, Niger, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Sene-
gal, SierraLeone, Singapore, Somafia,
Southern Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Thai-
land, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda,
Unite.d Arab Republic, United Re-
public of Tanzania, Upper Volta,
Yeme:n,Yugoslavia and Zambia
(93) Burundi, Finland, Nepal, SierraLeone S/9620/Rev. 1 (mimeographed)
and Zambia: draft resolution
(94) Letteh-dated 30 January 1970 from SI9630(mimeographed)
the Permanent Representative of

Japari to the Presidenof the Security
(95) Note of 30 January 1970 by the SI9632(mimeographed)
President of the Security Councilon-
cerniiig the agreement reached by the
rnembers of the Council on the com-
position of the sub-cornmittee es-
tablished by resolution 276 (1970)
(96) Lette]: dated 2 February 1970 from SI9633(mimeographed)
the Permanent Representative of
Israel to the President of the Security
(97) Letter dated 6 February 1970 from SI9640(mimeographed)
the Permanent Representative of Italy
to the President of the Security

(98) Note of 13 February 1970 by the SI9648(mimeographed)
Presiclent of the Security Council
attactiing the text of a letter of Il
Febrl-iaryfrom the Acting Permanent
Obse~ver of the Federal Republic of
(99) Letter dated 13 February 1970 from S/9649 (rnirneographed)
the Permanent Representative of
Syria to the Secretary-General
(100) Interibn report of 30 April 1970to the SI9771(mimeographed)
Security Council by the Ad Hoc Sub-
Comrnittee established in pursuance
of Security Council resolution 276
(101) Note of 15May 1970by the President S/9803 (mimeographed)
of the Security Council

Report of theAd-Hoc Sub-Commit- SI9863and Corr. 1,and S/98631
tee established in pursuance of Add. 1 (in French only) and
Security Council resolution 276 S/9863/Add. 1IRev. 1(in English
(19'10) only) (mimeographed). See doc.

(102) Letter dated 22 !uIy 1970 from the Sj9886 (mirneographed)
Permanent Repre~entatives of Burun-
di, Finland, Nepal, SierraLeone and
Zambia addressed to the President of
the Security Council
(103) Burundi, Finland, Nepal, SierraLeone Si9891 (mimeographed)
and Zambia: joint draft resolution
(104) Note by the President of the Security SJ9911(mimeographed)

4. Resolurions of the Securify Council

(105) Resolution adoptsd by the Security SecurityCouncilOficialRecords,
Council at its 1387th meeting on Twenty-third Year, Resolutions
25January 1968 and Decisions of the Security
Council, 1968, p. 1, S/RESj245
(106) Resolution adopted by the Security Ibid., p. 2, SjRESJ246 (1968)
Council at its 1397th meeting on
14 March 1968
(107) Resolution adopted by the Security S/RES/264 (1969) (rnimeo-
Council at its 1465th meeting on graphed)

20 March 1969
(108) Resolution adopted by theSecurity SIRES1269(1969) (rnimeo-
Council at its 1497th meeting.on graphed)
12August 1969
(109) Resolution adopted by the Security SIRES)276 (1970) (mimeo-
Council at its 1529th meeting on graphed)
30 January 1970
(1 10) Resolution adopted by the Security SIRES/283 (1970) (rnimeo-
Council at its 1550th meeting on graphed)
29 July 1970

B. Docur~zentation~lfthe GeneralAssenzbly and Its SubsidiaryOrgans

1. Documentatioiornelarhlgtu the Question of Namibia (South West Africa) in
(a) 1966 (up to and including the Twenty-first Session of the General

(i) Special Cornmittee c.n the Situation with regard to the Implementation of
the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and

(a) Records ofmeetings
(111) 417th meeting, 23 May 1966
(see pp. 3-23)
(112) 418th meeting, 24 May 1966
(seepp. 3-22]

(113) 433rd meeting, 6 .lune 1966
(seepp. 11-29)
(114) 434th meeting, 6 June 1966
(115) 435th meeting, 7 June 1966
(seepp. 4-22) 52 NAMlEIA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)
(116) 437th nieeting, 8June 1966
(seepp. 3-9)
(117) 438th nieeting,8June 1966 1
(see pp. 13-22) 'A/AC. i09/SR.417,418,433,434,
(118) 439th nieeting, 9 June 1966 / 435,437,438,439,425,460,465,
(see pp. 3-7) 466,467, 468 (mimeographed)
(119) 455th nieeting, 22June 1966(seep. II)
(120) 460th meeting, 5 August 1966
(see pp. 3-5)
(121) 465th nieeting, 12Septernber 1966

(sa pp. 4-9)
(122) 466th meeting, 14September 1966
(see pp. 4-9)
(123) 467th nieeting, 15September 1966
(see pp. 3-7)
(124) 468th meeting, 19 September 1966
(see pp. 4-5)
(b) Documents

(125) Report of the Special Committee Generul Assembly Official
(Chap. IV) Records, Twenty-first Session,
Annexes, Vol. 1, Addendum to
agenda item 23 (A/6300/Rev. 1)
(iiTwenty-first Session of the General Assembly: records of meetings, docu-
ments and resolutions

(a) Records of meetings of the Fourth Committee
(126) 1597thmeeting, 27 September 1966
(seeparas. 7-12)
(127) 1601stmeeting, 30 September 1966
(seeparas. 3-41)
(128) 1602nd meeting, 3 October 1966
(see paras. 4-42) Generuf Assembly Ojîcinl
(129) 1603rd meeting, 4 October 1966 Records, Twenty-first Session,
(130) 1604th meeting, 5 October 1966 Fourth Committee
(see paras. 2-39)
(131) 1605th meeting, 6 October 1966
(see paras. 7-12)
(132) 1679th meeting, 17December 1966
(see paras. 208-236)

(b) Records ofplenary meetings of the General Assembly
(133) 1414thmeeting, 23 September 1966
(see paras. 5-126)
(134) 1417th meeting, 26 September 1966
(135) 1419thmeeting, 27 September 1966
(see paras. 1-232)
(136) 1425th meeting, 30 September 1966
(137) 1427thmeeting, 3 October 1966
(138) 1429th meeting, 4 October 1966
(139) 1431stineeting, 5October 1966 General Assembly Oficial
(140) 1433rd meeting, 7 October 1966 Records, Twenty-first Session,
(141) 1439th meeting, 12 October 1966
(142) 1448th meeting, If)October 1966
(143) 1449thmeeting, 19 October 1966

(144) 1451stmeeting, 26 October 1966
(145) 1453r mdeeting, 2'!October 1966
(146) 1454th meeting, 2:' October 1966
(147) 1471stmeeting, 21 Novernber 1966
(see paras. 107-lof;)
(148) J500th meeting, 20 Decemtier 1966
(seeparas. 9-14, 156-190)
(c) Documents of .theGeneral Assembly

(149) Report of the Secretary-General on A/6332 and Add. 1 (mimeo-
the Question of South West Africa graphed)
(16 May 1966and 23September 1966)
(150) Note verbale dated 28 January 1966 Ai6250(mimeographed)
from the Permanent Mission of India
to the United Ns.tions addressed to
the Secretary-Geni:ral
(151) Letter dated 21 March 1966from the Al6287 (mimeographed)
Permanent Reprrsentative of the
Union of SovietSocialist Republics to
the United Natioiis addressed to the

(152) Note verbale daied 20 April 1966 A16322(mirneographed)
from the Permanent Mission of the
Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
to the United Nations addressed to
the Secretary-General
(153) Note verbale dateii 24 May 1966from A16334(mimeographed)
the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria
to the United Nations addressed to
the Secretary-Germa1
(154) Note verbale dated 3 June 1966 from Ai6336 (mimeographed). Re-
the representative of Czechoslovakia produced in Security Council
to the Secretary-General concerning Oflcial Records, Twenty-first
the question of South West Africa Year, Supplement for April,
May and June 1966 (S/7339)

Letter dated 28 July 1966from the A16346(rnimeographed).Also in
representative af Nigeria to the Security CouncilOficiaI Records,
Secretary-Geneial Twenty-first Year, Supplernent
for July, August and September
1966(S17443).Seedoc. No. (43)
Letter dated 22 July 1966from the A/6371(mimeographed). Alsoin
representative of the Ivory Coast Security CouncilOjjîcialRecords,
to the Secretary-General Twenty-first Year, Supplement
for July, August and September
1966(S17428).See doc. No. (42)
Note verbale dated 8 August 1966 A16372 and Corr. 1 in English
from the Permanent Mission of only, Also in Security Councii
Bulgaria to the United Nations Oficial Records, Twenty-first
addressed to the Secretary-General Year, Supplement for July,
August and September 1966
(S/7455).See doc. No. (44)54 NAMIBLA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)
(155) Note verbale dated 2 August 1966 A16387(mimeographed)
from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Keriya to the Secretary-General
(156) Note verbale dated 12 August 1966 A16388(mimeographed)
from tlie Permanent Representative of

Pakistan to the United Nations ad-
dressetl to the Secretary-General
(157) Note verbale dated 31 August 1966 A16402(mimeographed)
from the Permanent Representative of
Poland. to the United Nations ad-
dresseil to the Secretary-General
(158) Letter dated 2 September 1966 from Al6407 (mimeographed)
the Chargéd'Affaires of Mongolia to
the Uriited Nations addressed to the
(159) Note verbale dated 9 September 1966 Al6413 (mimeographed)
from the Permanent Representative
of Turkey to the United Nations ad-
dresseclto the Secretary-General
(160) Letter dated 20October 1966from the A16480(mimeographed)

Permanent Representative of South
Africa to theUnited Nations addressed
to the: President of the General
(161) Oficia! Records of the GeneralAssembly, Twenty-first Session, Annexes,
agenda item 65 on "Question of South West Africa: report of the Special
Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the
Declar.ationon the Granting ofIndependence to Colonial Countries and
page 1 Letter dated 3 August 1966 from the Al6386
representatives of 35 member States

addressed to the Secretary-General
page 3 Reports of the Fourth Comrnittee on Ai6458 and Add. 1
the hearing of petitioners
page 4 Draft resolution submitted by 54 AlL.483 and Add. .l-3
rnember States
page 5 Saudi Arabia: draft resolution AIL.487
page 5 'Add. Amendments to AiL.483 and AIL.488
1-3 by 21 member States
page 6 Revised draft resolution submitted by AIL.51ljRev. 1
18 rnember States
Saudi Arabia: draft resofution AlL.486. Reproduced
in Cenerai Assembly
Oficial Records,
Twenty-first Session,
Plenary Meetings,

1449th meeting, paras.
172-178. See doc. No.
Saudi Arabia: revised draft resolutionAIL.4871Rev.l. Re-
produced in General
Assembly Oficial Rec- CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER 55
ords, Twenty-first Ses-
sion,PIenary Meetings,
1454th meeting, paras.

252-262. See doc. No.
(d) Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly

(162) Resolution 2145 (:<XI). Question of Ceneral Assernbly Oficial Rec-
South West Africa (27 October 1966) ords, Twenty-first Session, Sup-
piernent No. 16 (A16316), p. 2
(163) Resolution 2146 (XXI). Petitions Ibid.,p. 3
concerning South West Africa (27
October 1966)

(b) 1967-1968 (up to and including the Twenty-second Session of the
General Assembly)
(i) Fifth Special Sessiori of the General Assembly: records of meetings,

documents and resolution
(a) Records of rnee:ing of the Fourth Committee

(164) 1680th meeting, :! May 1967 General Assenibly Oficial Rec-
(see paras. 7-29) ords, Fifth Special Session,
Fourth Cornmittee

(6) Records of plenary meetings of the General Assembly
(165) 1502nd meeting, 21 April 1967 A/PV.1502(mirneographed)
(see pp. 16-17)
(166) 1503rd meeting, 24 April 1967 General Assernbly Oficial Rec-
ords, Fifth Special Session,
Plenary Meetings
(167) 1504th meeting, 25 April 1967 A/PV. 1504(mirneographed)
General Assernbly Oficial Rec-
(168) 1505th meeting, 26 April 1967
ords, Fifth Special Session,
Plenary Meetings
(169) 1506th meeting, 26 April 1967 Ibid.
(170) 1507th meeting, 27 April 1967 Ibid.
(171) 1508th meeting, 28 April 1967 Ibid.
(172) 1509th meeting, 1 Eday 1967 AIPV.1509(mimeographed)
(173) 1510th meeting, 1May 1967 General Assernbly Oficial Rec-
ords, Fifth Special Session,
Plenary Meetings
(174) 151 1th meeting, 3 May 1967. A/PV. 15I1 (mimeographed)
(175) 1512th meeting, 4 May 1967 General Assembly Oficial Rec-
ords, Fifth . Special Session,
Plenary Meetings
(176) 1513th meeting, 4 May 1967 General Assembly OficiaI Rec-
ords, Fifth Special Session,

Plenary Meetings
(177) 1514th meeting, 5 May 1967 Ibid.
(178) 1515th meeting, 5 May 1967 Ibid.
(179) 1516th meeting, 18 May 1967 A/PV. 1516(mirneographed)
(180) 1517th meeting, 19 May 1967 A/PV.1517 (mimeographed)
(181) 1518th meeting, 19 May 1967 AIPV,1518(mimeographed)56 NAMIBIA(SOUTH WEST AFRICA)
(182) 1522nd meeting, 23 May 1967 AIPV.1522(mimeographed)

(se pp. 66-70)
(183) 1523rdmeeting, 6 June 1967 General Assembly Oficiai Rec-
ords, Fifth Special Session,
Plenary Meetings
(184) 1524thmeeting, 13 June 1967 Ibid.

(cl Documents of the General Assembly
(185) Oficit~1Records of the GeneralAssembly, Fifth Special Session, Annexes
agenda item 7 on "Question of South West Africa"
page 1 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee for A16640

South West Africa
page 50 Report of the Fourth Comrnittee on Al6651
the hearing of petitioners
page 51 Noteby thesecretary-General Al6656
page 52 Draft resolution submitted by 58 A1L.516 and Add. 1-3
member States [for revised draft res-
olution A/L.516/Rev.
1, see doc. No. (189)
page S3Saudi Arabia: draft resolution AlL.517

(186) Letter dated 25 April 1967 frorn the Al6648 (mirneographed)
permanent representative of the Union
of SomvietSocialist Republics to the
United Nations addressed to the
(187) Letter dated 25 April 1967 from the Al6649 (mimeographed)
permanent representative of the
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
to the United Nations addressed to
the Sccretary-General
(188) Letter dated 28 April 1967 from the Al6650 (mimeographed)
permanent representative of the
Byelorussian Soviet SocialistRepublic
to the United Nations addressed to

the Secretary-General
(d) Rc:solutionadopted by the General Assembly

(189) Resolution 2248 (S-V). Question of General Assembly Oficial Rec-
South West Africa (19 May 1967) ords, Fifth Special Session,
Supplement No. 1(A/6657),p. 1
(ii) Special Cornmittee on the Situation with regard to the Irnplementation of
the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and

(a) Records of meetings

(190) 524th meeting, 7 June 1967
(see pp. 8-21)
(191) 525th meeting, 8 June 1967
(see pp. 3-19)
(192) 526th meeting, 8 June 1967
(seepp. 2-10) CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER 57

(193) 535th meeting, 15June 1967 A/AC.109/SR.524, 525 526,
(see pp.11-24) 535, 537, 539,554, 556 (mimeo-
(194) 537th meeting, 16June 1967 ) graphed)
(see pp. 10-11)
(195) 539th meeting, 19June 1967
(see pp. 15-16)
(196) 554th meeting, 8 Scptember 1967
(see pp. 8-11)

(197) 556th meeting, 11 September 1967
(seepp. 6-8)
(198) 557th meeting, 12Peptember 1967
(seepp. 4-8)
(b) Document

(199) Report of the Sj~ecial Committee General Assembly Oficia Rlec-
(Chap. IV) ords, Twenty-second Session,
Annexes, Addendum to agenda
item 23 (A/67ûû/Rev. 1)

(iii) Twenty-second Sessim of the General Assembly: records of meetings,
documents and resolutions
(a) Records of meetings of the FourthCommittee

(200) 1687th meeting, II October 1967
(see paras. 27-34)
(201) 1697thmeeting, 19October 1967
(seeparas. 32-60)
(202) 1698th meeting, 20 October 1967
(see paras. 1, 4-43)
(203) 1699thmeeting, 23 October 1967 General Assembly Oficial Rec-
(see paras. 9-39) ords, ~~~~t~-s~~o~S dession,
(204) 1719th meeting, 15November 1967 Fourth Cornmittee

(see para. 22)
(205) 1754th meeting, 16 December 1967
(see paras. 3-12)
(206) 1755th meeting, 16December 1967
(see paras. 71-87)
(b) Records of plenary meetings of the General Assembly

(207) 1620th meeting, 5 1)ecernber1967 A/PV.1620 (mimeographed)
(see pp. 51-60)
(208) 1624th meeting, 11December 1967 A/PV.1624(mirneographed)
(see pp. 2-52)
(209) 1625thmeeting, Il December 1967 A/PV.1625(mimeographed)
(see pp. 26-63)
(210) 1627thmeeting, 12December 1967 A/PV.1627(mimeographed)
(see pp. 57-103)
(211) 1628thmeeting, 13Deceinber 1967
(see pp. 2-52)
(212) I632nd meeting, 14December 1967 A/PV.1632(mimeographed)
(213) 1633rd meeting, 15December 1967 AlPV.1633 (mimeographed)
(see pp. 17-21)
(214) 1635thmeeting, 16December 1967 A/PV.1635(mimeographed)
(see pp. 24-102) 58 NAMIBIA (SOUTH WEST AFRICA)

(215) 1636th meeting, 16Decernber 1967 A/PV. 1636(mimeographed)
, (216) 1641st meeting, 19 December 1967 GeneraI Asseri~bly Oficial Rec-
(see paras.3,49-58) ords, Twenty-second Session,
Plenary Meetings
(217) 1644th meeting, 26 April 1968 A/PV. 1644(rnirneographed)
(218) 1645th meeting, 29 April 1968 General Assemblv Officia1 Rec-
(see paras. 1-53) ords, Twenty-second Session,
Plenary Meetings

(219) 1646thmeeting, 30 April 1968 General AssembZy Oficial Rec-
(see paras. 1-51) ords, Twenty-second Session,
Plenary Meetings
(220) 1647th meeting, 2 May 1968 A/PV.1647 (mirneographed)
(221) 1648thmeeting, 6 May 1968 A/PV. 1648(mimeographed)
(222) 1649th meeting, 7 May 1968 AlPV.1649 (mimeographed)
(223). 1650thmeeting, 8 May 1968 A/PV.1650 (mimeographed)
(224) 1651atmeeting, 9 May 1968 AjPV. 165 1 (mimeographed)
(seepp. 7-51)
(225) 365211dmeeting, 10 May 1968 A/PV. 1652(mimeographed)
(226) 1653rd meeting, 13 May 1968 A/PV. 1653(mimeographed)
(seepp. 3-63)

(227) 1654thmeeting, 14 May 1968 A/PV. 1654(mimeographed)
(228) 1655th meeting, 15 May 1968 General Assembly Oficial Rec-
ords, Twenty-second Session,
Plenary Meetings
(229) 1656th meeting, 16 May 1968 A/PV. 1656(mimeographed)
(230) 16571:hmeeting, 17 May 1968 AJPV.1657(mimeographed)
(231) 16581hmeeting, 20 May 1968 AIPV.1658 (mimeographed)
(see ~ip.16-38)
.(232) 1659th meeting, 21 May 1968 AjPV. 1659(mirneographed)
(233) 1660th meeting, 22 May 1968 AjPV.1660 (mimeographed)
(234) 1661r;tmeeting, 23 May 1968 AIPV.1661(mimeographed)
(235).16621idmeeting, 24 May 1968 A/PV. 1662(mimeographed)

(236) 1663rd meeting, 27 May 1968 AIPV.1663 (mimeographed)
(237) 1664th meeting, 28 May 1968 A/PV.1664(mirneographed)
(238) 1665thmeeting, 29 May 1968 A/PV.1665 (rnimeographed)
(239) 3666th meeting, 31 May 1968 A/PV. 1666(mimeographed)
(240) 1667th meeting, 4 June 1968 A/PV.1667 (rnimeographed)
(241) 1668th meeting, 5 June 1968 A/PV.1668(mimeographed)
(242) 1669th meeting, 7 June 1968 A/PV. 1669(mimeographed)
(243) I670th meeting, 11June 1968 A/PV.1670(rnirneographed)
(244) 1671st meeting, 12 June 1968 AIPV. 1671 (mimeographed)
(seepp. 6-52)

(cj Documents of the General Assembly
(245) Oficial Records of the GenevalAssembly, Twenty-second Session, An-

nexes, agenda item64 on "Question of South West Africa: (a) Report of
the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to theIrnplementation
oftht:Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries
and F'eoples;(b) Report of the United Nations Council for South West
Africa; (cj Appointment of the United Nations Commissionerfor South

page 2 Report oj'the United Nations Council A16897
for South West Africa
page 6 Report of the Fourth Cornmittee on Al6907
the hearitig of petitioners
page 7 Letter dated 28 November 1967from A/6919
the Presiiient of the United Nations
Council for South West Africa to the
President of the General Assembly
page 7 Note by i.heSecretary-General Al6930

page 7 Financial implications of the draft A/6998
resolutioti contained in document
AlL.540: report of the Fifth Com-
page 8 Report ot'the United Nations Council A17088
for South West Africa
page 23 Letter da::ed 1 May 1968addressed to Al7091
the PresiGentof the General Assembly
from the Chairman of the Special
Committce on' the Situation with
regard to the Iniplementation of the
Declaration on the Granting of
Independance to Colonial Countries

and Peoples
page 25 Draft resolution submitted by 73 AIL.536 and Add. 1-4
member Litates
page 25 Draft re.;olution submitted by 49 AjL.540 and Add. 1
member iltates and 2
page 26 Draft reiolution submitted by 51 AIL.546 and Add. 1
rnernber States
page 27 Revised draft resolution submitted by A/L.546/Rev. 1 .
55 mernbi:rStates
Report of the ~e.iretary-~eneral A17045and Add. 1-25.
Also inSecurity Coun-

cil Oficial Records,
Twenty-third Year,
Supplement for Jan-
uary, February and
March 1968 (SI8357
and Add. 1-25). See
doc. No. (52)
Letter dated 27 Pllay1968from the President A/7101 (mimeogra-
of the United Nations Council for South phed). Also in Secu-
West Africa to i.hePresident of the General rity Council Oficial
Assernbly Records, Twenty-third
Year, Supplement for
April, May and June

1968(S/86ûû). See doc.
No. (68)
(d) Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly

(246) Resolution 2324 @XII). Question of General Assembly Oficial Rec-
South West Afrira (16 Decernber ords, Twenty-second Session,
1967) SupplementNo. 16(A/6716), p.3(247) Resoli~tion2325 (XXII). QuestioIbid.pp. 3 and 4
South West Africa (16 December
(248) Resoliltion 2372 (XXII). QuestiGeneralAssembly OficialRec-
South West Africa (12 June 1968)ords, Twenty-second Session,
Supplement No. 16A (A167161
Add. I),pp. 1-2
(c) 1968 i:up to and including the Twenty-third Session of the General
(i) Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Irnplementation of
the Dec1arai:ionon the Granting of Independence to Colonial Candtries
(a) Records of Meetings
(249) 576th meeting, 14 February 1968
(seep. 20)
(250) 577th meeting, 15 February 1968
(seep.p. 14-16) AIAC.109/SR.576, 577, 600,
(251) 600th meeting, 30 April 1968 1 645 (mimeographed)
(see pp. 70-77)
(252) 645th meeting, 29 October 1968
(see pp. 59-60) 1
(b) Document
(253)Report of the Special Committee A/7200/Add. 2 (mimeographed)
(Chapter VII)
(ii) Twenty-third Session of the General Assembly: records of meetings,
documents and resolutions
(a)Records of meetings of the Fourth Committee

(254)1763rtimeeting, 15 October 1968
(255)1781~1: eeting, 4 Novernber 1968 A/C.4/SR.1763, 1781, 1783
(256) 1783rtlmeetin5Novernber 1968 (mimeographed)
(seepp. 2-3) 1

(b) Records of plenary meetings of the General Assembly
(257) 1725th meeting, 25 November 1968
(see pp. 18-23)
(259) 1729th meeting, 27 November 1968
(260)1730th meeting, 29 November 1968
(see pp. 11-35)
(261) f731st meeting, 2 December 1968
(seepp.26-53) AlPV.1725, 1728, 1729, 1730,
(262) 1734th meeting, 5 Decernber19)8 1731, 1734, 1737, 3738, 1739,
(see pp. 26-53) 1742(mimeographed)
(263) 1737thmeeting, 10December 1968
(see pp. 32-75)
(264) 1738th meeting, Il December 1968
(sa FP. 6-13)
(265) 1739tmeeting, 12 Decernber 1968
(266)(see pp. 2-37)g, 16December 1968 .CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER 61
(c) Documents of the General Assembly

(267) Oficial Recordsof.!heGeneraiAssembly, Twenty-third Session,Annexes,
agendaitem 64on "Question of Namibia: (a) Report of the SpecialCom-
rnitteon the Situaiion with regard to the lmplementation of the Declara-
tion on the Grantingof Independence to Colonial Countriesand Peoples;
(b) Report of the United Nations Counciifor Namibia; (c) Appointment
of the United Nations Commissioner for Namibia."

page 1 Report of the Secretary-General A/7 171 and Add. 1-6
page 11 Letter daied 4 September 1968 from Al7198
the Presieent of the United Nations
Council forNamibia to the Secretary-
page 1t Letter dated 27 September 1968from A17249
the President of the United Nations
Council for Narnibia to the President
of the Gerieral Assembly
page 12 Report of the Fourth Committee on A17347
the hearing of petitioners

page 12 Letter datad 27 November 1968from Al7365
the President of the United Nations
Council for Narnibia to the President
of the Feiieral Assembly
page 13 Administrative and financial implica- Al7395
tions of the draft resolution con-
tained in document AiL.556 and
Add. 1: report of the Fifth Com-
page 15 Draft resolution submitted by 51 AlL.556 and Add. 1
member States
page 15 SpeciaI C~mmittee on the Situation AlL.557
with regard to the lmplementation of
the Declaration on the Granting of
Independence to Colonial Countries
and Peoples: draft resolution

(268) Report of the United Nations Council General Assenlbly Oficial Rec-
for Narnibia ords, Twenty-third Session,
Agenda item 64 (A/7338)

(d) Resolutions adcpted by the General Assembly
(269) Resolution 2403 (XXUI). Question of General Assernbly Oficial Rec-
Namibia (16 Deceniber 1968) ords, Twenty-third Session,
Supplernent No. 18 (Al721 8),

(270) Resolution 2404 (XXUI). Petitions Ibid.
concerning Namibia (16 December

(d) 1969 [up to and iiicluding the Twenty-fourth Session of 'the General
(i) SpeciaI Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of
the Declaration on the Cranting of Independence to Colonial Countries and

Peoples (a) Records of meetings

(271) 660th meeting, 17 March 1969
(see p. 2)
(272) 661st meeting, 19 March 1969
(see pp. 12-68)
(273) 680th meeting, 13 May 1969
(see pp. 8-18)
(274) 681st meeting, 14 May 1969
(275) 682ntl meeting, 14 May 1969
(see pp. 2-13)
(276) 683rd meeting, 15 May 1969 AIAC. 109/PV.660, 661,680,681,
(see pp. 12-20) : 682, 683, 688, 692,702,703,704
(277) 688th meeting, 20 May 1969
(see pp. 2-19)
(278) 692ntl meeting, 22 May 1969
(sec P.2)
(279) 702nt-Imeeting, 1July 1969
(see pp. 26-31)
(280) 703rd meeting, 2 July 1969
(281) 704th meeting, 3 July 1969
(see pp. 28-33)

(b) Document
(282) Report of the Special Cornmittee Al76231Add. 2 and Corr. 1
(Chal).VII) (mimeographed)

(ii) Twenty-fourth Session of the General Assembly: records of meetings,
documents and resolutions

(O) Records of meetings of the Fourth Cornmittee
(283) 1818th meeting, 3 October 1969
(see pp. 11-18)
(284) 1819th meeting, 6 October 1969
(see plp.2-9)
(285) 1820th meeting, 7 October 1969

(see plp.2-9)
(286) 1821st meeting, 8 October 1969
(seep. 3-13)
(287) 1822ridmeeting, 9 October 1969
(seepp. 2-4)
(288) I823rd meeting, 9 October 1969
FP. 3,7-15)
(289) 1824thmeeting, IO October 1969
(see pp. 2-4, 7-1)
(290) 1825th meeting, 13October 1969
(seepp. 3-20)
(291) 1826th meeting, 13October 1969
(seepp. 2, 5-8, 14-17)
(292) 1827thmeeting, 14 October 1969
(see gp.5, 8-16)
093) 1828thmeeting, 14 October 1969

(see pp. 17-18) CONTENTS OF THE DOSSIER 63
(294) 1829thmeeting, 15 October 1969
(see pp. 3-21) A/C.4/SR.18 18, 1819, 1820,
(295) 1830th meeting, 15October 1969
(seepp. 2, 4, 7-15) 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825,
(296) 1831st meeting, 16 October 1969 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830,
(see pp. 3-19) 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835,
(297)1832nd meeting, 16 October 1969 1836, 1837, 1842, 1852, 1853,
1854, 1855(n~imeographed)
(298)1833rd meeting, 17 October 1969

(see pp. 2,9-24)
(299) 1834thmeeting, 17 October 1969
(see pp. 2-21)
(300) 1835th meeting, 20 October 1969
(seepp. 2,7-25)
(301) 1836th ineeting, 21 October 1969
(see pp. 4-12) 1
(302) 1837th meeting,27 October 1969
(see pp.3, 4, 11-1511
(303) 1842nd meeting, 4 'iToveniber1969
(see pp. 2-5)
(304) 1852nd meeting, 21 November 1969
(seepp. 2-5)
(305) 1833rd ineeting, 21 November 1969
(seep. 22)
(306) 1854th meeting, 24 Noven~ber 1969
(seepp. 15-18)
(307) 1855th meeting, 24 November 1969
(seepp. 2-14)

(bj Records of pten:iry meetings of the General Assernbly

(308) 1797th meeting, 31 October 1969 A/PV.1797, 1819 (mimeo-
(see pp.2-6) graphed)
(309) -1819thmeeting, 1 Ilecember 1969
(see pp. 22-39) 1
(c) Documents of the General Assembly
(310) Report of the Unitcd Nations Council Generol Assembly Oficial Rec- .
for Namibia ords, Twenty-fourth Session,
Supplement No. 24 (A/7624/
Rev. 1)
(311) OJgicialRecords oriiGeneralAssernbly, Twenty-fourth Session, Annexes,
agenda item'64on "Question of Namibia: (a) Report of the Special Com-

mittee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara-
tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;
(6) Report oftheUnitedNations Council forNamibia; (c)Appointment
of the UnitedNations Commissioner for Namibia"
page 4 Report of the Fourth Committee Al7736 and Add. 1
page 7 Note by tlie Secretary-General Al7788
Draft resotution submitted by 63 rnernber A/C.4/L.934 and Add.
States 1 and 2. See Al7736,
paras.11, 13and 15.64 NAM~BIA(SOUTH WESTAFRICA)
Dra.ft resolution subrnitted by 38 mernber A/C.4/L.941/Rev. 1
States and Add. 1. See A/
7736IAdd. 1, paras. 3,
5 and 9

(d) Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly
(312) Resolution 2498 (XXIV). Question of General Assembly Oficial Rec-
Namibia (31 October 1969) ords, Twenty-fourth Session,
Supplernent No. 30 (A/7630),
pp. 65 and 66
(313) Resol-ution2517 (XXIV). Question of Ibid., p. 68
Namibia (1 December 1969)
(314) Resol.ution 2518 (XXIV). Petitions Ibid.,pp. 68 and 69
conceming Namibia (1 December

2. Documentarionrehting to the question ofactivities of foreign economic and
ozher intcnrestswhich are impeding the implernentationof the Declaration on
the CruniLingof Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and efforts
to eliminate colonialism, apartheid and racial discrimination in southern
Africa, withparticular reference to Nnrnibia (South West Africa)
(a) 1967 i:up to and including the Twenty-second Session of the General

(i) special C:ommittee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of
the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and
(a) Rs:ord of meetings

(315) 565th meeting, 6 October 1967
(see pp. 9-10)
(316) 566th meeting, 6 October 1967 i A/AC. 109/SR.565, 566,567, 568
(317) 567th meeting, 13October (mimeographed)
(see pi?.413)
(318) 568th meeting, 18 October 1967 \
(see pp. 3-18) I
(b) Document

Repo~tof the Special Committee General Assernbly Oficiai Rec-
ords, Twenty-second Session,
Annexes, agenda item 24 (A/
6868). See doc. NO. (331) below
(ii)Twenty-second Session of the GeneraI Assembly: records of meetings,
documents and resolution

(a) Records of meetings of the Fourth Committee
1319) 1718tlimeeting, 14 November 1967 General Assembly Oficial Rec-
(see paras. 1-105) ords, Twenty-second Session
Fourth Committee
1719tlimeeting, 15 November 1967 Ibid., see doc. NO.(204)
(see paras. 1-21)
(320) 1720tlimeeting, 16November 1967 Ibid.
(321) 1721~1m: eeting, 17 November 1967 Ibid. CONTENTS OF THE DOSSlER

(322) 1722nd meeting, 17 November 1967 Ibid
(323) 1723rdmeeting, 20 November 1967 Ibid.
(324) 1724th meeting, 20 November 1967 Ibid.
(325) 1725th meeting, 21 November 1967 Ibid.
(326) 1730thmeeting, 29 November 1967 Ibid.
(see paras. 10-26)

(327) 1732ndmeeting, 30 November 1967 Ibid.
(see paras. 53-59)
(328) 1735thmeeting, 1 'December1967 Ibid.
(329) 1738thmeeting, 5 December 1967 Ibid.
(see paras. 11-12)
(b) Records of ple~ary meeting of the General Assembly

(330) 1622ndmeeting, 7 December 1967 A/PV.1622fmimeographed)
(c) Documents of the General Assembly

(331) Oficial Records uj'the General Assembly, Twenty-second Session, An-
nexes, agenda item 24 on "Activities of foreign economic and other
interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on
the Granting of Independence ta Colonial Countries and Peoples in
Southern Rhodesia, South West Africa and Territories under Portuguese
domination and ifial1other Territories under colonial domination and
efforts to eliminat.: colonialism, apartheid and racial discrimination in

southern Africa"
page 1 Report or the Special Cornmittee Al6868
page 12 Report of Sub-Committee I A/6868/Add. 1
page 40 Economil: conditions in South West A/6868/Add. 1, Ap-
Africa with particular reference to pendix II
foreîgn er:onomic interests
pagel 12 Statements by petitioners A/6868/Add. 1, Ap-
pendix VHI, paras. 16-

' page120 Report of the Fourth Cornmittee A16939
(d) Resolution adopted by the General Assembly '

(332) Resolution 2288 (XXTI).Activities of General Assembly Oficiai Rec-
foreign economic and other interests ords, Twenty-second Session,
which are impediiig the implementa- Supplement No. 16 (A16716).
tion of the Declariition on the Grant- pp. 48-49
ing of Indepencence to Colonial
Countries and Pc:oples in Southern
Rhodesia, South West Africa and
Territories under 130rtuguesedomina-
tion and in al1other Territories under
Colonial domination and efforts to

eliminate colonialism, apartheid and
racial discrimination in southem
Africa (7 Decernber 1967)
(b) 1968 (up to and including the Twenty-third Session of the General
(i) Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of
the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and

(a) Records of meetings

(333) 646th meeting, 31 October 1968
(seepp. 74-75) AIAC. 1091SR.646, 647, 648
(334) 647th meeting, 4 November 1968 tmimeographed)
(seep:p. 88-90)
(335) 648th meeting, 7 November 1968 1

(b) Dclcument
Report of the Special Cornmittee General Assembly OfJicidRec-
ords, Twenty-third Session,
Annexes, agenda item 68 (A/
7230). Seedoc. No. (340) below

(ii) Twenty--third session of the General Assembly : records of meetings
documents and resolution
(a) Records of meetings of the Fourth Committee

(336) 1807th meeting, 9 December 1968 A/C.4/SR.1807 (mimeo-
(seepp. 1-3) graphed)
(337) 1808th meeting, 10December 1968 A/C.4/SR.1808 (mimeo-
(seepli. 1-7) graphed)
(338) 1812thmeeting, 13 Decernber 1968 A/C.4/SR. 1812 (mimeo-
(seepp. 5-14) graphed)

(6) Records of plenary meetings of the General Assembly
(339) 1747th meeting,18 December 1968 AlPV.1747 (mimeographed)

(c) Documents of the General Assernbly
(340) OficiaI Recordsof the GeneralAssembly, Twenty-third Session, Annexes,
agenda item 68 on "Activities of foreign economic and other interests
which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the
Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern
Rhodesia, Namibia and Territories under Portuguese domination and
in al1cltherTerritories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate
coloniiilism, apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa:
report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the
Implernentation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence

to Colonial Countries and Peoples"
page I Report of the Special Cornmittee Al7320
page 4. Report of Sub-Committee 1 A/7320jAdd, 1
page 11 Econornic conditions in Namibia with A/7320/Add. 1, Ap-
particular reference to foreign econ- pendix XII
omic interests
pagel XOExtracts from petitioners' statements A/7320/Add. 1, Ap-
concerning Namibia pendix III, Section 1-A
page 11.5Report of the Fourth Committee Al7423

/d) Re:toluti~n adoptedby the General Assembly
(341) Resolation 2425 (XXIII).Activities ofGeneral Assernbly Oficial Rcc-
foreigri economic and other interestsords, Twenty-third Session,
which are impeding the implernenta- Supplement No. 18 (A172181,
tion of'the Declaration on the Grant-p. 61 CONTENTS OF THE DOSSlER

ing of Independerice to Colonial
Countries and Peoples in Southern
Rhodesia, Namibia and Territories
under Portuguese diirnination and in
al1 other Territories under colonial
domination and efforts to eliminate
colonialism, apartheid and racial
discrimination in Southern Africa
(18 December 1968)

(c) 1969 (up to and including the Twenty-fourth Session of the General

(i) Special Committee on ihe Situation with regard to the Implementation of
the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and
(a) Records of meetings

(342) 720th meeting, 28 October 1969 A/AC.109/PV.720 (mimeo-
(seepp. 36-47) graphed)

(6) Documents
(343) Report of theSpecial Committee Al7752 (rnimeographed)

(344) Working paper prepared by the A/7752/Add. 1, pp. 4-21 (Ap-
Secretariat at the request of Sub- gendix 1 to the report of Sub-
Committee 1 on activities of foreign Committee T)
economic and otf-,er interests in

(ii) Twenty-fourth session of the General Assembly: records of meetings,
rlocuments and resolution
(a) Records of meetings of the Fourth Committee

(345) 1862ndmeeting, 3 December 1969 AIC.4JSR.1862 (mimeo-
(see pp. 2-4) graphed)
(346) 1864th meeting, 8 December 1969 AJC.4ISR.1864 (mimeo-
(see p. 2) graphed)

(6) Records of plena1,ymeeting of the General Assembly
(343) 1831st meeting, 12December 1969 A/PV.183 1(mimeographedl

(see pp. 47, 52-53)
(cj Document of the General Assembly

(348) Report of the Fourtk Cornmittee General Assepnbly Oficial Rec-
ords,Twenty-fourth Session,An-
nexes, agenda item 68 (A/7858)

(d) Resolution adoptcd by the General Assembly
(349) Resolution2554 (XXIV). Activitiesof General Asseinbly Oficia Rec-
foreign econornic and other interests ords, Twenty-fourth Session,
which are impeding theimplementa- Suppfement No. 30 (A/7630),
tion of the Declaration on the p.69

Granting of Independence to Colonial
Countries and Peoples in Southern68 NAMIBIA(SOUTH WEST AFRICA)

Rholiesia, Narnibia and Territories
undea Portuguese domination and in
al1 other Territories under colonial
domination and efforts to eliminate
coloi-iialisrn, apartheid and racial
discrimination in southern Africa
(12 December 1969)

3. Other AlelevantResolutionsof the GeneralAssembly
(a) Resoliationsrelatingto rheimplerneiltationoftheDeclarationon theGranting
of Imfependenceto ColonialCounhies andPeoples

(350) Resc,lution2189 (XXI). Implementa- General Assembiy Oficial Rec-
tion of the Declaration on the ords, Twenty-first Session,
Granting of Independence to Colonial Supplement No. 16 (Al631 6),
Countries and Peoples (13 December pp. 5and 6
(351) Resolution 2326 (XXII). Irnplernenta- Ibid., Twenty-second Session,
tion of the Declaration on the Supplement No. 16 (A/6716),

Granting of Independence to Colonial pp. 4 and 5
Countries and Peoples (16December
(352) Resolution 2465 (XXIII). Implementa- Ibid., Twenty-third Session,
tion of the Declaration on the Supplement No. 18 (A/7218),
Grantingof Independence to Colonial pp. 4-6
Countries and PeopIes (20Decernber
(353)Resolution 2548 (XXIV). Implementa- Ibid., Twenty-fourth Session,
tion of the Declaration on the Supplernent No. 30 (A/7630),

Granting of Independence to Colonial pp. 5 and 6
Countries and Peoples (1 1 December
(b)Re~~slurionsrelating fo the irnplementationof rhe Declaration on the
Grawting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the

specialized agencies and the inter~ationalinsritutionsassociated with the
(354) Res'olution2311(XXII).Implementa- General Assembly Oficia Rlec-
tion of the Declaration on the ords, Twenty-second Session,
Granting of Independence to Colonial Supplement No. 16 (A/6716),
Countries and Peoples by the special- p. 50
ized agencies and the international

instxtutionsassociated with the United
Nations (14 December 1967)
(355)Resolution 2426 (XXIII).Implementa- Ibid., Twenty-third Session,
tion of the Declaration on the Supplement No. 18 (A/7218),
Granting of Independence to Colonial pp. 61 and 62
Countries and Peoples by the special-
ized agencies and the international
institutions associated with the United
Nations (18December 1968)
(356) Resolution2555 (XXIV). Implernenta- Ibid., Twenty-fourth Session,
tiori of the Declaration on the Supplement NO. 30 (A/7630),

Granting of Independence to Colonial pp. 70 and 71 CONTENTSOF THE DOSSIER

Countries and Peoples by the special-
ized agencies and the international
institutions associate:dwith the United
Nations (12 Decemher 1969)

(c) Resolutions relating to the policies of apartheid of the Governmenf of
South Africa
(357) Resolution 2202 (XXI). The policies General Assembly Oficial Rec-

ofapartheidof the Government of the ords, Twenty-first Session,
Republic of South Africa (16 Decem- Supplement No. 16 (A/6316),
ber 1966) pp. 20 and 21
(358) Resolution 2307 (X:CIo. The policies Ibid., Twenty-second Session,
of apartheidof the Government of the Supplement No. 16 (A/6716),
Republic of South Africa (13 Decem- pp. 19 and 20
ber 1967)
(359) Resolution 2396 (XXIII). The policies Ibid., Twenty-third Session,
of apartheid of the Ciovernrnentof the Supplement No. 18 (A/7218),
Republic of South AFrica(2 December pp. 19,and20
(360) Resolution 2506 {XJCIV).The policies Ibid., Twenty-fourth Session,
of apartheid of the Governrnent of Supplement No. 30 (A/7630),

South Africa (21 Ncwember 1969) pp. 23-25
(d) Resolutions reIating to vioiations of human rights and to measuresfor
combatingracia!disi:rimination insouthernAfrica

(361) Resolution 2144 (XXI). Question of Getleral Assembly Oficial Rec-
the violation of hiiman rights and ords, Twenty-first Session,
fundamental freedo~ns,including pol- Supplement No. 16 (A/6316),
icies of racial dixrimination and pp. 46-48
segregation and of apartheid, in al1
countries, with particular reference to
colonial and other dependent coun-
tries and territori1.26October 1966)
Ibid., Twenty-second Session,
(362) Resolution 2332 (:<XII). Measures
for the speedy irriplementation of Supplement No. 16 (A/6716),
international instruments against p. 39
racial discrimination (18 December
(363) Resolution 2439 (XXIII). Measures Ibid., Twenty-third Session,
for effectively coml~ating racial dis- Supplement No. 18 (A/7218),
crimination and the policies of apart- pp. 47 and 48
heid and segregation in southern
Africa (19 Decernber 1968)
(364) Resolution 2440 (XXIII). Report of Ibid., pp. 48 and 49
the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts
on the treatment of jioliticafprisoners
in South Africa (19 December 1968)

(365) Resolution 2547 (XXIV). Measures Ibid., Twenty-fourth Session, .
for effectively cornt~ating racial dis-Supplement No. 30 (A/7630),
crimination and the poticies of apart- pp. 55-57
heid and segregation in southern
Africa (11December 1969, 1.Decem-

(e) Resolution relating to capital punishment in southern Africa
(366) Resolution 2394 (XXIII). Capital General Assembly Oficial Rec-
punishment in southern Africa (26 ords, Twenty-third Session,
November 1968) Supplernent No. 18 (A/7218),
p. 42

(f) Resolutions relating to special educational and training programmes for
ATnmibia(South West Africa)

(367) Resolution 2235 (XXQ. Question of General Assembly Oficial Rec-
the consolidation of the special ords, Twenty-first Session,
educational and training programmes Supplement No. 160 (A16316),
for South West Africa, the special p. 76
training programme for Territories
under Portuguese administration and
the educational and training pro-
gramme for South Africans (20
December 1966)
(368) Resolution 2236 (XXI). Special edu- Ibid,, pp. 76 and 77
cational and training programmes for
South West Africa (20 December 1966)
(369) Resolution 2349 (XXII). Question of
Ibid., Twenty-second Session,
the consolidation and integration of Supplement No. 16 (A16716),
the special educational and training pp. 51 and 52
programmes for South West Africa,
the !;pecial training programme for
.Territories under Portuguese adminis-
tration and the educational and train-
ing programme for South Africans
(19 December 1967)
(370) Resolution 2431 (XXIII). United Ibid., Twenty-third Session,
Nations Educational and Training Supplement No. 18 (A/7218),
Programme for Southern Africa (18 p. 65
December 1968)
(371) Resolution 2557 (XXIV). United Ibid., Twenty-fourth Session,
Nations Educational and Training Supplernent No. 30 (A/7630),

Programme for Southern Africa (12 pp. 71 and 72
December 1969)
C. Doci~mcntationof the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on
Human Righrs

1. Documenrs of the Commission on humai^Rights
(372) Repcirt of the Special Rapporteur on E/CN.4/949/Add. 1 (mimeo-

"Study of apartheid and racial dis- graphed)
crimination in southern Africa". Part
1. C.hapter II (South West Africa)
(November 1967)
(373) Report of the Ad Hoc Working E/CN.4/984/Add. 11/Rev. 1
Gro~ip of Experts established under (mimeographed)
resolutions 2 (XXIII) and 2 (XXIV)
of the Commission on "Question of
the violation of human rights and
fundiimental freedoms including pol- CONTEMS OF THE DOSSIER

icies of racial discrimination and
segregation and of apnrrheid, in al1
countries, with particular reference to
colonial and other dependent coun-
tries and territories. Chapter V, Sec-
tion C (Records of evidence relating
to Namibia) (20 Julie 1969)
(374) Report of the Ad Hoc Working E/CN.4/1020/Add. 1 (mimeo-
Group of Experts on the investiga- graphed)

tion requested in ret;olution 21 (XXV)
of the Commission onHuman Rights.
Part IV. Namibia (110January 1970)
2. Documents of the Econ.rimic and Social ColrnciI

(375) Allegations regarding infringernents El4646 (mimeographed)
on trade union rights. Report sub-
mitted in accordaiice with Council
resolution 1302(XLIV) by the Ad Hoc
Working Group of Experts established
under resolutions :! (XXIII) and 2
(XXTV)of the Comrnission on Human

Rights: Chapter V. Analysis of the
evidence received by the Working
Group concerning trade union rights
and related rnatteri; in Namibia (22
April 1969)
(376) Report on trade union rights in El4791 (mimeographed)
southern Africa submitted in accor-
dance with Econornic and Social
Council resolution 1412 (XLVT)by
the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts
established under re:;olution 2 (XXIII)
of the Commission {inHuman Rights :

Chapter V. Trade union rights and
related matters in IrTamibia(26 Feb-
ruary 1970)
3. Resolutions of the Ec~lnornicand Social Couricil contuining references to
Namibia (South West rffrica)

(377) Resolution 12 16 (XLII). Allegations Econonlic und Social Couneil
regarding infringemcnts of trade union Oficial Records, Forty-second
rights(1 June 1967) Session, resolutions (E/4393),
p. 12
(378) Resolution 1232 (XLlI). Question of Ibid., p. 13
slavery and the slave trade in al1their
practices and manifestations, in-

cluding the slavery-like practices of
apartheid and colcinialisrn (6 June
(379) Resolution 1302 (XLIV). Allegations Ibid., Forty-fourth Session,
regarding infringem~nts of trade union resolutions (E/4548) pp. 1I
rights: report of thAd Hoc Working and 12
Group of Experts 2stablished under resolution 2 (XXIlI) of the Cornmis-
sion cinHuman Rights (28 May 1968)
(380) Resolution 1330(XLIV). Question of Ibid., pp. 15 and 16
slavery and the siave trade in al1their
practices and manifestations, includ-
ing the slavery-like practices apart-
heid and colonialism (31 May 1968)
(381) Resolution 1412 (XLVO. Allegations Ibid., Forty-sixth Session,
regarding infringements of trade resolutions (E/4715), pp. Il
union rights (6 June 1969) and 12
(382) Resolution 1509 (XCVIII). Allega- Ibid., Resumed Forty-eighth
tions regarding infringements oftrade Session, resolutions (6/4832/
union rights (28 May 1970)
Add. 11,pp. 9 and 10

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Request for Advisory Opinion (including the dossier of documents transmitted to the Court pursuant to article 65, paragraph 2 of the Statute)
