Request for Advisory Opinion (including the dossier of documents transmitted to the Court pursuant to article 65, paragraph 2 of the Statute)

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31 October 1949.


I have the honour to inform you that the General Assernbly of
the United Nations, by a Resolution adopted at its Swo hundred
and thirty-fifth PlenarpMeeting held on 22 October 1949, in con-
nexion with the question of "Observance in Bulgaria, Hungary and
Komania of human rights and fundamental freedoms", decided
to submit the following questions to the International Court of
Justice foran advisory opinion:

"1. Do the diplomatic exchanges between Bulgaria, Hungary
and Roniania on the one hand and certain Allied and
Associated Powers signatories to the Treaties of Peace
on the other, concerning the implementation of Artic2e
of the Treaties with Bulgaria and Hungary and Article 3
of the Treaty with Romania, disclose disputes subject
to the provisions for the settlement of disputes con-
tained in Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria,
Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace with Hungary, and
Article38 of the Treaty of Peace with Romania ?"

In the event of an affirmative reply to question I :

"II. Are the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
obligated to carry out the provisions of the Articles
referred to in question1, including the provisions for
the appointmént of their representatives to the Treaty
Commissions ?"
Zn the event of an affirmative reply to question II and if bvithin
thirty days from the date when the Court delivers its opinion,
the Governments concerned have not notified the Secretary-
General that they have appointed their representatives to the
Treaty Commissions, and the Secretary-General has so advised
the International Court of Justice: LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL U.N. (31X 49) ' 9
If one party fails to appoint a representative to a Treaty
Commission under the Treaties of Peace with Bulgaria,
Hungary and Romania where that party is obligated to
appoint a representative to the Treaty Commission, is
the Secretary-General of the United Nations authorized
to appoint the third member of the Commission upon
the request of the other party to a dispute according
to the provisions of the respective Treaties ?"

In the event of an affirmative reply to question III:

"IV. Would a Treaty Commission composed of a representative
of one party and a third member appointed by the
Secretary-General of the United Nations constitute a
Commission, within the rneaning of the relevant Treaty
articles, competent to make a definitive and binding
decision in settlement of a dispute ?"

One copy each of the English and French texts of the afore-
mentioned Resolution of the General Assernbly, both duly certified,
are herein enclosed.
In accordance with the Resolution of the General Assernbly,
1 shall transmit to the Court, as soon as final official records are
available, 'copies of the relevant exchanges of diplornatic corres-
pondence communicated to the Secretary-General for circulation

to the Members of the Unitéd Nations and of the records of the
General Assernbly proceedings on the question of "Observance in
Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania of hiiman rights and funda-
mental freedorns".
1 have, etc.

(Signed) TRYGVE LIE,

Whereas the United Nations, pursuant to Article 55 of the
Charter, shall promote universal respect for, and observance of,
hurnan rights and fundamental frecdoms for al1without distinction
as to race, sex, language or religion,

Whereas the General AssernbIy, at the second part of its Third
Regular Session, considered the question of the observance in
Bulgaria and Hungarv of human rights and fundamental free-

Whereas the General Assembly, on 30 April 1949, adopted
Resolution 272 (III) cancerning this question in which it expressed
its deep concern at the grave accusations made against the Govern-
ments of Bulgaria and Hungary regarding the suppression of
human rights and fundamental freedoms in those countries ;
noted with satisfaction that steys had been taken by several
States signatories to the Treaties of Peace with Bulgaria and
Hungary regarding these accusations ; expressed the hope that
measures would be diligently applied, in accordance with the
Treaties, in order to ensure respect for human rights and funda-
mental freedoms ; and most urgently drew the attention of
the Governments of Bulgaria and Hungary to their obligations
under the Peace Treaties, including the obligation to co-operate

in the settlement of the question,

Wlteveas the General hssembly kas resolved to considcr also
at the Fourth Regular Session the question of thc observance in
Rornania of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Wheveas certainof the Allied and Associated Powers signatories
to the Treaties of Peace with Bulgaria, Hungary and Rornania
have charged the Governments of those countries with violations
of the Treaties of Peace and have calledupon those Governments
to take remedial rneaçures,
Whereas the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
have rejected the charges of Trcaty violations,

Whereas the Governments of the Allied and Associated Powers
concerned have sought unsuccessfully to refer the question of
Treaty violations to the Heads of Mission in Sofia, Budapest and
BuAarest, in pursuance of certain provisions in the Treaties
of Peace,

Whereas the Governments of these Allied and Associated Powers
have called upon the Governments of Rulgaria, Hungary and RESOLUTIO': OF USITED XATlOSS (22 X 49) 1 I
Romania to join in appointing Commissions pursuant to the
provisions of the respective Treaties of Peace for the settlernent

of disputes concerning the interpretation or exccution of these
Whereas the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
have rcfused to appoint their representatives to the Treaty Com-
missions, maintaining that they were under no legal obligation
to do so,

Whereas the Secretary-General of the United Nations is author-
ized by the Treaties of Peace, upon request by either party to
a dispute, to appoint the third rnember of a Treaty Commission
if the parties fail to agree upon the appointment of the third
Wherens it is important for the Secretary-General to be advised

authoritatively concerning the scope of his authority under the
Treaties of Peace,
The GefzeralAssetrzbly

I. Expresses its continuing interest in and its increased concern
at the grave accusations made against Bulgaria, Hungary and
Romania ;

2. Records its opinion that the refusal of the Governments of
Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to CO-operate in its efforts to
examine the grave charges with regard to the observance of
human rights and fundamental freedoms justifies this concern of
the Gcneral Asselnbly about the state of affairs prevailing in
Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania in this respect ;

3. Decides to submit the following questions to the Internatioiial

Court of Justicc for an advisory opinion :
Do the diplornatic exçhanges between Bulgaria, Hungary
and Romania on the one hand and certain Allied and
Associated Powers signatorics to the Treaties of Peace
on the other, concerning the irnplemcntation of Article 2
of thc Treaties with Bulgaria and Hungary and Article 3
of the Treaty with Romania, disclose disputes subject
to the provisioris for the settlement of disputes con-
tainecl in Article 36 of the Treaty oPeace with Bulgaria,
ArticIe qo of the Treaty of Pcace with Hungary, and
Article 36 of the Trcaty of Pcacc with Romania ?"

In the evcnt of ail affirmative reply 'to question 1 :

"II. Are the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungriry and Romania
obligated to carry out the provisions of the Articles SECTION B.-DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED




I~zclz~sio~zf item in agenda

Records ofproceedings

Records of the General Committee, 58th and 59th meetings.
Records of the General Assembly, 189th and 190th plenary me'et-

Folder 2

IncLzcsion ojitenz i,nagertdn

Letter dated 16 Pilarch,1949, from the
permanent representative of Bolivia
to the Secretary-General requesting
the inclusion of an additional item in
the agenda of the third regular ses-
sion of the General Assembly .4;lj820

Letter dated rg March, 1949, from the
Australian Mission to the United
Nations addressed to the Secretary-
General requesting the inclusion of ail

additional item in the agenda of the
third regular session of the General
Assembly Ai821
Agenda of the third regular sessiori of
the General Assembly ;report of the

General Cornmittee AIS29
[See paragraphs
3 a and 3 b.]

pp. 20-130.voteDysthelirgistruu.]lder7 are reprodiiccin thisvolume, DOCUMENTS TRANShIITTËD

[Note-See Folder # for:
Telegramdated q April, 1949,from the
Goverfinzentf the Republicof Hungary
tothe PresidentoftheGeneralAssembly A1831

Telegramdated 9 Afwil, 1949, #romthe
Governmentof the People's RepubEic
of Bulgaria to the Secretnry-General -4183a2nd Corr, 1.1

Ad hoc Political Committee

Records of proceedings

34th meeting.
35th meeting.
36th meeting.
37th meeting.
38th meeting.
39th meeting.
40th meeting.
41st meeting.

Ad hoc Political Contmittee

Telegram dated 4 April, 1949,£rom the
Government ofthe Republic of Hun-
gary to the President of the General
Assembly A1831

Telegram dated 9 April,1949 ,rom the
Govemment of the People's Repub-
lic of Bulgana to the Secretary-Gen-
eral A1832 and Corr.I
Allocation of items on the agenda of the
second part of the third sessi;letter
dated 13 April, 1949, from the Presi-
dent of the General Assembly to the
Chairman of the Ad hoc Political
Committee A/AC-24/47Cuba : draft resolution A/AC.z4/48 and Corr. r

Cuba: amended draft resolution A/AC.z4/48jRev. z
Australia : draft resolution A/AC.24/50

Bolivia : draft resolution AjAC.zql5rjCorr. I
Australia : draft resolution AjAC.zqj52

Chile : amendment to the Bolivian
draft resolution (A/AC.z4/51ICorr. 1) A/AC.24/53

Colombia and Costa Rica : amendment
to the Bolivian draft resolution
(AjAC.z~+/g~/Corr .) ~1ÀC.24/54

Cuba and Australia : amendment to the
Bolivian resolution (AjAC.z4/51/
Corr. I) .A/AC.zqj56
Telegram dated 23 April, 1949 ,rom the
Government of the People's Republic

of Hungary to the Secretary-General AjAC.24157

Telegram dated 27 April, 1949 ,rom the
Government of the People's Republic
of Bulgaria to the Secretary-General AIAC.zqj58

Report of the Ad hoc Political Com-
mittee Ai844

Folder 5
Plenary meetings of the General Assembly

Records of firoceedings

zorst meeting.
aoznd meeting.
203rd meeting.

Plenary meetings O/ the General Assernbly

Resolution 272 (III), adopted by the
General Assembly, 30 April, 1949.

[Note-See Folder 4 for :
Report o/ the Ad hoc Political Cornmittee A1844.1 IIOCUMENTS TRANSJIITTED 1b

Letter dated20 September, 1949,from

the representative of the United
States of America to the Secretary-
General (with annexes) Alg851Rev. I
Letter dated xgSeptember, 1949, from
the representative of the United
KingdomofGreatBritain and North-
ern Ireland to the Secretary-General
(with annexes) A/ggo/Rev. I
Letter dated 19November, 1949f, rom
the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great-Britain and
Northern Ireland to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations (with
annex) l
Letter dated 6 January, 1950, from
the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland to the Secretary- .
General of the United Nations (with

annexes) l
Note dated 6 January, 1950,from the
representative of Canada to the
Secretary-General of the United
Nations (with annexes) l

Letter dated 6 January, 1950, from
the representative of the United
States of America to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations (with
annexes) l
Letter dated r7 February, 1950, from
the representative of Canada to the
Secretary-General of the United
Nations (with annex) l

Letter dated 17 February, 1950, from
the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations (with

annex) '
lDocuments transmittcd during the second of the case. DOCUJIE STS TRASSJIITTED

Letterdated 17February, rg jo,from the
representative of the United States
of America to the Secretary-General .
of the United Nations (with annexes)

Lettcr dated 20 February, 1950, from
the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great-Britain and
Northern Ireland to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations (with

Letter dated 29 April, 1950, from the
representative of Canada to the
Secretary-General of the United
Nations (mith anneseç)

Letter dated zS hpril, 1950, from the
representative of the United King-
dom of Great-Britain and Northern
Ireland to the Secretary-General of
the United Nations (~'ithannexcs) l

Letter dated 2s April, 1950,from the
representative of the United States
of America to the Seeretary-General
of the United Kations (with anneses) l


Inclwsion of item in agenda
Records O/

Records of the General Cornmittee, 65th [See pages 3 artd 4,
meeting paragraphs 71-73,
and page 7,
paragraphs 104
and 105.:

Records of the General Asscmbly, 224th [See pages 18 and 19,
plenary meeting paragraphs 2-10,
and page 23,
ajter $aragraph 56.1

'Ilociimrilttr~lnsmitttiiirintIic second phase of tcase. Folderg
Inclusion of item in agenda

Supplernentary list of items for the
agenda of the fourth regular session ;
items proposed by Australia A1948

Adoption of the agenda of the fourth
regular session and allocationof items
to Committees ; report of the General
Cornmittee Al989
[See Paragraphs 9-12.]

Folder IO

-Ad hoc Political Committee

Records of firoceedings

7th meeting.
8th meeting.
9th meeting.

10th meeting.
11th meeting.
12th meeting.
13th meeting.

14th meeting.
15th meeting.

Ad hoc Political Committee

Letter dated 26 Septernber, 1949, from
the President of the General Assembly
to the Chairman of the Ad hocPolit-
ical Cornmittee AlAC.3112

Bolitria, Canada and the United States
of America : draft resolution A[AC.qrjL. 11Rev. IAustralia : amendment to the draft
resolution proposed by Bolivia, Can-
ada and the United States of America
(ri/AC.3r/L.1/lie.v.I) h/AC.3r/L.e

Brazil, Lebanon and the Ketherlands :
amendment to the draft resolution
proposed by Bolivia, Canada and the
United States of America
(AjAC.3x/L.x/Rev. I) A/.AC.~I/L.~

Telegrsm dated 7 October, 1949, from
the Government of the People's Ke-
public of liomniiia to the Secretary-
General A/AC.~I/L.~
Report of the Ad hoc Political Com-

mittec A/1023

Plerztiry qrteetingof the Genernl Assetnbly

Records ofproceedings

234th meeting.
zgjth meeting.

Ple~lury nzeebings of the General Assernbly

Reso1utio1.iadopted by the General
rissembly, 22 October, 1949.
Civote-See Folder rI for :

Report of Ille Ad hoc Political Coinlnittee A/1023.] II.-DOCUAIEN'TS 'I'RANSAIITTEDBY THE SECIZETAKY-



Document A/gSj/Re\r. I.
[Original text: English]
New York, 20 September, 1949.

Uiider \nstructioiis frurn my Go\.ernnie1have the hono~irto refer to
thc General Assembly Resolution of 30 April, 1949 (272 (III))on the
question of obseri~ance in I3ulgaria and Hungary of humnn rights and
fundamental freedoms. ln this resolution the General Assembly noted
with satisfaction tl-ixtsteps had been taken by several signatories of the
Treaties of Pence regarding the charges made against the Governments

of Bulgaria and Hurignry anclexpressed the hope that measures would be
diligently applied, in accordance with the Treaties, iri order to ensure
respect for human rigtits :tridfundamental freedoms. The Assembly
drew the attention of tlie Goi~ernments of Bulgaria and Hungary to
their obligations under the Peace Treaties, includin~ the obligation to
CO-operatein the settlement of the question and decided to retain the
question on the agenda of thc Fourth Session. On 20 August, 1949,the
Government of Australia proyosed for inclusion on the agenda of the
Fourth Session the question of observance of fiindamental freedoms and
human rights in Iiiimania.

As one of the sigtiatorics to the Treaties ofPence with Ijulgaria,
Hungary and Rurnariia thc Uiiited States has instituted meaçures
referred toin tlie abovc-rnentioned resolution of the General rlssembly.
1.In its notes of2April, 194'3(Annexes I,2 and 3), the Government
of the United States fomally charged the Governmerits of Bulgaria,
Hungary and Kumania with violations of the respective clauses of ttie
Yeace Treaties obligatingthem to secureto their peoples the enjoymeiit

of human rights and fiiiidamental freedoms. The United States Goverri-
ment requested that remedial measures be taken by the three Govern-
ments. The Governments of Hungary, Bulgaria and Kumania replied
in notes delivered on S21 and 18 April,1949, respectively (Annexes 4,j
Annexes Pages
I. United Statcs note of 2 April, 1949, to Hulgaria . . . . 23

2. United St;ites riotc of 2 April, 1949, to Hungnry . . . . 25

3. Uiiited St;~tcs note of 2 April, 1949, to liiimatiia . . . .

4. Hurigririan iiotc of S April, 1949, to United States . .

j. Bulgnrian iiote of 21 April, 1949, to United States

6. Rurnaniaii note of 18 April, 1949, to United States . .

7. Unitecl States note of 31 May, 1949, to Bulgaria . . . .

8. Uriited States imtc of gr May, 1949, to Hungary . . . .

g .United States note of 31 May, 1949, to Rumaiiia . . . .

ru. Lettcr of United States iliinister in Sofia of 31 Al-, 1949, to
Soviet Ambassador . , , . . . . . . . . . . . .

II. Letter of United States Chargé d'Affaires in Buclapest of 31 May,
1949, to Soviet r-\mbassador. . . . . . . . . . . .

12. Letter of Uriited States Minister in 13ucharest of 31 May, 1949,
to Sovict Ambrissador . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13. Letter of Uriitccl States Minister in Sofia of 31 May, 1949, to
Hritisl-i blii-iistc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14. Letter of United States Chargé d'affaires iii ljudapest of
31 May, 1949, to British Ninister . . . . . . . . .

15, Letter of United States Minister in Huclîarcst of 31 alay, 1949,
to British Illinister . . . . . . .. . . . . , . . .

16. Letter of British Minister in Sofia of 31 May, 1949, to United
States hfiiiister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17. Letter of British hlinister in Budapest of I Jurie, 1949, to
United Statcs Cliargé d'Affaires . . . . . . . . . .

18. Eetter of British Minister in Bucharest of I June, r949, to
United States hlinister , . . . . . .. . . . . .

19. Union of Soviet socialjst Republics note of Ir Juiie, 1949, to
United States . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . DOCUMENTS TRASSMITTED 23

Annexes Pages
20. United States note of 30 June, 1949, to Union of Soviet Socia-
list Kepublics ................. 53
21. Union of Soviet Socialist Kepublics note of 19 July, 1949, to
United States ................. 55

22. Bulgarian note of 27 July, 1949, to United States ... 56

23. United States note of I August, r949, to Hungary ... 58

24. United States note of I August, 1949, to Bulgaria ... 59

25. United States note of I August, 1949, to Kumania ...

26. Hungarian note of 26 August, 1949, to United States ... 61

27. Bulgarian note of I September, 1949, to United States . 62

28. Rumanian note of 2 September, 1949, to United States .

29. United States note of zc)September, 1949, to Hungary . . 65

30. United States note of 19 September, 1949, to Rulgaria . . 66

gr. United States note of 19 Septernber, 1949, to Rumania . 68


[Original text : English]
2 April, 1949-

The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Miniçtryof Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and, acting under the instruc-
tions of the United States Government, has the honor to refer to Article2
of the Treaty of Peace aith Bulgaria, and tothe Bulgarian Government's
record with respect to fulfilment of its obligations under that article to
protect human rights and the fundamental freedoms.

Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace reads as follows :
"Bulgaria shdl take al1rneasures necessary to secure to al1persotis
under Bulgarian jurisdiction, urithout distinction as to race, sex,
language or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and of the
fundamentd freedoms, including freedom of expression, of press
and publication, of religious worship, of political opinon and of
public meeting." DOCUMENTS TR.4SSJllTTED 24

Since the entry into force on ijSeptember, 1947 of the'l'reaty of l'eace
with Bulgaria, the United States Government, as a signatory of that
instrument, has observed closely developments inBulgaria with riview
to ascertaining whether the Bulgarian Government has beeii fulfilling its
obligations under the Treaty. The United States Government attaches

parGcular importance to the obligations, set forth in the aforementioned
article, whichrequire the Bulgarian Government to secure to al1 persons
under Bulgarian jurisdiction the enjoyment of liuman rights and of the
fundamental freedomz. 011 the basis of its observations during this
period, the United States Government concludes that the Uulgarian
Government, although it liashad ample opportunity to carry out its
cornmitrnents in goocl faith, has deliberately and systernatically denied
to the BuIgarian people, by means of privative measures and oppressive
acts,the esercise of the vcry riglits and freedoms which it has pledged
to sccure to them iintler .Article z of the Treaty. The disregard shown by
the Bulgarian Government for the rights and liberties of persons under
its jurisdiction, a? illustrated belotv, has indeed becomc so notorioiis as
to evoke the condemnation of free peoples everywhere.

71'liroughtlie esercise of police power the Bulgarian Govciriinerit l-ias
. deprived large numbers of its citizens of their basic 1iiimar-i rights,
açsured to them urider the 'I'renty of Peace. Thesc deprivntions have
been manifested by arbitrary arrests,systematic perversion of the judicial
process, and the proloiiged detention in prisons alid camps, without
public trial, of persons whosc views are opposed to thoçe of the régime.

Similarly, the Bulgarian Governrnent has denied to persons living

under its jurisdiction, as individuals and as organized groups including
democratic political parties, the fundamental freedoms of political
opinion and of public meeting. It ha dissolved the Bational Agrarian
Union, the Bulgariaii Socialist Party andother groups, and has imprisoned
rnany of their Ieaders. LViththe Treaty of Peace barely in eflect and in
the face of u+orIdopinion, the Bulgarian Government ordered the execu-
tion of Nikola Petkov, Xational Agrarian Uni011leader, who dared to
express democratic political opinions which did not correspond to those
of the Bulgarian Goverii~nciit. Proceedings were instituted agait~st tliose
deputies who did not ngrce witli its policies, with the result thnt no
vestige of parliamentary opposition now remains, an illustration of the
effective denial of freedom of political opinion in Bulgaria.

By restrictions on the press and on other publications, the Hulgarian
Government has dcnied to perçons under its jurisdiction the freedom of
expression guaranteed to them under the Treaty of Peace. 13y lams,
administrative actc. and the use of force and intimidation on the part of
its officials. the Bulgarian Government has made it impossible for
individual citizens openly to express vielm not in coniormity to those
officially prescribed. Freedom of the press does not exist in Rulgarin. DOCULZENTS TRANSMITTED 25

By leg-islation, by the acts of its officials, byd "trials" of religious
leaders, the Bulgarian Government liasacted in contra\rention of the
express provision ofthe Treaty of Peace in respect of freedom of worship.
Kecent rneasures directed against the Protestant dcnominationç in
Bulgaria, for example, are clearly incompatible with the Bulgarian
Government's obligation to secure freedom of religious worship to al1

persons under its jurisdiction.
The Bulgarian Government bears full responsibility not only for acts
comrnitted since the effective date of the 'l'reatÿof I'eace ~vhichare in
contravention of Article 2, but also for its failure to redress the conse-
queilces of acts committed prior to tbat date wliich have continued to
prejudice the enjoyment of humati rights and of the fundamental freedoms.
The United States Government, mindful of its responsibilities under the
Treaiy of Peace, has drawn attention on appropriate occasions to the
flagrant conduct of the Rulgarian autliorities in this regard. The Eulgar-
ian Government, however, has friiletlto moclify its conduct in conformity
with the stipulations of the Treaty.

In the circurnçtatices, the United States Government, as a signatory
of the Treaty of Peace, finds that the ISulgarian Government has
repeatedly violated the provisions of Article2 of that Treaty. lnasmuch
as the obligation of the Government of I3ulgaria to secure to al1persoi-is
under Bulgarian jurisdiction tlie enjoyment of liuman rights and funda-
mental freedoms is expressly stipulated in the Treaty, no specious

argument that the matters raised i~ithe present note are purely of a
domestic. character can be nccepted. 'l'tie United States Governmeiit,
accordingly, calls upon the Bulgarinn Government to adopt prompt
remedial measures in respect of the violations referred to above and
requests the Rulgarian Governmcnt to specify the stcps which it is
prepared to take in implementing fully the terms of Article 2 of the
Treaty of Peace.

[Original text : English]

2 April, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and, acting under the
instructions of the United States Government, lias the honor to refer to
Article z of the Treaty of Peace with i-iiingary, and to the Hungarian
Government's record with respect to fulfilment of its obligations under
that article to protect human rights and tlic fundamental freedoms.

Articlez of the Treaty of Peace reads as follows :
"r. Wungary shaH tnke al1 me;isrircs necessiiry to secure to all
persons uiider Hungarinn jurisdictiori, without distinction as to, race, sex, language or religion, the cnjoyment of liumaii riglitç aiid
of the fundameiital frecdoms, including freedom of cspressioii, of
press and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion and
of public meeting.
2. Hungary further unctertakes that the laws in force iii I-lungary
shall not, cither in tlieir conterit or in their application, discriminate
or entai1 any diçcrimiiintion'between persans of Huiigariaii natioii-
ality on the grounil of their race, sex, language or religiori, wliether
in reference to tticir persons, property, business, profcssional or
financial interests, statiis,political or ci\lil riglits or any other

Siiice the entry iiito force on 15 September, 1947, of tlie Treaty of
Peace with Hungary, tlie Uriited States Government, as a sigriatory of
that instrument, has observed closely developments in Hungary with
a view to ascertaining whether the Hunganan Government has been
fulfilling its obligations under the Treaty. The Unitecl States Go\.ernment
attaches particular importai-ice to the obligations set fort11in tlie afore-
mentioned article, which require the Hungarian Government to secure
to al1 persons under Hi~ng:~rinnjurisdiction the cnjoymcrit of human
rights and of the funtlamental freecloms.On the basis of its observations
during this period, tlie Unitecl States Government conclutles tl-iat the
Hungzrian Governrnerit, nlttiougli it has had ample opporturiity tu carry
out itscornmitments in good faith, has deliberately and systeniaticrclly
denied to the Hungarian people, by means of privative mensures and
oppressive acts, thc exercise of the very rights and frecdoms which it has
pledged to secure to them under Article 2 of the 'I'reaty. 'l'hedisregard
shown by the Hungarian C;overnment for the rights aritl liberties of
persons under its jurisdictioii, as illustrated below, has indeed become
so iiotorious as to ei~okethe condemnation of free peoples everpvhere.

The abridgment of rights and freedoms begun by the Hiiiigarian
Government in the armistice ~ieriod has continued wittiout abatement
since the entry into force of the Treaty of Peace. Througli arbitrary
esercise of police power and perversion of judicial process, the Hiingarian
Government and its ngencies Iiave violated tlie rights of citizeiis as free
men to life and liberty. Deriial of frccdom of palitical opinion is cornpiete
in Hungary. Dernacratic political parties which held substxntial ~nandates
from people have beeri through the Government's initiative successively
purged, silenced in Parliament, fragmentized aiid dissoIved. To enforce
rigid political conformity the Hungarian Gove~nment and the Communist
Party which controls it have estabiished a vast and inçidious network
of police and other agents who observe, report ori, and seek to control the
prij-ate opinions, associations and activities of its citizens.

The Hungarian Goveriiment, despite the provisions of the l'reaty of
Pence, has circumscribed frcedom of expression. Freedom of press and
publication does not esist. I3asic ctecrees pertaining to ttie press arerestrictive in chacacter and are so interpretecl in practice. No suhstitntive
criticism of the Govcrnment of the Communist Party is permittecl.
Government control of printing estabIishments and of the distribution
of newsyrint has been esercised to deiiy freedom of expression to
inclividuals or groups whose political opinions are at variailce with those
of the Government. In thc field of reporting, absence of formal censorship
has not obscured the record ofthe Hungariaii Government in excluding
or espellirig foreigrl corrcspondents who have written despatches critical
of the régimeor in intimitlating local correspondents into writing only
what is acceptable or favorable to the régime.

1:reedom of public meeting on poiitical matters has been regularly

denied to al1 escept Communist groups and tlieir collaborators. In the
case of religious meetings, on various occasions attendance nt such
gatlierings titis been obstriictcd and the principals subjected to 1i;irass-
ment. The Hungarian Govcrriment, morcovcr, lias pursued policies
detrimental to freedom of religious worsliip. Ithas sought by cocrcive
measures to undermine the influence of thc Churches and of religious
leaders and to restrict their legitimate fiiiictions. Ry arbitrary and
unjiistified proceedings agaiiist religious leaclcr011fabricated grounds,
as in the cases of Cardinal Bliiidszenty and 1-utheran Bishoj) Ordass,
the Huiigarian Govcrnment lias attempted to force the submissiori of
independent Church leaders and to bring about their replacement ivith
coilaborators subçervient to thc Communist f'nrty and its program. Such
mensurcs constitute viol~~tions of the freedorn of religious worsliip
guarüriteect by the Treaty of Peace.
Tlic Hungarian Government bears full responsibility not only foracts
committed since the effective date of the Treaty of I'eace wliich are in
contravention of Article 2, but also for its failure to redress the conse-
quences of acts committed prior to that date which have continuecl to
prejudice the enjoyrnent of human rights and of the fundamental
freedoms. 'I'heUnited States Govcrnrnent, mindftil of itsresponsibilities

under tlie 'l'reatof Peacc, 1i;idclrawn attention on appropriate occasions
to thc flagrant conduct of tlic Hungarian autliorities in this regard.'Hie
Wungariail Government, however, has failcd to modify its coiiduct in
conformity with the stipulations of the Treaty.

In tlie circurnstances, tlic Uriited States Government, as a signatory
of the 'I'renty of Peace, finds that the Hungarian Government lias
repeatcrllq~violated the provisions of Article2 of that Treaty. lnasmuch
as thc 01)ligation of the Govcrnment of Hungary to secure to al1liersons
undcr i-I-liirigarianjuristliction the enjoymeiit oî liunian rigli:ml the
fundamcntnl freedoms is esprecsly stipulated in the Treaty, no specious
argument that the mattcrs rnised in the pi-esent note are purely of a
domestic character can be accepted. The Unitcd States Government,
accordingly, calls upon the Hungarian Governrnent to adopt prompt
remedial rneasures in respect of the violations referred to abovc and
requests the Hungarian Governrnent to specify the steps ~vhich it is
preparecl to take in implementing fully the tcms of Article 2 of the


[Original text : English]

2 April, 1949
The Legation of the United States of Arnerica yresents its compliments
to the Rlinistry of Foreign Affairs of Kumania and, acting under the
instructions of the United States Government, has the honor to refer to
Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace with Rumania, and to the Rumanian
Government's record with respect to fulfilmcnt of its obligations under

that article to protect Iirimanrights alid the fundamental freedoms.

Article3 of the Treaty of Peace reads ,asfollows :
"1. Roumania shall take al1 measures necessary to secure to al1
persons under Itoumanian jurisdiction, withoiit distinction as to
race, ses, Ianguage or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and
of the furiclamerital freedoms, including freedom of expression, of

press and publicatiori, of religious worshipof political opinion and
of public meeting.
2. Koumnni:i further undertakes tti~itthe laws in force in Rouma-
nia shall not, either in their conterit or in their application,
discriminate or cntail any discrimination between perçons of
Koumanian nationality on the grourid of their race, sex, language or
religion, whether in reference to their persons, property, business,
profession or finnncial interests, status, political or civrights or
any other matter."

Since the entry irito force on Ij September, 1947 ,f the 'l'reaty of
Peace with Rumania, the United States Government, as a signatory of
tfiat instrument, lias observed closely dcvelopments in Rumania with

a view to ascertainirig wliether the Kumriiii:tn Governrnent ilas been
fukfillingits obligatioris untler the 'TreThe.United States Government
attaches particuiar importance to the oblilations, set fortti in the
aforementioned article, which require the 13umanian Government to
secure to al1 perçons under Kumanian urisrliction the enjoyment of
human rights and of the fundamental reecloms. On the basis of its
observations during this period,the United States Government concludes
that the Rumanian Government, although it lias had ample opportunity
to carry out its commitments in good faith, hnscleliherately and systema-
ticnlly clenied to the litimanian people, by mcans of privative measures
and oppressivc acts, the exercise of the vcry rights and freedomç wliich
it has pledged to sccurc to them under Article 3 of the Treaty. 'l'he
disregard shown by the Rumanian Government for the rights and
libertiec of persons untler its jurisdiction, as illustrated below, has indccd
becorne so notorious as to evoke the condemnation of free peoples

During the Armistice period the Kumanian Government took or
countenancecl actions which progressively deprived persons under its


jurisdiction of tfieir essential rights and freedoms. The ~umanian Govern-
ment accelerated these deprivations after it had signecl the Treaty of
Peace on IO February, 1947a ,nd iri June and ilugust, 1947 he United
States Government warned the Rumanian Government concerning such
actions as beiiig prejudicial to the. fulfilment of provisions of the 'Treaty.
The Kumanian Government, howcver, took no corrective mcasures. This
procesç was not only not reverscd but continued without abatement after
the Treaty came into force.

In violation of freedom of politicaf opinion, assured by the 'Treaty of
Peace, the Kumanian Governmeilt ancl the minority Commuriist Party

which coiitrols it disnipted, silericeci and outlawed democratic political
parties and cleprived democr:itic leaders of their liberty. To this erid, the
Rumanian Government cmployed methocls of intimidation and perver-
sions ofthe judicial process. The iiiecliiitiesof these actascxemplified
by tlie "trial" and condemnation to life imprisonment of Iuliu RIaniu,
Yresident of the National Peasaiit Ijarty, and other leaders were recited
by the United States Government in the Legation's riote No. 61 of
z February, 1948. Moreover, large numbers of Kumanian citizens have
been seized and held for long periods u7ithout public trial.

By laws, decrees and administrative measures as wctl as by extra-legal
acts of organizations affiliateciwith the Government and the Communist
Party, the Runianian Government hns stifled al1expression of political
opinion at variance with its own. Freedom of press alid publication,
guaratiteed by the Treaty of l'ence, does not esist in Rumania. No
substantive criticism of the Government is permittecl. The Rumanian
Governrnent has taken coiitrol of yrinting establishments and has
suppressed al1publications which are not recponsive to its direction or
which do not serve the purposes OF the Communist Party.
Despite the express provision of the 'l'reaty of Peace, only Communist
and Communist-approvecl organizations are able in prnctice to hold
public meetings. In view of the threat of forcible intervention and
reprisaisby the'Government or by ttie Communist Party, other groups
have nol attempted to hold such meetings.

'I'heRiimanian Governrneiit hns likewise abridged freedom of religious
worship, guaraiiteed under Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace, by legis-
lation and by other measures which effectively deriy such freedom. It
has assumed extelisive co~itroover the practice of religion, including the
application of political tests, which is incompatible with freedom of
rvorship. These powers have beeri iisedinal leaçt oneinstance to destroy

by Governmeiit decree a major religious body and to transfer its property
to the State.
The Iiiimanian Government bears full responsibility not only for acts
committed since the effective date of the Treaty of Yeace which are in
contravention of Article 3, but also for its failure to redress the conçe-
[luences of acts committetl ptior to tlint date whicIi have coiitinued to
prejudice theenjoyment ofhuman rightsand of the fundamental freedoms.
'I'heUnited States Goveriiment, mindful of itsresponsibilities under the
Treaty of Peace, has drawn attention oii appropriate occasio~isto the DOCUMENTS TRAXSJIITTED 3O

Aagraiit conduct of the Rumanian authorities in this regard. 'The
Rumanian Government, however, has failed to modify its conduct in
conformity with the stipulations of the Treaty.

In the circumstances, the United States Governrnent, ris a signatory
of the Treaty of Peace, finds that the Rumanian Government haç
repeatedly violated the provisioriofArticle 3 of that Treaty. Inasmuch
:Lthe obligation of the Government of Rumania to secure to a11persoris
under Rumanian jurisdiction the enjoyment of human riglits and the
fundamental freedoms is expreçsly stipulated inthe Treaty, no speciuus
argument that tlic inatters raised in the present note are purely of a
domestic character cari be accepted. The United States Government,
accordingly, caUs upon the Kiimanian Government to adopt prompt
remedial measures in respect of the violations referred to above and
requests the Rumanian Government to specify the steps which itis
prepared to take in implerneriting fully the terms of Article 3 of the

Treaty of Peace.

Annex 4

[Original text : English]

8 April, 1949.

The Hungarian 31inistr of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments
to the Legation of the dnited States of Arnerica and acknowledging
receipt of the latter's noteNo. 360 of 2 April, 1949, has the honor to
communicate as foilows :
The Government of the United States accuses the Goverriment of
Hungary of the violation of the Treaty of Peace referring, tirst of all, to
Article 2, paragraph I, of the Treaty of Peace which obliges Hungary
to secure "to al1perçons under Hungarian jurisdiction, without distinction
as to race, sex,language or religiori, the enjoyment of human rights and
of the fundamental freedoms". It is well known that concerning the free
enjoyrnent of human rights the Kepubfc o'fHungary, well bcfore the
conclusion af the Trcaty of l'eace,abolished al1 discriminations as to
race, sex, Ianguage and religion which csisted under the Horthy régime.
Thus, the Government of Hungary lias fully complied with tlic provisions
of the Treaty of Peace. The Government of Hungary wishes to point out
that il is the Government of the United States that launclies the above
reproaches against the Government of Hungary whereas, it isnotorious

that in the United States serious discrirninatioii exists between citizens
of different racand colourand that,by far,not eirerypersoncanequally
enjoy human rights.

Further on the Government of the United States refers to paragrayhz
of Article2 ofthe Treaty of I'eace, which, among others, obliges Hungary
not to discriminate by her laws between Hungarian citizens in refer-
ence to "their persons, property, business, professional and financialinterests", etc. 'Thc Co~rernmerit of Hungary categorically protests such
an interpretation of thisarticle of the'rreatyof Peaccwliich \soiild dispute
the legality of the rneasures taken by this Governmerit by which it has
passed the large estates irito tlie hands of the people atid declarecl common
property the capitalist monopolies. This kind of interpretation of the
Treaty of Peacc equals ttic clefense of the medieval latifurii-lia,capitalist
monopolies and their owners wlio were the principal supports of fascism
in Hungary and nt tlie same time Hitler's most arclent herichincii iiithe
war against the Alliecl;lnd Associnted Yowersand thus agninst tlie United
States of America. Coiiserluently, the above interpretation of the 'I'reaty
of Peace does not only mcati the defense of large estates and cnpitalist
monopolies, but it also meaiis tliat the Government of the United States
\t+jshesto help the adtierents of the reactionary arid fascist régime who
wcre in power in Hungary and to hamper the successfiil democratic
transformation of the couiitry.

The Government of Huiigary c;rlls the attention of tlie Goveinment
of the United States to Article 4 of the Treaty of Peace whicli esplicitly
obliges Hungary not only to dissolve the fascist organizatioris but also
iiot to allow "the existence and activities of organizations of thtlt nature,
wliich have as their aim deiiial to the people of ttieir democratic right".
'TheGovernment of Hurigary points out that it hnsbeerianclis proceeding
irithe seilse ofttieseprovisions of,the Treaty of Peace, when dissolving
the orga~iizatioiis and parties airning at the restoratiori of tlic old fascist
régimeaiid when summoning to Court those who yursiie ari activity to
overthrow the democratic Republic. The proteçt of the Govcrnrnent of
the United States agaiiist the measures taken against ttie fascist and
anti-democratic organizations by the Goverilment of Hungary, mheii
fuIfilling the provisions of the Treaty of Peace, makes it obvious that it
does not intend to respect the 'rreaty of Peace biit wishes to estend its

support to those reactionary and anti-democratic elemeiits who would
like to restore the rulc othelarge estates and the monopolies in Hurignry.

The Government of Hiingary stntes that, whiie the Kepublic of
Hungary has rigorously observed the stipulations of the 'l'reaty of I'eace,
the Governmetit of the Uriited States repeatedly violated the provisions
of the Treatp of Pcace with Hungnry. One ofthe military officiaiof the
Uriited States, General 1,. 13. Clay, abrogated by a stroke of tlie pen
Article 30 of the '1.rc;ity oE Peace ivhicli stipulates, tliat Hungarian
proyerty taken to Germany sliould be restitutcd. As a resuit of ttiis
violation of tlie Trenty of Peace, Hungarian property iri the value of
several hundred millions of forints got lost in thc Arnerican occupation
zone of Germany. Contrary to the stipulations of the Treaty of Yeace
and other internatioiial ngreemeiits, the American anthorities several
times refused the extradition of the Hungarian war criminals applied for
by Hungary, on the one hand, and on the other they are giving full and
official support to the most responsible Hungarian criminalc of the
fascist war, such as the fonner Kegent Aliklos Hortliy, Colonel-General
Ferenc Kisbarnaky Farkas, Lieutenant-General Gusztav 1-Iennyeywho
waged war with fascist methods also against the United States and are
still openly professing fascism. The support systernatically given by
official quarters of the United States in the last years to the conspiratory
organizations of reactionnry Hiingarian politicians is also iiicompatible DOCUMENTS TRANSbIITTEI) 32

with the spirit of the Treatyof Peace. The Hungarian Court established
as a fact that theJIinister Plenipotentiary of the United States and other
United States officiaishave actively collaboratecl with reactionary
conspirator organizatioiis aiming at the overthrow of the democrntic
Kepublic o 7Hungary, recognized by tlie Treaty of Peace, and desirous
to restore the old régime brand-marked in the Treaty of Peace.
'The Government of Hungary declares once more that Hungary fias
fulfilled, fulfils aiid will fulfil ail obligations embodicd in the Treaty of
l'eace. At tlie same time, the Government of Hungary emphatically
protesis the teridency of tlie Government of the United States to use the
stipulations of the Treaty of Peace aç a pretext for illegitimate inter-
ference in tlie domestic affairs of the sovereign Hungarian State and for
supporting the reactionary aiid fascist forces opposed to the Government
of Hungary. On the basis of the above-esposed arguments the Hungarian
Government considers the note of the Uiiited States a new atte~npt at
illegitimate interferencein the domestic affairs of this country and a new

pliase in the campaign of reactionary incitement pursuetl by the imperial-
ist quarters of the United States in the service of their aims threateiiing
peace and directed against the Hungarian people's democracy.

For these reasolis the Govcrnmeiit of Hungary emphatically rejects
the note of the Government of the U~iited States.
The Hungarian Afinistry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of the
opportunity, etc.


[Original text : Frcnch]
21 April, 1949.

The Alinistry of Foreign Affairs of the I'eople'ç Kcpublic of Bulgaria
lias the honor to inform the Legation of tlie United States that it haç
talien cognizance of the teiior of the Legation's note Xo. 130.
The Government of the People's Reyublic of Uulgaria has always
carried out and will carry out ina most coiiscientious inanner the clauses
of the Peace Treaty and this not only because this Government is
signatory to the said Treaty, but also because its policy, expression of
the will of the ovenvhelming majority of the Bulgariari people, is, by its
inherent nature, profouiidly democratic, and correspo~ids fully to the
lctter and spirit of Articles2,3, 4, and 5 of the Peace Treaty.

I. Even before the entry irito force of the Peace Trcaty,the Bulgarian
Government had undertaken al1measures dependent on it (its will) for
the guaranteeing of the fundamentai civil libertieas well asthe political
rights of Bulgarian citizens, without distinction ofrace, nationality, ses
or creed.
(a)This Government convoked, on tfie basis of universai, secret,
cqual and direct suffrage, a Grand National Assembly which elaborated
the constitutional law of the country, and tIiiç Constitution not onlyconsecrated in a solemn manner the fundamental rights and freedoms
of Bulgarian citizens-rights and freedoms ivliich arethe subject matter
of Article 2 of the Pcace Treaty-but also guaranteed tlieir effective
(b) At the same time, this Government took the nccessary measures
for the definitive liquidation of the fascist régimeand the dimination of
every attempt to deprive the nation ofitsdemocratic rights and freedoms.
These measures of the Government were iii conformity with the test
itself of Article 4 of the Treaty, and moreover, the Iiew Bulgarian
Constitution wiiich came into force on 5 December, 1947, guaranteed to
the Bulgarian people the necessary right and power to condemn to
failure al1attempts of fascist or anti-democratic restoration in Bulgaria.
In the preçence of such well-known facts, it is strange that the Govern-
ment of the United States could fornulate against Bulgaria accusations
of non-observance and violation of the political clauses of the Peace
Treaéy, and of Article 2of the said Treaty in particular.

2. Similarly, it is surprising that the Governmcnt of the United States
has deemed it necessary to support its accusatioris of violations of the
Peace Treaty in force since 15 Septembcr, 1947,by evoking facts going
back to the Armistice period, at a time whcn the threc great Powers
disposecl of measures to esercise awide control ovcr the administration
of the country.
3. On the otlier hand, tlie note of the United States Government
relates to certain facts and acts of the Bulgarian Government, such as
trials, etc., which bave taken place after the entry into force of the Peace
Treaty. The Uulgarian Government having takeii al1measures to enrure
compliance with al1the political clauses of the Peace Treaty, and notably
after Bulgaria had been granted the most democratic coristitution in the
world, and the people had been guaranteed legal power to esercise and
defend its rights and freedom, the Bulgarian Government, as governmeiit

of asovereign State, cannot agree to permit toother Statesthe appreciation
of its acts, for wliichitis solely responsible to the National Ascembly.
This Government cari even les5 agree to suffer the criticism of foreigri
Powers, in so fnras the nctivities of Bulgarian courts are concerned, being
in existence by virtue of the Constitution ancl functioiling in public in
accordance witti tlie mozt modern and most democratic of Iauvs.

The Bulgariaii Government will repel every attempt at interferencc
in the domestic affairs of Bulgaria and will consider as an unfriendly act
any attempt to force it to accept treatment as ;LState whose interna1
acts would be subject to judgment by foreign Powerr.

3. As regards the essence of the accusations formiilated in the note of
the United States Government, the 13ulgariati Government, without
wishing to discuss their compass, rejects them energetically. Under the
régime of people's democracy in Bulgaria, the toiling masses of towris
and villages, whicli constitute the immense majcirity of the nation,
enjoy not only on paper but also in fact al1fundarncntal political rights
and freedoms of man. Restrictions on the esercise of the freedom of
meeting or ofassociation, of the freedom of spcecti or of press, do not

exist and are not applied in Rulgaria escepting in tlie cases prorided by DOCUMENTS TKAPS3IITTF.D 34

the law against infringers and iii ttic intercst itself of plihlic scciirity,
maintenance of orcler and public mornlç of the people.

In conclusioii, tlie Government of ,the People's Rep~iblic of I3ulgaria
considers the note of the Honorable Legation of the United States as
unfounded, ancl its tenor, rendered public by the United States Govern-
ment immediately after it had been delivcred and long before the present
reply, as unfriendly propaganrlû, incompatible with the pnnciples of
international law, and of a nature to encourage the pro-fascist and hostile
elements in the country.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Kcpuhlic of Bulgaria
avaiis itscli of this opportunity, etc.


Note verbale

[Original text : Romrinian]

'Thehlinistry of Foreign AHairspresents its compiimeiits to thLegation
of the U~lited States and has the hoiior to transmit the following on
behalf of the Government of the Kumariiari People's Rcpublic.

On 2 iipril the Legation ofthe Unitecl States in Buclii\rest presented
a note to tlie Miiiistry of Foreign Affairs of the Ku~nariian People's
Republic on bctinlf of the Americari Governnient in whicti as in former
notes certain affinnations were made by tlie Government of tlieUnited
States with reference to i~iolatioii by Ille Rumanian Goirernment of
the provisions of Article 3 of the Pence Treaty.

-.Ihe Goverriment of the Rumaniari People's Kepublic niairitains that
the context of the note ofthe United States Government with reference
to the violation by the Rumaninn Go~prrnment of human rights and of
fundamerital frcedorns doeç ~iotcorrespcind to realityand that it repeats
the inventions of the sla~iderous press of the imperialist rnot.ioliolists.
In the Ri1matii:~i-Ii1eople'sKepublic the excrcise of tlic fuiidamenta1
frcedorns, freedom of assembly, of dernonstrations, of tfic press and of
speech arc gurirariteed by the Constittitiori and these rire nssiired by
making availahle to those who work printing facilities, suppliesofpaper
and meeting places.
Diçcrirninatiori because of nationality or race is punishable by lam.

Keligious organizations enjoy freedom of worship and are given the
places and means necessary for the exercise of their religion.

Thus the laws of the Rumanian I:'eol~le'sKepublic in fact guarantee
the application of the provisions of Article 3 of the Peace 'i'reaty.
The Rumai-iian Government declares that the United States Govern-
ment has trnnsgressed and is transgressing the Peace 'I'reaty withRumania by trying to prevent the application of Article 5 of the Peace
Treaty which provides that the Rumanian Government will not permit
the existence and activities of any organizations of a fascist type and
which have as their aim denicil to the people of their democratic rights.
Tl-ienote of the United States Govcrnment in support of its affirmations
cites steps taken by the Rumanian Government against: fascist remilants
as well as the seritences pronounced by the courts of tlie Tiurnanian
People's Iiepublic against the groiips ofspiesand saboteurs in the service
of tlic American espionage serl-ices.

The public trials of these bands composed of the leaders of the former
Kational Peasant Party, legionaires, largc landowners and great indus-

trialists who tried to trançform Rumania into a new breeding ground of
Mar, Iiaveshoxvn beyond any doubt that these perçons receivecl inçtruc-
tiotis from anclwereled by members of the United States Mission inBucha-
rest. Even the American press lias adrnitted that thcir disco~er3~and
their scntenciiig constituted a blow to the American espionrigc services.

The Rumailiaii Goveriimerit declares tliat the United States Govern-
ment is eilcouraging the activities aiid tlie organization of fascist fugitives,
of scluanderers of public funds, of traitorç from Rumania who are in the
United States or on territory iinder Arnerican cotitrol by granting
asyluni, by placing at their clisposrtlofficial radio channelsetc.

Under these circumstanccs, the Rumanian Gos!ernmeiit declarcs that
the note of the United States Govcriiment, as well as fornier notes,
endenvors to lead astray world public opinion which coridcmns its yolicy
of racial discrimination, its b:trbnrous acts of lyncI-iing,its drowriing out
of clemocratic political opinion, its trials of men of culture and represent-
atiues of the working people wliri fight for democracy and yeace, its
iticitement to war and policy of aggressive pacts, its niirturing of breed-
ing groundç of war, alid its support of fascist bands which kill women
and children eimasse, al1of which are in reality a brutal violationof the
fundamental nghts and liberties of man.

In consequence, the Government of tlie ~umanian People's Kepublic
rleclares that it cannot accept the nttempt of the United States Govern-
nient to iriterfere in the internril nffriirs of Rumania and it rejects the
note of the Governnient of tilc United States.


[Original test :Ençlish]
31 May, 1949.

Tf-ie1-egntion of the Unitecl St~itcofA~nericapresents its compliments
to the RIinistry of Foreign Affnirs of Bulgaria and, acting iinder the
instructions of the Uiiited States Government, has the Iionor to replyto the Ministry's Note of 21 April, 1949, concerning the question of.
Bulgaria's compliance with the obligations of Article 2 of the Treaty
of Peace.
The United States Goirernment, taking note of the Bulgarian Govern-
ment's rejection of the stateme~its made in the Legation's note of2 April,
1949 c,oncerning J3ulgariafs disregard of its obligations under Article2,
findç it necessnry toplace on record its view that the Riiigarian Govern-
ment has not givcn a.satisfactory reply to the specilîc charges set forth
in the Legation's note. The Bulgarian Governrnent has also failed to
furnish the United States Government with the recluested information
as to measures which the BuIganan Government is prepared to adopt
in order to remedy the situation caused by the violation of its obligations
undez Article 2 and to implernent fuiiy the terms of that article. The
remaining portions of the Rulgarian Governinent's note of nI April

consist of allegations against the United States which are demonstrably
false and irrelevant to the matter at hand.

The United States Goveriiment accordingly considers that a dispute
has srisen concerning the interpretation and execi~tion of the Treaty of
Peace which the Bulgarian Government has shown no disposition to
join in settling by direct diplornatic negotiations.

The American hfinister has thetefore bec11 iiistructedby his Govern-
ment to refer the dispute to his Rritish and Soviet colleagues for consider-
ation jointly with himself in accordance with the provisions of Article 36
of the Treaty of Peace. Copies of his letters to the Ambassador of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and to the British hlinister inviting
them to meet for this prirpose are enclosed.


[Original text : English]
31 May, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of Amenca presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ofHungary and, acting under instmc-
tions of the United States Government, has the honor to reply to the
Ministry's note of 8 April,1949, concerning the question of Hungary's
compliance with the obligations of Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace.

The United States Government, taking note of the Hungarian Govern-
ment's rejection of the statements made in the Legation's note of
2 April, 1949, concerning Hungary's disregard of its obligations under
Article 2,finds it necessarytoplace on record its view tliat the Hunganan


Government has not given a satisfactory reply to the specific charges
set forth in the Legation's note. The Hungarian Government has also
iailed to furnish the United States Governrnent with the requested
information as to measures which the Hungarian Government is prepared
to adopt in order to remedy the situation caused by the violation of itç
obligations under Article 2 and to implement fully the tems of tliat
article. The United States Government caniiot accept the Hungarian
Government's contention that thc matters dealt with in tLic United
States note are purely domcstic affairs or the contention tliatHungary
has complied with the obligations of Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace
merely by the fomal repeal of the discriminatory legislationof the
Horthy régime. Nor can the United States Government agree that
violations of Article2 can be escused by reference to Hungary's obliqa-
tionç under Article 4 of the Treaty. Persecution of al1 political leaders

and parties not amenable to the dictates of the minonty ruling group
and denial ofireedom of espression cannot properly be justifiecl under
any article of the Treaty.

The remaining portions of the Hungarian Government's note of
S April including references to other articles of the Treaty of Peace;
consist of allegations against the United States which are dernonstrably
false and irrelevant to the matter at hand. ,The United States Govern-
ment rejects categorically the unwarranted riccusations that it has
supported reaction and conspiracies in Hnngary, accusations which will
not obscure the real issues raiscd by the United States note of 2 April.

The United States Government accordingly considers thnt a clispute
has arisen concerning the interpretation and execution of the.Treaty
of Pace which the Hungarian Government has shown no disposition
to join in settlingby direct diplornatic negotiations. . .

The rlrnerican Minister has therefore been instructed by fiisGo~ern-
ment to refer the dispute to his British and Soviet colleagues for consider-
ation jointly with hiniselfinaccordance with the provisions of Article 40
of the Treaty of Peace. Copies of his Ietters to the Ambass:tdor of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Kepublics and to the British Minister inviting
them to meet for this purpose are enclosed. DOCUJIENTS TR.INSJfITTED 38


[Original text : English!
31 May, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Xinistry of Foreign Afiairs of Rumania and, acting under the
instructions of the United States Government, has the honor to reply
to the Afinistry's note of 13April, r949, concerning the question of
Kumaiiia's cornpliance aith the obligations of Article 3 of the Treaty
of Peace.
The United States Government, taking note of the Rumanian Govern-
ment's rejection of the statements made in the T,egatiori'snote of
2 April, 1949 ,oncerning Rumanin's disregard of its obligations under
Article 3,finds it necessary to place on record its vithnt the Kumanian
Government has not given a satisfactory reply to the specific charges
set forth in the Legation's note. The Rumanian Government has also
failed to furnish the United States Government with tlie rcquested
information as to measures which the Rumanian Government i~prepared
to adopt in order to remedy the situation caused by the violation of its

obligations under Article 3 and to implement fully the terms of that
article. The United States Government cannot accept the liurnanian
Government's contention that the matters dealt with in the United
States note are purely domestic affairs or the contention that Rumania
has complied with the obligations of Article 3 of the 'Treaty of Peace
merely by the forma1 enactment of lau-s purporting to guarantee the
application of the provisions of that article. TIierernaining portions of
the Rumanian Governrnent's note of 18April including references to
other articles of the Treaty of Peace, consist of allegations apainst the
United States which are demonstrably false and irrelevant to the matter
at hand. The United States Government rejects categnrically the unwar-
ranted accusations that it has supported reactio~i and conspiracies in
Kumania, accusations which will not obscure the real issues raised by
the United States note of 2 April.

The United States Government accordingly considerç that a dispute
has arisen concerning the interpretationand execution of the Treaty of
Peace which the Rumanian Governmentahas shown no disposition to
join in settlingby direct diplornatic negotiations.

The American Minister haç therefore been instructed by his Govern-
ment to refer the dispute tohisBritish and Soviet colleagues for consider-
ation jointly with himself in accordance with the provisionsof Article38
of the Treaty of Pcace. Copies of his letters to the Ambassador of the DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 39

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and to the British hlinister inviting
them to meet for this yürpose are enclosed.


[Original text : English]

31 May, 1949.
Pursuant to instructioiis from my Government, 1liave the honor to
-transmit for your attention a copy of a note cornmunicated by this
Legation to the Ministry of Foreign Affsirs of Bulgaria, under date of
2 -4pri1, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal
charges of repeated and systematic violatioiis by Eulgaria of Article 2
of the Treaty of Peace. You will note ihat the United States Govern-
ment, in the note of z April, called upon the Uulgarian Government
to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which it was
prepared to take in order to implement fully the terms of that article.

1 enclose for your attention a copy of the reply of the Bulgarian
Government, dated 21 Apnl 1949, rejecting the charges contained in
this Legation's note and stating that Bulgaria has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Hulgarian note fails to answer
the serious and specific charges of violation of hiiman rights made by
the Governmerit of the United States, and makes no statement as to
what steps Biilgaria is prepared to take in order to remedy the conditions
forming the bssis for those charges. The specious argument put fonvard
by the Rulgarian Government that the United States note of 2 April
represents an attempt to interfere in the interna1 affairs of Bulgaria
cannot be accepted, since the charges made in the United States note
are based on the ciear international treaiy obligation of Bulgaria to
secure to al1 persons within its jurisdiction the enjoyment of human
Rghts and fundamental freedoms.

In the circumstances the United States Government considers the
Bulgarian reply unsatiçfactory and is informing the Bulgarian Govern-
ment to that effect in a note of to-day's date, a copof whicli is attached
, to tliis letter.
It isevident from the exchange of notes which has taken placebetween
the United States Government and the Government of Bulgaria that
a dispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and execu-
tion of Article z of the Peace Treaty. It is also apparent from the
Bulgarian Government'~ note that the Bulgarian Government is not disposed to resolve this dispute by direct diplomatic negotiations.
Accorclingly, Iam requested by my Governmerit to invite your attention
to Article36 of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke the procedure specified
herein. This article readsas follows :

I. Except where another procedure is specifically provided under
any article of the present Treaty, any dispute co~icerningthe inter-
pretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by direct
diplomatic negotiations, shall be referred to the three Heads of
Missio~iacting under Article 35, escelst that iii this casthe Heads
of Mission will not be restricted by the time-limit provided in
that article,Aiiy such dispute not resolved by thern within a period
of two months shall, unless tlie parties to the dispute mutually
agree upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative ofeach party and a third member seiected by mutual

agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third country.
Should the two parties fail to agree within a period of one month
upon tlie appointment of the third member, the Secretary-General
of the United Nations rnay he reqriested bp either party to make
tlie appointment.

2. The decision of the majoritv of tlie members of the Commis-
sion shall he the decision of the ~ommission, and shall he accepted
by the parties as definitive and bindiiig."

In accordance with the abo1.e procedure 1 should appreciate pour '
iiidicatinp at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared
to meet with the British Minister arid with me in order ttiat in our
capacity as 1-leadsof Mission, referretl toin Article 36, we may consider
the dispute iiiqiiestion.
It is my undcrstanding that thc British alinister is sentling you
to-day a communication similar to Iny present letter, callinp attention
tothe esistence ofa dispute hetween the United Kingdom and Rulgaria
concerning Bulgaria's non-compliance with Article 2 of the Peace Treaty,
ancl invoking the procedures laid down in Article 36. 1 should like to
suggest, for purposes of converlience, that these two disputes be
'conçidered together by the threeheads of mission.
I am sendifi the British Minister to-day a letter similar to the prese~it
, letter to you. &opies of both letters are being furnished to the Rulga~inn
Ilrith renewed assurances oi my higli esteem, believe me, etc. DOCUMENTS TRAKÇ?P~ITTED

Annex 11


[Original text : English]

31May, 1949.
Pursuant to instructioiis from rny Governrnent, 1 have the honor to
transmit for your attention a capy of the note communicated by this
Legation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, under date of
2 April, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal
cliarges of repeated and systematic violations by Hurigary of Article 2
of the Treaty of Peace. You will note that the United States Govern-
ment, in the Legation's note of 2 April, called upon the Hungarian
Government to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which
it was prepared to take in order to implement fully the tems of that

1also enclose for your attention a copy of the reply of the Hungarian
Government, dated 9 Apnl, 1949, rejecting the charges contained in
this Legation's note and stating that Hungary has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Hungarian note failsto answer
the serious and specific charges of violations of Iiuman nghts made by
the Government of the United States, and niakes no statement as to
what steps Hungarv is prepared to take in order to remed,v the condi-
tions forming the basis for tliose charges. The specious argument put
fonvard by the Huriganan Governnient that the United States note of
2 April rcpresents an atten~pt to, interfere in the interrial affairs of
Hungary cannot be accepted, since the charges niade in the United
States note are based on the clear international treaty obligation of
Huiigary to secure to al1 persons within its jurisdictiorithe enjoyment
of human rights and of the fundamental freedoms.

In the circumstances, the United States Government considers the
Hungarian reply unsatisiacto~v and is informing the Mungarian Govern-
ment to that effect ia note of to-day's datea copy of which is attached
-o this letter.
Itis evident from the exchange of notes bvhichhas taken place between
the United States Government and the Government of Hungary that
a dispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and execu-
tion of Article 2 of the Peace Treaty. It iç also apparent from the
Hungarian Government 's note that the Hungarian Government is
not disposed to resolve this dispute by direct diplornatic negotiations.
Accortlingly, 1 am requested by my Government to invite your atten-b
tion to Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace and to itivoke the procedure
therein. Tliis article reads as followç :

"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled DOCUMENTS TRANS3IITTED 42

by direct diplomatic negotiations,.shall be referred to the three
Heads of hlission acting under Article 39, except that in this case
the Heads of hlission will not be restricted by the time-limit ~irovided
in that article. Any çuch dispute not resolved by ihem withiri a
period of two months shall, unless the parties tothe dispute mutually
agree upon another meanç of settlement, be referred at the retluest
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third member selected by mutual
agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third country.
Should the two parties fail to agree within a penod of one month
upon the appointment of the third member, the Secretary-General
of the United Nations may be requested by either party to make
the appointment.

2. The clecision of the majority of the members of the Cornmis-

sion shallbc the decision of the Conimission, and shallbe accepted
by the parties as definitive and biriding."
In accordance with the above crocedure 1 should appreciate your
.indicating at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared
to meet with tlie British hlinister and with nie in order that in Our
capacity as Heads ofhlission, referred tin Article40, we may consider
the dispute in question.

It is niy understanding that the British EiIiriisteris sendyoiito-day
.a communication similar to my present letter, calling attentionto the
existence of a dispute between the United Kingdom and Hungary with
regard to Hungary's non-compliance with Articlez of the Peace Treaty,
.and invoking the procedures laid down in Article 40. I should like to
sugg~st, for purposes ofconvenience, that these two disputesbe corisidered
together by the three Heads of Mission.
. Iam sending the Rritish Mirlister to-day nletter similarto the present
letter to yoiiCopies of both letters are being furnished to the Wungarian
,Goveriimen t.
Accept, Excellency, tlie assiirances, etc.

(Signai) \VILLI:ZM P. COCHRAN Jr,.

Enclosures :
I.Copy of American Legation note to Hunganan hfinistv of Foreign
Affairs dated2 Ayril,1949.

z. Copy ofHuiigarian Government note to American Legation dated
9 April, 1949.
3. Copy of Anlerican Legation note to Huiigarian AIinistry of Foreign
Affairs dated31 May, 1949. Annex 12


[Original text: English]


31 May, 1949.
Pursuant to instructions from my Government I have the lionor to
transmit for your attention a copy of the note communicated by this
Legation to the Ninistry of Foreign Affairs of Runiania, under date of
z iipril,1949, in which the United States Government made fornial
charges of repeated and systernatic violations by Rumania of Article 3
of the Treaty of Peace. 'l'ou will note that the United States Govern-
ment, in the Legation's note of Apnl 2, called upon the Rumanian
Government to adopt remedial meaçures and to çpecify the steps which
it was prepared to take in order to implement fully the terms of the
1also enclose for your attentiona copy of the reply ofthe Rumanian
Government, dated 18 April, 1949, rejecting the charges contained in

this Legation's noteand stating that Rumania has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Rumanian note fails to answer
the serious and çpecific charges of violations of human rights made
by the Government of the United States, and makes no statement as
to what steps Rumania is prepared to take in order to remedy the
conditions forming the basis for those charges. Tlic spwious argument
put forward by the Rumanian Government that the United States
note of 2 April represents an attempt to interfere in the interna1 affairs
of Kumania cannot be accepted, since the charges made in the United
States note are based on the clear international treaty obligation of
Rumania to seciire to a11persans under its jurisdiction the enjoyment
of human rights and of the fundamental freedoms.

In tfie circumstances the United States Governmcnt considers the
Rumaiiian reply unsatisfactory and is informing the Rumanian Govcrn-
ment to that eifect in a note of to-day's date a copy of whishattactied
to this letter.
It is evident fronthe exchange of notes which has taken placebetween
the United States Government and the Governrnent of Rumania that
a dispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and execu-
tion of Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace. It is also apparent from the

Rumanian Government's note that the Rumanian Government is not
disposed to resolve this dispute by direct diplornatic negotiations.
Accordingly, 1 am requeçted by my Government to invite your atten-
tion to Article38 of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke the procedure
specified therein. This article reads as foilows :
"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty any diçpute concerning the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by
direct diplornatic negotiations, shall breferred to the three Heads
ofMission acting under Article 37 ,excepi that in this case the Heads
of Mission.will not be restricted by the time-limit provided in that
article. Any such dispute not reçolved by them within a period of
two months, shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree
upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Conimission composed of one
representative of eacl-i party and a third member selected by
mutual a reernerit of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. !4hould the tu10 parties fail to agree within a period of
one mont11upon the appointment of the third member, theSecretary-
General of the United Nations may be requested by cither party
to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commis-
sion çhall be the decisionof the Commission, and shall be accepted
by the parties asdefinitive and binding."

In accordance with the above procedure 1 should appreciate your
indicating at your earIiest convenience when you would be prepared
to meet with the British Minister and with me in order that in our
capacity as Heads of Mission, referred to in Article 35, wemay cansider
the dispute in question.

itis my understanding that the British Minister is sendiiig you to-day
a communication similar to my present letter, calling attention tothe
existence of a dispute between the United Kingdom and Rumania
concerning Rumania's non-cornpliance with Article 3 of the Treaty of
Peace, and invoking the procedure laid down in Article 38. 1sliould like
to suggest, for purposes of convenience, that these two disputes be
considered together by the three Heads of Rliçsion.

1 am sending the British hlinister to-daya letter sirnilatothe present
letterto you. Copies of both Iettersarebeing furnished to the Rumanian
1avail myself of this opportunity, etc.

Enclosures :three. -


[Original text : English]
31 May, 1949.
My dear hl;. Minister,

Pursuant to instructions from rny Government, 1 have the honor
to transmit for your attention a copy of a note communicated by. this
Legation to the hlinistry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, under date of
2 April, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal

charges of repeated and systematic violations by Eulgaria of Article z
of the Treaty of Peace. You will note that the United States Govern-
ment, in the note of 2 Apnl, called upon the Bulgarian Government
to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which it was
prepared to take in order to implement fully the tems of that article.

I enclose for your attention a copy of the reply of the Bulgarian
Government, dated 21 April, 1949, rejecting the charges contained in
this Legation's note and stating that Uulgaria has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Bulgarian note fails to answer
the serious and specific charges of violation of Iiuman rights made by
the Government of the United States, and makes no statement as to
what steps Bulgaria ir preparedto take in order to remedy the conditions
forming the basis for those charges. The specious argument put forward
by the Bulgarian Government that the United States note of 2 April
represents an attempt to interferc in the interna1 affairs of Bulgaria
cannot be accepted, since the charges made in the United States Note
are based on the clear international treaty obligation of Bulgaria to
secure to al1 perçons within its jurisdiction the enjoyment of human
rights and fiindamental freedoms.

In the circunistances the United States Government considers the
Bulgarian reply unsatisfactory and is infonning the Bulgarian Govern-
ment to that effect in a note of to-day's date, a copy of which is
attached ta thisletter.
It is evident from the exchange of notes which has taken place between
the United States Government and the Government of Rulgaria that a
dispute exists between them concerning the-interpretation and execu-
tion of Article2 of the Peace Treaty. lt is also apparent froni tBulga-
rian Government'ç note that the Bulgarian Government is not disposed
to resolve this dispute by direct diplomatic negotiations. Accordingly,
1 am requested by rny Government to invite your attention to Article 36
of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke the procedure specified herein.
This article reads as follows :

"Article 36
I. Except where another procedure isspecifically provided under
any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning the

interpretationor execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by
direct diplomatic negotiations, shall be referred to the three I-Ieads
of Mission acting under Article 35, except that in this case the
Heads of Mission will not be restricted by the time-limit provided
in that article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within a
penod of two months shall, unless the parties tothe dispute mutiially
agree upon another rneans of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third member selected by
mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. Should the two ~arties fail to agree within a period of one month upon the appointment of the third member, the Secre-
tary-General of the United Nations may be requested by either
party to make the appointment.

2. The decision ofthe majority of the members of the Commission
shall be the decision of the Commission, and shall be accepted by
the partiesas definitivand binding."

ln accordance with the above procedure 1 should appreciate your
indicating at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared
to rneet with the Russian Ambassador and ivith me in order that in
our capacity as Weads of Mission, referred to in Article 36, we may
consider the dispute in question.

I ani sending the Russian Ambassador to-day a letter similar to the
present letter to yoil, Copies of both letters are being furnished to the
Bulgarian Governmen t .
Wi th renewed assurances, etc.

Enclosures :
r. Legation note of 2 April,1949 ,o the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. Reply of the Bulgarian Government dated 21 April, 2949.

Annex 14


[Original text : English]
31 hlay, 1949.

Yursuant to instructions from my Government, Ihave the honor to
transmit for your attention a copy of the note communicated by this
Legation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, under date of
2 April, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal
charges of repeated and systematic violations by Hungary of -4rticle z
of the Treaty of Peace. You will note that the United States Government,
in the Legation's noteof 2 April called upon the Hunganan Government
to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which it was
prepared to take in order to impletnent fullythe terms of that article.

Ialso enclose for your attention acopy of tlie replof the Hungarian
Governrnent, dated g April, 1949, rejecting the charges contained in
this Legation's note and statingthat Hungary has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Hungarian note fails to answer
the serious and specific charges of violations of human rights made
by the Government of the United States, and makes no statement as to what steps Hungary is prepared to take in orderto remedy the condi-
tions forming the bais for those charges. The specious argument put
forward by the Hungarian Government tliat the United States note
of z Apnl repreçents an attempt to interfere in the internai affairs of
Hungary cannot bc accepted, since thc charges made in the United
States note are based on the clear international treaty obligation of
Hungarv to secure to al1 persons ivithin its jurisdiction the enjoyment
of human rights aiid of the fundamental freedoms.

In the circumstances, the United States Government considers the
Hunganan reply iinsatisfactory and is infonning the Hungarian Goverii-
ment to that effect in :inote of to-day's date, a copy of which is attached
to this letter.
It is evident from the exchange of notes which has taken place between
the United States Government and the Government of Hungary that

adispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and execu-
tion of Article 2 of the Peace Treaty. It is also apparent from the
Hungarian Government's note that the Hungarian Government is not
disposed to resolvc this dispute by direct diplomatic negotiations.
Accordingly, 1 am requested by my Gol~ernment to invite your atten-
tion to Article40 of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke~the procedure
therein. This article reads as follows :
"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Trenty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled
bp direct diplomatic negotiations, shaH be referred to the three
Heads of Ttlissionacting under Article 39, escept that in this case

the Heads of &lissionwiil not be restricted by the tirne-limit provjdcd
in that article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within a
period of two months shall, unless the parties tothe dispute rnutually
agree upon another means of settlemeiit, be referred at the request
of either p:irty to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third member selected by
mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. Should the two parties failto agree within a period of
one month upon the appointment of the thirdmember, the Secretary-
General of the United Natioiis may be requested by either party
to make the appointment.

' 2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commission
. shall be the clecision of theConimission, and shaii be accepted by
the parties as dcfinitive and binding."

In accordance witli the above procedure 1 should appreciate your
indicating at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared
to meet with the Ambassador of the Soviet Union and with me in order
that in our capacity as Heads of Mission, reierred to in Article 40, we
majr consider the dispute in question.

It irny understanding that you are sending to the Soviet Ambassador
to-day a communication similar to the present letter, calling attention
to the existence of a dispute between the United Kingdom and Hungarywith regard to non-compliance with Article 2 of the Peace Treaty and
invoking the procedures laid down in Article 40 ;and that the Govern-
rnentç of Canada, Australia and New Zeaiand arc associatingthemselves
in this step. 1 should like to suggesl, for purposes of co~ivenience,that
the two disputes be consiclered together by the three I-leads of Mission.

1 am sending to the Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics to-day a letter similar to the present letter to you and I am
furnishing copies ofboth communications tothe Hungarian Government.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances, etc.

Enclosures :
I. Copy of American Legation note to Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, dated 2 April, 1949.

2. Copy of Hungarian Government note to American ~egation, dated
9 April, 1949.
3.Copy of American Legation note to Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, dated 31 May, 1949.

[Original text: English]

31 May, 1949.
Pursuant to instructioiis from rny Government 1 have the honor to
transmit foryour attention a copy of the note communicated by this
Legation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rumnnia, under date of
2 April, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal
charges of repeated and systernatic violations by Rumania of Article 3
of the Treaty of Peace. Yoii will note that the United States Govern-
ment, in the Legation's note of 2 April, called upon the Rumanian
Government to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which
it was yrepared to take in order to implement fully the terms of the
1 also enclose for your attentiona copy of the reply of the Rurnanian
Government, dated 18 April, 1949, rejecting tlie charges contained in
this Legation's noteand statiiig that Rumania has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Rumanian note fails to answer the
serious and specific charges of violation of human rights made by the
Government of the United States, and makes no staternent as to what
steps Rumania is prepared to take in order ta remedy the conditions
foming the basis for those charges. The specious argument put fonvard
by the Rumanian Government that the United States note of 2 Apnl- represetits an ntternpt to interiere in the interna1 nffairs of Rumania
cannot be accepted, since the charges made in tlie United States note
are based on the cIear international treaty obligatioii of Rumania to
secure to al1 perçons under its jurisdiction the enjoyment of hurnnn
rights and of tlie fundamental freedoms.

In the circumstances, the United States Governmcnt considers the
Rumanian reply unsatisfactory and is informing the Rumanian Govern-
ment to that effect ina note of to-day's date a copy of which is attacheci
to this letter.
Itis evident from the exchange oi notes which has taken placebetween
the United States Government and the Government of'Rumania that
a dispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and esecu-
tion of Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace. It is also apparent from the
Rumaniaii Governrnent's note that the Rumanian Government is not
disposed to resolve this dispute by direct diplornatic negotiations.
Accorditigly, L am requested by rny Government to invite your atteti-
tion to Article 35 of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke the procedure
specified therein. This article reads as follows :

"1. Escept where anotlier procedure is specifically provided under
any article of the present Treaty any dispute coiicerning the inter-
pretation or esecution of the 'rreaty, which is not settled by direct
dipiornatic negotiations, shall be referred to the three Heads of
Mission acting under Article 37, escept that in this case the Heads
of Mission willnot be restricted by the time-limit provided in that
article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within a period of
two months, shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree .
upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request of
eitherparty to the disputeto a Commissioiicomposed of one repre-
sentative of each party and a third member selected by mutun1
agreement of the two parties from natiorials of a third country.
Should the two parties failto agree within a yeriod of one month
upon the appointment of the third niemher, the Secretary-General
of the United Nations may be requested by either party to make
the appointment.

2. l'lie decision of the müjorityof tlie mernbers of the Commis-
sion shall he the decision of the Commission, and shaH be accepted
by the parties as definitive aiid binding."

In accordance with the above procedure I should appreciate 'your
indicating at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared to
meet with the Rusian Arnbassador atid with me in order that iii Our
capacity as Heads of Mission, referred to in Article 36, we may consider
the dispiite iiiq~iestion.

Tt is my understandirig that yoti are seriding to-day to the Soviet
Arnbassador a cammrinication çimilar to my preseiit letter, calling
attention to tlie existenceof a dispute between the United Kingdom
and Rumania concerning Rumania's non-compIiance uith Article 3 of
the Treaty of Pence and invoking the procedures laid down in Article 38. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 50

1 should like to suggeçt, for purposes of convenience, that these two
disputes be considered together by the three Heads of Mission.

1 am sending the Soviet Ambassador to-day a letter similar to the
preçent letter to you. Copies of both letters are being furnished to the
Rumanian Government .
1avail myself of this opportunity, etc.

Enclosures : tliree.

Annex 16


[Original text: English]
31 May, 1949.
Your Excellency,

1 have the honour to acknowledge tlie receipt of your noteofto-day's
date informing me of theaction which you have taken to cal1attention
to the existence ofa dispute between the United States Gove~nment
and the Bulgarian Governrnent concerning the interpretation and
execution of Article z of the Peace Treaty, and enquiring whether 1
should be prepared to meet with you and with the Ambassador of the
Soviet Union, as provided under Article 36 of the Treaty, to consider
this dispute.

.2. 1 have the honour to statein reply that 1 shallbe happy to take
part in such joint consideration at any time and place mhich may be
çonvenient to you and to the Soviet Ambassador.
3. 1 am sending copies of this notetothe Soviet Ambassador and the
.Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I avail myself of this opportunity, etc.


[Original text: English]
BRITISH I2~3~4~10h'
I June, 1949.
1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the communication,
dated 31 May, 1949, in which yori inl.ited me to loinnith you and the DOCUhlEXTS TRAXShIlT TED jr

Soviet Ambassador in considering the dispute which has arisen out of
the reply of the Hungarian Government, of 9 Apnl last, to your Lega-
lion's note of2 April, regarding the violation ofArticle 2 of the Peace
Treaty with Hungary. In that cornmunicatian you were alsoso good
as to send me copies of further commuiiications, dated 31 May, 1949,
which you have addressed to the Hungarinn hlinist orfForeign Affairs,
and to His ~;lxcellcncthe Soviet Ambassador.

2. You will be aware from rny own letter to you of 31 May, with
which 1forwarded to you copies ofcorrespondence between this Leg t'ion
and the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that my Government,
and the Canadian, Australian and New Xealand Governments, having
charged the Hungarian Government witli çimilar infractions of the
Peace Treaty, have found, like your own, that the Hungarian rcply
to tliis charge is iinsatisfactory ; ahave decided, for their part nlso,
to invoke the procedure laid down in Article 40 of the Treaty for the
settlement of a "dispute concerning the interprctation or execution
of the Treaty".

3. In thest: circumstances, 1 have the honour to inform you that 1
shall for my part be ready, at any time which may be mutually agreed,
to join with you and His Excellency ,the Soviet Ambassador in the
simultaneous consideration of these disl~utes.
1am sending a copy of this letter to our Soviet colleague.

Annex 18

[Original text : English]

1 .lune, 1949-
Your '~scel~enc~,
1 have the honour toacknowledge the receipt of your letter of 31May,
1949, informing me ofthe actioiiyou have taken with a view to convoking
a meeting of the Heads of the United States, So~~ieand British Missions
in Roumania to discuss the dispute that has arisen regarding tlie viola-
tions cf Article 3 of theTreaty of Peacby the Koumanian Government.

I shall be pleased to meet with the Soviet Ambassador and yourself
at any time that may be mutually agreeable.
1 avail niysclf ofthis opportunity, etc. DOCUJIEBTS TRANSMITTED 5z


[Original text : Russianj

II june, 1949.

In connexion with the note of the Acting Secretary of State to the
Soviet Ambassador in i5'ashington dated 31 Rlay, 1949, as urell as in
connexion with the notes of the hlissionç of the U.S.A. in Rulgaria,
Hungary, and Rumanin, delivered on the same day to the Ambassadors
of the U.S.S.R. in the afore-mentioned countries, regarding the calling
of a conference of the three Heads of the Diploiriatic Missions for a
consideration of the dispute which has arisen between the Government
of the U.S.A. and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Riimania
concerning the interpretation of the Peace Treaties, the Embassy of
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, upon instructions from the
Soviet Government, states the following :

The Soviet Government has studied the afore-rnentioned notes, as
well as the notes of the Government of the U.S.A. dated 2 April ofthiç
year to Bulgaria, Hungary, and Riimania, in which the Government of
the U.S.A. accuses these countries of violating the Peace Treaties and,
in particular,thme articles of the Treaties which have to do with the
security of human rights and the fundamental freedoms. The Soviet
Governrnent has also studied the notes of the Governments of Rulgatia,
Hungary, and Rumania in reply to the Government of the U.S.A.

The Government of the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics cançiders

that in the notes in reply of the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary,
and Rumania to which reference has been made an exhaustive reply
has been given to the accusations of violating the Peace Treaty which
were made to these countries by the Goverrinient of the U.S.A. It is
evident from thcse repliesthat the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungaq-,
and Rumania are strictly fulfilling the obligations undertaken by them
under the Peace Trcaties, including the obligations having to do with
the security of human rights and the fundamental freedoms.

The measures of the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania
concerning which the Government of the U.S.A. exyressed its dissatisfac-
tion in the notes of2 April of this year, not only arenot a violation of
the Peace Treaties, but on the contrary,are directed toward the fulfilment
of the Peace Treaties which obligate the saidcountrieç tocombat organiz-
ations of the fascist type and other organizations "which have as their
aim denial to the people of their democratic rights". It is self-evident

that such rneasures carried out by Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania
for the purpose of fulfilling the articleof the Peace Treaties are fully
within the domestic cornpetence ofthese countries assovereign States. DOCUJIENTS TRANSMITTED 53

The Soviet Government appraises the aim of the Government of,the
U.S.A. artificially to convert this question into a subject of dispute as
a direct attempt to utilize the Peace Treaties for intervention in the
domestic affairs of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumaniri, with the aim of
everting pressure on their clnmestic policy.

In view of this, the Enibassy of the U:S.S.R. is authorized to state
that the Soviet Government does not see any ground for convening the
three Heads of the Diplomatic Missions for the purpose of considenng
the questions touched upon in the notes of the Missions of the U.S.A.
to Bulgaria, Hungary, and Kumania dated 31 hlay of this year, and in
the Department of Çtate's note of the same date.


[Original text :English]
30 Junc, 1949.

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency
the Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and has the
honor to acknowledge receipt of theE~nbassy's note No. 74 of XI June
1949. The Embassy's note stated the yiervs of the Soviet Government
with reference to (1)the Acting Secretary of State's note of 31 May,
1949, transmitting for the information of the Governments of the
Byelorussjan Soviet Socialist Republic and of the Ukrainian Soviet
Socialist Republic, as signatories to the Treaties of Peace with Bulgana,
Hungary and Rumania, copies of notes exchanged between tiie United
States Government and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and
Rumania concerning disputes arising out of violations of the clauses
of the respective Treaties of Peace which guarantee the enjoyment

of human nghts to al1 perçons under the jurisdiction of those three
States ;and (2)the letters sent on 31 May,1949, by thc Amcrican Chiefs
of Mission inRulgaria, Hungary and Rumania to their Soviet colleagues
requesting that the Heads of Mission of the United States, the United
Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in those three
countries meet, in accordance with the terms of the Peace Treaties,
to consider the disputes which have arisen concerning the interpretation
and execution of the Treaties.

It inoted that no direct reply has been made by the Soviet A~nbas-
sadors in Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania to the above-mentioned
letters of the hmerican Chiefs O€hlission.

The United States Goverliment regrets that the Government of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, by its refusal to CO-opcnitein the DOCUMEXTS TRANSMITTED 54

consideration of the disputes by the three Heads of Mission in Bulgaria,
Hungary and Rumania, has itself shown disregard for the stipulations
of the Peace Treaties providing explicitly that any dispute concerning
the interpretation or evecution of the Treaties ~vhichis not settled by
direct diplornatic negotiations shal1be referred to the three Headç of
The existence of disputes between the United States Government
and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania respectively
cannot be questioned. According to notes exchanged with these three
Goverriments, the United States Government has charged thern with
repeated and systematic violations of certain clauses of the Treaties
of Peace, andtheyhave replied asserting that their acts do not constitute
such violations. The Soviet Government, in the Embassy's note of
rr June, 1949h ,as associated itself with the position of the Governments
of Uulgaria, Hungary and Rumania in denying that the Treaties have
been violated. This interpretation is disputed by the United States
and by other signatories of the Treaties of Peace. The procedures set
forth in Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria, Article 40 of
the Treaty of Peace with Hungary, and Article 38 of the Treaty of
Peace with Riimania are precisely applicable to these disputes.

The opinions of the Soviet Government on the merits of the disputes,
as expressed in the Embassy's note of II June, desenre full consideration.
They are, however, irrelevant to the question whether or not dispute
exist and to the matter of instituting the procedures called for by the
above-mentioned articles of the Treaties of Peace.

The Ernbassy's note states that "it is self-evident that the measures
carried out by Rulgana, Hungary and Rumania with the aim of fulfil-
ling the articles of the Treaties of Peace rest wholly within the interna1
cornpetence of these countries as sovereign States". The United States
Government cannot agree that the fulfilment of international treaty
obligations can be considered as a purely domcstic affair. The applica-
tion of such a theory would not only permit the total circumventioii
of treaty obligations but would destroy thevery basis ofinternational law.

At the 190th ylenary meeting of the Third Session of the General
Assembly of the United Nations, 12 April, 1949, the Delegate of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in objecting to consideration by
the General Assembly of charges ofviolation of human rights in I3ulgaria
and Hungary, cited Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace with Uulgaria
and Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace ~4th Hungary and stated :"Even
if there were any violation of the Peace Treaties by Bulgaria and
Hungary, the States alleging such violations should adhere to the
procedures stipiilated in the Peace Treaties themselves." 1jrhether there
have been such violations is in dispute. The United Statesas a signatoy
Power making such allegations, had already, on 2 April, 1949i, nitiated
measures with a view to the application of the Treaty clauses cited by
the Soviet delegate. The Resolution of the General .Assembly on the
siibject, adopted on 30 April, 1949, noted these measures with satis-
faction, expressed the hope that they would be diligently applied, and
most iirgentlydrew the attention of the Governments of Bulgaria and , DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 55
Hungary to their obligations under the Peace Treaties, including the
obligation to CO-operatein the settlement of disputes. The Soviet Govern-
ment, however, by its present attitude, shows that it is unwilling itself

to act in accordance with these treaty procedures. This attitude of
the Soxiet Government represents an obstacle to the settlement of
disputes tvhich have arisen under the Treaties of Peace.

In the light of the foregoing the United States Government hopes
that, on further reflection, the SovietGovernment wiilseefit to reconsider
its decision as conveyed in the Embassy's note of Ir June, 1949a, nd

will instruct its representatives at Sofia, Budapest, and Bucharest to
meet with their respective American and British colleagues as the
latter requested in their letters delivered on1 May, 1949.

[Original text : Russian;

19 Ju~Y 1949.

In connexion with the note of the Secretary of State of 30 June,
1949i, n which the question is put anew of the convocation of ameeting
of the three Chiefs of Diplomatic Mission for the discussion of ques-
tions touched upon by the Government of the U.S.A. in notes to the
missions of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Riimania of 31 May lad, the
Embassy of the U.S.S.R. upon instruction of the Soviet Government
states the following:

The Soviet Government cannot agree with the considerations set
forth in the note of the Secretary of State mentioned above. Particularly,
it isimpossible to agree with the assertion of the Secretary of State
of the U.S.A. that measures being cnrried out by the Governments of
Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania, in the course:of interna1 government
administration with the aim of defense of democracy from the encroach-
ments on the part of pro-fascist and other organizations of a similar
nature, can allegedly be put in the category of questions provided for
by Article 36 ofthe Peace Treaty with Biilgaria, Articleqo of the Peace
îreatp with Hungary, and Article 38 of thePeace Treaty with Rumania.
As was pointed out in the note of the Soviet Government of 11 June
last, these measuresofthe Rulgarian, Hungarian, and Kumanian Govern-
ments not only are not a violation of the Peace Treaties, but pursue
aims provided for by those articles of the Peace Treaties mentioned
abovr, which obligate the Governments of Rulgaria, Hungary, and
Rumania to carry out measures for the dissolution of organizations
of a fascist type and in the future not to permit the existence and DOCUMENTS TRASSMITTED 56

activity of organizations of a siniilar nature directed against the aemo-
cratic rights of the peoples.

'Therefore, al1 references to violations of the I'eace 'Treaties allegedly
committed by Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania requiring the review
of these questions in accordance with the procedure established for the
review of disputes are artificial and misrepresent the actual sense of
the articles of the reference'eace Treaties.
At the same time, the Embassy of the U.S.S.K. conçiders it necessary
to remark that the reference note of the Secretary of State, as well as
the note of the Acting Secretary of State of 31 May, 1949, does not
contain any new argument in favour of the convocation of the mentioncd
In view of what lias been set forth ahove, the Soviet Government

cioesnot see any basis for review of its position which was corrimunicated
iri the note of Embassy of the U.S.S.K.of II June, 1949.


[Original text : French]

Ixeferringtonote No. 225 of the United States 1-egation dated 31 May,
1949, the 3linistry of Foreign Affairç of the People's Republic of BulgaRa
considers the following çtaternent indispensable :
The Government of the People's Republic of I3ulgaria considers as
unjustified the decision of the Government of tlie United States to resort
to the procedure establislied by Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace in
connexion with the execution by Bulgaria of the provisions of Article z
of the-same Treaty, particularly since the United States is already in
possession of a detailed reply and statement of the Rulprian Govern-
ment contained in the note of 21 April, 1949.

The Honorable Legation's note states that a dispute exists between
the United States of America and Bulgaria regarding the execution of
Article 2 of the Peace Treaty although the United States haç not made
and isunable to mnke any contestation or objection to the poi~itswhich
have been brought out in the aboïre-mentioncd note of the Foreign
Office dated 21 April, 1949. It is justly pointed out in the same note
that the Constitution of the People's Republic of 13ulgariawhich entered

into force on 6Decemher, 1947 ,onsecrates and guarantees to Bulgarian
citizens without distinction as to race, nationality, religion, origin or
social position all the rights and liberties wh'icliare mentioned in
Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace.Thus in full accordance with the Treaty
of Peace the Constitution states :
"Article 71.-Ali citizens of the People's Republic of Bulgaria
are equal before the law. No privilegeç based on nationality, origin, religion or niaterial
condition are recognized.
The propagation of racial, national or religious hatredispunish-
able by law."

"Article 78.-Citizens are guaranteed freedom of conscience and
religion, as well as freedom of celebration of religious rites.
The Church is separate from the State.
Special legislation shd settle the legal status, questions of
inaterial maintenance and right to self-administration and self-
go~lernrnent of religious conununities.
Abuse of the Church and religion for political airns, as well as
the formation of political organizations on a cotifessional basis is
" Article 82.-The freedom and inviolability of the person are
guaranteed. No one can be detained for more than forty-eight hours

witliout order of the judicial organs of orthe prosecutor.
Penalties are' irnposed only on the strength of existing laws.

Penalties are personal and comme~isurate to the offence.

Penalties for offences can be imposed only by the proper courts.

Uefendants are entitIed to legal assistance."
" Article 87.-Hulgarian citizens have the right to form societies,
associations and organizations, provided sarne are not directed
against public order and the State and are not in contradiction
rvith the present Constitution.
The law prohibits and punisï~eçthe formation of and mernbership

in organizations, having for aim to deprive or infnnge the rightsand
freedoms of the Bulgarian people, won by conquest through the
national uprising of 9 September, 1944, and guaranteed by the
present Coristitutio~i, to threaten national independence and State
sovereignty of the country, or which. overtly or covertly advocate
fascist and anti-democratic ideology or facilitate imperialist aggres-
" Article 88.-Citizens of ttie People's Republic are guaranteed
freedom of press, speech, assemhly, meetings and manifestatioiis."

These perfectly clear constitutional provisions leave no room for any
possible dispute in so far as concerns the execution and interpretation
of Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace.
But the Honorable Legation of the United States of America has
neither contested nor been able to contest the Bulgarinn position, namely
that the actual cases enumerated in its note not only do not constitute
violations of the Treaty of Peace but much to the contrary they fa11
within the framework of the Peace Treaty executiori itselt and more
especially of Article 4 of this Treaty which for reasons not kiio~vnto the

Foreign Office has been passed over in silence in the noteof the Legation
of the United States ofAmcrica. Article 4 of the Treaty of Peace states : "iltticle 4.-Bulgaria, which in accordance with the Armistice
Agreement has taken measures for dissolving al1 organizations of a
fascist type on Bulganan terntory, whether political, military or
para-military, as well as other organizations conducting propaganda
hostile to the United Nations, shallnot permit in 'future the existence
ancl activities of organizations of that nature which have as their
aim denial to the people of their democratic rights."

That obligation deriving from theTreaty of Peace is included in Part II
of the above-mentioned Article 87 of the Constitution of the People's
Republic of Bulgana.
. The Honourable Legation has neither contested nor been able to
contest the position of the Bulgarian Government, namely that the
question of the various proceedings before Bulganan courts, the acts of
administrative agencies and others in various cases cannot be made a
subject of discussion in connexion with the execution of the PeaceTreaty

since, from the point of view of the principles of international law, the
text and spirit of the Treaty as well as the exact provisions of Article 2
of the United Nations Charter, such a discussion would constitute an
inadmissible interference in the interna1 affairs of Our country and
would be an infringement of its sovereignty.

In regard toal1 these questions as wel1 as to the other views of the
Ruigarian Government regarding the execution of Article 2 of theTreaty
of Peace, no discussion has been undertaken and still less canitbe said
-that discussions have been entered into for the settlement of a non-
existent dispute. In the Honorable Legation's note there is wrongly made
an allusion to a dispute without the subject and extent of this dispute
'being specified.

Consequently, the Bulgarian Government considers that there is
, evidence of neither the required facts nor a procedural basis in the case
to permit the application of Articl36 of theTreaty of Peace and considers
that the arguments of the Legation of the United States of America for
setting in motion the procedure provided in the said Article 36 of this
Treaty do not conform to the provisions oftheTreaty itself and of inter-
national law and rejects them categorically.

Annex 23


[Original text : English]
I August, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the hlinistry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and, acting on instructions
from the United States Government, has the honor to refer tothe Lega-
tion's note of 31 May,1949, regarding the dispute which has ?risen DOCUAIENTS TRAKSMITTED 59

concerning the interpretation and execution of Article z(3) of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Soviet Anibassador has made no reply to the letter of the United
States Rlinister under date of31 May, a copy of which was attached to
theLegation'sabove-mentioned note of thesame date, proposing consider-
ation of this dispute by the thrce Heads of Mission in accordance with
Article 40 of the Treaty of Peacc. The Soviet Government, in spite of the
provisions of the Treaty, has informed the United States Government
that it does not see any grounds for a convocation of the three Heads of
Mission for this purpose and has not seen fit to authorize its Ambassador
to joinhis United Statesand British colleaguesin considering the dispute.

.4lthough two months have elapsed since the Soviet iirnbassador was
invited to meet for this purpose, no meeting has taken place and the
dispute remains unresolved.

Article 40 of the Treaty provides that any dispute of this kind which
is not resolved by the three Heads of Mission within a period of t~vo
months shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree iipon
another means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party
to the dispute to a Commission composed of one representative of each
party and a third rnember selected by mutual agreement of the two
parties from nationals of s third country.
The United States Government in the circumstances, requests that the
dispute be referred to a Commission to be constituted in accordance with
the provisions of Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace. Accordingly, the
Legation of the United States has been instructed to ask the Hungarian
Government to join the United States Go\.ernment: in appointing such a


[Original text :English]
1 Au~us~, 1949.

The Legation of ttie United States of America present its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uulgaria and, acting on instructions
from the United States Government, has the honor to refer to tlie
Legation's note of 31 May, 1949, regarding the dispute which has arisen
concerning the interpretation and esecution of Article2(3)of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Soviet Ambassador bas made no reply to the letter of the United
States Minister under date of 31 May, a copy of whicl~was attached to
the Legation's above-mentioned note of the same date, proposing
consideration of this disputeby the three Heads of Mission inaccordance
with Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace. The Soviet Government, in spite
of the provisions of the Treaty, has informed the United States Govern-
ment that it does not sec any grounds for a convocation of the three DOCUMENTS TRASÇAIITTED 60
Heads of Mission forthis purpose and has not seen fit toauthorize its
Ambasçador to join his United States and Uritish colleagues in consider-
ing the dispute. Although two months have elapsed since the Soviet
Ambassador was invited to meet for this purpose, no meeting haç taken
place and the dispute remains unresoIved.

In this connexion the Government of the United States has also taken
cognizance of the views expressed by the Bulgarian Government in its
note No. 23-50-1 of27 July but is of the opinion that the points raised
by the Biilgarian Government tend to confim rather than deny that a
dispute exists.
Article 36 of the Treaty provides that any dispute ofthis kind which
is not resolved by the three Heads of hiission within a period of two
rnonths shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree upon
another means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party
to the dispute to a Commission composed of one representative of each
party and a third member selected by mutual agreement of the two
parties from nationals of a fhird country.
The United States Government, in the circumstances, requests that the
dispute be referred to a Commission to be constituted in accordance with
the provisions of Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace. Accordingly, the
Legation of the United States has been instructed to ask the Bulgarian
Governrnent to join the United States Governrnent in appointing such a

Annex 25

[Original text:English]

1 August, 1949.
'The1-egation of theUnited States of America presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rumania and, acting on instructions
from the United States Government, has the honor to refer to the Lega-
tion's note of 31 May, 1949, regarding the dispute which has arisen
concerning the interpretation and execution of Article2(3) of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Soviet Ambassador has made no reply to the letter of the United
States Mitiister under date of 31 May a copy of which was attaclied to
the Legatioii's above-mentioned note of the same date, proposing
consideration of this dispute by the threeHeads of Riissionin accordance
with Article 3s of the Treaty of Peace. The Soviet Government, in spite
of the provisions of the Treaty, has informed the United States Govern-
ment that it does not see any grounds for a convocation of the three
Heads of Mission for this purpose and has not seen fit to authorize its
Ambassador to join hisUnited Statesand British colleaguesin considering
the dispute. Although two months have elapsed since the Soviet Am-
bassador was invited to meet for this purpose, no meeting has taken place
and the dispute remains unresoived.
S Article 38 of the l'reaty provides that any dispiite of tlikiod ~vliich
is not resolved by the three Heads of Miçsion within a period of two
months shall, unless the parties to the disputc mutually agree upon
another means of settlement, be referred at the recluest of either party
to the dispute to a Commission composed ofone representative of each
party and a third member selected by mutual agreement of the two
parties from nationals of a third country.
The United States Government, in the circumstances, requests that
the dispute be referred to a Commission to be constituted in accordance
with the provisions of Article 3s of the Trcaty of Peace. Accordingb,
the Lcgation ofthe United Stateshas been instructed to ask the Rornanian
Government to join the United States Government in appointing such a


[Original text : English]

'TheHunganan hlinistry for Foreign hffairs preseiits itscompliments
to the Legation of the United States of America in Budapest and with
reference to the Legation's note No. 502 in the narne of itsGovernment
has the honour to state the following :
The Hungarian Government consequently fulfilled anci fulfils the
provisions of the Peace Treaty. The Hungarian Goverriment has in a
manner leavin no doubts brought this to the notice of the Governrnent
of the United !tates of America several times in its noteç Nos. 49311949
and 2672/1949.
Iteferringto Article 40 of the Peace Treaty the Government of the
United States of America in itsnote invites the Hungarian Government
to send its representative in the Commission to be set upin the terms of
this paragraph. However, as it is stressed in the Legation's note, para-
graph 40 stipulates that the Commission be delegated only in case of a
"dispute" concerning the interpretation and carrying out of the Peace,
Treaty. There can be no queçtion, however, about such a "disputev-
because-as it canclearly be seen in the enumerated notes of the Hunga-
rian hlinistry for Foreign Affairs-the Hungarian Government has
exactly fulfilled~its obligations assumed in the Peace Treaty,

With the view that the Yeace Treaty explicitly recogriized Hungary's
sovereignty and, ai the same time, made it ohligatory to the Hungarian
Goverriment to iake proper measureç against tendencies of fascist
character, the Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs expresses its
surprise upon the fact that the note of the United States of America
wishes to make a matter of dispute out of-such rneasures taken by the DOCUAIEXTS TRAXSMITTED 62

Hungarian Government which exclusively belong to the interna1 affairs
of the sovereign Ilungarian State and which directlyfollowfrom the
consequent carrying out of the Peace Treaty.
After al1 this the Hungarian Government can give no other inter-
pretation to the note of the Government of the United States of America
than its being a repeated attempt to interfere with the interna1 affairs
of the Hungarian People's Republic. The Governmcnt of the United
States of America obviously wishes to impose n pressure on Hungary
toinduce the Hun arian Government to subordinate its policy to the
endeavors of the 8 overnment of the United States of America. The
Hungarian Government is not wiliing to do soand categorically states
that it \vil1 continue maintaining the consistently democratic trend of
its policy aiming at the defense of peace.
In riew of the above said, the Hungarian Government rejects the
note of the Government of the United States of America transmitted
through its Legation as offending the sovereignty of the Hungarian
People's Xepublic nncl states that Hungary considers the setting up of

a Con:mission with reference to Article40 of the Peacc Treaty groundless
arid purposeless and consequently will not participatein it.

The Hungarian hlinistryfor Foreign Affairsavails itself of this oppor-
tunity etc.

Annex 27

Note verbale

[Original text : French!
I September, 1949.

In reply to the note of the Honorable Legation of the United States
of America in Sofia of I August, 1949, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the People's Republic ofBulgaria js obliged to note with regret that
the Government of the United States has evidenced no desire to examine
the considerations which the Bulgarian Government set fortfi in its
notes Nos: 21088/44 /nd 230/j0/I of zr April and 27 July, 1949,
Supplementing that which ïvas set forth in its preceding notes, the
hlinistry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Rulgaria is
instructed by its Government to state the following :
The Bulgarian Government is of the opinion that the invitation
which has been extended to it to participate in the Commisçion provided
for in Article 36 of the Peace Treaty is completelÿ iinjustified. The
Govemment of the People's Republic of Bulgaria has always fu1filIed
and continues to fiilfil tobligationswhich are incu~bent on it under
the Peace 'Creaty. It receives with surprise the accusatioiis of the Govern-
ment of the United States pertaining to matters with respect to which
the Bulgarian Government has put forthgreat efforts and has achieved
therein the beçt results especially as regards the democratizatioof the
country and the safeguarding of the rights and liberties of Bulgarian
citizens. The actions effected by the Bulgarian Government in execution of
its obligations deriving from Article 4 of the Peace Treaty could not Lie
descnbed as violations of this Treaty. -
The Governrnent .of the People's Republic of Rulgaria maintains
its point of view, i.e. that we are not faced with a dispute in the sense
of Article36 of the Peace Treaty, a dispute capable of being submitted
to investigation and of being resolved in accordance with the procedure
provided for in the said text. The tenor of the notes addressed by the
Honorable Legation in connexi011 with the pretended violation of
Article 2 and the replies of the XIinistry to thoçe notes do not biing

forth any definite object of dispute. In its notes the Government of the
United Stateshas merely expresçed its unilateral opinion and yronounced
a judgment not corresponding to reality on the régime of the people's
democracy in Hulgaria.
The Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria would be
unable otherwise to interprct the "di~pute" which the Governnîent of
the United States is trying artificially to create escept as an attempt
at intervention in the interna1 affairs of Bulgaria ancl pressure on the
Rulgarian Government in order to bring about a change in its policy
in the direction desired by the Government of the United States. These
attempts are in violation ofthe sovcreignty of 13ulgariaand in flagrant
contradiction with the fundamental principles of .the Charter of the
United Nations as ive11as with the spirit of the Peace Treaty.
in view of al1these considerations, the 13ulgarian Government cannot
accept the invitation ivhich has been addressed to it with aview to the
constitution of the Comniission provided for in Article 36 of the Peace
The Ministry of Foreign ~flairi of the People's Repiiblic ofBulgaria
takes this occasiori, etc.


Note verbale
[Original test : Rornaniaii!

2 September, 1949.
The Ministry for Foreign Affajrs presents its compliments to the
Legation of the Uiiited States and ~4th reference to note Xo. 687 of

I August coricerning the interpretation and execution of ~lrticle 3 of
the Treaty of Peace and the applicatiorl of .Article 38 of theTreaty of
Peace, has the ftonor to comrnunicate to it on bchalf of the Government
of the Rümanian I'eople's RepubIic the folloming :
The Goverriment of the Rumanian People's Republic has sliown in
its note of 13April, 1949, that the laws of the liumanian People's
Repubiic guaran tee the strict application ofthe provisions of Article 3
of the Treaty and of the obligations assumed in conformity with the
Treaty of Peace.
The régimeof people's democracy assures to the people human rights
and fundamental freedoms. The Constitution of the Rrimanian People's DOCUMENTS TKdXS31ITTED 64

Republic guarantees freedom of public meetings and demonstrations,
of speech and of the press, assures freedom of religion, and forbids
racial and religious discrimination, which is punished by law ; women
enjoy full and equal rights.

The fundamental freedoms and human rights are carried out in
practice by placing meeting places, printing facilities and paper at the
disposa1of those who work. Keligious communities possess the properties

and premises necessary for the practice of their religion.

The continuous progress of the national economy, protected from
the scourge of depression and unemployment, the increase of the standard
of living of those who work, and the improvement of their cultural
level assure the material and moral basis which permits the people to
make full use of the human rights and fundamental freedoms.
In view of these facts the Government of the Rumanian People's
Republic considers thal the affirmations inciuded in the United States
Legation'ç notes Nos. 627 of 31 May, 1949,and 687 of rAugust, 1~9,
regarding the interpretation and execution of the Treaty of Peace do
not correspond to reality .

Consequently, the Government of the Rumanian People's Kepublic
considers that there are no reasons to invoke Article 38 of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Government of the liumariian People's Republic finds that the
Government of the United States persists in its attempt to prevent
the applicatiori ofArticle 5 of the Treaty of Peace by the Government
of the Rumanian People's Republic and makes the siibject of dispute
the measures taken by the Rumanian Government against fascist
remnants, as weLlas the sentences given by the courts of the Rumanian

People's Republic against the spies and saboteurs in the service of
foreign espionage services, measures which correspond to the provisions
. of the Treaty of Peace, and which fa11entirely within the jurisdiction
of the internal courts of the Rumanian PeopIe's Kepublic as a sovereign
In tl-iesepersistent attempts ofthe Government of the Unitecl States
is shown clearly that Government's tendency to interfere in the internal
affairs of the Rumanian People's Republic and to attempt to use the
articles of the Treaty of Peace as a pretext to exercise pressure with
the object of changing the policy of the Runianian Government in a
direction favorable to the interests of the Governments of the United
States and Great Rritain and against the will and the interests ofthe
Rumanian People.
For these reasons, the Government of the Rumanian People's Republic
rejects as cornpletely unfounded the request of the United States
Government expressed in itç note of I .4ugust, 1949. -4nnex.29


[Original text : English]
19 September, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of America presents itscornplim-
ents to the h,rinistryof Foreign Affairs ofHungary and has the honor,
acting on instructions from thc United States Government, to refer
to the Legation's note of I Auguçt, 1949, and to the reply of the
hlinistry of Foreign Affairs dated 26 August, 1949, concerning the
establishment of a Conimission for the resolution of the dispute which
has arisen with res ect to the interpretatioii and execution ofArticle 2
of the Treaty of Peace.
The United States Goveriiment considers that the Hungarian Goverri-
ment has no grounds for declaring unilaterally that a dispute over
Hungary's esecution of Article z of the Peace Treaty does not exist.
Since the interpretation placed by the United States Goi-ernmeiit on
the acts of the Hungarian Government with reference to the latter's
Treaty obligations respecting humaii rights and freedomç does not
correspond with the interpretatioii advanced by the Hungarian Govern-
ment, the existence of adispute is self-evident.In the vieiu of the United
States Government, refusa1 by the Hungarian Government to comply
with the provisions of Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace, relating to the

establishrr~ent of a Commission to reach a decision on that dispute,
constitutes a serious new breach of Treaty obligations.

The excuse made hy the Hungarian Government in its note of
26 August, 1949, that its actions which have been called into question
by the Uiiited States Government have been taken in esecution of
Hungarv's obligations under Article 4 of the Treaiy is a flinisy pretest
that will not stand esamination in the light of the systeniatic supp1.e~-
. sion of human rights and freedoms iri Hungary. Itis patently not the
intent of Article 4 that its provisions should be utilized by the Hurigarian
Governrnent as a doak for the elimination of al1 opposition to the
totalitarian rule of a minority or for the denial of fundamental freedoms
specified in Articl2. The United States Government does not acquiesce
in the Hungarian Government's arrogation to itself of the exclusive
right to judge its own actions in relation to Peace Treaty obligations.
It is clear, moreover, that Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace would be
withaut meaning and purpoçe if the Hungarian Government were
the sole arhiter of itsesecution of international obligations under tlie

iis regards the intimation of the Huiigarian Government that its
sovereignty isimpugned by the action of the United States Govern~nent
in iiivoking the Treaty of Peace, it is manifest that the sovereignty
of Hungary is lirnited by Hungary's clear international obligations. The
matters dealt with in Article 2 and Article 40 of the Peace Treaty
impose international obligations on Hungary. Accordingly, the invoca-
tion by the United States, a signatory of the Treaty of Peace, of specific DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 66

treaty procedures for the settlement of a dispute involving Hungary's
execution of its Treaty obligations can in no sense be regarded as
unwarranted intervention in the interna1 affairs of Hungary.

Continued refusa1 by the Hungarian Government to join in the
establishment of a Commission for the resolution of the existing dispute
-a procedure expressly stipulated by Article 40 of the Peace Treaty-
can only be regarded by the United States Government as a further
deliberate violation of internationalobligations and as dernonstrative
of a lack of good faith on the part of the Hungarian Government. In
these circumstances, the Legation is instructed to inform the Hungarian
Government that itsrecaicitrant attitude in thimatter can in no way

affect the determination of the United States Government to have
recourse to a11 appropnate measures for securing the cornpliance by
the Hunganan Government with its obligations under Article z of the
Peace Treaty respecting human rights and the fundamental freedoms
and under Article 40 respecting the procedure for dealing with disputes
arising over the interpretation and execution of the Treaty of Peace.


[Original text : English]

-19September, 1949.
The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and hasthe honor, acting
-on instructions from the United States Governme~it, to refer to the
Legation's note of I August, 1949, and to the reply of the Ministry of
'Foreign Affairs dated r September, 1949 ,oncerning the establishment

ofa Commission forthe resolution of the dispute which haç arisen with
respect tothe interpretationand execution of Article z of the Treaty of
The United States Government considers that the Bulgarian Govern-
.ment haç no grounds for declaring unilaterally that a dispute over
Bulgana's execution of Article z of the Peace Treaty does not exist.
Since the interpretation placed by the United States Government on the
:acts of the Bulgarian Government with reference to the latter's Treaty
obligations respectinghuman rights and freedoms does not correspond
-with the interpretation advanced by the Bulgarian Government, the
existence ofa dispute is self-evident. In theview of the United States
nGovernment, refusa1 by the Bulgarian Government tocomply with the
provisions of Article36 of the Treaty of Peace, reiating to the cstablish-
-ment of a Com~riissionto reach a deciçion on that dispute, constitiiteç
.aserious new breach ofTreaty obligations. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 67

The excuse made by the Bulganan Government in its note ofI Septem-
ber, r94~, that its actions which have been caiied into question by the
United tates Government have been taken in execution of Bulgaria's
obligations under Article 4 ofthe Treaty is a flimsy pretext that will not
stand examination in the light of the systematic suppression of human
rights and freedoms in Bulgaria. It is patently not the intent of Articleq
that itç provisions should be utilized by the Bulgarian Government as a
cloak for the elimination of al1 opposition to the totalitanan ruIe of a
minonty or for the denial of fundamental freedoms specified in Article 2.
The United States Government does not acquiesce in the Bulgarian
Government's arrogation to itself of the exclusive right to judge its
own actions in relation to Peace Treaty obligations. It is clear, moreover,
that Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace would be without rneaning and
purpose if the RuIgarian Govcrnment were the sole arbiter of its execution
of international obligations under the Treaty.

As regards the intimation of the Bulgarian Government that its
sovereignty isimpugned by the action of the United States Government
in invoking the Treaty of Peace, it ismanifest that the sovereignty of
Bulgaria is limited by Bulgaria's clear international obligations. The
matters dealt with in Article 2 and Article 36 of the Peace Treaty impose
international obligations on Bulgaria. Accordingly, the invocation by
the United States, a signatory of the Treaty of Peace, of specific treaty
procedures for the settlement ofa dispute involving Bulgaria's execution
of its Treaty obligations can in no sense be regarded as unwarranted -
intervention in the interna1 affairs of Bulgana,

Continued refusal by the Bulgarian Government to loin in the establish-
ment of a Commission for the resolntion of the existing dispute-a
procedure expressly stipulated by Article 36 of the Peace Treaty-can
only be regarded by the United States Government as a further deliberate
violation of internationa1 obligations and as demonstrative of a lack of
good faith on the part of the Bulganan Government. In these circurn-
stances, the 1-egation is instructed to infom the Bulgarian Government
that its recalcitrant attitude in this matter can in no way affect the
determination of tlie United States Government to have recourse to al1
appropriate measures for securing the cornpliance by the Bulgarian
Government with its obligations under Article 2 of the Peace Treaty
respecting human rights and the fundamental freedoms and under
Article 36 respecting the procedure for dealing with disputes arising over
the interpretation and execution of the Treaty of Peace. UNITED STATES NOTE TO RUbiANIA

[Original text :EngIish]
19 Septernber, 1949.

The 1,egatiori of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the hlinistry of Foreign Affairs of Rumaniaand has the honor, acting
on instructions from the United States Government, to refer to the
Legation's note of I August, 1940,and to the reply of the Blinistry of
Foreign Affairs dated 2 September, 1949, conceraing tlie establisliment
of a Commission for the resolution of the dispute which has arisen with
respect to the interpretation and esecution of Article 3 of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Uriited States Government considers that the Iiumanian Govern-
ment has no grounds for dcclaring unilaterally that a dispute over
Rumania's execution of Article 3 of the Peace Treaty does not exist.
Since the interpretation plrtced by the United States Government on the
actç of the Rumanian Government with reference to the latter's Treaty
obligations respecting human rights and freedoms does not correspond
with the interpretation advanced by the Rumanian Government, the
existence of a dispute is self-evident. In the view of tlie United States

Government refusal by the Rumanian Governmen t to comply with the
provisions of Article 38 of the Treaty of Peace, relating to the establish-
nient of a Commission to rcach a decision on that diçpiite, constitutes a
serious new breach of treaty obligations.

The excuse.rnade by the Rumanian Government in its note of2 Sep-
tember, 1949, that its actions which have been called into question by
the United States Governmenthave been taken in execution of Rumania's
obligations under Article 5 ofthe Treaty is a flimsy pretest thatwill not
stand examination in the light of the systematic suppression of human
rights and freedoms in Riimania. It1spatently not the intent of Article5
that its provisions should be utilized by the Kurnanian Government as
a cloak for the elimination of al1 opposition to the totalitarian rule of a
minority or for the denial of funttarnental freedoms spccified in Artic3.
The United States Goirerninent cloes not acquiesce in the 1Xum;inian
Government'ç arrogation to itself of the exclusive right ta juclgeitsown
actions in relation to Peace Treaty obligations. 1t.k clear, moreover, that
Article 38 of the Treaty of Pcace would be without meaning and purpose
if the Rumanian Governmeiit were the sole arbiter of its execution of
international obligations undcrthe Treaty.

As regards the intimation of the Rumanian Government that its
sovereignty iç impugncd by the action of the United States Government
in invoking the Treaty of Peace, it is manifest that the sovereignty of
Rumania is limited by Rumania's clear international obligations. The
matters dealt with in Article3 and Article 38 of the Peace Treaty impose
international obligationson liumania. Accordingly, the invocation by the

9United States, a signatory of the Treaty of Peace, of specific treaty
of its Treaty obligations can in no sense be regardedRuasnunwarrantedion
intervention in the interna1 affairs ofRumania.

Continued refusal by the Rumanian Government to join in the establish-
ment of a Commission for the resolution of the existing dispute-a
procedure expressly stipulated by Article 38 of the Peace Treaty-can
only be regarded bythe United States Government as a further deliberate
violation of international obligations and as demonstrative oa lack of
good faith on the part of the Rumanian Government. In these circum-
stances, the Legation is instructed to inform the Rumanian Government
that its recalcitrant attitude in this matter can in no way affect the
determination of the United States Government to have recourse to
al1appropriate rneasures for securing the cornpliance by the Rumanian
Government with its obligations under Article 3 of the Peace Treaty
respecting human rights and the fundamental freedorns and under
Article 38 reçpecting the procedure for dealing with disputes arising
over the interpretation and execution of the Treaty of Peace.


Document A/ggo/Rev. I. [Original text:English]

New York, 19September, 1949.

I have the honour to refer to General Assembly resolutian 272 (III}
of 30 April, 1949, about the observance in Bulgaria and Hungary of
mentary list of items for the agenda of the Fourth Regular Session of-
the General Assembly (the observance of fundamental freedoms and
human rights in Roumania including the question of religious and civil

2. In this connexion 1 have the honour to inform Your Excellency,
on jnstructions from His hlajesty's Principal' Secretaryof State for
Foreign Affairs, that His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom
have taken al1 the steps prescribed in the final clauses of the Yeace
Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania for the irnplementation
of those Treaties, and that the Bulgarian and Hungarian Governments
have refused, and the Roumanian Government has failed, to comply
with the Treaty procedure. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 7O

3. 1 enclose copies of the following notes on this subjectwhich have
been exchanged between His Majesty's Government and the govern- .
ments concerned :

I.Note of 2 April,1949 ,o the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. Note of 2 April, 1949 o the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3. Note of 2April, 1949, to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4. Reply of 7 April, 1949, from the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
5. Reply of 19 April, 1949, irom the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign
6. Reply of 21 April, 1949, from the BuIgarian hlinistry of Foreign

7. Notes of 31 May, 1949, to the Bulgarian, Hungarian and Roumanian
Rlinistries of Foreign Affairs.
8. Notes of 31 May, 1949, to the United States Heads of Missions in
Sofia, Budapest and Eucharest.
9. Notes of 31 May, 1949, to the Soviet Weads of Missions in Sofia,
Budapest and Bucharest.

ru. Note of 12 June, 1949, from .the Soviet Embassy in London.

11. Note of 30 June, 1949, in repIy to the Soviet Embassy's note of
12 June, 1949.

12. Note of 27 July,1949, from thelulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

13, Note of 1August, 1949, to the Bulgarian, Roumanian and Hungarian
Ministries of Foreign Affairs.
14.Reply of 26 August, 1949, from the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
15. Reply of I September, 1949, from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign

16. Note of 2 September, 1949 from the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign
17, Notes of 19 September, 1949, to the Bulgarian, Hungarian and
Roumanian Ministries of Foreign Affairs.

4. 1 have the honour to request that this communication be brought
to the attention of al1 Members of the United Nations.

Representative of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland to
' the United Nations
. ...

Annexes Pages
I. United Kingdom note verbaleof z April,1949, to Buigaria

2. United Kingdom noteverbaleof 2 Apnl, 1949 ,o Rournania

3. United Kingdom note verbaleof zApril, 1949,to Hungary

4. Wungarian note of 7 April, 1949, to the United Kingdorn
5. Roumanian note, received on 19 April,1949 o the United
Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . .
6. ~ul~arian ttoteverbale ofar April,1949, to the United
Kingdom . . , . . , . . , . , . . . . . .
7. United Kingdom note verbale of 31 May, 1949, to Bulgana

7a. United Kingdom note verbaleof 31 May, 1949,to Hungary

7 b. United Kingdom note verbaleof31 May, 1349,to Roumania

8. Letter dated 31May, 1949 ,rom the British Minister in Sofia
to the United States Minister . , . . . . . . . .
8 a. Letter dated 31 May, 1949, from the British Minister'in
Budapest to the United States Chargé d'Affaires. . . .
8 b. Letter dated 31 May, 1949, from the British Minkter in
Bucharest to the United States hlinister. . . . . . .
9. Letter dated 31 May, 1949f,rom the British Minister in Sofia
to the Soviet Ambassador. . . . . . . . . . . .

g a.Letter dated 31 May, 1949, from the Britis Mhinister in
Budapest to the Soviet Ambassador . . . . . . . .

g6. ett tedated 31May, 1949, from the I3ritish bfinister in
Bucharest to the Soviet Ambassador . . . . . . .

IO. Note dated 12 June, 1949, from the Soviet Embassy in
London. . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . .
II. United Kingdom note of 30 June, 1949 ,n reply to the Soviet
Ernbassy's note of 12 June, 1949 . . . . . . . . .

12, Bulgarian note verbale of 27 July, 1949, to the United
Kingdom. . . . . , ., . . . . . . . . . . .
13. United Kingdom note verbaleof I August, 1949 o Bulgaria

13 a. United Kingdom noteverbaleof IAugust, 1949 ,oRournania

13 b. United Kingdom noteverbaleofI August, 1949,.to Hungay DOCUhlENTS TRAKSRIITTED 72

Annexes Pages
14. Hungarian note verbaleof 26 August, 1949, to the United.
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ... 99
Bulgarian note verbale of r Septkmber, 1949, to the United
15. Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ... IOO

16. Roumanian ?&offverbaleof 2September, 1949, to the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. .... IOI
17. United Kingdom noie verbale of rg September. 1949, to
Bulgaria .................. 102
17a. United Kingdom note verbaie of rg Septernber, 1949, to
Hungary ................ I03
17 b. United Xingdom note verbale of 19 September, 1949, to

Roilrnania. ................. 104

[Original text :English]

2 April, 1949.
Kis Britannic Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the
Bulgarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and, on instructions from His
Majeçty's Government in the United Kingdom, have the honour to

invite attention to Article z of the Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria,
which reads as follows :
"Bulgaria hall take al1 measures necessary to secure to al1
persons under Bulgarian jurisdiction, without distinctionas to
race, sex, language or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and
of the fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, of
press and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion
and of public meeting."

z. Since the Treaty of Peace entered into force on rg September,
1947, His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, as a party
tothat instrument, have kept a close watch on the actions of the Bulga-
rian Government in relation to the provision of the above-quoted article.
They have corne with regret to the conclusion that the Bulgarian
Government have deliberately and systematically denied to the Bulga-
rian people the exercise of those very rights and freedoms \vhich they
were pledged to secure to them under Article z of the Treaty.
3. Curtailment of these rights and freedorns began during the ~rmistice
period and has been continued and intensified since the entry into force
of the Peace Treaty. By the arbitrary exerciçe of administrative and
police power without any judicial.procesor possibility of judicial redress,
the Bulgarian Government and their agents have violated the rights
of thecitizens, as free men and wornen, to life and liberty. Large numbers
of citizens have been arrested and detained in custody i~idefinitely or
sent to penal labour camps. Freedom to express political opinions
at variance with those of the Government has been stifled, Through the Government's initiative, democratic political parties which held
substantial mandates from the people have been silenced in Parliament,
spiintered, shattered and even dissolGed. Democratic political leaders
have been deprived of their liberty by perverted judicial process and
in the most renowned case of an, that of Nikola Petko-v, the leader of
the National Agrarian Union, deprived of life itself. In order to enforce
ri@ political conformity, the Bulgarian Government and the Bulganan
Communist Party, which is in control of the State, have established a
network of police and other agents who observe, report on, penetrate
and interfere with the pnvate opinions, asçociations and activities of
the Bulganan citizens.

4. The Rulgarian Government have also circumscribed freedom of
expression. Freedom of press and publication does not exist and it is
impossible for individuai citizens to express substantive criticism of
the Government or the Communist Party. All opposition newspapers
have long been suppressed, either by direct and arbitrary Government
action, or by pressure from the Communiçt-dominated organizations
acting without hindrance from, and indeed with the obvious approval
and support of the Bulgarian Government. The foreign press and agency
correspondents are in practice subjected to control and sanctions which
are no less effective than would be an officia1censorship.

5. Again, the Bulgarian Government have pursued a policy detri-
mental to freedom of religious worship. They have sought to disrupt
the religious communities, to circurnscribe their activities and by the
exercise of varying degrees of pressure either to make their leaders
subservient tools of the Communist political ajms or to paralyse their
influence.The latest example of this many-sided technique has been
afforded by the staging in Sofiaof the notorious trial of fifteen Protestant
. 6. In these circumstances, His Jlajesty's Government in the United
Kingdom as a signatory to theTreaty of Peace consider that the Bulga-
nan Government have repeatedly violated and continue to violate the
provisions of Article 2 of that Treaty. They accordingly call upon the
of these violations. to adopt prompt remedial rneasures in respect
7, In view ofthe absence of local Australian and New Zealand repre-
sentation in Bulgaria, the Australian and New Zealand Governments
have requested His Majesty's Legation to inform the Bulgarian Ministry
for Foreign Affairs that they associate themselves with the terms of
this note.
His Britannic Majesty's Legation take this opportunity, etc. DOCUMENTS TRANS3lITTED 74


[Original tevt : English]
z April, 1949.

His Rlajesty's Legation presents its compliments to the Roumanian
hlinistry of Foreign Affairs and, on instructions from Wis bïajesty's
Government in the United Kingdom, has the honour to invite the
attention of the Koumanian Government to Article 3 of the Treaty
of Pcace with Roiimania which reads as follona :
"1. Koumania shall take al1 measures necessary to secure to al1

persons under lioumanian jurisdiction, without distinction as to
race, sex, langunge or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and
of tlie fundamental frccdoms, including the freedom of expression,
of press and piiblicrition, of religious worship, of political opinion
and of public mccting.
2. Rouniariin further undertakes that the lams in force in Rouma-
nia shall not, either in thcir content or in their application,
discsirniiiate or entail any discrimination between persons of
Roiirnanian natioiiality on the ground of their race, sex, language
or religion, whether in reference to their persons, property, business,
professional or financial interests, status, political or cirights or
any other matters."

2. Since the Treaty of Peace entered into force on Ij September, 1947,
His filajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, as aparty to that
instrument, have kept a close watch on the actions of the Koumanian
Government in relation to the provisions above quoted. They have come
with regret to the conclusion that the Koumanian Government have
deliberately and systematically dcnied to the Koumanian people the
exercise of those very rights and freedoms mhich they were pledged tu
secure to them under Article 3 of the Treaty.
3. The curtailment of these rights and freedoms began during the

armistice period and has been continuecl and intensified since the entry
into force of the Peace 'I'reaty. Through arbitranly e'rercised police
power and perversion of the juclicial process for political ends, the
Roumaiiian Gover~iment and their agents have violated the rights of
citizens, as frce men and women, to life and liberty. Freedom of political
opinion in Koumanin is denieù to tl-iosewho do not share that of the
Government. 'fhrough the Governmeiit's initiative, democratic political
parties dich hcld subçtantial mandates from the people have been
silenced in Parliament, purgecl, splintered and outlawed. Democratic
political leaders havebecn deprivecl of their libertby perverted ji~dicial
process and one of them, Iuliu hlaniu, the President of the National
Yeasant Party, was condemncd to imprisonment for life. In order to
enforce rigid political conformitÿ, the Roumanian Government and
Koumanian Worker'ç Party which is in control of the State have
established a networli of police and other agents tvho observe, report
on, penetrate and interferein private opinions, associations and activities
of Roumanian citizens.- 4, The Roumanian Government have also circumscribed freedom of
expression. Freedom of press and publication does not exist. The basic
decrees relating tothe press are restnctive in characterand so interpreted
in practice. Substantive criticism of the Govemment or Workers' Party
is at once met with reprisals. The distribution of news print is so effected
as to restrict expressionby individuals or groups whose political opinions
are at variance with those of the Government. Likewiseforeign press and
agency correspondents are in practice subjected to control and sanctions
which are no less effective than would be an officia1censorship.

5, Again, the Roumanian Government have pursued a policy detri-
mental to freedom of religious worship. Having taken legal powers to
regirnent religious organizations, the Roumanian authorities have
resorted to persecution in the case of the Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church
and dissolved this religious body which had over one million adherents.

6. In these circumstances His Majesty's Government in the United
Kingdom as a signatory to the Treaty of Peace consider thatthe Rouman-
ian Government have steadily violated, and continue to violate, the
provisions of Article 3 of that Treaty. They accordingly cal1upon the
Roumanian Government to adopt promptly remedial measures in
respect of these violations.
7. In view of the absence of separate Canadian, Australian, and New
Zealand representation in Rournania, the Government of Canada,
Australia and New Zealand ha\ie requested His hlajestyL 'egation to
inforrn the Roumanian Rlinistry of Foreign Affairs that they associate
themselves with the terms of this note.
8, His hlajesty's Legation avails itself of this opportunity, etc.

Annex 3

[Original text: English]

2 April, 1949.
His Britannic Majesty's Legation pisent their compliments to the
Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, acting on instructions from
His hlajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, have the honour to
inviteattention to Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace with Hungary which
reads as follows :

"1. Hungary shall take al1 measures necessary to secure to aii
persons under Wungarian jurisdiction, \vithout distinction as to race,
sex,language or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and of the
fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, of press
and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion and of
public meeting. DOCUMENTS TRA'YSJIITTED 76
z. Hungary further undertakes that the laws in force in Hungary
shall not either in their content or in their application, discriminate
orentai1any discrimination between persons ofHungarian nationality
on the ground of their race, sex, lanpage or religion, whether in
reference to their persons, property, business, professional or finan-
cial interests, status, political or civil rights or any other matter."

2. Since theTreaty of Peace entered into force on I jSeptember, 1947, .
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, as a party to that
instrument, have kept a close watch on the actions of the Hunganan
Government in relation to the provisions quoted above. They have
corne with regret to the conclusion tliat the Hungarian Government
have deliberately and systematically denied to the Hunganan people
the exercise of those very rights and freedoms which they were pledged
to 3.cThe curtailment of thesc rights and freedoms began during the
Armistice period and has been continued and intensified since the entry
into force of the Peace Treaty. Through the arbitrary exercise of police
power and the perversion of judicial processes for political ends, the
Hungarian Government and their agents have violated the rights of
Hungarian citizens, as free men and women to life and liberty. Freedom
of political opinion in Hungary is denied to those who do not share that
of the Government. Through the Government's initiative, democratic
political parties which held substantial mandates from the people have
been silenced in Parliament, purged, splintered and dissolved. In order
to. enforce rigid political conformity, the Hunganan Government and
Hungarian Worker's Party, which is in control of the State, have
established a network of police and other agents who obsenre, report on,
penetrate and interfere in the private opinions, associations and activities
of Hungarian citizens. ,

4. The Hungarian Government have also circumscribed freedom of
expression. Freedom of press and publication does not exist. The basic
decrees relating to the press are restrictive in character and so inter-
. preted in practice, Substantive criticism of the Government or \Vorkers'
Party is at once met with reprisais. Distribution of newsprint is so
effected as to restrict expressionby individuals or groups whose political
opinions are at variance with those of the Government. Eikewise foreign
press and agency correspondents are in practice subjected to control
and sanctions which are no less effective than would be an official

5. Again the Hungarian Government have pursued a policy detri-
mental to freedom of religious worsliip. By the imprisonment of religious
leaders such as the Lutheran Bishop Ordass and Cardinal Mindszenty,
as well as of clergy and prominent hymen, after the staging of trials
which in many cases were manifestly prejudicial and improperly conduc-
ted, the Hungarian Government have attempted to force the submission
of independent Churcli leaders and to secure their replacement by
collaborators subservient to the 11Torkers'Party and its programme, DOCUhIENTS TRANSMITTED 77

6. In these circurnstances His hlajesty's Government in the United
Kingdom as a signatory to theTreaty of Peace consider that the Hunga-
rian Government have steadily violated and continue to violate the
provisions of Article z of that Treaty. They accordingly cal1 upon the
Hungarian Government to adopt prompt remedial measures in respect
of these violations.
7. In view of the absence of separate Canadian, Australian and
New Zealand representation in Hungary, the Canadian, Australian and

New Zealand Governments have requested His Majesty's Legation
to inform the Hunganan Ministry of Foreign Affairs that they associate
themselves with the tems of this note.
His Britannic Majesty's Legation avail themselves of this oppor-
tunity, etc.

Annex 4

[Original text : English]

7 April, 1949.
The Hungarian hlinistry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments
to the Legation of the United Kingdom in Budapest and acknowledges
receipt of the latter's verbal note No.85/187/28/4g dated 2 ApriI,1949.
The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that the text,

essence and construction of the British note is similar to the nNo. 360
presented at the same tirne by the Legation of the United States of
America in Budapest. On the basis of this fact the Government of
Hungary establishes that, at the initiative of the United States Govern-
ment and agreed to by the Government of the United Kingdom, a
common diplornatic step was taken against the Government of Hungary.
Thus the Government of Hungary is not in a position to give the Govern-
ment of the United Kingdom an answer different from the one given
the Government of the United States. The Government of the United
Kingdom accuses the Government of Hungary witli the violation of
the Peace Treaty referring, first of ail, to Arti2,eparagraph I,of the
Peace Treaty which obliges Hungary to secure "to al1 persons under
Hungarian jurisdiction without distinction as to race, sex, language
or religion, thenjoyment of human rights and of the fundamental free-
doms". Itis well known that concerning the free enjoyment of human
rights the Republic of Hungary, well before the conclusion of the Peace
Treaty, abolished all discriminations as to race, sex, language and
religion wbich existed under the Horthy régime.Thus the Government
of Hungary has fully complied with the provisions of the Peace Treaty.

The Government of Hunga~y wishes topoint out that itisthe Gwern-
ment of the United Kingdom that launches the above-mentioned
reproaches against the Government of Hungary whereas, it is notorious
that in the United Kingdom serious discriminations exist between
citizens of different races and colour and that,y far, not every person
can equaUy enjoy human rights. Further on the Government of the United ICingdom refers to paragraph 2 of Article2 of the Peace Treaty,
which among others obliges Hungary not to discriminate by her laws
between Hu~igarian citizens in reference to "their personal property,
business, professionaland financial interests", etcThe Government of
Hungary categorically protests such an interpretation of this article
of the Peace Treaty which would dispute the legality of the measures
taken by this Government by which it has passed the large estates
into the hands of the people and declared common property the capitalist
monopolies. This kind of interpretation of the Peace Treaty equals
the defence of the medieval latifundia and capitalist monopolies, as
~vell as their owners who were the principal supports of fascism in
Hungary and at the same time Hitler's most ardent henchmen in the

war against the AlIied and Asswiated Poivers and thus against the
United Kingdom.

Consequently the above interpretation of the Peace Treaty does not
only mean the defence of large estates and capitalist monopolies, but
it aIso means that the Governrnent of the United Xingdom wishes to
help the adherents of the reactionary and fascist régime who were in
power in Hungary and to hamper the successful democratic transfor-
mation of the country. The Government of Hungary calls the attention
of the Government of the United Kingdom to Article 4 of the Peace
Treaty mhich explicitly obliges Hungary not only to dissolve the fascist
organizations but also not to allow "the existence and activities of
organizations of that nature which have as their aim the denial to the
people of their democratic rights".
The Government of Hungary points out thatithas been and is proceed-
ing in the sense of these provisions of the Peace Treaty, when dissolving
the organizations and parties aiming at the restoration of the old fascist
régimeand when summoning to the Court those who pursue an acticity
to overthrow the democratic Republic.
The protest of the Government of the United Kingdom against the
measures taken against the fascist and anti-democratic organizations
by the Government of Hungary when fulfilling the provisions of the

Peace Treaty, makes it obvious that it does not intend to respect the
Peace Treaty but wishes to extend its support to those reactionary
and anti-democratic elements who would like to restore the rule of the
large estates and the monopolies in Hungary.
The Government of Hungary declares once more that Hungary has
fulfilled, fulfils and will fulfil al1 obligations embodiein the Peace
Treaty. At the same time the Government of Hungary emphatically
protests the tendency of the Government of the United Kingdom to
use the stipulations of the Peace Treaty as a pretext for illeg-itimate
interference in the domestic. affairs of the sovereign Hungarian State
and for supporting the reactionary and fascist forces opposed to the
Government of Hungary.
On the basis of the above-exposed arguments the Government of
Hungary considers the verbal note of the United Kingdom a new attempt
at iilegitimate interference in the dornestic affairs of this country and
a new phase in the campaign of reactionary incitement pursued by the
imperialist quarters of the United States and the United Kingdom
in the service of their aims threatening peace and directed against
the Hungarian people's democracy. For these reaçons'the Government of Wungary ernphatically rejects
the note of the Government of the United Kingdom.
The Government of Wungary is compelled to state with regret that
the Government of the United Kingdom, having refrained lately from
displaying an independent attitude, has joined the Government ofthe
United States inits actions against the Bungarian people's democracy,
the Government of Hungary requests His hlajesty's Government to
bring the above to the knowledge of the Governments of Canada,
Australia and New Zealand.

Annex 5

[Original text :Romanian]

(Received on 19Apnl, 1949.)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Lega-
tion of Great Britain at Eucharest and lias the honour to address to
the Legation on behalf of the Government of the Roumanian People's
Republic the following communication.
On 2April the British Legation at Bucharest presented to the hiinistry
of Foreign Affairs of the Roumanian People's Republic, a note on
behalf of the British Government in which, as well as in other earlier
notes, were maintained certain allegations made by the British C-overn-
ment conceming certain alleged infractions by the ltoumanian Govern-
ment of the provisions of Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace.
The Governrnent of the Roumanian People's Republic maintains
that the contents of the British Government's note regarding the
violation by the Roumanian Government of the rights of man and of
fundarnental liberties does not correspond to reality and repeats the
. inventions and slanders of the monopoly-imperialist press.
In the Roumanian People's Republic, the exercise of fundarnental
liberties, freedom of assembly and of manifestation, of the press and of
speech, isguaranteed by the Constitution and exercised in practice by
placing at the disposal of the working class, facilities for printing paper
and assembly rooms.
National and racial discrimination is punishable by Iaw.

The religious communities enjoy freedom of worship and have at
their disposal, properties and goods necessary for the exercising of
religious practices.
The laivsof the Roumanian People'sRepublic thus guarantee agenuine
application of the provisions of Articl3 of the Treaty ofPeace.
The Roumanian Government maintains that the British Government
has violated, and is violating the Treaty of Peace with Roumania by
seeking to ensure the non-application of Article 5 of the Treaty of
Peace which provides that the Roumanian Government shali not permit
the existence of organizations of a fascist nature and which have, as
their object, to deprive the people of their democratic rights. DOCUhlESTS TRAKSMITTED 80

The note of the British Government quotes, in support of its affirma-
tion, the rneasures taken bythe Roumanian Government against fascist
remnants and the sentences imposed by courts of law of the Roumanian
People's Republic against the bands of spies and saboteurs açsisting
the American and British espionage services.

The public'trials against these bands [composed of ?] the leaders of
the former National Peasant Party, legionnaires, landowners and big
business men, who tried to transform Roumania into a hotbed of war,
have proved beyond any possibility ofdoubt, that these people had been
instructed and led by officials of the American and British Legations
in T3ucharcst.
This being the case, the Roumanian Government States that the
note of the British Government. and previous notes seek to lead astray
world public opinion which condemns oppression and colonial wars,
liberty granted to fascists of the Afosleytype to organize and to attack
working class meetings, war mongering and policy of aggressive pacts,
bands which murder women and children wholesale. It is these thingsst

liberties ofcman.itute a brutal violation of the rights and fundamental

Consequently the Gavernment of the Roumanian People's Republic
declares that it does not admit the attempt of the British Government
to interfere in the interna1 affairs of Roumania and rejects the note
of the British Government.

[Original test: French]

21 April, 1949.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's RepubIic of Bulgaria
has the honour to infom the Legation of the United Kingdom that it
has taken cognizance of the tenor of the Legation'ç note No. x7S.
The Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria has always
carried out and will always carry out in a most conscientious manner
the clauses of the Peace Treaty, not only because this Government
is signatory to the said Treaty, but also because its policy, the expres-
sion of the will of the ovenvhelming majority of the Bulgarian people,
is by its inherent nature profoundly democratic and corresponds fully
to the letter and spirit of Articles2, 3,4 and 5 of the Peace Treaty.
I.Even before the entryinto force of the Peace Treaty, the Rulgarian
Government had undertaken al1measureswithin the scopeofits authonty
to guarantee the fundamental civil liberties and political rights of
BuIgarian citizens, without distinction of race, nationality, sex or
a) The Bulganan Governrnent convoked, on the basis of universal,
secret, equal and direct suffrage, a Grand National Assembly which DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 81

enacted the constitutional laivof the country ; and this Constitution
not only solemnly enshrined those fundemental rights and freedom
of Bulgarian citizens which are the subject of Article 2 of the Peace
Treaty, but also guaranteed their effective exercise.
(b) At the same time, the Bulgarian Government took the necessary
measures for the final liquidation of the fascist régimeand the elimina-
tion of every attempt to deprive the nation of its democratic rights
and freedoms. These measures of the Government were in full conformity
with the tevt of Articl4 of theTreaty ; and moreover the new Bulgarian
Constitution, which came into force on 5 December, rg47, guaranteed
to the Bulgarian people the necessary right and posver to condemn
to failure any attempt to promote a fascist or anti-democratic restora-
tion in Bulgaria. In the preçence of these well-known facts it is strange
that the Government of the United Kingdom could formulate against
BuIgaria accusations of non-observance and violation of the political

clauses of the Peace Treaty, and of Article z of the said Treaty in
2. Similarly, it is surpnsing that the Government of the United
Kingdom has deemed it necessary to support its accusations of viola-
tions of the PeaceTreaty, in force since15September, 1947 by adducing
facts which date back to the Armistice period, a time when the three
great Powers were able to exercise a wide control over the administra-
tion of the country,
3. Moreover, the note of the United Kingdom Governrnent refers
to certain deeds and actions of the Bulgarian Government, such as
trials, etc., which have taken place since the entry into force of,the
Peace Treaty. Now that the Bulgarian Government has taken al1mea-
sures to ensure cornpliance with al1 the political clauses of the Peace
Treaty, and especially now that BuIgaria has acquired the most demo-
cratic constitutionin the world and the people have been guaranteed
legal power to exercise anddefend their rights and freedoms, her Govern-
ment, as government of a sovereign State, cannot agree to pe*
other States to pronounce judgrnent upon its actions, for which it is
responsible only to the National Assembly. Still less can it submit to
criticism from foreign Powers concerning the actions of Bulgarian
courts established by virtue of the Constitution and adjudicating in
public in accordance with the most modern and democratic laws.

The Bulgarian Government will repel every attempt at interference
in the domestic affairs of Bulgaria and \vil1consider as an unfriendly
actanyattempt to force it to accept treatment as a State whose internai
acts are subject to judgment by foreign Powers.

4. As regards the substance of the accusations formulated in the
note of the United Kingdom Government, the Bulgarian Government,

without wishing to discuss their compass, rejects them energetically.
Under the régime of the people's democracy in Bulgaria, the toiling
masses in thetowns and villages, which constitute the immense majority
of the nation, enjoy not only on paper but also in fact a11the fundamental
political rights and freedoms of man. Restrictions on the exercise of
'the freedom of assembly or of association, of the freedom of speech
or of the press, do not exist and are not applied in Bulgaria except
against offenders in the cases provided by law precisely in the interest of public security, the maintenance of order and the public morals.
In conclusion, the Government of the People's Republic ofRulgaria
considers the note of the Honorable United Kingdom Legation as
unfounded, and its tenor, made public by the United Kingdom Govern-
ment immediately after it had been delivered and long before the present
reply, as unfriendly propaganda, incompatible with the principles of
international law and such as to encourage the pro-fascist and hostile
elenients in the country.
Taking note that tlie Governments of Australia and New Zealand,
as signatories of the Peace Treaty, are in agreement with the tenor of
the United Kingdom note, the Ministrjr of Foreign Afiairs of the People's
Republic of Bulgaria considers that the present reply concerns them
As regards note No. 179 from the United Kingdom Legation. in which
that Legation thouglit fit also to interpret the opinofnthe Government
of Canada, which is identical with that of théGovernment of the United
Kingdom, the Ministry of Foreign Afairs of the People's Republic of
Bulgaria sees no formal reason for such a communication, since Canada
is not a signatory to the Pence Treaty with Bulgaria.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Rulgaria
'avails itselof this opportunity, etc.

Awnex 7

[Original test : English]

His Britannic Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the
Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and under instructions from
His RIajesty's Government i~ithe United Ringdom have the honour
to return the following reply to the note from the Ministry of 21 Apnl,
1949N ,O.23176-37-1.
2.His Majesty's Goveriiment find it necessary to place on record
their view that the 13ulgariiziiGovernment have not addressed themselves
to answering the specific charges against them of denying to the 13ulga-
rian people those rights and freedoms which they were pledged to secure
to them under Article 2 of the Peace Treaty. Iri the opinion of His
Rlajesty's Government, the statements aiid allegations advanced in
the Alinistry'ç note under reference are entirely irrelevant to these
charges. His Rfajesty's Government accordingly consider that a dispute
has arisen concerning the interpretation and esecution of the Treaty,
which the Bulgarian Government have shown no disposition to join
in settling. The views of His blajesty's Government in the United King-
dom are also shared by the Australian and Xew Zealand Governrneiits.

3. His Majesty's hlinister has therefore been instructed to refer these
disputes to his United States and Soviet colleagues for consideration DOCUMENTS TRANSMISTED 83

jointly with himself in accordance with the provision of Article 36
of the Peace Treaty. Copies of his notes to his United States and Soviet
colleagues inviting them to a meeting for this purpose are enclosed.

His Britannic Majesty's Legation take this opportunity, etc.

[Original text : English]

31 May, 1949.
ais Britannic Maj esty's Legation present their compliments to the
Hunganan hlinister of Foreign Affairs and, under instructions from
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, have the honour
to return the following reply to the note from the Ministry of 8 April,
No. 2671/b-1949-
2. His Majesty's Government find it necessary to place on record

their view that the Hungarian Government have not addressed them-
selves to answering the specific charges against them of denying to
the Runguian people, those rights and freedoms which they were
pledged to secure to them under Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace. In
the opinion of His Majesty's Government the statemcnts and aUega-
tions advanced in the Ministry's note under reference are entirely irrele-
vant to these charges. His Majesty's Government accordingly consider
that a dispute has arisen concerning the interpretation and execution
of the Treaty which the Hungarian Government have shown no disposi-
tion to join in settling. The view of His Majesty's Government in the
United Kingdom are a1so shared by the Canadian, Australian and
New Zealand Governments.

3. His Majesty's Minister has tlierefore been instructed torefer these
disputes to his United States and Soviet colleagues for consideration
jointly with himself, in accordance ivith the provisions of Article 40
of the Treaty. Copies of his notes to his United States and Soviet
colleagues inviting them to a meeting for this purpose are enclosed.

His Rritannic Majesty's Legation avail themselves of this oppor-

Annex 76

[Original text : Englishj

His hlajesty's Legation presents its compliments to the Roumanian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, under instructions from Wis Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom, hasthe honour to return the follow-
ing reply to the note from the hfinistry of 18April, 1949,No. CB.q.351/

192..His Majesty's Government find it necessary to place on record
their view that the Roumanian Government have not addressed them-
selves to answering the specific charges against them of denying to the
Roumanian people those nghts and freedoms ~vhickthey were pledged
to secure to them under Article 3 of the Treaty of Yeace. In the opinion
of His Majesty's Government statements and allegations advanced in

the Ministry's note under reference are entirely irrelevant to these
charges. His Majcsty's Government accordingly consider that a dispute
has arisen concerning the interpretation and execution of the Treaty
~Yhichthe Roumanian Government have shown no disposition to join
in settling. The views of His Majesty's Government in the United King-
dom are also shared by the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand

3. His Majesty's llinister has therefore been instructed to refer these
disputes to his United States and Soviet colleagues for consideration
jointly with himself in accordance with the provisions of Article 38 of
the Treaty. Copiesof his notes to his United States and Soviet colleagues
inviting them to a meeting for this purpose are cnclosecl.

4. His Majesty's Legation avails itself of this opportunity, etc.


Annex 8

[Original test : English]

31 hfay, 1949.
Your Excellency,
1 have the horiour, on instructions from His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you the text of a copy of a note
which was addrcssed by His Majesty's Legation on 2 April to the Bul-
garian hfinistr~rof Foreign Affairs, in lvhich the Bulganan Government
was formally charged with the violation of Article 2 of the Treaty of

Peace with Bulgaria. 1 also enclose a copy of the Ministry's reply, in
which tliese charges are rejected.
2. His hlajesty's Government consider that the terms of this reply
are unsatisfactory and the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have
been so inforrned in a note of which I enclose a copy. The views of
Wis Majesty's Government in the United Ringdom are also shared by
the Australia~i and New Zealand Governments, who associated them-
selves with the terms of His Majesty's Legation's note of z April, It
is evident from this correspondence that disputes have arisen in the
sense of Article 36 of the Peace Treaty which reads as follows :

'Ir.Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled
by direct diplomatic negotiations, shaU be referred to the three
Heads of Mission acting under ArticIe 35, except that in this case
the Heads of hlission wilI not be restricted by the time-limit
provided in thnt article. Any such dispute not resolved by thern
within a period oftwo months shall, unIess the parties to the dispute
mutually agree upon another means of settlemerit, be referred
at the request of either party to the dispute to a Commission com-
yosed of one representative of each party and a third member
selected by mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals
of a third country, Should the two parties fail to agree uithin a
period of one month upon the appointment of the third mernber,
the Secretary-General of the United Nations may be requested by
either party to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commis-
çion shall be the decision of the Commission, and shallbe accepted
by the parties as definitive and binding."
3. His Najesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Australian
Government and the New Zealand Government have accordingly ,
decided to invake the procedure laid down iii this article for settlement
of such disputes, and 1 shall be glad if you will inform me at an eai-ly
date when you will be prepared to meet rny Soviet colleague and myself

in order that we rnay take cognizance of this in the manner 'prescribed
in the Peace Treaty.

4. -4 similar note is being addressed to the representative of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and copies are being fonvarded to
the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I avail myself of this oyportunity, etc.


[Original test : English]

1 have the honour, on instructions from His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you herewith a copy of a note
which was addressed by His Britannic Majesty's Legation on 2 April
to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which the Hungarian
Gove~rnent was formally charged with violation of Article z of the
Treaty of Peace with Hungary. 1 also enclose a copy of the Ministry's
reply, in which these charges are rejected.
2. His Majesty's Government consider that the terms of this reply
are unçatisfactory and the Hungarian Miniçtry of Foreign Affairs have
been so informed in a note of which 1 enclose a copy. The views of
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by

the Canadian Government, the Australian Government and the New
Zealand Government who sssociated themselves with the terms of
His Majesty's Legation's note of z April. It ievident fronl this corres-
pondence that disputes have arisen in the sense of Article 40 of the
Treaty of Peace which reads as follows :
"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretationor execution of the Treaty, which is not settled
by direct diplornatic negotiations, shallbe referred ta the three
I-leads of Mission acting under Artic39,except that in this casthe

Heads of 31ission will not be restrictedby the tirne-limit provided
in that article. A~iy sucli dispute notresolved by them within a
period of two months shall, unless the parties to the disputemutually
agree upon another means of settlement, be refcrred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third member seiected by
mutual agreement of thc two parties £rom ~iationals of a third
country. Should tlictwo parties fail to agree within a period of
one month upon the appointment of the third member, the Secretary
General of the United Nations may be requested by either party
tornake the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commission
shall be the decision of the Commission, and çhali be accepted by
the partiesasdefinittre andbinding."

3. His RIajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Canadian
Government, the Australian Govcrnment and the New Zealand Govern-
ment have accordingly decided to invoke the procedure laid down in
this article for the settlement ofsuch disputes and 1 dia11 be glad if
you will inform me atan early date when you wilI be preparcd to meet
my Soviet colleague ancl myself in order that we may take cognizance
of these in the manner prescribed inthePeace Treaty. 4. A similar note is being addressed to the Soviet representative and
copies are being fonvarded to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1 avail myself of thiç opportunity, etc.

(Signed) G. A. EVALLINGER.

Annex 8 6


[Original test :English]

Your Excellency,

1 have the honour, on instructions from His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you herewith a copy of a note
which was addressed by His Majesty'ç Legation on 2 April to the
Roumanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,in which the Roumanian Govern-
ment \vas formally charged with violation of Article 3 of the Treaty of
Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Roumania. 1also
enclose a copy of the Ministry's reply, in which these charges are rejected.
2. His Majesty's Governmept consider that the terms of this reply
are unsatisfactory and the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.have
been so informed in a note of which 1 enclose a copy. The views of
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by
the Canadian Government, the Auçtralian Government and the New
Zealand Government, who associated themselves with the terrns of
His Majeçty's Legation's note of 2 April. It is evident from this cor-
respondence that disputes have arisen in the sense of Article 38 of the
Treaty of Peace which reads as follows :
"1. Except wliere another procedure is specificailyprovided under
any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning the inter-
pretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by direct
diplornatic negotiations, shall be seferred to the three Heads of
Mission acting under Article 37, except that in this case the Heads
of Rlission will not be restricteby the time-limit provided in that
article.Any such dispute not resolved by them within a period
of two months shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutualiy
agree upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of eacliparty and a third member selected by mutual
agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third country.
Should the two parties fait to agree within a period of one month
upon the'appointment of the third member, the Secretary-General
of the United Nations may be requeçted by either party to make
the appointment. 2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Co~nmis-
sion shall be the decision of the Commission and shall be accepted
by the parties as definitive and binding."

3. His &Iajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Canadian
Government, the Auçtralian Government, and the Kew Zealand Govern-
ment have accordingly decided to invoke the procedure laid down in
this article for settlement of such disputes, and 1 shall be glad if you
will inform me at an early date when you will be prepared to meet my
Soviet colleague and myself in order that we may take cognizance of
this in the rnanner prescribed in the Peace Treaty.

.4.-4 similiar note is being addressed to the Soviet representative and
copies are beingfonvarded tothe Roumanian RIinistq of Foreign Affairs.

1 avail rnyself of tliis opportunity, etc.
(Sigzed) IlT.ST. C. ROBERTS.


[Original text : Englishl

Your Excellcncy, 31 May, 1g49.

1have the honour, on instructions from His ùlajesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you the text of a copy of a note
ivhich waç addressed by His IiIajesty's Legation on 2 April to' the
Uulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which the Bulgarian Govern-
ment was formaiiy charged with the violation of Article 2 of the Treaty
of Peace with Bulgaria. I also enclose a'copy of the hlinistry's reply,
in which these charges are rejected.
2. His hlajesty's Govcrnment consider that the terms of this reply
are unsatisfactory and the 13ulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have
been so informed in a note of wbich 1 enclose a copy. The views of
His Majestj~'~Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by
the Australian and New Zealand Governrnent, ho associated them-
selves with the terms of His hiajesty's Legation's note of z April. It
is evident from this correspondence that disputes have arisen in the
sense of Article 36 of the Peace Treaty which reads as foHows :
"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, ~vhichis not settled
by direct diplamatic negotiations, shall be referred to the three
Heads of hlission acting under Article 35,except tliat in this case
the Weadsof hiission will not be restricted by the time-limit provided
in that article.iiny such dispute not resolved by them within a period oftwo monthsshall, unless theparties tothe dispute mutually
agree upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third mernber selected by
mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. Should the two parties fail to agree within a period of
one month upon the appointment of the third member, the Secretary
General of the United Nations may be requested by cither party
to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commis-
sion shall be thedecision of the Commission, and shall be accepted
by the parties as definitive and binding."
3. His Biajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Australian
Government and the Nqv Zealand Governrnent have accordingly
decided to invoke the procedure laid down in this article for settlement
of such disputes and 1 shall be glad ifyou will infom me at an early
date when you will be prepared to meet my United States coileague
and myself in order that we may take cognizance of this in the rnanner
prescribed in the Peace Treaty.

4. 1 understand tliat my United States coileague is addressing to you
to-day a communication in sirnilar terms to my present note, calling
attention ta the existenceof adispute between the United States Govern-

ment and the Bulgarian Government. 1 should like to suggest for the
by the three HeadsencoftMission,four disputes be considered together

5. -4 sirnilar note isbeing addressed to the United States representative
and copies are being fonvarded to the Bulgarian hlinistry of Foreign
1 avail myself of this opportunity, etc.

Annex g n


[Original test : English]
3' hfay, 1949.

1 have the honour, on instructions from His Rlajesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to Your Excellency, herewith,
a copy of a note which ulas addressed by His Alajesty's Legation on
z April to the Hungarian hlinistry of Foreign Affairs, in which the
Hungarian Government was formaUycharged with violation of ArticIe 2
of the Treaty of Peace with Hungary. 1 also enclose a copy of the
Ministry's repiy, in which these charges are rejected. 2, His hlajesty's Government consider that the tems of this reply
are unsatisfactory and the Hunganan Ministry of Foreign Affairs have
been so informed in a note of which 1 enclose a copy. The views of
Wis Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by
the Canadian Government, the Australian Government and the New
Zealand Goïrernmennt tvho associated themselves with the tems of
His Rlajesty's Legation's note of2 April. It is eviderit from this corres-
pondence that disputes have arisen in the sense of Article 40 of the
Treaty of Peace which reads as folllows :

"r. Except 'where another procedure is specifically provicled
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settlcd
by direct diplornatic negotiations, shall be referred to the Three
Heads of Jlission acting under Article 39, escept that in this case
the I-icads ofB.Iissionwill not be restricted by the time-limit provided
in that article.Any such dispute not resoIved by them within a
pcriod of two months shall, unless ttie parties to the dispute mutually
agree upoti another means of scttlemcnt, be referred at the request
of eithcr pnrty to the dispute to a Commisçion composed of one
representativc of each party and a third member selected by
mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. Should the two parties fail to agree within a period
of one month upon the appointment of the third member, the
Secretary-General of the United Iriations may be requested by
either party to rnake the appointment.

2. ?'lie clecision of the majoritof the members of the Commis-
sion shall bc the decision of the?ommission, and shall be acccptcd
by the parties as definitive and binding."

3. His Majcsty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Cansdinii
Government, tlie Australian Government and the New Zealand Govern-
ment have nccordingly decided to iiivoke the procedure laid down in
this article for the settlement of such disputes and 1 shall be glad if
Your Escellency will infonn me at a11carly date when Your Excellency
will be preparcd to meet my United States colleague and myself in order
that we may take cognizance of these in the manner prescribed inthe
Peace Treaty.
4. I understand tliat my United States collerigueis addressing to
Your Excellcncy to-day, a co~imunication in similar terrns to my present
note, calling attention to the existence of a dispute between the United
States Government and the Wungarian Government. I should like to
suggest, for purposes of convenieiicc, that al1 these five disputes bc
consideretl togettierby the three Heads of hlission.

5. A sirnilrir note is being addressed to the United States representative
and copies are being fonvarded to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
1a\-ail myself of this opportunity, etc.

(Signed) G. A. \VALLINCEH. Anizex 9 b


[Original test : Englishj

31 May, 1949
Your Excellency,
I have the honour, on instructions from His bfajesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you herewith a copy of a note
which. was addressed by His Majesty's Legation on 2 April to the
Roumanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which the lioumanian

Goverrimerit vas forrnally charged with violation of Article 3 of the
Trcaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Kouma-
nia. 1also enclose a copy of the hlinistry's repIy, in which these charges
are rejected.
2.His Rlajesty's Government consider that the tems of this reply
are unçatisfactory and the Koumanian Rlinistry of Foreign Affairs have
been so informed in a note of which 1 enclose a copy. The views of
His JIajesty's Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by
the Canadinn Goverriment, the Australian Government and the New
Zealand Government, who associated themselves with the tems of
His BIajesty's T-egation's note of2 April. It isevident from this corre-
spondence that disputes have arisen in the sense of Article 38 of the
Trcaty of Peace which reads as follows :

"1. Except where rinrither procedure is specifically provided
urlder any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the iiiterpretation oexecution of the Treaty, which is not settled
by direct diploniatic negotiations, shallbe referrerl to the three
Heads of hlission acting under Article 37, except tliat in this case
the Heads of Rlissionwill not be restricted by the time-limit provided

in that article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within
a period of two months shall, unless the parties to the dispute
mutually agree upon another rneans of settlement, be referred at
the request of either party to the dispute to a Comrnissiori com-
posed of one representative of each party and a third mernber
selectedby mutual agreement ofthe turo parties from nationalç of
a third country. Should the two parties fail to agree withiaperiod
of one month upon the appointment of the third member, the
Secretary-General of the United Nations may he rcquested by
either party to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commis-
sion shallbe the decision of the Commission, and shall be accepted
by tlie parties as definitive and binding."

3. His Majesty's Government in the United KingiIoin, the Cnnadian
Goverilment, the Australian Government and the New Zealaiid Govern-
ment haire nccordingly decided to invoke the procedurc laid down in
this article for settlement of such diçputes, and I shall be glad if you

will inform mc at an early date wlien you will be prepared to meet my United States colleague and myself in order that we may take
cognizance of this in the manner prescribed in the Peace Treaty.

4, 1 understand that my United States colleague is addressing to
vou to-day a corrimunication in sirnilar terms to my preçent note, calling
attention to the existence of a dispute between the United States
Government and the Roimanian Government. I should Iike to suggest,
for purposes of convenience, that al1 these five disputes be considered
togetherby the three Heads ofMission.

5. A similar note is being addressed to the United States representative
and copies are being fonvarded to the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign

1 avnil myself of this opportunity, etc,
(Signed) Ur. ST. C, ROBERTS.

Annex ro

[Original test: Russian]

12 June, 1949.
In connexion with the notes handed over by the British Missions
in Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania on 31 May, 1949, to the Soviet
~\mbassadors in these countries regarding the sumrnoning of a confereiice
of the three Heads of the Diplomatic Missions to consider the dispute
which has arisen betwceri the Government of Great Britain and the
Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania in respect of the
interpretation of the Peace Treaties, the Embassy of the U.S.S.K.
on instructions from the Soviet Government, declare as follows :

The Soviet Government have studied the above-mentioned notes,
and also the notes delivered by the Government of Great Hritain on
2 April of tliis ycar to IJulgaria, Hungary and Roumania in which the
Governrnent of Great Rritairi charged those countries with violating
the Peace Treaties and, in particular, with violating those articles of
the said 'freaties which concern the safeguarding of the rights of man
and of the personal freedorns. The Soviet Government have also studied.
the answering notes from the Governments of Rulgaria, Hungary and
Roumania to the Government of Great Britain.

The Goveriiment of tlie U.S.S.R. consider that, in thesaid ançu9ering
notes of the Governments of Rulgaria, Hungary ancl Roumariia, an
eshaustive reply is given to the charges made by the Government of
Great Rritain against these countries regarding the violation of the
Peace Treaties. From these replies it is evident that the Governments
of Bulgnrin, Hungary and Roumania are carrying out with exactitude

12 the obligations undertaken by them in regard to the Peace Treaties,
including the obligatioii in respect of the safeguarding of the rights

of man and of the persona1 freedoms.
The measures taken by the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and
Roumania inregard to which the Government of Great Britain expressed
their displeasure in their notes of2 April of this year are not only not
an infringement of the Peace Treaties but are, on the contrary, directed
towards the implementation of the Peace Treaties which bind the said
countries to carry on the struggle against organizations of a fascist
type and against other organizations "pursuing the aim of divesting
the people of their democratic riglits". It goes without saying that such
measures as are being carried out by Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania
for the purpose of iniplementing the articles of the Yeace Treaties fa11
completely within the domestic cornpetence of these countries as
sovereign States.
The Soviet Government construe the dcsire of the Government of
Great Britain to convert this question artificially into a subject of

dispute as a direct attempt to exploit the Peace Treaties so as to interferc
iri the domestic affairs of Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania for the
purpose of eserting pressure on thcir iriternal policy.

In view of this the Embassy of the U.S.S.R. are authorized to declare
that the Soviet Government see no cause for the sumrnoning of a confer-
ence of the three Heads of the Diplomatic Missions for the purpose
of considering the questions touched upon in the notes of the &lissions
of Great Britain in Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania on 31 May of
this year.

12 JUh'I:,1949

[Original text : English]

His hlajcsty's Pri~icipal Secretaryof State for Foreign Affairs presents
liis compliments to tlic Soviet Cliargé d'Affaires and has the honour
to acknowledge the receipt of His Excellency Monsieur Zaroubiii's
note No. 42-A of 12 June hst. Mr. 13evinregrets that the Soviet Govern-
ment should have deemed it necessary to deny that there is any reason
why the Heads of their Diploniatic Missions in Sofia, Budapest and
Bucharest should join their British and United States colleagues to
consider the disputes wliich Iiave arisen concerning the interpretation
and execution of the 'l'reaties of Peace, notwithstanding that the
proceduce proposecl for the settlement ofsuch disputes is laid down iri
the Treaties of Pcacc.

2. The opinions of the Soviet Goveriimeiit on the ments of the disputes
in question, as e'tpressed in the note from the Embassy, are beside thepoint. The facts are that disputes have arisen andthat the l'eace l'reaties
require that they should be settled by a special procedure.

3. The refusa1 of the Soviet Government to CO-operatein yutting
thiç procedure into practicc is liable to be interpreted as an attempt
on their part to frustrate one of the provisions of the Peace 'Treaties.
Such refusal, moreover, is in marked contradiction with the regard
for the Treaties frerlueiitly expresseclby the Soviet Govertiment.

4. In the light of the foxegoing, His hlajesty's Government trust
that, on further reflection, the Soviet Government riill see fit to recon-
sider their decision as conveyed in the note of12 June from the Embassy.


[Original text : Iirench]

iVith reference to noteNo. 98 (79149)of the United Kingdom Legation
dated 31 May, 1949, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's
Republic of Bulgaria considers it indispensable to make the following
statement : ,
The Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria considers that
there isno justification for the decision of the Government of the United
Kingdom to resort to the procedure estabiished by Article 36 of the
Treaty of Peace in connexion with the execution by Kulgaria of the
provisions of Article 2 of the same Treaty, al1the more since the British
Government was already in possession of the detailed reply and the
reasono sfthe Bulgariari Government, as set forth in the note of zz Apd,
The British Legation's note states that a dispute exists between the
Uriited Kingdom and Rulgariü regarding the execution of Article z of
the. Peace Treaty although the United Kingdom has not disputed or
raised any objection to and is unable to dispute or raise any objection
to the statement contained in the above-mentioncd note of the Rlinistry
ofForeign Affairs,dated 21 April, 1949. The said note points out correctly
that the Constitution of the People's Republic of Rulgaria which entered
into force on 6 December, 1947e ,stabliçhes and guarantees to Bulgarian
citizens without distinction as to race, nationality, religion, origin or
social position al1the rights and liberties which are mentioned in Article2
of the Treaty of Peace. Thus in full accordance with the Treaty of
Peace the Constitution states :

"Article 71.-AU citizens of the People's Republic of Rulgaria
are equal before the law.
No privileges based on nationality, origin, religion or material
condition are recognized. DOCUMENTS TRAKSJIITTED
The propagation of racial, national or religious hatred is punish-
able by la\\?."

"iirticle 78.-Citizens are guaranteed freedom of conscience and
religion, as well as freedom ta perform their religious rites.
The Church is separated from the State.
The legal status, questions of material maintenance and the
right of the religious communities to self-government and organiza-
tion is governed by a special law.
It is unlaurful to use the Church or religion for political purposcs
and to cstablish political organizations ona religious basis."

IIArticle &.-The freedom and inviolability of the person are

No person shall be detained for more than forty-eight hours
without an order from the judicial authorities or the prosecutor.
Penalties shall be imposed only in virtue of the laws in operation.

Penalties shall be persona1 and in proportion to the offence
Penalties foroffences shaIl be imposed only by the proper courts.
An accused person shall be entitled to be defended."
"Article 87.-Bulgarian citizens have the right to form societies,
associations and organizations, provided that these are not directed
against public order and the State and are not in contradiction

with the present Constitution.
The law prohibits and punishes the formation of and participa-
tion in organizations, the aim of which is to deprive the Bulgarian
people or impede them in the exercise of the rights and freedoms
won by conquest through the national uprising of g September,.
1944 ,nd guaranteed by the present Constitution, or to threaten
national independence and the sovereignty of the State, or which
overtly or secreily advocate fascist and anti-democratic ideology
or facilitate imperialist aggression."
"Article 88,-Citizens of the People's Republic are guaranteed
freedom of the press, speech, assembly, meetings and manifesta-

These perfectly clear constitutional provisions Ieave no room for
any possible dispute in so far as concerns the execution and interpreta-
tion of Article z of the Treaty of Peace.
But the British Legation has neither contested nor been able to
contest the BuIgarian position, namely that the actual cases enumerated
in its note not only do not constitute violations of the Treaty of Peace
but on the contrary are covered by the execution of the Peace Treaty

and more especially.Article 4 of thisTreaty which for reasons not known
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been passed over in silence in
the note of the British Legation. Article4 of the Treaty of Peace states :

"Article 4.-Bulgaria, which in accordance with the Armistice
Agreement has taken measures for dissolving al1 organizations of a fascist type on lJulgarian tcrritory, whether political, military

or paramilitary, as ive11as other organizations conducting propa-
ganda hostile to the United Nations, shall not permit in future
the existence aiid activities of organizations of that nature which
have as their aim denial to the people of their democratic rights."

That obligation deriving from the 'Treaty of Peace is iiicluded in
part II of the above-mentioned Article 57 of the Constitution of the
People's Kepublic of Bulgaria.

The British Legation has neither coniested nor been able to contest
the point of view of the Bulgarian Gorrernment, namely that neither
the question of the various cases before our Bulgarian courts nor the
acts.of the administrative authorities and others in various cases can
be made the subject of discussion in connexion with the execution of
the Peace Treaty since, from the point of view of the principles of
international law, of the text and spirit of the Treaty and of the very
precise provisïons of Article 2 of the United Nations Charter, such a
discussion would constitute an inadmissible interference in the interna1
affairs of Our country and constitute an infringement of its sovereignty..

IfTithregard to al1 these questions and also with regard to tlie other
points of vietv ofthe Bulgarian Government concerning the execution
of Article nof the Treaty of Peace, there has been no discussion regarding
them and still less could there be any question of discussion for the
seltlement of a non-esistent dispute. In the British Legation's note
allusion is wrongly made to a dispute without the subject and estent
of this dispute being specified.

Consequently, the Uulgarian Government considers that in this
case no evidence has been forthcoming to eçtablish the facts required
nor the grounds for procedi~re pemitting ofthe application of Article 36

of the Treaty of Peace and considers that the claims of the British
Legation ioset in motion the procedure provided in the said Article 36
of the Treaty do not confom to the provisions of the Treaty itself and
of international law and rejectsthem categoricall y.
The Uinistry of Foreign hffairs lias the honour, etc.

[Original text : English]

His Britannic AIajesty'ç Legation present their compliments to the
Rulgariari hlinistry of Foreign Affairs and under instructions from
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom have the honour
to return thefollowing reply to theMinistry's noteNo. 231-50- of27 July.
2.'In the opinion of His Majeçty's Government the considerations
advanced in thc Ministry's note under reference are no more relevant to the charges made agczinst the 13ulgarian Government of failing to
implement their obligations under Article z of the Peace Treaty than
were the considerations which were advanced in the BIinistry's previous
note ofZI April. It is therefore stiIl tcase that a dispute exists about
the interpretation and execution of the Treaty.

3. Thc Soviet Governrnent, in spite of the provisions of the 'I'reaty,

have not seen fitto authorize their representative in 13ulgarin to join
his British and United States colleagues in consiclering the dispute,
and although tm70montlis have elapsed since the Soviet representative
was invited to a meeting for this purpose the meeting hns not yet taken
place and the dispute remains unrcsolved.
4. The Treaty provideç that any dispute of this kind wliich is not
resolved by the three Heads of Jlission within a period of tavo months
should, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree upon another
means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party to a
Commission composed of one representative of each party and a third
member, selected by ~nutiialagreement of the t~voparties, from nationals
of a third country. 1-IisMajesty's Government in the United Kingdom
in the circumstances request tliat the dispute be rcferred to a Commis-
sion constituted in this mnnner, and they have instructed His Majesty's
Legation to invite the Btilgarian Government to join Wis Majesty's
Government in appointing such a Commission.

j. His Majesty's Governments in Australia and New Zcaland, between
whom and the Bulgarian Government disputeshave also arisen, associate

themselues with the ternis of the present note.

6. His Britaniiic Mnjesty's Legation take this opportunity, etc.

A nnex 13 n


[Original test :Englisli]

His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the Koumaiiian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under instructions from His Rlajesty's
Government in the United Kingdom have the honour to refer to their
note of 31 May about the dispute which has ansen concerning the inter-
pretation and execütion of the Treaty of Peace.
2. The Soviet Government, in spite of the provisions of the Treaty,
have not seen fit to authorize their representativein Koumania to join
his British and United States colleagues in considering this dispute,
and although two months have elapsed since the Soviet representati1.e

was invited to a meeting for this purpose the meeting has not yet
taken place and the dispute rcmains unresolved.
3. The Treaty provides that any dispute of this kind which is not
resolved by the three Heads of Mission within a period of two months
should, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree upon another DOCUMENTS TRAXS3IlTTEÜ g8

means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party to a
Commission composed of one representative of each party and a third
member selected by mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals
of a third country. WishIajesty's Goï-ernment in the United Kingdom
in the circumstances request that the dispute be referred to a Commis-
sion constituted in this manner, and they have instructed His ~~ajesty's
Legation to invite the Roumanian Government to join with His hlajesty's
Government in appointing such a Commission.

4. His Rlajesty's Govcrnments in Canada,Australia and Kew Zealand,

betwe~n whom and the Roumanian Government disputes have also
arisen, associate themselves with the terms of the present note.

His Uritannic Majesty's Legation avail themselves of this oppor-
tunity, etc.

[Original text : English]

1 Au~us~, 1949.
His Britannic hlajesty's Legation present their compliments to the
Hungarian hlinistry of Foreign Affairs and, under the instructions
from His &lajestyls Government in the United Kingdom, have the
honour to refer to their note No.z j5of 31 May about the dispute which

haç arisen concerning the interpretation and e'iecutionof the Treaty
of Peace.
2.The Soviet Governmcnt, in spite of the provisions of the Treaty,
have not seen fit to arithorize their representativein Hungary to joiri
his British and United States colleagues in considering this dispute,
and altliough two months have elapsed since the Soviet representative
was invjted to a meeting for tliis purpose, the meeting has not yet
taken place and the dispute remains unresolved.
3. The Treaty pro\?ides that ariy dispute of this kind whicli is iiot
resolved by the thrce Heacls of Mission witliina penod of two months
should, urilessthe parties to tiic disputemutuaiiy agree upon another
menns of settlement, be referrcd at the request of either party to a
Commission composed of one representative of each party and a thircl
rne~nber selectedby inutuni agreement of the two parties from nationnls
of a third country. His Müjesty's Governrnent in the United Kingdom
in the circurnstaiices request that the dispute be referred toriCommis-
sion constituted in this mnnner, aiid they have instructed His Majesty's
Legation to invite tlie Hungarinil Governrnent to join His Majesty's
Governrnerit i~iappointing siich a Commission.

4. His Majesty's Governmcnts in Canada, Australia and New Zenland,,
between whom and the Hungarian Government disputes have also
arisen, associate themselves with the terms of the present note.

His Britannic Majesty's Legation alrail thernselves of this opyor-
tunity, etc, Annex 13


[Original text : English]

The Hungarian SIinistry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments
to the Legation of the United Kingdom in Budapest, and, with reference
to the Legation's note No. 350 in the namc of its Goveriiment, lias
the honour to state thc following :
The Hungarian Government consequently fulfilledand fullils the
provisions of tlie I'eace Treaty. The Hungarian Governmerit has, in a
manner leaving no doubts, brought thisto the notice of the Governmcnt
of the United Kingdom several limes in its notes Nos. zo15/1g4g and
lieferring to Article 40 of the Peace Treaty, the Goverriment of the
United Kingclom in its note invites the Hungariaii Government to send
its representativc in the Commission to be set up in the terms of this
paragraph. However, as it is stressed in the 1-egation's note-paragraph
40 stipulates thatthe Commission be delegated only in case of a "dispute"
concerning the interpretation and carrying out of the Peace Treaty.
There can be no question, howcver, about such a "disputew-because-
as it can clearly be seen in the enumerated notes of the Hungarian

blinistry of 1:oreigii Affairs-the Hungarian Governmeiit has esactly
fulfilleits obligatioiis a~jsumein the Peace Treaty.

IVith the view that the Peace Treaty explicitly recognized Hungnry's
sovereignty and, at the same time, made it obligatory to the Hungarian
Govcrnrnent to tnke proper measures against tendencies of fascist
character, the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs espresses its
surprise upon the fact that the note of the United Kingdom wislies
to mnke a mattcr of dispute out of such measures taken by the Hungarian
Goverriment wfiich exclusively belong to the internal nffairs of the
So~rereignHungariaii State, and which directly follow from the coiise-
quent carryiiig out of the Peace Treaty.
After al1 this the Hungarian Government can give no other iriter-
pretation to tlic note of the Governme~it of the United ICingdom than
it beiriga repeated attempt to interfcre with the internal affnirs of the
Hungarirtn l'eople's Republic. The Government of the United Kingdom
obviously wishes to impose a pressureon Hungary to induce the Hunga-
rian Governmcrit to subordinate its policy to the cndeavours of the '
Government of the United Kingdom. The Hungarian Governmeiit is

not willing to do so and categorically states that it will continue niain-
taining the coiisistently democratic trend of its policy aiming at defetice
of peace.
In view of the above said, [sic] the Hungarian Government rejects
the note of the Government of the United Kingdom transmitted through
its Legation as offendirig the sovereignty of the 1-Iungarian People's
RepubJic, and states thnt Hungary considers the setting up of a Commis-
sion with reference to Article 40 of the Peace Treaty groundless and
purposeless and consequently wilI not participate in it. DOCUMENTS TRAXS31ITTED

Annex 15

[Original test : French]

I September, 1949.
In reply to the note of I August, 1949, of the Honourable United '
Kingdom Legation in Sofia,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's
Republic of Bulgaria is obliged to note with regret that the Government
of the United Kingdom has shown no desire to examine the considera-
tions which the Rulgarian Government set forth in its notes Nos. 23176/
3711and zjx/jo/I of 21 April and 27 July, 1949 respectively.
Supplementing that which was set forth in its preceding notes, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Bulgaria is
instructed by its Government to statethe following :
The Bulgarian Government is of the opinion that the invitation
which has been extended toitto participate in the Commission provided

for in Article 36 of the Peace Treaty is completely unjustifiecl. The '
Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria has always fulfiiIed
and continues to fulfil the obligations incumbent on it under the Peace
Treaty. It receives with surprise the accusations of the Government
of the United Kingdom pertaining to matters with respect to which
the Bulgarian Government has put forth great efforts and has achieved
the best results, eçpecially as regards the democratization of the country
and the safeguarding of the rights and liberties of Bulgarian citizens.
The action taken by the Bulgarian Government in execution of its
obligations under Article 4 of the Peace Treaty could not be described
as violation of that Treaty.
The Government of the People's Kepublic of Bulgaria maintains its
point of view, i.e. that this is not a dispute in the sense of Article 36
of the Peace Treaty, capable of being submitted to investigation and
resoived in accordance with the procedure provided for in tlie .said
text. The tenor of the notes addressed by the Honourable Legation in
connexion with the alleged violation of Article 2 and the replies of
the Ministry to those notes do not discloseany definite object of dispute.
In its notes the Government of the United Kingdom has merely expressed
its unilateral opinion and pronounced a judpent not corresponding
to reality on therégime of the People's Democracy in Bulgaria.

The Government of the People's Kepublic of Bulgaria can orily inter-
pret the "dispute" which the Government of the United Kingdom is
trying artificially to create as an attempt at intervention in the interna1
affairs of Bulgaria and pressure on the Bulgarian Government in order
to bring about a change in its policy in the direction desired by the
Government of the United Kingdom. These attempts are a violation
of the sovereig~lty of Bulgaria and in flagrant contradiction with the
fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations and with
the spirit of the Peace Treaty.

In view of ali these considcrationç, the Bulgarian ~obernment cannot
accept the invitation addressed to it ïvith a view to the constitiitionof
the Commission provided for in Article 36 ofthe Peace Treaty. DOCUJIENTS TRANSJIITTED 101


[Original test : Romanian]

2 Septemher, 1949.

The Blinistry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the
British Legation, and with reference ta the Legation's note No. 204
of I August regarding the interpretation and execution of Article 3
of the Treaty of Peace and the application of Article38 of the Treaty
of Peace, has the honour to inform the 1-egation, on behalf of the
Government of the Roii~nanian People's Republic, as follo~~s:
The Government of the Roumanian People's Republic demonstrated
in its note of16 April that thelaws of the Republic guarantee a strict
application of the provisions of Article 3 of the Treaty and of the
obligations assi~medin accordance with the Treaty of Peace.

The régime of People's Uemocracy ensures to the people the funda-
mental human rights and freedoms. The Constitution of the Roumanian
People's Republic guarantees freedom of assembly and demonstration,
of speech and of the press, assures freedom of religion and prohibits
racial and religious discrimination which is punishable by law ;women
enjoy complete equality of rights.

The fundamental human freedcims and rights are realizedin practice
by placing at the disposal of those who work assembly halls, printing

facilitiesand paper. Religious communities own goods and property
necessa- for the exercise of religious practices.

The continuous progress of the national economy, freedom from the
scourge of depression and unemployment, the rising standard of living ,
of the workers, the improvement of their cultural level provide the
material and moral basis which permits the people to makc full use
of the fundamental human rights and liberties.

In viexv of these facts the Governrnent of the Roumanian People's
Republic considers that the affirmations contained in the BritishLega-
tion's notes Nos. 163 of 31 May, 1949, and 204 of x Aiigust, 1949,
regarding the interpretation and execution of tlie Treaty of Peace do
not correspond to the facts.
Consequently, the Government of the Roumanian People's Repiiblic
does not consider that any motive exists for having recourse to
Article 38 of the Peace Treaty.
The Government of the Roumanian People's Republic affirms that
the British Government is persisting in its endeavour to ensure the
non-application by the Government of the Republic of Article j of the
Treaty of Peace, andmaking a dispute of the question of the measures
taken by the Roiimanian Government against fascist remnants and

of the sentences passed by the courts of the Republic against the spies
and saboteurs in the service of foreign espionage agencies, measureswhich both correspond to the provisions of the Treaty of Peace and
which are also wholly within the cornpetence of the internal jurisdiction
of the Republic as a sovereign State.

In these persistent endeavours of the British Government can clearly
be seen that Government's tendency to interfere in the internal affairs
of the Roumanian People's Republic and to seel<to make use of articles
of the Treaty of Peace as a pretext to exert pressure with the object
of changing the policies of the Roumanian Government in a direction
favourable to the interests of the Governments of the United States
and United Kingdom, and against the willand interest of the Rouma-
nian people.
For these reasons, the Govemment of the Roumanian People's Repu-
hlic reiects as wholly unfounded the request of the British Government
espre&ed in its noteof I August, 1949. '

Annex 17


[Original text : 13nglishl
r9 Septemher, 1949.

His Majest 's Legation present their compliments to the Bulgarian
Ministry of &reign ARairs and under instructions from His Majesty's
Govenlment in the United Kingdom have .the honour to refer to the
Aiinistry's note concerning the interpretation and execution of the
Treaty of Peace.
WisMajesty's Government are unable to accept the reasons advanced
by the Bulgarian Govemment for refusing to comply with the clear
provisions of the Treaty. Nor do they understand how the Bulganan
Government can maintain that no dispute has arisen in the sense of
Article 36 of the Treaty in vieut of the manifest divergence bet~veen
the views of that Government and those of His Majesty's Government
as expressed in the notes which they have already-exchanged.
His Majesty's Government do not recognize any nght in the Bulgarian
Government to arrogate to itself the sole interpretation of the Treaty
of Peace to which it is itself only one Party, Article 36 would be mean-
ingless if the Bulgarian Government were to be the sole arbiter of the
execution of its obligations under the Peace Treaty. As to the suggestion
that the action of His Majesty's Government in invoking the Peace
Treaty constitutes an unwarranted intervention in Bulganan internal
affairs it is obvious that the sovereignty of Bulgaria is in fact limited
by the international obligations of the Bulgarian Governrnent.

The clairn that the Bulgarian Government has complied with Article 4
of the Treaty does not excuse breaches of other articles.

Article 4 was not intended to be used as cloak for the denial of the
fundamental freedoms specified in Article z nor as a pretext for the
suppression of al1opposition to the rule ofa minority. His hlajesty's Government are forced to regard the Bulgarian Govern-
ment's refusa1 to join in establishing a Commission such as is provided
for in Article 36 for the resolution of disputesas a further deliberate
breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Peace. They are none
the less determined to take al1 possible meaçures which may be open
to them to secure the Bulgarian Government's compliance with the
provisions of the Treaty under Articles 2 and 36.

A nmex 17 a

[Original text.: Englishl

I~' Septemher, 1949.
Ris Majeçty's Legation present the& compliments to the Hiingarian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under instructions from His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom have the honour to refer to the
Ministry's note concerning the interpretation and execution of theTreaty
of Peace.
His Majesty's Government are unable to accept the reasons advanced
by the Hunganan Governrnent for refusing to comply with the clear
provisions of the Treaty. Nor do they understand how the Hungarian
Government can maintain that no dispute ha5 arisen in the sense of
Article 40 of the Treaty in view of the manifest divergence between
the views of that Government and those of His Majesty's Government.
as expressed in the notes which they have already exchanged.
His Majesty's Governrnent do not recognize any right in the Hungarian
Government to arrogate to itself the sole interpretation of the Treaty
of Peace to which it is itself only one party. Article 40would be meaning-
less if the I-Iungarian Government were to be the sok arbiter of the
execution of its obligationsnder the Peace Treaty. As to the suggestion
that the action of His Majesty's Government in involcing the Peace
Treaty constitutes an unwarranted intervention in Hungarian interna1
affairs it is obvious thathe sovereignty of Nungary is in fact Iimited
by the international obligations of the Hungarian Government.

The claim thatthe Hungarian Government has cornplied with Article 4
of the Treaty does nat excuse breaches of other articles.

Article 4 was not intended to he used as cloak for the denial of the
fundamental freedoms specified in Article z nor as a pretext for the
suppression of al1opposition to the ruleofa minority.
ais Majesty's Government are forced to re.gardthe Hungarian Govern-
ment's refusa1 to joinin establishing a C,ommissionsuch as is provided
for in Article 40 for the resolution of disputes as a further deliberate
breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Peace. They are none
the less determined to take al1 possible measures which may be open
to them to secure the Hungarian Government's compliance with the
provisions of the Treaty under Articles2 and 40. DOCUbIENTS TRASSJIITTED 1°4


[Original test :English]

19 Septernber, 1949.
His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the Rournanian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under instrtictions from His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom have the honour to refer to the
Ministry's note concerning the interpretation and execiition of the
Treaty of Peace.
His hlajesty's Government are unable to accept the reasons advanced
by the Roumanian Government for refusing to corr~plywith the clear
provisions of the Treaty. Nor do they understand how the Roumanian
Government can maintain that no dispute has ansen in the sense of
Article 38 of the Treaty in view of the manifest divergence between
the views of that Government and those of His Majesty's Goveinmenl
as espreçsed. in the notes which they have already exchanged.
His 3Zajesty'sGovernment do not recognize any right in the Rouma-
nian Government to arrogate to itself the sole interpretation of the
Treaty of Peace to which it is itself only one party. Artide 3s ~vould
be meaningless if the Roumanian Government were to be the sole arbiter
of the execution of its obligations under the Peace Treaty. As to the
suggestion that the action of His Majesty's Government in invoking
the Peace Treaty constitutes an unwarranted intervention in Rouma-
nian interna1 affairs il is obvious that the sovereignty of Roumania is
in fact limited by the international obligntions 'of the Roiimanian
The claim that the Roumanian Government has complied with
-4rticle4 of the Treaty does not excuse breaches of other articles.

Article 4 was not intended to be used as cloak for the denial of the
fundamental freedoms specified in Article 3 nor as a pretext for the
suppression of al1opposition to the rule oa minority.
His hlajesty's Government are forced to regard the Roumanian
Government's refusal to join in establishing a Commission such as is
provide dor in Article 38 for the resolution of disputes as a further
deliberate breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Peace. They
are none the less determined to take al1 possible measures which may
be open to them to secure the Koumanian Covernment's cornpliance
with the provisions of the Treaty under Articles 3 and 3s. First Addendumto Folder 7



[Original tcst :English]
(179/180/49.) New York, 19November, 1949.

In con~iexion with Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 22 October, 1949, regarding the observance in Bulgaria, Hungary
and Romania of hurnan rights and fundamental freedoms (A/1043),
and in continuation of my letter of 19September, 1 have the honour
to transmit toyou herewith a copy of the reply which has been received
from the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dated 27 October,
1949, to his Majesty's Govemment's note of xgSeptember.

(Signed) Alexander CADOGAN,
Iiepreçentative of the United Kingdom
ofGreat Britain and Northern Ireland
to the United liations

[Original tcst :English]

989711949> Budapest, October 27, 1949.

toTtheHuBritish Legation and, with reference to the Legation's notets

No. 475of the 19th September, 1949,has the honotir to impart as follo:s
The Hungarian Government regret to state that the Government
of the United Kingdom deemed itopportune to renew the accusations,
deprived of al1 real basis whatsoever, and rejected most categorically
by the Hungarian Government - notwithstanding that the Hungarian
Government on several occasioiis had clearly explicated in ils notes
Nos. 2671 and 77951194 and undoubtfuiiy proved that they were
minutely observing the*stipulations contained in Articl2 of the Peace
The Hungarian Government once again rejected most categorically
that tendentious and fabe interpretation of the Peace Treaty, by which
the British Government try to contrast the stipulations contained
respectively in Article2 and 4 of the Treaty. The Hungarian Govern-
ment do not seeany contradiction between the observing ofthe stipula-
tions of Article2 of the Treaty and the fight against fascist and pro-
fascist elements prescribed by ArticIe 4 of the same Treaty. On the DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 106

consequent compliance with the stipulations of Article 4
is a condl ron sine qua non of guaranteeing to al1 peoples and ta the
Hungarian people among thern, the rights defined by Article z of the
It has resulted clearly from the documents of the trials against
Mindszenty and his accomplices and recently against Laszlo Rajk and
his accomplices, that the perçons convicted for their anti-dernocratic
activity were guilty of a conspiracy aiming at the reverse of the present
democratic régime, and to annihilate the liberties acquired by the
people, and to eçtablish a fascist régime of oppression, worse than any
other previous régimeof the kind. Accordingly, the Hungarian Govern-
ment, far from infringing the Peace Treaty, act explicitlyincornpliance
with its stipulations when inflicting a blow upon the vile eneniies of
liberty and democracy who have degenerated to espionage and murderous

.attempts. If the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the United
States accuse the Hungarian Government, thiscan have but one reason,
i.e. theruling circles of these countnes are hostile to the independence
and development of the people's democracies and, as it was proved
by the afore-mentioned trials, support, in Hungary too, the most
desperate enemies of democracy, directing them by their own network
of spis, as well as by Tito and his clique, attached to their service.

As a matter of fact, the Hungarian Government have repeatedly
stated that, precisely these Governments have, on several occasions,
infnnged the stipulations of the Peace Treaty relating to Hungary,
when unlawfully denying the restitution of Hungarian property found
in their respective zones of occupation, when refusing the extradition
of the Hungarian war-criminals escaped into their territory, when
supporting these war-criminals in their anti-democratic activity and
when even rendering possible the organization and equipment of military
formations of Hungarian fascists on the territory occupied by them.

Furthermore, the Hungarian Government states with astonishment
that, in addition to the accusations already known and repeatedly
refuted, the Government of the United Kingdom expresses the opinion
-which is quite new and in no way compatible with the rules and
spiritof international law-that, by assuming certain obligations through
the signature of the Treaty ofPeace. Hungary has become a State with
limited sovereignty.
When signing the Peace Treaty, Hungary was not, nor is she at
present, inclined to surrender her sovereignty-on the contrary, she
wiU defend her independence and unha~npered democratic development
against any imperialist interference. The Hungarian Governrnent consider

the arbitrary interpretation of the Pcace Treaty by the British Govern-
ment an attempt to claim a right to constantly interfere with Hungary's
interna1 affairs, ignoring the independence of the Hungarian State.

The Hungarian Government categoricaily reject, moreover, the wholly
fictitious calumny of the British Government, alleging that the present
Hungarian régime be merely "the rule of a minority". It is a notorious
fact that at the general elections on the 15th May of1949 the Hungarian
people manifested their will in the most democratic way-by general
and secret ballot-and decided to support by gg.j''/, of their votesthe policy camed on by the present Hungarian Government. In view
of this, the fact that the British Government alleges in a diplornatic
note the present Hungarian Government as being "the rule ofa minority"
cannot be regarded by the Hunganan Government but an evil-minded
propagandistic manoeuvre, based upon the denial of true facts.

In consideration ofhe above said, the Hungarian Government reject
most categorically the note No. 475 of the British Legation, as a new
attempt of unlawful interference with the interna1 affairs of Hungary.

The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of this oppor-
tunity, etc.


[Original test:English]'

No. 5 (r/r1/50). New York, 6 January, 1950.
With reference to myletter No.179/178/ of917November, enclosing
copieç of correspondence relating to the steps taken by His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom to secure the implemeniation of
certain clauses of the Peace Treaties with Hungary, Romania and
Bulgaria, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency copies
of three notes which my Government sent on 5 January to the Govern-
ments of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. These notes informed the
three Governments of the appointment of Mr. F. Elwyn Jones, K.C.,
M.P., as Hishlajesty G'overnment's representativon the Commissions
prescribed in the relevant articles in the three Peace Treaties for the
settlement of disputes concerning the interpretation or execution of
those Treaties.

2. 1have the honour, upon instructions from His Majesty's Principal
Secreiary of State for Foreign Affairs, to request Your Excellency to
transmit copies of the enclosed notes to the International Court of
Justice and to al1 Rlembers of the United Nations in connexion with
the General Assernbly resolution 22 October, I94g (AI1043).

Representative of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
to the United Nations Annexes


[Original text: English]
5 January, 1950.

Hiç R;Zajesty3segation present their compliments to.the Roumanian
Blinistry of Foreign Affairs and with reference to their note No. 204
of 1st August regarding the reference to a Commission, as laid down
in Article 38 ofthe Peace Treaty with Roumania, of their dispute with
the Roumanian Government over the interpretation of Article 3 of the
Treaty, have the honour to inform them that His Majeçty's Government
in the United Kingdom have appointed Mr. F, Elwyn Jones, K.C.,
M.F., as their representative on the proposed Commission. It isaccord-
inglyrequested that the Roumanian Government appoint their represent-
ative forthwith and at the same' time enter into consultation with
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom with a view to the
appointment of the third member as stipulated in the Peace Treaty.

. ..
z. His Majesty'ç Legation avail themselves of this opportunity, etc.


[Original text: English]
5 January, 1950.

His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the Hungarian
hlinistry ofForeign Affairs and with reference to their note No. 350
of'1st August regarding the reference to a Commission, as laid down
in Article 40 of the Peace Treaty with Hungary, of their dispute with
the Hungarian Government over the interpretation ofArticle z of the
Treaty, have the honour to inform them that His Majesty's Govern-
ment in the United Kingdom have appointed Mr. F. Elwyn Jones,
K.C., M.P., as their representative on the proposed Commission. It is
accordingly requested that the Hungarian Government appoint their
representative forthwith and at the same time enter into consultation
with Ris Majesty's,Governrnent in the United Kingdom with a view
to the appointment ofthethird member as stipulatedin the Peace Treaty.

2. His Majesty's Legation avail themselves of this opportunity, etc.

[Original text : English]

5 January, 1'950.
His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the 13ulgarian
hiinistryof Foreign Affairs and with, ceference to their note No. 410
of 1st August regarding the reference to a Commissiori, as laid down
in Article 36 of the Peace Treaty with Bulgaria, of their dispute with
the Bulgarian Government over the interpretation of Article 2 of the
Treaty, have the honour to infonn them that His Majesty's Government

M.F., as their representative on the proposed Commission. It is accord-
ingly requested that the Bulgarian Government appoint their repre-

Wis Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, with a view toon with

the appointment of the third member as stipulated in the Peace Treaty.
2. His IkIajestg'sLegation avail themselves of this opportunity, etc.


[Originaltext : Englishi

New York, 6 January, 1950.
The permanent representative of Canada to the United Nations
presents his compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations
and has the honour to refer to the disputes which have arisen between
the Hunganan and Romanian Governments on the one hand, and the
Canadian Government on the other, concerning the interpretation of
Articles 2 and 3 of the Peace Treaties with Hunga~ and Romania
As regards the dispute between the Canadian Government and the
Hungarian Government, the permanent representative of Canada has
the honour to enclose a copy of the note which was presented to the
Wunganan Govemment by the United Kingdom Minister in Budapest
on behalf of the Canadian Government on 5 January, 1950. In this
note the Canadian Government informed the Hungarian Government
of the appointment of the Right Honourable Justice J. L. Ilsley, P.C.,
as the Canadian Government's representative on the proposed Commis-
sion envisaged in Article40 of the Peace Treaty with Hungary.
As regards the dispute between the Canadian Government and the
Romanian Government, the permanent representative of Canada has
the honour to enclose a copy of the note which was presented to the
Romanian Government by the United Kingdom Minister in Rucharest
on behalf of the Canadian Government on 5 January, 1950. In this
note the Canadian Government informed the Romanian Government
of the appointment of the Right Honourable Justice J. L. Ilsley,. P.C,
asthe Canadian Government's representative on the proposed Commis-
sion envisaged in Article 38 of the Peace Treaty with Romania.
The permanent representative of Canada to the United Nations has
the honour to request, upon the instructions of the Secretaryof State,
for External Affairs, that you be kind enough to transmit copies of the
enclosed notes to al1 Memberç of the United Nations, and also to the
International Court of Justice in connexion with the General Assembly
Resolution of zz October, 1949 (A/1o43). CANADIAN NOTE TO HUNGARY

[Original test : English]

5 January, 1950.

His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and with reference to their note of August I,regarding
the reference to a Commission, as laid down in Article 40 of the Peace
Treaty with Hungary, of their dispute with the Government over the
interpretation of Article 2 of the Treaty, have the honour, on behalf
of the Canadian Government, to infom the Government of Hungary
that the Canadian Government has appointed Kight Wonourable Justice
J. L. Ilsley,P.C., as its representative on the proposed Commissioii.
. It is accordingly requested that the Hunganan Government appoint
its representative forthwithand, at the same time, enter into consultation

with the Canadian Government through the Canadian Arnbassador in
\ITashington with a view to the appointment of the third member of
the Commission as stipulated in the Peace Treaty.


[Original test : English]
j January, 1950.

His Najesty's Legation present their compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairsandwith reference to their note of August 1,regarding
the reference to a Commission, as laid down in Article 38 of the Yeace
Treaty with Koumania, of their dispute with the Government over the

interpretation of Article 3 of the Treaty, have the honour, on behalf
of the Canadian Government, to inform the Government of Koumania
that the Canadian Government has appointed Right Honourable Justice
J. L. Ilsley, P.C., as its representative on the proposed Commission.
It is accordingly requested that the Rournanian Government appoint
its representative forthwith and, at the same time, enter into consulta- *
tion with the Canadian Government through the Canadian Ambaçsador
in Washington with a view to the appointment of the third member
of the Commission as stipulated in the Peace Treaty. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED III


[Original text: English]
New York, 6 January, 1950.

1have the honour to refer to my note UN-2748 of September 20,
1949, forwarding to you copies of certain diplomatic correspondence
relevant to the question of observance of human nghts in Riilgaria,
Hungary and Romania [General Assembly Reçolutions of 30 April
1949 (272 (III), and22 October, 1949 (A/ro43)j.
On 27October, 1949s, ubsequent to the date of my letter, the Govern-
ment of Hungary addressed a further note to the Government of the
United States [Annex 1).On 5 January, 1950, the Government of the
United States directed notes to the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary
and Romania (Annexes 2,3 and 4).

1 am enclosing copies of these notes with a requeçt that you be kind
enough to transmit copies of the notes to al Members of the United
Nations and also to the International Court of Justice in connexion
with the General Assembly Resolution of22 October, 1949 (A~xo~J).

United States Representative
to the United Nations.

Enclosures :
Annexr. Hungarian note of 27 October, 1949 ,o U.S.

Annex 2. U.S. note of 5 JanuaryIgjo o Bulgaria.

Annex 3. U.S. note of 5 January, 1950 ,o Hungary.

Annex 4. U.S. note ofjJanuary, 1950 ,o Romania.

[Original text:English]

27 October, 1949.
The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs presents its compliments
to the Legation of the United States ofrnerica and, with reference to
the Legation's note No.592, dated September 19, 1949 ,as the honour
to impart as follow: The Hungarian Government regrets to state that the Government of
the UnitedStates deemed it opportune to renew the accusations, deprived
of al1 real basis whatsoever, and rejected most emphatically by the
Hunganan Government on several occasions-notwithstanding that
the Hunganan Government had clearly explicated and undoubtfully
proved in its notes Nos. 2672 and 7796/1949 that it was minutely observ-
ing the stipulations contained in Article 2of the Peace Treaty.
The Hungarian Government once zgain rejects most categorically
that tendentious and false interpretation of the Peace Treaty by which
the Government of the United States tries to contrast the stipulations

of Article 2 and 4 of the Treaty. Tlie Hungarian Government does not
see any contradiction between the observing of the stipulationscontained
in Article 2 of the Peace Treaty and the fight against fascist and pro-
fascist elementç prescribed by Article 4 of the çame Treaty. On the
contrary, a consequent compliance with the stipulations of Articl4 is a
condition sin8 qua non of guaranteeing to al1peoples and tothe Hungarian
people among them, the rights defined by Article 2 of the Treaty.
It has resulted clearly from the documents of the trials against
Mindszenty and his accomplices and, recently, against Laszlo Rajk
and his accompjices, that the personç convicted for their anti-democratic
activity were guilty of a conspiracy aiming at the reverse of the present
democratic régime, and to annihilate the liberties acquired by the
people, and to establish a fascist régime of oppression, worse than any
other previous régime of the kind. Accordingly, the Hungarian Govern-
ment, far from infringing the Peace Treaty, acts explicitly in com-
pliance with its stipulations when inflictinga blow upon the vile enemies
of liberty and dernocracy, who have degenerated to espionage and
murderous attempts. If the Governments of the United States and the
United Kingdom accuse the Hungarian Government, this can have but
one reason, i.e. the ruling circles of these countries are hostile to the

independence and development of the people's democracies and, as it
was proved by the afore-mentioned trials, support, in Hungary too,
the most desperate enemies of democracy, directing them by their own
network of spies, as well as by Tito and his clique, attached to their
As a matter of fact, the Hungarian Government has repeatedly stated
that, precisely these Governments have on çeveral occasions infringed
the stipulations of the Peace Treaty relating to Hungary, when unlaw-
fully denying the restitution of Hungarian property found in their
respective zones of occupation, when refuçing the estradition of the
Hungarian war-criminals escaped into their territory, when supporting
these war-criminals in their anti-democratic activity and when even
rendering possible the organization and equipment of rnilitary forma-
tions of Hungarian fascists on the territory occupied by them.
Furthemore, the. Hunganan Governrnent states with astonishment
that, in addition to the accusations already known and repeatedly
refuted, the Government of the United States expresses the opinion-
which is quite new and in no way compatible with the rules and spirit
of international law-that, by assuming certain obligations through
the signature of the Treaty of Peace, Hungary has become a State with
lirnited sovereignty,
JVhen signing the Peace Treaty, Hungary was not, nor is she at
present, inclined to surrender her sovereignty,-on the contrary, she wili defend her independence and unharnpered democratic developrnent
against any imperialist interference. The Hungarian Government
considers thearbitrary interpretation of theeace Treaty by the Govern-
ment of the United States an attempt to claim a right to constantly
interfere with Wungary's internal affairs, ignonng the independence
of the Hungarian State.
The Hunganan Government categoncaily rejects, moreover, the
wholly fictitious calumny of the Government of the United States,
alleging that the present Hungarian régimebe merely "the totalitarian
rule of a minority". It is a notorious fact that at the general elections
on the 15th of May of 1949 the Hungarian people manifested their
will in the most democratic way-by general and secret ballot-and
decided to support by 95.5 per cent of their votes the policy carried
on by the present Hungarian Government. In view of this, the fact
that the Government of the United States alleges in a diplomatic.note
the present Hungarian Government as being "the rule of a minority",
cannot be regarded by the Hungarian Government but an evil-minded
propagandistic manoeuvre, based upon the denial of true facts.

In consideration of thebove said, the Hunganan Government rejects
most categorically the note No. jgz. of the Legation of the United
States, as a new attempt of unlawful interference ~6th the internal
affairs of Hungary.
The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of this oppor-
tunity, etc.

Annex 2

[Original text :English]

ta the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and has the honour tots
refer to the Legation's note of August I, 1949, asking the Uulgarian
Government to join the United States Government in naming a Com-
mission, in accordance with Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace, to settle
the dispute which has arisen over the interpretation and execution of
Article 2 of the Treaty. Reference is also made to the Ministry's note
of September I, 1949, and to the Legation's note of September 19,
1949o ,n the same subject.

The Legation has the honour to infonri the Ministry that the United
States Government has designated .Mr. Edwin D. Dickinson as its
representative on the proposed Commission. It is requested that the
Bulganan Government designate its representative forthwith and enter
into consultation immediately with the United States Government
through the ArnericanhIinister in Sofia,uith a view to the appointment
of the third member of the Commission as stipulated in Article 36 of

[Original test : English]
j January, 19 jû.

The Legation of the United States ofArnericapresents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and has the honour to
refer to the Legation's note of August I, 1949, asliing the Hiiiigarian
Governmeiit to joiri the United States Governinent in nnming a Com-
mission, in accordance witli Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace, to settle
the dispute which lias arisen over the interpretation and execiitionaï
Article 2 of the l'reaty. Reference is also made to the Ministry's note
of August zG,1949, to the Legation's note of September 19, 1949, and
the Ministry's note of October 27, 1949o,n the same suhject.

The Legation has the honour to iilform the Ministry that the United
'StatesGovernment has designated Mr.Edwin D. Dickinson as its repre-
sentative on the proposed Commission. It is requested that the Hungariari
Government designate its representative forthwith and enter into consul-
tation immediately with the United States Governnient through the
American Minister in Budapest, with a view to the appointment of the
third member of the Commission as stipulated in Article 40 of the Peace

[Original test :English]

5 January, 1950.
The Legation of the United States of Arnerica presents its compli-
ments to the Miiiistry of Foreign Affairof Kumania aiid hns the honour
to refer to the Legation's noteof August 1, 1949,asking the IZiimaniari
Governrnent to join the United States Government in ~iaming ü Com-
mission, inaccordance with Article 38 of the Treaty ofPeace, to settle
the dispute which has arisen over the interpretation and evecution of
Article 3 of the Treaty. Reference is also made to the Ministry's note
,of September z, 1949, and to the Legation's note of September 19,
1949, on the same subject.

The Legation has the honour to inform the Ministry that the United
States Government has designated Rlr. Edwin D. Dickinson as its
representative on the proposed Commission. It is requested that the
Rumanian Government designate its representative forthwith and enter
iiito consultation immediately with the United States Government
through the American Minister in Bucharest, ïvith a view to the appoint-
-ment of the third member of the Commission as stipiilated in Article 3s

Second addendumto Folder 7'


17 February, 1950,
1 have the honour to refer to the note to you of GJanuary, Igjo,
from the Permanent Delegate of Canada, transmit ting to you copies
of certain diplomatic correspondence exchanged between the Govern-
ment of Canada on the one hand and the Governments of Hungary
and Roumania on the other, relating to the execution of the human
nghts clauses of the Peace Treaties with these two countries. (Arzicle
of the Treaty with Hungary, Article 3 of the Treaty with Roumania).
There is attached herewith the most recent note in this correspondence,
addressed on 16 January, 1950 ,y the Government of Hungary to the
British Legation at Budapest for transmission to the Government of
Canada. May 1 request that you distribute copies of this note and of
the present communication to al1Memberç of the United Nations and
ta the International Court of Justice.
The Government ofCanada has not yet received a reply to the note
which was presented to the Koumanian Government by the United
Kingdom Minister in Bucharest on behalf of thCanadian Government
on 5 January, 1950. The Government of Canada will transmit to you
a copy of the reply from the Roumanian Government when it has
been received.
I have, etc.

(Signedj JOHN \Y.HOLMES,
Acting Permanent Delegate of Canada
to the United Nations.



The Hungarian Ministry for ForeignAffairspreseats its compliments
to the British Legation and by order of its Government has the honour
to communicate as follows :
The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs received the British
Legation'snote No. 9 of January 5,1950, by which the Government
of Great Britain imparts, referring to the Legation's note No. 350 of
August 1,1949, that it designated hfr. F. Elwyn Jones asthe repre-
sentative of the British Government on the Commission proposed in
the above-mentioned note and by which it requests the Hungarian
Government to designate its representative to the same Commission

lDocuments deposited in English only. [Note by the Regislrar.] DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED xI7

of a Commission proposed with reference to ArticIe 40 of the Peace
Treaty and that consequently it does not take part in that Commission.
With reference to the British Legation's note No. IO of January 5,
1930, communicating that the Canadian Government has appointed
Mr. J. L. Ilsley as its representative to the Commission in question, the
Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs has the honour tarequest the
British Legation to communicate what has been exposed above, as the
standpoint of the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic
in this affair, to the Canadian Government.
The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of this
opportunity, etc.
Budapest, 16 January, 1950.



S.G. No. 39 (L/51/5oP). 17 February, 1950.

I have the honour to refcrto my notes of 19th September, 1949, and
of 6th January, 1950, transmitting copies of certain diploinatic corres-
pondence erchanged between WisMajesty's Government i,nthe United
Kingdom on the one hand and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary
and Roumania on the other, and relating to the question ofthe execution
of the human rights clauses of the Peace Treaties with these three
countries. Upon instructions from His Majesty's PrincipalSecretary
of State for Foreign Affairs,1 have the honour now to transmit to
Your Excellency, herewitli, three copieaonote addresçed on 16th Janu-
ary, 1950 ,y the Government of Hungary to His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom and to request Your Excellency to make avail-
able copies of this note and of the present corn~nunicatia1members
of the United Nations and to the International CourofJustice.
2. The Government of Roumania have also sent a repIy, dated
11th February, ta Hiç bfajesty G'overnment'ç note of 6th January.
A copy of this note from the Roumanian Government will be furnished
to Your Excellency as soon as possible.
1 have, etc.

AND NORTHERN IRELAND failed to designate a member to it on their own behalf and that they
desire to make good this omission at present, tliat is a few months
later.This did not hamper, however, the Governrnents of the United
States and of Great Rritain in addressing meanwhilc the United Nations
Organization in the same affair and in stating their point of view favour-
ing the United Nations Organization putting questions in this regard to
the International Court of Justice. Al1this they did with the motivation
that al1steps provided under the Peace Treaty had been taken and that
these çteps had been fruitles,as Mr. Alexander Cadogan, representative
of Great Britain to the United Nations emphasized it in his letter of
September 19, 1949 ,ddressed to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations Organization.
This present overdue step of the Governments of the United States
and of Great Britain clearly proves that the above motivation does
not correspond to the facts and that the Governments of the United
States and of Great Rritain bewildered the United Nations Organization
by addressing it and through itthe International Court of Justice with
an unfounded motivation. Ely this there ensued this çtrange situation
that the Governments of the United States and of Great Britain when

employing the macliiriery of the United Nations General Assembly
and asking through it for the opinion of .the Iriternational Court of
Justice, whether Hungary is obliged to appoint a rnember to the Com-
mission in question at all-they cal1 at the same time upon Hungary
for the appointment of this rnember.
'I'heHungarian Government wishes to state, regardless of the jundi-
cally untenable character of the standpoint of the Governments of the
United States and of Great Rritain, that with their last step they them-
selves gave a proof beyond doubt that the campaign they launched
against Wungary under the pretext of the offence to "human rights"
and of the violation of the Peace Treaty is good only for propagandistic
aimç. The fact that they forgot themselves to designate their members
to the Commission which they proposed to the Hungarian Government
on August I,1949 ,hows clearly that they did not take for serious the
juridicalpart of the question.
As far as the merit of thcir action is concerned, tlie Government of
the Hungarian People's Republic has informed the Government of the
United States of its standpoint taken in this affair several times already
in its precedent notes addressed to the Legation of the United States
in Eudapest. The Hungarian Government states once more that it
cloesnot see the existence of any "dispute" coiicerning the interpretation
and the evecution of the Peace Treaty, as it always has fulfilled and
fulfils at presentmost strictly its obligations under the Peace Treaty
and tliat the charges put fonvard against Hungary concerning the
offcnce to "human rightç" and the violation of the Peace Treaty are but
a pretext for the United States Government to interfere with the interior
affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic.
In view of what has been said the Hungariati Goi~eriiment repeatedIy
declai-es that it consiclers unfounded and uniiccessary the formation
of a Commission proposed witli reference to Article 40 of the Peace

'I'reaty and that consequeiitly it does not take part in that Commission.eçpionage and who sought to convert Rumania into a new focal point
of mar at the orders of the Anglo-Americnn imperialist circles.
Itislikewise known that the United States Govern~nent has described
as a dispute with the Rumanian People's Republic the very fact that
the Rumanian Government, by applying the laws ofthis country, has
taken steps against these groups, thus fulfillitsinternational obliga-
tions as provided for in the Peace Treaty.
The Rumanian Government considers that tlie latest démarcheof the
United States Government, like the previous démarches and appeals

to internationalorgans which are just as lncking in jurisdiction as the
United States Government to interfere in the intcrnal affairs of the
Rumanian People's Republic, has the very object to hide from public
opinion tlie policy of the Anglo-American irnperialist circles of support-
ing remnants of Rumanian fascists and reaction and of gross violation
of the rights of peoples, The Rumanian government iç convinced that
diversionary attempts cannot deceive the public opinion of peoplewho
e~er~yvhere are fighting for national independcnce and sovereignty
against imyerialistic oppression and racial discrimination, for respect
for fundamental hiiman rights and peace, and against warrnongerç.


NO. 42. (1/54/50P.) February aoth, 1950.

\j7ith relerence to my note of 17th February concerning certain
correçpondence on the subject of the human rights clauses of the Peace
Treatics with Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria, 1 have the honour to
transmit to yoür Excellency, herewith, a copy of the original together
with two copies of an informa! translation, of the note addressed to
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom by the Roumanian
Government on 10th February. Upon instructions from Hiç AIajesty's
Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1 havc the honour to
request that a copy of the enclosed note and of the present communica-
tion be made available to the International Court of Justice and that
copies ofthe translation of the note and of the present communication
be made available to a11members of the United Nations.
1 have, etc.action against these gaiigs, thus fulfilling itsinternational obligations
envisaged in the Trcaty of Peace.
Like the previous ones, the last dévzarche of the British Government,
,iç al50 its appeals to. an international body as incompetent as the
British Government to interfere in the interna1 affairs ofthe Roumanian
People's Republic, has iiithe opinion of the Roumanian Govcrnment
the object of hicling from public opinion the policy euecutecl by Anglo-
-4merican imperialist circles irisiipport of the fascist and reactionary
remnants in Roumania and in crude .violation of the peoples' rights.
The Roumanian Government is convinced that these manŒuvres
cannot deceive the public opinion of those peoples who are fighting
everywhere for independence and national sovereignty, against imperial-
ist domination and racial discrimination, for the respect of the funda-
mental rights of man, for peace and against warmongers.

10th February, Igjû. DOCUJIËNTS TRrlSSJIITTED 124

Third Addendumto Folder 7


No. Ij. New York, 29 April, 1950.

1 have the honour to refer to my note No. 7 of 17 February, 1950,
to the Secretary-General,and to the note of 6 January, 1950.from
the Permanent Delegate of Canada to the Secretary-General, trans-
mitting copies of certain diplomatic correspondence exchanged between
the Government of Canada on the one hand, and the Governments
of Hungary and Roumania on the other, relating to the execution
of the Human Right clauses of the Peace Treaties with these two
There are enclosed herewith copies of the two most recent commun-
ications in this correspondence from the Governrnent of Canada to
the Governments ofHungary andRoumania, presented on 2Apnl, 1950.

May 1 request that. you make available copies of these commu-
nications and of the present note to al1Members of the United Nations
and to the InternationalCourt of Justice.

1 have, etc.

(Signedl H. H. CARTER.
(For John W. HOLMES,
Acting Permanent Delegate of Canada

to the United Nations.)


His Maj esty's Legation present their compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Hungnry and have the honour, on behalf of the Govern-
ment of Canada, to direct the hlinistry's attention to the advisory opinion
on the interpretatioof the Peace Treaties with BulgariHungary and
Roumania which was giv-n by the International Court of Justice on
March 30, 1950.
2. In the light of this opinion, it is assumed that the Hungarian
Government will now nominate its representative tothe Peace Treaty
Commission and will inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the nomination in accordance with the United Nations General Assem-
bly Resolution of October 22,1949. Itis further assumed that theHun-
garian Government will also be willing to enter into consultation ~lth
the Canadian Government with a view to tlie appointment of a third
member in accordance with Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace.

3.As His hlajesty's Legation informed the lllinistry for Foreign
Affairs in theiriote of January 5,1950, on behalfof the Government of
Canada, the Canadian Government has appointed the Right Honourable
Justice J. L. Ilsley,P.C., as its representative on the proposed Com-


Wishlajesty's Legation present their compliments to the hlinistry of
Foreign Affairsof Roumania and have the honour, on behalf of the
Government of Canada, to direct the &Iinistry1sattention to the advisory
opi~iionon the interpretation of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria,
Hungary and Roumania which was given by the International Court of
Justice on Rlarch 30, 1950.
2. In the light of this opinion, it is assuilied that tlie Roumanian
Government will now nominate its representative to the Peace Treaty
Commission and will inform theSecretary-General of the United Nations
of the nomination inaccordance with the United Nations General Assem-
bly Iiesolution of October 22, 1949. It is further assumed tkat the
Roumanian Government will also be willing to enter into consultation
with tlie Canadian Government with a view to the appointment of a
third member in accordance with Article 38 of the Treaty of Peace.

3. 11s His Majesty's Legation informed the Ministry for Foreign
Afîairsin their note of January 5, 1950,on behalf of theGovernment of
Canada, the Canadian Governrnent has appointed the Right Honourable
Justice J. L. Ilsley, P.Cas its repreçentative on the proposed Commis-




No. 151 (1/78/50P). New York, 2s April, Igjû.

1have the honour to refer to my note No. 42 of Februarp 20th
concerning correspondence on the subject of the Human Rights clausesof the Peace Treaties with Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria, and to
transmit herewith copies of three notes rvhich were addressed, on
April 26th. to the Governrnents of Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria by
His Majesty's Legations in those three countries in accordance ivith
instructions from His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom.

2. 1have the honour to request Your Excellency, upon instructions
from His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to
transmit copies of the enclosed notes, and of the present communication,
to the International Court of Justice and toal1 hlembers of the United
Nations, in connexion witli the General Assernbly's Resolution of
zznd October 1949 (AIxo43).
1 have, etc.



His Britaniiic Majesty's Legation present their complimeiits to the
Bulgarian hlinistry for Foreign Affairs and have the honour to draw the
Ninistry's attention to the advisory opinion on the interpretation of the
Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Huiigary and Roumania which was
given by the International Court of Justice on 30th Afarch1950.
In the lightofthis opinion,His hlajesty's Government in the United
Kingdom assumed that the Bulgarian Government will now nominate
their representative on the Peace Treaty Commission and will inforrn
the Secretary-General of the United Nations of their nomination in
accordance with the United Bations General Assembly's Resolution of
zznd October, 1949 ,hey furtlier assume that the Bulgarian Government
will be willing to enter irito consultntion with His hlajesty's Government
in the UnitedKingdom with a view to the appointment of atliird member
of the Commission in accordance with Article 36 of the Peace Treaty.

As His Britannic Alajesty's Legation informed the Rulgarian Ministry
for Foreign Affairs in their note. jof5th January, 1950,His Majesty'ç
Governmentin the United Kingdom have appointed Rlr. F.Elwyn Jones,
K.C., hl.P.,as their representativeon the proposed Commission.

His Rritannic hlajesty's Legation take this opportunity, etc.
26th Ayril, 1950,


His Britannic hlajesty's Lcgation present their compliments to the
Roumanirin Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Iiave the lionour to drawthe Alinistry's attentioii to the advisocy opiiiioii on the interpretation
of thePeace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Koumania which \vas
given by the International Court of Justice on 30th March, 1950.
In the light of this opinion, His Majeçty's Governmerit in the United
Kingdom assumed that.the Roumanian Government will now nominate
their reyresentntivc on tlie Peace Treaty Commission and will inform
the Secretary-Gericral of the United Nations of their nomination in
accordance with the United Nations General Asçernbly's Resolution of
zznd October, 1949T ,hey further assume that the Rournanian Govern-
ment \vil1be willing to enter into consultation with I-Iis Majesty's

Government in the United Kingdom with a view to the appointment of
a third mernber of the Commission in accordance with Article 38 of the
Peace Treaty.
-4sHis Britannic Majesty's Legation informed the Koumanian Ministry
for Foreign Affairs in their note. Iof 5th January, Igjû ,is Riajesty's
Government in the United Kingdom have appointed AIr.F. Elwyn Jones,
K.C., M.P., as their representative on the proposed Commission.

Hiç Rritannic Majesty's Legation take tliis opportunity, etc.

26th April, 1950.


His Britannic Ilajesty's Legation present their compliments to the
Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and have the honour to draw
the hlinistry's attention to the advisory opinion on the interpretation

of the Yeace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania which was
gil-en by the International Court of Justice on 30th March, 1950-
In the light of this opinion, WisMajesty's Government in the United
Kingdom assumed that the Hungarian Government will now nominate
their representative on the Peace Treaty Commission and will inform
the Secretary-General of the United Nations of their nomination in
accordance with the United Nations General Assembly's Resolution of
~2nd October, 1949. l'hey further assume that the Hungarian Govern-
ment will be willing to enter into consultatioii with His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom with a view to the appointment
of a third member of the Commission in accordance ivith Article 40 of
the Peace Treaty.
-4s WisBritaiinic hlajesty's Legation informed the Hungarian Ministry
for Foreign Affairs in their note. g of 5th January,1950 ,is Rlajesty's
Governrnent in the United Kingdom have appointed hlr. F. Elwyn Jones,
K.C., M.P., as tlieir representative onthe proposetl Commission.

His Britniinic Majcsty's Legation take tliis oyportiinity, etc.



April 28, 1950,
Escclleiicy :
1have the honor to refcr tomy notes UX-2748 of Septcmber 20, 1949,
UlcT-274S/Cof Jaiiuary6, 1950, and to the note of the Acting licpre-
sentative of the Uriitecl States to the United Nations UN-z74S/H of
1;ebniary 17, IgjO, transmitting to yoü copies of certain diplornatic
correspondenceexchanged between the Government of the United States
on the one hand, and the Governments of Eulgaria, Nungary and
Rumania on the other, relating to the execution of the Human Rights
clauses of the I'eace 'l'rcnties with these three countries.

There are enclosed hercwitlt copies of the three most rccent co~nmuni-
cations in thiç correspondericeaddressed by the Governmcnt of the
United States to the Govcrnrnents of Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania
on 26 April, 1950.
May1 request that you make available copies of these commuiiications
and of the present letter to al1Pilembersof the United Natioiis aiitl to the
International Court of Justice.

Accept, Excellcncy, etc.

Enclosureç :
Annex 1.-Commiiriicatiori of 26April, ïgjo ,rom the U.S.toBiilgaria.

Annes 2.-U.S. notc of26 April,19j0, to Huiigary.

Annex 3.-U.S. note of ,O April, rgjo, toRiimania.

(26 April,19j0)

[Original test: I:iiglisli]

The Government of thc Uriited States draws the attention of the
Government of Rulgarin to the advisory opinion on the ii~teryretation
of the Peace Treatieswith Bulgaria, Hungary and Runiania which \vas
given by the Iiiternatioiinl Court of Justice on March30, Igjo.
rG In the light of this opinion,.it assumed that the BulgarianGovern-
ment will now nominate its representative on the Peace Treaty Com-
mission and will inform the Secrétary-General of the United Nations of
the nomination in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly
Resolution ofOctober 22,1949. It is further assumed that the Bulgarian
Government will also be willing fomake proposais for the appointment

of a third member as envisaged by Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace.

.As the United States Legation in Sofia informed the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs ofBulgaria in its note ofJanuary 5, 1gj0, the United
States Government has appointed Mr. Edwin D. Dickinson as its
representative on the proposed Commission.


(26 April, 1950)
[Original text : English]
TlieLegation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of .Hungary and has the honor to

direct the Ministry's attention to the advisory opinion on the interpreta-
tion of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania which
was given by the International Court of Justice on March 30, 1950.
Inthe light of this opinion, it is assumed that the Hungarian Govern-
ment willnow noininate itsrepresentative on the Peace Treaty Commis-
si011andwill inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the
nomination in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly
Resolution of October 22, 1949I.t is further assurned that the Hungarian
Government will also be willing to enter into consultation with the
United States Government with a view to the appointment of a third
member in accordance with Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace.

As the United States Legation informed the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in its note of January 5, 1950,the United States Government
has appointed Mr. Edwin D. Dickinson as its representative on the
proposed Commissiori.


(26 $Nil, 1950)
[Original text : English]
The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments

to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rumania and has the honor to
direct thePrlinistry'sattention to the advisory opinion on the interpreta-
tion of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania which
was given by the International Court of Justice on March 30, 1950. In the light of this opinioti, it is assumecl that the Kumanian Goi~ern-
rier will now nominate its representative on the Peace Treaty Commis-
sion and will inform the Sccretary-General of the United Nations of the
nomination in accordaiice with thc United Kations General Assembly
Resolution of October 22, 1949. Itis fiirtheassumed that the Humanian
Government will bewilling to enter into consultation with the United
States Governniciit witli a vicw to the appointment of ü tfiirdmember

in accordance witfi Articlc 38 of tlic Treaty of Peace.

As the United States 1,cgation informed the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in its note of Januliry 5, T9j0, the United States Government
haç appointed Mr. Edwin 11. Dickinson as its representative on the
proposed Commission.

Bilingual Content

Tous droits réservéspar la
Cour internationale de Justice

Al1 rights reserved by the

Intcrnstional Court of Justice

NO de vente :













31 octobre 1949.
[Trad.uction du Greae]

Monsieur le Président,

J'ai l'honneur de porter à votre connaissance que, par ilne Réso-
lution adoptée le 22 octobre 1949, au cours de sa 235mc Séance
plénière,relativement au ((respect des droits de l'homme et des
libertés fondamentales en Bulgarie, en Hongrie et en Roumanie »,
l'Assemblée généraledes Nations Unies a décidéde soumettre à
la Cour internationale de Justice, aux fins d'avis consultatif, les
questions suivantes :

((1. Ressort-il de la correspondance diylomatique'échangée
entre la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie, d'une
part,et certaines Puissances alliéeset associéessigna-
taires des traités de paix, d'autre part, touchant
l'applicationde l'article2 des traités avec la BuIgarie
et la Hongrie et de l'article 3 du traité avec la Rou-
manie, qu'il èxiste des différends pour lesquels l'arti-

cle36 du traité de paix avec la Bulgarie,l'article 40 du
traité de paix avec la Hongrie et l'article 38 du traité
de paix avec la Roumanie prévoient une procédure
de règlement ? 1)

Si la réponse à la question 1 est affirmative:
(Il. Les Gouvernements de' la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et
de la Roumanie sont-ils tenus d'exécuter les clauses
des articles mentionnés à la question 1, notamment
celles qui concernent la désignation de lcurs repré-
sentants aux commissions prévues par les traités ? 1:

Si la réponse à la question 11 est affirmative, et si, dans les
trente jours de la date où la Cour aura rendu son avis, les
Gouvernements intéressésn'ont pas fait connaitre au Secré-
taire général qu'ils ont désigné-leurs représentants aux
commissions prévues par les traités, et si le Secrétaire
généralen a informé la Cour internationale de Justice : SECTION A.-REQUEST



31 October 1949.


I have the honour to inform you that the General Assernbly of
the United Nations, by a Resolution adopted at its Swo hundred
and thirty-fifth PlenarpMeeting held on 22 October 1949, in con-
nexion with the question of "Observance in Bulgaria, Hungary and
Komania of human rights and fundamental freedoms", decided
to submit the following questions to the International Court of
Justice foran advisory opinion:

"1. Do the diplomatic exchanges between Bulgaria, Hungary
and Roniania on the one hand and certain Allied and
Associated Powers signatories to the Treaties of Peace
on the other, concerning the implementation of Artic2e
of the Treaties with Bulgaria and Hungary and Article 3
of the Treaty with Romania, disclose disputes subject
to the provisions for the settlement of disputes con-
tained in Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria,
Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace with Hungary, and
Article38 of the Treaty of Peace with Romania ?"

In the event of an affirmative reply to question I :

"II. Are the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
obligated to carry out the provisions of the Articles
referred to in question1, including the provisions for
the appointmént of their representatives to the Treaty
Commissions ?"
Zn the event of an affirmative reply to question II and if bvithin
thirty days from the date when the Court delivers its opinion,
the Governments concerned have not notified the Secretary-
General that they have appointed their representatives to the
Treaty Commissions, and the Secretary-General has so advised
the International Court of Justice: itIII. Le Secrétaire généraldes Nations Unies est-il autorisé,
si l'une des parties ne désigne pas de représentant à

une commission prévue par les traités de paix avec
la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie, alors qu'elle
est tenue d'en désignerun, à désigner le tiers membre
de la commission sur la demande de l'autre partie
au différend, conformément aux dispositions des
traités en cause ? a

Si .la réponse à la question III est affirmative :

i(IV. Une commission prévue par les traités qui serait compo-
sée d'un représentant de I'une des parties et d'un
tiers membre désigné par le Secrétaire généraldes
Nations Unies serait-elle considérée comm'e com-
mission au sens des articles pertinents des traites
et qualifiée pour prendre des décisions définitives et
obligatoires dans le règlement d'un différend? 1)

Un exemplaire du texte anglais et un exemplaire dutexte français
de la résolution ci-dessus mentionnée de l'Assemblée générale,
tous deux certifiésconformes, sont joints à la présente lettre.

Conformément à la résolution de l'Assembléegénérale,je trans-
mettrai à la Cour, dès que les comptes rendus officiels cléfinitifs
seront disponibles, des copies de la correspondance diplomatique
pertinente, qui a étécommuniquée au Secrétairegénéralafin d'être
distribuée aux Membres des Nations Unies, ainsi que des comptes
rendus des débats de l'Assembléegénérale afférents au (<respect
des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales en Bulgarie,
en Hongrie et en Roumanie ii.
Veuillez agréer, etc.

Le Secrétaire général,
If one party fails to appoint a representative to a Treaty
Commission under the Treaties of Peace with Bulgaria,
Hungary and Romania where that party is obligated to
appoint a representative to the Treaty Commission, is
the Secretary-General of the United Nations authorized
to appoint the third member of the Commission upon
the request of the other party to a dispute according
to the provisions of the respective Treaties ?"

In the event of an affirmative reply to question III:

"IV. Would a Treaty Commission composed of a representative
of one party and a third member appointed by the
Secretary-General of the United Nations constitute a
Commission, within the rneaning of the relevant Treaty
articles, competent to make a definitive and binding
decision in settlement of a dispute ?"

One copy each of the English and French texts of the afore-
mentioned Resolution of the General Assernbly, both duly certified,
are herein enclosed.
In accordance with the Resolution of the General Assernbly,
1 shall transmit to the Court, as soon as final official records are
available, 'copies of the relevant exchanges of diplornatic corres-
pondence communicated to the Secretary-General for circulation

to the Members of the Unitéd Nations and of the records of the
General Assernbly proceedings on the question of "Observance in
Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania of hiiman rights and funda-
mental freedorns".
1 have, etc.

(Signed) TRYGVE LIE,


Co?zsidéra?q ttu'en vertu dc l'artic55 de la Charte, les Nations
Unies sont tenues de favoriser le respect universel et effectif des
droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales pour tous, sans
distinction de race, de sexe, de langue ou de religion,
Considérané que l'Assembléegénérale,lors de la seconde partie
de sa Troisième Session ordinaire,a examinéla question du respect

des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales en Bulgarie et
en Hongrie,
Cotzsidérafztque l'Assemblée généralea adopte à ce sujet, le
30 avril1949 ,a Résolution 272 (III),où ellc a expriméle profond
souci que lui inspiraient les graves accusations portées contre le
Gouvernement de la Bulgarie et celui de la Hongrie touchant la

suppression des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales
dans ces pays ; qu'elle a noté avec satisfaction que des mesures
avaient étéprises par plusieurs Etats signataires des traités de
paix avec la Bulgarie et la Hongrie en ce qui concerne ces accusa-
tions ;qu'elle a exprimé l'espoir que cles mesures seront diligem-
ment appliquées, selon les traités, en vue d'assurer le respect des
droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales; etqu'elle a attiré
de façon urgente l'attention du Gouvernement de la Bulgarie et
de celui de la Hongrie sur les obligations qui leur incombent en
vertu des traités de paix et notamment sur celle de coopérer au
règlement de cette question,

Considérant que l'Assemblée générale a décidéd'examiner
également au cours de sa Quatrième Session ordinaire la question
du respect des droits dc l'homme et des libertés fondamentales en
Considérant que certaines des Puissances alliées et associées,
signataires des traités de paix avec la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la

Roumanie, ont accusé lesGouvernements de ces pays d'avoir violé
les traités de paix et les ont invités à prendre des mesures pour
remédier à cette situation,
Considérantque les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie
et de la Roumanie ont repoussé l'accusation d'avoir violéles traités,

Considé~anfque les Gouvernements des Puisçances alliées et
associéesintéresséesont essayésans succèsde renvoyer la question
de la violation des traités aux chefs de missionà Sofia, Budapest
et Bucarest, conformément à certaines clauses des traités de paix,

Coizsidéranlque les Gouvernements de ces Puissances alliéeset
associéesont invitéles Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie11.-RESOLUTION ADOPTED By THE GENERAL ASSERI-

Whereas the United Nations, pursuant to Article 55 of the
Charter, shall promote universal respect for, and observance of,
hurnan rights and fundamental frecdoms for al1without distinction
as to race, sex, language or religion,

Whereas the General AssernbIy, at the second part of its Third
Regular Session, considered the question of the observance in
Bulgaria and Hungarv of human rights and fundamental free-

Whereas the General Assembly, on 30 April 1949, adopted
Resolution 272 (III) cancerning this question in which it expressed
its deep concern at the grave accusations made against the Govern-
ments of Bulgaria and Hungary regarding the suppression of
human rights and fundamental freedoms in those countries ;
noted with satisfaction that steys had been taken by several
States signatories to the Treaties of Peace with Bulgaria and
Hungary regarding these accusations ; expressed the hope that
measures would be diligently applied, in accordance with the
Treaties, in order to ensure respect for human rights and funda-
mental freedoms ; and most urgently drew the attention of
the Governments of Bulgaria and Hungary to their obligations
under the Peace Treaties, including the obligation to co-operate

in the settlement of the question,

Wlteveas the General hssembly kas resolved to considcr also
at the Fourth Regular Session the question of thc observance in
Rornania of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Wheveas certainof the Allied and Associated Powers signatories
to the Treaties of Peace with Bulgaria, Hungary and Rornania
have charged the Governments of those countries with violations
of the Treaties of Peace and have calledupon those Governments
to take remedial rneaçures,
Whereas the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
have rejected the charges of Trcaty violations,

Whereas the Governments of the Allied and Associated Powers
concerned have sought unsuccessfully to refer the question of
Treaty violations to the Heads of Mission in Sofia, Budapest and
BuAarest, in pursuance of certain provisions in the Treaties
of Peace,

Whereas the Governments of these Allied and Associated Powers
have called upon the Governments of Rulgaria, Hungary andIf RÉSOLUTIOX DES S.4TIOXS USIES (22,X 49)

et de la Roumanie à se joindre à eux pour nommer des commissions
conformément à celles des dispositions des différents traités de
paix qui concernent le règlement de différends relatifs à l'inter-

prétation ou à l'exécution de ces traités,
Considérant que le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie, celui de la
Hongrie et celui de la Roumanie ont refuséde désignerleurs repré-
sentants aux commissions prévues par les traités,alléguant qu'ils
n'étaient pas juridiquement tenus de le faire,

Considérant que les traités de paix autorisent le Secrétaire
généraldes Nations Unies à désigner, à la requête de l'une ou
l'autre partie à un différend, le tiers membre d'une commission
prévue par les traités, à défaut d'accord entre les deus parties
sur la désignation de ce tiers membre,

Considérantqu'il importe que le Secrétaire généraldispose d'un
avis autorisé concernant l'étendue des pouvoirs que lui confèrent
les traités de paix,

L'AssenabUe générale
I. Afirme à nouveau l'intérêtqu'elle porte aux graves accusa-
tions portées contre la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie et le
souci croissant que ces accusations lui inspirent ;

2. Déclareformellement que le refus, de la part des Gouver-
nements de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et de la Roumanie, de coopérer
aux efforts que l'Assembléegénérale déploie pourétudierces graves
accusations relatives au respect des droits de l'homme et des
libertés fondamentales justifie le souci qu'inspire à l'Assemblée
généralela situation qui règne à cet égarden Bulgarie, en Hongrie
et en Roumanie ;

3. Décidede soumettre les questions suivantes à la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice en la priant de donner un avis consultatif :

I(1. Ressort-il de la correspondance diplomatique échangée
eiitre la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie, d'une
part, ct certaines Puissances alliéeset associéessigna-
taires des traités de paix, d'autre part, touchant
l'application de l'article2 des traités avec la Bulgarie

et la Hongrie et de l'article 3 du traité avec la Rou-
manie, qu'il existe des différends pour lescluelsl'arti-
cle 36 du traité de paix avec la Bulgarie, l'article40 du
traité de paix avec la Hongrie et l'article $3 du traité
de paix avec la Roumanie prévoient une procédure
de règlement ? >)

Si la réponse à la question I est affirmative :

((II. Les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et
de la Roumanie sont-ils tenus d'exécuter les clauses RESOLUTIO': OF USITED XATlOSS (22 X 49) 1 I
Romania to join in appointing Commissions pursuant to the
provisions of the respective Treaties of Peace for the settlernent

of disputes concerning the interpretation or exccution of these
Whereas the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
have rcfused to appoint their representatives to the Treaty Com-
missions, maintaining that they were under no legal obligation
to do so,

Whereas the Secretary-General of the United Nations is author-
ized by the Treaties of Peace, upon request by either party to
a dispute, to appoint the third rnember of a Treaty Commission
if the parties fail to agree upon the appointment of the third
Wherens it is important for the Secretary-General to be advised

authoritatively concerning the scope of his authority under the
Treaties of Peace,
The GefzeralAssetrzbly

I. Expresses its continuing interest in and its increased concern
at the grave accusations made against Bulgaria, Hungary and
Romania ;

2. Records its opinion that the refusal of the Governments of
Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania to CO-operate in its efforts to
examine the grave charges with regard to the observance of
human rights and fundamental freedoms justifies this concern of
the Gcneral Asselnbly about the state of affairs prevailing in
Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania in this respect ;

3. Decides to submit the following questions to the Internatioiial

Court of Justicc for an advisory opinion :
Do the diplornatic exçhanges between Bulgaria, Hungary
and Romania on the one hand and certain Allied and
Associated Powers signatorics to the Treaties of Peace
on the other, concerning the irnplemcntation of Article 2
of thc Treaties with Bulgaria and Hungary and Article 3
of the Treaty with Romania, disclose disputes subject
to the provisioris for the settlement of disputes con-
tainecl in Article 36 of the Treaty oPeace with Bulgaria,
ArticIe qo of the Treaty of Pcace with Hungary, and
Article 36 of the Trcaty of Pcacc with Romania ?"

In the evcnt of ail affirmative reply 'to question 1 :

"II. Are the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungriry and Romania
obligated to carry out the provisions of the Articles SECTION B. - DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS


Chemise I

Inscription de laquestion à l'ordre du jour
Comptes rendzis des débats
Comptes rendus du Bureau, 5Smc et 59me séances.

Comptes rendus de lJAssemblke générale, ~Sgme et 19olnoséances
Chemise 2

I9rscriptiode la qzieslioà~l'ordre dzcjoz~r

Lettre en date du 16 mars 1949 adressée
au Secrétairegénéralpar le représen-
tarit permanent de la Bolivie et de-
'maridant l'inscription d'une nouvelle
question à l'ordre du jour de la
troisième session ordinaire de l'As-
semblée générale A/Szo

Lettre en date du 19 mars 1949 adressée
au Secrétaire généralpar la &lission
de l'Australie auprès des Kations
Unies et demandant l'inscription d'une
~ioiivelle question à l'ordre du jour
dc la troisième session ordinaire de
I'Assemblée générale A/Szx
Ordre du jour de la troisième session
ordinaire de l'Assemblée générale ;
rapport du Bureau de l'Assemblée
[Voir $aragraphes
3 a, 3 b.]
'SciilsIcsdocuments contenusdarisla chemise7 sontreproduitsdans le
pr6scotvo!u~nepp. 20-130[8otedlr Grcfier.] SECTION B.-DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED




I~zclz~sio~zf item in agenda

Records ofproceedings

Records of the General Committee, 58th and 59th meetings.
Records of the General Assembly, 189th and 190th plenary me'et-

Folder 2

IncLzcsion ojitenz i,nagertdn

Letter dated 16 Pilarch,1949, from the
permanent representative of Bolivia
to the Secretary-General requesting
the inclusion of an additional item in
the agenda of the third regular ses-
sion of the General Assembly .4;lj820

Letter dated rg March, 1949, from the
Australian Mission to the United
Nations addressed to the Secretary-
General requesting the inclusion of ail

additional item in the agenda of the
third regular session of the General
Assembly Ai821
Agenda of the third regular sessiori of
the General Assembly ;report of the

General Cornmittee AIS29
[See paragraphs
3 a and 3 b.]

pp. 20-130.voteDysthelirgistruu.]lder7 are reprodiiccin thisvolume,*4 DOCUMENTS TRAPiS%IIS

[Note - Voir Chemise 4 pour .-
Télégrammeen date du q avril I949
adressé au Préside& de l'Assemblée
générale par le Gouvernement de la
Républiquepopetlaire deHofigrie A/a31

Télégramme en date du 9 avril1949
adressé au Secrétairegéniral par le
Gouvernement de la Réfiubliquepopzc-
laire de Bulgarie A/832 et Coru1.1


Commission .politiquespéciale
Comptes rendus des débats

34me séance.
35m~ séance.
36me séance.
38me séance.
40me séance.
41me séance.

Chemise 4


Télégramme en date du 4 avril 1949
adressé au Président de l'Assemblée
généralepar le Gouvernement de la
République populaire de Hongrie A1831

Télégramme en date du 9 avril 1949
adressé au Secrétaire généralpar le
Gouvernement de la Républiquepopu-
laire de Bulgarie hl832 etCorr. I
Répartition des questions inscritesà
l'ordredu jourde la deuxième partie
de la troisième session; letten date
du 13 avril 1949adresséeau Président
de la Commission politique spéciale
par le Président de l'Assembléegéné-

[Note-See Folder # for:
Telegramdated q April, 1949,from the
Goverfinzentf the Republicof Hungary
tothe PresidentoftheGeneralAssembly A1831

Telegramdated 9 Afwil, 1949, #romthe
Governmentof the People's RepubEic
of Bulgaria to the Secretnry-General -4183a2nd Corr, 1.1

Ad hoc Political Committee

Records of proceedings

34th meeting.
35th meeting.
36th meeting.
37th meeting.
38th meeting.
39th meeting.
40th meeting.
41st meeting.

Ad hoc Political Contmittee

Telegram dated 4 April, 1949,£rom the
Government ofthe Republic of Hun-
gary to the President of the General
Assembly A1831

Telegram dated 9 April,1949 ,rom the
Govemment of the People's Repub-
lic of Bulgana to the Secretary-Gen-
eral A1832 and Corr.I
Allocation of items on the agenda of the
second part of the third sessi;letter
dated 13 April, 1949, from the Presi-
dent of the General Assembly to the
Chairman of the Ad hoc Political
Cuba :projet de résolution AjAC.zqj48 et Corr. I

Cuba :projet de résolution amendé A/AC.z4/48/Rev. z
Australie :projet de résolution A/AC.24/50
Bolivie :projet de résolution AIAC.zqj51jCorr. I

Australie :projet de résolution A/AC.z4/52
Chili: amendement au projet de réso-
lution présentépar la Bolivie (A/AC.
z4/51/Corr. I) A/AC.24/53

Colombie et Costa-Rica : amendement
au projet de résolution présentépar
la Bolivie (A/AC.z4/51/Corr. I) A/AC-24/54
Cuba et Australie: amendement au
projet de résolution présentépar la

Bolivie (A/AC.a4/51/Corr. 1) AjAC.z4/56
Télégramme en date du 23 avril 1949
adressé au Secrétaire généralpar le
Gouvernement de la Républiquepopu-
laire de Hongrie A/AC-24/57

Télégrammeen date du 27 avril ~gjg
adressé au Secrétaire général par le
Gouvernement de la Républiquepopu-
laire de Bulgarie A/AC.q/5S
Rapport de la Commission politique
spéciale Ai844

Chemise 5

Séancesplénièresde EJAsse?nblé gednérale
Comptes ~tvtdttsdes débats

201me séance.
202mC séance.
203mc séance.

Chemise 6

Séancesfilé?zièvedse L'Assemblée géîtéraEe

Résolution 272 (III) adoptée par l'As-
semblée générale, le 30 avril 1949.

[Noie - Voir Che?nise4 pour :
Rapport de Eu Commission $olitiqzle
spéciade ~4/844.1Cuba : draft resolution A/AC.z4/48 and Corr. r

Cuba: amended draft resolution A/AC.z4/48jRev. z
Australia : draft resolution A/AC.24/50

Bolivia : draft resolution AjAC.zql5rjCorr. I
Australia : draft resolution AjAC.zqj52

Chile : amendment to the Bolivian
draft resolution (A/AC.z4/51ICorr. 1) A/AC.24/53

Colombia and Costa Rica : amendment
to the Bolivian draft resolution
(AjAC.z~+/g~/Corr .) ~1ÀC.24/54

Cuba and Australia : amendment to the
Bolivian resolution (AjAC.z4/51/
Corr. I) .A/AC.zqj56
Telegram dated 23 April, 1949 ,rom the
Government of the People's Republic

of Hungary to the Secretary-General AjAC.24157

Telegram dated 27 April, 1949 ,rom the
Government of the People's Republic
of Bulgaria to the Secretary-General AIAC.zqj58

Report of the Ad hoc Political Com-
mittee Ai844

Folder 5
Plenary meetings of the General Assembly

Records of firoceedings

zorst meeting.
aoznd meeting.
203rd meeting.

Plenary meetings O/ the General Assernbly

Resolution 272 (III), adopted by the
General Assembly, 30 April, 1949.

[Note-See Folder 4 for :
Report o/ the Ad hoc Political Cornmittee A1844.1I6 DOCUMESTS TRANSMIS


Lettre en date du 20 septembre 1949
adresséeau Secrétaire généra plar le
représentant desÉtats-Unis dtAmé-
rique (et annexes jointes) Alg85IRev. r
Lettre en date du rg septembre 1949
adresséeau Secrétairegénérap lar le
représentant du Royaume-Uni de
Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du

Nord (et annexes jointes) A/ggo/Rev. I
Lettre en date du 19 novembre 1949,
adressCe'au Secrétaire généralde
l'Organisation des Nations Unies
par le représentant du Royaume-
Uni de Grande-Bretagne et dJIr-
lande du Nord (et annexe jointe)1
Lettre en date du 6 janvier 1950,
adressée au Secrétaire général de
l'organisation des Nations Unies
par le représentant du Royaume-
Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Ir-
lande du Nord (et annexes jointes)1
Note verbale en date du 6 janvier
1950, adresséeau Secrétaire général
de l'organisation des Nations Unies
par lereprésentant du Canada .(et
annexes jointes)
Lettre en date du 6 janvier 1950,
adressée au Secrétaire général de
l'Organisation des Nations Unies
par le représentant desÉtats-unis
$AmCrique (et annexes jointes) I
Lettre en date du 17 févner 1950,
adressée par le représentant du

Canada au Secrétaire généra1de
l'organisation des Nations Unies
(et annexe jointel
Lettre en date du 17 févner 1950,
adressée au Secrétaire généralde
l'Organisation des Nations Unies
par le .représentant du Royaume-
Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Ir-
Iande du Nord (et annexe jointe) l
1 Documents transmis au cours de ladeuxième ptiase de l'affaire. IIOCUMENTS TRANSJIITTED 1b

Letter dated20 September, 1949,from

the representative of the United
States of America to the Secretary-
General (with annexes) Alg851Rev. I
Letter dated xgSeptember, 1949, from
the representative of the United
KingdomofGreatBritain and North-
ern Ireland to the Secretary-General
(with annexes) A/ggo/Rev. I
Letter dated 19November, 1949f, rom
the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great-Britain and
Northern Ireland to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations (with
annex) l
Letter dated 6 January, 1950, from
the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland to the Secretary- .
General of the United Nations (with

annexes) l
Note dated 6 January, 1950,from the
representative of Canada to the
Secretary-General of the United
Nations (with annexes) l

Letter dated 6 January, 1950, from
the representative of the United
States of America to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations (with
annexes) l
Letter dated r7 February, 1950, from
the representative of Canada to the
Secretary-General of the United
Nations (with annex) l

Letter dated 17 February, 1950, from
the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations (with

annex) '
lDocuments transmittcd during the second of the case.Lettre en date du 17 février rgjû,
adressée au Secrétaire général de

l'organisation des Nations Unies
par le représentant des Ztats-unis
d'Amérique (et annexes jointes) l
Lettre en date du 20 février 1950,
adressée au Secrétaire général de
l'organisation des Nations Unies
par le représentant du Koyaume-

Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Ir-
lande du Nord (et annexe jointe)l
Lettre en date du 29 avril 1950,
adressée par Ie représentant du
Canada au Secrétaire général de
l'organisation des Nations Unies
(et annexes jointes) '

Lettre en date du 28 avril Igjo,
adressée par le représentant du
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne
et d'Irlande du Nord au Secrétaire
généralde l'Organisation des Na-
tions Unies (et annexes jointes) l

Lettre en date du 28 avril 1950,
%dressée par le représentant des
Etats-Unis d'Amériqueau Secrétaire
généralde l'organisation des Kations
Unies (et annexes jointes)

Chemise 8

Inscrifition de la qz~estioniil'ordre djour
Conzptes re~tdztsdes débafs

Compte rendu du Bureau, 651nc [Voir $ages 3 et 4,
séance pflragrapkes 71-73,
et @,as 7,
$nrcigrnphes104 et105.1

Compte rendu de l'Assembléegénérale, [Voir pages zo et 21,
224mc séance plénière - païngrnphes 2-10,
et Page 23,

i1IB suite dz~
[email protected]
Documents transmiaiico~irde ladeuxiernephasede l'affaire. DOCUJIE STS TRASSJIITTED

Letterdated 17February, rg jo,from the
representative of the United States
of America to the Secretary-General .
of the United Nations (with annexes)

Lettcr dated 20 February, 1950, from
the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great-Britain and
Northern Ireland to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations (with

Letter dated 29 April, 1950, from the
representative of Canada to the
Secretary-General of the United
Nations (mith anneseç)

Letter dated zS hpril, 1950, from the
representative of the United King-
dom of Great-Britain and Northern
Ireland to the Secretary-General of
the United Nations (~'ithannexcs) l

Letter dated 2s April, 1950,from the
representative of the United States
of America to the Seeretary-General
of the United Kations (with anneses) l


Inclwsion of item in agenda
Records O/

Records of the General Cornmittee, 65th [See pages 3 artd 4,
meeting paragraphs 71-73,
and page 7,
paragraphs 104
and 105.:

Records of the General Asscmbly, 224th [See pages 18 and 19,
plenary meeting paragraphs 2-10,
and page 23,
ajter $aragraph 56.1

'Ilociimrilttr~lnsmitttiiirintIic second phase of tcase. DOCUMENTS TRAKSMIS


Inscriptionde la questionà E'oïdredu jour

Liste supplémentaire de questions à
inscrireà l'ordre du jour de la qua-
trième session ordinaire ; questions
proposéespar l'Australie A1948
Adoption de l'ordre du jour de la qua-
trième session ordinaire et répartition
des points de l'ordrdu jour entre les
Commissions ;rapport du Bureau
[Voi9 raragraphes
g à 12.1

Chemise IO

Commission Politique spLciale
Comptes rendzls desdébats

8me séance.
gme séance.
IOW~ séance.

11m0 séance.
12me séance.
13me séance.
14me séance.

15me séance.


Cort~missionpolitique spiciale


Lettre en date du 26 septembre 1949
adressée par le Président de l'As-
semblee généraleau Président de la
Commission politique spéciale A/AC.~I/Z

Bolivie, Canada et États-Unis d'Amé-
rique :projet de résolution. A/AC.~I/L.I/ IR~V. Folderg
Inclusion of item in agenda

Supplernentary list of items for the
agenda of the fourth regular session ;
items proposed by Australia A1948

Adoption of the agenda of the fourth
regular session and allocationof items
to Committees ; report of the General
Cornmittee Al989
[See Paragraphs 9-12.]

Folder IO

-Ad hoc Political Committee

Records of firoceedings

7th meeting.
8th meeting.
9th meeting.

10th meeting.
11th meeting.
12th meeting.
13th meeting.

14th meeting.
15th meeting.

Ad hoc Political Committee

Letter dated 26 Septernber, 1949, from
the President of the General Assembly
to the Chairman of the Ad hocPolit-
ical Cornmittee AlAC.3112

Bolitria, Canada and the United States
of America : draft resolution A[AC.qrjL. 11Rev. IAustralie : amendement au projet de
résolution de la Bolivie, du Canada
et des Etats-Unis d'Amérique (A/AC.
JI/L.I/R~v. I) A/AC.~I/L.Z

Brésil,Liban et Pays-Bas : amendement
au projet de résolution proposé par
la Bolivie, le Canada et Ies États-Unis
d'Amérique (A/AC.~I/L.I/~I~V. I) A~AC.~I/L.~

Télégrammeen date.du 7 octobre 1949
adressé au Secrétaire général par le
Gouvernement de la République popu-
laire de Roumanie A/AC.~I/L.~

Rapport de la Commiçsion politique
spéciale AI1023

Chemise 12

Séances Plénières de L'Assembléegénérale
Conzptes rendfisdes débais


235me séance.

Chemise 13

Séa?ices +létzié.vdse l'dssembléegénérale

Résolution adoptée parl'Assembléegénk-

rale, le22 octobre 1949.
[Nofe - Voir Chentise ir $ollv:
Rapport de ln Comlîzissiotpolitiqzrs+é-
ciale A/roz3.]Australia : amendment to the draft
resolution proposed by Bolivia, Can-
ada and the United States of America
(ri/AC.3r/L.1/lie.v.I) h/AC.3r/L.e

Brazil, Lebanon and the Ketherlands :
amendment to the draft resolution
proposed by Bolivia, Canada and the
United States of America
(AjAC.3x/L.x/Rev. I) A/.AC.~I/L.~

Telegrsm dated 7 October, 1949, from
the Government of the People's Ke-
public of liomniiia to the Secretary-
General A/AC.~I/L.~
Report of the Ad hoc Political Com-

mittec A/1023

Plerztiry qrteetingof the Genernl Assetnbly

Records ofproceedings

234th meeting.
zgjth meeting.

Ple~lury nzeebings of the General Assernbly

Reso1utio1.iadopted by the General
rissembly, 22 October, 1949.
Civote-See Folder rI for :

Report of Ille Ad hoc Political Coinlnittee A/1023.] TI.- DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS PAR LE SECRÉTAIRE

Chemise 7


Document gjg85jRev. I.
{Texte original en anglais]
New-York, le 20 septembre 19~~.

D'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ai l'honneur de me référerà la
résolution272 (III)de l'Assembléegénérale,du 30 avril 1949, relative
à la question du respect des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamen-
tales en Bulgarie et en Hongrie. Dans cette résolution, l'Assemblée
généralea,iioté avec satisfaction que des mesures ont été prises par
plusieurs Etats signataires des traités de paix en ce qui concerne les
accusations portées contre les Gouvernements de Ia Bulgarie et de
la Hongrie, et elle a exprimél'espoir que des mesures seront diligemment
appliquées, selon les traités, en vue d'assurer le respect des droits de

l'homme et des libertés fondamentales. L'Assemblée a attiré l'attention
du Gouvernement de la Bulgarie et de celui de la Hongrie sur les obliga-
tions qui leur incombent en vertu des traités de paix, et notamment
sur celle de coopérer au règlement de cette question, et elle a décidé
de garder la question inscrite l'ordre du jour de sa quatrième session.
Le 20 août 1949, le Gouvernement de l'Australie a proposé d'inscrireà
l'ordre du jourde la Quatrièrae Session la question du respect des droits
de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales en Roumanie.
En tant que signataire des traités de paix avec la Bulgarie, la Hongrie
et la Roumanie, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis a pris lesmesures
mentionnées dans la résolution prkitée de l'Assemblée générale..

I. ,Dans ses notes du2 avril 1949 (annexes,I2 et3),le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis a formellement accusé le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie,
celui de la Hongrie et celuide la Roumanie de violer celles des clauses
des traités de paix respectifs, aux termes desquelles ces pays sont tenus
d'assurerà toutes les perspnnes relevant de leur juridiction la jouissance
des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales. Le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis a prié le Gouvernement dè chacun de ces trois pays de
prendre des mesures correctives à ce sujet. Le Gouvernement de la
Hongrie, celui de la Bulgarie et celui de la Roumanie ont répondu
par des notes en date du 5, du 21 et du 18 avril1949 respectivement
(annexes 4, 5 et 6).




Document A/gSj/Re\r. I.
[Original text: English]
New York, 20 September, 1949.

Uiider \nstructioiis frurn my Go\.ernnie1have the hono~irto refer to
thc General Assembly Resolution of 30 April, 1949 (272 (III))on the
question of obseri~ance in I3ulgaria and Hungary of humnn rights and
fundamental freedoms. ln this resolution the General Assembly noted
with satisfaction tl-ixtsteps had been taken by several signatories of the
Treaties of Pence regarding the charges made against the Governments

of Bulgaria and Hurignry anclexpressed the hope that measures would be
diligently applied, in accordance with the Treaties, iri order to ensure
respect for human rigtits :tridfundamental freedoms. The Assembly
drew the attention of tlie Goi~ernments of Bulgaria and Hungary to
their obligations under the Peace Treaties, includin~ the obligation to
CO-operatein the settlement of the question and decided to retain the
question on the agenda of thc Fourth Session. On 20 August, 1949,the
Government of Australia proyosed for inclusion on the agenda of the
Fourth Session the question of observance of fiindamental freedoms and
human rights in Iiiimania.

As one of the sigtiatorics to the Treaties ofPence with Ijulgaria,
Hungary and Rurnariia thc Uiiited States has instituted meaçures
referred toin tlie abovc-rnentioned resolution of the General rlssembly.
1.In its notes of2April, 194'3(Annexes I,2 and 3), the Government
of the United States fomally charged the Governmerits of Bulgaria,
Hungary and Kumania with violations of the respective clauses of ttie
Yeace Treaties obligatingthem to secureto their peoples the enjoymeiit

of human rights and fiiiidamental freedoms. The United States Goverri-
ment requested that remedial measures be taken by the three Govern-
ments. The Governments of Hungary, Bulgaria and Kumania replied
in notes delivered on S21 and 18 April,1949, respectively (Annexes 4,j
2. Comme, dans ces notes, les trois Gouvernements ont affirméqu'ils
n'avaient pas violé les dispositions des traités et fait connaitre qu'ils
n'étaient pas dispos- à adopter les mesures correctives demandées, le
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis leur a fait savoir qu'à son airis l'inter-

prétation et I'exdcution des traités de paix respectifsal-aient donné
lieu àdes différends.Dans lesnotes remisesle31 mai rgqg par leslégations
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique àSofia, à Budapest et ?iBucarest (annexes 7,
8 et g),le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis a invoqué ccux cles articles
des traités respectifs qui stipulent que Ies différenddc ce genre seront
régléspar les chefs des missions diplomatiques du !Coyaume-Uni, de
l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques et clesEtats-Unis d'Amé-
rique dans les trois capitales (article 36 du traité avec la Bulgarie,
article 40 du traité avec la Hongrie, article $3 du traité avec la Rou-
manie). Laeschefs clesmissions diplornaticlues des États-unid'Amérique
dans les trois capitales ont invité leurs collEgdesl'Union des Républi-
ques socialistes soviétiques et du Royaume-Uni h les rencontrer en
vue d'examiner les différends, conformiinent à la procédure définie
dans les articles précites (annexeIO, II, 12,13, rq et 15) .es mi~iistres
du Royaume-Uni ont fait connaitre qu'ils étaient disposés L se rendre
à cette invitation (annexes 16, 17et 18). Toutefois, le Gouvernement de
l'Union des 1iCpubliques socialistes soviéticlues,daiis une note IIujuin
1949, a refusé d'autoriser ses représcntantç ù cxamiiier la question
(annexe 19). Cc ii-ieme Gouverriem-t n rejeté une iioii\~elle demande
par laquelle le Goiivernement des Etats-Unis l'iiivitnit à modifier son,
attitude (anrieses20 et 21).Le 27 juilletryq, Ic Goiivernement de
la Bulgarie a adressé au Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'limérique
une note dans laquelle il déclaraitque la procédure (le règlement prévue
k l'article36 du traité de pais avec la Bulgarie n'était pas applicable
(annexe 22).
3.En conséquence, le Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amérique s'est
vu dans l'obligationd'invoquer la procédure complémentaire prévue

dans le traité de pais et qui envisage la création de Commissions com-
posées daiis chaque cas d'lin représentant (le cliacuiie des parties au
différend et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord entre !es
deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un tiers pays. Dans les notes
qu'il9 remises le 1.1aoilt 1949 (annexes z3, 24 et 251,le Gouvernement
des Etats-Uriis d'Amérique a prié le Gouvernement de la Hongrie,
celui de la Bulgnrie et celui de la Roumanie dc SC concerter- avec lui
en vue de nommer ces Commissions. Les trois Gouver~icnients o~it
repoirssé cette dernaride dans leurs notes eii date du 26 août, du
~er septembre et du 2 Septembre 1949 respectivement (ar~nexes 26,
27 et '2s).Le 19 septembre 1949, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique a adressé au Gouvernement de la Hongrie, à celui de la
Bulgarie et i celui de la Roumanie de nouvelles i~otes dans IesqueIIes
il exposait de nouveau ses vues sur les questions qui faisaient l'objet
des différends(annexes 29, 30 et31).
J'ai l'honneur de joindre, en annexes à la présente, copies des notes
échangéesà ce sujet, et de vous prier, AIonsieur le Secrétaire général,
de bien vouloir faire tcnir copie de la préscnte communication et des
notes jointes à tous les membres de l'Assemblée générale, qui doit
examiner cette question au cours de sa QuatriPrne Session.

(SlgizéjWAKRI:N R . AUSTIN ,
Représentant des États-Unis d1Améric1ue
auprès de l'organisation des Nations Unies. Amiexes

Anncxcs 1
r. Note du 2 avril 1949 adressée par les États-~iiis d'Amérique
A la I3ulgaric .................
2. Note du 2 avril1949 adressée par les Etats-Unis d'Américlue A
la Horig-rie..................

3. Notc du 2 avril1949 adresséepar les États-Unis d'Amérique h
la Roumaiiie .................
4. Note du S avril 1949 atlresséepar la Hongrie aux États-unis
d'AmCrique ..................
5. Note du ziavril 1949adressée par laBulgarie aus États-Unis
cl'ériqu .................
6. Note du rSavril 1949 ;dressée par la Roumanie aux États-Unis
d'Amérique. .................

7. Sote du 31 mai r94g adressée par les ktats-~iiis d'Amériqueà
la Bulgarie. .................
S. Note du 31 mai 1949 adrcssée par les États-Wiiis d'Amériquea
la Hongrie. .................
g. Note du 31 mai 1949 adresséepar les ~?tats-Unis d'Amériqueà
la Iioumanie .................

IO. bettre, en date du 31 mai I94?, adressée par le ministre des
IZtats-Unis cl'Ainériqueà Sofia à l'anibassadeur de I'Union des
I<épubliques.socialistes so\fiétiqiies. .........
II. I,ettre,en clate du 31 m?iigqg, adresséepar le chargéd'affaires
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a 13udapest à l'ambassadeur de
l'Union des Républiques socialistes so\.iétiques .....
12. Lettre, en date du 31 mai 1949, adressée par le rfiinistre des
Etats-Unis d1Amériqiie à Biicnrest à l'ambassadeur de 1'Uiiion
des liépubliclues socialistes so\?iétiques........

13. T,ettre, eli date du 31 mai 1949 ,dressée par le ministre des
Etats-Unis d'Amérique&Sofia au ministre de Grande-Bretagne
14. Lettyc, en date du 31 iiia1949, adresséepar le chargéd'affaires
des Etats-Unis d1.4mérique i 13iidapestailministre de Grande-
13retagrie. ..................
15. tettre, en date du 31 mai 1949, adressie par le ministre des
Etats-Uiiis d'Amérique A Bucarest au Ministre de Grande-
13rctagne. ..................

16. Lettre, eii date du 31 mai 1949, adressée par le ministre de
Grande-Bretagne ASofia iiiministre dcsGtats-unis d'Amérique
17. Lettre, en date du ~tljuin 1949, adresske par le ministre de
Grande-Dretagne à Budapest au chargé d'affaires des Etats-
Uiiis d'A1n6riqiic................
18. Lettre, en date du rcrjuin 1949, adressée par le ministre de
Grande-IJretagne h Riicarest ail miiiistre des Etats-Uriis
d'Amérique. ...............

~g. Note du rr juin 1949 adressée par I'Union des Képublic.lues
socinlistes soviitiques aux Gtats-unis d'AmCriquc .... T-ABLE OF CONTENTS
Annexes Pages
I. United Statcs note of 2 April, 1949, to Hulgaria . . . . 23

2. United St;ites riotc of 2 April, 1949, to Hungnry . . . . 25

3. Uiiited St;~tcs note of 2 April, 1949, to liiimatiia . . . .

4. Hurigririan iiotc of S April, 1949, to United States . .

j. Bulgnrian iiote of 21 April, 1949, to United States

6. Rurnaniaii note of 18 April, 1949, to United States . .

7. Unitecl States note of 31 May, 1949, to Bulgaria . . . .

8. Uriited States imtc of gr May, 1949, to Hungary . . . .

g .United States note of 31 May, 1949, to Rumaiiia . . . .

ru. Lettcr of United States iliinister in Sofia of 31 Al-, 1949, to
Soviet Ambassador . , , . . . . . . . . . . . .

II. Letter of United States Chargé d'Affaires in Buclapest of 31 May,
1949, to Soviet r-\mbassador. . . . . . . . . . . .

12. Letter of Uriited States Minister in 13ucharest of 31 May, 1949,
to Sovict Ambrissador . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13. Letter of Uriitccl States Minister in Sofia of 31 May, 1949, to
Hritisl-i blii-iistc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14. Letter of United States Chargé d'affaires iii ljudapest of
31 May, 1949, to British Ninister . . . . . . . . .

15, Letter of United States Minister in Huclîarcst of 31 alay, 1949,
to British Illinister . . . . . . .. . . . . , . . .

16. Letter of British Minister in Sofia of 31 May, 1949, to United
States hfiiiister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17. Letter of British hlinister in Budapest of I Jurie, 1949, to
United Statcs Cliargé d'Affaires . . . . . . . . . .

18. Eetter of British Minister in Bucharest of I June, r949, to
United States hlinister , . . . . . .. . . . . .

19. Union of Soviet socialjst Republics note of Ir Juiie, 1949, to
United States . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . .23 UOCURIENTS TRAKSlïIS

Annexcs Pages
20. Xote ciu 30 juin1949 adressCe par les États-unis d'Amériqueà
I'Uriioii (les Républiques socialistes soi~iétiqu..... 53
21. Xote du rg juillet 1949 adrcçséepar l'union des Républiques
socialistes so\~iétiquesaux Etats-Unis d'Amérique ....
22. Xote du 27juillet 1949 adresséepar la Rulgarie aux États-unis
d'Amérique ................. 56
23. Sote dii 11.aoiit 1949 adresséepar les États-unis d'Amérique
à la Hongrie .............. 5s
24. Xote du ~t:août 1949 adresske par les États-unis d'Amérique
à la 13uIgarie .................
25. Sote du ~i!aoîit 1949 adressée par les États-Unis d'Américlue
à la Roumanie ............. Go
26. Note du 26 aoiit 1949 adresséepar la Hongrie aux États-unis
d'Aniérique. .............. 61
27. Note clu I<:septembre 1949 adressée par laBulgarie aux etatç-

Unis d'Amérique. ............. 62
28. Note du 2septembre i949 adresséepar laRoumanie aux Etats-
Unis d'Amérique ................ 63
29. Note du 19 septembre 1949 adressée par les Etats-unis
d'Amérique rl la Hongrie. ..........
30. Note du 19 septembre 1949 adressée par les États-unis

d'Amérique A la Bulgarie. ........... 66
31. Note du 19 septembre 1949 adressée par les États-unis
d'Am6rique à la ]<oumanie ............ 68

[Texte original en anglais]

z avril 1949.

La légation des Etats-unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments
au ministère des Affaires étrangères de 1-aBulgarie et, conformémeiit
aux instructions du Gouvcrncment des Etats-Unis, a l'honneur cfeSC
référerà l'article2 du traité de paix avec la Rulgarie et à la conduite
du Gouvcrncment de la 13ulgarie en ce qui concerne lfcxécutioii de
l'obligation qui lui incombe aux termes dudit article de protéger Ics
droits de l'liotnrne et les libertés fondamentales.

L'article2 dti traité de pais est ainsi conçu
La 13ulgarieprendra toutes les mesures nécessaires pour assurer
à toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction, sans distinction
de race, de sexe, de langue ou de religion, la jouissance des droits de
l'homme et des libertés fondamentales,y compris ln libertéd'expres-
sion de la pensée, la libertde presse et de publication, la liberti.
du culte, la liberté d'opiiiioii et de réunIIn. DOCUMENTS TRASSMITTED 23

Annexes Pages
20. United States note of 30 June, 1949, to Union of Soviet Socia-
list Kepublics ................. 53
21. Union of Soviet Socialist Kepublics note of 19 July, 1949, to
United States ................. 55

22. Bulgarian note of 27 July, 1949, to United States ... 56

23. United States note of I August, r949, to Hungary ... 58

24. United States note of I August, 1949, to Bulgaria ... 59

25. United States note of I August, 1949, to Kumania ...

26. Hungarian note of 26 August, 1949, to United States ... 61

27. Bulgarian note of I September, 1949, to United States . 62

28. Rumanian note of 2 September, 1949, to United States .

29. United States note of zc)September, 1949, to Hungary . . 65

30. United States note of 19 September, 1949, to Rulgaria . . 66

gr. United States note of 19 Septernber, 1949, to Rumania . 68


[Original text : English]
2 April, 1949-

The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Miniçtryof Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and, acting under the instruc-
tions of the United States Government, has the honor to refer to Article2
of the Treaty of Peace aith Bulgaria, and tothe Bulgarian Government's
record with respect to fulfilment of its obligations under that article to
protect human rights and the fundamental freedoms.

Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace reads as follows :
"Bulgaria shdl take al1rneasures necessary to secure to al1persotis
under Bulgarian jurisdiction, urithout distinction as to race, sex,
language or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and of the
fundamentd freedoms, including freedom of expression, of press
and publication, of religious worship, of political opinon and of
public meeting."24 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

Depuis que le traité de paix avec la Bulgaee est entré en vigueur
le 15 septembre 1947, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique,
en tant que signataire de cet instrirment, a observé attentivement
l'évolution de la situation en Bulgarieen vue clevérifiersi le Gouverne-
ment de la Bulgarie s'acquitte des obligations qui lui incombent aux
termes du traité. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis attache une impor-
tancc particulière aux obligations définiesdans l'article précité,en vertu

desquelles le Gouverriement de la Bulgarie est teiiu d'assurer5 toutes
les personnes relevant de sa juridiction la jouissance des droits de
l'homme ct des libertés fondamentales. Des observations qu'il a pu
faire au cours de cette période, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis a tiré
cette conclusion que leGouvernement de la Bulgarie, qui a cu cependant
maintes occasions d'exécuter de bonne foi ses engagements, a délibéré-
ment et systématiquement empéchéle peuple bulgare, par des mesures
restrictives et des actes d'oppression, d'exercer les droits et de jouir
des libertés mêmesqu'il s'était engagé à lui assurer aux ternes de

l'articlz du traité. Enfait,le méprisque le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie
a manifesté à l'égard des droits et des libertés des personnes relevant
de sa juridiction, et dont on trouvera ci-dessous des exemples, est
devenu si notoire qu'il a provoqué la réprobation généraledes peuples
Par l'exercicede pouvoirs policiers, le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie
a privé un grand nombre de ses citoyens des droits fondamentaux de
l'homme qui leur sont garantis par le traité de paix. Ces mesures de
frustration se sont manifestées par des arrestations arbitrairele perver-
tissement systématique de la procédure judiciaire et la détention prolon-
gé~ dans des prisons et dans des camps, sans procès public, de personnes
dont les opinions sont opposées A celles du régime.
De même,le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie n refusé aux personnes
relevant de sa juridiction, en tant que particuliers et en tant que groupes
organisés, y compris les partis politiques de caractère démocratique,
la jouissance des libertés fondamentales d'opinion politique et de réunion

publique. Il a dissous l'Union nationale agrarienne, le parti socialiste
bulgare ainsi que d'autres groupes et ila fait jeter en prison bon nombre
des dirigeants de ces mouvements. Peu ayrhs l'entrée en vigueur du
traité de paix, au mépris de l'opinion publique mondiale, le Gouverne-
ment de la Bulgarie a ordonné l'exécution de Nicolas Petkov, chef de
l'Union nationale agrarienne, pour avoir osé exprimer des opinions
politiques démocratiques qui ne correspondaient pas à celles du Gouver-
nement. Il a entamé des poursuites contre les députes qui rie souscri-
vaient pas à sa politique, de sorte qu'il lie.reste dbsormais plus trace
d'opposition parlementaire, ce qui prouve bien que la liberté d'opinion
politique en Bulgarie a étéeffectivement supprimée.
En imposant des restrictions a la presse et à d'autres publications,
le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie a privé les personnes relevant de ça
juridictionde la liberté d'expression qui leur est garantie par Ie traité
de paix. En adoptant certaines mesures législatives et administratives
eten permettant à ses fonctionnaires de recouriri la force etiil'intimi-
dation, le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie a empéché les citoyens bulgares
d'exprimer librement des opinions qui ne sont pas conformes à ceiles
que- prescrivent les milieux officiels. T,a liberté de la presse n'existe
pas en Bulgarie. DOCUMENTS TR.4SSJllTTED 24

Since the entry into force on ijSeptember, 1947 of the'l'reaty of l'eace
with Bulgaria, the United States Government, as a signatory of that
instrument, has observed closely developments inBulgaria with riview
to ascertaining whether the Bulgarian Government has beeii fulfilling its
obligations under the Treaty. The United States Government attaches

parGcular importance to the obligations, set forth in the aforementioned
article, whichrequire the Bulgarian Government to secure to al1 persons
under Bulgarian jurisdiction the enjoyment of liuman rights and of the
fundamental freedomz. 011 the basis of its observations during this
period, the United States Government concludes that the Uulgarian
Government, although it liashad ample opportunity to carry out its
cornmitrnents in goocl faith, has deliberately and systernatically denied
to the BuIgarian people, by means of privative measures and oppressive
acts,the esercise of the vcry riglits and freedoms which it has pledged
to sccure to them iintler .Article z of the Treaty. The disregard shown by
the Bulgarian Government for the rights and liberties of persons under
its jurisdiction, a? illustrated belotv, has indeed becomc so notorioiis as
to evoke the condemnation of free peoples everywhere.

71'liroughtlie esercise of police power the Bulgarian Govciriinerit l-ias
. deprived large numbers of its citizens of their basic 1iiimar-i rights,
açsured to them urider the 'I'renty of Peace. Thesc deprivntions have
been manifested by arbitrary arrests,systematic perversion of the judicial
process, and the proloiiged detention in prisons alid camps, without
public trial, of persons whosc views are opposed to thoçe of the régime.

Similarly, the Bulgarian Governrnent has denied to persons living

under its jurisdiction, as individuals and as organized groups including
democratic political parties, the fundamental freedoms of political
opinion and of public meeting. It ha dissolved the Bational Agrarian
Union, the Bulgariaii Socialist Party andother groups, and has imprisoned
rnany of their Ieaders. LViththe Treaty of Peace barely in eflect and in
the face of u+orIdopinion, the Bulgarian Government ordered the execu-
tion of Nikola Petkov, Xational Agrarian Uni011leader, who dared to
express democratic political opinions which did not correspond to those
of the Bulgarian Goverii~nciit. Proceedings were instituted agait~st tliose
deputies who did not ngrce witli its policies, with the result thnt no
vestige of parliamentary opposition now remains, an illustration of the
effective denial of freedom of political opinion in Bulgaria.

By restrictions on the press and on other publications, the Hulgarian
Government has dcnied to perçons under its jurisdiction the freedom of
expression guaranteed to them under the Treaty of Peace. 13y lams,
administrative actc. and the use of force and intimidation on the part of
its officials. the Bulgarian Government has made it impossible for
individual citizens openly to express vielm not in coniormity to those
officially prescribed. Freedom of the press does not exist in Rulgarin.2.5 DOCUIIIEKTS TRAXSMIS

Par des mesures législatives, par les actes de ses forictionnaires et
par les iprocès 11intentés à des ecclésiastiques, Ie Gouvernement bulgare
a violé les dispositions expresses du traité de paix relatives à la liberté
du culte. Il est évident, par exemple, que les mesures récentes dirigées
contre les sectes protestantes de Bulgarie sont inconipatibles avec
l'obligation qui incombe au Gouvernemerit bulgare d'assurer la liberté
du culte à toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction.
Le Gouvernement de Ia Bulgarie est entièrement responsable ilon
seulement des actes qu'il a commis en violation de l'article 2 depuis

l'entrée en vigueur du traité de paix, mais encore de n'avoir pas cherché
à remédier aux conséquences de certains actes commis avant cette
date, et qui ont continué à porter atteinte aux droits de l'homme et
aux libertés fondamentales. Conscient des responsabilités qui lui incom-
bent aux termes du traité de paix, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique a attiré l'attention à diverses reprises sur les agissements
des autorités bulgares. Cependant, le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie
n'a pas jugé bon de modifier sa conduite pour se conformer aux stipula-
tions du traité.
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement des États-unis d'hmériquc, en tant
que signataire du traité de paix, estime que le Gouvernement de la
Bulgarie a violé à plusieurs reprises les dispositions de l'artic2ede ce
trait6. Comme ledit traité stipule expressément que le Gouvernement
de la Bulgarie est tenu d'assurer à toutes les personnes rclcvant de sa
juridiction la jouissance des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamen-
tales, il est impossible d'accepter l'argument spécieux selon lequel les

questions soulevéesdans la présente note relèvent purement +s affaires
intérieures du pays. En conséquence, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis
d'Amériqueinvite le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie à adopter immédiate-
ment des mesures correctives en ce qui concerne les violations mention-
nées ci-dessus et le prie de bien vouloir indiquer avec précision celles
qu'il est disposé à prendre pour mettre pleinement en Œuvre les disposi-
tions de l'article2 du traité de paix.

[Texte original en anglais]

z avril 1949.

'La légation des États-Unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments
au ministère des Affaires 6trangères de 19 Hongrie, et, conformément
aux instructions du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, a l'honneur de se
référerà l'article zdu traité depaix avec la Hongrie et à la conduite du
Gouvernement de la Hongrie eri ce qui concerne l'exécution de l'obliga-
tion qui lui incombe aux termes dudit article de protéger les droits de
l'homme et les libertés fondamentales.
L'article 2 du traité de paix est ainsi conçu :

rI. La Hongrie prendra toutes les mesures nécessaires pour
assurer à toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction, sans DOCULZENTS TRANSMITTED 25

By leg-islation, by the acts of its officials, byd "trials" of religious
leaders, the Bulgarian Government liasacted in contra\rention of the
express provision ofthe Treaty of Peace in respect of freedom of worship.
Kecent rneasures directed against the Protestant dcnominationç in
Bulgaria, for example, are clearly incompatible with the Bulgarian
Government's obligation to secure freedom of religious worship to al1

persons under its jurisdiction.
The Bulgarian Government bears full responsibility not only for acts
comrnitted since the effective date of the 'l'reatÿof I'eace ~vhichare in
contravention of Article 2, but also for its failure to redress the conse-
queilces of acts committed prior to tbat date wliich have continued to
prejudice the enjoyment of humati rights and of the fundamental freedoms.
The United States Government, mindful of its responsibilities under the
Treaiy of Peace, has drawn attention on appropriate occasions to the
flagrant conduct of the Rulgarian autliorities in this regard. The Eulgar-
ian Government, however, has friiletlto moclify its conduct in conformity
with the stipulations of the Treaty.

In the circurnçtatices, the United States Government, as a signatory
of the Treaty of Peace, finds that the ISulgarian Government has
repeatedly violated the provisions of Article2 of that Treaty. lnasmuch
as the obligation of the Government of I3ulgaria to secure to al1persoi-is
under Bulgarian jurisdiction tlie enjoyment of liuman rights and funda-
mental freedoms is expressly stipulated in the Treaty, no specious

argument that the matters raised i~ithe present note are purely of a
domestic. character can be nccepted. 'l'tie United States Governmeiit,
accordingly, calls upon the Bulgarinn Government to adopt prompt
remedial measures in respect of the violations referred to above and
requests the Rulgarian Governmcnt to specify the stcps which it is
prepared to take in implementing fully the terms of Article 2 of the
Treaty of Peace.

[Original text : English]

2 April, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and, acting under the
instructions of the United States Government, lias the honor to refer to
Article z of the Treaty of Peace with i-iiingary, and to the Hungarian
Government's record with respect to fulfilment of its obligations under
that article to protect human rights and tlic fundamental freedoms.

Articlez of the Treaty of Peace reads as follows :
"r. Wungary shaH tnke al1 me;isrircs necessiiry to secure to all
persons uiider Hungarinn jurisdictiori, without distinction as to, DOCUJIESTS TRrlSSJIIS

distinction de race, de sexe, de langue ou de religion, lajouissance
des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales, y compris
la liberté d'expression de la pensée,la liberté de presse et de publi-
cation, la liberté du culte, la libertéd'opinion ct de réunion.
2. T,a Hongrie s'engage en outre A ce que les lois en \'gueur en
Hongrie ne comportent, soit dans leur teste, soit dans les modalités
de leur applicatiori, aucune discriminiztiori clirecte oti indirecte
entre les ressortissants hongrois en raison de leur race, de leur

sexe, (le leur laiigue, de leur religion, tant clce qui concerne leur
personne, leurs biens, leurs intérêtscommerciaux, ~irofessionnels
ou financiers, leur statut, leurs droits politic~ues et civils qu'en
toute autre matière. IJ

Depuis que le traité de pais avec la Hoiigrie est eiitré en vigueur,
le Ij septembre 1947, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique,
en tant que signataire de cet instrument, a observé attentivement
l'évolution de la situation eii Hongrie en rue dc vérifier si leGourerne-
ment de la Hongrie s'acquitte des obligations qui lui incombent aus
termes du traité. 1-eGouvernement desÉtats-Unis attache uiie impor-
tance particuliére aus obligations définiesdans l'article précité,en vertu
desquelles le Couvernenlei-it de la Hongrie est tenu d'assurer à toutes
les personnes relevant de sa juridiction la jouissa~~cc des droits de
I'homine et des libertés fondameiitales. nes obse-atioiis qu'il a pu
faireau cours de cette période,leGouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Améri-

que n tiré cette coiiclusion que le Gouvernement de la Hongrie, qui
a eu cependant maintes occasioiis d'esécutcr cle bonne foi ses engage-
ments, a déliblrément et çystématiqucment ernpêchéle peuple hongrois,
par ries mesures restrictives et des actes d'oppressioli, d'esercer les
droits ct de jouir des libertés mêmesqu'il s'était engagé à lui assurer
aux tennes de l'article 2 du traité. En fait, le mépris que le Gouverne-
ment de la Hongrie a manifesté à l'égard des droits et libertés des
personnes relel-ant de sa juridiction, et dont on trouvera ci-dessous
des exemples, est devenu si notoire qu'il a provotlui! la réprobation
généraledes peuples libres. restrictions que le Gouvernement de la Hongrie avait commencé
d'itnposer aux droits et, aux libertés penrlaiit la ~~kriodede I'rirmistice
ont étémaiiiteniies, sans relâchement, depuis l'entrée en vigueur du
trait& de pais. l<n eserçant arbitrairement des poiivoirs policiers et en
pervertissant la procédure judiciaire, le Gouvcrnemcnt de la Hongrie

et ses orgaiieç officiels ont violle droit à la vie et lc droit 5 laliberté
que les citoyens hongrois possédaient en tant qu'hommes libres. La
suppression de la liberté d'opinion politique est compléte en Hongrie.
Des partis politiclues de caractère démocraticlue, chargés par le peuple
de mandats importants, ont été, sur l'initiative du Gouvernement,
successivemeiit «épurés n,réduits au silence dans le Parleinent, divisés
et dissous. Pour imposer une obédience politique rigoureuse, le Gouver-
nement dc la Hongrie et le parti communiste qui le contrôle ont créé
un vaste et insidieus réseaude police et d'autres organes qui obserr-ent,
sigiialeiit et cherchent à contrôler les opinions, les associations et les
activités privées des citoyens hongrois.
Malgré les dispositions du traité de paix, le Gouvernement de la
Hongrie a réduit la liberté d'expression. La liberti: clepresse et de publi-
cation n'existe pas. Les ordonnances fo~idamentales relatives à la presse race, sex, language or religion, the cnjoyment of liumaii riglitç aiid
of the fundameiital frecdoms, including freedom of cspressioii, of
press and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion and
of public meeting.
2. Hungary further unctertakes that the laws in force iii I-lungary
shall not, cither in tlieir conterit or in their application, discriminate
or entai1 any diçcrimiiintion'between persans of Huiigariaii natioii-
ality on the grounil of their race, sex, language or religiori, wliether
in reference to tticir persons, property, business, profcssional or
financial interests, statiis,political or ci\lil riglits or any other

Siiice the entry iiito force on 15 September, 1947, of tlie Treaty of
Peace with Hungary, tlie Uriited States Government, as a sigriatory of
that instrument, has observed closely developments in Hungary with
a view to ascertaining whether the Hunganan Government has been
fulfilling its obligations under the Treaty. The Unitecl States Go\.ernment
attaches particular importai-ice to the obligations set fort11in tlie afore-
mentioned article, which require the Hungarian Government to secure
to al1 persons under Hi~ng:~rinnjurisdiction the cnjoymcrit of human
rights and of the funtlamental freecloms.On the basis of its observations
during this period, tlie Unitecl States Government conclutles tl-iat the
Hungzrian Governrnerit, nlttiougli it has had ample opporturiity tu carry
out itscornmitments in good faith, has deliberately and systeniaticrclly
denied to the Hungarian people, by means of privative mensures and
oppressive acts, thc exercise of the very rights and frecdoms which it has
pledged to secure to them under Article 2 of the 'I'reaty. 'l'hedisregard
shown by the Hungarian C;overnment for the rights aritl liberties of
persons under its jurisdictioii, as illustrated below, has indeed become
so iiotorious as to ei~okethe condemnation of free peoples everpvhere.

The abridgment of rights and freedoms begun by the Hiiiigarian
Government in the armistice ~ieriod has continued wittiout abatement
since the entry into force of the Treaty of Peace. Througli arbitrary
esercise of police power and perversion of judicial process, the Hiingarian
Government and its ngencies Iiave violated tlie rights of citizeiis as free
men to life and liberty. Deriial of frccdom of palitical opinion is cornpiete
in Hungary. Dernacratic political parties which held substxntial ~nandates
from people have beeri through the Government's initiative successively
purged, silenced in Parliament, fragmentized aiid dissoIved. To enforce
rigid political conformity the Hungarian Gove~nment and the Communist
Party which controls it have estabiished a vast and inçidious network
of police and other agents who observe, report ori, and seek to control the
prij-ate opinions, associations and activities of its citizens.

The Hungarian Goveriiment, despite the provisions of the l'reaty of
Pence, has circumscribed frcedom of expression. Freedom of press and
publication does not esist. I3asic ctecrees pertaining to ttie press are27 DOCURIENTS TRANSMIS

ont un caractère restrictif et leur interprétation pratique est sujette
aux mêmes restrictions. Aucune critique sérieuseà l'égarddu Gouverne-
ment du parti communiste n'est tolérée.Le Gouvernement a pris la
direction des entreprises d'imprimerie et de distribution de papier
journal afin de refuser la liberté d'expression aux personnes privées
ou aux gouvernements dont les opinions politiques différent de celles
du Gouvernement. En ce qui concerne les correspondants de presse,
bien qu'il n'existe pas officiellement de censure, il reste néanmoins
établi que le Gouvernement de la Hongrie a refusé d'admettre sur
son territoire ou expulsé des correspondants étrangers qui avaient
envoyé des dépêchescontenant des critiques à l'égard du régime, et
qu'ila obligé lescorrespondants locaux A n'écrireque des articles accep-
tables ou favorables au régime.
La liberté de réunion dans le domaine politique a étésystématique-
ment refusée à tous, sauf aux groupements communistes et à leurs
collaborateurs. Quant aux réunions de caractère religieux, les pouvoirs
publics ont à diverses reprises empêché lescitoyens hongrois d'y assister

et tracassé les organisateurs. De plus, le Gouvernement de la Hongrie
a poursuivi une politique qui porte atteinte à la liberté du culte. Par
des mesures coercitives, iI s'est efforcéde miner l'influence des églises
et des membres du clergé et de restreindre leurs fonctions légitimes.
En intentant, contre les ecclésiastiques, des poursuites arbitraires et
injustifiées pour des motifs fabriqués de toutes pièces, comme dans
l'affaire du cardinal Mindszenty et dans celle de l'évêqueluthérien
Ordass, le Gouvernement de la Hongrie s'est efforcéde les faire remplacer
par des co!laborateurs au service du parti communiste et de son program-
me. De telles mesures constituent des violations de la liberté du culte
garantie par le traité de paix.
Le Gouvernement de la Hongrie est entiérement responsable non
seulement des actes qu'il a commis en violation de l'article 2 depuis
l'entréeen vigueur du traité de paix, mais encore de n'avoir pas cherché
à remédier aux conséquences de certains actes commis avant cette
date et qui ont continué à porter atteinte aux droits de l'homme et
aux libertés fondamentales. Conscient des responsabili>ésqui lui incom-

bent en vertu du traité depaix, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amé-
rique a attiré l'attention à diverses reprises sur les agissements des
autorités hongroises a cet égard. Cependant, le Gouvernement de la
Hongrie n'a pas jugé bon de modifier sa conduite pour se conformer
aux stipulations du traité.
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amérique, en tant
que signataire du traité de paix, estime que le Gouvernement de la
Hongrie a violé à plusieurs reprises les dispositions de l'articl2 de
ce traité. Comme ledit traité stipule expressément que le Gouvernement
de la Hongrie est tenu d'assurer à toutes les personnes relevant de
sa juridiction la jouissancedes droits de l'homme et des libertés fonda-
mentales, il est impossible d'accepter l'argument spécieux selon lequel
les questions soulevées dans la présente note relèvent purement des
affaires intérieures du pays. En conséquence, le Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis d'Amériqueinvite le ,Gouvernement de la Hongrie à.adopter
immédiatement des mesures correctives en ce qui concerne les violations
mentionnées ci-dessus et Ie prie de bien vouloir indiquer avec précision
celles qu'il est disposé à prendre pour mettre pleinement en Œuvre
les dispositions de l'artic2edu traité de paix.restrictive in chacacter and are so interpretecl in practice. No suhstitntive
criticism of the Govcrnment of the Communist Party is permittecl.
Government control of printing estabIishments and of the distribution
of newsyrint has been esercised to deiiy freedom of expression to
inclividuals or groups whose political opinions are at variailce with those
of the Government. In thc field of reporting, absence of formal censorship
has not obscured the record ofthe Hungariaii Government in excluding
or espellirig foreigrl corrcspondents who have written despatches critical
of the régimeor in intimitlating local correspondents into writing only
what is acceptable or favorable to the régime.

1:reedom of public meeting on poiitical matters has been regularly

denied to al1 escept Communist groups and tlieir collaborators. In the
case of religious meetings, on various occasions attendance nt such
gatlierings titis been obstriictcd and the principals subjected to 1i;irass-
ment. The Hungarian Govcrriment, morcovcr, lias pursued policies
detrimental to freedom of religious worsliip. Ithas sought by cocrcive
measures to undermine the influence of thc Churches and of religious
leaders and to restrict their legitimate fiiiictions. Ry arbitrary and
unjiistified proceedings agaiiist religious leaclcr011fabricated grounds,
as in the cases of Cardinal Bliiidszenty and 1-utheran Bishoj) Ordass,
the Huiigarian Govcrnment lias attempted to force the submissiori of
independent Church leaders and to bring about their replacement ivith
coilaborators subçervient to thc Communist f'nrty and its program. Such
mensurcs constitute viol~~tions of the freedorn of religious worsliip
guarüriteect by the Treaty of Peace.
Tlic Hungarian Government bears full responsibility not only foracts
committed since the effective date of the Treaty of I'eace wliich are in
contravention of Article 2, but also for its failure to redress the conse-
quences of acts committed prior to that date which have continuecl to
prejudice the enjoyrnent of human rights and of the fundamental
freedoms. 'I'heUnited States Govcrnrnent, mindftil of itsresponsibilities

under tlie 'l'reatof Peacc, 1i;idclrawn attention on appropriate occasions
to thc flagrant conduct of tlic Hungarian autliorities in this regard.'Hie
Wungariail Government, however, has failcd to modify its coiiduct in
conformity with the stipulations of the Treaty.

In tlie circurnstances, tlic Uriited States Government, as a signatory
of the 'I'renty of Peace, finds that the Hungarian Government lias
repeatcrllq~violated the provisions of Article2 of that Treaty. lnasmuch
as thc 01)ligation of the Govcrnment of Hungary to secure to al1liersons
undcr i-I-liirigarianjuristliction the enjoymeiit oî liunian rigli:ml the
fundamcntnl freedoms is esprecsly stipulated in the Treaty, no specious
argument that the mattcrs rnised in the pi-esent note are purely of a
domestic character can be accepted. The Unitcd States Government,
accordingly, calls upon the Hungarian Governrnent to adopt prompt
remedial rneasures in respect of the violations referred to abovc and
requests the Hungarian Governrnent to specify the steps ~vhich it is
preparecl to take in implementing fully the tcms of Article 2 of the
Treaty of I'eace. Annexe 3


[Texte original en anglais]

2 avril 1949.
La Iégation des États-unis dlArnérique présente ses compliments au
miiiistére des Affaires étrangères de la poumanie et, conformémcnt

aux instructions du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, a l'honneur de se
référer à I'article 3 du traité de paix avec la Roumanie et Ala conduite
du Gouvernement de la Roumanie en ce qui concerne l'exécution de
l'obligation qui lui incombe aux termes dudit article de protéger les
droits de l'homme et les libertés fondamentales.
L'article 3 du traité de paisest ainsi conçu :

11K. La Roumanie prendra toutes les mesures iibcessaires pour
assurer à toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction, sans
distinction de race, de sese, de langue ou de religion, la jouissaiice
des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales, y compris
la liberté d'espression de la pensée, laliberte de presse et de puhli-
cation, la liberté du culte, la libertéd'opinio~iet rle réunion.
2. 1,a Roumanie s'engage cn outre à ce que les lois en vigueur
cn Roumanie ne comportent, soit dans leur teste, soit dans les
modaiités de leur application, aucune discrimin:ition directe ou

indirecte entre les ressortissants roumains en raison de leur race,
de leur sexe, de leur leur religion, tant cn ce qui concerne
leur personne, leurs biens, leurs intérêtscomrnerciaiis, profession-
nels ou financiers, leur statut, leurs droits politiques et civils qu'en
toute autre matière. i)
Depilis qite le traité de pais avec la Roumar!ie est entré cn vigueur
le 15 septembre 1947, le Gouvernement des Etnts-Uiiis d'Amérique,
en tant que sigiiataire de cet instrument, a observe attentivement

i'é\-oliitiodc la situation eii liouninnieerlvue de vhifier sile Gouver-
nenierit clcla. Roumanie s'accliiitte des obligations cliii lui incombent
aus termes du traité. Le Gouvernement des États-Unis attache une
importance particulière aux obligations définies ilans l'article précité,
en vertu desquelles le Gouvernemcrit clela Rouma~iie est tenu d'assurer
à toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction la jouissance des droits
de I'homrne et des libertés foiiclamentales. Des obser\~atio~s qu'il a
pu faire au cours de cette période, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique atirécette conclusion que le Gouvernement de la Koumanie,
qui a CU cepenclant maintes occasioi~sd'exécuter de boiiile foi ses engage-
ments, a délibéréinentet systkmntiquement empêchéle peuple roumain,
par des incsures restrictives et des acte d'oppression, d'exercer les
droits et de jouir des libertés mêmesqu'il s'était engagé i lui assurer

aux termes de l'article 3 du traité. En fait, le mépris cllie le Gouverne-
ment dc la Roumanie a manifestk 5 l'égard des droits et libertés des
personnes relevant de sa jiiridiction, et dont on trouvera ci-dessous
des exemples, est devenu si iiotoire qu'il a provoqui: la réprobation
générale (les peuples libres.
Aii cours de la périodede l'armistice, le Gouvernement de In Roumanie
a prisoii autorisi: des mesures qiii ont progressivemerit friistrS les persnn- DOCUMENTS TRASSJIITTED


[Original text : English]

2 April, 1949
The Legation of the United States of Arnerica yresents its compliments
to the Rlinistry of Foreign Affairs of Kumania and, acting under the
instructions of the United States Government, has the honor to refer to
Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace with Rumania, and to the Rumanian
Government's record with respect to fulfilmcnt of its obligations under

that article to protect Iirimanrights alid the fundamental freedoms.

Article3 of the Treaty of Peace reads ,asfollows :
"1. Roumania shall take al1 measures necessary to secure to al1
persons under Itoumanian jurisdiction, withoiit distinction as to
race, ses, Ianguage or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and
of the furiclamerital freedoms, including freedom of expression, of

press and publicatiori, of religious worshipof political opinion and
of public meeting.
2. Koumnni:i further undertakes tti~itthe laws in force in Rouma-
nia shall not, either in their conterit or in their application,
discriminate or cntail any discrimination between perçons of
Koumanian nationality on the grourid of their race, sex, language or
religion, whether in reference to their persons, property, business,
profession or finnncial interests, status, political or civrights or
any other matter."

Since the entry irito force on Ij September, 1947 ,f the 'l'reaty of
Peace with Rumania, the United States Government, as a signatory of
tfiat instrument, lias observed closely dcvelopments in Rumania with

a view to ascertainirig wliether the Kumriiii:tn Governrnent ilas been
fukfillingits obligatioris untler the 'TreThe.United States Government
attaches particuiar importance to the oblilations, set fortti in the
aforementioned article, which require the 13umanian Government to
secure to al1 perçons under Kumanian urisrliction the enjoyment of
human rights and of the fundamental reecloms. On the basis of its
observations during this period,the United States Government concludes
that the Rumanian Government, although it lias had ample opportunity
to carry out its commitments in good faith, hnscleliherately and systema-
ticnlly clenied to the litimanian people, by mcans of privative measures
and oppressivc acts, the exercise of the vcry rights and freedomç wliich
it has pledged to sccurc to them under Article 3 of the Treaty. 'l'he
disregard shown by the Rumanian Government for the rights and
libertiec of persons untler its jurisdiction, as illustrated below, has indccd
becorne so notorious as to evoke the condemnation of free peoples

During the Armistice period the Kumanian Government took or
countenancecl actions which progressively deprived persons under its


nes relevant de sa juridiction de leiirs droits et de leurs libertésessentiels.
Après la signature du traité de paix, leIO février1947 .e Gouvernement
de la Roumanie s multiplié ces mesures ,restrictives, et aux mois de
juin et d'août 1947, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis a averti le Gouver-
nement de la Roumanie qu'il considérait ces actes comme préjudiciables
à l'exécution des dispositioils du traité. Toutefois, le Gouvernement
de la Roumanie n'a pris aucune mesure corrective. Aprhs l'entrée en
vfgueur du traité, le Gouvernement de la Roumanie non seulement
na pas modifié cette politique, mais il l'a poursuivie avec autant de
ICn violation de la liberté d'opinion politique garantie par le traité
de pais, le Gouvernement de la Roumanie et le parti communiste qui

le contrôle tout en ne représentant qu'une minorité, ont désorganisé,
réduit au silence et dissous les partis politiques de caractèrenocratic~ue
et privéles chefs démocratiques de leur liberté. A cette fin, le Coulwne-
ment de Ia Roumanie a recouru à desméthodes d'jntimid;ition et perverti
la procédure judiciaire. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Américlue,
dans la. iioteno 61 de sa Iegation en date du 2 févricr 1948,a signalé
l'iniquitéde ces actes, et notamment Icprktendu (procès iiet la condam-
nation 5 l'emprisonnement vie de TuIiu Xaniu, président du parti
national paysan, et d'autres chefs politiques. En outre, un nombre
important de citoyens roumains ont étéarrêtéset détenus, sans procès
public, pendant des périodes prolongées.
Par des lois, des ordonnances, des mesures admi~iistratiires ainsi
clue par des actes extralégaux d'orgaiiisations affiliéesau Gouvernement
et au parti communiste, le Gouvernement de la Roumanie n empêché
de s'esprimer tous ceux qui ont une opinion politique différente de la
sienne. La liberté de presse et de publication garantie par le traité
n'esistc pas en Roumanie. -4iicrine critique sérieuseà l'égarddu Gouver-
nement n'est tolérée.Le Gou~.crriement a pris la direction des ciitreprises

d'imprimerie, et il a supprimétoutes les publications qui,ne se ccmforinent
pas 5 ses directives ou qui ne servent pas les dessedusparti communiste.
Malgréles dispositions expresses du traité de paix, seules les organisa-
tions communistes et celles qui ont la sanction de ce parti soiit pratique-
ment en mesure d'organiser des réunions politiques. Devniit la menace
d'intervention coerciti~veet de représailles de la part clu Gouvernement
ou du parti communiste, d'autres groupements n'ont mêmepas tenté
de tenir de réunions de ce genre.
Ue méme, le Gouvernement de Ia Roumanie a restreint la liberté
du culte garantiepar l'article 3 du traité de pais en prenant des mesures
Iégislatives et autres qui, en fait, suppriment cette liberté.II a établi
un contrble très étendu srir les pratiques religieuses, iiotairirnent en
imposant des épreuves de caractére politique, ce qui est incompatible
avec laliberté du culte. Il a fait usage de ces pouvoirs nu moins une
fois pour dissoudre par décret gouvernemental uneorganisation religieuse
importante et transférer ses biensà 1'Etat.
Le Gouvernement de la Iioumanie est entièrement responsable non
seulement des actes qu'il n commis en violation de l'article 3 depuis
l'entréeen vigueur du traité de pais, mais encore de n'avoir pas cherché

à remédieraux conséquences de certains actes commis avant cette date,
et qui ont continué à porter atteinte aux droits de l'homme et aux
libertés fondamentales. Conscient des responsabil~tésqui lui incombent
en vertu du traité de paix, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique DOCUJIENTS TRAsSlIITTED 29

jurisdiction of tfieir essential rights and freedoms. The ~umanian Govern-
ment accelerated these deprivations after it had signecl the Treaty of
Peace on IO February, 1947a ,nd iri June and ilugust, 1947 he United
States Government warned the Rumanian Government concerning such
actions as beiiig prejudicial to the. fulfilment of provisions of the 'Treaty.
The Kumanian Government, howcver, took no corrective mcasures. This
procesç was not only not reverscd but continued without abatement after
the Treaty came into force.

In violation of freedom of politicaf opinion, assured by the 'Treaty of
Peace, the Kumanian Governmeilt ancl the minority Commuriist Party

which coiitrols it disnipted, silericeci and outlawed democratic political
parties and cleprived democr:itic leaders of their liberty. To this erid, the
Rumanian Government cmployed methocls of intimidation and perver-
sions ofthe judicial process. The iiiecliiitiesof these actascxemplified
by tlie "trial" and condemnation to life imprisonment of Iuliu RIaniu,
Yresident of the National Peasaiit Ijarty, and other leaders were recited
by the United States Government in the Legation's riote No. 61 of
z February, 1948. Moreover, large numbers of Kumanian citizens have
been seized and held for long periods u7ithout public trial.

By laws, decrees and administrative measures as wctl as by extra-legal
acts of organizations affiliateciwith the Government and the Communist
Party, the Runianian Government hns stifled al1expression of political
opinion at variance with its own. Freedom of press alid publication,
guaratiteed by the Treaty of l'ence, does not esist in Rumania. No
substantive criticism of the Government is permittecl. The Rumanian
Governrnent has taken coiitrol of yrinting establishments and has
suppressed al1publications which are not recponsive to its direction or
which do not serve the purposes OF the Communist Party.
Despite the express provision of the 'l'reaty of Peace, only Communist
and Communist-approvecl organizations are able in prnctice to hold
public meetings. In view of the threat of forcible intervention and
reprisaisby the'Government or by ttie Communist Party, other groups
have nol attempted to hold such meetings.

'I'heRiimanian Governrneiit hns likewise abridged freedom of religious
worship, guaraiiteed under Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace, by legis-
lation and by other measures which effectively deriy such freedom. It
has assumed extelisive co~itroover the practice of religion, including the
application of political tests, which is incompatible with freedom of
rvorship. These powers have beeri iisedinal leaçt oneinstance to destroy

by Governmeiit decree a major religious body and to transfer its property
to the State.
The Iiiimanian Government bears full responsibility not only for acts
committed since the effective date of the Treaty of Yeace which are in
contravention of Article 3, but also for its failure to redress the conçe-
[luences of acts committetl ptior to tlint date whicIi have coiitinued to
prejudice theenjoyment ofhuman rightsand of the fundamental freedoms.
'I'heUnited States Goveriiment, mindful of itsresponsibilities under the
Treaty of Peace, has drawn attention oii appropriate occasio~isto thea attiré l'attention à diverses reprises sur les agissemciits des autorités
roumaines à cet égard. Cependant, le Gouvernement de la Koumanie
n'a pas jugé bon de modifier sa conduite pour se conformer aux stipnla-
tions du traité.
C'est pourcluoi le Gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique, en tant
que signataire du traité de pais, estime que le Gouvernement de la

Roumanie a violé à plusieurs reprises les dispositions de l'artic3e de
ce traité. Comme ledit traité stipule espressément que le Gouvernement
de la Koumanie est tenu d'assurer A toutes les pcrsonries relevant de
sajuridiction la jouissance des droits de l'homme et des libertés fonda-
mentales, il est impossible d'accepter l'argument spécieux selon lequel
les clilestions soulevéesdans la présente note relèvent purement des
?ffaires intérieures du pays. En conséquence, le Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis d'Amérique invite le Gouvernement de la Roumanie à
adopter immédiatement des mesures correctives en ce qui concerne
les violations mentionnées ci-dessus et le prie de bien vouloir indiquer
avec précision cellesqu'il est disposéà prendre pour mettre pleinement
en Œuvre les dispositions de l'articl3 du traité de pais.

Annexe 4

[Texte original en anglais]

S avril 1949.

Le ministke des Affaires étrangères de Hongrie présente ses compli-
ments à la légation des Etats-Unis d'Amériqueet a l'honneur d'accuser
réception de sa note no 360, du z avril 1949, et de lui adresser la com-
miinication suivante :
Le Goiivernement des États-~iiis accuse le Gouvernement hongrois
de violer le traité de pais et rappelle en premier lieu les dispositions
du paragraphe I de l'article2 de ce traité,aux termes desclueHes la
Hongrie s'engage Aassurer iià toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridic-
tion, sans distinctiori de race, de sese, de langue ou tle religion, la jouis-
sance des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales)). En ce
qui coricerne la libre jouissaiice des droits de l'homme, il est notoire
que la IZépublique hongroise, bien avant la conclusion du traité de
paix, a aboli toutes les distinctioiis de race,de sexe, de laiigue et de

religion qui esistaient sous le régime de Horthy. Ide Gouvernement
hongrois s'est donc pleinemerit conformé aux disl)ositions du traité
de paix. Ide Gouvernement hongrois tient i faire remarquer que c'est
le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis qui lance contre lc Gouvernement
hongrois les accusations,ci-dessus mentionnées, alors que, de notoriété
publique, il existe aux Etats-Unis d'importantes diçtiiictions entre les
citoyens de races etde couleurs différentes,et qu'il s'en faut de beaucoup
que tous jouissent également des droits de l'homme.
En outre, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis se réfèreail paragraphe 2
de l'article2 du traité de paix, aus termes duquel la Hongrie s'engage
notamment h ce que ses lois ne comportent aucune discrimination entre
les ressortissants hongrois eii ce qui concerne eleur personne, leurs DOCUMENTS TRAXSJIITTED 3O

Aagraiit conduct of the Rumanian authorities in this regard. 'The
Rumanian Government, however, has failed to modify its conduct in
conformity with the stipulations of the Treaty.

In the circumstances, the United States Governrnent, ris a signatory
of the Treaty of Peace, finds that the Rumanian Government haç
repeatedly violated the provisioriofArticle 3 of that Treaty. Inasmuch
:Lthe obligation of the Government of Rumania to secure to a11persoris
under Rumanian jurisdiction the enjoyment of human riglits and the
fundamental freedoms is expreçsly stipulated inthe Treaty, no speciuus
argument that tlic inatters raised in the present note are purely of a
domestic character cari be accepted. The United States Government,
accordingly, caUs upon the Kiimanian Government to adopt prompt
remedial measures in respect of the violations referred to above and
requests the Rumanian Government to specify the steps which itis
prepared to take in implerneriting fully the terms of Article 3 of the

Treaty of Peace.

Annex 4

[Original text : English]

8 April, 1949.

The Hungarian 31inistr of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments
to the Legation of the dnited States of Arnerica and acknowledging
receipt of the latter's noteNo. 360 of 2 April, 1949, has the honor to
communicate as foilows :
The Government of the United States accuses the Goverriment of
Hungary of the violation of the Treaty of Peace referring, tirst of all, to
Article 2, paragraph I, of the Treaty of Peace which obliges Hungary
to secure "to al1perçons under Hungarian jurisdiction, without distinction
as to race, sex,language or religiori, the enjoyment of human rights and
of the fundamental freedoms". It is well known that concerning the free
enjoyrnent of human rights the Kepubfc o'fHungary, well bcfore the
conclusion af the Trcaty of l'eace,abolished al1 discriminations as to
race, sex, Ianguage and religion which csisted under the Horthy régime.
Thus, the Government of Hungary lias fully complied with tlic provisions
of the Treaty of Peace. The Government of Hungary wishes to point out
that il is the Government of the United States that launclies the above
reproaches against the Government of Hungary whereas, it isnotorious

that in the United States serious discrirninatioii exists between citizens
of different racand colourand that,by far,not eirerypersoncanequally
enjoy human rights.

Further on the Government of the United States refers to paragrayhz
of Article2 ofthe Treaty of I'eace, which, among others, obliges Hungary
not to discriminate by her laws between Hungarian citizens in refer-
ence to "their persons, property, business, professional and financialbiens, leurs intérêtscommerciaux, professionnels ou. f naiiciers a, etc.
Ide Gouvernement hongrois s'élève catégoriquemeiit contre une telle
interprétation de cet article du traité, 'qui contesterait 1a.légalitédes
mesures par lesquelles ce Gouvernement a transférf au peuple les grandes
propriétéset a déclarébiens de la collectivité les monopoles capitalistes.
Cettemaniére d'interpréter le traité de pais revient à dtfendre lesgrandes
propriétés de type médiéval et les inoiiopoles capitalistes, ainsi que
leurs déteiiteurs et propriétaires qui étaient les principaux appuis du
fascisme en Hongrie, en mêmetemps que les séides les plus ardents
de Hitler dans l? guerre contre .les Puissances allikes et associées et
donc contre les Etats-Unis d'Amérique. C'estpourquoi iine telle inter-
prétation du traité de paix ne revient pas seulement à dCfendre la grande
proprikté et !es monopoles capitalistes, elle signifie riussi qle Gouver-
nerneiit des Etats-Unis désire aider les partisaiidu régirncréactionnaire
et fasciste qui detenaient le pouvoir en Hongrie et entraver I'évolutiori
dérnocratique du pays.
J-e Gouvernement hongrois attire l'attention du Gouvernement des

États-unis sur l'article4 du traité depaix, aux tennes d~irluella Hongrie
s'engage explicitement, non seulement à dissoudre les organisations de
caractère fasciste, mais encore à ne pas tolérer (I'esistence et I'activitk
d'organisations de cette nature qui ont pour but de priver le peuple de
ses droits démocrnticlues hi.Ce Gouvernement hongrois fait observer
qu'il a agi et continue d'agir dans l'esprit dc ces dispositions du traité
paix, en dissolvant les organisations etles partis qui visent à restaurer
l'ancien régime fasciste et en traduisant en justice les personnes qui
s'efforcent, par leurs actes, de renvrser,la République démocratique.
La protestation du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis contre les mesures
que le Gouverriement hongrois a prises à l'égard des organisations
fascistes etantidémocratiques en appliquant les dispositions du traité de
de pais montre clairement qu'il n'a pas l'intention de respecter ce
traité, mais qu'il désire soutenir les élémentsréactionriaires et anti-
démocratiques qui voudraierit restaurer en Hongrie le régime de la
grande propriétéet des monopoles.
Le Goilvernenient de la Hongrie déclareque, sila Képublique hongroise
a strictement obseryi: les clauses du traité de pais avec la Hongrie, le
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis a violéà mairitcs reprises les dispositions
de ce traite. Une des autorités militaires des Etats-Unis. le général

L. D. Clay, a abrogé d'un trait de plume l'article 30 du 'l'rnite, qui
prévoit la restitution des biens hongrois emportés en Allemagna ion arncn-
violation du traité a entraîné la perte, dans la zone d'occup t'
caine en Allemagne, de biens hongrois d'une valeur de plusieurs millions
de forints. Contrairement aux dispositions du traité de pais et d'autres
accords internationaux, les autorités américaines ont non seulement
refusé a diverses reprises l'extradition des criminels de guerre hongrois
réclaméspar la Hongrie, mais encore elles oiit fourni un appui total et
officiel à la plupart des criminels hongrois responsables de la guerre
fasciste, tels que l'ancien régent AIiklos Horthy, le colonel-général
Ferenc Kisbarnaky Farkas et le lieutenant-général Gusztav Hennyey
ui ont employé des méthodes fascistes dans rine guerre livrée aus
1 tats-Unis également, et qui continuent à professer ouvertement le .
fascisme. De même, l'appui que les milieus officiels des Etats-Cnis,
au cours des dernières années, ont systématiquement accordé aux
organes de conspiration des politiciens liongrois réactionnaires estinterests", etc. 'Thc Co~rernmerit of Hungary categorically protests such
an interpretation of thisarticle of the'rreatyof Peaccwliich \soiild dispute
the legality of the rneasures taken by this Governmerit by which it has
passed the large estates irito tlie hands of the people atid declarecl common
property the capitalist monopolies. This kind of interpretation of the
Treaty of Peacc equals ttic clefense of the medieval latifurii-lia,capitalist
monopolies and their owners wlio were the principal supports of fascism
in Hungary and nt tlie same time Hitler's most arclent herichincii iiithe
war against the Alliecl;lnd Associnted Yowersand thus agninst tlie United
States of America. Coiiserluently, the above interpretation of the 'I'reaty
of Peace does not only mcati the defense of large estates and cnpitalist
monopolies, but it also meaiis tliat the Government of the United States
\t+jshesto help the adtierents of the reactionary arid fascist régime who
wcre in power in Hungary and to hamper the successfiil democratic
transformation of the couiitry.

The Government of Huiigary c;rlls the attention of tlie Goveinment
of the United States to Article 4 of the Treaty of Peace whicli esplicitly
obliges Hungary not only to dissolve the fascist organizatioris but also
iiot to allow "the existence and activities of organizations of thtlt nature,
wliich have as their aim deiiial to the people of ttieir democratic right".
'TheGovernment of Hurigary points out that it hnsbeerianclis proceeding
irithe seilse ofttieseprovisions of,the Treaty of Peace, when dissolving
the orga~iizatioiis and parties airning at the restoratiori of tlic old fascist
régimeaiid when summoning to Court those who yursiie ari activity to
overthrow the democratic Republic. The proteçt of the Govcrnrnent of
the United States agaiiist the measures taken against ttie fascist and
anti-democratic organizations by the Goverilment of Hungary, mheii
fuIfilling the provisions of the Treaty of Peace, makes it obvious that it
does not intend to respect the 'rreaty of Peace biit wishes to estend its

support to those reactionary and anti-democratic elemeiits who would
like to restore the rulc othelarge estates and the monopolies in Hurignry.

The Government of Hiingary stntes that, whiie the Kepublic of
Hungary has rigorously observed the stipulations of the 'l'reaty of I'eace,
the Governmetit of the Uriited States repeatedly violated the provisions
of the Treatp of Pcace with Hungnry. One ofthe military officiaiof the
Uriited States, General 1,. 13. Clay, abrogated by a stroke of tlie pen
Article 30 of the '1.rc;ity oE Peace ivhicli stipulates, tliat Hungarian
proyerty taken to Germany sliould be restitutcd. As a resuit of ttiis
violation of tlie Trenty of Peace, Hungarian property iri the value of
several hundred millions of forints got lost in thc Arnerican occupation
zone of Germany. Contrary to the stipulations of the Treaty of Yeace
and other internatioiial ngreemeiits, the American anthorities several
times refused the extradition of the Hungarian war criminals applied for
by Hungary, on the one hand, and on the other they are giving full and
official support to the most responsible Hungarian criminalc of the
fascist war, such as the fonner Kegent Aliklos Hortliy, Colonel-General
Ferenc Kisbarnaky Farkas, Lieutenant-General Gusztav 1-Iennyeywho
waged war with fascist methods also against the United States and are
still openly professing fascism. The support systernatically given by
official quarters of the United States in the last years to the conspiratory
organizations of reactionnry Hiingarian politicians is also iiicompatible32 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

incompatible avec l'esprit du traité de paix. Les tribunaux hongrois
ont établi que le ministre plénipotentiaire des Etats-Unis et d'autres
fonctionnaires des gtats-Unis ont pris une part active aux menées
conspiratrices des organisations réactionnaires, qui visent a renverser
la République démocratique de Hongrie, reconnue par le traité de paix,
et à rétablir l'ancien régimestigmatisé dans ce traité.
Le Gouvernement hongrois déclare une fois de plus que la Hongrie
s'est acquittée, s'acquitte et s'acquittera de toutes les obligations définies
daiis le traité de paix. En même temps, le Gouvernement hongrois
proteste avec énergie contre la tendance du Gouvernement des Etats-
Unis à utiliser les clauses du traité de paix comme prétexte pour inter-

venir indûment dans les affaires intérieures de 1'Etat hongrois souverain
et pour soutenir les forces réactionnaires et fascistes qui s'opposent au
Gouvernement de la Hongrie.
D'après les considérations,exposées ci-dessus, le Gouvernement hong-
rois estime que la note des Etats-Unis constitue une nouvelle tentative
en vue d'intervenir indûment dans les affaires intérieures de cepays
et une nouvelle phase de la campagne d'excitation réactionnaire que
les milieux impérialistes des Etats-Unis entreprennent pour réaliser
des desseins qui menacent la paix et qui sont dirigéscontre la démocratie
populaire hongroise.
Pour ces niotifs, le Gouvernement de la Hongrie rejette avecaéneigie
la note du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis.
Le ministère desAffaires étrangères deHongrie saisit cette occasion, etc.

Annexe =j


[Texte original en fran~ais]
21 avril 1949.

Le ministére des Affaires étrangères de la République populaire de
Bulgarie a l'honneur de communicluer à la légation des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique qu'il a pris connaissance de la teneur de sa note no 130.
Le Gouvernement de la République populaire de Bulgarie a toujours
exécutéet exécutera de la manière la plus consciencieuse les clauses du
traité de paix et cela non seulement parce que ce Gouvernement est
signataire ùudit traité, mais également parce que sa politique, expres-
sion de la volonté de la majorité écrasante du peuple buIgare, se trouve
être,de par sa nature, profondément démocratique et correspond entière-

ment à la lettre et à l'esprit des articl2, 3, 4 et 5 du traité de paix.
r. Dès avant l'entrée en vigueur du traité, le Gouvernement bulgare
avait pris toutes les mesures dépendant de sa volonté pour garantir
les Iibertés civiques fondamentales, ainsi que les droits politiques des
citoyens bulgares, sans distinction de race,nationalité, sexe et religion :

a) Ce Gouvernement a convoqué, sur la hase du suffrage universel,
secret, égalet direct, une Grande Assembléenationale, laquelle a élaboré
la loi constitutionnelle du pays, qui a non seulement consacré d'une DOCUMENTS TRANSbIITTEI) 32

with the spirit of the Treatyof Peace. The Hungarian Court established
as a fact that theJIinister Plenipotentiary of the United States and other
United States officiaishave actively collaboratecl with reactionary
conspirator organizatioiis aiming at the overthrow of the democrntic
Kepublic o 7Hungary, recognized by tlie Treaty of Peace, and desirous
to restore the old régime brand-marked in the Treaty of Peace.
'The Government of Hungary declares once more that Hungary fias
fulfilled, fulfils aiid will fulfil ail obligations embodicd in the Treaty of
l'eace. At tlie same time, the Government of Hungary emphatically
protesis the teridency of tlie Government of the United States to use the
stipulations of the Treaty of Peace aç a pretext for illegitimate inter-
ference in tlie domestic affairs of the sovereign Hungarian State and for
supporting the reactionary aiid fascist forces opposed to the Government
of Hungary. On the basis of the above-esposed arguments the Hungarian
Government considers the note of the Uiiited States a new atte~npt at
illegitimate interferencein the domestic affairs of this country and a new

pliase in the campaign of reactionary incitement pursuetl by the imperial-
ist quarters of the United States in the service of their aims threateiiing
peace and directed against the Hungarian people's democracy.

For these reasolis the Govcrnmeiit of Hungary emphatically rejects
the note of the Government of the U~iited States.
The Hungarian Afinistry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of the
opportunity, etc.


[Original text : Frcnch]
21 April, 1949.

The Alinistry of Foreign Affairs of the I'eople'ç Kcpublic of Bulgaria
lias the honor to inform the Legation of tlie United States that it haç
talien cognizance of the teiior of the Legation's note Xo. 130.
The Government of the People's Reyublic of Uulgaria has always
carried out and will carry out ina most coiiscientious inanner the clauses
of the Peace Treaty and this not only because this Government is
signatory to the said Treaty, but also because its policy, expression of
the will of the ovenvhelming majority of the Bulgariari people, is, by its
inherent nature, profouiidly democratic, and correspo~ids fully to the
lctter and spirit of Articles2,3, 4, and 5 of the Peace Treaty.

I. Even before the entry irito force of the Peace Trcaty,the Bulgarian
Government had undertaken al1measures dependent on it (its will) for
the guaranteeing of the fundamentai civil libertieas well asthe political
rights of Bulgarian citizens, without distinction ofrace, nationality, ses
or creed.
(a)This Government convoked, on tfie basis of universai, secret,
cqual and direct suffrage, a Grand National Assembly which elaborated
the constitutional law of the country, and tIiiç Constitution not only33 DOCUMENTS TRAKSXIIS

manière solennelle Ies droits et libertés fondamentaus des citoyeiis
bulgares, droits et libertés visés à l'article z du traité de pais, inais:I
garanti également leur exercice effectif.

b) Le Gouvernement a pris en mêmetemps les mesures nécessaires
en vue dc la liquidation définitive du réginie fasciste et de l'écartenient
de toute tentative visant à frustrer la nation de ses clroits et iibertés
démocratiques. Ces mesures du Gouvernement ont rencontré une pleine
approbation dans le teste mêmede l'article 4 du traité de pais, alors
que la nouvelle Constitution de la Bulgarie, entrée en vigueur lej décem-
bre 1947, garantissait au peuple bulgare le droit et le pouvoir nécessaires
afin de vouer à l'échectoute tentative de restauration fasciste ou anti-
dérnocraticlueen Bulgarie. Fi présencede ces faits notoircs, il est étrange
que le Gou\*ernement (les Etats-Unis puisse formuler à l'adresse de la
13ulgariedes accusations au sujet de la non-observation et de la violation
des clauses politiques du traité depais et plus spécialement de l'articl3
dudit traité.

2..De même,ne peut manquer de susciter la surprise le fait que le .
Gouvernemeiit des Etats-Unis dlAmériclue a cru devoir étayer ses
accusatioris coricernant la violation dii traité de paix, en vigueur depuis
le 15 septernbrc 1947, eri invoquant des faits remontant h l'époque de
l'armistice, alors que les trois grandes Puissances disposaient de la
faculté d'esercer un large controle sur l'administration du pays.
3. La note du Gouveriiement des États-unis vise, d'autre part,
certains faits et gestes du Gouvernement bulgare, tels (lueprocès, etc.,
survenus après l'entréeen vigueur du traité de paix. Après que le Gouver-
nement bulgare se trouve avoir pris toutes les mesures en vue de l'obser-
vation des clauses politiques du traité de pais, et notamment après que
la Bulgarie a été dotée d'une constitrition des plus démocratiques air
monde et que le peuple s'est vu garantir le pouvoir légal d'exercer et

de défendre ses droits et libertés, le Gouvernement bulgare, en sa qualité
de Gouvernement d'un Et?t souverain, ne peut coiiseiitir à laisser
à l'appréciation d'autres Etats ses actes pour lesquels il ne porte
la responsabilité que devant l1AssemblCcriationale. Ce Gouvernement
peut d'autant moins consentir à subir la critique de Puissances étrangères
en ce qui concerne l'activité de tribunaux bulgares, étant en vertu de
la Constitution et fonctionnant publiquement selon iles lois lesphis
modernes et les plus déinocratiques.
Le Gouvernement bulgare repoussera toute tentative d'immistiori
dans les affaires intérieures de la Bulgarie et considiirera comme un
acte ina~riical tout essai de lui infliger un traitement en tant qulEtat
dont les actes intérieurs seraient susceptiblcr d'étre jugks par des Puis-
sances étrangères.
4. En ce qui concerne le tics acciisations formulées dans
la note dii Gouvernernerit des Etats-Unis, le Gouvcrncmcnt bulgarc,
sans vouloir en discuter la portée, les repousse énergiquement. Sous
le réginiede la démocratie populaire en Bulgarie, les masses laboi-ieuses

des villes et villages, constituant l'immense majorité de la nation, jouis-
sent, non seulement sur papier, mais également en fait, de tous les
droits et libertés politiques fondamentaux cle l'liomme. Des restriciioiis
se rapportant à l'exercice de la liberté de réunion et d'association, de
la liberté de la parole et de la presse, n'existent et ne >ont appliquéesconsecrated in a solemn manner the fundamental rights and freedoms
of Bulgarian citizens-rights and freedoms ivliich arethe subject matter
of Article 2 of the Pcace Treaty-but also guaranteed tlieir effective
(b) At the same time, this Government took the nccessary measures
for the definitive liquidation of the fascist régimeand the dimination of
every attempt to deprive the nation ofitsdemocratic rights and freedoms.
These measures of the Government were iii conformity with the test
itself of Article 4 of the Treaty, and moreover, the Iiew Bulgarian
Constitution wiiich came into force on 5 December, 1947, guaranteed to
the Bulgarian people the necessary right and power to condemn to
failure al1attempts of fascist or anti-democratic restoration in Bulgaria.
In the preçence of such well-known facts, it is strange that the Govern-
ment of the United States could fornulate against Bulgaria accusations
of non-observance and violation of the political clauses of the Peace
Treaéy, and of Article 2of the said Treaty in particular.

2. Similarly, it is surprising that the Governmcnt of the United States
has deemed it necessary to support its accusatioris of violations of the
Peace Treaty in force since 15 Septembcr, 1947,by evoking facts going
back to the Armistice period, at a time whcn the threc great Powers
disposecl of measures to esercise awide control ovcr the administration
of the country.
3. On the otlier hand, tlie note of the United States Government
relates to certain facts and acts of the Bulgarian Government, such as
trials, etc., which bave taken place after the entry into force of the Peace
Treaty. The Uulgarian Government having takeii al1measures to enrure
compliance with al1the political clauses of the Peace Treaty, and notably
after Bulgaria had been granted the most democratic coristitution in the
world, and the people had been guaranteed legal power to esercise and
defend its rights and freedom, the Bulgarian Government, as governmeiit

of asovereign State, cannot agree to permit toother Statesthe appreciation
of its acts, for wliichitis solely responsible to the National Ascembly.
This Government cari even les5 agree to suffer the criticism of foreigri
Powers, in so fnras the nctivities of Bulgarian courts are concerned, being
in existence by virtue of the Constitution ancl functioiling in public in
accordance witti tlie mozt modern and most democratic of Iauvs.

The Bulgariaii Government will repel every attempt at interferencc
in the domestic affairs of Bulgaria and will consider as an unfriendly act
any attempt to force it to accept treatment as ;LState whose interna1
acts would be subject to judgment by foreign Powerr.

3. As regards the essence of the accusations formiilated in the note of
the United States Government, the 13ulgariati Government, without
wishing to discuss their compass, rejects them energetically. Under the
régime of people's democracy in Bulgaria, the toiling masses of towris
and villages, whicli constitute the immense majcirity of the nation,
enjoy not only on paper but also in fact al1fundarncntal political rights
and freedoms of man. Restrictions on the esercise of the freedom of
meeting or ofassociation, of the freedom of spcecti or of press, do not

exist and are not applied in Rulgaria escepting in tlie cases prorided by34 UOCUSIENTS TRANSMIS

en Bulgarie que dans les cas prévus par les lois à l'égard des contreve-
nalits et dans l'intérêtmême de la sécurité publique, le maintien de
l'ordre et la moralité du peuple.
En conclusion, le Gouvernement de la République populaire de
Bulgarie considère la note de l'honorable légation desÉtats-Unis d'Amé-
rique comme non fondée et sa teneur, rendue publique par le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis dJ.4mérique dès sa remise, et bien avant la
présente réponse, comme une propagande inamicale, incompatible avec
les principes du droit international ede nature à encourager les élkments
profascistes et hostiles dans le pays.
Le ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Képublique populaire de

Bulgarie saisit cette occasion, etc.

Note verbale

[Texte original en roumain]
18 avril1949.

Le ministère des Affaires étrangères présente ses compliments à la
légation des Etats-Unis et a l'honneur, au nom du Gouvernement de
la République populaire de Roumanie, de lui adresser la communication
suivante :
Le 2 avril, la légation des États-unisà Bucarest, agissant au nom du
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, a remis au ministère des Affaires étran-
gères de la République populaire de Roumanie une note dans laquelle

le Gouvernement des Etat-Unis reprenait des affirmations, qu'il avait
déjà exposéesdans des notes antérieures, touchant de prétendues viola-
tions, par le Gouvernement roumain, des dispositions de l'article 3 du
traité de paix.
Ide Gouvernement de la République populaire de Roumanie constate
que la teneur de la note du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis relative à
la violation, par le Gouvernement roumain, des droits de l'homme et
des libertés fondamentales ne correspond pas a la réalitéet répète les
inventions de la presse calomniatrice des monopoles impérialistes.
Dans la République populaire de Roumanie, l'exercice des libertés
fondamentales : liberté de réunion et de manifestation, liberté de la
presse et de Ia parole, est garanti par la Constitution et assuré dans la
pratique par la mise à la disposition des travsilleurs, d'imprimeries,
de papier-journal et de lieux de réunion.
La discrimination fondée sur la nationalité ou la race est punie par
la loi.
Les communautés religieuses jouissentde la libertédu culte et diçpo-
sent des locaux et des biens nécessaires l'exercice des pratiques rcli-

Ainsi, la législation de la République populaire de Roumanie garantit
l'exécution réelle desdispositions de l'artic3du traité de paix.
Le Gouvernement roumain constate que le Gouvernement des États-
Unis a violé, et continue de violer, letraité de paix avec la Roumanie DOCUMENTS TKAPS3IITTF.D 34

the law against infringers and iii ttic intercst itself of plihlic scciirity,
maintenance of orcler and public mornlç of the people.

In conclusioii, tlie Government of ,the People's Rep~iblic of I3ulgaria
considers the note of the Honorable Legation of the United States as
unfounded, ancl its tenor, rendered public by the United States Govern-
ment immediately after it had been delivcred and long before the present
reply, as unfriendly propaganrlû, incompatible with the pnnciples of
international law, and of a nature to encourage the pro-fascist and hostile
elements in the country.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Kcpuhlic of Bulgaria
avaiis itscli of this opportunity, etc.


Note verbale

[Original text : Romrinian]

'Thehlinistry of Foreign AHairspresents its compiimeiits to thLegation
of the U~lited States and has the hoiior to transmit the following on
behalf of the Government of the Kumariiari People's Rcpublic.

On 2 iipril the Legation ofthe Unitecl States in Buclii\rest presented
a note to tlie Miiiistry of Foreign Affairs of the Ku~nariian People's
Republic on bctinlf of the Americari Governnient in whicti as in former
notes certain affinnations were made by tlie Government of tlieUnited
States with reference to i~iolatioii by Ille Rumanian Goirernment of
the provisions of Article 3 of the Pence Treaty.

-.Ihe Goverriment of the Rumaniari People's Kepublic niairitains that
the context of the note ofthe United States Government with reference
to the violation by the Rumaninn Go~prrnment of human rights and of
fundamerital frcedorns doeç ~iotcorrespcind to realityand that it repeats
the inventions of the sla~iderous press of the imperialist rnot.ioliolists.
In the Ri1matii:~i-Ii1eople'sKepublic the excrcise of tlic fuiidamenta1
frcedorns, freedom of assembly, of dernonstrations, of tfic press and of
speech arc gurirariteed by the Constittitiori and these rire nssiired by
making availahle to those who work printing facilities, suppliesofpaper
and meeting places.
Diçcrirninatiori because of nationality or race is punishable by lam.

Keligious organizations enjoy freedom of worship and are given the
places and means necessary for the exercise of their religion.

Thus the laws of the Rumanian I:'eol~le'sKepublic in fact guarantee
the application of the provisions of Article 3 of the Peace 'i'reaty.
The Rumai-iian Government declares that the United States Govern-
ment has trnnsgressed and is transgressing the Peace 'I'reaty withen cherchaiit 5 obtciiir la non-application de l'articlej de ce traité
lequel dispose que le Gouvernement roumain lie devra pas tolérer
l'esistence ni l'activité d'organisations de caractère fasciste qui ont
pour but cle priver le peuple de ses droits démocratiques,
.Jil'appui de ses affirmations, le Goui-ernement des Etats-Unis cite,
dans sa note, les mesures que le Gouvernement roiimairi a prises Il'égard
des derniers tenants du fascisme et les sentences [.lue les tribunaux de
la République populaire de Roumanie ont prononcées ?iI'egard de bandes
d'espions et de saboteurs trairaillant pour les scrviceç rl'espionnage
Les procès publics intentés à ces bandes conipos6cs cles chefs de
l'ancien parti national paysan, de légionnaires, de grands propriétaires

fonciers et de gros industriels qui ont cherch6 ?tfaire de la Roumanie
un nouveau foyer de guerre, ont prouvé de façon iiicontestable que ces
individus recevaient des instrucfionç et agissaient sous la direction de
fonctioniiaires de la 3lission des Etats-Unis 5 Bucarest. La presse améri-
caine elle-mêmen reconnu que leur arrestation et leur condamnation
marquaient un échecpour les sen-ices d'esyioiinage américains.
Le Gouvernement roumain déclare qu'en leur donnaiit asile, en leur
permettant cl'utilisqrles stations radiophoniilucs ~fficielles,etc., le
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis encourage l'activiti: et l'organisation des
fascistes en fuite, des prévarioteurs, des traîtres qui ont quitté la
Roumanie pour se reridre rius Etats-Unis ou clailsun territoire soumis
à l'autorité de ce pays.
De\-ant cette situation, le- Gouvernement roumain constate qiie la
note du Goit~w-nemcrit des Etats-Unis, de meme que ses notes précé-
dentes, cherche h induire en erreur l'opinion publique mondiale, laquelle
condamne la politique de discrimination raciale, les actes barbares de
lynchage, la façon doiit les opinions politiques démocratiques sont

réduites au silence, les procès intentésà des représentants de la culture
et du travail qui combattent pour la démocratie et pour la paix, l'inci-
tation à la guerre et la politique de pactes agressifs, le maintien des
foyers de guerre et les encouragements donnés aux bandes fascistes
qui assassiiient en masse femmes et enfants, tous faits qui, eux, consti-
tuent véritablement une violation brutale des libertés et des droits
foiidamentaus de l'homme.
En consécjuence, le Gouvernement de la 12épublicjuepopulaire de
Roumanie déclare rie pouvoir admettre la tentative du Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis en vue d'intervenir clans les affaires intérieures de la
Roumanie, et il rejette la ilote du Gouveriiemerit des Etats-Uiiii.

[Teste original en anglais]

31 mai Tg49

La légation des Etats-unis diXinérique présente ses compliments au
ministère cles Affaires étrangères de la Bulgarie et, conformément aux
instructions cle son Gouvernement, a l'lionnetirdc répondrc à la noteRumania by trying to prevent the application of Article 5 of the Peace
Treaty which provides that the Rumanian Government will not permit
the existence and activities of any organizations of a fascist type and
which have as their aim denicil to the people of their democratic rights.
Tl-ienote of the United States Govcrnment in support of its affirmations
cites steps taken by the Rumanian Government against: fascist remilants
as well as the seritences pronounced by the courts of tlie Tiurnanian
People's Iiepublic against the groiips ofspiesand saboteurs in the service
of tlic American espionage serl-ices.

The public trials of these bands composed of the leaders of the former
Kational Peasant Party, legionaires, largc landowners and great indus-

trialists who tried to trançform Rumania into a new breeding ground of
Mar, Iiaveshoxvn beyond any doubt that these perçons receivecl inçtruc-
tiotis from anclwereled by members of the United States Mission inBucha-
rest. Even the American press lias adrnitted that thcir disco~er3~and
their scntenciiig constituted a blow to the American espionrigc services.

The Rumailiaii Goveriimerit declares tliat the United States Govern-
ment is eilcouraging the activities aiid tlie organization of fascist fugitives,
of scluanderers of public funds, of traitorç from Rumania who are in the
United States or on territory iinder Arnerican cotitrol by granting
asyluni, by placing at their clisposrtlofficial radio channelsetc.

Under these circumstanccs, the Rumanian Gos!ernmeiit declarcs that
the note of the United States Govcriiment, as well as fornier notes,
endenvors to lead astray world public opinion which coridcmns its yolicy
of racial discrimination, its b:trbnrous acts of lyncI-iing,its drowriing out
of clemocratic political opinion, its trials of men of culture and represent-
atiues of the working people wliri fight for democracy and yeace, its
iticitement to war and policy of aggressive pacts, its niirturing of breed-
ing groundç of war, alid its support of fascist bands which kill women
and children eimasse, al1of which are in reality a brutal violationof the
fundamental nghts and liberties of man.

In consequence, the Government of tlie ~umanian People's Kepublic
rleclares that it cannot accept the nttempt of the United States Govern-
nient to iriterfere in the internril nffriirs of Rumania and it rejects the
note of the Governnient of tilc United States.


[Original test :Ençlish]
31 May, 1949.

Tf-ie1-egntion of the Unitecl St~itcofA~nericapresents its compliments
to the RIinistry of Foreign Affnirs of Bulgaria and, acting iinder the
instructions of the Uiiited States Government, has the Iionor to replydu ministère en date du 21 avril 1949, relative à la façon tlorit la Bulgarie
s'acquitte des obligations qui lui incombent aux termes de l'article 2
du traité de pain.
Prenant acte du fait que le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie s repoussé
les déclarations contenues dans la note de la légation en datc du 2 avril
1949, suivant lesquelles la 13ulg:lriene s'est pas acquittée des obligations
(lui lui incombent aux termes de l'article2, le Gouvernemeiit des Etats-
Unis d'Arnbrique se voit contraint de déclarer fonnellemciit clu'à ses
yeux le Gouvernement de la Biilgarie n'apas répondu {le façon satis-
faisante aux accusations précises formuléesdans la note de la légation.
Le Gouvernement de la 13ulgarie s'est également abstenir de fournir
au Gouvcrnernent des Etats-Unis d'Amérique les rciiseigriements que
ce dernier lui a demandés sur les mesures que le Gouvernement de la

Bulgarie est disposé A prendre pour remédier à la situation résultant
di1 fait qu'il ne s'est pas ricrliiitté de ses obligations aux termes de
l'article2 et pour mettre pleinement en reuvre les dispositions de cet
article. Quant aux autres passages de la note du Gouverriemerit de la
f3ulgarie en date du 21 avril, ils contiennent des allégations dirigées
contre les Etats-Utiis d'Américl~redont il est facile de démontrer qii'elles
sont fausses et sans rapport avec laquestion en cause.
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis estime qu'il s'est
élevéun différend au sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution du traité
de paix, et que le Gouverriement de la Bulgarie ne s'est nullement
montré disposé à régler ce différend parvoie de négociations diploma-
tiques directes avec les autres parties.
En conséquence, le Gouvernement des Etats-unis diAlnérique a donné
pour iiistructionsi son ministre de porter ce différendà la connaissance
de ses collègues du Royaume-Uni et de l'Uni011des Républiques socia-
listes soviétiques pour qu'ils l'examinent de concert, coriformément
ails dispositions de l'article 36 (lu traité de paix. Copies cles lettres
daiis lesquelles le ministre des Etats-Unis d'Améri(1ue ;iinvite l'ambas-
sadeur de l'Union des liépubliques socialistes soviétiques et le ministre

du Itoynurne-Uni à le rencontrer h ce sujet sont jointes h la présente note.

[Texte original eii anglais]
31 mai 1949.

La légation des États-Uiiis d'Amérique présente ses coinpliments au
ministére des Affaires étrangères de la Hongrie et, conformément aux
instructions de son Gouverriement, a l'honneur de répondre B Ia note
du ministère en date du S avril 1949 ,elativeà la façon dont la Hoiigrie
s'accluitte des obligations qui lui incombent aux ternies de l'article z
du traité de paix.
Prenant acte du fait que le Gouvernement de la Hongrie a repousse
les déclarations contenues dans la note de la légation en date du 2 avril
1949 ,uivant lesquelles la Hongrie ne s'est pas acquittée des obligations
qui lui incombent aux termes de l'article 2, le Gouvernement des Etats-to the Ministry's Note of 21 April, 1949, concerning the question of.
Bulgaria's compliance with the obligations of Article 2 of the Treaty
of Peace.
The United States Goirernment, taking note of the Bulgarian Govern-
ment's rejection of the stateme~its made in the Legation's note of2 April,
1949 c,oncerning J3ulgariafs disregard of its obligations under Article2,
findç it necessnry toplace on record its view that the Riiigarian Govern-
ment has not givcn a.satisfactory reply to the specilîc charges set forth
in the Legation's note. The Bulgarian Governrnent has also failed to
furnish the United States Government with the recluested information
as to measures which the BuIganan Government is prepared to adopt
in order to remedy the situation caused by the violation of its obligations
undez Article 2 and to implernent fuiiy the terms of that article. The
remaining portions of the Rulgarian Governinent's note of nI April

consist of allegations against the United States which are demonstrably
false and irrelevant to the matter at hand.

The United States Goveriiment accordingly considers that a dispute
has srisen concerning the interpretation and execi~tion of the Treaty of
Peace which the Bulgarian Government has shown no disposition to
join in settling by direct diplornatic negotiations.

The American hfinister has thetefore bec11 iiistructedby his Govern-
ment to refer the dispute to his Rritish and Soviet colleagues for consider-
ation jointly with himself in accordance with the provisions of Article 36
of the Treaty of Peace. Copies of his letters to the Ambassador of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and to the British hlinister inviting
them to meet for this prirpose are enclosed.


[Original text : English]
31 May, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of Amenca presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ofHungary and, acting under instmc-
tions of the United States Government, has the honor to reply to the
Ministry's note of 8 April,1949, concerning the question of Hungary's
compliance with the obligations of Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace.

The United States Government, taking note of the Hungarian Govern-
ment's rejection of the statements made in the Legation's note of
2 April, 1949, concerning Hungary's disregard of its obligations under
Article 2,finds it necessarytoplace on record its view tliat the Hunganan


Unis d'Amérique se voit contraint de déclarer formellement qu'à ses
yeux le Gouvernement de la Hongrie n'a pas répondu de façon satis-
faisante aiix accusations précises formulées dans lanote de la légation.
Le Gouvernement de la Hongrie s'est également abstenu de fournir
au Gouvernement des Gtats-unis d'Amérique les renseignements que
ce dernier lui a demandés sur les mesures que 1e Gouvernement de la
Hongrie est disposé à prendre pour remédier à la situation résultant du
fait qu'il ne s'estpas acquittdc sesobligations aux termes de l'articl2,
et pour mettre pleivemeiit en Œuvre les dispositions de cet article. Le
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique ne peut accepter la cléclara-
tion du Gouvernement de 19 Hongrie suivant laquelle les questions
soulevées dans la note des Etats-Unis d'Amérique relèvent purement
des affaires intérieures du pays ou l'affirmation selon laquelle la Hongrie
s'est acquittée des obligations qui lui incombent aux termes de l'articl2
du traité de pais du seul fait qu'elle a officiellement abrogé la législation
discriminatoire du régime Horthy. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Uriis
d'Amérique ne saurait davantage accepter commeexcuse aux violations
de l'article 2 les obligntions qui incombent à la Hongrie aux termes
de l'article4 du traité de paix. Aucun article du traité ne peut être
invoqué pour justifier en droit la persécution de tous les chefs et de
tous les partis politiquequi ne se plient pas aux directives dla minorité
dirigeante, ou le dénide la liberté d'expression.
Quant aux autres passages de la note du Gouvernement de la Hongrie
en date du 8 avril, où il est question d'autres articles du traité de paix,
ilscontiennent des allégations dirigéescontre les Etats-Unis d'Amérique

dont il est facile de démontrer qu'elles sont fausses et sans rapport
avec la question en cause. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
rejette catégoriquement les accusations injustifiées se1011 lesquelles il
aurait donné son appui à la réaction et aux conspirations en Hongrie ;
ces accusations ne sauraient d'ailleurs dissimuler les véritables problémes
soulevéspar la note des Etats-Unis en date du 2 avril.
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique estime
qu'il s'estlevéun différendau sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution
du traité de paix, et que le Gouvernement de la Hongrie ne s'est nulle-
ment montré disposé à régler ce différend par voie de négociations
diplomatiques directes avec les autres partie?.
En conséquence, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a
donné pour instructions à son ministre deporter ce différend A la connais-
sance de ses collègues du Royaume-Uni et de l'Union des Républiques
socialistes soviétiques pourqu'ilsl'examinent de concert, conformément
aux dispositions de l'articl? 40 du traité de paix. Copies des lettres dans
lesquelles le ministre des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a invité l'ambassadeur
de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques et le ministre du
Royaume-Uni à le rencontrer A ce sujet sont jointes à la présente note. DOCUMENTS TRAKS3fITTED 37

Government has not given a satisfactory reply to the specific charges
set forth in the Legation's note. The Hungarian Government has also
iailed to furnish the United States Governrnent with the requested
information as to measures which the Hungarian Government is prepared
to adopt in order to remedy the situation caused by the violation of itç
obligations under Article 2 and to implement fully the tems of tliat
article. The United States Government caniiot accept the Hungarian
Government's contention that thc matters dealt with in tLic United
States note are purely domcstic affairs or the contention tliatHungary
has complied with the obligations of Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace
merely by the fomal repeal of the discriminatory legislationof the
Horthy régime. Nor can the United States Government agree that
violations of Article2 can be escused by reference to Hungary's obliqa-
tionç under Article 4 of the Treaty. Persecution of al1 political leaders

and parties not amenable to the dictates of the minonty ruling group
and denial ofireedom of espression cannot properly be justifiecl under
any article of the Treaty.

The remaining portions of the Hungarian Government's note of
S April including references to other articles of the Treaty of Peace;
consist of allegations against the United States which are dernonstrably
false and irrelevant to the matter at hand. ,The United States Govern-
ment rejects categorically the unwarranted riccusations that it has
supported reaction and conspiracies in Hnngary, accusations which will
not obscure the real issues raiscd by the United States note of 2 April.

The United States Government accordingly considers thnt a clispute
has arisen concerning the interpretation and execution of the.Treaty
of Pace which the Hungarian Government has shown no disposition
to join in settlingby direct diplornatic negotiations. . .

The rlrnerican Minister has therefore been instructed by fiisGo~ern-
ment to refer the dispute to his British and Soviet colleagues for consider-
ation jointly with hiniselfinaccordance with the provisions of Article 40
of the Treaty of Peace. Copies of his Ietters to the Ambass:tdor of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Kepublics and to the British Minister inviting
them to meet for this purpose are enclosed. DOCUMENTS TR.-\SShIIS

[Teste original en aiiglais]

31 mai 1949.
La légation des États-Unis d'Amérique présente ses conipliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangeres de la Koumanie et, conformémeiit
aux instructions de son Gouverneincnt, :ll'honneur de répondre à la
note du ministère en date du 18 avril1949, relative à la façon dont la
Roumanie s'acquitte des obligations qui lui incombent aux termes de
l'article3 du traité de paix.
Prenant acte du fait que le Gouverncmcnt de la Koumanie a repoussé

les déclarations contenues dans lanote de la légation, en date du z avril
1949, suivant lesquelles la Koumanie ne s'est pas acquittée des obliga-
tions, qui lui incombent aux termes de l'article 3, le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis d'Amériquese voit coritraint de déclarer formellement
qu'à ses yeux le Gouvernement de la Roumanie n'a pas répondu de
façon satisfaisante aux accusations précises formulées dans la note de
la légation. Le Gouvernement de la Roumanie s'est également abstenu
de fournir au Gouvernement des fitats-unis d'Amérique les renseigne-
ments que ce dernier lui a demandés sur les mesures que le Gouverne-
ment de la Roumanie est disposéà prendre pour remédier à la situation
résultant du fait qu'il ne s'est pas acquitté de ses obligations aux termes
de l'article3, et pour mettre pleinement en Œuvre les dispositions de
cet article. Le Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amérique ne peut
accepter la déclaration du Gouvernement de la Roumanie suivant
laquelle lesquestions soulevées dans la note des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
relèvent purement des affaires intérieures du pays ni l'affirmation selon
laquelle la Roumanie s'est acquittée des obligations qui lui incombent
aux termes de l'article3du traité de paix du seul fait qu'elle a officielle-
ment promulgué des lois destinées à garantir l'application des disposi-
tions dudit article. Quant aux autres passages de la note du Gouverne-
ment de la Roumanie en date du 18 avril, oh il est question d'autres
articles du traitéde paix, ilscontiennent des allégations dirigées contre
les Etats-Unis d'Amérique dont il est facile de démontrer qu'elles sont
fausses et sans rapport avec la question en cause. Le Gomlernement des
États-Unis d'Amérique rejette catégoriquement les accusations injus-
tifiées selon lesquelles il aurait donné son appui à la réaction et aux

conspirations en Roumanie ; ces accusations ne sauraient-d'ailleurs
dissimuler les véritables problémes soulevéspar la note des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique en date du 2 avril.
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement des ktats-unis d'Amérique estime
qu'il s'est élevéun différendau sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution
du traité de paix, et que le Gouvernement de la Roumanie ne s'est
nullement montré disposé 5 régler ce différend par voie de négociations
diplomatiques directes avec Ies autres parties.
En conséquence,le Gouvernement des Ctats-unis d'Amérique a donné
pour instructions à son ministre de porter ce différend à la connaissance
de ses collèguesdu Royaume-Uni et de l'Union des Républiques socialis-
tes soviétiques pour qu'ils l'examinent de concert, conformément aus DOCUJIENTS TR.INSJfITTED 38


[Original text : English!
31 May, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Xinistry of Foreign Afiairs of Rumania and, acting under the
instructions of the United States Government, has the honor to reply
to the Afinistry's note of 13April, r949, concerning the question of
Kumaiiia's cornpliance aith the obligations of Article 3 of the Treaty
of Peace.
The United States Government, taking note of the Rumanian Govern-
ment's rejection of the statements made in the T,egatiori'snote of
2 April, 1949 ,oncerning Rumanin's disregard of its obligations under
Article 3,finds it necessary to place on record its vithnt the Kumanian
Government has not given a satisfactory reply to the specific charges
set forth in the Legation's note. The Rumanian Government has also
failed to furnish the United States Government with tlie rcquested
information as to measures which the Rumanian Government i~prepared
to adopt in order to remedy the situation caused by the violation of its

obligations under Article 3 and to implement fully the terms of that
article. The United States Government cannot accept the liurnanian
Government's contention that the matters dealt with in the United
States note are purely domestic affairs or the contention that Rumania
has complied with the obligations of Article 3 of the 'Treaty of Peace
merely by the forma1 enactment of lau-s purporting to guarantee the
application of the provisions of that article. TIierernaining portions of
the Rumanian Governrnent's note of 18April including references to
other articles of the Treaty of Peace, consist of allegations apainst the
United States which are demonstrably false and irrelevant to the matter
at hand. The United States Government rejects categnrically the unwar-
ranted accusations that it has supported reactio~i and conspiracies in
Kumania, accusations which will not obscure the real issues raised by
the United States note of 2 April.

The United States Government accordingly considerç that a dispute
has arisen concerning the interpretationand execution of the Treaty of
Peace which the Rumanian Governmentahas shown no disposition to
join in settlingby direct diplornatic negotiations.

The American Minister haç therefore been instructed by his Govern-
ment to refer the dispute tohisBritish and Soviet colleagues for consider-
ation jointly with himself in accordance with the provisionsof Article38
of the Treaty of Pcace. Copies of his letters to the Ambassador of the39 DOCUBIESTS TRANSBIIS

dispositions de l'article38 du traité de paix. Copies des lettres dans
lesquellesle ministre desEtats-Unis d'Amérique a invitél'ambaççadeur
de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques et le ministre du
Royaume-Uni à le rencontrer à ce sujet sont jointes A la présente note.

Annexe IO

LTexte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
Monsieur l'Ambassadeur,

D'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ai l'honneur de signaler à votre
attention et de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril
1949 adressée par notre légation au ministre des Affaires étrangères de
la Bulgarie, dans laquelle Ie Gouvernement des gtats-unis d'Amérique
a formellement accusé la Bulgarie d'avoir, à de nombreuses reprises,
violésystématiquement l'article z du trait$ de paix. Je me permets de
vous rappeler que le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, dans
sa note du z avril, a demandé au Gouvernement bulgare de remédier
à cette situation et de lui indiquer les mesures qu'il comptait prendre
pour mettre pleinement en Œuvre les dispositions de cet article.
Je joinsi la présente Iettre Ie texte dela réponse du Gouvernement
bulgare, en date du 21 avril1949 ,ar laquelle ce Gouvernement rejette
les accusations contenues dans la note de notre légation etdéclare que
la Bulgarie a exécutéles obiigations que lui impose letraité de paix.
La note bulgare ne répond pas aux accusations graves et précises de
.violation des droits de l'homme qu'a formulées le Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis d'Amérique et ne déclare pas quelles mesures laBulgarie est
disposéeA prendre pour remédier àla situation qui a faitl'objet de ces
accusations.Ilest impossible d'accepter l'argument spécieuxdu Gouver-
nement bulgare selon lequel la note des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en date

du 2avril constitue une tentative d'ingérencedans les affaires intérieures
de la Bulgarie, car les accusations contenues dansla notedesgtats-unis
d'Amérique se fondent sur le fait que la Bulgarie est incontestablement
tenue, en vertu d'un traité international, d'assurArtoutes Ies personnes
relevant de sa juridiction la jouissance des droits de l'homme et des
libertés fondamentales.
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amériqueconsidère
que la rbpoiise de la Bulgarie n'est passatisfaisante et adresse aujourd'hui
.même au Gouvernement bulgare une note en ce sens ; copie de cette
note est jointe la présente lettre.
Il ressort clairement des notes échangéesentre le Gouvernement des
États-unis d'Amérique et le Gouvernement bulgare qu'il existe entre
ces Gouvernements un différendquant à l'interprétation et ?l'exécution
de l'artic2edu traité de paix. Il ressort également dela note du Gouver-
nement de la Bulgarie qu'il n'est pas disposé réglerce différend par DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 39

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and to the British hlinister inviting
them to meet for this yürpose are enclosed.


[Original text : English]

31 May, 1949.
Pursuant to instructioiis from my Government, 1liave the honor to
-transmit for your attention a copy of a note cornmunicated by this
Legation to the Ministry of Foreign Affsirs of Bulgaria, under date of
2 -4pri1, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal
charges of repeated and systematic violatioiis by Eulgaria of Article 2
of the Treaty of Peace. You will note ihat the United States Govern-
ment, in the note of z April, called upon the Uulgarian Government
to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which it was
prepared to take in order to implement fully the terms of that article.

1 enclose for your attention a copy of the reply of the Bulgarian
Government, dated 21 Apnl 1949, rejecting the charges contained in
this Legation's note and stating that Bulgaria has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Hulgarian note fails to answer
the serious and specific charges of violation of hiiman rights made by
the Governmerit of the United States, and makes no statement as to
what steps Biilgaria is prepared to take in order to remedy the conditions
forming the bssis for those charges. The specious argument put fonvard
by the Rulgarian Government that the United States note of 2 April
represents an attempt to interfere in the interna1 affairs of Bulgaria
cannot be accepted, since the charges made in the United States note
are based on the ciear international treaiy obligation of Bulgaria to
secure to al1 persons within its jurisdiction the enjoyment of human
Rghts and fundamental freedoms.

In the circumstances the United States Government considers the
Bulgarian reply unsatiçfactory and is informing the Bulgarian Govern-
ment to that effect in a note of to-day's date, a copof whicli is attached
, to tliis letter.
It isevident from the exchange of notes which has taken placebetween
the United States Government and the Government of Bulgaria that
a dispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and execu-
tion of Article z of the Peace Treaty. It is also apparent from the
Bulgarian Government'~ note that the Bulgarian Government is notvoie de négociations diplomatiques directes. En conséquence, j'ai
l'honneur, d'ordre de mon Gouvernement, d'attirer votre attention sur
l'articl36 du traité de paix et de demander l'application de la procédure
qui y est prévue. Cet article est ainsi conçu :

r. Exception faite des cas pour lesqucls uiie autre procédure est
expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout différend
relatifà l'interprétation ou à l'exécution de ce traité, qui n'a pas
étéréglépar voie de négociations diplomatiques directes, sera
soumis aus trois chefs de missions, agissant comme il est prévu
a l'article35, mais, en pareil cas, ces chefs de mission ne seront
pas tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différend de
cette nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délai de
deux mois sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une
et l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, à Ia requête de
l'une ou l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un
représentant de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un
commun accord entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un
pays tiers. A défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les
deux parties au sujet de la désignation de ce tiers membre, l'une
ou l'autre partie pourra demander au SecrétairegénkraldcsNations
Unies de proceder à cette désignation.
2. La décision prise parla majorité des membres de la Commis-
sion sera considérée comme décisionde la Commission et acceptée
par les parties comme définitiveet obligatoire.))

Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir me faire savoir le plus
tôt possible, conformément à la procédure définie ci-dessus, à quelIe
date vous serez disposé à rencontrer le ministre de Grande-Bretagne
et moi-même afin qu'en notre qualité de chefs de mission agissant comme
il est prévu l'article36,nous puissions examinerle différenden question.
Je crois savoir que le ministre de Grande-Bretagne vous adresse
aujourd'hui uiie communication semblable B la présente lettre, dans
laquelle il signale l'existence d'un différendentre le Royaume-Uni et la
Bulgarie concernant la non-exécution par la Bulgarie des dispositions de
l'article2 dti traité de paix, et demande l'application de la procédure
prévue à l'article36. Je propose que, pour faciliter leur tâche, les trois
chefs de mission examinent'en mêmetemps ces deux diffërends.
J'adresse aujourd'hui même au ministre de Grande-Bretagne une
lettre de même teneur que la présente. Copie de cesdeus lettres sera
transmise au Gouvernement bulgare.
Veuillez agréer, etc.

(Signé) DONALD K. HEATH. disposed to resolve this dispute by direct diplomatic negotiations.
Accorclingly, Iam requested by my Governmerit to invite your attention
to Article36 of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke the procedure specified
herein. This article readsas follows :

I. Except where another procedure is specifically provided under
any article of the present Treaty, any dispute co~icerningthe inter-
pretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by direct
diplomatic negotiations, shall be referred to the three Heads of
Missio~iacting under Article 35, escelst that iii this casthe Heads
of Mission will not be restricted by the time-limit provided in
that article,Aiiy such dispute not resolved by thern within a period
of two months shall, unless tlie parties to the dispute mutually
agree upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative ofeach party and a third member seiected by mutual

agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third country.
Should the two parties fail to agree within a period of one month
upon tlie appointment of the third member, the Secretary-General
of the United Nations rnay he reqriested bp either party to make
tlie appointment.

2. The decision of the majoritv of tlie members of the Commis-
sion shall he the decision of the ~ommission, and shall he accepted
by the parties as definitive and bindiiig."

In accordance with the abo1.e procedure 1 should appreciate pour '
iiidicatinp at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared
to meet with the British Minister arid with me in order ttiat in our
capacity as 1-leadsof Mission, referretl toin Article 36, we may consider
the dispute iiiqiiestion.
It is my undcrstanding that thc British alinister is sentling you
to-day a communication similar to Iny present letter, callinp attention
tothe esistence ofa dispute hetween the United Kingdom and Rulgaria
concerning Bulgaria's non-compliance with Article 2 of the Peace Treaty,
ancl invoking the procedures laid down in Article 36. 1 should like to
suggest, for purposes of converlience, that these two disputes be
'conçidered together by the threeheads of mission.
I am sendifi the British Minister to-day a letter similar to the prese~it
, letter to you. &opies of both letters are being furnished to the Rulga~inn
Ilrith renewed assurances oi my higli esteem, believe me, etc. DOCUB1EXTS TRAKSYIS

[Texte original en anglais]

JI mai 1949.
hlonsieur I'Arnbassadeur,
D'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ai l'honneur de signaler à votre
attention et de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril
1949 adressée par notre lbgation au ministre des Affaires étrangères de
la Hongrie, dans laquelle le Gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique
a formellement accusé la Hongrie d'avoir, d de nombreuses reprises,
violé systématiquement l'article 2 du traité de paix. Je me permets de

vous rappeler que leGouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, dans
sa note du z avril,a demandé au Gouvernement hongrois de remédier
à cette situation ct de lui indiquer les mesures qu'il comptait prendre
pour mettre pleinement en ceuvreles dispositions decet article.
Je joins également h la présentelettre le texte dela réponsedu Gouver-
nement hongrois, en date du g avril1949, par laquelle ce Gouvernement
rejettelesaccusatioiis contenues dans la note de notre légation et déclare
,quela Hongrie a exécutéles obligations que lui impose le traité depaix.
La note hongroise ne répond pas aux accusations graves et précises
de vjolation des droits de l'homme qu'à formulées le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique et ne déclarepas quelles mesures la Hongrie
est disposée i prendre pour remédier à la situation qui a fait l'objet de
ces accusatioris. 11 est impossible d'accepter l'argument spécieux du
Gouvernement hongrois selon lequel la note des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
en date du 2 a\-ri1 constitue une tentative d'ingérence dans les affaires
intéripres de la Hongrie, car les accusations contenues dans la note
des Etats-Unis (l'Amérique se fondent sur le faitque la Hongrie est
incontestablement tenue, en vertu d'un traité internatioiial, d'assurer
A toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction la jouissance des droits
de l'homme'et des libertés fondamentales.
C'eçt pourquoi le Gonrlernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique considére
que la réponsede la Hongrie n'est pas satisfaisante et adresse aujourd'hui
mêmeau Gouvernerncnt hongrois une note en ce sens ; copie de cette
note est jointeà laprésente lettre.
Il ressort clairement des notes échangéesentre le Gouvernement des

États-unis d'tlinérique et le Gouvernement hongrois qu'il existe entre
ces Gouvernements un différendquant à l'interprétation et à l'exécution
de l'articl2 du traité de paix. Il ressort également la note du Gouver-
nement de la Hongrie qu'il n'est pas disposé à régler ce différend par
voie de négociations diplomatiques directes. En conséquence, j'ai
l'honneur, d'ordre de mon Gouvernement, d'attirer votre attention sur
l'article 4du traitéde paix et de demander l'application da laprocédure
qu+iy est prévue. Cet article est ainsi conçu :

((I.Exceptioii faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout
différend relatifL l'interprétation ou à l'exécution de ce traité, DOCUMENTS TRAKÇ?P~ITTED

Annex 11


[Original text : English]

31May, 1949.
Pursuant to instructioiis from rny Governrnent, 1 have the honor to
transmit for your attention a capy of the note communicated by this
Legation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, under date of
2 April, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal
cliarges of repeated and systematic violations by Hurigary of Article 2
of the Treaty of Peace. You will note that the United States Govern-
ment, in the Legation's note of 2 April, called upon the Hungarian
Government to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which
it was prepared to take in order to implement fully the tems of that

1also enclose for your attention a copy of the reply of the Hungarian
Government, dated 9 Apnl, 1949, rejecting the charges contained in
this Legation's note and stating that Hungary has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Hungarian note failsto answer
the serious and specific charges of violations of Iiuman nghts made by
the Government of the United States, and niakes no statement as to
what steps Hungarv is prepared to take in order to remed,v the condi-
tions forming the basis for tliose charges. The specious argument put
fonvard by the Huriganan Governnient that the United States note of
2 April rcpresents an atten~pt to, interfere in the interrial affairs of
Hungary cannot be accepted, since the charges niade in the United
States note are based on the clear international treaty obligation of
Huiigary to secure to al1 persons within its jurisdictiorithe enjoyment
of human rights and of the fundamental freedoms.

In the circumstances, the United States Government considers the
Hungarian reply unsatisiacto~v and is informing the Mungarian Govern-
ment to that effect ia note of to-day's datea copy of which is attached
-o this letter.
Itis evident from the exchange of notes bvhichhas taken place between
the United States Government and the Government of Hungary that
a dispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and execu-
tion of Article 2 of the Peace Treaty. It iç also apparent from the
Hungarian Government 's note that the Hungarian Government is
not disposed to resolve this dispute by direct diplornatic negotiations.
Accortlingly, 1 am requested by my Government to invite your atten-b
tion to Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace and to itivoke the procedure
therein. Tliis article reads as followç :

"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

qui n'a pasétéréglépar voie de négociations diplomatiques directes,
sera soumis aux trois cliefs de mission, agissant comme il est prévu
à l'article39, mais, en pareil cas, ces chefs de mission ne seront
pas tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différendde
cette nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délai de
deux mois sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une
et l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requête de
l'une ou l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un
représentant de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un
ccmmun accord entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un
pays tiers. A défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les

deux parties au sujet de la désignation de ce tiers membre, l'une
ou l'autre partie pourra demander au Secrétaire général desNations
Unies de procéder à cette désignation.
2. La décisionprise par lamajorité des membres de la Commis-
sion sera considérée comme décisionde la Commission et acceptée
par les parties corne définitive et obligatoire. ii

Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vo~iloir me faire savoir le plus
tôt possible, conformément à la procédure définie ci-dessus, à quelle
date vous serez disposé à rencontrer le ministre de Grande-Bretagne
et moi-même afin qu'en notre qualité de chefs de mission agissant
comme iIest prévu à l'article 40, nous puissions examiner le différenden
Je crois savoir que le ministre de Grande-Bretagne vous adresse
aujourd'hui une communication semblable à la présente lettre, dans
laquelle il signale l'existence d'un différend entre le Royaume-Uni et
la Hongrie concernant la non-exécution par Ia Hongrie des dispositions
de l'articl2 du traité de paix, et demande l'application de la procédure
prévue à l'article 40. Je propose que, pour faciliter leurtâche, les trois
chefs de mission examinent en mêmetemps ces deux différends.
, J'adresse aujourd'hui même au ministre de Grande-Bretagne une
lettre de mêmeteneur que la présente. Copie de ces deux lettres sera
transmise au Goilvernemen thongrois.
Veuillez agréer, etc.


Pièces jointes :

I. Copie de lanote en date du z avril 1949 adressée par la légation
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique au ministère des Affaires étrangères
de la Hongrie.
2. Copie de la note en date du g ayril1949 adresséepar Ie Gouverne-

ment hongrois à la légation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
3. Copie de la note en date du 31 mai 1949 adressée par la légation
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique au ministère des Affaires étrangèresde

by direct diplomatic negotiations,.shall be referred to the three
Heads of hlission acting under Article 39, except that in this case
the Heads of hlission will not be restricted by the time-limit ~irovided
in that article. Any çuch dispute not resolved by ihem withiri a
period of two months shall, unless the parties tothe dispute mutually
agree upon another meanç of settlement, be referred at the retluest
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third member selected by mutual
agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third country.
Should the two parties fail to agree within a penod of one month
upon the appointment of the third member, the Secretary-General
of the United Nations may be requested by either party to make
the appointment.

2. The clecision of the majority of the members of the Cornmis-

sion shallbc the decision of the Conimission, and shallbe accepted
by the parties as definitive and biriding."
In accordance with the above crocedure 1 should appreciate your
.indicating at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared
to meet with tlie British hlinister and with nie in order that in Our
capacity as Heads ofhlission, referred tin Article40, we may consider
the dispute in question.

It is niy understanding that the British EiIiriisteris sendyoiito-day
.a communication similar to my present letter, calling attentionto the
existence of a dispute between the United Kingdom and Hungary with
regard to Hungary's non-compliance with Articlez of the Peace Treaty,
.and invoking the procedures laid down in Article 40. I should like to
sugg~st, for purposes ofconvenience, that these two disputesbe corisidered
together by the three Heads of Mission.
. Iam sending the Rritish Mirlister to-day nletter similarto the present
letter to yoiiCopies of both letters are being furnished to the Wungarian
,Goveriimen t.
Accept, Excellency, tlie assiirances, etc.

(Signai) \VILLI:ZM P. COCHRAN Jr,.

Enclosures :
I.Copy of American Legation note to Hunganan hfinistv of Foreign
Affairs dated2 Ayril,1949.

z. Copy ofHuiigarian Government note to American Legation dated
9 April, 1949.
3. Copy of Anlerican Legation note to Huiigarian AIinistry of Foreign
Affairs dated31 May, 1949. DOCUMEKTS TRANSMIS

Annexe 12


[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
Monsieur l'Ambassadeur,
ll'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ai l'honneur de signaler à votre
attention et de ï.ous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril

1949 adressée par notre légation au ministre des Affaires étrangères
de la Roumanie, dans laquelle le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amé-
rique a formellement accusé la Roumanie d'avoir, à de nombreuses
reprises, violé systématiquement l'article 3 du trait$ de paix, Je me
permets de vous rappeler que le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amé-
rique, dans sa note du 2 avril, a demandé au Gouvernement roumain.
de remédier A cette situation ede luiindiquer les mesures qu'il comptait
prendre pour mettre pleinement en Œuvre les dispositions de cet article,
Je joinségalement Ala présente lettre le texte de la réponsedu Gouver-
nement roumain, en date du 18 avril1949. par laquelle cc Gouvernement
rejette les accusations contenuedans la note de notre légatioet déclare
que la Roumanie a exécuté lesobligations que lui impose le traitéde
paix. La note roumanie ne répond pas aux accusations graves et précises
de yiolation des droits de l'homme qu'a formulées le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique etne déclarepas quellesmesures la Koumanie
est disposée A prendre pour remédier à la situation qui a fait l'objet

de ces accusatio~is. Il est impossible d'accepter l'argument spécieux du
Gouvernement roumain selon lequel la note des États-unis d'Amérique
en date du 2 avril constitue une tentative d'ingérence dans les affaires
intérieures de la Roumanie, car les accusations contenues dans la note
des Etats-Unis d'timérique se fondent sur le fait quela Roumanie est
incontestablement tenue, en vertu d'un traité international, d'assurer
5 toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction la jouissance des droits.
de L'homme et des libertés fondamentales.
C'est pourquoi Ie Gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique conçidhre.
que la réponse de la lioumanie n'est pas satisfaisante et adresse aujour-
d'hui méme au Gouvernement roumain une note en ce sens ; copie de.
cette note est jointe à la présente lettre.
11ressort clairement des notes échangéesentre le Gouvernement des
États-unis d'Amérique et le Gouvernement roumain qu'il existe entre
ces Gouvernements un différendquant Al'interprétation et à l'exécution
de l'articl3 du traité de paix. Il ressort également lanote du Gouver-

nement de Ia Roumanie qu'il n'est pas disposéà réglerce différend par
voie de négociations diplomatiques directes.En conséquence, j'ai l'hon-
neur, d'ordre de mon Gouvernement, d'attirer votre attention sur.
l'articl38 du traitéde paix et de demander l'application de la procédure.
qui y est prévue. Cet article est ainsi conçu :
ciI.Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout. Annex 12


[Original text: English]


31 May, 1949.
Pursuant to instructions from my Government I have the lionor to
transmit for your attention a copy of the note communicated by this
Legation to the Ninistry of Foreign Affairs of Runiania, under date of
z iipril,1949, in which the United States Government made fornial
charges of repeated and systernatic violations by Rumania of Article 3
of the Treaty of Peace. 'l'ou will note that the United States Govern-
ment, in the Legation's note of Apnl 2, called upon the Rumanian
Government to adopt remedial meaçures and to çpecify the steps which
it was prepared to take in order to implement fully the terms of the
1also enclose for your attentiona copy of the reply ofthe Rumanian
Government, dated 18 April, 1949, rejecting the charges contained in

this Legation's noteand stating that Rumania has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Rumanian note fails to answer
the serious and çpecific charges of violations of human rights made
by the Government of the United States, and makes no statement as
to what steps Rumania is prepared to take in order to remedy the
conditions forming the basis for those charges. Tlic spwious argument
put forward by the Rumanian Government that the United States
note of 2 April represents an attempt to interfere in the interna1 affairs
of Kumania cannot be accepted, since the charges made in the United
States note are based on the clear international treaty obligation of
Rumania to seciire to a11persans under its jurisdiction the enjoyment
of human rights and of the fundamental freedoms.

In tfie circumstances the United States Governmcnt considers the
Rumaiiian reply unsatisfactory and is informing the Rumanian Govcrn-
ment to that eifect in a note of to-day's date a copy of whishattactied
to this letter.
It is evident fronthe exchange of notes which has taken placebetween
the United States Government and the Governrnent of Rumania that
a dispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and execu-
tion of Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace. It is also apparent from the

Rumanian Government's note that the Rumanian Government is not
disposed to resolve this dispute by direct diplornatic negotiations.
Accordingly, 1 am requeçted by my Government to invite your atten-
tion to Article38 of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke the procedure
specified therein. This article reads as foilows :
"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty any diçpute concerning the différend relatif à l'interprétation ou à l'exécution de ce traité,
qui n'a pas étéréglépar voie de négociations diplomatiques directes,
sera soumis aux trois chefs de mission, agissant comme il est prévu
A I'articl37 mais, eii pareil cas, ces chefs de mission ne seropas
tenus par les délais fixéclans ledit article. Tout différend de cette
nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans uii délai de deus

mois sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une et
l'autre d'un autre mode de réglement, soumis, à la requête de l'une
ou l'autre des parties, à une Commiçsion composée d'un représen-
tant de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun
accord entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un pays
tiers.A défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les deux
parties au sujet de la désignation de ce tiers membre, l'une ou
l'autre partie pourra demander au Secrétaire général desNations
Unies de procéder à cette désignation.
2. La décisionprise par la majoritédesmembres de la Commission
sera considéréecomme décision de la Commission et acceptée par
les parties comme définitive et obligatoire))

Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir me faire savoir le plus
t6t pcissible, conformémeiit à la procédure définieci-dessus, à quelle
date vous serez disposé (irencontrer le ministre de Grande-Bretagne
et moi-même afin qu'en notre qualité de chefs de mission agissant

comnie il est prévu à l'article38, nous puissions examiner le différend
en question.
Je crois savoir que le ministre de Grande-Bretagne vous adresse
aujourd'hui une communication semblable à la présente lettre, dans
laquelle il signale l'existence d'un différend entre le Royaume-Uni et
la Roumanie concernant la non-exécution par Ia Roumaniedes disposi-
tions de l'article3 du traité de paix et demande l'application de la
procédure prévue à l'article 38. Je propose que, pour faciliter Ieur
tâche; les trois chefs de mission examinent en mêmetemps ces deux
J'adresse aujourd'hui même au ministre de Grande-Bretagne une
lettre de mêmeteneur que la présente. Copie de ces deux lettres sera

transmise au Gouvernement roumain,
Veuillez agréer, etc.

Trois pièces jointes.

Annexe 13


[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
Monsieur le Ministre,
D'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ail'honneur de signaler A votre
attention et de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by
direct diplornatic negotiations, shall breferred to the three Heads
ofMission acting under Article 37 ,excepi that in this case the Heads
of Mission.will not be restricted by the time-limit provided in that
article. Any such dispute not reçolved by them within a period of
two months, shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree
upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Conimission composed of one
representative of eacl-i party and a third member selected by
mutual a reernerit of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. !4hould the tu10 parties fail to agree within a period of
one mont11upon the appointment of the third member, theSecretary-
General of the United Nations may be requested by cither party
to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commis-
sion çhall be the decisionof the Commission, and shall be accepted
by the parties asdefinitive and binding."

In accordance with the above procedure 1 should appreciate your
indicating at your earIiest convenience when you would be prepared
to meet with the British Minister and with me in order that in our
capacity as Heads of Mission, referred to in Article 35, wemay cansider
the dispute in question.

itis my understanding that the British Minister is sendiiig you to-day
a communication similar to my present letter, calling attention tothe
existence of a dispute between the United Kingdom and Rumania
concerning Rumania's non-cornpliance with Article 3 of the Treaty of
Peace, and invoking the procedure laid down in Article 38. 1sliould like
to suggest, for purposes of convenience, that these two disputes be
considered together by the three Heads of Rliçsion.

1 am sending the British hlinister to-daya letter sirnilatothe present
letterto you. Copies of both Iettersarebeing furnished to the Rumanian
1avail myself of this opportunity, etc.

Enclosures :three. -


[Original text : English]
31 May, 1949.
My dear hl;. Minister,

Pursuant to instructions from rny Government, 1 have the honor
to transmit for your attention a copy of a note communicated by. this

1949 adressée par notre légation au ministre des,Affaires étranghres de
la Bulgarie, dans laquelle le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
a formel1ement accusé la Bulgane d'avoir, à de nombreuses reprises,
violésystématiquement l'article 2 du traité de paix. Je me permets de
vous rappeler que le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, dans
sa note du z avril, a demandé au Gouvernement bulgare de remédier
à cette situation et de lui indiquer les mesures qu'il comptait prendre
pour mettre pleinement en Œuvre les dispositions de cet article.
Je joinsj. laprésente lettre le texte de la réponse du Gouvernement
bÙlgare, en date du 21 avril 1949,par laquelle ce Gouvernement rejette
les accusations contenues dans la note de notre légation et déclare que
la Bulgarie a exécuté lesobligations que lui impose le traité de paix.
La note bulgare ne répond pas aux accusations graves et précises de

violation des droits de l'homme qu'a formulées le Gouvernement des
États-Unis d'Amérique et ne declare pas quelles mesures la Bulgarie
est disposée à prendre pour remédier à la situation qui a fait l'objet de
ces accusations. 11 est impossible d'accepter l'argument spécieux du
Gouvernement bulgare selon lequel la note des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
en date du 2 avril constitue une tentative d'ingérence dans les affaires
intérieures de la Bulgarie, car les accusations contenues dans la note
des États-unis d'Amérique se fondent sur le fait que la Bulgarie est
incontestablement tenue, en vertu d'un traité international, d'assurer
iitoutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction la jouissance des droits
de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales.
C'est pourquoi, le Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amérique considère
que la réponsedela Bulgarie n'est pas satisfaisante et adresse aujourd'hui
même au Gouvernement bulgare une note en ce sens ; copie de cette
note est jointe A la présente lettre.
11 ressort clairement des notes échangéesentre le Gouvernement des
ctats-unis d'Amérique et le Gouvernement bulgare qu'il existe entre
cesGouvernements un différend quant à l'interprétation et à l'exécution
de l'articlz du traité depaix. Tlressort également dela notedu Gouver-
nement de la Bulgarie qu'il n'est pas disposé à régler ce différend par

voie de négociations diplomatiques directes. En conséquence, j'ai
l'honneur, d'ordre de mon Gouvernement, d'attirer votre attention sur
l'article6 du traité de paix et de demander l'application dela procédure
qui y estprévue. Cet article est ainsi conçu :

(Article 36

I. Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout
différend reIatif(i I'interprktationou à I'exécution de ce traité,
quin'a pas été réglépar voie de négociations diplomatiques directes,
sera soumis aux trois chefs de mission, agissant comrrie il est prévu
til'article gj, mais, en pareil cas, ces chefs de mission ne seront
pas tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différend de
cette nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délai de
deux mois sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une
et l'autre d'un autre mode de réglement, soumis, à la requête de
l'une ou l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un
représentant de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un
commun accord entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un DOCUMENTS TRANShlITTED 45
Legation to the hlinistry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, under date of
2 April, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal

charges of repeated and systematic violations by Eulgaria of Article z
of the Treaty of Peace. You will note that the United States Govern-
ment, in the note of 2 Apnl, called upon the Bulgarian Government
to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which it was
prepared to take in order to implement fully the tems of that article.

I enclose for your attention a copy of the reply of the Bulgarian
Government, dated 21 April, 1949, rejecting the charges contained in
this Legation's note and stating that Uulgaria has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Bulgarian note fails to answer
the serious and specific charges of violation of Iiuman rights made by
the Government of the United States, and makes no statement as to
what steps Bulgaria ir preparedto take in order to remedy the conditions
forming the basis for those charges. The specious argument put forward
by the Bulgarian Government that the United States note of 2 April
represents an attempt to interferc in the interna1 affairs of Bulgaria
cannot be accepted, since the charges made in the United States Note
are based on the clear international treaty obligation of Bulgaria to
secure to al1 perçons within its jurisdiction the enjoyment of human
rights and fiindamental freedoms.

In the circunistances the United States Government considers the
Bulgarian reply unsatisfactory and is infonning the Bulgarian Govern-
ment to that effect in a note of to-day's date, a copy of which is
attached ta thisletter.
It is evident from the exchange of notes which has taken place between
the United States Government and the Government of Rulgaria that a
dispute exists between them concerning the-interpretation and execu-
tion of Article2 of the Peace Treaty. lt is also apparent froni tBulga-
rian Government'ç note that the Bulgarian Government is not disposed
to resolve this dispute by direct diplomatic negotiations. Accordingly,
1 am requested by rny Government to invite your attention to Article 36
of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke the procedure specified herein.
This article reads as follows :

"Article 36
I. Except where another procedure isspecifically provided under
any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning the

interpretationor execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by
direct diplomatic negotiations, shall be referred to the three I-Ieads
of Mission acting under Article 35, except that in this case the
Heads of Mission will not be restricted by the time-limit provided
in that article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within a
penod of two months shall, unless the parties tothe dispute mutiially
agree upon another rneans of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third member selected by
mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. Should the two ~arties fail to agree within a period of46 DOCUMEKTS TRANSMIS
pays tiers. .A défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les
deux parties au sujet de la désignation de ce tiers membre, l'une
ou l'autre partie pourra demander au Secrétaire générales Nations
Unies de procéder à cette désignation.
2. La décisionprise par la majorité des membres de la Conunis-
sion sera considéréecomme décisionde laCommission et acceptée
par les parties comme définitive et obligatoirri

Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir me faire savoir le plus
tôt possible, conformément à la procédure definie ci-dessus, à quelle
date vous serez disposé à rencontrer l'ambassadeur de l'Union des
Républiques socialistessoviétiqueset moi-même afinqu'en notre qualité
de chefs de mission, agissant comme il est prévu à l'article 36, nous
puissions examiner le différend en question.
J'adresse aujourd'hui même à l'ambassadeur de l'Union des Républi-
ques socialistes soviétiques une lettre de mêmeteneur que la présente.
Copie de ces deux lettres sera transmise au Gouvernenient bulgare.
Veuillez agréer, etc.


Piéces jointes:

I.Note en date du 2 avril 1949adresséepar la légationau ministère
des Affaires étrangèresde Bulgarie.
2. Réponsedu Gouvernement bulgare en date du 21 avril 1949.

[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
Monsieur le hfiriiçtre,
D'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ail'honneur de signaler à votre
attention et de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril
1949adressée par notre légation au ministre desAffaires étrangèresde
la Hongrie, dans laquelle le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
a formellement accusé la Hongrie d'avoir, de nombreuses reprises,
violésystématiquement l'article 2du traité de paix. Je me permets de
vous rappeler que le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, dans
sa note du 2 avril, a demandé au Gouvernement liongrois de remédier

à cette situation et de lui indiquer les mesures qu'il comptait prendre
pour mettre pleinement enŒuvre les dispositions de cet article.
Je joins à la présente lettre le texte de la réponsedu Gouvernement
hongrois, en date du gavril 1949, par laquelle ce Gouvernement rejette
les accusations contenues dans la note de notre légation et déclareque
la Hongrie a exécutéles obligations que lui impose le traité de paix.
La note hongroise ne répond pas aux accusations graves et précisesde
violation des droits de l'homme qu'a formulées le Gouvernement des one month upon the appointment of the third member, the Secre-
tary-General of the United Nations may be requested by either
party to make the appointment.

2. The decision ofthe majority of the members of the Commission
shall be the decision of the Commission, and shall be accepted by
the partiesas definitivand binding."

ln accordance with the above procedure 1 should appreciate your
indicating at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared
to rneet with the Russian Ambassador and ivith me in order that in
our capacity as Weads of Mission, referred to in Article 36, we may
consider the dispute in question.

I ani sending the Russian Ambassador to-day a letter similar to the
present letter to yoil, Copies of both letters are being furnished to the
Bulgarian Governmen t .
Wi th renewed assurances, etc.

Enclosures :
r. Legation note of 2 April,1949 ,o the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. Reply of the Bulgarian Government dated 21 April, 2949.

Annex 14


[Original text : English]
31 hlay, 1949.

Yursuant to instructions from my Government, Ihave the honor to
transmit for your attention a copy of the note communicated by this
Legation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, under date of
2 April, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal
charges of repeated and systematic violations by Hungary of -4rticle z
of the Treaty of Peace. You will note that the United States Government,
in the Legation's noteof 2 April called upon the Hunganan Government
to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which it was
prepared to take in order to impletnent fullythe terms of that article.

Ialso enclose for your attention acopy of tlie replof the Hungarian
Governrnent, dated g April, 1949, rejecting the charges contained in
this Legation's note and statingthat Hungary has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Hungarian note fails to answer
the serious and specific charges of violations of human rights made
by the Government of the United States, and makes no statement asEtats-Unis d'Amérique et ne déclare pas quelles mesures la Hongrie

est disposée à prendre pour remédier à la situation qui a fait l'objet de
ces accusations. Il est impossible d'accepter l'argument spécieux du
Gouvernement hongrois selon lequel la note des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
en date du 2 avril constitue une tentative d'ingérence dans les affaires
intéricures de la Hongrie, car les accusations contenues dans la note
cles Etats-Unis d'Amérique se fondent sur le fait que la Hongrie est
incontestablement tenue, en vertu d'un traité international,d'assurer
A toutes les personnes relevant de ca juridiction la jouissance des droits
de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales.
C'est pourquoi, le Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amérique considère
que Ia réponsede la Hongrie n'est pas satisfaisante et adresse aujourd'hui
mêmeau Gouvernement hongrois une note en ce sens ; copie de cette
note est jointe à la présente lettre.
Il ressort clairement des notes échangéesentre le Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis d'Amérique et le Gouvernement hongrois qu'ilexiste entre
ces Gouvernements un différendquant à l'interprétation et à l'cskcution
de l'articl2 du traité de paix. Il ressort également de la note du Gouver-
nement de la Hongrie qu'il n'est pas disposé à régler cc différend par
voie de négociations diplomatiques directes. En conséqiience, j'ai

l'honiieur, d'ordrede mon Gouvernement, d'attirer votre attention sur
l'articleo du traité de paix et de demander l'application deInprocédure
quiy est prévue. Cet articleest ainsi conçu :
c r. Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout
différend relatif à l'interprétation ou à l'exécution de ce traité, qui
n'a pas été réglépar voie de iiégociations diplomatiques directes,
sera soumis aux trois chefsde mission, agissant comme il est prévu
à l'article39, mais, en pareil cas, ces chefs de mission ne seront
pas tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différend de
cette nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un clélaide

deux mois sera,.sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une
et l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, A la requête de
l'une ou l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un
représentant de cliaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un
commun accord entre les deux parties parmi lesressortissants d'un
pays tiers. A défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les
deus parties au sujet de la désignation de ce tiers membre, l'une
ou l'autre partie pourra demander au Secrétaire généraldes Nations
Unies de procéder à cette désignation.
2. La décisionprise par la majorité des membres de la Commis-
sion sera considéréecomme décision de la Commissioii et acceptée
par les parties comme définitive et obligatoire11

Je vous serais reconnaissatitde bien vouloir: me faire savoir le plus
tôt possible, conformément à la procédure définie ci-dessus, A quelle
date vous serez disposé à rencontrer l'ambassadeur de l'Union des
Républiques socialistes soviétiqueset moi-mêmeafin qu'en notre qualité
de cliefs de mission agissant comme il est prévu à l'article 40, nous
puissions examiner le différenden question.
Je crois savoir que vous adressez aujourd'hui à l'ambassadeur de
l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviktiques une communication de
mêmeteneur que la présente lettre,dans laquelie vous signalez l'existerice to what steps Hungary is prepared to take in orderto remedy the condi-
tions forming the bais for those charges. The specious argument put
forward by the Hungarian Government tliat the United States note
of z Apnl repreçents an attempt to interfere in the internai affairs of
Hungary cannot bc accepted, since thc charges made in the United
States note are based on the clear international treaty obligation of
Hungarv to secure to al1 persons ivithin its jurisdiction the enjoyment
of human rights aiid of the fundamental freedoms.

In the circumstances, the United States Government considers the
Hunganan reply iinsatisfactory and is infonning the Hungarian Goverii-
ment to that effect in :inote of to-day's date, a copy of which is attached
to this letter.
It is evident from the exchange of notes which has taken place between
the United States Government and the Government of Hungary that

adispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and execu-
tion of Article 2 of the Peace Treaty. It is also apparent from the
Hungarian Government's note that the Hungarian Government is not
disposed to resolvc this dispute by direct diplomatic negotiations.
Accordingly, 1 am requested by my Gol~ernment to invite your atten-
tion to Article40 of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke~the procedure
therein. This article reads as follows :
"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Trenty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled
bp direct diplomatic negotiations, shaH be referred to the three
Heads of Ttlissionacting under Article 39, escept that in this case

the Heads of &lissionwiil not be restricted by the tirne-limit provjdcd
in that article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within a
period of two months shall, unless the parties tothe dispute rnutually
agree upon another means of settlemeiit, be referred at the request
of either p:irty to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third member selected by
mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. Should the two parties failto agree within a period of
one month upon the appointment of the thirdmember, the Secretary-
General of the United Natioiis may be requested by either party
to make the appointment.

' 2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commission
. shall be the clecision of theConimission, and shaii be accepted by
the parties as dcfinitive and binding."

In accordance witli the above procedure 1 should appreciate your
indicating at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared
to meet with the Ambassador of the Soviet Union and with me in order
that in our capacity as Heads of Mission, reierred to in Article 40, we
majr consider the dispute in question.

It irny understanding that you are sending to the Soviet Ambassador
to-day a communication similar to the present letter, calling attention
to the existence of a dispute between the United Kingdom and Hungary48 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

d'un différendentrele Royaume-Uni et la Hongrieconcernant lanon-exé-
cution par la Hongrie des dispositions de l'articl2 du traité de paix
et demandez l'application procédure prévoe l'article 40, et
que les Gouvernements du Canada, de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-
Zélande s'associentà cette démarche. Je propose que, pour faciliter leur
tâche, les trois chefs de miszion examinent en méme temps ces deux
J'adresçe aujourd'hui même à l'ambassadeur de l'Union des Républi-
ques socialistes soviétiques une lettde mêmeteneur que la prhente.
Copie de ces deux lettres sera transmise au Gouvernement hongrois.
Veuillez agréer,etc.

Pièces jointes:
I.Copie de la note en date du 2 avril 1949adresséepar la légation
des États-unis d'Amériqueau rninistéredes Affaires étrangèresde

2. Copie de la noteen date du .9avril 1949adresséepar le Gouverne-
ment hongrois à la légationdes Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
3. Copie,de la note en date du 31 mai 1949 adresséepar lalégation
des Etats-Unis dPAmkrique au ministère des Affaires étrangères
de Hongrie.

Annexe 15

[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
Monsieur le Ministre,
D'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ai i'honneur de signaler à votre
attention et de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du z avril
1949adressée par notre légation au ministre des,Affaires étrangèresde
laRoumanie, clanslaquelle le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
a formellement accusé la Roumanie d'avoir, A cle nonibreuseç reprises,
violésystématiquement l'article 3 du traifë de paix. Je me permets de
vous rappeler que Ic Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, dans
sa note du 2 avril, a demandé au Gouvernement roumain de remédier
à cette situation etde lui indiquer les mesuresqu'ilcomptait prendre
pour mettre pleinement en Œuvreles dispositions de cet article.
Je joins égalementà la présentelettre le texte de laréponsedu Gouver-
nement roumain, eil date du 18avril 1949,par laquelle ce Gouvernement
rejetteles accusations contenues dans la note de notre légationet déclare
que la Roumanie a exécutéles obligations que lui impose le Tralté

de pais. La note roumaine ne répond pas aux accusations graves et
précisesde violation des droits de l'homme qu'a formuléesle Gouver-
nement des États-Unis d'Amérique et ne déclare pas quelles mesures
la Roumanie est disposée àprendre pour remédier h la situation qui a
fait l'objet de ces accusations. Il est impossible d'accepter l'argumentwith regard to non-compliance with Article 2 of the Peace Treaty and
invoking the procedures laid down in Article 40 ;and that the Govern-
rnentç of Canada, Australia and New Zeaiand arc associatingthemselves
in this step. 1 should like to suggesl, for purposes of co~ivenience,that
the two disputes be consiclered together by the three I-leads of Mission.

1 am sending to the Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics to-day a letter similar to the present letter to you and I am
furnishing copies ofboth communications tothe Hungarian Government.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances, etc.

Enclosures :
I. Copy of American Legation note to Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, dated 2 April, 1949.

2. Copy of Hungarian Government note to American ~egation, dated
9 April, 1949.
3.Copy of American Legation note to Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, dated 31 May, 1949.

[Original text: English]

31 May, 1949.
Pursuant to instructioiis from rny Government 1 have the honor to
transmit foryour attention a copy of the note communicated by this
Legation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rumnnia, under date of
2 April, 1949, in which the United States Government made formal
charges of repeated and systernatic violations by Rumania of Article 3
of the Treaty of Peace. Yoii will note that the United States Govern-
ment, in the Legation's note of 2 April, called upon the Rumanian
Government to adopt remedial measures and to specify the steps which
it was yrepared to take in order to implement fully the terms of the
1 also enclose for your attentiona copy of the reply of the Rurnanian
Government, dated 18 April, 1949, rejecting tlie charges contained in
this Legation's noteand statiiig that Rumania has carried out its obliga-
tions under the Treaty of Peace. The Rumanian note fails to answer the
serious and specific charges of violation of human rights made by the
Government of the United States, and makes no staternent as to what
steps Rumania is prepared to take in order ta remedy the conditions
foming the basis for those charges. The specious argument put fonvard
by the Rumanian Government that the United States note of 2 Apnlspécieux du Gouvernement roumain selon lequel la note des États-unis
d'Amérique en date du 2 avril constitue une tentative d'ingérencedans
les affaires intérieures de la Koumanie, car les accusations contenues
dans la note des Etats-Unis d'Amérique se fondent sur le fait que la
Koumanie est incontestablement tenue, en vertu d'un traité interna-
tional, d'assurer à toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction la
jouissance des droits de l'homme et des Jibertés fondamentales.
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis.d'Amérique considère
que la réponse de la Koumanie n'est pas satisfaisante et adresse aujour-
d'hui même au Gouvernement roumain une note en ce sens ; copie de
cette note est jointe a la présente lettre.
IIressort clairement des notes échangéesentre le Gouvernement des
États-unis d'Amérique etle Gouvernement roumain qu'il existe entre
ces Gouvernements un différendquant L l'interprétation et à l'exécution
de l'article du traité de paix.IIressort également de la note du Gouver-
nement de la Roumanie qu'il n'est pas disposéà réglerce différendpar

voie de négociations diplomatiques directes. En conséquence, j'ai
l'honneur, d'ordre de mon Gouvernement, d'attirer votre attention
sur l'article38 du traité de paix et de demander l'appiicatjon de la
procédure qui y est prévue.Cet article est ainsi conçu :

((I.Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est euprcssément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout
différend retatif à l'interprétation ou l'exécution de ce Traité,
qui n'a pas étéréglépar voie de négociationsdiplomatiquesdirectes,
sera soumis aux trois chefs de mission, agissant comme il est prévu
9 l'article37, mais, en pareil cas, ces chefs de mission ne seront
pas tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différend de
cette nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délai de
deux mois sera, sauf si lesparties au différend conviennent l'une
et l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, A la requête de
l'une ou I'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un
représentant de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un
comrnuii accord entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants
d'un pays tiers. A défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre
les deux parties au sujet de la désignation de ce tiers inembre,
l'une ou l'autre partie pourra demander au Secrétaire général des
Nations Unies de procéder à cette désignation.

2. La décision prise par la majorité des membres dc la Commis-
sion sera considérée comme décisionde la Commission et acceptée
par les parties comme définitive et obligatoire.)

Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir me faire savoir le plus
tôt possible, conformément à la procédure définie ci-dessus, 5 quelle
date vous serez disposé à rencontrer l'ambassadeur de l'union des
Républiques socialistes soviétiques et moi-mêmeafin qu'en notre qualité
de chefs de mission agissant comme il est prévu i l'article 38, nous
puiscions examiner le différenden question.
Je crois savoir que vous adressez aujourd'hui à l'ambassadeur de
l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques une communication de
même teneur que la présentelettre, dans laquelle vous signalez l'existence
d'un différend entre le Royaume-Uni et la Roumanie concernant la
non-exécution par la Roumanie des dispositio desl'article 3du traité- represetits an ntternpt to interiere in the interna1 nffairs of Rumania
cannot be accepted, since the charges made in tlie United States note
are based on the cIear international treaty obligatioii of Rumania to
secure to al1 perçons under its jurisdiction the enjoyment of hurnnn
rights and of tlie fundamental freedoms.

In the circumstances, the United States Governmcnt considers the
Rumanian reply unsatisfactory and is informing the Rumanian Govern-
ment to that effect ina note of to-day's date a copy of which is attacheci
to this letter.
Itis evident from the exchange oi notes which has taken placebetween
the United States Government and the Government of'Rumania that
a dispute exists between them concerning the interpretation and esecu-
tion of Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace. It is also apparent from the
Rumaniaii Governrnent's note that the Rumanian Government is not
disposed to resolve this dispute by direct diplornatic negotiations.
Accorditigly, L am requested by rny Government to invite your atteti-
tion to Article 35 of the Treaty of Peace and to invoke the procedure
specified therein. This article reads as follows :

"1. Escept where anotlier procedure is specifically provided under
any article of the present Treaty any dispute coiicerning the inter-
pretation or esecution of the 'rreaty, which is not settled by direct
dipiornatic negotiations, shall be referred to the three Heads of
Mission acting under Article 37, escept that in this case the Heads
of Mission willnot be restricted by the time-limit provided in that
article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within a period of
two months, shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree .
upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request of
eitherparty to the disputeto a Commissioiicomposed of one repre-
sentative of each party and a third member selected by mutun1
agreement of the two parties from natiorials of a third country.
Should the two parties failto agree within a yeriod of one month
upon the appointment of the third niemher, the Secretary-General
of the United Nations may be requested by either party to make
the appointment.

2. l'lie decision of the müjorityof tlie mernbers of the Commis-
sion shall he the decision of the Commission, and shaH be accepted
by the parties as definitive aiid binding."

In accordance with the above procedure I should appreciate 'your
indicating at your earliest convenience when you would be prepared to
meet with the Rusian Arnbassador atid with me in order that iii Our
capacity as Heads of Mission, referred to in Article 36, we may consider
the dispiite iiiq~iestion.

Tt is my understandirig that yoti are seriding to-day to the Soviet
Arnbassador a cammrinication çimilar to my preseiit letter, calling
attention to tlie existenceof a dispute between the United Kingdom
and Rumania concerning Rumania's non-compIiance uith Article 3 of
the Treaty of Pence and invoking the procedures laid down in Article 38.50 DOCUMESTS TRANSMIS

de paix, et dernaiidez l'application de la procédure prévue à l'a38.cle
Je propose que, pour faciliter leur tâche, les trois chefs de mission exarni-
nent en méme temps ces deus différends.
'l'adresse aujourd'hui même,?l'ambassadeur de l'Union des, Républi-
ques socialistes soviétiques une lettremême teneur que la présente.
Copie de ces deux lettres sera transmise au Gouvernement roumain.
Veuillez agréer, etc.


Trois pièces jointes.

Annexe 16


[Texte original en angIaisj
31 mai 1949.
Monsieur le Ministre,
J'ai l'honneur d'accuser réception de votre note en date de ce jour,

dans laquelle vousme faites connaître les mesures que vous avez prises
pour appeler l'attentionsur l'existence d'un différend entre le Gouver-
nement des États-unis d'Amérique et le Gouvernement bulgare au
sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution de l'articledu traité de
paix, et dans laquelle voume demandez si jeserais prêtà vous rencon-
trer, ainsi que l'ambassadeur de I'Union des Républiques socialistes
soviétiques, pour examiner ce différend, conformément aux dispositions
de l'article36 du traité.
2. J'ai l'honneur de rCpondre que je serai heureux de participer à
cet examen commun, au moment et à l'endroit qui vous conviendront
à vous-mêmeet à l'ambasadeur de L'Unioi~soviétique.
3. J'adresse copie de la présente note à l'ambassadeur de l'Union

des Républiques socialistes soviétiques et au ministére cles Affaires
étrangères de Bulgarie.
Je saisis cette occasion, etc.
(SignéP )AUI. 31.4~0~.

Annexe 17


[Teste original en anglais]
zcrjuin 1949.
Aloiisieur le Chargéd'affaires,

J'ai l'honneur d'accuser réception de votre communication du 31 mai
1949~par laquelle vous m'avez invitA me joindre à vous et à l'ambassa- DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 50

1 should like to suggeçt, for purposes of convenience, that these two
disputes be considered together by the three Heads of Mission.

1 am sending the Soviet Ambassador to-day a letter similar to the
preçent letter to you. Copies of both letters are being furnished to the
Rumanian Government .
1avail myself of this opportunity, etc.

Enclosures : tliree.

Annex 16


[Original text: English]
31 May, 1949.
Your Excellency,

1 have the honour to acknowledge tlie receipt of your noteofto-day's
date informing me of theaction which you have taken to cal1attention
to the existence ofa dispute between the United States Gove~nment
and the Bulgarian Governrnent concerning the interpretation and
execution of Article z of the Peace Treaty, and enquiring whether 1
should be prepared to meet with you and with the Ambassador of the
Soviet Union, as provided under Article 36 of the Treaty, to consider
this dispute.

.2. 1 have the honour to statein reply that 1 shallbe happy to take
part in such joint consideration at any time and place mhich may be
çonvenient to you and to the Soviet Ambassador.
3. 1 am sending copies of this notetothe Soviet Ambassador and the
.Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I avail myself of this opportunity, etc.


[Original text: English]
BRITISH I2~3~4~10h'
I June, 1949.
1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the communication,
dated 31 May, 1949, in which yori inl.ited me to loinnith you and the DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS
deur de l'Union des Républiques socialistes sovitiitiques pour examiner
le différend qui s'est éleàépropos de la réponse que le Gouvernement
hongrois a adressée le g avril à la note de votre légation en date du
2 avril, concernant laviolation de l'article z dtraité de paix avec la
Hongrie. Vous avez bien voulu joindre à cette communication copie

d'autres communications, en date du 31 mai 1949, que vous avez fait
parvenir au ministére des Affaires étrangéresde Hongrie eth l'ambassa-
deur de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques.
2. Vous savez par ma lettre du 31 mai, & Iaquelle j'avais joint copie
de la correspondance échangée entre la légation britannique et le
ministère des Affaires étrangèrede Horigrie, que mon Gouvernement et
lez Gouvernements du Canada, de l'Australie et de la Kouvefle-Zélande,
qui ont accusé le Gouvernement hongrois de violations semblables du
traitéde paix, ont constaté, comme le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique, que la réponsedu Gouvernement hongrois à ces accusations
n'est pas satisfaisante. Ils ont donc décidé,pour leur part également,
d'invoquer la procédure que l'article0 du traité prévoit pour le règle-
ment d'un ((différend relatif à l'interprétation ou à l'exécutiondu tW.ité
3. Dans ces conditions, j'ail'honneur de vous faire connaître qu'en
ce qui me concerne, je suis prêtàme joindre à vous et à l'ambassadeur
de l'Union soviétique pour examiner en commun ces différends, au

moment que nous aurons convenu.
J'adresse copie de la présente lettre k notre collègue de l'Union

Annexe 18

[Texte original enanglais]
rcr juin 1949.
Monsieur le Ministre,

J'ai l'honneur d'accuser réception de votre lettre 31mai 1949,dans
laquelle vous me faites connaître les mesures que vous avez prises en
vue de convoquer une réunion des chefs des missions des Etats-Unis,
de i'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques et du Iioyaume-Uni
en Roumanie pour examiner le différend qui s'est élevé A propos des
violations de l'article 3 du traité de paix par le Gouvernement roumain.
Je serai heureux de vous rencontrer, ainsi que l'ambassadeur de
l'Union soviétique, au moment que nous aurons convenu.
Je saisis cette occasion, etc.


Soviet Ambassador in considering the dispute which has arisen out of
the reply of the Hungarian Government, of 9 Apnl last, to your Lega-
lion's note of2 April, regarding the violation ofArticle 2 of the Peace
Treaty with Hungary. In that cornmunicatian you were alsoso good
as to send me copies of further commuiiications, dated 31 May, 1949,
which you have addressed to the Hungarinn hlinist orfForeign Affairs,
and to His ~;lxcellcncthe Soviet Ambassador.

2. You will be aware from rny own letter to you of 31 May, with
which 1forwarded to you copies ofcorrespondence between this Leg t'ion
and the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that my Government,
and the Canadian, Australian and New Xealand Governments, having
charged the Hungarian Government witli çimilar infractions of the
Peace Treaty, have found, like your own, that the Hungarian rcply
to tliis charge is iinsatisfactory ; ahave decided, for their part nlso,
to invoke the procedure laid down in Article 40 of the Treaty for the
settlement of a "dispute concerning the interprctation or execution
of the Treaty".

3. In thest: circumstances, 1 have the honour to inform you that 1
shall for my part be ready, at any time which may be mutually agreed,
to join with you and His Excellency ,the Soviet Ambassador in the
simultaneous consideration of these disl~utes.
1am sending a copy of this letter to our Soviet colleague.

Annex 18

[Original text : English]

1 .lune, 1949-
Your '~scel~enc~,
1 have the honour toacknowledge the receipt of your letter of 31May,
1949, informing me ofthe actioiiyou have taken with a view to convoking
a meeting of the Heads of the United States, So~~ieand British Missions
in Roumania to discuss the dispute that has arisen regarding tlie viola-
tions cf Article 3 of theTreaty of Peacby the Koumanian Government.

I shall be pleased to meet with the Soviet Ambassador and yourself
at any time that may be mutually agreeable.
1 avail niysclf ofthis opportunity, etc. DOCU?IIEXTS TRANSMIS

Annexe rg

[Texte original en russe]

II juin 1949.

Comme suite à la note du 31 mai 1949adresséepar le secrétaired'État
par intérim i l'ambassadeur de l'Union des Républiques soci+listes
soviétiques ifrashington, ainsi qu'ala note que les légationsdes Etats-
Unis d'Amériqueen Bulgarie, en Hongrie et en Roumanie respective-
ment ont remise à cette méme date à l'ambassadeur de l'Union der
Républiques socialistes soviétiques dans chacun de ces pays, concer-
nant la convocation d'une conférencedes trois chefs des missions diplo-
matiques en v-uede l'examen du différendqui s'est élevé entre le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique d'unepart, et les Gouvernements
de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et de la Roumanie d'autre part, au sujet
de l'interprétation des traités de paix, l'ambassade de l'Union des
Républiques socialistes soviétiques, conformément aux instructions de
son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de faire la déclaration suivante :
Le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques
a étudiéles notes ci-dessus,mentionnées ainsi que les notes adressées
par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique à la Bulgarie, à la
Hongrie et à la Roumanie en date du z avril 1949, dans lesquelles le
Gouvernement des Etat~-Unis accuse ces pays de violer les dispositions
des traités de paix, et notamment ceiles des articles qui ont trait au
respect des droits de l'homme et des libertésfondamentales. Le Gouver-
nement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques a également
étudiéles notes dans lesquelles les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de
la Hongrie et de la Roumanie ont réponduau Gouvernement des Etats-
Unis d'Amérique.
Le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques
estime que, dans leurs notes mentioniiées ci-dessus, les Gouvernements
de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et de la Roumaniepnt répondu de façon
complete aux allégations du Gouvernement des Ltats-Unis d'Amérique
qui les accuse de violer les dispositions des traités de paix. II ressort
clairement de ces réponses que les Gouvernement; de la Bulgarie, de
la Hongrie et de la Roumanie s'acquittent rigoureusement des engage-
ments qu'ils ont assumés.aux termes des traités de paix, notamment
des obligations relatives au respect des droits de l'homme et des libertés
Les mesures qui ont étéprises par les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie,
de la,Hongrie et de la Roumanie et au sujet desquelles leGouvernement
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a manifesté sonmécontentement, dans les
notes du 2 avril 1949b ,ien loin de constituer une violation des traités
de paix, visent au contraire à mettre en auvre les dispositions de ces
traités aux termes desquelies ces pays sont tenus de lutter contre les
organisations de caractère fasciste et contre toutes autres organisations
((qui ont pour but de priver le peuple de ses droits démocratiques 1).
Il est évident que lesmesures de cette nature que la Bulgarie, la Hongrie
et la Roumar-iieont prises pour appliquer les dispositions des articles DOCUJIEBTS TRANSMITTED 5z


[Original text : Russianj

II june, 1949.

In connexion with the note of the Acting Secretary of State to the
Soviet Ambassador in i5'ashington dated 31 Rlay, 1949, as urell as in
connexion with the notes of the hlissionç of the U.S.A. in Rulgaria,
Hungary, and Rumanin, delivered on the same day to the Ambassadors
of the U.S.S.R. in the afore-mentioned countries, regarding the calling
of a conference of the three Heads of the Diploiriatic Missions for a
consideration of the dispute which has arisen between the Government
of the U.S.A. and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Riimania
concerning the interpretation of the Peace Treaties, the Embassy of
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, upon instructions from the
Soviet Government, states the following :

The Soviet Government has studied the afore-rnentioned notes, as
well as the notes of the Government of the U.S.A. dated 2 April ofthiç
year to Bulgaria, Hungary, and Riimania, in which the Government of
the U.S.A. accuses these countries of violating the Peace Treaties and,
in particular,thme articles of the Treaties which have to do with the
security of human rights and the fundamental freedoms. The Soviet
Governrnent has also studied the notes of the Governments of Rulgatia,
Hungary, and Rumania in reply to the Government of the U.S.A.

The Government of the Union ofSoviet Socialist Republics cançiders

that in the notes in reply of the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary,
and Rumania to which reference has been made an exhaustive reply
has been given to the accusations of violating the Peace Treaty which
were made to these countries by the Goverrinient of the U.S.A. It is
evident from thcse repliesthat the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungaq-,
and Rumania are strictly fulfilling the obligations undertaken by them
under the Peace Trcaties, including the obligations having to do with
the security of human rights and the fundamental freedoms.

The measures of the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania
concerning which the Government of the U.S.A. exyressed its dissatisfac-
tion in the notes of2 April of this year, not only arenot a violation of
the Peace Treaties, but on the contrary,are directed toward the fulfilment
of the Peace Treaties which obligate the saidcountrieç tocombat organiz-
ations of the fascist type and other organizations "which have as their
aim denial to the people of their democratic rights". It is self-evident

that such rneasures carried out by Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania
for the purpose of fulfilling the articleof the Peace Treaties are fully
within the domestic cornpetence ofthese countries assovereign States.53 DOCUBIBNTS TRANÇ>IIS

des traités de paix relkvent entièrement de la juridiction nationale
de ces pays qui ont qualité d'Etats souverains.
Le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques
estime qu'en cherchant artificiellement a faire de cette question une
cause de différend, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis essaye tout simple-
ment de se servir des traités de paix pour intervenir dans les affaires
intérieures dela Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et de la Rouilianie afin d'exercer
une pression sur la politique intérieure de ces pays.
En conséquence, l'ambassade de l'Union des Républiques socialistes
soviétiques est autorisée à déclarer que son Gouvernement ne voit
aucune raison de convoquer les trois chefs de mission diplomatique
afin d'examiner les questions mentionnées dans, les notes, en date du
31 mai 1949, adressées par les légations des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
à la Bulgarie, à la Hongrie et à la Roumanie, ainsi que dans la note du
département d'État qui porte la mêmedate.

Annexe 20


[Texte original en anglais]
30 juin 1949.

Le secrétaire d'État présente ses compliments à Son Excellence
l'Ambassadeur de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques et a
l'honneur d'accuser réception de la note no 74 de l'ambassade, en date
du II juin1949. Dans cette note, l'ambassade a exposéle point de vue
du Gouvernement soviétique : I)sur la notedu 31 mai 1949 par laqueile
le secrétaire d'Etat par intérim avait transmis, pour l'information des
Gouvernements de la République socialiste soviétique de Biélonissie
et de la République socialiste soviétique d'Ukraine, en leur qualité de
signataires des traités de paix avec la Bulgarie, la Hongret laRouma-
nie, copie des notes échangéespar le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis et
les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et de la Roumanie
au sujet des différends qui se sont élevésà propos de la violation des
clauses des divers traités de paix qui garantissent la jouissance des
droits de 1-'homme A toutes les personnes relevant de la juridiction de
ces trois Etats ;2) syr les lettres du 31 mai 1949, par lesquelles les
chefs de mission des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en Bulgarie, en Hongrie et
en Roumanie ont demandé à leurs collègues soviétiques que les chefs
de mission des Etats-Unis, du Royaume-Uni et de l'Union des Républi-
ques socialistes soviétiques dans ces trois pays se réunissent, conformé-
ment aux dispositions des traités de paix, pour examiner les diffërends

qui se sont élevés h propos de l'interprétation et de l'exéciition de ces
Il convientde noter que les ambassadeurs de l'Union soviétique eii
I<ulgarie, en Hongriect en Roumanie n'ont pas fait parvenir de réponse
directe aux lettres ci-dcssus mentionnées des chefs de mission des
Le Gouvernement dcs ktats-unis d'Amérique regrette que le Gouver-
nement de I'Uiiion des Républiques socialistes soviéticlues,en refusant DOCUJIENTS TRANSMITTED 53

The Soviet Government appraises the aim of the Government of,the
U.S.A. artificially to convert this question into a subject of dispute as
a direct attempt to utilize the Peace Treaties for intervention in the
domestic affairs of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumaniri, with the aim of
everting pressure on their clnmestic policy.

In view of this, the Enibassy of the U:S.S.R. is authorized to state
that the Soviet Government does not see any ground for convening the
three Heads of the Diplomatic Missions for the purpose of considenng
the questions touched upon in the notes of the Missions of the U.S.A.
to Bulgaria, Hungary, and Kumania dated 31 hlay of this year, and in
the Department of Çtate's note of the same date.


[Original text :English]
30 Junc, 1949.

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency
the Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and has the
honor to acknowledge receipt of theE~nbassy's note No. 74 of XI June
1949. The Embassy's note stated the yiervs of the Soviet Government
with reference to (1)the Acting Secretary of State's note of 31 May,
1949, transmitting for the information of the Governments of the
Byelorussjan Soviet Socialist Republic and of the Ukrainian Soviet
Socialist Republic, as signatories to the Treaties of Peace with Bulgana,
Hungary and Rumania, copies of notes exchanged between tiie United
States Government and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and
Rumania concerning disputes arising out of violations of the clauses
of the respective Treaties of Peace which guarantee the enjoyment

of human nghts to al1 perçons under the jurisdiction of those three
States ;and (2)the letters sent on 31 May,1949, by thc Amcrican Chiefs
of Mission inRulgaria, Hungary and Rumania to their Soviet colleagues
requesting that the Heads of Mission of the United States, the United
Kingdom and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in those three
countries meet, in accordance with the terms of the Peace Treaties,
to consider the disputes which have arisen concerning the interpretation
and execution of the Treaties.

It inoted that no direct reply has been made by the Soviet A~nbas-
sadors in Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania to the above-mentioned
letters of the hmerican Chiefs O€hlission.

The United States Goverliment regrets that the Government of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, by its refusal to CO-opcnitein the 54 DOCUMENTS TRASS31IS

de participer à l'examen des différendspar les trois chefs de mission. en
Bulgarie, en Hongrie et en Roumanie, n'ait lui-même tenu aucun
compte des clauses des traités de paix qui stipulent expressement que
tout différend relatifA l'interprétation ou à l'exécution des traités, qui
n'a pas étéréglépar voie de négociations diploniatiques directes, sera
soumis aux trois chefs de mission.
Il n'est pas possible,de mettre en doute l'existence de différendsentre
le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'unepart et les Gouvernements bulgare

hongrois et roumain d'autre part. Dans les notes qu'il a échangéesavec
eux, le Gouvernement des États-unis a accuse ces trois Gouvernements
de violations répétéeset systématiques de certaines clauses des traités
de paix, et ils ont répondu à cette accusation en soutenant que leurs
actes ne constituent pas de telles violations. Dans la note de l'ambassade
en date du II juin 1949 le Gouvernement de l'Union soviétique a adopté
la meme position que les Gouvernements bulgare, hongrois e! roumain
en déclarant qu'il n'y avait pas eu violation des traités. Les Etats-Unis
et plusieurs autres signataires des traités de paix contestent cette inter-
prétation. Les procédures définiesà l'article 36 du traité de paix avec
la Bulgarie, à l'article 40 du traité de paix avecla Hongrie et àl'artic38
du traité de paix avec la Roumanie s'appliquent précisémentaux diffé-
rends de cet ordre.
1.m vues du Gouvernement de l'Union soviétique sur le fond des

trois différends, telles que l'ambassade les a exposées dans sa note du
II juin, méritent d'être examinées avec soin. Cependant, elles n'ont
aucun rapport avec la question de savoir s'il existe ou non des diffé-
rends, ni avec la question du recours aux procédures prévues dans les
articles ci-dessus mentionnés des traités de paix.
Dans sa note, l'ambassade a déclaré: iII est évident que les mesures
de cette nature que la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie ont prises
pour appliquer lesdispositions des articles des traités de paix relèvent
enfièrement de la juridiction nationale de ces pays, qui ont qualité
d'Etats souverains. n Le Gouvernement des États-Unis ne saurait
accepter l'argument suivant lequel l'exécution des obligations des traités
internationaux peut êtreconsidéréecomme une affaire purement inté-
rieure. L'application d'une telle théorie ne permettrait pas seulement
de tourner complétement les obligations des traités : elle renverserait

la base même du droit international.
Ala r9ome séance pléniérede l'Assembléegénérale desNations Unies,
lors de la Troisiéme Session, le12 avril 1949 ,e représentant de 1'Unioii
des Républiques socialistessoviétiques s'est opposé à ce que l'Assemblée
généralesoit saisie des accusations de violation des droits dc l'homme
en BuIgarie et en Hongrie ;il a cité à ce propos l'article36 du traité
de paix avec la Bulgarie et l'articl40 du traité depaix avec la Hongrie ;
et il a déclaré: (Si la Bulgarie et la Hongrie ont commis une violation
quelconque des traités de paix, les Etats qui alléguent des violations
de ce genre doivent eux-même se conformer aux procédures prévues
dans les traités de paix. ))Le différend porte sur,la question de savoir
s'ily a eu ou nori des violations de ce genre. Les Etats-Unis en tant que
Puissance signataire qui formule ces allégations ont déjà, le 2 avril
1949, pris des mesures visant à l'application des clauses des traités
citées par le représentant de l'Union soviétique. Dans la résolution

qu'elle a adoptée à ce sujet le 30 avril 1949, l'Assemblée générale n
pris acte avec satisfaction de ces mesures, exprimé l'espoir qu'elles DOCUMEXTS TRANSMITTED 54

consideration of the disputes by the three Heads of Mission in Bulgaria,
Hungary and Rumania, has itself shown disregard for the stipulations
of the Peace Treaties providing explicitly that any dispute concerning
the interpretation or evecution of the Treaties ~vhichis not settled by
direct diplornatic negotiations shal1be referred to the three Headç of
The existence of disputes between the United States Government
and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania respectively
cannot be questioned. According to notes exchanged with these three
Goverriments, the United States Government has charged thern with
repeated and systematic violations of certain clauses of the Treaties
of Peace, andtheyhave replied asserting that their acts do not constitute
such violations. The Soviet Government, in the Embassy's note of
rr June, 1949h ,as associated itself with the position of the Governments
of Uulgaria, Hungary and Rumania in denying that the Treaties have
been violated. This interpretation is disputed by the United States
and by other signatories of the Treaties of Peace. The procedures set
forth in Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria, Article 40 of
the Treaty of Peace with Hungary, and Article 38 of the Treaty of
Peace with Riimania are precisely applicable to these disputes.

The opinions of the Soviet Government on the merits of the disputes,
as expressed in the Embassy's note of II June, desenre full consideration.
They are, however, irrelevant to the question whether or not dispute
exist and to the matter of instituting the procedures called for by the
above-mentioned articles of the Treaties of Peace.

The Ernbassy's note states that "it is self-evident that the measures
carried out by Rulgana, Hungary and Rumania with the aim of fulfil-
ling the articles of the Treaties of Peace rest wholly within the interna1
cornpetence of these countries as sovereign States". The United States
Government cannot agree that the fulfilment of international treaty
obligations can be considered as a purely domcstic affair. The applica-
tion of such a theory would not only permit the total circumventioii
of treaty obligations but would destroy thevery basis ofinternational law.

At the 190th ylenary meeting of the Third Session of the General
Assembly of the United Nations, 12 April, 1949, the Delegate of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in objecting to consideration by
the General Assembly of charges ofviolation of human rights in I3ulgaria
and Hungary, cited Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace with Uulgaria
and Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace ~4th Hungary and stated :"Even
if there were any violation of the Peace Treaties by Bulgaria and
Hungary, the States alleging such violations should adhere to the
procedures stipiilated in the Peace Treaties themselves." 1jrhether there
have been such violations is in dispute. The United Statesas a signatoy
Power making such allegations, had already, on 2 April, 1949i, nitiated
measures with a view to the application of the Treaty clauses cited by
the Soviet delegate. The Resolution of the General .Assembly on the
siibject, adopted on 30 April, 1949, noted these measures with satis-
faction, expressed the hope that they would be diligently applied, and
most iirgentlydrew the attention of the Governments of Bulgaria and ,55 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

seraient appliquées avec diligence et attiré de toute urgence l'attention
du Gouvernement de la Bulgarie et de celui de la Hongrie sur les obli-
gations qui leur incombent en vertu des traités de paix, et notamment
sur celle de coopérer au réglement des différends.Cependant, Ie Gouver-
nement de l'Union soviétique indique, par son attitude actuelle, qu'il
n'est pas disposé à se conformer à ces procédures que prévoient les
traités. Cette attitude du Gouvernement de l'Union soviétique constitue
un obstacIe au règlement des différends qui se sont élevésàproposde
l'exécution des traités de paix.
Pour ces considérations, le Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amérique
espère qu'apréç y avoir plus longuement réfléchil,e Gouvernement sovié-
tique jugera bon de revenir sur la décision qu'il a communiquée
dans la note de l'ambassade en date du II juin1949 ,t donnera pour
instructions à ses représentants à Sofia, à,Budapest et à Bucarest, de
se réunir avec leurs colléguesrespectifs des Etats-Unis d'Amériqueet du
Royaunie-Uni, comme ceux-ci en ont fait lademande dans leurs lettres
du 31 mai 1949.

Annexe 21

[Texte original en russe)
19 juillet 1949.

Se référantà la note du secrétaire d'État en date du 30 juin 1949
qui pose de nouveau la question de la convocation d'une réunion des
trois chefs de mission ,diplomatique pour examiner lesproblèmes que
le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a abordés dans ses notes
du 31 mai dernier adressées aux Missions en Bulgarie, en Hongrie et
en Roumanie, l'ambassade de l'Union des Républiques socialistes
soviétiques, d'ordre de son Gouvernement, désire faire la déclaration
suivante :
Le Gouvernement de l'Union soviétique ne peut accepter lesconsidéra-
tions que le secrétaire d'Etat expose dans la note ci-dessus mentionnée.
IIlui est impossible, en particulier, d'acceptl'affirmation du secrétaire
d'Etat des Etats-Unis d'Amérique diaprés laquelle les mesures d'ordre
administratif et interne que les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la
Hongrie et de la Roumanie appliquent pour la défense dela démocratie
contre les at teintes des organisations profascistes et des organisations
analogues, peuvent être rangées sous la rubrique des questions visées
par l'article36 du traité de paix avec la Bulgarie, l'article 40 du traité
de paix avecla Hongrie et l'artic38 du traité de paix avec la Rou~nanie.
Comme le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes

soviétiques l'a fait observer dans sa note drxjuin dernier, ces mesures
des Gouvernements bulgare, hongrois et roumain, loin de constituer
une violation des traités de paix, servent au contraire les fins prévues
aux articles ci-dessus mentionnés des traités de paix, lesquels obligent
les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et de la Roumanie à
prendre des mesures en vue de dissoudre les organisations de caractère DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 55
Hungary to their obligations under the Peace Treaties, including the
obligation to CO-operatein the settlement of disputes. The Soviet Govern-
ment, however, by its present attitude, shows that it is unwilling itself

to act in accordance with these treaty procedures. This attitude of
the Soxiet Government represents an obstacle to the settlement of
disputes tvhich have arisen under the Treaties of Peace.

In the light of the foregoing the United States Government hopes
that, on further reflection, the SovietGovernment wiilseefit to reconsider
its decision as conveyed in the Embassy's note of Ir June, 1949a, nd

will instruct its representatives at Sofia, Budapest, and Bucharest to
meet with their respective American and British colleagues as the
latter requested in their letters delivered on1 May, 1949.

[Original text : Russian;

19 Ju~Y 1949.

In connexion with the note of the Secretary of State of 30 June,
1949i, n which the question is put anew of the convocation of ameeting
of the three Chiefs of Diplomatic Mission for the discussion of ques-
tions touched upon by the Government of the U.S.A. in notes to the
missions of Bulgaria, Hungary, and Riimania of 31 May lad, the
Embassy of the U.S.S.R. upon instruction of the Soviet Government
states the following:

The Soviet Government cannot agree with the considerations set
forth in the note of the Secretary of State mentioned above. Particularly,
it isimpossible to agree with the assertion of the Secretary of State
of the U.S.A. that measures being cnrried out by the Governments of
Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania, in the course:of interna1 government
administration with the aim of defense of democracy from the encroach-
ments on the part of pro-fascist and other organizations of a similar
nature, can allegedly be put in the category of questions provided for
by Article 36 ofthe Peace Treaty with Biilgaria, Articleqo of the Peace
îreatp with Hungary, and Article 38 of thePeace Treaty with Rumania.
As was pointed out in the note of the Soviet Government of 11 June
last, these measuresofthe Rulgarian, Hungarian, and Kumanian Govern-
ments not only are not a violation of the Peace Treaties, but pursue
aims provided for by those articles of the Peace Treaties mentioned
abovr, which obligate the Governments of Rulgaria, Hungary, and
Rumania to carry out measures for the dissolution of organizations
of a fascist type and in the future not to permit the existence and 56 DOCUMEXTS TRANSJIIS

fasciste et a nepas tolérer à l'avenir l'existencet I'activitd d'organisa-
tions de cette nature qui ont pour but de priver le peuple de ses droits
En conséquence, toutes les allégations imputant à la I3ulgarie, A la
Hongrie et à la Roumanie des vioIatioiis des traités de paix qui exige-
raient un nouvel examen de ces questions conformément à la procédure
établiepour l'examen des différends,ont un caractère artificiel et faussent
le sens véritable des articles cités des traités de paix.
D'autre part, l'ambassade de l'Union des Républiques socialistes
soviétiques estime nécessaire de faire observer que 19 note citée du
secretaire d'Etat, de mêmeque lanote du secrétaire d'Etat par intérim
en date du 31 mai 1949,ne produit aucun argument nouveau en faveur
de la convocation des réunions mentionnées.
Pour ces motifs, IcGouvernement .de l'Union des Képubliques socia-
listes soviétiques ne voit aucune raison de modifier sa position telle
, qu'il l'adefinie clans la note de l'ambassade de l'Union soviétique en
date du II juin 1949.

Annexe 22


[Texte original en français]

27 juillet 1949.
se référant à la note ria 225 du 31 mai 1949 de In légation des États-

Unis d'Amérique, leministère des Affaires étrangères de la République
populaire de Bulgarie estime indispensable de déclarer ce qui suit :
Ide Gouvernement de la République populaire de, Bulgarie considère
comme injustifiée la décisiondu Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d3Arnén-
que de recourir a la procédure prévue à l'article 36 du traité de paix
en connexion avec l'application par la Bulgarie des dispositions de
l'article2 du mêmetraité et cela d'autant plus que le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique se trouvait déjà en possession de Ia réponse
détailléeet motivée du Gouvernement bulgare, contenue dans sa note
du 21 avril 1949.
IIest ditdans la note de l'tionorable légation qu'il existun différend
entre les Etats-Unis d'Amérique et la Bulgarie en ce qui concerne
l'application de l'article z du traité de pais, quoique di1côtédes Etats-
Unis d1.4méiiqueil n'ait pas étCfait et n'ait pu êtrefait aucune contesta-
tion et objection au sujet de ce qui a été relevédans la susdite note du
ministère des Affaires étrangères du 21 avril 1949. 11est indiqué juste-
ment dans cette même note que la Constitution de Ia République
populaire de Bulgarie, qui est entrée en vigueur le 6 décembre 1947,
consacre et garantit aux citoyens buIgares, sans distinction de race,
de nationalité, de culte, d'origine et de situation sociale, tous les droits
et libertés, dont il est (luestion à .l'artic2e du traité de paix. Ainsi,
en pleine concordance avec le traité de paix, la Constitution stipule :

trArticlg 71.- 'l'oiis les citoyecs dc la KCpublique popillaire
de Rulgarie sont égauxdevant la loi. DOCUMENTS TRASSMITTED 56

activity of organizations of a siniilar nature directed against the aemo-
cratic rights of the peoples.

'Therefore, al1 references to violations of the I'eace 'Treaties allegedly
committed by Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania requiring the review
of these questions in accordance with the procedure established for the
review of disputes are artificial and misrepresent the actual sense of
the articles of the reference'eace Treaties.
At the same time, the Embassy of the U.S.S.K. conçiders it necessary
to remark that the reference note of the Secretary of State, as well as
the note of the Acting Secretary of State of 31 May, 1949, does not
contain any new argument in favour of the convocation of the mentioncd
In view of what lias been set forth ahove, the Soviet Government

cioesnot see any basis for review of its position which was corrimunicated
iri the note of Embassy of the U.S.S.K.of II June, 1949.


[Original text : French]

Ixeferringtonote No. 225 of the United States 1-egation dated 31 May,
1949, the 3linistry of Foreign Affairç of the People's Republic of BulgaRa
considers the following çtaternent indispensable :
The Government of the People's Republic of I3ulgaria considers as
unjustified the decision of the Government of tlie United States to resort
to the procedure establislied by Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace in
connexion with the execution by Bulgaria of the provisions of Article z
of the-same Treaty, particularly since the United States is already in
possession of a detailed reply and statement of the Rulprian Govern-
ment contained in the note of 21 April, 1949.

The Honorable Legation's note states that a dispute exists between
the United States of America and Bulgaria regarding the execution of
Article 2 of the Peace Treaty although the United States haç not made
and isunable to mnke any contestation or objection to the poi~itswhich
have been brought out in the aboïre-mentioncd note of the Foreign
Office dated 21 April, 1949. It is justly pointed out in the same note
that the Constitution of the People's Republic of 13ulgariawhich entered

into force on 6Decemher, 1947 ,onsecrates and guarantees to Bulgarian
citizens without distinction as to race, nationality, religion, origin or
social position all the rights and liberties wh'icliare mentioned in
Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace.Thus in full accordance with the Treaty
of Peace the Constitution states :
"Article 71.-Ali citizens of the People's Republic of Bulgaria
are equal before the law. DOCUMËXTS TRAhiShIIS

Ij'est admis aucun pritilége, fondé sur la nationalité, l'origine,
la religion ou l'étatde fortune.
Toute propagande de haine nationale, religieuse ou raciste est
punie par la loi.))

((Article 78. - La liberté de conscience et de culte est garantie
aux citoyens, ainsi que le libr,e exercice des rites religieux.
L'Eglise est séparée de 1'Etat.
Une loi spéciale rPgle la situation juridique, les questions de la
subsistance matérielle, ainsi que le droit de libre organisation
intérieure et l'autonomie des différentes communautés religieuses.
Tout acte abusif tendant à faire de l'Église ou de la religion un
instrument (le politique, ainsi que la formation d'organisatioiis
politiques, sur base religieuse, sont interdits.11

((Arlicle 82. - La liberté et l'inviolabilité de la personne sont
garanties. Nul ne peut être détenu plus de quarante-huit heures
sans décisiondes autorités judiciaires ou du procureur.
Les peines ne peuvent étre imposées qu'en vertu des lois en
Les peines sont personnelles et sont proportionnées aux infrac-
tions commises.
Les peines pour des infractions commises ne peuvent etre imposées

que par les tribunaux établis.
Tout accusé a droit à la défense. »
((Article 87. - Les citoyens bulgares ont le droit de fonder des
sociétés, associationset organisations,,à condition qu'elles ne soient
pas dirigéescontre l'ordre public et 1'Etat et qu'elles ne se trouvent
pas en contradiction avec la présente Constitution.

Sont poursiiivies et punies par la loi la formation et la participa-
tion A des organisations qui se posent pour but de ravir ou de porter
atteinte aux droits et aux libertés du peuple bulgare, conquis à
la suite de l'insurrection populaire du g septembre 1944 et garantis
par la présente Constit,ution de menacer l'indépendance nationale
et la souveraineté de 1'Etat ou qui préchent ouvertement ou clandes-
tinement une idéologie fasciste et antidémocratique ou facilitent
l'agression iinpérialiste.n

11Article 88. - La liberté de la presse, de la parole, des réunions,
des meetiiigs et des manifestations est garantie aux citoyens de la
République populaire. 11

Ces dispositions constitutionnelles bieri claires ne laissent place à
aricun différend en ce qui concerne l'application et l'interprétation de
l'article2 du traité de pais.
Mais l'honorable légation des États-unis d'Amérique n'a ni contesté,
ni yu contester également le point de vue du Gouvernement bulgare,
à savoir que les cas concrets énumérésdans sa note, non selement ne
constituent aucune violation du traité de pais, mais, bien au contraire,
rentrent dans le cadre mêmede l'application du traité de paix et plus
spécialement de l'article 4 dudit traité, article qui, pour des considéra-
tions que leministère ignore, a étépassésous silence dans la note de la
légation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. L'article q du traité de paix porte
en effet : No privilegeç based on nationality, origin, religion or niaterial
condition are recognized.
The propagation of racial, national or religious hatredispunish-
able by law."

"Article 78.-Citizens are guaranteed freedom of conscience and
religion, as well as freedom of celebration of religious rites.
The Church is separate from the State.
Special legislation shd settle the legal status, questions of
inaterial maintenance and right to self-administration and self-
go~lernrnent of religious conununities.
Abuse of the Church and religion for political airns, as well as
the formation of political organizations on a cotifessional basis is
" Article 82.-The freedom and inviolability of the person are
guaranteed. No one can be detained for more than forty-eight hours

witliout order of the judicial organs of orthe prosecutor.
Penalties are' irnposed only on the strength of existing laws.

Penalties are personal and comme~isurate to the offence.

Penalties for offences can be imposed only by the proper courts.

Uefendants are entitIed to legal assistance."
" Article 87.-Hulgarian citizens have the right to form societies,
associations and organizations, provided sarne are not directed
against public order and the State and are not in contradiction
rvith the present Constitution.
The law prohibits and punisï~eçthe formation of and mernbership

in organizations, having for aim to deprive or infnnge the rightsand
freedoms of the Bulgarian people, won by conquest through the
national uprising of 9 September, 1944, and guaranteed by the
present Coristitutio~i, to threaten national independence and State
sovereignty of the country, or which. overtly or covertly advocate
fascist and anti-democratic ideology or facilitate imperialist aggres-
" Article 88.-Citizens of ttie People's Republic are guaranteed
freedom of press, speech, assemhly, meetings and manifestatioiis."

These perfectly clear constitutional provisions leave no room for any
possible dispute in so far as concerns the execution and interpretation
of Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace.
But the Honorable Legation of the United States of America has
neither contested nor been able to contest the Bulgarinn position, namely
that the actual cases enumerated in its note not only do not constitute
violations of the Treaty of Peace but much to the contrary they fa11
within the framework of the Peace Treaty executiori itselt and more
especially of Article 4 of this Treaty which for reasons not kiio~vnto the

Foreign Office has been passed over in silence in the noteof the Legation
of the United States ofAmcrica. Article 4 of the Treaty of Peace states : DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

cArticle 4. - La Bulgarie qui, conformément h la Convention
d'armistice, a pris des mesures en vue de dissoudre toutes lesorgani-
sations politiques, militaires ou paramilitaires de caractére fazciste
existant sur le territoire bulgare, ainsi que toutes autres organisa-
tions faisant une propagande hostile aux Nations Unies, s'engage
à ne pas tolérer à l'avenir l'existence et l'activité d'organisations
de cette nature qui ont pour but de priver le peuple de ses droits
démocratiques. »

Cette obligation, découlant du traité de paix, se trouve incluse clans
l'dinéa II de l'articl87susmentionné de la Constitution de la République
popuIaire de Bulgarie.
L'honorable légation n'a ni contesté, ni pu contester le point de vue
du Gouvernement bulgare, à savoir que la question tant des différents
procès par-devant les tribunaux bulgares, que des actes des organes
administratifs et autres dans les différents cas, ne peut faire l'objet de

discussion en connexion avec l'application du traité de paix, étant
donné qu'une telle discussion constituerait, du point de vue des principes
du droit international, du point de vue du texte et de l'esprit du traité
de paix, ainsi que du point de vue des dispositions précisesde l'article z
de la Charte des Nations Unies, une ingérence inadmissible dans les
affaires intérieuresde notre pays et porterait, ainsi, atteinte à sa souve-
A l'égardde toutes ces questions, ainsi qu'en ce qui a trait aux autres
points de vue du Gouvernement bulgare, en rapport avec l'application
de. l'article2 du traité de paix, aucune discussion n'a étésoulevée à
leur endroit et encore moins il saurait 6tre question de certains pour-
parlers qui auraient été menés en vue de régler un tel différend non
existant. Dans la note de l'honorable légation ilest fait,à tort, allusion
à un différend, sans que l'objet et l'étendue de ce itdifférend isoient
Par conséquent, Ie Gouvernement bulgare considére que ni les faits

requis, ni des motifs de procédure ne sont, en l'occurrence, en évidence
pour permettre l'application de l'article 36 du traité de paix et estime
les prétentions de la légation des États-unis d'Amérique à l'effet de
mettre en action la procédure prévueaudit article 36 de ce traité comme
non conformes aux dispositions du mêmetraité et du droit international
et les rejette catégoriquement.
Le ministère clesAffairesétrangéres saisit cette occasion, etc.

Annexe 23

[Texte original en anglais]

~craoût 1949. '

La Iégation des États-unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Hongrie et, conformément aux
instructions de son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de se référer Zila note
de la légation en date du 31 mai 1949 reIative au différend qui s'est "iltticle 4.-Bulgaria, which in accordance with the Armistice
Agreement has taken measures for dissolving al1 organizations of a
fascist type on Bulganan terntory, whether political, military or
para-military, as well as other organizations conducting propaganda
hostile to the United Nations, shallnot permit in 'future the existence
ancl activities of organizations of that nature which have as their
aim denial to the people of their democratic rights."

That obligation deriving from theTreaty of Peace is included in Part II
of the above-mentioned Article 87 of the Constitution of the People's
Republic of Bulgana.
. The Honourable Legation has neither contested nor been able to
contest the position of the Bulgarian Government, namely that the
question of the various proceedings before Bulganan courts, the acts of
administrative agencies and others in various cases cannot be made a
subject of discussion in connexion with the execution of the PeaceTreaty

since, from the point of view of the principles of international law, the
text and spirit of the Treaty as well as the exact provisions of Article 2
of the United Nations Charter, such a discussion would constitute an
inadmissible interference in the interna1 affairs of Our country and
would be an infringement of its sovereignty.

In regard toal1 these questions as wel1 as to the other views of the
Ruigarian Government regarding the execution of Article 2 of theTreaty
of Peace, no discussion has been undertaken and still less canitbe said
-that discussions have been entered into for the settlement of a non-
existent dispute. In the Honorable Legation's note there is wrongly made
an allusion to a dispute without the subject and extent of this dispute
'being specified.

Consequently, the Bulgarian Government considers that there is
, evidence of neither the required facts nor a procedural basis in the case
to permit the application of Articl36 of theTreaty of Peace and considers
that the arguments of the Legation of the United States of America for
setting in motion the procedure provided in the said Article 36 of this
Treaty do not conform to the provisions oftheTreaty itself and of inter-
national law and rejects them categorically.

Annex 23


[Original text : English]
I August, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the hlinistry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and, acting on instructions
from the United States Government, has the honor to refer tothe Lega-
tion's note of 31 May,1949, regarding the dispute which has ?risen59 DOCUMESTS TRANSMIS

élevéau sujet de i'interprétation et de l'exécution de l'articlz (3) du
traité de paix.
L'ambassadeur de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques
n'a pas répondu à la lettre du ministre des États-unis d'Amérique en
date du 31 mai, dont copie était jointe A la note précitéede la légation
en date du mêmejour, et dans laquelle le ministre proposait desoumettre
ce différend ?il'examen des trois chefs de mission, conformément aux
termes de l'article 40 du traité de paix. Malgré les dispositions de ce
traité, le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviéti-
ques a fait connaître au Gouvernement des fitats-unis d'Amérique
qu'il ne voyait pas de raison de convoquer à cette finles trois chefs de

mission, et il n'a pas-jugé bon d'autoriser son ambassadeur à se joindre
à ses collégues des Etats-Unis d'Amérique et du Royaume-Uni pour
examiner le différend. Deux mois se sont écoulésdepuis que I'ambassa-
dcur dc l'Union des Républiques'socialistes soviétiques a étéinvité à
rencontrer ses colïégues à ce sujet, mais aucune réunion n'a encore
eu lieu et le difiérend n'est toujours pasréglé.
Aux termes de l'article 40 du traité, tout différendde cettenature que
les trois chefs de mission n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délai de
deux mois sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une et
Vautre d'un autre mode de réglement, soumis, tila requête de l'une
ou l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un représentant
de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord entre
les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'unayç tiers.
Dans ces conditions, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
demande que le clifférend soit soumis à une Commission constituée
conformément aux dispositions de l'article 40 du traité de paix. En
concéquence, il a donné pour instructions à ça légation d'inviter le.
Gouvernement de la Hongrie à se concerter avec le Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis d'..\mériqueen vue de désigner une Commission de ce genre-

Annexe 24


[Texte original en anglais]
rcr août 1949.

La Iégatioiides Etatç-unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments au.
ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Bulgarie et, conformément aux
instructions de son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de se référer à la note
de la légation en date du 31 mai 1949 relative au différend qui s'est
élevéau cujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution de l'articl2 (3)du
traité de paix.
Id'ambassadeur de l'Union des Républiques socialistessoviétiques
n'a pas répondu à la lettre du ministre des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en
date du 31mai, dont copie était jointeà la note précitéede la légation
en date du meme jour et dans laquelle le ministre proposait de soumettre.
ce différend a l'examen des trois chefs de mission, conformément aux.
termes de I'article 36 du traité de paix. Malgréles dispositions de ce
traité, le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviéti- DOCUAIENTS TRAKSMITTED 59

concerning the interpretation and execution of Article z(3) of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Soviet Anibassador has made no reply to the letter of the United
States Rlinister under date of31 May, a copy of which was attached to
theLegation'sabove-mentioned note of thesame date, proposing consider-
ation of this dispute by the thrce Heads of Mission in accordance with
Article 40 of the Treaty of Peacc. The Soviet Government, in spite of the
provisions of the Treaty, has informed the United States Government
that it does not see any grounds for a convocation of the three Heads of
Mission for this purpose and has not seen fit to authorize its Ambassador
to joinhis United Statesand British colleaguesin considering the dispute.

.4lthough two months have elapsed since the Soviet iirnbassador was
invited to meet for this purpose, no meeting has taken place and the
dispute remains unresolved.

Article 40 of the Treaty provides that any dispute of this kind which
is not resolved by the three Heads of Mission within a period of t~vo
months shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree iipon
another means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party
to the dispute to a Commission composed of one representative of each
party and a third rnember selected by mutual agreement of the two
parties from nationals of s third country.
The United States Government in the circumstances, requests that the
dispute be referred to a Commission to be constituted in accordance with
the provisions of Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace. Accordingly, the
Legation of the United States has been instructed to ask the Hungarian
Government to join the United States Go\.ernment: in appointing such a


[Original text :English]
1 Au~us~, 1949.

The Legation of ttie United States of America present its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uulgaria and, acting on instructions
from the United States Government, has the honor to refer to tlie
Legation's note of 31 May, 1949, regarding the dispute which has arisen
concerning the interpretation and esecution of Article2(3)of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Soviet Ambassador bas made no reply to the letter of the United
States Minister under date of 31 May, a copy of whicl~was attached to
the Legation's above-mentioned note of the same date, proposing
consideration of this disputeby the three Heads of Mission inaccordance
with Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace. The Soviet Government, in spite
of the provisions of the Treaty, has informed the United States Govern-
ment that it does not sec any grounds for a convocation of the three60 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

ques a fait connaître au Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amérique
qu'il ne voyait pas de raison de convoquer à cette fin les trois chefs de
mission, et iln'a pas jugé bon d'autoriser son ambassadeur à se joindre
à ses collègues des Etats-Unis d'Amérique et du Royaume-Uni pour
examiner le différend. Deux mois se sont écoulésdepuiz que l'ambassa-
deur de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques a été invité
à rencontrer ses collègues à ce sujet, mais aucune réunion n'a encore
eu lieu et le différend n'est toujours Ras réglé.
A ce propos, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a également

pris connaissance des vues expriméespar le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie
dans sa note no 23-50-1 du 27 juillet, mais il estime qulesobservations
du Gouvernement de la Bulgarie tendent à confirmer, et non à démentir,
l'existence d'un différend.
Aux termes de l'article 36 du traité, tout différend de cette nature
que les trois chefs de mission n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délai
de deux mois sera, sauf siles parties au différend conviennent l'une et
l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requêtede l'une ou
l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un représentant de
chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord entre
les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un pays, tiers.
Dans ces conditions, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
demande que le différend soit soumis à une Commission constituée
conformément aux dispositions de l'article 36 du traité de paix. En
conséquence, il a donné pour instructions à la Iégation d'inviter le

Gouvernement de la Bulgarie à se concerter avec le Gouvernement des
États-Unis d'Amériqueen vue de désigner,une Commission de ce genre.

Annexe 2j

[Texte original en anglais]

La légation des États-unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangéresde la Roumanie et, conformément aux

instructions de son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de se référerà la note
de la légation en date du 31 mai 1949 relative au différend qui s'est
élevé.a- sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution de l'artic2e (3) du
traité de paix.
L'ambassadeur de l'Union des Républigues socialistes soviétiques n'a
pas répondu à la lettre du ministre des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en date
du 3rAmai, dont copie était jointe a la note précitéede la légation en
date du méme jour, dans laquelle le ministre proposait de soumettre
ce différend à l'examen des trois chefs de mission, conformément aux
termes de l'article38 du traité de paix. Malgré les dispositions de ce
traité, le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républ!ques socialistes sovié-
tiques a fait connaître au Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
qu'ilne voyait pas de raison de convoquer à cette fin les trois chefs de
mission, et il n'a pasjugé bon d'autoriser son ambassadeur à se joindre
à ses collègues des Etat5-Unis d'Amérique et du Royaume-Uni de
Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande du Nord pour examiner le différend. DOCUMENTS TRASÇAIITTED 60
Heads of Mission forthis purpose and has not seen fit toauthorize its
Ambasçador to join his United States and Uritish colleagues in consider-
ing the dispute. Although two months have elapsed since the Soviet
Ambassador was invited to meet for this purpose, no meeting haç taken
place and the dispute remains unresoIved.

In this connexion the Government of the United States has also taken
cognizance of the views expressed by the Bulgarian Government in its
note No. 23-50-1 of27 July but is of the opinion that the points raised
by the Biilgarian Government tend to confim rather than deny that a
dispute exists.
Article 36 of the Treaty provides that any dispute ofthis kind which
is not resolved by the three Heads of hiission within a period of two
rnonths shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree upon
another means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party
to the dispute to a Commission composed of one representative of each
party and a third member selected by mutual agreement of the two
parties from nationals of a fhird country.
The United States Government, in the circumstances, requests that the
dispute be referred to a Commission to be constituted in accordance with
the provisions of Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace. Accordingly, the
Legation of the United States has been instructed to ask the Bulgarian
Governrnent to join the United States Governrnent in appointing such a

Annex 25

[Original text:English]

1 August, 1949.
'The1-egation of theUnited States of America presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rumania and, acting on instructions
from the United States Government, has the honor to refer to the Lega-
tion's note of 31 May, 1949, regarding the dispute which has arisen
concerning the interpretation and execution of Article2(3) of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Soviet Ambassador has made no reply to the letter of the United
States Mitiister under date of 31 May a copy of which was attaclied to
the Legatioii's above-mentioned note of the same date, proposing
consideration of this dispute by the threeHeads of Riissionin accordance
with Article 3s of the Treaty of Peace. The Soviet Government, in spite
of the provisions of the Treaty, has informed the United States Govern-
ment that it does not see any grounds for a convocation of the three
Heads of Mission for this purpose and has not seen fit to authorize its
Ambassador to join hisUnited Statesand British colleaguesin considering
the dispute. Although two months have elapsed since the Soviet Am-
bassador was invited to meet for this purpose, no meeting has taken place
and the dispute remains unresoived.

Deus mois se sont écoulésdepuis que l'ambassadeur de l'union des
Républiques socialistes çoviétiques été invité à rencontrer ses collégues
A ce sujet, mais aucune réunion n'a encore eu lieu et le différend n'est
toujours pas réglé.
Aux termes de l'article 38 du traité, tout différend de cette nature
que les trois chefs de mission n'auraientpas encore réglédans un délai
de deux mois sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'uneet
l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requête de l'une ou
l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un représentant de
chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord entre
les deux parties parmi Ies ressortissants d'un pays tiers.
Dans ces conditions, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
demande que le différend soit soumis à une Comrriission constituée
conformément aux dispositions de l'article 38 du traité de paix. En
conséquence, il a donné pour instructions à la légation d'inviter le
Gouvernement de la Roumanie à se concerter avec le Gouvernement
des fitats-unis d'Amérique en vue de désigner une Commission de ce

Annexe 26


[Texte original en anglais]

Le ministère des Affaires étrangères de Hongrie présente ses compli-
ments à la légation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique à Budapest et a I'hon-
neur, au nom du Gouvernement hongrois, de faire la communication
ci-après au sujet de la noteno502 de la légation.
Le Gouvernement hongrois s'est conformé et se conforme fidéleme~lt
aux dispoçitions du traité de paiA.plusieurs reprises, il l'a fait connaître
sans équivoque au Gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique, dans ses
notes nos 4931194 9t267211949.

Se référant A l'article 40da traité de paix, le Gouvernement des
États-unis d'Amérique. dans sa note, invite le Gouvernement hongrois
à envoyer un représentant 'ala Commission dont la constitution est
prévue aux termes de cet article. Cependant, comme la légation l'a
souligné dans ça note, l'article 40 ne prévoit la convocation de cette

Commission que dans lecas d'un ((différend» relatif à l'interprétation
et à l'exécution du traité de paix. Or, il est manifeste qu'il ne peut étre
question de (différendii,puisque, comme il ressort des notes ci-dessus
inentioniiéesdu niinistère des Affaires étrangèresde Hongrie, le Gouver-
nement hongrois a consciencieusement rempli les obligations qui lui
incpmbent aux termes du traité de paix.
Etant donné que letraité de paix a explicitement reconnu la souve-
rainetéde la Hongrie et, enmême temps, a fait une obligation au Gouver-
nement hongrois de prendre les mesures appropriées en ce qui concerne
les meiiéesde caractère fasciste, le ministère des Affaires étrangères de
Hongrie constate avec surprise que, dans leur note, les Etats-Unis
d'Amérique cherchent matitre à différend dans les mesures de cette Article 38 of the l'reaty provides that any dispiite of tlikiod ~vliich
is not resolved by the three Heads of Miçsion within a period of two
months shall, unless the parties to the disputc mutually agree upon
another means of settlement, be referred at the recluest of either party
to the dispute to a Commission composed ofone representative of each
party and a third member selected by mutual agreement of the two
parties from nationals of a third country.
The United States Government, in the circumstances, requests that
the dispute be referred to a Commission to be constituted in accordance
with the provisions of Article 3s of the Trcaty of Peace. Accordingb,
the Lcgation ofthe United Stateshas been instructed to ask the Rornanian
Government to join the United States Government in appointing such a


[Original text : English]

'TheHunganan hlinistry for Foreign hffairs preseiits itscompliments
to the Legation of the United States of America in Budapest and with
reference to the Legation's note No. 502 in the narne of itsGovernment
has the honour to state the following :
The Hungarian Government consequently fulfilled anci fulfils the
provisions of the Peace Treaty. The Hungarian Goverriment has in a
manner leavin no doubts brought this to the notice of the Governrnent
of the United !tates of America several times in its noteç Nos. 49311949
and 2672/1949.
Iteferringto Article 40 of the Peace Treaty the Government of the
United States of America in itsnote invites the Hungarian Government
to send its representative in the Commission to be set upin the terms of
this paragraph. However, as it is stressed in the Legation's note, para-
graph 40 stipulates that the Commission be delegated only in case of a
"dispute" concerning the interpretation and carrying out of the Peace,
Treaty. There can be no queçtion, however, about such a "disputev-
because-as it canclearly be seen in the enumerated notes of the Hunga-
rian hlinistry for Foreign Affairs-the Hungarian Government has
exactly fulfilled~its obligations assumed in the Peace Treaty,

With the view that the Yeace Treaty explicitly recogriized Hungary's
sovereignty and, ai the same time, made it ohligatory to the Hungarian
Goverriment to iake proper measureç against tendencies of fascist
character, the Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs expresses its
surprise upon the fact that the note of the United States of America
wishes to make a matter of dispute out of-such rneasures taken by thenature prises par le Gouvernement hongrois, qui relèvent exclusivement
de la juridiction intérieure de 1'Etat hongrois souverain et qui découlent
directement de l'exécution du traité de paix.
C'est pourquoi le Go-uvernement hongrois ne peut voir dans la note
du Gouveriiement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique qri'une nouvelle tentative
en vued'intervenirdans les affaires intérieudesla Répuhlique populaire
hongroise. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d1Am6rique désire mani-
festement exercer une pression sur la Hongrie afin d'amener son Gouver-
nement à subordonner sa politique aux fins qiie poursuit le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis. Le Gouvernement hongrois n'est pas disposé
à agir ainsi et déclare catégoriquement qu'il continuera à maintenir
sans défaillance l'orientation démocratique de sa politiqiie visant a la
défense de la paix.
Pour ces motifs, le Gouvernement de Hongrie rejette, comme alteil-
tatoire à la souveraineté de-la République populaire hongroise, la note
que Ie Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique lui a transmise par
l'intermédiaire de sa légation, et déclare que la Hongrie, ne voyant
aucun motif ni aucune raison qui justifie la constitution de la Commis-

sion mentionnée à l'article 40 du traité de paix, ne participera pas aux
travaux de cette Commission.
Le ministére des Affaires étrangèrede Hongrie saisit cette occasion, etc.

Annexe 27

Note verbale

[Texte original en français]

~~rseptembre 1949.
En réponse à la note du Ier août 1949de l'honorable légation des
États-unis d'Amérique a Sofia, le ministèredes Affaires étrangères de
la République populire de Bulgarie doit constater, avec regret, que le
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis n'a fait preuve d'aucun dkir d'examiner
les considérations que le Gouvernement bulgare a exposées dans ses
notes nos zro88/44/1 et 230/50/T des 21 avril et27 juillet1949.

En complément de ce qui a étérelevé dans les notes précédentes, le
ministére des Affaires étrangèresde la République populaire de Bulgarie
est chargépar son Gouvernement de déclarerce qui suit :
Le Gouvernement bulgare estime que l'invitation qui lui a étéfaite
de participer Ltla Commission prévue & l'article 36 du traité de paix
est complètement injustifiée. Le Gouvernement de la Républiquepopu-

laire de Bulgarie a toujours exécuté et continue à exécuter les engage-
ments qui lui incombent de par le traité de paix. C'est-avec surprise
qu'il accueille les accusations du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis au
sujetde questions à l'égarddesquellesle Gouvernementbulgare a déployé
de grands efforts et a obtenu à leur endroit les meilleurs résultats et
notamment en ce qui concerne la démocratisatioii du pays et la sauve-
garde des droits et des libertéses citoyens bulgares. DOCUAIEXTS TRAXSMITTED 62

Hungarian Government which exclusively belong to the interna1 affairs
of the sovereign Ilungarian State and which directlyfollowfrom the
consequent carrying out of the Peace Treaty.
After al1 this the Hungarian Government can give no other inter-
pretation to the note of the Government of the United States of America
than its being a repeated attempt to interfere with the interna1 affairs
of the Hungarian People's Republic. The Governmcnt of the United
States of America obviously wishes to impose n pressure on Hungary
toinduce the Hun arian Government to subordinate its policy to the
endeavors of the 8 overnment of the United States of America. The
Hungarian Government is not wiliing to do soand categorically states
that it \vil1 continue maintaining the consistently democratic trend of
its policy aiming at the defense of peace.
In riew of the above said, the Hungarian Government rejects the
note of the Government of the United States of America transmitted
through its Legation as offending the sovereignty of the Hungarian
People's Xepublic nncl states that Hungary considers the setting up of

a Con:mission with reference to Article40 of the Peacc Treaty groundless
arid purposeless and consequently will not participatein it.

The Hungarian hlinistryfor Foreign Affairsavails itself of this oppor-
tunity etc.

Annex 27

Note verbale

[Original text : French!
I September, 1949.

In reply to the note of the Honorable Legation of the United States
of America in Sofia of I August, 1949, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the People's Republic ofBulgaria js obliged to note with regret that
the Government of the United States has evidenced no desire to examine
the considerations which the Bulgarian Government set fortfi in its
notes Nos: 21088/44 /nd 230/j0/I of zr April and 27 July, 1949,
Supplementing that which ïvas set forth in its preceding notes, the
hlinistry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Rulgaria is
instructed by its Government to state the following :
The Bulgarian Government is of the opinion that the invitation
which has been extended to it to participate in the Commisçion provided
for in Article 36 of the Peace Treaty is completelÿ iinjustified. The
Govemment of the People's Republic of Bulgaria has always fu1filIed
and continues to fiilfil tobligationswhich are incu~bent on it under
the Peace 'Creaty. It receives with surprise the accusatioiis of the Govern-
ment of the United States pertaining to matters with respect to which
the Bulgarian Government has put forthgreat efforts and has achieved
therein the beçt results especially as regards the democratizatioof the
country and the safeguarding of the rights and liberties of Bulgarian
Les actes. accomplis par le Gouvernement bulgare en exécution de
ses engagements découlant de l'article 4 du traité de paix ne sauraient
êtrequalifiés de violation du mêmetraité.
Le Gouvernement de la République populaire de Bulgarie maintient
son point de vue, à savoir qu'on ne se trouve pas en présence d'un diffé-
rend au sens de l'article 36 du traité de paix - différend susceptible
d'êtresoumis à un examen et de recevoir une solution d'après l'ordre
prévu dans Ie mêmetexte. La teneur des notes adresséespar l'honorable
légation en rapport avec 1s prétendue violation de l'article 2 et les
réponses du ministère ausdites ilotes ne font pas ressortir, un objet

défini de différend. Dans ces notes le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis
n'a fait qu'exprimer son opinion unilatérale et porter un jugement,
ne répondant pas à la réalité,sur le régime de la démocratie populaire
en Bulgarie.
Le Gouvernement de la République popuIairc de Bulgarie nc saurait
interpréter autrement le «différend n,que le Gouvernement des Etats-
Unis s'efforcede créerartificiellement, que comme une tentative d'inter-
vention dans les affaires intérieures de la Bulgarie et de pressionsur le
Gouverriement bulgare, afin de déteiminer un changement de sa politique
dans le sens désirépar le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. Ces tentatives
constituent une violation de la souveraineté de la Bulgarie et se trouvent
êtreen contradiction flagrante avec les principes fondamentaux de la
Charte des Nations Unies, ainsi qu'avec l'esprit du traité de paix.
En raison de toutes ces considérations, le Gouvernement bulgare ne
peut accepter l'invitation qui lui a étéadressée en vue de la consti-
tution de la Commission prévue à l'articl36 du traité de paix.

Le ministére des Affaires étrangères de la République populaire de
Bulgarie saisit cette occasion, etc.

Note rlerb~/e

[Teste original en roumain]
r septembre 1949.

Le ministére des Affaires étrangères présente ses compliments à la
légation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, et, se riiférant à la note no 687
en date du Ieraoût, relativeA l'interprétation eA 1'exScutiondes dispo-
sitions de l'article 3 du traité de paix ainsi qu'a l'application de l38rticle
dudit traité, a l'honneur, au nom du Gouvernement de la République
populaire de Roumanie, de lui faire la communication suivante :
Dans sa note du 18 avril 1949, le Gouvernement de la République
populaire de Roumanie a montré que les lois de la République populaire
de Roumanie garantissent l'application rigoureuse des dispositions de
l'article3 du traité de paix et l'exécution des obligations assumées aux
termes dudit traité.

Le régime de la démocratie popdaire assiire au peuple la jouissance
des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales. La Constitution The actions effected by the Bulgarian Government in execution of
its obligations deriving from Article 4 of the Peace Treaty could not Lie
descnbed as violations of this Treaty. -
The Governrnent .of the People's Republic of Rulgaria maintains
its point of view, i.e. that we are not faced with a dispute in the sense
of Article36 of the Peace Treaty, a dispute capable of being submitted
to investigation and of being resolved in accordance with the procedure
provided for in the said text. The tenor of the notes addressed by the
Honorable Legation in connexi011 with the pretended violation of
Article 2 and the replies of the XIinistry to thoçe notes do not biing

forth any definite object of dispute. In its notes the Government of the
United Stateshas merely expresçed its unilateral opinion and yronounced
a judgment not corresponding to reality on the régime of the people's
democracy in Hulgaria.
The Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria would be
unable otherwise to interprct the "di~pute" which the Governnîent of
the United States is trying artificially to create escept as an attempt
at intervention in the interna1 affairs of Bulgaria ancl pressure on the
Rulgarian Government in order to bring about a change in its policy
in the direction desired by the Government of the United States. These
attempts are in violation ofthe sovcreignty of 13ulgariaand in flagrant
contradiction with the fundamental principles of .the Charter of the
United Nations as ive11as with the spirit of the Peace Treaty.
in view of al1these considerations, the 13ulgarian Government cannot
accept the invitation ivhich has been addressed to it with aview to the
constitution of the Comniission provided for in Article 36 of the Peace
The Ministry of Foreign ~flairi of the People's Repiiblic ofBulgaria
takes this occasiori, etc.


Note verbale
[Original test : Rornaniaii!

2 September, 1949.
The Ministry for Foreign Affajrs presents its compliments to the
Legation of the Uiiited States and ~4th reference to note Xo. 687 of

I August coricerning the interpretation and execution of ~lrticle 3 of
the Treaty of Peace and the applicatiorl of .Article 38 of theTreaty of
Peace, has the ftonor to comrnunicate to it on bchalf of the Government
of the Rümanian I'eople's RepubIic the folloming :
The Goverriment of the Rumanian People's Republic has sliown in
its note of 13April, 1949, that the laws of the liumanian People's
Repubiic guaran tee the strict application ofthe provisions of Article 3
of the Treaty and of the obligations assumed in conformity with the
Treaty of Peace.
The régimeof people's democracy assures to the people human rights
and fundamental freedoms. The Constitution of the Rrimanian People's64 DOCUMENTS TRAKSRIIS

de la République populaire de Roumanie garantit la liberté de réunion
et de manifestation et la liberté de la parole et de la presse, assure la
liberté du culte et interditsous peine des sanctions prévues par la loi,
les mesures discriminatoires fondées sur la race ou la religion ; elle
garantit l'entière égalitde droits entre la femme et l'homme.
Les libertés fondamentales et les droits de l'homme sont assurCs
dans la pratique par la mise A la dispositioii des travailleurs de lieux de
réunion, d'imprimeries et de papier-journal.Les communautés religieuses
possèdent les biens et les locaux nécesmires à l'exercice des pratiques
Idesprogrès continus réalisésdans le domaine de l'économienationale,
préservéedu fléau de la crise et du cIiôrnage, le relèvement du niveau
de vie des travailleurs et ledéveloppement de leur culture constituent
le fondement matériel et moral qui permet au peuple de jouir pleinement
des droits de l'homme et des libertés foridamentales.

Devant cette situation, le Gouvernement de la République populaire
de Roumanie estime que les affirmations contenues dans les notes de
la légation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique no 627 en date du 31 mai 1949
et no 657 en date du IC~ août 1949, relatives 2t l'interprétation et à
1'exéc:utiondes dispositions du traité de paix, ne correspondent pas à
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement de la République populaire de Rourna-
nie estimequ'il n'yapas de raison d'invoquer l'artic38du traité de paix.

Le Gouvernement de la Pépublique populaire de Roumanie constate
que leGouvernement des Etats-Unis persiste à s'efforcer d'empêcherle
Gouvernement de la Roumanie d'exécuter les dispositions de l'article 5
du traité de paix et soulève un différend CL propos des mesures que le
Gouvernement de la Roumanie a prises contre les derniers tenants du
fascisme ainsi que des jugements rendus par les tribunaux de la Répu-
blique populaire de Roumanie contre les espions et les saboteurs travail-
lant pour les services d'espionnage étrangers, toutes mesures qui sont
conformes aux dispositions du traité de paix et relévent entièrement
de la juridiction intérieure de lRépablique populaire de Roumanie en
tant qu'Etat souverain.
Ces tentatives persistantes du Gouvernement des États-unis d'Améri-
que montrent clairement que ce Gouvernement a tendance à s'immiscer
dans les affaires intérieures dela République populaire de Roumanie
et iise servir des articles du traité de paix comme d'un prétexte pour
exercer une pression visant CL donner ?ila politique du Gouvernement
de la Roumanie une orientation favorable aux intérêtsdes Gouverne-
ments des Etats-Unis et de la Grande-Bretagne, et contraire à lavolonté
et aux intérêtsdu peuple roumain.
C'est pourquoi leGouvernement de la République populaire de Kouma-

nie repousse, comme entièrement privée de fondement, la demande que
le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amkrique a formulée dans sa note
du 1..août 1949. DOCUMENTS TKdXS31ITTED 64

Republic guarantees freedom of public meetings and demonstrations,
of speech and of the press, assures freedom of religion, and forbids
racial and religious discrimination, which is punished by law ; women
enjoy full and equal rights.

The fundamental freedoms and human rights are carried out in
practice by placing meeting places, printing facilities and paper at the
disposa1of those who work. Keligious communities possess the properties

and premises necessary for the practice of their religion.

The continuous progress of the national economy, protected from
the scourge of depression and unemployment, the increase of the standard
of living of those who work, and the improvement of their cultural
level assure the material and moral basis which permits the people to
make full use of the human rights and fundamental freedoms.
In view of these facts the Government of the Rumanian People's
Republic considers thal the affirmations inciuded in the United States
Legation'ç notes Nos. 627 of 31 May, 1949,and 687 of rAugust, 1~9,
regarding the interpretation and execution of the Treaty of Peace do
not correspond to reality .

Consequently, the Government of the Rumanian People's Kepublic
considers that there are no reasons to invoke Article 38 of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Government of the liumariian People's Republic finds that the
Government of the United States persists in its attempt to prevent
the applicatiori ofArticle 5 of the Treaty of Peace by the Government
of the Rumanian People's Republic and makes the siibject of dispute
the measures taken by the Rumanian Government against fascist
remnants, as weLlas the sentences given by the courts of the Rumanian

People's Republic against the spies and saboteurs in the service of
foreign espionage services, measures which correspond to the provisions
. of the Treaty of Peace, and which fa11entirely within the jurisdiction
of the internal courts of the Rumanian PeopIe's Kepublic as a sovereign
In tl-iesepersistent attempts ofthe Government of the Unitecl States
is shown clearly that Government's tendency to interfere in the internal
affairs of the Rumanian People's Republic and to attempt to use the
articles of the Treaty of Peace as a pretext to exercise pressure with
the object of changing the policy of the Runianian Government in a
direction favorable to the interests of the Governments of the United
States and Great Rritain and against the will and the interests ofthe
Rumanian People.
For these reasons, the Government of the Rumanian People's Republic
rejects as cornpletely unfounded the request of the United States
Government expressed in itç note of I .4ugust, 1949. DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

Annexe 29

[Texte original en anglais]

19 septembre 1949.
La légation des États-unis d'Amérique présenteses compliments au

ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Hongrie et, conformément aux
instructions de son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de se référerà la nota
de la légation en date du ~eraoiii 1949 et A la réponse du ministère
des Affaires étrangères en date du 26 août 1949, touchant la création
d'une Corninission en vue de régler le différend qui s'est élevéau sujet
de l'interprétation et de l'exéciitionde l'arti2ldu traité de paix.

Le Gouveriiement des États-unis d'Amérique estime que le Gouver-
nement de la Hongrie n'est pas fondé à déclarer de façon unilatérale
qu'il n'existe pas de différend au sujet de l'exécution par la Hongrie
des djspositions de l'artic2edu traité de paix. Comme leGouvernement
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique n'interprète pas de la même façon que la
Hongrie la conduite du Gouvernement hongrois en ce qui concerne les
obligations que le traité lui impose au sujet des droits de l'homme et
des libertés fondamentales, l'existence d'un différend est manifeste.
Aux yeux du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, le refus du
Gouvernement de la Hongrie de se conformer aux dispositions de l'article
40 du traité de paix en ce qui concerne la création d'une Commission
en vue de régler ce différend constitue un nouveau manquement grave
aux obligations qui découlent du traité.

Selon les allégations présentéespar le Gouvernement de la Hongrie
dans sa note du 26 aoî~t1949, c'est en exécution des obligations qui lui
incombent aux termes de l'article 4'du traité que la Hongrie, a pris les
mesures contre lesquelles s'est élevéle Gouvernement des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique ; mais ce sont là des prétextes bien fragiles qui ne résisteront
pas à l'examen, surtout si l'on pense que les droitsde l'homrne et les
libertés fondamentales ont étésystématiquement supprimés en Hongrie.
Il est évident que l'artic4n'a pas pour but de fournirau Gouvernement
de la Hongrie la possibilité de se retrancher derriére ses clauses pour
éliminer toute opposition à la domination totalitaire d'une minorité
ou pour supprimer les libertés fondamentales énuméréesà l'article 2.
T-e Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique ne saurait accepter que
le Gouvernement de la Hongrie s'arroge le droit exclusif de juger ses
propres actes en ce qui concerne les obligationsque lui impose le traité.
De plus, il est clair que l'article 40 du traité de paix serait dénué de
signification et sans objet si le Gouvernement de la Hongrie était le seul
arbitre de Ia façon dont il s'acqiiitte des obligations internationales
qu'il a assumées aux terrnes du traité.
Quant à la déclaration du -Gouvernement de la Hongrie suivant
laquelle le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, en invoquant le

traité de paix, porte atteinte à la souveraineté de la' Hongrie, il est
évident que la souveraineté de ce pays se trouve limitée par les obliga-
tions internationales qui lui incombent incontestablement. De par les
questions mêmes dont ils traitent, les articles z et 40 du traité de pais
imposent à la Hongrie des obligations internationales. Par conséquent, -4nnex.29


[Original text : English]
19 September, 1949.

The Legation of the United States of America presents itscornplim-
ents to the h,rinistryof Foreign Affairs ofHungary and has the honor,
acting on instructions from thc United States Government, to refer
to the Legation's note of I Auguçt, 1949, and to the reply of the
hlinistry of Foreign Affairs dated 26 August, 1949, concerning the
establishment of a Conimission for the resolution of the dispute which
has arisen with res ect to the interpretatioii and execution ofArticle 2
of the Treaty of Peace.
The United States Goveriiment considers that the Hungarian Goverri-
ment has no grounds for declaring unilaterally that a dispute over
Hungary's esecution of Article z of the Peace Treaty does not exist.
Since the interpretation placed by the United States Goi-ernmeiit on
the acts of the Hungarian Government with reference to the latter's
Treaty obligations respecting humaii rights and freedomç does not
correspond with the interpretatioii advanced by the Hungarian Govern-
ment, the existence of adispute is self-evident.In the vieiu of the United
States Government, refusa1 by the Hungarian Government to comply
with the provisions of Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace, relating to the

establishrr~ent of a Commission to reach a decision on that dispute,
constitutes a serious new breach of Treaty obligations.

The excuse made hy the Hungarian Government in its note of
26 August, 1949, that its actions which have been called into question
by the Uiiited States Government have been taken in esecution of
Hungarv's obligations under Article 4 of the Treaiy is a flinisy pretest
that will not stand esamination in the light of the systeniatic supp1.e~-
. sion of human rights and freedoms iri Hungary. Itis patently not the
intent of Article 4 that its provisions should be utilized by the Hurigarian
Governrnent as a doak for the elimination of al1 opposition to the
totalitarian rule of a minority or for the denial of fundamental freedoms
specified in Articl2. The United States Government does not acquiesce
in the Hungarian Government's arrogation to itself of the exclusive
right to judge its own actions in relation to Peace Treaty obligations.
It is clear, moreover, that Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace would be
withaut meaning and purpoçe if the Hungarian Government were
the sole arhiter of itsesecution of international obligations under tlie

iis regards the intimation of the Huiigarian Government that its
sovereignty isimpugned by the action of the United States Govern~nent
in iiivoking the Treaty of Peace, it is manifest that the sovereignty
of Hungary is lirnited by Hungary's clear international obligations. The
matters dealt with in Article 2 and Article 40 of the Peace Treaty
impose international obligations on Hungary. Accordingly, the invoca-
tion by the United States, a signatory of the Treaty of Peace, of specificon ne saurait aucunement considérercomme une intervention injustifiée
dans, les affaires iiitérieures la Hongrie le fait que le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique,un des signataires du traité de paix, invoque
la procédure spécifiquement prévue dans le traité, afin de régler un
différendqui met en cause la façon dont la Hongrie s'acquitte des obliga-
tions qui lui incombent aux termes de ce traité.
Dans le refus persistant du Gouvernement de laHongric de participer
à la création (l'uneCommission en vue de régler le différend actuel, -

procédrire expressément prévue à l'article 40 du traité de paix - les
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique ne peut voir qu'une nouvelle
violation dGlib6rCe des obligations internationales du Gouvernement
de la Hongrie, ainsi qu'une preuve du manque de bonne foi de cc Gouver-
nement. C'est pourquoi la légation a recu pour instructions de porter
à la connaissance du Gouvernement de la Hongrie que son attitude
récalcitrante A cet égard ne peut en aucune façon influer sur celle. du
Gouvernefient des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, qui est résolu à recounr f~
toutes les mesures appropriées pour faire eii sorte que le Gouvernement
de fa Hongrie se conforme aux obligations que lui imposent l'article 2
du traité de paix en ce qui concerne les droits de l'homme et les libertés
fondamentales, et I'article 40 en ce qui concerne la procédure de règle-
ment des différends auxquels peuvent donner lieu l'interprétation et
l'exécution de ce traité.

Annexe 30

[Teste original en anglais]

19 septembre 1949.

La légation des fitats-unis d'Amérique présenteses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Bulgarie ct, conformément aux
instructions de son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de SC référerà la note
de la légation en date du IC~août 1949 eta Ia réponse du ministère des
Affaires étrangères en date du IC~ septembre 1949 touchant la création
d'une Commission en vue de régler le différendqui s'est élevé au sujet
de l'i~iterprétation de l'exécution de I'articl2 dri traité de paix.

Le Gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique estime que le Gouver-
nement de la Bulgarie n'estpas fondé à déclarer de façon unilatérale
qu'il n'existe pas de différendau sujet de l'exécution par la Bulgarie des
dispositions de I'articl2 du trait6de pais. Comme le Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis d'Amériquen'interprète pas de la même façonque laBulgarie
la conduite du Gouvernement bulgare en ce qui concerne les obligations
que le traité lui impose au sujet des droits de l'homme et des libertés
fondamentales, l'existence d'un différend est manifeste. Aux yeux du
Gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique, le refus du Gouvernement
de la Bulgarie de se conformer aux dispositions de l'article36 du traité
de paix en ce qui concerne la création d'une Commission en vue derégler
ce différend constitue un nouveau manquement grave aux obligations

qui découlent du traité. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 66

treaty procedures for the settlement of a dispute involving Hungary's
execution of its Treaty obligations can in no sense be regarded as
unwarranted intervention in the interna1 affairs of Hungary.

Continued refusa1 by the Hungarian Government to join in the
establishment of a Commission for the resolution of the existing dispute
-a procedure expressly stipulated by Article 40 of the Peace Treaty-
can only be regarded by the United States Government as a further
deliberate violation of internationalobligations and as dernonstrative
of a lack of good faith on the part of the Hungarian Government. In
these circumstances, the Legation is instructed to inform the Hungarian
Government that itsrecaicitrant attitude in thimatter can in no way

affect the determination of the United States Government to have
recourse to a11 appropnate measures for securing the cornpliance by
the Hunganan Government with its obligations under Article z of the
Peace Treaty respecting human rights and the fundamental freedoms
and under Article 40 respecting the procedure for dealing with disputes
arising over the interpretation and execution of the Treaty of Peace.


[Original text : English]

-19September, 1949.
The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and hasthe honor, acting
-on instructions from the United States Governme~it, to refer to the
Legation's note of I August, 1949, and to the reply of the Ministry of
'Foreign Affairs dated r September, 1949 ,oncerning the establishment

ofa Commission forthe resolution of the dispute which haç arisen with
respect tothe interpretationand execution of Article z of the Treaty of
The United States Government considers that the Bulgarian Govern-
.ment haç no grounds for declaring unilaterally that a dispute over
Bulgana's execution of Article z of the Peace Treaty does not exist.
Since the interpretation placed by the United States Government on the
:acts of the Bulgarian Government with reference to the latter's Treaty
obligations respectinghuman rights and freedoms does not correspond
-with the interpretation advanced by the Bulgarian Government, the
existence ofa dispute is self-evident. In theview of the United States
nGovernment, refusa1 by the Bulgarian Government tocomply with the
provisions of Article36 of the Treaty of Peace, reiating to the cstablish-
-ment of a Com~riissionto reach a deciçion on that dispute, constitiiteç
.aserious new breach ofTreaty obligations.67 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS
Selon les allégations présentéespar le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie
dans sa note du ~crseptembre 1949, c'est en exécution des obligations

qui lui incombent aux termes de l'article 4 du traité que la Bulgarie a
pris les mesures contre lesqueIles s'est élevéle Gouvernement des États-
Unis d'Amérique ; mais ce sont là des prétextes bien fragiles qui ne
résisteront pas Al'examen critique, surtout si l'on pense que les droits
de l'homme et les libertés fondamentales ont été systématiquement
supprimés en Bulgarie. Il estévident que l'article 4 n'a pas pour but
de fournir au Gouvernement de la Rulgarie la possibilité de se retrancher
derrière ses clauses pour éliminer toute opposition à la domination
totalitaire d'une minorité ou pour supprimer les ,libertéfondamentales
énuméréesà l'article z. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
ne saurait accepter que le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie s'arroge le droit
exclusif de juger ses propres actes en ce qui concerne les obligations que.
lui impose le traité. De plusilest clair que l'artic36 du traité de paix
serait dénué de signification et sans objet si le Gouvernement de la
Bulgarie était le seul arbitreela façon dont ils'acquitte des obligations
internationales qu'il a assuméesaux termes du traité.
Quant à la déclaration du Gouvernement de la Bulgarie suivant
laqueIle le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, en invoquant
le traité de paix, porte atteinte à la souveraineté de la Bulgarie, il.
est évident que la souveraineté de ce pays se trouve limitée par les
obligations internationales qui lui incombent incontestablement. De
par les questions mêmes dont ils traitent, les articles z et36 du traité
de paix imposent à la Bulgarie des obligations internationales.. Par.
conséquent, on ne saurait aucunement considérer comme une inter-

vention injustifiée dans les affaires intérieures de la Bulgarie le fait
que le Gouvernement des fitats-unis d'Amérique, un des signataires
du traité de paix, invoque la procédure spécifiquement prévue dans
le traité,afin de régler un différend qui met en cause la façon dont
la Bulgarie s'acqiiitte des obligations qui lui incombent aux termes.
de ce traité.
Dans le refus persistant du Gouvernement de la Rulgarie de participer.
à la création d'une Commission en vue de régler le différend actuel,-
procédure expressément prévue à l'article 36 du traité de paix - le
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique ne peut voir qu'une nouvelle.
violation délibéréedes obligations internationales du Gouvernement de.
la Rulgarie, ainsi qu'une preuve du manque de bonne foi de ce Gouver-
riement. C'est pourquoi la légation a reçu pour instructions de porter
à la connaissance du Gouvernement de la Bulgarie que son attitude
récalcitrante à cet éard ne peut en aucune façon influer sur celle du.
Gouvernement des 8 tats-Unis d'Amérique, qui est résolu à recourir
à toutes les mesures appropriées pour faire en sortque le Gouvernemeiit
de la Rulgarie se conforme aux obligations que lui imposent l'article z
du traité de pais en ce qui concerne les droits de l'homme et les libertés
fondamentales, et l'article36, en ce qui concerne la procédure de règle-
ment des différends auxquels peuvent donner lieu I'interprétatiori et
l'exécution de ce traité. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 67

The excuse made by the Bulganan Government in its note ofI Septem-
ber, r94~, that its actions which have been caiied into question by the
United tates Government have been taken in execution of Bulgaria's
obligations under Article 4 ofthe Treaty is a flimsy pretext that will not
stand examination in the light of the systematic suppression of human
rights and freedoms in Bulgaria. It is patently not the intent of Articleq
that itç provisions should be utilized by the Bulgarian Government as a
cloak for the elimination of al1 opposition to the totalitanan ruIe of a
minonty or for the denial of fundamental freedoms specified in Article 2.
The United States Government does not acquiesce in the Bulgarian
Government's arrogation to itself of the exclusive right to judge its
own actions in relation to Peace Treaty obligations. It is clear, moreover,
that Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace would be without rneaning and
purpose if the RuIgarian Govcrnment were the sole arbiter of its execution
of international obligations under the Treaty.

As regards the intimation of the Bulgarian Government that its
sovereignty isimpugned by the action of the United States Government
in invoking the Treaty of Peace, it ismanifest that the sovereignty of
Bulgaria is limited by Bulgaria's clear international obligations. The
matters dealt with in Article 2 and Article 36 of the Peace Treaty impose
international obligations on Bulgaria. Accordingly, the invocation by
the United States, a signatory of the Treaty of Peace, of specific treaty
procedures for the settlement ofa dispute involving Bulgaria's execution
of its Treaty obligations can in no sense be regarded as unwarranted -
intervention in the interna1 affairs of Bulgana,

Continued refusal by the Bulgarian Government to loin in the establish-
ment of a Commission for the resolntion of the existing dispute-a
procedure expressly stipulated by Article 36 of the Peace Treaty-can
only be regarded by the United States Government as a further deliberate
violation of internationa1 obligations and as demonstrative of a lack of
good faith on the part of the Bulganan Government. In these circurn-
stances, the 1-egation is instructed to infom the Bulgarian Government
that its recalcitrant attitude in this matter can in no way affect the
determination of tlie United States Government to have recourse to al1
appropriate measures for securing the cornpliance by the Bulgarian
Government with its obligations under Article 2 of the Peace Treaty
respecting human rights and the fundamental freedoms and under
Article 36 respecting the procedure for dealing with disputes arising over
the interpretation and execution of the Treaty of Peace. DOCUMENTS TRAXSMIÇ


[Texte original en ai~glais]
19septembre 1949.

La légation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique présenteses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Roumanie et, conformémerit
aux instructions de son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de se référerA la
note de la Iégationen date du IC~aoùt 1949 et àla réponsedu ministère
des Affairesétrangèresendate du 2septembre 1949 touchant la créatiori
d'une Commission en vue de réglerle différendqui s'est élevéau sujet
de l'interprétation et de l'exécutionde l'article 3 du traité de paix.

Le Gouvernement des États-Unis d'Amérique estimeque le Gouver-
nement de la Roumanie n'est pas fondé a déclarerde façon unilatérale
qu'il n'existe pas de différendau sujet de l'exécutionpar la Roumanie
des dispositionsde l'articl3du traité de paix. Comme leGouvernement
des États-unis d'Amérique n'interpréte pas de la mêmefaçon que
la Roumanie la conduite du Gouvernement roumain en ce qui concerne
les obligations que Ie traité lui imposau sujet des droits de l'homme
et des libertés fondamentales, l'existence d'un différend est manifeste.
Aux yeux du Gouvernement des États-unis d'Amérique, 1èrefus du
Gouvernement de la Roumanie de se conformer aux dispositions de
i'article 38 :du traité de paix en ce qui concerne la création d'une
Commission en vue de régler ce difiérend constitue un nouveau
manquement grave aux obligations qui découlent du traité.
Selon les allégations présentéespar le Gouvernement de la Roumanie
dans sa note du 2 septembre 1949 ,'est en exécution des obligations
auipris les mesures contre lesquelles s'est élevé leGouvernement des
Etats-Unis dtAmérique ; mais ce sont 1Cides prétextes bien fragiles qui
ne résisteront pas à l'examen, surtout si l'an pense que les droits de
L'hommeet les libertésfondamentales ont étésystématiquement suppri-
més en Roumanie. Il est évident que l'article 5 n'a pas pour but de
fournir au Gouvernement de la Roumaiiie la poscibilitéde se retrancher
derrière ses clauses pour éliminer toute opposition à la domination
totalitaire d'une minonté ou pour supprimer lesalibertésfondamentales
énumérées à l'articl3. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
ne saurait accepter que le Gouvernement de laRoumanie s'arroge le
droit exclusif de juger ses propres actes en ce qui concerne les obliga-
tioiis que lui impose le traité. De plus, il est clair que l'articldu38
traité de paix serait dénuéde signification et sans objet si le Gouver-
nement de la Roumanie était le seul arbitrede la façon dont il s'acquitte
des obligations internationales qu'il a assumées aux termes du traité.
Quant B la déclaration du Gouvernement de la Roumanie suivant
laquelle le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, en invoquant
le traité de paix, porte atteinteA la souveraineté de la Roumanie, il
est évident que la souveraineté de ce pays se trouve limitée par les
obligations internationales qui lui incombent incontestablement. De
par les questions mêmesdont ils traitent. lesarticles3 et 38 du traité UNITED STATES NOTE TO RUbiANIA

[Original text :EngIish]
19 Septernber, 1949.

The 1,egatiori of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the hlinistry of Foreign Affairs of Rumaniaand has the honor, acting
on instructions from the United States Government, to refer to the
Legation's note of I August, 1940,and to the reply of the Blinistry of
Foreign Affairs dated 2 September, 1949, conceraing tlie establisliment
of a Commission for the resolution of the dispute which has arisen with
respect to the interpretation and esecution of Article 3 of the Treaty
of Peace.
The Uriited States Government considers that the Iiumanian Govern-
ment has no grounds for dcclaring unilaterally that a dispute over
Rumania's execution of Article 3 of the Peace Treaty does not exist.
Since the interpretation plrtced by the United States Government on the
actç of the Rumanian Government with reference to the latter's Treaty
obligations respecting human rights and freedoms does not correspond
with the interpretation advanced by the Rumanian Government, the
existence of a dispute is self-evident. In the view of tlie United States

Government refusal by the Rumanian Governmen t to comply with the
provisions of Article 38 of the Treaty of Peace, relating to the establish-
nient of a Commission to rcach a decision on that diçpiite, constitutes a
serious new breach of treaty obligations.

The excuse.rnade by the Rumanian Government in its note of2 Sep-
tember, 1949, that its actions which have been called into question by
the United States Governmenthave been taken in execution of Rumania's
obligations under Article 5 ofthe Treaty is a flimsy pretest thatwill not
stand examination in the light of the systematic suppression of human
rights and freedoms in Riimania. It1spatently not the intent of Article5
that its provisions should be utilized by the Kurnanian Government as
a cloak for the elimination of al1 opposition to the totalitarian rule of a
minority or for the denial of funttarnental freedoms spccified in Artic3.
The United States Goirerninent cloes not acquiesce in the 1Xum;inian
Government'ç arrogation to itself of the exclusive right ta juclgeitsown
actions in relation to Peace Treaty obligations. 1t.k clear, moreover, that
Article 38 of the Treaty of Pcace would be without meaning and purpose
if the Rumanian Governmeiit were the sole arbiter of its execution of
international obligations undcrthe Treaty.

As regards the intimation of the Rumanian Government that its
sovereignty iç impugncd by the action of the United States Government
in invoking the Treaty of Peace, it is manifest that the sovereignty of
Rumania is limited by Rumania's clear international obligations. The
matters dealt with in Article3 and Article 38 of the Peace Treaty impose
international obligationson liumania. Accordingly, the invocation by the

9de paix imposent à la Roumanie desobligations internationales. Par
conséquent, on ne saurait aucunement considérer comme une interven-
tion injustifiée dans les affaires intérieures de la Roumanie le fait que
le Gouvernement des gtatç-unis d'Amérique, un des signatairesdu
traité de paix, invoque la procédure spicifiquement prévue dans le
Traité en vue de régler un différend quimet en cause la façon dont
la Roumanie s'acquitte des obligations qui lui incombent aux termes
de ce traité.
Dans le refus persistant du Gouvernement de la Roumanie de parti-
ciperA la créationd'une Commission en vue de réglele difikrend actuel,
- procédure expressement prévue à l'article 38 du traite de pai-
le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique nepeut voir qu'une nouvelle
violation délibérée des obligationsinternationalesdu Gouvernement
de la Roumanie ainsi qu'une preuve du manque de bonne foi de ce
Gouvernement. C'est pourquoi la légation a reçu pour instructions de
porter A la connaissance du Gouvernement de la Roumanie que son
attitude récalcitrante cet égard ne peut en aucune façon influer sur
celle du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique, qui est résolu A
recourir A toutes lesmesures appropriées pour faire en sorte que le
Gouvernement de la Roumanie se conforme aux obligations que lui
imposent l'article 3 du traitde paix en ce qui concerne Ies droits de
l'homme et les libertés fondamentales, et l'art3slen ce qui concerne
la procédure de règlement des différendsauxquels peuvent donner lieu
l'interprétation et l'exécutionde ce traité.


Document AlggolRev. I.
[Texte original en anglais]

New-York, le 19septembre 1949.
J'ai l'honneur de me référerBla résolutio272 (III) que l'Assemblée
généralea adoptée le 30 avril 1949 ,ouchant le respect des droits de
l'homme et des Iibertés fondamentales en Bulgarie et en Hongrie, et
au point 3 de la liste supplémentaire des questions proposées pour
inscriptionàl'ordre du jour dela Quatrième Sessionordinaide 1'Assem-
bléegénérale (respectdes droits de l'homme et des libertis fondamen-
tales en Roumanie et notamment question des libertés religieuses et
2.A cet égard, j'ai l'honneur, conformément aux instructions du
premier secrétaire d'État aux Affaires étrangéresde Sa Majesté,de faire
connaitre à Votre Excellence que le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni
a pris toutes les mesures prescrites dans les clauses finales destraités
de paix avec la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie pour l'application
de ces trait&, que les Gouvernements bulgare et hongrois ont refusé
de se conformer a la procédureprévuedans ces traités et que le Gouver-
nement roumain n'a pas jugé bon de l'appliquer.United States, a signatory of the Treaty of Peace, of specific treaty
of its Treaty obligations can in no sense be regardedRuasnunwarrantedion
intervention in the interna1 affairs ofRumania.

Continued refusal by the Rumanian Government to join in the establish-
ment of a Commission for the resolution of the existing dispute-a
procedure expressly stipulated by Article 38 of the Peace Treaty-can
only be regarded bythe United States Government as a further deliberate
violation of international obligations and as demonstrative oa lack of
good faith on the part of the Rumanian Government. In these circum-
stances, the Legation is instructed to inform the Rumanian Government
that its recalcitrant attitude in this matter can in no way affect the
determination of the United States Government to have recourse to
al1appropriate rneasures for securing the cornpliance by the Rumanian
Government with its obligations under Article 3 of the Peace Treaty
respecting human rights and the fundamental freedorns and under
Article 38 reçpecting the procedure for dealing with disputes arising
over the interpretation and execution of the Treaty of Peace.


Document A/ggo/Rev. I. [Original text:English]

New York, 19September, 1949.

I have the honour to refer to General Assembly resolutian 272 (III}
of 30 April, 1949, about the observance in Bulgaria and Hungary of
mentary list of items for the agenda of the Fourth Regular Session of-
the General Assembly (the observance of fundamental freedoms and
human rights in Roumania including the question of religious and civil

2. In this connexion 1 have the honour to inform Your Excellency,
on jnstructions from His hlajesty's Principal' Secretaryof State for
Foreign Affairs, that His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom
have taken al1 the steps prescribed in the final clauses of the Yeace
Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania for the irnplementation
of those Treaties, and that the Bulgarian and Hungarian Governments
have refused, and the Roumanian Government has failed, to comply
with the Treaty procedure.7O DOCUJIESTS TRAXSMIS
3. Vous trouverez ci-joint copie des notes énumérées ci-après,que
le Gouverneme~it de Sa Majesté et les gouvernements intéressésont
échangées à ce sujet :

1.Note du 2 avril1949 adresséeau ministère des Affaires étrangèresde
2. Notc du 2 avril 1949 adresséeau ministère des Affaires étrangèrde
3. Kote clu 2avril 1949 adresséeau ministère des Affaires étrangéresde

4. Réponse, cn date du 7 avril 1949,du ministère des Affairesétrangéres
de Hongrie.
5. Réponse,en date du rgavril 1949d,u ministère des Affaires étrangè-
res de Roumanie.
6. Réponse,en date du 21avril 1949,du ministère des Affaires étrangé-
res de 13ulgarie.

7.Botes du 31 mai 1949adresséesaus ministères des Affaires étrangères
de Biilgarie, de Hongrie et de Roumanie.
S.Koîcs du 3rmai 1949adresséesaux chefs des missions des ktats-unis
à Sofia, Budapest et Bucarest.
g.Notes du 31 mai 1949 adressées aux chefs des missions de l'Union
des Républiques socialistes soviétiqueA Sofia, Budapest et Bucarest.

IO. Note du 12juin 1949 de l'~mba&ade de l'Union des Républiclues
socialistes soviétiques à 1,ondres.
II.Xote du30 juin 1949 adressée en réponse à la note de l'ambassade
de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques en date du
12 juin 1949.
12. Note du 27 juinet 1949 du ministère des Affaires étrangères de
13.Kote du 11.août 1949 adresséeaus ministères des Affaires étrangércs
de Bulgarie,de Roumanie et de Hongric.
14.Ré~~onse ,ndate du z6aoiît 1949,du ministere'des Affaires étraiigéres
de Hon~-ie.
15. Réponse, en date du ~rrseptctnbre 1949, du ministère des Affaires
ktranghreç de Bulgarie.

16.Xote du 2 septembre 1949 du ministére des Affaires étrangéresde
- Roumanie.
17.Notes du 19septembre 1949 adressées aux ministères des Affaires
étrangères de Bulgarie, de Hongrie et de Roumanie.

4. J'ai l'honneur de vous prier dbien vouloir porter cette corrimuni-
cation à l'attention de tous les Membres des Nations Unies.

Représentant du Royaume-Uni
de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
auprès de l'organisation des Kations Uriies. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 7O

3. 1 enclose copies of the following notes on this subjectwhich have
been exchanged between His Majesty's Government and the govern- .
ments concerned :

I.Note of 2 April,1949 ,o the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. Note of 2 April, 1949 o the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3. Note of 2April, 1949, to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4. Reply of 7 April, 1949, from the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
5. Reply of 19 April, 1949, irom the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign
6. Reply of 21 April, 1949, from the BuIgarian hlinistry of Foreign

7. Notes of 31 May, 1949, to the Bulgarian, Hungarian and Roumanian
Rlinistries of Foreign Affairs.
8. Notes of 31 May, 1949, to the United States Heads of Missions in
Sofia, Budapest and Eucharest.
9. Notes of 31 May, 1949, to the Soviet Weads of Missions in Sofia,
Budapest and Bucharest.

ru. Note of 12 June, 1949, from .the Soviet Embassy in London.

11. Note of 30 June, 1949, in repIy to the Soviet Embassy's note of
12 June, 1949.

12. Note of 27 July,1949, from thelulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

13, Note of 1August, 1949, to the Bulgarian, Roumanian and Hungarian
Ministries of Foreign Affairs.
14.Reply of 26 August, 1949, from the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
15. Reply of I September, 1949, from the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign

16. Note of 2 September, 1949 from the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign
17, Notes of 19 September, 1949, to the Bulgarian, Hungarian and
Roumanian Ministries of Foreign Affairs.

4. 1 have the honour to request that this communication be brought
to the attention of al1 Members of the United Nations.

Representative of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland to
' the United Nations
. ...

Annexes Pages
I. Note verbale adressée le zavril 1949par le Royaume-Uni
la Bulgarie .................. 72
z. Note verbale adresséele z avril 1949par le Royaume-Uni à
la Roumanie. ................. 74
3. Note verbale adressée le zavnl 1949par le Royaume-Uni à
la Hongrie ................. 75

4. Note adressée le7 avnl 1949par laHongrie au Royaume-Uni 77
5. Note dela Roumanie au Royaume-Uni, reçue le 19avril 1949 79

6, Note verbale adressée le 21 avril 1949 par la Bulgarie au
Royaume-Uni ................
Note verbale adresséele 31 mai 1949par le Royaume-Uni à
7. la Bulgarie .................

7 a. la Hongriele ................. 1949par le Royaume-Uni à

7 b. Note verbale adressée le31 mai 1949par le Royaume-Uni à
la Roumanie. .................
8. Lettre adressée le 31 mai 1949 par,le ministre de Grande-
Bretagne à Sofia au ministre des Etats-Unis .....
8 a.Lettre adresséele 31 mai 1949 par le ministre d~Grande-
Bretagne à Budapest au chargé d'affaires des Etats-Unis
8 b. Lettre adressée le31 mai 1949 par le ministre de Grande-
Bretagne à Bucarest au ministre des Etats-Unis ....
g. Lettre adresséele 31 mai 1949 par le ministre de Grande-
Bretagne àSofia àl'ambassadeur de l'Union des Républiques
socialistes soviétiques .............
g a. Lettre adressée le-31 mai 1949 par le ministre de Grande-
Bretagne à Budapest àl'ambassadeur del'Union desRépubli-
ques socialistes soviétiques. ...........
9 b.Lettre adresséele 31 mai 1949 par le ministre de Grande- .
Bretagne à Bucarest Cil'ambassadeur de l'Union des Répubfi-
ques socialistes soviétiques ...........

IO. Note, en date du 12 juin 1949,de l'ambassade de l'Union des
Républiques socialistes soviétiques à Londres .....
Ir. Note adresséele 30 juin 1949par le Royaume-Uni en réponse
à la note de l'ambassadede l'Union des Républiquessocialis-
tes soviétiques en date du 12 juin 1949. ......
12. Note verbaIe adresséele 27 juillet 1949 par la Bulgarie au
Royaume-Uni ....:...........
13, Note verbale adressée le~eraoût 1949par le Royaume-Uni à
la Bulgarie .................
13 a.Note verbale adressée leIeraoût 1949par le Royaume-Uni à
la Roumanie ................
13 b. Note verbale adressée leIeraoût 1949par le Royaume-Uni à
la Hongrie ................. DOCUMENTS TRANShIITTED 7I

Annexes Pages
I. United Kingdom note verbaleof z April,1949, to Buigaria

2. United Kingdom noteverbaleof 2 Apnl, 1949 ,o Rournania

3. United Kingdom note verbaleof zApril, 1949,to Hungary

4. Wungarian note of 7 April, 1949, to the United Kingdorn
5. Roumanian note, received on 19 April,1949 o the United
Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . .
6. ~ul~arian ttoteverbale ofar April,1949, to the United
Kingdom . . , . . , . . , . , . . . . . .
7. United Kingdom note verbale of 31 May, 1949, to Bulgana

7a. United Kingdom note verbaleof 31 May, 1949,to Hungary

7 b. United Kingdom note verbaleof31 May, 1349,to Roumania

8. Letter dated 31May, 1949 ,rom the British Minister in Sofia
to the United States Minister . , . . . . . . . .
8 a. Letter dated 31 May, 1949, from the British Minister'in
Budapest to the United States Chargé d'Affaires. . . .
8 b. Letter dated 31 May, 1949, from the British Minkter in
Bucharest to the United States hlinister. . . . . . .
9. Letter dated 31 May, 1949f,rom the British Minister in Sofia
to the Soviet Ambassador. . . . . . . . . . . .

g a.Letter dated 31 May, 1949, from the Britis Mhinister in
Budapest to the Soviet Ambassador . . . . . . . .

g6. ett tedated 31May, 1949, from the I3ritish bfinister in
Bucharest to the Soviet Ambassador . . . . . . .

IO. Note dated 12 June, 1949, from the Soviet Embassy in
London. . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . .
II. United Kingdom note of 30 June, 1949 ,n reply to the Soviet
Ernbassy's note of 12 June, 1949 . . . . . . . . .

12, Bulgarian note verbale of 27 July, 1949, to the United
Kingdom. . . . . , ., . . . . . . . . . . .
13. United Kingdom note verbaleof I August, 1949 o Bulgaria

13 a. United Kingdom noteverbaleof IAugust, 1949 ,oRournania

13 b. United Kingdom noteverbaleofI August, 1949,.to Hungay72 DOCUhIESTS TRASSJIIS

Annexes Pages
14. Note verbale adressée le 26 août 1949 par la Hongrie au
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord 99
15. Note verbale adresséele ~crseptembre 1949 par la Bulgarie
au Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord ~oo
16. Note verbale adressée le 2 septembre 1949 par la Roumanie
au Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord IOI
17. Note verbale adressCe le 19 septembre 1949 par le Royaume- .
Uni A la Bulgarie. .............. 102

17 a.Note verbale adressée le 19 septembre 1949 par le Royaume-
Uni à la Hongrie. .............. 703
17 b.-Note verbale adresséele ~g septembre.1949 par le Royaurne-
Uni à la Roumanie ............. 104

Annexe I


[Texte original en anglais]
2 avril 1949.

I.La légation de Sa Majesté britannique présente ses compliments
au ministère des Affaires étrangéresde Bulgarie et a l'honneur, confor- .
mément aux instructions du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique,
d'attirer son attentionsur l'articl2 du traité de paix avec laBulgarie,
qui est ainsi conCu :

(La Bulgarie prendra toutes les mesures nécessaires pour assurer
à toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction, sans distinction
de race, de sexe, de langue ou de religion, la jouissance des droits
de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales, y compris la liberté
d'expression de la pensée, la liberté de presse et de publication,
la liberté du culte, la liberté d'opiniondet réu~iionr

2.Depuis que le traité de paix est entré en vigueur le 15 septembre
1947, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté britannique, en tant que partie
?i cet instrument, a observé avec attention les mesures prises par le
Gouverriement bulgare en ce qui concerne le dispositio~i~dc l'article
citéplus.haut. Il en est venu asec regret à la conclusionque le Gouver-
riement bulgare a délibérément et systématiquement déni6 au peuple
bulgare l'exercice de ces droits et libertés mêmes clu'aux termes de
l'article du traité, il s'était enga2élui assurer.
3. Le Gouvernement bulgare a commencé à porter atteinte A ces
droits et libertés pendant la période d'armistice et i1 a poursuivi et
intensifié cette politique depuis l'entrée en'vigueurdu traité de paix.
En exerqant arbitrairement le pouvoir administratif et policier, sans
admettre aucune procédure judiciaire ni aucune possibilité de répara-
tion légale, leGouverneinent bulgare et ses agents ont violéle droit
que les citoyens, en leur qualité d'hommes et de femmes libres, ont
a la vie et à la liberté.Un grand nombre de citoyens ont été arrêtés
et détenus pour une période indéterminée, ou envoyés dans des camps DOCUhlENTS TRAKSRIITTED 72

Annexes Pages
14. Hungarian note verbaleof 26 August, 1949, to the United.
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ... 99
Bulgarian note verbale of r Septkmber, 1949, to the United
15. Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ... IOO

16. Roumanian ?&offverbaleof 2September, 1949, to the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. .... IOI
17. United Kingdom noie verbale of rg September. 1949, to
Bulgaria .................. 102
17a. United Kingdom note verbaie of rg Septernber, 1949, to
Hungary ................ I03
17 b. United Xingdom note verbale of 19 September, 1949, to

Roilrnania. ................. 104

[Original text :English]

2 April, 1949.
Kis Britannic Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the
Bulgarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and, on instructions from His
Majeçty's Government in the United Kingdom, have the honour to

invite attention to Article z of the Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria,
which reads as follows :
"Bulgaria hall take al1 measures necessary to secure to al1
persons under Bulgarian jurisdiction, without distinctionas to
race, sex, language or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and
of the fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, of
press and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion
and of public meeting."

z. Since the Treaty of Peace entered into force on rg September,
1947, His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, as a party
tothat instrument, have kept a close watch on the actions of the Bulga-
rian Government in relation to the provision of the above-quoted article.
They have corne with regret to the conclusion that the Bulgarian
Government have deliberately and systematically denied to the Bulga-
rian people the exercise of those very rights and freedoms \vhich they
were pledged to secure to them under Article z of the Treaty.
3. Curtailment of these rights and freedorns began during the ~rmistice
period and has been continued and intensified since the entry into force
of the Peace Treaty. By the arbitrary exerciçe of administrative and
police power without any judicial.procesor possibility of judicial redress,
the Bulgarian Government and their agents have violated the rights
of thecitizens, as free men and wornen, to life and liberty. Large numbers
of citizens have been arrested and detained in custody i~idefinitely or
sent to penal labour camps. Freedom to express political opinions
at variance with those of the Government has been stifled, Through DOCUblENTS TRANSMIS
pénitentiaires. La liberté d'exprimer des opinions pohtiques différentes
de celles du Gouvernement a étéétouffée.Sur l'initiative gouvernemen-
tale, des partis poiitïques de caractère démocratique, auxquels le peuple
avait donné des mandats impo~tants, ont été réduitsau silence dans
le Parlement, brisés,abattus et'mémedissous. Une procédure judiciaire
fausséea privé de liberté des chefs politiques démocrates ; dans la plus
célèbrede ces affaires, Nicolas Petkov, chef de l'Union iiationale agra-
rienne, a même perdu la vie. Afin d'imposer une obédience politique
rigoureuse, le Gouvernement bulgare et le parti communiste bulgare,
qui exerce une autorité absolue sur l'Etat, ont crééun réseaude policiers
et d'agents divers qui font des observations et des rapports sur les
opinions, les associations et les activités da citoyens bulgaets'immis-
cent dans leur vie privée.
4. Le Gouvernement bulgare à également réduit la liberté d'expres-
sion. La liberté de presse et de publication n'existe pas et il est interdit
aux particuliers d'exprimer des critiques substantielles A l'égard du
Gouvernement ou du parti communiste. Depuis longtemps, tous les
et arbitrairedusiGouvernement, soit soussoilappression des organisations
assujetties aux communistes qui, loin de se heurter à l'opposition du
Gouvernement bulgare, bénéficientde son approbation et de son appui
manifestes. Les journalistes et les correspondants d'agences étrangères
subissent en fait un contrôle et des sanctions dont l'efficaciténe le
cède en rien à celle d'une censure officielle.
5. En outre, le Gouvernement bulgare a poursuivi une'politique qui
porte atteinte Ala liberté du culte. Il s'est efforcéde briser les cammu-
nautéç religieuses, de restreindre leur activité et, en exerçant des preç-
sions plus ou moins fortes, de faire de Ieurs chefs des instruments dociles
des viséespolitiques du parti communiste, ou de paralyser leur influence.
La mise en scène, A Sofia, du fameux procésde quinze pasteurs protes-
tants constitue le dernier exemple de cette technique multiforme.

6. Dans ces conditions, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté, en tant
que signataire du traité de paix, estime que le Gouvernement bulgare
a violé B maintes reprises, et continue de violer, les dispositions de
l'articlez de ce traité. En conséquence, il invite le Gouvernement
bulgare iiadopter promptement des mesures propres à corriger l'effet
de ces violations.
7. Les ~ouvernemen&i de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande, qui
n'ont pas dereprésentants en Bulgarie, ont priéla légationde Sa Majesté
de faire connaftre au ministère des Affaires étrangères de Bulgarie
qu'ils s'associent aux termes dans lesquels est rédigéela présente note.

8. La Iégationde Sa Majesté saisitcette occasion, etc. the Government's initiative, democratic political parties which held
substantial mandates from the people have been silenced in Parliament,
spiintered, shattered and even dissolGed. Democratic political leaders
have been deprived of their liberty by perverted judicial process and
in the most renowned case of an, that of Nikola Petko-v, the leader of
the National Agrarian Union, deprived of life itself. In order to enforce
ri@ political conformity, the Bulgarian Government and the Bulganan
Communist Party, which is in control of the State, have established a
network of police and other agents who observe, report on, penetrate
and interfere with the pnvate opinions, asçociations and activities of
the Bulganan citizens.

4. The Rulgarian Government have also circumscribed freedom of
expression. Freedom of press and publication does not exist and it is
impossible for individuai citizens to express substantive criticism of
the Government or the Communist Party. All opposition newspapers
have long been suppressed, either by direct and arbitrary Government
action, or by pressure from the Communiçt-dominated organizations
acting without hindrance from, and indeed with the obvious approval
and support of the Bulgarian Government. The foreign press and agency
correspondents are in practice subjected to control and sanctions which
are no less effective than would be an officia1censorship.

5. Again, the Bulgarian Government have pursued a policy detri-
mental to freedom of religious worship. They have sought to disrupt
the religious communities, to circurnscribe their activities and by the
exercise of varying degrees of pressure either to make their leaders
subservient tools of the Communist political ajms or to paralyse their
influence.The latest example of this many-sided technique has been
afforded by the staging in Sofiaof the notorious trial of fifteen Protestant
. 6. In these circumstances, His Jlajesty's Government in the United
Kingdom as a signatory to theTreaty of Peace consider that the Bulga-
nan Government have repeatedly violated and continue to violate the
provisions of Article 2 of that Treaty. They accordingly call upon the
of these violations. to adopt prompt remedial rneasures in respect
7, In view ofthe absence of local Australian and New Zealand repre-
sentation in Bulgaria, the Australian and New Zealand Governments
have requested His Majesty's Legation to inform the Bulgarian Ministry
for Foreign Affairs that they associate themselves with the terms of
this note.
His Britannic Majesty's Legation take this opportunity, etc. DOCULIENTS TRANSDIIS

Annexe z

[Texte original en anglais]

z avril1949.
r. La légation de Sa Majestk britannique présente ses compliments
au ministère des Affaires étrangèresde Roumanie et a l'honneur, confor-
mément aux instructions du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, d'attirer

son attention sur l'article3 du traité de paix avec la Roumanie, qui
est ainsi conCu :
((r. La Roumanie prendra toutes les mesures nécessaires pour
assurer à toutes les personnes relevant de sa juridiction, San: distinc-
tion de race, de sexe, de langue ou de religion, la jouissance des
droits de i'homrne et des libertés fondamentales, y compris la
liberté d'expression de la pensée,la liberté de presse etde publica-
tion, la liberté du culte, la liberté d'opinion et de réunion.
2. La Roumanie s'engage en outre à ce que les lois en vigueur

en Roumanie ne comportent, soit dans leur texte, soit dans les
modalités de leur application, aucune discrimination directe ou
indirecte entre les~essortissants roumains en raison de leur race,
de leur sexe, de leur langue, de leur religion, tant en ce qui concerne
leur personne, leurs biens, leurs intérêtscommerciaux, profession-
nels ou financiers, leur statut, leurs droits politiquetcivils qu'en
toute autre matière. ))

2. Depuis que letraité de paix est entré en vigueur le rg septembre
1947, le Gouvernement- de Sa Majesté britannique, en tant que partie
à cet instrument, a observé avec attention les mesures prises par le
Gouvernement roumain en ce qui concerne les dispositions citées plus
haut. Il en est venu avec regret à laconclusion que le Gouvernement
roumain a délibérémentet systématiquement déniéau peuple roumain
l'exercice de ces droits et libertésmêmes qu'aux termes de l'article 3
du traité il s'était engagé à lui assurer.
3. Le Gouvernement roumain a commencé à porter atteinte à ces
droits et libertés pendant .la période d'armistice et il a poursuivi et
intensifié cette politique depuis l'entrée en vigueur du traité de paix.
En exerçant arbitrairement le pouvoir policier et en faussant, à des
fins politiques, la procédure judiciaire, le Gouvernement roumain et
ses agents ont violéles droits que les citoyens, en leur qualité d'hommes
et de femmes libres, ont à la vie et à la liberté. En Roumanie, la liberté

d'opinion politique est refusée aux personnes qui ne partagent pas
l'opinion du Gouvernement. Sur l'initiative gouvernementale, des partis
politiques de caractère démocratique, auxquels le peuple avait donné
des mandats importants, ont été réduitsau silence dans le Parlement,
épurés,brisés et mis hors la loi. Une procédure judiciaire faussée a
privéde liberté des chefs politiques démocrates ; l'un d'eux, Iuliu Maniu,
Président du parti national paysan, a étécondamné à l'emprisonnement
Livie. Afin d'imposer une obédience politique rigoureuse, le Gouverne-
ment roumain et le parti des travailleurs rou~nains, qui exerce une
autorité absolue sur l'Etat, ont crééun réseau de policiers et d'agents
divers qui font .des observations et des rapports sur les opinions, les DOCUMENTS TRANS3lITTED 74


[Original tevt : English]
z April, 1949.

His Rlajesty's Legation presents its compliments to the Roumanian
hlinistry of Foreign Affairs and, on instructions from Wis bïajesty's
Government in the United Kingdom, has the honour to invite the
attention of the Koumanian Government to Article 3 of the Treaty
of Pcace with Roiimania which reads as follona :
"1. Koumania shall take al1 measures necessary to secure to al1

persons under lioumanian jurisdiction, without distinction as to
race, sex, langunge or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and
of tlie fundamental frccdoms, including the freedom of expression,
of press and piiblicrition, of religious worship, of political opinion
and of public mccting.
2. Rouniariin further undertakes that the lams in force in Rouma-
nia shall not, either in thcir content or in their application,
discsirniiiate or entail any discrimination between persons of
Roiirnanian natioiiality on the ground of their race, sex, language
or religion, whether in reference to their persons, property, business,
professional or financial interests, status, political or cirights or
any other matters."

2. Since the Treaty of Peace entered into force on Ij September, 1947,
His filajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, as aparty to that
instrument, have kept a close watch on the actions of the Koumanian
Government in relation to the provisions above quoted. They have come
with regret to the conclusion that the Koumanian Government have
deliberately and systematically dcnied to the Koumanian people the
exercise of those very rights and freedoms mhich they were pledged tu
secure to them under Article 3 of the Treaty.
3. The curtailment of these rights and freedoms began during the

armistice period and has been continuecl and intensified since the entry
into force of the Peace 'I'reaty. Through arbitranly e'rercised police
power and perversion of the juclicial process for political ends, the
Roumaiiian Gover~iment and their agents have violated the rights of
citizens, as frce men and women, to life and liberty. Freedom of political
opinion in Koumanin is denieù to tl-iosewho do not share that of the
Government. 'fhrough the Governmeiit's initiative, democratic political
parties dich hcld subçtantial mandates from the people have been
silenced in Parliament, purgecl, splintered and outlawed. Democratic
political leaders havebecn deprivecl of their libertby perverted ji~dicial
process and one of them, Iuliu hlaniu, the President of the National
Yeasant Party, was condemncd to imprisonment for life. In order to
enforce rigid political conformitÿ, the Roumanian Government and
Koumanian Worker'ç Party which is in control of the State have
established a networli of police and other agents tvho observe, report
on, penetrate and interferein private opinions, associations and activities
of Roumanian citizens.75 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS
associations et les activités des citoyens roumains et s'immiscent dans
leur vie privée.
4. Le Gouvernement roumain a également réduit Ia liberté d'expres-
sion. La liberté de presse et de publication n'existe pas. Les décrets
essentiels en matière de presse ont un caractère restrictif et font l'objet
d'une interprétation restrictive. Toute critique substantielle à l'égard

du Gouvernement ou du parti des travailleurs provoque aussitôt des
représailles. La distribution du papier-journal s'effectue de façon à
restreindre la liberté d'expression des individus ou des groupes qui
ont des opinions politiques différentes de celles du Gouvernement. De
même,les journalistes et les correspondants d'agences étrangers subissent
en fait un contrôle et des sanctions dont l'efficaciténe le cède en rien
à celle d'une censure officielle.
5.En outre, le Gouvernement roumain a poursuivi une politique qui
porte atteinte à la liberté du culte. Après avoiusé du pouvoir judiciaire
pour enrégimenter les organisations religieuses: les autorités roumaines
ont recouru à la persécution dans le casde 1'Eglise chrétienne grecque
(uniate) et elles ont dissous ce groupe religieux qui comptait plus d'un
million de fidèles.
6.Dans ces conditions, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté, en tant que
signataire du traité de paix, estime que le Gouvernement roumain a

violéàmaintes reprises, et continue de violer, lesdispositions de l'article 3
de ce traité. En conséquence, il invite le Gouvernement roumain à
adopter promptement des mesures propres à corriger l'effet de ces
7. Les Gouvernements du Canada, de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-
Zélande, qui n'ont pas de représentants distincts en Roumanie, ont prié
la légation de Sa Majesté de faire connaître au ministère des Affaires
étrangères de Roumanie qu'ils s'associent aux termes dans lesquels
est rédigée la présente note.
8. La légation de Sa Majesté saisit cette occasion, etc.

Annexe 3


[Texte original en anglais]

z avril 1949.
La légation de Sa Majesté britannique présente ses compliments au

rninisthre des Affaires étrangères de Hongrie et a l'honneur, conformé-
ment aux instructions du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, d'attirer
son attention sur l'article 2 du traité de paix avec la Hongrie, qui est
ainsi conçu :
<(I. La Hongrie prendra toutes les mesures nécessaires pour
assurer àtoutes les personnes relevant de sajuridiction, sans distinc-
tion. de race, de sexe, de langue ou de religion, la jouissance des
droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales, y compris la liberté
d'expression de la pensée, la liberté de presse et de publication, la
liberté du culte, la liberté d'opinion et de réunion.- 4, The Roumanian Government have also circumscribed freedom of
expression. Freedom of press and publication does not exist. The basic
decrees relating tothe press are restnctive in characterand so interpreted
in practice. Substantive criticism of the Govemment or Workers' Party
is at once met with reprisals. The distribution of news print is so effected
as to restrict expressionby individuals or groups whose political opinions
are at variance with those of the Government. Likewiseforeign press and
agency correspondents are in practice subjected to control and sanctions
which are no less effective than would be an officia1censorship.

5, Again, the Roumanian Government have pursued a policy detri-
mental to freedom of religious worship. Having taken legal powers to
regirnent religious organizations, the Roumanian authorities have
resorted to persecution in the case of the Greek Catholic (Uniate) Church
and dissolved this religious body which had over one million adherents.

6. In these circumstances His Majesty's Government in the United
Kingdom as a signatory to the Treaty of Peace consider thatthe Rouman-
ian Government have steadily violated, and continue to violate, the
provisions of Article 3 of that Treaty. They accordingly cal1upon the
Roumanian Government to adopt promptly remedial measures in
respect of these violations.
7. In view of the absence of separate Canadian, Australian, and New
Zealand representation in Rournania, the Government of Canada,
Australia and New Zealand ha\ie requested His hlajestyL 'egation to
inforrn the Roumanian Rlinistry of Foreign Affairs that they associate
themselves with the terms of this note.
8, His hlajesty's Legation avails itself of this opportunity, etc.

Annex 3

[Original text: English]

2 April, 1949.
His Britannic Majesty's Legation pisent their compliments to the
Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, acting on instructions from
His hlajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, have the honour to
inviteattention to Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace with Hungary which
reads as follows :

"1. Hungary shall take al1 measures necessary to secure to aii
persons under Wungarian jurisdiction, \vithout distinction as to race,
sex,language or religion, the enjoyment of human rights and of the
fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, of press
and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion and of

z. La Hongrie s'engage en outre à ce que les lois en vigueur en
Hongrie ne comportent, soit dans leur texte, soit dans les modalités
de leur application, aucune discrimination directe ou indirecte
entre les ressortissants hongrois en raison de leur race, de leur
sexe, de leur langue, de leur religion, tant en ce qui concerne leur
personne, leurs biens, leurs intérêtscommerciaux, professionnels
ou financiers, leiir statut,leurs droits politiques et civils qu'en
torrte autre rnatiéreJJ
z. Depuis qiic le traité de paix est entré en vigueur le 15 septembre
1947, le Gouvernement de Sa Blajesté britannique, en tant que partie

à cet instrument, a observé avec attention les mesures prises par le
Gouvernement liongrois eii ce qui concerne les dispositioris citées plus
haut. Il en est venu avec regret à Ia conclusion que le Gouvernement
hongrois a délibérémentet systématiquement déniéau peuple hongrois
l'esercice de ces droits et libertés mérnes qu'aus termes de l'article z
du traité il s'était engagà lui assurer.
3. Le Gouvernement hongrois a commencé i porter atteinte à ces
droits et libertés pendant la période d'armistice et il a poursuivi et
intensifié cette politique depuis l'entrée en vigueur du traité de paix.
En exerçarit arbitrairement le pouvoir policier et en faussant, à des
fins politiques, la procédure judiciaire, le Gouvernement hongrois et
ses agents ont violé Icdroit que les citoyens hongrois, en leur qualité
d'hommes et de femmes libres, ont à la vie et à la liberté. En Hongrie,
la liberté d'opitiioii politique est refusé?iceus qui ne partagent pas
l'opiiiioii du Gouvernement. Sur l'initiative gouvernementale, des partis
politiques de caractère démocratique, auxquels lc peuple avait donné
des maiidats importants, ont étéréduits ail silence dans le Parlement,
épurés,brisés et clissous. Afin d'assurer une obkclience politique rigou-
reuse, le Gouvernement hongrois et ,le parti des travailleurs hongrois,
qui exerce une autorité absolue sur I'Etat, ont crééiin réseaude policiers
et d'agents divers qui font des obsersations et des rapports sur les
opinions, les associations et les activités des citoyens hongrois et s'im-
miscent dans leur vie privée.
4. Le Gouvernement hongrois a également réduit In liberté d'expres-
sion. T,a liberté de presse et de publication n'existe pas. Les décrets

essentiels en matière de presse ont un caractère restrictif et font l'objet
d'une interprétation restrictive. Toute critique substantielle A l'égard
du Gouvcrnemcrit ou du parti des travailleurs provoque riussitôt des
représailles. La distribution du papier-journal s'effectue de façon à
restreindre la liberté d'expression des individus ou des groupes qui'ont
des opinions politiques différentesde celles du Goui,crnemcnt. De même,
les journalistes et Icç correspondants d'agence étrangers subissent en
fait un contrôle et des sanctions dont l'efficaciténe le cède en rien 3
celle d'une censure officielle.
5. En outre, le Gouvernement hongrois a poursuivi une politique qui
porte atteinte A la libertc du culteEn emprisoniiant des chefs religieux,
tels que l'évêque luthérien Ordass et le cardiiial Mindszenty, ainsi que
des membres du clergéet des laïques en vue, après avoir mis en scène
des procès qui, dans de nombreus cas, étaient manifestement jugés
d'avance et conduits selon une procédure faussée, le Gouvernement
hongrois a tenté de soumettre par Ia force les chefs religieux indépendants
ou de les faire remplacer par des collaborateurs dévouésau parti des
travailleurs etilson programme. - DOCUMENTS TRA'YSJIITTED 76
z. Hungary further undertakes that the laws in force in Hungary
shall not either in their content or in their application, discriminate
orentai1any discrimination between persons ofHungarian nationality
on the ground of their race, sex, lanpage or religion, whether in
reference to their persons, property, business, professional or finan-
cial interests, status, political or civil rights or any other matter."

2. Since theTreaty of Peace entered into force on I jSeptember, 1947, .
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, as a party to that
instrument, have kept a close watch on the actions of the Hunganan
Government in relation to the provisions quoted above. They have
corne with regret to the conclusion tliat the Hungarian Government
have deliberately and systematically denied to the Hunganan people
the exercise of those very rights and freedoms which they were pledged
to 3.cThe curtailment of thesc rights and freedoms began during the
Armistice period and has been continued and intensified since the entry
into force of the Peace Treaty. Through the arbitrary exercise of police
power and the perversion of judicial processes for political ends, the
Hungarian Government and their agents have violated the rights of
Hungarian citizens, as free men and women to life and liberty. Freedom
of political opinion in Hungary is denied to those who do not share that
of the Government. Through the Government's initiative, democratic
political parties which held substantial mandates from the people have
been silenced in Parliament, purged, splintered and dissolved. In order
to. enforce rigid political conformity, the Hunganan Government and
Hungarian Worker's Party, which is in control of the State, have
established a network of police and other agents who obsenre, report on,
penetrate and interfere in the private opinions, associations and activities
of Hungarian citizens. ,

4. The Hungarian Government have also circumscribed freedom of
expression. Freedom of press and publication does not exist. The basic
decrees relating to the press are restrictive in character and so inter-
. preted in practice, Substantive criticism of the Government or \Vorkers'
Party is at once met with reprisais. Distribution of newsprint is so
effected as to restrict expressionby individuals or groups whose political
opinions are at variance with those of the Government. Eikewise foreign
press and agency correspondents are in practice subjected to control
and sanctions which are no less effective than would be an official

5. Again the Hungarian Government have pursued a policy detri-
mental to freedom of religious worsliip. By the imprisonment of religious
leaders such as the Lutheran Bishop Ordass and Cardinal Mindszenty,
as well as of clergy and prominent hymen, after the staging of trials
which in many cases were manifestly prejudicial and improperly conduc-
ted, the Hungarian Government have attempted to force the submission
of independent Churcli leaders and to secure their replacement by
collaborators subservient to the 11Torkers'Party and its programme,77 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

6. Dans ces conditions, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté, en tant que
signataire du traité de paix, estime que le Gouvernement hongrois a
violéàmaintes reprises, et continue de violer, lesdispositions de l'ar2'cle
de ce Traité. En conséquence, il invite le Gouvernement hongrois à
adopter promptement des mesures propres à corriger l'effet de ces
7. Les Gouvernements du Canada, de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-
Zélande, qui n'ont pas de représentants distincts en Hongrie, ont prié
la légation de Sa Majesté de faire connaître au ministère des Affaires
étrangères de Hongrie qu'ils s'associent aux termes dans lesquels est
rédigéela présente note.
La légation de Sa Majestésaisit cette occasion, etc.


[Texte original en anglais]
7 avril 1949.

Le ministère des Affsires étrangères de Hongrie présente ses compli-
ments à la légation du Royaume-Uni A Budapest et a l'honneur d'accuser
réception de sa note verbale no 185/187/~8/4g, du 2 avril 1949.
Le ministère des Affaires étrangèresde Hongrie constate que le texte,
l'esprit et l'argumentation de la note britannique sont analogues à
ceux de la note no 360 que la légation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique à
Budapest a présentée en même temps. Le Gouvernement hongrois en
conclut que, sur l'initiative du Gouvernement des Etais-Unis, à laquelle
le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni a donné son approbation, une
démarche diplomatique de caractère commun a étéentreprise contre

le Gouvernement hongrois. C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement hongrois
n'est pas en mesure de donner au Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni une
réponse différentede celle qu'il a donnée au Gouvernement des Etats-
Unis. Le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni accuse le Gouvernement
hongrois de violer le traité de paix ; il mentionne en premier lieu les
dispositions du paragraphe I de l'article z de ce traité, aux termes
desquelles la Hongrie s'engage à assurer((à toutes les personnes relevant
de sa juridiction, sans distinction de race, de sexe, de langue ou de
religion, la jouissance des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamen-
tales>).En ce qui concerne la libre jouissance des droits de l'homme, il
est notoire que la République hongroise, bien avant la conclusion du
traité de paix, a aboli toutes les distinctions de racde sexe, de langue
et de religion qui existaient sous le régime de HorthyLe Gouvernement
hongrois s'est donc pleinement conformé aux dispositions du traite
de paix.
Le Gouvernement hongrois tient à faireremarquer que c'est le Gouver-
nement du Royaume-Uni qui lance contre le Gouvernement hongrois
les accusations ci-dessus mentionnées, alors que, de notoriétépublique,

il existe au Royaume-Uni d'importantes distinctions entre les citoyens
de races et de couleurs différentes, et qu'il s'en faut de beaucoup que
tous jouissent également des droits de l'homme. En outre, le Gouver- DOCUhIENTS TRANSMITTED 77

6. In these circurnstances His hlajesty's Government in the United
Kingdom as a signatory to theTreaty of Peace consider that the Hunga-
rian Government have steadily violated and continue to violate the
provisions of Article z of that Treaty. They accordingly cal1 upon the
Hungarian Government to adopt prompt remedial measures in respect
of these violations.
7. In view of the absence of separate Canadian, Australian and
New Zealand representation in Hungary, the Canadian, Australian and

New Zealand Governments have requested His Majesty's Legation
to inform the Hunganan Ministry of Foreign Affairs that they associate
themselves with the tems of this note.
His Britannic Majesty's Legation avail themselves of this oppor-
tunity, etc.

Annex 4

[Original text : English]

7 April, 1949.
The Hungarian hlinistry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments
to the Legation of the United Kingdom in Budapest and acknowledges
receipt of the latter's verbal note No.85/187/28/4g dated 2 ApriI,1949.
The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that the text,

essence and construction of the British note is similar to the nNo. 360
presented at the same tirne by the Legation of the United States of
America in Budapest. On the basis of this fact the Government of
Hungary establishes that, at the initiative of the United States Govern-
ment and agreed to by the Government of the United Kingdom, a
common diplornatic step was taken against the Government of Hungary.
Thus the Government of Hungary is not in a position to give the Govern-
ment of the United Kingdom an answer different from the one given
the Government of the United States. The Government of the United
Kingdom accuses the Government of Hungary witli the violation of
the Peace Treaty referring, first of ail, to Arti2,eparagraph I,of the
Peace Treaty which obliges Hungary to secure "to al1 persons under
Hungarian jurisdiction without distinction as to race, sex, language
or religion, thenjoyment of human rights and of the fundamental free-
doms". Itis well known that concerning the free enjoyment of human
rights the Republic of Hungary, well before the conclusion of the Peace
Treaty, abolished all discriminations as to race, sex, language and
religion wbich existed under the Horthy régime.Thus the Government
of Hungary has fully complied with the provisions of the Peace Treaty.

The Government of Hunga~y wishes topoint out that itisthe Gwern-
ment of the United Kingdom that launches the above-mentioned
reproaches against the Government of Hungary whereas, it is notorious
that in the United Kingdom serious discriminations exist between
citizens of different races and colour and that,y far, not every person
can equaUy enjoy human rights. Further on the Government of the7s DOCUMENTS TRAKSIIIS
nement du Royaume-Uni se réfèreau paragraphe 2 de l'article 2 du
traité de paix, aux termes duquel la Hongrie s'engage notamment à
ce que ses lois ne comportent aucune discrimination entre les ressortis-
sants hongrois en ce qui concerne (leur 'personne, leurs biens, leurs
intérêtscommerciaux, professionnels ou financiers », etc. Le Gouverne-

ment hongrois s'élèvecatégoriquement contre une telle interprétation
de cet article du traité de paix, qui contesterait la légalité desmesures
par lesquelles ce Gouvernement a transféréau peuple les grandes proprié-
tés et a déclaré.biensde la collectivité les monopoles capitalistes. Cette
manière d'interpréter le traité de paix revient à défendre les grandes
propriétés de type médiéval et les monopoles capitalistes, ainsi que
leurs détenteurs et propriétaires qui étaient les principaux appuis du
fascisme en Hongrie, en mêmetemps que les séidesles plus ardents de
Hitler dans la guerre contre les Puissances alliées et associéeset donc
contrele Royaume-Uni.
C'est pourquoi une telle interprétation du traité de pais ne revient
pas seulement à défendre la grande propriété et les monopoles capita-
listes ; elle signifie aussi que le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni désire
aider les partisans du régime réactionnaire et fasciste qui détenaient

le pouvoir en Hongrie, et entraver l'évolutioii démocratique du pays.
Le Gouvernement hongrois attire l'attention du Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni sur l'article 4 du traité de paix, aux termes duquel la .
Hongrie s'engage explicitement non seulement à dissoudre les organisa-
tions de caractère fasciste, mais encore à ne pas tolérer cl'existence et
l'activité d'organisations de cette nature qui ont pour but de priver le
peuple de ses droits démocratiques II.
Le Gouvernement hongrois fait observer qu'il a agi et continue d'agir
dans l'esprit de ces dispositions du traité de paix, en dissolvant les
organisations et les partis qui visent a restaurer l'ancien régimefasciste,
et en traduisant en justice les personnes qui s'efforcent, par leurs actes,
de renverser la République démocratique.
La protestation du Gouvernementdu Royaume-Uni contre lesmesures
que le Gouvernement hongrois a prises A l'égard des organisations
fascistes et antidémocratiques en appliquant les dispositions du traité

de paix montre clairement qu'il n'a pas l'intention de respecter ce traité,
mais qu'il désiresoutenir les élémentsréactionnaires etantidémocratiques
qui voudraient restaurer en Hongrie le régime de la grande propriété
et des monopoles.
Le Gouvernement hongrois déclare une fois de plus que la Hongrie
s'est acquittée, s'acquitte et s'acquittera de toutes les obligations
définies dans le traité de paix. En même temps, le Gouvernement
hongrois proteste avec énergie contre la tendance du Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni à utiliser les clauses du traité de paix comme prétexte
pour intervenir indûment dans les affaires intérieures de 1'Etat hongrois
souverain et pour soutenir les forces réactionnaires et fascistes qui
s'opposent au Gouvernement de la Hongrie.
D'après les considérations exposées ci-dessus, le Gouvernement hon-
grois estime quela note verbale du Royaume-Uni constitue une nouvelle

tentative en vue d'intervenir indûment dans les affaires intérieures de
ce pays et une nouvelle phase de la campagne d'excitation réactionnaire
que les milieux impérialistes des Etats-Unis et du Royaume-Uni entre-
prennent pour réaliser des desseins qui menacent la paix et qui sont
dirigéscontre la démocratie populaire hon~oise. United ICingdom refers to paragraph 2 of Article2 of the Peace Treaty,
which among others obliges Hungary not to discriminate by her laws
between Hu~igarian citizens in reference to "their personal property,
business, professionaland financial interests", etcThe Government of
Hungary categorically protests such an interpretation of this article
of the Peace Treaty which would dispute the legality of the measures
taken by this Government by which it has passed the large estates
into the hands of the people and declared common property the capitalist
monopolies. This kind of interpretation of the Peace Treaty equals
the defence of the medieval latifundia and capitalist monopolies, as
~vell as their owners who were the principal supports of fascism in
Hungary and at the same time Hitler's most ardent henchmen in the

war against the AlIied and Asswiated Poivers and thus against the
United Kingdom.

Consequently the above interpretation of the Peace Treaty does not
only mean the defence of large estates and capitalist monopolies, but
it aIso means that the Governrnent of the United Xingdom wishes to
help the adherents of the reactionary and fascist régime who were in
power in Hungary and to hamper the successful democratic transfor-
mation of the country. The Government of Hungary calls the attention
of the Government of the United Kingdom to Article 4 of the Peace
Treaty mhich explicitly obliges Hungary not only to dissolve the fascist
organizations but also not to allow "the existence and activities of
organizations of that nature which have as their aim the denial to the
people of their democratic rights".
The Government of Hungary points out thatithas been and is proceed-
ing in the sense of these provisions of the Peace Treaty, when dissolving
the organizations and parties aiming at the restoration of the old fascist
régimeand when summoning to the Court those who pursue an acticity
to overthrow the democratic Republic.
The protest of the Government of the United Kingdom against the
measures taken against the fascist and anti-democratic organizations
by the Government of Hungary when fulfilling the provisions of the

Peace Treaty, makes it obvious that it does not intend to respect the
Peace Treaty but wishes to extend its support to those reactionary
and anti-democratic elements who would like to restore the rule of the
large estates and the monopolies in Hungary.
The Government of Hungary declares once more that Hungary has
fulfilled, fulfils and will fulfil al1 obligations embodiein the Peace
Treaty. At the same time the Government of Hungary emphatically
protests the tendency of the Government of the United Kingdom to
use the stipulations of the Peace Treaty as a pretext for illeg-itimate
interference in the domestic. affairs of the sovereign Hungarian State
and for supporting the reactionary and fascist forces opposed to the
Government of Hungary.
On the basis of the above-exposed arguments the Government of
Hungary considers the verbal note of the United Kingdom a new attempt
at iilegitimate interference in the dornestic affairs of this country and
a new phase in the campaign of reactionary incitement pursued by the
imperialist quarters of the United States and the United Kingdom
in the service of their aims threatening peace and directed against
the Hungarian people's democracy.79 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

Pour ces motifs, le Gouvernement de la Hongrie rejette avec énergie
la note du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni.
Le Gouvernement hongrois regrette d'avoir à déclarer que le Gouver-
nement du Royaume-Uni a depuis peu renoncé à montrer une attitude
indépendante et s'est associéaux mesures prises par le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis contre la démocratie populaire hongroise. Le Gouver-
nement hongrois prie le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté de bien vouloir
porter les corisidérations exposées ci-dessuslaconnaissance des Gouver-
nements du Canada, de l'Australie et'de la Nouvelle-ZéIande.

Annexe 5


[Texte original en roumain]

(Reçue le 19 avril 1949.)

Le ministère des Affaires étrangères présente ses compliments à la
légation du Royaume-Uni à Bucarest et al'honneur, au nom du Gouver-
nement de la République populaire de Roumanie, de lui adresser la
communication suivante :
Le 2 avril, la légation britannique à Bucarest a remis au ministère
des Affaires étrangéres de la République populaire de Roumanie une
note dans laquelIe le Gouvernement britannique reprenait des affirma-
tions, qu'il avait déjà exposéesdans des notes antérieures, touchant de
prétendues violations, par le Gouvernernent roumain, des dispositions
de l'articl3du traité de paix.
Le Gouvernement de la République populaire de Roumanie constate
que Ia teneur de la note du Gouvernement britannique relative à la
violation, parle Gouvernement roumain, des droits de l'homme et des
libertés fondamentales ne correspond pas à la réalitéetrépète les inven-
tions de la presse calomniatrice des monopoles impérialistes.
Dans la République populaire de Roumanie, l'exercice des libertés
fondamentales: liberté de réunion et de manifestation, liberté de la
presse et de la parole, est garanti par la Constitution et assuré dans la
pratique par la mise à la dispositiondes travailleurs, d'imprimeries,de
papier-journal et de lieux de réunion.
La discrimination fondSe sur la nationalité ou la race est punie par
la loi.
Les communautés religieuses jouissent de la liberté du culte et dispo-
sent des locaux et des biens nécessaires à l'exercice des pratiques reli-
Ainsi, lalégislation de la République populaire de Roumanie garantit
l'exécutionréelledes dispositions de l'article 3 du traité de paix.
Le Gouvernement roumain constate que le Gouvernement britannique

a violé, et continue de violer, le traitéde paix avec la Roumanie en
cherchant à obtenir la non-application de l'article5 de ce traité, lequel,
dispose que le Gouvernement roumain ne devra pas tolérer l'existence
ni l'activité d'organisations de caractère fasciste qui ont pour but de
priver le peuple de ses droits démocratiques. For these reaçons'the Government of Wungary ernphatically rejects
the note of the Government of the United Kingdom.
The Government of Wungary is compelled to state with regret that
the Government of the United Kingdom, having refrained lately from
displaying an independent attitude, has joined the Government ofthe
United States inits actions against the Bungarian people's democracy,
the Government of Hungary requests His hlajesty's Government to
bring the above to the knowledge of the Governments of Canada,
Australia and New Zealand.

Annex 5

[Original text :Romanian]

(Received on 19Apnl, 1949.)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Lega-
tion of Great Britain at Eucharest and lias the honour to address to
the Legation on behalf of the Government of the Roumanian People's
Republic the following communication.
On 2April the British Legation at Bucharest presented to the hiinistry
of Foreign Affairs of the Roumanian People's Republic, a note on
behalf of the British Government in which, as well as in other earlier
notes, were maintained certain allegations made by the British C-overn-
ment conceming certain alleged infractions by the ltoumanian Govern-
ment of the provisions of Article 3 of the Treaty of Peace.
The Governrnent of the Roumanian People's Republic maintains
that the contents of the British Government's note regarding the
violation by the Roumanian Government of the rights of man and of
fundarnental liberties does not correspond to reality and repeats the
. inventions and slanders of the monopoly-imperialist press.
In the Roumanian People's Republic, the exercise of fundarnental
liberties, freedom of assembly and of manifestation, of the press and of
speech, isguaranteed by the Constitution and exercised in practice by
placing at the disposal of the working class, facilities for printing paper
and assembly rooms.
National and racial discrimination is punishable by Iaw.

The religious communities enjoy freedom of worship and have at
their disposal, properties and goods necessary for the exercising of
religious practices.
The laivsof the Roumanian People'sRepublic thus guarantee agenuine
application of the provisions of Articl3 of the Treaty ofPeace.
The Roumanian Government maintains that the British Government
has violated, and is violating the Treaty of Peace with Roumania by
seeking to ensure the non-application of Article 5 of the Treaty of
Peace which provides that the Roumanian Government shali not permit
the existence of organizations of a fascist nature and which have, as
their object, to deprive the people of their democratic rights.80 DOCUAfEKTS TRANSMIS

A l'appui de ses affirmations,le Gouvernement britannique cite, dans
sa note, les mesures que le Gouvernement roumain a prises à I'égard
des derniers tenants du fascisme et les sentences que les tribunaux de
la République populaire de Roumanie ont prononcées a I'égard de
bandes d'espions et de saboteurs travaillant pour Ies services d'espion-
nage américains et britanniques.
Les procèspublics intentés à cesbandes composéesdes chefs de l'ancien
parti national paysan, de légionnaires, de grands propriétaires fonciers
et de gros industrielsqui ont cherchéà faire de la Roumanie un nouveau
foyer de guerre, ont prouvé de façon incontestable que ces individus
recevaient des instructions et agissaient sous la direction de fonction-
naires des missions américaineet britannique à Bucarest.
Devant cettesituation, le Gouvernement roumain constate que la note
du Gouvernement britannique, de mêmeque se5 notes antérieures,
cherche à induire en erreur l'opinion publique mondiale, laquelle
condamne l'oppression et les guerres coloniales, la liberté accordéeaux
fascistes du type Mosley de s'organiser et d'attaquer les réunionsouvriP-
res, l'incitationà la guerre et la politique des pactes d'agression, le
maintien des foyers de guerre et les encouragements donnés aux bandes
fascistes qui assassinent en masse femmes et enfants, tous faits qui,
eux, constituent véritablement une violation brutale des droits de
l'homme et des libertésfondamentales.
En conséquence, le Gouvernement de la République populaire de
Roumanie déclare ne pouvoir admettre la tentative du Gouvernement
britannique d'intervenir dans les affaires intérieures de la Roumanie,
et ilrejettela note du Gouvernement britannique.

Annexe 6


[Texte original en français]
21 avril 1949.

Le ministère des Affaires étrangèresde la République populaire de
Bulgarie a l'honneur de communiquer à la légationde Grande-Bretagne
qu'il a pris connaissance delateneur de sa note sztbno 178.
Le Gouvernement de la République populaire de Bulgarie a toujours
exécutéet exécutera de la manière la plus consciencieuse les clauses du
traité de paix et cela non seulement parce que ce Gouvernement est
signataire dudit traité, mais également parce que sa politique, expres-
sion de la volonté de la majorité écrasantedu peuple bulgare, se trouve
être,de par sa nature, profondémeiltdémocratique et correspond entière-
ment à la lettre età l'esprit des article2, 3,4 et 5 du traité de paix.
I.Dèsavant l'entréeen vigueur du traité, le Gouvernement bulgare
avait pris toutes les mesures dépendant de sa volonté pour garantir
les libertés civiques fondamentales, ainsi que les droits politiques des
citoyens bulgares, sans distinction de race, nationalité, sexe et religion.

a) Ce Gouvernement a convoqué, sur la base du suffrage universel,
secret, égalet direct, une Grande Assembléenationale, laquelle a élaboré DOCUhlESTS TRAKSMITTED 80

The note of the British Government quotes, in support of its affirma-
tion, the rneasures taken bythe Roumanian Government against fascist
remnants and the sentences imposed by courts of law of the Roumanian
People's Republic against the bands of spies and saboteurs açsisting
the American and British espionage services.

The public'trials against these bands [composed of ?] the leaders of
the former National Peasant Party, legionnaires, landowners and big
business men, who tried to transform Roumania into a hotbed of war,
have proved beyond any possibility ofdoubt, that these people had been
instructed and led by officials of the American and British Legations
in T3ucharcst.
This being the case, the Roumanian Government States that the
note of the British Government. and previous notes seek to lead astray
world public opinion which condemns oppression and colonial wars,
liberty granted to fascists of the Afosleytype to organize and to attack
working class meetings, war mongering and policy of aggressive pacts,
bands which murder women and children wholesale. It is these thingsst

liberties ofcman.itute a brutal violation of the rights and fundamental

Consequently the Gavernment of the Roumanian People's Republic
declares that it does not admit the attempt of the British Government
to interfere in the interna1 affairs of Roumania and rejects the note
of the British Government.

[Original test: French]

21 April, 1949.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's RepubIic of Bulgaria
has the honour to infom the Legation of the United Kingdom that it
has taken cognizance of the tenor of the Legation'ç note No. x7S.
The Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria has always
carried out and will always carry out in a most conscientious manner
the clauses of the Peace Treaty, not only because this Government
is signatory to the said Treaty, but also because its policy, the expres-
sion of the will of the ovenvhelming majority of the Bulgarian people,
is by its inherent nature profoundly democratic and corresponds fully
to the letter and spirit of Articles2, 3,4 and 5 of the Peace Treaty.
I.Even before the entryinto force of the Peace Treaty, the Rulgarian
Government had undertaken al1measureswithin the scopeofits authonty
to guarantee the fundamental civil liberties and political rights of
BuIgarian citizens, without distinction of race, nationality, sex or
a) The Bulganan Governrnent convoked, on the basis of universal,
secret, equal and direct suffrage, a Grand National Assembly which81 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

la loi constitutionnelle du pays, qui a non seulement consacré d'une
manière solennelle les droits et libertés fondamentaux des citoyens
bulgare, droits et libertés visés à l'article z du traité de paix, mais a
garanti également leur exercice effectif.
6) Le Gouvernement a pris en mêmetemps les mesures nécessaires
en vue de la liquidation définitive du régime fasciste et de l'écartement
de toute tentative visant à frustrer la nation de ses droits et libertés
démocratiques. Ces mesures du Gouvernement ont rencontré une pleine
approbation dans le texte même de l'articl4 du traité de paix, alors
que la nouvelle Constitution de la Bulgarie, entrée en vigueur l5 d6cem-
bre 1947 .arantissait au peuple bulgarele droit et lepouvoir nécessaires,
afin de vouer à l'échectoute tentative de restauration fasciste ou anti-
démocratiqueen Bulgarie. En présencede ces faits notoires, ilest étrange
que le Gouvernement britannique puisse formuler à l'adresse de la
Bulgarie des accusations au sujet de la non-observation et de la viola-
tion des clauses politiques du traité de paix et plus spécialement de
l'article2 dudit traité.
2. De même, ne peut manquer de susciter la surprise le fait que le
Gouvernement britannique a cru devoir étayer ses accusations concer-
nant la violation du traité de paix, en vigueur depuis le 15 septembre
1947, en invoquant des faits remontant à l'époque de l'armistice, alors
que les trois grandes Puissances disposaient de la faculté d'exercer un
largecontrôle sur l'administration du pays.
3, La note du Gouvernement britannique vise, d'autre part, certains

faits et gestes du Gouvernement bulgare, tels que prochs, etc., survenus
après l'entréeen vigueur du traité de paix. Après que le Gouvernement
bulgare se trouve avoir pristoutes les mesures en vue de l'observation
des cIauses politiques du traité de paix, et notamment après que la
Bulgarie a étédotée d'une constitution des plus démocratiques au
monde et que le peuple s'est vu garantir le pouvoir légal d'exercer et
de défendreses droits et libertés, le Gouvernement bulgare, en sa qualité
de gouvernement d'un État souverain, ne peut consentir à laisser à
l'appréciation d'autres Etats ses actes, pour Iesquels il ne porte de
responsabilité que devant l'Assembléenationale. Ce Gouvernement peut
d'autant moins consentir à subir la critique de Puissances étrangères
en ce qui concerne l'activité de tribunaux bulgares, établis en vertu de
la Constitution et fonctionnant publiquement selon des lois les plus
modernes et les plus démocratiques.
Le Gouvernement bulgare repoussera toute tentative d'immixtion
dans les affaires intérieurese la Bulgarie et considérera comm: un acte
inamical tout essai de lui infliger un traitement en tant qu'Etat dont
les actes intérieurs seraient susceptibles d'êtreugés par des Puissances
4. En ce qui concerne le fond même desaccusations formulées dans
la note du Gouvernement britannique, le Gouvernement bulgare, sans
vouloir en discuter laportée, les repousse énergiquement. Sous le régime
de la démocratie populaire en Bulgarie, les masses laborieuses des villes

et villages, constituant l'immense majorité de la nation, jouissent, non
seulement sur papier, mais également en fait, de tous les droits et libertés
politiques fondamentaux de l'homme. Des restrictions se rapportant à
l'exercice de la liberté de réunion et d'association, de la liberté de la
parole et de la prme, n'existent et ne sont appliquées en Bulgarie que
dans les cas prévus par les lois à l'égard des contrevenaiits et dans DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 81

enacted the constitutional laivof the country ; and this Constitution
not only solemnly enshrined those fundemental rights and freedom
of Bulgarian citizens which are the subject of Article 2 of the Peace
Treaty, but also guaranteed their effective exercise.
(b) At the same time, the Bulgarian Government took the necessary
measures for the final liquidation of the fascist régimeand the elimina-
tion of every attempt to deprive the nation of its democratic rights
and freedoms. These measures of the Government were in full conformity
with the tevt of Articl4 of theTreaty ; and moreover the new Bulgarian
Constitution, which came into force on 5 December, rg47, guaranteed
to the Bulgarian people the necessary right and posver to condemn
to failure any attempt to promote a fascist or anti-democratic restora-
tion in Bulgaria. In the preçence of these well-known facts it is strange
that the Government of the United Kingdom could formulate against
BuIgaria accusations of non-observance and violation of the political

clauses of the Peace Treaty, and of Article z of the said Treaty in
2. Similarly, it is surpnsing that the Government of the United
Kingdom has deemed it necessary to support its accusations of viola-
tions of the PeaceTreaty, in force since15September, 1947 by adducing
facts which date back to the Armistice period, a time when the three
great Powers were able to exercise a wide control over the administra-
tion of the country,
3. Moreover, the note of the United Kingdom Governrnent refers
to certain deeds and actions of the Bulgarian Government, such as
trials, etc., which have taken place since the entry into force of,the
Peace Treaty. Now that the Bulgarian Government has taken al1mea-
sures to ensure cornpliance with al1 the political clauses of the Peace
Treaty, and especially now that BuIgaria has acquired the most demo-
cratic constitutionin the world and the people have been guaranteed
legal power to exercise anddefend their rights and freedoms, her Govern-
ment, as government of a sovereign State, cannot agree to pe*
other States to pronounce judgrnent upon its actions, for which it is
responsible only to the National Assembly. Still less can it submit to
criticism from foreign Powers concerning the actions of Bulgarian
courts established by virtue of the Constitution and adjudicating in
public in accordance with the most modern and democratic laws.

The Bulgarian Government will repel every attempt at interference
in the domestic affairs of Bulgaria and \vil1consider as an unfriendly
actanyattempt to force it to accept treatment as a State whose internai
acts are subject to judgment by foreign Powers.

4. As regards the substance of the accusations formulated in the
note of the United Kingdom Government, the Bulgarian Government,

without wishing to discuss their compass, rejects them energetically.
Under the régime of the people's democracy in Bulgaria, the toiling
masses in thetowns and villages, which constitute the immense majority
of the nation, enjoy not only on paper but also in fact a11the fundamental
political rights and freedoms of man. Restrictions on the exercise of
'the freedom of assembly or of association, of the freedom of speech
or of the press, do not exist and are not applied in Bulgaria except
against offenders in the cases provided by law precisely in the interest 82 DOCUIIENTS TRANSMIS

l'intérêtmême de la sécurité publique, le maintien de l'ordre et la
moralité du peuple.
En conclusion, le Gouvernement de la République populaire de
.Bulgarie considére la notede l'honorable légation de Grande-Bretagne
comme non fondée et sa teneur, rendue publique par le Gouvernement
britannique dès sa remise, et bien avant la présente réponse, comme
une propagande inamicale incompatible avec les principes du droit
international et de nature à encourager les élémentsprofascistes et
hostiles dans lepays.
Prenant acte du fait que les Gouvernements de l'Australie et de la
Xouvelle-Zélande en tant que signatairesdu traité de paix se solidarisent
avec la teneur de la note britannique, le ministère des Affaires étrangères
de la République populaire de Bulgarie considère quela présente réponse
les concerne également.
Pour ce qui est de la notedel'honorable légation de Grande-Bretagne,
sub no 179, par laquelle celle-ci a jugé utilede se faire l'interprète
également de l'opinion du Gouvernement du Canada, opinion s'identifiant

à celle du Gouvernement de Grande-Bretagne, le ministèredeç Affaires
étrangèresde la République populaire de Bulgarieme voit aucune raison
formelle pour une communication semblable, étant donnéque le Canada
n'est pas signataire du traité de paix avec la Bulgarie.
Le ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République populaire de
Bulgarie saisit cette occasion, etc.

[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
La Iégation de Sa Majesté britannique présente ses compIiments au
ministère de; Affaires étrangèresde la Bulgarie et, conformément aux
instructions du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni,
a l'honneur de faire parvenir le réponse suivante à la note du ministère
no 23176-37 -u1 21 avril1949.
2. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majestésevoit dans.1'obligation de déclarer
formellement qu'à ses yeux le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie n'a pas
répondu aux accusations précisesportées contre lui concernant les mesu-
res par lesquelles il refuse au peuple bulgare la jouissance des droits et
des libertés qu'il s'est engagé lui assurer aux termes de l'articzedu
traité de paix. De l'avis du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté, les déclara-
tions et les allégations formuléesdans la note précitéedu ministère n'ont
aucun rapport avec ces accusations. C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement de

SaMajestéestime qu'il s'est élevun différendau sujet de l'interprétation
et de l'exécutiodu traité de paix et que le Gouvernement de la Bulgarie
ne s'est nullement montré disposé à régler ce différend de concert avec
les autres parties. Le Gouvernement de l'Australie et celui de la Nouvelle-
Zélande partagent Ies vues du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le
- Royaume-Uni.
3. En conséquence, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté a donné pour
instructions à son ministre de porter ce différend à la connaissance de of public security, the maintenance of order and the public morals.
In conclusion, the Government of the People's Republic ofRulgaria
considers the note of the Honorable United Kingdom Legation as
unfounded, and its tenor, made public by the United Kingdom Govern-
ment immediately after it had been delivered and long before the present
reply, as unfriendly propaganda, incompatible with the principles of
international law and such as to encourage the pro-fascist and hostile
elenients in the country.
Taking note that tlie Governments of Australia and New Zealand,
as signatories of the Peace Treaty, are in agreement with the tenor of
the United Kingdom note, the Ministrjr of Foreign Afiairs of the People's
Republic of Bulgaria considers that the present reply concerns them
As regards note No. 179 from the United Kingdom Legation. in which
that Legation thouglit fit also to interpret the opinofnthe Government
of Canada, which is identical with that of théGovernment of the United
Kingdom, the Ministry of Foreign Afairs of the People's Republic of
Bulgaria sees no formal reason for such a communication, since Canada
is not a signatory to the Pence Treaty with Bulgaria.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Rulgaria
'avails itselof this opportunity, etc.

Awnex 7

[Original test : English]

His Britannic Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the
Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and under instructions from
His RIajesty's Government i~ithe United Ringdom have the honour
to return the following reply to the note from the Ministry of 21 Apnl,
1949N ,O.23176-37-1.
2.His Majesty's Goveriiment find it necessary to place on record
their view that the 13ulgariiziiGovernment have not addressed themselves
to answering the specific charges against them of denying to the 13ulga-
rian people those rights and freedoms which they were pledged to secure
to them under Article 2 of the Peace Treaty. Iri the opinion of His
Rlajesty's Government, the statements aiid allegations advanced in
the Alinistry'ç note under reference are entirely irrelevant to these
charges. His Rfajesty's Government accordingly consider that a dispute
has arisen concerning the interpretation and esecution of the Treaty,
which the Bulgarian Government have shown no disposition to join
in settling. The views of His blajesty's Government in the United King-
dom are also shared by the Australian and Xew Zealand Governrneiits.

3. His Majesty's hlinister has therefore been instructed to refer these
disputes to his United States and Soviet colleagues for considerationses collègues des États-unis d'Amérique et de l'Union des Républiques
socialiçtes soviétiques pour qu'ils l'examinent avec lui, conformément
aux dispositions de l'article 36 du traité de paix. Copies des lettres
&ns lesquelles le ministre de Sa Majesté a invité ses coilègues des
Etats-Unis d'Amérique et de l'Union des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques à lerecentrer à ce sujet sont jointes à la présente note.
La légation de Sa Majesté britannique saisit cette occasion, etc.

Annexe 7 a

[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.

La légation de Sa Majesté britannique présente ses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Hongrie et, conformément aux
instructions du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni,
a l'honneur de faire parvenir la réponse suivante à lanote du ministère
no 2671/b-1g49 en date du 8 avril.
2.Le Gouvernement de SaMajestésevoit dans l'obligation de déclarer
formellement qu'à ses yeux le Gouvernement de la Hongrie n'a pas
répondu aux accusations précises portées contre lui concernant les
mesures par lesquelles il refuse au peuple hongrois la. jouissance des
droits et des libertés qu'il s'estengagé à lui assurer aux termes de
l'article2 du traitéde paix, De l'avis du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté,
les déclarations et les allégations formulées dans la note précitéedu
ministère n'ont aucun rapport avec ces accusations. C'est pourquoi le
Gouvernement de Sa Majesté estime qu'il s'est élevéun différend au
sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution du traité et que le Gouver-
nement de la Hongrie ne s'est montré nullement disposé à régler ce
diffkrend de concert avec les autres parties. Les Gouvernements du
Canada, de l'Australie et de la Kouvelle-Zélande partagent les vues du
Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni.
3. En conséquence, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté a donné pour
instructions à son,ministre de porter ce différend à Ia connaissance de
ses colIègues des Etats-Unis d'Amérique et de l'Union des Républiques
socialistes soviétiquespour qu'ils l'examinent avec lui, conformément
aux dispositions de l'article40 du traité de paix. Copies des-notes par
les quelles le ministrde Sa Majestéa invité ses collèguesdes Etats-Unis
d'Amérique et de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques à le
rencontrer à ce sujet sont jointes a Ia présentenote.
La légation de Sa Majestébritannique saisit cette occasion, etc. DOCUMENTS TRANSMISTED 83

jointly with himself in accordance with the provision of Article 36
of the Peace Treaty. Copies of his notes to his United States and Soviet
colleagues inviting them to a meeting for this purpose are enclosed.

His Britannic Majesty's Legation take this opportunity, etc.

[Original text : English]

31 May, 1949.
ais Britannic Maj esty's Legation present their compliments to the
Hunganan hlinister of Foreign Affairs and, under instructions from
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, have the honour
to return the following reply to the note from the Ministry of 8 April,
No. 2671/b-1949-
2. His Majesty's Government find it necessary to place on record

their view that the Hungarian Government have not addressed them-
selves to answering the specific charges against them of denying to
the Runguian people, those rights and freedoms which they were
pledged to secure to them under Article 2 of the Treaty of Peace. In
the opinion of His Majesty's Government the statemcnts and aUega-
tions advanced in the Ministry's note under reference are entirely irrele-
vant to these charges. His Majesty's Government accordingly consider
that a dispute has arisen concerning the interpretation and execution
of the Treaty which the Hungarian Government have shown no disposi-
tion to join in settling. The view of His Majesty's Government in the
United Kingdom are a1so shared by the Canadian, Australian and
New Zealand Governments.

3. His Majesty's Minister has tlierefore been instructed torefer these
disputes to his United States and Soviet colleagues for consideration
jointly with himself, in accordance ivith the provisions of Article 40
of the Treaty. Copies of his notes to his United States and Soviet
colleagues inviting them to a meeting for this purpose are enclosed.

His Rritannic Majesty's Legation avail themselves of this oppor-

Annexe 7 b

[Texte original en anglais!

31 mai 1949.

La légation de Sa Majesté'britannique présente ses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangèresde la Roumanie et, conformément aux
instructions du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni,
a l'honneur de faireparvenir la réponsesuivante à la note du ministère
na CB.4.351/1949 du 18 avril 1949.
2. Le Gouvernement de SaMajestésevoit dans l'obligation de déclarer
formellement qu'à ses yeux le Gouvernement de la Roumanie n'a pas
répondu aux accusations précises portées contre lui concernant les
mesures par lesquelles il refuse au peuple roumain la jouissance des
droits et des libertés qu'il s'est engagé à lui assurer aux termes de
l'article 3 du traitde paix.De l'avis du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté,
les déclarations et les allégations formulées dans la note précitée du
ministère n'ont aucun rapport avec ces accusations. C'est pourquoi
le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté estime qu'il s'est élevéun différendau
sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécutioni1 traité, et queleGouver-
nement de la Roumanie ne s'est nullement montré disposé à régler ce
différend de concert avec les autres parties. Les Gouvernements du
Canada, de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande partagent les vues du

Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni.
3, En conséquence, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté a donné pour
instructions.Ason, ministre de porter ce différendA la connaissance de
ses collègues des Etats-Unis d'Amérique et de l'Union des Républiques
socialistes soviétiques pour qu'ils l'examinent avec lui, conformément
aux dispositions de l'articl38 du traité de paix. Copies despotes par
lesquellesleministre de Sa Majesté a invité ses collègues des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique et de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques à le
rencontrer à ce sujet sont jointeà la présente note.
La Légation de Sa Majesté britannique saisit cette occasion, etc.

[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949,
Monsieur le Ministre,
D'ordre du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, j'ai
l'honneur de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril,

adresséeau ministére des Affaires étrangèresdla Bulgarie par la légation
de Sa Majesté, dans laquelIe le Gouvernement bulgare est formellement
accusé d'avoir violéles dispositions de l'articleu traité de paix avec DOCUJIESTS TRASSblITTED 84

Annex 76

[Original text : Englishj

His hlajesty's Legation presents its compliments to the Roumanian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, under instructions from Wis Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom, hasthe honour to return the follow-
ing reply to the note from the hfinistry of 18April, 1949,No. CB.q.351/

192..His Majesty's Government find it necessary to place on record
their view that the Roumanian Government have not addressed them-
selves to answering the specific charges against them of denying to the
Roumanian people those nghts and freedoms ~vhickthey were pledged
to secure to them under Article 3 of the Treaty of Yeace. In the opinion
of His Majesty's Government statements and allegations advanced in

the Ministry's note under reference are entirely irrelevant to these
charges. His Majcsty's Government accordingly consider that a dispute
has arisen concerning the interpretation and execution of the Treaty
~Yhichthe Roumanian Government have shown no disposition to join
in settling. The views of His Majesty's Government in the United King-
dom are also shared by the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand

3. His Majesty's llinister has therefore been instructed to refer these
disputes to his United States and Soviet colleagues for consideration
jointly with himself in accordance with the provisions of Article 38 of
the Treaty. Copiesof his notes to his United States and Soviet colleagues
inviting them to a meeting for this purpose are cnclosecl.

4. His Majesty's Legation avails itself of this opportunity, etc.


Annex 8

[Original test : English]

31 hfay, 1949.
Your Excellency,
1 have the horiour, on instructions from His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you the text of a copy of a note
which was addrcssed by His Majesty's Legation on 2 April to the Bul-
garian hfinistr~rof Foreign Affairs, in lvhich the Bulganan Government
was formally charged with the violation of Article 2 of the Treaty of
IIla Bulgarie. Je joins également à la présente le teste clc laréponsedu
ministike repoussant ces accusations.
2. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté estime que les termes de cette
réponse nesont pas satisfaisants et le ministère des Affaires étrangéres
de la Bulgarie en a étéinformépar une note dont je voiis envoie ci-joint
copie. Le Gouvernement de l'Australie et celui de la NouveHe-Zélande
partagent les vues du Gouvernement de Sa Majestédans le Royaurne-
Uni etib se sont associés à la note de la légation de Sa Majestéen date
du 2 avril, 11est évident, d'aprèscette correspondance, qu'il s'est élevé
des différendsau sens de l'articl36 du traitéde pais, dont voici le texte:

a I.Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout
différendrelatifQ l'interprétation ou A l'exécutionde ce traité, qui
n'a pas étéréglépar voie de négociation; diplomatiques directes,
sera soumis aux trois chefs de mission, agissant comme il est prévu
a l'articlJj, mais, en pareil cas,les chefs de mission ne seront pas
tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différendde cette
nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délaide deux mois
. sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une et l'autre
d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requéte de l'une ou
l'autre des parties,à une Comnission composéed'un représentant
de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord
entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un pays tiers. A
défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les deux parties au
sujet de la désignation de ce tiers membre, l'une ou l'autre partie.
pourra demander au Secrétaire générad les Nations Unies de procé-
der à cette désignation.
2. La décision prisepar la majoritt des membres de ln Commis-.
sion sera considéréecomme décisionde la Commission et acceptée
par les parties comme définitive et obligatoire. ))
3, En conséqueiice, leGouvernement de Sa Majestédntls le Royauine-
Uni, le Gouvernement de l'Australie et le Gouverncmetit de la Nouvelle-
Zélande ont décidéd'invoquer la procédure prévue i l'article précité
en vue du règlement de ces différends,et je vous serais recoiinaissriiit
de bien vouloir me faire savoir leplus tôt possible à quelle date vous
serez disposé à rencontrer notre coltègue de l'Union des Républiques
socialistes soviétiques et moi-même afinque nous puissions prendre
connaissance de la question, conformément aux dispositions du traité
de pais.
4. Une note de teneur analogue est adresséeau représentant de l'Union
des Républiques socialistes soviétiques, et nous faisons parvenir au
rninistére des Affaires étrangèresde Bulgarie copie de cette note et de
la présente lettre.
Je saisis cette occasion, etc.

Peace with Bulgaria. 1 also enclose a copy of the Ministry's reply, in
which tliese charges are rejected.
2. His hlajesty's Government consider that the terms of this reply
are unsatisfactory and the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have
been so inforrned in a note of which I enclose a copy. The views of
Wis Majesty's Government in the United Ringdom are also shared by
the Australia~i and New Zealand Governments, who associated them-
selves with the terms of His Majesty's Legation's note of z April, It
is evident from this correspondence that disputes have arisen in the
sense of Article 36 of the Peace Treaty which reads as follows :

'Ir.Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled
by direct diplomatic negotiations, shaU be referred to the three
Heads of Mission acting under ArticIe 35, except that in this case
the Heads of hlission wilI not be restricted by the time-limit
provided in thnt article. Any such dispute not resolved by thern
within a period oftwo months shall, unIess the parties to the dispute
mutually agree upon another means of settlemerit, be referred
at the request of either party to the dispute to a Commission com-
yosed of one representative of each party and a third member
selected by mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals
of a third country, Should the two parties fail to agree uithin a
period of one month upon the appointment of the third mernber,
the Secretary-General of the United Nations may be requested by
either party to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commis-
çion shall be the decision of the Commission, and shallbe accepted
by the parties as definitive and binding."
3. His Najesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Australian
Government and the New Zealand Government have accordingly ,
decided to invake the procedure laid down iii this article for settlement
of such disputes, and 1 shall be glad if you will inform me at an eai-ly
date when you will be prepared to meet rny Soviet colleague and myself

in order that we rnay take cognizance of this in the manner 'prescribed
in the Peace Treaty.

4. -4 similar note is being addressed to the representative of the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and copies are being fonvarded to
the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I avail myself of this oyportunity, etc.
[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
hionsieur le Chargé d'affaires,
D'ordre du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le 120ynume-Uni, j'ai
l'honneur de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du z avril,
adressée au ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Hongrie par la léga-

tion de Sa Majesté, dans laquelle le Gouvernement hongrois est formeile-
ment accusé d'avoir violé les dispositions de l'article 2 du traité de
paix avec la Hongrie. Je joins également i la présente le teste de la
réponse du ministére repoiissaiit ces accusations.
2. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté estime cluc les termes de cette
réponse ne sont pas satisfaisants et le ministère des Affaires étrangères
de la Hongrie en a étéinformépar une note dolit jc vous envoie ci-joint
copie. Le Gouvernement du Canada, celui de l'Australie et celui de la
Souvelle-Zélande partagent les vues du Goulrernemcnt de Sa Majesté
dans le Royaume-Uni et ils se sont associés h In ilote de la légation
de Sa en date du 2avril. Il est évident, ù'aprEs cette corrcspoii-
dance, qu'il s'estélevédes différends au seris clel'article40 du traité
de paix, dont voici le texte :

« 1.Esception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressémeiit prévue par un article du prCsent traité, tout
différend relatif & l'interprétation oA l'exécution de ce traité, qui
n'a pas étéréglépar voie de négociations cliplomatiques directes,
sera souinis au trois chefs de mission, agissant comme il est pré1.u
à l'articl39 mais, en pareil cas, les chefs de mission ne seront pas
tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. 'Tout différend de cette
nature qu'ils ii'auraient pas encore régli. dans un délai de deus
mois sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une et
l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soiimis, rl la requête de l'une
ou l'astre desparties, à une Commissioncomposée d'un représentant

de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord
eiitre les deus parties parmi les reçsortissrints d'un pays tiers. A
défaut d'accord dans iin délai d'un mois eritreles clcux partjes au
sujet de la dkignatiori de ce tiers membre. l'une ou l'autre partie
pourra demander au Secrétaire général des Xrztions Unies de procé-
der 5 cette désigna tion.
2. La diicision prise par la majorité des membres de la Commis-
sion sera considCr6c comme décision de la Coinmission et acceptée
par les parties comme définitive et obligatoire.11

3.En coiisécluencc,le Gouvernement de Sa Jlajestrdans le Royaume-
Uni, le Coiivernement di1 Canada, celui de l'Australie et celui de la
Bouvelle-Zélande ont décide d'invoquer 1a procédure pré\-rue à l'article
précité en vue di1règlement de ces différends, et je vous serais reconnais-
sant de bien voiiloir me faire savoir le plus tôt possible à quelle date
vous serez disposé rlrencontrer notre collèguede I'Uriiondes Républiques
socialistes soviéticlues et moi-même afin que nous ~iuissions prendre DOCUJIENTS TRASSJIITTED 86


[Original test : English]

1 have the honour, on instructions from His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you herewith a copy of a note
which was addressed by His Britannic Majesty's Legation on 2 April
to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which the Hungarian
Gove~rnent was formally charged with violation of Article z of the
Treaty of Peace with Hungary. 1 also enclose a copy of the Ministry's
reply, in which these charges are rejected.
2. His Majesty's Government consider that the terms of this reply
are unçatisfactory and the Hungarian Miniçtry of Foreign Affairs have
been so informed in a note of which 1 enclose a copy. The views of
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by

the Canadian Government, the Australian Government and the New
Zealand Government who sssociated themselves with the terms of
His Majesty's Legation's note of z April. It ievident fronl this corres-
pondence that disputes have arisen in the sense of Article 40 of the
Treaty of Peace which reads as follows :
"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretationor execution of the Treaty, which is not settled
by direct diplornatic negotiations, shallbe referred ta the three
I-leads of Mission acting under Artic39,except that in this casthe

Heads of 31ission will not be restrictedby the tirne-limit provided
in that article. A~iy sucli dispute notresolved by them within a
period of two months shall, unless the parties to the disputemutually
agree upon another means of settlement, be refcrred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third member seiected by
mutual agreement of thc two parties £rom ~iationals of a third
country. Should tlictwo parties fail to agree within a period of
one month upon the appointment of the third member, the Secretary
General of the United Nations may be requested by either party
tornake the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commission
shall be the decision of the Commission, and çhali be accepted by
the partiesasdefinittre andbinding."

3. His RIajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Canadian
Government, the Australian Govcrnment and the New Zealand Govern-
ment have accordingly decided to invoke the procedure laid down in
this article for the settlement ofsuch disputes and 1 dia11 be glad if
you will inform me atan early date when you wilI be preparcd to meet
my Soviet colleague ancl myself in order that we may take cognizance
of these in the manner prescribed inthePeace DOCUMENTS TRAKShIIS

connaissance de la question, conformément aux dispositions du traité
de paix.
4, Une note de teneur analogue est adressée au représentant de
l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques, et nous faisons parvenir
au ministére des Affaires étrangPresde la Hongrie copie de cette note
et de la présente lettre.
Je saisis cette occasion, etc.
(Signé) G. A. WALLINGER.

[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
Monsieur le Ministre,
D'ordre du Gouvernement de Sa Majestédans le Royaume-Uni, j'ai
l'honneur de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril,
adressée au ministère des Affaires étrangeres de la Roumanie par la
légation de Sa Majesté, dans laquelle le Gouvernement roumain est
formellement accusé d'avoir violé les dispositions de l'article 3 du
traité de paix avec la Roumanie. Je joins également à Ia présente le
texte de la réponsedu ministère repoussant ces accusations.
2. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté estime que les termes de cette
réponsene sont pas satisfaisants et le ministère des Affaires étrangères
de la Roumanie en a étéinformépar une note dont je vous envoie ci-joint
copie. Le Gouvernement du Canada, celui de l'Australie et celui de la
Nouvelle-Zélande partagent les vues du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté
dans le Royaume-Uni et ils se sont associés à la note de la légation de
Sa Majesté en date du 2 avril. Il est évident, d'après cette correspon-
dance, qu'il s'est élevédes différendsau sens de l'article 38 du traité
de paix, dont voici le texte :
I. Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédureest
expressémentprévuepar un article du présent traité, tout différend
relatiA l'interprétationou à l'exécution de ce traité, qui n'a pas
étéréglépar voie de négociations diplomatiques directes, sera
soumis aux trois chefs de mission, agissant comme il est prévu à
l'article 37 mais, en pareil cas, les chefs de missine seront pas
tenus par les délaisfixés-dansledit article. Tout différendde cette
nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délaide deux mois
sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une et l'autre
d'un autre mode de réglement, soumis, à la requête de l'une ou
l'autre des partiesà une Commission composéed'un représentant
de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord
entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un pays tiers. A
défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les deux parties au
sujet de la désignation de ce tiers. membre, l'une ou l'autre partie
pourra demander au Secrétairegénéral deN s ations Unies de procéder
à cette désignation. 4. A similar note is being addressed to the Soviet representative and
copies are being fonvarded to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1 avail myself of thiç opportunity, etc.

(Signed) G. A. EVALLINGER.

Annex 8 6


[Original test :English]

Your Excellency,

1 have the honour, on instructions from His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you herewith a copy of a note
which was addressed by His Majesty'ç Legation on 2 April to the
Roumanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,in which the Roumanian Govern-
ment \vas formally charged with violation of Article 3 of the Treaty of
Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Roumania. 1also
enclose a copy of the Ministry's reply, in which these charges are rejected.
2. His Majesty's Governmept consider that the terms of this reply
are unsatisfactory and the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.have
been so informed in a note of which 1 enclose a copy. The views of
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by
the Canadian Government, the Auçtralian Government and the New
Zealand Government, who associated themselves with the terrns of
His Majeçty's Legation's note of 2 April. It is evident from this cor-
respondence that disputes have arisen in the sense of Article 38 of the
Treaty of Peace which reads as follows :
"1. Except wliere another procedure is specificailyprovided under
any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning the inter-
pretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by direct
diplornatic negotiations, shall be seferred to the three Heads of
Mission acting under Article 37, except that in this case the Heads
of Rlission will not be restricteby the time-limit provided in that
article.Any such dispute not resolved by them within a period
of two months shall, unless the parties to the dispute mutualiy
agree upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of eacliparty and a third member selected by mutual
agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third country.
Should the two parties fait to agree within a period of one month
upon the'appointment of the third member, the Secretary-General
of the United Nations may be requeçted by either party to make
the appointment.85 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

2. La décision prise par lamajorité des membres de la Commis-
sionsera considérée comme décisionde la Commission etacceptée
par les parties comme définitive et obligatoire.
3. En conséquence, Ie Gouvernement de SaMajestédans le Royaume-
Uni, le Gouvernement du Canada, celui de l'Australie et celui de la
KouveIle-Zélande ont décidéd'invoquer la procédure prévue à l'article
précitéen vue du règlement de ces différends, et je vous serais recon-

naissant de bien vouloir me faire savoir le plus tôt possible à quelle
date vous serez disposé à rencontrer notre collègue de l'Union des
Républiques socialistessoviétiques et moi-même afinque nous puissions
prendre connaissance de la question, conformément aux dispositions du
traité de paix.
4. Unenote de teneur analogue est adressée aureprésentant de l'Union
des Républiques socialistes soviétiques et nous faisons parvenir au
ministère des Affaires étrangères de Ia Roumanie copie de cette note
et de la présente lettre.
Je saisis cette occasion, etc.

{Signé ). ST. C. ROBERTS.

Annexe g

[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
Monsieur l'Ambassadeur,
D'ordre du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, j'ai
l'honneur de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril,
adresséeau rninistére des Affaires étrangères dela Bulgarie par la léga-
tion de Sa Majesté, dans laquelle le Gouvernement bulgare estformelle-
ment accusé d'avoir violé les dispositions de l'article 2 du traité de
paix avec la Bulgarie. Je joins également à la présente le texte de la

réponse du ministére repoussant ces accusations.
2.Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté estime que les termes de cette
réponse ne sont pas satisfaisants et le ministère des Affaires étrangères
de la Bulgarie en a étéinformé par une note dont je vous envoie ci-joint
copie. Le Gouvernement de l'Australie et celui de la Nouvelle-Zélande
partagent les vues du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-
Uni et ils se sont associésà la notede la légation de Sa Majesté en date
du 2 avril.II estévident, d'après cette correspondance, qu'il s'est élevi!
des différendsau sens de l'articl36 du traité de paix, dont voici le texte :

« I.Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout
différend relatif à l'interprétation ou à l'exécution de ce traité,
qui n'a pas étéréglépar voie de négociations diplomatiques directes,
sera soumis aux trois chefsde mission, agissant comme il estprévu à
l'articl35 mais, en pareil cas,les chefs de mission ne seront paç
tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différend de cette 2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Co~nmis-
sion shall be the decision of the Commission and shall be accepted
by the parties as definitive and binding."

3. His &Iajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Canadian
Government, the Auçtralian Government, and the Kew Zealand Govern-
ment have accordingly decided to invoke the procedure laid down in
this article for settlement of such disputes, and 1 shall be glad if you
will inform me at an early date when you will be prepared to meet my
Soviet colleague and myself in order that we may take cognizance of
this in the rnanner prescribed in the Peace Treaty.

.4.-4 similiar note is being addressed to the Soviet representative and
copies are beingfonvarded tothe Roumanian RIinistq of Foreign Affairs.

1 avail rnyself of tliis opportunity, etc.
(Sigzed) IlT.ST. C. ROBERTS.


[Original text : Englishl

Your Excellcncy, 31 May, 1g49.

1have the honour, on instructions from His ùlajesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you the text of a copy of a note
ivhich waç addressed by His IiIajesty's Legation on 2 April to' the
Uulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which the Bulgarian Govern-
ment was formaiiy charged with the violation of Article 2 of the Treaty
of Peace with Bulgaria. I also enclose a'copy of the hlinistry's reply,
in which these charges are rejected.
2. His hlajesty's Govcrnment consider that the terms of this reply
are unsatisfactory and the 13ulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have
been so informed in a note of wbich 1 enclose a copy. The views of
His Majestj~'~Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by
the Australian and New Zealand Governrnent, ho associated them-
selves with the terms of His hiajesty's Legation's note of z April. It
is evident from this correspondence that disputes have arisen in the
sense of Article 36 of the Peace Treaty which reads as foHows :
"1. Except where another procedure is specifically provided
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, ~vhichis not settled
by direct diplamatic negotiations, shall be referred to the three
Heads of hlission acting under Article 35,except tliat in this case
the Weadsof hiission will not be restricted by the time-limit provided
in that article.iiny such dispute not resolved by them within a nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délai de deux
mois sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une et
l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requête de
l'une ou l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un

reprksentant de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un
commun accord entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants s'un
pays tiers. A défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les
deux parties au sujet de la désignation de ce tiers membre, l'une
ou l'autre partie pourra demander au Secrétaire généraldes Nations
Unies de procéder à cette désignation.
2. La décision prise par la majorité des membres de la Commis-
sion sera considérée comme d4cision de la Commission et acceptée
par les parties comme définitive et obligatoireII

3. En conséquence,le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-
Uni, le Gouvernement de l'Australie et celui de la Nouvelle-Zélande ont
décidéd'invoquer la procédure prévue à l'article précien vue du régle-
'ment de ces différends, et jevous.serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir
me faire savoir le plus tôt possible à quelle date vous serez disposé à
rencontrer notre collègue des Etats-Unis et moi-même afin que nous
puissions prendre connaissance de la question. conformément aux dispo-
sitions du traitéde paix.
4. Je crois savoir que mon collègue des États-Unis vous adresse
aujourd'hui une communication rédigéeen termes analogues à ceux de
la présente lettre et dans laquelle il attire-l'attention sur l'existence
d'un différend entre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis et le Gouverne-
ment de la Bulgarie. Je me periqets de suggérer, pour des fins de com-
modité, que les quatre différendssoient examinés ensemble par lestrois
chefs de mission.
5. Une note de teneur analogue est adressée au représentant des
États-unis et nous faisons parvenir au ministère des Affaires étrangères
de Ia Bulgarie copie de cette note et de la présente lettre.
Je saisis cette occasioii, etc.


Annexe g a

[Texte original en anglais]

31 mai 1949.
Monsieur l'Ambassadeur,
D'ordre du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, j'ai
l'honneur de vous transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril
adressée au ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Hongrie par la léga-
tion de Sa Majesté, dans laquelIe le Gouvernement hongrois est formelle-
ment accusé d'avoir violé les dispositions de l'article z du trait6 de
paix avec la Hongrie. Je joins également à la présente le texte de la
réponse du ministére repoussant ces accusations. period oftwo monthsshall, unless theparties tothe dispute mutually
agree upon another means of settlement, be referred at the request
of either party to the dispute to a Commission composed of one
representative of each party and a third mernber selected by
mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. Should the two parties fail to agree within a period of
one month upon the appointment of the third member, the Secretary
General of the United Nations may be requested by cither party
to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commis-
sion shall be thedecision of the Commission, and shall be accepted
by the parties as definitive and binding."
3. His Biajesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Australian
Government and the Nqv Zealand Governrnent have accordingly
decided to invoke the procedure laid down in this article for settlement
of such disputes and 1 shall be glad ifyou will infom me at an early
date when you will be prepared to meet my United States coileague
and myself in order that we may take cognizance of this in the rnanner
prescribed in the Peace Treaty.

4. 1 understand tliat my United States coileague is addressing to you
to-day a communication in sirnilar terms to my present note, calling
attention ta the existenceof adispute between the United States Govern-

ment and the Bulgarian Government. 1 should like to suggest for the
by the three HeadsencoftMission,four disputes be considered together

5. -4 sirnilar note isbeing addressed to the United States representative
and copies are being fonvarded to the Bulgarian hlinistry of Foreign
1 avail myself of this opportunity, etc.

Annex g n


[Original test : English]
3' hfay, 1949.

1 have the honour, on instructions from His Rlajesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to Your Excellency, herewith,
a copy of a note which ulas addressed by His Alajesty's Legation on
z April to the Hungarian hlinistry of Foreign Affairs, in which the
Hungarian Government was formaUycharged with violation of ArticIe 2
of the Treaty of Peace with Hungary. 1 also enclose a copy of the
Ministry's repiy, in which these charges are rejected.go DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS
2. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté estime que les termes de cette
réponse ne sont pas satisfaisants et le ministère des Affaires étrangères
de la Hongrie en a étéinformépar une note dont je vous envoie ci-joint
copie. Le Gouvernement du Canada, celui de l'Australie et celui de la
Nouvelle-Zélande partagent les vues du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté

dans le Royaume-Uni et ils se sont associésà la note de la légation de
Sa Majestéen date du 2 avril.Ilest évident, d'aprèscette correspondance,
qu'iI s'est élevédes différends au sens de l'article 40 du traité de paix,
dont voici le texte :
ii1. Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout
différend relatif à l'interprétation ou à l'exécution de ce traité,

qui n'a pas étéréglépar voie de négociations diplomatiquesdirectes,
sera soumis aux trois chefs de mission, agissant comme il est prévu
a l'article39, mais, en pareil cas, les chefs de mission ne seront
pas tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différend de
cette nature qu'ilsn'auraient pas encore réglédans un délaide deux
mois sera, sauf si Ies parties au différendconviennent l'une et l'autre
d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requête de l'une ou
l'autre des parties, à une Commission composée d'un représentant
de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord
entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un pays tiers.
A défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les deux parties
au sujet de la désignation de ce tiers membre, l'une ou l'autre
partie pourra demander au Secrétaire généraldes Nations Unies
de procéder à cette désignation.
2. La décisionprise par la majorité des membres de la Cornrnis-

sion sera considéréecomme décision de la Commission et acceptée
par les parties comme définitive et obligatoire.))
3. En conséquence, le Gouvernement de Sa Majestédans le Royaume-
Uni, le Gouvernement du Canada, celui de l'Australie et celui de la
Nouvelle-Zélande ont décidéd'invoquer la procédure prévue à l'article
précitéen vue du règlement de ces différends, et je vous serais recon-
naissant de bien vouloir me faire savoir le plus tôt possible à quelle

date vous serez disposé à rencontrer notre collègue des Etats-Unis et
moi-même afin que nous puissions prendre connaissance de la question,
conformément aux dispositions du traité de pais.
4. Je crois savoir que mon collègue des Etats-Unis vous adresse
aujourd'hui une communication rédigéeen termes analogues à ceux
de la présente lettre, et dans laquelle il attire l'attention sur l'existence
d'un différendentre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis et le Gouvernement
de la Hongrie. Je me permets de suggérer, pour des finsde commodité,
que les cinq différends soient examinés ensemble par les trois chefs de
, j. Une note de teneur analogue est adressée au représentant des
Etats-Unis et nous faisons parvenir au ministère des Affaires étrangères
de la Honzrie copie de cette note et de la présente lettre,
Je saisis cette occasion, etc.

(SiglzéjG. A. WALLINGER.
m 2, His hlajesty's Government consider that the tems of this reply
are unsatisfactory and the Hunganan Ministry of Foreign Affairs have
been so informed in a note of which 1 enclose a copy. The views of
Wis Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by
the Canadian Government, the Australian Government and the New
Zealand Goïrernmennt tvho associated themselves with the tems of
His Rlajesty's Legation's note of2 April. It is eviderit from this corres-
pondence that disputes have arisen in the sense of Article 40 of the
Treaty of Peace which reads as folllows :

"r. Except 'where another procedure is specifically provicled
under any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settlcd
by direct diplornatic negotiations, shall be referred to the Three
Heads of Jlission acting under Article 39, escept that in this case
the I-icads ofB.Iissionwill not be restricted by the time-limit provided
in that article.Any such dispute not resoIved by them within a
pcriod of two months shall, unless ttie parties to the dispute mutually
agree upoti another means of scttlemcnt, be referred at the request
of eithcr pnrty to the dispute to a Commisçion composed of one
representativc of each party and a third member selected by
mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals of a third
country. Should the two parties fail to agree within a period
of one month upon the appointment of the third member, the
Secretary-General of the United Iriations may be requested by
either party to rnake the appointment.

2. ?'lie clecision of the majoritof the members of the Commis-
sion shall bc the decision of the?ommission, and shall be acccptcd
by the parties as definitive and binding."

3. His Majcsty's Government in the United Kingdom, the Cansdinii
Government, tlie Australian Government and the New Zealand Govern-
ment have nccordingly decided to iiivoke the procedure laid down in
this article for the settlement of such disputes and 1 shall be glad if
Your Escellency will infonn me at a11carly date when Your Excellency
will be preparcd to meet my United States colleague and myself in order
that we may take cognizance of these in the manner prescribed inthe
Peace Treaty.
4. I understand tliat my United States collerigueis addressing to
Your Excellcncy to-day, a co~imunication in similar terrns to my present
note, calling attention to the existence of a dispute between the United
States Government and the Wungarian Government. I should like to
suggest, for purposes of convenieiicc, that al1 these five disputes bc
consideretl togettierby the three Heads of hlission.

5. A sirnilrir note is being addressed to the United States representative
and copies are being fonvarded to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign
1a\-ail myself of this opportunity, etc.



[Texte original en anglais]

JI mai 1949.
Monsieur l'Ambassadeur,

D'ordre de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, j'al l'honneur de vous
transmettre copie d'une note en date du 2 avril, adressée au ministère
des Affaires étrangères de.Ia Roumanie par la légation de Sa Majesté,
dans laquelle le Gouvernement roumain est formellement accuséd'avoir
violéles dispositions de l'article 3 du traité de paix avec la Roumanie.
Je joins également à la présente le texte de la réponse du ministère
repoussant ces acciisations.

2. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté estime que les termes de cette
réponse ne sont pas satisfaisants et le ministère des Affaires étrangères

de la Roumanie en a étéinformé par une note dont je vous envoie
ci-joint copie.Le Gouvernement du Canada, celui de l'Australie et celui
de la Nouvelle-Zélande partagent les vues du Gouvernement de Sa
Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni et ils se sont associés à la note de la
Légation de Sa Majesté en date du 2 avril.11 est évident, d'après cette
correspondance, qu'il s'est élevé des différendsau sens de l'article 38
du trait4 de paix, dont voici le text:

tr1.Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre procédure
est expressément prévue par un article du présent traité, tout
différend relatif à l'interprétation ou à l'exécution de ce traité,
qui n'a pas étéréglépar voie de négociations diplomatiques directes,
sera soumis aux trois chefs de mission, agissant cornnie ilest prévu
à l'article 37, mais, en pareil cas, leschefs de mission ne seront
pas tenus par les délais fixésdans ledit article. Tout différend de
cette nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore réglédans un délai de
deux mois sera, sauf si les parties au difiérend conviennent l'une

et l'autre d'un autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requête de
l'une ou l'autre des parties, a une Cornirission composée d'un
représentant de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un
cornmun accord entre les deux parties parmi les ressortissants d'un
pays tiers. -4 défaut d'accord dans un délai d'un mois entre les
deus parties au sujet de ladésignation de ce tiers membre, l'une
ou l'autre partie pourra demander ailSecrétaire généraldes Nations
Unis de procéder à cette désignation.
2. La décisionprise par la majorité des membres de la Commis-
sion sera considéréecomme décision de la Comn;ission et acceptée
par les parties comme définitit,e et obligatoireii

3. En consbquence, le Gouvernement de Sa Majestédans leRoyaume-
uni, le Gouvernement du Cariada, celui de l'Australie et celui de la
Nouvelle-Zélande ont décidéd'invoquer Ia procédure prévue à l'article
précitéen vue du règlement de ces différends, et je vous serais recon-

naissant de bien vouloir me faire savoir le plus tôt possible à quelle Anizex 9 b


[Original test : Englishj

31 May, 1949
Your Excellency,
I have the honour, on instructions from His bfajesty's Government
in the United Kingdom, to transmit to you herewith a copy of a note
which. was addressed by His Majesty's Legation on 2 April to the
Roumanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which the lioumanian

Goverrimerit vas forrnally charged with violation of Article 3 of the
Trcaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Kouma-
nia. 1also enclose a copy of the hlinistry's repIy, in which these charges
are rejected.
2.His Rlajesty's Government consider that the tems of this reply
are unçatisfactory and the Koumanian Rlinistry of Foreign Affairs have
been so informed in a note of which 1 enclose a copy. The views of
His JIajesty's Government in the United Kingdom are also shared by
the Canadinn Goverriment, the Australian Government and the New
Zealand Government, who associated themselves with the tems of
His BIajesty's T-egation's note of2 April. It isevident from this corre-
spondence that disputes have arisen in the sense of Article 38 of the
Trcaty of Peace which reads as follows :

"1. Except where rinrither procedure is specifically provided
urlder any article of the present Treaty, any dispute concerning
the iiiterpretation oexecution of the Treaty, which is not settled
by direct diploniatic negotiations, shallbe referrerl to the three
Heads of hlission acting under Article 37, except tliat in this case
the Heads of Rlissionwill not be restricted by the time-limit provided

in that article. Any such dispute not resolved by them within
a period of two months shall, unless the parties to the dispute
mutually agree upon another rneans of settlement, be referred at
the request of either party to the dispute to a Comrnissiori com-
posed of one representative of each party and a third mernber
selectedby mutual agreement ofthe turo parties from nationalç of
a third country. Should the two parties fail to agree withiaperiod
of one month upon the appointment of the third member, the
Secretary-General of the United Nations may he rcquested by
either party to make the appointment.

2. The decision of the majority of the members of the Commis-
sion shallbe the decision of the Commission, and shall be accepted
by tlie parties as definitive and binding."

3. His Majesty's Government in the United KingiIoin, the Cnnadian
Goverilment, the Australian Government and the New Zealaiid Govern-
ment haire nccordingly decided to invoke the procedurc laid down in
this article for settlement of such diçputes, and I shall be glad if you

will inform mc at an early date wlien you will be prepared to meetdate vous serez disposé à rencontrer notre collègue des États-unis et
moi-même afinque nous puissions prendre connaissance de la question,
conformément aux dispositions du traité de paix.
4. Je crois savoir que mon collégue des Etats-Unis vous adresse
auiourd'hui une communication ré cn termes analogues à ceux
de'la présente lettre, dans laquelle irattire l'attention sur l'existence
d'un différe entre leGouvernement des États-Unis et le Gouvernement
de la Roumanie. Je me permets de suggérer, pour des fins de commo-
dité, que les cinq différeiids soient esaminés ensemble par les trois
chefs de mission.
5. Une note de teneur analogiie est adressEe au représentant des
États-Unis et nous faisons parvenir au ministère des Affaires étrangères
de la.Roumanie copie de cette note et de la présente lettre.
Je saisis cette occasion, etc.


[Texte original en russe]

12 juin 1949.
Comme suite aux notes que les missioiis Ixitanniques en Bulgarie,
en Hongrie et en Roumanie respectivement ont remises en date du
31 mai 1949 à l'ambassadeur dc l'Union des Républiques socialistes
soviétiques dans chacun de ces pays, touchant In convocation d'une
conférence des trois chefs de mission diploinaticlue en vue de l'examen

du différend qui s'estélevé entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni,
d'une part, et les Gouvernements clc la Bulgarie,de la Hongrie et de
la Roumanie, d'autre part, au sujet de l'interprétation des traités
de paix, l'ambassade de l'Union des liépubliques socialistes soi*iétiques,
d'ordre de son Gouvernement, a l'lionneur de faire la déclaration suivante:
Le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques
a étudiéles notes ci-dessus mei~tionnées,ainsi que les notes en date du
2 avril1949 reinises par le Gouveriiement du Royaume-Uni à la Bulgarie,
h la Hongrie et à la Roumanie, dans leçquelles le Gouvernernent du
Royaume-Uni accuse ces pays de violer les dispositions des traités de
paix et, notamment, celles des articles quioiit trait au respect des
droits de l'homme et des libertés fondameritales. Le Gouvernement de
l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques a également étudiéles
notes dans lesquelles les Gou\~crnements dc la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie
et de la Roumanie ont répondu au Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni.
Le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques
estime que, dans leurs ilotes mentionnées ci-dessus, les Gouvernements
de la Bulgarie, de la Hongric et de la Roumanie ont répondu de façon

complète aus allégations du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni qui les
accuse de violerles dispositioiis des traitde paix. Il ressort ciairemcrit
de ces réponses que les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie my United States colleague and myself in order that we may take
cognizance of this in the manner prescribed in the Peace Treaty.

4, 1 understand that my United States colleague is addressing to
vou to-day a corrimunication in sirnilar terms to my preçent note, calling
attention to the existence of a dispute between the United States
Government and the Roimanian Government. I should Iike to suggest,
for purposes of convenience, that al1 these five disputes be considered
togetherby the three Heads ofMission.

5. A similar note is being addressed to the United States representative
and copies are being fonvarded to the Roumanian Ministry of Foreign

1 avnil myself of this opportunity, etc,
(Signed) Ur. ST. C, ROBERTS.

Annex ro

[Original test: Russian]

12 June, 1949.
In connexion with the notes handed over by the British Missions
in Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania on 31 May, 1949, to the Soviet
~\mbassadors in these countries regarding the sumrnoning of a confereiice
of the three Heads of the Diplomatic Missions to consider the dispute
which has arisen betwceri the Government of Great Britain and the
Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania in respect of the
interpretation of the Peace Treaties, the Embassy of the U.S.S.K.
on instructions from the Soviet Government, declare as follows :

The Soviet Government have studied the above-mentioned notes,
and also the notes delivered by the Government of Great Hritain on
2 April of tliis ycar to IJulgaria, Hungary and Roumania in which the
Governrnent of Great Rritairi charged those countries with violating
the Peace Treaties and, in particular, with violating those articles of
the said 'freaties which concern the safeguarding of the rights of man
and of the personal freedorns. The Soviet Government have also studied.
the answering notes from the Governments of Rulgaria, Hungary and
Roumania to the Government of Great Britain.

The Goveriiment of tlie U.S.S.R. consider that, in thesaid ançu9ering
notes of the Governments of Rulgaria, Hungary ancl Roumariia, an
eshaustive reply is given to the charges made by the Government of
Great Rritain against these countries regarding the violation of the
Peace Treaties. From these replies it is evident that the Governments
of Bulgnrin, Hungary and Roumania are carrying out with exactitude

12et de la Roumanie s'acquittent rigoureusement des engagements qu'ils
ont pris aux termes des traités de paix, notamment de leurs obligations
relatives au respect des droitsdel'homme et des libertés fondamentales.
Les mesures qui ont étéprises par les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie,
de la Hongrie et de la Roumanie et au sujet desquelles le Gouvernement
du Royaume-Uni a exprimé son mécontentement dans ses notes du
2 avril 1949, bien loin de constituer une violation des traités de paix,

visent au contraire à mettre en Œuvre les dispositions de ces traités
aux termes desquelles lesdits pays sont tenus de lutter contrelesorgani-
sations de caractère fasciste et contre toutes autres organisations (qui
ont pour .but de priver le peuple de ses droits dérnocratiqucs ii.11 est
évident que les mesures de cette nature que la Bulgarie, la Hongrie ct
la Roumanie ont prises pour appliquer les dispositions des articles des
traités de paix relèvent pntiérement de la juridiction nationale de ces
pays, qui ont qualité d'htats souverains.
Le Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques sodalistessoviétiques
estime qu'en cherchant artificiellement à faire de cette question une
cause de différend, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni essaye tout
simplement de se servir des traités de paix pour intervenir dans les
affaires intérieures de ln Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et de la Rournanie
afin d'exercerune pression sur lapolitiqueintérieure de ces pays.
En conséquerice, l'Ambassade de l'Union des Républiques socialistes

soviétiques est autorisée à déclarer que son Gouvernement ne voit
aucune raison de convoquer les trois chefs de mission diplomatique
afin d'examiner les questions mentionnées dans les notes adressbes le
31mai 1949par les missions britanniques en Rulgarie, eii Hongrie et
en Roumanie.

12 JUIN 1949

[Texte original en anglais]

30 juin 1943.

Le secrétaire d'État principal aux Affaires étrangères de Sn Majesté
présente ses compliments au chargé d'affaires de l'Union des Républiques
socialistes soviétiques et a I'horineur d'accuser réception de la note
no 42-A du 12 juin 1949 émanant de Son Excellence, M. Zaroubin.
hl. Beviii regrette que le Gouvernement de l'union des IiCpubliilueç
socialistes soviétiques, malgri: le fait que la procédure prévue pour
le règlement des différends de cettc nature est définie dans les traités
de paix, ait jugé nécessairede nier qu'il y ait des raisons de rCunir les
chefs de ses missions diplomatiques à Sofia, Budapest et Bucarest et
leurs collègues du Koyaume-Uni et des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en vuc
d'examiner les différends qui se sont élevésau sujet de l'interprétation
et de l'esécution des traités de paix.
2. Les vues du Gouverneinent de l'Union des Républiques socialistes
soviétiques sur le fond des différends en question, telles qu'elles sont the obligations undertaken by them in regard to the Peace Treaties,
including the obligatioii in respect of the safeguarding of the rights

of man and of the persona1 freedoms.
The measures taken by the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and
Roumania inregard to which the Government of Great Britain expressed
their displeasure in their notes of2 April of this year are not only not
an infringement of the Peace Treaties but are, on the contrary, directed
towards the implementation of the Peace Treaties which bind the said
countries to carry on the struggle against organizations of a fascist
type and against other organizations "pursuing the aim of divesting
the people of their democratic riglits". It goes without saying that such
measures as are being carried out by Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania
for the purpose of iniplementing the articles of the Yeace Treaties fa11
completely within the domestic cornpetence of these countries as
sovereign States.
The Soviet Government construe the dcsire of the Government of
Great Britain to convert this question artificially into a subject of

dispute as a direct attempt to exploit the Peace Treaties so as to interferc
iri the domestic affairs of Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania for the
purpose of eserting pressure on thcir iriternal policy.

In view of this the Embassy of the U.S.S.R. are authorized to declare
that the Soviet Government see no cause for the sumrnoning of a confer-
ence of the three Heads of the Diplomatic Missions for the purpose
of considering the questions touched upon in the notes of the &lissions
of Great Britain in Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania on 31 May of
this year.

12 JUh'I:,1949

[Original text : English]

His hlajcsty's Pri~icipal Secretaryof State for Foreign Affairs presents
liis compliments to tlic Soviet Cliargé d'Affaires and has the honour
to acknowledge the receipt of His Excellency Monsieur Zaroubiii's
note No. 42-A of 12 June hst. Mr. 13evinregrets that the Soviet Govern-
ment should have deemed it necessary to deny that there is any reason
why the Heads of their Diploniatic Missions in Sofia, Budapest and
Bucharest should join their British and United States colleagues to
consider the disputes wliich Iiave arisen concerning the interpretation
and execution of the 'l'reaties of Peace, notwithstanding that the
proceduce proposecl for the settlement ofsuch disputes is laid down iri
the Treaties of Pcacc.

2. The opinions of the Soviet Goveriimeiit on the ments of the disputes
in question, as e'tpressed in the note from the Embassy, are beside the 94 DOCU3lENTS TRAlr'ShlIS
exprimées dans la note de l'ambassade, sont liors du sujet. En fait,
il s'est élevé des différendset les traités de paix exigent qu'ils soient
régléspar une procédure spéciale.
3. Il y a lieu d'interpréter le refus du Gouvernement de l'Union des
Républiques socialistes soviétiques de coopérer a l'application de cette
procédure comme une tentative de la part de ce Gouvernement en vue
de contrecarrer l'une des dispositions des traités de paix. De plus, ce

refus est en contradiction fiagrante avec l'attitude du Gouvernement
de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques qui a proclamé h
maintes reprises son respect des traités.
4. C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté compte que le
Gouvernement de l'Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques, aprc's
avoir réfléchide nouveau sur cette question, jugera bon de revenir
sur la décision qu'il a fait connaître dans la note de l'ambassade en
date du 12 juin.


[Texte original en françaisj
27 juillet1949.

Se référant a la note no gY (79149)du 31 mai 1949 de la légation
de Grande-Bretagne, le ministère des Affaires étranghes de la Répu-
blique populaire de Rulgxrie estime indispensable de déclarerce qui suit :

Le Gouvernement de la République populaire de Bulgarie considère
comme injustifiée la décisiondu Gouvernement britannique de recourir
à la procédure prévue à l'article 36 du traité de paix en connexion avec
l'application par la Bulgarie des dispositions de l'article 2 du même
t-raitéet cela d'autant plus que le Gouvernement britannique setrouvait
déji en possession de la réponse détailléeet motivée du Gouvernement

bulgare, contenue dans sa note du 21 avril 1949.

11est dit dans la note de l'honorable légation qu'il existe un diffkrend
entre la Grande-Bretagne et la Bulgarie en ce qui concerne l'applica-
. tion de l'article2 du traité de pais, quoique du côté de la Grande-
Bretagne il n'ait pas étéfait et n'ait pu être fait aucune contestation
et objection au sujet de ce qui a étérelevé dans la susdite note du
ministère des Affaires étrangères du 21 avril 1949 l est indiqué juste-
ment dans cette même note que la Constitution de la République
populaire de Bulgarie, qui est entrée en vigueur le 6 décembre 1947.
consacre et garantit aux citoyens bulgares, sans distinction de race,
de nationalité, de culte, d'origine et de situation sociale, toiles droits
et libertés, dont il est question à l'article z du traité de paix. Ainsi,
en pleine concordance avec le traité de paix, la Constitution stipule :

CIArticle 71. - Tous les citoyens de la République populaire
de Bulgarie sont égaux devant la loi.
N'est admis aucun privilège, fondé sur la nationalité, l'origine,
la religion ou l'étatde fortune.point. The facts are that disputes have arisen andthat the l'eace l'reaties
require that they should be settled by a special procedure.

3. The refusa1 of the Soviet Government to CO-operatein yutting
thiç procedure into practicc is liable to be interpreted as an attempt
on their part to frustrate one of the provisions of the Peace 'Treaties.
Such refusal, moreover, is in marked contradiction with the regard
for the Treaties frerlueiitly expresseclby the Soviet Govertiment.

4. In the light of the foxegoing, His hlajesty's Government trust
that, on further reflection, the Soviet Government riill see fit to recon-
sider their decision as conveyed in the note of12 June from the Embassy.


[Original text : Iirench]

iVith reference to noteNo. 98 (79149)of the United Kingdom Legation
dated 31 May, 1949, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's
Republic of Bulgaria considers it indispensable to make the following
statement : ,
The Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria considers that
there isno justification for the decision of the Government of the United
Kingdom to resort to the procedure estabiished by Article 36 of the
Treaty of Peace in connexion with the execution by Kulgaria of the
provisions of Article 2 of the same Treaty, al1the more since the British
Government was already in possession of the detailed reply and the
reasono sfthe Bulgariari Government, as set forth in the note of zz Apd,
The British Legation's note states that a dispute exists between the
Uriited Kingdom and Rulgariü regarding the execution of Article z of
the. Peace Treaty although the United Kingdom has not disputed or
raised any objection to and is unable to dispute or raise any objection
to the statement contained in the above-mentioncd note of the Rlinistry
ofForeign Affairs,dated 21 April, 1949. The said note points out correctly
that the Constitution of the People's Republic of Rulgaria which entered
into force on 6 December, 1947e ,stabliçhes and guarantees to Bulgarian
citizens without distinction as to race, nationality, religion, origin or
social position al1the rights and liberties which are mentioned in Article2
of the Treaty of Peace. Thus in full accordance with the Treaty of
Peace the Constitution states :

"Article 71.-AU citizens of the People's Republic of Rulgaria
are equal before the law.
No privileges based on nationality, origin, religion or material
condition are recognized. Toute propagande de haine nationale, religieuse ou raciste est
punie par la loi. r
((Avticle 78. - La liberté de conscience et de culte est garantie
aux citoyens, ainsi que le libre exercice de; rites religieux.
LJEglise est séparée de1'Etat.
Une loi spécialerkgle la situation juridiclue, les questions de la
subsistance matérielle, ainsi que le droit de libre organisation
intérieure et l'autonomie des différentes communautés religieuses.
Tout acte abusif tendant à faire de 1'Eglise ou de la religion
un instrument de politique, ainsi que la formation d'organisations

politiques, sur base religietise, sont interdits. s
~cArticle 82. - La liberté et l'inviolabilité de la personne sont
garanties. Nul ne peut êtredétenu plus de quarante-huit heures
sans décisiondes autorités judiciaires ou di1procureur.
Les peines ne peuvent être imposées qu'en vertu des lois en
Les peines sont personnelles et sont proportionnkes aux infrac-
tions commises.
Les peines pour des infractions co~~misesne peuvent êtreimpo-
sées que par les tribrinaux établis.
Tout accusé a droit à la défense. !i

ccArticle 87. - Les citoyens bulgares ont le droit de fonder
dessociétés, associations et organisations, à condition qu'elles

ne soient pas dirigées contre l'ordre public et 1'Etat et qu'elles
ne se trouvent pas eiicontradiction avec la présente Constitution.
Sont poursuivies et punies par la loi, la formation et la partici-
pation à des organisations qui se posent pour but de ravir ou de
porter atteinte aux droits et aux libertésdu peuple bulgare, conquis
à lasuitede l'insurrection populaire du gseptembre 1944et garantis
par la présente Constitutipn, de menacer l'indépendance nationale
et la souveraineté de 1'Etat ou qui prêchent ouvertement ou
clandestinement une idéologie fasciste et anti-démocratique ou
facilitent l'agression impérialiste.11
ciArticle 88. - La libertéde la presse, de la parole, des réunions,
des meetings et des manifestations est garantie aus citoyens de
la République populaire.

Ces dispositions constitutionnelles bien claires ne laissent place à
aucun différend en ce qui concerne l'application et l'interprétation de
l'article2 du traité de paix.
Mais, I'honorabIe légation de Grande-Bretagne n'a ni contesté, ni
pu contester également le point de vue di1 Gouvernement bulgare, à
savoir que les cas concrets énumérésdans sa note, non seulement ne
constituent aucune vioIation du traité de paix, mais, bien au contraire,
rentrent dans le cadre mêmede l'application du traité de paix et plus
spécialement de l'article 4 dudit traité, article qui, pour des considéra-
tions que le ministère ignore, a étépassésous silence dans la note de
la légation de Grande-Bretagne. L'article 4 du traité de paix porte
en effet :
« Article 4. - La Bulgarie qui, conformément à la Convention
d'armistice, a pris des mesures en vuede dissoudre toutes les organi- DOCUMENTS TRAKSJIITTED
The propagation of racial, national or religious hatred is punish-
able by la\\?."

"iirticle 78.-Citizens are guaranteed freedom of conscience and
religion, as well as freedom ta perform their religious rites.
The Church is separated from the State.
The legal status, questions of material maintenance and the
right of the religious communities to self-government and organiza-
tion is governed by a special law.
It is unlaurful to use the Church or religion for political purposcs
and to cstablish political organizations ona religious basis."

IIArticle &.-The freedom and inviolability of the person are

No person shall be detained for more than forty-eight hours
without an order from the judicial authorities or the prosecutor.
Penalties shall be imposed only in virtue of the laws in operation.

Penalties shall be persona1 and in proportion to the offence
Penalties foroffences shaIl be imposed only by the proper courts.
An accused person shall be entitled to be defended."
"Article 87.-Bulgarian citizens have the right to form societies,
associations and organizations, provided that these are not directed
against public order and the State and are not in contradiction

with the present Constitution.
The law prohibits and punishes the formation of and participa-
tion in organizations, the aim of which is to deprive the Bulgarian
people or impede them in the exercise of the rights and freedoms
won by conquest through the national uprising of g September,.
1944 ,nd guaranteed by the present Constitution, or to threaten
national independence and the sovereignty of the State, or which
overtly or secreily advocate fascist and anti-democratic ideology
or facilitate imperialist aggression."
"Article 88,-Citizens of the People's Republic are guaranteed
freedom of the press, speech, assembly, meetings and manifesta-

These perfectly clear constitutional provisions Ieave no room for
any possible dispute in so far as concerns the execution and interpreta-
tion of Article z of the Treaty of Peace.
But the British Legation has neither contested nor been able to
contest the BuIgarian position, namely that the actual cases enumerated
in its note not only do not constitute violations of the Treaty of Peace
but on the contrary are covered by the execution of the Peace Treaty

and more especially.Article 4 of thisTreaty which for reasons not known
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been passed over in silence in
the note of the British Legation. Article4 of the Treaty of Peace states :

"Article 4.-Bulgaria, which in accordance with the Armistice
Agreement has taken measures for dissolving al1 organizations ofg6 DOCUMESTS TRANShfIS
sations politiques, militaires ou paramilitaires de caractère fasciste
existant sur le territoire bulgare,ainsi que toutes autres organisa-

tions faisant une propagande hostile aux Nations Unies, s'engage
à ne pas tolérer à l'avenir l'existence et l'activité d'organisations
de cette nature qui ont pour but de priver le peupIe de ses droits
démocratiques. i)
Cette obligation, découlant du traité de paix, se trouve incluse dans

l'alinéa II de l'article87 susmentionné de la Constitution de la Répu-
blique populaire de Bulgarie:
L'honorable légation n'a ni contesté, ni pu contester le point de
vue du Gouvernement bulgare, à savoir que la question tant des diffé-
rents procèspar devant les tribunaux bulgares, que des actes des organes
administratifs et autres dans les différents cas, ne peut faire l'objet de
discussion en connexion avec l'application du traité de paix, étant
donnéqu'une tellediscu;sion constituerait, du point de vue des principes
du droit international, du point de vue du texte et de l'esprit du traité
de paix, ainsi que du point de vue des dispositions précisesde l'article2
de la Charte des Nations Unies, une ingérence inadmissible dans les
affaires intérieures de notre pays et porterait, ainsi, atteinte à sa souve-
A l'égardde toutes ces questions, ainsi qu'en ce qui a trait aux autres
points de vue du Gouvernement bulgare, en rapport avec l'application
de l'article 2 du traité de paix, aucune discussion n'a été soulevée à

leur endroit et encore moins il ne saurait être question de certains
pourparlers qui auraient étémenés en vue de régler un tel différend
non existant. Dans la note de l'honorable légation il est fait, à tort,
allusion à un différend, sans que l'objet et l'étendue de ce.<(différend ))
soient concrétisés.
Par conséquent, le ~ouvèrnernent bulgare considère que ni 'lesfaits
requis, ni des motifs de procédure ne sont, en l'occurrence, en évidence
pour permettre l'application de l'article 36 du traité de paix et estime
les prétentions de la légation de Grande-Bretagne, à l'effet de.mettre
en action la procédure prévue audit article 36 de ce traité, comme
non conformes auxdispositions du même traité etdu droit international
et les rejette catégoriquement.
Le Ministère des affaires étrangèressaisit cette occasion, etc.

Annexe 13


rrextc original en anglaiçj

ICI août 1949.
La légation de Sa Majesté britannique présente ses compliments au

ministère des Affaires étrangères de Bulgarie et, d'ordre du Gouver-
nement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, a l'honneur d'adresser
Ia réponsesuivante à la note du ministère no231-jo-1 en datedu 27 juillet.
2. De l'avis du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté, les considkrations
préseritées dans la note du ministère mentionnée ci-dessus ne sont pas a fascist type on lJulgarian tcrritory, whether political, military

or paramilitary, as ive11as other organizations conducting propa-
ganda hostile to the United Nations, shall not permit in future
the existence aiid activities of organizations of that nature which
have as their aim denial to the people of their democratic rights."

That obligation deriving from the 'Treaty of Peace is iiicluded in
part II of the above-mentioned Article 57 of the Constitution of the
People's Kepublic of Bulgaria.

The British Legation has neither coniested nor been able to contest
the point of view of the Bulgarian Gorrernment, namely that neither
the question of the various cases before our Bulgarian courts nor the
acts.of the administrative authorities and others in various cases can
be made the subject of discussion in connexion with the execution of
the Peace Treaty since, from the point of view of the principles of
international law, of the text and spirit of the Treaty and of the very
precise provisïons of Article 2 of the United Nations Charter, such a
discussion would constitute an inadmissible interference in the interna1
affairs of Our country and constitute an infringement of its sovereignty..

IfTithregard to al1 these questions and also with regard to tlie other
points of vietv ofthe Bulgarian Government concerning the execution
of Article nof the Treaty of Peace, there has been no discussion regarding
them and still less could there be any question of discussion for the
seltlement of a non-esistent dispute. In the British Legation's note
allusion is wrongly made to a dispute without the subject and estent
of this dispute being specified.

Consequently, the Uulgarian Government considers that in this
case no evidence has been forthcoming to eçtablish the facts required
nor the grounds for procedi~re pemitting ofthe application of Article 36

of the Treaty of Peace and considers that the claims of the British
Legation ioset in motion the procedure provided in the said Article 36
of the Treaty do not confom to the provisions of the Treaty itself and
of international law and rejectsthem categoricall y.
The Uinistry of Foreign hffairs lias the honour, etc.

[Original text : English]

His Britannic AIajesty'ç Legation present their compliments to the
Rulgariari hlinistry of Foreign Affairs and under instructions from
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom have the honour
to return thefollowing reply to theMinistry's noteNo. 231-50- of27 July.
2.'In the opinion of His Majeçty's Government the considerations
advanced in thc Ministry's note under reference are no more relevant97 DOCUMENTS TRAXSMIS
plus applicables aux accusatioiis portéescontre le Gouvernement bulgare
suivant lesqiielles ce dernier n'a pas exécutéles obligations qui lui
incombent aux termes de l'article 2 du traité de paix, que ne l'étaient
les considérations présentées dans la note précédente du ministère
en date du 21 avril. Il reste donc établqu'ilexiste un différend quant

à l'interprétation et à l'exécution (lu traité.
3. Malgré les dispositions du traité, le Gouvernement zoviétique n'a
pas juge opportun d'autoriser son représentant en Bulgarie à se joindre
à ses collègues de Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis pour examiner
le différend,et,bien que deux mois sesoient écoulésdepuis que le reps&-
sentant soviétique a étéinvité à une réunion à cette fin, la réunion
n'a pas encore eu lieu et le différendn'est toujourpas réglé.
4. Le traité stipule que tout différend de cette nature qui n'aurait
pas étéréglépar les trois chefs de mission dans un délaide deux mois
sera, sauf si les partiesau différend conviennent l'une et l'autre d'un
autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requête de l'une ou l'autre des
parties, à une Commission composée d'un représentant de chaque
partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord entre les deux
parties, parmi les ressortissantsd'un pays tiers. En conséquence, le
Gouvernement de Sa Majesth dans le Royaume-Uni demande que le
différend soit soumis à une Commission constituée comme ilest prévu
au traité, et ia chargé la légation de Sa Majesté d'inviter le Gouverne-
ment bulgare à se joindre au Gouvernement de Sa Majestépour désigner
cette Commission.
5. Des différends s'étant également élevésentre les Gouvernements
de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande, d'une part, et le Gouverne-

ment bulgare, d'autre part, les Gouvernements de l'Australie et de la
Nouvelle-Zélande s'associent à la présente note.
6. La légation de Sa Majesté britannique saisit cette occasion, etc.

Annexe 13 a


[Texte original en anglais!
IC~ août 1949.

La légation de Sa Majesté britannique présente ses compliments
au ministère des Affaires étrangèresde Roumanie, et, d'ordre du Gouver-
nement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, a l'honneur de seréférer
à sa note du 3r mai relativeau différend qui s'est élevéau sujet de
l'interprétation ede l'exécution du traitéde paix.
2. Malgré les dispositions du traité, le Gouvernement soviétique
n'a pas jugé opportun d'autoriser son représentant en Roumanie à
se joindre à ses collègues de Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis pour

examiner le différend, et, bien que deux mois se soient écoulésdepuis
que le représentant soviétique a &téinvité à une réunion à cette fin,
la réunion n'a pas encore eu lieu et le différendn'est toujours pas réglé.
3. Le traité stipule que tout différend de cette nature qui n'aurait
pas été réglépar les trois chefsde mission dans un délaide deux mois
sera, sauf si les parties au différend conviennent l'une et l'autre d'un to the charges made agczinst the 13ulgarian Government of failing to
implement their obligations under Article z of the Peace Treaty than
were the considerations which were advanced in the BIinistry's previous
note ofZI April. It is therefore stiIl tcase that a dispute exists about
the interpretation and execution of the Treaty.

3. Thc Soviet Governrnent, in spite of the provisions of the 'I'reaty,

have not seen fitto authorize their representative in 13ulgarin to join
his British and United States colleagues in consiclering the dispute,
and although tm70montlis have elapsed since the Soviet representative
was invited to a meeting for this purpose the meeting hns not yet taken
place and the dispute remains unrcsolved.
4. The Treaty provideç that any dispute of this kind wliich is not
resolved by the three Heads of Jlission within a period of tavo months
should, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree upon another
means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party to a
Commission composed of one representative of each party and a third
member, selected by ~nutiialagreement of the t~voparties, from nationals
of a third country. 1-IisMajesty's Government in the United Kingdom
in the circumstances request tliat the dispute be rcferred to a Commis-
sion constituted in this mnnner, and they have instructed His Majesty's
Legation to invite the Btilgarian Government to join Wis Majesty's
Government in appointing such a Commission.

j. His Majesty's Governments in Australia and New Zcaland, between
whom and the Bulgarian Government disputeshave also arisen, associate

themselues with the ternis of the present note.

6. His Britaniiic Mnjesty's Legation take this opportunity, etc.

A nnex 13 n


[Original test :Englisli]

His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the Koumaiiian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under instructions from His Rlajesty's
Government in the United Kingdom have the honour to refer to their
note of 31 May about the dispute which has ansen concerning the inter-
pretation and execütion of the Treaty of Peace.
2. The Soviet Government, in spite of the provisions of the Treaty,
have not seen fit to authorize their representativein Koumania to join
his British and United States colleagues in considering this dispute,
and although two months have elapsed since the Soviet representati1.e

was invited to a meeting for this purpose the meeting has not yet
taken place and the dispute rcmains unresolved.
3. The Treaty provides that any dispute of this kind which is not
resolved by the three Heads of Mission within a period of two months
should, unless the parties to the dispute mutually agree upon another lIOCUII1Eh;TSTRAXSBIIS
autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requête de l'une ou l'autre des
parties,à une Commission composée d'un représentant de chaque partie
et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord entre les deux parties
parmi les ressortissants d'un pays tiers. En conséquence, le Gouver-
nement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni demande que le différend

soit soumis à une Con-Lniissionconstituée comme il est prévu au traité,
et il a chargi! la légation de Sa Majesté d'inviter le Gouvernement
roumain à se joindre au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté pour désigner
cette Commission.
4. Des différends s'étant également élevésentre les Gouvernements
du Canada, de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande, d'une part, et le
. Gouvernerrient roumain d'autre part, les Gouvernements du Canada,
de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande s'associent à la présente note.
La légation de Sa Majesté britannique saisit cette occasion, etc.

[Texte original en anglais]

~cr août 1949.

La légation de Sa Majeste britannique présente ses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangères de Hongrie, et, d'ordre du Gouver-
nement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, a l'honneur de se référer
A sa note na 255 en date du 31 mai relative au différend qui s'est élevé
au sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécutidu traitéde paix.

2. Malgré les dispositions du traité,le Gouvernement soviétique n'a
pas jugé opportun d'autoriser son représentant en Hongrie à se joindre collègues de Grande-Bretagne et des États-unis pour examiner
le différend, et, bien que deux mois se soient écoulésdepuis que le
représentant soviétique a étéinvité à une réunion à cette fin, la réunion
n'a pas encore eu lieu et le différendn'est toujours pas réglé.
3. Le traité stipule que tout différend de cette nature qui n'aurait
pas été réglépar les trois chefs de mission dans un délai de deux mois
sera, sauf si les partiesau différend conviennent l'une et l'autre d'un
autre mode de règlement, soumis, à la requête de l'une ou l'autre des
parties, à une Commission composée d'un représentant de chaque

partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un commun accord entre les deux
parties panni les ressortissants d'un pays tiers. En conséquence, le
Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni demande que
le diarend soit soumis à une Commission constituée comme il est prévu
au traité etil a chargé la légation de Sa Majesté d'inviter le Gouver-
nement hongrois à se joindre au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté pour
désigner cette Commission.
4. Des difîérends s'étant également élevésentre les Gouvernements
du Canada, de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande, d'une part, et le
Gouvernement hongrois d'autre part, Ies Gouvernements du Cvada,
de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande s'associent à la présente note.
La légation de Sa Majesté britannique saisit cette occasion, etc. DOCUMENTS TRAXS3IlTTEÜ g8

means of settlement, be referred at the request of either party to a
Commission composed of one representative of each party and a third
member selected by mutual agreement of the two parties from nationals
of a third country. WishIajesty's Goï-ernment in the United Kingdom
in the circumstances request that the dispute be referred to a Commis-
sion constituted in this manner, and they have instructed His ~~ajesty's
Legation to invite the Roumanian Government to join with His hlajesty's
Government in appointing such a Commission.

4. His Rlajesty's Govcrnments in Canada,Australia and Kew Zealand,

betwe~n whom and the Roumanian Government disputes have also
arisen, associate themselves with the terms of the present note.

His Uritannic Majesty's Legation avail themselves of this oppor-
tunity, etc.

[Original text : English]

1 Au~us~, 1949.
His Britannic hlajesty's Legation present their compliments to the
Hungarian hlinistry of Foreign Affairs and, under the instructions
from His &lajestyls Government in the United Kingdom, have the
honour to refer to their note No.z j5of 31 May about the dispute which

haç arisen concerning the interpretation and e'iecutionof the Treaty
of Peace.
2.The Soviet Governmcnt, in spite of the provisions of the Treaty,
have not seen fit to arithorize their representativein Hungary to joiri
his British and United States colleagues in considering this dispute,
and altliough two months have elapsed since the Soviet representative
was invjted to a meeting for tliis purpose, the meeting has not yet
taken place and the dispute remains unresolved.
3. The Treaty pro\?ides that ariy dispute of this kind whicli is iiot
resolved by the thrce Heacls of Mission witliina penod of two months
should, urilessthe parties to tiic disputemutuaiiy agree upon another
menns of settlement, be referrcd at the request of either party to a
Commission composed of one representative of each party and a thircl
rne~nber selectedby inutuni agreement of the two parties from nationnls
of a third country. His Müjesty's Governrnent in the United Kingdom
in the circurnstaiices request that the dispute be referred toriCommis-
sion constituted in this mnnner, aiid they have instructed His Majesty's
Legation to invite tlie Hungarinil Governrnent to join His Majesty's
Governrnerit i~iappointing siich a Commission.

4. His Majesty's Governmcnts in Canada, Australia and New Zenland,,
between whom and the Hungarian Government disputes have also
arisen, associate themselves with the terms of the present note.

His Britannic Majesty's Legation alrail thernselves of this opyor-


[Texte original en anglais]
26 août 1949.

Le ministère des Affaires étrangères de Hongrie présente ses conpli-
ments Ala Iégation du Royaume-Uni à Budapest et, se référant à la
note no 3jo de la légation, a l'honneur, au nom du Gouvernement
hongrois, de faire la déclaration suivante :
Le Gouvernement hongrois s'cst conformé et se conforme fidèlement
aux dispositions du traité de paix. Il l'a fait connaître à plusieurs reprises
et sans équivoque au Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, dans ses notes
nos 2015/194 e92671/194g.

Se référant à l'article 40 du traité de paix, le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni, dans sa note, invite le Gouvernement hongrois à envoyer
un représentant à la Commission dont la constitution est prévue aux
termes de cet article. Cependant, comme la Iégation l'a souligné dans
sa note, l'articl40 ne prévoit la convocation de cette commission que
dans le cas d'un (différend iirelatif à l'interprétation et à l'exécution
du traité de paix. Or, ilest manifeste qu'il ne peut être question de
différend, puisque, comme il ressort des notes ci-dessus mentionnées
du ministère des Affaires étrangères de Hongrie, le Gouvernement
hongrois a consciencieusement rempli les obligations qui lui incombent
aux termes du traité de paix.
Etant donné que le traité de paix a explicitement reconnu la souve-
raineté de la Hongrie, et, en même temps, a fait une obligation au
Gouvernement hongrois de prendre les mesures appropriées en ce qui
concerne les menées de caractère fasciste, le ministkre des Affaires

étrangères de Hongrie constate avec surprise que, ians sa note., le
Royaume-Uni clierclie matière à différend dans les mesures de cette
nature prises par le Gouvernement lioiigrois, qui relèvent exclusivement
de la juridiction intérieure de 1'Etat hongrois souveraiet qui découlent
directement de l'exécution du traité de paix.
C.'est pourquoi Ie Gouvernement hongrois ne peut voir dans la note
du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni qu'une nouvelle tentative en vue
d'intervenir dans les affaires intérieuresde Ia République populaire
hongroise. Le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni désire manifestement
exercer une pression sur la Hongrie afin d'amener son Gouvernement
a subordonner sa politique aux fins que poursuit le Gouvernement .
du Royaume-Uni. Le Gouvernement hongrois n'est pas disposé à
agir ainsi et déclare catégoriquement qu'il continuera à maintenir
sans défaillance l'orientation démocratique de sa politique visant à la
défensede la paix.
Pour ces motifs, le Gouveriiement de Hongrie rejette, comme atten-
tatoire à la souveiaineté de la République populaire hongroise, la note

que le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni lui a transmise par l'inter-
mkdiaire. de sa légation, et déclare que la Hongrie, ne voyant aucun
motif ni aucune raison qui justifie la constitution de Ia Commissio~i
mentionnée à l'article 40 du traité de paix, ne participerapas aux travaux
de cette cornmissio~i. Annex 13


[Original text : English]

The Hungarian SIinistry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments
to the Legation of the United Kingdom in Budapest, and, with reference
to the Legation's note No. 350 in the namc of its Goveriiment, lias
the honour to state thc following :
The Hungarian Government consequently fulfilledand fullils the
provisions of tlie I'eace Treaty. The Hungarian Governmerit has, in a
manner leaving no doubts, brought thisto the notice of the Governmcnt
of the United Kingdom several limes in its notes Nos. zo15/1g4g and
lieferring to Article 40 of the Peace Treaty, the Goverriment of the
United Kingclom in its note invites the Hungariaii Government to send
its representativc in the Commission to be set up in the terms of this
paragraph. However, as it is stressed in the 1-egation's note-paragraph
40 stipulates thatthe Commission be delegated only in case of a "dispute"
concerning the interpretation and carrying out of the Peace Treaty.
There can be no question, howcver, about such a "disputew-because-
as it can clearly be seen in the enumerated notes of the Hungarian

blinistry of 1:oreigii Affairs-the Hungarian Governmeiit has esactly
fulfilleits obligatioiis a~jsumein the Peace Treaty.

IVith the view that the Peace Treaty explicitly recognized Hungnry's
sovereignty and, at the same time, made it obligatory to the Hungarian
Govcrnrnent to tnke proper measures against tendencies of fascist
character, the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs espresses its
surprise upon the fact that the note of the United Kingdom wislies
to mnke a mattcr of dispute out of such measures taken by the Hungarian
Goverriment wfiich exclusively belong to the internal nffairs of the
So~rereignHungariaii State, and which directly follow from the coiise-
quent carryiiig out of the Peace Treaty.
After al1 this the Hungarian Government can give no other iriter-
pretation to tlic note of the Governme~it of the United ICingdom than
it beiriga repeated attempt to interfcre with the internal affnirs of the
Hungarirtn l'eople's Republic. The Government of the United Kingdom
obviously wishes to impose a pressureon Hungary to induce the Hunga-
rian Governmcrit to subordinate its policy to the cndeavours of the '
Government of the United Kingdom. The Hungarian Governmeiit is

not willing to do so and categorically states that it will continue niain-
taining the coiisistently democratic trend of its policy aiming at defetice
of peace.
In view of the above said, [sic] the Hungarian Government rejects
the note of the Government of the United Kingdom transmitted through
its Legation as offendirig the sovereignty of the 1-Iungarian People's
RepubJic, and states thnt Hungary considers the setting up of a Commis-
sion with reference to Article 40 of the Peace Treaty groundless and
purposeless and consequently wilI not participate in it.NOTE VERBALE DE LA BULGARIE AU KOYAUZiIE-UXI DE GK.4KDE-l3KETAGh'E
[Teste original en français]

1.1 septembre 1949.
En réponse à la note du Ier août 1949 de I'honorablc légation de
Grande-Bretagne 2 Sofia, le ministère des Affaires étranghres de la

République populaire de Bulgarie doit constatei-, avec regret, que le
Gouvernement britannique n'à fait preuve d'aucuii désir d'examiner
les considérations que le Gouïrernement bulgare a exposées dans ses
notes su6 no z3176/37/1 et 231/50/ d1es 21 avrilet 27 juillet1949.
En complément de ce qui a étérelevé dans les notes précedentes, le
ministère des Affaires étrangèresde la République populaire de Bulgarie
est chargépar son Gouvernement de déclarer ce qui suit :
Le Gouvernement bulgare estime que l'invitatioii qui lui a été faite
de participer à la commission prévue à l'article 36 du traité de pais
est complètement injustifiée. Le Gouveriiernent de la République popu-
laire de Bulgarie a toujours exécutéet continue à exécuter les engage-
ments qui lui incombent de par le traité de paix. C'est avec surprise
qu'il accueille lesaccusations du Gouirernemerit britannique au siijet
des questions à l'égard desquelles le Gouvernement bulgare a déployé
de grands efforts et a obtenu à leur endroit les meilleurs résultats et
notammeiit en ce qui concerne la démocratisntioii du pays kt la sauve-
garde des droits et des libertés des citoyens bulgcires.
Les actes accomplis par le Gouveriiernent bulgare en exi.ciition de

ses engagements découlant de l'article 4 du traité de paix ne sauraient
Ctre qualifiésde violation du mêmetraité.
Le Gouvernement de la République populaire de I3ulprie ~iiaintieiit
son point de vue, ri savoir qu'on ne se trouve pas en présence d'lin
différendau sens de l'article36 du traité de paix - différendsusceptible
d'êtresoumis à un examen et de recevoir une solution d'aprhs l'ordre
prévu dans le mêmetexte. La teneur des notes adressées par l'honorable
légation en rapport avec Ia prétendue violation (le l'article 2 et les
réponses du ministère auxdites notes Iie font pas ressortir iiriobjet
défini de différend. Dans ces notes, le Gouyeriiernent britniiriiclue n'a
fait qu'exprimer son opinion unilatérale et porter uii jugement, iie
répondant pas à la réalité,sur le régime de la déinocratie ~iopiilaire
en Bulgarie.
Le Gouvernement de la République populaire de 13ulgarie rie saurait
interpréter autrement le udifférend IJque leGoutvernement britariniqiie
s'efforce de créer artificiellemeiit, que comme uiic teiitnti~.~ d'inter-
vention dans les affaires intérieures de la ISulgarie et de pression sur le
Gouvernement bulgare, afin de déterminer un chan einent de sa politique

dans le sens désiré par le Gouvernement de 8 rancle-13retagne.Ces
tentatives constituent une violation de la souveraineté de la 13ulgaric
et se trouvent êtreen contradiction flagrante avec les principes fonda-
rnentauv de la Charte des Kations Unies, ainsi qu'nrpec l'esprit du
traité de paix.
En raison de toutes ces considérations, le Gouvernemeiit bulgare
ne peut accepter l'invitationqui lui a étéadresséeen vue de la conçtitu-
tion de la Commission prévue h l'articl36 du traité de pais. DOCUMENTS TRAXS31ITTED

Annex 15

[Original test : French]

I September, 1949.
In reply to the note of I August, 1949, of the Honourable United '
Kingdom Legation in Sofia,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's
Republic of Bulgaria is obliged to note with regret that the Government
of the United Kingdom has shown no desire to examine the considera-
tions which the Rulgarian Government set forth in its notes Nos. 23176/
3711and zjx/jo/I of 21 April and 27 July, 1949 respectively.
Supplementing that which was set forth in its preceding notes, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Bulgaria is
instructed by its Government to statethe following :
The Bulgarian Government is of the opinion that the invitation
which has been extended toitto participate in the Commission provided

for in Article 36 of the Peace Treaty is completely unjustifiecl. The '
Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria has always fulfiiIed
and continues to fulfil the obligations incumbent on it under the Peace
Treaty. It receives with surprise the accusations of the Government
of the United Kingdom pertaining to matters with respect to which
the Bulgarian Government has put forth great efforts and has achieved
the best results, eçpecially as regards the democratization of the country
and the safeguarding of the rights and liberties of Bulgarian citizens.
The action taken by the Bulgarian Government in execution of its
obligations under Article 4 of the Peace Treaty could not be described
as violation of that Treaty.
The Government of the People's Kepublic of Bulgaria maintains its
point of view, i.e. that this is not a dispute in the sense of Article 36
of the Peace Treaty, capable of being submitted to investigation and
resoived in accordance with the procedure provided for in tlie .said
text. The tenor of the notes addressed by the Honourable Legation in
connexion with the alleged violation of Article 2 and the replies of
the Ministry to those notes do not discloseany definite object of dispute.
In its notes the Government of the United Kingdom has merely expressed
its unilateral opinion and pronounced a judpent not corresponding
to reality on therégime of the People's Democracy in Bulgaria.

The Government of the People's Kepublic of Bulgaria can orily inter-
pret the "dispute" which the Government of the United Kingdom is
trying artificially to create as an attempt at intervention in the interna1
affairs of Bulgaria and pressure on the Bulgarian Government in order
to bring about a change in its policy in the direction desired by the
Government of the United Kingdom. These attempts are a violation
of the sovereig~lty of Bulgaria and in flagrant contradiction with the
fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations and with
the spirit of the Peace Treaty.

In view of ali these considcrationç, the Bulgarian ~obernment cannot
accept the invitation addressed to it ïvith a view to the constitiitionof
the Commission provided for in Article 36 ofthe Peace Treaty. DOCUhlESTS TRANSMIS


[Texte original en roumain]

2 septembre 1949.
Le ministère des Affaires étrangères présente ses compliments L la
légation britannique et, se référant à la note de la légation no 204 en
date du Ielaoût, relativeà l'interprétation et à l'exécution des disposi-
tions de l'article 3 du traité de pais ainsi qu'Al'application de l'article 38'

dudit traité, a l'honneur, au nom du Gouvernement de la République
populaire de Roumanie, de lui fairelacommunication suivante :
Dans sa note du 18 avril 1949, le Gouvernement de la République
populaire de Rouinanie a montré que les lois dela République populaire
de Roumanie garantissent l'application rigoureuse des dispositionsde
l'article 3 du traité de paix et l'exécution des obligations assumées
aux termes de ce traité.
Le régime de la démocratie populaire açsure au peuple la jouissance
des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales. La Constitution
de la République populaire de Roumanie garantit la liberté de réunion
et de manifestation et la liberté de arole et de presse, assure la liberté
de religion, et interdit sous peinecls'sanctions prévues par la loi, les
mesures discriminatoires fondéessur la race ou la religion;elle garantit
l'égalitétotale de droits entre laemme et l'homme.
Dans la pratique, le Gouvernement de la Roumanie assure les libertés
fondamentales et l'exercicedes droits de l'homme en mettant à la
disposition des travailleurs des salles de réunion, l'outillage d'imprimerie
et le papier-journal. Les communautés religieuses possèdent lesbiens
et les propriétésnécessairesà la pratique de leur religion.
Les progrès continus réalisésdans le domaine de l'économienationale,

la protection contre le fléaude la dépression et du chômage, le reléve-
ment du niveau de vie des travailleurs et le développement de Leur
culture constituent les facteurs matériels et moraus qui permettent au
peuple de jouir pleinement des droits de l'homme et des libertés fonda-
En conséquence, le Gouvernement de la République populaire de
Roumanie estime que les affirmations contenues dans les notes de la
légation britannique nos 163 en date du 31 mai et 204 en date du
août 1949, relatives ill'interprétationet à l'exécution des disposi-
tions du traité depaix, ne correspondent pas àla réalité.
C'est pourquoi le Gotiverr.iement de la République populaire de
Roumanie estime qu'il n'y a pas de raison d'invoquer l'article 38 du
traité de paix.
Le Gouvernement de la Rfpublique populaire de Roumanie déclare
que le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni persiste i s'efforcer d'empêcher
leGouvernement de la Koumariie d'exécuter lesdispositionsde l'articl5
du traité de paix et trouve un prétexte de différend dans les disposi-
tions que le Gouvernement de la Roumanie a prises contre les survivances
du fascisme, et dans les jugements rendus par les tribunaux de la Képu-
blique populaire de Roumanie contre les espions et les saboteurs au DOCUJIENTS TRANSJIITTED 101


[Original test : Romanian]

2 Septemher, 1949.

The Blinistry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the
British Legation, and with reference ta the Legation's note No. 204
of I August regarding the interpretation and execution of Article 3
of the Treaty of Peace and the application of Article38 of the Treaty
of Peace, has the honour to inform the 1-egation, on behalf of the
Government of the Roii~nanian People's Republic, as follo~~s:
The Government of the Roumanian People's Republic demonstrated
in its note of16 April that thelaws of the Republic guarantee a strict
application of the provisions of Article 3 of the Treaty and of the
obligations assi~medin accordance with the Treaty of Peace.

The régime of People's Uemocracy ensures to the people the funda-
mental human rights and freedoms. The Constitution of the Roumanian
People's Republic guarantees freedom of assembly and demonstration,
of speech and of the press, assures freedom of religion and prohibits
racial and religious discrimination which is punishable by law ;women
enjoy complete equality of rights.

The fundamental human freedcims and rights are realizedin practice
by placing at the disposal of those who work assembly halls, printing

facilitiesand paper. Religious communities own goods and property
necessa- for the exercise of religious practices.

The continuous progress of the national economy, freedom from the
scourge of depression and unemployment, the rising standard of living ,
of the workers, the improvement of their cultural level provide the
material and moral basis which permits the people to makc full use
of the fundamental human rights and liberties.

In viexv of these facts the Governrnent of the Roumanian People's
Republic considers that the affirmations contained in the BritishLega-
tion's notes Nos. 163 of 31 May, 1949, and 204 of x Aiigust, 1949,
regarding the interpretation and execution of tlie Treaty of Peace do
not correspond to the facts.
Consequently, the Government of the Roumanian People's Repiiblic
does not consider that any motive exists for having recourse to
Article 38 of the Peace Treaty.
The Government of the Roumanian People's Republic affirms that
the British Government is persisting in its endeavour to ensure the
non-application by the Government of the Republic of Article j of the
Treaty of Peace, andmaking a dispute of the question of the measures
taken by the Roiimanian Government against fascist remnants and

of the sentences passed by the courts of the Republic against the spies
and saboteurs in the service of foreign espionage agencies, measuresservice de l'espionnage étranger, toutes mesures qui sont conformes aux
dispositions du traité de paix et relèvent entièrement de la juridiction
intérieure de la République populaire de Roumanie en tant qu'ktat
Ces tentatives persistantes du Gouvernement britannique montrent
clairement que ce Gouvernement cherche à s'immiscer dans les affaires
intérielires de la République populaire de Roumanie et à se servir des
articles dii traité de paix comme d'un prétexte pour exercer une pression
visant à donner 21la politique du Gouvernement de la Roumanie une
orientation favorable aus intérêtsdes Gouvernements des Etats-Unis
et du Royaume-Uni, et contraire à la volonté et aux iiitérétsdu peuple
C'est pourquoi le Gouvernement de la République populaire de
Roumanie repousse, comme entièrement dénuéede fondement, la
demande que le Gouvernement britannique a formulée dans sa note
du Ieraoût 1949.

[Texte original en anglais]
rg septembre '1949,

La légation de Sa Majesté présente ses compliments au ministère
des Affaires étrangkres de la Bulgarie et, d'ordre du Gouvernement de
Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, a l'honneur de se rdférer A la note
du ministère concernant l'interprétation et l'exécutiondu traité de paix.

Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté nepeut accepter lesraisons qu'allégue
le Gouvernement bulgare pour refuser de respecter les clauses formelles
du traité. 11 ne comprend pas non plus comment le Gouvernement
bulgare peut maintenir qu'il ne s'est élevéaucun différendau sens de
l'article 36 du trait&, alors que les notes qu'ils ont déjàéchangéesmon-
trent clairement qu'ilexiste une divergence de vues entre ce Gouver-
nement et le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté.
Le Gouvernement de Sa Majestén'admet pas que le Gouvernement
bulgare prétende être le seul gouvernement qui ait le droit d'inter-
préter le traité de paix, auquel il n'est qu'une des parties. L'arti36e
serait dénuéde sens si le Gouvernement bulgare devait &tre seul juge
de l'exécution desobligations que lui impose le traité de paix. Quant
à ltalIégationselon laquelle le Gouvernemende Sa Majesté,en invoquant
ce traité, s'est rendu coupable d'ingérenceinjustifiée dans les affaires
iiiténeures de la Bulgarie, il est évident que les obligations internatio-
nales assumées par le Gouvernement bulgare limitent en fait la souve-
raineté de la Bulgarie.
L'argument suivant IequeI Ie Gouvernement bulgare a rempli les
obligations que lui impose l'article 4 du traité ne justifie pas la violation
d'autres articles dee traité.
L'article 4 n'a pas pour but de servir à pallier le déni des libertés
dentoute oppositionoAnla régled'une minorité.à justifier la suppressionwhich both correspond to the provisions of the Treaty of Peace and
which are also wholly within the cornpetence of the internal jurisdiction
of the Republic as a sovereign State.

In these persistent endeavours of the British Government can clearly
be seen that Government's tendency to interfere in the internal affairs
of the Roumanian People's Republic and to seel<to make use of articles
of the Treaty of Peace as a pretext to exert pressure with the object
of changing the policies of the Roumanian Government in a direction
favourable to the interests of the Governments of the United States
and United Kingdom, and against the willand interest of the Rouma-
nian people.
For these reasons, the Govemment of the Roumanian People's Repu-
hlic reiects as wholly unfounded the request of the British Government
espre&ed in its noteof I August, 1949. '

Annex 17


[Original text : 13nglishl
r9 Septemher, 1949.

His Majest 's Legation present their compliments to the Bulgarian
Ministry of &reign ARairs and under instructions from His Majesty's
Govenlment in the United Kingdom have .the honour to refer to the
Aiinistry's note concerning the interpretation and execution of the
Treaty of Peace.
WisMajesty's Government are unable to accept the reasons advanced
by the Bulgarian Govemment for refusing to comply with the clear
provisions of the Treaty. Nor do they understand how the Bulganan
Government can maintain that no dispute has arisen in the sense of
Article 36 of the Treaty in vieut of the manifest divergence bet~veen
the views of that Government and those of His Majesty's Government
as expressed in the notes which they have already-exchanged.
His Majesty's Government do not recognize any nght in the Bulgarian
Government to arrogate to itself the sole interpretation of the Treaty
of Peace to which it is itself only one Party, Article 36 would be mean-
ingless if the Bulgarian Government were to be the sole arbiter of the
execution of its obligations under the Peace Treaty. As to the suggestion
that the action of His Majesty's Government in invoking the Peace
Treaty constitutes an unwarranted intervention in Bulganan internal
affairs it is obvious that the sovereignty of Bulgaria is in fact limited
by the international obligations of the Bulgarian Governrnent.

The clairn that the Bulgarian Government has complied with Article 4
of the Treaty does not excuse breaches of other articles.

Article 4 was not intended to be used as cloak for the denial of the
fundamental freedoms specified in Article z nor as a pretext for the
suppression of al1opposition to the rule ofa minority. Le Gouvernement de Sa Majestéest contraint de voir, dans le refus
du Gouvernement bulgare de participer à la création de la Commission
prévue à l'article 36 pour le règlement des différends, une nouvelle
violation délibérée des obligationsque lui impose le traité de paix. Il
n'en est pas moins résolu 5 prendre toutes les mesures qui sont en
son pouvoir pour faire en sorte que le Gouvernement bulgare respecte
les dispositions des article2 et 36 du traité.

Annexe 17 a


[Texte original en anglais]
19 septembre 1949.

La légation de Sa hIajesté présente ses compliments au nin ni stère
des Affaires étrangéresde la Hongrie et, d'ordre du Gouvernement de
Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, a l'honneur de se référerAla note
du ministère concernant l'interprétation et l'exécutiondu traité de paix.

Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté nepeut accepter les raisons qu'allégue
le Gouvernement hongrois pour refuser de respecter les clauses formelles
du traité. II ne comprend pas non plus comment le Gouvernement hon-
grois peut maintenir qu'il ne s'est élevéaucun différend au sens de
l'articl40 du traité, alors que les notes qu'ils ont déjàéchangées mon-
trent clairement qu'il existe une divergence de vues entre ce Gouver-
nement et le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté.
Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté nadmet pas que le Gouvernement
hongrois prétende étre le seul gouvernement qui ait le droit d'inter-
préter le traité de paix auquel il n'est qu'unedes parties. L'articl40
serait dénuéde sens si le Gouvernement hongrois devait étre seul juge
de t'exécution des obligations que lui impose le traité de paix. Quant
àl'allégation selonlaquelle le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté,en invoquant
ce traité, s'est rendu coupable d'ingérence injustifiéedans les affaires
intérieuresde la Hongrie, il est évidentque lesobligations internationales
assuméespar leGdnvernement hongrois limitent en fait la souveraineté
de la Hongrie.
L'argument suivant lequel le Gouvernement hongrois a rempli les
od'autres articles de ce traité.icle 4 du traité ne justifie pas la violation
- L'article 4 n'a pas pour but de servir à pallier le déni des libertés
fondamentales mentionnées à l'articlez nià justifier la suppression de
toute oppositionà la règled'une minorité.
Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté est contraint de voir, dans le refus
du Gouvernement hongrois de participer à la créationde la Commission
prévue à l'article 40 pour le rkglement des différends,une nouvelle viola-
tion délibérée desobligations que Iui impose le traité de paix. 11n'en
est pas moins résolà prendre toutes les mesures qui sont en son pouvoir
pour faire en sorte que le Gouvernement hongrois respecte les disposi-
tions des article2 et 40 dii traité. His hlajesty's Government are forced to regard the Bulgarian Govern-
ment's refusa1 to join in establishing a Commission such as is provided
for in Article 36 for the resolution of disputesas a further deliberate
breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Peace. They are none
the less determined to take al1 possible meaçures which may be open
to them to secure the Bulgarian Government's compliance with the
provisions of the Treaty under Articles 2 and 36.

A nmex 17 a

[Original text.: Englishl

I~' Septemher, 1949.
Ris Majeçty's Legation present the& compliments to the Hiingarian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under instructions from His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom have the honour to refer to the
Ministry's note concerning the interpretation and execution of theTreaty
of Peace.
His Majesty's Government are unable to accept the reasons advanced
by the Hunganan Governrnent for refusing to comply with the clear
provisions of the Treaty. Nor do they understand how the Hungarian
Government can maintain that no dispute ha5 arisen in the sense of
Article 40 of the Treaty in view of the manifest divergence between
the views of that Government and those of His Majesty's Government.
as expressed in the notes which they have already exchanged.
His Majesty's Governrnent do not recognize any right in the Hungarian
Government to arrogate to itself the sole interpretation of the Treaty
of Peace to which it is itself only one party. Article 40would be meaning-
less if the I-Iungarian Government were to be the sok arbiter of the
execution of its obligationsnder the Peace Treaty. As to the suggestion
that the action of His Majesty's Government in involcing the Peace
Treaty constitutes an unwarranted intervention in Hungarian interna1
affairs it is obvious thathe sovereignty of Nungary is in fact Iimited
by the international obligations of the Hungarian Government.

The claim thatthe Hungarian Government has cornplied with Article 4
of the Treaty does nat excuse breaches of other articles.

Article 4 was not intended to he used as cloak for the denial of the
fundamental freedoms specified in Article z nor as a pretext for the
suppression of al1opposition to the ruleofa minority.
ais Majesty's Government are forced to re.gardthe Hungarian Govern-
ment's refusa1 to joinin establishing a C,ommissionsuch as is provided
for in Article 40 for the resolution of disputes as a further deliberate
breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Peace. They are none
the less determined to take al1 possible measures which may be open
to them to secure the Hungarian Government's compliance with the
provisions of the Treaty under Articles2 and 40. NOTE VERBALE DU ROYAUME-UNI A LA ROUMANIE

[Texte original en anglais]

19 septembre 1949.
La légation de Sa Majesté présente ses compliments au ministhre
des Affaires étrangères de la Roumanie et, d'ordre du Gouvernement de
Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni, a l'honneur de se référerà la note du
ministère concernant l'interprétation et l'exécution du traité de paix.

Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté ne peut accepter les raisons qu'allègue

le Gouvernement roumain pour refuser de respecter les clausesrmelles
du traité. Il ne comprend pas non plus comment le Gouvernement
roumain peut maintenir qu'il ne s'est élevéaucun différend au sens
de l'article38 du traité, alors que les notes qu'ils ont déjà échangées
montrent clairement qu'il existe une divergence de vues entre ce Gouver-
nement et le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté.
Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté n'admet pas que le Gouvernement
roumain prétende êtrele seul gouvernement qui ait le droit d'interpréter
le traité de paix auquel il n'est qu'une des parties. L'article38 serait
dénué de sens si leGouvernement roumain devait être seul juge de
I'exécutiondes obligationsque lui impose ce traité. Quant à l'allégation
selon laquelle le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté, en invoquant Je traité
de paix, s'est rendu coupable d'ingérence injustifiéedans les affaires
intérieures de la Roumanie, il est évident que les obligations inter-
nationales assumées par le Gouvernement roumain limitent en fait la
souveraineté de la Roumanie.
L'argument suivant lequel le Gouvernement roumain a rempli les
obligations que lui impose l'article4 du tra,ité ne justifie pas la vida-
tion d'autres articles dce traité.
L'article 4 n'a pas pour but de servir a pallier le déni des libertés

fondamentales mentionnées à l'article3 ni à justifier la suppression
de toute opposition à la règle d'une minorité.
Le Gouvernement de Sa hlajesté est contraint de voir, dans le refus
du Gouvernement roumain de participer à la création de la Commission
prévue à l'articl38 pour le règlement des différends, une nouvelle
violation délibéréedes obligations que lui impose le ttaité de paix.
Il n'en est pas moins résolu à prendre toutes les mesures qui sont en
son pouvoir pour faire en sorte que le Gouvernement roumain respecte
les dispositions des articleset38 du traité. DOCUbIENTS TRASSJIITTED 1°4


[Original test :English]

19 Septernber, 1949.
His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the Rournanian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under instrtictions from His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom have the honour to refer to the
Ministry's note concerning the interpretation and execiition of the
Treaty of Peace.
His hlajesty's Government are unable to accept the reasons advanced
by the Roumanian Government for refusing to corr~plywith the clear
provisions of the Treaty. Nor do they understand how the Roumanian
Government can maintain that no dispute has ansen in the sense of
Article 38 of the Treaty in view of the manifest divergence between
the views of that Government and those of His Majesty's Goveinmenl
as espreçsed. in the notes which they have already exchanged.
His 3Zajesty'sGovernment do not recognize any right in the Rouma-
nian Government to arrogate to itself the sole interpretation of the
Treaty of Peace to which it is itself only one party. Artide 3s ~vould
be meaningless if the Roumanian Government were to be the sole arbiter
of the execution of its obligations under the Peace Treaty. As to the
suggestion that the action of His Majesty's Government in invoking
the Peace Treaty constitutes an unwarranted intervention in Rouma-
nian interna1 affairs il is obvious that the sovereignty of Roumania is
in fact limited by the international obligntions 'of the Roiimanian
The claim that the Roumanian Government has complied with
-4rticle4 of the Treaty does not excuse breaches of other articles.

Article 4 was not intended to be used as cloak for the denial of the
fundamental freedoms specified in Article 3 nor as a pretext for the
suppression of al1opposition to the rule oa minority.
His hlajesty's Government are forced to regard the Roumanian
Government's refusal to join in establishing a Commission such as is
provide dor in Article 38 for the resolution of disputes as a further
deliberate breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Peace. They
are none the less determined to take al1 possible measures which may
be open to them to secure the Koumanian Covernment's cornpliance
with the provisions of the Treaty under Articles 3 and 3s. Premier additif A lachemise 7


[Texte original en anglais]

New-York, le rg novembre 1949.

Me référantà la résolution relativau respectdes droitsde l'homme
et des libertés fondamentales en Bulgarie, en Hongrie et en Roumanie,
adoptee par l'Assembléegénéralele 22 octobre1949 (A/1o43),et comme
suite à ma lettre du xgseptembre, j'al'honneur de vous transmettre
ci-joint le texte de la réponse du ministère des Affaires étrangèdes
Hongrie, en date du 27 octobre 1949, à la notedu Gouvernement de
Sa hlajesté en datedu 19 septembre 1949.

Représentant du Royaume-Uni de Grande-
Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord auprès de
l'organisation des Nations Unies.


['rexte original en anglais]
I3udapest, le 27 octobre 1949.
Le ministère des Affaires étrangéres de Hongrie présente ses com-
pliments à la légation du Royaume-Uni et, se référantà la noteno475
de la légation en date du rg septembre 1949, a I'honneur de fairela
déclaration suivante :
Le Gouvernement hongrois regrette d'avoir à déclarer que, bien qu'il
ait clairement expliqué et indiscutablerr~.prouvéà plusieurs reprises,
dans sesnotes no-2671 et77951194 q uil avait scrupuleusement respecté
les dispositions de l'articledu traité de paix, le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni a jugéopportun derenouveler les accusations dépourvues

de tout fondement réel que le Gouvernement liongrois a repoussées de
façon très catégorique.

Le Gouvernement hoiigrois rejette de nouveau de la façon la plus
catégorique cette interprétation fausse et tendancieuse du trait6 de
paix par laquelle Ie Gouveriiement britannique essaie d'opposer les
uiies aux autres les dispositions des arti2ets4 du traitéLe Gouver-
nement hongrois ne voit aucune contradiction entre le respect. des
dispositions del'articledu traité et la lutte contre les éléments fascistes
et pro-fascistes que prescrit l'art4cde ce même traité. Au contraire, First Addendumto Folder 7



[Original tcst :English]
(179/180/49.) New York, 19November, 1949.

In con~iexion with Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 22 October, 1949, regarding the observance in Bulgaria, Hungary
and Romania of hurnan rights and fundamental freedoms (A/1043),
and in continuation of my letter of 19September, 1 have the honour
to transmit toyou herewith a copy of the reply which has been received
from the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dated 27 October,
1949, to his Majesty's Govemment's note of xgSeptember.

(Signed) Alexander CADOGAN,
Iiepreçentative of the United Kingdom
ofGreat Britain and Northern Ireland
to the United liations

[Original tcst :English]

989711949> Budapest, October 27, 1949.

toTtheHuBritish Legation and, with reference to the Legation's notets

No. 475of the 19th September, 1949,has the honotir to impart as follo:s
The Hungarian Government regret to state that the Government
of the United Kingdom deemed itopportune to renew the accusations,
deprived of al1 real basis whatsoever, and rejected most categorically
by the Hungarian Government - notwithstanding that the Hungarian
Government on several occasioiis had clearly explicated in ils notes
Nos. 2671 and 77951194 and undoubtfuiiy proved that they were
minutely observing the*stipulations contained in Articl2 of the Peace
The Hungarian Government once again rejected most categorically
that tendentious and fabe interpretation of the Peace Treaty, by which
the British Government try to contrast the stipulations contained
respectively in Article2 and 4 of the Treaty. The Hungarian Govern-
ment do not seeany contradiction between the observing ofthe stipula-
tions of Article2 of the Treaty and the fight against fascist and pro-
fascist elements prescribed by ArticIe 4 of the same Treaty. On the106 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS
l'observation conséquente des clauses de l'article 4 est une condition
sine qua nolz de garantie à tous les peuples, et notamment au peuple
hongrois, des droits définisà l'article2 du traité.

Ilressort clairement des comptes rendus des procès de Mindszenty

et de ses complices et, plus récemment, de Laszlo Rajk et de ses coni-
plices, queles personnes condamnées pour leur activité antidémocratique
étaient coupables de conspiration visant h renverser le régimedémocra-
tique actuel, à supprimer les libertésacquises par le peuple, etàinstaurer
un régime fasciste d'oppression pire qu'aucun autre régime analogue
dans le passé. Ainsi, loin de violer le traité de paix, le Gouvernement
hongrois se conforme explicitement aux dispositions de ce traité en
frappant les infâmes ennemis de la liberté et de la démocratie qui se
sont abaissés jusqu'à recourir à l'espionnage et à des tentatives d'assassi-
nat. Si les Gouvernements du Royaume-Uni et des Etats-Unis accusent
le Gouvernement hongrois, ce ne peut être que pour une seule raison :
les milieux dirigeants de ces pays sont hostiles à l'indépendance et
au dévéloppement des démocraties populaires et, comme l'ont montré
les procès mentionnés plus haut, soutiennent, en Hongrie également,
les ennemis les plus acharnés de la démocratie, auxquels ils donnent
des ordres par l'intermédiaire soit de leur propre rkseau d'espions,
soit de Tito et sa clique, qui sont à leur service.
En fait, le Gouvernement hongrois a maintes fois déclaréque ce
sont précisément ces Gouvernements qui ont, à plusieurs reprises,
violé les dispositions du traité de paix avec la Hongrie en refusant
indûment de rendre les biens hongrois qui se trouvent dans leurs zones

d'occupation respectives, en s'opposant à l'extradition des criminels
de guerre hongrois qui se sont réfugiéssur leur territoire, en soutenant
ces criminels de guerre dans leur activité antidémocratique et m6me
en permettant à des formations militaires de fascistes hongrois de
s,'organiser et de s'équiper sur les territoires occupés par ces Gouver-
De pIus, le Gouvernement hongrois constate avec étonnement qu'outre
les accusations déjà connues et souvent réfutées,le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni émet l'opinion - toute nouvelle et absolument incompa- .
tible avec la lettre et l'espritdu droit international - selon laquelle
la Hongrie, en assumant certaines obligations de par Ia signature du
traité de paix, est devenue un Etat àsouveraineté limitée.

Quand elle a signé le traité de paix, la Hongrie n'était pas disposée
à abandonner sa souveraineté, pas plus qu'elle ne l'est à l'heure actuelle ;
elle défendra, au contraire, contre toute ingérence impérialiste, son
indépendance et son Iibre développement démocratique. Le Gouver-
nement hongrois estime qu'en interprétant d'une façon arbitraire le
traité de paix, le Gouvernement britannique cherche a revendiquer le

droit d'intervenir constamment dans les affaires intérieures dela Hongrie,
sans avoir égard à l'indépendance de l'État hongrois.
D'autre part, le Gouvernement hongrois rejette catégoriquement la
calomnie inventée de toutes pièces par le Gouvernement britannique,
selon laquellele régimehongrois actuel n'est que Cla règle d'une mino-
rité II.Il est notaire, en effet, qu'aux élections générales du 15 mai
1949, -le peuple hongrois a manifesté sa voIonté de la faqon la pIus
démocratique - par un scrutin universel et secret - et a décidé, par DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED 106

consequent compliance with the stipulations of Article 4
is a condl ron sine qua non of guaranteeing to al1 peoples and ta the
Hungarian people among thern, the rights defined by Article z of the
It has resulted clearly from the documents of the trials against
Mindszenty and his accomplices and recently against Laszlo Rajk and
his accomplices, that the perçons convicted for their anti-dernocratic
activity were guilty of a conspiracy aiming at the reverse of the present
democratic régime, and to annihilate the liberties acquired by the
people, and to eçtablish a fascist régime of oppression, worse than any
other previous régimeof the kind. Accordingly, the Hungarian Govern-
ment, far from infringing the Peace Treaty, act explicitlyincornpliance
with its stipulations when inflicting a blow upon the vile eneniies of
liberty and democracy who have degenerated to espionage and murderous

.attempts. If the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the United
States accuse the Hungarian Government, thiscan have but one reason,
i.e. theruling circles of these countnes are hostile to the independence
and development of the people's democracies and, as it was proved
by the afore-mentioned trials, support, in Hungary too, the most
desperate enemies of democracy, directing them by their own network
of spis, as well as by Tito and his clique, attached to their service.

As a matter of fact, the Hungarian Government have repeatedly
stated that, precisely these Governments have, on several occasions,
infnnged the stipulations of the Peace Treaty relating to Hungary,
when unlawfully denying the restitution of Hungarian property found
in their respective zones of occupation, when refusing the extradition
of the Hungarian war-criminals escaped into their territory, when
supporting these war-criminals in their anti-democratic activity and
when even rendering possible the organization and equipment of military
formations of Hungarian fascists on the territory occupied by them.

Furthermore, the Hungarian Government states with astonishment
that, in addition to the accusations already known and repeatedly
refuted, the Government of the United Kingdom expresses the opinion
-which is quite new and in no way compatible with the rules and
spiritof international law-that, by assuming certain obligations through
the signature of the Treaty ofPeace. Hungary has become a State with
limited sovereignty.
When signing the Peace Treaty, Hungary was not, nor is she at
present, inclined to surrender her sovereignty-on the contrary, she
wiU defend her independence and unha~npered democratic development
against any imperialist interference. The Hungarian Governrnent consider

the arbitrary interpretation of the Pcace Treaty by the British Govern-
ment an attempt to claim a right to constantly interfere with Hungary's
interna1 affairs, ignoring the independence of the Hungarian State.

The Hungarian Government categoricaily reject, moreover, the wholly
fictitious calumny of the British Government, alleging that the present
Hungarian régime be merely "the rule of a minority". It is a notorious
fact that at the general elections on the 15th May of1949 the Hungarian
people manifested their will in the most democratic way-by general
and secret ballot-and decided to support by gg.j''/, of their votesIO7 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS

95,5 pour IOO des voix, d'appuyer la politique du Gouvernement hon-
grois actuel. C'est pourquoi l'allégation soutenue par le Gouvernement
britannique, dans une note diplomatique suivant laquelle le Gouver-
nement de la Hongrie est ((la règle d'une minoritii,ne peut êtreinter-
prétéepar leGouvernement hongrois que comme une manŒuvre de
propagande malveillante, fondée sur la méconnaissance des faits
Pour ces motifs, le Gouvernement hongrois rejette de la façon la
plus catégorique la note no47j de la légation britannique, qui constitue
une nouvelle tentative d'ingérence illégale dans les affaires intérieures
de la Hongrie.
Le ministère des Affaires étnng6res de Ia Hongrie saisit cette occa-

sion, etc.



[Texte original en anglais]
X" j (xj~rjjo). New-York, le 6 janvier 1950,

Comme suite à ma lettre no 1791178149 en date du 17 novembre
laquelle étaient jointes des copies des communications relatives aux
mesures prises par le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaurne-
Uni pour obtenir l'exécution de certaines clauses des traités de paix
avec la Hongrie, Ia Roumanie et la Bulgarie, j'ai l'honneur de vous.
faire parvenir des copies de trois notes que mon Gouvernement a adres-
sées le 5 janvier aux Gouvernements de la Hongrie, de la Roumanie
et de la Bulgarie respectivement. Ces notes portent à la connaissance.
des trois gouvernements intéressésla désignation deM. F. Elwyn Jones,

K. C., M. P., comme représentant du Gouvernement de Sa hlajesté.
aus Commissions prévues dans les articles des trois traités de paqui.
ont trait au règlement des différends relatifs à l'interprétation et à
l'exécution de ces traités.
D'ordre du ministre des Affaires étrangères du Royaume-Uni, je-
vous prie de bien vouloir transmettre des CO-piesdes notes ci-jointes à.
Ia Cour internationale de Justice et à tous les Etats Membres des Nations
Unies, eu égard àla résolution adoptée l22octobre 1949 par l'Assemblée
générale (Ajro43).

Représentant du Royaiime-Uni de Grande-
Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord auprks de.
l'organisation des Nations Uniesthe policy camed on by the present Hungarian Government. In view
of this, the fact that the British Government alleges in a diplornatic
note the present Hungarian Government as being "the rule ofa minority"
cannot be regarded by the Hunganan Government but an evil-minded
propagandistic manoeuvre, based upon the denial of true facts.

In consideration ofhe above said, the Hungarian Government reject
most categorically the note No. 475 of the British Legation, as a new
attempt of unlawful interference with the interna1 affairs of Hungary.

The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of this oppor-
tunity, etc.


[Original test:English]'

No. 5 (r/r1/50). New York, 6 January, 1950.
With reference to myletter No.179/178/ of917November, enclosing
copieç of correspondence relating to the steps taken by His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom to secure the implemeniation of
certain clauses of the Peace Treaties with Hungary, Romania and
Bulgaria, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency copies
of three notes which my Government sent on 5 January to the Govern-
ments of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. These notes informed the
three Governments of the appointment of Mr. F. Elwyn Jones, K.C.,
M.P., as Hishlajesty G'overnment's representativon the Commissions
prescribed in the relevant articles in the three Peace Treaties for the
settlement of disputes concerning the interpretation or execution of
those Treaties.

2. 1have the honour, upon instructions from His Majesty's Principal
Secreiary of State for Foreign Affairs, to request Your Excellency to
transmit copies of the enclosed notes to the International Court of
Justice and to al1 Rlembers of the United Nations in connexion with
the General Assernbly resolution 22 October, I94g (AI1043).

Representative of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
to the United Nations DOCUMENTS TRAXShlIS

[Texte original en anglaisj

5 janvier 1950.

La légation de Sa hlajesté présente ses compliments au ministhe
des Affaires étrangéresroumain et a l'honneur, comme suite à sa note
no204 du rcr août concernant la soumission àuneCommission, conformé-
ment aux dispositions de l'article8 du traité depaix avec la Roumanie,
du différend qui s'est élevéentre le Gouvernement de Sa hlajesté et le
Gouvernement roumain au sujet de l'interprétation de l'article 3 du
traité, de lui faire connaîtreque le Gouvernement de Sa hlajesté au
Royaume-Uni a désigné RI.F. Elwyn Jones, K. C.,M. P., comme son
représentant à la Commission prévue. Le Gouvernement roumain est
en conséquence prié de bien vouloir, d'une part, désigner sans retard
son représentant et, d'autre part, entrer en rapport avec le Gouverne-
ment de 53 Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni en vue de la déçignation du
troisième membre de la Commission dans les conditions prévues au
traité de paix.
2. La légation de Sa hlajesté saisit cette occasion, etc.

[Texte originalen anglais]

5 janvier 1950.
La légation de Sa Majesté présente ses compliments au ministére des

Affaires étrangéres hongrois et a l'honneur, comme suite A ça note
no3jo du Ieraoùt concernant la soumission à une Commission, confor-
mément aux dispositions de l'articl40 du traité de paix avec la Hongrie,
du différend qui s'est élevéentre le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté et le
Gouvernement hongrois au sujetde l'interprétation del'articl2du traité,
de lui faire savoir que le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté au Royaume-
Uni a désignéM. F. Elwyn Jones, K. C.,M. P.,comme son représentant
à la Commission prévue. Le Gouvernement hongrois est en conséquence
prié de bien vouloir, d'unepart, désignerSam retard son représentantet,
d'autre part, entrer en rapport avec le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté
dans le Royaume-Uni en vue de la désignation du troisiéme membre
de la Commission dans les conditions prévues au traitée paix.
2. La légation deSa Majesté saisit'cette occasion, etc.


[Texte original en anglais]
5 janvier 19j0.

La Iégation de Sa Rfajesté présente ses conipliments au ministcre
des Affaires étrangères bulgare et a l'honneur, comme suite A sa note Annexes


[Original text: English]
5 January, 1950.

Hiç R;Zajesty3segation present their compliments to.the Roumanian
Blinistry of Foreign Affairs and with reference to their note No. 204
of 1st August regarding the reference to a Commission, as laid down
in Article 38 ofthe Peace Treaty with Roumania, of their dispute with
the Roumanian Government over the interpretation of Article 3 of the
Treaty, have the honour to inform them that His Majeçty's Government
in the United Kingdom have appointed Mr. F, Elwyn Jones, K.C.,
M.F., as their representative on the proposed Commission. It isaccord-
inglyrequested that the Roumanian Government appoint their represent-
ative forthwith and at the same' time enter into consultation with
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom with a view to the
appointment of the third member as stipulated in the Peace Treaty.

. ..
z. His Majesty'ç Legation avail themselves of this opportunity, etc.


[Original text: English]
5 January, 1950.

His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the Hungarian
hlinistry ofForeign Affairs and with reference to their note No. 350
of'1st August regarding the reference to a Commission, as laid down
in Article 40 of the Peace Treaty with Hungary, of their dispute with
the Hungarian Government over the interpretation ofArticle z of the
Treaty, have the honour to inform them that His Majesty's Govern-
ment in the United Kingdom have appointed Mr. F. Elwyn Jones,
K.C., M.P., as their representative on the proposed Commission. It is
accordingly requested that the Hungarian Government appoint their
representative forthwith and at the same time enter into consultation
with Ris Majesty's,Governrnent in the United Kingdom with a view
to the appointment ofthethird member as stipulatedin the Peace Treaty.

2. His Majesty's Legation avail themselves of this opportunity, etc.

[Original text : English]

5 January, 1'950.
His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the 13ulgarian
hiinistryof Foreign Affairs and with, ceference to their note No. 410
no 410du xcraoût concernant la soumissionA une Commission, confor-
mémentaux dispositions de l'article 36 du traitéde paix avec la Bulgarie,
du différend qui s'est élevéentre le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté et
le Gouvernement bulgare au sujet de l'interprétation de l'arti2ldu
traité, de lui faire savoir que le Gouvernement de SaMajestéau Royaume.
Uni a désignéM. F. Elwyn Jones, K. C., M.P., comme son représentant
à la Commission prévue. Le Gouvernement bulgare est en conséquence
prié de bien vouloir, d'une part, désignersans retard son reprksentant
et, d'autre part, entrer en rapport avec le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté
dans le Royaume-Uni en vue de la désignation du troisième membre
de la Commission dans leconditions prévuesau traitdépaix.
2. La Légationde Sa Majestésaisit cette occasion, etc,


[Texte original en anglais]
New-York, le 6 janvier 1950.
Le représentant permanent du Canada auprks de l'organisation des
Nations Unies présente sescompliments au Secrétairegénédes Nations
Unies et a l'honneur de lui adresser la présente note relative aux diffé-
rends qui se sont élevésentre les Gouvernementsde la Hongrie et de
la Roumanie, d'une part, et le Gouvernement du Canada, d'autre part,
au sujet del'interprétation de l'ar2du traité de paix avec la Hongrie
et de l'artic3edu traité de paix avelaRoumanie.
En ce qui concerne le différend entre le Gouvernement canadien et
le Gouvernement hongrois, le représentant permanent du Canada a
l'honneur de vous faire parvenir ci-joint une copie de la note qle
ministre du Royaume-Uni à Budapest a, au nom du Gouvernement
canadien, remise le 5 janvier1950 au Gouvernement hongrois. Dans
cette note, le Gouvernement canadien portait à la connaissancedu
Gouvernement hongrois la désignation de M. le juge J. L. Ilsley, P. C.,
comme représentant du Gouvernement canadien rila Commission dont
la réunionest prévue par l'artic40du traité de paix avec la Hongrie.
En ce qui concerne le différendentre le Gouvernement canadien et
le Gouvernement roumain, le représentant permanent du Canada a
l'honneur de vous faire parvenir ci-joint une copie de la note que le
ministre du Royaume-Uni h Bucarest a, au nom du Gouvernement
canadien, remise le5 janvier1950 au Gouvernement roumain. Dans
cette note, le Gouvernement canadien portait à la connaissance du
Gouvernement roumain la désignation de M. le juge J. L. Ilsley, P. C.,
comme représentant du Gouvernement canadien 3la Commission dont
la réunionest prévuepar l'article 38 du traité de paix avec la Roumanie.
Le représentant permanent du Canada auprès de l'organisation des
Nations Unies a l'honneur, d'ordre du secrCtaire d'État aux Affaires
extérieures, de tpousprier de bien vouloir transmettre des copies des
notes ci-jointeA tous les Etats Membres des Nations Unies ainsi qu'à
la Cour internationalde Justice, eu égardà la résolution adoptée par
l'Assemblée générale, le octobre 1949(A1104g). DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED . 109
of 1st August regarding the reference to a Commissiori, as laid down
in Article 36 of the Peace Treaty with Bulgaria, of their dispute with
the Bulgarian Government over the interpretation of Article 2 of the
Treaty, have the honour to infonn them that His Majesty's Government

M.F., as their representative on the proposed Commission. It is accord-
ingly requested that the Bulgarian Government appoint their repre-

Wis Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, with a view toon with

the appointment of the third member as stipulated in the Peace Treaty.
2. His IkIajestg'sLegation avail themselves of this opportunity, etc.


[Originaltext : Englishi

New York, 6 January, 1950.
The permanent representative of Canada to the United Nations
presents his compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations
and has the honour to refer to the disputes which have arisen between
the Hunganan and Romanian Governments on the one hand, and the
Canadian Government on the other, concerning the interpretation of
Articles 2 and 3 of the Peace Treaties with Hunga~ and Romania
As regards the dispute between the Canadian Government and the
Hungarian Government, the permanent representative of Canada has
the honour to enclose a copy of the note which was presented to the
Wunganan Govemment by the United Kingdom Minister in Budapest
on behalf of the Canadian Government on 5 January, 1950. In this
note the Canadian Government informed the Hungarian Government
of the appointment of the Right Honourable Justice J. L. Ilsley, P.C.,
as the Canadian Government's representative on the proposed Commis-
sion envisaged in Article40 of the Peace Treaty with Hungary.
As regards the dispute between the Canadian Government and the
Romanian Government, the permanent representative of Canada has
the honour to enclose a copy of the note which was presented to the
Romanian Government by the United Kingdom Minister in Rucharest
on behalf of the Canadian Government on 5 January, 1950. In this
note the Canadian Government informed the Romanian Government
of the appointment of the Right Honourable Justice J. L. Ilsley,. P.C,
asthe Canadian Government's representative on the proposed Commis-
sion envisaged in Article 38 of the Peace Treaty with Romania.
The permanent representative of Canada to the United Nations has
the honour to request, upon the instructions of the Secretaryof State,
for External Affairs, that you be kind enough to transmit copies of the
enclosed notes to al1 Memberç of the United Nations, and also to the
International Court of Justice in connexion with the General Assembly
Resolution of zz October, 1949 (A/1o43). NOTE VERBALE DU CANADA h LA HONGRIE

[Texte original en anglaisj
5 janvier 1950.

La légation de Sa Majesté présente ses compliments au ministère
des Affaircs étrangeres hongrois et a l'honneur, comme suite à sa note
en date du Teraoîit concernant la soumissionA une Con mission, confor-
mément aux dispositions de l'article 40 du traité paix avec la Hongrie,

du différendqui s'est élevéentre le Gouvernement canadien et le Gouver-
nement hongrois au sujet de l'interprétation de l'article 2 du traité,
de lui faire savoir, au nom du Gouvernement canadien, que ce Gouver-
nement a désigné M. lejuge J. L. IlsleyP. C., comme 5011représentant
à la Commission prévue, Le Gouvernement hongrois est en conséquence
prié,d'une part, de bien vouloir désigner sans retard son repréçentant
et, d'autre part, d'entrer en rapport avec le Gouvernement canadien,
par l'intermédiaire de hl. l'ambassadeur du Canada à Washington, en
vue de ladésignation du troisième membre de la Commission dans les
conditions prevues au traité de paix.


[Texte original en anglais]
5 janvier Igjo.

La légation de Sa hlajesté présente ses compliments au ministère
des Affaires étrangères roumain et a l'honneur, comme suite à sanote
du I Caoût concernant la soumission à une Cornmission, conformément
aux dispositions de l'articl38 du traité de paix avec la Roumanie, du
différend qui s'est élevSentre le Gouvernement canadien et le Gouver-
nement roumain, au sujet de l'interprétation de l'article 3 du traité,
de lui faire savoir, au nom du Gouvernement canadien, que ce Gouver-

nement a désigné Ri.le jugeJ. L. IlsleyP. C., comme son représentant
à la Commission prévue. Le Gouvernement roumain est en conséquence
prié de bien vouloir, d'une part, désigner sans retard son représentant
et, d'autre part,entrer en rapport avec le Gouvernement canadien par
l'intermédiaire de hl. l'ambassadeur du Canada à Washington, en
vue de la désignation du troisième membre de la Commission dans les
conditions prévues au traité de paix. CANADIAN NOTE TO HUNGARY

[Original test : English]

5 January, 1950.

His Majesty's Legation present their compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and with reference to their note of August I,regarding
the reference to a Commission, as laid down in Article 40 of the Peace
Treaty with Hungary, of their dispute with the Government over the
interpretation of Article 2 of the Treaty, have the honour, on behalf
of the Canadian Government, to infom the Government of Hungary
that the Canadian Government has appointed Kight Wonourable Justice
J. L. Ilsley,P.C., as its representative on the proposed Commissioii.
. It is accordingly requested that the Hunganan Government appoint
its representative forthwithand, at the same time, enter into consultation

with the Canadian Government through the Canadian Arnbassador in
\ITashington with a view to the appointment of the third member of
the Commission as stipulated in the Peace Treaty.


[Original test : English]
j January, 1950.

His Najesty's Legation present their compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairsandwith reference to their note of August 1,regarding
the reference to a Commission, as laid down in Article 38 of the Yeace
Treaty with Koumania, of their dispute with the Government over the

interpretation of Article 3 of the Treaty, have the honour, on behalf
of the Canadian Government, to inform the Government of Koumania
that the Canadian Government has appointed Right Honourable Justice
J. L. Ilsley, P.C., as its representative on the proposed Commission.
It is accordingly requested that the Rournanian Government appoint
its representative forthwith and, at the same time, enter into consulta- *
tion with the Canadian Government through the Canadian Ambaçsador
in Washington with a view to the appointment of the third member
of the Commission as stipulated in the Peace Treaty.III DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS


[Texte original en anglais]
New-York, le 6janvier 1950.

J'ai l'honneur dme référerà ma note UN-2748 en date du20septem-
bre 1949 par laquelle je vous ai transmis copie d'une correspondance
diplomatique concernant laquestion du respect des droits de l'homme
en Bulgarie, en Hongrie et en Roumanie [résolutions de l'Assemblée
générale du30 avril 1949 ,72 (III), et d22 octobre I 49 (Aj104g)l.
Depuis l'envoi dela lettre mentionnée plus haut, l2 ouvernement
hongrois a adyessé,le 27 octobre1949 ,ne nouvelle note au Gouver-
nement. des Etats-Unis d'Amérique (annexe 1).Le 5 janvier 1950,
le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a adressé des notes aux
Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la Hongrie et de la Roumanie
(annexes 2, 3 et 4).
Vous trouverez ci-joint copie de ces notes, que je vous prierai de
bien vouloir transmettreà tous les Etats Membres des Nations Unies
ainsiqu'à la Cour internationale de Justice, conformémeàtla résolu-
tion adoptée le 22 octobre 1.949par l'Assembléegénérale(Aj1043).
Représentant des fitats-unis
d'Amérique auprés de l'organisation
des Nations Unies.

Piéces jointe:

Annexe.r. Note de la Hongrie aux Gtats-unis d'Amérique endate
du 27 octobre 1949.
Afinexe2. Note des États-unis d'Amérique A la Bulgane en date
du 5 janvier 1950.
Annexe 3. Note des États-unis d'Amérique à la Hongrie en date
du 5 janvier. 1950.
Awnexe 4.Note des États-unis d'Amérique à la Roumanie en date
du 5 janvier 1950,

Annexe r

[Texte original en anglais]

27 octobre 1949.
Le ministère des Affai~esétrangèresde Hongrie présente ses compli-
ments àIa légationdeçEtats-Unis d'Amériqueet, se référantAla note
no 592 de la légation en date du 19 septembre1949, a l'honneur de
faire la déclaration suivan:e DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED III


[Original text: English]
New York, 6 January, 1950.

1have the honour to refer to my note UN-2748 of September 20,
1949, forwarding to you copies of certain diplomatic correspondence
relevant to the question of observance of human nghts in Riilgaria,
Hungary and Romania [General Assembly Reçolutions of 30 April
1949 (272 (III), and22 October, 1949 (A/ro43)j.
On 27October, 1949s, ubsequent to the date of my letter, the Govern-
ment of Hungary addressed a further note to the Government of the
United States [Annex 1).On 5 January, 1950, the Government of the
United States directed notes to the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary
and Romania (Annexes 2,3 and 4).

1 am enclosing copies of these notes with a requeçt that you be kind
enough to transmit copies of the notes to al Members of the United
Nations and also to the International Court of Justice in connexion
with the General Assembly Resolution of22 October, 1949 (A~xo~J).

United States Representative
to the United Nations.

Enclosures :
Annexr. Hungarian note of 27 October, 1949 ,o U.S.

Annex 2. U.S. note of 5 JanuaryIgjo o Bulgaria.

Annex 3. U.S. note of 5 January, 1950 ,o Hungary.

Annex 4. U.S. note ofjJanuary, 1950 ,o Romania.

[Original text:English]

27 October, 1949.
The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs presents its compliments
to the Legation of the United States ofrnerica and, with reference to
the Legation's note No.592, dated September 19, 1949 ,as the honour
to impart as follow: Le Gouvernement hongrois regrette d'avoir à déclarer que, bien qu'il
ait clairement expliqué et indiscutablement prouvé, dans ses notes
nos 2672 et 7796/1949,qu'il avait scrupuleusement respecté-les dispo-
sitions de I'article
2 du traité de paix, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis
a jugé opportun de renouveler les accusations dépourvues de tout
fondement réel que le Gouvernement hongrois a repousséesà plusieurs
reprises de façon très catégorique.
Le Gouvernement hongrois rejette à nouveau de la facon la plus
catégorique cette interprétation fauçse et tendancieuse du traité de paix
par laquelle Ie Gouvernement des Etats-Unis essaie d'opposer les unes
aux autres les dispositions des article2 et 4 du traité. Le Gouvernement
hongrois ne voit aucune contradiction entre le respect des dispositions
de l'article 2 du traité et la lutte contre les élémentsfascisteç et pro-
fascistes que prescrit l'article4 de ce mêmetraité. Au contraire, l'obser-
vation conséqueiite des clauses de l'article 4 est une condition sirza
qzca nou de garantie à tous les peuples, et notamment au peuple hon-
grois, des droits définis à l'articl2 du traité.
Il ressort clairement des comptes rendus des procès de ~indszent~
et de ses complices et, plus récemment, de Laszlo Rajk et de ses com-
plices, que les personnes condamnées pour leur activité antidémocra-

tique étaient coupables de conspiration visant à renverser le régime
démocratique actuel, à supprimer les libertés acquises par Ie peuple
et à instaurer un régime fasciste d'oppression pire qu'aucun autre
régime analogue dans le passé. Ainsi, loin de violer le traité de paix,
le Gouvernement hongrois se conforme explicitement aux dispositions
de ce traité en frappant les infàmes ennemis de la liberté et de la
démocratie qui se sont abaissés jusqu'à recourir à l'espjonnage et à
des tentatives d'assassinat. Si les Gouvernements des Etats-Unis et
du Royaume-Uni accusent le Gouvernement hongrois, ce iie peut
êtreque pour une seule raison : les milieux dirigeants de ces pays sont
hostiles k l'indkpendaiice et au développement des démocraties popu-
laires et,comme l'ont montré les procès mentionnes plus.haut, soutien-
nent, en Hongrie également, Ics ennemis les plus acharnés de la démo-
cratie, auxquels ils donnent des ordres par l'intermédiaire, soit de leur
propre réseau d'espions, soit de Tito et sa clique, qui sont à leur service.

En fait, le Gouvernement hongrois a maintes fois déclaréque ce
sont précisémentces Gouvernements qui ont, à plusieurs reprises, violé
les dispositions du traité de paix avec la Hongrie en refusant indûment
de rendre les biens hongrois qui se trouvent dans leurs zones d'occupa-
tion respectives, en s'opposant à l'extradition des criminels de guerre
hongrois qui se sont réfugiéssur leur territoire, en soutenant ces criminels
de guerre dans leur activité antidémocratique et mêmeen permettant
à des formations militaires de fascistes hongrois de s'organiser et de
s'équipersur les territoires occupéspar ces Gouvernements.
De plus, le Gouvernement hongrois constate avec étonnement qu'outre
les accusations déjà connues et souvent réfutées,le Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis émetl'opinion - toute nouvelle et absolument incompatible
avec la lettre et l'esprit du droit international - selon laquelle la
Hongrie, en assumant certaines pbligations par suite de la signature
du traité depaix, est devenue un Etat à souveraineté limitée.

Quand elle a signé le traité de paix, la I-Ioiigrie n'était pas disposée'
à abandonner sa souveraineté, pas plus qu'elle ne l'est à l'heure actuelle ; The Hungarian Government regrets to state that the Government of
the UnitedStates deemed it opportune to renew the accusations, deprived
of al1 real basis whatsoever, and rejected most emphatically by the
Hunganan Government on several occasions-notwithstanding that
the Hunganan Government had clearly explicated and undoubtfully
proved in its notes Nos. 2672 and 7796/1949 that it was minutely observ-
ing the stipulations contained in Article 2of the Peace Treaty.
The Hungarian Government once zgain rejects most categorically
that tendentious and false interpretation of the Peace Treaty by which
the Government of the United States tries to contrast the stipulations

of Article 2 and 4 of the Treaty. Tlie Hungarian Government does not
see any contradiction between the observing of the stipulationscontained
in Article 2 of the Peace Treaty and the fight against fascist and pro-
fascist elementç prescribed by Article 4 of the çame Treaty. On the
contrary, a consequent compliance with the stipulations of Articl4 is a
condition sin8 qua non of guaranteeing to al1peoples and tothe Hungarian
people among them, the rights defined by Article 2 of the Treaty.
It has resulted clearly from the documents of the trials against
Mindszenty and his accomplices and, recently, against Laszlo Rajk
and his accompjices, that the personç convicted for their anti-democratic
activity were guilty of a conspiracy aiming at the reverse of the present
democratic régime, and to annihilate the liberties acquired by the
people, and to establish a fascist régime of oppression, worse than any
other previous régime of the kind. Accordingly, the Hungarian Govern-
ment, far from infringing the Peace Treaty, acts explicitly in com-
pliance with its stipulations when inflictinga blow upon the vile enemies
of liberty and dernocracy, who have degenerated to espionage and
murderous attempts. If the Governments of the United States and the
United Kingdom accuse the Hungarian Government, this can have but
one reason, i.e. the ruling circles of these countries are hostile to the

independence and development of the people's democracies and, as it
was proved by the afore-mentioned trials, support, in Hungary too,
the most desperate enemies of democracy, directing them by their own
network of spies, as well as by Tito and his clique, attached to their
As a matter of fact, the Hungarian Government has repeatedly stated
that, precisely these Governments have on çeveral occasions infringed
the stipulations of the Peace Treaty relating to Hungary, when unlaw-
fully denying the restitution of Hungarian property found in their
respective zones of occupation, when refuçing the estradition of the
Hungarian war-criminals escaped into their territory, when supporting
these war-criminals in their anti-democratic activity and when even
rendering possible the organization and equipment of rnilitary forma-
tions of Hungarian fascists on the territory occupied by them.
Furthemore, the. Hunganan Governrnent states with astonishment
that, in addition to the accusations already known and repeatedly
refuted, the Government of the United States expresses the opinion-
which is quite new and in no way compatible with the rules and spirit
of international law-that, by assuming certain obligations through
the signature of the Treaty of Peace, Hungary has become a State with
lirnited sovereignty,
JVhen signing the Peace Treaty, Hungary was not, nor is she at
present, inclined to surrender her sovereignty,-on the contrary, sheII3 DOCU hlEXTS TRAKS'iIIS
elle défendra, au contraire, contre toute ingérence impérialiste son
indépendance et son libre développement démocratique. Le Gouver-
nement hongrois estime qu'en interp~étant d'une façon arbitraire le
traité de paix, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis cherche à revendiquer
le droit d'intervenir constamment dans les aifaires intérieures de la
Hongrie, sans avoir égardà l'indépendance de 1'Etat hongrois.
D'autre part, le Gouvernement hongrois rejette catégori uement la

calomnie inventée de toutes piécespar le Gouvernement des $ tats-Unis,
selon laquelle Ie régime hongrois actuel n'est que(Ia domination totali-
taire d'une minorité ». Il est notoire, en effet, qu'aux Glections générales
du 15 mai 1949, le peuple hongrois a manifesté sa volonté de la façon
la plus démocratique - par un scrutin universel et secre- ct ü décidé,
par 95,5 pour IOO des voix, d'appuyer la politique du Gouvernement
hongrois actqel. C'est pourquoi l'allégation soutenue par le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis, dans une note diplomatique suivant laquelle
le Gouvernement de la Hongrie est la domination d'une minorité n,
ne peut être interprétéepar le Gouvernement hongrois que comme une
manŒuvre de propagande malveillante, fondée sur la méconnaissance
des faits véritables.
Pour ces motifs, le Gouvernement hongrois rejette de la façon la
plus catégorique la note no 592 de la légation des Etats-Unis, qui
constitue une nouvelle tentative d'ingérence illégale dans les affaires
intérieures de la Hongrie.
Le rninistére des Affaires étrangères de la Hongrie saisit cette occa-
sion, etc.

Annexe 2


[Texte original en anglais]
j janvier 1950,

La légation des Etats-Unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangèresde Bulgarie et a l'honneur de se référer
à la note de la légation en date du Ier août 1949, dans 'laquelle elle
invitait le Goyvernement de la Bulgarie à se concerter avec le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en vue de déçigner une Commis-
sion, conformément 1i l'articl36 du traité de paix, afin de régler le
différend qui s'est élevéau sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution
de IJarticIe2 du traité. La légation se réfère égalementà la note du
ministère en date du IC~ septembre 1949 et à la note de la ICgation en
date du 19 septembre 1949, relativesA cette mêmequestion.
La légation a l'honneur de faire connaître au ministére que le Gouver-

nement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a désigné M. Edwin U. Dickinson
pour le représenter Ll. Cominission proposée.Le Gouvernement bulgare
est invité à désigner sans délai son représentant,et ?tse mettre immé-
diatement en rapport aves le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique,
par l'entremise du ministre des Etats-Unis d'Amérique à Sofia,afin
de désigner le troisi4me membre de la Commission, conformément aux
dispositions del'article36 du traité de paix. wili defend her independence and unharnpered democratic developrnent
against any imperialist interference. The Hungarian Government
considers thearbitrary interpretation of theeace Treaty by the Govern-
ment of the United States an attempt to claim a right to constantly
interfere with Wungary's internal affairs, ignonng the independence
of the Hungarian State.
The Hunganan Government categoncaily rejects, moreover, the
wholly fictitious calumny of the Government of the United States,
alleging that the present Hungarian régimebe merely "the totalitarian
rule of a minority". It is a notorious fact that at the general elections
on the 15th of May of 1949 the Hungarian people manifested their
will in the most democratic way-by general and secret ballot-and
decided to support by 95.5 per cent of their votes the policy carried
on by the present Hungarian Government. In view of this, the fact
that the Government of the United States alleges in a diplomatic.note
the present Hungarian Government as being "the rule of a minority",
cannot be regarded by the Hungarian Government but an evil-minded
propagandistic manoeuvre, based upon the denial of true facts.

In consideration of thebove said, the Hunganan Government rejects
most categorically the note No. jgz. of the Legation of the United
States, as a new attempt of unlawful interference ~6th the internal
affairs of Hungary.
The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of this oppor-
tunity, etc.

Annex 2

[Original text :English]

ta the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and has the honour tots
refer to the Legation's note of August I, 1949, asking the Uulgarian
Government to join the United States Government in naming a Com-
mission, in accordance with Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace, to settle
the dispute which has arisen over the interpretation and execution of
Article 2 of the Treaty. Reference is also made to the Ministry's note
of September I, 1949, and to the Legation's note of September 19,
1949o ,n the same subject.

The Legation has the honour to infonri the Ministry that the United
States Government has designated .Mr. Edwin D. Dickinson as its
representative on the proposed Commission. It is requested that the
Bulganan Government designate its representative forthwith and enter
into consultation immediately with the United States Government
through the ArnericanhIinister in Sofia,uith a view to the appointment
of the third member of the Commission as stipulated in Article 36 of
the Peace Treaty. DOCUNESTS TRSKS5lIS

'Annexe 3

[Texte original en anglais]

5 janvier 1950.
La légationdes États-unis d7hmérique présente ses compliments au
ministère des Affaires étrangèresde Hongrie eta l'honneur de se référer
à la note de la légation en date du ~eraoût 1949, dans laquelle elle

invitait le Gouvernement de la Hongrie à se concerter avec le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en vue de désigner une Commission,
conformément à l'article 40 du traitéde paix, afin de réglerle différend
qui s'est élevéau sujet de l'interprétatiet de l'exécution de l'article z
du traité. La légation se réfère égalementk la note du ministère en
date du 26 aoiit 1949,à la note de la légation en date du19 septembre
1949 et à la note du ministère en date du 27 octobre 1949, relatives
à cette même question.
La légation,a l'honneur de faire connaîtau ministère que le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a désigné M. Edwin D. Dickinson
pour le représenter à la Commission proposée. Le Gouvernement hon-
grois est invité à désigner sans délai son représentant et à,se mettre
immédiatement en rapport avec le Gouvern-ent des Etats-Unis
d'Amérique, par l'entremise du ministre des Etats-Unis d'Amérique
à Budapest, afin de désigner le troisième membre de la Commission.

conformément aux dispositions de l'article40 du traité de paix.

Annexe 4


[Texte original en anglais:
.=janvier rg5o.

La Iégation des États-unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments au
ministère des Affaires &rangPres de Roumanie et a l'honneur de se
référerà la note de la légation en date du ~eraoût 1949,dans laquelle
elle invitait le Gouyernement de la Roumanie à se concerter avec le
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique en vue de désignerune Com-
mission, conformément à l'article 38 du traité de pak, afin de régler
le différend qui s'est élevéau sujet de l'interprétation et de l'exécution
de l'article 3 du traité. La Iégation se réfkre égalementà la note du
ministère en date du 2 septembre 1949 et à la note de la légation en
date du ~g septembre 1949, relatives à cette mame question.

La légation a l'honneur de faire connaître au ministèrque le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique a désigné M. Edwin D. Dickinson
pour le représenterà la Commissionproposée.Le Gouvernement roumain
est invité à désigner sans délai son représentant, et à se mettre immé-
diatement enrapport avec le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique,
par l'entremise du ministre des Etats-Unis d'Amérique A Bucarest,
afin de désigner le troisième membre de la Commission, conformément
aux dispositions de l'artic38 du traité de paix. UXITED STATES NOTE TO HUKGARY

[Original test : English]
j January, 19 jû.

The Legation of the United States ofArnericapresents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and has the honour to
refer to the Legation's note of August I, 1949, asliing the Hiiiigarian
Governmeiit to joiri the United States Governinent in nnming a Com-
mission, in accordance witli Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace, to settle
the dispute which lias arisen over the interpretation and execiitionaï
Article 2 of the l'reaty. Reference is also made to the Ministry's note
of August zG,1949, to the Legation's note of September 19, 1949, and
the Ministry's note of October 27, 1949o,n the same suhject.

The Legation has the honour to iilform the Ministry that the United
'StatesGovernment has designated Mr.Edwin D. Dickinson as its repre-
sentative on the proposed Commission. It is requested that the Hungariari
Government designate its representative forthwith and enter into consul-
tation immediately with the United States Governnient through the
American Minister in Budapest, with a view to the appointment of the
third member of the Commission as stipulated in Article 40 of the Peace

[Original test :English]

5 January, 1950.
The Legation of the United States of Arnerica presents its compli-
ments to the Miiiistry of Foreign Affairof Kumania aiid hns the honour
to refer to the Legation's noteof August 1, 1949,asking the IZiimaniari
Governrnent to join the United States Government in ~iaming ü Com-
mission, inaccordance with Article 38 of the Treaty ofPeace, to settle
the dispute which has arisen over the interpretation and evecution of
Article 3 of the Treaty. Reference is also made to the Ministry's note
,of September z, 1949, and to the Legation's note of September 19,
1949, on the same subject.

The Legation has the honour to inform the Ministry that the United
States Government has designated Rlr. Edwin D. Dickinson as its
representative on the proposed Commission. It is requested that the
Rumanian Government designate its representative forthwith and enter
iiito consultation immediately with the United States Government
through the American Minister in Bucharest, ïvith a view to the appoint-
-ment of the third member of the Commission as stipiilated in Article 3s

Second addendumto Folder 7'


17 February, 1950,
1 have the honour to refer to the note to you of GJanuary, Igjo,
from the Permanent Delegate of Canada, transmit ting to you copies
of certain diplomatic correspondence exchanged between the Govern-
ment of Canada on the one hand and the Governments of Hungary
and Roumania on the other, relating to the execution of the human
nghts clauses of the Peace Treaties with these two countries. (Arzicle
of the Treaty with Hungary, Article 3 of the Treaty with Roumania).
There is attached herewith the most recent note in this correspondence,
addressed on 16 January, 1950 ,y the Government of Hungary to the
British Legation at Budapest for transmission to the Government of
Canada. May 1 request that you distribute copies of this note and of
the present communication to al1Memberç of the United Nations and
ta the International Court of Justice.
The Government ofCanada has not yet received a reply to the note
which was presented to the Koumanian Government by the United
Kingdom Minister in Bucharest on behalf of thCanadian Government
on 5 January, 1950. The Government of Canada will transmit to you
a copy of the reply from the Roumanian Government when it has
been received.
I have, etc.

(Signedj JOHN \Y.HOLMES,
Acting Permanent Delegate of Canada
to the United Nations.



The Hungarian Ministry for ForeignAffairspreseats its compliments
to the British Legation and by order of its Government has the honour
to communicate as follows :
The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs received the British
Legation'snote No. 9 of January 5,1950, by which the Government
of Great Britain imparts, referring to the Legation's note No. 350 of
August 1,1949, that it designated hfr. F. Elwyn Jones asthe repre-
sentative of the British Government on the Commission proposed in
the above-mentioned note and by which it requests the Hungarian
Government to designate its representative to the same Commission

lDocuments deposited in English only. [Note by the Regislrar.] 1 1G DOCUMENTS TKANSMITTED

and to enter into consultations with the British Government as to the
appointment of a third member.
The Hungarian Government points out that the Governments of
Great Britain and the United States, when calling upon the Hungarian
Government on August I, 1949, for the formation of a Commission,
failed to designate a member to it on their own behalf and that they
desire to make good this omission at present, that iç a few months later.
This did not hamper however the Governments of Great Britain and
of the United States in addressing in the rneanwhile the United Nations

Organization in the same affair and in stating their point of view favour-
ing the United Nations Organization's putting questions in this regard
to the International Court of Justice.Al1this they did with the motiva-
tion that al1 steps provided under the Peace Treaty had been taken
and that these steps had been fruitless, as Mr. Alexander Cadogan,
representative of the Bnti2h Governrnent to the United Xations, empha-
sized it in his letter of Septembet19, 1949, addressed to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations Organization.
This present overdue step of the Governments of Great Britain and
of the United States clearly proves that the above motivation does
not correspond to the facts and that the Governments. of the' United
Statesand of Great Britain bewildered the United Nations Organization
by addressing it and through it the International Court of Justice with
an unfounded motivation. By this there ensued the strange situation
that the Governments of Great Britain and of the United States when
employing the machinery of the United Nations' General Assembly
and asking through it for the opinion of the International Court of
Justice, whether Hungary is obIiged to appoint a member to the Com-

mission in question at al1,-they cal1 at the same time upon Hungary
as to the appointment of this member.
The Hungarian.Governrnent wishes to state regardless of the juridi-
cally untenable character of the standpoint of the Governments of
Great Britain and of the United States, that with their last step they
themselves gave proof beyond daubt that the campaign they launched
against Hungary under the pretext of the offence to "human rights"
and of the violation of the Peace Treaty is used only for propagandistic
aims. The fact, that tliey forgot themselves to designate their members
.to the Commission which they proposed to the 1-Iungarian Government
on August 1,1949, shows clearly that they did not take for serious the
juridical part of the question.
As far as the ment of the question is concerned, the Government
of the Hungarian People's Republic has informed the British Government
of its standpoint taken in this affair several timesalready in its precedent
notes addressed to the British Legation in Budapest. The Hungarian
Government States it once more that it does not see the existence of
any "dispute" concerning the interpretation and the execution of the

Peace Treaty, as it always has fulfilled and fulfils at present most strictly
its obligations under the Peace Treaty and that the charges put fonvard
against Hungary concerning the offence to "human rights" and the
violation of the Peace Treaty are but a pretext for the British Govern-
ment to interfere with the interior affairs of the Hungarian People's
In vieïv of what has been said the Hungarian Government repeatedly
declares that it considers unfounded and unneceçsary the formation DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED xI7

of a Commission proposed with reference to ArticIe 40 of the Peace
Treaty and that consequently it does not take part in that Commission.
With reference to the British Legation's note No. IO of January 5,
1930, communicating that the Canadian Government has appointed
Mr. J. L. Ilsley as its representative to the Commission in question, the
Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs has the honour tarequest the
British Legation to communicate what has been exposed above, as the
standpoint of the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic
in this affair, to the Canadian Government.
The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs avails itself of this
opportunity, etc.
Budapest, 16 January, 1950.



S.G. No. 39 (L/51/5oP). 17 February, 1950.

I have the honour to refcrto my notes of 19th September, 1949, and
of 6th January, 1950, transmitting copies of certain diploinatic corres-
pondence erchanged between WisMajesty's Government i,nthe United
Kingdom on the one hand and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary
and Roumania on the other, and relating to the question ofthe execution
of the human rights clauses of the Peace Treaties with these three
countries. Upon instructions from His Majesty's PrincipalSecretary
of State for Foreign Affairs,1 have the honour now to transmit to
Your Excellency, herewitli, three copieaonote addresçed on 16th Janu-
ary, 1950 ,y the Government of Hungary to His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom and to request Your Excellency to make avail-
able copies of this note and of the present corn~nunicatia1members
of the United Nations and to the International CourofJustice.
2. The Government of Roumania have also sent a repIy, dated
11th February, ta Hiç bfajesty G'overnment'ç note of 6th January.
A copy of this note from the Roumanian Government will be furnished
to Your Excellency as soon as possible.
1 have, etc.



February 17,Igjû.
I have the honour to refer to Ambassador Austin's note UN-274s
of September zo, 1949, and his note UN-z748/C of January 6, 1950,
transmitting to you copies of certain diplornatic correspondence
exchanged between the Government of the United States on the one
hand and the Governments of Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania on the
other, and relating to the execution of the human nghts clauses of the
Peace Treaties with these three countries.
There are enclosed herewith copies of the most recent notes inthis
correspondenceaddressed by the Governments of Hungary and Rumania
to the Government of the United States on January16 andFebruary IO,

1950, respectively, in reply to the United Statenotes of January 5,
1950. The Rumanian note is submitted in informal English translation.
No reply has been received from the Government of Bulgaria.
May 1 request that you make availablecopiesof these notesand of
the present communication to al1Members of the United Nations and
to the InternationaCourt of Justice.
Accept, Excellency, etc.

Acting Representative .of the
United States to the United Nations.
Enclosures :

Annex 1.-Hungarian note of January 26,1949,ta the UnitedStates.
Annex 2.-Rumanian note of FebruaryIO,1950, to the United States.

Annex I


[Original tex: English]
16 January, 1950.

The Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs received the United States
Legation's note No. 22, January 5, rggo, by which the Government
of the United States irnparts, referring to the Legation's note 502
ofAugust r, 1949,that it designated Air. Edwin D. Dickinson as the
representativeof the Government of the United States on the Com-
mission proposedin the above-mentioned note and by which it requests
the Hungarian Government to designate its representative to the same

Commission and tu enter into consultation witl-i the Government of
the United States as to the appointment of a third member.
The Hungarian Governrnent points out that the Government of the
United States and Great Rritain,when caIling upon the Hungarian
Government on August T, 1949, for the formation of a Commission, failed to designate a member to it on their own behalf and that they
desire to make good this omission at present, tliat is a few months
later.This did not hamper, however, the Governrnents of the United
States and of Great Rritain in addressing meanwhilc the United Nations
Organization in the same affair and in stating their point of view favour-
ing the United Nations Organization putting questions in this regard to
the International Court of Justice. Al1this they did with the motivation
that al1steps provided under the Peace Treaty had been taken and that
these çteps had been fruitles,as Mr. Alexander Cadogan, representative
of Great Britain to the United Nations emphasized it in his letter of
September 19, 1949 ,ddressed to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations Organization.
This present overdue step of the Governments of the United States
and of Great Britain clearly proves that the above motivation does
not correspond to the facts and that the Governments of the United
States and of Great Rritain bewildered the United Nations Organization
by addressing it and through itthe International Court of Justice with
an unfounded motivation. Ely this there ensued this çtrange situation
that the Governments of the United States and of Great Britain when

employing the macliiriery of the United Nations General Assembly
and asking through it for the opinion of .the Iriternational Court of
Justice, whether Hungary is obliged to appoint a rnember to the Com-
mission in question at all-they cal1 at the same time upon Hungary
for the appointment of this rnember.
'I'heHungarian Government wishes to state, regardless of the jundi-
cally untenable character of the standpoint of the Governments of the
United States and of Great Rritain, that with their last step they them-
selves gave a proof beyond doubt that the campaign they launched
against Wungary under the pretext of the offence to "human rights"
and of the violation of the Peace Treaty is good only for propagandistic
aimç. The fact that they forgot themselves to designate their members
to the Commission which they proposed to the Hungarian Government
on August I,1949 ,hows clearly that they did not take for serious the
juridicalpart of the question.
As far as the merit of thcir action is concerned, tlie Government of
the Hungarian People's Republic has informed the Government of the
United States of its standpoint taken in this affair several times already
in its precedent notes addressed to the Legation of the United States
in Eudapest. The Hungarian Government states once more that it
cloesnot see the existence of any "dispute" coiicerning the interpretation
and the evecution of the Peace Treaty, as it always has fulfilled and
fulfils at presentmost strictly its obligations under the Peace Treaty
and tliat the charges put fonvard against Hungary concerning the
offcnce to "human rightç" and the violation of the Peace Treaty are but
a pretext for the United States Government to interfere with the interior
affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic.
In view of what has been said the Hungariati Goi~eriiment repeatedIy
declai-es that it consiclers unfounded and uniiccessary the formation
of a Commission proposed witli reference to Article 40 of the Peace

'I'reaty and that consequeiitly it does not take part in that Commission. DOCUMENTS TRASSMITTED

(IO February, 1950)

[Original text : Rumanian ;
informal translation]
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Rumanian People's Republic
presents her compliments to the United States Legation at Bucharest

and has the honor to refer to its note No. 833, January 5, 1950, in
which the United States Government announces the appointment of its
representative to a Commissionwhich it wishes toset up under Article 38
of the Peace Treaty and at the same time asks the Rurnanian Govern-
ment to designate a representative to this Commission and enter into
consultation with the United States Government with the view to the
appointment of a third member.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs informs the United States Goverri- .
ment that her Government rejects in its entirety thedémarch eormulated
in the above note as contrarv to the Peace Treaty and the rules of inter-
national law.
The United States Government is aware that the procedure which it
endeavored to apply by invoking Article 38 of the Peace Treaty has
from the outset been reiected bv the Rumanian Government as a pretest
to interfere in the intérnal affairs of the Rumanian People's ~i~ublic
and to exert pressure to change Rumanian Government policies in a
direction favorable to the interests of the Anglo-American imperialists
and against the interests and willof the Rumanian people.
The Rumanian Government recalls that the Government of the

Soviet Union has informed the United States Government that it
considers as artificial and distortingthe real meaning of the articles of
the Peace Treaty al1 references by the United States Government to
the alleged violations of the Peace Treaty by the Rumanian People's
Republic, involving the examination of these questions thro~igh the
procedure fixed for the consideration of disputes.
It is evident in these circumstances that the procedure provided for
in Article38 is not pertinent and does not apply under the Peace Treaty ;
and consequently the repeated reference of the United States Govern-
ment under different forms to Article 38 are nothing more than distor-
tions and flagrant violations ofthe Peace Treaty.
The Rumanian Government considers that the United States Govern-
ment, by appointing Mr. Dickinson as its representative to a Commis-
sion to consider a non-existent dispute and which for the above reasons
has not and cannot come into existence, seeks to prolong by an artificial
procedure its diversionary attempts relative to the application of
Article 38of the Peace Treaty, thus persisting in its attempts to interfere
in the interna1 affairs of the Kumanian People's Republic with a view
to realizing an imperialist policy.
It is known that for this purpose the United States Government, by

its previous démarches,intervened on the pretext of defending human
rightsand fundamental freedoms in favor of groups which were composed
of fascists, land-owners and large industrialists who have been condemned
by the courts of this country for theircriminal activity of treason andeçpionage and who sought to convert Rumania into a new focal point
of mar at the orders of the Anglo-Americnn imperialist circles.
Itislikewise known that the United States Govern~nent has described
as a dispute with the Rumanian People's Republic the very fact that
the Rumanian Government, by applying the laws ofthis country, has
taken steps against these groups, thus fulfillitsinternational obliga-
tions as provided for in the Peace Treaty.
The Rumanian Government considers that tlie latest démarcheof the
United States Government, like the previous démarches and appeals

to internationalorgans which are just as lncking in jurisdiction as the
United States Government to interfere in the intcrnal affairs of the
Rumanian People's Republic, has the very object to hide from public
opinion tlie policy of the Anglo-American irnperialist circles of support-
ing remnants of Rumanian fascists and reaction and of gross violation
of the rights of peoples, The Rumanian government iç convinced that
diversionary attempts cannot deceive the public opinion of peoplewho
e~er~yvhere are fighting for national independcnce and sovereignty
against imyerialistic oppression and racial discrimination, for respect
for fundamental hiiman rights and peace, and against warrnongerç.


NO. 42. (1/54/50P.) February aoth, 1950.

\j7ith relerence to my note of 17th February concerning certain
correçpondence on the subject of the human rights clauses of the Peace
Treatics with Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria, 1 have the honour to
transmit to yoür Excellency, herewith, a copy of the original together
with two copies of an informa! translation, of the note addressed to
His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom by the Roumanian
Government on 10th February. Upon instructions from Hiç AIajesty's
Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 1 havc the honour to
request that a copy of the enclosed note and of the present communica-
tion be made available to the International Court of Justice and that
copies ofthe translation of the note and of the present communication
be made available to a11members of the United Nations.
1 have, etc.action against these gaiigs, thus fulfilling itsinternational obligations
envisaged in the Trcaty of Peace.
Like the previous ones, the last dévzarche of the British Government,
,iç al50 its appeals to. an international body as incompetent as the
British Government to interfere in the interna1 affairs ofthe Roumanian
People's Republic, has iiithe opinion of the Roumanian Govcrnment
the object of hicling from public opinion the policy euecutecl by Anglo-
-4merican imperialist circles irisiipport of the fascist and reactionary
remnants in Roumania and in crude .violation of the peoples' rights.
The Roumanian Government is convinced that these manŒuvres
cannot deceive the public opinion of those peoples who are fighting
everywhere for independence and national sovereignty, against imperial-
ist domination and racial discrimination, for the respect of the funda-
mental rights of man, for peace and against warmongers.

10th February, Igjû. Troisième additif àla chemise 7


[Texte original en anglais]


Na 15. New-York, le 29 avril igjo.
Monsieur le Secrétaire général,
J'ai l'honneur de me référer à la note no 7 que j'ai adressée le

17 février1950 au Secrétaire généraletà la note que lereprésentant
permanent du Canada a adresséele 6 janvierIgjû au Secrétaire général,
tontes deux accompagnées de copies de certaines commuiiications
diplomatiques échangées entre le Gouvernement du Canada, d'une
part, et les Gouvernements de 1-iongrieetde Roumanie, d'autre part,
au sujet de l'exécution des clauses relatives aux droitsde l'homme
qui figurent dans les traitésde paix avec ces deus pays.
Vous trouverez ci-joint copie des deux communications les plus
récentes émanant du Gouvernement canadien et qui ont étéprésentées
aux Gouvernements hongrois et roumain au cours de cet &change de
correspondance Ie 27 avril 1950-
Je vous serais reconnaissantde bien vouloir transmettre copie des
communications susmentionnCes ainsi que de la présente note à tous
les Membres de l'organisation des Nations Unies et h la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice.

Je vous prie d'agréer, etc.
(Signé) H. H. CARTER.

(Pour John W. HOLMES,
Représentant par intérim du Canada
auprès des Kations Unies.)


[Texte originaI en anglais]

La Légation de Sa Majesté présente ses compliments au hlinistère
des Affaires étranghresde Hongrie et a l'honneur, au nom du Gouver-
nement canadien, d'attirer l'attention duinistère sur l'avis consulta,tif
émis le 30 mars Igjo par la Cour internationale de Justice au .sulet
de l'interprétad tesontraitésde paix conclus avec la Bulgarie, la

Hongrie et la Roumanie.
2. D'aprPs la teneur de cet avis, ilestà présumer que le Gouver-
nement hongrois va maintenant désigner son représentant à la Corn-
mission du traité de paix et informer le Secrétaire général desNations DOCUJIËNTS TRrlSSJIITTED 124

Third Addendumto Folder 7


No. Ij. New York, 29 April, 1950.

1 have the honour to refer to my note No. 7 of 17 February, 1950,
to the Secretary-General,and to the note of 6 January, 1950.from
the Permanent Delegate of Canada to the Secretary-General, trans-
mitting copies of certain diplomatic correspondence exchanged between
the Government of Canada on the one hand, and the Governments
of Hungary and Roumania on the other, relating to the execution
of the Human Right clauses of the Peace Treaties with these two
There are enclosed herewith copies of the two most recent commun-
ications in this correspondence from the Governrnent of Canada to
the Governments ofHungary andRoumania, presented on 2Apnl, 1950.

May 1 request that. you make available copies of these commu-
nications and of the present note to al1Members of the United Nations
and to the InternationalCourt of Justice.

1 have, etc.

(Signedl H. H. CARTER.
(For John W. HOLMES,
Acting Permanent Delegate of Canada

to the United Nations.)


His Maj esty's Legation present their compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Hungnry and have the honour, on behalf of the Govern-
ment of Canada, to direct the hlinistry's attention to the advisory opinion
on the interpretatioof the Peace Treaties with BulgariHungary and
Roumania which was giv-n by the International Court of Justice on
March 30, 1950.
2. In the light of this opinion, it is assumed that the Hungarian
Government will now nominate its representative tothe Peace Treaty
Commission and will inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations125 UOCUJIESTS TRASSNIS

Unies de cette désignation conformément àla résolution,du22 octobre
1949de l'Assembléegénéraledes Xations Unies. Il est à présumer,
en outre, que le Gouvernement hongrois sera ég-ernent disposé a
entrer en consultation avec le Gouvernement canadien en vue de la
désignation d'un tiers membre conformément h .l'artic40 du traité
de pais.
3. Ainsique la Légation de Sa Majestél'a faiconnaître au blinistère
des Affaires étrangèresdans la note qu'elle lui a adressle5 janvier
1950, au nom du Gouvernement canadien, celui-ci a désigné leTrès
Honorable Juge J. L. Ilsley, P. C., comme son représentanà la com-
mission proposée.


[Texte original en anglais]

La Légation de Sa Majesté présente ses compliments au Pilinistère
des Affaires étrangèresde Raumanie et a I'honneur, au nom du Gouver-
nement canadien, d'attirer l'attention du Ministèresur l'avis consultatif
émis le 30 mars 1950par la Cour internationale de Justice au sujet
de l'interprétation des traités de paix conclusavec la Bulgarie, la
Hongrie et Ia Roumanie.
2. D'aprPs la teneur de cet avis, i1 esà présilmer que le Gouver-
nement roumain va maintenant désigner son représentant à la com-
mission du traité de paix et informer le Secrétaire généraldes Xations
Unies de cette désignation conformémentZi Larésolution du22 octobre
1949de l'Assembléegénéraledes Nations Unies. 11 est à présumer,
en outre, que le Gouvernement roumain sera également disposé i
entrer en consultation avec le Gouvernement canadien en vue de la
désignation d'un tiers membre conformément à l'article 38 du traité
de paix.
3. Ainsi que la Légation de Sa Majestél'a fait connaître au Ministère
des Affaires étrangèresdans lanote qu'elle lua adressée, le5 janvier
rgjo, au nom du Gouvernement canadien, celui-ci a désigne le Très
Honorable Juge J. L. Ilsley, P. C., comme son représentantà la com-
mission proposée.


[Teste original en anglais]

No IjI (11781joY). New-York, le 2s avril 19jo.

Monsieur le Secrétaire général,
J'ai l'honneude me référerà ma note ne 42 clu20févrierconcernant
la correspondance échangée au sujetdes clauses relatives aux droits de of the nomination in accordance with the United Nations General Assem-
bly Resolution of October 22,1949. Itis further assumed that theHun-
garian Government will also be willing to enter into consultation ~lth
the Canadian Government with a view to tlie appointment of a third
member in accordance with Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace.

3.As His hlajesty's Legation informed the lllinistry for Foreign
Affairs in theiriote of January 5,1950, on behalfof the Government of
Canada, the Canadian Government has appointed the Right Honourable
Justice J. L. Ilsley,P.C., as its representative on the proposed Com-


Wishlajesty's Legation present their compliments to the hlinistry of
Foreign Affairsof Roumania and have the honour, on behalf of the
Government of Canada, to direct the &Iinistry1sattention to the advisory
opi~iionon the interpretation of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria,
Hungary and Roumania which was given by the International Court of
Justice on Rlarch 30, 1950.
2. In the light of this opinion, it is assuilied that tlie Roumanian
Government will now nominate its representative to the Peace Treaty
Commission and will inform theSecretary-General of the United Nations
of the nomination inaccordance with the United Nations General Assem-
bly Iiesolution of October 22, 1949. It is further assumed tkat the
Roumanian Government will also be willing to enter into consultation
with tlie Canadian Government with a view to the appointment of a
third member in accordance with Article 38 of the Treaty of Peace.

3. 11s His Majesty's Legation informed the Ministry for Foreign
Afîairsin their note of January 5, 1950,on behalf of theGovernment of
Canada, the Canadian Governrnent has appointed the Right Honourable
Justice J. L. Ilsley, P.Cas its repreçentative on the proposed Commis-




No. 151 (1/78/50P). New York, 2s April, Igjû.

1have the honour to refer to my note No. 42 of Februarp 20th
concerning correspondence on the subject of the Human Rights clausesl'homme qui figurent dalis les traités de pais coiiclus alaHongrie,
la Roumanie et la Bulgarie, et de vous transmettre, ci-joint, copie de
trois notes qui ont étéadressées, le26 avril, aux Gouvernements de la
Hongrie, de la Roumanie et de laBulgarie par les légationsde Sa MajestC
dans ces trois pays, conformément aux instructions du Gouvernement
de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni.
z. Sur les instructions du secrétaire d'fitat principal aux Affaires
étrangères dc Sa hlajesté, j'ai l'honneude prier Votre Excellence de
transmettre copic des notes ci-jointes ede la présente conlmunication
à la Cour internationale de Justice ittous les Membres de llOrgacisa-
tion des Nations Unics, en corrélation avec la résolutionde l'Assemblée
généraledu 22 octobre 1949 (Aj1043).
Je vous prie d'agréer, etc.


['Teste origina:anglais]
La Légation cle Sa Majesté britannique présente ses compliments
au Ministère des Affairesétrangèresde Bulgarie et a l'honneur d'attirer
son attention sur l'avis consultatif émisle30 mars 1950 par la Cour
internatioiiale de Justice, au sujet de l'interprétation des tdeipaix
conclus avec la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie.
D'après la teneur de cet avis, le Gouvernement de Sa Majestédans
le Royaume-Uni présume que le Gouvernement bulgare va maintenant
désigner sonreprésentant à la commission du traité de paix et informer
le Secrétairegénéraldes Xations Unies de cette nomination conformé-
ment à la résolution du 22 octobre 1949dc l'Assembléegénéraledes
Hations Unies. Il présume en outre que leGouvernement bulgare sera
disposé A entrer en consiiltatioavec le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté
dans le Royaume-Uni en vue de la désignation d'un tiers membre a la
cominissioii conformément à l'article 36 du traité de paix.
Ainsi que la Légation de Sa Majesté britannique l'a. fait connaître
au Ministère des Affaires etrangères de BuIgarie dans sa noteno 5,du
5 janvier 1950 e Gouvernement de Sa hlajesté dans le Royaume-Uni
a désignéM. F. EIwyn Jones, K. C., M.P., commeson reprtsentant la
commission proposée,
La Légation de Sa Majestébritannique saisit cette occasion, etc.

Le 26 avril 1950.


[Teste original:anglais]
La Légationde Sa Majestébritannique présente ses compliments au
hIinistéredes Affaires étrangèresde Roumanie et a l'honiieur d'attirerof the Peace Treaties with Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria, and to
transmit herewith copies of three notes rvhich were addressed, on
April 26th. to the Governrnents of Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria by
His Majesty's Legations in those three countries in accordance ivith
instructions from His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom.

2. 1have the honour to request Your Excellency, upon instructions
from His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to
transmit copies of the enclosed notes, and of the present communication,
to the International Court of Justice and toal1 hlembers of the United
Nations, in connexion witli the General Assernbly's Resolution of
zznd October 1949 (AIxo43).
1 have, etc.



His Britaniiic Majesty's Legation present their complimeiits to the
Bulgarian hlinistry for Foreign Affairs and have the honour to draw the
Ninistry's attention to the advisory opinion on the interpretation of the
Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Huiigary and Roumania which was
given by the International Court of Justice on 30th Afarch1950.
In the lightofthis opinion,His hlajesty's Government in the United
Kingdom assumed that the Bulgarian Government will now nominate
their representative on the Peace Treaty Commission and will inforrn
the Secretary-General of the United Nations of their nomination in
accordance with the United Bations General Assembly's Resolution of
zznd October, 1949 ,hey furtlier assume that the Bulgarian Government
will be willing to enter irito consultntion with His hlajesty's Government
in the UnitedKingdom with a view to the appointment of atliird member
of the Commission in accordance with Article 36 of the Peace Treaty.

As His Britannic Alajesty's Legation informed the Rulgarian Ministry
for Foreign Affairs in their note. jof5th January, 1950,His Majesty'ç
Governmentin the United Kingdom have appointed Rlr. F.Elwyn Jones,
K.C., hl.P.,as their representativeon the proposed Commission.

His Rritannic hlajesty's Legation take this opportunity, etc.
26th Ayril, 1950,


His Britannic hlajesty's Lcgation present their compliments to the
Roumanirin Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Iiave the lionour to draw127 DOCUllENTS TRASSJIIS

son attention sur l'avis consultatif émis l30 mars 1950 par la Cour
internationale de Justice, au sujet de l'interprétation des traités de paix
conclus avec la Bulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie.
D'après la teneur de cet avis, le Gouvernement de Sa hlajesté dans
le Royaume-Uni présume que le Gouvernement roumain va maintenant
désigner son représentantà la commission du traité de paix et informer
le Secrétaire général desNations Unies de cette nomination conformé-
ment à la résolution du 22 octobre 1949 de l'Assemblée généraledes
Bations Unies. 11 présume en outre que le Gouvernement roumain sera
disposé à entrer en consultation avec le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté
dans le Royaume-Uni en vue de la désignation d'un tiers membre à la
commission conformément à l'article 38 du traité de paix.

Ainsi que la Légation de Sa Majesté britannique l'a fait connaître
au Iilinistère des Affaires étrangères de Roumanie dans sa note nI,du

5 janvier 1950, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté dans le Royaume-Uni
a désigné M. F. Elwyn Jones, K. C.,hl.P., comme son représentant A la
Commission proposée.
La Légation de Sa Majesté britannique saisit cette occasion, etc.
Le 26 avril1950.


[Texte original : anglais]
La Légation de Sa hlajesté britannique présente ses complimeiits
au Ministère des Affaires étrangères de Hongrie et a l'lionneur d'attirer
son attention sur l'avis consuItatiémis Ie 30 mars 1950 par la Cour
internationale de Justice au sujet de l'interprétation des traités de
paix conclus avec la Bulgarie, laHongrie et la Roumanie.
D'après la teneur de cet avis, le Gouvernement de Sa Mnjestc dans
le Koyaume-Uni présume que le Gouvernement hongrois va maintenant

désigner son représentant à la commission du traité de paix et informer
le Secrétaire généraldes Nations Unies de cette nomination conformé-
ment A la résolution du 22 octobre 1949 de I'Assernbléegénérale des
Nations Unies. Il présume en outre que le Gouvernement hongrois sera
disposé à entrer en consultation avec le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté
dans le Royaume-Uni en vue de la disignation d'un tiers membre à la
commission conformément à l'article 40 du traité de paix.

-Ainsi que la Légation de Sa hIajest6 britannique l'a fait coiinaitre
au Ministère des Affaires étrangèresde Hongrie dans sa note no g, du
j janvier 1950 e Gouvernement de Sa hlajesté dans le Royaume-Uni
a désigné M. F, Elnyn Jones, K. C., RI.Y.,comme son représentant à la
Corninission proposée.
La Légation de Sa Majesté britannique saisit cette occasion, etc.

Le 26 avril rgjo.the Alinistry's attentioii to the advisocy opiiiioii on the interpretation
of thePeace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Koumania which \vas
given by the International Court of Justice on 30th March, 1950.
In the light of this opinion, His Majeçty's Governmerit in the United
Kingdom assumed that.the Roumanian Government will now nominate
their reyresentntivc on tlie Peace Treaty Commission and will inform
the Secretary-Gericral of the United Nations of their nomination in
accordance with the United Nations General Asçernbly's Resolution of
zznd October, 1949T ,hey further assume that the Rournanian Govern-
ment \vil1be willing to enter into consultation with I-Iis Majesty's

Government in the United Kingdom with a view to the appointment of
a third mernber of the Commission in accordance with Article 38 of the
Peace Treaty.
-4sHis Britannic Majesty's Legation informed the Koumanian Ministry
for Foreign Affairs in their note. Iof 5th January, Igjû ,is Riajesty's
Government in the United Kingdom have appointed AIr.F. Elwyn Jones,
K.C., M.P., as their representative on the proposed Commission.

Hiç Rritannic Majesty's Legation take tliis opportunity, etc.

26th April, 1950.


His Britannic Ilajesty's Legation present their compliments to the
Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and have the honour to draw
the hlinistry's attention to the advisory opinion on the interpretation

of the Yeace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Roumania which was
gil-en by the International Court of Justice on 30th March, 1950-
In the light of this opinion, WisMajesty's Government in the United
Kingdom assumed that the Hungarian Government will now nominate
their representative on the Peace Treaty Commission and will inform
the Secretary-General of the United Nations of their nomination in
accordance with the United Nations General Assembly's Resolution of
~2nd October, 1949. l'hey further assume that the Hungarian Govern-
ment will be willing to enter into consultatioii with His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom with a view to the appointment
of a third member of the Commission in accordance ivith Article 40 of
the Peace Treaty.
-4s WisBritaiinic hlajesty's Legation informed the Hungarian Ministry
for Foreign Affairs in their note. g of 5th January,1950 ,is Rlajesty's
Governrnent in the United Kingdom have appointed hlr. F. Elwyn Jones,
K.C., M.P., as tlieir representative onthe proposetl Commission.

His Britniinic Majcsty's Legation take tliis oyportiinity, etc.

26th Aprjl,1950.128 DOCUDIENTS TRAXSIIIS

[Texte original en anglais]

28 avril 1950.
J'ai l'honneur de me référerà mes notes UN-2748 du 20 septembre
1949, et UN-2748/C du 6 janvier 1950, ainsi qu'à ladnote UN-2748/H
du 17 février 1950 du représentant par intérim des Etats-Unis auprk
des Nations Unies, par lesquelles copie vousététransmise de certaines
c,ommunications diplomatiques échangéesentre Ie Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis, d'une part, et les Gouvernements de la Bulgarie, de la
Hongrie et de la Roumanie, d'autre part, au sujet de T'exécutiondes
clauses relatives aux droits de l'homme qui figurent dans les traités
de paix avec ces trois pays.

Vous trouverez ci-joint copie des trois comrnu~lications les plus
récentes qui ontété adressées,le26 avril 1950au cours de cet échange
de correspondance, par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis aux Gouver-
nements de la Bulgarie, de la Hon~rie et de la Roumanie.
Je vous serais reconnaissant de bren vouloir transmettre copie des
communications susmentionnées, ainsi que de la présente cornmuni-
cation,à tous lesMembres de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies et à
la Cour internationalede Justice.
Je vous prie d'agréer, etc.


Pièces jointes
Annexe I. - Communication adressée le 26 avril 1950par les

Etats-Unis à la Bulgarie.
Annexe 2. - Note adressée le 26 avril 1950 par les États-unis
à la Hongrie.
Annexe 3. - Note adressée le 26 avril 19jo par les Gtats-Unis
à la Roumanie.

(26avril 1950)

[Texte original : anglais]

Le Gouvernement des États-unis attire l'attentidu Gouvernement
bulgare sur l'avis consultatiémis le30 mars 1950 par 1" Cour inter-
nationale de Justice au sujet de l'interprétationdes traités de paix
conclus avec laBulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie. DOCUXIESTS TRASSJIITTED 128


April 28, 1950,
Escclleiicy :
1have the honor to refcr tomy notes UX-2748 of Septcmber 20, 1949,
UlcT-274S/Cof Jaiiuary6, 1950, and to the note of the Acting licpre-
sentative of the Uriitecl States to the United Nations UN-z74S/H of
1;ebniary 17, IgjO, transmitting to yoü copies of certain diplornatic
correspondenceexchanged between the Government of the United States
on the one hand, and the Governments of Eulgaria, Nungary and
Rumania on the other, relating to the execution of the Human Rights
clauses of the I'eace 'l'rcnties with these three countries.

There are enclosed hercwitlt copies of the three most rccent co~nmuni-
cations in thiç correspondericeaddressed by the Governmcnt of the
United States to the Govcrnrnents of Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania
on 26 April, 1950.
May1 request that you make available copies of these commuiiications
and of the present letter to al1Pilembersof the United Natioiis aiitl to the
International Court of Justice.

Accept, Excellcncy, etc.

Enclosureç :
Annex 1.-Commiiriicatiori of 26April, ïgjo ,rom the U.S.toBiilgaria.

Annes 2.-U.S. notc of26 April,19j0, to Huiigary.

Annex 3.-U.S. note of ,O April, rgjo, toRiimania.

(26 April,19j0)

[Original test: I:iiglisli]

The Government of thc Uriited States draws the attention of the
Government of Rulgarin to the advisory opinion on the ii~teryretation
of the Peace Treatieswith Bulgaria, Hungary and Runiania which \vas
given by the Iiiternatioiinl Court of Justice on March30, Igjo.
rG D'après la teneur de cet avis, il est à présumer que le Gouvernement
bulgare va maintenant désigner son représentant à la commission du
traité depaix et informer le Secrétairegénéral desNations Unies de cette
nomination conformément à la résolution du 22 octobre 1949 de 1'Assem-
blée générale desNations Unies. Ilest à présumer, en outre, que le
Gouvernement buIgare sera également disposé à faire des propositions
en vue de la désignation d'un tiers membre, ainsi qu'il est prévu à

l'article 36 du traité depaix.
Ainçi que la Légation,des États-Unis à Sofia l'a fait connaitre au
Ministère des Affaires étrangèresde Bulgarie dans ses notes du 5 janvier
Igjû,le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis a désigné M. Edwin D. Dickinson
comme son représentant à la commission proposée.

Annexe 2

(26 avril 1950)
[Texte original :anglais]
La Légation des États-Unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments

au Ministère des Affaires étrangèresde Hongrie et a l'honneur d'attirer
son attention sur l'avis consultatif émis le 30 mars 1950 par la Cour
internationale de Justice, au sujet de l'interprétation des traités de pais
conclus avec la Bulgarie, la 1-Iongrieet la Roumanie.
D'après la teneur de cet avis, il est à présumer que le Gouvernement
hongrois va maintenant désigner son représentant à la commission du
traité de paix et informer le Secrétaire généraldes Nations Unies de
cette nomination conformément à la résolution du 22 ,octobre 1949 de
l'Assemblée généraledes Nations Unies. Il est à présumer, en outre,
que leGouvernement hongrois sera egalement disposé à eiitrer en consul-
tation avec le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis en vue de la désignation
d'un tiers membre, conformément aux dispositions de l'article 40 du
traité de paix.
Ainsi que la Légation des États-unis l'afait connaitre au Ministère
des Affaires-étrangères, dans ses notes du 5 janvier 1950, le Gouverne-
ment des Etats-Unis a désignéhl. Edwin D. Dickinson comme son
représentant à la commission proposée.

(26 avril 1950)
[Texte original : anglais]

La Légation des ktats-unis d'Amérique présente ses compliments
au &finistèredes Affaires étrangèresde Roumanie et a l'honneur d'attirer
son attention sur l'avis consultatif éniis le 30 mars 1950 par la Cour
internationale de Justice au sujet de l'interprétation des traités de paix
conclus avec 1sBulgarie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie. In the light of this opinion,.it assumed that the BulgarianGovern-
ment will now nominate its representative on the Peace Treaty Com-
mission and will inform the Secrétary-General of the United Nations of
the nomination in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly
Resolution ofOctober 22,1949. It is further assumed that the Bulgarian
Government will also be willing fomake proposais for the appointment

of a third member as envisaged by Article 36 of the Treaty of Peace.

.As the United States Legation in Sofia informed the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs ofBulgaria in its note ofJanuary 5, 1gj0, the United
States Government has appointed Mr. Edwin D. Dickinson as its
representative on the proposed Commission.


(26 April, 1950)
[Original text : English]
TlieLegation of the United States of America presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of .Hungary and has the honor to

direct the Ministry's attention to the advisory opinion on the interpreta-
tion of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania which
was given by the International Court of Justice on March 30, 1950.
Inthe light of this opinion, it is assumed that the Hungarian Govern-
ment willnow noininate itsrepresentative on the Peace Treaty Commis-
si011andwill inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the
nomination in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly
Resolution of October 22, 1949I.t is further assurned that the Hungarian
Government will also be willing to enter into consultation with the
United States Government with a view to the appointment of a third
member in accordance with Article 40 of the Treaty of Peace.

As the United States Legation informed the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in its note of January 5, 1950,the United States Government
has appointed Mr. Edwin D. Dickinson as its representative on the
proposed Commissiori.


(26 $Nil, 1950)
[Original text : English]
The Legation of the United States of America presents its compliments

to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rumania and has the honor to
direct thePrlinistry'sattention to the advisory opinion on the interpreta-
tion of the Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania which
was given by the International Court of Justice on March 30, 1950. D'après la teneur de cet avis, il est présumer que le Gouvernement
roumain va maintenant désigner son représentant k la commission du
traité de paix et informer le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies de
cette nomination conforméinernent ?ila résolutiondu 22 octobre 1949 dc
1'Assernbléegénéraledes Nations Unies. Il est à présumer, en outre, que
le Gouvernement roumain sera également disposé à entrer en consul-
,tation avec le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis en vue dc la dksignatiori
d'un tiers membre, conformément aux dispositions de l'article 33 du
traité de paix.
Ainsi que la Légation des États-unis l'a fait coriiiaître au Ministère
des Affaires étrangères,dans ses notes d5janvier 1950, le Gouvernement

des Etats-Unis a désigné M. Edwin D. Dickiiisorcomme son représentant
à la commission proposée. In the light of this opinioti, it is assumecl that the Kumanian Goi~ern-
rier will now nominate its representative on the Peace Treaty Commis-
sion and will inform the Sccretary-General of the United Nations of the
nomination in accordaiice with thc United Kations General Assembly
Resolution of October 22, 1949. Itis fiirtheassumed that the Humanian
Government will bewilling to enter into consultation with the United
States Governniciit witli a vicw to the appointment of ü tfiirdmember

in accordance witfi Articlc 38 of tlic Treaty of Peace.

As the United States 1,cgation informed the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in its note of Januliry 5, T9j0, the United States Government
haç appointed Mr. Edwin 11. Dickinson as its representative on the
proposed Commission.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Request for Advisory Opinion (including the dossier of documents transmitted to the Court pursuant to article 65, paragraph 2 of the Statute)
