Request for Advisory Opinion (including the dossier of documents transmitted to the Court pursuant to article 65, paragraph 2 of the Statute)

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United Nations, LalSuccess
New York, 19 December 1949.
IXG 46/05 (5H'rL


1 have the honour to inform you that the General Assembly of
the United Nations, by a iesolution adopted atits 269th Plenary
Meeting held on 6 December 1949, in connexion with the item of
agenda "Question of South-West Africa", decided to submit the
fo11owing"questions to the International Court of Justice with a
request for an advisory opinion :
"Ifbat is the international status of the Territory of South-
West Africa and what are the international obligations of the
Union of South Africa arising therefrom, in particular :

(a) Does the Union of South Africa continue to have
internationalobligations under the Mandate for South-West
Africa and, if so, what are those obligatio?s
(b) Are the provisions of Chapter XII of the Charter
applicable and, if so,what manner, tothe TerritoryofSouth-
West Africa?

(c)Has the Union of South Africa the competence tomodify
the international status of the Territory of South-\Vest Africa,
or, in the event of a negative reply,where does competence
rest todeterniine and modify the international status of the
Territory ?"
In accordance with its terrns,.I am transmitting herewith the
afore-mentioned resolution, in two copies, one in English and one
in French, both duly certified. 1 çhall also transmit to the Court al1
relevant documents referred to in the said resoiution, as soon as

1 have, etc.
(Signed) TRYGVE LIE,

ON DECERlBER 6th, 1949


The General Assembly,

Recalling its previous resolutions 6(1) of r4 December 1946,
141 (II) ofINovember 1947 and 227 (III) of26 Novernber 1948
concerning the Territory ofSouth-West Africa,
Considering that itisdesirable that the General hssembly, for
its further consideration of the question, should obtain an advisory
opinion on its legal aspects,

I. Decides to çubmit the following questions tthe International
Court of Justice with arequest for an advisory opinion which shall
be transmitted to the Gcileral Assembly before its fifth regular
session, if possib:e
"What is the i~~ternationalçtatus of the Territory of South-
West Africa and what are the international obligations of the
Union of South Africa arising therefrom, in particular:

(a) Does the Union of South Africa continue to have inter-
national obligations under the Nandate for South-\Vest Africa
and, if so, what are those obligation?
(5)Are the provisions ofChapter XII of the Charterapplic-
able and, if so, in what manner, to the Territory of South-West
(c) Has the Union of South Africa the cornpetence to modify
the international status of the Territory of South-Wcçt Africa,

or, in the event of a negative reply, where does cornpetence
rest to determinc and 'modify the international status of the
2. Rqtresls the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolu-
tion to the International Court of Justice, in accordance with
Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, accornpanied by al1documents
likelyta throw light upan the question.
The Secretary-General shall include among these docurne~itsthe

text of Article22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations ;the
text of the Mandate for German South-West Africa, confirmed by
the Council of the League o17 December 1920 ;relevant documen-
tation concerning the objectives and the functions of the Mandates
System; the text of the resolution adopted by the League ofNations on the question of Nandates on 18 April 1946 ; the text
of Articles 77 and 80 of the Charter and data on the discussion of
these articles in the San Francisco Conference and the General
Asçembly ; the report of the Fourth Committee and the official
records, including the annexes, of theconsideration of the question
ofSouth-West Africaatthe fourth session ofthe General Assembly.

Certified true copy
For the Secretary-General,

(Signed) Dr. IVAN KEHNO,
Assistant Secretary-General in charge




ThAssociatedfPowers band Germany, 28ed June,
1919-Part IV-German rights and interests
outside Germany (excerpt)-Articles 118-

The Treaty of Peace between the Allied and
Associated Powers and Germany, 28 June,
1g1g-Part 1-The Covenant of the League
of Nations (excerpt)-Article 22.
League of Nations-The records of the First
Assembly-Meetings of the Cornmittees (II)
-Minutes of the Sixth Cornmittee-Allo-
cationof mandates (Annex 17 b ;Appendix 2).

Terrns of League ofNations Mandates-Man-
date for German South-West Africa.

Document republished by the United Nations
League of Nations-Tieaty Series-Pubiica-
tion of treaties and international engagements
registered with theSecietariatofthe League
of Nations-No. 310.-Treaty concerning
the re-establishment of peace between Ger-
many and the United States of America,
signed at Berlin,25 August, 1921 (excerpt).
[Volume XII, 1922, Numbers 1, z,3 and 4.1
Constitution of a Permanent Mandates Commis-
sion apyroved by the Council onI December,
See below: League of Nations-Responsibitities
of theLeague arlsi.nout ofArticl2.2 (Man- DOCUMENTS TRANSNITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL II

dates)-Report Iiythe Councilto the Assembly
- Annex 14.

Lcngiie of Nations-Officia1 Journal-Minutes
of the sisteenth session of the Council-
Second meeting (escerpt)-531. Allorïariccs
to members of the Permanent Mandates
Commission. r3rd Year, No. a-Febru-
ary, rgzz.]
Lcague of Nations-Official Journal-Minutes
of the forty-sixtli session of the Council-
Fourth rneetirig (exccrpt)-Question of thc
appointment of an aclditional membcr oiithe
Permanent Mandates Commission. [Sth E'ear,
No. ro-October, 1927.1

1,eagueof Nations-Permanent Mandates Com-
mission-Rules of procedure submitted for
the approval of the Council of the Lcnguc
of Nations. [C.404. M.295. 1921. VI.]

Rulcs of procedurc of tlie Permanent hlanclntcs
See aboue Leagzte of Natiorzs-Oflcial Jourrtal
-Mznzdes of the sixlesnth sessionof the Cottn-
cil-Secot~d meeting (excerpt)-Paragrrtph
535. [3rd Year, No. 2-Febmary, rgzz.]

League of Nations-Permanent Mandates Com-
mission-Rules of procedure. [C.4oq(z). M.
295(2). 1921. VI.]
Obligations falling upon the League of Na tions
uncier the terms of Article22 of the Covenant
(Mandates). (Report presented by the Belgian
Rcpresentative, M. Hymans, and adopted by
tlie Council of the League of Nations at Saii
Sebastian on 5 August, 1920.)
See below Leagzie of Nations-Resfionsiliili/ies
of tlzeLeagtdcarisifzgouiof Article 22 (Mcrn-
dates)-Kefiart by the Cozt7icito lheAssembly
- Annex 4.

League of Nations-Resppnsibilities of the Lea-
gue arising out of Article zz (Mandates)-
Report by the Council to the Assembly
League of Nations-Oficial Journal-4th Year,
No. 3, March, 1923-Twenty-third sessionof
the Council-Proccdure in respectof petitions
regarding inhabitants of mandated territorics
(Annex 457). [C44(1). M.73 1923.VI.] DOCUhIENTS TRANShlITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 12

League of Nations-Permanent Mandates Com-
mission-Minutes of the twelfth session (in-
cluding the Report of the Commission to the
Counci1)-Annex 4 : Summary of the proce-
dure to be follotved in the matter of petitions
concerning mandated territories. [C,545,
hI.194. 1927. VI.]

Leaguc of Nations-"C" Mandates-Question-
naire intended ta facilitate the preparation
of the annual reports of the mandatory Pow-
ers. cC.397. M.299. 1921. VI.]
League of Xations-B and C Mandates-List
of questions which the Permanent Mandates
Commission desires should be dealt witli in
thc annual reports of the mandatory Powers.
[A. 14. 1926, VI.]

The Mandates System : Origin, Principles,Ap-
Sae Series of League of Natiotts P.trbEicatioiis,
Genma, April 1945. [\JI.-4.Mandates, 1945,
VI. A. 1.1

League of Nations-Official Journal-Special
Supplement No. 194-Records of the tweri-
tieth (conclusion) ancl twenty-frrst ordinary
sessions of the Assembly :
Second plenary meeting (excerpt)-Speech
by Jfr. Leif Egeland (Union of South
Fourth plenary meeting (excerpt)-Speech
by Professor Bailey (Australia).

Seventh plenary meeting (excerpt).

Minutes of the First Committee (General
Questions)-Third meeting (excerpt) : IO.
Assurnption by the United iu'ationsof cer-
tain functions, powers and activities of
the League (continued) : Mandates Çystem.

Annex 24 C. -Mandates [resolution].



Meeting of the I~eadsofdelepntions
lo 0rganiZ.ethe Conference

Meeting of the heads ofdelegations to organ-
ize the Conference,26 -4pri1,1945[29, DC/4]

Plenary sessionsof Ihc Cortferefice

Nccordsof proceedings

Verbatim minutes of the second plenary session,
27 April, 1945,speech by Blr.Forde (Australia)
CZQ Pl61 Sec Volume 1*,
pp. 177and 178.

Addendurn to verbatim minutes of the fiftli
plenary session, 30April1945 [42,Pl10 (a)] SeeVolume 1,
PP, 401t0 405.
Verbatim minutes of the seventh plenary ses-
sion, I May, 1945 [58, P/15] .,peech by
Rlr.Fraser (New Zealand) See Volume I,
p. grz.

Commissio~c II-General Asscmbly

Records oofproceedings

Summary of meeting of Commission and com-
mittee officers, 3 May, 1945[83, 11/31 See Volume 8,
PP.4 to 9.

Terms of reference for Commission II, State-
ment by the President,3 May, 1945[74,11/21 See Volume8,
pp. 15and 16.

CornmilteeIIl4- T~iuteeshiPSystem

Records of proceedings

Summary report of 1st meeting, 5 May, 1945
[=3, II!412] See Volume IO,
-- PP. 423 and 424.
lReproduced on page 37 of this volume. [h'ote by the Regislrar.]
* .41references in tcolumn aretovolumes ofthe Dociiinentsof the United
A'atims ConlerenceonInle~nalio~aal OrgonifaSanaFvancisco, 1945, U"ted
Nations Information Organizations. York. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 14

Summary report of 2nd meeting, IOMay, 1945
[241, 11/4/71 See Volume IO,
pp. 428and 429.

Surnmary report of 3rd meeting, 11 May, 1945
[260, 11/4/81 See Volume IO,
PP.433and 434-
Summary report of4th meeting, 14 May, 1945
1310, 11/4/1II SeeVolume IO,
PP 439to 441.
Summary report of 5th meeting, 15 May, 1945
[364>1~141131 See Volume IO,
PP. 446and 447.

Summary report of 6th meeting, 17 May, 1945 See Volume 10,
[404 ,I/4/171
PP*452to 454.
Corrigenda to the summary report of the
6th meeting, 17hlay, 1945 C404,11/4/17 (I)] See Volume IO,
p. 454-
Summary report of 7th meeting, 18 May, 1945
See Volume 10.
C448, TI14161 PP. 459and 460-

Summary report of 8th meeting,22 May, 1945
EjI2, III4121j SeeVolume IO,
pp. 468 to 470.
Summary report ofgth meeting, 23 May, 1945
C552,11/4/23] See Volume IO,
PP.475to 478.
Surnmary report of 10th meeting, 24 hlay, 1945

[560, 11/4/24] pp. 485to 488.,

Summary report of 11th meeting, 31 May, 1945
[712, 11/4/30] See VolumeIO,
pp. 496to 500.
Summary report of 12th meeting, I June, 1945
E735,11/4/31] SeeVolume IO,
pp. 56 and 507.

Summary report of 13th meeting, 8 June, 1945 See VolumeIO,
(877, 11/4/35] pp. 513t0 518.

Summary report of 14th meeting, I$ June, 1945
[IOI~, 11/4/38] SeeVolume IO,
PP. 543to 548.
Sumrnary report of 15th meeting, 18June, 1945
[109o, 11/4/43] SeeVolume IO,
pp. 561to 564.

Summary report of 16th meeting, 20 June, 1945
LII43, 11/4/46] pp. 601mto603.Opinion of the Department of Foreign Rela-
tions of Mexico [2, G/7 (c)] See Volume 3,
PP. 139tJ3142,
145 to148 and 162.
Observations of the Government of Vene~uela
See Volume 3,
Cz* Gi7 (4 (111 pp.222 aiid223.

Cornments and arnendments by the delegation
of Ecuador [z, GJ7 ($)] See Volume 3,
Amendment submitted on behalf of Auztralia
[2*G/I~ (41 See Volume 3,
PP.548 and 549-

International Trusteeship System, Frericl-ipre-
liminary draft [z,G/26 (a)! SeeVolume 3,
pp. 604 to u06.
Arrangements for international trusteeship,
additional chapter propoeed by the United
States [2,G/26 (c)] See Volume 3,
pp. 607and 608.
Territorial trusteeship, United Kingdom draft
of chapter for inclusion in United Nations
Charter [z,G/26 (d)] See Irolume 3,
pp. 609 to 614.

Draft proposaisof the Chinese delegation on
international territorial trusteeshi[z, G/zG
(41 See Volume 3,
pp. 6x5to 617.
Analysis of papers precented by Australia,
China, France, United Kingdom and United
States [230,11/4/51 See Volume IO,
PP-641to 6j5.
Amendments of the Soviet delegatiori to the
United States draft oii trusteeship systern
See Volume 3,
C2> G/26 V)1 pp. 618and 6rg.

Supplement to analysis of papers presented bjr
Australia, China, France, United Kingdom
and United States-Analysis of proposal on
trusteeship of the Soviet Union entitled
"Amendments of the Soviet delegation to the
United States draft or] tmsteeship system"
t324, 11141. 5a)] See Volume IO,
pp, 671to 673.Proposed working paper for chapter on de-
pendent territories and arrangements for
international trusteeship[323, 11/4/12] See Volume IO,
pp. 677to 683.

Proposed new part (c)to be added to working
paper cubmitted by the ddegation of
Australia [5751,1/4/12 (a)] See Volume IO,
pp. 695and 696.

Amendment proposed by the delegation of
Guatemala, 14 May, 1945 [386, 11/4/15] See Volume IO,
Revised amendment proposed by the delegation
of Guatemala, 16 May, 1945 14051 ,1/4/15(LI] See Volume IO,

Additional provisions to be included in the
chapter on trusteeship submitted by the
delegation of Egypt [S~I, 21/4/34] SeeVolume IO,
p. 5x0.
Working paper for chapter on dependent
territories and arrangements for international
trusteeship [Sgz, 11/4/36] See Volume IO,
pp. 525 t0 528-

Proposed text for chapter on dependent
territories and arrangements for international
trusteeship [grz, 11/4/37] See Volume IO,
PP 533to 536.
Text of section B of chapter on dependent
territones and arrangements for international
trusteeship [IOIO, 11/4/37 (i)] See Volume IO,
PP.555 to558'

Redraft of working paper. Section A [WD. 390,
1 1/4/42] See \Tolume IO,
PP- 570 and 571.
Draft report of the rapporteur of Committee
1114C1091,11/4/44] See Volume IO,
PP. 574to 580.

Annex A 10 report of rapporteur of Committee
1114 See 1701urneIO,
pp.$31to 585.
Annex B to report of rapporteur of Committee

1114 p.e586.ume IO,

Report of the rapporteur of Committee III4
[1115# 11/4/44 (1) (41 See Volume IO,
Summary record of 41st meeting, 23 June,

1945[llrD. 441, CO/20j] (excerptj l. [Englisl-i


Trusteesliip Chapter, section A, adoptCd by
Cornmittee 1114, 20 June, 1945 P.[IVD.414,
Trusteeship Chapter, Section 3, adopted by
Cornmittee 1114, Ij Jurie, 19453.[\VU.374,
Trusteeship Chapter, Section 13, adoptcd by
Committee 1114, 18 June, 1945%[[WD.393,
CO/Ij4 (I)]. [English on1y.j
Chapter XII, Declaration concerning Non-Self-
Governing Territories 4. [\VD. 411, COj171.1
Chapter XII, Policy regarding Non-Self-
Governing Territories [1134, COI171 (1)) See Volume Ij,
pp. 104 to 106.

Chapter XII (A), Inter~iational Trusteesllip
Systern 6. [WD. 412, CO/r7z.]
Chapter XII (S), International Trusteeship
System [1138, C0/172 (I)] See Volume Ij,
pp. 107 to 113.
Chapter XII (B), The Trusteeship Council 6.
[WD. 413,CO 173.1
Chapter XII (Y), The Trusteeship Couiicil
Cr1379 co/173 (111 See TToIume 15,
pp. 114 t0 116.
Draft Charter of the United Kations as finally
approved in English by bolh the Co-ordi-
nation Cornmittee and the Advisory Com-

mittee of Jurists on 22 June, 1945- The
text in Frencli was approvcd iiipart by the
Advisory Committee of Jurists on 22 June,
1945 [~~jg, CO]ISI] See Volume Ij,
pp. 170 to 212.

Plenary sessions of the Con fere>tctr

Verbatim minutes of the 9th plenary session,
25 June, 1945 [IZIO, 1'/20] : See Volume 1,
Speech by the rapporteur of Cornmissjon 11 pp. 622 and 623,

' Rcproduccd on page 52 of thisvolumc. [zXruleby the Hegis!vnr.]
a ,, 3 r 54 ,, ,. 3 , .1. 8 , ,, 8 . # .l
' va ,. .. 58 ., ,. ,, ..[ ,, ,, ., ,, .l
6 ,, ,, 60 ,. ,, ,. .i ,, ,, ,, , .1
Speech by the rapporteur of the Steering
Comrnittee pp. 628and 629,
Speech by Lord Halifax p.631.

Verbatim minutes of the closingplenary ses-
sion, 26 June, 1945 [~zog, : SeeVolume r,
Speech by hlr. Koo (China) p. 661,
Speech by Nr. Gromyko (Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics) P. 644,
Speech bp Field-Marshal Smuts (Union of
South Africa) p. 678.


Repart of the rapporteur oi Commission 11
to the plenary session [IIF~,11/18] SeeVolume 5,
pp.249 tû 256.
Revised report of the rapporteur of Commission
II to the plenary session [rrSo, II/r8 (I)] SeeVolume 8,
pp. 265to 272.
Cliarter of the United Nations and Statute
of the International Court of Justice See Volume 15,
PP.335 to364.


Ittclttsion oitemiir the agenda

Agenda for the firstpart of the First Session
of the General Assembly.

Reference of items from the agenda of the
General Assembly and the report of the
Preparatory Commission to the Cornmittees
of the General AssembIy-Report of the
General Assembly (Annex 2 c) Ah-

Folder 5
PEcnary meetings ofthe GeneralAssembly
Records of ~roceedings

12th plenary meeting (excerpt)-Discussion
of the report of the Preparatory Commission
-Speech by IlIr.Nicholls (Union of South
~oider 6

Records of proceedings and documents
Sumrnary record of meetings from 1st to

Plenary meetingsof theGeneralAssembly

Records ofproceedingsand document

27th plenary meeting-Non-Self-Governing
Peoples : report of the Fourth Committee :
resolutions (A/34).
Non-Self-Governing Peoples-Report of the
Fourth Committee to the General Assembly
(Annex 13) A/34-

Plenary meeting O/ the GeneralAssembly

Resolutions adopted on the report of the
Fourth Cornmitte- (1).Non-SeIf-Govern-
ing Peoples.


Inclusion ofitemin the agenda


Agenda for the second part of the First Session
of the General Assembly.
Allocation of agenda items to Cornmittees- -
Report of the General Committee to the
General Assembly (Annex 30)

Fcmrth Committee
Records ofproceedings

14th meeting.
15th meeting.
16th meeting.
17th meeting.
18th meeting.

19th meeting.

Folder xx

Fourth Cornmittee


Suggested procedure for the consideration of
items on the agenda of the Fourth Cornrnittee
-Memorandum prepared by the Secretariat
(Annex IO) A/C.4/59.
Statement by Mr. Novikov, representative of
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(Annex II) A/C.4/57+

Communications concerning Tmsteeship Agree-
ments-Memorandum prepared by the Sec-
retanat (Annex 12) A/1i7.
Report of the Secretary-General on Trustee-
ship Agreements (Annex rz a) A/135-
Delegaiion of India: draft resolution con-
cerning the Adrninistering Authority in
Trust Territories (Annex 12 6) A/C-4/33-

Delegation of China : draft resolution on
Trusteeship Agreements (Annex 12 c) A/C-4/64-
Statement by the Union of South Africa on
the outcome of their consuItations with
the peoples of South-West. Africa as to the
future status of the mandated Territory
and irnplementatian ta be given to the
wishes thus expressed (Annex 13) A/Is~.
Statement by Field-Marshal the Right Hon.
J. C. Smuts, representative of the Union
of South Africa (Anriex 13a)
Delegation of Egypt : draft resolution con-
cerning procedure with respect to consider-
ation of the staternent of the Government
of the Union of South Africa with reference
to South-West Africa (Annex 13 6) A/C-4/47-
Delegation of India :draft resolution relating
to South-West Africa (Annex 13 c) AIC.4165-
Communications received by the Secretariat
relating to territories to which the trustee-
ship system might apply in accordance
with Article 77 of the Charter-Memorandum
prepared by the Secretariat
Annex 16 AIC.4/37.
Annex 16a A/Ca4/37/Add. I+
Annex 166 A/C.4/3-/IAdd.2.

Report of Sub-Cornmittee z (Annex 21) AIC.4168. Sub-Cornmittee 2 of the Fourth Conrmitke
Recordsof proceedings

1st meeting (excerpt) .

2nd meeting (excerpt}.
7th meeting (excerpt).
8th meeting.
gth meeting.
10th meeting.

13th meeting (excerpt) .

Folder 13

Szib-Commitfee 2 of the Fourth Committee


Composition of Sub-Comrnittee 2 and proposed
procedure-Memorandum by the Secretariat
(Annex I) A/C.4/Sub.z/2.
Procedure to be followed in relation to the
remaining work of tlie Sub-cornmit tee-
Proposa1 submitted by the rapporteur
(Annex Ia) AjC.+/Suh.njr 3.
Procedure to be followed in relation to the
statement of the Government of the Union
of South Africa-Proposal submitted by
the rapporteur (Annex 4) A[C.4/Sub.2/30.

Draft report by the rapporteur for submission
to the Fourth Conimittee (Annes 5) A/C.q/Sub.z/43.

Fourth Cornmiltee

Recordsof proceedingsarrddocume~al

z~st meeting.
25th meeting (excerpt) .
Statement by the Union of South Africa on
the outcome of their consultations with the
peoples of South-\Vest Africa as tothe future
status of the mandatecl territory and impie-
mentation to be given to the wishes thus
expressed-Report of the Fourth Committee

Plenary meeiings of the GeneralAssembly
Recmds ofproceedingsand document

64th meeting (excerptj-Future status of
South-West Africa: report of the Fourth
Committee : resolution.

[Nole-See Folder 14 for:
RePort ofthe Fourth Cornmittee A/2j0.1

Plenary meeting of theGen~ralAssembly

ReFourth Cornmittee-65 the (1).Future status

of South-West Africa.


Irzclusionof ifem'ln fhe agenda

Agenda for the Second Session of the General

Distribution of work among the Cornmittees.

Fowrth Committee

Records of proceedings

29th meeting.
30th meeting.
pst meeting.
3znd meeting.
33rd meeting.
38th meeting.

39th meeting.
40th meeting.

45th meeting.
47th meeting (excerpt).


Note by the Secretary-General on communi-
cations received by the Secretary-Genera!
-Annex 3E
Communications received by the Secretary-
General : memorandum on South-West Africa
by the Reverend Michaei Scott, with s
preface by Freda Troupe-ilnnex 3d
Communications received by the Secretary-
General: letter from the Reverend Michael
Scott transmitting petitions from inhabitants
of South-West Africa-Annex 3e

Communications received by the Secretary-
General : cablegram from the Reverend Mi-
chael Scott-Annex 3f
Statement by the delegation of the Union of
South Africa regarding documents AIC.4195
and A/C.4/96-Annex 3 g
Draft resolution submitted by the delegation
of India-Annex 3 la
Poland : amendments to tesolution proposed
by India (A/C.4/gg)
See Folder r8, 38thmeetiltg,p. 49.

Amendments proposed by the delegation of
Cuba to the' draft resolutiori submitted by
the delegation of India (A/C.4/99)-Annex 3 i
Amendment proposed by the delegation of
Panama to the draft resolution submitted
by the delegation of India (h/C.q/gg)-
Annex 3 j
Amendments proposed by the deIegation of
the Philippines to the draft resolution
submitted by the delegation of India
(A/C.4/gg)-Annex 3 k
Revision by the delegation of India of the
resolution submitted by the delegation of
India (A/C,4/99)-Annex 3 1
Poland : amendment to revised resolution
proposed by India (A/C.4/gg/Rev. I)
See Folder 18, 45th meeting,9. 96. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 25

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation
of Denrnark-Annex 3 m AIC.~/IOO.
Pem : amendment to resolution proposed by

Denmark (A]C.q/~oo) A/C.~/II~.
See Folder 18,39th meeting, p. 56.
Amendments proposed by the delegation of
Belgium to the draft resolution submitted
by the delegation of Denrnark (A/C.d/~oo)-
Annex 3 n AlC.41116.
Amendment proposed by the delegation of
Denmark to the draft resolution submitted
by the delegation of Denmark (A/C.d/~oo)-
Annex 3 O AlC.41117.

Revision by the delegation of Denmark of
the draft resolution submitted by the dele- A/C.q/~oo/Rev. I.
gation of Denmark (A/C.q/~oo)-Annex 3 @

Netherlands : amendment to revised resolution
proposed by Denmark (A/C.q/xoo/Rev. I) A/C.~/ISI.
See Folder 18,45th meeting, $. 94.

[Note : See Folder 2r for:
Report O/the Fàurtk Committee (A/Fz) A/C.4/126.]

Ylenary meeti'ngsof the GelzeralAssembly

Records of proceedings

104th plenary meeting-Question of South-
West Africa : report of the Fourth Com-
mittee [A/422 and A/42g} (excerpt).
105th plenary meeting-Continuation of the
discussion of proposed new trusteeship agree-

Plenary meetingsoJthe GelleraAssmbZy


Consideration of proposed new trusteeship
agreements, if any : question of South-West
Africa-Report of the Fourth Committee-
Annex 13 A/422.
Consideration of proposed new trusteeship
agreements :question of South-West Africa
-Cornmunication from the Goverment af DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 26 '

the Union of South Africa on the future
status of South-West Africa (General As-
sembly Resolutions 9 (1)of 9 February, 1946,
and 65 (1) of14 December, 1946)-Note by
the Secretary-General A1334
Consideration of proposed new trusteeship
agreements : question of South-West Africa
-Communication from the Government of
the Union of South Africa on "steps taken
by the Union Govemment to inform the
population of South-West Africa of the
outcome of the discussions at the last
session of the United Nations General
Assembly regarding the future of the Terri-
tory" (General Assembly Resolutions g (1)-
of g Febmary, 1946, and 65 (1) of rq De-
cember, 1946)-Note by the Secretary-
General A/334/Add 1.
Consideration of proposed new tmsteeship
agreements, if any: question of South-Wet
Africa-Denmark : amendment to the draft
resolution submitted by the Fourth Com-
mittee (A/422) A1429.
See Folder 20, 104thmeeting, fip.579576.

Folder 22

Plenary meetings O/ the General Assembly

Reçolutions adopted on the reports of the
Fomth Cornmittee141 (II). Consideration
of proposed new trusteesliip agreements, il
any :question of South-hiTestAfrica.


l~~clusionof item ilathe agenda

Agenda for the second session of the Trustee-
rhip Council T/q7/Rev. 1.

Folder 24

Records O/ proceedirtgs

6th meeting (excerpt).
10th meeting (excerpt) .15th meeting.

18th meeting (excerpts).

Folder 25



General Assembly Resolution 141(II) of rNo-
South-West Africae:aNotegbyhethe Secretary-
General Tl52-

Report by the Government of the Union of
South Africa on the administration of
South-West Africa for the year 1946.

Communications received by the Secretary-
General relating to South-West Africa:
Note by the Secretariat T155.
Communications received by the Secretary-
General relating to South-West Africa:
Note by the Secretariat T/55)Add. I.
Questions to be transmitted to the Govem-
ment of the Union of South Africa (Report
of the Drafting Cornmittee) T/96-
See Folder 26-Resolution 28 (11) of the
Truste8shi+Councid Annexand Fold.~24
-18th meeting f,fi30 to 32.

Resolutions adopted by the Trusteeship Council
during its second session-28 (II). Report
of the Government of the Union of South
Africa on the administration of South-West
Africa for the year 1946.


Inclusio ofitem in th ageltda

Agenda. Tvusteeship Gouncil

Recordsof fwoceedings

grst meeting (excerpt).
41st meeting.
qznd meeting (excerpt).

Folder 29


Reply of the Government of the Union of South
Africa to the Trusteeship Council question-
naire on the report to the United Nations on
the administration of South-West Africa for
the year 1946
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under mle 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council

Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the mles of proce-
dure for the Tmsteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the mles of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council

Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under mle 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Report of the Drafting Cornmittee on the report
on the administration of the Trust Territory

Report of the Trusteeship Council covering its
second and third sessions-Chapter VII-
South-West Africa-Report on the admin-
istration of South-West Afnca for 1946 A/603.



I?tclusionof item in the agenda


Agenda ofthe General Assembly, Third Session.

Distribution of work among the Cornmittees.

Fourth Committee

Records of proceedings

76th meeting.
77th meeting.
78th meeting.
79th meeting.

80th meeting.
81st meeting.
82nd meeting.
83rd meeting.
84th meeting.

85th meeting.

Fourth Committee

Report of the Fourth Cornmittee
Denmark, Norway and Uruguay : draft resolu-
tion A/C.4/163/Corr.I.
See A/734, #p. 405 and 406.
Denmark, Norway and Uruguay : revised draft
resolution A/C.~/I~~/R~V ..
India :draft resolution

SecAl734, #P .07 and 408.
Greece : amendment to the draft resolution
of Denmark, Norway and Uruguay (AIC.41163) AIC.41165.
SecA/734, #fi.406 and 407.

Cumitted by Denmark, Norway and Uruguayn sub-
kAee Al734)$P. 408 "Nd 409.

India: sub-amendment to the amendment of
Cuba (AIC.41166)to the draft resolution of
Denmark, Nonvay and Uruguay (A/C.4/163/
Rev. I) A1C.41167.
See Foldergr, 82nd meeting,fip358 and 359.
India :sub-amendment to the amendment of
Cuba (AIC.41166)to the draft resolution of
Denmark, Nonvay and Uruguay (A/C.4/163/
Rev. r) AIC.4j1671Rev I.
See A/734, $fi.408 and &O.
Burma and Philippines : amendment to the
revised draft resolution of Denmark, Xonvay
and Uruguay (A/C.4/163/Rev. 1) AJC.41168.
See Folder 3I, 83rd meeting p,.371.

Belgium : amendment to the draft resolution
of Denmark, Norway and Uruguay (AJC.
4/163/Rev. 1) AIC.4/x6g4
See Folder 31, 82nd rneeting,9. 362.
India: amendment to the revised draft resolu-
tion of Denmark, Nonvay and Uruguay
(A/C,4/163/Rev.I) A/C.q/17o.
See Foldey 31, 84th meeting,p. 373.
Report of the Government of the Union of
South Africa on the administration of South-
West Africa: report of the Trusteeship
Council-Letter dated 19 November, 1948,
from the Delegation of the Union of South
Africa to the Chaiman of the Fourth
Committee A/C.~/I~I.
raft report of the Fourth Cornmittee A1C.41172.
Same text as A1734

[Note-See Folder 29 for:
Report of the Trasteeship Cozcncil covering
ifssecond and thlrd sessions-Chapter Vll
-South-West Africa-Re9ort on the admin-
istratiooJ Soullt-West Africa for 1946 A/603.‘1 DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 31

Folder 33

Plenary meetings of the General Assombly
Records of$roceedingsand documents

164th plenary meeting-Report of the Govern-
ment of the Union of South Africa on the
administration of South-West Africa. Report
of the Trusteeship Council : report of the
Fourth Corninittee.

1Note-Se8 Folder 29 /or :
Regartof the Trusleeship Cozlnccoverkgils
second and third sessions-Chafiler VII-
South-West A frica-Report on the adminis-
tration of South-West Africa /or 1946 A/603.

Seé Folder 32 for :
Refiort of the Fourth Commitlee A/734-1

Plenary meetittgs of the GeneraE Assembly

227 (III). Question of South-West Africa.

Meetings ofthe Trusteeshi$ Cotnncil

Records of

1st meeting.
25th meeting.
27th meeting.



Question of South-West Africa-Note by the
Secretary-General T1371-
Question of South-West Africa :draft resolution
submitted by the Philippines T/383. DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 32

[Note-See Folderqz for:
Letter frmn Mr. J. R. Jordaan, deputy
permanent representative of the Union of
South Africa to the United Nations,
addressed tothe Secretury-General A/929-1

South-West Africa ConstitzttionAct

Letter from Mr. J. R. Jordaan, deputy per-
manent representative of the Unionof South
Africa to the United Nations, addressed to
the Secretary-General AI929.

SoThe Laws of South-West Africa, 1925 1:Pro-

clamations and principal Government noti-
ces issued in South-WestAfrica,1st January
to 31st December, 1925(excerpt).

III (V). Question of South-West Africa.


IncZusionof itemin the agenda

Agenda of the Generd Assembly-Fourth
Session A/994, */g94/Add- 1
and A/ggq/Add. z.
Distribution of work among the Cornmittees.


Fourth Commiftee

Recordsof proceedings

128th meeting.
129th meeting.
130th meeting.131st meeting.
qznd meeting.
133rd meeting.
134th meeting.

135th meeting.
136th meeting.
137th meeting.
138th meeting.
139th meeting.

140th meeting.
141st meeting.

Folder 41

Fourth Cornmittee


India : draft resolution A1C.4lL.53.
Ses Folder 42- Question of South-West
-4frica: report of the Trust8eshi+ Cotrnczl
-Report of the Fourth Commiltee-Para-
grtl$h 29 (A1118o).
Denmark, Norway, Syria and Thailancl : draft
resolution AIC.4iL.54.
See Folder 42-Question of South-West
Africa : report of the T~usdetrçhip Council
-Report of Ihe Fourth Cornmittee- Para-
graph 34 (i) (Al1180).

India :draft resolution - A/C.4/L.55.
See Folder 42-Qzcestion of South-West
Ajrica : report of ths Trusteeshifi Council
-Report of the Fozrrth Cornmittee-Pam-
graph 34 (ii) (Ajr18o).
Guatemala : proposal A/C.4/L.gG.
Guatemala : revised proposal A/C.~/L.~~/R~V I.
See Folder 42- Question of South-West
Africa : report of the Trusteeshi9 Couacil
-Rsport of the Fourth Cornmittee-Para-
grapk 7 (Alrrgo).

Dominican Republic : amendment to the pro-
posa1 submitted by Guatemala (AlC.4lL.56) A/C.4/L.j8.
Sae Folder 40, rpnd meetilzg,$aragrapk 2.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics : amend-
ment to the draft resolution submitted by
India (AlC.4lL.53) AIc.qlL.61.
See Folder 42-Quesiion of South-West
Africa : report of Ihe Trusteeship Council DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 34

-Report of the Fourth Committee-Para-
graph 32 (Al1180).

Guatemala :amendment to the draft resolution
submitted by India (AiC.41L.53) AIC.4IL.63.
See Folder 40, 136th meeting,fiaragraphs &
and 49.

Denmark, India, Nonvay, Syria and Thailand :
draft resolution A]C.qjL.64,
See Folder 42-Question of South-West
Africu : report of the Trusteeshi9 Council
-Report of the Fourth Cornmittee-Para-
graph 35 (Alr180).

Communications received by the Secretary-
General AIC.41L.57 and
A/C.~/L.~~/COIT .
Resolution adopted by the Fourth Cornmittee
at its 134th meeting, on 23 November, 1949 A/C.4/La60.
See Folder 42-Question of South-West
Ajrica : reflort of the Trusteeshi9 Council
-Report ofthe Fourth Cornmittee-Paru-
gra$h IO (A/1r8o).

Report of Sub-Cornmittee 7 to the Fourth
Cornmittee AIC.djL.62.

Question of South-IVest Africa: report ofthe
Trusteeship Council-Draft report of the
Fourth Cornmittee A/C.4/L.65,
See Folder 42- Question of Sozdh-West
Africa : reportO/ the Trusteeship Councid
- Re$ort of the Fourth Comrnittee-

Documents submitted by the Reverend Mi-
chael Scott A/C,41L.66.

Plenary meetings of the GeneralAssembly

Records of firoceedingsand documents

269th plenary meeting.

Letter from Mr. J. R. Jordaan, deputy per-
manent representative of the Union of South
Africa to the United Nations, addresçed to

Refourth and fifth sessionç-3.cil Question ofs
South-West Africa A/933.

Note by the Secretary-General A1962.
Question of Soutli-West Africa .:report of the
Trusteeship Council-Report of the Fourth
Cornmittee A/I180.

Question of South-West Africa-Argentina,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark,
Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Iraq, Le-
- banon, Mexico, Nom7a~r. Syria, Thailand,
Turkey, United States of America, Uruguay :
amendment to draft resolution II proposed
by the Fourth Committee (AIIISO) AI1197-
See 269th plennry meeting, parngr~ph j3.

Folder 43

131enarymeetings O# the GeneralAssernbly

Resolutions adopted on the reports of the

South-West Africa-3:7reiteration of previous
resoiutions and submission of reports. 338
(IV). Question of South-West Africa: request
for an advisory opinion of the International
Court of Justice.



Summary of information transmitted to the
Secretary-General during 1946.

United Nations Publications, Sales No. 1947
l'TB 1.
Fourth Session

Special Committee on information transmit-
ted under Article 73(e) of the Charter.
Non-self-governing territories.
Date of receipt of information on territories
enumerated. Item IV of the Provisional
Agenda A/AC.zB.W.bFotrrlh Sessio~t
Information fiom non-self-governing terri-

tories. Summary and analysis of inform-
ation transmitted under Article 73(c)of the
Cliarter A/915.
Report of the Secretary-Gencrnl.
I:oz~rlh Ssssiolz
Information from non-self-goveniing terri-

tories. a ion trans- .
Summary and analysis of inform t'
mitted iinder Article 73 (e) of the A/gr j Addendum I.
Report of tlie Secrctary-General.(Question of South-West Africa-
Documents transmitted by the


Uoc. 29.
(Excerpt) DC/4.


.\Ir. F~<.~sER{Sew Zealand) and Air.170i<ui:(riusiralia) drew thc
atteritiori of the Committee to the functions of Technical Committee 4
of Commissiori TE as describeciintlie Sccretnriat document which reads :
"To prepnre and recommcnd to Commission II, and to Corn-
rnissioii III,as necessary, draft provisions on principles and
mechanisni of a system of international trusteeçhip for such
dependent territories as rnay by siihscquent agreement be placed

Thcy pointed out tliat the last words of tliis sentence mighbe takeii
to restrict the scope ofthe discussion oii trusteeshipinthe Conference.
The temporary Chairman stated tliat tliere would be nosuch restriction. DOCUMENTS TRhNSM.IITTED BK SECRETARY-GENERAL 39

The Committee gave tlic chapters a critical first reading in which
certain language questions were noted. Tliese points were gone or7er
with Prime Jïinister Fraser oNew Zealand, Chairman of Conimittee 1114,
who joined the meeting after the evening meeting of Commission II
had approved the work of Cornmittee Ill4. Messrs. Van der Plas
(Ketherlands), Pojrnton (United Kingdom) and Gerig (United States),
in addition to the Secretary of Committee II/4, hIr. Chase, were in
Tlie two examinations of the text are liere reported together.

The placement of the "declaration concerning non-self-governing
territories",which was Section A of tlie text of Comrnittee 1I/4 and
wns assigned as Chapter XII, was reviewcd with Mr. Fraser. The

Chairman said that a "declaration" in the middle of the Charter as
a separate chapter bothered him, but he sawno objection to a "declara-
tion" being a section in a chapter. He suggeçted combining itwith
Chapter XII (A), on the trusteeship systern and calling it "provisions
with respect to non-self-governing territories". Air. Fraser thought
the question was one of drafting, but Comrnittee IIjq in dividing its
text into Sections A and f3 laid stress upon the line of demarcation
between the voluntary nature of Section A (Chapter XII) and the
contractual nature of the trusteeship system. The difference was
distinctive and wide. The Committee decided not to try to combine
its two chapters, and reconsidered the title of Chapter XII.

The Cornmittee ienlativelyentitled Chufite7 XII "Policy regarding

Article 73
The article was accepted as a unilateral declaratioii of Nember
States, each for itself,which stated the principles they recognized in
carrying responsibilities which they had or might have. It was pointed
out by >Ir. Van der Plas that the declaration applied to al1non-self-
governing territories, to those of colonial status on a voluntary basis
and to those of the trust status, among the obligations .assumed for
thea, on a contractual basis.
The Committee called Mr. Fraser's attention ta the phrase "which
have responsibilities", which it believed applied to future acquisition
of responsibility. On Rlr. Railey's suggestion "have or assume" was
The word "yet" ivas held to apply to any degree of self-government
short of a "full measure", up tawhich the respoiuibility of the alember

exists. Illr. Fraser said it held out anticipation anhope to developing
Mt. Fraser accepted as better drafting a recasting of the last part
of the main paragraph in order to bring out the limitation of the
obligation assumed by the Charter.
The Cornmitteennze?+ded the jirst dariseto "which have or nssisme
respm*sibili&ies". The Comnzittee replaceil"othsu rne»ibersof the wovld cor~llritt~aily"
witlt "the rest of .?Wbzei~rld".

CFIA~J~~ I<11<(A)

Ardicl~ 7j
In the Corninittee's discussion of terms the opiiiion rlevdopecl that
in the phrase "international system of trusteeship" the adjective
properly modified "trusteeship" and in this connexion it \iras iloted
that elsewherc in the test çirnp!y "truçteeship systern" should be
used. hlr. Fouques-Duparc observed that search was being continuecl
for a 17retichword othcr than "lrttcl/e"as the equivalent of "trustee-


Tlre deletioii of the clause "and set up suitable mncliiricry for these
purposcs" was suggested by the Chairman to be uiiriecessiiry since
the next cliapter established ttiat inachinerp. Mr. l'raser approved
the Coinmittee's vie\\?, saying that the clause rvas due to transitional
plirasing. It was deemed clearer to make the "hereaftet" clause a
separate sentence. Mr. Fraser also approved this drafting.
ï'Ae Colnrnitteeracast Article 7j to vend :

"The United ~aGonç shall establish under its authority aii
intcrnntional trustceship system for the admitiistration and
siipcrvision of such territories as may be placed thcreunder by
subserluent individual agreenients. These territoricç are here-
nftcr referred to as trust territories."

rlrticle 76
The esact significanceof the language in subparagrapli b aiid possible
clianges of its order or breaking it up by subdivision were discussed.
In view of the extensive negotiations from which the language
originrttecl,no changes were na de.

In tire Frelrch textof s~bpuragrnpJ~ b "administrative" wns deleteci
d il t"rutonomie" (self-go-jerlarîte?at).
It was noted that the omission of "health" was duc to its implied
coverage in the word "social".

11% sz~b~izragraph c the rendkg wwasanzendedto "atrrllu cllcoilrnge

The Chairman noted that here was the first useof "interdeyeridence"
in the Charter.
The final clause of subpacngrapli d was discussed aiid its references
esamiried. 'l'he idea of attainment was shifted to that of objectives.
After 3Ir. Fraser approved the redrafting the Committcc decided it
reîerred to subparagraph c, os well as to a and b.

ï'hc Con~miltee adopled as the filtrt.lcl~rofssetbpnragra$lz d "wilhoflt
$rejztdic~ tu the foregoing objectines alrd s?rbjectto the firovisions of
Article 80". The Committee discuçsed at some length the clause "alter in any
manner the rights whatsoevei, of any States or any peoples". The
Committce eliminated the comma. hlessrs. Golunsky and Robertson
inçisted the text had been laboriously negotiated. The Chairman
proposed to read "in any manrier whatsoever", but Mr. Robertson
was confirmed by hlr. Gerig in saying that the intention of Com-
mittee 1x14 was "t~ freeze the present position, bona fide rights, doubtful
rights, rights that are pure figments" after the Charter just as they
ivere before it.Xo change was made.
Xlr. Jebb commented on the rendering of "in or of itçelf" by
"direderne.rroicindirecteine~rlin tlie French.

&Ir.Robertson çuggested beginning with "each trusteesliip agreement
shall include" instead of using the phrase "in each case". There waç
debate on the meaning of "each case", whethcr it signified a single
agreement for each territory so as to cover several cnçes or n rnulti-
lateral agreement. On RIr. Golunçky's suggestion tlint "in each caçe"
really meant ."for each territory", the Committee accepted thc phrase

but changed its position.
Tlze Comt~itlee adopied the order "skdl in each case inclide".

Tlze terln "triut territ" wt~s st~tdnrdized in the artide.

A "State" or "hlember" asan administering authority was considered.
Mr. Gerig said tliat Committee 1114 in its report to Commiçsion II
(Doc. 1115 : 11/4/44 (1) (a)) esplained that cessation of rnembership
did not prevent esercise of the position of administering authority.
The Committee concluded that "Strite" was used in the technical
sense it Iiad adopted.

Iri ParagrnPk 2 the Comme'ttee rerd "nny special agreetnelzt or
11,parngraph 2 the word "also" wns dedeted.

Article 81 (A7)
Tlze Conamitfeedecihi lo nllnke Article 80, parngra+h 2, n separaie
ArticEe 81 (X).

Article 82
In discussing paragraph 2 hlr. Jebb pointed out tlint the basic
objectives were set forth and not provided for in Article 76 and
questioned how subparagraphs a and d could al1 be applicable to the
people. hlr.Bailey suggested tliey were applicable to the administration
of an area, and the Chairman proposed "shall ayply in each strategic
areri". Jlr. Gerig called attentionto the fact that "apply" is broader
than "applicable". IVith Mr. Fraser these points were gone over in
detail, including a reading of Article 76. Mr. Fraser ernphasized that
Committee 1114 wishes to ençure application of the objectives, so
far as they could be applied, to the people of the strategic areas.

Nr. Poynton said the application in a strategic area of Article 76,
subparagrapli d, was a matter of policy, not of drafting. Mr. Fraser
ngreed to the Cornmittee's revision with the understanding that DOCUJIEKTS TR;ISShlITTED BI' SECKETARY-GEFERAI. 45
the Security Council", since tlie Asscmhly's functions arr: clenrly
sbted in Article 84.

ï'lieCojrttriitta#proziedthe eli?lci?rrzloa A Y~E'c8jEerrdIhe nrkiifio?t
ofthe /olluwi?~,pnrugruph 2 fo Article 84 :

"2. Tlie Trusteeship Council, under the authority of the Geiieral
Assembly, shall assist the Gerieral Assernl~lyin carrying out: ttiese
Article 86

3Ir. Goliinsky raisedn question about the eligibility for redcsignation
of the "specially qualified representatives", pointing out that the
members of oiher bodies were States, biit these were persons and
experts. Alr. Bailey said this case was different, since it \vas hoped
that esperts would bc chosen for the Council, and that they might
be rc-eligihle.
The Clinirman saici that tie thought ttie word "States" sliould be
replaced )>y"blembers" ;tliiswas changed ta "Nembers of the Uriitecl
Xations" on the suggestion of Mr. Golunsky, who said tliat tlie word
might otlierwise menn members of the Truçteesliip Council. Ttie
Chairmari remarked to JIr. Fraser that the Committee was not using
the term "States hIembers".
'Ir.Robertson suggestcd the addition in b of the word "perrnaitent".
but it was pointed out thnt there had beeri considerable debate in

Coinmiltee 1114 on this point ; the permanent inembers of the Security
Coilricil were not mentioncd here, because tliey were tiot members
of tlie Trusteeship Council by virtue of ttieir membership in ttie
Security Council, but because of tlieir wortd-wide interests. Jlr. Kobert-
son siiggested using a "such" construction.
In recasting c >Ir. Fraser suggested "so that" instead of "in order
to". It was brought out that only Members of the United Kations
would be eligible for electiori to the Tniçteeship Cou~icil,which rvould
bc by n two-thirds vote of the General Assembly present and voting.
The lniiguage of the clause was recast in tlie course of the discussion.
The Corltmitteaado$ted the followivg Article 86 :

"The Trusteeship Council shall consist of specially qualified
representatives designnted as follows : (a) one each by the Members
of the United Kations administering trust territories; (b) one
eacli by such of the Jlembers mentioned by name in Article 23
as are not administering trust territories:and (c) one each by
as many other Members of the United Nations elected for three-
year terms by the Gcneral Assembly as may be necesmry to
ensure that the total number of represeiitatives is equnlly divided
between administering and non-administering Members of the
United Xations."

Article 87
Mr. Golunsky noted that this text differefrom thst of Cornmittee 1114
(Doc. WD 374, cOI154, June 18, 1945 )nwhich the General Assembly,

rather than the Trusteeship Council, possesçed the functions in question
and the latter carried out functions "untler the authority of the
Assembly". Mr. Fraser indicated tliat tliat was what Committee III4 DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 47

&Ir. Jebh stated that tlie words at the end of the article following
IJagencies" should be stsicken out ;they urere no longer needed as a
result of the decision to define "specialized agencies" in Chapter lx.
He also proposed a rearrangement of the sentence.

;The Comnlifdeenccepterlthe /ollowirzgtext of Article go :

"The Trusteeship Council shall, when appropriate, avail itself
of the assistance of the Economic and Social Couiicil and of the
specialized agencics ili regard to matters with which they are
respectively concerned."
(The Committcc herc returned to Chapter XII (Doc. 411, CO/I~I,
June 20, 194jj and Chapter XII (A) (Iloc.\\'R 412, CO/r72, June 20,
1945) and conferred witli Air. Fraser on the textual changes previously
discussed by the Co-ordination Committec.)It Mas felt that it could not be changed since it was the exact wording
of the Comrnittee TI/q,though itliterally meant that the institutions
must already be free if they were to be progressively developed.
Discussion showed a consensus that "to further international peace
and security" implied contributing to their maintenance, and that
introducing the full standardized phrase would here be limitative.
Furtherance of the cause was broader than maintaining a condition.
A desire to restate the point was given up afîer a discussion of the
importance which Cornmittee Il/q attached to the exact wording
to which it had agreed.

TJte Commiflee i7msz~b$nmgrnpkd restored Cornmitte6IZ/g's "mlterz
andzihere appropriate with specialired ilzter,mtiormlbodies" a?tddeleted
"zeizthnppyo$rWte specializedi~zterriatz'onblodies".

The Conzmiftee irtszeb~crragra~dh ndopted "this articleas the proper
reading for "tliis +avagrnfih".

AIr.Bailey questioned the accuracy and neatiiess of the reference
defining the exception at the end of subparagraph e. The exact definition
was in Article (77) 75, but the Comrnittee thought it better to refer
to chapters, since the reference of Committee 17/4was to its Section B.
The Committee at the end O/ subpuvagra$k e read : "thoseterrilories
to wlzich ChuPters XII and XII1 apply".

ArticEe(76) 74
The Co~nmittee debatecl at Iength its substitution of "the rest of
the world" for "other members of the world comrn~~nitp".Alessrs. Gerig
and Poynton cspressed theirunderstanding that Committee III4 meant
"world cornmunity" to iriclude non-members as well as Members,
but to exclude enemy States far the present.The Chairman and Mr. Jebb
çaid "world community" was not the same as the Organization, and
>Ir. Golunsky said in using that phrase one rniist think of the interests
of each, whereas one thought of "the rest of the ïvorld" as a whole.
Air. Poynton said the original phrase was directed at meeting the
criticism that a colonial policy of one State rnight leadto international
friction. After examining "other nations" and similar phrases, tlie
Committee retained "the rest of the world".

Elr. Bailey called the Cornmittee's attention to the esistence of
Doc. 1044 ; 11/4/37(2) which was a revision of Section H of Com-
inittee 1114's decisions (the present Chapters XII and XII), only
an eariier edition of which kvas in the hands of the Committee as
Doc. IVD 374, COlr5q. Keferences to thc new text were made in the
ensuing discussions.
Article (77) 75

ï'ke Conzwtitteeread "lzereinnfter"i.lthe secondsentcwce.
Article (79) 77

Ad the reqztestof Ccmwiiflee11/4 "as tu whiclr"wus $zd brick into
+arngrnph 2.

of Committee 1114, was before the Committee, after preliminary
exainination and revision, in the followii.ig form :

"1. The Trusteeship Council shall conçist of the following
Jlembers of the United Xations : ((rthose &lembers adrninistering
trust territories (b) such of those Nembers mentioned by name
in Article 23 as are not adrninistering trust territories; and (c)
as many other hlenibers elected for three-year terms by the
General Assembly as may be necessary ta ensure that the total
nurnber of members of the Trusteesliip Council is equally divided
between those Jlembers of the United Nations which administer
trust territories and those ivhich do not.
2. Each meniber of the Trusteeship Council shall designate
one specially qualifieci$erson to reprcsent it tkereifl."

A question of style was resolved by coricluding that Alembers were
represented in rather than on a council.

The Comntilteeadopted the vedraftetltext.

Article (89) 87
The estent of authority inherent in the General Assembly and
assigned to the Trusteeship CounciI and the relationship between
their joint functions was discussed at some length in clefining the
source of authority for the specific furictions set forth in this article.
The discussion was relateclto the assignments described in Article (87)
85. It had been agreed not to put thc material in Chapter IV, General
Assembly. It \vas now proposed tu add it to Article (87)Sg as para-
graph 3 beginning it "in particular". Consideration of emphasizing
the position of the General Assembly led to a review of previous debates
and proposais to begiii al1 three paragraph sf Article (87) 55 with
"The General Assembly and the Trusteeship Council", "The General
Asseinbfy and under its authority the Trusteeship Council", or "The
Trusteeship Council shall assist the General Assembly". Tlie project
of cambining this articIe with the general article led only to the change

recorded above in Article (87) 85, paragraph 2. At one time in the
course of the discussion it was thought possible to make two paragraphs
of Article (Sg) 87, the first ascribing functions to the Trusteeship
Council and the second saying that "the General Assembfy may itself
exercise ail these functions and powcrs". The Committee reached
this decision, but upon thc Secretary's reading it on the review of
the changes in the galley, tiie debüte was resurned. Tlie Chnirman
pointed out that Committee 1114 intended to grant joint powers. The
Cornmittee went baclc to the original language of Comrnittee 1114.

Tlie Coninzift~egave zrp Ike ottempt to co~nbi?~ Article (89) 87 witlt
Article (87) 85.

The Cornrnitteereverled to "ï'lzlzeGelaeral Assembly, ad mder ils
az~thurifythe Trzuteeshtfl Cotiwcil, in carryino gttf itsfzjnctions" in
lieu of its former text.

In szcbparagrn+lzd the Comrnitfeerend "tlte ternts of the tri~sleeshifl


(Final text adopted by Cornmittee 1114, 20 Jrsjze,1945)

I. States hlernbers of the United Sations which have responsibilities
for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained
a full measure of self-government recognize the principlc that the
interests of the inhabitants of these territories arc paramount, and
accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promotc to the utmost the
well-being of the iiihabitants of such territories withiti the system of
iiiternational peace and security, and to this end:

(a) to ensure, ivith dile respect for the culture of the peoples con-
cerned, their political, economic, social, and educational aclvance-
ment, tlleir just treritment rind their protection agnirist abuses;

jb) to develop self-governmeiit, to take due account of thc plitical
aspirations of the peoples, and to assist thern in the progressive
development of their free political institutions, accordiiig to
the particular circumstances of each territory ririd its peoples,
and their varyirig stages of advancement ;

(c)to fiirther international peace and security;
(d) to promote constructive measureç of develoyinent, to encourage
research, and to co-operate with one another, and when and
where appropriate, \vit11 specialized international bodies with
a view to the prnctical achievement of the social, economic,
and scientific purposes set forth in this paragrapk ; and

(e)to transmit regukirly to the Secretary-GeneraI for information
purposes, subject to siictlimitation as security ariclconstitutional
considerations may retluire, statisticaland other information
of a technical nature relating to economic, social, and cducational
conditions in tlic territories for which they are respectively
responsible other than those territories to which Section B of
this chapter applies.

2. States AIembers also agree that their policy in respect of such
territories,no less than in respect of their metropolitan nreas, must
be based on the general principle of good-neighbourliness, due account
being taken of the interests and \vell-being of other inembers of the
world comrnunity, in social, economic, and commercial matters. TRUSTEESHIP CHAI'TER, SECTIOS B

I. The United Kations shalf establish under its authority an inter-
national systern of trusteeship for the administration and supervision

of such territorics, hercnfter called trust territories, as rnay be placed
thereu~ider by subsequerit individual agreements niid set up suitable
machinery for these purposes.
2. The basic objectives of the trusteeship system, iri accordance

with the purposes of thc United Nations laid down in Chapter 1 of ,
the Charter, shall be :
(a) to further internntioiial peace and security ;
(b) to promote tlie political, economic, social, and educational
advanccment of the inhabitants of the trust territories, and
their progressive development toward self-government or inde-

pendence as rnay be appropriate to the particular circumstances
of each territory and its peoples and the freely expressed wishes
of the peoples conceriied, and as rnay be provided by the terrns
of each trusteeship rigrcement ;

(c) to encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental
freedoms foral1witliout distinction as to race, language, religion,
or ses, and recogiiition of the interdependence of the .peoples
of the world ; and

(d) to insure cqiial trcatment in social, economic, and commercial
matters for al1Xcmbers of the Iinited Nations and their nationals,
and also equal treatrnent for the latter in the administration
of justice, witliovt prejudicc to the attainment of ((1)and (b)
above, and subjëct to the provisions of paragraph 5 below.

3. The trusteeship systern shnll apply to such territories in the
following categories as rnay be placed thereunder by means of trustee-
ship agreements : (a) territories now hcld under mandate ; (b) territories
which rnay be detaclied frorn enemy States as a result of this war ;
and (c) territories \,oluntarily plnced under the system by States
responsible for their :idministr;ition. It will be a matter for subsequent
agreement as to which territories in the foregoing categories will be
brought under the trusteeship system and upon what terms. The
trusteeship system shall not apply to territories wliich have become
Members of the United Nations, relationship among tvhich should
be based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality. 1)OCülIESTS TKASSlIITTED BY SECRETARY-GEXEKAL 56

4. The tems of trusteeship for eacli territory to be placed under
the trustees\iip system, including any alteration or amendmerit, shall
be agreed upon hy the States directly concerned, including the
mandatory Power in the case of territories .held under mandate by
one of tlie Uriitcd Yations, and shall bc ;i~iproved as provicled for
in paragrnplis 8 and IO below.

5. Except as may be agreed upon itiindividual trusteeship agree-
ments, made under paragrapiis 3, q, and ri,placing each territory
under the trusteeship system, and iintil such agreements have been
concluded, nothing in tliis chapter shall be construed iii or of itself
to alter iriany manner the rights whatsoever of any States or any
peuples or the terms of esisting international instruments to whicki
Member States rnay respectively be parties. This paragraph sliall
not be interpreted as giving groundç for delay or postponement of
the negotiatiorl and conclusion of agreements for placing maiidated
and other territories iinder the trusteesliip system as provided for

in paragrripli 3.

6. The trusteeship agreement in eacli case sliall include the terins
under which tlic territory will be administered and designate the
authority wtiich shall exercise the administration of the trust territory.
Such authority, liereafter called the administer-ing authority, ma)?
be one or more States or the United Nations itself.

7. In addition, there rnay also be designated, in any trusteeship
agreement, a strategic area or areas wliicli may include part or all
of the trust territory to which the agreement applies, without prejutiicc
to any special agreements made urider Chapter VITI, Section H,
paragrapli 5.

S. Al1 functioiis of the United Nations rclating to such strategic
areas, includirig the approval of the terrns ofthe trusteesliip agreements
and of their alteratioii or amendment, shall be exercised by the Security
Council. Tlie basic objectives as provided for inparagraph B, 2, above
shall be applicable to the yeoplc of each strategic area. The Security
Council shall, without prcjudice to security cotisiderations, avail itself
of the assistaricc of the Trusteeship Council provided for in paragraph rI
below to perform those functions of the United Kations under the
trusteeship system relating to politic:ll, economic, social, and educationnl
matters in tlie strategic areas, subject to the provisions of the trustee-
ship agreements. .

9. It sliall be the duty of the acln-iinistcriiig authority to irisiire
that the trust territory skall play itç partin the maintenance of inter-
national peacc and security. To this erid the adrninistering autliority
shall be empowered to make use of volunteer forces, facilities, and
assistance from the trust territory in carrying out the oblig t' a 1011s
undertaken hy the administering authority for the Security Couiicil
in this regard and for local defense and the maintenance of law and
order witliin the trust territory.
IO. The fiirictions of the United Xations with regard to trusteeship

agreemerits for al1 areaç not designated as strategic, including tlie
ayproval of the terms of the truçteeshiy agreements and of tlicir a .
alteration or amendment, shalf be e~ercised by the General Assembly.

II. In order to assist tlie General Assembly to carry out thosc
functions under tlie trusteeship system not reserved to the Security
Council, there shall be establislied a Trusteeship Council which shall
operate under the authority of the Assembly. The Trusteeship Council
shall consist of speciallq* qualified representatives designated (a) one
each by the States administering trust territorieç;(b) one each by
the States rnentioned by name in Chapter VI, Section A, which are
not adrninistering trust territories ; and (c) one each by a sufficient
number of other States elected for three-year periods by the General
Assembly in order that the total nurnber of representatives is equally
divided between administering and non-administering States. The
Trusteeship Council shall, when appropriate, avail itself of the
assistance of the Econo~nic and Çoci:il Council and of other bodies
which are brought into relationship witli the United Nations, inregard
to matters with which tliey are respectively concerned.

12. The Trusteeship Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure
and the method of selecting its yresident. The Trusteeship Council
shall meet as required in accordance with rules adopted by the Council.
These rules shall include provision for the calling of a meeting on the
request of a majority of the members of the Council.
13.The General Assembly, and u~ider its autliority, the Trusteeship
Council, in carrying out their functions, sllall bempowered to consider

reports submitted by the administering authority, to accept petitions
and examine them in consultation with the adrninistering authority,
to provide for periodic visits to the respective trust territories at times
agreed upon with the adrninistering authority, and to take these and
other actions in conlormity with the terms of the trusteeship agreements.

14. The adrninisteri~ig authority in each trust territory within the
competence of the General Assembly shall make an annual report
to the General Assembly upon the basis of a questionnaire formulated
by the Trusteeship Council on the political, economic, social, and
educûtional advancement of the inhabitants of the trust territory.

15. There shall be a permanent staff of the Trusteeship Council,
which shall coiistitute a part of the Sccretariat of the United Nations. political aspirations of the de tenir compte cles aspirations
peoples, ana to assist them in politiques des populations, et de
the progressive development of les aider dans le développement
their free political institutions, progressif de leurs libres insti-

according to the particular tutions politiqiies, dans lamesure
circumstances of each territory appropriée :lus circonstances
and its peopfes and tlieir particulières de chaque territoire
varying stages of advaiicemeiit ; et de ses populations et à leurs
degre's variables d'avancement ;
(E)to fiirtlier international c) d'affermir la paix et la
yeace and security ; sécuritéinternationales ;
(d) to promote .constructive d) de favoriser des mesures
measures of developrnent, to constructives de développement,
encourage research, and to co- d'encourager des travaux <le
operate with one another arid, recherches, de coopérerl'un avec
when and where appropriate, l'autre ct, c~iiaiid et où cela
with specializecl international serait possible, avec les organis-
bodies 116th a, view to the mes internationaux çpÉcialiçPs,
practical ncliieve~iicnt of the so- en vue d'atteindre les buts
cial, economic, and scicntific sociaux, Cconomiques et scienti-
piIrposes set forth in this pnra- fiques indirliil:~au prisent para-
graph; and graphe ;
(e) to tmlismit regularly to e) de communiquer séguliére-
the Secretary-General for infor- ment au SccrGtaire général, h
mation purposes, subject to such titre d'information, sous réserve
des exigeiices de la sécurité et
limitation as security and con-
siitutioiial considerations may de considérations d'ordre cons-
rcquire, st:ltisticriaiid -other titutionnel, des renseignements
iiiiorrnatioii oa technical nature statistiques ct autres de nature
relating to economic, social, and technique relatifs aux: conditions
educational coriditions in the économiques, sociales et d'édu-
territories for which they are cation des to~ritoiresautres que
respectively responsible other ceus auxquels s'appliquent les
than those territories to \vhich dispositions du chapitre XII (A)
C-hapter XII (A) of the preserit de la prBsente Charte.
Charter apylies.

Article 74,-States hlembers ilrticle 74. - Les Membres
also agree that tlieir policy in reconnaissent également que leur
respect of such territories, no politique doit Ctre fondée, dans
' less than in respect of tlieir ces territoires comme dans leurs
metropolitaii areas, must be territoiresmétropoiitains, sur le
based on the general principle principe général du bon voisi-
of good-neighbourliness, due nage, compte tenu des intér&ts
account being taken of the et de la prospérité des autres
interests and well-being of other membres de la communautémon-
members of the world commun- diale dans le domaine social,
ity, in social, economic, ancl économique et commercial.


tion of the interdependence of religion, et développer la cons-
the peoples ol tlie wosld; ancl cience de l'interdbpendancc des
peuples du monde ; et
(d) to ensure cqual treatment d) assurer l'égalité de traite-
in social, cconomic, and com- ment clans le domaine social,
mercial matters for al1 llernbers &conorniqueet comrncrcial à tous
of the United Xations and their les Membres de 1'0rgnnisation
nationals, and alço equal treat- et ?t leurs ressortissaiits, et
ment for the latter in the assurer également A ces derniers,
administration of justice, without l'égalitéde traitement dans l'ad-

prejudice to tlie attainment of ~riinistration de l:~ justice, sans
(a) and (b) nbovc, and subject portcr préjudice i la r6rilisation
to the provisions of paragraph j des fins énoncéesaux alinéas a)
helow. et b) ci-dessus, et sous réserve
cies dispositions du paragraphe j
Article 77.-I 7he inter- Article 77. - I. Le régime
national trustecsliip system shall international de tutelle s'appli-
apply to such territories in the quera aux territoires rentrant
following categories as may be daris les catégories ci-dessous et
placcd thercuntler by Incans of qui vie~idraient ;i Strc placés

truçteeship agreements : (n} terri- sous ce régime cn vertu d'accords
tories now Iield uiider mandate ; dc tutelle : a) territoires ac-
(b) territories which may be tuellement sous mandat ; b) terri-
detached from enemy States as toires qui pourront Ctre détachés
a result of thiç \var; and (G) d'États ennemis par suite de la
territories voluntarily placed présente guerre ; c) territoires
under tlie system by States volontairement placés sous ce
responsible for their admin- régimepar les fitrits responsables
istration. dc leur administr at1011.
z. It will be a rnatter for z. Il sera détcrminb par accord
subsequent ngrcenient as to ultérieur quels territoires de ces
which territorics in the fore- diverses catégories seront placés
going categories will be brought sous le régime de tutclle et dans
under the trustccship system quelles conditions.
and upon what tcrms.

Article 78.-The iriternntional Article 78. - Le régimeinter-
trusteeship systein shall not ap- iiationalde tutelleIICs'appliquera
ply to territories which have pas aux pays devenus 3Iembres
bccome Members of the United de I'Orgaiiisation dcs Natioris
Xations, relationship nmong Unies, leurs relations mutuelles
which should be bnsecl on respect Ctaiit fondées sur le respect du
for the principlc of sovereign principe de i'ti'gnlité.

Arttcl~ 79.-'l'he terms of Article 79. - I.cs termes de
trusteeship for eacli territory to la tutelle, pour cliacun des terri-
be placed iinder the interna- toires destin& A Ctre placés sous
tional trristccship system, in- le régime intcrnatiotial dc tutelle,
cludiiigany alteration or amend- clemêmeque toute niadification
ment, shall be agreed upon by et tout amendement de ces ter-
the States clircctly concerncd, mes, feront l'objet d'un accord
iricIuding the mandatory Power entre les Etats directement inté-which rnay include part or al1 of partie ou la totalité du territoire
the trust territory to which the sous tutelle, sans préjudice de
agreement applies, without pre- tout accord spécial conclu en
judice to any special agreements application de l'aride 47.
made under Article 47.

Article 82.-I. Al1 functions Article 82. - I. En ce qui
of the United Nations relating concerne les zones stratégiques,
to strategic areas, including the toutes les fonctions dévolues
approval of the terms of the l'organisation des Sations Unies,
trusteeship agreements and of y compris I'approbation des ter-
their alteration or amendment, mes de la tutelle ainsi que de la
shall be cxercised by the Security inodification et de l'amendement
Council. éventuels de ceux-ci, sont exercées
par le Conseil de Sécurité.
2. The basic objectives as 2. Les buts essentiels prévus
provided for in paragraph I au paragraphe I s'appliquent
shnll be applic;ible to the people aux populations de chacune des
of each strate&''IC area. zones stratCgiques.
3. Tlie Security Council shall, 3. Le Conseit de Sécurité,tout
subjrct to ttie provisions of the en respectant les dispositioris des

trusteeship agreements and accords de tutelle et sous réserve
without prcjudice to securitp des exigences de la séciiritê,
considerntions, avail itself of the aura recours l'assistance du
assistance of the Trusteeship Conseil de Tutelle prévu au
Council provided for in para- paragraphe I1, dans l'exercice
graph Ir beloiv to perform those des fonctions que les Xations
functions of tlie Uriited Nations Unies assument du fait du régime
under the international trustee- de tutelle en matière politique,
ship system relatirig to political, économique et sociale, et en
economic, social, and educationa1 matière d'instruction, dans les
matters iti the strategic areas. zories stratégiques.
Article 83.-It shall be the Article 83. - 1,'nutoriti
duty of the ndministering author- chargée de l'administratioii ;ile
devoir de veiller à ce que le
ity to insure that the trust
territory shall play its part in territoire sous tutelle contribue
the maintenance ofinternational au maintien de la paix et de
peace and security. To this end la sécurité internationales. r'r
the administering authority shall cette fin, elle a le droit d'utiliser
be empowered to make ilse of des contingents volontaires, les
volunteer forces, faciiities, and facilités et l'aide du territoire
assistance from ttie trust terri- pour remplir les obligations
tory in carryitig out the obliga- qu'cllc n contract6es i cet 6gnrc1
tioris uridcrbkeri by the admin- envers le Conseil de SécuritC
istering auttiority for the Secur- et pour asçurer la rlbfeiise di1
ity Council in tliis regard aiid territoire sous tutelle, le respect
for local cIefense aiid the main- de la loi et le mnintieii de l'ordre
tenance of law and,order \vithiil intérieur.
the trust territory.
Article 84. - En ce qui
Article &.-The furictions of
the United Nations with regard concerne les accords de tutelle
to tniçteeship agreerncnts for al1 relatifs a toutes les zones qui
areas not designnted as strategic, ne sont pas désignées comriic Article 87.-The Trusteestiip Article 87. - Ide Coiiseil dc
Couricil, in carrying out its 'riitelle a qualité, dans l'cxcrcice
ftinctioiis rnay : (a) consitler dc ses fonctions, a) pour csaminer
reports submitted by the admin- les rapports qiii lui sont soumis
istering authority ; (6) acce~it par l'autorité ciiargéc de I'admi-
petitioris and examine theni in riistration; b) recevoir des péti-
consiiltation with the adrnin- tions et les examiner en con-
isteriiig authority ; (c) provide sultation avcc cette autorité ;
for pcriodic visits to the re- c) faire procéder iicles visites
spective trust territories at times périodiques dans les territoires
agreed itpon with the admin- administrés par laclite autorité
istering authority ; and (cl) takc i des dates convenues avcc elle ;
these ancl other actions in coii- d) prendre ces dispositions et
forrnity with the trusteesliiji toutcs autres conformCment aux
agrccmcnts. accords de tu tclle.

rlrticl 88.-The Trusteesliip Artide 88. -- I'our chaque
Council shail formulate a ques- territoire relevant de la compé-
tionnaire on the political, ccon- terice de 1'Assernblée géni.rale.
omic, social and educational l'autorité chargée <le I'adminis-
advancement of the inhabitaiits tration adresse h I'Assernblée
of ench trust territory, and the un rapport annuel rédig6 d'après
ricirninistering authoritp in each un questionnaire etabli par le
trust territory within the com- Conseil de Tutelle, portant sur
peteiicc of the General Assem~ily les progrés de la population du
shall make an annual report ta territoiredans les clornaines poli-
tlic Gencrnl Asscmbly upon tlie tique, Economiclue ct social, et
basis of such qiiestionriaire. daris celui de l'instruction.

Article 89.-1. The Trustee- Article 89. - 1.Lc Conseil de
sliip Couiicil sliall adopt its own 'Tutelle adopte sot1 règlcment et
riiles of procedure and thcrnethod fixe le mode de désignation de
of selectiiig its president. son président.
2. Il se réunit comme le
2. The Trusteeship Council
sliall rnect ris required in nc- prescrit son règlement ; celiii-ci
cordance \vit11 its rules of pro- comprend des clispositions pré-
cedurc. These rules shall include voyant la convocation du Conseil
provisiori fur the calling of a 3 la demande de 1:i majorite de
meeting on the request of :i ses membres.
~najarity of tlic membcrs of
the Council.
Article go.-The Trusteeship Article go. - Le Conseil de
Council shall, wlien appropriate, Tutelle recourt, quand il y a
avail itself of the assistance of lieu, 5 l'assistance clu Conseil
the Ecoiiomic and Social Council économique et social et, pour les
and, in regard to matters witli questions relevant de leurs coin-
which thcy are respectively con- pétences respectives, A celle des
cernecl, of specialized agencieç institutions reliées I'Organi-

brouglit iiito relationsliip with srition conformCment aux dispo-
the Unitecl Kntions in accord:incc sitioiis de l'article68.
with the provisions of Article 68.

Bilingual Content

Tous droits réservés par la

Cour internationale de Justice
International Court of Justice

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Nations Unies, LaSuccess.
New-York, le 19 décembre 1949.
LEC46/05(5) HTL
[Traduction du Grege]

Monsieur le Président,

J'ai l'honneur 'de porterà votre connaissance que, par une
résolution qu'ellea adoptée le 6 décembre 1949 lors de sa
26gmeséanceplénière,au sujet du point de l'ordre dujour relatif
à «la question du Sud-Ouest africainIIl'Assemblée générale des
Nations Unies a décidéde soumettre à la Cour internationale
de Justice, aux fins d'avis consultatif, les questions suiv:ntes
«Quel est le statut internationaldu Territoire du Sud-
Ouest africain, etquelles sont les obligations internationales
de l'Union sud-africaine qui en découlent, et notamment :

a) L'Union sud-africaine a-t-elle encore des obligations
internationales en vertu du Mandat pour le Sud-Ouest afri-
cain, et,si c'est le cas, quelles sont-elles ?
b) Les dispositions du chapitre XII de la Charte sont-
elles applicables au Territoidu Sud-Ouest africain et, dans
l'affirmative, de quelle façon le sont-eues ?

c) L'Union sud-africaine a-t-elle compétence pour modi-
fier le statut international du Territoire du Sud-Ouest africain
ou, dans le cas d'une réponse négative, qui a compétence
pour déterminer et modifier le statut international du Terri-
toire ?»
Conformément à cette résolution,je vous en transmets ci-joint
le texte en deux exemplaires, l'un en anglais et l'autre en français,
tous deux certifiés conformes. Tous les documents pertinents
visésdans ladite résolution seront en outre transmis 5 la Cour,
aussitôtque possible.

Veuillez agréer, etc.
Le Secrétaire général,




United Nations, LalSuccess
New York, 19 December 1949.
IXG 46/05 (5H'rL


1 have the honour to inform you that the General Assembly of
the United Nations, by a iesolution adopted atits 269th Plenary
Meeting held on 6 December 1949, in connexion with the item of
agenda "Question of South-West Africa", decided to submit the
fo11owing"questions to the International Court of Justice with a
request for an advisory opinion :
"Ifbat is the international status of the Territory of South-
West Africa and what are the international obligations of the
Union of South Africa arising therefrom, in particular :

(a) Does the Union of South Africa continue to have
internationalobligations under the Mandate for South-West
Africa and, if so, what are those obligatio?s
(b) Are the provisions of Chapter XII of the Charter
applicable and, if so,what manner, tothe TerritoryofSouth-
West Africa?

(c)Has the Union of South Africa the competence tomodify
the international status of the Territory of South-\Vest Africa,
or, in the event of a negative reply,where does competence
rest todeterniine and modify the international status of the
Territory ?"
In accordance with its terrns,.I am transmitting herewith the
afore-mentioned resolution, in two copies, one in English and one
in French, both duly certified. 1 çhall also transmit to the Court al1
relevant documents referred to in the said resoiution, as soon as

1 have, etc.
(Signed) TRYGVE LIE,




Rappela?il ses résolution65. (1) du 14 décembre 1946, 141 (II)
du IC~novembre 1947 et 227 (III) du26 novembre 1948, relatives
au Territoire duSud-Ouest africain,

Considérattt qu'il est souliaitable que l'Assemblée générale
obtienne, pour poursuivre l'examen de cette question, un avis
consultatif sur les aspects juridiquesclu'eIle présente,
I. Décidede soumettre les questions suivantes à la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice en la priant de donner un avis consultatif
qui sera transmis à l'Assemblée générale avant sa cinquième
session ordinaire, si possible

«Quel est le statut international du Territoirc du Sud-
Ouest africain, et quelles sont les obligations internationales
de l'Union sud-africaine qui en découlent, et notamment :
a) L'Union sud-africaine a-t-elle encore des obligations
internationales en vertu du Mandat pour le Sud-Ouest africain
et,si c'est le 'cas, quelles sont-elles ?

b) Les dispositions du chapitre XII de la Charte sont-
elles applicablesailTerritoii.r: du Sud-Ouest africain et, dans
l'affirmative, de quelle façon le sont-elles ?
c) L'Union sud-africaine a-t-elle compétence pour modi-
fierle statut international du Territoire du Sud-Ouest africain
ou, dans le cas d'une réponse négative, qui a compétence
pour déterminer et modifier le statut international du Terri-

toire ))
2. Charge le Secrétaire général de transmettre la présente
résolution à la Cour internationale de Justice, conformément j.
l'article6j du Statut de la Cour, et d'y joindre tout document
pouvant servir à élucider la question.
Le Secrétaire généraljoindra notamment le texte de l'article22

du Pacte de la Sociétédes Nations ; le texte du Mandat pour le
Sud-Ouest africain allemand, confirmépar le Conseil de la Société
des Nations le 17 décembre1920 ;les documents pertinents concer-
nant les objectifs et les fonctions du Régime des Mandats ;
le texte de la résolution sur la question des Mandats, adoptée II.-RESOLUTION AUOPTED BY THE GENERAI,
ON DECERlBER 6th, 1949


The General Assembly,

Recalling its previous resolutions 6(1) of r4 December 1946,
141 (II) ofINovember 1947 and 227 (III) of26 Novernber 1948
concerning the Territory ofSouth-West Africa,
Considering that itisdesirable that the General hssembly, for
its further consideration of the question, should obtain an advisory
opinion on its legal aspects,

I. Decides to çubmit the following questions tthe International
Court of Justice with arequest for an advisory opinion which shall
be transmitted to the Gcileral Assembly before its fifth regular
session, if possib:e
"What is the i~~ternationalçtatus of the Territory of South-
West Africa and what are the international obligations of the
Union of South Africa arising therefrom, in particular:

(a) Does the Union of South Africa continue to have inter-
national obligations under the Nandate for South-\Vest Africa
and, if so, what are those obligation?
(5)Are the provisions ofChapter XII of the Charterapplic-
able and, if so, in what manner, to the Territory of South-West
(c) Has the Union of South Africa the cornpetence to modify
the international status of the Territory of South-Wcçt Africa,

or, in the event of a negative reply, where does cornpetence
rest to determinc and 'modify the international status of the
2. Rqtresls the Secretary-General to transmit the present resolu-
tion to the International Court of Justice, in accordance with
Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, accornpanied by al1documents
likelyta throw light upan the question.
The Secretary-General shall include among these docurne~itsthe

text of Article22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations ;the
text of the Mandate for German South-West Africa, confirmed by
the Council of the League o17 December 1920 ;relevant documen-
tation concerning the objectives and the functions of the Mandates
System; the text of the resolution adopted by the League ofpar la Sociétédes Nations le 18 avril1946 ;le texte des articles 77
et 80 de la Charte ainsique des renseignements sur les débats
auxquels ces articles ont donné lieu à la Conférence de San-
Francisco et à l'Assemblkegénkrale ; le rapport de la Quatrième
Commission et les documents officiels, y compris lesannexes, se
rapportant à l'examen de la question du Sud-Ouest africain lors
de la quatrième session de l'Assembléegénérale.

269~~s~ c'ancefilénière,

le 6 décembre 1949.

Copie certifiée conforme.
Pour leSecrétaire général,

Secrétaire généraladjoint chargé
du Département juridique.Nations on the question of Nandates on 18 April 1946 ; the text
of Articles 77 and 80 of the Charter and data on the discussion of
these articles in the San Francisco Conference and the General
Asçembly ; the report of the Fourth Committee and the official
records, including the annexes, of theconsideration of the question
ofSouth-West Africaatthe fourth session ofthe General Assembly.

Certified true copy
For the Secretary-General,

(Signed) Dr. IVAN KEHNO,
Assistant Secretary-General in charge
of the Legal Department. SECTION B. - DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS




Chemise I

The Trealy O/ Peace between the Allied and
Associated Powers and Germany, 28 June
1919 - Partie IV - Droits et intérêts
allemands hors de l'Allemagne (extrait) -
Articles 118-127.
The l'reaiy of Peaco between the Allied and
AcsocialelZPowers and Germany, 28 June
1919 - Pa~tie I - Pacte de la Sociétédes
Nations (extrait)- Article 22.

SoAssembléeNa-ioSéances des Commissions (II)
- Procès-verbaux de la Sixième Commis-
sion - Attribution des mandats (annexe
17 b ;appendice 2).

Textes des mandats de la Sociétédes Nations
- Ma~idat pour le Sud-Ouest africain
Document republié par les Nations Unies
Sociétédes Natioiis - Recueil des traitéset
des en agements internationaux enregistrés
par le gzecrétariatde la Sociétéder Nations
- No 310. - Traité concernant le réta-
blissqment de la paix entre l'Allemagne et
les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, signé A Berlin
le 25 août 1921 (extrait).
[Volume XII, 1922, numéros I,2, 3 et 4.1
Constitution de Ia Commission permanente
des Mandats, approuvée par le Conseil le
~er décembre 1920.
Voirci-dessott: SociétQdes iVatiorzs - Les
responsabililésqarincombent ri la Sociétd'es SECTION B.-DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED




ThAssociatedfPowers band Germany, 28ed June,
1919-Part IV-German rights and interests
outside Germany (excerpt)-Articles 118-

The Treaty of Peace between the Allied and
Associated Powers and Germany, 28 June,
1g1g-Part 1-The Covenant of the League
of Nations (excerpt)-Article 22.
League of Nations-The records of the First
Assembly-Meetings of the Cornmittees (II)
-Minutes of the Sixth Cornmittee-Allo-
cationof mandates (Annex 17 b ;Appendix 2).

Terrns of League ofNations Mandates-Man-
date for German South-West Africa.

Document republished by the United Nations
League of Nations-Tieaty Series-Pubiica-
tion of treaties and international engagements
registered with theSecietariatofthe League
of Nations-No. 310.-Treaty concerning
the re-establishment of peace between Ger-
many and the United States of America,
signed at Berlin,25 August, 1921 (excerpt).
[Volume XII, 1922, Numbers 1, z,3 and 4.1
Constitution of a Permanent Mandates Commis-
sion apyroved by the Council onI December,
See below: League of Nations-Responsibitities
of theLeague arlsi.nout ofArticl2.2 (Man- Nations en vertu de l'avticle22 (Mandats)
- Rapport présent& par EeConscil à EJAssem-
blé6 - Annexe 14.
Société des Nations - Journal officiel-
Procés-verbal de la seizième session du
Conseil - Deuxième séance (extrait) -
531. Commission des Mandats : Indemnité
;le séjour allouée aux membies de la Com-
mission. [IIInleAnnée,no 2 - Féwier 1922.1
Société des Nations - Journal officiel-
Procès-verbal de la quarante-sixième ses-
sion du Conseil - Quatrième séance (ex-
trait)- Question de la nomination d'un
membre supplémentaire à la Commission
permanente des hlandats. [VIIImc Année,na IO
- Octobre 1927.1
Sociétédes Nations - Commission perma-
nente des Mandats - Règlement intérieur
soumis à l'approbation du Conseil de la
Sociétédes Nations. [C.404. hl.zgj. 1921.

Comment intérieur.nte des Mandats : Règle-
Voir ci-decsus: Sociétédes Nations - Jatwnal
ofiriel- Procés-verbalde la seizième session
dtt Conseil - Deztxième zéance(extrait) -
Paragraphe 535. [1IIma Année,naz - Février
Sociétédes Nations - Commission permanente
des Mandats - Réglernent intérieur. CC.404
(2).M. 295(z}. 1921. VI.]

Oblaux termesndeml'articl22adu Pacte (Mandats)..
(Rapport présenté par le représentant de
la Belgique, hl. Hymans, et adopté par le
Conseil de la Sociétédes Nations, réuni à
Saint-Sébastien, Ie 5 août 1920.)
Voir ci-dessozcs: Société des lVafions - Les
responsabiiltésgui incombettdà la Sociétédes
Nations en vertu de l'articl22 (~Mandats) -
Rapportprése~ztp éar le CortseilIi 1Assemblée
- Anliexe 4.
Sociétédes Nations - Les responsabilités qui
incombent à la Sociétédes Nations en vertu
de l'articl22 (Mandats) - Rapport présenté
par le Conseil à l'Assemblée[20/48/161].
Sociétédes Nations - Journal officie- IVme
Année, no 3, mars 1923 - Vingt-troisième
session du Conseil - Procédure en matihre
de pétitions relatives aux habitantsdes tem-
toires sous mandat. [C.44(1).M.73.192V 3..] DOCUMENTS TRANSNITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL II

dates)-Report Iiythe Councilto the Assembly
- Annex 14.

Lcngiie of Nations-Officia1 Journal-Minutes
of the sisteenth session of the Council-
Second meeting (escerpt)-531. Allorïariccs
to members of the Permanent Mandates
Commission. r3rd Year, No. a-Febru-
ary, rgzz.]
Lcague of Nations-Official Journal-Minutes
of the forty-sixtli session of the Council-
Fourth rneetirig (exccrpt)-Question of thc
appointment of an aclditional membcr oiithe
Permanent Mandates Commission. [Sth E'ear,
No. ro-October, 1927.1

1,eagueof Nations-Permanent Mandates Com-
mission-Rules of procedure submitted for
the approval of the Council of the Lcnguc
of Nations. [C.404. M.295. 1921. VI.]

Rulcs of procedurc of tlie Permanent hlanclntcs
See aboue Leagzte of Natiorzs-Oflcial Jourrtal
-Mznzdes of the sixlesnth sessionof the Cottn-
cil-Secot~d meeting (excerpt)-Paragrrtph
535. [3rd Year, No. 2-Febmary, rgzz.]

League of Nations-Permanent Mandates Com-
mission-Rules of procedure. [C.4oq(z). M.
295(2). 1921. VI.]
Obligations falling upon the League of Na tions
uncier the terms of Article22 of the Covenant
(Mandates). (Report presented by the Belgian
Rcpresentative, M. Hymans, and adopted by
tlie Council of the League of Nations at Saii
Sebastian on 5 August, 1920.)
See below Leagzie of Nations-Resfionsiliili/ies
of tlzeLeagtdcarisifzgouiof Article 22 (Mcrn-
dates)-Kefiart by the Cozt7icito lheAssembly
- Annex 4.

League of Nations-Resppnsibilities of the Lea-
gue arising out of Article zz (Mandates)-
Report by the Council to the Assembly
League of Nations-Oficial Journal-4th Year,
No. 3, March, 1923-Twenty-third sessionof
the Council-Proccdure in respectof petitions
regarding inhabitants of mandated territorics
(Annex 457). [C44(1). M.73 1923.VI.]SociCté des Nations - Commission permanente
des Mandats - Procès-verbal de la douzième
session (y compris le rapport de la Commis-
sion au Conseil) - Annexe 4 :Aperçu de la
procédure en matière de pétitions concernant
les territoires soiismandat. [C.545. M.194.
1927. VI.]

Sociétédes Nations - Mandats «C ii- Ques-
tionnaire destin6 h faciliter la prbparation
des rapports annuels des Puissances manda-
taires. [C.397, M.299. 1921. VI.]

Société des Nations - hlaiitiatR etC - Liste
des questions que la Cornmission permanente
des Mandats désirerait voir traiter dans les
rapports annuels clesYuissaiices mandataires.
[A. 14, 1926. VI.]

Le système des mandats : Origine, principes et
Voir Série de Pt~blicatious de In Socie'te'des
hTatioizs,Genève avril1965. [VI. A. Mandats,
1945, VI. A. 1.1

Sociétédes Nations - Joiirnal officie- Siip-
plément spécialno 194 - Actes des vingtième
(fin) evingt et unième sessions ordinairesdc
Deuxième séance plénière(estrait) - Décla-
ration de RI. Leif Egclarid (Union sud-
Quatrième séance plcnièrc (extrait) -

Déclaration du profeszeur Uailey (Auslra-
Septième séance plénière (extrait).

Procès-verbaus de la Première Commisçion
(Questions gtinérales)- Troisième séance
(extrait): IOReprise, par les Nations Unies,
de certaines fonctions,com]iétences etacti-
vités de la Socibtê rlcs Nations (suite) :

Annexe 24 C. - hlanclnts [résolufion].


Chemise 2


League of Nations-Permanent Mandates Com-
mission-Minutes of the twelfth session (in-
cluding the Report of the Commission to the
Counci1)-Annex 4 : Summary of the proce-
dure to be follotved in the matter of petitions
concerning mandated territories. [C,545,
hI.194. 1927. VI.]

Leaguc of Nations-"C" Mandates-Question-
naire intended ta facilitate the preparation
of the annual reports of the mandatory Pow-
ers. cC.397. M.299. 1921. VI.]
League of Xations-B and C Mandates-List
of questions which the Permanent Mandates
Commission desires should be dealt witli in
thc annual reports of the mandatory Powers.
[A. 14. 1926, VI.]

The Mandates System : Origin, Principles,Ap-
Sae Series of League of Natiotts P.trbEicatioiis,
Genma, April 1945. [\JI.-4.Mandates, 1945,
VI. A. 1.1

League of Nations-Official Journal-Special
Supplement No. 194-Records of the tweri-
tieth (conclusion) ancl twenty-frrst ordinary
sessions of the Assembly :
Second plenary meeting (excerpt)-Speech
by Jfr. Leif Egeland (Union of South
Fourth plenary meeting (excerpt)-Speech
by Professor Bailey (Australia).

Seventh plenary meeting (excerpt).

Minutes of the First Committee (General
Questions)-Third meeting (excerpt) : IO.
Assurnption by the United iu'ationsof cer-
tain functions, powers and activities of
the League (continued) : Mandates Çystem.

Annex 24 C. -Mandates [resolution].





Réztniot6des chefs desdélégatio~ts

pozdrl'orgnizisntiae la Confërence

Réunion des chefsdes délégationspour l'organi-
sation de la Conférence,26 avril 1945 [29,
DC/4J (extrait)l.

Séflncesplénièresde la Conféreizce.

Comptes rendus des débats

Procès-verbal de la deusième séance plénière,
27avril 1945,discours de hl-Forde (Australie)
[zo, Pl61 Voir volume I*,
pp. nIo et211.

Additif au procès-verbal delacinquième séance
plénière,30avril 194j [42,Plro (a)] Voir volume I,
pp.406 et 407.
Procés-verbal de la septième séance pléniére,
IC~mai 1945d ,iscours de M. Fraser (Nouvelle-

LéIande) [58, Pl151 Voir volume I,

Comvzission II - Assembléegénérale
Contptes rendus des débats

Résuméde a réuniondes membres des bureaux
de la Commissionet de ses comités,3 mai 1945
183,11/31 . Voir volume 8,
pp. IO à14.
Mandat de la Commission II, exposédu Prési-
dent,3 mai 1945 [74, 11/21 Voir voIurne 8,
pp. 17et 18.

Comité 1/14 - Régimede tzdellc

Comptes rendrts des débats

Compte rendu sommaire de laIreréunion,5 mai
Voirvolume IO,
1943 [113. II/4/21 pp. 425et 426.
l Reproduità la page 37 du present volume. [Note dcrCrefieu.]
* Les référencesiigurant dans cette colonne rçnvoient aux voluDocir-s
~irenfsde la Conférence des NatiUniesstrI'O~gnnisatiora interriafSata-e,
Fvancisco. 1945,United Xations InformatOrganization London, New York.III,RECORDS OF THE UNITED NATION S ONFEREN o xEINTERNATIONAL

Meeting of the I~eadsofdelepntions
lo 0rganiZ.ethe Conference

Meeting of the heads ofdelegations to organ-
ize the Conference,26 -4pri1,1945[29, DC/4]

Plenary sessionsof Ihc Cortferefice

Nccordsof proceedings

Verbatim minutes of the second plenary session,
27 April, 1945,speech by Blr.Forde (Australia)
CZQ Pl61 Sec Volume 1*,
pp. 177and 178.

Addendurn to verbatim minutes of the fiftli
plenary session, 30April1945 [42,Pl10 (a)] SeeVolume 1,
PP, 401t0 405.
Verbatim minutes of the seventh plenary ses-
sion, I May, 1945 [58, P/15] .,peech by
Rlr.Fraser (New Zealand) See Volume I,
p. grz.

Commissio~c II-General Asscmbly

Records oofproceedings

Summary of meeting of Commission and com-
mittee officers, 3 May, 1945[83, 11/31 See Volume 8,
PP.4 to 9.

Terms of reference for Commission II, State-
ment by the President,3 May, 1945[74,11/21 See Volume8,
pp. 15and 16.

CornmilteeIIl4- T~iuteeshiPSystem

Records of proceedings

Summary report of 1st meeting, 5 May, 1945
[=3, II!412] See Volume IO,
-- PP. 423 and 424.
lReproduced on page 37 of this volume. [h'ote by the Regislrar.]
* .41references in tcolumn aretovolumes ofthe Dociiinentsof the United
A'atims ConlerenceonInle~nalio~aal OrgonifaSanaFvancisco, 1945, U"ted
Nations Information Organizations. York.Procés-verbal résuméde la 2me séance, IO mai
1945 [241. II14i71 Voir volume IO,
PP.430 et 431.
Procès-verbal résumé de la 3me séance, rI mai
Voir volume ro,
1945 [260, 11/4/SI
PP. 433 à437.
Compte rendu sommaire de la 4meséance,14mai
1945 [310, 11/4/111 Voir volume IO,
PP 442 à 444-
Compte rendu sommaire de la jme séance, Ijmai
Voir volume IO,
1945 E364. Irl4/1sl
PP. 44s à 450.
Procés-verbal sommaire de la Gmc séance,17 mai
1945 [404, 1Il41'71 Voir volume IO,
PP.453 à457-
Corrigenda au procès-verbal sommaire de la
6me séaiice, 17 mai 1945 [404, 11/4/17 (I)] Voir volume IO,
P. 457-

Compte rendu sommaire de la 7me séance,18mai
1945 t448, III4lrSI Voir volume IO,
pp. 461 et 462.
Compte reridu résuméde la81nc séance,22 mai
1945 [512, 11/4/21] Voir volume IO,
PP. 47' à 473.
Compte rendu sommaire de tagmc séance, 23mai
Voir volume IO,
1945 t552, II/4/231
PP.479 à 433.
Compte rendu sommaire de la onl séance,24mai
1945 [580, 1=/4/241 Voir volume IO,
PP. 489 2 494.
Compte rendu résumé de la 1'1t1séance, 31mai
Voir volume IO,
1945 [7128 II/4/301 501 à 504.

Compte rendu sommaire de la 12me séance,
rer juin 1945 [735, II/4/311 Voir voIume IO,
PP. 508 et 509
Compte retidu résumé de la13mc séance,8 juin
1945 C677,I1/4/3jl Voir volurne IO,
PP-519 à 524.

Compte rendu résuméde la rqmeséance, 15 juin
1945 EIOI~,II/4/3Sl Voir volume IO,
PP-549 à 554.
Compte rendu résumé de la Iglneséance,18juin
1945 [1090, 11\4/43] Voir volume IO,
PP.5% à 569.
Compte rendu résuméde la r6incséance,20 juin
Voir volume IO.

Summary report of 2nd meeting, IOMay, 1945
[241, 11/4/71 See Volume IO,
pp. 428and 429.

Surnmary report of 3rd meeting, 11 May, 1945
[260, 11/4/81 See Volume IO,
PP.433and 434-
Summary report of4th meeting, 14 May, 1945
1310, 11/4/1II SeeVolume IO,
PP 439to 441.
Summary report of 5th meeting, 15 May, 1945
[364>1~141131 See Volume IO,
PP. 446and 447.

Summary report of 6th meeting, 17 May, 1945 See Volume 10,
[404 ,I/4/171
PP*452to 454.
Corrigenda to the summary report of the
6th meeting, 17hlay, 1945 C404,11/4/17 (I)] See Volume IO,
p. 454-
Summary report of 7th meeting, 18 May, 1945
See Volume 10.
C448, TI14161 PP. 459and 460-

Summary report of 8th meeting,22 May, 1945
EjI2, III4121j SeeVolume IO,
pp. 468 to 470.
Summary report ofgth meeting, 23 May, 1945
C552,11/4/23] See Volume IO,
PP.475to 478.
Surnmary report of 10th meeting, 24 hlay, 1945

[560, 11/4/24] pp. 485to 488.,

Summary report of 11th meeting, 31 May, 1945
[712, 11/4/30] See VolumeIO,
pp. 496to 500.
Summary report of 12th meeting, I June, 1945
E735,11/4/31] SeeVolume IO,
pp. 56 and 507.

Summary report of 13th meeting, 8 June, 1945 See VolumeIO,
(877, 11/4/35] pp. 513t0 518.

Summary report of 14th meeting, I$ June, 1945
[IOI~, 11/4/38] SeeVolume IO,
PP. 543to 548.
Sumrnary report of 15th meeting, 18June, 1945
[109o, 11/4/43] SeeVolume IO,
pp. 561to 564.

Summary report of 16th meeting, 20 June, 1945

Opinion of th8 Foreiggt Relations Dejbartment
ofMexico [z, G/7 (c))[En anglais seulement] Voir volume3,
PP.139 à 142,
145 à 148 et162.

Observations du Gouvernement du Venezuela
[2, G/7 (4 (41 . Voir volume 4,
P. 273.
Commentaires et amendements présentéspar
la délégationde 1'Equateur [z,G/7 (+)] Voir volume 4,
P- 568

Amendement présentépar l'Australie [z, GI14
(111 Voir volume 4,
PP. 778 et779.
Régimede tutelle internationale, avant-projet
français [z, G/z6 (a)] Voir voiume 4,
pp. 866 à 868.
Arrangements concernant le trusteeship inter-
national, chapitre additionnel proposépar les
États-Unis [z,G/z6 (c)] Voir volume4,
pp. 869et 870.

Tnisteeship de certains territoires, projet de
chapitre à insérerdans la Charte des Nations
Unies, proposition du Royaume-Uni [2,G126
(dl1 Voir volume4,
pp.871 à 877.
Propositions de la délégation chinoiseau sujet
du trusteeship international[2, G/26 (e)] Voir volume 4,
pp. 878à 880.

Analyse des documents présentés par l'Australie,
la Chine, laFrance, le Royaume-Uni et les Voirvolume 10,
États-unis [230, 11/4/51
pp. 656à 670.
Amendements proposés par la délégationsovié-
tique au projet américain concernant le
trusteeship international[z,G/z6 (f)] Voir volume4,
pp. 881à 883.
Complément a l'analysedes documents présentés
par I'AustraIie, la, Chine, la France, le
Royaume-Uni et IesEtats-Unis - Analysedes
propositions présentéespar l'Unionsoviétique
au sujet du trusteeship souletitre(Amende-
ments proposéspar la délégation soviétique au
projet américain concernant le trusteeship
internationalII1324, II/4/5 (a)] Voir volume IO,
PP. 674 676.Opinion of the Department of Foreign Rela-
tions of Mexico [2, G/7 (c)] See Volume 3,
PP. 139tJ3142,
145 to148 and 162.
Observations of the Government of Vene~uela
See Volume 3,
Cz* Gi7 (4 (111 pp.222 aiid223.

Cornments and arnendments by the delegation
of Ecuador [z, GJ7 ($)] See Volume 3,
Amendment submitted on behalf of Auztralia
[2*G/I~ (41 See Volume 3,
PP.548 and 549-

International Trusteeship System, Frericl-ipre-
liminary draft [z,G/26 (a)! SeeVolume 3,
pp. 604 to u06.
Arrangements for international trusteeship,
additional chapter propoeed by the United
States [2,G/26 (c)] See Volume 3,
pp. 607and 608.
Territorial trusteeship, United Kingdom draft
of chapter for inclusion in United Nations
Charter [z,G/26 (d)] See Irolume 3,
pp. 609 to 614.

Draft proposaisof the Chinese delegation on
international territorial trusteeshi[z, G/zG
(41 See Volume 3,
pp. 6x5to 617.
Analysis of papers precented by Australia,
China, France, United Kingdom and United
States [230,11/4/51 See Volume IO,
PP-641to 6j5.
Amendments of the Soviet delegatiori to the
United States draft oii trusteeship systern
See Volume 3,
C2> G/26 V)1 pp. 618and 6rg.

Supplement to analysis of papers presented bjr
Australia, China, France, United Kingdom
and United States-Analysis of proposal on
trusteeship of the Soviet Union entitled
"Amendments of the Soviet delegation to the
United States draft or] tmsteeship system"
t324, 11141. 5a)] See Volume IO,

Plan proposé pour l'étude du chapitre relatif
aux territoires dépendants et arrangements
pour un régimede tutelle[323,11/4/12 et 323,
II14112 (41 Voir volume IO,
pp. 684à 694.
Yrojet de teste pour la partiec) à ajouter au
texte de travail soumis par la délégationde
l'Australie [575, 11/4/1(2a)] Voir volume ro,
pp. 697et 698.

Amendement proposé par Ia délégation du
Guatemala, le 14 mai 19.15 [386,iI/4/1j] Voir volume IO.
Amendement revisé propose par la délégation
du Guatemala, le 16mai 1945 [405 11/4/15(E)j Voirvolume IO,
p. 466.
Dispositions supplémentaires à insérer dansle
chapitre relatifau régimede tutelle présentées
Voir volume IO,
par la délégationde 1'Egypte [871 ,1/4/34) p. 511.

Teste français provisoire du document de
travail avec les modifications adoptées au
S juin [892, 11/4/36] Voir volume IO,
PP 529à 532-
Teste proposé pour le chapitre reIatif aux
territoires dépendants et au régime interna-
tional de tutelle[912, 11/4/37] Voir volume IO,

PP 537 à 541.
Text of section 3 of cha+teon dependentterri-
tories and arrangements for international
trusteeshi$ [IOIO, 11/4/37 (t)] [En anglais
seulement] Voir volume IO,
PP. 555 558-
Nouveau projet dedocument de travail, Section
-4 [IVD- 390, 11/4/42] Voir volume IO,

PP 572et 573-
Yrojet de rapport du rapporteur du Comité 4
de la Commission II [~ogr, 11/4/44] Voir volume IO,
PP-587 à 593.
Annexe A au rapport du rapporteur du Comité

1114 Voir volume =O,
PP.594 n598.
Annexe B au rapport du rapporteur du Comité
1114 Voir volume IO,

Rapport du rapporteur du Comité 4 de Ia Voir voIume IO,
çommission II [III~,11/4/44 (1)(a)]
pp. 623 à629.Proposed working paper for chapter on de-
pendent territories and arrangements for
international trusteeship[323, 11/4/12] See Volume IO,
pp. 677to 683.

Proposed new part (c)to be added to working
paper cubmitted by the ddegation of
Australia [5751,1/4/12 (a)] See Volume IO,
pp. 695and 696.

Amendment proposed by the delegation of
Guatemala, 14 May, 1945 [386, 11/4/15] See Volume IO,
Revised amendment proposed by the delegation
of Guatemala, 16 May, 1945 14051 ,1/4/15(LI] See Volume IO,

Additional provisions to be included in the
chapter on trusteeship submitted by the
delegation of Egypt [S~I, 21/4/34] SeeVolume IO,
p. 5x0.
Working paper for chapter on dependent
territories and arrangements for international
trusteeship [Sgz, 11/4/36] See Volume IO,
pp. 525 t0 528-

Proposed text for chapter on dependent
territories and arrangements for international
trusteeship [grz, 11/4/37] See Volume IO,
PP 533to 536.
Text of section B of chapter on dependent
territones and arrangements for international
trusteeship [IOIO, 11/4/37 (i)] See Volume IO,
PP.555 to558'

Redraft of working paper. Section A [WD. 390,
1 1/4/42] See \Tolume IO,
PP- 570 and 571.
Draft report of the rapporteur of Committee
1114C1091,11/4/44] See Volume IO,
PP. 574to 580.

Annex A 10 report of rapporteur of Committee
1114 See 1701urneIO,
pp.$31to 585.
Annex B to report of rapporteur of Committee

1114 p.e586.ume IO,

Report of the rapporteur of Committee III4
[1115# 11/4/44 (1) (41 See Volume IO,
pp. 607 to 613-Sztrnmary record O/ 4rst mcetiag, 23 Jtdne, 1945
[WD. 441,CO/zoj] (extrait) l.[En anglais

Chapitre du régime de tutelle, Section A, adopté
par le Comité 11/4 en date du 20 juin 1945~.

[WD. 414, COtr74.1
Chapitre sur le régime de tutelle, Section B,
adopté par le Comité IIJ4 le 15 juin 1945
[WU. 374, CO/154.1
Trustecship Clzapter, Section B, adoptzd by
Cornmittee lI/4, 18 June, 1945 [[WD,393,
C0/154 (I).][En anglais seulement.]
Chapitre XII, Déclaration relative aux terri-

toires non autonomes '. [WD. 4x1,CO/171.]
Chapitre XII, Politique relative aux territoires
non autonomes [1134C ,O/171 (I)] Voir volume 15,
pp. 104 à 106.
Chapitre XII (A), Régime international de
tutelle [\VD. 412, CO1172.1

Chapitre XII (S), Régime international de
tutelle [II~S, COI172 (I)] Voir volume 15,
pp. IO7 à 113.
Cha~itre XII (RI, Le Conseil de Tutellee. [WD.
4i3. ~0!173.1'
Chapltre XII (Y), Le ~*nçeil de Tutelle [1137,
Voir volume 15,
COI173 (I)]
pp. 114 à 116.
Projet de Charte des Nations Unies approuvé
définitivement en anglais par le Comité de
coorditiation et par le Comité consultatif de
juristes le22 juin 1945. Le texte en français
a été approuvé cn partie par le Comité

consultatif de juristes le 22 juin Ig4j
[rrjg, CO/181] Voir volume rj,
pp. 213 à 255.

Séances$lénièrcs de ln Conférence
Cornfiles rendus des dibats

Procès-verbal in extenso de la neuviéme séance

piéniére, 25 juin 1945 [I~IO, P/zo] :
Déclaration du rapporteur de la Commis- Voir volume I,
sion II PP- 644et 645,

1 Reproduit à la page 52 du présent volume. [Sole dit Greffier.]
t N nn 8541 n I, . D n .]
9 u lin ii 55 u D B . i n .j

I I) IIII u 58 n II i . [ a 1 )I ,]
5 ii u u n G o n ii n .ID P u .]
Summary record of 41st meeting, 23 June,

1945[llrD. 441, CO/20j] (excerptj l. [Englisl-i


Trusteesliip Chapter, section A, adoptCd by
Cornmittee 1114, 20 June, 1945 P.[IVD.414,
Trusteeship Chapter, Section 3, adopted by
Cornmittee 1114, Ij Jurie, 19453.[\VU.374,
Trusteeship Chapter, Section 13, adoptcd by
Committee 1114, 18 June, 1945%[[WD.393,
CO/Ij4 (I)]. [English on1y.j
Chapter XII, Declaration concerning Non-Self-
Governing Territories 4. [\VD. 411, COj171.1
Chapter XII, Policy regarding Non-Self-
Governing Territories [1134, COI171 (1)) See Volume Ij,
pp. 104 to 106.

Chapter XII (A), Inter~iational Trusteesllip
Systern 6. [WD. 412, CO/r7z.]
Chapter XII (S), International Trusteeship
System [1138, C0/172 (I)] See Volume Ij,
pp. 107 to 113.
Chapter XII (B), The Trusteeship Council 6.
[WD. 413,CO 173.1
Chapter XII (Y), The Trusteeship Couiicil
Cr1379 co/173 (111 See TToIume 15,
pp. 114 t0 116.
Draft Charter of the United Kations as finally
approved in English by bolh the Co-ordi-
nation Cornmittee and the Advisory Com-

mittee of Jurists on 22 June, 1945- The
text in Frencli was approvcd iiipart by the
Advisory Committee of Jurists on 22 June,
1945 [~~jg, CO]ISI] See Volume Ij,
pp. 170 to 212.

Plenary sessions of the Con fere>tctr

Verbatim minutes of the 9th plenary session,
25 June, 1945 [IZIO, 1'/20] : See Volume 1,
Speech by the rapporteur of Cornmissjon 11 pp. 622 and 623,

' Rcproduccd on page 52 of thisvolumc. [zXruleby the Hegis!vnr.]
a ,, 3 r 54 ,, ,. 3 , .1. 8 , ,, 8 . # .l
' va ,. .. 58 ., ,. ,, ..[ ,, ,, ., ,, .l
6 ,, ,, 60 ,. ,, ,. .i ,, ,, ,, , .1
6 ,, 64 ,. ,. .r .. ., ., .l Déclaralion du rapporteur du Comité de
direction pp. 651et 652,
Déclaration de lord Halifax P- 654.
Verbatimminutes of thedosing plenary sessiotz,
26 June, 1945[1209, P/xg] : Voir volume I,
Déclaration de M. Koo (Chine) p. 661,
Déclaration de hl. Gromyko (Union des
Républiques socializtes soviétiques) p. 664.
Déclarationdu FeId-MaréchalSmuts (Uiiion
sud-africaine) [En anglais seulement] p. 67s.


Rapport du rapporteur de la Commission II A
ia.session pléiiikre[1177, II/IS] Voir volume 8,
pp. 257 a264.
Rapport du rapporteur de la Commission II à
la session plénière[IXSO I,/rS (I)] Voir volume 8,
pp. 273i 280.
Charte des Nations Unics et Statut de la Cour
internationale de Justice Voir volume 15,
PP 365 à395.


Chemise 4

Iliscti$tiode la questiond l'ordredt~jour

Ordre du jour de la première partie de Ia Pre-
mière Session de l'Assembléegénérale.
Renvoi, aux Commissions de l'Assembléegéné-
rale, des questions figuranà l'ordre du jour
de 1'Assembléegénéraleet dans le rapport de
la Commission préparatoire - Rapport du
Bureau dr l'Assemblée(annexe 2 c) Ah.

Chemise 5
Séulclzceléaiércsde 1'Assenzlilégénérale
Comptes rendus des débats

12lnc séanceplénière(extrait)- Discussion du
rapport de la Commission préparatoire -
Discours de JI. Nicholls (Union sud-afri-
Chemise 6

Comptes renrlusdes débatset doczrme~zfs
Comptes rendus des séancesde la XE à la ~zme
Speech by the rapporteur of the Steering
Comrnittee pp. 628and 629,
Speech by Lord Halifax p.631.

Verbatim minutes of the closingplenary ses-
sion, 26 June, 1945 [~zog, : SeeVolume r,
Speech by hlr. Koo (China) p. 661,
Speech by Nr. Gromyko (Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics) P. 644,
Speech bp Field-Marshal Smuts (Union of
South Africa) p. 678.


Repart of the rapporteur oi Commission 11
to the plenary session [IIF~,11/18] SeeVolume 5,
pp.249 tû 256.
Revised report of the rapporteur of Commission
II to the plenary session [rrSo, II/r8 (I)] SeeVolume 8,
pp. 265to 272.
Cliarter of the United Nations and Statute
of the International Court of Justice See Volume 15,
PP.335 to364.


Ittclttsion oitemiir the agenda

Agenda for the firstpart of the First Session
of the General Assembly.

Reference of items from the agenda of the
General Assembly and the report of the
Preparatory Commission to the Cornmittees
of the General AssembIy-Report of the
General Assembly (Annex 2 c) Ah-

Folder 5
PEcnary meetings ofthe GeneralAssembly
Records of ~roceedings

12th plenary meeting (excerpt)-Discussion
of the report of the Preparatory Commission
-Speech by IlIr.Nicholls (Union of South
~oider 6

Records of proceedings and documents
Sumrnary record of meetings from 1st to
12th meeting and annexes. Chemise 7
Séances#lénièresde l'Assembléegénérale

Comptesre+rdzr ses débats eldocument

27m~ séanceplénière - Populations ne s'admi-
nistrant pas elles-mémes: rapport de la
Quatriéme Commission : résolutions (A/34).
Populations qui ne s'administrent pas elles-
mémes - Rapport de la Quatrième Com-
mission à l'Assembléegénérale(annese 13)

Chemise 8

Séaîtcesfllénidresde l'Assembléeginirale

Résolutions adoptées sur le rapport de la Qua-
triPme Commission - g (1). Populations
qui ne s'administrent pas elles-mémes.

Chemise 9

I~zscriplionde la questiond E'ovdredu jour

Ordre du jour de la deusiéme partie de La
Première Session de l'Assemblée générale.

Répartition des points, de l'ordrdu jour entre
IcsCommissions - Rapport du Bureau à
I'Asçernbiéegénérale (annexe30) Al163.

Chemise IO


Contptesrendus des débats

14nlc séance.
17mc séance.

1S1ne séance.
19me séance.

Plenary meetingsof theGeneralAssembly

Records ofproceedingsand document

27th plenary meeting-Non-Self-Governing
Peoples : report of the Fourth Committee :
resolutions (A/34).
Non-Self-Governing Peoples-Report of the
Fourth Committee to the General Assembly
(Annex 13) A/34-

Plenary meeting O/ the GeneralAssembly

Resolutions adopted on the report of the
Fourth Cornmitte- (1).Non-SeIf-Govern-
ing Peoples.


Inclusion ofitemin the agenda


Agenda for the second part of the First Session
of the General Assembly.
Allocation of agenda items to Cornmittees- -
Report of the General Committee to the
General Assembly (Annex 30)

Fcmrth Committee
Records ofproceedings

14th meeting.
15th meeting.
16th meeting.
17th meeting.
18th meeting.

19th meeting.
20th meeting. Chemise II



Méthode de travail suggéréepour l'étude des
points de l'ordre du jour de la Quatrième
Commission - Mémorandum du Secrétariat
(annexe IO)
Déclaration de M. Novikov, représentant de
l'Union des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques (annexe II)
Communications relatives aux Accords de
tutelle - Mémorandum du Secrétariat
(annexe 12)
Rapport du Secrétaire général relatif aux
Accords de tutelle (annexe 124)

Délégation de I'Inde : projet de résolution
concernant l'autorité chargée de l'adminis-
tration des territoires sous tutelle (annexe
12 6)
Délégationde la Chine : projet de résolution
relatif aux Accords de tutelle (annexe 12c)
Déclaration de l'Union sud-africaine sur le .
résultat de consultations poursuivies avec
les peuples du Sud-Ouest africain relative-
ment au futur statut du Territoire sous man-
dat, et suite&donner aux desiderata exprimés
(annexe 13)

Déclaration du maréchal J. C. Smuts, repré-
sentant de l'Union sud-africaine (annexe
Délégationde l'Égypte : projet de résolution
concernant la procédure à suivre pour exa-
miner la déclaration du Gouvernement de
l'Union sud-africaine relative au Sud-Ouest
africain (annexe 13 b)
Délégation de I'Inde : projet de résolution
concernant le Sud-Ouest africain(annexe 13 c)
Communications reçues par le Secrétariat, rela-
tives aux territoires susceptibles d'être
placés sous le régime de tutelle, conformé-
ment à l'article 77 de la Charte - Rlémo-
randum du Secrétariat
Annexe 16
Annexe 16 a
Annexe 16b

Rapport de la Sous-Commission 2 (annexe 21) DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-CENERAL 21

Folder xx

Fourth Cornmittee


Suggested procedure for the consideration of
items on the agenda of the Fourth Cornrnittee
-Memorandum prepared by the Secretariat
(Annex IO) A/C.4/59.
Statement by Mr. Novikov, representative of
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(Annex II) A/C.4/57+

Communications concerning Tmsteeship Agree-
ments-Memorandum prepared by the Sec-
retanat (Annex 12) A/1i7.
Report of the Secretary-General on Trustee-
ship Agreements (Annex rz a) A/135-
Delegaiion of India: draft resolution con-
cerning the Adrninistering Authority in
Trust Territories (Annex 12 6) A/C-4/33-

Delegation of China : draft resolution on
Trusteeship Agreements (Annex 12 c) A/C-4/64-
Statement by the Union of South Africa on
the outcome of their consuItations with
the peoples of South-West. Africa as to the
future status of the mandated Territory
and irnplementatian ta be given to the
wishes thus expressed (Annex 13) A/Is~.
Statement by Field-Marshal the Right Hon.
J. C. Smuts, representative of the Union
of South Africa (Anriex 13a)
Delegation of Egypt : draft resolution con-
cerning procedure with respect to consider-
ation of the staternent of the Government
of the Union of South Africa with reference
to South-West Africa (Annex 13 6) A/C-4/47-
Delegation of India :draft resolution relating
to South-West Africa (Annex 13 c) AIC.4165-
Communications received by the Secretariat
relating to territories to which the trustee-
ship system might apply in accordance
with Article 77 of the Charter-Memorandum
prepared by the Secretariat
Annex 16 AIC.4/37.
Annex 16a A/Ca4/37/Add. I+
Annex 166 A/C.4/3-/IAdd.2.

Report of Sub-Cornmittee z (Annex 21) AIC.4168. Chemise 12

Sous-Commission 2 de la QualrièmeCommissio~t

Comptes rendus desdébats

~re séance (extrait).
zme séance (extrait).

7me séance (extrait).
8me dance.
9me séance,
10me séance.

13me séance(extrait).

Chemise 13

Sous-Commission 2 de la QwatrièmeComntission


Composition de la Sous-Commission 2 et
méthode de travaiI proposée (mémorandum
du Secrétariat) - Annexe I A/C.4/Sub.z/~.
Procédure à suivre en ce qui concerne les ques-
tions restant A l'ordre du jour de la Sous-
Commission (proposition soumise par le
rapporteur) - Annexe Ia A/C.4jSub.z/13.

Procédure Asuivre en ce qui concerne la décla-
ration du Gouvernement de l'Union sud-
africaine (proposition du rapporteur) -
Annexe 4 A/C.4/Sub.z/jo.
Projet de rapport du rapporteur à soumettre à
la Quatrième Commission - Annese 5 A/C.~+/Sub.z/qq.

Chemise 14

Quatriéme Commission
Cornfitesrendusdes débats etdocument

21me séance.

Déclaration de l'Union sud-africaine sur le
résultat des consultations poursuiviavec les
peuples du Sud-Ouest africain relativement
au statut futur du territoire sous mandat, et
suite à.donner aux desiderata exprimés -
Rapport de la Quatrième Commission
(annexe 76) A/Z~O. Sub-Cornmittee 2 of the Fourth Conrmitke
Recordsof proceedings

1st meeting (excerpt) .

2nd meeting (excerpt}.
7th meeting (excerpt).
8th meeting.
gth meeting.
10th meeting.

13th meeting (excerpt) .

Folder 13

Szib-Commitfee 2 of the Fourth Committee


Composition of Sub-Comrnittee 2 and proposed
procedure-Memorandum by the Secretariat
(Annex I) A/C.4/Sub.z/2.
Procedure to be followed in relation to the
remaining work of tlie Sub-cornmit tee-
Proposa1 submitted by the rapporteur
(Annex Ia) AjC.+/Suh.njr 3.
Procedure to be followed in relation to the
statement of the Government of the Union
of South Africa-Proposal submitted by
the rapporteur (Annex 4) A[C.4/Sub.2/30.

Draft report by the rapporteur for submission
to the Fourth Conimittee (Annes 5) A/C.q/Sub.z/43.

Fourth Cornmiltee

Recordsof proceedingsarrddocume~al

z~st meeting.
25th meeting (excerpt) .
Statement by the Union of South Africa on
the outcome of their consultations with the
peoples of South-\Vest Africa as tothe future
status of the mandatecl territory and impie-
mentation to be given to the wishes thus
expressed-Report of the Fourth Committee
(Annex 76) A/250. Chemise 15

Séancesfilérzièrse l'Assembléegénéral^
Com$tes rendus des débatset document

64m~ séanceplénière(extrait- Statut futur du
Sud-Ouest africain:rapport de la Quatrikme
Commission :résolution.

[Note - Voir Chemise y pour :
Rapport de la Quatrième Commission A/250.1

Chemise 16

SéancespZénièred se 1'AssemDléegénérali

RésoIutions adoptées sur les rapports de la
Quatriéme Commission - 65. (1). Statut
futur du Sud-Ouest africain.


Chemise 17

Inscription dela quesiiotcil'ordredu jour

Ordre du jour de la Deuxiéme Session de

Distribution du travail entre les Commissions.

Chemise 18


Comptes rendfa des débats

30mc séance.
31mc séance.
32ne séance.


Plenary meeiings of the GeneralAssembly
Recmds ofproceedingsand document

64th meeting (excerptj-Future status of
South-West Africa: report of the Fourth
Committee : resolution.

[Nole-See Folder 14 for:
RePort ofthe Fourth Cornmittee A/2j0.1

Plenary meeting of theGen~ralAssembly

ReFourth Cornmittee-65 the (1).Future status

of South-West Africa.


Irzclusionof ifem'ln fhe agenda

Agenda for the Second Session of the General

Distribution of work among the Cornmittees.

Fowrth Committee

Records of proceedings

29th meeting.
30th meeting.
pst meeting.
3znd meeting.
33rd meeting.
38th meeting.

39th meeting.
40th meeting.
44th meeting (excerpt).45me séance.
47mc séance (extrait).



Note du Secrétaire généraslur des comrnunica-
tions reçues par le Secrétaire général -
Annexe 3 c

Communicationsreçuespar leSecrétairegénéra l
par le révérendMichael Scott, avec préface
par Freda Troupe - Annexe 3d

Communicationsreçuespar leSecrétairegénéral:
lettre du révérendMichaelScott transmettant
des pétitionsprésentéespar des habitantsdu
Sud-Ouest africain- Annexe 3 e
Communicationsreçuespar leSecrétairegénéral:
càbIogramrneenvoyépar le révérendRfichael
Scott- Annexe 3f
Déclaration de la délégationde l'Union sud-
africaine relative aux documents A/C.qjgg et
AIC.4196 - Annexe 3 g
Projet de résolution soumis par la délégation
de l'Inde- Annexe 3 h

Pologne :amendements àla résolutionprésentée
Voir Chemise (18,.38m séance, p. 49

Amendements proposés par la délégationde
Cuba au projet de résolutionsoumis par la
délégationde l'Inde (AIC.41gg- Annexe 3 i
Amendement proposé par la délégation du
Panama au projet de résolution soumis par
la délégationde l'Inde (A/C.q/gg- Annexe
3j I
Amendements proposés par la délégationdes
Philippines au projet de résolution soumispar
ladélégationde l'Inde (AIC.4199) - Annexe
Texte reviçépar la délégatiode l'Inde du projet
de résolution.soumis par la délégationde
l'Inde (A/C.q/gg)- Annexe 3 E
Pologne : amendement à la résolution revisée
présentéepar l'Inde (A/C.4/gg/Rev. I)
Voir Chemise 18, 45m~ séance,$. 96. DOCULIENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GEh'ER4L 24

45th meeting.
47th meeting (excerpt).


Note by the Secretary-General on communi-
cations received by the Secretary-Genera!
-Annex 3E
Communications received by the Secretary-
General : memorandum on South-West Africa
by the Reverend Michaei Scott, with s
preface by Freda Troupe-ilnnex 3d
Communications received by the Secretary-
General: letter from the Reverend Michael
Scott transmitting petitions from inhabitants
of South-West Africa-Annex 3e

Communications received by the Secretary-
General : cablegram from the Reverend Mi-
chael Scott-Annex 3f
Statement by the delegation of the Union of
South Africa regarding documents AIC.4195
and A/C.4/96-Annex 3 g
Draft resolution submitted by the delegation
of India-Annex 3 la
Poland : amendments to tesolution proposed
by India (A/C.4/gg)
See Folder r8, 38thmeetiltg,p. 49.

Amendments proposed by the delegation of
Cuba to the' draft resolutiori submitted by
the delegation of India (A/C.4/99)-Annex 3 i
Amendment proposed by the delegation of
Panama to the draft resolution submitted
by the delegation of India (h/C.q/gg)-
Annex 3 j
Amendments proposed by the deIegation of
the Philippines to the draft resolution
submitted by the delegation of India
(A/C.4/gg)-Annex 3 k
Revision by the delegation of India of the
resolution submitted by the delegation of
India (A/C,4/99)-Annex 3 1
Poland : amendment to revised resolution
proposed by India (A/C.4/gg/Rev. I)
See Folder 18, 45th meeting,9. 96.25 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS PAR LE SECRETAIR GÉNÉRAL

Projet de résolution soumispar la délégationdu
Danemark - Annexe 3m A]C.4/1oo.
Pérou :amendement A la résolution présentée
par le Danemark (A/C.4/roo) A/C.4/1r4.
Voir Chemise18,3gmc séance,P. 56.

Amendements proposéspar la délégationde la
Belgique au projet de résolution soumispar la
Annexe 3onndu Danemark (AjC.4lroo) - A/C.4/116.

Amendement proposé par la délégation du
Danemark au projet de résolution soumis
par la délégationdu Danemark (A/C.q/roo)
- Annexe 3 O A/c.4/117.
Texte revisépar la délégationdu Danemark du
projet de résolution soumispar la déléga-
tion du Danemark (A/C.4/1oo)- Annexe
3 fi A/C.4/1oo/Rev. 1.
Pays-Bas :amendement à la résolutionrevisée
présentée par le Danemark (A/C.q/roo/
Rev. 1) A/C.~/I~I.
Voir Chemise18, 45meséance, fi.94.

[Nofe: Voir Chemisezrpour:
Rufiportde la QuatrièmeCommission(A/422) A/C.4/1z6.]

Chemise 20

Séazces piénièresde L'Assemblégeédrale

Cornfitesrendus des débats

1041ucséance pléniér e Question du Sud-Ouest
africai: rapport de la Quatrième Commis-
sion (A/+? et A1429) (extrait).
ope séance pléniér -e Suite de la discussion
sur les nouveaux projets d'accord de tutelle.

Chemise 21

Séancespléxiéresde Z'Assemblég eénérale

Examen de nouveaux accords de tutelle &en-
tuels : question du Sud-Ouest africain -
Rapport de la Quatrième Commission -
Annexe 13 A1422.

Exation du Sud-Ouest africain -uteCommunica-s-
tion du Gouvernement de l'Union sud-afri- DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 25

Draft resolution submitted by the delegation
of Denrnark-Annex 3 m AIC.~/IOO.
Pem : amendment to resolution proposed by

Denmark (A]C.q/~oo) A/C.~/II~.
See Folder 18,39th meeting, p. 56.
Amendments proposed by the delegation of
Belgium to the draft resolution submitted
by the delegation of Denrnark (A/C.d/~oo)-
Annex 3 n AlC.41116.
Amendment proposed by the delegation of
Denmark to the draft resolution submitted
by the delegation of Denmark (A/C.d/~oo)-
Annex 3 O AlC.41117.

Revision by the delegation of Denmark of
the draft resolution submitted by the dele- A/C.q/~oo/Rev. I.
gation of Denmark (A/C.q/~oo)-Annex 3 @

Netherlands : amendment to revised resolution
proposed by Denmark (A/C.q/xoo/Rev. I) A/C.~/ISI.
See Folder 18,45th meeting, $. 94.

[Note : See Folder 2r for:
Report O/the Fàurtk Committee (A/Fz) A/C.4/126.]

Ylenary meeti'ngsof the GelzeralAssembly

Records of proceedings

104th plenary meeting-Question of South-
West Africa : report of the Fourth Com-
mittee [A/422 and A/42g} (excerpt).
105th plenary meeting-Continuation of the
discussion of proposed new trusteeship agree-

Plenary meetingsoJthe GelleraAssmbZy


Consideration of proposed new trusteeship
agreements, if any : question of South-West
Africa-Report of the Fourth Committee-
Annex 13 A/422.
Consideration of proposed new trusteeship
agreements :question of South-West Africa
-Cornmunication from the Goverment af caine relative au statut futur du Sud-Ouest
africain (Résolutions de l'Assembléegénérale
g (1)du g février1946et 65 (1du 14décembre
1946) - Note du Secrétaire général A!334-

Examen de nouveaux accords de tutelle :ques-
tion du Sud-Ouest africain - Communica-
tion du Gouvernement de l'Union sud-afri-
caine sur lesnmesures prises parle Gouverne-
ment de l'Union pour communiqiier à la popu-
lation du Sud-Ouest africain les résultats des
discussions qui ont eu lieu lors de la dernière
session de l'Assembléegénéraledes Nations
Unies concernant l'avenir du TerritoirI>
(Résolutions de l'Assemblée générale g (1)
février 1946 et 6j (1) du 14 décembre
du4 2)- Note du Secrétairegénéral

Examen de nouveaux accords de tutelle éven-
tuels : question du Sud-Ouest africain -
Danemark :amendement au projet de résolu-
tion présentépar la Quatrième Commission
(Ah221 A!429.
voir Chemise 20, Tope séance,+fi.575-576.

Chemise 22
Séances$lénièresde l'Assembléegénérale


Résolutionsadoptées sur les rapports de la Qua-
trième Commission - 141 (II). Examen de
nouveaux accords de tutelle éventuels :
question du Sud-Ouest africain.


Chemise 23

Inscrifitioi~de la qrcestaol'ordre du jour

Ordre du jour de la deuxième session du
Conseil de Tutelle T/47/Rev. i.

Chemise 24

Conseil de Tutelle

Comptes rendus des débats
6mcséance (extrait).

the Union of South Africa on the future
status of South-West Africa (General As-
sembly Resolutions 9 (1)of 9 February, 1946,
and 65 (1) of14 December, 1946)-Note by
the Secretary-General A1334
Consideration of proposed new trusteeship
agreements : question of South-West Africa
-Communication from the Government of
the Union of South Africa on "steps taken
by the Union Govemment to inform the
population of South-West Africa of the
outcome of the discussions at the last
session of the United Nations General
Assembly regarding the future of the Terri-
tory" (General Assembly Resolutions g (1)-
of g Febmary, 1946, and 65 (1) of rq De-
cember, 1946)-Note by the Secretary-
General A/334/Add 1.
Consideration of proposed new tmsteeship
agreements, if any: question of South-Wet
Africa-Denmark : amendment to the draft
resolution submitted by the Fourth Com-
mittee (A/422) A1429.
See Folder 20, 104thmeeting, fip.579576.

Folder 22

Plenary meetings O/ the General Assembly

Reçolutions adopted on the reports of the
Fomth Cornmittee141 (II). Consideration
of proposed new trusteesliip agreements, il
any :question of South-hiTestAfrica.


l~~clusionof item ilathe agenda

Agenda for the second session of the Trustee-
rhip Council T/q7/Rev. 1.

Folder 24

Records O/ proceedirtgs

6th meeting (excerpt).

rame séance (extraits).

Chemise 25

Conseil de Tutelle


Résolution de l'Assemblée générale 141 (II)
du ICI novembre 1947 relativeàla question
du Sud-Ouest africain :Note du Secrétaire
général Tb.
Report by the Governmentof the Unionof South
Africa on the administration of South-West
Africa for the year 1946. [En anglais seule-
ment .]
Communications reçues par le Secrétaire général
relatives au Sud-Ouest africain: Note du
Secrétariat TI55
Communications reçues par le Secrétairegénéral
relatives au Sud-Ouest africain: Note du
Secrétariat T/55/Add. i.

Questions A transmettre au Gouvernement de
l'Union sud-africaine (Rapport du Comité
spécial de rédaction) TI@.
Voir Chemise26 - Résolution28 (II) dzr
Co>rseile Tutell- Anaene et Chemise24
- 18mc séance,#p. 30 à 32.


Conseil de Tutelle


RésoIutions adoptées par le Conseil de Tutelle
pendant sa deuxième session- 28 (II). Rap-
caine sur l'administrationUndun Sud-Ouest
africainpendant l'année 1946.


Chemise 27

Inscription de la questiànl'ordre du jour

Ordre du jour.15th meeting.

18th meeting (excerpts).

Folder 25



General Assembly Resolution 141(II) of rNo-
South-West Africae:aNotegbyhethe Secretary-
General Tl52-

Report by the Government of the Union of
South Africa on the administration of
South-West Africa for the year 1946.

Communications received by the Secretary-
General relating to South-West Africa:
Note by the Secretariat T155.
Communications received by the Secretary-
General relating to South-West Africa:
Note by the Secretariat T/55)Add. I.
Questions to be transmitted to the Govem-
ment of the Union of South Africa (Report
of the Drafting Cornmittee) T/96-
See Folder 26-Resolution 28 (11) of the
Truste8shi+Councid Annexand Fold.~24
-18th meeting f,fi30 to 32.

Resolutions adopted by the Trusteeship Council
during its second session-28 (II). Report
of the Government of the Union of South
Africa on the administration of South-West
Africa for the year 1946.


Inclusio ofitem in th ageltda

Agenda. Chemise 28

Conseilde Tutelle

Com$tes rendus des débats

31me séance (extrait).
4xme séance.
42me séance (extrait).

Chemise 29
ConseiEde Tutelle


Réponse du Gouvernement de l'Union sud-
africaine au questionnaire du Conseil de
Tutelle relatif au rapport adressé l'organi-
sation des Nations Unies sur I'administration
du Sud-Ouest africain pendant l'année 1946
Communications reçues par le Secrétairegénéral
conformément l'article24 du règlement
intérieur du Conseil de Tutelle

Communications reçues par le Secrétaire général
conformément A l'article 24 du règlement
intérieur du Conseil de Tutelle
Communications reçues par le Secrétaire général
conformément à l'article 24 du réglement
intérieur du Conseil de Tutelle
Communications reçues par le Secrétaire général
conformément à l'article24 du règlement
intérieur du Conseil de Tutelle

Communications reçues par le Secrétairegénéral
conformément à l'article24 du réglement
intérieur du Conseil de Tutelle
Communications reçues p+arle Secrétairegénéral
conforrnément à l'article24 du réglement
intérieur du Conseil de Tutelle
Communications reçues par le Secrétairegénéral
conformément B l'article 24 bu réglement
intérieur du Conseil de Tutelle

Communications reçues par le Secrétairegénéral
conforrnément à l'article 24 du règlement
intérieur du Conseil de Tutelle
Rapport du Comitéde rédaction sur le rapport
relatifà l'administration du Territoire sous
tutelle du Sud-Ouest africain pour l'année
1946 Tvusteeship Gouncil

Recordsof fwoceedings

grst meeting (excerpt).
41st meeting.
qznd meeting (excerpt).

Folder 29


Reply of the Government of the Union of South
Africa to the Trusteeship Council question-
naire on the report to the United Nations on
the administration of South-West Africa for
the year 1946
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under mle 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council

Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the mles of proce-
dure for the Tmsteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the mles of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council

Communications received by the Secretary-
General under rule 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Communications received by the Secretary-
General under mle 24 of the rules of proce-
dure for the Trusteeship Council
Report of the Drafting Cornmittee on the report
on the administration of the Trust Territory
of South-West Africa for 1946Rapport du Conseil de Tutellesur ses deuxième
et troisiémesession- Chapitre VI1- Sud-
Ouest africain- Rapport sur l'adrninistra-
tion du Sud-Ouest africain pour 1946 A/603.


Chemise 30

Inscriptioit de la questà l'ordrdu jour


Ordre du jour de l'Assembléegénérale,Troi-
sième Session.
Distributiondu travaii entre les Commissions.


Comptes rendus des débats

76mc séance.

77me séance.
79me séance.
81me séance.

83me séance.
84-e séance.

Chemise 32


Rapport de la Quatrième Commission A/734.
Danemark, Norvége et Uruguay : projet de
résolution AIC.41163.
Voir A/734, fip.40j et406.

Danemark, Norvége et Uruguay : projet de
résolution revisé A/C.4/163/Rev. r,

Report of the Trusteeship Council covering its
second and third sessions-Chapter VII-
South-West Africa-Report on the admin-
istration of South-West Afnca for 1946 A/603.



I?tclusionof item in the agenda


Agenda ofthe General Assembly, Third Session.

Distribution of work among the Cornmittees.

Fourth Committee

Records of proceedings

76th meeting.
77th meeting.
78th meeting.
79th meeting.

80th meeting.
81st meeting.
82nd meeting.
83rd meeting.
84th meeting.

85th meeting.

Fourth Committee

Report of the Fourth Cornmittee
Denmark, Norway and Uruguay : draft resolu-
tion A/C.4/163/Corr.I.
See A/734, #p. 405 and 406.
Denmark, Norway and Uruguay : revised draft
resolution A/C.~/I~~/R~V ..
Inde : projet de résolution A/C.4/164.

Voir A/734, &fi. 407 et 408.
Gréce : amendement au projet de résolution
déposep . ar le Danemark, la Norvègeet 1'Uru-
guaY (AIC.41163) A/C.4/165.
Vdr A/73#r $9- 406 et 407-

Cuba : amendement au projet de résolution
dCposé par le Danemark, la Norvège et
l'Uruguay (AIC.41163) AIC.41166.
Voir A/734> $$. 408 et 409.
Inde : amendement A l'amendement de Cuba
(AIC.41166)se rapportant au projet de réso-
lution déposepar le Danemark, la NorvPge
et l'Uruguay (A/C.4/16g/Rev. I) ~/~.4/167:
Voir Chemise31, 82m séance,fip.358 et 359.

Inde : amendement complémentaire à l'amen-
dement proposépar Cuba au projet commun
de rksolution du Danemark, de la Norvègeet
de l'Uruguay (AIC.4/163/Rev. 1) A/C,4/167jRev. 1.
Voir A/73#, $9, 408et @o.
Birmanie et Philippines :amendement au pro-
jet reviséde résolutionprésentépar le Dane-
mark,la Norvége et l'Uruguay (A/C.4/163/
Rev. 1) AIC.41168.
Voir Chemisejr, 83~ séance, fi.31.

Belgique : amendement au projet de résolution
déposé par le Danemark, la Norvégeet 1'Uru-
gu?Y (AIC.4/'63/Rev. 1) AIC.41169.
Vozr Chemzse JI,82me séance,9. 362.
Inde : amendement au projet de résolution
revisé du Danemark, de la Norvége et de
l'Uruguay (A/C,4/163/Rev. 1) AlC.41170.
Voir Chemise 31, 84m séance,p. 373.
Rapport du Gouvernement de l'Union sud-
africaine sur l'administration du Sud-Ouest
africain: rapport du Conseil de Tutelle -
Lettre en date du 19 novembre 1948adressée
au Président de la Quatrième Commission
par le Président de la délégationde l'Union
sud-africaine A/C.q/r71.

Projet de rapport de la Quatrihme Commission A/C.4/172.
Mêmetexle dans A/734.
[Note - Voir Chamise29 pour :
Rap$mi du Conseil deTuteliesur sesdeuxième
eb troisième session- Chafiitre VI1 - Sud-
Ouestafricain- Rappmt sur l'administration
du Sud-Ousst africazn pour 1946 A/603-3 DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 30
India :draft resolution

SecAl734, #P .07 and 408.
Greece : amendment to the draft resolution
of Denmark, Norway and Uruguay (AIC.41163) AIC.41165.
SecA/734, #fi.406 and 407.

Cumitted by Denmark, Norway and Uruguayn sub-
kAee Al734)$P. 408 "Nd 409.

India: sub-amendment to the amendment of
Cuba (AIC.41166)to the draft resolution of
Denmark, Nonvay and Uruguay (A/C.4/163/
Rev. I) A1C.41167.
See Foldergr, 82nd meeting,fip358 and 359.
India :sub-amendment to the amendment of
Cuba (AIC.41166)to the draft resolution of
Denmark, Nonvay and Uruguay (A/C.4/163/
Rev. r) AIC.4j1671Rev I.
See A/734, $fi.408 and &O.
Burma and Philippines : amendment to the
revised draft resolution of Denmark, Xonvay
and Uruguay (A/C.4/163/Rev. 1) AJC.41168.
See Folder 3I, 83rd meeting p,.371.

Belgium : amendment to the draft resolution
of Denmark, Norway and Uruguay (AJC.
4/163/Rev. 1) AIC.4/x6g4
See Folder 31, 82nd rneeting,9. 362.
India: amendment to the revised draft resolu-
tion of Denmark, Nonvay and Uruguay
(A/C,4/163/Rev.I) A/C.q/17o.
See Foldey 31, 84th meeting,p. 373.
Report of the Government of the Union of
South Africa on the administration of South-
West Africa: report of the Trusteeship
Council-Letter dated 19 November, 1948,
from the Delegation of the Union of South
Africa to the Chaiman of the Fourth
Committee A/C.~/I~I.
raft report of the Fourth Cornmittee A1C.41172.
Same text as A1734

[Note-See Folder 29 for:
Report of the Trasteeship Cozcncil covering
ifssecond and thlrd sessions-Chapter Vll
-South-West Africa-Re9ort on the admin-
istratiooJ Soullt-West Africa for 1946 A/603.‘1 Chemise33
Séancesfilénièredse I'Assembldegénérale

Comptes rendus des débats et documents

164m0 séance pléniére- Rapport du Gouverne-
ment de l'Union sud-africaine sur l'adminis-
tration du Sud-Ouest africain. Rapport du
Conseil de Tutelle: rapport de la Quatriéme
[Nole - Voir Chemise29 @our:
Rap$orZdu Conseilde Tutellesurses deuxième
et frûisièmesessions- Chapitre VI1 - Sud-
Ouest africain- Rapport sur l'administra-
tion du Sad-Ouesta#ricain pour 1946 A/603.

Voir chemise 32 $OUF :
Rapport de la QuatrièmeCommission

Chemise 34

Séancesplénièresde l'Assembléegénérale

227 (III). ,Question du Sud-Ouest africain.


Séancesdu Conseil de Tutelle
Comptes rendus des débats

110 séance.

25me séance.
27me séance.

Chemise 36

Conseil de T~telle

Question du Sud-Ouest africain - Note du
SecrétairegénCral T/371.
Question du Sud-Ouest africain : projet de
résolution soumispar les Philippines

Folder 33

Plenary meetings of the General Assombly
Records of$roceedingsand documents

164th plenary meeting-Report of the Govern-
ment of the Union of South Africa on the
administration of South-West Africa. Report
of the Trusteeship Council : report of the
Fourth Corninittee.

1Note-Se8 Folder 29 /or :
Regartof the Trusleeship Cozlnccoverkgils
second and third sessions-Chafiler VII-
South-West A frica-Report on the adminis-
tration of South-West Africa /or 1946 A/603.

Seé Folder 32 for :
Refiort of the Fourth Commitlee A/734-1

Plenary meetittgs of the GeneraE Assembly

227 (III). Question of South-West Africa.

Meetings ofthe Trusteeshi$ Cotnncil

Records of

1st meeting.
25th meeting.
27th meeting.



Question of South-West Africa-Note by the
Secretary-General T1371-
Question of South-West Africa :draft resolution
submitted by the Philippines T/383.[Note - Voir Chemise42 pour :
Lettreadresséau SecrétairgénéraplarM. J.H.
Jmdaan, représentantpermansnt adjoint de
1'Union sud-africaine auprèsde l'Organisa-
tion desNations Unies A/929.]

Chemise 37

Loi constilutionnelledu Sud-Ozkestafricain

Lettre adresséeau SecrétairegénCralpar M. J.
K. Jordaan, représentant permanent adjoint
de l'Union sud-africaine auprès de l'organi-
sation des Nations Unies */929-

South-West Afric& Co-litution A cl, r925-
The Laws of SouthWest Africa,1925 : Pro-
clamations andfirincifial Govern.mewtmolices
issued in South-West Ahica, 1st January to
3xsf December, 1925 (extrait). [En anglais


Conseidle Tutelle

III (V). Question du Sud-Ouest africain.


Chemise 39

Inscription de la questiànl'ordredrsjour


Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée générale -
Quatrième Session A/994~ Al9941Add. 1
et A/ggq/Add. 2.
Distribution de travail entre les Commissions.

Chemise 40


Comptes rendusdes débats
128me séance.
129me séance.


[Note-See Folderqz for:
Letter frmn Mr. J. R. Jordaan, deputy
permanent representative of the Union of
South Africa to the United Nations,
addressed tothe Secretury-General A/929-1

South-West Africa ConstitzttionAct

Letter from Mr. J. R. Jordaan, deputy per-
manent representative of the Unionof South
Africa to the United Nations, addressed to
the Secretary-General AI929.

SoThe Laws of South-West Africa, 1925 1:Pro-

clamations and principal Government noti-
ces issued in South-WestAfrica,1st January
to 31st December, 1925(excerpt).

III (V). Question of South-West Africa.


IncZusionof itemin the agenda

Agenda of the Generd Assembly-Fourth
Session A/994, */g94/Add- 1
and A/ggq/Add. z.
Distribution of work among the Cornmittees.


Fourth Commiftee

Recordsof proceedings

128th meeting.
129th meeting.
130th meeting.131me séance.
13zme séance. ,
133me séance.
13jme séance.

1371" s~ance.

Chemise 41


Inde : projet de résolution A/Ca4/L.53-
Voir Chdniise 42 - Question dirStrd-Ouest
africain: rapport du Conseil de Tutelle
- Rapport de la QuatrièmeCommission
- ParagraPhe29 (Alr180).
Danemark, Norvège, Syrie et Thaïlande :
projet de résolution A/C.4&54.
Voir Chemise42 - Qtjestion du S.icd-Ouest
africai~..rap ortdu Conseilde 7'~delle -
Rapport de a QuatrièmeCm~irmissio n
Paragraphe 34 i) (AIIISO).
Inde : projet de résolution
Voir Chemise 42 - Question d21Sud-Ouest A/C.4/L. j~.
alricuis: rapfiortdu Conseil de Tzitelle-
Rapport de la QuatrièmeCommission -
Paragraphe34 ii) (A1118o).

Guatemala : proposition A/C.4/L.j6.
GuatemaIa : proposition (texte remanié) A/C.4/L.j6/Rev. 1.
Voir Chemiseqz - Questiortdu Sud-Ouest
africain: rapport du Conseil de Tutelle -
Rapport de la Quatrième Commission -
Puragra9he7 (Alr180).
République dominicaine : amendement à la
proposition du Guatemala (A/C.4/L.j6) A/C.4/L.jS.
Voir Chemise40, 132m séance, paragraph e.

Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques :
amendement au projet de résolution de
i'Inde (A/C.4/L.53) AjC.4jL.61.
Voafricain:erafiportdu Conseilde Tzrtelles-131st meeting.
qznd meeting.
133rd meeting.
134th meeting.

135th meeting.
136th meeting.
137th meeting.
138th meeting.
139th meeting.

140th meeting.
141st meeting.

Folder 41

Fourth Cornmittee


India : draft resolution A1C.4lL.53.
Ses Folder 42- Question of South-West
-4frica: report of the Trust8eshi+ Cotrnczl
-Report of the Fourth Commiltee-Para-
grtl$h 29 (A1118o).
Denmark, Norway, Syria and Thailancl : draft
resolution AIC.4iL.54.
See Folder 42-Question of South-West
Africa : report of the T~usdetrçhip Council
-Report of Ihe Fourth Cornmittee- Para-
graph 34 (i) (Al1180).

India :draft resolution - A/C.4/L.55.
See Folder 42-Qzcestion of South-West
Ajrica : report of ths Trusteeshifi Council
-Report of the Fozrrth Cornmittee-Pam-
graph 34 (ii) (Ajr18o).
Guatemala : proposal A/C.4/L.gG.
Guatemala : revised proposal A/C.~/L.~~/R~V I.
See Folder 42- Question of South-West
Africa : report of the Trusteeshi9 Couacil
-Rsport of the Fourth Cornmittee-Para-
grapk 7 (Alrrgo).

Dominican Republic : amendment to the pro-
posa1 submitted by Guatemala (AlC.4lL.56) A/C.4/L.j8.
Sae Folder 40, rpnd meetilzg,$aragrapk 2.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics : amend-
ment to the draft resolution submitted by
India (AlC.4lL.53) AIc.qlL.61.
See Folder 42-Quesiion of South-West
Africa : report of Ihe Trusteeship Council34 DOCUMENTS TRANSMIS P.4R LE SECRETAI GÉE ÉRAL

Rapport de la Quatrième Commission -
Paragraphe 32 (AlirSoj.

Guatemala : amendement au projet de résolu-
tion de l'Inde (AjC.4jL.53) A/C.4/L.63.
Voir Cheniise 40, 136~ séance,paragrafihes
48 et49.

Danemark, Inde, Norvège, Syrie et Thailande :
projet de résolution AJC.4IL.64.
Voir Chmise 42 - Question du Sud-Ouest
africain: rapport du Co.nsei1de TutelEs -
Hap#ort de la Qzialridme Cmmissiun -
Paragra#hs 35 (Alr180).

Communications reçuespar le Secrétairegénéral A/C.4/L.57 et
A/C.4/L.$7/Corr. I.

Résolution adoptée parla Quatriéme Commis-
sion à sa 134me séance, le23 novembre 1949 AjC.qjL.60.
Voir Chemise 42 - Question du Sud-Oztest
ajricai: rapport du Conseil de Tutelle -
Rapport de Eu Qwakième Cammissiort -
Paragafihe IO (A~II~o).

Rapport de la Sous-Commission 7 à la Qua-
trième Commission A/C.4/L.62.

Question du Sud-Ouest africain : rapport du
Conseil de Tutelle - Projet de rapport de
la Quatrième Commission AIC.qjL.65.
Voir Chemise 42 - Qgestion du Sud-Ouest
africai: rapport du Conseil de Tutelle -
(Al118o).e la Quatrième Commission -

Documents soumis par le pasteur Michael Scott A/C.4/L.66.


Siances #Jé'?zières E'Assernblégénérale

Cmples rendus des débatset doctrmenls

26gmc séanceplénière.

Lettre adressPe au Secrétaire généraplar hl.J.
R. Jordaan, représentant permanent adjoint
de l'Unionsud-africaine auprésde l'organisa-

-Report of the Fourth Committee-Para-
graph 32 (Al1180).

Guatemala :amendment to the draft resolution
submitted by India (AiC.41L.53) AIC.4IL.63.
See Folder 40, 136th meeting,fiaragraphs &
and 49.

Denmark, India, Nonvay, Syria and Thailand :
draft resolution A]C.qjL.64,
See Folder 42-Question of South-West
Africu : report of the Trusteeshi9 Council
-Report of the Fourth Cornmittee-Para-
graph 35 (Alr180).

Communications received by the Secretary-
General AIC.41L.57 and
A/C.~/L.~~/COIT .
Resolution adopted by the Fourth Cornmittee
at its 134th meeting, on 23 November, 1949 A/C.4/La60.
See Folder 42-Question of South-West
Ajrica : reflort of the Trusteeshi9 Council
-Report ofthe Fourth Cornmittee-Paru-
gra$h IO (A/1r8o).

Report of Sub-Cornmittee 7 to the Fourth
Cornmittee AIC.djL.62.

Question of South-IVest Africa: report ofthe
Trusteeship Council-Draft report of the
Fourth Cornmittee A/C.4/L.65,
See Folder 42- Question of Sozdh-West
Africa : reportO/ the Trusteeship Councid
- Re$ort of the Fourth Comrnittee-

Documents submitted by the Reverend Mi-
chael Scott A/C,41L.66.

Plenary meetings of the GeneralAssembly

Records of firoceedingsand documents

269th plenary meeting.

Letter from Mr. J. R. Jordaan, deputy per-
manent representative of the Union of South
Africa to the United Nations, addresçed to
Rapport du Conseil de Tutelle sur ses qua-
trième et cinquiéme sessions - 3. Question.
du Sud-Ouest africain A/933.

Note du Secrétaire général A/g62.
Question du Sud-Ouest africain : rapport du
Conseil de Tutelle- Rapport de la Qua-
trième Commission A/1180.

Question du Sud-Ouest africain - Argentine,
Belgique, Brésil, Canada, Chine, Danemark,
Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Guatemala, Irak,
Liban, Mexique, Korvége, République dorni-
nicaine, Syrie, Thaïlande, Turquie, Uruguay:
amendement aiipro'et de résolutionII proposé
par la Quatritrne dommission (A/1r8o) AI1197-
Voir 26gme séanceplénière,fiaragrapht! 53.

Chemise 43

Séorrncfeislénièrde E'Assemblé geinérale

Résolutions adoptées sur les rapports de la
QuatrièmeCommission - 337 (IV). Question
du Sud-Ouest africain : confirmation de réso-
lutions antérieures et présentation de rap-
ports. 338 (IV). Question du Sud-Ouest
africain: demande d'avis- consultatif à la
Cour internationale de Justice.


Territoires non-awtonomes

Résumé des renseignements transmis au
Secrétaire général au cours de l'année
Publication des Nations Unies, no de vente :
1947 VIB I.

Comité spécialpour l'examen des renseigne-
ments transmis en vertu de l'article73e
Date de réceptiondes renseignements sur les
territoires énumérés.Point IV de l'ordre du

Refourth and fifth sessionç-3.cil Question ofs
South-West Africa A/933.

Note by the Secretary-General A1962.
Question of Soutli-West Africa .:report of the
Trusteeship Council-Report of the Fourth
Cornmittee A/I180.

Question of South-West Africa-Argentina,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark,
Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Iraq, Le-
- banon, Mexico, Nom7a~r. Syria, Thailand,
Turkey, United States of America, Uruguay :
amendment to draft resolution II proposed
by the Fourth Committee (AIIISO) AI1197-
See 269th plennry meeting, parngr~ph j3.

Folder 43

131enarymeetings O# the GeneralAssernbly

Resolutions adopted on the reports of the

South-West Africa-3:7reiteration of previous
resoiutions and submission of reports. 338
(IV). Question of South-West Africa: request
for an advisory opinion of the International
Court of Justice.



Summary of information transmitted to the
Secretary-General during 1946.

United Nations Publications, Sales No. 1947
l'TB 1.
Fourth Session

Special Committee on information transmit-
ted under Article 73(e) of the Charter.
Non-self-governing territories.
Date of receipt of information on territories
enumerated. Item IV of the Provisional

Renseignements relatifs aux territoires non-
Résuméet analyse des renseignements trans-
mis en vertu de l'article 7de laCharte A/915.
Rapport du Secrétairegénéral.

Renseignements provenant des territoires
Résuméet analyse des renseignements trans-
mis en vertu de l'article 73 e) de la
Charte Algrg, Addendum I.
Rapport du Secrétairegénkral.Fotrrlh Sessio~t
Information fiom non-self-governing terri-

tories. Summary and analysis of inform-
ation transmitted under Article 73(c)of the
Cliarter A/915.
Report of the Secretary-Gencrnl.
I:oz~rlh Ssssiolz
Information from non-self-goveniing terri-

tories. a ion trans- .
Summary and analysis of inform t'
mitted iinder Article 73 (e) of the A/gr j Addendum I.
Report of tlie Secrctary-General.(Question of South-West Africa-
Documents transmitted by the

Secretary-General [Folder 31) UXITED NATIONS CONFEREXCE 09 ISTEI<K..\TiOK.r\I,
Doc. 29.

(Extrait) DC/4.

31. FRASER (Kouvelle-Zélande) ct Al. I'ORI)E (Australie) attirèrent
l'attention du Comité sur les fonctions du Comité technique no 4 de
la Commission no TI ziiiisi que le docuriicnt du Secrétariat les décrit :

plaborer des projets de dispositions se rapportantaux principes
ct au mécanisme d'un système de trusteeship iriternational pour
les territoireson autonomes qui seraierit,apres accord ultérieur,
placés sous cette administration, et recommaricler ces projets h
la Commission II et, s'il y a lieu, 5 la Commission III. ii

Ils firent remarquer que la phrase de cc paragraphe où il est question
d'accord ultérieur pourrait être interprétée de manière 5 limiter le
champ de la discussion du trusteeship au cours de la présente C.onfé-
rence. I,e Président intérimaire cI6clara qu'il n'y aurait aucune

Uoc. 29.
(Excerpt) DC/4.


.\Ir. F~<.~sER{Sew Zealand) and Air.170i<ui:(riusiralia) drew thc
atteritiori of the Committee to the functions of Technical Committee 4
of Commissiori TE as describeciintlie Sccretnriat document which reads :
"To prepnre and recommcnd to Commission II, and to Corn-
rnissioii III,as necessary, draft provisions on principles and
mechanisni of a system of international trusteeçhip for such
dependent territories as rnay by siihscquent agreement be placed

Thcy pointed out tliat the last words of tliis sentence mighbe takeii
to restrict the scope ofthe discussion oii trusteeshipinthe Conference.
The temporary Chairman stated tliat tliere would be nosuch restriction. UNITED NATIOKSCONFERENCE ON INTER-JATIOXAT,



20 JUKE, 1945

The following members were present:
Australia: K. H. BAILI:Y
Canada : N. A. ROBERTSOS
Czechoçlovakia: JAN PAPXNEK
Netherlands: ADRIAX PELT
Union of Soviet
Socialiçt Kepublic: S. A. COLZISSKY
United Kingdom : H. 31. G. JEBB
United States: LEO PASVOLSKY

Also present was :
New Zealand : YETERFRASEI~,
Chairman, Colnnlilte1114,

The Chairman, Blr. Pasvolçky, opened the meeting at 9.15 p.m.


The Committee had before it Docs. IfrD 411, Col171 ; \f7D 412,
CO/172 nd \$'D 413,CO/r73, which divided into chapters the tests
adopted by Committee 11/4 on Trusteeship as Section A, paragrap1-2,
and Section R, paragraphs 1-15.reported as Docs. \VD 414. C0/174,
and \irD 374, CO/r54, and IVD 393, CO1154 (I),respectively. The
texts were considered by the Co-ordination Committee as set up by
the Secretariat in three chapters broken up into articles as follo:s

Chapter XII, Declaration concerning non-setf-governing territories,
Articles 73-74 (IVD 41 I,coI1.7 ;1)
Chapter XII (A), International trusteeship system, Articles 75-84
(If'D 412, C0/172);

Chapter XII (B),The Trusteeship Council, Articles Sj-g(\VU 413,

The Committee gave tlic chapters a critical first reading in which
certain language questions were noted. Tliese points were gone or7er
with Prime Jïinister Fraser oNew Zealand, Chairman of Conimittee 1114,
who joined the meeting after the evening meeting of Commission II
had approved the work of Cornmittee Ill4. Messrs. Van der Plas
(Ketherlands), Pojrnton (United Kingdom) and Gerig (United States),
in addition to the Secretary of Committee II/4, hIr. Chase, were in
Tlie two examinations of the text are liere reported together.

The placement of the "declaration concerning non-self-governing
territories",which was Section A of tlie text of Comrnittee 1I/4 and
wns assigned as Chapter XII, was reviewcd with Mr. Fraser. The

Chairman said that a "declaration" in the middle of the Charter as
a separate chapter bothered him, but he sawno objection to a "declara-
tion" being a section in a chapter. He suggeçted combining itwith
Chapter XII (A), on the trusteeship systern and calling it "provisions
with respect to non-self-governing territories". Air. Fraser thought
the question was one of drafting, but Comrnittee IIjq in dividing its
text into Sections A and f3 laid stress upon the line of demarcation
between the voluntary nature of Section A (Chapter XII) and the
contractual nature of the trusteeship system. The difference was
distinctive and wide. The Committee decided not to try to combine
its two chapters, and reconsidered the title of Chapter XII.

The Cornmittee ienlativelyentitled Chufite7 XII "Policy regarding

Article 73
The article was accepted as a unilateral declaratioii of Nember
States, each for itself,which stated the principles they recognized in
carrying responsibilities which they had or might have. It was pointed
out by >Ir. Van der Plas that the declaration applied to al1non-self-
governing territories, to those of colonial status on a voluntary basis
and to those of the trust status, among the obligations .assumed for
thea, on a contractual basis.
The Committee called Mr. Fraser's attention ta the phrase "which
have responsibilities", which it believed applied to future acquisition
of responsibility. On Rlr. Railey's suggestion "have or assume" was
The word "yet" ivas held to apply to any degree of self-government
short of a "full measure", up tawhich the respoiuibility of the alember

exists. Illr. Fraser said it held out anticipation anhope to developing
Mt. Fraser accepted as better drafting a recasting of the last part
of the main paragraph in order to bring out the limitation of the
obligation assumed by the Charter.
The Cornmitteennze?+ded the jirst dariseto "which have or nssisme

Tlze Coiitrnitleereoised the Lmt ckiusefo rend : "obligalimaio pvoiizote
1~ the i~tnzosl,wilhils the systenl of ig,tcrnlttio.iaulPaceami SECZLI.~LY
establishcd by Ihe prese~xt Charder, the well-being of the i?ah(zbitlt?asf
these terrztorics".

&Ir. Robertson referred to the sccond controlling obligation of the
main paragraph, that the Members "accept as a sacred trust" the
promotion of well-being by the stated ends, among which was tranç-
mission of information to the Secretary-General, in subparagraph e.
He suggested saying "and to this end uridertake : (a) to ensure ; (b) to
develop ; (e) to transmit". Air. Fraser was thoroughly of that miiid,
but dared iiot agree because "undertake" wns vigorously opposcd in
Committee 1114. Mr. Poynton and Alr, Gerig said they had ;Lslight

preference for "rigrce". France opposecl "undertake", wiietlici- because
of a different corir~otationin French, Xlr. Fraser did not know. It was
pointed out thnt the "sacred trust" to submit reports was supple-
mentary, but that it could not be made into a separate paragraph
without a change of meaning.
The Conrnzitteeinsertcd a comi?maffer "tveatsne4tt"in s~~bparagrrtph a.

11%the FrencIz textof sz~bparagvaphb "autonomie administrative"
was claangedto "autonomie".

It was noted by the Committee thnt subparagraph c, as reading
out of the mairi paragraph, providecl for furthering internatiorial
peace and sccurity within the system of international peace and
security established by the Charter. ,
In subparagrapli d the use of the term "specialized international
bodies" was analyzed to mean soinething other tlian "specialized
agencies" brought into relationship with the Organization. hfr. Fraser
and Alr, Poynton confirmed thiç view and said bodies of whatever
internatioiial kind which were specially qualified to investigate were

The Commitlee deleted "co-operate...., whmt lind where mppropriufe,
witlz sfiecialized i?zlernatiowl bodies" anri wrote "co-operats .... with
appropriatc intergzational bodies".

Article 74
Tlze Com~zittee cltalrged "States ~Membersalso agree" to "illçnibers
of the United Nations apee".

llr. Poyriton esylained that the construction "in respect of such
territories iio less than in respect of their rnetropolitan ereas" was
intended to express the feeling that those colonial territories should
not be treated or regarded in any way different from any coiiq~iered
metropoiitan nrea. Mr. BaiIey questioned the use of "such" wliich
referred to the territories under Chaptcr XII (A) the wrong group.

The Cornmittee chalzged "szrch territorzes" to "the territories to ahich
this clzapter u#plies".

The Conimittee discussed the phrase "worid co~riinuriity" with
Jiessrs. Fraser, Gerig and Poynton aiid tlie Secretary of Comniittee 1114,
31r. Chase. The Comnzittee replaceil"othsu rne»ibersof the wovld cor~llritt~aily"
witlt "the rest of .?Wbzei~rld".

CFIA~J~~ I<11<(A)

Ardicl~ 7j
In the Corninittee's discussion of terms the opiiiion rlevdopecl that
in the phrase "international system of trusteeship" the adjective
properly modified "trusteeship" and in this connexion it \iras iloted
that elsewherc in the test çirnp!y "truçteeship systern" should be
used. hlr. Fouques-Duparc observed that search was being continuecl
for a 17retichword othcr than "lrttcl/e"as the equivalent of "trustee-


Tlre deletioii of the clause "and set up suitable mncliiricry for these
purposcs" was suggested by the Chairman to be uiiriecessiiry since
the next cliapter established ttiat inachinerp. Mr. l'raser approved
the Coinmittee's vie\\?, saying that the clause rvas due to transitional
plirasing. It was deemed clearer to make the "hereaftet" clause a
separate sentence. Mr. Fraser also approved this drafting.
ï'Ae Colnrnitteeracast Article 7j to vend :

"The United ~aGonç shall establish under its authority aii
intcrnntional trustceship system for the admitiistration and
siipcrvision of such territories as may be placed thcreunder by
subserluent individual agreenients. These territoricç are here-
nftcr referred to as trust territories."

rlrticle 76
The esact significanceof the language in subparagrapli b aiid possible
clianges of its order or breaking it up by subdivision were discussed.
In view of the extensive negotiations from which the language
originrttecl,no changes were na de.

In tire Frelrch textof s~bpuragrnpJ~ b "administrative" wns deleteci
d il t"rutonomie" (self-go-jerlarîte?at).
It was noted that the omission of "health" was duc to its implied
coverage in the word "social".

11% sz~b~izragraph c the rendkg wwasanzendedto "atrrllu cllcoilrnge

The Chairman noted that here was the first useof "interdeyeridence"
in the Charter.
The final clause of subpacngrapli d was discussed aiid its references
esamiried. 'l'he idea of attainment was shifted to that of objectives.
After 3Ir. Fraser approved the redrafting the Committcc decided it
reîerred to subparagraph c, os well as to a and b.

ï'hc Con~miltee adopled as the filtrt.lcl~rofssetbpnragra$lz d "wilhoflt
$rejztdic~ tu the foregoing objectines alrd s?rbjectto the firovisions of

The Cotnntitteeclzalaged"tltis war" to "Second World War"

The vagueness of the words "subsequent agreement as to which
tcrritories" was brought up by Mr. Bailey. The Chairman pointed
out that no comrnitment was given whether the State concerned
~vould corne into agreement with the Organization or sorne other
entity ; this untertainty made "agreements" inappropriate. The
recasting of the sentence so as to qake "territories" its subject was
discussed and abandoned.

The filtrase"ns to" was deleted witlz Mr. Fraser's assent.

Article 78
The Committee interpreted the sentence to deal with territories
after thep had become Members, and tlien was puzzled to determine
whether "relationship arnong which" referred to the antecetlent United
Nations, Members of the United Nations or territories.
The verb "should be based" was debated at length. Among the
forms suggested were : since relationship ,;shall be ; is ; will b;
shoiild be ; being based. JIr.Van der Plas favored "shall be based".
hir. Fraser regarded the article as very important. Mr. Chase as its
secretary said Committee 1114 finally adopted "shall". &Ir. Gerig said
its Drafting Committee thought at the time "shall be". 3fr.Golunsky
could not Say at the moment what was the thought of the Soviet

delegation, from which the proposa1 came. Mr. Fraser said whether
it was stated as a fact or a precept seemed to rnatter little.
The Conzntitteetestatively adopted "sh~ll be based"

The Co.mmitteeread "a Aiember of the Li?git~d AT~~tioms ,s"r ''@?te
of the Uwited Natioîu".

The Conimitfsestibstittrfed " Articles 82 ad 84" #or "parngrnpks8
ad IO below".
The term "alteration or amendment" recalled to tlie Chairman
the change of "alteration" to "modification" in Chapter XV, Arti-
cle SIX. hlr. Bailey said he did not find "modification" to be a good

technical term, and >Ir. Gerig cited Air. Stassen agairist its use in a
text and his preference for "alteration or amendment". It was agreed
to retain "alteration".

Article 80
The referome in #aragrapl~ I to "_aragruphs3, 4 ad 6" zvnscorrecteci
to "Articles 77, 79,LI& 81".

Tlze terln "blember States" was altered to "ililembers".

The Co~rrnritteein finvagruplz z deleted "p.irrsunntto the provisions
of Articles 77 and-78" a9rd ilaserted"in accordn~icewith the provisio~~s
of this clrapter". The Committee discuçsed at some length the clause "alter in any
manner the rights whatsoevei, of any States or any peoples". The
Committce eliminated the comma. hlessrs. Golunsky and Robertson
inçisted the text had been laboriously negotiated. The Chairman
proposed to read "in any manrier whatsoever", but Mr. Robertson
was confirmed by hlr. Gerig in saying that the intention of Com-
mittee 1x14 was "t~ freeze the present position, bona fide rights, doubtful
rights, rights that are pure figments" after the Charter just as they
ivere before it.Xo change was made.
Xlr. Jebb commented on the rendering of "in or of itçelf" by
"direderne.rroicindirecteine~rlin tlie French.

&Ir.Robertson çuggested beginning with "each trusteesliip agreement
shall include" instead of using the phrase "in each case". There waç
debate on the meaning of "each case", whethcr it signified a single
agreement for each territory so as to cover several cnçes or n rnulti-
lateral agreement. On RIr. Golunçky's suggestion tlint "in each caçe"
really meant ."for each territory", the Committee accepted thc phrase

but changed its position.
Tlze Comt~itlee adopied the order "skdl in each case inclide".

Tlze terln "triut territ" wt~s st~tdnrdized in the artide.

A "State" or "hlember" asan administering authority was considered.
Mr. Gerig said tliat Committee 1114 in its report to Commiçsion II
(Doc. 1115 : 11/4/44 (1) (a)) esplained that cessation of rnembership
did not prevent esercise of the position of administering authority.
The Committee concluded that "Strite" was used in the technical
sense it Iiad adopted.

Iri ParagrnPk 2 the Comme'ttee rerd "nny special agreetnelzt or
11,parngraph 2 the word "also" wns dedeted.

Article 81 (A7)
Tlze Conamitfeedecihi lo nllnke Article 80, parngra+h 2, n separaie
ArticEe 81 (X).

Article 82
In discussing paragraph 2 hlr. Jebb pointed out tlint the basic
objectives were set forth and not provided for in Article 76 and
questioned how subparagraphs a and d could al1 be applicable to the
people. hlr.Bailey suggested tliey were applicable to the administration
of an area, and the Chairman proposed "shall ayply in each strategic
areri". Jlr. Gerig called attentionto the fact that "apply" is broader
than "applicable". IVith Mr. Fraser these points were gone over in
detail, including a reading of Article 76. Mr. Fraser ernphasized that
Committee 1114 wishes to ençure application of the objectives, so
far as they could be applied, to the people of the strategic areas.

Nr. Poynton said the application in a strategic area of Article 76,
subparagrapli d, was a matter of policy, not of drafting. Mr. Fraser
ngreed to the Cornmittee's revision with the understanding that44 DOCUMESTS TR.4SSJIITTED BY SECRETARY-GESERAL

menibers of the Committce would consult in their delegations those
mernbers who were concerned with the question in Cornmittee 7114.

The Colnmitfee dccided 50 comwlt the dclcgatiorbs the proposed
cBn?zgd"applicabb igrelcclzstrategic aren".
In paragraph 3 the Cortfrnitteestrîiciz out the rejerence prooided for

if6#uragrnfi?t Ir below" .

The Commitlee corrzcted tlr~~PeEEiftgoOf''i?t.sllrel'to "erzsiire"
ï'Iz~Cnmiilittcrdebeted"shall 58 ettzfiowereto" agtd imerteii "~?z[zy".

The structure of tlie second sentence \vas discussed at some length.
The phrase "obligations undertaken by tlie üclministering authority
for the Security Council iii this regard" was esriminecl. Mr. Robertson
siiggested that thc :~utfiority acted as :in agent and the Chairmaii
added that the obligations were undertaken "on behalf of the Security
Council". Ah. Poyntoii said the clause was to cnable the authority
to use the resources of the trusteeships in contributirig to the general
obligations. This interpretation suggested that the obligations were
with respect to the Security Council or the Orgaiiization. Definirig
the obligations as carrping out the spccial agrecrnents for provision
of forces, etc.\vasdeemed inaccurate. >Ir. Golunsky made an acceptable

suggestion, "obligations undertaken by the adniinistering ailthority
under Article 47". &Ir. Fraser found that interprctation to be correct.
The Com*niflee re7iisethe secwadsei%te+tcby delela'fig"for ihSecurily
Coz~lzciin tha'regard alcd"and insertitzg "uitd~r Articl47 as well as".

This article was a recasting of the first sentence of paragraph rr
of Section R of the test adopted by Cornniittee 1114.The revision
was due to the fact that the establishment of the Trusteeship Council
was now to be determined by Chapter III, Article 7, which creates
khe organs of the Organization.
Mr. Jebb found the present language (Doc. \VI) 413,cOI173)
cumbersome and with the Chairman suggested transferringthe para-
graph to Chapter XII (.4), treating the mnterial as was done witli
a similar text in the Economic and Social Chapter IX, Article 63.
This would bring closer together the relation of the General Assembly

to the trusteeship system and leave Chapter XII (H) wholly devoted
to the Trusteeship Council. AIr.Fraser said Cornmittee 1114had desired
that the new idea wliich this article represented should be emphasized
by being set apart, but the Chairman pointed out that the new
organization of the Charter into chapters suggested the desirability
of including this Article in XII (A). 31r.I3ailey çaid that &Ir. Fraser's
point might be met by saying that there were functions not covered
merely by the General Assembly. The Trusteeship Council could assist
the Security Council, for example, and receive informatiori about
strategic matters. If the article were placed as Article 84, paragraph 2,
it wouId not be necessary to refer to the functionç "not reserved to DOCUJIEKTS TR;ISShlITTED BI' SECKETARY-GEFERAI. 45
the Security Council", since tlie Asscmhly's functions arr: clenrly
sbted in Article 84.

ï'lieCojrttriitta#proziedthe eli?lci?rrzloa A Y~E'c8jEerrdIhe nrkiifio?t
ofthe /olluwi?~,pnrugruph 2 fo Article 84 :

"2. Tlie Trusteeship Council, under the authority of the Geiieral
Assembly, shall assist the Gerieral Assernl~lyin carrying out: ttiese
Article 86

3Ir. Goliinsky raisedn question about the eligibility for redcsignation
of the "specially qualified representatives", pointing out that the
members of oiher bodies were States, biit these were persons and
experts. Alr. Bailey said this case was different, since it \vas hoped
that esperts would bc chosen for the Council, and that they might
be rc-eligihle.
The Clinirman saici that tie thought ttie word "States" sliould be
replaced )>y"blembers" ;tliiswas changed ta "Nembers of the Uriitecl
Xations" on the suggestion of Mr. Golunsky, who said tliat tlie word
might otlierwise menn members of the Truçteesliip Council. Ttie
Chairmari remarked to JIr. Fraser that the Committee was not using
the term "States hIembers".
'Ir.Robertson suggestcd the addition in b of the word "perrnaitent".
but it was pointed out thnt there had beeri considerable debate in

Coinmiltee 1114 on this point ; the permanent inembers of the Security
Coilricil were not mentioncd here, because tliey were tiot members
of tlie Trusteeship Council by virtue of ttieir membership in ttie
Security Council, but because of tlieir wortd-wide interests. Jlr. Kobert-
son siiggested using a "such" construction.
In recasting c >Ir. Fraser suggested "so that" instead of "in order
to". It was brought out that only Members of the United Kations
would be eligible for electiori to the Tniçteeship Cou~icil,which rvould
bc by n two-thirds vote of the General Assembly present and voting.
The lniiguage of the clause was recast in tlie course of the discussion.
The Corltmitteaado$ted the followivg Article 86 :

"The Trusteeship Council shall consist of specially qualified
representatives designnted as follows : (a) one each by the Members
of the United Kations administering trust territories; (b) one
eacli by such of the Jlembers mentioned by name in Article 23
as are not administering trust territories:and (c) one each by
as many other Members of the United Nations elected for three-
year terms by the Gcneral Assembly as may be necesmry to
ensure that the total number of represeiitatives is equnlly divided
between administering and non-administering Members of the
United Xations."

Article 87
Mr. Golunsky noted that this text differefrom thst of Cornmittee 1114
(Doc. WD 374, cOI154, June 18, 1945 )nwhich the General Assembly,

rather than the Trusteeship Council, possesçed the functions in question
and the latter carried out functions "untler the authority of the
Assembly". Mr. Fraser indicated tliat tliat was what Committee III4had intended; this was definitely a substantive change. The Acting
Secrctary, Mr. Green, stated that the changc had been made in order
to avoicl ari apparent duplication of Article 85. Mi- .raser said the
Committee had intended that the General Assembly as a superior
organ should receivc petitions or reports, for example, and should
pass them on to the Trusteeship Council. Various suggestions were
offered for retaining the intent of the draft of Committee 1114.The
outcome of a discussion by Messrs. Fraser, Golunsky, Tebb, Liang
and I'oynton Ras phrased by the Chairman as follows : "The Trustee-
ship Council in carrying out its functions as authorized by the General

Assembly may", etc.
The Cornmitteeaccefited Article 87, amendedto commenceas follows :

"The Trusteeship Council, in carrying out its functions as
autlionzed by the General AssembIy, may :"

Afr. Jebb stated that "in" should not have been substituted for
"for" inline 7. Mr. Gerig advised the Comrnittee that Committec II14
had very deliberately used "for" in thiç place.

The Cornmittee acceptcrlArticle 88 with tlaesubstilz~tio~f "for" for
"igi" in line 7.

&Ir. Robertson mentioned that "territory which is not a strategic
area" was more definite than "territory within the competence of
the General Assembly".

Article88 (A')
This article on voting just received from Cornmittee I/I, was read
by the Chairman.

The Committeeaccefted without discussion the following text:

"1. Each member ofthe Trusteeship Council shall have one vote.
"2. Decisions of the Trusteeship Council shall be taken by a
majority of those preçent and voting."

The Cliairman said that a simple majority was here meant. Mr.Bailey
suggested that paragraph I aas not necessary, since on this Council
States have only one representative each'. The formula used for the
Economic and Social Council was not applicable in this article, in
his opinion. The Chairinan said while it was perhaps not needed, it
might go in now for purposes of symmetry ; it could be taken out
later if desired.

Article 89
The article u7as niade to conform, with Afr. Fraser's consent, to
the similar article in Chapter IX (X).

The Cornmitteeaccepted fiaragrafih I, witlt the reading "_rocedl~re,

The Contmitteein +aragrafih 2 read "with its rrtles, which shal2" DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 47

&Ir. Jebh stated that tlie words at the end of the article following
IJagencies" should be stsicken out ;they urere no longer needed as a
result of the decision to define "specialized agencies" in Chapter lx.
He also proposed a rearrangement of the sentence.

;The Comnlifdeenccepterlthe /ollowirzgtext of Article go :

"The Trusteeship Council shall, when appropriate, avail itself
of the assistance of the Economic and Social Couiicil and of the
specialized agencics ili regard to matters with which they are
respectively concerned."
(The Committcc herc returned to Chapter XII (Doc. 411, CO/I~I,
June 20, 194jj and Chapter XII (A) (Iloc.\\'R 412, CO/r72, June 20,
1945) and conferred witli Air. Fraser on the textual changes previously
discussed by the Co-ordination Committec.) (Escerpt)


zz JUNE, 1945

>Ir. I'clt referred to the title of the chapter, "I'olicy regarding Non-
Self-Goveriiing Territories", and said the report of Conimittee 1114
(Doc. 1r15 ; 11/4/44 (1) (a)) showed that the 'Technical Committee
wanted the test to be a declaratioii, meant it to be a declaration
and said so. He thought it would not be a declarntion of the Aiembers ;
but JIr. Golunsky asserted it would be, since al1 woulcl sign it. The
Chairman asked how could a declaration be put iii the Charter as a
chapter, and was of the opinioil thnt the'Technicn1 Committee, whidi
knew it was working for a Charter, did not envisage how it would
fit into riCharter. hlr. Liang found no fault with "declaration" silice

general stntements of the saine sort liad already been adoyted. 'The
Chairman thought tliat "cleclaratiori" might be made n side heading
because as a provisioii it would apply accordirig to its terins but as
a declnration it would apply to all. In further discussion 'ilr. Golunsky
said that arrangement as a separate chapter or as part of a chapter
did not change his point of view that the declaration was binding
not oiiljr oii the Nembers who had or assumed responsibility but on
al1 illembers. He suggested putting al1 the trusteeship material in a
single chapter. The Chairmaii suggested putting the "declaration"
and the other provisions on non-self-governing territorieç into one
chapter oii the mode1 of the economic and social material, with tlie
Trusteeship Council given a separate chapter. Blr. Pelt said that
Chapter SI was a declaratiori hy sorne States uriderwritten by al1
RIembers. hIr. de la Colina saitl it covered al1 Members if they assumed

the responsibility. To the Chairman's remark that his only interest
in combining these chapters was to get rid of the mord "declaratioii",
>Ir. Railey said Committee TI14 was uneasy about the Cornmittee's
droppirig tlie word and was surprised at the division into three chapters.
Mr. Liang said the Trusteeship Council, as a principal organ, should
be given n chapter. In that case, Mr. Golunsky saicl, there ought to
be tliree chapters. As to "declnratian" he advised to let it stay, and
Mr. de la Colina commented that it was a dechration whether the
title was there or not.

The Com»tittee'reuerfed lo the /ifle"Declarcitionregardhg Xm-Self-
Governing Territories".

Article (75)73
air. 13ailey drew attention to the pronoun "their" in subparagraph O,
"in the progressive development of their free political institutions".It Mas felt that it could not be changed since it was the exact wording
of the Comrnittee TI/q,though itliterally meant that the institutions
must already be free if they were to be progressively developed.
Discussion showed a consensus that "to further international peace
and security" implied contributing to their maintenance, and that
introducing the full standardized phrase would here be limitative.
Furtherance of the cause was broader than maintaining a condition.
A desire to restate the point was given up afîer a discussion of the
importance which Cornmittee Il/q attached to the exact wording
to which it had agreed.

TJte Commiflee i7msz~b$nmgrnpkd restored Cornmitte6IZ/g's "mlterz
andzihere appropriate with specialired ilzter,mtiormlbodies" a?tddeleted
"zeizthnppyo$rWte specializedi~zterriatz'onblodies".

The Conzmiftee irtszeb~crragra~dh ndopted "this articleas the proper
reading for "tliis +avagrnfih".

AIr.Bailey questioned the accuracy and neatiiess of the reference
defining the exception at the end of subparagraph e. The exact definition
was in Article (77) 75, but the Comrnittee thought it better to refer
to chapters, since the reference of Committee 17/4was to its Section B.
The Committee at the end O/ subpuvagra$k e read : "thoseterrilories
to wlzich ChuPters XII and XII1 apply".

ArticEe(76) 74
The Co~nmittee debatecl at Iength its substitution of "the rest of
the world" for "other members of the world comrn~~nitp".Alessrs. Gerig
and Poynton cspressed theirunderstanding that Committee III4 meant
"world cornmunity" to iriclude non-members as well as Members,
but to exclude enemy States far the present.The Chairman and Mr. Jebb
çaid "world community" was not the same as the Organization, and
>Ir. Golunsky said in using that phrase one rniist think of the interests
of each, whereas one thought of "the rest of the ïvorld" as a whole.
Air. Poynton said the original phrase was directed at meeting the
criticism that a colonial policy of one State rnight leadto international
friction. After examining "other nations" and similar phrases, tlie
Committee retained "the rest of the world".

Elr. Bailey called the Cornmittee's attention to the esistence of
Doc. 1044 ; 11/4/37(2) which was a revision of Section H of Com-
inittee 1114's decisions (the present Chapters XII and XII), only
an eariier edition of which kvas in the hands of the Committee as
Doc. IVD 374, COlr5q. Keferences to thc new text were made in the
ensuing discussions.
Article (77) 75

ï'ke Conzwtitteeread "lzereinnfter"i.lthe secondsentcwce.
Article (79) 77

Ad the reqztestof Ccmwiiflee11/4 "as tu whiclr"wus $zd brick into
+arngrnph 2.

Article(80) 78
The Cot~ztnittcereud "shdl" ilrslead of "skould" in view of the new
text O# Cot~ntittce1114.

Article (82)80

The reierences were made specific to articles after esamination of
the original of Cornmittee 1114.
The original paragraph 3 had been divided into two articles (Arti-
cles (79 and So) 77 and 7s) by the Committee, which found that the
second of those articles did not bear upon this article.

In plzragrnpltr the Cornmiltee rzad "nzadi!~t?.ldsrArticlcs (79, 81,
nnd 83) 77, 79: mtd 81" and deleted "ir atccordalzczeiiththe $ruoisions
O# thzs chafler .
Mr. Gerig esplained that Committee III4 iri paragraph z of this
article had tried, by using a future conditiorial, to cover agreements
that were concluded while recognizing that in certain cases agreements

might not be concluded.
11%fiarngrnplt2 the Cot?zmitteeadopted us a correctedreudifig: "con-
clz~sio~O/ agreenzelttsfor placiizgmandutcd and otl~erterritori~s ztnder
the trusteesltip system ns provideci /oin Article (79) 77".

Article (83) SI

The Committee discussed, without chxnging the text, whether "in
each case" required an agreement for each territory or allowecl one
agreement to cover several territories with variable terms for each.
The Coni~rrilteerend "will cxercise" for "sFtall exercise".

" Hereiqaafter" w~issaibstittrfed/or "Aerenffer".

Article(86) 84
hlr. Jcbb proposcd a revision of the second sentence. After some
discussion of tlie proper antecedents of the phrases "to this end" and
"in this regard" in the proposal it wns supported as a more accurate
statement of the intention alid as nvoiding an obscure cross.reference,

The Co~wmiftee igatlze secofrd senlet8cedeleied "obligatiows irqdertaken
by the admi9,istericsgazttlzority zrnder Arti47e and" in order fo itasert
"obligations lowards fhe Senzcrity Coatncil irndertakenil8this regard by
tha ndiîzinistera'ngaictltority".

Article (87) 8j
The Conzmiltee itaserted "o~cirnli~sg"before "under" in paragraph 2.

Article (88) 86

A redraft of the article to briiigit into confonnity with the other
coniposition articles, which had been discussed with some members DOCUhIESTS TRASSBIITTED BY SECRETARY-GENERAL 51

of Committee 1114, was before the Committee, after preliminary
exainination and revision, in the followii.ig form :

"1. The Trusteeship Council shall conçist of the following
Jlembers of the United Xations : ((rthose &lembers adrninistering
trust territories (b) such of those Nembers mentioned by name
in Article 23 as are not adrninistering trust territories; and (c)
as many other hlenibers elected for three-year terms by the
General Assembly as may be necessary ta ensure that the total
nurnber of members of the Trusteesliip Council is equally divided
between those Jlembers of the United Nations which administer
trust territories and those ivhich do not.
2. Each meniber of the Trusteeship Council shall designate
one specially qualifieci$erson to reprcsent it tkereifl."

A question of style was resolved by coricluding that Alembers were
represented in rather than on a council.

The Comntilteeadopted the vedraftetltext.

Article (89) 87
The estent of authority inherent in the General Assembly and
assigned to the Trusteeship CounciI and the relationship between
their joint functions was discussed at some length in clefining the
source of authority for the specific furictions set forth in this article.
The discussion was relateclto the assignments described in Article (87)
85. It had been agreed not to put thc material in Chapter IV, General
Assembly. It \vas now proposed tu add it to Article (87)Sg as para-
graph 3 beginning it "in particular". Consideration of emphasizing
the position of the General Assembly led to a review of previous debates
and proposais to begiii al1 three paragraph sf Article (87) 55 with
"The General Assembly and the Trusteeship Council", "The General
Asseinbfy and under its authority the Trusteeship Council", or "The
Trusteeship Council shall assist the General Assembly". Tlie project
of cambining this articIe with the general article led only to the change

recorded above in Article (87) 85, paragraph 2. At one time in the
course of the discussion it was thought possible to make two paragraphs
of Article (Sg) 87, the first ascribing functions to the Trusteeship
Council and the second saying that "the General Assembfy may itself
exercise ail these functions and powcrs". The Committee reached
this decision, but upon thc Secretary's reading it on the review of
the changes in the galley, tiie debüte was resurned. Tlie Chnirman
pointed out that Committee 1114 intended to grant joint powers. The
Cornmittee went baclc to the original language of Comrnittee 1114.

Tlie Coninzift~egave zrp Ike ottempt to co~nbi?~ Article (89) 87 witlt
Article (87) 85.

The Cornrnitteereverled to "ï'lzlzeGelaeral Assembly, ad mder ils
az~thurifythe Trzuteeshtfl Cotiwcil, in carryino gttf itsfzjnctions" in
lieu of its former text.

In szcbparagrn+lzd the Comrnitfeerend "tlte ternts of the tri~sleeshifl

Mr. Jebb noted that the Ianguage permitted the General Assembly
to make a visit to a trust territoq ; bTr. l'elt commented that the
only deterrent to such a picnic was the condition of agreement with
the administering authority.

Article .-o. 88
It was proposed to begii~ this sentence with "in addition to" during
the discussion on combining Article (89) 87 with .i\rticle (67) S5, but
both ideas were given up when it was seen that the transfer would
leave only this article under the side heading "Functions and Powers".
Before leaving thiç group of articles Mr. Robertson asked if there
was not an omission in not specifyiiig assistance to the Security

Council by the Trusteeship Council. In the ensuing discussioii it was
pointed out that the relationship between the two councils established
by Article (55) 83, paragraph 3, was limited to strategic areas and
clid not extend to the trust territories.hlr. deFreitaç Valle suggcsted
as an article : "The Trusteeship Council may furnish information to
the Security Council and shall assist the Security Council upon its
request." The Chairman observed that there was a great desire to
keep tlie Trusteeship Council and its affairs out of the field of the
Security Council, which was why a general power given here woiild
not be accurate. Tlie proposal was given up.

Article (gr) 89
The Cornmitteerend "sfzdl be made" for "shnll be tnken".


\\ID 441.
(Excerpt) COi205.

23 JUSE, 1945

The Co~nmittee reconsidered tlie distribution of functions ailcl
powers of tlie Genernl Assembly and the Trirsteeship C-ouncil with
relation to the test of this article. UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON INTEIINATIONAL

COI1 7.l

(Texte de'fîfiitiadopté par le Comité 104 erbdafe dzc zo jziilû1945)

I. Les Etats Membres des Nations Unies à qui incombe la responsa-

bilité de \'administration de territoires dont les populations ne s'ad-
~ninistrent pas encore complètement elles-mêmes reconnaissent le
principe de la primauté des intérets des habitants de ces territoires
et acceptent comme une mission sacrée l'obligation de favoriser dans
toute la mesure du possible leur prospérité dans le cadre du systCme
de paix et de sécurité internationales, et i cette fir:
a) d'assurer, dans le dû respect de la culture des populations en
question, leur progrés politique, économique et social, ainsi que
le développement de leur instruction, de les traiter avec équité

et de les protéger contre les abus ;
b) de d6velopper l'autonomie administrative (self-guüernnae?bt,e
tenir compte des aspirations politiques des populations, et les
aider dans le développemeiit progressif de leurs libres institutioiis
politiques, clans la mesure appropriée aux circonstances particu-
lières de chaque territoire et de ses populations et à leurs degrés
variables d'avancement ;

c) d'affermir la paix et la sécuritéinternatioiialcs ;
d) de favoriser des mesures constructives de développement, d'encoii-
rager des travaus de recherches, de coopérer l'un avec l'autre
et, quand et où cela serait possible, avec Ics organismes inter-
nationaux spécialisés,en vue d'atteindre les buts sociaux, écono-
miques et scientifiques indiqués au présent paragraphe ;

E) de communiquer réguli6rement au Secrétaire général, à titre
d'information, sous réserve des exigences de la sécurité et de
coiisidérations d'ordre coristitutionnel, des renseignements statis-
tiques et autres de nature technique relatifs aux conditions
économiques, sociales et d'éducation des territoires autres que
ceux auxquels s'appliquent les dispositions de la Section R du
présent chapitre.

2. Les ]?tais hlen~bres reconnaisserit égalerrient que leur politique
doit être fondce, dans ces territoires comme clans leurs territoires
métropolitains, sur le principe généraldu bon voisinage, compte tenu
des intérêtset de la prospéritédes autres membres de la communauté
mondiale dans le doinaine social, économique et cornniercial. UXITED KATIOXS CONFEIIELÏCE OX IIKTEKSATIOSAI,


(Final text adopted by Cornmittee 1114, 20 Jrsjze,1945)

I. States hlernbers of the United Sations which have responsibilities
for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained
a full measure of self-government recognize the principlc that the
interests of the inhabitants of these territories arc paramount, and
accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promotc to the utmost the
well-being of the iiihabitants of such territories withiti the system of
iiiternational peace and security, and to this end:

(a) to ensure, ivith dile respect for the culture of the peoples con-
cerned, their political, economic, social, and educational aclvance-
ment, tlleir just treritment rind their protection agnirist abuses;

jb) to develop self-governmeiit, to take due account of thc plitical
aspirations of the peoples, and to assist thern in the progressive
development of their free political institutions, accordiiig to
the particular circumstances of each territory ririd its peoples,
and their varyirig stages of advancement ;

(c)to fiirther international peace and security;
(d) to promote constructive measureç of develoyinent, to encourage
research, and to co-operate with one another, and when and
where appropriate, \vit11 specialized international bodies with
a view to the prnctical achievement of the social, economic,
and scientific purposes set forth in this paragrapk ; and

(e)to transmit regukirly to the Secretary-GeneraI for information
purposes, subject to siictlimitation as security ariclconstitutional
considerations may retluire, statisticaland other information
of a technical nature relating to economic, social, and cducational
conditions in tlic territories for which they are respectively
responsible other than those territories to which Section B of
this chapter applies.

2. States AIembers also agree that their policy in respect of such
territories,no less than in respect of their metropolitan nreas, must
be based on the general principle of good-neighbourliness, due account
being taken of the interests and \vell-being of other inembers of the
world comrnunity, in social, economic, and commercial matters. UXITED KATIOSS COKFEREVCE OB TXTERNA'TIOBAI,

(Texte français définitifadoptépar le Comité 1114 le 18 juif51945)

I. Les Nations Unies établiront, sous leur autorité, iin régime
international de tutelle pour l'administration et la surveillance des
territoires, appelés ci-après territoires sous tutelle, qui poiirroiit Ctre
placés sous ce régime en vertu d'accords particuliers ultérieurs ;elles
créeront a ces fins le mécanisme approprié.

2. Conformément aux buts des Nations Unies érioiicésau chapitre 1
de la Charte, les fins essentielles du système de tutelle seront les
suivantes :

a) affermir la paix et la sécurité internationales ;
6) favoriser le développement politique, Pconomique et social des
populations des territoires sous tutelle ainsi que le développement
de leur instruction ;favoriser également leur fvolution progressive
vers l'autonomie administrative (self-governmen.t)ou vers l'iiidé-
pendance, compte tenu des conditions particulières I chaque
territoire et ses populations, des aspirations librement exprimées
des peuples intéresséset des dispositioiis qui pourrorit Ytre prevues
dans chaque accord de tutelle ;

c) encourager au bénéficede tous le respect des droits de l'homme
et des libertés fondamentales, sans distinction de racc, dc langue,
de religion ou de sexe, et développer In conscience de l'iiiterdé-
pendance des peuples du monde ; et
d) assurer l'égalitéde traitement dans le domaine social, économique
et commerciat a tous les Membres des Nations Unies et à leurs
ressortissants, et assurer également A ces derniers 1'CgalitCde
traitement dans l'administration dela justice, sans porter préjudice

à la réalisation des fins énoncéesaux alinéas CL)et 6)ci-dessiis, et
sous réserve des dispositions du paragraphe 5 ci-dessous.
3. Le régime de tutelle s'appliquera allx territoires rentrant dans
les catégories ci-dessous et qui viendraient à êtreplacéssoi~sce régime
en vertu d'accords de tutelle :
a) territoires actuellement sous mandat ;
6) territoires qui pourront être détachés d'États ennemis par suite

de la prtsente guerre ;
c) territoires volontairement placés sous cc régime par les Êtats
responsables de leur administration.
Ilsera déterminé par accord ultérieur quels territoires de ces diverses
catégories seront placés sous le régime de tutelle et dans quelles condi-
tions. Le régime de tutelle ne s'appliquera pas aux pays devenus
Membres des Xations Unies, leurs relations mutuelles étant fondées
sur le respect du principe de I'6galité. TRUSTEESHIP CHAI'TER, SECTIOS B

I. The United Kations shalf establish under its authority an inter-
national systern of trusteeship for the administration and supervision

of such territorics, hercnfter called trust territories, as rnay be placed
thereu~ider by subsequerit individual agreements niid set up suitable
machinery for these purposes.
2. The basic objectives of the trusteeship system, iri accordance

with the purposes of thc United Nations laid down in Chapter 1 of ,
the Charter, shall be :
(a) to further internntioiial peace and security ;
(b) to promote tlie political, economic, social, and educational
advanccment of the inhabitants of the trust territories, and
their progressive development toward self-government or inde-

pendence as rnay be appropriate to the particular circumstances
of each territory and its peoples and the freely expressed wishes
of the peoples conceriied, and as rnay be provided by the terrns
of each trusteeship rigrcement ;

(c) to encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental
freedoms foral1witliout distinction as to race, language, religion,
or ses, and recogiiition of the interdependence of the .peoples
of the world ; and

(d) to insure cqiial trcatment in social, economic, and commercial
matters for al1Xcmbers of the Iinited Nations and their nationals,
and also equal treatrnent for the latter in the administration
of justice, witliovt prejudicc to the attainment of ((1)and (b)
above, and subjëct to the provisions of paragraph 5 below.

3. The trusteeship systern shnll apply to such territories in the
following categories as rnay be placed thereunder by means of trustee-
ship agreements : (a) territories now hcld under mandate ; (b) territories
which rnay be detaclied frorn enemy States as a result of this war ;
and (c) territories \,oluntarily plnced under the system by States
responsible for their :idministr;ition. It will be a matter for subsequent
agreement as to which territories in the foregoing categories will be
brought under the trusteeship system and upon what terms. The
trusteeship system shall not apply to territories wliich have become
Members of the United Nations, relationship among tvhich should
be based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality. 4. 1,estermes de la tutelle, pour chacun des territoires destinés h
êtreplacés sous le régime de tutelle, de mêmeque toute nod di fi cation
et tout amendement de ces termes, feront l'objet d'un accord entre
les Etats directement intéressés,y compris la Puissance ~nandataire
dans Ie cas de territoires administrés sous mandat par l'une des Nations
Unies, et seront approuvés conformément aus paragraphes 8 et in.

j. A l'exception de ce qui peut êtreconvenu dans les accords particu-
liers de tutelle passés en vertu des paragraphes 3, q et 6, plaçant
chaque territoire sous le régimede tutelle, et jusqu'a ce que ces accords
aient éttS conclus, aucune disposition du présent chapitre lie sera
interprétée comme modifiant directement qu indirectement, en aucune
manière, les droits quelconques d'aucun Etat ou d'aucun peuple ou
les termes ci'instruments internationaux en vigueur auxquels des
États Membres peuvent Lttre parties. C.e paragraphe ne doit pas Çtre
intcrpr6tC commc justifiant un retard ou un ajournement de IR négo-
ciation ou cle la conclusiori d'accords destin& à piacer sous le régime
de tutelle, ainsi qu'il est prévu au paragraphe 3, cles territoires soirs
mandat ou d'autres territoires.

6. L'accord de tutelle fixera, dans chaque cas, les conditioiis dans
lesquelles leterritoire sera administré et d6signera l'autorité qui assurera
l'administration dii territoire sous tutelle. Cette autorité, qui pourra
être uri État ou plusieurs ou les Nations Unies elles-mêmes, sera
désignéeci-apiPs sous le nom d'autorité chargée de l'administration.

7.En 'outre, tout accord de tutelle peut désigner une ou plusieurs
zones stratégiques, comprenant une partie ou la totalité du territoire
sous tutelle,sans préjudice de tout accord spécial conclu en application
du paragraphe 5 cle la section 13 du chapitre I7TII.

S. En ce qui concerne ces zones stratégiques, toutes les fonctions
dévolues aus Bations Unies, y compris l'approbation des termes de
la tutelle ainsi cliie de la modification et de l'amendement éventuels
de ceux-ci, seront exercées par le Conseil de Sécurité.Les buts essentiels
prévus au paragraphe 2 s'appliqueront aux populations <le chacune
des zones stratGgiques. Le Conseil de Sécurité,sous réserve des esigences
de la sécurité et tout en respectant les dispositions des accords de
tutelle, aura recours à l'assistance du Conseil de Tutelle prévu au
paragraphe ~r, dans l'exercice des fonctions que Ies Nations Uriies
assument du fait du régime de tutelle en matière politique, économicliie
et sociale, et en ~riatière d'instruction, dans les zones stratégiques.

g. 1,'rrutoritéchnrgde dc I'administratiori aura le devoir de veiller
à ce que le territoire soiis tutelle contribue au maintien de la pais
et de la sécuritr':internationales. A cette tin, elle aura le droit d'utiliser
des contingents volontaires, les facilités et l'aidechi territoirepour
remplir les obligations qu'elle aura contractées à cet égard envers
le Conseil de SécuritG et pour assurer la défense du territoire sous
tutelLe, le respect de la loi et le maintien de l'ordre inti-rieur.

IO, En ce qui concerne les accords de tutelle relatifs & toutes les
zones qui ne sont pas désignées comme stratégiques, les fonctioiis
des Nations Uliies, y compris l'approbation des termes de ces accords 1)OCülIESTS TKASSlIITTED BY SECRETARY-GEXEKAL 56

4. The tems of trusteeship for eacli territory to be placed under
the trustees\iip system, including any alteration or amendmerit, shall
be agreed upon hy the States directly concerned, including the
mandatory Power in the case of territories .held under mandate by
one of tlie Uriitcd Yations, and shall bc ;i~iproved as provicled for
in paragrnplis 8 and IO below.

5. Except as may be agreed upon itiindividual trusteeship agree-
ments, made under paragrapiis 3, q, and ri,placing each territory
under the trusteeship system, and iintil such agreements have been
concluded, nothing in tliis chapter shall be construed iii or of itself
to alter iriany manner the rights whatsoever of any States or any
peuples or the terms of esisting international instruments to whicki
Member States rnay respectively be parties. This paragraph sliall
not be interpreted as giving groundç for delay or postponement of
the negotiatiorl and conclusion of agreements for placing maiidated
and other territories iinder the trusteesliip system as provided for

in paragrripli 3.

6. The trusteeship agreement in eacli case sliall include the terins
under which tlic territory will be administered and designate the
authority wtiich shall exercise the administration of the trust territory.
Such authority, liereafter called the administer-ing authority, ma)?
be one or more States or the United Nations itself.

7. In addition, there rnay also be designated, in any trusteeship
agreement, a strategic area or areas wliicli may include part or all
of the trust territory to which the agreement applies, without prejutiicc
to any special agreements made urider Chapter VITI, Section H,
paragrapli 5.

S. Al1 functioiis of the United Nations rclating to such strategic
areas, includirig the approval of the terrns ofthe trusteesliip agreements
and of their alteratioii or amendment, shall be exercised by the Security
Council. Tlie basic objectives as provided for inparagraph B, 2, above
shall be applicable to the yeoplc of each strategic area. The Security
Council shall, without prcjudice to security cotisiderations, avail itself
of the assistaricc of the Trusteeship Council provided for in paragraph rI
below to perform those functions of the United Kations under the
trusteeship system relating to politic:ll, economic, social, and educationnl
matters in tlie strategic areas, subject to the provisions of the trustee-
ship agreements. .

9. It sliall be the duty of the acln-iinistcriiig authority to irisiire
that the trust territory skall play itç partin the maintenance of inter-
national peacc and security. To this erid the adrninistering autliority
shall be empowered to make use of volunteer forces, facilities, and
assistance from the trust territory in carrying out the oblig t' a 1011s
undertaken hy the administering authority for the Security Couiicil
in this regard and for local defense and the maintenance of law and
order witliin the trust territory.
IO. The fiirictions of the United Xations with regard to trusteeship

agreemerits for al1 areaç not designated as strategic, including tlie
ayproval of the terms of the truçteeshiy agreements and of tlicir DOCUMENTS TRANS3IlS PAR LE SECRETAI R~N~RAL
et cleleur modification oii amendement, seront exercéespar l'Assemblée

II. Il sera crééuri Conseil de Tutelle qui fonctionnera sous l'autorité
de 1'Assernblécgénéraleafin de l'assister dans l'exercice des fonctions
que le régime de tutelle ne réserve pas ailConseil de Sécurité. Le
Conseil de Tutelle sera composéde représentants spécialement qualifiés,
et qui seront désignés: a) par chacun des États chargés d'administrer
ckesterritoires sous tutelle, à raisd'un par Btat ; b) par chacun des
litatç désignésnommément h lasection A du chapitre VI et&ii'admi-
riistrant pas de territoires sous tutelle,B raison d'un par htat : et
c) par d'aiitres btats élus pour trois ans par l'Assemblée générale,
5 raison d'un représentant par ctat, et de manière que le nombre
total des représentants se .partage également entre les Etats qui
adtninistrent des territoires sous tiitclte et ceux qui n'en administrent
pas. Le Conseil de Tutelle recourra, s'il y a lieu, i l'assistance du
Conseil économique et social et des autres organismes qui seront rat-
tachés aus Xations Unies, pour les questions relevant du domaine
propre de ces organismes.

12. Ide Conseil de Tutelle adopte son propre reglement y compris
le mode de désignation de soli président. Il se réunit comme le
prescrivent ses propres règles; celles-ci comprendront des dispositions
prévoyant la convocation d'une séance à la demande & la majorité
de ses membres.
13.1,'Assembléegénéraleet, sous son autorité, le Conseil de Tutelle
auront qualité, dans I'accomplissement de leurs fonctions, pour esaminer
les rapports qui leur seront soumis par l'autorité chargée de l'adminis-
tration ; recevoir des pétitions et les examiner en consultation avec
cette autorité ; et faire procéder ii des visites périodiques dans les

territoires administréspar ladite autorité à des dates convenues avec
elle. Ces dispositions et toutes autres seront prises conformément
aux accords de tutelle.
14. Pour chaque territoire relevantde la compétence de l'Assemblée
générale,l'autorité chargée de l'administration adressera à l'Assemblée
un rapport annuel rédige d'aprhs un questionnaire établi par le Conseil
de Tutelle, portant sur les progrès de la population du territoire dans
les domaines politique, dconomique et social, et dans celui de l'in-

Ij.Le Conseil de Tutelle dispose d'uii personnel permanent qui
fait partie du Secrétariat des Bations Unies. a .
alteration or amendment, shalf be e~ercised by the General Assembly.

II. In order to assist tlie General Assembly to carry out thosc
functions under tlie trusteeship system not reserved to the Security
Council, there shall be establislied a Trusteeship Council which shall
operate under the authority of the Assembly. The Trusteeship Council
shall consist of speciallq* qualified representatives designated (a) one
each by the States administering trust territorieç;(b) one each by
the States rnentioned by name in Chapter VI, Section A, which are
not adrninistering trust territories ; and (c) one each by a sufficient
number of other States elected for three-year periods by the General
Assembly in order that the total nurnber of representatives is equally
divided between administering and non-administering States. The
Trusteeship Council shall, when appropriate, avail itself of the
assistance of the Econo~nic and Çoci:il Council and of other bodies
which are brought into relationship witli the United Nations, inregard
to matters with which tliey are respectively concerned.

12. The Trusteeship Council shall adopt its own rules of procedure
and the method of selecting its yresident. The Trusteeship Council
shall meet as required in accordance with rules adopted by the Council.
These rules shall include provision for the calling of a meeting on the
request of a majority of the members of the Council.
13.The General Assembly, and u~ider its autliority, the Trusteeship
Council, in carrying out their functions, sllall bempowered to consider

reports submitted by the administering authority, to accept petitions
and examine them in consultation with the adrninistering authority,
to provide for periodic visits to the respective trust territories at times
agreed upon with the adrninistering authority, and to take these and
other actions in conlormity with the terms of the trusteeship agreements.

14. The adrninisteri~ig authority in each trust territory within the
competence of the General Assembly shall make an annual report
to the General Assembly upon the basis of a questionnaire formulated
by the Trusteeship Council on the political, economic, social, and
educûtional advancement of the inhabitants of the trust territory.

15. There shall be a permanent staff of the Trusteeship Council,
which shall coiistitute a part of the Sccretariat of the United Nations. UNITED NATIONS COXFERENCE ON INTEKKATIONAT,

CO1154 (1).

(Fimd tewt adopted by Co~~rtnitlee11/4, 18 ]tcf~e,1945)




Article 73.->lembers of the Article 73. - Les Membres
United Nations which have des Nations Uriies r'i(luincombe
responsibilities for the admin- la responsabilité de l'ndministra-
istration of territorieswhose tiori de territoires dont les popu-
peoples have not yet attairied a lations ne s'acltninistrentpas
fulI measure of self-government encore compléterneritelles-iiiGnies
recognize the principle that the reconnaissent le principe de la
interests of the inhabitants of primauté des irilérCts des habi-
these territories are paramount , tants de ces territoires et accep-
and accept as a sacred trust the tent comme une mission sacrée
obligation to promote to the l'obligation de favoriser daiis
utmost the well-being of the toute la mesure du possible leur
inhabitants of such territories prospérité dans le cadre du
within the çystern of inter- système de paix et de sécurité
national peace and security, and internationales, et à cette fin:
to this end :
(a) to ensure, with due respect a) d'assurer, dans lediîrespect
for the culture of the peoples de la culture des populations en
concerned, their political, econ-
question, leur progrès politique,
ornic, social, and educational économique ct social, ainsi que
advancement, their just treat- Ie développement de leur in-
ment and their protection againçt struction. dc les traiter avec
abuses ; équitéet de les protéger contre
les abus ;
(b) to developself-government, 6) de developper I'autonomie
to take due account of the administrative (SC//-goccrntnent), political aspirations of the de tenir compte cles aspirations
peoples, ana to assist them in politiques des populations, et de
the progressive development of les aider dans le développement
their free political institutions, progressif de leurs libres insti-

according to the particular tutions politiqiies, dans lamesure
circumstances of each territory appropriée :lus circonstances
and its peopfes and tlieir particulières de chaque territoire
varying stages of advaiicemeiit ; et de ses populations et à leurs
degre's variables d'avancement ;
(E)to fiirtlier international c) d'affermir la paix et la
yeace and security ; sécuritéinternationales ;
(d) to promote .constructive d) de favoriser des mesures
measures of developrnent, to constructives de développement,
encourage research, and to co- d'encourager des travaux <le
operate with one another arid, recherches, de coopérerl'un avec
when and where appropriate, l'autre ct, c~iiaiid et où cela
with specializecl international serait possible, avec les organis-
bodies 116th a, view to the mes internationaux çpÉcialiçPs,
practical ncliieve~iicnt of the so- en vue d'atteindre les buts
cial, economic, and scicntific sociaux, Cconomiques et scienti-
piIrposes set forth in this pnra- fiques indirliil:~au prisent para-
graph; and graphe ;
(e) to tmlismit regularly to e) de communiquer séguliére-
the Secretary-General for infor- ment au SccrGtaire général, h
mation purposes, subject to such titre d'information, sous réserve
des exigeiices de la sécurité et
limitation as security and con-
siitutioiial considerations may de considérations d'ordre cons-
rcquire, st:ltisticriaiid -other titutionnel, des renseignements
iiiiorrnatioii oa technical nature statistiques ct autres de nature
relating to economic, social, and technique relatifs aux: conditions
educational coriditions in the économiques, sociales et d'édu-
territories for which they are cation des to~ritoiresautres que
respectively responsible other ceus auxquels s'appliquent les
than those territories to \vhich dispositions du chapitre XII (A)
C-hapter XII (A) of the preserit de la prBsente Charte.
Charter apylies.

Article 74,-States hlembers ilrticle 74. - Les Membres
also agree that tlieir policy in reconnaissent également que leur
respect of such territories, no politique doit Ctre fondée, dans
' less than in respect of tlieir ces territoires comme dans leurs
metropolitaii areas, must be territoiresmétropoiitains, sur le
based on the general principle principe général du bon voisi-
of good-neighbourliness, due nage, compte tenu des intér&ts
account being taken of the et de la prospérité des autres
interests and well-being of other membres de la communautémon-
members of the world commun- diale dans le domaine social,
ity, in social, economic, ancl économique et commercial.


\\ID 412.


Article 75.-The United Na- Article 75. - I,'Organisation
tions shall estnblish under its des Nations Unies établira, sous
authorityan international system son autorité, un régime inter-
of trusteeship for the adminis- national de tutelle poiir l'admi-
tration and supervision of such nistration et la surveillaiice des
territories, hereafter called trust territoires, appelés ci-après terri-
territories, as rnay be placed toires sous tutelle, qui pourront
thereunder by subsequent indiv- ctre placés sous ce régime eil
idual agrccrnents and set up vertu d'accords particuliers ulté-
suitable machinery for these rieurs; elle créera j. ces fins le
purposes. mécanisme approprié.

Article76.-The basic object- Article 76. - Conformiment
ives of the international trustee- aus buts de 1'Orgaiiiçation des
ship system, in accordance Nations Unies, énoncésiiI'arti-
with the purposes of the United cle I de la Charte, les fins essen-
Kations laid down in Article I tielles du systeme international
of the present Charter, shall be : de tutelle sont tes suivantes :

(a) to further international a) affermir lapaix et la sécu-
peace and security ; rité internationales ;
(b) tu prornote the political, 6) favoriser le développement
economic, social, and educational politique, économique et social
advancemerit of the inhabitants des populations des territoires
of the trust territories, and their sous tutelle ainsi que le dévelop-
progressive development toward pement de leur instruction ;
self-government or independence favoriser également leur évolu-
as may be appropriate to the tion progressive vers l'autonomie
particiilar circumstances of each administrative (sôlf-goz~entment)
territory and its peoples and ou vers l'indépendance, compte.
the freely expressed wishes of tenu des conditions particulières
the peoples concerned, and as à chaque territoire et A ses
may be provided by the terms populations, des aspirations libre-
of each trusteeship agreement ; ment exprimées des peuples inté-
ressés et des dispositions qui
pourront être prévues dans

chaque accord de tutelle ;
(c)to encourage respect for c)encourager au bénéficede
human rights and for funda- tous le respect des droits de
mental freedoms for al1 without l'homme et des libertés fonda-
distinction as to race, sex, mentales, sans distinction de
language, orreligion, and recogni- race, de sexe, de langue ou de DOCUJIENTS TRASÇMITTED BY SECRETAR17-GENERIIL 61

tion of the interdependence of religion, et développer la cons-
the peoples ol tlie wosld; ancl cience de l'interdbpendancc des
peuples du monde ; et
(d) to ensure cqual treatment d) assurer l'égalité de traite-
in social, cconomic, and com- ment clans le domaine social,
mercial matters for al1 llernbers &conorniqueet comrncrcial à tous
of the United Xations and their les Membres de 1'0rgnnisation
nationals, and alço equal treat- et ?t leurs ressortissaiits, et
ment for the latter in the assurer également A ces derniers,
administration of justice, without l'égalitéde traitement dans l'ad-

prejudice to tlie attainment of ~riinistration de l:~ justice, sans
(a) and (b) nbovc, and subject portcr préjudice i la r6rilisation
to the provisions of paragraph j des fins énoncéesaux alinéas a)
helow. et b) ci-dessus, et sous réserve
cies dispositions du paragraphe j
Article 77.-I 7he inter- Article 77. - I. Le régime
national trustecsliip system shall international de tutelle s'appli-
apply to such territories in the quera aux territoires rentrant
following categories as may be daris les catégories ci-dessous et
placcd thercuntler by Incans of qui vie~idraient ;i Strc placés

truçteeship agreements : (n} terri- sous ce régime cn vertu d'accords
tories now Iield uiider mandate ; dc tutelle : a) territoires ac-
(b) territories which may be tuellement sous mandat ; b) terri-
detached from enemy States as toires qui pourront Ctre détachés
a result of thiç \var; and (G) d'États ennemis par suite de la
territories voluntarily placed présente guerre ; c) territoires
under tlie system by States volontairement placés sous ce
responsible for their admin- régimepar les fitrits responsables
istration. dc leur administr at1011.
z. It will be a rnatter for z. Il sera détcrminb par accord
subsequent ngrcenient as to ultérieur quels territoires de ces
which territorics in the fore- diverses catégories seront placés
going categories will be brought sous le régime de tutclle et dans
under the trustccship system quelles conditions.
and upon what tcrms.

Article 78.-The iriternntional Article 78. - Le régimeinter-
trusteeship systein shall not ap- iiationalde tutelleIICs'appliquera
ply to territories which have pas aux pays devenus 3Iembres
bccome Members of the United de I'Orgaiiisation dcs Natioris
Xations, relationship nmong Unies, leurs relations mutuelles
which should be bnsecl on respect Ctaiit fondées sur le respect du
for the principlc of sovereign principe de i'ti'gnlité.

Arttcl~ 79.-'l'he terms of Article 79. - I.cs termes de
trusteeship for eacli territory to la tutelle, pour cliacun des terri-
be placed iinder the interna- toires destin& A Ctre placés sous
tional trristccship system, in- le régime intcrnatiotial dc tutelle,
cludiiigany alteration or amend- clemêmeque toute niadification
ment, shall be agreed upon by et tout amendement de ces ter-
the States clircctly concerncd, mes, feront l'objet d'un accord
iricIuding the mandatory Power entre les Etats directement inté-in the case of territories held ressés, y compris la Puissarice
under mandate by one of the mandataire dans le cas de terri-
United Xations, and shall be toires administrés sous mandat
approved as provided for in par l'une des Xations Unies, et
paragraphs 8 and IO below. seront approuvés conforménlent
aus paragraphes S et IO.

Article 80.-1. Except as may Arlicle 80. - I. A l'exception
be agreed upon in individual de ce qui peut être convenu
trusteeship agreements, made dans les accords particuliers de
under paragraphs 3, 4, and 6, tutelle passés en vertu des para-
placing each territory under the graphes 3,4 et 6, plaçant chaque
international trusteeship system, territoire sous le régime inter-
and until such agreements have iiational de tutelle, et jusqu'à
been concluded, nothing in this ce que ces accords aient étC
chapter shall be construed in or conclus, aucune disposition du
of itsclf to alter in any manner present chapitre ne sera inter-
the rights whatsoever, of any prétéecomme modifiant directe-

States or any peoples or the ment ou indirectement, en aucune
tems of existing international maniere, les droits quelconques
instruments to which JIernber d'aucun État ou d'aucun peuple
States .may respectively be ou les termes d'instruments inter-
parties. nationaus en vigueur auxquels
des États Membres peuvent ktre
2. I'aragraph I of this article z. Le paragraphe I du présent
shall not be interpreted as giving article lie doit pas être inter-
grounds for delay or postpone- prétécomme justifiant un retard
ment of the negotiation aiid ou iiriajournernent de la nPgo-
conclusion of such agreements ciation ou de la conclusion d'ac-
for placing mandated and other cords destinés à placer des terri-
territories under the interna- toires sous mandat oii d'autres
tional trusteeship system as may territoires sous le regime inter-
nntiorial de tutelle, ainsi qu'il
be concIuded pursuant to the
provisions of Artictes 77 and 73. est prévu au paragraphe 3, qui
peuvent Ptre conclus en appli-
cation des dispositions des arti-
cles 77 et 78.
Article81.-T. The trusteeship Article 81. - T. L'accord de
agreement in each case shall tutelle fixe, dans chaque cas,
include the terms under wbicli les conditions dans lesquelles le
the territory mil1 be admiri- territoire sera adiniriistré et

istered arid designate the author- désignera l'autorité qui assurera
ity wl-iich shall exercise the l'administration du territoire
administration of the trust terri- sous tutelle. Cette autorité, qui
tory. Such authority, hercaftcr pourra être un État ou plusieurs
called the administering author- oir l'organisation des Xations
ity, may be one or more States Unies elle-même, sera désigiiée
or the United Nations itself. ci-aprés sous le riom d'nutoritC
clirirgéc de l'administration.
2. There may also be desig- 2. 'Tout accord de tutelle peut
nated, in any trusteeship agrcc- designer une ou plusieurs zones
ment, n strategic area or arens strntégiqucs, comprenaiit unewhich rnay include part or al1 of partie ou la totalité du territoire
the trust territory to which the sous tutelle, sans préjudice de
agreement applies, without pre- tout accord spécial conclu en
judice to any special agreements application de l'aride 47.
made under Article 47.

Article 82.-I. Al1 functions Article 82. - I. En ce qui
of the United Nations relating concerne les zones stratégiques,
to strategic areas, including the toutes les fonctions dévolues
approval of the terms of the l'organisation des Sations Unies,
trusteeship agreements and of y compris I'approbation des ter-
their alteration or amendment, mes de la tutelle ainsi que de la
shall be cxercised by the Security inodification et de l'amendement
Council. éventuels de ceux-ci, sont exercées
par le Conseil de Sécurité.
2. The basic objectives as 2. Les buts essentiels prévus
provided for in paragraph I au paragraphe I s'appliquent
shnll be applic;ible to the people aux populations de chacune des
of each strate&''IC area. zones stratCgiques.
3. Tlie Security Council shall, 3. Le Conseit de Sécurité,tout
subjrct to ttie provisions of the en respectant les dispositioris des

trusteeship agreements and accords de tutelle et sous réserve
without prcjudice to securitp des exigences de la séciiritê,
considerntions, avail itself of the aura recours l'assistance du
assistance of the Trusteeship Conseil de Tutelle prévu au
Council provided for in para- paragraphe I1, dans l'exercice
graph Ir beloiv to perform those des fonctions que les Xations
functions of tlie Uriited Nations Unies assument du fait du régime
under the international trustee- de tutelle en matière politique,
ship system relatirig to political, économique et sociale, et en
economic, social, and educationa1 matière d'instruction, dans les
matters iti the strategic areas. zories stratégiques.
Article 83.-It shall be the Article 83. - 1,'nutoriti
duty of the ndministering author- chargée de l'administratioii ;ile
devoir de veiller à ce que le
ity to insure that the trust
territory shall play its part in territoire sous tutelle contribue
the maintenance ofinternational au maintien de la paix et de
peace and security. To this end la sécurité internationales. r'r
the administering authority shall cette fin, elle a le droit d'utiliser
be empowered to make ilse of des contingents volontaires, les
volunteer forces, faciiities, and facilités et l'aide du territoire
assistance from ttie trust terri- pour remplir les obligations
tory in carryitig out the obliga- qu'cllc n contract6es i cet 6gnrc1
tioris uridcrbkeri by the admin- envers le Conseil de SécuritC
istering auttiority for the Secur- et pour asçurer la rlbfeiise di1
ity Council in tliis regard aiid territoire sous tutelle, le respect
for local cIefense aiid the main- de la loi et le mnintieii de l'ordre
tenance of law and,order \vithiil intérieur.
the trust territory.
Article 84. - En ce qui
Article &.-The furictions of
the United Nations with regard concerne les accords de tutelle
to tniçteeship agreerncnts for al1 relatifs a toutes les zones qui
areas not designnted as strategic, ne sont pas désignées comriici~icluding the approval of tlie zones stratégiques, les foiictions
terms of the trusteesliip agree- de lJOrganisntioii, y con~prisI'ap-
ments and of their alteratioii or probatiori des terines de ces
:~rneiidment, shall he eserciset! accords et de lcur modification
hy tlie General Assembly. ou amcnclemcrit, sont exercées
par 1'AsseinblCegciriérale.




Article 85.-The Trustceship Article 8.5.- Il est cré.6un
Council, in order to assist tlic Conseil de Tutelle qui fonctionne
Geiieral Assembly to carry out sous l'autorité cic l'Assemblée
those functions under the trustce- générale afiii de l'assister dans
ship system not reserved to tlic l'esercice des fonctions que le

Security Council, shall operate régime dc tutclle rie réserve pas
under ille autliority of the Gcn- ail Conseil de Si.curité.'
ers1 Assembly.

Article 86.-The Trusteeship Article 86. - 1s Conseil de
Council shall conçist of spccially Tutelle est composé de repré-
qualified repreçentatives des- sentants spécialemelit qualifiés,
igiiated as foilows : (B)oiie each et désignés : rr)par ciiacuri des
hy the States administering trust États chargés d'administrer des
territories; (b) oiie each by tlie territoiressous tutelle, à raison
States mentioned by name in d'un ,par Gtat ; b) par chacun
Article 23 which are not adrnin- des Etats désignés riomrnément
islering trust territories ; and 2 l'article 23 ct ri'ndmiiiistrant
(c) orle eachby a sufficient riilni- pas de territoirc~~soiis tutelle,A
ber of other States c1cctci.lfor raison d'u? par 1-tnt ; et c) par
three-year periods by the Ceii- tl'auires htnts Clus pour trois
erni Assembly in order that the ans par l'Assemblée gbnérale, ii
tot:il number of represent at' LVCS raison d'uii représentant par
iscrjuallydivided betweeii adniiti-
Etat, et de manikre que le
istering and non-adininistering nombre total des reprlscntants
States. s,e partage également eiitre les
Etats qui administrent des terri-
toires sous tuteilc et ceux qui
n'en adrninistrcnt pas. Article 87.-The Trusteestiip Article 87. - Ide Coiiseil dc
Couricil, in carrying out its 'riitelle a qualité, dans l'cxcrcice
ftinctioiis rnay : (a) consitler dc ses fonctions, a) pour csaminer
reports submitted by the admin- les rapports qiii lui sont soumis
istering authority ; (6) acce~it par l'autorité ciiargéc de I'admi-
petitioris and examine theni in riistration; b) recevoir des péti-
consiiltation with the adrnin- tions et les examiner en con-
isteriiig authority ; (c) provide sultation avcc cette autorité ;
for pcriodic visits to the re- c) faire procéder iicles visites
spective trust territories at times périodiques dans les territoires
agreed itpon with the admin- administrés par laclite autorité
istering authority ; and (cl) takc i des dates convenues avcc elle ;
these ancl other actions in coii- d) prendre ces dispositions et
forrnity with the trusteesliiji toutcs autres conformCment aux
agrccmcnts. accords de tu tclle.

rlrticl 88.-The Trusteesliip Artide 88. -- I'our chaque
Council shail formulate a ques- territoire relevant de la compé-
tionnaire on the political, ccon- terice de 1'Assernblée géni.rale.
omic, social and educational l'autorité chargée <le I'adminis-
advancement of the inhabitaiits tration adresse h I'Assernblée
of ench trust territory, and the un rapport annuel rédig6 d'après
ricirninistering authoritp in each un questionnaire etabli par le
trust territory within the com- Conseil de Tutelle, portant sur
peteiicc of the General Assem~ily les progrés de la population du
shall make an annual report ta territoiredans les clornaines poli-
tlic Gencrnl Asscmbly upon tlie tique, Economiclue ct social, et
basis of such qiiestionriaire. daris celui de l'instruction.

Article 89.-1. The Trustee- Article 89. - 1.Lc Conseil de
sliip Couiicil sliall adopt its own 'Tutelle adopte sot1 règlcment et
riiles of procedure and thcrnethod fixe le mode de désignation de
of selectiiig its president. son président.
2. Il se réunit comme le
2. The Trusteeship Council
sliall rnect ris required in nc- prescrit son règlement ; celiii-ci
cordance \vit11 its rules of pro- comprend des clispositions pré-
cedurc. These rules shall include voyant la convocation du Conseil
provisiori fur the calling of a 3 la demande de 1:i majorite de
meeting on the request of :i ses membres.
~najarity of tlic membcrs of
the Council.
Article go.-The Trusteeship Article go. - Le Conseil de
Council shall, wlien appropriate, Tutelle recourt, quand il y a
avail itself of the assistance of lieu, 5 l'assistance clu Conseil
the Ecoiiomic and Social Council économique et social et, pour les
and, in regard to matters witli questions relevant de leurs coin-
which thcy are respectively con- pétences respectives, A celle des
cernecl, of specialized agencieç institutions reliées I'Organi-

brouglit iiito relationsliip with srition conformCment aux dispo-
the Unitecl Kntions in accord:incc sitioiis de l'article68.
with the provisions of Article 68.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Request for Advisory Opinion (including the dossier of documents transmitted to the Court pursuant to article 65, paragraph 2 of the Statute)
